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Technology news from Subsea 7 - May 2014

see page 2

What’s inside...
03 Tethered Catenary Riser: a
novel concept
04 Bundle technology: extending
its capability
06 Integrity Management for
Pipe-in-Pipe and Bundles
07 Innovative geotechnics: new
mudmat design methodology
08 Welding for corrosion-resistant
alloy pipelines
10 BuBi® Mechanically Lined pipe
installed by reel-lay
12 Remote hydrocarbon
sampling skid
16 Outstanding versatility: the
Seven Arctic’s crane

Seven Borealis installing pipe on

CLOV project, offshore Angola

02 03

High-Performance Pipe-in-Pipe Tethered Catenary Riser:

a novel concept for
installed on CLOV by J-lay ultra-deep water
Hervé Quintin, CLOV Engineering Manager Jean-Luc Legras,
Chief Engineer - Design Authority
To meet the challenging flow assurance demands of an Angolan
deepwater development in Total’s CLOV field, Subsea 7 recently Subsea 7 has added a further new riser concept to
Subsea technology: designed a high-performance Pipe-in-Pipe (PIP) pipeline which its portfolio for field development in deep and ultra-
is currently being installed by J-lay from its flagship pipelay/
more important than ever heavy-lift vessel, the Seven Borealis. The PIP installation is over
deep waters: the Tethered Catenary Riser (TCR).
The TCR concept has been under development
The subsea industry is experiencing a continuous 125km long and is being laid in 1400m of water. Subsea 7 also since 2010, and consists of a number of Steel
move into deeper water and towards more complex delivers similar high-performance PIP technology by using the Catenary Risers (SCRs) supported by a subsurface
field developments. This trend brings a new set of reel-lay method. buoy which is tethered to the seabed by a single
challenges for subsea technology, including higher pipe tendon and anchored by a suction pile.
The main challenges during this project were:
pressures, more difficult fluids, longer tie-backs and, Flexible jumpers are used to make the connection
increasingly, sea-bed processing. • achieving the required thermal performance between the Floating Production Unit (FPU) and the
• the laying tension in excess of 550t during the installation of the buoy. Umbilicals run without interruption from the
These challenges are being met through innovative PIP production lines FPU to their subsea end and are supported by the
applied technology in many forms - heavier • the large number of flowline structures buoy.
structures, longer umbilicals, more complex • the stringent welding acceptance criteria for flowlines susceptible
spoolpieces, more sophisticated risers and a great to lateral buckling. The system has all the advantages of decoupled riser
diversity of pioneering systems and equipment to be arrangements. Flexible jumpers effectively absorb
designed, qualified and installed. High-performance PIP platform motions, and therefore the rigid risers and
Subsea 7 collaborated on an advanced PIP design with tendons have very limited dynamic excitation. The
At Subsea 7, we have always believed that applied system can be installed before the FPU arrives on
development partner ITP InTerPipe using a 24m-long double joint
technology plays a critical role in providing clients site, which reduces the time before first oil. The
which was fabricated onshore. The annulus in the double joint
with effective solutions to meet the challenges of riser system is designed for optimal operations
contains a blanket of IzoflexTM and the outer pipe is swaged down
deepwater and harsh environments. As you will with between four and eight risers, in addition to a
and welded to the inner pipe.
see in these pages, we have a long-established number of umbilicals, and is therefore best suited to
commitment to developing new technology which The annulus is then drawn down to a reduced pressure to achieve supporting one or two drilling centres.
allows clients to realise their projects cost-effectively the required insulation properties. A further benefit offered by this
and efficiently. design is that offshore welding activities can be confined to just This development work clearly indicates that it is
the inner pipe. To complete the system, a sleeve is slid over the possible to have a robust design using presently
We continue to invest in wide-ranging product qualified materials and technology. The components
offshore weld and maintained with resin to ensure the continuity of
portfolios in key technology areas such as riser Installation of PLET on board the Seven Borealis on CLOV project, offshore Angola included in the TCR are all field-proven and are
the thermal and mechanical properties of the PIP. For the 12-inch
design, welding and pipelay installation methods. commonly used in existing riser systems.
by 16-inch PIP flowlines, a U value of 0.96 W/m2K was achieved, Borealis and the J-lay installation method proved particularly
We collaborate with development partners on and for the 10-inch by 15-inch PIP flowlines a U Value of well suited to this type of work. Structures were installed An installation method very similar to the one
emerging game-changing technologies like pipeline 0.76 W/m2K was achieved. using the PLET Handling System, which permitted an early commonly used by Subsea 7 for Single Hybrid Risers
health monitoring, high-performance thermally and safe fit-up operation. Special double joints of different (SHRs) has been selected for the buoy and tether
efficient Pipe-in-Pipe products, corrosion-resistant Installation characteristics lengths were prepared in advance in order to adjust the final system.
mechanically lined pipe and autonomous inspection • Safe and efficient field joint coating operations were required, length of the line. Structures were all installed well within
vehicles. building effective cooperation between sub-contractors, project the pre-defined target box, and tie-in spool dimensions were The TCR is therefore a credible new option for use in
and offshore resources teams. This high level of collaboration maintained close to their nominal dimensions. deepwater developments anywhere in the world.
We also continue to invest in the design and was essential to ensure the efficient integration of the equipment
construction of the industry’s largest and most required to manage the handling of heavy PIP sleeves, and the Fatigue performance
versatile fleet. We are, for example, currently building injection of large amounts of resin.
a new flagship heavy construction vessel, the Seven In general, fatigue performance and associated welding
Arctic, which sets new standards in crane capacity • Increased pipe diameters were used, with 12-inch inner pipes acceptance criteria are not critical for flowlines. However,
and versatility, and will allow clients to execute large, inserted in 16-inch outer pipes. This called for laying tension in certain sections of the CLOV flowlines were susceptible to
complex projects more quickly and cost-effectively. excess of 550t. significant cyclic displacements and the associated high levels
• A series of studies and tests was necessary to verify the pipeline of fatigue induced by the operating conditions.
deep 7 profiles only a small number of the high- integrity during the laying operation. These included assessment
technology concepts that we have conceived, For these critical locations, more stringent welding acceptance
of the friction coefficient between the pipe and clamp, and of the criteria were adopted and special sections were welded with
commercialised and are applying in client projects. mechanical resistance to the squeeze load. allowable defect sizes at the limit for detection by Automatic
Don’t hesitate to contact us to explore any areas of • Specific methods were developed for the abandonment of the Ultrasonic Testing (AUT). The flexibility offered by the J-lay
mutual technological interest in more depth. heavy catenaries, using all the available installation equipment on method ensured that these could be installed in the correct
board the Seven Borealis. locations, thus limiting the number of special joints required.

