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Tamilnadu Ex-Services League



India is democratic and has almost one sixth of the world’s populations. The
Government is seized with many problems to do with its citizens. It is the duty of
every citizen and especially of us the Ex-Servicemen who are known for their
patriotism, discipline, integrity and willingness to help to pitch in to solve the
problems to the extent possible or each one of us.

Indian Ex-Services League (IESL) was formed way back in 1964 with primarily
this in view, with chapters functioning at the State and District levels.
Tamilnadu Ex-Services League (TANESL) is functioning at Madurai since 31st May,


TANESL has as its purpose primarily the welfare of the Ex-Servicemen and
their widows and secondarily that of the people of the State as well.

Function Mode

TANESL will function as the apex body at Tamilnadu State level. The world
‘Apex Body’ indicates that it shall take up such matters that concern the Ex-
Servicemen and their widows in general and need to be addressed at the state/
central Government level.

TANESL is a facilitating body and therefore it will not interfere with or

control the functioning of the various leagues that hold individual identity. The
sovereignty and the independence of all the individual units shall be honored at
all cost.

TANESL has to be known by the authorities as the authorized agency of all

the Associations at various levels for projecting the problems, for which purpose
all the local associations must support TANESL by getting themselves affiliated
with TANESL.

Affiliation Procedure

The local unit desirous of affiliating with TANESL may apply formally
through a letter signed by the President of the association, containing the
following information.

The Registered name of the association and the registration details

Total number of active membership
The minutes of the Executive Committee meeting approving affiliation with TANESL
Affiliation Fee

An amount of Rs 200/= pa is tentatively fixed as the affiliation fee which

amount will be utilized towards office maintenance and sundry expenses.

Governing Council

For effective functioning of TANESL, wide participation is necessary. Hence,

in addition to the Executive Committee that shall take care of all activities, a
Governing Council comprising one Principal member and one Alternate member duly
nominated by the executive committees of the affiliated local units will also be
constituted to study, analyze and suggest suitable measures to solve various
problems encountered by the Ex-Services community. The GC will also act as the
monitoring body for the functional effectiveness and efficiency of the Executive
committee of TANESL.

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