Fluoride Mineral Is at I On

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The Influence of Fluoride Exposure on Dentin Mineralization

Using an in Vitro Organ Culture Model

Article  in  Calcified Tissue International · December 2003

DOI: 10.1007/s00223-003-0022-8 · Source: PubMed

18 61

6 authors, including:

Ryan Moseley Rachel Waddington

Cardiff University Cardiff University


Alastair J Sloan
Cardiff University


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Calcif Tissue Int (2003) 73:470–475
DOI: 10.1007/s00223-003-0022-8 Calcified
 2003 Springer-Verlag New York Inc.

Laboratory Investigations
The Influence of Fluoride Exposure on Dentin Mineralization Using
an in Vitro Organ Culture Model
R. Moseley,1,4 R. J. Waddington,2 A. J. Sloan,2 A. J. Smith,2 R. C. Hall,3 G. Embery3
Matrix Biology & Tissue Repair Research Unit, Department of Dental Health & Biological Sciences, Dental School,
University of Wales College of Medicine, Heath Park, Cardiff, UK
Oral Biology, School of Dentistry, St. Chads Queensway, Birmingham, UK
Department of Clinical Dental Sciences, Edwards Building, School of Dentistry, University of Liverpool, Daulby Street, Liverpool, UK
Department of Oral Surgery, Medicine & Pathology, Dental School, University of Wales College of Medicine, Cardiff, UK

Received: 22 January 2002 / Accepted: 2 March 2003 / Online publication: 6 October 2003

Abstract. This study aimed to characterize fluoride-in- well as a fundamental role in the regulation of matrix
duced alterations in dentin mineralization within a dentin- synthesis and secretion, the odontoblast is also respon-
pulp organ culture system. Tooth sections derived from sible for the channeling of calcium and phosphate to the
male Wistar rat incisors were cultured in Trowel-type
culture for 14 days, in the presence of 0 mM, 1 mM, 3 mM mineralization front at the predentin/dentin interface [2].
and 6 mM sodium fluoride. Tooth sections were processed It is now clear that fluoride is capable of influencing
and analyzed for uptake of fluoride, its subsequent effect the mineralization process of calcified tissues [3]. Lower
on dentin mineralization by tetracycline hydrochloride concentrations of fluoride can reduce acid dissolution of
incorporation and mineral composition, expressed as mineral during dental caries by stabilization of the hy-
calcium/phosphorous (Ca/P) ratios. Tetracycline hydro-
chloride incorporation was demonstrated to decrease with droxyapatite crystal lattice through fluoride substitution
increased fluoride exposure, accompanied by significant [4, 5]. However, higher concentrations can give rise to
increases in both Ca/P ratios and fluoride incorporation. fluorosis characterized by abnormalities in mineraliza-
These findings provide further evidence that the estab- tion [6, 7]. Though ionic substitution of the crystal
lished alterations in dentin formation during fluorosis are lattice represents a predominantly physicochemical
a consequence of disruption to the mineralization process,
and provide a model system with which to investigate process, the tissue changes observed during fluorosis
further the potential role the extracellular matrix plays in probably have a greater cellular basis. The characteristic
inducing the apparent changes in mineral composition. mottled appearance of enamel during fluorosis does not
appear to be paralleled by such obvious tissue changes
Key words: Dentin — Mineralization — Fluoride — in dentin and bone, although small hypomineralized
interglobular spaces have been reported in the dentin
matrix of fluorotic teeth [8].
At the molecular level, several studies have suggested
Dentinogenesis involves the secretion of an extracellular that fluoride leads to extracellular matrix alterations in
matrix, which is subsequently mineralized. The forma- dentin [9–15]. Both collagenous and noncollagenous
tive cells, the odontoblasts, are derived from the ecto- components appear to undergo structural alterations
mesenchymal cells of the dental papilla and lie on the during fluorosis, although the precise mechanisms are
pulpal interface of dentin, maintaining communication unclear. Focus has been directed to the noncollagenous
with the matrix through the odontoblast process. The components, particularly the small leucine-rich prote-
extracellular matrix of dentin is rich in collagenous and oglycans, decorin and biglycan [16] and dentin phos-
noncollagenous components. Initial secretion of the un- phoprotein [17], in view of the putative roles of these
mineralized dentin matrix is followed by proteolytic molecules in mineralization. In vivo studies have indi-
matrix remodeling, together with secretion of further cated that fluoride exerts an increase in the levels of
matrix components, which permit and regulate the dermatan sulfate-substituted forms of decorin and big-
mineralization process in the formation of dentin [1]. As lycan with an overall increase in the charge density of
the proteoglycans [13]. This later study confirmed pre-
Correspondence to: R. J. Waddington; E-mail: wadding- vious in vitro studies investigating the influence of fluo-
tonrj@cardiff.ac.uk ride on proteoglycan synthesis within a rat incisor organ
R. Moseley et al.: Effects of Fluoride on Dentin Mineralization In Vitro 471

