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The Challenge of Innovation in Highly Complex Projects: What Can We Learn

from Boeing's Dreamliner Experience?

Article  in  Project Management Journal · March 2016

DOI: 10.1002/pmj.21579


15 1,112

4 authors:

Aaron Shenhar Vered Holzmann

Diamond Leadership Institute Tel Aviv University


Benjamin Melamed Yao Zhao

Rutgers Business School Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey


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PAPERS The Challenge of Innovation in Highly
Complex Projects: What Can We Learn
from Boeing’s Dreamliner Experience?
Aaron J. Shenhar, Technological Leadership Institute, Verona, New Jersey, USA
Vered Holzmann, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
Benjamin Melamed, Business School, Rutgers University, Newark, New Jersey, USA
Yao Zhao, Business School, Rutgers University, Newark, New Jersey, USA


Understanding the link between project oeing Corporation, which was founded in 1916, has become one of
complexity and innovation is highly perti- the world’s largest manufacturers of commercial aircraft, ranking now
nent. Yet, the challenge of innovative com- 27th on the Fortune 500 list. On September 26, 2011, Boeing publicly
plex projects has received limited research announced the delivery of its first 787 Dreamliner transporter to its
attention and little theory development. This first customer, All Nippon Airways. That event took place almost 40 months
article provides a retrospective analysis of later than originally planned, after a long series of unexpected delays. The
the difficulties experienced by Boeing during actual development cost of the project was estimated at about US$40 billion
the development project of its highly innova- and was “well more than twice the original estimate” (Mecham, 2011).
tive Dreamliner aircraft. Eventually success- Adding to the difficulty was the discovery of a malfunction a year later in
ful, this project suffered extensive delays one of the aircraft’s lithium batteries, which caught fire after takeoff. These
and cost overruns. The article analyzes the problems led to months of grounding, imposed by the FAA (Federal Aviation
project’s complex nature of innovation, while Administration), of the entire Dreamliner fleet already in service.
using several frameworks to provide an Boeing’s vision for the Dreamliner was to make it one of the most advanced
integrative view of its challenges and sug- commercial aircraft ever built and one of the most efficient to operate. However,
gesting possible alternative ways to address its late delivery and early service problems were particularly troubling for a large
them. Insights for complex project teams corporation like Boeing, which is highly regarded as a leader in the aerospace
and future research directions are offered. industry and one of the world’s most experienced aircraft manufacturers. How-
ever, the Dreamliner’s late debut also provides an opportunity for the aerospace
KEYWORDS: aerospace; innovation; industry, and the research community at large, for retrospective in-depth learning.
complexity; project management; complex In this article, we analyze the challenges that Boeing faced in this project
project and program management; Boeing and the lessons it learned while coping with them. By taking an innovation
787 Dreamliner management perspective, our analysis offers ways to explain Boeing ’s experi-
ence, and possible ways to avoid similar failures in the future.
Our conclusion is simple. Boeing ’s delays and other problems could have
been minimized, if not prevented. More important, a careful early analysis
of the project’s innovation challenges and potential difficulties might have
predicted many of the problems that followed, and perhaps avoided some of
Boeing ’s losses, including the resulting reputational damage.
After discussing our research method, the third section outlines the story
of the Boeing 787 project.1 The case story section describes the project’s vision
and the decisions made by the company through the project life cycle, then out-
lines the project’s challenges and describes the project’s development history,
including the actions taken by the company in response to its delays. The next
Project Management Journal, Vol. 47, No. 2, 62–78 section, which is dedicated to innovation, includes a retrospective analysis of
© 2016 by the Project Management Institute
Published online in Wiley Online Library 1Please note that for consistency in this article, we use the term project, although large projects in the aerospace industry

( DOI: 10.1002/pmj.21579 are also often called “programs,” as they are indeed a collection of related projects (PMI, 2013).

62 April/May 2016 ■ Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj

the project’s innovative challenges and a new technologies, including compos- big fuselage, which is a multi-sectional
discussion on how these problems could ite materials and electronic controls, cylindrical barrel covering the seating
have been avoided, or at least mitigated. with an effort to reduce fuel costs and area of the aircraft. The new technology
We engage recent models of innovation noise levels and as a strategic preemp- required more sections than previously
and complexity, and point out where tive move to compete with Airbus’ 380 used for aluminum-based fuselages. The
more theory development is needed. We program (Useem, 2006). The Dream- result was that initial prototypes failed
conclude with a list of lessons that may liner project was launched in April 2004 during the testing stage, forcing Boeing
be applied in future, large-scale strategic with a planned delivery date during to redesign the body structure by adding
innovation projects, and suggest ques- the first quarter of 2008. In retrospect, more sections and scheduling more pro-
tions for future research. it seems that this schedule was highly totype testing, which added significantly
unrealistic. By 2008, however, Boeing to the schedule (Holmes, 2006).
Research Method had already collected a backlog of more The second technological change
The Dreamliner project was one of the than 850 orders, at an estimated value of involved new kinds of avionics and com-
case studies in a multi-year study of the US$140 billion, which made the Dream- puting systems that had never been used
aerospace and defense (A&D) industry, liner the most successful launch of any before on large commercial aircraft.
which began in the 1990s (e.g., Tishler, aircraft in history. A final configuration They included the largest ever-used dis-
Dvir, Shenhar, & Lipovetsky, 1996). In was selected in September 2005 and the plays on any commercial aircraft (Ye
2007, after Boeing announced its first design of major subsystems began in et  al., 2005), as well as replacing previ-
787 delay, we made the Dreamliner the June 2006. The project opened its assem- ous mechanical controls with electronic
focus of a dedicated in-depth longitudi- bly plant in Everett, Washington, USA, in signal controls—a technology known
nal study. Between 2007 and 2013, we May 2007; however, its first test flight as “Fly by Wire.” Also new to commer-
collected all publically available articles took place in December 2009, almost cial aircraft design, these technologies
or posts about the Dreamliner project, 18 months later than expected, and as added to the project’s delays by extend-
as well as Boeing ’s history and the proj- mentioned, the first delivery took place ing its wiring, installation, and integra-
ect’s earlier decisions.2 We systematically some 40 months later than planned. tion processes (Holmes, 2006).
coded all material into categories such Boeing also adopted a new organi-
as business, performance, strategy, tech- Dreamliner’s Challenges zational paradigm for the development
nology, planning, control, testing, and The Dreamliner was designed to be a of Dreamliner and decided to outsource
so forth. We read and coded nearly 800 revolutionary project in many respects: an unprecedented portion of the design,
articles and posts, and interviewed eight physical characteristics, technology, engineering, manufacturing, and pro-
non-Boeing aerospace executives and management style, financing, design duction to a global network of 700 local
reporters who offered their non-classi- and engineering management, qual- and foreign suppliers (MacPherson &
fied perspectives. When it became clear ity assurance, and assembly processes. Pritchard, 2005). With more than 70%
that studying this project required more Many of these initiatives were inten- foreign development content, this deci-
than traditional project and innovation tionally taken on to benefit from new sion turned Boeing ’s traditional supply
expertise, we increased our team by add- developments in aviation technology chain into a development chain (Alt-
ing experts in supply chain management and to speed up design and develop- feld, 2010; Tang, Zimmerman, Nelson,
and operations. We conducted weekly ment; however, as we will show, they & James, 2009). Tier-1 suppliers became
research-team debates, dedicated to a posed unexpected challenges for both responsible for the detailed design and
specific category and its theory, and cre- the company and the project team. manufacturing of 11 major subassem-
ated discussion notes, which were then The first major challenge involved blies, while Boeing would only do system
cross-analyzed to form the basis for our designing the aircraft’s body using light- integration and final assembly. Figure 1
final analysis. Three independent schol- weight composite materials (chemi- describes the project’s major subassem-
ars then reviewed our draft and offered cal compounds made of carbon). This blies and their tier-1 suppliers (Domke,
comments and suggestions. change was necessary, since the Dream- 2008; Franck, Lewis, & Udis, 2009).
liner was to provide long-haul transpor- Furthermore, Boeing came up with
The Dreamliner Project tation for 250 passengers for about a 20% a new risk and revenue sharing contract
Initial Vision and Plan lower fuel cost (Ye, Lu, Su, & Meng, 2005). with its suppliers, called the “build-to-
The Dreamliner project was initiated Although composite materials were not performance” model. According to the
in the early 2000s to take advantage of totally new, they were never used to model, contract suppliers bear the non-
such an extent in a large civilian aircraft recurring R&D cost up-front, own the
2Pleasenote that this article is based on publically available
(Teresko, 2007). However, this decision intellectual property of their design, and
information and was not discussed or approved by Boeing. created a challenge to the design of the get paid a share of the revenues from