Multiple in-line structures The successful project execution on CLOV is confirmation

Dr Stuart N Smith, One characteristic of the CLOV field layout is the large number of that Subsea 7 possesses the technology, assets, and project
Vice President Technology & Asset Development flowlines of relatively short length, and the large number of in- teams capable of meeting the most demanding challenges of
line structures. In total, 52 structures, including ten in-line, were complex deepwater projects.
John Mair, Technology Development Director Tethered Catenary Riser (TCR)
installed and welded to the flowlines. The combination of the Seven
For further information contact

deep7 May 2014 seabed-to-surface

04 05

Extending Bundle technology

Martin Goodlad, Bundle Design Manager
Subsea 7 has designed, fabricated, and installed Bundles techniques using optical fibres have demonstrated their
(towed pipeline production systems) for over 33 years, with efficiency in providing monitoring data along a single optical
69 Bundles installed to date. fibre cable.
In recent years, Bundles have been accepted as a technically The application of this technology will allow real-time
and commercially attractive solution that allows difficult fields monitoring of corrosion, erosion, blockages and leaks,
to be successfully developed. and in the process will enhance Subsea 7’s Life-of-Field
capabilities. This new technology also complements our
Bundle technology presents significant potential for extending
recent developments in Electrically Heat Traced Flowline
existing facilities or opening up new developments, and its
(EHTF) technology.
global future and prospects for further innovation are equally
exciting. How hot can a Bundle get?
The challenges of deeper water Pipeline Bundles are currently ideally suited to development
of HP/HT fields, and in many cases have allowed the
Deeper water is a challenge for Bundle design, since it places development of fields where no other technology provided a
considerable demands on the collapse resistance of the carrier practical or financially viable solution.
pipe and the internal nitrogen pressures. The greatest water
depth for a Subsea 7 Bundle design to date is 410m, for BG’s The design and fabrication method for Bundles allows the
Knarr development in Norway, but it is expected that this internal bundle components to expand differentially and
can be extended in the future by use of alternative buoyancy therefore relax the axial forces experienced by the flowlines. Super duplex production line in Wick, North of Scotland
arrangements. The reduction in axial force can be up to 17% in some cases.
Pipeline Bundles are currently limited to a maximum length of This allows the Bundle flowlines to be designed using stress-
The largest Bundle carrier pipe diameter specified for a
7.6km, the length of Subsea 7’s Bundles fabrication line at based criteria. A study is currently being undertaken to
project is currently 56.4-inches, for Total’s West Franklin
Wick, in the North of Scotland. For longer tie-back distances, examine the opportunities for expanding the current design
multiple Bundles connected in series can be produced, such
as BP’s Andrew project in the North Sea, which used four
limits to beyond 160˚C and 604 bar, and will review the impact
on all Bundle components.
North Sea development (installed in 2013). The launchway
at Subsea 7’s Wick fabrication yard is currently expected Investment in the future
to accommodate carrier pipes up to 60-inches in size. The
Bundles, extending a total distance of 27.8km.
Flowline pre-tensioning is one potential enhancement. During heaviest towhead weight to date to be launched is 525t, but In early autumn 2013, Subsea 7 invested over
the Bundle fabrication, tension is locked into the high- this is expected to be exceeded by the Norwegian BG Knarr $8.8million (£5.5m) in refurbishing its pipeline
Health monitoring Bundle fabrication site at Wick, in the North of
temperature flowlines, thereby reducing the compressive project towhead which will weigh around 590t. To further
Subsea 7 has recently developed pipeline health monitoring forces experienced during operation. expand the Wick site capabilities, a second launchway will Scotland. The refurbishment programme is to
systems for use in individual Pipe-in-Pipe flowlines using fibre- be installed with capacity for up to 700t towheads. be carried out in two phases and includes new
optic technology. Advances in fibre-optic technology present Subsea 7 has also recently developed welding procedures state-of-the-art equipment for five firing lines, a
unique features that significantly outperform conventional for X80 pipelines. Lower weld criteria can be accepted 230m extension to the main fabrication shop and
sensing techniques. The ability to measure temperatures for Bundles than with reeled flowlines. Flowlines are not Case study - Bundles for the Barents a new office and welfare complex at the landward
and strain at thousands of points along a single fibre is a plastically deformed during the reeling process and therefore end of the facility. Refurbishment is scheduled for
Subsea 7 recently completed a study for Statoil exploring
particularly productive area of investigation. In the past few do not not require weld over-matching. completion in 2014.
the use of Bundles in the Barents Sea. The study primarily
years, innovative distributed strain and temperature monitoring focused on the fatigue implications on the carrier pipe which
may be caused by extended tow lengths in excess
of 2,000km. Bundles – a story of
This important study involved detailed analysis of different ongoing development
tow configurations and depths in order to limit fatigue
damage. The analysis drawn from this study was complex Bundle technology is based on a core of standard
and challenged by changes in the typical wave spectral data system design methods which have been
as the tow headed north, and as the spectra altered, from steadily developed over 30 years. Subsea 7’s
spectral characteristics typical of the North Sea, to the Arctic Bundle systems offer a number of advantages
Ocean and the Barents Sea. over conventional flowlines, in particular where
multi-flowlines and high thermal performance are
The study demonstrated that towing Bundles up to 2,000km important. The main benefits and advantages of
is a realistic prospect, and the extended tow duration was next-generation Bundle systems include excellent
accepted by the client. The study also considered laying thermal performance to prevent wax formation and
the Bundle on the seabed over multiple iceberg scars. The hydrates, prevention of global buckling for HP/HT
study demonstrated that the deployment of Bundles reduced fields, multiple bundled flowlines, ,mechanical and
the amount of rock dump required when compared to corrosion protection, and the potential for re-use.
conventional pipelay due to the enhanced free-spanning
capabilities of the Bundle.