Table 1. Incorporation of fluoride into tooth sections following incubation within fluoride supplemented media

Uncorrected P value Bonferroni P value

Mean (ppm) SD vs 1 mM F) vs 3 mM F) vs 6 mM F) vs 1 mM F) vs 3 mM F) vs 6 mM F)

No F) 2.775 0.79 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001

1 mM F) 360.05 73.70 >0.8 0.0698 >0.05 >0.05
3 mM F) 359.07 77.53 0.0664 >0.05
6 mM F) 425.88 34.30
Results are mean values of fluoride present in ashed tooth sections (n = 6) together with statistical determination for significant
differences between group means. Statistical differences between groups were determined using ANOVA and P values corrected
using the Bonferroni method

Table 2. Calcium phosphate ratio within newly formed dentin following incubation in fluoride supplemented media

Uncorrected P value Bonferroni P value

Ca/P ratio SD vs 1 mM F) vs 3 mM F) vs 6 mM F) vs 1 mM F) vs 3 mM F) vs 6 mM F)

No F) 0.909 0.06 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001

1 mM F) 1.002 0.07 >0.8 <0.0001 >0.05 <0.001
3 mM F) 1.007 0.07 <0.0001 <0.001
6 mM F) 1.099 0.15
Results are presented as mean values from 30 fields of view at a magnification of ·l6,000. Statistical differences between groups
were determined using ANOVA and P values corrected using the Bonferroni method

