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STAR WARS [Tattered Oe) INSTALL GUIDE m™ a \4 STAR WARS [Sao Te red INSTALL GUIDE SYSTEM REQUIRMENTS Before installing Republic at ar on your PC please ensure that your computer meets the minimum system requirements. This enjoyable experience while playing Republic at War. MINIMUM / RECOMMENDED / MAXIMUM REQUIREMENTS Processor! Memory/RaMm: video Cara Hard Disk Space: Operating System Optica Network Dispay Direct Intel Core2 Duo £4300, AMD Athlon X2 64 4600+ | Intel Core 3 540, AMD Phenom II X2 565 | Intel Core {5 2500k, AMD FX-8150 or greater 1.568 for Windows Vista | 4GB for Windows 7 | 8GB for Windows 7 or grates [ATI Radeon X1900, NVIDIA Geforce 7900 | AMD Radeon HD4890/5830/6790, NVIDIA Geforce GTX275/460/550 71 H06970/7870, NVIDIA Geforce GTX750 T or greater {668 HOD | 6G HOD | SGBSSD Windows Viste SP2 | Windows 7 SPI | Windows 10 DVD-ROM drive | DVD-ROM drive | DVD-ROM drive Broadband Internet connection | Broadband Internet connection | Sroadband Intemet connection 1024768 Resolution | 1280x1024 Resokuton | 1920x1080 Resoltion 9.0¢| 9.0¢ | 9.0€ aot ee Ree er AMD Radeon PAGE 02 pre rT INSTALL GUIDE iy NE yo) Ne ee] INSTALLING THE MOD You must have Star Wars: Empire at War and the official expansion Star Wars: Empire at War ~ Forces of Corruption installed on your hard drive before you can install Republic at War. Both games also need to be updated tothe latest version, including the RAM/Lobiby-Patch from Lucasart. If you downloaded the Republic at War Launcher copy itinto the root directory of your Forces of Corruption instalation. Doubleclick "Republic at War Launcher.exe" navigate to'Update'-Tab and click on the ‘Update”-Button. Notet If you downloaded the auto-installey, or ZIP-Version please readthe included installation uide, These guidlines will ether work on the disk version and on the Steam Gold-Version, LAUNCHING GUIDE The way you start Republic at War v1.2 differs from the previous versions. The updated launcher which comes along with this release will be required to launch the mod correctly. Using our custom launcher has several advantages. Firstly we now support compatibility for having other mods installed. Previously you got into AI issues and had to resolve them by hand. Secondly by using the launcher searches for updates for Republic ‘at War and will natify you f any new version is availabe. Thirdly the launcher automaticaly shuffles the names of the ships in the game, so you will nat only have ships on the battlefield sorted fram Ato C. To start Republic at War you simply need torun the Launcher and click the 'Play"-Button, We highly recommend to run the launcher in administrator mode. Also if you can choose between graphics cards when launching a program, please ‘choose the card you want to play Republic at War with, For additional instructions please see the Quick Install Guide that came with your download for getthem on, Poe CR eee ee PAGE 03 STAR WARS [Tat Tera 7 Oe) INTRODUCTION m™ \4 STAR WARS joo ea TN INTRODUCTION In Star Wars: Empire at War - Forces of Corruption you controlled an entire war for the Star Wars galaxy asthe Rebel Alliance, the Galactic Empire, or the Zann Consortium. Now attempt to master the galaxy by choosing sides in the galactic confict th it changed galactic history. The Clone Wars Republic at War presents a chance to pla as the Confederacy for Indpendent Systems (CIS) or the Galactic Republic (GAR). You can choose the course of galactic history by marshaling the power ofthe Droid Army or harnessing the firepower of the Grand Army of the Republi cETTING STARTED Even if you already know how to play Star Wars: Empire at suggest you read this manual, and the Quick Install Guide that w far - Forces of Corruption or played older versions of Republic at War, we strongly 5 distributed withthe mad. WHERE TO CET HELP The Republic at War forum isa place for discussions and technical support for the mad. Form including discussions about the original game, visit sage board discussions about Republic a } Se ee rey] STAR WARS [Toate ra 7 Oe) A a ey m™ a \4 pre NEW FEATURES