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Language acquisition as a window to social

integration among Russian language minority
children in Germany and Israel

[Spracherwerb als Chance für die soziale Integration

russischsprachiger Kinder in Deutschland und Israel]

- Master Questionnaire English -



Interview Questions for Spontaneous Speech Sample (adapted from Paradis)

*1. Do you have brothers and/or sisters? How old are they? Do they go to pre/school? What does he/she do there?
What games do they like to play?

*2. Tell me about your parents. Does your father/mother work? What does he/she do?

*3. How old are you? When is your birthday?

a. Some kids are not aware when their birthday is. If they don’t know, ask them what the weather is like, if their birthday is
soon or already passed. Let the child talk.
b. Another issue is the difference in the Jewish and Gregorian calendars (in Israel); that difference may give us insight into
which culture they are more integrated.

*4. What is your favorite food? Can you tell me how to make it? (if no: What food do you know how to make?) –
this question should come before the kitchen game!)

*5. Who is/are your best friend/s? Tell me their names; tell me about them /about the other kids in your
[[this information will be compared with 3C and 3P SOCNETS data]]

ACTIVITIES [specific questions]

*6. What did you do yesterday? What did you do after (pre)school/last weekend/Shabbat (in Israel)? Where do
you usually go with your family? What do you do when you go out with your family?

*7. What did you do at home this morning before going to (pre)school before I came here to visit?

*8. What are you going to do tonight? What are you going to do tomorrow after (pre)school?

*9. What games and toys do you like the best? Why? Tell me how to play ____[name of the game the child likes].

*10. What was the last movie /video /TV program that you saw? Tell me what happened.
What is your favorite cartoon? [the child may answer " Dora…"] Tell me about Dora. Why do you like her? Who
are Dora's friends? etc.
NOTE: Avoid yes/no questions except at the end of a topic after the child has already expressed him/herself. Instead of, “Do you
watch TV? Do you like cartoons?” use: “Tell me about…”

*11. Say/Tell me the days of the week? Months of the year?

*12. What day of the week/month/season of the year do you like the best? Why?

*13. What is ____________? [name the nearest holiday, e.g. Sukkot, Hanuka (in Israel)/Christmas, Easter (in
Germany)] What are you going to do /did you do? How do we celebrate it? How did you celebrate it in the

*14. What would you like to be when you grow up? Why? Tell me what you're going to do when you grow up,
when you're a father / mother.

15. When you started [for school children] / when you go to [for preschool children] the 1st grade, what did you
do / will you do there? / What do children usually do at school? / What is the difference between preschool and
Date: _________________
Interviewer’s name_________________ Child’s Name ____________________ Pre/school________________


We want to know about YOUR experiences in using Russian and/or Hebrew/German in your family, with
relatives, friends, other children and neighbors.

Let’s name all the people that you know well. For each person, say which language/s you speak with

1) Ask the child to name all his/her contacts (family, friends etc.) and list them in the chart. If the child
has a problem, the interviewer helps him/her by providing the categories (e.g. family, friends, etc.)

2) For each contact, ask the child to choose a red circle if s/he speaks Russian with the person and a blue
circle if s/he speaks Hebrew with him/her.
For each color we will have stickers of two sizes - large stickers (language more frequently used) and
small stickers (language less frequently used). E.g. If the child speaks more Hebrew and less Russian
with a particular person, s/he’ll choose a large blue sticker and a small red one.

Your family: mother, father, sisters, brothers, grandmothers/grandfathers

Other relatives (cousins/aunts/uncles)

Pre/school friends

Neighbors (kids/adults that live in your building or near you)

Other social contacts/do you know anyone else who speaks Russian and/or

3) Once you are done with all the contacts, ask the child the following questions:

a) Of all the people you mentioned, who is most important to you?


b) Who is least important to you?


c) for each contact mentioned, ask: “How much is X important to you?”

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

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Not at all A lot

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Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

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Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot
_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

Interviewer’s observations and comments:


Length of questionnaire administration: _____________

Date: _________________
Interviewer’s name_________________ Child’s Name ___________________ Pre/school ________________


There are different words/labels people use to name themselves. Someone calls himself a Russian, while
someone else may call himself an Israeli. Another person may call himself Ivri, while still another may say that
he is Jewish. And what do you call yourself?

Now explain the magic ladder and get the child to place the figure at a point that describes him/her.

Note: Some children may not understand specific terms, so please use the term that the speaker is most
comfortable with and mark it down.