culture system, suggesting a reduction in sulfation [9] dentin- pulp complex with the odontoblasts lining the formative
and a reduction in the length of the glycosaminoglycan surface of the dentin matrix and maintenance of the underlying
fibroblasts and other pulpal cells. Briefly, upper and lower incisor
chains as a result of posttranslational influences, hence teeth were dissected from 28-day-old male Wistar rats sacrificed
leading to an overall reduction in the molecular size of by cervical dislocation. Animals were maintained and humanely
the proteoglycans synthesized [12]. In vivo studies in rats treated within the University’s animal facility in accordance with
good practice and Government regulatory procedures. The in-
have also shown that prolonged ingestion of high levels cisors were placed in sterile washing medium, consisting of
of fluoride (>20 ppm) results in a reduction in the DMEM (Sigma, Dorset, UK), supplemented with 4 mM L-
phosphate content of the dentin phosphoproteins [14]. glutamine and penicillin/streptomycin/amphotericin (100 U/ml,
100 lg/ml and 25 lg/ml, respectively). Then, 2 mm of the growing
In view of the putative role of these noncollagenous root were removed and discarded and 2–3 transverse sections of
components of dentin in mineralization, the aim of the rat incisors, approximately l–2 mm in thickness were cut with a
present study was to investigate the influence of excess segmented, diamond-edged rotary saw (TAAB Laboratories
Equipment Ltd., Berkshire, U.K.), cooled with washing medi-
fluoride upon the mineralization process in dentin. An in um. The tooth sections were immediately placed in several
vitro organ culture model [18] was adopted for the study changes of washing medium at 37C prior to culture.
enabling the normal tissue architecture of the dentin- The tooth sections were transferred to individual wells of a
plastic, 96-well plate containing 100 ll of embedding medium,
pulp complex to be maintained together with direct consisting of DMEM, 4 mM L-glutamine, penicillin/strepto-
application of known concentrations of fluoride to the mycin/amphotericin (100 U/ml, 100 lg/ml and 25 lg/ml, re-
cells. This model also allows us to study differences in spectively), 0.15 mg/ml L-ascorbic acid, 10% heat inactivated
fetal calf serum and 1% low melting point agarose. Culture
mineralization over periods of 14 days, which were not medium (same composition as embedding medium with the
possible in previous in vitro studies [12]. Both analytical omission of the agarose) was also supplemented with either 0
and morphological approaches were undertaken with a mM, 1 mM, 3 mM or 6 mM sodium fluoride. Such concen-
trations were used as these have previously been demonstrated
particular focus on the transition of predentin to dentin not to be lethal to odontoblasts and to allow ECM synthesis to
where noncollagenous matrix modifications are impor- continue [12]. The embedding medium was allowed to cool
tant in the mineralization of dentin [1]. until semisolid and each embedded tooth section was trans-
ferred to a sterile Millipore filter on a sterile plastic support, in
a 35 mm Petri dish. The filters were suspended on the surface
of 4 ml of fluoride-free or fluoride-supplemented (1 mM, 3 mM
or 6 mM) culture media in Trowel-type cultures. Tooth sec-
Materials and Methods tions were cultured at 37C in 5% CO2 in air for 14 days, with
the culture medium being changed every 2 days.
Rat Incisor Organ Culture
Quantification of Fluoride Incorporation into Dentin
The organ culture of rat incisor tooth sections was performed
according to the method of Sloan et al. [18]. This established The levels of fluoride incorporation into the dentin of tooth
culture model preserves the normal tissue architecture of the sections following culture in the absence and presence of 1
472 R. Moseley et al.: Effects of Fluoride on Dentin Mineralization In Vitro

dehydrated through graded ethanols (3 · 15 min). The tooth

sections were washed in LR White resin (4 · 30 min) and
subsequently embedded in LR White resin for 24 h. Thin
(approx 500 lm) slices of the embedded tooth sections were
cut with a Microslice (Cambridge Scientific Instruments,
Cambridgeshire, UK). Sections were then successively polished
with graded aluminium oxide abrasive strips (Agar Scientific,
Essex, UK) in distilled water to a thickness where predentin,
dentin and enamel were identifiable when the ground section
was examined under a light microscope. Sections were then
examined with an Olympus Provis AX70A light/fluorescent
microscope (Olympus Microscopes, Middlesex, UK) at ·400

