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om fe raniaty glad tofee " Her Souk thi To Carden to Guido much ty Dive ~> But ju one Lilly wee behold thenTuo Toyn'd in a Ripicsty Ni ee ee Anima Aftrologia = OR, A ASTROLOGERS, BEING The confiderations of the Famous GUIDO BONATUS Faithfully rendred into Englith, As alfor The Choiceft Aphotifms of CARDANS Seaven Segments, ‘Tranflateds and methodically digetted under their proper Heads. With aNew Table of the fixed Sears, retified for feveral_years to come, and divers other neceffary Iluftrarions. A Work mo ufeful and neceffary for all Students, and recommended’ as (uch co the Sons of Art, By Villism Lily, Studer in Afrology, London, Printed for B. Harvis at the Statio- ners Arms in Sveeethings Rents near the Royal-Exchange, 1676. Seeasessssscuesess LICENSE D, April, 29. 1675¢ . Roger L’Eftrange, enneserceereeseees geoeconerecoogools To the Ingenious Lovers of Art? WE had formerly fome thoughes of Revifing our Introduflion to * Aftrology now out of Print, and to have Enriche ir for another Edition with the choice! Aphorifmass both froni, the writings of the Ancients, and our own many years Experience, but the Law borionfnefs of that Work, Confidering our Age, and many InfiPrities of boo dy; with the Difcouragements we have already met with from fome sngrates fall Eee caufed usto ~ afide (at, Ieaft for the prefent) thofe Intentions, Yet that we might oot be holy wanting to promote any thing that, might tend tothe Advancement of, Arty: and Gratification of its painfull Stu dents, and knowing how neceflary the enfiting Confiderations of Guido’ Bos! aatus, and Aphorifmes adjoined, are ta' be known and Reguarded, which many of our Ingenious Country-men could . nor The Epiftle Dedicatory: iiot do, for that they have hitherto rez angined ip the Latin Tongue, with the reft of the works of thofe Authors in Large Volumes, difficult to begat, and too chargablefor many to buy,we there- upon Recommended themto a Friend tobe tranflated by themfelves,which he has Fadicioujly pertormed in plain Sig~ nificant’ Language, (o that we Fudge the work may dferve the Title of Anima Afirologie , which we have given it 5 Comprehending the Marrow and Sb» flance ot Afirology, and much excellent matter, vece[Jary to be obferved by all Honeft Students, that pragtife Arto aif- cover Truth, and not to Vapour with. We doubt not but the Legitimate Sons and well-willers of Vrazta will find Confiderable Advantages from hence, direétingthem to a certainty in giving their ‘Judgments upon all ocea~ fions, and that they will for this’ pub- fication have caule to thank thei old Friend, Walten upon Thatnes 2 ig 157 $+ William Lilly, | | BEGTISTCOTTITGSS | To the Reader. Hou art here prefented nich 2, Choice pieces of Art inour Mather Tongue, The fir{ the Confiderations of Guido Buna tus, A Perfan no lefs happy in the pradife, than skilfull in the Theory of Aftrology, of which I will here give thee one Injtance as iris vecorded by that eminent Hiftorian Fulgofus,L, 8.C. 11, That Guido Earl of Mount-ferrant. being befeiged in that City, qu Author Bonatus fent him word, that if fuch a dey and hour be would make a Sally on the Bremies Camp, be [bueld give them an abfolute Defeat, and force them to raife their feige and quit the place, but Jboula himftlf receive a dangerous (but not mar- tal) mound in the thigh, The Barl took bis Councell, made bis Sally on the day ap~ pointed, providing himfelf of all things re~ cofjary in cafe of a wound and according to the prediftion ash wafily inferior in numbers, obtained @ moft fignal and intire Vi8ory, but

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