A. “I am ___________.” How much do you agree with that? (Identity labels)

Say: “I am__________”. (Make the child repeat it as if in a role play. After s/he says it, ask how much
s/he agrees with it. The child marks his/her choice on the 'magic ladder’.)

1. “I am Russian”. How much do you agree with that?

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
not at all a lot

2. “I am Israeli / German”. How much do you agree with that?

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
not at all A lot

3. “I am Ivri (in Israel) / I am Russian German (in Germany)”. How much do you agree with that? (identity-
specific question in Germany)
(country-specific question)
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
not at all a lot

4. “I am Jewish”. How much do you agree with that? (identity-specific question in Germany)
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
not at all a lot

5. “I am Ole/Ole hadash (Immigrant/ new immigrant in Israel) / Immigrant (in Germany)”. How much do you
agree with that?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
not at all a lot

B. How much do you like being ______ (identity label)?

1. How much do you like being Russian?

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
not at all a lot

2. How much do you like being Israeli / German?

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
not at all a lot

3. How much do you like being Ivri/ Russian German? (identity-specific question in Germany)
(country-specific question)
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
not at all a lot

4. How much do you like being Jewish? (identity-specific question in Germany)

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
not at all a lot

5. How much do you like being Ole/Ole hadash/ Immigrant?

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
not at all a lot

C. “When I grow up, I want to be ________”:

Say: “When I grow up, I want to be ________”. (Make the child repeat it as if in a role play. After s/he
repeats it, ask how much s/he agrees with it. The child marks his/her choice on the 'magic ladder’.)

1. “When I grow up, I want to be Russian”. How much do you agree with that?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
not at all a lot

2. “When I grow up, I want to be Israeli / German”. How much do you agree with that?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
not at all a lot

3. “When I grow up, I want to be Ivri/ Russian German”. How much do you agree with that? (identity
specific question in Germany)
(country specific question)
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
not at all a lot

4. “When I grow up, I want to be Jewish”. How much do you agree with that? (identity specific question in
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
not at all a lot
5. “When I grow up, I want to be Ole/Ole hadash/ Immigrant”. How much do you agree with that?

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
not at all a lot

Interviewer’s observations and comments:


Length of questionnaire administration: _____________

Date: _________________
Interviewer’s name_________________ Child’s Name ___________________ Pre/school ________________


The interviewer asks the question and marks the child’s choice.

1. Which languages are spoken at your home?

Other languages/which ones?________

2. Which languages are spoken at your pre/school?

Other languages/which ones?________

3. a) Which language do you LIKE to speak most?

b) Which language do you NOT like to speak?

(For questions 4 and 5 use the Magic ladder.)

4. How much do you like to speak Russian?

Not at all A lot

5. How much do you like to speak Hebrew/German?

Not at all A lot

6. What language do YOU use when:

a. you are happy? _______
b. you are angry? ________
c. you are sad? _______
d. you are tired? _________
e. you want to tell a secret? _______

7. What language do YOU use to count things?

8. When you go to school, what language/languages do you want your teacher to speak?

Interviewer’s observations and comments:

Length of questionnaire administration: _____________

Date: _________________
Interviewer’s name_________________ Child’s Name ____________________Pre/school ________________


The magic ladder will be used for all questions.

1. How important is it for you to speak Russian?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
not at all a lot

2. How important is it for you to speak Hebrew/German?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
not at all a lot

3. How important is it for you that your parents speak Russian?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
not at all a lot

4. How important is it for you that your parents speak Hebrew/German?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
not at all a lot

5. How important is it for you that your brothers/sisters speak Russian?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
not at all a lot

6. How important is it for you that your brothers/sisters speak Hebrew/German?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
not at all a lot

7. How important is it for you that your friends speak Russian?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
not at all a lot

8. How important is it for you that your friends speak Hebrew/German?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
not at all a lot

9. a) While you are speaking Russian, how often do you switch to Hebrew/German?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
not at all a lot

b) Why do you do that?


c) It is OK to switch to Hebrew/German while speaking Russian. How much do you agree?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
not at all a lot

10. a) While you are speaking Hebrew/German, how often do you switch to Russian?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
not at all a lot

b) Why do you do that?


c) It is OK to switch to Russian while speaking Hebrew/German. How much do you agree?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
not at all a lot

Interviewer’s observations and comments:

Length of questionnaire administration: _____________

Date: _________________
Interviewer’s name_________________ Child’s Name ___________________ Pre/school ________________


PART A. Overall rating of proficiency

1. Which languages do you speak?_________________________________________

(Interviewer writes down the child’s choices)

2. Which language do you speak best? __________________________

3. Say: “I speak __________ well”. (Make the child repeat it as if in a role play. After s/he repeats it, ask
how much s/he agrees with it. The child marks his/her choice on the 'magic ladder’.)

