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Istanbul Technical University

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Advanced Fluid Dynamics 26/10/07 Fall 2007

Quiz # 2

A viscous, incompressible fluid flows between the two

infinite, vertical, parallel plates as shown in figure.
Determine, by use of the Navier-Stokes equations, an
expression for the pressure gradient in the direction of
flow. Express your answer in terms of the mean velocity.
Assume that the flow is laminar, steady, and uniform.

With the coordinate system shown u = 0, w = 0 and from the continuity equation =0.
Thus, from the y component of the Navier-Stokes equation, with g y = - g:

∂p d 2v
0 = − − ρg + µ 2 (1)
∂y dx
Since the pressure is not a function of x, Equation1 can be written as:

d 2v p
dx 2
µ (2)

(where p = + ρ g ) and integrated to obtain:

dv p
= x + C1 (3)
dx µ
From symmetry = 0 at x = 0 so that C1 = 0. Integration of Equation 2 yields

p x2
v= + C2 (4)
2µ 2

p 2
Since at x = ± h , v = 0 it follows that C2 = − h and therefore


p 2
x − h2 ) (5)

The flow rate per unit width in the z direction can be expressed as

h h
2 ph 3
q = ∫ vdx = ∫
p 2
( x − h ) dx = − 3 µ
−h −h

Thus with V (mean velocity) given by the equation

q 1 ph 2
V= =−
2h 3 µ (7)

It follows that

q 1 ph 2
V= =−
2h 3 µ (8)

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