Current Bundle development initiatives will help to ensure the

future of this important technology. For further information contact

Knarr Bundle before carrier tie-in

deep7 May 2014 seabed-to-surface

06 07

Continuous Integrity Working at the leading edge

Management: of innovation in offshore
subsea Pipe-in-Pipe and pipeline Bundles
Dr Gordon Drummond, Technology Manager
The profile of Integrity Management within the global Régis Wallerand, COE Geotechnics
oil and gas industry is higher than it has ever been, in
particular when operating in deep water and difficult or In today’s offshore environment, where exploration and recovery of
pioneering offshore environments. The aim of Integrity hydrocarbons are at increasingly greater water depths, shallow-skirted
Management is to ensure that facilities remain fit for foundations, generally referred to as ‘mudmats’, are used extensively
purpose, and that any remedial action can be taken in for subsea structures. These include well manifolds, pipeline end
good time. terminations (PLETs) or in-line structures, many of which need to
be designed to withstand fully three-dimensional loading due to
Integrity Management is reliant on information for a given contraction and expansion of the connecting pipelines and jumpers.
piece of equipment or system being collected and analysed.
Periodic inspection, as part of Inspection, Repair and Pipeline buckle detected by change in strain The mudmats are typically rectangular in plan, and fitted with peripheral and
Maintenance (IRM) campaigns, can provide data about internal skirts to increase their stability for the soft soil conditions commonly
To date, Subsea 7 has determined how to include fibre-optics encountered in deep water (with the strength of only a few kPa). It has
the asset at a precise point in time during an inspection.
within the system design and manufacture of the overall become critically important to maintain a regime of continual improvement
Thereafter, specialist and predictive analyses are required to
assembly. The company has proved that it can integrate the to mudmat design, primarily to keep sizes within a range that can be easily Field development showing a number of
assure continued safe use until the next scheduled inspection
fibre elements and have them successfully installed by the installed by pipelay vessels.
structures with mudmats
is due.
pipeline reeling process. The sensitivity of the measuring
device to detect and monitor pipeline deterioration has been Skirted mudmats Hybrid foundations
demonstrated. Subsea 7’s geotechnical engineers A novel approach to reducing the
The next stage of the project involves developing algorithms continue to lead highly innovative plan area of mudmats involves
which will trigger alarms when certain thresholds are programmes in the ongoing incorporating pin-piles at each corner
exceeded. Thereafter, it becomes a relatively straightforward development of mudmats, some of of the mudmats, resulting in a hybrid
process, with the point of strain in a pipeline identified and which have already brought great foundation where the load is shared
monitored until it becomes critical and a threat to integrity. benefits to SURF projects like the between mudmat and piles. The piles
CLOV deepwater development for Total offer a significant increase in capacity,
Subsea 7 is ready to bring to the market a continuous in Angola. This was made possible particularly in respect to the sliding and
Pipeline freespan detected by change in strain monitoring solution which offers the ability to enhance through the development of a new Scale model tests in a centrifuge torsional modes of failure.
operational performance, while providing ongoing awareness design methodology in collaboration
The maturity of sensory technology now allows parameters of the health of PIP and Bundle systems. with the University of Western Australia
to be continuously measured and, from that, the health or (UWA), aimed at optimising the size
well-being of the asset can be determined. This is common Subsea 7 now offers an independent risk-based Integrity of fixed skirted mudmats for subsea
practice in other industries; examples include particle Management service that supports operators of subsea assets structures. Significant improvements in
monitoring, which provides intelligence on wear in helicopter in maintaining their facilities in an optimum condition. A strong the design, fabrication and installation
gearboxes, or displays of car tyre pressures on modern understanding of clients’ integrity requirements allows of subsea structures are a result of this
dashboard displays. Subsea 7 is looking to import and adopt Subsea 7 to include integrity management considerations in programme.
designs at an early stage and assess the output from various Hybrid
technologies that are qualified and proven in other industries. foundation
measuring devices to demonstrate the state of health of concept
Significant steps have been taken to develop real-time Sliding mudmats
pipeline systems.
monitoring for higher-end products, specifically Pipe-in- Current mudmat design scenarios for Validation of the potential of such hybrid
Pipe (PIP) and pipeline Bundles. The most prevalent form PLETs are often aimed at preventing foundations was provided through a
of degradation of subsea hydrocarbon pipeline systems is sliding away from the foundation. research collaboration between
internal corrosion and a consequent loss of containment, However, controlled sliding of the Subsea 7, BP and the UWA. This
which drives the requirement to verify integrity and safe mudmat on the seabed can be innovative foundation system is being
operation. beneficial since axial loads in the adopted on Esso’s Erha North project
pipeline and jumper can relax. A design offshore Nigeria as a cost-effective
Subsea 7 has engaged in a systematic programme of guideline that did not previously exist mitigation solution against pipeline
investigation to define the primary threats to which subsea in the industry has been developed by ‘walking’.
pipelines are exposed, and investigate the nature of any Subsea 7 through another pioneering
degradation. Calibrated with data drawn from this study, research programme, in collaboration Leading-edge
sensory devices were then deployed to detect potential with Cathie & Associates, geotechnical These three research programmes on
threats. Fibre-optic sensors were chosen as the preferred engineering consultants. This design deepwater shallow foundations have
means to detect and measure deterioration. guideline is now being validated kept Subsea 7 at the leading edge of
Pipeline hydrate obstruction detected by change in strain through comprehensive model tests in innovation in offshore foundations,
a geotechnical centrifuge at IFSTTAR, a producing cost-effective and reliable
For further information contact leading research institute in France. solutions for clients.
PLET with skirted mudmats on the Seven Borealis For further information contact

