DR Hashmi

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dr hashmi: salam

usaisamuslimcountry6: Walaikum Salaam

dr hashmi: how ru kat

dr hashmi: ru busy

usaisamuslimcountry6: I am fine and hope the same

dr hashmi: ty for dua

dr hashmi: same from me

dr hashmi: kia aap gusy ho?

usaisamuslimcountry6: yahoo blocked me again

dr hashmi: busy

dr hashmi: lol

dr hashmi: yahoo pe laanat ho

usaisamuslimcountry6: ameen

dr hashmi: ye hahoodi bare ullu k pathey hain

dr hashmi: yahoodi

usaisamuslimcountry6: no no a donkey is better than them because it will not go to hell like them
MuslimsJewsFalse Media http://www.sultan.org

dr hashmi: ha haaaaaaaa haa

dr hashmi: himar

dr hashmi: a himar is better than a jew

dr hashmi: yahood kal himar

usaisamuslimcountry6: yes

dr hashmi: but dokey is far superior than a jew

dr hashmi: because rasool allah used to ride on donkey

dr hashmi: the word ullu means owl

dr hashmi: ullu ka patha in urdu means a fool or a stupid

usaisamuslimcountry6: yes

dr hashmi: and moreover burrak was also from the family of horse and donkey

dr hashmi: so donkey has much more value than a zionist or a typical jew

usaisamuslimcountry6: yes

dr hashmi: du u read urdu poetry?

dr hashmi: mirza ghalib

dr hashmi: mir taki mir

dr hashmi: momen

dr hashmi: dagh dehelwi

usaisamuslimcountry6: no

dr hashmi: i hve a much interest in philosophy science poetry and religion

dr hashmi: but i hate sect worship

dr hashmi: u know sunni wahabi shia division of muslims

usaisamuslimcountry6: Christians, Jews, Zionists, Athiests and 72 groups (out of 73) of false Muslims are
in Hell for ever MuslimsJewsFalse Media http://www.sultan.org

dr hashmi: good

dr hashmi: 72 sects and only one in jannah

usaisamuslimcountry6: yes

dr hashmi: but which is tht 1

usaisamuslimcountry6: that one will follow quran n sunnah

dr hashmi: all claim to act upon quran and sunnah

usaisamuslimcountry6: no

usaisamuslimcountry6: you can check it very easily

dr hashmi: ?

dr hashmi: hoq

dr hashmi: how

usaisamuslimcountry6: I know a shia n I invited her for unity on the basis of Quran but she denied

dr hashmi: amazin

dr hashmi: do shia disbelieve quran

usaisamuslimcountry6: some part of it

usaisamuslimcountry6: again I invited a baraelvi for unity on the basis of Quran but she denied

dr hashmi: more amazin than shia

dr hashmi: baralvi hve full trust in quran and sunnah

dr hashmi: why shy did so?

usaisamuslimcountry6: no

usaisamuslimcountry6: here u r wrong

dr hashmi: ahan

dr hashmi: go ahead

usaisamuslimcountry6: do u have a proof to prove baraelvi leader as a stray man

dr hashmi: i think barelvi r in majority in the whole muslim world

dr hashmi: also called hanafi

usaisamuslimcountry6: no

usaisamuslimcountry6: u r wrong here also

dr hashmi: go ahead

usaisamuslimcountry6: do u know Aalaa hazrat

dr hashmi: yes

usaisamuslimcountry6: who is that person?

dr hashmi: an alim e din

usaisamuslimcountry6: satan is also an alim e din

usaisamuslimcountry6: i have a solid proof to prove that Aalaa hazrat is a stray man

dr hashmi: go ahead

usaisamuslimcountry6: do u have faith in Aulia Allah like Hazrat Junaid bagdadi rehmatullah alaih

dr hashmi: im their strong believers and lovers

dr hashmi: u?

usaisamuslimcountry6: good very good I am also like u

dr hashmi: mashallah

usaisamuslimcountry6: Do u know Hazrat Shah Naimatullah Alaih of Bukharah?