NEW FACTIONS GALACTIC REPUBLIC (GAR) ‘The Galactic Republics the ruling government of the galaxy for the last 25,034 years. The Republic ed by a Supreme Chancellor, has a supposedly democratic government that has been able to sustain itself for over twenty-five thousand years. For most of its duration as the dominant galactic power, the Republic does not style itself as a strong centralized government, but rather as a union or aliance of sovereign planets for the purposes of promoting trade, mediating disputes, and mutual protection. CONFEDERACY OF INDEPENDENT SYSTEMS (CIS) [Agovernment and separatist mavement publicly led by Count Dooku a.k.a. Darth Tyranus, formed by various planetary and system governments, ‘as well as some mega-corporations, that declared intentions ta leave the Galactic Republic, refusing to comply withthe excessive taxation, and due to the corruption in the Senate during the Separatist Crisis. The CIS put fear in the hearts of countless citizens of the Republic, largely due to General Grievous, Supreme Commander ofthe Droid Armies. } a a Ertan] rr aaa ae ly Republic at War gets a new user interface. With a new layout and new buttons its sleeker and abit easier to use than the old one. Since all of the buttons have been changed from what you remember in Empire at War and even the placement has changed on some of them a quide is needed to acclimate you with the new GUL Skirmish GUI Guide Droid Info Button Play/Pause Speed Up Game Planet Name Map name Fire Planetary Weapon Sensor Ping Reinforcements Retreat from battle 1. Options 12. BattleCam 13, attack 4. Move Stop Attack-Mave Set Waypoint Guard Pen non PAGE 08 STAR WARS prs nat NEW FEATURES Galactic Conquest GUI Credit iter Base Level Filter Weather Filter Space Land Build Tab é } eT PAGE 09 STAR WARS [Tao Tera 7d Oe) CONTENT INFORMATION m™ a \ 4 pre rT poo) ee ee) GAMEPLAY CHANGES AND ENHANCEMENTS GAMEPLAY CHANGES AND ENHANCEMENTS: In Republic at War V1.2 we have lt af gameplay changes and new features compared to Republic at War V1.1.5- Amblent SFX, ambient life, new skirmish maps, all new Galactic Conquests, rearranged planet positions and planet sizes, new upgrades, all new soundtrack, new SFX for units and weapons, al new skydomes in each space map, new videos, and many other new gameplay ehancements such as gravity atraction from black Planet Bonuses Many ofthe planets have new and updated bonuses that affect your game in one or another. You may read more on thatin Planetary Info section. Tech Levels and Research Centers ‘The Republic wil Increase tech the same way the Empire did in EAW/FOC. By building research centers and buying tech upgrades. In Republic at Wer the CIS upgrade tech is identical as the Republic. No longer can you put a research center on any planet. Only certain planets can have a research center onit. You may read more about the planets in Planetary Inf section, War Production Planets Im Republic at War we have expanded upon the games original concept of capital ship producing planets by including heavy land units as well. Now there are specific industrial planets that produce capital ships and heavy vehicles. Some can produce both but for most its only one. Level 5 shipyards can only be bult on capital ship producing planets. Loss of one of these planets can greatly reduce your ably to make war so guarding ‘each of your production plat 1d more about the planets in Planetary Info section. 5s vital. You may ae SETI pre rT CONTENT INFORMATION GAMEPLAY CHANGES AND ENHANCEMENTS Strategic and Tactical Structures Both factions can build new dedicated structures. These structures grant unique bonuses that will help your war effort from improved health to fer weapons. You many only build one of these per planet. Please refer to the structure guide at the end of this manual for a listing of the structures and what they do, Planetary Defenses Both factions can bulld their own version of planetary defenses. The CIS and Republic both have land based weapons capable of targeting vesselsin ‘orbit. The CIS have the Hypervelocity Gun and the Republic have the W-165 Planetary