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Process Database Backup Management Approved By Rajnish Kumar

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Database Backup Management

Objective: To define data backup policy to ensure that data backups are taken on a
periodic basis as per Backup Management Policy

Scope: Database Backups at HQ, Branches

Participants: IDSS, Sys Admin


In SWING, goto:-
Master>> Admin>>Data Backup/Restore

The 'Data Backup' option is used to protect the database from unexpected system failures,
to maintain data consistency, to protect from concurrent access as well as for future
reference. It is a good practice to take backup of the database on a regular basis.

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Steps to take Backup

1. In the Connection Panel select the relevant Server. This server can be obtained by
looking for it in the MS SQL Server Icon in the System Tray in Branches and Server; in
clients in a Client-Server environment you can get it from your server.
2. In the Authorization Panel Select Use SQL Server Authentication
3. Click ‘Connect’ button
4. On successful connection this will then populate the Database Drop Down List Box with
all the Databases available on the Selected Server. Select the Database required to be
Backed up
5. In Backup/Restore File Name Type the Full Path with the name of the Backup file.
6. Click on ‘Backup’ Button
7. The Status Pane will show the Status till you see in the Status Pane ‘BACKUP
DATABASE successfully processes 999999 pages…

6.6 Data Restore

The 'Data Restore' option is used for overcoming critical situations. To restore the valid database,
select the Backup file containing the latest database backup.

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Steps to restore Backup

Restoring a database on the Active Database will not work properly. So either log
to a different Database in Swing or exit from Swing and Run Backup.exe from PNG

1. In the Connection Panel select the relevant Server. This server can be obtained by
looking for it in the MS SQL Server Icon in the System Tray in Branches and Server; in
clients in a Client-Server environment you can get it from your server.
2. In the Authorization Panel Select Use SQL Server Authentication
3. Click ‘Connect’ button
4. On successful connection this will then populate the Database Drop Down List Box with
all the Databases available on the Selected Server. Select the Database required to be
backed up or type in a new Database Name.
5. In Backup/Restore File Name Type the Full Path with the name of the Backup file.
6. Click on ‘Restore’ Button
7. The Status Pane will show the Status till you see in the Status Pane ‘Compact Complete’

Daily Schedule of Backup

Serial Number Activity Time

1 After Sales Return and 11:00 A.M.
2. After Posting of The 12:00 Noon
3. After IRA 1:00 P.M
4. After Order Upload 6:00 P.M.
5. Day Closing 9:00 P.M

1. Backup at the end of everyday should have 2 copies.

a. The first copy should be locked in cabinet at the site.
b. The second copy should be carried to the Branch-In-charges residency and
stored there. There are 2 CDs that are to be maintained and they should be
used inter changeably.

2. Database Backups have to taken on System on a Daily Basis & on CDs on a

weekly basis (minimum)

3. Incremental/Complete Backup can be taken

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4. Monthly Branch Backups have to be taken on a CD & sent to HQ

5. There should be a user assigned at Every Site who would be responsible and
accountable for administrating the backup to make sure it is done on a consistent
basis at a specific time or times when backup is done

6. Backup CDs have to be labeled appropriately.

7. The backup CDs have to be replaced after every the indicated life period to ensure
no corruption of the disks.

8. There would have to be a routine audit to be conducted by every DLT member on

the visit to the branches.

9. A copy of the latest backup is to be stored at the main site on a weekly basis.

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