deep7 May 2014 seabed-to-surface

08 09

Welding developments for Autonomous Inspection Vehicle

corrosion-resistant pipelines (AIV) – a game-changing
Richard Jones, Pipeline Production Group Welding Technology Manager

Stainless steels are increasingly being used for oil and gas
pipeline applications. The last two decades have seen
the development of specific designs of stainless steel Hugh Ferguson,
grades, including low-carbon 13Cr martensitic and duplex Projects and Operations Director, Life-of-Field
stainless steels which offer improved properties and cost
effectiveness for a wide range of operational service Subsea 7’s Autonomous Inspection The AIV is designed
environments. The selection of the optimum stainless Vehicle (AIV) was conceived as a to dive to 3,000m.
steel grade requires careful consideration of the service pioneering deepwater autonomous
environment. Additionally, the successful utilisation of inspection capability. In its Because of its unique
such pipeline materials requires critical control of the current development stage and basket deployment
welding procedures if the required corrosion performance configuration, it is a visual inspection system, all of the
is to be maintained. vehicle which will augment the AIV’s power resources
company’s workclass Remotely can be dedicated to the
The current generation of weldable 13Cr martensitic stainless
Operated Vehicle (WROV) and inspection missions, with
steels is a cost-effective choice for CO2 and mildly sour
observation class Remotely no power wasted on a dive
environments. These steels offer high strength at elevated
Operated Vehicle (ObsROV) and recovery process. Missions of up
temperatures that allow material and fabrication savings to
inspection services. to a single day can be achieved at a
be made through reductions in pipe wall thickness. Such
stainless steels exhibit relatively high hardenability, so that The revolutionary and unique aspect of speed of two knots, depending on the
hydrogen-controlled welding procedures are necessary to the Subsea 7 AIV is its ability to hover currents experienced.
mitigate the risk of fabrication cracking. Typically super-duplex and safely achieve close approach
stainless steel filler wires (25%Cr) in de-hydrogenated form and detailed inspections of subsea There is a comprehensive topside
are used for welding in order to achieve matching weld metal equipment. control system that plugs into the
strength properties. It is also generally accepted that a short AIV on deck. Complex missions can
post-welding heat treatment (typically 650°C for five minutes) be programmed through the control
The AIV has a dedicated launch and
has a beneficial effect on heat-affected zone (HAZ) hardness system, undertaking the same full
Manual GTAW welder qualification for duplex stainless steel bundle project recovery system and winch, and is
and stress corrosion cracking resistance. inspection sequencing deployed by a
deployed from its own basket station
on the ocean floor. It can be deployed WROV. The deck control system can
Recently Subsea 7 has developed improved welding which involved the fabrication of 5.8km of production flowline
from a vessel and work in tandem undertake system diagnostics. All of
technology for welding 13Cr steels. This has involved the use in 283.9mm ID x 20mm WT SMLS 13Cr – 2.5Mo SPD line pipe.
with a WROV carrying out Inspection, these activities can be managed by
of the Cold Metal Transfer (CMT) process to deposit good-
The duplex stainless steel alloys offer improved corrosion Repair and Maintenance (IRM) tasks, onshore control centres, with the only
quality root passes in a combination with the Pulsed Gas
resistance and resistance to chloride stress corrosion cracking or permanently based on a Floating reliance on another platform being a
Metal Arc Welding (PGMAW) process for deposition of high-
while also maintaining high strength properties. This is Production Storage and Offloading plug-in to the deck cable.
quality fill and cap passes. The CMT process is an advanced
short-circuit metal transfer GMAW technique which enables especially the case for the more highly alloyed super-duplex (FPSO) installation. No surface mother
the root pass to be welded without the need for an internal grades (25%Cr) which offer remarkable corrosion resistance vessel needs to follow the vehicle. De-risking of the autonomous nature of
copper shoe. This has resulted in a significant improvement in and high strength. The properties of the duplex stainless the system includes building numerous
corrosion performance. This improved welding solution was steels are highly dependent on the microstructural phase control behaviours to account for
The system will be maintained and
successfully deployed for Statoil’s Svalin project in Norway balance. Generally speaking, phase balance is considered to any system anomalies or emergency
operated by a small crew of dedicated
be optimised when ferrite and austenite are in roughly equal situations. The vehicle is programmed
technicians. The data processing takes
critical proportions. This is dependent on the thermal history. to return to its basket if the AIV believes
place onshore with a design that allows
the support team to undertake its work there are any anomalies that will
Therefore, during pipeline fabrication, careful control of the
in near real time. compromise the mission.
preheat/interpass temperature and heat input is necessary
to ensure that the optimum phase balance is maintained in
the weld metal and HAZ. Subsea 7’s CMT/PGMAW welding The AIV system is currently configured In an emergency situation, depending
technology can be used to advantage for the welding of duplex with video, which is soon to be on the deployment mode, the vehicle
steels. Precise control of the weld root profiles and heat input upgraded to HD video cameras and will either sink to the seabed or release
for welding ensures that the optimum combination of strength, 3-D high-resolution sonar. The battery buoyancy and float to the surface,
toughness and corrosion performance is maintained. life and data storage permits up to 24- signalling for recovery.
hour missions, collecting continuous
This technology will be deployed for Noble Energy’s West
data through its sensors. For further information contact
African Diega Pipe-in-Pipe (PIP) project which will involve
fabrication of 14km inner pipe comprising 25% Cr super-
duplex stainless steel of nominal dimension 219.1mm OD x
13.7mm WT. Fabrication is due to commence mid-2015 in
Subsea 7’s Port Isabel spoolbase in the USA.
Mechanised CMT welding of clad pipe
For further information contact
deep7 May 2014 seabed-to-surface
10 11

A cost-effective solution: process down to an accuracy of 50μm

on any surface feature. This allowed
both Subsea 7 and pipe manufacturer
Finite Element Analysis was performed
using ABAQUS® software to model
the behaviour of the pipe in several

transporting corrosive fluids using BuBi® lined BUTTING to understand the relation
between pre-existing surface features
installation and service conditions.
This detailed analysis proved itself very
on the outer pipe ID and the value of efficient in interpreting and predicting
pipe and reel-lay installation techniques the gripping force obtained through
BUTTING’s ‘push-out test’.
the process involved. Excellent
correlation was found between reeling
tests and confirming the complete
All test pipes were subjected to a
Grégory Toguyeni, Senior Welding and Materials Engineer conservative cyclic bending test,
integrity of the pipe.