April/May 2016 ■ Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj 63

The Challenge of Innovation in Highly Complex Projects


Boeing (Frederickson, Wash.) Landing gear
KAL-ASD Messier-Dowty
Horizontal stabilizer (England)
(Korea) Alenia (Italy)
Wing/body fairing
Forward Boeing (Canada)
Center fuselage
Alenia (Italy) Landing gear doors
Boeing (Canada)
Aft fuselage Cargo access doors
Forward fuselage Vought
Saab (Sweden)
Spirit (Wichita, Kan.) (Charleston, S.C.)
Main landing gear wheel well
Passenger entry
Kawasaki (Japan) doors
Latecoere (France)
Fixed trailing edge
Kawasaki (Japan) Movable
trailing edge GE (Evendale, Ohio)
Boeing Engines
(Australia) Rolls-Royce (England)
Center Wing Engine nacelles
wing box Mitsubishi Fixed and movable leading edge Goodrich
Fuji (Japan) (Japan) Spirit (Tulsa, Okla.) (Chula Vista, Calif.)
Graphic research and design by David Badders, Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Sources: The Boeing Co., Vought Aircraft
Industries Inc., GE Aviation, Rolls-Royce, Airbus, PPG Industries, Diehl Aerospace, Evergreen Aviation Technologies
Corp. (EGAT)

Figure 1: 787 project’s tier-1 suppliers.

future aircraft sales. Table  1 summarizes Comparing the Project’s first test flight, which took place nearly
the main features of this model. Under Events to the Original Plan a year and a half later than planned
the new model, the suppliers’ roles are The original plan of the 787 was to (Cohan, 2009; Kotha & Srikanth, 2013).
dramatically changed from mere subcon- have all subassemblies completed and With more than 60 canceled orders,
tractors to strategic partners who have delivered by June 2007, have the maiden Boeing had to pay its customers nearly
a long-term stake in the project. As we flight in August 2007, and make the first US$1 billion in penalties for late
show later, however, this model created delivery by May 2008. On July 8, 2007, a delivery because the first aircraft were
some risks, which caused extensive inte- rollout ceremony was held for the first not sellable. See Table 2 for a detailed
gration problems and additional delays. Dreamliner (Norris & Wagner, 2009). sequence of events (The Seattle Times,
Finally, Boeing employed a new However, the aircraft’s major systems 2009).
assembly method. Subcontractors were had not yet been installed, and many
required to integrate their own subsys- parts were only attached with tempo- Project Development Difficulties
tems and send their preassembled sub- rary fasteners (Trimble, 2007). It was Design issues were not the only
systems to a single final assembly site. the first of several delays prior to the causes of delays. Boeing listed addi-
The goal was to reduce Boeing ’s integra-
tion effort by leveraging subcontractors Scope Contractual Arrangement/Responsibility
to do more work compared with previ- System design and architecture Boeing as main contractor
ous projects. However, many of these
Detailed part design Suppliers
subcontractors were not able to meet
their delivery schedules due to lack of Interface design Boeing defines interfaces; suppliers provide detailed
experience in subsystem design and designs, and Boeing serves as referee
integration, as well as insufficient guide- Selecting and managing tier-2 suppliers Tier-1 suppliers
lines and training. As a consequence, Intellectual property Owned by suppliers
parts and assemblies, which were sent to Non-recurring development costs Amortized costs paid by suppliers from 787 revenue
Boeing for integration, were missing the
Time of payments to suppliers When 787 is certified and delivered to customers
appropriate documentation, including
instructions for final assembly. Table 1: Boeing 787’s build-to-performance model.

64 April/May 2016 ■ Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj

Year Month Events
2002 December Responding to airlines’ calls for more fuel efficiency rather than extra speed, Boeing drops its “Sonic Cruiser” concept.
Much of the Sonic Cruiser’s composite materials, avionics, and engine technology will reappear in the 787
2003 December Everett, Washington, USA is chosen as the first assembly plant
2004 July ANA places a 50-plane order
2005 September Main features of the 787 airplane design are complete and detailed design work is sent to Boeing’s global partners
December 288 orders by the end of 2005
2007 June A 0.3-inch gap was found at the joint between the nose-cockpit section and fuselage section, made by different
suppliers. Engineers fixed it by disconnecting and reconnecting internal parts
July The first assembled 787 is rolled out at Everett, but unknown to the audience, it is a hollow shell
September First delay: three months. Due to shortage of fasteners and incomplete software
October Second delay: six months for first deliveries, three months for test flight. Due to unfinished work passed along
by global partners and delays in finalizing the flight control software. Mike Bair, 787 program head, is replaced by Pat
December 346 orders by the end of 2007
2008 January Third delay: three months for test flight. Due to unnamed suppliers and slow assembly progress at the Everett plant
April Fourth delay: six months, again for test flight; total of 15 months behind the original schedule for first deliveries.
Due to continuing problems with unfinished work from suppliers
September A second machinists’ strike begins at Boeing, lasting 57 days. The company struggles for a month afterward to get
production back on track
November News emerges of a new, embarrassing and serious problem. About 3% of the fasteners put into the five test airplanes
under construction in Everett were installed incorrectly and had to be removed and reinstalled
December Fifth delay: six months. Shanahan is put in charge of commercial-airplane programs, and Scott Fancher takes day-
to-day operations lead on the 787 project. More than 900 orders by the end of 2008
2009 January–February Middle East leasing company LCAL and Russian airline S7 group cancel 37 orders
June Sixth delay: test flight is postponed indefinitely. Due to a structural flaw at the wing-body joint
Australian carrier Qantas cancels 15 orders
Boeing writes off US$2.5 billion because the first three planes are unsellable and suitable only for flight tests
July Boeing announces that it will acquire the 787 rear fuselage assembly plant in Charleston, South Carolina, USA, buying
out its partner Vought for about US$1 billion
October Additional 10 orders canceled. The total number of order reduces to 840
Intensive talks between Boeing and the machinists’ union end in acrimonious failure. Boeing announces the choice of
Charleston, South Carolina, USA, as the second final assembly plant
November Boeing mechanics complete the wing-body joint fix. Engineers repeat the wing stress test, and the Dreamliner gets the
green light to fly
2010 August Seventh delay: Boeing delays delivery of the first aircraft by three months due to engine failure and availability
November Boeing halts Dreamliner tests after an onboard fire
December Eighth delay: Boeing delays delivery indefinitely—no delivery date given
2011 September First aircraft is delivered (40 months total delay)
2013 January Entire 787 fleet in service is grounded for months by the FAA due to battery problems
Table 2: 787 Dreamliner’s sequence of main events.