EDAX Analysis of Calcium and Phosphorus Ratios within

Fluoride-Exposed Dentin
Fig. 1. Percentage increase in calcium/phosphorus (Ca/P) ra-
tios of dentin of tooth sections following culture in the pres- Following removal from organ culture, the tooth sections ex-
ence of 1, 3 and 6 mM sodium fluoride for 14 days compared posed to 0 , 1 , 3 and 6 mM sodium fluoride (n = 6/fluoride
with no fluoridecontrols (determined at 30 random points). concentration) were fixed in 2.5% gluteraldehyde for 24 h and
dehydrated through graded ethanol washes (4 · 15 min).
Tooth sections were critical-point dried on a Polaron E3000
mM, 3 mM and 6 mM sodium fluoride were determined by Critical Point Drying Apparatus (Thermo Electron Company,
established techniques for the quantification of fluoride in West Sussex, UK) and ion etched for 2 h using a B304/404
mineralized tissues [19]. Tooth sections (6 sections per fluoride Microlap ion beam in an argon atmosphere (Ion Tech. Ltd.,
concentration) were cultured at 37C in 5% CO2 in air for 14 Middlesex, UK). The tooth sections were then carbon-coated
days, as described above. Following removal from culture, on an EMScope SC 5000 Sputter Coater (Thermo Electron
washing and blotting on a tissue, whole tooth sections were Company).
ashed at 600C for 18 h and weighed. The ashed tooth sections Calcium and phosphorus (Ca/P) ratios were determined at
were dissolved in 400 ll 1 M perchloric acid prior to the ad- 30 random points in each section within the dentin along a
dition of 1200 ll 1 M sodium acetate, to give a final pH of 5.2. region representing newly deposited dentin matrix, immedi-
An equal volume of Total Ionic Strength Adjustment Buffer II ately above the identifiable predentin-dentin transition area,
(TISAB II) (Orion Research Incorporated, Massachusetts, located approximately 10–20 lm from the pulpal border.
USA) was added to each solubilized tooth section and the Measurements were made with a Jeol Scanning Electron Mi-
fluoride concentration was determined by a combined fluoride/ croscope (SEM) with X-ray Microanalyser (JEOL Ltd.,
reference electrode (Orion Research Incorporated), against Hertfordshire, U.K.), at 15 KeV for 100 sec (2000 counts per
known fluoride standards (0.1–200 ppm). Tooth sections second), counting the whole frame at a magnification of
(n = 6) cultured at 37C in 5% CO2 in air for 14 days in the ·16,000 and quantified by comparison with an apatite stand-
absence of sodium fluoride served as controls. The standard ard (Agar Scientific). The changes in the Ca/P ratios obtained
electrode potentials (mV) obtained were plotted against log10 for each fluoride concentration were statistically analyzed by
of the fluoride concentrations of the standard solutions and the one-way ANOVA.
concentration of fluoride within the ashed tooth samples were
expressed as parts per million (ppm). Levels of fluoride within
the tooth sections following incubation in the different fluoride Results
concentrations were compared and statistically analyzed by
one-way ANOVA.
Quantification of Fluoride Incorporation into Dentin

Tetracycline Hydrochloride Incorporation as an Indication of The levels of fluoride incorporation into the dentin of
Dentin Mineralization
tooth sections following culture for 14 days in the ab-
Analysis of dentin mineralization during culture was per- sence and presence of 1, 3 and 6 mM sodium fluoride are
formed examining tetracycline hydrochloride incorporation shown in Table 1. The mean levels of fluoride within
into dentin in the absence and presence of sodium fluoride, tooth sections culture at differing fluoride concentra-
through pulse labeling of the marker and microscopic visual-
ization. The tooth sections were cultured in semisolid culture tions are given. Statistical analysis of the data using one-
media and liquid culture media for 24 h, supplemented with 0 way ANOVA yielded a P value of <0.001, indicating
mM, 1 mM, 3 mM and 6 mM sodium fluoride, as described that the difference among group means is extremely
above. The tooth sections were removed from the semisolid
embedding medium after 24 h and re-embedded in fluoride- significant P values were then calculated for statistical
free or fluoride-supplemented semisolid medium containing l differences between the fluoride conditions. However,
lg/ml tetracycline hydrochloride (Sigma) (6 tooth slices per this test does not take into account that same sets of
fluoride concentration). The re-embedded tooth sections were
cultured for a further 24 h at 37C in 5% CO2 in air with 4 ml data are used in multiple comparisons where there is a
fluoride-free or fluoride-supplemented liquid culture media 5% probability that random chance would cause each P
also containing 1 lg/ml tetracycline hydrochloride. Tooth value derived to be less than 0.05. Therefore, P values
sections were then removed from the tetracycline hydrochlo-
ride-supplemented embedding and culture media after 24 h were corrected using the Bonferroni method. Significant
and re-embedded in fresh, tetracycline-free embedding and differences in the level of fluoride incorporation were
culture (fluoride-free or supplemented) medium for a further evident on comparing those tooth sections cultured in
12 days at 37C in 5% CO2 in air.
Following 14 days in culture, tooth sections were removed, fluoride (1, 3 and 6 mM) with those that received no
washed in Sorensens phosphate buffer (4 · 30 min), fixed and fluoride supplementation (P < 0.001). However, no
R. Moseley et al.: Effects of Fluoride on Dentin Mineralization In Vitro 473

