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April 29

MAL 525

Leadership Challenges and Solutions

Swapnil. P. Pagare

MAL 525

April 29, 2010

City University of Seattle

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Leaders are given this name as they have the ability to lead, however at some point a

leader may find it difficult in managing and leading up the team. In this 21st century, every day

changes are taking place and in order to fit into those changes, leadership skills are necessary, so

in order to see how the leaders lead the team several questions were being asked to top 3 officials

of organizations

The interview question being asked were as follows:

1. What are the most important decisions you make as a leader of your organization?

2. How do you encourage creative thinking within your organization?

3. How do you handle complex situations within your team, for example differences

between the team members?

4. Do you accept ideas from other team members?

5. What is the biggest challenge leaders face in today’s world?

The Officials being interviewed were as follows:

• Board of Control for Cricket in India – Sachin Tendulkar (Former Captain)

• National Cash Register (NCR) – Human Resource Manager Mr. Vijayendra Panwar

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• Wipro Customer Service (BPO) – Human Resource Manager Mr. Somu Rai

Summarizing the Content

National Cash Register – Mr. Vijayendra Panwar

Mr. Vijayendra Panwar has been working as human resource manager for NCR

from past 6 years aged 29 years old, throughout his six years span in the organization, he has

developed different kind of leadership styles in regards to peoples behavior, peoples emotions

and nevertheless leading the team through difficult times for the benefit of the organization.

Being a team leader, Mr. Panwar said that “ Its not only about me, its how I make people to be

like me”. The important decision to be made is to give proper customer service, which is the goal

of NCR. Managing the team in today’s ever-changing world is quite difficult, making them get

used to new technology, wants and needs is the only problem the organization faces.

Mr. Panwar being a team leader believes in flow principles i.e. every one has the

right to present their ideas for the benefit of organization. By doing this, it makes the employees

feel more comfortable and more creative thinking is developed within the organization. Social

get together and outings is an another way to keep the team motivated and as a result lessens the

inferiority issues or prejudices against other employees.

Mr. Nishant Sharma working as a mentor as well as an event manager (NCR) is

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being assigned by Mr. Panwar to keep an eye on employee’s performances and give coaching in

difficult situations. Moreover, Mr. Panwar carries out a daily check on employee’s performances

and guides them incase Mr. Sharma is not able to guide them. Gemba is Japanese word, which

means, that all the employees gather at one place and discuss on how the issue can amicably

solved by diverse ideas, this style of communication is being followed by NCR.

As stated by Mr. Panwar, the most challenging issue they face is to handle

mistakes, either done by himself or either by employees. Here again Mr. Panwar talks about

Ethics, which means, the problems should be solved but by following the organization’s policy,

and not by abusing someone verbally or by gestures. Mr. Panwar also said that, “ Leadership is

not Dictatorship” people needs to heard and the more being open minded the more ideas we get,

leads to welfare of employees as well as the organization. A good listener and communicator can

be a good leader, 360-degree involvement of all employees to accept and to suggest ideas.

Board of Control for Cricket in India – Sachin Tendulkar (Former India cricket team Captain)

Mr. Tendulkar has been in sports for almost 17 years aged 37, throughout his

career he has faced many situations, including his own family problems or his fellow members

being emotionally stressed, differences between players and clashing of ideas. Mr. Tendulkar is

today’s one of the best cricketer in the world. Throughout his captainship for Indian team, he just

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believed in one thing i.e. motivation of team results in achievement of goals, which leads to self-


Either an organization or a sports team, the rules are same and the vision is same.

The most important decision to be made by Mr. Tendulkar is to build trust among all other

members of the team, if you show trust in them, they will trust you and the chances of winning

are more. Moreover, Mr. Tendulkar also says that respecting others may result in respect to him

also. Sharing and caring the concerns of other players may them more confident and at least let

them feel that someone understands them and by giving positive instructions can make the team

members to understand what to do and what not to do.