tional reasons such as weight control, (McInnes, 2008). Following is a more as a strengthening wing design, result-
fastener shortages, incorrect installa- detailed account of these reasons. ing in an 8-ton increase in maximal
tion, extensive delays in suppliers’ work, Fuselage design changes required takeoff weight. Boeing addressed this
and software development difficulties altering joints between sections, as well problem by additional and originally

April/May 2016 ■ Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj 65

The Challenge of Innovation in Highly Complex Projects

unplanned redesign cycles, exploring keep the program advancing” (James, and project management, which will
multiple weight savings, which saved 2009). be used for analyzing Boeing ’s experi-
nearly 2 tons. (Domke, 2008). • Dreamliner’s components and mod- ence and explaining the challenge of
In addition, the project repeatedly ules began testing right away at the innovation posed by this project. We
experienced insufficient supplies of original manufacturer ’s site before then use this analysis to depict possible
basic components, such as fasteners, being shipped out to the next assem- alternative ways to manage such kinds
frames, clips, brackets, and floor beams. bler. This way, Boeing was able to of highly complex innovations.
The body design changes required a dif- identify and solve problems when they
ferent sleeve fastener design on wings, occurred, rather than later, when their As the Theory Suggests, One Size Does
leading to the delay of the first test impact was detected. Not Fit All Innovations
flight of August 2007. With 60 weeks of • Since Vought turned out to be one of its One of the early studies of innovation con-
production lead time, the main fastener least reliable suppliers, in 2009 Boeing ducted by Marquis (1969) was dedicated
supplier, Alcoa Inc., was unable to meet decided to acquire Vought’s interest in to exploring the differences between
demand on time (Lunsford & Glader, Global Aeronautica, and its operations two types of innovation: incremental
2007 ). Furthermore, some fasteners in South Carolina for US$580 million. (a small change in an existing product)
were incorrectly installed (Gates, 2008). and radical innovation (a change based
But perhaps the most troubling An Innovation on a completely new idea). This dis-
issue in the Dreamliner project was the and Contingency Perspective tinction appears often in many studies
inability of Boeing ’s suppliers to meet on Complex Projects (e.g., Baker & Sinkula, 2007; Balachandra
the project’s demands. This resulted in A retrospective look at the project ’s & Friar, 1997; Chao & Kavadias, 2008;
“traveled work,” where suppliers’ work challenges, suggests that most of them Gemünden, Salomo, & Hölzle, 2007; Ger-
was passed along back to Boeing ’s Final were rooted in the company’s decisions main, 1996; Kock, Gemünden, Salomo,
Assembly Line (FAL). As Pat Shanahan, to engage new (or innovative) tech- & Schultz, 2011; Leifer et al., 2000). Mar-
the second project director, put it: “We niques and practices often used for the quis (1969) also mentioned a third type,
designed our factory to be a lean opera- first time. While strategically justified, it system innovation, which relates to large
tion. And the tools and the processes, the seems that the company needed better complex efforts (systems) that combine
flow of materials, the skills of personnel adaptation of organizational and devel- many new and/or improved ideas in one
are all tailored to perform last-stage opment practices to the innovation big system development project, such
high-level integration, check out and introduced by these decisions. as aircraft, communication networks,
test. We thought we could modify that Innovation can be viewed as the or space programs; however, he did
production system and accommodate “application of better solutions that not investigate this kind of innovation
the traveled work from our suppliers, meet new requirements, in-articulated in detail in his study. The concepts of
and we were wrong” (, needs, or existing market needs” (Fran- exploitation versus exploration emerged
2015). kelius, 2009). The Organisation for Eco- later (March, 1991), essentially distin-
nomic Co-operation and Development guishing between two types of learning:
How Did Boeing Deal With Its (OECD) (2005) defines innovation from improvements or modifications of existing
Unexpected Challenges and Delays? an overall broad perspective as “the ideas and introduction of fundamentally
Faced with major delays due to rede- implementation of a new or significantly new ideas (Benner & Tushman, 2003;
signs, part shortages, incorrect installa- improved product (good or service), or Danneels, 2002; Gatignon, Tushman,
tions, software delays, and even a union process, a new marketing method, or Smith, & Anderson, 2002). Innovation
strike, Boeing initiated several bold a new organisational method in busi- studies have also expanded in additional
actions to deal with these issues. Such ness practices, workplace organisation directions, such as new product devel-
actions eventually led to the introduc- or external relations” (OECD, 2005 , opment (Chen, 2015; Salomo, Weise,
tion of what proved later to be a highly p. 46). Complexity, in turn, in most & Gemünden, 2007), open innovation
desired aircraft. studies is related to a large number (Chesbrough, 2006; Gemünden et  al.,
of distinct and independent elements 2007), portfolio management (Beringer,
• In December 2008, Boeing opened a (Williams, 1999). Following these defi- Jonas, & Gemünden, 2012; Kock, Heis-
Production Operation Center in its nitions, it is conceivable that Boeing ’s ing, & Gemünden, 2014; Unger, Rank, &
Everett plant to better coordinate with challenges were a result of a combi- Gemünden, 2014), or other industries
its tier-1, as well as tier-2 and tier-3 nation of multiple innovations in its such as automotive (Lenfle & Midler,
suppliers. The Center’s mission was Dreamliner development project. Thus, 2009).
to “monitor global production among in the following discussion we describe Another well-established and rele-
suppliers, solve problems quickly and the relevant literature on innovation vant concept is structural organizational

