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Format of Report Summary and MCQ

1. Paper Size: A4 210 x 297 mm

2. Font Style and Size: Arial 12

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3. Single Line Spacing

4. Indentation: Left – 0” and Right – 0”

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5. Spacing: Before – 0 pt and After – 0 pt

6. Margins: Normal

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7. Paragraphs must be justified.

8. The report should be formatted following the sample below:

Capitalized and Chapter I

in bold. General Consideration

- Abrillo

I. TOPIC 1 Capitalized and in bold.

Last Name

A. Sub-Topic 1.1
B. Sub-Topic 1.2
1) Sub-section 1.2.1
2) Sub-section 1.2.2



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9. The MCQ should be formatted following the sample below:

Chapter I
General Consideration

- Abrillo

1. A physician who specializes or is involved primarily with medico-legal duties is

known as _____________.
a. Medical Jurist No space between the question
b. Medical Technologist and the choices.
c. Medical Doctor
d. Medical Scientist
Provide space between
2. Who was the earliest recorded medico-legal expert? numbers.
a. Imeeroy
b. Eminem Follow the arrangement of
c. M & M the choices.
d. Imhotep


10. File Name for the Summary: Chapter 1_Abrillo_Summary

11. File Name for the MCQ: Chapter1_Abrillo_MCQ

12. Deadline of submission: July 13, 2018 (Friday). Late reports will not be accepted.

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