dr hashmi: some wht

usaisamuslimcountry6: good

usaisamuslimcountry6: He was in around 700 years ago

usaisamuslimcountry6: He wrote a book of pashangoiyan about India

usaisamuslimcountry6: In persian language

dr hashmi: oh now i remember them

dr hashmi: a wali allah of kashmir

dr hashmi: hazrat shah namat ullah

usaisamuslimcountry6: His all pashangoiyan are now true

dr hashmi: alhamdulillah

dr hashmi: i hve his book of predictions

dr hashmi: both in farsi and urdu

usaisamuslimcountry6: one of his predictions is that two parsons of India with their name Ahmad will
deviate muslims

dr hashmi: one is mirza ghulam ahmed qadiani

dr hashmi: right?

usaisamuslimcountry6: 100% right

usaisamuslimcountry6: and who is the second one

dr hashmi: ghulam ahmed perviz

dr hashmi: founder of pervezi sect

usaisamuslimcountry6: do u know about his birth place?

dr hashmi: whose?

usaisamuslimcountry6: ghulam ahmed perviz

dr hashmi: some where in india

usaisamuslimcountry6: do u know about his wrong works

dr hashmi: a lot of pervizi books i hve

dr hashmi: and a lot of pervizi r my friends

dr hashmi: and often i hve debates with them

usaisamuslimcountry6: what is the diferrence between a pervizi n a true muslim

dr hashmi: perviz was much inspired by newtanian science

dr hashmi: and his basic point was tht religion should follow rules of science

dr hashmi: he rejected all unseen things

dr hashmi: like malaika

dr hashmi: satan

dr hashmi: life of kaber

dr hashmi: hell

dr hashmi: and jahhah

dr hashmi: jannah

usaisamuslimcountry6: r u sure?

dr hashmi: yes

dr hashmi: and he inspired highly educated class

dr hashmi: his followers r all highly learned ppl

usaisamuslimcountry6: ok

usaisamuslimcountry6: good

usaisamuslimcountry6: well done

dr hashmi: ty

dr hashmi:

usaisamuslimcountry6: Do u know some barailvi hazrat worship the grave of our prophet?

dr hashmi: many doctors, high ranke officers, engineers a goverment officials r pervezi

usaisamuslimcountry6: Do u know some barailvi hazrat worship the grave of our prophet?

dr hashmi: strange

dr hashmi: how they worship

usaisamuslimcountry6: they installed a frame photo of the grave in mosques n they worship it

dr hashmi: how they worship?

dr hashmi: to hve a foto is different and act of wordhip is different

usaisamuslimcountry6: like rukuh n sujud

dr hashmi: as we offer salah or namaz

usaisamuslimcountry6: yes

dr hashmi: strange

dr hashmi: where r they

usaisamuslimcountry6: in baraily

usaisamuslimcountry6: ajmer

usaisamuslimcountry6: kanpur

dr hashmi: did u c them doing this thing with ur own eyes?

usaisamuslimcountry6: no

usaisamuslimcountry6: but my friends from india told me

dr hashmi: its not a strong proof

dr hashmi: but if they do so it is wrong

usaisamuslimcountry6: but i have seen on youtube about ajmer tomb

dr hashmi: ajmer tomb is the tomb of khwaja mueen u din chisti

dr hashmi: right

usaisamuslimcountry6: yes

dr hashmi: hbe u ever been there?

dr hashmi: hve

usaisamuslimcountry6: no

dr hashmi: wht abt wahabi sect?

usaisamuslimcountry6: they r follower of antichrist

dr hashmi: lol

dr hashmi: wah wht a sharp sentence

dr hashmi:

usaisamuslimcountry6: i have one hadith about them

dr hashmi: ahan

usaisamuslimcountry6: do u know the diferrence between tableeg jamaat n wahabi sect?

dr hashmi: yes

dr hashmi: wahabi r much dry and harsh and narrow minded ppl

dr hashmi: but they r wht they r

dr hashmi: but tableeghi jamat is wahabi in disguise

dr hashmi: they r not wht they r

dr hashmi: lol

dr hashmi: u understand wht i mean?

usaisamuslimcountry6: no

usaisamuslimcountry6: u r wrong
dr hashmi: ahan

usaisamuslimcountry6: some wahabis join tableeg jamaat but true tableeg jamaat is force of Jesus

dr hashmi: wht u mean?