Creative thinking is what an organization often lacks, talking about Mr. Tendulkar

in field of sports, he is really an developer of creative thinking, taking ideas giving ideas,

though being a leader but anyone can make decision to achieve the goals. Knowing

people personally is not harm, if we can develop friendly relations and strive towards a

common goal called Success. According to Mr. Tendulkar sports requires equal

contribution, understanding each other, finding the best in themselves and getting the best

out of it.

Where there is smoke, there is fire. So people with differences are often seen to be

a problem for upcoming of an organization or a team. Nevertheless, Mr. Captain very well

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knows how to solve these issues. Scheduling a meeting with people having problems with others,

talking to them understanding each of the employees story and then recommending the best

solution in order to avoid any conflicts.

Sports is all about team work, so one should accept the ideas and agree on it, if

one may find it suitable for the vision to come true.

According to Mr. Tendulkar, Managing people with different expectations is

difficult. Being a captain for several years, he understood people by their strengths and

weaknesses and assigned them according to their skills. Being a role model is good for one but

other members should also be treated equally, so that they don’t feel discouraged and not paid

attention to. Integrity is what defines leadership.

Wipro Customer Service (BPO) – Human Resource Manager Mr. Somu Rai

Mr. Rai has a combination of both directive and facilitative leadership style,

though having the power to rule, but never let his power come in between for the benefit of the

organization. As being working for Human Resource, Mr. Rai has been providing support to

other staff members for their well being as well as for organization. Being directive and

facilitative he has maintained a lot of balance between employees, thus empowering them to

contribute and to implement ideas.

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Mr. Rai has been working on up gradation of employees to get the best out of

them. Think before you act is what Mr. Rai believes. Being honest is one of the key point on

which a person can judge you. Helping other subordinates to accomplish the common goal,

training and mentoring them in order to avoid any mistakes, is what Mr. Rai thinks is essential

decision for the welfare of organization.

According to Mr. Rai, an office premises may be not be a suitable place to get

ideas, because of every days same routine, more stress and confusion among employees. Coffee

shop is the best place to get some ideas from subordinates, as they are free from the normal

routine and to listen to them, how they want it to be done. Mr. Rai thinks this is a way to create

an innovative thinking, where people are free to place their suggestions.

Handling situations is quite difficult, as working for a BPO as the common goal is

to give the best customer service. As Mr. Rai says, there might be a problem arising due to

unethical behavior of an employee towards the end consumer. However, to avoid these mistakes,

Call Quality Controls are placed and all calls are recorded in order to maintain quality of service

provided to customers. At some point, unethical behavior is often seen in organizations between

employees, so if necessary the action will be taken by the higher official or it will dealt by the

leader itself by verbally telling him not to repeat this mistake again.

Yes, its necessary to accept ideas from others, as we are working for a BPO for

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customer service, we need the ideas from employees also as well as from the end consumer, if

any changes are to be made.

Leaders face a problem, when an inappropriate decision is taken and it affects the

overall quality and reputation of organization, which leads to discouragement among other

employees and prejudices against the leaders, so in order to avoid that one must consult others

for their opinions too.

Common Leadership styles

The common leadership styles after interviewing were almost same with sharing the same

common goal success. Though some were more into communication, being open minded,

managing people and understanding emotions as well as building relations in order for the

employees to get a more feeling as being one rather than any position based criticisms.

Communicating properly which will lead the team in the right direction with having one vision

and acquiring those dreams together by contributing equally. Listening and accepting ideas and

implementing them. Showing concerns on ones pain and help him to get out of it, is also a

leadership style.

Things to learn and to implement

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Throughout the interviews I learned a lot, communication is necessary doesn’t matter how small

or big is the organization or the employees position. Learning through diverse culture is

different, rather than implementing your own ideas. Secondly, I learned that understanding

people and building relations with other employees wont harm you, if only you know when to

say its right and when to say its wrong. Lastly, Being directive and facilitative, is also an

important point to learn, which results in developing creative thinking and providing correct

instructions, leading a team in a correct manner can lead to high satisfaction and giving a team to

enjoy the workplace.

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