3a. “I speak Russian well”. How much do you agree with this?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

3b. “I speak Hebrew/German well”. How much do you agree with this?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

4a. “I understand Russian well”. How much do you agree with this?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

4b. “I understand Hebrew/German well”. How much do you agree with this?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

PART B. Oral communication proficiency in Russian and Hebrew/German
[[Now we are going to tell you about different situations. We want you to tell us how easy/hard it is for you
to speak Russian or Hebrew in these situations.]]

For example,
you are talking to a person who speaks only Russian you. Is it easy/difficult for you to ask for something in
You are talking to a person who speaks only Hebrew to you. Is it easy/difficult for you to ask him/her for
something in Hebrew?

The magic ladder is used here.


1a. asking someone for a toy in Russian

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy

1b. asking someone for a toy in Hebrew/German

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy

2a. asking someone in Russian to get a book from a high shelf

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy

2b. asking someone in Hebrew/German get a book from a high shelf

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy

3a. counting children in your pre/school in Russian

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy

3b. counting children in your pre/school in Hebrew/German

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy


4a. talking on the phone in Russian

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy

4b. talking on the phone in Hebrew/German

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy

5a. telling how to play your favourite game in Russian

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy

5b. telling how to play your favourite game in Hebrew/German

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy

6a. telling someone in Russian about an argument you had with a friend
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy

6b. telling someone in Hebrew/German about an argument you had with a friend

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very Very
difficult easy

7a. telling about your family (about your parents, brothers or sisters) in Russian
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy

7b. telling about your family (about your parents, brothers or sisters) in Hebrew/German
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy

8a. What interesting cartoon have you seen (lately)? Would it be hard/easy for you to tell about it in
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy

8b. What interesting cartoon have you seen (lately)? Would it be hard/easy for you to tell about it in
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy
9a. telling what happened today in pre/school in Russian
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy

9b. telling what happened today in pre/school in Hebrew/German

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy

10a. telling about a dream you had in Russian

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy

10b. telling about a dream you had in Hebrew/German

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy

Interviewer’s observations and comments:

Length of questionnaire administration: _____________

Date: _________________
Interviewer’s name_________________ Child’s Name ___________________ Pre/school ________________


In this questionnaire, we would like to know how much Russian and Hebrew/German you use (with
different people in different situations).

Part A. How much Russian do you speak to ….?

1a. How much Russian do you speak with your father? (lit. How often do you speak Russian to your father?)
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

2a. How much Russian do you speak with your mother?

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

3a. How much Russian do you speak with your brother(s) and/or sister(s)?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

4a.1 How much Russian do you speak with your maternal grandparents?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

4a.2 How much Russian do you speak with your paternal grandparents?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

5a. Do you have children in your pre/school who speak both Russian and Hebrew/German?
How much Russian do you speak with them?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

6a. Who are your neighbors? What are their names? How much Russian do you speak with them?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

7a. When you go to your friends’ birthday parties, how much Russian do you speak there?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

8a. Which activities do you go to? Tell me about it/them. [from the child’s response the experimenter will
infer what kind of activity it is and which kids go there; if the child does not mention it, you can ask

(Activity 1) ______________________
How much Russian do you speak there?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

(Activity 2) _______________________
How much Russian do you speak there?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

(Activity 3) ______________________
How much Russian do you speak there?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

9a. Have you ever been to a synagogue/church? How much Russian did you speak there?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

10a. How often do you watch TV programs in Russian?

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

Part B. How much Hebrew/German do you speak to ….?

1b. How much Hebrew/German do you speak with your father?

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

2b. How much Hebrew/German do you speak with your mother?

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

3b. How much Hebrew/German do you speak with your brother(s) and/or sister(s)?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

4b.1 How much Hebrew/German do you speak with your maternal grandparents?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

4d.2 How much Hebrew/German do you speak with your paternal grandparents?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

5b. How much Hebrew/German do you speak with children in your pre/school who speak both Russian and
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

6b. How much Hebrew/German do you speak with your neighbors?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

7b. When you go to your friends’ birthday parties, how much Hebrew/German do you speak there?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

8b. How much Hebrew/German do you speak at your activities?