Turbolaser. Both ofthese weapons can cause critical damage {02 capital ship with one shot. planet with one ofthese weapons can support wipe even large ets. These weapons are buildable only on your war production planets and ar capitals, The cost to bulld stars at keredits ‘Commando Raids Both factions can now conduct Commando Raids. These can be useful when needing to take outa pesky planetary defense weapon, Buildable Jedi The Republic is granted many Jedi heroes as they progress in eras. However, some Jedi can only be purchased. This can be done at any Republic held “Torce” planet. These planets hold significant value to the Jed therefore, Jed can be built there, Dark Acolytes forthe CIS must be purchased ‘also and can be done in the same manner that the edl are bult. You may read more about planets n Planet Guide. Hostile Populations The galaxy ‘sna longer a nice happy place like in EAW/FOC. Its teeming with life and some of t net so friendly. Some planets with significant criminal affilations will resist any atternpt of interference. Some planets are fiercely independent and do not want outsiders on their worlds. These populations will atack CIS and Republic forces alike, Make sure you read the planet info pane when invading as you willearn ithe population could be hostile. Cnn See ae en ey PAGE 12 pre rT CONTENT INFORMATION GAMEPLAY CHANGES AND ENHANCEMENTS Civilians Givllans now inhab) the galaxy. All worlds wil have civilians going about their daily routine. Some are just walking about, some are operating ships or speeders. Sometimes Civilans can wander onto a battlefield. If that happens care must be taken. No longer can you bomb indiscriminately. If yu kill an innocent civilian there will ea penalty. For every lostife you willbe forced to pay a death benefit of 1000 credits tothe family. This willbe deducted from your galactic daily total. Civilians can only be kiled if you intentionally kill them or by accident such as them getting in the mile of ‘an orbital bombardment scenario. This can be quite costly, so plan accordingly. Air Transport ‘The Republic now has the ability to use the LAAT as an air transport. You may simply use the LAAT justike any ather transport vehicle. The diference being the LAAT wil land and pick up your troops. You may then transport them across the battlefield safely, landing them rightinto the battle, Artillery We have changed the way Artillery functions in RaW. Artillery is deadl in Hero Guide, Galactic Conquest and Skirmish Guide sections. ler and can hit your units from further away. You can read more about the units Battlefield Pads We have implemented a new skirmish mode of play Now in addition to outpost build pads. Each side is granted a small "Battle Pad”, Depending on the faction each side has a number of unique structures that can be bul which allow a ton of unique units or upgrades to become available. From Droid Centers, to Merc HQ's. Choose wisely 2s you may only build one ata time, Medical Ui ‘You may now bullé faction specific medical or repair units that heal your units. These are mainly unarmed so protect them carefull. Snes Reade a ey yao) Pre CONTENT INFORMATION GAMEPLAY CHANGES AND ENHANCEMENTS Engineer Units You may now bulié engineer units, These units can construct things or lay mines or ot Ambient SFX All maps now have ambient SFX. Not just birds chirping and wind. Anything and everything that should produce sounds now does. From tofactories, tocities. The galaxy not only teems with visible life but audible life now as well New Fauna Many new creatures have been added from 1 Star Wars universe. From Gizkas, to Krayt Dragons. New Planet Models Every single planet now in the mod has a unique model and skin, Weapon Specific Deathclones Every vehicle now has a deathcione and they are glorious. No more small explosions for your vehicles. Vehicles now explode the way they should. Infantry die based on the weapon being used. Lightsabers will use dismemberment. Explosions will use bodies to go flying. Force push sends droids hundreds of yards away and sometimes into pieces. New Particles Every single projectile and