or reeling simulation, using a radius Mechanical and non-destructive

of curvature of 7.5m. This allowed tests were conducted post-reeling
testing of the specific Subsea 7 and fatigue, including tensile tests,
reeling technique using low internal hardness, toughness and corrosion
pressurisation of the pipe.* tests (G48, G28, ASTM A262),
radiography, ultrasonic and dye-
Full-scale resonance fatigue testing penetrant examination.
of several pipes was conducted in
accordance with DNV-RP-C203 at The An extensive Non-Destructive
Welding Institute in Cambridge. Four Examination (NDE) validation
progressively higher fatigue classes programme was conducted between
were selected for the test. Specimens Subsea 7 and BUTTING to demonstrate
were fully inspected after reaching each the capacity to detect flaws in the pipe
fatigue class in order to confirm the ends overlay welds and seal welds
absence of any failure initiation not only at the transition between liner and
on the carbon steel outer pipe, but also overlay. This development has led
on the corrosion-resistant liner and at to an inspection procedure specific
the seal welds. The endurance of the to the transition zone. A programme
pipe and its welds was thus confirmed of sectioning of a high number of
to exceed the target level of DNV pipe-end overlays correlated with
fatigue class C (DNV-RP-C203). The the development of a weld overlay
test was continued until failure in order procedure has also allowed an
to understand the ultimate resistance, improved understanding of the controls
the failure mode and location. Failure to prevent the formation of a gap
occurred at DNV (Class B1). A good behind the seal weld and getting a A‘world first’. Mechanically lined BuBi® pipe
going over the Seven Ocean reel-lay system at
understanding of the product capability repeatable weld profile and metallurgy. the Subsea 7 Vigra spoolbase, Norway
was gained from the subsequent failure
investigation, such as in the carbon The pipe outer diameters covered
steel pipe and liner, and failure initiation by this development programme
point. range from 8-inch to 12-inch, with an ongoing extension up to 16-inch. This
development has been fully accepted
Full-length mapping of internal liner surface using laser equipment within the market and led to the award
of Petrobras’ Guará-Lula NE project
With corrosive fluids posing an local buckling during the spooling A total of 17 test strings has been in Brazil, where 70km of 8-inch and
increasing challenge for field process. Equally important was to tested, using carbon steel grade X65 9-inch BuBi® pipe is deployed by
developments and corrosion- demonstrate the integrity of the weld for the outer pipe and 316L stainless the Seven Oceans. In 2013, Statoil
resistant alloy (CRA) materials joining the liner pipe to the outer pipe at steel, alloy 825 and alloy 625 for the awarded Subsea 7 a contract for the
becoming more expensive, Subsea 7 the ends of each joint, or seal weld. liner. Aasta Hansteen project, which included
has been conducting an extensive the design, coating, fabrication and
testing and development programme The test strings were made up of BuBi®
installation of around 19km of 12-inch
since 2010 to qualify the installation pipe sections welded together using
BuBi® pipe to be installed by reeling.
of the cost-effective mechanically the mechanised Hot Wire Pulsed Gas
lined BuBi® pipe by reel-lay. A DNV Tungsten Arc Welding (PGTAW) process Subsea 7 now has an unrivalled
certificate of Fitness for Service and with alloy 625 filler metal. Since then, a experience and know-how of supplying
two significant supply and install procedure based on Pulsed Gas Metal and installing BuBi® mechanically lined
projects have been awarded to Arc Welding (PGMAW) has also been pipes by the reeling method, resulting
Subsea 7 during this period. Further qualified for improved productivity. in considerable cost savings for field
development work has demonstrated developments with corrosive fluids.
A detailed laser metrology examination
the suitability of the product for and mapping of the full internal
fatigue-sensitive applications, such surface of the pipe at manufacturing
as Steel Catenary Risers (SCRs). stage and before and after reeling
The main challenge associated with simulation was also carried out. This
the installation of BuBi® lined pipe by innovative technique permitted detailed
S-N curves showing BuBi® pipe fatigue life up to monitoring of the behaviour of the liner Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) image of an austenitic liner material fracture face; fatigue For further information contact
reeling was to demonstrate that the DNV class C target curve and failure at class B1 striations can be observed and allow calculation of fatigue crack growth rate
inner pipe, or liner, did not suffer from pipe surface throughout the reeling

* Installation methodology includes licence from

Statoil Petroleum A.S.

deep7 May 2014 seabed-to-surface

12 13

Remote hydrocarbon There are six video cameras on the Topside equipment overview surface and then flushed out from the

