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Final Assignment

M2: English for Social Communication

1. Describe your best teacher colleague in terms of his/her physical and mental appearances.

I teach in junior high school. The school is located on the road. Murtala no.1 parengki
pinrang regency, there are 23 teachers, consist of 13 women and 10 men. All the teachers
were very kind and friendly, especially Mr. Heril. He is a very good friend. Mr. heril is
handsome, tall, white, however, rather thin. He has got light black eyes and short curly hair.
His wife is my friend too.

He is punctual, well-educated, and has good manners. He is really hard working. He always
helps friends to do things, such as helping friends print, learning implementation plans,
value lists, attendance lists, journals and others. He is also well-dressed and well-behaved.
All teachers have a high opinion of him.

Other hand, Mr. Heril is also very smart and funny, he always entertains the teachers at the
clerk with a funny story at rest. However, he is wise and friendly to all teachers and students.

2. Write a historical recount of the school where you are currently teaching. For this purpose,
you can interview people who has knowledge of the school history; or, examine relevant
documents or artifacts for data to support your writing.

Historical of SMPN 2 SUPPA

SMPN 2 is one was one of the schools located in the suppa area of Pinrang Regency. The
location of this school was a cemetery in 1985. Then in 1990 the school of suppa 2 junior
high school was built at the location of the cemetery.

One day when the school was going to be built, some of the workers were possessed
formerly the place was a former cemetery. There are also old trees that make the place look
haunted. However, the place is now built by a large school with a large area.
The school has many buildings. There was mosque, 12 classrooms, computer laboratories,
science laboratories, craft rooms, student council rooms, spacious halls, spacious offices,
teacher's rooms, libraries and toilet.

At that time the teachers at the school were few, they had a place to live at the school
location because their house was very far from the school. They were MR.Ukkas as a sports
teacher, Mr. Yafied as IPA teacher, Mr. Yusuf as mathematics, Mr. Heril as English teacher,
Mrs. Himah as Indonesian teacher, Mrs. Hastati as IPS teacher.

Nevertheless, their enthusiasm thought was still there. At that time school facilities were still
very limited, especially electricity problems. At that time electricity was still very limited.
They use candles as lights in their homes at night. They enjoy it.

3. Read the following label carefully. What can you say about its social function, generic
structure, and language features?


social function generic structure language features

giving information about  Servings: larger,  Present tense

Muzayyanah Mujahid, S.Pd. SMPN 1 Pulau Sembilan Sinjai

healthy product label food, bolder type, and  singular noun an
Nutrition facts and sizes updated plural nouns
ingredients  Calories: larger type  Quantifiers
 Updated daily values  Numbers
 Actual amounts  Imperative
 Change in nutrients
 New footnote

4. Look around your school environment and find one sample of warnings, notices, and
cautions. Take a picture of the samples and explain the message contained in each of

example message contained

Notice invites people to maintain cleanliness by
removing garbage in its place or not

Caution provide information to people not to

smoke at the area

Prohibition Prohibit to students for coming late to

the class.

Muzayyanah Mujahid, S.Pd. SMPN 1 Pulau Sembilan Sinjai

Muzayyanah Mujahid, S.Pd. SMPN 1 Pulau Sembilan Sinjai

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