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Recent buzz in malaria research

Emily J. Chenette
The FEBS Journal, Editorial Office, Cambridge, UK

Malaria is an urgent public health problem. There discuss recent studies on mechanisms by which Plasmod-
were an estimated 296 million cases of malaria in 2015 ium infection suppresses T-cell responses. However, the
[1], with 730 500 deaths [2]; it is a leading cause of host is no passive bystander to this onslaught. Exciting
death worldwide in children under the age of 5. Most research reveals a link between host metabolism and
deadly cases of malaria are caused by the Plasmod- Plasmodium infectivity, and suggests that the composi-
ium falciparum parasite. Plasmodium species have a tion of the gut microbiome might inform the severity of
complicated life cycle that requires both mosquito and malaria. Moreover, as new insights are gleaned into
vertebrate hosts. A simplified overview: during a bite Plasmodium life cycle and biology, scientists are able to
from an infected mosquito, Plasmodium sporozoites develop effective targeted therapies that block invasion
leave the mosquito salivary gland and enter the host and replication, as well as new strategies for the control
bloodstream, traversing several cell types before even- and prevention of malaria.
tually invading hepatocytes. The parasites multiply,
and eventually the infected hepatocytes burst and
Plasmodium biology
release merozoites into the bloodstream. Merozoites
then invade host erythrocytes, where they continue The complicated lifecycle of Plasmodium opens the
multiplying inside a specialised vacuole, leading to ery- parasite to therapeutic intervention at several different
throcyte rupture and further dissemination of mero- stages. Indeed, two recent reports suggest an important
zoites. These merozoites go on to invade, infect and role for cell traversal, which occurs prior to hepatocyte
lyse additional erythrocytes in a cycle that has devas- invasion, in eventual infection. Justin Boddey and col-
tating effects on the host. However, when inside ery- leagues generated P. falciparum mutants that lack
throcyte vacuoles, the parasites can also form sporozoite microneme protein essential for cell traver-
gametocytes that escape the erythrocyte vacuole, circu- sal (SPECT) and perforin-like protein 1 (PLP-1) and
late in the bloodstream, and are then taken up again showed that these genes are dispensable for erythro-
by a mosquito as it bites. The gametes combine in the cyte egress and hepatocyte infection, and are not
mosquito midgut, eventually forming sporozoites that required for sporozoite formation in the mosquito.
migrate to the mosquito salivary gland, and the deadly However, SPECT and PLP-1 were necessary for P. fal-
cycle repeats (Fig. 1). ciparum traversal across macrophages and hepatocytes
This Special Issue of The FEBS Journal brings in vitro, and were also required for liver infection
together reviews and primary research highlighting the in vivo in a humanised mouse model [3]. Marcelo
latest advances in malaria research. However, the Jacobs-Lorena and colleagues report that GAPDH on
breadth of the field and the enormity of the conse- the sporozoite surface interacts with the cell surface
quences to human health warrant additional discussion protein CD68 on Kupffer cells, which might facilitate
of the most active areas in malaria research. In this Kupffer cell traversal. Blocking this interaction with
Commentary, we review the latest findings in three an anti-GAPDH antibody inhibited Plasmod-
areas of malaria research: Plasmodium biology, host ium berghei macrophage entry and decreased liver
response and drug discovery. infection in mice [4]. These studies point to an impor-
The notoriously complex Plasmodium life cycle has tant role for traversal in eventual infection and suggest
been intensively studied, yet certain aspects are still not several new targets for drug discovery.
well understood. We highlight recent research on sporo- Daniel Bargieri and colleagues [5] investigate the
zoite cell traversal and gametocyte egress that reinforce process of gametocyte egress from erythrocytes, and
the essential, if still somewhat mysterious, nature of find a key role for Plasmodium merozoite throm-
these processes in the Plasmodium life cycle. Plasmodium bospondin-related anonymous protein (MTRAP) in
parasites are involved in an escalating arms race to this process. Knocking out MTRAP in P. berghei
evade detection by the host immune system, and we blocked transmission from infected mice to mosquitos,