part le n RaW has been reworked or remade to fitour style of play ea ey STAR WARS prs esa Tt CONTENT INFORMATION GAMEPLAY CHANGES AND ENHANCEMENTS New Soundtrack and SFX Several hours of new music has been added to fitthe Clone Wars theme, All new battle music has also been added. Allnew units have brand new SFX. From engines, to weapons, ta commands. New Indigenous Units Many new indigenous units have been added into the mod. From Munns, and Naboo Security, to Rodians, and Duros Multiple Galactic Conquests Several new scenarios have been added to enhance game play. Fig requested One Starting Planet GC "From Ashes" 1 Clone War in total or engage in some specific campaigns like the often (Orsee the aftermath ofthe war and the rise ofthe Empire in "Fall ofthe Jedi" ae aa STAR. WARS [Tao Tera 7d Oe) GAMEPLAY GUIDE m™ a \4 ea GAMEPLAY GUIDE REPUBLIC AT WAR, 1e as from Mining. Mines could be built on any planet and that was pretty much it In Empire at War - Forces of Corruption your only source of inco Tn Republic at War we have expanded on the economy a bit and enhanced it. There are several ways to make credits now. Your faction may build Mines, Nova Crystal Mines, Refineries, and Farms. There are some restrictions though. Mines may only be built on certain planets that have known ‘moof gas, and Farms may only be builton worlds known for farming, lore deposits. Refineries, may only be built on world that normally produce @ ‘The Confederacy has a additional option where they can also build Arenas on certain planets which offer gambling income, Please see the planet Info to see which economic options are avalabl have ne economic options. for specificplanets. Some plat } CoN ee a ae PACE 17 pre rT GAMEPLAY GUIDE Production Planets", These are vital to your war effort. Some can produce Heavy Units lke the AT-TE or MTT. Some can produce Capital ships via@ Level 5 shipyard like Venators, and Lucrehulks. Essentially Level 5 shipyards and Heavy vehicle factories may only be placed on one of these "Production Worlds". Each faction has 2 "cuper” ship they can build. The Republic has access to "Pride of the Core” a massive Mandator-class star dreadnaught. The CIS can build the Malevolence” a massive Subjugator-class cruiser. Please see the planet guide to see your construction options, Th lists below wil assist you Heavy Vehicles AT-AP,AV-7, AT-TE, Juggernaut, LAAT/I, UT-AT, IG-227 Hallie Tank, NR-N997 Enforcer Tank, OG-9 Homing Spider, MTT, HMP and Supertank BHABRBEEeBReee Capital and Super Ships Venator SD, Mandator Dreadnaught, Victory SD, Imperial SD, Lucrehulk Battleship, Malevolence, Bulwark Crulser and Providence Destroyer a2uanae a Production Planets Bestine, Corellia, Cor 1, Mon Calimari, Rendii, Rothana, Kuat, Mandalore, Mechis III, Minnt ant, Duro, Faerost, Fondor, Geonosis, Hyp Sluis Van, Sullust and Ut } ea PAGE 18 pre rT GAMEPLAY GUIDE GAMEPLAY GUIDE SPECIAL STRUCTURES Each faction can now build some unique and special structures. Both factions n bulld "Outposts" on remote worlds. Outposts act as secondary barracks, add tothe planets garrison and are a great addition to any planets defense. In addition to Outposts the Republic can construct Listening posts which add the ability for the Republic to See CIS troop movements in the nearby sector. The CIS can build Gravity Generators which when ‘activated hamper the movement of repulsor craft such as Sabertanks, and AV-7 Artillery Please see the planet chart to see available construction options. a @ CoN ee a PAGE 19 pre rT GAMEPLAY GUIDE PLANETARY DEFENSE WEAPONS Both factions can construct massive Weapon emplacements on a planets surface to augment ther space forces. The Republic can construct the W-165 Planetary Turbolaser, and the CIS may build the Hypervelocity Gun. Both weapons are capable of causing critical damage to all but the largest capital ships in one volley. However they are very expensive and can be destroyed via Commando Raids, Careful thought must be given before constructing these } GAMEPLAY GUIDE PLANETARY DEFENSE WEAPONS tary) pre rT GAMEPLAY GUIDE INFANTRY STRUCTURE Infantry has been greatly enhanced