Character Sheet

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LiFG 1

JFull Infovmfition on alypli cation to the Mdnager.
For Mutual Assurance without Personal
Established 1830.

Tfte principal features of this Society embrace-

Undoubted Security. Moderate Premiums. Large
Profits. Prompt Payment of Claims. Liberal Surrender
Values. Non-Forfeitiire. Assurance of Military and Naval
Officers at Low Fixed Rates, covering all risk of Climate
and Service. The Issue of Trust Policies under the
" Married Women's Property Act, 1882." And the grant-
ing of Children's Endowments upon unusually favourable

Fu// Prospectuses, &^c., on application to

HENRY JOHN PUCKLE, Manager and Secretary.


As USED BY Officers AT Home & Abroad. A Large Stock always ready.


GALORE " SILK fo^Yropical Weather Suits,
As Exhibited in the Health Exhibition.
No Gentleman should be without these Sleeping Suits.
They are a Safeguard against Rheumatism.


^.BURDEN & CO,DressShirtMakers,Hosiers&Outfitters,



Silver Medal and Highest Aivard.
Medal and Diploma,
These honours wef-e awarded to

OAKES & CO., Madras,

For the excellent Quality and Superiority of their



(Known and sold in India as "Beehives," and Registered as the
" Pag"oda " Brand in England).

"ANGLO INDIANS." — The nearest approach to a Real Havanna

ever made in India.


They are supplied to the principal

Military Messes, Civil Servants, Olubs and
Merchants in India, and have an Unri-
valled Reputation throughout the World.

OAKES & CO., Exchange Hall, MADRAS,

Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers;
Sole Agents and Importers,
/(>/; HIDING on walking.
'The Field,'' j:(/j' i<jth, 1SS4.
"'The object has been to combine
\ the looseness and freedom of knicker-
bockers at and above the knee with
the fit of breeches below it, and the
result appears to us entirely satis-

Can be worn with Leggings, Boots,

or Stockings.


Perfect in Style and Fit on Shiort
Patterns and Self-Measurement Forms
foriuarded on application.

In the best style.

THOMAS & SONS, Sporting and Military Tailors,

32, Brook Street, W. (/a/e 48, Sou//i Molton Street).


Regimental Messes and Clubs supplied on Liberal Terms.


nl- -IHE


A latuji- assortment of the finest brands of Havana
Cif/ars always in stocJc.
ROYAL NAVY Supported by the Adniiraltij.
Edited by Lieut.-Colonel FRANCIS LEAN, late R.M.L.I.
Is the only public record of the WAR and MERITORIOUS SERVICES of Naval officers. It also
contains the dates of all their Commissions, from Cadet to Admiral of the Fleet, Dates of all Retire-
ments, Dates of Birth of Flag Officers, Captains, and Officers of the Royal Marines, Fellows of the
learned Societies, and J. P. Private Appointments held by Retired Officers, Causes of special pro-
motion, Gazette accounts of Victoria Cross, and Societies' Medals, Egypt and Soudan Services
entered of all officers engaged, &c.
The names of the Famous Battles in which Ships have been engaged are placed against their
names, in the same manner as the Battles are placed against the names of Regiments.
" There is no work of the same kind published of so exhaustive a character for any other profes-
sion." Army and Navy Gazette.
" The gallant Editor has surmounted every obstacle, and turned out a perfect Navy List."— Coio-i
" Is so carefully prepared that it may be regarded as an exhaustive hand-book of the profession
to which it is devoted." Morning Post.


21s., is published by W. & A. K. Johnston, of Edina Works, Easter
Road, Edinburgh, and 5, White Hart Street, Warwick Lane, London, E.G.
It contains 66 large, carefully coloured, and accurate Maps of Political,

Historical, Classical, Physical, and Scriptural Geography and Astronomical

Plates, and has Gomplete Indexes and Explanatory Letterpress. It is

recognised as the best Guinea Atlas in the World, and many Thousands
have already been sold. Ask your Bookseller to show you a Copy.
Detailed Prospectus on application to the Publishers.

[alp. NiirsftR
Association for Providing Trained MaleNnrses

^r^OUNDED by Voluntary contributions, to train men as Nurses

iu 1S85
I-*— I and Corps of Trained Male Nurses available for the Service
to form a
of the Public. Male Nurses for medical, surgical and mental cases, may now
be obtained from the Institution, and can be sent to any part of the Kingdom.
These have been trained, some in civil, some in military Hospitals, and nurses
with special Asylum experience are supplied for cases of insanity. Masseurs.

J. TQUZEAU SAUNDERS, 312, Oxford Street, London.

SAUNDERS'S GUARDS' HAIR DYE is the Best and Cheapest,
has no smell, is perfectly harmless, and instantly changes
Red or Grey Hair to a natural Brown or Black. Price
2s. 6d., or 3^. 6d., free for 3 stamps extra. A
proves its Superiority.


pared only by J. Touzeau Saunders, prevents the disco-
loration of Teeth from Smoking, and imparts an agreeable
Fragrance to the Breath ; it is in all respects the best Denti-
frice that can be used. Price One Shilling, or free for 14

Sold also by most Perfumers and Chemists throughout the Kingdom.




Everytrequisite for Travellers intending to visit the Continent of Europe, the latest editions of
Murray's, Black's, Ari'LETON's, Harper's, and Bradshaw's British and Foreign Handbooks,
The Satchel Gcide, Ball's Alpine Guides, Dictionaries, Phrase Books, Polyglot Washing
Books, Maps, Bags, Courier Bags, Portmanteaus, Straps, Cash Belts, Knapsacks, Rugs, Waterproof
Coats, Writing Cases, Inkstands, Door Fasteners, Luggage Labels, Soap, Soap Boxes, Purses,
Sovereign and Napoleon Boxes, Reading Lamps, Telescopes, Field Glasses, &c.
Experienced Couriers engaged.
Agents for the Sale of Crystal Palace Season Tickets,





Can be obtained from the principal
Wine Merchants, Grocers, and
Hotel Keepers, &c.. in Town
and Country.

Sole Manufactory:

financial antt ^mxxxmxtt %Qt\xt,


(Late 18, PALL MALL.)


Upon Note of Hand simply.

Loans upon ReYersions,

Life Interests
Under Marriage Settlements,
And all Approved Securities at the LOWEST BATES.



H. SANGUINETTI, being Agent for several of the best Insurance

Companies, has great facilities for re-arranging, at a reduced Interest,
Loans upon Entailed Properties, Life Interests, Reversions, &c., also

in many cases the Premiums on Assurance, where, from inexperienced

financing, high rates have been paid ; thereby enabling borrowers to
obtain a larger sum without any increase in the yearly payments, and
will be glad to advise gentlemen who may desire to consult him, free
of any expense. In all business of this kind that he may be favoured
with and undertake, the commission for his trouble will be subject
to arrangement.
(Comer of Brook Street.)




39 and 40, CORNHILL, E.G.

|)tjtfawittit 1(«tfurm$.

Any Garment can be made on the Hygienic or Sanitary

System as (advocated by Dr. Jaeger) at a small extra charge.

Patterns and Self- Measurement Forins sent to any part

of the World

Six for
10/6 ea.cli..
Will not Shrink.

X2 6, 21
rriced Outfit Lists
sent on aiyiilication.

Patentees of the Surplice Shirt with the non-creasable Front

for Eveningr Wear, 10s. 6d. each.

268, 270, OXFORD STREET, W.

(Facing Hareivood Gates.)


Excellent Second-hand Guns, Prices 10 to 15 Guineas.

,_ ^^-
277, Oxford
& CO.
New Oxford
; 16, Street, W.C.
W. CLARK'S HOPLEMUROMA Have been before the
FOE HOESES' DISEASED FEET, 'Public for 18 Years, giv-
ing the greatest satis-
faction, the Cheapest
and Best in the Mar-
A One-handed Machine
for use in getting at all
difficult parts of horses'
Heads, Ears, &c., and
also extensively used in
cutting the Human
Hair, where it is re-
quired to be cut close.
These Machines are much superior to Scissors
and Comb. Anyone can use them.


Softening, Preserving Gloves, &c., and beauti-
fying Leather Breeches, Cords, Kerseys and
Gloves also Cloth Balls of all Colours.
1. Sound Foot —
2. Seedy Toe— 3. Sound Foot


and Frog— 4. Diseased Foot— 5. Contracted Foot
— 6. Sound Foot— 7. Brittle, Shelly and Sand of Various Colours : White, Pink, Straw, Flesh,
Crack— 8. Application of Hoplemuroma. and Three Colours of Brown, &c. &c., all of
HOPLEMUROMA Cures Horses' Brittle and the newest description.
Shelly Feet, Sand Cracks, Seedy Toes, Diseased
Frogs, Fever Quittor, rapidly increasing the
Growth of the Horn, and preventing Horses FLUID, for Restoring Brown Top-Boots,
keeping them to their Original Colour, in Three
Throwing their Shoes, making the Hoof Tough,
and prevents all Lameness. This preparation is Shades: No. i. Light Brown; No. 2, Nut
warranted to Cure all the above Diseases, has
Brown No. 3, Mahogany. Also a Cream for

Polishing same, Cleaning and Softening.

been before the Public for Twenty-five Years,
and never known to fail. No Owners of Horses W. CLARK'S LEAMINGTONIAN
should be without this Invaluable preparation. BOOT BLACKING produces a Polish equal to
Varnish, Softening and Preserving the Leather,
W. CLARK'S EMBROCATION and does not turn Brown this is used in the

ordinary way.
NESS BLACKING requires neither Oil nor
W.CLARK'S(newly.invented) PASTE
for Harness, Patent and Enamelled Leathers.
This preparation does not Wash off; it renders
the Leather Soft and produces a Polish
superior to any of its kind in existence.

For Horses and Cattle takes away all Sore- W. CLARK'S SADDLE PASTE, for
ness, and gives immediate Relief and Speedy Saddles, Bridles, and every description of
Cure Lameness induced by Wounds,
in cases of Brown Leather, rendering the same perfect in
Bruises, Sores, Sprung Sinews, Sprains, En- Polish and Softness. Also SADDLE LIQUID
larged Joints, Over-reach, Splints, Curbs, and POLISH, for Beautifying Saddles, Bridles and
Wind Galls also for Cuts, Broken Knee, Wrung
; Brown Leather of all kinds.
Shoulders, Sore Backs, Chapped Heels, Sore
Throats, Influenza, and Rheumatism. W.CLARK'S NE PLUS ULTRA RAVEN
JET FRENCH VARNISH, for Ladies' and
W. CLARK'S Gentlemen's Evening Dress and ordinary
Walking Boots and Shoes, producing a most
HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINE Brilliant Polish, warranted not to Crack or
OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Soil the finest Cambric, and does not become
sticky, like other Varnishes in damp weather.


VARNISH, for Hunting, Shooting, Fishing
and ordinary Walking Boots, rendering them
Soft and Durable also applied to the Soles,

rendering them perfectly Watertight.

POLISH. This article is used for Cleansing
and Polishing Patent and Enamelled Leathers,
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Patent Leather Boots
and Shoes, giving a Polish and Preserving them
equal to New; also used for Ladies' Dull and
Glace Kid Boots.
The above can he obtained of all Saddlers, Chemists, &-c., and of

W. CLARK, 528, Oxford Street, London, W.



Waterproof Manufacturers,







Coughs, Golds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Feuers,
Ague, Spasms, Diarrhcea, &c.

DR. J. collisIrownFs CHLORODYNE

A Few Doses Quite Effectual.

CAUTION.— The extraordinary medical reports on the efficacy of Chlorodyne

render of vital importance that the public should obtain the Genuine, which bears the

words, "Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne" on the Government Stamp.

Vice-chancellor Wood stated that Dr. J. Collis Browne was undoubtedly the
inventor of Chlorodyne, that the whole story of the Defendant Freeman was deliberately
untrue, which he regretted to say had been sworn to. —
See Times, July 13, 1864.
Lord-Chancellor Sf.i.uorne and Lord Justice James stated that the Defendant had
made a deliberate misrepresentation of the decision of Vice-Chancellor Wood.
Chemists throughout the land will confirm this decision, that Dr. J. C. Browne was
the inventor of Chlorodyne.
From Dr. n. J. Boulton & Co., Horncastle.
We hate made pretty extensive use of Chlorodyne in our practice lately, and look upon it as
an excellenl direct Sedative and Anti-sp,^5modic. It seems to allay pain and irritation in what-
ever ori;.in, and from whatever cause. It induces a feeling of comfort and quietude not obtain-
able by ;iny oilier remedy, and it seems to possess this great advantage over all other Sedatives
that ll leaves no unple.asanl after-effects.

Bole Manufacturer, J. T. DAVENPORT, 33, Great Eussell Street, W.O.

East India and General Outfitters,

The Satis - PUs ing better than any

Shirt is superior to other shirt iti use.

any other for Indian A single Shirt or

and Colonial Wear, other article made to
Being entirely free measure, and accurate
from gathers, it is Patterns preserved, to
cooler, much stronger, ensure correctness in
and will bear the the execution offuture
India?i mode of trash- orders.


Corresponding House, ASQUITH & Lord, 8, Rampart Row, Bombay.

Tailor & Habit Maker,

Army and Navy Stores Prices

for Cash. ^^^..^---^''^Y^ ^ fjl^

Q I^^3-^ ^ Large Selection of the


Best & Newest Goods at Cash Prices.

WATCHES, and CLOCKS have long held pre-

eminent rank, as may be seen from the Reports

of various scientific persons :


his Report to the Admiralty (13th of 1870) on the Forty Chronometers
entered for Annual Competition, says of M. F. Dent's Chronometer—
" This is the Finest Ohronometer that we have ever had on Trial."

N.B.— The late Astronomer Royal Pond,

Esq.), reporting in 1829 on the
celebrated Public Trial, by order of the Lords of the Admiralty, which lasted Thirteen
Years, during which nearly 500 Chronometers were tested, says :

" Your Chronometer, No. 114, is entitled to the First Premium. Actual variation
in the year 0*54 hundredths of a second. This is superior to any other yet tried.".

STRUVK, of St. Petersburg, reporting upon 81 tested by the Russian
Chronometrical Expedition, in 1S43, says :

"The Dent Chronometers have held first rank in a brilliant manner. They
the most effectually to the exactitude of the results.
contributed, beyond dispute,
"M. Struve."
By (ommanJ of the Emperor, the Russian Gold Medal of the Highest Order of Merit
was presented to Mr. DENT.

In testimony of the excellence of Dent's Turret Clocks, Sir G. B. AIRY>

Astronomer Royal, says :

"Royal Observatory, Greenwich, z^ndjuly, 1845.

" I believe the Clock which you have constructed for the Royal Exchange to be
the Beat in the World as regards accuracy of going and striking.
"G. B. Airy
"Mr. Df.nt, 33, Cockspur Street, Charing Cross."

Council and Prize Medals awarded by the Royal Commissioners of

International Exhibitions, 185 i and 1862.

SIR WILLIAM ARMSTRONG, Inventor of the Armstrong

Gun, s.-iy^ :

"9, lIvuE Park Street, W., 14//; Nn'einber, iS6i.

" The Chronometer Watch you made for me in December,
1859, has never been
aBecled by travelling or riding its variation at the end of a year was
only forty-five
seconds. It has proved in every respect a most satisfactory
" W. G. Armstrong.
"Mr. M. F. Dent, 33, Cockspur Street, Charing Cross."

The Report on Chronometers and Watches, &-c., by the Judges at the

dflphtn FxhibHion, 1876, can behad on application.


Charing Cross, London.




FOB 1889,





Corrected to the 31st December, 1888.





' .

K.G. Knight of th9 Order of the Garter. G.C.M.G. Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St.
K.T. KiiiRlit of the Order of the Thistle. Michael and St. George.
K.C.M.G. Knight Commander of ditto ditto
K.P. KuiRht of the Order of St. Patrick.
Q.O.B. Kiiiyht Grand Crott of the Order of the Bath. O.M.G. Companion of ditto ditto
K.C.B. Knight Commander of the Order of the liath. CLE. Companion of the Order of the Indian Empire.
C.B. ComjKjnion of the Order of the Bath. D.S.O. Companion of the Distinguished Service Order.
G.C.S.I. Kniprht Orand Commander of the Order of the G.C.H. Knight Grand Cross oi the Eoj-al Hanoverian
Star of India. Guelphic Order.
K.C.S.I. Knight Commander of the Star of India. K.C.H. Knight Commander of ditto ditto
C.S.I. Companion of the Star of India. K.H. Knight of ditto ditto
K.C. Knight of the Crescent.
13 Before the Name denotes that the Officer sen-ed in the Peninsula, or the South of France. ^
_,,,.., fOllicersactuallypresentineither of the actions of the i6th 17th or iSth June 1815. buch
W. ^^ atcrloo ,,
Medal. , ,

| officers are allowed two years' additional service.

TC Victoria Cross.
The Figures prefixed to the Xames denote the Battalions to which the Officers are acfualli/ attached.
t. before the name denotes that the Officer has received a certificate from the Senior Department of the RoyalMilitary
The Letters p.t.c. are placed Icfore the Names of Officers who have passed the Staff College.
The Letter r. is placed after the names of Officers of the Royal Marines employed on the Ecci-uiliiig Serdce.
The • before the Name or Date of Commission denotes Temporary Rank onlj-.
The Letter ^ before the Date intlicates that the Commission vrns purchased
The t before a name signitics that the Officer mentioned is on the Unemployed Supernumerary
' " '•
In the " ..-.•
Militia Battali
I ^rpj
passed the examination in Tactics laid down for
p. signifies Certificate of Proficiency, or otherwise Captains in the Army.
qualified as Proficient for higher rank. (T) obtained Special Mention at examination in Tac-
}). Certificate of Proficiency, or otherwise qualified as tics laid down for Lieutenants in the Army.
Proficient. (I) qualified for appointment as Instructor of Mus-
(j>.) Subaltern's Certificate of Proficiency, ketry.
p. 8. passed School of Instruction for higher rank. (i) passed the examination in Tactics laid down for
p.i. passed School of Instruction. Lieutenants.
(j).».) School Certificate for Yeomanry Subalterns. (P) passed full course in Submarine Mining.
The words subscribed to the titles of Regiments, as Peninsula," "AVaterloo," &c., denote the Honorary
. . Dis-
tinctions permitted to be borne by such Regiments on their colom-s and appointments, in commemoration of their

Foreign Orders.
ITie Foreign Orders vientioned m
the War Services helonrj to the following Countries, and the Dates are
those of the Institution of the respective Orders : —
Afffhaimlan—Doorim^e Empire (3 Classes) 1839. Sussia—St. —
Andrew 30 Nov. 1698.

^«»<n'a— Maria Theresa (3 Classes) i8 June 1757- St. Alexander Ne-v\ski 1722.
Leopold (3 Classes) 14 July 1806. St. Ann
(2 Classes) 3 Feb. 1735.

Bararia MaximiUan Joseph (3 Classes) i Jan. 1806. St. George (4 Classes) 26 Nov. 1769.
.Bf/^iiim— Leopold (3 Classes) 11 July 1832. St. Wladimir (5 Classes) 4 Oct. 1782. ri572>
J'rance— Militarj- Merit (3 Classes) March 1759. —
Sardinia St. Maurice and St. Lazarus (2 Classes) 13 Nov.
Legion of Honor (5 Classes) 13 May 1802. Military Order of Savoy.
Gr^^'Cf— Saviour (5 Classes) i June 1833. Saxony—St. Henry (3 Classes) 7 Oct. 1736.
B'anoper— Guelphs (3 Classes) 18 June 1815. Ernestine (4 Classes) 25 Dee. 1S33.
Ifaplet— St. Januarius (i Class) July 1738. Spatji— Charles the Third (3 Classes) 19 Sept. 1771.
St. Ferdinand and Merit (3 Classes) i April 1800 San Fernando (5 Classes) 31 Aug. 1811.
St. George and Reunion (3 Classes) i Jan. 1819. St. Hermenigilde (2 Classes) 10 July 1815.
JV^fM«r/<inrf*— Wilhelm (4 Classes) 30 April 1815. St. Isabella the Cathohc (3 Classes) 1815.
P#r»ia— Lion and Sun (3 Classes) 1801. Su^eden—Svford (3 Classes) 17 April 1748.
Por<u^a/— Tower and Sword (3 Classes) 17 April 1748. —
Turkey Crescent (2 Classes) 6 July 1804.
St. Bento d'Avis (2 Classes) 1789. Medjidie {5 Classes).
Couception (3 Classes) 6 Feb. :8i8. Osmanieh (4 Classes).
Pruwia—Black Kagle— 18 Jan. 1701. Tuscany —
St. Joseph (3 Classes) 1807.
Military Merit 1740.— JTi^-iemiKr^— Military Merit (3 Classes) 1758.
Red Eagle (3 Chisses) t2 June 1792.

Communications concerning the contents of " Harts Army List " should be addressed
50, Albemarle Street,
Quiirterly Edition of " Hart's Army List " is published on the 1st of January, April,
July, and October, price 10s. 6d.

. 3 . .

rhe Quoen i Small Arms Factory, Bir- Infantry 229
Private Secretary to the Queen ... i mingham 115 Commissariat and Transpoi t Staff 366
Aides de Camp to the Queen i Gunpowder Factory, Walt- Ordnance Store Department 369
War Office = ham Abbey 115 Army Pay Department 371
Staff of the Army 2 Army Clothing Depot 115 Medical Staff 377
Field Marshals 3 Committees and Inspection Staff 115 Veterinary Department 395
General and Field Olliccrs on MisceUanenus EitabUshments. Chaplains' Department 396
the Active List 3 Cavalry Depot 116
Marines 397
Btaffat Home 97 Indian Army 402
Remount Establishment 116
Reserve of Officers
Staff Abroad 100
Royal Hospitals— Chelsea.Kil- S33
Regimental District Staff 109 General Officers retired under
mainham , 116
Royal Warrant
Staff Officers of Pensioners 578
Pay Office 117
Officers Retired on Full Pay or
MiLiT vRT Establishments :
JudgeAdvocateGeneral'sOffice 117
Educational EstahlishmenU. Prisons
on a Pension 599
R. Alilitary College, Sandhurst Officers (other than General and
1 1
Officers who have received Certifi-
R.Military Academy .Woolwich 113 Field Officers) ou Retired Pay 692
cates at the Senior Department
StiiffCollepre 113 Officers on Half Pa.y 706
of the Royal Military College 117
School of Gunnery General and Field Officers Ra-
114 Officers who have passed the
tired by Sale, Commutation,
Artillery College 114 StaffCollege 117
School of Military Engineer- with a Gratuity, or by Sur-
Officers receiving Rewards for
ing, Chatham 114 renderor Half Pay .
Distinguished Services 118
School of Musketry, Hythe... .114 Retirements, &c 784
Military Decorations 119
Meilical School, Netley 114 Victoria Cross 127
Deaths 787
Royal Military School of Music, Index 791
Civil Decorations 128
Kneller Hall 114 Honourable Corps of Gentlemen
Honourable Artillery Company
R. Military Asylum, Chelsea... 114 Arms
of London 847
R. Hibernian Mihtary School Militia 847
115 Yeomen of the Guard 132
Yeomanry Cavalry S74
Army Schools iis Military Knights of Windsor ... 132
Field Officers Retired from the
Ordnance Factories. Cavalry 133
Militia and YeomanryCavalry 886
Arsenal, Woolwich ns Artillery 164
Indian Civil Service S92
Small Arms Factory, Enfield.. 115 Engineers 204


N.B. -By means of this Table, Regiments can be found in this book by their new titles.
Academy, Royal Military 113 Bombay Medical Department Decorations, Military
Active List 3 Deolee Irregular Force
Aden Troop 523 — Staff Corps 513 Depot, Cavalry, at Caiitcibury...
Adjutants on Retired Pay 695 Staff in 103 and Training School, Al-
Aides de Camp to the Q uoen i Veterinary Department 532 dershot
Alderney and Guernsey Stafl' ... 99 Border Regiment 278 Derbyshire Regi inent .89
Aiaershot District Staff 98 Buffs,The (East Kent Regiment) 237 Devonport, Staff at 97
Antigna and Leeward Islands, Caicos Island, Staff" in 107 Devonshire Regiment 249
Staff in 107 Cambridge's (Duke of) Own Distinguished Service Order 126 ...

Argjll and Suth. Highlanders.. Middlesex Regiment 301 Dorsetshire Regiment 283
Army Hospital Corps, the late,. Cameron Highlanders 325 Dover, Staff at 98
Half Pay Cameronians 270 Dragoon Guards 136
Canada, Staff in 106 Dragoons, Hussars,& Lancers 143-163
Canadians, Royal (Prince of Dublin Fusiliers 348
HalfPay 705 Wales' Leinster Regiment) ... 346 Staff at 99
Schools 115 Canterbury, Cavalry 116 Durham Light Infantr.y 314
HalfPay 743 Captains on Retired Pay 692 Ea.stern District Staff' 97
Service Corps 366 HalfPay 706 Ecclesiastical Dept. Bengal 457
Arsenal, Woolwich 115 Carriage Factory, Woolwich.. Bombay 532
Artillei-y College 114 Cavalry Depot, Canterbury . 16 Madras 506
Coast Brigade . Regiments of 33 Edinburgh's (Duke of) Wiltshire
•Malta Fencible. Central India Horse 447 R egiment 30S
Militia Ceylon, Staff in 104 Edinburgh, Staff at 99
— Royal Chaplains' Department 396 Educational Establishments J13
Officers Retired HalfPay 741 Egypt, Staff of the Force in 105
on Annuities Chaplains (Honorarj-) to the Enfield Small Arms Factory 115
Royal Marine . Queen i Engineers, Militia S51
Asylum, Royal Military, Chelsea 114 Chatham, Staff at 97 Roy:
Australia, Staff in 104 Chelsea, Royal Hospital 116 Equerries to the Queen
Bahamas, Staff in 107 MiUtary Asylum 114 Erinpoorah Irregular Force
Barbadoes and Windward Is- Cheshire Regiment 264 Essex Regiment
lands, Staff in 107 China, &c., Staff in Falkland Islands, Staff in ..

Bath, Order of the 120 Civil Decorations for Gallantrj' 28 i

Field Marshals
Bedfordshire Regiment 255 Clothing Depot 15 ;
Fiji Islands, Staff in
Beffast, Staff at 100 Coast Battalion 223 Foreign Order.s rknffiHe-yaiie
Bengal Cavalry 431 Coast Brigade of Artillery 185 i
Garter, Ivnights .. ii9
General List . .
450 Colchester, Staff at 97 j
General Officer.-
Civil Service 892 College, Royal MiUtary 113

Ecclesiastical Depart- Staff 113 Retired by

I ment 457 Colonels 18 Generals Retired on l''ul
Infantry 433 Retired on Full or Re tired Pay or

General List ... 450 tired Pay or Pension 613 GeDt!eineii;it A

Medical Department ... 453 Colonels Retired b.y Sale, &c. ... 744 Giljr;,;r:ir. Si;. IT
Mountain Batteries Commissariat and Transport De-
Sappers and Miners jjartment. Half Pay
... 433 713

Staff Corps Commissariat and Transport

410 Staff i

Staff in loi Staff, Retired on Half Pay ... 703 Goorkha lic/i 442, 443, :

Veterinary Department 456 Commissariat Dept. Half Pay 713 Gordon Hi _'i:l ..

terkshire Regiment 293 Committees and Inspection Staff 115 Gradation Li^ lal and
lermuda, Staff in 107 Commutation, &c.. Officers Re- Field umctr-
lirminghamSmallArmsFactory 115 tired by 744 Guards
iheel Corps 448 Connaught Rangers 334 Guernsey and Alder'iey Staff 99
ilhopaul Battalion 448 Control Department (late). Offi- Guiana, "British, SUiR i'u
Hack Watch 286 cers on HalfPay of 714 Guides, Corps of. 445
:ombay Artillery (Native) 523 Cork, Staff at 100 Gun Factory 115
Cavalry 522 Cornets, &c. on Retired Pay Gunnery, School of
, 114
General List... 528 Cornwall's (Duke ofj Light Inf. Gunpowder F.ic.WaltlianiAbbey

— Civil Service 905 .Gurragh, Stiff at the HalfPay
Ecclesiastical Dept 532 Cyprus, Staff in Officers Retired by
Infantry 524 Deaths during the .year 1888 787 I
Surrender of 744
Gci^Lval li'sl ... 52S DecoraiioQs, Civil.' Hamp.<hire sSi

I 2
Talh' of Contents.
PAGE 397 School of Military Engineering 114
' Marines Music, Kneller Hall 114
Head Qaarters Staff
i°° Mauritius, Staff m ...
Musketry at Hythe... 114
Heligoland, Staffm Medical Department, 453 "5
Hibernian Military School "S Bombay 529 Royal Hibernian MilitaiT
Hiphland Li^'Ut Infantry
Half or Schools, Army ^^S
District Staff 90 Half Pay 743
Honduras. Staffin
Hong Kong. Jcc, StaffCompany
-. |°7
Retired Pay.
— Madras...
504 Scottish Borderers, King's Own
. Resen-e of Officers
Honourable ArUUery Scots FusOiers
School, Xetley Seaforth Highlanders 31S
of London
Second Lieutenants on Half Pay
Staff 709
Horse Guartls-StaffoftheAnny Meywar Bheel Corps
District Staff
9° Senior Department, R. M. Col-
Mhairwarra Battahon lege. Officers who have re-
-Blue '35
Middlesex Regiment
Military Decorations
Engineering, School
• ••••
ceived Certificates from
Sherwood Foresters (Derbyshire

Hussars, Lancers, ADragoons Regiment)
Hyderabad Contingent Shropshire LigliL Infantry 297
Knights of Windsor Sikh Infantry 445
Hythe. School of Musketry. Prisons •••• 115
Index Small Arms Factory, Enfield ...

'i: Store Department (late) Birmingham ii>

Indian Army *°l Officers on Half Pay of 74' 252
Civil Service 892
«47 Somersetshire Light Infantry...
Kmpire, Order of the ... "6 Militia Ai-tillery South Australia. Staffin 104
Channel Islands 074
Local Forces 4°^ Eastern District Staff 98
410 Engineers ^S]_
Wales Borderers 267
httattCorps FieldOfficersRetired from 886
India, Staff iu
852 Southern District Staff 97
229 Infantry Abroad 100
Infantry, Regiments of Miscellaneous Establishments.., iib Staff
Inniskilling Fusiliers Fusiliers 347
"5 MunsterSchool
Inspection S taff College
of (Kneller Hall)
Music, 114
Ireland, Staff in 99
Musketry, School of (Hythe) 114 ]
Irish Fusiliers
250 Natal, Staffin
Netley Medical School
Officers of Pensioners m
Rifles 329 ico oftheArmy -
-o7 NcTs-fbundland, Staffin Regimental District 109
Jamaica, Staff in..^.
Jersey District Staff
JudgeAdvocate General 8 Office
. ^. ^^ 99
New Guinea, Staff in
New South Wales, Staffin
104 Staffordshire (North) Regiment
New Zealand, Staff in 105
Kent (East) Regiment 237 Star of India, Order of the 124
Norfolk Regiment ......^ 245
(West) Regiment ..• 294 Straits Settlements, Staffin 104
North British District Staff 99
Suffolk Regiment 250
Kilmainham, Royal Uocpital.. 117
Northamptonshire Regiment ... 292
King's (Shropshire Lt. Inf.) ... =97 Sargeons(Honorary^ to the Queen i

Liverpool Regiment 244 Northern District Staff 97

Surrender of Half Pay, &c.,
Northumberland Fusiliers 240
Own Lancaster Regt 230
"9 Officers Retired by 744
Own Scottish Borderers
. 269 Orders of the Garter, &c Surrey (East) Regiment 275
Roval Rifle Corps 304 Ordnance Factories.. (West) Regiment 236
Ditto, Half Pay
Yorkshire Light Infantry 295 Sussex Regiment 279
Ordnance Store Department
Kneller Hall. School of Music... .14 Sutherland Highlanders 337
"5 Ditto, Retired on Half Pay Tasmania, Staff in 104
Laboratory, Royal
'04 Oxfordshire Light Infantry ...
Thistle, Knights of the "9
Labuan. Staff in
Lagos, Staffin •••• 'o^ Pay Department Tower of London i"
Lancashire (East) Regiment ... 274 _J . Retired
Trinidad, Staff in lo?
261 HalfPay 705
"7 Tm-ks & Caicos Islands, Staff 107
(Loyal North) Reg. 291 Office Madras
Unattached Officer, S03
(South) Regiment..
284 Paymasters on Half Pay 709
Veterinary Department 395
238 Pension, Officers Retired on 599 Bengal
Lancaster Regiment 112 456
Pensioners, Staff Officers of -Bombay
Lancer8,Dragoons & Hussars 143-163 Physicians(Honorary)totheQueen i
Leeward Islands, Staffin 107
HalfPay 742
Leicestershire Regiment 256 Poona Horse ^ a dr a s M 506
Portsmouth, Scaff at 97
Leinster Regiment 34° Victoria Cross, Officers who have
Prince Albert's (Somersetshire
Lieutenant Colonels 45
252 received the 127
Retired on Light Infantry) Staff in 104
"7 Victoria,
Prisons, Military
Full or Retired Pay or Pension 619 Victoria's (Princess) Irish Fus. 333
Lieutenant Colonels Retired by
Sale, &o
Lieutenant Generals .........^
Punjaub Cavalry
Frontier Force
Purveyors' Department (late),
Wales' (Prince of) Leinster Regi-
Wales' (Prince of) North

Retired on fordshire Regiment 310

on Half Pay of
Full or Retired Pay or Pension
599 Wales' (Prince of) Own West
Quarter Masters on Retired Pay
Lieutenant Generals Retired by 2 on HalfPay ... Yorkshire Regiment 253
Sale, &c •.•••vv. l*^ The Wales' (Prince of) Volunteers
Lieutenants on Retired Pay 694 Queen,
(South Lancashire Regiment) 284
Half Pay 7'^8 Queen's Own Cameron Highrs.
Own (West Kent Regi.) Wales' (Princess Charlotte of)
Life Guards "33 Berkshire Regiment 293
Royal (W.SurrcyRegt.)
Lincolnshire Regiment 246
Queensland, Staffin Wales' (Princess of) Own Y'ork-
Liverpool Regiment 244 Regiment
shire 259
402 Regimental District Staff
Local Indian Forces Establishment Waltham Abbey, Gunpowder
London, Honourable Artillery Remount Factory at "S
Company of 847 Reserve of Oflicers
Medical Officers WarOffice *
Lothian Regiment 234 •
Warwickshire Regiment 242
Retired List ofGoncral Officers
Louise's (Princess) Sutherland Wellington's (Duke of) West
337 Retirements, &c., during
and Argyll Highlanders ... Riding Regiment 277
for Distinguished Ser-
Loyal North Lancashire Regt. 291 Rewards Welsh Fusiliers 265
vices, Officers receiving
Midras Cavalry ••. 495
on Retired Pay Regiment 285
General List ... 503 Riding Masters 106
on HalfPay ... West Africa Settlements.Staff in
_ Civil Servica 902 India Regiment 360
Kcck'Bia.stical Dept. ... 506 Rifle Brigade 106
1" Indies, &c., Staffin
Infantry 497 Depot
318 Riding Regiment 277
. General List ... 503 Ross-shire Buffs Western Australia, Staffin 104
Medical Department ... 504 Royal Fusiliers 243
286 District Staff. 97
Happci-8 and Miners ... 496 Highlander8(BlackWatch)
Mil. Academy, Woolwich 113 Wiltshire Regiment 308
StuirCorps 480 Knights
Military Asylum, Chelsea 114 Windsor, Militarj' of... 13=
SUiffin....: 102
^College, Sandhurst 113 Windward Islands, Staffin 107
Velennary Department 506 Woolwich Arsenal
Maj'ir Generals R. Military Academy
Retired on Full who have Certificates from the District Staff
.ir Retired Pay
or Pension ... 599 Senior Department "7
Worcestershire Regiment 27.
Major Generals Ret. by Sale, 4c. 744 Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment) 234
St." Helena, Staff in 106 Yeomanry Cavalry 87.
M«J')rs -•;; 59 Yeomen of the Guard 13:
1 Retired on Jull or St. Michael and St. George,
626 Orderof 125 York and Lancaster Regiment v^
Retired Pay or Pension York, Staff at
Rtlircd by Sale, Ac. ... 748 St. Patrick, Knights of "9 9
Officers Retired by ...
Yorkshire Light Infantry 29
Fonciblo Artillery 185 Sale, Ac, 744

- Staff at 100 Sandhurst, R. Military College
"3 (F.ast) Regiment
Miihvuh Hhcol Coi-ps 448 (West) Regiment ...
"4 25,

Maichestcr Regiment 309 Sch'.-ol of Gunnery

Table of Contents.

Changes in the Titles of Begiments of Infanlnj.

3y means of this Table, Regiments can bs founi in this book by their old numbers.
. The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment) 234 63rd . I Bu. Manchester Regiment 309
. Queen's Royal West Surrey Regiment)
( 236 |
64th . 1 Bn. Prince of Wales' (North Stafford-
The BuS's (East Kent Regiment) 237 shire Regiment) 310
. King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment) ... 238 65th . I Bn. York and Lancaster Regiment 311
. Northumberland Fusiliers 240 66th . 2 Bn. Princess Charlotte of Wales' (Berk-
. Royal Warwickshire Regiment 242 shire Regiment) 293
. Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment). 243 67th . 2 Bn. Hampshire Regiment 281
. The King's (Liverpool Regiment) 244 68th . I Bn. Durham Light Infantry 314
. Norfolk Regiment 245 69th . 2 Bn. Welsh Regiment 285
. Lincolnshire Regiment 246 70th . 2 Bn. East Surrey Regiment 275
. Devonshire Regiment 249 71st . I Bn. Highland Light Infantry 317
. Suffolk Regiment 250 72ud . I Bn. Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-shire
. Prince Albert's (Somersetshu-e Light Inf.) 252 Buffs, The Duke of Albany's) 318
. Prince of Wales' Own (W. Yorkshire Regt.) 253 73rd . 2Bn. TheBlackWatch(RoyalHighlanders) 286
. East Yorkshire Regiment 254 74th . 2 Bn. Highland Light Infantry 317
. Bedfordshire Regiment 255 75th . I Bn. Gordon Highlanders 321
. Leicestershire Regiment 256 76th . 3 Bn. Duke of Wellington's West Riding

. Royal Irish Regiment 25S Regiment) 277

. Princess of Wales' Own (Yorkshire Reg ) 259 77th . 2 Bn. Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middle-
. Lancashire Fusiliers 261 sex Regiment) 301
. Royal Scots Fusiliers 262 78th . 2 Bn. Seaforth Highlanders (Boss-shire
. Cheshire Regiment 264 The Duke of Albany's)
Buffs, 318
. Royal Welsh Fusiliers 265 . 2 Bn. Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders 325
, South Wales Borderers 267 . 2 Bu. South Staffordshire Regiment 282
. King's Own Borderers 269 , 2 Bn. Loyal North Lancashire Regiment... 291
. I Bn. The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) ... 270 2 Bn. Prince of Wales' Volunteers (South
. I Bn. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers 271 Lancashire Regiment) 284
. I Bn. Gloucestershire Regiment 272 83rd . I Bn. Royal Irish Rifles 329
. I Bn. Worcestershire Regiment 273 84th . 2 Bn. York and Lancaster Regiment 311
. I Bn. East Lancashire Regiment 274 85th . 2 Bn. King's (Shropshire Light Infantry) 297
. I Bn. East Surrey Regiment 275 . 2 Bn. Royal Irish Rifles 329
. I Bn. Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry ... 276 . I Bn. Princess Victoria's(RoyalIrishFusi-
. I Bn.DukeofWellington's(W. Riding Regt.) 277 liers) 3^3
. I Bn. The Border Regiment 278 . I Bu. Connaught Rangers 334
. I Bn. Royal Sussex Regiment 279 89th . 2 Bn. Princess Victoria's (Roj'al Irish Fusi-
. 2 Bn. Worcestershire Regiment 273 liers) 333
. I Bn. Hampshire Regiment 281 90th , Bn. Cameronians (Scottish Rifles)
2 270
. I Bn. South Staffordshire Regiment 282 Bn. Princess Louise's (Argyll and Suther-

. I Bn. Dorsetshire Regiment 283 land Highlanders) 337

. I Bn. Prince of Wales' Volunteers (South ^2n(\. 2 Bu. Gordon Highlanders 321
Lancashu-e Regiment) 284 93rd. 2 Bn. Princess Louise's(Argyll and Suther-
. I Bn. Welsh Regiment 285 land Highlanders) 337
I Bn. The Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) 286 9\th. 2 Bn. Connaught Rangers 334
I Bn. Oxfordshire Light Infantry 287 95th 2 Bu. Sherwood Foresters (Derbyshire
. I Bn. Essex Regiment 288 Regiment) 289
. I Bn. Sherwood Foresters (Derbyshix-e 96th 2 Bn. Manchester Regiment 309
Regiment) 289 97th 2 Bn. The Queen's Own (Royal W. Kent
. 2 Bn. Duke of Cornwall's Light Infanti-y ... 276 Regiment) 294
I Bn. The Loyal North Lancashire Regt. ... 291 98th 2 Bn. Prince of Wales' (North Stafford-
. I Bn. Northamptonshire Regiment 29 shire Regiment) 310
, I Bn. Princess Charlotte of Wales' (Berk- 99th 2 Bn. Duke of Edinburgh's (Wiltshire
shire Regiment) 293 Regiment) 308
. I Bn. Queen's Own Royal W. Kent Regt.) 294
( I Bn. The Prince of Wales' Leinster Regl

1 Bu. King's Own (Yorkshire Light Inf.)... 29s ment (Royal Canadians) 346
2 Bn. Oxfordshire Light Infantry 287 I Bn Royal Munster Fusiliers
. I Bn. King's (Shropshire Light Infantry)... 297 102nd 1 Bu. Royal Dublin FusiUers 348
2 Bn. Dorsetshire Regiment 283 103rd 2 Bn. Royal Dublin Fusiliers 348
2 Bn. The Border Regiment 278 104th 2 Bn. Royal Munster Fusiliers 347
2 Bn. Essex Regiment 288 losth 2 Bn. The King's Own (Yorkshire Light
1 Bn. Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middle- Infantry) 295
sex Regiment) 301 io6th 2 Bu. Durham Light Infantry 314
2 Bn. Northamptonshire Regiment 292 107th 2 Bn. Royal Sussex Regiment 279
2 Bn. East Lancashire Regiment 274 io8th 2 Bn. Roval Imiiskilling Fusiliers 271
King's Royal Ritie Corps 304 109th 2 Bu. The Prince of Wales' Leinster
2 Bn. Gloucestershire Regiment 272 Regiment (Royal Canadians) 346
I Bn. Duke of Edinburgh's (Wiltshire
Regiment) 308

Changes in the Titles of Regiments of Mill tia.

Intrim to be 2nd Brigade North Irish Division 849 Haddington be 2nd Br :gade Scottish Di\isi>ti
to 848
Argyll & Bute ... 6th ,, Scottish Division ib. Hampshire 2nd Southern Division ...

Cardigan 5th ,, Welsh Division ib. Kent 2nd Cinque Ports Division
Carmarthen 3rd ib. Lancashire 2nd ,,
Lancashire Division 847
Clare 7th ,, South Irish Division 851 Limerick City ... 4th ,, South Irish Division 851
Cornwall and") , Londonderry ... gth ,, North Irish Division 850
Devon Miners ) ^na „ Western Division 848
Mid Ulster 6th ib.

Cork City ."^rd ,, South Irish Division 850 Munster 5th ,

South Irish Division S52
West Cork 2nd ., ,. .. 850.. Norfolk 2nd ,, Eastern Division 847
Devon 3rd ,, Western Division S48 Northumberland 3rd ,, Northern Division ... ib.
Donegal 3rd ,, North Irish Division 850 Pembroke 4th „ Welsh Division 849
Dublin City 4th ib- Sligo 8th ,, North Irish Division 850
Durham 2iid ,, Northern Division ... 847 Suffolk 3rd ,, Eastern Division 848
Edinburgh 3rd „ Scottish Division 849 Sussex 3rd ,, Cinque Ports Division S48
Fife 4th ,, ,, ,, ib. AVaterford eth „ South Irish Division S51
ForiHr & Kin--) ., Wicklow 7th ,, North Irish Division 850
5^^^ ib.
cavdine Wight (Isle of) 3r(l ,, Southern Division ... 848
Glamorgan 2nd „ Welsh Division,......., 84Q York 4th „ Northern Division ,„ 847
vi Tahle of Contents.

Bcar.iia MlUtia to be 3 Bn. Bedfordshire Regiment... 856 2 Middlesex to be 7 Bn. King's Boj-al Rifle Corps ... 867
Berks 3 Bn. Princess Charlotte of Wales I

3 Middlesex 3Bn.R.Fusiliers(CityofLor.donRegt.) 853

(Berkshire Regiment) 865 '

4 Middlesex 5Bn.R.Fusiliers(CityofLondonRegt.) 853

Bucks 3 Bn. Oxfordshire Light Infantry 863 5 Middlesex 3 Bn. The Duke of Cambridge's Own
Cambridge 4 Bn. Suffolk Regiment 855 (Middlesex Regiment) 866
UMniarvou ... 4 Bn. Royal Welsh Fusiliers
. 859 Montgomery ...4 Bu. South Wales Borderers 859
1 Cheshire 3 Bu. Cheshire Regiment 858 i Norfolk 3 Bn. Norfolk Regiment 854
2 Cheshire 4 Bn. Cheshire Regiment 858 2 Norfolk 4 Bn. Norfolk Regiment 854
Cornwall Rang.3 Bn. Duke of Cornwall's Lt. Infantry 861 Northampton... 3 & 4 Bns. Northamptonshire Regt... 865
Cumberland ...< Bn. Border Regiment 862 Nortbumberl'nds Bn. Northumberland Fusiliers 852
Denbigh 3 Bn. Royal Welsh Fusiliers 858 Nottingham ...4 Bn. Sherwood Foresters (Derby-
1 Derbv Bn. Sherwood Foresters (Derby-
5 I
shire Regiment) 864
shire Regiment) 865 Oxfordshire 4 Bn. Oxfordshire Light Infantry 864
2 Derbv Bn. Ditto (ditto)
3 864 Shropshire 3 Bn. Shropshire Light Infantry 866
1 Devon 4 Bn. Devonshire Regiment 855 i & 2 Somerset.. 3 & 4 Bns. Prince Albert's (Somereet-

^Devon 3 Bn. Devonshire Regiment 854 shire Light Infantry) 855

Dorset 3 Bn. Dorsetshire Regiment 863 S. Wales Bord...3 Bn. South AVales Borderers 859
i Durham 3 Bn. Durham Light Infantry 868 i Stafford 3 & 4 Bus. South Staffordshire Regt. 862
2 Durham 4 Bn. Durham Light Infantry 869 2*3 Stafford...3&4Bns. ThePrinceof Wales'(Noith
Kssex Rifles 3 Bn. Essex Regiment 864 Stafford.shire Regiment) 868
WestEsscx 4 Bn. Essex Regiment 864 West Suffolk...3 Bn. Suffolk Regiment 855
Flint 6 Bn. King's Royal Rifle Corps 867 Sarrey 3 Bn. East Sun-ey Regiment.
Glamorgan 3 Bn. Welsh Regiment 863 2 Surrey 3Bn.Queen'sRoyal (W.Surrey Regt.) 852
SouthGlo'stcr.. 3 Bn. Gloucestershire Regiment 860 3 SuiTey 4 Bn. East Surrey Regt 861
North Glo'ster.. 4 Bn. Gloucestershire Regiment 860 Sussex 3 & 4 Bns. Royal Sussex Regt 86?
Hampshire 3 Bn. Hampshire Regiment 862 iTowerHamletS7 Bn.Rif.Brig. (Prince Consort's Own) 873
>tcreford 4 Bn. Shropshire Regiment 866 2TowerHamletS5Bn. Ditto (ditto) 873
Hertford 4 Bn. Bedfordshire Regiment 856 I Warwick 3 Bn. Royal Warwickshire Regiment 853
Huntingdon ...5 Bn. King's Royal Rifle Corps 867 2 Warwick 4 Bn. Royal Warwickshire Regiment 853
EnstKent 3 Bn. The Buffs (East Kent Regt.) 852 Westmoreland 4 Bn. Border Regiment 862:
West Kent 3& 4 Bns. The Queen's Own Royal ,
Wiltshii-e 3 Bn. Duke of Edinburgh's (Wiltshire
(West Kent Regiment) 865 Regiment) S67
1 Lancashire ...3 & 4 Bns. The King's Own Royal Worcester 3 & 4 Bns. Worcestershire Regiment . S60
(Lancaster Regiment) 852 East York 3 Bn. East Yorkshire Regiment 856
2 Lancashire ...3 & 4 Bns. King's (Liverpool Regt.).. S54 North York 4 Bn. Princess of Wales' Own (York-
3 Lancashire ...3 & 4 Bns. Loyal N. Lancashire Regt. 865 |
shire Regiment) 857
4 Lancashire ...3 Bn. Prince of Wales' Volunteers , i West York ...3 Bn. King's OwnLight Infantry
(South Lancashire Regiment) 863 (South Yorkshire Regiment) 866 -

5 Lancashire ...3 Bn. East Lancashire Regiment 861 2 West York ..3 Bn. Prince of Wales' Own (West
6 Lancashire ...3 A 4 Bns. Manchester Regiment 868 Yorkshire Regiment) 856
7 Lancashire ...3 Bn. Lancashire Fusiliers 858 West York .3 Bn. York and Lancaster Regiment 868
Leicestershire ...3 Bn. Leicestershire Regiment 856 West York ..4 Bn. Prince of Wales' Own (West
North Lincoln.. 3 Bn. Lincolnshire Regiment 854 Yorkshire Regiment) 856
South Lincoln. 4 Bn. Lincolnshire Regiment 8C4 .3 Bn. Princess of Wales' Own (York-
London 4Bn.R.Fusiliers(CityolXondonRegt.) 853 shire Regiment) 857
East Middlesex. 4 Bn. The Duke of Cambridge's Own 6 West York ..3 & 4 Bns. Duke of Wellington's (West
(Middlesex Regiment) 866 Riding Regiment) S61

Aberdeenshire 3 Bn. Gordon Highlanders HighlandRifles3Bn. Seaforth Highlanders
869 869
Ayr<kWigtown4Bn. Royal Scots Fusiliers 1 Lanark S58 3 Bn. Highland Light Infantry 869
E linbnrgh 3 Bn. Royal Scots (Lothian Regt.) 2 Lanark
... 852 3&4Bns.Cameronians(Scottish Rifles) S59
Highland ^3 Bn. Princess Louise's (Argyll and Perth 3 Bn. Black Watch (R. Highlanders) 863
Borderers.) Sutherland Highlanders) 871 Renfrew 4 Bn. Princess Louise's (Argyll and
Highland Lt. ) j Bn. The Queen's Own (Cameron Sutherland Highlanders) S72
Infantry J Highlanders) 860 Scottish Bord...3Bn. Royal Scots Fusiliers S58

•^"trim 4 Bn. Royal Irish Rifles 870 King's County Bn. Prince of Wales' LeiustcrRcu't.
Armagh 3 Bn. PrinccssVictoria'sCR.IrishFus.) 870 (Royal Canadians)
I'arlow 8 Bn. Royal Rifle Corps 867 Leitrim S Bn.Rif.Brig.(PrinceConsort'sOwu) S74
<^'"van 4 Bn. Princess Victoria's (Royal Irish Limerick Co ...5 Bn. Royal Munster Fusiliers 873
Fusiliers) 870 Londonderry ...4 Bn. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers (to
*''aro 3Bn. Royal Munster Fusiliers (/o Jc he converted into ArtUlery) 860
converted into ArdUeri/) 872 Longford Rifles6 Bn.Rif.Brig. (Prince Consort's Own) 873
North Cork 9 Bn. King's Royal Rifle Corps 867 Louth 6 Bn. Royal Irish Rifles 870
South Cork 3 Bn. Royal Munster Fusiliers 872 N. & S. Mayo...3 Bn. Connaught Rangers S71
Donegal 5 Bn. Royal Inuiskilling Fusiliers ... 860 Meath 5 Bn. Prince of Wales' LeiustorRc,^'t.
North Down ...3 Hn. Royal Irish Rifles 870 (Royal Canadians) S72
South Down ...5 Bn. Royal Irish Rifles 870 Monaghan 5 Bn.PrincessVictoria's(R.lrishFus.)87i
Dublin County s Bn. Roj-al Dublin Fusiliers 873 Queen's County4 Bn. Prince of AVales' Leinstcr Regt.
Du'.bn City 4 Bn. Rryal Dublin Fu3)Iicrs 873 (Royal Canadians) 872
Jormanagh ...3 Bn. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers ... 859 Roscommon ...5 Bn. Connaught Rangers 871
^a'""y 4 Bn. Connaught IJangers 871 N. Tipperary.. .4 Bn. Royal Irish Regiment S57
Kerry 4 Bn. Royal Munster Fusiliers 872 Tyrone Fus. ...4 Bn. Roval Inniskilling Fusilici-.s ... 860
•^'''""'C 3 Bn. Royal Dublin Fusiliers 873 Westmeath 9 Bn.Rif.Brig.(PrinccConsort'sOwLi) S74
^^''tcnny Bn. Royal Irish Regiment
5 857 AVoxford 3 Bn. Royal Irish Regiment 8=7-
. . .. .


Private Secretarn to the queen General -Sir Henry Frederick Ponsonby, QCB.
Aides de Camp to tne Queen.
/ Field Marslial HhRoyal Highness the Prince of Wales, KG. KT. KP OCB. GCSI. GCMG. QCIE. .

Per,„nal ^&}OY General His Royal Highnesi the Duke of Connaught, KG.KT. KP. CB. GCMG. GCSI. GCIE.
^^^^^ Marshal Hi.v Royal Highness the DukeoJ Cambridge, KG. KT. KP. OCB.GCSI. GCMG. GCIE.
AUet de Camo
I Comnuniiter in Chief,
\ Captain His Royal Highness Prince Albert Victor C. E. of Wales, KG. lo Hussars.
Colonel Right Hon. John Wilsun, Lord WinmarleiKli, 3rd Colonel jj.s.c. Edward Francis Chapman, C-B. R.(Ben.)Art.
and 4th Battalions K. Lancashire Regiment (3 Richard Wm. Charles Winsloe, h.p. Scots Fusiliers.
Lancashire Militia). Robert Gordon Rogers, CB. Bengal Staff Corps.
C. Viscount Eversley, GCB. Hampshire Yeomanry George Benjamin \Volseley, CB. h.p. York and Lan-
Cavalry. caster Regt.
F. H. P. XonZ Methuen, 3rd Batt. Wiltshire Regt. 5trFra.Wallace Grcnfell, A'CB. h.p. King's R.Rifles.
(Wiltshire Militia). Sir William Francis Butler, KCB. h.p. 69 Foot.
W. A. Harquis of Esotcv, 3nl and 4th Batts. North- George Gustavus Walker, 3rd Battalion King's
amptonshire Resjt. (Northampton Militia). Own Scottish Borderers.
William Bell, Royal Guernsey Militia. William Thomas Spencer, Earl Fitzwilliam, KG,
Sir Hugh Owen 0'!<ren,Bart.,^th Brigade Welsh Div. I West York Yeomanry Cavalry {Supernumerary).
R. Art. (Royal Pembroke Artillery Militia). Charles Robert Claude, Lord Truro, 3 Middlesex
Rt. ifo«. Frederick Arthur, ZonZ Stanley of Preston, Artillery Volunteers.
GCB. Gocernor General of Canada, late Lt. and Rt. Hon. W. J. Visct. Oxenbridge, 3 Bn. Lincoln
Captain Grenadier Guards; 3rd Batt. Lancaster Regiment (North Lincoln Militia).
Rogiiiieut (Supernumerary). James Woodward Scott, Royal Marines.
G. G. -E(n-/o/Warwick, Warwickshire YeomanryCav. p.s.c. Henry Grey MacGregor, h.p. Worcester Regt.
James Godfray, Jersey Militia. Hen. HallamParr,Cilfa. h.p. Somerset Lt. Infantry.
SirBaker Creed Russell, KCB. KCMG. h.p. 13 Hus. Fffi Mark Sever Bell, Royal Engineers.
Augustus Henry King, Royal Artillery. Wilhelm Luckhardt, CB. Bombay StalT Corps.
Francis, Earl o/Wemysa, 7 Middlesex" Rifle Volun- Robert Macgregor Stewart, Royal Artillery.
teers (Supernumerary) Lord Claud John Hamilton, MP. 5 Bn. Inniskilling-
Sir James Gardiner Baird, Bart, i Midlothian Artil- Fusiliers.
lery Volunteers. W. H. J. C. Earl of Limerick, 5 Bn. Munster Fusil.
Rt.Hon. William Coutts, Visct. Bury, KCMG. 12 Mid- (Supernumerary)
dlesex Rifle Volunteers. Rt. Hon. C. A. Earl of Rome, Lanai'k Yooman.Cav.
Charles Stewart, Visct. Hardinge, i Volunteer Bat- (Supernumerary)
talion West Kent Regiment. Rt. Hon. W. H. £a)-Zo/ Mount Edgecumbe, 2 Volun-
Hugh Lupus, Duke of Westminster, KG. Cheshire teer Battalion Devonshire Regt. (Supernumerary).
Yeomanry Cavalry, and 13 Middlesex Rifle Horatio Herbert Kitc!iener, CMG. R. Engineers.
Volunteers (Sujjernumerarii) Arthur French, Royal Marine Artillery.
p.s.c. William Kidston Files", CB. h.p. 38 Foot. Oasimir S. Gzowski, Stafif Officer to Engineer Force
John Withers M'Queen, CB. Bengal Staff Corps. in Canada (Honorary)

Equerries to the Queen.

Clerk 3/c/r.s'Aa?.— General Lord Alfred Paget, CB.
Major General Charles Taylor Du Plat, CB. r.f.p. R. Art. General Rt. Hon. Sir Henry Frederick Ponsonbv, GCB,
General Henry Lynedoch Gardiner, CB. R. Artillery. (extra),
Colonel Hon. Henry Wm. John Byng, late Coldstream c. General Hon. Sir Arthur Edward Hardinge, KCB,
Guards, Hon. Colonel 7 Bn. King's Royal Rifles. CLE. King's Royal Rifles (ejctra).
Y€ Major General <S'i> John Carstairs M'Neill, KCB. General Rt. Hon. Alex. N. Visct. Bridport, KCB (extra)
KCMG. Major Stanier Waller, Royal Engineers (extra).
Major Arthur John Bigge, CB. CMG. Royal Artillery. General Aug. 0. L. Duke of Grafton, KG. CB. (honorary).
Lt. Colonel Hon. Wm. Henry Peregrine Carington, late General Hon. Sir Alexander Hamilton Gordon, KCB
Grenadier Guards. Leinster Regiment (honorary).
Major General Sir Henry Peter Ewart, KCB.

Honorary Physicians to the Queen.

Director General Sir Thomas Galbraith Logan, MD. Surgeon General Sir Joseph Fayrer, MD. KCSI. late
jSTCB. half pay. Bengal Estab.
iSurgeon General Samuel Currie, MD. CB. half paj-. Surgeon General Frederick Freeman Allen, MD, CB.
iSiirgeon General John Eraser, MD. CB. half pay. Bengal Estab.
[Jinrgeon General Charles Alexander Gordon, MD. CB. 7 Surgeon Gene
half pay. late Bengal Estab.
[Surgeon General .fohn Irvine, MD. retired pay. Surgeon General William Robert Cornish, CTE. late
[Surgeon General Thos. Graham Balfour, MD. ret. pay. Madras Estab.
[liuipector General Sir William Mackenzie, MD. KCB. Surgeon General Sir William James Moore, KCIE.
\ CSI. late Madras Estab. late Bsmbay Estab.

Honorary Surgeons to the Queen.

nspector General John Robert Taylor, CB. half pay. i Surgeon General Sir John Campbell Brown, KCB. late
'-rnry Surgeon General John Ashton Bostock, CB. Bengal Estab.
: I'ly. Inspector General John Henry Orr,3fD. C5. late Madras
II - .:i General Sir Thos. Longmore, Knt. CB. half pay. Estab. I

li^ '11 General Sir John Uarrie Ker Innes, KCB.\ Surgeon General Sir William GuyerHunter,K£».XCJfCf.
MP. late Bombay Estab.
General Sir Thomas Crawford, MD. KCB. Deputy Sargeon General Samuel Bowen Partridge, late
ison General James Mouat, CB. half pay. Bengal Estab.
Major Alexander Grant, late Indian Army. Surgeon General James Macnabb Cuningham, MD.
CSI. late Bengal Estab.

Honorary Chaplains to the Queen.

Sev. J. C. Edghill, DT). Rec. R. H. Bullock, DCL. Chaplain 1st Class, ret. pay.

Ecc. W. Syk'j,;, Ml. Ch:;h,i„ to the I

Hbb M^jbsit'8 Sbcbeiabt of Siatb fob TVab ^'9^ Hon. EBWARD STANHOPE, M.P.
Private Secretary G. D. A. Fleetwood Wilson.
Attiitiini Private Secretai-i/ Charles G. E. Welby.
Hbb Majesty's PABLiAMBirTAvr Uwdbb Sbcbbtabt of^q d q Xorii Harris
SiaibpobWab S . • •

Private Secretary A. T. Liddell.

Hbb Majesty's PBBMAKBifi Uwdbb Sbcbbtaby of State ) g^^ Ralph W. Thompson, ZCB.
Private Secretary A. E. M. Uniacke.
, ._. „. - . „,
. .

Atmtaiit^ Under Secretarut of State

. fColonelH. G. Deedes, late of 60 Rifles.
| ^^. Arthur Lawrence Haliburton, KCB.

Finance Department.
financial Secretary Hon. W. St. J. F. Brodrick, MP.
Private Secretary H. D. De la Bere.
Accountant General R. H. Knox, CB.

Deputy Accountants General { George Law80n!'c5.

Auittant Accountant, General { Ee^Wm.Tngellmch, CB.

Director of Contract) Evan C. Kepean, CB.
Director of Clothing George D. Ramsay, CB,
Aitiitant Director of Clothing O. H. Morshead.
Director General of Ordnance Factories {with rank oH Colonel Eardley Maitland, CB. Royal Artillery.
jMliijof iy^encfui) , )


Field Marshal Sis Royal Sighness GEORGE W. F. C. DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE, KG. KT. KF. GCB. OCMG. GCSI.
GCIE. Aide de Camp to the Queen, Colonel of the Grenadier Guards, &c.
Frioate Secretary Lt.Colonel A. C. P. FitzGeorge, h.p. 11 Hussars, 14 July 86.
/Colonel A. H. Stephens, CB. h.p. Rifle Brigade.
Colonel Lord A. C. Gordon-Lennox, Grenadier Guards.
Aides de Camp i Colonel G. W. A. FitzGeorge, h.p. 20 Hussars.
Colonel W. L. Pemberton, CB. h.p. 60 Rifles.
''p.s.c. Colonel J. C. Ardagh, CB. (from Royal Engineers), {extra).

Military Secretary Major General Sir George Byng Harman, XC5. i Nov. 85.

rMajor General G. H. Moncrieff, i Apr. 87.

Assistant Military Secretaries Sir C. H. Brownlow, GC5. Bengal Staff Corps
] Lieut. General (/oi
C Indian affairs), 12 Mar.79.


Adjutant General General G. J. Viscount VTolseley, KP. GCB. GCMG. 1 Oct. 85.
Deputy Adjutant General Major General Godfrey Clerk, CB. i April S7.

^'''Porcfs'''.'!!.'!! ..^f.'!.'.';".!...{!r...l'!!!!.''.'.!"i}
^'^j"^ ^^^"•''^ ^- ^- ^yoa-Fremantle, CB. 18 Nov. S6.

C;).».e.Coloncl W. Avbuthnot, CB. h.p. 14 Hussars, 28 Dec. 85,

Ansistant Adjutant Generals < ;'.».c.Colonel W. R. Lnscellcs, h.p. Rifle Brigade, i April 86.
Lp.s.c. Colonel C. Grove, CB. East Yorkslure Regiment, 17 Nov.
(p.s.c. Colonel H. J. T. HiUlyard, Highland Lt. Infantry, 9 Dec. 83.
Denutu Asnstant
Deputy AsnituHt Adintanf
Adjutant General,
|Lt.Colonel A. S. Wyiuic (from h.p. Yorkshire Lt. Infantry), i July 88.

Sluf Captain p.s.c. Captain E. AV. Fleming, Royal Artillery, 13 June88.

Director of Military Intelligence Lieut. General H. Brackenbury, CB. Roj-al Artillery, i June 87.
p.s.c. Colonel C. W. B. Bell (from h.p. 8 Hussars), i June 87.
p.s.c. Captain J. W. Murray, Royal Artillery, i June 87.
^::::: S^ G\'X.^rw1^^b^^Ka?ESe"rs,^
Captain P. H. N. Lake, East Lancashire Regiment, 13 June
f p.s.c.
p.s.c. Major J. C. Dalton, Royal Artillery, 1 Sept. 88.

(p.s.c. Jfaior F. W. James, Norfolk Regiment, i Oct. 87.

p.s.c. Bt. Major A. F. Barrow, CJjfG. Bengal StaH Corps, i Oct. 87.
p.s.c. Captain L. Darwin, Royal Engineers, 1 Oct. 87.
p.s.c. Captain C. E. Callwell, Royal Artillery, i Oct. 87.
p.s.c. Captoin C. R. Simpson, Lincoln Regiment, i Feb. 88.
p.s.c. Captain G. Wemyss, West York Regiment, i Sept. 83.
Inspector General of Eeeruiting Major General J. H. Rocke, CB. 19 Apr. 88.
Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (Ditto) [P'^: ^"'°'' ^''""^ ^'^' ''^'°^" ^^'^ Sutherla nd
^^{^^^ers) ''^"jv^'s^"
Staff of the Army. 2a
Royal Abtillbby.
Deputu Adjutant General Colonel E. Markham, 2 June 87.

Attistant Adjutant General Colonel H. C. Lewes, 9 Jan. 88.

Deputy Assistant Adjutant General Lt.Colooel Arthur Warry, 29 Jan. 88.

Royal Engineers.
Deputy Adiutant General i'.s.c Colonel R. Grant, h. p. 1 July 86.

Assistant Adjutant General Colonel "William Salmond, i Oct. 84.


Quarter Master General UC Major General Sir R. H. BuUer, S^CS. KCMG. 15 Oct. 87.
Assistant Quarter Master General {^
^^ ^'''^''' ^^^^^ ^^^ ^''°°' ^^^ ^°^*^

Deputy Assistant Quarter Master General A. E. W. Goldsmid (from h.p. Munster Fusiliers),

Director General of Military Education Lt.General Sir R. Biddulph, GCMG. CB. Royal Artillery, i Mar.

^t?;"!^:i;f^^IJS'S:^)':::^™!':}^--- ^-Colonel a. M. Delavoye (from h.p. Essex Regt.). .7 Apr. I

Deputy Assist. Director of Military Education p.s.c. Major D. F. Jones, Royal Artillery, 16 July 85.

Inspector General ofSoyal Artillery p.s.c. Major General W. H. Goodenough, CB. 17 Aug. 86.

Aide de Camp Captain F. J. Fox, Royal Artillery, 20 Aug. 86.

General Sir L. Nicholson, ECB. Royal Engineers, 8 July 86.

Aide de Camp Captain F. G. Bowles, Royal Engineers, 17 Jan. 87.

Deputy Inspectors General of (^olonel A. G. Dumford (from h^). Royal Engmeers), 8 Jan. 87.
^ J Fortifications
J ...
^ '
I Colonel H. Locock (from Royal Engmeers), i Nov. 87.
Colonel C. J. Moysey, CMG. (from h.p. Royal Engineers), i Oct.
Assistant Inspectors General of Colonel R. H. Vetch^ Royal Engineers, 11 Dec. 84.
^ •'
p.s.c. Lt.Colonel G. E. Grover, Jloyal Engineers, 14 Jan. 87.
iLt.Colonel E. M. Lloyd, Royal Engineers, 15 Jan. 87.
Inspector of Submarine Defences Lt.Colonel R. Y. Armstrong, Royal Engineers, 11 June 84.
Assist. Insp. of do. {with rank of Major) Captain R. M. Ruck, Royal Engine.firB, i Jan. 86.

Alderson. CB. h.p. Royal Artillery,

^'""tenerll) '^!!!!^'.!^t^:^..^..^::!°"] Colo^^l H. J. i Jan. 85.

Assistant Director of Artillery Colonel H. Le G. Geary, h.p. R. Artillery, i Jan. 85.

Assistant to the Director of Artillery Lt.Colonel C. Morley (from h.p. Royal Artillery), 7 Sept. 88.

^*"«?^.a?£Xf ..^!."!r.!.l.'!{..'?.'!!".".".'.!]
Assi^^^'it com. Gen. of Ordnance H. J. Mills, i Apr. 86.

('^•°'^ 1^-P- R- Artillery), x Oct. 87.

CColonel E. A. Wood, h.p. 10 Hussars, i April 85. 2nd Cavalry Dia-
Inspecting Officers of Yeomanry Cavalry in) irivt— Head Quarters, Aldershot.
Great Britain 1 Colonel C. W. Duncombe (from h.p. i Life Guards), 3 April 83.
K. Cavalry District Head Quarters, York. — ist

Director General oj Army Medical Department Sir Thomas Crawford, MD. KCB. 7 May 82.

Professional Assistant Surgeon General J. B. C. Reade, CB. i Apr. 88.

[Assistant Commissary General G. V. Hamilton, i Jan. 88.

ASMtant Commissaries General
Assistant commissaries (general
(Assistant Commissary General Charles Henry Bridge, 4 Dec. 86.
•Principal Veterinary Surgeon G. Fleming, CB. 28 June 83.
iChaplain General Eev. J. C. Edghill, DD. 8 Feb. 85, Chaplain Tower of London.
Field Ma)\>hah and Generals

Generals and Lieutenant Generals.

^a S'S'Mg g g g g
3 ? S li < o fi o o p

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Lieutenant Generals.

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<ao.o p 0) 0) dcececSSeeScSc:



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Lieutenant Generals


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Lieutenant Generals and Major Generals.

«; ^^-^ V o 6 d e3 o o


stc >. > d d '

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H. " =f-= -t; c.

o C.3 * S S « 3 S 515
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Major Generals.

J3 — ::: J A- ^ H
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:e :S ai S ri ci ;
O O !D 0) ^0) ^» ^5


1 1 ^ ^^l^ ^ a Q Q 4 s :^ si -^;^ ^^ ^Q Q Q Q I ^^

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m iT)^
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loirjii-iinminintn i/^^ m<3 »o mo voiommi'-i inmi/^ui ino
t/i moo voo lommmmmm mvo lo m in mo \o m mvo vo

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^" o ^* > h ^0 ^'
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^:=-5 5 =i;C-s § o & -•= •-

.~ X H <! ^ <3 -J a <! &. St3
^> +. ^-K * -H ^ -
;z. OK -*- -1-
Major Generals.

sane x:sixi. =^ c3 p. CL O- «- =fi



a^H-?^-=^t; -J^O^C.^


3 s 3 d S

o " * T^ o^

.; S A -S >.
as ^ 8 § S is ^^t^^^s ^^f ^'1^ § ^^ ^
t=-s s s-a-s s 5 3 s'S-^ g § I ^ § ^^ g-g

'te; tia >^-i:-'-'


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f»5^ 2-'HS2 5g ='a Sl^

I P.c?l^|5
a» - =" " ^-- 5^-a 1 «H
a ® oJ= a
Major General.

fn" i: t; t; b^h ic 50 bo 3, >dodoooc5ddoooo

^g ^Qa«p4fe<&,:^:^;^:^^^

"iNm«c^ci 00000*1^" rnHcoot^mavi^MwMMHriNcoHHOOOO

5ff'S5-^ 6 ag§g3sg'SaS9g-^s^^&s^s slag Ilea's sss^^T


0\^ ON O O * t^

> 1/-.VO -O m^ >n m~0 "O lO'O lO'D .D i^i^O VO -O "O VO ^ 10*0 «0 MD vO vO "O "O

0" §'
€ ^ 3 o "S o S -^ I g- i d g_^ ^ -g ^ ^ ^^ ^ -g -g -g ^ g.

2»y,:M« ^w i Sw.2pH
II War Services of the General Olficcrs.
Cambridge and General Officers being Colonels of Regiments, &c., see the
For the War Ser%-iccs of the Duke of

of ,852-53 (Social for was with the

^"lord rVoiselcv'ier\'erwah lle'sLurUegiinent in tbe Burmese war

and \\ ab piesent at tne 1 eiiei ot luUCK-

Mediidic and Turki«h Medal). Served in the Indian campaigns of 1S57-5Q,
there Bie^^^^^^
d^en?e o. the llumbagh by Outram. with the several engageme.it_s

the nffiin oi h.i^c- "'7'" •,.,,''":
Bubscfiuentlvas D.A.Q.M. General to Giant's division and with U at ,17 cCnl
and all the o\hcrs fouKht by that force (repeatedly mentoBed in despatches 01 tne
s Staff, and ^^.- Ik ^ .,ui
Served in the war of 1S60 in China upon the Quarter Master General (promoted
- ,

M.j Nwtn twQ

Taku Forts, and in nil the engagements throughout the campaign . 1


to the Re.l R'^"


OlaspH). Commanded the Expedition sent in 1S70 from Canada •„ ' '

| .
of St

the Rebel Government established at Fort Garry agamst the Queen s ""'^Y' ^^^.nl n u, ''md "^Lom-
MichHCl and St. George an.l Companion of the Bath for his services
upon that occasion. Nv' ^\ :^ ei no,
•;, (
' •

(veceived the tl^,,,~. 1.^

mknder ofthe For^s^'on the GolJl Coast during the Ashanti War of ^873-74

the field G-<^f^-J^

of Parliament, promoted to be Major General for distinguished service 1
^1 • '

of Natal and ^ lands 'l^l^^t

ClnsD) Was sent to South Africa in June 1879 as Governor and High Commissioner brcmght
wUh'^iocal^rank"!f'Gen"eral. Cc^nplcted the '^ibjugation oi; the Zulus and " ^ ^"^^ ,° ^.'^.'^{'^^/^jTs:

stronghold ^^^^.f and tna l.j subclucd tne ais-

Afterwards overpowered Sekuknni's host c nation and destroyed their C

annexation of the Transvaal (GCi*., ^^edal with a^^^^^^^

ttftctldBoerlTml completed the
Chief of the British Kxprditionai-j" Army throughout the Egyptian war of 1SS2 %Uncb m
campiiign that Aimy in
descr °f ^S^P^
the space of 25 davs eflccted disembarkation at Ismailia, traversed the

| '! ^
together with Us Citadel and the rebel chief, having in that period fought
and dcfei.ttd

'!;'' f Ine times-
finallv at Tel-el-Kebir where the enemy's strongly entrencbed position
was taken at the point ot the bayonet after ;

guns captured: and his army overwhelmed (received the thanks bo h Houses of
aS arduous nighVmarch. nil his
the field. Medal ^.th Clasp ist
Parliament, raised to the 1-ceragc. promoted General for distinguished service in
Class of the Osmanieh, and Khedive's Star). Commanded the forces in the
Soudan campaign ,884-85 (received m
peerage, and received two lasps).
the thanks of both Houses of Parliament, was raised to a Viscount in the

3 Sir Leicester Smyth served in the Kallir war of 1852-53 (Medal); a so at

d. to (k nor il Simpson
Eastern campaign of 1854-55 as Assistant :viilitary Secretary to Lord Raglan and altera:,
at the MCgc and fall of
was present at the atfair at Bulganak and at the battles of the Alma and Inkerman and of the Legion ot Honor.
Sebastopol (Medal with three Clasps, Brevets of Major and Lt.Colonel, Knight
Sardinian and Turkish Medals, and 5th Class of the Medjidie). . . , o * t 1 o <;
6 Sir George Willis served uninterruptedly throughout the Eastern campaign from April 1854 to J ul.^ 1856;--
with the 77th Regt. until May 1855, after which as D.A.Q.M. General at Hepd Quarters, and as A.Q.M.
General of the
4th Divi:.ion wiw present at the affairs on the Bulganac and at Balaklava, battles of Alma
and Inkcrman, assault of
thoQuarries, attack ofthe Redan on 18th June, battle of Tchernaya, final assault of the Redan
on 8th Sept., antt
served for upwards of seven months in the Trenches, including the repnlse of several sorties, and was
treqnently in
command in the advance Trenches (Modal with three Clasps, Brevets of Major and Lt.Colonel, the Orand Ofhcer of the
Legion of Honor, Sardinian and Turkish Medals, find 5th Class of the Medjidie). Served m
Lgyptian war of
1882 in command
omruand of anu was present
Division and
tne ist jjivision
ot the '
lae engagements
ai. the
at eugaacLucnis of i^^i Magfar,
ui El lu-jgiai,
i'-^-c; ..i<.ii.ic..,
ano .—
Kassasi] (gth Sept.), and in the battle of Tel-el-Kebir— slightly wounded (five times mentioned
- - -" in despatches,
Osmanich, and

received the thanks of both Houses of Parliament, KCB., Medal with Clasp, 2nd Class of the
Khedive's Star). „ „ . ,. ., _.
. ,
9 Sir William Pavn served with the 53id Regiment in the Sutlej campaign of 1845-46, mcluumg the atlair

of Buddi^val and actions of Aliwal and Sobraon (Medal and Clasp). Punjaub campaign of 1840, including the
battle of Goojcrat (Medal with Clasp). Campaign of 1851-52 against the hill tribeson the Peshawur Frontier, berved
in the Crimea in command of a Regiment of the Turkish Contingent, and was present with that Force
from Juno
1855 until its disbandmeut in May 1S56 (Brevet of Major, Turkish Medal, and 4th
Class of the Medjidie).
Seivedintho Indian campaign of 1857-58, including the actions of the 26th 27th and 28th Nov. at Cawnpore,
under General Windham, battle of Cawnpore on 6th Dec. and pursuit of the Gwalior Contingent to Serai Gha,t,
action of Khodagunge and entry into Fnttehghur, aflfair of Shumshabad, storm and capture ofMeangunge, in
command ofthe left attack, siege and capture of Lucknow, and affair of Koorsie commanded the 53rd through- ;

out the not weather campaign and passage of the Goomteo and occupation of Sultanpore, present with the Regi-
ment at the passage of the Gogra at Fyzabad on 25th Nov.. action of Toolscporo. and minor affairs (mentioned
five times in despatches. Brevet of Lt.Colonel, CJS., Medal with Clasp).
•» Lord nhelmsfind served with the Grenadier Guards in the Crimea from the 31st May 1855, including the siegft:

and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, Brevet of Major, Sardinian and Turkish Medals, and 5th Ciass of the.
Jlcdjidie). Served with the 95th Regiment in the Indian campaign (Medal). Served in the Abyssinian campaign
in 186S as Deputy Adjutant General of the Expeditionary Force, and was present at the capture of Magdala
(mentioned in despatches for " great .ability and untiring energy," CB., and Medal). Servedm coimnand of the.
British forces in the Kafir war of 1878, and in the Zulu war of 1870, being present at the engagements of G
dblovu and Ulunili (Medal with Clnsp, and GCB.).
'2 Sir Aieliii'uM .\li~oii served with tlie 7:'nil Highlanders the Eastern campaign of 1855, including the expedition

to Kerteli, sieL'C :mil lull i.f, and attack of the iStli June (Medal with Clasp, Brevet of Major, and Turkish'
Medal). Sei , 1 ;.> Milii;ii \ Set-retMiv lo Lord Civile in India during the campaign from August 1857 to March 1858,
il, ... :. •,.].. id. -1 II :inii) at the relicfof Lucknow (Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Cliisp, and C.B.).

\Va- I
,1 I.. ' 111- i:iii-..peiiu Brigade and Second in Command throughout tlio Ashanti war fromi

lire.. I :1:.; ,,,i,

,. :,i the battle of Amoaful, capture of Beciiuii, battle of Ordalisu, iui<l cnptureof
(Vjoi..:. -:. II.:. 1- i'::rli:MM. Ml, Mild AT'//.. Medal with Clusp)
1 Served throughout the Egyptian war of 1S82.

C.iiunninded the ti.i.iis in Egyjit from the occupation of Alexandria until the arrival of Sir Giirnct Wolscley, and
formed the entrenched positicm at Ramleh, thereby effectuady covering Alexandria and at the same time
th'-catcning the enemy's position. Commanded the 3rd Brigade (the Highlanders) from the aiTival of S'r Garnet
Wolselcy to the end of the war, and was present in the battle of Tel-el-Kcbir (mentioned in despatches, received
the thnnks of both Houses of Pnrliament, promoted Liout.Genoral for distinguished service in the field. Modal with
ClaHp, 21111 Class of the Osmanieh, and Khedive's Star). Ou the termination of the war he was appointed to the
command ofthe British army cf occupation in Egypt.
" Lieut. (iencral G. W. A. Higginson served throughout the Eastern campaign of 1S54 55, as Adjutant 3rd Bat-
talion Gronadier Guards, including the battles of Alma. Balaklava. and Inkerman (horse killed), siege and fall of
Hebatit'ipol ; after which he served ns Brigade Major of the Guards until the conclusion of the war (Jledal with
four Cliixps, Brevets of Major and Lt.Colonel, Knight of the Legion of Honor, 5th Class of the Jledjidie, and
Turkibh Medal).
' Sir Kobert Ilnnie served the Kastern campaign of 1854, and up to the 13th Jan. 1855, and from the 2911
Jlay 10 the 30th Sept. 1855. with the 55th Regt., including the battles of Alma and Inkcrman (severely wounded).
hIcko niid lull of Sebastopol. repulse ol the sortie of aftth October, and assaults ofthe Redan on^tlio iStli June am!
8lb Sept.— hcvcroly wounded, and mentioned in dcsoatches (Modal with three Clasps, Brevet of Major, Knight ol
the Legion of Honor. 5th Class ofthe Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). C.jnminnded the 55th Regiment in th" I'.hoo-
tan Kxpodilion. including the atl.ack and iccapturo of Dowans/iri in iPi'i:; (Medal with Clasp). CommamUa lh(
Konthcrn Afghimistnn Field Force from November 1880 to April 1881, including the evacuation of Candahar and
Southern Afglmnistan and the withdrawal ofthe force to India (received the thanks of Government). ,:;^
"• Lieut. General C. Adams served throughout the
campaign in the Crimea in 1854-55-56 with the 49th Regiment,
incbiUinglhobiittlcsof the Alma and Inkerman (wounded), siege and fall of Sebastopol, sortie on 26th Oct., and
aBwnltKor the Kednn on i8th June and 8lh September (mentioned in despatches, CB., Medal with three Clasps
M'or Srrrii:es of I he General Chlicers. 12
'''" ^^'•''''' ''"'^ Lt.UoIonel. Kui-ht of the Legion of Honor, 5th Class 0: the
McrlalT iXedjia-c. ai.,l Turkish

1854, and wMsnvnm>iic,H]e,n,.vG..u(.n,llieMtson for tin. T M,, m,. ,; ,,,',,, ;',. „ .'V,,;^^! ',

:;,/";, V

oalcayetotl.e Damibe, whore (at TLu-tukMi)hcvolu„t.v,,.: .,., :,
boats to cross tlio ri\<Taiicl iitt'U-k {h<- I'n ^i-ms u i\v.i-lM.:i --.'i :;:':,f^?.
niiKtor i

H .

."'I''V" '•" '" l^:'--r the


battle of Ahiia (wuuh.I.mI, nuil '^iic-iiHi- ,,,r'i,'puii'i.M| i'-' '


i'i,.>' r
,' '. '

I'u im-' i

bravery whilolcaiiiiii; hr':i>t:u-k ^l' i'm- ' ' '!',''''' ';'}""' ','' ''"''' 1


-lit «'i', T ?
,,r'ilir' ^tii' 'i'''"m'''

• '

the powerful s.)i-tir (in 111, J' 111 (U"iil


'" "'',''' '"'uiit^- ol ihr ,1,,;,

i.Mttlr -l' r,'-ri-,i-i'i, I'ui !.' 1 \ -


andbrous^'ht it nut iiracti.iii and -it «'

''"""";'" ''"' ''^'-
i-'i- -•. \v hrn 't'vn'v "' '
-M >

CfTcct, especially when cut off from ,.n/ i. ,-:, " '"''"',''" ';•'"'''"'";>';'' ic ni.i.-ka;,:.,

,n l.v tl.,'- I;u^-.i-,,'', r 'jn.'.'

,'"',',. ^""""
'-^''''''^-t' ll^e oj.b
Ue-t. had the cncmv down il,, hill

-' '

-i.-.,. V II uh , ^ • ,•

mditary cituihtie^.- and reeommended to the Commande ' u - '!


Chi^' , :
.. r/ ,

V7 '

A^^:^^^^c^,ev:;^l^.:::;;as;l^^^^ ...n- :',:;:-;'ire^^

his duties to nn- mtiiv sat'll'/ctinn •'

( "/V. Al,.'! ,i wiM. Clasp) ^ '"" " " ""' ''-i'"^'-''"'">'' ^ " ''" performed "^

['"^ ',',"' 77"* ^^^*- ^''O"* ^^='^'^1* 1855, and on the Staff as Brigade
Major to^Gpiwil Si,' ',','n^ I'l' V'" ' '

l^^ci Quarters from Jime 1855, inchiding the siege

Sebastopol (Medal a itucias, ''',",: .


and fall of
in China as Brigad \X io r ud Bn.
• . " •
"'"';'" «" I Turkish Medals and 5th Class of the Medj idle). Served

walls of Canton (Brevet of Lt:Colouei\i:;i;iV^^^^ '" '^^^l^tches as being the first person on the

chulin 'tL^3lul?soahe A^^^^^ ""''fT '^^^^^^^ <>^'854 as Aide de Camp to General Ponnefather (in-
w,"hrhreecSs^"rev^^^^^^^ •''"'. H'l
•' Lord ^m ,-.,-ii .,:.m,ii)
Clarina served with the Qsth 1';.
;;'l^ov. 1854 including
. , „ .

fallofSebastopol (Medal with Clasp

of the Medjidie). Served also in the
,,, ,
, V "
the stege and
"onor, T.irkish Medal, and jth Class
'" " '

,1 „,„, .

'";V'"'"^? t*^*" siege and capttiie ot Kotah,

, ,

battle of Kota ke Serai,'

general action iv- i„ tl
r Gwahor,
,' '

tionod in despatches, Medal with Clasp)

'"'- '"
"" '''I'tuie ol siege and capture ot rourec (men-

'^^''^':^' Lixgard's Force, and ,ireseut at the relief of

/^imghnnyroceededwi^hBri^dt^^^^^^ iJouglas s column in pursuit of the rebel chief
lotions of ;7th and^nfh An^i (?!J^ ? Koer Smg, and ijix-ent in the
l^cLt^r^ttiaTor^J'PL'^^^^ f'^-. a-^ Brevets of Major and Lt.Co.ouei. Med*l' w^
2r^^a!ftt%Z'^al'or\'^^^^^^ campaign of 1854 as Brigade Major to the Brigade of
riava and Inkerman (severeV wound?df nml «£ ° '?'''^.°" ^^e «taff of the ist Division at the battles of Bala-
as Orderly Officer to Brigadier Campbell at the
umnaoad t;,? fsfs^'n?'^' aflfair of Munseata rear
13 'iVar Services of the Grneral Offkos.
its formation in Mav 1855 to the close of the war, for which he receivcl the Brevet rank of JIajor, the 4th Class of
the Mcdjidie, ainl the Turkish Mi.h.l. Served as Aide de Camp to Sir Jdm Michel during the Indian mutiny m
1858 in Central In.lia (Medal, and Brevet, of Lt.Colonel). Served with the China Expeditionary Force in i86oas

Aide de Camp to Sir John Michel from the landing of the Army to thr .surrender of Pekin (Medal with Clasps, and
promoted to an uiattached Majority). „ , j
ofr 1854
o •
s' Lieut General Xewdijrate served with the and Battalion Rifle Brnrade the Eastern campaign
and up to
Jiilv 1855, includini.' the battles of Alma and Inkermau (wounded), and siege of Sebastopol (Medal
with three Clasps,
Brevet of Major, Knight of the Legion of Honor, 5th Class of the Mciljidic, and Turkish Medal). Served in the
Zulu war of 1879 '» cbu^mand of the 2ud Division, and was present in the engagement at Ulundi (Medal wiih
Cla.sp, and CB.). » „ /,« , n r, ^.1 1
-•Sir Martin Dillon served with the q8th Regiment in the Punjanl. campaign of 1S48-9 (Medal); also with i
the Flank Commnies at the forcing of the Kohat Pass uuder Sir Colin Campbell and Sir Charles Napier in Feb- '

ruary 1850 (Medal with Clasp); with the Ride Brigade (2nd Battalion) in the Crimea subsequent to the fall ot Scbas.
topol, from the iSth March 1856 was present with it auring the whole of its services
the fieldm India, Irom m
November 1857 to December 1S59, including the actions at Cawnpore (dan remnsly wounded, two bayonet and one
sword wounds), siege and capture of Lucknow (Brevet of Major), dnh- .•:i'..ivi..rn of 1858 under Sir Hope brant, ,

and with Lord Clvde in his 'I'rans-Gogra operations, as Brigade JI;i ' !
r bu- Alfred Eorsford, and sub-

seciuently as his p"rincipal Siatf Officer on the Nepaul Fr-ntier, in Ir >

" Nepaul, and dm-mg the second
i .

Tran^-Gogra campaign: also as Brigade Major to Brigadier Holdicl. .i prrations on the Oude Frontier in .[

conjunction with 12.000 Ncpaulcf e troops, which resulted in the caiiLiiru of l.ti go bodies of mutineers who had i

crossed the Nei nul bound;.rv ;Medal with Clasp). Proceeded to China in 1S60 as Assistant Adjutant General of
Major General Sir R. Napiu's Division, and was present during that campaign at the capture ot the Taku Forts, ,

«tc.. and the advance to I'ckiti (.Medal with Clasps, and Brevet of Lt.Colonel). Served the Abyssinian campaign as
Miliiarj- Secretjiry to Lord Napier, and was present at the capture of Magdala (mentioned m
despatches, CB.,
Aide de Camp to the Queen, Colonel, and Medal).
^ Lieut.Gencral W.G. Cameron served in the Grenadier Guards during the Eastern campaign of 1854, including
the battle of Alma and siege of Sebastopol as Assistant Engineer right attack. Was severely wounded on the 20th
October while in cemmand of the Volunteer Sharpshooters of the ist Division (.Medal with two Clasps, Knight of the
Legion of Honor, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal) Commanded the 3rd Regiment German Legion
. .

with commission of Lt.Colonel, from May 1855 to November 1856, out of which time seven months in Turkey .

Commanded the 1st Battalion 4th King's Own Regt. throughout the Abyssinian campaign and was present at ,

the action of Arogee and capture of Magdala (mentioned in Lord Napier's despatches as having "won his
admiration by the manner in which he has commanded his excellent Regiment, aiul the soldierlike spirit which by .

his teaching and example he has so well fostered and maintained," Brevet of Colonel, CB., and Medal).
»« Sir John M'Leod served with the 42nd Highlanders throughout the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including ,

the battles of Alma and Balaklava, expedition to Kertch and Yenikale, siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with
three Clasps, Knight ot i,ho Legion of Honor, and Turkish Medal). Served also the campaign of 1857-58 against
the mutineers in India, including the actions at Cawnpore (6th Dec. 1857), Sera ighat (mentioned in despatches),
Khodagunj, and Shumsabad, siege and fall of Lucknow and assault of the Martiniere, Banks' Bungabw, and
Begum's Kottec (mentioned in despatch), attack on the Fort of Rooyah, action at AUygunge, and capture of'
BareiUy (Medal with Clasp, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, and CB.). Embarked for the Gold Coast in command of the i

42nd Highlanders, and served throughout the second phase of the Ashauti war, in 1874. Commanded the Regi- ,

ment until ordered up to the front from Mansu to the north side of the Adansi Hills to take command of the ,

Advanced Guard of the Army, now composed of ihe former Advanced Guard— viz., Lor.l Gifford's Scouts and •

Russell's Regiment— together with Head Quarters of Wood's Regiment, Head Quarters 2ud West India Regiment,
and Bait's Artillerj-. Commanded the force at the capture and destruction of AJuliiassie, and capture of Borbo-
rassie; commanded the Left Attack at the battle of Amoaful; commanded the Advanced Guard at the capture

and destraction of Bccquah, the Advanced Guard engagement of Jarbinbah, and the skirmishes and ambuscade'
affairs between Adwabin and the river Ordah. Commenced the attack at the battle of Ovdahsu with portions of
Wood's and Russell's Regiments, three companies Rifle Brigade, and a 7-pounder gun (slight contused wound of
the hand). Afterwards with the 42nd, a gun, and Rocket Detachment, forced the position and pressing the
fugitives with the Highlanders entered Coomassie ihe same evening and was aijpointed Commandant of the place
(several times mentioned in despatches, KCB., Medal with Clasp).
s' Lieut.Gencral M. Walker served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 as Adjutant of the 30th Regt., including the ,

battles of Alma (wounded) and Inkerman, siege of Sebastopol, and sortie on 26th Oct. On the night of the 21st
April he volunteered and led a party which took and destroyed a Russian Ritie-pit, for which he was mentioned in
the despatches, and promoted into the Buffs. On the night of the gtli June he was dangerously wounded in the '

Trenches— right arm amputated (Brevet of Major, Victoria Cross, Medal with throe Clasps, 5th Class of the Medjidie ;

and Turkish .Medal) received the

: FE " for having at Inkerman, 5th November 1S54, distinguished himself in

front of his regiment, b.y jumping over a wall in the face of two battalions of Russian Infantry which were
marching towards it, for the purpose of encouraging his comrades by his example to advance against such heavy •

odds, which the.y did, and succeeded in driving back both battalions." Served throughout the camp.aign of 1S60
in China as Brigade Major of the 4th Brigade (Medal with two Clasps for the Taku Forts and Pekin, and. Brevet of
*' Major General the Hon. R. Jfonck served with the 43rd Regiment in the Kaffir war in 1S53 (Medal).
" Major General Hon. W. H. A. Feilding acconip:inied the French Quarters as Military Altachi5 during
th Franco-German war of 1870-71 (Chevalier of the Legion of Honour).
" Major General C. F. T. Daniell served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 s»^ Brigarlr. l^iijor in the 3rd Division, i

including the battles of Alma and Inkerman, siege and fall of Sebast'jpol and attack of tho iSth Jmie (Medal
with three Clasps, Brevet of Major, Knight of the Legion of Honor, sth Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). ;

*^ Major General J. H. Dunne served with the 21st Fusiliers the Eastern campaign of 1S54, including the battles i

of Alma, Balaklava, and Inkerman, siege of Sebastopol, and attack on the Redan 0:1 the iSth June (Medal with <

four Clasps, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Served with the 99th Regiment in the campaign of
i860 in the north of China, including the action of Sinho, taking of Tangku, assault and capture of the inner North
Taku Fort, action.^ of the Chang kin-wan and Palialchow, and surrender ofPekin (Me lal with two Clasps).
*" Major General T. C. Lyons served in
the 20th Regiment in the Indian campaign of 1857-58, and com-
manded the selected marksmen of the Regiment in the actions of Chaiida, Umeerpoie, Sultiinpore, and Fort o(
Dliowraha. whence ho assisted in bringing away two guns under a heavy fire was present at the siege and

capture of Lucknow, the subsequent operations in Oudeand afl'air of Mohan, and commanded four Companies
at Morar Mow and Hcerah, Fort of Simree, and action of Buxar Ghat; served as Brigade Major to the end
Brigade Oude Force, and was present at the cajiture of Fort Oohmrea (three times mentioned in despatches, .Medal
with Clasp, and Brevet of Major).
• Sir Reginald Uipps served the Eastern cam])aign of 1854, including the battles of Alma (bayonet w. d i d
hand), Balaklava, and Inkerman (severely wounded, shot through neck), siege of Sebastopol and sorti. ilir
26th Oct. (Medal with four Clasps, Brevet of Major, Knight of the Legion of Honor, 5th Class of the Mcdji i: :ul , 1

Turkish Medal.
0 Major General H. Rowlands served the Eastern campaign of 1S54-55 with the 41st Regiment, incUi.liiiM
the battles of Abiiu ami Inkerman (severely wounded), siege and fall of Seliastopol, sortie of 26th Uet.licr,
attack of the Quiirrus (m 7th Juno and twice on the Ritie-pits, attacks of the Redan on the iSth Juno aiul 8tli
Heptcmber— wounded (.Medal with three Clasps, Victoria Cross, Brevet of Major, Ivnight of the Legion of Honor
5l.h Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal) received the YC " for rescuing Colonel Haly, of the 47th Regi-

ment, from Russian soldiers, Colonel Haly having been wounded and surrounded by them, and for gallant exertion;
in holding the ground occupied by ids iidTancod piquet against the enemy, at the commencement of the battle o!
Inkerman, 5th .November 1854." Served in the Kafir war in 1877 79 on special service at Luneberg, and com-
mande<l the troops in tlio engagement at Tolako Mountain (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp).
" Sir Henry Evelyn Wood entered the Navy in April 1852, aud served in the Naval Brigade as Aidede Camp to
Captain Peel from istOct. 1854 to 18 June 1855, when he was severely wounded carrying up scaling-ladders to th(

War Services of tlui General 0(]]cers. 14

Rua:in:jTi"ritinnoa in Li^r.T Tin ': T 'I v/ itfii'-s (>r,'r|,-,i wini two Clasps, Kni.wlit of tlio Legion of Honor, sth -

Chiss 01 lue jroUjidlt'. nna Tin :: - \. liiit'i .!i;ui campaign of 1858 as Brigailo Major in Somerset's
', :
, !

Briorade. and wns present ;it \\< t-. '-r I.,;!:., m •! in General Michel's despatch), Khareo, and Barode i

—mcntioiiedjn dcsimfccims (Mcihiii. i: ii;.:-,.\ nl m r.,) while commanding ist Regiment Boatson's Horse,

hnntins down rebels in the iSeronn-o ,)uiiy-les; thanl-ced i)y the Government of India for an attaolc made on a
baml in December 1859. and gazetted to the Victoria Cross " for having on the 19th OctobDr 1858, during action at
Sinihvaho, when in command of a Troop of the 3i'd Light Cavalry, attacked with mucli gallantry, almost single-
handed, a body of rebels who had made a stand, whom ho routed. Also for having siibse pientlyi near Sindhora,
gallanMy advanced with aduffi n' 1 ^ i.vii- n!' i; it- m'; nor,,,', mid i-,.; nod from a bin 1 of robbers a Potail,
1 1 1

Cheina rn Singh, whom t'ie\' '1 m > rr : n ,, where they intended to hing him."
! 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 ,
1 > 1 li .1 I

Raisol th- 2nd Regiment d' n M A nii.' s : •:,:, i.^l Wolseloy ti the Gold Coast in
, 1 , 1

SepteinlKT 1573 on special serv ! . rr: rri'd ilnMUjh.iui tliu A^ll,lM!i wir of 1873-74. Organized the natives

forming " \Vood's Regiment." Connnanded the attacking force at the action ol i:- m , -ived the ex- ,

pression -)f Jier Majesty's approbation). Commanded the troops at the head of tlif r / hl;- the enemy -

from Jlfnsu to the river Prah pi-ior to the arrival of the European troops, incin unaissance iu 1 '

force of tlie 27th November. Commanded the Right Column at the ba^rtle of Am ii 1! Uily wounded) ; ',!

and cimmanded the Head Quarters of his regiment at the battle of Ordahsu and capture of Coomassie
(several times mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Colonel, CB., Medal with Clasp). Served throughout the
Gaika war of 187S' in command of a column (several times mentioned in despatches). Served throughout
the Zulu war of 1870 in con-_man:l of No. 4 Column. As Political Agent raised a contingent of 1,000 friendly
Zulus, known as "Wood's Irregulars." 'Two days after the British reverse ;it Isanlilwiina, ho surprised and
defeated a force of several thousands of the enemy and then an adv.iuceil jjosition in tho enemy's
country C)r which bo was specially commended by the High Coniniissionor. X >'iiin:iti'd k'CB. Defeateil the
Zulus in the action of Kambula on the 29th March. Appointed Brigadier C-nt' in April. Lod the advaace on
Ulundi with a flying column, and present in the engagomen'", ther:' oh Hi ^i''\ ,l:i'\- (mentioned in despatches, •

Mod;il with Clasp). Served in the Boer war of iSSi with the rankof i,|or 'mo' .1, :iii on the death of Sir George M 1
; I

C(>Iley, as G-overnor of Natal and Comuander-in-Chief of the British loi,'^ m.'. .1/ .'.). Served in the Egyptian
war of I'J'^^ V, f..,.,,.,^.,„,j Qf t)jg ^tii Brigade in t'ai operations near Alexandria, iuoluding th3 surremler of Kafr
Dowai- :i' ;
'aentioned in despatches, received the thanks of both Houses of Parliament, Mvlal. and

1 ;
, (

Class oi I

.,,^^l Khedive's Star).

|, I
Served during the Nile E.'cpedition in 18S4-85 in command of the
Line of I
iiiiiioii lOiis (mentioned in despatches, ist Class of the Meti.jidie, Clasp).
.1 1,

^°' S r ti. B. Harman served in the 34th Regt. in the Crimea from 9th Dec. 1S54 to nth July 1855, including
tjie siege of Sebastopol, capture of the Rifle Pits on 19th April, and commanded the Grenadiers of the 34(.h Regt.
at the assault of the Redau on the iSth June, when he received seven severe wounds (Medal with Clasp, Brevet of
Major, sth Class of the Medjidio, and Turkish Medal). Served in the Indian cimi.aign ol' iSsy v". including affairs of
26th, 27th and 23th November, with the Gwalior Contingent at Cawnpoiv. ~i -.' n 1: oi im mI'I,;. "chow, and other 1

mmorallairs in Onde I.Uedal with Clasp). Served in the Egyptian w:ii ,i .,- Ijise of opera- .

tions at Alexandria (received the thanks of both Houses of Parliament, ii .1 ii'V .1 I .


" Sir D. 0. Drurv Live serve,' \vitli the 17th Lancers in the Cniuea r r,, .r, ;., ,,:-,, neoieliiig the battle , 1

cfthe Tchernaya, ~ : -> ,a -! lii M la' the Indian campaign

of 1S5S-59, inchi.l
an Ti f

1. :-. a ).,
I n 1
':, 01, a a '1 1'). Ala

ra pore (Medal with Clasp tor

>1 1 .\ 'a
: 1

i : , , ,

Central India 1. .
)re Zulu war of i?79, and was ,1:1, '

present in the ea:;i^, a aa : a >, a Ir, (' ;';., \1 la 1 a. a a

1 a a a 1-re a ai the Boer war of i88i under
i; .
: I ( i

Sir Evelyn Wood iu couimaud or tlie L'ava'ry Brigade. Served ia tlia i'lav n; ian war of 18^2 in oonniand of the
Cavahy Division, and was present at the" engagements of El .Maeiar, Maiisama, the two actions at Kassasin,
and the battle of Tel-el-Kebir, immediately after which he c iinne need a forced march with the Cavalry by
which he obtained possession of Cairo, the surrender of its citadel, and of the rebel chief Arabi (six times
mentioned in despatches, received the thanks of both Houses of Parliament, KCB., Medal with Clasp, 2nd Class
of the Osmanieh, and Khedive's Star).
Major General Lyon Fremantle commanded at the defence of Suakin from July 1S84 till February 1885, and
in the Soudan campaign in 18S5 lie commanded the Brigade of Guards, including the ena'a.caint'iit at Hasheen and
the destruction of Temai (mentioned in despatches, CJS., 2nd Class of th Medjidie, MedM vai, r|,^o,. !

^° Sir John M'Neill served during the campaign of 1S57-58 in India as Aide de I'a i.lward Lugard
daring the siege and cajjture of Lticknow, engagement at Jaunpore, relief of Azimglmi a^ operations at , ; , >

J-agdespore (Medal with Clasp, and Brevet of-Ma.ior). In 1861 proceeded with Sir Duneau t .uuei.ju to New Zealand
as his Aide de Camp and served there until 1865 present at the engagements on the Katikara river, the Koeroa, Rau- ;

ganri, the Gate Pah, and various other encounters with the natives (Brevet of Lt. Colonel, Victoria Cross, and
Medal) received the
" for the valour and presence of mind which he displayed iu New Zealand, oii the 30th
March 1S64, which is thus described by Private Vosper, of the Colonial Defence Force. Private Vosper states that
he was sent on that day with Private Gibson, of the same force, as an escort to Lieittenant Colonel M'Neill, Aide
de Camp to Lieutenant General Sir Duncan Cameron. Lieutenant Colonel M'Neill was proceeding to Te
Awamutu on duty at the time. On returning from that place, and about a mUc en this side of Ohanpr., this
Officer, ha\dng seen a botly of the euem.y in front, sent Private Gib.son back to bring ui3 infantry from Ohanpu,
and he and Private Vosper proceeded leisurely to the top of a rise to watch the enemy. Suddenly they were
attacked by about 50 natives, who were concealed in the fern close at hand. Their only chance of escape was
by riding for their lives, and as the.y turned to gallop. Private Vosper's horse fell and threw him. The natives
thereupon rushed forward to seize him, but Lieutenant Colonel M'Neill, on perceiving Private Vosper was not
following him, returned, caught his horse, and helped him to mount. The natives were firing sharply at them,
and were so near that, according to Private Vosper's statement, it was only by galloping as hard as they could
that they escaped. He says that he owes his life entirely to Lt.Colonel M'Neill's assistance, for he could not have
caught his horse alone, and in a few moments must have been killed." Commanded the Tipperary Flying
Column during the Fenian disturbances in the winter of 1866-67, and was thanked b.y Lord Strathnairn in
General orders for services rendered on that occasion. Served on the Staff of the Red River Expedition from
Canada under Sii- Garnet Wolseley in 1870 [CMG.). Served as Colonel on the Staff and Second in Command of the
Ashanti expedition under Sir Garnet VVolsele.y in 1873 till very severel.v wounded on the 13th October in the
attack of the village of Essaman (mentioned in'despatches, CB., and Medal). Appointed Aide de Camp to H.R. H.
the Commander in Chief in January 1874, and Equen-y to the Queen on the i ith August following. Accompanied
IH.R.H. the Duke of Connaught to Egypt in 1882 when commanding the Brigade of Gitards served throughout ;

'the Egyptian war, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches, KCB., Medal with
iClasp, 2ud Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star). Served iu the Soudan campaign in 1885 in command of a
Brigade of Infantry, antl was present in the engagement at the Tofrek zereba in command of the troops (men-
tioned in despatches, two Clasps).
^" Sir George
Greaves served at Peshawnr during the Indian mutiny in 1857-58. Served as Deputy Assistant
Adjutant General in the Eusofzye expedition of 1858 under Sir Sydney Cotton (mentioned in despatches. Medal
with Clasp). Served m
the war iu Now Zealand as D.A. Quarter Master General from January 1862 to January
:i866. Surveyed the Waikato River under circumstances of great difliculty and danger, and piloted up it the gun-
Iboats Al-oh and Pioneer. Was present at nearly the whole of the engagements, and was repeatedly mentioned in
<lcspatchos—mentioned as being " always conspicuous for energy and daring " (Brevets of Major and Lt.Colonel,
and Jledal). Served as Chief of the Staff of the Ashanti Expedition of 1873-74, and was present at the battle of
fAmoaful, battle of Ordahsu and capture of Coomassie, including the minor engagements on the road. Mentioned
^in despa ches by Sir Garnet Wolseley in the following terms:—" Colonel Greaves assumed the duties of Chief of
the Staff on the 17th December. His great knowledge of the army, his experience as a Staff Officer, the zeal and
ability he brings to bear upon his work mark him out as eminently qualified for the post he occupied. He has
rendered the most valuable assistance " (Medal with Clasp, and CB.). Served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 as
Chief of Che Staff to Sir Gerald Graham (mentioned in despatches, KCB., and Medal with Clasp).
" Major General Hon. .Tames C. Dormer served in the Crimea from 3othJune 1855 as Adjutant to 13th Light Infantry
and was present at the siogj and fall of Sebastopol, and battle of the Tchernava (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish
15 ]Voi' Services of the General O^fficers.

Mcda-, 4.1S0 serve! in Uie IiiiLau mutinv, incUidinj? Uie relief o>'
Azimi,'!iur and campaitrn in Gorruckpore in iSsS
(mcntioucd in desmtcUes) was allcrwanls ai)pointed Aide de Camp to Lord Clyde, and present at the actions
dS ;

tbVOudc and Ti-ans^GoRiu campaign of 1858 (mentioned in despatches, llediil, and Brevet
feoJcd to China in i860 as Assistant Adjutant General to the Expeditionary Force,
of Major). Pro-
and was throughout the
operations of that cam,iaign. including the capture of the Taku Forts, advance
on and entry mto Pekin (promoted
to an Unattached Majority, Medal with two Clasps). Served throughout the Egyptian war of 1882 as Depn v
Adjutant General on the Head Quarters Staff, and was present at the reconnai^spice
lorcc fr. .m Ale.Kandr.a 5th
Aagaet), the engagements ofTel-el-Mahuta and Kassasm (9th September;, and m
thsJjattle of lel-e -Kebir t«ice
mcStioiica in .k'spatches, Dromoted Major General for distinguished service in the field, Mela with Clasp.
iuJ Class of the Medji.Ue. and Khedives Star). Served with the Nile E.xpoaitionin 1885 in command of a Br gad..
utTani and afterwards of the Nile Field Force (Clasp). „.
" Sir Charles Knight Pearson served as Adjutant of the 31st Regiment m
. „ , j o ^
the Crimea from 3rd Sept. 1S55,

Clasp, and Turkish Medal).

including tbo siege and fall of Sebastopol and attack of the 8th Sept. (Medal with
war in command of No. Column, a force ot all arms, which invaded Zalulaud by the
Served in the Zulu of 1879 i

passage of the Lower Tugela. On the 22nd January he defeated in the action of
Inyezane a Zulu force "-^'cV >»
Kipenor numbers had taken up position to overwhelm hira at a formid.ible piss called Majia s
Hill. He t len
advanced and formed the fortified post of Ekowe and held it while invested by the enemy for two
months, alicr
which the place was relieved by Lord Chelmsford (A'CUG., Medal with Clasp).
*» Major General John Davis served with the 35th Regiment m ,,,...,,.

the Shahabad district during the Indian
^'.litMiv campai"Ti in 1858-59 (Medal). Served in the Soudan Expedition under Sir Gerald Graham in 10S4 111
command of the 2nd Infantry Brigade, and was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai (severaL times
mentioned in despatches, CB., Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star), fc-erved in the hoiidan campaign ibSj m
<» SirRodvers Hcnrv Buller served with the 2nd Battalion 60th EiHcs throughout the campaign of 1S60 in China
(Mpdal with two Clasps) . Served with the ist Battalion on the Red River expedition of 1870. Accoiniianicd Sir
Oarnet Wolselcy to the Gold Coast in t^eptember 1873. and served as D. A. Adjutant and Quarter Mnster General
ji id Head of the Intelligence Department throughout tVie
A shaiiti war of 1873-74. including the action of Essa-
I. .an, battle of Amoaful, advanced guard engagenicni lii. vImiIi, battle of Ordahsu (slightly wounded) and

capture of Cooma^sic (several times mentioned in (U- -v.t of Major, CJJ., IVIedal with Clasp).
. ' Served
:i. r.-o in the engagemeat at Taba ka Udoda and
jiitheKafir war of 1878-79, and commanded the From. _ i. :


in the operations at Molvneux Path and against Manya „r K ai iuughold (several times mentioned
li \ . .i
Horved throughout the Zulu war of 1875, and commanded the cavalry in the engagements at Zlobane Mountain
:ind Kambula; conducted the reconnaissance before Ulundi, and was present in the engagement at Ulundi
(•several times mentioned in despatches, thanked in General Orders, Brevet of Lt.Cohmel, Aide de Camp to the
Queen, Victoria Cross. C3IG.. Medal with Clasp) received the Tiff "for his gallant conduct at the retreat at

1 tihlobana, on the 28th March 1S79, in having assisted, whilst hotly pursued by ZuUis, in rescuing
Captain C. D'Arcy,
of the Frontier Light Horse, who was retiring on foot, and carrying him on his horse until he overtook the rear guard.
Also forhaving on the same date, and under the same circumstances, conveyed Lieutenant C. Everitt, of the Frontier
L-'ght Horse, whose horse had been killed under him, to a place of safety. Later on, Colonel Buller, in the same
manner, saved a trooper of the Frontier Light Horse, whose horse was completely exhausted, and who otherwise
wocld have been killed by the Zulus, who were within eighty yards of him." Served in the Boer war of i88i as Chief
of the Staff to Sir EveljTi Wood with the local rank of Major General. Served in the Egyptian war of iS32 in
charge of the Intelligence Department, and was present in the action at Kassasin (gth September), and at the
battle of Tel-cl-Kebir (mentioned in despatches, KCMG., Medal with Clasp, 3rd Class of the Osmanieh, and
ICledive's Star). Sei'ved in the Soudan Expedition under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884 in command of the 1st
Infantry Brigade and as second in command of the expedition, and was present in the engagements at El Teb
and Temai (twice mentioned in despatches, promoted Major General for distinguished service in the field, two
Clasps). Served in the Soudan campaign in 1884-85 as Chief of the Staff to Lord Wolseley when Sir Herber ;

Stewart was wounded and Colonel Burnaby had been killed, he took command of the Desert Column aud with
drew it from Gubat to Gakdul in face of the enemy, defeating them at Abu Klea Wells on the I'ith and l^i^x
February (mentioned in despatches, KCJ3., and Clasp).
o Major General the Hon. C. W. Thesiger acted as Orderly OflBcer to Brigadier Pattle commanding the r;i\i(liy
Brigade during the campaign of 18C0 in China, aud was present at the affairs of the 12th, iSth i.d ; i^t i

Sept. and capture of Pekin (Medal with two Clasps).

Major General F. F. Hamilton served with the 4th Regiment throughout the Eastern campaign in 1S54-5:, m-
clading the battles of Alma (wounded) and Inkerman, and the whole of the siege operations before Sebu<t ipji
until its fall (Medal with three Clasps, Sardinian and Turkish Medals, and 5th Class of the Medjidie).
"Major General G. T. Brice served with the 17th Regiment in the Crimea from the is.t January 1855. includin.: Uit
nicge and fall of Sebastopol, assaults of the Redan on the i8th June and 8th September, also at the boaibardment
and surrender of Kinbourn (Medal with Clasp. Brevet of Major, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
' Major GcMcral F. Hardy served as Orderly Officer to Brigadier Russell at the second relief of Lucknow, at the
Alumbagh, and at the siege and capture of Lucknow also present with the 84th Regiment at the leUef of Azimghur

and pursuit of Koer <ing (mentioned in despatches. Medal with two Clasps).
'' Major General Hon. W. II. Herbert served with the 46th Regiment in the Crimea from the 31st July iSj;, iu-

c!u ling the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
<• Major General Hon. S.Mostyn served with the 23rd Fusiliers in the Crimea in iPs5> including the siege of Selms-

topol and attack of the Redan on the 18th June (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal) Served in the Indian nmtiny

campaign of 1857-58. including the rebel of Lucknow by Lord Clyde, defeat of the Gwalior Coiitingent at Cawn-
porc, .-dege and caiiture of Lucknow, and operations across the Goomtoe, Trans-Gogra campaign when th? rebels
were driven into Ni paul (Medal with two Clasps). Embarked for the Gold Coast in command of the 2Dd Battalion,
13rd Fusiliers, and commanded the Head (.uarters throughout the scecnid phase of the Ashaiiti ivar, in 1874,
including the capture of Borboi-assic, battle of Amoaful, capture and destruction of Bccqua, battle of Ordjlisu,
and capture of Coomas.sie (several times mentioned in despatches, CJi., Medal with Clasp).
^ Major General Wiseman-Clarke served with the 93rd Highlanders the Eastern campaign of 1SS4-55, incUnliug
the battles of Alma and Balaklava, siege and fall of Sebastopol, capture of Kertch and I'euikale (Medal with tliree
C.a.xpp, and Turkish Medal). Also the Indian campaign of 1857-59, including relief of Lucknow by Lord Clyde,
battle of Cawnpore on 6th Dec, pursuit of the enemy and capture of their guns at Seraighat, action at Kallee
N'uddie taking of Futtehghur, expedition to Mhow under Brigadier Hope, siege and capture of Lucknow (lueu-

ti ned in Sir K l-ugard'sdesnutclies). and subscquentaffairseudingin the capture of Bareilly (Modal with two Clasjis).
«" Major Genenil E. M. Manningham-Buller
served with the Rifle Brigade in the Katiir war of 1846-47, and in
that of 1852-53 (Medal).
•' M.ijor General F. R. S. Flood served with
the 53rd Regiment in a force under Sir Colin Campbell in 1S51 -5--
against the hill tribes on the N.W. Frontier of India. Served also in the Indian campaign of 1857-59 was witUtlir ;

Alumbngh Force during the relief of Lucknow by Lord Clyde; with the 531(1 at the relief of Cawn|)orc on 2> lU
Sov. 1857, action there on the 6th December, and pursuit of the Gwalior Contingent to Serai Ghat, action of Kala.
Nuddce and occupntion of Futtchgluir, affair of Shumshabad, storm and ca))turc of Meangunge, siege of Luclaiow
a." Aide <ly Camp to ieneral Mansllohl (severely wounded), with the 53rd during the hot weather campaign in Oude

lu 1858, inc! iding the passage of the Goomtee and occujiation of Sultanpore as Aide de Camp to Sir William

Man(.fleld duni g the winter campaign of 1858-59, including that in the IJuiswara countrv and action nt Dhooiidca
Khuirii, and the TnmsGrgra campaign with its several minor affairs and the final action on the Ruptee (mcnti.ii.M
jn (Ic.ipatchcM. .Medal with Clasp, and brevet of Major).
" Major General Clive served in the Eastern campaign in 1855-56 after the fall of Sebastopol.
» Major (Joi.eni; H. J. Buchanan served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 as Adiutant of the 47th UcgiiiMut,
iiicludm;.' th.- l.-atllCKofAlma and Inkerman, sortie of 26th Oct., siege and fall of Sebastopol— ai)pi)inted 'I'owii
.Major (Medal with three Clasps, Sardinian and Turkish Medals. 5th Class of the Medjidie). Coinmaiidcd a
Column of the Field Force under Brigadier General Ross against the A'reedees on the North West Fron^Jor in
1877-78 (mentioned in dtspatcl-cs, C/;., Medal with Chisp).
War Services of the General Officers. i6
s-* M:ijc)r Gcuci-iil
I he Hon. C. J. Addingtonsei-ved in the 38th Regiment thcTSasteru campaign of 1054, and up to 26th
June 1853, inclmlinir the battles of Alma and Inkerman, siege of Sebastopol, attack and occupation of the Cemetery
on the iSth June— severely wounded (mentioned in despatches. Medal with three Clasps, 5th Class ot the Medjidie,
and Turkish Jlcdnl). Served in the Indian campaign from Nov. 1857, Including the assault and capture of Mean-
gunge, siege and capture of Lucknow, alTairs of Barrec and Nuggcr (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp,
and "Brevet of Major). •
8= Major General H. Wilkic served with the 97th Regiment in the Crimea from the i6th June 1855, including the

siege aiid fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Also in the Indian campaign'of 1857-58, and
was present with the Jounpore Field Force in the actions of Chanda, Umeerporc, and Sultanporc, and afterwards
at the siege and capture of Lucknow (Medal with Clasp).
8« Major General G. H. Waller served with the 7th Fusiliers in the Crimea from the 21st Nov. 1S54, including tho
siege of Sebastopol, sortie of gth Maj', attack and capture of the Quarries, 7th June (wounded), assault of tho
Ee<lan, 18th June (wounded), and was in the Trenches on the Sth Sept. (Medal with Clasp, Knight of the Legion
of Honor, and Turkish Medal).
w Major General P. Smith served in the Egjrptian war of 18S2 in command of the 2nd Battalion Grenadier Guards,
and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches, CB., Medal with Clasp, 3rd Class Ol the
Medjidie, and Khedive's Star).
Sir Thomas Diirand Baker served with the iPth Roval Iiibh in the Ci imea firm 30th Dec i'',4, including the

siege and liill of Sebastopol, mentioned in despatches, and awaided the Saidmnn medal jr " jrallantrv displayed )

at tho att ick of the Cemetery and suburbs of Sebastopol on the i»th June iSj^ M il \m n iv]i saidiman and '
i I ( 1

Turkish Medals). Served in India during the mutiny (m 1857) with the 1 el Beataon.
1 1

Served in New Zealand during the Waikato and Wanganui campaigns of iS 4 lut Ad)utant 1

General and subsequently as Assistant Adjutant Geneial, was pic^cnt <it 1 as ictmg
1 1
1 1

Assistant Military Secretary to Lt. General Sir Duncan Cameron (meuti incil M ji), was
Staff OllJcer to the Force under Major General Carey at the attick and hes t

for " gallantry and untiring energy and zeal evinced" (Medal) \ 'uld
Coast in September 1S73 and served throughout the Ashanti -war )l iitev
Master tfeneral, including the action of Kssaman, reliet of Abiakimi) 1 md
capture of Coomassie. Also in addition performed the duties ot Chief ^
1 i 17th
11 i

December. Was mentioned in despatches by Sir GaiTiet Wolselcy m 1' II 11 1

of the Staff were ably carried out to my entire satisfaction by Majoi 1 1 1 ^'V I
^ 1 i \ I

owe much of the success that has attended all our opeiation= In iii\ uudi he ju^ 1
valuable in a Staff Officer " (several times mentioned in despatches, lii \<.i, o( Lt oloucl ( /J c \i <,Usp). ( \

Served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 in command of the 2nd luianti \ lji ^iik li im St iiteml li - 15 October
18S0, and was in command of the troops in the engagement it hn I'-i ii m the th Oi ber i y (11 ei ti jucd in
( ' t t

•desjiatches), in numerous operations around Cabul in Decciiibc 1 t° 11 'udu _ th ii iuli m the Asmai 1 t,

Heights (mentioned in despatches) and tho reptilse of the eucni t ^1 n th |

11 1m into MmHuand 1 1 i

Kohistan. Accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the much 11 II lu t 1 u' li iid was i 1 1 I 1 1 i ,

present at the battle of Candahar (mentioned in despatches, A y. M ( il \Mtli thuL

1 s aid Hiru e Decoia- ( 1 1 |

tion). Served in the Boer war of iSSi with the local rank of Bii-r idiei l. uci il m c jmni lud ot the B i^o u d Lmea
of Conimtmication.
Major General DunhamMassy served at the latter pait of the siege of Sebastopol, was under £ie itthe battle
of the Tchemaya, and commanded the Grenadiers of the 19th Regt at the assault of thi Kcdm ri ili liSept., '^

where with minor injuries he was dangerously wounded I)y a ball which pas^c 1 1 i img 1 1

the bono. Being left on the ground, he fell into the hands of the enemy the in unto
be mortally wounded, did not remove him with their piisoners ANasiecoim 1 the

.Commander in Chief in the Crimea for his gallantry at the Redan, his f 31 tit witli i I

whichhe bore his most severesufteringdui-ingaconflnement to hiscamji stietth li ited 1 1

Captain, Medal with Clasp, Knight of the Legion of Honoi, and Tuiki-h Med il) - 11 m
1879-So in command of a Cavalry Brigade, and was xnesent at the battle ot Chai i 579, 1

the capture of the cantonment of Sherporc, the engaeement in the Chiideh Valli j 11 and ,

Cabul in December XS79 including the investment of Sheipore (twice mentioned dc^p itcl -, '^1 d 1 w th two m
=" Major General G. R. FitzRoy served the Eastern campaign of 1854 in the 41st Regiment, including the battles
Of Alma and fnkerman (severely wounded), and siege of Sebastopol (Medal with three Clasps, and Turkish Medal).
Major General W. H- Hawley served with the 14th Regiment in the Crimea from the 10th January 1855, includ-
ing the siege and fall of Sebastopol, and assault of the iSth June (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
3- Major Genera! A. L. Lyttelton-Annesley served with the nth Hussars in the Crimea from 29th July 1855,
including the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal and Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
'3 Major Gsneral J. K. Fraser served as Orderly Officer to Sir Edmund Lyons on the Expedition to Kinbom'n
in 1855, and vras present at its bombardment and surrender (Medal). Has received a Gold Medal from the Presi-
dent of the French Republic in recognition of his devoted services to the wounded on the field of battle in tho
Franco-German campaign of 1S70-71.
s' Major General H. F. Davies served in the Royal Navy in tho Burmese war (Medal). Also in the Baltic
in the Russian war (Medal). Served in the Zulu war of 1S79 as Commandant at Conference Hill and afterwards
as Commandant of Fort Newdigato (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Chispi.
"! Major General H. R. L. Newdigate landed in the Crimea with the 2nd Battah" II T;; L-ide, and was present ) 1
i 1".

at the battle of Alma (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served also durp,_. uiipaigu of 1S57-53, .1 :

including tho action of Cawnpore, and caiiture of Lu3know; and with K'l-,, p- at the capttire of ' i^ !

Calpea and operations in Central India (Brevet of Major, Medal with two Cla~;i- s,. ,„[ the Afghan war in 1. , ,,

187S-79 with the Peshawur Valley Field Force in command of the 4th Battalion of the Ritle Brigade, commanded
the Lower Koorum Brigade from April to Aug. 1880 [CB., and Medal).
^' Major General Godfrey Clerk served with the Rifle Brigade in the Indian mutiny, and was present at tho

Alumbagli and i-elief of Lucknow (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp). Served in the cam])aign on the North-
west Frontier of India in 1S64, and was pvusent in the engagement at Shubkudder (Medal with Clas]>).
'"« Major General H. C. Wilkinson served w-ith the 95th Regiment in the Indian campaign of 1058, and was present

at the siege and capture of Awah, siege assaultanicaptureof Kotah, battle of Kotakescrai, general action resulting
in the capture of Gwalior, assault and capture of Rowa, siege and capture of Pourec, battle of Beejapore, and affair
of Koondry (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Afghan war in 1880 in command of the Cavalry Brigade in Southern
Afghanistan, and took nartin the march to Candahar with the force under Major General Phayre (mentioned in
despatches. Medal with Clasp). Served in the Egyptian war of 1SS2 in comniand of the Cavalry Brigade of the
Indian Contingent, and was present at the battle of Tel el-Kebir (twice mentioned in despatches, (B., Medal with
Clasp, 2nd Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star).
'"- Major General
J. H. Hall served at the siege of Sebastopol from 20th Nov. 1854 to loth Jan. 1855 (Medal witn
Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
"" Major General G. D. Barker served wit'i the 78th Highlanders in the Persian war in 1857, Including the night
1 attack and battle of Kooshab, bombardment of Mohumrah, and expedition to Ahwaz (Medal with Clasp). Served in
Bengal with Havelock's Column from its first taking the field in 1857, including the actions of Futtchpore, Aoung,
Pandoo Nuddee, Cawnpore, Onao, Buseerutgunge (first and second), Boorbeakechowkee, and the several actions
leading to and ending in the relief of the Residency of Lucknow and subsequent defence, including several sorties
woiiu ted) with Outram's Force at Alumbagh, including the repulse of the numerous atticks, and in tne operations
ending in the final capture of Lucknow, where he officiated asD.A.Q.M. General, ist Division, and was mentioned m

despatches; the Rohilcund campaign in iS.sS, and capture of Bareilly (mentioned in despatches. Medal with two
Clasjis, Brevet of Major, and a year's service for Lucknow).
"'^ Major
General W. J. Chads served as Aide de Camp to General Godwin throughout ht Q irmese war of i£52-S3t
and was present at the assault and capture of Martabau, the destruction of the river stockadec at Rangoon, attack
on the White Ho.isc Stockade, 12th Anril (wounded, but did not quit the field), and operations of tho two follow-
17 War Services of ihc General O^icerf.
ing days, concludiiij; wiili the stoi-rn of the Great Shoe Dnpon Pcgroda stockade also present at the captures of

Bassein and Pegu, the rehef of the beleaguered Garrison at rc<,'U, and the operations of the four foUoTring days,
during which the enemy in force were driven out of three cntrtruched positions (Medal with Clasp for Pegu, and
Brevet of Major) received the thanks of the Governor General in Council on sis separate occasions during the

Tvar. Ser\'cd as a volunteer at the bomljardment and capture of Bomarsund in the Baltic expedition of 1S54
(Medal). Served as Staff Cajitain at Smyrna from April to .September 1S55, and as Commandant with rank ot
Assistant Adjutant General at Smyrna and Abydos (Dardanelles) from ist September 1855 to 27th October 1856.
"» Sir George White served with the 27th Regiment on the North-West Frontier dui-ing the Indian mutiny
in '857-59 (Medal). Ser\'cd with tlie q2nd Highlanders in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and was present in the
engagement at Charasiab on the 6th October 1879, and in the various operations around Cabul in December 1879,
including the investment of Sherpore was also present in the engagement at Charasiab on the 25th April 1880;

accompanied Sir Fi-cderick Roberts in the march to Candahar, and was present at the reconnaissance of 31st
August and at the battle of Candahar (freiiuently mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt. Colonel, CB., Victoria
Cross, Medal with three Clasps, and Bronze Decoration) was awarded the Tffi " for conspicuous bravery during

the engagement at Chai-asiab on the 6th October 1879, when, finding that the artillery and rifle fire tailed to
dislodge the enemy from a fortified hill which it was necessary to capture. Major White led an attack upon it in
person. Advancing with two companies of his regiment, and climbing from one steep ledge to another, he came
upon a body of the enemy, strongly posted, and outnumbering his force by about 8 to i. His men being much
exhausted, and immediate action being necessary, Major White took a rifle, and, going on by himself shot the ,

leader of the enemy. This act so intimidated the' rest that they fled round the side of the hill, and the position
was won. Again, on the ist September 18S0, at the battle of Candahar, Major White, in leading the final charge,
under a heavy fire from the enemy, who held a strong position and were supported by two guns, rode straight up
to within a few yards of them, and, seeing the guns, dashed forward and secured one, immediately after which
the enemy retired." Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85, during the latter part of the time as Assistant
Adjutant and Quarter Master General (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Burmese
Expedition in 1885-S7 in command of the 2nd Infantry Brigade, (received the thanks of the Government and 1

of the Commander in Chief in India, promoted Major General for distinguished service in the field, frequently
mentioned in despatches, A'CB., and Medal with Clasp).
'<" Major General T. L. Bell
served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 in the 28th Regiment, including the battles of
Alma and Inkerman, siege and fall of Sebastopol, and affair in the Cemetery (Medal with three Clasps, Sardinian
and Turkish Medals). Served as Major of the 6th Regiment in the Hazara campaign of 1868, including the subse-
quent operations in the Black Mountain (Medal with Clasp).
"w Major General A. F. Warren served with the Rifle
Brigade in the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the
battles of Alma and Inkerman and siege of Sebastopol (Medal with three Clasps, Brevet of Major, 5th Class of the -

Medjidie, ard Turkish Medal). Served with the 2nd Battalion during the whole of its service in the suppression
of the Indian mutiny, including the actions at Cawnpore and capture of Lucknow (Medal with Clasp). Embarked
for the Gold Coast in command of the 2nd Battalion Rifle Brigade and served throughout the second phase of the
Ashanti war,^in 1874, inclnding the battle ofAmoaful, battles of Ordahsu and capture of Coomassie (several times
mentioned in despatches, CB., Medal with Clasp).
"|9 JIajor General W. Stirling served throughout the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the affiurs of
Bulganac and M'Kenzie's Farm, the battles of Alma, Balaklava and Inkei-nian, the siege and fall of Sebastopol,
wid repulse of the sortie on the 26th Oct. 1S54 (Medal with four Clasps, Knight of the Legion of Honor, and
Turkish Medal). Served as Brigade Major of Ai-tillery with Rajpootana Field Force at the capture of Kotah on
30th March 1858 (Medal, and Brevet of :Major). Served with the expedition to China in i860, and was present all
Smho, actions near Tangehow, and surrender of Pekm (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Afghan war in 1878-79, ,

and was present at the capture of the Pciwar Kotal (CB., and Medal with Clasp).
"» Major General j. H. Rocke served with the 2nd Queen's Royals in the KaflSr war of
1851-53 (Medal). Seived
with the iSth Royal Irish in the New Zealand war of 1863-66 commanded a Wing of the 2nd Battalion at the affairs

°^ =5th and 26th Jan. 1865 (mentioned in despatches) and commanaed the 2nd Battalion at the capture
r il*"^"'^a™ ;

01 the Putahi Pah on the 7th Jan. 1866 (mentioned in general orders, and Brevet of Lt.Colonel). Served in the
iigy-ptian war of 1S82 as Deputy Judge Advocate (mentioned in despatches, CB.,
Medal, 2nd Class of the Medjidie,
and Khedive sStjir).
»" Major General W. p. S.Dickins served with the 2othRegiment in the Crimea
from the26th January 1S55, including
i?^,?.'f.SC ''"^J'^H 9*! fcebastopol; was alsopresentat the capture of Kinbourn (Medal with Clasp, 5th Class of .the
Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Served in the Indian campaign of
1857-58, and was presentatthe actions of Chanda
Umeerpore, and Snltanpore, siege and capture of Lucknow, subsequent operations in Oude, and affair of .

(mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Maior, Medal with Clasp)

Major General J. Thompson served throughout the campaign of i860 in China, including the actions of the ard 1

' '"' -^"Si^st, iSth and 21st Sept. (Medal with two Clasps).
lu^? •

Major General F. \V. Lambton landed in the Crimea in Sept. 1855, and served with the 7TSt Highlanders in the »
irenches at the siege of Sebastopol, and was present at its fall (Medal with Clasp,
and Turkish Medal). Served I

f^nmpaign in 1858-59, and was present at the taking of Fort Nahargah (mentioned in des-
patches, ?f
Clasp, and Brevet of Major).
commanded the Household Cavalry in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the «
^I'Jt'lJL^f- F^,"^^ *y««'^»'' '"I'l Mahsama, in the two actions at Kassasin, and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (three
f^?=^ .

in despatches, CB., Medal with Clasp, 3rd Class of


ISi 1^ 1° the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star). Served i

Brigadier General in command of the Cavalry Brigade-horse shot (mentioned]
dMpSes "^Ic^^'fml Clasn)'^'^
,v*'* ^^f""
^^°""' R-f 'Whitehead served with the 97th Regiment in the Crimea from the 20th Nov. 1854, including .'

the siege and fall of Sebastopol, and was of the storming party at the assault of the Redan on the 8th September-"
conduct" (Medal with Clasp, 5th Cl.iss °f the Mdjidie,
of ^^^ Medjidie, j^^k Tu
and Turkish ' '

\ r>«™rv,„;„ioH fi on V,'''''',".-'"^^'''^
-^/^'f;:^':^.^™^ °''
"''''" '^79. and was present in the engagement at Ulundi (
tioned inde^tehes Ci( Me!l d°wUh "hs jj

''""'' '"" ^'^ ''''• '"'='"''"° '"' "'"''"'' °'

8^iLSo[(MX wi^i a;.si:';s^^S^^^S" ^'^ ''''

^''"'/'' ^""""^ ^^ Assistant Military Secretary to Lieut. General Sir- Arthur

Onnv^.fho^?ir™' f^'T'r l^nfir.^^arof '878 (mentioned in despatches, CB.).

thm^?nn?^thP 7 n,? Was employed on special service .


inve7?no an^ ,ww

n occupation of Ekowe, and
'879. first as Principal Staff Oflicer to No i Column, being present at the action of
subsequently on the Line of Communications, and in com-
mnnd of Vnrt P^nT? . the Lower Tugela District (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp). Served
wi^h the no^,f„li ,1^
^^''^^'^"''"'^ "^"'l^' Sir Charles Warren in
Master GeneraUClfG). 1884-85 as Assistant Adjutant and Quarter r

throughout the Persian campaign of 1856-57, including the storm and

cantuS' Ucshiio ^irr'J.nMnr ^^.^ 'T''^'^
and battle of Kooshab (Medal with Clasp).
?-''Pc1't'0" to Borazjoon,

^?ved i^^ t .fF^^nH^r^ ! r sa""*'^'';'''

1882 as
Assistant Adjutant and Quarter Master General of the ist Division, and

WM nreient at th^ nm/,^.rl.r °^

^'^ F Tel-el-Mahuta, and Kassasin (9th September), and in the battle of

T^e'^ Kcbir?min»inrfn?r " °!
^^c^ies, ^^^f*^"'"'
CB., Medal with Clasp, 3rd Class of the Osmanieh, and Khedive's Star).
cSmmandtl th^ ?.'!.?! H^' ''f
'^? operations in the Bikanir Territory in 1883-S4 (mentioned in despatches).
'~T.ior Gone'aTAnln ^Fnirfn^ ^llis served with the 33rd Regiment
.8«. thVm n,T„[„ ,io r
^ at the siege of Sebastopol from Jan. to 24th May
•'°'' ^'"»"'»1 Cunynghame at Kertch and
else where (Medal with Clasp, Sardinisi
MdTurk"8h Medals)
t^^roughout the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 as Adjutant of the 28th
luJc'lmem '"i,?Hn?l^l'^ih.''r'JM^''''''r'»r"''''''*
°^ "'"^ Inkerman, siege and fall of Sebastopol and affair in the Cemetery
rMe iTwith th^n r M„t^,a 5ttj<'l"88
M^'f.'? ^i'"."
of the Medjidie. and Turkish Medal). Served' with the 26th Cameronians in
AbVssinTa^n isTs ^^d h
* Ma or Gene,il 1 e rv rwt'^'^ '" "'*' K^^Tl'^i'm war of ,882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
throughout the defence
tnroughout dofinip of ,7m T''P''*'«^"' "'"' "'<= 32nd Regiment in the action of Chinhut, 30th Jime 1857, and
tlie Residency commanded the outpost at Innes' House during the first part

War Services of the General Officers. 17a

of llic sicye, und at Sato's House during the latter piii-t commanded two sorties, iu one of which ho took a gun in
battery at the head of twenty men, for which he was mentioned in General Inglis' despatch as having " highly
distinguished himself" (Medal with Clasp, and a year's service).
12* Major General Mansfield Clarke served in the 57th Regiment with the Column under Colonel Warre on the

Taptee river in co-operation with the Central India Field Force in 1858. Served also in the Now Zealand war of
i86i, and was present at the operations before Te Arei. Also during the war in 1863-66, present as Adjutant of the
S7th at the action of Katikara (mentioned in despatches), and as D. A. Q.M. General from June 1863 to March 1S66 in
the Province of Taranaki, including the action near Poutoko, capture of the Maori positions at Ahuahu, Kaitake,
Mataitawa, and Te Arei, operations at Warea and Te Puru, and various minor affairs (repeatedly mentioned in
despatches, Medal). Served in the Zulu campaign of 1879; commanded the 57th Regiment in the engagement
at Gingindhlovu (mentioned in despatches) and relief of Ekowo; afterwards commanded the.2nd Brigade ist Divi-
sion, and subsequently was appointed to the command of "Clarke's Column"— a force of all arms— formed by
Sir Garnet Wolseley for the following objects the second advance to Ulundi, the capture of King Cety wayo, the

subjugation of the Zulu tribes near the Sliddle Drift of the River Tugela, and the pacification of Zululand ; these

objects were successfully accomplished thanked in General Orders (mentioned in despatches as having "per-
formed the duties of his responsible command in the most highly efficient manner," Brevet of Colonel, Cli.,
Medal with Clasp). On the conclusion of the war was appointed Commandant General of the Colonial Forces in
South Africa.
'" Major General T. F. Lloyd served with the force under Brigadier General Chamberlain attaoned to th3 6th
Punjaub Infantry against the Mahsood Wuzeerees during March, April, and May 1S60, and was present at the
and burning of their stronghold M ikin, and vari his minor
action of Poluseen, forcing the Burrarrah Pass, taking
affairs (Medal with Clasp)
1 8-2] Colonels.
fielding Aler. Campbell,! Col.Com. h.p.
Eoral Marines j
23 Sept. 26 27 May 34 21 Sept. 43 20 June 54 21 Feb, 55 Feb. 58 I M;n-. 62
Taget Walter L'Estraiifje, Col. unemO
uloyed full pnv Rnval Artillery j
iq Dec. 48 19 May 49 29 Jimess 2 Nov. 55 '3 Feb. 67 i Oct. 77
I George "Wheeler, Zt.CoI. Bengal S. C...II Dec. 47 3 July 54 18 Feb. 6i;ii Dec. 67 ii Dec. 73'ii Dec. 78
1 Charles C. Minchin.i/.Co?. Madras S.C 20 Dec. 47 15 Nov. 53'iS Feb. 61 20 Dec. 67 20 Dec. 7320 Dec. 58
t Lionel C. Barton, X^ro^Bombay S.C... 3 Jan. 48 15 Nov. 53 18 Feb. 61' 3 Jan. 68: 3 Jan. 74I 3 Jan. 79
Rowley Willes HiiiMnan,^ i/. Co/, h.p.") ^t
49 3 Mar. 54 15 Jan. 58 19 .Tan. 64 7 Jan. 79

Regimental District 23>ov. j

Jan. 74 7
i David Shaw, Lt.Col. Madras Staff C... 8 Jan. 48 15 Nov. July 59 8 Jan. 681 8
53' II Jan. 74 8 Jan. 79
t Rowland Farrer, Lt.Col. Madras S.C. ... 20 Jan. 48 15 Feb. 53'i8 Feb. 61I20 Jan. 68 20 Jan. 74 20 Jan. 79
I Rob.StevensonMosclcy.i^.Co/.Ben.S.C. i7Fel). 48 I Apr. 56 18 Feb. 61 17 Feb. 68 17 Feb. 74 17 Feb. 79
i Alf. "Wor.sley Moutascu.i^.Co/.Ben. S.C.J20 Feb. 48 13 Sept.53 3 Sept. 59^20 Feb. 6i 20 Feb. 74 Feb. 79
t Alex. Callander, Lt.Col. Bengal S. C. .. J20 Feb. 48 28 Feb. 55 iS Feb. 6i!2oFeb. 68 20 Feb. 74l2oFeb. tu
i Douglas Standeu, Lt.Col. Madras S C. ^25 Feb. 48 23 Nov. 56'i8 Feb. 61 25 Feb. 68 25 Feb. 74 25 Feb. 79
1 Albert Henry Bamfield.Z^Co/.Ben. S.C. '20 Mar. 15 Oct. 49 8 June 57 20 Mar. 68 20 Mar. 74|2o Mar. 79
Adolphus Haggerston Stephens,'- CB. ) |

Lt.Col. h.p. Rifle Br.; Aide de Camp to [ 17 June 24 Feb. 54 23 ^iar. 55 2S Oct. 6S, 1 Apr. 74 I Apr. 79
S.R.S. the Duke of Cambridge )
John Pluniptre Carr Glyn,7 Lt.Col.)
h.p. Regimental District, A. A. Gen. [ 25 Aug. Dec. 54 t2 Mar. 58 July Apr. 74 Apr. 79
54 29 5 72; I 1
Gibraltar j
I "Wm. H. G. Palmer,i<. Co?. Madras S.C. 9 June 48 20 Dec. 51 9 June 63 9 June 74 9 June 79
I "William Hands, Lt.Col. Madras Staff C. 9 June 48 16 Nov. 53 9 June 68 9 June 74 9 June 7
1 Boyce"«^ D. Morton, i<. Co/. Bengal")
Staff Corps 9 Jime 48 I Sept. 55 Feb. 61 9 June 68 9 June 74 9 June 79
"WUliam Osborn, Lt.Col. Madras Staff)
Corps 10 June 48 15 Nov. 53 iS Feb. 61 10 Jimc 68 10 June 74] 10 June 79
i Thomas Trevor Turton, if.Co/.'Mad- (
ras Staff Corps 26 June 48 15 Nov. 53 4 Feb. 59 26 June 68 26 .Tune 74 '26 June 79
Henry Marshall.s Lt.Col. h.p. Regi-^
mental District I May S5 17 Sept. 5 7 Jul.y 59 II -^P^- 68 27 June June 79 Apr. S7
) 74I27
Sir Owen Tudor Bm-ne,io KCSI. CLE. i
^ajor, h.p. 20 Foot; Member of the 15 May 55 10 A])r. 58 9 Aug. 64 24 Jan. 65 23 July 74|23 Julj- 79 :*£ay 72
Council of India J
Arthur Matcham Davies, Lt. Col. Mad- \
ras StaffCorps 15 Aug. 48 30 Dec. 52 iS Feb. 61 15 Aug. 68 15 Aug. 74 15 Aug.
Charles T. Heathcote, CB. Lt.Col. Bom-
bay Staff Corp.? 7 Sept. 48 15 Nov. 53 18 Feb. 61 7 Sept. 68 7 Sept. 74] 7 Sept. 79
"William Allan,i2X/.Co/.h.p.Regimentan
District 12 July so 11 Nov. 53 20 Dec. 54 t8 Apr. 65 7 Oct. 74 7 Oct. 79 19 Dec. £7
P.S.C. Rich. BluBdell-Holiinshead-Biim-~)

dell, Lt.Col. h.p. 3 Hussars, D. A. 4 Mar. 59 28 Oct. Nov. 74

[ 7 Mar. 56 19 Feb. 58 6S 4 4 Nov. 79
Gen. Malta j
William Mussendcn,!*!/. Co/, h.p. 8Hus. 10 June 19 Jan. 55 31 Jan. 58 21 Mar. 68 14 Nov. 74 14 Nov. 79 pS Dec. 35
StrFras.B. Xorman, JTCB.Xf.Co/.Ben. S.C 8 Dec. 48 15 Apr. 54 iS Feb. 61 10 Nov. 65 8 Dec. 74 22 Nov. 79!
Si r Oriel Viveash Tanner, KCB. Lt. Col. ")
Bombay StaffCorps 19 Aug. 50 23 Nov. 56 19 Aug. 62 22 Nov. 79,
2J.S.C. Cecil Jas. East,!^ CB. Lt.Col. h.p.")
57Foot i3 Aug. 54 5 June 55 17 Nov. 63 :i Sept.72 17 May 79 29 Nov. 79 17 May 79
Wm. Dunn Bond,i6 CB. Lt.Col. h.p.\
Northamptonshire Regt. (58 Foot) ... Q Mar. 55 17 Aug. 55 20 July 59 S July 72 9 Sept. 79 29 Nov. 79 I Apr. 84
ITffi Robert Montresor Rogers,!^ CB. Lt.
Col. h.p. Regimental District, Com. V 21 Feb.
55 3 Aug. 55 20 Nov. 60 I Apr. 73 29 Nov. 79 29 Nov. 79 27 July 85
Bundleciind District, Bengal Armi/ ... I

JohnPhilip Pedler, i^ Co/. Madras S.C... •8 Dec. 48 5 June

53 18 Feb. 6. 8 Dec. 68 8 Dec. 74 8 Dec. 79
+ Sir William George Davies, KCSI. ")

Lt.Col. Bengal StaffCorps 9 Dec. 48 10 July 52 18 Feb. 6: 9 Dec. 68 9 Dec. 74 9 Dec. 79

Robert Gordon Rogers, CB. Lt. Col. Ben- ")

gal StaffCorps 9 Dec. 48 28 Aug. 52 18 Feb. 6 9 Dec. 68 9 Dec. 74 9 Dec. 79

H. Manley Wemyss, CB. i/. Co/. Bengal 7
StaffCorps 9 Dec. 48 18 Apr. 53 18 Feb. 61 9 Dec. 68 9 Dec. 74 9 Dec. 79
t Boyle Stafford, Lt.Col. Ben- (
gal StaffCorps 9 Dec. 48 12 Aug. 53 18 Feb. 6 9 Dec. 68 9 Dec. Dec,
AdamG.F.HoMg,C^ i/.Co/.Bombay S.C. 4 Jan. 54 21 Apr. 57 4 Jan. 66 15 Aug. 1
ti July 77 17 Dec. 79
Willoughby Digby Marsh, Col. R.Eng. ... 17 Feb. 54 13 Aug. 58 5 July 72 19 Dec. 74^19 Dec. 79
I Jas.E. B. Parsons, Zi. Co/. Bengal S. C. 15 Nov. 53;i8 Nov. 6c 20 Dec. 68 20 Dec. 74 20 Dec. 79
John Fred. Lane Fisher, Lt.Col. Ben. S.C. '20 Dec. I Nov. 50 18 Feb. 6120 Dec. 68 20 Dec. Dec. 79
B. H. W. Magrath, Lt.Col. Madras S. C... 20 Dec. 74I20
I Mar. 53I18 Feb. 61 '20 Dec. 68 20 Dec. 74'2o Dec. 79
1 John Charles Home, Lt.Coi. Ben. S. C. '20 Dec. I Aug. S3 '18 Feb. Dec. 68 20 Dec. 74J2oDec.
61J20 79
1 David Simson Buist, Lt.Col. Ben. S.C. '20 Dec. Nov. 56 18 Feb. 61 20 Dec. 68 20 Dec. 74 '20 Dec.
23 79
I Henry Coiipe Smith, Lt.Col. Bengal S.c!2o Dec. 23 Nov. 5618 Feb. 61 20 Dec. 6F' 20 Dec. 74 20 Dec. 79
Lord Wm. F. E. Seymour.^o J/o/or, h.p. )
Cold.strea rn Guards 18 Jan. 55 i3-'Iaj' 59 :3 Oct. 67^29 Jan. 5 Sept, S4
Bowes Lennox Forster,^! Lt.Col. (from)
h.p. Royiil Artillerv), Colonel on the > I Oct. 55 22 June 65 12 July 6; 6 Feb. 7s 6 Feb. 26 Oct. 87
Staff, Gibraltar ...: j
Sir Bnkor (^recd Russcll,^^ KCB.)
KCMO. Lt Col. h.p. 13 Hussars, Col. \
2 Nov. Aug. 56 18 Feb. 59 24 Jan. 65 1 Apr. 74 18 Feb. 80 29 Sept. 85 Shornclife )
William Kiiicaid, Lt.Col. Madras S.C. .. 3 Mar. 49 15 Apr. 53, 3 ^ai'- 6' 3 ^^r- 69 3 Mar. 75' r- Mar.
Wm. G. M. Strickland. LI. Col. Mad. S. C. 3 Mar. 49'2o Sept.ssj 3 Mar. 61 3 Mar. (^q 3 Mar. 75' 3 Mar. So
Wykchani Lri-li IVinberton,^* CB.
f,o Riflrs, ./,,/,. de Camp to
Lt.Col. h.p.
\ 23 Apr. 52 25 Aug. 54 23 Mar. 58 28 Oct. 71 oMar. 75 10 Mar. So, I
H.R.U. the Duke of Cambridge ........ \

John Swiney, Lt.Col. Madras StaffCorps 12 Apr. 49 19 Apr. 53 12 Apr. 61 12 Apr. 69 2 Apr. 75 12 Apr. Soj
t Sir Ed\v;ird Bosc Sladcn, Kt. Lt.Col. )

Madras S.C 14 Apr. 49 I Feb. 33 21 June 60 14 Apr. 69 :4 Apr. 75 14 Apr. 80;


Augustus Henry King, Col. unem- 7 t„„« 5o

.„ "^""'' „
ployed rmi pay R. Art I Apr. 52 20 Apr. 57 5 J'liy 72 !4 July 75 22 May Sol
i i'9
G. J. Wigi-ani,Ci?.Z<. Co/. Coldst. Guards! 3 Aug. 54' I Feb. 56 I Dec. 66 24 May
John Charles Le Qucsnc^" Lt.Col. h.p. ")

12 Lancer.s j 129 Apr. s6| 7 July 57*8 July 62 24 Apr. 7i 5 June 75 5 June 80 8 Apr
t Wm. BrooVcThoni'^ C'.'. Pen.'?.''. 8 Juno 49 28 Feb. 3; 8 June 61 S .Tune 73 8 June So

iidi.niur. LiEfT COLONEL
RapcvtThos.Suov,-, LI. Col. Madras S.C. 'a J'ime7 23 Nov. 56; 8 June 6, uuc 6g 8 June
8 J 75 8 June 8(
kl. W. Willoughby, CSI. Lt.Col. BomO
9 June 49 28 Jan. 54 9 June 6: §9 June 69 9 June 75 9 Juno 80
bay Staff Corps J
y'ecil Brooke Le Mesurier, CB. Colonel ")

June Feb. 52 July 72 24 July 75 July 00

[9 50 3 13 Jan. 57 >4
unemployed full pay R. Artillery ... )
>eorge 0. Rowcroft, Lt.Col. Bengal S.C. o Aug. 49 8 Dec. 52 10 Aug. 61 10 Aug. 69 10 Aug. 7sl lo Au^. uv.
Vm. H. ^\'^litloek, Lt.Col. Madras S.C... 10 Sept. 49 1 Mar. 5131 Oct. 59 23 Aug. 69 20 Sept. 75 20 Sept. 80
.'hos. Norris Baker. Lt.Ccl. Bengal S.C... ;o Sept. 49 23 Nov. 56 20 Sept. 61 20 Sept. 69 20 Sept.75 20 Sept. 80
.'homas Ro\vlaud,=s CB. Lt.Col. RegiO
22 Dec. 48 29 Apr. 53 2 Mar. 56 IS May U 22 Sept. 75 22
mental District, Newcastle )
lobertJ.L.Crutchle.y,i;.Coi. Bengal S.C. 23 Nov. 49 26 June 52 9 Mar. 60 23 Nov. 69 23 Nov. 75 3 Nov. 80
Arthur Lambton,2,3 CB. Lt.Col. h.p. •) Jan. 67 25 Nov
4 Aug. 54

:5 Feb. 56 29 Scpt.86
Coldstream Guards 3
Phos. Rose Nimmo, Lt.Col.Bomhny S.C. 11 Dec. 49! 15 Nov. S3 :i Dec. 61 11 Dec. 69 Dec. 75 II Dec
Henry DauielCloct^, i<.CoZ. Madras S.C. 12 Dec. 49! 16 May 51 :2 Dec. 61 12 Dec. 69 Dec. 75 12 Dec
Villiam Gordon, Lt.Col. Bengal S.C 12 Dec. 49! 1 1 Ma.y 52 2 Dec. 61 12 Dec. 69 Dec. 75 12 Doc
lugh C. Menzies.XiJ.Co/. Madras Staff C. 12 Dec. Nov. 53 2 Dec. 61 12 Dec. 69 Dec. 75 2 Dec'. 80
49J15 Dec. Dec.
__ 80
Lrthur T. Searlo, Lt. Col. Madras Staff C.12 1
Dec. 49 4 Aug. 55 :2 Dec. 61 12 Dec. 69 75
Villiam Jackson, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff C. '20 Dec. 49 1 Nov. 53 >o Dec. 61 20 Dec. 69 Deo. 75 20 Dec
H. Vincent Miuhias, Lt.Col. Bengal S.C. '20 Dec. 49I 9 Aug. 54 ;o Dec. 61 20 Dec. 69 Dec. 75
Dec. 80
Ihas. Booth Brackenburv, Co/, unem- 5 Jan. 76 15 J.m. 81
Dee. 50I27 Sept. 52 17 Nov. 57 5 Julj
ployed full pay Royal Artillery )
idwin Markham, Col. unemployed full Jan. 76 15 Jan. 81
19 Dec. 50 22 Oct. 52 17 Nov. 57 5 July 72 [5
pay Uoyal Artillery j
ihristopber Rice H.' NichoU.^i Lt Col. ) Apr. 74 Jan. 81
h.p. Rifle Brigade 17 Jan. 55 II May 55 27 Apr. 60 24 Oct. 72 I 19 7 Aug. 85
Alex. Charles Hay, i<. Co/. Madras S.C. 20 Jan. 50 23 Nov. j„ ^... Jan. 62
„...^. „^ 20 Jan. 76 20 Jan. 81
John William Orr, ii.Co/.Madras S.C... o Jan. 50 23 Nov. 56 20 Jan. 62 20 Jan. 71 Jan. 76 20 Jan. Si
lelmoth Alaster D. Orchard, Lt.Col.} Jan. 76 2! Jan. Si
Bengal Staff Corps ;i Jan. 50 17 Dec. 55 Jan. 62 21 Jan. 7
Frederick Gad.sden, Lt.Col. Madras S. C. Jan. So 23 Nov. s6 Jan. 62 21 ,Tan. 70 2 [ Jan. 76 21 Jan. 81
'atrickAlex. Cainegy, Lt.Col. Madras) Feb. 76 16 Feb. 81
Staff Corps
c; Feb. 50 9 Jan. 55 16 Feb. C? 16 Feb. 70

'rancis E. A. Cbinnier, It.C/.Uen. S (''. 20 Feb. so 8 Apr. 57 20 Feb. 62 Feb. 62 -- Jan. 70 20 Feb. 81
!has.Wm. Robt. Cli;.stci', Z/.r„/.i!eii.S.(; 20 Feb. 50 23 Nov. s6 20 Feb. 62 20 Feb. 70 20 Fob. 76 20 Feb. 81
lenry Philip ilawkcs, CB. Lt.Col.,
3 Mar. so IS Nov. S3 3 Mar. 62 IS Aug. CS 3 Mar. 76 3 Mar. 81
Mach-as Staff Corps *

lenry Pelham Close, iif. Co/. BombayS.C 10 Dec. 50 IS Nov. S3 4 Dec. 57 1 Mar. 67 20 Mar. 76 20 Mill-. Si
ruy Annesley Preadcrgast, Lt.Col.
Bengal Staff Corps
20 Mar. 50 ic Oct. SI 30 July 59 17 May 69 20 Mar. 76 20 Mar, Si
i.«.c. H. B. H. Blundell,3a CB. .Ua/or, ,

h.p. Grenadier Gu irds, MP. for S. W. Apr. Si

[ 30 Mar. Aug. Nov. 62 5 Apr. 71 Apr. 82
Lancashire {[nee Dioinnn), Comdg. I
S5 31 55
Manchester Brigade Inf. Volunteers ... )
lobert Hawthorn, Col. R. Eni>iueers 19 June so Feb. 5S 22 Sept. 58 5 Jiil.y 72
Apr. 76 I Apr. 81
Vm. Henry Ralston,^* CB. Lt.Col. i Apr. 76 Apr. 81
Regimental District, Perth 18 Dec. S7 23 July 58 30 Mar. 60 17 Apr. 67 5 5
lorace Scarie Anderson, CB. Lt.Col. 6 Apr. 76 6 Apr. 81
\ 6 Apr. 50 tS Sept.s3 29 Nov. 59 2 Jan. 7
Bombay Staff Corps j
WJ Ralph Drury Kerr.^'^ CB. Lt.Col. Nov. June Aug. 61 20 Mar. 73 31 May 76 31 May 81 3 Apr. SS
24 58 23

h.p. lo Hussars 57 [5
lenry Broome Feilden,^- Lt.Col. h.p. y
June June June 8t 17 Oct.
Regimental District 21 Sept. 52 6 June 54 31 Aug. 55 S 67 76 9 87
Io>i. Raymond Harvey de Mootmo- \
rency,3s Lt.Col. h p. Regtl. District, |
iS Aug. 12 Jan. ss 9 Mar. 61 25 Sept. 69 :4 June 76 14 June Si 24 Nov. 85
Com. Oarrison at Alexandria, with rani ''
of Hon. Major General )

HughGordonThumson,£<.Co/.Mad.S.C 14
4 June 50 71 June 56 19 July
Ji^ly 6o]22 Feb.
60] 22 a eo. 70 4 June 76 14 June 3i
June 76 June
Ross Church, C/i;. Lt.Col. Mad.S.C. 55 14 Juue 62 14 June 70 Si
'hos. June 50 :4
4 31 Mar. 4
i.s.c. \Vm. Arbuthnot.^" CB. Lt.Col. June 76 June June
56; 5 June 59 29 Nov. 64 15 Aug. IS 5 81 15 81
h.p. 14 Hussars, Assistant Adj. General
lobert Dallas Campbell, Lt.Col. Ben. S.C. June .so! 19 Jan. 55 15 June 62 15 June 70 5 June 76 5 June 81
.S.C. William Kidston Elles,*' CB. Lt.
Col. h.p. 38 Foot; Aide <ie Camp to the ! 6 June Feb. 55 13 Ju"e .^3 7 ^laj 7
29 Sept. 77 22 June 8: 22 July 7S
Queen; Adj. Gen. in Lndia )

feorge Williams Knox,« CB. Lt.Col.-) Apr. 65

19 Jan. 55 25 Sept. 57 4 I July 8
Rejrtl. Di-striot, Berwiclc-on-Tweed ...

ron.Paul S.Methueii,"CiJ.C.UG. Major)

(from h.p. Scots Guards), Vejinty Ad- > 22 Nov. 64 25 Dec.e? 5 July 76 I July 8
jutant General, South Africa )
I.e. Oliver H. A. NicoUs,** X^. Co/. (from )

21 Dec. 20 June 54 I Apr. 60 5 July 7 [9 July 76' 1 July S

h.p. R.Art.),Co/.OH//ie Stuiff Edinburgh S3
FkE Arthur Thos. Moore, CB. Lt.Col. )
Bombay Staff Corps 29 July 50 28 Aug. 55 29 July 62 29 July 70 29 July 76 I July 8
ceil D'Urban La Touche, Lt.Col. July 76 July
Bombay Staff (^orpa ,29 Jui.y so 23 Nov. 56 29 July 62 29 July 7c 29 I 8
dward Andrew Stuart," Lt. Colonel
h.p. Regimental District, Governor of j2i May 52

Aug. 54 30 Mar. 58 22 Feb. 71 14 Aug. 76 I July 3 13 85

Chelsea Hospital I

S.C. Philip A. A. Twynarn,-** CB.)

Lt.Col. h.p. Regimental District; A. } ii2 Dec. 51 6 ,Tuly 54 27 Nov. 7
30 Sept. 68 6 Sept. 76 I July 8: July 84
A. General, Aldtrshot J
3hn Sidney Hand,*? CB. Lt.Col. h.p. '^
^'^y S3 "S Aug. 54 16 Nov. 60 5 Aug. 68 [6 Sept. 76 I July 8: I Apr
Regimental District J

)hn Edwin Dickson Hill,-»8 i/.Co.'.h.p. )

Feb. 55 19 Aug. SS 16 Jan. 63 21 Aug. 67 7 Oct. 76 I July 8)
63 Foot, A. A. General, West Indies ... J 13
rederick L. Edridge,*^ £<. Co/. Regi- 8 Oct.
19 Feb. 5510 Aug. 55 7 Aug. 57 3 Sept. 67 76 I July 8,
mental District, Buri/ j
3orge H. Parker,'" CB. Lt.Col. h.p.} Dec. 69 28 Oct. 76
21 Jan. 53 14 Apr. 54 18 Sept. 57 5 I July 8]
Regimental District j
las. F. Gregorie.^i CB. Lt.Col. h.p.)
12 Feb. 55130 June 55 4 Nov. 59 8 Oct. 67 24 Nov. 76 I July 81
jEegimental District, --l..i. Gen. Docer)
fancis Morlcv," Li. Col. h.p. Regi-
llnent-.l District *
13 May 55 I Sept.s,- ro June 6: 7 r)ce. 67 3 Dec. 76, I July Si
23 Colonels.


,or ENSIGN.. I

William Peyton. Li.Cul. iladins S.C 9 Dec. 50 23 Nov. 56 9 Dec. 62 9 Doc. 70 9 Dec. 76 1 July 8
Lavrrence H. Williams, Lt.Col. Ben. S.C... 10 Dec. 50 10 Apr. 53 10 Dec. 62 10 Dec. 70 10 Dec. 76 I July 8
AlexandeiWardrop.Xf. Co?. Bombay S.C. '10 Dec. 50I I Jan. 56 10 Dec. 62 10 Dec. 70 10 Dec. 76 r July 8
Thomas Bell, Lf.Col. Bombay Staff Corps 10 Dec. 50 23 Nov. 56 10 Dec. 62 10 Dec. 70 JO Dec. 76 I July 8
Stewart Fellows, Lt.Col. Bombay Staff C. 10 Dec. 5c 23 Nov. 56 10 Dec. 62 10 Doc. 70 10 Dec. 76
I July 8
George Ealpb C. Westropp, Lt.Col.\
Bombay Staff Corps 20 Dec. 50 15 Nov. 53 20 Dec. 62 20 Dec. 70 2o Dec. 76 I July 8
Gilbert Jas. Pasley, Lt.Col. Beugal S.C... 20 Dec. 50 26 Apr. 54 20 Dec. 62 20 Dec. 7c 20 Dec. 70 [ July 8
Brooke Eynd Chambers, Lt. Co!. Bengal 7
Staff Corps 20 Dec. 50 10 Mar. 55 20 Dec. 62 20 Dec. 7o|2oDec. i July
j 76J
James Vera Hunt, C£. Lt.Col. Ben. S. 0. 20 Dec. 50 6 Sept. 56 20 Dec. 62 D Dec. 70 2o Dec. 76 I July 8
Charles Fergiison'Sharpe, Lt.Col. Ben-")
20 Dec. 50 23 Nov. 56 20 Dec. 6: 3 Dec. 70 20 Dec. 76 I July 8
gal StaffCorps i
Philip Henry Farrell Harris, CS.i^. Co/. )
> Dec. 50 23 Nov. 56 20 Dec. 3 Dec. 70 20 Dec. 76 I July 8
Bengal Staff Corps j
S. F.JI. T.Grant, X^ Co/. Madras Staff C. )Jan. 5 5 Oct. 55 20 Jan. 63 )Jan. 7J Jan. 77 I July 8
L. H. P. DeHochepied Lament, Lt. Col. \
3 Jan. 5 28 Feb. 56 20 Jan. 63 20 Jan. 7 Jan. 77 I July 8
Bengal Staff Corps '.

Alex. Howe Braniley, X/.Co/.Bengal S.C. 2o Jan. 51 23 Nov. 56^20 Jan. 63 20 Jan. 7 Jan. 77 I July S
Thomas Boone Everest Temiant,if. Col. \ Jan. 77
20 Jan. s 23 Nov. 56 20 Jan. 6j 20 Jan. 7 I July 8
Madi-as Staff Corps J
Ai-ch. Edwards Campbell, Lt.Col.^
Bengal StaffCorps 20 Jan. 5 6 Jime 57 20 Jan. 63 20 Jan. 7 I July 8
Henry Crosby Barry Baniett, i/. Co/. )
10 Feb. s 29 Jan. 54 10 Feb. 63 10 Fob. 71 10 Feb I July 8
Madras StaffCorps )
Geo. Carr Hodding, CB. Lt.Col.Madras^ to Feb.
StaffCorps 5 13 Nov. 56!io Feb. 6310 Feb. 71'ioFeb. 77 I July 8
Phillip Harrison LeGeyt, Lt.Col. Born-")
bay Staff Corps lo Feb. 5: 3 Oct. 56120 Feb. 63 20 Feb. 71 20 Feb. 77 t July 8
Thos. Jas. Watson, Lt.Col. Bengal S.C. !oFeb. 5: 23 Nov. 56 20 Feb. ea'ioPeb. 7120 Feb. 77 1 July 8
John Eryrr,'* CH. Lt.Col. h.p. Eegi-
mental District 9 Mar. 60 18 Feb. 62 S Apr. 64 15 Dec. 69 17 Mar. 77 I July S May 88
George Joseph Smart, Co/., Royal Art. )
Brig. Gen. Com. Madras DM 18 June 51 12 July S3 5 May 58 5 July 72,20 Apr. 77 I July 8
William Carey, CB. Col. Royal Artillery 18 June 51 20 Nov. 53 !2 June 581 5 July 72130 May 77 I July 8
p.s.c. Arthur Henrv Wavell,^^ xi.Co/.
b.p.Welsh Regt. (41 Foot) A.A.Gen., ? 14 Dec. 54 9 Mar.
55 June 601 3 June 68 2 June 77 I July 8 20 Dec. 84
Dublin j
Henry Jas.Degacher." CB. Lt.Col. \
h.p. Regimental District !2 Feb. 55 21 Sept.S5 21I uct
Oct 59!
59; Dec. 00
2 jjec. 68 gjime77 i July I? Oct. 87
AVilloughby C. Stanley Clarke, Lt.Col.\
Bengal Staff Corps [3 June 51 23 Nov. 56 3 June 63 13 June 71 13 June 77 i July
James Houlbrooke Drummond, Lt. Col. \
Bombay Staff Corps ) [4 June 51 3 May 55 [4 June 63'i4 June 71 14 June 77 I July 8
Thomas Walter Rutherfurd, Lt.Col.^
Bengal StaffCorps [4 June 5] Apr. 56 14 June 63'i4 June 7 :4 Juno 77 I July 8
John Shand D. Bolton, Lt. Col. Bombay >
Staff Corps [4 June 5] 23 Nov. 56 14 June 63 14 June 71 14 June 77 I July 8
George Philips, Col. R. Engineers 19 Dec. 50J17 Feb. 54'i5 Dec. 58 5 Jul.y 72 15 June 77 I July 8
EveljTi M. Norie, X^Co/. Madras S.C. ... 6 June5i!2S Jan. June 63 16 June 71 16 June 77 I July 8
Henry Le G. Geary ,« Cul. h.p. R. Art. 54J16
I Feb. 55
, A^^ _-!,_ TM„^ 62
Apr. 55I12 A.\.. A„„ <;o',,
15 Aug. 68 11 May T,,1,T
July __
Assist. Director of Artillery and Stores) 77 II 8
Fred. Thos. Bainbridgo, Lt.Col. Bengal
StaffCorps 20 Jan. 52 i3 Nov. 56|2o Jan. 64I15 Aug. 68 11 July 77 II July 8
r C Chas. A. Goodfellow, Lt.Col. R. Eng. 8 June 55 / Zi.}Jl. ^O -^ OCpL.<J4 II July 8
Geo. Francis Beville, Li. Col. Bombay S.C. 4 Sept.55 ^ Jan. 58. 4 Sept. 67 r5 Aug. 68111 July 77 II July 8
Humphrey M. L. Colquhoun, Lt.Col. \
h.p. Middlesex Regt. (77 F.) [8 Aug. 54 ;Dec. 54 17 July 57 2 Sept.63 II July 77 II July 8 28 June 84
Eardley Maitland, CB. Col. uuemijloyed
full pay Royal Artillery .' [7 Dec. 51 'Feb. 54 15 Feb. 59 5 July 72 14 July 77 14 July 8
Robert Whigham,!^! Lt.Col. h.p. Regi- )
mental District 6 June 54 I Dec. 54 12 Sept.56 S July 72 21 July 77 21 July 8
Charles Wilmer Duncombe, Lt.Col.)
(from h.p. I Life Guards), Lnspecting \ 22 July 56 26 Aug. 59 3 Apr. 67 21 July 77 21 July 8:
Officer of Auxiliary Cavalry, York ... j
E. S. P. Burnell, Major, h.p. Coldst. Gds. 13 Feb. 55 20 Dec. 59 22 Jan. 68 6 Aug. 8: 26 Mar. 84
Thomas H. Clarkson, Lt.Col. Reg:-)
mental District, Northampton 21 Sept. 52 14 Aug. 54! 8 Apr. 59 2 Sept.6 23 Aug. 77 23 Aug. 8
Thos. Nelson Holberton, Co/. R. Art June 52 27 Apr. 58 19 Dec. 60 5 July 72 24 Aug. 77 24 Aug. 8
p.s.c. Chas. B. Knowles,63 CB. Lt.Col.]
h.p. Hampshire Regt. (67 F.) Adj. 20 Feb. 55
; 2o Apr. 55 13 Feb. 63 31 Oct. 71 29 Aug. 77 29 Aug. 8: 29 Aug. 82
Gen. Bombay, with rank of Brig. Gen. )
FitzRoy Wm. Fremantle,^ CB.Lf. Col. \
Regimental District, Exeter j" 4 July 54 22 Deo. 54 24 Nov. 57 16 Mar. 70 29 Sept. 8
P'rancis John Hercy,X/. Co/, h.p. Regi-
mental District 28 Oct. 53 27 Oct. 54 9N0V. 55jioMay 71 29 Sept.77 29 Sept. 8 22 Oct. 87
Wm. Lloyd Browne, Lt. Col. h.p.<; Lancers [5 Nov. 55 I May 58 II Mar. 62-12 Oct. 68 I Oct. 77 Oct. 8 15 Mar. 84
\V. CUve Justice," CMG. Lt.Col. h.p.)
Depot Bn. Col. on the Staff, Jamaica j
10 Dec. 52 20 July 55 22 Apr. 59 I Ajw. 69 I Oct. 77 Oct. 8 I Apr. 69
Edward Arthur Gore,"" A. A. Gen.for\
liecruiting, Liverpool j
•5 Aug. 58 12 June 60' 19 Apr. 64'29 May 69 I Oct. 77 Oct. 8 23 Jan. 83 (

Andrew Smythe M. Browne.f^ Lt.Col. )

Regimental District, Reading :S Nov. 53|i6 Mar. 55^24 Dec. 58 30 June 69 I Oct. 77 Oct. 8
Sir James Browne, KCB. CSt. Lt.Col. ")

R. Engineers ;i Dec. 57 27 Aug. 58^ i July 70 5 Nov. 70 I Oct. 77 Oct. S

Fra. Chas. Hill,7iX<.Co/.h.p. Essex Regt. )
(56 F.)Comdf.It.Uiberman M. School, j
!i Oct. 53 18 Aug. 54 16 Mar. 60 25 Jan. 71 I Oct. 77 Oct. 8 May 82
Aicliibald H. Utterson,"- X/. Co/. Regi-
mental District, Xei'cfs/rr )
25 Aug. 54 ) Mar. 55 25 May 60 15 Apr. 71 I Oct. 77 Oct. 8
Thomas M. Bailie, Lt.Col. Regimental)
District, Oxford 29 July 62 2 June 65 1
3 June 68 10 June 71 [ Oct. 77 I Oct
p. I.e. Thomas Erskine Arthur Hall,")
Lt.Col. h.p. 49 Foot; Colonel on the\ 2 Sept. June ss'ii May 6028 June Oct. 77 May
53 5 71 i I Oct. 8 23 74
Staff, Mauritius ) I
> . 1

Colonels. 24
Thomas B. Stevenson,"^ CB. Zt.Cl. \
District, Hamilton
4 Jan. 6i 16 Jan. 63 23 Mar. iS June 71 I Oct. Oct.
Regimeutal J 77
Jlon. Heury l\inicll,-' Cii. Lt.Vol.Vies^- )
meutal District, Clnnmel j
23 May 55. 9 Nov. 55 5 Sept. 62 [2 July 71 I Oct. 77 Oct. 81
Malcolm J. R. Alucdregor.'o Lt.Col.\
ReRimcutal District 17 Nov. 63 !2 July 71 I Ojt. 77 Oct. Si 23 Oct.
h.p. i
Francis D.VValters/'Xi.Coi.Rcgimental >
District, WarUi/ i
6 June 54 9 Feb. 55 12 May 5: 9 Sept. I I Oct. 77 Oct. 81
Henry Jas. Aldersou.'S CB. Lt.Col.h.p. ]
R. Art.; Director of Artilleri/ 4- Stores, Y 23 June 52 17 Feb. 54 I Apr. 59 5 July 72 I Oct. 77 Oct. 81
with rank of Major Oeneral J

iPred. Geo. Raveiiliill,"'-' (from h.p. R. \

Avt.), Inspector Oeneral, Remount Esfdb- (

23 June 52 17 Feb. 54 I Apr. 59 5 July 7-' I Ojt. 77
lishment, vilh raiiJc of ilaj jr General... )

Falkland Geo. Edgeworth Warren,*" \

CJ/ff. Lt. Col. h.p. Royal Artillery 22 Dec. 52 t7 Fob. S4 14 Nov. 5S 5 July 7-' I oa. 77
> . . .