dr hashmi: u mean they were invented by chrstns?

usaisamuslimcountry6: Muslim-Army-of-Jesus http://www.scribd.com/doc/24362382/Muslim-Army-of-

Jesus MuslimsJewsFalse Media http://www.sultan.org

dr hashmi: tableghi jamat appeared while the rein of england

usaisamuslimcountry6: yes

dr hashmi: but why

usaisamuslimcountry6: Muslim-Army-of-Jesus in his next coming against dajjal

dr hashmi: will this tableeghi jamat fight against dajjal?

usaisamuslimcountry6: yes

dr hashmi: how?

usaisamuslimcountry6: u can read http://www.scribd.com/doc/24362382/Muslim-Army-of-Jesus

dr hashmi: i will

dr hashmi: wht abt deobandi sect

usaisamuslimcountry6: they join tableeg jamaat

dr hashmi: as u told me abt wahabi

dr hashmi: similarly wht u think abt deobandi

usaisamuslimcountry6: yes, they follow quran n sunnah

dr hashmi: u mean deobandi sect is one which follows quran and sunnah

usaisamuslimcountry6: no

usaisamuslimcountry6: whoever follow quran n sunnah is on the right way

dr hashmi: in ur point of view deobandi sect is tht sect which is on the right path

usaisamuslimcountry6: not only deobandi sect

dr hashmi: wht else

usaisamuslimcountry6: all people will get paradise among whoever follow quran n sunnah

dr hashmi: whether he is shia or wahabi or barelvi

dr hashmi: ?

usaisamuslimcountry6: even jews, christians n polythiests

dr hashmi: wow

dr hashmi: u really mean it?

usaisamuslimcountry6: please read quran

dr hashmi: i already know this thing

dr hashmi: but amazed to know tht u also know this thing

usaisamuslimcountry6: do u know chapter 103 of quran

dr hashmi: go ahead

usaisamuslimcountry6: chapter 103 is the criterion for getting paradise

dr hashmi: yes

usaisamuslimcountry6: Allah addresses all people

dr hashmi: it tells tht muslims, jews chrstsn, star worshippers and who else believes in god and day of
kiamah will b spared

usaisamuslimcountry6: insan

dr hashmi: yes

dr hashmi: all humans

usaisamuslimcountry6: yes

dr hashmi: sabi

dr hashmi: which r star worshippers

dr hashmi: majoosi

usaisamuslimcountry6: sabi is followers of Noah

usaisamuslimcountry6: or Vishnu
dr hashmi: hmm

usaisamuslimcountry6: or Manu

dr hashmi: and majoosi r those who worship fire

usaisamuslimcountry6: yes

dr hashmi: and these two groups of ppl belong to ancient civilizations

usaisamuslimcountry6: \yes

usaisamuslimcountry6: yes

dr hashmi: it also means this verse of quran applies not only ppl of our age but whole human race

dr hashmi: 1st human to last one

usaisamuslimcountry6: correct

dr hashmi: it also means allah is so kind and merciful and loving tht he will spare a majority of humans

usaisamuslimcountry6: Allah does not change His sunnah

usaisamuslimcountry6: no

usaisamuslimcountry6: u r wrong here

usaisamuslimcountry6: u r against one hadith of bukhari

dr hashmi: m just interpretin the verse of quran

usaisamuslimcountry6: 1 out of 1000 will be in paradise

dr hashmi: which has only two basis of nijat

usaisamuslimcountry6: no 4 basis

usaisamuslimcountry6: imaan

usaisamuslimcountry6: good works

usaisamuslimcountry6: haq (quran n hadiths)

usaisamuslimcountry6: n sabr in the path of maintaining the three

dr hashmi: right

usaisamuslimcountry6: ok
usaisamuslimcountry6: Allah hafiz

dr hashmi: Allah hafiz

dr hashmi: take care

dr hashmi:

usaisamuslimcountry6: can i publish this discussion on scribd

dr hashmi: why not

usaisamuslimcountry6: ok good thanks

dr hashmi is typing...

dr hashmi: this is very useful and informative

usaisamuslimcountry6: yes

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