sampling skid
sampling skid. Three cameras are Once all hydrocarbons and slops have skid into the topside equipment slops
powered and interfaced directly from been re-injected into the SU, which is tank.
the ROV. All pictures from these followed by a MEG flush, only small
cameras are available at the topside The topside equipment is mounted
amounts of sample hydrocarbons are in a fabricated basket and consists
ROV control console. Three cameras recovered at the surface following the of a flushing solvent tank and slops
Mick Fowkes, are powered and interfaced from the test campaign.
valve packs on the skid and only one container, complete with nitrogen cap.
Applications Development Venting of the slops tank is provided
of these pictures will be available for In the event of a dead-sub or
Manager topside transmission at a time. Video vessel blackout when the ROV has to accommodate extreme deck
switching allows for each of these video to be recovered mid-process, the temperatures.
As the need to exploit offshore oil
and gas deposits in increasingly streams to be monitored. hydrocarbons are recovered at the
challenging environments increases,
the economic development and Subsea hardware requirements
safe operation of technologies has In order to perform sampling without Skid storage and
spares container
become more critical. interrupting production, a Sampling Unit
(SU) is required to be incorporated in
The requirement to sample and the design of subsea infrastructure.
establish the characteristics of
produced well fluids has been long The SU is a mixing device which
established in order to provide: separates the gas phase from the liquid
• fluid composition and flow data for phase to ensure a liquid sample volume.
each well In the mixer, the gas flows upwards
whereas the liquid phases are mixed
• reservoir management towards the bottom. The SU can be
• fiscal allocation. installed upstream of the Multiphase
Flowmeter (MPFM) in a topside
Traditional methods for sampling and
installation or subsea in a manifold, tree Topside equipment overview
testing wells employed the use of a
Sampling skid being deployed
or a flowline jumper.
dedicated subsea test header, pipeline
or riser, connected to test separators Sampling ports at the lower and upper System flushing unit,
slops and solvent
and individual single-phase flow methodology and can be deployed to Control system overview part of the SU chamber are piped to an tanks
meters located on a surface production meet the client’s schedule and mitigate Communications between the sampling ROV hot-stab receptacle mounted on
facility. But, as production has moved any timescale implications. skid and a topside laptop PC is by the unit. Double block valves provide
into deeper water, Multi-Phase Flow means of the host ROV fibre-optic isolation between the chamber and hot
Meters (MPFMs) have been introduced The origins of the remote multiplexer, over an RS232 link. A stab.
to monitor or meter individual well hydrocarbon sampling skid minimum of one spare serial channel
production prior to a manifold is required to interface the skid and all Sampling skid design overview
A patent was granted for Subsea 7’s Sample bottles
combining the production from several relevant sensor data telemetry from the The hydrocarbon sampling skid is
first remote hydrocarbon sampling
wells for onwards transport in a single surface to the ROV electronics pod. mounted under the delivery ROV and
skid in 1998 and revised again in 2010.
riser or flowline. Connection from the sampling skid has a similar footprint. The skid houses
This early sampling system covered Water jacket
Since reservoir and well fluid relatively shallow water installations and electronics control systems to the ROV the following subsystems:
characteristics alter during their was not required to mitigate for hydrate electronics pod is via copper cables. • Eight US Department of Transport-
lifecycle, it is essential that MPFMs or waxing issues. Obtaining samples approved sample bottles, pipework
A single 115Vac @ 7A power supply Interface stab
are recalibrated to account for these relied upon well pressure to fill the and isolation valves, housed in a
from the host ROV provides the
changes to ensure their continued sample bottles as this was greater than heated water jacket, manufactured
sampling skid with all necessary power.
accuracy. To enable recalibration the ambient seawater at the sample from buoyancy materials
to be performed, regular periodic location. The requirement to protect the • Heating system
samples of the well production fluids environment from hydrocarbon release
• Syringe-style suction pump with the
are taken. The samples are extracted was paramount with this design.
ability to extract process fluids and
from the flowing production fluid in gas from the SU that is of a lower
The sampling skid in operation today
close proximity to the MPFM. The pressure than the ambient seawater
is capable of taking separate samples
samples are tested to provide up to- at the work site.
from up to eight individual wells in Valve packs
date fluid data to permit recalibration
a single dive. During operation and • Syringe-style monoethylene glycol
of the MPFM to maintain operations at
recovery, the temperature and pressure (MEG) injection pump system
optimum accuracy.
of the samples are maintained to • Syringe-style slops suction and
It is critical that an accurate and prevent the sample coming out of phase reinjection pump system Double block valve interface tool