Robert N. Dawson-Scott, Lt.Col. (from |

h.p. Royal Engineers). Commandant 14 Aug. 54 20 Aug. 54 I Feb. 60 5 July 72 I Oct. 77
School of Military En'jineerlnq )
Walter Wm. Woodward, Lt.Col. R. Art. 9 Dec. 52 27 Apr. 58 18 Feb. 61 5 July 72 I Oct. 77 I Oct. 81
Joseph Beatty, Lt.Col. Royal Engineers... - Dec. 52 23 Jan.
56 25 Sept. 61 5 July 72 I Oct. 77 I Oct. 81
Charles Simeon Thomason, Lt.Col. \
Roval Engineers )
[2 June 52 6 June 57 I J_dy 62 5 July 72 I Oct. 77 I Oct. 81
Salushury Thos. Trevor,/.*. Col. R. Eng .
, ^^
;2 6
- June 57 15 July 62 5 July 72 I Oct. 77 I Oct. 3
John Charles Tayler, Lt.Col. Royal Art. g Dec. S3 31 May 58 29 Feb. 64 5 July 72 I Oct. 77 I Oct. 81
Wm. Henry M'Cansland, Lt.Col. R. Art... 3 June 54 27 Aug. 58 10 June 64 5 July 72 I Oct. 77 I Oct. 81
Frederick Edw. Hadow, Lt.Col. R. Art.... ° June S4 27 -A-ug. 58 17 June 64 s July 72 I Oct. 77 1 Oct. 81
f.s.c. Hon. G. P.H. Villiers,G3X(?. Major, )
Grenadier Guards ... 6 Mar. 67 19 Feb. 70 15 Sept.77 19 Oct. 81
\ John Malone Sexton, Lt.Col. Bom. S.C. 5 Nov. 54 9 Mar. 55 13 Sspt.6 !o May 71 I Oct. 77 19 Oct. 81
Edw. Osbome Hewett, CMa. Lt.Col. \

R. Eng. ; Colonel on the Staff,

h.p. Aug. 54 20 Oct.
14 54 I Feb. 60 5 July 72 21 Oct. 77 21 Oct. 81
Dcconport )

Lionel Lowdham BvQtt,^^ Lt.Col. h.p.)

Regimental District i 15 Jan. 58 I 7 Jan. 60 I Miy 61 I Apr. 74 31 Oct. 77 31 Oct. 81
Thomas Phillips, Lt.Col. Regimental")
District, York j
26 Sept. 56 26 Mar. 53 24 May 6: [I July 74 31 Oct. 77 3T Oct. Si
William Hull Gaine, Lt.Col. R. Art 8 June 55 27 Aug. 53 6 Feb. 6; 5 July 72 I Nov. 77 11 Nov. 81
C. Fan-ington,8t CB. Lt.Col.^
h.p. Yorkshire Light Infantry ; Adj. \ 10 June 53 3 Nov. 54 23 June 58 !3 Dec. 77 22 Dec. 77 2 Dec. 81 :S Feb. 87
General, Madras Army )
Welby W. Boddam, Lt.Col. Bengal S. C. Doc. 51 22 Oct. 5? 12 Dec. 63 ,.2 Dec. 12 71 [2 Dec. 77 12 Dec. Si
Newell Swanstou, Lt.Col. Madras S. C... 13 Dec. 51 23 Oct. 53 I Jan. 62 '13 Dec. 71 13 Dec. 77 13 Dec. 81
Charles F. Boulton, Lt.Col. Bombay S. C. 13 Dec. 51 22 Sept. 54 13 Deo. 63 jisDec. 71 13 Dec. 77 13 Dec. 81
James Giberne Bell, Lt.Col. Madras S. C. 13 Dec 51 29 Aug. 55 13 Deo. 63 13 Dec. 71 13 Dej. 77 13 Dec. 81
Hemy A. Justice, Lt. Col. Madras S. C. ... 13 Dec. 51 jo Apr. 56 13 Dec. 63 13 Dec. 71 13 Dec. 77 13 Dec. 81
JohnRootsey Strutt, i^Co?. Bombay S.C. 20 Doc. 51 !3 Nov. 56 20 Dec. 6^ 20 Dec. 71 20 Dec. 77 20 Dec. Si
John W. M'Queen, CB. Lt.Col. Ben. S.C. 4 Apr. 54 4 June 57 4 Apr. 66 4 Apr. 74 22 Nov. 79 31 Dec. 81
ji.s.o.Edw. P. Chapman, CjB.i<.CoJ.R. Art.

12 June 58 27 Aug. 58 21 Jan. 72 31 Dec. 78 22 Nov. 75 31 Dec. 81

Evelyn P. Gurdcm, f.f.Col. Bengal S. C .. 20 Jan. 52 23 Nov. 56 20 Jan. 64 ^o Jan. 72 20 Jan. 78 20 Jan. 82
William H. Mackesv, XC. Co?. Bengal S. C. 11 An,'. " Dec. 6 Dec. 59 4 Jan. 70 Oct. 77 3 Feb. 82
54 5
Richanl \V. C. W ii'.sl.ic^-i Lt.Col. h.p.)
Scots Fus. Aid. de Camp to the Queen j
June 5_ 6 Oct. 54 25 JuneSi 31 Aug. 74 29 Nov. 79 18 Feb. 82 23 Jan. 87

.Thomas Kettlewell, Lt.Cul. Bombay S.C. 20 Feb. 52 23 Nov. 56 20 Feb. 64 20 Feb. 72 20 Feb. 78 20 Feb. 82
itJohn Ord Hasted, Ll.Cul. Royal Eng.... Mar. 82
9 Dae. 53 27 Apr. 58 22 Mar. 63 5 July 72 Mar. 78 18
ICharles K. :\I. Walter, Lt. l 'ol. Bengal S.C. !o Mar. 52 26 Feb. 56 20 Mar. 64 20 Mar. 72 Mar. 78 20 Mar. 82
'Wm. Tweedie, CW. Lt.Col. Bengal S.C... •o Jan. 57 30 Apr. 58 20 Jan. 6g 21 Jan. 6g Oct. 77 28 Apr. 82
p.s.c. Henry A. Little, Lt.Col. Bengal S.C. May 82
1 6 Mar. 55 29 May 57 14 Oct. 68 Mar. 69 _ Oct. 77 13
DavidM.M. Crichton, Major, Gren. Gds. 31 May 59 16 June 6i 8 May 67 26 Feb. 76 14 May 82
tGeorgc Newmarch, Lt.Col. Royal Eng. ^ Dec. 52 27 June 72 I June June
57 31 Dec. 62 S July 7S I 82
Henry St. ^1. Wynoh, Lt.Col.MadrasS.C. June 52 23 Nov. 56 12 June 64 12 June 72 12 June 78 12 Jtme 82
Patrick Wils 111 i: niucrman, Lt.Col.)
Bomii:iv SMiVi'.rps j 13 June 52 23 May 54 13 72 13 June 78 13 June 82 13 June 64 June
Hem-y K. li. Wur^ley,! i'.Li.Coi. Bengal J
Stall'Corps j 3 June 52 23 Nov. 56 13 June 64 13 June 72 13 June 7S 13 June 82
Richard Griffith, Lt.Col. Madras S. C. ... June 52 23 Nov. 56 June 64 June June June 82
13 13 13 72 13 78 13
o.s.c. Robert Grant, Lt. Coi. h.p. R. Eng.
Dep. Adj. Gen. Royal Engineers J 23 _
Oct. 54 13^ Dec. 54 8 Aug. 60 5 July 72 I July 78 I July 82 I July 83
Wm. Shapter KnnX,', Lt Col. Madras S. C 6 July 52 30 June 54 17 Nov. 63 6 July 72 6 July 78 6 July 32
Charles J. Stuart, Lt.Col. Madras S. C... July 64 20 July July 82
;o July 52 23 Nov. 56 20 72 20 July 78 20
Frederic I'ocklington.s* Lt.Col. h.p.
Northumljerland Fusiliers j 19 Oct. 53 S Dec. 54 18 Jan. 56 [2 Apr. 72 15 Aug. 78 15 Aug. 82 22 Feb. 88
Rowland Smith, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff C 26 Aug. 52 23 Nov. 56 26 Aug. 64 >(> Aug. 72 26 Aug. 78 26 Aug. 82
'WUiam GarrowWaterfield, C5i. Lt.Col. >
Ben-a! Staff Corps c Oct. 5 23 Nov. 56 3 Oct. 64 3 Oct. 72 3 Oct. 78 3 Oct. 82
).».f. John North Crealock,™ CB.; A.A.i
General, Aldershot > 13 Oct. 5 9 Feb. 55 6 May 59 5 July 72 II Nov. yi n Nov. 82
ildward CB. Lt.Col. Regi-)
mental District, Armagh !7 0ct. 54 9 Feb. 55 I 'I
Noy. 60 25 Oct. 73 It Nov. 7? II Nov. 82
Vrthtir Harness.'^ CB. Lt.Col. h.p. R. '

I Art Commatidant 4- Sec, It. M. Academy f

23 June 7 25 Oct. 68 28 June 77 IX Nov. 78 II Nov. 82 12 May 8s
Sir Charles Warren, GCMG. KCB. ^
Lt.Col. Royal Engineers 23 Dec. 7 20 Oct. 69 10 Apr. 78 II Nov. 78 II Nov. 82
jJeorgc Benjamin Wolseley,^' CB. Lt. '
Col. h.p. York & Lancaster Regt. 1
(65 F.l; Aide de Camp to the Queen, iS Sept. 57 24 Aug. 58 21 Mar. 68 Nov. 16 Feb. 83
Feb. 78 79
Com. a Brigade in Burmah
'•^ir Francis Wallace Grenfell,'"> iTCS.-^
Lt.Col. h..\i. King's Royal Rifles (60
Foot) Aide de Camp to the Queen, if- Aug. July 03 23 Oct. Nov. Jan. 86
5 50 G 71 r I Nov. 78 .9 79 7
Sirdar of the Egyptian Army, with
trunk of Major General
ir Wm. Fra. Butler, 95 KCB. Lt.Col.
h.p. 69 F. ; Aide de Camp to the Qtieen 7 Septus 7 Nov. 63 13 Apr. 72 I Apr. 71 I Apr. 74
2^-26 Colonels
I j



His Jlightiess Francis P. C. L. A. tliell
Duke o/TecV' GCB >
Henry Glover Puckle.i^Co/.MadrasS.C' 9 Dec. 5: Nov. :
9 Dec. 64 9 Dec. 72 9 Dec. 78 9 Dec. 82;
Alex.Temple Cox,CS. Lt.Col. MadrasS C.j 10 Dec. 5; : Oct. 10 Dec. 64 10 Dec. 72 10 Dec. 78 10 Dec.
William H. Ross, Lt.Col. Bombay SC. ...'20 Dec. 5: ; Dec. ' '20Dec. 64 20 Dec. 72 2oDtc. 78 '20 Dec. 82'
p.s.c. "Wilsone Black.^s CB. (from h.p.i |

S.Wales Borderers; A. A. Gencml, > 11 9 Jan. 57 s Jul.v

' £di)tbui\gh )

Charles Henry Browne,""' CB. Lt.Col. \ 1^^ Aug. Dec. Mny 57. July 31 Dec. 78 31 Dec. 8:
54 5 7-
Regimcntal'DiMirict, Wrexham j j

Thomas Porter Berthon, Lt.Col. R. Art. ,

Dec. 53 Apr. 5S|24 Dec. 61 5 July 72 31 Dec. 78 31 Dec. 82
James Gavin Lindsay, Lt.Col. R. Eng....! = Ann Apr. SB 29 June 6^ s July 72 31 Dec. 7S 31 Dec. 82
William Henry Burton, Lt.Col. R. Enir.... 7 Aug. 55 May 58 I Sept. 63 5 July 72 31 Dec. 78 31 Dec. 82
Robert C. B. Pemberton.iif. CoZ. R.Eng.... n June 53 Aug. 57 13 Oct. 63 5 July 72 31 Dec. 78 31 Dec. 82
Robert Home, CIE. Lt.Col. Royal Kne. ti June 53 •
Aug. 57 29 Feb. 64, 5 July 72131 Deo. 78 31 Dec. 82
Ewen H. D. Macpherson,'"- Lt.Col.}' , Nov.
54 Feb. 55 13 May 59 5 July 721 r Jan. 79! i Jan. 83
Regimental District, Glencor>e > "
George E. Fryer, Lt.Col. Madras S. C I20 Jan. 53 S3 20 Jan. 65 20 Jan. 73 20 Jan. 79 20 Jan. 83
Tredway G. Clarke, Lt.Col. Madras S. C. 26 Jan. 53 56 26 Jan. 6526 Jan. 73,26 Jan. 79'26Jan. 83
p.s.c. Colville Frankland,'w Lt.Col. \ Sept. 56

Aug. 58 I Feb. 6322 Maj- 75 29 Jan. 72*29 Jan. 83

Rejfimental District, Naa» j '

Frederick P. Forteath, Lt.Col. Bom-~,i Feb. 53 Nov. 56^20 Feb. 65 20 Feb. 73 '20 Feb. 79 20 Feb. 83
bay Staff Coi-ps >
Archibald Acheson Johnson, Lt.Col. \ Mar. 53 Nov. 5 14 Mar. 65 14 Mai-. 73 Mar. 79 14 Mar.
4 83
Madras Staff Corps J
John Douglas Johnstone,!*^ Lt.Col. Oct. 54 Feb. 22 Jan. 62 2S Apr. 75' 15 Mar. 79 15 Mar. 83
Regimental District, Ti-alce t

Sir Charles WUliani Wilson, KCUG. \ 20 June May Apr. 79 19 Apr. 83

Sept.f 64 23 73; 19 31 Dec. 8&
KCB. Lt.Col. 'h.-Q. Royal Engineers j
Geo. Luck,"'3 CB. Lt.Col. h.p. 15 Hus. Apr. 58 Dec. 9 Nov. 67 2 Mar. 78129 Apr. 79'29 Apr. 83 29 Apr. 84,
Inspector General of Cavalry in India )
Edward Christian Griffin, Lt.Col. R. Art. Dec. 54 Jan. = 15 July 64 I Aug. 72 I £ May 79 11 May 83
Isaac Ketchen, Lt.Col. Royal Ai-tillery... June 57 Aug. ;
24 Mar. 65 I Aug. 72 17 May 79 17 May 83!
Charles J. Anderson, Lt.Col. Bom-'^
May May May 20 Majy
S3 Dec. ;
20 65 'o 7:! V 79 20 May
7012 83
bay Staff Corps i
John Duncan''" (from h.p. Dublin \
20 Dec. 56 Sept. 22 Jan. 68 24 Feb. 77 7 June June S3

79 7
Fusiliers), D. A. General, Ireland ...J
PeterEdward Hill,"-£^ Col. h.p. Royal
Artillery, Colonel on the Staff, and June I Apr. 60 5 JUI3- 72: 8 June 79 8 June S3' S Jime 8+
Commanding Boyal Artillery. Canada )

Edward D. Malcolm. CB. Lt.Col. h.p. 23 Oct. 54 16 Dec. I Apr. 61 July 72 II June June 83 June 84
5 79 II I
Eoval Engineers 3

I June 6; June June 79 June 83

Philip C. Rvrid, Lt.Col. Bengal S. C II June 53 23 Nov. =
73 1 1
I June 6: June
Jas. Galloway. CB. Lt.Col. Bombay S. C. 1 1 June 53 23 Nov. '
73 II June 79 11 June 83
Charles JohnPearge, Lt.Col. Madras S.C. 20 June 53 23 Oct. ; June 65J11
65 2o June 73 20 June 79 20 June 83
Charles John Moorsom,'" Lt. Col. Regi- ^ 21 July Nov. 4 Dec. 57; 5 July 72'27 Juno79 27 June83
5,] ;
mental District, Winchester j
Reginald T. Thynne, CB. Major,Gr. Gds. Oct. ( 20N0V.67I IS Mar. 73 5 July
Charles Tucker.i" CB. Lt.Col. Regi-) Nov. 55 23 Oct. ; 18 May 60 9 Dec. 9 July 79] 9 July
mental District, Jlounslow 3 72I
William Walker Pemberton, Lt.Col.} July 53 July 54 13 July 65 13
I July 73 13 July 79 13 July
Madi-as Staff Corps Jf

UC William George Cubitt, I)SO.\ July 53 23 Nov. 26 July 65 26

2 July 73I2D July 79*26 July 8;
Lt.Col. Bengal Staff Corps 3
Henry H. D. Stracey,3/o/or, Scots Guards 28 Nov. . 4 Feb. 7i| 9 Aug. 83
---^.73 15 Aug. 79 15 Aug. 83

WiUiam Hill, Lt.Col. Madras Staff Corps Aug. 53 Nov. c. .. ^

I James C. Mmto, Lt.Col. Bengal S. C... Aug. 53 Sept. 19 Aug. 65 19 Aug. 73 ig Aug. 79 19 Aug. 83
Gregory C. Grant, Lt.Col. Bengal S. C... Oct. S3 Dec. 4 Oct. 65 4 Oct. 73| 4 Oct. 79 4 Oct.' 83
Donald Macdonald, Lt.Col. Bengal S.C... Oct. 53 Jan. Jan. 62 20 Oct. 73 20 Oct. 79'2oOct. 83
Sir Edward Ridley C. Bradford, KCSI. )
Nov. Nov. 73 Nov. 79I13 Nov. 83
Nov. 53 22 Nov. 13 65 13 13
X^Co?. Madras S.C 3
Francis G. S. Cm-ti8,»s cif G. Lt.Col.)
h.p. 6 Dragoons, Colonel on the Staff,
Dec. 54 , Sept. 5 Mar. 58 5 July 72 17 Nov. 79 17 Nov. 83 :3 Sept.
South Africa )

Geo.E.L.S.Sanford,Ci?.h.p.if.CW.R.Eiig Oct. 8 Feb. 65 10 Dec. 73 22 Nov. 79122 Nov, 83 '.6 Apr.

Charles S. Maclean, CB. CIE. Lt.Col. \

Dec. S3 Nov. [4 Dec. 65 14 Dec. 73 22 Nov. 79 22 Nov. 83

Bengal Staff Corps f

Charles E. Stewart, CIE. CMG. CB.\ Apr. 54 May [4 Apr. 66 14 Apr. 74 22 Nov. 79*22 Nov. 83
i^ Co?. Bengal Staff Corps 3
Frederick J. Keen, CB. Lt.Col.Btug.H.C Aug. 54 June 4 Aug. 66 4 Aug. 74-2 Nov. 79 22 Nov. 83
BenjaminWilliams.CB.Xf.Ca^.BengalS.C. Sept. 54 I May !7 Sept.te '.^ Sept. 74^22 Nov. 79 22 Nov. 83
Henry Coliett, CB. Lt.Col. Bengal S. C... J ime 55 June 8 June 67 8 June 75 22 Nov. 79 22 Nov. 83
Robt. B. P. P. Campbell, CB. Lt.Col. ) Sept.55 ; Sept. 4 Sept.67 Sept. 75 22 Nov. 79 22 Nov. 83
Bengal Staff Corps 3
:PC George N.Chunner,i<.Coi. Bengal) Sept. 59 May 4 Sept. 7] Apr. 76 22 Nov. 79 22 Nov. 83
Staff Corps 3
Edward Alex.Wood,'^ CB. Lt.Col. h.p.
10 Hussars Inspecting Officer ofAuxil- V
July 58 1 Sept. 3 July 67' 31 May 76 22 No\ 22 Nov. 83
iary ArtiUery hi Great Britain )

Hamilton Chapman, Lt.Col. Bengal S.C July 56 1

Nov. IS July July 76'22 Nov. 79 22 Nov. 83
Frederick T. Uumfrci", Lt.Col. Bom- Sept. 56 : Mar. 26 Sept. 68 26 Sept.76 22 Nov. 79 22 Nov. 83
bay Staff Corps )
p.s.c. George Hatchell,"'2 Col. Rifle) 24 Jan. 65'29 Nov. 76 22 Nov. 79:22 Nov. S3
Oct. 55 '
Depot, Winchesttr 3
Arthur Power Palmer, CB. Lt.Col. Ben- \ ' Feb. 57 1 Apr. 20 Feb. 69*20 Feb. 77 ^2 Nov. 79;22 Nov. 83
gal Staff Corp.* 3
William Galbraith,'-Ji/. Co/. h.p.Shrop. )
lit.lnf.(85P.); Commanding Kerhnddii - June 55 Nov. 25 Apr. 65^ I Oct. 77 22 Nov. 79I22 Nov. 83 30 Sept.Sa
District, Bengal Army )

Alex. Geo. Ross. CB. i<. Co/. Bengal S.C Nov. 57 ! Dec. Nov. 69' 4 Nov. 77 22 Nov. 79 22 Nov. 83
Thomas Maynard Hazlerigg, Major, )
=3 Dfc. 5; 2S Sept. 7 1 10 Apr. 78 22 Nov. 79 22 Nov. 83
Royal Artillery 3
Wilhelm Luckliiirdt.CiJ.Jira/or, Bom. S.C 30 62112 Spi)C.7i 27 Sept.78 22 Nov. 79 22 Nov. 83
Beresford Lovett, CSI. Jt.Coi. R. Kiig .. June 58,27 ,
58' 2 Jan. 71 31 Dec. 78 22 Nov. 79 22 Nov. 83
: ; ^ J

__, I
p.a.c. Samuol BouUlei-son,'-'' Lf.Cul.-)]
b.p. I/Lancers ^i Nov. 56 23 Jan. 37 17 Nov. 63 8 Mar. 76 29 Nov. 79'29 ,'ov. S3'27 Apr. 86
Frederick SvraineLe Gricc.L/. Co/. R. Art. I Oct. S7ji3 Jan. 69 25 Aug. 77 29 Nov. 79'29 Nov. S3I
Aug. C. .Twentj-man,'-" CS. Lt.Col. f I „
Regimental District, rrai-r;H7^o;? ... S ^i iJec. 55 IS June 58 9 Oct. 63 I Oct. 77 29 Nov. 79'29 Nov. 83
p.s.c.Edvrard Lutwyche England, '-"£^ ")

Col. Regimental District, Tanutun ...J 6 July 55 7 Apr. 58 S Jan. 6 I Oct. 77 29 Nov. 79^9 Nov. 83
p.s.c. Harcourt 51. Bengo;i_'h,i~'* CB. )
Lt. Co?.h.p. Middlese.x Regiuiciit.Cum. Mar. 55
3 Oct. 55 30 Dec. 64 I Oct. 77 29 Nov. 79 2j So.: S3 29 Apr. 82
Naijporc DiHrict Bom bnij Arnii/ J
Chas". .John Jloysey, CMC}. Lf.Col. li.p. 1

R. I'Jugineers I Oct. 57 2 Sept. 67 Oct. 77 29 Nov. 79'29 Nov. 83'!

i' July 83
John Fletcher Oweu,"" Lt.Col. R. Art. I Oct.
I Dec. 69 57 Oct. 77 29 Nov. 73'29 Nov. SijI
p.s.c. Albert L. Walker,"! Lf.Col. RegiO
mculal District, Devizes [S Dec. 57 14 Feb. 60 20 Oct. 65 Feb. 78 29 Nov.
) 79' 29 Nov. 83
John Jloore Gurnell Tongue, '^^ Lf.
Col. h.p. South Wales Borderers, >•
!4 Feb. 16 Apr. 58 29 Aug. 66 23 Jan. 79 29 Nov.
Cn,„,i>andant School ofMusketn/.Ilyfhe) 79 ; Nov. 83 Jan.
- Sconce, Lt.Col. Bengal Stafl'C. ...
.1 i'
9 Dec. 53 23 Sept.s?! 3 Apr. 63 9 Dec. 73 9 Do 3. -9
.Vrch. ilallock, i/. Co/. Bengal S.C. 9 Dec. 83
9 Dec. 25 Sept. 57' 24 June 63 9 Dec. 73
\, I'opham Dickon, DSO. Lt.Col.} 9 Dec. 79 9 Dec. 83
il.iJrasStafif Corps 9 Dec. 53 23 Nov. 56 9 Dec. 9 Dec. 73
j 65 9 Dec. 7) 9 Dec. S3
ThuuiasW'eldon, C/iJ.ii.CoZ. Madras S.C. 9 Dec. 53 23 Nov.
s6j 9 Dec. 65' 9 Dec. 73 9 Dej.
Charles W. Street, Lt.Col. Madras S.C... 10 Dec. S3 23 Nov. 55jio Dec. 65 10 Dec. 73 10 Dec. 79 I'o Dec. 83
Wni. II. M. Holroyd, Lt. Col. Bengal S.C Dec. 53 8 June 57^:0 Dec. 6s|ioDec. 73[ioDec. 79' 10 Dec! 83
John Germain Watts, Lf.Col. Bombay)
10 Dec, 7 Aug. 57 10 Dec.
Staff Corps j 65 10 Dec. 73 10 Dec. 79'ioDoc.
Henry I. Lugard, Lt.Col. Madras S.C. ..
4 Dec. 53 II Jan. 56 14 Dec. 65 14 Dec.
Jas. Keating CIublev,i'.CoZ. Madras S.C. Dec. 73I14 Dec. 79 14 Dec.
4 8 Apr. 57 14 Dec. 65 14 Dec. 73 14 Dec. 79' 14 Dec.
Jas. M. H. Maitland, CB. Lf.Col. h.p.
R. Eug. Col. on the Staff, Portsmouth 20 Apr. 55 I Apr. 62 5 July 72 20 Dec. 79 20 Dec. :r Jau. 86
Stanley de Astel Calvert Clarke, i^^

C3IG. Majov h.p. 6 Dragoon Gds.

Eqiierrs to Prince of Wales, Aug. June
55 56 14 59 4 Feb. 71 1 Oct. !9 Doc. 6 M ly
and Private Secretary to H.U.H. the S.s
Princess of Wales
Ambrose Marshall Cardew, Copt. h.p. \
Depot Battalion, S. O. of Pensioners) 1 July 53 23 Sept. 54 27 June 56 5 July 72 31 Dec. 78 ;i Dec. 8
Thomas Edmond Strong, Lt.Col. Bom- )
bay Staff Corps 4 Jan. 54 2 Dec. 58 4 Jan. 66 4 Jan. 74 4 Jan.
) 8, 4 Jan. 84
Hon. W. S. D. Home, Lt.Col. Gren. Gds. 21 Sept. 60 23 June 63
Alex. Copland, CB. Lt.Col. Bengals. C. IS Feb. 7 •2 Jan. 84
4 Jan. 54 23 Nov. 56 14 Jan. 66 Jan. 14 Jan, 80
5irFrcderiokCarrington,i'CJi'&.J/«/o)% )
4 Jau,
South Wales Borderers (24 Foot)' ... )
4 May 64 3 Feb. 67 16 Feb. 78 II Nov. 78 29 Nov. 7 !5 84
Hervcy Morris S. Clarke, Lf.Col. t
Madras Staff Corps 4 Feb. 54 3 Oct. 57 4 Feb. 66 4 Feb. Feb. 80 4Fc
j 4

Col. Bengal Staff Corps 4 Feb. 54 II Dec. 57 4 Feb. 66 4 Feb. 74 Feb. So

4 4 Feb. 84
Montague Charles Perreau, I.f.(%/.)
Bengal Staff Corps 4 Feb. 54 30 Apr. 58 4 Feb. 66 Feb. 74 4 Feb. 80
j 4 4 Feb. S4
Sir OUver B. C. St. John, A'C67. /./.( :./. )

Royal Engineers 2 Dee. 56 27 Aug. 58 10 Nor. 69 29 Aug. 76 Feb. 80 Feb. S4

( 4 4
Edmund Leach,'-' CB. Lt.fut . h.p.i
West Kent Regfc. (50 F.), A. A. Go., i 3 X.>v 9 Feb. 55 12 Apr. 64 21 Aug. 66
2 Feb. 7« 5 Feb. 84 23 Dec. 85

John CecilRussell,'33i/.Co/ h.p. 12 Lane.-)

Equerry to II.B.H.thc Prince of IValcs } 1 8 Sept. 60 16 Aug. 64 28 May Apr. 74 29 Nov. 79
70 1 7 Feb. 84 Nov. S5
Comuiandant Cavalri/ Depot )

Arthur Battye, CB. Lt.Col. Bengal S. C, 6 Jan. 57 22 Jan. 58 6 Jan. 69 6 Jan. 77 I Feb. 80 Feb. 84
Charles Henry Plowden, Lt.Col. Madras >

Staff Corps >4 Feb. 54 7 Oct. 57 14 Feb. 66 14 Feb. 74

j 4 Fel). 80 4 Fel). 84
p.«.e. Wm. Liston Ualrymple,'-''= Lf.Col. \

h.p. Connaught Rangers; Dcp. AtlJ.

17 Julj- 63 9 Julj- 63 iSOct. 71 1 Apr. 74 29 Nov.
General, Ireland 79 8 Feb. 84 ; July S

luliusMiddleton Boyd, Lf.Col. Bombay )

20 Feb. 54 23 Nov. 56 Feb. 66 20 Feb,
StaffCjrps S

Feb. 25 Feb. 84
lohn Gore Campbell,'^' Lt.Col. Regi-
20 Aug. 53 9 Nov. 55 30 July Feb. 75 25 Feb.
mental District, £i-eeoH j 6: 25 25 Feb. 84
rohnM. Allardice,i33i/. Co/. Regimental >
20 Feb. 55 25 Jan, July 64
District, Beverley j
I I Oct. 77 25 Feb. ^5 Feb. 84
rhomas Thomson Simpson, '« Lt.Col. \
Reuimental District, Halifax 30 June 57 26 Aug. 59 5 Aug. 64 9 Aug. 73 6 Mar.
j 6 Mar. 84
Sharks Hallyburton Grace, Lt.Col. '1

Mtidi-as Staff Corps 14 Mar. 54 Nov. 56 14 Mar. 66 Mar. 74 Mar.

j 14 4 [4 Mar. 84
iVilliinn Lowry Aiichinleck,"- Lt.Col.\
h.p. Regimental District 29 Dec. 57 30 Deo. 59 12 July 64 I Oct. 77 5 Mar. 18 JIar. 84
j 3 Nov. 38
fred. Macdonald Birch, Lt.Col. Bengal)
Staff Corps ) 4 Apr. 54 31 May 57 4 Apr. 66 5 Apr. 66 23 June 75 4 Apr. 84
Seorge Ward Chicheley
Lt.Col. Bengal Staff Corps 4 Apr. 54 23 Nov. 56 6 May 6 Apr. 74 4 Apr. 80
) 4 4 Apr. 84
i.a.c. Chas.Walker Robinson, i«c,<B. Lt. \

Col. h.p. Rifle Brigade, A.A. General, [ 7 Nov. 57 23 Mar. 60

7 May 70 I Apr. 74 29 Nov. 79 5 Apr. 84 Aug.
) 7 Ss
jiH Thomas Cadell, Lf.Col. Bengal S. C. 17 Apr.
54 23 Nov. 56 17 Apr. 66 7 Apr. 74.17 Apr. 7 Apr. 84
lenry Augustus Bushman,"** CB. Lf. )

Col. h.p. 9 Lancers 9 Nov. 58 30 June 63 9 Mar. 72 27 June 79 21 Apr. 80 21 Apr. 84

y j
15 Dec. 84
,'Uarles Ed^vard Naime, CB. Lt.Col. )
Royal Artillery 7 Dec. 55 27 Apr. 58 24 Mar. 65 2 Nov. 72
I.Wilson Gordon, Lt.Col. Bengal S.C... May May
Vta. Edw. Montgomery, Major, Scots )
6 54 23 Nov. 56 6 66 6 May 74 6 May 80 6 May 84
Guards j !
27 June 66 5 Mar. 70 2 Apr. 78 II Jlay 84
'jVFrancis Walter deWinton.i'SjE'CJi'G -)

CB. (from h.p. Royal Artillerv) Apr. 54 17 July 54 Apr. 60

Assiff. qr. Master Gen., War Office }
f- ' I 5 July 7- 12 May 80 12 May 84


p.g.c. Cornelius Francis Clery,i« CS.1
Li.Col. (from h.p. 32 Foot), Comdt. ofy Mar. 58 3 June 59 16 Jan. 66,20 Mar. 78 19 Nov. 79 21 May
Staff College, Kith rank of Brig. Gen.
Kennett Gregg Heuderson.i^o cB. Lt ^

Col. 'from h.p. King's Royal Rifles), ^ 23 Apr. 55 6 May 56 30 June 63 27 Mar. 74 5 June 80 5 June 84
A. A. Gen. for Eecrui/hig, London ... )

HenryC.B. Tanner, i/.Co«. Bombay S.C. 8 June 54 27 Aug. 58 June 74 22 Nov. 79 8 June 84
William Jolin Bell, Lt.Col. Madras S. C. 8 June 54 3 Apr. 57 8June5ti| y June 74] 8 June 80] 8 June S4
John C. Gunning, Lt.Col. Maclras S. C. 9 June 54 23 Nov. 56 9June66| 9 June 74' 9 June 80' 9 June 84
H. Mills Repton, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff C. 9 June 54 30 May 57 9 June 66; 9 June 74! 9 .Tune 80' 9 June 84
George Rowlandson, Lt.Col. Madras S.C. 9 June June 57 9 June 661 9 June 74' 9 Juno 80' 9 June 84
WUliam Leycester N. Knyvett, Lt.Col. ")
| j 23 Nov. 56 10 June 66 10 June 74' 10 June So 10 June 84
Madras StafC Corps ...h'°'^'^^^'^
Barnard H. Preston, X^ Co?. Madras S. C. 10 June 54 '3 Nov. 56 TO June 66 10 June 74 10 June 80 10 June 841
John Upperton, CB. Lt.Col. Bengal S. C. 10 June 54 9 July 57 10 June 66 10 June 74 '10 June 80 10 June 84
IT® Hanson Chambers T. Jarrett, j ,
J^^ 27 Aug. 57 10 June 66 10 June 74 10 June So' 10 June 84!
Lt.Col. Bengal Staff Corps ) ^° 54

George Murray, Lt.Col. Madras S. C. ... 10 June 54 29 June 58 10 June 66 10 June 74I10 June 80 10 June 34J
Henry Wood.iss Regimental District, ) ^^ ^ 22 Sept.S4 5 Aug. 59 5 July 72 14 June 80 14 June S4
Norwich ............. i

William Raymond Lluellyn,'"^ Lt. Col. \

h.T). Royal Artilleiy, Col.

on the Staffs n Apr. 54 8 Sept.54 4 May 60 5 July 72 I July So' I July 84 I Jul.\- S5
Commanding Rojial Artillery, Malta... )

Wm. Wheler Hume, Lt.Col. Bengal S. C. 5 Aug. 54 I Feb. 57 5 Aug. 66 5 Aug. 74 1

5 Aug. 80 5 Aug. 84
Oswald Menzies, Lt.Col. Bengal S. C. ... 26 Aug. 54 27 June 57 26 Aug. 66126 Aug. 74 1 26 Aug. So 26 Aug. 84!
Charles M. Stockwell,'- CB. Lt.Col.y June Apr. 64 '15 Aug. 2 Sept. 84 2-Scpt.G5
i ,'7
-"ov. 54 22 55 12 77! 2 Sept. 80,
h.p. Regimental District
J. Whaley Watson, Lt.Col. Bombay S. CI 4 Sept. 54 31 Oct. 55 4Aug.66 4Sept.74J 4 Sept. 80' 4 Sept. 84
E Daniel H. Vibart, Lt. Col. Bengal S. C. 4 Sept. 54 26 Nov. 56 4 Sept. 66 4 Sept. 74 4Sept.8o 4 Sept. 84
Wm Bom.

Puget La Touclie.i^.CoZ. S.C.I 6 Sept.s4 3 Nov. 56 6 Sept.66j 6 Sept. 74 6 Sept. 80 6 Sept. 84

Jas. Wm. O'Dowilii, Li.Col. Bengal S.C. 12 Sept.54 I Aug. 57 12 Sept. 66 T2 Sept. 74! 12 Sept. 8c 12 Sept. 84
George Watts Stockley, Lt.Col. h.p. ]
Royal Engineers, Colonel on the Staff, j-
26 Apr. 55 1 Apr. 62 5 July 72 22 Sept. So' 22 Sept. 84 22 Sept. 85-

FrancisBrodigan.'iVeii.CoZ.Regimentai )

5nVoi ...... ...i & J™e54 Jan. 55 2 June 65 27 June 74 22 Sept. So 22 Sept. 84
John Ashton Fapillon.i-' Xi.Coi. h.p.
Royal Engineers, Colonel on the Staf, r 20 Apr. 55 3 Apr. 62 5 July 72 24 Sept. 80 24 Sept.S4 24 Sept. 85
Gibraltar 1
) i

George Upton Prior.i-'S Lt. Col. h.p.


p S.C.
9 Aug. 62 Aug. 64
3 1 Oct. 77 22 Nov. 79 I Oct. 84 14 Aug. 87
Royal Scots (i Foot) j
Henrv John Thornton, Lt.Col. R. Art.... 12 June 57 24 June 65 2 Nov. 72 27 Oct. 80 27 Oct. 84I
Henry Trotter, Lt.Col. Grenadier Guards 6 Oct. 66 31 Oct. 71. 4 Nov. 84]
i^s Lt.Col. )
Chas.' John Cramer Roberts ,

''^^- 53 9 Mar. 6 May 59 5 July 72! 5 Nov. So S Nov. 84' May 87

1^^ 55
h.p. Norfolk Regt. (9 Foot) i

Martin P. Blake, jUa/or,h.p.6DragoonGd8. 23 Mar. 60 7 May 6 31 Oct. 71 I Oct. 77, 7 Nov. 84 July 87
. Julius
Gascoigne, Lt. Col. Scots Gds. [I Mar. 63 |25June73 I Dec. 84
Robert Elphinstone Boyle, Lt.Col.l] 10 Dec. 54 Dec. 66'ioDec. 74 10 Dec. 80 10 Dec. 84!
Bengal Staff Corps > A Jtily 57 1

Richard Abraham Planners "' it CoZ. j u.^ m.a,y ^ ;8 Aug. 26 June 59 5 July 72 :g Dec. So 19 Dec. S4
^ 54
Regimental District, ifatrfsfone
Edmund Faunce, Lt.Col. Madras S. C... 20 Dec. 54 10 Feb. 57 20 Dec. 66 20 Dec. 74 >oDec. 8oj2oDec. 84
G. Ritso Goodfellow, CIH. Lt.Col.^ \.^
^* 23 Nov. 56 23 Dec. 66 23 Dec. 74 >3Dec. So 23 Dec. S4I
Bombay Staff Corps ) 1
-^ •

James Browne,i=^ zt.Col. Regimental^ j

=>^ 28 Dec. 60
2 Oct. 66 18 Dec.

79 27 Dec.
80 27 Dec. 84
District, CfK/woy J j-" " ^
William Green,'-^^ C-B if.Co/. RegiOl Aug. 59 5 July 72 13 Jan. Jan. 85
..i|i°;^<^"- 55 13 Apr. 55 9 81 13
mental District, -Ito-ieeH ..._.
J Fred. Crease, CB. Col. Com. R. M.
Art. Dec. 54 12 Dec. 56 3 Aug. 67 I Apr. 74 13 Jan.
I 81 13 Jan. S5I
Swinton John Browne, Lt.Col. Bengal j 1^ Jan. 55 23 Nov. 56 20 Jan. 67 20 Jan 75|2oJan.
81*20 Jan. 85;
fr Staff Corps
Wuira'myaco'b, if. Co/. Bombay S. C Uo Jan 31 Mar. 58 20 Jan. 67 Jan. 75 20 Jan. 81 20 Jan. 85!
ElUot S. Ostrehan, Lt.Col. Bombay ^"-^
S. C.I31 Jan. 55 "8 Sept.57 31 Jan. 67 31
Percv WUliam Pow'lett, Lt. Co/.Bengal S.C Feb. 55 23 Nov. 56 4 Feb. 67 4
Jan. 7531
Feb. 75 4
Jsm. 81 31 Jan. 85:
Feb. 81' 4 Feb. 85
Montagu P. Ricketts, Lt.Col. Bengal S.C Feb. 55 4 Sept.57 4 Feb. 67 4 .
Feb. 75' 4 Feb. Si' 4 Feb. 85!
19 Aug. 62 4 Apr. 65'
Scots Gds. I17 July 7215 Feb. 85
T PhiUp Graham.i" Jlfo/or, h.p. 31ny 88
Wm H. B. Kingsley,i«'= CB. Lt.Col.-)
Regimental District, Derby j
June ss'so Oct. 57|'2^-'^»y 6321 Aug. 72 2 Mar 2 Mar. 85

WilUam Robert Craster, Lt.Col, R. Art.... 3 June 56 27 Apr. 58,24 Mar. 65 23 Nov. 72 2 Mar. 85
~ Mar. 74
Z Le Messurier, CLE. Lt.Col. R. Kng..
Chas. John Burnett, Lt.Col. Irish)
12 Deo. 56' 27 Aug. 58 31 Oct. 68 13 2 Mar. Sj

p.g.c. 2 July 61 Jan. 64 Dec. 69 2 Mar. 81 2 Mar. 85

Henrv De Grey Wart'er',' it Co/. R. Art.... 12 June 57 27 Apr 58 Dec. 65 26 Jan. 2 Mar. Si 2 Mar. 85
Hugh Pearce Pearson,'f'J CB. Lt.Col.-) 23 T'eb. 56 Aug.57li5 0ct. 61 6 Feb, 2 Mar. 81 2 Mar. 85
Regimental District, B ury St. Edmunds S
2 Mar. 55 Mar. Mar. 75 Mar.
Alex J Colvin Birch, Lt.Col. Ben. S. C. Nov. Mar. 85
3 561 2 67 1
2 2 Si 2
Gorham,''" Lt.Col. h.p. )

p g c.'Charlcs A. 7 561 8 Aug. 66 10 Mar. 75 2 Mar. Si 2 Mai-. 85I17 .Vpr. 88

'r. Artillery
20 Mar. 75 20 Mar. 67 Mar. Mar.

Francis W.Boilcau, Lt.Col. Bengal S. C. 20 Mar. 55 23 No7. 56 2 81 2 85

6 Dec. 68 20 Nov. 75 Mar.
Ross Thompson, Lt.Col. Ro,yal Engineers 11 June 58 27 Aug. 58 Mar.
2 81 2 851
John Claudius Auchinleck, itCot R. Art loAug. 56 10 Oct. 67, I Jan. 76 2 Mar. 81 2 Mar. 85
Sir Robert Groves bandeman,
KCSI. ) g j,^ Feb. Feb. 76 Mar. Mar.
'"" ^ g 6 Aug. 57 S 68; S 2 Si 2 85
£^ Cot Bengal Staff Corps .4

June 56 June 68 June Mi

Frederick Lance, Lt.Col. Bengal S. C. ... 13 14 Sept.57 13 76
13 2 2iliir. S:;

To^cnh Barnard Smith, Lt.Col. Ben. S.C. [26 30 Apr. 58 26 June June 56 68 26 76] 2June Mar. Si 2 Mar. 35
Charles Haylcr, CB. Lt.Col. Madras S.
C.I 29 Aug. 56 30 Dec. 5929 Aug. 68 29 76' 2Aug. Mar. 8: 2 Mar. i^
FrederickHammoud.CJi.i/.CotBen. S.C] 8 Sept. 56 8 Aug. 57; 8 Sept. 68, 8 Sept. 76, 2 Mar. 81

Gcorce Corrie Bird, Li.Col. Madras S. C. 20 Sept.56 17 Oct. 57'2oSept. 68 20 Sept.761 2 Mar. 8:

yohn Arthur Tillard, CB. Lt.Col. Royal l_^

^^^^ ^^ 27 Aug. 58 I Juno 67 21 Oct. 761 2 Mar. 8; Mar. 85
RobS-"cVcii urciifford;7^tC<;tBenrs U Dec.
56 6 June 57 13 Dec. 13 Dec. 76' 2 Mar. 8 Mar. 85
Henry Marnh itCot Bengal
I', S.C. |,3 Dec. 56 30 Apr. 58 13 Dec. 13 Dec. 761 2 Mar. 8 Mar. 85
Henry Cot BongalM j^^_ ^^ Jan. 62 4 Jan. 72 12 May 77 2 Mar. 81 Mar. 85
i] ^

Staff Corps
)1\ i

lilies Calder Stewart, i^ Co/. Bengal /

Staff Corps 4 Sept. 57 17 June 58 4 Sept. 69 4 Sept. 77 2 Mar. 2 Mar. 85

has. R. Pennington, Cii. if. Co«. Beu.S.C 4 Oct. 57 18 May 58 4 Oct. 69 4 Oct. 77 2 Mar. 2 Mar. 85
'm. J. Frarapton,i'-i/. Co^ Regimental)
12 Dec. 56 Sept. 59 29 Sept. 65 20 Oct. 77 2 Mar. 2 Mar. 85
District, JBurnlei/ Ji [

oracc Moule Evans, Lt.Col. Bengal S. C 20 June 58 22 Jan. 59 11 Jan. 67 20 June 78' 2 Mar. 2 Mar. 85
rancis Wm.
CoUis, Lt.Col. Bengal S. C, 10 Dec. 58 29 Mar. 59 10 Dec ;o Dec. 78 2 Mar. 2 Mar. 85
)hn Miinro Sym, Lt.Col. Bengal S.C. ., 11 Dec. 58 15 July 59 Dec n I Dec. 78 2 Mar. 2 Mar. 85
rthur Gore Handcock, Lt.Col. Beng.S.C 11 Dec. 5S 20 Au 59 II Dec. 7c 1 Dec. 78
^^.^^f^. -- 2 Mar. 2 Mar. 85
homas Graham, Lt.Col. Royal Artillery 12 June 5? 27 Aug. 58 I Aug. 7 31 Dec. yS' 2 Mar. 2 Mar. 85
•ombio Cowie, Lt.Col. Royal Artillery .. 12 June 58 27 Aug. 58 . Aug. 72 6 Jan. 79! 2 Mar. 2 Mar. 85
)hn Hugh Green, Lt.Col. Bengal S C. .. I July 59 !7 Apr. 66 July I July 79' 2 Mar. 2 Mar.
7 85
ilwarcl Swatman Reynolds, Lt.Col. i

Bombay Staff Corps 27 Oct. 59 Jan. 62 27 Oct. 71 7 Oct. 79 2 Mar. 2 Mar. 85


lex. Angus Airlie Kinloch, Lt.Col.

King's Roj-al Rifles (60 Foot) 22 Nov. 55 14 Sept. 58 8 May 70 22 Nov. 79 2 Mar. 81 2 Mar. 85
syce Albert Combo, '^' Lt.Col. h.p.)
19 Hussars, Brig. General Com. Sind 27 Aug. 60 6 May 65 12 Feb. 73 22 Nov. 2 Mar. Mar. Ss
\ 79 2 27 Sept.83
District, Bombaxj Army j
Icxandcr Robert Badcock, CB. Lt.Col.)
I Oct. 6t Oct. Nov. 79 Mar. Mar. 85
Bengal Staff Corps j
I Oct. 62 73 22 2 81 2
ontagu Gilbert Gerard, CB. Major, \
Bengal Staff Corps 9 Apr. 64 g Apr. 76 22 Nov. 79 2 Mar. 8 2 Mar. 85
illiam North, Major, Royal Engineers.. Oct. Nov. 79 Mar.
9 Feb. 64 [ 2 Mar. 8 2 85
Jbert Gosset Woodthorpe, CB. Major, 1
Royal Engineers j
22 June 65 2 May 78 22 Nov. 79' 2 Mar. 8 2 Mar
€ Edward Pemberton Leach, CB. \
Major, Royal Engineers j [7 Apr. 66 31 Dec. 78 22 Nov. 79 2 Mar. 8 2 Mar. 85
•an'cis Jas. Caldecott, Lt.Col. Royal Art May 72 Apr. 80 Mar. 85
8 June 60 IS [ ! Mar. 2
las. Wolfran Nugeni Guinness,'"^ CB.
Lt.Col. h. p. Seaforth Highlanders June 60 July 69 Apr. Mar. 85
[ [
:g Aug. 62 [4 3 80' ! Mar. 2 I July 87
(72 Foot) ]
Iward Stedman, CB. Lt.Col. Bengal)
Staff Corps ....) 9 Dec. 60 19 Dec. 72 19 Deo. 80' 2 Mar. 2 Mar. 85
smond Barnes, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff C. 23 Nov 4 Mar. 67 4 Mar. 75 4 Mar. 4 Mar. 85
las. Morris Moberly, Lt. Col. Madras S.C, 4 Mar. 55 21 Apr. 57 4 Mar. 67 4 Mar. 75 4 Mar. 4 Mar. 85
iorge Augustus Way, Lt.Col. Ben. S. C, 4 Mai-. 55 14 Mar. 58 4 Mar. 67 4 Mar. 75 4 Mar. 4 Mar. 85
hvard C. Ross, CSt. Lt.Col. Bom. S. C. 7 Mar. 55 26 July 57 7 Mar. 67 7 Mar. 75 7 Mar. 7 Mar. 85
Augustus Munro, Lt.Col. Bengal S. C 17 Mar. 55 23 Nov. 56 [7 Mar. 67 17 Mar. 75 17

Mar. [7 Mar. 85
^omas Key Guthrie, Lt.Col. Mad. S. C. 17 Mar. 55 23 Nov. 56 [7 Mar. 67 17 Mar. 75 17 Mar. J7 Mar. 85
larles M'Im-oy, Lt.Col. Madras S. C. .. Mar. 55 22 June 58 [7 Mar. 67 17 Mar. 75! 17 Mar. 85
17 Mar. 17
:.c. M. W. E. Gosset, CB. Lt.Col. Dor-)

setshire Regt. (54 F.) 8 July 56 31 Aug. 58 17 Apr. 67 II Nov. 78 29 Nov. :8 Mar. 85
.arles R. Matthews, Lt.Col. Ben. S. 0. ., 20 Mar. 55 30 Apr. 58 20 Mar. 67 20 Mar. 75 20 Mar. !o Mar.
;irU'S Edward Fisher, Lt. Col. Bom. S.C 28

Mar. 55 30 Nov. 55 28:o Mar. 07

67 2S Mar. 75 2a
28 jMar. 28 Mr
Mar. !8 Mar. .^
-epl! C.abbett, Lt.Col. Madras S. C.

30 Mar. 55! 14 Dec. 55 13 Nov. 66130 Mar. 75'3o Mar. jo Mar. 85

\v;ivil Walter Trovor, Lt.Col. Bom. S.C. Apr. 55[i8May 58 30 July 62 4 Apr. 75 4
4 Apr. 4 Apr. 85
ury Cliarles Wright, Lt.Col. Mad. S.C. 4 Apr. 55 I Mar. 57 16 Jul.y 64 4 Apr. 75: 4 Apr. Apr.
4 85
oniasH. B. Brooke, Lt.Col. Mad. S.C. 4 Apr. 55 26 July 57 4 Apr. 67 4 Apr. 75' 4 Apr. Apr.
4 85
iwl Milne Home, l'8Z^ Co/. h.p.R.H.Gds. 6 May 62 Dec. 65 Dec.
29 2 68| 6 Apr. 6 Apr. 85 [ July 87
m. Bacon Hutton, Lt.Col. h. p. 1 Drag 30 Mar. 60 :3 May 67 10 Apr. 76 10
m-y C. E.Ward, CIE. Lt.Col. Ben. S.C.
Sept.6_ 8
Apr. Apr. 85 3 May 85
Apr. 55 23 Nov. 56 Apr. 67 20 Apr. 75 20 Apr. 20 Apr.
MacDonald Smith, Lt.Col. Mad. S.C. 20 Apr. 55 5 Apr. 60 Apr. 67 20 Apr. 75 20 Apr. 20 Apr.
nilius de Vic Tupper,"*" Lt.Col. h.p.)
I. Art. ; Colonel 0)1 the Staff, Woolicich) !3 Oct. 54 16 Dec. 54 June 61 5 July 72 23 Apr. 23 Apr. 8s 23 Apr. 86
:i'' "{'id'-e, Lt.Col. Regiinental Dis-
col,,.. Sept. 57 26 Oct. 58 I Sept. 63 I Oct. 77 3 May 3 May 85
!'niaw Forbes, i/. Co/. R. Eng.... 9 Dec. 54I27 Apr. 58 24 Mar. 65 July 72 10 May to May
5 85
lieury Luard, Lt.Col. R. Eng. o T.,„
1. - I

,^ ^pj._ ^g JO June 66 5 July 72 11 May 11 May 85

.\:ir.l Henry Ernest Kauntze, Lt.Col. )
leutral Staff j" [I May 29 Feb. 56 II May 67 tj May 75 II May II May 85
I liam Osborne Barnard,isa Lt.Col. } \

.p. Regimental District j'

15 j
Apr. 56 21 May 58 [8 Nov. 59 5 July 72 18 May [8 May 85 ept.83
Iter Balfe,Xf. Co/, h.p. n Hussars Jan.

^•od Frederick Pollock Harcourt, Lt.

27 Feb. 58 [6 Oct. 60 29 Aug. 73 18 May r8 May 85 18 May 86
\ June
fol. Bengal Staff Corps
55 23 Nov. 56 8 June 67 8 Jure 75 8 June 8 June 85
j |

?iir>istus Marshall Phillips, Lt.Col. )

Jlombay Staff Corps ),

! June 55 7 Dec. 56 8 June 67 8 June 75 8 June 8 June 85

*;ii.Chas. Plant, Lt.Col. Madras Staff C.I 9 June Nov. 56 9 June 67 9 June 75 9 June
55 23 9 June 85
l!|v.LaconOmnianney, if. Co/. Ben. S. C.l 9 June __ 21 Aug. 57 9 June 67 9 June 75 9 June
55 1
9 June 85
aliry Montgomery Barton Burlton, Lt. ) i

IW. Bengal Staff Corps i

[2 June 55*23 Nov. 56 12 June 67 [2 June 75 12 Junei
! [2 June 85
%h M-Calmont, CB. Lt. Col. 4 Dragoon )
nards j
|23 June 65 27
1 July 66 29 May 69 30 Nov. 78 24 July I
[5 June 85
Start James Nicholson, is-i Lt.Col. h.p. )
Art. Commandant School of Gunnery
31 July 55 3 Oct. 63 5 July 72 I July I
tS June 85 Jan. 87
I ! [

irge Anuand Furse.i^^CB. Major, h.^i. )

Foot; A. A. General, Portsmouth 29 Mar. 55 9 Oct. 55 I Sept. 65 I Apr. 74 I July I
rs June 8s [ Dec. 80
•-. J. Chas. Ardagh,C5.(from
R. Eng.) )
\.A. Crcn. Intelligence Branch ... \ .
» Apr. 59 3 Aug. 72 30 Nov. 78 18 Nov. I
rs June 85
>.'. Thos. Fraser, CMG. Major, Alley ne. Major, Royal' ArtUlery
25 June 62I19 Aug. 74 30 Nov. 78 18 Nov. I
[5 June 85
25 June 62 14
Apr. 75 29 Nov. 79 18 Nov. 1
[5 June 85
>. John Fred. Maurice, Major, Royal >

i-tillcry [8 Dec. 61 10 Mar. 75 21 Apr. 80 18 Nov. 1

[5 June 85
. Coleridge Grove, CB. Major,
)rk8liire Regt. (15 F.) j 17
Mar. 63 15 June 66'3o Aug. 71 i July 8i 18 Nov. I
[5 June 85
Awld Victor Swaine, CB. CMO I

a/oc. Rifle Brigade 24 July 59 16 Aug. 64 21 Sept. 72 i July 81 18 Nov. '•

15 June 85
ci B. Sterling, Lt.Col. Coldstream Gds.
5 Nov. 61 31 Dec. 6i 20 July 66 '

5 July 1 July 85
<l-les S. Corkran, Lt.Col. Gren. Gds.
25 Jan. 65' 13 June 68 19 Jan. I July 85
aes Goldie,i69 Lt.Col. h.p. 6 Dr. Gds. •

iiatant Adjutant General, Canada 14 July 5t 15 Jan. 56 21 Feb. 60 5 July 72 i July 1

1 July 85 17 Mar. 86
I'tgomery Williams.'^o Lt.Col. Regi-
Distrinf Birr
>nt,nl District,
•ntal > 22 July 56 29 Nov. 57 21 Feb. 60 5 July 72 i July i
I July

) I

32 Colonels.
George Bayley,'=i Lt.Col. Eegimental June Mar. 60 July July 81
24 Aug. 54 55 23 5
;5 7;
District, "jri"5»<o» 3
P. CouUhurst Eltoii,W2 CB. Zt.Col. h.p. ) 23 Oct. 54 I Jan. 55 12 Xov.
>; 61 5 Julv 72' I July
R. Art. Colonel on the Staff, Dover ... )

Charles Edmund Southouse Scott, "s^ !


Zt.Col. h.p. Royal Artillery, Colonel > 20 Dec. 54 8 Mar. 55 Apr. 62, 5 July 72 1 I July
on the York
Staff, )
Henry Dowdoswell Pitt,Xf.Co?.{fromh.p.

8 Mar. 55 Apr. 62 5 Jiiiy 7- July 81
R.Art.) ComJg. R.Art., Lahore Division )

John Booth R'ichardson,"^ Lt.Col. h.p. )

20 Apr. 55 Dec. 62 5 July 72 July 8 c

R. Art. Colonel on the Staff, Devonport. )

Turner Van Straubenzee.^'^ CS. Lt.Col.^

(from h.p. Royal Artillery), Comdg. > 20 Apr. 55 5 July 72 I July 1

S. Art, Bangalore Division )

Alfred Thomas Mander, Lt Col. R. En^. 27 Apr. 58 5 July 72 I July
Walter Mardon Ducat, Lt. Col. Roy. Eng. 6 27 Aug. 58 5 July 7^ I July
Richard Man waring F. Sandford,£^ Col. \ 31 July 55 6 Feb. 63 3 Aug. 72 I July
h.p. Royal Engineers 3
jj.s.c.HenryHelsham J ones.ii. Co/, (from]
h.p. Royal Engineers), Colonel on the - Aug. 55 39 July 63 4 Aug. 72 I July 81
Staff, Malta )

Arthur Tillard Storer, Lt. Col. h.p. R. Eng. Aug 55 3 Aug. 63 27 Aug. 72 I July
Henrv Watts Stockley, Lt.Col. Roy. Art. 7 Dec. 55 7 Aug. 58 25 Feb. 6: 23 Nov. 72 I July
Edward Trevor Hume, Lt.Col. Roy. Art. 2 Deo. 56 27 Apr. 58,24 Mar. 65 1 1 Dec. 72 I July 81
Percy Lytfcon Bellamy,i°s Lt.Col. h.p."( 6 Jan. 55 7 Aug. 55 14 Aug. 60 6 May I July
Border Regt. (55 I^oot) i>

iCharles John Smith, Xf.CoZ. Royal Eng. 7 Dec. 55 27 Aug. 58:25 Nov. 64 Aug. 7 I July
lAshton Milnes Brandreth,Xf.Co?.R. Eng, 7 Cec. 55 27 Apr. 58 4 Mar. 68 '24 Aug. 7 I July 81
Ralph Graham Smyth, Lt.Col. Royal Eng, 7 Dec. 55 7 Apr. 56 31 Oct. 68 I July
John PhiUp Steel, Lt.Col. Royal Engineers 7 Dec. 55 27 Aug. 58 II Oct. 68 1 July 81
Daniel Corrie Walker, Lt.Col. h.p. R. Eng. 7 Apr. 56 4 Nov . 64 I July 81
Herbert Locock (from h.p. R. '&ng.),Dep. 1

7 Apr. 56 7 Jan. 65 Aug. I July

73 ;

Insp. Oen. of Fortifications )

George Lane Cockburn Merewether, Lt. \ ;3 June 56 27 Aug. 58 2 May 68 Aug. I July
Col. Royal Engineers

Arthur George Durnford (from h.p. R. 1
21 June 56 8 Jan. 66 Aug. I July
Eng.), Dep.Insp. Gen. of Fortifications )
Thaddeus Richard Ryan, Lt. Col. Royal Art. 12 Dec. 56 27 Apr. 58 24 Mar. 65 I Sept. 73
1 I July
Alex. Macdonell Rawlins, £i. Col. Royal Ai-t. 12 Dec. 57 27 Aug. 58 6 May 67129 Oct. 73 1 July
Henry Robert Mead, Lt.Col. Royal Eng. .., 7 Dec. 55 27 Aug. 58 2 Dec. 64111 Dec. 73 I July 81
Henry Smalley, Lt. Col. Royal Engineers 13 June 56 27 Aug. 58 I Dec. 65,11 Dec. 73 I July 81
Valentine Gardner Clayton, Lt.Col. h.p.) 20 Dec. 56 6 July 66 II Dec. 73 I July 81
Royal Engineers )
Thomas Freeman Dowden, Lt.Col. Royal )
13 June 56 27 Aug. 58 31 Oct. 68 II Dec. 73 I July ;

Engineers ^
Arthur CoUett Nightingale.^"" Lt.Col.) 10 Nov. 54 9 Mar. 55 Dec. 73
23 Nov. 60 14 I July
Regimental District, Stirling )
Alexander Walker, Lt. Col. Royal Artillery 12 Dec. 56 27 Apr. 58 24 Mar. 65 4 Feb. 74 I July
Edward Hart Dyke, Lt. Col. Royal Artillery 12 June 57 27 Apr. s8 24 Mar. 65 4 Feb. 74 I July 81
Anson Swinton, Lt.Col. Royal Artillery ... 12 June 27 Apr. 20 Sept. 65 4 Feb. 74 I July
William Ruston Barlow, Lt.Col. h.p. 24 Sept. 55 15 Deo. 64 II Mar. I July
R.Art.; Superintendent UoyalLahoratory ^
Samuel Parr Lynes (from h.p. R. Art.), (.
I Oct. 5 10 May 65 II Mar. I July 81
Assist. Lnspector, Hemount Establishment
William Merriman, Lt.Col. R. Engineers... [2 Dec. 56 27 Aug. 58 31 Dec. 68 13 Mar. 74 I July
p.s.c. Francis Shirley RusseU,2"2 Lt.Col. )
6 Pel 23 Aug. 64 13 Jime68 I Apr. 74 I July 81
h.p. 1 Dragoons )
Parry Lambert, Lt.Col, Royal Engineers... 7 Dec. 55 27 Aug. 31 Oct. 68 I Apr. 74 I July
John Magee M'Neile, Lt.Col. Royal Eng... [3 June
56 27 Aiig. 58 31 Oct. 68 I Apr. 74 I July
Keith Alexander Jopp, Lt.Col. R.Engineers [2 Dec. 56 27 Aug. 10 Nov. 69 I Apr. 74 I July
James Wm. Hassell, 2"* i^.CoZ. h.p. R. Scots [3 Sept. 53 8 Dec. 54 25 Mar. 6 14 Apr. 74 I July
Herbert Charles Patton, Zt.Col. RegiO 9 July 56 26 Mar, 6 May 62 '10 June I July
mental District, Chester S
Charles Trench, Lt.Col. h.p. Royal Art. Dec. 55 ;o Sept.65 July 74 July S
19 I I
Chief Instructor, School of Q-unnery f
Jtdius Dyson Dyson-Laurie,-"^ Lt.Col. ) 16 Feb. 55 13 July 55 I June 6] AUE I July
Regimental District, Carlisle >
Abel Straghan,w CB. Lt.Col. h.p. High- )
30 July 54 8 July 56 :8 June 61 3 Aug I July
land Lt. Infantry (74 Foot) i
Charles George Slade,^"* Lt.Col. h.p.") 18 Feb. 55 6 July 8 Oct. 6 J I Dec. I July
55 74
Rifle Brigade )
P.S.C. Walter Richard LasceUes.^'s Zi.Col. | ?oFeb. 55 6 July 55 Nov. 6j lo Mar. I July
:5 75
h.p. Rifle Brigade, Assist. Adj. Gen j
Eustace Lovelace Hercy, Lt.Col. Rcgi- > Feb. 58 II Feb. 59 14 Mar. 65 23 Oct. July
5 75 I
mental District, Guildford i
Stanley Crozier,-'! Xi.Coi. h.p. Oxford-) 8 June 5; 8 Jan. 56 30 Apr. 64 I Dec. I July
shire Lt. Infantry (43 Foot) )
Fred. John Geurgc Murray, Lt.Col.h.p. ) 16 May
Dragoon (iuards i
May 6: 17 Nov. 63 17 Apr. 69 31 I July
ThomasB. Sli;i\v-Hellier,2i^Xf. Co/. (from \ I

h.p. 4 Dra-oon Guards), Comdg. Jl. 27 Sept. 6: 7 Apr. 63 17

Apr. 671 2 June 76 I July
Military School of Music )

Robert William May Wetherell, X/. Coi. j Nov. 66 22 June 76 July

IS Apr. 58 23 Mar. 60 2 I
Regimental District, Bedford J
p.s.c. liHstiugs D'OylyFarrington,2'5X<. )
8 July 56 10 July 58 29 July 62 'n June 76 I July
Co/. Regimental District, Warwick ...)
William Bj'am,"!' CB. X<. Co/. Regimental \ Apr. 68 9 Dec. July
23 Jan. 8 Sept. 63 25 I
District, Pontefntct >
George Philips, Lt.Col. h.p. 4 Hussars, )
A. A. General, DMm jl
6 Apr. 55 29 May 57 7 Nov. 62 16 Dec. I .lu'y

David John Dickson Salford, 2" i/. Co/. )

Mar. BMuy 66 17 .Jua.
23 55 9 Sept.; I .]u!y
h.p. West K(!ut Hegt. (97 Foot) )
mt.c. Guorge Salis-Schwabe,^" X/.Co/.
23 Sept. 63 9 June 65 29 May 67 17 YciY. I July
'^"h.p. 16 J

Iharics Edward King, Lt.Col. ReniO HALF i>.vr.
men al District, Dorckester " < 24 Sept. 58 9 Dec. 62 18 July
6 21 Apr. 77:
loylf Vandeteur, Lt.Col. h.p. 5 Lknc'ora I July 81 I July 85
S' loSept.sS 16 Nov. 60
rederick Charles Ruxtou. Zt.Col. Ren-i- 23 Jan. 63 7 May 77 I .fuly 81 I July 85 22 July
mental District, Worcester ° ( 3 June Dec. 20 Feb.
59 3 6 63 6 July 77 I .Jn:y 3j July
[enry Edward Davidson, ii.CoX I S
mental District, Richmond ^ C 29 JunesS
3 July 6 7 Apr. 63 29 Sept. 77 July
>c. Thomas Kelly-Kenny.^a
I 8, I July S
h.p. West biirrey Regt.
(2 Foot);^s-i 22 X'eb.
»'stant Adjutant General, York 58 Oct. 60 20 July 66 29 Sept. 77, I July 2, I July 85 29 Sept.Se
dward T Bainbridge.^as Lt.Col. Regi:
mental District. Ayr 6 Apr. 55 [5 June 58 May Oct. 77
\ 5 63 I I July Si I July S
harlos Erroll noper--* 'Lt'.CoCh:^^
King s Own Borderers (25 P 25 Aug. 5 26 July 55 17 Nov. r Oct. 77
^old Esdaile Malet, Lt.Col hipiisHus.
) 63 1 I July Si I
I July I July
18 Oct. 59 18 Dec. 60 Mar. Oct.
harles Edw. Foster.s^s £^.c.^/_ j^ y
I 64 I
77 I July 8 I July 8 7 July
Northamptonshire Regt. (^8 Foot) 3x Dec. 58 23 Nov. 60 29 Mar. 64 Oct.
redorick Georije Berkeley, ii. Co/
I 77 I July S I July S T July
mental District, Preston 3 Jui.y 58 [4 Feb. 60

\ June 64 I Oct. 77 I July S July S

ifton do NeutVille Orr I
J/^ h p. Lincolnshire Reo-t
C 26 Apr. 58 6 Apr II Oct. 64 I Oct. 77 July
mest Adolphus Carey, Lt.Col
I 8 I July 85 I July 87
mental District, Shrewsbury ° f 3 Apr. 58
7 Oct. 59 3 Jan. 6 I Oct. 77 July
[ederick John Fane, LtCol.
I S I July 85
068ter.shireRegt. (6iFoot) 8 Dec. 57 3 Dec. 8 Sept. 65
f 59 1 Oct. 77 I July Si I July 85 July
•ederick Taylor Hobson.^s^x/.CorReO I

^imenfcd Districr, Canterbury Oct. 57 30 Sept. 59

\ 30 29 June 66 10 Mar. I July Sr
larlesGraham Heathcote,^™ Lt^Coi I July 85
Regimental Disti-ict, Lichfield Aug. 56 21 Sept. 60
Im Robert ColIins,23i Xi.Co;.' hp" e'
19 10 Nov. 6 2 May 78 I July 81 I July 85
Surrey Regt. (70 F.) 31 May 59 12 Feb. 6 Apr. 67 June
7 23 78 1 July Si I July 85 I July 87
r^-^T''V ^^"^'^ Kinioch"Ogilvy.232
UCo. (fromh,p. King's Royal Rifles).
Assistant Adjutant General, [8 June 57 15 June 58 11 Dec. 66 21 Aug.
Ireland 1
78 I July Si I July 85
lorge Clayton Swiney.Msx^.eo/.Regjo
mental District, Bodnvn JO Oct. 57 8 May 58 May
5 66 ji Dec. 78 July
hn Fletcher Caldwell,23t'i7c„/"R3:<\ '
I Si I July 85
omental District, Omnqh ( !8 May 58 5 Nov. 61 30 Oct. 66 5 Feb. 79 .July Si
iwalrt Robert ^IhiAUton,^--^ "Lt'.Coi I I July S5
.'!-•: -v; '\
-11tal District, Lancaster '
f [9 June 57 5 Oct. 5S [5 June 66 •7 Apr. 79 July
' ;"«-try.-'' Lt.Col. h.p. 8
I Si I July 85
Hussars :6 Aug. 61 4 Jan. 65 Apr. 69 Apr. 79
i<syDrew-i'(from h.p. 7 Hus.),
3 '9 I July 81 I July 85 : July 87
!' Inspector, Remount Estah
'/ .8 Sept. 60 July 63 [3 July

i 67 July 79
'3, I July 81 July 85
as.^Lepheu Walker, Lt.Col.h..n. I
3 Hus 10 May 6_ 26 Feb. 64 22 June 67 4 Nov, 79 I Jul.y 81 I July 85 July 87
bert Fowler Butler,^" Lt.Col 6 Aug. 5S 18 Dec. 60 Feb. 72 ;2 Nov. 79 July 81

Regi- I I July 85 : July 87

nental District, Chichester I

lo Feb. II Feb. 62 18 Dec.

\ 67 11 June 80 I July Si July 3s
ancis James Agnew Wallace' I
'i'/Cor )
i.p. 2 '
28 A]n-. 63 30 Mar. 60 CO May 21 June
Uiam Hanmng Lee, ti'. Col.
( 7 I July 8 I July 85 5 July 86
h.p; '^DvZ )
roon Guards; Asnst. Adj. Gen Nov. 65 21 Oct.
Netleii \
July 85 :i July 8G
67 5 Nov. 70 Dec. So I July 8 I
arles Falkiner Morton
^rom h^)^^
^'^P- Remount Estab Feb. 62 21 July 63 12 June 69 10 Apr :8
r July 8
aiam John Seaton, Lt.Col. \ I July 85

arles bwinh ,e, Lt.Col.

Madras S.C 20 July 55 20 June 58 20 July
Bombay S. C 67 2o July 75 o July 8 ^^ July „:,
Jrge Gilbert Stewart, ii!. 27 July 55 8 Sept.59 27 July 67 27 July
Co/ hn'T 75 7 July 8 27 July 85
emster Regiment (roo Foot) Feb. 55 5 June 55 ! May 66 31 Dec. 78 •

14 Au

pry Jardine Hallowes,^" [4 Aug. 8s 4 Aug. 87

i^.CoV.'hp' )
I^egiment; Districti n May
t<W Officer, M/iow 55 CI Sept.57 Feb. 62 29 May 75 15 Aug. Si :5 Au ;o June S4

mund Rogers Goker, ^^^VSaLt'Coi' >

'f'lT ^'^ ^'"^^^ Infantry (106 F ) j June 6 30 Oct. 66 30 May 74 12 Feb.
ghP. !f
R. P. Orawfard.X^ Col Aug.S 24 Aug, S5 24 Aug. 87
Dert Spencer Liddell.w?
Mad S C 1 Sept.s5 10 Apr. 58
1 Sept.67
Lt.Col hZ\ t Sept.7s
Sept. 8: I Sept. 85
3 Hussars ^^' f
28 Mar. 58 22 July

59 2 May I Jul.y 81
13 Sept. Sept. 85 13 Sept.S7
^t.neMa^e,Z^Vi,:-i;:p:^- :3

23 Jan. 59 3 July 60 1 Sept. 69 [6 Sept. 76

Cobu Campbeil,2« CB. LtCol.'h'v
e. t6 Sept. 6 Sept. 85 16 Sept.S7
Dragoon Guards; A. A. Gen.
»"»« >
14 June 55 [6 Oct.
eeruituiq District 55 '9 June 66 ;i June 79 Apr. 8 18 Sept.S
2 Dec. 83
Madras Staff c: 26 Sept.
bpi^f^T"^^"' ^^-^"l- 55 13 Nov. 56 Sept.67 26 Sept.75 26 Sept. S
n T-Nepean,ii!.Coi. Madras S C 26 Sept.55
1. Henry Field, Lt.Col.

12 Feb. 58 Sept.67 26 Sept.75 26 Septs.
26 Sept. 8^
h.p, iThus 26 Sept. 85
I. Joshua C,
Vanneck,£,i.Co/ Scots Gds 17
Ma.y 61 10 July 66 7 July 69 July 8 29 Sept. 81 29 Sept. 85 I July 87
Dec. 63 i6 June 66 to Oct. 74 1 Oon. 85
2 Oct. 55 Apr. 59 2 Oct. 67 2 Oct.' 75 2 Oct. 81 2 Oct. 85
S^-Rl^t^(7K"^'-^"^-^-p-| 29 Oct. 58 Dec. 6 22 Oct. 70 June
^3 7 Oct. 7 Oct.
^Gea^anuders.X.a;r Bengal 8] 85 7 Oct. 87
ioOcD. 55 21 Jan. 57 20 Oct.
f. John Boughey, 67 :o Oct. 75 20 Oct. 81 20 Oct. 85
ii.CoZ.' hp'
"" wiito
Regt. (62 Foot).,.. 8 July 62
| 7 Nov. 65 3 Feb. 69 I July 81 :S Oct. Si !SOct.
'.Robert James Maxweii,2J8"jjrv;;-oV- 1
85 28 Oct. 87
p. Manchester Regt (g6 Foot!
-ry Colebrook Levies
"""'• ^"^
^- ^°'-}
\ 25 Aug. 54 I Apr. 5c 8 Oct. 50 5 July 72 o May Si 'g Oct. 85 July £1

'«vV'^.i..^.;.^- 9 Dec. 55 I Nov. 65 JI Oct. 74 31 Oct. Si 31 Oct.

te.T;";;^'^''e'^^°^an;'ifa/orV"R "a^^^
21 Mar. 6t; I Oct. 77 -2 Nov. 79 Mar.
i Waue H'^h'^'i'''"- '^'^^^ Staff a r6 Nov. 55 8 Oct. 6\ 16 Nov. 67 t6 Nov. 7; t6
81 6
81 16
Nov. 85
Nov. 85
14 Oct. 68 9 Oct. 69 3 Oct. 74 I July 81 30 Nov. 81 30 Nov. 85
17 Oct. 56 7 Dec. 6; 7 Dec. 75 Dec.
7 Si 7 Dec. 85
16 Jul.y 57 7 Dec. 6; Dec. 75
7 7 Dec. Si 7 Dec, Sj

2nd LIEUT. UAJOB. colonel.

y (C Francis David Millett Brown, Lt. | g jjg^ jj 7 June 57 23 Aug. 64 8 Dec. 75 8 Dec. 81 8 Dec. 85
Col. Bengal Staff Corps.. Dec. 75 8 Dec. 81' 8 Dec. 85
Dec. 55 Nov. 58 8 Dec. 67 3
Duncan irXeill, Lt.Col. Madras Staff C. 8 5
WUliam Henry Thompson.^^s Zt.Col.l 10 May 64 20 Feb. 67 12 Feb. 73 I July 81 9 Dec. 81; 9 Dec. 85 9 Dec.
h.p. Drnfroon Guards
I i
Fred. C. Keyser,"" CB. Lt.Col. from h.p. { 28 May 5S Mar. 62 18 Apr. !7 Aug. 80 12 Dec. 81 '12 Dec. 85
K. Fiis., iiisp. of Signallhicf, AUershot Dec. 75 20 Dec. 81 20

Hem-v Morton, iV.CoL Bengal Staff Corps 20 Doc. 55 Apr. 58 20 Dec. 67 20
Oct. 7o'i5Mar. 72 i Nov. 82! 2 Jan. 86
Henry Edw. Colvile, CB. Major, Gr. Gds. i

July 79 '8 Nov. 82 2 Jan. 86

Wm.'S. Uebbert, Lt.Col. R. Artillery June 59I 6 July 72' i
Sept. 57 4 Jan. 63' 4 Jan. 76; 4 Jan. 82 4 Jan. 86
Artliur Robert Cliapmau,i<.Co?.Beng.S.C. 4 Jan. 56 Jan.
Jan. 56 24 Mar. 58 4 Jan. 68: 4 Jan. 76: 4 Jan. 82, 4
.Tohn Pyne Grant. Lt.Col. Bombay S.C. ... \

Gnstav'us Francis Munro, Col. Com.\ 19 Apr. 54 22 June 55 29 Sept.esI i Oct. 77113 Apr. 82] s Jan. 861
Roval Marines i
Jan. 82,16 Jan. 86 July
6 Mar. 56 30 Mar. 66 16 Jan. 75,16 i
"William Henry Noble,"'J Lt.Col.h.p.H.Ait
Edward Draper Elliott, ii.Coi. Royal Art. Dec. 57 7 Apr. May 66'i6.Ian.
" 75116 Jan. 82'i6 Jan. 86
-- 21 May 58' 5 Oct. 66 16 Jan.
Dec 57 75 i6 Jan. 82^16 Jan. 86
Francis William Ward, Lt.Col. Royal Art.jii Dec. Jan. S2j2oJan. 86
59'2o Jan. 6S|2o Jan.
Fred. Charles St. John.Xif.Coi.MadrasS.C. 20 Jan 56 17 Aug.
Sebastian White Rawlins, Lt.Col. RegiO 5 Feb. 58 10 May 61 21 Feb. 65 I Oct. 77 25 Jan. 82 25 Jan. 86
mental District, Cardiff )
Arthur Huntly Hill Walsh, Col. Com.) 19 Apr. 54 22 June 55 Nov. 65 1 Oct. '
77 19 Apr. 8z| I Feb. 86
Rnval Marines J
Com. R. Marines .. 19 Apr. 54 5 July 55 Nov. 65 2 Dec. 77 9 Apr. 82
.Tohu'cairncross, Co/.
Elboroui?hM.Woodcock,if. Co?. Bombay) 4 Feb. 56 23 May 57 4 Feb. 76
Staff Corps J |

Frederick AuarustusLeMesurier,ii. CoZ. > I Oct. 57 I July 67 I Oct. 77

h.p. Royal Engineers ) I

WilliamVesey Brownlow,26i c£. Xi.Co?. ) lag Apr 50 12 May 61 8 May 7o'29 Nov. 79
h.p. I Dragoon Guards ( I

EdmundSmithBrook,3/(7>j-,Connauoht| Ang. 66 25 Jan. 71 3 Dec. 7S I July


Rangers > I

Spencer Field, Xi.Co?.b. p. Warwickshire 2 Feb. 55 4 Feb. 56!22 May 64

1 Oct. 77 24 Feb
Regiment (6 F.) )
Geo. Paton,='^ CMG. Lt.Col. h.p. South ^ 23 Aug. 59 Sept. 62 .30 Oct. 69 9 May 8
WalesBorderers (24 F.) )
lion. Evelyn B. T. Boscawen, CB. Maj. > 2 July 66! 5 Mar. 70 6 Feb. 78
Coldstream Guards i
Reginald Whitting,26^ Lt.Col. h.p. W. j 26 Dec. 56 23 Mar. 58
Yorkshire Regiment {14 F.) J
Alfred Bloomfield, Lt.Col. Bengal S.C 7 Mar. 56
miilip Edw. Pope.^t^e Lt.Col. h.p. 4^ 22 May 63
Dragoon Guards 3
Arthur G. H. Church,-" Lt.Col. Regi-") 5 Not. 61
mental District, Ashton i
Edward Cunningham, i<. Co?. BombayS.C. 20 Mar. 56
Fred. Benj. Price White, Lt.Col. (from^
h.p. I W.I. Regt.), Commanding West
[8 Dec. 63
India Depot j

David Henry Trail, Lt.Col. Royal Eng. ... [2 Dec. 56

Alexander Jerome Filgate, Lt.Col. R.Eng. t2 June 57
Henry Meredith Vibart, Lt.Col. R. Eng.... II Dec. 57
Harrington B. D.Campbell,3/a/.Scots Gds.
William Southwell Cm-zon, Lt.Col. h.p. I
Royal Artillery >
Thomas Arthur Cookc^*^ Lt.Col. h.p. 17 (
16 May 62
Lancers, District Staff Qfficer, Bengali
Edward W. Golding,2'0 Lt. Col. h.p. > Jan. 59
Derbyshire Regiment (95 F.) 3
Alex.TuUochRolland, if. Co?. Madras S.C. 4 Apr. 56
Edward Lyons, Lt.Col. (from R. Ai-t.")
Chief Instructor, School of Gunnery ...>

Gerald de Courcy Morton, Major, War- )

9 Jan. 63
wickshire Regt. (6
FitzRoy Stephen,2n i^C'o?. h.p.
| 22 Mar. 55

J.ihn E. Wliitting,2'^ X/.Co?.h.p.Hamp- ^ 4 Sept. 57

shire Regt. (37 F.) ••3
Richard S. Hall, Major, Coldstream Gds. 25 May

r..«c.W^m.F.Gatacre.Xf.Co?. h.p. Middle- 18 Feb. 62

.-^exRegt. (77F.); Dep.Q.M.Gen. Bengali
J'.hn Magee Heywood, Lt.Col. R. Eng. ... 13 June 56
Wui. J. Holt.^'-* CB. Lt.Col. h.p. W. ^ 24 July 57
Sirrrey Regiment ••••••
P..naonby Ross Holmes, Lt.Col. zndCom. | 24 June

Royal Marines •••• 3
"Montague Protheroe, CSI. CB. Lt.Col.^ 4 Jan. 58
Madras Staff Corps
l!(,bert F. Williamson, Lt.Col. Welsh Pus 8 Feb. 6
Russell Upcher,i)6"0. Lt.Col. Durham > II Nov. 6
Light Infantry ... ^:• 3
Edward B. Williams, Lt.Col. h.p. Liver- ) 6 Jan. 60
pool Regt. (8 Foot) .^...... ^i
George Gordon Young, X?. Co?. Bengals. C. 13 June 56
Edward C. Garstin, Lt.Col. Bengal S. C. 13 June 56
Ayrton Pullan,X<. Co/. Bengal Staff Corps 14 June 56
Robert B. Graham, Lt.Col. Bengal S. C. 14 June 56
Edward J. Watson, Lt.Col. Madras S. C. 14 June 56
James FitzGerald, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff C 16 June 56
TlicopliilusHisginson.X*. Co/. MadrasS.C 26 June 56
Patrick Sanderson, X^Co?. h.p. 2 Dragoons 17 Nov. 63
y.s.r. Alexander B. Tulloch,*" CBii. Co?. > May
23 55
h.p. Welsh Regt. (41 Foot) 3
Joseph Philips, CB. Lt.Col. Royal Marines 24 Dec. 56
"S'iviitn Dalton Mathias, Major, R. M. Art, I July 6
. ) >
) 1

Colonels. r.G
indLiEui. CAPIAIN.
brge W. Uornuliiilo, ( B. J.t.CoI. U. Art II Dec. 57 27 Aug. 58 3 Aug. 65 14 July 75 14 July 14 July 86
in Macdourtlil Moody, Li. Col. 2ndl
^om. Royal Marines (
S Jlay 55 [9 Jan. 59 3 Aug. 67 4 Jiuie 79 8 May 83 i8 July 86
prge Swinley, Major, Royal Artillery' 6 Nov. 60 6 Jan. 7 22 Nov. 79 2 Mar. 8 21 July 86
\c. AI0.X. Brooke Morgtin.'^lsCB.Lt.Col.
.p. Norfolk Regt. ; Assistant Adjutaiii ] 6 Apr. 55 28 Nov. 9 Jan. 63 15 Apr. 77 July 82 July 86
57 !i 21 2 1 July 82
feneral, Burmah j
lliam James Massy, Lt.Col. h.p. Nor- ')

jlkRegt. (9F.) lo July 55 II Dec. 57 30 Aug. 64 I Oct. •i July 82 !i July 86 -I July S8

!. j
n. Reginald A. J. Talbot, z~ CB. )
.t.CoL h.p. I Life Guards ^ May 59 28 July 63 8 May 67 14 July 80 21 July 82 !i July 86 .1 .luly 88
jert T. Maillard,278 Lt.Col. h.p. i6>
2 Mar. 6 3 Oct. 62 26 Nov. 68 I July 81 21 July 82 21 July 86 n .luly 88
IS. A. L. A. French, Lt.Col. h.p. •j')
ragoon Guards 5 June 60' 23 June 65 23 Jan. 69 I July 81 21 July 82 21 July 86 '.'. .luly 88
n Francis FitzGerald Cologan, Lt. )
oi.Bengal Staflf Corps .'
[S Aug. 58 20 Sept. 69 !o Sept. 77 2 Mar. 81 22 July 86
irge B. B. Hobart,"^ Lt.Col. h.p. R. 1

rtillery 7 Apr. 4 Nov. 66 24 July 75 24 July 82 24 July 6 Nov. 88

iry J.Francis Shea, Lt.Col.h.-p. Roy.
rt. Superintendent of the Gun Car- ^
7 Apr. 56 I Jan. 67 24 July 75 24 July 24 July
1 I

i -Mar. 86
age Facton/ Fu ttehgh ur
!ph B. Leggott, Lt.Col. Madras Staff C. 6 Aug. 56 22 Feb. 57 6 Aug. 68 6 Aug. 76 16 Aug. i 6 Aug.
UV H. Thomas, 7./. Co/. Madras Staff C. 6 Aug. 56; 7 May 60 6 Aug. 68 6 Aug. 76 16 Aug. I 6 Aug.
Q Macdougall, Lf.Cvl. Madras StaffC. o Aug. 56, 3 Aug. 58 o Aug. 68 20 Aug. 76 20 Aug. i o Aug.
rom Royal Artillery), Ckief Inspector >• ,21 June 56 30 Mar. 67 An 21 Aug. 82 21 Aug. 86
•Warli/ce Stores j
rge Baker,28o CB. Lt.Col. h.p. Hamp-
lireRegt. (67 Foot) j
Dec. 7

30 Nov. 60 29 May 67 21 July 29 Aug. 82 29 Aug, !9 Aug. 88

rles B. Reynardson, Major, Gren. Gds. 10 July Aug. 69
6*) 8 27 Sept. 76 8 Sept. 86
•.William B. R. Hall, Lt.Col. h.p.)
jyalArt. A.A. Gen. Woolwich (
21 June 56 6 July 67 Sept. 75 8 Sept.82 8 Sept :6 Feb. 85
iam Thomas Budgen, DSO. Lt.Col
)yal Artillery 121 June 56 6 July 67
.' Sept. 75 S Sept.82 8 Sept.
/ B. Bance, Lt.Col.
Madras Staff (5"..'.. 10 Sept. 56'28 Deo. 57|io Sept.6 10 Sept. 76 10 Sopt.82 10 Sept. 86
I. Lorn Campbell, Capt. J- Lt.Col.-)
ots Guards |i2 Aug. 68|24 Apr. 7 I Oct. Si 11 Sept. 86
riceTweedie, Lt.CoL Bombay StaftC. 20 Sept. 56 17 Mav
59 20 Sept. 68 o Sept. 76! 20 Sept.82 20 Sept,
esbitt Wroughton.i^ Co/. Madras S.C. 23 Sept. 56 28 Apr.
sS 23 Sept. 68 '23 Sept. 76*23 Sept.82 23 Sept. 86
tagu C. Morris,-s- Lt.Col. h.p.")
ivonshire Regt. (11 Foot) 21
57^5 Sept. 57 21 Sept. 60 26 May
73I29 Sept.82 29 Sept. 86 May 8 Jan. 88
j .

ard Kerr Bayly,283 CB. Lt.Col. hx^l

) 16 Mar.
ack Watch (42 Foot) 55 2 Oct. 55 5 July 65 I Apr. 74'29 Sept.82 :g Sept.SS
BS W. Scott, Col. -znd Com. Royal )
irines 17 Aug. 55 14 Apr. 59 3 Aug. 67 Mar. 80 18 Nov. 1

82 5 Oct. 86
._ j
L Jopp, Lt.Col. JBombav Staff Corps 20 Oct. 56 4 Aug. 60 20 Oct. . 20 Oct. 76 20 Oct. 82 oOct. 86
Walpole Murdoch, Lt.Col. R. Ai-t. ... ;2i June 56 6 July 67 28 Oct. 75 28 Oct. 82 28 Oct. 86
ence J. Oliphant, Major, Gren. Gds.. [17 Oct. 66 29 Dec. 69 9 Dec. I 76 I Nov. 86
les C.Hewetson, Lt.Col. Madras S. C. 4 Nov. 56| 7 Sept. 58
4 Nov. 68 4 Nov. 76 4 Nov, 4 Nov. 86
erick Knowles, Lt.Col. Bengal S. C

4 Sept. 60 4 Sept. 63 .
3 Aug. 77 18 Nov, 18 Nov. 86
T. Townshend, Lt.Col. 2 Life Gds .. 4 June 61 28 Jan. 62 I Oct. Nov.
77 18 Nov, 18 86
am Salmond, Lt.Col. R. Engineers Oct. 57 10 Nov. 68I21 Oct. 77 18 Nov. 82 18 Nov. 86
ur Frank Hamilton, Lt.Col. R. Eng 18J June 60 9 Aug. 71 [17 Apr. 78 18 Nov.

18 Nov. 86
Gorman W. D. Pringle, =«* Bart. Lt. )
I. h.p. South
Sept.58 16 Jan. 63 14 Mar. 68 22 July 78 18 Nov. iS Nov. 86
Staffordshire Regt. \
'ey Ekins Rj-vos, Lt.Col. Bengal S.C. I June 59 19 Oct. 60 11 June 71 'xi June 79*18 Nov. 82 18 Nov. 86
ur French, Lt.Col. R. Mar. Artillery 4 Feb. 58 8 Dec. 59 19 Sept. 67:10 Oct. 79 18 Nov. 8: 18 Nov. 86
rt John Bond, Lt.Col. R. Engineers !i Dec, 3 Aug. 7212 Oct. 79 iS Nov. 8: 18 Nov. 86
Richard H. O'Grady Haly, Lt.Col.
Bfolk Regt. (12 Foot) 6 Nov. 58 ti Feb. 62 31 Aug. 66 '20 Nov. 79 18 Nov. 8: 1 3 Nov. Si
on Blood, Lt.Col. Royal Engineers" :g Dec. 60 25 Aug. 73 29 Nov. 79 '18 Nov. 82 18 Nov.
Geoffry Barton, -ViyW, R.Fus. (7 F.) 3 Oct. 62 Feb. 65 I Apr. 74 '29 Nov. 79 18 Nov. 82 18 Nov.
ArthurFitzRoy Hart, lf«>r. East)
A 8(
-no « ^
irey Regt. (^ji Foot) [
'"3 ^"c. 64 29 May
67 13 June
Nov. 79 iS Nov. 82 18 Nov. 86
Chas. W. Murray, Major, Glou- ) '

ter Regt. (28 F.) ... ... ....'......j
21 Nov. 10 Oct. 65 31 Oct. 77 29 Nov. 79 18 Nov. 82 1 8 Nov.
Id Bertram Lane, Brig I Feb. 67 4 Oct. 71 5 Oct. 78,29 Nov. 79 iS Nov. 82 18 Nov. 86
Jlfuyoc, Rifle
Fred. Free, Lt.Col. R. Artillery...!. 12 June 58
27 Aug. 58 I Aug. 72 8 Dec. 79 iS Nov. 82 r8 Nov,
snc A. Ogle, CB. Lt.Col. R. Mar. Art. 29 July 58 Apr. 60)30 July 68 5 Apr. 80 18 Nov. 82 [8 Nov. 86
on C. Toker, CB. Lt.Col. Bengal S.C 4 May 60 Jan. 62I 4 May 72' 4 Mav 80 18 Nov- 82I [8 Nov. 86
las J. Jones, Lt.Col. R. Artillery...
|22 Dec. 59*18 May 72 12 May 80 18 Nov. 82I18 Nov.
IT G. Yeatman-Biggs, Jfa/or,
R. Art. i8Dec. 6oj 4 Feb. 74^24 July 8018 Nov. 82 18 Nov. 86
5r Frederick Kelsey, Lt.Col.
Sea- )
in Highlanders 8 Feb. 6 12 Apr. 64 20 July 70' 2 Sept.8o'r8 Nov. 82 18 Nov. 86
(72 Foot) j
?e Cox, Lt.Col. Irish Fusihers
(89 F ) 4 Jan. 61I12 July 64 22 .Tune 67 Nov. So 18 Nov. 82' 18 Nov
E. Boyes, Lt.Col. GorAon High-")
'\ers(75F.) 29 Oct. 6iii8 Jan. 67 14 Oct. 68 Dec. 80 18 Nov. 8; 18 Nov. 86
U«t Euston Henry Sartorius '^s
^ 8 July 62' 18 July 65 30 Sept. 74
lor, h.]). East Lancashire Regt.'
... j
Mai'. 81 18 Nov. 86 !

£ Grieve, i/.C'o/. Duke of Corn- )

1 8 Light Infantry 20 Feb. 55 6 July 55 19 Oct. 68 July 81 iS Nov. 82 18 Nov. 86
(46 Foot) :

esNeedham, Lt.Col. i Life Guards... 17 Nov. 63 II Jan. 67 May July

tenelm Digby Murray,D*0.i<.Co/. 5 69 : 81 18 Nov. 82 18 Nov. 86
h Fusiliers (87 F.) f 4 Sept.6o'26Feb. 64 30 June 69 ; July 81 18 Nov. 82 18 Nov. 86
es Pierson Cramer, Lt.Col. King's
al Rifles (60 Foot) 24 Aug. 58 21 Apr. 63 28 May 70 July 81 18 Nov. 82 18 Nov. 86
Oliver G. Powlett Montagu, Lt. Col. )
al Horse Guards ... I July 63 " Nov. 68 6 July 70
f July 81 18 Nov. 82 18 Nov. 86
iBihhy, Lt.Col. 4 Hussars!.'.' "..'....'.;..
5 Jan. 66 [8 Jan. 69 14 Jan. 71 July 8i'i8Nov. 82 18 Nov. 86
Bethel M. Dawes.^ss zt.Col. :

h p )
isterRegt { 24 July 61 I Mar. 64 1
3 July 72 July 81 18 Nov. 82 r8 Nov. 86 29 Sept. 86
.ra Leigh, Major,
mg'hlan'd 'Light ")
intry (74 Foot) .„ 30 Dec. 60 13 Mar. 66 12 Feb. 73 i July 3i'i8 Nov. 8; 18 Nov. 86
_.. j
37- Golonels.



Wm. Arthur Jas. Wallace, Lt.Col. E.Eng. 119 Dec. 60 25 Aug. 73 I July 81 8 Nov. 82 18 Nov. 86
Sir Arthur Wm. Mackworth, Bart. July 61 II Dec. 73 July
I I 81 8 Nov. 82 18 Nov. 86
Major. Royal Engineers J
George Wm.Nesbitt Rogers.i?. Co^.Irish ) Feb. 68 14 June 76 July 81 18 Nov. 82
17 Jan. 65 I I
Regiment (18 F.) j
jKs.c. Edward J. Lugard, Major, Lan-') July
6 Jan. 63 11 Jan. 67 28 Oct. 76 I 81
caster Regiment (4 F.) i
Lionel F. Perry, Major, R. Artillery 18 Dec. 6t 16 Jan. 75 18 Dec. 81
p.s.c. TSUL Reginald"Clare ',, Major,~) July
13 Jan. 69 I 81 18 Jan. 82
Royal Engineers i
Hon. Neville G. Lyttelton, Maj. Rifle Brig. 17 Jan. 65 14 July 69 13 Oct. 77 22 Feb. 82
?>.«.c.Heury J. T. Hildyard, Major, High- )
Mar. 67 16 Sept. 68 28 Oct. 76 6 May 82
land Light Infantry ) 9
•Augustinus P. M. A. A. Portelli, CMG. \
12 Mar. s2 15 Nov. 60 29 Jan. 70 11 Nov. 82
Lt.Col. Malta Fencible Artillery J
De Lacy R. F. Wooldridge, Lt.Col. \ 61 21 Nov. 68 Nov. 76
Bombay Staff Corps 21 Nov. s6 8 Oct. 21
y.s. C.HenryGrey MacGregor,=S7 Major, )
h.p.Worcester Regt. (29 Foot) Aide \ 29 May s8 IS June 60 10 Nov. 69 29 Nov. 79

de Camp
to the Queen j
John Davison, Lt. Col. 3 Dragoon Guards. 12 Mar. 61 21 Feb. 65 2S Jan. 71 I July 81

Henry Hallam Parr, 2*8 CMG. Lt.Col.)

h.p. Somerset Lt. Infantry ; Aide de -
8 Sept.65 30 Oct. 69 23 Jan. 78 18 Nov. 82
Camp to the Queen )

Cornelius F. James, Lt.Col. Bombay S. C. 2Dec. 56 5 July 57 12 Dec. 12 Dec. 76

Henrj' S. Jarrett, Lt.Col. Bengal S. 3 Dec. 56 II July 57 13 Dec. 76
Leopolu J.H.Grey, CSI.Lt.Col.Benfrsil S.C. 3 Dec. 56,15 Sep't.57 13 Dec. 68 13 Dec. 76
Robert G. Jenkins, Lt.Col. Madras S. C. ... 3 Dec. 56,23 Oct. 57 13 Dec. 68 13 Dec. 76
Edmond Swetenham, Lt.Col. Bengals. 0. 3 Dec. 56 7 Nov. 57 13 Dec. 68 13 Dec. 76
Wardlaw C. Anderson, CB. Lt.Col. Ben- Dec. 76
Dec. 56 17 Nov. 57 13 Dec. 68 13
gal Staff Corps j
Charles H. Cantor, Lt.Col. Bengal S.C 3 Dec. 56 30 Apr. 58 13 Dec. 68 13 Dec. 76
George A. Jacob, Lt.Col. Bombay S. C... 3 Dec. 56 20 May 58 13 Dec. 68 13 Dec. 76
James B. Taylor, Lt.Col. Madras S. C 13 Dec. 56 22 May 59 13 Dec. 68 13 Dec. 76
Thos. O. Underwood, Lt. Col. Madras S. C. 13 Dec. 56 I Oct. 59 13 Dec. 68 13 Dec. 76
John A. Richmond, Lt. Col. Madras S.C... 13 Dec. 56 16 Feb. 60 13 Dec. 68 13 Dec. 76
Charles A. Porteous, Lt.Col. Madras S. C. 13 Dec. 56 27 June 61 13 Dec. 68 13 Dec. 76
Edw. Roden Cottingham, Lt.Col. E. Art. 10 Aug. 56 21 Aug. 67 23 Dec. 75
Henry B. Sanderson, Lt.Col. Bengal S. C. 20 Dec. 56 8 June 57 20 Dec. 68 20 Dec. 76
George Atkins, Lt.Col. Bengal S. C 20 Dec. 56 30 Apr. 58 20 Dec. 68 20 Dec. 76
Fred. J. S. Adam, Lt.Col. Bombay S.C. ... 20 Dec. 56 5 Sept. 59 20 Dec. 68 20 Dec. 76
Chas. J. O. Chambers, if. Coi. Madras S.C. 120 Dec. 56 29 Sept. s9 20 Dec. 68 20 Dec. 76
William H. Wilson, Lt.Col. Bombay S. C. Dec. 56 2 May 6 20 Dec. 68 20 Dec. 76
Malcolm Furlong, Lt.Col. Madras S. C. ... 4 Jan. 57 14 Feb. 59 4 Jan. 69 4 Jan. 77
Hen. Nicholas Reeves, if. Co?. Bombay S.C, 4 Jan. 57 24 May 59 4 Jan. 6g 4 Jan. 77
2).s.e. Hugh T. Jones- Vaughan,269 if. Co/.
h.p. East Yorkshire Regt. ; A.A. Gene- > :o Nov. 57 14 Aug. 59 16 Oct. 67 8 May 80
ral, Bevonport )

p.s.c.Raymond O. De Montmorency, t
Lt.Col. Irish Rifles (86 Foot) j
7 July 63 10 Nov. 65 16 Sept.68 I July Si

Hon. Fras. Charles Bridgeman, Major, )

Scots Guards
II July 6s 30 June 69
George Augustus AVhite, Lt.Col. S. Lan- 7
cashire Regt. (40 Foot) :9Nov. 58,13 Feb. 63 17 Sept. 71 I July 81
George L. K. Hewett, Lt. Col. Bengal S.C, 20 Jan. 57! 9 July 57 Jan. 69 20 Jan. 77
George Avig. Strover. if. Co?. Madi-as S.C. 20 Jan. 57 7 Jan. 59 20 Jan. 69 20 Jan. 7:
William Vertue, Lt.Col. Madras S. C [20 Jan. 57 6 Mar. 60 20 Jan. 69 20 Jan. 7'
WUliam Ward Bennitt, Lt.Col. 5 Lancers 5 Aug. 59 17 Sept.6i 8 I Feb. 68 I July 8
ilon. Montmorency, if. Cof. H t
Royal Artillery j 12
Junes 7 Aug. 58 13 July 68, 4 Feb. 76
Charles Henry B wart, if. Cof. Bengal S.C. '20 Feb. 57 30 Apr, Feb. 69 20 Feb. 77
Wm. Ewbank Chambers, if.Cof.Beng.S. C. "'
Feb. 57 30 Apr. isko FeV). 69 20 Feb. 77
Edwin Beddy, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff Corps Feb. 57 18 May 58 20 Feb. 69 20 Feb. 77
Charles Croslhwaite, Lt.Col. R. Art 22 Jure S9'2i Oct. 71 17 May 79
Jas. Hen. Prendeivgast, if. Cof. Madras S.C. 3 Mar. 57 21 Sept. S9 3 Mar. 69 3 Mar.
Alfred OUivant, Lt. Col. Bengal Staff Corps 4 Mar. 57 I Mar. 58 4 Mar. 69 4 Mar. 77
Chas. Peter New]5ort, if. Co>. Bombay S.C. 4 Mar. 57 28 Nov. 58 4 I

Mar. 6( 4 Mar. 77
Charles Wodehouse, CIE. Lt.Col. Bom- i.,„ ")

4 Mar. 57 9 Dec. 58 4 Mar. 77


bay Staff Corps j

Charles J. O. Fitzgerald, CB. Lt.Col.)]
Madras Staff Corps 3 4 Mar. 57I27 Nov. 59 4 Mar. 77
George Henry Oakes, Lt.Col. Madras S.C' 4 Mar. 57 2 Sept. 60 4 Mar. 77
Lord Algernon Chas. Gordon-Lennox, ) t ,1 ,, , '

3io>-, Grenadier Guards " J''^"- 6729 May 67

Mark Sever Bell, ilfoJor.R.Eng.
^.s.c. Uffi; '2SJune62
Henry F. H. Sewell, if.Co?. Madras S. C 20 Mar. 57; 4 July 58
Robert W. Hesketh, Lt.Col. Madras S. C 20 Mar. 57' 2 Feb
Frederick Cardew, if. Cof. S. Lan- >
p.s.c. -,„ „ xt
ca.shire Regt. (82 Foot) i
" J'^^e 58 o'
27 Nov. 59
Andrew Murray, if. Cof. Seaforth High- 1 -p^,, o' -: *„„
58^16 Aug.

landers Foot) °....j 7 Feb.

Hon. Herbert F. Eaton, if. Co?. Grena-
dier Guards j
George Algernon Russell, Lt.Col. R. Art.
James George Cockbum, if. Co?. War-
wickhire Rept. (6 Foot) J
Charles Tenna .t Wallace, Lt.Col. High-
land Light I lantry (71 Foot) /
Wm. Fras. Bac glcy, 'if. Co?. Bengal S. C
Fras. Hca.Vanderzee, Lt.Col. Madras S.C.
Mackey A.H.J. Heriot, Co?.2«rf. Cow. R.Mar.
Francis Wm. Grant, Lt.Col. Bengal S. C
Fras. N. M. Maynard, Lt.Col. Bengal S.C. 20 Apr. 57 18 May 58
Arth.F. Laughton, CiJ.if. Co?. Madras S.C. 20 Apr. 57 26 Aug. 58

Colonels. 39


miesH. Gordon, DSO. Li.Col. Had. S.C. 20 Apr. 57 24 June 59 20 Api-. 69 20 Apr. 77 20 Apr. 83 20 Apr.
ilHam R. Truman, Lt.Col h.p.yDr. Gds 8 Aug. 62 8 Dec. 65 24 July 72 I July 81 21 Apr. 83 2T Apr. 9 Dec. 87
illi:iri P.isset, Lt.Col. R. Artillery 5 June 58 27 Aug. 58 13 Nov. 68 28 Apr. 76 28 Apr. 83 28 Apr.
- I 'i-rry, Lt. Col. Norfolk Regt. (9 F.) 29 May 57 2 Oct. 581 8 May 66 31 Dec. 78 I May 83 iMay
- iiing Allfrey, Lt. Col. Somerset \ May I May
29 July 56 Apr. 58'2i Aug. 66 18 Sept. 79

16 I 83
I. iiitry (13 Foot) S
'. D'Bsterre Spottiswoode,^'!
li.p. 10 Hussars; D.A.A. Gene- [•
20 Mar. 58 21 June 58 9 Apr. 79 I July 81 IS June 8s 7 May 7 1
7 May 87

l\vard'WetheralI, JS^'Co^
10 Sept. 56 II Dec. May May 87
S7' 4 Sept. 67 9 83 9
killing-Fusiliers (108 F.) )
m. Alex. Lavvrence. Lt.Col. Bengal S.C. 4 Feb. 61 20 Deo. 64 4 Feb. 73 4 Feb. 81 2 !5Iar. 81
87 16 May
uce Brine, Lt.Col. h.p. R. Engiueers ... IS May 57 6 July 67 6 June 77 22
May 83
^^ ^^'.'^y 03 87 22
"/ ^^ May
22 "^*''j May 83
i.e. Herbert L. Mitchell, Lt.Col. R. Art. 10 Aug. 56 23 Jan '" 9 Nov. 76 24 Jan. 85 87 28 May
tzherbert Coddiagtou.Z;*, Co/. Beng. S.C. 12 June 57 7 Apr. 58 12 June 69 12 June 77 12 Juno 83 12 .June 87
30.H.F.Codringtou,Z-<.Coi. Bombay S.C. [3 June 57 Jan. 58 13 June 69 13 Jime 77 13 June 83 13 June 87
sn. C.A.Szczepauski, i,t.Co/.BengalS.C. [3 June 57: iB May 58 13 June 69 13 June 77^13 June B3 83 13 Juno
J 87
T-. Tn>.Q A^ 1 ^ June77
.ephen Beckett, CB. Lt.Col. Bengal S. C. [3 June 57 18 MayA1".iTT ^Q 13
58 Jaue65|i3 .Tnnp T7 13T June
.Tiirip 83
1 T^.InTii^S?
St 13 J :?
. ,

lomas Aug. Scott, Lt. Col Bengal S. 0. 13 June 57 >8 May 58 13 June 69 13 June 77 13 June 83 13 June 87
shua W. Swifte, Lt.Col. Madras Staff 0. [3 June 57! 2 Doc. 58|i3 June 69' 13 June 77 13 Juno 83 13 June 87
)bt. Vaughan Maiden, Lt.Col. Bom. S. C. 13 June 57 16 Jan. 59 13 June 69 13 June 77 13 June 83 13 June 87
hnGatacre, CB. Lt.Col. Bombay S. C... 13 June 57' 9 Mar. 59 13 June 69 13 June 77 13 Juno 83 13 June 87
mes H. M. Barnett, Lt.Col. Madras S.C. 3 June57| 4 Feb. 60 13 June 69 13 June 77,13 June 83 13 Junb87
JOrge Mackenzie, Lt. Col. Bombay S. C. 3 Junes? 25 ^ob. 60 June 69 13 June 77 13 June83 13 June 87
•ancis Jolin Wise, Lt.Col. Bombaj' S. C. 3 June 57 26 May 60' 13 June 69:13 June 77! 13 June S3 13 June 87
as. S. FitzPatrick, Lt.Col. Madras S. C. 3 June 57 15 Aug. 60113 June69'i3 June 77 13 Juneas 13 JuneS?
)bt. MacGregor Stewart, Hajoi; R. Art. 18 Dec. 60! 4 Feb. 7422 Nov. rg'is June 85J18 June 87
10. Campbell Ross, Lt.Col Bengal S. C. 19 June 57 30 July 58 II Feb. 62^29 Api-. June83 19 Juno 87
sorgo Terry Luder Carvrithen, Lt. Col. >
Nov. [3 Jan. 60 ;6 Aug. 64! I Oct. 77 27 June 83 27 June «7
King's Own Scottish Borderers (25 F.) J !7 57
lOrge Forbes- Robertson, Li. Co/. Argyll) May 81 27 June 83 7 June
9 July 55 13 Dec. 57 5 Oct. 67118 87
Mid Sutherland Highlanders (91 F.) )
Iward George Wace, Lt.Col. Bengal S.C. I July 57 [8 May 58 I July 69 I July 77 I July 83 I July 87
uirice Fitzmaurice Stokes, Lt.Col.) July 87
8 June 61 30 June 63 3 Sept. 70 22 Dec. 80 26 Sept. 83 I
Munster Fusiliers (104 F.) J
lO.Conrad Sartorius,i«. Co/.BombayS. 0. I Oct. 57 1 Oct. 69! I Oct. 77 I Oct. 83 I July 1

Imund Henry Eyre, Lt.Col. MadrasS.C. 4 Mar. 58 I Jan. 62 4 Mar. 7o| 4 Mar. 78' 4 Mar. 84 I July 87
mry S. Elton, Lt.Col. Madras Staff C... 20 Oct. sS 14 Feb. 61 :oOot. 7020 Oct. 78 2o'>it 8d -.July 87
thur R. Heyland, Lt.Col. Bombay S.C. 3T Dec. 58 8 iuai-. Mai 01 31 Dec. 70 31 Dec. 78 31 Dec. 84 I July 87
Uott A. Bruce, Lt.Col. Madras Staff C. u,.au. 6 Jan. 50
,Aug.6i| 6 Jan. 71' 6 Jan. 79] 6 Jan. 85 I Ju.y 87
m. P. Symons.JifIf/or, S. WalesBorderers 6 Mar 63 30 Oct. 66 16 Feb. 78, i July 81 17 May 8fi I July 87
ederick Kilgour,'X<. Co/. Madras S. C. ;i July 57:25 May 60 11
July 69 11 July 77'" July 83 :i July 87
hn Roberts Hogg, Lt.Col. h.p. R. Eag I Oct. 57 8 Jan. 68 i Oct. 77 14 July 83 x^
4 July
ul^.j 87^^ 14 July 8S
mtaguWilles Ommanney, Lt. Co/. R. Art. Dec! 57 27 Aug. 58 13 May 67 19 July 70 "3 J^i'y 83 19 July 87
illiam Scott, Lt.Col. Bomoay Staff C... July 57|i6Feb. 59120 July 69 20 July 77 20 July 83|2o July 87
Wm.S.Setoa,.B<irt.i/.Co/. Bombay S.C. July 57 2 June 20 uJuly
July 6g 20 July 77 ^fj uiy 03, ^u u
83,20 July
ui.) 07
87 J

illiam S. Kenyou-Slaney,-" Major, 60J20 I.Qao,.f-!;

20 Nov. 67 10 July 70 ) 8 Sept. 78121 July 87 23 Nov.87
ti.p. Grenadier Guards j
im-yWarde Webster, Lt.Col. Bengal S.C. 26 July 57 18 May 58 26 July 69 26 July 77 26 July 83I26
rd Ai-th. C.Wellesley, Uijor, Gren. Gds. 13 June68|is Feb. 71 5 Apr. 79 I Aug.
irry Wm. Parkei-, Lt.Col. 18 Hussars ... 16 Oct. 67 12 May 69 1 Apr. 76 I July 81 I Aug. B31 I Aug. 87|
(rbert Charles Chermside, CB. CMO. > Aug.
23 July 7o'23 July 82 27 Sept. 82 IS j
JiuieSsI 3 87 1

ICaJor, R. Kngineers j" 83' 4 Aug 87'


orge Scott HUIb, Lt.Col. Bengal S. 0....! 57 18 May 58 4 Aug. 69 4 Aug. 77 4

nry G. Waterfield, Lt.Col. Bengal S. C, Aug. 57'i8 May 58 4 Aug. 69 4 Aug. 77 4 Aug. 83' 4 Aug 87
ryndon T.P.Luxmoore,i/.Co/.Madras ) Aug. 4 Aug. 87
5taff Corps 4 Aug. 57 II June 59 4 Aug. 69 4 Aug. 77 4 1

J 83J
nry AVilUam Blair, Lt.Col. Madras S.C. 4 Aug. S7 18 Nov. 59 4 Aug. 69 4 Aug. 77 4 Aug. 83I 4 Aug 87 !

nlis F. Stevenson, Lt.Col. Madras S.C. 4 Aug. I Oct. 61 4 Aug. 69 4 Aug. 77 4 Aug. 83; 4 Aug. 87
57 1

«. Edw. H. T. Digby, Major, Colds. Gds. 23 Mar. 66 23 Mar. 68 5 Sept. 77 15 Aug. 87

lliam Frederick Cavaye,-"* Lt Col.
Military Secretary > !5 Apr. 65 9 Mar. 67:13 Dec. 74 I July 81 15 Aug. 83 15 Aug 87 T4 Dec.
.p. Sussex Regt ;

>J[.Ii.n. t/ie Duke of Connaiiyhf ) I

iory Jvhn Xuthall, Lt.Co!. li.^'iv^.xl ,S. C. 9 Nov. 53 21 Aug. 60 19 Nov. 70 .9 Nov. 78 16 Aug. 83 16 Aug 87
Ilentine Birch, Lt.Col. Bnuii.:i ,- :,ir( 10 Aug. 57 25 Apr. 58 20 Aug. 69 20 Aug. 77 20 Aug. 83
20 Aug °-
nuel Barrett Miles,i/.t' A. 1: -'.•.
o Aug. 57 Jan. 61 20 Aug. 69 20 Aug. 77 20 Aug. 20 4.
.-— 83 -. Aug..
(ki.HcnryW.JL,. Corry,J/u- o July 66 2 Sept. 68
'9 Sepij.77 29 87 -

nuuil U. Battiscomoe, //'.'-', i:. .\ Dec. _, 7 Aug. 58 26 Apr. 66 iSept.76j iSept.83j 1 Sepi.S?

'!ue Miiuners Onslow, i<. Co/, h.p. 20 1

.1^; Inspector of Gymnasia at > 20 May 6r, 1.3 Nov. 66 '30 Apr. 73 I July 81 4 Feb. 83 16 Sept.87 2 July 84

!;;.>- U'ln. Adolphus FitzGeorge,^'-*^)

Cajur, h.p. 20 Hussars; Aide de Camp Jan. 6 I July 81 5 Oct. 82 20 Sept.87 20 June 83
\M.It.H. the Duke of Cambridge ) I

K. Arthur DrummoudCurrie, Lt.Col. )

July 81 23 Sept.83 23 Se^.t.87 Dec.
lip. Welsh Kegt. (69 F.)
3 Aug. 60
?amond I. Craw.ord, Lt.Col. Bom. S.C. 4 Oct. 57 _,..
77 ., ..Oct. 4 Oct. 83 4 0.-.t. R-
Jjries Albert Dodd, Lt.Col. Bengal S. C. 4 Oct. 57 Oct.
77 69' 4 Oct. 4 Oct. 83 4OC
Iiry R. Tnuillier, Lt.Col. R. Engineers 12 June 57 7 Avig. 58 10 Nov. 69! 7 Oct.' 76 7 Oct. 83 7 Oct. 87
V'c. Thomas Eraser, Lt.Col. R. Eug. ... II June 58 7 Aug. 58 10 Nov. 69 7 Oct. 76 7 Oct. 83 7 Oco 87
V oughby T. Brereton, Lt.Col. Madras
10 Oct. 57 |
7 Feb. 60' 10 Oct. 69 10 Oct. 77 10 Oct. 8310OJC. 87
itY Corps f
1 F. Morton, Lt. Col. Border Regt. (55 F.) 26 Oct. 55 5 Mar. 58 17 Nov. 63 1 I Oct. 77 20 Oct. 83 2& Oct. b7
i 1. W. I'. H
MiUer, Lt.Col. Madras S.C. 2o Oct. 57 I Jan. 62 20 Oct. 69 20 Oct. 77 20 Oct. 83 20 Oct. a?
' Cuthbert Collmgwood Suther, Col. July 79 26 Oct. 83 23 Oct

' ('..„(. R. Marine Artillery

26 Oct. 55' 44 May 59 3 Aug. 67 5 87

'• yril William Bowdler Bell,3fa/'or

. <

i HusSirs; Deputy Aanistant Ad- V 23
1). Dec. 64 25 June 69 28 Oct. 76 July 81 14 Nov. 83 14 Nov. 87 i Apr. 84,

S'aut General, Intelligence Branch ...)

filnanM.T.Horsiord.L/. Co*. Bengal S.C. 20 Nov. 57 : i May 58 20 Nov. 69 20 Nov. 77 20 Nov. 83 20 N >v 87
Vliam L. Samuells, Lt.Col. Bengal S.C. 20 Nov. 57 •
: Oct. 58 20 Nov. 69 20 Nov. 77 2o Nov. 83 20 Nuv. 8/
I ry Win. H. Cox, Lt.Col. Madras S. C... 20 Nov. 57': Oct. 59 20 Nov. 69 20 Nov. 77 20 Nov. 83 20 Nov. B7
11 FitzUpton \Vay,Cii.i/.Co/.R.Mar. 23 Nov. 55'' •
May 59 8 June 68 6 Aug. 80 23 Nov. 83 23 N.jv. 8/
cs I'liilios, Lt.Col. Bombay Staff C. ... 27 Nov. July 61 27 Nov. 69 27 Nov. 77 27 Nov. 83 27 NuV. 8/
57! :
4© Colonels.



p.f.c.Spencer Edward Orr, Lf. Col. (from ^ I


h.p. 94 Foot), Assistant Commandant (•

6 Apr. 55,10 Dec. 56, 2 Mar. 66 31 Dec. 78 28 Nov. 83 28 Nov. 87
and Secretary, H. Militari/ College J

Theodore Wm.Hogg, Lt.Col. Bengal S.C. 4 Dec. 57 — May58 4 Dec. 6g 4 Dec. 77' 4 Dec. 83 4 Dec _

John Pennycuick, Lt.Col. B,. Engineers ... 1

10 Dec. 58 13 Oct. 70 8 Dec. 76 8 Dec. 83 8 Dec. 8
Charles Allan Baylay, Lt.Col. Bengal S.C. Dec. 57 27 Apr. 58 22 Dec. 65 n Dec. 77 11 Dec. 83 11 Deo. 8
Thomas R.Tabuteau, Lt.Col. Madras S.C 1 Dec. 57 I Jan. 62 II Dec. 69 n Dec. 77 11 Dec. 83 11 Dec. 8
Hurlock G. Pritchard, Lt.Col. Madras S.O 2 Dec. 57 27 Aug. 58 27 Apr. 6712 Dec. 77 12 Dec. 83 12 Dec. 8
Wm. Henry Wilkins, Lt.Col. Bengal S.C.' 2 Dec. 57 7 Aug. 58 12 Dec. 69I12 Dec. 77,12 Dec. S3 12 Dec. 8
Bobert Henry Palmer, Lt. Col. Bengal S.C 2 Dec. 57 J7 Aug. 58^12 Dec. 69'i2 Dec. 77 12 Dec. 83 12 Dec. 8
John Grierson, Lt.Col. Bombay Staff C..., 2 Dec. 57 27 Aug. 5812 Dec. 69*12 Dec. 77 12 Dec. S3 12 Dec. 8
Elphinstone Shaw, Lt.Col. Madras S. C... 12 Dec. 57 ti July 59 12 Dec. 69 12 Dec. 77J12
Dec. 83 12 Dec. 8
Ales. Fairlie Dobbs, Lt.Col. Madras S. C, 2 Dec. 57 II Oct. 59 12 Dec. 69 12 Dec. 77 12 Dec. 83 12 Dec. 8
George Chi-ystie, Lt.Col. Madras Staff C. 2 Dec. 57 I Feb. 60 12 Dec. 69 12 Dec. 77I12 Dec. 83 12 Dec. 8
Albert Eras! Orchard, Xi.CoZ. Madras S. C. 2 Dec. 57 I Oct. 61 12 Dec. 69'i2 Dec. 77.12 Dec. 83 12 Dec. 8
p.s.c. Arthur L'E. H. Holmes, Lt.Col.
6 Nov. 60' 15 Dec. 69 15 Dec. 77'i5 Dec 5 Dec. 8
Bengal Staff Corps
Horace R. Spearman, Lt.Col. Bengal S.C. i8 Dec. 57 25 Apr. 60J18 Dec. 69 18 Dec. 77118 Dec.
83 i» Dec.
18 uec. 8b
Jas. D. Macpherson, Lt.Col. Bengal S. C. 19 Dec. 57]ii Aug. 59,19 Dec. 69 19 Dec. 77I19 Dec. 83 19 Dec. S
Arthur Peel, Lt.Col. ^ Hussars 8 June 61 19 Nov. 63 21 Aug. 69I i July 8i; 19 Dec. 83 19 Dec. 8
Herbert Bruce Jacob, Lt.Col. Bombay S.C. 20 Dec. 57 13 Dec. 58J2oDec. 69 20 Dec. 77 20 Dec. 83 20 Dec. 8
Henry Fludyer, Major, Scots Guards 29 66,21 Aug. 69 May [19 Dec. 77 21 Dec. 8
Wm. Eliott Lockhart, Lt.Col. R. Artillery 2 June 58 27 Aug. 58 i Sept. 69 29 Jan. 77] i Jan. 84 i Jan
George Bean Macdonell, X^.CoZ. R. Art..., 2 June 58 27 Aug. 58 12 Sept. 69 29 Jan. 77 i Jan. 8a i Jan
Dpp 57
Philip Henry Greig, Lt.Col. R. Artillery.., 12o Dec. 27 Aug.
CI 0.7 Alio- 58 o^ Nov. 66 28
cR 24 ^R Wph
Feb. 1-: [ Jan. : Jan.
Willoughby Hamond Sandham, Lt.Col. \
.2 Deo. 57 27 Aug. 58 6 Dec. 66 24 Aug. 77 I Jan. 84
Royal Artillery )

Thomas Jas. Cotton, Lt.Col. Madras S. C, 9 Sept. 59 Jan. 70 4 Jan 4 Jan. 84 4 Jan.
Francis Middlecoat, Lt.Col. Madras S. C. 2 July 60 Jan. 70 4 Jan. 4 Jan. 84 1
4 Jan.
Edward MacDonald Stevenson, i^.Coi.
4 Jan. 58 12 Sept. 60 4 Jan. 70 1 Jan. 4 Jan. 84! 4
Madras Staff Corps J

Charles J. S. Cahill, Lt.Col. Bombay S.C ) Jan. 58 21 Feb. S9 :o Jan. 70 20 Jan. 20 Jan. 84 20 Jan.
Horace Ricardo, Major, Grenadier Guards 17 Apr. 69 17 May . 24 May 79 2Q Jan.
James Anthony Corballis, Lt. Col. h.p. ) June May
Dublin Fusiliers 2 Apr. 62 2 1 Mar. 65 3 J 29 Jan. 84 29 Jan. 21 88
Chas. Jones Lucius 'EiW, Lt.Col. West)
India Regt \
[6 May 62 : Aug. 64 8 Apr. 74 [ July i 29 Jan. 84 29 Jan. 88
John Graham M'Rae, Lt.Col. Bombay S.C. 2 Feb. 58 30 Apr. 60 2 Feb. 70 2 Feb. 70
xeo. 78 Feb.
rcu. 84
::;04 2 Feb.
Robert Atkins, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff Corps 4 Feb. 58 7 June 58, 4 Feb. 70 4 Feb. 78 4 Feb. 84 4 Feb. 88
Jas. Richard Marett, Lt.Col. Bengal S. C, 4 Feb. 58 ,5 Dec. j«| T ,- , Feb. 78 4 Feb. 84 4 Feb. 88
Edmund Austin, Lt.Col. Madras S. C [2 Feb. 58 5 July 60 10 Jan. 69 2 Feb. 78 12 Feb. 84 12 Feb
Charles James T. Whitlock, Lt. Col. \
Madras Staff Corps JO Feb. 58 Mar. 60 20 Feb. 70 :o Feb. 78 20 Feb. 84 20 Feb. 88
John Biddulph, Lt. Col. Bengal Staff Corps 20 Jan. 58 18 May 58 20 Jan. 70 8 Dec. 77 24 Feb. 84 24 Feb
Henry Marsh Sept. Magrath, Lt. Col. Mar. 70 4 Mar. 78
Madras Staff Corps
4 Mar. 58 I Feb. 59 4 4 Mar. 84 4 Mar. 88
Geo. Bruce Simpson, i?. CoZ. Bombay S.C, [I Mar. 58 25 Aug. 58 II Mar. 70 II Mar. 78 II Mar. 84 n Mar.
Edwin Glass Fenn, Lt.Col. West Riding
Regt. (76 P.)
[6 Sept.59 II Feb. 62 17 Mar. 69 I July 81 15 Mar. 84 IS Mar.

Napier George Sturt, Lt.Col. R. Eng I Oct. 57 22 Jan. 68 I Oct. 77 19 Mar. 84 19 Mar.
Robert W.W. PoUett, 3Iajor, Coldstream )
Feb. 69
21 July 66 £7 29 Sept. 77 26 Mar.
Guards J

Charles Kyrle Chatfield, Lt.Col. York-

shii-e Light Infantry (51 Foot)
2 Nov. 55 15 June 58 13 Oct. 64 1 Oct. 77 26 Mar. 84 26 Mar.
p.s.c. Henry Manvers Moorsom, Lt.Col.
Oct Feb.
7 Sept. 7 Feb. 78 30 Mar.
, 19
R. Artillery I"

Wm. Reeves Bunbury, Lt.Col. Bengal S.C. 31 Mar. 58 17 Mar. 63'3i Mar. 70 31 Mar. 78 31 Mar. 84 31 Mar.
p.s.c.Edw. Vicars Boyle, Lt.Col. R. Art..., 18 Oct. 56 2 Feb. 68 i Apr. 77 i :Apr
Apr. 84 i Apr.
Donald George Anderson, i^Co^.North- ')

amptonshire Regt. (58 Foot) 9 Dec. 60 24 July 63 16 Oct. 66 4 Mar. 80 : Apr. Apr.
Arch. D. Campbell, Lt.Col. Bengal S. C, Apr. 58 31 Oct. 60 4 Apr. 70 4 Apr. 78 4 Apr. S4 Apr. 4
Jas. W. A. Michell. i^ Co?. Bengal S. C... i
Apr. 58,pj Jan. „.
25 „.»„. .f Apr. 70 4 Apr. 78 4 Apr. 84I
4 Apr.
Horatio H. Kitchener, CMG. Capt. R.Eng. 4 Jan. 71 4 Jan. 85 3 Oct. 84 15 Juiie85 II Apr.
Henry C. G. Dugdale, Lt.Col. Rifle Brig.. 5 June 55 1 I Sept. 57 10 Nov. 65 I May 78
I 2 Apr. 84:12 Apr.
William White, £«. CW. 15 Hussars II Jan. 67; I Ajir. 68 13 May 74 I July 19 Apr. 84! 29 Apr.
Thomas Turner, Lt. Cul. Scottish Rifles >
May Mnj
iS Dec. 55 '28 Jan 59 3 Jan. 65 I Oct. 77 3 84 3
(26 Foot) S
Thomas Pilkington White, Lt.Col. R.Eng. I Oct. May ^^
57 22 Feb. 68 i Oct. 771 j i-j....) 84 3 May
Charles D. A. Straker, Lt.Col. R. Art June 5 10 Dec. 58 I Jan. 70 24 May 77; 7 May 84 7 May

Chas. J. O'N. Ferguson, i^. Co/. R. Eng..., I Oct. 57: 4 Mar. 681 i Oct. 77 lo May 84 10 May
Edmund Antrobus, Major, Grenadier Gds, iS Feb. 69 17 May 71 24 May 79 11 May
Thos. J. C. A. Studdy, Lt.Col. R. Art Dec. s 27 Aug. 58, 2 Jan. 68I27 Nov. 78 11 May 84 II May

George Herljert Holland, Lt.Col. R. Eng... I Out. 57' 4 Mar. 68' i Oct. 77!2i May 84 21 Maj-
Francis T. Lloyd, CM. Lt.Col. R. Art I Oct. .;ti2S Miiy 70 24 Nov.
May 84 21 May
Edm. L. Eraser, J/a/o)-, King's R. Rifles... '-3 June 63 -- Aug. 66] I Apr. 74 Apr. 8o!2i May 84 "
21 May
Edmund Hunt Holley, Lt.Col. R. Art 19 June 60 23 Nov. 72 Mar. 81121 May 21 May
James FitzEustace Forster.^^^^ Major, \ rg
h.p. Duke of Cornwall's Light Inf. ... j
Dec. 62 4 Sept.66 16 Sept. 68 I July 81 May 84 21 May [ io Nov. SS

Geo. H. T. Colwell, CB. Lt.Col. R. Marines II Aug. 58 o Apr. 60 14 Nov. 72 I July 81 May 84 21 May [

Alex. Ferrier Kidttun, Lt.Col. Black)

Watch (73 Foot) 9 Nov. 58 2 Dec. 62 12 Feb. 73 I July 81 May 84 21 May [

Reginald Wm. Dalgety, Major, York )
Lancaster Regt. (65 Foot) 8 June 67 8 Aug 12 July 74 I July 81 May 84 2: May t

Hugh Sutlej Gough, CMO. Major, 10 Hus May 68 28 Oct. 71 ,'23 June 75 .3 Sept. 8' May 84 '21 May 88
Elliott Wood, CB. Major, R. Engineers .. 64'3oSept.
[5 Jan. 0430
15 oepi. 77 10 Nov. 82
[8 inov. 8: -- May 84 21 May 88 —
Killingworth R. Todd, Major, R. Eng. .. 24 June 63I 6 June 77I24 June 8, 21 May 84 '21 May 88
Wm. Freeman Kelly, Major, Sussex Regt, 28 Oct. 71 24 Jan. Sol 5 Mar. 8 May 84 '21 May 88 [

Andrew Gilbert Wauchope,C'3fCf.3fa;or,

Black Watch (42 Foot) 23 June 67 4 Sept.78 i4Mar. 84 May 84^21 May 88 ;

Wm. D. Welch, Col. Sec. Com, R. Mar. Art 20 Sept.59 3 Aug. 67 2 Oct. 79 24 June 85 21 May 88
John H. Blackley, Lt.Col. R. Artillery IS May 57 22 Aug. 68 30 May 77 30 May 84 30 May 88 1

Robt. C. Drysdale, Lt.Col. R. Artillery ... 15 May 57 22 Aug. 68 30 May 77 30 May 84|3oMa,y 881 1

Mildmay W. Willsou, CB. Major, Scots )

3 Aug. 66 3 Sept. 7c' Doc. 7S' I June 88
Guards S I
I)) 1) 1 11


Wm. Livcsay,"7 Lt. Col. h.p. Oxford. Lt. I

Infantry (43 F.) Commandant of Dis- [ 26 Oct. 55 3 Apr. 57

30 Apr. 64 19 June 76,19 June 83 i June 88 ig June S3
charge Depot, Fort Brockhurst, Oosport)
Wm. F. Vetch, Lt.Col. Dublin Fus. (102 P.) S Mar. 64' i July 69 22 May 75 i8 June 81' 7 June 84' 7 June 8j
Jas. Smyth, Xf.Co?. Lancashire Fus. (20 P.) 2 July 58 13 Dec. 59 24 Mar. 69 9 June 80! g June 84 9 June 88,
Rich. Wan-en Stewart, i/. Co/. R. Eng i Oct. 57 1

17 Mar. 68 i Oct. 77!ii Jure 84 n JinieSS'

Kenneth J.L.Mackenzie, i<. Co/. Mad. S.C. ti June 58 27 Aug. 58 i: June 70 II June 78 I June 84,11
r June88|
Jas. Wm. Macdougall, Lt.Col. Madr. S. C. 11 June 58 27 Aug. 58 II Junejolii June 78 n June 84 n JuneS8|
Chris, Chas. Pemberton,i/.Co/. Bomb.S.C. ii June 58 27 Aug. 58 II June7o[ii June 78 n June 84 n JuneSil
Montagu Clementi, Lt.Col. Beugal S. C... 11 June =8 22 Oct. 58 11 June 70H June 78' 11 June 84 n June 88
John Lannoy Tweedie, DSO. Lt. Col. t i ^ ^t 1

West Kent Regt. (50 Foot) [ ^ ^^^y 6°| 4 Nov. 64


2 Jan. 69 9 Sept. 70I11 June 84 " June88|

Edw. Kobt. Conolly, Lt.Col. Bengal S. C. 12 June 58'27 Aug. 58 12 June 70 12 June 781 12 June 84' 12 June
Clarence Hy. Palmer, Lt.Col. Bengal S.C. 12 June 58 -57 Auc 58 12 June 70 12 June 78; 12 June 84 12 June
Geo. Herbert Trevor, Lt.Col. Mndras S.C. 12 June 58 27 Au^ 58 12 June 70 12 June 7SJ 12 June 84 12 June
Mathew Morton Bowie, IJ.Vul. Madr. June 58 -7 Aug. 58 12 June 70 12 June 78,12 June 84,12 June
Montagu M.Carpeudale.A/. Co/. Bomb. S.C.!i2 June 58^ 2 June 12 June 70' 12 June jsl 12 June S^' 12 June 88
Henry Chas. Morse, Lt.Col. Bombay S. O.j 12 June 58 i Oct. 59 12 June 70 12 June 78' 12 June 84 12 June 88
David T. Hatchell, Lt.Col. Madras S. (J.... 12 June58li9 July 60 12 June 70] 12 June 78,12 June 84 12 June
Chas. Henry Coles, Lt.Col. Bombay S. C. 12 June 5830 Aug. 6- 12 June 70 12 June 781 12 Juno 84 12 June
Wm.Gwynne Hughes, Xf. Co/. Madras S.C. 12 June 58 '25 Dec." 60 !
12 June 70 x2 June 78 12 June 84 12 June
Arthur T. Woodhouse, Lt.Col. Madras S.C.! 12 June 58, "> Sept 61 12 June 70 12 June 78 i-' June 84; 12 June
Alex. Sinclair lirove, DSO. Lt.Col.] '

£2 June 58 I Oct. 12 June 70I12 June June 84 12 June

Madras Staff Corps J
78 J 2
Chas. John Watson, Lt.Col. Madras S. C. 12 June 5S 1 Jan. 62 12 June 70 12 Juno 7S u .rinio84'i2 June
Fred. Wm. M. Spring, Lt.Col. R. Art 11 Dec. 5: I July 70 31 Dec. - i
.lull' ,4 18 June
Chas. A. Cuningham,X//. Co/. Bombay S.C. 20 June 5S 26 July 6 20 June 70 20 .liiiir ; :( 20
, ,
.i II
Richard M. Clifford, Lt.Col. Bengal S. C. 25 June 58 22 Oct. 58 25 June 70 25 Juiir / ,1 ii:n •,
,;:,| 25 . June
Geo. Roynell Gibbs, Lt.Col. Bengal S.C... 25 June 58 18 Mar. 60 25 June 70 '.5 Juuo 70 .ij .Juuu 04,25
25 June
Thos. Hy. B. Young, Lt.Col. Madras S. C. 25 June 58 24 Mar. 61 25 June 70 25 June June 25 Juno
:S 78
ySr-'-.s 84
Albert Edw. H. Smyth, Lt.Col. East)
12 June 60 3 Oct. 62 2 June 59 May 79'3o June 84130 June
York.>*hire Regt. (15 Foot) j 7
Henry de S. Isaacson, Lt.Col. R. Art 23 June 10 Nov. 68 I July 77 I 1 July 84 i 1
Benj. Watson Blake, Lt.Col. 20 Hussars 16 Oct. 66 17 Jan. 70 13 Sept.74 I July 84I 2 July 88
July 811 2
Henry H. H. Hallett, Lt.Col. Madras S. C. 4 July 58 2 Jan. 60 4 July 70 4 July 78! 4 July 841 4 July 88
Wm. Henry Hoskins.i/. Co/. Madras S.C. 20 July 58 31 July 60 20 July 70 20 July 78 20 July 84j2o July 88
Robt. Alex. Crawford,29s Lt.Col. h.p.
Durham Lt. Infantry 20 Feb. 58 12 June 60
10 May 7 I July 81 28 July 84^28 July 88 igOct. SB
Wm. Brereton Birch, Lt.Col. Bengal S. C. 30 July 58 30 July 70 30 July 78 13° July 84 30 July
John Hudleston, Lt.Col. Madras S. C 4 Aug. 58 I July 59 4 Aug. 70 4 Aug. Aug. 4 4 Aug.
78 84!
Wilfred Tolson,i«.Co/.Susses Regt. (35 F.) 6 Jan. 60 20 Feb.
63 25 Oct. 75 1 July 81 6 Aug. '

84! 6 Aug.
George Young, Lt. Col. Bengal Staff C. ... 20 Aug. 58 22 Apr. 60 20 Aug. 70 20 Aug. 78^20 Aug. 84^20 Aug.
Michael A. Rowlandson, Lt.Col. Madras )
Staff Corps 2o Aug. 58 17 June 60 Aug. 70 ro Aug. •
Aug. 84 20 Aug.
''has. M. Stockley, Lt.Col. Norfolk Regt. 4 Jan. 62 10 Sopt.64 22 July 71 2 Mar. 20 Aug. Aug.!
Fred. Geo. Jackson, Lt.Col. Scots Fas. 30 Mar. 58 6 May 59 12 Sept 65 II Oct. Aug.
. .
!5 84'2s Aug.
George Arthur Lee, Lt.Col. Durham L-.
16 May 62 26 Jan 66

Inlantry (106 Foot) 5 Mar. 71 I July 8 >7 Aug. 84:27 Aug.

James Ord Goldie, Lt.Col. Madras S. 0... 4 Sept. 58 I Jan. 60 4 Sept. 70 4 Sept.7S 4 Sept. 84} 4 Sept.
John Arch. Murray, Lt.Col. West Kent)
II Feb. 62' 5 June 66 3 Sept. 70
Regt. (97 Foot) .'. )" July 8i 9 Sept. 84 1
9 Sept.88
Dudley North, Lt.Col. North Lancashire I

Regt.(Si Foot) ;
[o Sept.. |

15 Oct. 61 5 June 66j i Apr. 74' 10 Sept 84'io Sept.8S

Robert Hamilton Vetch, Lt.Col. R. Eng,. Deo. 57 30 July 69!t6Peb. 78! 14 Sept. 84^4 Sept.88
Charles Robert Rowley, iLiJor, Grena- J23
dier Guards '19 May 69 9Sept.7i! 7 June 79'i7 Sept.88
3 I

Adolphus Vallings, i/. Co/. Bengal S.C. 20 Sept 58 24 May 59 20 Sept.7o]2o Sept.78'20 Sept. 84, 20 Sept.8S

Stephen E. Atkinson, i/. Co/. Madras S.C, 20 Sept.58 15 Aug. 61 20 Sept. 70I20 Sept.78'20 Sept.34|2o Sept.oB
George Duncan Wahab, Lt.Col. Lanca-
shire Fusiliers (20 Foot) 28 Jan. 59 30 Nov. 60 5 Jan. 70 r July Si 24 Sept. 84 24 Sept.88
p.s.c. Henry Fane Grant, CB. Lt.Col. 7 ., 1 1

Dragoon Guards =3 Dec. 68 Dec. 69 10 Jan

j' .Inly Si 24 Sept. 84 24 Sept.S
Osmond F. Le Mottee,
Lt.Col. R. Art Oct. 57 .30 Oct. 69 Oct. Oct. 84' I Oct. 8
77 I
I'ati-ick FitzGerald Gallvvey,^^^ Lt.Col. 1

h.p. Royal Artillery Oct. 15 Nov. ( Oct. 77 I Oct. 84' I Oct. 8 7 Aug.

'harlcs Heary Fairfax Ellis, Lt.Col.]

(from h.p. K. Art,), Member of Ord-\-
' Cnntmittes
i Oct. H Nov. ( Oct. 77 1 Oct. Ojt. 83 7 Aug.
Simoon Noble, £/.Co/. Bengals. C. 4 Oct. 58 6 Mar. 59 4 Oct. 70! 4 Oct. 4 Oct. 88
78 4 Oct.

I'ldK K.Mouey.i/. Co/. Bengal S.C. Oct. 58 21 Deo. 60 9 Oct. 70' 9 Oct. 78 9 Oct. 84 9 Oct. 88l
. lii'-inald Laurence H. Curteis,
Jan. ^ ,, ,

ol. Bedfordshire Regt. (16 Foot)... / 5 60 22 Mar. 64 14 Sept. 67 10 Oct. 79 10 Oct. 84 10 Oct. 88!
John Chadwick Doveton,i-/.Co/. Mad.S.C. 20 Oct. 58 i Oct 20 Oct. 70 20 Oct. 7820 Oct. 8t2oOct. 881
iLV'iiiiild Pole-Carew, CiJ. J£cyor, Cold- '


^^troiim Guards J"

14 Aug. 72 4 July 83^25 I
Oct. 8S
'Idward NicoUs Peters, i/. Co/. R.Eng I23 Dec. 20 Oct. 69 17 Apr. 78' 3 Nov. 84' 3 Nov. 88
Vm. Jackson Parker, Lt.Col. Bengal S. 0. 4 Nov. 58 26 Aug. 57 60 4 Nov. 70: 4 Nov. 76 Nov. 88,
4 Nov. 84 4
;iLorge V. C. Napier, Lt.Col. i Drag. Gds. 22 Sept.63
9 Aug. 64 17 Nov. 69 I July 81 4 Nov. S4 4 Nov. 88
>me.s L. N. Willis, Lt.Col. Bengal S. C... 13 Nov. 58 June 6 13 Nov. n 70 13 Nov. 78 13 Nov. 84 13 Nov. 88
jamuel Bradburnc, Lt.Col. Leicester"; ,, ->, „

Hc-t. (17 Foot) ^9 Mar. 55 23 Mar. 58 15 May 63 I Oct. 77 15 Nov. 84 15 Nov.

S 88J
as. U'm. S. Butler, Lt.Col. Madras S C...|2o Nov. 58 26 Apr. 6 20 Nov. 70 20 Nov. 78 20 Nov. 8420 Nov. 88j
AllredHenry Cormick Lvnch, Lt.Col.} „ ,, , '

r. ^.r
Highland Light Infantry (74 Foot) ...ST ^^ * 21 Aug. 69 I July 81 22 Nov. 22 Nov. 88

lopton Scott Stewart, i/.r,,/. Madras S.C.I 4 Dec. 58 i Oct. 6 Dec.
4 Dec. 70! 4 Dec. 78' 4 Dec. 84' 4 88:
"ugh 1. E. Ford, L/.Col. R. Art 12 Dec. 57 27 Aug. 58 25 May 68; 14 Dec. 78 8 Dec. 84 8 Dec. S8
ohu Harvey Annand, Lt.Col. R. Art [2 Dec. 57 27 Aug 13 Oct. 68;3oDec. 8 Dec. 8 Dec. 88
78: 84
uniel Vincent Shortland, Lt.Col. R. Arc. In Dec. 58 20 June 71 I Oct. 10 Dec. 88
77, 10 Dec. 84
/alter Ernest Forbes, Lt.Col. Bengal S.C 10 Dec. 58 10 Dec. 70 10 Dec. 10 Dec.
78 10 Dec. 84 88!
amuel S. Jacob, Lt.Col. Bombay S. C... lo Dee. 58 10 Dec. 7o|ioDco. 10 Dec. 10 Dec.
78, 84 88;
ras. Ward Major, Lt.Col. Bombay S. C. 10 Dec. 58 10 Dec. 70,10 Dec. Dec.
78 10 Dec. 84 10 88
i'llliam Barron, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff C... In Dec. 58 11 Dec. 70 II Dec. 78 ii Dec. 84 n Dee. 88
I'm. James W. Muir, Lt.Col. Bengal S. C, II Dec. 58 Dec. 7oln Dec. 78 11 Dec. 8| n -Deo. 88
lias. WiUis Godfrey, Lt.Col. Bombay S.C. II Dec. s8 Dec. 70 It Dec. 78 n Dec. 84 n Dee. 83
42 Col 0)1 eh.
CUK-N ti,
and LIEUT.
Clayton Turner Lane, Lt.Col. Bengal S.C,
Wm. Saurin Brooke, Lt.Col. Bengal S.C.
Robert Bullock, Lt.Col. Madras Staff C...
Edm. S. Lncllow, CIS. if.CoZ.Madras S.C
Henry L. Nutt, if. Co?. Bombay Staff C...
Albert W. Foord, Lt. Col. Madras Staff C.
Henry A. Hammond, Lt.Col. Madras S.O
Charles J. B. Harris, Lt.Col. Madi-as S.C.
Thomas ArnoU Davis, Lt.Col. R. Art
George John Hamilton, if. Co?. Scottish)
Riaes (go Foot) [
Hon. Heneage Legge, Lt.Col. 9 Lancers..
Thos. G. Crawley, Lt.Col. Liverpool Regt
John Henry Crowdy, Lt.Col. R. Eng
Honorius Sisson Sit well, Lt.Col. R. Eng.
Charles Lacon Harvey, Lt.Col.)
Wiltshire Regt. (99 Foot) f
Thomas Braddell, i#. Co?. Leicestershire |

Regt. (17 Foot) i

Wui- Services of the Colonels. 45
Colonel R. M. Rogers served with the 44th Regiment in the Crimea from the 27th Aug. 1S55, inchidingthe siege

and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp for Sobastopol, and Turkish Medal) Served also in the China campii ign in

i860, including the action of Sinho, and was severely wounded at the storming of the Taku Forts (mentioned in
despatches, promoted Captain unattached, Victoria Cross, and Medal with Clasp) together with Private John

M'Dougall, 44 Foot, and Lieut. B. H. Lenon, 67 Foot, he was awarded the V<C for distinguished gallantrj' in swim-
ming the ditches and entering the North Taku Fort (China, 14th Augnst i860) by an embrasure during the assault.
They were the first of the English established on the walls of the fort, which they entered in the order in which
their names are here recorded, each one being assisted by the others to mount the embi-asuro." Comranndod the
yoth Light Infantry throughout the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the engagements :ir Zn.i.ri,, Nek,
Kambula, and Ulundi (twice mentioned in despatches. Brevets of Lt.Colonel and Colonel, Mel i' " lO. ' '

-" Colonel Lord \Vm. F. E. Seymour served as a Midshipman with the Baltic Fleet in 1854 1 1
with I

the 2nd Battalion Coldstream Guards in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the e:i^ ,11
_ I'cl-el-
- -

Mahnta, and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, 3rd Class of the Osmanieh, and Kuv-ln t .>i„u ). .,

-' Colonel B. L. Forster served as Aide de Camp to Major General Pratt during the New Zealand war of 1860-61,

(mentioned iu despatches. Brevet of Major, and Medal).

-' Sir Baker Creed Russell was at Meerut with the Carabineers at the outbreak of the Sepoy mutiny, and at

Kurnaul when Colonel Gerrard was killed was afterwards present with Seaton's Moveable Column at the battle

of Gungaree, where— his three senior officers being killed he commanded the Squadron of his Regt., and
a Detachment of the 9th Lancers again, on the 1 7th Dec. 1857, he commanded the Cavalry in the action of Putteali,

whore over 700 Sepoys were killed,— " To Lieut. Russell," writes Sir Thomas Seaton in his despatch, "who-
commanded the Cavalry, as well as to his brave companions in arms, my thanks are specially due. forthcir gallantry
in action and vigour in pursuit." Ho commanded the Cavalry also at Mynpooree, where 250 of the rebels were
killed, and was with his Regiment when General Penny was killed and Bareilly taken; present at the relief of
Bareilly. relief of Shahjehanpore, capture of the Fort of Remai and pursuit with destruction of the Fort of
Mahuudee, action of Biinkagaon, operations in Oude and actions of Mohudipore and Russoolijore, attack and
capture ot Fore Mitoulee, actions of AUigunge and Biswa also served with the Agra Field Force under Brigadier

Showers in Central India in pursuit of Tantia Topee (Medal with Clasp). Accompanied Sir Garnet Wolseley to-
the Gold Coast in September 1S73 on special service. Organized the natives forming " Russell's Regiment," and
commanded throughout the Ashanti war of 1873-74. During the repulse of the Ashanti Army at Abrakrampa
on the 5th and 6th November he commanded the defending forces. His regiment with Lord GifFord's Scouts
formed the Advanced Guard of the Army from the River Prah to the north side of the Adansi Hills. Commanded
the regiment, now forming part of the augmented Advanced Guard under Colonel M'Leod, at the attack and
capture of Aduijiassie, battle of Amoaful, attack and capture of Becquah, Advanced Guard engagement or
Jarbinbah, skirmishes and ambuscade affairs between Adwaiiin and the River Ordah. battle of Ordahsu and
capture of Coomassie (several times mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lt. Colonel, CB., Medal with Clasp).
Accompanied Sir Garnet Wolseley to S mth AtVic:i in 1879, and commanded the forces in the operations against
Sekukuni resulting in the storming of the sfr-iM-_'hold and subjugation of the tribe (mentioned in despatches
i'ClfG., Aide de Camp to the Queen, :Me(hil with clasp). Served in the Egyptian war of 18S2, first as Assistant
Adjutant General for Cavalry, and at'terwanls iu command of a brigade of Cavalry, and was present at the
engagements of El Magfar and Tel-el-Muhuta, the two actions at Kassassin, the battle of Tel-el-Kebir and the
capture of Cairo (mentioned in despatches. A' Ci., Medal with Clasp, 2nd Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's
Colonel W. L. Pemberton served with the 60th Rifles in India during the mutiny, and was severely woundea,
with loss of two fingers of I eft hand, at Cawnpore on the 27th Nov. 1857 (Medal). Served in the Zulu war of 1876
and commanded one of the two divisions of the column raised for thcrelief of Ekowe, and was present at the action
of Gingindhlovu and relief of Ekowe (CB., Medal with Clasp).
Colonel J. C. Le Quesne served with the 12th Lancers in India duringthe mutiny (Medal).
" Colonel T. Rowland served with the ist Royals in the Crimea from the 29th Aug. 1855, and was present at the
siege and fall of Sebastopol, including the assault of the Redan on the Sth September (Medal with Clasp, and
Turkish Medal). Served in the Afghan war of 187S-80 in command of the ist Battalion of the 5th Foot, and was-
present at the operations in Besud and with the Kama Expedition (mentioned in despatches, CB., and Medal).
•J Colonel
A. Lambton served at the siege and fall of Sebastopol from nth Dec. 1854, ^^^ the assaults of the i8th
June and Sth September (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp, 5th Class of the Mejidie, and Turkish Medal)..
Served with the 2nd Battallion Coldstream Guards in the Egyptian war of 18S2, and was present in the engagement
at Tel-el-Mahuta and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of the Osmanieh, and Khedive's
Stan. Served in the expedition to the Soudan in 1885 in command of the ist Battalion Coldstream Guards, and was.
present in the engagement at Hasheen, at the action near Tofrek on the 24th March, when he was in command, and
at the destruction of Temai; was appointed Commandant at Otao (mentioned in despatches, CB., and Clasj)).
3' Colonel C. R. H. Nicholl
served with the Rifle Brigade the siege of Sebastopol in 1855 (Medal with Clasp, and
Tui-kish Medal). Also with the 2nd Battalion during the whole of its service in the suppression of the Indian
mutiny, including the actions at Ca^vnpo^e, capture of Lucknow, and numerous aflfairs during the Oude campaign
(Meda! with Clasp). Embarked for the Gold Coast with the 2nd Battalion Rifle Brigade, and served throughout
the second phase of the Ashanti war, in 1874, including the battle of Amoaful, advanced guard skirmishes and
ambuscade affairs between Adwabin and the river Ordah, battle of Ordahsu and capture of Coomassio (Brevet of
Lt. Colonel, Medal with Clasp). ^ .,
Colonel H. B. H. Blundell served in the Eastern campaign in 1855-56 after the fall of Sebastopol. Served with
the Nile Expedition in 1S84-85 as Inspecting Officer of the Lines of Communication and afterwards as Commandant
at Doncrola (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). .

»' Colonel W. H. Ralston

served with the 70th Regiment in the New Zealand war of 1B63-65, and was present
at Katikara and Rangiawhia, and commanded the Exijeditioa landed at White Cliffs (received the thanks of the
MajorGeneral Comm-inding, Medal). Served with the 70th Regiment in the Afghan war in 1878-79 (mentioned m
despatches. Medal). Served in the Soudan camjiaign in 1S85 (mentioned in despatches, CB., and Medal with Clasp).
^ Lord R. D. Kerr served in the Afghan war in 1878-79, and was present at the engagement at Futtehabad in
command of the loth Hussars (mentioned in despatches, CB., and Medal).
Colonel H. B. Feilden served with the sSth Regiment in the Eastern campaign of 1S54, and up to July 1855,

includhig the battle of Alma and siege of Sebastopol wounded (Medal with two Clasps, and Turkish Medal).
^ Major General Hon. R. H. de Montmorencv served with the 33rd Regiment in the Crimea in 1855, including the
siege and faU of Sebastopol and attack of the Redan on the Sth Sept. (Medal with Clasp, Sardinian and Turkish
Medals). Commanded a Detachment of the 33rd against the rebels, and after the death of the senior Oifioer
conimandea the Dohud Field Force in suppressing the insurgent Bheels in the Rewa Kanca, Guzerat. Served
with a Wing of the Regiment at the siege and occupation of Dwar'ka, Okamundel. Served in the Abyssinian
carajinignor 1867-68 (Medal).
*" Colonel
W. Arbuthnot served with the Rifle Brigade in the Indian campaign in 1857-58, including the siege
and capture of Lucknow and some of the minor affairs of the campaign (Medal with Clasp). Served in the
Abyssinian campaign as Aide de Camp and Assistant Military Secretary to Lord Napier, and was present at
the capture of Magdala (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, and Medal). Served in the Boer war of 1881 in
command ofthe 14th Hussars. Served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 as Commandant of the Base and subse-
quently as Deputy Adjutant General to the Suakin Field Force, and was present in the engagements at Hasheen
and Temai (mentioned in despatches, CB., Medal with Clasp). , , „ -
" Colonel W. K. Elles served with the 38th Regt. in theCrimea in 1854-55, including the siege and fall ot
Sebastopol, the attack and occupation ofthe Cemetery on the i8th June (Medal with Clasp, Knight of the Legion
of Honor, and Turkish Medal). Served in the Indian campaign from Nov. 1857, including the battle of Cawnpore
and defeat of the Gwalior Contingent on 6th Deo. 1857, capture of Meeangunge, siege and capture of Lucknow,
affairs of B.irree and Nuggur (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Hazara campaign of i868 and accompanied the
expedition to the Black Mountain under Major General Wdde as Deputy Assistant Adjutant General (Medal with
*- Colonel G.W. Knox commanded the
ist Battalion Soots Guards in the Egyptian w,ar of 1882, and was present
44 M~ar Sci-vicca of iJie Culoiicld.
at the battle of Tcl-el-Kcbir (mcntioued iu despatches, C5., iledal with Clasp, srd Class of the iledjidie, and
Khedive's Star).
" Colonel Hon. P. S. Jlethuen ferved iu the second phase of the Ashanti war from thi? 17th Dec. 1874, and was
present at the battle of Amoaful (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882 as Assistant Adjutant
and Quarter Master General and Commandant at Head Quarters, and was present at the engagcnients of Tel-el-
Mahuta and Kassasin (9th Sept.), and in the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches, C}i., Medal with
Clasp, 3rd Class of the Osmanich, and Khedive's Star), Served with the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir
Charles Warren in 1884-85 in command of llethuen's Horse (mentioned in despatches, CMG.).
" Colonel O. H. A. Nicolls served in the Crimean campaign of 1854 till October of that year. Se-vel also the
campaign of 1855 from September, including the siege and fall of Sebastonol (Meial with Clasp, and Tarbish
Medal). Was iu command of ths R)yal Artillery throughout the operations in Pei-i.k in 1875-77 unler Major
General the Hon. Sir F. Colborne, including the advanca on aad capture of Kiuta in Djce:uber 187, (Brevet o;'
Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp).
*» Colonel K. A. Stuart served at the siege of Sebastopol from 22nd April until severely wounded oi 7th June

I S55 (Medal with Clasp, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Served the campaign of iS5o in China,
including the taking of Sinho and Tangku, occupation of Tientsin, and surrender of Pekin (Medal witli tw.) Claspsl.
*^ Colonel P. A. A. Twynam served in the Egj-ptian war of 1882 as Assistant Adjutant and Quarter Master General
2nd Division, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches, CB., Medal with Clasp, 3rd
Class of the Osmanieh, and Khedive's Star).
Colonel J. S. Hand served with the 82nd Regiment in the Crimea from the 2nd Sept. 1855, inoluling the siege
and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served also in the N.AV. Provinces in India. In
tsuppressing the mutiny in 1857-58, including the relief of Luckcow by Lord Clyde, defence of Cawapore and
defeat of the Gwalior Contingent, action of Kala Nuddee, and occupation of Futtehghur; served with the Ro.yal
Artillery at the action of Khankur during the Rohilciind campaign (mentioned in despatches), defence of the Jail
of Shahjehanpore, affairs of Mahomdee and Shahabad, and action of Bunkagaon (Medal with Clasp). Served with
the ist Sikh Cavalry in command of a Squadron throughout the campaign in China in i860, including the action
of Sinho, capture of Tangku, capture of the Takoo Forts, actions at Chunkiawhan and Tongchow, destruction of
the Emperor's Palace, and surrender of Pekin (Medal with two Clasps). Served throughout the Abyssinian cam-
paign in 1868 on the Head Quarters StaiT as Director to the Highland Transport Train, and was present at the
storming and capture of Magdala (twice thanked by Lord Napier, mentioned in despatch' s, Brevet of Major, and
*s ColonelJ. E. D. Hill served with the g7th
Regt. in the Crimea from the 29th .Tuly 1855, including the siege
and fall of Sebastopol, and was one of the lieutenants of the ladder party at the attack o f the Redan on 8th Sept. on ,

which occasion he was wounded in the left hip, and mentioned in despatches for "distinguished conduct" (Medal
with ClasD, and Turkish Medal).
*^ Colonel F. L. Edridge served with the 20th Regiment in the Crimea in
1855, including the siege of Sebastopol
and capture of Kinbourn (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Also in the Indian campaign from August
1858, including the Trans Gogra operations under Lord Clyde (Medal).
5" Colonel G. H. Parker served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 in command of the 92nd Highlanders, and was
present in the engagement at Charasiab on the 6th October 1879 (mentioned in despatches) and subsequent pursuit
of the Afghans, in theoperations round Cabul in December 1879 including the storming of theAsmai Heights (men-
tioned in despatches) and the investment of Sherpore, and in the engagement at Charasiab on the 25th April 18S0
(mentioned in despatches) accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Jandah.v. and was present at the
; (

battle of Candahar (mentioned in despatches, CB., Medal with three Clasps, and Bronze Decoration). Also served
in the Boer war of 18S1 in command of the Regiment.
=' Colonel C. F. Gregorie served with the 23rd
Fusiliers in the Indian mutiny campaign m 1857-58 as Adjutant
of the 23rd Fusiliers, and was present at the relief of Lucknow and also at its subsequent capture (Medal with two
Clasps). Served In the Egyptian war of 1SS2 (mentioned in despatches, CB., Medal, 3rd Class of the Medjidie,
and Khedive's Star).
52 Colonel F. Morlcy served with the Buffs in the campaign of i860 in China, and was present at (he action of

Siuho, and taking cf Tangku and the inner Taku Fort (Medal with Clasp). Also throughout the operations in
Perak in 1875-76, including the attack on the camp at Qualla Kangsa, and the expedition against the village of
Euncor. Comnanded an independent force of the Buffs ard ist Goorhas on the left bank of the Perak river on
20th January 1876 which captured a stockade, two guns, and two war gongs (Medal with Clasp).
=* Colonel John Fryer commanded the Carabiniers throughout the Afghan war of 1879-80. On the 13th January
3 S80, in command of a force of Royal Horse Artillery and Cavalry, he repulsed with heavy loss a large body of
Mohmunds at Ali Boghan. Commanded the Cavalry in the expeditions under Lt. General Bright to the Lughman
Valley and against the Wuzeeree Khugianis. On the sth July 1880, he commanded a force of Carabiniers and 4th
Bengal Cavalry at the attack and destruction of the Ohilzai villages of Nargozi, Arab Kheyl, and Jokau (CI?., Medal).
5*^ Colonel A. H. Wavell
serve with the 41st Regiment in the Crimea from nth July 1855, including the siege
and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served in the Boer war of 1881 as Assistant
Adjutant General at the base of operations.
^' Colonel H. J. Degacher served in the Kafir war of 1877-78, and took part in the operations against the
Galekas and in the attack on the Taba ka Udoda also served in the Zulu war of 1879 {CB., Medal with Clasp).

55 Colonel H. Le G. Geary served in the Crimean campaign from May

1855, in the Trenches with the siege
train at the siege and fall of Sebastopol, and bombardments of the 6th and 17th June and 17th August (Medal
with Clasp, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Served in the field during the Indian mutiny from
October 1858 to 1859 in the Jugdespore district, and with Sir Hope Grant's and Gorruckpore Field Forces. Served
throughout the Abyssinian campaign from ist January 1868 as Brigade Major of Artillery and was present at
the action of Arogee and capture of Magdala (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, and Medal).
" Colonel R. Whigham served with the 42nd Highlanders in the Crimea from 2nd Dec. 1854, including the expe-
dition to Kertch, siege and fall of Sebastopol, and assault of the outworks on 18th June (Medal with Clasp, and
Turkish Medal).
Colonel C. B. Knowles served with the 77th Regiment in the Crimea from the nth July 1855, including the
«iege and fall of Sebastopol, and was v.'ounded at the assault of the Redan on the 8th September (Medal witn Clasp,
and Turkish Medal). Commanded the 67th Regiment throughout the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was present in
the engagements at Charasiab on 6th October 1879 (mentioned in despatches) and iu the operations around Cabul
in December 1879, including the engagement at the Asmai Heights on 14th December— mentioned in despatches
(CB., Medal with two Clasps).
" Colonel F. W. Fremantle served with the Rifle Brigade in the Crimea from 3rd Deo. 1854 to gth July 1855,
incluiUngthe siege of Sebastopol also commanded 163 men at the last sortie of the Russians against the Quarries

ou 7th-8th June, and comamanded the Woolsack party of the Light Division at the assault cf the Redan on i8th
June—severely wounded (Medal with Clasp, Sardinian and Turkish Medals). Served also in the Indian campaign,
including the siege and capture of Lucknow, Trans-Gogra campaign, with expedition into Nepaul— mentioned in
despatches (Medal with Clasp).
*" Colonel W. C. Justice served with the 75th Regiment during the Indian campaign of
1857, and was present
at the siege of Delhi from 23rd June (in command of the Light Company from 13th Sept.), storm and capture of the
city (Medal with Clasp).
"7 Colonel Gore commanded the Inniskilling Dragoons in the Boer war in 1881.
Colonel A. S. M. Browne served with the Scots Greys in the Crimea from 30th July to ist Sept. and from Oct. to
Dec. 1855, including the battle of the Tchemaya, and siege of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasn, and Turkish Modal).
'' Colonel
F. C. Hill landed with the 56th Regiment in the Crimea on the 25th Aug. 1855, 'served in the trenches
at the siege of Sebastopol, and was present at the final assault (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served
also in India during the mutiny in 1858.
'* Coloijel A. H. Utterson served
with the 1 7tli Regiment in the Crimea from the nth July 1855, including the
siege and fall of Sebastopol, and assault of the Redan on the Sth September; was also at the bombardment and
sun-ender of Kinbourn (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served with the 17th Regiment in the Afghan war
Tl'(n- Services of the Culorieh. 44(,
ill and was prc-scnt
\i,^%'^<), iit tli • cMiituvcof Ali Musjid ami in tlir cxpuaitious into the Bazar Valley, iiicluaing thO'
engagement at Deh Sunik i m Miiinn •,! in (L'spaiclirs, Mclal wiili clasp).
7' Colonel T. R. S:,'vi:i, ,11 , ti in ilm 1; d. in com'.nana of the ist Battalion Koyal Irish
I ,-- pMan \vii- 1 ;

Fusiliers, and was i)rc,,t'iii ai tli l.iiilc ni 'irl-rl-lx.lji]- iiLaitiniual in despatches, CB., Medal with (Jlasp, and


Khedive's Star).
'' Colonel Hon. H. Parnell served with the 3rd Butts in the Crimea subse'iuent to the fall of
Sebastopol. Com-
manded the 2nd Battalion 3rd Buffs throuarhout the Zulu war of 1879, and was present at the ongagemout of Inye-
aanu and durin? the occupation of Ekovve (mentioned in despatches, CB., Mod il with Clasp).
"6 tJolonel M. J. R. MacG-regor served with the i8th Royal Irish iu the ,\rghia war in
i83 iAI'InIi. i

Colonel P. D. Walters served with the 44th Regt. in the Crimea fi'.)in th- .•7tli -Tan. 18,,, in- n ihe siege i i

and fall of Sebastopol, and attack and occupation of the Ci'uicterv on the iSth June (Medal Nviihi ,,, ri'urkilh . 1 ,
,, ,

Medal). Served also the cam|iaigu of i36j in the norili of Chiiii, iiicluiiug tlr^ action ^i! --ii'i a ,,iuit and i,

capture of the Taku Forts (iledal with isp). 1


"« Major General H. J. Alder-' m - nvnl !ii-,nmliout the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the liattles of 1

Alma and Inkerman, siege and fall ..r i-|m|i(.1, in the Trenches with the siege train, and bomljardmonts of 17th
October, 9th April, and 6tli an 7I h nnc (Modal with throe Clasps, Knight of the Legion of Honor, and Turkish
1 1

J Major General F. G. Uavenhill served in the Crimean campaign from April 1855, including the siege and fall of
Sebastopol, and battle of Tcherna.ya (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
s" Colonel F. G. E. Warron served in the Indian cauipaitrii (iriSs7-=;S. inrluding the relief of Lucknow by
Clyde, battle dI' rav\ h.. iv mi 6th Dec.,and subsequcnl, luumi .ni ;it iln' Silnnlar's Tank commanded the Heavy- ,

Battery at tlm 'Moangunge, siege and cap' I

-i u i-ampaign in Oude, and actions .