in Republic at Wer. Gone are the basic nits of infantry with 18 soldiers, Below is some important information aboutinfantry, Many ofthe maps included in the mad allow for more flexible movement for infantry. There are many footpaths and trails that infantry can access but larger vehicles cannot, These paths can be vital to you in and combat. With that in mind lafantry is that much more Vitalin Republic at War than ever before. Infantry Is cheap whereas vehicles are much much more expensive, Each faction has its own unique advantages and disadvantages when co mes to infantry, CIS Infantry Advantages: CIS Infantry Disadvantages: Quick build times 'No unit flexibility Low Cost Low durability Larger Units Republic Infantry Advantages: Republic Infantry Disadvantages: High Unit flexibility High Cost Special Ablities Slow bull times High durabiity Limited build locations Unit exibilty is important. As the CIS you may build 82 Battledroids or the Basic B1 Battedroids. B2s are much more expensive than B1s but are more powerful. B1s are less durable than B2s but come in greater numbers. The CIS may only bulld one type of droid unit with regards to formations. The Republic has much more flexibility. Canes can be built in Squads up tothe largest size formations which are "Corps! } GAMEPLAY GUIDE INFANTRY STRUCTURE ters oe ae 5, Phase 2 armor becomes available and the largest tions can be built. The only is that the Company size formations and above may only be built on the planet Kamino. ith the ‘sor officers. For example aPlat 12S equipped witht STAR WARS [Sao Tarek TY Below is the formation guide: 81 Battledroids 82 Battledroids Clone Trooper Squad (Phase 1) Clone Trooper Platoon (Phase 1) Clone Trooper Company (Phase 1) Clone Trooper Company (Phase 2) soper Battalion (Phase 2) oper Legion (Phase 2) oper Corps (Phase 2) GAMEPLAY GUIDE 48 Droids in Squads of 12 36 Droidsin Squads of ‘9Clonesina Single Squad 18 Clones in a Squads of 8 34 Clonesin Squads of 54 Clones in squads of 9 72 Clones in Squads of 9 (Available Battalions -212") 4108 Clones in Squads of 9 (Available Leigons - 501", 187") +<72.Clanesin Squads of 9 (Available Corps- 7”, 41°, 327") Eeeat vg PAGE 23 STAR WARS na GAMEPLAY GUIDE alps In Empire at War - Forces of Corruption if you played as the Rebel Alia ‘and bypass the Empires space forces to e you could conduct raids, Raids are where you could select a small force we have expanded upon th concept. Now, both the There are some limitations though. Only heroes and commando units can go on ids and only two units at a time, Heroes are any of your major such as Jedi or Delta Squad, etc. Non-hero commando units that conduct raids are ARC Troopers and 8X Commando Droids. Simply se ‘Commando Raid” option appear for each planet in specially to remove apesky planetary defense weapon, sult a planet directly. In Republic and the Confederacy can conduct "Commando Raids 2 of these units and you will see a comes in handy } Ta ty STAR WARS prs nia Tt GAMEPLAY GUIDE qviians ‘A new feature added into Republic at War Is the use of Civilians. On many worlds you will encounter civilians. Many af them are operating ait speeders orland speeders, or just walking on foot. These innocent civilians will go about their business and will not interfere with you or your forces. However sometimes they can get in the way of your operations. If that happens you may “kil” them, However, doing so has serious consequences. Especially you are playing as the Republic. Each civilian casualty will cost you 1000 credits which will be deducted from your credits immediately Kill too many and you can find yourself out of credits quickly. So Be careful before you order ina air strike or a orbital bombardment. In space the same applies but In this case you will encounter civilian vessels Pleasure craft and freighters. On sparsely populated worlds the likelihood of encountering civilians is iminished, bu ‘on more densely populated worlds like Corellia and Coruscant you will mast likely encounter them. } per Ey taaely fr aaa GAMEPLAY GUIDE and may not be utilized to augment your forces. fed you may