66 April/May 2016 ■ Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj

contingency theory, which suggests that their means are defined; Youker (2002) have presented uncertainty as the most
organizations must find the right fit has grouped projects based on product common theme in the study of project
between problem and context and must type; and Pich, Loch, and De Meyer contingency theory (PCT), followed by
adapt their structure, processes, and (2002) have used a project’s informa- complexity, team empowerment, crit-
practices to the unique environment tion adequacy (or level of uncertainty) icality, and urgency, whereas Bosch-
of their task. This idea implies that dif- to distinguish between three strategies: Rekveldt, Jongkind, Mooi, Bakker, and
ferent kinds of organizations function- instructionism, learning, and selection- Verbraeck (2011) have demonstrated
ing in distinct environments must be ism. Shenhar and Dvir (2004, 2007) have the elements that contributed to project
structured and managed in different used four dimensions to distinguish complexity by introducing the techni-
ways (Benner & Tushman, 2003; Burns among projects: novelty, technology, cal, organizational, and environmental
& Stalker, 1961; De Brentani & Klein- complexity, and pace, and have shown (TOE) framework of complexities.
schmidt, 2015; Drazin & Van de Ven, how this categorization can be applied Based on these and other studies,
1985; Hanisch & Wald, 2012; Howell, to innovation as well. It is interesting four current conclusions about the state
Windahl, & Seidel, 2010 ; O ’Connor, to note that the connection between of knowledge of PCT emerge. First, just
2008; Pennings, 1992; Ritter & Gemün- projects and innovation is getting more as for sustained organizations, “there
den, 2003). Scholars have often sug- and more attention recently, as dem- is no one best way” for projects as well,
gested that organizations that perform onstrated first in the 2007 IRNOP con- and “one size does not fit all.” Second,
more innovative tasks would be differ- ference dedicated to this link (Brady & no generally accepted framework has
ent from organizations which develop Söderlund, 2008). Consecutive articles emerged thus far to support the analysis
more routine products (e.g., Abernathy discuss various aspects of innovation of highly complex and innovative proj-
& Utterback, 1978; Burgelman, 1983; and project portfolio management. ects. Third, most emergent frameworks
Dewar & Dutton, 1986; Drazin & Van For example, Killen, Hunt, and Klein- are theoretical or literature-based, with
de Ven, 1985; Galbraith, 1982; Perrow, schmidt (2008) studied Australian com- only a few grounded by empirical evi-
1967; Thompson, 1967). panies and found that project portfolio dence. Fourth, research often offers
Correlations between structural and management practices are very similar limited prescriptive ideas on actually
environmental attributes have been well for new service and tangible product managing innovations. However, as
studied when the organization is the development project portfolios. Bie- claimed, “for practitioners a project’s
unit of analysis. However, they have only denbach and Müller (2012) studied the complexities can be used as a starting
entered the realm of project manage- relationship of innovative capabilities point for a reflection on the challenges a
ment in the last two decades. The argu- and long-term project success, whereas project faces, or will face, and the devel-
ment was that projects can be seen as Sicotte, Drouin, and Delerue (2014) sug- opment of strategies to cope with them”
“temporary organizations within organi- gested a set of six critical capabilities (Geraldi et al., 2011, p. 983).
zations” and thus may exhibit variations for innovative companies managing
in structure based on context and envi- successful projects. Unger et  al., (2014)
ronment (Lenfle, 2008; Lundin & Söder- reported that corporate innovation Analysis
holm, 1995; O ’Connor & Rice, 2013; culture and national-level culture are Could Contingency Methods Help
Payne & Turner, 1999; Shenhar, 2001). related to dimensions of project portfo- Prepare Boeing for Its Challenges?
The evolution of project manage- lio success, and Meifort (2015) reviewed As we have seen, Boeing ’s difficulties
ment contingency theory and its rela- the current research on innovation port- were a result of the following major
tion to innovation was characterized folio management and categorized it challenges: The use of newly developed
by the introduction of specific context into four perspectives: optimization, technologies, outsourcing a large extent
factors, which would distinguish proj- strategy, decision making, and organi- of design to numerous, less experienced
ects by different dimensions, leading to zation. The topics of complexity and subcontractors (and creating a develop-
specific contingency decisions (Hanisch uncertainty in projects have been often ment chain), a new business model of
& Wald, 2012). For example, Hender- used interchangeably. For example, revenue sharing, and a new assembly
son and Clark (1990) have used a 2 × 2 Geraldi, Maylor, and Williams (2011), model. As claimed earlier, these strat-
matrix to distinguish between the com- when analyzing 25 notable papers, have egies probably helped retaining Boe-
ponents of a product and the ways they referred to “complexity in projects” ver- ing ’s competitive positioning by taking
are integrated. Wheelwright and Clark sus “complexity of projects” by suggest- advantage of modern technologies, and
(1992) have classified projects based on ing an umbrella typology of five different practices, but their execution was less
product and process types; Turner and dimensions of complexity: structural, than optimal.
Cochrane (1993) have grouped proj- uncertainty, dynamics, pace, and socio- In reviewing the current state
ects based on how well their goals and political. In contrast, Howell et al. (2010) of knowledge, no single available

April/May 2016 ■ Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj 67

The Challenge of Innovation in Highly Complex Projects

framework seems comprehensive multiple trials and prototypes, while using the “Diamond of Innovation”
enough for analyzing the spectrum of executing them simultaneously; and model. Based on a study of over 600
innovation challenges in a highly com- then select the best performing solu- projects, the “Diamond of Innovation”
plex project such as the Dreamliner. tion. From this point on, the project provides a framework for project clas-
To enrich the analysis, and comple- could be managed as an instructionist sification (Shenhar & Dvir, 2004, 2007).
ment possible limitations in any single project. Each one of its dimensions of nov-
model, we combined three frameworks • Learning project is a project susceptible elty, technology, complexity, and pace
offered by different authors: Pich et  al. to unforeseen events that might influ- consists of four possible project cat-
(2002), Shenhar and Dvir (2004, 2007), ence its course. In this environment, egories, and by selecting a category in
and Geraldi et al. (2011), thus creating a there is little benefit in detailed planning each dimension, one creates a specific
broader perspective. We selected these of the entire project, because the unfore- diamond-shaped view for each proj-
frameworks based on the following cri- seen might alter its course and force the ect, which serves as a project classifier.
teria: the framework must offer practi- team to learn and continuously readjust Once a classification is selected, the
cal implications for project innovation the plan. While each project needs a model helps identify the unique impact
teams; it was based on empirical evi- clear vision, its detailed planning can of each dimension, and provides rec-
dence, not just theory; or it adds a factor only be done for the nearest tasks and ommendations for a preferred style of
that is not covered by other models. The must be updated with progress. management. The Diamond of Innova-
following section describes each model tion dimensions and their impact on a
in detail and its accompanying discus- In the Boeing case, the technologies project are summarized in Table 3.
sion outlines the lessons that could be of composite materials and “fly by wire” Using the Diamond of Innovation
derived for Boeing ’s project. In a later were new to this family of company implies that the Dreamliner project
section we combine all these lessons products and this required an upfront could be classified as outlined below.
into one integrated overview. analysis of the level of uncertainty and (We then discuss the fit between the
the allocation of sufficient time for test- actual management and the required
Pich et al.’s Categories of Project ing and redesign. Similarly, the exten- style based on this classification):
Learning sive outsourcing of design for the first
Pich et  al. (2002) characterize projects time, as well as the new business model, • Novelty: From its customers’ perspec-
based on the degree of information avail- required a slower pace of adaptation tive, the Dreamliner was a generational
able upfront to the project teams. Each of and learning of the new practices by change in an existing line of previous
their recommended three types of proj- all factors. However, Boeing employed commercial aircraft built by Boeing.
ects requires a different project manage- what looks like an instructionist strategy That would place it at the Platform level
ment strategy as described below: (Pich et  al., 2002), which is based on a of novelty, which really did not create a
low level of upfront uncertainty, such unique challenge to the company that
• Instructionist project is a project as construction, where activities, time, made all the strategic decisions needed
where most of the information needed and cost are essentially predictable, and for a new platform. However, there was
for planning is available, and the proj- no surprises are expected. It does seem, another challenging aspect of novelty.
ect team has a good understanding of however, that this project would require The new “build-to-performance” busi-
the “best policy” that has to be imple- a selectionist style of project manage- ness model, however, was unfamiliar
mented. Planning an instructionist ment. Such a style would ensure that to the company and its subcontrac-
project mainly involves optimization the project is ready to acknowledge its tors. As major stakeholders, they can
that is focused on the critical path and upfront level of uncertainty and allo- be considered as “users,” and for them
risk management. The instructionist cate sufficient resources for repetitive it was an unknown experience. That
project primarily exploits known infor- designs, prototype building, and test- challenge would move the novelty to a
mation and does not need to deal with ing before the final design is selected. “new-to-the-market” level, which sug-
high levels of uncertainty. It would also ensure enough time for gests that the implementation of the
• Selectionist project is a project where training and certifying the project ’s new model would require pilot test-
there is not enough information to subcontractors as well as adjusting the ing and repetitive model modifications
define an optimal policy; the project newly implemented business model. until the final version was established
team is faced with a higher level of and fully understood.
uncertainty, and it cannot accurately Shenhar and Dvir’s Diamond • Technology: The technology of com-
anticipate the results of its actions. of Innovation posite materials was new to the com-
Rather than exploit existing knowledge, The Dreamliner ’s project innovative mercial aircraft industry, and no prior
the team is encouraged to explore; plan challenges could also be analyzed by experience existed on how to design