2556 The FEBS Journal 284 (2017) 2556–2559 ª 2017 Federation of European Biochemical Societies

Fig. 1. Plasmodium lifecycle. Propagation of the malaria parasite requires two different hosts (here, mosquito and human). Image credit:
CDC – DPDx/Alexander J. da Silva, PhD, Melanie Moser. CDC Public Health Image Library identification number 3405.

indicating a defect in gametocyte development. Indeed, McCarthy, Christian Engwerda and colleagues high-
P. berghei and P. falciparum gametocytes that lacked lights an inhibitory role for type I interferons (IFNs)
MTRAP were unable to egress from the vacuole [5]. A in anti-Plasmodium immunity. They found increased
different approach by Kehrer, Frischknecht and Mair production of type I IFNs after P. falciparum infec-
[6] independently identified the importance of MTRAP tion, which suppressed IFNc production by CD4+ T
in gametocyte egress and transmission. Although the cells, decreased IL-6 production by monocytes and
precise function of MTRAP in egress remains to be increased IL-10 levels in human volunteers. This sug-
elucidated, the known role for TRAP family proteins gests that type I IFNs suppress infection-induced
in parasite gliding motility and host cell invasion support inflammation, although a clear link between type I
an intriguing role for actin dynamics in vacuole egress. IFNs and parasite burden was not identified in this
study [7]. Katsuyuki Yui and colleagues find that a
subset of CD4+ T cells from P. berghei-infected mice
Host response
produce IL-27, which suppresses IL-2 production and
Plasmodium parasites spend much of their lifecycle inhibits clonal expansion of CD4+ T cells [8]. The
ensconced in parasitic vacuoles, relatively protected development of targeted therapies that specifically pro-
from the innate immune system. But how do sporo- mote T-cell proliferation and IFNc production might
zoites avoid triggering an innate immune response represent a useful strategy in early stages of Plasmod-
immediately after infection? A report from James ium infection.

The FEBS Journal 284 (2017) 2556–2559 ª 2017 Federation of European Biochemical Societies 2557