respond without any eae eon ed PAGE 26 pre rT GAMEPLAY GUIDE FAUNA We have expanded the plethora of fauna that resides in the galaxy. In adaltion to Wampas, Rancors, and hostile plant lif, Players now should also be wary of creatures such as Krayt Dragons, Bull Rancors, and Jungle Rancors. Additionally several non hostile types of fauna have found their way into the med as well Zr es] pre rT GAMEPLAY GUIDE NEW SKURMISH MAP GUIDE, To play ll the skirmish maps simply select the “Custom Maps” button at the Skirmish section of the main menu, All of the stack maps have been ‘also added in several new and exciting land Skirmish maps and space maps. converted to have the new battlefield pads. We hav 1 Christophsis Assault: This map takes place on Christophsis and in the main city. Each side has a base on the opposite side of the map. The goal is for either side to take the others base and contral the city. You can sneakin via side street or head up the main avenue to batt it outin the city center. 2. Droid Foundry Assault: This map sa conversion of the SP Hypori map. Ittakes place on Geonosis andi in inside @ massive droid foundry. Itis ainfantry only map. Which means you may only build infantry anc heroes. You cannot use vehicles, conduct bombing runs or orbital bombardment. Choosing the Republic to play presents some interesting challenges as the foundry is constantly spawning variou droid types. The goal stake control af the factory 3. Kessel Mine Mayhem: Another SP conversion map this map takes place onthe Spice Mines of Kessel. I's interesting maps also as you may not build any heavy vehicles. There are many foot paths and trails on this map allowing infantry only assaults on the enemy base. 4. Endor Rocks: Is isa small where, same as Kessel Mine Mayhem you cannot bulld heavy hevicies. You need be fast in producing units in ‘oder to ensure you retain the upper hand of the battle. Also watch out for the planets they might tend to attack you! 5. Coruscant Siege: Show your stategic skills in an epic space combat over the surface of Coruscant. } Ey rears) STAR WARS doton the map. It wil change to your team jour build option. You may onl sa unique set of build opt ®|\enes|\see Pre rT GAMEPLAY GUIDE Republic: Field Hospital: Heals surrounding infantry also allows construction of 2-18 Medical Drolds, Armed Clone Combat Medics, ané offers many unique infantry upgrades and bonuses. Engineering Platform: Heals surrounding vehicles also allows construction of Clone Ordinance Specialists, Clone Engineers, and offers many unique vehicle upgrades and bonuses. Forward Command Post: Acts as a secondary command center and allows construction of Clone Commandoes, Clone Snipers, ARC Gun Ships, and Jedi Reinforcements. Also grants some unique bonuses ‘and upgrades for vehicles and infantry alike. Mercenary Headquarters: Gives the Republic access to unique Mercenary units. Allows construction ‘of Wookie Warriors, Mercenary Infantry, Hacked Droidekas, Mandalorian Mercenaries, Stolen AAT's, and IG-86 sentinel droids Republic High Command: Allows construction of unique prototypes and upgrades. Open Circle Fleet: Unlocks special elite squadrons as well as allows cruitment of unique Jed! heroes. Lek Revenants: Unlocks special heraes and units from the Lok Revenents and Mere Resistance, such as Nym, vvana Sage and Mere Cruisers cs: Droid Center: Heals surrounding droid infantry units also allows construction of Repair Droids, 1G-100 Magnaguards, 8X Commando Drolds, and 16-86 Sentinel Droids. Also offers unique upgrades and bonuses for droid infantry units. Engineering Platform: Heals surrounding droid vehicles and allows construction af Droid Enginners, and offers many unique upgrades and bonuses for vehicles. Forward Command Post: Acts as a secondary command center and allows construction of Dark Acolytes, and a unique bounty hunter. Also grants many unique ang FY and vehicles. Siege Mortar: Allows construction of a mass! ‘mortar which is able to devastate nuclear type rounds or napalm type rounds. Confederacy High Command: Allows construction of h Squadron such as Sabaoth Destroyers and Hex