68 April/May 2016 ■ Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj

Novelty: Market Innovation—how new • Derivative: Improvement in an existing product (e.g., a new color option in an MP3 player, the
is the product to the market, users, and addition of a search feature in a software program)
customers. Novelty level impacts market- • Platform: A new generation on an existing product line (e.g., new automobile model, new
related activities and the time and effort commercial airplane)
needed to define and freeze requirements (a • New-to-the-market: Adapting a product from one market to another (e.g., first PC, consumer’s
higher novelty would delay this freeze) microwave oven)
• New-to-the-world: A product that no one has seen before (e.g., the first Post-it note)
Technology: Technological Innovation— • Low-tech: No new technology is used (e.g., house, city street)
how much new technology is used. It impacts • Medium-tech: Some new technology (e.g., automobile, appliances)
product design, development, testing, and the • High-tech: All or mostly new, but existing technologies (e.g., satellite, fighter jet)
requisite technical skills (a higher technology • Super high-tech: Critical technologies do not exist (e.g., Apollo moon landing)
level requires additional design cycles and
results in a later design freeze)
Complexity: Level of System Innovation— • Component/Material: The product is a discrete component within a larger product, or a material
represented by the complexity of the product • Assembly: Subsystem performing a single function (e.g., CD player, cordless phone)
or the organization. Complexity impacts the • System: Collection of subsystems, multiple functions (e.g., aircraft, car, computer)
degree of formality and coordination needed • Array: Widely dispersed collection of systems with a common mission (e.g., city transit system,
to effectively manage the project air traffic control, Internet)
Pace: Urgency of the Innovation—How • Regular: Delays are not critical (e.g., community center)
critical is your time frame. It impacts the time • Fast-competitive: Time to market is important for the business (e.g., satellite radio, plasma
management and autonomy of the project television)
management team • Time-critical: Completion time is crucial for success by exploiting a window of opportunity
(e.g., mission to Mars, Y2K)
• Blitz: Crisis project—immediate solution is necessary (e.g., Apollo 13, September 11)
Table 3: Diamond of Innovation: definitions, dimensions, and project types.

and integrate it into a large wide body The Dreamliner project, however, conducted across national borders and
such as the 787. Similarly, the tech- added a significant amount of complex- cultures, requiring them to find specific
nologies of electronic controls (“fly ity to the effort. Management’s deci- ways to overcome language and cul-
by wire”) were also new in the com- sion to outsource an unprecedented tural differences. It seems that Dream-
mercial aircraft sector. The innovative amount of design and development liner needed to implement more of
use of these technologies placed the work to hundreds of subcontractors these efforts upfront.
Dreamliner in the high-tech category worldwide required an enormous • Pace: The Dreamliner project was
of innovation. In contrast, previous amount of coordination and clear expected to be in the market in time
commercial aircraft such as the 777, rules in work procedures as well as to face and benefit from the growing
which had used traditional aluminum documentation. We propose that such demand. That would rank this project
body materials, would be classified complexity pushed the program from at the fast competitive level. Indeed,
as medium-tech. The ramifications of the system level to the array category, Boeing intended to treat the project as
such innovative technologies suggest which requires extensive coordination fast competitive, but faced with unex-
that this project required a different and formality. The ramifications for the pected delays, the pace often seemed
approach than that used in Boeing’s project were significant. What appears even faster.
previous generations. The immature to be missing in this case was a detailed
technologies required additional time, and elaborate system of vendor edu- Based on these observations, we
more testing, and additional design- cation, training, and verification that classify the Dreamliner project as a
build-test cycles, as well as more pro- these vendors can actually do the job. platform/new-to-the-market, high-tech,
totyping. Such additional work was not In addition, Boeing had to invest in array, and fast competitive, leading to
planned in advance, requiring elabo- a highly formal and strict policy for a specific style of management for this
rate decision-making processes, and vendor behavior, standards of work, classification. However, a careful analy-
additional design resources (which and coordination. Preparing these for- sis of the program’s actual style was
were later added to the program). mal rules and procedures required an different along the dimensions of tech-
• Complexity: Typically, most aircraft- extensive investment of time for build- nology and complexity. Specifically, the
building efforts can be considered sys- ing the complex management and con- actual approach chosen for managing
tems on the dimension of complexity. trol system. Array projects are often novelty was closer to platform, instead

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The Challenge of Innovation in Highly Complex Projects

of new-to-the-market , medium-tech • Uncertainty: Uncertainty represents such as lack of commitment, or prob-