Fig. 2. Tetracycline hydrochloride incorporation into rat incisor tooth sections following culture in the absence or presence of 1, 3
or 6 mM sodium fluoride for 14 days (·400). The fluorescent zone of incorporation at the predentin/dentin interface is indicated by
arrows. Areas marked indicate the predentin matrix (PD), dentin matrix (D) and autofluorescence within the enamel layer (E).

significant differences in levels of fluoride incorporation Bonferroni method. All Ca/P ratios were demonstrated
were observed when comparing tooth sections cultured to significantly increase as a function of fluoride con-
at the various fluoride concentrations of 1 mM, 3 mM centration, compared to tooth sections unexposed to
and 6 mM. sodium fluoride (P < 0.0001). No significant increase in
Ca/P ratio was evident on comparing tooth sections
Calcium/Phosphorous (Ca/P) Ratios within Fluoride-Exposed exposed to 1 and 3 mM sodium fluoride (P > 0.8), 1 and
Dentin Mineral 6 mM sodium fluoride (P > 0.05) or 3 and 6 mM flu-
oride (P > 0.05).
The Ca/P ratios of the dentin mineral in tooth sections
following culture for 14 days in the absence and pres-
ence of 1, 3 and 6 mM sodium fluoride are shown in Tetracycline Hydrochloride Incorporation During Dentin
Table 2. Percentage increases in the Ca/P ratios com- Mineralization
pared with the no fluoride control are shown in Figure 1.
Statistical analysis using one way ANOVA indicated an Tetracycline hydrochloride incorporation into the den-
extremely significant difference between groups (P < tin of tooth sections was examined following culture in
0.0001). Table 2 shows P values calculated when com- the absence and presence of sodium fluoride for 14 days,
paring individual fluoride conditions, which were cor- and typical images obtained under the fluorescent mi-
rected to allow for multiple analyses using the croscope are shown in Figure 2. For tooth sections
474 R. Moseley et al.: Effects of Fluoride on Dentin Mineralization In Vitro

