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Romulo Highway, San Pablo, Tarlac City
' (045) 982-5019/982-5052/982-0264 ' (045) 982-0780/982-2757
Department of Graduate Studies
A. Traditional Teaching Strategies
 Demonstration

REFERENCES: a) DeYoung, Sandra (2009). Teaching Strategies for Nurse Educators. Second
edition.Pearson education, Inc.

REPORTER: Michael D. Valdez, RN

Demonstration Method
- There are various methods of teaching, one of the most effective methods of teaching skill is ‘demonstration’.
- It can be defined as visualized explanation of facts and procedures
- it is a physical display of the form, outline or a substance of object or events for the purpose of increasing
knowledge or such objects or events.
- Demonstration involves showing what and showing how, it is a relatively less complicated process that it does not
require extensive verbal elaboration.




Principles of Demonstration
- Learning by doing maxim is followed.
- Skills can be developed by imitation
- The perception helps in imitation.

Guidelines for a Good Demonstration

- planned and rehearsed
- visible
- Proper lighting arrangements
- equipment placed in order
- clear statements about the purpose • active participation by the students .
- quick and slick
- interesting
- active participation the students
- summary of the principles
1. The demonstrator/s must be well-selected. He/she/they must be skilled in operating modern equipment
and proficient in undertaking scientific
2. When planning the activities make sure that the materials are easily available. Likewise, get prepared
with possible substitutes.
3. Get ready with the equipment and tools to be used. Demonstration should be scheduled as to day and
class period.
4. The demonstrator must try the activity several times before the real demonstrations for a smooth
sequencing of the steps as well as accuracy of the result.
5. The observers must be prepared and motivated to ensure concentration throughout the activity
6. The demonstrator must be ready with on the-spot revision/s such as alternative steps or substitute
materials when needed.
7. Arrange the observers around the demonstration area or at a distance where they will be able to observe
fully what is going on.
8. Depending on the kind of demonstration to be undertaken, pointers or questions may be given to focus
students’ attention and avoid irrelevant observations.

1. The place must be quiet in order to sustain the observers’ attention and interest during the activity.
2. Extreme care must be taken in performing some delicate steps
3. The activity must not be interrupted by unnecessary announcements or noise in the surroundings.
4. They are allowed to take down short notes or record some data which may be analyzed after.

1. Allow some questions which bothered them during the demonstration.
2. An examination of the observed data and all information recorded follows
3. Have an analysis of trends, patterns or uniform occurrences that can help in arriving at a conclusion.
4. The solution summary must be cooperatively undertaken by the whole class.
5. Assess learning by way of a short test, an oral evaluation or a performance test.

a. This strategy is mainly applied in the technical training institutes.
b. In teacher education programs, it is used to develop skill in the student teacher.
c. At school level teacher applies it in teaching science , biology arts and crafts , environmental studies.
d. Demonstration method has a great role in nursing education as the whole course is skill based so demonstration
method is very vividly used in nursing.

Common Errors
a. Equipment may not be ready for use.
b. There may not be an apparent relation between the demonstration and the topic under discussion.
c. Black board summary not up to the mark.
d. The teacher may be in a hurry to arrive at generalizations without allowing the students to arrive at generalizations
from the facts.
e. The teacher may talk too much which may mask the enthusiasm of the students.
f. Teacher may not have allotted sufficient time for the recording of the data.
g. Teacher may fail to ask right type of questions.

Advantages of Demonstration Method

a. activates several senses and visibly showing a process
b. Complex skills become more understandable
c. Provides observational learning
d. Clarifies underlying principles
e. Correlate theory and practice
f. Commands interest
g. Evaluate
h. Facilitates return demonstration.

Disadvantages of Demonstration Method

a. Individual differences.
b. Stressful for students.
c. faculty supervision , space , supplies
d. Increased faculty workload to supervise .
e. Practice may be limited due to cost of supplies and equipment

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