representative sample can be taken and to prevent hydrates forming in the Control panel
• Slops storage flask
to ensure precise calibration of the sample or skid pipework. On recovery,
Electrical power is supplied from the • Buoyancy
MPFM and its continued effectiveness the sample bottles are removed from Illustration of Sampling Skid
host ROV to the skid-mounted control
over time. It was at this point that the the skid and transported ashore • Sampling tool
system equipment, which comprises
concept of a sampling skid attached for analysis to allow calibration of • Double-block isolation valve tool
two 12-station valve packs, various
to an ROV was first developed. MPFMs, and for fiscal allocations to be
cameras and sensors, and a Pressure • Failsafe system For further information contact
This provides the critically accurate determined.
Transducer Module (PTM).

deep7 May 2014 seabed-to-surface

14 15

Fleet development update

The Seven Arctic – a new-generation This crane is a development of the pedestal-mounted offshore The Seven Kestrel – a new high-performance DSV
crane and offshore mast crane and uses an innovative knuckling
Heavy Construction Vessel system on the main boom which is actuated using wire ropes depth of 300m. The chamber complex consists of four living
rather than hydraulic cylinders. chambers, four wet units, and two Transfer Under Pressure
(TUP) chambers. The gas storage capacity is 27,000m2 below
The design maintains knuckle-boom functionality for offshore
deck and the vessel also has deck oxygen and therapeutic
construction activity but overcomes the weight penalty and
gas storage facilities.
impact on ship stability associated with conventional knuckle-
boom crane designs. The result is a crane of great versatility and The dive system environment is operated and controlled by a
efficiency which can be used in 300t, 600t or 900t modes. purpose-designed, semi-automatic control system, which also
has an independent back-up manual system in place.
The crane’s large lift capacity is matched by its exceptional 58m
radius which allows it to move equipment from every corner The launch and recovery system (LARS) for the diving bells
of the deck. The different modes give flexibility for routine consists of two independent systems, each comprising three
operations combined with the capability for larger lifts. electrically driven wire winches and one electrically driven
Subsea 7’s new Dive Support Vessel (DSV) is named the
umbilical winch. The systems each contain passive heave-
The preliminary ship design was carried out by Wärtsilä, while Seven Kestrel. Presently under construction in South
The subsea industry is experiencing a continuous move compensation capabilities.
the detailed design and construction will be completed in South Korea with delivery scheduled for 2015, the highly capable
into deeper waters and towards more complex field Korea by Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) vessel is optimised to provide efficient and cost-effective A single moonpool-deployed observation ROV will also be
developments. New challenges faced include higher support for North Sea diving operations. installed to support diving operations.
pressures, more difficult fluids, longer tiebacks and, Specifications:
increasingly, seabed processing. These developments • Length 162.3m x breadth 32.0m The vessel has a large working deck of almost 1,000m2,
require heavier structures, longer umbilicals, more • 900t AHC offshore crane and this is supported with a 120t knuckle-boom crane and
complex spoolpieces and a greater diversity of equipment • 325t top-tension Vertical Lay System (VLS) two smaller auxiliary cranes. The vessel design was initially
to be installed. This in turn leads to a demand for larger, • 7,000t underdeck basket for storage of flexible pipe or developed in association with Wärtsilä Ship Design. Once
more versatile vessels with higher capabilities which can umbilicals the concept had been developed, the design was progressed
execute projects more quickly and cost-effectively. • Accommodation for 132 persons by Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) in Ulsan, South Korea, the
• Deck area approx. 2,600m² vessel’s builder.
Subsea 7 has recently confirmed the specifications for its new
Heavy Construction Vessel (HCV), to be named the Seven • DP Class 3 with two engine rooms The Seven Kestrel is 125m long and 26m wide and will have a
Arctic, which is being built in South Korea for delivery in 2016. • Deck load of 4,500t at 5m above main deck POB of 110 persons, including the 18 saturation divers. The
• Special Purpose Ship code compliant vessel has the notation- +1A1, COMF-V(3)C(3), HELDKSH,
The new HCV will be equipped with a 325t top tension • Transit speed 15 knots Dk(+), E0,DYNPOS AUTRO. DSV-SAT, SF,ESV-DP[HIL],
Huisman Vertical Pipelay System, a 7,000t MAATS underdeck • Adapted for both tropical and winter environments CLEAN,BIS,SPS.
basket for storage of flexible pipe/umbilicals and an innovative • Twin workclass ROVs
new design, a 900t Huisman rope-luffing knuckle-boom crane • Operating depth down to 3,000m. The Seven Kestrel will include an 18-person twin bell 18-man chamber complex with two diving bells connected
(see back page for more details). saturation diving system complete with two 18-person to the Transfer Under Pressure (TUP) chambers
hyperbaric lifeboats, which can operate to a system design
For further information contact For further information contact