cultured in the absence of fluoride, a narrow and dis- tified similar trends within enamel and whole tooth germ
crete fluorescent band was evident, as indicated by the explants [25–27]. These studies have suggested that flu-
arrows, and corresponds to the incorporation of tetra- oride influences the cellular activities of both odonto-
cycline hydrochloride into newly mineralized dentin blasts and ameloblasts, and the alterations in Ca/P
formed over the 14-day culture period. For all tooth ratios with fluoride exposure may reflect alterations in
sections incubated in the presence of 1, 3 or 6 mM flu- the substitution of hydroxyl ions in the hydroxyapatite
oride, the fluorescence from the tetracycline incorpora- crystal lattice by fluoride ions [24]. Phosphate ions may
tion in the predentin-dentin transition area appeared also be substituted by fluoride ions, in conjunction with
much more diffuse in nature (indicated by an arrow) and carbonate ions [24]. Such substitutions would provide a
a narrow, discrete fluorescent band was not identifiable. sufficient localized fluoride concentration to disrupt
normal apatite nucleation and crystal growth, forming
hypomineralized regions and also increasing Ca/P ratios
Discussion [27]. Loss and substitution of hydroxyl and phosphate
ions at fluoride concentrations above 100 ppm can lead
The present study has demonstrated altered patterns of to nonspecific deposition of calcium fluoride, giving rise
mineralization in the transition of predentin to dentin to increased Ca/P ratios [24, 25]. This may partly explain
during the in vitro culture of tooth slices in the presence the dose dependency of the Ca/P ratios in the cultured
of fluoride, which shows correlations with the extracel- tooth slices at the highest fluoride concentration studied.
lular matrix changes previously reported in this region The rather diffuse incorporation of tetracycline
of the tissue [12–14]. Specifically, it has been possible to within the dentin matrix of tooth sections exposed to
demonstrate incorporation of fluoride into the dentin fluoride implies alterations in the regulation of the
matrix during culture, changes in the Ca/P ratios of the mineralization process and would be in accord with the
mineral and a more diffuse pattern of tetracycline in- observations of small hypomineralized interglobular
corporation, implying alterations in the regulation of the spaces in fluorotic dentin [28]. Changes in the pattern of
mineralization process. dentin mineralization after a single acute dose of fluo-
The concentrations of fluoride adopted in the study ride have also been reported [27] and decreases in tet-
were in the millimolar range to allow direct comparison racycline incorporation and dentin apposition have been
with previous studies investigating extracellular matrix observed during exposure to high fluoride concentra-
changes [12]. At these concentrations of fluoride, the tions [29–31]. The more diffuse appearance of tetracy-
morphological appearance of mature odontoblasts in cline incorporation into the dentin matrix of tooth
culture is unaffected, but total collagen synthesis is re- sections cultured in the presence of fluoride in the pre-
duced [15], confirming the previously reported effects of sent study suggest that epitactic nucleation sites involved
fluoride on the extracellular matrix [12–14]. These ob- in matrix-mediated mineralization may have become
servations are at variance with data from exposure of disrupted. This would be in accord with the extracellular
cultured tooth germs to fluoride where de novo dentin matrix changes previously reported in this region of the
formation and mineralization was reported to be unaf- tissue [12–15] and reinforces the importance of these
fected [20, 21]. Such differences may reflect the stages of extracellular matrix changes in the regulation of min-
development of these tissues since matrix-vesicle-medi- eralization [1].
ated mineralization [22] would be predominant in the Thus, the present study has demonstrated that ex-
tooth germ cultures; in contrast, dentinogenesis would posure of the dentin-pulp complex to higher concen-
be proceeding through matrix-mediated mineralization trations of fluoride influences the mineralization process
[23] in the cultured mature tooth slices. in the transition from predentin to dentin, which may
Though there appeared to be a dose dependency in well have a mechanistic basis in the fluoride-induced
Ca/P ratios at the highest fluoride concentration studied extracellular matrix changes arising in this region of the
(6 mM), this was not reflected in the fluoride uptake into tissue. In view of the continued apposition of dentin
the tissue or the altered patterns of tetracycline incor- throughout life, these observations indicate that expo-
poration. In vivo, fluoride concentrations have been re- sure to high levels of fluoride may exert effects at the
ported to be highest at or near to the pulpal surface [24], cellular level well beyond tooth development during
probably reflecting the continued apposition of matrix primary, physiological secondary and tertiary dentino-
at this site. Previous studies have identified that fluoride genesis. There are also implications for the regeneration
exposure leads to reductions in both Ca2+ and PO43) and repair of dentin after injury. The critical importance
(including incorporation into phosphoproteins) uptake of growth factors sequestered within the dentin matrix
and transport in dentin and enamel tissues, following [32] in dentin repair and their association with extra-
chronic fluoride exposure [20, 25]. The increase in the cellular matrix components [33] imply that biological
Ca/P ratio in the newly formed dentin, reported herein, repair processes may also be susceptible to the effects of
is in agreement with previous studies which have iden- excessive fluoride exposure.
R. Moseley et al.: Effects of Fluoride on Dentin Mineralization In Vitro 475

Acknowledgements. We gratefully acknowledge the funding of 17. Butler WT, Ritchie H (1995) The nature and functional
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for a Research Fellowship to support Dr. R. Moseley. We also Dev Biol 39:169–179
wish to express our gratitude to Mrs. G. Smith and Mrs. W. G. 18. Sloan AJ, Shelton RM, Hann AC, Moxham BJ, Smith AJ
Rowe for their assistance during the course of this study. (1998) An in vitro approach for the study of dentinogenesis
by organ culture of the dentine-pulp complex from rat
incisor teeth. Archs Oral Biol 43:421–430
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