(Activity 1) _______________________
How much Hebrew/German do you speak there?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

(Activity 2) ________________________
How much Hebrew/German do you speak there?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

(Activity 3) __________________________
How much Hebrew/German do you speak there?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

9b. How much Hebrew/German do you speak at synagogue/church? (Skip this question if in 11a the
child said s/he’s never been to a synagogue/church)
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

10b. How often do you watch TV programs in Hebrew/German?

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

Interviewer’s observations and comments:


Length of questionnaire administration: _____________

Interview date: _________
Experimenter: ________________ Parent: __________________ Child‟s ID______________
A. Demographic Information
1. a) Child‟s name ______________
b) Child‟s date of birth ___________ c) Age: _____ years ________months
2. Was the child born in Germany/Israel? Yes/No If not, where? ________________
3. a) Child‟s birth order in the family (check the appropriate) 1 2 3 4
b) Number of children in the family ___________
4. Child‟s siblings (if relevant):
Sibling Age (year_____ mm_____) Sibling Age (year_____ mm_____)
a) 1 c) 3
b) 2 d) 4

5. a) Parent‟s name 1. mother ______________ 2. father _________________

b) Interviewed parent‟s date of birth ___________ (Age______________)
c) Parents‟ year of immigration
1. mother _____________ 2. father ______________
d) Parents‟ place of residence before immigration
1. mother _____________ 2. father ______________
6. a) Mother‟s profession ___________________
b) Mother works: ____Full-time ____Part-time ____No
c) Current occupation __________________
7. a) Father‟s profession ____________________
b) Father works: ____Full-time ____Part-time ____No
c) Current occupation __________________
8. What language/s do the parents use at work? How did parents learn Hebrew/German?
1 Russian all 2 Russian 3 Russian as 4 L2 usually 5 L2 all the
the time usually more much as L2 more than time (always)
(always) than L2 Russian
9. Religiosity: secular/ religious/ traditional
10. Family status: married/ single (child is in contact with the father)/ single (child is not
in contact with the father)

B. Sociolinguistic Interview - Spontaneous Speech Sample (adapted from Paradis)

1. Tell me about you child. Anything special you can tell me about him/her?

2. Which languages do you speak at home? What language do you speak to your child?

3. a) How close is s/he with his/her OLDER siblings? How much do they play together? What
do they do together? What languages do they speak among themselves?

4. „Transition‟: Single child --> Siblings

a) How close is your child with his/her YOUNGER siblings? What languages do they speak
among themselves?
b) How did your child react when his/her first/second YOUNGER sibling was born?
c) Did anything in your child‟s behavior/attitudes change after his first/second sibling was
d) Did your child‟s language preferences change after his/her first/second sibling was born?

5. How frequently does the child see his/her grandparents? Is s/he close to them?
What languages does s/he speak with them?

1. a) What was the first language your child learned to speak?
b) What other languages was s/he exposed to?

Transition: Russian --> Hebrew/German

2. a) From what age was s/he exposed to Hebrew/German? By whom?

b) Did your child have any problems acquiring Hebrew/German?

3. Which language does your child feel most comfortable in now?

4. Do you try to influence your child‟s language learning? How?

5. Do you have any language policy at home, i.e. do you encourage your child to
speak any particular language at home?

Home --> preschool
1. a) At what age did you send your child to preschool? Was it a Russian or a Hebrew
speaking preschool? Why did you choose it?

b) Did you find your child‟s transition from home to preschool easy or difficult?
Can you tell me more about this transition period? (e.g. did the child have problems,
cry, etc.?)

Russian preschool --> Hebrew/German preschool

c) Was your child‟s transition to a Hebrew/German speaking preschool easy or
d) Did you prepare your child for that transition? How?

2. Did your child‟s language preferences change after s/he went to preschool?

Family --> Peers

3. Did your child experience any other „transitions‟? What are they?

Preschool --> School

4. a) How do you think s/he is going to manage transition from preschool to school?

b) In what way do you think school might be different from preschool for your child?

5. Do you consider sending your child to a Russian-speaking school? Why/why not?

1. Did your child ever say what s/he would like to be when s/he grows up? Why?

1. Who is/are your child‟s best friend/s? Tell me their names. Tell me about them. What
languages do they speak?

Transition: Family --> Peers

2. Did the kind of friends your child played with change after s/he went to preschool?
… after s/he went to a Hebrew/German pre/school?