approach, instead of high-tech, and the the gaps between the amount of infor- lematic relationships between stake-
one chosen to manage complexity was mation required to make a decision holders, as well as those related to the
closer to the category of system rather and what is available. Uncertainty has team. Issues that are often mentioned
than array. Figure 2 is a visual depiction an intrinsic relationship with risks, but in this category include “complexity of
of the gaps between the required man- as the literature suggests, there may be interaction” between people and orga-
agement style (bold diamond) and its different kinds of uncertainty, such as nizations, and differences of languages,
actual counterpart (dashed). uncertainty of goals and uncertainty of cultures, and disciplines. It also refers
methods (Turner & Cochrane, 1993). to the complexity of the problem situ-
Geraldi et al.’s Typology of Complexity • Dynamics: Dynamics refers to changes ation itself and the complexity of the
Based on an extensive literature sur- in factors as goals or specifications. human and/or group factor. Overall,
vey, Geraldi et  al. (2011) have adopted When changes are not well commu- this factor emerges as a combination
a broad perspective to the idea of nicated or assimilated by the team, of the political aspects and emotional
complexity, and thus identified five such changes may lead to high levels of aspects involved in projects.
dimensions of a project ’s complex- disorder, rework, or inefficiency. Proj-
ity: structural complexity, uncertainty, ects may not only change “outside-in” Geraldi et  al. (2011) do not dis-
dynamics, pace, and socio-political but also “inside-out,” where teams may cuss specific impacts of each complex-
complexity. Two of them—dynamics change their constitution or motiva- ity dimension on project management,
and socio-political complexity—were tion, or internal politics may take over. but rather, indicate that the assessment
not covered by the frameworks used • Pace: Pace relates to the temporal of project complexity could affect such
earlier and may add new insights to the aspects of a project. It represents the items as the choices of competitive pri-
analysis. urgency and criticality of time goals. orities, different project management
Pace essentially refers to the rate or methodologies and tools, managerial
• Structural complexity: Structural speed at which produces should be capacity development, or identifying
complexity relates to a large number delivered. problems in troubled projects. Further-
of distinct and interdependent ele- • Socio-political complexity: This kind more, they note that the assessment
ments. It is impacted by size, variety, of complexity relates to the problems of the type of complexity in projects is
and interdependence of the elements. involved when managing stakeholders, often subjective and will be influenced
by the project manager.
Perhaps the most significant contri-
bution of Geraldi et  al.’s work (2011) is
Super high-tech the proposition that complexity dimen-
sions are frequently interdependent.
High-tech For example, they indicate that high
uncertainty may increase the level of
dynamic complexity, which will bring
increased structural complexity. Simi-
larly, high structural complexity may
lead to increased socio-political com-
plexity, and high socio-political com-
Complexity Novelty
Array System Assembly Component Derivative Platform NTM NTWAR
plexity may lead to increased levels of
change and uncertainty. These interde-
Regular pendencies are clearly noticeable in the
case of Dreamliner, and are outlined in
Fast/competitive the following discussion.
Geraldi et  al.’s model (2011) may
Boeing Actual PM Style Time-critical offer further insights into the analysis of
Boeing 787 Required PM Style Boeing ’s Dreamliner challenges, partic-
ularly with regard to the dynamics and
socio-political complexity dimensions.
Pace The significant number of changes that
were required in order to get the project
Figure 2: 787 project’s Diamond of Innovation.
back on track increased the degree of

70 April/May 2016 ■ Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj

the dynamics compared to the original we derived from our analysis, along with for this extensive worldwide effort sug-
intentions. These dynamics required possible alternative activities that might gests that this project should have been
continuous adjustments of the project’s have prevented the difficulties. treated as an “array.” Geraldi et  al.’s
organizational structure, design, and A combined analysis using all two dimensions of complexity dynam-
testing processes, additional resources three models offers a more in-depth ics and socio-political complexity only
and modified processes, not to speak of understanding of the project ’s chal- strengthen this analysis (2011). Based
the added resources. They also caused lenges than using one model alone. on our observation, Boeing treated the
several changes in leadership during Specifically, we discuss these combined project as having a low level of dynam-
the development period. Once again, insights using the two major perspec- ics and socio-political complexity, as
one may claim that, had the company tives of uncertainty and complexity, as if things are quite stable and the cul-
originally assessed the degree of inno- well as their interdependencies. First, tural environment is mostly homoge-
vation in technology and complexity, Pich’s et  al. (2002) model shows that neous. However, the need to make an
the original plan might have been more the project adopted an instructionist extensive number of changes during the
realistic and thus may have avoided strategy, which is based on relatively development and communicate them
much of the unplanned dynamics. low levels of uncertainty, instead of with a large collection of subcontractors
The last dimension of socio-political the selectionist strategy that is typi- around the world, have increased, in our
complexity is also meaningful. Boeing ’s cally required in cases that involve a view, both the dynamics and the socio-
intentions of outsourcing design to a higher level of uncertainty. Shenhar and political complexities from low to high.
large network of subcontractors and the Dvir ’s model (2007) analysis confirms Finally, Geraldi et  al.’s interdepen-
new “build-to-performance” incentives this observation, by making a distinc- dencies of dimensions are also seen in
model created a high level of additional tion between two types of uncertainty— the other two models. When an instruc-
complexity. Subcontractors had diffi- novelty and technology. In terms of tionist strategy (Pich et  al., 2002) is
culties adjusting to Boeing ’s advanced novelty, Boeing treated the uncertainty replaced by a selectionistic strategy, or
design requirements, which were aug- faced by its stakeholders (subcontrac- when novelty or technology shift from
mented by geographical distances, tors) as “platform,” where in most cases platform and medium-tech to new-
language, and cultural differences. In ret- the experience of a previous genera- to-the-market and high-tech, both the
rospect, analysis of Geraldi et al.’s model tion is essentially repeated. However, dynamic and socio-political uncertain-
suggests that the project should have in this case, for Boeing ’s stakeholders, ties advance from the low to the high
been better prepared for these kinds the design and development experience levels. A similar argument holds true
of complexities, which resulted from its was new and its novelty in our opinion for the shift from system to array in
business-related decisions. Such prepa- should be considered as “new-to-the- Shenhar and Dvir ’s model (2007). In
rations would require an intense process market.” Similarly, by introducing sev- sum, as one can see, each model offers
of subcontractors’ education about Boe- eral key new technologies, Boeing has a slightly different analytical perspec-
ing ’s requirements and design standards, apparently lifted technological uncer- tive, but collectively, we believe, the
followed by a tight system of coach- tainty from a “medium-tech” to a “high- multi-model analysis indeed enriches
ing, reviewing, controlling, and on-going tech” level; its managerial practices, our understanding of the project’s chal-
communication with its subcontractors. however, were in our judgment, more lenges and potential lessons.
typical of a “medium-tech” level.
Combined Lessons from the Three From the complexity standpoint, we Discussion
Models may conclude that the project’s com- Boeing ’s confidence in its past experi-
As we have seen, analyzing the Dream- plexity was higher than it was in Boe- ence and record of success perhaps led
liner project using different innovation ing ’s previous generations due to the project leaders to believe that the new
models may help explain the company’s decision to share the design work with project would be as successful as before.
difficulties and suggest alternative ways an extensive number of subcontrac- Based on the above analysis, however,
that could have prevented some or all of tors. Shenhar and Dvir ’s (2007) model we demonstrated that the challenges
these delays. Overall, a careful upfront would suggest that this project should and scope of innovation were prob-
analysis of the project during the plan- thus be seen as an “array”; however, ably underestimated. The level of new
ning process would look for all the new our observation suggests that its actual practices required to manage design
practices that distinguish this project management practices fit better with subcontractors and the extent of tech-
from its predecessors, and select the the “system” level, where everything is nological innovation were much higher
mitigation techniques that would deal done in one location and in one orga- than in its previous commercial aircraft
with these challenges upfront. Table 4 nization. In reality, we believe that the projects. The effort involved in integrat-
summarizes the combined lesson that integration and communication needed ing new technologies required a much

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The Challenge of Innovation in Highly Complex Projects