., ,

of Bnrrce and nice of the Goomtee at Sn .1 u ui' li'li^n-a, and attack on Koelee (com- :

manded the .Vrulici.. a,!.-o served in the Trans-Gogra camiiai-n, luidmlinu aoLinu of Cherodra, and taking of the
; ,

Fort of Mudjedia— commanded the Mortar Battery (three times mcutiuued in despatehes. Medal with two Clasps).
Served at Umbeyla in the campaign against the hill tribes in the North-'West Frontier of India in 1863, and was-
present at the storming of the Conical Hill and La.lloo, also at the engagement in the plain of Chiimla (mentioned
iu despatches. Medal with Clasp). Served throughout the Bhootan campaign of 1864-65 (Clasp).
s- Colonel L. L. Brett b rved against the King of Quiah, Western Africa, and commanded
a iletachment of the
2nd West India Regiment at Sjugo when attacked by the enemy in greit force, and whom he repulsed on 21st
Dec. 1861. Served in the Ashauti war in 1873-74, including the action of Essaman (Brevet of Major, Medal).
[See also Civil Decorations for Gallantry, p. 128.]
><• Colonel M.
C. Farrington served with the Burmese Expedition in 1886-87 in command of a Brigade, and
conducted the advance on Wuntho from the south (received the thanks of the Governmeut of India, mentioned
in despatches, CB. and Medal with Clasp).
s« Colonel R. W. C. Winsloe served with the 21st Fusiliers in the Crinioa from the 6tli August
1855, including
the siege and fall of Sebastopol, and expedition to Kinbouni (Medal with Clasp, and Turlvish Medal). Served with
the 2ist Fusiliers in the Zulu war of 1S79, and was present in the engagomont at Ulundi— severely wounded (Brevet
of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp). Also served in the Boer war of i3Si, and took part in the defence of Potchefstroom-
—wounded (mentioned in despatches, Aide do ('anii)to tlio Qnemi). S i>el witli the Burmese E.xpedition in
1886-87 m
command of the 2nd Battalion Royal Smts I'li-ilins i_\lrd;il w n lasi,). ii 1

"'* Colonel
F. Pocklington served with the ^ith Ki'lT. tin ..uixh.ui iln- 1:1-!, rn campaign of 1854-55, including
the battlesof Alma andlnkerirau, and the siege and laU .if SebastoiMil M, d;il with thi-ee Clasps, 5th Class of the (

Medjidie and Turkish Medal).

Colonel J. N. Crealock served with the 95th Regiment in the Indian mutiny campaign in 1858, including the-
siege and capture of Kotah, battle of Kota ke Serai (wounded), and general action resulting in the capture ef
Gwalior, siege and capture of Pourie, and surprise of the rebel camp of Kunrye (Medal with Clasp, and twice
mentioned in despatches). Served throughout the Kafir war of 187S and the Zulu war of 1879 as Assistant
Military Secretary to Lt. General Lord Chelmsford commanding the forces, and was present at the action ox
Gingindhlovu (slightly wounded) and relief of Ekowo, and in the engagement at Ulundi (several times mentioned
indespatches. Brevet of Lt.Colonel, CB., Medal with Clasp). Served with the 2nd Battalion Derbyshire Regiment
in the Eg.yptian war of 1882, and commanded the troops iu Alexandria from the 2sth August to the 14th September
(Medal, and Khedive's Star).
Colonel E. Hopton served with the SSth Regiment in theCrimeafrom 17th .Tunei85s,includingthT?sicgcand fall
of Sebastopol, and attacks of the Redan on the iStli June and 8th September severel.y wounded (Modal with Clasp^ —
and Turkish Medal). Served also in supprossimi nl' ilie Indian mutiny in 1857-58, iucludim,'tlu' ^ioLce of Lucknow
iu March 1S58, and siege of Calpee (Medal witli ('la-p ('tv ontral India). Served with the Sotli i;. Lrimait through- 1

out the Kafir war of 1877-78 (mentioned in des])alolies. Krevet of Lt.Colonel), and throughout tlie Zulu war of 1879,
durUig the first portion of the latter as Director of Tra^nspurt (Medal witli Clasp).
'- Colonel A. Harness served in the Kafir war in 1878-70, and \\,i- |ni -eiic in the engagement at the Taba ka

Udoda (mentioned in despatches) also served in the Zulu war m ;,. and was present in the engagement at
; :

Ulundi (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lt.Colonel, CB., and Medal with Clasp).
^* ColonelG.B.Wolseleyserved with the 84th Regiment ilnrin.; ilic latt.a- jiart of the Indian mutiny, and was engaged
in all the minor afiau-s in the Shahabad district undoi- Sii-.ldUn )ou-las (Medal). Served in the Afghan war iu 1

1878-79 as Assistant Adjutant General with the Candahar i'ield I'uiee (Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal). Served in the
Egyptian war of 1882 as Assistant Adjutant General wiili th'' Iliad i^iuaiters of the Army, and was present at the
battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches. Aide do Caniii t.i tli- i,mi h. d.dal with Clasp, 3rd Class of the
Medjidie, and Khedive's Star) also served with the Nile llvpiditiMii m ;,:i. Assistant Adjutant General aA ,

Head Quarters, and afterwards commanded at Abu Gus ineiitiniiid m d '/;., and Clasp). I .

Sir Francis Grenfell served as Aide de Camp tn Sir Artlini' nn\ n -:n ua iu the operation of 1S77-8 in (

the Transkei also as Staff Officer to Colonel Glyn, commanding a field force in tlie Transkie, and was present in the

engagement with the Galekas and Gaikas at Quintana Mountain on the 7th Feb. 1878 (mentioned in despatches.
Brevet of Major). Served in the Kafir war of 1878 as Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quarter Master General at
H(fad Quarters. Served in the Zulu war of 1S70 as Deputy Assistant Adjutant General at Head Quarters, and
was present in the engagement at Ulundi (mentioned in dc-patehes, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp). Served
under Sir Evelyn Wood in the Boer war of 1881 as A ,,i-,i mt ij)uarter Master General. Served in the Egyptian war of
1882 as Assistant Adjutant and Quarter Master ii^ :d .m the Head Quarters Staff, and was present at the engage- 1 ii 1

ments of Tel-el-Mahuta and Kassassin (gth Soiit.i. :iii in lie battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches, Aide de I 1

Camp to the Queen, Medal with Clasp, 3rd Clas- m a nd Khedive's Star). Served with the Nile Expedition in . .
> 1
1. ,

1884-85 on the Lines of Communication (mom patches, Ci}., and Clasp). Served with the Egyptian i 1 !

Frontier l-'ield Force in 1885-86, and was presoji. in in iu,iL;ement at Giniss in command of a Division (mentioned <

in despatches, promoted to ist Class of the INIedjidio ,iiid ^id Class of the Osmanieh).
Sir William Butler served in the 69th Regiment with the Field Force which repelled an incursion of
Fenians into Canada in May 1870. Served throughout the Ashanti war from the 23ril October 1873, and was employed
a8S|)ecial Commissioner to the Western Akims (mentioned in despatches, substantive rank of Major, CB., Medal
with Clasp). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882 as Assistant Adjutant and Quarter Master General on the Head
Qmrtcrs Staff, and was present at the engagements of El Magfar, Tol-el-Mahuta. and Kassasin (9th September),
and iu the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches. Aide de Camp to the Queen, Modal with Clasp, 3rd
Class of the iledjidie, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Nile Expedition in i884-85as Assistant Adjutant and
Quiirtr- M iitr ;\rral, and was present at the action at Kirbekan (twice mentioned in despatches, two Clasps).
• ( ;.

Ser\ iitian Frontier Field Force in 1885-86 in command of a Brigade and was present in the engage-
• !

I -
1 '
I ; 1 ' ,

ment I
o ioiied in despatches, A'C^.).
'^ 1:1' MOO irek served in the Egyptian war of 18S2, and was present in the engagement at Tel-el-Mahuta and
1 ' it

at the liattle of Tel-el-Kebir (appointed Colonel in the Army, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
( (ilonel Wilsone Black served with the 42nd Highlanders in the Crimea from 14th June 1855, including the siege

and Idll of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp and Turkish Medal). Served in the Kafir war iu 1S7S, including the
engagement at Taba-ka-Udoda. Served also in the Zulu war of 1879, and commanded the party which recovered
the lost colours of the 24th Foot (mentioned in despatches, CB., Medal with Clasp).
44^* War Services of the Colonels.
Colonel ('. tlie gytli Regiment in the Crimea from 4th ilay 1855, including the siege
H. Brovrae servetl with
and fall and was on the storming party at the assault on the Redan on the 8th Sepcember—
of Sebiistopol,
wounded, and mentioned in despatches for "distinguished conduct" (Medal with Clasp, Sardinian and Turkish
3iledals, and 5th Class of the Medjidie). Served also in Bengal in suppressing the mutiny in 1857-58, with the
Jounpore Field Force iu the actions of Nusrutpore, Chanda, Ummeerpore, and Sultanporo, afterwards "at the siege

and capture of Lucknovc and storming of the Kaisarbagh wounded (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Boer war
of 1881 with the Natal Field Force.
'"2 Colonel E. H. D. Macpherson served with the 93rd Highlanders in the Crimea from the 14th .July
including the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Jledal). Serve'i also the "Indian
campaign of 1857-59, including the relief of Lucknow by Lord Clyde, battle of Cawnpore on 6th Dec. 1857, and
pursuit to Seraighat, action of Khudagunge, siege and fall of Lucknow, attack on the Fort of Rooyah, actions at
Allygunge and Bareilly, campaign in Oude, and attack on Fort Methowlie (Medal with two Clasps). Served in
the Eusofzic campaign"^of 1863-64, and at the Umbeyla Pass under Sir John G-arvock (Medal with Clasp).
1" Colonel C. Frankland served in the Indian mutiny campaign in 1857-58, including the siege and capture of
Awah and of Kotah (Medal with Clasp).
1"' Colonel J. D. Johnstone served with the 33rd Regimentin the Crimea in 1S55, includingthe siege of Sebastopol

and assault of the Redan on the i8th June (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal), Served the Abyssinian cam-
paign in 1S67 68, and was present at the storming and capture of Magdala (mentioned in despatches " for able
management of native carriage," Medal).
i"' Colonel
G. Luck was present at the operations against the Jowaki Afreedces in January 1S7S (Medal with
Clasp). Served with the Candahar Column in the Afghan war of 1878-S0, including the advance to Khelat-i-
•Ghilzai; commanded a squadron of the 15th Hussars and a troop of the ist Punjaub Cavalry in engagements
with the Afghan cavalry at Takht-i-Pul on the 4th January 1879 (slightly wounded, mentioned in despatches.
Medal). Served with the ThuU-Chotiali Field Force under Brigadier General Biddulph. and accompanied Major
General Phayre, in command of his regiment, in the march to the relief of Candahar in August 18S0 (mentioned iu
despatches, Medal). Served in the Boer war of 1881 in command of the 15th Hussars.
Colonel J. Duncan served in the Indian mutiny campaign of 1857-58, including the action of Soorajporc,
defence of the Alumbagh under Colonel M'Intyrs, storming of the Secundrabagh and Shah Nujiff and relief of
Lucknow by Lord Clyde, occupation of the Alumbagh under Outram, capture of Luckuow, campaign of 1S5S
in Oude, with passage of the Goomtee, action at Shahpore, and other minor affairs (Medal with two Clasps, and
a year's service for Lucknow). Served with the Bechuaualand ExiJcdition. in 1884-85 as Assistant Adjutant and
Quarter Master General at the Base and Lines of Communication.
11- Colonel P. E. Hiil served thi-oughout the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the battles of Balaklava and

Inkerman, siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with throe Clasps, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
Serve 1 in N.W. India under Sir John Michel in 1858-59 (Medal).
"* Colonel C. J. Moorsom served with the 30th Regmient in the Crimea from the ist to the 28th September TS55,
including the siege and fall of Sebastopol and assault of the Redan on the 8th September —severely wounded iu
the left arm (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
"^ Colonel C. Tucker served with the 80th Regiment with the left attack during the Bhootan Expedition of 1365
(Medal with Clasp). Served in the Perak operations in 1876, part of the time as Brigade Major; commanded the
left attack in the operations against Sekukuni in 1878 commanded the Soth Regiment in the Column under Colonel

Rowlands on the Swazi border m

the Zulu war of 1S79, and subsequently the troops at Ltiaoberg also commanded

the regiment in Wood's Column during the march through Zululand and in the engagement at Ulundi (,CB., Medal
with Clasp)
">* Colonel F. G. S. Ciu'tis served with the 6th Dragoon Guards iu the Crimea from the 20th July 1S55, includinj^
the battle of the Tchernaya, siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served also in thf
campaign of 1S57-58 against the mutineers of India, including the actions on the Hindun of the 30th and 31st May,
battle of ];uill(.Jki-bi'rai, siege and fall of Delhi, and subsequent operations under Brigadier Showers; also the affair
of MyiiiK" 'lie and ICerkrowlie, captm-e of Bareilly, relief of Shahjehanpore, and subsequent affairs at Mahundce and
Shaliabad (:\Iedal with Clasp). Served %vith the InniskilUng Dragoons in the Boer war of 1881. Served with the
Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85 (mentioned in despatches, CMG.).
1^0 Colonel E. A. Wood commanded the loth Hussars in the Afghan war of 187S-79, and was present at the attack
and captiu-e of Ali Musjid (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp). Served in the Soudan
Expedition under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884 in command of the loth Hussars, and was present in the engagements at
El Teb and Temai (mentioned in despatches, CB., Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
122 Colonel G. Hatchell served in the Afghan war in 1878-79, and took part in the second expedition into the Bazar

. alley under Lieut. General Maude (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal).
i-» Colonel W. Galbraith served in the Afghan war of 1878-S0, first as Assistant Adjutant General inthoKoorum

Division, being present at the capture of the Peiwar Kotal (mentioned iu despatches), iu the operations in the
Hariab and Khost Valleys, in the engagement at Charasiab on the 6th October 1S79 (mentioned in despatchcsl,
and in the subsequent occupation of Cabul afterwards served with the 85th Regiment in the Koorum Division,

includingthe Zaimusht Expedition (Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with two Clasps).

1-^ Colonel S. Boulderson served during the Indian mutiny with the Artillery at Peshawur in 1S57, and in i8io-5g

with Lind's Mooltanee Horse this Regiment was part of the force under Brigadier General Troup which advaiued

into Oude from Shahjehanpore. Served with the 17th Lancers in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the
engagement at Ultmdi (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp).
i2ii Colonel A.
G. Twentyman served throughout the Abyssinian campaign in the Transport Train (Medal). Served
in the Zulu war in 1879 (Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp).
1" Colonel E. L. England served in the Indian mutiny campaign in 1858, and was present at the actions at
Amorah on the 17th and 25th April (Medal). Served in the operations against Sekukuni in the Transvaal in
1878, including the storming of Tolyana's Stadt; also throughout the Zulu war of 1879, taking part iu the
engagements at Zungin Nek and Kambula Hill, and, in command of the ist Battalion, in the action at Ulundi
(mentioned iu despatches, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp).
i^s Colonel H. M. Bengough commanded a Battalion of the Natal Native Contingent during the Zulu war of i:-;

and was present in the engagement at Ulundi (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Olnsir.
Served with the Burmese Expedition in 1885-86 as Assistant Adjutant and Quarter Master General (mentioned in
despatthos, CB., and Medal with Clasp).
Colonel J. F. Owen served with "Wood's Column in the Zirlu war of iS79iu command of a Mounted Gatlini;-

Battery, and was present in the engagement at Uluudi (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal « ith
131 Colonel A. L. Walker served with the 99th Regiment throughout the campaign of i860 in China, includioR the

actions of Chankinwan and Paliatchow and surrender of Pekin (Medal with Clasp). Served throughout the Zulu war
Of 1879. Was present in the action of Gingindhlovu afterwards served as Assistant Adjutant General of the i<l

Division (Medal with Clasp).

"2 Colonel Tongue served in the Kafir war in 1877-78, and was present in the engagements in the Perie Bnsli and
at the Taba ka Udoda also served in the Zulu war in 1879, and was present in the engagement at Ulundi (Brevet of

Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp).

133 Colonel S. de A. C. Clarke served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 in command of the Light Camel Regiment,

and took part in the operations of the Desert Column, including the engagement at Abu Klea Wells on the lotli and
17th February (mentioned in despatches, CMG., and Medal with Clasp).
13' Colonel E. Leach served in the 50th Regimentin the Crimea, subsequent to the fall of Sebastopol, from the tli1

September 1855 until the evacuation on 12th July 1856. Served also in the New Zealand warof i863-66asOnk ly 1

Officer to Colonel Waddy when commanding a Field Force inthcWaikato in 1S64 present at Waiari; appointed

Aide do Camp to Brigadier General Waddy 7th Jan. 1S65 and present at the attack and repulse of the enemy at

Nuknmaru (mentioned in despatches) appointed Deputy Assistant Adjutant General 26th Jan. 1865, and present

at the repulse of the enemy at Kakaramea (mentioned), and served thi-oughout the campaign Wanganui district
under Sir D. Cameron. Accompanied Major General Chute as D.A. Adjutant General during his camiinign .-n
War Services of the Culoneh. 44c
;i' W ,'-l. I'.Kl
44'.? War Services of tJic CuJoiich.
(Ashanti Medal). Served wiihthe is Battalion Black Watcli in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was prestnt at

the battle of Telel-Kebir (mentioned in Jespatches, Medal witli Clasp, 4th Class of the Osmanieh, and Khedive's
Star). Served in the Soudan Expedition in 1884 in command of the ist Battalion Black Watch, and was present
in the engagements at El Teh and Temai— slightly wounded (mentioned in despatches, CB.. and two Clasps).
Served throughout the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 in command of the ist Battalion of the Black Watch, and was.
present at the action at Kirbekan (mentioned in despatches, two Clasps).
Colonel T. P. Graham served with the ist Battalion Scots Guards in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was
lireseiitat the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
L'olonel W. H. B. Kingsley served with the 67th Regiment throughout the campaign of i860 in China, including
the action of Sinho, taking of Tangku, and severely wounded in the leg at the storming of the inner Taku Fort also

present at the surrender of Pekin (Medal with two Clasps). Served with the 67th Regiment throughout the Afghan
war of 1878-80, and was present in the engagement at Charasiab on the eth October 1879, and in the operations around
Cabul in December 1879, including the investment of Sherpore (twice mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lt.Colonel,
Medal with two Clasps). Served with the Bm-mese Expedition in 1885-86, and commanded the 2nd Battalion of the
Hampshire Regiment after the occupation of Mandalay (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp).
"55 Colonel H. P. Pearson served in the 84th Regiment throughout the operations of the Column under Havelock,

including the actions of Futtehpore, Aoung, Pandoo Nuddee, Cawnpore (wounded), Oonao, Buseerut Gunge (first and
second), Boorbeake Chowkee, Bithoor, Mungawar, and Alum Bagh, relief of Lucknow, commanded a Company of
the S4th Regiment in the sortie of 26th September 1857, and at the storming of the Him Khana served with

Outrani's force at the Alum Bagh, also at the assault and capture of Lucknow, relief of Azimghur, and pursuit of
Koer Singh (Medal and two Clasps, and a year's service). Served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, first ns D. A. Q. M. in command of the Signallers with Sir Samuel Browne's Division, with which he was present at the capture
of All Musjid afterwards as Brigade Major to Brigadier General Doran's Brigade, being present at the affairs at

Kam Daka and Besud (Medal with Clasp, Brevet of Lt.Colonel).

1™ Colonel C. A. Gorham served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and took part in the operations round Cabul
in December 1S79 (mentioned in despatches); accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar,
and was present at the battle of Candahar (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with two Clasps,
and Bronze Decoration).
'- Colonel W. J. Framptou served in the Afghan war of 1878-80 in the Quetta, afterwards the Ghuznee Field
Force under Sir Donald Stewart, and wrfs present in the engagements at Ahmed Kheyl and at Urzoo near Ghuznee
(Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp).
'"' Colonel B. A. •'> n'le served with the 3rd Sini Horse in the Abyssinian campaign, and was present as
Orderly Officer to Coiouel Eraser at the action of Arogee, ajid capture of Magdala, (Medal). Sei-ved throughout
the Afghan war of 1878-80, first as Brigade Major of Cavalry ist Division Peshawur Valley Field Force, including
the attack and capture of Ali Musjid and the engagement at Futtehabad ; afterwards as Deputy Assistant
Quarter Master General, and was present in the engagement at Charasiab on the 6th October 1879, in the opera-
tions around Cabul in December 1879 including the investment of Sherpore, and in the engagement at Shekabad :

accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar, and was present at the battle of Candahar
(frequently mentioned in despatches, Brevets of Major and Lt. (l'olonel, Medal with four Clasps, and Bronze
Colonel C. W. N. Guinness served with the 72nd Highlanders throughout the Afghan war of 1S78-80 with the
Koorum, Cabul, and Cabul-Candahar Field Forces, part of the time as Brigade' Major to Brigadier General
MaciJherson was present at the attack and capture of the Peiwar Kotal, and in the engagement at Charasiab. and in

the operations around Cabul in December 1879 (mentioned in despatches) ; accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts
n the march to Candahar, and was present at th' rattle of Candahar (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of
Lt.Colonel, Medal with four Clasps, and Bronze Decoradon). Served with the ist Battalion Seaforth Highlanders
in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches, Medal witV;
Clasp, 4th Class of the Osmanieh, and Khedive's Star).
i"8 Colonel D. M. Home served with the Royal Horse Guards in the Egyptian war of 18S2, and was present in tliv

engagements at El Magfar and Mahsama, and in the action at Kassasin on the 2Sth August (Medal, 4th Class of tlu-
Osmanieh, and Khedive's Star).
If" Colonel .-E. de Vic Tupper served in the Crimean campaign from September 1855, including the siege and fall of
Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
163 Colonel \V. O. Barnard commanded the 2nd Battalion Manchester Regiment throughout the Egyjjtian war of

1882 (Medal, 3rd Class of the Bledjidie, and Khedive's Star).

ii'^ Colonel S. J. Nicholson served in the Soudan campaign in 1885, and was present in the engagements at Hasheen

and the Tofrek zereba and at the destruction of Temai (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Colonel, Medal with two
Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
iss Colonel G. A. Furse served with the 42nd Highlanders in the campaign of 1857-58 against the mutineers in

India, including the actions at Kudygunge and Shumsabad, siege and fall of Lucknow, and assault of the
Martinieve and Banks' Bungalow, attack on the Fort of Rooyah, action at Allygunge, attack and capture of
Baveilly (Modal with Clasp). Accompanied Sir Garnet Wolseley to the Gold Coast in September 1873 on special
service, and served throughout the Ashanti war of 1873-74. Employed at first on a recruiting mission in the
settlements of the Gambia. Afterwards in charge of the advanced party of Wood's Regiment in the reconnais-
sance in force of the 27th November, and subsequent advance to the Prah. Commanded the Head Quarters of
Wood's Regiment at the battle of Amoaful, and was present at the battle of Ordahsu and capture of Coomassic
(mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp). Served with the Nile Expedition in 18S4-35 as
Director of Transpoit (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Colonel, Medal with Clasp).
"*'J Colonel James Goldie served with the gth Lancers throughout the supi^ression of the Indian mutiny in 1857-50,

including the battle of Budlekeserai, siege operations, assault and capture of Delhi, actions of Bolundshuhur, and
Allyghnr, battle of Agra, affair of Kanouge, relief of Lucknow by Lord Clyde, battle of Cawnpore on 6th Dec, action
ai Seraighat, action at Shumshabad (in command of a Squadron), siege and capture of Lucknow, the summer cam-
paign in Oude and Rohilcund and actions of Rhodamow and Allyghnr, capture of Bareilly, action at Shahjehanpore
and pursuit to Mahomdee, passage of the Gogra at Fyzabad and affair at Kumdakoti (Medal with three Clasps).
190 Colonel Montgomery Williams served with the 84th Regiment in the Shahiihad district until the final suppres-

sion of the Indian mutiny m 1858-59 (Medal). Served with the ist Battalion 19th neiciment in the Hazara campaign
of 1868, including the expedition against the tribes on the Black Mountain (Medal with Clasp).
'Ji Colonel George Bayley served with the 31st Regiment in the Crimea from 22nd May 1S85, including the siege

and fall of Sebastopol and attacks of the i8th June and 8th September (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp,
and Turkish Medal). Served during the operations against the Taepings in the vicinity of Shanghai in April and
May 1862, resulting in the taking of the stockade of Nanhsiang, capture by escalade of the walled cities of Kadin,
Tsinpoo. and Tsolin, the fortified town of Najow, the affair at Nanhsiang and rehef of Kadin and Tsinpoo (mentioned
in despatches 1. Went to South .\frica on special service in May 1879 (Medal).
1'" Coiouel F. C. Elton served in the Crimean campaign from March 1S55, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol

in the Trenches with the siege train, and at the bombardments of 9th April, 6th and 17th June (Medal with Clasp,
Knight of the Legion of Honor, and Turkish Medal). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882 in command of the Royai
Artillery of the 2nd Division, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches, CB., Medal
with Clasp, 3rd Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star).
W3 Colonel C. E. S. Scott served served in the Crimean campaign from May 1855, in the Trenches with the siege
train at the siege and fall of Sebastopol (wounded), and bombardments of 6th and 17th June and 17th August (Medal
with Clasp, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
I"! Colonel J. B. Richardson was present with three Batteries of Royal Artillery under Colonel M'Crca in the

revolution which upset the Emperor Fausti in Hayti in Jan. 1859 landed and protected the Europeans at Port au

Prince, and carried off the Emperor his family and ministers ; received the thanks of the English and French
Colonel T. Van Straubenzee served in the Egj'ptian war of 18S2 in command of Royal Artillery Indian Con-

tin"ent and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches, CB., Medal with Clasp, 3rd Class
orTlie >le.liidic,aiHl Khedive's Star).
War Services of the Colonels.
- SS^

n.r ^^'?:^^'l^^^f'''«- ^P '865 (Medal wit.,,,.

s,..,e of SebasfopV<Srw
"c ^s^.^if Sh\' Vel,?''^^'^ t ^°"'. '""^ '^"' J^'V '855, including

/"^ F,-^*
°f Accrofoomu oTthe Ce o^ *° Wood's Regi-
s:';.;':^;;; ;;;'';.;;';'';.':'
''^"f"""^"'" war co,^nunfcTon'fBrl.lV:?V""'=\f
I, . V ' of ,879 as Deputy Assistant idintnn^ with Clasp).

phe siege and fall of ^™°> 'he ,oth August ,8„ including
LbastoporandwlV '
" ^ ^/iX? h^ t^^ ^'il'^^'i^
ISO wounded on a former occasion (Me.l:, I


a Turkish M^al\^ "V"' ^"^^ °» ^^'^ 8th Septimbei waf


^rr^v^^fi ^'-^
'-'- ^^^'"'^ -"^s^e^itS"^ "^ ^'^'-^'^^'''^ <-^^'^ ^'dLSS
'"''''''''" ""'' """'^ ""' "" "' '''"'"°" '''"'^ ''""'^''^'
'- cofJ^l^'rv
' '
'"'" ^^'•^'^'^ "^ '"^^ --"^

^kin (ilea- I w r .. ;
'1''''''° °f '^'le Taku Forts, aotious of Sinhn JmfTm!„.o'. ^ throughout the

in suppressing the
'^pt''°^°r¥'''^^--"^^^ mutiny in ,857-,8-with

NoTtSye.t'i>o'n^e''"^r/^H ''°'"P"^^'^^ P^^' ^^ 'he Doaba Field Forn«
ipation of Takht-i-Pul (Inentioned in ^"
Ca^idahar? and the aC? /t''^* "f' ^i despatche ? the tf^.T' *^f

Colonel H.
J. HaHowes "erved wfth iriraal"; cJ'"'f°r'^ ^^J^*^*^'""
^aEi^ --
°"'" decoration,.
.^ War Services of the Colonels.
in despatches, Medal with Clasp, 3rd Class of the Medjidie, and
engaRements at El Tel, and Tcmai (mentioned
of .88. and was present
^«%one?Coliu Camnbell served with the 7th Drafjoon Guards in the E^tian war
.8th Au^st at the oat le of
in theeXKements of Mav'far and Mahsama. in the action at Kassasm on the
h CB., iledal with Clasp, 3rd Class ot the
Tel-el-Kebir ami the capture of Cairo (mentioned in despatches.
present at the action of Arogee and
^S^'^CofoneTH^cf B^r'rctf ^eJved throughout the Abyssinian campaign, and was

'''£iToronel'R''']^Maxtell served with the Both Rejriment in the Indian

mutiny and campaio-n in Oude in
.8.8-50 incudinp the capture of the Fort of Simree. actions of
Bcra ;.ud Dooudeakera (MedalJ.
i«> Colonel W.H.Thompson ser^-ed with the King's Dragoon Guards in
the Zu u war of 1879 m
the squadron
under Major Marter, including the cavalry affair at Erzungayani Medal
with Clasp ).

»' Colonel W. H. Noble fcrved in the Af>,'lmu war in 1878-7Q ivs Stuff Otticer of the Siege Tiam with the

^«''?^o"ncl W V.'Hr^wnlow -served with the KinR's Dragoon Guards in the Zulu war of 1879, and was Orderly
(mentioned m despatches)
Officer to ColonelDnrrv Lowe, commnnding the cavalry in the engagement at Ulnndi
Column (Brevet olMajior Medal
AOe^-nnls commanded a equadron of his^Regiment in Baker Russell's Flying ot the Natal Field Force and
withClasp) Served in the Boer war of . 88 1 in command of the Mounted Squadron
and the engagement at Ingogo River
was prc>cnt in the action at Lang's Nek (twice wounded and horse shot) in
(twice mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt.Colonel). „ m
»> Colonel G. Paton served in the operations in the Malay Peninsula m 1875-76 (Medal with Clasp). Served
, . ,„ .
/it^^,i „,tv, rMn=,,^
,; «o,-r,o,i ,-r,

the Kafirwar in .877-78, including the .>perations against the Galekas; also served m ihe Zulu war in 1S79
^*^s^Colonc\ RcgLald WhitUuK served in tlic Indian campaign from March 1S58.
and acted as Staff Adjutant to
a Detachment at Sasseniin, and was engaged in the operations
against the rebels m
the of Jugdespore
under Sir E. Lugard also ser\-cd the campaign of 1858-59 in Oude, including the attack
and capture of the Fort

'''''^'cXnel k"k Pope'served with the 4th Dragoon Guards in the

Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in
the eneHirements at El Man-far, Tel-el-Mahuta, and Kassasin on the oth
September (Medal and Khedive s Star).
W7 t'olonel A. G. H. Church served with the 2nd Battalion Manchester Regiment throughout the Egyptian war
of .882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
*« Colonel T. A. Cooke served with the 17th Lancers throughout
r, ,
Zulu war ofen ^i
1879, and was present in the
^ ..

onpngementsiit Zuinguin Mountain and Ulundi( Medal with Clasp). , -p •

f c 00
W Golding served with the 2nd Battalion Derbyshire Regiment in the Egyptian war of 1882,
*?» Colonel E

and commanded the Battalion from the 25th August to September (Medal, and Khedive's Star)
»' Colonel Fitzroy Stephen served as Adjutant of Ihe 3rd Battahon Rifle Brigade during the Indian campaign
of i8s7-s8 including the action of Cawnpore, siege and capture of Lucknow,
and battle of Nawabgunge (Medal
with t;iaspi Sen'cd in the North 'West Frontier Campiign of 1863-64 as Staff Officer of the Field Force under
Colonel Miicdonald (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Afghan war in 1878-9 with the Peshawur Valley Field
Force and was present at the attack and capture of Ali Musjid and with the expeditions into the Bazar and
Lughman Valleys (Medal with Clasp). ^ ,. . ^ ^^ i , .,, , t^ -,-
»" Colonel J E. AVhitting served as an Ensign in the Indian Army, and was attached to the 23rd Fusihers

during the Indian mutiny from Nov. 1857 to Oct. 1858. Also served as a Lieutenant with the Sth Regiment
during the Oude campaign till Feb. 1S59 (Medal with Clasp for Lucknow).
^* Colonel W. J. Holt was thanked in General Orders dated at Poena 12th July 1866 for his " noble efforts " m
saving life on the occasion of the wreck of the Pi'.grim ship Diamond, and his conduct was deemed by the Com-
mander in Chief at Bombay as " deserving of the warmest admiration." Served in the Abyssinian campaign in
1868, as Provost Marshal at Zoula, and subsequently in the Transport Train was attacked by a large force at

Bela'go Pass whilst in charge of Convoy, and his conduct on the occasion met with the entire approval of Lord.
Napier (Medal, and promoted to Capta'in unattached).
-» Colonel A. B. Tulloch 8er%-ed in the Eastern campaign with the 1st Royals from December 1855 till June
.356. Whs present with the Spanish National troops during the Carlist war in the campaign in the Pyrenees,
which resulted in the relief of Bilbao. Served as D. A. Q. M. General to the expeditionary force in the south of
China under Sir Charles Straubenzce; and in the 1st Royals the campaign of 1S60 in the north of China,
including the taking of Sinho and Tangku. occupation of Tientsin, and surrender of Pekin (Medal with two
Clasps). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the bombardment of the Alexandria Forts as
Military Staff Officer to the Admiral Commanding in Chief (ment oned in despatches. Brevet of Lt. -Colonel) ;
was one of siitecn volunteers who landed from H.M.S. Invincible during the action, swam through the surf, and
spiked the guns in the Mex Battery when its garrison had retired to the citadel in rear; afterwards served in
the Intelligence Department, and was present at the action at Kassasin on the gth Sept, (as Acting Assistant
Adjutant General to Graham's Force) and at the battle of Tel el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches, CB., Medal
with two Clasps, 3rd Class af the Mcdiidie, and Khedive's Star).
»^» Cblonel A. B. Morgan served in theHazara campaign in 1868, including the expedition against the tribes

on the Black Mountain (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and was present in the engage-
ment at JugcluUuck, in the advance to the relief of Sherpore, and in the engagement at Saidabad (Medal with
CIh*p). Served in tlie Egyptian war of .882 as Assistant Adjutant General, IntUan Contingent, and was present
at the battle of Tel-el-Kobir {CB., Medal with Clasp, 3rd Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star).
*" Colonel the Hon. R. Talbot served in the latter part of the Zulu war of 1879 on the Staff of Colonel Baker
RuHBcU's Column (Medal with Clasp). Served with the ist Life Guards in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was
present in the CMgageinents at El Magfar and Marsama. in the two actions at Kassasin, at the battle of Tel-el-
Kebir, and at the capture of ("airo (mentioned in despatch>>8, Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of the Osmanieh, and
Khedive's Star). Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 in command of the Heavy Camel Regiment, and
was present in the engagements at Abu Klea, El Gubat, end Metammeh also commanded the Column convoying

sick and wounded when attacked near Shabocat Wells on the 14th February 1S85 (mentioned in despatches,'
C'fl., and two Clasps).
*7» Colonel R. T. Maillard served in the Boer war of 1881 under Sir Evelyni Wood as Brigade Major of the Cavalry

•"' Colonel G. B. B. Hobart served with the expedition to China in 1S60, and
was present at Sinho, TangkO'i
and capture of Taku Forts (Medal with Clasp) Sorvcd with the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles
WorrtMi in 1884-85 in command of Royal Artillery.
»" Colonel George Baker served with the b7th Uegiment throughout the campaign of i860 in China, and carried :

the rcginxntal Colour at the action of Sinho, taking of Tangku, and with the storming party at the Taku Fort, the
ditch of which he crosHed and i)lanted the Colour on the cavalier; also present at the surrender of Pekin (Medal
with two ClaspK). Herved with Ihi- f^th Regiment throughout the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was present in the
rngaKi'ini-nt at CharuKiab on the Uh October 1879, and in the operations around Cabul in December 1879 including
the inv<-Klmcnt o( Hhcri)orc inciitioncd in despatches. Medal with two Clasps). Served with the Burmese Expedition

In iK85 86 in command of the 2nd Battalion of the Hampshire Regiment until after the surrender of Mandalay
(roontionnd in deHpatclii-H, CB., Medal with Clasp).
»•» Colonel M. C. Morris served with the 75th Regiment in the Indian Campaign of
1857-58, including the occu-
pation, aft<!r the relief of liUcknow, of the fortified outposts and camp with Outram's Force, and repulse of the-
enemy'h attacks also i)re»ent at the battle of Cawnpore on the 6th December (Medal).

"> Ojlonel K. K. Bayly served in the Crimea from the nth October 1855 till the 23id July 1856. Served with the
43nd HighUnderii in the campaign of 18^7-58 against the mutineers in India including the actions at Cawnpore (6tb
U<'C, 1857I, H'-raighal, Kudygunge, and Shumsabad, siege and fall of Lucknow and assault of the Martiniere and
Hunks llungalow, attack on the Fort of Hooyah, oction of AUygungc, attack and capture of Bareilly and action at
HiHwimhat -wounded (Medal with Clasp). Kmbarkcul for the Gold Coast with the 42nd Highlanders. Served in the
second pliase of lh<- Ashantl war in 1874, and was pn-scnt at tli- battle of Ordnhsu and capture of Coomassie (Brevet
of Major, Mudal with Clttup). Served with the ist Battolion Black Watch in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was
War Services of the Colonel--. ..,.
°^ Tol-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, 411, Class of the Osmanieh, and
t ].e S, -l.u,
f ";'I
,„ ,|nn,n m 1884 with the ist Battalion Black Watch, and was preseAt
Khedive's Star) Snvv.^
in the en-i'en /^ t a^ Ki ^i
I" le, two Clasps). Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85
Wat.l ; with thr,stB'm.,,f 1

W^es, clTand^ToCla^p^""'^""^""''"'^'^^^^^^
and ^;^;;::yo,^
and Khedive's Star).
Served with Soudan the Frontier Field Force from June T8R=tn A
-a. or .,,
«, I sqI^""'

-^ Colonel K. H. Sartorius se^veHnuf tKgth ''"^'^"

He^'m^nrhi^he 1^^,^^^^^^^^^
ensagement at Shah.jui (mentioned in despatchesT Brevet of Major
present in Z'T^T Z?"

7„i„w,"''- ' '

*'• I'l'oceeded on special service to South A :
- ^inber 1878 and spr^ari ;„ fi «

Soudan c.m,,
Suakin Kxi„.J,n..
Colonel 11 II

n ;


\ ^



,^n ,nlf
'•' tones,
Osmameh, and Khedive's Star). Served in
Master General, Base and Lines of Uomuiunica-

as Assistant Stall' Officoi^o Coloneu/ln ^: ,1 u A ;^^^^^^^^^^^^ ;


(several times mentioned in the despat;.l„s or Ins

m the Boer war of 1881 as Command-mt. i.r tlir I! ,„ ,,f ta ,, r,V i.' ,1 1 1 A '^I'^'^P. C.UG.). Servid
Mounted Infantry. OommanXThe M , n, I '
ia1Se i^S xn' v „ oT fss^TnT""^^"'
°^ * ''''''' °^

BKdelfc „ Jth f hTifnl,™ S" ,fg""" ""i"' " ="«•'• MMOf ImenOonea In despatch,., , „ „ . i„, i'a,

.ISthiLtn'^rsrho'Llfnfo'TaL^u °^^«^° '" ^-"^ C^"-'

Medal with two Clasps).
iangku, ^ctlon^'o??^^^
actions of the i8th and 21st^^^^
Sth^lJ^:^^'^* ^T^t'^" and surrender
September, of Pekin

wTisl^ns ofthe IVsW:n'-I^.:.Tey Field Force'^and '" °' '^^ ^''"^ ^^'"^^ ^^ '"^^ -' -^^ ==-1
t"ok '^Jtj?, OP^^'^'IO'^^
'""^T 'Against the Zakca Kheyl Afree-
lees in the Bazar Valley under
45-52 Lieutenant Colonels,
3July 45,27 Apr. 58 8 May 63 27 May 64
Andrew A jtouii.' I.I .Clonfl h.p. lloyiil Artillery
, 9 J Mar. 65 Oct. 67
Thos. Edw. KenwwnMt.Col. b.p. Royal ArUUery... 11 June 42 3July 45!" June 57.19 Jan. 58 29 2
Dec. 66 4 Feb. 7^ 5 Mar. 79
Inijfo Richmund Jones, Mxjnr, Scote Guards

SirWm. Gordon liordouCumming, Burt. M<yor, 1 >5Dec. 67.17 ^[ay 71 28 July 80

Scots Guards J
Aug. 80
Mar. 70 1 7 Feb. 7: 7
Ralph Lceke, Major, Grenadier Guards >3
Dec. 80
Feb. 68 30 Aug. 71 I
Thoma.-i W'm.* Coke. Afu/or, Soots Guards... 15

Richard G. Charlton, Cuptain, h.p. 81 V. ; S.O. of) 8 Jan. 51 27 May 53 "5 Aug. 59 ,
July 72 26 Dec. 80
Tensionera -^
'Aj' 22 June 70 3 Aug. 72 Jan. 8:
William Hcnrv Mnckinnon, Mujor, Gi-cnadier Gas. Mar.
Arthur Broadwood, Cait. 4" LI.Col. Scots Guards ... 5 May 69 28 Oct. 71 8

20 Aug. 55 28 Oct. 56 20 Aug. 67 Aug. 75 20 Aug. 8

John Wm. Hindle, l.l.Col. Madras Staff Corps 10 Dec. 8
Francis A. Grovcs-Sawlc. .ir>/or, Coldstream Gds... June 68 25 Nov. 68 7 Oct. 71
12 June 69 29 June 72 I Apr. 82
Arthur Henr\- TH^ret, Ca/.l. J- Lt.Col. Scots Guards 1 Apr. 82
7/0/1. Everard C. Uit;by,J/ci>r, Grenadier Guards .. 24 Jur.e7o 19 Oct. 72
27 Aug. 70, 4 Dec. 72 5 July 82
Villicrs Hatton, .Vnioi-, Grenadier Guards
8 Apr. 80 2 Mar. 81 8 Nov. 82
Robt.H. Murray, Ciii''. Seatorth ilitrhlatjders(72 F.) 8 Dec. 67 28 Oct. 71
i»...r. Ivor John C. Herbert, C<t,,t. i- irCo/.Grcn.Gds.
5 Nov. 70 25 Nov. 74 8 Nov. 82 2 May
Jas.G.H.G.Monik'oniorv. .Vo/«r, Coldst. Guards 13 May 6925 June 73 9 Sept
i6Mar. 70I19N0V. 73 7 Nov. 83
Francis Capel Mauley, .1/.»/or, Coldstream Guards...
Georire Washinjrtou Smith,^ /.'.t'oi. h.p. Shrop-') 1 Feb. 56 23 Apr. 58 18 Nov. 68
22 Nov. 79 21 May May
shire Lijcht Infantry; A. A. Gen. York j
John I'lilnier Brabn/.on, Inyl.iin. 10 Hussars 13 June 74] 13 Nov. 79 2 Mar. 81 21 May 84
Walter Carr Mackiiinon,' Major, b.p. 3 Foot, > 24 Aug. 52 17 July 57125 Dec. 65 23 Aug. 78 28 May 3 Sept.79
Ckifflmtnictor, School ofMutkeiry, Mythe S
JohnGusUivHsCrosbie,»i^C'o/.h.p. King's Royal) 18 20 May 68
23 Apr. 58 10 Mar. 80 Sept. 84 21 Apr. 86
Ritles(6o Foot) }
Oct. 57'3i July 69 I Oct. 77
U Oct.
v.i.e. Wm. Francis Moore Hutchinson, Lt.Col. R. Art. Nov
Francis James ilortiwcr. Lt.Col. Royal Artilllery... Dec. 58 29 .Tuly 70 31 Dec
Edward Smith Gordon, Li.Cot. Royal Artillhry I Oct. 57 10 Jan. 70J24N0V. 77 24 Nov

Mathew Hy. Farquharson, Lt.Col. Royal Marines... 24 Dec. 56 25 May 59 19 June 73 26 Aug. 80 4 Dec. 84
Henry St.'John Vaughan Le Marchant Thomas-) I Oct. 57, 7 Jan. 71I 1 Jan. 78 1 Jan. 85
Le Marchant. J/iij'or, Royal Artillery i
6 Jan. 59 9 Nov. 60' 6 Jan. 71 6 Jan. 79 6 Jan. 85
Alex. James Donnelly Hawes, Lt.Col. Bengal S. C.
Jan. 71I 6 Jan. 79 6 Jan. 85
Robert Moselv Bryce Thomas, Lt.Col. Bengal S. C. 6 Jan. 59 9N0V. 6oj 6
William John Pickance, Lt.Col. Madras Staff Corps 6 Jan. 59 I Jan. 62' 6 Jan. 71] 6 Jan. 79 6 Jan. 85
Harry Miles, Lt.Col. Royal Artillery I Oct. 57 10 July 71 10 Jan. 78 o Jan. 85
Thomas Challoner .Mart«lli, LI.Ccl. R. Artillery I Oct. 57 20 July 71 jio Jan. 78 Jan
Chas. Drummond I'asmore I'ayne, Lt.Col. Bom. S.C. 2 Jan. 59 I July 60' 12 Jan. 71,12 Jan. 79 2 Jan. 85
Sir Benjamin Pamell Bromhead, Sart. Lt.Col. \ Jan Jan. 79
8 Jan. 59 7 Mar. 63 I i 8 Jan. 85
Bengal SUiff Corps }
Charles Albert Lyon-Campbell, Lt.Col. Royal Eng... 23 Dec. 57 I Jan. 71 23 May 78 24 Jan. 85
John Dawson, Lt.Col. Liverpool Regt. (8 Foot) Sept. 60 13 Feb. 63 Aug. 681 I July 30 Jan. 85
Charles Jas. Bromhead, Lt.Col. South Wales) Apr.
30 Aug. 59 20 Feb. 63 I Q Oct, 74 31 Jan. 85
Borderers (24 Foot) f
Anthony Hepburn Murray, Lt.Col. R. Artillery ... Dec. 57 27 Aug. 58 14 Dec. 68 31 Dec. 78 1 Feb. 85
Charles Harlcy Bridges, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff Corps 4 Feb. 59115 July 59 4 Feb. 71 24 Feb. 79 4 Feb "

John Charles b'Urban Murray, Lt.Col. R. Art I Oct. 57 20 July 71 6 Feb. 6 Feb. 85
John Denton Pinkstone French, Lt.Col. 19 Hussars 28 Feb. 74 ii'Oct. 80 3 Apr. 83 7 Feb. 85
James Weblier Smith, Lt.Col. S. Sttiffordshire Nov. 66 27 Apr. 70 July 11 Feb. 35
9 Oct. 63 13 I
RejTt. (80 Foot) J
Killegrew Reginald B. Wodehouse, Lt.Col. High-) July 69 July Feb. 85
land Lt. Infantry (71 Fool) 7 Nov. 62 12 Dec. 65 14 r 18
George John Burginann, Lt.Col. Royal Artillery ... 1 Oct. 57 8 Sept. 71 20 Feb. 78 20 Feb. 83
Henry Jonathan Woodward, Lt.Col. Munster) Feb. 85
20 Oct. 61 7 Nov. 63 6 Mar. 72 i July 8 25
Fusiliers (104 F.) /
Ferdinand James Tidmarsh, Lt.Col. West Riding ) July
4 June 64 29 June 66 24 Sept. 73 i 8 25 Feb. 85
Kcgt. (33 F.) i
Henry Somerset Clive, Lt.Col. Royal Engineers ... 23 Dec. 57 14 Jan. 71 14 July 78 I Mar. 85
James Ludlow Ferris, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff Corps.., 4 liar. 59 2 Feb. 60' 4 Mar. 71 4 ^laf' 1
4 Mar. 85
Henry William John Senior, Lt.Col. Bengal S. C..., 4 Mar. 59 9 Nov. 60^ 4 Mar. 71 4 M; 4 Mar
Wm. "Bennett. I)SO. Lt.Col. Yorkshire Regt. (19 F.) :6 ilar. 58 30 Dee. 59 25 Aug. 71 4 Mar
Allan Griume Uaper, Lt.Col. N. Staff. Regt. (98 F.) 8 Feb 21 Mar. 65 23 Nov. 70 6 Mar. 80 6 Mar
Ale.xnnder lireilin. Lt.Col. Madras Staff Coq's :i Mar. 59 5 Feb. 66 u Mar I Mar. 79 11 Mar. 85
Henry Maxwell Rol)e^t8on,L^C'o^ Royal Artillery.. 23 Dec. 57 3 Mar. 78 13 Mar. 8
William Cronby Siddous Mair, Lt.Col. York and
Lancaster He«t. (65 Foot) 28 Mar. 6 Aug. ; Aug. 65 I Oct. 77 18 Mar. 8,
y.i.c. Henry Harcoiirt Griffiths, X<.Coi. East Lan-)
cushiie Regt. (sy Foot) 6 Jan. 60 18 Sept. 63 21 Aug. 67 :6 Dec. 8c 18 Mar. 8;
Arnold David Saportas, Lt.Col. Manchester Regt... 27 May
62 10 Nov. 65! 5 Apr. 71 4 Feb. 18 Mar. 8,
Rieluird Westinacoit, Ll.CnI. liombny Staff Corps .. 19 Ma 20 Feb. 61 {19 Mar. 71:19 .Mar. ig Mar. 8
R/.Ks Kendall Lowis, Ll.iul. Koyal Artillery II June 58 27 Aug. 58,17 Ihir. 69131 Dec. I Apr. 8
John Henry Alexander, Lt.Cul.'HoynX Artillery June 58 27 Aug. 58I17 Mar. 6QI31 Dec. I Apr. 85
William Arthur Salmon, ArCo/. Bombay Stuff Corps 12 Apr. 59 4 May 6 1 I A] ir. 7 1 1 2 Apr. 79 12 Apr.

L' !

John Bitillio Biilliintyne Dickson, Lt.Col. 5 Dr. Gds. '20 Jan. 60 Jan Dec. 72) I July 25 Apr.
Hi'iiry Fyers Turner, Lt.Col. Koyal Eugiueers Aug. 71 31 Dec. 78 6 May
23 Dec. 57
William Cox, Lt.Col. Somerset Lt. Inf. (13 Foot) 2 July 55 8 Jan. ,8 9 Mar. 67 29 Nov. 79 8 May 85
Chas. John SlHUhowf, Lt.Col. Middlesex Regt. (57 F.) 9 Aug. 64 7 Nov. 68 26 Mar. 73 I July 8 8 85 May
CharlcH William ]irvjvUm, Lt.Col. Royal Artillery 11 Dec. 58 23 Dec 71 I Oct. May
7 13
John Graham Pollock, Lt.Col. Royal Artillery June 59 (9 Mar. 72 18 Sept. 78 13 May 85
Edward Leo Street, Lt.Col. Devonshire Regt. (11 F.) 21 Feb. 60 8 Jan. 64 Sept.69 1 July 81 zg May 85
Henry DougbiM Ilocke, Lt.Col. Shropshire Light)
Infantry (53 Fool) ) 31
Dec. 59 10 June 63 14 Sept. 66 30 Nov. 79 20 May 85
Howard Kiiigscotc, Lt.Col. Oxfordshire Light)
Infanlrj- (5* Foot) ) 4 Mar. 62 6 Apr. 63 2 Sept.i I July 8 20 8 May
Allan .Muclcan, X^C'a^ i Dragoons 20 May 85
5 Sept. 62 29 Mar. 64 8 June 70 I July 8

KrunciH Moore, Lt.Col. MunHter Fusiliers (104 F)

29 May 63 27 Nov. 66 12 May 75 I July 81 20 May
Hii(fh Latham, LI.Cul. Royal Artillery .."'.
12 Jvmo 58 27 Aug. 58 30 Sept.69 31 Dec. 78 26 May 85
Janien W»l4rhouMc, J.I.Co'l. Bengal Staff Corps ......
10 Juno 59 10 June 79 10 June 8
(Joor^o Edward Huncoek, l.l.Col. iJorabay Staff C
10 June 59 3 .lune 71I10 June June85
Hoycc Edward Gowaii, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff Corp.s 10 Juno 59 11 Oct. 59
D .1 une 71 10 June 79 10 June 85
Jamoi* Hay, LI. Col. Bengal Stalf Corps 11 June 59 22 Nov. 60 I June 71 II June 79 II June 85
Jamcii Lawtio Fapn, Lt.Col. Bombay Staff Con 1 1 June
59 Q July 6 I June 71 II June 79|n June 85
Thomas Richard Byng, Lt.Col. Madras SUiff

Staff Corps 1 1 June
59 I Jan. 6 I June 71 II June 79 II JuneSs
) 1

TAeutenant Colonels.

Edward Everctt,X)50.i/.Co/. Uameron Uighlandoris 14 Sept. 55 2 May 65 1 Oct. 77 15 June 85
V-n-c. George Kdward Grover, Lt.Col. Royal Eng... 21 Dec. 58 3 Aug. 72 3 Nov. 79 15 June 85
Arthur Singleton Wynne,? Li. Col. (from h.i). York-
shire Lt. Inf.) D. A. A. Gen. War Office 4 Aug. 63 21 Aug. 67 22 Apr. 7 82 Nov. 79 15 June 85

George Robert James Shakespear, Lt. Col. Bengal

StaffCorps 7 Sept. 60 17 Mar. 65 7 Sept. 7; 7 Sept. 80 15 June 85
Norman Robert Stewart, Captain, Bengal S. Corps. 30 Dec. 71 29 Oct. 79 2 Ma.r. 81 15 Juno 85
Leyland Hornby, Lt.Col. East Surrey Regt. (70 F.) 22 Sept.63 16 Jan. 66 4 Oct. 71 I July 8 15 June 85
Hon. Charles Cavendish G. Bvng, Major, i Life Gds. 8 June 67 30 Sept.68 9 Aug. 73 I July 8 15 June 85
Sydney Vere Alston, Lt.Col. Royal Marines 14 Apr. 59 12 Dec. 60 I Jan. 74 I JulV 8: 15 June 85
Alfred Edward Turner, Major, Roj-al Artillery 19 Dec. 60 1 1 Mar. 74 July
I 8: 15 June 85
Alfred Bissel Harvey, Lt.Col. 5 Lancers 18 Oct. 64 5 Mar. 69 5 June 75 July
I 81 15 June 85
Thomas Davison, i^ Co/. 16 Lancers 8 June 67 31 July 69 7 Aug. 75 I July 81 15 June 85
Marsdeu Samuel James Sunderland, Lt.'Coi.')
Sussex Regt. (35 Foot) j
24 May 6t 17 Jan. 65 9 Jan. 76 5 Dec. 81 15 June 85
Frederick Harvey Ma turin, 3f(?/o)-, East Surrey)
Regt. (70 Foot) \
22 Sept. 65 27 Feb. 69 9 Mar. 78 I
May 15 June 85
Philip DnrhaiM !'• !i<r 1/ „ \r- itber- ,

land Hi-hh,ii.!' ' " 1 1

18 Oct. 64 I Feb. 6 Feb. 78 21 Oct. IS June 85
Charles Hollcii >,,,,,,,, ;„ , k,,,'//'- I-itie"s^ ,

I Dec. 65 3 Feb. 69 19 Dec. 77 8 Nov, 15 June 85

Frederick MeyLi Wanlidp. /J.C.,/. 30 June 69 10 Aug. 70 1 May 78 8 Nov. 82 June 85
p.s.c. Hon. George Hugh GoultIi, ^[,l|n,, Ihissars 1
, 28 Oct. 71 28 Oct. 23 July 79 8 Nov. 82 15 June 85
John Hartley Sandwith, Major, Knx'al Miniiii's 27 June 64 3 Aug. 67 2 Oct. 79 8 Nov. 82 15 June 85
John Compton Hanford-Flood, M„'i,,r ,,, Hu^^iirs 26 Mar. I July 81 8 Nov. 82 15 June 85
Douglas Alexander Scott, DSO. Majnr. RuNal En^ Jan 8 Jan. 82 8 Nov. 82 15 Juue85
Charles Coghlan Smyth. Major, WeUh lic't (41 F 5 Nov. 61 23 Aug. 67 14 Dec. 78 8 Deo. 82 June 85
Arthur Gethin Creagh, Captain, Royal ArtiTlery 12 Feb. 74 14 Apr. 83 15 Apr. June 85
83 15
Thesiger Barrow,Z)SO.afa;or,Seottisli Rifles 3 July 72 May S3 15 June 85
S?.'V''''* 3
William i itzHenry Spaigbt, Major, Roval Engineers June June
- '"dwiu Henry Hayter
24 63 6 77 24 June 83 15 June 85
" Collen, Major, Bengal ^
St July 63 July 75 I July 83 15 Juno 85
Francis .Tohn Grav. Lt.Col. Hussars Jan. 69 28 Oct 7 June 79 3 Oct. 83
s, -.
!3 15 June 85

- 1 !
:i .
/ j
vr> i/-,,/, , Srallord Regt...
>;. 2 Sept.68 7 May 70 51 Jan. 77 31 Oct. 83 15 Juue85
Franei.- '
\ . - ;/ , |.\^i'.n {(-iiiiei.t (56 Foot) "Feb. 75 Nov. 81 16 Dec. 83 15 June 85
Woodliih II ., !/,,;„;•'
Arnllery 21 Mar. 65 I Oct. 77

Kii 1 1
Jan. 84 15 June 85
Fredenc:. i,,-:: Ma,,
-::i>lc. l;-yal Artillery ii5 Dec. 7£ 13 July 81 21 May 84 June 85

. ... 15
James Kurd Dorward. M<',,.r. lyal Kngineers 119 July 64 I Oct. 77 19 July June 85
84 IS
Douglas MackinuonHaiili.'' .iniiltun. Earl of\
Duudonald, Major, 2 Ijiu- 1; 6 July 70 28 Oct. 10 Apr. 78 r2 Jan. 85 15 June 85
Richard Steele RiipeVt Teatlio Znh^n^h^ Major,
King's Royal Rifles {60 Fo..(.) ;S Sept. 67 28 Oct. 71 7 May 80 18 Apr. 85 t5 June 85
John Talbot, Coke, Lt.Col. Kim
Borderers " •A June 59 23 Aug. 61 21 Aug. 66 Nov. 79 21 June 85
George WiUiam Thomps'oii,' 'LLcid. R.' Scots' ('i "f.) 6 Feb. 55 17 June 55 5 Sept. 67 21 June 21 June 85
William Rogerson, i^.Coi. Shropshire Lt. Inf. June
(51 P.) 14 ( 7 Apr. 65 25 Mar. 7 July 21 June 85
John Randal Wilmer, Lt.Col. Bengal StaffCorps ... 22 June 59 22 June 7:
22 June June 85
Richard AnnesleyKnox.Zi.Coi.Lancaster Regt. (4P.) 7 79 22
Dec. 58 6 Mar. 6 12 Nov. 70
5 Dec. 80 23 June 85
Colm Hubert Garbett, Lt.Col. Bengal StaffCorps June Feb. 6: 27 June 7 June 85
7 . .
59 4 27 June 79 7
Hamilton Tovey, Lt.Col. Royal Engineers June
22 7 31 Dec. 78 2 July 85
58 20 Sept.
Robert Athorpe, Lt.Col. Royal Engineers June 1 1 June 79 2 July 85
22 58 27 Jan.
James Fellowes, Xi-.Co?. Royal Engineers June 2 July 85
22 5I 17 Feb. 72 Sept.
Andrew Scott Stevenson, -l/,r/„r, i;iack Watch (4-P.i 17 Mar. 69 28 Oct. 7 19 June 79
July 85: 2 July 85
ueorge Francis Vesev, Lf <,.; d jnrd ht liif (4^ F 14 Apr. 58 Dec. 58 8 May 66 Dec. 78 8 .July 85
Henry Hodson Hooke, JJ rl.v Kc'-t (a- i' )' ( -,/ I):

13 Aug. Sept.6i 23 Oct. 67 July 81 121 July 85


58 17
Henry Coker Adams, Lf.(\,/. )xt\ .id Lt Inf ,-. F (
12 June 26 Jan. 66 30 Sept. 68 July 81 27 July 85
{ ) 63
Albert Froom, i^Co^ 6 Dra.'oous 28 Jan. 62 II Apr. 68 lo Jan. 72 I July 29 Jul.y 85
James M'Cleverty, Lt.Col. Derbyshire Regt.
(4? F.j 10 July 68 27 July 70 4 Aug. 75 I July 81 4 Aug. 85
Henry do Parny Rennick, Lt.Col. Bengal Stafi-Corps
5 Aug. 59 17 Mar. 63 5 Aug. 71 5 Aug. 79 5 Aug. 85
John Barnes Sparks, Lt.Col. Bengal StaffCorps Aug. 59 28 Aug. 63 5 Aug. 71 5 Aug. 79 5 Aug. 85
... 5
John Purefoy Ellis Jervoise, Lt.Col. Hussars
3 16 Nov. 66 3 June 68 21 June 71 I July 81 5 Aug. 85
Henry Norris Jones, Lt.Col. Royal Artillery . 22 June 58 28 Sept. 71 7 Aug. 78 7 Aug. 85
P.S.C. Lucius F. B. Cary, i<. Co?. Rifle '.'

Brigade !2 Feb. 59 13 Nov. 60 3 Feb. 72 I July 81 7 Aug. 85

George Richard Peart, Lt.Col. Bombay StaffCorps Aug.
2 59 1 Jan. 62 2 Aug. 71 ;2 Aug. 79 12 Aug. 85
Cresswell KeaneChas. Rooke,X/.CoZ.R. Scots
(i F.) :o Mar. 57 2 Mar. 60 2 Sept.68 I July 8i 14 Aug. 85
i-rancis Walter Cary, Lt.Col. E. York
Regt. (15 F ) 8 Feb. 6. 29 May 63 24 July 69 I July 81 15 Aug. 85
y.».e- Francis Coningsby Hannam
Lt.Col. Royal Artillery
Clarke, CMG ]

9 Dec. 59 6 June 71 30 Nov. 78 17 Aug. 85

... f
Thomas Walker, Lt.Col. Roya! Artillery 10 June 59 22 Mar. 71 18 June 79 17 Aug. 85
tonstantme J. Ry an, ii.CoZ. Manchester Regt. (63 F Aug. 85
Oct. 64 28 July 67 6 Dec. 73 i July 81128
adward Gordon Lillingston, Lt. Col. Bengal S. C.

30 Aug. 59 17 Nov. 63 30 Aug. 71 30 Aug 79 30 Aug. 85

Robert Alexander, Lt. Col. Royal Artillery...
9 Dec. 59 Aug. 72 24 Jan. 8oi I Sept.8s
James Foord Hilton, Lt.Col. Seaforth Highlanders' I Feb. 62 3 June 64 14 June 72 I July 811 2 Sept.85
Duncan George Pitcher, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff Corps
Campbell Walker, Lt.Col. Madras Staff Corps 3 Sept. 59 10 June 61 3 Sept. 71 3 Sept.79J 3 Sept.8s
7 Sept. 59 I Jan. 62 7 Sept. 71 7 Sept. 7 Sept.85
Edward James Gunthorpe, Lt.Col. Madras Staff C." 79J
7 Sept. 59 1 Jan. 62 7 Sept. 71 7 Sept. 79: 7
William Wheaton Chard, Lt.Col. R Fusiliers
(7 F 30 Dec. 59 2 Dec. 62 28 Oct. 71 I July 811 9 Sepc.Ss
Wm. Chas. Hood, Lt. Col. W. Surrey Regt. (2 F.)

Aug. I July Si 10
George John Skinner, Lt.Col. Bengal StaffCorps ... 4 July 60 11 Sept.63 3 70 Sept. 85
6 Sept. 59 22 Dec. 63 6 Sept. 7 6 Sept. 79 16 Sept.85
Remhod Baker Bald, Lt.Col. Essex Regt. I July 81 16 Sept.85
Edward George Blenkinsop, Lt.Col. Madras(44S.Foot)
:i Sept. 60 23 Dec. 64

2o Sept. 59 I Jan. 62
3 Sept. 70
c Sept.71 Se])t. 79 20 Sept.85
Francis William Rhodes, Major, i Dragoons
23 Apr. 75 15 Oct. 84 9 Sept. 85 20 Sept.85
Edmund Donough Collins O'Brien, Lt.Col. R.'Eno-

I Oct. 58 3 Aug. 72 3 Sept. 79 22 Sept.85
C. Stennett Ducat, Lt.Col. Gloucestershire)
Reirt. (28 F.) 24 Apr. 55 26 Nov. 57 2 Dec. 67 1 July 8('22 Sept. 85
Charles Woodward, Lt.Coi. Royal Engineer &'.'.'.'.'.'. j
.. 21 Dec. 58 3 Aug. 72 3 Sept. 79 24 Sept.85
John Ivmder Spilling, Lt. Col. 13 Hussars July 81 29 Sept.85
Arthur Morris, i^.Co?. King's Royal Rifles 68 4 3 June Feb. 71 July 78
5 I

May 58 4
Wm. 1- .ederic Wilson, Lt.Col. Scottish Rifles (90 P.) 10 June (60 F.)... 21 June 61 24 Apr. 69 9 Oct. Sol 9 Oct. 85
62 20 July 67 7 Nov. 73 1 July 81 10 Oct. 85
Robert Parry ^isbet, CLE. Lt.Col. Bengal
Staff C... 12 Oct. 59 23 July 61 2 Oct. 71 .2 Oct. 79 12 Oct,
Charles Henry Tilson Marshall, Zf.Coi.
Bengal S.C. 12 Oct. 59 23 July 61 2 Oct. 71 2 Oct. 79 12 Oct. 85
Thomti^ Burnett, Lt.Col. Royal Artillery
22 June 58 8 Sept.71 [6 Oct. 78 to Oct. 85
James Dennis, ii.CoZ. 6 Dragoon Guards July 81 '25 Oct,
5 Mar. 61 12 Oct. 68 o June 74 I
tredenck Harcouri, Williamson, i<. Co?. EastLan'-')'
cashire Regt. (jo Foot) S Mar. 58 5 Aug. 59 I July 78 10 Nov. 85
Lieutenant Colonels.
jrKifMGjr. LP PA'S.

•Ki-eJerick Gatt, LI. Col. R. Malta Fencibic Artillery 25 June 58 5 Jan. 61 4 Feb. 72 16 Apr. 84 10 Nov. 85
Asbton John Slmttleworth, LI. Col. R. Artillery I Oct. 58 I Oct. 71 6 Nov. 78 16 Nov. 85
Georife Walter Chnrles Rothe, Lt.Col. R. Artillery ... I Oct. 58 1 Oct. 71 26 Nov. 78 26 Nov. 85
Coarlcs Frederick La Coste, Lt.Col. Royal Marines 3 July 60 8 Sept. 73 I Julv 81 30 Nov. 85
B.f.c. GcrHld Edmund Boyle, Lt.Col. Rille Bri(?ade... 8 Oct. 61 8 June 72 I July 81 1 Dec. 85
Donald Wm. Mackinnon, Lt.Col. Lcinster Regt. ) 27 July 6 22 Mar. 64 6 1 Dec. 73 1 July 81 1 Dec. 85
(looF.) i
Dec. 2 Dec. 79 2 Dec. 85
Lachlan Foster Jainieson, Lt.Col. Bengal StalfC. .., 2 Dec. 59 28 Oct. 641 2
I Oct. Oct. 71 26 Nov. 7S 5 Dec. 85
Basil de Beauvoir Tupper, Lt.Col. Royal Artillery.. 58' I
Samuel Hunter Cowau, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff Corpp.. 9 Dec. 59; 9 I'ec. 7 9 Dec. 79 9 Dec. 85
Henry Stephen Hutchinson, Lt.Col. Bengal Statf 0. 9 Dec. 59' 9 Dec. 7 9 Dee. 79 9 Dec. 85
lieorge Fraser Eric Smith Neill, Lt.Col. Madras S.C, 9 Dec. 59! 9 Dec 7 9 Dec. 79 9 Dec. 85
David Cowie, Lt.Col. Madras Stiitr Corps 9 Dec. 59, 9 Dec. 7 9 Dec. 79 9 Dec. 85
Augustus Berkeley Portman, Ll.Cnl. Bombay S. C. 9 Dec. 59! 9 Dec. 7 9 Dec. 79 9 Dec. 85
Theodore Methueu Ward, Lt.Col. HombMV Staff C. 9 Dec. 55 9 Dec. 7 9 Dec. 7s) 9 Dec. 85
David Clapham Andrew, Lt.Col. UeiigMl riUiff Corps 9 Dec. 59 II Sept. 61 9 1
Dec. 71 9 Dec. 79 9 Dec. 85
p.'.c. Ralph Edward Allen, Major, East Yorkshire > 9 Dec. 85
June 721 Apr. 65 69 Oct. 76 26 July
Kcgiment(i5 F.) S
Clia.-*. Edmond Knox, Major, Shropshire Light
30 June 65 7 Aug. 67 II July 83 9 Dec. 85
June 76 I
Infantry (85 F.) j
Richard U. Jelf, Major, Royal Engineers 22 June 65 17 Apr. 78 22 June 85 9 Dec. 85
John Edwartl Cami)bell, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff Corps ro Dec. 59 26 Sept.6TJio Dec. 71 10 Dec. 79 10 Dec. 85
Nov. 63 3 July 72 I July 11 Dec,
Ufurife Brooke Meures, Lf.C-jl. R. Fusiliers (7 F.) 3 June 59 17
Aiihur Lang Tickcll, Lt.Col. Middlesex Regt. (77 F.) 5 Aug. 64 31 July 67 27 Sept. 7' I July 17 Dec. 85
R.ctiard S. Lemon, Lt.Col. W. Yorkshire Regt. (14 F.) 29 Dec. 57 8 Oct. 58 2 June 70 I July 23 Dec. 85
W m. Head Bayly, Lt.Col. West Kent Regt. (50 F.).. 26 Feb. 67 22 June 70 8 Dec. 77 I July 23 Dec. 8s
]>.r.c.Cecil Hanmer Bunbuiy, i^C«/. Connaught
j 8 Jan. 64 7 Dec. 67 14 June 7 1 July Si 27 Dec. 85
Rangers (94F.) j
TUoimis Oliver Wingate, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff Corps 30 Dec. 59 17 Nov. 63 30 Dec. 7 30 Dec. 79 30 Dec.
George Alexander, LI. Col. Bengal Staff Corps 30 Dec. 59 I Dec. 63 30 Deo. 7 30 Dec
Henry Hill.s Goodeve. Lt.Col. Royal Artillery 1 Oct. 58 I Oct I Jan. 79
Jusceline Heneage Wodehouse, Major, R. Artillery 2 May 72 I Oct. 21 May 84
Evelyn Swinton Skinner, Lt.Col. Madras Staff Corps 4 Jan. 60 22 May 62 4 Jan. 7: 4 Jan j

U'lUium Francis I'ndeau.x, Lt.Col. Bombay Staff C. 2 Jan. 60 9 Mar. 62I12 Jan. 72 12 Jan. 80
-lames Cook, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff Corps 8 June 61 30 July 62 8 June 73 22 Nov. 79

I). Gregory Beamish, i^ Coi.N' orthumb.Fus. (5 F.), 23 Aug. 59 Sept. 63 29 Apr I Julv 8
Kdward Lee Rose, Lt.Col. Royal Marines '14 Apr. S9I22 Dec. 60 .
Mar. I July 8:
Kdwund I'ipon Ommanney, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff C 6 Jan. 59 16 Apr 6 Jan. 7 Feb. 80
Charles Smith Harvey. J.I. Col. Royal Artillery 1 Apr. 59 1 Oct. 19 Feb. 79
Thomas Fentham Todd, Lt.Col. Wilts Regt. (62 F.). 20 May 64 7 Aug. 67 28 Apr. 75 I July 8
y.M.e. Wm. As.sheton Euidley Wilmot, Major, h.p. ">

Northunib.Fu.'-.(5 F.); Di-puty Judge Ado. London ^ 29

Mar. 61 9 Aug. 64 14 June 76 I July 8

J. Love Vincent, Lt.Col. Northumberland Fus.(5 F.) 2 July 61 Jan. 65 24 June 76

July I 8
Charles W. H. Wilson, Lt.Col. Warwick Regt. (6 F.) 29 Dec. 57 Nov. Feb.
4 Sept. 67 13 8
.Tames FitzGerald, 7-/. Co/. Warwickshire Regt. (6 F.) 23 Apr. 58 8 7 Mar. 69
I July
Feb. „.,-,-.„. 8
Lucius J. CoUum, Lt.Col. Leinster Regt. (100 Foot) 9 Feb. 64 2 Oct. 66! 12 Oct. I July 8
Fred. W. Harington, /./.Co/. West Y'ork Regt.(i4 F.) 28 May 58 3 Oct. 62 8 May 72 I July 8
Walter Scott, Lt.Col. Bombay Staff Corps..'. 12 Mar. 60 27 May 62 12 Mar. 12 Mar. 8(
Henry Blackburne Hamilton" Lt.Col. 14 Hussars 21 July 64 15 May 66^24 Mar. 69 I July 8
Robert Wright Studdy, Lt.Col. Manchester Regt >
{96 Foot) 13 July 67 12 June 69 13 Mar. 78 I July 8
Mark M. Gillies, Lt.Col. Border Regt. (34 Foot) 15 June 55 20 Apr. 58 20 Feb. 64 Oct
Thomas A. St.Quintin, Lt.Col. 8 Hussars 30 Dec. 59 16 Jan. 63' 17 Aug. 70 22 Nov. 79^31 iJ^«i'-
James Kdward Harris, Lt.Col. Suffolk Regt. (12F.J! 6 Jan. 60 3 Oct. 621 2 Dec. 68 I July 8r I Apr.
John (Jeorge Bereslord Stopl'ord, Lt.Col. Duke of)
Cornwall's Light Infantry (46 F.) 23 Aug. 59 30 July 6oj 2 Oct. 66 I Jan. 80! 5 Apr.
Henry Brooke Wilson, Lt.Col. Northampton')
Regiment (4S Foot) 24 Aug. 58 10 June 62 ^16 Sept.68
Harold Jobn Kiiieman, Lt.Col. Royal Artiilei-y ...... 12 ,Iuno 58 27 Aug. 58 16 Oct. 69
Alfred Edward Garnault, IJ.Col. Royai Artillery 12 Jirne 27 Aug. 58 8 Dec.
Wm. I'atrick Hodnett, Lt.Col. Dorset Regt (39 F 26 Oct. 58 )'

58 13 Dec. 6i 30 Sept.
BarnettNethcrcote Au\cy, Lt.Col. Welsh Regt.'(69 F.j 14 Jan. 62 21 Feb. 65:23 May 77
v.i.c. Francii- Cochran, Lt.Col. Hants Regt. 8 July 62 31 May 64 '23
(37 F ) Mar. 66
Wm. Brooks Biitlin, Lt.Col. Cheshire Regt. (22 F ) 22 June 60 7 Nov. 62119 Feb. 70
Almeric Geo. Spencer, Lt.Col. Essex RetTt. (56 F 29 Jan. 6t 28 July 63,12 Nov. 7'
Geo. Thos. Wuitaktr, Lt.Col. King's R. Rifles (60 F) 21 Dec. 60 Feb. 73
24 Jan. 65 26
Starling Meux Benson. Lt.Col. 17 Lancers 20 Oct. 65127 Feb. 67 27 July 70
Henry (iuy Carleton, LI.Col. Lincoln Regt. (io'f!)'.' Feb. 6 63 29 May 67
Reginald Beuvau, Lt.Vul. Benual SUff Corps...
4 May 60 1 Jan. 62' 4 May 72
Robert Bleazby, Lt.Col. We^t Surrey Regt. (2 Foot)
9 Feb. 61 22 Mar. 64 31 Oct.
Ooort'e Stevens Nash, Lt.Col. Royal" .Marines 14 Apr. 59 5 Feb. 61 28 Sept. 74
Vincent Carne Fisher, Major, Royal Artillery
II Dec. 58,25 Sept.7
Josiah Erskiuo Collins, J/.i/»r,Hampshire Regiment 16 Aug. 61
8 June 67 27 Apr. 7
George Simpson, Lt.Col. .Mrnlnis Stair Corps Nov.
27 61 13 Oct. 64 27 Nov. 73
Augustus Charles Frederick FitzGcorge, Major •)

1. p II HiiHMirsi JCquerri/ in Hatting to Jl.Jt.JI. C

23 Dec. 64 14 July 69 24 Nov. 77
tkt DuktofCambridiie
p.:c E.lward Es^ex. '/,/. Co/. Gordon Highlanders...
Arthur Tower. Lt.Col. Sullolk Regiment
19 Feb. 67^27 Nov. 67 31 May 71
10 July 66] 5 Apr. 71^20 Apr. 78
'''"^- (^3 l'"ootj'25 June 6.,
9 Sept.64i 3 May 7
IZ I- 1
i"iliarfe- Kdwur.l *^^< L /"/; </"','"''''''=' Regt.(6i F.) 26 July 57 '8 May 58 ) Bept.6'

< ha k.- d. /,/./o/. iwuk^\ Staff Corps


John R.,.,iUd Campbell LI.Vol. HuiictI SUffCorpi.

..... 8 .Juno 60\

1 June 7
8 June 60, 1 Jan. 62 June 7
KUwi.i.l Harnn hl<,,l, ArfW. H,.„f;„i staff

Corps... 8 June6oj June 7

Fredciick Aixandir Wilson. LI.Vol. Bcnifal !

S C 8 June 60
Vincent llivuz. Lt.Col. BenKal SUiff Corps
8 Juno 60'1 June:
'"''"'" i'-'ckcnziu,
"'"u"."'.".';^""'''' /./.CoJ.Matirasj
Htttll CurjiB I 8 June 60 8 Juno 7
J«ne 60I30 July
K^auL^r me. ^^^^'uCo,"^^ S^'F'J.S''""' ^^V^-'- 9 62; 9 -Tune 72
«rr^Arch. G en if rlf 3' July 60 26 Feb. 64 '26 Mar. 73
Jamc. (lurruv Murmv /^T;"'!! '^f; ^'° ' °°') 'i ^ ^'«b. 62 19 July 64 22 Mar. 76
IS.3l^L Vu
// fliU^^fr'
'^'^>-'',Artillery I
22 .Tune 59 n Nov. 71 ^7 J<mo 79
.^'?.*!i't™I.l'';l.''':.''"''"°r! '."•.'":''" " I^'Kht Inf... 7 Sept.58 22 Jan. 64 .6 Sept.68 i July

Lieutenant Colonels. 55
p.s.c.Hy, Lawrence Dundas,'-' -Ua/. b.p. B. York- 7 Jvdy 63
shire Regt. (15 F.) Assist. Adjutant Qen. Bombay .

Thomas RennieCowie.ii. Co?. Bengal Staff Corps.. |

4July 60
Francis Glennie Farquhar, Lt.Col. h.p. 2 Dragoons 14 June 64
David Brvce Burn, i<. Co/. 18 Hussars 8 Ma.7 67
William Gordon, Lt.Col. Black Watch (73 Foot) 15 Oct. 61
Hugh Richard Viscoiint Downe, CIE. Lt. Col. 10 Hus. 8 Aug. 65
C. Pilcher Temple, DSO. Lt.Col. Berks Regt.(4y F.) 19 Aug. 6:
Charles Verelst Verelst, Lt.Cil. 11 Hussars 20 Oct. 69
Elliot Alexander Money, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff Corps 16 July 60
William Rolt Triscott, Lt.Col. Royal Marines 2 May 59
p.s.c. Hv. Chas. Reynolds, .1/'//or (tVom h.p.Dui-ham )
Lt. Infantry) Profess,,,- A'.,„„l Militan/ College
, ... J
Charles Robertson Klmu, Wlnal hv, Lt.Col. R. Art.
Archibald Iyer ihiclavcity. /,/.('./. Royal Ai'tilleryj
Geors-e Cakes, if. Co/. Yorlishire Uei^-iment (19 Foot)
Thomns Shepherd, Lt.Col. Beni^'al Staff Corps
Edm. L';irriagton, Lt.Col. Worcester Regt. (29 F.)...
Thomas Claridge Manderson, Lt.Col. Royal Eng. ...
Lewis Couway-Gordon, CIE. Lt.Col. Royal Eng
Sydenham Cubbon Clarke. Lt.Col. Royal Engineers
Charles Wm. Ingleby Harrison, Lt.Col. Royal Eng.
William Gordon Gumming, Lt.Col. Royal Eng
Frederic Jeryis Home, Lt.Col. Royal Engineers ...
Gray To%vnsend Skip with, Lt.Col. Royal Engineers
Edvyard D'Ovloy Twemlow, Lt.Col. Royal Eng
Charles Hariand CraigieHalkett, Lt.Col. R. Eng....
Charles Bowen, Lt.Col. Royal Engineers
fj.s.f.Marcus Francis H. M'Causland, Lt.Col. R.Art.
Miles Chas. Seton, Lt.Col. Hampshire Regt. (67 F.)
Trevor Bruce Tjder, Lt.Col. Royal Artillery
Charles Edward Baker Leacook, Lt.Col. Royal Art.
George Strahan, Lt.Col. Royal Engineers
Richard E. R. Martin, CMG. Lt.Col. 6 Dragoons ...
Barre John Goklie, Lt.Col. Royal Engineers
Charles G. Leggett, Lt.Col. Lancaster Regt. (4 F.)...
Charles F. Lawson, Lt.Col. W. Surrey Regt. (2 F.).
Alfred J. Paterson, Lt.Col. York Regt. (19 P.)
John Henry Campbell, Lt.Col. Leinster Regt. (logP.)
Simon Simpson, Lt.Col. Royal Artillery
William Hutchinson Mulloy, Lt.Col. Royal Eng
William Randall Slacke, Lt.Col. Roj'al Engineers...
Montague J. King-Harman, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff C.
Charles John Walter, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff Corps
Douglas C.De Wend, Lt.Col. W.Riding Regt. (76 F.)
Christopher William Townsend, Lt.Col. Royal Art.
p.s.c. George Augustus Noyes, Lt.Col. Royal Art. ...
Ai-thurH. Luck, Lt.Col. York and Lane. Regt. (84 F.)
Edward T. Wynne, Lt.Col. Royal Engineers
Francis Geo. Oldham, Lt.Col. Royal Engineers
Guy Newcomen Atkmson,L/. Co/. Shrop. Light Inf.
Edmund Hill Wickham, Lt.Col. Royal Artillery ...

John Donaldson Cruickshank, Lt.Col. Royal Eng...

David Dempster Chad wick, Lt.Col. East Surrey)
Regt. (31 F.) i
Albert James Alexander Jackson, Lt.Col. Irish)
Regiment (18 Foot) j
George Lecky, Lt.Col. Madras Staff Corps
William John Engledue, Lt.Col. Royal Engineers
John Younger, Lt.Col. Royal Artillery
Edgar Kensington, Lt.Col. h.p. Royal Artillery
p.s.c. John Sutton Rothwell, Lt.Col. h.p. R. Artillery
Robert Vansittart Riddell, Lt.Col. R. Engineers ...
Williain Frederick Kerr, Lt.Col. The Buffs (3 Foot).
James Brown M'Dougal, Lt.Col. S. Lancashire)
Regiment (40 Foot) i
p.s.c. Edwin\Vardroper, Lt.Col. Sussex Regt.(to7 F.)
p. ».c. Robert Elias.i" i^Co/. h.o. E. Lanc^Regt
Wyndham H. Hallett, Lt.Col. Madras Staff Corps...
Charles Edward Shepherd, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff C.
John Alexander Temple, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff Corps
Macclesfield V. Coussmaker, Lt.Col. Bombay S. C...
Harry Trevor Bulkley, Lt.Col. Bombay Staff Corps
Richard Parsons, Lt.Col. Worcester Regt. (36 F.)...
Robert G. E. Dalrymple, Lt.Col. Madras Staff Corps
Charles John Deshon, Lt.Col. Royal Artillery
George M. B. Hornsby, Lt.Col. Royal Artillery
Alexander Burton-Brown, Lt.Col. Royal Artillery
Henry Andrews Barker, Lt.Col. Royal Artillery ...
Colin Charles Campbell, DSO. Lt.Col. Madras"S. C.
John E. P. Mosley, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff Corps .

Francis Thomas Ebden, Lt. Col. Bombay Staff Corps

William Emerson Peck, Lt.Col. Royal Engineers
Edmund Stephens, Lt.Col. Royal Engineers
Christopher Josiah Russell, Lt.Col. Royal Eng. ..
Henry Cautley, Lt.Col. Royal Engineers
Albany Featherstonhaugh, Lt. Col. Royal Engineers
Allan Joseph C. Cunningham, Lt.Col. R. Eogineers
Henry William Lovett Hime, Lt.Col. R. Artillery
Leonard Downes. Lt.Col. Royal Artillery
Horace Richard Le M. Carey, Lt.Col. Bengal S.C...
James Andrew Sutherland Colquhoun, Lt.Col.
h.p. R. Art. Meiiiber of Ordnnncp Committee j
Ernest Marsh Llovil, Lt.Col. Royal Engineers
56 Lieutenant Colonels.
Aug. 72 Jul J- 81' Feb.
Ucnry Wilbcrforce Claike. Lf.Cul. Royal Engineers 8 June 60 3 1 1 87
71 3 Oct. 77 6 May 82
Williiim Gordon Patcliett, Ll.Cul. 2 West India Regt. 28 Oct. 71 28 Oct. 1
2 Feb. 87
Banks Robinson tiroic, Lf.Cul. Royal Artillery 19 June 60 23 Nov. 72 13 Feb. 81 15 Feb. 87
Thomas Hunperford Holdich, Major, Royal Enij. ..., 87
17 Dec. 62 4 June 76 2 Mar. 81 16 Feb.
Pelham James Maitland,af<i/or,Bombay Staff Corps 2 May 66 8 Feb. 70 2 May 78 2 May 86 16
87 Feb.
Thomas Howard, i^ Co/. Royal Eujrineers ]
22 June 59 3 Aug. 72 I July 81 27
87 Feb.
John Tulloch Whisli. Lt.CoK Bengal Staff Corps ... 12 Mar, 61 30 July 62 12 Mar. 73 12 Mar. 81 12
87 Mar.
John Fnrqubar.son, Lt.Col. Royal Engineers 22 June 59! 3 Aug. 72 I July 81 17 Mar. 87

James Charles, Lt.Col. Royal Artillery '12 Jane 58 27 Aug. 58 18 Feb. 70 31 Dec. 78 8 Apr. 87
John Becher Orm.sby. Lt.Col. (from h.]). Royal")
Artillery), Firtt Amittant Director, Ordnance > 19 June 60 23 Nov. 72 10 Feb. 81 8 Apr. 87
Faetoriet )
Rowland Walkey, Lt.Col. Royal ArtUlery 19 June 60 23 Nov. 19 Feb. 81 Apr.
Francis HarwooU Poore, Lt.Cul. R. Marine Art 14 Apr. 59 13 Sept. 60 1 Mar. July 81 14
I Apr.
Roland Lewis Aga.-s-siz, Lt.Col. Roval Marines 2 May 59 13 Nov. 6; 19 Apr. July 81 15
I Apr.
Stephen Babmpton, Lt.Col. Bombay Staff Corps ... 27 Apr. bi 14 Dec. 62 27 Apr. 27 Apr. Si 27 Apr.
Kdward Henry Moore, Lt.Col. U. Marine Artillery... 2 Ma.v 59 22 Feb. 61 20 Mar. I July 81 2 May
Franci.< H. E. Owen, Major, R. Marine Artillery ... 2 May 59 22 Apr. 61 8 Sept. I July 81 2 May
Edward W. G. Byam, Lt.Col. Royal Marines 12 Ma.y 59 26 Dec. 61 30 Nov. I July 81 12 May
John Ignatius Morris, Major, Royal Marines 12 May 59 15 Jan. 62 Dec. 6 I July 81 12 May
Gerald Altham Heseltine, Major, Royal Marines ... 12 May 59 15 Jan. 62 15 Apr. I July 81 12 May
Henry Seton Bourchicr, Major, Royal Marines 12 May 59 I Mar. 62 20 May I July 81 12 May
Bobert William F. Holt, h.p. Royal Marines; Bar- \ 12 May
12 May 59 28 Mar. 62 2 June 1 July 81 Dec. 87
rack Miittrr, Chatham Divaioti )
Augustus Henry Tumor, i^ Co/. Bengal Staff Corps 24 May 6 4 July 6s 24 May 24 May 81 24 May
Michael Henry Saward,ir.Co/.h p. Royal Artillery 9 Dec. 59 [I Dec. 26 May 80 26 May 16 May 87
Sholto Edmonstonc Pemberton, Lt.Col. h.p. R. Art. 9 Dec. 59 [I Dec. 26 May 80 26 May 26 May 87
Edward MoUoy, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff Corps 7 Jviiie6i 9 June 62 7 June 2 Mar. 8 7 June
Charles Frederick Haghes, Lt.Col. Bombay S. C. ... 7 June 6i 31 Jan. 63 7 June 2 Mar. 81 7 June
rCArthur George Hammond, Lt.Col. Bengal S. C. 7 June 6 14 May
62 7 June 7 June 81 7 June
John Edward Saudeman, Lt.Col. Benga.\ S. C. ..••... 7 June 6 19 May
62 7 June 7 June Si 7 June
Henrv- Byam Abbott, Lt Col. Bombay Staff Corps... 7 June 6i 30 July 62 7 June 7 June 81 7 June
James Turner Cummins, DSO. Lt.Col. Madras S. C. 8 June 6 24 July 63 8 June 2 Mar. 81 8 June
Celadon Charles Brownlow, i^ Co/. Bengal S. C. ... 8 June 6i 30 July 62 8 June 8 June 81 8 June
Alfred Hercules Mavhew, Lt.Col. Bombay S. C 8 June 6 23 MaV 65 8 June 8 June 81 8 June
Fred. Mercer Hunter. CSL CB. Lt.Col. Bombay S. C. 8 June 6i 25 July 65' 8 June 73! 8 June Si 8 June
Frederick William Xicolay, Lt.Col. Bengal S. C June 6 14 Jul.v 66 8 June 73; 8 June Si 8 June
Henrj- Strafford Tandy, Lt.Cot. Bombay Staff Corps 12 J 4 Oct. 63 12 June 2 June Si '12 June 87;
j).».c. William (;. T. Bickford, Jlf«/or, h.p. RoyaH „ t„t,»
j|iBJune:,9 25 Oct. 64! 24 Mar. July 81 18 June 87 25 Jan. 88

Marine Artillery; Barrack Ma>:ier 1

William Albert Bridge. Lt.Col. Scots Fus. (21 Foot)' 3 June 59 4 June 61 12 Feb. 11 May 80 21 June
Henrj- M'Leod Hutchison,'" Lt.Col. h.p. West) »-
Yorkshire Regiment ^°^-

5^ 4 Aug. 63 19 Nov. 2 Mar. 81 121 June 87 July 88

j j^"
Henrj- W. D. Riley, J/a;or, Border Regt. (55 F.j 5 Mar. 58 29 July 59 4 Jan. I July 81 I21 June 87
John J. C. Miller, Major, East Surrey Regiment 27 July 55 15 May 57 13 June I July 81 21 June 87
Geo. H. A. Kinloch, Major, Somerset Lt. Inf. (13 F.) 6 Nov. ! 60 18 Nov. I July 81 21 June
Henrj- Roberts Young, Major, Dorset Regt. (54 F.) [20 Jan 12 June I July 81 ^21 June 87
Henry P. L'E. St. George, Major, Warwick Regt. ) Tir„„ I

(6 F.) i
3' JJitty 04 18 Oct. 64 20 Oct. I July 81 21 June 87
William Glencross, Major, Lancashire Fus. (20 i>\) Apr. 58 May June 87
59 30 Jan. July 81 21

5 I
p.t.c. Sir St. Vincent Alex. Hammick," Bart. \

Major (from h.p. Oxford Light Infantry) ; Mar. May June

[ 12 6 29 63 26 Feb. 70 I July 8i !
D.A.A. Gen. York j
Charles Edward Hussej-, Jtfa>r, Laincastoe Fus!
20 Mar. 10 Jane 62 14 Sept.70 I July 81 21 June I

James Whitton, Major, Scots Fusiiiers (21 F.) I July 63 24 Dec. 70

14 I Aug. 60 July 81 1
21 June 87
Charles E. Ilderton, DSO. Major, West Surrey Regt Sept.62 20 May 68 31 Oct. 7 5 I July 81 21 June 87
William Daly, Major. Royal Fusiliers (7 F.) 15 Oct. 6 12 Apr. 64 6 Sept.73 I July 81 21 June 87
».».<•. Rowland Hill, M„jor, Dorsetshire
Regt. (39 F.) 15 Feb. 6 15 Mar. 64 7 Aug. 75 I July 81 21 June 87
B.R.U. Prince Henry Maurice of Battenberg, KG. 21 June 87
Charles Denroche Swete, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff Corps 25 June 6 16 Aug. Junes?
64 25 June 73 25 June 81 25
Lothian Kerr Scott. Lt.Col. h.p. Royal Engineers ;

Profeuor R. M. Cotlene 25 June 62 TO Mar. 76 June 82 25 June 87125 June 87

.. ..
Arthur James Poole,-Vo/or, Hampshire Regt.(67 F.)
\ 25
10 Nov. 62
2 Jan. 69 2 Mar. 81 I July 87
Edward Barry Bishop. Lt.Col. Bengal Staff Corps July
2 Dec. 65 2 Dec. 74 2 Mar. 8 1 87
William Giistavus Nicholson, Major. R. Engineers 21 Mar. July
65 16 Mar. 2 Mar. 81 I 87
Frederick Wilson Hemming, J/(ijor,'5 Dragoon Gds 25 Apr. 68 28 Oct. July
71 31 Oct. 2 Mar. 81 I 87
Edward A. Brind, £<.Co/. Connaught Rangers (88 F 9 Feb. 64 21 Aug. 66 18 Dec. I July 87
William W. Egerton, Major, Liverpool Regt. (8 F
' 23 Ji-ine8i
) 8 Fob. 30 June 63 10 Nov. 69 July Si :
I July 87
Alfred C. B. Hall, Lt.Col. N. Lancashire Regt.(47 F Sept
21 21 June 64 17 May 7 July £1 I July 87
Frederick Bailey, Lt.Col. Royal Engineers :

22 June 59 3 Aug. 7: July 81 I July 87

Edward Vincent Stace, Lt.Col. Bombay Staff Corps I July 61

I July [July 81 I 87
f>.»^c. Patrick Douglas JeflVej-s, Jtfojor, Connaught
Ranger.^ (88 F.) 9 Nov. 66 9 Feb. 70 13 Mar. 7S : July 81 I July 87
William (lark, ir«;- Oxford Light infantry (43 P.) I Feb. 62 30 Apr. 64 20 Sept. 7
Robert 1IIl.nry F. Rcnnick. LI.O,l. Bengal StaffCorps 30 Nov. 8i' I Jul.y 87
Dec. 61 18 Dec. 73 :SDec. 81
8 I July 87
Georg.- lennantCarr('. Jf.yor, Royal Artillen-
William H.TiryFrc<lerick Sorell, 3fq/or, R. ArtiUery
.. 25 June 62 9 June 75 !i Feb. 82 I July 87
WalUT lladcH, Major, Bengal StaffCorps 24 June 63 I Jan. 76 24 Jan. 83 I July 87
. 16 Oct. 63 Feb. 69 16 Oct. 16 Oct. 83 I July 87
Albert df Clancy Uennick, Major, Bengal
S. C 6 July 64 8 July 6 July 76 6 July 84 I .luly 87
Wilham Aitkcn, Major, Royal ArUllery... 68J
YtLorA Wm. L. Do la Peer Bere8ford,C/.B. Majw >' 5 Jan. 67j3J Dec. 78 20 Sept. 84 I July 87
oLaiieerH ' 'f 6 July 70127 Dec. 76 15 Dec. 84I I July 87
Robert A lexaiidor Sw..tcniuim7ikr"/orV Be'ngai
Willmm C.K,ko, Major. .Madras'stufr Corps^
C 26 May 65 3 June 68
S ^" 26 May 77 26 May 85 I July 87
7 Nov. 65 7 Nov. 67 1 7 Nov. 77 7 Nov. 85 T July 87
''';''"". «"r<lon Highlanders'
Neville fK
N«'lm" v 'l"'/I,'"'''V
Chamberlain, Cai./„m, Bengal S. C. 24 Apr. 73
9 Aug. 74
25 Feb. 82 7
9 Aug. 85 7
Nov. 85'
Nov. 85

Htuart hrskmc Holland iiaior, Madras 2 Dec. 74 4 Dec. 80 24 Feb. 86| I July 87
StaffCorps 9 Nov. 66 9 Dec. 68 9 Nov. 78 9 Nov. 86 I July 87
"""'"*• ^'^''''- Yorkshire Light Inf.
(10 K) 1 Apr. 15 May 67
22 Mar. 71 I July 81 4 July 87
r.'.f. Kri.nci* T C. bu Vernet; Jtfa>r,'( from hip!
•6 Feb. 70 8 Feb 5 July 82' 5 July 87

Lieutenant Colonels. 57
2nd LIEUT.
Joseph William Fitzgerald, -Uafo,; h.p. "Essex) July 57 Aug. 60 12 Jan. 66
[4 9
Rei't. Commuudant Royal MiUtafi/ Asylum
; S
John Ramsay Slade," CB. Major, h.p. Royal Art.; ) :8 Dec. 6
Military Attache at Rome )
Morton Frederick Thrupp, Major, h.p. Derbyshire
Rest. (Eii^. 4 F. 5 July 62 Lt. 4 F., 9 Oct. 63;
; 4 Oct. 68 27 Aug. 7o'29 June 78 18 July 82

sold out I Feb. 68) )

Beu.jamin Vaughan Arbuckle, Lt.Col. R. Artillery.., 12 June 58 27 Aug. 58 i Aug. 72 16 Jan. 79

Horace Howell, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff Corps 26 July eiUo July 62 26 July 73 26 July 81
Henry Trotter, CB. Lt.Col. Royal Engineers 8June6ol 3 Aug. 72 30 Nov. 78
Charles G. Loveridge, Lt.Col. West India Regt :4 Aug. 57,25

May6oj i Apr. 70 I July 81

Thomas E. S. Hickman, Lt.Col. 21 Hussars 22 Dec. 63' 7 Nov. 68 26 Aug. 76 I JulV 81
Henry John Wolsteyn Gehle, Lt.Col. R. Engineers... 21 Dec. 59 3 Aug. 72 I July
Alfred Lionel M'Nair, Lt.Col. Bombay Staff Corps.., 26 Oct. 64 27 Aug. 73 27 Aug. 81
Reginald Frank Morris, Lt.Col. Royal Engineers .., 22 Dec. 2 Nov. 72 I July 81
John Walker Inge, Lt.Col. Royal Artillery 19 June 60 23 Nov. 72 26 Feb. 81
C. G. Lord Kilmarnock, Major, Royal Horse Guards 19 Aug. 71 II Sept.75 I July 81
j>.«.c. George Lee Le Mesurier Taylor (from h.p.
14 Feb. 5o 19 June 72 I July 81
Bedford Regt.), Professor Royal Military College
William Henry Patten, Lt.Col. Royal Engineers 21 Dec. 59 28 Aug. 72 I July
Albert James Hepper, DSO. Lt.Col. R, Engineers . 22 Dec. 59'2i Sept.72 I July
Edward Albert FitzRoy, Lt.Col. Royal Artillery .... 19 June 60 23 Nov. 72} i July
William Gorges JIuUoy, Lt.Col. Royal Artillery 19 June Dec. 72; i July
Richard Jackson Hezl'et, Lt.Col. Royal Artillery 19 June 60 II Dec. 72 i July
George Arthur French, CMS. (from R. ArtUlery), June 60 July
19 ir Dec. 72 I 81
Commandant Colonial Forces, Queensland
Robert D. E. Lockhart, Lt.Col. Royal Artillery 19 June 60 Dec. 72 II I July 81
Thomas Wood, Lt.Col. Royal Artillery ig June6o'ii Deo. 72 I July 81
George Harris, Lt.Col. Royal Engineers 22 Dec. 59 15 Jan. 73 I July 81
Henry Robinson, Lt.Col. Royal Engineers 22 Dec. 59; 2 Apr. 73 1 July 8,
Edward Harvey, Lt.Col. Royal Engineers 22 Dec. 59 23 May 73 2 Mar. 8]
Charles Edward Ilarenc, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff Corps 5 May 63 15 Oct.
73 Oct. 5 8]
William Henry Browne, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff Corps 17 July 66 20 Oct. 73 20 Oct.
Frank Galloway, Lt.Col. Royal Artillery . 19 June 60 II Dec. 72' 2 Mar. 8i
Charles Cunningham, Lt.Col. Royal Engir 19 June 60' 3 July 73 i Jui.y 81
John Alfred Sweny, Major, Royal Marines 29 Dec. 62 1

4 May 77 i July 81
Thomas Glancy, Lt.Col. RoyalEngineers . I Nov. 60'
Aug. 73 I 2 July 81
John Thomas Watling, Lt.Col. Bombay Staff Corps 26 July 6426 Nov. 73I26 Nov. 81
Arthur Clitherow W'ai-d, Lt.Col. Royal Engineers .. I Nov. 6o'24 Aug.
I July 81
p.s.c. Thomas S. St. Clair, X^C'o/. Berkshire Regt. )
9 Dec. 62 4 July 65 7 Apr. 75 I July 81
(49F.) j
Ai-thur Melvill Hogg, Lt.Col. Bombay Staff Corps.. 2 Dec. 61 4 June 64 2 Dec. 73 12 Dec.
Francis Carminowe Nicolas, Lt.Col. Royal Artillery 9 June 60 2 Apr. 73! I July
William Gordon Ross, Lt.Col. (from h.p. Royal f
7 Dec. 62 4 June 76,17 Dec.
Engineers), Professor R. M. Academy |
Robert Warburton, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff Corps 3 Dec 2 Mar.
Fred. WiUiam Joseph, X^Co/. Bombay Staff Corps .. 8 Dec. 73 18 Dec.
Julian Babonan Lawrence, Lt.Col. Bombay S. C. ,.. Dec. 6i 18 Dec. 73 18 Dec.
Geo. Parquharson Penirelley, Major, R. Mar. Art.... 23 Dec. 59 May 65 10 Nov. 74 I July
Edward Nicoll Wm. Holbrook, Major, R. Marines... 3 Dec. 59 27 Mar. 63 7 May77
I July

William Henry Wells, Major, Royal Marines 3 Dec. 59 I Ju ne 63 20 July 77 I July

Gordon Lorn Campbell Mone3', DSO. Major, t 8 Feb. 68 28 Oct. 18 Aug. 80 I Feb. 84
Cameron Highlanders i
Albert Charles Smith, Lt.Col. Royal Engineers I Nov. 60 24 Aug. 73 I July 8
William Salmon Mills, Lt.Col. Argyll and Suther- j I Jan. July
63 o Apr. 66 24 Sept.73 I 8
land Highlanders (93 F.) j
y.s.e. William Everett, CMG. Lt.Col. h.p. West)
8 June 64 I Jan. 67 9 Sept.74 1 July 8
Riding Regt. ; Professor at the Staf College J

Fred.FitzroyGibbons,X<.Co/.DevonshireRegt.(iiF.) 4 July 60 9 Aug. 64 22 July 71 I July 8

Edw. T. B. Sparks, Lt.Col. N. Stafford Regt. (64 F.) 22 Mar. 65 y Oct. 69 14 Sept. 78 I July 8
Matthew Richard West, Lt.Col Royal Artillery 8 June 60 I Aug. 72 I Sept. 80
p.s.c. Sisson Cooper Pratt,2o Lt.Col. (from h.p. R. 1
24 June 63 I Jan. 76 24 Jan. 83
Artillery) Professor R. Military Academy
; J

John Meredith Maltby, Lt.Col. West India Regt. ... 8 Oct. 71^24 Nov. 77 24 Mar. 82
Arthur Warry, Lt.Col. (from R. Artillery), Deputy [ Nov. 60
I 16 Apr. 73 I July 8
Assist. Adj. General jor R. Artillery, War Office )

p.s.c. Henry Knollys, Lt.Col. Royal Artillery Nov. 60 16 Apr. 73 I July 8

Spencer Gardiner," X<.CoZ. Royal Artillery '.

Nov. 60 16 Apr. 73 I July 8

p.s.c. Kon. Wm. Fitz William Elliot, Lt.Col. (from)
h.p. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders) ; Dep. V 22 June 67 Jan, 19 Oct. 78 31 Jan. 83
Assistant Adjutant General j

p.s.c. William Toke Dooner, Lt.Col. Inniskilling)

30 Jan. 63 6 Feb. 66 24 Mar. 75 I July 81
Fusiliers (27 F.) |
Charles Henry Shappard, Lt.Col. Madras Staff Corps 1 Mar. 62 6 Mar. 64 i Mar. 74 I Mar. 82
Arnold Dashwood Strettell, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff C. 4 Mar. 62 23 Oct. 67 4 Mar. 74 4 Mar.
Thomas Deane, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff Corps 4 Mar. 62 24 Aug. 68 4 Mar. 74 4 Mar. 82
Edward H. Hanning-Lee, Major, 2 Life Guards 2 Sept. 65 15 Feb. 71126 July 76 26 Nov. 83
John Albert Little, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff Corpi 8 Mar. 62 5 July 65 18 Mar. 74 [8 Mar. 82
John De Burgh Lynch, Lt.Col. Bombay Staff Corps|i8 Mar. 62 5 May 69 '18 Mar. 74 [8 Mar.
Fred. V^incent Godfrey Bird, Major, Royal Marines 29 Mar. 60 10 Dec. 63 27 Sept. 77I I July
George Roland Gambler, Lt.Col. Royal Artillery ... 8 June 60 2 Nov. 72 i
12 Dec. 80
Arthur Hill, Lt.Col. Royal Engineers 8 Dec. 60 25 Aug. 73' I July 81
Lewis WiUiams Taylor, Lt.Col. Royal Artillery 2 June 58 7 Aug. 58, I Aug. 7i [ I May 79
p.s.c. Alex. Marin Delavoye, Lt.Col. h.p. Essex)
Feb. 64
Regt. (56 F.) Assist. Director of Mil. Educations 9

p.s.c. Wm. Cooke, X<. Co/. Cheshire Regt. (22 F.)...

Jasper Burne, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff Corps
Charles William Thomson, Lt.Col. Royal Artillery...
Wm. Prescod Holmes, Lt.Col. Dublin Fua. (103 P.)...
Francis William Nixon, Lt.Col. R. Engineers
Henry Driukrow Harrison, Lt.Col. The Buffs (3 P.)
Charles Hackett, Lt.Col. Northumberland Fiis. (5 F.)l 9 Aug. 64
William Percival Tomkins. Lt.Col. Royal Engineers
;s Lmdenaut Colonels


WilliBin Verner Ellis, iJ.Col. Benijrtl Staff Corps ... 10 June 62 9 Dec. 6410 June74 2 Mar. Si 10 Juue 88
John Spence, Lt.Col. h.p. Yorkshire Light Inf.; 17 Jaji. 6j 9
ii.».e. May 67 12 Apr. 79 I Jul.y 8i'2i June 88 21 June
Charles Evau-s llalk-it. Lt.Cul. Bengal Staff Corps... 24 June 62 2 June 67 24 June 74 24 June 82 '24 .Tune 88
Frederick UjberUin Twynam, Lt.Col. U. Artillery S June 60 12 Apr. 73 I .Itily S1I26 June88|
Charles Klumiug (.ikig, Lt.Col. h.p. Cheshire Regt. 8 Juno 60 30 July 62 15 Mar. 73 1 Jan. 8ij I July 88 I July 88
Herbert Wynne Apperley,*' Lt.Col. h.p. 9 Lancers 22 Sept.63 27 July 66 9 Sept. 74 2 Mar. Si' I July 88 I July 88
Etlw. Ralpii Bromliojid," Lt.Col. h.p. York and [ Mar. 63' i3 Apr. 65'25 Apr. 68 July 8i I July 88 July 88
Lancaster Rest )

ii.i.e. Kdward llunlur,^'^ Lt.Col. h.p. East Lanca- July 88 July 88

Dec. 58:23 Sept.62 IS Mar. 73 I July 8ij I
shire Regt S
Ralph R. K. Drake-Brockman, Lt.Col. R. Engineers • I19 Dec. 60 25 Aug. 73 I July 81 I July 88
Matthew Townsenil Sale, Clftf Lt.Col. (fiom h.p.
i I July 61 26 Aug. 73 I July 81! I July 88
Royal Engineers) }
Kdward Mashitcr Dansey, Lt.Col. h.p. i Life Guards 14 Sept.67J 5 May 69 28 Mar. 74 I July 81 I July 88 : July 88
George Coope Helme, Lt.Col. h.p. Wiltshire Regt.... 28 Jan. 62 14 June 64 22 Mar. 76 I July 81 1 July 88 : July 88
Walter Chrystie Underwood, Lt.Col. h.p. 4 Hussars 4 July 69! 2 Aug. 71 7 Mar. 77 I July 81 I July 88 ; July 88
Richard Kuox, Lt.Col. h.p. 13 Hussars 16 Oct. 67 28 Oct. 71 17 Mar. 77 I July 8i I July 88 : Julv 88
Thomas Adam A. Bnratow,'" Lt.Col. h.p. Seaforth 1
Aug. July July 88 July
9 Aiir. 64 18 Dec. 67 15 77 I 81 I
HighUnders J

James Charlei JIaberly, Lt.Col. 2 Dragoons 25 Sept. 6 22 June 70 24 Jime 76 5 July 82 July 5 88
Frederick Lawrence Haleman, Lt.Col. Madras S.C. 26 Ma.y 58 6 Apr. 60 26 May 70 :o July 88
James Gore liootli, Lt.Col. Royal Engineers 8 Dec. 60 26 Aug. 73 I July 81 14 July 88
George Malcolm Fox," Lt.Col. h.p. Black Watch ... 22 Dec. 63 9 June 65 10 June 71 •S July 83 25 July 88 ;July
Alex. Clark-Kounedy, Lt.Col. Madras Staff Corps... 29 July 62 5 Nov. 64 29 July 74 :9 July 82 '29 July
Lt.Col. (from h.p. Royal)
p.t.c. Emiliu.s t'lavton,
I July 61 ID Oct. 74 I July 8i]3i July
Pr„f,»or „' the Staf College
Artillery), j
Henry Georgo Pilk'au, Lt.Col. Royal Engineers 8 Dec. 60 26 7 i.Iuly 81! I Aug.
Charles Reginald Macgregor. ifajor, Bengal S. C... 14 Mar. 68 28 Oct. 71 14 Mar. 8i 2 Mar. 81 2 Aug. i

John James Harvey, Major, South Wales Bor-l Aug.

derers (24 F.)
21 Mar. 65 30 Sept. 68 24 July 73 9 June 82 2 i

Henry Townlev Scott Yates, Major, Royal Artillery Jan. 68' i July 79 6 Fob. 85 2 Aug. i

Jacob Pieter U. Vunrenen, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff C... 27 Apr. 69' 8 Aug. 74 8 Aug. 82 8 Aug. i

Walter Cave, Lt.Col. h.p. Irish Fusiliers 2S Dec. 65 20 Aug. 7 12 Aug. 81 12 Aug. i 2 Aug.
Foster Cuuliffe L. Ka.}\ Lt.Col. 2 Dragoon Guards... o Dec. 71 7 June 78 10 July 84 15 Aug. i

Frederick William t\irey, Lt.Col. Royal Artillery... Nov. 60 8 Oct. 73 I July 8: 17 Aug. i

i>.».c. Albert Edw. Wdliamson Goldsmid, Z^ Co/.

(from h.p. Munster Fus.), D. A. Q. M. Gen., War \ 29 June 66 Nov. 68 I May 78 29 Aug. 8. 29 Aug. I

OJice )
George Walters Rogers, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff Corps Sept.62 I Sept. 74 22 Nov. 79
Clervaui Morley, Lt.Col. (from h.p. R. Artillery), > Dec. 60
Attutant Director of .irtitlery 7 Dec. 73 1 July 8 7 Sept.SS
Frederick B. J. Jerrard,*' Lt.Col. h.p. W.Riding Regt. 8 Oct. 64 4 Oct. 67 23 June 75 14 Sept. 8 14 Sept.88 4 Sept.l
Henry Paterson, Lt.Col. Bengal Staff Corns 23 Sept.6: 7 May
66 23 Sept. 74 2 Mar. 8 23 Sept,"'
Harry William Rooke, Lt.Col. h.p. Royal Artillery 8 Dec. 60 18 I July 81 I Oct.
William M'Cliutock, Lt.Col. (from h.p. R. Art.),)
Supdt. .Small Armt Factory, hirmingham
5 Dec. 60 I July 81 I Oct.

Edmond Baiubridge, Lt.Col. (from h.p. R. Art.), I

Member of Ordnance Committee S Dec. 60 Mar. 74 I July 81 I Oct.


John Lloyd Price, i<. CW. Bedford Regt 9 Aug. 64 Oct. 70 I July 81 10 Oct. 88
Alex. Chalmers M'Kean, Major, 6 Dragoons 18 Oct. 71 Nov. 78 23 Jan. S3Si8 Oct.
Edw. Graham Pennei.iiher, -Ifc/./or, 6 Dragoons...... '3 Apr. 73 iS June8 25 July 88 18 Oct.
Arthur Napier Pearse, Lt.Col. h.p. Royal Ai-tillery 9 Deo, I July 74 I July 81J29 Oct. 29 Oct. 88
Charles Henry Spragge, Lt.Col. h.p. Royal Artillery 9 Dec. 60 I July 74 I July 81 29 Oct. 29 Oct. 88
Samuel Pym, Lt.Col. h.p. Royal Ariillery 1 Apr. 61 I July 74 I July 81 129 Oct. 29 Oct. 88
James Wall, Lt.Col. h.p. Royal Artillery I Apr. 61 28 Sept. 74 I July 81 '29 Oct. 29 Oct. 88
Joshua Rowley Watfou, Lt.Col. Bombay Staff Corps 26 Jan. 66 7 Nov. 74 7 Nov. 82' 7 Nov.
Geo. Anson Hdlyard. Lt.i^l. Rifle Brigade 26 Apr. 64 II Sept. I July 81 9 Nov.

Allan Sauuderf. Lt.Col. S. Stafford Regt... 9 Mar. 67 5 May I July 8i1t8 Nov.
Willoughby Hemans, Z,^ Co/, h.p. R. Art. 1 July 61 10 Oct. 74 I July 81 29 Nov. 29 Nov. 88
Thomas Gaskell, Lt.Col. h.p. Royal Artillery I July 61 10 Oct. 74 I July 81 50 Nov. 30 Nov. 88
Alexander Campbell,-" Lt.Col. h.p. Royal Artillery... I July 61 17 Oct. I July 81 5 Dec. 88 5 Dec. S8
74 1

Alfred Glyuii liegbie, Major, Royal Engineers .. I July 6: 26 Aug. 1 July 81 16 Deo. 88
Frederick Fircbnice, Lt.Col. h.p. Royal lOngineers 8 Dec. 61 11 Dec. 8 Dec. 8i'i8 Dec. 88 18 Dec. 88
Malcolm Wm. Rogers, L/.Cul. h.]). Rjyal Kugineei 8 Dec. 6t II Dec. 2 Mar. 81118 Dec. 88 18 Dec. 88
Jeremy Taylor, Lt.Col. h.p. Rcyal Knginee: 8 Dec. 61 II Dee. 8 Dec. 8i!i8 Dec. 88 18 Dec. 88
William Osborn, /.I. Col. h p. Kovul Engineers 73
8 Dec. 61 II Mar. 7^ 8 Dec. Si!i8 Dec. 83 18 Dec. 88
Thomas B. U. Siivi, Lt.Col. h.p.Royal Engineers ;8 Dec. 61 I Apr 74 8 Dec. 81,18 Dec. 88 18 Dec. 88
William Sedgwick, Lt.Col. h.p. Royal Engineers :8 Dec. 61 I Apr. 74 8 Dec. Si|i8 Dec. 88 18 Dec. 88
Andrew Wilson Baird, Lt.Col. h.p. Royal Engineers iS Dec. 61 4 Apr. 74 8 Dec. 81 18 Dec. 83 18 Dec. 88
Henry Th inas Thompson Sandes, Lt.Col. h.p.
Royal Artillery 22 Dec. 59 25 Nov. 74! I July 81I21 Den. 88 21 Dec. 88
Alfred Lok'mh," Lt.Col. h p. Royal Artillery July
1 61 25 Nov. 74' I'July 8i^2iDec. 88 21 Dec. 88
j,.:c. Ileri..rt
Scott Gould Miles, Lt.Col. h.p.)
Mu:i8ter Fusiliers 4 Feb. 69 27 Apr. 70 23 Aug. I July 81 29 Dec. 29 Dec. 88
) 76J

War Sen-Jen; of tlie Liruh-inaif Gulonels. 58a.

-..n.Kn ., m- :S44-45, including the sicKc and capture of
*he f^l^/s^Iawf;^]" ,^'::;;^^ ''"-"'" '^^ rr:,.;[
jncli i.;,l i!!,„ 7,V" !• \p '
111suppression ofthe Indian mutiny in 1858-sg,
°Lt ^^l,, P,' ' -"'^'"''^V^?''"^^
"'"' ''"' " ^ I'^-M-ka, and action of Somuassa (Medal). ^^*

LtColonel G. W. Smith served with the u:; n -nn in m l'r^li;i,win-

Heights oTthe
^eigutsot the iL'n';' o'^^f
bitana on 4th May
the°"^°h%" ^^"^i^ T? with
^Me(h^l l^'
'''V Ulasp).

'""' ^^^"^^^^^^
^'^ ''^'',
?anatic!" n hi
Served in the Afghan war in i878-7n is AKsistnnt
nr, Hio w.i.^^p^-o

:8So; accompanied S
(Medal with Clasp, an, k,., .
';.,!,., i
the march to Candahai, ;l,,.I u., |m. ,,,1 ai tl„. u le of Candaha Km I, i

,„;,li,.nl. Served in the Soudan l^.p,.,!,!, ,„ ,„ ,S;; /w th he wd

"'"'""'''""''"""''"'"" "" "igagementsat El Teb Temai iMecl^rwUl? Cll^, and Kh" U B^tSi

/• ^V Y'^'^'f. served as Superintendent of Army Signalling in the Jowaki campaign in 1877
in despatches, Meda with Clasp). Served in the Afghan war in 1878-79 as Superintendent of Field
i?W, «nh^ present at the capture of the Peivvar Kotal (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of
AtPdf wifh'p^^ ^'^"l Major.
Sf7«l;^ith the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 on the Lines of Communication (mentioned in
de^i^trZ^ R,P?i; of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of
despatches, Brevet the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star).
'"""• ",' '^^°"' Brigade Major 2nd Infantry Brigade Candahar
l-Meldi-Wpfrom^; -3"^ August""1 ? '"T/'^r''^ VJ" iH*^'''"l
(Medal). See also Civil Dee,. rations Un- iallantry, p -.28 1 | I
10 T
^^"^ 5''"' llegiment in tU' Ai.I.n, war of 1878-80, and was present in
<-iiSa!?ementsat Ahmed Kheyl and
('n^'r^n':.."}^f^L^^^.^^'''\''i^t'-'''f^ "^i'l}
Urzoo near (Jhuznee (Meilal Willi Clasp).
''''"'' "'° '''^''^'' "''" "' '"'-^^' ""^^ present at the capture of the " ^^
Papibertoi served tliroughout the operations of the expedition of 1863 against the tribes on
,hl \w?,Hv®' ?•,?"
w,H, (^lasp).
r°,^ ^^^ frontier of India, and was present at the storm of Laloo aud capture of Umbeylah (Medal
witii Also served 111 the Afghan \vni- in i";" -1
''"-'' ""ffl-i Expedition of 1S74-7, in the Transport Corps.
Served f,°Jhp®L^i,^°^- «."*°^fon «'r '' '•
""^'ty Assistant Adjutant General at Cabul from January
tnOo^jV l^^'''^''''V^'i^°''i''^^\'
^ '"'

" 'l' to Candahar as Orderly Officer to Brigadier General
3 '""'

Ma^?-rPirn n'^f^""'"^^"''''^

',"'"? "1 .^^'''^'-- l-'i'^nWoned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with

Clasn R,tr, p n' '

^^^^!^Su-:\ ^ r::,;;Vi?,^es^pa'^ch^is)!'""^"'"''''^'^'°^-°^'^'^''^^-'^^^^
/' '
" - - -,'1 in the New Zealand war in ,864-65, and was mentioned in despatches as
lv!vi,^Jr'" .?L3!,'?.'"'"5 ;

•'" '^""^"^^ Adjutant with great coolness and courage under a heavy fire"
-^;^Hn,5.f iV%","'-^ in the
..icciou at n^
le xtanga
Slade served throughout the Afghan war of 1878-80, and took part in the Bazar Valley Ex-
pedition under Lt.Genena Mau.le, ami as Ailjutantof Royal Artillery with the Peshawur Valley
Field Force under
''''''" '"' '1' S.^ehes) Afterwards served with the Field Force, and was
mptnf?tthpT"'' '

'--"'"' Wall's mutineers, iu the engagenieni .t Ma, wand (where he com-

niSd'lhp ^J-^ery
f^ni M

dnW L
^ '

,,; M:i,,,r Blackwood), at the siege of (',.,. ihiiiar. :,„-! at the

battle of Can-

'"' 'l''-i':>i' lies, Brevet of Major, CB., Medal with Clasp)


20 T /n ^ I
\,;<1 throughout the Bhootanese campaign of 1864-65, with the Left Brigade
Field Fn,°ip".^'„ ^ Dooar
' '

capture of Dahmkote, engagements at Chumurchi and Nagoo, and recapture of
the Bala Pass V' (.V 'I'l , ,

"3 T !'r'^iS"''l i/'\li'

,'' ^"'°' '^'"^ the Mounted Infantry in the Zulu war of 1S7Q (Medal with Clasp).


S**? Lancers in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and took part with the
^'''''"'''^ ''''*'i *^^
R^i^nv v.?iip^,''U
nppp',.y„ 7 'l;--^''!^"."''';?'
Expedition, m
the engagement at Charasiab in October 1879, and in the operations around Cabul in
'"? ^J^'^^Pf t^^hes) acconipanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar, and was
TOPse^t n thI^h"A°° ?'n Candahar (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal with three Clasps, and Bronze

Bromhead served with the 2nd Battalion York and Lancaster Regiment throughout the
Kf=?.=f,?r^^^/i ^* ^1 Magfar and Tel-el -Mahuta, in the two actions at
Ka^sasin, and at the ',''l\'^'^'''/r^''',''''f'J^'?-*^?.^¥'^S^F''^»^^
battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of the Osmanieh, and
Khedive's Star).
Edward Gunter served with the 59th Regiment in the Afghan war of 1879-80 with the force under
«;,. iSi ; 1 il
"" engagement at Ahmed Kheyl and the subsequent operations in the
LogarValley tMedafand'cTar)'^
*° Cobbe and Colonel Drew from the
"''"''?'^ ^^"""^ Brigadier General
comn^iu^PmP^l'^V'^fl,'^' Afghan ""o ^'-'^n^H
1S78 t.ll August 1879 with the Koorum Field Force, including the Khost
FxnpZfo, n^ttif.^'' *'""" ""^ Supermtendent of Army Signalling
Ppi?, o, l?I;„? I, "?^ was present at the attack and capture of the ;

'I tL^, ?°^ '" ^^'^ engagement at Mattoon (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp).
the ist Battalion Bla-.k Watch in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was
piesent at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir— wounded (Medal with ('ias|. and
Khedive's Star)
31 T t'n°,''-'"^' ^- ?•
'' Jeirard served in the Ashanti war ,S7.,, in the TranspoiT Service (Medal).
Lt.Colonel A. Camphel served with the Royal Horse Artillery in tlie Afghan
war in 1880 and took part in the
'^"fTntions m
the Lognr Valley (Medal).
. .< 'r^lonel A. Logan served in the .-i^nudan campaign
in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
59 Majors.
CAPrAI>-. MAJOIt. 'placed OW-
Hector TuUocU, J/iyV'c, U.)i. H">.v»l Kiipinecre ;'9 Dec. 53 2 Oct. 57.28 June 62 5 July 72|i2 Mar. 73;
Robert F. H. Macprc.'or, Capt.h.x>. Mil. Train, S.O.of Pensioners Dec. 52 18 Aug. 54 6 Sept. 61 7 Oct. 74J
Wm. John Lane Milligan, Cij^t. h.p. Militarj- Train, Staff) June 54 17 Apr. 57, S Oct. 61
OBicor of Pensioners i
Edward Oladstone,' Captain, h.p. Royal Marine Artillery 30 Dec. 51 '24 Feb. 54 27 Mar. 02 .5 Sept.7s' 16 Nov. 75.
Joseph IJcorpc Shanks,* Afo/or, h.p. Royal Marines 30 Dec. 51 24 Feb. S4'22 May 62 27 Feb. 76; 26 Mar. 78
Alexander Cook,' ilajor, h.p. Madras Staff Corps 26Junes6] 2 Feb. 59 26 June 6Sj :6 June 76 6 Jan. 77>
Ebenezcr Rni;ers, Capt. h.p. West India ReKiment, Staff
-, 1
Oct. 56'i3 Aug. 58'26 Jan. 66 2 Oct. 78
OlKcer of Pensioners ! )

John Corsaue Robinson, J/(i/'»c, R. Artillery liSDec. 6i| 7 Feb. 75! I Nov.
V»r John Rouse Mcrriott Chiinl, Major, Royal Engineers liS.Tuly 68 21 Jan. 79 .^3Jan.
Yi€ Goiivillo Bromhead. Major, 8. Wale.s Borderers (24 Foot) Apr. 67:28001. 7il23Jan. 79 23 Jan.
Robert George Swayne Marshall, Major, Royal Artillery 9 Dec. 591 4 Feb. 74 22 Nov.
Ell ward Joseph de Lautour, Major, Royal Ajtillery 8 June

60 II Mar. 74 22 Nov.
John Pavidsou, Major. BengalStaff Corps 24 Mar. 63'24 Mar. 66 24 Mar. 75 22 Nov.
Richard Wace, Major, Royal Artillery loJan. 64I 9 Aug. 76 22 Nov.
Thomas Francis Hobi'ay, Major, Bengal Staff Corps 25 July 65 24 July 68125 July 77 22 Nov.
rC O'Moore Creagh, Major, Bombay Staff Corps 2 Oct. 66 16 Feb. 70 2 Oct. 78 22 Nov.
p.t.c. Howard Molyneux Edward Bninker, Major, Scottish)
July 60 23 Dec.
4 64 23 May 77 29 Nov. 79
Rifles (26 Foot)' .'

HoughamChnrlesHuntlcv. 3/(i/or, Lincolnshire Regt. (10 F.) 8 Sept. 63 9 65 31 Oct. 77 29 May Nov. 79
John Edward Hale Prior ."J/u/o;-, S. Staffordshire Regt. (80 F.) 21 Mar. 68 30 Aug. 71 18 Nov. 77 29 Nov. 79
Joseph Henry Layc, Major, Scottish Rifles (90 Foot) 2o July 67 27 Oct. 71 23 Jan. 78 29 Nov. 79
p.f.c. Edward Robert PrevostWooilgate, Major, Lancaster) Apr. 65! 7 July 69 2 Mar. 78 29 Nov. 79
Regt. (4 Foot) 3
Adolphus Brett Crosbie. Major, Royal Marines i Dec. 64' 3 Aug. 67 3 Dec. 78 17 Dec. 79
William George Knox, Major, Royal Artillery to July 67 23 Jan. 79 21 Apr. 80
Robert William Kaye. Major, Royal Artillery 9 Cec. 59 II Dec. 72 26 May 80
Edward J. H. Spratt,.V«;br, Worcestershire Regt.(29 Foot) .. 3 Mar. 65)12 Dec. 68 31 Aug. 78 24 July 80
Fred. Montgomery G. Hutchinson, ^(//)^ Lancaster Regt. (4 F.) 25 Jan. 6920 Sept. 71 20 Mar. 80 24 July 80
Arthur Swintcm. Major, Royal Arcillery 9 „...
^ Dec. 59
J, , - .... 74 28 July 80
Townlcy Ward Dowding, Jlf(//of, Royai Marines >8 June
65 3 Aug. 67 IS Nov. 79 1 Sept.80
' "
Eugh Cough Grant, Major, Seaforth Highlanders (78 F.) 28 July 63 Oct. 65
':6 5 Nov. 70 2 Mar.
lion. Cbiis Dutlou. Major, Shropshire Lt. Inf. (85 F.) 12 Mar. 61 26 July
64 7 Oct. 71 2 Mar.
Charles Strahan, Major, Royal Engineers 60 >o Aug.
8 June 72 2 Mar.
;..».<•.Henry Studholme Brownrigg, Major, Rifle Brigade 30 Apr. 65 30 Apr.
6t 10 Nov. 73 2 Mar.
Iteginald Ch«lmer. Major, King's Royal Rifles (60 F.) 17 Mar. 65 2 Apr.
63 21 Fell. 74 2 Mar.
Ueginald Gamett. Major, Seaforth Highlanders (72 P.) 30 Jan. 63 26 May 65 6 July 74 2 Mar.
Alfred Gasoke, Major. Bengal Staff Corps 9 Jan. 63 1 Oct. 66 9 Jan. 75 2 Mar.
M'.-nry Pipon, Major, Royal Artillery 8 Dec. 61 [o Feb. 75 2 Mar.
George Masson Abbott, Major, Bengal Staff Corps 31 Mar. 63 4 Oct. 66 51 Mar. 75 2 Mar.
Henry Vere Hunt, Major, Bengal Staff Corps II Sept. 63 2 Mar. 68 [ISept.75 2 Mar.
VC Wi'.liam John Vousden, Major, Bengal Staff Corps 8 Jan. 64 4 Oct. 67 8 Jan. 76 2 Mar.
Edward Merry Larminie, Major. Royal Engineers 25 June 62 !3Peb. 76 2 Mar.
Harrison Ross Lewin Morgan, Mnjnr, Royal Artillery Sept.63 ti Mar. 76 2 Mar.
Richard Corbett, Major, Royal Artillery - Seiit.63 [4 Mar. 76 2 Mar.
James Alex. Eras. H. Stewart-Maokenzie, Major, 9 Lancers... ^ly 8 June 70 [5 July 76 2 Mar.
Stannus Venier Gordon. Major, Bengal Staff Corps 9 Aug. 64122 May 68 9 Aug. 76 2 Mar.
John Henry Barn.ird, CMG. J/u/oi-, Munster Fusiliers (loiF.) May 66 '282 July 69
! 7 Mar. 77 2 Mar.
William Sinclair Smith Bissct, CIE. Major, Royal Engineers 29 June 63 15 June 77 2 Mar.
Francis Charles Burt 'n, Major, Bengal Staff Corps I July 65 :g .^uly 67 July 2 Mar.
Archibald Broadfoot, Major, Royal Artillery 3 Dec. 64 _ Aug. 77 2 Mar.
Charles Frederic Wm.Moir, J/o/or, Leicestershire Regt .(17 F.) ? Deo II Oct. 64 30 Sept. 77 2 Mar.
David Stanley Cuninghame, Major, Bengal Staff Corps 1 Dec. 65 I Oct. 6g 1 Dec. 77 2 Mar.
William Hill, Major, Bengal Staff Corps S Jan. 66 14 Dec. 69 5 Jan. 78 2 Mar.
Leslie Trevor Bishop, Major, Bengal Staff Corps 2 Mar. 66 I Mar. 69 2 Mar. 2 Mar.
John James Scott Chisholme, Major, 9 Lancers 10 Jan. 72 2 Mar. 78 2 Mar.
George Lloyd Reilly Richard.«on, Major, Bengal Staff Corps 23 Mar. 66 5 Mar. 69 23 Mar. 78 2 Mar.
Bloomfield Gough, Major, o Lancers '

27 Apr. 70 28 Oct. 71 July 2 Mar.

17 78
Alex. Thomas Seton A. Rind, CMG. Major, Bengal Staff Corps 2 Oct. 66 18 Jan. 2 Oct. 78 2 Mar.
Josiah Philiip Crampton Neville, Major. Bengal Staff Corps.... II Dec. 66 Dec. 78 2 Mar.
4 Dec. 69 II
Alexander John Forsyth Rcid, Major, Bengal Staff Corps 18 Jan. 67 6 May 71 1 Jan. 79 2 Mar.
Duncan Forbes Gordon, Major, Gordon Highlanders (92 F 1 8 May 67 15 Dec. 69 22 Feb. 79 2 Mar. 8;
John Delalj-nde Mansel, Major, Rifle Brigade 6 Mar. 69 28 Oct. 71 May 79 2 Mar.
17 S-
George Hambley Elliott, Captain, Bengal Staff Corps 13 July 67 17 Jan. 70 [3 July 79 2 Mar. 8:
Henrj- Travers Lugard, Major, Royal Artillery
13 Jan. 69 20 Sept. 79 2 Mar. 8:
Louis Faulkner Brown, Major, Royal Engineers .
8 Jan. 68 20 Dec. 79 2 Mar. 8
p.:c. Matthew Nisl)ett Gordon Kane, Captain, Seaforth)"
Highlanders (72 F.) 21 Aug. 67 4 May 71 1 Apr. 80 2 Mar. 8
//»«. John Scott Napier, J/o/or, Gordon Vlierhianders (oiz Foot)
14 Aug. 67 17 May 71 7 Apr. 80
lleiiry Kdgour, Major, Northumberland Fusiliers
Kilward Bruce, Major, Bengal Stafl' Corps
(5 F.)... 13 Feb. 66 8 June 70 4 May 80
10 July 68 !8 0ct. 71 10 July 80
CharleB \Vhiitingham Horsley Douglas, Major, Gordon)
Highlanders (gi F.) 16 Dec. 69 !7 0ct. 71 29 July 80 2 Mar. 8
'.!^",' "'""''^" f ergusson, Capi. Seaiorth Hi'ghianders (72 P.) Sept. 69
I -.,... _^ 28 Oct. 71 Mar.
Walter Treslovo Ellis, Major, Northain))tonshire Regt. 2 Sept.80 2 8
(48 F ) Nov. 62 6 Mar. 67 I Dec. 69 I July 8
lobn OlphcrtGage, Major. Border Regr.
(34 F.) Mar. 60 2 Sept. 62 5 Jan. 70 I July 8
Henry Richard Trccvc, Major, Border Regt.
(34 F.j Aug. 57 2 Mar. 60 Apr. 70 I July 8
KninciH Henry A. Disnoy-Roobuck, Major, Duke of
wuITh Li;,'hl Infantry {^(, F.)
Com 26 Feb. 64 17 Apr. Apr. 70
..,... j 67 9 I July 8
John Lombard Hunt, 'Major, 7 Hussars ......"!]"!!]!"".
19 Aug. 63 Nov.
64 2 June 70 I July 8
John Wyndham,


J »lin
Jf.yor, Irish Rifles (83 P.)
Lloyd Dickin. Major, Gloucestershire Regt.
65,23 Apr. 67 29 J ,_ I July 8
(61 P.)
Henry Evan Patesliall Thomas, Major,Vj. York Reirt (i? F)
64 20 July 67 3 1 Aug. 70 1 July 8
9 July 62 '23 Aug. 64 27 Aug. 70 I July 8
Chiimnion Jones, Major, Warrtickshiro Regt. (6 F I

) 25 June 52 3 Oct. 62 3 Sept.70 I July 8

'."'.*• Carletnn. Ma,or, King's Own Borderers Jan. 69 I Mar. 64 3
(25F.J Sept.70 July 8
Campbell .Money. Major, Oxfordshire Light Infantry I
17 May 6 17 Nov. 63 12 Oct. 70 July 8
MonUgu KuwkeH. Major, Irish Fusiliers (80 F ) t

5 Sept. 62 22 Sept. 65 22 Oct. 70 I July 8

Joli.i Eyl<» Hlundell, Major, Hampshire
Regt. FJ"'. 16 Jan. 63 20 Apr. 67 12
James Cooke, Major, East Lancashire Regt (30(67 F
Nov. 70 I July 8
I ipork'o Conner, Major,
) 3 Aug. 60 9 Oct. 63 24 Dec. 70 I July 8
Gloucestershire Regt. (28 F.) 2 Juno 65 3 Juno 68 25 Mar.
W in. CharlcM Fred. Madden. Major, Somerset 7 I July 8
Lt. Inf. (13 F.)'.] 28 Dec. 60 30 Juno 65 22 Apr. 1 July 8
r.t.r. t rcdk. de Uimare Morison, Major, 7
Royal Scots (i F ) 15 •Inn. 61 " 'lUg. 65 21 June I July 8

Majors. 60



William Shepherd, ^[aiol•, Royal Engineoi-s July 8

Charles Edward Reeves. Majof, The Buffs (3 V.) Julv 8
Robert Kieri) Watson, Major, Leicestershire Regt. (17 F.) July 8
John de Stuteville Isaacson, Major, Lothian Regt. (i F.) July 8
Granville Vernon, Major, Bedfordshire Regt. (16 F.) July 8
Ellis Lee. Major, York and Lancaster Regt. (65 F.) July 8
Gabriel Roland Ruscombe Poole, Major, 12 Lancers July 8
-George Frederick White, Major, Yorkshire Light Infantry") July 8
(51 P.) s
Anthony Cope, Jl/i/yof, Rifle Bnu'ailc July 8
Arthur Hill Sandys Montgom.'iy, .1/' w, lliil.- ImidmIo July 8
Francis MacKenzie Salmond, M't^ir, Sc-ii-, I'iiMlin , (jt F.) ... July 8
Henry Edward Gaulter, Major. Uaiiiii.-hire i;ui,t,. ;/ F.) ( July 8
\Vm. (iodfrey Thomas, Major, MauclR'ster Keuiuient July 8
•Geo. Lancelot M'Lean Farmer, Maj. XiiiL;"s Royal Rifles (60F.) July 8
p.s.c. Jas. Edwd. Ooodwyn, Major, Kast L.iucashirc Regt. "^
July 3
(30 Foot)
Hamlet Dalton Wade-Dalton, Major, .Mn (57 F-)- 4 Sept.73 July 8
Gerald Charles Hall Parlby, Major, R .\ 9 Oct. 7.3 July 8
Charles Vernoi. Eccles, Major, Rifle Bi-l I July 62 2 Nov. 73 July 8
Henry Bellingham Le Mottle, Maj. E. Y (15 F- ! Jan. 64 2 Nov. 73 July 8
Robert Algernon Livesay, Major, Ro.^al oDec. 73 Jul> 8
William ilogg Rolph, Major. Leicestersli Uo^t. (. 7 Aug. 61 4 Jau. 74 July 8
Dunbar Eraser Huyshe. Major. Royal A 4 Feb. 74 Jul'y 8
Henry Shakes] m, tiUery.. 4 Feb. 74 July 8
John Rimingt-i' (4F,).. 3 Mar. 74 July 8
James Fox Bimi I Mar. 74 July 8
HillyardH. Aim nu ..11, M^i Wr.l .;-,UhireRcgt. (16F.) 6 Aug. 64
14 .
9 Mar. 74 July 8
Henry Donald Br ne, Major. King's lioyal Rifles (60 F.) 3 June 63 14 • 7 Mar. 74 July 8
George Frederick Leycester Marshall, Major, R. Engineers ... I Apr. 74 July 8
Alex. Dingwall Anderson, Major, Royal Artillery 9 May74 July 3
Archibald Young Leslie, Major, Cameron Highlanders (79 F.) 4 Mar. 60 3 May74 July 8
Henry Haughton Hardinge, Major, Royal Ai-tillery 3 May74 July 8
John Dallas Edge, Major, Cheshire Regt. (22 P.) 25 Mar. 63 June 74 July S
Robert Stuart Clarke, Major, Somerset Light Infantry (13 F.). 25 June 58 9 Aug. 74 July 8
Edward Nesbitt, Major, West Riding Regt. (33 F.) I Sept. 65 9 Sept.74 July 8
Edmond Charles Browne, Major, Scots Fusiliers (21 F.) 23 Sept.62 9 Oct. 74 July 8
p.s.c. Alex. Martin Paterson, Major, Bedfordshire Regt. (16 F.) 10 Oct. 65 Oct. 74 July 3
Frederic Clowes, Major, East Lancashire Regt. (30 F.) i3 Sept.63 1 Oct. 74 July 8
John James Hamilton, Major, Liverpool Regt. (3 F.) 6 Aug. 61 3 Nov. 74 July 8
Arthur Grey Duberly, Major, Bedfordshire Regt. (16 F.) 20 Dec. 65 8 Dec. 74 Julys
Henry L'Estrange Malone, Major, 16 Lancers 22 Aug. 68 1 Dec. 74 July 8
Henry Shell, J/h/o)-, Ro.yal Artillei'.y 3 Jan. 75 July 8
Frederick Henry Beck, Jfa/or, 15 Hussar- 7 Jan. 75 Jul'y S
Vernor Chater, J/q/of, Sutherland Hi Lji.!:. ;') ' :
2 Feb. 75 July 8
John Leith Ross, lJr«/or, King's Own .Si- - i:.i.i.;ors
- :

3 Mar. 75 July 3
Sidne.y Cargill, J/a/or, The Border Rpgt. i
-, 1 1 I Apr. 75 July 8
H. Joiin de B. de Berniere, Major, Worcestershire Regiment July
I Apr. 75 8
(36 Foot) i
Henry Blackwood MacCall, Major, King's Royal Rifles (60 F.) 3 Feb. 67 I Apr. 75 July 8
Walter Creagh, Major, 7 Dragoon Guards i Oct. 68 I Apr. 75 July 8
p.s.e. Arthur Wilkinson, Major, South Lancashire Regt. (82 F.) 3 Oct. 69 I Apr. 75 July 8
Frederick Coningliam, Major, Royal Scots (r F.) 3 July 67 I Apr. 75 JulV 8
Lionel Richard Stopford Sackville, Major, Rifle Brigade 3 Mar. 67 n 3 May 75 July 3
f.s.c. Francis John Tidy, 2£ajor, East Lancashire Regt i Apr. 65 26 May 75 July 8
Herbert Charles Symons, Major, Yorkshire Light Infantry j July 68 July
5 July 75
7 3
(105 F.) ;
William Edward Roberts, Major, Royal Fusiliers (7 F.) 3 Ju.l.y 64'2i July 75 July 3
Edwd. Primrose T. Goldsmith, Major, Lancashire Fus. (20 P.) I July
6SJ21 July 75 July 8
Neil Benjamin Edraonstone, Major, 4 Hussars 3 Apr. 6912 July 75 July 8
Henry Roper Cui'zon Hewat, Major, Scots Fusiliers (21 F.) ... .Apr. 67' lS6pt.75 July 3
St. Andrew St. John, Major, t.p. Royal Marines, Barrack}^
D Dec. 61 [ Oct. 75 July 8
Master, Portsmouth Division J
Frederick East Apthorp, Major, Inniskilling Fusiliers (loS P.) 5 Jan. 67 J Dec. 75 July 8
Baron tJeorge Booth, Major, Lothian Regt. (i P.) I May 69 J
Jan. 76 July 8
Thomas Stanhope GUdea, Major, Seaforth Highlanders (72 P.) 7 Nov. 67 J Mar. 76 July 8
.J3.8.C. Frederick Luttman-Johnson, Major, York and Lan-)
J Nov. 68 ) Apr. 76 July 8
caster Regt. (65 F.) J
William Blakeway Burton, Major, Scottish Rifles (26 F.) J Apr. 64 ; May 76 July 8
Philip Charles Yorke, Major, Lancaster Regt. (4 P.) 5 June 66 t June 76 July 8:
.John Smith O'Brien Blake, Major, Lincolnshire Regt. (10 F.) I Oct. 64! I Nov. 76 July 8
Ponsonbv Wm. Watts, il/a/or, Irish Regt. (18 P.) 3 July 681 J Nov. 76 July 8
William Taylor Miller, Major, h.p. R. Marines, Paymaster, \
I Aug. 62 5 Feb. 77 July 8:
Portsmouth Division J
Charles Robert Kerr, Major, Dublin Fusiliers (102 P.) 3 Oct. 71 1 Mar. 77 July 8
Thomas Edward Verner, Major, Lincolnshire Regt. (10 F.) ... 3 Mar. 66 r Apr. 77 July 8
Spencer Acklom, Major, Connaught Rangers (88 P.) J June 77 July 8
Frederick Francis \Vilder Taylor, J/fyor, 'Dublin Fus. (102 P.) ) June 77 July 8
Henry Moore, Major, Lancaster Regt. (4 F.) 1 Aug. 77 July 8:
Thonias Everard 'Hungerford,^ Major, h.p. Royal Marines; )
July 8
Barrack Master, Deal j
George Froom, Major, Connaught Rangers (94 P.) 3 Oct. 66 '.1 Aug. 6S 31 July 8:
-Charles Talbot Peyton, Major, Durham Light Infantry (106 P.) 8 Jan. 68 '.i Oct. 71 31 July 8:
Walter Wilson James, Major, Durham Light Inf. (106 P.) II July 68 >8 Oct. 71 31 July 8:
David George Johnston, Major, Munster Fusiliers (loi P.) 9 Feb. 70 .8 Oct. 71 31 July 8:
Frederic Whitworth R. Jones, Major, Highland Lt. Infantry... 8 June 67 2 May 68 24 July 8:
Sir George Albert de H. Larpent, Bart. Major, Connaught
21 Nov. 65 -5 Sept. 69 24 July S
Rangers (88 F.) j
Vincent Robert Bisooe, Major, N. Lancashire Regt. (47 P.) ... 21 June 64 9 Nov. 67 8 Julv 8:
William Langmore Wreford, Maj. N. Lanca.shire Regt. (47 P.) 14 Mar. 65 r6 Dec. 68 23 July 8
p.s.c. Harry Cooper, Major, North Lancashire Regt. (47 F.) ... 10 Nov. 65 !3 Nov. 70 23 July 8
Arthur Kennedy M'Causland, Major, Welsh Regt. (41 P.) 25 Dec. 67 [2 Nov. 70 8 July 8
p.t.e. Aug. Williams Morris, il/o/'or, Northampton Regt. (58 P.) 5 July 64 2 Dec. 69'24 July 8
6i-62 Majors.

Lionel Godolphin Brooke, 3Iajo,; CoiiiiauKht Rangers (94 K.) 5 May 69 28 Oct. 71:15 Apr. 79 i J,ily 8
July 65 17 Feb. 69 19 Oct. 79I i July 8
Orr Boswell Gordon, ilujor, Cameron Hif^hlanders (79 F.) J

Howel Gunter, Major, Hlack Watch (73 F.) 3 July 62 23 June 65 7 July 74 10 July 8
Charles K. S. Parker, M.ijor, Black Watch (73 F.) 6 July 62 4 Aug. 65 I Apr 75 10 July 8
7 Nov. 62 21 Aug. 67 2 Mar. 78^10 July 8
Robert Kean Brcreton, J/<i;'or, Irish Rejrt.(i8F.)
Wilham Sanders IJarley, Major, S. St^iffordshire Regt 8 July 62 29 Sept. 65 31 Oct. 77 3 Sept.8
66 30 Mar. 67 2s Jan.
Aug. 8 Sept.8
William Henry Mobcrly, afa/or, S. Lancashire Retrt. (40 F.) ... 7 78J
Howe James Knox, Major, Welsh Fusiliei-s (23 F.) 4 Mar. 62 2 Juno 65 19 Nov. 73,14 Sept.8
16 Aug. 64 16 Oct. 67 I Apr. 75 14 Sept.8
Waldron E. R. Kellv, Major, The Buffs (3 F.)
Alex. Wan! Simpson, Major, Irish Regt. (18 F.) 6 Mar. 67 27 Apr. 70ji4Sept. 7S i4Sept.8
Neil Baniiatyno, Major, K. Lancashire Rojrt. (30 F.) 8 Mar. 64 >( Aug. 661 I Apr. 75 30 Sept. 8
Charles Henrv Cun-ev, Major, 4 Drairooii (Juards [2 Sept. 65 5 Jan. 70 27 June 74 i Oct. 8:

Henry J. L. S'orcock>af<ijor, h. p. Royal Marines, Barrack) t2 Oct. 60 7 July 64 I Oct. 77'i2 Oct. 8: 6 Oct.
Matirr, Plymouth Divinion i
Charles Wm. H. Helyar, Major, 3 Hussars" 2 Feb. 64 I Dec. 65 31 Oct. 71 15 Oct. 8
Gerard Septimus Burton, Maj Norfolk Regt. (9 F.)
a, Major, 28 Jan. =59 28 Dec. 61 5 July 73Jr5 0ct. 8:
!8 Sept.63 1 Feb. 67 I Apr. 75' 15 Oct.
p.t.r. Gooree Poiguand. Major, Lcinster Regt S:

Cecil Harlcy St. Paul, Major, Rifle Brigade 16 Aug. 64 13 .Tan. 69I27 Feb. 77 15 Oct. 8:

n.f.c. .Tames Walton F. Boston, Major, InniskilliiigFus. {27F.) 10 July 63 2 Jan. 69.10 Nov. 77 15 Oct. 8:

Henry Hare, Major, Munster Fusiliers (loi F.i ,30 Dec. 71 22 Oct. 79 15 Oct. 8
:i Sept. 63,27 Feb. 67 27 June 74 25 Oct.
Charles H. S. Kennedy, Major, Wiltshire Heat. (99 F.) 8:

Patrick Francis Robertson, Major. Gordon Highlanders (92 F.) 14 Mar. 6529 May 67129 Jan. 75 29 Oct. 8:

;i.».r. Alex. Henry Fraser, jfu/or, Uamnshire Hegt :iJau. 67 15 Sept. 69131 Jan. 78 29 Oct. 8:

ji.f.c. Thomas Prickett, Major, Essex Regt. (56 F.) 2 June 651 2 Jan. 6g 24 July 75] 5 Nov. 8
p.t.r. Henry Duppa A. Cutbill, Major, Irish Rifles (86 P.) 2o Dec. 60 21 Nov. 63 I Apr. 73119 Nov. 1 8
William Phibbs, Major, Dorsetshire Regt. (39 F.) 22 Mar. 64 22 Aug. 6s 6 Jan. 75I19N0V. I
Frederick William Birch, Major, Lancashire Fusiliers (20 F.) Nov. 65,14 Oct. 6S 10 Fcl). 77I19N0V. 8
Frederic John Curtin, Major', Gloucestershire Regt. (61 F.) .. [5 Jan. 64 16 Oct. 66| 9 Jan. 7S ig Nov. 8
Robert Wm. F. Phillips, Major, E. Surrey Regt. {31 F.) [8 Dec. 66 25 Dec. 6723 Jan. 78 19 Nov. 8
Edward H. Fitzhcrbcrt, 3f(//oc. Lancaster Regt. (4 P.) [I July 65 9 Feb. 70J31 Aug. 78 19 Nov. 8
Norman G. Chalmers, Major, Cameron Highlanders (79 F.)... [1 Dec. 66 28 Oct. 71 21 July Soi2i Nov. 8
Barrett Lennard Tollner, 'Major, Royal Artillery Dec. 6:|i6 Jan. 7512:; Nov.
Reginald 0. Singleton, Major, Highland Lt. Infantry (71 F.) 8 Aug. 65 ) June 68 22 Nov.
7 30 Nov.
1 8
Frederic Lloyd Harford, Major, Worcester Regt 9 Dec. 64 9 Dec. 77 17 Dec
Alured de Ve'rc Brooke, Major, Royal Engineers rS Dec. 6ijii Dec. 73 ;Dec.
James Robert M'Cullagh, ilajor. Royal Engineers Dec. bi'ii Dec. 73 18 Dec. 8
Richard Arthur Sargeaunt, Major, Royal Engineers 18 Dec. [ Dec. 73 Dec. J
Robert J. H. Parker, Major, Royal Engineers [8 Dec. 6: : Dec Dec.
Henry Champcmowne, Major, Royal Engineers [8 Dec. 6 lo Feb. 74 18 Dec.
Le.stock Francis Boileau, Major, Royal Engineers 18 Dec. 6: 13 Mar. 74 18 Dec.
.lames Adair Lawric, Major, Ro3-al Artillery iS Dec. 6: - - .Tan.
Desmond D. T. O'Callagiiau, Major, Royal Artillery tS Dec. 6i I 6 Jan.
75 [8 Dec. 8
Edmund S. B. Lnckyer, Major, Royal Artillerj' [8 Dec. 6: 16 Jan. 75 [8 Dec. 8
Edmund Webb Nasii, Major, Royal Artillery iS Dec. 6: 16 Jan. 75 18 Dec. 8
George W. M. Turnbull, Major, Royal Artillery t8 Dec. 61 7 Feb. 75 [8 Dec. 8:
St. Aubyn Molesworth, Major, Royal Artillery .8 Dec. 6] 10 Mar. 75 [8 Dec. 8
George Henrj' Slar.shall, Major, Royal Artillery 18 Dec. 61 10 Mar. 75 18 Dec. 8
Thomas Robert Disney, 3f«;W, Royal Artiller3' [S Dec. 61 Apr. 75 .8 Dec. 8;
James Keith, Major, Royal Artillery Dec. 6 Ai5r. 75 18 Dec. 8:
George Ernest Harley, Major, The Bufls 4 Oct. 64 7j
Dec. 67 7 May
75 23 Dec. 8:
Compton Norman, Ifo/or, Welsh Fusiliers 2 Sept. 62 12
1 Jan. 66 June 7.. 24 Dec. 8l
William Gage Armstrong, Major, Royal Marines Jan. 61 5 Nov. 64
2 2 Dec. 77 2 Jaru 82
William Frederick Campbell, Major, Royal Marines 2 Jan. 61 13 Nov. 64 !5 Dec. 77 2 Jan. 82
».».(. Henry T. Hughes Hallett, Major, M"iddlesex Regt. (57 F.) 13 Jan. 69 27 Oct. 70 ;8 Apr. 75 4 Jan. 82
Ernest Augustus Belford, Jfo/or, 17 Lancers 27 July 66 24 Apr. 69 t2 Aug. 74 7 Jan. 82
Robert Benjamin Cotton, Major, Wiltshire Regiment (99 F.).. 8 Oct. 64I14 Sept. 70 a Oct. 77 7 Jan. 82
Philip Henry Smith, Major, Devonshire Regt. (11 F.) 6 Jan. 63110 July 66 7 Mar. 77 18 Jan. 82
Robert G. F. Pigott, Major, W. Yorkshii-e Regt. (14 F.) 4 Aug. 63 25, May 67 8 Dec. 77 24 Jan. 82
Wm. R. D. S. Glendonwyn, Major, Welsh Regt 31 July 67'3i Jul'y 69 25 Jan. 82
Henry Stanhope Holmes, Major, Welsh Rer.'t. (69 F.) Aug. 6SI 8 June 70 24Nov. 77 15 Jan. 82
Stanley Napier Roberts, Major, Liverpool Regt. (8 F.) July 63 II Jan. 67 5 Feb. 75 I Feb. 82
Thomas Blake Hnmfrey, Major, Liverpool Resrt. (8 F.) Apr. 63I20 Feb. 66 I Apr. 75 I Feb. 82
Henry P. D. Willaii, Major, i Dragoon Guards 12 Oct. 67 14 July 69 7 Dec. 77 1 Feb. 82
Wm G. WaughM'Clintock, 3/a/or, Yorkshire Regt. (19 F.)... Auu 3 .Tan. 69 3 Mar. 78 4 Feb. 82
William Wood, Major, Essex Regt Mar. 63 2 Jan. 69 1 Apr. 75
Herbert Charles Marryat, Major, Manchester Regt! (96 F.) ... May 63 I Apr. 68
31 Jan. 77 8 Feb. 82
Herbert Francis Hill, 3fu/or, Essex Regt. (44 F.) 27 Feb. 69 :i June 71 25 Aug. 78 8 Feb. 82
Thomas Mercer Maxwell, Afiyor, Derbyshire Regiment.!!!!!.!.. * Dec. 60 1 Aug. 63 6 Mar. 74 [4 Feb. 82
William F. D. Cochrane, Captain, Duke of Cornwall's Lt. Inf. Aug 66 2 Dec. 68 14 June Si .8 Feb. 82
Walter Cotton, Major, Royal Artillcn- 13 Dec. 64 [o Apr. 78 rg Feb. 82
p.i.c. Herbert B. Moffat, 3/i/>)-, South' Wales Borderers (2!fF!) 6 July
64 26 Fob. 67 4 May 78 ;5
-_, Feb. 82
/>.».<•. Archer A. Morshead, Major, S. Wales Borderei-s
(24 F.) .3 Fob. 66,30 Oct. 69 Wm. Henry Daniel, .Vry'or, E.Yorkshire Regt. (15 F.) 28 June
23 May 79 25 _
64! 8 Feb. 68 7 July 75 26 Feb. 8
William Louis, Major, Livcr|)ool Regt. (8 F.) 19 Jan. 64' 13 Feb. 67 Ji July 77 7 Mar
Arthur Walter Noyos, Major, W. Yorkshire Regt. (14 f!)!!! 9 Mar. 64 i\ Aug. 67 16 Feb. 78 7 Mar.
Metcalfe S. Brownrigg afa/*r, h.p. Yorkshire Regiment Dec. 63' 3 Apr. 67 10 Nov. 6g I I Mar.
Henry M. S. Douglas, Major, Oxfordshire Lt. Inf. (52 F.) 22 Aug. 65; 2 Sept. 68 31 Oct. 71 I Mar.
William Carre ItiddcU, Major, Dublin Fusiliers (103 F.) 2 .Tan. 67 25 Mar. 68
15 Mar.
John LovcU, Major, .1 Hussars iS Feb. 64: 9 Nov. 66 18
Archibald Graham Wavell, Maim-, Norfolk Regt, (9 !p.j !!!!!!!!! 28 July
Charles J. B. .Stewart, Major, Seaforth Highlanders (78!!''.)!!!
63 5 Junoftr
i May 78Mar. 82
9 Aug. 64 9 Mar. 67 28 May Mar.
73 25 82
Uoorge Sydney Carr, Major, S. Lancaxhiro Regt. (82 P.) 4 July 65 24 Mar. 6g
Hon. John I'Icyik'll-liouverio, J/u/oi-, 17 Lancers 11 Oct.
76 Apr.I 82
!7 Feb. 67 18 Aug. 69 28 Mar. 77 Apr.I 82
Thomas Baker, Major, Suffolk Regt. (12 F.) 12 Apr. 64 1 Aug. 63
Manners CharlcK Wood, .Vajor, 10 Hussars
!!! Apr. 78 3 Apr. 82
I Sept. 69 27 Oct. 2 Feb. 78 6 Apr.
Son. Montagu Cur/on, Major, Rifle Brigade '.'.'.
71 82
ro Nov. 65 19 Jan. 70 2 Mar. 78 9 Apr. 82
William Patrick I.iiwlor, Major, E. Laiicnshire Rert. (so F.) !,.lune65 2i Aug. 67
».».r. John Adiiiii KergusBoii, Major, HiHo Brigade 4 Sept
., „,^, 78 II Apr. 82
8 Dec. 65 7 May 70 20 Mar , 13 Apr. 82
Fnincis Howard, Major, Kille Briwido ...
3 Apr. 66 28 May 70 30 Apr. 78 13 Apr. 82
Wttltor James Lindsiiy, Major. Uillo Urigii<io
17 July 66 5 Nov. 70 I May 78 19 Apr.
1 82
Thomas D. W. Dunn, Major, Hanuisliirc I!egt"(i7 "f") 10 .Nov. 65 15 Feb. 68
Hartwell Hnr\oy Stuart, Major, liinli Uiflcs (81F 5 Jan. 76 21 Apr. 82
16 l-'cl). O4 I May 66 7 Aug. 78 26 Apr. 82
Cockbum Forte, Major, Miildlesex Regt. (77 F ) .11 Mar.
•nil. ui
62 30 jvBi;.
Dec. 04
Jnspcr Belwyn Tuppcr, Major, W. Suncv Regt! (2' F)

64 12 Feb. 75 29 Apr.
2 I'CU. 82
.29 July 62 4 Oct. 64 1 3 Apr. 74 6 May 82
n ;: . 1 ' 1 1

John H. S. Craiffie, Mii/'or, Hitrhland Light lufantrj- ..
p.s.c. HALE PAT,
8 July 68 17 Nov. 6q 2 Mar. 78, 6
Hitmilton Campbell Vetch, Mnjor, i Dragoon Guards 8 July 68 '28 Oct. 71 oMar. 78
May 82
Frederick Compton Hownvil, Mdjur. Rifle Brigade 16 Oct. 66 12 July 71 I Oct.
6Ma'v 82 1

George P. F. Byng, Mnjnr, Yorkshire Light Infantry (loq F.j 78 12 May 82

n Jan. 67 18 May 69 Juno 76 20 May
Frank Ryley, Major,JN. LMiicMshire Regiment (8i Foot) -- June
4 82
67^24 Dec. 70 Jan. 80 23 May 82
WilUam Rthelst ,n,7 ilf,,/ ii-k and Lancaster Regt.
William H. Evans, JtLnn. ishireLt. Inf. (13 F.) r6Feb
i6J-ieb. 64
18 Apr. 67,
^'='^- ^ '« Feb! 78 39 Ma ' 8
7d ^i Jiinp
""Dec. "' r,
-"me 82
Thomas C. O. Powlett, iiamptonshire Regt. (48 F. .1
16 Oct. 66!i4Mar. 68
Honrv ilelvin Matthews Oct. 71 '10 June 82
Surrey Regt. (2 F.) 8 July 6: Nov. 64
I Ma.y 75 10 June 82

Edward Warren Bnnlrr W. Siirrev Regt. (2 F.) .. 28 Aug. May 66 2
Fred. .T. W. Davh -, 1/

6[_ I July 75 10 June 82

Robert Hayiu', 1/ - \\
13 Feb. 66 7 May 68
2 Mar. 78 10 June 82
25 Sept. 67 26
i .

Feb. 70 I May 78 10 June 82

George F. O. i: ;

June 62 5 Feb. 75
25 June 82
William li 1;.-;, :i; Artillery
' .-.
25 June 621 1 Apr. 75 25 June 8:
GOdrLTc {'ivulr-;irr, .]/,,,.., Artillery
William llcnrv 25 June 62 I Apr. 75 25 June
Aii.'hiiilr Maior, Royal Artillery. June 62
.1/,, ival Artillery
25 Apr _ 5 June 82
Willinm Mailing 25 June 62 Apr. 75 .,
a1 Artillery j

25 June 62 '24 Apr Tune

Richard Tudn- '. Royal Engineers 25 June 62 '27 Juh
Thomas Henr\ •, Royal Engineers ....
June 62 12 Aui> 7i
25 June
John Hill, J[/.-/'. lueers Juno 62 12 be]5t.75
^ f^'- 2;
25 2- June
George Tindell .

1% Royal Engineers
5 .Tune 62 20 Nov. 7s 25 June
Cecil W. E. Murphy, Major, Ro.yal ArtiUery" 8:
5 J unc 62 o Auu 76 25 June 82
Barzillai Lowsley, Major, Royal Engineers....
p.s.c. Burnett Greive Hall, Major, Royal Marino Artiiiery
25 June 62 8 Dec. 70:2 = me 82
I Jtdy 61 3 Aug. 67 Apr July
Frank Roberts, il/a/or, Royal Marine Artillery .... July 61

Robert Stevenson jVu/or, 6 Dragoon Guards...

67 Apr I July
I Mar. 64 Dec. 67 30 June 69
Wm. Henry MacGeorgo, Major, 6 Dragoon Guards .'.!!!!!!!" 3 July 70 28 Oct. 7 [3 July 77
5 July
Daniel Alex. Blest, Major, E.ssex Regt. (56 F.) 5 -Tuly
James Beardoo Doncnstir, .v„/„, ~- -
r.Iack Watch (73 F.) — 7
69 7 Oct. 7
Nov. 66
9 Oct. 79 5 Jiil.v
William Campbell, Majnr. \u,\'u\ 9 6:
Ji Nov. 75
ic Artillci-.v
7 June
64 3 Aug. 67|2oMar.
Alexander Allen, Major. I,'.i\ :;1 M Artillery' 77[„ JulV 82
3 Dec. 65
Edward Selby Inne.s.' Jf/; i;o\ rines .-^ '
?Al\°-^?: ^^_^y77'riJuly82
I Mar. 63 23 Oct. 66'
Herbert St. Gem -r P, •;:/;, 9 Oct I July 82
l. v_\ Royal Marines 4 Juno 63 13 Apr.

Douglas A. G. <
/i " I July 82
; '
igoon Guards o Feb. 63 !Oct. 64
Edmund Perci\ '.
Aug. July 8
1 .
: ,
eslershire Regt.f6i F.) 25 July 65 27 June 68 27 Sept. 7V
Thomas H. H. Cnii 11, .1/ . ,

3 July 70 4 Feb. 71:24 Feb. 7-"

19 Jul'y 82
- • -
Charles Edward Parti'i.lL'c. i/,,,,,, West Kent Regt. (97 F.)... 5 June 66 2 Jan. 69 2 Nov. 72 o,
Joseph Graham Smith, J/,;.,-, w IvcntRegt. (97 F.) 4 Mar. 68 2 Aug. 71 -

Francis Fred. Fyler Rmii,. u. .1/ Dec. 72 26 Jul'y

lOiist Surrey Regiment... ,

5 Oct. 67 24 Sept. 70 78 I Aug.
Thomas Arthur'Freemaii, .1/, >/.,,, ast Surrey Regt. (70 F.)... 14 Sept. 66 22 June 70
p.s.c. Thomas Henry Lloyd, Majoi Royal Artillery Oct. '

Sept. 62 Sept. 75
Henry Blomfield Kangscotc, J/o/o Royal Artillery Sept.S :

Sept. 62 Sept. 75
Horatio Francis Smyth, Major,''Hny al Artillery... '.. Sept. 82 ;

Cecil Conor, Major. West Rjdiii" lie -'t <',F.)

Apr. 63; Jan.
:::::;::::: 9 Mar. 67 9 Jan. 70| 7 Jan. 79
Lionel Edward B. Bontb. C./;./ w '— • l^eL'iment 6 Se-
(33 F.j

o Jan 6 Sept. 82
p.s.c. John C. R. Glasgow, 3r„i.., -t- (12 F.) 6 Sept.S:
6 Aug. ,
64 8 Aug. 68 I May 78; 7 Sept 8:
Chas. Hamilton Simpson, J/,/;,., l.i-htlnf. (74 F.) o Mar. Nov. 68 27 Sept. 76 ,4 Sept.S:
[ 1

Chas. Wm. Selby Lowndes, J/,,/


67 5
L:iii:ni(l Lt. Infantry ... ,-,
5 Mov. 6 4 Feb. 65
- Apr.
EveljTi Campbell .\bi!ir\', 75 20 Sept."
James Powrie Soote, Mnj.r.
Henry Walter Trench, J/.//.,-, ^v Sn ri'ey Regl. (2 F.)

^''^'- 7°'2' Sept. 82
\,\v <shire
^^"^ 78,28 Sept. 82
6 Feb. 64 "3 July 67 23 Oct.
". Irish Fusiliers
w ^P A'/

Edward Archibald Major, Y,j fkshire Regiment (19 F.) 3 Jan. 6q
75129 Sept. 82
•n..;, TT ^ T.
EdwardJ H. •,,
, ,^ 71 I Mar. 79129 Sept.
. •

G. Ravenhill, Ma/or, Shropshire Light Inf (S^ F ) 25 Apr. 65 82

Herbert M. Williams, Major. Middlesex Regiment (77'f ;«n"l^^^'!H??-76i3oSept
) 5 July 64
Owen Williams, Jfajor. Suffolk Re.rimeTit (i- F ) Nov.
1-3 Jan. 79 30 Sept. 82
Wm. Payne Gpnr;-es. ir,;.,-, I7i., ;:!' \ rr;;,-r\ " 10 65 17 Apr. 69 7 Aug. 78 ti Oct. 82
Henry Philip .M u 17 Dec. 62 28 Oct.

;i ;;,i Kifips (60 F.) 22 Sept.

', '
75 18 Oct. 82
Charles Edwav'l 65 28 Oct. 68130 June
i,' 77 21 Oct. 82
17 Dec. 62 29 Oct. 75 r Nov. 8

p.s.c Francis !; I'l'ii -. .i/. ./'.,• i;-.'.-..! \iii||^r. 29 Oct.

HaughtouM. .1. i-'eilden. Ma/or, kov;il Artill'e'-y 17 Dec. 62 17 Nov. 75 I Nov. 8 1

Ernest Frederick Cambier, Major, 27 Jan. 6324 Nov.

Royal Artillery 75 I Nov. 82
William Savase Langlev, Majin; Royal Artillery" I Mar. 63. 8 Dec. 75; I Nov
Howland Roberts. Ma I Mar. 63 23 Dec. 75' Nov Artillery .'.'.'.'.'.['.'.

John Philpot Curran, Mai'.

iMar. I Jan. 76 Nov. 82
aught Rangers I
(38 F.) Feb. 70 27 Oct. 63J I
Charles Alex. Morris, J/. Y(n-kshire Regt. (14 F.i...
9 71 III May 79 I Nov 82
Edward Ttifnell, Mainr,

7 Aug. 67 28 Oct. 7i!ii May

inient(i8F.)... ...... Ma.y 67
78 ir Nov
p.s.c. Richard Charles II
[5 Nov. 70 30 Apr.
5 79 II Nov
, I
licshire Regt. (22 F.j S3 June 63 29 May 67:17 Mar. j

Wm. Banington Brown. ii.e of Cornwall's Lt.

Inf. 75 18 Nov
Clement de B. .Carey.

8 Jan. 68 16 Mar. 7o| I July

l^ngineers 76 18 Nov. 82
Eveb-n J. W. Xoli'
p.s.c. 17 Dec. 62|27 0ct. 76 Nov
yal Marine Artillery .'.'.'.". [8
Howard Melliss, Major,
8 iiec. 66 3 Aug. 67121 June 77
Nov. 82
-air Corps "" 30 June

Dennett Thomas Kinder. levonshire Regt. (ii F.j.
65 31 69 30 June 77 tSNo-
Stanier Waller, Major, 1{ ineers
9 May 65I14 Mar.

68J31 Oct. 77 i3 Nov. 82

9 Dec. 64! 6
"' Feb. 78 [8 Nov.
Arthur Roljert Puzev, Mi il Engineers

23 Dec. 64116

George B. N. Martin. M. Hoyal Artillery Feb. 78 18 Nov. 82

Edmond Roche Ellcs, Major, Royal ArtiUer'v 7 July 66 '25 May 78 :8 Nov. 8;
Charles Moore Watson, CMG. Major lis Jan. 67 5 Dec. 78 :8 Nov. 8:
fa/or, Roval
Royal Engineers
Caledon Philip Egerton, Majo 17 Apr. 66 25 Dec. :8 Nov. 8:
p.s.c. Chp.rles Edward Beckett 3 Mar. 65 22 July 18 Jan. 8 Nov. 8:
William G. W. Macbay, Captain, Biomlmy Staff Corns 7 Apr. 69 Apr. 7 23 .Tan. 8 Nov. 8;
Wilham Guise Tucker .y«/or, Royal Marine Artillery 23 Mar. 67 13 July 70 23 Mar.
79 8 Nov. 82
Edward Owen Hay, Major, Royal Artillery 24 June 68 24 Mar. Nov. 82
79 :8
Henry Joseph Daubeny. Major, Irish Re^t. (18 F j 10 July 67 I Apr.
2 Oct. 67 2 Aug. 71
79 8 Nov. 82
p.s.c. Edward T. H. Hulton. Major, King's 13 June 79 8 Nov. 82
Royal Rifles V6oF'^' 9 Aug. 67 9 Aug. 71 14 July
Charles Edward Swaine, Maior, 1 1 Hussars ''
79 8 Nov. 82
Richard C. B. Lawrence, Major, 1 Drao-oon Gaards 3 June 68 27 July 70 I Jan. 80
Walter Henry Holbech, Major, King's Ro.yal Rifles 12 Feb. 76 1 June 80
8 Nov.' 82
w" x' .; ... 4 Oct. 68 28 Oct. 71 9 June 80
Roger Pine Coffin, Major, Royal Marines 8 Nov. 82
p.s.c. William Christopher .Tames, Co;)<a ;n,'
28 Dec. 64 3 Aug. 67 21 June
80 '2
8 Nov. 82
Adnen biimuel Woods, Major, Leinster Regt.'bra<i-oon3
(lo'o F.)
28 Feb. 74 22 Dec. 80
8 Nov. 82
Claude M.MacDonald, Capfai,,. Highland Light 28 Oct. 71 2 Feb. 81
Inf (74'pj'" 16 Mar.
James Maitland Hunt. JJ/u;' Cameron Tlighlandors 72 12 Feb. 81 8 Nov.' 82
(79 F.)'" 12 Feb. 74 12 Feb. 81
p.s.c. Edwd. A. W. S. Grove Ma /or. West Kent Regt. 8 Nov. 82
(50 F.)' 12 Nov. 73 13 Apr. 8i 8 Nov. 82
65-66 -WHEN

2nd LIEUT.
lorEysiGS. !halp pat.
13 Jan. 69 21 June 81 18 Nov. 82
GcorRC Barker, Uojor, Royal Kusiueers 13 Jan. 69 I July 8i 18 Nov. 82
Sidnev Smith, Maior, Royal Kiigiueers ;•;;"": •;
& Lancaster Regt. Feb. July 81 iS Nov. 82
-Johnston Kirkpatrick, Capf. York
Wm 28 1

CharifsTuR.' Rochfort:Boyd;r«V'"'»i' Roy^^

- |
July 70*23 July 82 18 Nov. 82
73', I Nov. 8218 Nov. 82
II Sept.
Henry Vivian Cowan, Captain, Royal Artillery ...^
28 Oct. 68 30 June 69 31 Oct. 7424 Nov. 82
Ernie Kerr Amyatt Buruey. 3IaJor, 3 D™*''^^-^.'"^''!^ 23 Au] 64 16 Oct. 67 5 June 75 11 Dec. 82

Horatio Newman, 3/«/or, N. Staff<)rdshirejlegt.
Henry Mar. 67 iS May 70 2 Mar. 78 15 Dec. 82
William Prevost,
5( Major 'Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 69 Mar. 69 14 Sept. 70 23 Mar. 79 15 Dec. 82
Argyll & SuthUl. Highlanders!