3. a) What kind of kids do you encourage your child to play with? What language do they speak?

b) Is it important for you that your child plays with children who speak particular languages?

1. a) What does your child do at home in the morning before going to pre/school?
b) What does s/he usually do after pre/school?

2. Where did you take your child the last time you went somewhere together on weekends.
What did you do last weekend?

3. a) What toys does your child like best? Why?

b) Does s/he have a favorite game? What is it? Who taught him/her to play it?
Do you often play with your child?

4. a) Does your child watch TV? In what language/s?

b) What is your child‟s favorite cartoon? Tell me about it.
c) Do you like the programs your child watches? Who chooses them for him/her?

5. What songs does your child listen to/sing? In what languages?

6. a) Do you take your child to any activities? Can you tell me about them?
Does s/he like participating in them?
b) Does s/he have any preference for activities in Russian or Hebrew/German? Do
you? Who chooses which activities your child will go to?

7. Do you take your child to plays/concerts? Which language are they in? Which
plays does s/he like most?

1. When is your child‟s birthday?
How did you celebrate his/her birthday last year?
How does s/he want to celebrate it this year?

2. What is the next holiday? [let the parent name the next holiday]. Will you
celebrate it at home? How did you celebrate it last time?


1. a) Does your child know the days of the week? In what language?

b) Does your child know the months of the year? In what language?

c) Does your child know the seasons of the year? In what language?

C. At the end of the 1P Interview, the interviewer offers the parent to complete
[together] a short summary questionnaire based on the child’s language history.

(The interviewer may have filled in some information during the interview)

1. Language history
Russian Hebrew/German
Age the child was first exposed to year______mm_____ year______mm_____
When did the child begin speaking the language? Year______mm_____ year______mm_____
Where did the child learn each language? Home Home
Day care Day care
Nanny Nanny
Siblings Siblings
Other _____ Other _____

2. Different educational frameworks the child had:

Mother Grand- Russian German/ Russian German/ Other
mother speaking Hebrew pre- Hebrew (specify)
nanny speaking school pre-
nanny (name) school
from year______mm________
to year________ mm________
from year______mm________
to year________ mm________
from year______mm________
to year________ mm________
from year______mm________
to year________ mm________
from year______mm________
to year________ mm________
from year______mm________
to year________ mm________
from year______mm________
to year________ mm________

3. Contact with the country of origin

a) Has your child ever visited Russia/Ukraine/other? Yes / No How many times? ____

At what age? _________ For how long? _______________

At what age? _________ For how long? _______________
At what age? _________ For how long? _______________
At what age? _________ For how long? _______________

b) Have you ever visited the old country (OC)? Yes / No How many times? ___________
For how long? ______________ The purpose of your visit ____________________________
For how long? ______________ The purpose of your visit ____________________________
For how long? ______________ The purpose of your visit ____________________________
For how long? ______________ The purpose of your visit ____________________________

c) How often are you in touch with people in the country of origin?
Family Relatives Friends Other
Every day
Once a week
Once a month
Once in a few months
Once a year
Once in a few years

d) In what way are you in touch with them?

By phone ___________
By e-mail ___________
By Skype ___________
By mail ___________
Other ___________

e) How often do people from the old country visit you in Germany/Israel?
Family Relatives Friends Other
Every day
Once a week
Once a month
Once in a few months
Once a year
Once in a few years

Date: ____________
Experimenter: ________________Parent: ______________ Child‟s ID______________
This questionnaire is designed to help us better understand YOUR CHILD’S
experiences in using Russian and Hebrew/German in your family, with relatives, friends,
other children and neighbors, as well as in social activities. It is important for our work
that you answer all questions as precisely as possible. If certain questions don't seem
clear to you, don't hesitate to ask for further explanations.

Your CHILD‟S communication network consists of all HIS/HER linguistic contacts, that
is all of the occasions s/he had to communicate in one language or another.

Let's generate a list of your child's contacts. For each person, say which language/s you
speak with him/her.

1) Ask the parent to name all his child‟s contacts (family, friends etc.) and list them in the
2) For each contact, ask the parent to choose a red circle if the child speaks Russian with the
person and a blue circle if s/he speaks Hebrew with him/her. For each color use stickers of two
sizes - large stickers (language more frequently used) and small stickers (language less frequently
used). E.g. If the child speaks more Hebrew and less Russian with a particular person, choose a
large blue sticker and a small red one.
Your family: mother, father, sisters, brothers, grandmothers/grandfathers

Other relatives (cousins/aunts/uncles)


Pre/school friends

Neighbors (kids/adults that live in your building or near you)

Other social contacts/do you know anyone else who speaks Russian/Hebrew?