The Seven Waves heads Dimensions

Length overall 145.9m
2 x TTS stores / moonpool handling
Knuckle-boom cranes 5t @ 17m
for Brazil Breadth moulded 29.9m
ROV systems
Depth to main deck 13.0m
The vessel is fitted with two over-side launched
For many years Subsea 7 has provided a number of
Deck Cranes workclass Hercules-type ROVs rated to 3,000m.
vessels for Petrobras, the Brazilian national energy
Huisman mast crane
company, supporting contracts installing many Pipelay systems
Main line (AHC) 400t @ 16.5m
kilometres of flexible pipe. With the opening up and The vessel is fitted with two underdeck storage
Maximum reach 39.5m
development of deepwater pre-salt Brazilian fields, carousels, with capacities for 2,500t and 1,500t of
Wire length 2,500m
Petrobras now has a requirement for a number product. A vertical (tiltable) lay system (550t top-tension
Whip line (man riding) 40t @ 58m
of new-generation, high top-tension flexible pipe capacity) is permanently installed for deployment of a
Maximum reach 58m
installation vessels. range of flexible products with a diameter from 100mm
Wire length 500m
to 630mm. The lay tower can operate at up to 10° and
Based on Subsea 7’s extensive field experience in Brazil Cargotec auxiliary knuckle-boom crane is fitted with two tensioners, each with 275t capacity,
and its management of cost-effective shipbuilding, Main line (AHC) 25t @ 15m which can be retracted clear of the firing line, and with
Subsea 7 has won contracts from Petrobras requiring Maximum reach 32m two wire centralisers. Two A&R winches are fitted with
the construction of four specialist flexible pipelay Wire length 2,800m capacities of 600t and 200t, both with 2,500m of wire.
vessels. The first of these, the Seven Waves, has now Whip line (man riding) 10t The moonpool is designed to hang off products up to
been completed and transited for Brazil in March 2014 Maximum reach 33m 600t and is fitted with a mechanism to allow the product
to commence operations ahead of schedule. The Seven Wire length 150m to be rotated under full load.
Waves was built in the Netherlands by IHC Merwede, HS Marine Service Crane on the TLS tower
with the main 550t vertical tiltable lay tower (TLS) Main line (man riding) 25t @ 10m
installed by Huisman. Max reach 15m For further information contact

deep7 May 2014 seabed-to-surface

Outstanding versatility: the Seven
Arctic’s main subsea construction crane
The Seven Arctic’s main crane
is an active heave-compensated
subsea construction crane which
has been developed to give
outstanding flexibility and capability
for a range of different operational

To ensure maximum efficiency,

the crane can work in a number of
different modes:-
• 900t triple-fall mode
• 600t dual-fall deep-sea mode
• 600t dual-fall standard mode
• 600t dual-fall high-lift mode
• 300t single-fall mode.

The main wire is 6,350m long and

600t dual-fall deep sea mode is stored on a below-deck storage
winch feeding into a traction winch
and heave-compensation system.

This system, together with

a wire diameter of 109mm,
achieves reliable active heave
compensation, which helps to
avoid wire degradation, deploying
a manageable wire size for routine
lifts and exceptional capability for
heavier lifts.

For deep-sea mode, the rope-

luffing knuckle-boom design,
together with the rope capture
system, allows the two wire rope
falls to be widely separated at the
surface, while the wide twin-sheave
block provides separation and anti-
twisting movement at depth.

This combination of features helps

to eliminate the risk of cabling by
maintaining a manageable wire size
for more standard operations.

In this mode, the vessel can deploy

up to 280 tonnes at 3,000m water
depth, up to 390 tonnes at 2,000m
and up to 490 tonnes at 1,000m.

For further information contact
deep7 May 2014
© Subsea 7, 2014. Information correct at time of going to press.

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