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A. Briefe and moSt eafie Fatrodutfion to the Aftrologicall ludgementot the Starres, Whereby the diligent Reader with eafie laboure ‘may givie a certen,true,and determinate Indge- ‘mient to any Queftion demanded,vpon the na- ‘urall canfes thereof. Wrritun bythe mf femons Phifiion Claudius Darior: and ‘inflated by E,W, gent. eAnd lately remed, ard in foe places angwented and amended by GC. Gently Whereuntoisannexed a moft neeeffaie Table forthe find ing outof the Planctarie and ynequall houre, ynderche Latitude of 52 Gr. 50 .Mnexadtly calculated by Welayde F.17s Alfohereuntois added a briefe Treavfe of Mathema- ticallPhificke,ensreasing very exactly and com- ipendionfy of the Rgruresand Qualves of «ll difeafesincident ro bumanebo= diesby she natural Influences of theCalefiall motions. Newer befare handled inshis our nasine language. Wristen by the fayd G, C. pradticio- ner inPhificke, Aftrarequnt homines, etvegit Aftra Dent, LONDON a Printed by Thomas Purfoot. a5a8s ¢ Tothe Right VVorfhipfull Mai- fer Edward Dodge Efquier, Fa- bian Wither wisheth long life, with profperous fucceffeand encreate of Gods Graces. OC. HEN as] doe often times reuolue ‘with my flfe (Right Woslhipfl) thegreatlabours, continual panes, By andinceflaune diligence, which the forraine Nations vc forthe aduice~ ment oftheir country & people, co bring thems vnrothe viderféding & knowledge ofall, all manner Atcs BY & Sciences: infomuch there isnot any Author that hath written in an tongeorlsgageorofany aor Sefncey ch hey ase rot tranflated into theicowne proper and vulgar tonguc,forthe c6~ son commodity oftheir ccuntrey : as dayly experience with ‘utfurcherproofe doch fffciendly approve & teflfics{ eanncta Title maruel atthe lacknes,orsather contemptuous negligéce ‘four councreymien in hefe our dayesyyppon whome,although God bath befiowedhis gifts moft pl uily,fo that I foppose them not tobe inferiorvco any Nation in learning and knowe~ Tedge:yetas though they were born only for thifelues 8 co theit ‘owne vfesshauc altogether negle€ied opublifh orfet forth any thing fo te cmon commodiie oftheir county ortather ferme to have evuyed that anye man thoulde bee partaker of the frites and benefesof teirlaboures and fad, The which their dealinges how fare offtisfrom Chaiftianti, they ten» Aa felues The Epiftle, flues exnealilyindge.Barhove Eure diferentitis fom a mind: envdowed with wifedome, let thisone fentenee of Cicer in hi Olfices declare an hew, he faith, Mow nybis film ari fms felpariinpurviog tin rarestibuspertimanicis debenea, That ssytve are notborne onely for our flues, bu parely for out coun tieparly for ou Parentsaad partlye for our friendess where asheatenbuterh the it and principal poine and deste of out boscing in ehis fe cothe wfeand commodivie of out counsiey, theother partes as by diftibution doth appear, dhe lat and Teall parc vato our flues. Buenow by aprepotte fion,avinal other ions nd affayces,f lik knovsledge and learning, eucry man feekethto profice aad a uuance hinnfefe dhat hee may feeme to furmount and excell o- thers, buttione forthe common commoditie of his countzey, sshich fhevveeh the great abufe of God his good gyfees and argueth the horsible ingraticude and contempe of naruall da Gie5, which een she heathen men which knewe not Gud dyd acknowlegderobe requifceina good man, but mec hinketh L hearcone obiest and fay: Siein noage ortime hath there been “y many famoustearaed men wich haue written of and ypon. te ted Series by wy ofeonrouceasothe as are inthete onrdayes,butfor your Atology ici though of snany beter valuonethen knowne, WhetedacoT auivere thus, uofterniisthat the facred Seriptatesaretobe preferred before all other knowledge, learaing ats, or fences, what{oe cut, ard fich ashaue trauelled in them for the commoditie of cit couscry worthy to reape their due rewarde and commen dlacion. But notwithttanding asGod hath reuealed bimfelie in fis worde,fohathhealfo opened hionfelfe in his ereatutes,tey- sherisccabecaccountd deleaftor allel payne of Ding «o koesvhiod tely in his workesand creatures, The Posten vith, Fhelheayens declare the glory of god &the frmamge Chew foorth hishai ly wotkes now: Lfappote ehere is none (0 ig ane andwilfallehac wil affirme orlay, dhe declaration of hys. slorieorthefetting foorth ofhishandy worketobee wholy ine ied and comeyaed in the framz,beautie or motion of the fame, The Epiftle. fame, wherefore wee mutt proceede furtherand with diligent rminde ence into the contemplation of thei natures fecking, outheirfecret and hydden qualities, foras itprofteth vs lice tle toknowe that GOD hath adorned and decked the cach with all kinde of Come and Cate, with Hlearbes, Fruits lances, anderces, excepthechadalotaughevs toknowe the natural! qualiciesandyfcofthem, hovve fome feruefor foode and ulenanee, fomiefor the helpe and cute offindrye difeafes greelesand maladies, fometor other necelfirye purpole. 8, Whereby hee dooth not allonelye each vstoknowe hym to beethe Crearorofthe(ethinges, bucalfo is Fatherlye lybee ralvie inthe bountifllbeftowing of ef hys fies, & care fall prouidence in prouyding for vsall hinges neceflay forthe maintenance andreliefe of mans nature whercby wee might be continually prouoked toacknovsledge himrobee our God and toprayfeand glosfichisname forhis great benefgs. Soinlyke ‘manner when wee duelye confierthe natures and influences of the Celeflial bodiesbeholding Seniarking diligently hei force andeffeStes intheinferior bodyes, wee fhallfraygheway bee broughttothevnderltanding and knowledgehow thar OD hath planced and placed inchema Lawe ofregiment, orrul,by ‘wlios a8 by hisoftamencs and fecond eaufes hie will le anal sovernehisiferior Orbeyuaking it fubicét vice diverse fn ‘dry muutaions and changesathis wiland decree, Thewhich mus tations and chaunges, notwithftanding hee hath noe fecrely clofed vpp vnc hie, but molt playiely ee orth as in ata Bieinhis Caleta ereaturesto behoulde , and alfo o fore= ‘ware vstoforefee and take heede, that vwhon auye euyl is thieatned, toflyevatobym, whoe alone cana curne the fame amaye, and likewifeco ire vs vp vaco thankflife, when ashee fewedh hys fuwoursble countenaunce and promyleth all goodneffe , The Iyke that is fpoken hese in geverall, amaye alfo bee fayde andappiyed nto everye partciler maa inbymfelfe, whofe nature wyth the difpottion and inclina. ‘onof thefanie either vato good or euill wych hisfundy mucaci= ‘onsand changes profpesticand good fuceefejas oaducriy, a3 fick

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