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There is There are types show/demostrate purple

Hay (Singular) Hay (plural) tipos demuestrar Color morado

health healthy heart Also

salud saludable corazón Tambien

studies Article about brain The best muscles contain

estudios Artículo sobre cerebro El/la/los/las músculos contiene

An article about Purple Potatoes

There are many different types of potatoes.

Studies show/demostrate that purple potatoes are the best.

They are purple and have may healthy benefits.

They contain vitamin B6.

Vitamin B6 is good for the heart and the brain.

They also contain magnesium.

Magnesium is necessary to maintain our muscles.

Magnesium is also good for atherosclerosis and hypertention.

They originate are from Japan.

They are delicious and very healthy.

Dolor Sentir Tomar vez/veces

Pain Feel Take time/times

English Spanish
Yo necesito un médico
Yo tengo un Virus
Yo tengo alergia
¿Cómo se siente?
¿Dónde tienes dolor?
Tome esta medicina
cada ___ horas
después de cada comida
Dos veces al día

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