3) Once you are done with all the contacts, ask the parent the following questions:

a) Of all the people you mentioned, who is most important to your child (emotionally)?

b) Who is least important to your child?

c) for each contact mentioned, ask: “How much is X important to your child?”

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot

_________________________ I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I__I
Not at all A lot


1. a)
Which languages are spoken at your home?
1 Russian all 2 Russian usually 3 Russian as 4 Hebrew 5Hebrew/German 6 Difficult to
the time more than much as /German usually all the time specify
(always) Hebrew/German Hebrew/German more than Russian (always)

b) Other languages/which ones?________

2. Which languages are spoken in your child‟s pre/school?

a) Pre/school
1 Russian all 2 Russian 3 Russian as 4 Hebrew/German 5Hebrew/German 6 Difficult to
the time usually more much as usually more than all the time specify
(always) than Hebrew Hebrew Russian (always)
/German /German

Other languages/which ones?________

b) “after school care club”

1 Russian all 2 Russian 3 Russian as 4 Hebrew/German 5Hebrew/German 6 Difficult to
the time usually more much as usually more than all the time specify
(always) than Hebrew Hebrew Russian (always)
/German /German

Other languages/which ones?________

3. a) Which language does your child LIKE to speak most? _____________________

b) Which language does your child NOT like to speak? _________________________

4. How much does your child like to speak Russian?

Not at all A lot

5. How much does your child like to speak Hebrew/German?

Not at all A lot

6. What language does your child use when:

a. S/he is happy? _______

b. S/he is angry? ________
c. S/he is sad? _______
d. S/he is tired? _________
e. S/he wants to tell a secret? _______

7. What language does your child use to count things?


8. Which language/s would s/he like his/her teacher to speak at school?



1. How important is it for you that your child speaks Russian?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
not at all a lot

2. How important is it for you that your child speaks Hebrew/German?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
not at all a lot

3. How important is it for you that your child speaks Russian to you?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
not at all a lot

4. How important is it for you that your child speaks Hebrew to you?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
not at all a lot

5. How important is it for you that your child speaks Russian to his/her siblings?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
not at all a lot

6. How important is it for you that your child speaks Hebrew/German to his/her
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
not at all a lot

7. How important is it for you that your child speaks Russian to his/her friends?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
not at all a lot

8. How important is it for you that your child speaks Hebrew to his/her friends?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
not at all a lot


9. a)While speaking Russian, how often does your child switch to Hebrew/German in
the midst of a Russian sentence?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
not at all a lot

b) Why do you think s/he does that?


c) It is OK if your CHILD switches to Hebrew/German in the middle of the

conversation/sentence while speaking Russian. How much do you agree?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
not at all a lot

10. a)While speaking Hebrew/German, how often does your child switch to Russian in
the midst of a Hebrew/German sentence?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
not at all a lot

b) Why do you think s/he does that?


c) It is OK if your CHILD switches to Russian in the middle of the

conversation/sentence while speaking Hebrew. How much do you agree?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
not at all a lot


In this questionnaire, you are asked to describe who your child is in terms of ethnic identity.
Please do this by placing an X between the two extreme points on the scale for each pair of terms.
Place an X on the line which, in your estimation, best describes your child on each of the aspects

1. Open-ended Questions:
1) How would you characterize your child in terms of ethnolinguistic identity?

2) Does your child feel embarassed by the fact that his/her family is Russian / s/he is

3) Did s/he have any conflicts related to identity questions?


4) Has s/he ever said that s/he would like to be someone else? Who?

2. Parents’ assessment of his child’s ethnolinguistic identity:

A. “My child is ____________”. How much do you agree with that? (identity labels)

1. “My child is Russian”. How much do you agree with that?

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
not at all a lot

2. “My child is Israeli/German”. How much do you agree with that?