Used for
Analysis Variable Actually Used Recommended Implications and Discussion
Pich Project Instructionist strategy Selectionist strategy Faced with extensive levels of uncertainty, the project
et al., management is used for a project is used where there is had to create a master plan with additional prototypes
(2002) learning where most of the insufficient information for and tests before final decisions could be made. This
strategy information for planning planning, due to high level would probably extend the original schedule, but
exists and there is a of uncertainty eventually produce a more realistic plan that would
low level of uncertainty reduce the final cost
Shenhar Novelty: Platform—A next Platform and New to the The company had to train and coach subcontractors
and Dvir Market or User generation in an Market—To customers, in its design methods as they learned to address new
(2007) (Stakeholder) existing line of products the product was indeed design and development practices. In addition, the new
Uncertainty a Platform. But for incentives model was rarely used in the industry and was
subcontractors, Boeing’s new to Boeing’s overseas partners. The model had to be
design and incentives carefully implemented with small pilots where both sides
model were “New to the experience it and gradually learn how to work effectively
Market” with it
Technology: Medium-tech—where High-tech—the project is The high-tech level required planning at least three
Extent of using new most technologies using new technology that to five design cycles, and an increased number
technology—level are well known with was recently developed of prototypes that would enable testing the new
of technological a small number of and rarely used before in technologies design and integrate it with the entire
uncertainty changes such kinds of projects aircraft
Complexity: System—a collection Array (System of Boeing’s development chain created an array of
How complex is the of subsystems Systems)—a large companies around the world that was engaged in design
product and/or the that is creating a collection of systems or and development. To succeed, such an array must
organization that is multifunctional product organizations, working be carefully coordinated with clear rules, standards,
creating it together for a common and common forms of documentation, reporting, and
mission, often widely communication. These elements are typically prepared
dispersed geographically before the array is launched worldwide
Geraldi Dynamics— Low Dynamics—not High Dynamics—where The high levels of uncertainty led to numerous changes,
et al., Extent of changes too many changes many changes are which increased the dynamics level of the project
(2011) are expected and the common and continuous
process is executed as adjustments are needed
Socio-political Low level of socio- High level of socio-political The resulting high socio-political complexity required
Complexity— political complexity, complexity, which resulted extensive attention to the cultural and languages
Complexity due as in previous projects from the need to coordinate differences. The company had to prepare an extensive
to sociological where most of the work the large collection of training program to make all managers aware of these
differences and was done inside different cultures and differences and teach them strategies to cope with them
political influences languages
Table 4: Dreamliner’s innovation challenges analysis.

higher allocation of time and other In addition, from an organizational put in place, but at a much higher cost
resources than originally planned. Lack- standpoint, the development effort of than if implemented at inception. The
ing an established framework for such the Dreamliner was more complex than interface between technological innova-
allocations, planners found out later in previous projects due to the innova- tion and organizational complexity was
that they needed to add more design tion involved in outsourcing much of also significant. The time required for
cycles to the original plan, build more the design and development, as well as a integration and for redesign iterations
prototypes, and conduct additional new incentives model. The project lacked across multiple firms was underesti-
testing. Later corrective actions led to sufficient organizational support systems mated. Boeing originally allocated only
delays and higher cost, which may have for managing the new and highly com- two months for system integration before
been avoided had these challenges been plex network of inexperienced suppliers. scheduling the first flight. In retrospect,
addressed in advance. Here, too, such systems were eventually that time was much lower than needed.

72 April/May 2016 ■ Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj

Similarly, from a strategic stand- discussed the cooperation between pro- approach for their planning and execu-
point, we believe that the company was cesses related to system development tion processes. One of the main lessons
not fully ready to manage the innova- and project management in develop- of this and similar contingency studies
tive business model of Build-to-Perfor- ing new products. Empirical innovation is that “one size does not fit all innova-
mance. Such innovation required the studies have often focused on small- tions.” Companies as well as researchers
burden of fully controlling strategic out- or medium-sized projects that built may explore more ways to understand
sourcing, supplier selection, contract- tools, appliances, cars, or software; yet, the differences among projects and
ing, monitoring, testing, and quality as mentioned, highly innovative and among different innovations. The three
control, as well as addressing the cul- complex projects have received less models for the analysis used in this arti-
tural and distance differences; however, attention. Complex projects involve cle have demonstrated possible ways
only a few of these activities were com- a substantial degree of difficulty due to identify such differences and adapt
pleted before the project was launched. to a large number of components and optimal management strategies. Pich
Our analysis indicates that the company technologies, involvement of numer- et  al.’s (2002) model shows how differ-
should have selected suppliers more ous organizations, extensive communi- ent levels of upfront information impact
carefully based on their R&D capabili- cation and coordination requirements, the project management strategy; for a
ties, level of commitment, and financial and widely dispersed teams. When it best fit, they recommended selecting
strength. Furthermore, drawing from comes to innovation, the challenge is between the instructionist, selectionist,
the analysis, we believe that the com- even greater, leading to higher risk, and learning strategies. The Diamond
pany would have greatly benefited by which often requires adapting spe- of Innovation (Shenhar & Dvir, 2004,
initiating an extensive training program cific management processes during 2007) provides a possible framework for
for its subcontractors, making sure they the development project. As Gann and analyzing innovation at the project level
were ready to take on the challenge Salter (2000), Hobday and Rush (1999), by integrating project management and
before they could commit to undertak- and Davies and Mackenzie (2012) indi- innovation management. Classifying a
ing the design and development work. cated, the management of complex project using the Diamond of Inno-
Tactically, Boeing found it difficult projects, which involve an integra- vation dimensions, leads to specific
to resolve the incentive issues under- tion of multiple components, calls for decisions based on each dimension.
lying traveled work by linking suppli- understanding and implementation of For example, the model suggests that a
ers’ performance to suppliers’ gain. The practices derived from the company high-tech project must include at least
models may indicate that Boeing should strategy, management practices, and three cycles of design, build, and test.
have revised the risk-revenue sharing organizational processes. While the It also suggests that such projects need
contract to provide mid-course finan- management of innovation in highly to allocate about 30% of the time and
cial incentives for suppliers to work complex projects is still not fully investi- budget as contingent resources beyond
faster and better, while penalizing them gated, most traditional project and pro- a typical traditional plan. Similarly,
for delays and unnecessary traveled gram management tools rarely deal with an array program must prepare clear
work. In addition, open communica- planning and managing the project ’s guidelines and coordinating mecha-
tion and well-planned monitoring and innovation. Such models tend to assume nisms to make sure all components and
controlling suppliers’ processes could that projects mostly are linear, certain, participating companies are using the
have effectively reduced traveled work, and predictable, and pretty much, “one same terminology and standards, are
ensuring only properly completed work size fits all.” Well-established traditional similarly trained, and are effectively
would pass on to the next stage, while risk management tools are aimed at communicating. Geraldi et  al.’s (2011)
helping detect problems early on. protecting a project when things might model specifically addresses five kinds
fail, hence providing a preconceived of complexity, adding the dynamics and
What Can Companies and Researchers remedy (or mitigation) when things are socio-political dimensions to previously
Learn From Boeing ’s Experience? going wrong. Based on our assessment, existing models. Low or high levels in
Innovation is clearly one of the major we suggest that innovation manage- these dimensions require specific atten-
drivers of economic growth; yet, it is ment, however, is not about “what can tion to their impact.
risky and often ends up in disappoint- go wrong?” It is about figuring out “how These models however, may not
ing results or failure. For example, long will it take to get it right?” be the only ways to deal with innova-
Tepic, Kemp, Omta, and Fortuin (2013) tion. For example, as early as 1984,
reported 16 failures out of 38 innova- Conclusions Saren (1984) suggested classifying exist-
tion projects conducted by European Our analysis has shown that highly ing models of innovation according to
industry companies and Baron, Este- complex and innovative projects may five types: departmental-stage models,
ban, Xue, Esteve, and Malbert (2015) benefit from adopting a contingency activity-stage models, decision-stage

