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The Minnedosa

Since 1883
Volume 136 Issue 49 Friday, February 15, 2019 90 cents plus tax

Paving Bombers Beat Bisons 9-1
Announced Teams Face Off in Best of Five Series Final

E arlier this week,

the Provincial and
Federal Government’s
T he Minnedosa Senior
Bombers showcased
their skill and talent with a
announced funding home game Tuesday night
for eight highway im- which earned them a 9-1
provement projects to- victory over the Melita Bi-
talling approximately sons. The two teams are
350 kilometres in Man- currently battling it out in
itoba. The Province of a Best of Five Series final in
Manitoba is provid- the Eastern Division of the
ing $147,442,500 while Tiger Hills Hockey League.
the Government of They kicked off their
Canada is contributing Best of Five on Thursday,
$143,967,500 to these February 7th. The Bomb-
projects through the ers travelled to Melita and
New Building Canada opened the series with
Fund. a win of 4-3 over the Bi-
Included in this sons. While Meilta scored
announcement is new the lone goal of the first
paving for portions of period, the Bombers an-
Highways #16 and #10. swered back with three
Riding Mountain MLA, goals in the second. Local
Greg Nesbitt, con- team goals were scored by
firmed that a stretch of Matt Saler assisted by Wy-
Highway #10, north of att Rapsky and Shane Jury,
Minnedosa, is part of Michael Birch assisted by
this week’s announce- Wyatt Rapsky and Russ
ment as well as High- Huyghe assisted by Matt
way #16 from Newdale Saler and Kelly Stinson.
to Shoal Lake. It is not The lone goal of the third
yet known just how far period was shot by Kelly
north of Minnedosa, Stinson assisted Ryan Hei- Photo by Karen Mitchell
the new pavement on no for the Bombers win.
Highway #10 will reach. Two nights later, the 1-1. Each team scored an- the Bombers did get one ing the first game goal, but ers owned the second pe-
A number of safety Bombers hosted the Bi- other goal in the second final goal by Tyler Jury as- the Bombers followed up riod achieving five more
related highway up- sons at the local arena but period to keep them at a sisted by Nick Cameron with two goals of their own goals! Matt Saler scored
grades, including pav- were unsuccessful in a tie. Minnedosa’s goal was and Russ Huyghe. This to close out the first period. two of these goals, one as-
ing of shoulders and hometown win. The game scored by Shane Jury as- wasn’t enough for the win The first goal was scored by sisted by Russ Huyghe and
rumble strips are also opened with a hometown sisted by Cory Hodgson and the Bisons returned Shane Cameron assisted the second assisted by Wes
planned. goal by Brad Lewis, as- and Wes Lewis. Things home with a 5-3 victory by Wyatt Rapsky and Matt Lewis and James McCar-
Further details sisted by Shane Jury and did not go so well for the over the Bombers. Saler with the second goal ville.
and timing of the Ryan Heino, followed by Bombers in the third pe- Tuesday nights game coming from Kelly Stinson
projects will be an- a goal by the Bisons to riod as the Bisons earned at the Minnedosa Arena assisted by Ryan Heino Continued on
nounced at a later date. close out the first period three more goals although opened with Melita scor- and Wes Lewis. The Bomb- Page 3

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