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
not at all A lot

3. “My child is Ivri (in Israel) / Russian German (in Germany, if applies: identity specific
question)”. How much do you agree with that? (country specific question)
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
not at all a lot

4. “My child is Jewish”. How much do you agree with that? (in Germany, if applies:
identity specific question)
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
not at all a lot

5. “My child is Ole/Ole hadash (Immigrant/new immigrant in Israel) / Immigrant (in
Germany)”. How much do you agree with that?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
not at all a lot

6. “My child is Zionist (in Israel)”. How much do you agree with that? (country specific
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
not at all a lot

B. How much does your child like being _____ (identity label)?

1. How much does your child like being Russian?

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
not at all a lot

2. How much does your child like being Israeli/German?

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
not at all a lot

3. How much does your child like being Ivri (in Israel) / Russian German (in Germany, if
applies: identity specific question)? (country specific question)
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
not at all a lot

4. How much does your child like being Jewish? (in Germany, if applies: identity specific
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
not at all a lot

5. How much does your child like being Ole/Ole hadash (Immigrant/new immigrant in
Israel) / Immigrant (in Germany)?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
not at all a lot

6. How much does your child like being Zionist (in Israel)? (country specific question)
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
not at all a lot


C. When my child grows up, I want him/her to be:

1. “When my child grows up, I want him/her to be Russian”. How much do you agree with
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
not at all a lot

2. “When my child grows up, I want him/her to be Israeli/German”. How much do you
agree with that?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
not at all a lot

3. “When my child grows up, I want him/her to be Ivri (in Israel) / Russian German (in
Germany, if applies: identity specific question) ”. How much do you agree with that?
(country specific question)
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
not at all a lot

4. “When my child grows up, I want him/her to be Jewish”. How much do you agree with
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
not at all a lot

5. “When my child grows up, I want him/her to be Ole/Ole hadash (Immigrant/new

immigrant in Israel) / Immigrant (in Germany)”. How much do you agree with that?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
not at all a lot

6. “When my child grows up, I want him/her to be Zionist (in Israel)”. How much do you
agree with that? (country specific question)
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
not at all a lot


PART I: based on Landry

In this questionnaire, we would like to evaluate your child’s use of Russian and
Hebrew/German in his/her daily activities. For each of the following situations, circle
the number on a scale of 1 to 10 which best represents your child‟s use of Russian and

Part A. Russian
1a. How much Russian does your child speak with his/her father?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

2a. How much Russian does your child speak with his/her mother?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

3a. How much Russian does your child speak with his/her brother(s) and/or sister(s)?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

4a.1 How much Russian does your child speak with his/her maternal grandparents?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

4a.2 How much Russian does your child speak with his/her paternal grandparents?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

5a.1 Does your child have children in pre/school who speak both Russian and
Hebrew/German? How much Russian does s/he speak with them?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

5a.2 “after pre/school care club”

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

6a. How much Russian does your child speak with neighbors?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

7a. When at his/her friends’ birthday parties, how much Russian does your child speak there?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot
8a. Which activity/ies does your child go to? Tell me about it/them. [from the response the
experimenter will infer what kind of activity it is and which kids go there; you can ask
How much Russian does your child speak there?

(Activity 1) _____________________
[ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ]
Not at all A lot

(Activity 2) _____________________
[ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ]
Not at all A lot

(Activity 3) ______________________
[ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ]
Not at all A lot

9a. Has s/he ever been to a synagogue/church? How much Russian did your child speak
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

10a. How often does your child watch TV programs in Russian?

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

Part B. Hebrew/German

1b. How much Hebrew/German does your child speak with his/her father?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

2b. How much Hebrew/German does your child speak with his/her mother?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

3b. How much Hebrew/German does your child speak with his/her brother(s) and/or
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

4b.1 How much Hebrew/German does your child speak with his/her maternal
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

4b.2 How much Hebrew/German does your child speak with his/her paternal

5b.1 How much Hebrew/German does s/he speak with children in pre/school who
speak both Russian and Hebrew/German?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

5b.2 “after pre/school care club”

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

6b. How much Hebrew/German does your child speak with neighbours?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

7b. How much Hebrew/German does s/he speak at his/her friends’ birthday parties?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

8b. How much Hebrew/German does your child speak at activities?

(Activity 1) _____________________
[ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ]
Not at all A lot

(Activity 2) _____________________
[ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ]
Not at all A lot

(Activity 3) ______________________
[ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ]
Not at all A lot

9b. How much Hebrew/German does your child speak at synagogue/church?

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

10b. How often does your child watch TV programs in Hebrew/German?