April/May 2016 ■ Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj 73

The Challenge of Innovation in Highly Complex Projects

models, conversion process models, One of the main directions for future comprehensive acceptable theory and
and response models. More recently, research is seeking additional and per- the need to rely on a collection of models
Garcia and Calantone (2002) identified haps more refined models to distin- might have made this study prone to the
the constructs that are related to mar- guish among projects. Such distinctions specific choices of the researchers. Nev-
keting and technological perspectives, may be of two kinds: First, identify- ertheless, this study can be seen as a step
at the macro and micro levels of a proj- ing the major dimensions that charac- forward toward a better understanding
ect. They presented a comprehensive terize typical qualities of projects. For of the nature of innovation combined
list of constructs based on radicalness, example, future researchers may find with complexity. From a research and
newness, uniqueness, and complex- additional types of uncertainties and theory perspective, this study has shown
ity. Undoubtedly, additional models complexities in projects. The challenge how theoretical models could offer real
of innovation may be developed and would be to identify what really charac- guidance to practicing organizations in
applied to the fast-changing world of terizes contingencies and how to avoid addressing complex problems, particu-
innovation. overlaps and contradictions. The sec- larly when using a combination of theo-
A second clear conclusion we ond kind of investigation may be aimed ries, rather than one model individually.
derived from our analysis is that there at finding different scales or ranks for More studies in the future may use this
is currently no single comprehensive each dimension. Classical low-high dis- route to strengthen the link between
model to understand and analyze the tinctions seem to have been replaced theory and practice.
entire spectrum of innovation chal- in recent years by more refined frame-
lenges in highly complex projects such works involving three, four or more lev- References
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Tang, C. S., Zimmerman, J. D., Nelson, Useem, M. (2006). How well-run boards dissertation on “A Model for Risk Management
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risks: The Boeing 787 case. Supply Chain Wheelwright, S. C., & Clark, K. B. (1992, Philosophy (BA) and graduated from the School of
Forum: An International Journal, 10(2), March–April). Creating project plans to Business, Tel-Aviv University, with a thesis on the
74–86. focus product development. Cambridge, subject of communications effectiveness in projects
Tepic, M., Kemp, R., Omta, O., & MA: Harvard Business School Publishing. (MBA). Vered is a seasoned project manager (PMP,
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innovation management in companies in managing international projects in higher
new paradigms for complex projects.
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International Journal of Project
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for initiation and organization of academic
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conferences, awarding scholarships, and managing
report: Anatomy of a supply chain. Composites Science and Technology, 65,
the academic forum. Vered serves as a lecturer in
Industry Week. Retrieved from http:// 1436–1446.
the faculty of management in Tel-Aviv University, Youker, R. (2002). The difference between and her research interests include communications
emailref?path=node/12343 different types of projects. PMI® 30th and knowledge management, internationalization,
The Seattle Times. (2009, December 15). Annual Seminar Symposium, 2002 project risk management, and entrepreneurship
Building the 787 Dreamliner: A timeline. Philadelphia, PA, USA . and innovation in the context of leadership and
Retrieved from http://seattletimes management. She can be contacted at veredhz@post Aaron J. Shenhar, PMI Fellow, is a Professor
2010509566_787timeline15.html of Project Management and Leadership at Tel-Aviv
Thompson, J. D. (1967). Organizations University, Israel, and the CEO of SPL, an education Benjamin Melamed is a Distinguished
in action. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. and consulting organization dedicated to aligning Professor in the Department of Supply Chain
Tishler, A., Dvir, D., Shenhar, A., & projects and business. Until 2008 he was Institute Management, Rutgers Business School—Newark
Lipovetsky, S. (1996). Identifying critical Professor of Management and the founder of the and New Brunswick, Rutgers University, New
success factors in defense development project management program at Stevens Institute Jersey, USA. He has a PhD and MSc in Computer
projects: A multivariate analysis. of Technology. Previously he held various positions and Communications Sciences, from University of
Technological Forecasting and Social at the Universities of Minnesota and Rutgers Michigan, Ann Arbor, and a BSc, in Mathematics
Change, 51(2), 151–171. Business School. He holds five academic degrees and Statistics, from Tel-Aviv University, Israel.
in engineering and management from Stanford Before joining Rutgers he was a department head at
Trimble, S. (2007, September 10).
University and the Technion in Haifa, Israel. He NEC USA Inc., and a member of the technical staff
Boeing 787 first flight suffers two-month
was the first recipient of the Project Management at AT&T Bell Labs. Melamed’s research interests
delay. Flight International. Retrieved
Institute Research Achievement Award, recipient of include supply/service chain operational and
the IEEE Engineering Manager of the Year Award and financial management (including modeling, analysis,
was recently awarded as PMI Fellow as well as the simulation and optimization), systems modeling
IMPA Research Achievement Award. and performance evaluation, stochastic processes,
Turner, J. R., & Cochrane, R. A. (1993). With over 80 refereed research articles, his traditional and hybrid simulation (discrete-event and
Goals-and-methods matrix: Coping with research was published in journals such as Strategic fluid-flow paradigms), and decision support tools.
projects with ill defined goals and/or Management Journal, Management Science, Sloan He authored or co-authored over 100 papers and
methods of achieving them. International Management Review, Research Policy, and IEEE co-authored two books, and has published in a broad
Journal of Project Management, 11(2), Transactions on Engineering Management. He also range of scientific journals, including Operations
93–102. served as consultant to major companies such as Research, Mathematics of Operations Research,
Unger, B. N., Rank, J., & Gemünden, Intel, 3M, Honeywell, NASA, and IAI, as well as the Management Science, J. of Applied Probability,
H. G. (2014). Corporate innovation aerospace industry in its Program Excellence Award. Advances in Applied Probability, J. of Stochastic
culture and dimensions of project He can be contacted at aaron.shenhar@gmail.com2 Processes and their Applications, IEEE Trans. on
portfolio success: The moderating role Automatic Control, Annals of Operations Research,
of national culture. Project Management Vered Holzmann earned her PhD degree Stochastic Models, Journal of Business Logistics,
Journal, 45(6), 38–57. in management from Tel-Aviv University for her Performance Evaluation, J. of Optimization Theory

April/May 2016 ■ Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj 77

The Challenge of Innovation in Highly Complex Projects

and Applications, Nonlinear Analysis, JACM and from Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
QUESTA. He performed studies for NJ-DOT, DHS, USA. He is the co-director of the Rutgers Supply (M&SOM), Production and Operations Management,
NSF, and DARPA. Melamed was awarded an AT&T Chain Analytics Laboratory and a faculty fellow at and serves as an associate editor for Operations
Fellow in 1988 and an IEEE Fellow in 1994. He can the Lerner Center for Pharmaceutical Management Research. He is the recipient of an honorable
be contacted at Studies at Rutgers. He was a visiting scholar at mention in the M&SOM student paper competition
Duke Fuqua School of Business and MIT Operations in 2001, the National Science Foundation Career
Yao Zhao is a Professor in the Department of Research Center. His research interests lie in Award in Manufacturing Enterprise Systems in
Supply Chain Management, Rutgers Business supply chain management, project management, 2008, the Dean’s Award for Meritorious Research
School—Newark and New Brunswick, Rutgers and healthcare services management. He has in 2011, and the first prize in the INFORM case
University, New Jersey. He holds a PhD degree in published in leading operations research and writing competition in 2014. He can be contacted at
Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences management journals such as Operations Research,

78 April/May 2016 ■ Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj

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