Wm. Regd. H. Craufurd, MaiMaj. Arg;,

Regunent^ 6 July 70 25 Sept. 78 16 Dec. 82
Mackenzie Churchill. Major, Northamptonshire Regt, 14 Mar. 68 2 Feb. 80 16 Dec. 82
(58 F
George Alban Lewes, Major, Northamptonshire 17 Dec. 62 30 Mar. 76 17 Dec.
Thomas English, J/u/or, Royal Engineers 17 Dec. 62 I Oct. 76 17 Dec.
Thomas Gracev, Major, Royal Engineers 17 Dec. 62] 7 Oct. 76 17 Dec.
Donatus O'Brien, Major, Royal Bngineere ]i7Dec. 62 23 Jan. 77 17 Dec.
William Hans Rjithlx.rne. Major, Ro.yal 117 Dec. 62, I Apr. 77 17 Dec.
William .James Oalwev, Major, Royal Engineers I17 Dei;. 621 I Apr. 77 17 Dec.
William Henry Haydnn, Mahr, Royal Engineers Dec. 62' 6 June 77 17 Dec.
Henry Hardy Cole. Maj.r. Royal Engineers •••;•••-:•
F) June 65 12 June 69' 3 Apr. 78 i^ Dec. 82
John'Lewis Ro.«e. Mai..,: Regiment (36

29 J 3 Oct. 70 19 July 77 20 Dec. 82

Arthur William Slif '

Jan. 6 May fiS 7 Aug. 78 20 Dec. 82

Gardiner Frederic Koynl Fusiliers (7F.) ....
4 May 73 2 Feb. 781 i Jan.
1 .

/ i/or, 2 W.I. Regiment
James E. W. Suiytl! _Dec. 63! 7 Jan. 68 10 Oct.. 74J 8 Jan. 83
Thomas Han-is. -!/•'., rx Regiment (77 F.)
shire Regiment fsg F.) 29 Sept. 65 25 Dec. 67 i July 79; 8 Jan.
1 83
John Stoyte, Major. K; 9 Jan. 63!i4Sept.66; 9 Jan. 75, 9 Jan. 83
George Tomkvns Morris, Major, Bengal Staff Corps
.9 Dec. 62 29 Sept. 65 28 Mar. 74; 10 .Tan. 83
John Maxwell Low, Major, \Vcst Riding Regiment (76(9F.)
31 Dec. 64I23 Jan. 69J 8 May 80 10 Jan.

Norfolk Regt. 83
p , e. Fred. Woodhouse .Ia-i>cs, Major,

Sept, 10 Jan. 83
t'harles Herbert Shephc-d, .1/o/oc Norfolk
Regiment (9 *.)
Oct. 77^ I Jan. 83
P...C. Arthur Greenwood
Walker, Major, Royal Artillery Jan. 75 7 Jan.
Macdonald Wood, Jl/'yoc, Bcneal Staff Corps 7 Jan. 63I17 Jai- 66 17 83
iken. Mackenzie - Mar. 75' 3. Tan.
Fusiliers (21 F.) ... 4 Dec. 63 16 Oct. 67124 83
Francis Wingfleld Douglass, Major, Scots 9 June 65 Sept. 75 24 Jan. 83
I Mar. 64 1

John Hart, Major, Leinster Regiment (100 F.) 9 July 64 23 June 69 Mar. 4 Jan. S3
John Russell Mecham, Major. Scottish Rifles..... .......^.... ;

Mar. 64 5 Nov. 67 23 Jan. 78 5 Jan. 83

Bernard Arthur Bealc, Major, West Surrey Regiment (2 F.)..
Sept. 73 24 Jan. 8^! 5 Jan. 83
Stopford Cosby Hickman, Captain, Royal Artillery....
p.M.e. James Latitncr Crawshay St.
Clair, Ifo/or, Argyll Oct. 80! 31 Jan. 83
23 Sept. 71
and Sutherland Highlanders )
9 Aug. 73 21 June 79 Feb.
Sydney Francis Foster, ilajor, 2 West India Regiment Feb. 62 9 Sept. 65 10 Mar. 78 4 Feb. 83
'Charles Harington Scafe, Major, Roj'al Marines
24 June 63 Jan. 76 14 Feb. 83
Alexander Walter Fcrricr. M-ij^r, Royal Artillery,... 8 Jan. 68
John Arthur Barlow, Major, Manchester Regiment (96 P .) ...
7 June 68 28 Oct. 71
William Wyllv Lawrence, Major, Irish Regiment (18 F.l ..^
Mar. 63
George W. F.'Clarcmont. Major, Worcestershire Regt. (29 I .) 24
Major, The Buffs F.) 26 June 67
Robert Albert Hickson, (3
May 67
Charles Robert Pridciiiix-brune, Major, Rifle Brigade 29
8 Mar. 63
William Oliver Thompson, Major, Bengal Staff Corps
June 68
Chas. Steward Gonlon, Major. West Yorkshire Regt. (14 F.).. 7
3 Feb. 66
Edward Mayne Alexander, Jtajor, Seaforth Highlanders Mar.
Henry John Knight, Major, Seaforth Highlanders (78 F.) ... 9 Jan. 67 66
John Robert Beckett, Major, Royal Fusiliers (7 F.)
Francis William James Barker, Major, Royal Artillery
Charles Anglesea Empson, Major, Royal Artillery
Wm. Frederick de Hubbcnet Curtis, Major, Royal Artillery... Mar. 63
Alfred Nimmo Snndilands, Major, Bengal Staff Corps
Thomas Teed, Major, Bombay Staff Corps 31 Mar. 63
George Lycett En'gledue May. Major, Lancashire Fusiliers ... 3 June
Edward Arthur Ball, Major, Warwickshire Regiment (6 F.)..
" 8

Jiuiics Herbert Yule, Ua/or, Devonshire Regiment (ii F.)... 1 Dec. 65 22 Aug. 68|i6 Feb.
Francis Dorlins-, Mtijor, Sussex Regiment (107 F.) 78 I July 83
2 Jan. 69 15 Feb. 71 13 Mar.
p.g.c. Alfred George Impej', Major, Sussex Regiment 79 I July 83
ro Jan. 68 6 Sept. 69 26 Apr.
p.f.e. Frederick Stringer, Major, Welsh Fusiliers 79 1 July 83
(23 F.) ... 30 June 63 n Jan. 67 i Apr. 75 2 July
William Edward Hilliard, Major, Yorkshire Light Infantry 83
4 Feb. 69)28 Oct. 71 29 Jan. 79 4 July 83
Allen Augustus William Beamish, Major, Royal Engineers...
7 Dec. 62 9 Apr. 77 6 July 83
Oliver Francis Theodore Annesley, Major, Royal Artillery ... ' "
8 Dec. 6^ " July 76 7 July 83
John James Fox Irwin, Major, Suffolk Regiment (12 F.) ... I May 69 I Sept. 78 14 July
Arthur Staniforth Hext. Major, Suffolk Regiment (12 F.) 83
9 Fob, June 79 14 July 83
Hem-y Affleck Graves, Major, Bengal Staff Corps 6 July 63 6 July
James Bird Hutchinson, Major, Bengal Staff Corps 75 16 July 83
7 July 63 7 July 66 7 July 7; 17 July
Arthur Montagu Bowles, Major. N. Staffordshire Regt. (64 F.j 28 Oct. 68 83
27 Oct () June 78 !2 July
George B. M'Leod Cumberland.8 afoyor, h.p. Black Watch .. 2 Nov.
64 29 Dec. 66 3 Sept. 75 July 83 S Nov.
p.s.c. Rich. Hugh Lambart Brickendeu, Major, Black
Watch 8 July 65 I Jan. 67 9 Sept. 77 'S !5 July 83
Charles Linton, Major, S. Lancashire Regiment (40 F.) I Nov. 65 4 Sept. 70 1 May 78 25 July 83
Wilfred FitzAUan Way, Major, Northumberland Fus. (5 F.) 8 Oct. 64 22 Aug. 68 5 May 78
j».».c. Harry James Watson, Major, 11 Hussars 5 July 83
Henry Aitken Cherry, Major, Northumberland i'us. (5 Foot) 257 July 70
May 28 Oct. 71 9 Feb. 79 5 July 83
65 7 Feb. 69 7 Jan. So 5 July 83
George Hart Dyke, Major, Northumberland Fus. (5 Foot)
7 Nov. 65 9 Jan. 70 6 Jan. So 25 July 83

Henry Samuel Spiller Watkin, Jlffyor, Royal Artillery ... 1 Mar. 64 8 Sept. 76 26 July 83
Edward Albert Olhvant, Major, Royal Artillery 2 Mar. 64 3 Sept. 76 26 July 83
John Graham Stone, Major, Royal Artillery 2 Mar. 64 I Dec.
Robert Hugh Wallace, Major, Royal Artillery 76
2 Apr. 64 1 Dec. 76 I Aug. 83
Charles WiUoughby Hemans, Major, iS Iliissnrs
:5 May 67 8 Oct. 71 29 June 78 I Aug. 83
Basil Lloyd Anstriithcr, Major. ^Innrlir -tr r Re"imeiit"(Q6"F')
July 17 73 13 June 79 I Aug.
Han-y CrokerFox, i/^ir/or, Rdv.i' ,. 1:
Robert John Humphrey Wyllir, 1/ 3 Auk- 63 2 Aug. 77 3 Aug. 83
|: ^ilAtaff Corps'

63 II 4 Aug. Jan. 67 4 Aug. 75 4 Aug.

Alexander M'Cally, Jl/«/o}-, Jhidi 83
Si rps I

4 Aug. Feb. 67 4 Aug. 73 Aug.


63 I
, I

Arthur Ansell Boggs, Major, Kast YurK.-ln 4 83

KoL;imo!it July 62 30 Jan. 66 16 Apr.

Rolit. James Chaytor, Major, Northainjiton hire Hc-t.

6 Aug
(48 F.) 6 Mar. 67 14 Oct. 68 21 Jan. 6 Aug.
Robert Alexander Douglas Ramsay, Major Riiyal Marines .. 83
DniKild Archibald Campbell, MajoV, Inu'isk Iling Fusiliers ...
31 Dec. 62 13 June 66 26 May 78 9 Aug,

9 July 68 28 Oct 8 Dec. 7 10 Aug,

Charles Carstairs, Major, h.p. S. Lancasliir (82 Foot) 19 Apr. 64! 18 Doc. 57 lo Juno 7 13 S3 Aug. 6 Aug.
Wra. il'Carthy O'Leary, Major, S. Lancashire Reg (82 F.)., 84,
17 Apr. 69I15 Feb. 71 20 Mar. 78 13 Aug.
James Johustoiio, Major, Oxfordshire Light lulaut-ry 20 Feb. 66|3o Sept.oS 14 Feb.
Hon. Keith Tumour, Major, King's Roval Ritles (oo'F.) 74 15 83 Aug.
2 Oct. 661 9 Feb. 70 30 Oct. Aug
Edward Morrell, Maj>r, Essex Regiment (44 F.) 19
17 Nov. 6qi 9 Sept. 71 6 Oct. 22 Aug. 83
Dudley William Buckle, Major, Royal Artillery -
|i8 July 65 7 Nov. 77 25 Aug,
Lorn Robt. Henry Dick Campbell, Major, Bengal Staff Corps
28 Aug. 63 20 Jan. 68 8 Aug.
Lord Henry Arthur George Somerset, Major, R. Horse Gds... 75 28 Aug. 83

ji July 69;i9 Aug. 71 8 Dec. 77 29 Aug. 83

ames Peters Bwmg, Major, Royal Artillery
2 Apr. 64 8 Jan. 77 ji Aug. 83
Richard Francis AVilliams, Major, Royal Artill'iry
Ediuimd Hill Wickham, Major, Bedfordshire Ren-t. (16F')" May 64 I Feb. 77 ji Aug. 83
I May 67 3 Feb. 70 5 Jan. 76 I Sept. 83
Henry Torkmgton, Major, Royal Artillery
John Ford Bally, Major, Royal Artillery 3 June 64 4 Feb. 77 I Sept. 83
/'..••.c. George Clement Wynne, Major,
9 July 64 Vpr.
_ 77 I Sept.S3
Royal Artillery 6 Aug. 64 10 Apr. 77 I Sept. S3
Henry Hartley Prior, Major, Leinster Regiment (100 F.')"
I Mar. 64 o July 67 24 Nov. 77 I Sept. 83
Henry Gritton, Major, Royal Marines
31 Dec. 62 8 Juno 66 2 July 78
Christopher Siillivan Feltrim Fagan, Major, Royal Marines!:
Paul i rederick Michael Baddeley, Major, Royal Artillery 31 Dec. 6 Aug.66 5 July 78 1 Sept.83
Ii6 Aug. 64 3,3 Apr.
77 2 Sept. 83

p.i.c John Charles Matthew Pigott, J/.f/or

Berkshire Regt
Adolphus James Price, Major, West Yorkshire Regiment " 3 Jan. 69 21 Aug. 6g 9 July 79 5 Sept. 83

1 Dec. 66:21 July 71 4 Mar. 80 5 Sept. 83

Fred. Temple Rowan Hamilton, Major, Norfolk Regt. )'
(g F 3 Dec. 68 28 Oct. 71 14 Apr. Si
William Purvis Wright, Major, Roy'al Marines 5 Sept. 83
31 Dec. 62 13 Sept. 66 2 Sept. 78 8 Sept. 83
Charles Henry Stoddart, Major, Bengal Staff Coriis
II Sept.63! 3 Apr. 67,11 Sept.
James Graves Kelly, Major, Bengal Staff Corps 75 I Sept. 83
1 Sept.63 30 Aug. 67 II Sept
Henry Edward Railston, Major, Scottish Rifles (26 Foot) 75 I Sept.83
2 Nov. 70 28 Oct. 71' 3 May Si 19 Sept.83
Frederic WiUiam Brewster, Major, Norfolk Regiment
(9 P ') May 72; I July Sijig
Charles Edward Bovill, Major, Inniskilling Fusiliers ... , 1^9

2 Sept.63!2i June 67, i July 76 21 Sept.83

Charles May Hayes Newington, Major, Liverpool Regt.
Richard John Bingham, Major, 2 West India Regiment 3 Dec. 62 22 Jan. 68 10 Aug. 7^:22 Sept.83
Richard Holbeche, Major, Munster Fusiliers (104 Foot)... 30 Oct. 69 28 Oct. 71 26 Nov. 7a 26 Sept.83
8 Feb. 70 28 Oct. 71 5 Aug: 79 26 Sept.83
t eveland Augustus Brett, Major, W. Riding Rcgc.
(76 Foot) ro July 68^28 Oct. 71 i Nov.
Charles Bybie Lyster, Major, The Buffs 79 26 Sept.:83
John Briscoe Watts, Major, Bengal Staff Corps 9 Aug. 73 8 Mar. 82 26 Sept. 83

2 Oct. 63 9 Feb. 67! 2 Oct. 73 2 Oct.

Charles S. B. Parsons, Captain, Royal Artillery. 7"" j
Edward Thomas Browell, Major, Royal Artillery ,177 Aug. 74 13 Oct
UCt. "
S3 14 Oct.
Charles George Brind, Major, Border Regt. 16 Aug. 64 30 Apr. 77 16 Oct.
(s5 Foot)" 12 Jan. 66 5 Jan. 70 27 Feb. So 20 Oct.
p.».c. Etlward Nash, Major, Essex Regiment 1

Henry Alfred Rigg, Major, Royal Artillery (56 23 Sept. 71 '28 Oct. 71 22 Dec. 80 Oct. 83
{30 Jan. 66,23 May 78 23 Oct. 83
Fulbert Wright Archer, Ifa/orVKlng's' Royal 30 June 65 16 Mar. 70' 2 Feb. 78 [24 Oct. 83
RiflcsTeoP 10 Aug. 67 9 Aug. 71 7 Jan. 80 27 Oct. 83
breorge Ormond Stoney,i)/a;or,King's Own
Scottish Borderers 5 July 64
Richard Garth, Major, 7 Dragoon Guards 5 Oct. 67 I Apr. 75 131 Oct. 83
Henry Holmes Costobadie, Major, Roval Artillerv 4 Feb. 71 27 Oct. 71 II Oct. 76I31 Oct. 83
Robci-t H. W. Plunkett,_Ka>r, Royal Artmeiy^.. |24Mar. 65' I Oct. 77 31 Oct. 83
trank Barrow, Major, Benial'Staff Corps ...... ;i6 Aug. 64 7 May 77 4 Nov. 83
{ienjamin George Humfrey, Major, Bombay 6 Nov. 63 18 Sept. 67 6 Nov. 75 6 Nov. 83
Henry Charles Grove, Major, Sussex Regiicnt (i^Corps
Staff' 6 Nov. 6317 Aug. 68 6 Nov. 75 6 Nov. 83
Arthur S. H Gem, Major, Sussex Regiment
F )
10 Nov. 69 27 Sept. 71 I Apr. 79 7 Nov. 83
(35 Foot') :8 Oct. 71 28 Oct. 71 10 Feb. 80 10 Nov. 83
James Davidson, JJ/ffJoc, 8 Hussars
William Gordon, Major, Durham Lt.' Infantry '('106 z Dec. 74 13 Apr. 81 14 Nov. 83

"Foot) 8 Jan. 68 22 Apr. 71 9 Feb. 79 15 Nov. 83

Barry i rancis Domvile, Major, Royal Artillery
NIontagu W.^myard, Major, West Kent Regimont(5o
|i6 Aug. 64 30 May 77 16 Nov. 83
rhomas Herbert Brock, Major, West Kenf UogimentFoo't')""' 6 Jan. 66 28 Oct. 71 6 Mar. So 17 Nov. 83
John Robert Burlton-Bennett, Major, Bengal ;24 July 72 20 Mar. 80 17 Nov. 83
Staff Corps.. 24 Nov. 63 I Feb. 68 24 Nov. 75 24 Nov. 83

Stephenson, Major, Essex Regiment

rhomas I'^Z'^'i?-
James P. ,21 Sept.74 I July 81 27 Nov. 83
Kelly, Jlfa>r, Essex Regiment
Edward Groves Paley, Major, 8 Hussars (44 Foot) ...... 2 Dec. 74 3 Oct. 81 27 Nov. 83

^eorgeHumphrj-s Leathern, Major, E. Surrey 'Regt.' ('^T'f')" 2 Jan. 69 19 Feb. 70 16 Dec. 74 28 Nov. 83
Drfeur James Cavenagh, Major, Gordon 23 Mar. 67 1 1 Apr. 68 2 Mar. 78 28 Nov. 83
..^ 27 Nov. 67
aemy Harding Mathias, Major, Gordon Highlanders^^. 24 Apr. 69 14 Dec. 78 28 Nov. 83
Highlanders (7? F ) 17 Apr. 69 31 May 71 8 Mar.
^Vilham Conquest Howarth, Major, 2 West 79 28 Nov. 83
India Regiment 23 Jan. 60 12 July 71 16 Mar. 78I30 Nov. 83
harles Brenton Wickham, Majir, Royal
ArtUlery II Oct. 64 26 Juno 77 10 Dec. 83


2 Uec. 80 ii= Dec. 831
8~Juue67 24 Dec .Dec. 70119 Dec. 83
Reginald lie Hxissars '_
28 Oct. 64 1 July 77129 Dec. 83'
jr«jor, 7
Harrie ArcUA?«i,11{cid 5 Dec. Ss'sgDec. 83
Wm. Alexander fcden I July 77^31 Dec. 83I
28 Oct. 6.

Nov. 64 I July 77:31 Dec. 831

.Tuly 77;3i Dec. S3;
II Kov. 64 I

64 CO Apr. 77!
"Jan. 84;
19 July
-Tan. S4

9 Dec. 64 I July 77 i

16 Dec. 64
Auguslu. Browne, H« or. KoyaAr^^^^^^^^^ 1

16 Dec. 6 gjuly 77 I Jan. 84

E.ltvavd Blaks^c.v, ^fJ»'->j^" 1

Wuly 77 I Jan. R'l

Cundill M^Jjr it' a Irtillerj-
.lobn l'oi>^oi.l>y ^
Charles Mitchell S^.th. J^'y"^.
'-^ .';{ _;^ti„e.y
Arthur Wellesley Whit«. «o>!>\-,^rtillei-y
^3 Dec. 64
iSept.77 'T"'^-^.^
Jan. 84;
6 Sept.77 [ Jan. £4
I21 FelJ 65
yrM^Sn^:gS&Snery::::::: I
Mar. 65 20
Oct. 77

3 Mar. 65 I
Oct. 77 I Jan. £4
'21 Mar. 65' I
Oct, I Jan. 84.
24 Mar. 6s| i
Oct. 77 I Jan. 84
R^;n A.t.1^^^^^^^^ oiMar. C3I I
korton Powlett K«>.. J^y'^.«o^^ ii8July 65! 4 Oct. 77 I Jan. £4
Charles Edward Brown ^^..iUery iSJuly 65J 4 Oct. 77 I Jan. 34
Neville Lloyd I Jau. 84
^^i^Sal^l^^s^a^V^^y^lArUllen: ! 18 July 65 4 Oct 77
5ouKlas D""fe "-. I Jan. £4
-"j;^-,;,:-Roval 8 July 65 7 Nov. 77
James Edward io^^^' ^J]^ RoVal Artillery 8 JulV 05 -.i4 Kov. 77 I .Ian. 84.
George Hunter O Maiiey. ^"J'^ '__,,• j ^,
lf<./o.-; Roval
Artillery :8 July 65.24
Kov. 77 I Jan. £4
John James Congd '17 Nov. 78 I .ian. 84
5 Oct. 67 28
I Apr I Jan. 84;
14 Aug. 67 28 Oct. 71 .Tan. £4
9 Apr. 79 I
14 Aug. 67 9 Feb. 70

18 July 65 1 Jan . 9 Jan. S4I

iii"./ 12 Jau. 65 2 Jan. 78 9 Jan. £41
W. Rainsford-Hanpaj, 12 Jau. 6 9 Jan
9. ran. £4'
9 Jan. Sj
ii^?:ia«^S?s|s|r*" 2
66 20 Feb. 78
66 3 Mar, 9 Jan. S4
8 Nov. 6S 5 Jan. 76 15 Jan. £4]
15 Jau. 64 15 Jan. S4
5 Jan. 64 I tiept.7-
Jan. 64 I Oct. 77 IS Jan. 84
15 Jan. 84
5jan 64 I Oct. 77
.5 Jan. 84
5 Jan. 64 I Oct,
Johnson \\ age,
Roval Kngmeers
Jan. £4
64 1 Oct. 77

5 Jan.
Hcndley Paul Ki>-k^°"'ld^'^;'kov^i Engineers .... Jan. 64 I Oct. 7: 15 Jan. E4
^'^^'-^'•^ Jan. £4
muv ii?ci4"o? i^«>?R^^
64 I Oct. 7;

[5 Jau.
64 I Oct. 7: 15 Jan. 84
[5 Jan.
66 [3 Mar. 7I 16 Jan. £4
John Lamixri,^i^y__ ^^^^^ AvLiUery [2 Jan.
(lenhan; Jan. 84
[2 Jan. 66 [3 Mar. 7! i5

Barnes K. fi^ver O.
Hew.t^,^"^"^- ^SF.) S Nov. 7° 28 Oct. 7
12 Jan. 66 1^
7 16
80 16
Jan. 84
79 20 Jan. £4
9 Aug. 73 23
Henry wmu)y,.a^
Koya ^
j ,

r ;^j
Light Infantry (106 F.)
^--Qot 30 Mar. 67 28 Oct,
80 20 Jan
78 29 Jan. £4
i,u.u^" Vochm.
-—---. .„
-n^ent 13 June 68 28 7S .9 Jan. 84^
afa/o)-. I West India
- ..
John Robert HWdwnMajo.^^^.^

Jan. 67 23 Dec. es 3
J^aj"^ Fusiliers (103 Foot) ., 14
Aug 2 Feb. 76 2 Feb. £4
Martin John H^ekley, Bombay Staff Corps 2 Feb. 64 19
30 Oct. 78 2 Feb. £4
23 Jan. 69 14 Apr,
28 Oct. 16 Dec. 78 2 Feb. £4
14 Jan. 69 Feb.
28 Oct. Apr 2 £4
23 Sept.71 7
^°"'^"\°'l''rPoSy Ka^o" BlrkshiVeRegiment., June 63 Nov. 66 19 Oct. 78 [I Feb. 84
24 Feb. 84
Apr. 67 7 Dec. 70 July 77 2J 13
2 Nov. 72 2 July 79 13 Feb. 84
16 Feb. £4
Alfred Burdon Ellis. Major, 16 Feb. 64 5 May 67 16 Feb. it 16 Ecb. £4
Hardy Blanshart 6 Feb. 64 Oct. 77
Frederick Ha"ly
- •

M Ajinui, ^/;^.„; R^yai Engineers .... 80 18 Fob,

Alexanderr Donaia M'Arthu j-i^./^.^
i\r„,<,i, Regime
H<»<rn,imt. 8 July 69 28 Oct. 712 July
-van Huy.he, Major Welsh .
Dec. £0 18 Feb. C4:
e. Kuwara
Vv.^.^ •

vV..- Wpish
^elsh Regiment
Recrimcnt 1 Dec. 69 28 Oct. 7' Mar. £4
Ow^n'S^??^^^'. ..

Mar. 64 8 Sept. 68 Mar. 7 X

John Bengal Staff Corps I
'."ttl ifrn^nriB Miller, Major, Mar. 64! Oct. 7 I £4!
John F'-''"'^_'^-^-;;Y^e\,bcT3on, K^.yo.-, Royal Engmc
Miir. £41
66, i Apr. ?
John Lawrence 2 Jan.
Major, Ho>;al Artillery Oct. 72]i2Nov. 79 1
Mar. £4
Jame» Anson E. Nutt. Mar. £4
28 Oct Oct. 71 !2 June 80 5 28 1

8 Mar Apr. 67 8 Mar. 76 8Mar. 84; 64 3 1

May 67 8 Mar. if- 8 Mar. 84

8 Mar. 64 7
Oct. 71 7 Apr 2 Mar. 84
27 Nov. 67 27
Jan. 06 I Apr. 78 ;3Mar. 84 12
;3Mai-. 84
12 Jan. 66 I Apr. 78
18 Mar. S4I
30 Jan. 66 =3 Apr. 78
!2Mai-. 84!
Arthur James uuhuhk»;,
Mar. 64 15 Apr. 69 ;2 Mar. 76
Oct. 70 29 June 75 23 Mar. 84
" ^^'' - " ^68F.) Feb. 67
Arthur Lt.w Woodland,
Mai 20N0V. 75 pgSept.Si 1 Apr. 84

Edwin JH...OB
Fell. 3f«>r. .
§ UuBsars.
. ,

,„„„„ Hutler Major, Berkshire Regiment 25 Sept. 67 28 Oct. 71 19

Feb. 79 2 Apr. 84
67! 5 Apr. 7° 5
Apr. 84
5 Apr. 64 3 Apr.
12 Apr. 64;i2 Apr. 76 12 Apr. 84
V„'}?n Muir HuntVr, Major,
Bombay Stall' Corps. 66 -Mar. 78 13 Apr. 84
Lt. Inlaulry 30 Aug. 64 14 Sept. Apr. 84
Sept. 69 Apr. 80 15
9 Mar. 66 1 -.7

;t) ... 29 May 67 30 Oct. 69

7 Aug. 80 15 Apr. 84
I Apr. 68 29 J
.0 Mar. 78 16 Apr. 84
26 Apr. 84
26 Apr. 64 3 May 67 26 Apr. 76
Jamcf GcorgL _ 22 May 66 4 July 69 23
Jianc75 29 Apr. £4
5 Hussars May
4 Sept. 68 3 May 76 3
^lay .^4
John B. WymeH-Bullon M«J' Bengal Staff Corps 3 May 64
3il;;y 4
23 Juue 6l 24 July 69. 7 M"-. 77
SLiSjnmllfd^r^o^S^'^t Yorkshi^ Regt. (.5 Foot) Mar. 7iil 7 ^1".> ^4
Delves i«n»'KV\" Rogt. (10 1 ) II Oct, ^v.. C4li7Apr. 69 2 """
,',,„,;Json, afo>r, Lincolnshire May ''
Josciih H 1.7 July 66 25 May 78 7
.iriyor, Roynl Artillery Apr. 77l'44 May £41
............. I

George .Miickn V 6 Nov. 67'a3 June e9'23

r, Ka/or, Irish Fusiliers (89
5 May £4'

.lunc 76 15
Shropshire Lt.Inf.(85 F.) .0 Oct. 63' 7 An;.' 67 22
FmncU WinS HobinBonlW'".
, )

211(1 LIEUT,
PL.1.CED osr
William Alexander Rampay, Ilajor, 11*1,1? PAY.
^ Hu;

istGrRegt.(65F.) Sept.74
Kennf :iilanders{79i<'.;
Mar. 82 |i:t
2 May
Kdwar o &0!)t.76 18 Mar. 82 21 May
Rifles (60 Foot) Dec
JohiKi tg Aug. 83 21 May 84
John -.^ .
(95^001) , --
It i
6 Feb. 70 28 Oct. 7 12 Feb. 79 28 May
M„joi; Argyll and Suthor- " ' 84
Sept. 69 28 Oct. 71 17 May 79 28 May 84
imster Fusiliers Oct. 63 22 June 67
Richan wse, Uiijoi; Suffolk Regiment (12 F.) 5 Jan. 77 3 June 84
^8 May 7: Nov.
Ed war, ilaitir. Leinster Regiment (109 Foot) 6 July 7c 28 Oct. 7:
11 79I 4 JuneSt
John r;
12 Feb. 80I 4 June 84
[>tjor, Dublin Fusiliers (102 Foot)
12 Nov. 28 Oct. 7. :5Nov.
>' I- -1-f«/<»•.
Lancashire Fusiliers (20 F.) 16 Sci)t.68 14 Sept. 70

7S 7 June 84
Wvou '1 /,•' '

^:^^i='ili-im, .W(y"o»-, Royal FusUiers (7 Foot) 2y Jlay

I Oct. 78 9 June 84
fo 6g 28 Oct
,," ,
p.s.<'. Ii^m-Uis i x-dc Jones, Mar. So II Junes,
2IaJor, Royal Artillery .. 17 July 66 18 June
Hern y. Armstrong Peake, Major, Royal Marines 78 iS Juno 8,
KolHTt, I'.yans UTont.^omery, Major, 24 June 63 I Jan. 67 1 Jan. 79 24 Junes.
Royal Marines .. 24 June 63 4 Jan. 67 6 Jan. 79 24 June S.
t>\iiiii'\ v.T-;, ('.,,.t,nn. Royal
Marines 24 June 63 15 Jan. 67 12 Apr. 79 24 June.?.
'op, il/<f/of, Royal Artillery
17 July 66 7 Aug. 7S 27,luucS.
Uier, Major, Royal Artillery
er, jl/ff/'or, Bombay Staff Corps
17 July 66 ^4 All-. yCU,
28 June 64 20 May 67 i8 June 7O iS June
^""^'iton, Major, Middlesex Regt. ''! F.) 23 Oct. 67 22 Mar. 7 Feb.
Ua.ule« William Uore, Major, West Riding RegimeSt...(77
niv,VV"'u-'ii 1 7. 28 Juue
W;m. Augustus CoUings, Major, Berkshi
.... 24 Ajir. 69 28 Oct. 7 .
15 Dec. 71 28 June
"o Regiment (49 F 16 Mar. 7
) 4 Oct. 81 28 June 84
^ol^ertson, Major, Norfolk Regiment
*in,?„ Y.'i^ (9 F. 26 Sept.6Q 28 Oct. 71 23 June June 84
Irfcliui John *S''
Preston, Major, West Riding Regiment 8 28
Pi edenck Alexander Currie, Major, 31 Oct. 66 28 Oct. 7 . July 8 28 June
Norfolk Regiment (9 F.)
STm. Charles James Lacy, Major, 3 July 7' 28 June 84
E. Yorkshire Regt. (15 F.) 15 Aug. 66 I Dec. July 77
Dougan James M. llacDonald, Major, Argyll and 69 II 30 June 84
Highlanders (91 Foot) t 9 Oct. 69 23 Oct. 71 25 Nov. 79 1 July 84
Uo„. Miles Stapleton, AZajor, 20
Hussars 5 May 3 Aug. 72 2 July 84
^^^ai-cliMit, Major, Dorsetshire Regt.... 18 Apr!
» li n 1 /. S^^- Af- 1' 25 Nov. 8 Jan. 79 2 July 84
Beatty, Major, Dorsetshire Regt. (39 F.)... 30 Jan. 66 Apr. 7c 2 Nov. 79 2
A h^ ''^^'o,'^""
Albert de Clancy Renwick, Major, Bengal Staff 9 July 8^
C°orps ....'... 6 July 64 18 Juh- 6: 6 July 76 6 July 84
Francis SelwynCampbeU, Major, Sussex
?h.hp Eyton, jaa>.. Border Regiment
Regiment (35 F.)... 6 July 70 i8 Oct". 7, 5 Nov. 79 7 July 84
(55 Foot) 8 May 66 5 Mar. 70 19 i'"eb. 80 9 July 84
'^f^ci'B- Warrant, Major. N. Lancashire Regt.
Pankcrville J. Chamberlain, Major, S.
(81 P.) 4 Scpt.67 35 Mar. 71 6 Mar. 80 9 July 84
Staffordshi?e Regt. ... 20 Jun 28 Oct. 71 2 Jan. 8; 9 July 84
Irthur Lly Heatheote Tottenham,
Sutherland Highlanders
Ma/or, gjuanaj
Argyll and)
Feb. 73
(91 Foot) I I July 81 ri July 84
iValtcr G, Crole Wyndham, Ma;o,-. !!- -;--•=
- ' "I'ge Macdonald, Jf^/yr.
July 84 ,'^
I Feb. 75 9 May 8. t6
July 84

9 July 64 1 Oct. ig
II. Dawes
Jones, JlfiVjor, I; iM"orps :6 July 64 ;,
Aug. 67
'"'-ry Billiard, Ifajoj-, Jiurii.r:, 1,
I 26 July 76 26 July 84
n !,; iitvy (63"p")" 30 Dec. 71 ,0 Oct. 79 28 July 84 .

'"''°i'f^;-''-^«/V, Argyll and autlierlaud
Highlanders o Nov. 65I21 Aug. 67 8 Jan " 9 Julv 84
Allen, 3Iajor, Royal Artillery

12 Jan. 66 2 Mar. 78 ,0 July

''iley, il/<7/o)-, 84 1

Bengal Staff Corps
June 67 5 Aug. 76 5 Aug. 84 5 Aug. 64 22
Jl^'/or, South Lancn shire Kc-iment

2 Aug. 7 5 Sept. 78 6 Aug. 84 (82 Foot) 2 Jan. 68

,' :. J/^tyoj-, Sussex R

30 Ddc. 7 19 Feb. 81 6 Aug. S4

k Hiivman, Mai",-.

17 July 66 ^5 78 20 Aug. 84 i-
;;;''.''" i-d Duthy, Jia};.,-,

:•.:' •

*''•' '11' 1 >re Hammond, -1/ 17 July 66 7 Aug. 78 Aug. 84


'da 5 July 68 28 Oct. 7 II Apr. 79 Aug. 84

red. hi u-a rd Power, Maior, Norl . Regt

(48 F. Apr. 68 27 Oct. 7 20 Apr. 81 20 Aug. 84

. ,

Libert L uarles Demson, Ma/or, L

iameron M. H. Downing, Maior i;.
,. .-.o Foot)
9 Oct r Jan. 81 21 Aug.
; ,

May 70U
.v '17 July 66 7 Aug. 78 5 Aug,
, ,
1 .

, ,

tobert Samuel Watson, J!/iy"or Rn. ,1 1,1-1 !

|i7 July 66 i6 0cL. 78 26 Aug.
Io>, Fred. Wm.
J. Shore, Major, Royal Ai-tilJery"-'.""^'.i:
|i5Jau. 67 16 Oct. 78 :6 Aug, -
Fa ter Neil Jervis, Major, Royal Artillery ...
|t5 Jan. 67 19 Oct. 78 6 Aug. 84
?^""-ison Rough, Major, 7 DragoonGilard's 23 Sept.
w?„"^ John
Carles f 'I'^'^m
Blake, Major, Royal Ai-tillery 71J28
Oct. 71 22 Mar. 79 6 Aug. 84
|iS Jan. 67 29 Nov. 7b 17 Aug. 8,
ViUiam Whitmore Smith, Major, Royal Artillery
115 Jan. 57 I Dec. 78 27 Aug. 8
Ohn Francis Egerton, Major, Worcestershire Regiment' 21 Aug. 66j 9 Feb. 70 26 Nov.
fenry Rhodes Cr. Georges, 3£ajor, Royal Enginee?s 79 27 Aug. 84
-••• Aug. 64 I Oct. 77 io Aug. 8.
Jiarles P.. P. Jervis, Major, DurhamLight
Infantry , {30
10 Nov. 69L8
lewis Forbes Heath, Ma/or, Bombay Oct. 71 3 Nov. 79 I Sept. 8.
^^^^ Corps
^.^^t 9 Sept. 64' 1 1 Jan. 67 9 riept.76
rilham George Craigie ifalkett. Major, Beno-al 9 Sept. 84
lenry Boiieau, Major, Bengal Staff Corps ....
Corps 9 Sept. 6.1 [;6 Apr. 68 9 Sept. 76 9 Sept,
9 Sept. 64, 12 Jan. 69 9 Sept. 76 9 Sept, .

ohn O. Cautley Major, West Kent Regiment - .

, ,

{97 Fo'ot)"' 13 Jan. 69} 22 June 70 2 Feb. 78 9 Sept. 84

ohn Dowlmg Howden, Major, King's Royal RifiL
{60 F.) I Feb. 68 30 Nov. 70 10 Mar. 80
Tm. Henry R. Gunner, Ma/or, Dorsetshire Regt 9 Sept. 84
13 Nov. 70; 28 Oct. 71 8 Sept. 78 10 Sept.S,
iione! Hervey Bathurst, Major, Rifle
Brigade "" 24 Oct. 68 28 Oct. 71 2 Apr. 70 10 Sept.S.
idward Alexander Fraser, Major, Madras Staff
Corps Sept. 64U9 May 67 3 Sept. 76 13 Sept.S.
)avid William K. Barr, M'ajor, Bombay
Staff Corps 20 Sept.64J22 July 63 o Sept. 76 20 Sfjit
De Courcy Darnell, Major, Royal Ai'tillery .„
.».e. ^5',,'-"^'^™y,'J'i'"eii,

r ,ij Jan vy/

5 uc^ii, 67 4^ Dec. 7SU
4 ucv^. /U|.iU o^'in. .
^- "'^^•c'-field. Major, Royal Artillery I

Kv'^T^ \?-
hihpL. M-1 r:-:' r, :'r.,jor, Royal Artillery 5 Jan. 67 30 Dec. 7S2oSept.S4 }
15 Jan. 67I31 Dec. 78 20 Sept.S,
'". Warwickshire
!^Jf^ ^V'! Regiment (6 Foot) July 66 28

70 Jan. 79 Sept. 84 May

•«^'7''^ - .-Percy, Major, Rifle Brigade

' ,""' -'''7,'"''I'ancashire Fusiliers (20 Foot)

Nov. 68 28 Oct. 71 2 79 20 Sept. 84
vim ,"w 1' '

IS Oct. 6S[tsFe!j. 71 I Mar. 79 24 Sept. 84

Wlunni-rederick Authall, Major, Manchester Regiment
.. 6 July 67 26 Mar. 71 6 Aug. 69 30 Sept. 84
shades Parker Ridley, J/ a/or, Manchester 1

RegimeSt (q6F ) 9 Aug. 73 3 Sept. 79 30 Sept. 84

harlcs Henry Aitchison, Major, Royal
Avtillerv IS Jan. 67 31 Doc. 78 I Oct. 84

s.c. Walter W. M. Smith,

Major, Royal Artillery jio July 67 31 Dec. 78
,eury (..rolton, J/oym-, Royal Artillery I Oct. 84
;io July 67 Jan. 79 I Oct. 84
arry Rarron, jr«;or, Royal Artillery
jio July 67 1 I Oct. 84

red. .Augustus Yorke, Major, Royal '..'

Artillery Iio July 67 I Jan.
liUmm Poyntz Bhiudy, j.(«y.,r, Uoyal Artillery 79 J Oct. 84
eppel .•5Lephcn.son, Major, Koyal Artillery lioJuly67 I Jan. 79 I Oct. 84
dmim.l i5uckle,.l/(yor, Royal Artillery 10 July 67 3 Jan. 79 I Oct. 84 1

10 July 67 23 Jan. 79 4 Oct. 84

ichird Hriones es Burnnby
Bur ' "
J/«/o,-, East siirrcy Regt.'Yjo F.') 2, Sept. 67' u May " '

Jan. 80 4 Oct. 84

u Harden, Majar, Bjdf.idshire R-.g^ 7

(Af.).'.:, Apr. 68:^3 Nov. 7, 7o'25 Aug. 76 10 Oct. 84

Dec. 74 30 Nov. 83 15 Juno 85
IJ.bcit i;co.-c KcKcwich, Captaui, The Buffs (3 F.) :8 Jan. 75 21 Dec. 83 15 June 85
llciiiyfrichton Sclatcr, Captain, Royal Artillery ^8Jan. 7s I Jan. 84 15 June 85
Allan Norton, Captain, Royal Artillery •-•••
lail.iit Kreil.
12 Nov. 73!i3 Feb. 84 iS June 85 Glyii Leonard, Captain, East Lancashire Resrt. (59 1' .) Juiie85
3 June 75I 18 Feb. 84 15
navid Stanley William, Earl o/Airlie. Captain, 10 Hussars... 26 July 76 I Mar. 84'i,i June 85
Uichard U.K. W. Wilson, Captain, 10 Hussars ...
8 Oct. 71 7 May 84;i5 JiuieSs
Son. l-rc<lorick William Stopford, Captain, Grenadier Gds. ,2 Feb. 76 15 May 84 15 June85
William ». Capper, Captain, Shropshire Lt. Inf. (85 F.) ...... July 84I15 June 8s
24 July 74 16
Heurv raulcl St. John Mildmay, Captain, Grenadier Guards 25 Aug. 80 30 July 84I1S June 8s
Henry SUine Fleming, Caplain, Kssex ReRimeut Aug. 72 31 Aug. 84^5 June 85
Kawdon Edward Uennvs Reilly, Captain, Bombay Staff Corps
2S Apr. 76 o Sept. 84 15 June 85
Charles Reginald Ordc, Captain, Rifle Brigade 12 Sept. 72 2 Sept. 84 IS June 85
Arthur Henry BatpioUl, Captain, Royal Engineers 12 Nov. 73 9 Dec. 84 15 June 85
UrJ Alexander Kennedy., Black Watch (42 F.) II Sept. 76 2 Feb. 85 15 June 85
Frederick Hammcrsley, Captain, Lancashire Fus. (20 a.) ... Mar. 85; 15 June 8s
14 Aug. 76 3
Henry Maclcod Leslie Rundle, VSO. Captain, Royal Artillery II Feb. 76 6 Mar. 8s 15 Ju"e 83
Lord Frederick FiUGcrald, Captain, King's Royal Rities...... Apr. 8s'i5 JuiieSs
30 Oct. 78 5
Hon. Francis L.LvdstonColboine,C.i/i<oin, Irish Rifles (83!.) Aug. 73 8 Apr. Ss IS Jiuio 85
Hon. Henrv Charles Legge, Captain, Coldstream Guard
William Christian Anderson, Captain, Royal Artillery. 2S Jan. 77|i2 May 15 June 85
9 Aug. 73! 6 Mar. 17 June 8s
Henry David Williams, Major, N. Staffordshire Regt. (98 F.) Oct. 71! 6 Nov. 80' 18 June 8s
;; Apr. 69
Arthur Cotes, ^^ajor, Suffolk Regiment (12 F.) Jan. Sil June 8s
7 July 6928 Ocr. 7i| I
p.o.e. William Randolph Routh, Afajor, Suffolk Regt. (12 F.)
[9 Feb. 7028 Oct. 7iji7Dec, 8 June 8,
.fames S. Tillyer-Blunt, Major, Suffolk Regiment (12 F.). June 85
15 Mar. 74I30 Sept. 80 19
William Henry M'Lareu, Major, i Dragoons June 8s
Thoma.s French Ross, Major, Royal Scots (i Foot; 8 July 6827 Oct. 71I24 Nov. 77^1
18 Nov. 27 Oct. 71! S Mar. 78J2i June 83
Maurice Nugent O'Connor, Major, Irish Fusiliers June 85
2 Mar. 6610 Juno 71 13 Sept. 79 21
Henry Wooltrar GriflitU, Major, Welsh Fusiliers (23 Foot) unc 85
Arthur T. li diinm-Whctham, Major, Welsh Fu.'^iliers (23 F.) IS May 67 27 Oct. 71 28 Nov. 79
27 Feb. 69 28 Oct. 71 3 Apr. 80
Pultoncv HcTi'v Murray, Major, Shropshii-e Lt. Infantry.. June 8s
22 June 6s[ 10 Apr. 78
Edward Chiih^tcr Hart. Major, Royal Engineers June
Maulc iimpbcll Bracken! mry. Major. Royal Engineers ..
22 June 6sti7 Apr. 78122 8s
22 June 65'22 May 78]22 June 83
(•'rancis I'almcr Washington, Major, Royal Engineers
27 June 64 3 Aug. 67 9 Aug. 76 June 8s
Gordon Manners Shipley Douglas, Major, R. Marine Ai-t. June 85
James Grant, Major, Booibaj' Staff Corps 30 June 6. 4 Aug. 68 30 June 77 30
30 June 6; 3oMar. 69 30 June 77 30 June 8s
George Frederick Young, Major, Bengal Staff Corps
7 July 69 I Feb. 80 I July 8s
Robert Henry Slierston Baker, Major, Royal Artillery
30 Oct. 69 28 Oct. 71 23 Sept. 80 I July 8s
Lionel Algernon White, Major, Shropshu-e Lt. Inf. (53 F.)
7 July 69I I Feb. 80 3 July 8s
Nugent .lonathan Nugent, Major, Royal Artillery
.loseph Heurv Newill, Ma/or, Madias Staff Corps 4 July 6, 7 Nov. 68 4 July 77 4 July 85
Lord Charles Robert Pratt, Major, Uxfordshire Lt. Inf. (52 F.) 21 Aug. 67 24 Apr. 69 10 Jan. 79 8 July 8s
5 July 6524 Sept. 6S|iS July 77 8 July 85
Robert Tomkyns Hawkes, Major, Bengal Staff Corps
James Aloysius Miley, Major. Bengal Staff Corps 8 July 6520 May 69 iS July 77 8 July 8s
Francis Edward Trower, Maior, Derbyshire Regt 30 Dec. -1-5 Aug. 80 I July 85
Edward Cecil Dowse, Major, Derbyshire Regt. (45 F.) 30 Dec. 71':'^ Mar. 81 1 July 8s
7 July 69! I Fell. So 2 July 85
Philip Wilham Herbert Miles, Major, Royal Artdleiy
7 iTuly 6y'^i Feb, So 2 July 8s
Hon. Ranulph AUsopp, Major, Royal Artillery
William Hose Wyuter, Major, 2 Dragoons 2 Feb. 64 21 Aug. 6q| S Jan. 77 24 July 85
Edward Hale? Wil.^on, Major, Bengal Staff Corps 25 July 65 July 69 25 July 77 25 July 8,
/>.».c. Henry ElUitt Chcvjillier Kitchener, Jlfajor, Duke of)
10 July 66 10 Feb. 69 13 Nov. 75 26 July 8
Cornwall's Lt. Infantry i
Charles George Lfwis Wingfiold, Major, Dorset Regt. {54 F.) 12 Dec. 68 28 June 71 30 Oct. 78 27 July Ss
Samuel Gerrard Fairtlough, Major, Royal Ai-tillery 7 July 69 22 Feb. 80 27 July 8s
Arthur John Biggo, CB. CMQ. Major, Royal Artillery 7 July 69 22 Feb. So 27 July 85
Walter Neville Lcickyer, Major, Royal Artillery 7 July 69 I Mar. 27 July 8s
Arthur Hnwant Whitehorne. Major, Royal Artillery Jan. 70] 1 3 Mar. 80 27 July 85
Andrew Green Thompfon, Major, 6 Dragoons Dec. 711 Mar. 79 29 July 85
Robert Alox'.indcr Gilchri^t, Major. Bengal Staff Corps July 69I 4 Aug. 77 4 Aug. 8s
Herbert Edwnrd Hudson, Major. Derbyshire Regt |i2 Nov. 73] 4 May Si 4 Aug. 85
Robert Gro^sJ (iod.s n Major. 3 Hussar.-i 3 July 67 7 May 70 16 Dec. 76 5 Aug. 85
Thomas HopwuoJ I'eikbam, Major, 3 Hussarsi 7 Nov. 69 28 Oct. 71' 4 Kov. 71 5 Aug. 8s
Robert Gordon Wtbb Uopbunie.'Af«;o)-, Rojal Ai-Ullery I
8 Jan. 70*24 Mar. S( " S Aug. 85
Alfred (U-nrg Wut-'^on, Major, Lancashire Regt. (30 F.)

3 Sept.; 8 Oct. 71 23 June S Aug. Ssl
Charity PiiVi- Shon-tin, Major, Rifle Brigade 27 Mar. 72 7 Aug. 80 7 Aug. 85 j

Uwii;r.d I; ]•• It ,. 11, Jfryor, Mailras Staff Corps 8 Aug. 65 8 Aug. 67

Aug. 77 8 Aug. 8s I

AS'iliiiiifi Gc r:'x Curric Johnstone, 3/ojor,Madras Staff Corps 8 Aug. 6s 1 8 May 69 Aug. 77 8 Aug. 851
Harry (iiirdiun-, Major, Koyal Scots (i Foot) 13 June 68 27 Oct. 7 25 Sept. 78 14 Aug. 8s|
Frederick Wni. Nicholas McCrackcn, Captain. Berkshire Regt. 13 Aug. 79 July SoUs Dec. Aug. 85'
George Stanhope BaIli^tcr, Major, S. Wales Borderers (24 F.) S July 68 28 Oct. 71I s *>l''
Hobcrt Henry Am-ticc, Major, b.p. Border Regiment 28 Doc. 66 Doc. 69 31 Jan. 79 17 Aug. 85'
J<*eph Henry Hanks, Major, 7 Dnigoon (Junrds 26 June 67 28 Oct 4 Sept. 80 18 Aug. 8s]
Cecil Henry Collette, Major. Shroji^hire Lt. Infantry (53 F.) 8 Jan. 68 28 Oct. 71 p Sept. 82 19 Aug. 85
Herbert Uowlw Cook, Major, Manchester Regt. (63 Foot) .. 9 Apr. 70 27 Oct. 71 4 Dec. 79 28 Aug. Ss'
Jiime'* NichoUon .Sodon KiikwoKi, Major, Bombay Staff C. 1 Sept. 63 II Jan. 67 1 Sept.77 I Sept. Ssl

Arthur Rcgiiinld Fra.-er, Major. Roval Artillery 8 Jan. 7c 2 Apr. 80 1 Sept.SsI

Kolx-rt II. It. Hunt, Jl/ii/or, Seaforth Highlander.i (72 F.) ... 30 June 65 14 July 6 2 Sept.Ss

Willinni .Inlin Irwin, fliirjor, 20 Hussars 23 Jan. 69J2S Oct. 7130 Nov. 79 9 Sc] 11.85!
r.t.c. John W
Ti.stoii Tboniii.- S| rnrr r. Major. Royal Artillery
- irgc DH'.ivmj.le Fnii.^-lM,
8 Jan. 7o|i2May So 9 Sept. 85'
M . l:,.v,il Artillery
, ,
8 Jan. 7c' May 80 9 Scpt.Ssj
Arthur Herbert Noursc rcy Kegt. (2 F.) 7 Dec. 67 12 July 71' 6 Feb. 81 10 Sciit.Ss
Mitford Cust. .A/oior. W< I out ( n:i '
27 Oct. 71! 8Mar. 8ilioSe)it.85
The. in!i» Block. Mnjor, E.-s. I; II Feb. 75 8 Feb. 82' IS Sept. 85
Henry It.-iyiy, .Wiyor, Gonl'in Hi - !•'.)
30 Dee, 9 Sept.80 19 Sept.Ss
Junior Kdwiird I'ortoous, Major, \ I'nipS., 22 Sept. 6s 2 May 63I22 Sept.77 22 Sept. 83
Jolm H. K. .lacson. Major, Clones (28 F.) 5 Mar. 67 S Oct. 71 5 Oct. 8o'22 Sept.Ss
Allin N<ii>i,ii Adiinis, ilajor. Km sh Borderer8'2i Aug. 66 30 Mar. 70' 2 Mar. 78'23 Sept.Ss
Kp' IIII .:ih1 Hope Torin, 3/u/oi
15 Feb. 71 i8 Oct. 71J14 Dec. 79 =9 Sept. 85
I '' •
I -' iu( H, Major, 8 Hussars'
1 ' 1
20 Nov. 75 Feb. 83 Oct,
K (Li.i I.
. ii.l ICclsall, Major, Devonshire RcRt. (ii F.) ..
31 July 67 28 Oct. 71 8 Feb. 8 5 Oct. 85
Il<r..' 1; ii.jild Men<ls, Major, King 8 Royal Rifles (60 F.) 30 Dec. 71 12 Jan. 8 9 Oct. 85
Moidiiiju V. It. F. Walker, 3/a;or, King's Hoval Rifles (60 F 6 Mar. 72 10 Fob. 8 9 Oct. 8 =
Edward Law Duruiid, CJl. Major, Bengal Stafl'C ps [loOct. 6s 4 Oct. 67 10 Oct. 77 10 Oct. 8s
Folliott Htimrt Kunicaux Stokes, Maji,r, Iri.-h Rifles (86 F.) 9 Apr. 70 27 Oct. 71 19 Oct. 78 10 Oct. 85
John Mcw!» Evctl.% Maj'r, I!ilk> ,0 F.) ( 22 Mar. 71(28 Oct. 71 19 Oct. 7S'ioOct. 85
: : !

Majors. 75
, COli.NJiX,
lorr.NSiGN'. HiLP PAY.
liuwlMU.! Ih-ouuhtou M:uinv:u-in-, ^Lum: Welih Fus. (23 F.) 3° Dec. 71 13 June 80 oOct.
Hull VVouiUvai-a, Mulor, tiunlon'lliglilamlcrs (75 F.) ...|2o Oct. 69[3i May
Hii.sil 71 21 July 80 oOct.
Cliiirlcs Horbei-t Vaync, C\i,itiiiii, (iordou Eighlanders (75 F.)j Nov. 78 10 Oct. 85 10 Oct.
6 Oct. 67'28 0ct. Jan. 8iji4 0ct.
Mitldletou Westenra Bidilulph, J/.z/oi-, Northumberland F\ 71! I

Richai'd Williamson, Major, NortUumberland Fus. (5 F.) 22 Jan. 68 28 Oct. 71' 2 Feb. Si 14 Oct. James
Playfair, Major, Royal Artillery 8 Jan. 70'ig May 80 15 Oct.
Uedvecs Heathcote, Major, Scottisli Rifles
Gilliert (26 F.) 13 June74ji5 Dec. 79'i6 0cN
Henry Knight, Major, Ro^-al Artillery 8 Jan. 70 26 May Oct.
Henry Xapier Jervois, Major. 1!'>':)1 Artillpry 8 Jan. 7o'28 May 80' id
AllVrvlCliolmeleyEarle Weill'.-. ' '. .
i'lM^'ouns 16 Oct. 67 7 Dec. 70 I Apr. Ojt.
76 21
\Villi;iniT. Briscoe, Zfa/oc.Y.'.::. 1 I i'. I'.egt. (S4 F.).., 14 Aug. 67 10 Fi^l). 6j'i5 Aug. Oct.
Charles A. B. K. Leigluon, il/,-,,. \, '1 u,-iliers (23 F.) .
12 Nov. 73! I Jan. 81 '21
William Prinn Noon, Major, lJu\ wu.-aiie Ueift. (11 F.) Feb. 28 Oct. 71! S June 81 26 Oct.
William Bowlas Williams. Major, WiltsliireRegt. (62 F.) "30 Oct. 67 3 Apr. 70 13 July 78 28 Oct.
John Henry Spm-giu, Major, Scots Fusiliers (21 F.) 15 Feb. 68 28 Oct. 71 19 Nov. Feb. 79; 2
UtT Kdvrard S. Browne, Major, South Wales Borderers (24 F.) 23 Sept. 7 28 Oct. 71 19 Nov. Maj' 80! 2
Henry G. ilainwaring, Major, South Wales Borderers (24 F.) 21 Sept. 73' 7 Nov. July 80' -2

Henry Francis TurnbuU, Major. Irish Rifles May 66 25 Jan. 71 15 7q| 3 Nov. Mar.
Geoffrey G. Grimwood, Major, King's Royal Rifles (60 F.) ... Oct. 81 4 Nov.
24 July 72| I
Robert Brooke KircUliuiTrr, ^fajor. Royal Marines iS Dec. 64 3 Aug. 67 13
Oct. 79 7 Nov.
*Josci)h Spcr.ui I , V ,' ,, FenW'-i'.e Artillery >6 June 38 Aug. 77 10 Nov.
25 Jan. 61 13
»RaoloBernai 1, :. L-enciljle Ai-tillery .. [7 Sept.58 Sept. 77 10 Nov.
23 Jan. 61 5 1

John Rutter, J7 ncible ArtUlery 4 Feb. 59 Sept. 771 10 Nov.

25 Jan. 61, 5
•Edmund Riz.'.M, , Fencible Artillery .. [7 Sept.6i |ii Nov. 82J10N0V
Thomas Fletcli. , 3 Feb. 73 21 Mai-. 79' 14 Nov.
Arthur Edward V. 1, I' i.oiigal Staff Cori^o 21 Nov. 65 Sept. 68 21 Nov. 77 21 Noi
George Carew I'l , 1. Madras Staif Corps., 21 Nov. 63 28 July
.Tlllv 7o'2i Nov. n.7
.7n''>T 'Mr.\j
77 21 Nni
oi Nov.

Edwin Fred. \\<. : ii 1

; .-, Royal ArtUlery 8 Jan. 70*29 May 80 24 Nov.
George Robert ll'i.jn', '; 8 Jan. 70 23 June 80 26 Nov.
AVilfred Heaton, Maju,. .i-dcvers (24 F.) 28 Feb. 74I 4 Sept.8o 28 Nov.
Albert Edward Omma'.i:i Buffs (3 F.) 30 Oct. 69 27 Oct. 7ii I N .V. 78I30N0V.
Charles Edward Beck, Ji.i, 3 Aug. 72 12 Nov. 78] 30 Nov.
Lionel Thomas Spens, Maj , The Buiis {3 F.) .. 21 Aug. 69 28 Oct. 71 30 Nov. 78 30 Noi
Edward Berry Byrch, .UaJ: Roval Marines 28 Dec. 64 3 Aug. 67 13 Oct. 79 30 Nov.
Julius Bate Backhouse, M< »•, The Buffs (3 F.) 15 May 72 15 Mar. do 30 N(w.
Mcrvyn Henry Arehd:ili-. .V.'--, - h'v"-''v^ 14 Aug. 72 5 June 80 30 Nov.
William James Alesaii'N 1: ' .
' " ...,'S'! Dec. 65 3 Aug. 69 I Dec. 77 I Dec.
Walter Rupert Kenyoii- ;; , Nov. 69'28 Oct. 71 14 Juno 80 I Dec.
Edmond William Muriiin , J.'.. ,1, ,: ;;. _. 2 Dec. 74 4 May 3 I Dec.
Thomas George Clery, Ji. ./(-<, I. ; :. (lug b'.i ... 9 Jan. 701 I July 8 1 Dec.
Edward George Grogaii, i/(yo/-. ; .. \. h (42 F.) 8 Oct. 71 19 June 79 4 Dee.
Thomas George Thomson, Mu: - .Ml" Corps 8 July 68 S Dec. 77 8 Dec.
Ernest Riddle Evans, Major, W. 1.- (23 F.) i ; i i
Fet). 74:24 Dec. 81 9 Dec.
Sir Bai-tle C. A. Frere, Jiart. BSu. c apluni, liitie Brigade II Oct. 76 20 Aug. 84 9 Dec.
;).s.^. Charles Lysaght Mortimer, Major, Royal Fusiliers... 28 Oct. 71 21 June So II Dec.
Edward Alfred Mostyn, Major, Royal Fusiliers (7 F.) 28 Oct. 71 27 Aug. S( 11 Dec.
Octavius AUcard, Major, Norfolk Regiment (9 F.) ;
Feb. 3 12 Dec.
John Charles Ker Fox, Caydain, South Staffordshire Regt, Mar. 84 14 Dec.
John H. H. S. D. Hogarth, Major, King's Own Scottish July 78 13 Dec.
Borderers (25 F.)
Adrian Henry Hope, Major, King's Own Scottish Bor-
3 Oct. 78 13 Dec.
derers (25 F.) .:
Edgar Wm. Wallace Dtring, Major, King's Own Scottish 8 Feb. 79 13 Dec.
Borderers (25 F.)
Andrew Kennedy Macpherson, Major. ilcriLiid sfnill' Corps 9 Dec. 77 19 Dec.
George Fenton, J/a/or, Middlcse.N; Re 6 Aug. 79 21 Dec.
Frederick Graham, Major, iliddk-.^^c 3 Nov. 79 21 Deo.
Sydney Long Jacob, Major, Roval i-: 3 May 78 22 Dec.
I'.K.c. Charles Fred. Cobbo Ben ^..i- 1. I June 78 22 Dec.
Napoleon krnott. Major, Rova! I II July 78 2 Deo.
George Robert Walker, Major. '
July 78 2 Dec.
Duncan MaeXeil r:im!)l)0;l, 3/. ... 1 ..ngmeers July 78 22 Dec.
William i;..!"rt p.-rr-i.';- V,,. .li I'^ii-meers 4 Sept. 78 22 Dec.
Alfred :
' v >liiie Kogt. (11 F.) 3 Mar. 79 3 Dec.
UaroMi ,
., • - :,. •
\ it Regiment (:;o F.) !2 Dec. 80 23 Dec.
(iord.iii 1:. .1 .. M. .,.,..,- •: , •, r.'iiyal Artillerv .. 9 July 80 23 Dec.
9 July 80 25 1 ec.
HeathcotcF. G. Camp...' ,
;, i
:;., 13 July 80 27 Dec.
Artbur Hughes Biaxial !, 5 Dec. 79 28 Dec.
Alexander Hamilton JJi- linii ., 1.' .; •, i: ,,,1, Mr I Dec. 79 28 Dec.

)>.».<: Henry T. W. Allatt, Major, Uuke i.tConiwall ^ 6 July 76 I Jan.

Samuel Holt Lomax, Major, Scottish Uiflcs 1 July 80 I Jan.
Arthur C. FitzH. Vincent, Major. Sc.jtti..;h Rifles (90 6 Feb. 81 1 Jan.
Ralph B. K. Williamson, Major, Oxford Lt. lufant-v (43 F.)... 9 June 76 2 Jau
George Alex. Chapman, Ma, or. North Stafftjrd Regiment ... 8 Apr. 8c 2 .Ian.
Alfred William Hanson, Major, h.p. Rural Artillerv 28 July 8 J 2 .Jan. 80 25 Oct. 87
George AshbyAshby, Captain, Duke of Cornwall's Lt. Inf. Jan. 86 2 Jan. i

Henry Cnarles Hariord, J/f/ /or. Wiltshire Regiment (99 F.).. 30 Mar. 7 Ja... i

Henry Vcrc, M.Jor, King's Royal Rifles (60 F.) '.

2 Dec. 7 Jau. i

Charles Arthur resswell, Major, Madras Staff Corps

^ 2 Jan. 12 Jan. i

A\illiam Campbell Black, Major, Bombay Staff Corps 2 Jan. 78 12 Jan. i

William Harry Salmon, Major, Bengal Staff Corps 12 Jan 2 Jan. 78 12 Jan. i

I'.x.c. Richard Stanley H Moody, Major, The Buffs 24 Oct. 14 Jan.

(3 F.) ...

Nathaniel Ncwnham-Davis, Major, The Buffs (3 F.) 9 .Ian. 14 Jau !

James Arthur Strach;in, Major, Oxford Lt. Infantry (52 F.) .

Sept. 79 15 Jan.
19 I

Wah.r Howell Cunliiie, Ma/or, Oxford Light Infantry 10 Aug. 80 IS Jan. i

Hiiny Molyneux Carter, Major, Wiltshire Regiment (62 F.) 7 Aug. "78 17 Jan. 1

^orIM,ln Houstouu Leckie, Major, V/est Kent Regt. (50 F.)... 26 Feb. 19 Jan.
James V.dant Vashon Baker, Major, Royal Artillerv 28 July 80 20
William lirnoko ]\.^^'^_'^, M.nor, Royal Artillery....'. . Jan. 70 I Aug. 20 Jan.
Edwai. Ri.yal Artillery •, Jan. 70 I Aug. 80 20 Jau.
Franc I-Urq'diart, Major, R. Artillery Jan. 70 10 Aug. 26 Jan.
Hem;. July 69' ID June 7 16 Feb. 78 27 Jan.
V.'.c. 1; .iberland Fi licr; F.). Jan. 69 23 Oct. 71 13 Apr. 81 27 Jan.
76 Majors.

Feb. 69' 23 Oct.

Alexander Chancellor, Major, Northumberland Fus. (s F.).. 3 7
Jan. 68
Benjamin Chamnev Graves, M({/or, Benfral Staff Corps I30
Jan. 66 Dec.
William Alexander Witherall, Major, Bombay Staff Corps.. 30 8 69
S Jan. 70
i).».c James Keith Trottor, Major, Royal Artillery I

S Jan.
Frederick Arthur Avla^er, Major, Royal Artillery
,^1^3Jllly 70
Philip Edmund Monckton, Major, Royal Artillery
ivu^ai.n.i..i.ioxj ,

tet). 66 7 Sept. 6:
Edwanl Heniy Binu-lmm, Major, Bengal Staff Corps 13
Henry Grey Dison, Major, King's Own Scottish Borderers | ^^ pgg gg ^ ^^g ^

Richard h! WmVHeVuT HairisVii-a/or; ElSurre^ Apr. 70 28 Oct. 71 21 June 80 17 Feb.

1 1

Majors. 77
John Edward Broadbent, Major, Royal Eii<?inocrs 17 July 66,31 Dec. 78 17 July 86
John du Terreavi Bogie, Major, Royal Kngiueers 17 July 66'24 Jan. 79 17 July 86
Francis Richard Begbie, Major. Bengal Staff Corps July 66 7 May 69 '20 July 78 20 July 86
S ir Simon Macdonald Lockhart, Barf. Major, t Life Guards 2 May 68 17 Aug. 7o|2i July 77 2 July 86
II enry Lyall, Major, Royal Artillery 13 Jan. 6g{25 Sept. 79 21 July 86
Lionel Grimston'Fawkes, Major, Royal Artillery I Deo. 70 Dec. 80 21 July 86
'^ July 86
Thomas Perrott, Major, Royal Artillery 70 12 Dec. 80 ^^
Charles David Ferricr, Major, \Y. Yorkshire Regiment (mF-) 5 Feb. 69 8 June I Jan. Si 26 July 86
John James Swiuton, Major, Royal Artillery 4 Jan. 7 19 Dec. eo 27 July 86
Michael Arthur Barko, Major, 14 Hussars 12 Nov. 7 23 Mar. 81 28 July 86
Audley W. W. Money Kyrle, Major, Yorkshire Regt. (19 F.) 27 July 66 28 Oct. 7 8 June 81 28 July 86
p.s.c. Kees J. Fras. Banfield, Major, Welsh Regt. (69 F.) 23 Sept. 71 28Oct. 7 8 Mar. 81 i 86
Hammond Astloy Tapp, Major, Hampshii-e Regiment (67 F.) 22 Mar. 71 28 Oct. 7 9 Apr. 81 I Aug. 36
G-eorge Montalt iicllasis, Major, Bengal Staff Cjrps 7 Aug. 66 '26Sept. 67 7 Aug. 78 7 Aug. 36
William Senhouse Clarke, Major, Worcester Regiment (29 F.) 8 Jan. 68 27 Oct. 71 I Feb. 79 II Aug. 86
Edward Baynes Nixon, Major, Bengal Stall' Corps 21 Aug. 66; 6 July 69 21 Aug. 78 21 Aug. 86
Benjamin Arthur Satterthwaitc, M,ii. X. L:iiu-. IJe-t. (3i b\) 16 Oct. 67 28 Oct. 71 26 May So 28 Aug. 86
William Egginton Briggs, Humnslnn' Ur: hh-mI <"7 V.) J27Mar. 72 8 June 81 29 Aug. 86
Arthur Henry Pain, 3/(yo)-, G< (l 111 11 iL^'liliml' 1- 17s l'\)
11 3 Sept.7oi28 Oct. 71 9 Mar. 81 I Sept. 86
Edward Gully Bennet, Major, NonUauiiitjii it-jgiiuciit (48 F ) 4 Oct. 68 28 Oct. 71 luly 3i| I Sept. 86
Francis Hugh Plowdeu, Major, Oxfordshire Lt. inf. (52 F.)... 5 Oct. 72 1 9 Aug I Sept

p.g.c. Julian Robert John Jocelyn, Jlfryor, Royal Artillery ... 4 Jan. 71 I Jan. 81 4 Sept.
Newton Plomer Fowell, Major, Royal Artillery 4 Jan. 71 19 Jan. 8 4 Sept. 36
George Richardson Price, Major, Ro;v al Artillery 4 Jan. 71 19 Jan. 81 7 Sept,
Mayow Wynell-Mayow, Major, Royal Artillery 4 Jan. 71 26 Jan. 81 8 Sept. 86
James Ramsay Campbell, Major, Shropshire Lt. Inf. (85 F.) 12 Nov. 73 21 Feb. 84 13 Sept.S
Alfred George Yaldwyn, Major, Bengal Staff Corps .4 Sept. 66 2 Dec. 69 14 Sept. 78 14 Sspt. Si
Henry Philip Dawson, 3Iajor, Royal Artillery 4 Jan. 71 I Feb. 81 22 S-pt. So
Wm. Bruce Mitchell Brand, Major, Argyll and Sutherland 7 20 Oct. 69 iOct. 24 May 79 27 Sept. 86
Highlanders (93 F.) j
Richard Hall Green, Major, Lancaster Regiment (4 F.) 24 Jan. 69 31 May 7£ 6 Mar. 80 29 Sept. 86
George Hobart, Major, Royal Marines 13 Dec. 65 3 Aug. 67 26 Aug. 8029 Sept. 86
Ai'thur Domville Corbet, Major, Royal Marines 13 Dec. 65! 3 Aug. 67 Sept. 80 29 Sept."
John Stratford Collins, 3£ajor, West Surrey Regt. (2 F.) 2 Jan. 6q 28 Oct. 7 16 Mar 29 Sept. 86
Arthur E. C. Kaye, 3Lijcr, Lfiuster Regiment (100 F.) ',-Feb.7, 18 Nov.
Herbert William Brae:,- ill. Ill \, Mii-.r, liovnl Artillery 4 Jan. 7 I
I Feb. I Oct
Robert Hugh Fraser,/ nilii-nliire Regt. (48 F.) 21 Aug. 69 28 Oct. 7
I July 81 1 Oct
;).s.c. Herbert Anthi)i> .. .;;., i: n-al Staff Corps... 2 Oct. 66 7 Aug. 70 I July 77 2 Oct. 86
Arthur E. R. Curran, J/ II Sept. 74 I Oct. 81 6 Oct. 86
Alfred John C. Wreucli, 33 F.) 13 June 75 29 Oct. 81 6 Oct. 86
Robert Wm. P. Roberlsoi 4 Jan. 71 9 Feb. 81 9 Oct. 86
Richard George Randail, June 70 28 Oct. 71 24 Jan. 80 o Oct. 88
Eugene O. O'SuUivan, -1/ 4 Jan. 71 ig Feb. 81 2 Oct. 86
Henry Vaughan Hunt, J 4 Jan. 71 2 Oct.
Joseph Lewis Steavoiisn Jl., 4 Sept. 66 6 Feb. 70 22 Oct. 8o|i3 Oct.
p.s.c. EdwardLloyd, Majur. i;.ii^ il 6 Oct. 66| Dec. 67 16 Oct.
3 78 16 Oct.
Oudley Elphinstone (_ioalilsbui-.\ Ji- ,
6 Oct. 66 17 Apr. 69 16 Oct. 78 16 Oct. 86
William Hem-y Lyster, Major, iiooiii 6 Oct. 66{ 6 July 70 16 Oct. 78 16 Oct.
Francis Crichton Maltby, Major, M\ 6 Oct. 66,14 Oct. 70 16 Oct. 78 16 Oct.
p.i.c. Arthur John Watson, Major, S i
9 Aug. 73 14 Apr. 83 21 Oct. 86
William Henry Newton, Major, Roy 4 Jan. 71 26 Feb. 81 29 Oct. 86

William Gorges Lowther, Major, k'h :'
4 Jan. 71 26 Feb. Si 29 Oct.
Lewis Edmund Cokcr, Major, Royul '

4 Jan. 71 27 Feb. 81 29 Oct.

James Hurley Rossetor, Major, Rmv I 4 Jan. 71 13 Mar. 81:29 Oct. 36
Wm. Hutt Ciirzon U'yllio, ('//:. M '- rps . io Oct. 66' 5 Oct. 63 30 Oct. 78*30 Oct. 86
Herljert Charles Jenkui-, J// ji^ June 74 I Apr. 82 6 Nov,1

Alister William Jaiua-'ii, I// ,

. 1
9 Nov. 66 18 Nov. 68 g Nov. 78 9 Nov.
Henry Alexander VniciMi -il" ... 1;
, ' 9 Nov. 66' 9 Feb. 70 q Nov. 78, 9 Nov.
Cyril Taylor, Major, Kast Sun-oy Kt 15 Mar. 67 27 Feb. 69 15 Mar. 79'ii Nov. 85
William FitzGerald O'Shauglinessy, II Feb. 77 23 Dec. 84 i3 Nov. 86
p.s.c. William Aldworth Home Harl', M, 1; 15 Jau- 67 3 Sept. 79 '23 Nov.
William Utting Cole, Ma/or, 3 Drii ,'. 1.3 M.ty 70 ,5 Feb. 71 6 Feb Nov. 85
Edward J. Winuington-ingr.i 1:1. i,', ,•. \. , .,. i;;i::i ,;, Ap '29 Nov. 8:
WiUoughby E. G. Forbes, J/./ •. .
, :: .
I 29 Nov. 86
Warren Hastmgs Frith, J/i^/.-, John Beckwith Loefe, J/.'. ii.i..ii
.. \1
. in Ainijiri' 1
s..|ii,.77J I

Ilamikon De la Poer Beresfurd, Major, R ij ,il Marine .VrL. Dec.

Seiit.77, I

Arthur T. Middletou, Major, 15 H\is3ara 28 Oct. 71 Apr. Dec.

80;' 4
Greville Ewing M'CloUan, Major, 3 Dragoon Gaards 14 Feb. 74 Dec.
.July 81 4
John Wniiam Hind, Major, The Buffs {3 F.) ^ Dec. 81; 10 Doc.
Walter Luttrell Alausel, Major, S. Lancashire Regt. (82 F.; 9 Oct. Cg Uo Juue 79 II Ddc.
James Frederick Lewis, Major, Royal Kngi-ueers 5 Jan. 67 3 Sept. 79 II Dec.
Felician Rola de Wolski, Major, Royal Engineers 10 July 13 Sep;. 79
17 Deo. o
Robert Preston Birkett Rodick, Major, Royal Fusiliers 9 Feb. 70 28 Oct. 10 Sept. 80 19 Dec. 8^
Charles David Myers Gall, Major, Royal Fusiliers (7 F.) .. 9 Aug. 73 28 Jan. 82 19 Dec. 8
John Hotham, Major, Royal Artillery 2 Aug. 71 6 Apr. 81

21 Dec. 81

Hans Charles Maunsell Woods, Major, Royal Artillery 2 Aug. 71 6 Apr. 81 21 Dec. Si

Arthur Close Borton, Major, Somerset Light Infantry 24 July 69 28 Oct. 71 g Jan. 79 28 Dec. 81

Edward John Fownes, Major, Somerset Light Infantry 71 8 June 79 28 Dec. 8'
8 Fel). 70^28 Oct.
Edmond Joseph Gallwey, Major, Somerset Light Infantry 6 July 7o'28 Oct. 71 26 Feb. 80 28 Dec. 8.

Alexander Leslie Scott Burrowes, Major, R. Marine Artillery 6 Dec. 67 17 78 May 31 Dec. 81

Robert Martin Barklie, Major, Royal Engineers 10


July 67 13 Sept. 79 31 Dec. 86

Charles Henry Maurice Kensington, Major, Royal En^ 10 July 67 I_ Oct. 7g. 31
. „ Dec. 86
l>.».c. William George Morris, Major, Royal Engineers 10 July 67 9 Oct. 79 31
7g 3 Dec. 86
Francis James Justice, Major, Somerset Light Infantry (15 F.) 17 Aug. 70 28 Oct. 71 20 Mar. 80 51 Dec,
Francis Jeremy Day, Major, Royal Engineers 8 Jan. 68I13 Dec. 79; 8 Jan. 87
Sir Charles Henry Leslie, Bart. Major, Bengal Staff Corps .. II Jan. 67 22

68,11 Jan. 79
Jan. n Jan. 87
Thomas Alex. Frederick Leader, Major, Madras Staff Corps. II Jan. 671 68I11 Jan. 7g'ii
7 July Jan. 87
George Wemyss Anson, Major, Bengal Staff Corps II Jan. 67 29 June 691 1 1 Jan. 79 n Jan. 87
Frederick Drummond Battye, Major, Bengal Staff Corps It Jan. 67! 2 Dec. 69I11 Jan. 79 n Jan. 87
Bowes Thorpe M. Gompertz, Major, Madras Staff Corps II Jan. 67 18 Mar. 70 Jan. 79,11 ;
jau. 07
Montague James, Major, Bombay Staff Corps II Jan. 67 '26 Apr. 70 Jan. 79|n :
Jan. 87
John James Money-Simons, Major, Bengal Staff Corps II Jan. 67, 2 Jan. 71 Jan. 7j'ii :
Jan. 87
.Archibald Spiers M'Rae, Major, Bengal Staff Corps II Jan. 67 22 Mar. 71 Jan. 79' 11 :
Jan. 87

Jan. 67|i5 Jan.15 79 [5 Jan. 87

AaelbcrtrecU Talbot. CIE., Ma,ov, l^c^gal n^fnLri •
Jan " Dec.
"" 8 79 iB Jan. 87,
Duncan Alexander Johnston, 3/../";, .Ro>3^5"f Coips ..
Bengal bUff jam 67:25 Jur.e 7022 Jan. 79 22 Jan. S?:
Vinccn( Ccorse Lavvrence Kyve Major, 8 Jan. 68 24 Dec. 79 2? Jan. b?,
Ricl.ava Gi.rdincr. .V„jor Eoyal
Feb. 67^ 8 Feb. 70 i Feb. 79I i F«^^ 87
William Asbfield, Majo,\ B..mlmy Staff Corps 8 Jan. 68 24 Jan. 80' i Fob. 87
R088 Fninklin Moovo. Major, Uoyal '•'"g'P'^ere
1,1 Feb. 76 12 Oct. 82 2 Feb. 87
I'harles Lawford Dale. Major, 2
West India Regiment ........
11 Aug. 80 I July 81 2 Feb. 87] 3 Feb. 87
Fitzgernl.l Wintour. C..p/.u» West Rent
Regiment (50 F.) ..
79' 12 Feb. 87
btaff Corps 12 Felj. 67 I Jan. 69 12 Feb.
Thomas Grccnriway, Major, Madras S Jan. 6S 29 July 80 12 Feb. 87
Geor<'e Ilenrv, Major, Royal Engineers ....^.. 7 Feij. 67 14 Mar. 68 13 Feb. 79 13 Feb. 87
BermlrdCbaLner, iso.. 2Ja}or, licn.-al Staff C^^rps 3 Feb. 67;. o Sept. 69 13 Feb. 79 '3 J^eb. 87
James L. Aberigh-Mackay, Jl/./.;«r Bengal StaffLight Inf 29 Nov. 76,12 Feb. 87 13 Feb. 87
Tohn A W Falls Captain. Duke of Cornwall's
»»>•«' Engineers 7 July 69, 7 July
81,16 Feb. 87
?J^o. William Pe4co/ke. CMCi. Moju; Aug. 81,16 Feb.

Aug. 69 23 Oct. 71,18 87

Staff C. 8
p C.Arthur
, Fredk. Barrow. CMG. Captain, Bengal 8 Jan. 70 8 ' 87 Jan. 82,16 Feb.
St.Georce Corbet Gore, Major, Royal Engineers 23 Sept. 71 28 Oct. 71 23
87 Sept. 83 16 Feb.
Alfred Fcx Cotton, Captain Bengal Staff
Corps ..^....
30 Dec. 71:30 87 Dec. 83 16 Feb.
Edmund George Barrow, Capta,,,, Bengal ^toff ^"n'S
Corp^ 24 July 7224 87 July 84'i6 Feb.
llarrv H. Rose Heath, Captain, Bengal teti.ff 29 Apr. 73' 8 87 Jan. 85 '16 Feb.
i/o».'Milo George Talbot, Captan, Royal Euf:meei» ^.
In Feb. 7^ II 87 Feb. 86,16 Feb.
Francis H. R. Drummond, Ca/>«.«, Bengal Staff .9 Feb. 67 14 Apr. 69 19
87 Feb. 79;id Feb.
Anderson, Major, Madras fctaff Coips
Edward Brooke ^
8 Jan. 68:17 Aug. 8027 Feb. 87
Charles Hervey Bngot, Major, Royal Engineers I

S Mar. 87
Bengal Staff Corps 8 iiar. 67 24 May 69 8 Mar. 79!
Henrv Mc^alfe Bore, i^5ailf,.>.-. 9 Mar. 67 18 Jan. 70! 9 Mar. 79 9
Mar. 87
Leoni.r.l Wm Christ .pher. Major, Bengal Staff Corps
Staff Corps 16 Mar. 30 Nov. 70 16 Mar. 79,16 Mar. 87
Lionel Albert T.M'Cuddcn,3/fyo)-, Bombay
.... 67
Engineers ...j 15 July 68 22 Aug. 80 17 Mar. 87
Geor-e Svdenham Clarke, CM(}. Major, Royal 27 Nov. 67 28 Oct. 71 3 Apr. 78 23
Mar. 87
Uenrv B Whev, Major. York and Lancaster

of Artillery ••••••••::;"-;-;l 10 Mar. 7528 Oct. 8o[ i Apr. 87

Michael '^wy'. Major, Coac* Brigade
Major, Coast Brigade of Artillery lioMar. 75,17 Dec. 8i| i Apr. 87
Robert •^amucl Sutherland. Apr. 79 3 Api'.
3 Apr. 67 7 June 67 3
Charles Marsh Keighley. Ifo/or, Bengal Staff Corps Aug. 69 Apr. 79,20 Apr. 87

20 Apr. 67 IS
Frederick G. T. Welch, Major. Bombay Staff Corps

Bcnsal Staff Corps

T„l^= no.,i,„r D.W. Maior. Bengal ••• n May 67 2. Apr. 7 May 79:11 May 87
Le^v-isDening,Z>SO.Jlfojor. ..„,, ,^
Jan, July 81 22 May 87,23 May 87
Boanchamp J. Colclough Doran. Captain, Irish Regt. (18 F.) 14 June 67 19 Oct. 69I June 79 8 June 87
Charles Comvu Egcrton, Major. Bengal Staff Corps June 79 8 June 87
8 June 67 18 Jan. 70,
Charles Archibald Mercer, Major, Bengal Stafl Corps ^^^^ 87
g June 67 24 July 69' 9 June 79 9
Thomas Holbrow (J.ildney, Major, Bengal Staff Corps IS July 68 19 Sept.80 16
June 87
Crtorge Alexander Cockburn, Major, Royal
22 June 67 24 Mar. 71 22 June 79 22 June
Gerald Ward Martin, Major. Bengal Staff Corps July 22 June 87
24 June 68 21 79
George Albert Lawrence Rawstorne. Major. R. ilar. Artillery 15 July 68 22 Sept.80 2S June 87
William Whiteford Whiteford, Major, R. Engineers
21 Sept. 74*29 June 87I30 June 87
Charles Crutchley, C'<ij<*at"n, Scots Guards July t July 87
Juiy 68 3 Oct. 71: 8 80:
Charles Arthur Koss Sage, Major, Bengal Staff Corps 8
July 87
15 July 68 22 Sept.So^ i
St George Mer^'yn Kirke, Major, Royal Ensmeers

Dec. 68 22 Oct. 701 2 Dec. 80, i July 87

Henry FitzGerald Stevens, Major, Bengal Staff Corps ......... 2
Oct. 71 27 Dec. 80, I July 87
William Arthur Jamea Frerc, Major, Scots Fuhiliers (21 1 .)... 15 July 68 28
Jan. 28 Mar. 71 13 Jan. 81 I .Tuly 87
James Ramsay Hobday, Captain, Bengal StiilfCorps .3 69
28 Oct. 71 4 t'eb. 8;, I July 87
Charles Edgeworth Gubbins, Cifluin, Bcniral Stafl Corps ... 4 Feb. 69
Oct. 7V24 Apr. 81! I July 87
24 Apr. 69 28
William Bernard Wilson, C<ii:tii .1. I'.eii'.'al Stall ('iirps
July 68 I May 81; I July 87
Arthur Robert Ford Dorward, I'^O. M.ijor. lloyal Engineers J15
29 May 69 28 Oct. 71 29 May 81 I
July 87
Vernon Ansdell Schalch. Caiitan,, liengal Staff Corps
113 Jan. 69, I July 8i| I July 87
Frederick T. N. Spratt, Major, Royal Engineers I July 87
15 Dec. 71 13 July 81
Ma can William Saunders, Major. Royal Artillery 8 Feb. 82 I July 87-
Alfred Astley I'earson, Captain, Bombay Staff Corps 8 Feb. 70 28 Oct. 71
8 Oct. 71 28 Oct. 71,28 Oct. 83
July 87-
Charles Puliey, Captain, Bengal Staff Corps July 87
Thomas Plunket Gather, DSO. Captain, Ro.'sal Engineers jis Dec. 7115 Dec. 83
Aug. 73 8 Jan. 85 July 87
Stuart Brownlow Beatson, Captain, Bengal Staff Corps 9
July 87
Iio Sept.7s ioSei)t.86
Herbert F. S. Ramsrien, Captain, Madras Staff Corps
Francis Grant Maltby, Major, Bengal Staff Corps 6 July 67 18 May 69 6 July 79' 6 July
Henry Doveton Hutchins'.n, Major, Bengal Staff Corps 6 July 67 5 AuLT. 69 6 July 79 6 July 87
Frederick Robertson Ditmas, Major, Bengal Staff Corps ....'. 10 July 67 10 July 79 10 July 87
'15 July 68 2 Oct. 80 II July 87
Mark Henry George Goldie, 3/«;o)-, Royal Engineers J'i|y 87
Philip lUrnian Wallersttin, Major, liengiil Staff Corps [3 July 67 10 Aug. 69 13 July 79 13
5 Oct. 73 15 Mar. 80 13
July 87,
Arlhnr F. G. Richardson, Major, S. Lancashire Regt. (40 F.)
20 July 67 17 Aug. 70 20 July 79 20 July 87;

John Newman Walker. Major, Bombay Staff Corps July 87

Spencer Richard Rnwlinson, DSO. Major. Madras Staff Corps 20 July 67 :7 Jan. 71 20 July 79 20
ii5 July 63 20 Nov. 80 23
July 87
Alexander William Smart, Major, Royal Engineers
I15 July 68 25 Nov. 80 23 July 87]
Adam Bogle, Major, Royal Engineers July 871
Arthur Tbomas i'reston, Afn/or; Royal Engineers I15 Julv 68 22 Jau. 81 23
Arthur Bosworth, Major, i West India Regiment Ill Feb. 75 I July 81 3 Aug. 87.
Philip Kavaimgh Dovne, Major, 4 Dragoon Guards 4 Mar. 68 16 Mar. 70 9 Feb. 82 3 Aug. 87;
Edward Willock CbalmerH, Maj.r, Bengal Staff Corps 4 Aug. 67 25 Feb. 71 14 Aug. 79 14 Aug. 87
GeorRe I'ridham Owen, Mujnr, Hoyal AitiUcry 2 Aug. 71 8 May 81 15 Aug 87- I

AiigiihtuH John English, Major, n Hussars !3oDec. 7316 Jan. 84 17 Aug. 87

Cliarlcs WiUium Runflle Ford, Jl/a/or, York and Lancaster')
9 July 68|i7 Nov. 69 23 May 78 24 Aug. 87^
Begt. {65 F.) i
Frederick Typson .Mackinlay Beaver, Major, Royal Artillery 2 Aug. 71 23 May 81 26 Aug. 87'
C'liai'leH Henry BrooktR, Major, Ko.Nal Engineers 15 July 68 22 Jau. 81 31 Aug. 87,
Edward Wheeler, Majo', Royal Marine Artillery 24 June 68 i Jan. 79 12 Sept. 87,
JaniiK A. Lawrence Moiit(;oinery, Mujnr. B<-ngul Staff Corps 4 Sept. 67' 9 Oct. 6<j 14 Sept. 79 14 Sept. 87:
Arthiii Parry Thornton, Major, i'.eniral Staff Corps 8 Sept. 71 14 Sept. 79 14 Sept. 871
Charles Leslie Ca^ey, Majur, Royal .•Vrlillery 2 Aug. 71 27 May 81 21 Sept. 87
Douglas Charles Dean-Pitt, Major, Koyal Artillery 2 Aug. 71 27 May 81 21 Sept.87j
Solomon Watson, Major, Roj'ui Artillery 2 Aug. 71 It June 81 21 Sept. 87!
Patrick Charles Erie NewbiggiH!,', Major, Koyal Aitillery 2 Aug. 71 11 June 81 21 Sept. 87
Alfred Luther Lane, Major, Royal Artillery 2 Aug. 7r 1 July 8i 21 Sept. 87
Henry Hewitt Pentrrcc, Major, Uoyal Artillery 2 Aug. 71 I July 81 21 Sept. 8;

Audlcy DallaH Necld, Major, t Lite Gn.ird.s 28 Oct. 71 13 Apr. 81 24 Sept. 87

Robert Ambrose Cecil Kinit, Major, Uoyal Artillery 15 Doc. 71! I July 81 23 Supt.87,
William Gcf)rgc I'hilliinorc, Afu/'o)-, Hoyal Artillery 15 Dec. 71 I July 81 28 Sept. 871

ficorge liichaidH hallenor, Major, Royal Artillery

I 5 Dec. 71 I July 81 28 Sept.871

(Courtney ('larko Uawson, Major, lloyal Engineerij 15 July 68 9 Fob. 81 t Oa

Robert Maxwell HyHlop, Majur, lloyal En^iuHCra 15 July 68 II May 81 i Oct,

Frederick Augustus Bowles, Major, Royal Artillery 15 Dec. 71' I July 81 i Oct. 87

Ilibut. tiEtrr. CAPr.v.iif. UA.JOU.

Kriiest Charles "rt'nce, DSO. Major, Royal Artillery 15 Dec. 7 Tjuly 81 I Oct. 87
FrcLlcrick Williiim Campbell, Major, Royal Artillery July 81 [5 Dec. 7 1 I Oct. 87
Maurice .John Barlow, Major, Royal Artillery July 81 ts Dec. 7 2 I Oct. 87
Samuel Kcimoth ilackcnzio. Major, Royal Artillery 7 July 81 15 Dec. . 2 I Oct. 87
Herbert X.iiiier nunlmrv, 3rajor, Royal Artillery
5 7 I 2 July 81 Dec. I Oct. 87
Percy M^iclt, -or K iiu .I/.m',-',-, 21 Hussars 29 Nov. 77 30 Nov. v.. X Oct. 8;
Charles l;i>Uii'l.l i;nrcl,iu, .Uni,,,-, It-iyal Kun'iueers
1 13 Jan. 69 30 June 81 11 Oct. 87
Hardin- Conr.vallis II. '-1,', M.ijor, Hoiubay Staff Corps 12 Oct. 67 29 Nov. 70 12 Oct. 79 12 Oct. 87
Kdcn Moylo Raker, Major, Royal Artillery 15 Dec. ,. . July 8. 12 Oct. 87
Taylor Dalrymple Wilson, Major, Scots Fusiliers (21 F.) 2 Jan. 69 28 Oct. 71 4 Feb. 81 19 Oct. 87
Horatio Dove, Major, Royal Engineers 3 Jan. 69 I July 8i 19 Oct. 87
William Ssvorder Walfoi'd, Major, Royal Artillery 5 Dec. 71 3 July 81 25 Oct. 87
Walter Ferricr Graham, Major, Royal Artillery 5 Dec. 71 3 July 81 29 Oct. 87
Arthur James Brauder, Major, Beiigal Staff Corps 6 Nov. 67 28 Oct. 71 6 Nov. 79 6 Nov. 87
Charles Edu-ardYate, CSI.'CMG. Ifoyor, Bombay Staff Corps 9 Nov. 67 >2 Mar. 7 9 Nov. 79 [ 9 Nov. 8;
p.s.c. Henry Pilkington, Major, Royal Engineers 1.3 Jan. 69 I July 3 23 Nov. 87
Frederick \Vilmer Watkins, Major, Royal Engineers 13 Jan. 69 I July Si 23 Nov. 87
Henry Clarke, Major, Royal Engineers 13 Jan. 69 I July 81 S Deo. S-?

Arthur Clement Smyth, Major, Royal Marines 8 Dec. 66 3 Aug. 67 I July 81 8 Dec. 87
Charles Baker Goodrich Dick, Major, Royal Marines 8 Dec. 66 3 Aug. 67 I July 81 8 Dec. 87
Lourenco Edye, Major, Royal Marines 3 Dec. 66 3 Aug. 67 I July 81 8 Dec. 87
Charles Edwarfd Sawyer, Major, N. Lancashire Regt. (47 F.] !3 Jan. 69 28 Oct. 71 29 Sept. 80 14 Deo. 87
Arth.Wm. Hammans, Major, Duke of Cornwall's Lt.Inf. (32 P. :8 Dec. 66 25 Sept. 69 .9 June 8
amans. Maji 14 Hec. 87
]>.s.c. James Campbell Barker, Major, Royal Engineers. 13 Jan. 69 I July 81 17 Dec. 87
Henry Oliphant Selby, Major, Royal Engineers [3 Jan. 69 I July 81 17 Dec. 87
Ernie Edmund Monev, Major, Bengal Staff Corps Dec. 67 5 Apr. 7 8 Deo. 79 18 Dec. 87
William Charles Daraan, Major, Cheshire Regt. (22 F.). Apr. 67 28 Oct. 7 .9 Jan. 79 19 Dae. 87
Roger Kennedy Parke, Major, 3 Dragoon Guards 10 Aug. 70 28 Oct. 7 j6 May 79 21 Dec. 87
Edward Hegan, Major, 5 Dragoon Gu;i II Sept. 76 31 Jan. 82 02 Dec. 87
Benjamin Horatio Pollard, Major, Mail 'ps 25 Dec. 67 18 Jan. 70 .5 Dec, 79 25 Dec. 87
Henry Byron Woods, Captain, Royal ^ June 67 3 Aug. 67 I July 81 ,. Dec -,
p.s.c. Frederick William Romilly, 'l)S<K its Guards 30 Apr. 73 I Apr. 87
', Jan. 88
Charles Henry Ellison Adamson, .1/-' latr Corps 8 Jan. 68 8 Jan. 80 8 Jan. 88
Ull/j.s.c. Richard Kir b.v Ridgeway, I' Staff 0. 8 Jan. 68 14 Feb. 70 8 Jan. 80
Geffery Lawrence Eliot, Major, Bun - 8 Jan. 68 i2 Feb. 70 8 Jan. 80 8 Jan. 88
Frederick Babington Peilc, J/- ,-,, Statr Corps 8 Jan. 68 7 July 70 8 Jan. So
I :
8 Jan. 88
James Beverley Lynch, Ma/nr. Corps 1
8 Jan. 68 22 Oct. 70 8 Jan. 83
Robert Gordon, Jlfojor, Ben-:i: - - 8 Jan. 63 8 Sept. 71 8 Jan! 80 8 Jan. 88
Herbert Edward Peuton, Mtii<ir. r Staff Corps ;
8 Jan. 68 3 Oct. 71 8 Jan. 80
, ,: \

Robert Holford Daniell, Major, Bombay Staff Corps 8 Jan. 68 6 Oct. 71 8 Jan. 80 8 Jan. 88
Montague Laugharne, Major, Royal Engineers 13 Jan. 69 I July 81 3 Jan. 83
William Hodgson Suart, Major, Roj'al Artillery 15 Dec. 71 c3 July 81 .,i.lai
Edward Locke Elliot, DSO.Major, Bombay Staff Corps... 23 Aug >2 Jan. 80 22 Jau,
Clayton Wm. James Kingston, Major, Bengal Statl'Corp; _3 0ct. 71 >2 Jan. 80 ; Jan.
Benjamin Arthur Milne, Major, R. Marine Artillery 24 June 68 Oct. 79 25 Jau
John Reeves, Major, Irish Fusiliers (89 F.) 21 Jan. 74 .5 June .. 25 Jan_
Frederick Crofton Heath, Cap lueers 25 Jan. 77 215 Jan. 88 26 .fan. 83
Andrew Graham Thomson, 1

25 Jan. 77 2.5 Jan. 88 26 .Ian. 88

Charles Edward Coffey, J/.-/ 15 Dec. 3 July 81 Jan
George Colquhoun Madden, Regiment [2 May 75 2.4 Aug' 81 Jau. -

Arthur M'Leod Mills, J,' , .•;

. Feb. Feb I ..... 80 . Feb.
Feb. ..„ 83
Gilbert Gaisford, M.'J 1;
22 A'CU. UO ^j j^-^^ ^^yj.
70 80 22 Feb.
Feb. v.^ 88
Henrv Breffnev Ter;; 1 , / I
« Corps... 22 Feb. 68 28 Oct. 71 22 Feb. 80 22 Feb. 88
William Henry Youii_. M ,- Regiment June 68 30 Nov. 70 30 Dec. 76 Mar.
Frederick Duncan Raikcs, Ci bombay Staff Corps Mar. 68 3 May 71 14 Mar. 80 Mar.
John Frederick Wyley, Major, Cheshire Regiment (22 F.) .. 25Sept.67f,-, ^8
28 Of.h
Oct. 7. mKn
June 79 Mar.
James Cameron, Major, Royal Engineers Jan.
^3 „ „,
69 . July Si Apr.
Mortimer Durant Whitmore, Major, Royal Engineers .J Jan. 69 I July
81 Apr.
Richar<l Theodore Orpen, Major, Roj-al Engineers 7 July 69 7 Julj Apr.
George Robert Rollo Savage, Major, Royal Engineers 7 July 69 7 Jub -- Apr. 88
Pechell Haslett, Major, Royal Engineers 7 July 69 7 July Si I Apr.
George William Addison, Major, Roj'al Engineers 7 July 69 7 July I Apr

Alfred Porcelli, Major, Royal* Engineers 7 July 69 7 July I Apr

James White Thurbui-n, Major, Royal Engineers 7 July 69 7 Juh I A;jr

Frederic Gosset, Major, Royal Engineers 7 July 69 1 Apr

7 -July
p.s.c. Henry Merrick Lawson, Captain, Royal Engineers 19 June 77 2 Apr. 88
Chanilos Hoskyns, Major, Royal Engineers 7 July 69 7 July Si 4 Apr.
William G)-ogg, Major, Leicestershire Regiment 24 July 72 ; Mar. 81 II Apr. ,

Charles Duncan Cooper, Major, Dublin Fusiliers 8 July 68 28 Oct. 71 I Nov. 79 18 Apr.
.Tohu Deering, Major, Cheshire Regiment {22 F.) 8 July 68 28 Oct. 71 1 Jan. 80 21 Apr.
James William Anderson, Major, Bombay Staff Corps 25 Apr. 68 5 Jan. 70 25 Apr. 80 25
Seymour C. H. Monro, Captain, Seaforth Highlanders (72 F.) [7 May 77 25 Apr. 88 26 Apr.
Edw. i'ras. Joseph de C. Rennick, Majw, Bengal Staff Corps 2 May 68 6 Aug. 70 2 May 80 2 May
Arthur Bucknall Shakespear, Major, R. Marine Artillery \\ June 68 10 Oct. 74 .„ Mav
George Arthur Mills, Major, DubUn Fusdiers (102 F.) ... 12 Nov, 26 May 80 2 May
Charles Joseph Cheetham, 3Iajor, R. Marme Artillery 5 Nov. 69 8 Juno 80 ..
May ..
Edward Robert Hussey, Major, Royal Engineers 7 July 69 7 July 81 2 May 88

John Wm. Ain.slie Drummo'nd, Captain, Scots Guai-ds ... II Feb. 77 23 May 83 ,4 May 88
William Potter Newall, Major, Bengal Staff Corps 3 June 68 7 Dec. 70 3 June 80 3
William Francis Hungerford Gtv^y, Major, Bengal Staff Corps 3 Juno 63 28 Oct. 71 3 June 3 Juno
2..s.c.JohnWm.Godtray,Jlfa/or,King'8 Own Scottish Bord(25F.) 24 Sept. 7 1 '28 Oct. 71 22 Dec. 6 Juud
Alfred Weston, Major, 5 Lancers I Apr. 76 5 July
-^ June
Herbert Eyre Robbins, Captain, Royal Marines _- June 67 3 Aug. 67 July June
Cosmo tleorge Gordon, Captain, Royal Marines 22 June 67 3 Aug. 67 July 81 22 Juno 83 '"
Francis Henry Hall, K^iyo;-, Royal Artillery IS Dec. 71 July 81 26 June
James Moore Hanson, Major, Wiltshire Regiment (62 F.) Apr. 66 22 Mar. 71 6 Dec. 77 I July 88
Ernest Lucas Braithwaite, Major, 13 Hussars Sept.71 28 Oct. I Apr. 79 I July 83 ,

Charles lOdward Warde, Major, 4 Hussar.s Jan. 09

69I28 Oct. 71
20 vvuu. 7 27 Sept. 79
>7 tjuiJi;. /y
Reginald Charles Turnor, Major, i Life Guards 22 Mai 71 28 Oct. 71 27 Sept. 79 I July 83
Thomas I'.arnes Weston, Major, 20 Hussars |23Apr. 73 I Jan. 80 t July 88
George Villiers Turner, Major, Yorkshire Light Infantry Oct. 66125 Mar. 71 24 Jan. 80 I July 88 r

John Jebb ileynell. Major, Irish Rifles (83 F.) Aug. -o'28 Oct. 71 26 May 80 I July B8 I

Thomas Currio, Major, North Staffordshire Regt. (98 F.) 28 Feb. 74 12 Mar. 81 I July 88
Robert Haubury Brown, Major, Royal Engineers 8 Jan. 70 3 Jan. 82 I July 38 I
So Major,'.
Robert Oliver Lloyd, iferjor. Royal Kiifrincers 8 Jan. 70 8 Jan. 82 I July 8
Cliiui'e Rcipruier Cornier, Major, Royal Engineers 8 Jan. 70 8 Jan. I July 8
6 Mar. -2 July 82 July
Fred. K. C. H. Gordon-Cuminins, Major, Cheshire Regt.(22 F.) 5 I S

Frcilcrick Henry Munn, Major. Irish Fusiliers (87 F.) II Sept. 76 30 Mar. S3 I July £

JIontj\gue George Johnstone, Major, 2 Dragoons 22 June 70 2 Aug. 71 I Jan. 78 5 July £

Charles Grenville Mansel, Major, Bengal Staff Corps 8 July July
20 July 70 5 80 8 July £

Charles Thomas Bingham, Major, Bengal StafE Corps 8 July - 68 31 Aug. 70 8

July 80 S July £

Benjamin Alex. Napier Parrot, Major, Madras Staff Corps ... 8 July July
8 Dec. 70 8 8 July i

Douglas Davidson Pryce, Major, Madras StafE Corps 8 July 68 5 July 71 8July 8 JuVy i

Francis Forsvth Robert Burgess, Major, Bengal Staff Corps 8 July 68 7 Oct. 71 8 Julv So S July i

Charles James Jamieson, Major, Bengal Staff Corps 8 July 68 8 Oct. 71 8 July S July i

Cathcart Dempster, Major, Bengal Staff Corps 9 July 68 28 Feb. 70 9 July 80 9 July i

Richard de Villamil, Major, Royal Engineers 8 Jan. 70 8 Jan. 10 July (

Woodforde George du Boulay, Major, Royal Engineers 8 Jan. 70 8 Jan. 14 July i

Walter Harry Sykes, Major, Royal Engineers Jan.

8 70 8 Jan. 18 July i

Joseph Alexander Lambert, Major, 2 Dragoon Guards 2 Dec. Dec. 80

74 1 22 July i

Frank Abbott, Major, Bombay Staff Corps 22 July 68 28 Oct. 71 22 July 8. 29 July !

Lewis Maltby Boileau, Major, Bengal Staff Corps 22 July 68 28 Oct. 71 July 8 22 July i

George Bulstrode Edmund Radcliffe, Major, Bombay Staff C. 23 July 68 2 Nov. 70 23 July So
23 July i

Nicholas Sadlicr, Major, 2 Dragoon Guards 22 Dec. 69 28 Oct. 7 2 Feb. 25 July i


James Stewart King' Major, Bombay Staff Corps Aug. T Jan. 7 1 Aug. I Aug. i

Kdmuiid William Creswell, Major, Royal Engineers 8 Jan. 70 8 Jan. 1 Aug. i

Henry Craigie Halkett, Jl/a /or, Bengal Slaff Corps Aug. 11 Apr 2 Aug. 2 Aug.
Alexander Bulstrode Fcnton, Capiat)!, Madras Staff Corps ... 12 Nov 8 Jan. 85 2 Aug. I

Alex. Gore Breffney Tcrnan, Captain, Bengal Staff Corps 13 June 74 3 June 85 2 Aug. i

Constantine Rodney Wm. Hervey, Major, Royal Artillery IS Dec. 71 6 Julv 81 4 Aug. i

Edward Montagu Flint, Major, Royal Artillery 15 Dec. 71 6 July 81 4 Aug. I

Claude Rainier Rogers, Major, Irish Fusiliers {89 F.) 24 June 76 8 Aug. 83 2 Aug. i

George Digby Filmer Suliyan, Major, 15 Hussars 28 Oct. 7 24 June 76 5 Aug. I

Walter S. Davies Liardet, Major, Leicestershire Regiment ... 17 July 72 20 Mar. 81 5 Aug. !

Peter Fisher Percival Hamilton, Major, Royal Ai-tOlery 15 Dec 25 July 81 5 Aug.
Henry Clerk, Major, 2 Dragoon Guards 9 Aug. 75 II Oct. 81 5 Aug.
Charles Stewart Skipton, Major, Royal Ai-tillery 6 Jan. 30 July 81 7 Aug. 1

Arthur Howlett, Major, Madras Staff Corps 22 Aug. 21 Nov. 70 22 Aug. 80 22 Aug. i

Somerset Henry Paul Graves, Major, Bengal Staff Corps 2 Sept. 15 Dec. 69 2 Sept. 80 2 Sept. I

Philip A.M. rrrir.=on, Major, East Yorkshire Regiment (15 F.) I Jan. 67 10 Feb. 6g I Nov. 78 6 Sept. I

Henry Hay, M„J„i; Bombay Staff Corps 6 Sept. 68 28 Oct. 7 16 Sept. So 16 Sept.i
John .Mlnit Hulxitson, Major, Royal Artillery 6 Jan. 72 30 July 26 Sept.
Archibald ihnigr, Muir, Major, Bengal Staff Coi-ps 30 Sept. 28 Oct. 7: 30 Sept. 80 30 Sept. I

William Arthur Broome, Major. Bombay Staff Corps 30 Sept. 8 Oct. 7 30 Sept. 80 30 Sept.

Herbert Percival Willoughby, Major, Royal Artilleiy 6 Jan. 7: 17 Aug 1 Oct. 1

William Diiiry Shaw, Major, Royal Scots u F.) :SOct. 7: 13 Nov. 78 3 Oct. i

John Henry Aug. Spyer," Ifo/'oc, Irish Regiment (18 F.) 30 Dec. 7 I Jan. 81 3 Oct. I

Francis Seymour Alfen, Major. Regt 9 Mar. 72 29 June 81 3 Oct. 1

Francis Fawkes Johnstone, Major, Bedfordshire Regiment... Sept.6 22 Feb. 71 10 Sept.77 oOct.

'harles Edward Bradley, Major, N. Staffordshire Regt. (64 F.) 8 Feb. 1 July Si o Oct. i

Williiini Frederick Cuiteis, Major, Chesliire Regiment (22 F.) 3 Apr. 16 Aug. 82 oOct.

Ernest Vcness Elwes, Major, Rojal Artillery 4 Jan. 72 17 Aug. 3 Oct. I


William I'owlitt Thring, Major, Royal Aitillerj' 2 Sept.68 6 Jan.

7 17 Aug.! 9 Oct.
Hugh Aboukir Scott, Major, Royal Artillery 2 Sept.68 6 Jan.
7 7 Sept.l 9 Oct. '

Alexander John Montgomery, Major, Royal Artillei-y 2 Sept.68 6 Jan. 72 7 Sept.;

" qOct.
John Denis Kiiwan, Major. Royal Artillery 2 Sept, 2 May 72 7 Sept.l
Malcolm Alexander Gray, Major, Bengal Staff Corps 7 Nov. 68 6 May 71 7 Nov. 80
William Moore, South Staffordshire Regiment 2 Sept.68 28 Feb. 74 4 Oct. S Nov. •

Henry Courtenay Morland, Major, 5 Lancers 2 Sept.68 1 Feb. 75 23 June S: Nov.

Richard Rorstron Young, Major, Black Watch 6 Nov. 66 4 Jan. 71 24 Sept.77 Nov.
John Wm. Haftinps Potts, Major, Royal Aitil'ery 2 Sept.68 2 May 72 17 Sept. 81 29 Nov.
Albert Henry Cathwell, Major, Royal Artillery 2 Sept 2 May 72 x8 Sept.Si >9 Nov.
Robert Gordon Handcock, Major, Bengal Staff Corps 2 Dec. 5 J^iiy 71 2 Dec. Sc 2 Dec.
FitzGerald Muirson Banister, Major, Royal Artillery 2 Sept.68 2 May 72 1 Oct. 8] 5 Dec.
P-'c. Wm. Th&D pson Adair, Captain, Royal Marines 2 Sept.68 6 Dec. 67 1 July 81 6 Dec.
Edward Ernest Pyne, Captain, Royal Marines 2 Sept.68 6 Dec. 67 I July 81 6 Dec.
Henrj- O. I'ercival Wright, Captain, Royal Marines 2 Sept.68 6 Dec. 67 I July Si 6 Dec.
Howard Stanley The mpson. Captain, Royal Marines 2 Sept.68 6 Dec. 67 I July S: 6 Dec.
Arthur M. Ed^^ord Hayes, Captain, Royal Marines 2 Sept. 63 6 Dec. 67 I July 8: 6 Dec.
Hcnrj- Yeatman Hext, Captain, Royal Marines 2 Sept.68 6 Dec. 67 I July 8: 6 Dec.
Alfred O. De Blacjuiero Ncijean, Captain, Royal Marines 2 6 Dec. 67 I July S: 6 Dec.
Henry Daniel Robinson. Captain, Royal Marines 2 Sept. 6 Dec. 67 I July 8 6 Dec.
Martin Martin, Major, Royal Engineers 2 Sept. 7 July 69 11 May 82 16 Dec.
Thomas Ryder Main, Major, Royal Engineers .3 July 70 23 July 82 iS Dec.
CLiirlcB William Sherrard, Major, Royal Engineers 23 July 70 23 July 18 Dec.
H( My Waugh Rcnny Tailyour, Major, Royal Engineers 3 July 7o 23 July 18 Dec.
Wilham Pitt, Major, Royal Engineers 23 July 70 23 July 18 Dec.
CUnrliB Wilkinson, Major, Royal Engineers 23 July 70 23 July 18 Dec.
Jlonilio Holt Hart, Major, Royal Engineers 23 July 70 23 July 82 18 Dec.
Miirliii Dohcrty Holwell, Major, h.p. Worcester Regiment 10 June 74 19 Dec
... 19 Dec.
Jehu M'Doiinell. Major, Roval Artillery 2 May 72 I Oct. 21 Dec.
John Temple, Major, Royal Artillery 2 May 72 6 Oct. 21 Dec.
War Services of the Majors.
' GUiastone served with the Baltic Expedition iu i8si flfp'lall
iXiijor E.
Aic^i„n,oT!i c
of 1855, and until the declaration of
peace in ,856
^^ ^'^'^^^^'^ ^'^o '^ ^l^e Black Sea
m the
• ,
latter part
Majors Hungerford and Norcook.-For War Services, see
^ Royal Marines

^ Major A Cook was employed wlL a detriment oAheacn^l^^^^^^^ ^Uive°I,fn^^^^';h^tf'^''^^V-

force m the field to intercept the rebels under Tantia Topee from 9th November %\t wL^^^^ formed part of the

wounded (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star) prcont at the ba.tlo of Tel-el-Kebir— severely
' Major I. W. T.
S. Smythe.-For War Services, see Army
Pay Department.
1. NORTHERN DISTRICT.— Head Qaartcrs, 7orl{.

ilAjns HKHPnAi CouuAvuivG Major General C. F. T. Daniell, CB. i Apr. S6

. Captain T. Farrer, Dorsetsliire Rest, i Apr. S6.
f Colonel C. K. S. Scott
(from h.p. R. Ailillery), i Oct. S7.
ColoneUon the Slaf [Colonel G. W. Stocldey, li.p. R. Enp:. 1 March 86.
rLt Colonel G. W. Smith. li.p. Shropshire Light Infantvi', 27 liar. B5.

Auutant ^.I;k/uh/ Uciouu

J»..>/un/ Adjutant GcncruU h,.s.o.Colonel T. Kelly-Kemi.y(fromh.p.W Surrey Regt.) 22 Sept. S7.

CColonel E. A. Gore, i Apr. 87. Lioerpool {for Hecrmting).

(Major W. Cooke-Collis, Irish Rifles, 17 Juno 86. _
^^ ,

Deputy AnUtaut Adjutanl Gciu;-ah \ p.,.c.

Lt.Golonel Sir St. V. A. Hammick, Barf, (irom lip. O.^ford
[ Light Infantry), 22 Jan. 88.
Thp.A»si»I.A'li. Gcii.forMusl-efr]/ Major G. E. Harlej-, The Buffs, 1 Jan. 86.
Dep. A>»i»t. Adj. Gen. fir Instruction p.f.c. Major T. B. Stephenson, Essex Regt. i Nov. S7.
Staff Captain :. Major W. Louis, Liverpool Regt. i Apr. 86. LioerjiooHfor Itecruitinci).
Staff Captain, Royal Artillery Captain W. N. Lloyd, 19 March 83.
^ -^ ( Lt.Golonel R.Walkey. Sunderland.
, ,. , ,.„
Commanding Auxiliary Artillery
[Lt.Golonel A. I. Maclaverty. Licerpool
Senior Commijigariat Officer Commissary General A. Glerk.
Center Ordnance Store Officer Deputy Commissary General of Ordnance T. Pparkes.
Diftrict PaymaHer Chief Paymaster R. B. Farwell.
Principal Medical Officer Deputy Surgeon General J. Ferguson.

2. EASTERN DISTRICT.—Head Quarters, Colchester.

Majoe Gexebal CoiiiiANDiNG Major General H. J. Buchanan, CB., i Jan. 89.
Aide de Camp
Assistant Adjutant General Colonel E. Leach, CB. h.p. "V\'est Kent Regt. iS So. May
Deputy AsuUitant Adjutant General p.s.c. Lt.Col. P. T. C. Du
Vernet (from h.p. Essex Regt.): i Dec. GS.
Dep. Assist. Adj. Gen. fur Instruction p.s.c. Major F. J. Tidv, B. Lancashire Regt. 12 Mar. 84.
Commanding J{. AH. {Colonel on the Stuff).. Colonel W. W. Woodsvard, 19 Jan. 86.
Commandin':/ Auxiliary Artillery Lt.Golonel A. J. Shuttleworth. Great Yarmouth.
Commanding lioyal Engineer Lt.Golonel C. A. Lyon-Campbell.
Senior Commissariat Officer Assistant Commissary General E. FitzStubhs.
Senior Ordnance Store Offior Assistant Commissary General of Ordnance E. G. Skinner.
District Paymaster Chief Paymaster T. Huddlestone.
Principal Medical Officer Deputy Surgeon General H. F. Pater.son, 3ID.

3. WESTERN DISTRICT.— Head Quarters, Bevonport.

Major General CoiiMAXDixG Major General T. C. Lyons, CB. i April 85.
Aidede Camp Captain T. E. M. S. Pilkington, King's Royal Rifles, i Feb. £6.
/-"7 ^ ii ai fr f Colonel J B. Richardson (from h.p. R. Artillery), 17 Sept. 88.
Colonels on tlie&taff
t Colonel E. O. Hewett, CMG. h.p. R. Engineers, 31 May 86.
Assistant Adjutant Genera! p.s.c. Co\. H. T. Jones-Vanghan (from h.p. E.York Regt.), 31 May 87.
Deputy Assistant A-d/uiant General p.s.c. MajorJ. L.C.St. Clair, Argyll* SutherlandHighdrs. i Aug. 87.
Dep. Assist. Adj. Gen. for Instruction p.s.c. Major R. J. F. Banfield, Welsh Ret'iment, i Oct. S7.
Brigade Major, Royal Artillery p.s.c. Captain H. C. C. Walker, 12 March 86.

Commanding Auxiliary Artillery

{ItEt'^^ll:^^:?: Fei^P!
Senior Commissariat Officer Deputy Commissary General A. Meyer.
Senior Ordnance Store Officer Deputy Commissary General of Ordnance H. P. Moo
District Paymaster Staff Payniaster F. Samweil.
Principal Medical Offiicer Deputy Surgeon General R. W. Meadows.

4. SOUTHERN DISTRICT.— Head Quarters, Porisi«&H<7(.

LlEUTBXANT GENERAL CoMiiAXDixG General Sir G. H. S. Willis, KCB. i May 84.
. . . .

r-^m.. f Lieut. F. C. Trollope, Grenadier Guards, t6 Oct. S5.
^Lieut. M. R. Portal, ^^ Lancashire Regt. 13 Dec. 85.
Commanding R. Art. {Brig. Gin. on the Staff) Major General W. Stirling, CB. 1 Oct. 87.
Cor.imanding R. Etig. (Colonel on the Staff) ... Colonel J. M. H. Maitland, C5.,h.p. Royal Engineers, 31 Jan. 8 6
ip.s.c. ColonelP. A. A. Twynam,C£. h.p. Regimental Dist. jJuly 84.
Assistant Adjutant Generals J.
Colonel G. A. Furse, CB. h.p. 42 Foot, 13 Sept. 86.
Colonel W. H. Lee (from h.p. 2 Dragoon Gds.), 25 July S7. Xdley.

Deputy Assistant Adjutant General p.s.c. Bt. Major W. C. James, 2 Dragoons, 27 Jan. 88.
Deputy Assistant Adjutant Gen. for Musketry Major C. J. Whitaker, York and Lancaster Regiment, i Aug. So.
Dcputu Assistant Adjutant General Sc Devutu) ,r t .»•-,,, t -. ^-
-i-,^ •-..

Assut. Adj. Gen. for Instruction. j^"''- ^'''J°i' ^' Marshall, Lancashire Fusiliers, i Nov. 87.

Brigade Major, Royal Artillery Major L. G. Fawkes, R. Artillery, 6 Dec. 8S.

Commanding .litxiliary .Irtillery Lt.Golonel II. M. Robertson.
Senior Commixsariat Officer Deputy Commissary General C. E. Walton, CB.
Senior Ordnance Store Officer Deputy Commissary General of Ordnance T. Pease.
DistrictPaymaster Chief Paymaster A. S. Murray.
Principal Medical Officer Surgeon General W. S. Murray, 3IB.
Quartir Master, Invalid Depot William Henry Hirst, i April 85 Hon. Lieut. Neileii.

Comm. Discharge Depot, Fort Brockhurtt,Qo»port Colonel W. Livesay, h.p. O.xford Light Infantry, i June S4.
Paymaster Stafi' Paymaster P. D. Costa.
Quarter Master William Neate,7 May 84 Hon. Lieut.

5. CHATHAM DISTRICT.— Head Quarters, Chatham.

Major GhxrhalCommamdiko Major General J. H. Dunne, i Apr. 87.
AxdedcCamp Captain ZToH. G. C. Twislctoi.-Wykeham-Ficunes, Scots Fusiliers.
Commanding R. Ar (Colonel on the SlqfJ ... Colonel T. p. Berthon, Uoyal Artillery, i July 84. Sheern,ss.
Drpuiy Assistant Adjutant General p.s.c. Bt.Lt.Colonel R. E. Allen, East YorkshiVe Rest, i July 86.
Brigade Major, Royal Artillery p.s.c. Major J. W. T. Spencer, R. Art. i May 84. Shcernes.-/
bcvwr Lommis>artal Officn- , Assistant Commissary General G. J. Parkyn.
Stu'or Orihunice Store Officer Assistant Commissary General of Ordnance R. Xicholl.«!.
Dflricl J'aymasttr StafT Paymaster C. F. Carey.
.Sfiiior Mei,<r,tl Offlar Deputy Surgeon General J. Jameson, 3ID.
Staff at Home. cjZ

6. SOUTH EASTERN DISTRICT.— Head Quarters, Dover.

SJiJOR Geyi'inL Commanding Hajor General A. G. Jloiitgomery Moore, Apr. 7
AUle de CLiq,
iColouelSir B. C. Rus.soU, KCB. h.p. 13 Hnssavs, KCMG. i Vpril
Colonel F. 0. Elt^n, CS. Royal Arfcillory, 2 .Tunc 87.
Colonel D. C. Walker, b.p. Royal Eni^iiieers, 31 Dec. 85.
Asxisfaiif Adjutant General C;)li)iiel (!. h\ Nreuorie, CB. li.p. U •i,'i:iiculal Disti'ict, 17 Xov. S,.
^''•''' '^"'"' /'.• .
Mi' /' .
.1. I'. N^i- . .
!|.i,-u-s. ic JulyS/. Skoraolije.
-N '„''', , l.ii/al Artillery •
V'.- . :
j ,
-;.>..i,. ,,jj.
^' '
!.' Gen. for Instruction ;'...':,,.,. W. 1 . \ ;',,;:r > ;ri_;-. 13 Oct. 85. .S'AorHf/i.fe
'• 'V- / ;, /,r«f Mii-.r II. llMi'i, Mm, -I : ia. :;:::,-,.,. i;,,i'i;h 87.
VoinmiiH.hnij Auxillur!/ Artilterj/ Lt.Colonel H. N. Jones.
Senior CommisaarUit OJicer Assistant Commissary General T. B. Stewart.
Senior Ordnance Store Officer Assistant Commissary General of Ordnance W. \l. Coo'.ce.
District Pai/master . Chief Pa jnnastcr T. JDrago.
Principal Medical Officer Deputy Surgeon General S. A. Lithgow, MD. CB. BSD.

7. HOME DISTRICT.— Head Quarters, Horse Guards.

JOB Gekeral CoiluANDirrG Ma.jor General Sir R. Gipps, ICCB. i Apr. 84.
Aide de Camp Captain ,J. B. Strace.y, Scots Guards, i Apr. 84.
("Coluiifl f. L. Campbell, Scots Guards, i Apr. 07.
Assistant Adjutant GeneraU -jColonel K. G. Hendfvjr.ii, ( fl, fIVom h.p. King's Uo\al iU iesi
(. I March 88. X'. '
, !: ruitimj).
llrigndellajor Captain F. C. Ric;i ; 1 ,' i -; I " i- Guards, 2 March 85.
Dep. Assist. Ad/. Grn.for Instruction p.s.c. Major W. AV. .1 ,-,11.. /Inyal Artillery, 29 .Vii"-. 87.
District Iinv-r'n,- f Musketry -
Major J. R. Mecham, tocutusu Hides, i Jan. 87.
CommniiVr I
" :'>irer Colonel H. Tovey.
Commaihh ' ; Irlillery Colonel U. de S. Isaacson.
Senior (•'>.:, .. "V^w Assistant Commissary GcneralJ. A. Clarke.
Disfric/ r ^
r TM '•:•,,!::,( ^' ':
r y:.".iyr..:y,KCB.
Priiir:,:;' '.'.r 1::.;. ,,.

'.,', ,^ iaiishter.
' -
: ,

S/aff C,:n,\ J- , : ,:'.' .,(•,;,'. ,i v., : :,. .. .

Mr Is, 27 Sent. C^^,-/.- 1: ..
.y /,.,.,.., 'h.,rn.:, < ^r:.:.:< : M ,;,;,:,... .Z
::, :, ; ,
I.. Mr '.
Mediail Offircr ,f>r liei-nitfinrj Duties, ditto ... Brigade Surgcou ;. ( C. ( iribljoii.

Major General CoiiMAf di\g Majoi General A H W Willia ns, Royal Artillary, i Apr. S3.
Aide de Camp Captam W V Fahoi Royal A'tillcry, n Apr. 83.
Assistant Adj,t„* Gnie> f,h Y ^ "• ^.'/^ ^^^'- ^''•
^ (f
(.Col ^i^'^rn'^
tiel J AUcjne, ^ "fArti
Rojal i' ^-'r "^'"'ll^f
lery, 12 Feb. 86.
^ ' '

"ueld l
1 de\ic Tapper, h.p. 21 Dec. S3.
Colonel I I
V Russell
tommnn^ W Stewait
Senior Commi
/!//(// imtoffi 1 I)


'^ I
General A. W. Anderson.

Di fitctla/m, t ,
J J [ , ,
1 \\ Kennedy.
Pimcipal li at M 0//u 1 J) ; ut\ ia,i i ( eneialJ. Warren.
/ jetting 1 efermaii/ Suigc 111 ( L\ ni MD
€0M5i.A.XDiNG THE DiyisiojT p.s.c. UC Major General -Sir H. B. Wood, GCMG. KCB. i Jan. Sg.
C Bt. Major C. S. B. Parsons, Royal Artillery, i Jan. 8g.
Aides de Camp <

Generals .f;-.s.e Colonel C.W. Robinson, CB. h.p. Rifle Brigade, 20 Sept. 84.
Assistant Adjutant
' (ji.s.c. Colonel J. N. Croalock, CB. (irom h.p. Regimental Dist. 1,

DUto while Inspector of Gymnasia C>.lincl G. M. Onslow, h.p. 20 Husstxvs, 12 Feb. 85. [i Apr. S7.
Deputy Assistant Adjutant Gr„. ,,,/ , . .,.. :\imj,^i' E. T. H. Button, King's Royal Rifles, i Oct.
Deputy Assistant Adjutant '.'
-,^ _ _ .,,.,_, __

, , . ^ .
W. ,

Franklyn, York Regiment.


Assist. Adj. Gen. for Inst, -^ . . . ..,

-iwr E. May88.
Dep. Assist. Adj. Gen. for lii.-./rrri,.,.: ,,,,,, .\i;,jor H. 0. B. Farrant, N. Lancashire Regt. 7 Feb. 83.
Assistant Inspector of Gymnasia Captain B. C. Quill, York and Lancaster Regiment, i Aug. 83.
Inspector of Signalling Colonel F. C. Keyser, CB. (from h.p. Royal Fusiliers), i Jan. Sg.
Assistant Inspector of Signalling Bt.Major A. Davidson, King's Royal Rifles, 18 Apr. 83.
District Inspector of Musketry Major J. R. Mecham, Scottish Rifles, i Jan. 87.
Senior Commissariat Officer Deputy Commissary General
Senior Ordnance Store Officer Deputy Commissary General of Ordnance C. Ralph,
District Paymaster Chief Paymaster R. C. Streatfeild.
Principal Medical OJicer SurgeonGeneral W. M. Webb.
Inspecting Veterinary Surgeon W. B. Walters.
Camp Quarter Master James Sim, 10 Jan. 80; Son. Major.
Quarter Master .,-. James Maguire, 20 Jan. 83 Hon. Lieut. [Son. Mtijnr. ;

Provost Marshal Qr.Master Chas. Broackes, Mil. Mounted Police Corps, 5 July 05;
Professor Army Veterinary School F. Smith, ist Class, 22 Aug. 83.
il'^jor General W. J. Williams. CB. r Nov. 86.
^'"'etLm'^oM ^f/sl^)."".""".!"....^.^:;'!".'"' .'.'.
Brigade Major of Artillery Captain W. A. Smitt, i Jan.
p.s.c. fg.
CoMUANDlNB RoxAL ENGINEER (Col. on Staff)... Coloucl B. Brinc, 20 July S8.
Cavalry Brigade.
n..,,..,, T ,^.„« KCB.,
iiAi, OP Cavalry in Gbeai Britain
„1 S,r
j ^'^JO'^ General
r> C. Lowe. I'/VT? i Jan.
T„., 8^;.
o (-<

Aide de Camp Captain Hon. L. H. D. Fortescue, 17 Lancers, 5 Feb. 85.

Brigade Major p.s.c. Major U. Paget, 7 Hussnv, 22 Aug. 88,

1st Infantry Brigade.

Co.MMiNDiNG BkigaijE Major General T. L. Bell, i Apr. 88.
Aide de Camp Ca'ptain H. P. Treeby, East Surrey Rogiment, i Apr. 83.
Brigade Ma/or p.s.c. Captain W. H. Sawyer, Lancastn- Regiment, i .lug. S7.
no Stall at Home.
2nd Infantry Brigade.
COMMAS-DIKG Bbigadb Mn.ior General P. Smith. f'B., I Apr 87.
Aidt de Camp Lieut. H. Goulburn, Grenaaier Guards, i Apr. 87.
Brigade Major'.'.\'.\'.'.'.'.'.'.'. ^o.s.c.Bt.Major i/oH. F. W. Stopford, Grenadier Guards, 19 Kcv. S5,
3rd Infantry Brigade.
Brlande^Mafor y.'.'.V.!"!.'"!'.'.^.!'.'.''.'."'.''.'."'.''.'.'.'.'.'.'.^'.'.".' P-^f-- ^ajor P. J. Hughes, Scottish Rifles, 10 Dec. 84.

10. NORTH BRITISH DISTRICT.— Head Quarters, EdirJbiirgli.

Major GrwBBAL Commanding Major General Arthur L. Lyttelton-Annesley, 23 Feb. 8S.
Aidfdi-'Camn Lieut. C. W. Darby-Griffith, Grenadier Guards, 2 May SS.
AZitlant Adiut'ani'Gener7i''.'.'^^..'^. ^.«.c.ColonenV.Black,CjS.(from h.p. S.Wales Borderers),4Xov.S7.
Del. iifist Adi Gen. for Intiruction p.s.c Major H. D. Dimlop, Royal Artillery, i Nov. 87.
Garrilon Adjutant Major H. .T. Knight, Seaforth Highlanders, 21 Feb. 88.
Slaff-Cavlain for Becruiling Duties Major J. B. Doneaster, Black Watch, 25 May 87. Glafijon-.
(o,,,mai.dinqiloyal Artillery (.Colonel on the Staff) Colonel O. H. A. Nicolls (from h.p.), i Nov. 87.
CommandinqBoyal Engineer (Colonel on the Staf) Colonel E. D. Malcolm, CB. h.p. 9 Mar. 85.
" ' ,, fLt.Colonel G. B.Macdonell. j si Snb District.
, ,.,,
Commanding Au^riharg Artillery (Lt. Colonel G. J. Burgmann. znd Sub District.
fleiiior Commissariat Officer Assistant Commissary General F. W. B. Gattey.
Senior Ordnance Store Officer Assistant Commissary- General of Ordnance C. G. L. Campbell.
Dnt, let Paymaster Chief Paymaster
Deputy Surgeon General C. G.Irwm, MB.
„„^ . „
Principal Medical Officer


L'ECT.GovBBNOB ANnToMMANDiNG THE Tboops... LiBut. General C. B. Ewart, CB. R. Engineers, i Nov. 87.
Deputy Assistant Ad/-:nit General p.s.c.Captain A. E. W. Colville, Rifle Brigade, 7 May 87.
Commanding Boyal Artillery Lt.Colonel B. R. Greig.
Commanding Boyal Enaineer Colonel R. Hawthorn.
Senior Commissariat Officer Assistant Commissary General G. L. Morley.
Senior Ordnance StoreOfficer4-ActingDisf.Paymr. Dep.Assistant Commissary General of Ordnance T.J. Kernaghan.
Senior Medical Officer Brigade Surgeon R. W. Berkeley.


LiBUT.GovBBNOR AND COMMANDING THE Tboops Licut. General J. H. F. Elkington, CB. 1 Nov. 85.
Deputy Assistant Adjutant General Major Hon. C. Dutton, Shropshire Lt. Infantrj', 15 May S4.
Commanding Soyal Artillery Ll Colonel W. H. Sandham.
Commanding Boyal Engineer Lt.Colonel A. J. Hepper, DSO.
„ . , _ C.J /~,a: ("Dep. Assist. Com. Gen. of Ordnance H. G. Fincham. Guernse>/.
Senur Ordnance Store Officers | j^^p ^^^j^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ Ordnance C. H. Ozanne. Alderney:

LiEUTBHANT GbnebalA Genebal Goveenob The Most Hon. the Marguis of hondonAerry, KG.
Aides de Camp.
Captain Hon. C. Lambton, Northumberland Fusiliers, [
Captain L. W. Matthews, 5 Dr. Guards, 9 Nov. S6 (extra).
18 Sept. 86. Lieut. W. A. Hicks-Beach, King's Royal Rifles, iS Sept.
Licut. Hon. H. F. White, Grenadier Guards, 18 Sept. 86. I 86 (extra).
Major W. F. O'Shaughnessy, i Dragoons, i Apr. 88. j
Captain R. H. Fowler, Shropshire Light Infantry, 14
Captain J. A. Orr-Ewing, 16 Lancers, n Sept. 88. March 87 (extra).
Miijor Lord H. L. H. Vane-Tempest, 2 Durham Artillery
Volunteers, 18 Sept. 86 (extra). I

"'"'' ^'^'^'""'^ ^""'^'' '^^''- ^""''

Commanding THE FoBCES "^ ^''''' '
Assistant Military Secretary Captain W. H. Darby, Royal Artillery, 15 Sept. 88.
J .?./-• f Captain JEfon. H. A. 6. Gore, II Hussars, 29 Sept. 86.
I/. .

^Captain A. H. J. Doyle, Shropshire Lt. Infantry, 2 Feb. 87 (f.v/n/).

p.s.c. Colonel J. Duncan (from h.p. Dublin Fusiliers), 30 May 87.
Dei'Uty Adjutant Generals J p.s.c. Colonel W. L. Dalrymple (from h p. Connaught Rangers),

I I Oct. 88.

Deputy Assistant Adjutant Generals ip-s.c Captain G. F. Browne, DSO. Northampton Regt. 26 Feb. 85.
(p.s.c. Major C. E. Beckett, 3 Hussars, 15 Sept. 88.
Ditto for Musketry Major G. Fenton, Middlesex: Kogiment, 25 Feb. 85.
General A. C. Johnson, CB. 4 Aug. 87.
Vrii/ode Major, Boyal Artillery p.s.c. Captain R. F. Johnson, 18 Oct. 84.
Coinmanding Boyal Engineer (Colonel on Staff) Colonel W. D. Marsh, 31 May 86.
Brigade Major, Royal Engineeri p.s.c. Captain H. J. Foster, R. Engineers, i Nov. 86.
Dr,,iily Judge Advocate
(P.S.C. Major B. G. Hall, R. Marine Artillery, i Aug. 84. Cork:
Ih/: Assist. Adj. Gens, for Instruction < p.s.c. Captain J. B. Sbarpe, R. Engineers, 27 Aug. 86. Curmgh.
(p.s.c. Major F. Roberts, Royal Artillery, 7 Feb. 88. Dublin.
Seni'ir Commissariat Officer Commissary General
Senior Ordnance Store Officer Assistant Commissary General of Ordnance E. E. Markwiok.
Chief Paymaster Chief Paymaster W. J. Garden.
Princiixi I Medical Officer Surgeon General J. Sinclair, MD.
Inspecting Veterinary Surgeon J. J. Moyrick, CB.

Commanding Dublin DiBTBlCT Major (Jpncral J. Davis, CB. 1 Jan. 88.
Aide de Camp Captain F. H. W. Fethe:-stonhaugh, Scottish Rifles, 20 June £J.
AfUtant Adiulani General,
Assiitani Ad/utant f Coloncl Gcorgc Philips (from h.p. 4 Hussars), I Jan. 87.
^^^ , ^ ^.^j^^^, ^
jj .^^^^.^^ ^^^^^ ^^ Welsh Regt.), 30 Mav 87.
Deputy Assistant Adjutant General p.s.c. Major C. L. Mortimer, Royal Fusiliers, 16 June 87.
Commanding Boyal Engineer Lt.Colonel W. R. Slacke.
Garrison Adjutant JJd Captain H. Lysons, Scottish Rifles, i July 87.
Senior Commissariat Officer .. Deputy Commissary General E. Hughes, CB. CMG.
District Paymaster Chief Paymaster W. J. Garden.
Principal Medical Officer Deputy Surgeon General
Astittant Adjutant General for Becruiting Duties p.s.c. Colonel C. Campbell, CB. h.p. 7 Dragoon Gds. 8 Mar. 81.
Sl.ijr Cni>tain for ditto Captain J. E. Acland-Troyto, Esse.x Regiment, 2 Nov. 86.
M'.flealOtfircrfr.Ulo Sr.v^-ern Mnj-r M. [;. Wl.ito. retired pay.
Siaff at Home. lOO
BbIQA.DE rr mi •
Major General Uon. i /-i
C. W.
Thesigcr. Apr.
SPECTOR GenebalopCavaleyinIebland ...i i 85.
Aide de Camp Captain S. Frewon, 16 Lancers, 25 July 88.
Deputy Assiitant Adjutant General p.s.c. Bt.Lt.Colonel JIoii. G. H. Gondii, 14 Hassars, i July 87.
Senior Medical Officer Brigade Surgeon J. J. Chappell, MD.
Camp Quarter Master John Thomas Brind, 24 Jan. 80; Uon. Lieut. [Hon. Lieut.
Amiatant Provost Marshal John Lindas Emerson, Mil. Mounted Police Corps, 19 Sept. 85;

loMMANDiira Belfast Distbict Major General S. M. Wiseman Clarke, CB. i Apr. 87.
Aide de Camp Captain C. C. Wiseman-Clarke, Royal Artillery, i Apr. 87.
Deputy Assistant Adjutant General p.s.c. Major A. J. O. Pollock, Scots Fusiliers, 24 Dec.
Commanding Royal Artillery Colonel H. Latham. Londonderry.
Commanding Koyal Engineer Colonel T. P. White.
Commanding Auxiliary Artillery Lt.Colonel H. Latham. Londonderry.
Senior Commissariat Officer Assistant Commissary General
Vlev^ty Assist Commissary General of Ordnance T. P. Battersby,
Senior Ordnance Store Officer
" |
I Capt. R. Artillery. Ennislcillen.
District Paymaster Paymaster J. Brown.
Principal Medical Officer Deputy Surgeon General E. M. Sinclair, MD.
'OMSTANDING CoekDisteict Major General N. Stevenson, i Apr. 86.
Aide de Camp Lieut. Hon. R. White, Welsh Fusiliers, 10 May 86.
Commanding Royal Artillery {Colonel on Staff) Colonel W. H. Caine, R. (Madras) Artillery, 26 Apr. 87.
Assistant Adjutant General Colonel W. L.K.Ogilvy (from h.p. King's Royal Rifles), i6 Dec. 88.
Depiitt) Assistant Adjutant General Lt.Colonel R. C. D. Spottiswoode (from h.p. 10 Hus.), i Sept. 87.
Brigade Major, Royal Artillery p.s.c. Major D. C. Daniell, 15 Apr. 87.
Commanding Auxiliary Artillery Lt.Colonel T. J. Jones.
Commanding Royal Engineer Colonel W. H. MuUoy.
Senior Commissariat Officer Deputy Commissary General J. W. Elmes.
Senior Ordnance Store Officer Assistant Commissary General of Ordnance E. E. Markwick.
District Paymaster Staff Paymaster G. W. Furlong.
Principal Medical Officer Deputy Surgeon General W. Cattell.


^- ^- ^^'''^^''Se. X'CB. CIE. King's Royal
and Commander tn Chief
{^'Sl x^Nov.''86.
Assistant Military Secretary and Aide de Camp... Captain 0. S. Shephard, DSO. Lancaster Regiment, i Apr.
Aide de Camp Lieut. P. M. Beaumont, King's Royal Rifles, 22 Dec. 86.
Commanding Brigade Major General H. R. L. Newdigate, CB. i Apr. 88.
Aide de Camp Captain Hon. C. C. Winn, Rifle Brigade, 1 Apr. 88.
issisfant Adjutant General Colonel J. P. C. Glyn, h.p. Regimental District, 10 Apr. 86.

^'&ti^L^t:lS^i^^^'!!] i'--- ^-J- «• C- Wynne, Royal Artillery, x Nov. 87.

brigade Major p.s.c. Captain F.
S. Inglefield, Bast Yorkshire Regt., 21 Sept. 83.
Commanding Royal Artillery (Colonel on Staff) ... Colonel B. L. Forster (from h.p.), 7 Dec. 88.
Brigade Major, Royal Artillery p.s.c. Captain H. C. Dunlop, 15 March 86.
Commanding Royal Engineer (Colonel on Staff) ... Colonel J. A. Papillon, h.p. 17 Feb. 86.
3-arrison Quarter Master William Foulkcs Cottrell, 10 Nov. 77; Hon. Major.
lenior Commissariat Officer Deputy Commissary General J. Draper.
lenior Ordnance Store Officer Assistant Commissary General of Ordnance F. Pridham.
district Paymaster Chief Paymaster W. Macdonnell,
Principal Medical Officer Surgeon General W. A. Maokinnon, CB.

Governor and Commander in Chief
Lt. General Sir Henry D'Oyly Torrens, KCB. i Oct. 88.
Assistant Military Secretary and Aide de Camp
Bt.Lt Colonel A. C. .M'Kean, 6 Dragoons, 16 Nov. 88.
Aide de Camp Lieut. Hon. C. T. Holland, Coldstream Guards, 28 Sept. 88.
Commanding Brigade Major General Hales Wilkie, i Jan. 88.
Aidede Cam,p Captain H. W. D. Denne, Gordon Highlanders, 14 Jan. 88.
Deputy Adjutant General p.s.c. Colonel R. B. H. Blundell, h.p. 3 Hussars, 24 Apr, 86.
Depiifi/ Assistant Adjutant General Bt.Lt.Colonel F. G. Slade, Royal Artillery, 29 Sept. 85.
Brigade Major p.s.c. Major R. S. H. Moody, The Buffs, i Sept. 85.
Commanding Royal Artillery (Colonel on Staff)... Colonel \V. R. Lluellyn, h.p. 7 Nov. 84.
Brigade Major, Royal Artillery p.s.c. Major J. K. Trotter, 14 May 87.
Commanding Royal Engineer (Colonel on Staff) ... p.s.c. Colonel H. H. Helsham- Jones, 21 Jan. 8 .

Deputy Assistant Adjutant Gen. for Instruction... p.s.c. Major J. G. Ponsonby, Berkshire Regiment, S Oct. 87.
Senior Commissariat Officer Deputy Commissary General C. F. Leach.
Senior Ordnance Store Officer Deputy Commissary General of Ordnance J. C. Angell.
')ittrict Paymaster Chief Paymaster G. W. Rippon.
Principal Medical Officer ... Surgeon General D. A. C. Fraser, MD.

Ugh Commissioner and Commander in Chief Sir Henry Ernest Bulwer,(TCj1/(?. Nicona..
Aidede Camp Captain R. Holdeu, 4 Bu. Worcester Rest. 10 Mar. 86 (extra).
')epufy Assistant Adjutant General p.s.c. Major E. B. Swaine, Inniskilling I'uaili3rs, 4 Got. 84.
rigadier General Major General S. Hackett, 17 July 88.
^n'ior Commissariat Officer Assistant Commissary General J. G. Y. Wilson.
'.nior Ordnance .Store Officer Deputy Assistant Commis. General of Ordnance R. F. N. Clarke.
'istrict Paymaster Paymaster W. Mackie.
mior Medical Officer Brigade Surgeon G. E. Will.

and Commander in Chief. Arthur Cecil Stuart Barkley.
Staff Alroad.

Viceroy and Oovernor General The Most Son. the Marquis o/Lansclowne, GCMG.
Private Secretary Colonel J. C. Ardagh (from R. Engineers).
Military Secretary TC Bt.Lt.Colonel Lord W. L. De la P. Beresford, CIE. 9 Lane.
( JIaior F. T. R. Hamilton, Norfolk Resrt.
.., , ^ Captain H. Streatfeild, Grenadier Guards.
Axdet de Camp

Captain Hon. C. Harbord, Scots Guards.

Lieut. H. A. Pakenham, Grenadier Guards.

Surqeon Surgeon Major E. H. Fenn, Medical Staff.

Commander in Chief {with rank o/-) I'ffi Lieut.General Sir F. S.Roberts, Bart. GCB. GCIH. Royal (Bengal
General) i Artillery, 28 Nov. 85.
Military Secretary Colonel R. PoleCarew, CB. Coldstream Guards, 28 Nov. 85.
Interpreter Bt.Lt.Colonel N. F. F. Chamberlain, Bengal Staff Corps, 28 Nov. 85.
/Bt.Lt.Colonel I. S. M.Hamilton, Gordon Highlanders, 9 Mar. 86.-Offg
A. A. General, Musketry.
Aide$ de Camp < Captain C. V. Hume, Royal Artillery, 28 Nov. 85.
Lieut. W. M. Sherston, 18 Hussars, 30 Apr. 86.
V Captain E. A. P. Hobday, Royal Artillery, 17 Oct. 83.

Surgeon Surgeon Major W. Taylor, Medical Staff, 26 Dec. 85.

Adjutant Genebal's Depahtment at Hbad Qitaeteks.

Adjutant General {icith rank of Major-} ^^^ Colonel W. K. EUes, CB. h.p. 38 Foot, 15 Feb. 87.
General) )
Deputy Adjutant General Colonel P. H. F. Harris, CB. Bengal Staff Corps, 4 May 87.
Assistant Adjutants General.
Colonel H. A. Bushman, CB. h.p. 9 Lancers, 8 Dec. 86 Sick Furlough.
Colonel G. de C. Morton, Warwickshire Regt. 28 Oct. 83 Simla.— Offg. ist A.A.Gen.
Bt.Lt.Colonel W. G. Nicholson, Royal Engineers, 8 May 85 Simla (for Royal Engineers).

Deputy Assistant Adjutant General.

Bt. Major W. B. "Wilson, Bengal Staff Corps, 7 Sept. 85 Simla.


Quarter MasUr General (with rank of 1^^^ Colonel E. F. Chapman, CB. Royal Artillery, 24 Nov. 85.
Deputy Quarter Master General p.s.c. Colonel W. F. Gatacre, h.p. Middlesex Regiment, 17 Dec. 85.
Deputy Quarter Master General, In-\
telUnenee Branch .)

fp.9c. Major H. A. Sawyer, Bengal Staff Corps, 26 Apr. 87.— Offg. D.Q.M.G
Assistant Quarter Master Generals, do.i Simla.

Dep.Assist. Quarter Master General, do. Captain E. W. Dun, DSO. Bengal Staff Corps, iS Apr. 88.— Furlough.

Assistant Quarter Master Generals.

p.i.c. Major E. R. Elles, Royal Artillery, 25 March 86 Simla.

Inspector General of Artillery in India.

Inspector General of Artillery for India ~t
^ ^ ^ Nairne, CB.
j j "• i
' Apr. "/•
-^y-- 87.
(withrank of Brigadier General) ... ) '

Assistant Adjutant General for Artillery.

Colonel G. T. Pretyman, i Apr. 87 Simla.

Inspector General of Cavalry,

Inri^ectorGeneral of Cavalry in India... Brigadier General G. Luck, CB. h.p. 15 Hussars, 12 Oct. 87.
Brigade Major... Bt.Major S. B. Beatson, Bengal Staff Corps, 15 Oct. 88.

Assistant Adjutant General for Musketry.

Deputy Assistant Adjittant Generalsfor Musketry.
2nd Circle, Allahabad.
Captain A. J. A.Wright, East Lancashire Regiment, 31 Oct. 83 3rd Circle, Puchmaree.
Captain D. Chesnoy, Bengal Staff Corps, 13 May 84 5th Circle, Dmballa.
Major J. A. Barlow, Manchester Regiment, 30 Sept. 84 8th Circle, Chungla Gully.
M.ijorC. D. Cave, Suffolk Regiment, i Dec. 84 7th Circle, Chungla Gully.
Captain .1. E. Mein, Bengal Staff Corps, 15 May 86 4th Circle, Moerut.
Caijtiiin H. T. Failhfull, Bengal Staff Corps, i July 86 6th Circle, Meean Meer—Furlougl
Captain Sir 11. A. W. Colleton, Bart. Welsh Fusiliers, 3 Nov. 86 ist Circle, Puchmaree.

Inspector of Army Signalling.

Captain E. O. F. Hamilton, West Surrey Regiment, i Sept. 88 Kussowlie.
Director of Military Education in India.
Colonel J. C. Tayler, Royal Artillery, i July 85 Simla.

Garrison Instructors.
I'.t.e. Jfajor G. Poignand, Loinster Regiment, 14 Dec. 82 Poona.
p.i.c. Miijor F. W. Benson, 17 Lancers, 1 Fob. 84 Nynee Tal
;....c. Major K. LloyU, Bengal SlalfCorps, 16 Oct. 85 DtUhousie.'
V<!i p.:c. Colonel H. C. Hart, Royal Engineers, 31 Oct. 85 Ranikhot.
p.t.e. Captain K. C. Bethune, 6 Dragoon Guards, 20 Oct. 87 Bnnn-alorc
Captain J. U. Nixon, Bengal Staff Corps, 2 Apr. 88 .','.'


Inupeotor of Gymnasia in India.

Major E. M. Alexander, Soaforth Highlanders, 29 Juno 87 Lucknow.
Staff Abroad. iq2
First Class District Commanders.
Comrmndinri Oitde District ^(3; Major General .?8> C. J. S. Gou^h, ZCS. Bengal Cavalry 26 Oct " S';
Aide de Camp Lieut. A. P. G. Gousli, Welsh Fusiliers, 16 July 87.
Commanding Meerut District Major General S%r G. R. Greaves, KCB. KCMO. 9 Nov. 85.
Aide de Camp Captain C. V. B. Kuper, Royal Artillery, 28 Oct. 87.
Commanding Allahahad District Lieut. General D. MacFarlan, Royal Artillery, 21 Nov. 85.
Aide de Camp
Commanding liawul Pindee District p.s.e. Major General Sir T. D. Baker, E'en. 16 Feb. 87.
Aide de Camp Captain H. J. Du Cane, Royal Artillery, 24 Feb. 87.
Commanding Lahore District V<S. Major General Sir H. H. Gougli, KCB. Bengal Stafl' Corps, i Apr. 87.
Aide de Camp Captain H. F. M. Wilson, Rifle Brigade, 30 Oct. 87.
Commanding Qitetta District Uffl Major General Sir George Stewart White, iTC^.— Upper Burmah.
Aide de Camp

Second Class District Commanders.

Brigadier General H. M. G. Purvis, Ro.yal Artillery, 13 Jan. 87 Presidency.
Brigadier General Sir F. B. Norman, KCB. Bengal Staff Corps, i Sept. 86 ... Assam.
Brigadier General Sir R. C. Low, iTCiJ. Bengal Cavalry, 13 Jan. 87 Rohilcund.
Brigadier Genernl F. J. Keen, CB. Bengal Staff Corps, 22 Apr. 87 Peshawur.
Brigadier General J. W. M'Queon, CB. Bengal Staff Corps, 15 Oct. 86 Punjab Frontier Force.
Brigadier General Sir O. V. Tanner, KCB. Bombay Staff Corps, i Nov. 83 Sirhind.
V€ Brigadier General R. M. Rogers, CB. h.p. Regimental District, 4 Oct. 85 Bundelcund.
Brigadier General W. Galbraith, h.p. 85 Foot Nerbudda.
Colonels on. the Sfqf.
Colonel H. R. B. Worsley, CB. Bengal Staff Corps Cawnpore.
Colonel H. Collett, CB. Bengal Staff Corps —
Sealkote. Upper Burmah.
Colonel F. Lance, Bengal Staff Corps Ferozepore.
UC Colonel G. W. Channer, Bengal Staff Corps Jullunder.
Colonel Sir. W. S. A. Lockhart, KCB. CSI. Bengal Infantry Delhi.— Sick Furlough.

Second Class Station Commanders.

Lt.Colonel J. A. D. Gordon, Bengal Infantry Dinaporc.
Colonel A. G.Ross, CiJ. Bengal Staff Corps Kohat.
Colonel R. M. Jennings, Bengal Infantry Loralai.
Colonel E. G. Battiscombe, Royal Artillery Barrackpore.
Colonel H. C. Ivemble, Bengal Infantr.y Saugor.
Colonel G. R. Hennessy, CB. Bengal Staff Corps Nowshera.
District Staff Officers, ist Class.
Colonel R. Eardley-Wllmot, Bengal Infantry, 3 Feb. 86 Meerut.
p.s.c. Major H. M. E. Brunker, Scottish Rifles, 29 May 87 Lahore.
Major C. C. Esertou, Bengal StaffCorps, 30 Nov. 86 Punjab Frontier Force.
Lt.Colonel E. A. Money, Bengal StaffCorps, 8 Dec. 86 Rawul Pindee.
Colonel T. A. Cooke, h.p. 17 Lancers, 15 Jan. 88 Sirhind.— Offg. A. A. Gen., Simla.
Colonel M. G. Gerard, CB. Bengal StaffCorps, 21 Apr. 88 Allahabad.
Colonel W. J. Bax, Bengal Infantry, 6 July 88 —
Oude. Furlough.
Major E. E. Money, Bengal StaffCorps, i Oct. 88 Presidency.
p.s.c. Major W. R.'Routh, Suffolk Regiment, i Oct. 88 Quetta.
Major N. P. O'Gorman, Lincoln Regiment, i Oct. 88 Peshawur.
District Staff Officers, 2nd Class.
Captain G. H. W. O'Sullivan, Royal Engineers, i Mar. 85 Quetta.
Captain E. A. Young, Bengal Staff Corps, 6 Mar. 85 Nerbudda.— Furlough.
Captain B. S. Spragge, DSO. Yorkshire Light Infantry, 18 March 85 — Upper Burmah.
"EiS p.s.c. Major R. K. Ridgeway, Bengal Staff Corps, 23 June 85 —
Presidency. Furlough.
Captain R. Jennings, Royal Engineers, 28 July 85 Meerut.
Major L. B. Irwin, Bengal Staff Corps, i Oct. 88 Rawul Pindee.
Captain G. H. B. Coats, Bengal Staff Corps, i Oct. 88 Bundelcund.
Major G. H. C. Dyce, Bengal Staff Corps, 12 Mar. 86 Oude.
p.s.c. Captain J. Sherston, DSO. Rifle Brigade, i Oct. 83 Rohilcund.
Major W. G. 0. Halkett, Bengal StaffCorps, i Oct. 88 Allahabad.
p.s.c. Major J. C. R. Glasgow, Suffolk Regiment, 21 Oct. 86 Lahore.— Offig. ist Class, Oude.
Captain P. A. Buckland, Bengal StaffCorps, i Oct. S3 Sirhind.— Ofiag. ist Class.
Major V. Jenkins, West Riding Regiment, 11 Apr. 87 Peshawur
Punjab Frontier Force.

Oovernor Sight Hon. Robert Xorii Connemara, QCIE. 8 Dec. 86.
Private Secretary J. D. Rees, Madras Civil Service, 8 Dec. 86.
Militarn Secretary Major J. J. S. Chisholme, 9 Lancers, 10 Aug. 88.
(Captain W. H. Wyndham-Quin, 16 Lancers, 8 Dec. 86.
Aides de Camp Captain Visct. Marsham, 4Bn. Bedford Regt. 14 July 83.

(Captain J. Fowle, 21 Hussars, 10 Nov. 88.

Surgeon Surgeon Major W. H. Briggs, Medical Staff, 16 Dec. 86.
Commander in Chief Lieut.Genera! .Sir Charles George Arbuthnot, XCS. R. Artillery, o Dec. 86.
Military Secretary Bt. Lt.Colonel F. W. Hemming, 5 Dragoon Guards, g Dec. 86.
Captain A. E. Russell, Royal Artillery, 9 Dec. 86.
Aidex dp Cnnin
^ f
(.Captain R. W. Preston, Bombay Staff Corps, 9 Dec. S6.—And l7iterpreter.
Adjutant General's Department at Head Quarters.

'*'^#^r.>^^Glia^)^.!!".".*} Colonel M. C. Farrington, CB. h.p. Yorkshire Light Infantry, 18 Feb. 87.
Deputy Adjutant General Colonel H. R. Hope, Madras Cavalry, 29 March 83.
af„>,r„u ... f I't.Colonel M. H. Wratislaw, Madras Infantry, 31 March 83.
Adiufnnt Generals
Assistant Adjutant
| ^^^^^^^ j_ ^ Tillard, CB. Royal Artillery. 31 Oct. 84.-Sick Furlough.
Quarter Master General's Department at Head Quarters.

^Tr!gad{frteZr%y~!^!^^^^^^^ M- P^theroe, CB. CSI. Madras Staff Corps, 26 March 88.

Deputy quarter Master Qenerai "..'.,.'..„... Lt.Colonel D. J. S. M'Leod, DSO. Madras Cavalry, 2 March 83.

.... c rr
I03 Staff Abroad.

AiHstant Adjutant General for Muilcetry.

Lt.Colonel W. Stainforth, Madras Infantry, 30 Sept. 87 Chief Inspector, jst District, BaDgalore Div,

Deputy Assistant Adjutant Generals for Musketry.

Major E. C. Browne, Scots Fusiliers, 2 Nov. 85 srd District, Burmah Division.
Captain W. H. Riddell, Bedford Regiment, 30 Sept. 87 2nd District, Secunderabad, &c.

FiBST Class District Commandebs.

Commanding Secunderabad District Major General W. A. Gib, CJ3. Madras Staff Corps, 22 Jan. 86.
Aide de Camp Captain J. AV. Malet, Northumberland Fusiliers, 13 Nov. 86.
Commanding Burmah District Major General B. L. Gordon, CB. E. Artillery, 31 March 86.
Aide de Camp Captain J. R. P. Gordon, 15 Hussars, 16 Jan. 87.
Second Class Disieict CoMiiANnEEs.
Brigadier General A. T. Cox, CB. Madras Staff Corps, 8 April 88 ... Belgaum District.
I'kC Major General H. RowUands, CB. 21 Apr. 84 Bangalore District.
Brigadier General G. C. Hodding, CB. Madras Staff C. 23 May 86... Southern District, Wellington.— Sick Furl.
Brigadier General G. J. Smart, Roj'al Artillery, 24 Dec. 87 Madras District, Fort St. George.
Myingyan District.
Mandalay District.
Colonels on the Staff.
Dixtrict Staff Officers, ist Class.
Colonel George Swinley, Royal Artillery, 23 Feb. S4 Bangalore.
Colonel G. Rowlandson, Madras Staff Corps, 29 Oct. 85 Southern Dist.— Offg. in Command.
Major T. Harris, Middlesex Regiment, 13 June 87 Secunderabad.
Lt.Colonel G. Simpson, Madras Staff Corps, 30 July 87 Burmah.
Lt.Colonel F. Smalley, Madras Infantry, 25 Jan. 88 Madras District, Fort St. George.
Major M. \V. Saunders, Royal Artillery, 25 Jan. 88 Belgaum.
District Staff Officers, ind Class.
:>raior C. D. M. Gall, Royal Fusiliers, 10 June 87 Southern District, Wellington.
Captain G. P. M. Prichard, Madras Staff Corps, 10 June 87 Belganm District.
p.s.c. Captain E.J. Sharpe, Middlesex Regiment, 14 June 87 Madras District, Fort St. George.
Kr.Lt. Colonel S. E. RoUand, Madras Staff Corps, 28 June 87 Burmah.— Offg. A. A.&Q.M.G.Upper Burmah.
Major J. E. Porteous, Madras Staff Con's, 30 Sept. 87 Secunderabad.

Gooernor St.non. Lord Reaj, GCIE. 30 March 85.
Private Secretary J. Monteath, MA. Bombay Civil Service, 20 Oct. 86.
Military Secretary Colonel H071. N. G. Lyttelton, Rifle Brigade, 31 March 85.
rCaptain B. M. Hamilton, East Torkshire Regiment, 31 March 85.
Aiiles de Camp i Lieut. A. Phayre, Bombay Staff Corps, 15 May 85.
(.Lieut. R. G. Brooke, 7 Hussars, 25 June 88 (extra).
Surgeon Surgeon Major L. A. Irving, Medical Staff, 31 Mar. 85.
fLieut.General S.E.H. the Duke of Connaught, KG. KT. KP. GCMG.
Lommanaer m rh;^f
^.^i, i^ntej -^
QCSI. GCIE. CB. Scots Guards and Rifle Brigade, 14 Dec. 86,
Military Secretary Colonel W. P. Cavaye, h.p. Sussex Regiment, 14 Dec. 86.
j. Camp
j:j.. de
Aides f Lieut. L. Herbert, Bengal Staff Corps, i Jan. St.— And Interpreter.
| Lieut. A. G. Ferguson, Rifle Brigade, 18 June 88.

Adjutant Gknkbal's Depaetment at Head Quaetees.

.^." Colonel C. B. Knowles, CB. h.p. Hampshire Regiment, 16 April 86.
Deputy Adjutant General Colonel C. A. Cuningham, Bombay Staff Corps, 25 Oct 88.
Assistant Adjutant Generals \P;'f-
^*-^o^°el H. L Dundas, h^p. East Yorkshire Regt. 26 Aug. 84.
< Colonel G. W. Borradaile, CB., R. Artillery, 18 Jan. 84.

Quabtbb Mastee Genbeal's Depaetment at Head Quaetees.

Qucrler Master General (with rank of) ni 1 t o. » 1 m/-. „,
Colonel1 -m t^ r., ...• ,
S. Adam, Bombay Staff Corps, 3 March 86,
P. J.
Brii/adier General) . .. ]

tputy Quarter Master General Colonel J. Jopp, Bombay Staff Corps, i May 88.

Assistant Adjutant General for Musketry.

Major C. E. Parker Jervis, Durham Light Infantry, 5 July 88 ist Circle, Chief Insp. Poena. 1

Deputy Assistant Adjutants General for Musketry.

Captain C. A. P. Burroughs, S. Lancashire Regiment, 12 Jan. 86 2nd Circle, Mhow.
Captain J. F. C. Thatcher, Bombay Staff Corps, 30 Apr. 87 3rd Circle, Bombay.
FiBST Class Disteict Commandees.
Commandijig Mkotc District Major General R. R. Gillespie, 3 Mar. 86.
Aidede Camp Lieut. H. V. Bonctt, Lancashire Fusiliers, 25 March 86.
Commanding Poona District Major General F. R. S. Flood, CB. 5 April 86.
Aide de Camp Lieut. J. Hanwell, Roval Artillery, 25 Feb. 87.
Commanding Deesa District Major General S. de 15. Edwardes, CB. Bombay Infantry, 23 Sept. 87.
Aide de Camp Lieut. C. G. Carnegy, Bombay Staff Corps, 30 Sept. 87
Sbcond Class District Commandees.
Iliigadier General C. T. Heathcoto, CB. Bombay Staff Corps, 26 June 85 Bombay
Iiiii;adicr (Jciieral A. G. F. Hogg, CB. Bombay Staff Corps, 14 May 85 Aden
Brig-idier General H. 8. Anderson, CB. Bombay Staff Corps, i Nov. 86 Nusseerabad.
llriKudier General H. M. Bengough, h.p. Middlesex Regiment, 8 Nov. 86 Nagpore
Biigadier General B. A. Combe, 19 HuBsars, 2 Nov. 88 Sind.

Colonel on the Siqff.

District Staff Officers, 1st Class.
(•(.lonel Sir W. S. Scton,B^ Bombay
Staff Corps, 19 July 8s Furlouffh
.Major T. H. Lloyd. Ro.val Artillery, 18 May 86 ..!... .............:...:.: Poona
Miyor 11. E. D. Roilly, Bombay Staff Cori'S, 20 May 86 Kurrachee
Miijor L. F. Heath, Hombay Staff Corps, 7 Oct. 86 . Deesa
Colonel II. J. UallowoB, h.p. East Yorkshire Regimeiit, 14 Deo.'sy"." "'.' Mhow'
staff Abroad. ,p
District Staff Ojficerg, 2nd Class.
Colonel E. Cunningham, Bombay Staff Corps, 8 Jan. 88
Captain G.C. K. P. Roupell, East Yorkshire Regt. 19 Nov. 83
Bombav — omr ret p? ,c=
BoSbav^ ^
Captain D. C. W. Harrison, Bombay Staff Corps, 26 April 88
Captam a. F. W. MacMahon, Bombay Staff Corps, Dec. 87 ... u Rnmhmr
Captain A. B. Mein, Bombay Staff Corps, 5 Feb. 87
Captain L. L. Steele, East Yorkshire Regiment, 27 Oct. 87 .. AdSi
Captain A. W. L. Bayly, Bombay Staff C^orps, 21 Sept. 87 ...:...............•..•.:;.•...
Inspector of Oymnasia, UaJras and Bomhay.
„ . ,^
Major W. W. James, Durham Light Infantry, 23 Aug. 87 Poona.

^'"'"-^ ^""^ *> Arthur Hamilton Gordon, GCMa. Colombo.
MaiorOen^V^t ^.'^^'- ^- ^- <^'liristopher, Seaforth Highlanders, 21 Oct. 85.
iidedeC^t J^^J"'" ^r^^^^-^^ W. G. Dunham Massy, CB. i Apr. 88.

J)7vuilAs^TnL'7i---y-i-n ; ^'^ °'" ^- C- ilorland. s Lancers, 2 Apr. 88.

CommimlTnT i-'f'I'n P-'"' ^^J"'' J' ^^ ^ergusson, Rifle Brigade, i Jan. 84.
^''""^ Lt.Colonel A. E. GarSault.
Ummandmg^ Uoyal
CoZ«^t- p -^"Z Engineer
Lt.Colonel H. S. Clive.
Assistant Commissary General F. H. Bridgman.
8e"Zr oTinanoT^tr^'m
ienior Medical Officer
i?aff^^s=rz'^S^°^^^^'^- "• «• ^*-
Brigade Surgeon S. Archer.


'" *""' Lieut.Gcneral W. G. Cameron, CS. i Apr. 85.
^°AZ"tnt7^rrf''''%' f
^'"''^'"'^ ^^jo^- ^- J- W. Dayies, Munster Fusiliers, i Apr. 85.
Mded C^:i'"'^
^^/•/^- Captain T. C. F. SomerviUe, Lancaster Regiment, i Apr.
vfrndvAssi^Lf •,
Col£.?^^^' ^i^f ^»-WZery Captain W. B. Fletcher, 28 July 88
"" **^ ^'"•^> °°1°^°1 ^- T- Storer, h.p. 21 Nov. 86. Hong Kong,
rnnciiial Medical Officer
Deputy Surgeon General R. Lewer.
China and Hong Kong.
"' ^^^''f^f^o^g Slong... Sir George William Des Voeux, XCJfff. rictoria.
Garrison ^dh/f,:;^
Captain F. H. A. Des Veux, 6 Dragoon Guards, 16 Oct. 88.

Straits Settlements.
^"^''' -^'^«'"^. Malacca, and Singapore.)
Governor and CommanderChief in sir Cecil Clementi Smith, KCMG.
cfmmamla,r^' ^^P'^j? ^^- ^- ^^^^^y- ^- Artillery, 30 Sept. 87.
Den„f„ Assistant
^epiity /<.„-./„'^V"Jj'-";"'V;^ ?•*•"• Colonel F. Cardew, South Lancashire Regiment.

Adjutant General v.s.c. Maior J. W. F. T^nvhnr, T,i,n;»win„„ li',,


Sesident Councillor at Penana i A. U. Skinner.

I W. E. Maxwell, CKG?.

W n^
Ite„l^^„f Councillor
•;; ,^ , (acij«ff).
Resident at^ Malacca D F A Hervev Esq
Assistant Commissary General B. Heygate.
OrTaZTif °^r •••••••


Governor and Commander in Chief.

New South Wales.
Governor and Commander in Chief Eight Hon. C. R. Lord Carrington, GCMG. Sydney.
}^^i°^ K- F. T. Gascoigne, Yorkshire Hus. Yeomanry, 27 Oct.
Aides Camp
rfp r-,™.,
Aide:, de I
J L^eut. M. P. A. Lord Bertie, 4 Bn. Northampton Regt. (ex<»-a),

J, Victoria.
'" ^''''^ ^''" ^'^"'•>' Brougham Loch, GC3IG. KCB. Melbourne.
^rneiae ^r""""^'''
Lamp Liout.C. E. Keith-Falconer, Northumberland Fus., 6 May 87.

„ , „ South Australia.
^^''^ -Sir William Cleaver Francis Robinson, GCJUff.

a^ ^ ^ Western Australia.
iidrcTecLt?""""'"'"' '"
*'' Frederick Napier Broome, XCilfG.

/3 „ J, n Queensland.
'« C^^^f- General Sir H. W. Norman, GCB. CIE. GCMG. Brisbane.
MdH^L ^'^^.J'""'"""''^'-

^^'^'^^-' Crookahank Hamilton. KCB. Hoiari To.:

^7i^7eclpZTFH:aU ^--^f^^
105 Staff Abroad.
Governor and Commander in Chief Ht. Hon. W. 11. Earl o/ Onslow, KCMG. Wellington.
Aide de Camp .

aoternor and Commander in Chief, and High )
g.^ j^^^ ^^^^^ ThurstOE, S:CMG. Suva
Commi$tionerfor the Western Pacific >
Aide de Camp


Administrator W. Macgregor, MD. CM&.