Deployers. interesting upgrades for heroes, infa enemy emplacements. Can fire elthe unique ships and upgrades. Sabaoth Squadron: Unlocks special units from Saba Mercenaries: Allows recruitment of special mercenary heros such as Cad Bane and Aurra Sing | eee te SET) STAR WARS prs eat GAMEPLAY GUIDE ‘Outposts function identical to how they did in FOC. There is some slight variation to them. Below isa guide of what can be built on the Outpost Pads ‘and what each item does. Republic Hutt Palace - Allows construction of Pirate Infantry, Pirate PLEX Infantry, and Pirate Skiffs. Mining Facility - Adds a massive boost to your base income, Uplink Facility - Allows FOW ping bias, which allows you to see large portions of the map fora period of time. 226 crs Hutt Palace - Allows construction of Prat income. Gravity Generator -Redu: Infantry, irate PLEX Infantry, and Pirate Skiffs, Mining Facility - Adds @ massive boost to your base movement of repulsor craft such as IFT-X Sabertank, @e@ } GAMEPLAY GUIDE OUTPOSTS PAGE 31 STAR WARS [Tat Tera 7d Oe) HERO GUIDE m™ a \4 Peas REPUBLIC HEROES ee ee PAGE 33 STAR WARS coy co STAR WARS co co STAR WARS STAR WARS co STAR WARS BF eRe come prey STAR WARS STAR WARS STAR WARS Pre ay CiS HEROES i | = } i ie it ® oS ee a PAGE 44 ] STAR WARS [Tattered Oe) GALACTIC CONQUEST m™ a \4 STAR WARS STAR WARS ie Cy MMe) My rore aa rite yb Pas | ft ft STAR WARS foo STAR WARS STAR WARS Pre a REPUBLIC LAND UNITS 8 GALACTIC CONQUEST REPUBLIC LAND UNITS tna | Pte ay REPUBLIC LAND UNITS a) (TS Pee eed PAGE 55 ] Pre aa REPUBLIC SPACE UNITS PAGE 56 STAR WARS STAR WARS STAR WARS STAR WARS (EK Let STAR WARS STAR WARS Pe a REPUBLIC SPACE UNITS 7} GALACTIC CONQUEST REPUBLIC SPACE UNITS PAGE 63 ] STAR WARS STAR WARS (*) INFANTRY BARRACKS aaeaae % (ai) oe a STAR WARS i! a oh STAR WARS Pris a GAR LAND STRUCTURES Te ee eat ae od PAGE 70 aaeewe GAR SPACE STRUCTURES IS eo ee od tal STAR WARS ies Oa et STAR WARS STAR WARS oo STAR WARS STAR WARS oy REET Mt JN Bel Te) oye pr aa CIS LAND UNITS > ¢ BX COMMANDO DROID. on ; & Cow oie ae ed Lat) | STAR WARS STAR WARS STAR WARS STAR WARS rr aaa CIS SPACE UNITS yy €. VULTURE DROID. ON leet OS Bl doy o mM i ® OS oe ea PAGE 83 STAR WARS STAR WARS Pr aa CIS SPACE UNITS OU TB ae) GALACTIC CONQUEST CIS SPACE UNITS La 3) mo ae Pie a CIS SPACE UNITS x7 GALACTIC CONQUEST CIS SPACE UNITS a2 ] STAR WARS STAR WARS STAR WARS STAR WARS I . Ce en Tall 5 eee co ct - CxS a -\-)y Remmi |< ry STAR WARS Osa) aes —_ fo C.-T -* > Seana . EXTRA UNIT PRODUCTION & (of s\n a |) Wanted — Pris ay CIS LAND STRUCTURES PAGE 95 Po oe TS re eed PAGE 96 STAR. WARS SHIPYARD LEVEL 1 €9 SHIPYARD LEVEL 2 STAR WARS €9 SHIPYARD LEVEL 5 fee €}, BANKING CLAN GUN PLATFROM as oe ee ee [ToT Tera 7d Oe) SKIRMISH GUIDE m™ a \4 Pris ay REPUBLIC LAND UNITS 7 carn ae ny yee] ] pre aa REPUBLIC LAND UNITS RE aed PAGE 102 oe &3 AAYLA SECURA (JEDI;REINFORCEMENT) by i) 1 oa oa ©. @ 2-48 MEDICAL DROID ae co i i i me tea _ “= mo co Ca Pie a REPUBLIC SPACE UNITS ~ OT os J. - ane = fe 7 oat eta PAGE 109 ] Pr ar REPUBLIC SPACE UNITS ERT] REPUBLIC SPACE STATION UNITS pe En aa ed PAGE 110 oa (x) NYM (SCURRG H-6 HAVOG:PROTOTYPE) a We Pa oa ®& Pe a GAR LAND STRUCTURES @ pe oat ae boty PAGE 115 ] STAR WARS OH) Ree) oo oe 3} (>) ‘BATTLEFIELD PAD: ENGINEERING PLATFORM = STAR WARS rae (x) OUTPOST BUILDPAD: HUTT PALACE hon. @ OUTPOST BUILDPAD: MINING FACILITY BY) By voor ronucrion STAR WARS STAR WARS STAR WARS STAR WARS OE a A a OPEN CIRCLE FLEET Prat esa) CiS LAND UNITS Pee nary PAGE 123 Pr eT CIS LAND UNITS Bt ate Re ed PAGE 124 STAR WARS ers. | Eft? Pe a CIS LAND UNITS ® ey PAGE 128 ] SKIRMISH CIS SPACE UNITS ryt Py pte aa CIS SPACE UNITS Ce Ce ey Re ae tae PAGE 130 oe STAR. WARS STAR WARS HHS) STAR WARS STAR WARS i No UNIT PRODUCTION Ls | Gpe/ STAR. WARS STAR WARS ee SHIPYARD LEVEL 1 Pam €9 SHIPYARD LEVEL 2 Oleh MN) Me} STAR WARS € SPACE. BATTLEPAD: CIS HIGH COMMAND STAR WARS < SPACE BATTLEPAD: SABAOTH SQUADRON STAR WARS [Tattered Oe) LAND/SPACE SPECS m™ a \4 Pre a LAND/SPACE SPECS PD << naw sormst REPUBLIC LAND AND SPACE SPECS PAGE 142 ]

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