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot


PART A. Overall rating of proficiency

1. Which languages does your child speak?______________________________

(An interview writes down the child‟s choices)

2. Which language does your child speak best? __________________________

3a. My child speaks Russian well. How much do you agree with this?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

3b. My child speaks Hebrew/German well. How much do you agree with this?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

4a. My child understands Russian well. How much do you agree with this?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

4b. My child understands Hebrew/German well. How much do you agree with this?
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
Not at all A lot

PART B1. (Based on Gatbonton)

Rate your child’s ability in Russian:

My child is not at all My child is extremely FLUENT

FLUENT in Russian [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] in Russian

My child has a heavy My child does not have any

Hebrew/German ACCENT Hebrew/German ACCENT in
in Russian [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] in Russian

My child has great difficulty My child has no difficulty at all

what people say to him/her what people say to him/her in
in Russian [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] Russian

My child has a lot of difficulty My child has no difficulty at all

IDEAS in Russian [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] in Russian

My child has a lot of unnecessary My child does not have any unnecessary
when s/he speaks Russian [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] when s/he speaks Russian

My child doesn‟t have a good My child has a good

in Russian [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] in Russian

My child makes a lot of GRAMMAR My child makes very few GRAMMAR

MISTAKES when s/he MISTAKES when s/he speaks
speaks Russian [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] Russian

My child‟s OVERALL proficiency My child‟s OVERALL proficiency

In Russian is very low [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] in Russian is very high

B2. Rate your child’s ability in Hebrew/German:

My child is not at all My child is extremely FLUENT

FLUENT in in Hebrew/German
Hebrew/German [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ]

My child has a heavy My child does not have any

Russian ACCENT in Russian ACCENT in
Hebrew/German [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] Hebrew/German

My child has great difficulty My child has no difficulty at all

what people say to her/him what people say to her/him in
in Hebrew/German [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] Hebrew/German

My child has a lot of difficulty My child has no difficulty at all

IDEAS in Hebrew/German [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] in Hebrew/German

My child has a lot of unnecessary My child does not have any unnecessary
when s/he speaks when s/he speaks
Hebrew/German [__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] Hebrew/German

My child doesn‟t have a good My child has a good

in Hebrew/German [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] in Hebrew/German

My child makes a lot of GRAMMAR My child makes very few GRAMMAR

MISTAKES when s/he MISTAKES when s/he speaks
speaks Hebrew/German [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] Hebrew/German

My child‟s OVERALL proficiency My child‟s OVERALL proficiency

in Hebrew/German is very low [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] in Hebrew/German is very high

PART C. Oral communication proficiency in Russian and Hebrew/German

In this questionnaire, please evaluate your child's Russian and Hebrew/German oral communication
skills. The questionnaire includes various situations. Certain situations are not very demanding in
terms of communication skills, while others are more demanding. Circle the number which best
indicates, in your estimation, your child's ability to communicate orally in each given language. It is
important that you be as precise as possible in your answers. If you have any questions, please do not
hesitate to ask.

Oral communication proficiency in “standard” Russian and Hebrew/German

Imagine that your child is to use “standard” Russian and Hebrew/German (i.e. similar to that taught
in schools) in the situations given below with others who speak Hebrew/German only. For each
situation, indicate the degree of ease your child would have in expressing himself/herself in
“standard” Hebrew by circling the number which corresponds to your most accurate estimate. Refer
to the following scale before responding to each item. Use the scale next to each item, i.e. 1 = great
difficulty to 10 = great ease.

How easy/difficult would it be for your child to perform in the following situations?

1a. asking someone for a toy in Russian

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy

1b. asking someone for a toy in Hebrew/German

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy

2a. asking someone in Russian to get a book from a high shelf

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy

2b. asking someone in Hebrew/German get a book from a high shelf

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy

3a. counting children in his/her pre/school in Russian

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy

3b. counting children in his/her pre/school Hebrew/German

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy

4a. talking on the phone in Russian

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy

4b. talking on the phone in Hebrew/German

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy

5a. telling how to play a game in Russian

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy

5b. telling how to play a game in Hebrew/German

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy

6a. telling someone in Russian about an argument s/he had with a friend
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy

6b. telling someone in Hebrew/German about an argument s/he had with a friend

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very Very
difficult easy

7a. telling about his/her family in Russian

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy

7b. telling about his/her family in Hebrew/German

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy

8a. Telling about an interesting cartoon s/he has seen in Russian

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy

8b. Telling about an interesting cartoon s/he has seen in Hebrew/German
 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy

9a. telling what happened in pre/school in Russian

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy

9b. telling what happened in pre/school in Hebrew/German

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy

10a. telling about a dream s/he had in Russian

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy

10b. telling about a dream s/he had in Hebrew/German

 [ _|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_ ] 
very very
difficult easy


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