Major General Major General Hon. J. C. Dormer, CB. i Jan. 88. Cairo.
Aide de Camp Bt.Lt.Colonel F. W. Rhodes,
i Dragoons, i Jan. 88,

Deputy Assistant Adjutant General Bt.Major H. C. Selater, Royal Artillei-y, i Aug. 85.
JBriqade Major Bt.Major R. G. Kekewich, The Buffs, 4 Aug. 87.
Assistant ProcoH Marshal (wi^h status of Deputy
| Bt.Lt.Colonel J. H. Sandwith, Royal
j Marines,> 25d July
Assistant Adjutant General) i >

Staf Lieutenant (Assistant Frovost Marshal) Lieut. W.

6. Baker, Welsh Regiment, 25 Nov. 88.
Dep. Assist. Adj. Gen. for Instruction p.s.c. Major
J. Johnstone, Oxford Light Infantry, 19 May I

Commanding Royal Artillery Major B. Blaksley.

Commanding Royal Engineer Lt.Colonel H. F.Turner.
Senior Commissariat Officer Assistant Commissary General J. T. Skinner, DSO.
Senior Ordnance Store Officer Assistant Commissary General of Ordnance F. G. Wintle.
District Paymaster (with rani, of Colonel) Chief Paymaster R. G.Craig.
Principal Medical Officer Deputy Surgeon General J. A. Marston, MD. CB.
Senior Veterinary Surgeon ist Class Veterinary Surgeon M. F, M. Case.

Garrison of Alexandria,
S ^°'^- Major General Hon. R. H. de Montmorency
Colonel on the Staff
I mental District), i Feb. 87.
Deputy Assistant Adjutant General Captain B. F. Holme, The Bufifs, i July 85.
Staff Captain (Military Police) Lieut. C. F. N. Macready, Gordon Highlanders, 22 Oct. 85.

Governor General of the Red Sea Littoral andt ^ ,
Commandant at Suakin j
^ .^ -^.^ , -,,r^ t. tt.
Colonel, H. H. Kitchener, CMG., R. Engineers, 25 Aug.

.0^ 86.


Governor and Commander in Chief, and High Com-
missioner for South Africa j Rt.Hon. Sir Hercules Geo. Robt. Robinson, GCMG. Cape Town.
Captain C. T. Dawkins, Shropshire Lt. Infantry, 13 Sept. 86.
T^,'fL iiH"'''
I-ieut. H. A. T. Robinson, 4 Bn. Oxford Lt. Infantry, 14 Aug. 85.

,.T,,irr, e ; VV:V"V:; Henry Augustus Smyth, Royal Artillery, 23 Jan. 88.

"^ "'^ ''•• Captain R. S. S. Baden-Povvell, 13 Husslrs, 21 Juno 88.
Deputy Adjutant General f Colonel Jffon. P. S. Methuen, CB. CMG. (from h.p. ScotsGuards),
^Deputy Assistant Adjutant General ColonenV. F. Kelly, Sussex Regiment, 21 June 88.
Dep. A,s,.t. Adj. Gen. for Instruction
Captain H. P. Northcott, Leinster Regiment,
p.s,c. 7 Apr. 88.
Colonel H.M.Moorsom.'
Commandtng Royal i'"''-'"^
Engineer Colonel George PhUips.
fer or?r"""'Jf'; -^T ^^P^^^y commissary General E. C. Saunder.
Deputy Assistant Commissary General of Ordnance E. Heath.
DUh-icI I'^m^ter

aentor y ttertnary Surgeon ^''P^'y Surgeon General J. G. Faught.
I St Class
ist Veterinnrv RifVinwl Tl
Surgeon Richard
Veterinary R^^v<rp.r,r^ Rowe.

Governor and Commander in Chief, and Special Com- ^ „.
missicner for Zulu jiffairs j
Sir Arthur Elibank Havelock. KCMG.
Military Secretary
Aidr de Camp
Colonel F. G. S. Ourtis (fromh.p. 6 Dragoons), C3fG. 23 Oct. 88.
dIwiiI T..M,ft''Ad;ui'n::t'/i:7:::.)'

st'Zr oJdZ7rr^L?-"i^m "°I'"''y Commissary General.

Dutriet Paymaster
^"^ Assistant Commissary General of Ordnance C. D. D urnford.
Paymaster J. B. D'Aguilar.
staff Abroad. 106
Oovernor and Commander in Chief
Administering the Government "William Grey-Wilson, Esq.
Commanding Royal Artillery Colonel L. P. Perry.
Commanding Royal Engineer Lt.Colonel C. Woodward.
^""^''''^ ^'^^''- Co-^-^isBary Gen. of Ordnance H. W. B. Bruno.
^'7aymjftT'.'..^!.!Z?.^^^^^^^^ \

Governor and Commander in Chief Sir John Pope Hennessy, KCMG. Fort Louis,
Aide de Camp
Colonel on the Staff ;).s.c. Colonel
T. E. A. Hall (from h.p. 49 Foot) i July 87. ,

Deputy Assistant Adjutant General p.s.c.Captain F. S. Thornton, Rifle Brigade, 21 Fet). 33.
Commanding Royal Artillery Major A. J. Poarsoa.
Commanding Royal Engineer Lt.Colonel H. Robinson.
Senior Commissariat Ojficer Assistant Commissary General W. A. Dunne.
Senior Ordnance Store Officer Dep. Assist. Com. Gen. olOvd. R.T.'B.Juaw, Ca^it, Middlesex Regt.
Senior Medical OJficer Brigade Surgeon J. Fleming. MD.


Governor and Commander in Chief Sir William Bradford Griffith, KCMG. Accra.
Garrison Adjutant Lieut. A. il. Addison, i Bn. W. I. Regt. 31 Jan. 87. Cape Coast.

Governor and Commander in Chief Cornelius Alfred Moloney, CMG.


{At Sierra Leone and on the Gambia.)
Governor and Commander in Chief Sierra Leone.
Aide de Camp
Administrator of the Government on the Gambia ... James Shaw Hay, CMG. Bathurst, St. Mary's.
Garrison Adjutant Lieut. E. S. C. Kennedy, i Bn.W. I. Regt. i Feb. 88. Sierra Leone.
Commanding Royal Engineer (with rank of Captain) Lieut. H. B. Mackay.

*'SmS<^'''?.'^!!..^:f.^..."^^.t^.'.""^ .f '!*""! l^'^P'^^y

commissary R. P. Gabbett.
Senior Medical Officer Surgeon Major S. 0. Eaton, retired pay.

^'"'- J^^'el^rick Arthur, Lord Stanley of Preston, GCB.
Governor General of the Dominion of Canada
^°^^'^^^ ^^''""" "^ ^°^"'"'^' ^'^''^^'^''
Military Secretary (^ Gw^'^ig July^S ^'
J., ^
. f Lieut. A.' H. M'Mahon, Grenadier Guards, 3 88. May [3 May 88.
Aiaeaae Lamp tcaptain J. F. Bagot, Westmoreland and Cumberland Yeomanry,

Lieutenant General Sir John Ross, KCB. 24 May 88. Halifax.

Assistant Military Secretary and Aide de Camp Major J. D. Mansel, Rifle Bric^ade, 24 May 88.
Aide de Camp Captain A, E. Jenkins, Rifle Brigade, 24 M3,y 38. ,

n J- ^r «*•,. j^sr. -n f M.S.Lieut. General iSic F. D. Middleton, C.B. .SfailfGf. retired

c. list
Commanding the Mihtia of Dominion
the j^' j^i„ 3
, Ottawa
Aidede Camp Lieut. H. E. Wise. Scottish Rifles, 16 Oct. 84.
Assistant Adjutant General Colonel J. Goldie (from h.p. 6 Dragoon Guards), 25 Feb. 87.
Deputy Assistant Adjutant General p.s.c. Major H. D. A. Cutbill, Irish Rifles, 14 Nov. 84.
Commanding Royal'Artillery (Colonel on the Staff) Colonel P. E. Hill, h.p. 6 Sept. 84.
Commanding Royal Engineer Lt.Colonel E. D. C. O'Brien.
Senior Commissariat Officer Assistant Commissary General S. J. Lea.
Senior Ordnance Store OJficer Assistant Commissary General of Ordnance G. A. Jolly.
District Paymaster Staff Paymaster E. A. Raymond.
Principal Medical OJficer Deputy Surgeon General B. G. M'Dowell, CB.

Governor and Commander in Chief Bt.Lt.Colonel Sir J. T. N. O'Brien KCMG., late 20 Foot.
Aide de Camp


Commanding the Forces Major Sir C. K. Pearson, XCilfff. C5. iApr.8s. Barbadoes
Assistant Military Secretary Major W. E. R. Kelly, The Buffs, 14 Jan. 86.
Aide de Camp Captain H. R. Knight, The Bug's, 14 May 85.
Assistant Adjutant General Colonel J. E. D. Hill, h.p. 63 Foot, i Oct. 85.
Commanding Royal Artillery Major A. IjOgan. Barbadoes.
Commanding Royal Engineer Major H. R. G. Georges.
Senior Commissariat Officer Assistant Commissary General R. A. Chermsido.
Senior Ordnance Store Officer Dep. Assist. Commissary General of Ordnance A. Sadler.
District Paymaster Chief Paymaster H. W. Feilden.
Principal Medical Officer Deputy Surgeon General A. M. Tippetts.
'io7-8 Staf Abroad.
Governor and Commander in Chief William Frederick Haynes Smitli, Esq. CMG St. John's.
Aide de Camp , ,.
,'W. Porter, Esq Antigua.
C. M. Eldridge, Esq St. Christopher and Nevis.
Acting Prstidents -^ J. K- T. G. S. Churchill, Esq Dominica.
J. Meade, Esq Montserrat.
\R. H. Dyctt, Esq Virgin Islands.

Governor and Commander in Chief. Sir Ambrose Shea, KCMG. Nassau.
Aide de Camp

Governor and Commander in Chief. Sir Charles Cameron Lees, -STClfG Bridgetown.
Aide de Camp

Governor and Commander in Chief Walter Joseph Sendail, Esq. C3IG St. George, Grenada.
St. Ytirc-EST.—Lieutenaiif Governor Robert B. Llewelyn, Esq Kingstown.
ToBAOO. Administering the Government Scarborough,

St. Lucia. Administering the Government Edward Laborde, Esq. CMG Castries.

Governor and Commander iii Chief. .T. W. J.Visct. Gormanston, XCJf (? George Town.
Aide de Camp

Governor and Commander in Chief. Roger Tuckfield Goldsworthy, CMG Belize.
Aide de Camp Lieut. A. E.Kershaw, 4 Brig. S. Irish Div. R. Art., 15 Apr. 86.

Captain General a7id Governor in Chief Sir Henry Arthur Blake, ZCMG Kingston.
Aide de Camp
Colonel on the Staff Colonel W. C. Justice, C3IG. hip. Depot Battalion, i April S6.
Deputy Assistant Adjutant General p.s.c. Captain C. M. Button, Oxford Light Infantry, 4 April 85.
Garrison Adjutant Lieut. S. Walter, 2 Bn. West India Regiment, 5 Aug. 86.
Commanding Eoyal Artillery Major L. W. Parsons.
Commanding Royal Engineer Bt.Lt. Colonel W. F. Spaight. [W. Kent Segf.
Senior Commissariat Officer Deputy Assistant Commissary General P. F. Johnson, Capt.
SeniorOrdnance Store Officer Deputy Assistant Com. General of Ordnance J. B. Archdale, Capt.
District Paymaster Staff Paymaster H.Potter. [E. Artillery.

Governor and Commander in Chief Sir William Robinson, KCMG Port of Spain.
Aide de Camp
Gtirrison Adjutant Lieut. F. Kershaw, York and Lancaster Regiment, 18 Oct. 88.


Chief Commissioner H. M. Jackson, Esq Grand Turk.

Governor and Commander in Chief Lieut. General E. Newdegate Newdigate, CB. i^Oct.SS.Samilton.
Aidede Camp Captain H. L. Gallvvey, East Lancashire Regiment.
Deputy Assistant Adjutant General p.s.c. Major F. W. Robinson, Shropshire Light Inf. 13 Sept. 86.
C>mmanding Eoyal Artillery Lt.ColouelE. A. FitzRoy.
Commanding Eoyal Engineer {Colonel on the Staff) Colonel R. M. F. Sandford, h.p. 21 Sept. 86.
Senior Commissariat Officer Assistant Commissary General P. F. Goddard.
Senior Ordnance Store Officer Assistant Commissary General of Ordnance L. P. Graham.
District Paymaster Paymaster E. Boyle.
Principal Medical Officer Deputy Surgeon General P. W. Wade.

Occernor and Commander in Chief Thomas Kerr, Esq. CMG.


1 Regimental District, GLENCORSE. Edinburgh, Peebles, Haddinotoit, Behwick,
AN w« A« Linlithgow.

Lieutenant Colonel. Ewen H. D. Macpheraou, 25 March 85 Colonel, i Jan. 83. ;

Paymaster. —
Henry il. Compig-n^, i Apr. 78 Staff Paymaster, 21 Jan. 84.

Territorial Regiment, Royal Scots (i F. and Edinburgh yiilitxa).— Volunteers, The Qaeen's Rifle Volunteer
Brigade, 4th, sth, 6th, 7th, and 8th Volunteer Battalions Royal Scots.
X^vJ, O
Regimental District, GJSILDYO'KD. Counts/, Part of Svn^^r.
Lieutenant Colonel. —
Eustace Lovelace Hercy, 22 Oct. 87 Colonel, 1 J\ily 85. ;

Paymaster.— Edward H. O'Dowd, 18 Dec. 63 Staff Paymaster, 1 Feb. 81.


Territorial Regiment, West Surrey Regt. (2 F. and 2nd Surrey Militia.) .— Volunteers, ist, 2iid, 3rd, and 4th
Volunteer Battalions West Surrey Resiment.
O .
Regimental District, CA.^TEJiBVB,Y. Counfg,PartofKSN'I.
Lieutenant Colonel.— Frederic]:: T. Hobson, 17 Oct. 87 Colonel, 1 July 83. ;

Paymaster.— William R. Kaye, i April 78; Staff" Paymaster, S March 82.

Territorial Regiment, The Baffs (3 P. and East Kent M.iliiia). —
Volunteers, ist a7id 2nd Volunteer Battalions
The Buffs.
i^ <J.
Regimental Dis'riet, LANCASTER. County, Part o/'Lancashibe.
Lieutenant Colonel.— Oiwah] R. Middleton, 2 Jan. 88 Colonel, 1 July 85.

Paymaster. Henry M. Caine, 5 Jan. 79; Staff Paymaster, 16 July 87.
Territorial Regiment, Ijn.Tica.stev Regt. {4 F. awd ist Lancashire Militia).— roiKK^eers, ist Volunteer Battalion
Lancaster Regiment.
VT-. C Regimental District, HS'EWGASTZ'E. Co!(n<tej', NoBTH0MBEtti.ANr, Dueham.
X^ U. \J, Lieutenant Colonel.— Thomas Rowland, CB. 8 Jan. 86 Colonel, 22 Sept. 80. ;

Paymaster. Benjamin H. Barge, 6 Sept. 78; Sraff Paymaster, 1 Apr. 85.
Territorial Regiment, Northumberland Fusiliers (5 F. and Northuiuberiand Militia).— T'o7«)i<ee)-s, ist, 2nd, and
3rd Volunteer Battalions Nurthuinberland Fusiliers. _
X'^U. f\
\JVJ. R Territorial Kc./ OurhamLight Infantry (63 F. and 106 F. and ist and 2na Durham Militia)
—Voliinteer.i, i-^t, 2nil, 3rd, 4th, anci sth Volunteer BattaUons Durham Light Infantry.
Regimental Di.^tri,-f, WAKVflCK. County, Wt^TiwiCK
"KTz-k fi.
XN U. \J. Lieutenant ColoticL-Uastin'^sVO. F:\Triiis:ton, 17 Oct. S7 Colonel, i 3a\y S5. ;'^j-.— Richard O. Richmond, i Aur. 78 Staff Paymaster, i Apr. 83.


Territorial Re;,i,ncnf, HoyalWarwickshire Regt. (6 F. and ist and 2nd Warsviok Uiiithi). Voluiiteers, lat and ^
(2n(l Volunteer Battalions Royal Warwickshire Regiment.
T^/^ 7 Regimental District, KOVSSLO'W. Co;jK/y, Middlesex, aMci Metropolitan.
XN U. I • Lieutenant Colonel.— Gharlei Tucker, CR. 25 Feb. 8=; Colonel, g July 83. ;

Paymaster.— Staff Paymaster, William Thomson, 7 Nov. 68 Hon. Lt. Colonel, i Oct. 83. ;

Territorial Regiment, i,'2, 3, 4 araii 5 Bns. Royal Fusiliers (7 K. «.«i Westminster, London, and South Middlesex
Militia). —
Volunteers, ist and 2nd Volunteer Battalions Roj'al Fusiliers.

XN U. vJ I
f^ T Territorial Regiment, Middlesex Regt. (57 F. and 77 P. and East Middlesex and 5th Middlesex
Militi-A). —Volunteers, 3rd Middlesex, 2nd Vol. Bn. Middlesex Regt., nth and 17th Middlesex.

Regimental District, Vf&.'B.KlSGTO'S. County, Part of 'Lk.iicjLSKls-&.
Lieutenant CoioKeZ.— Augustus C. Twentyman, CR. 10 Oct. 87 Colonel, 29 Nov. S3. ;

I'KS Paj/mas/er.— William D. Graham, 28 Jan. 79 Staff Paymaster, 25 Apr. 85.


Territorial Regiment, Liverpool Regt. (8 P. and 2nd Lxucashire Militia) .—Volunteers, ist, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th,
and 6th Volunteer Battalions Liverpool Regiment (7th Volunteer Battalion Liverpool Regiment attached
to 6th).
XN U. ^v/.AO Territorial Regiment, South Lancashire Regt. (40 P. and 82 P. and 4th Lancashire Mihtia).—
Volunteers, ist and 2nd Volunteer Battalions South Lancashire Regiment.
Regimental District, TiOKVflCa. Cohh^j, Norfolk.
ite^J^e?^a»f CoZoBeZ.— Henry Wood, 15 March 87 CoZoneZ, 14 June 84.

Paymaster.- Charles W. J. Taylor, 18 Jan. 79; Staff Paymaster, 31 Aug. 87.

Territorial Regiment, Norfollv" Regt. (9 P. 4- ist 4- 2nd Norfolk Militia).— I'oZ«»;ee;-s, ist, 2nd, 3rd, # 4th Volunteer
Battalions Norfolk Regiment.
J-N U.
in Regimental District, LINCOLN. County, JjIncoln.
±\J. Lieutenant Colonel.— John Rudge, 27 Nov. 8-5 Colonel, 3 May 85.

P'jj/m«s^er.— Robert M. Ireland, 8 Apr. 78 Staff Paymaster, 21 June 84.


Territorial Regiment, Lincolnshire Regt. (10 F. and N. and S. Lincoln Militia).— roZituZeers, isfc and 2nd Volunteer
Battalions Lincolnshire Regiment.
•LN U.
X .
Regimental District, EX.ETE'R. County, DEYoysKiRS.
Lieutenant Colonel.— FitzRoy Wta. Fremantle, CB. 7 May 85 Colonel, 29 Sept. 81. ;

Paymaster.- Aylmer P. G-. Dowdall, 24 June 79; Staff Paymaster, 15 June 85.
Territorial Regiment, Devonshire' Regiment (11 P. and 2nd and ist Devon Midtia).— FoZaK^eers, ist, 2nd, 3rd,
4th, and 5tb Volunteer Battalions Devonshire Regiment.
•LN U.
± ^ .
Regimental District, BURY ST. EOHIVNOS. Co«H<jes, Suffolk, Caubbidge.
Lieutenant CoZokcZ.— Hugh P. Pearson, CB. i April S7 Colonel, 2 March 85. ;

Paj/masZer.— Arthur W. H. Gelstou, 14 Apr. 78; Staff Paymaster, 25 June 86.

Territorial Regiment, SuHolk Regt. (12 F. and West Suffolk «)(iZ Cambridge Militia). -roZioiZeers, ist, 2nd, 3rd,
and 4th Volunteer Battalions Suffolk Reiiiment.
XN yj'
Regimental District, TATTNTON. County, Somerset.
. Lieutenant Colonel.—p.s.c. Edward Lutwyche England, 7 March 88 ; Colonel, 29 Nov. 83.

Paymaster. Alexander E wing, 15 Sept. 75; Staff' Payma<fer, i Apr. 78.
Territorial Regiment, Somersetshire Light Infantry (13 P. cf- i ^ 2 Somerset Militia).— Volunteers, iSt, 2nd, and
3rd Volunteer Battalions Somersetshire Light Infantry.
VT-. A Regimental District, YORK. County, Part of West Riding of York.
XN U« 1 X^. Lieutenant Colonel.— Thomas, Phillips, 9 May 84 Colonel, 31 O.U. 81.

PaymasZer.— Archibald H. H. MacGachen, i April 78 Staff Paymaster, i March 82. ;

Territorial Regiment, West Yorkshire Regt. (14 P. and 2nd and 4th West York Militia), 3 Bn. Yorkshire Regt.
(attached) .-Volunteers, ist, 2nd, and 3rd Volunteer Battalions West Yorkshire Regiment.
Vr^^ l C Regimental District, BEVERLEY. County, East Riding of York.
Xl U. X\J, Lieutenant Colonel.— John M'D. Allardice, 15 July 85 Colonel, 25 Feb. 84. ;

Paymaster.—^. B. Gaulfeild-Stoker, 6 Nov. 78; Staff Paymaster, 10 Sept. 86.

TfrrtZorsaZ Ke^imeHZ, East Yorkshire Regt. (15 P. aniZ East York Militia).— PoZiinZeer*, ist awJ 2nd Volunteer
Battalions East Yorkshire Regiment.
"Kfrk 1 Ci Regimental District, BEDFORD. Counties, Huntingdon, Bedford, Hebtfoed.
"^N^« XU. XteijZenaKZ C'oZoreeZ.- Robert W. M. Wetherell, t Sept. 87; CoZotteZ, i July 85.
Paj/masZer.— Henry W. Bateman, i April 78 ; Staff Paymaster, i April 83.
Territorial Regiment, Bedfordshire Regt. (16 F. and Bedford and Hertford MiUtia), 5 Bn. King's Royal Rifles
(attacked). — Volunteers, ist, 2nd, and 3rd Volunteer Battalions Bedfordshire Regiment.
"M"^ 1 rj Regimental District, LEICESTER. Counties, Nottingham, Leicestee.
'*•' Vi'" XI. iieifZeraanZ CoZoneZ. —Archibald H. Utterson, I May 88; CoZoaeZ, i Oct. 81.

Paymaster. Arthur Longle.v, 9 Aug. 78 ; Staff Paymaster, 24 Dec. 84.
Territorial Regiment, Leicestershire Regt. ("17 P. and Leicestershire Militia).— roZ(i?iZeer«, ist Volunteer
Battalion Leicestershire Regiment.
no Eegimental District Staff.

liegimental Diglrici, CLONJU'EL. Cohh/i>«, Kilkenny, Tippebabt, Wexfobd,
Lieutenant Colonel.— Hon. Henry Parnell, 23 Oct. 88; Colonel, 1 Oct. 81.

Paymaster.— Staff raymaster. Charles H. Hignett, 10 May 71 Hon. Lt.Colond, i Oct. 88. ;

Territorial Hegiment, Royal Irish Regiment (18 F. ami Wexford, North Tipperary, and Kilkenny Jtihtia),

T^_. Q
XN U. IX^.
Jff^inieii^a/ Di*^nrf, RICHMONB
(Yorkshire) . Coi(«^^, Xoeth Riding OE Yobk.
Lieutenant Co/one^— Hourv E. Davidson, 5 Jan. 88; Colonel, i July 85.
Pagmatter.— Staff Poymafter Herbert Croft Ryder, 9 Feb. 64 ; Mo7i.Lt. Colonel, 1 Feb. 88.
Territorial Hegiment, Yorkshire Rest. (19 F. and 5th W. York and North York U\\\ti&) .— Volunteers, ist and 2uA
Volunteer Battalions Yorkshire Regiment.
Hegimental District, BVRY. Ccifn^y, Purf o/Lancashiee.
^\J. Lieutenant Co/oiiei.— Frederick Lockwood Edridge, 21 Apr. 84 Colonel, t July E:. ;

Paymas/er.— William J. E. G. Sutherland, i Apr. 78; Staff Paymaster, 5 June 82.

Ttrrit'irial Regiment, lja.nci\sh\TC Fusiliers (20 F. and 7th Lancashire 'ii.iiilia).— Volunteers, ist, 2nd and 3rd
Volunteer Battalions Lancashire Fusiliers.
"t^ r\
XNU. 1 O Begimenial District, AYR. Counties, Atb, Wigtown, Kiekcudbeight.
i^X. iieuienant Co/ojier— Edward T. Bainbridge, 19 Dec. 87 Colonel, z i-alj &$ ;

Paymaster.— Frederic N. I. Taylor, i Apr. 78 ; Staff Paymaster, 9 May 84.

TerriVorea/iff^imcH^ Royal Scots Fusiliers (21 F. and Scottish Borderers, and Ayr and Wigtown Militia).—
Volunteers, ist and 2nd Volunteer Battalions Scots Fusiliers, Galloway.

XN yjm
^ O Jiegimental District, CHESTER. County, Cheshiee.
Lieutenant Colonel .—Uerhoil G. Patton, 15 May 86 Colonel, i July 85.
• ;

Paymaster.— io\m C. Stockley, 15 Aug. 78; Staff Paymaster, i Apr. 83.

Tcrr«7orio?i;e^imeH^ CheshireRegt. (22F.««(i ist and 2nd Cheshire Militia). Volunteers, ist, and, 3rd, 4th, — and
5th Volunteer Battaliou.s Cheshire Regiment.
XN U. .^O. OQ llegimenfalDistricf,'W'REXB.AJIl. Co!«!<Jes,ANGl.ESEA,CAENAETON,DENBiGH,FLiNi, Meeioneth.
Lieutenant Coloncl.-Charles H. Browne, CS. 10 Apr. 85 Colonel, 31 Dec. 82. ;

Paymaster. George H. Turner, 20 Sept. 78 Sta^ Paymaster, 10 June 85. ;

Territorial jRegimeni, Royal Welsh Fusiliers (23 F. aiid Denbigh and Merioneth and Carnarvon Militia), 6th Bat-
talion King's Royal Rifles (attached).— Volunteers, ist and 2nd Volunteer Battalions Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

Cy A
Hegimenial District, B'R'ECO'S. Coiojfias, Oabdigan, Radnob, Bbecon, Monmottih, Monigosieet
Lieutenant Colonel.— John Gore CavapheW, 27 JalySs; Colonel, 25 Feh. 84.
Paymaster.— Henry W. Phillips, 2 Sept. 78 Staff Paymaster, i Apr. 85. ;

Territorial Eegiment, South Wales Borderers (24 F. and Radnor and Montgomery Militia). Volunteers, ist,
2nd, 3rd, and 4th Volunteer Battalions South Wales Borderers.

X^ U. O
Segimcntal District, 'B^'RWIGK-0'N-TVi:i::EJi. Co!i?2<tVs, Dumfbies, Roxbitegh, Selkiek.
Lieutenant Colonel.— Geor'^e W. Kno.^, CB. 6 Dec. 86 ; Colonel, i July 81.
Paymaster.— Arthur Brett, 2 Dec. 78 Staff Paymaster, 18 Nov. 86.

Territorial Segimoit, Kind's Own Scottish Borderers (25 F. and Scottish Borderers Militia).— roZ!i)!/ee»-s, iBt
Roxburgh and Selkirk, 2nd and 3rd Volunteer Battalions King's Own Scottish Borderers.

Segimental District, K&.MILTO'S. Counti/, Part of LjlSI.u-k.
^\J, Lieutenant Colonel.— Thoma?. R. Stevenson, CS. 17 March 87; Colonel, i Oct. 81.
IT^r» —
Paymaster. Joseph J. Morris, i Apr. 78; Staf Paymaster, 18 Feb. 82.
Territorial Eegiment, Scottish Rifles (26 F. and 90 F. and 2 Lanark TA.ilitxa).— Volunteers, ist Lanark, 2nd
Volunteer Battalion Scottish Rifles, 3rd Lanark, 4th ayid 5th Volunteer Battalions Scottish Rifles.
"Mfy-j fyi Territorial Regiment, Highland Lt. Inf. (71 F. and 74 F. and ist Lanark M-W.) .— Volunteers, ist»
ir\KJ, f X. 2nd, and 3rd Vol. Bus. Highland Lt. Inf., 9th Lanarkshire, 5th Vol. Bn. Highland Lt. Inf.

J.^ ^. O7 Eegimental District, 03IA.GH. Counties, Londondeeey, Donegal, Tybone, Febmanagh.
£1 I . Lieutenant Colonel.— iohn F. Caldwell, 12 July 87; Colonel, i July 85.
Paifmas^ec— Edmund E. Coote, i Apr. 78 Staff Paymaster, 16 March 84. ;

Territorial Eegiment, Inniskiliing Fus. (27 P. and 108 F. and Fermanagh, Tyrone and Donegal Militia).

X^ V^. QQ
Eegimental District, BRISTOL. County, Gloucesteb.
Zteii^e!i«?i< Co/oHeL— Francis Brodigan, 17 March 86; CoZoneZ, 22 Sept. 84.
Payraas^er.— Duncan C. O. Spiller, i Apr. 78 ; Staff Paymaster, 26 July 82.
Territnrial Eegiment, Gloucestershire Regt. (28 F. and 6i F. and South and North Gloucester Militia).—
J olunteers, ist and 2nd Volunteer Battalions Gloucestershire Regiment.

\J, £i\J ,
Eegimental District, WORCESTER. County, Woecestekshike.
Lieutenant Colonel.—Fred. Charles Ruxton, ly Dec. 87 ; Colonel, i July 83.
_ Paymaster.— Thomas B. Urquhart, 10 Aug. 78 Staff Paymaster, 24 March 83.
., .
I err, foria , „

Vtforcester Regt. (29 F. and 36 F. aiii Worcester MiUtia).— FoZ^tnfeers, 1st aHii 2nd Volunteer
Battalions Worcester Regiment.

.t.^\J. ^O •^''i't''"'"'"' -D'si''-ic«, BURNLEY. Cci«H/y,
KJ\J, Lieutenant Coloncl.—WiWiam J. Fram[jton, 12 June S8; Colonel, 2 Mai. 85.
Par* o/Lancashiee.

_, .,.,„. Piigmaster.-Thomas C. Rose, i Aor. 78 Staff Paymaster, i Aug. 83. ;

lerritonal Eegiment, E. Lancashire Regt. (30 F.^
39 F. ^ 5th Lancashire Militia).— roZ«MZce)-s, 2 <j- 3 Lancashire
>T/-v "I Q Eegimental District, KINGSTON. County, Part of Subeey.
^^\J. V-» J. . Lieutenant Colonel.— George Bayley, i Dec. 86 ; Colonel, i July 83.
-''''*'»«»'«'••— William Bell, Apr. 78;
J J ,-r.
I «({ifPayjnasi!e»-, 14 Oct. 82.
E,iit Surrey negt. {31 F. andjo F. and ist and 3rd Surrey mhtm).-Volunteers,
ist Surrey,
2nd, 3rd, and 4th Volunteer Battalions Eatt Surrey Regiment.

J.1 v». v^^j.
QO Eegimental District, -BOTiWni. County, CoRi^WALT..
Lieutenant Colonel.— George C. Swiney, 7 March 88 Colonel, i July 85. ;

•^"''"',"'''''''-~^^''=''"^'^''«'"'o°> '7 l''eb. 79; JfoK lfa/<pr, 17 Feb. 84.

T , , -n

7v';,'nl '^""f •;",'' .."'i^'"™"',''^'*' ^'"'"' infantry (32 F. and 46 F. ancZ Cornwall Rangers Militia).-
» o.untceri., ist and 2nd Volunteer Battalions
Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry.
Now. 33
-.1 WW. ^';''-'<;'. HALIFAX.
^'If'"""'"' County, Part of West Riding op Yoek.
Luulenant Colonel.— Vhomm T. Simpson, 27 Jan. 86 Colonel, 6 March
84. ;

T,.ri>n,i ., J? •
^^ "^^ ^^- -^ Kuellcr, I Feb. 79 ; Staff Paymaster, 15 June 83.
.•^??'7'"'^r-Tr'^,?'"''''-'y '

Y?,"V"?to°'s„We8t Riding Regt. (33 F.'a«ci 76 F. and 6th' Welt York Militia).-
» W^ifrTT/f •n^'"'%'"
oluntcers, ist,
2nd, and 3rd Volunteer Battalions West Riding Regiment.

No. 34 ^^9imental District CARLISLE. Counties, Cumbkbland,

-.ivf. w-a:. /-«<;«<e)i<iN< CoZoHf/.-.luliusD. Westuoeeland.
Dyson Laurie, II Oct. 87; CofoHfiZ, I July 8s

=8 Dec. 78 lit.Major, 1 Oct. 77 Staff Paymaster, 3 Jan. 87.

Territorial K*™.™,,.^ X^R'tT^u""."-', ^^f ""^]. ; ; '

"",'^^^ ^:""'' Cumberland and Westmoreland MiUtia).-r//««.
• crm,
r ,sTSTnd\^.bmu.?^.ff^'
HI una anu Volunteer Battalions
I -'^^l-
Border Regiment.
J.^\J. 3.*^
w»^ . f'.7'»«-«^i/
C'(,/o«r/.-Kol.eit F. Butler, 3
Cok«7«. Sussex
Nov. 88 ; Colonel, i July 85.
lieijimental District Staff. iioa
A>J O.
Q r?/
O .
Eegimenlal Biatrict, WINCHESTER. Couuti/, Hampshibb.
Lieutenant Colojiel.—Chnrles John Moorsom, i2 April 86; Colonel, 27 June 83.
Paymaster.— 'Edwavd M. Dougherty, 26 Oct. 78 ; Staff Paymaster, 8 May 86.
Territorial Regiment, n-Am\iiih\ro ^egt. {37 F. and 67 F. and Hampshire Militia)— I'oi«H^o>e)-.i, tst, 2n(J, 3rd, 4th
and 5th (isle of Wi^ht "Princess Beatrice's") Volunteer Battalions Hampshire Regiment.
Pcijlmeiifal District, L1GKF112LD.
County of Sl».VFOni>.
Lieutenant Colonel.— G\i.-Av\cs (i. Heathcoto, 12 Nov. 87; Colonel, i July 85.
Paymaster.— WivoA Dening, 27 Nov. 78; Staff Paymaster, 20 Oct. 86.
Territorial Regiment, South Staffordshire Regt. (38 F. and 80 F. and i Stafford Militia).— Fo^Hii/eers, ist, 2nd,
and 3rd Volunteer Battalions South Stall'ordshire Regiment.
TlT _ CiA Territorial Regiment, North Staffordshire Regt. (64 F. atid 98 F. ayid 2nd and 3rd Stafford
AN U. OtC. MlUtia).— Ko/«»^eers, 1st and 2nd Voluuteer Battalions North Staffordshire Regiment.

O c/
Regimental District, DORCHESTER. County, Doeset.
Lieutenant CoZoKS^.— Charles E. King, i Apr. 87 ; Colonel, 1 July 85.

Pa^masto-.- Claude C. Budd, 2 Sept. 78 Staff Paymaster, i Apr. 85.


Territorial Regiment, Dorsetshire Regt. (39 F. andsiF. and Dorset Militia). —

Volunteers, ist Volunteer Battalion
Dorsetshire Regiment.

"M/^ Regimental District, Ch.'KDlE'E. CoMn«c«, Pembkokh, CARMAiitnEN, GL.<.M:oEGA.if.

IN yJ. ZLl
^jLa Lieutenant Co/o»eZ.— Sebastian W. Rawlins, 22 May C. (\:Ioii,l, 25 Jan. 86. ;

PayHWs^er.- Alexindcr H. Haldane, 30 Aug. 73 ^Hijf P.r:/, mister, i Apr 85.


Territorial Regiment, Welsh Regt. (41 F. and 69 F. and Glamorgan Militiu). Volunteers, ist, 2nd, and 3rd
Volunteer Battalions Welsh Regiment, 3rd Glamorganshire.

XN O. "tt^ AO Regimental District, F'ERTK. CoHn/ies, Fokfar, Pebth, Fife.
Lieutenant Co^-Jie/.- William H. Ralston, CB. 14 June 86 Colonel, 5 Apr. 81.
. ;

Paymaster.— Staff Paymaster Henry Francis Luke, 2 Dec. 6S; Hon. Lt. Colonel, i Oct. 83.
Territorial Regiment, Black Watch (42 F. and 73 F. and Perth Militia).— roZfoJ^eecs, ist, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and
6th Volunteer Battalions Royal Highlanders.
±N U. AQ
Regimental District, 0X.F0R1). Counties, O^vo no, BvcKS. CoioHe/.— Thomas M. Bailie, 10 Nov. 3/; Colonel, i Oct. 81.
Paj/„ii,s/<'c.— James H. Jack.<oii, 6 Apr. 78 Staff Paymaster, 24 May 84.

Territorial Regiment, Oxford Light Infantry (43 F. and 52 P. and Bucks and Oxford Militia). FoZKii^eei-s, tst —
and 2nd Volunteer Battalions Oxford Light Infantry, ist Buckinghamshire, 4th Voluuteer Battahon Oxford
Light Infantry.
KT/-W A A Regimental District, WARLEY. County, Esses.
XNU. TC^. ije»;eH,(«i' CoZo«eZ.— Francis D. Walters, I Apr. 87; Co7oKeZ, I Oct. £1.
Paymaster.— Staff Paymaster, Herbert U. Routledge, 12 Feb. 70; Hon. Lf. Colonel, i Oct. 83.
Territorial Regiment, ilsticx Regt. (44 F. and $6 F. and Essex Rifles uKtMVest Esses UiVitia). Volunteers, — lat,
2nd, 3rd, and 4th Volunteer Battalions Essex Regiment.

"VT-. Regimental District, D^RBY. County, Behbx.
rrU. CaioneZ.— William H. B. Kingsley, CB. I Apr. 87 Co?o)ieZ, 2 March 85.
iifiH^enaKif ;

Paymaster.— Staff Paymaster George H. Anson, 15 Apr. 77; Hon. Lt. Colonel, i Oct. 88.
Territorial Regiment, Derbyshire Regt. (45 P- a»<^ 95 F. and 2nd Derby, Sherwood Foresters, and ist Derby
MiUtia).— roi«K^eerx, ist and 2nd Volunteer Battalions Derbyshire Regiment, ist Nottingham, 4th (Notts)
Volunteer Battalion Derbyshire Regiment.
"Vr^ A'7 Regimental District, VBiE^IOTS. County, Part of 'LkTXCi.s-Bi-B.E.
XN U. T: I Lieutenant Co/o»e?.— Frederick G. Berkeley, 21 July 88
. Colonel, i July 85. ;

Paymaster.— 3o\m H. Vander-Meulen, 28 Oct. 78; Staff Paymaster, 2 June 86.

Territorial Regiment, North Lancashire Regt. (47 P. 4- 81 F. ^- 3 Lancashire Militia).— Ko^HBfeers, iSt and 2n(l
Volunteer Battalions North Lancashire Regiment.
^O. Regimental District, I'SO'B.TKAMFTO'N. Counties, NoUTHi.MVTOS, Uvtlasv.
iie«;eHu)j< CoZoKe/..— Thomas H. Clarkson, 17 Dec. 88; CoZoHei, 23 Aug. Si.
Paymaster.- Thomas George Booth, 30 Oct. 78 ; Hon. Major, 30 Oct. 83.
Territorial Regiment, Northampton Regt. (48 F. and 58 P. and Northampton MiUtia).— Fo;«)i;(;e/-fi, ist Volunteer
Battalion Northampton Regiment.

ental District, 'R^A'DITSG. County, B^nKsnin^.

Lieutenant Colonel.— Andrew Smythe M. Browne, 10 March 85 ; Colonel, i Oct. 81.
Pirymas/ej-.- Thomas C. A. Pox, 2 Sept. 78; Staff Paymaster, i Apr. 85.
Territorial Regiment, Hu.val Berkshire Regiment (49 P. and 66 F. and Berks Militia).— FoZttJi^eei-s, ist Volunteer
Battalion Royal Berkshire Regiment.

"M"-. F%n Regimental District, T!ILAXD%1Q'S'E. County, Part of K-ETit.

XN U. sJ\J m —
Lieutenant Colonel. Richard A. Manners, 8 June 87 ; Colonel, 19 Dec. 84.

Paymaster. Thomas S. Ooppinger, i Oct. 78; Staff Paymaster, 2 Sept. 85.
Territorial Regiment, Royal West Kent Regiment (50 P. and 97 P. and We&tK.ent'i.i.Q.itin).— Volunteers, ist,
and 3rd Volunteer Battalions Royal "West Kent Regiment.
VT-. C"I Regimental District, 'BOlSiT'EE'RACT, Co;ra<y, West Ridins of Yorkshire.
X>l U. ox. Lieutenant Colonel.— Yf\\\ Byam, CB. i Apr. 87 Colonel, i July 85. ;

Paymaster. Melmoth C. Gahan, 16 Apr. 78; Staff Paymaster, 10 Sept. 84.
Territorial Regiment, The King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (51 P. and 105 P. and i W. York Militia).— FoZhh-
teers, ist Volunteer Battalion Yorkshire Light Infantry.

XN U .
Territorial Segiment,Yoi± and Lancaster Regt. (65 P. a«(i 84 F. and 3rd West York Militia)
Volunteers, ist and 2nd Volunteer Battalions York and Lancaster Regiment.

Regimental District, SKRIlWSJiV'RY. CoifwHes, Sheopshiee an(i Heeefoed.
Ueutenant Coionei.— Ernest A. Carey, 27 Sept. 83 Colonel, i July 85. ;

Paymas^ec— "Wilmsdorf G. Mansergh, 28 June 79 Hon. Major, 28 June 84. ;

Territorial Regiment, Shropshire Light Infantry (53 P. and 85 P. and Shropshire and Hereford Militia). — FoZmk-
teers, ist and 2nd Volunteer Battalions Shropshire Light Infantry, ist Herefordshire.

XN U fiO
.^ \J .
Regimental District, 'D^VIZJ.S. County, Wilts-kiru.
Lieutenant Colonel.-p.s.c. Albert L. Walker, 3 Apr. 88 ; Colonel, 29 Nov. 83.

Paymaster. James C. Ross, i March 64; Uon. Lt. Colonel, 10 March 88.
2nd Volun-
Territorial Regiment, Wiltshire Regt. (62 P. and 99 P. and Wiltshire Militia).— Volunteers, i Wiltshire,
teer Battalion Wiltshire Regiment.

"NTrv ftQ Regimental District, ASUTON. Co!(n<.y, Par< o/Lancashirb.

XN U. \J<J. Lieutenant Colonel.— Arthur G. H. Church, 12 July 88 ; Colonel, 18 Mar. 86.
Paymaster. —
Territorial Regiment, Manchester Regt. (63 P. and 96 P. and 6th Lancashire Militia).— roZwH^eej-s, iSt, 2nd, 3rd,
4th, 5th, and 6tti Volunteer Battalions Manchestar Regiment.
Ill Regimental District
M- 170 BegimenfalDittrict.TORTG'EO'RG'E. Co!<n«e», Obknet ani Shetland, Suthesland, Caithness,
JN 0« / ^ • Ross and Cbouaett, Inveenkss, Kaien and Elgin.
LUutenant Co^oneZ.— Charles M. Stock-nell, CB. 29 Dec. 85; Colonel, 2 Sept. 84.
Paymaster.— ^iWiam H. Mortimer, i Apr. 78 Staff Paymaster, 22 March 84.

Territorial Segiment, SoafortU Highlanders (72 F. and 78 F. and Highland Rifle Uihtia.) .—Voltinfeers, ist Vol.
Bn. Seaforth Highlanders, ist Sutherland, 3rd Vol. Bn. Scaforth Highlanders.
F> Jlegimeiital District, ABE^DTXlf. CouH^i'es, Abbkdeen, Banff, KiNCABDiNE.
Lieutenant Co/o««/.— William Green, CS. i Apr. 87; Colonel, 13 Jan. 85.
Paj^mns^e)-.— William Franklin, i Apr. 78 Staff Paymaster, 1 June 82.

Terri/orid? i^<7i•mfH^ Gordon Highlanders (75 F. ohiJ 92 F. and Aberdeenshire M.ihtia.) .—Voliiiiteers, isit, 2na,
3rd (The'Buchan), 4tb, 5th (Deoside Highland), a7id 6th Volunteer Battalions Gordon Highlanders.
/ t7.
Eegimenfal District, INVERNESS.
Lieutenant Colonel.— Charles M. Stockwell, CB. 29 Dec. 85 Colonel, 2 Sept. 84. ;

Powmas^fj-.— William H. Mortimer, i Apr. 78 ; Staff Paymaster, 22 March 84.

Territorial Regiment, Cameron Highlanders (79 .F. and Highland Light Infantry Militia).— Fo^MM^'er.^ ist
Volunteer Battalion Cameron Highlanders.
Begimental District, BELFAST. Counties, AsTRru, Down.
Xie«<e«aH< Co/oneL— Andrew David Geddes, 18 Aug. 84; Co/oHeZ, 29 Jan. 83.
Paymaster.— John S. Brereton, i July 78 Staff Paymaster, 24 Dec. 84.

Territorial Regiment, Royal Irish Rifles (S3 F. and 86 F. and N. Down, Antrim, S. Down, and Louth Militia).
iM O.
Regimental District, ARTHAGK. Co«)i?ies, Cavan, Monaghan, Aemagh, Louth.
Lieutenant Colotiel.— 'Edward Hopton, CB. 14 July 85; Colonel, 11 Nov. 82.
Puymas/cr.— George AV. Barnes, 26 Oct. 78 Staff Paymaster, 6 Jan. 86.

Ta-ritorial Reqiment, Royal Irish Fusiliers (87 F. and 89 F. and Armagh, Cavan, and Monaghan MiUtia).
'Regimental District, GAL WAY. Counties, Leitrxm, Sligo, Roscomiio^v, Mayo, Galwat.
Lieutenant Colonel.— James Browne, 16 Feb. 86 ; Colonel, 27 Dec. 84.
PaymasCer.— James R. Ballard, 22 Feb. 79; Honorary Major, 22 Feb. 84.
Territorial Regiment, Connaught Rangers (88 F. and 94 F. and South Mayo, Galway, Roscommon, and North
Mayo Militia), 3 Bn. Ritle Brigade (attached).
"M"-. Q1 Regimental District, STIRLING. Counties, KiSBOSs and Clackmannan, Siieling, Dumbakion,
•LNUi %y^m Argyll, Bute, Renfeew.
Lieutenant Colonel.— AxllnuT C. Nightingale, 6 Dec. 87; Colonel, i July 85.
P(i^>na*fer.— George E. Langford, 4 Oct. 78 ; Staff Paymaster, 6 Dec. 85.
Territorial Regiment, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (gi F. and 93 F. and Highland Borderers and Renfrew
Militia). —
T'o/unfeej-j), ist, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Volunteer Battalions Ai-gyll & Sutherland Highlanders, ist
Dombarton, 7th Volunteer Battalion Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders.
"Vr^ 1 OrS Regimental District, BIRH. CoMn^tes, Meats, Westmeath, Longfoed, King's Co., Queen's Co.
J-N U. A.\J\J, iif?H/(;)jun< Coionei. —Montgomery Williams, 25 Nov. 86; Co/wie/, i July 85.

Paymaster. Edward C. Haynes, i Apr. 78; Staff Paymaster, i June 82.
Territorial Regiment, 'Princii of Wales' Leinster Regt. (loc F. and 109 Y.and King's County, Queen's County,
and Meatii Militia), 6 and 9 Bns. Rifle Brigade {attached).
XT-. 1 Ol Regimental District, T'S. ALEE. Cojiw^es, Lisieeick, Keeey, Coek, Glare.

"L^ yJt S.\J A., Lieutenant Colonel. John D. Johnstone, 21 June 84; Colonel, 15 March 83.

Paymaster. John L. Hewson, i Apr. 78 Staff Paymaster, i Sept. 82.

Territorial Regiment, Hoyal Munster Fusiliers (loi F. and 104 F. and South Cork, Kerry, and Limerick
County Militia), 9 Bn. King's Royal Rifles (attached).
XT -. 1 OQ Regimental District, NAAS. Counties, Dublin, Wicklow, Kildaee, Cahlow.
•i-^ v" AVy^. Lieutenant Colonel. p..s.c. Colville Frankland, 13 Aug. 84 CoZojjei, 29 Jan. 83.
— ;

P((^ma*<er.— Denis Creagh, 8 Jan. 68; Staff Paymaster, 27 April 82.

Territorial Regiment, Hoyal Dublin Fusiliers (102 F. and 103 F. and Kildare, Dublin City, and Dublin County
Militia), 8 Bn. King's Royal Rifles (attached).
Rijle Depot, WINCHESTER.

Lieutenant Colonel. George Hatchell, 13 Jan. 87'; Colonel, 22 Nov. 83.

i Paymaster. Staff Paymaster Edmund H. Gorges, 15 April 77; Son. Lf. Colonel, i Oct. 88.
J Quarter Master.— Thomas Riley, 8 Feb. 88; Son. Lieut.
Line Battalions, ist to 9th Bns. King's Royal Rifles (60 F. and Huntingdon, Flint, 2nd Middlesex, Carlow, and

North CorkMilitia). JoZunters, 2nd, 4th, 5th (9th a^^acfterf), 6th (ist a</aeAe(i), 12th (2sth aWacAccO, 13th,
2ist, and 22nd Middlesex, ist. 2nd, and 3rd London.
\ Line Battalions, ist to 9th Bus. Rifle Brigade (Rifle Brigade and Queen's Own Tower Hamlets, Longford,

King's Own Tower Hamlets, Leitrim and Wcstmcath Milida). Volunteers, 7th, 14th, 15th, i6th, i8th,
19th, 20th, and 24th Middlesex, ist Tower Hamlets, 2nd Tower Hamlets.
The following Regiments of Auxiliary Forces are attached to the Brigade of Foot Guards :

Command of Lf. Colonel Grenadier Guards.— Militii: 4th Bu. Royal Fusiliers. Volunteers: ist, 2nd, and 3rd
London; 15th, 24th, ayid 26th Middlesex, ist and 2nd Tower Hamlets.
Command of Lt. Colonel Coldstream Guards.— Militia: jih. Bn. King's Royal Rifles. Volunteers: 6th (ist
attached), i6th, i8th, 19th, 21st, and 22nd Middlesex.
Command of Lt. Colonel Scots Guards.— Militia ; 5th and 7lh Bns. Rifle Brigade. Volunteers: 2nd, 4th, 5th
(9th attached), 7th, i2t>i (25th attached), 13th, 14th, and 20th Middlesex.
Guards' Depot.
Quarter Master. —William Elds Reynolds, i Apr. 85. Son.Captain.
West Inuia Depot.
Lieutenant Co/o«f?.— Frederick B. 1'. White, 4 C'Ct. 8S Colonel, 24 March 36.
Paymaster. — ;

staff Officers of Pensioners.
N.B.—The number prefixed to the Station denotes the Regimental District to which the ( T.certs attached.
CORNET, -Appointed

KK.Ni.axo.. \^^^^!^'::^:\ Tan. 51 27 May 53 'i6Aug.59 5 July 72 1 Oct. 67

S, 20, 22, 23, )

Liver- ("John P. Lawrie,
34, 40, 47, 53 J Army Pay Dept.
Bernard H. Biirke,^ h.p.")
J-BiBMlNGnAM. J 68F. (-ffon. Ma/oj-,iJiily8i; ! 23 Nov. 55 26 Feb. 58 I Apr. 70 27 June 71
) LHon. Lt. Colonel, i July88)J
\ Tc /.„. n-,. fRobt. Fr. H. Macgregor,'-^
h.p.MilitaryTra1n(/fo,;. ''i7Dec.52,i8 Aug. 54 6 Sept.6i 7 Oct. 74 Jan. 6g
I KelseaSosv]
(_ Lt.CoIonel, 7 Oct. 81) ...)

Northern Div. (
flew,*h.p.Depot Batt. ">
July 5323 Sept.54 27 June 56 July 72
« I ReaenfsPk
Kegent Bks
sric.Jiics. \
^Colonel, 31 Dec. 83) )
5 31 Dec. 78 Oct. 70
j j^

5, 2., 25, 26, Glasgow (^-master.Brooke,
I Pu^/-
68,71,91 I
18, 100. — District Paymaster, CorK.
27, 83, 87. —
District Paymaster, Belfast.
28,37, ) South- f Charles Lennox,"Edward
3y, 62 ) AMPTON. I Staff Fay muster.
50 Woolwich. — Hy. Gordon Rogers, ^ h.p. 49 F. Dec. 54 9 Mar. 5; I Apr. 70 5 Aug. 71
(SbcnezerRogers,8h.p.3\V.l. )
c -M. „„„,-., ,.„
I ^ (Uon.Lt.Colonel,20ct.S5)
24 Oct. 56 t3 Aug. 5i 26 Jan. 66 iOct. 78 I Apr. 72
So, 100, 102 Dublin. — Thos.Aked, JrmuPavDc))/, I

f Wm.JohnLancMilligan.ioh.p ")
Toronto. (Uon. Lt.CoIonel, 7 6 June54jPi7Apr. 57 8 Oct. 6i 5 Dec. 74 25 Mar.
I 5 Dec. Si) J 71

Note.— The duties in all other Stations are performed by the OflBcer of the Array Pay Department except that ;

those of the Isle of Man are discharged by the Officer at Liverpool; those of Maidstone by the Officer of the West
London District those of London, Montreal, and Ottawa, Canada, by the District Paymaster, Halifax.

The Officer of the 63rd District pays the Pensioners residing in Manchester and its suburbs only. All other
Pensioners in the Regimental District are paid by the Staff Paymaster at Ashton-under-Lyne.

War Services.
Lt.CoIonel Charlton served with the 8 ist Regiment in the Indian mutiny of 1857-58 (Medal).

2Lt.CoIonel Burke served with the 68th Light Infantry in the New Zealand war in 1864-66, including the attack
of the Gate Pah, engagement at Te Ranga and attack on Putahi Pah (Medal)
* Colonel Cardew served as Adjutant of the 19th Regiment in the Eastern campaign of 1854, including

affair of Bulganac, and battle of Alma severely wounded in two places, and horse shot in crossing the river (Medal
with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
5 Captain H. G. Rogers served with the 49th Regiment in the Crimea from September
1855, and was present at
the siege and fallof Sebastopol, and assault of the Redan on the 8th Sep. 1855 (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
6 Major Lawrie. —
For War Services, see Army Pay Department.
8 Lt.CoIonel E. Rogers served in temporary command of a Detachment 3rd West India Regiment In
defence of
Lower Combo, Gambia, in Feb. 1864 against hostile native factions, and was employed by the Governor of the
Gambia on diplomatic service in conjunction with the Governor of Sierra Leone and Commodore Eardley-WUmot,
for which he received official thanks. Served as Brigade Adjutant in charge of guns in the expedition under
Lt.CoIonel Harley up the River Gambia in June 1864, and was favorably noticed. Served with the expeditionary
force under Brigadier General Harley in British Honduras in February and March 1867, and commanded a Flying
Column detached for the destruction of the Indian village San Jos^, on which occasion his detachment made a
forced march of 32 miles in n
hours across very difficult country (thanked by the Governor) Was subsequently .

appointed Brigade Major to the united Force, and was mentioned In despatches.
^ Lt.CoIonel Macgregor served with the 82nd Regiment in the N.W. Provinces in suppressing the Indian
mutiny in
1857-58, and was present at the second relief of Lucknow, defeat of the Gwalior Contingent at Cawnpore, actions of
Kala Nuddce and Khankur, siege of the Jail and subsequent operations at Shahjehanpore, affairs of Mahomdee
and Bunkagaon (Medal with Clasp). Served in the China war in i860 as Adjutant 15th Sikhs (Medal).
'" Lt.CoIonel Mllligan served in the Indian mutiny campaign in 1858-59 on the Oude and Nepaul
" Lt.CoIonel Lennox.— For War Services, see Army Pay Department.

Professor of Military History.
Royal Military College, Sandhurst. p.s.c.Lt.Colonel S. C.Pratt (from h.p. R. Art.), 22 May 79.
jPr„uUi>t—Field M:iishal M.R.JI.ihe Duke o/Cnmbridge, Professor of French.— Mons. Albert Barrere.
EG KP.GCU.GCMG.GCSI. GCIE.Comdr. in Chief. —
Professor of German. F. Lange, Ph.D.
Governor and Commandant.—jt.s.c. Major General E. H. —
Professor of Landscape Draiving. W. Paris.
Professor of Chemistry and Physics.— ^Y. R. E. Hodgkin-
CUve, 12 AUET. 88.
Attt. — ^ , 1 o T^ r.
Commandant and Secreiart/ p.s.c. Colonel b. h.VTT son, Ph.D. 23 March 82.
(from h.p. 94 Foot), 12 Aug. 88. ^ ^„ . ,

Adjutant. -^aioT U. Wynyard, West Kent Regiment,

Staff College, Sandhurst.
Quarter Master.— Thomas King Bunting, i Apr. 84. Commandant {with rani: of Brigadier General). — p.s.c.

Biding Master.— Hcoh Hodgins,i3Feb. 84; Ifon. Captain, Colonel C. F. Clery, CB. (from h.p. 32 Foot), 12 Aug. 88.
SurpZn.—Bris- Surg. A. F. S. Clarke, MD. retired pay, Military Art and History.—p.s.c. Colonel J. P. Maurice,
Royal Artillery, 25 Dec. _
AJsii^^Surg'.-Snrg. B. L. Maunsell, i Sept. 86. Fortifcation and Artillery.— p.s.c. Lt.Colonel E. Clay-
Chaplain.— Eei: C. H. Murphy, MA. ton (from h.p. R. Artillery), 31 July 83.
Military Pbofessoks and Instuuctoks. Military Topnfjraphy.— Colonel W.Everett, CJfff.
Professor of FortiJication.—l.t.Co\onel L. K. Scott, h.p. (from li.p. West Riding Regiment), i Jan. 88.
Royal Engineers, i Sept. 83. Staff" Duties, Military Administration and Law.— p.s.c.
Instructors in Fortification. Lt.Colonel J. S. Rohwell, h.p. R. Artillery, 31 Aug. 84,
Maior A. Bogle, R. Engineers, 1 Feb. 82. French.— Mons. L. E. Henry, BA. \German.— C. Jeep.
Captain E. J. T. Ross of Bladensburg, R. Eng. 2 Oct. 82. Russian.— H. Riola.
Captain R. Wynyard, Royal Artillery, 11 Oct. 83. Students.
p.s.c. Captain' F. G. Stone, R. Artillery, i Sept. 84. Senior Division.
Captain A. J. Kelly, R. Engineers, 10 Feb. 85. Captain E. H. Bethell, Royal Engineers.
p.t.c. Captain W. T. Adair, R. Marines, i
Sept. 86.
Captain H. M. Sinclair, Royal Engineers.
p.$.c. Captain W. O. Cavenagli, Bedford Regt. 21 Sept.
Captain G. E. Benson, Royal Artillery.
Major S. J. M. Jopp, Nortliampton Regt. 4 Oct. 88. Brevet Major F. W. N. M'Cracken, Berkshire Regiment.
Professor of Military Topography.—p.s.c. Lt.Colonel H. Captain E. R. A. Ken'ison, Royal Aiaillery.
C. Reynolds (from h.p. Durham Lt. Inf.), i Jan. 88. Captain B. Dufi, Bengal Staff Corps.
Instructors in Military Topography. Lieut. F. S. Robb, Durham Light Infantry.
vtc Major C. W. Vulliamy, Leicester Regt. 10 Feb. 82. Captain H. D. Drake, Royal Marine Artillery.
p 8 c Captain F. W. Bromfield, Cheshire Regt. i Sept. 83. Lieut. G. F. Ellison, JSTorth Lancashire Regiment.
Captain H. A. Stock, "Wiltshire Regiment, 18 Apr. 85. Captain G. F. Leverson, Royal Engineers.
Captain B. St. J. Barter, Lincolnshire Regt. 13 May 85. Captain H. E. Belfield, Mun'ster FusiUers.
Major W. Gregg, Leicestershire Regt. i Sept. 85. Captain H. B. Jeffreys, Royal Artillery.
Major G. A. Lewes, Northampton Regt. i Sept. 86. Lieut. A. B. Hamilton, King's Own Scottish Borderers.
Captain J. P. Talbot, Shropshire Light Inf. i Sept. 86. Lieut. H. G. D. Shute, Coldstream Guards.
Captain R. B. Goold-Adams, Highland Lt.Inf. 10 Feb. 88. Captain J. G. White, Middlesex Regiment.
Captain F. Macbean, Gordon Highlanders, i Sept. 88. Bt. Major H. W. N. Guinness, Irish Regiment.
Professor of Tactics, Military Administration and Law. Captain E. A. Altham, Royal Scots.
p.s.c. Lt.Colonel G. L. Le M. Taylor (from h.p. Bedford Captain E. Goldschmidt, AVelsh Regiment.
Regt.), I Sept. 88. Captain C. M. Lester, W. Yorkshire Regiment.
Instructors in Tactics, Military Administration and Law, Bt.Major H. C. T. Littledale, York and Lancaster Regt.
p.s.c. Capt. H. B. Mortimer, N. Stafford. Regt. i Mar. 83. Captain T. P. Geoghegan, Bombay Staff Corps.
p.g.c.Captain C. St. L. Barter, York. Light Inf. i Sept. 85. Captain Son. N. de 0. Dalrymple, Scr.ts Guards.
Major E. A. Ball, Warwickshire Regt. i Sept. 85. Lieut. H. T. Fleming, Lancashire Fusiliers.
Major J. Spens, Shropshire Light Infantry, i Sept. 86. Captain A. E. J. Cavendish, Argyll and Sutherland
Captain C. N. Simpson, Royal Artillery, i Sept. 86. Highlanders.
p.s.c. Major F. Luttman-Johnson, York and Lancaster Lieut. P.W.Lushington, King's Own Scottish Borderers.
Regiment, 10 Sept. 87. Captain T. E. Compton, Northampton Regiment.
Captain O. J. H. Ball, Welsh Regiment, 10 Feb. 88. Captain W. D. Jones, Wiltshire Regiment.
Captain F. R. P. Kane, E. Surrey Regiment.
Captain L. B. HoUinshead, W. Kent Regiment.
Royal Military Academy at Woolwich. Capt. N. W. H. du Boulay, Royal Art. (admitted without
PrfsWeH<.— FieldMarshalZf.7^.ir./;ieJ)«teo/"Cambridge, competition)
KG. KT. KP. GCB. GCMG. GCSI. GCIE. Commander Captain J. F. Burn-Murdoch, i Dragoons. (do.)
in Chief, 8 Feb. 70. Bt.Major R. H. F. W. Wilson, 10 Hussars. (do.)
Go oernor.— Major General Robert John Hay, CB. Royal Bt.Major S. C. H.Monro, Seaforth Highldrs. (do.)
Artillery, 2 June 87. Junior Division.
Commandant and Secretary .—Colonel A. Harness, CB. h.p. Candidates -who have been successful in the competition
R. Artillery, 20 Sept. 84. for admission, and who will join the College on ist
Lieutenants of the Company of Gentlemen Cadets. February 1889, unless they shall previously have re-
Lieut. W. M. T. Syngo, Royal Artillery, 29 Oct. 84. ceived other orders :

Lieut. A. J. Breakey, Royal Artillery, 14 Nov. 88. Captain E. De Bratt, Bengal Staff Corps.
Adjutant and Quartermaster. Captain A. W. Rauken, Scottish Rifles.
Captain G. G. Simpson, R. Artillerj', 21 Dec. 86. Captain J. C. Pyue, Dorsetshire Regiment.

Surgeon. Surgeon JInjor J.\V.Maxham,3/X).24 July 86. Captain E. St. C. Pemberton, Royal Engineers.
Chaplain.— Captain H. Chance, Royal Artillery.
Professor of Mathematics and Mechanics.— B.. Hart, MA. Captain N. B. Ingle field. Royal Artillery.
Instructors of Mathematics. Captain W. G. B. Western, West Kent Regiment.
B. F. S. Tylccotc, MA. 19 March 73. Captain W. E. Fairholme, Royal Artillery.
(Captain F. W. Boteler, R. Art. 14 March 84. Captain V. Semini, Leicestershire Regiment.
W. Foord Kclccy, BA. 27 Apr. 86. Captain A. D. Addison, Royal Artillery.
Professor of Fortification and Geometrical Drawing. Lieut. H. H. Wigram, Scots Guards.
Lt.Colonel W. G. Ross (from h.p. R. Eng.), i Oct. 82. Captain E. J. Granet, Royal Artillery.
Cajjtain J. S. P. Hornby, Rifle Brigade.
Instructors of Fortification and Geometrical Drawing.
Lieut. A. W. G. L. Cole, Welsh Fusiliers.
Captain S. D. Cleeve, R. Engineers, 19 Aug. 84. Captain J. H. Poett, Dorsetshii-e Regiment.
Captain L. C
Jackson, R. Engineers, 7 Jan. 85. Lieut. C. C. Monro, West Surrey Regiment.
Captain R. P. Leach, R. Artillery, 27 May 83. Captain H. W. D. Denne, Gordon Highlanders.
Captain W. H. Chippindall, Royal Engineers, i Oct. 88. Bt.Lt.Colonel F. Ventris, Essex Regiment.
Professor of Artillery. Lieut. O. H. Pedley, Border Regiment.
Lt.Colonel E. Kensington, h.p. R. Artillery, 20 Aug. 84. Captain J. C. Young, Sussex Regiment.
Instructors of Artillery. Lieut. J. S. E. Weston, Bengal Staff Coitjs.
Captain J. Shiffncr, Uoyal Artillery, 1 Oct. 87. Lieut. N. D. Macdonald, Wiltshire Regiment.
Cajilain F. A. Curteis, R. Artillery, 29 Feb. 88. Captain R. M. Greenfield, Inniskilling Fusiliers.
Captain G. J. F. Talbot, R. Artillery, i Mar. 88. Lieut. W. E. Lascelles, Rifle Brigade.
Professor of Military Topography Lieut. H. D. Lawrence, East Surrey Regiment.
Captain R. G. Broadwood, 12 Lancers.
Major F. Matcull, B. Engineers, 7 Jan. 85.
Lieut. W. H. Sitwell, Northumberland Fusiliers.
Instructors of Military Topography. Captain J. M. E. J. Gawne, Lancaster Regiment.

Captain R. C. Foster, K. Artillery, 26 Sept. 83. Captain E. R. Courtenay, 20 B.\iss(lts (nominated).

Captain B. S. May, Royi'l Artillery, 18 Dec. 85. Captain G. H. Symonds, Irish Regiment (do.).
Lieut. E. A. Gartsidc-Tippingo, Royal Art. 17 Mar. 86. Major E. J. M. S. Wortley, CMG. King's R. Rifles {do.),
" " H. Ueyman, R. Artillery, 4 July 88.
Captain C. ViH Captain H. Lyons, Scottish Rifles (do.).
Edvcatlonal Estallislimenls. 114
School of Gunnery.
Commandant dr Superinfendenf. Colonel S. J. Kichol- Captain \V. E. Hardy, 21 Pec. 86.
son, 3 March 87. Captain W. L. White, 28 May 87.
Cli ieflnafrucfors.
Captain W. E. Blowitt (Woolmch), 5 July 87.
Colonel C. Trench, h.p., g March 85. Captain H. P. Hickman, 9 Jan. 83.
Colonel E. Lj'ous (from R. Art.) (Woolwich), 17 Sept. SB Assistant Stiperiutendent of Experiments. Major T. —
Urigade Major.—p.s.c. Major E. O. O'SuUivan, i Jan. Sj Porrott, 12 March 85.

Instructors in Gunnery.

znd Assistant do. Captain T. D. Inglis, 26 June 88.
Adjutant and Acting Pcrj/masto-.— Captain H. S. Dawklns,
Major A. W. White (Aldershot), i May 84. I Apr. 85.
Major W. G. Lowther, 25 Mar. 85. Quarter ilfas?er.— Qr. Master O. O'Neill, 23 Sept. 86;
Captain A. S. Pratt (Woolwich), 29 April 86. Hon. Lieut.

Artillery College.
Dtrec/or.— Colonel C. B. Brackenbury, June 87.2 Professor of Applied Mathematics.— A. G. Greenhill, JT^.
Assistant Director. Major J. — F. Harman, 22 Nov. 87. —
Lecturer on Metallurgy. Dr. J. Percy, FRS.
Instructors in Artillery.— p.s.c.^laiOT J. E. J. Jocelyn,
Apr. Si.

Lecturer on Armour Flutes. Captain C. O. Browne, late
14 of R. Art, 3 Sept. 80. \_Ph.D.
Major E. M. Baker, i May 86. —
Lecturer on Chemistry <Sr Physics. W. R.B. Hodgkinson,
Captain Instructor Royal Gun factories. —Major H. P. Lecturer 071 Practical Mechanics. H. W. Jones. —
Willouffhby, i Apr. 88.
Captain Instructor Royal Carriage Department,— MsiioT

Veterinary Lecturer. First Class Veterinary Surgeon
G. D. Whitfield, 19 Feb. 85.
B. B. Stamlbridge, i Apr. 86. —
French Master. Mons. Albert Barr&re.
Captain Instructor Royal Laboratory. Major H. M. J. — —
German Master. Dr. F. Althaus.
Feilden, 19 Feb. 87.

School of Military Engineering.

(For Instructing the Corps in Military Field Worhs, at Chatham.)
Commandant. — Colonel
R. N. Dawson-Scott (from h.p. Assistant Instructor for Charge of Workshops. Lieut. —
R. En^.), I Apr, 88. J. Winn, I July 88.
Assist. Commandant.— Lt.Colone] J. Fellowes, 22 May 83. Instructor in Flectricify. -CaTptain P. Cardew, 10 Feb. 86.

Brigade Major and Secretary. Major W. J. GaUwey, 4 Assistant Instructor in Electricity. Captain R. L. Hip- —
June 84. pisley, 30 Jan. 86.
Instructor in Construction if Estimating. Lt.Colonel — Assistant Instructor in Chemistry, Photography, <^-c. —
A. J. C. Cunningham, 12 Jan. 85. Captain A. M. Mantell, i Aug. 88.
Assistant do. (Jo.— Captain W. H. Turton, i Apr. 88. —
Instructor in Submarine Mining. Major A, T, Preston,

Instructor in Surveying. Major J. du T. Bogle, 22 Nov. 84. 16 May 86.
Assistant Instructors in Surveying. Captain W. A. Gale,— Assistant Instructors in Submarine Mining. Captain —
16 Sept. 86. H. N. Dumbleton, 25 May 85.
Captain 0. W. R. St. John, 7 March 88. [27 Aug. 87. Captain F. R. Reynolds, 6 Feb. 83.
Instructor in Field Fortifications. Major J. W. Savage,— Instructor in Military History, Strategy and Law. Bt. —
Assistant Instructors in Field Fortifications. Captain — Major H. W. Smith, 28 June 83.
G. E. Shute, 22 Aug. 84. —
Instructor in Ballooning. Major J. L. B. Templer, 7 Bn,
Lieut. A. W. Roper, i Nov. 88. King's Royal Rifles, i Apr. 87.
School of Musketry at Hythe.

Commandant. Colonel J. M. G. Tongue, h.p. South Wales Borderers, 31 Jan. 85.

Deputy Assistant Adjutant General. Major'F. M. Salmoiid, Soots Fusiliers, i Feb. 84.

Chief Instructor. Lt.Colonel W. C. Mackinnon, h.p. 3 Foot, 9 March 85.
^'*'°^' ^- ^- °- ^- Glcndonwyn, Welsh Regiment, i Aug. 86.
Ca^^tain Inst,
ucto, s.
| -^^^^^ ^ g^j^^ Derbyshire Regiment, i Jan. 87.

Higl^land Light Infantry 16 May 86

Lieutenant Instructors. ^^S^^^^' f,' ^,- ^"'i,*'
(Lieut. G. G. A. Egerton, Seaforth Highlanders, i Oct. 87.

Qr. blaster, Acting Adjutant and Acting Paymaster. Moore Murphy, 21 Dec. 81 zndLf. 31 Oct. 77 : ; Lt. 22 July i

Hon.Capt. 31 Oct. 87.

Surgeon.— Brigade Surgeon J. Coatea, MP. retired pay, i Sept. 81.
Army Medical School, Netley,
Sir T. Crawford, MD. KCB., Director General Army Medical Department, President.
Surgeon General Sir Joseph Fayrer, MD., KCSI., Physician to the Council of India.
The Professors of the Army Medical School.
The Principal Medical 0£acer at Netley (ex- officio)
Peofbssobs. Assistant Pbofessobs.
Clinical and Military Surgery.— SnTgeon General Sir T. Clinicaland Military Surgery, —
Brigade Surgeon C. H. Y.
Longmore, Kni. CB. h.p. Godwin.
Clinical and Military Medicine. Deputy Surgeon Gen.— —
and Military Medicine. Surgeon Major J. F.
D. B. Smith, MD. late Bengal Estab. i Apr. 85. Beat 2in.
Military Hygiene. — Surgeon Major J. L. Notler, MD. Mili/a ?.— Sur^^eon A. M. Davies.
6 Oct. 88. Pa/linl, ,'eon H. S. M'Gill.
Pathology.— Sir W. Aitken. MD. Seci-.fa irich Theodor Gustav Borchcrt, Esq.
Royal Military School of Music, Kneller Hall.
CommaninH^.— Colonel T. B. Shaw-Hellier (from h.p. 4 Director of Music. —
C. Cousins, i Nov. 74.
Dragoon Guards), 21 May 88. Chaplain (Act ing) .—Rev Robert Halpin,
. MA. h.p.
Quarter Mastrr.- Fred. H. Mahony, 15 Aug. 87 ; Hon. I July S2.
Cnvt'iix. '! May 84.
Royal Military Asylum, Chelsea. The Chaplain General.
The Judge Advocate General.
The Director General of Military Education.
Ex Officio.
Specially Appointed.
The Secretary of State for War, President. Field Marshal TT.ffi.iZ". The Duke of Cambridge, XG
His Royal Highness the Commander in Chief, T'l GCB. KP. GCSI. GCMG. GCIE. Grenadier Gds., &c!
President. General Hon. Sir A. Hamilton-Gordon, KCB. Leinster
The Bishop of London. Regiment.
The Bishop of Winchester. General Rt. Hon. Sir Edward Lugard, GCB. East
The Paymaster General. Surrey Regiment.
The Under Secretaries of State for War Field Marshal Lord Wm. Paulet, GCB. Durham Light
The Quarter Master General. Infantry.
The Adjutant General. General Sir R. C. H. Taylor, KCB. Cameron High-
The Governor of Chelsea Hospital. landers.
The Lisutenant Governor of Chelsea Hospital. Major General J. P. Battersby, retired pav.
The Governor of the Royal Military College. Gereral Sir A. 3. Herbert, KCB.
iConiinueJ on n-jt p,ne.
15 Educational Establishments.
Head Masfer.-Mr. John H. Gibbons. Second Master.—
ROTAI, MiLiTAET AsTLUM, Chblsea (conftnued).
Commanifinif.— Lt.ColorelJ. W. Fitzgerald (from h.p. Mr. Francis M. Dowling. Third 3faster.—Mr. M.
Essex Regiment), 7 July S7. Treacy. J'oiir/i Master.— yir. A. Wilson.
Qunr/fcKas/fraHif -ic(/«'<'«^— E. C. Thomas, 3 Aug. S6;

Medical OJicer— Surgeon Maior W. S. Pratt, MB. Army Schools.

CTtaplain.—Sev. C. A. So\he. BA. Inspectors of Army Schools, with hon. rank of Captain.
MoDBL School. Master— r. Carson, IIo7i.Liei>t.
J7fa<? 14 Feb. 84
Third Master— 'Ht. Thos. C. Sherwood
Second Matter— Ut. W. Fryer.
J A. Smears. Fourth Maafer—lsiT.Vf .iTwin, BA. Sub Inspectors of Army Schools, with hon. rank of Lieut.
EdwardBramhall 6 Dec. 79 Edward Bacon... 2 Apr. 84
Thomas Carson 1 1 Feb. 80 George Green ...19 Apr. 84
Jas. Gordon Kidd 7 July 80 J. B. Eldridge ...13 July 84
Royal Hibernian Military School, Dublin, Robert Bell 7 July 80 T. J. Flinter 9 Nov. 84
Alfred Cooper ...25 Aug. 80 Henry Hebb 25 Mar. 85
Commamtanf. -Colonel F. C. Hill, h.p. Essex Regiment,
George Ruggles i Apr. 81 John Masterson 12 Apr. 85
R. W.M'Governei4 Sept. 81 Frederic Major.. 12 Aug. 85
QwaWer" a/aVer and Adjutant.— G. Cook, 8 Sept. 86;
Rich. T. Kenny 12 July S2 John C. Perkins i June 86
Son. Captain, 7 Aug. 75. ,

Surgeon.— X)e\i. Surg. Gen. J. H. Whittaker, retired pa,y.

William Redman 2 Dec. 82 J. J. Kavanagh 30 June 86
Chaplains.— Bev. Robert Foster, BA., Eev. J. il. Thos. W. Smith 27 Feb. 84 Edw. J. Annett 12 Jan. 87
Hamilton, MA., Sev. M. Donovan.

°'-'^"'"'" ^c^one. (.i^ran. of Major General)
First Assistant
..^^^^^^^^^^ iS'i'^b.
.Captain P. L. Nathan, R. Artillery, i Feb. I

Second Assistant
Royal Arsenal, "Woolwich.
Eorjal Carriage Factory. Building Works.
Superintendent, Lt.Colonel M. T. Sale, CMG.
Superintendent, Uaior T. EngUsh, R. Eng. ... i Dec. 87
Apr. 88
(from h. p. Royal Engineers) i

Eoyal Laboratory. First Assistant, Major D. O'Brien, Royal Eng. i Apr, 88

Second Assistant, Captain H. H. Muirhead,
Superintendent, Colonel W.R.Barlow,h.p.R. Art. 27Feb.85 Royal Engineers i Apr. 88
In charge of Danger Buildings, Captain G. T.
i Apr. 88
Kelaart, R. Artillery (Royal Arsenal).
1 Apr. 88
Medical Officers
Lieut. C. E. English, Royal Artillery
Surgeon Major W. MB
D. Wilson, 6 Aug. 84
Royal Gun Factory. Surgeon Major G. T. Langridge 22 Feb. 84
Si/perinienden*. Capt.F.Younghusband.iJ.iV. i Apr. 88 Surgeon U. J. Bourke

Royal Small Arms Factory at Enfield. Royal Gunpowder Factory at Waltham Abbey.
Superintendent, J. 'R\g\iy,F,Bq^., MA 15 Oct. 87 S«/)ersHf?nifeH/, Col. W.H.Noble, h.p. R.Art.... i July 85
In charge of Danger Buildings, Major P. W. J.
Royal Small Arms Factory at Birmingham. Barker, R. Artillery i Apr. 85
5'MpenncZ<.Lt.Col.W.M'Clintock(fromh.p.R.A.) i Feb. 88

Royal Army Clothing Depot.

Director of Clothing, George D. Ramsay, CB. I Medical Officer, Dep. Surg. Gen. H. R. L. Veale, MD,
Assistant Director, O. H. Morshead. I
retired pay.
Storekeeper, H. L. Kennedy. I
Inspector of Colours, Sir Albert Wm. Woods, CB. Garter
King of Arms.


(Under the Director of Artillery).
Ordnance Committee.
President General 5i> M. A. S. Biddulph, XCB. R. Ai-tiUery S Feb. 86
Vice-President Rear-Admiral H. P. Nicholson, CB. R.N i June 87
Lt. Colonel J. A. S. Colquhoun, h. p., R. Art. I Lt. Colonel E. Bainbridge i Oct. 1

(Ord.Con6ultingOfficerforIndia.).Ea;-o^cjo 13 Nov. 85 Colonel V. G. Clayton 23 Apr. I

Captain H. W. Dowding, R.N 14 Apr. 87 |

W. H. Barlow, Esq., M.Insi.CE. VPBS. i Apr. I

Captain A. N. Douglas, R.N 22 Aug. 87 I SirF.J. Breimwell.Knt.M.Inst.CE.FIiS. i Apr. i

Colonel C. H. F. Ellis i Apr. 88 I

Secretary Major D. D. T. O'Callaghan, R. Artillery i Apr. 88

Assistant Secretary Commander B. H. Chevallier, R.N 6 Apr. 87
Committee on Explosives.
President Sir F. A. Abel, Knt. CB. FES 10 July 88
Professor J. Dowar, Jf4. FJES. 10 July SS Professor A. Dupre,
| J'JIS'. 10 July 1

Department of Director of Artillery.

Major H. S.S.Watkin.R. Artillery (Jjwpccfor I Captain J. H. Thomson, R. Artillery 4 May !

of Position Finding) i Apr. 86 Captain J. R. Poster, R. Artillery i Apr, i

Captain W. C. SavUle, R. Artillery 5 Sept. 83 |

Smali, Abms.
Chief Inspector Colonel W. H. King-Harman I Feb.
Infjiector Bt.Lt.Colonel W. Hunter, R. Artillery I Feb.
itt Class Assistant Major W. N. Lockyor, R. Artillery ....
Laboeatoiit Stores.
Inspector Captain C. F. Hadden R. Artillery ... Apr.
2nd Class Assistant Inspector Lieut. A. H. W. Dod, R. Artillery Apr.
Ct798 a»d Steel.
("Major P. L. -Macgrogor, R. Artillery -
, Feb. I

Inspectors •U
i Captain A. P. Pcnlon. U. Artilleiy.
(.Captain H. C. L. Holdon, R. Artillery
Feb. i

m„-. Assistant
_j Clots j...-.4„«< Inspector,
r«.„..<.,-. C Captain P. M. Lowe, R. Artillery
IcaptainE. T. Young. R. Artillery i Apr. (
Cummittees and Inspection of Warlike Stores. i6
Inspector Captain D. F. Downintf, R. Artillery i Pgb.
2nd Claat Assistani Inapector Lieut. G. H. Harrison, K. Kngiacers . Feb.
1st Clats Assistant Ingpector Captain E. Ward, R. Artillery i Feb 88
Inspector J. A. C. Hay, CE I Apr. 74
Superintendent p.s.c. Com. Gen. of Orel. J. T. Earriustnn, retired pay
Assistant Superintendent Qr. Mr. W. McGanlis, Ordnance Store De'partme'nt.T!'.. .!!!!!!!!! i Apr". 88
Assistant Inspectors at Outstations.— First Class.
Gibraltar Major F. C. Morgan, R. Artillery ^ Mar 86
Malta Lieut. W. W. Gritfin, R. Artilleiy .'.;;;;... 23 Mar! 88
Second Class.
Sermuda :Major E. B. Evans, R. Artillery 5 Nov. 85
Cape Town Major T. Mayliew, R. Artillery '

'^l_ i Sept.87
Ceylon Captain A. C. Burmester, R. Artillery '.','
4 Dec 86
Cork Major J. P. Freeth, R. Artillery i Apr'. 86
Devonport Major C. W. Kennaway, R. Artillery i Fpb' 87
Halifax,N.H Major G. Will, R. Artillery .'..'....;; j, Dec! 85
Hong Kong Captain P. R, Simmons, R. Artillery 5 May 86
Mauritius Lieut. H. H. Rich, R. Artillery 16 Auf. 87
Portsmouth Major H. Crofton, R. Artillery i Apr! 86
Instructobs in Position Finding.
Woolieirli Lieut. H. Waring, R. Artillery i juiy 88
Plymouth Captain J. Lewes, R. Artillery '
ir jvilv 88
Golden Hill Lieut. B. F. Hoblyn, R. Artillery '.

15 juiy 88
Portsmouth Lieuc. E. S. Cooper, R. Artillery 15 July 33
Army Sanitary Committee.
President UlE Major-General Str R. H. BuUer, KCJB. KCMG 15 Oct. 87
Colonel H. Locock i Nov. 87 Surgeon General Kr J. Fayrer, RCSI. MD.
Surgeon General J. 13. C. Reade, CB i Apr. 88 (for India) 2G Jan. 7i
Colonel H. Yule, t'ii. r.l.p. [for India) 27 Jan. 76 SirT).Gii\ton,JS:CB.late Capt. R. Eno-.
Sir R. Rawlinson, KCIi. CE „ Dec 6^
Secretary J. J Frederick i xjec 62 ' '

Royal Engineer Committee.

President ..._ Colonel R. N. Dawson-Scott 1 Apr.
Ex-officio Members. Associate Members.
Sir F. A. Abel, Knt. CB. FRS. 13 Aug. 67 Bt.Lt.Colonel R. H. Jelf, Royal Engineers _ Apr. 87
Colonel W. Salmond, Royal Engineer j Oct. 84 Major G. Barker, Royal Engineers 15 Dec. 87
Colonel R. H. Vetch, Royal Engineers 2 Aug. 84 p.s.c. Major C. F. C. Beresford, R. Engineers i Jan. 85
Lt. Colonel R. Y. Armstrong Ro.yal Eng. ... 1 Apr. 76 Captai R. M. Ruck, Royal Engineers i Apr. 87
Lt. Colonel A. J. C. Cunningham, R. Eng... 12 Jan. 85
Major J. W. Savage, Royal Engineers 27 Aug. 87
Major J. du T. Bogle, Royal Engineers 22 Nov. 84
Captain P. Cardew, Royal Engineers i Apr. 87

Major A. T. Preston, Royal Engineers 1 Apr. 87

Secretary Captain L. B. Friend, Roy Engineers 15 Dec. 84

Cavalry Depot at Canterbury.
Csmiiunidaiif. —CG\oi\el J. C. Russell (from h.p. 12 Lan- Paymaster.— fitSiS: Paymaster W. M. Playfair.
cer.s), 8 Apr. 87. Riding Master.— Th.omn,B Henry Jones', 25 June
Assinftntt Commundmit and Superintendent of the Riding Hon. Major, 15 June 87.
Department.— Co\one\ Hon. W. J. Stewart (from h.p. Quarter Master.— 'RenTj Thomas Naylor, 22 Aug. 82

12 Lancers), i Jan. 88. Hon. Lieut.

Adjufunt. — Major C. E. Beck, 12 Lancers, 25 Apr. 84.

Remount Establishment.
Insjieclor General {withranl- of Major General) .-Colonel Colonel C. F. Morton (from h.p. 14 Hussars), 19 Oct. 87.
F. G. Ravenhill, i Oct. 87. Head Quarters.
Assistant Inspectors. Staff Captains.
Colonel S. P. Lynes (from h.p. R. Art.), 19 Oct. 87. Captain H. J. Blagrove, 13 Hussars, 5 Nov.
Woolirich. Captain J. J. Porteous, R. Art. 26 Sept. 88.
Colonel F. M. Drew (from h.p. 7 Hussars), 19 Oct. 87.

Physic and Suraeon. J —

M'Munn,3 MD. h.p.
Royal Hospital, Chelsea. .Nov. 68.
Oovernor. — Field Marshal Sir Patrick Grant, GCB.
Deputy Surgeo Thomas Ligertwood,^ MD. h.p.
13 Jan. 69.
GCMG. Royal Horse Guards, 20 Feb. 74.

Quarter Master. Richard Barry Jan.
Lt.Go-.ernor '1!^ Secrtlary.— ViAoucl E. A. Stuart, h.p. PP. Ho7i. ;

Captain, 9 Sept. Si.

Regimental District, 13 March 85.
Atsutanf Sevreturij. — J. liuwliug. Captains of Inoalids.
Adjutant.— 3<>hT. J anus Charles J.Vander H.Rees, late 40 1-*, Colonel A. Green, ret. pay.
Irby,i h.p. Unattached,
7 Sejjt. 35 >;».«.
7 ; MajorJ.W.Daniell, Major E. Brutton, ret. p jy.
Jan. 51 It.S Oct. 54 ; Capt. 16 Jan.
63: Ilou. Major, 20 Mar. 78. Major E. W. Humphry, ret. Lt. Colonel J. M. Tmgcombe,
Chaplain.— lieo. Sydney Clark, MA. h.p. 2 Feb. 78. pay. retired pay.
1 Major Irby sen-ed the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, icluding the battles of Alma and Inkerman, capture of
Balaklava, siege of Sebastopol, repulse of sortie on 26th Oct. 1855, and storming the Quarries on 7t la June 1855-
ieverely wounded, left leg amputated (mentioned in despatches. Medal with three Clasps, and Turkish Medal).
2 Doctor J. A. M'Munn served in the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the siege of Sebastopol (Medal
Dlasp, and Turkish Medal).
* Doctor T. Ligertwood served throughout the Crimean campaign of 1854-55, including the battles of Alma
ioned in despatches) and Inkerman, siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with three Clasps, Knight of the Lei'ioa
)f Honor, and Turkish Medal)
117 Miscellaneous EstaUishments.
Judge Advocate General's Office. Army Pay Office.
JudqeAamcate General of the United Kingdom— Ht. Son. Paymaster General.— A. W. B. Sari Brownie
Sir William Thackeray Marriott, QC. MP. Assistant Paymaster General,
Deputy Judge Advocate General.— 3. C. O'Do'svcl, Esq. CB^.
Deputy Judge Advocate.—p.g.c. Lt.Col. F. A. Eardley Wil-
mot, h.p. Northumberland Fusiliers, London.
Office. 35. Great George Street, Westminster.
Military Prisons.
Royal Hospital, Kilmainham. Inspector General.— Uaior General Sir E. P. Du Cane,
-Uajr/er.— The Commander of the Forces in Ireland. KCB., pay R. Eug.
•r • , „
-ir ^
Joint Dep. Masters.
C The Deputy Adj. Gen. in Ireland. Inspectors.— \f. P. Pagan, W. J. Stopford, H. Wakeford.
ThcDep. Quarter Master Gen. do.
Aldershot.— Chief Warder, A. Hill.
Captain of Invalids. Med. Off., Brig. Surg. V/. F. Routledge, ret. pay.
Major George Cresswell, retired pay. Cork.— Chief Warder, H. Antoney.

Adiufanf. Major John Farmer, retired pay 4 Hussars, Med. Off., Brigade Surg. U. A. Jenings, MD. ret. pay,

8 Jan. 87. Dublin. Chief Warder, 0. Jacups.
Physician and Siiri/coH.— William Carte.i 13 Aug. 58. Med. Off., Surgeon Major N. Alcock.
Secretary.— Langrishe F. Banks. Gosport.—Gov., Lt.Colonel H. Waring, ret. pay 2 Foot.

Quiirfer Master. Lieut. James Watson,* h.p. Mil. Train; 3Ied. Off., Surgeon E. Chandler, h.p.
Jlon.Captain. Malta.— Chief Warder, J. C. Bundy.
Solicitor.— S. Hobson.Esq [Blue. Facings Red.
Mr. Carte served in the Eastern campaign of 1854-53, including the battles of Balaklava and Inkerman, siege of
Sebastopol. and sortie of 26th Oct. (Medal with Clasps, and Turkish Medal).
' Lieut. James Watson served in the Sutlej campaign of 1845-46 with the 30th Regiment, and was present at the

battles of Moodkee, Perozeshah, Aliwal. and Sobraon— severely contused bullet wound in the chest (Medal with
three Clasps). Served throughout the Eastern campaign of 1S54-55, including the battles of Alma and Inkerman,
and siege of Sebastapol (Medal with three Clasps, and Turkish Medal).

List of Officers, noiv serving in the Army, luho fassed the Examination and received
Certificates at the Senior Department, Royal Military College.
Addison, Lt.General J. E. Johnston, General T.H.Berkshire Regt. (66 P.), June 1828-
Bagot, Major General George, r.f.p. Brigade Depot. Longden, General Sir H. E. KCB. CSI. Lincolnshire Regt.
Borton, General Sir A. GCB. GCMG. i W.I.R.Nov. 1839. May 1842.
Cameron, Lt.General Wm. Gordon, CB. May 1853. M'Cleverty, General W. A. Northampton Regt. Dec. 1830.
Cox, Major General J. W. CB. Nov. 1S47. Macdonell, General Sir Alex. KCB. Rifle Brigade.
Cranfield, Captain G. D. h.p. Unatt. Macdougall, General Sir P. L. KCMG. 2 Bn. W. I. Regi-
Douglas, Gen. Sir Robert Percy, Bart. North Stafford- ment, May 1842.
shire Regt. Nov. 1834. Paterson, Colonel Wm. TJnatt. Nov. 1S55.
D'Oyly, Major General J. W. Nov. 1847. Patterson, Major General W. T. L. May 1852.
Eagar, Major General R. J. CB. May 18^7. Peacocke, Major General G. J. Dec. 1856.
Ewart, General Sir J. A., KCB. Gordon Highlanders.May Sankey, General Wm. CB. Nov. 1S52.
1845. Sawyer, Lt.General C. 7 Dragoon Guards, Nov. 1S41.
Gordon, Major General C. E. P. CB. Nov. 1844. General M. W. CB. 15 Hussars, Nov. 1839
" '

Hardinge, Gen.Mon. Sir A. E. KCB. C/^.King's R. Rifles. Stapylton, Major General G. G. C. May 1S49.
Hutchinson, Gcn.W.N. Yorkshire Regt.(33 F.), Nov.1833. Stewart, Major A. P. h.p. 36 F. Dec. 1857.
Jarvis, Colonel S. P. CMG. h.p. 82 P. May 1856. Wilson, GeneralT. M. Manchester Regt. (26 F.),May 1S34

List of Officers, noii'^ serving, loho have passed the Staff College.
Passed, December 1858. Maxwell, Colonel R. J., h.p. Man- Clery, Colonel C. P.. CB. h.p. 32 P.
Petrie, Bt.Lt.Colonel M., h.p. 97 P.
chester Regt. (96 P.) Harvey, Colonel C. L., Wilts. Regt.
Shaw, Bt.Major W., Dublin Fusiliers. VdL Sartorius, Colonel E. H., h.p.
Passed, December 1859. East Lancashire Regt. (59 P.)
Passed, December 1866.
Twjmam, Colonel P. A. A., CB. Little, Colonel H. A., Bengal S.C.
Regimental District. Barker, Major General G. D. *,* In the foregoiuff lists the names
Hatchell, Colonel G., Rifle Depot,
Passed, December 1860. are placed in the Order of Merit in
which the Officers passed the final
Wavell.Colonel A.H.,h.p.Welsh Regt. Farrington, Colonel H. D'O., Regi-
Examination, as officially notified;
Feilding, Major General ifon.W. H.A. mental District.
but, the Order cf Merit in which
*Grant, Colonel R., h.p. R. Eng. Blundell, Colonel R. B. H., 3 Hussars.
Officers have passed out of the Staff
Passed, December 1861.
Hood, Li.Col. W. C, W. Surrey Regt. College having ceased to be disclosed,
Hall, Colonel T. E. A., h.p. 49 F. Passed, December 1867. their names in the following lists are
H. H., E. Lanc.Regt.
Griffiths, Lt.Col. consequently given" in the Order of
Passed, December 1862. Merit in which they passed, into the
Pitman, Captain W., h.p. R. M. Art.
Bast, Colonel C. J., CB. h.p. 57 P. Nelson, Captain W. P., B. Art. Stair College.
Baker, Major Geu. Sir T. D., KCB. Prior, Colonel G. U., h.p. Royal Scots.
EUcs, Colonel W. K., Cif.h.p.38F. Boyle, Lt.Colonel G.E.. Rifle Brigade.
Passed, December 1871.
Black, Colonel W., CB. Butler, Lt.Colonel H. T.,h.p. 13 Hus. Roberts, Major P., R. Artillery.
Passed, December 1863. Moorsom, Colonel H. M., R. Art. Sohwabe, Col. G. S., h.p. 16 Lancers.
Vnder the liules of 1861. Campbell, Col. C, CB. h.p. 7 Dra. Gds. Moffat, Major H. B., South Wales
Borderers (24 P.)
Ogilvy, Colonel W. L. K., h.p. King's
Passed, December 1868. Jones-Vaughaii, Colonel H. T., h.p.
Royal Rifles (60 P.)
Clarke, Lt.Col. P. C. H., CMG. R.Art. Kast Yorkshire Regt.
Vnder the Rules of 1862. Nicolls, Colonel O. HA., R. Art.
Arbutbnot.Uol. W., Cii. h.p. 14HU8. Holmes, Col. A. L'E. H., Bengal S.C.
Walker, Col. A. L., Regtl. Dist. Lascelles, Col. W. R., h.p. Rifle Brig.
Passed, December 1864. Hollist, Major E. O., R. Art. Cardew, Colonel P., S. Lane. Regt.
Goodenough, Major General W. H., Crcalock, Colonel J. N., CB. h.p. Dundas. Lt.Colonel H. L., h.p. F
Ci>. U. Artilleiy- Regimental District. Yorkshire Regt. (15 P.)
Clive, Major General E. H. Gary, Lt.Col. L. P. B., Rifle Brigade.
Passed, December 1872.
yjC Wood, Major General Sir H. E.,
Passed, December 1869. Hart, Colonel A. PitzRoy, East Surrey
KCB. GCMG. Regt. (31 P.)
Blundell,Col. H.B.lI.,CK.h.p.Gr.Gd8. Boughcy, Colonel J., h.p. Wilts Regt.
Knowles, Colonel C. B., CB. h.p. Walsh, Captain C. H., h.p. 44 P. Hammick, Lt.Col. Sir St. V. A., Bt.
Cooke, Lt.Col. W. S., Cheshire Regt. h.p. Oxford Light Infantry (43 P.)
Hampshiro Uegt. (67 K.)
TuUoch, Col. A. B., CB. h.p. Welsh de Montmorencj', Colonel R. O. , Irish
Passed, December 1865. Regt. Rifles (83 P.)
MacGrcgor, Colonel II. G., h.p. Prankland, Colonel C, Regtl. Dist. St.Clair.Lt.Colonel T. S. .Berks Regt.
WorcestcrBhirc Regt. (29 F.) Chapman, (Joloncl E. P., CB. R. Art. Boyle, Colonel E. V., R, Art.
Suthcr, Colonel C. C, R. M. Art. England, Colonel E. L., Regtl. Dist.
Passed, December 1870.
Robinson, Col. C. W., CB. h.p. Rifle Gosset, Col.M.W.E.,Ci?. Dorset Regt.
Brig. Mitchell, Colonel H. L., R.Art. Bunbury, Lt.Col. C. H., Connaught
Knollys, Lt.Colonel H., R. Art. Maurice, Colonel J. P., R. Art. Rangers (94 P.)
PaBSCd the Final Examinatiori without having gone through the College.
List of Officers, now serving, wJio have passed the Staff Collene.
Hall, Major B. G., H. Marine Art.
Essex, Lt.Colonel E., Gordon High
Buxtor Maj.J.W.F.,Inniskilling Fiis Johnson, Capt. R.P., R. Artillery.
, landers (75 P.) Hughes, Major P. J., Scottisli Rifles.
Brickendea, Major K. H. L., Black Woodgate, Bt. Major E. R. P., Lancas-
Watch (42 F.) T'dy-Ma^orF-'f-.E. Lancashire Regt.
ter Regt. (4 P.)
Ronth, Major W. R., Suffolk Ho"t
Hill, Bt.Lt.Col. R., Dorsetshire Regt.
Dooner, Lt.Col. W. T., Innisk. Fus.
Goldsmirt, Lt.Colonel A. E.
h.p. Munster Fusiliers).
W (from Herbert, Lt.Colonel I. J. C.,Gron.(}ds
I igott. Major J. C. M.,
Collen, Bt.Lt.ColonelB. H. H., Bengal Morison, Major P. de L., h.p. R. Scots. Berks Regt.
Stafl" Corps {luissed into the College
Hughes-Hallett, Major H. T., Mid- Yeatherd
with the preceding Class), dlesex Regt. (57 p.) Capt.B.W.,Lanca8terRegt.
Cochran, Lt.Col. P., Hampshire Regt Cutbill,
Passed, December X873. Auld, Major J., Northumberland Pus
Major H. D. A., Irish Rifles.
Clayton, Lt.Colonel E., h.p. R. Art. Impey, Major A. 6., Sussex Regt.
Passed, December 1882.
Dalrymple, Colonel W. L., h.p. Con- VuUiamy.MajorC.W., Leicester Regt.
naught Rangers (S8F.) Hare, Major R. C, Cheshire Regt. Morris, Major A. W., Northampton-
shire Regt. (58 P.) ^
Wallbrd, Major N. L., R. Art.
Gorham, Colonel C. A., h.p. R. Art. Passed, December 1878. Lloyd, Major E., Bengal Staff
Morshead, Major A. A., South FC Bell, Colonel M. S., R. Eng Haig, Captain H.deH.,R. Engineers.
Wales Borderers (24 F.) Kane, Bt.Major M. N. G., Seaforth Lccle, Miijor .1. 11, R. Marine Art.
M'Causland, Lt.Col. M. F. H., R. Art Highlanders (72 P.) James, Bt.Major W. C, 2 Dragoons.
Bury, Major J. T.. R. Art. Gunter, Lt.Colonel E., h.p. E. Lanca- Trotter, Major J. K., R. ArtUlery.
Russell, Colonel F. S., h.p. shire Regt. Dalton. Major J. C, R. Artillery.
i Drs.
Andrews, Major J. W., Devon Regt. Rothwell, LtColonel J. S.,h.p.R. Art. Mortimer, Captain H. B., North Staf-
Murray, Col.C. W., Gloucester Regt. Watson, Major H. J., n Hussars tordshire Regt. (64 P
Cooper, Major H., N.Lancashire Regt. Everett, Lt.Colonel W., C3IG. h.p. Allen, Bt.Lt.Col. R. E.,E.York Regt.
Duncan, Col. J., h.p. DubUn Fusiliers. West Riding Regt. Hulton, Captain C. M., Oxford Lt Inf
Poignand, Major G., Leinster Regt. Luttman-Johnson, Major P York Stephenson, Major T. E., Essex Regt,
Burnett, Col. C. J., Irish Rifles. and Lancaster Regt. (65 P )' Bromfield, Capt. P. W., Cheshire Regt.
•Hutchinson, Lt.Col.W. F. M., R. Art. Reynolds, Lt.Colonel H. C, h.p. Dur- Gordon, Major .1. M., ScotsFus (-iF \
ham Light Infantry (106 F ) Balfe.CaptainE., Bombay Staff Corps.
Passed, December 1874. Pergusson, Major J. A.,Rifle Bri trade
Passed, December 1883.
Hare, Major W. A. H., R. Eng. Maes,Lt.Co1.H.S.G.,h.p.MunsteT-Fus.
Ardagh, Colonel J. C, OS. Paterson, Major A.M., Bedford Regt. Groves,Maj.E.A.W.S., W. Kent Regt.
Walker, Major A. G., R. Art. Goodwyn, Major J. E., E. Lane. Regt Gough, Bt.Lt.Col. Ifo«.G. H.,i4hSs
Pratt, Lt.Colonel S. C. (from R. Art •Lloyd, Major T. H., R. Artillery. Beckett, Major C. E., 3 Hussars
Creek, Lt.Col. E. S., Welsh Fusiliers. Codrington, Capt. A. E., Coldst. Gds.
Passed, December 1879. Verner, Capt. W. W. C, Rifle Brig.
Taylor, Lt.Colonel G. L. Le M. Grove, Colonel C, CB. E.YorkRe^t Bell, Colonel C. W. B., h.p. 8 HusT
Courtenay, Major E. J., Sussex Regt. Leverson, Capt. J. J., R. Engineers. Stone, (Japtain P. G., R. Artillery.
Gatacre, Colonel W. F., h.p. Middle- M Donald, Major G., R. Engineers settle. Major H. ^l.,V.. Enffiiieers.
sex Regt. (77 P.) Elles, Major E. R., R. Artillery. Barrow,Bt.Mai.A.F.,r'J/(; Bi-iiL-- S.C
Boulderson,ColonelF.,h.p.i7Lancers. Jocelyn, Major J. R. J., R. Artillery. Sawyer, Capt. W. 11., Lancaster Regt!
Lngard, Colonel E. J. , Lancaster Regt. Huyshe, Dep. Assist. Com. Gen. E.V. St. Clair, Captain .T.L. 0., Ar-vUand
Tidy, Major A.G.,N.Lancashire Regt. Sutherland Hitcblanders (gi'p )
Passed, December 1875. Stringer, Major P. .Welsh Fusiliers. Grant, Colonel H. P., CB. 7 Dr Gds
Pollock, Major A. J. O., Scots Pus. ITffi Ridgeway, Major R. K., Ben.
Morris, Major W. G., R. Eng. S.C.
Dawes, Col. B.M., h.p. Leinster Regt. Glasgow, Major J. C. R., Suffolk Regt. Barter, Capt. C. St. L., York Lt. Inf.
Hall, Colonel W. B. R., R. Art. Bickford, Bt.Lt.CoLW.G.T., h.p.R M. Swame, Maj. E. E., Inniskilling Pus.
Yule, Major W. A., Scots Fusiliers. Artillery. Mortimer, Major C. L., R. Pusilier.s
Kitchener, Major H. E. C, Duke of Ponsonby,Major J. G.,BerkshireRegt. Wilkinson, Major A., S. Lane. Reg'..
Cornwall's Lt. Infantry (46 P.) Nash, Major E., Essex Regt. (56 P.) Duke, Capt. J. C, W. Riding Regt.
James, Major P. W. Norfolk Regt. Craigie, Major J. H. S., Highland

Brownrigg, Major H.S., Rifle Brig. Light Infantry (71 P.)

Passed, December 1884.
Orr, Colonel S. B., h.p. 94 P. Talmer, Major G. H., R. Art. Darwin, Captain L., R. Engince-^s.
Noyes, Lt.Colonel G. A., R. Artillery. 'Spencer, Major J. W. T., R. Art. Beaufort, Captain P., R. Artillery
Kelly-Kenny, Col.T., h.p. AV. Surrey Wisely, Captain G. A. K., R. Eng.
Passed, December 1880. S.awyer, Major H. A., Bengal S. C.
Elias, Lt.Colonel R., h.p. E. Lanca- Beresford, Major C. P, O., R. En<' Lake, Captain P. H. N., E. Lanc.Regt.
shire Regt. Montgomery. Major R. A., R. Art. Wynne, Major G. C, Artillery.
Curteis, Col. R.L.H. Bedford Regt.
Dunlop, Major H. D., R. Art. Briscoe, Captain R.h.p. Bengal S C
Glen, Lt.Col. A., Lincolnshire Regt. Benson, Major P. W., 17 Lancers. Moody, Major R. S. H., The Buffs.
Wardroper, Lt.Col. E., Sussex Regt. Browne, Captain G.P., DSO. North- More-Molyneux,Capt.G.H.,Ben2-.S.C.
Jdardley-Wilmot, Lt.Colonel W. A., amptonshire Regt. (48 P.) Banfield, Major R. j. P., Welsh Regt.
h.p. Northumberland Pus.
(5 F )
Romilly, Bt.Major P.W., DSO. Scots Sharpe, Capt. E. J., Middlesex Regt.
•Harrison, Major Gen. R., CB. C2IG. Guards. Hammond, Major P. H., R. Art.
Bullock, Captain G. M., Devon Regt Butler, Capt. L.W.G., King's R. Rifles.
Passed, December 1876. Paterson, Lt.Colonel A. J.,York Regt Lawrence. Major R. C. B., Dr. Gds. i

Pilklngton, Major H., R. Eng. Allatt, Major H. T. W., DuKe of Watson, Major A. J., Suflblk Regt.
Grover, Lt.Colonel G. E., R. Eng. Cornwall's Light Infantry (46 P.) Thornton,Captain P. S., Rifle Brigade
Brunker, Maj. H. M. E., Scottish Rif. Thomson, Major C. P., 7 Hussars.
VUhers, Colonel Hon. G. P. H., CMQ. Pnckett, Maj. T., Essex Regt. (56 P.) Passed, December 1885.
Grenadier Guards. Godfray, Major J. W., King's Own Ptopford, Bt.M,ajorfibn.F.W.,Gr.Gds.
Murray,Colonel K.D. ,DSO. Irish Fus. Scottish Borderers. Grierson, Captain J. M., Royal Art.
Morgan, Colonel A. B., CB. h n Crookenden, Major H. H., R. Art. Walker, Capt. H. C. C, Royal Art.
Norfolk Regt. (passed into the College with the pre- Foster, Capt. H. J., Royal Engineers.
Marshall, Major L., Lancashire Pus. ceding Class). Sharpe, Capt. J. B., Royal EngiuLers.
Carrie, Col. A. D., Welsh Regt. (41 P.) Jeffreys, Bt.Lt.Colonel P. D., Con- Dunlop, Capt. H. C, Royal Artillciy.
DuVernet, Lt.Colonel P. T. C, h p. naught Rangers (88 P.) \do). Penton, Capt. H. E., Bombav S.C.
Essex Regt. Spence, Lt.Colonel J., h.p. York Lt. Colville, Capt. A. E. W.,RifleBrigade.
Elliot, Lt.Colonel ^o?!. W. F Inf. (do). Adair, Capt. W. T., Royal .Marine*.
Bengough, Colonel H. M., CB. h p •Jones, Colonel H. H. Hogge, Lieut. J. W., Bengal Staff C.
Middlesex Regt. (77 P.) •Fraser, Colonel T.. CMG., R. Eng. Inglefield, Capt. P. S., E. York Regc.
iloney. Major E. C, Irish Fusiliers. *JTCE Hart,ColonelReginakU;.,R. Eng. Napier, Major Hon. J. P., 10 Hussars.
Fraser.Major A.H., Hampshire Regt. * Watson, Major C. M.,C'J/G. R. Eng. Wavell, Major A. G., Norfolk Regt.
Cavenagh, Capt. W. O., Bedford RsL't
Passed, December 1881 Durand, Lieut. A. G. A., Bengal S.C
Passed, December 1877.
Jones, Major D. P., R. Art. Peacocke, Major W.,CMG.^.^.(passed Johnstone, Major J., O.'cfoid Lt. luf.
Ford, Colonel H. I. E., R Art
into College tcith the preceding Cla/s). Robinson, Major P. W., Shropshire.
Smith, Major W. W. M., R. Ar't. Barton, Colonel G., Royal Fusi- Lt. Infantry.
Barker, Major J. C, R. Eng. liers (7 P.) (rfo.) Sherston,Capt. J., DSO. Rifle Brigade.
Hildyard, Colonel H. J. T., High Hutton, Major E. T. H., King's
land Lt. Infantry (71 p.) Royal Rifles (60 P.) (do.) Passed, December 1886.
Green, Major A. O., R. Bngineers. Wyndham Major W.G.C., 21 Hussars.
Ross of Bladensburg, Capt.
Coldstream Guards.
JPG Murray, Captain J. W., R. Artillery. Paget, Major H., Hussars.
Darnell, Major De C, R. Artillery.
Daniel, Major W. H., E. York.
......,, J.,. Noble, Major E. J. W., R. M. Art.
Allen, Captain A. J. W., Ihe Bun's.
Callwell, Captain C. E., ArtiUcrv.
E.,' R. Arti

Jrdercf ArmyKaik ''^°^*"°'' "^'"-^"'^^ ^''^''^" °°"^ *^'^°"Sli the CoUege; these Officers are here placed in

D 2
i8 List of Officers, now sewing, who have the Staff College.

Flemins, Captain E. W., K. Artillery, i Beresford, Captain C. E. de la P.,1 O'Leary, Captain W. E., Irish Rifles.
Agar, Captain E., Royal Engineers. Liverpool Regiment. 1 a Court, Captain C, Rifle Brigade.
Northcott.Capt. H. P., LeinsterRegt. Forster, Captain T. H. B., Duko of Paris, Lieut. A. ,Royal_Marine Art.
Smith, Captain W. A., R. Artillery. Cornwall's Light Infantry Carleton, Capt. G. D., Leicester Regt.
Fletcher, Captain W. B., R. Artaiery. Beade, Captain R. N. R., Shropshire Heath, Bt.Major F. C, R. Engineers.
Daniell, Captain J. F., R. Marines. Light Infantry. Hegan, Major E., s Dragoon Guards.
Poj-nder, Captain C. E., Madras S. C Smith Dorrien, Captain H. L., SSO.
Fawkes, Major L. G., R. Artillery.
Jones, Captain A. E., Bengal S. C. Banning, Lieut. S. T., Munster Fus. Derbyshire Regt.
Smythe, Captain H.H., Scots Fu3. O'SulUvan, Major E. O., R. Artillery. Maguire, Lieut. C. M., Madras S. C.
"Urmston, Captain E. B., Argyll and Waters, Captain W. H. H., R. Art. Tenison, Capt. W., Manchester Regt.
Sutherland Highlanders. Waldron, Captain F., R. Artillery. Kennedy,iMajorC., Suffolk Regiment.
Farraiit, Maj. H.C.B., N. Lane. Regt. Hamilton, Capt. W. G., E. Lane. Regt. Mimro, Captain L., Hampshire Regt.
Bethune.Capt. B. C, 6 Dr. Guards. Franklyn, Major W. E., York Regt. Guilding, Captain E. S., Essex Regt.
Simpson, Capt. C. R., Lincoln Regt. Beatson, Captain F. C, Wilts Regt. MoGrigor, Lieut. C. R. R., King's
Mackenzio.Capt.G.F.C, Suffolk Regt. Caunter, Captain J. E., Welsh Regt. Roval Rifles.
Barkwort'u, Captain H. A. S., ^orth- Plumer, Captain H. C. O., York Watts, Captain C. N., Derby Regt.
ampton Regiment. and Lancaster Regiment. Barnardiston, Captain N. W., Middle-
Bod^, CaiJt. L. W., Middlesex Regt. Kitson.Capt. G. C, King's R. Rifles. sex Regiment.
Churchill. Maj. M., Northampton Regt. Griffith, Capt. E. H., Leicester Regt. Bray, Captain N. A. Inniskilling Fus. ,

AVilliams.Capt.R. B. Somerset Lt. Inf. Gatliff, Captain A. F., Royal Marines Gordon, Captain C. H., The BulTs.

Wogan-Brown, Capt. P. W. N.,3 Hus. Morrison, Lieut. C. G., Rifle Brigade Sewell, Captain J. H., Norfolk Regt.
Kitchener, Capt. F. W., W.York Regt. Cockburn, Capt. C. J., AVarwick Regt Stawell, Major G. D., Devon Regt.
Eastman, Captain W. I., R. M. Art. Lawson.Bt. Major H.M.,R.Engineers, Burney, Captain H. H., Gordon High-
Passed, December 1887. Passed, December 1888. Bewlcke, Captain P.. C. A. B., King's
Wemyss, Captain G., W. York Regt. Reeves, Major J., Irish Fusiliers. Royal Rifles.
Renny, Captain A. M., Bengal S. C. Barker, Captain J. S. S., Royal Art. Armitage, Captain J. L., Inniskilling
Crcagh, Bt.Lt.Colonel A. G., R. Art. Baldock, Captain T. S., Royal Art. Fusiliers.
Collings, Major W. A., Berks Regt. Cooper, Captain P. E., Royal Art. Adye, Bt.Major J., R. Artillery.
Hammersloy, Bt.MajorF.,Lanc. Fus. Kemball, Captain G. V., Royal Art. Henniker- Major, Captain Son. A. H.,
Craufurd, Captain H. J., Gren. Gds. Murdoch, Captain J. Burn, R. Eng. Coldstream Guards.

Officertf Becciving Rewards for Distinguished or Meritorious Services.

Genbbals. Hutton, H. P., ret. pay. Breading, Capt. J. B., ret. Royal Engineers,
Payn, Sir Wm.,i:C5. Jarvis, S. P., CMG., ret. pay Depot Batt. General.
Russell, Lord A. G., CB. pay. Burke, Capt. J., pay Nicholson, Sir L., KCB.
Smyth, Uon. Sir L. KC3IG. Uffi Jerome, H. E.,ret. pay, Depot Battalion.
tCB. Jordan, J., CB. ret. pay. Cordue,Capt.S.,ret.pay4oF. Lieutenant Generals.
3BHE Whichcote, G., Unatt, Lock, A. C. K., ret. p.iy. Falconer, Capt. A. ret. pay. Bent, George, CB. r.f.p.
Willis, air G. H. S., KCB. Mackenzie, A., CB. ret. pay Coldstream Guards. Bourchier, E. F., CB. r.f.p.
Wolseley, G. J. Visct. KP Maunsell, T., CB. ret. pay. Forbes, Major J., ret. pay Keane, Son. H. F., CB. r.f.p
GCB.GCMG. Mein, G., ret. pay. Black Watch. UffiGraham, Sir G.,GCMG.
Likctesaht Gkkehals. Miller, J., ret. pay. I
Jones, Major Alfred, ret. pay KCB.
Mockler, R., ret. pay. E. Surrey Retrt. Major General.
Adams, C, CB. PC O'Connor, L.,ret. pay. Kuightley, Major E., ret.
Alison, Sir A. Barf. GCB. Hassard, F. C, CB. ret. pay
Feavson,SirC.K.,CB.KC3SG pay Welsh Fusiliers.
Bulwer, Sir E. G., KCB. Preston, R., CB. ret. pay. M'Intyre, Major D., ret. pay Major.
c. Cameron, W. G., CB.
Richardson, W. S., Brig. Depot.
CB., Andrews, A., Coast Bn.
Chelmsford, F. A., Lord,
ret. pay. yaC Macdonald, Capt. H., Quarter Master.
GCB. Rockc, J. H., CB. ret. pay.
Clarina, E. C. H. Lord, CB. Jones, Major J., ret. pay.
Rose, J., ret. pay. Marshall, Capt. T., ret. pay
Dillon, Sir M., KCB. CSI.
Eagar, R. J., CB.
Y€ Rowlands, H., CB. 53 F. Medical Staff.
ITiC Shaw, H., CB., Pronger, Captain J., ret Directors General.
Elkington, .T. H. F., CB. pay 12 Lancers.
p.s.c. Stewart, R. G.,CB., ret. Crawford, Sir T., iLD. KCB^
Feilding, Hon. P. R. B., CB.
Higginson, G. W. A., CB.
Tisdall, A., ret. pay.
Stanley, Major
pay Rifle Brigade
W. J., ret Logan, Sir T. G.,KCB. MD
Hume, Sir n., KCB. Walker, G.F., ret. pay. Teevan, Capt. R.,
Luard, R. G. A., CB. Surgeons General.
M'Leod, SirJ.C, KCB. Y€ Walker, M., CB. Tooner, Major M., ret. pay.
Warren, D. S., CB. ret. pay. Turner,Capt.J., 50F. Cm-rie,&.,
Macdonald, A. M'l.
Newdigate-Newdegate, E., Welman, H. A., ret. pay. Woods, Major H., ret. pay Gordon, C. A., MD. CB. \\.\
Wilkinson, J., ret. pay. Cavalry Depot. Innes,SirJ.H.K.,i:Ci}. h.r
CB. Longmore, Sir T., Knt. CB
Prettejohn, R. B., CB. yC Wood, Sir H. E., KCB.
Robertson, .7. H. C.
GCMG. Royal Artillery. h.p.
Mackinnon, W. H., CB. hj
Ross, Sir John, KCB. General,
Colonels. Massy, H.H.,jrD. CB. h.p
Sargent, J. N., CB. Fraser, Bon. D. M., CB.
Green, W., CB., Regimental ITKi; Mouat, J., CB. h.p.
White, R., CB., 21 Hussars. Lieutenant Genekals. Munro, W., MD. CB. h.p.
Willis, F. A., CB. Arbuthnot, Sir C. G., KCB.
Hook, L., r.f.p. TQ Foot. Inspectors General.
Majob Gbkbbals. Meurant, E., Regimental Gibbon, J. R.,
CiJ. r.f.p.
Armstrong, W. A., ret. pay. Hamlev. Sir E. B. KCB, Anderson, ^.,MD. CB. h.]„
District. Dane, Richard, 3/ii.C.B. h.],
Ashburnham, SirC., KCB. Stewart, W. L., r.f.p. Depot KCiiG., MP.
Johnson, A. C, CB. Taylor, J. R., CB. h.p.
ret. pay.
Bagot, G., ret. pay. Stockwell, C. M., CB. h
Smyth, H. A. Principal Vet. SuRGKOlf
Barrett. R. D., ret. pay. Seaforth Highlanders.
Tupper, G. Le M. Collins, J., ret pay.
Battersby, J. P., ret. pay. Thompson, R. T., h.p. Major Generals.
Bayly, Paget, r.f.p. Br. Dep. Insp. Vet. Surgeon.
Essex Regt. Bedingfeld, P., r.f.p.
Gudgin, T. P., ret. pay.
Bray, K.W.,CB. ret. pay. Trent, H. W. J., h.p. 68 Foot Goodenough, W. H., CB.
lirice, G. T. Hawkins, A. C, CB. r.f.p. Chaplains.
Chief Paymasters.
Chichester, R. B., CB., i Olivey, Sir W. R. KCB. Maberly, E., CB. r.f.p. Halpin, Rev. R., MA. h.p.i
pay. Swinburne, J. D., ret. iiay, Oldershaw, C. E., CB. r.p. Huleatt, Rev. H., MA. h.p,
Panicll,C. F. T., CB. Shaw, G.,C£. r.f.p. Wright, Ven. Arch. H. P
Staff Patmasteb.
<;o lieny. G. F., rot. pay. Williams, W.J. CB. MA. h.p.
Harvey, H., r.f.p. ,

I armar, W. R., ret. pay.
CoMMISSABIES GeNEUAL. Lieutenant Colonel. Boyal Marines.
/>.«.c.Keilding,i/oH.W. H. A Browurigg, H. J., CB. rot Handyside, W., r.f.p. Coast
pay. Commissariat and Brigade. Generals.
Foster, E. H. M.. ret. pay.
Transport Staff. Majors. Gascoigne, J. H., CB.r.f.i
ildca, G. F.,CB., ret. pay
(iordon, C. A. B., ret. pay. Strickland, Sir E., KCB Sprent, W. S.,ret. pay Coast Langley,S«- G.C.,KCB.T.t]
Gordon, C. H., CB. r.f.p. do. do. Brigade. Lowder, S. N., CB. r.f.p.
Kepot Batt. Yimng,W.L.M.,CB. ret. pay Thomson, J., r.f.p. Coast Marriott, H., ret. pay.
Il.ickett, J.,rct. pay. Ordnance Store Dept. Brigade. Schomberg, G. A., CB. r.i
Stransham, Sir A. B., KCt
Hamilton, F. F., CS. Riding Mastkb. Quarter Masters.
Hardy, F. Matthews, Capt. W., Cliff, Capt. W., ret. pay.
llaslingB, D., ret. pay. QUAKTKE MaSTEUS. Simons, Major E., ret. pay. Major Genbbals.
Hawcs, G. H., ret. pay. Uffi Borryman, Major J. Riding Master. Boyle, R., CB. r.f.p.
HugheB, R.J., CB., ret, pay. r t(. pay 5 Lancer Butler, Major R., ret. pay. Kennedy, J. W. A. r.f.p.
Ucers Receiving Rewards for Distinguished or Meritorious Services. 119
Geitehals. Tremenheere, C. W., CB. r.f.p. R, Colonels.
Cotton,F.C.,C5'/.r.f.p.R.(Madr.)Ens (Bombay) Eng. Browne, Sir J., KCSI.
Merriman, C J., CSI. R. (Bom.) Enpf. Hodding, G. C, CB. Madras S. C.
re Pronderp:ast, SirR. N. D., KCJi. Majob Gbnebals. Hogg, A. G. P., Bombay Staff Corps.
R. (Madras) Eng. Hunt, J. v., CB. Bengal Staff Corps.
Y€ Probyn, Sir D. M., XCS. SCSI. Bourchier, Sir G., KCB. r. f. p. R. Shaw-Stewart, J.H.M.,R.(Mad.)Eng.
Bengal Cavalry. (Bengal) Art. Stewart, R. C, CB. Madras S. C.
Stannus, H. J., CB. r.f.p. Brownlow, H. A., R. (Bengal) Eng.
Taylor, Sir A.,S:CB.R.(Ben^aA] Enj?. Delafossc, H. G., CB. r.f.p. loi P. Lieutenant Colonels.
Lieutenant Genbeals. (Bengal Pus.) Brown, W., late Bombay Infantry.
Bruce, H. Le G., C^.r.f.p. R. (Bengal) Palls, A. v., r.f.p. R. (Madras) Art.
Dickinson, W., CSI. r.f.p. Bombay
Art. Gordon, B. L., CB. R. (Madr.) Art. Staff Corps.
Chamier, S. H. E., R. (Madras) Art. UC Gough, -Sir Hugh H., KCB. Hadfield, A. J. Madras Estab.
Chesney, 6. T., CSI. R. (Beng.) Eng. Bengal S.C.
Hatcb, W. S., R. (Bom.) Art. Hamilton, Sir W., Bt. R. (Ben.) Art.
Ftllnnes, J. J. M'L.,R. (Bengal)Eng, V€ Unis-Johnea, Sir 3., KCB. Royal Simpson,Surgeon General.
Sir B., MD. KCIE. Bengal
Kaye, E., CB. r.f.p. R. (Bengal) Art. (Bengal) Art.
MacParlan, D., R. (Bengal) Art. Hudson, Sir J., KCB. Bengal S.C. Establishment.
Petrie, J. G., CB. R. (Bom.) Art. Jenkins, C. V., r.f.p.
ira: Roberts, Sir P. S.,Sf.GC£.GCIJS. Kennedy, T. G., CB. Bengal S.C.
Deputt Subgeonb General.
R. (Bengal) Art. Pears, Sir T. T., KCB. r.f.p. R. Thornton,J. H., CB. MD., late
Sankey, R. H., CB. r.f.p. R. (Madras) (Madras) Eng. Bengal Establishment.
Eng. Perkins, Ai., CB. R. (Ben.) Engineers. Walker, W., MD., Bengal Estab.
Spurgin, J. B CB. CSI.
Sherriflf, J. P., Bengal S.C.
Strachey, R., CSI. r.f.p. R. (Beng.) Smith, T. P., R. (Bengal) Art. Bbigade Suegeon.
Eng. Wallace. Sir R.,KCSI. late Bom. S.C. M'DowaU, C. J. P., Bombay Estab.

Officers novo holding Bank in the Army of the Host Nohla

Order of the Garter.
(According to their Stalls.)

Knights. (KG.)
Field Marshal Sis Royal Highness the Prince 0/ Wales, KT. GCB. KP. GCSI. GCMG. GCIE. xo Hussars
Major General His Royal HighHess the Duke o/Connaught, KT. KP. GCSI. GCMG. GCIE. CB. Rifle Brigade
Eis Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, KT. KP. GCSI. GCMG. GCIE. KCB. Hon. Colonel Royal Marines,
3 Brigade Scottish Division R. Artillery, and 3 Bn. Black Watch
i!!aptain His Royal Highness Prince Albert Victor 0/ Wales, KP. 10 Hussars
Field Marshal His Royal Highness theDuke o/Cambridge, KT. GCB. KP. GCSI. GCMG. GCIE. Commander in Chief,
Grenadier Guards
Major General His Royal Highness the Duke o/Cumberland
General His Royal Highness Prince P. Christian C. A. of Schleswig-Holstein
Lt.Colonel His Royal Highness Prince Henry Maurice of Battenberg
Lt.Colonel Henry Charles Fitzroy, Duke 0/ Beaufort, late Unatt.
Colonel W. T. S. Earl Pitzwilliam, i West York Yeomanry Cavalry
Captain C. H. Duke of Richmond and Gordon
Colonel R. A. T. Marquis o/SaUsbury, 4 Bn. Bedfordshire Regt. (Hertford Militia)
Lt.Colonel H. L. Duke 0/ Westminster, Cheshire Yeomanry Cavalry
General A. C. L. Duke of Grafton, CB. retired list

Oncers noxo holding Rank in the Army of the Most Ancient and Most Noble
Order of the Thistle.
Knights. (KT.)
Field Marshal His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, KG. GCB.KP. GCSI. GCMG. GCIE. 10 Hussars
Bit Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, KG. KP. GCSI. GCMG. GCIE. KCB. Hon. Colonel Royal Marines,
3 Brigade Scottish Division R. Artillery, and 3 Bn. Black Watch
"iikior Geneml His Royal Highness the Duke of Connnught, KG. KP. GCSI. GCMG. GCIE. CB. Rifle Brigade
Field Marshal His Royal Highness the Duke 0/ Cambridge, KG. GCB. KP. GCSI. GCMG. GCIE. Commander in Chief,
Grenadier Guards
Lt.Colonel S. H. Marquis o/Lothian, 3 Bn. Lothian Regt. (Edinburgh Militia)
Colonel D. B. M. R. Duke 0/ Montrose, 3 Bn. Sutherland and Argyll Highlanders (Highland Borderers Militia)

Officers noto holding Rank in the Army of the Most Illustrious

Order of St. Patrick.
Knights. (KP.)
l?ie\ilila.T6ha\HiiSoval Highness the Pri7tce of Vf ales, KG. KT. GCB. GCSI. GCMG. GCIE. 10 Hussars
Sis Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, KG. KT. GCSI. GCMG. GCIE. KCB. Hon. Colonel Royal Marines,
3 Brigade Scottish Division R. Artillery, and 3 Bn. Black Watch
Major General His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught. KG. KT. GCSI. GCMG. GCIE. CB. Rifle Brigade
Captain His Royal Highness Prince Albert Victor o/" Wales, KG. 10 Hussars
Field Marshal His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, KG. KT. GCB. GCSI. GCMG. GCIE. Commanderin Chief,
Grenadier Guards
Lt.Colonel R. B. St. L. Earl o/Cork and Orrerv, North Somerset Yeomanry Cavalry
Colonel P. T. Marquis o/Dufferin and Ava, GCB. GCSI. GCMG. GCIE. 3 Bn. Irish Rifles (North Down Militia)
Lt.Colonel G. A. H. Earl o/Granard, 9 Bn. Rifle Brigade (Westmeath Militia)
Colonel V. A. Earl ofKenmare, 4 Bn. Muuster Fusiliers (Kerry Militia)
General Garnet J. Fi-vcoiini! Wolseley, GCB. GCMG.
Colonel J. H. de la P. B. Marquis o/" Waterford, Waterford Artillery Militia
Oficersimo holding Banh in the Army of the Most EonmiraUe
Order of the Bath.
Xkights, Gbash Ckoss. (GCB.)
FieM Mnrshnl 77i»i?n».i///«7*n«w Allici-t Kilwanl iV.Hcc oylLuganl, General J?;?^<-ffoB. E.East Surrey Regt. {31F.)
WifiV KiJ AT kP odil.OCMO. OCIK. ,0 Hussars |Lumsden, Lt.GeueralSir PeterStark, CS/. BengalS.C.
Regt. (45 F.)
Field Miirshal Jlit Jioa,il y/k/Aucj-. Gen. \V. F. C. Duke o/jLysons, General Sir Daniel, Derbyshire
CttuJbriUpo. KO. KT. kP.OCSI. GCJIO. GCIE. Co»i-|Majcolm, General -Sir Geo. Bombay
Staff Corps
uf. Grenadier GuanU
mamdrr i« ChitJ UCMaude, General Sir Fred. Francis
Tcck, ColODCl jIu llighnett Iht Duke vf{Cii Napier of Magdala, Field Marshal>-(?,GCS7.R.E.
Norman.GeneralSirHenryWyUe, GCMG. C/^.Bengal S.O.
Paulet, Field Marshal Lord "William, Durham Light Inf.
Adyc, General Sir John Miller, Roj-al Artillery Ponsonby, General Eight Hon. Sir H. F. retired list (Civil)
Alis-jii. Lt Genenil Sir Archibald, Bart. Reid, General Sir Charles, Bengal Staff Corps
f.Bortou, GcneniUSir Arthur, OCJ/G. i West India Regt. V€ Roberts, General Sir F. S. Ef. GCIE. R. Artillery
Brownlow, Lt.Gencral Sir Charles Honr>', Bengal S. C. Rutland, Colonel J. J. R. Duke vf, 3 Bn. Leicester Regt.
Chamljerlaia, Gen. Sir Neville Bowles, OCSI. Bengal Inf. Saxe-Weimar, General S.S.H. Frince Edward of, i Liflr
Chapman, General Sir Fred. E. Royal Engineers Guards.
Chclinr'lortl, General Frederic Augustus, lord Simmons, General Sir J.LintornA. GCMG. Royal Eng.
D'Aguilur, Geuenil Sir Charles L. Royal Artillery Spencer, General Hon. Sir A. A. Oxford Lt. Inf. (43 F.)
Stanley of Preston, Et. Hon. F. A. Lord, 3 Bn. Lancaster

Daul'Ciicv.lienenil Sir H. Charles B., Border Regt.(5S F.)

y>r iM-kioii, General Sir CoUingwood, Royal Artillery Regt. (Civil)
Dutr.rin and Ava, Colonel F. T. Marquit of.EF. GCSI. Staveley, General Sir C. "W. D. Essex Regt. (44 F.)
GVilG. OCIE.iCieil) Steele, General Eight Hon. Sir ThomasM. Coldstream Gds.
Everslcy, Colonel Viieounf {Civil), Hants Yeomanry Cav. Stephenson, General Sir Fred. Cha. Arthur, ret. list
Gough, General .Sir John Uloomfield, 2 Dragoons Stewart, General Sir Donald M., Bt. GCSI.CIE. BengalS.G.
Grant, Field Marshal Sir Patrick, GCMG. K. H. Guards Straubenzee, General Sir C. T.Van, DorsetshireRegt.(39F.)
Templetown, General G. F. Viscount, 2 Life Guards
Haines, General Sir F. P. GCSI. CIE. Munster Fus. (104F.) ;

Hodue, Gouenil .Sir Edw. Cooper, 4 Dragoon Guards Wolseley, General Garnet J. Viscotint, KP. GCMG.
Johu.son. General Sir Edwin B. CIE. Royal Artillery Wood, General Sir David E. Royal Artillery
Jones, Geuonil Sir William, Duke of Cornwall's Lt. Inf. Wyllie, General Sir William, Dublin Fusiliers (103 F.)

Knights Commakdees. (KCB.)

Hit Royal Uiqhnet$ the Duke of Edinburgh, KG. KT KP. Horn, General Sir Frederick, Derbyshire Regt. (45 F.)
acSI. GCllG. GCIE. Hon. Colonel Royal Mai.aes, Hudson, Major General Sir j^ohn, Bengal Staff (jorps
3 Brigade Scottish Div. R. Art. and 3 Bn. Black Wi.tch Hume, Lt.General Sir Robert
Hurdle, Major General Sir Thomas, r.f.p. Royal Marines
Adair, General Sir Charles William, r.f.p. Royal Marines Hutt, Major General Sir George, late Bombay Artillery
Airi>y, General Sir James Talbot, Inniskilling Fusiliers Innes, Surgeon General Sir John Harrie Ker, half pay
Arbuihnot, Lier.t.Gen. Sir Charles George, R. Artillery Johnson, Major General Sir Charles Cooper, Bengal S. C.-
Ashbumham. Maj.Gen.Sir Cromer, ret. pay King'sR.Riflo Kell.T, General Sir Richard Denis, Irish Regt.
p.$.e. linker. Major General Sir Thomas Durand Kemball, General Sir Arnold B. KCSI. R. Artillery
Balfour, iJentnil Sir George, Itoj-al Artillerj' (Cicil) Kerr,GeneralXor(fMark,SomersetshireReg:t.(i3F.),ret.list,
IJariiig, Major Sir Evelyn, KCSI. CIE. GCMG. late R. Art. Keye.s, Lt.General Sir Charles Patton, Madras S. C.
Bamnnl, General Sir Charles London, r.f.p.R. MarineArt. Laiigley, Sir George Colt, late Royal Marines
BatCK, General Sir Honrj', Norfolk Regt. (9 F.) Lawrence, General Sir Arthur J. Rifle Brigade
Biddulph, General Sir Michael A. S., R. Artillery Little, General Sir Archibald, 9 Lancers
Bourchier, Major General Sir Geo. r.f.p. R. (Bengal) Art. Lookhart, Colonel Sir William S. Alex., CSI. Bengal Inf.
Bradford, General Sir John Fowler, late BeT)gal Cavalry Logan, Sir Thomas Galbraith, MD. late Director General
Bridport, General V'iteouni, retired list {Civil) Ai-my Medical Department
Bright, General Sir Robert O. Yorkshire Regiment , c. Longden, General Sir H. E. CSI. Lincolnshire Regt.
Brown, Insp. (icncral Sir John C. Bengal Ann.y Low, Colonel Sir Robert Cunliffe, Bengal Cavalry
Y€ Urowuc, Gen. Sir Samuel Jas. JTCS/. Bengal S. C. Lowe, Major General Sir Drury C. Drury
UC Buller, Major Gen. Et.JIon.Sir Redvers Henry.XCJf <?. M-Kerlie. Col. Sir John Graham, late of R. Eng. (Civil) '

Bulwer, Ll.Geueral Sir Edward G., KCB. M'Leod, Lt.General Sir John Chetham
Butler, Colonel Sir William Francis, h.p. 69 Foot M'Murdo, General Sir Wm. M. S., Cheshire Regt.
Campljell, General Sir Frederick Alex., R. Artillery yCM'Neill, Major General Sir John Carstairs, KCMG.
Colte, Major General Sir John, late of Bengal Infantry Macdonell, General Sir Alex., Rifle Brigade

Colborne, General Hon. Sir Eras., Warwick Regt. Mackenzie, Insp. Gen. of Hosp. Sir W. CSI. MD. late
Conynirham. Hon. Col. Sir W. F. L., 4 Bn. Inniskilling Madras Army
Funilifrs (Londonderry Militia) {Civil) 3fai7A«-a,»orHe,'Lt.Colonel Lord, l.a-.e i Life Gds. (Civil)
CowelI, .Sir John C.,r.f.p.R.Eng.(Cit)ii) Maude, Lt.Colonel Sir George AM(y, late R. Art. (Civil)
Crawford, Sir Thomas, 3/ Z).Director Gen. Army Med.Dept. Maxwell, General Sir Geo.' Vaughau, E. Lancashire Regit.
Cuiitance, Hon. Col. .Sir H. F., 3 Bn. Norfolk Regt. {Civil) Melvill, Major Gen.
Sir Peter M., late of Bombay Inf. (Civil)
Daly, lieiic-ritl .Sir Henrj- Dominick, CIE. Bombay S. C Morh-y, Capt. Sir F. B.late4oF. Exon Yeomen of Gd. (Civ.)
Dilliiii. I.t.Gtncral Sir Martin, CSI. Miii-i IS, (.'umiiiissii-y (icneral .S'ic Edward, retired pay
Du <'.uiii', .Maj. Gen. Sir Edraond F., ret. pay R. Eng. (Civil)
Ni''li-!--;i. (;,!, ,jr:i! Sir Lothian, Royal Engineers
Kdwiirds, .Miijor Sir Fleetwood I.,R. Engineers (Civil) .N''.iiii:ni, (',,1,111, s:,-
l-'rinicis lio.jtli, Beugal Staff Corps

Klp)iini.U)ne,MBJorGon.SirH.C.,CJrG. U. Eng. (Ciri/) Nul:.'!.!, r,,lniicl Sir Charles B.

P. N. H. rot. pay R. Eng,
Ewari, .Major Genornl Sir Henry Peter Olivoy, Colonel Sir AV. R. Army Pay Dept. (Civil)
r. Ewiiri, (.cncral .Sir John Alex., Gordon
Highlanders ITffi Olphorts, General Sir William, Royal Artillery
Kit7.iniiviT, liencnil .Sir Jaincs Wui. Royal Ai'tiUery
Palliscr, Major Gen. Sir Chas. Henry, r.f.p. Bengal S. C, -
Foley, General Hon. Sir St. Coo. Gerald, S. StalfordRcgt. Parke,
General Sir WilUam, Worcestershire Regt.
Forbes, (.cncral .Sir John, Hombay Cavalry Pnyn, General Sir William
Fratrr, I'olDncl Sir Jamrt, late 72 Foot (Civil) Pears, Major General Sir Thos. T..late Madras Eng. (Civil)
Gippa, Major Gouenil Sir Uoginuld Pelly, Lt.General Sir Lewis, KCSI., Bombay S. C. (Civil)
<;iyn, Giiienil .Sir JiiliuK Kicbard, retired list
Penrose, GcneralSir Penrose Charles, r.f.p. Royal Marines 1

Gen //oh..SirA. Hamilton, Leinsier Uegt.(iooF.) Pha.\To, Lt.General Sir

ViTi Robert, Bomb.ay Staff Corps
/b, Xliiji.r Gen. Sir Chan. John S. Bengal Cavalry VUT Prendergast,
General Sir Harry N. D. R. Eng.
:.-li. Gen. .SirlluKh Henrv,
Bengal S. C. FiT Prohyn, General Sir Dighton M. XCS/. Bengal Car.
•)•.!: ..Hi.
I.! •..nenil.Sirtierald, rtc'jro. H. Knginecr "'
I'n "
1 Sir William P. retired list
• MTal .Sir (ieorge Richards, KCMG. |; ' I
' i'"i..S,VH.Creswick,lateof BombayInf.(Ctt)iO'
K.hviird, Bombay StairCon)s I;"'
•<<<. W. Guy, late Bengal StiiirCorps ij
,;; .11':, ml
,S'ir Campbell Claj'O Grant, Bengal S. 0.

' 1,1 n ,iii(_'i'al Sir John

s,r K. Wallace, h.p. King's Royal Rillo.>.

Mam II. I...... ml

Sir Fred. Wni. 21 Fusiliers
Ru.-.-, U, ( ,Sir Baker Creed, h.p. 13 KCMG. Hussaw
St. George, General Sir John, Royal Artillery
Hum.' l,t (mm. .S.rKdwiird llnice.A'f '.Vr/.
R.Art. Seymour, General Sir Fra. Bart. Dovon.shircRegt. (u F.)
11,11,1, > , l^urg.fjpnoral Sir Jan. Arthur, MB.
Smvth, General Hon. Sir Leicester, KCMG.
Iliir.l. ' '''•". Jim. .Sir Artli. K. CIK. King's Royal Rifles Stokes,
Ilnrm Lt.General Sir John, Royal Engineers (Civil)
. Major General .Sir Goorgo Byng
Stransham, General Sir Anthony B. Royal Marines
rz 11 i'.ik All,,,,. l.tCcu. .Sir Henry .M. 2?/., retired list Strickland,
Commissary General Sir Edward, half pay
...I. .-.11. Lt .,1. SirlMm. V. Walcott.
r.f.p. R. E. (Civil) Tanner, Colonel Sir
iierbert. General S>r Arthur Jumo«, retired list Oriel Viveash, Bombay Staff Corps
Taylor, General Sir Alexander, r.f.p. Royal Engineers
1 f IlillicJohnen. Lt.Oeneral .Sir James, ret. pay R. Art.
Taylor, General Sir R. C. H., Cameron Highlanders
Holijich, General .Sir Edward A. Middlosex
Rogt. (57 F ) lorrcns, Lt.General Sir Henry D'Oyly
1 € Uomo, Surgeon Uoncrul Sir Anthony Dickson, ret. pay
'i'umcr. General Sir Frank, Royal Artillery
Most Honourable Order of the Bath. 121
Knights Commandees— con^iniiecZ. :^TC!I;Watsou, Lt.General Sir John, Bomlmy Staff Corps
Tytler, General Sir James M. B. F. late Bcnpral Staff C. UC White, Major General Sir George Stewart
Vaughan, General Sir J. Luther, Bengal Staff Corps Whitmore, General Sir Edmund Aug., retired list
Walker, General <S()-Chas. P. Beaucbamp, 2 Dragoon Gds, Wilbraham, General Sir Richard, Royal Fusiliei s (7 F.)
VC TFantat;e,Lt.ColoiiclIiobt.Jas.Lord,\ate Scots Gds.(Ci(,'.: Willis, General Sir Geo. Harry Smith
Warre, General Sir Henry J. Wiltshire Regt. (gg F.) Wilson. Colonel Sir Charles Wm. KCMG. h.p. R. Eng.
Warren, Colonel Sir Charles, GCMG. R. Engineers p.s.e.Ud Wood, Major General Sir Henry Evelyn, GCMQ-

Companions. (CB.)
Major General His Hoijal Sighness the Bake of Connaught, Utir Cameron, Col. Aylmer Spicer, ret. pay King's Own
ta. KT. KP. GCSI. GCMG. GCIE. Rifle Brigade Scottish Borderers
Abbott, Major General Sir Fred, late of Bengal Engineers Cameron, Lt. General William Gordon
Abbott, Lt.General Henry Dyett, Madras Staff Corps p.s.c. Campbell, Colonel Colin, h.p. 7 Dragoon Guards
Abbott, General James, Royal Artillery Campbell, Surgeon Major John, MB. late Bengal Army
Abercorn, Col. the Bake of, 5 Bn. Inniskilling Fus. (.Civil) Campbell, Major General Sir John Wm.,,. Artillery
Abinger, Lt.General William Fred. Tjord, ret. pay Campbell, Colonel Robert B. P. B. Bengal Staff Corps
Abney, Captain Wm. de Wivesleslie, late R. Eng. (Civil) Carey, Colonel William, Royal Artillery
y.s.c. Acton, Colonel Charles Ball,, Regimental Dist Carleton, General Henry Alex., r.f.p. Royal Artillery
Adams, Lt.General Cadwallader Carmichael, Colonel James D. h.p. 94 Foot

Addison, General Thomas, retired list Carr, Colonel George, late of Madras Infantry
Aglionby, Colonel Arthur Sisson, late of 33 Foot Chads, Major General William John
Aitchison, Lt.General Charles T. Bombay Staff Corps Chamier, Lt.General Stephen H. E., r.f.p. R. Artillery
Alderson, Major General Henry James, h.p. R. Artillery Fffi Chaplin, Colonel John Worthy, ret. pay 8 Hussars
Alexander, Major General Geo. G. r.f.p.RoyalMarineArt. p.s.c. Chapman, Colonel Edward Francis, R. Artillery
Allen, Sur^uou' Major Fred. Freeman, late Bengal Army Chermside, Colonel H. C, Royal Engineers (Civil)
Allgood, :*Ininr Gi ntial tieor-c, r.f.p. Bengal Staff Corps Chesney, Lt.General George T., CSl. CIE., R. Eng.
AndersdU, liisp. Ccii. of Hospitals Arthur, 3/i>. half pay Chichester, Colonel Robt. Bruce, ret. pay Regimental Dist.
Anderson, Culoiiel Ifiraco Searle, Bombay Staff Corps Chippindall, Lt.General Edward, retired list
Anderson, Jlajor General John R. r.f.p. Roya-1 Artillery Claremont, General Edward Stopford, Bedfordshire Regt.
Anderson, Colonel Wardlaw C. Bengal Staff Corps Clarina, Lt.General E. C. H. Loni
Appleyard, Major Gen.Fred.Emest,r.f.p. Regimental Dist. Clarke, Colonel Alex. Ross, ret. pay R. Engineers (Civil)
Ai-buthnot, Colonel William, h.p. 14 Hussars Clarke, Lt. Gen. Sir K., GCMG. CIE. ret. pay Royal Eng.
p.s.c. Ardagh, Colonel John Charles (from Royal Eng.) (Civil)
Atlay, Major General Edward, r.f.j). Royal Artillery Clarke, Major General Charles Mansfield.
Badcock, Colonel Alex. Robert, Bengal Staff Corps Clarke, General George Calvert, 6 Dragoon Guards
Baker, Colonel George, h.p. Hampshire Regiment Clarke, Major General S. M. Wiseman
Ball, Chief Payniaster Wm. Clare, (Civil) Clerk, Major General Godfrey.
Bannerman, Major General W. Bombay Staff Corps p.s.c. Clery, Colonel Cornelius Francis, h.p. 32 Foot
Barchard, Colonel Charles Henry,late of Bengal StaffCorps Gobbe, Lt.General Alex. Hugh, retired list
Barrow, Major General Joseph Lyon, r.f.p. Royal Ai-tillery Coghill, Colonel Kendal J. W. r.f.p. 19 Hussars
Barter, Major General Richard, Bengal Staff Corns CoUett, Colonel Henry, Bengal Staff Corps
Barwell, General Charles Arthur, r.f.p. Bengal StaffCorps Colvile, Lt.General PiennesM. retired list
Battj-e, Colonel Arthur, Bengal Staff Corps Colvile, Colonel Henry Edward, Grenadier Guards
Baumgartner, General Robert J. Sussex Regiment Colwell, Colonel George H. T., Royal Marines
Bayly, General John, ret. pay Royal Engineers (Civil) Oooko, Lt.General Anthoii.y Charles, n-l. ]iay R. Eng.
Bayly, Colonel Richard Kerr, h.p. Black Watch Copland, Colonel Alexander, lleiual si i!l' (Jorps
Beal, Colonel Henry, ret. pay South Staffordshire Regt. Cox, Colonel Alexander Teiii|)!e, .\iaUias StaffCorps
Beath, Surgeon ilajor John Henry, MB. retired pay Cox, Major General Charles Vivian, r.f.p. Royal Artillery
Beckett, Colonel Stephen, Bengal StaffCorps c.Cox, Lt.General John Wm., retired pay
Bellairs, Lt.General Sir William, KCMG. retired list p.g.c.Creagh-Osborne, Lt.General Charles O., retired list
IKs.c.Bengough, Col. Harcourt M. h.p. Middlesex Regt. Crealock, Lt.General Henry Hope, CMG., retired list
Benson, Genei-al Henry Ro.xby, 17 Lancers p. S.C. Crealock, Colonel J. N., h.p. Regimental District
Bent, Lt.General George, r.f.p. Royal Engineers Crease, Colonel John Frederick, R. Marine Artillery
Beville, Major General" Henry, r.f.p. Bombay Staff Corps Crofton, Captain Et. Hon. Sir Walter F. (Cio.) h.p. R.Art.
Biddulph, Lt.General Sir Robert, GCMG. R. Artillery Cuffe, Brigade Surgeon Major Charles M'Donough
Eigge, Major Arthur John, CMG. Royal Artillery (CiutZ) Cumberland, Maj.Gen. Charles Edward, ret. pay R. Eng.
Bingham, General George Wm. P. retired list Cureton, General Charles, Bengal Staff Corps]
Bisset, General Sir J. J. KCMG. Durham Light Infantry Currie, Surgeon General Samuel, 3XD.
p.s.e. Black, Colonel Wilsone (from h.p. S. Wales Bord.) Dane, Insp. Gen. of Hospitals Richard, MB. half pay
Blane, Lt.Genei-al Sir Seymour 3oh-a,Bart. retired list Daniell, Major General C. F. Torrens
p.s c. Blundell, Colonel Henry B. H. JLfP. h.p. Gren. Gds. Daubeny, General James, retired list
Blunt, Major General Charles Harris, r.f.p. R. Artillery Daunt, Major General Wm.
Blyth, Lieut.Geueral Samuel Frederick, retired list. Davis, Major General John
Bond, Colonel Wm. Dunn, h.p. Northampton Regt. Dawson, Major General Francis, Madras Staff Corps
Borradaile, Colonel George Wm. Royal Artillery Degacher, Colonel Hy. James, h.p. Regimental District
Boscawen, Colonel Hon. Evel.yn E. T. Coldst. Guards Delafosse, Major GeneralHenry George. ret. pay Regl.Dist.
Boscook, Dep. Surg. Gen. J. Ashton, h.p. Scots Fus. Gds. Dennis, General John LesUe, Oxfordshire Light Infantry
Boswell, Major General John James, r.f.p. Bengal S.C. De Renzy, Dep. Surg. Gen. A. C. C. retired Bengal Army
Bourcliier, Lt.General Eustace Pane, r.f.p. R. Engineers Be Roitenburg, Colonel George, late of 100 Foot (Civil)
Boyle, Major General Robert, r.f.p. Royal Marines Desborough, Major General John, r.f.p. Royal Artillery
Brackenbury, Lieut. General Henry, Royal Artillery De Winton, Colonel Sir P. W. KCMG. h.p. R. Artillery
Brasyer, Colonel Jeremiah, late Bengal Ai'my Dodgson, General David Scott, Bengal Infantry
Bray, Major General Edward William, retired pay Bonnelly, Major Gc&n.J.FretchevilleBykea,\&t& R.Eng.(C(0.)
Briggs,MajorGeneralWilloughby Lake, late Bombay S. C. Donnelly,Dep.Surg.Gen.JohnM'Neale,ilfZ).MadrasEstab
Browne, Colonel Charles Henry, Regimental District. Doran, Lieut.General John, Bengal StaffCorps
Browne, Colonel Sir James, KCSI. Royal Engineers Dormer, Major General Hon. James C.
Browne, General Sir James P. M. r.f.p. Royal Engineers Dowker, Major General Howard C, Madras StaffCorps
Brownlow, 'olmiel Wm. Vesey,h.p. i Dragoon Guards Dovrnes, Deputy Commissary General Arthur Wm. h.p.

Brownrigg, .Major Gen. H. J., -.-et. pay C. and T. Staff Drake, Major General John M. C, ret. pay Royal Eng.
Bro^vnrigg, General John S. Derbyshire Regt. (95 F.) Drew, Major General Francis Barry, retired pay
p.s.c. Bruce, Major General A.C. r.f.p. Argyll and S ither- Drysdale, Lt.General William, 18 Hussars
land Highlanders (91 F.) Dii Plat, Major General Charles Taylor, retired list (Civil)
Bruce, Lt.General Henry Le Geyt, r.f.p. Royal Artillery- Durand, Major Edward Law, Bengal Staff Corps
Bruce, Col. Robert, late Inspector General Royal Irish c. Eagar, Lt.General Robert John, retired list
Constabulary (Civil) p.s.c. East, Colonel Cecil James, h.p. 57 Foot
Buchanan, Colonel D. C. R. C. 3 Bn. Scottish Rifles Edwardes, Maj.Gen. Stanley de Burgh, Bombay Infantry
Buchanan, Major General Henry James Edwards, Lt, Colonel Sir H. Bt. 2 W. Riding Yeomanry
Burnaby, Major General E. B. ret. pay Yorkshire Lt. Inf. Edwards, Major General James Bevan, R. Engineers
Burne, Lt.General Hem-y K. Bengal Staff Corps Ekin, Surgeon General James, MB., retired pay
Burroughs, Lt.General Frederick William Elgee,Major General Cadwallader Wm., ret. pay R. Art.
Burton, General Fowler, retired list Elkington, Lt.General John Henry Ford
Bushman, Colonel Henry Augustus, h.p. 9 Lancers p.s.c. EUes, Colonel WiUiam Kidston, h.p. 38 P.
Byam, Colonel William,' Regimental District. Elliot, Major General Alexander James Hardy, ret. list
Cadell, General Robert, Royal Artillery Elliot, Surgeon General Rich. Coffin, half pay
Call, General Geo. Fred. Stevenson, retired list Elliott, Colonel John, late of Royal I ' '
122 Most HonoiimhU Order of the Bath.
CourxTfions—eoHllnufJ. Hennessy. Colonel George Robertsor, Bengal Staff Corps
,„„, Henning, Lt.General Shurlock, ret. pay
Elmhirst, U.Gcneral Charlcs.S. Staffordshire KcRt. (38 F.)
Klrington, General Fred. R.jl>ert, retired list Henrv Lt.General Chas. Stuart, ret. pay. Royal Artillery
jllton. Colonel Froderirk C. h p. Royal Artillery
Hervev, Lt.General C. R. W., Bomlmy Staff C. (Civil)
ScrU^k, Colonel Frnl. C
(Inte 20 V.) late Assist.Com.Gen. Hevlaud, General Alfred Thcs. W. Yorkshire Regt. (14 1 .)
Kwaft. Lt.(;enenilChurles Brisbane, Roj-al EnRuieers Hicks, Colonel Tho. Wm. lateof Bombay Artillery
Farrell, Deputy Surireon General GeorRO. Hcnsal istab.
Uigginson. Lt.General Wentworth Alex.
Hill, Major General Rowley Sale, Bengal Infantry
Parren, General Richard T.,N. Lancashire RcKt.
Hill, Col. Sir Stephen John,S:CMG.,lateo(2 W. 1. R.(Cti?tO
Farrinpton, Colonel Malcolm Charles, h.p. York Lt. Inf.
Uillier Lt.Colonel George Edic. . late of 5 Lancers (Civil)
Feildinj;, Lieut.Genenil y/o». Percy Rob. Uasil
Forrj-inan, General Aup. H., Irish Fusiliers Hills. Mfljor General John, ret. pay Royal Engineers
Field, General John, Bombay Infantry Hinde, Deputy Surgeon General George Langford
Kisher, Lt.Colonel George, late of Bombay Infantry Hodding, Brigadier General George Carr, Madras S.C.
KuGerald. Colonel Charles John, Madras SUilT Corps Hogg, Colonel Adam George, Bombay Staff Corps
FiuHuRh, Major Gen. Alfred, r.f.p. Benfjal Staff Corps Hogg, Major General George Forbes, Bombay S.C.
Fleminp, Principal Veterinarj- Sursreon George [Civil) Hoggan, Major Gen. John Wm. r.f.p. Bengal Staff Corps.
Flood, Miyor General Fred. Richard Solly Holland, Major General Henry Wm. late Bombay Staff
Forrest, General Win. Charles, 11 Hussars Holland, Lt.Colonel Trevenen James, late of Bomb. S. C.
Forster, Uoh. Col. Sir T. O. Bl. 5 Bu. Irish Fus. {Cwtl] Holt, Colonel Wm. John, h.p. West Surrey Regt.
Foster. General Charles John, 16 Lancers Hood, Lt.General John Cockburn, Bengal Staff Corps
Franklin, Major General Charles Trigauco, r.f.p. R. Art. Hope, General William, retired list
Fraser. General Alexander, Royal Knginecrs (Cioil) Hopton, Colonel Edward, Regimental District
TC Fraser, Lt.General Charles Crauford, 8 Hussars Hosto, Colonel Dixon Edward, Royal Artillery, ret. pay
Fraser, General Hon. David M'Dowall, ret. payR. Art. Howe, General R. W. P. Earl, Leicestershire Regt. (17 F.)
Fraser, Surgeon General John, MD. Hewlett, Lt.General Arthur, Madras SlaQ' Corps
Fromantle, .\laior General Arthur James Lyon- Hughes, Col. Emilius, CMG., Army Service Corps
Fremantle, Colonel FitzR ly W., Regimental District. Hughes, Maior General Robert John, retired pay 63 Foot
French, Major General William, r.f.p. Royal Artillery Hughes, GcncralWilliam Templer, Bengal Staff Corps
Fryer, I'olonel John, h.p. Regimental District Hume, Colonel Henry, late of Grenadier Guards
Furse, Colonel tieorgo Armund, h.p. 42 Foot Hunt, Colonel James Vere, Bengal Staff Cores
Fyers, Lt.General William Augustus, retired list Hunter, Lt.Colonel Fred. Mercer, CSI., Bom. S. C. (CiviPr
Gage, Lt.General Jlon. Kdward Thomas, ret. pav R. Art. Hutchinson, Major General Geo. CSI. late of Bengal S.C.
Gaitskell, Major General Fred, late of Royal ArtUlery Ingilby. Major General Charles Henry, ret. pay R. Art.
Galloway, Colonel James, Bombay SUiff Corps Irvine, Dep. Com. Gen. Matthew Bell, CMG. half pay
Gardiner, Gcucral Henry Lynedoch, R. Artillery {Civil) Jackson, Brigade Surgeon Sir Robert William, ret. pay
Gascoigne, General Jno. Hawkins, late Royal Marines UiE .Tee, Deputylnspector General Jos. h.p. i Dragoons
Gatacre, Colonel John, Bombay Staff Corps JeSreys, General Edm. R. Manchester Regt. (63 F.)
Gerard, Colonel Montague Gilbert, Bengal Staff Corps Jenkins, Major General Fras. Howell, r.f p. Bengal S. C.
Gib, Major General Wm. Anthonj', Madi-as Staff Corps Jephson. Major General Stanhope Wm. r.f.p. 2 Foot
GibboD, Lt.General James Robert, r.f.p. Roj'al Artilleiy Jervois.Lt.Gen.SirAV. F. D. GCJ/G. ,ret.payR.Eng.{Ci!)Ji>
Gilbert, Major General Philip E. V. ret. pay Johnson, Lt.General Allen Bayard, Bengal S.C.
Gildea, Majur Gen. George Frederick, ret. pay Scots Fus. Johnson, Major General Alured Clarke, Royal Artillery
Gillespie, Major General Robert Rollo Johnstone, Major General H. Campbell, late Bengal S. C.
Glyn, Lt.General Richard Thomas. C^^G. retired list Jones, Major General Howard Sutton, R. Marines
Goldsmith, Maj.Gen. Sir F. J. KCSI. Madras S. C (Civil) Jones, Commissary Gen. Humphrey Stanley, half pay
|i.t.c. Goodenough, Major Gen. Wm. Howlev, Royal Art. Jones, Major General Robert Owen, ret.payR.Eng. (Civil)'
Goodfellow, Lt.General William West, Royal Eng. Jordan, Major General Joseph, ret. pav Regimental Dist.
Goo<lwj-n, General J. E. Welsh Regt. (41 F.) Julyan, Assist. Com. Gen. Sir P.G., KCMG. h.p. (Civil)
Gordon, Major General Benjamin Lumsden, R. Artillery Kaye, Lt.General Edward, r.f.p. Royal Artillery
Gordon, Surgeon General Chas. Alex.,,VD. half pay Keane, Lt.General Ho^t. Hussey Fane, r.f.p. R. Engineers
Gordon, Lt.Gcncral Charles Edw. P. retired list Keen, Colonel Frederick John, Bengal Staff Corps
Gordon, Major General Charles Henry, r.f.p. Depot Batt. Kennedy, Major General Thomas GUbert, Bengal Staff C.
Gordon, General John, Bengal Infantry Kerr, Colonel Lord Ralph Drury, h.p. 10 Hussars
Gordon, Major General John James Hood. Bengal S. C. Kevser, Colonel Frederick C. h.p. Uoyal Fusiliers
Gordon, Maj. General Thomas Edward, CSF. Bengal S. C Kingicote, Lt.Colonel Rob. N. F. late Scots Fusilier Gds.
p.:e. Gosset, Colonel Matthew W. E., Dorset Regt. Kingsley, Colonel Wm. H. B., Regimental District
Grafton, General Aug. C. L. Cuke of, KG. retired list p.f.c. Knowles, Col. Chas. B. h.p. Hampshire Regt. (67 F.)
Graham, Major General Samuel James, R. Marines Knox, Colonel George William, Regimental District
^j.e. Grant, Colonel Henry Fane, 7 Dragoon Guards Knox, General Thomas Edmond, Hamnshire Regiment
Grant, Lt.Colonel Jas. Aug". CSI. iateofBengalS.O.(Ciw/) Ldbalmondiere, Lt.Colonel Douglas W. P., late h.p. (Civit)
Green, Colonel Malcolm S. late of Bombay Staff Corps Lambert, Major General William, retired pay 88 Foot
Green, Maj.Gen. .Sir W.H.R., A'C.9/. Bombay S. C. (Cioil) Lambton, Colonel Arthur, h.p. Coldstream Guards
Green, Colonel William, RcgimenUl District Lane, General John Theophilus, Royal Artillery
Greene, Colnnel Dominick Sarsficld, r.f.p. Royal Artillerj- Laughton, Colonel Arthur Frederick, Madras S.C.
Greene, Colonel Godfrey T. '.ate Bengal Army (Civil) , p.s.e. Law, Major General Francis T. A. ret. pay
Gregoric, Col. Charles Frederick, h.p. Regimental Dist. Lawrence, Lt.General R. C, Bengal Staff Corps (Civil)
p.i.e. Grove, Colonel Coleridge, East Yorkshire Regt. Laye, 6i>neral Joseph Henry, Northumberland Fusiliers
Gnbbins, Lt.General James, retired list Loach, Colonel Edmund, h.p. West Kent Regiment
Guinncfs, Colonel C. W. N., li.p. Seaforth Highlanders V& Leach, Colonel Edward Pemberton, Royal Engineers
Ve Guiws. Lt.General John Christopher, h.ji. 90 Foot ViSL Leet, Major General Wm. Knox, retired list
Hagart, Lt.Colonel J.ii/i« J/'C««/.late of 7 Hu.ssars Lefroy, Gen. Sir John Hen., KCMG. R.Art. ret. pay (Civiiy
General Charles, late Bengal Infantry
. Leith, General Robert William D. Worcestershire Regt. ,.
BamiUon, Colonel .Sir Chuf. John J., lit. late Scots Gds, Le Mesurier, Colonel Andrew Alf.,ret.payLiverpoolRegt.
Hamilton, Major General Francis Fisher Le Mesurier, Colonel Cecil Brooke, R)yal Artillery
Hamilton, General Henry, retired list V€ Lennox, Lt. General Wilbraha Dates, R. Engineers
JlamilU)n. Lt.Cieiicral Henry Meade, retired list
Limond, Major General David, r.f.p. Royal Engineers
Hammill, .Maj.Gen. Denzil, rot. payCameron Highlanders Lithgow, Deputy Surgeon
General Stewart A. MD. DSO.
Hiimmi.nil, Col. ncl Frederick, Bengal Staff Corps Lloyd, Colonel Francis Thomas, Royal Artillery
land. Colonel John Sydney, h.p. RcgimenUl District Loch, Lt. General Fra. Adam Ellis, Bombay S. C.
1 ankin. Mi.ji.r (;eiipral (;e<,rgo C, Bengal Staff Corps Lockhart, Major General Graime Alex, r.f.p. 78 Foot
Manly, Li.(ieneral Williiim. retired pay Logan, Lt.General Robert A. retired list
HarU^. Colonel .S'lr Hnhrrt Hm. AX'J/y. late 2 W. I. Regt- Longiield,
General John, Liverpool Regt. (8 F.), Coloiicl Arthur, h.p. R. Artillery.
Longmore, Surgeon General Sir Thomas, half pay
Hnrrii.. Colonel Ihilip II. K., Bengal Staff
Corps Low, General Alexander, 4 Hussars
p...r Il,.rri. M,./,r General Richard. CMO.
.1 .
Lowder, General Samuel N. late Roval Marines
' ''airfav Chan, r.f.p. Roval Engineers Lowry, Lt General
J Robert William, retired list
rgeoii (icneral Henry Bolton Luard, Lt.General Richard George Amherst
" l.iiry Philip, Madras Staff Corps
Lucas, Lt.General Alfred William, Bombay Staff Corps
I ' "''nil Alex. Ciesar. r.f.p. Royal Art.
' '

Luck, Colonel George, h.p. 15 Hussars

iinwi. ,
i.t (,.
rill HMl«5rt Beaufoy. .

retired pay
, ,

Luckhardt, Colonel Wilhelm, Bombay Staff Corps

//«,. .>|.,.„ AUsamIrr S. U.lh, late of 03 Foot

May, Miy or (.. Moral John C.. rot payGonlon Highlanders Lumsden, Lt.Gen. StVH.B. KCSI. late Bengal S.C. (Ciml}

Litahinglon, Lt.Colonel Franklin ,\ Scots Fusilier Gds.

Hay, Maior t.iM..ral Robert John. Riyal Artillery
Lyons, Major General Thomas Casey
Haylcr. ( ..loncl Cliarlen. Madnut Stair (^orps
ITCLyster, Major General Harry Hammon, Bengal S. 0.
McaUicot4-. Colriuel CliarlCB ThomaM, Bombay
S (; M'Calmont, Colonel Hugh, 4 Dragoon Guards
I ci.dcn-,|,,C„lunel Konn-ltGregg,
h.,.. King's' R.' Rifles M'Dowell, Deputy
Ilcnd cy, 8ur;:r.,i, <,en. ml Juhu, retired pav Surgeon General Edmund Greswold
Mahon, General Sir Thos. W. Bart. 5 Dragoon Guards
Most Honourable Order of the Bath. 123
Companions — continued. Philips, Colonel Joseph, Ro,yal Marines
M'Quecn, Colonel John AVithers, Bengnl Staff Corps Pierce, Major General Thos. W. VV., Bombay Staff Corps-
Maberly, Major General Evan, r.f.p. Hoynl Artillery Pipon, General Philip Gosset, ret. pay Royal Artillery
Macbaan, M;i.ior General George Scougall, Bengal S. C. t'oe, Lt.Colonel Wm. Hutchison, ret. pay R. Marines
Mncdonald, Major General Joliu Alex. M. Bombay S. C. Pole-Carew, Colonel Kcl'i!i:iI(I, Coldstream Guards
Macdouald, Lt.Gen. Wm. Cliarles Robertson, Madras S. C Preston. Major Gener:il Uh'Iiih.I. ret. pay 44 Foot
Mackenzie, Colonel Alexander, r.f.p. 78 Foot Prettejohn, Lt.Gencnil i;i(l.,inl I'.ulkeley
Mackenzie, Colonel Altred R. D., Bengal Cavalry Pritchard, Maj.Gcn. elunl.ju Douglas, Royal Engineei-s
Mackinuon, General Geo. Henry, Scottish Rifles (26 F.) Protheroe, Colonel Montague, CSI. Madras Staff Corps
Mackinnon, Surgeon General Wm. Alexander Pym, Major General Frederick George, r.f.p. R. Marines
Maclean, Brig. General Charles Smith, CIE. Bengal S. C Raines, General Julius Aug. Robert, The Buffs (37 Foot)'
Macnaghten, Colonel Wm. Hay, Bengal Cavalry Rait, Lt.Colonel Arthur John, r.f p. Royal Artillery
Maoneill, Lt.Colonel James G. R. D., Madras Infantry Ralston, Colonel William Henry, Regimental District.
Maitland, General Charles L. B., Wiltshire Regiment Ramsay, Lt.Gen. Hon. SirU. XCSl. Bengal S.C. (Civil)
Maitland, Major General Eardley, Royal Artillery Randall, Colonel John Kenry, ret. pay C. and T. Staff
Maitland, Colonel James M. H., h.p. Royal Engineers Rashleigh, Colonel Sir Colmau, Barf., 2 Brig. West. Div. R..
Majendie, Lt.Colonel Vivian Dcring.ret. pay R. Art. (Civil) Art. (Cornwall and Devon Miners Art. Militia) (Civil)
Malcolm, Colonel Edward Donald, h.p. Royal Engineers Rattray, Lt.General James Clerk, retired list
Malcolmson, Major Gen. John H. P., r.f.p. Bombay S.C. Rn.venhill, Major General Philip, Royal Engineers-
Malthus, Lt.Colonel Sydenham, r.f.p. 94 Foot ITffi Reade, Surgeon General Herbert Taylor, ret. pa.y

Manderson, Major General Geo. Rennie, r.f.p. Royal Art Reade, Surgeon General John By Cole.
Mangles, Major General Cecil, ret. pay 20 Hussars Redmond, Lt.Gen. John Patrick Sutton, The Buffs (3 F.)
Maech, Major General Wm. Henry, r.f.p. Royal Marines Reed, Colonel Chas. John, 3 Brig. N. Div. R. Art.
Harlovr, Benj., Insp. Gen. of Hospitals, half pay Reeves, Colonel H. S. E. Army Service Corps
Marsden, Lt.Colonel F. C, late Bengal Army (Civil) Reynardson, Colonel Edward Birch late of Grenadier Gds. ,

Marston. Deputy Surgeon General Jeffery Allen, MD. Rich, Lt.General George W. T. retired list
Martin, Colonel Cunliffo, Bengal Cavalry Richardson, Major Gen. Joseph F. late of Bengal S.C.
Martindale, Lt.Col. Sen Kay, late of R. Engineers (Civil) Richardson, Major General Wm. Stewart, ret. pay Duke-
Massy, Surg. Gen. Hampden Hugh, MD. of Cornwall's Light Infantry
Massy, Major General William Godfrey Dunham Richmond, Major Matthew, late of 96 Foot (Civil)
Master, Colonel William Chester, late of z8 Foot Riddell, Major General Charles Jas. B. r.f.p. R. Artillery
UC Maude, Colonel Francis Cornioallis, late of R. Artillery Ridgeway, Colonel Sir J. W. KCSI. Bengal Infantry
Maunsell, General Fred. Richard, Royal Engineers Robertson, Colonel James Peter, late of Military Train _

Maunsell, Major General Thomas, retired list Robertson, Commissary General James Scott, h.p. (Civiiy
Maxwell, General Alexander, Border Regt. (34 F.) Robertson, Colonel John Leslie, ret. pay C. and T. Staff
Maxwell, General Henry Hamilton, Royal Artillery p.s.c. Robinson, Colonel Chas. Walker, h.p. Rifle Brigade
Mein, Lt.Colonel Frederick Robert, late of 94 Foot Robinson, Deputy Controller Henry, retired list
Methuen, Col. Hon. Paul S., CMO. (from h.p. Scots Gds.) Robinson, Colonel Sir J. S. Bt., 6 Ba. Irish Rifles (Civil)
MejTick, Insp. Vet. Surgeon James Joseph Robinson, Major General Wellesley G.W., C. and T. Staff
p.s.e. Middleton, General Sir F. \i.,S:CMG. ret. list. Rocke, MajorGeneral James Harwood
Miller, Major General George Murray, retired pay Rodney, Lt.General George Brydges, R. Marines, ret. list
Mills, Colonel Herbert James, Ordnance Store Dept. Roe, Brigade Surgeon Samuel Black, MB.
Milman, Lt. General George Brvan, retired list Rogers, Colonel Robert Gordon, Bengal Staff Corps
Mollan, Lt.Colonel William CampheU, late of 96 Foot Uil Rogers, Brigadier Gen. R. Montresor, h.p. Reg. Dist.
Money, Colonel Gerard Noel, r.f p. Bengal Staff Corps RoUo, General Hon. Robert, Black Watch
Montagu, General Horace William, R. Engineers Roome, Major General Frederick, Bombay Staff Corps
Montague, Major General Wm. Edw., retired pay Ross, Colonel Alex. George, Bengal Staff Corps
Y€- Moore, Colonel Arthur Thomas, Bombay S.C. Routh, Commissary General Randolph, half pay
UlE Moore, Colonel Hans G. ret. pay Argyll and Rowland, Colonel Thos. Regimental District
Sutherland Highlanders UC Rowlands, Lt.General Hugh
Moore, Miijor General Henry, CIE. Bombay Staff Corps Russell, General Lord Alexander George, retired list
Moore, Colonel Charles T. J., 4 Bn. Lincoln Regt. (Civil) Russell, Colonel Horatio Albert, ret. pay Ord. Store Dept.
p.s.c. Morgan, Colonel Alex. Brooke, h.p. Norfolk Regt. Russell, Lt.General Sir William, Bt. retired list
Mosse, Deputy Surgeon General Charles Bonj. half pay Salusbury, Major Gen. Fred. Octavius, r.f.p. loi Foot
Mostyn, Major General Uon. Savage Sanford, George E. L. S., h.p. Royal Engineers
FiC Mouat, Surgeon General James nkey, Lt.General Rioliard Hieram, h.p. R. Engineers
Mulock, Colonel Thomas Erlmonds, r.f.p. 70 Foot Sankcy, General William
Munro, Surgeon General Wm.J/Z). half pay Sargent, Lt.General John Neptune
Murray, Lt.General Aug. William, retired list Saunders, Deputy Insp. Gen. George, MD. half pay
Murray, Lt.Colonel John, r.f.p. 94 Foot (Civil) Sayer, Lt.General James Robert S. i Dragoon Guards
Murray, Lt.General John Irvine, Bengal Staff Corps Schaw, Colonel Henry, Royal Engineers (Civil)
Kairne, Colonel Charles Edward, Royal Artillery Schneider, General John Willin-n, Bombay Infantry
Xation, Lt.General John Louis, Bengal Staff Corps Schomberg, Genern c \ i-ct. list R. M. ArtilleiT
. 1

Nelson, Lt.General Alex. Abercromby, retired list Schreiber, Major (ir 1 : : rancis, ret. pay R.Art»
Newdegate, Lt.General Edward Newdigate Scott, Colonel Frnii' '
.> : .m, l.Ttc of 42 Foot
Newdigate, Major General Henry R. L. Seymour, Gri'--:!! W 11 ir::rnon Guards
- I

Norbdry, Col. Tho:'. C. N., 3 Bn. Worcester Regt. (Civil) Shaw, Major ,11, I ;
,1. , 1; ! \vtillery
Norman, Lt.GenerE.l Hem-y Radford, retired list IT ii; Shaw',
-\1;; > I!- :. I M li liegimcnt 1 1
:i i

Nugent, Lt.Colonel R. L. Army Service Corps Shipley, 1;. •.n:: no .-u .,-.:-; 'ivo list -1

Xuttall, Colonel Ja:ne8 Mansfield, Bengal Staff Corps Shute, General harios Cameron, o liragoons

Ogle, Colonel Fred. Amelius, Royal Marine Artillery Slade, Major John itamsay, Royal Artillery
Oldersbaw, Major Gen. Charles Edward, ret. pay R. Art. Smith, Surgeon General Alexander, MD. retired pay
O'Nial, Siurgeon Gdneral John, retired pay Smith, ilajor General Charles Hodgkinson, r.f.p. R. Art.
Orr, Insp. Gen. of Eosp. John Harry, late Madras Army Smith, Dei). Sm'g. Gen Colvin, 3/i>. late Madras Estab. .