Although the innate immune system receives much ART-sensitive parasites, perhaps because of the sensi-
of the attention in studying the response to Plasmod- tising effect of drug resistance [12].
ium infection, research fronts in other systems are The utility of high-throughput approaches in devel-
yielding exciting findings as well. A report from Maria oping new malaria targets is exemplified by research
Mota, Liliana Mancio-Silva and colleagues found that from Janet Hemingway, Stephen Ward and colleagues
P. berghei infection decreased hepatic activation of the who use click chemistry-compatible activity-based
key metabolic enzyme AMPK in vitro. Intriguingly, probes to develop a catalogue of ART targets. Their
expression of constitutively active AMPK mutants lim- work not only uncovers new pathways through which
ited hepatic schizont size in vitro. Moreover, AMPK ART might exert its antimalarial effect, but also pro-
agonists decreased merozoite release and reduced para- vides insight into how resistance to this compound
site burden in the liver in vivo, supporting the develop- might be avoided [13]. Two other recent studies have
ment of AMPK agonists as potential prophylactic taken a large-scale approach to drug development.
drugs [9]. Furthermore, Nathan Schmidt and collea- The Saponin-lysis Sexual Stage Assay (SaLSSA),
gues report that the composition of the gut micro- developed by Elizabeth Winzeler and colleagues identi-
biome might modulate the severity of malaria in fies small molecules that block transmission of gameto-
mouse models. The authors observed that mice cytes [14]. Approaches such as this could yield new
obtained from different vendors showed different compounds that will be useful in stopping the spread
malaria parasite burdens after Plasmodium yoelii or of malaria. In an inspiring collaborative effort, the
P. berghei infection. They also noted differences in Medicines for Malaria Venture distributed a ‘Malaria
cecal bacterial communities in mice from each vendor, Box’ of 400 representative compounds that kill P. fal-
suggesting that gut microbiota might have a role in ciparum to labs around the world. In the resulting
this phenotype. Intriguingly, feeding mice yogurt sup- study, 55 groups reported the results of over 290
plemented with Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium assays on the Malaria Box compounds, revealing new
decreased parasite burden and morbidity, possibly via pharmacokinetic data and mechanisms of action for
modulating the host immune response [10]. These many of the compounds [15]. Bold efforts such as
reports highlight exciting new avenues for future inves- these should be commended for injecting enthusiasm
tigation. and a spirit of collaboration into a research area that
has the potential to save hundreds of thousands of
lives annually.
Drug discovery
The impressive advances in drug discovery are bol-
The recent advances in understanding Plasmodium stered by research programmes that aim to eradicate
biology and the host response to infection should malaria. Nikolai Windbichler, Andrea Crisanti, Tony
usher in a new era of drug development, and indeed Nolan and colleagues developed CRISPR-Cas9 con-
exciting progress is being made in this area. Plasmod- structs that disrupt fertility in female mosquitoes,
ium is evolving resistance to commonly used anti- which could deplete this key vector for Plasmodium
malarial compounds including artemisinin (ART), transmission [16]. In complementary work, Philip
chloroquine and related drugs. However, increased Eckhoff and colleagues use epidemiological modelling
resistance towards one drug correlates with increased to identify a gene drive approach with the best chance
sensitivity to other cellular perturbations. Rowena of success. Their model considers environmental as
Martin and colleagues now provide insight into how well as biological factors and will be an important
this occurs. They show that mutations in the P. falci- resource for malaria eradication projects [17].
parum chloroquine resistance transporter (CRT) that This diverse collection of papers highlights new dis-
confer resistance to chloroquine, sensitise it to quinine, coveries in different areas of malaria research and sup-
which blocks CRT function and kills the parasite. The ports new therapeutic initiatives that could reduce the
authors also found that mutant CRT is better able to morbidity and mortality associated with Plasmodium
transport the antiviral compound amantadine to the infection. These fundamental observations into Plas-
cytoplasm, causing the parasite to be hypersensitive to modium biology support the development of drugs that
amantadine [11]. Paula da Fonseca, Matthew Bogyo target specific aspects of its complicated life cycle,
and colleagues use a structure–function approach to whereas research into how the host response is com-
develop an inhibitor of the P. falciparum 20S protea- promised to facilitate Plasmodium replication could
some that reduces parasite burden in vivo in mice. yield strategies to circumvent or curtail infection. Phar-
Interestingly, this compound was more efficient in maceutical approaches that exploit the side effects of
killing ART-resistant P. falciparum parasites than drug resistance provide some hope that drug-resistant

2558 The FEBS Journal 284 (2017) 2556–2559 ª 2017 Federation of European Biochemical Societies

Plasmodium will not have as dire an effect as feared. 8 Kimura D, Miyakoda M, Kimura K, Honma K,
Finally, high-tech, high-throughput and collaborative Hara H, Yoshida H & Yui K (2016) Interleukin-
strategies are uncovering compounds that could eventu- 27-producing CD4+ T cells regulate protective
ally lead to the eradication of malaria. We hope you immunity during malaria parasite infection. Immunity
enjoyed this snapshot of research reported elsewhere, 44, 672–682.
and please keep reading this Special Issue for other 9 Grilo Ruivo MT, Vera IM, Sales-Dias J, Meireles P,
inspiring reviews and primary research in this active Gural N, Bhatia SN, Mota MM & Mancio-Silva L
field. (2016) Host AMPK is a modulator of Plasmodium liver
infection. Cell Rep 16, 2539–2545.
10 Villarino NF, LeCleir GR, Denny JE, Dearth SP,
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