Uuvrij, Colonel Henry Aime, late of 9 Lancers Smith, General John W. S. Gloucestershire Regt. (28 F.)
Palmer, Colonel Arthur Power, Bengal Staff Corps c. Smith, General :vlicha el William, 15 Hussars
Palmer, Major General Henry Wellington, r.f.p. 90 Foot Smith, Major Cciu'ral I'liilip
Parih^h, Major Gen. Henry Woodbine, r.f.p. Brigade Depot Smy|i|, c.
,,' !!!•. .\. -i Smr. y i:i-':-,'t. (2 F.), ret. list
:,. -

Parke, Culonel Richard, 'r.f.p. Royal Marines Sni'\i:i !,; '

111 r ;
p. I'oval Artillery
Parker, Colonel Geo. Hubert, h.p. Regimental District Spi'Iir.. \!:i ,: .;. •
:•;•• I' ,
,- , y.l\\,. -; l' FoOt
ParneU, Colonel Hon. Henry, Regimental District Spur-Ill, I,:,-,. ; vr.: .i.^'ii; fv/. retired list
Pasley, Major General Charles, r.f p. Royal Engineers Stanuus, Clenural Henry Jamc-s, retired list
Paton, General John Stafford, Bengal Staff Corps Stanton, General Sir Edward, KCMG. Roval Engineers
Faynter, M;ijor General David Wm. r.f.p. Royal Artillery Stedman, Colonel Edward, Bengal Staff Corps
Pearse, Lt.General George Godfrey Stephens, Col. Adolphus Haggerston. h.p. Rifle Brigade
Pearson, Major General Sir Charles Knight, KCMG. Stevenson, Colonel Thomas Rennie, Regimental District
Pearson, Colonel Hugh Pearse, Regimental District p.g.c. Stewart, Major General Robert Crosse, retired pay
Fearson, Lt.Colonel Richard L. O., late Greu. Guards Stewart, Colonel Charles E. CMG. CIE. Beng. S.C.(Cm/>
Pearson, General Thomas Hooke, 12 Lancers Stewart, Major Gen. George, Bengal Staff Corps, ret. list
Pelly, Deputy Inspector General of Hospitals Saville M., Stewart, Colonel Richard Campbell, Madras Cavalry.
late Bombay Army (Civil) Stirling, Major General William
Pcmberton, Colonel Wykeham Leigh, h.p. 60 Rifles Stockwell. Colonel Charles Montizambcrt, Regtl. Dist.
Pennington, Colonel Charles Richard, Bengal S.C. Stotherd, Major General Richard Hugh, r.f.p. R.Eng.(Ciin;>
Perceval, General John Maxwell, Suffolk Regt. Straghan, Colonel Abel, h.p. Highland Light Infantry
Perkins, Major General iEneas, Royal Engineers Street, General John Alfred, Scottish Rifles
Petrie, Lt.General John Gordon, r.f.p. Royal Ai'tillery Stuart, General John Ramsay, Dorsetshire Regt. (54 F.)
Peyton, General Francis, retired list Suthcr, General William Grigor, ret. list Royal Marines
124 Most HonouraUe Order of the Bath.
CoMPAjriOjrs eonfinued. WalUngton, Hon. Col. J.W., 4 Bn. Gloucester Regt. {Civil)
Swnine, Colonel Leopold Victor, CMO. Rifle BriRado Walter, General John McNeUl, retired list
Talbot, Colonel Boh. Repinnld A. J. hjj. i Life Guards Walton, Col. Clifford Elliot, Army Service Corps.
Tanner, Major Gen. Edward, ret. pay Liverpool Regt. Warden, General Robert, retired list
Tiuum, Commissary General Henry, r.f.p. (t'iri/) Warren, Major General Arthur Frederick
Taylor, Insp. l^eneral of Hospitals John Rob. half pay Warren, Colonel Dawson S. Regimental District
Tavlor, I'olonel Robert Lewis, lat« Bombay S. C. (Civil) Wati, Commissary General FitzJames Edward, ret. pay
ri Tecsdiilo.Miyor Gen.Sir Chris. C.,A'C3f(?.R. Art. (i/oH.) Way, Colonel Nowell Fitzupton, Royal Marines
Y£ Thackoniy, Colonel Kdwanl Talbot, ret. pay R. Eng. Weare, Lt.General Henry Edwin, retired list
Thackwcll, Gcucral Joseph Edwin, retired list p.g.c. Webber, Major General Chas. Bdm., r.f.p. R. Bng.
Thackwell, Major Gen. Wm. do W. R.,ret. pay Regt. Dist. Webster, Colonel Arthur George, retired pay 19 Hussars
Thoma*. Lt.Gcneral John Wellesley, retired list Welman, Maior General Wm. H. D. R. ret. full pay
Thomson, Colonel George, late Bengal Engineers Wemyss, Colonel Henry Manley, Bengal Staff Corps
Thornton, Brig. Surg. Jas. Howard, MB. Bengal Estab. Westmorland, Colonel F. W. H.Earl of, late Coldst.Guards
Thynne, Colonel Reirinald Thomas, Grenadier Guards White, Lieut. General Robert, 21 Hussars
Tillard, Colonel John Arthur, Royal Artillery Whitehead, Major General Robert Children
Tillv. Major General John, ret. pay Welsh Fusiliers Wigram, Colonel Godfrey James, Coldstream Guards
Tok'ir, Colonel Alliston C. Bengal Staff Corps Wilby, Lt.General William, retired list
Tompson, Major General W. D. r.f.p. Leicester Regiment Wilkinson, Major General Henry Clement
Tower, Lt. General Conyers, retired list Wilkinson, Major General Osborn, late Bengal Cavalry
Townsend, Uep. Surg. Gen. Stephen C. late Bengal Army Williams, Colonel Benjamin, Bengal Staff Corps
Trcmenhcere, Lt.GcneralChas. \Vm. r.f.p. R. Engineers Williams, Lt.General Edward Arthur, R. Artillery
Trevor, Lt. General William Cosmo, retired list Williams, Colonel George Walter, late Bengal Inf. (Civil)
Trotter, Lt.Coloncl Henry, Royal Engineers (Civil) Williams, Major General William John, Royal Artillery
Truell, Major General Robert Holt, ret. pay Willis, Lt.General Frederick Arthur
Tucker, Colouel Aubrey Harvey, ret. pay Rcgtl. District Wills, Brigade Surgeon Caleb Sherar
Tucker, General Auchmnty, Bengal Staff Corps Willson, Colouel Mildmay Willson, Scots Guards
Tucker, Colonel Charles. Regimental District Wilson, Major General Francis B. E. ret. pay
Tucker, Colonel Henry St. George, Bengal Infantry Wolseley, Colonel G. B. h.p. York and Lane. Regt.
Tucker, Major General H. T. late of Bengal Infixntry Wood, Colonel Edward Alex. h.p. 10 Hussars
i).».f. Tulloch, Colonel Alex. Bruce, h. p. Welsh Regiment Wood, Colonel Elliott, Ro.val Engineers
O'ulloh, Major General John Stewart, r.f.p. Royal Artillery Wood, Lt.General Henry H. A. Bombay Staff Corps
Tuson, Major General Henry Brnsnell, R. Mar. Artillery Woodthorpe, Colonel Robert Gosset, Royal Engineers
Twentyman, Colonel Aug. Charles, Regimental District. Woolfryes, Surg. Gen. John Andrew, MD. CMG. ret.lpay
p.».c. Twj-nam, Colonel P. A. A. h.p. Regimental Dist. Worsley, Colonel Henry R. B. Bengal Staff Corps
TjTidall, Major General Henry, r.f.p. Bengal Staff Corps Wrav, Lt.General Edward, r.f.p. Royal Artillery
Upperton, Colonel John, Bengal Staff Corps Wright, Lt.General Thomas, Bengal Staff Corps
Urqtiliart, Major General Francis Gregor, r.f.p. i Foot Wright, Colonel W^m. Frederick, ret. pay Ord. Store Dept.
Vandeleur,S[ajor Gen. John Ormsby, Sussex Regt. Yarboroitgh, Colonel Charles Cooke, late of 91 Foot
Van Straubcnzee, Colonel Turner, h.p. Royal Artillery p.s.c. Yates, Lt.General Henry Peel, ret. pay R. Artillery
Vialls, Lt.General George Courtney, retired list yorke. General John, 19 Hussars
WadeDallon, Colonel Jlamlet Coote, late of 13 Foot Young, Lt.General George Samuel, retired list
Walcott, Colonel Edmund Scopoli, Bombay Infantry Young, Commis. Gen.Wm.L.M.,h.p.OrdnanceStoreDept.
Walker, Major General Frederick W. E. F. C3£G. Tounghusband, Lt.Gen. Chas. Wright, r.f.p. R. Art. (Civil)
Walker, General James Thomas, r.f.p. Royal Engineers Younghusband. General Rob. Romer, Bombay S. C.
VC Walker, Lieut. General Mark Yule, Colonel Henry, late of Royal Engineers (Civil)
Wallace, Major General Hill, r.f.p. Royal Artillery
Officehs of the Oedee of the Bath.
Dean.— The Dean of Westminster.
Bath King q/'^r«w.— Admiral Mou. George Grey.
Eegistrar and Secretary.— Sir Albert W. Woods,' CB. Garter.

Gentleman Usher. G. C. Barrington, Esq. CB.

kcrs noio holding Ranlc in the Army of the Most Exalted

Order of the Star of India.
Knights Grand Commandehs. (GCSI.)
Field Marshal Hit Boyal IlighneKs the Prince of Wales Field Marshal
KG. KT. GCB. XP. GCMG. OCli;. R, C, Lord Napier of Magdala, GCB.
10 Hussars Royal Engineers
UU liny„l lli,,hn„. the
Duke of Edinburgh, KG. KT. KP. General Sir Neville Bowles Chamberlain, GCB. Bengal Inf.
GCila. aCIE. KCji. Hon. Colonel Royal Marines, - General Sir P. P. Haines, GCB. CIE. Munster Fusiliers
ling. Koottihh Div. 11, Art. and 3 Bn. Black Watch General Sir D. M. Stewart, Bt. GCB. CIE. Bengal S. 0.
Maior Gcncnil Him Konal Jliqk fA«Z>Kteo/Connaught, Colonel F. T. Marquis of Dufferin and Ava, GCB. KP.
Xa. KT. KP. OC.1/G CIE. Cll. Rillo Brigade GCMG. GCIE.
Field Maml IIuRnyal Mighnemi f/ie Z>«te 0/ Cambridge.
_ . », „. ^ .
„^ K.yionis Commandebs. (KCSI.)
Bannir, Major S,r Evel>Ti, OCMG. ,
FCJi. CIE. late R.Art. IKennody, General St Michael K. Royal Engineers
,,. „ ,, „ ,, ,
Brndford.l olonel .Sir Kdw.RidleyColboume, Madras S.C.Lumsden,

S.C.'Lumsden, Lt.General
•'*"i'Sy.^°i'.^V"r"'.'?^"'^'"''* Lt.Genera Sjr Harry B. CB. late Bengal S. C.
browne. Uj\ouc\ .S.r James, Cfi. Royal Engineers iMeade, Lt.General Sir Richard'john, CIE. Bengal S. C.
».._ " '!"• *"
?.'"?"«' A"J*.- Ucngal S. C. PoUy, Lt.General Sir Le\vis, KCB. Bombay Staff Corps
Bumc. C.-lciirl
.Sir Owen
Tudor. CIE. h.p. 20 Foot Pollock, Major General Sir Fred. Richard, late Bengal S.C.
Cavcuttgli, General Sir Orfoiir, llongal Staff Corps "£€ Probyn, Gen. Sir Dighton Macnaghte'n, ATCB. Ben.Cav.
CotU.n. (Miienil Sir Arthur T. C. Roval Engineers
Ramsay, Lt.General Hon. Sir Henry, CB. Bengal S. C.
DaviCH, Ccloncl .Sir William George ."Bengal Staff
Corps Ridgeway, Colonel Sir Joseph West. CB. Bengal Infantry
rn>TcT, hurg. Gonerul .Sir J.meph, MD. late Bengal
Armj Russell, General Sir Edward L. Bombay Infantry
OoldnnniLMii Frederic John, CB. late Madr. S.C, St. John, Colonel Sir Oliver

Beauchamp Coventry, R. Eng.

^"^""^ ^'^'^"''^ ''' ^°'^"-'- '-^'^^-^^^-y ^taff C.
K^^X(^Z\irK\'^^^\^''^El\ KaT/rtillery l^^'^"^'''''

Companions. (CSI.)
Andcmon. I,t lend Wm. C. Bombay Staff Cori)s
Ellis, Major General Arthur Eilward Augu.«tus
llcllr«-. hirK'.-,M.
.h'lrt,'! Major Henrj- Walter. Hongal Army Kthoridge, Major Gen. Alfred Thomas, late Bombay S. C.
UUrk. Mmi.t
M..„.r (....KTiil Hnmiiol, Bengal
Staff Corps
Clm...i .,...,
Fytcho, General Albert, Bengal Staff Corps
'MlCniwronlT. Hengal Staff Corps Gordon, Major General Thomas Edw. CB. Hongal S. C.
i.e..r^o T. CB. CIR. li„yal Engineers
Grant, Lt.Colonel James Aug. CB. late of Ben -al Staff C.
lit red. C. latfl MadraH EnRineers
Grey, Lt.Col. Leopold John Herbert, Bengal Staff Corps.
M Oon. J. M. MD. Into Hongal
EHtab. Hare, Dop. Insp. Gen. of Hospitals Edw. late Bengal Army
...... rcniornl Sir Ale.\. KCIB.

lato Bengal Hatch, Lt.General Georgo Cliffo, Bengal Staff

I.<...n..ral( raven U. r.f.p. Royal Corps !

Artillery Henderson, Colonel Philip Durham, Madras Cavalry ;

Hopkinson, Lt.General Henry. Bengal Staff Corps i

Hunter, Lt.Colonel Frederick Mercer. CB. Bombay S. C.
: .M/yor General Harvey Tuckctt, Madras StaCt
C. Uutchmson, Major Gen. George, CB. late of Bengal S.C.
Most Exalted Order of the Star of India.
CoUFk^IONS—confiHued. Protheroe, Colonel Montague, CB. Madras Staff Corps
Y€ Keatinge, Lt.General Rich. H. Bombay StafiF Corps Renny, General Henry, N. Lancashire Regt. (81 F.)
Lockhart, Colonel Sir Wm. S. A. KCB. Bengal Infantry Ross, Colonel Edward Charles, Bombay Staff Corps
c.Longden, Gen. Sir Hen. E. KCB. Lincolnsliire Kogt. Ruudall, General Fi-ancis Hornblow, R. Engineers
liovett, Lieut.Colonel Bcresford, Koyal Engineers Smith, Colonel Charles Bean Euan, Madras Infantry
Lumsden, Lt.General Sir Peter Stark, GC£. Bengal S.C. Spurgin, Lt.General John Blick, CB. retired list
Mackenzie, Insp. Gen. of Hosp. Sir Wm. MB. KCB. late Strachey, Lt.General Richard, r.f.p. Royal Engineers
Madras Army Thuillier, General Sir Henry Edw. Landor, R. Artillery
MaUeson.MajorGoneral George Bruce, late Bengal Staff c' Trevor, Major General John S. late Royal Engineers
Merriman, General Charles James, Royal Engineers Tweedie, Colonel William, Bengal Staff Corps
Michael, Major General James, Madras Staff Corps Waterfield, Colonel William Garrow, P.cngal Staff C.

Moncrieff,Col.«rC. Campbell Scott.icCilfff.r.f.p.R.Eng.! Willoughby, Colonel Mich;ul Wrrke.-, llombay

S. C.
Montgomery, General George Samuel, Bombay Infantry. AVylie, Lt. Colonel Henry, licnu'.il lul^inli'v
Murray, Major General Robert, Bengal Staff Corps

Yate, Major Charles Edwai-a, < 'J/</. |;.,iiil'iay Staff Corps.

Primrose, Lt.General James M. retired list Younghusband, Major Gemi-;il .1. WiIIkuu, Bombay S.C.

Segiatrar of the Order Sir Albert W. Woods, CB. Garter.

Officers noio Jwlding Banh in the Army of Most Distinguished

Order of St. Michael and St. George.
C-- 1 T,
iield -vr , T,-.
Marshal His,
Eoj/al Highness the Duke 0/ Cambridge, KG.KT. GCB. KP. GCSI. GCIE. Chief, Gren. Gds.
Knights, Grand Ceoss. (GCMG.)
Tieli^avshaXIIisRot/aimghness the Prince 0/ Wales, X(?. Clarke, Lt.Gen. Sir Andrew, CB. CIE. ret. pay R. Eng.
KT. GCB. KP. GCSL GCIE. ,0 Hussars Dufferin and Ava, Colonel F. T. Marquis of, GCB. KP.
Sis Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, KG. KT. KP. GCSI. GCIJE.
GCSI. GCIE. KCB. Hon. Col. Royal Marines, 3 Brigade ITiC Graham, Lt.General Sir Gerald, KCB. Royal Eng.
Scottish Division R. Art. and 3 Bn. Black Watch Grant, Field Marshal Sir P. GCB. Royal Horse Guards.
Major General His Royal Highness the Duke of Connausbt Jervois,Lt.Gen.Si>Wm. Fra. D., CB. ret. pay R.Engineers
KG. KT. KP. GCSI. GCIE. CB. Rifle Brigade Norman, Sir Henry W. GCB. CIE. Bengal'Staff Corps
Baring, Major Sir Evelyn, KCB. KCSI. CIE. late R. Art, Simmons, Sir
John L. A. GCB. Royal Engineers
Biddulph, Lt.General Sir Robert, CB. Royal Artillery Warren, Colonel Sir Charles, KCB. Royal Engineers
c. Borton, General &')• Arthur, GCB,
West India Regt. Wolseley, General Garnet Joseph Viscount, GCB. KP.
Carrington. Right He C. R. Lord, a. Oxford Lt. Inf. p.s.c. VIS- Wood, Major General Sir Henry Evelyn, KCB

. .
Knights Commanders. (KCMG.)
Anson, Major General Sir Arch. E. H. r.f.jj. R. Artillery iMacDougall, General Sir Patrick Leonard, p.W.I. Regt.
Lt.General Sir WiUiam, CB. retired list
General Sir 3 J. CB. Durham Lt. Inf. (106 F.)
UC M'Neill, Major General Sir John Carstairs, KCB.
{Mann, Major General Sir James Robert, R. Engineers
Wtlford, late Unattached \2iansfiehl, Colonel Sir Charles Edttin, late Unatt.
ir'r i ,?-^°\f"^
JJiE BuUer, Major Gen. Rf. Hon. Sir Redvers Henry, Xc'^. Middleton, Lt.General Sir Fred. D. CB. retired list
Can-mgton Colonel Sir F. South Wales Borderers (24 P.) Mitchell, Lt.Col. Sir Chas. Bull en Hugh, r.f.p. R.Marines
uiarue. Lt.Colonel &r Marshall James, R.Artillery Moncrieff.Col.
Sir Colin Campbell Scott, C-SI. r.f.p. R.Eng.
colomb, Oaptam Sir John C. R. h.p. R. Marine Artillery \Mundy, Major Sir Robert Miller, late
of Royal ArtUlery
Crossman, Major General Sir Wilham, ret. pay R. Eng. O'Brien, Lt.Colonel Sir John Terence Nicoll, late of 20 F.
ae VVmton. Colonel Sir Francis Walter, CB. h.p. R. Art. Tearson, Major General Sir ChaTles Knight, CB.
Greaves, Major General Sir George Richards, KCB.

Harley, Colonel Sir Robert Wm. CB. late of 2 W. I. Ret't Smyth,

JRussell, Col6uel Sir Baker Creed, KCB. h.p.
Hamley, Lt.Gen. Sir Edward Bruce, i'C5. R. Artillery 'Smith, Colonel-- - -
Sir Robert -- -'
Murdoch,- _
-t' 13
R. Engineers

Gen. Sir Edw. Selby, Seaforth Highlanders (72 F.)

Hawkms, General Sir John S. Royal Engineers [Smyth, General Hon. Sij- Leicester, KCB.
^ill. Colonel Sir Stephen John, CB.
XT ^
Hunter, CI , ' ' — 2- W.
-- late- of — Regt,
• I.•"^s- iStanton, General Sir Edward, CB. Royal Engineers
Surgeon Ueneral Sir William Guyer, MD. MP. ITiI Teesdale, Major Gen. SirChris.Chas.CiJ. R. Artillery
late Indian Medical Department Ward, Major General Sir Edward W. Royal Engineers
Julyan, Assist. Com. Gen. Sir Penrose Goodchild, CB.h.p. p.s.c.
Whitmore, Colonel Sir George Stoddart, lateof 62 F.
iietroy,GeneralSi»-JohnHenry,CIf.R.Artillery,retired list, Wilson, Colonel Sir Charles Wm. KCB. h.p. R. Engineers

•D , ,, . „ , .
Companions (CMG.)
^amard. Major John Henry, Munster Fusiliers (loi F.) ""
Kn, s,"ir,i
Barrow, Bt.Major Arthur Fred. Bengal Staff Corps Ln
Beech, Second Lieut. John Robert, 21 Hussars Lil
Bigge, Major Arthur John, CB. Royal Artillery M''
Commissary Henry Fred., retired pay
Bhssett, MncLood,
..^ ^,„„ Captniu
^..,,,„,,, Xn:
Cameron Colonel Donald Roderick, ret. pay R. Artillery iM'Nair, Major John Fred. Adolphus, Royal Artillery
Uhermside, Colonel Herbert Charles, CB. R. Kngineers 'ilahony, Staff Paymaster John, h.p. Army Pay Depart.
p.s.c.^ Clarke, Lt.Colonel Fra. ConingsljyHannam,
R. Art. Marindin, Major Francis Arthur, late Royal Engineers.
Clarke, Captain George Sydenham, R. Engineers Marshall, Lt.General Frederick, retired list
Clarke, Colonel S. de A. C. h.p. 6 Dragoon Guards. Martin, Lt.Colonel Richard Edw. R., 6 Dragoons
Collingwood, Major General AVilliam Pole, retired pay Meiklejohn, Lt.Colonel William Hope, Bengal Infantry
Crealock, Lt.General Henry Hope, CB. retired list Methuen, Col. Hon. Paul S. CB. (from h.p. Scots Guards).
Curtis, Colonel Francis 6. S. h.p. 6 Dragoons.
Moysey, Colonel Charles John, h.p. Royal Engineers
di Piro, Lt.Colonel Saverio Jlfar^Mis, r.f.p. Malta Fenc.Art.
Owen, Surgeon Major Charles Wm., CIE. Bengal Estab.
Downes, Major General Major Francis, ret. pay R. Art. Parr, Colonel Henry Hallam, h.p. Somerset Lt. Inf.
Dunlop, Colonel Samuel, r.f.p. Royal Artillery Paton, Colonel George, h.p. South Wales Borderers
Elhot, Major Henry George, r.f.p. Royal Marines Peacocke, Major William, Royal Engineers
1' CElphinstone, Major Gen. Sir
H. G.,KCB. R. Engineers Peyton, Lieut. Westropp J., Bombay Staff Corps.
p.s.e. Everett, Lt.Colonel William, h.p. West
Riding Rec't. Portelli, Colonel A.P.M.A.A., Malta Fencible Art.
Feilden, Lt.General Randal Joseph, retired list '^
Rind, Major Alex. T. S. A., Bengal Staff Corps
Fraser, Major General James Keith Roberts, Colonel Charles Fyshe, late of R. Artillery.
P.8.C. Eraser, Colonel Thomas, Royal Engineers Ro!5s, Lt.Colonel Justin Charles, r.f.p. R. (Bengal) Eng.
French, Lt.Colonel George Arthur (from Royal Artillery) Sale, Lt.Colonel Matthew Townsend, h.p. R. Engineers
Gatt, Major General Saverio, lato Malta Pencibles
FCSartorius, Colonel Reginald Wm. Bengal Infantry
Glyn, Lt.General Richard Thomas, CB. retired list Scott, Brigade Surgeon Fred Beaufort, 3ID.
Gough, Colonel Hugh Sutlej, 10 Hussars. Stewart, Colonel Charles Edward, CB. CIE. Bengal S. C.
Gouldsbury, Brigade Surgeon Valesius S. MD. ret. pay Swaine, Colonel Leopold Victor, CB. Rifle Brigade
Haig, Lt.Colonel Arthur Balfour, r.f.p. R. Engineers Trench, Major Gen. Fred. Cheneoix, late 20 Hussars
p-s.c. Harrison, Major General
Richard, CB. p.s.c. Villiers, Colonel lion. George P. H. Grenadier Gds.
Heath, Lt.Colonel John Macclesfield, r.f.p. Bombay S.C. Walker, Major General
F. W. B. F. CB.
Helden, Lt.Colonel Wm. Aug. T. ret. pay Leinster Regt. Warburton, Major
Peter Egerton, lato Indian Army
Hewett, Colonel Edward Osbom, R. Engineers Warren, Colonel Falkland George Edgeworth, h.p. R. Art.
H,me, Lt.Colonel Albert Henry, late Royal Engineers Watson, Major Charles Moore, Royal Engineers
Hughes, Colonel EmiUus, CB. Army Service Corps Wauchope, Colonel Andrew Gilbert, Black Watch
Irvine, Commissarj- General Matthew Bell, CB. half
c. Jarvis, Major General
pay Western, Lt.Colonel James Halifax, late R. (Ben.) Eng.
Samuel Peters, r.f.p. 82 Foot Woolfryes, Surg. Gen. John Andrew, MD. CB. ret. pay
Jekyll, Major Herbert, Royal Engineers
Wortley, Bt.Major E. J. Montagu Stuart, King's R. Rifles
Justice, Colonel Wm. Clive, h.p. Depot Battalion.
Wray, Lt.General Henry, ret. pay Royal Engineers
Kitchener,Colonel Horatio Herbert, Royal Engineers Yate, Major Charles Edward, CSI. Bombay Staff Corps
Chancery of the Order— The Colonial Department, Dovniing Street.
Order of the Indian Empire.
MaS'ifi. tHeDuJce 0/ Cam.
Field Marshal Hit Sowal Uigknt$t Albert
KU wanl Pruiceof i?o,a^ iT,^.,..'
OCSL OCMG. Commander
GCjrcJ ,o Hussars brid<^e XG. KT. OCB. EP.
wiles ioA-r.i:J>. GCli. GCSr.

,fl CAte/, Grenadier

M«ior Ciencml //w Jioyal Uu/hne.ttkt Duke
o/Connaught, » ^
Ava, ^on ICP
Cclonel F. T. JllarquU of Dufform and

"'^^^- ^^- Rifle ""Bade.

AG A-r^^ Gf-^^^-
cc^r GC'\£G
U^E Roberts,' General Sir F. S. Bt. GCB. R. Artillery

General Sir Benjamin. Bengal Estab.

CnnninRlinm, Maj. Gen .Alex. CSI. lateKTAr'^mrisTnfpsoi^'sSeon
Moore. Sttrgeon General Si \V. J. late BombayCompanions^
Estab. I

^(lessurier. Colonel Augustus, Royal Engineers

AitohiRon Surceon Major J. E. T. MB. BcnRal
SaV^^rMajor^frEvel^.GC3^ KCSl latcR.Art. Ludlow, Major E. S., Madras Staff
Army Mackenzie, Insp. Gen. of Hosp. Sir W. KCB. MD. late
Beatsoi Surg. General J. V. MD. late Bengal

r C Bcresford. Bt.Lt.Col. Lord W. L. de la Poer, 9 Lancers CB. Bengal Staff Corps

MSn.'c'oruel Charles Smith,
Berkeley, Colonel James Cavau, Madras
Madras istaD. Mainwaring, Major General W. G. Bombay Staff Corps
btaff Corps
Bidio Denuty Surgeon Gen. George, MB. General Sir R. J. KCSI. Bengal
Royal Enf?meers Meade, Lt.
Bisse't, Mlijor \Vm. S. S- H. CB. Bombay StaH Corps
Moore, Major General
Burne, Colonel Sir Owen Tudor, XCS/h.p 20 Foot
Staff Corps
Estab. Muir Captain Charles Wemyss, Bengal
Uusteed, Brig. Surg. H. Elmsley. MD. late Madras
Napier, Major Hon. G. C. late Bengal Infantry
Chosney, Lt.General George T. CB. CSI., R. Engineers Corps.
Nisbet, Lt.Colonel Robert Parry, Bengal Staff
Church, Colonel Thomas Koss, Madras S.C.
Norr^an. Gen. Sir H.W. GCB.GCMG. Bengal Staff
Clarke Lt.Gcn. Sir Andrew. GCJfG. CB. ret. pay R. Eng.
Conwav-Gordon, Lt.Colonel Lewis, R. (Bengal) Eng. Owen, Surgeon Major Charles William, CUG. Benga
Cornish, Surgeon General Wm. Robt. late Madras
Staff Corps
Estab. Raikes'. Major Frederick Duncan, Bombay
Dallas, Dep. Surg. Gen. Alex. Morison, Bengal
Scott, Captain Buchanan, Royal Engineers
Daly, General Sir Henry Dominick, KCB. Bombay S. C
Stewart, Colonel Charles E. CMG. CB. Bengal
Staff C.
Day, Deputy Surgeon General F. late Madras Estab.
Stewart, General Sir DonaldM.iJ<.GCi?.GCS/.BengalS.C.
Deunehy, Major General Thomas, r.f.p. Bengal S. C.
Lt.Colonel Hugh Richard, Vitct. 10 Hussars Stewart, Colonel John, retired pay Royal Artillery.
Fuller, General John Augustus, r.f.p .Royal Engineers
Talbot, Major Adelbert Cecil, Bengal Staff Corps.
Lt.General James Francis, r.f.p. R. Engineers
Goodfellow, Colonel George Ritso, Bombay Staff Corps Tennant,
Gordon, Lt.General W. B"ngal Staff Corps Thompson, Surg. Maj. Daniel Robert, MD. Madras Estab.
Haines, General Sir F.P.GCB.GCS/.Munster Fus. (104 F.; Walton,
Major General Bendyshe, Bengal Staff Corps
Hardinge, General Hon. Sir A. E. KCB. King's R. RiHes Ward, Colonel
Henry Constantine E. Bengal S. C.
Hewlelt, Deputy Surgeon General T. G. Bombay Army We'don, Colonel Thomas, Madras Staff Corps
Royal Engineers Williams, Ma.ior General E. C. S. Royal Engineers
Home, Colonel Robert,
Impcy, Colonel E. C. late Bengal Staff Corps Wodehouse, Colonel Charles, Bombay Staff Corps
Johnson, General Sir Edwin B. GCB. Royal ArtUlery VVyllie, Major William H. C. Bengal Staff Corps
Hepittrar of the Order Sir Albert W. Woods. CB. Garter.

0£icers now holding Bank in the Army of the

Distinguished Service Order.
Aldworth, Captain William, Bedford Regiment Lithgow, Dep. Surgeon Gen. Stewart Aaron, CB. MD.
Annesley, Lieut. Wm. R. N., West Kent Regiment Lloyd, Bt.Major George Evan, Yorkshii-e Lt. Infantry
Barrett, Captain Alfred Lloyd, Bengal Staff Corps Lugard, Captain Fred. John Dealtry, h.p. Norfolk Regt.
Barrow, Bt. Lt.Colonel Chas. T., Scottish Rifles Lyle, Captain Hugh Thomas, Welsh Fusiliers
Bayly, Captain Alfred Wm. Lambart, Bombay S.C, M'Leod, Lt.Colonel Donald James Sim, Madras Cavalry
Bennett, Lt.Colonel William, Yorkshire Regiment M'Swiney, Lieut. Edward P. Henry, Bengal Staff Corps
Borrow, Captain Frederick R. N., Lancashire Regiment Mackinnon, Surgeon Major Hy. Wm. Alex., Med.
Browne, Captain George Fitzherbert,]Sorlhampton Regt. Marriott, Bt.Major Reginald A., R. Mar. Artillery
Budgen, Colonel William Thomas, Royal Artillery Maxwell, Captain John Grenfell, Black Watch
Campbell, Lt.Colonel Colin Charles, Madras Staff Corps Middleton, Colonel Francis Beckford, r.f.p. Madras S, C.

father, Bt.Major Thomas Plunket, Royal Engineers Milne, Captain Richard Louis, Liverpool Regiment
Caulfcild, Lieut. Algernon M., Northumberland Fusiliers Money, Bt.Lt.Colonel Gordon L.C., Cameron
Channer, Major Beniard, Bengal Staff Corps Morse, Lieut. Frank Alexander, Somerset Light Infantry
Cokcr, Colonel Edmund R.. h.p. Durham Light Infantry Murray, Colonel Kenelm Digby, Irish Fusiliers
Corbctt, Surgeon Major Robt. de la Cour, MD. Med. Staff Patterson, Surgeon Major Thomas William, Medical Staff
Couchraan, Captain Geo. II. Holbeche, Somerset Lt. Inf. Payne, Captain Richard Lloyd, Somerset Lt. Infantry
CoxhcaU, Lieut. Thomas Langhorne, Royal Artillery Pigott, Bt.Major Charles Berkeley, 21 Hussars
Crotlon, Bt. Lt.Colonel Morgan S., S. Stafford Regiment Preston, Captain Jenico Edward, Madras Staff Corps
I'CCubitt, Colonel William George, Bengal Staff Corps Quirk, Major John Owen, Welsh Regiment
Cummins, Lt.t;olonol James Turner, Madras Staff Corps Rawlinson, Major Spencer Richard, Madras Staff Corps
Cure, CapUin Herbert Capel, Gloucester Regiment Rhodes, Captain Elmhirst, Berkshire Regiment
Daubcucy, Captain Edward K., S. Stafford Regiment Romilly, Bt.Major Fred. Williams, Scots Guards
DecdcH, Colonel William Henry, ret. pay Rille Brigade Rose, Major Henry Metcalfe, Bengal Staff Corps
Do Lisle, Lieut. Henry Do B., Durham Light lufantrj- Rundle, Bt.Major Henry M.L., R. Artillery
Dening, Major Lewis, Bengal Staff Corps St. Leger, Colonel H. H.; ret. pay Cameron Highlanders
Dicken, Colonel William Popham, Madras Staff Corps Scallon, Captain Robert Irwin, Bombay Staff Corps
Dorrion, Captain H. L. Smith, Derbyshire Regiment Scott, Bt.Lt.Colonel Douglas Alex., Royal Engineers
Dorwaril, Major Arthur U. F., Royal Engineers Scudamore, Lieut. Charles Philip, Scots Fusiliers
DownfB, Lieut. Wm. Knox, Bengal Staff Corps Shephard, Captain Charles Sinclair, Lancaster Regiment
Dun, CapUiiu Kdward William, Bengal Staff Corps Sherston, Captain John, Rifle Brigade
Dundan, Captain Lawrence Charles, Liverpool Regiment Shone, Captain William Terence, Roj'al Engineers
Karlc, Captain Henry. Yorkshire Light Infantry Sinclair, Captain Alfred Law, Bombay Staff Corps
Klliot, Major Kdward Locke, Bombay Stuff Corps Skene, Lt.Colonel Charles M'Dowal, Bengal Infantry
Everett, Lt.Colonel Edward, Cameron Highlanders Skinner, Lt.Colonel J. T., Army Service Corps
Kendall, Captain (Jharles Pears, Royal Artillery Smyth, Captain Owen Stuart, Royal Artillery
Kcrrjer, Ca|itJiiii James Archibald, Royal Engineers Spraggo, Captain Basil Edward, York Light Infantry
Froro, HI. .Major .Sir Uartlo C. A. Bart. Rillo Brigade Stanton, Lieut. Henry Ernest, Royal Artillery
OlanviUo, Ln;iil. Francis, Royal Engineers Stead, Major Alfred James, Bengal Infantry
Oollghlly, Ca|.laiii Robert Kdmund, King's Royal Rif Street, Surgeon Alfred Wm. Fred., Bombay Establishment
Oooijwyn, Ciiptiiin Henry Edwanl, Royal Engineers Sykes, Surgeon William Ainley, Bengal Establishment
Gordon, Coloin JaineH Hunrv, MailraH Staff Corps Tanner, Captain John Arthur, Royal Engineers
Grove, Ll.C.,l,iio| Alex. Sinclair, Madras Staff Corps Temple, Lt.Colonel Chas. Pilchcr, Berkshire Regiment
Hngifurd, A. C, 1'., King's Own Scottish Borderers Tevrisl,:im, (';i)itain Richard Kinloch. Madras S.C.
HiuiUiit'h. Cai.l.iiii Kdvviird Speiice, Madras SUvff CoqiS TriMN.ii, (': iii:i 111 Charles Prideanx, Royal Artillery

llcnnt'll, 1,1.1 ..loiicl K-^iiiulil, Bombay infantry Twr. <lir, c.ilMncI .lohnL., West Kent Regiment
HtpitcT, l.t. Colonel Albert JamcH, Royal KiiKincers U|K-hrr. i'mIi.iu'I Kussell, Durham Light infantry.
Hickno'i. Capiiii, .-!iimn,.| Arthur Einein, R. Engineers Wacc, Major Ernest Charles, Roj'al Artillery
Huggim.. Ciij.liiiii I'onHoiiby (;ionn. Madras SUitf Corps Westlake, Captain Almond Paul, Madras Staff Corps
Hunter, H'.Nliij.r Areliiliiild, Lancaster Regiment Wilkinson, Captain Henry Thomas Diedrich, Essex Regt.
Ililcrton, llt.LlColonel CharlcH Edw., W. Surrey Rcgt. Wilkinson, Lieut. Thomas H. Des Voeux, Rifle Brigade
Jcnnor, Liom. Albert VicUjr, Riflo BriL'ado Willcocks, Captain James, Leinster Regiment
Kocne, Captain Alfred, Koyal Artillery Wood, Capt. Hastings St. Leger, East Yorkshire Regt.
KompsUT, Cnptaiu KriiiiciH JaineH, LoinsI or Regiment Wright, Surgeon Aiajor Fred. Wm. Bengal Establishment
LAmbcrt, M Colonel Waller Miller, r.f.p. U. M. Artillery Wyuyard, Lieut. Edward George, Liverpool Regiment
Lamport, Lieut. William, Royal Artillery
Officers noxu holding BanJc in the Army ivlio have received the 127

'Fictovia Crojss,
(For details of the Awards, see the War Services of the Officers in the Corps to
which they belong.)
Adams, Hen. 3. Williams, Bengal Establishment. Jarrett, Lieut. Hanson Chambers Taylor, 26th _
Bell, Lieut. Mark Sever, Ro.yal Ensineors (now Colonel) Native Infantry (now Colonel Bengal Staff Corps).
BeresfoTd.Capf. Lord W. .gliancers {now £t.Lt.Col.,CIE.) Jee, Surgeon Joseph, 78th Highlanders (now retired
BerrjTnan, Troop Sergeant Major .John, 5 Lancers (now Deputy Inspector General, CB.).
Quarter Master and lion. Major on retired pay). Jerome, Lieut. Henry Edward, 86th Regiment (now
Blair, Captain James, 2 Bombay Cavalry (now Jcfa;'. Gen.) Major General retired pay).
Bogle, Lieut. A.U., 78 Highlanders (now retired Major). Sones, Lieut. A. S., 9th Lancers (now i^CoZoHe/ retired).
Boulger, Lance Corporal Abraham, 84th Regiment (now Keatinge, Captain Richard Harte, Bombay Artillery
Quarter Muster a.i\ii Hon. Lt. Co^one/, retired pa.v). (now Lieut. General, CST., Bombay Staff Corps).
Bromhead, Lieut. Gonville, 24 Foot (now J/a>>- South Knox, Ensign 3ohn S., Rifle Brigade (now retired Jlfa/or).
Wales Borderers). Leach, Captain E. P., R. Engineers (now Colonel, CB.).
Brown, Lieut. Francis David Millett, i European Bengal Leet, Jir(7>r William, 13th Regiment (now Major General
Fusiliers (now Lt. Colonel Bengal Staff Corps). retired pay Somersetshire Light Infantry, CB.).
Browne, Xje«^ Edward Stevenson, 24 Foot (now Major Lennox, Lieut. W. O., R. Eng. (now Lieut. General, CB.).
South Wales Borderers). Lenon, Lieut. E. H., 67th Regt. (now retired Major).
Browne, Lieut. Henry George, 32nd Regiment (now Loyd-Lindsay, Lieut. Robert James, Scots Fusilier '

Colonel on half pay). Guards (now retired Lt.Colonel Lord Wantage, KCB.).
Browne, Major Samuel James, 46 Bengal N.I. (now Lysons, Lieut. Henry, Scottish Rifles (now Captain).
General Sir, KCB. KCSI. Bengal Staff Corps). Lyster, Lieut. Harry Hammon, 72nd Bengal Native In-
Buller, Captain 4- Bt.Lt. Colonel Henry Redvers, CB. fantry (now Major General, CB. Bengal Staff Corps).
CM&. (now Major General Sir, KCMG., KCB.). M'Neill, Lieut. Colonel John Carstairs, 107th Regiment
Butler, Lieut. Thomas Adair, ist European Bengal (now Major General Sir, KCB. KCMG.).
Fusiliers (now Hon. Major retired on a pension). Macdonald, Colour Sergeant Henry, R. Engineers (now
Cadell, Lieut. Thomas, 2nd European Bengal Fusiliers Quarter Master on half pay and Honorary Captain).
(now Colonel Bengal Staff Corps). Macintyre, MajorDonald, Bengal S.C. (now ret. Colonel).
Cafe, Capt. Wm. Martin, 56 Bengal N.I. (now Lt. General). Malcolmson, Lieut. John Grant, 3rd Bombay Light
Cameron, Lieut. Aylmer Spicer, 72nd Highlanders (now Cavalry (retired, now Gentleman at Arms).
Colonel, ret. pay King's Own Scottish Borderers, CB.). Manley, Assista7it Surgeon Wm. G. N., Royal Artillery
Channer, Capt. George Nicolas, Bengal S.C.(now Colonel). (now Honorary Surgeon General on retired pay).
Chaplin, Ensign John Worthy, 67th Regiment (now Marling,' itra^. Percival S., 3 Bn. King's Royal Rifles
Colonel retired pay 8th Hussars, CB.). (now Captain 18 Hussars).
ChSbTi.Lieut. JohnR.M., Royal Engineers (now Major). Marshall, Qr.Mr. SergeantW. 'l\,ignnsB!iTs{no\7 Lieut.).
Chase,i!C!<?.Wm. St. Lucien,'Bombay S.C.(now Caj^ain). Maude, Captain Francis Cornwallis, Royal Artillery
Conolly, Lieut. John Aug., 49th Regiment (now Lt. (now retired Colonel, CB.).
Colonel retired). Maude, Major Frederick Francis, 3rd Regiment " The
Creagh, Captain O'Moore, Bombay S.C. (now Major). Buffs," (now General Sir, GCB., retired).
Cubitt, Lieut. Wm. George, 13th Bengal Native Infantry Moore, Lieut, and Adjutant Arthur Thomas, 3rd Bombay
(now Colonel, DSO. Bengal Staff Corps). Light Cavalry (now Colonel Bombay Staff Corps, CB ).
Cuninghame, Lieut. Wm. J. M., Rifle Brigade (now Moore, Major Hans Garrett, 88th Foot (now Colonel, CB.
Major Sir W. J. M. Cuninghame, Bart., sold out). retired pay Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders).
Cnnyngham, Lieut. Wm. H. D., Gordon Highlanders Mouat, Surgeon James, 6th Dragoons (now Surqeon
(now Captairi). General, CB. on half pay).
Davis, Captain Gronow, Royal Artillery (now Major O'Connor, Sergeant Luke, 23rd Fusiliers (now Major
General retired). General, retired pay).
Dickson, Lieut. Collingwood, Royal Artillery (now Olpherts, Captain WiUiam, Bengal Artillery (now
General Sir Collingwood, GCB.). General Sir, KCB.).
Dixon, Captain Matthew Charles, Royal Artillery (now Prendergast, Lieut. Harry N. D., Madras Engineers
Major General retired full pay). (now General Sir, KCB.).
Douglas, Assistant Surgeon Campbell Millis, MD., 2nd Probyn, Captain Dighton Macnaghten, 3rd European
Battalion 24th Regiment (now Surgeon Major retired). Bengal Lt. Cavalry (now General Sir, KCSI. KGB.).
Dowell, Lieut. George Dare, Royal Marine Artillery Reade, Surgeon Herbert Taylor, 6ist Regiment (now
(now Lt. Colonel, h.p.). Surgeon General retired pay, CB.).
Edwards, Lieut. Wm. M. M., 2nd Battalion Highland Rennie, Lieut, and Adjutant William, goth Light In-
Light Infimtry (now Captain). fantry (now Hotwrary Lieut. Colonel on retired full pa.y).
Elphinstone, Lieut. Howard Craufurd, Royal Engineers Re.ynoUls, Surgeon Major James Henry, Medical Staff
(now 3Iajor General Sir, KCB., CMG.). Ridgeway, Captain Richard Kirby, Ben. S.C.(nowil/ajor).
Fosbery. Lieut. George Vincent, late 4th Bengal Euro- Roberts, Lieut. Frederick Sleigh, Bengal Artillery (now
pean Regiment (now Lt. Colonel retired). Lieut.General Sir, Bart. GCB. GCIE.).
Fraser, Major C. C., 7 Hussars (now Colonel 8 Hussars). Roddy, Ensign Patrick, Bengal Army, unattached (now
Gifford, Lieut. Edric Frederick, Lord, 24th Regiment Colonel, retired).
(now Brevet Major late Middlesex Regt.). Rogers, Lieut. Robert Montresor, 44th Regiment (now
Goodfellow, itea/.'Chas. Aug., R. Engineers {nowCo?one;). Colonel, h.p. Regimental District, CB.).
Goodlake, Captain Gerald Littlehales, Coldstream Rowlands, CaptoHj H., 41 Regt. {now MajorGeneral,CB )
Guards (now Lt. General retired list). Sartorms, Captain E. H., E. Lane. Regt. (now Colonel)
Gough, Captain Charles J. S., 5th European Bengal Sartorius, Major Reginald William, CMG., Bengal In-
Cavalry (now Major General Sir, KCB.). fantry (now CoZojiei h.p.).
Gough, Lieut. Hugh Henry, ist European Bengal Cav- Shaw, Captain Hugh, i8th Regiment {now Major General
alry (nowMajor General Sir, KCB. Bengal Staff Corps). ret. pay Irish Regt. CB.).
Graham, Lieut. Gerald, Ro.yal Engineers (now Lieut, Sylvester, Assistant Surgeon Henry Thomas, MD., 23rd
General Sir, KCB., GCMG.). Fusiliers (now on half pay).
Guise, Major John Christopher, 90th Light Infantry Teesdale, Lieut. Christopher Charles, Royal Artillery
{now Lieut. Gctieral, CB.). (now Major General Sir, CB. KCMG.).
Hale, Assistant Surgeon Thomas Egerton, MD., 7th Temple, Assistant Surgeon William, MB., Royal Artillery
Fusiliers (now Surueon Major, half pay). (now Brigade Surgeon).
Hamilton, Captain Thomas de Courcy, 68th Light In- Thackeray, Lieut. Edward Tablet, R. (Bengal) Engineers
fantry (now Honorary Major General). (now Colonel, CB. retired).
Hammond, Captain A. G., Bengal S.C. (now Lt. Colonel). Trevor, Captain W. Spottiswoode, R. Engineers (now
Hart, Lieut. Reginald Clare, Royal Engineers (now Major General, retired pay).
Colonel). Vousden, CaptainWm. John, Bengal S.C. {now 3Iajor).
Havelock-Allan, Lieut. Henry Marshman, loth Regiment Walker, Lieut. Mark, 30th Regt. (now Lieut. General, CB.)
(no-vr Lieut. General Sir, Bart., KCB. retired list). Wantage, Lord, see Loyd-Lindsay.
Heneage, Captain C. W., 8 Hussars (now Jfq/or retired). Watson, Lieut. John, 28th Bombay Native Infantry
Hill, it€M<. Alan Richard, Northampton Regt. (now Capt). (now Lieut.General Sir, KCB., Bombay Staff Corps).
Hills-Johnes, Lieut. James, Bengal Artillery (now Lieut. White, Major George Stewart, CB. Gordon Highlanders
General Sir, KCB. retired list). (now Major General Sir, KCB.).
Home, Surgeon Anthony Dickson, goth Light Infantry Wilmot, Captain Henry, Rifle Brigade (now Sir Henry,
(now Surgeon General Sir, KCB. retired pay). Bart., retired Majori.
Innes, Lif:ut. John J. M'L., Royal Engineers (now Wood, Lieict. Henry Evelyn, 17th Lancers (now Major
Lieut. General, retired). General Sir Henry Evelyn, KCB. GCMG.).
the Army who have received from the Royal Humane
1-S Officers
now holding Eanlc in
Society, or other Institutions,

Holmes, Ctipfain Henry R. L.,^'' Bengal Staff Corps.

Hunt, Major Henry Vaughan," Royal Artillery.
Le Cocq, Colonel Hubert, so Royal (Bombay) Artillery-
Le Marchant, Lieut. Osmond Cecil,'*' Sussex Regt.
A^^^' Stwei^l^li.^ , Bn. Ea^ Kent Re,t,
Regiment. Lemon, Captain Gratton G.,^" 3 Bn. Lancashire Fusiliers
AwJrion E. A. H..» West Kent Regiment. (7 Lancashire Militia).
ASce! ro/o«W J. M,. h.p, WestRiding
Lockhart, Colonel Wm. S. Ales.,53 C5., Bengal Infantry.
K. A.,' h.p. Koyal Artillery.
Dept, McRae, Captain Henrv Napier,55 Bengal Staff Corps.
Bc.l?dmore f,.;./."" Charles F. H.J Armj'Jay MacMahon-Creagh, Major H. M. M.,56 late 7 Brigade S.
niauuiim, ., Michael A. S.,f XCB. Royal Art.
.---- St. George's Rifle Volunteers. Irish Division Royal Artillery (Clare Artillery Militia).
Binl, Colonel St«n!ey U ,
„ , •

ital District. Malcolm, Lieut. Pulteney," Bengal Staff Corps.

Lionel Lowaham.'" Reg;
Brclt Co/on*;
EdparWaUiegrave." King 5 Royal Rifles. yCManlcy, Dep. Surg. Gen. Wm. George N.,=s ret. pay.
Brotlie.CuD^ain Mercer, Lieuf. Wm. H. W./^ Madras Staff Corps.
B^«^c. Zi^«'. S. D.,>» Royal Artillery,
m. JIo,i. Wm. *"
C, Fi«c<.," 12 (Civil Milman, Lieuf. General George Bryan,!^' CB. retired list.
Bury. if. Co/o«r/ Newington, Captain Frank Alesander,^^ Royal Marines.
Service) Rifle Volunteers. Nixon, Major Edward Baynes,«3 Bengal Staff Corps.
raldwcll SHro<-on Robert," Medical Staff. Oldfield, Captain John R. H.,^^ Royal Marines.
Cnmrr^n i'io'o"'' Donald R..>^ C3IG. R.
York Light Infantry. Orde, Major Charles Reginald," Rifle Brigade.
r-Ctfi^S Co/onW Charles Kyrle.n Parsons, i;. Colonel Richard.^^ Worcester Regiment.
Stafi" Corps.
ricmenU. Lt.Colourl Montngn.'^ Bengal Regt. Pengelley, Major Wm. Jenny,^" retired pay R. Marines.
&.,>'' Leicester (17 Foot)
breSlCapM... Richard J. Pratt, Captain J. A..'^^ g Bn. King's Royal Rifles (North
C^ck.CavMn James Wm.H..^" Irish Fusihera (SyFoot). Cork Militia).
Prinsep, Linit. James F. M.,™ Esses Regiment.
?e"K.^nrcl/^ Pym, Major General Fred. George," r.f.p. R. Marines.
Rich, Major Charles Carroll,'^ Royal Artillery.
riC Sartorius, Colonel Buston Henry,"* " '
Dundas/i/.toJ. Henry La.vrence/; h.p E. York Regt. Regiment (59 Foot).
Ecclcs, Captain Rol)ert.=» 0.xford
Light Infantry (43 1 •)
R Scott, Major Henry," late 18 Hussars.
England. it.Colonel Albert Edward," late
StaflT Corps. Senior, Lf. Colonel Henry W. J.,'« Bengal Staff Corps.
Kvre Captain Gervase Selwyn,^" Bengal Smith, Lf. Colonel J. W..'^ South Staffordshire Regiment
Prnnklvn Dn' Surg. Onieral Henry ret. pay. Snow, Colonel Edmund Brighouse.^" ret. pay R. Marines,
f? ffir.^.G«..^Charles Craufard,'^ CB. 8 Hussars.
Stock, Lt.Colonel H. J.," Bombay Staff Corps.
Frv, Colonel John William," retired from 88 Foot.
Bn.SeaforthHighlanders Thompson, Major R. F. Meysey,^^ late Rifle Brigade.
Giillowav, iiidLI. Harold B." 3
Foot). Torrens, Captain John A. W. O'Neill,** 2 Dragoons.
Gibb Captain John H. S.,« Worcester Regt. (36 Trevor, Lieut. Harry,^^ Bengal Staff Corps.
V $ e 'Goodw>-n, ilajor James
Edward.^" E. Lane. Regt.
p. s.c. Verner, Ca/)fei« Wm. Willougkby C. .^"^ Rifle Brigade.
Greenwood. Ca;)Mm Charles Staniforth,^- 10 Hussars.
Wade, Lieut. Header M. St, Royal Engineers.
Gretton, I'aptain George Le !!.,'« 3 Bn. Warwick
Walker, Co^oHfZ Thomas Nicholls,89 r.f.p. Bengal S.C.
Grier. Sur<i<on Henry,*» Medical SUff.
VvT Hart, Colonel Reginald Clare,*' R. Engineers. Williams, Captain B. T..^" 4 Bn. W. Riding Regt.
,, , c
Wiltshire Regt. Woodhall, Lt.Colonel Frederic 5 Middlesex
II» e Harvey Lt. Colonel Charles Lacon,*=
Hcrvey Hajor Hugh De la Motte," Bengal Staff Corps. Militia.
Hodder, Lieut. William Morgan,*^ Royal Engineers.
Woods, Captain Henry Byron,'^ Royal Marines.
Details of the Awards.
> Lt.Colonel A gassiz was awarded the Silver
Medal of the Royal Humane Society for jumping overboard from H.M.S.
p.m., to the rescue of F. Peel, A.B., who had
Aaineourt into the Sea of Marmora on the 23rd September 1878, at 11
fallen therein and whose Ufe he saved the ship ;was going 7 knots under steam, and the night was dark.
» Lieut Aitken was awarded the Silver Medal of the Royal Humane Society for having, on the 28th November
of the 93id Highlanders, who had been capsized from a yawl in
1880 assisted to save Lieut. J. H. Campbell,
Gibraltar Bav. Lieut. Aitken swam a considerable distance and dived
and brought him to the surface till assist-
ance arrived';' the night was pitch dark and the weather squally, accompanied by heavy rain, lightning, and

Miicut. Akers was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for having, on the 27th November
1884 saved two voyagours from drowning in the Nile, near Semneh.
'Captain Alderson was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for saving the life of a
private of the ist Battalion of the Somerset Light Inl'antry in the Nile, near Dongola, on the nth June 1SS5.
• Colonel Anley was awarded the Bronze Metlal of the Royal Humane Society for saving a boy from drowning
in the Ornamental Water, Regent's Park, on the 4th May 1865.
7 Captain C. F. H. Beardmore was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for saving the life
of a native Coolie from drowning during the Ashanti campaign in 1873.
• Sir Michael Biddulph was awarded the Silver Medal of the Royal Humane Society for saving the life of a
comrade from drowning in the Canal, Royal Arsenal, on the 25th August 1842, when he was a Cadet at the Royal
Military Academy.
» Colonel Bird was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for having, on the 7th August 1873,
rencned three ludicK and a gentleman from drowning in the River Avon, near Stratford.
>o Colonel L. Li. Brett was awarded the Silver Medal of the Royal Humane Society for saving two persons from

drowning at New Quay, Cornwall, on the 14th August 1867.

X Captain Urodie wua awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for having, on the 2nd November
1882, rescued Lieut. W. S. Kays, of the 60th Rifles, who had lost his horse while endeavouring to cross a lake near
Koroseporo, and had become entangled in the weeds while weighed down with 150 rounds of cartridge.
»> Lieut. 8. 1). Browne was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for saving a native woman

from drowning iit Nyneo Tal, India, on the 31st August 1885.
«• Lord Bury W08 awarded the Silver Medal of the Royal Humane Society for having, on the 6th October 1 868,

aKHiHtcil Ut launch a boat in a heavy sea at Mudeford Bay, Christchurch, and to rescue one man who had been
wracked and brouuhl the bodies of two others to shore. Lord Bury has also received the Silver Medal of the Royal
National Lifeboa tliislitulion for the same service.
" Surgeon K. Caldwell was awardt-il the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for having assisted in
MvinK a privntu oflho Black Watch from <lrowning in the Nile, at Korta, on the 28th October 1885.
•» Lt.Colonel Cameron was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for having, on the 5th May

1871, swum to the middle of the canal at Ottawa, Canada, righted a canoe which had been upset, and assisted its
occupant Imrk iuui it.
" Colon«l Challl.ld was awarded the Silver Medal of the Royal Humane Society for having, on the 31st October
18S7, Jumped into the Irrawoddy to the help of a corporal who had fallen overboard and was afterwards drowned.
Colonel Chalflfld'K right hand was disabled and bandaged at the time and he incurred great risk from the force of
tbo current.
•» Ll.Coloncl (Mcinonti was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for jumping into the water
withfcllhlsclollicjionand. wiihthuasKistancoof Captjiiu W. S. A. Lockhart, rescuing two women who had been
ap«ot from a Ixmt on the Momr Lake, Gwalior, on the 26th December 1869.
'» Capuiin Creed was awanlcd the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for having,
on the 7th February
i»79. nwcued a private of the 17th llcgimeut who had bee» swept off his legs while fording the River Cabul at
UawtnBl.b^v pUiiik'ing i" ami keeping his head above water till a-ssistance was brought.
»• CapUiii furjick wBi< awar<le<l the Silver Medal of the Royal llumano Society for having, on the 22nd
May 1881,
inmnc<l i.vnrltoanl iiiid »iipporlo<l till assistance came a man who lull between the troop ship and H.M.S. Banher in
OuomiM-y U..ndH Ilun aUo brcn awanled the Silver Clasp for attempting to save a private soldier
from'drowuing ^
Ina well m-ar Iiellii..n the iMh January 1886.
I,lcul. Duunciy wan awanlcd the Bronze Modal of the Royal Humane Society for having, in the overflow of the
Nile, at the Pyraniidn o( Gizch, near Cairo, on the nth October 1882, swum out in full uniform (boots and spurs^ to
Civil Decorations for Gallantry. ^Details of the Awards. 129
the assistance of two soldiers of the 7th Dragoon Guards. Ho gained the shore with one of them, and swam on
again for the other, who, however, sanlc before lie could reach him, and was drowned.
" Captain de Hoghton was awarded the Silver Medal and the Stanhope Gold Medal of the Royal Humane Society
for the following act :— On the loth September 1874, at half-past 9 p.m., at Lowestoft, James Dorling fell overboard
from the Yacht Dart whilst she was makinj? for the inner harbour in a strong half-flood tideway, the night very
dark, blowing and raining hard, and going about five and a half knots. Lieut. J. de Hoghton, loth Foot, jumped
overboard, swam to Dorling, and supported him in the water for about a quarter of an hour in the tideway between
narrow high pilework, without crossbeams or side chains to lay hold of, and the head of the pilework twelve or
fifteen feet above the water— the yacht being carried away into the inner harbour and no other vessel or boat in
the gateway to lend assistance the darkness prevented any immediate help being obtained from the shore. The

length of the gateway about 350 yards, width 15 to 20 yards, depth 10 to 15 feet. Lieut, do Hoghton and Dorling
were ultimately drawn up the pilework by ropes from the shore.
2» Major Dempster was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for having, on the 17th May

1863, assisted in saving a shipwrecked crew at Port Louis, Mauritius.

'^ Major Duberly was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for having, on the 25th May 18S1,

gone into the water with all his clothes on, and, after two unsuccessful efforts, succeeded in rescuing a lady who
had been sucked under the water between Newnham and Bedford Lock.
2" Lt.Colonel Dundas was awarded the Silver Medal of the Royal Humane Society in
February 1865 for saving
the lives of two Marines at Gibraltar.
28 Captain Eccles was awarded the Silver Modal of the Royal Humane Society for having, at midnight on the
26th May 1879, and when just aroused from sleep, jumped from a steamer into the Irrawaddy River, off Prome,
and supported a man who had fallen overboard till assistance arrived.
23 Lt.Colonel A. E. England was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for saving, at great

personal risk, a lady, who, while hunting with the Heythrop hounds, was in danger of losing her life in consequence
of her horse shying and fallins liackwards into the canal at Somerton, Oxfordshire, on the ist December 1886.
3" Captain Kyre was awarded the Silver Medal of the Royal Humane Society for having, on the isth April
jumped into the river at Bhaugulpore with all his clothes on and rescued a gentleman who had been clasped by a
man while attempting to swim across the stream.
3' Deputy Surgeon General H. B. Pranklyn has received the Neapolitan Gold Medal of the RoyalHumane
Society of Italy "for service of peril."
3- Lieut. General Fraser was awarded the Silver Medal of the Royal Humane Society for having, on the 31st

December 1858, )ilunged into the rapid current of the River Raptee, Nepaul, and saved Major S'tisted and four
men of the 7th Hussars who would otherwise have been drowned.
33 Colonel Fry was awarded the Silver Medal of the Royal Humane Society for having, on the 24th September

1879, rescued a lady from drowning at Boulogne-sur-Mer, and attempting to save others who were overwhelmed in
the surf while bathing also received a Gold Medal of Honour from the President of the French Republic for tho

same service.
3* Second Lieut. Galloway was awarded the Bronze Modal of the Royal Humane Society for saving the life of
gentleman who had been upset from his canoe on the Thames at Sunbury on the 26th Anr. 18S5.
35 Captain Gibb was awarded the Bronze Medal ofthe Royal Humane Society
for having, on the 27th June 1884,
jumped into the Nile at Esneh and rescued an interpreter of the Egyptian Army, who, while endeavouring to crjsd
the river, was overcome by the current and had siank twice.
36 Major Goodwyn was awarded the Silver Medal ofthe Royal Humane
Society for having, on the 29th July 1884,
jumped into the Red Sea with all his clothes on to try and save a boy who had fallen overboard from the Nubia
after being twenty minutes in the water, here known to be infested with sharks. Major Goodwyn was picked up
by the ship's boat without having succeeded in finding the lad.
37 Captain Greenwood was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society
for having, on the 31st
March 1879, assisted to rescue a private of the loth Hussars who, with many others, had been washed off the ford
into the rapids in the Cabul River, near Jellalabad.
33 Captain Gretton was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Societyfor having assisted in saving

a clergyman from drowning at Southwold, Suffolk, on the 29th August, 1888.

*9 Surgeon Grier has received the Albert Medal of the 2nd Class for the following service
:—On the 26th August iSSo,
Lieut. Graham, 10th Regiment, was dying of diphtheria, when Surgeon Grier performed upon him the operation of
tracheotomy, and, observing that no inspiration followed, at the imminent risk of his own life applied his lips to
the wound and by suction restored to the patient the power of breathing. Lieut. Graham's life was thus saved for
the time, although unfortunately on the following day the disease extended to his lungs and he died.
" Colonel R. C. Hart was awarded the Silver Medal of the Royal Humane Society for saving the life of a
Frenchman from drowning in the harbour of Boulogne-sur-Mer, on the 26th July 1869, he himself having received
on this occasion several severe wounds of the head and face from striking, in a leap from the pier, some sunken
piles or rocks has also received for the same service a Medallion from the Mayor, in the name of the city of

Boulogne, and a Medal of Honour of the First Class from the President of the French Republic. Colonel Hart
has also been awarded by the Royal Humane Society a Silver Clasp for having, on the 15th December 1884, gone
to the rescue of a gunner who was in imminent danger of drovming in the Ganges Canal at Roorkee, and whose
life he as.sisted in saving.
" Lt.Colonel Harvey was awarded the Silver Medal of tho Royal Humane Society for saving two lives from
drowning when on duty as Deputy Assistant Quarter Master General disembarking the 4th Regiment from
H.M.S. Tamar at Queenstown on the night ofthe 4th August 1S74.
** Major Hervey was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for having, on the loth April

1879, rescued a duffadar of the ist Punjab Cavalry who had been carried away from his horse by the force of the
current on the River Arjandah, near Candahar.
« Lieut. Hodder was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for saving a native of Mauritius
in Port Louis Harbour on the loth May 1886.
« Captain Holmes was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for having assisted to save tho
life of a trumpeter of the Royal Artillery who had fallen into a well at Rawul Pindee on the sth October 1886. (See
particulars of the award to Captain McRae.)
*" Major Hunt was awarded the Silver Medal of the Royal Humane Society for jumping into the River
Liffey at Dublin on the nth July 1857, and rescuing Joseph Ward from drowning.
50 Colonel Le Cocq was awarded the Silver Medal of the Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Royal Benevolent
Society for gallant conduct on the occasion of the wreck of the transport Julia at Kurrachee, Scinde, on the 30th of
June 1857.
'1 Lieut. Le Marchant was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane
Society for having, on tho Sth July
1884, saved Lieut. S. B. Graham from drowning in the Nile at Assouan.
" Captain Lemon was awarded the Bronze Medal ofthe Royal Humane Society for having, on the 20th August
1880, jumped into the sea at Glontarf, near Dublin, and by great exertions brought back to his boat a gentleman
who was being carried away by the tide in a sinking state.
" Colonel Lockhart was awarded the Bronze Medal ofthe Royal Humane Societyfor jumping into the water with
all his clothes on and, with the as.sistance of Lieut. M. dementi, of the Bengal Staff Corps, rescuing two women
who had been upset from a boat on the Morar Lake, Gwalior, on the 26th December 1869.
" Captain McRae was awarded the Silver Medal and the Stanhope Gold Medal of the Royal Humane Society for
the following act:— At 5 a.m. on the sth of October 1886, a trumpeter of the Royal Artillery fell into a well at Rawul
Pindee. Captain Holmes, Captain McRae, and others proceeded to the spot, and let down a well rope of sufficient
length to reach the s£ildier, and capable of sustaining him for a time. Both Captain McRae and Captain Holmes
volunteered to go down, but as the former was a light weight it was decided that he should make the trial, Captain
Holmes demurring, as he wished to undertake the risk himself. The rope being very weak, it could not possibly
have borne Captain Holmes's great weight. Captain McRae was accordingly let down by means of a four-strand
tent rope, and on reaching the water found the soldier practically insensible he therefore decided to go up ^rith

him. Captain Holmes was at the head of the rope, and his strength enabled him to lift both completely. After
hauling up about 10 or 15 feet, the rope broke, precipitating Captain McRae and his charge to the bottom of the
well. A second attempt was made, and both were brought to the surface. The depth of the well was 88 feet, of
which 12 feet wafe water. It was quite dark at the time. With reference to this case, the following divisional order
129a ^i''''^ Decorations for Gallantry.—Details of the Awards.
:-" His Royal Highness the Major General
by the Duke Connaught was issued to the troops in his command
connected with he rescue from drowmng a
{v,nrmandiuK having been made acquainted with the circumstances
in divisional orders his deep sense of the
v^n at rIwuI Pindee o( Trumpeter S. Meehan, R.A., desires to record Holmes, 45th Sikhs, and to convey to those
dcvoUon^d gallantry ^splayed on the occasion by Captains McRae and
credit upon themselves, their i-egiment,
offlcerehbTwarm appreciation of their conduct, which reflects the greatest
pleasure in brmgmg the circumstances of
and Her Majesty's service generally. His Royal Highness wUl have much
the case to the notice of his Excellency the Commander-in-Chief." , ^t .• 1 t •<• ,
Lifeboat^ r ,-^ ^- ^
Institution for his v
" Jtofor MncMahon-Crengh was awarded the Silver Medal of the Royal National had
two men who been left on board the
exerU^s in puttiiiK off in a canoe or curragh to the assistance of became a wreck near Mutton Island on
brfSne /rJ»ri,//«. of Havre, which during a heavy gale of wind total

*''* for saving the Ufe of a comrade

LieurM^Wlm w'as awarded the Albert Medal of the 2nd class by the Queen

*'>?De*DnTy Surgeon General Manley was awarded the Bronze

Medal of the Royal Humane Society for swimming to
the Royal Artillery who had fallen overboard while
the Stonco of and rescuing from drowning a gunner of
diBcmbarking from a steamer the Waitot.ara River, New Zealand, on the 21st. July 1865.
m , ^ .

"Lieut. Mercer was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for havmg rescued a private from
drowning in the Irrawaddy River at Sindongwai on the 6th May i886.
Lieut General Milman was awarded the Gold Medal of the Royal Humane
„..„,- „ ,,
Society for havmg, on the 25th June

iSsS at MahtJbourg, Mauritius, swum to shore and with two other

gentlemen retiurned m
a piroque, or small
very rough night.
boat and rescued five brother cfficers.lwho had been upset from a boat on a , „
<a Cantain Newimrton was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society tor jumping overboard
full m.

dress at Great Yarmouth on the night of the 23rd September 1874, and rescuing
a female from under the paddle-
wheel of the steamer and keeping another afloat till a boat was lowered.
ss Maior Nixon was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for having, on the ist August
1871, swum out to a private of the Meywar Bheel Corps who
had fiillon into the Banda Lake in 50 feet of water,
and assisted in supporting him to the shore. „ . . . .
, ,
" Captain Oldfield was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for jumping overboard from

HM 8 Agiiieoiirt, and rescuing a ladv who was in great danger of drowning at Liverpool, on the 9th September
i88i.'bythe capsizing of a boat; received a Silver Medal and Vote of Thanks from the Liverpool Shipwreck and
Huinane Society for the same service. „ , ., „
, ^r

« Major Orde was awarded the Silver Medal of the Royal Humane Society for having, on the 28th November
. ,

1880 assisted to save Lieut. J. H. Campbell, of the 93rd Highlanders, who had
been capsized from a yawl in
Gibraltar Bay. the night being pitch dark and the weather squally, accompanied by lightning and thimder.
"Lt Colonel Parsons was awarded the Silver Medal of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution for his exer-
tions in rushing into the surf and attempting to rescue, at the risk of his life, the master of the brigantine
Induttry of Whitehaven, which was wrecked off Kingstown in a gale of wind on the 9th February i86r.
•^ Major Pengi-Uey was awarded the Silver Medal of the Royal Humane Society on the ist July 1855. Mr. H.
M'Hardy fell from the riggingof H.M.S. Colossus; Major (then Captain) Peugelley jumped overboard, swam to him,
and assisted to support him until a boat arrived.
»» Captain Pratt was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for having, on the evening of the

aoth April 1880, jumped off the quay at Kinsale and rescued a lad who had fallen out of a boat and twice sunk.
"> Lieut. Prinsep was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for having, on the 23rd December

1884, saved a private soldier from drowning, who had fallen into the Shaban Rapid, in the
Nile, near Kanneck,
and 'who was unable to swim. Has also received a Clasp for having, on the 19th December 1885, saved a
Soudanese sailor from drowning in the Nile near El Sabon.
;• Major General Pym was awarded the Silver Medal of the Royal Humane Society for having, on the 23rd

April 1856, assisted in saving the life of a gunner of the Royal Marine Artillery at Spithead.
^ Major Rich was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Humane Society for saving a man from drowning at Bou-
loinie on the 20th August 1867.
'• Colonel Sartorius was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for having, on the 29th June

1869, leaped from the pier at Broadstairs and assisted to rescue three girls who had been carried out by the tide
whilst bathing.
"i Major Scott was awarded the Silver Medal of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution for volunteering to take

an oar in the Dover Lifeboat and assisting to rescue five of the crew of the baraue Chin Chin, of Jersey, which was
wrecked off the South Foreland on the 9th December 18S1. Has also the Silver Medal of the Shipwrecked Mariner's
Society for gallant conduct on the occasion of the wreck of the troopship Julia on the coast of Sind.
"'Lt. Colonel Senior was awarded the Stanhope Gold Medal of the RoyalHumane Society for 18S1 under the follow-
ing circumi-tances :— Several gentlemen were proceeding by country boat from Moonshegunge to Silchar, when the 1

boat struck on a rock in the centre of the river. The gentlemen succeeded in landing safely, but the boat had to
be abandoned. Immediately afterwards a large native boat with coolies on board struck the hidden rocks at the
same place, and nil the crew were immersed. Major Senior immediately swam out and succeeded in rescuing sis
persons, but not until he had repeatedly swum to and from the bank. He encountered great personal risk in
venturing into the midst of twenty-flve terror-stricken men and women, most of them totally unable to help them-
selves. The river Barack is a large and fast running river, and, like most Indian rivers, abounds in under-
^ Lt.Colonel J.W. Smith was awarded the Silver Medal of the Royal Humane Society for having, on the 27th Nov.
1884, jumped into the Nile, near Semneh, with all his clothes on, and rescued a bandsman of his regiment, who
had fallen fn.m the rock into the river from a height estimated at from 60 to 80 feet.
Colonel Snow was awarded the Silver Medal of the Royal Humane Society on the 6th June 1859 for having
plunged into the Serpentine at Hyde Park, and rescued a man who attempted suicide.
»' Lt.Colonel Stock was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humaue
Society for saving the lives of two
coolies in a lake near Chorore, Bombay, on the 29th January 1886.
" Major Meyscy-Thompson was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for having, on the 1

4th February 1869. swum out to the rescue of Sir Charles Slingsby and W. Owen, who were unfortunately drowued
at Ncwby Ferrj-, Yorkshire.
» Captain Torrens was awarded the Gold Medal of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution for his gallant
exertions in going out in the Poolbeg Lifeboat and rescuing two men (the rest of the crew havino- been lost) from
the Bchoonir Sohfrl Ilrovn, %vhich hud become unmanageable in a gale, and had been driven" ashore near the
Pigconhoui^p Fort, in Dublin Bay, on the night of the 27th October 1880.
" Lieut. Trovf)r was awarded the Bronze Medal of tlie Royal Humane Society for an ineffectual effort to save
an oinccr from drowning at lUwul Pindee on the ist April 1887.
•* Captain Vcrner was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society
for having on the 12th Augnsti
1882, »wum out and dived and lirought to the surface a man who had sunk in a fit while bathing at Totland Bay.
iBle of Wight.
" Lieut. Wndo was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for saving a man from drowning;
in the Modwiiv, at Chatham, on the 20th May t888.
" Colonel >. alker was awarded the Bronze Modal of the Royal Humane Society for having, on the 3rd January
tWx), jumpc'l into the Hivcr Aliporc, Bhootan, and rescued two persons who were in imminent danger of drowning.
»" CnpUm Williams was awarded the Silver Medal of the Royal
Humane Society for rescuing a lady from
«lrovrniiig in 11 heavy Boa at St. Germans, Cornwall, on the 31st August 18S7. A companion
who tried to assist
turned buck but (imtiiin Williams iiorHisted, and succeeded in bringing the lady to shore
»' Ll.Colo-..-! WwdhiiU was awarded the Silver Medal of the
Royal Humane Society for saving tht life of Assis-
innl Hurgco.. h. Gibson, who had been carried out to sea while bathing at Duncannon Fort. Ireland, on the otli
* ' ^
June, 1859.
" Ciptain Woods was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society on the 5th July 1867 for having,
jompo<l from «iii outrigger into the Hivcr Thames at Pvngbourne, swum to two persons and saved them. Has also
a Cl»»p rrom tUo wimc Sc c.cty for saving the lives of three men who bed fallen into the Tliara es near Streatley
on the I itb J uly iBUo.
Her Majesty's Body Guard of the 130
Honourable Corps of Gentlemen-at-Arms,
The Body Guard of the Sovereign on all Fahlic and State occasions.
(Established in the Ybak 1509.)
Captain Francis Robert, Marl of Rosslyn, 24
Nov 86
Sir Gustavus Hume,' K,it..\Me Bt.Lt.CoI.
Unatt.. 20 Nov 78
Standard Bearer Philip LimborchTillbrook.2 late Major Unatt. "^ °-
Dec. 86.
Stapleton Charles Cotton Pi6 Oct. 49 Montagu Jno. Battye.ssiate
Majorlndian Armv
Fra. 0. Wemyss, Hon. Colonel 4 Bn. West 13 Apr.
Shadwell H. Gierke," Colonel late 21 F
Hiding Regt. (6 Tf'est Tork Militia) ''15 Nov. 60
ReynoldAlleyneClemeut,27tlateCapt. 68 Foot
Stanhope Leonard Douglas Willan,' late Cap' Charles Cooch.^** Colonel retired pay
tain 2 F. 8 Oct. 63 Edward Brown,29 Colonel r.f.
p. loi F.
Paget John Bourke,'' late Captain 11 F 25 Apr. 64 Geo. Henry late Lt.Col"i8"p"
Hoary Jobling Wallack," late Captain 77 F. . 17 Dec. 64 Henry Brackenbury," late MajorDepot
John Henry Lowndes, ^ late Lt.Colonel 6 F. ., 17 Dec. 64 James Hornby BuUer.^s late Colonel
John Walroud Clarke,^ late Captain loHus. ... 8 Mar. 65 '
Jas. Herbert Fromo.'i late Capt. 79 F., and William Mathew Dunbar,'* Coloiiel retired
lute Lt.Colonel i Shropshire Rijle Volunteers.. 19 July 65 pay 24 Foot
Wm. Cuninghame Cuninghame.i^ late Cap- Lord Henry Edward Brudenell Somerset,'^^ iate
tain 79 F 18 Aug. 67 Lieut. Royal Horse Guards, Gloucestershire
JohnCha. D. Morrison," late Col. R.Marines 30 Mar. 69 Yeomanry Cavalry
Jas. Ainslie Stewart, 1* late Colonel R. Marines 4 June 69 Uon. Gerard Noel Money.a? CiJ.'coionel'r f ij'
John Glas Sandeman,i^ late Captain i Drs.... 18 June 69 Bengal S. C '

Robert Edw. Henry," late Brev. Lt.Col. 20 F. 20 July 69 Arthur Allen Owen,38 Colonel retired pay 88th
Cha. Edwyn Wyatt.i' late Bt. Major 8 Hussars 20 July 69 Coimaught Rangers
Walter Clopton Wiugfield,!^ late Major Mont- Herbert Alex. St. John Mildmay,39'Lt!coiouei
gomery Yeomanry Cavalry 22 Apr. 70 late Rifle Brigade
riff John Grant Malcolmson,"" late Lieut. 3 Charles Clitherow Gore,*" Colonel retired pay
Bombay Cavalry 25 May 70 Irish Rifles _ "^

John Hampden Waller,^! late Lieut. 28 F 24 Aug. 70 John Ed.VartyRogers," Lt.Col. ret. pay 102 F.
Wm. Chester Master, C5. 22 late Colonel 28F. 31 Oct. 70 Aubouo Geo. Fife,« Colonel late 6 Drag. Gds.
Theodore Williams, ^^ late Lieut. 10 Hussars... 6 Mar. 71 Moiityomeryshire Yeomanry Caualry '

Page Vance,^* late Lt. Col. 38 F.

Hor.atio 27 Feb. 74 Charles Wheler Hume,*' Bt. Mnjor late Rifle
Edward Andrew Noel,-^ late Captain 31 Foot 19 Mar. 75 Brigade Hon. Lt. Col. 4 Bu. W. Kent Re<^t
action o, B.„.., .,.ro, ,.... o.p.».
*°MaioA\"iiir'ticld serveil with the

0^.0.. .-..
... —
"-j -"
- --"-;7;::^::
_f 'cj^ho also those of the istn
anu zi»u ocpuc^u>-"
engaged >n t^.^^f c^'^VadeTo^Scmand the giving up of the prisoners on the
sent atTelV.;':;f tho Taku Forts -^
.« Lfc'uu^nant Malcilm.'^on 8cr%-cd in the
B^'lBonibaj Light Cavan^^^^ expedition to Borazjoon and action of
assault and capture "f f "3ed circumstances :- On
,8s6-57, including the ^<=^^'J^' the ITC under the following
Boo8hnb( Victoria Cross, and Medal wUh ,<^lr«?,
ebruary isfy,
i»,7. led
'e by
Lieutenant Colonel Forbes. CiJ
the occasion of an attack on the enemy
on the 8tU
f of length. His horse leaped into the
was Perhaps he firft
"^j^^ g^ord as he fell amid the broken ranks
M^rc the A<ijutant of the regiment, and
crushing down his iider, with his broken sword to force his way
BQuare. ai.d initantly fell '«e»d. auu aiLe
extricated lumbelt ^'^^^j'^ijl'n.pted
^ Lieutenant Malcolrason,
0? the enemy. Lieutenant Moore have
through iLe press but ho would assuredly his rescue, and, giving
'°f ^^^^Xthroiwha crowd of enemies to
observing his peril fought his way to his co-^^f^^iX throng The thoughtfulness for others, cool
hh f his tti:^u'p!'sarely%arried him tl^'-«5>^?l^JJ^[f;^,'SoVnin°
shown ni extreme d^^^^ «by this young Officer, Lieutenant
determination devoted courage and '"e'ldy
activity ^j, honour." Served also with the
admirable, and to be w^^^
Malcolmson. appear to have ^ecn most Calpee (Medal with Clasp)
the siego of Kaili (Meda )
Central India Ffcld Force, including the of
.1 Lieut. Waller served in theOude campaign
«^f m.
mcl^^^^^^^^ the
858 '^j"^,'^,X'„ capture of fort
^^^_ ^g^^^ ^^, served with m

o"trrertr=s^^^^^^^^^ Lt. Colonel. CB.,

^^ despatches, Brevet of
Medal with two Clasps, and a year's 6er\'ice). 1855, mclud-
Crimea from the 6th July to the istOctober

38th Regiment intne^

»• Lt.Coloncl H. P. Vance served with the ^^^^^ campaign frorn Nov.

Aliwal and S^^^

the battles of Moodkee. Fwrozeshah, Buadiwal, under Brigamer^ operations on its second
•« Major M J. Battye was present with the field ^o'^Je in the Urghundauo valiey.
1841-42^ AJso ^'thCo^o^e^
Wymer s Brigade
advance on and return from Kandahar ^^^^^ outbreak
Jo ned his r^^^
Present at the battle of Hyderabad (Medal)
the advanced guard at Gohor.

Medal with two Clasps. Sardinian and Turkish Medals). ,^^,^.„,^

rt Captain Clement served in the New Zealand war "^ 4-^6 ^^^^''
,,th Nov
-^ 12th Nov. including the siege and
the Crimea f^om
» Colonel Cooch sei-ved with the 6.nd Regiment ^"^ '^f 1854.
j^^e_\ssaults"of the

at the attack and capture of the Conical Hill and Umbeyla

„„„ „f ,s^., ,., rMerlnl
the Burmese campaign of J^8S2-|3 (Medal
LI Colonel GH. Pocklington served with the i8th Royal Irish inincluding the siegeand faUof Sebastopoi, ana
with Ciwp for Pegu). Served also in the Crimea from ist June 1855,
»tt«ckof the i8tii Juno (Medal ^vith Clasp, and Turkish Medal). and ^oc
„r,^ present^U
was Ti,.psPTit ntthn
« Major Brackenburj- served with Regiment in the Punjaub ^amp^gn of 1S48-49, Febrrj an d Mai i^nm
to the Khyber ,I^a\s
battle of Goojerat. and with the Field Force in pursuit of the enemy tack ai.d capture ot
Euzofzie Country and at the
,849 (Medal with Clasp). Present with the
expedition to the
inJurgent villages on the nth and Mth Dec. 1849 (Medal with Clasp). Served
with the y^nk of Captain with the f ,

•rnrkUh Contingent and performed duty as an Engineer Officer the Crimea m m

1855-56 (T„^^^^'^,^7,?;^'-
M Colonel Buller served with the 57th Regiment in tne Eastern campaign of ^854, and (Medal was very se,crelp
Sebastopoi. again whilst being carried back to the camp
and with Cla.y
wounded in trenches
the before
including the.
''""ToIonc'lw'Ml'bunbar served with the 34th Regiment in the Crimea f^o^i the i2t,h July 1855,
Biogo and fall of Sebastopoi, and assault of tho Rodan on the 8th Sept. (Medal
with Clasp and Turkish Medal).i
27th and 28th Nov 1857, sie^
Also m the In.lian campaigns in 1857-59, including the actions at Cawnpore on 26th, me
and capture of Lucknow. relief of Azimghur, deleat of the rebels at Bootwul, and affair at Bnowa (^edal wii
Served with the and Battalion 24th Regiment in the Kafir war of 1878. Commanded
the istBattauo
th Regiment in the second advance into Ziiluland in tho war of 187Q, and was
present the engagementm i

lundMHrcvttorLl.Colonel, Medal with Clasp).

'l?f, on =„r,t in
- Lord Hcnr^- Somerset served with the Royal Horse Guards in the Egyptian war of 1882. andi was„ present
,. Jt.

of Tel-el-K.etJin
the cngaKcmeiKs at Kl Magfar and Mahsama, in the two actions at Kassasin, and at the battle
Modal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
I , „ t^ iv iroin
*! Coloi.ol O. .N. Money served in Burmah in 1833-54. Served throughout the siege operations belore uemi
the iHt July 1857, iiicluiliiig the actions of tho 9th 14th and 23rd July, 1st and 2nd August, and other
minor attairsf
conimandc-.l ccculading party at tho storming of tho Cashmere Battery Breach on the 14th Sept. and was
Ihroiighoul the nssault of tho city and the six days' fighting, resulting in its capture on the 20th Sept. SuDse«
quonlly BcrvodasBuill'OUicer to Colonel Uerrard's Column in the operations against the Joudpore and other re DeWi
and horho killed under him at the action of Namoul (mentioned in despatches). Was Adjutant to his Begunent ir

nil Uic openilions under Itrigadier Beaton, including the actions at Gungeree. Putteealee, and Mynpooree
ais« ;

prcKoiil ut the AlumbaKh and Transgogra operations at the storm and capture of Lucknow. affair of Barree, anc

i-ub»e.tuci.i optTaiions in Oudo (Medal with two Clasps). Served as Adjutant and 2nd in Command of the 3«
Punjaub Infantry throughout tho Umboyla campaign of 1863 (Medal with Clasp). Served with the srd Sikh In
fnniry in ilio Jowaki Expedition of 1877-8 (mentioned in despatches. Clasp). Commanded at the repulse of th
nlliick on the Hhnliirgiinlan pobt in October 1870. Commanded the 3rd Sikh Infantry in the Afghan war in 1879-80
and wim prentiil in the operations around Cabul in December 1879 including the investment of Sherpore accom ;

l.iiniiMl Hir KrciUrick Uoborta in the march to Candahar, and was present at the battle of Candahar (repeatedl.
mentioned indenputches, CB., Medal with two Clnsiis, and Bronze Decoration).
» f.,l.)i..-l A. A. Owen served in the Kafir war in 1877-78, first as Assistant Adjutant General to Colonial Force
ftnrl iilU;r« urrlM an AtwiHtant Adjutant General to tho Transkei Field Force, and commanded the attacking column 1

the nciioii ut .N'uwniaka and subsoriuent engagements in the Chicaba and Kei River Valley (mentioned in despatche
and r«»ccivcd Itic thanks of Colonel Glyn. Commanding Transkei Field Force, for having, with assistance, save
the life of a private soldier, who was very severely wounded, by carrying him to a place of shelter under a vei
The HonouraUe Goiys of Gentlemen-at-Anus
mS ^^I'cts^pf
"^^' ''' *^^ ^"^"^ -- - ^^^^ - —- '^ °f a draft battalion at Pinetown
(Brevet of Lt Colon!

on^the North-West Frontier of India in ^' 'itUbh Medal). Served in the campaign
1864 (Medal).

and attack on the rebels


T f r°T^
Jynteah Hill campaign
Z a sunender of Pekm (Medal,-'
in 1863
'^^ -«°- o^ ^^^0
^ two
with Clasps). Served
at Secku^

£|p^i^d|oi?U^:^S^XfSSJI5i^ns^Sif^?^ r^^^^
Khyber Division of
Khugianis„^ ^'- '^ ;
was also present at the attack and destSonot?h?vi^in'' ^"S^™^" Y^Uey and against

1857-5S, including the siege and capture of Lucknowhn?n^^^^^ ^'^^ I^^^ian JIutiny campai-n of
Staif Officer to a Field
(Medal mth Clasp).
uS MgaS Ge^eraf^lwTf
an unattached Cor^pan^for service
capture of Fort ^irwX^Was
L the FieTd"'^'''"^''
'"^ in 1859

Continuation of Notes to Military Knights of Windsor

of Futtehpore, Present with Havelock's

Aoung. PandorNEn ^Pnw^T ? '^f^lf ' Column in the actions

frequently mentioned in
^ ^°'- '^^'""'° ^^'^ operations in Sikkim in i86i, and was
I J2 Yeomen of the Guard.
Her Majesty's Body Ouard.

Caplain Algernon Hawkins Thomond, Earl o/Kintore, s Aug. 86.

Eniign .........'..*. ColonelS^on. William James Colville,' late of Rifle Brigade, ii Feb. 70.

Lt.Colonel Charles Doyle Patterson.^late of 10 Foot, 13 Feb. 62. [24 Oct. 68.
Colonel Sir Francis Brockman Jlorley, KCB.'' 3 Bn. Middlesex Regt. and late Capt. 40 F.
Colonel Henry Hume,« CB. late of Grenadier Guards, 22 Nov. 73.
Lt.Colonel Richard George Ellison," lato of 47 Foot, 4 Dec. 84.
CUrlt of the Cheque and Adjutant.— ht-Colonel Francis Baring,^ late of Scots Guards, 15 June 80.
140 Yeomen.
Aqentf, —Messrs. Cox and Co.
> Colonel the Hon. William Colville served with the Rifle Brigade In the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including
the battle of Alma, siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with two Clasps, Brevet of Major, Knight of the Legion
of Honor, Sardinian and Turkish Medals, and 5th Class of the Medjidie).
» Lt.Colonel Patterson ser^-ed with the loth Regt. in the Sutlej campaign of 1S45-46, including the battle of tiobraon

(Medal). Also the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the whole of the siege operations before Mooltan, action
of Soorjkhoond, carrying the heights before Mooltan, capture of the Dowlut Gate in command of the storming
party surrender of the fortress, and battle of Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps). Commanded three companies of
the lo'th Regt. in Shahabad with Major Eyre's field force at Dilawur, and capture of Jugdespore, and was mentioned
in despatches for his gallantrv (Brevet of Major, and Medal).
» Sir Francis Morley served under Sir Charles Napier during the operations in Scinde in 1842. Served with the
40th Regt. in the Gwalior campaign, and was present at the battle of Maharajporo, 29th Dec. 1S43 (Bronze Star).
• Colonel Hume served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 with the 95tti Regt. including the battles of the Alma

(wounded, horse killed under him, and mentioned in despatches) and Inkerman (severely wounded shot through —
the thigh), siege and fall of Sebastopol, and sortie of 26th October in command of the Regiment he succeeded ;

to the command of the Regiment at Inkerman, and received the Brevet of Lt.Colonel (Medal with three Clasps,
CB., Knight of the Legion of Honor, 4th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
Lt-Colonel Ellison served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 in the 47th Regt., including the battles of Alma and
Inkerman, capture of Balaklava, siege of Sebastopol, and sortie on 26th Oct. (Medal with three Clasps, Sardinian
and Turkish Medals, and 5th Class of the Medjidie).
• Lt.Colonel Baring served throughout the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 with the Scots Fusilier Guards, including

the battlesof Alma, IJalaklava. and Inkerman (wounded), siege and fall of Sebastopol, and sortie on the 26th Oct.,
wounded by grape-shot in the Trenches (Medal with four Clasps, Brevet of Major, Knight of the Legion of Honor,
5th Class of the Mcdidjic, and Turkish Medal).

Military Knights of Windsor.

Major RoUo Gillespie Burslcm," late of 13 F. {.Oovernor). Colonel George de Rottenburgh,!^ CB. late of 100 F.
Lt.Colonel Joseph Sanderson,^ r.f.p. i F. Lt.Colonel Henry Fred. Saunders," late of 84 F. |

Lt.Colonel Fred. Percy Lea,' lato Unattached. Captain W. N. Dyett, h.p. late Indian Army.
Captain Wm'. Maloney,' Quarter Master retired pay. Lt.Colonel Georg'e James Ivey," late of 4 W. India Regt.
Captain James Mcnzies, Quarter Master retired pay. m
Captain George Lewis Dive A iel,^^ late of 19 Foot.
Colonel William Stevens," retired pay. Major Robert Vaughan Dickens, i" late of 11 Foot.
Major James Powell,' r.f.p. :o2 Foot. Colonel Samuel Percy Lea, late of South Mayo Militia.
Captain James Baird,' late of 88 F. Lt.Colonel Charles Rowley Platt,i8 late 6 Foot.
Capt. JohnAttkins Pick worth," Biding Master retired pay Cajstain Sir Edw. Henry John Meredj'th, Bt. late 87 Foot.

• Major Burslcm served the campaigns of 1838,

39, and 40 in AfTghanistan, with the 1 3th Light Infantry, and wae
present at the storm and capture of Ghuznee (Medal assault and capture of the town and fortress of Tootumdurrah,
, 1

etorm of Joolghur, ni^ht attack at Baboo Koosh Ghur, destruction of Khardurrah, and assault of Perwandurrah.
In 1839 ho accompanied the force under Sir Robert Sale to Girisk. In 1S40 he, with Lieut. Stun of the Bengal
Engineers, proceeded on a Survey of the defiles through the Hindoo Koosh— 20c miles in extent— to Koollum. ,

' Lt.Colonel Joseph Sanderson served the Sutlej campaign of 1845-46, including the battles of Ferozeshah and
Bobraon (Medal and one Clafip).
Lt.Colonel F. P. Lea ser^-cd with the 57th Regiment in the Crimen from 15th Nov. 1854 to 3rd July 1S55, includl
ine the aicgo of Sebastopol and assault of the Redan on the 18th June— severely wounded in the right leg and foot'
»)y grape (-hot; also previously wounded in the head and face in the Trenches (Medal with Clasp, 5th Class of the!
Mc(yidio, and Turkish Medal). I

» Capuin William Maloncy served the Sutlej campaign of

1845-46 with the 80th Regiment, including the battlef
or Moodkco, Ferozeshah, and Sobraon (Medal and two Clasps). Served also in the Burmese war of 1852-53 I

including the capture of Martaban, operations before Rangoon and capture of Prome (Medal with Clasp foij
Pegu). Served in the Indian campaign of 1858-59, including the affairs of Hurra, Simree, Bera, Dhoondeakeira
and (Medal with Clasp).
J Colonel
\V. Stevens served with the 49th Regt. throughout the operations in China (Medal), commencing
Brst taking of Chusan and terminating with the landing before Nankin, including the storm and capture of thii

'*""^c inton, atUvck and captrnfe of Amoy, second captm-e of Chusan, attack and capture of the Heigh
'^ '.

of, Chinae, occupation of Ningpo and repulse of the night attack, attack and capture of the entrenched Camp on tb
HcighU of Sc-«emn. capture of Chapoo, Woosung, Shanghae, and Chin ICiang Foo. Served in the Crimea subse
qucnt to the full of bel.astopol from 9th April to the 6th August 1856. Served at the Gold
o Coast from May tu
December 1873 (Aslmuti Medal). ..

• Mnior pDwell was present at the capture of

the fortress of Kumool in 1839. Served in the Crimean Campaigi \
Battalion of the Land Transport Corps (Medal wit'!
Cu!?p nm'l TurkiBh m'uXV^^
"«"•?<' with the 4i8t Regiment in the Eastern Campaitm of
Ai'J„"'"*'i"i"i?'"* 1854-^5, including the battleB c
(wounded 9th Juue). H„rtie of 26th Oct., and assaults of th
Ko t H^7t
Inn on Iho w^VnT'^'"
lEtli Juno andBth c"'\ °f,,^^^^
i"«M Sept. (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
'"'7';'^ the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 with the Sth Hussars, including the reconnaii

«npn'V?,^'.?i.Uf„ .'iol' .""^ ^"""•''"'"'''ava Inicerman. and the Tchernaya, affairs of Bulganak and M'Kenzie
P^Tr^ ^P^on^l f,. Wf « <^I'^'l"' "-'Ih four ("'asps. French War Medal,
Imh^A cam «!.;«« f« *;"''"«^'tj"' and Turkish Medal). Served in tl
L^,^]^?;r.!rc'^;f'Gl".l',?.l'„rcIIo"^ Cr&lhTMSTvlthS,':)''
-"- of Chundaree. battle of Kota 1
Tice.''ul2re" whil^lmpK ^n" pmicuTartr^co"'' ''"' ''^'"'°" "'^^ '"'''^'^ '^^ ^^^^^* '^"'^'^ °' ^^'^j^"" '°' ^'
[_For remainder o/Notei, tee preceding pagi
Hyde Part. "j
1st Life Guards.
The Royal Arms. Deitingbn" " Peninsitla" "Watbbloo" "Egypt, ^33
1882' '
Colonel-in-Chief— Field Marshal His Hot/at Sighneas Albert Edward, Prince o/Wales and Duke of
29 May 80. ^ Cornwall
Colonel.-if.S.H". Prince Wm
Aug. Edward of Saxo-Weimar,i QCB. Commanding the Forces in Ireland Ens.
I June 41; -B«s cf i? P8 June 41 Lt 4- Capt.^, g May
; ; ^6
Bt.Uajor, 20 June 54; Bt. Lt. Colonel, 12
Dec. 54 Capi- & Lt. Colonel, Pi3 May 53
Colonel, 5 Oct. 55 Major General, 6 March 68
; Lieut. General

14 Nov. 79 ; Colonel ist Life Guards. 14 Nov. 88.

6 July 77 General,

Lieutenant Colonel.— Charles Needham,'' Commanding the Regiment, 21 July 88 Cornet <{ Sub Zt t 17 Nov 65 • •

Lieut. Pii Jan. 67 ; Capt. P5 May 69; Major, 1 July 81; Bt.Lt.Colonel, 18 Nov. 82: Lt.Colonel
21 July 86-
Colonel, iS Nov. 86.

j •

ffoM. Charles Cavendish George Byng' 30
(Bt.Lt. Colonel, 15 June 85)
8 June 67 Sept. 9 Aug. 73 July 8
SirSimon Macdonald Lockhart,^ Bart. ... ''17 Aug. 70 21 July 77 July 86
Reginald Charles Turner^ 3ct. 7 27 Sept. 79 July 88

Algernon Pox Eric Smith 21 Sept. 74 2 Mar. 8c
Hon. Arthur William Hill-Trevor 6 Sept. 75 7 July 80
Charles Napier Miles^ 20 Nov. 75 24 Nov.
Thomas Charles Pleydell CalleyW 11 Sept. 76 21 July
Gordon Carter (Riding Master 24 Jan.
23 8] 28 Sept,
), ^ii;'«i!an< 23 March 8i
George Lindsay Holford, Eguerrg in
Waiting to U.R.S. Prince Albert Victor 31 Jan. 80 I July 8] 1 July 88
)/ iVaUi
Son. James Douglas M'Garel-Hogg 23 April
John Glyana Richards Homfray

Lionel Edward Barry 25 Aug. 83
Richard Hamilton Rawson 5 Dec. 83
Fitzroy David Lyon . 30 Jan. 84
Hon. Edward Sholto Douglas-Pennant 6 May 85
Alan George Pinch 9 May 85
Hon. Ronald Henry Pulko Greville 21 July
John Richard Geers Ootterell ,. 8 Sept. 86
John Alfred Wilson-Patten 5 Dec. 88

Second Lieutenants.
Walter de Winton 22 Aug.
Herbert Richards Homfray (Lieut. Irish
Rijles, 25 Nov. 85) 7 Nov.
Henry Arthur Clowes 8 Dec.

Hiding Master. Joseph Easton, 18 Peb. 85 Hon. Lieut. ;

Quarter Master. William VVragg, 6 Nov. 86 Hon. Lieut. ;

Surgeon Major. Henry Prank Honsman,'^ 29 June 80.
Surgeon.— &elon Guthrie Hamilton, 13 27 April 81 Surgeon, 5 Peb. 81. ;

Veterinary Surgeon. Francis Walker,i*3 Oct. 62 i«< Class, 23 May 74. ;

Scarlet— i^'acin^s Blue.— ^^ejj^s, Messrs. Cox and Co.

Returned from France, January 1816.
' Prince Edward of Saxe- Weimar served the Eastern Campaign of 1854 with the Grenadier Guards, including the

battles of Alma, Balaklava, and Inkerman, and siege of Sebastopol (wounded in the leg in the Trenches, 19 Oct., and
mentioned in despatches, Aide de Camp to the Queen and Colonel, CjS., Medal with four Clasps, Oflicer of the Legion
of Honor, 4th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
* Colonel Needham served with the ist Life Guards in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the

engagemcuts at El Magfar and Mahsama, in the action at Kassasin(28t,h August), at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir, and
at the ciiiituie of Ciiiro (Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
5 Lt.Ci)lriiiel lluu. C. C. G Byng served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the Heavy Camel Regiment, and

was preso'i tin the onfiragements at Abu Klea, El Gubat, and Metammeh, and at the attack on the convoy on the 14th
February 1SS5 (naentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with two Clasps).
^ Sir Simon Lockhart served with the ist Life Guards in the Egyjatian war of 1882, and was present in the
engagements at El Magfar and Mahsama, in the two actions at Kassasin, at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir, and at the
capture of Cairo (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
' MaiorTurnor served with the 2nd Battalion Rifle Brigade in the second phase of the Ashanti war in 1S74
8 Capt'iin Miles served with the ist Life Guai-dsin the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the engagements

at El Magfar and Mahsama, in the two actions at Kassasin, at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir, and at the capture of
Cairo (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
w Captain Calley served with the ist Life Guards in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the engagements
at El Magfar and Mahsama, in the two actions at Kassasin, at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir, and at the capture of
Cairo (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
^' Surgeon Major Hensman and Surgeon Hamilton.— For War Services, see Medical Departmcr-t,
** Veterinary Surgeon Walker.— For War Services, see Veterinary D apartment.
2nd Life Guards. r Windsor.
34 Tkl-bl-Kebib."
" Dbttixgbs" "rasixscLA Watebloo 'Egypt, 1S82' '
' '

The Boral Arms.

Highne,, Albert Edward, Prince of \fa.leB and Duke o/Cornwall,
C«-.n.l-m-Ch».f -F>eld Ma«hal Hi. Soval

18 Not. 8j: 'j^.Co/oiW.u Ju". 85 ;

Colonel, iS Nov. 86.

Bawitrd HanninK Hnnning-Lco {Bt.Lt. 22 Sept. 65 26 July 76 26 Nov. 83
Colomtl, 14 M»r. 88) ;
DoaelM Mockinnon Baillie Hamilton, 28 Oct. 10 April 78 12 Jan. 8s
Earl of Dondonald* (Bl.LUColonel, is 6 July 70
Juno 85) 24 Sept. 87
Feb. 71 28 Oct. 13 April Si
Aadley Uallas Noold IS
II Feb. 10 April 83
John Anntruther Smith-Cunincrhamo'"... 26 Nov. 83
28 Oct.
AnUionv Charles Sykcs Abdy" Jan. 8s
Charlc.H'Frtyd.St.CluirAnstruther-Thomsou 13 Juno 12
William Speucor Batcman-Uanbury' 29 Nov. 21 Jan. 8s
UouBion French" 2 Nov. 24 Sept. 87
23 Oct. 1 July 14 Mar.
Mounufort John Courtnay LonRfleld" ....
Herbert Scarisbrick Naylor-Leyland 2 Aug.
William Arthur Edward Boyd 29 Nov.
Henry Short Dec. 3, July
1 ei
31 Oct. 83 20 Doctor Hume-Spry.—For War
Michael James Hughes
Onwnld Henry Aaies 14 ilay 84 Services, see Medical Department.
Rcgiimld Cunliffo Smith 7 Feb. 8s Veterinary Surgeon Jones.—

R«ifinald Arthur Haworth Peel 6 May 8s For War Services, see Veterinary
^Uom. Cecil Edwnrd Bingham, Adjt. i May 88 2 Oct. 86 Department.
Thomas, JEjr/o/ Longford 5 Feb. 16 May 88
I Shcoxd Libctbkaiits.
iBdwanl Jiiuies Miichell Uunti (Lieut. $
19 Oct.
Lancer«, 23 ilny 85)
*r George Ralpli Leiirh Hare, Bart Nov. it
Algernon Holford Ferguson
F'rnnci.t Aug. 83 |
^BUim.) J/oj^fr.— Charles Henry Burt, Hon. Licnt.
S June 81 ;

\Quar'ttr Uatter.— Thomas George Entwistle, 13 Oct. 86; Hon. Lieut.

Surgeon ifa/or.— tJoorgc Frederick Hiirae-Spry,'^'^ MV. 5 May 76.
Smrpton.—VcTcy Gordon Rndstock Yi.uiifj, 13 Oct. So; Surgeon, 3 Feb. 78
VtUriHiirj Siiry«<>n.— Alfred Adrian Jones,-' 16 May
Scarlet— J^uciH^* MXna.— Agents, Messrs. Cox and Co.

1 Jii'turnedfrom France, February 1816.

' Lord Templetown served throughout the Eastern campaign of
i8s4, and until March 1855, in of the command
lit Battaliou of Coldntreain Guards, present at the battle of the Alma (mentioned in despatches), battle of Inker-
maa. In command of the Briiriide of Guards, which ho brought out of action (wounded, and horse killed) , subsequently
la command of the ist Division; also present at the siege of Sebastopol (Medal with three Clasps, CS., Olficer
of tb* Legion of Honor, 3rd Class of the Mcdjidie, and Turkish Medal).
» rvtlonrl T"irn«hond served with the 2Ud Life Guards in the Egyptian war of 1S82, and wa= present in the
•nir^' • '- •' (! Magfiir and Mahsnmn, in the action at Kassasin on the 28t"n August— wounded (Brevet of
Li.' .'1 Class of the Osraanieh, and Khedive's Star).
• i served with the Nile K.\pcdiliou in 1884-85 in command of the 2nd Life Guards detachment
of t carried the de.'<patches to Korti announcing the seizure of the Gakdul wells ; commanded

«h«- ii!ii;i;'ii,''.' of the Desert Column under Sir

. I
Herbert Stewart in the advance to Metammehj
"»' i
•; 11 of Abu Klea and in the engagement at Gubat; acted as guide to the convoys
' 11

"'••1^ ' '' ' 111" 'venings of 23rd January and ist February, and also to the reinforcements to Abu
• • ' '1

K <>-• • • -;.!• 'i.'s from Gubat announcing the fall of Khartoum (mentioned in despatches, Brevet

vf !
" -h two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
irie porvcd with the 2nd Life Guards in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in


iiid ut the battle ofTel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
.1 r :e.. /. i
the and Life Gimrds i
^^^ Egyptian war of 18S2, and was present in the ergagem.enta
111 the two actions at Kassasin, and at the
battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, '

•v. Batcinan-Uaubury served with the 2nd Life Guards in the Egyptian war of 18S2, and was
./••meiila at El Miigfar and Mahsama, in the two actions at Kassasin, and at the batLle of Tel-
li ( lnt.p, and Khedive's SUir).
hcrve.i Willi the and I.ifo Guards in the Egyptian war
of 1882, and was present in the engage-
r an<l Miih.«ama, in tho action at
Kassasin {28th August), and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir
(W . iin.l Khidivc'H Star). '

•""^•^^''"•^oN'lo Expedition in 1S84-SS with tho 2nd Life Guards detachment of the Camel
t«n» iMwiai!"'';;'u","l!'
T^ah Cla^p, and Khedive's Star),
Regent's Pi...
Royal Horse Guards. 135
The Iloyal Arms, 'Dbtiiitgen" "Peninsula" "Wateeloo" " Kqtpt, 1882' Tel-bl-Kebib. '

E/Colonel-in-Chief. — Field Marshal Ilia Itoyal Highness Albert Edward, Prince 0/ Wales and Duke of Cornwall,
Ka. KT. KP. GCB. GCSI. GCMG. GCIE. 29 May 80.
Oo\one:\.— Sirl'f\.tT\ck(iva.nt,} GCB.GGMG.Governorof Chelsea Sospital; Ensign,i6Jaly 20 Lieut. 11 July 23; ;

0(y)^ 14 ilay 32; St. Major, 30 April 44; Major, 15 June 45; Bt. Li. Colonel, 3 A-pril 46; Colonel, 2 Aug.
50; Zt. Colonel, 2g Ang. '51 J)/a/oc GeHera?, 28 Nov. 54; Lt. General, 2^ Oct. 62; Oe7ieral, ig Nov. 70 ; Field

Marshal, 24 June 83; Colonel Royal Horse Guards, 17 Oct. 85.

Lieutenant Colonel. i?on. Oliver George Powlett Montagu,'' Commanding the Regiment, 1 July 87 Cornet, ;

Pr July 63; Lt. 8 Nov. 68; Capt.v(, July 70; Major, i July 81 Bt.Lt. Colonel, 18 Nov. 82; Lf.Colonel,

iS Jiin. 85; Colonel, 18 Nov. 86.


Charles Gore, Lord Kilmarnock (Bt.Lt. 1
Colonel, 24 Sept. 87)

7 July 69 19 Aug, 71 II Sept, 75 I July 81

Lord Henry Arthur George Somerset^ '31 July 69 19 Aug, 71 8 Dec, 77 29 Aug. 83
John Fielden Brocklehurst^ 2 Dec. 74 18 May 81 IS June 8s 24 Sept. 87
Erel^-n George Hammond Atherley 23 April 73 29 Aug, 83
Jlon. lyionel Francis George Byng 29 June 78 4 Sept. 80 18 Jan. 85
Chillies William Selwyn,'" JlfP. for North 1
30 Nov, 78 9 Sept. 80 16 Feb, 8s
Ca mhridgesh ire J
Frederick Charles Strickland-Constable .. 28 April So 6 Apr. 18 Apr, 85
(icorse. Lord Binning'- II Sept, 80 II Apr. 14 May 87
Sir John Christopher Willoughby,'^ Bt 23 Oct. 80 18 May 14 May 87
C'hri.stian Combe 5 Oct, 78 7 Jnly I July 87
Victor John Fergus Ferguson, Adjutant '1

6 Feb. 7 Mar, 88
9 Sept. 80 J
Julian John Newton Spicer 26 Mar. 30 June 81
James Burns 6 Feb,
Edward George, Lord Skelmersdale 21 May
Owen Gwynydd St. George Williams 23 Aug.
Heniy Thomas Fenwick II Mar.
William Anstruther-Thomson 17 Apr. I July
Arthur Vaughan Hanning Vaughan-Lee . 18 July
Gordon Chesney AVilson 4 iiay 87 S Dec.
Second Lieutenants,
Charles Hyde Villiers 23 Nov, 87
Wilfred Francis Ricardo 16 May
George Charles Wentworth-FitzWilliam . 16 May
Algernon Edwyn Burnaby 14 Mar,

Hiding Master. Robert Weir, 13 April Si; Hon. Lieut.
Quarter Jifdsto-.— Wyndham Drake, 18 Feb. 83 Hon. Lieut. ;

Surgeon Major. Heinrich Froidrich Lawaetz Melladew.'i^ MD.

Surgeon. James Stevenson Forrester, 18 Feb. 8s Surgeon, 30 Sept. 74. ;

Veterinary Surgeon. lies Matthews,'' i Apr, 83,
Blue Facings ScarXet.^Agents, Messrs. Cox and Co,
Meturnedfrom France, 2 February 1816.
Sir Patrick Grant served as Deputy Adjutant General with the Army of Gwalior in 1843-44 (mentioned in
despatches, Brevet of Major, Bronze Star), Sutlej campaign of 1843-46 as Adjutant General— twice severely
and dangerously wounded by grape-shot through the arm and musket-ball in left breast, and horse three times shot
under him (rejieiitedly mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lt, Colonel, CB., Medal and three Clasps). Punjaub cam-
paign of 1843-49 as Adjutant General (mentioned in despatches. Aide de Camp to the Queen with Brevet of Colonel,
Modal with two (Clasps) Expedition to Kohat against the Afifghan hill tribes in 1849-50 (Medal with Clasp)

* Colonel Hon. O. G. P, Montagu served with the Royal Horse Guards in the Egyptian war of 1S82, and was
prcsoutiu the engagements at El Magfar and Mahsama, andin the action at Kassasin on the 28th August (Brevet
of Lt.Colonel, iledal, and Khedive's Star).
5 Lord Arthur Somerset served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85, and was present in the actions at Abu Klea

anil El Gubiit slightly wounded (Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
' Major Jirocklehurst served with the Royal Horse Guards in the Egyptian war of 18S2, and was present in
the engagements at El Magfar and Mahsama, in the two actions at Kassasin, and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir
(Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 in charge of the Remount
I)e])ot (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Clasp).
'" Captain Selwyn served with the Royal Horse Guards in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the

engagemenc at ElMagfar (Medal, and Khedive's Star).

12 Lord Binning served with the Royal Horse Guards in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the action

at Kassasin on the 9th September and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star),
Seived in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the Heavy Camel Corps, and was present at the actions at Abu Klea
and Aba Km(two Clasps).
'3 Sir John Willoughby serv'ed with the Royal Horse Guards in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the

action at Kas;iasin on the 9th September and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with CUasp, and Khedive's Star).
Served with the Nile Expedition in 1SS4-S5 on Transport duty (mentioned in despatches, Clasp).
" Surgeon ilajor Melladew.— For War Services, see Medical Staff.
" Veterinary Surgeon Matthews.— For War Services, see Veterinary Department.
) —
Rawul Plndee, Bengal.

136 iBt (The King's) Dragoon Guards. Dejjot, Canterbury.

Ramilliks" Halplaquet '

'i^'>V^^*'-^:iV}^V.^^''^'^^!f'^'^LZ^:':^^f^^l^^ FoTt*s""''"pbkin" " SOUTH ArBiCA, 1879.'

D»TTi«oiir" "Watkmloo" "Sbvastopol" Ca^t. ^22 Nov. 5°
Li. P31 March 48 ;

^./a^.;;;^^ Feu: ^neul. General,

^r^.Sr^fS^rir^.W:^, O^t^
i,^. '. Ke.
Ueutena „?Co/on<'Z,4'Nov. 84I; Colonel, 4 Nov. 88.
Nov.6j Jfa/or, July 81
U. »9 Amr. &» : C'l*' '•17 ;
i :


MlJOBS. 1 Feb. 82
p. ,.u'1r« Willan' '•:2 Oct. 67 14 July 69

Bf.^- i'..r.-v
July 68 28 Oct.
6 May 82
H»- Votch 7
., -Bernard Lawrence*, > 12 Feb. 7 I June 80 i8 Nov. 82 25 Jan. 88
sr Bf»sal
. i
18 Jan. 88
Au^..-. .- ...., Spencer* 8 Feb. 28 Oct. 7 IS Mar. 79
aobert Thomo* Gravca Lowry' 16 Feb. 22 Mar. 7 24 Jan. 84
Robert Henry Hardy 28 Oct. 7 17 Dec. 81

WlUlun Rtcliard Goold-Adams' 30 Nov. 8 II June 84

Aug. 8 4 Dec. 86
John I)«nii» Moncur 17
3«orRe Wciilwortli Forbes" Adjiianl'l 24 Aug. 8: 1 July 8 4 Dec. 86
Momlfomrry i'eomaurf Cavtilrg /
John Sallrcn WiUelt" Ti May 78 2 Feb. 8 IS June 87
John Kdwiird Uoubow 22 Jan. 81 I July 8 25 Jan.
Henry Leo PcnncU 28 Jan. 8 23 Oct.
Frmnciit Edwnnl YounKhusband 10 May
Airtvd ilainilton Mackenzie Kdwards, 27 Jan.
JJimtamI 33 Dec. 65 i
William Henry Uirkbeck 25 Aug,
Chnrlen Loflos liatCb 30 Jan.
John Khnl 2 July 84
Arthur (irant CruMO 23 Aug.
rhnrK> .Taino.- liripijs 30 Jan.
Kri • :i.v Long uet Hul ton 24 Nov. 86
i:iistwood 19 Aug. 85
:i Smithett 29 Dec.
.Sic . 28 Jan.
."-sr Ml
Arthur Chnrles Mnlleson Waterfield 5 Feb.
WiUiam Karl Scharlieb S Feb.
PnuiciB Churchill Quicke 4 May
John Amlmnl Hell-Smyth 21 Dec.
John llyrne Johnson 4 Apr.
Gwyniie<ld Conway-Gordon 22 Aug.
SoplimiiH Frederick Lepgo 10 Nov.
Bidtm^ Umltr.^GeoTge Mntthew8, 8 Feb. 82 Son. lieut. ;

Quarter UasUr.—John O'DonncU, 27 Feb. 75 Hon. Captain, 27 Feb. 85. ;

Scarlet— .facings Blue. Agents, Messrs. Cox and Co.

Embarked for Natal, 28 February 1879.
Lieau General Saycr nerved with the ist Dragoon Guards in the Crimean campaign from
• i8th Aug. 1855,
IncUd;!...' V..>- ^^ k-i' und fall ofSebaatopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Commanded the Regiment in
Chr campaign of i860, including the action of Sinho, and those of the 18th and
21st September,
•1> I'ekm (mentioned in despatches, C2i., Medal with two Clasps).

iiiinaLowry and Goold- Adams served with the King's Dragoon Guards in

• 1 the Zulu war of

i«: '-!.).
• rvcd with the Nile Ejcpedition in Heavy Camel Regiment (Medal with Clasp,
1884-8S with the

' '•-•
'• '
herved in the Egyptian war of 1882 (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal, 4tli
• .-•> M. :i., and Khedive'» Star).

^ '" '•"! Zulu war in 1879, and was present in the cavalry affair at Erzungayar. and in the
'II','" "'^'^•i*^
Llundi (Medal with Clasp).

•Villcutor^-cdin the Zulu war of i379 with the Field Force in Natal and the Transvaal (Medal with Clasp)
Sealkote, Bengal.
Depot, Canterbury,


[Dluttra, Bengal.
3rd {The Prince of Wales') Dragoon Guards. Depot, Canterbury.

Tmui' riumc The Rising Sun ami Rod Draffon. "Blenheim" "Kamillies" "Oubbnaede"
1 lumc. .^°°^'^^^/^..
IW». Tl,« Princc-bb
TUc Prince
..albuheba" " Vitiokia " "Peninsula" "Abyssinia."
rmUHatI MALrtAQCBT " '

i'- 10 June 52 Capi. 29 Dec. 54 Major, 13

-ColoBd.-William Henrv Seymour," CB. -E'"";/".
''7 ^^J- 47 ;

6£ Lieut. General, Sept. 82

July p: ^y*"- General, 24 Dec. 2° ;
mTj- 55 Lt.CoU»*l. 7 July 58 CoU,»,l. 7 ;

Ij^ov 0-

Orirni/ 1 Jan. 85 ColoMel ardDraROOn Guards, 2


Reqimint, 24 Nov. Cornet, '"12 Mar. 61; Lf. ^21
Colonel' -John Ddvison, Commanding the

Jal? Lt.Colonel, Nov. 82 Colonel, 24 Nov. 86.

Feb. 65; Capl. '3$ Jan. 71 Hojor, ' 8' 24
; i

63 "30 June 69 31 Oct. 2tN0V. 82
Bmlc Kerr AmyattUurncy • l-'zS Oct.
Vli\\\».m\:a\n\iCo\c, Adjutant Pembrokt'i p^g May 70 ""is Feb. 6 Feb. 24 Nov. 86
Yrvmimry Cara/rjf
...•. 14 Feb. I July
Grcvillc Kwinvr M't'lellan
RoKcr Kennedy Parke, Adjutant Iforth- 1
f^^ ^^^ 28 Oct. 26 May 79
nmkrrlanJ Teomanni Caixilry
Feb. 25 Sept. 84
John Edward FiUmaurice Hughes Rocho II
22 July
14 Oct. 85
William Hutchinson Hillas
22 Oct. 19 Jan. 87
William Krederick Peel'
27 Jan. 12 Feb. 87
Charles Herbert Kanjaharson
30 Aug. 12 Feb. 87
iRobort Bcnllcy Todd
II Sept. 29 Nov. 84
.Frederick Stovcns Dimond
Arthur Patrick Douglas Lushington. I July 7 May 87
28 Aug. 17 Jan. 87
•Edmund Donongh John O'Brien*
John Lawrence Alexander 31 Oct. 83
Herbert Mercer 30 Jan. 84
Clivc .Skene Keith 14 May 84
iR-jbert Jolm Spi:rrell 2 July 84
Acland Alfred Gordon Anderson 23 Aug. 84
Richard Godfrey Dyson 10 May 82
'Charles Leonard Cotton 7 Feb. 85
Henry Charles Edwanls 30 Jan. 86
Waltei TriggH.i Adjutant, 6 July 87 27 Mar. 86
'John HamilMn Martin', 6 Feb. 84
IChnrles luK'lis Scott 8 Dec. 86
Ucrlcrt Arthur Lafone 17 Feb. 86

Edward Mary Joseph Molynoux '
s Fell-
Andrew Bellow NoUin I
s Feb. 87
IX)Uk1ub Alexander Gordoa Anderson ...I 12 Feb. 87
Henry Arthur Lano 14 Sspt. 87
I'omeroy Holland-Prior I 16 Nov. 87
William Robert Robertson '
27 June 88

Pagmatter. James Stuart, 31 Doc. 79; Cor. ''26 Apr. 64 Lt. ^21 March 63 Capf. 19 Jan. 76; Hon. Major, ;

Bidimy Hatter.— John

Mar.shall 7 27 Feb. 75 Hon. Captain 27 Feb. 85.
>hn Marshall, ; [31 Dec. 84.
Qaarfrr Jfuj/^r.—Thomas Brown, 30 Nov. 81 Hon. Lieut. ;

Scarlet i^ucin^» Yellow. Agents, Messrs. Hopkinson and Sons.
Belurnedfrom Aly$iinia and India, June 1868. Embarked for India, 10 Oct. 1884.
' Gc';' r:.: W. I!. Seymour served with the 68th Light Infantry during the Crimean campaign of 1854-55,
hjcl: : . - r'f Alma, Balnklava, and Inkermau, and siege of Sebastopol (Medal with four Clasps, and
Tur.. iniianicd the and Dragoon Guards to India, and served in the Indian Mutiny campaigns of
18 action of Nusscrutpore, siege and capture of Lucknow (charger wounded), and subsequent
opcr.. .Nawabgunge (in command of three squadrons of the Regiment), and reoccupationof Fyzabad,
Commutil. liiivK throughout the Oude campaign, including the action ot Jamo (wounded), assault and cap-
1 -.111.-

ture of Uirwah, ami TrauB-Gogra affairs at Bungaon (Gazetted Brevet Major on 20th July 1858, frequently mentioned
la dcepatchcii, Mcilal with Clasp, and CB.).
• Cuiti.: r.. i ^<Tved with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 as Staff Captain and as BoatOfficer on the StafifofMajor
G«!.< ned in dcBpatchcB, 4th Class of the Osmanieh, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
• '
vtd in the Afghan war in i£3d, and was present with the ist Punjaub Cavalry in the affair at

P»'l' 'i<-d in Brisadit-r General Palliser's despatch). Was attached to the 15th Sikhs as a volunteer
'Ill to Candahar under Sir Frederick Roberts,
in*' .
and was engaged in the reconnaissance on the
'ii»ttl'- of Candahar (Medal with Clasp, and Bronze
1«»« '
• Decoration\
'I "linllic Afghan war in 1879-80 (Medal).
• 1 •' i'er\-ed in the Egyptian
war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
i-crved with the 91I1 Lancei-s in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was present at the affair
.- .i>. I.:. in the ojHirtttions around Cabul in December
1879 (Medal with Clasp).
r- . ,: 1
Newbridge.] 4th (Eoijal Irish) Dragoon Guards. 139
The Harp and Crown, and the Star of St. Patrick, with the motto " Quisseparabii?" "Peniwscla"
"Balaklava" "aEvASTOPOL" " Egtpi, 1882 " " Tel-el-Kebie."
Oolonel.-Sir Edward Cooper Hodge.i GCB. Cornet, 3 Aug. =6; Zt. ^3 July 28 Capt. P19 Dec. 34 ^il^'ior.
; ;
3-Uec. 41; Xi!.CoZo«e?, P3 Oct. 48; Colonel, 28 Nov.
54 Major General, 30 .Tan. 63; Lt.Qeneral, 25 Oct.

71 General, i Oct. 77 ; Colonel 4th Dragoon Guards, 6 Jan.

Lieutenant Colonel.— Hugh M'Calmont,-' CB. Commanding the liegimeyit,
7 March 88 Cornet, ^^s June 63
l,,cut v-j ] uly 66 Capt ^^g May 69 Bt. Major, 30 Nov. 78 ; Bt. Lt. Colonel, 24 July 80 ; Major, i July
; ;

Si; Co/ohc/, 15 June 8s; i<. CoZone?, 5 May 86. t /

j . .

Charles Henry Currey
Henry Ernest Baskerville "Walton?
Philip Kavanagh Doyne
Arthur Abney Sandys'
John Algernon Aylmer^
Robert LeMesurier V^iWoughhy,'^ Adjutant
Lancashire Hussars Yeomanry J
John William Dent
Chai-les Skinner Dansey Oldham Oldham...
John Orx--Ewing7
Charles Michael Edgeworth Brinkley
Francis Blayney Lucas Woodwright

Charles Henry Wyune Donovan, 1° Army \
Service Corps j
Baldwin John St. George
Gerald Burrell Geach, Adjutant, 13 Apr. 87
Edward Skelton Gleadow
William Francis Tremayne
Edward AVilson Dawes
lion. William Wrottesley
Robert Wilton Morley
John Medlicott Vereker"
WilUam Ernest Parkinson
Second Lieutenants.
Henry Read Darley
CecilWaterhouse Kenn.ard ].'

ge Sidney Sheppard

Wales') Dragoon Guards.
I40 5tli (rnncess Charlotte of

'Balaklava" "Sevastopol."
C2?^ C.n,^ .4 Cec .9 i^- Dec. 31;
Coji)^ 'g June 38;
aoMl-T^ou^a. XVcstro,,p M-Muhou..i^.r/.
-"»""" -;y,^,-, ;
Air lliOmBfcttuBi^i.r-^ T)qc\t Major General, 6 Mar. 6S Li Lieutenant ;;

^^or '., July .;;i.Co/o».^.. Dec.

^^ ^J- j^ .J^^^'^.^Juard^, z6 MarcU 85.


Tjauu-mal Colonel.— John Baillie Hallanty

Julv8i; Lt. Colonel, 2=, Apr. 85.
XW«/. . jHn. 62 ; Cayt. 31 Dec. 7»; Maj^
MAJ0B8. 21 Aug. 78 21 Apr.
13 Apr. 72
Bowers ;•;;,••;
TrtA. Wilson Hemming' (Bt.Lt.Colontl,
28 Oct. 31 Oct. 78 19 Dec.
I July 87), ililUanf Sterttary to Sir iSApr 7

C. a. Arbmlknvt II Sept. 76 31 Jan. 82 22 Dec.

p.$^. Edward Hogan«
CiPTllSS. 2 May 83
10 Sept. 77
William James Mackeson' 21 Aug. 78 19 Dec. 83
10 Nov. 77
Uom. Kenclm Digby St. LawTOnce« July 81 25 Feb. 8s
22 Jan. 79 I
Si. John Corl)ct Gore' I July 81 16 Mar. 85
B«monl Hamilton Gunston "9?'; ^1 26 Aug. 84
2 Mar. 78 22 Mar. 79
JamcB Hcnrj- Aspinwall,' Adj. 22 Dec. 36... 10 Mar. 83 24 Aug. 87
Willuvm Kden Stobart'
Llowellin Washiugton Matthews, Aide de

„ Dec. 79 IS Mar. 81 I Oct.

Otmy to lif Lord Lieut, of Ireland > ,

11 Sept. 77 23 May
Alfred Ucn6 Uoneago"'

30 Jan. 84
Alexander Price Haig Aug. 8
Camborne Hawcis Pavntcr...
12 Nov. 84
Horace Walter Calverley
7 Feb. 85
William Leetham
Herbert Iluare 23 May "_

Robert Montniru Bowman ...

23 May 85
Richard Scott Lamb 27 Mar. 86

Sbcosd Likutbsants.
Simeon Henry l/cchmcre Stuart |
16 Nov.
Frederick Adolphud Dawson OliverEustace 16 Nov. 87
George Edward Nussey Booker 16 Nov. 87

Po/«a#<*r.— Charles H. Sanford, 19 May 79; ^ni. 11 Fob. 62 ; Z/. 20 July 66; Cai)<. 14 Feb. 74; Son.
Major, 19May 84.
Si<fiii.7 Matter.— liohcn Gifforil, 3 April 78 Jlon. Captain, 3 Apr. 83.

Quaritr Jfajter.— Charles George Perkins, 13 May 85 ; Hon. Lieut.

Scarlet— i^uci)i.7» Green. Agents, Messrs. Cos and Co.
Returned from the Crimea, 28 May 1856,

• .'';;
'^ilion served with the 9th Lancers in the Sutlej campaign in 1848, and was present at the
b«l: Irdal). Ser\-ed the Eastern campaign of 1854 as Assistant Quarter Master General to the
Cav iiidiiig the battles of the Alma, Balaklava, and Tchernaya, and siege of Sebastopol ; served
•1» 1855 in command of the sth Dragoon Guards (Medal with three Clasps, CB., Sardinian

fcH'l .and sth Class of the Medjidie).

" I :i served in the latter part of the Zulu war of 1879 with tlie Native Carrier Corps (Medal
wit!. ;ii the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the Camel Corps, and was present at the action at Abu

Klfi led (.\Icdul with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).

• Li.t •,;-!, (1 11. lumiiig served in the Afghan war in 1878-79 as Aide de Camp to Lieut.General Maude, and was pre-
MBt with the (wo exjicditions into the Bazar Valley (Brevet of Major, Medal). Served with the Burmese Expedition
in iMs-M M
Deputy Assibtant Adjutant and Quarter Master General in charge of the Intelligence Branch (mentioned
Id <U«p*lchc«, Brevet ol Lt.Col.mel, Medal with Clasp).
• iUjor Hcgan nerved in the iioer war of 1881 with the Inniskilling
vv^T''V"' *'"<^''«'X'" ferved in the Nile Expedition in 1884-S5 with the Camel Corps (Medal with Clasp, and
• Capuin 81. Lawrence gervc<l in the Egyptian war of 1882 with the 4th
Dragoon Guards, and was present at the
baulo ofTelflKcbir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
' Captniii Gore nerved in the Nile Expedition in 1884-S5 with the
Camel CoiiJS (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's
• I-
1! •..>.:. .\v I. "nil served with the 7th Dragoon Guards in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the
w»/ ''l:i;.'fiir and Mahsama, in the action at Kassasin on the 28th August, and at the battle of lel-el-

*^ • of Cairo (Medal with Cla.sp, and Khedive's Star).

, _,, .

rvcd in the Nile Ex\>cdition in 1884-85 with the Heavy Camel Regiment (Medal with Clasp,

•• C'ai'.ti.n II. I.. :\,;.' nTTcd with the and Battalion Highland Light Infantry in the Egyptian war of 1882, and wa»
M the balUo of Tcl-el-Kebir— wounded (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
6th Dragoon Guards (Carahimers).
" Blenheim " "Eauillies" 141
"Oudenabde" "Malplaqpei" "Sevastopol" "Deiki"
"Afghanistan, ^^^lui
Colonel.-George Calvert Clarke,' CB. Endgn, P30 May 34 Lt. P7 Oct. 36 Capt P20 Sent qq
Nov. 5'; Bt.Lt.Colonel, 12 Doc. 54; Major, 26 W^h. s^ Colonel, 2i\\,v 60
Uni.^ , ;


' "'''''' '''
^""'•^^"^'"'' ' °<='- 77;
^ ' «— ;
Juiy 8?;- Co^„^i?th Dmioon Guaril;

I.ieutenant'Colonel.-Jamc3 Dennis,* Commanding the Regiment 1 July 87; ^'"^"«. Cornef !•<S March
Capt. 10 June 74; il/^a'/or, i July 81; Lt.Colonel, 25 Oct. 85.
Marcn 6i
fi, iteaf.
r;<.,// •

12 Oct. 6S ;

William Henry MacGeorge 3 July 28 Oct. 13 July
Douglas Alexander Graham Cunning- 5 July 82
••20 Feb. P28 Oct.
ham Graham^ J
16 Aug. 73 19 July 82
Thomas Cole Porter^ 5 Oct.
Robert Stevenson 'i Mar. 64 17 Mar. 86
'30 June 69 5 July 82
Alexander Sprot'^ 28 Feb. 26 Apr.
Thomas Rich. Fra. Brabazon Hallowes.n
j [2 Nov. July
Adjutant Bucks Yeomanry Cavalry > 5
Percy Hugh Hamon Massy,'* Adjutant \
Berkshire Yeomanry Cavalry ) 19 July
William Edward Phillips's 23 Apr. 17 Apr.
Henry Mostyn Owen,'7 J(i/!iia«< 3 Peb. 86.., July
4 Dec.
p.».c. Edward Cecil Bethuue,'^ Garrison)
Instructor, Bangalore ) I Feb.
Frederick Henry Arthur Des Voeux^,,4t(Ze )
de Camp to the Governor of Bong Kong S
iJuly B] July
Francis Sud]owGarratt,'^(2/«<anf iDevon } May
Yeomanry Cavalry
I 7! I July 8] 3 Oct.
Montagu Cradock^" 6 Aug. 75 I July 81 20 Oct.
Francis Loder Beddy 23 April 81 I July 81 I June
Arthur Cochrane Hamilton 10 May 82 13 June
Fitz James Fleming*' 16 Dec. 82 10 Oct.
Lieutenants. Lieut. Brittlebank served in
John Robert Donne 25 Aug. 83 the Afghan war in 1879-S0, and was
Clarence Arthur Osborne 6 May 85 present with the expeditions into
Thomas Wootton Blakeway 30 Juno 86 the Lughman Valley and against
^illiam Dixon Haddock Green 30 Jan. 84 the Wuzeeree Khugianis, and at the
ennethj. R. Campbell {Lieut. Lancaster') July 87 attack and destruction of several vil-
Regiment, i3 Aug. 86)
6 Aug.
J lages (Medal).
Second Lieutenants.
William John Chesshyre Butler 5 Feb.
Alfred Percy Browne sFeb.
"'"iam Percy Burnell Ward 5 Feb.
Thomas Steward Barton 5 Feb.
Daniel Pearce Sunderland 17 Aug.
Ernest Alfred Russell Howell II Feb.
Charles Spottiswoode Stack
-John C. S. Irving, 30 May 81 ; Ens. ''7 Apr. 63 ; Lt. Pi May 67 ; Capt. 4 Sept. 80 ; Kon. Major,
30 May

Riding Master. William Busby Mayes, 21 _ 78 Hon. Captai:
. . I Aug. 88.

" ter Master. —

Joseph Brittlebank," 13 April 81 Hon. Lieut. ;

Blue Facings White. Agents, Messrs. Cox & Co.
Returned from India, 20 November 1888.
' General Clarke served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 with the Scots Greys, including the affair of
M'Kenzie's Farm, battles of Balaklava (sabre cut on the neck), Inkerman, and Tchernaya, siege and fall of Sebas-
topol (Medal with three Clasps, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Knight ol the Legion of Honor, 5th Class of the Medjiuie,
and Turkish Medal).
* Lt.Colonel Dennis served in the Boer war in 188 1.
' Major Graham served with the Carabiniers in the Afghan war in 1879-80, including the affair at Ali Bogban
under Lt.Colonel Fryer, and the expeditions against the Wuzeeree Khugianis and to the Hissarik Valley, under
Lt.General Bright (Medal).
' Captain Des Voeux served with the Carabiniers in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and took part in the ex-
peditions into the Lughman Valley and against the Wuzeeree Khugianis ; was also present at the attack and
destruction of the villages of Nargozi, Arab Kheyl, and Jokan (Medal).
' Captain Garratt served with the Carabiniers in the Afghan war in 1879-80 (Medal).
" Major Porter and Captain Hallowes served with the Carabiniers in the Afghan war in 1879-80, including the
affair at Ali Boghan under Lt.Colonel Fryer, the expeditions into the Lughman Valley and against the Wuzeeree
Khugianis and to the Hissarik Valley, and at the attack and destruction of the villages of Nargozi, Arab Kheyl, and
Jokan (Medal).
'^ Captain Sprot served with the Carabiniers in the Afghan war in 1879-80, including the engagement with
Mohmunds at Dakka (Medal)
'* Captain
Massy served with the Carabiniers in the Afghan war of 1879-80, and took part in the expedition against
the Wuzeeree Khugianis (Medal).
Captain Phillips served in the Afghan war in 1880 (Medal).
" Captain Owen served with the Carabiniers in the Afghan war in 1879-80, Including the engagement with the
Mohmunds at Dakka and the expedition against the Wuzeeree Khugianis (Medal)
'8 Captain Bethune served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was present in the operations around Cabul in
December 1879 (Medal with Clasp). Served with the 92nd Highlanders in the Boer war of i88i.
'" Captain Cradock served with the Carabiniers in
the Afghan war in 1879-80, and took part in the expeditions
into the Lughman Valley and against the Wuzeeree Khugianis, and was present at the attack and destruction of
the villages of Nargozi, Arab Kheyl, and Jokan (Medal).
" Captain Fleming served in the Afghan war of 1879-80 with the Carabiniers.
— — !

r TJmballa, Bengal.
«4a 7th (The Princess lioyal's) Dragoon Guards. |_ Depot, Cjnterbury
^ .. .. Malplaquki '" "
..r-l„T,»«.nn«" "DbIII^'GEN"

Sonin Ai'uicA, 1S46-7"

BtBSUEIll" " Ramiluks
"Egypt, 1882" " Tbl-bl-Kbbib."
Aug. 56 ;

Jau. 70 ; lAeut.

^^^^^^l^'^^^Ti^Z^-^^^^^ «« ^<''"-'"' '9 Dec. 87 Cornet, P.3 Dec. ,

M^^ Dec
Oicnti. J4 Sept.
C./f-.ToTan 79- ii^r; i July 8x ;
Bt.U.Colonel, .4 Sept. 84; Lt.Colond, i Oct. 83:

iOct. I Apr. I July 81
Walt«r Cronifh • •••• 4 Oct. 64
!Oct. 22 Mar. 79 26Aug. 84
Willwin Kdward Morrison Rongh^ 23 Sept. 71
iSAug. 8s
26 June 67 lOct. 4 Sept. 80
Juncph Henry Bank*' 31 Oct. 83
aichnrtl GarlU"> '
4 Feb. 7 Oct.
Ulick CeorRc Canipbell ilc BurBh,»i[J/. ) I July Si
Soulk KoltitKikam Ytomanrt/ Cucalry... S
Pigby Uc In Motto Da Uoulay," Adj. \ 11 Sept. I Oct. 81
Dtik* of Uinc^ter't Otn Yeomanry >
Nov. I Aug. 82
Frederick Charles Palmer" 29
6 Sept. T Jan. 8s
DonnUI MncDcuKall
Edward Dilmna" 7 July So 22 Dec. 4 Jan. 87
William Henry Muir Lowo" 22 Oct. 9 Mar. 87
Charles William ThompBon" Adjutant^ 28 Jan. 9 Mar. 87
Vorutiltire IVonKinrjr Cavalry S
June Jan. 23 Dec. 85
Beverly Willium Rcid Ussbcri' 12 73 12
Aug. iQ Dec. 87
William Edwin Danby 2
William Uiury Kycroa" 13 Aug. 79 I July II Apr. 88
LiBl-TKHAWTS. Captain Rycroft served in the Nile
Richard William Biirton-Phillipson sDec. Expedition in 1884-85 attached to the
John Weston rargont. Peters 9 May ist Battalion of the Royal Irish Regi-
Frederick George Bick Smordon, Adju- ) ^'^'^^ including the operations of the
Q Tune 8=:
ta»t ao June 86 ) ^jDesert Column, and afterwards with
Henrj- Spencer FoUett 29 Aug. 8s the Mounted Infantry (Medal with
Robert Cooper 29 Aug. 85 Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served
Bcmnrtl Ruesel Dietz 30 Jan. 86 with the Soudan Frontier Field Force

Walter Dickens Daunt 2s Aug, 86;in 1887 in command of the Irregular

Ueury Kinji MacGeorgo 3 Mar, Troops of the Egyptian Army, and was
John FMmund Mackenzie 17 June 85:^present in the engagement at Sarras
KdwanI Withiun 16 Mar 87 (mentioned in despatches, 4th Class of
SECOWn LlBt^TBKANTS. the Medjidie).
George Lang\vorthy 4 May
87 '^ Captain Stubbs.— For War Ser-
Cecil William Battino 4 May
87 vices, see Cheshire Regiment.
William KUiol Peyton 18 June 87 " Lieut. Hamilton served in the
John Lawrence William ffrench-Mullen 14 Sept. 87 EgjTptian war of 18S2 with the 7th
Uenry Anderson Lempricro 14 Mar. 88 Dragoon Guards (Medal, and Khe-
KnMlorick GcorKO Clinton Humfrey 22 Aug. 88 dive's Star).
William Daniel M'Swinej- 28 Nov. 88
-Lawrence Cunningham, 7 May 84;" Hon. Lieut.
[Quaritr J/u»/^r.— William Hamilton,-* 3 Jan. 84 lion. Lieut. ;

Scarlet Faciugs Black. Agents, Messrs. Cox and Co.

Jimbarked fur India, 1883.
» Lt. General Sawyer Bcrved with Ibo 6th Dragoon Guards in the Crimea from 26th May iScc includinEr tVif>
tMUlo of the Tchcrnava. siege and fall of Scbastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal) Served
donng the whole of the mutiny; present at the actions at Busgoon, Mohudepore, Russulpore, attack also in India .

ofMilowlco aciious of Aligungo and Biswa, and subsequent pursuit of Tantia Topee and Feroze
and canture
India (Me<lal, and Brevet of Lt.Colonel).
Shah luin v.^cnbiai
» Co'.o'.cl (inint while terying with the Egyptian army in 1S84 suppressed
a mutiny of the Turl-i^h Battalion
(Brevet of LLtoloiielsr-lCla^sof the Medjidie). Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85,
and in the subseauent
"' "^ ^'^"^^'"'^ °' ^°-''^^^ ^-^-^^-^ (me^tio^iedm dcpVtcSci"!
' Major R.niKli nerved with the 7th Dragoon Guards in the Egj^ptian war of 1SS2, and was present
in thn
thTc!:pur.;^tr(M^.;.a"t:'i?h"£Va".';..'^^^^^^^^^^ -'^ ^^ ^^^ ^^"^^^ o^^^^^^
* Miy-r lliiiikH w;rvo<l with the 7IU Dragoon Guards in the
Egyptian war of 18S2 and wj)iTirp«Ptif in +1,,. „„ „
^ '•
Major (mrth
'"'^'' '^"' ""^ '''' "''""' ''' ^^"^^^ °^"^« a8TrAuVust'(Me'daT4th

ftervcd in the Boor war of 1881.

Class of'th'^e Me°S:
eni;.^C;r^';r'^75:^;.:^:^^i^iV^^':° J^^P^J5*i°?.G«l^'^ds
in the Egyptian war of :

capture of I
A Captn.i. I

Mul WBii ni
ofTrl .: k

gtg, ''?r «n.rMl.')^H',."Mm

^^'^^'""." *^""'".'''* '^ "lo Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the ea-
Kassasin.and at the battle of Tel^el-KebirVnd fhe
: :. w:tlVrh!:rand Kho'rivc-s
^^^^ -- Prcsentatthe battle
:.^c:;lui;;!\:^'^;?;:,^XV^'^S S^Sr^a:^^^-
'" the Egyptian war ofi882, and was presentinthe engage-
.'!l Mnl «.'mVi,,\&^^^^

border in .870 and as Transport'Officer

id the engagement at Ulunr" '" '
Brigadier General
•^L^K^=^^=.r r Ti^zf^^^-i^-^i^^c^

iilion of the South Staffordsh

Jmm«1 K.ih two Clanne, and KhodlvL'H Star) e^ icputy Assistant Commissary
Commissary General
^cuc™ of Transport
CratlonH H«>,^„i j._ C-. , i'.""
lupUwon in ,Uyt6M, Comm"«n-da-nt oVtUo
upb«i»<J0lniMj-e6MCommanil»titr.., >i.,
Lino o?Comrt^[ca°tic!nr"°"''
in t>in i,
''''''° ^°''^'' ""^^ ^'^ Fr.aeric^
1st (Boyal) Dragoons. 143
Tho Crest of England within the Garter. An Eagle. " Specfemur agendo."
"Dettingen" "Peninsula" " Waterloo " "BiLAKLivA" "Sevastopol."
Colonel.— Charles Philip de Ainslie, April 25; Lt. P28 Jan.26; Capt. ''i6Mar.3o; Major
4 Oct. 42;
Lt.Colonel, ^22 Oct. 47 Colonel, 28 Nov. 54 Major General, 7 July 62; Lieut. Oeneral',2s Oct.'
; ;
Oct. 77; Colonel 1st Dragoons, 8 Mar. 69.
Lieutenant Colonel. — AllanMaclean, Commanding the Segimeni, i July 87 ; Cornet > ^s Sept
Mar. 64 ; Capt. ^8 June 70; Major, i July 81 Zi. Colonel, 20 May 85.
1 •

LIEUT. captain. 3EEV.MAJ. MAJOB.

Henry Tomkinson "23 Apr, 61 '10 May 64 "'8 July 68 23 Dec. 84
Gerard Vivian Ames, Adjutant Sta/Tord- \
shire Yeomanry Cavalry
26 June 72 30 Oct. 78 3 June 8s
William Henry M'Laren IS Mar. 74 30 Sept. 8o' 19 June 85
FrancisWilliam Rhodes' {Bf.Lt.Colonel,-)
20 Sept. 85), Aide de Camp to Major > 23 April 7S IS Oct. 84 ig Sept. 85
General Hon. J. C. Dormer '.....)

Wm. FitzGerakl O'Shaughnessy, Aide\ Fob.

de Camp to the Lord Lieut, of Ireland )
II 77 23 Dec. 84 1 3 Nov. 86
John Francis Burn-Murdoch,' at Staff
College 4 Dec. 78 2 Feb. 8: 18 Jan. 8s

Ferdinand William Greatrex 13 Aug. 79 I July S: 19 June 85

CharlesRosdew Burn I May 1 July 8: 2 Feb. 8s
Edward George Troyte-Bullock 22 Oct. S: 21 Oct. 8s
James Andrew Murphy ,
9 Aug. 74 13 May 8s
Herbert Turner^ 16 Oct. 80 16 Mar. 85
John Edward Lindloy 22 Oct. 18 Nov. 86
Son. George Limbrey Sclater-Booth 2 Aug. 82 I Oct. 87
Arthur Bennett Mesham 10 Oct. 83
Percival John Browne 30 Jan. 84
Ralph Henry Carr-Ellison 22 Nov. 84
John Middleton Rogers 7 Feb. 85
Kenneth Robert Balfour 6 May 85
Francis Yorke M'Mahon 23 May 85
Thomas Elliot Harrison 20 Aug. 85
John Wreford Julian Hardman 29 Aug. 85
Hugh Harry Robertson- Aikman 10 Nov. 86
Second Lieutenants.
Edwin Greenwood Hardy 24 Sept. 87
John William Massey Wood, Adjutant >
S Nov. 87
7 March 88 )
Prince Victor Albert Jay Daleep Singh... 22 Feb. 88

Paymaster. Orfeur J. Cavenagh,^ i June 86 ; Major Gordon Sighlanderi.

Riding Master. William Robert Banting, 2s July 83 ; Hon. Lieut.

Quarter Master. Humphrey Lakin Webb, 8 May 80 ; Hon. Lieut.

Scarlet Facings Blue. Agents, Messrs. Cox and Co.

Seturnedfrom the Crimea, 27 May 1S56.

Lt.Colonel Rhodes served in the Soudan Expedition under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884 as Aide de Camp to

Major General Sir Herbert Stewart, Commanding the Cavalry Brigade, and was present in the engagements at El
Teb and Temai (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Nile Expedition,
in 1884-85 as Aide de Camp to Sir Herbert Stewart, Commanding the Desert Column, and was present at the actions
at Abu Klea and El Gubat {horse shot); was afterwards Aide de Camp to Major General the Hon. J. C. Dormer
(mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lt.Colonel, two Clasps).
' Captain Burn Murdoch served in the Nile Expedition in 1S84-85 with the Royal Dragoons Detachment of the
Camel Corps commanded a Transport Company in the first march to Gakdul; was present at the action of Abu

Klea, and commanded the detachment in the engagement at El Gubat (Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
' Captain Turner served in the Boer war of 1881,
' Major Cavenagh.— For War Services, see Gordon Highlanders.

2nd Dragoons {Royal Scots Greys). Dundalk.
Andrew. An Easle. " Second Blenhbim
to None.
= Thi. ThiBllo within tho Circle and Motto of St. ,, ,, „ „

Gough,! (JCB. Emign, 24 Feb. 20 X^ Pi Oct. 5 Capf. Pi Aug. 26 Bf. Major)

Colonel. -Sir John Blooniflcld
; ; ;
r»y. P»ir. Nov.
Bt.Lt. Colonel, 23 Dec. 42; Co/o«c/, 2 Auj,'. 50; JTuJurGenfcu/. 3. Jan. 55 ; Lieut. General, g
ftt- o^VwrVrOcV. 71;
CWonW sn'd'DraffOons, 31 Jan. 64.
Colonel.— James Charles Maberly, Cornet, fas Sept. 67; X
^n»nt Colonel.
22 June 70 ; Capt. 24 June
Lt.Colontl, 5 July

... Alfrwl Cbolmeley Earlo Wclby... ...... ......
Han Waller Alexander, Adjutant
East Kent Yromanrj/ Cavalry
... Moutafrue GcorBO Johnstone,' Adjutant^
Lothian and Orrtciek Yeomanry Cacalry...)
p » f. William Christopher James,* Dep


Auiitant AJiutant General, Portmouth ..

... John ArthurWfllealey O'Neill Torrens'
... William Henry Hippisley'
... William Crawford Middloton'
... Hcurv Jcmicr Scobell
... Arlhi'ir William Mordaunt Richards
... Charles Arthur Stan iland
... Francis Henry Toovcy Hawley
... Claudius Shirley Harris
... Hoberl Henry Adams
... John Cnibbie, Adjutant 18 Jan.
... Cecil WilliamMontague Feilden
... Francis Blake Simpson, Ordnance Storel
Department /
... Charles James Maxwell
... Alfred DourIbb Miller
... Cecil Speid Sooto

... Charles Bulkeley Bulkeley-Johnson s Feb.

... Kttstaco .\ddinon Maude 24 Aug.
... Frederick Colin. ri»c<. Maitland 16 Nov. 87
... Ernest Frederick Heritage 1 Feb.
Alexander Leslie Renton
... 22 Aug.
Acting Paymaeter.— Captain Arthur W. M. Richards.
... hiJin,/ Master.— A\{Tcd Webb, 3 Jung 85; Hon. Lteut.
... Quarter Jf<M<«p.— Walter Scott Steele, 27 Sept. 82 Hon. Lieut. ;

Scarlet— J='aciny» Blue.— Agents, Messrs. Cos and Co.

Jieturnedfrom the Crimea, 4 July 1856.
' Sir John Gough served during the war in China of 1840-42 as Deputy Quarter Master Greneral and head of the

department; was present at almost every engagement during the expedition, and received the brevet rank of Major
and Lt. Colonel, loBcthcr with the Companionship of the Bath (Medal). Served in the Gwalior campaign of 1843-44
%a Military .Secretary to the Commander in Chief in India, and was present at the battle of Maharajpore (Bronze
8Ur). Appointed a Brigadier in the Army of the Sutlej 1845-46; commanded the 2nd Brigade of Cavalry at the
bnttlcfi f .Moo'lkfo and Fcrozeshah, and officiated as Quarter Master General of H.M.'s Forces in India at the

b«Ulo of, where ho was severely wounded (Medal and two Clasps). Served the Punjaub campaign of
1848-4* n» Quarter Master General of H.M.'s Forces in India, and was present at the battles of Chillianwallah and
Qooicnit (Me<lnl with two Clasps), appointed Aide de Camp to the Queen with Brevet rank of Colonel.
• Major Johnstone served with the Bechuanaland E.xpedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85 ou the Head
QoBrtcra BtAlT. and raised unwards of 100 men for the 2nd Mounted Rifles (Can-ington's Horse).
• Mniur James served with the 17th Lancers in the Zulu war of
1879, and was present in the engagement at
mondi -wounded and charger wounded (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882 as Aide de Camp
to Lt Gonernl Willis. Commanding the ist Division, and waspresent at the engagements of El Magfar, Tel-el-Mahuta
-_. 1.
„ (,^^,1 Sopt.) and iu the battle of Tol-el-Kcbir (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with
CI 1m- -f thu Modjidio. and Khedive's Star) Served with the expedition to the Soudan in 1885 as Deputy
*"'"" ' " .

""d Quarter Master General from the 16th March to the i8th April; afterwards organised and
' '
Corps was present in the engagement at Hasheen and at the destruction of Temai (men-
•f" ;
lit/:. .Clasp;.

• <


-See Civil Decorations for Gallantry, p. 128.


'.vsorve^ with thoKing's Dragoon Guards in the Zulu war of

1879 in the squadron under Major
'avnlry alTuir at Erzungayan (Medal with Clasp). Accompanied the reinforcements sent to
«t^f.i Afnra diinug tho
Bouih Boor war of i88i and served as Staff Officer of Pine
Town Camp. Served -n-ith the Nile
Bxpc.liiion ii.i„a4-B5 in command of a detachment of the
Scots Grej's attached to the Heavy Camel Reuimeut, and
look pnrt in iho nporaiions of the Desert Column, including
the actions at Abu Klea and Abu Kru and the
" "."» "PPomled Arljutant to the Heavy Camel Regiment after Lord St. Vincent had
22s kiilol
DMa Jou^!!" ^'i^-""'""''.:
in nclion (Medal with two Clasps, ond Khedive's Star)
'"""^ '° ^^^ ^"* ^'•'^'^'"o" '° '884-85 with the Heavy Camel Regiment (Medal with Clasp,
Md K'udrvo'l''B!^K
] 3rd ( The King's Own) Hussars. 145
The White Horse within the Garter. " Necasperaterrent." "Dettingen Salimanca" "Vittoeia"
"ToniousE" "Peninsula" " Cabool, 1842 " "Moodkee" "Fehozeshah"
Yeara'Ser. "Sobbaon" " Punjaub " " Chillianwallah " "Goojehat."
Full .Half Colonel.— S-Zr Frederick Wellington John FitzWygram, J?ar<.,i MP. for South Hampshire ; Cornet p
28 Julv sn •
Pay.Pay.l /.^ P^^ May 44; Capf. "22 Dec. 48; Major, ^ig Feb. 58; Lt.Colonel, 26 July 58 Colonel, 26 3n\J tl- ;

Major General, 23 Mar. 69 Lieut. General, i Apr. 83 Colonel 3rd Hussars, 16 Apr. 84.
; ;
•' -J •

Lieutenant Colonel.— John Purcfoy Ellis Jervoise, Commanding the Regiment, i July 87
L P3

Cornet ' ''16 Nov
66 ;
t. June 68 ; Capt. ''21 June 71 ; Majo r, i July 81 ; Lt.Colonel, 5 Aug. 85.


Charles AVilliam Hawker Helyar -°
2 Feb. 64 P I Dec. 6s '31 Oct. 71 15 Oct. 81
p.s.c.Charles Edward Beckett,^ Deputy ")

*'i7 April 69 ''22 April 7 23 Jan. 79 Nov.

Assistant Adjutant General, Ireland j 4 84
Thomas Hopwood Peckham, Pat/master^
3 Hussars j
''17 Nov. 69 28 Oct. 7 4 Nov. 79 5 Aug. Ss
Robert Grosso Godson' J*
13 July 67 P 7 May 70 16 Dec. 76 5 Aug. 85
Robert Gustavus Alexander , 26 Mar. 73 19 Sept. 81 9 Mar. 86
Arthur James Ramsay "Van Cortlandt,
j 28 Oct. 71 28 Oct. 7] 15 Oct. Bi
Adj. Jf'estmorehind Yeomanry Cavalry ...i
Arthur Augustus Whitelock Bright)
Bright-Smith, Paymaster 10 Hussars ...) 30 Nov. 78 10 Nov. 83
James Selby Robson Scott^ 21 April 77 4 Dec. 79 18 July 8s
p.s.c. Frank William Nicholaa WoganO
Browne 30 Nov. 76 15 Aug. 85
St. Clair Oswald 14 Sept. 78 29 June 17 Oct. 85
Arthur Bingham Crabbe,' Adj. 27 Aug. 86 II May78 I July 9 Mar. 86
Herbert Bethune Patton-Bethune^ 22 Jan. I July 13 Apr. 87
Richard GodolphinWalmesley Chaloner.^ )
Adjutant NorthSomerset YeoKianryCavalry i 30 Jan. 78 1 July I July 87
Francis William Forester 16 Mar. 88
Duncan Vernon Pirie'" 7 June 79 16 Dec. 8s
Francis Kingscote Fitzhardinge Chapman 7 Feb. 8s
Henry Cecil Clitfe 23 May 85
John William Burns 2s Nov. 8s
Walter Goring 25 Nov. 85
William Richard Jones-Byrom 12 May 86
Frederick Thwaites Lund 15 Feb. 88
Francis Slade-Gully 12 Nov. 84

Second Lieutenants.
William Scott Stewart 16 Nov. 87
.. I
John Allen Ramsay Purvis 30 Nov. 87
Edmund Charles Hamilton 5 Sept. 88
Pujmosfer.— Thomas H. Peckham, 18 Apr. 85; Major 3 Hussars.

^Ridinrj Master. —
Harry Richard James Willis, 13 March 80 Hon. ; Lieut.
Quarter JXas^er.— Peter M'Lennan, 29 Oct. 81 Hon. Lieut. ;

Blue— J'acinys Scarlet.— ^^eHfs, Messrs. Cox and Co.

Returned from India, 1879.
' Sir Frederick FitzWygram served in the Crimea with the 6lh Dragoons, was present at the battle of
and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
° Tchernavi
2 Major Beckett served in the Egyptian war of 18S2 in command of Military Mounted Police and was uresont
in the action at Kassasin on the 9th September and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches
of Major, Medal with Clasp, 4th Glass of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star). Served throughout the Nile Exnedi
tion ini834-8s with the Light Camel Regiment, and took part in the operations of the Desert Column inclnViiTiir
the engagement at Abu Klea Wells on the i6th and 17th February (Clasp).
3 Major Godson served with the King's Dragoon Guards in the Zulu war of
1879 in the sauadron
' under Maior
ttarter, and took part in the capture of King Cetywayo (Medal with Clasp). '

5 Captain Scott served with the 19th Hussars in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was
present at the action at Kaa-
Basinonthe 28th August (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served throughout the Nile Expedition in iSSi-Sq with
the Light Camel Regiment, and took part in the operations of the Desert Column (Clasp).
7 Captain Crabbe served as a volunteer with the 6th Inniskilling Dragoons in the Boer
war of 1S81. Served as a
volunteer with the 19th Hussars in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir fMednl
irith Clasp, and Khedive's Star).

8 Captain Patton-Bethune served in the Boer war of 1881 as a volunteer attached to

the Inniskillin"- Drao-oona
Served as a volunteer attached to the 4th Dragoon Guards in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the
jagement at Mahsama, the two actions at Kassasin, the battle of Tel-el-Kebir and the capture of Cairo rMedal
Tith Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
' Captain Chaloner served with the Carabiniers in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and
took part in the expeditions
ntothe Lughman Valley and against the Wuzeeree Khugianis; was also present at the attack and destruction
)f the villages of Nargozi, Arab Kheyl, and Jokan (Medal).
w Captam Pirie served with the 4th Dragoon Guards in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the
nents at El Magfar and Mahsama, and at the two actions at Kassasin (mentioned in despatches, Medal and
Blhedive's Star) also served with the Soudan Expedition under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884 with the Stafe of
Cavalry Brigade, and was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai (two Clasps). Served with the Nile
Sxpedition in 1S84-85 as Boat Officer and subsequently as Staff Officer to the Cavalry with the River Column
Major General Earle, and was present in the action at Kirbekan (mentioned in despatches, two Clasps).
4th (TAe Queen's Own) Hussars.
DlTTUIClS" "TiLATEBl AinrnKRA" "Salamanca" "Vittobia" "Tottlouse" "Peninsula'
•Atfobasisiis" dncrsBK Alma" "Balaxlata" "Inkebman" "Sevastopol."
Corntt^zOci. Lt. ""e July 38; Capt. ''14 July 43 Bt. Major, aojune 54
Colonel -Alcxanaer Low.' CB.
Hussars 27 Oct. Si.
Oct 77 Uenrrai, 12 May 80 Colonel 4tU
UriuTuI ;

fl>e Jlegimaif.n^Dec «
. :
Cornet, ^5 Jan. 66 £te«<. 18
U^uniini Coloneh-Alfred hihhy/ Commamling

f«p/aii«. ""m Jon- 7' July! Bt.Lt. Colonel, 18 Nov. 82; Lt. Colonel, 18 Aug. 85 j
Jan. fv :
•^^'V i




Edmunstonc p 5 June 66 3 April 69


21 July 75 1 July
Neil Benjamin Mar. May
Ramsay I-
I Sept. 69 14 Jan. 71
2 79 21
William Alexander July
Kdwanl Wanlo
• 2 Jan. 69 a8 Oct. 71 27 Sept. 79 I
ICbarles .

Franci* Campbell I'earson, Adjtitant^ 2 Dec. 9 Sept. 80
Lanarhkire yeomanry Cavalry ............ i
II Feb. 27 April 81 June Ss

Cecil Wvbum Pcwni,* AdJHlant 25 July 85
Spencer Wnl|K)lc Follett, Adjutant i .Fife ) 20 Nov. 24 Aug. 81
Ligkl Ilorpr YoUnierri
Frtslerick lienrj- Ulnckcr, Adjutant
Not- ) ]

28 Oct. 76 21 May 84
U,>kir« ftomaury Caoalry >
Edward ABbctou Critchley " Jan. 9 Sept. 80 25 July 85
Ivan Owden Richanlson o Aug I Dec. 80 I Oct. 85
27 Aug, 79' 27 April 81 6 Feb. 87
Ronald Kiiicaid-Smith'
Jan July 81 19 Oct. 8y
Glcncairi. RobtrUon Cuninghame"
Lewis Kilwiird Surkcj-" 23 Apr I July 81 17 Dec. 87
Frederick David JIailho 29 July 82 1 July 88
lion. Froilerick Rossmoro Wauchope)
Evcleijrh-deMoleyns S
Robert Uenr>- Dewhurst
Francis Leslie Duncan
Willmm Hipson
Re^nnld Hoare
Fraiuis Lee
iMalcolm M'Neill*
Cbarles Ernest Cureton
Second Libctenantb.
Edgar Mortimore Lafone
Joeeph William Underwood
Cbarles Lanfear Graham

Atting Paymatter.— Majors. k.'Raxass.y. „ , „ ^ .

.. Biding JfuWrr.— Hugh Ernest Elliott, 30 Sept. 74 ; Sonorary Captain, 30 bept.

.. (iuarter Matter.— ioha Rhodes, 26 Oct. 84 Hon. Lieut. ;

Blue.— -4^en/», Messrs. Cox and Co.

Returned from India, 1878.

« General Low served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the battles of Alma, Balaklava, Inkerman,

and Tcheniaya, siege and full of Sebastopol, also present with the Light Cavalry Brigade at Eupatoria; at
Inkermau he commanded the Regiment (Medal with four Clasps, Brevet of Lt. Colonel, Knight of the Legion of
Uonor, rinrdiiimti and Turkiflh Medals, and 4th Class of the Medjidie).
iicl Uitiliy serveil with the 7th Dragoon Guards in the Egyptian war of 18S2, and was present in the en-

nffcii it* of El Mugfar and Mahsama— severely wounded and horse shot (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of
i-l. Medal, and Khedive's Star).
• M . r r. t- rr< M'rve<l throughout the Nile Expedition in 1884-S5 with the Light Camel Regiment as Quarter
>!.•> lit in the operations of the Desert Column including the engagement at Abu Klea "Wells on the

.iry (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
• Smith nerved throughout the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the Light Camel Regiment, took

p"' - ol the Desert Column, and was present at the action at Abu Klea (Medal with two Clasps,
ai. I K - .1).
' •:
' imine served in the Egj-ptian war of 1882 attached to the 4th Dragoon Guards, and was present in

ihf • Miihsama and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
. •

: a: •;, . .-•
'yKfrved in the Egyptian wiirofi8B2 attached to the 4th Dragoon Guards, and was present at the
baltk- ..r T. '. K. biri.lKliil wiih Clasp, and Khedive's Star).

• Llcul. M'Neill (M.T\e<i with the expedition to the Soudan in

1885, and was present in the engagements atHashcen
»sd •( Uio dctinictiou ofTemoi (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).

Mhow,- Bombay. 1
. -
Depot, Canterbury.. \J 5th (Boyal IrisJi) Lancers. '47
The Harp and Crown. Blenheim" " Ramillieb
I Separabif?"- 'OUDENABDE
' '

Malplaqukt "
SUAKIW, iSSs." '

Pay. Colonel.— iTon. Somerset John Gough Calthorpe,' Cornet, P23 May 48 ; Lieut. P23May
51 Capi ^14 Sept =;s ; •

Bt.Major, 2 Nov. 55 Major, 22 July 56 ; Lt.Colonel, P15 Feb. 61

; Colonel, 15 Feb. 66; Major General ;

25 July 70; Lieut. General, 1 July 81 ; Colonel 5th Lancers, 18 Nov. 87. '

Lieutenant Colonels. William Ward Bennitt,^ Commaniiw?^ «e Sr^imen^ 29 July 85 Cornet
^s Au"
°'^^' Lt
;q ; .

''i7Sept.6i; Capf. i-S Feb. 63; JV/a/or, i July 81 ; if. Co/o?^e^, 23 Jan. 83 ; Co/on««, 23 Jan.' 87.
Alfred Bissel Harvey,* Cornet, fi8 Oct. 64; Lt. 5 Mar. 69; Capt. 5 June 75; Major, i July 81. St Lt
Colonel, 15 June 85 ; Lt.Colonel, 14 Nov. 85.

Thomas Fletcher {Eidinff Master 61)60. 73) I Mar. 79 14 Nov. 85
Cecil Francis Johnstone-Douglas^ PioNov. 69 :8 Oct. 71 5 Jan. 8i 5 May 88
Alfred Weston" I Apr. 76 S July 82 13 June 88
Henry Courtenay Morland, Aide de \
Camp to Major General Dunham Massy ) ;i Feb. 7; 3 June 81

George Richard
iticnara Tufton,
ge " Adjutant IFesO
luiGon, .itajuiani treat <
II Feb. 76 I July 81
Ke it Yeomanry Cavalry j
ibald Cosmo Little.^ Adjutants Aug. March
Mar. 83
Warwiclc Yeomanry Cavalry
IS 77 I 79 7 [5 Juno 85
James Farish Malcolm Fawcett. I May 78 30 June 81 9 June 84
Frederick Ayrton^ 2 Aug. 82 30 Mar. 87
Basil St. John Mundy'" 2 Aug. 82 10 Aug. 87
Hubert James M'Laughlin'^ .... [I Aug. 80 I July 81 30 May 88
John Henry Wyndham Ronnie'^ 25 Aug. 83 21 Nov. 88
Hugh Woolcombe Boyce'« 14 Jan. I July -
22 Nov. 88

William Henry Goodiiir" 27 Jan. 83
Mordauiit Beniers Dnvnc''' 30 Jan. 84
Arthur William Daniel 14 May 84
Wilfrid Edward Russell Collis 12 Nov. 84
John Robert Harvey, Adjutant 31 Oct. 3 June 85
Herman Witsius Goi-o Graham 5 Mar. 84
Henry Verco Piatt 28 July 86
Henry Vincent Bailey 14 May 84

Second Lieutenants.
-Arthur Parker 16 Nov. 87
Kdwin Brvp:- W;!-Mn 16 Nov. 87
M.uitatriic' I- . ': .
,' -rl Oakcs.. 16 Nov. 87
3 Oct.
Alexa,nder V.iav a:i n l,^'i|,/ac Wood ... 3 Oct.
Grey D'E-stot-'viile liuruert 10 Nov. Fullerton
William Thomas Francis Horvvood ... TO Nov.
Ernest Edward AVest lo Nov.

Paymaster. Richard R. B. Turnan, 3 March 80; Ens. 28 Oct. 7 Lt. Oct. 71 ; Cai'd. 13 March 79 ; Ho
Major, 3 March 85.
'Riding Master. — Rough
Rider Heur.y Payne, 18 July 88; Kon. Lieut.
[Quarter Master.— Geors^ Waterman, 15 Feb. 88; Hon. Lieut.
Blue. Facings Scarlet. Agents, Messrs. Co.x and Co,
Embarked for India, 21 No-jemher 188S.

1 Lt. General Hon. S. J. G. Calthorpe served in the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 as Aide de Camp to Lord
Raglan, including the battles of Alma, Balaklava, and Inkerman, affairs of Bulganak and M'Kenzie's Farm, and
siege of Sebastopol (Medal with four Clasps, Brevet of Major, Knight of the Legion of Honour, 5th Class of tbo
Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
^ Colonel Bennitt served with the InniskilUng Dragoons in the Boer war of iSSi, and commanded an escort with
Sir Evelyn Wood to Zululand. Served in the Bechuanaland E.xpedition under Sir Charles Warren in i8S.t-85 with
the InniskilUng Dragoons.
* Lt.Colonel Harvey served with the expedition to the Soudan in 1885 in command of the service squadrons of the
5th Lancers until the 21st March, and was present in the engagement at Hasheen severely wounded (Brevet of —
Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
^ Major Johnstone-Douglas served as Brigade Major to the Cavalry Brigade Reserve Division of the Khyber
Field Force in 1879, and with the 15th Hussars in Southern Afghanistan in 18S0 (Medal). Served in the Boer war of
18S1 with the 15th Hussars.
7 Major Weston served as Adjutant of the Carabiniers in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and took part in the expe-
ditions into the Lughman Valley and against the Wuzeeree Khugianis, and at the attack and destruction of the
villages of Nargozi, Arab Kheyl, and Jokan; was Staff Officer and Provost Mar.shal of the 2nd Movable Column,
Khyber Lino Force, from 25th' May to nth Aug. 1880 (Medal).
* Major A. C. Little served with the expedition to the Soudan in 1885 as Staff Officer to Brigadier General Ewart,
Commanding Cavalry Brigade, and was present in the engagements at Hasheen and the Tofrek zereba, and !it
the destruction of Temai (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
^ Captain Ayrton served with the Nile Expedition in 18S4-85 with the Heavy Camel Regiment (Medal with Clasp,
and Khedive's
1" Captain Mundy served with the expedition to the Soudan in 18S5, and was present in the engagement at Hasheen
and at the destruction of Temai (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
'2 Captain M'Laughlin served in the Boer war of 1880-81, and took part in the defence of Standerton. Served in
the Nile Expedition in 1884-S5 with the 19th Hussars (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
1* Lieut. Goodair served with the expedition to the Soudan in 1885, and was present in the engagements at Hasheen
and the Tofrek zereba, and at the destruction of Temai (Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
15 Captain Rennie served with the expedition
to the Soudan in 1SS5, and was present at the destruction of Temai
(Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
" Captain Boyce served in the Nile Expedition in 1384-85 with the 19th Hussars and was present in the action at
Kirbekan (Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
1' Lieut. Doyne served with the expedition to the Soudan in 1885, and was present in the engagements at Hftshoen
and the Tofrek zereba, and at the destruction of Temai (Medal with two Cl.asps, and Khedive's Star).
1\ .

[South Africa.
6tli (Innishilling) Dragoons. Depot, Canterbury
48 Sevastopol."
tMn»*t. The CMlle of InniskUhng,
Dbttwgbh" "Watebloo" "Balaklava'
P5 Mar.
Cornet, P19 July 34 i'- "^S May 39: Capt. 47 Majo'
PbU IlaU Colonel — Charlea Cameron Shutc,> CB.,
; :

Lt CoZohW P19 Feb. 5S; Co/o««Z, 21 Sept. 58; Major General, 6 Mar. .

*^ i:^ June 54 Bt.Lt. Colonel,

Uec. 54:
July 81; CoZone? 6th Dragoons, 288 March
Marcli 86. '1

»""-.7.7' """^"^ 1 /r:i

OM<^a;', 1 ,
ij;.„ <!,„ Tf^„iy«f„t ,3 Sent. 86: Cornet 62: Xtea^
Cornei ^aS Jan. 62; :

Jan. 70; Cap*. 8 Dec. 77;

Majobb. )
Xf Nov. 23 Jan. 83
Alexander Chalmers M'Kcar." (B/. . 12 78
Colonrl, .8 Oct. Bi),A,»4t.iIil.Src.ifataS
Andrew Green Thompson.' Adjutant 2I 30 Dec. I Mar. 79 29 July 8s

We.t Tork Yeomanry Cavalry .•••••••-•••

(Bt. Lt. {
> June Julv 88
Bdward Graham Pennefather* 23 April 73 18 81 25
Colonel. 18 Oct. 83) >
Charles William Crosse," Adjutant j 12 Feb. 78 [ Mar.
Devon Yeomanry Cavalry ,;-y:*<
Henrv- Cockcroa Page-Henderson,"
.^d- II Sept. )Oct. 83
i«Mii<, 34 Oct. 88 J
22 Jan. 8 I July 5 June Bs
Ctarlei* Tniver» Breton"
23 April 8 I July 29 July 8s
RaleiRh drey 26 Oct.
22 Oct. 87
P»lnck William Forbes" 26 Oct. 87
22 Oct.
Michael Frederic Rimington"
ID May 10 Jan. 88
Edmund Henry Hj-nman AUenby'' 10 May 17 Oct. 88
John Watkins Yardley" 16 Nov. 88
Lindi^ey Jennings-Bramly"... 31 Oct.
John Hawtrey Reginald Cox" 30 Jan.
Hcnrj- Bagwell -Purefoy" 23 Aug.
Arthur Rowland Mosley 12 Nov.
Cecil Henrj- 31 Jan.
Charles Kdward VicTCi.'' terving Kith Zulu- 9 Dec.
land Brterre Police i-oc* J
Adam Bmck-Boyd-Wilson's 12 Nov.
George Kmest Prideaux-Brune 8 Sept.
Bdmund Arthur Herbert 10 Nov.
SbcoM) L kutbitaitts.
Charles Edward Malet de Carteret II Feb. £

James Stevenson-Hamilton 14 Mar. !

Cland Francis Guy Chapman 7 Nov. i

Paymatter.—Jo\\Ti C. T. Humfrcy,"' Aug. 89 J

Ens. 27 ;March 58 ; Li. 19 March 60 ; Capf. 16 March 73 ]

Mon. iliijor, 8 Aug. 85.

Bidtng a/i«^<T.— Frederick G. Hughes," 8 Aug. 83 ; Bon. Lieut.
10 ... Q««ir/rr ifa«<*r.— William Oliver,'' 27 Sept. 79 ; ifo«. Xtei(<.
Scarlet— i^ucini7« YcWo-^.—Aqents, Messrs. Cox Co.
'Embarkedfor'Natal, 1881.
> Genera! Shutc acted as Adjutant with the right wing of the 13th Light Dragoons in the campaign against
th« Rajah of Kurnool, East Indies, in 1839. Served with the 6th Dragoons the Eastern campaign of 1854-56 as
AasUlant Adjutant General of the Cavalrj- Division from 23rd Nov. 1854 to 2nd July 1856, when the di-.'ision was
finally »)roken up. including the battles of Balaklava (mentioned in Sir James Scarlett's despatch) and Tnkerman,
•lege and fall of SebastopoT, night attack on the Russian outposts on the 19th Feb. 1855, and battle of the Tchernaya,
(Me<lal with three Clasps, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Knight of the Legion of Honor, 5th (Jlass of the iledjidie, Turkish
Modal, and CB.).
• LLColcncl Froom served with the Inniskilling Dragoons in the Boer war of 1881. Served in the Bechuanaland
Bxpedltion under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85 (mentioned in despatches)
• IX. Colonel Martin nerved with the Inniskilling Dragoons in the Boer war of :88i (Clf(?.).
• U.f<jl<mel M'Koau served with the Inniskilling Dragoons in the Boer war of 1881.
» Major Thoni|iBon »erve<l with the Inniskilling Dragoons in the Boer war of 1881.
• LtCcloiiel I'ennefather served with the King's Dragoon Guards in the Zulu war of 1879, in the squadron under
Major Martcr, including the cavalry affair at Erzungayan, and subsequently in Baker Russell's Flying Column
(Mc<i>.: ii^iji. Served with the Inniskilling Dragoons in the Boer war of 1881. Served with the Bechuanaland
~ 't.....!.... vt'«_.^« :.. .00.
Charles .-
Warren in 1884-85.o-
rved in the Boer war of 1881 with the Inniskilling Dragoons. Served with the Bechuanaland
r CharlcH Warren in 1884-85.
iidcn.011 served in the Boer war of 1881 with the Inniskilling Dragoons. Served in the Beohu-
-aider .Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85 with the Inniskilling Dragoons.
-erved in the Boer war of iS8i. Served with the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles
111 the Inniskilling Fusiliers.

Riiiiington, Allenby, Yardley, and Jennings-Bramly, Lieuts. Bagwell-Purefoy and Hughes


hiianaland Kxpedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85 with the Inniskilling"Dragoons.
•\ w:th the Ifcchuanalnnd
Expedition in 1884-85 under Sir Charles Warren,
rved in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the Heavy Camel Corps (Medal with Clasp, and

-ill »ervc<l during llio Nile Kxpedition in 1884-85 with

the ist Battalion Yorkchiro Regiment in
.mcutlnns up the Nile. Served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force under Sir Frederick*
'., and was proHent in tho
engagement at Giniss (Medal, and Khedive's Star)
cr »crvc<l in the Boer war of 1881 with tho Inniskilling Dragoons.
Served the Bechuanaland
bir Charles Warren in 1884-85 with the Inniskilling Dragoons.
* M^'ir Humfyoy.— For W BcrvicM, SCO Army Pay Department.
Secunderabad, Madras."]
Depot, Canterbury. J 7th,
' ""• (TAe
\-Lit,K> Queen'ss Oion)
i^aecio Hussars.
\jivit) xiussUiX'S. i/^n
The Royal Cypher within the Garter. "Dettingen" "Peninsula" " "Watebloo" "Lucknow."
ilonel.— William Thomas Dickson, Cornet, P23 April 47; Lt. ''25 Feb. 48; Capt. ""as April 51 ; Major Pjo
May 54; Bi.Lt. Colonel, 26 Oct. 58; Lf. Colonel, ^ 3 Oct. 62; Colonel, "5 Jan. 64; Major Gene'ral -" 18 July
'- >-— ^ -' T„1„ o.
fig; Lieut. General, i- July 81
^„7.,..; -iu TT.,„
Colonel 7th
; Hussars, ig
-g July "
Ju' 84.
' - , j^ .-

Lieutenant Colonel. Arthur Peel,' Commanding the Regiment,egim, i July 87 Cornet, 8 June 61 ; Lieut, ig Nov

63 Capt. ''21 Aug. 6g ; Major, 1 July 81 ; Lieutenant Colonel, ig Deo. 83

; Colonel, ig Doc. 87. ;

John Lombard Hunt, Agent f01 Remounts, Aug. 62 P22 64^i'22
>'i9 Nov. June 70 I July 81
Archbold Reid P 5 July 26 Nov.
Hai-rio 64 24 Dec. 70 g Dec. 83
p.s.c. Charles FitzGerald Thomson' 27 July 22 June 70 14 June 73 IS June 85 5 May 86
p.s.c.BuToidFagel,* Brig.Maj Aldershot
, 23 Jan. 22 Feb. 71 23 July 79 IS June 85 5 May 86
William Baines Morris,^ Adjutant Shrop- \
13 April 73 19 Dec. 83
shire Yeomanry Cavalry )
Henry Matthew Ridley' 27 Mar. 74 iQ Dec. 83
Hon. Richard Thompson Lawley' II Feb. 76 21 July 85
Son. Thomas Ashburnham^ II Oct. 76 4 Feb. 86
Thomas Hone 8 June Si 5 May 86
George Alfred Penrhys Evans,'" Station^
13 June 74 8 Aug. 80
Staff Officer, Bellary i
Richard Lionel Walter I July 81 15 Dec. 86
Granville Foulis Wingfield I July 81 4 May 87
Bernhard Edward Mumm 22 Oct. 81 4 May 87
Arthur Richard Cole-Hamilton" 5 Oct, 8 May 80 13 Apr. 87I
Hon. Edwin Harry Lascellcs 31 Oct. 83
George Albert Lade Carew 31 Oct. 83
George Nuttall Going 31 Oct. 83
John Sanctuary Nicholson 6 Feb. 84
Douglas Haig, Adjutant 25 July 88 7 Feb. 85
George Lewis Holdsworth 23 Aug. 84
Bernhard Robert Liebert 17 Feb. Si
George Thackeray Birch 10 Mar. se
Robert Montagu Poore 28 Apr. St
Henry Barnes Peacock 13 Oct. 8«
Ronald George Brooke, Aide de Camp to \
13 Oct. 8t
the Governor of Bombay J
Henry Roscoe Beddoes 13 Oct. 8£
Second Lieutknants.
Hon. John Graham Hope Horsley Beresford 5 Feb.
Leonard Rassell Crawley 4 May 87
Cordell William Firebrace 5 Nov. 87

Hon. Reginald Hastings Mar sham.. 8 Feb.

John Loch Orr t6 May
Hon. Roger Archibald Percy North 27 June
Evelyn Willoughby Sutton II Feb.
Keith Alexander Eraser 8 Dec.
Pa.vmiM^er.— William M. Creighton,'^ 6 May 81 ; Lt. 26 Feb. 76 ; Capt. 1 Sept. So ;
Hon. Major, 6 M&y 86.

Riding Master. Rough Rider Harry Dibble, 31 Oct. 88.

Quarter Master. William John Waite,'^ 11 Oct. 76; Ron. Captain, 11 Oct. 86.

Blue. Agents, Messrs. Cox and Co.

Embarked for India, 26 Nov. 1886.
Colonel Peel served in the loist Fusiliers throughout the Indian N.W. Frontier campaign of 1863 and was
present at the storming of the Conical Hill, also at the attack and capture of the Crag Piquet and Umbeyla
(Medal with Clasp).
3 Major C. F. Thomson served in the Boer war of iSSi. Served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 as Brigade
Major of Cavalry (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal vrith Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
* Major Paget served throughout the Nile Expedition in 1884-8S as Adjutant to the Light Camel Regiment, and
took part in the operations of the Desert Column including the engagement at Abu Klea Wells on the i6th and
17th February— wounded (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
° Captain Morris served with the 19th Hussars in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the action at

Kassasin (gth September) and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Captain Ridley served with the igth Hussars in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the action at
Kassasin (gth September), and at the battle of Tel-el- Keljir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
" Captain Hon. R. T. Lawley served throughout the Nile Expedition in 18^4-85 with the Light Camel Regiment,

and took part in the operations of the Desert Column mc'.uding the engagement at Abu Klea Wells on the i6th and
17th February (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Captain Hon. T. Ashburnham served in the Egyptian war of 18S2 as Aide de Camp to Sir Baker Russell, and was
present in the engagement at Mahsama, in the two actions at Kassasin, and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir and the
capture of Cairo (Medal with Clasp, 5th Class of the Medjidie.and Khedive's Star).
'" Captain Evans served in the Afghan war in 1879 with the 9th Lancers (Medal).
" Captain Cole-Hamilton served with the ist Battalion Shropshire Light Infantry in the Egyptian war of 1SS2,
and was present at the surrender of Kafr Dowar and Damietta (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served in the ex-
pedition to the Soudan in 1885 with the ist Battalion Shropshire Light Infantry (Clasp). Served in the occupation
of Suakin by British troops in 1885-86.
'^ Major Creighton. —
For War Services, see Army Pay Department.
'3 Captain Waite served in a squadron of the 7th Hussars with the expedition against the Mohmund Tribes

in 1863-64 under Colonel A. Macdonell (Medal with Clasp).

ISO 8th {The King's Boyal Irish) Hussars. [De'p^Srbury.
T;.> ll.irp aud Crown. "PriVin<»Tir/«^(*raemorf»."—"LESWABBBB" "Hindoostan" "Alma"
lixLi.KLk\k" "I.xkbbuan" "Sevastopol" "Cbntbal India" "Afghanistan,
•• 1879-80.'
Charles Craulonl Fmsor.' Cli. MP. for Nora Lambeth; Cornet, 1*3 Dec. 47; Lieut. ^74
June ^o; Cavt. »2i April 54; Bt Major, 20 July 58; Ma^or, ^17, May 59 Li. Colonel,
i-iS Jan. 61;

Coiomtl, iS Jan. 66 Major General, 25 July 70 Lieut. General, t Oct. 86 Colonel Sth Hussars, 25 June 66.
; ; ;

i»«t«a»nt Colonel.— Thomas Astell St. Quintin,^ Commanding the Regiment, 2oixi.\y St, Cornei, 30
Dec. 59 ;
lA. »i6 Jan. 63 Capl. 'i? Aujr. 70 Bt. Major, 12 Nov. 79
Major, i July 81 Lf. Colonel, 31 March 86.
; ; ;

Junes Daridson* 2 Dec. 74 3 Apr. 8i 4 Nov. 83
Bdwin James Fell' 20 Nov. 75 Sept. 81 I Apr.
Pet«r LcKh Clowes* 20 Nov. 75 21 Feb. 83 2 Oct, 85
Edirard Gnn-es Paley Pig Feb. 6 Deo. 74 28 Nov. 83
David Edward Wood" 28 Feb. 3 Oct. 83
Uartlcc;raiit 22 May 76 14 Nov. 83
.WillintD Konyon Mitford* II Sept. 77 I Apr. 84
Frank Jamci> Carandini,* Adjulant Behar \ July Apr. 84
23 Jan. I 8: I
Ligkt Horn )
Charlee Edward Duff* 23 Oct. IJuly 8: 19 Sept. 85
Cl<arlc8 Nicholas Colthurst Vesey II May 78 IJuly 8- 9 Dec. 85
William Jnmcs Bird, .ilii;ii/anM4 Nov. 86.. 19 Feb. 81 I July 81 4 Dec. 86
I'hilip Wnltcr Jules Lo Gallais 23 Apr, I July 8] 19 Mar. 88
|Bryau Thuinns Mabon 27 Jan. 83 19 Apr. 88
.Gilbert Howell Lcimy Bacbanaii 27 Jan. 83
iPhilip LaD^dale •25 Aug. 83 * Captains Mitford, Carandini, and
Thilip Foffarty Dwycr,' Station Stajfi
19 Mar. 84 Duff served with the 8th Hussars in
Qffitfr, Landour
the Afghan war in 1879-80 (Medal).
I j
jHarry Newman Morgan Tboyts 23 Aug. 84
Captain Wood served with the 8th

John AcliMoii Henderson 6 May 85

John Thomas Blakeway Hussars in the Afghan war in 1879-80,
I'hilip 25 Nov. 85
and took part in the Zaimusht Expe-
CeorRO Wolfe'" 10 May 82
Richard Percy John Codrin^ton dition including the engagement at
9 Dec. 8s
,Uenrj- Foulkes Dearo Feb.
Mazeena (Medal).
7 85
Bbcond Libctexahts.
Ucrvey (Jrcnlhcd 5 Feb.87
Ernest Gordon BcdinKfcld slFeb. 87
David Murriiy Anderson 14 Sept. 87
Harry M'Connffhey 14 Sept. 8
Lincoln Sandwilh .
9 May 8
Herbert Roco GraOon 20 June 8i
Joseph Vincent Charles Albert Marryat 22 Aug. 8

Pawmatltr. —
Siding J/a»^*r.— Edward Griffith Tomblings, 3 Aug. 87.
... iVii<iW<Tif(M/*r.— Jiimes Andrew He£reron,i2 24 Nov. 77; Hon. Captain, z^T^Jor. 87.

Blue. Agents, Messrs. Cox and Co.

Embarked for Bengal, 1878.

' Licnl. General Frnaer scn-cd ns Orderly Officer to Brigadier Campbell at the affair cf Munseata near
Allahabad, on the slh Jan. 1858. and subsequently with the 7th Hussars in the Indian mutiny campaign from Feb.
\.. July 1858, and from Dec. 1858 to March 1859, and was present at the aflfair of Meonguuge, siege and capture of
Lucknow, afliur- rif Ilnrree and Sirseo ihorrc wounded), action of Nawabgunge (severely wounded whilst leading
a •auadron BBiiinn ii iMMly of Gazzie fanatics, mentioned in Sir Hope Grant's despatch for " most conspicuous
irallantr>-," Ilri'vet of Major), throughout the Trans-Gogra campaign, including the affair near Churda and pui-suit,
Lik . ,'.
: .r: nf iluojcdia, attack on Baukeo with pursuit
to the Raptee, advance into Nepaul and aflair at
rin Cross, Mcdiil with Clasp) received the VS. " for conspicuous and cool gallantry, on the 31st

;i having volunteered, at great personal risk, and under a sharp fire of musketry, to swim to the
.Slistcd and some men of the 7lh Hussars, who were in imminent danger of being drowned in the
Mle in iiursuil of the rebels. Major Frascr succeeded in this gallant service, although at the time

1. not Imvinjj recovered from a severe wound received

while leading a Squadron in a charge against
the action ot Nawabgunge, on the 13th June 1858." Served in the Abyssinian campaign in 1868 as
Mi-ad guarU'm, and in charge of the outposts, and was present at the action of Arogee and capture
tioncd in despatches " for unceasing vigilance," CB. and Medal). [Sec also Civil Decorations for

.-i.Quintin served with the loth Hussars in the Afghan war in

1878-79, and was present at the attack
All Miuijid, and in the engagement at Futtehabad
as Orderly Officer to Brigadier General C. Gough
> ''"iwu-hes. Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
''"''" "' 'bo Egyptian war of 1882 with the 13th Bengal Lancers, and was preseutatthe action
nmn (
'''•'.''^^"''^) "'"1 nt tbe battle ol Tcl-e!-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedives Star).
.r« K.- served with the 8lh Hussars in the Afghan war in 1879-80 including tne engagement

')' ""^ ^"'" """^ '" '879 with the 17th Lancers, and was present in the engagement at
Fusiliers in the Effvctian war of 1882. and
' was present
. .1 (Medal with Cliisp, and Khedive's Star).
''"'.K'V''*'"", C'lmpaign of
1854-55 with the 8th Hussars, includiuE- the rccon-
Alma, Balaklava, Inkcrman, and the Tchernaya, amiirs of Bulganac and
:'. tiitK'o and
of SebasU)i)( fall
(.Medal with„ .„„. and Turkish
^.„„ „ „.,„
four Clasps, Also served in
Medal). .0.10^1==^,^^^^

^^..v.cii a,i.uutii
"/^''?1''""^ '!''''" cnptu7o"ofTo"iS,7o"occupailon"orChandaree^
"'^"''O'' <Medal with Clasp for Central India).

1',^ sL /mLVm
iB7»-8o Served with the 8th Hussars in the
(Modal). Uaa also the Modal for Long and

Meritorious Service.
9th (The Queen's Royal) Lancers. 151
The Royal Cypher within the Garter. "Peninsula" "Punniae" "Sobbaon" "Pcnjatjb"
"Chillianwallah" "Goojeeai" "Delhi" "Lucknow " "Chaeasiah" "Kabul, 1879''
"Kandahab, 1880" "Afghanistan, 1878-80."
Colonel.— ^tc Archibald Littlo,i KCB. Cornet, P4 Oct. 31; Lf. •'31 Aur. 32; Cap(. P24 Feb. 37; Major, 5
April 50; Lf. Colonel, 20 June 54; Colonel, 20 Juno 57 Major General, 6 March 68 Lieutenant General, n
; ;
July 77 General, 21 Jan. 80; Colonel gth Lancers, 8 March 75.

Lieutenant Colonel.— iZb«. Heneage Lesge,^ Commanding the Regiment, i July 87; Lieut, ''ii Sept. 63 Capt. ;
I'll Dec. 66 ; Brevet Major, 29 Anril 80 ; Major, i July 81 ; Lt. Colonel, 15 Dec. 84 ; Colonel, 15 Dec. 83.


James Alex. Fra. Humberston Stewart 1

Mackenzie^ ) 1
f I May 67 15 July 76 I July
VdLLordWva. Leslie De la PoerBeresford,''-) I

CIE. (St.Lf. Colonel, 1 July 87), Military \ P 8 June 67 '

9 July 70 27 Dec. 76 [5 Doc.
Secretary to the Viceroy of India )
John James Scott Ghisholme,^ Military ^\
Secretary to the Governor of Madras
10 Jan. 72 2 Mar. 78 2 Mar. 81 15 Dec. 84
Bloomfield Goughw 27 Apr. 70 28 Oct. 71 17 July 78 2 Mar. 3i 8 Dec. 85
Captains. 1

John Henry Lamont'^ I

29 Nov. 77 23 Nov. 85
Francis Horner Reynard 10 Sept. 10 Sept. 76 7 Aug. 86
Malcolm Orme Little'^ 11 May 25 Feb. 8( 20 Oct. 86
Charles Bishop I 13 Aug. 10 Nov. 80 S Dec. 86
Cyril St. Clair Cameron^" I
22 Mar. I July 33 Mar. 87
Ronald M'Farlane 31 Jan. I July 23 May 8S
Walter KentishWilliam Jenner, Adjutant
30 July 87
\ .'
16 Oct. 1 July 23 May 88
Forrester Farnell Colvin 23 Oct. I July 10 Aug. 88
Frederick William Duff 19 Feb. 1 July
Son. Claude Henry Comaraich Willoaghby 12 Nov. 84
Hon. Lionel Fortescue King-Noel 29 Aug. 85
Lord Douglas James Cecil Compton 2 Sept. 85
Hon. Victor Ralph Anderson-Pelham 6 Nov. -
Herbert Foster Wentworth Stanley 26 Feb. 87 21 Nov.
Henry Edw. Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes 30 Apr. 87 2t Nov.
Joaquine Ladislas Antoiue Joseph de Laski 14 Sdpt. 87 21 Nov.
Second Lieutenants.
Gilbert Frank Henry 16 Nov. 87
George Paget Ellison 22 Aug. 88

Paymaster.— Alexander M. Leslie," 20 Feb. 85 ; Captain Suffolk Regiment.

Riding Master. — Eugene Henry Nicholson, 24 May 79 Hon. ; Lieut.
Quarter Master. — John Forsythe,^^ 27 Sept. 79 Hon. Lieut. ;

Blue Facings Scarlet. Agents, Messrs, Cox and Co.

Returned from India, 23 Nov. 1885.

' Sir Ai-chibald Little served with the 9th Lancers in the Sutlej campaign in
1846, including thebattle of Sobraon
(Medal) . Served as Brigadier in command of the Cavalry at the relief of Lucknow, and commanded the post at
Dilkoosha from 16th to 24th Nov. 1857, forwhichhereceived the thanks of the Commander in Chief and Governor
General in Council, and CB. Commanded the Cavalry and three troops Horse Artillery at the battle of Cawnpore
and pursuit of the Gwalior mutineers on the 6th Dec, actions at Seraighat and Khudargunge. Commanded the
ist Brigade of Cavalry at the siege of Lucknow, until severely wounded by a musket-ball through the left elbow
(three times mentioned in despatches, Medal with two Clasps)
^ Colonel the Hon. H. Legge served with the 9th Lancers in the Afghan war in 1879-S0 (Medal).
* Major Mackenzie served with the gth Lancers in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and took part with the Bazar
Valley Expedition, the expedition to Maidan, the affair at Killa Kazi (when he bi-ought the regiment out of
action, and was severely wounded), and in the operations around Cabul in December 1879 (mentioned in despatches)
accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar, and was present at the battle of Candahar
(mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with two Clasps, and Bronze Decoration).
' Lord William Beresford served in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the engagement at Ulundi
(mentioned in despatches, Victoria Cross, and Medal with Clasp) was awarded the U€ " for gallant conduct in

having at great personal risk, during the retirement of the reconnoitring party across the White Umvolosi '

River' on 3rd July 1879, turned to assist Sergeant Fitzmaurice, ist Battalion 24th Foot (whose horse had fallen
with him), mounted him behind him on his horse, and brought him away in safety under the close fire of the Zulus,
who were in great force, and CDming on quickly. Lord William Beresford's position was rendered most dan-
gerous from the fact that Sergeant Fitzmau.rice twice nearly pulled him from his horse." Served with the 9th
Lancers in the Afghan war of 1878-30, and was present at the capture of Ali Musjid (mentioned in despatches.
Medal with Clasp).
^ Major Chisholme served with the 9th Lancers in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was present at the capture of
AliMusjid, m the anair at Siah Sung (severely wounded), and in the operations around Cabul in December 1879
woimded (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal with two Clasps)
1" Major Gough served with the gth Lancers in the Afghan war of
1878-80, and was present at the capture of Ali
Musjid, the aflair at Kiiia Kazi, and in the operations around Cabul in December 1S79 accompanied Sir ;

Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar, and took part in the battle of Candahar (several times mentioned in
despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal with three Clasps, and Bronze Decoration).
1' Captain Lament served with the gth Lancers in the Afghan
war of 1878-80, and was present in the operations
around Cabul in December 1879 (Medal with Clasp).
^8 Captain Little
served with the gth Lancers in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and took part in the expedition to
Maidan and in the operations around Cabul in December 1879; accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march
to Candahar, and was present at the battle of Candahar as Orderly Officer to Brigadier General H. Gough (men-
tioned in despatches. Medal with two Clasps, and Bronze Decoration)
Captain Cameron served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march
to Candahar, and was present at the battle of Candahar (Medal with Clasp, and Bronze Decoration).
'- Lieut. Forsythe served with
the qth Lancers in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and took part in the
operations arouml Ca'iul in December i87g (Medal with Clasp).
^ Captain Leslie.— For War Services, see Suffolk Regiment.
of Wales' Own Royal) Hussars. [ ^"^
lOth (Tie Frhice

Ho«h 8utl«y Goagh,^Ci£0.(Sl.Lt.Colonel, 1 p ^ j^j^y

> May 84 ;Colcel, m May 83) i
•• - ' Sept. 69
lUnncn. Charles Wood- '

P.I.C. Horn. James Pcarse Napier.' JBri^<K«« (

Major, Skornelffe S

11th {Prmce Albert's Own) Hussars.
I Years' Ser. The Crest and Motto of the late Priuce Consort. "Egypt" (with the Sphinx). "Salamanca' 53
Peninsula Waterloo " Bhuktpore " " alma" "Balaklava" "Inkebman" " Sevastopol "
Colonel -William O^harlcs Forrest.' CB Cornet
-^^Bf-LLColone, ,2 Dec. 54: Lt.Colonel, "5 Aug.
M^rch 36 X/. P5 Jan. 39 Caj,i. P7 Sept. 41; Uujor.

59 Colonel, 8 March 60 ; Major General 6 March


d r
68; Lieuf General, I Oot. 77 General, i July 81

Colonel nth Hussars, 8 Feb. "^


utenant Colonel
Lieutenant -Charles
Colonel,— V erelst ^
^'^""'^^''•*" ^'^'^""^"^
'^'^'•^"'^ Verelst '
Con,mandin<, ..
the ^- --. *
liegiment, ',9 Nov: 87'; Cornet, f^o Oct. 69; Lt,

8 Oct. 71 ;
Capt. 3 Apr. 78 Major, 1 July 81 Zt. Colonel, 14 Jul.y 86.
; ;


p.s.c. Harry James Watson* 7 May 7c 28 Oct.

Charles Edward Svvaine^ ... ''13 June 6S '27July
Kildare Borrowes 14 Nov.

Maxwell Archibald Close I

2 Doc.
Lord Edmund Bernard Talbot |
20 Nov.
Son. Henry Arthur Ormsby Gore, Aide ) 'i

de Camp to H.S.U:. Prince Edward of\\

Sajie Weimar j
William Harrison^ 25 May 10 Nov.
Charles Henry Eyre Coote I

13 Aug. 29 June
Thomas Morrall Jones-Tailby Jan. I July
William Wheat Waringi" Jan. I July
Hon. Osbert Victor George Atheling
Lumley, Adjutant, 13 Nov. 86 22 Oct.
Frederick Hope Lehmami 22 Oct.

Alexander Thomas Livingstone Gilroy ,
e.Feb. 84
John Edmond Heugh Balfour 14 May 84
Boyce Combe 12 Nov. 84
Esme Stuart Erskine Harrison 9 May 85
Lewis Owen Williams 25 Nov. 85
Francis Temple Bacon 25 Feb. 87 6 Feb. 88
Thomas Anderdon Salt 25 Aug. 86

Second Lieutenants.
Frederick Watson Milles..
lifoK. Horbei-t
4 May 87
Julian Dallas Tyndale Tyndale-Biscoe ., 30 Nov. 87
William Bailey 29 Feb. 88
John Alan Le Norreys Daniell ID May 88
) — ' . 1;

12th (The Prince of Wales' Royal)

Lancers. [

" Waiibloo" •' Soi Afbica 1851-2-3' -Sevastopol" "Centeal India."

Cor,ut, ".4 Mar. 25; Lt. p. Aug 26; Capt/j(> Aug. ^i Bt Major,
O«loa«l.— Thomai> Uookc I'carson ' CK.

BI.Lt.Colouel, 20 June 54 Colonel, 26 Oct. 58 ; Majoi- General, 6

Mar. 62 ;
" 19 June 46; iliij '^xk\ni\il
33 AiJi_i 4/

,^ ^ n„i„„^] 12th
Colonel l.niiners. .1 Feb. 79.
,,tii Lancera,
V'~."n7.^^l .'(int ii-Gfiirnil iJ"lv8i:^ ^

"10 Aug. 70 ; Capt. i May 78

Majors. July

3 Aug. 70 31 Oct. 71 1 8
M Roland Ru.«couibe Poolo
12 Nov. 30 Nov. 85
Aug. 72 78
ICharles EUwara Beck, AJJ. Cacalry Depot
14 Aug. 72 5 June 80 30 Nov. 85
- Mcnyii Hcury Arclidalo
.. TUomns AlcxamXcr HiW, Adjulani Tf'or- 2(5 Mar. 75 30 Nov. 81
e*ilfT Yfomuiirf Cavalry )
12 Nov. 73 12 Sept. S3
.. il'hilip MontaffU.«ilr»yPuy Drj>arttnent ...
24 Jan. Oct. 84
Wm. Johr. R«ut^ ( KUIiuff Matter 28 Apnl 75) July
May 86
ArUiur tjille»pic Cliurchill, Adj. i May 87 Aug.
I I 1
Aug. I July 2 Feb. 87
... iThomiis Jniue* Allicrton I

Oct. July 24 Apr. 87

'Robert Arthur Crnwfurd Christie
... 3
Stephen llalli 1 Aug. 1 July I Jaa. 88
... Aiitoiiio «— v;
Robert CieorRe Broailwood, Staff College . 2 Jan. 1 July 15 Feb. 88

... William Frederick Uonywood Hinde 2 Aug, 15 Aug. 88

... James H.KnsoT.^AdjutaiitJiangalore Sijle 28 Feb. 30 Nov. 33
... John Charles Basil Eastwood 25 Aug.
John Maxwell Gordon 14 May
Iwviidluim George Rennie 23 Aug.
iKraiieis Egerton-Grcen 5 July
Ijohii Owens Johnson 5 Feb. 87 18 July
iWil i«m Uuller C'hnpell Hodge.. 18 July

Henry John Pliilt . II Feb.


Henry Gninville Heneago. 16 May

Williiini ('laudo Lyon 10 Nov.
.. iKusluco Lotler j
8 Doc.
.. Joniib Michael Frederick HIddingh j
8 Dec.

rd5«a#/«-.— Manfred J. Sawyer,^ 1 1 Apr. 82 Ens. P9 Sept. 64 Feb. 68 j ; ;

Cajit. 29 June 73
A1./1H-7 Mutter.— Vrank Shearme, 8 June 81 Mon. Lieut. ;^r J/af<»r.— Wcstropp M'Mahon Weir, 17 April 80 Hon. Lieut. ;

Blao—Facingi Scarlet. Agents, Messrs. Cox and Co.

lieturnedfrom India, 24 Nooember 1887.

• General reamon served in the nth Light Dragoons at the siege and capture of Bhurtpore, ia 1825-26, and
«nu • volunteer for the dismounted Cavalry storming party (Medal). Served with the i6th Lancers at the
baule of MMharnjporo. 19th Dec. 1843 (Bronze Star). Also with the i6th Lancers in the Sutlej campaign in 1846,
includinKUio action of Buddiwal, and battles of Aliwal and Sobraon— at Aliwal he aommanded the Right Wing
of the i6ih Ijinccrs, and commanded the Regiment in the latter part of the action commanded the Regiment at ;

Sobraon and u> the end of the campaign (twice mentioned in despatches, Medal and one Clasp, Brevet of Major,
and CU.).
• Lt.ColonrI Wnrdrop served in the Egyptian war of 1882 as Aide do Camp to Sir Garnet Wolseley, and was present
nt the en;f«t'iiiiciiw yf Kl Mngfur, Tel-el-.\lahuta, Kassasiu (9th Sept.), andin the battle of Tol-el-Kebir (mentioned
in llcll|>«tcll<•^. lircvet of Major. Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star). Served with the
Nile Y.x\tv<uunu in 1384-85 as Deputy .Assistant Adjutant and QuarterMaster General with the Desert Column, and
w»« prubciii III the iictioii of Abu Klea, in the reconnais>;ance to Metammeh, and in the engagement at Abu Klea
Well* on iho i6ih and 17th February (several times nieiuiDiied in despatches, Brevet of Lt.Colouel, two Clasps).
• Captari Moianifu served with tho 7th Dragoon Guards in the Egyptian war ot 1882, and was present in the
OBKaKtmei.t.- of El Magfur, Tel-el-Mahuta, and Mahsama, and in the action at Kassasin on the 28111 August—
•llKbliy w<.nnik-U (Medal, and Khedivn's Star).
» Captain Rant i-erved 111 tho Boer war of 1881.
•C«|>Liiiii nerved in the Afghan war in 1879-80 with tho 8th Hussars (Medal).
' CajiUin .Sawyer.— For War Services, see Army I'ay Department.

Continuation of Notes to the lotli (The Prince of Walea' Own lioyal) Hussars.
'• Ma'or Wil/...n nerved in tho Ashanti campaign in 1873 as Midshipman onboard H.M.S. Hattlefnake, and
(MIVP-l n ->.;'l:t !runiih..t wound on llm 14th August (Medal). idal). Served with the loth Hussars in the Afghan Af
no prcHont iit the attack and c-ipturc of AH Mnsj - -e oiii,^i,-cmcnta,t Futtehabad, and in
I'lil.iil in DecciiibtT
187} ai Trunsijort unin Kirl.l Fiiici', including tho iuvestment of
il i-

rii di-flpalchoh); acc'Miipiinieil

Sir Frcdemk 1! tits ill tlir iimicU to Caudahar, and was inuMili jiicd in despatches, Medal til three Clasps, and Bronze Decoration).
1884 with the loth Hussars, and IS jircsent in the engaiteuieiits at El Teb
fliiHp, 1111,1 Kheilivo's Star).

Served in tho Soudan impaigr attached to the
Ml ,.f M„j ,r. C'liiup).
"' ^''" '°'''' ""'*'*'»'» '" tlio Afghan war in 1878-79, and was present at the attack
<jiil7'7i'"'i *V"'
(M<-<lul with Climp). Served in the Soudan E.xpedition in 1884 with the loth Hussars,
.^rn»nKfiiienu al El Teb and Temai (Medal with Clasp, and
Khedive's Star). [See also Civil
ll'Mi A. Ijiwley, HiighosOnslow, and Hon. J. H. G. Byng served in tho Soudan E.xpedition
MiwKarii, and wore itresont in the engagements at ElTeb and Temai (Medal with Clasp, and
.^'"'"PP •;»""><' wan mo "'" lou. Ilu8*ar8 in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was prcsentat the
'°'''' "U8*"iro
ipiiiro All MuKjid. and in Iho '"'K"««f"0"*'
*'"*J'''- "'"'''!'''" engagement "^t Futtehabad as Orderly
at i-'uttehabad OtEcei to Brigadier General
u. uouich(Mr.|«i wiUi Uwp). Horkcl in the Soudan . I •'
-- - •
Expedition 884 with the loth Hussars, and was present
<^'?''"' ^''^'' '''"«P- '^"" Khedive's
ivc's Star).
•' Ucut I oolo M<rvo<l InIV'
"i,".' the 'J"' T"'"!!'
Houdan Expedition in 1884 wit' -
with tho loth Hussars (Medal, '
and Khedive's Star).
13th Hussars. 155
Years' Ser-
1 15th (The King's) Hussars.
The Cresl of England within the Garter. Merehimnr. " msdohf" "Vilubbs enCottche'
op-Zeb" "SAH4.GUN" "Vittohia" "Peninsula" '
" Watekloo" "Afghanistan, 18,
Colonel.— c. Michael William Smith,! CB. Ensign, Pig No
°'':^.!'^'^ Feb. C«il)^ P23 Apr. 39 Major,
g Feb. 47; Lt.Colonel, n
Mar. 50 Colonel, 2S Nov. 54; Major Gener'all 34 July
; ;

64; Lieut. General,

19 Jan. 73 General, i Oct. 77; 'Colonel 15th Hussars, 21 Au"-' bt

Lieutenant Colonel.— William White,^ Commanding iheEegiment, i July

S7 Cornet

Jan. 67 Lt. Pi April
Capt. 13 May 74 ^ajor, i July 81
68; ; Lt.Colonel, 29 Apr. i\
; Colonel',

Frederick Henry Beck^
John BuUen Symes-Bullen.^ Adjutant^
Yorkshire Hussars Yeomanry Cavalry ... j
George Digby Filmer Sulivan''
.-Arthur Gambler Holland'
Patrick John Waldron *
Harry Arnold Armitage, Superintendent
of Gymnasia, South Eastern District ... i
Moubray Allfrey," Adjutant Cheshire^
Yeomanry Cavalry )
Hon. Rupert Leigh"*
Charles Edmund Browne'^
James Redmond Patrick Gordon," .^iiZe^
de Camp to MajorOeneral B. L. Gordon)
Harry Evelyn Stracey Pocklington'3
Tyrell Other William Champion de
Crespignyii J
Reginald Cokayne Cokayne-Frith, Ad- )
jutaHt 17 Dec. 84 S
Chas. Wm.Wentworth De Vere Beauclerk
Percival Wentworth Bewicke
Frederick Charlton Meyrick _
Frank Lewis de Sales-La Terriere
Henry Herbert Philip Dundas
Charles Harcourt Gam Wood
Second Lieutenants.
John Hargreaves
Horace Scott Davey
Frederick John Dalgety
Francis Evelyn Campbell Bald
Robert owndes Aspinall

Paymaster. — John B. T. Newbury, 6 June May; Hon,

Major, 6 June 86.

Riding Master. David Noble Smith, 8 June 72 ; Hon. Captain, 8 June

Quarter Master. James William Humphrey, 18 July 83; Hon. Lieut.
Blue. Agents, Messrs. Cox and Co. Returned from Natal,

1 General M. W. Smith was appointed to the Turkish Contingent with local rank of Major Generalin iSkk
and subsequently to the command of the Osmanli Irregular Cavalry, and obtained the Turkish rank of Lipiif
General (2ud Class of the Medjidie). Commanded a Brigade during the Central Indian campain-n- commanded
at the recapture of Chandairee in May 1858, also at the actions between Kota-ka-Serai and Gwalior on
June commanded a Brigade in the action of the 19th June, resulting in the capture of the city and fortre'^s

of Gwalior, also at the siege and capture of Powree commanded at the surprise of the rebel camp at Koondrv-

also in pursuit of Tantia Topee and the Rao Sahib (Medal with Clasp and CB., frequently mentioned in despatches/
2 Colonel White served with the 15th Hussars in the Candahar Column in the Afghan war in
1878-70 includino-'
the advance to Khelat-i-Ghdzai ; also served with the ThuU-Ohotiali Field Force under Brio-adier General BitT
dulph, and accompanied Major General Phayre in his march to Candahar (Medal)
* Major Beck served with the 15th Hussars in the Afghan war in i88o (Medal). Served in the Boer war of 1S81
^ Major Symes-BuUen served with the 15th Hussars in the Boer war of 1881.

6 Major S'ulivan served with the 15th Hussars in the Candahar Column in the Af<rhan war of
including the advance to Khelat-i-Ghilzai also served with the Thull-Chotiali Field Force under Britradier

GeneralBiddulph,andintheColumnunderMajor General Phayre in Southern Afghanistan (Medal) Served in

theBoer war of 1881.
" Captain Holland served with the 15th Hussars in the Candahar Columuinthe
Afghan war of 1878-S0 incl-idinff
the advance to Khelat-i-Ghilzai, and was present in the engagements with the Afghan Cavalry at Takht i PiU
(mentioned in despatches) ; also served with the ThuU Chotiali Field Force under Brigadier General Biddulnh
and accompanied Major General Phayre in his march to Candahar (Medal). Served in the Boer war of i88i'
Ser\-ed throughout the Nile Expedition in 1834-85 with the Light Camel Regiment, and took part in the onerationa
Of the Desert Column including the engagement at Abu Klea Wells on the i6tli and 17th February (Medal with
Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
8 Captain Waldron served in the Boer war of i88i.
9 Captain AUfrey served with the isth Hussars in the Candahar Column in the Afghan war
in 1878-70
'^' includino-
the advance to Khelat-i-Ghilzai (Medal). ' ^'""'"S
'0 Captain the Hon. R. Leigh served with the 15th Hussars in the Candahar Column in the
Afghan war of 1878-80
including the advance to Khelat-i-Ghilzai, and was present in the engagements with the Afghan cavalry at Takht-
i-Pul (mentioned in despatches) also served with the Thull-Chotiali Field Force under Brigadier
Biddulph, and accompanied Major General Phayre in his march to Candahar (Medal). Served in the Boer war of
1S81. Served with the 19th Hussars in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the action at Kassasin
September), and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Bechuana-
land Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85 on special service as Assistant Commandant of the Remount
" Captain de Crespigny served with the 15th Hussars in the Afghan war in iSSo (Medal). Served in the Boer
war of 1881. Served with the 19th Hussars in the Egyptian war of i88z, and was present in the action at r>.as.asm
(gth September), and at the hattle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
'3 Captains Browne and PockUngton served with the 15th Hussars in the Afghan
war in 1880 (Medal)
\ /• Served
in the Boer war of 1 88 1.
11 Captain Gordon served in the Afghan war in 1880 with the 15th Hussars (Medal). Served
in the Boer war of 1881
as Adjutant 15th Hussars. Served with the Bechuanaland Expedition in 1884-85 under Sir Charles Warren
Adjutant of Methuen's Horse. Served with the Burmese Expedition in 1887 (mentioned in despatches Medal with
16th {The Queen'?) Lancers. I

"Talaveba." "Fcentes d'Onoe'

The Royal Cypher within tbo Garter^ „^;.J^CV»«a^ "Bhuktpoee" "Affghahistan"
•8«. ••^LlWAl. SOBHAON."
John Foster;. C^..^y.n*.-o//*^C^^^
at ^,C.,.....-C.>„r,ca
:^ ^eVt. 6;=; ^i^..>r r;ru^V6 Mi:rch 68?Li?;c.S; .7 May' 7^1 ^^—^ >3 March S3
C./o.e. x6tl.

Lancers, sS March S6.

/^„„,„„„j;„« /i^ Iteaimenf. zi July 88; Corned, ^S June 67 ; Lt.

Majors. I

,^ p Dec. July
7 May 70: 31 74 I 81
Henry L'Estrnnce Mnlone \"^^,^- )p 4 Feb. 71 24 Feb. 76 21 July 82
Thomas Horsfnll Heaton Garrett '13 July 7°!
16 Feb. 27 Jan. 86
iP^July Cg^" 10 June 71 78
JHenry Graham
CAPTinrs. I „ , '28 June

30 April
Kilwanl Chadwick '-S Sept. 69 20 Feb.
6 Sept.
James Melville BabinRton' 23 Mar. IS Aug.
Henry Richanl Lloyd Howard" •••;•;;;
Henry LoyccsterAylmer,'^d><an<Jfi«-^ 25 Sept. 69 28 Oct. I Dec.
ikirt Yeomanry Cavalry •)
Robert Gordon Sharman-Crawford.^rfyM-] 20 Nov. s July
tant Driibightkire Ycomaniy Cavalry >
Stephen Fre wen, Aide <f» Camp to Major I ^ .
j^jy -g 9 Jan. 5 May
Gr-erM Hon. C. jy. Thesiger )
Windham Henry Wyndham-Quin,» Aided£\ j^ 20 Feb. 23 June
CamvtotheGoternoroflladrat )
Mar. 79 16 Oct. 8
Julian Oswald v.v";-r =^2

James Alexander Orr-Ewing, Aide <Je| g t_ g^ IS Mar. 21 July

Camp to Ike Lord Lieutenant of Ireland ) I July 25 July
Lovelace Stamer 22 Jan.

I July 81
Herbert Crowe DuRdale
I July 8t
'John DiKby Calley, Adjutant 24 Dec. 84 .

[Henry Pownall Kirkpatrick 5 Dec. 83

Guy Percy Wyndham 23 Aug. 84
IKdward de Grey Beaumont 17 June 85
lArthur Scott Browne 17 Mar. 86
lAlibtcr Gniut Dallas 25 Aug. 86
iD'Arcy Symonde'" it Mar. 87 21 July 88

Ronald FrancU Assheton Sloane-Stanley. 14 Sept. 87
Arthur Henderson 22 Aug
llenrv Hugh Peter Deasy 10 Nov. 88
I //on. Lewis Arthur Milles 8 Dec.


PaymaW^r.— William Henry Buttanshaw, 23 June 63 Son. Major, ; 23 June 78.

.Ridinij Master.— U\c\iViTOi Heniy Boyle," 23 April 61 Son. Captain ; i July 8r.
(^lurUr Mutter.— EiivrSiTd Heymer, 5 Nov. 87; Hon. Lieut.

Scarlet— Fucinya Tihio.— Agents, Messrs. Cox and Co.
Jteturnedfrom Ind'ia, 6th January 1877.
General Foster served with the i6th Lancers during the campaign in Affghanistan under Lord Keane,
iDClu<linK the sicffc and capture of Ghuzuee (Medal with Clasp). He served also at the battle of Maharajpore,
oth Dec. iE< if Bronze Suir) and in the campiiign on the Sutlej in 1846, including the battles of Buddiwal, Aiiwal

(a* Aide do Camp to Brigadier Cureton), and Sobraon (Medal and Clasp).
» Ll. Colonel Davison served in the Nile Expeilition in 1884-85 ^-ith the Heavy Camel Regiment, and was present

•t Ibc notion of Abu Klea and in the reconnaissance to Uetammeh (twice mentioned in despatches Brevet of
Ll.Ciloii.l, Mo<lal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
• Ciii.uim Bubington served with the Bcchunnaland Expedition under Sir Charles "Warren in 1884-85.
• Cuiitftin H. R. L. Howard served in the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal with Clasp).
7 Cniiiaiii Aylmcr »cr\'ed in the Ashanti war from the 30th November 1873 commanded the Cape Coast Volunteers ;

of Wo<j<lV RcKimcnt, with the advanced guard under Major Furze during the march to the Prah; and afterwards
oommandcd iho post of Essiaman on the line of communications (Medal with Clasp).
» Captain Wyndham Qiiin Eer\-cd with the luniskilling Dragoons in the Boer war of iSSi.
»• Lii-ut. SymoudB served in the Zulu war in 1879 with the 17th Lancers, and was present in the cavalry afiair

at Erxunpiyiin and in the cngagcmcnl at Ulundi (Medal wilh Clasp).

•' CapUin Boylo sorvod the Eastorn campaign of 1854-55 in the 5th Dragoon Guards and was present inthe

boUlei of Balftklava, lakorman and Tchemaya, siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with three Clasps, and
TorkUh Uedal).
lucknow, Bengal. "1 17th (The D2ikc of Garnhrulge's Oifu) Lancers.
Depot, Canterbury.J 59
Death's Jlead, with the Motto, " Or Glori/."- tfA" "Balaklava" "Inkebman" "Sbvasiopcl "
" Centbal Ind South Afkica, 1879."
Years'Scr. Colonel in Chief.— Field Marsbal Uis Eoyal High)ie.'<s George W. F. C, Duke of CambritlKe.i AG. KP. G CU.
GCMG. OCSl. GCIE. Commander in Chief, 21 June 76.

Colonel. Henry Eoxby Benson, 2 CiJ. CocHe<, •'31 Jan. 40; Lieut. '^le, Apr. 4? Capt. ^zy June 45 Major,
; ;

23 Oct. 54; Lt. Colonel, P20 Sept. 56

Colonel, 23 Sept. 59; Major General, 6 March 63; Lieut. General,
I Oct. 77
; General, 1 July 81 ; Colonel 17th Lancers, iq July 84.

eutenant Colonel. Starling Meux Benson, Commanding the Regiment, x^ Jan. 88; Cornet, ''20 Oct. 5;
"LiLt. ''27 Feb. 67; Capt. ''27 July 70; Major, 1 July 81 ; Lieutenant Colonel, 27 Api-il 86.


Ernest Augustus Belford^ '27 July 66 '24 April 69 Aug 74 7 Jan. 82
Hon. John Pleydell-Bouverie'^ '27 Feb. 67 18 Aug. 69 28 Mar. 77 I Apr. 82
p.a.c. Frederick William Benson, Gomitoji
13 Jan. 69 9 April 70 24 Jan. 80 27 Apr. 86
Instructor, Ktirpa Tal
Mortimer Graham Neeld* 12 Nov. 73 7 Jan. 82
Herbert Charles Jenkins^ 13 Jirno 74 I Apr. 82
Charles Hotham Purvis,'" Adj. Lanark
Yeomanry Cavalry
12 Feb. 5 June 82
Henry Fortescue'i 15 July 6 June 82
Thomas Augustus Steele'^ II Sept. 22 Oct. 83
Edward Bleiddian Herbert''* 29 Nov. 27 Apr. 86
Hon. Lionel Henry Dudley Fortescue,'*
Aide de Camp to Sir D. C. Drury Lowe...
11 Nov. 6 Nov. 86'

Charles James Austruther-Thomson'^ ... II May 78 27 Apr. 6 Nov. 861

William Gordon Renton 22 Mar. 79 I July 15 Jan. 88
Charles Coventry, is Adjutant 13 May 85 29 Sept. 80 1 July 15 Jan. 88
Harry William Ralph Ricardo 28 Jan. 7 Apr. 88
Son. Herbert Alex. La^wrence 10 May
George Charles Clyde D'Aguilar 2 Aug. '* Captain thoHon.L.H.D.Fortesciie

George Francis Milner 27 Jan. served with the 17th Lancers in the
Charles Algernon Simeon Warner 30 Jan. Zulu war of 1879, and was presL'iit in
Frederick Percival M. Maryon-Wilson... 12 Nov. the engagements at ZuiiiLniiii Moun-
Bertram Percy Portal 29 Aug. tain and Ulundi (Mcil:il «itl] Chi^p).
Archibald Jas. Temple, T'jsc/. Clandeboye"" 27 Jan. 15 Captain Anstruthcr - Tiioinsou
Alfred Rawlinson 6 Nov served with the 17th Lancers in the
Norman Tom Nickalls 10 Nov. Zulu war of 1879, and was present
Edward Darley Miller 10 Nov. in the engagement at Uluridi (Medal
Herbert Merton Jesse 10 Nov. with Clasp).
Victor Staunton Sandeman 10 Nov. ^° Lord Clandeboye served in the
Second Lieutenants. Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir
Reginald Du Pre Grenfell 5 Feb. 87 Charles Warren in 1884-85 with the
Thomas Gen-aru Collins 9 Nov. 87 Mounted Rifles.
H.S.H. Prince Adohihns C.A.A E.G.P.L.L.
II Apr. 88
Henry Cecil Noel 2 May

Paymaster.— Johzi Montague Russell,^? i6 Jan. 82 Lt. 24 April 71 Capt. 16 Oct.

; ;

Riding Master. Henry M'Gee,-''^ 13 Nov. 72 Hon. Captain,' 11, Nov. 82.

Quarter Master.— J)ous\SiS, Shawe, 4 Feb. 71; Hon. Captain, 1 July 81.

Blue i'Vicin^s White. Agents, Messrs. Cox and Co.
Embarked for Natal, 25 Feb. 1879.
' The Duke of Cambridge.— For War Services, see Grenadier Guards.
2 General Benson commanded the 17th Lancers in the Crimea from 14th Jan. 1355, iacluding the battle of
the Tohernaya, siege and fall of Sebastopol, and commanded tho Squadron of the Light Brigade in the night
attack on tLe Russian outposts on the 19th Feb. 1855 (Medal with Clasp, 5th Class of the iledjidio, and Turkish
Medal). Served in the Indian Mutiny campaign of 1857-59, and comm:inded the 2nd Cavalry Column, Malwa Division,
in various ojierations in Central India and in pursuit of the rebel forces under Tantia Topee and the Eao Sahib,
who were attacked and defeated with great loss at Zerapore on 29th December 1858 by the 2nd Cavalry Column
(Colonel, CB., and Medal).
5 Major Belford served with the 17th Lancers in the Zulu war of iS79,andwas present in the engagement at

Ulundi (Medal witi Clasp).

Major the Hon. John Pleydell-Bouverie served with the 17th Lancers in the Zulu war of 1S79, and was
present in the engagements at Zuinguin Mountain and Ulundi (Medal with Clasp).
8 Major Neeld served with the 17th Lancers in the Zulu war of 1879, 'i^id was present as Orderlj- OUicer to Colonel
Drury Lowe, commanding the Cavalry Brigade in the engagement at Ulundi (Medal with Clasp).
' Major Jenkins served with the 17th Lancers in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the engagements

at Zuinguin Mountain and— as Adjutant of the Regiment at Ulundi (severely wounded, Medal with Clasp).
1" Captain Purvis served with the 17th Lancers as Transport Officer in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in

the engagement at Ulundi (Medal with Clasp)

11 Captain Henry Fortescue served with the i7tu Lancers in the Zulu war of 1S79 (Medal with Clasp).
'- Captain Steele served with the 17th Lancers in the Zulu war of 1S79 (Medal with Clasp).
" Captain Herbert served with the 17th Lancers in the Zulu war of 187Q, and was present in the engagonicnt at
inundi(Medal with Clasp).
18 Captain Coventry served in the Zulu war of
1879, and was present in the engagement at Ulundi (Medal with
28 Captain M'Gee served with the 10th Hussars in the Afghan war in 1879, and was present in the engagement at
Fnttehabad— slightly wounded (Medal). Served in the Soudan Expedition in 1884 with the 10th Hussars (Medal,
and Khedive's Star).
" C;aptain Russell.— For War Services, see Army Pay Department.

i6o 18th Hussars.

•Pro Etge, pro Ltge, pro Pafrid conamur."
r»a H»H| Colon*],

^?)'^"i.nt"t;:;^^76f'S^U^;Vy^.y 8x ;
U.Oolonel. X Aug, . .
£''i'-^». ="8 M'ay 67; i-«'- "m Oct. es-.Capt. 15 May 75 ;
Mujo : July 81 ; Lt. Colonel,
David U.^co'liun,.
J July 86.


28 Oct. 29 June 78 I Aug. 83
Ch*rlc8 WillouRbby Uemans 18 April 8s
•— "•• 28 Oct. 14 Dec. 78
Georire Edward Hcale Browne*
Bernhiird Drysdnle MoUer, Adjutant Suf- 8 May iS Dec. 80 7 July 86
folk rtomunry Cavalry )

Richard Hobart Morrison, Con.<ff. ScAooO 13 June 31 Oct. 82
of In.tructionfor Aux.Caoalry, Alderthot i
Yeo Cav 2 Dec. 3 Oct. 83
Friincib Dn.o Tagart, Adi. Uert,
Francis John Paul Butler, Adjutant
6 Oct. 13 Feb. 84
Ohucfitmhire Yeomanry Cavalry )
Jan. 79 I Dec. 22 July 85
Gcort;eJohn Scott'
22 Oct. I Adt. 86
George Robert Brown Patten 3 Captain Scott served
lEustacoChnloncr KnoxM^iutant ySept.Se 30 Aug. 14 AiJr. 86
in the Egyptian war of
GoorRO llcrcward Cardcw, Army Strvtce > 9 Aug. 7 July 86
1882 with the 7th Dra-
cor,$ ,.•,—::; •'

I July 22 Dec. 86 goon Guards, and was

YS Percival Scrope Marliu(?« 23 June 80 30 Apr. 87 present at the battle of
Ernest Charles Peiin Curzon
Heniy Thornton Laming •. 10 Mar. 83 14 Mar. 88 Tel-el-Kebir (Medal
with Clas]!, and Khe-
William Maxwell Sherston.7 Atde de^ 10 June 8 Aug. 88 dive's Star).
Camji to Sir Frederick Sobertt i
Nov. Aug. 88

Edward Douglas Brown 7

Denis St. George Daly

21 May 84
George Birch 7 Feb. 85
Uenry Algernon Fulke Charles Fer- 7 Feb.
dinand Siephan Grevillo
29 Aug.

William Hopper Williamson ....

'Arthur Seymour Arnold 30 Jan.
"' Aug.
William Pollok Morris PoUok . 25
Monugu Sinclair Wellby 25 Aug.
Bernard James Petre 3° Nov.
... Arthur Henry Appleton n Feb.
Cecil Arthur Hope 16 May
Arthur Hayward Barclay 19 Sept.
Charles Harold Corbett 10 Nov.
Acting P.iymaiter.—ifajorG. E. Beale-Browne.
Biding .Vii»^fr.— George Jackson, 16 March 87; Hon. Lieut.
Quarter J/u»<*r.— Joseph Baker, 18 July 88; Hon. Lieut.
^\\iO.—Agent$, Messrs. Cox and Co. Returned fi; India, 18 January 1876.
« Ll General Drysdale served with the 4th Light Dragoons
during the campaign in Aflghanistan under Lord
Kcane and was p'rescnt at the siege and capture of Ghuznee (Medal) Served with the gth Lancers in the G.valior

camimign, iiichidinj,' the action at Punniar, 29th Dec. 1843 (Bronze Star). The Sutlej campaign in 1845-46, including
the battle ofSobraon (Medal and Clasp). The Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the passage of the Chenab
at lUmiiucnur. and battles of Chillianwallah and Goojerat (Medal with
two Clasps). The Indian campaign of
1857-59 and present at Delhi during the siege operations, commanding the Regt. from i8th Aug. to the
fall of the

cily—horBc Khot at the assault; commanded the Regt. with Greathed's Column, iu action at Bolundshuhur, Uorse
•hot (wounded), and present in the actions of Allyghur and Agra (mentioned in despatch); also present at the
relief of Lucknow (Brevet of Lt. Colonel, CB., Medal with two Clasps).
« Major BfDwno served during the second phase of the Ashanti war in 1874 and was present at the capture of

Cooma»»io (Mo<lal with Clasp).

» Captain Knox served throughout the Nile E.ipedition in 1884-85 with the Light Camel Regiment, and took

part ill the rii)eralion.'i of the Desert Column (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
• Cnptnin Marling served with the 3rd Battalion 60th Rifles in the Boer war in 1881, and was present in the
cnK»Km"'''t-'* '' '-"""k'h Nek and the Ingogo River. Served with the 3rd Battalion King's Royal Rifle Corps in
the Kgri'tian war ol 188 a, and was present in the engagement at Tel-el-Mahuta, in the action at Kassasin (9th
8«ptcml>cr), mid at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served throughout the
Boucinn Exi.edilion in 1884 with the Mounted Infantry, and was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai
(meiili'ncd in dci-piitcheH, Victoria Cross, two Clasps): was awarded the "for his conspicuous bravery at YC
the Imttle ufTeiniii, on 13th March, 1884, in risking his life to save that of Private Morley, Royal Sussex Regiment,
who, having been shot, was lifted and placed in front of Lieutenant Marling on his horse. He fell oflT almost
ImmclmU'ly, when Lioutonani Marling dismounted, and gave up his horse for the purpose of carrying off Private
Morley, the' enemy i)rcnHing close on to them until they succeeded in carrying him about 80 yards to a place of
cotnprinilive nafety." Ser\-ed in the Kilo Expedition iu 1884-85 with the Mounted Infantry, and was present at
the action of Abu Klea (l%vr) claxjis).
' Cniilnln Maxwell hhcrhton ser\-ed in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the Mounted Infantry, and was
prtrM-ni tti the ••TiKnk'<m'nts at Abu KIca and Abu Kru and in the reconnaissance to Mctammeh (Medal with two
ClMP". and KlK-dlve'H Htnr). Heni-ed with the Burmese Expedition in 1886-87 as Aide de Camp to Sir Frederick
RobcrU (mentioned In despatches, Medal with Clasp).

Continuation of Notes to igth Hussars.

rich iicryoU in llio Soudan Expedition in 1884 with the 19th
Hussars, and was present iu theengage-
u(Mc.Iiil with Clasp, and Khodivo'sSUir). Served in the Soudan Expedition in 1884-85 with the
rvc.1 In ihoSou.laii
Expedition in 1884 with the loth Hussars, and was present in the engage-
loraal (Medal with Clasp, and Klie.livo's Star). Served
in the NUo Expedition iu 1884-85 with

>!.'l wa» prcBont at the action of Abu Klea (two Clasps).

it«)n M^ed with thoj:gyptian Frontier Field Force in 1885-86, and
was present m the enga-o
Dl M UiDiaa (UoOal, and Khodivo'i Star).
19th {Princess of Wales's Oicn) Hussars. 161
The Elephant.— " AssxYz" "Niagaka" " Egtpt, 1882, 1884" " Tel-el-Kebie '

P^y- Colonel.— John Yorke.i CB. Cornet, ''21 Dec. 32; It. P5 Dec. 34; Capt. •'14 Dec. 41; Major,^ 4 Sept. 49 ; Zt. Colonel.
•4 Feb. 53: Co/on?/, 28 Nov. 54; Major Oeneral.ij Inne 66; Lt.General, i Aug.j^ {General, i Oct.
77; Colonel
19 Hussars, 6 May 72.
Lieutenant Colonels.— John Denton Pinkstone French, 3 Commanding the Begiment, 27 Sept. 83; Lt. 28 Feb 74 •
Capt. i6 Oct. 80 Major, 3 Apr. 83
; Lt.Colonel, 7 Feb. 85.

John Compton Hanford-Floods (B^ X<. j Mar. July
Colonel, 15 June 85)
26 74' I 81 18 Nov. 20 Sept.
Charles Bradford Harries Jenkins' 13 June 74 I July 81 21 May 84 II Nov.
Henry Murray Ashley Warded 21 Aug. 74I 17 Dec. Si I

7 Feb.


Dudley Richard Apthorp' -oNov. 7Si 26 Apr.

Edmund Kendal Grimsione Aylmer'" Aug. 80 I July 81, 7 Nov. 83!
Hew Dalrymple Fanshawe.'^^if/. 26 Feb. 86 28 June 82 2 July 84
Maurice Wright

29 Nov. 76' II Nov 84

Harry Graham Marsh'* 29 July 82 18 April 85
John Charles Arthington Walker's I

29 July 82 20 Jan. 86
Arthur Heywood Brooksbank [Sept. 78 12 Jan. 8i| i July 87
Hugh Gerald Stewart Young'^ 2 Aug.
Walter Spencer-Stanhope'" 2 Aug.
Harold George De Pledge's 2 Aug. 82' 2' Lieuts. Swan served the Nile m
George OsbaldestouWelch," Arm;/ Service') Expedition in 1884-85 with the 19th
2 Aug. °^ Hussars, and was presentin the action
Corps S
Edward Stamford Craven-" 10 Mar. 83 at Kirbekan (Medal with two Clasps,
Pandia John Zigomala-' 10 Mar. 83 and Khedive's Star).
Francis Edward Lister Swan^' 6 Feb. 84
Lieut. Zigomala seived in tha
Francis Woodward Clementson" 23 Aug. 84 Nile Expedition in 18S4-S5 with the
Frederic Delmar Barry 12 Nov. 84 19th Hussars (Medal witn Clasp, and
Harry Plumridge Levita^* 23 Aug. 84 Khedive's Star).
James William Gully Philip Jeffcock 28 Feb. 85, -^Lieut.Levita served in the Soudan
Charles Sydney Wentworth Reeve 9 May 85 Expedition in 1885 with the i9tU
Slingsby Edwa'rd Duncombe Cradock 23 May 85 Hussars (Medal with Clasp, and
Vere de Lone Temple 23 May 85 Khedive's Star).

Paymaster. Captain H. G. Marsh.
3 Sidinc J/as^cr.- William Pilley, 19 May 86 Son. Lieut.

Quarter Master.— Y€ William Thomas Marshall, 20 Jan. 85; Hon. Lieut.


Blue. ^^e?i/», Messrs. Cox and Co. Returned from Egypt, j June i?,'&6.
' General Yorke commanded the Royal Dragoons in the Eastern campaign of 1854, including the siege of
Sebastopol, and was severely wounded at the battle of Balaklava, his horse also was severely wounded with grape-
shot in supporting the Light Cavalry charge prior to his own leg being shattered by a rifle-ball (Medal with two
Clasps, CB., Sardinian and Turkish Medals, and 4th Class of the Medjidie). He commanded the Regt. during a
violent gale in the Black Sea between Varnaand the Crimea, and this greatdisaster resulted in the loss of 250 horses
of the Regiment, including the greater part of the officers' chargers and those of detachments of other Regiments
3 Lt. Colonel French served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the 19th Hussars, and was present
in the
engagements at Abu Klea and Metammeh (mentioned in despatches, Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
« Lt. Colonel Hanford-Flood served with the 19th Hussars in the Egyptian w\ar of 1S82, and was present in the action

at Kassasin (9th September), and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal
with Clasp, 4th Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Soudan Expedition in 1884 with the 19th
Hussars, and was present in the engagements at El TebandTemai (4th Class of the Osmanieh, two Clasps). Served
in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the 19th Hussars, and was present iu the action at Kirbekan (men-
tioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, two Clasps).
' Major Jenkins served with the 19th Hussars in the Egyptian war of 18S2, and was present in the action at
Kassasin (9th September), and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served in the
Soudan Expedition in 1884 with the 19th Hussars, and was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai (men-
tioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, 4th Class of the Medjidie, two Clasps).
s Major Warde served with the 19th Hussars in the Egyptian war of 1S82, and was present
in the action at
Kassasin on the gth September (Medal, and Khedive's Star)
' Captain Apthorp served with the 19th Hussars in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the action
Kassasin on the 9th September (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Soudan Expedition in 1884 with the
19th Hussars, and was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai (two Clasps). Served in the Soudan
Expedition in 1885 with the 19th Hussars (Clasp).
1° Captain Aylmer served with the 19th Hussars in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the
ments at El Magfar and Mahsama,andat the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served
in the Soudan Expedition in 1884 with the 19th Hussars, and was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai
(two Clasps). Served in the Nile Expedition in 18S4-85 with the 19th Hussars, and was present in the action at
Kirbekan (two Clasps).
" Captain Fanshawe served with the 19th Hussars in the EgyjDtian war of 1882, and was present in the action at
Kassasm on the 9th September and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served
in the Soudan Expedition in 1884 with the 19th Hussars, and was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai
(mentioned in despatches, two Clasps). Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-S5 with the 19th Hussars, and was
present in the engagements at Abu Klea and Metammeh (two Clasps).
'* Captain Marsh served in the Soudan Expedition in 1884 with the 19th Hussars, and was present in the engage-

ments at El Teb and Temai (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-S5,
with the 19th Hussars (Clasp).
is Captain Walker served in the Soudan Expedition in 1884 with the loth Hussars, and was present in the engage-

ments at El Teb and Temai (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-S5 with
the 19th Hussars (Clasp).
16 Lieut. Young served in the Soudan Expedition in 1S84 with the 19th Hussars, and was present in the engage-
ment at Temai (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Nile lixpedition in 1884-85 with the'igth
Hussars, and was presentin the engagements at Abu Klea and Metammeh (two Clasps).
17 Lieut. Spencer Stanhope served in the Soudan Expedition in 18S4 with the 19th Hussars, and was
present in
the enga'.'ements at El Teb and Temai (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Nile Expedition in
1884-85 with the 19th Hussars, and was present in the action at Kirbekan (two Clasps)
18 Lieut. De Pledge served in the Soudan Expedition in 1884 \i"ith the 19th Hussars, and was present in
engagements at El Teb and Temai (Medal with Clasp, and Khedives Star). Served in the Nile Expedition ia
1884-85 with the 19th Hussars, and was present in the engagements at Abu Klea and Metammeh (two Clasps).
\_For continuation ef Notes, see preceding page.
— t IJorwich.
20th Hussars. LOne Squadron in Egypt.

ssrLA "SrAKI.V,
- » T 7* or, Anr -ji- Caot Q JIar. 4 ; St. Major, 20 June t; Majo)
ii.«..a.«e,-a. July Si
.^^^b.^rC^/oL^ '. Fetl'ea^^i.a?- /s Oct. 68;

rs Dec ""'^'"^'Vo^","/'
66 ; Zt.

Ca^- June 79; ^".Z-. Oct. 83 Sf.Lf Colonel,

m'c;/jVu,?c^™vc?s.%«I?.^3 jin
' 6^; I^ =S Oct. 7. ; 7 3 ;

Juni-'ss; Lt. C-loHfl'. 9 Sept. 85

MXJOBS. 5 May 6g 3 Aug. 72 2 July 84

ffon. Milc-i Stnplctou* 69 28 Oct. 71 30 Nov. 79 9 Sept. 8s
23 Jan.
William John Irwm 23 April 73 I JaJi. £0 I July 88
Thorn** Barnou Weston

9 Aug. 7S 23 Mar. 81
16 A*c«nius William Kevill Thomas •••;:••- 9 Aug. 73 I July 81
16 K<lvvnr.l Heffinnia Courtcnay," Staff II Dec. I Oct. 8)
i6 Uwi« Kilmond Gurney" —•vr--:\ 2 Dec. 74 I June S3
IS Richnnl John Ki>kine Oliver-Bellaeis' II Feb. 20 June 83
14 Stair Hnthorn Johnston Stewart..
n Horace GcorRO Proctor Hcauchamp,'" I
II Oct. 78 15 Oct. 84

10 Godfrey Ma^sv Vcrc Hunt, Army Serc,ce\

7 June 79 29 Sept. 80 20 June 85
Corpi July 14 July
23 Apr. 1 8:
8 Hcnrv Graham* :.:—.';.•:••:" n'^'afi
22 Oct. S 16 Mar. 87
8 WillikmDouelnsWhatman.w AdjutantijVec.^e 2 Aug. S: 23 Dec.
7 Sorton I/egge'"
LtnvTfx kurs. Captain Courtenay served
;6 Mar. 79 6 Aug. <!

«o Andemon Lindfuiy KcU, I

31 Oct. throughout the Zulu war of 1879
Arthur Morgan Bulkcley Jones"... as Staff Officer of the mounted 7 Feb.
Wilmot Charles Vaughan'* troops of the Lower Tugela Column,

Aug. 85
Graham Thomas Georpe Edwards II Feb. 85 and was present at the engage-
Hon. Henrv WUliam Miinsflcld ... ment of Inyezane, the action of
2S °^- '
James Whitiiker
30 Jan. Gingiudhlovu, and the relief of
Francis Jollie Ekowe (mentioned in despatches.

HirlK-rt RolMjrw Manton 30 Jan.

4 Dec. Medal with Clasp). Served through-
Poiisonliv Mnv Lvnn Caiew
II Dec. out the Nile Expedition in 1884-85
Herbert "Wilt-hire"
in command of the troop of 20th
Skcokd Libcteitakts. Hussars with the Light Camel Regi-
iHumphreysGoulrting S Dec. 88 ment, and took part in the opera-
19 Dec. tionsof the Desert Column, including
» lArthurOtwBv Jacob'..
the attack on the convoy 011 the 14th
February and the engagement at

AbuKlea Wells on the t6th and i7tt

February (Medal with Clasp, and
Khedive's Star) Also served with .

the Egyptian Frontier Field Force

in 1885-S6 as Adjutant to the 20th
Hussars and as Statf Officer to
Mounted troops, and was present :

in the engagement at Giniss.
4 Pa»iiid»<fr.— Herbert H. Gilbert, 27 Dec. 80; .Eh.*. ri8 Apr. 65; Z^i'3Apr. 66; Cupf. ^ Bee. 7S;
7 \Ridinq itoMttr.— "Thomas
Asher Tooth, 11 Oct. 82 ; Hon. Lkuf. [27 Dec. 85.
4 iQnaWtrJifaj/fr.— Frederick James Campbell,— 12 Aug. 85 Hon. Lkuf. ;

Blue. A^entt, Messrs. Cox and Co.

Returned from Egypt, ig Ifovemher i 87.
> Colonel Blako served with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force in 1S83-S6 in of Mounted troops, command
an<l wajt prcucnl in the engagement at Giniss (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
» Lt. Colonel Gnivcs wrvcd in the Soudan campaign in 1885 in command of Mounted troops of the 2nd Srigade,'

and was present in the ou;;agement at the Tofrck zcreba (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt. Colonel, Medal
milb two Clasps, p.nd Khedive's Star).
Maior Hon. M. Stnplcton servid in the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles WaiTen in 1884-85 with
the Vn!iiii<^r Monntpil IroopH. Served with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force in 18S5-S6, and was present in
Ibr > ' •<• GinisR (Me lal, and Khedive's Star).
' -Tvi'd with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force in 18S5S6, and was present in the engage-
in. il, un<l Khedive's Star).

* •
'Si-'ll'isix and Gmham
sor\'cd in the Soudan campaign in 1885, and were present in the engage-
TT. .
i « ''-oreba( Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
. ..1.,.Uciiucharai), Whatman, and Legge served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp,
, :
K's Star). Served with Iho Egyptian Frontier Field Force in 1885-86, and were present in the
"'^•'' "",'''' '''"Egj-ptian Frontier Field Force in 1885-86, and was present in the engagement
at '
'• of the escort V>\hc General Officer Commanding (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
iTvcd with the Kgyptinn Frontier Field Force in 1885-86, and was present in the engage-
lerly Ofllcer to tliu Officer Commandinj Mounted troops— horse shot (Medal, and Khedive's
" Ueuu Wilt«lnro scrve.l in tho Egyptian war of 1SS2, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal
ritb < U*p, and Khc<Uvo s Star).
liorvod in iho Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, andlKhedive's Star).
Bangalore. Madras. T
Dep ot at
Canterbury. J 21st Hussars.
^''"''^'•'jColonel.-Uobcrt White, en. Cornet. P15 Oct. 163
47 Doc ; Lleuf. P22 r,,,^ p « nr
12 Dec. 54 Ua/or, i July ..^ •
j ;
58; L. Colonel, l'2i Feb. 60; Colonel
Zieut. General, 8 July
85 ;' C'o/o»?i
T,,.„t.„o f r. r''",""^\^5!
Colonel 21 Hussars,
Huss'ari 28 Mar:
Colonel.-Thomas Edward Stopford Hickm;
March 86 ^ ' -'^'V'"' <^e»«''«', i March 70


^ ,
'26 Feb.
RowlandHill Martin^ '...".'.'.'.'.'.'
9 Nov. 6( I May
P.S.C. Walte)- Georfje Crole
14 Jan. 28 Oct. 7] 16 Dec. 78
w'yndham< Feb. 2 Feb. 84
I'ercy Macffregor Kings
11 7 =
19 May 80
16 July
Captains. 29 Nov. 7; 30 Nov. 84
Oharlos Berkeley Pigott/ I Oct. 87
DSO 19 Feb. 79 9 Feb. 81
VallanceBurn 31 Jan. IS Juno
14 Sept. 78 85
Richard Owen,7 Aide do"Camp"io"sirl 2 July 79 I May 83
Henry Norman 12 Nov.
JohnFowle.s Aide de Camp'to'the 73 13 June 83
vernor of Madras ... July
I 81 23 Nov. 87
Harry Finn,^ Adjufanf rjuiv's^'.";;
Henry Charles Hig.rsii. + 23 Mar. I July Si 23 Nov. 87
M.enry Lionel Pilkington ..'.Z''.
II Aug. o{ 1 July 81 16 July 88
22 Jan. July 16 Aug. 88
William Markham Do.yne '...'.[
I I 81
J^IEUTENAKIS. 27 Jan. 83 9 Sept. 83
Frank Henry Eadon
Thursby Henry Ernest Daunceyii" 30 Jan. 84
James George Fair I 20 Sept, 84
James Robert Ewing. I
29 Aug. 85

David Bovrly 17 Feb. 86

I 25 Aug. 86

Edward Hudson Kinahan

Francis Henry Crinps-Day 21 May 87
Charles James Clerk 5 Oct. 87
lAVilliam Noble Evans 5 Oct. 87
Arthur John Netherton Hanvard 5 Oct. 87
Edward Paulet
Francis 5 Oct. 87

Raymond Harvey Lodge Joseph' S Oct. 87

Montmorency 1
wo »
. ,
24 Sept. 87
Donald Maclachlan ^
|johu Robt Beceh,i^'cj/(?.'yr,v.'.s;;ry.o;;;Y 16 Nov. 87
; '' ^m'f>an Army 5 Sept. 88
T.r,,^ Cv '"t"'''r"'
fatamers '
Roche )
3 Oct. 33
5 ^.^".'/"'"xfer.-Kenry F. G. Webster I July 79; :En8.
r--'^y4»iam Henry Kiu«, ,.^ Zieut.
Master.— George Leslie Graham [Ut. Ma/or, Oct. 77'.
24 June 85 ; JioH. Zieut.

Bine.— Apenta, Messrs. Cox and

Umbarkedfor India, 23 Jfooember

Central India m
1858-59, Part of the timein
^*'Colonel Hickman served in the Boer
3 warof
X "^
n ""pnh,^Z,'
"'•'^ ^''^'^ throughout the campaign
Column, including the action of Barode

lingageraeutatMahsama, atthetwolctimiTnt-R^nccnc- ,^ tl^e 7th Dragoon Guards, and was present in thn
Cairo (Modal with Clasp, and
KheXve'.sSUr)!^^'''"'''^' ^"^ ^' '^^ ^=^'"« °f Tcl-el-Kebir and the'clptu?e of

^^^^^fr^'^^^^^^^ T ^T ^^^^^ '" ^^P'-^- '^- (^edal

m the engagements at Tel-el- Mahuta and Uiihtnvxi^mlntinfJ, August, and commanded the Mounted
service),and at the action at Kassasin on the promoted Captain for distingu shed
5th Class of the Medjidie, 28th ^Z^uTt^.'^f^''^''^^''^
J^e^a' and Khedive's St-il-l'^lln^^ T""^!®'^ (twice mentioned in despatches.
hthe 19th Hussars, and was present in
Ni e E.xpedition mthe on-ac^emen
1884-85 in command of a commnv
^^P^'^''^^°^ to the Soudan hi 1884*
sat Fl'Ppr.'l'f-r*''° (^"'° Clasps).
Column under Sir Herbert Stewart, and o^MountPrt T, f FT""' Served with the f^
sance to Meiammeh, and in the
engagement at
patches across the Bayuda Desert from
Served in the expedition against the
nt the s.^i. ?''^I^'°°^^,P
El G ibat to Korti^ nnL n °V?^^.."^"' ^'''^ '^th February
"' *^° operations of the Desert

carried the des-

despatches. Brevet of Major, two Clasps),
command (mentioned in despatches, Yonne and other '"^'^'^
""^ *^^ ^^^^^ ^oast of Africa in
JDSO) 1887-SS as second in


"" """' ""'''''"" '" ^''' ""' ''' "^'"'^ "'^"'^ ^'"™^"' ^'''''' "^'" "^^^^'' ^^'
Bung? anTin Jhe op7rations\®rtuid''SaM
in dSi w'^,'^^^ ^"'of °h'
.^^^ .engagements at Killa Kazi and Siah

Gerald Graham m
1884. and was T.vPQfl,vf ;,, tv.
*" °'^^'
' •
served in the Soudan Expedition under Sir

Major \Veb.ster.-For
Clasps). ^or^l^-tE'tf^^li;

War Services, see Army Pay

"t^^^^^^S, ^il^li^^^^l^^
IS , S I
\A •£ c< O o O
o CC. «5 ft

1/1^-^ r^ r^oo oTcooooo 00 o o o O- o*
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s ,-
Boyal Artillery. If).

Feilden.Haughton Slontague Jas., p.a.c, Instructor Art. College'zj Jan. 63 24 Nov. 75 I Nov. 82
3 Cambier, Ernest Frederick, Commandant Dalhousie Depot i Mar. 63 8 Dec. 75

I Nov. 32
El! Langloy, William Savage'*" 1 Mar. 63 23 Dec. 75 I Nov. 82
E Roberts, Howland'*' i Mar. 6' I Jan. 76 1 Nov. 82
2 Smyth, Hor^tioFrancis'" i Apr. 63 I Jan. 76

Sept.! 15 Dec. 82
LO Sorell, Will -nHenry Frederick^" (ISt.Lt.Colonel, i July 87) 24 June 63 I Jan. 76 24 Jan. 83
I Ferrier, Alexander Walter 24 June 63 I Jan. 76 4 Feb. 83
Barker, Francis JVilliamJames,^*^ in charge of Danger Suildings,\\ ,

Boyal Gunpowder Factories, Waltham Abbey j:24 June63 15 Jan. 76 8 Mar. 83

Empson, Charles Anglesea, Supdt. Gunpowder Factory, Madras 27 June 63 15 Jan. 76 28 Mar. 83
Curtis, William Frederick deHubbenet'-"'_ ;••::•. r ••••I 6 July 63 IS .Jan.
76 8 Mar. 83
Ditmas, Francis Frederick, CommauiZ^'n^ Royal Artillery, Jamaica Sept.63 21 Feb. 76 7 Apr. 83
so Morgan, Harrison Ross Lewin'" I Sept.63 I Mar. 76 8 Apr. 83
Saunders, Arthur Augustus ... 1 Sept.63 1 Mar. 76 2 May 83
B Corbett, Richard'^" I Sept.63 4 Mar. 76 12 Ma.v 83
so Pearson, Arthur James,'5i Commanding 1!. Artillry, Mauritius ... 1 Sept.63 29 Apr. 76 2 May 83
2 Gregory, William Villeucuve 3 Oct. 6q May 76 Juno 83
Will, George, Firemaster and Insp. of n'arlike Stores, Halifax, N.S. 2 Nov. 63 9 June 76 1 July 83
2 Annesley, Oliver Francis Theodore Dec. 63 8 28 July 76 7 July S3
( i*25June62
I Murphy, Cecil William Esmonde'^- 9 Aug. 76 25 June 82 7 July 83
i 12 Jan. 641

Wace, Hichard,^'^ Supdt. of Foundry and Shell Factory, Cossijiore ..119 Jan. 64 9 Aug. 76 22 Nov. 79 6 July 83
Watkin,IIenry Samuel Spi'ller, Director of Position Findim; ..; I Mar. 64 8 Sept.761 6 July 83
B OUivant, Edward Albert 1=' ..'22 Mar. 64 3 Sept.761 26 July 83
Stone, John Graham, Superintendent of Factories, Bengal 22 .. Mar. 64 1 Dec. 76] I Aug. 83
L EKA Wallace, Robert Hugh .. ,2 Apr. 64 I Dec. 761 I Aug. 83
sc Ewing, James Peters .. 12 Apr. 64 5 Jan. 771 31 Aug. 83
LA Williams, Richard Francis ^^.1 3 May 64 1 Feb. 77> 31 Aug. 83
LO Torkington, Henry ..13 June 64 4 Feb. 77I I Sept.83
VII Bally., iohuFordi»6 ,
9 July 64 I Apr. 77 I Sept.83
p.s.c. }f'ipine, Georqe Clement p.a.c. Deputy AsuL^'iant Adiutant

General for Instruction, GibraltarX


Aug. 64 oApr. 77, 1 Sept.8'3
Baddeleq, Paul Frederick Michael, Assist. Supdt. of Factories, Bengal 16 Aug. 64 30 Apr. 77 2 Sept. S3;
Browell, Edward Thomas .6 An 30 Apr. 77! 16 Oct. 83
x.i.Plunkett, Robert Hastings Willoughby 16 64 7 May
Aug. 771 4 Nov. 8?
A Domvile, Barry Francis '^^ 16 Aug.
64 :!oMay 77] 16 Nov. 83
A Wickham, Charles Brenton II Oct. 64 26 June 77 10 Dec. 83
4 Eden, William Alexander 28 Oct. 64 I July 77! 29 Dec. 83
Tabor, John Minnitt,!^^ Adjutant jth Brigade North Irish Division ~.

July 77 28 Oct.31 Dec. S3 64 I

(Wicklow Artillery Militia) J

.A Siddons, Henry George Fombelle II Nov. 64 I July 771 31 Dec. 83

VH Lake, Edward II Nov. 64 1 July 77 I Dec. 83
I Muudy, Rodney Edward ig July 64 10 Apr. 77! I Jan. 84
E Browne, Augustus 9 Dec. 64 I July
77} I Jan. 84
A Blakslcy, Edward'^o 16 Dec. 64 9 July 77 I Jan. 84
Cundill, John Fonsonh,,, p.a.c. In^p. of E.rplosiee/, Home Office 16 Dec. 64 9 July 77 1 Jan. 84
Fletcher, Alfred FoHl;ier,^'-"f Snpt. Gun Carnage Factory, Madras. 16 Dec. 64 14 July 77 i Jan. 84
C.P.Smith, Charles ilitchell 23 Dec. 64 14 Jul.y 77 I Jan. 84
Vhite, Arthur Wellesley, p.a.c. Inst, in lianye Finding, Aldershot.. Dec. 64 14 July 77 I Jan. 84
ICennaway, Charles William, Firemaster, Deoonport 23 Dec. 64 24 Aug. 77 I Jan. 84
B Broadfoot, Archibald'"' I23 Dec. 64 30 Aug. I Jan. 84
10 Alves, JohnMorison 23 Dec. 64 I Sept. 77 1 t Jan. 84
I Gillespie, James Carnegie '21 Felj. 6 6 Sept. 77 I Jan. 84
so lioward, Fi-ederic 3 Mar. 6 20 Sept. 77 ;
I Jan. 84

3 jo.s.c. Palmer, George Herbert"'^ 3 Miir. 6 I Oct. 77 I Jan. 84

n.s.e. Walker, Arthur Greenwood, serving Kith Local Forces, Vic- tvt ^ « '}
^^ar. 0, I Oct. 77 Jan. S3 I Jan. 84
j ^'
toria, xoith rank of Lt.Colonel
24 Hunter, Woodburn,^^'^ p.a.c. (Bt. Lt.Colonel, 15 June 3^), Inspector ) , ,,„„ ,
^i Alar. 65 I Oct. 77 I Jan. 84
Small Arms, Fnfield )
24 N p.s.c. Bury, John Thomas
21 Mar. 65 I Oct. 77 I Jan. 84
241 Pretyman, George Tindal'" (iJ^.if.Co/, 2 Mar. 81; Co?. 6 Nov.Ss); ,^ t,t„_ f:. ;

Assist. Adjutant Generalfor Artillery, India ^^ ^^'^^- °^ I Oct. 77 22 Nov. 79 I Jan. 84


24 .so Beaver, Philip Keith Lonsdale 24 Mar 65 I Oct. 77I28 June83 I Jan. 84
24 Powlett, Norton 24 Mar, 65 1 Oct. 77 I Jan. 84

24 sc Brown, Charles Edward'" 24 Mar. 6; I Oct. 77I I Jan. 84

24 I Costobadie, Henry Holmes 24 Mar. 6j I Oct. 77 31 Oct. 83 I Jan. 84

24 2 p.s.c. Walford, Neville Lloyd'66
18 July 65 4 Oct. 77! I Jan. 84

24 3 Douglas, John Douglas

18 July 65 4 Oct. 77 I Jan. 84

24 I Josselyn, James Edward 18 July 65 4 Oct. 77 I Jan. 84

=4 Li O'Malley, George Hunter 18 July 65 7 Nov. 77 I Jan. 84

24 4 Buckle, Dudley William

18 July 65 7 Nov. 77;25 Aug. 83 I Jan. 84
24 ?c Congdou, John James"''' ;iS July 65 4 Nov. 771 I Jan. 84

24 sc de Marylski, Robert 18 July 65 24 Nov. 77 I Jan. 84

21 S.I. Rainsford-Hannay, Ramsay William 18 July 65 1 Jan. 78I 9 Jan. 84


'-'p Uppleby,John Jan.

George 12 66 2 Jan. 78I 9 Jan. 84 !

Kadlbrd, Arthur''^'^
I 12 Jan. 66 9 Jan. 7$! 9 Jan. 84
Freefk, James Plomer,^^^ Firemaster, Cork I12 Jan. 66 20 Feb. 78 9 Jan. 84
Smyth, Samuel Gardiner
[12 Jan. 66 3 Mar. 78 9 Jan. 84
p Newcome. Henry George'""
' 12 Jan. 66 3 Mar. 78 6 Jan. 84
23 p.s.c. Crookenden, My. Sumphreys,^'^ Secretary R. Art. Institution ji2 Jan. 66 13 Mar. 78 6 Jan. 84
23 I
1 Hewitt, James Robert Silver Oliver J12
Jan. 66 3 Mar. 78 6 Jan. 84

23 I 3 Nutt, James Anson Francis 12 Jan. 66 I Apr. 78 I Mar. 84

23 |w:fStopford. Arthur Bouverie, .4. Q.^f. General, .Bomittjf 12 Jan. 66 I Apr. 78 3 Mar. 84
, 23 '
If French, Francis Horace ;T2jan.66 I Apr. 78 3 Mar. 84
] 25 ,sc C(jtton, Walter'" 123 Dec. 64 10 Apr. 78
23 \
3 Dunnage, Arthur James 30 Jan. 66 3 Apr. 78 1
18 Mar. 84
Adjutant 2 Brigade South Irish D

23 Rigg, Henry Alfred,Vi

30 Jan. 66 3 May 78{23 Oct, 83, 1 Apr. 84
( West Cork Artillery Militia).

N.i. Mackinla.y, George, p.a.c 17 July 66 5 ^'ay 78 7 May 84

I Martin, George Blake Napier''^ 17 July 66 5 May 78 8 N0V.82I 7 May 84
p.t.c. Jones, Douglas Forde, Deputy Assistant Director of Military')
17 July 66 8 June 78 8 June 84
Education J
Dunlop, Henry Donald, Deputy Assistant Adjutant General)
for Instruction, Edinburgh 17 July 66 7 Aug. 78 I27 June 84
WN Anstruther, Alexander William 24 Aug 27 June 84
wirAllen, George Burges 2 Mar. 78 30 July 84
1 68 Boyal Artilleri/.
Majoss. I I

College. [17 July 6625 May 78

Barman, Jamn Fniericle, AuUtant Director, Artillery Julv 661 7 Aug. 78
3 DuUiv, Archibald Kdwnrd
'''• —Harwood''
•, ,:;
U7 July 66| T Aug. 78
3 DowniiiK, Oamcron Mncunney :i7 July 66 16 Oct. 78
w«\Val»on. RoLert Samuel, pa.e 15 Jan. 67 16 Oct. 78
4 Shore, Bon. KrcHlerick Williom John
IS Jan. 67 19 Oct. 7£
J Jcr>-i», Waller Neil 15 Jan. 67 29 Nov. 70
ai Bl»kc, I'harlcs John
5 Jan. 67 I Dec. 78
I Smilh. William Whitmore'"
1... c. Kilt; Edmond Rocke^'* Deputy Auut. Q.
M. ^jyAOen., Bengal.V
S Jan. 67 5
Dec. 78
5 Jan. 67114 Dec. 78
Danull.DeCourc^, Brigadt Major, R. Artillery, Cork
p.t.e. '
30 Dec. 78
^^u. fi_
3 Henry Wjkeham Brook Tunstall
llUvcrfiold, •••••••••- 5
Jan. 07 31 Dec. 78
MacGrcK'or.I'hilip Lcij.'hton, p.a.c, Inspector of Gum and Steel ... '5
'5 Jan. 67
Dec. 78
c.i-.Aitkcn. William'-' {Ut.U.Colonel, 1 July 87)
31 Deo. 78
•o Atchison, I'harles Hcnry'M ; -i
i--- -o JTnW
uly ^l
tj 31 Dec. 78
;. ,.t.Smiai,Wa\tcr\Vm.yiArrioU,D.A.A.Oen.forIiutruct%on.London
10 July 67 i Jan. 79
Cro/lon.JIenrs.^'^ p.a.c. Firematter,I'orttmoutk
10 July 67 I Jan. 79
*o Barron, Harry
10 July 67 I Jan. 79
waYorke. Kred. Augustus
10 July 671 I Jan. 79
andy, William Poyntz, p.a. Jan. 79
['o JuJ.y
I..B.i.Stcphenson. Keppel. Depot
* Knox. William Gi-orge'"
!i°Jiy 67J'3
^^ ^^
Jan. 79
.'oJ/lj- Jan. 79
Buckle. Kdmund'" ^7 ^3

3 Riddell. Walter.'" Dr;.o^ h Jan. 67 3' Dec. 78

10 July 67 26 .Tan. 79
Scan.. KJ^ird Be„Jnmi„,^'i Firemaeter. Bermuda
B.I. Stevens. Ceorge Morton 10 July 67 30 Jan. 79
M> Vibart. Francis Meredith Edmund'»« iioJuly 67 i9ieb. 79
Bi)fK, Frederick .
o July 67 I Apr. 79
10 July 67 I Apr. 79
3 Hay. Edward Owon'W

itorgan, Frrderick Cyril, Firematter, Oibraltar 8 Jan. 68 8 Apr. 79

I Smith, William Oh-aeni8» 8 Jan. 68 11 May 79
i.i.Cnftiths, Alffemon Sydney S Jan. 68I27 June 79
1 V Turner, Frederick Mansel 8 Jan. 68 July 79
'w!C Yerbury, John William 8 Jan. 68 I July 79
I H»lilock. William Stanford 8 Jan. 68 I July 79

K Yates. Henry To\vTiley Scott (B^i^C'o/onc?, 2 Aug, 88) 8 Jan. 68 I July 79

PrttloH, Henry Edward, Adj. t Vol. (Norfolk) Brig. Eastern Die.. 8 Jan. 68 I July 79
Scott, Ckarlf Henry, Supt. of Gunpou:der Factories, Ithapore 8 Jan. 68 3 July 79
Li Hadanray. (Jeorjfe Rowley'*' 8 Jan i July 79
3 C'urliuff, Henry Thomas'*' 15 July 68:16 Aug. 79
I Puniy. Robert'" 15 July 68 16 Aug. 79
c.r. Fowler, William James"' 15 July 6816 Aug. 71,
3 Blackburn. Peter'" 15 July 68:27 Aug. 79
to Waller. Frederick Edward 15 July 68 27 Aug. 79
J Burridi;e, Francis John 15 July 68 27 Aug. 79
I North. Koucr Charles Edward IS July 68 27 Aug. 79
bo;i.».c. Hammond, Peter Henry ,
IS July 68 7 Aug. 79
Api.c. MontKomery, Robert Arthur 15 July 68 27 Aug. 79
.<ro Nixon. Arundel James
15 July 68 13 Sept.79
DB Murniy-(Jnilinm, Henry Stewart 15 July 68 17 Sept.79
M.i. Lupird. Henry Travers'" "" 13 Jan. 69 20 Sept.79
3 Leach, John 13 Jan. 69 25 Sept.79
p.t.c. Da'lon, James Cfcil,^^ Deputy Assistant Adjutant General,
Intelligence Branch, War OMce 13 Jan. 69 27 Sept.79
r.i»,,4w/. ir.7/.<xiii jiu,seH^->^... [..'.'.'..'.."...'..'];7'.7
13 Jan. 69 4 Oct. 79
4 I napman. Lionel James Archer .. 13 Jan. 69 14 Nov,
rii .Solle. Sydney Gerard Frederick
13 Jan. 69 5 Nov. 79
4 Russell. C'hiirles 13 Jan. 69! 15 Nov. 79
Mayhew, Thomas, Firematter, Cape Town 13 Jan. 69127 Nov. 79
I Footc. Fnincis Onslow Uarrington"* .........!! 13 Jan. 69h3 Dec. 79
Bingham, Edmund George Jlenrg,^^ serviiigu-iihlocai forces in
Ifem South Wales, Kith local rank of Lt. Colonel
13 Jan. 69'3o Dec. 79
•oArbuthnoll. Walter Charles Wiirner*" ... 13 Jan. 69 2 Jan,
Slandbridge. Edmund Baker, Instructor Ari,ileryCoUege'Z'.'.'.'.'.'.'.
7 July 69 17 Jan. 80
t Walker. Edmir Holfor.l*"
7 July 69 17 Jan. So
whWci. tern, Charles Maximilian*"
7 July 69I24 Jan. 80
» Rowley. y/.,«. William Chambri'"! .
7 July 69I24 Jan.
1 Davi.lnoii, William Leslie*"* "
7 July 69 24 Jan. 80
« Linr|»ay. CharlcK Carmichacl*"' ...
7 July 6924 Jan. 80
1 Baker, Robert Henry Bhcrston'<»
7 July 691 I Feb
I NuKi-ni, Nll^a•ntJ(lnatlmn
7 July 69I X Feb. 80
w»Mil.s. I'hilip William Hrrbert ...
7 July 69! I Feb,
4 AllMiiip, y/o... Raiiul))h"? !!.]!!.'.'.'
7 July 69 21 Feb,
I FairtlouKh, Samuel (jemird
7 July 69 22 Feb,
7 July 69^22 Feb. 80
""",^'"'1'- fx'P'-clor Small Arms. Birmingham ......* 7 July 69 I Mar.
I n ultchnriic.
\^,i^' I Arthur Howard

8 Jan. 70 13 Mar. 80
1 Hc|.bunie. Robert OonUm Wobb""
8 Jan. 7c 24 Mar. 80
• .l.KnuicT. Arthur Reglnahl ....
I 8 Jan. 70:12 Apr. 80
M ranKlinMc,
Kln«b«"»"o'c:fnI'; "'•V- ^<Vor S. Art: Chatham
Jan. 70 12 May 80
(>eor|(o 'n'"."""
Dairy niplo „ „. Jan. 70! 12 May

U'-nekUoAn. fir.^.. fi V.V;; ; 8 Jau. 7025 June

..KulfrFVa^etZhnW^nC^^^^^ l'^' '°J ^ '^l^ "f

. 'iiZ^:^:^:::^^-''"' ^'^^'^'^iiii^^yo^-^iyou: l^'^^. ]:\.il'Z li

. O.kc. Kdw.rd Bcronford {'"'• 7°, • Aug. 80

4 Ayl»«r. Krtrforick Arthur *"^"''* ^'V''^ -Jf-^'" 8 Jan. 7021 Aug. 80

» Moncklon, Philip Edmuna«» ?• 7" »
" t
23 July 70I 9 Sept.80
Boyal Artillery. 169
.iou^, Liiaries
^ Tiongr, Charles James
James.. '2^! July yolii Sept.80 :c, Feb. 86
WHParsons, Lawrence Woixhingtou '23 July 70 16 Sept.80 I July 86
4 bcarlett, Robert Lawrence Uq July ro'ioOct. So 3 July 86
SI Radchff, Francis William
33 July 70127 Oct July 86

, Rich
^^^'^'^''*^'' O'-e^o'-w -Scrocoirf, ,!?/• 4<A
Charles Carroll,2"Z).;,o<
-»'•'.'/. .V»r//„ ,» 7v;,. U Jul'y 7c 27 Oct. So 7
July 86
'23 July 70 27 Nov. 80 7 July 86
siLyall.Jienry...... -.3 Jan. 65 25 Sept.79 21 July 86
p.s.c.Fawkes, Lionel Grimston, Brigade Major Soual Artillery, )
PorUmouth .-
' j' I Dec. 70 12 Dec. 80 21 July 86
Perro/t, Thomas, Asst. Supt.'of ExperlmentVschoolof^ July 86
I Dec. 7c' 12 Dec. 80 21
E Swinton, John James July 86
4 Jan. 71; 19 Dec. So 27
p.».c. Jocelyn, Julian Robert John, Tnsh'ucior,Ariillerti'Co^^^^ I Jan
4 Jan. 71 4 Sept.86
4 FowcU, Newton Plomer'26 4 Jiwi. 71 19 Jan
1 Price, George Richardson !"..!!!!!]"!....!!.'
4 Jan. 71I19 Jan
4 VVynell-Mayow, Mayow ........".!!"]! 4 Jan. 7 6 Jan. 8 8Sept.86
Ddu-xon, Henri/ Philip, Senior Clans, ArfiUen/ CuHn/e ^.'." '

.[["..Z" 4 Jan. 7 I Feb. 8 2Sept.86

•P. Bi-aekenbury, Herbert William^s '.
I Feb. 8 Oct. 86
4 Jan. 7 1
2 Robertson, Robert William Peacock^™
4 Jan. 7 Q Feb. 8 9 Oct. 86
p.f.c. O'Sullivan, Eugene Overbeck, Brigade Major School
Gunnery, Skoebiiryness, i Jan. 89 4 Jan. 7 19 Feb. 8 12 Oct. 86
3 Hunt, Henry Vaughan 221 Jan. 26 Feb. 8 2 Oct. 86
4 7
Newton. William Henry, Adj. 4 Wek Riding
,,. , Yurhsih. , Art. Vols.
of ^ Jan. 26 Feb. Oct. 86
. ., .y ^j 4 7 8 9
Lowther, William Gorges,^^'lnsiructor in Quunery, Shoehwvyness
4 Jan. 7 26 Feb. 8 9 Oct. 86
Coker, Lewis Edmund, Adj. i Gloucestershire Artillery Volunteers
... 4 Jan. 71 27 Feb. 8 29 Oct. 86
2 Rochfort, Alexander Nelson^a^ (Bt. Major, 15 Junc'85)
4 Jan. 7) 9 Mar. 8 9 Oct. 86
LO Rosseter, James Hurley 86
4 Jan. 71 13 Mar. 8 9 Oct.
4 Frith, Warren Hastings .".!!.!.!!!!!.!! Jan. Mar. Nov. 86
4 71 15 8 30
4 Hotham, John 2 Aug. 6 Apr. S Dec. 86
71 I
2 Woods, Hans Charles Maunseii"^ ....!.'..'..'.'.'.'.'
2 Aug. 71 6 Apr. 8 I Dec. 86
N Owen, George Pridham
iS 2 Beaver, Frederick Tyssen Mackiniay........ '.'.'.'
2 Aug. 71 8 May 8 5 Aug. 87

K Casey, Charles Leslie

2 Aug. 71 23 May 8 24 Aug. 87
10, 2 Aug.
auo- ,, May 8 Sept. 87
7 27
iS 3 Dean-Fitt. Douglas Charles2<o .'...;.' .'.;.
2Au"'7i 27 8 ;

May I Sept. 87
18 so Watson, Solomon l ^'^^ l\ 1

1 1 June 8 I Sept. 87
18 i-oNewbigging, Patrick Charles Eric-'" ''Z" .Z'. 2 Au^' 71 n Junes

I Sept. 87
18 Iwir Lane, Alfred Luther \A^,?r'l, I July 8 r Sept. 87
4 Pengree, Henry Hewitt^" o Au-' ,; I July 8 Sept. 87

S.I. King, Robert Ambrose
Cecil"6 '.
i^ Dec" 7j'
I July 8 8 Sept.87
Philhmore, William George, Commanding Local forces in Wesi'^'l '

Australia, with localranic of Lieut etiaut Colonel \ '5 Dec. 71 I July 8 I

8 Sept.S?
2 Challenor, George Richards2i7
'icDpc 7t I July 8 Sept.S7
N Bowles, Frederick Augustus IicDpo l\ I July 8

Oct. 87
3 W ace, Ernest Charies,"s X)50
""i- -rioc' ,, I July 8 Oct. 87
3 Campbell, Frederick WilUam 2« ;;;;;;;; iic Don l\ 1 July 8 Oct. 87
1 Barlow, Maurice John^^" L^ ^J;' l] 2 July 8 I Oct. 87
2 Mackenzie, Samuel Kenneth !i? Dec 71 2 July 8 I Oct. 87
Banbury Herbert Napier, Army Seroiee Corps ...".".......'.""'"Iir Dec' 7. 2 July 8 I Oct. 87
Baker, Eden Moyle,2si Instructor Artillery College, Woolwich
...'..'.\i\ Deo' 71 2 Jul'y 8: 12 Oct. 87
LA Walford, William Sworder
lr?Dpn'7, 13 July 8: 5 Oct. 87
Slade, Frederick George"^ C£<.X«.CoZo«eZ,
13 June s'sj'.'ii.'j.'i "f'
Gen., Malta. Dec. 13 July Si May 84 29 Oct. S7

Graham, Walter Ferrier '.'.'...'.".'....'...."!

Dpc 13 July 8 29 Oct. 87
i8 Saunders, Macan William,^" District Staff Officer' Madras'
di u 15 Dec. 7J 13 July 8 Juiy 87 I Nov. 87
LO Suart, William Hodgson ,
ts Dec. 71 13 July 8 9 Jan. 88
2 Coffey, Charles Edward ."....'.'."..'.'..
rs Dec. 7] 13 July 8: 29 Jan. 88
I Hall, Francis Henry
Ni Hervey, Constantine Rodney 'wil'liam! !!!!!..'.' i.S Dec. 71 13 July 8: 26 June 88
:5 Dec. 71 [6 July 8: 4 Aug. 88
4 Flint, Edward Montagu
Hamilton, 5 Dec. 71 t6 July 8: 4 Aug. 88
3 Peter Fisher Percival^-
sc Skipton, Charles Stewart 5 Dec. 7: July 8 15 Aug. 88
!!.!!!!!!'". fi Tan
•P. Robertson, John Albert
7s.l,o r 1

17 Aug. 88
5 Kn llllAfl I i

26 Sept. 88
Oct. 88
Oct. 88
s.i. Scott, Hugh Aboukir 29 Oct. 88
g i„.,
29 Oct. So

LO Montgomery, Alexander John 7 Sept. 8


Tn"" ; Sept. 8: 29 Oct. 88

Kirwan, John Denis
Mn '
IWN Potts, John William Hastings '.'.'. 7 Sept. 8 29 Oct. 88
Al^l i 7 Sept.S 29 Nov. 88
-v Callwell, Albert Henry ...."..
^ Mav -
,8 Sept.S 29 Nov. SS
Wodehoase,JoscelineHeneage2=8(£<.i<.Coione'/, 2 JanVseJiwV^ATi , ' '
the Egyptian Armi/ > I 2 May 72 I Oct. 8 30 Nov. 88
4 Banister, FitzGerald Muirson
"Z '

2 Mav 72 I Oct. 8 5 Dec. S3

10 M'Donnell, John
Temple, John

2 May
I S 72
I Oct. 8
6 Oct. 81
21 Dec. 88
21 Dec. 88

Merruig.Cooijer, CJmrles Hollier,^^ Senior Class.

Hardy, WilUam Koersley, Instructor School
Artillery College 2 May 72 2 Oct. 8
N.I. Co-xhead, James Alfred
of Gunnery 2 May 72 2 Oct. 8

MacMahon, Percy Alexander, p.a.c 2 24 Oct, May 7

}Ks.c. Walker, H. Chesshyre
.'12 Sept. 72 29 Oct. 81
, ,^ i2Sept.72 29 0ct. 8:
Oakes, Reginald. Adjutant i Argyll and Bute .,

Artillery VouJteer.
Artiileru Volunteers 12 Sept.72J29 Oct. 81
so Hennques, Edward Nathaniel=»^- 12 Sept. 72 29 Oct. 8:
p.s.c Beaujort, Franci^-"^''
12 Sept.72 I Nov. 81
p.s.c Murray James Wolfe, Deputy
at Head Quarters (Intelligence Branch) i ii2 Sept.72 I Nov. 81
WH Cassan, Ernest
^'r-^-Johi^on Richcn-dFranoUBt^adeMajol-Zv^^^
12 Sept.721 I Nov. 81
^ 12 Sept.72 14 Nov. 81
9.1. Pricketc, Wilham Robert .1
12 Sept.72 14 Nov. 81
2 p.s.c. Barker, John Stewart Scott .'

12 Sept.72 22 Nov. Si
Bunny, Frederic Brice, Adjutant, Royai'Ariiliery "Hyderabidl
Subsidiary Force.. 12 Sept.72 29 Nov. 81
Mansel,Alfredi^^ .

A Hewat, Arthur Houstoun2<>7 12 Sept.72 30 Nov. 8t

A Weir, Harry George 12 Sept.72 30 Nov. 81
12 Sept.72 21 Dec. 81]
i 1 -

,yrn Ariillerif.
1 7©
ilKl'T. ,
OAPTilN^ll Capiains. ;__y?£^-l

» Cnnninchiiui, John Dncres-**
Skirrrj: lifo. Frnl. l-,irqnhar- )
• 13 Sepi.72 21 Dec. 8ijl S,-o,c„c,.lrlhurHc,iryP^AssUt.
In>,K Ge„. ofOrJ., Bengal... j ^"
74 j
3 Apr. ^
a Sept.73 21 Deo. 81] Dewiir, David Erskine^a- 11 Feb. Apr.
torn. AA>. JrT't^ Art. MiliUi > 3 74 3 1
a Sopt.72 21 Dec. 81^ «! HeyKatc.Wm.HowieyBeaumont II Feb. 74 14 Apr. 83.
I Lyiitcr, lliviiy Johii»«»
i Murmv, Arthur Moi-dauiit n Pept.72 24 Dec. 81' j>.».r.Cro:iffli,ArtburGethin2'J-' \
9.lHn. 7V 3« Dec. 81 (Br. MaJ., 15 Apr. 83; Bt.Lt [ p^
A 8«llniini»l:e, I'liiMp 12 *e'^- :4iApr. 83;
Jau. 82 Col., 15 June 85); Staff \
3 JfrtH-v^. Ilv. Uyroii. StnffCM. Q Jim. 73,11
.... >-.Vf.i»r. HuZ/rr hUul, i Ciijddinfor E. Art. Dover... )
9 Juu. 73!i3Jan. Sajj Xelaurt, Gerald Talbot, Insp.
Si.,fl\i,t.. U.A.JloHg Kuttgy

o Jan. 7; 21 Jill. 82 D'tiiijer Buildings, Royal Y 12 Feb. 74 17 Apr. 83.

> lll.»k:ll». JoliM Willi!ini»^'
B;.im/. trrJrrick JJ^U»lH^.^'*^ Laburaforg )

.((•.'. ,11^ .) Uriqude X. IruM 9 Jan. 73 17 May 82 4 Baihvard, Arthur Churchill^s^ 12 Feb. 74 17 Apr. 83.
A.Hunter. Fred. Ernest Ai-undell"5 12 Feb. 18 Apr. 83
t ^ .,.1. Edriuitaf',Adi<'tant ) D Robort.son, William John 12 Feb. 18 Apr. 83
y ,.
9 Jim. 7? 27 May Hi
I Curtis, Unn-v Alexander Dyer 12 Feb. 12 May 83,
'. ( lx>»duH Art.iolf
f i
:rjr.(. A.V.. j...i.f.. J.M./.IM' Keeiie,Aif.-''- DSO. Bom. N. Art. 12 Feb. 13 May 83,
lm,)trU r. Hoyal Oim/iofrJrr - 9 Jan. June 82 Owen, Henry O'Brien, Adj.\ ,, T^p,, May
Faelor„, Wutiham Abhrg .. .. ) n. Art. Mhuw Dio. Bombay j " -^ '-'J- 23 83

I'ntu-.Arlkur Pole; iHryeclor] HA Plant, William Arthur,-'*'i^epo< 12 Fob. 28 June 83

9 Jan. 7 June 82, 12 Feb. June 83.
ofSlirl >
t;; 4 Bunn, "William Frederick 30
lU. Il,„rg lltlekr* 9 Jan. 73 7 June 82' o linulv, Robert ilaziere 12 Feb. I July 83
/•tr<.«, Jamn Laitig, Si«l>mM- LiukImu, Robert Dunn, Adj. ... 12 Feb. 6 July 83
Irndrnl Small Armt .!«««- > 9 Jan. 73'i2 June82| c.p. (ianictt-Botficld, W. Dubbon^'JS 12 Feb. 7 July 83
uilioH Factory, Kirkte ) I
Smitli, Edward Arthur''''-'^ 12 Feb, 7 July 83.
I B<H'licr, Kilwiinl Krc'iich'"* 9 Jan. 73 12 June 82 Holland,Ellis Charles Fletcher. 12 Fqb, 7 July 8^
Sffmcrr, Urnild Huh'rl 9 Jan. 73 June Sidnei/, Mon. Algernon, Adj. Adjii-l
26 July 83.
AdJimm, Alexinuler Uuprc,''" ( faiif 2 Brig. Mtuterii Div.}
9 Jau. 73 24 JuueS2 Boteter, Franc!.-: TVilford. p.
Staff Col Irt/e j 12 Feb. I Aug. 83
Eman. Jiurr, Lclif. Adjt. 3^ In.-:fritctor R.M. Academy ... J
Hrig. Scolltik Dir'uion >
9 Jan. 73 24 June 82 P)•.'/^ Ai-fhnr Spencer 12 Feb, 74 1 I Aug. 83,
c. r. Smyth, On-pii Stimrl,*'- DSO. 9 Jan. 73 24 June 82' Blewitt, WiUiam Edu-ard, In-^

itnu-tor School of Gunnery... S ." ^

^^ 74 1 1 Aug. 83.
Bgan. Ckarirt A!oyMU$/!* Adj. ) Jan. 73 8 July 82'
5 Brig. S. Irish Die j 9 Jones, Gilbert Saltonn,^ Adj.^l „ , i<eD. 74 II Aug. 83
rhilipott*.A H.Croker'^.l.l'y.27 1 Eostern Div
Bi-ig. j 12
29 Apr. 7 July 82
J»u.8j,(L»cp H u.k.jlt'oolicichS B MmM)h.y, Francis .Josfiih 12 Feb. 74:11 Aug. 83
I k p.'.r. Uulilcxrk, Thomas Stau- 1
A Maberly, Charles Evan*" 12 Feb. Aug. 83
29Apr. 73ii5 July 82!
Kuper, Chas. Victor Bremer, „ 74J22 ')
i '

^'^'^• 74 31 Aug. 83
a VaaKhan-HuKhcs, Ernest^ 29 Apr. 73120 July 82, A.D.C. to Sir G,-eaces) |'^
u SauniJen.. William Arthur ( 2 Hawkshaw, Edward Crichtou 12 74 31 Aug. 83
29 Apr. 73I21 July 82' Arthur
Gore (Kcpot K.ii.i.) I d.s. Hansard, Clifton ,17 Aug. 74 I Sept. 83
Grircf, John Andrex. Colonial) I I
Elliot, Edmund IIalbert,3'"Adi. ) ,

Sept. 83
Middlesex Rijte Volunteers S '7 AUJ?. 74
/oref in Quftuslaiid if»a^ 29 Apr. 7,3'2i July 82!

1 3
Ileal rank nf ilnjnr ... . B Burton, Beniamin 17 Aug. 74 I Sept. 83
fkcvo. Wni. Kiedciic-k."" > 29 Apr 73' I Sept.Sa' ir Allen, JuliiiliicliMnl Howard,.. 17 Au;" 74 I Sept. 83
Adj.ll.Arl.l'rf.idUiM.UrxgnlS Stirli,,,,, J.:.„es IVilfrcl. Adj.^
'^^S 74 2 Sept. 83
KaiiniT, Kraiicm DoIobniuKU ... 29
4 Apr. 73! 9 .Sept. 821 4 Br,^. N.ln.h Vic. R. Art. \ ^^
a tlui.iier. Kilwani*" 29 Api. 73: 9Sept.82 Foiele, Trenchard t'. Thos.;^"'') .

3 Ur.l. !Jt. Joint .St. Gourife 29 Apr. Com. of Ord., 3rd Class '7 Aug. 5 Sept. 83
73! 9 Sei>t.82' J
1 HurioM, Albert 29 Apr. Scpt.82
73i 10 Felt, John Percy.Adj. i Shrop-^
1 Murt/Jii. Iluliert 29 Apr. Sept.82
73! 16 shire and Stafford Artillery ^ i-j Aug. 8 Sept. 83
Lo KilwarUo, Eustace Greslcy .\pr. 73 16 Sept.82 Volunteers )
3 Whcljlc, JoK. St. Lawrence**'.,. 29 Ai)r. 73 30 Sept.82 so Simpson, John Murray 17 Aug. 12 Sept. 83 WiiMron, Francis 29 Apr. 73 I Oct. 82; Harrison, Robert Arthur
y/ !>«•, GrancilU IFm.-) Gwynne,Adj. i Vol. (Uamp- 17 Au<^. 26 Sept. 83
*.>•• Adi. lAbfrdeenArl.Vol: 29 Apr. 73 1 Oct. 82 J-

shire) Brig.' Western Dio. ...)

Swt. Hulerl AdditoH, Prof., \ Parsons. C/nn-les Sim Brem-~)
jl.M Cull.,Kinq,lon, Caiiu'du, Apr. 73
} I Oct. 82 ridge-""' (i7. J/,//or,i40ct.83), 7 Aug. 74 7 Oct. S3
uilk rankofiiajor ) A.D.C. to .Sir Ecelyu Wood )
Uluckclt.Kihraril Umfrcvillo, Vrquharr, Waller Andrew 17 Aug. 74' 7 Oct. 83
Ad, I. Allahabad Dieiiion 29 Apr. 73 I Oct. 82
j N Kellie, Chm-los Wanchope-"'^ ... 17 Au' 3 Oct. 33
•.I. <lc Ji-r^fV, \Vm. Grant 29 Apr. 731 I Oct. 82! Simpson, ll^nry Cithhert Con
Pr.f.tUj. /v.(«-. J. Krnwortktg, , Brigade
net! 1),. 7 Aug. 74 •3 Oct. 83
Ad,. J ]lr,g. H>/,* iMci.iu., ) 29 Apr. 73' I Oct.
Iladdrn, Ck.„. Frtdrrick, In- ,
iftrtor of n'.irliki Slorrt ... ] II Sci)t.73 1 Oct. 82 Adj. 1 York 7 Aug. 74 I Nov. 83
F.HlH. \i;ifr,d iJacid UradUg ... II Sept.731 I Oct. 82;
u !'•! .>->'r, JiinicH M. Sutherland
II Sept. 73 4 Oct, 82 Gallon, Ho .. ,/ (.V„, ll,,,rard ""
SK.r-r,, .l.,k.i Ckirat^i
11 Sept. 73 4 Oct. 82: Adj>,l.n,i 11., renter Artil- Aug. Nov. 83
7 74, 4
mil' .1 .... iiy. Viviuu**(//<.Jfu/
lery ]'uir„l,;:r.-<
':] 11 Sopt.73| 1 Nov. 82 _

BC Purvis, .M.xiiiider Hurridffe. ..I17 Aug. 74' 7 Nov. S3

I Jkumit Tmerd, Com I

IVi/inpinl. l:.'ii-l,,i, Iiistructor

11 Scpt.73'2s Nov. 82' Aug.
Munlcy Uifdcu
lioy„l I M
l.n-,, Coll,:,,'
17 74 14 1
Nov. S.:$

II Sept. 73 25 Nov. 82 p.s.c. Fl,;„,„.,. KJicard Wm.,^''^^

i-, t'yril ilonrv, Adj. ... II Sept.73| 9 Doc. 82' StatfCanl. ii„ Royal Artillery, {. 28 Jan. 75' 14 Nov. 83
iM ' .r,t.«l;. I^opoia Airrcd, ) ."
II Sei)t.73 13 Deo. 82' WarOlfice .-.:j
A'jmlanI llaxgalure DioiiioH i
Doicning, D.icd Fitzgerald, In--)
T.M.I.I.. II Scpl.7327 Dec. 82 specior if Warlike Stores ... 75 16 Nov.
Unn.jurd. .SU,.kt» Vickion,'^ j
II Scpi.73',, Dec. Townshend, George Robert, "i
Ad, , SoTlKumh. Art. foU. 82'
16 Nov. 8
f Senior CI, iss.Artilleri/ Colleges 28 Jan,
llickiiinti, SSlopford <;o8l>y*>« I
II Sent. 73 34 Jan. 81 Bcll-Irving, Andrew^™ 28 Jan. I Deo. 83
nil J/,.,,.,. ...
.!,„. 83) ......
ir.,- I., A,.,
I Ifash,Edivard,Prof. R. U. Col-')
,i,„r, mi/ord .. • I Soi)t,73 ,4 Fob. 83' lege, Kintiston, Canada, with
I.H)llol \
28 Jan. 75' 10 Deo. 83
I I II Bopt.73 14 Feb. 83 rank of Major )
I iilland.Slafft
II 8ci)t.73 j6 Fob. 83 Sclafer, Henry Ci-ichton^io (^^f (
,to.lJr,,ot ..i Major, 15 June 83), D.A.A. d- 8 Jan. 75 21 Deo. 83
•> ...-: -i m. Uartdin,"*
(J. M. General, Egypt }
) -ifc«/*rr Urig.Eatttm II 8opt.73 aS Feb. 83 Philli,,,, Thomas Vau'ghanWynn, )
//iruioa 1
22 Deo. 83
Brij. W.Div
-1.//. 2 >• 28 Jan.
t>ol,i», HilUam llmgk Kdmord, I
(•,m r/OrJmanft, t»d u Scpt.73'a8 Feb. 83' Simpson, Charles Napier, In-\
C/um .. j ttructor Royal Military Coll. 28 Jan. 29 Dec. 83
!ln,';->r.|, (.'hiuilo MnoOD,'*' j
.ll,.,,nl H. Art. Uurmah]
May, Edicnrd Sinclair,lnstriec' }
II Scpt.73 a8 Feb. 83I tor R.M. Academy 28 Jan. 31 Dec. 83
hj,tJil,am )
Ltach, Reginald 'Pemberton, >
Var.Jii, «t, Androw Itruco 8out.73 Mar. 83! Jan. 84
Kulum.Uoo. Wndo
II :
Instructor U. M. Academ,/ ] 28 Jan. 75 I
U<>l>ert*on II Sopt.73; Mar. 83
W(^Klrww, Th'M.tlcnry Jackion Rowe, Octa Adj. 3 Brig.
II Sept. 73 Apr. 83 Northern Div. \ Jau. 75 I Jan.
Oaptains. LIBUT.
lioyal Artillery.
CAPTAIN. I Captains.
2 Bootbby. He,!?in aid Evelyn ...\ 28 Jan. 75 I Jan. Daniell, Arthur Cairns™ with
Diirbi/, IVillinm Uenry, Assist. > Local Forces, Victoria, loith
28 Jan, I Jan. 84 2 Feb. 76
Military Secrrtary, Ireland S local rank of Major
ApHit, Hugh Morgani^^-O.S.Dept. 28 Jan, I Jan. 84 Hanna, William, Adj. 6 Brig.
B i^indsay, Walter Fullarton) \
Scot. Div.(Argyll 4-ButeMil.) ]
Ludovic^i-t 28 Jan. 75 I Jan. 84
J 2 Abdy, Anthony John
B Baimatine-Allason.Richard^'s 28 Jan. 75 I Jan. 84 Fox, Francis .lolin,-'-'^ A.D.C. \
Henry Clelaiid....
p.s.c. Diiiilop, 28 Jan. 75 I Jan. 84 toMaj.C, ii.]\'.H.(;,„idenouglii
If Hodgson, JiimesOwen
28 Jan. 75 I Jan. 84 T Harliiw, ri,;nlr,- .Mirvyn
WNKerrison, P^ilmund Roger All- Taylor, )i /«. Jlenni A'.ii-ips 333 ^
diiy, Staff College..:. 22 Jan. 7 I Jan. 84
Adj. l-nl.JJr,,,:,,!,'. W.Div.
A Thomas.Sij-GodfreyViffnoles, Heyland, .l.ibii KoulovKvf-)
Bart.^^^ .....°
28 Jan. 75 I Jan. 84
; fin Llovd, Adinl.iuf li'A '-

EC King, William Frederick .... 28 .Jan. 75 I Jan. 84 liuwul 'I'iiidi Difi^inn J

Western, Charles Maximilian Crii.ig, John Francis,-'-^Adj. 7
Thomas., Adj 28 Jan. 75 I Jan. )
Brig. S. Irish Div :...•.)
B Dunlop, James William.^is r.i. p.s.c. Adye, John 33^ (Bt.
Slut ion Staff Officer, 28 Jan. 75 I Jan. 84
Madras i Major, 24 Jan. 85)
Norton, Gillierf. Fred. Allaii^^^) I Cuthbertson, Priiucis Eugene
(Bt. Major, 15 June 8$), Adj. } 28 Jan. 75 I Jan. 84 White, William L(iHs,-^T In-\
3Brigade Western Div j structor. School oj' Gunnery ]
Acton.Thomas SampdenEvans, S O'Neill, William Heremon,^^'8 >
Adj. 2 Lancashire Art. Vols. 28 Jan. 75 I Jan. S4 ....
Adj. R.A. Jubhulpi

Gilex, George Edward,^^' Adj. )
3 Hughes, Arl)uthnott James,
Gii,rns,g ArtiUerij Militia'... j" 28 Jan. I Jan. 84
sc Thackeray, Frederick Rennel
2 Haines, Uobert Le'wis^is 28 Jan. 75 I Jan. 84 2 Blacker, Latham Chas.Miller^*"
Hickman, Hugh Palliser, In- WH Murchison,KennethJ.Walker
\ 19 Aug. 75 I Jan. 84
structor. School of Gunnery' Eardley-Wilmot, Arthur
Rogers, Serrell Miehael,^'^ Adj. Butcher, Hen. Townsend, Adj
2 Vol. (Devon) Brig. W.Div.) 7 Aug. 74 9 Jan. 84
T„rnrr, Alfred Hei/laiul Parrati 19 Aug. Gundry, Henry
75 9 Jan. 84 Bowden,'-'^-
wn Cimrchward, Walter Stau- > Adi. 2 Brigade N. Div.

9 Aug. 75 9 Jan. 84
... j
N Morrieson, Henry Walters
Dioist^roillp^Kni'ghti'ey Stalker,^
9 Aug. Jan. 84 4 Williams, William Hugh
Com. of Ord., 2nd Class 75 9 Siwpson. George Gre./or'i/.Adj.
i )
SO Walker, Charles Edward^-i 19 Aug. 9 Jan. 84 J.'. Miii/an/ A,-. id, 11,1/
... 75 j

Moberly, Walter Fred. Geo.) Puindle, llcni-q Marleod L.

A 19 Aug. 75 9 Jan. 84
Art. Bombay Division lii,-"^DSO.{llt. Majo. :rt
ij. A'.
E TniCLT, Arthur 19 Aug. 6 Jan. 84 JuneSO,"v^AJw,//,V..,
liHxsetl, Andretu Ernest, A iile de ')

Aug. Powles
Camp to Sir C. G. Arbuthnot 9 75 I Mar. 84
Smith, fVm.Apslei/.^-'-Brig. ")
Major E. Art. Aldershot, 5- 9 Aug. 75 3 Mar. 84
I Jan. 89
Bittlestou, Geo. Hastings,^"
Adjutant sUa,v. 83 9 Aug. 75 8 Mar. 84
w.vHioks, William John 9 Aug. 8 Mar. 84
PjfC.S Henry Octacius, Ad).\
3 Brig. Welsh Div. X. Art.'...) 9 Aug. 75 31 May 84
sc Wilhams-Foote, Pierson Locke 9 Aug. 75 1 June 84'
Howard, Cecil Arthur, Adj. 2
\ 9 Aug. 75 13 June
Brig. Lancashire Division 84J
... )
1 Chambers, Arthur .'.'.'...
19 Aug. 75 17 June 84
A Burrows, Edmund Augustine... Aug. July
9 75 2 34,
^ ;).8.c.Waters,WallscourtHely-
Hutchinson 9 Aug. 75:30 July 84
Cottrell, Charles Dormer, Adj. Aug.
9 75 30 July 84
Carter, Alf. Hen. Adj. 3 Vol. )
(Kent) Brig. Cinque PortsDiu. 9Aug. 75! I Aug. 84
ALambart, Edgar Alan^-* ... 9Aug.75|i4 Aug.84
Maturin, Charles Edward, Ad-\
Jilt ant 2 Kent Art. Volunteers ^ 19 Aug-. 75I14 Aug.84
2 Crofton, Richard Martin 19 Aug. Aug.84
Blount, Charles Hubert, Adji. 2
W.mding of York Art. Vols. >
19 Aug. 75,20 Aug. 84
Barlow, Geo. Newton Halifa:;, )
Adjutant 3 Oct. 87 19 Aug. 75 25 A->:g. 84
Boothbg, George Murray, Adj.
> 19 Aug. Aug.
5 Brig. Scottish Div 75 [26 84
S.I. Elmslie, Frederick Aug.
Baumgardt 19 Aug. 84
Inglefield, Norman Bruce. ^"f 7 75J27
Staff College 19 Aug. 75 27 Aug. £
Dawkins, Hy. Stopford, Adj. 1
School of Gunnery
tg Aug. 75 I Sept.8
Solden, Henry Capel Lofft, In- >
specfor of Warlike Stores ...
Maxwell, Nigel,Adj. Zih Brig.
N.Irish Div.(Sligo Art. Mil. S
I Henn, Richard Arthur Milton...
Foster, Raymond Charles, In
structor R. M. Academy ..
1 Keir. John Lindesa.y
Curteis, Francis Algernon,i^'\
Instructor II. M. Academy
Battersby, Thomas Preston, )
Ordnance Store Department )
English, Joseph Oxley, Adi. ) t.

Brig. Southern Div.!.....'... .]

LO Trench, Frederic John Arthur^^e
2 Anderson.Charles Alexander^^?
4 Carter, Duncan Campbell^^a
WH Barrett, Leonard^-a "
Lloyd, Wilford Neville,^' "siaff^
Captain It. Artilleru, York j
p.s.c. Stone, Francis Gleadowe, )
Instructor, S. M.CoUege j 1
' \

Roi/al Artillenj.

Sept.Sslc.p. p.t.c. Cooper, Francis Edw.^ iSDec.^'; 12 Oct. 81
* Jan
Conolly. Willuun HnUctl' J i
Herbert Kendall 18 Dec. 78'2Q Oct.
Gordon, CharleK Williiim J3 Jan. 77 9 Sept.85 w.v Jackson, Vernon
Thornton, Sidney
2 :S Dec.
^5 Jan. 77 .6 Oct. 85 Dallat, John Henri/ Lavgfoid 18 D^c. 7<^ ' ^'O'^'-
Adj."'''^i.-^Xl J'r'"":l Dec. 78^8 Nov.
R.l.RuMicll. William Melbourne June 77 2 Nov. 85 LO M'LaujjUlin, George HalP-*" 18
Di( Cane, Hubert Jokn,\
w» SUter, Henry Martyn*". ....... 19 June 77 7 Nov. 85 Dec. Dec. 86

A.D.C. to Sir T. V. Baker ; i'^ 7^

WB Kevon. Mim'rHtb Fognrty--*.. J9 June 77 26 Nov. 85 Dec. 86
HpvniHU. Cecil Ed. Uainil- LA Parley, George Roe 18 Dee. ^if^
Nehon, Edgar Forbes, Com.

ton,"» luflruelor Uoj/al June 77 as Dec. 85 ^«°-

Dec. 86
of Ordnance, 4th Class i ,'» 7»|
Militarf AcaJemK '

June 77 LO Block, Arthur Hugh Dec. 782 Dec. 86 18

4 Blewitt, Charles Turner 9 27 Dec.

... J

»r Oldfield, Heury Elliott ,18 Dec. 78 I Jan. 87

J PnMrson. Kdward Hamilton 9 June 77 Jan. 86
/>rMHllllO«<f,"i Thomson, Joceli/2tHomfi*----^\iS Dec. 78 2 Jan. 87
y««/M, 7*Olll<Ii
J,>ul. of Ex- 19 June 77 Jan. se' Beeoer, Henry aoU,Adjutant "

24 Feb. 87
oZs.j ,'» ^e<=-
;,.rf Shi>'1'. \
4 LancashireArtihery I

••• June 77 Jan. 86 4 Findlay, Neil Douglas Dec. 78;2S Apr. 87

Rohiunon, Cliiines Tiiyl'^'" 19
Dec. 78 7 May

4 Anilen*on.K.lmd.Biillur^ •••
19 June 77 Jan. 86 K Lambart, .ffon. Arthur
Dec. 78 II May 87

2 Paget, WellesleyLynedochH
Jan. 86
), '9 June 77 Johnston, James I'homasoii, ^ I

, f\Mir,ArlilUry Vol..
ChupniBn, Herbert Alexander June 771 II Jan. Aide de Camp to the Lieut. \ I
6 Apr. 79 25 May 87
JohH Baffray .19 June 77 11 J Governor oj the Punjab ... )


John Arnold '"^

June Jan. X.I. Ricardo, Henry George 6 Apr. 79 28 87
4 Bcalson.Wm. 19 1 8t. i

7 1

Minchin, Frederick Falkiner 6 Apr. 79 1 June 87

3 Vnnn-AKnew, John VvMer 19 June 77 cp. J

Ni 1 glis, Henry Alves392 6 Apr. 79 6 June 87

4 Gordon, Artb. Woi. Bolton*^ iq June 77'"


tA Nelson, Horace Sydney 19 Oct. 77,13 Jan. 86 S.I. Chamberlain,

Thomas Fibster 6- Apr. 7Q 17 June 87
p,r (iner,oH.J.MoHcrieff^'' Oct. '— 86
-' 77 20 Jan. <"= WH Smith, Sj'denham CampO 6 Apr. 79 29 June b7
Jlonxer, HVliam Jume^'" oOct. 772oJau. 86 bell-Urnuhart > 1

Smith, StaMlry Oeorge Dreip,^ Burrowes, Henry Gray 6 Apr. 79 I July 87

CommiMiiry qf Onlaance, > 9 Oct. 77 20 Jan sc Hobday, Edmund Arthur {


irdClau J Ponsonby, Aide de Camp Y 6 Apr. 79 1 July 87

Wimgale. George Miller, ^-^^ I
to Sir Frederick Jtoberts ... )

Aij.: Vul.(Suuex)B,igade, > 9 Oct. 77 Jan. 86 >

4 Wright, George 6 Apr. 79 15 Aug. 87
Cimqiie Porli Division ) Smith, Gilbert Boys^'* 6 Apr. 79 9 Aug. 87
Towntemd, Ckarlti Collingwood 9 Oct. 77 >Jan. 86 3 Ogilvie, Norman Stuart 6 Apr. 79 2 Sept. 87
Wil*oH. Cha,. Hen. Luttrell ) Hume, CharlesVernon, Aide del
Apr. 79 21 Sept.87
Oct. 77 >Jan. 86' 6
Fahie S 9 Camp to Sir Fred. Eoberts ) .

BO Boll, Leonard 9 Oct. 77 20 Jan. A Goulburn, Cuthbert Edward 6 Apr. 75 21 Sept.87

B Tomg, Francis BevillBead'^' 9 Oct. 77 26 Jii I. Davidson, John Robt. Barkly , 6 Apr. 79 Sept.87
« Hornby. Edmund J. I'hipps'"' 9 Oct. 7/ Feb. 86 Close, Frederick Macdonald
: : 6 A pr. 79 Sept. 87
I Leslie, John Henry, Station ) Olioer, William James, Adj. >
9 Oct. 77 Feb. 86 6 Apr. 79 Sept. 87
SlafO/fieer, yermitch I Edinburgh Art. Vols. ...j

Ificolh, Edmund Giutaciu 9 Oct. 77I sFeb.Sfi'so Enthoven, Percy Henry^se .. 6 Apr. 79 21 Sept.87
Skmle, Arlkiir Blagden 9 Oct. 77! 5 F.eb. 86 ioice, Francis Manley, As-

•I Shewell, H.Williamson Macan 9 Oct. 77 12 Feb. 86} sisiant Inspector of War- 6 Apr. 79 21 Sept.87
Jaekmiii, Montague Bertie 1
like stores )

Gottft,'*'* employed tcith v

9 Oct. 77 6 Feb. 86^ WK Lane, Chri.stopherWm. Mooi'e 31 Jan. 78 21 Sept.87
Egyi>tian Army ) p.Heygate, Richard Lionel 6 Apr. 79 21 Sept.87
Molcsworth.HickmanCrawford 9 Oct. 77 19 Feb. 86 - Fairholme, William Ernest,
6 Ap: 21 Sept.87
BO Voreker, Hon. JeflVey Edw. 1 StaffCollege >
9 Oct. 77 23 Feb. 86'
I'renderu'ast ....) 4 Guinness, Eustace •
6 Apr. 79 21 Sept.87
Jaekton, Franri* Benjamin, ^ 3 De Robeck, Henry Edward
Oct. 77 25 Feb. 86 6 Apr. 79 21 Sept. $7
Adj. 2 Brig. Scjttitk Div... j 9 William '.

Waller, John Davson Hutch- •,

Balguy, John Henry, Adj. 8
iuKH, yd CI. Com.of Ord. r 9 Oct. 77 25 Feb. 86 6 Apr. 79 21 Sept.87
Lancashire Art. Volunteers i
Ci/J<r, Edmond Henry Som- { Lambert, Walter, Senior \

*rri//«,^' Ordnance Store v 6 Apr. 79 21 Sept.87

9 Oct. 77 25 Feb. 86 Class, Artillery College ... '.

DrjHirtment ) 2 Gardiner, Henry Lawrence'^' 30 July 79 8 Sept.87

K.i.Kiiiihhawo, Edward Arthur*'' 31 Jan. 78 Mar. 86 LA Chance, n-M-vy, Staff College... 30 July 79
17 I Oct. 87
).,.r. Callicell, Chat. Edw.^^ j

Boberts, John Dobree Ander-\

Oct. 87
Stuff Captain, Intelligence > 31 Jan. ton. Adj. 3 B.'ig. W. Div. j 30 July 79
24 Mar. 86;
Hranch, »'ar Office ) Nathan, Frederic Lewis, 2nd
Bunhury, Wm. St. Pierre,^ Assist. Director General, \ 30 July 79

I Oct. 87
Adjutant ^Brigade Scottish > 31 Jan. 78 24 Mar. 86 Ordnance Factories )

3 Stuart, Alexander Ramsay, \

Birr*, Frederic Henry John Jan. 78 24 Mar, 30 July 79 I Oct. 87
31 Acting Adj. B. Art. Egypt 1

I Irfcky, Krcd. Beauchamp^^ Jan. 78 24 M. N.I. Cummings, Wilfrid Heron, \

3 iiluuu, Charles Forbes Jan. 78 8 May 86 3c July 79 I Oct. 87
I31 Acting Adjutant J
Jt»9ert, Hugh Henry,"'* Adj. I
3 Tawney, Edward Plowden|
4 t'ol. ICinque Purts)Brig Jan. 78 May 86 30 July 791 I Oct. 87
31 8 Archer
CiD'/M Porte Division Turner, Archer Lloyd Man- , ^ ^„, „
WB Wiiikum, ChurloH Bell»* 1,, Jan. 78 8 May 86 schal. Com. of Ord. yd CI. ] 30 July


^ Oct. 87
3 ThiHllilhwiiyic, T. George... 3, Jan. 78 I Juno 86 3 Rundle, Geo. Richard Tyrell 30 July 791 Oct. 87
B Sankcv. Arthur Jan. June 86
Biuhf, Thomas Francis
(31 78 16 N Goold-Adams, Henry Edw. 7

131 Jan. 78 16 June 86 Fanr..::.

r .."...:.......:..: 3-30 July 79
^oct. 87
alio ^ J <!

W.l. DoukIbi", JaincH .Stewart*** ...'3, jan! June

78 18 86 Lane, Samuel AVillington ... Uq July 79
2 Oct. 87
I M'Leod, lU-'tfinald Gcor«e )
Jan. 78 July Simmonds, Percy Richard, \
M-yiiccn ( |3«
Firemaster, Hong Kong ... ) 30 July 79 1 Oct. 87
3 86^
Uah..n. Reginald Henry I3,
Jan. 78 7 July 86 O.p. Fendall, Chas. Pears,»98 DSO 30 July 79 2 Oct. 87
I Helynr. Arthur Btauuionl ...I3, jau 78 7 July 86 Letces, John, Instructor in't
I HitilHjrt. Archibald LouiM ... ,, jan" ,8 IS July 79 2 Oct. 87
July 86 Position Finding j 30
J*"- 7? N Harkncss, Thomas Robert .. 30 July 79 25 Oct. 87
A.I,. t, Urig. tf. Irish Dio.iW ig July 86
BO Labalmondiere.JulianArthur 30 July 79 . Oct. 87
•o MnUho
r^ Tmd" AihcrT/n'" ''°'"o«~
'' ^''"-
Jan. 'o
" -'"'^ ^^ " I^angley, John Penrice 30 July 79 29 Oct. 87
I ,l...l
. (iiilsr. ii..i„.f.

j-m 78
July 86
i„r„ of.
„ i

\ . Porde, Lionel
30 July 79 29 Oct. 87
^ 2. July 86 Tothill.FrancisWm.Galbraith 30 July 79 29 Oct. 87
I Or«n..i. Kdward Jolm.-i
Collrg, 3» Jin. 7827 July 86 Morris, Maurice Morgt
lil.,ff j
TBvIor. I'hllip BcBucbamp. ) Adjutant 3 Brigade South 30 July 79 21 Dec. 87

. „
Irish Divsiion
j 78 29 July 86
p.. r. Komball, LA Tyrwhitt, Hon. Uupert ...! 30 July 75 10 Jan. 88
GoorKO * „ I

4 Guinness, Charles Davis ....

Vcr»>»' ) 18 Doc. 78 7 Sept.86 Feb. 80 ; 9 Jan. 88*
B ArmiUitc, Kdward Huiuo Oeborn, George, Adjutant 4
... ig Hoc
78 r a^r^t ar' Durham Art. Feb. 80' 19 Jan. 88
.I.rv..y. John Kdward
Taylor. William Ilowland
'X\ ]l
« ^«,P[;«^
80 Baker, George Duff
18 Feb. 80 2: Jan. 88 >

8 Doc. 78 w8ept.86 Pretyman, Ernest Georgo
J Wwldorlmrii, Alci. ticrym. 2 18 Feb. 8oj29 Jan. 88
8 Dec. 78 Oct. 86
lerson, George
ueorge Ly
L,yon ) „ -c^i, a
WB Alnniidcr.Gorabl DArrairoii Walkei-"« ...j'^ ^^^- ^°;3i Jan. 88
t8 Doc iSI . nnt as' Johnston, Thos. Kelly Evans'iS Feb. So 3: Jan. 88
«,Jcllctl.John H«wltt "..... .sLr-c.- '781/2 Oct. 86 c Cocklmrn. William Fredcrick'iS Feb. Sw i Feb. 88
Royal Artillerij.
Captains. I MEUT. Lieutenants.
Taylor, Henry Clarence ) '

Feb. So Feb.
Meeres, Charles Stuart
Grant"" :8 I I

Wingafe, FrancU Reginald,*^^ serving 27 July 80

i \
BO Prinsep, DouprlMs Gordon :8 Feb I Mar. I with the Egyptian Army J 27 July 80
Weiqall, Geo. Edward, Adj. 2 Wynne, John George Erskine
Feb, Mar.
English, Charles Ernest, in charge of\ 27 July 80
8 I
5 Durham Art. Vols , j

E Von Donop,Sta7iley Brenton : I Apr. Danger Buildings, Ord. Factories j 27 July 80

so Gordon, Alexander Hamilton I Apr. I Watkins, Leonard George, Assist. Direc- >
B Buckley, Edward Dun-') tor Gen. of Ordnance in India
J 27 July 80
18 Feb. 80 I Apr.
combo Henry J Fuller, Richard Woodjield
Li Chamier, George Daniel 18 Feb. 80 I Apr.

Gartside-Tippinge, Ernest Alfred, Innt. ) 27

July 80
S.I. Crampton, Philip John Apr.

R. M, Academy J 27 July 80
18 Feb. 80 I I

LA Renny, Sidney Mercer*" "..'''"''...

P.ibton )
Apr. 27 July 80
3 Foster, William Yorke t8 Feb. 80 I I I Johnson, Frank Ernest

July 27 80
St. John-Mildmay.Charles) Griffin, tVilljam Waudhy, Assist. In-\
18 Feb. 80 I Apr. :

Begue j spector of Warlike Stores, Malt, 27 July 80

so Bryant, Gilbert Edwai-d Feb. 8 80 13 Apr. !
3 Duhan, AVilliam Waugh Taylor
27 July 80
E Stokes, Alfred'oa Feb. 8 80 25 Apr. 1 Churchill, Arthur Benjamin Noi ton
July So
80(12 May
iVinter, Frederic John 18 Feb. c.p Bickford, Edward 27 July 80
c.p. Tinker, Edward 18 Feb. So 12 May i Brownlow, Henrii Blaikie
27 July 80
WH Neish, Colin Graham 'i8 Feb. 80 12 May I Rowan, Thomas Thompson, Acit
E Elliot, William jiS Feb. Sol 8 June f Adjutant, Singu2)ore 27 July 80
Dale, Alfred Morris Cec 18 Feb. 80 13 June 88 B Bower, Francis Chivers .
27 July 80
3 de Jersey, Colebrooke 18 Feb. 80 26 June 88 3 Dawkins, John AVyndham George (27 j^"i'y
2 Tisdall, Arthur Lance*"- iS Feb. 80 26 June 88 Hamilton, Claude de Courcy lo, jnly 8c
E Garden, Louis Peile 18 Feb. So 26 June 88 3 Strange, Robert George-"« i^' juj'i. g„
wif Hunter-Blair, Walter Chas. iS Feb. 80 IS July 88 2 Rhodes, Bernard Maitland J27 jujy g^,
WH Benson, George Elliott,'"''
19 May 80 28 July 38
Birch, Alexander Sarry Cohin*^'' ',, ^,,^t p„
Staff College 1 Mullins, Arthur John 'J'\^Z 0°

I Stuart, Robert Charles) 19 2 Napier, Alfred Gerard*"^
May 80 I Aug. 88
2 Morris, Robert*'"
ri\ya\ 80
J j^^ j,iiy
LA Du Boulay, Noel Wilmot) A Bond, Ralph Francis Xavier McGeough 27 juiy 80
Houssemayne,^"^ af Staffr 19 May 80 4 Aug. 88 1 Birch, Henry George*i« 27 July 80
College J 1 Tremaine, Richard '4 I,, v Po
I Perceval, Edward Maxwell 19 Mav 80 4 Aug. 88 I Brooke, Edward Salune'>»
% ^^ Z
Wood, Creighton 18 Feb. 80 15 Aug. SS A Montgiiiiirry, Knlin-t .\nin(lel Kerr ..
feb g
II Home, Henry Sinclair May
19 So 17 Aug. SS '
N Philli]is, llo-hcr 'irrev'lle .iFebis
I Wing, Frederick Drum-"; LO Crawlnnl. .\rclnli;ilil»-» ...
19 May 12 Sept.SS ••-;; 23 Feb. 8
mond Vincent j Burney. 1', i;-„ ,h- S,,,ismar,z'

LA C'nrte, Thomas
Elliott tg May 80 13 Sept.SS A Bligh,"Freileiick Arthur -, Feb! 8
Young, Ernest Temple, Assist ) B Scott, Arthur I'.iniiv
19 May

80 I Oct. SS -\; Feb. 8:

Inspector of Warlike Stores i Dod, Anthony IJinl U;,!ley, A

sc Head, Charles Tyrrell.... ' jig May I Oct. Ss' spector of Warlik, Stuns [.!'''.') 23 Feb. 8:

- Clarke, Charles) B Heflernan, NesbittBveillat Feb.

I23 8:
Camden. Aide de Camp to [ . '

iir Moore-Lane, WiUian: ...

^^^ ^n 13
"° Oct. 8s' ;
23 Feb. 8
3Ia/or General Wiseman- t ,^^ Sich. Harold Hampden !!!!!!"!]]'!
23 Feb. 8
Clarke ) A Smith, John Le.^lie

23 8:
SC Cooper-Key, Aston M-'Neil^o^i 19 May 80 13 Oct. SS LongfieU, Alfred Purcell 23 Feb. 8:
LA St. John, George Francis") 3 Maunsell, Francis Richard
23 Feb. 8
William, Station StaffVWg May 80 A Henshfiw, Clinton Grant
23 Feb. S:
Officer, Edwardesalad .. j\ Cnle.Frnlrrirk Temple
23 Feb.
WN Crampton, Fiennes Henry*''^ 19 May So
!9 Oct. 88 B T.invlfss. .--krirctt Edward George
23 Feb.
3 Pollock, Evelyn |i9 May loOct. 88 A StruMU, l.'nlxrt, Alexander 23 Feb. 8,
I Barlow. Hilaro William l'rir\, liu-h Whitchurch, Act.Adj
Welleslev 19 May 80 2 Nov.
8 23 Feb.
S: 23 Feb.
James, Willi,, m i:,„n,„l.! 4 Carr, Robert Cattley 8: 23 Feb.
Wallwi/n, Or, ht, Hire sturc 19 May So 4 Nov. 88 sc Cleeve, Frederick John Stewart

S; 23 Feb.
Department ) 4 Coghill, Charles Edward 8 23 Feb.
WH- Warre, Anne.sley Tyndale«« \^9 May

24 Nov. 88 Stanford, Henry Bedell, Commissary of

Weekes, Montague Morgan,~) Ordnance, 4th Class 23 Feb. 8

Adjutant i Midlothian y ,^9 May 29 Nov. 88 Lewis, Percy J. Tonson, A ]
Corps 23 Feb. 8
(Coast) Artillery Vols. ...) 2 MacMahon, John Joseph
23 Feb. 8
Briscoe, Alexander Villiers,') A Best, Thomas George 23 Feb. 8
Adjutant 2 {East Siding) yig May

29 Nov. SS 2 Addington, Hon. Harold William ...'.'.'.'.

23 Feb. 8:
York Artillery Volunteers} B Campbell, Herbert Montgomery 25 June 8
c.p.'Butcher, Arthur Edward") B Tyndale-Biscoe, Albert Sandeman (De-
tg May 80 g Nov. SS 26 July 8
Aveling j pot e.h.a)
Carroll, Arthur Lyons,") A Capel-Care, Alfred*-" 26 July 8:
Assistant Suverintendent [• 19 May So 30 Nov. 83 11 Rodwell, Reginald Mandeville 26 July 8:
of Factories, Bengal ) Bryan, Thomas William Guy^-i'^ 26 July 8
Vores, Chas. H. s'tiverd-«») li Hcrvey, CIim. Hen. Aug. (Depot, k.h.a.)
26 July 8
(Depot, R.H.A.) /
gMay 30 Nov. SS
A Durrot, Lnu,sHay*2* zC July 8
E Hawkins, Henry Theodore''"^! 19 May So 5 Dec. 88 II i///,ims, Cli, tries Augustus Muspratt-,
26 July 8

4 Blunt, Edward Walter ,'19 May So 5 Dec. 88 Assist. Supdl. of Factories, Bengal
Lo Molesworth, Arthur Ludovic 19 May 80 8 Dec. 88 s.i. Richardson, Charles William 26 July 8
3 Brook-Smith, WilfridLionel 19 May So 21 Dec. 88 A Saukey, Cyril Charles 26 .Tuly 8
2 Stopford, John Montagu ...'kj May So 21 Dec. S8 Scott, Charles Darracott*^' 26 July 8: ],

B Drake, Bernard Francis 26 July 8

Walker, Meloitle 6 July 8:
Lieutenants. 4 Handlej', Arthur 26 July 8
B Belfield, S.ydney 26 July 8:
3 Burt, John Marsh.all
ig May 80 B Jackson, Landon Dealti-y 26 July 8:
3 Milward, Clement Henry*>i ]"...

1 Powell, Frederick Acton Lambart !!!!!! 19

May 80 A Slee, Percv Henry 26 July 8:
ig May 80 Stanton, Henry Ernest,*^^ DSO. Attache^t
c.p. Rickman, Gerald WTiitmore
g.c. King, Charles Dickson*'^
1 9 May 80 Intell.Branch,Q.M. Gen.'s Dept.Benoal} b July S:
Walker, Edmond Somerville Forestiei;^' 19 May o 3 Brendon, Herbert Algernon
6 July 8;
Assist. Supdt. of Factories, Bengal ... j" 19 May 80
sc Anderson, Robert Douglas*^? .,,, 6 July 8
2 Vigne, Robert Austen 26 July 8:
3 Preston, D'Arcy Brownlow ig May 80

N Baker, Augustus Theodore Monfanaro, Arthur Forbes 26 July 8:

[j ig May 80 SC Carleton, Montgomery Launceiot
2 Rogers-Braide-Strachan, Walter'james 26 July 8:
19 May So wNMostyn, Hon. Ranulp'h Edward Mon-)
Wm. Makepeace Thackeray, tague 26 July Si
Lieu of a Company of Gent. Cadet's] |'9 May 80 ]
c.p.Kerricb, \\'alter Edmund A Biddulph, George Warren 26 July "...
!,„ \\„„ r„
LO Gurdon, William 6 Jul>
2 Bethejl, Henry_Arthur. .,
Martel. Charles Philip, Ad,: 3 Vol Bra'^'l'"
80 Zl^fZ
Underwood, >yaueruonn
i;""<""«'"™. Walter Joh
26 .July
.luly 8
Southern Div.with rank of Cap i"« ^7 July .^ p°„t l^v vf'"^!.- 'A' V,V "^ '^^^'y ^ '

aU,^'] J 80
Paget, Victor Fred. Wm. Augustus

li A
/ ...J i 1
/^ I
'26 July 8
1 1
1 )

Royal Artillery.
1 74 LIEUT.
'aVJuly 8 Campbell, Malcolm Sydeitham Clarke,
XowUn. Thomaa Bowman Commissary of Ordnance, 4th Clai» ...
14 Feb. 83
Goiinc. Charles Mclvill \i6 July 8i
A 14 Feb. 83
26 July 81 C.P.Drake, Francis Richard
« ConnnI, Alexander Campbell 14 Feb. 83
26 July 81 3 Owen, Charles Cunliffe
BraiJ. ArlKnr Rtade 14 Feb. 83
26 July 81 Robinson, Walter Hetirij ...
Terry. William Gonlon«*» Richard William f4 Feb. 83
B Breaks,
Uaortll, Jotfpk.Aide de Camp to Mojor't 26 July 81 Frederick*™ 14 Feb. 83
titutral FU'od > 3 Herbert, George
22 Feb. 82 Oldfield, Christopher George 14 Feb. 83
C»<lell. John Francis
22 Feb. 82! Ifilliamson, Oswald Charles 14 Feb. 83
B A»kirith, John Browninp Harrison
22 Feb. 82 4 Goff, Algernon Hamilton Stannus 14 Feb. 83
toBickncU, Maldion Byron*" 14 Feb. 83
vo Donhill, I'hilli]) Henry Marcus 22 Feb 82 c.p.Kaye, Ralph Arthur ]

22 Feb. 82 1,0 Puilen, Arthur Fox 14 Feb. 83

s Johnson. Arthur Graham 14 Fob. 83
22 Feb. 82 A Dodgson, HeathBeld Butler
4 Huminl, Williinu Dutlon 14 Feb. 83
22 Feb. 82 2 Buckle, Christopher Reginald
B Crowe, John Henry Vcrinder 14 Feb. 83
Kidher, Charles John 22 Feb. 82 so Thorp, John Claude
I Benson, Rion Philip 14 Feb. 83
Breakev, Arthur John, /.;*«/. of a Com-t 22 Feb. 82
3 Berkley, James 14 Feb. 83
fony'ofGtnllfmeH CadrU i
22 Feb. 82 LO Stanton, Frederick Starkey Feb. S3
w» Scoll, Archibald Galbraith 1 Molesworth, Herbert Crofton St. George 14 Feb. 83
B Dennis, Stratford Thomas Crosbie 22 Feb
Cook, Henry Hex 14 Feb. 83
Sarmlrn, Claude, Army Strciee Corpt 22 Feb. 82
2 Shepherd, James Laiirance Frederic 14 Feb. 83
Guille, ilenry Stevens Ic Marchant 22 Feb.
jlohlyn, Edrard Floraiice, Imtructor in 1 22 Feb. 82 E Muter, St. John Arthur Douglas 14 Feb. 83
Petition Finding i c.p. Persse, William Arthur 14 Feb. 83

A Short. Anthony Holbeche*™ 22 Feb. 82 B Mackenzie, Cortlandt Gordon 14 Feb. 83

«.i. Ormiston, James Walker 22 Fel LA Galbraith, Gerald Edward 14 Feb. 83
Gordon, Lawrence Christian 14 Feb. 83
J Vunire-Hatcman.Gco'fjo Marcus 22 Feb. 82
22 Feb. S2 N- Logan, David Finlay Hosken 14 Feb. 83
LO M'Lcod, William Kelty
3 Hnlfxur, Arthur Mackintosh
22 Feb. 82 KE Ferrar, Henry Minchin 14 Feb. 83
LA Lendy, Charles Frederick 16 Feb. 83
4 Johnstone, Francis Buchanan 22 Feb. 82
A M'Mickinp. Gilbert 22 Feb. 8: 3 Lyali; Charles Noel"^ 28 Feb. 83
4 }lut<:hinson, Charles Hammond 22 Feb. 8: 2 Randolph, Francis Arthur''*" 25 Feb. 83
A Browne, Sherwood Dighton*" 22 Feb. 82 1 Tyler, Charles William 7 Mar. 83
«.i. Dowell. GeorffO Cecil 22 Feb. 82 2 Vans-Agnew, Francis 9 Mar. S3
4 Jeudwinc, Hunh Sandbam 22 Feb. S; Pasley, Montagu Wynyard Sabine 21 Mar. 83
1 DumiK, Gra-mc Sym 27 June 8; 1 Knox, Arthur Rice 28 Mar. 83
A Jcnkin»on. Henry Law Acland 25 July 8; A Gray, Phillip Easson 26 June 83
B Harrison, Halford Claude Vaughan 35 July 8' RHA Headlaia, John Emerson AVhartou,'^ 28
July 83
B Caulfleld, Charles Trevor 25 July 8. Depot ^
hrociiHun, Prrcy WiUiuM Brake 25 July 8 2 Perceval, Claude John, Acting AJJutant July 83
A Coales. John Unett 25 July 8: 3 Johnston, Frederick Campbeil"=* 28 July 83
llruce-Lanr, UrrhrrI F.dtrard 25 July 82 sc. Rolt, Charles Edward 28 July 83
S.I. Birch, Downward Perceval Lea 25 Jul. 1 Napier, Wil iam John 28 July 83
I Maclear, Archibiild Douglas 25 July 82 ABHA.Chamier, Saunders James 28 July 83
B Hu.vcy, Arthur Herbert 25 July 8; N Maunsell, Frederick Guy 28 July 83
3 White," Hans Staniiard 25 July 8; B Smith, Edmund Perceval 28 July 83
A Yonnc Norman Edward 25 July 8: 3 Onslow, WiUiara Henry 28 July 83
A Ix?cky, KobortSt. Clair 25 July 8: 1 Mansell, John Herbert 28 July 83
wn Deniie, Alured Harkley 25 July 8 Bertie-Clay, Necille Sneyd, Assistant\
28 July 83
De JiutI:Fredirick MeCrea
Hohert 25 July
8; Superintendent of Factories, Bengal J
Orier, Hxrrx, Dixon 25 July 8: A M'Meekan, Frank Henry Frem'oult
28 July 83
Jenningt, Ilrrltrt Alexander Kaye, \ Reader 1

Corn'mittary of Ordimnce, ;rd Clatt ...J

25 July 82
Geddes, John Gordon, Acting Adj.. 28 July 83
B Knicht, Charles Lewis Wilfiam Morley .. 25 July 8: Walker, Alexander Lamond ........ 28 July 83
Adair, Hugh Rob, rt 25 July 82 A Wynn, Henry Cunliffe Williams 28 July 83
Strctton, William de Courcy 23 July Chaldecott, Algernon Winn 28 July 83
Stevenson, Robert Cniwford 25 July BHA Bingham, ifon.FrancisRichd., Depot.. 28 July 83
A Young, Arthur Davidson 25 July N Gordon, Lochinvar Alexander Charles 28 Jul!y 83
Parry, Llewellyn HumflYeys 28 July Jtitchie. John Bobert ?8 July 83
W.1 Taylor. Mowbray,"' icHh O.S. Dept 25 July so Ross, Horatio St. George 28 July 83
A King, Algernon D'Aguilar 25 July B Corbyn, Hector 28 July S3
Cooper. Edicard Sheieelt, Jnitructor in ) K Eyre, Morland Stanhope 28 July 83
Poiilion Finding 25 July 82
j B Gordon, Lawrence George Frank I Aug. 83
W» Bvaiw, Arthur Williams 25 July 82 2 Smith, Herbert Guthrie IS Feb. 84
A Gny, Arthur William lOct. 82 N Tyacke, George !..!!!!!.!!! 15 Feb. 84
Hi, .li-liii Arthur luucs 1 Oct. 82
4 Sandilands. Henry George

!; Fob. 84
Halter. Arlhnr St-i.le I Oct. 82 A Robinson, William Arthur '.!.!!!!!!! 15 Feb. 84
3 Bablngton. David Melvilio J Oct. 82 3 Lushington, Stephen ..."!...!".! 15 Feb. 84
Waring, llcnry, Imtructor in Poiifion > 4 Burnett, John LUiaplyn !"!!!..!!!"! 15 Feb. 84
I Oct. 82
Findtng J so Cameron, Ewen Donald Charles ......!! 15 Feb. 84
Parker, John Lewei,*" Fori Adjulaut, ) B M'Gildowny, Robert 15 Fob.

I Oct. £2 84
Attack t sc Warden, Richai-d Edward ...!!..."!!.!!.". 15 Feb. 84
William Charles Alfred
9 Radcliiro. I Oct.
82 Bremner, Donald
4 15 Feb. 84
•c Footo, Henry Bruce I Oct.
82 B Ford, Charles Hopewell ...".......!.....!."] 15 Feb. 84
Cookton, K'illiam michtr 1 Oct.
82 RHA Schotield, Harry Norton, Depot'"!!!!! IS Feb. 84
•0 Hell, Chnrlwt Thonihill 1 Oct.
82 Campbell, Ilenvi Montgomery IS Feb. 84
Hort'in, Kvdin'V Ooorgo 1 Oct.
82 Kemmis, William Henry Olphert IS Feb. 84
•c (iul)l<iii". UuHsoll Dunmoro t Oct.
82 N Flower, I'liili)) Hcnrv 15 Feb. 84
I Kmhcr, KranciH Torriano I Oct.
82 BampiMJr, II, ,n\ ivlward 15 Fob. 84
Kununi. Hanil.l Carlton Wethorall... I Oct.
82 I Casi'i;,. ::.
IS Fob.

UiUe, Franeit Jlenry Synge*" ...


1 Oct.
82 B And.T u-ias
tlMe, if„nlague Mark
.:,,::, 1
1.. "!!!!!!!!! IS Feb. 84
I Oct.
82 4 llaiinii II, i.rurucKdward
• Hi Hufc'ifur'l. John, Depot IS Feb. 84
4 Hii..iii..n, I •l.iirlcB Oswald
(„rne. Artliur Crril
« I
1 Oct.
82 n
Salni,,.:, Jaiiics Nelson, Acting
Du Cane, John Philip ". ''
Adj IS Feb.
IS Feb.
I Oct.
82 Lawric, Charles Edward
1 '
15 Feb. 84
" V, . ,„M ii.)iroya .'.'.'.'.';.;;!
1 Oct.
82 2 Dennis, Meade James Crosbie !!!!!!! Julius , 15 Feb. 84
1 Oct.
82 1 Graham, Lancelot
•Hugh 15 Feb. 84
; 1 Oct.
82 B Maxwell, James M'Call ...!!!!!!!!!
!iin Liiwmnco 15 Feb. 84
J Oct.
82 4 Fassoii, Disney John Menzies!!!!!!!!!!!!"'
p 'I' rick Lovcrton"» 15 Fob. 84
I Oct.
82 Lyle, George Samuel Bateson, Adjufani'i
1 Oct.
82 I Caithness Artillery Volunteers, with
**'"^- •<'' '^^^"''".'^'""'. i IS Fob. 84
I Oct.
82 rank of Captain
t <t" I .M LOWOB Oct.
I 82 B.E.Wray, John Cecil !!!!!!!!!"! Feb.
CI 1 Honry Josias*",..
Oct. IS 84
I 82 4 Bainbridgo, Percy Agnew
4 Vli I'l [5 Feb. 84
I Oct.
82 4 Pratt, Henry Arthur
« Ilr '
Villiatn... 15 Feb. 84
1 Oct.
82 Fnrso, William Thomas
B>y .r.t ;!.;;!!.:";;; 14 '•'cb.
S July 84
Ml" 83 Fowler, Francis Charles July
I \ Icynu 5 84
14 Feb. 83
to Feilden, Robert Basil July
5 34
Royal Artillerij.

3 Gedrtes, Georse Hessius; 5 July 84 2 Prendergnst. Frederick • ••!i6 bept, 85
WK Coxhoad, Thomas Lanshonie '
DSO. 5 Jiil.y S4 LO Hawkes, Pliiliii — !i6 Sept.85
LO Marsliall, Hawtroy Charles 5 July 8+ 2 Clark, CIkivIps W;it-;()n .. ....|i6 Sept.85
4 Kirke, Henry Lushingtou 5 Jiil.y 84 ....16 Sept.85
4 Dunlop, Arcliibakl Samuel 5 July 84 Wi Hoytc . ••••16 Sept.85
Kiluer, Charles Harold 5 July 84 16 Sept.8s
tWH Norris, Arthur Gambler 5 July 84 s.i.Tyler, ArUiiii- .Uak-i.lm .... i6 Sept.85
WH Warren, William Lewis 5 July 84 4 Reid, John Watt 16 Sept.85
3 Lachlan, Ernest Moncrief 5 July 84 4 Lana-horne, Harold Stejjhi i6 Sept.85
A Radcliffo, Robert Edmund Lowndes .. 5 July 84 3 Glanville, Arthur George . 16 Sept.85
EHA Rouse, Hubert S July 84 3 Perkins, Arthur John 16 Sept.85
I Lloyd, Maurice Brickdale S July 84 2 Davidson, Francis Middleton 16 Sept.85
1 Humphreys, Gardiner S July 84 1 Singer, Robert 16 Sept.85
4 Playfair, Frederick Lyon 5 July 84 2 Calvert, George [6 Sept.85
2 Roberts, Michael Bradley S July 84 2 Roupell, Godfrey Stuart :6 Sept.8s
:s.i. Cuming, Arthur Thomas 5 July 84 4 East, Lionel William Pollew r6 Sept.85
J Askwith, Henry Francis 5 July 84 I Morris, Charles .Tames Ussher 16 Sept.83
3 Dickinson, Thomas Malcolm 5 July 84 3 Powell, Henry Lloyd 16 Sept.85
sc. O'Leary, Charles Evelyn S July 84 Moore, Robert Thornton 16 Sept.85
RHA Lamport, William, DSO. Depot 5 July 84 1 Qiiinton, Francis WilliamDrummond.., 16 Scpt.85
4 Parry, James Bacchus 5 July 84 3 Uniacko, Herbert Crofton Campbell ... 16 Sept.85
N.I. Batc'man, Bernard Montague 5 July
84 3 Blunt, Charleti Jasper 16 Sept 85
c.p. Merriman, Reginald Gordon g Dec. 84 c.p. Baldwin, John Grey 16 Sept.85
1 Hardy, William Kyle 9 Dec. 84 4 Lyle, Henry Duntze 16 Sept.85
2 White, George Francis Q Dec. 84 2 Ravenhill, Frederick Thornhill 16 Sept.85
sc Poster, Philip 9 Dec. 84 1 Lennox, Amyot Maitland Augustus 17 Feb. 86
S.I. Young, Frederick de Bude 9 Dec. 84 N Ouseloy, Ralph Glynn 17 Feb. 86
3 Cooper, Philip Templer 9 Dec. 84 N Jenour, Arthur Stawell 17 Feb. 86
C.P.Wood, Thomas Birchall 9 Dec. 84 4 White, Henry Arthur Pilkington T7 Feb. 86
3 Norris, Ernest Edward 9 Deo. 84 2 England, Edward Parker 17 Feb. 86
Friend, Francis Naunton Q Dec. 84 WN Olivier, William Henry 17 Feb. 86
1 Taylor, St. John Louis Hydedu Plat-.. 9 Dec. 841 N Nicholson, William Cyril Alwynnc 17 Pel). 86
4 Lambert, Edward Parry 9 Dec. 84 B Russell, Henry Cairns Oliluuli 17 Feb. 86
3 Battiscombe, Charles 9 Dec. 84I LO Carey, Georgo Gins S.UHl'-man 17 Feb. 86
Browne, James Frederick 9 Dec. 841 3 Stockdale, Hnlirrl l<Mv,;iia 17 Feb. 86
4 Cleeve, Egcrton Stewart 9 Dec. 84! 1 Elkington, U^iImi .Imih.s (loodall 1,
17 Feb. 86
I Raby, Montague Henry Burton 9 Dec. 84I N.I. Tancred, Thuniiis .Vii-us 17 Feb. 86
«o Bidgood, Thomas Edward Wingfield .. 9 Dec. S4I 2 Butler, Arthur Townley 17 Feb. 86
Watson, Christopher Godfrey 9 Dec. 84 I Woodifield, Anthony Hudson 17 Feb. 86
If Hudleston, Edmund 9 Dec. 84 1 Sharp, Frederick Leonard 17 Feb. 86
I Brouncker, Francis Henry Ernest 9 Dec. S4 S.I. Combe, Kenneth 17 Feb. 86
I Grover, William Montague 9 Dec. 84 if.i. Winu^field, William Edward 17 Feb. 86
I lago, George William Haigh 9 Dec. 84, 3 Taucock, Osborne Kendall 17 Feb. 86
1 Lyon, Charles 9 Dec. S4 WH Priugle, George Octavius Shaw 17 Feb. 86
TVH Cameron, Bwan Cornwallis 9 Dec. 84 c.p. Alexander, William Patrick 17 Feb. 86
2 Campbell, Edmund Arthur 9 Dec. 84 3 Ciimpliell-Johnston, Gordon
2 Birley, Henry Mompesson 9 Dec. 84 LA Nichol, William Dale 17 Feb. 86
B Freeth, Francis Edward 9 Dec. 84 2 Crowe, Morilaunt Aliiiigdou Carli-le .. 17 Feb. 86
3 Hall, Ernest Frederic 9 Dec. 84) WN
Boulnois,WiUi;im Arthur 17 Feb. 86
». I. Harrison, Arthur Estcourt 9 Dec. 84 4 Malleson, Willi' III 17 Feb. 86
4 Peake, Malcolm 9 Dec. 84 3 Usborne, Th.iiiiiis Mnst.Ms 17 Feb. 86
4 Thomson, Hugh Davie White- 9 Dec. 84' c.p. Ci-ockett. W;iltir .Min'Miiannv 17 Feb. 86
2 Walker, George Townshend Forestier 9 Dec. 84 s.T. r-'l'iifv, Un.-l, |;,,1, ;; 17 Feb. 86
N Boyd, William Henry 29 Apr. 85 17 Pe'i. 86
Lamb, George Rolhnetj 29 Apr. 85 17 Feb. 86
Maunsell, Manuel Charles, scrt)i»9 17 Feb. £6
I29 Apr.
the Egyptian Army j 85J 18 Feb. 86
r.0Ogg, George Sim Apr. S5
...,29 18 Feb., 86
a Money, Arthur Wigram Apr. 85
,..129 18 Feb.-86
so Macgowan, Robert Stuart Apr. 05 wu Dav;
...j29 ,
i: 18 Fob. 86
so Saltren-AVillett, Archibald John 29 Apr. 85; iSFeb. f6
LA Young, Francis Henry 7(j Apr. 85 1 Hoii.'-, .
!8 Feb. 86
3 Staveley, William Cathcart

29 Apr. 85 LO Phipiif-. '

18 Feb. 86
S.I. Price-Davies, Stafford Davies 29 Apr. 85 N Gort.ii. St. (jeorgt1; 18 Feb. 86
Marsh, Hopton Eliott 29 Apr. 85 s.i.Head, Jlai _ 18 Feb. 86
so Gooch, John Sherlock 29 Apr. 85 WN Phillips, Thomas Richmond 18 Feb. 86
4 Birch, James Frederick Noel 29 Apr. 85 LO Brake, Herbert Edward John 18 Feb. 86
2 Davis, Ernest Horace 29 Apr. 85 N.i. Morley, Richard iS Feb. 86
2 Thompson, William Arthur Murray ... 29 Apr. 85 SO Chepmell, Claude Herries 18 Feb. 86
so Dykes, Lionel Erie Ballantine 29 Apr. 85 4 Shortt, Alexander Graham ... 18 Peo. 86
c.p. lies, Henry Wilson 29 Apr. 85 WN Brewster, Robert Ferdinand 18 Feb. 86
so Vauderzee, Henry Frank 29 Apr. 85 WH Reid, Harold Arthur 18 Feb. 86
3 Rich, John Arthur 29 Apr. 85 3 FitzMaurice, Robert 18 Feb. 86
2 Hudson, Thomas Roe Christopher 29 Apr. 85 3 Cowper-Smith, Arthur Monro de Lasallc 18 Feb. 86
4 Prescott-Decie, Cyril 29 Apr. 85 3 Knapp, Kempster Kenmure 18 Feb. 86
W2f de Rougemont, CecU Henry 29 Apr. 85 2 Bennett, Roland Egerton 24 July 86
Stansfield, James Rawdon 29 Apr. 85 I T.yler, James Arbuthnot 24 July 86
1 Biddulph, Hope 29 Apr. 85 I liickie, Arthur Francis 24 July 86
2 Cardew, George Ambrose 29 Apr. 85 u Armitage, William Stuart 24 July 86
I Tennant, Henry Lancelot 29 Apr. 85 N.I. Burrard, Charles 24 July 86
-TITS Marshall, Thomas Edward 29 Apr. 85 3 Hamilton, Percy Douglas 24 July 86
3 Heath, Francis William 129 Apr. 8s WH Kelsall. Harry Joseph 24 July 86
WH Blacker, Stewart Ward William [29 Apr. 85 E Hare, Robert Hugh 24 July 86
3 Elton, Frederick Algernon Geo. Young 29 Apr. 85 sc Basevi, Charles Lionel 24 July 86
3 Norwood, William Blakeney ,
29 Apr. 85 If. I. Adair, Charles Osborn 4 July 86
LO Strange. Harry Bland*-'^ 30 June 85 3 Kennard, Arthur Mulloy 24 July 86
4 Moren, James Alexander 30 June 85 S.I. Forestier-Walker, Claude Edward 24 July 86
WH Almon, Charles Francklyn 30 June 85 so Fawcett, Percy Harrison 24 July 86
WH Hodgins, Charles Richard 30 June 85 WN MacCarthy, Morgan John 24 July 86
I Duffus, Edward John 30 June 85 c.p. Church, George Ross Marryat 24 July 86
LA Maxwell, Cecil Manly 30 June 85 I Pitman, Alfred Cyril 24 July 86
Woraley, George Stanley 30 June 85 c.p. Macgowan, James Murray 24 July f 6
4 Potts, Frederick iG Sept.85 WH Traherne, George Gilbert 24 July 86
1 Bruce-Kingsmill,JulianClauddeKenne 16 Sept.85 3 Ellicc, Robert Frederick 24 July 86
I Milne, George Francis 16 Sept.85 WH Smith, Owen Annesley 24 July 86
I Harvest, Hector Horatio 16 Sept.85 I Levita, Cecil Bingham 24 July 86
1 Simonds, Cecil Barrow i6 Sept.85 LA Griffin, Henry Lysaght 24 July 86

Eoyal Artillenj.
176 2ND LIEUT.
IKUI Second Lieutenants.
LUCTIWASTS. I Koberts, Hugh Bradley
17 Feb. 88
24 July 86
U> Boulton, Thomas l/oonard Lees 'nly 86 B Young, Henry Alfred 17 Feb. 88
I rourtcnny.
Michael H'.uison .... Feb. 88
24 July 86 B Peile, Alfred James 17
a ClHrkc. Lionel Altlmm Cinibnm. 4 Crozier, Thomiis Henry
17 Feb. 88
4 Brominck. Frederick
Uenjamm Dumaresci 24 July 86 Howard Thornbrough Feb. 88
I Parsons, Edward
24 July 86
« SmallwooU, Frank Uraham WH Owen, Frederick Cunliffe 17 Feb. 88
24 July 86
t» 8c«)rrini, Dudley Cillum ... S.I. Coley-Bromfield, John Coley 17 Feb. 88
24 July 86
c.f. Hotiinwm, Ccort'cTraccy .

WK Lee, Arthur Hamilton 17 Feb. 88

c.r.diMonlmorTiicy.HcrveyGuyFrancisEdw 24 July 86 Feb. 88
24 July 86 B Crawford, Alfred Temple 17
4 Watnon, John Capron 1 Earle, Cecil Arthur
.7 Feb. 88
24 July 86
»c Hurlton, Alfred Kalph LA Seddon, Edward M'Maion 17 Feb. 88
24 July 86
4 Kiimball, Charles Airred LA Hutchinson, Frederick Pierrepont 17 Feb. 88
U'KuiJohnBon, ('>Til Mniwell 24 July 86
24 July 86 4 Stewart, Charles
Edward 17 Feb. 88
CiHlfroy-FniiMett, Percival Godfrey
4 Wellesley, Richard Ashmore Colley 17 Feb.
Kdward Sjiencer 24 July 86
4 (JnUln, Ainieric Sinclair 17 Feb. 88
24 July 86 c.p. Scott, Alexander Francis
Kirk. John Ihnrters
3 Rotton, John Guy 17 Feb.
».!. 88
L» XliUtliiwH. John Williiims 24 July 86
!i7 Feb. 88
July 86 so Carter, Ernest Pasley
BC rnnicron, Kwan Duncan 24
July 86 LA Lithgow, Hugh Lancaster !7 Feb. 88
Allen. Frederick Edward Halstead 24
Herbert Feb.
July 86 c.p. Sanders, George 17 88
4 rndell, Harrj- Ernest
.. 24
Cartwnght 25 Dec. 86 so Morris, Donald Ogilvy 17 Feb. 88
Van Stniubvuzee, t'lisimir
WN Dick, Thomas Aitken 17 Feb. 88
IXDLIKDT. 2 Ward, Montagu Charles Pearson 17 Feb. 88
Fonlyce-Uuchan, George Charles 16 Feb. 8 WN Jennings, Walton 17 Feb. 88
Henry Lawrence Dingwall 16 Feb. LO Moore, St. Leger Montgomery 17 Feb. 88
« Fordyce. ..
Ernest Robert i; Feb. 88
16 Feb. 8 E Phillips,
>o Ciinne, William Chiirles
16 Feb. 8 c.p. Rugge-Price, Charles Frederick 17 Feb. 88
»c Hum*. Honry Jnmcs Frascr
1 Tulloch, Tom Gregorie 17 Feb. 88
i»r.i<<, i'karler Lttiie 16 Feb. 8
I-nckHcreslord, Arthur William 16 Feb. 8 E Alford, Frederick Lewis 17 Feb. 38
16 Feb. 8 so Arthy, Walter 17 Feb. 88
».i. M'Kny. Donald
16 Feb. 8 c.p. Parker, Henry William Manwaring 17 Feb. 88
to Joiicf, Walter Howel
16 Feb. 8 VN Harper, Leonard Llewellyn 17 Feb. 88
Tapp. James Hansen William
TN Christie, Herbert Willie Andrew
16 Feb. 8' 17 Feb. 88
». Thornton, James Aylmcr
Alexander 16 Feb. 3 Cartwright, Gamier Norton 17 Feb. 8?
4 Ho<«l. i/oH. GroBvenor Arthur
: Wcllcsloy, Richard CoUey 6 Feb. LO Molony, Trevor Charles Wheler T7 Feb. 88
6 Feb. 2 Herbert, Percy Thomas Colthurst 17 Feb. 88
nc rhillipps, Charles
6 Feb. fo Carey, William Havilland 17 Feb. 88
i.» Keiiyon, Lionel Richard
W5 Ijike Hubert Atwcll 16 Feb. 8;
w Thru'pp, Francis Morton 17 Feb. 88
wx W..,Hlc(^k, Henry Stephen 16 Feb. 8 WN Langdon, Paul Perram 17 Feb. 88
c.p. Davidson, Gordon Villiers 17 Feb. 88
c.r.Stewart, James Anthony 16 Feb,
Feb. 2 MacMillan, John St. Clair 17 Feb. 88
B Smith, Arthur Murray ^
Lo Hcyiion, Henrj- Lawrence Norman 16 Feb. 8' LO Buckle, Archie Stewart 17 Feb. 88
Feb. s.i. Anderson, Austin Thomas 17 Feb. 88
LA Tiivlor. Cecil Salusbury 16 8-

Kenneth Dowie 16 Feb. 2 Russell, Edmund Stuart Eardley Wilmot 17 Feb. 88

» Ik'il, 8
lA Coroyn, Edward Walter 16 Feb. 8 so Hray, Arthur Le Mesurier 17 Feb. 88
c.r.Douglas, Archibald I'hilip 16 Feb. 8 E Brett, Herbert George 17 Feb. 88
wii Taylor, Herbert Wodehouse 6 Feb. 8 N.I. Ballard, Charles Naesmyth Bruere 17 Feb. 88
so iliiunsell, John Boyd 16 Feb. 8 c.p. Saunders, William Power 17 Feb. 88
vrx Kuthver., Robert Mervyn Bermingham 16 Feb. 8 N.I. Pennethonie, Henry Evelyn 17 Feb. 88
e.i. Molony, Clement Arthur 16 Feb. 8 so Elliot, Harry Macintire 17 Feb, 88
w» Itarron, Netterville Guy i6 Feb. 8 so M'Hardy, Alexander Anderson 17 Feb. 88
4 (Jordnn, William Neville i6 Feb. 8 E Corrie, William Francis Taylor 17 Feb. 88
> Karrell, Henry John William 16 Feb. 8- WN Murray, Alan Beville 17 Feb. 88
w» Vignoles, Frederick Charles ., 16 Feb. 2 Geoghegan, Robert [7 Feb. 88
LA Jones, Tertius 16 Feb. 8 2 Lambarde, Francis Fane ij Feb. 88
c HtilTe, Archibald Francis Everitt 16 Feb. sc Walters, Hubert de Lansey [7 Feb. 88
3 KitzGenild, Georpe Alfred 16 Feb. 8- S.I. Rettie, William John Kerr [7 Feb. 88
LA Saunders, Arthur Rivers 16 Feb. 8' 4 Morrison, Maskell Mackenzie Downie [7 Feb. 88
3 Kllice, James Arthur 16 Feb. 8' WN Gotto, Harold Ralph [7 Feb. 88
4 Thwailes, William 16 Feb. so (iriiiu, Aiilun- Wellesley [7 Feb. 88
.I. Miller, Alan Stewart 6 Feb. 8 I Siiiiili, 'rMv.-iidPelham r7 Feb. 88
c Maoloniild, Reuinnld James 6 July 8 1 l:i <l. li.iiiii'itiiu Lyster

17 Feb. 88
2 Sniiilyn. Williiim Rain Richardson 23 July 8 3 M;i,~>y, IjIimutI Charles 7 Feb. 88
3 Ulnmi, William St. Colum 23 July 8 2 Tyk-r, lialpli Edward 7 Feb. 88
LA MoliHworlh, Richard Pigot 23 July 8 3 Niohdlsoii, Graham Henry Whalley .... 7 Feb. 88
».i. Chiiinmin, Lawrence Joseph . July 8 WH Hotter, Kichard Wharton 7 Feb. 88
wji Ix;iihv. Henrv (Jonlon 23 July 8 N.I. Waile.-. Williiim Eteson 7 Feb. 88
y Miitth.w!.. William Arthur 23 July 8 S.I. Kiik]i;ii. r . Alo.iiiider Ronald Yvone. 7 Feb. 88
no Knrninl. Robert Kincaid 23 July 8 E .Moultlh, il .
I: !:nvn)rd 7 Feb. 88
WII Kra»or. l.yoiis David 23 July 8 7 Feb. 88
3 Head, I'hnrles ttctiivius 23 July 8 ige 7 Feb. 88
«.i. Kr.Miin, Albi'rt Alick Roche 23 July 8 WN Tondciiis, Krnc 7 Feb. 88
LA Ijiinl. (ionloii 'uly 8 .V.I. Home, Robert Elton 7 Feb. 88
».i. lifKborcugh. Arthur Peregrine JulyHenry .. 23 8 V Barker, Frederic Edward Lloyd .., 28 June 88
1 I'ollitii;ir, Kid re<l Charles July 23 8 LA Cayley, Arthur Macaulay 28 Juno <58
• Hire. William
(;<<. r(.'e July 23 8; LO Johnston, George Napier 28 .Tunc 'R
2 SkiiiH nil, Philip Armfleld ^^
July 23 8 2 Stewart, Cosmo Gordon 7 July
4 ."-i^-ddiMK. Edward Wilfrid July 3 8 80 Clinton-Parry, Francis Noel 27 Julv
1 WillinmH. Mimurmnn Stanley 3 July 8; sc Tiphe, Francis Alfred
3 Viionr-Siniili, Richard Vassar 3 July 8; 2 Crockett, Sydney Laurence
.I. IJrccr, liriirK'o William Hugh Usher
23 July B Smith, William 27Jun
WH Piilrli, Frnnrih Robert .]]]] 3 July so Galloway, Frank Lenno.x 27 JUI.N .

» R .txTtnou, ChiirloH Maclver 3 July 8: LA Bellairs. Norman Edward Breton 7 July CO

t fntinT 11. Donald Hnv
23 July 8 so Lethbridge, Sydney 27 July 88
WH !! >.|„ r, Sliinrt lliintfy ||.| 23 July 8 2 Coningham, Henry 27 July 88
»» Kirbv, Arthur Durham 23 July 8 WN Butcher, Frederick Spnrrell 27 July 88
4 Ihm Walter Dnnhwood.. 23 July 2 MacMunn, George Fletcher
8 27 July 88
c.r. n..|.kinii, William Francis Alhelstan.. N Morrice, Herbert
23 July 8 July 88
4 Lv< n. Kr»iirii> 23 July Coiites, Douglas Richardson
8: I
27 July 88
•r Fi.l.i.r. Ji.liii Francis
23 July 8' July
»••> I. .•«M'Kcnxlo ."!
23 July N.i.Cheke, Edward George
7 88
'' .xwfll Richard Crosbio

E Cobbe, Henry Hercules
3 July
8 27 July 88
I'aymond Uoscuwcn 23 Julv LO Smith-Neill, Frank James
8 27 July 88
'' .^idir James
23 July 8 I BcUhouse, John 7 July 88
LO . Kmnc ;.
23 July 8 Nairno, Edward Spencer
7 July 88

LA. lutk. 1.. 1 hiiip Hugh ; 23 July 8 1 Strong, William _7July 8

•.I. Rotilh, Bdwnid Airy
»3 July 8 LA Waymouth, Ernest Glauyille., I27 July 88
lioyal Artillery. [77
Second LiBCTEffiNTS. Second Lieciknants. pnd libut.
sc Mackintosh, John Burn 27 July 88 sc Thorp, Arthur Hugh 27 July 88
N. I.Hill, Howard Berkeley 27 July 88 sc Nicholson, Walter Adams 27 July 83
sc Nixon, Frederick Eckersall 27 July 88 Lo Cameron, John Charles Schreiber 27 July 88
N.i. Sandford, Harry Coddington 27 July 88 B Kendall, John Kaye 27 July 83
c.p. M'CuUoch, Robert Henry Frederick 27 July 88 3 Pim, Edward Hugh- 27 July 83
SI Dent, Frank Wilkinson 27 July 88 ;.p. Chataway, Charles Clifton 27 July 88
B Kenny, Courtney 27 July 88 yn Bonwell, Albert I27 July 83
LO Metcalfe, Fenwick Henry 27 July 88 LA EUershaw, Arthur 127 July 88
3 Massie, Roger Henry 27 July 88 S.I. Nott, St. Loger Luard Neale I27 July 88

Deputy Adjutant General.

Colonel E. Markham, 2 June 87. QuABTEE Masters.
Assistant Adjutant Geneeal. M'Kenna, John, Colchester 10 Mar. 7 10 Mar. 85
Richey, WiUiam,«3 Woolwich I Apr. 7, 1 Apr. 85
Lewes, Colonel H. C, 9 Jan. 88.
'is.Seath, Alexander, Woolwich 8 Sept. 7 8 Sept. 85
Deputy Assistant Adjutant Geneeal. sc Walker, Alex. 4 Brig. Scot. Die. 8 Sept. 75 8 Sept.85
Warry, Lt.Colonel A., i Sept. 04. sc Walker, Geo. ^rdBrig. Scottish Div. 19 July 76 19 July 86
Rowan, Melville John, Woolwich 14 Feb. 77 14 Feb. 87
Tnspectob Gekeeal. Powell.John Joseph Chas. WarOffict 1 Apr. 78 1 Apr. 84
Goodcnough, Mapr General W. H., CB.
p.s.c. Hambly,Edg. 41!* Brig .ScottishDiv. 2 Maj 2 May 88
AUe de Camp .—Fox, Captain F. J. Land,Isaac,*»* sthBrig. S.IrishDiv 25 May 78 25 May 88
Wilbond, Jas.*^^ ^Brig.If.IrishDiv. 11 June 81
Patmastkb. Russell, Hen. 'znd Brig. S.Irish Div. 17 Sept.Si
Piers, Claudius Buchanan, 26 April 60; Hon. Major, Cook, George,«6 Portsmouth 27 May 82

"6 April 75. Munro, John, gfh Brig. N.Irish Die 27 May "
Paton, William,*" Newport 27 May 82
Harris, Charles, Malta 12 May 83
Riding Masters. Martin, Alexander*^ I Apr. 84
E. oonnston, William,-'*^ Woolwich 15 Jan. 64 July 8 3 Firth, Samuel, *^3 iZtj^sea .'.
I Apr. 84
H.A.Pawson, lo\nx,*^ Alderahot .. 29 May67 July 8 Wishart,Rich.Jas.2.BH9.ianc.Diw. 6 Aug. 84
Stannard, Ephraim, Bombay 25 Nov. 74 25 Nov. 84 Lane, Fredk. Insp. Ord. Machinery 24 Jan. 85
E. Donnelly, Robert, Woolwich I Apr. 75 Apr. 85 Hadcock, Albert George, Inspec-
tor of Ordnance Machinery
\ 24 Jan. 85
H.A. Williams, George I Apr. 75 Apr. 85 .. J

H.A. Draper, Frederick, Vmballa.. 1 Apr. 75 Apr, Clark, Robert Leaver, Inspector
\ 24 Jan. 85
Henson, Christopher, Bengal 15 Nov. 79 of Ordnance Machinery j
H.A. Goode, Richard John, Dublin 15 Nov. 79 Paulson, John, 3 Brig. N.Irish Div II July 8
H.A. Stevens, John 24 Jan. 80 Paterson,ArthurLeopold,/nsj5ec-")
ig June 80 tor of Ordnance Machinery 19 Aug. 8s
3 Wilken, John, Hilsea J
i.H.A. Simpson, Robert 31 Dec. 81 Robinson, William,*6i ^thBrigade )
Shipman, WiUiam, Meerut Scottish Division 9 Sept.85
31 Dec. 81 j
4 Butler, James, Preston 23 Feb. 84 Long, Wm.
Henry, 2udBrig.E.Div. 23 Feb. 84'
John, Trimulgherry
Neill, 2 July 84 O'Neill, Owen 14 Apr. 86
M'Lennan, John, Woolwich 18 Mar. 85 Shakespear, George Joseph, 2) j

Bevington, John, Eaioal Pindi 10 June 85 Brig. Northern Division 14 Apr. 86

2 Nicholas, John, Colchester 15 Aug. SS Donoiiue, William Edward, in- )
Truslcr, James Nov. 88 spector of Ordnance Machinery ) 14 Apr. 86
Jarvis, William, 2nd Brigade\
Cinque Ports Division j 24 Nov. 86
QUAETES MaSTEES. Carlyle, Thos.Zns^. Ord. Machinery I Apr.
B.n a. ScuUey, John, Woolwich 12 Dec. I July
Edwards, James, 4 Brig.S.IrishD 21 May 87
Brown, Simon,*** srd Brigade! 4 Cooper, Thomas Francis II June 87
I July 71 I July 81 Small, Alexander, yth Brigade
Welsh Dioision J
North Irish Division 20 July 87
Ward, 1h.o-ain.ii, Gibraltar 26 June 72 26 June
Murdoch, RobertHamilton,Zfo«. \ Edmonds Richard James
25 Apr. 88
June S7, Woolwich ... 19 Feb. 73 1 Mar. 79 so Usmar, George AUeyne, 6 Brig.
Major 15 )
26 Sept.88
B.H.A. Langrish, Thomas, Aldershot Dec. 73 17 Dec Scottish Division '

Emhy, Wm. James, ^th Brig. If. Div. July 74| I Jul_ Riding EsTABLitHMEur.
Digqory, Charles, 2nd Brig. S. Div. 25 Nov. 74; 2 Nov Superintendent. Lieut. Col. J. M Muni^y
Gillard, James,*^^ 3rd Brig. N. Div. 13 Jan. 75 13 Jan Major.~W. S. Langley
wuKelly, John, Devonport 10 Mar. 75 10 Mar. 85 Lieutenants.— U. M. F.^rrar,
J. C. Wray.
Agents, Messrs. Cox and Co.
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Royal Artillery. 184

ROYAL REGIMENT OP ARTILLERY.- -(Arranged hy Brigades.)

Horse Artillery.
F Battery, Meerut. A Battery, Dublin. M Battery, Bangalore.

Lieutenant Colonels,
Major. -W. F. de H. Curtis Major.— Fi. A. OUivant.
Captain.— n. G. Weir.

Major. A. Swinton.

T. Burnett, AUlershot. Lieutenants. —

C. G. Hon-
Captain. B. Gunner. — Captain.— ^\eTS.
Lieutenant,,.— A.. B. Scott. Lieuts.— R. M. RodwoU.
Colonel H. St. J. V. Le M, Shaw. B. F. Drake. S Belfleld.
Thomas - Le -ilarchant, A. H. Short. C. L. W. M. Knight. C. H. Ford.
Kirkee. R. E. h. Radcliflo.
M. R. West, Luckaow.
G.W.C.Rothe, Dublin. G Battery, Umballa.
N Battery, Rawul Pindee.
B Battery, Woolwich.
Major.— G. W. M. Tuvnbull.
Major.— 0. B. Wickham. Major.— F^. S. B. Lockyer.
A Battery, Aldershot.
Captain.— F. B. A. Hunter.
— Captain. — J. W. Hawkins.
Lieutenayits. R.A. Stewart. Lieuts.— 3. McO. Maxwell.
U. Coates.

Lieutenants. P. C. Bower
Ma)or.—G. H. Marshall. J. 0. H. A. Hervey. L. G. P. Gordon.
Captain.— G. E. Maberly. P. H. Slee. C. G. Mackenzie. J. P. DuOane.
Lieutenants. —
Hon. F. R.
Bingham. H Battery, Aldershot.
F. A. Bligh. Major.— '&. Blaksley. F Battery, Woolwich.
DEPOT, Woolwich.
J. I). Smith. Captain. —
P. Saltmarshe. Major. — R. Corbett.
Lieuts.—K. P. X. M. Bond.
V. P. W. A. Paget.
Captain. — W.P. L. Lindsay Lt. Colonel.— Colonel
W. W.
Lieuts.— J. B. H. Askwith,
B Battery, St. John's H. B. Dodgson. H. Galley. Adjutant.— A. H. C. Pbill-
Wood, London. E. P. Smith. potts.
I Battery, Dublin. Eiding Master.— Hon. Capf.
Major.— U. H. 'Wallace. P. Draper.
Captain.— F. L. Cunliffe. Major.— Sit. A. Molesworth Quarter Master. Son. Capt.
Lieuts.—W. A. Robinson. —
Captain. E. A. Burrowes.
G Battery, Mhow.
1. ScuUey.
A. D. Young. Lieuts.—C. M. Gonne. Major. — H. B. Kingscote.
G. M'Micking. N. E. Young. Captain. — B. Burton.
L. H. Ducrot. Lieutenants.- A.. C. Connal, A Battery, Woolwich.
S. T. C. Dennis.
K Battery, Dorchester. J. H. V. Crowe. Major.— B. L. Tolbier.
C Batterj, Aldershot. —
Captain. W. J. Robertson.
Major.— W. G. Knox. Major. — H. Pipon. Lieuts.— J, E. W. Headlam.
Captain.— SirG. V. Thomas, Captain. —-E. A. Lambart. H Battery, Trimulgherry. J. Haggard.
Bart. Lieuts. — A. Capel-Cure, H. Rouse.
Lieutenants.— T. G. Best. A. W. Gay. Major.— G. C. H. Parlby.
H. L. A. Jenkinson. L. Graham. Captain.— J. W. Dunlop.
F. H. F. R. M'Meekan. —
Lieutenants. A.S. T. Biscoe. B Battery, Woolwich.
S. E. G. Lawless.
L Battery, Meerut.
A. H. Hussey. Major.— K. Stephenson.
Major.— B,. G. S. Marshall. Captain.— W. A. Plant.
D Battery, Sealkote. Captain.— F. H. Ward. Lieufs.-n. N. Schofield.
Major.— R. W. Kaye. Lieutenants. —
R.A. K. Mont I Battery, Kirkee. W. Lamport, DSO.
Captain.— Bf. Major S. C gomery. Major.— A. Broad foot. Henri M. Campbell.
Hickman. R. St. 0. Lecky. Captain.— E. C. F. Holland.
Lieutenants.— P. E. Gray. C. C. Sankey. Lieuts.— Fi. R. H. J. Cloet^.
H. C. Williams Wynn. R. M'Gildowny. BIDING ESTABLISHMENT.
S. J. Chamier. H. Corbyn.
Lieutenant Colonels,
Lt. Colonel.— 3. M. Murray,
E Battery, Lucknow. R.Alexander.Trimulgherrj- K Battery, TImballa. Superintendent.
R. D. E. Lockhart, Um- Major. — J. P. Brough. Eiding Masters.— Son. Capt,
Captain. — R.
Major.— B. F. Domvila. balla. Bannatine- W. Johnston.
Captain. — A. II. Hewat. Colonel J. C. Auchinleck, AUason. Hon. Capt. R. Donnelly.
Lieuts.—G. W. Biddulph. Bangalore. Lieuts.—C. T. Caulfeild. Major. — W. S. Langley.
S. D. Browne,
A. D'A. King.
Colonel W. S. Hebbert, Shef- R. W. Breeks. Lieutenants. H. — M. Perrar.
field. Herbert M. Campbell. J. C. Wray.

Field Artillery.
1ST BBIGi.DE. B Battery, Agra. E Battery, Ahmednugger. H Battery, Dublin.

Lieutenant Colonels, Major.—3. E. Josselyn. Major.— G. R. Price. Major.— C. W. E. Murphy.

Captain.— 3. L. Keir. Captain.-F. B. Lecky. Ca'pfain.—T. K. E. Johnston.
CofoncZF.S.LeGrice.Shorn- Lieuts.— F. L. Sharp. Lieutenants.— F.F. Johnson. Lieutenants.— G. Lyon.
clifTe. R. J. G. Elkington.-
J. M. Home. C. J. U. Morris.
O. P. Le Mottee, Newcastle' E. S. Nairne. H. H. Harvest. H. L. Reed.
Colonel E. R. Cottingham,
Weedon. C Battery, Shomclifife.
Colonel J. H. Annand, Al- F Battery, Neemuch, I Battery, Weedon.
Major.— F. B. Coke.
Captain.— R. 0. O. Stuart. Major.—VJ. L. Hutchinson Mafor.-A. H. Whitehorne.
G. M. B. Hornsby, Roorkee. Lieuts.— Captain.— F. D. V. Wing.
M. 0. St. G. Moles- Captain.— 3 H. Leslie.

Colonel C. D. A. Straker,
worth. Lieuts.— ^A. B. Lloyd. Lieuts. W. A. Macbean.
J. H. W. Tapp. H. G. Birch. E. H. T. Parsons.
Colonel H.I. E. Ford, Rawul
E. P. Smith. E. A. Campbell. C. A. Earle.
L. W, Taylor, India.
D Battery, Eamptee.
G Battery, Ferozepore. J Battery, Woolwich,
A Battery, Cawnpore. Major.— K. H. Costobadie.
Major.— yi.
Captain.— F\. P. Bechor. Major. A. Radford. — Major.— W. W. Smith.
J. Lieutenants.— Vf. K. Hardy. Captain.— K. 3. Lyster. Captain.— R. A. M. Henn.
Captain. — L. Forde. H. J. H. Wiawood. Lieuts.—A. H. Woodifield. Lieuts.—C. B. Leyita.
Li€uts.—Fi. 3. Dufifus. J. C. de K. Bruce- A. C. Pitman. G. C. Fordyce-Buchan.
Kin-^-niU. P. W. D. Quinton. J. Bellhouse.
184a Boyal Artillery.
L Battery, Kirkee. C Battery, Kirkee.
K notusry. Woolwich. Pep6t Battery, Newcastle
on-Tyne. Major.— n. F. Smyth. Major.— FL. G.W.Hepburne.
3tajor.~r. hige. Captain.— \\\ E. Fairholme. Captain.— C. de
N. Martin.
Cofla,:- G. L W. Grierson afu/or.— F.E.Cuthbertson iieu/s.— W. A.M.Thompson. Lieufs.—T. M. Dickinson.
G. B.
Ltrutrmamlt.—^l. J. L. H. Captain — A. T. Butler. E. F. Hall.
Oi»-I'l«l-T«ylor. LUutcttanft.—^. Tremaine, A. G. Glanville.
R. P. Benson. G. F. MacMunn.
A. F. Hickie.
W. J. Nnpicr. R. F. Fox.
Battery, Trimulgherry. M D Battery, Aldershot.
3KD BBIGADB. Major.— X. D. Anderson.
Captain.— 3. S. S. Barker,
Major.— Fi. T. Curling.
L natuiry, Ipiwioh. Lirutenant Colonels. Captain.— C. F. Blane.
at Staff College.
Jfo;or.-H. B. C. W. Townsend, Meean Lieutenants.— G. F. Herbert.
Lieutenants.— C. W. Clark.
Caiitain.—E. J. Grntict. Mecr. E. M. Lachlan.
F. M. Davidson.
Lieulrnamli.—C. E. Lawrio. Col. C. Crosthwaite, Agra. F. A. G. Y. Elton.
F, Vans-Agnew.
C. M. Kosa-JohnBOu. J. W. Inge, Woohvich.
T. Wood, Colchester, Battery, Allahabad. N
8. Gardiner, Exeter.
Major.— G. J. Long.
E Battery, Aldershot.
M Battery, Ipiwich. Colonel J. F. Free, •Wool
Captain.— n. E. Boothby. Major.— F. W. Campbell.
Jfay<,r.-R.C.E. North. wich. Wheble.
Lieufemmff.—A. W. Money. Captain.— J. St. L.
Ca'ptaim.-A. U. HelvHr. S. E. Pcmbertson Lieutenants.— B.. L. Powell.
C. G. Stewart.
LifiiUmaHt,.-}>i. H. B. Baby. Meean Mcer. J. G. Rotten.
H. Biddulpb. O Battery, Neemuch.
K. Citscmcnt. A Battery, Aldershot. 3f(7/o)-.— R.W.P. Robertson.
3Iajor.—yr. V. Grogorj-. Captain.— S. V. Thornton. F Battery, Kirkee.
N Bttttory, Athlone. Cptain.—W. L. H. Paget. Lieuta.—G. F. White.
Major.— J. T>. Douglas.
Lieutenantt.—A. G.Johnson, W. H. W. Perrott.
Uajor.—J. C. Gillespie. W. J. R. B. Strachan. F. F. Lambarde. Captain.— A.S.Vfedder^iurn.
Coylain.—C. M. Uiirlow. E. S.E.W. Russell. Lieufs.—C. Battiscombe.
ii#ii/#.— J. A. Tyler. P Battery, Woolwich. H. E. Stockdale.
C. W. Tyler. Major.-C. E. Coffey.
J. O. Geddes. B Battery, Sheffield. Captain. H. A. Chapman. —
Major.— Y^. F. Wodehouse. Lieufs.—'M. B. Roberts. G Battery, Kirkee.
faplain.—A. L. Tisdall. J. J. MacMahon.
O Battery, Newbridge. Lieiitena»ls.—Uon. H. W. Major.— D. C. Dean-Pitt.
W. B. R. Sandys. Captain.— W. Y. Foster.
Major— H. Punly. Addington.
Captain. — G. W. R. Fulton. G. T. F. Walker. Q Battery, Fermoy. Lieuts.—A. M. Kennard.
Linlt—U. h. Roberts. J. St. C. Macmillan. —
Major. A. N. Rochfort. R. F. EUice.
J. R. Wilson. Capfain.—E. H. Paterson. R. H. Massie.
W. Strong. C Battery, Aldershot. Lienfenants.—F. H. Davis.
J. L. F. Shepherd.
Major.— y^. O. Smith.
Captain.— Y. 3. Grseme. P. A. Skip with. H Battery, Exeter.
P Battcrj, Banpaore. Lieutenanti.—C. R. Buckle. Major.—B.. W. B. T. Haver-
ilajor.—A. \V. Ferrier. R Battery, Mooltan. field.
R. Geoghepran.
Captain. -R. G. M. M'Lcod. M. C. P. Ward.
Major. S. K. Mackenzie. — Captain.— A. R. Stuart.
ri*«/«.i<i.i/..-A.J. MuUins. Capfain.—J. M. Stopford. Lieutenants,— G, N. Lyall.
G. Humphreys. D Battery, Shorncliffe. Lieutenants. R. Morris. — C. O. Head.
T. G. Tulloch. Major.—G. Challenor.
M. A. C. Crowe.
R. E. H. Pirn.
Captain— F. M. Close.
T. R. C. Hudson.
Q Battery, Trinmlgherry. Lieuts.—n. F. Askwith. S Battery, Woolwich.
I Batter^', St. Thomas's
ifajor.—J. R. S. O. Hewitt.
G. A. Cardew. —
Major. P. E. Monckton. Mount.
Captain.— A. J. Abdy.
Captain.- H. A. D. Curtis. E Battery, Shornclifle. Lieutenants.— n. G. Smith. Major.— F,. C. Wace, VSO.
LUutt.—X. U. N. ChurchiU. Major.— B. C. M. Woods. Captain,— E. Pollock.
G. F. Milne. F. T. Ravenhill.
Captain.— U. Guise. R. E. Tyler. Lieuts.—'W. B. Norwood.
F. A. L. Powell. Licutenantt.-U. A. Bethell. O. K. Tancock.
G. S. Roupell. T Battery, Exeter.
R Battery, Belpram. L. 8. Crockett. —
Major. O. F. T. Annesley.
Major.— S. Captain.— F}. G. Pretyman. J Battery, Deesa.
J. Nugent. P Battery, Newbridge. Lieutenants.— A. W. Pack- Major.— W, L. Davidson.
Caplain.-A. M. C. Dale.
Lituti.—A. M. A. Lennox. Major.— F. J. Burridge. Beresford. Capl.-W. L. Brook-Smith.
E. 8. Urookc. Captain.—}!. L. Gardiner. W. H. Mills. Lieuts.—G. Campbell John-
iiett^..— W. C. A. Radcliffe. P. T. C. Herbert. ston.
G. J. L. do Berry.
Depot Battery, Colchester. P. D. Hamilton.
S Boltery, Bellary.
T. M. Usborne.
Major.— a. G. Smyth. G Battery, Woolwich. Major.— E. H. Walker.
Captain.— A. h. HlblMsrt. Maj.—p.t.c. E. O. O'SuUivan Captain.— E. C. Hawkshaw
Liouts.-F. A. Randolph.
LUn/rnanta.— U.L.Tennant, Captain.— S. W. Lane. K Battery, Meean Meer.
W. M. Grover. Lieutenants, W.S. Lindsay, —
J. G. E. WjTine.
R. A. Vigne. Major.— A. E. Duthy.
F. Prendorgast.
Captain.— D. E. Dewar.
TBattery, Kniraoi^ee,
H Coningham. 3RD BRIGADE. Lieutenants. — K. K. Knapp.
Jla;or.-E. Hackle. H Lieutenant Colonels. D. H. Cameron.
Battery, Meerul.
Captain. -f:.},l. I'crreval. T. J.C.A. StutUly, Limerick. R. Fitz Maurice.
H4»tm.,nl,.-y. T. Fisher.
Major.— J. A Lawrio. Colonel E. G. Battiscombe.
Captain.— H. M. Crofton. Barrackporc.
G. H nulTue. I

Lieutfnanli.-B. M. Rhodes W.
E. C. PoUingcT, I

H. M. Hirloy.
p.s.c. F. M. Hutchinson, L Battery, Peshawur.
Woolwich. Major.-Fi. F. Cambier.
G. Culvert. Colonel R.
ui Bt. Thomaa'i C. Drysdale, Captain.— G. R. T. Rundle.
Hilsea. Lieutenants.— A, M. Balfour
I Battery, Coventry. Colonel D. V. Shortland,
Majr,r.~r. n. Hall. J. A. Ellice.
Mnjor.—P. Blackburn. Bombay.
Cof/oiH.-H.W.W Harlow, Captain. — T. .1. Charles, Quelta.
W. St. C. Bland.
Linl:-^. H. t'.iurtcnoy. thwayte. T. C. Martclli, Deesa.
A. U. Knux. Litutt.—A. G. Napier.
M. H. Saward, Ferozeporo, M Battery, JuUundur.
.M. Yungo-Uatcraan. Major.- A. Dunnage.
V Baltory, Woolwich. A Battery, Bristol. J.
Captain.— U. F. McCrea.
J Battorj-, Oambellpore. Major.— n. V. Hunt.
M<vor.-V. O. n.
Uajor.-W. N. Jcrvis. t'a;-/<ji;i .— St. A. B. Warde
Lieuts. —
S. Lushington.
Captain,— A. Uurtoii. H. C. C. Uniacke.
lA*ulrnanti—C U. HttDOnda Cop/uin.— j.K.Vans-Affnow. Lieutenants.— Vf. T. Furse.
A. E. J. Perkins.
X-««i/f«.-D. M. Uabington. J. A. Rich.
K. f. WollMley.
J. II. Monscll. M. J. C. Dennis. F. W. Heath.

K B Battery, Alderahot. N Battery, Rawul Pindee.

Baltory, Barraokpore.
W U.iury. Aldorihot. Maj„r.—F. T. .M. Bciiver.
Major.-C. M. H. Downing Major. - Colonel R. McG.
Major. — K T. llnnTolI. '"''''"" -W. H. Connolly.
Captain.— a. B. Jefl'reys, at Stewart, -J. i>.C.
Oaplalm A. hiuiilxru.

^""'••-R. 1:. HeUDctt.
Staff College.
Lteuts.—W. C. Stavcloy

Captain. A. J. Hughes.
Unl*m,iml,.-U. W. H. lajfo. Lieuts.— yf, W. T. Duhan.
<;. J. Perceval.
r.H.K Urounckor. K. i'. England.
H. S. White. E. F. Norris.
O. H. W. Nichclson. H. A. BrendoB.
Royal Artillery. 1846
O Battery, lucknow. 4TH BBIQiDE. F Battery, Sheffield. M Battery, Saugor.
Major.— J. Leach.
Capfain.—N. S. Ogilvio.
Lieutenant Colonels. Major.— B. W. Buckle. —
Major. M. Wynell-Mayow.
Captain.— W. H. AVilliams. Captain.— Pi. B. Anderson.
Lieutenants.— P. T. Cooper. 3. H. Alexander, Ipswich.
R. V. Vassur-Smith. J. C. D'U. Murray, Alder-
Lieufenants.-A. Handley. Lieutenants. —
J. C. Burnett.
H. E. Oadell. P. A. Bainbridge.
M. S. WiUiiims. shot.
D. Bremner. H. L. Kirke.
H. M. Burgess, Roorkee.
P Battery, Barrackpore. L. Downes, Preston.
Majo>:—3. A. F. Nutt. F. C. Nicolas, Agra. G Battery, Limerick. O Battery, Meean Meer.
Captain.— G. V. ICemball,
Major.-IZon.'F.Vr.3. Shore. —
Major. F. M. Banister.
at Staff College. A Battery, Woolwich. —
Captain. C. D. Guinness. Captain.—'^. D. Pindlay.
Licuts.-J. W. G. Dawkins.
Lieutenants— A. H. S. Goff. Lieutenants. —
F. L. Playfair.
C. C. Owen. —
Major. F. A. Aylmer. F. B. Johnstone. W. N. Gordon.
G. A. FitzGerald.
Captain.— P. C. Farmer. J. F. N. Birch.
Lieuts,— A. B. S. Griffin,
C. A. Rumball.
P Battery, Nowgong.
Q Battery, Jubbulpore.
H Battery, Natal. Major.— Vr. H. Frith.
Uajor.-P. F. P. Hamilton. Major.— R. L. Scarlett. Capfain.—W. 3. A. Beatson.
Captain.— -E. P. A. Tawnoy. Captain.— C. T. Robinson, Lieutenants.— II. A. P.White.
G. H. Geddos.
B Battery, Clonmel. Lieutenants. CO. Smeaton, — H. G. Sandilands.
A. Moren.
J. B. Parry. J.
L. W. P. East. Major.— F,. M. Flint.
F. Potts.
Captain.— C. T. Blewitt.
R Battery, Dinapore. —
Lieutenants. H. A. Pratt. Q Battery, Bareilly.
"W. Thwaites. I Battery, Bangalore. Major.-G. Russell.
Major.— R. H. S. Baker. Captain.— W. P. Bunn.
R. A. C. Wellesley. Major.— G. R. Moore.
Captain.— n. M. B. F. Kelly.
Lieutenants.— C. 3. Blunt. Captain.— F. Guinness. Lieutenants. — E. S. Cleeve.
Lieuts.— P. B. D. Broadrick. D. J. M. Fasson.
A. M. de L. Cowper- Battery, Trowbridge. J. 0. Watson.
Smith. H. D. Lyle.
Major.— P. B. R. Pollard F. Lyon.
S Battery, Kilkenny. Urquhart. R Battery, Nusseerabad.
Major.— Si. O. Hay. Captain.— A. C. Bailward.
J Battery, Kirkee. —
Major. W. Mallins.
Captain. — H. E. W. de
Lieutenants.—\f .'D.Bxi.Tra.ri..
P. G. Godfrey-Faussett, Major.— PI. H. Pengree.
Captain.— T. H. J.Woodrow.
E. W. Spedding. Captain.— 3. E. Harvey. —
Lieutenants. A. L. Walker.
A. S. Dunlop.
Lieutenants.— F. C. Joliiiston
R. G. Strange.
Lieuts. —
C. Prescott-Decie.
C. E. Stewart.
E. E. Edlmann.
G. N. Cartwrigbt. D Battery, Wool-wich.
T Battery, "Weedon. —
Major. p.s.c. R. A. Mont- K
Battery, Meerut. S Battery, Glasgow.

Major.— i^. P. Fowell. Major. Son. R. Allsopp.
Major.—p.s.c. G. H. Palmer. gomery. Captain.— D. C. Carter.
Capfain.—St. J. St. G. Ord. Captain.— A. \V. B. Gordon. Captain.— Pi. W. Blunt.
Lieutenants.— W. H. Onslow. Lieuts. —
H. O. Vincent. Lieuts. H. S. Langhorne. — Lieuts.— H. D. W, Thomson,
Hon. G. A. A. Hood.
J. Berkley. M. C. Maunsell. M. Peake.
E. C. Massy. H. S. Jeudwine. A. G. Shortt. M. M. D. Morrison.

Depot Battery, Hilsea. L Battery, Fyzabad. Depot Battery, Preston.

Major.— yv. Riddell. B Battery, Cbristchurch.
Major.— ^. A. Eden. Major.— Jj. 3. A. Chapman.
Captain.— A. M. Murray. Major. — J. Hotham. Captain.— U. C. G. Taylor. Captain.— G. Wright.
Lieuts.—J. M. Burt. Captain. — H. M. Sandbach. Lieutenants. E.P.Lambert. — Lieuts.— C. H. Hutchinson.
0. H. Milward. Lieuts.— G. E. Hamnett. W. Malleson. R. C. Carr.
D'A. B. Preston. J. W. Reid. T. H. Crozier. 0. E. Coghill.

Garrison Artillery.
6th Battery, Devonport. (The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th th Battery, GoIdenHill, I.
— Brigades are formed of the! Major.—yv. S. Walford.
1ST BEIGABE. Major. Son.'Vl. C. Rowley. Durham, the Northumber-I Captain.— U, S. Nelson.
Lieutenant Colonels. Captain.— 3. O. Hodgson. — S.
F. W. Carey, Guernsey.

Lieutenant. "W. G. Terry.
laud, and the Yorkshire
Artillery Militia respect
Lieutenants. M. Renny.
R. Walkey, Sunderland. ively.) 6th Battery jlandguard Fort.
G. R. Gambler, Meerut. 7th Battery, Barrackpore. Captains.— G. R. Darley.
E. A. FitzRoy, Bermuda. T. B. Carte.
[Major.-P. A. Bowles. LANCASHIRE DIVISION, Lieutenants. — H.L.Lithgow.
TSt Battery, ftuetta. Captain.— T. R. Harkness. 1ST BRIGADE. G. Laird.
Major.— 0. C. Lindsay.
Lieufs.—Pi. St. G. Gorton. Lieutenant Colonels. B. G. Waymouth.
Captain.— K. S. Home. H. E. Bampfylde. A. 1. Maclaverty.Seaforth.
7th Battery, Spike Island,
Lieuts.-Jj. A. C. Gordon. H. W. L. Hime, Poona. Cork Harbour.
W. Brownlow. Younger, Portsmouth.
A. S. Jenour.
8th Battery, Calcutta. J.
p.s.c. H.KnoUys, Woolwich.
Major. G. D. Fanshawe. —
Major.— A. H. Callwell. Captain.— Hon. R. Tyrwhitt.
2nd Battery, Malta. Captain.— PL. W. Morrieaon. IBattery, Cape Town.
Lieuts. A. Ellershaw. —
Major.— U. Sbeil.
Lieuts. — R. Gr. Ouseley. Major.— R. F. Williams. 8th Battery, Dover.
Captain.— C. W. Kellie.
W. A. Matthews. Captain.—p.s.c. T.S.Ba,ldock\ Major.— G. R. Hadaway.
Lieutenants.— W. H. Boyd.
G.M. Franks. Lieutenants.— 3. yV.MaithewH', Captain.—p.s.c. Bt.Lt.Col.
K. D. Bell. H. L. Griffln. A. G. Creagh.
C. M. Robertson. yth Battery, Sikkim Field T. Jones. Lieutenants. E. W. Comyn. —
2nd Battery, Gibraltar. gth Battery, Jersey.
3rd Battery, Egypt. Major. J. Keith. — Major.-G. H. O'Malley.
Captains.— P. W. G. Tothill.
Major.— .h T. Bury. Captain. J.D.Cunningham — Captain.— G. D. Chamier.
N. W. II. du Boulay, at
Captain.— n. C. Molesworth Lieuts.— R. de T. Phillips. CoUqie.
Lieutenants. — C. S. Taylor.
Lieutenants.— CM. Maxwell.
Lieuts. —D. F. H. Logan. P. G. Smallwood.
E. Hudloston.
L. R. Kenyon. D. R. Coatos.
F. G. Maunsell. F. P. Hutchinson.
F. E. L. Barker. loth Battery, Fort Grange,
loth Battery, Spike Island, 3rd Battery, Gibraltar. Gosport.
Major.— F. H. French. —
Major. H. H. Hardinge. Major.— F. 3. W. Eustace.
4th Battery, Gibraltar.
Captain.— n. E. F. Goold. Captain.- G. B. St. John
Captain. C. E. Goulbourn. —
Major.— -p. M. Turner.
Captain.— 3. R. H. Allen. Adams. Mildmay. Lieutenants. E. M. Seddon. —
Lieutenants.— P. H. Flower. Lieutenant. — W. C. A. Lieutenants. — P. H. Parken. C. F. Lendy.
A. R. B. Savage. Nicholson. A. M. Cayley. Depot, Liverpool.

Major. H. S. Higginson.
Depot, Sunderland. 4th Battery, Bangoon. Captain.-G. P. W.' St. John.
5th Battery, Plymouth.
Major.— A. 3. Nison.
Major.—U. G. P. Siddons. —
Lieutenants. F. H. Young.
Major.— G. P. Owen. Captain.— a. Chance. W. L. Farmar.
Captain.— 3. P. Langley. Captain.— a. F.^O]dae\d. Lieutenante.—G.E.GalhTB.ith (The 2nd Brigade is formed
Lieu.tenants.—-F. M. Thrupp.
H. Morrice.

Lieutenants. G'. Tyacke. W. D. Nichol. of the Lancashire Artillery
A. T. Baker. N. E. B. Bellairs. Milifa.)
lS4C Uoyal Artillery.
N.S. 7th Battery, Bombay.
KASTERN DIVISION. ind Battery. Kawul Pindee. 3rd Battery, HaUfax,

T r. _i„, 3/a/or.— G. Firebrace.

• Major. p.s.c. P. H. Ham- —
LinUnant Votoneh. ?«/'"*"-A-
Sr-a T. Boileau.
V.-^Fe^nTalrbsO. Lieutenants.— G. G. S.Carey

Captain.— G. E. Bryant.
B.VaUKhiin-Aibucklc.Adcn Lirutfnant$.—'W. A. Peres^. Liei(ts.—C. H. Chepmell.
St. L. M. Moore.

A. K. Uaruiiult, I'cj-lon. F. R. Drake. H. F. Vanderzee.

A. Shimlowortb.Grcnt Ynr W. H. lies. 4th Battery, Do^er.
A. Le il. Bray. I

n.outl.. j^ . TT i-f
Halifax, wo 3/(;/or.—
H. Torkington. 1

f,, •(,„,„ _e
W. C. Mullov, Wcj-month. 3rd Battery, q. Edwards. 8th Battery, Ceylon
Col. 3. K. Owcn.Golden Hill. Major.— 'E. J. de Lautour. iLieutt.—T. L. L. Boulton.
Captain.— v.$.e. F. Wnldron Major.— E. W. Nash.
j q g Cameron.
ist Butwrv. Ehjra Gully. Lieut:— J. M. Macgowan. Captain.— A. Matthews.
itajor.—W. T. S. YuUJS. H. W. JI. Piirker. 5th Battery, Dover. Lieuis.-J. B. Maunsell.
rop<ai«.— K. H. AnnilnK'C. R. H. F. M'Culloch. Major.— A. J. Montgomery. A. W. Grepe.
Lintr»aMl:—\i. 8. Kjre. Captain.— C. E. H. Heynian.
4tb Battery. Halifax, N.S. Lieuf.—l'. H. M. Dorehill 9th Battery, Ceylon.
I.. D. JackMjD.

C. E. Hill. .T?(i/or. — H.G. Ncwcome.

6th Battery, Barbadoes.
Major.— 3. M. Alves.
Ca'yfain.—^l. W. P, Block. Captain.— C. E. Walker.
3Dd Battery, Camp Eoilasa. Liriitena -A." P.' Douglas.' Major.-}. McDonnell. Lieuts.— T. E. W. Bidgood.
Jfo/or.— A. lirowno. C. F. Riipge-Price
Captcin.—F. .T. A. Trench. P. H. Fawcett.
Captato.—.K. Tnicej-. Lieutenants. -R. B. Feilden. W. H. Carey.
C. C. Cbatawivy.
Lieut:— \l. L. D. Fordycc. R. E. Stuart.
H. U. Cubbo. :;t!i Battery, Tilbury Fort G. N. Johnston. icth Battery, Portsmouth.
if,;/or.— F. F. Ditmas.
jrd Battery. Gibraltar.
Captain. H. Burton. — 7th Battery, Fort St. George, JLfa/or.— S.Watson.
Captaint.—V:. D.H.Buckley. Madras. Capfain.—P. H. Enthoven.
Lieutenants.— \V .H. Crockett
A. Stokes.
G. T. Robinson.
Major. -W. H. Auchinleck. Lieutenants.— T). Arbuthnot.
Litutfnanl,.—T. Frcctb. E. Captain.— \. L. Molesworth F. L. Galloway.
E. R. PhilUpg. 6th Battery, Malta. Lieufetinnts.—'P. Hawkes.
H. C. Moultrie. Captains. — E. J. Phipps W. H. Jones. Depot,Fort Rowner, Gosport.
4lh Battery, Boorkee.
Hnmby. A. C. Tulloch. —
Major. C. H. Atchison.
Major.— 3. 1. Swinttn. W. F. Cockburn. 8th Battery, Sheerness. Captain.— 3. H. Jellett.
Lieuts. — Vf. P. Alexander. Lieutenants.— 3. S. Gooch.
Ca},tain.—\\. Kl'.iot. Major.— Bt.Lt.ColonilSV. H.
Lint,.-U. J. W. Farrei:. G. R. M. Church. F. Sorell. L. E. B. Dykes.
J. K. Kendall. A F. S. Scott. Captain.— R.-M. Brady. (The 2nd and 3rd Brigades
5th Battery, Hong Eon^. 7th Battery, Burmah. j
Lieutenant.-A. F. Pullcn. are formed of the Hamp-
Major.—p.a.e.Vi .V Blandy. Captains. F. P. Minchin.
. — I
gth Battery, Portsmouth. shire and the Isle of Wight
CaylaiH.—.K. Snnkey. A. E. A. Butcher. 1 Major.— F. E. Walter. Artillery MiUtia respect-
Limit.— i. D. Anderson. .— C. F. Steyens. Captain.— Q. W. Gordon. ively.)
H. A. Young. F. A. Hopkins. . Lieuts.—R. L. K. Beynon.
U. O. Brett. T. C. W. Molony.
8th Battery, Trimulgherry. F. J. Smith-Neill.
6th Battery, Singapore.
Major.— W
K. Hogpan.
Major. H.AV. Brackenbury —
loth Battery, Woolwich.
Captain.— U. L. Hcygate.
Captain.— L. P. Garden. Lieuts.—J. G. Baldwin.
Major. P.CE.Newbigglng — WESTEP.N DIVISION.
Litutt«aJit:—Q. W. Rico. Captain .—"R. L. Haines.
T. B. Wood.
F. L. Alford. Lieutenants.— A. S. Buckle. ISI BEIQADE.
G. V. DayidsoD.
G. Keuny. F. H. Metcalfe.
Lieutenant Colonels,
7tb Battery, EawulFindee. 9th Battery, Jutogh. Depot, Woolwich.
Major.-ll. Roberts. Major.-Bt.Lf'.Colonel W. Major.— W. H. Suart. p.s.c. H. M. Moor.!;om, Cape.
Oiptain.-F. B. R. Toms. Aitken. Ca^jfaiH.— G.H.M'Laughlin p.s.c. E.V. Boyle, Devonport.
Litut$.—n. C. V. Harrison. Captain.— O. S. Smyth, DSO. Lieuts.—A. Crawford. B. R. Greig, Jersey.
W, S. ArmitaRe. Litutenanti.—VL. A. Kaye W. Gurdon. H. H. Goodeve, Deyonport.
L. A. Graham-Clarke. E. Bickford. H. A. Barker, Deyonport.
D. G. Scagrim.
8lh Battery, Ferurepore. DIVISION SOUTHERN ist Battery, Bombay.
Major.— \i. F. Huysho. loth Battery, Woolwich.
C<i;>raiii.— S. B. Von Donop. Major.— i. A. Robertson.
Lieutenant Colonels.

Major. A. B. Stopford.
Captain.— H. M. Slater.
Lintlenanlt.—^. H. Hare. Ca/>/ai)i.— E. Tinker. Colonel T. Graham, Sikkim Lieuts.— ¥. R. Phillips.
A. T. Crawford. Lieutenants.— \^. E. Kerrich. Field Force. H. G. Leahy.
W. F. T. Corrie. J. A. Stewart. F. R. Twynam, Gosport.
Qlh Battery, Ferozepore. G. H. Sanders. S. Simpson, Singapore. 2nd Battery, Gibraltar.
Uajor.-W. S. Baldock. Depot Dover ^' ^^' Robertson, Gosport. Major.— G. B. Allen.
Captain.— U, T. Hawkins. Major.— C. m'. Smith. A.Burton-Brown, Woolwich. Captain.— n. K. Jackson.
iim/*.— N. B. Ucffeman. Captain.— Vf. D. Garnctt-' ist Battery, Malta. Lieuts.— H. R. Gotto.
J. F. Browne. Botfield. Major.— W.C.Vf. Arbuthnot, F. S. Butcher.

A. J. I'cilc. Lt>u^fMan/«.— G.W.Rickman Captain.— Vi. N. Henriques.

loth Battery, Baadown.I.W. R. G. Merrinian. ,
Lieufenants.— R. K. Farrant. 3rd Battery, Gibraltar.
Major.— i:. J.. Ca«ey. (The2ndand srdBrigadea' ^- ^'- ^- ^""y- Major.— 3. W. H. Potts.
Captain.-Y. J. Murphy. are formed of the Kent and ^nd Battery, Mauritius. —
Captain. B. R. A.Kerrison,
Lieml:—W. H. U. Smith. Sussex Artillery Militia at Staff College.
ro-l ^y'V'!-"-^-.^- ''^"I'son.
Depot, (Heat Tarmoutb. spcctively.) Captains.— 'Si. O, Hopkins. Lieutenants.— A. B. Murray.
Major. -C. C. Rich. Hon. J. E. P. Vereker. E. L. Tomkins.
Caplaim.-Uu„. A. Lambart. Lieutenants.— 11. St. G. Ross.
A. A. M'Hardy. 4th Battery, Malta.
LUult.—Hl. J. A. n. Muter.
H. C. O. RuKsell. LONDON DIVISTON. 3rd Battery, Bermuda. Captains.—SY. 0. Hunter-
(The and and jrd Brigades 1ST BRIOADE. Captain.— G. B. Smith. Blair.
are f->nne<l of the Norfolk Lirulenanl Colonels. Lieuts. — R. S. Macgowan. C. U. S. Vores.

Lieutenants. W. H. Olivier.
Mil HufTolk Artillery .Militia Colonel H. dc S. Isaacson ^^'- Arthy.

r««|iocuvcly.) Woolwich. ' H. M. Elliot. C. H. de Rougemont.

do B. Tupper, Woolwich.'
B. P. P. Langdon.
4th Battery, Malta.
Colonel W.I', n udgen, D50. --
Major. —K. Barron.


5th Battery, Agra.

Capt. J. A. Labalmondiere
8ION. E. H. Wiekhnm, Malta. iiVi//".— A. J.Saltren-Willet.
Zlajor. —
H. N. Jervois.
Captain.— W. 3. Hicks.
«T loioa. C. E. B. Leacock, Malta. W. C. Curme. —
Lieutena nts. R. F. Brewster
lAt%trnant CulonrI: E. P. Carter.
M i8t Battery, Campbellpore. M. J. MacCarthy.
F. H
MComland. Bar- Major.— 3. H. R jsseter. R
5th Battery, a wul Pindee. A. D. Kirby.
Iwd'joi. Major.— F. M. E. Vibart.
Co;)/ain.— A. H. Block.
II. V. Jonea, Dover Captain.— Sir 3. H. J. W, 6th Batteri', Pembroke Dock,
J. O. Pollock, Dover. ^"•"'/"""'••-C. E. Phipps.
A. B. Saunders. Jervis, Bart. Major.— T. R. Disney.
C. 8. H*rvey, Dover.
K. J. Hoxlct, HbcomcM.
H. Johnstone. Lieuts.— V,. D. C. Cameron. Captain. A. E. Hay.—
and Baltcry, Jutogh.
J. A. I. French.
8. Lethbridge.

Lieutenants. L. Ii. Harper.
lat Il«u«ry, Gibraltar.
Mmjor.-i. (i. Uppieby. Major.-ni. LI. Colonel G. T, 6th Battery, Bombay. 7th Battery, Hong Kong.
Carri'. |

C'.Fl.i,.-pa.:¥.\i.vLp^r} Major.— F. Howard. Major.— v. W. H. Miles.

/W«ow,._H.O.F. K. do Caplain.-n. F. Mercor.
'"'"'•-M. B. Bickncll
Caplain.—A. H. Gordon. Capfain.—C. E. Reynolds.
Motitmoroncy. Lieutenant,.- 3. C. Thorp. Lieuts.— n. S. Woodcock.
W. G. 8. Og((.
I". Hautidora. F. Aik-nliead. F. 0. Vigiiolos.
j F. W. 8. Stonton.
D. O Morris. A. H. Lee.
Boijal Artillery.
8th Battery, Cape Town.
9tli Battery, Shoeburyness Depot, Newport, Mon.
Uajor.—X. L. Lane. Major.— 3. Depot, Londonderry,
Captain.— V. H. Crampton. P. Ewin;^.
Captain.— i. M. Simpson.
Major-B. G. P. Selfe. Major. —
Lieuts.—ll. il. B. Ruthven. Captain.— W. R. Taylor. Captain.— J. S. Douglas.
Lieuts.—u.. 0. W. Eteson. Ueuienants.-A. G. Norria.
H. \V. A. Christie. Lieuts.—B. M. Bateman.
A. H. Thorp, S. W. W. Blacker.
H. C. Marshall. (The 2nd, 3rd,,6th,7th,
loth Battery, Dover. Sth, and gth Brigades are
9th Battery, Singapore. (The 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and formed
Major.—n. Major.— \Y. P. Thring. ot the Antrim, the
5m±ingades are formed of Donegal, the
S. Watson. Dublin City,
Captain.~\. T. W'arre. Captain.— a. G. Prinsep. the Glamorgan, the Carmar
Licit).— W. A. Nicholson. the Mid-Ulster, the Wick-
Lieutenanff.—x. \v. Evans then the Pembroke, an( low,
the Sligo, and the Lon-
N. G. Barron. Depot, Leith. the Cardigan Artillery Mi donderry Artillery Militia
W. Jennings, Major.— R. de Marylski. litia
respectively.) respectively.)
loth Battery, Woolwich. Captain.-W. H. B. Heygate
Major.— A. \V.
Lieutenants.— 0. E. Rolt
Captain.— V. W. il. Lane. P. Foster. SOUTH IRISH DIVISION.
Lieut.— F. A. Dick. (The 2nd, 3rd, 1ST BHIGADB.
4th, sth,
Hon. R. E. il. llostyn. and 6th Brigarles are formed NORTH IRISH DIVISION Lieutenant Colonels.
of the Haddington, ColonelT. A. Davis, Queens-
Depot, Devonport. Edinburgh, the Fife, the town.
Major.— J. \v. Yerbury. Forfar and Kmcardino, and
Lieutenant Colonels. Colonel J. H. Blackley,
C<t;ji!«i«.— G.D'A.Ale.xander Portsmouth.
the Ar-vll and Ijuto Arti H. Latham, Londonderry.
Lieutei!a,if.i.—:ii. Taylor. p.s.c Colonel G. W. Borradaile,
lery Militia ros].uctivelv.) Colonel H. L. Mitchell
A. G. Scott. CS., Bombay.
T. E .Mar.-haU. Colonel E. H. Holley, Gibral- CoZ.T. j.Jones,Spike Island.
(The 20(1 anil ^rJBriga tar.
are formed of the Cornwall WELSH DIVISION. Colonel F. T. Lloyd, CB.
1st Battery, St. Helena.
and Devon Miners and the 1ST BEIOiDB. '
Major.— Col. L. P. Perry.
Captain.— F. B. Elmslie. Gibraltar.
Devon Arlillery Militia re Lieutenant Colonels.
spectively.) A. H. Murray, Meerut.
Lieuts.—G. W. Richardson.
T. B. Tyler, Newport, Mon 1st Battery, Malta. H. R. Palmer.
^aJor.—R. A. R. Y. Kirkpatrick.
SCOTTISH DIVISION. P-s.c. G. A. Noyes. Halifa.x Captain.— E.H.A.W. Plunkett 2nd
N.S. Panshawe. Battery, Newport (Mon,)
S. Gordon, Pembroke Lieutenants. -G. W. Greer Major.— F. W. Radcliti;
Lieutenant Colonels. C. N. B. Ballard.
Colonel G. B. Macdonell, Dock. UQitain.—A. Bell-Irving.
W. E. Wailes. Lieuls.-J. c. Kirk.
Edinburgh. St Battery, Roorkee. J- vV. Ormiston.
G. J. Buro^inann, Aberdeen
Major.— J. C. Roliinson. id Battery, Bermuda. K. Combe.
... J.UUU1.-5UU, IjeHQ J<- 3Iu -C. R. W. Hervey. 3rd Battery, Rawul Pindee.
'-tenants.— n. E. J. Brake
F. Galloway, Sheerness. Captain.— W. H.Cummiiigs Major.— R. A. C. King.
H. A. Lake. Captain.-F. K. Kent.
Lients.—R. Morley.
ist Battery, Allahabad. H. A. Reid. L,euts.—F. L. Donaldson.
J. A. Thornton.
Major.-V. K. L. Beaver. G. G. DowcU.H, C. Sandford.
Captain.— T^. A. P. Hobday. 2nd Battery, Roorkee, >

P. de B. Young.
Lieutenants.— K. B. Foote. Major.— 'E. Lake.
Captain.— G. B. Watkins. 3rd Battery, Malta. 4th Battery, Kurrachee.
C. T. Bell.
A. F. E. Stifife. Lieutenants.— G.G.Tra.lLerne. Major.— G. Mackinlay. Major.— G. M. Stevens.
0. R. Hodgins. Captain.— H.. A. Inglis. Cfyji'«i«.—". Chamberlain
2nd Battery, Rawul Pindee. E. W. Davies. Lieiitenanfs.—A.'D.FieeUnd ite«Ce«anfs.—C.E. F.Walker
Ma,or.-^. R. L. Morgan. R. E. Home. C. A. Molony.
Captain.-R. L. Williams- 3rd Battery, Jamaica. H. F. Head.
Foote. Major.—Jj. W. Parsons. 4th Battery, Fort St. George,
5th Battery, Guernsey and
Lieutenanfs.—V.;i. S.Cleeve, Captain.— G. G. Neish. Madras.
M. L. Carleton. Alderney.
Lieutenants.— A.. B. Denne. Major.— K. T. Lugard. 3IaJor.—H.. Lyall.
R. D. Gnbbins. K.. W. Boger. Captain.— J. R. B. Davidson Captain.-W.

G. de Jersey.
Lieutenants.— J). P. L. Birch. Lieutenants.
3rd Battery, Roorkee.
4th Battery, Mhow. L. J. Chapman.
A. M. Tyler — '

Captains.— W. p. ICing. A. S. Miller.

A. B. Purvis. Major.— G. M. Western. A. A. B. Proom. P. W. Dent.
Lieuts.-R. J). Anderson. Captain.— S,. C. U. Smith.
Lieiitenants.—E.G.Ga.ineTo-a sth Battery, Portsmouth. 6th Battery, Sheerness.
C. E. 0'Le:irv.
A. J. Battme. G. O. S. Pringle. Majoi Major.— A. R. Eraser.
S. H. Hooper. Captains.—-g_. G. Ricardo.
Captain.— W. R. Prickett.
4th Batrei-y, Malta. Lieuts.—T>. McKay.
5th Battery, Quetta. C. T. Head.
Major.— G. E. Brown. E. A. Routh.
Lieuts.—i;:. A. Tancred.
Captain.— Jj. Bell. Captains.— -E. Cassan.

Lieutenants.— J. p. Pishe W. E. Wingdeld. 7th Battery, Portsmouth.

K. J. W. Murchison. A. P. H. Desborough.
H. de L. Walters. Lieutenants.— G. P. Almon.
Major.— R. w. Rainsford-
5th Battery, Shoeburyness. O. A. Smith.
6th Battery, Sheerness. Captain.— A. 'o.'. Powell.
Major.-J. J. Congdon. P. R. Patch.

Major.-'S,. G. Pairtlou.rh. Lieuis.-Kon. M. R. C. Ward

J. C. C. Bromfield.
Ll!^, '^^f.^-ttery.PembrokeDock Captain.— J. A. Coxhead.
St. L. L. N. Nott.
^..MacdoLu^^- l^ZiZl^-^^. Sth B.ittery, Gosport
6th Battery, Portsmouth. Lieuis.—U. W. Taylor
7th Battery, Golden Hill, J/a/W.-H. A.'Srott.
Major.- P. C. Owen. Isle of Wight. Captain.— -&. W. M. Shewell.
Ca,,fau,,-CH Alexander. Major.— G. J. Pl,-iyfair. Lieutenants.— 'J!. A. Cumino-
7th Battery, Plymouth. W. J. K. Rettie.
Captain.— K. G. Burrowo,«
ri.«t.i'R^-E'.Srn^^-^- f''>'V-r- p. Kirnan. Lieuts.—\. E. Harrison. 9th Battery, Portsmouth.
C. L. Basovi Captains.— G. e. Benson, at H. B. Hill. Major.— A. S. Gritflths.
T.' A
A. t;,:u-
Tigho. StatrCnll^,,,.
College. Captain. -G. F. Magrath.
Lieutenants —-3.. J. Kelsall Sth Battery, Weymouth Lieuts.-A. T. An.lerson.
7th Battery, Jhansi.
L. D. Praser.
Major.-G. S. Skipton. Major.— G. J. Blake. Depot. Spike Island.
Capfa,n.-F. R. Thackeray L Battery,
Plymouth. Captain.— St. Ma/orJ. Adve Major.— W. F. Graham.
L,euts.-E. D. Cameron. Captains.— Ij. Birrett.
•, at StaJS" College.
Captain.— p. J.R.Crampton.
A. R. Burlton. W. S. Churchward. Lieuts.-G. Burrard. Lieuts.—S. D. Price Davies
^ I

(The 2nd 3rd, 4th, 5th;

J- B. Mackintosh. \i^ieutenant.—\y. L. Warren. H. E. Fennethorno.
6th, and 7th Brigades
qth Battery, Plymouth.
formed of the West Cork,
Ma)or.—V> Cotton.
. Cork Harbour the Cork City, the Limerick
^apf,-p.s.c.\y.U.a.Wat^rs2/<i/or.-J.F. Bally.
Major.— Vf. P. Georges. the

Tipperary, the
Lieuts.—}1. .(.p. £ Captain.— Vf.
>-«i>'"»«.— »v M. Jttussell.
JVI. Russell. VVateiford, and the Clara
^.aptam.-l,. 1 C.n'"'\V-"o, ,
M. B\a.ckeT.\
I( .

P. E. Nixon. Lieutenants.— 0. O Adai-- Artillery

Lieutenant.-\. Benweil. Militia respec-

E. G. Cheke. |

i8s-6 Coast Brigade of Artillery. [Horse Guards.

V»«rtStr. CAPTAIN.
Apr. 72 7Jun 26 Apr. 85
Ritchie, SUifOJicer, Uorte Gtiardt, W. O....
James 10 Mar. 75 28 Oct. 80 I Apr. 87
Micbaoi Tracy, Flymouth 1 Apr, 87
10 Mar. 75 17 Dec.
Bobert Samuel Sutherland,' Tynemouth
Thomas Duncan Richej-* tQr.if<M<«ri Apr. 76)...... 25 Aug. 77 10 June
.Boldrn Duiid^tt Porterfield, Adjutant i CuvtberUind't 25 Aug. 77 16 Sept. 82
Artillrru rolunteert J, .

William Uuvall, Edinburgh ^5 Aug. 77 16 Nov. 82


Joseph Xl'CaUery, Graoetend 24 Nov. 77 13 Mar. 83

Nov. 77 12 May 84
Henrv Maples. Dublin ,
Joseph I'orter, Toieer of London
- .
24 Nov. 77 26 Apr. 85
Froilerick Gunning Po\vnall, Cork •• 24 Nov. 77 19 Sept. 85
.Alfxandtr John LimUay, Adjutant Tynemouth}
24 Nov. 77 10 Jan,
Artillerg Volunteert i
'jokn E^arf. Adjutant i Banff Artillery Volunteers 17 Apr. 7S July
Frederick Peter Tardif, Ouermey 7 Ap 78 15 July 86
orgf Samuel Marth. Adj. i Lanarkihire Art.roh...\26 June 78
20 Aug.
Edward Fountain, Adj. 6 Laneathire Art. Volunteera. ig Apr. 79 20 Aug.
Edward Dixon," ICoolwich 24 Mar. 80 20 Apr.
, Edward Aldridgo,* Porttmouth 14 Apr. 1

JFi»iui»i Abbott IFatkint,Adjutant 1 Invernesa Art.


31 Dec. 1

Volunteert, vith rank of Captain

9 tsept.
George Webster, Woolieich 9 Sept.
Alexander Richard Pcnfold, Colchester 4 Oct. 82
Edward Dawson, Ncvport, Hon -.. 12 May
Uenrv William Albert Collins,'" Adjutant 5 Lati-")
20 June 83
eashire Artillery Volunteers, vcith rank of Captain )
Eichard Bailey, Adjutant i Orkney Artillery \ i» Captain Collins served with the
July 83 Expedition in 1877-78 7
Volunteers, with rank of Captain S Jowak'
Henry Bowman," Plymouth 2 July 84 (Medal with Clasp). Served in the
Walter Osborne, Newcastle-on-Tyne 18 Mar. 85 Afghan vrar of 1878-79, and was present
Arthur Bruce Chamberlin, Silsea 10 June at the attack and capture of Ali Musjid.
William Phillips, Eastbourne 19 Sept.85 (Medal with Clasp).
Edward Turner, Oreat Yarmouth 19 Sept." 11 Lieut. Bowman served in the
Eichard Price, Adjutant i Eenfreto and Dumbarton \ Egyptian war of 1882, and was present
7 Nov.
Artillery Volunteers, xcith rank of Captain j at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned
Henry Orchard, Oosport 7 Nov. 85
despatches, Medal with Clasp, and
William Pickup, J/uriricA 7 Apr. Khedive's Star).
William Henry Popplestone, Paull Point, Hull 12 Lieut. Laird served in the Egyptian
[Robert James M'Cracken, Londonderry 8 May war in 1882, and was present in the action
'John Henry Chinn, Aberdeen 14 Aug, at Kassasin on the gth September—
George Arthur Cecil Digby WingQeld, Preston 14 Aug. 86 severely wounded (mentioned in des-
John Russell, Sea forth, Licerpooi 8 Sept, patches, Medal, and Khedive's Star).
Robert Montgomery Laird,'* IVoohcich 20 July 87
William Paine Furner, Pigeon House Fort, Dublin.. 12 May
Thomas Young Osmond, TV '11 May '

Major Sutherland served throughout the Crimean campaign of 1854-55, and was present at the affairs of Bui
nnnc and M'Kenzie's Farm, battles of Ahmi and Inkerman, capture of Balaklava, siege and fall of Sebastopo
Medal with three Clasps, and Turkish Modal). Served the campaign or
(Mtdul of i860 in China, including the stormin)
of TongWii and the Taku Forts (Medal with Clasp). Also in the operations against the Taeping rebels, includin;
the taking of Knhding.
•_<-'apUiin Richcy served in the second phase of the Ashanti war in
1874 (Medal).
'*""'" '^'^"" "served in the Eastern campaign in 1854-55, and was present at the affairs at Bulganac am
il Kenzio'K Farm, at the battles of the Alma, Balaklava, Inkerman, and Tchernaya, and at the siege c
fccba«Ujpol (Mfdiil with four Clas^ps, and Turkish Medal).
•*•''';'«" scrV^ed in the Eastern campaign in 1854-56, and was present at the siege of Sebastopol (Meda
v>ith CliiMp. nnd Turkish Medal). Served in the Indian Mutiny campaign in 1858 (Medal).

Royal Malta Fencible Artillery.

The Uoyal Cyi)her and a Maltese Cross. " Egypt,'i882."
Lt.Colovils Augufllinus Paulas Michael Alexius Aloysius Portelli,i CMG., 18
Nov. 82 {Colonel, 18 Nov. S6)
Commanding the Regiment, 16 Apr. 84.
•Frederick Giitt, 10 Nov. 85.

M.-h'"*!.^'""^?'"'' i? ^''o-
laoloHernurd, .oNov.Sj.
^^- '1 °"*John Rutter, 10 Nov. 85.
| 'Edmund Rizzo, 10 Nov. 83. ',

• iir a . ., Captains. iI

March 84. .Alfred Cavarra,^ 15 May 84.

•Urlmr,?"," •^r"'"'"'/^
Richard Uu.nlo.1,, Apr. 84; 5«j,m«/<-«,7.„< I I!

'Alexander Mattei," 15 Nov. 84. '!

'Ktitadini-.u'rit , i >r o, ,.
Anton.ou.ilt (.i.(y«M„/,5May84).i6Apr.84.
Charles Trapani.s 10 Nov. 85. 'j

"Alfred Trapani," 10 Nov. 85. |

•AohillcH P. P. M. J A. P. X. Snmut. . Sep'i!''8o!'T'''Alfred Vella «

16 Mav 8.

iiii.rv. Ai. I I. 11 1 T^ -
Sbcowd Libutbnants. i

"""'' ' °'''- ^^- l ^^^^^^ nom-c^\, 31 Dec. 87.
A Jjulanl.— 'Captain Antonio Gatt, 15 May 84
•X'j!,''"---'^'^rmo\o Grech, 5 Miirch 84.
U,d,cul Offlcer.-Surgeon Major 'Lorenzo Ma..clii>.3i-D.
27 Feb 75
Blue— Facings Scarlet.
» Col
War Services.
» C*i ""* '^^' ^""'"'^ "f Lt.Golouel, CMG.,
Medal, and Khedi' s Star).
I'lI,Uw,%^';-''° '"" °l '

* Cmy >
, tl.,, w
5''"" ° '^^^ ^^"^"^^ t^-^'^ Khedive's Star)

•c»,.. "' '882 (Modal, and Khedive's Star).

rvod in
rNoa tlu.' l'""
i.. the "r" of .S82 with
nnd Ki..v| the Commissariat and Transport S fE (Med

,M.pwi.^ri^:r»l^^.sss.T:'.^.v•i•&ic^^^^^^^^ with Clasp, and Ebedivf

War Services of the Officers of the Royal Artillery. 187-8
1The Duke of Cambridge.— For War Services, see Grenadier Guards.
' Sir Jolin St. George served in the Crimean campaign from March 1855, and commanded the siege train at the
allofSebastopol(lirevetofColoael, C^., Medal with Clas^), Officer of the Legion of Honor, 4th Class of the Mediidie,
md Turkish Medal).
Sir CoUingwood Dickson served on the staff of Lord Raglan during the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, and was
iresent at the affairs of Bulganac and M'Ken^ie'sFarm, the battles of Alma and Inkerman, capture of Balaklava,
xpedition to Kertch, and siege of Sebastopol (wounded 4th Feb. 1855) ; commanded the right siege train, and was
iresent at the bombardments of 17th October, 9th April, and 17th Juna (Medal with four Clasps, CB., Aide de Camp
o the Queen and Colonel, Victoria Cross, Officer of the Legion of Honor, 2nd Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish
d:edal) : was awarded the lT(iE "for having, on the 17th October 1854, when the batteries of the Right Attack
lad run short of powder, displayed the greatest coolness and contempt of danger in directing the unloading of
leveral waggons of the field battery which were brought up to the trenches to supply the want, and having
)ersonally assisted in carrying the powder barrels under a severe fire from the enemy.'' He is also a Knight of
Charles the Third, ist Class St. Fernando, and Knight of Isabella the Catholic.
' Sir David Edward Wood commanded the Royal Artillery on the Eastern frontier of the Cape of Good Hope

Luring the insurrection ot the Boers and Kaffirs in 1S42-43 (Medal). Served in the Crimean campaign of 1854-55,
knd commanded the Royal Artillery of the 4th Division at the battles of Balaklava and Inkerman, repulse of the
ortie on the 26th Oct. 1854, and during the siege of Sebastopol, until the final capture of the town was afterwards

amoved to the command of the Royal Horse Artillery, which he commanded until the close of the war in June 1856
Medal with three Clasps, CB., Brevet of Colonel, Officer of the Legion of Honor, 4th Class of the Medjidie, and
Turkish Medal). Commanded the Royal Horse Artillery in India from Oct. 1857 to Feb. 1859; commanded the
loj-al Horse Artillery in the affair of Pandora, where they acted as Cavalry and charged and defeated a large
brce of rebel Sepoys; commanded as Brigadier the Field Artillery in the operations previous to and during the
liege of Lucknow, and at the conclusion of the siege and final capture of the town commanded the whole of
he Artillery until the Army was broken up. Subsequently to the capture of Lucknow was appointed to command
he Station and Fort of Allahabad, and carried on the successful operations against the rebels in that part of the

lountry four times mentioned in despatches (Medal with Clasp, KCB.).
« Sir James William Fitzmayer served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the affairs of Bulganac and

I'Kenzie's Farm, battles of Alma and Inkerman, siege and fall of Sebastopol, and repulse of the sortie on the 26th
)ctober 1854 was complimented on parade by Sir De Lacy Evans for his manner in bringing the Artillery at the

Lima under "the hottest fire," and was again thanked by Sir De Lacy, and twice mentioned in his despatch on the
epulse of the sortie on 26th October 1854 (Medal with three Clasps, CB., Officer of the Legion of Honor, 4th Class of
ho Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
' General Askwith while attached to the British Embassy in Spain in 1838-39, was attached to the Spanish Army
luring the Carlist War. The decorations of ist Class St. Fernando, Commander Isabella the Catholic, and Knight
)f Chai'les the Third have been conferred on him.
' Sir Charles D'Aguilar served the Crimean campaign from September 1854 to March 1855, including the battle
if Inkerman (horse shot) and siege of Sebastopol, in the Trenches with the siege train, and at the bombardment of

7th October (Medal with two Clasps, CB.. 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Served the Indian cam-
)aign of 1857-5S, and commanded the Artillery of General Franks' Force at the action of Secundra, also commanded
he Royal Horse Ai-tillery at the siege and capture of Lucknow (three times mentioned in despaUihes, Brevet of
jOlonel, Medal with Clasp).
1° General Phillpotts served in the Crimean campaign from June to September 1855, including the siege and

all of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal) .Has also received the Syrian
Hedalof 1S41.
'1 Sir John Miller Adye served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 as Assist.Adjt.General of Royal Artillery, and

raa present at the affairs of Bulganac andM'Kenzie's Farm, thebattlesof Alma, Balaklava, and Inkerman, capture
if Balaklava Castle, siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with four Clasps, CB., Commander of the Legion of H onor,

,th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Served in India in 1857-58 as Assist.Adjt. General of Royal Artillery,
kiid was present at the action of PandooNuddee 26th Nov., operations before Cawnpore under General Windham,
7th 28th and 29th Nov., battle of Cawnpore and defeat of the Gwalior Contingent 6th Dec. 1857 (three times men-
ioned in despatches, Medal). Employed on special service with the expedition of 1863 against the tribes on the
Sforth-West Frontier of India, and was present at the storm of Laloo, capture of Umbeylah, and destruction of
Slulkah (Medal with Clasp). Served as Chief of the Staff in the Egyptian war of 1882, with the rank of General,
ind was present at the engagements of Tel-el-Mahuta, Kassasin (9th Sept.), and in the battle of Tel-el-Kebir
[twice mentioned in despatches, received the thanks of both Houses of Parliament, GCB., Medal with Clasp,
Brand Cross of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star).
1^ General H. L. Gardiner served in the operations at Prescott in Upper Canada in 1838. Also in the pursuit
Df Tantia Topee in Central India in 1858.
'* Sir Michael Biddulph served throughout the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the battles of Alma,
Balaklava, and Inkerman, and siege and fall of Sebastopol; served as an Assistant Engineer in the trenches
md as Director General of Submarine Telegraphs in the Black Sea (mentioned in despatches. Brevets of Major and
[it.CoIonel, Medal with four Clasps, Knight of the Legion of Honor, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
DuTLtig the Afghan war in 1878-79 he commanded the Quetta Field Force and the 2nd Division of the Candahar
Field Force, and was present at the occupation of Candahar and in the engagement at Khushk-i-Nakhud ; after-
ivards comm.anded the Thull Chotiali Field Force (mentioned in despatches, received the thanks of both Houses
)f Parliament, KCB., and Medal). [See also Civil Decorations for Gallantry, p. 128.]
1^ Sir Edward Hamley served the Eastern campaign of
1854-55, including the affairs of Bulganac and M'Kenzie's
farm, the battles of Alma (horse shot), Balaklava, and Inkerman (horse killed), the siege and fall of Sebastopol,
tnd repulse of the sortie on the 26th October 1854 (mentioned in despatches. Medal vrith four Clasps, Brevets
)f Major and Lt. Colonel, Knight of the Legion of Honor, Sardinian and Turkish Medals, and 2nd Class of the
VIedjidie, and CB.). Sir Edward Hamley is the author of "The Operations of War," a work that may confidently bo

sharacterized as one of the most invaluable modern military books extant "there exists nothing to compare
vith it in the English language for enlightened, scientific, and sober teaching in the general art of war " vide

The Times of ist Nov. i86g. Served in the Egyptian war of 1882 in command of the 2nd Division, and was present
It the battle of Tel-el-Kebir, where he led the Division (received the thanks of both Houses of Parliament, twice
nentioned in despatches, KCB., Medal with Clasp, 2nd Class of the Osmanieh, and Khedive's Star).
'* Lieut. General
Hon. B. T.Gage served in the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 as Brigade Major to the Royal Artillery,
md was present at the affairs of Bulganac and M'Kenzie's Farm, the battles of Alma, Balaklava, and Inkerman,
iapture of Balaklava, siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with four Clasps, Brevets of Major and Lt.Colonel).
Sardinian and Turkish Medals, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and CB.) was also present with the Turkish Army under

)mar Pasha during the operations at Rudchuck and Giurgevo, in the summer of 1854, and has received the Gold
Hedal for the campaign on the Danube, awarded to him by the Turkish Government.
" Lieut.General Henry served in the Crimean campaign of 1855, in the Trenches with the siege train before
>ebastopol (severely wounded), and at the bombardments of gth April, 5th and 17th June (Medal with Clasp,
3revets of Major and Lt.Colonel, Sardinian and Turkish Medals, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and CB.).
J' Sir Charles George Arbuthnot served in the Crimean war from May 1855, including the siege and fall of
sebastopol, in the Trenches vrith the siege train, and at the bombardments of 6th and 17th of June— twice
rounded (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp, sth Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish
Medal). Served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and commanded the expedition against the Wuzeeree Khugianis.
Use commanded a Moveable Column in the operations in the Hissarik and Lughman Valleys (mentioned in
espatche3,irCJ5., and Medal). Served with the Burmese Expedition in 1887 in chief command of the forces
received the thanks of the Government of India, mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp).
*' Lieut.General
Smyth served in the Crimean campaign from June 1855, including the siege and fall of
ebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
" Sir Robert Biddulph served throughout the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the battles of Alma and
alaklava, siege and fall of Sebastopol, and expedition to Kertch (Medal with three Clasps, Turkish Medal, and 5th

189 liar Services of the Officers of the Eoyal Artillery.

Scn-ed in the Indian campaign of 1S57-58. including the action of Kalee Nuddee^ sir ge
Cl&«« of the Mcajulic).
capturo of Lucknow (as D.A.Q.M.General of ArtiUerj-). action of Jamo (as Brigade
Major to the Field Force), an
arfiir of I»ao.xl,.oorc. Served as D.A.AdjuUint General of the Oude Force
under Sir Hore Grant from Oct. 1S58
o-ul w,. ., ..'it in the operations in the Bj'swarra district, passage of the
Gogra, and various actions on th
ilsoonemtions there in 1850 terminating in the forcing of the Jerwah Pass (several times men

hcs Medal with Clasp). Served as Military Secretary with the expedition to China
iSeo, an( m
u , ho'Tangku, capture of Taku
. Forts, actions near Tangchow, and surrender of Pekin (Brevet
y. i!. two Clasps). Was promoted Brevet Lt.Colonel for services in India. „„,,,
' 1. .t I,, h.ral Tapper served in the Kastern campaign of 1854-55, including the battles of Balaklaya an(

Inkeiiiiaii (wounded), tho siege and fall of Sebastopol, and repulse of the sortie on the 26th October 1854
with three CInsp.s, Brevet of Major, Sardinian and Turkish Medals, and 5th Class of the Medjidie).
« Lieut. General H. Brackenbury served in India in 1857-58, and was present at the action ol Banda and capture c
Kirwce (Medal with Clasp). In the Franco-German war ofi87o-7i was attached by the Government to the service c

I bo British National Society for Aid to the Sick and Wounded, and was present with the armies till the conclusio
of the Armibtice. For bis cervices in this capacity he was appointed Officer of the Legion of Honor by specu
decree ..f the French Government of National Defence, was made a Knight of the First Class of the Royal Bavaria
Onlcr of St. Michael, and received the Iron Cross from the Emperor of Germany. Accompanied Sir Game
Wulsiliv to the Gold Coast in September 1873 as Assistant Military Secretary, and served throughout the Ashani
war of i'S75-74, including the action of Fssamen, relief of Abrakrampa, battle of Amoaful, battle of Ordahsu an
Ciiplurc of Coumasoie (mentioned in deppatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp). In 1875 was further re warde^
with the Brevet of hi Colonel on return from special service with Sir Garnet Wolselcy in Natal. Served as Militar;
Secretary 10 Sir Garnet Wolselcy in the latter part of the Zulu war, and throughout the operations agams
tekukuwi in 1879, being prctent at the storming of the stronghold. Performed the duties of Chief of the Stair ii
South Africa from the zqth Sept. 1879 to the 7th Feb. 1880 (mentioned in despatches, CS., Medal with Clasp)
Str\ed in the Soudan campaign in 1885 under Lord Wolscley as Deputy Adjutant and Quarter Master Genera.
and was prettnt in the entiagcment ai Kirbekan (menticncd in despatches) alter the death of Major Geners ;

Knrlc ho commanded the Nile Column (mentioned in despatches, promoted Major General for distinguishe
«cr\-ice m
the field, Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
" Major General H. J. Hay served as Assistant Adjutant Ceneral of Artillery with the expedition to China in 1861
and was present at Sinho, Tangku, capture of Taku Forts, actions near Tangchow, and surrender of Pekin (Brev(
of Major, Medal with two Clasps).
" Major General W. J. Williams served in the Crimean campaign from May 1855, including the siege an
fall of Scbastopol (wounded), in Trenches with siege train, and at bombardments of 6th and 17th June (Brevet (

Major, Medal with Clasp, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Served with the Jowaki Afrecde
Expedition in 1677-78 in command of the Artillery (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Cla.sp). Served in tt
Afghan war in 1S7S-79, and was present at the attack and capture of Ali Musjid (mentioned in despatches, Medi
with Clasp).
^" Major General Goodenongh served in the Indian campaign of 1857-58, including the action of Pando*
Knddee, siege and capture of Lucknow, attack and capture o"f Fort Birwah— severely wounded (three time
mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp). Served the Egyptian war of 1882 in comnian
of the Royal Artillery, and was present at the engagements of El Magfar, Tel-el-Mahuta, Kassasin (gth Sept.) an

in the battle nf Tel-el-Kebir (twice mentioned in despatches, CB., Medal with Clasp, 2nd Class of the Medjidie, an
'*'>'' C. C. TeesUale served as Aide de Camp to Major General Sir W. P. Williams during the whole of t!
blockade of Kars. and at the battle on the Heights above that town on the 29th Sept. 1855. Successfully held t :

Hedoubt called " Vuksek Tabia" for the space of seven and a half hours under a very heavy fire on the 29th Se]
1855, and was mentioned in the despatch. Received a severe contusion from a grape-shot in the leg. The rank
Lt. Colonel and the 3rd Class of the Turkish Imperial Order of the Medjidie were conferred upon him by the Sultii
in a letter from the Foreign Office, dated 7th March 1855, Her Majesty's Government conveyed their sense
approval of his efforts in averting from the Garrison of Kars the horrors that they suffered from famine in the
coding wmter. In virtue of his rank of Lt.Colonel in the Turkish Service he received the Order of Companion
the Bath and that of the 4th Class of the Legion of Honor.
Has also received the Victoria Cross was award :

'f'Jj, gallant conduct 29th September 1S55, in having, while

L «-*rT-
acting as Aide de Camp to Major Genei
fcirMilliam lenwiek Williams, Jiart., KCB., at, Kars, volunteered to take command of the force engaged in t,
ao.ence of the most advanced part of tlm «-<,rk-^, t),o kov of the
position, against the attack of the Russian arm
wncn, by throwing himself into the mi. I~: v, who had penetrated into the above redoubt, he encouratr
wie jfiimson to make an attack so vi-.
.e out the Russians therefrom, and prevent its capture al ;

or iiaving, during the hottest part of i!,

.,1, the enemy's fire had driven the Turkish artillerymen hr ,.

""" 'atter, and by hi.- ;,.i;.,, .,.,:. tuii.le induced them to return to their post
uuv 111. r": ., T
lea the ll„nl e mrge which completed the
and further, n
victory of the day, for having, at the greatest personal risk, s n v

'"?<=' "'" i >"•''» ? considerable number of the disabled among the enemj-, who were lying wounded r,
Biao 11,0 w.,rks,— iiii aruon witnessed and acknowledged gratefully before the Russian Staff by General Mouraviell
f'-strunge served in the Crimean campaign from Dec.
tnvin i!»f J ".
1854, in the Trenches with the sic
^i « T.V)?, "''V''''
•""'^V'>^^",''''™''"'^<^'"^"'^»'j''9t^Apriland6thand 17th Jime-severely wounded, and li;it
'" '^'=*P''''^^cs. Medal with Clasp, Brevet of Major, Sardinian and Turkish Mcdn
anilTth CwT?,f uli.'Mcd'irt^^^
.M:.. .1;. •,.r,i M G. Purvis H served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and took part with the expedition agaii

'"'•'""j served in the Crimean campaign from June

1855, including the siege and f

II '.1
w'H«Cla8p,andTurkishModal). Served in India in 185S, and was engagedm the repulse oft

pr.-eniut l' '.".! "i" V?" ."^J. V^*'

^'.'"''^ (mentioned in despatches); also served Central India, and \i
Nahurgah; subsequently commanded a ilvini: roliiniu in pursuit of Tantia Topi.
»,'i."Jl *i ^'Ji".^^
..., . „ V. ,,
r ,t'7^"' ';« ""W""'" ^"J".'- '" H'e Koynl Artillery of tl.o Mal« a Division (Medal).
,:''',-^'''.'""'!°r ^^'T'^''
, !
'" ">o Afghan war of .878-80 in commnud of Royal Artillery, and was p-

" "^^ Girishk, Khushk-i-Nakhud. and Shahjui, and at t

Vailed Mcd^^^^^
(terved ill the Crimean campaign from April
1855, including the siege and fall of Sel'

lurkish Modal). Served in the Iiulian Mutiny campaign in iSsS-sg.and was pro
uii.l -

-pturc .If l.uckiiow, and in c .minand of a Fiel.l Battery

during the rest of thecampaign includi
'i-<Miml Nawiibgimge, the pas.«ngc of the Gogra,
the engagement at Muchligaou, and mii
'"1 '^''l;""*''^''. Uievctof -Major. Medal with Clasp). Served in the Afghan war of 187S- ,

'.viil Artillery at Candahar

from February 18791111 March 18S0, in the advance to Cabal un.
1, miiiu cngagoiiientsat Ahmed Khoyl(iueutioiiedin
despatches) and Urzoo near Ghuznee ;
<Ti« » march to andahar and at the battle of Caudahar (mentioned in despatches, CB., Me

. iii.l Briiiizo Dccoraiion). f • >

' •^'**'*"' campaign of 1854-55, including the affairs of Bulganac and M'Kenz e
I V,'', V'l"
i.:ilaklava, and Inkermnn, siogo and fall of
Scbastopol, repulse of the sortie on the 26th C .
iiip to (.oiiural .Markhain at the final
assault of the Redan on the 8th September (mentio: 1
lour (liiMp.H. Kiuglit ofthe Legion of Honor, 5th Class of the Med.iidie,and TurkishMed ^
''''"/ ''''""''^" campaign from June
1855, including the siege and fal |f
''\nT!^ IT
r .
'''-''' I'lo ^:aHUI•n campaign of 1854, and up to January 1855, including the affair of M'B
,''''?'7 'cP'i'soof the sortie on the 26th Oct. 1854 (M
w. ,
'V'^''"'"''*''-''^'^'''' '^*'''**'^^l'°'''^"'l
Ibo an. ,, ,,. ~, ,,
"'"^ Turkish Modal). Served in India in 185S, and was preset
.In, ,n' r 1 J (M ",1
^'^^ ^^' ^*c«* of the Oncers
of tlie Royal Artillery. loo

^ Uccoived the thanks, ot the Government of India, mentioned

C^.,and Medal with Clasp). in despatches,

th".Ss^or;^^eg'o'S^^^^ ?-<^l-k-s Column in .85;. including

chowkee, Mun-awara, and Alumbagh relief """"^ ^^^^o^'l). -Boorbeake-
the Alumba-h trom Jan. to March 1858 siete and' defenTo^^^
and canture of T^^^ Outram's Force in
theensuinf, Oude campaign (Medal witTfhree Wasn^ and a v^^^^^^ ^' Selimporeand Sundeela in
to the British Embassy at ConstantinoTe during the Kusso T,frkf,h w ,17^1^ ' ^1^ aPPointed a military attach^

''''''^ ""''' *^^ ^'^'"'^^^ Expedition in

andMedarwithcLpI"'""'" i88s-85 (mentioned in despatches. DSO..

on the 5tirammiXember7857 was present at^the actions atCawnpore

and the defeatVf'»;"n,io"f"^^V"'^''
re-occupation of Futtehghur. Was
also m-esenfntthpV^Wn^^ °^ Khodagunge, and the

served in the Indian Mutiny campaign

\ ^^itchell
'" C-otoc I 'p n'^'" ^^"^
^ ™?-,f
°f '^^ Nepaul Hills'^in March f8s9(M.u.u,
in^command of a Mounted Gatling
engagement at Ulundi (mentioned m 'V^'
despatches. Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal

BoL^n'Sed^tion .Sd^'^slrSul'S^^^ Star) served Jith the

f^-^.^'^ ;

engagements at El Teb and Temai (mSn?d l^W }Z^ V^? A°^f'

Artillery, and was present in the
the Nile Expedition in 1884-85
'»« Colonel
as Commandant a^ aS?
Le Grice served in the ZiSSwHr in ,sfni ("^"'^'O^ed
°^ ^*-^°l°?iel, two Clasps). Served during-
^ m
despatches, CB., and Clasp),
in despatches. Brevet of Lt
Colonel Medarwlth Cla-fp) "'''' ^"'''*''"' '" ''''^ engagement at Ulundi (mentioned

^l-^^^'^^^^lf^n^o^'ft^llll^^^^^^ agf.-Bt .the Foodlee Arab Tribe in .866, in-

4raileiT, Upper Burmah Field Force
(Sal "" '"^ command of the Royal
wfthC^asiS^^^^^^^^ ^

- Lt.Co-^\i^3-l c: f. He^"irs'e^;4^rn
ttia ""^^^'^ '879 (BrevV of Lt.Colonel, Medal with
Jotal (Medal with Clasp) ^ '"' '"^ ^^^ ^'^s'^"'" ^'^'' "^ '^78-79, and was present at the capture of the Peiwar

»t ."th?Si 'oSlJ.I'S oK"'' ""'°'"'°'" "• "™l"» oanp.lsn from tie .jlb Dec. ,86,, and ,v.e pre-
'•""' *°"°'' "" "P*"""" »e«™' 'to Mplng rebels in China in i86=-63
Wor^UhoDraBint"* (Chine.e
1" r^'i™'i!°o.' '^''"^'™y served in tlie Afgljan war of 1878-80 (Brevet of Major, Medal).

^t'' r^^'- -
^e ^er^'oSr(STi?dfnX^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

=^S;=n3ȣ=^:^^nl^.SSln^^ ae^^^i^^^--

Sekukuni, and was present at the storm'FAg of the stronghold

Brevet of m5o,? MedS wUh C^asn)' Serv^d^^.f
itelhienceDek4tm;Jt HeU'ou^^^^^ '? ''\^' ^^ Deputy Assistant AcyXnt General,

»' Coione°Per^v^^fvpV'7M'^
m the Soudan campaign in 1S85 (Medal withClasp, and Khedive's Star).
the Kobo^!irgt£'°''''?H'^^°'^?='' '^"^^ numerous minor aflkirs, including that at M^an'riS; ion Vhe attack
(mentioned in despatches. Brevet or:Malor,*and Meda^
.h C^S° Serve^iA the ifeSn w«ri'° "".""^l^^^'^^^ •^^^'' Major General Sir John Koss in the
erations at s"ekabad in Anri! ffi-n Ainn^^^'^°S^c'^ '^^^^
>aded a battery of RovalA^Slirv ^^--ederick Roberts in the march to Candahar, and
Artillery at
a?" the hnnP„T/o
tht battle ^Jf
of Candahar
onze Decoration) (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp, and

tgi War Services of the Officers of the Boyal Artillery.

Decemb'er :879 including the investment of Sherpore

l^^Z,lr\ll^^jrn^"of^^^^^ Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar, and was present
at the
fmcStfl .. iacM tches) r^^
three Clasps, and Bronze Decoration)
iSu o^Cu 'daurir meni oncd in aespatcbcs, Medal with
c September 1873 on special m
mruLuoi J K
«>• CoIouUJ. r M^ur CO nccompanied Sir Garnet Wolseley to
the Gold Coast
Secretarv throuRhout the Ashanti war of 1873-74, including the relief of
,"; .

» »..d ';*-"^J M'Leod), battle of

in despatches, Medal with Clasp). Served as
OnuL™3"i \"'
operations agamst Sekukuni m .S79, and was pre
dTi utv sw "lAcljutant and Quarter Master General in the(mentioned despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal
I^. ,, .1, r Rinrmiii^ of the stron''hold-sevcrely wounded in
Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quarter Master General on
!^l. •!» .1 S. rvod in the KL'vptian war of 18S2 as
ena^xsements of El Magfar, Tel-el-Mahu
i.rnsont at the engagemens Tel-el-Mahuta, Kassas n
a, and Kassasin
ibo II "d Quarter; Staff, an^was
•r'^A'''V'U...'''"' «."ff „n^-\v„« present
Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned m despatches, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with
Joth Sei toniLor). and in the Ijattle of
of the Osmanieh,and Khedive's Star). Sei-%^ed
during the Nile Espediti
CUU.P 4 h Cla
in despatches. Brevet of Colonel, Clasp)
m«^ «nt at AUiout and at Abu Fatmeh (mentioned campaign from the 6th Feb. 1868, and was present at
"^ H. Ui.*ncy served throughout the Abyssinian
Colonel T.

^''*»'^cium^l"A7lcVncRerve<l in command of the Detachment of Roynl Artillery

and 7-pounder mountain guns
in the Zulu war of 1879, and was pre-
wh^oh ftccomi)anu.a the Red River K.xpcdition from Canada in 1870. Served m
«..i.t It iliu enirakrcment at Ulundi (mentioned in
despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp). Served the
Ueputv A.'sistant Adjutant and Quarter Master on the Lines of Communication
Ki?viiiian war of 1S82 as
luid llHso and was present in the eiiga-rement at Tel-el-Mahuta
and at the battle of Tcl-el-Kebir (mentioned m
Class of the Osmanieh, and Khedive's Star). Served with
de»nnu-hos Urovet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp, 4th
the Nih- Kx'iRHliUon in 1884-85 as Director of River
Transport and Assistant Adjutant and Quarter Master General
«t Head Quarters, and was present at the action at
Kirbekan in command of a detached force (twice mentioned in
de^imtches. Brevet of Colonel, two Clasps).
"» Lt Colonel Carrt? 8ervo<i in the New Zealand war in 1S63-66, including the Waikato campaign, and was present
at iho action 01 Onikau, aud assisted in conductii.g the Sap.
Commanded Detachment during the Wangamii cam-
n»iirn ami present at the action of Pukaki (mentioned in despatches.
Medal). Served in the Afghsn war in 1879-80,
and was present at the assault of Zawa (mentioned in despatches, Medal). Served with the Mahsood Wuzeeree
Expedition in iBSi. Ser\-cd in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with

•«>' Major W. S. Langlcy' served

throughout the Abyssinian campaign from the 13th Dec. 1S67 as Adjutant
to Lt Colonel Wallace, and was present at the fall of Magdala (Medal). He served as Staff Officer of a
column under Colonel Wallaceat various periods during the advance on Magdala; as Acting Brigade Major of
Iho UriRadc under Brigadier Wilby, aflerthe capture of Magdala, during the illness of the Brigade Major; was
appoint(>d SUiir OlUccr of the 3rd column on the commencement of the march down country, and served as such
and as Assistant Quarter Master General till it was broken up previous to embarkation.
'•' Major Howhiud Roberts served in the Afghan war in 1878-79, and was present in the engagements at Ahmed

Kbcvl and Urzoo near Ghuznee (Medal with Clasp).

'""Major H. F. Smyth served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, first in the Koorum Vallej', and afterwards in
Gou);tri> force in command of a Hazara Battery. Subsequently served with the Royal Horse Artillery in the ex-
pcditi'ins into the Wuzeerand Hissarik valleys" (Medal). Served with the Zhob Valley Expedition in 1884 as Pro-
voitt Marshal. Served in the Soudan campaign in 1885, and was present in the engagement at Hasheen (Medal
with Cla-sp. and Khedive's Star).
'" Lt.Colonel W. H. F. Sorell served with the expedition from Aden against the Foodlee Arab tribe in 1S66, in-
cludinK the destruction of Shugra. Served throughout the Abyssinian campaign from the 4th October 1867 com- ;

mandeda Mountain Battery during Captain Marett's absence on other duty, and was also employed in the Land
Transport Train (Me<lal). Served in the Afghan war in 1880 (Medal). Served with the Burmese Expedition in
ibS'.-E; (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp).
'» Majors F. W. J. Barker and W. F. de H. Curtis served with a Steel Mountain Battery throughout the Abys-
Inian campaijni from the istJan. i868and were present at the capture of Magdala (Medal).
'•• Major H. U. L. Morgan served with the Jowaki Alreedee Expedition in 1877 (Medal with Clasp). Served in
the Af^tuin war of 1S78-80, and was present at the attack on the Shutargardan, in the operations round Cabul in
December 1879 including the storming of the Asmai Heights (mentioned in despatches) and the investment of
8hcr)(ure, and with the expedition to the Hissarik Valley (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp). Also served with the
MahsoiMl Wiizecrec Expedition in :83i.
"" Major K. Corbctt served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was present at the attack and capture of Ali
MuMJid anil in the engagement at Ahmed Kheyl dangerously wounded (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of —
Major, Medal with two Clasps).
'" iliijor A. J. Pearson served in the Hazara campaign in 1S68 (Medal with Clasp). Also served in the Afghan
warm 1878-79 (Medal). Served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 as Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quarter
Ma*ler (ienernl for Intelligence duties with the Indian Contingent, and was present in the engagement at the
Tofrek rercbn (Medal witb two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
'" Maji.r C. W. K. Murphy 8er\'od throughout the Abyssinian campaign from ist Jan. 1868— with the Sind
HoFKC until ./111 April, and afterwards with a; Battery of Artillery, andwas present at the fall of Magdala (Medal).
^•* Major Wace i-erved in the Afghan war of 1878-80,
and was present in the engagement atBaghao (mentioned in
ae»tmtchi-«l; took part in the march to Candahar with the force under Major General Pha^Te (mentioned in de-
of .Mnjnr, Medal).
{>ntcln'». Hn.-vit
'" Major K. A. Olliv ant served with the Bcchuannland Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85.
'" ! r.I r lt-ill\ served in the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal with Clasp).
.rved in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Soudan cam-
"' i""-' •'^'t'nalling Department (mentioned in despatches.
' '
"' '''° Afghan war in 1879-80, and took part in the operations in the Mazina Valley in
Mil. "I.""V'
in dofcpatchcs, Medal).

!', )},''' •'

.m"''.'"" *^"''c?^
^l Kheuivc \" ''"' *^Kyi't'in war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal
la>|i, and
vrlth I h otar).
••> Mnj-r IllaltHley •crvcd in the Afghan war in
1879-80, and took part in the march to Candahar with the
f .rc« un.l.r Major (.LT.cml I'liayro (mentione<l in despatches, Modal).
""I M.ij'.r A. K. Kletcher served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 (.Medal)
.•''•''Pcdition in .865 (Medal with Clasp).
Served in the Abyssinian
Jm. ^,T^^m'7?1 rlmt^.^A^^ m''i' n" Hl'''"^'."
Afghan war
^ . ;?
f A 1

vtii .1 ,? •)?« n ! 'n f^Tri '" ^l'."

"^ ^"'""•"•"n'' on
in 1879-80, and was present at the attack and
^^° ^th October 1879, in the advance to Cabul under
ir«ilhrM> .o™i ;..^h /i»,r. Tn , <
'" l«^t^»'<«), and
in the engagement at Shekabad (mentioned in
rXi offMaior^^^^^
•l^^ir^J llrevcl Major. Medal with throe ^.f
Clasps). Also served with the Mahsood Wuzeeree Expedition in
." M. rr. II
'''i™«r»o|-v<>«l'^^^^^ .874 with Rait's Artillery, and was present at the capture
of Ordahsu and capture of Coomassie (Mgdal with Clisp).
Uu'^rJrlJm Iwio ^.^ M^^ ^^I'o'j't'o" in 884-85. and was present in the engagement at
A U \^d
""* ""' KohnmrJ
.,th ''•'•"•"iry si J^''" J
.88s (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp,

";"" "orvcd throughout the Afghan war of 1878-80; was Aide do Camp to Sir Frederick
„ '

,',' ' November 1879, and was present at the capture of the Peiwar Kotal and in all
J u-
;'• '" ^_;"'""n find KhoBt Valleys (mentioned in despatches)
; took part in the advance on and
'' '" ''''• ""* ^'^» present in the engagement at Charasiab (mentioned in despatches) was
War Services of the Officers
of the Royal Artill

Ma or N f wfiT T^""^ ^""'^ ^^S'^^" ^^^^ i-i '880 (Medal)

^^^S^ir '^^!}^^I^^'^^'- ^^^'^" ^"'""^^ P-^f Me destruction of Tenaai

^e'^^ed m the Hazara

(Mednl). in 1S68 (Medal)
Served in fh« Af ^,
'»' Mnjor J. P. Freeth served in the ^ " '"'" '"^ ''''""
Afghan war in ,s « .

177 ^r Vr ,Tr'?. '^

\'""^"'"'- ' "" j^eu.ibOB lAledal). Served in tho


Class of the Medjidie, ""'' "'^^ P^^^^'^' atthe battle of Tel-el-Kebir

n^^fi!-;P'^f^^ lS'^edrv?s Stnrf ^' (Medal
^- Mi^jo" Ho^'-^^'^C
^" ^^'^-^' ^^^'^'^^^>- «--<^ i" the Boer ..r of ,8S.

War Services of the Officers of the Boyal Artillery.

»- M*jor Bipce 6cn-c<l in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the engagement at
Kambula (mentioned in

"'*2?*Min^* l}^rmnl!\'o^v^''in the expedition

against the Jowaki Afreedees in 1877-78. (Medal with Clasp).
8«rr^ in thcAf>;liftn war in 1878-79, and was
present at the attack and capture of All Musjid and the engage- m
the Natal Field Force.
•"V;' u.^'t'i* w' T sSJr^c'i^^lTthe Boer war of t88i with
^> \uZ\l Kni 'hi IcJviS in tLe Egyptian war of .S82 (Medal, 4th Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star).
«'» M ., jr h' S Jcr%-oi» served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and
was present at the attack and capture of the
death of the commanding officer at
r •« 'K he commanded No. i I'unjab Mountain Battery after the
ih.- U -.i Mie of il.eaction-in
the expedition to the Khost Valley, in the engagement at Mattoon.and with the
Vji !i ".iit Vxi.nlition including the assault of Zawa
(mentioned despatches, Medal with Clasp). m
'' M«jor'K: K. Wo<lehonso served in the Afghan war in 1878-79, and was present at the attack and capture of

M.'iVor Monck -Mason served in Perak with the

»'•' Indian Column under Brigadier General Ross from November
iJ-( t./Ki-tinmry 1876 (Medal with Clasp).
Mr.j..r KtiMaco 8er\-cd in the Afghan war of 1878-S0,
,. .1, c .^
first as Adjutant of Royal Artillery in Southern
„„^, .-.-.x^ti
A'L,-'iMu»tMii. and aflvrwards 08 Aide de Camp to Sir
Donald Stewart, Commanding the Forces in Northern

» '
.Vlftjor "j. V. V. liaker servjd in the Egjiitian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal
«iUi ( lii-p, Hcd Khedive's Star).
»- J K. Trotter served with the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1SS4-85 in the
Mm i.r
iMdlnrc'icc l)ci>artmcnt and as Commissioner in Stellalaud.
»" Mitjor Monckton served throughout the operations in Perak from November 1875 to January 1877; was in
eommaud of Uio Uoviil Artillery in the attack on the Passir Salah stockades in November 1875, and was with No. 6
BaiUTV. «nd Brigatfc, in the advance of the main column under Major General the Hon. Sir F. Colborne, and at
the oipture of Kmta in December 1875. Was Acting Assistant Resident at Kinta during the latter part of 1876, and
rcociTcd the thanks of the Governor of the Straits Settlements for his services (Medal with Clasp).
«»• Majors C. C. Rich and H. V. Hunt.— See Civil Decorations for Gallantry, p. 128.
«« Major N. P. Kowell served in the .ifghart war in 1879-S0, took part in the defence of Candahar, and was
prvaenl at the Imttlc of Candahar (Medal with Clasp).
•» M^ior H. W. Brackenbury served in the Afghan war in 1878-79, and was present at the capture of the
Pciwar Kotnl and in the engagement at Charasiab on the 6th October 1879 (Medal with two Clasps).
»» Major R. W. P. Robertson served in the Afghan war of 1878-S0, and was present in the engagement at
Baffhao (mentioned in despatches. Medal).
*» Major W. G. Lowther served on the Gold Coast from December 1873 to the end of the Ashanti campaign
«" Major A. N. Rochfort served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major,
Mti'.ii; with Cla^p, and Khedive's Star).
:»- .Miijor Woods served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal

with t'liittp, and Khedive's Star).

" Miijor Dean Pitt served in the Afghan war as Orderly Officer to Brigadier General Phayre from January to
Au(ru.»t 1679, and Bubscquenlly to the battle of Candahar in 18S0 with the Royal Horse Artillery (Medal).
»" Maji.r Ntwbigging served in the Bechunnalund Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-S5 with the
>l(.ur.tcd Rillts.
Majir H. H. Penpree served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 (iledal). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882,

and wiig present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star).
'" .\Uj'<r K. A. C. King served in the Afghan war in 1878-79, and was present in the engagement at Baghao
{mentioned in despatches, Medal).
»•• Miyor Challcnor served in the Afghan war in 1878-79 with the Candahar Column
under Sir Donald Stewart
•" Mnjor E. C. Wacc 8orve<l with the oxpoiition against the Jowaki Afreedees in 1877-78 (Medal with Clasp).
St-r%-c<l in the Afghan wor of 1878-80, and was present at the attack and capture of Ali Musiid, with the expedition
into ll.t Luk-lunan Valley, and in the advance to Cabul under Brigadier General Charles (jough (Medal with two
Claups). Served with the Burmese Expedition in 1885-87 ; wasin command of the Hazara Mountain Battery until
April itS^ was present in the engagement at Nyoungoo-Mingyan, at the surrender of Mandalay, in the expedi-

Uuns lo Bhamo (slight y wounded), Mogoung, and against the Kachins on the Chinese Frontier, and in the
cn(r»k'<'">eni nt Choung Pang (mentioned in despatches, DSO., and Medal with Clasp)
»" Major F. W. CampbcU served in the Afghan war in 1880 (Medal).
**^ Mnj'T Harlow served in the Egyptian war of
1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with
Cna-p. and Khe<livo's Star).
»' Major K. M. Baker ser\-ed in the Afghan war of 1878-S0, and took part in the advance to Candahar and Khelat-
l-Oliil/ie accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar, and was present at the battle of Candahar

(Medal with Clasp, and Bronze Decoration).

..:..!,.l blade served in the latter part of the Kaflr
' - 1.-. I

war of 1878, and afterwards in the operations against

! 'iicluding the storming of Tolyana's Stadt. Commanded a division of a field battery, and'acted
" > ^'' 'I'o Transvaal Field Force
throughout the operations. Served throughout the Zulu war of
: lying Column, and was present at the engagements of Zungiu Nek, Kambula (horse shot),

1. ""ed in despatcbes. Medal with Clasp). Served in the Boer war of 1881 as Aide de Camp to Major
I. -i \\ood. Served in the Egyptian war of 1S82 as Aide de Camp to Major General Sir Evelyn
^'' ugtlio 4th Brigade (Medal, 4th Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star). Served with the
r. under bir
h Gerald Graham in 1S84 in the InteUigence Department, and was present in the en-
ifliand Icmai (mentioned in despatches.
Brevet of Major, two Clasps). Served with the Nile
'• -5n«''»=P"ty Assistant Adjutant General, Intelligence Department, and was present at the action


'Tied despatches. Brevet of Lt.Colonel, two Clasps).

• .'-iiunders served in the Afghan war
in 1879-80 (Medal). Served with the Bui-mese Expedition
"... .'
"p iV •''-''*I""'CliC8, Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp)
'""""'^"" ""^ed in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was present in the engagements at
..'. vi „r!i '.'wi''
Kl.cvl and T' Lrr.<H, near tJbuznce (Medal
with Clasp).
JUj.T II. 1. wi.iougliby sorved in the Afghan
', .>i,..rn Aigiiuiustuu
war of 1878-80, first as Commissary of Ordnance 2nd
v.; 1- :. J lold I'orco, and alterivards
in charge of the Ordnance Field Park, Koorum Valley

5'1> Brigade, with the Indian Column under Brigadier General Ross

'^'"•"""', n°' ^i.^''''S''y'
I^orak in 1875-7 (Medal with Clasp).

"< '£82.
and was present at the action at Kassasin on the gth
J.. iKrV.ui.i'" r-S T^^fV-"?"?
» .
w. 'J ,1^^^^^^ with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
; , ,

""" "'" '879. and was present in the engagement atiUlimdi (Medal with

** ^"'"
f "i.

, 1 W 1,1 ) ^1 1
11" 1

,. , ,V' ,v"' """""S '" llic Afghan war in 1880, and was present in the engagement at
,":"J;l''^,''l™''"''one'l'n despatches. Medal). Served in the Soudan Expedition under Sir Gerald

V . ,!,,.
'f TTL". "?•
cn^nBcmontB at El Tob and Temai (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of

,',.'? „^h''l'.'^" ^'^'•)-
Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the Egyptian Army,
Kirbckan (two Cliisiis) also served with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force in
.«. cui lu iiiu cugiigumeut
,, ,
, ut Giniss (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lt.Colonel, 3rd Class

y'\\^uru!?JJT'J"^ .'° ^^? Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
°'' ^°y'^^ Artillery in Sunghie Ujong throughout the
. .
.„k in 1875-77 (Modal with
C-l ''""i"*''*"'^'^'
War Serciccs of /he Officers of the Boyal Artillery. 193a
JI^^£:^rS^^^:^^ "^^^^r ^^"^ '" ''"-^°' '^"^ '"^^ ^--' - "- e„gage,„euts nt Ahmed Khey

^- "• "''™' '"'"'"•^ '"" *^° ^''°^*'' '^^'' *" '^79-80. and was present in the engagement
(yUA^T'"'^ at Ali Boghan
Captain J. D. Cunningham served with the Zhob Valley Expedition in 1884

Captain H J. Lystcr served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, accompanied Sir


march to Candahar, and was present at the battle of Candahar (Medal with ClLp/and Frederick Rohprfs in tho

Also served with the Mahsood Wuzeeree Expedition in 1881. BrLze DecoraWo^f
ijronze uecoration).
^- I^at'ery A Brigade Royal Horse Artillery in
(Medal). Served J-with
No. 7 T'^""^ Mountain Battery ist Brigade in the Egv/tian war nf .m, war
the Afo-han of '^^S-So
,8,8 8^
sent at the action at Kassasin (gth September) aiul at the battle o^fTel-el-Kebir
cLsp!'an^^^^ ffial™
^- Bland served in the Soudan campaign in 1885, and was present in the
lilt! Tofrek
the zereba ana
luireK zereua and at tue
the aestruction of Temni (Medal with two Clasps,
destruction ot " Hn^hPPn
eno-ao-ements at Ha&heea
-* Captain Ind served in the expedition to the Soudan in i88j ----'— c,:.f,.',. ^,aid
Clasps ar.d Khedivp's
Khedive's StnTl
1884 under Sir Gerald Graham,
Graham an and wis
was ,^,.0=0
, •

igement at Temai (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). present* in *v,
the ri

with the Royal Artillery in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal,

-e Captain
-.«. J'^Pff''' P^^^'TiT''^'^
A. D.Addison served in the Afghan war of .87S-80, and was present
and Khedive's Star)
i- o uu ,11
in the enBaffemenfq at
n^. engagements «t Ahmeu
Kheyl and Urzoo near Ghuznee (Medal with Clasp).
2^- Captain O. S. Smyth
served in the Afghan war of 1S78-80, and was present at the
Musjid, with the expeclition into the Bazar Valley under Lieut.General attack and cantnre of Al!
Maude in despatches) ^d in fh'
engagement at JugduHuck accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march(mentioned
; to Candahar and was nres^t a? Iht
battle of Candahar (Meda with two Clasps, and bronze Decoration).
80 (mentioned in despatches, DSO., and Medal with Clasp) fiTmese ExSfoTin
Served with the ^uxmi^sB ,4^
jLxpeaition in luSs-
C. A Ryan served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's
':ll .^^PfH^ Star)
^'^"'^^ "^'^ '"^ '''°' ^^'^ ^^''^ '^"^ "^ '^° "--^ ^° t'-'^''^^- -"h
tl,; foV^fuTdel-Mai^r S^Ji'l^al'^hl^Ielil-^claf)

^'"^ ''''' ""'^ ""' P''"'"''' ^' '^^ "^^'"^ °^ Tel-el-Kebir%Medal wfth
"'''' °'
Khemve'sStar) "^ Clasp! and
^' Captain W.F. Cleeve served during the war in 1880 in Southern Afghanistan (Mednl)
^- Gunner served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was present in the en-a-ement
the 6th October 1879 and m the operations round Cabul in December at Charasinb °°
^^''''^^'^^ or,
1879 (Medal with tlvo
'''' '^"^^"'^'^ "'^^" °' ''''' ^'^'^ '^^^ ^^^^^'^
(Medar^^rcL|!-a';d^A''dfv'^rs"arK ^' "- ^-"'« °^ Tel-el-Kebir
•»* Captain Howard-Vyse served in the Afghan
war in 1878-79, first with the ^«."ua.iia,i
Candahar rField Force
leiu j< and atter-
orce, ana nftpr-
wards with the 2nd Division of the Peshawur Field Force (Medal).
Captam Shirres served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was present at the capture
the forcing ef the Sapri Pass, in the engagement at Mattoon, at the assault of the Peiwar Kotal nt
on the fe^CtL4rdln (mentioned^ fn

-"' Major H
the operations around Cabul including the investment of Sherpore
and wl^h the in^ eSS
V Cowan served m
the Afghan war of 1878-80 as Aide de Camp to the
nianding 3rd Division, and was present at the capture of the Peiwar Kotal, in General Officer Com-
the en4%nTent at C^hamsiaCn
the h h October 1879, and m
the operations round Cabul in December 1879, ncludinFthe investment
of Sh™
and he storming ol the Asmai Heights (Medal with three Clasps)
Served in the E|yptiau war of 1882 as Adi u^

tant Royal Artillery 2nd Division, and was present at the battle of
Tel-el-Kebir-sevfrely wounded ^"'^^^'o^'^'^
(mentionedSi "^
despatches. Brevet ot Major Medal with Clasp, jth Class of the Medjiaie, and
Khedive's Star)
"^ '^° ^-'"" "^'' '" ''''-''' '""^ "'^^ ^''''^' ^' *1^° «"-k and capture of
AlfMusrid'meda"^ wnrcS)!'""'
2^ Ma.ior S. C_ Hickman served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the engaeement at Tel-el
(mentioned in despatches. Brevet o^Major. Medal witf(fllTp,"ih
t'hem' djfd'e. and^Khe^ve'I Itarf^^'" C^ass of

"^ 1879-80, and took part in the Zaimusht Expedition

Ciiptam Haggard served in the Afghan war in 1878-79 with the Koorum Valley
Field Force and was tirp<»en»
""""^"^ °"''' ''''^''' ^°'"'' ^^'^ '^ '^^ engagement at Charasiab on the 6th October
with two Clasps) 7879TMld^
Captain A. H. Browne served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 (Medal).
^'^'"" "=^^ ^" '''° ^^^'^^^^^ "'^'^^^^ ^"^ '""^ ^-^^- F^'"'^"- Field|Force
i„58?J^lMedaf andThe^cSvl^fl^ar':^
Lt.Colonel Cieagh served in the latter part of the Zulu war of
1879 as Aide de Camp to Sir Garnet Wolselev and
part in the pursuit of King Cetywayo. Served in the operations against Sekukuni
in 1879, and was present
at the capture of the stronghold (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp).
Served in the Egyptian war of "sSa
tl^e engagements of El Magfar,
jsin (9th September), and in the battle of -reTefKebrr"
(TwfcT m;ntTo;7d*'in d^spatcitlf'^BiXt'of
tches. Brevet of Maior
":!'^y*^.'^5tS Class 01 the Medjidie.and
ot tiie Medjiaie, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Nile Expedition .Rsfific
in i88d-8c'
^°"'i»^''i 1885 as Aide de Camp to Lord Wolseley (mentioned in
despatches, Brevet of Lt.'
t o CI 1

iptain A. C. Bailward served in the Afghan war in


1878-79, and was present in the operations
1S79, including the investment of Sherpore (Medal with Clasp). y ^ ^^
round ^^aouj
luuuu Cabul in m
-"J. F E. A^ Hunter
Captain MF.
Pegen, and C. E. H. Heyman served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and
were ore-
teent at the battle of Tel-el-Kebur (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star) '

«" Captam A. Keene served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and took part in the
march to Candahar with the
,orce iinder Major General Phayre m
command of two guns of No. 2 Mcmntain Battery (mentioned in despatches
.^^'\^,^* Burmese Expedition in .835-86 (mentioned in despatches, DSO., and Medal with

'^?;''V T^'d,'''®
fla^t served Clasn)'
the Afghan war in 1879-So, took part in the defence of v.a,iiuaiini,
iresent at theY-;V
battle ot Candahar (Medal with Cla.sp). '^ >
f 1.0 ^^ Candahlr aua
and was
»^ Captains Garnett-Botfield and Montgomery Campbell served in
the Boer war of 1881.
-''Captam E. A. Smith served with tlie Jowaki Afreedee Expedition in 1877-78 (Medal with Clasp).
Ihe Afghan war of 1878-80, and was present in the engagements at Mattoon and Lataband (mentioned in Served'in
111 the operations round Cabul m December
.879 accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts m the march to Canda^r

present at the battle of Candahar (mentioned in despatches. Medal with two Clasps, and
i«" Captain G. S. uones served in the Af-han war in Bronze Decoration)
1879-80, and was present in the engagement at Girishk at
of Candahar (mentioned m despatches), and at the battle of Candahar (Medal with
'^L'^f^^'^^'^^. Clasp)
^'^'^'^"'^ served mth the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 on Transport duty
(Medal with Clasp, and
^" ^' ^^'^°' served in the Zulu war in 1879, and was present in the engagement at Ulundi
C?^'*)'^ (Medal
^^"^ °f '^78-80. took part in the d»fence of Candahar. and was
•esent ?J?i
;.«l^f at the H- Ja "^-Fr^^,
battle '^'i^^r
of Candahar (Medal T»^'

3;h Major
Parsons served in the Gaika war of .877.78, including the operations in the Perie
Taba Indoda, where he commanded two mountain guns. Served throughout the Zulu warBush and the affai
of 1870 and wa
e^ient iM the engagements at Isanhlwana and Ulundi

(Medal with Clasp). Served in the Boer war of .88. in

I '
War Services of the Ofjicers of the Royal ArtiUeri/.
, a.
__ „,„„,„
„, T nncr'B and tbe luijcogo Eivor— sovcvcly
Kek fmentioncil in despatches)
wu prc»ent m
. ,
ll.o «'.euBaRements
f',^"^ Iv-viitian war of ,882, and was present at tbe
^,X,/ S, rvc^^^
woQDdca. «...l »''^"-^"'7' l'"'^"'''^|\"' '" fi'^P".
">', ), and in the battle of Tel-el-Kcbiv (men-
thcacuon at KLtsasiu^M^^^
•nwcmcnt of TelHO-M-Umw .u L .V„f the i cdjidie, and Khedive's Star).

« m

dcpntc H... Urovct "^ ^'y°''

C.pUH. t . W.^e w ar u '^-
he se v-a '""^^f^^^fghau «ar 's3. uModal).
Served iA the expedition to the Souda,-.
^^^/^^^ ^^ El Teb (slightly woanded and Te:nai

"M^r:u'i:'cKS cia.'" ofKcdiidierand Khedive's S.u). Served in the Soudan ca,npa,p:a :n XS85. an.l
*^;^m"!„"H'\-t^D"SsL''LTe^'''^'lhthe Burmah Expc.lition in X886-87 iu command of a Mountain

:: S:^;:!^ •i,I^?S'^^ert:\{^.CSr JJr - «.e de^nee Of Candahar, and was

'''jj"s&'lri-?'^i:i^^f^;tSwiiK^i^E^^S'sr«^despatolies Brevet of Ma.,or -s^r^r^^i^ -
f "^ip U
(mentioned in Medal wit <-'h>sp.
tVp.uv ^*i>tan X. jutmit Gcucnil at Head Quarters

ludl^hoWssJiTX served ^ the Egyptian F^^^^^

MdQu:im>rMasterGeneral. and was present in the en-a^-emeut at Gmiss.
ui (•.m„,,. Rowe served in the Eiryptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive s Star).
^' C'i Uin H. y^lplTnLn-edin the Egyptian war of i8S--> (Medal, and Khedive's Star)
»'U Captain WF.L. Lindsay served in the Egyptian war iu 1882,
and was present at the battle of Tci-cl-
Kcliir (Mwlal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). . , j- ., ^ ^ c-, ,

"' I'unu'n Hunnatine Allason serve.l in the Afghan war in 1S79-S0 including the engagement at Sliahjni ;

wn^ A.ljulant of Field Anillery iu Southern Afghanistan

from August .879 till January 1880^ when ho was
appointed Adjuiant of Artillery; iu April 1880 he took part the advanoe to Calm nndoy Mr Dona sr.nvnrt m . I

to Staff Omccr of Artillery, and was present in the engagcm.

. iit Alimed Khry< ,.,-.;!!. :,.! n, .1- -

1,, s,
m ;

and Urroo near Ghuinee; accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts tbe in:irch to 1;
i„ m ( 1 ^

Colonel Johnson, and was nrescnt in the reconnaissance on tlic 31 -t

Au-Uft and ;.t ta i,.,i: 1.- 1 , , : ,.

liono.l in despatches, Mcilal wilh two Clasps, and Bronze Decuialiou).

Seiveu tuc .-..i,..a.i cami-iu.,, oj i. .5 m
8 Brifc'n.le Major Roval Artillery, and was present
lu the ongagcmeuts at Hasheen and at the destruction ot ioin.ii
(m.-!iiioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). ,.•*,,,
"' <ir G V Thomas served in the Afghan war in 187S-79, and took part the advance to Cr- andahar
1 1
and m 4. ,

Khcliii-i-Gh'ilzic (Medal). Served in the Egyptian warofiSS2, and was present at the action at Kas=asin on the
9th Soptomber, and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, aud Khedive's Star). Served in the S:uuhin
Kxi>cdit!on under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884, and was present in the engagements at El Teb thorse kilIed)aiLil
Timiii (4th Class of the Medjidie, two Clasps). , „ , „
»" Captain J.W. Dunlop served iu the Afghan war in 1879 So, and took part in the Zaimusht E.xpedition (Medal).
. . ,..„,,,,
»" -Major Norton served iu the Afghan war in 1878-79. Served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at i

the battle of Telel-Kebir (Mc:!al with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Nile Expedition in 1SS4-S5, and j

wad iirvsent at the actions at Abu Klea and El Gubat, in the recouiitussance to Metammeh, and in the eugagcracnt
nt Aba Klea Wells on the 16th and 7th Februarj- (three times lucutioiicd in despatches, Brevet of Major, two Clasps).

"' Captain Giles served in the Ks lir war of 1878 in command (if two mountain guns(mentioned iu despatches). AVas
ancrwarda appointed to the coainiaud of the Artillery troop of the Cape Mounted Riaemcn; served in the operations
c»inst Morosi, and was present at the capture of his stronghold twice mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp). 1

*" CaptAin R.L.Haines served in the Afghan war iu 187S-79, and was present in the engagement at Ali KheyK Medal ).
"» CiiplAin S. N. Rogers served iu the Afghan war ol 1S7S-80, and was present iu the engagements at Ahmed
Kheyl and Urzoo near Ghuzuee (Medal with Clasp).
»» Captain W. S. Churchward served with the Jowaki Afreedee Expedition in 1877-78 (Medal with Clasp).
Scrrc"! in Ihe Afghan war of 1878-80, and was present at the attack and capture of Ali Musjid and in the engage-
ment at Ahmed Kheyl (Medal with two Clasps). Served in the Egyptian war of 1SS2, and was present at the
batilc of Tcl-cl-Kchir'(Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
*" Captain C. E. Walker served in the Afghan war of 1S7S-S0, and was present at the attack and capture of Ali
Musjid and iu the engagement at Kaui Dakka accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Caudahar,

and wa-s present at the battle of Caudahar (Medal with two Clasps, and Bronze Decoration).
»" Captain W. A. Smith ser\-ed in the Afghan war in 18S0 (Medal). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (mentioned
In dcupatchcs. Medal, 4th Class of the Medjidie, aud Khedive's Stjir).
»> Captain O. H. Bittlcston served in the Afghan war in 18S0 (Medal).
*=• Cantain E. A. Lambert served in the Afghan
war of 1878-80, and was present in the engngeinculs at
Ahnictl Khc^-1 and Urzoo near Ghuznco (Medal with Clasp).
"•t CapUin N. B. Inglefleld served in the Afghan war iu 1S78-79 with the Royal Artillery (Medal).
*" C*ptaiu F. A. Curteis served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-S6 (Medal, and Khedive's Start.
Captain F. J. A. Trench served iu the Zulu war iu 1879, and was present in the engagement at Ulundi (men-
tioned m despatches. Medal with Clasp).
>« Captain C. A. Anderson served with the Jowaki Afreedee Expedition in 1877-78 (Medal with Clasp). Served
in the Afghan war of 1878-80, was present at the attack aud capture of Ali Musjid, and took part in the adv.-iucc
Ui Cuhul under Brigadier General Gough including the affair at JugduUuck (mentioned in despatches, Modal with
»» Capluui D. C. CnrU-r served with the Soudan Expedition mider Sir Gerald Graham in 1884, and was pvescut iu
the rn«ni?.-mei.t« at El Teb and Temai (Medal with (_lasp, and KheiUve's Star). Served in the Nile Kxi.edition in
i.^M.j Willi the Army, and was present at the action at Kirbekan (two Clasps, 4th Class of the ,Modjidie).
^ Captain I.. Barrett ser\-ed in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
„ "1'^''" J^ ^'- '''">'' served in the Kafir war of i877-78,and was present during the operations in the ( 'is-Kei
an.I I c-rir Itunh m
command of a division of field guns. Served throughout the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in
O'^mmaml of the IU»yal Artillery of Pearson's Column at the engagement of Invezane (mentioned in loport). and
•innnK'llicinvttitracnt nf Kkowe (mentioned in report) ; afterwards accompanied the
advance of the i~r Division
(tncnt.oncd in (.enoralCroalock'Hdospatoh, Medal wilh Clasp).
Served iu the Soudan Expedition iu iS-m under
1 u-'.™ . 'T"'""" With the Cavalry Brigade, and was present in the engagement at El Teb (Medal witli Chisp, i
r) afterwards presented the Mahdi's standard, taken at Tokur, to Her Majesty the Q leen ai
wl ^''•-'''^J=» ''^f

with the Burmese Expedition in 1S86 87, first as Adjutaut to Roval Artillery; alievwards
;,'.^,i'"''i and .

eiiuinpod the Gar.lner Jfachine Gun Battery and acconiiianied the Expedition to tlie Rubv Mines
Artillery (mentioned in des|iateli, s, Medal with Clasp).
»^ ""J"'
r """'t'll
t ; Vn'
MTVed in th.' AfKhiui war in -H;,, Co (.Medal).
niu.r himl." Vr /i"f '**'r«'"'i ".' ••'"•', -^ *"«'""' war m
it.So, took part in the defence of Candahar, and was present
<*l«^'> with Clasp). Sorv.d in the S.nidan campaign in 1885, and was present in tbo
r.ffn!..m M ,'^"",;!""'[' '""^. '•' ^'."•' ' >'«l'"'cti"" "f Temai (Medal with two Clasps, aud Khedive's Star)
^^•^nii.n W H p 'T ">•'»>•
"fvcd in the Zulu wa r n , 879 (Medal with Clasp).
«» r« u n
^vr \

^Kyi'tian war of .£i2, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebiv (.-Medal
( 1
1'" A/kI'"" war in iS/gwiih the Koormn Valley Field Force under Major General
I 'hIT'"*' ''h"
'" "'" '^^-' "^ ^^'•''^ '^•=
and was
f nu '
".r FV'x'.'","'"" '^''^'"P '» S'"" Giiinet Wolseley,
'll'f^-Ttembcr).and in the battle of
i)refent at
I , Hrll'l^. Jl''/-''--^';''"'"-^:^"""''-'" '
Tel-ol-Kcbir (incn-
,,*^"^"fr "•^''"IwitiM ., ,, hri;,^softhe Medjidie, and Khedive's Star). Served
'V'-y"""' I

" ,08, as Aide de Camp to Lord Wolseley, and WHS



I .i^ ,w,.L» Ai u-'H''''*'''

i \\) u^^lt}Ai n^
" ' '••^"'inry (mentioned in .lespatches.ivNo Clasps).

iy„-: ;:,an.i KhXeVBtu;*;.'""'''''

^ "'"' '
Pvcsent at the Jestruetien of Temai,
Egyptian war of .rs.-, and was prcscLt at the battle of Te'.-.l-Kebir
War Seroices oj the Officers of the Ruijal
Arllllenj. toe
''°7°'^ ^"^ "'° ^'-'^'^'^ ""="• '" 'S7S-79 (Medal).
it° r 'i't'"" ?T'^S''rT
Mi Mus]^Ti?da?wul " ""' ^"°''"^ ^"' '" ''^'-^5' ^^^
a7spr ^'^^^ l»-^^=^'^' =^t the attack and cajUure of

»nd Khedive's Star). Served during the Nile
(meutioned in despatches, Brevet of Ma ior wl Class of t
E.™ion 'u .sL^S^ °"
on ^Ppcuil
^nr^ .,. employ
with Bedouin Tribes

\l "r
^'^'; ^'so served with the E-vptian Fron-
, ,, 1

rior Field Force in 1885-8;. and was prleiit

in the eu° r' ,

in command of Mounted Corps as Assistant '""^^*<.3™ Class of the Medjidie) and Sarras
»«= CaptamT.
Vdiutantd^ ,

'"o^ ^^^ 'despatches, Z)50.).

W.Powles seized in tloE'vptin «'" "•
^'-JUt'''" w?u^^
" a. ureseut at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir

with Clasp, and Khedive's Star) - -'



the engagement at Charasiab on

the 25th April 1880 (Medal with Clasp).
'^"^ rtestruciion of Temai (Me'dal wUh
Served in the So
"^ ^'^^
Xi c^mi-nln x^sf "''''''''' "''^''^^^
°- V'.'.r^fr? ^P°^"' Ci'Tr^d Khedi^e'^Sta^^^^
ValuilSll- ' - "- -^'^^-» --• - ^^7^-S°. -a took?a^t'\r tl^tp^erations in the Mazeena
^"'''^"^^ ^"-^^'^

''SlilS^f 'r '^'^^^•-^^ ''° "'^^"'^'^ "'^^ °^ '''-' ""'^ -"^

on the?th October '^i8%'';'ac'™|H' nV. ^ '

battle of Candahar (Medal with Iv,. ^la;ps

audBlonz^ Dccorat
^'''^^''il^^r, and was present at the

^'' *^"?''°"y served in the Boer war of 1881 with the Natal
\iT'rV\'' "; Field Force

the advance
-^^'''''"^s^^ed in the Afghan warin,S8o in e-u
',','':" ""''"^^it Klielat-i-Ghilzie, mcliiding
,.!'• :^
to the relief of Candahar; accompanied "
Sir l' '"' "ni-ch to
present at the battle of Candahar (Medal with Clasn Candahar, and was


° Burmese E.?pedi-
1 ,

tion 1886-87 as Staff Officer to the Lower BurmahFiel.; ,y' ^

t V I
, 1

^/s^lj'te-Jervis served in the Zulu war ,n ,879 (M^dal

^^ C^^t^ln Jf with Claspj
^<^^,^t^lU^'t^^^'^^:;^^i^^^ '^ ''''-'''• '"^'^-"^ 1"--' ^" '^^ engagements at Ahmod
''°." served in the Afghan war in 1878-79 (Medal).
('int^ins w^'/?''r
- '
! ^ n A w
R r^'^'V"'"' "'"^^•• ^; ^- *^''*1^1^'' served in '''^'^''
the Afghan war in ,880 (Medal)
"^^ "" l-se.?tKf

l^li^&tasJTa^dSi^/'rS °' battle of,.

.uiel.lgre'^i^^rS^^^ntlnln^'lJJl^::^ "[ ^---n',Q-vtcr Master General

battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in
tl!!' ^l^^^'^
'^:'::'-;: "'. •^'Ttomber) and at the'-H^ ;

servedwith theExpeditionto the Soudan in 1S8, as DfDutv - '""l I^hedive's Star). ' ',' ' '

\^-i,tVi.l \,l '"'v,

Quarters and was present m the engagements
at Hashcen ami Tomui (minu„n,d ul d^M,-!t;. i'^'T-i ''''?''''^ atT^,Hl
•*." Captain W.
J. Homier served in the Afghan war in '''
1880 (Aledal) Ser •« uV/h "'^ al'
i,i ^^^'^ i^ '^I'^fP^'
Served with the Burmese Expedition in 1SS5-S6 "' Expedition in 18S3-84.
(Medal with Clalp)
'''' '-^"^''"" '''^' °' ''''• "°'^ ^--^^ P''^'^"^' «' '"^^ '^^"1° of Tel-el-Kebir
(Mr^S,^^, ^d^h^e-^'^,^.)!^° ""^'P""" "'' °' ''''• ^'^'^ ^"^ P^'^^^"' =^* '"^^ 1^"«^« of Tel-el-Kebir

Charles Warren in 1SS4-S5.

with Clasp, and Khedive's Star),
m the Soudan
— Tofrek on thecampaign in 1S85
24th March and

rar in iSSo (Medal). Served in

-horse ihot (Medal with
a' r wTM' '"'''"^
'" """

^'^^ ^"^ '379-So (MedalK
''^'' "*' '"^'' ^"^ ^'''•^ P»'^*'^>i*' "' t^ic battle of Tel-el-Kcbir
Cl','' iT,' i K .'•c'':,';.']''"'''

'''^SS^^SIS^- «^--^-^ KS'^^Sj^i ^.^^^x^d^iSrj^^^s^ -^ --

^^S^'^'^^^F^-^'^^^^^^^ ^^^-
^^ '«^^-«°. -o'^ P-"^ "' the difence of
^X^^-^""' "
presen^ra^at^ie^fflr^^^^^^^^^ Candahai, and was

with PhTfo"ee^under\[7or"G^Li47pLU^^^^^ -'"• ''^ ''''''°' ^-' *°°'^ P^'^ - ^'^ advance to Candahar
'' ''"''"'' "'^'^ "" ^^ ^'"^'"'"'P^ ^'^^"^ "' Soudan campaign
ir. .88?(&,'{viu; ciaS^'lTud Khedive'f-'vui'- '"^^

^j^^^CaptamA.L. T.sdall served with the Bu, mese Expedition in ^886-87 (mentioned in despatches. Medal with

n fl/- Sen-ices of the Officers of the Royal Artillery.


,i„{ with Clasp, and Khedive

8 btar). ^
,, ,, ^,
A, „, hP N p Fxuedition in 1884-85, and was present at the action at Abu Klea,
and la

,C\ v,;rKru:Xmm^l?Hnd Abu^

« M',.iiun.Coi;lir Key and H. T. Hawkins, and Lieut. R. G. Strange served in the Eg>-ptian var of 1882 (Medal,

*^- ^''.nll'n V*^ H"fn.n.plou sened in the Soudan

campaign in .885. and was present at the destruction of Temai
with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force 1885-86, and was m
, JI*U1 'muI -Li.; »ml K? Star). Also sen-ed

'''^ii,?i'.In'\*!Tw.l!^'e'^Vvedwf^ Frontier Field Force in 1S85-S6 including the engagement at

'88., and was present at the battle of Tel el- Kebir (Medal with
«nr of
<-l..., »na KhMivf-rstiir) Served with the expedition to the Soudan under Sir Uerald Graham 1884, and was m
pn*l;. in lhcTi.^ at Kl Teb (two Clasps). Also served in the Soudan campaign ,11 .885, and was present
"^"^ \"M't;rr'"ir M.VwHrT°erved1S^iho Egyptian war of .882 with the siege train under Lt.Colonel Minto EUiot

**'"'^!;."ui.'c d" KiuK ^n'cd in the ERiHian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with

tu*! lyj V ""it' Wm'.iiu-'-orvpd during the Xile Eipedition in 1884-85 as Acting Aide de Camp andMilitary Secre-

in despatches, 4th Class of the Medjidie, JleiUil

lury t.'. il..- M:.-.,r fJt iirrul on the Lines of CouimunicHtion (mentioned
* 1S85-S7, and was present in tlie engagement at
s'm It.'imv "served with the Burnie.'e Expedition in
I u-"i'''"
Nvt.iii'.iro<.-Miiie>Bii n( the surrender of Mandalay, in the
expeditions to Bhanoo and Mogonng. and against the
Ka.|»t.« on.herhimw Kronlier, and in the engagements atChoung-Pang and PHUng-yoi,g (Medal with Clasp).
'" l,ii-uu A H C Birch ser\-ed with the Burmese Expedition in 1885-86
(Medal with Clasp).
••• Niipier sen-ect with the Nile Expedition in 18S4-35 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
l.ii'ui K (J
I.i.-ut! U MorriR8or\'e(l in the KL'yptian war of 18S2 on Transport
"* Duty, and was present at the battle of
Trl^IKe ir(Uo<tiil with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). ^, ,. „ „„,,,,,, ,

I..-ut H. (> llirch t^crvcd with the Roval Artillery in the Egyptian
war of iSb2 (Medal, and, Kheuivc s fctar).
•'* Lieut K S. UmoWc served wiih the Burmese Expedition in 1886-S7 (MedMl with Cla^p).
«" Li. II! A. Cmwror.1 served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the Egyptian Army, and was present at the
notion 111 KirlR-kuti cMeiliil with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
Lieut. Hurii.-v served with the Royal Artillery in the Egyptian war of iSSs, and was jireseut at the suriendor
"f luifr Dowar (Med:il. iiuil Khedive's Star).
"» Lieut. A. fiipel-Curc served in the Egyptian war of 1S82, and was present at the battle of Telel-Kebir (Medal
wiih CUuip. una Khedive's Star). „ , , .
"* LicuiR. T. W. li. Bryun and F. H. S. Giles served with the Burmese Expedition in 1886-87 includmg the night
nlUick on (MedBrwiih CU.sp).
*•• Lieut L. H Ducrol served in the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
•" Lieut C. n. Sott served with the Burmese Kxpcdition in 1S86-87 (Medal with Clasp).
*•* Lieut. H. K. Hiiinton served with the Burmese Expedition in 10S6-87 as Attache Intelligence Branch (mentioned
in dcKpatcbes, DSO.. and Modal with Claspi.
"^ Lieut. R.U. Anderson served with the Burmese Expedition in 18S5-S6 (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp)
*• Lieut. I'errv h r^-ed «-ith the Riival Artillei'y in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
*» Lieut. M. B. Bicknell ser\-ed with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
*" Lieut. A. H. Sh'it served in the Soudan campaign in 1885, and was present in the engagement at Hashecn
nnil at the dcflnictim "f Temai (.Medal with Clasp, and Khec'i\e's Star).
••' Lieot. >. I>. Browne.—
See Civil Decorations for Gallantry, p. 128.
*" LIcul, M. Taylor scr%-ed in the operations of the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1S85-S6 (Medal, and Khedive's
"• Lieut. J L Parkerserved with the Burmese Expedition in 1886-S7 (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp).
*" Lieut. (,'. O. Smcaton served with the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-S5.
** Lieut K 1,. Dona ds' >ii served with the Nile Expedition in 18S4-85, and was present in the engagement at Abu
KIe« \Vcll» ..n tbo 16th und 17th Februarj- (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Also served with the Soudan
rronlicrKicId Koric iu 1885-86, and was present in the engagement at Giniss.
•" Lieut. C. N. I.yall «er\-cd with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85, and was present at the action at Abu Klca—
»< rerelv wounded (Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
*" lieui. K C. JuhiiBtou served in the expedition to the Soudan
iu 1884 under Sir Gerald Graham, and was
prnaent in the cnKa»fcmcDt at Temai (.Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Soudan campaign
P"" -'"• '" '^'"-' eng:igjineni at the Tofrek zoreba and at the destruction of Temai (I wo Clasps).
r L Coxheod served with the Burmese E.xpedition in 1886, and was severely wounded in an engagement
• I Ninioan on thciolh October (O.SO and Medal with Clasp). ,

,'*"'*°->'" '**-""'^''' 'lurins Hie rebellion in the North West Territories

'.u l'^"'"^ "'vi*'
of Canada in 1S85 (Medal).
"crvctl in the Eastern campaign in iS54-55,aud was present at the buttles of the Alma.
!• i.n''""'" V,-'',''"""""
"' "' ^"^'''° ""'^ ^"" '^^ Sebastopol-slightly wounded (Medal with four Cla.sps,
o "iru'Itiib mViuI)''''''"""'
'''*7'^"'»«rvc'' 'n tl>e Eastern campaign of 1854-53, including the battle of Balaklava. siege and
r«ll of 8«l««Uii>ol. capture of Kertch and Yenikale (Medal with two Clasps, and " ' '


'^''''"1 '" '860, and was present at the action at Siiiho, the taking of
iMi. .<r the I aku i'"^ T*^""
t ..rus, und the surrender of Pckin (Medal with two Clasps).
camp»ign of 1854-56, and was present at the siege and fall of Sebas-
,_'^'^'i"'-<Jfl"kerman ,«'*i'^
(Medal with two Clasps, and Turkish Medal). Has the Medal for Long Servico

•».." "^^' '""* "^"^ P''<='*='^* "* '^"^ ''"P'^"" °^ '^^ '^'^'^'^ ^°''« ''''^ «'
Ltwi W
i,oM."o,. i^'rv'a
Expedition in .865-66 (Medal with Clasp).
'" '879-80 (Medal, an.l Medal for distinguished conduct).
•1 the .urrrn-lrr u Pckm (Medm *""' ''''* '"''''"^"' "' '^'^ capture of the Taku Forts and
with twoa.iHDH)"' '

L.o«l. K.r.h «,.v,.,i ,„ i,.„

Egyptian war of
^'••'''' *'^^•^""•'• ""1 Khedive's Starj:
> aiMl bvoftUcakci'rruie'u?,. " '"'''"'' ^"^'"^ fo^Paien in 1857-58, and was 1 resent at the actii
War Services — lunjal ArlUlcrj {late Utnyal Artlllcnj). 197
' Gcncnil Lane served the Afffjliani^tMii caiiipai!,ni of 1S42 niuler General Pollock as Commissarj- of Ordnance
r-md preser.t at the forcing of the Kliyljcr I'ass and recapture of Cabool (Brevet of Major, and Medal). Com-
manded u. Troop (,'i Horse Artillery in the Uwalior campaign, Including the battle of Maharajporc (Brevet of
Lt.Colonol. and Bronze Star), Sutlcj campaign in 1845-46, including the battles of Aliwal and Sobraon (Medal and
Clasp, and CB.). Punjaub campaign of 184S-49, including the action of Ramnuggur, and battles of Chillianvi-allah
and (ioojcrat (ilcdal with two Clasps).
^ Gcnonil Abbott served at the siege and capture of Bhurtpore in 1S25-26 (Medal). Carried terms of accom-
modation from the (Jourt of Kheva to the Court of Russia. Was cut down in a night attack on the banks of the
Caspian Sc!i, and detained a prisoner, but ultimately completed the negotiation at St. Petersburg (received the
thanks of H.M. Minister for Foreign Affairs, and the Dooranee Order of the 3rd Class). Reduced to submission the
mountaineers of Huzara in armed rebellion against the Government. On the Sikh Governor of Huzara, with two
Brigades of regular Troops, 12 guns, and the garrisons of many castles and small forts, declaring for Moolraj, he
raised the population of Huzara, and, after many small affairs, remiiined master of the district and of nearly all the
castles; afterwards marched upon and occupied with 1,500 iiatchiork men, the Marquella Pass, which 16,000 Sikh
Troops and 2,000 Dooranee horse were preparing to cnrear ireceived the thanks of H.M. Ministers in both Houses
of Parliament, the Brevet of Major, and the PuQii ill Jfedal, with all its Clasps). Served in the campaign on the
North West Frontier of India in 1852 including the operations on the Black Mountain (Medal)
' Sir Frank Turner commanded Troop of Horse Artillery of Shah Shujah's Force throughout the Afl'ijliMnistiin

campaigns of 1S39-42, attached to the Candahar Division, and present in all the actions in that district, v. iili lecap-
ture of Ghuznee and re-occupation of Cabul. Mentioned by General Nott as " having on many occasicins rendered
most essential service," and also as "distinguished" (Medal inscribed "Candahar, Ghuznee, Cabul, iSji"). Com-
manded a Brigade of Horse Artillery at the battle of Budleekeseraiand throughout the siege of Delhi (nn i.tioned in
despatch, Brevet of Lt.Colonel). Commanded the Artillery of .Colonel Greathed's Movable Column (uicntidned in
despatch). Commanded Detachment Bengal Artillery of Lord Clyde's Force at the relief of Lucknow (tliiinkcd by
Governor General, and mentioned by the Commander in Chief, "his most particular acknowledgments being due,"
and as having "few equals as an artillery officer") also at the battle of Cawnpore (mentioned as "agnin drawing

most marked attention to distinguished merits"). Action of Khodagunge, retaking of Futtj-ghur, and capture of
Meangunge (mentioned) commanded 3rd Brigade and Bengal Horse Artillery at the final siege of Lucknow.

Mentioned "for services of the highest value " (Brevet of Colonel, CB., Medal with three Clasps, and a year's service
for Lucknow).
^ General Carleton commanded the Bengal Artillery Division siege train at the siege and capture of Lucknow
in 185S; commandedAi-tillery in the action of Nawabgunge (twice mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, CB.,
Medal with Clasp).
7 Sir Edwin Johnson served in the Sutlej campaign of 1845-46, including the battles of Ferozeshah and Sobraon
(Medal and Clasp). Punjaub campaign of 1S4S-49, including the passage of the Cheenab at RamniTjiriir, and
battles of ChiUianwallah and Goojerat; served on the staff with Sir Walter Gilbert's force in the subsoMuent jjursuit
of the Sikhs and Affghans (mentioned in despatch. Brevet of Major, Medal with two Clasps). Scivfcl during
Indian mutiny in 1857-58 as Assistant Adjutant General of Artillery, and was present at the actions of the Hindun
on the 30th and 31st May (slightly wounded, mentioned), battle of Budleekeserai, siege and cajiture of Delhi
(mentioned. Brevet of Lt.Colonel), siege and capture of Lucknow (mentioned, CB., Medal with two Clasps).
8 Sir William Olpherts commanded four Guns on service in Burmah in 1841 and two Guns in action at Jhirna

Ghat during the insurrection in Saugor and Nei-budda territory iu 1842. Commanded a Light Field Battey
throughout the Gwahor campaign of 1843-44, including battle of Punniar (mentioned in despatch. Bronze
Star). Raised and commanded Artillery of Bundlecund Legion in the Hill campaign in Sind under Sir Charles
Napier in 1844-45. Commanded ArtilleVy of Native Contingent against Kote Kangra. Served with Sir Colin
Campbell in the Peshawur Valley in 1852 (Medal with Clasp). In Turkey and the Crimea in 1854-55-56. Com-
manded three Guns, which, with Detachment of 10th Foot and a few Madras Fusiliers under General Neil (in
all 200 Europeans) routed three Native Regiments at Benares on 4th June 1857. Commanded a Battery with
Havelock's Force i'l the actions at Bithoor (horse shot), Mungurwar, and Alumbagh, and first Relief of the Resi-
dency at Lucknow acted as Brigadier of Artillery in defence of the Residency from 27th Sept. to i6thNov. 1857

(wounded, mentioned in despatches). Commanded a Battery at the Alumbagh from 22ud Nov. 1857 to 17th March
185S, and was present in all the engagements there during that period, also at the capture of Lucknow by Lord
Clyde (Brevets of Major and Lt.Colonel, CB., Victoria Cross, Medal with two Clasps): was awarded the J' (C "for
highly distingui.shed conduct on the 25th September 1857, when the troops penetrated into the city of Lucknow, in
having charged on horseback, with Her Majesty's 90th Regiment, when, gallantly headed by Colonel Campbell, it
captured two guns in the face of a heavy fire of grape, and having afterwards returned, under a severe fire of
musketry, to bring up limbers and horses to carry off the captured ordnance, which he accomplished. Extract from
Field Force Orders of the late Major General Ilavelcck, dated jjfh October 1857." Commanded a Battery of Horso
-Vrtillery in Oude iu 1858. Served as a Volunteer with the Frontier E.Kpedition against the Wuzeerees in 1859-60
under Sir N. Chamberlain.
General H. H. Maxwell served the Gwalior campaign of 1S43-44 and buttle of Maharajpore (Bronze Star).
Sutlej campaign of 1845-46 as D. A. Q. M. General of Artillery, includiii',' tlu' tics of Moodkee, Ferozeshah, and
1 1:1 1

Sobraon (mentioned in despatch. Medal and two Clasps, Brevet of ?il.-ijni). \V:i- prr,~ont at the battle of Oltenitza
under Omar Pasha on tiie 4th Nov. 1853, and at the Russian attacks mi K;il,il';it in ilir winter of 1853-54. Did duty as
au Officer and Interpreter to the Naval Brigade under Sir Wm. Peel nt the reliel'of Lucknow by Lord Clyde (men-
tioned), defeat of the Gwalior Contingent at Cawnpore, and action of Khodagunge— thigh bone broken by a musket
ball (Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp).
•" General de Teissier served in the Sutlej campaign in
1846, including the battle of Sobraon (Medal). Punjaub
campaign of 1S4S-49. including the battles of ChiUianwallah (mentioned in despatch) and Goojerat (Medal with two
" Sir Frederick Roberts served throughout the Indian mutiny of 1857-58 as D.A.Q.M. General of Artillery,
including the siege and capture of Delhi from the 28th June to the 20th Sept. (wounded 14th July, horse shot 14th
September), actions of Bolundshur (horse shot) Allyghur, Agra, Kunoj (horse sabred), and Bii'dhera where he

narrowly escaped capture while reconnoitring; present in the skirmishes prior to and through 51'. the operations
connected with the relief of Lucknow by Lord Clyde operations at Cawnpore from 28th Nov. to'j ;]i Dec. 1857, and

defeat of the Gwalior Contingent, action of Khodagunge, reoccupation of Futtehghur, storm of Mear-r"iige, action of
Koorsee, and the various operations ending with the capture of Lucknow (thanked by the Governor General, Victoria
Cross, Brevet of Major, Medal with three Clasps) received the UlE under the following ciroumstaness

Roberts' gallantry has on every occasion been most marked. On following up the retreating enemy on the 2nd
January 1858, at Khodagunge, he saw in the distance two sepoys going away with a standard. Lieutenant Roberts
put spurs to his horse, and oveitook them just as they were about to enter a village. They immediately turned
round and presented their muskets at him, and one of tl^e men pulled the trigger, but fortunately the caji snapped,
and the standard-bearer was cut down by the gallant young Officer, and the standard taken possession of by him. He
also, on the same day, cut down another sepoy who was standing at bay, with musket and bayonet, keeping off a
eowar. Lieutenant Roberts rode to the assistance of the horseman, and rushing at the sepoy, with one blow of his
sword cut him across the face, killing him on the spot." Was employed on special service with the expedition of 1863
against the tribes on the North-West Frontier of India, and was present at the storming of Laloo, capture of
Umbeylah and destruction of Mulkah (Medal with Clasp) Served in the Abyssinian campaign from January 1868,

as Assistant Quarter Master General with the Bengal Brigade, and, as Senior Officer of the Department at Zoula,
Buperintended the re-embarkation of the whole army was selected by Sir Robert Napier as the bearer of his final,

despatches (Brevet of Lt.Colonel, and Medal). Served as Assistant Quarter Master General and Senior Staff
Officer with the Cachar Column, Looshai Expeditionary Force, in 1871-72, and was present at the capture of the
Kholel villages, and attack on the Northlang range. Commanded the Troops engaged at the burning of the
villageofTaikoom, 26 January 1872 {CB.). Commanded the Koorum Field Force from the commencement of the
Afghan war in 1S78, and was presentat the storming and capture of the Peiwar Kotal and the pursuit of the Afghan
S'jmy to the Shutargardan, at the affair in the Maugior Pass and during tlie operations in Khost (received the thanks
of both Houses of Parliament, and KCB.). Commanded the Cabul Field Force during the advance on and occupation
. .

loS War Senices of the Officers of ihr ItvijaJ {late Bemjal) Artillery.
o' if 79, nnd was present in the en^'n','ement at Charasiab, i nd throughout the operations at
the winter _ of _ 1S79 So (Ci£.). Ccmminuicd the Calnil-Candahar Field J Force vrLich marched from
iliariii Aum^t'
I SSo', relieved the Candahar Garrison, and on the ist September defeated and dis-
Khan (received the tiinnks of both Houses of Parliament, Medal with four Clasps,
.V under Avul>
lv. ration). Noininatod GCB. and created a linronet for his distin.Eruished services in India. Has been
lies mentioned in despatches before the Afghan war, during which campaign he was eight times

Viceroy and Commander in Chief in India.

r:il f irdncr sen-ed in the Peshnwur Mountain Train in various engagements on the Trans-Indus
(MednlwiihCla.><p). In the Indian mutin.v(Mcdan. Commanded Mountain Train Battery in

;,'n uf i86?-fi3, and also in the IJhootau campaign of i864-65(mentioned in despatches, Clasp)
1 ,

•I'urlnn served in the action of Chinhut and throughout the defence of the Residency at
':>• wounded bj- round-shot splinters and severely by a bullet (mentioned in despatch and
.. !-;il ui Council, a year's service for Lucknow, Medal with Clasp, and Brevet of Major).
J on the North-West Frontier of India in 1864 against the Mohmunds (Medal). Served in the-

:n November 1878 to March 1879 with the force under Sir Donald Stewart (Medal).
1111 Hamilton was wounded in six places during a night attack on his Camp !jy 200 A^freedies whilst

a r.htary road to Fort Mackeson and encamped six miles from Peshawur.

: Ou. of 60 burkundaz and
- in the "camp 15 were killed and 31 wounded. Served before Delhi from the 26th June to the capture of
'U the 7oi\\ Sept. 1857, having organized the ist Company of Sikh Artillery during the siege, and constantly

li .1 liiitterlcs ofposition (nientioneil in despatches, with

" especial approbation and thaii^vs for zeal, ability,
-> 'n >ituations of great danger" Medal with Clasp). —
• ';. nil Nicholl was thanked by the Governor General and mentioned in Sir Hugh Rose's despatch for

<r,; - :.: .l: the defence of Saugor.

' ji.ij, ; iiLuenil T. P. Smith servcdat the siege and capture of Lucknow and capture of Bareilly (Medal with
(-Uup). Scrvoil in the Afghan war in 1879-80, nnd look part in the march to Candahar with the force under Major
CtcnemI PlmjTe (mentioned in despatches. Modal).
» OoloncrOrialn served in suppression of the Indian mutiny in 1S57-58, including the battle of Agra (men-
tioned in ilosi>alch. Medal).
*" Brigadier Oencrul Nairne served during
the Indian mutiny in 1857 (Medal) Also with the second expedition .

loEuHoriai, North-West Frontier, in 1863. Served in the Afghan war in 1878-79 with the Peshawur Valley Field
Force (Me«ial). Served in the Kgyptian war of 1882 in command of the Roval Horse Artillery, and wa> present in
thcJwoucli..nsiit Kiiasasin a!>d at the buttle of Tel-el-Kebiv (meutioncd'in despatches, CB Medal with Clasp, ,

jnl CliiRs of the Modjidie. and Khedive's Su\r).

" Colonel Cmster was present at the outbreak of the mutiny at Meerut on the loth May 1857, and was afterwards
pr-«f nt at the actions on the Hindun, battle of Budleekeserai, throughout the siege and at the final assault and cap-
Delhi (Medal with Cl.-usp).
'' Served with an expeditionary force in the Eusofzye coimtry under Sir Sydney
:ii April and May 1858; and with a force under
General Chamberlain against the Cabul Khcyl tribe of
OS in Dec. 1859 (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and was present during the
us round Cabul in December 1879 (mentioned in despatches), including the investment of Sherpore and
ill" of the Asmai Heighta (mentioned in despatches.
Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp).
^°1 ^; Hume serve.1 throughout the Indian mutiny campaigns and was present at the siege and capture
Delhi, ihr-iughout the U.)hilcund and Oude campaigns, including the action of Nugeena, relief of Moradabad,
action on the Dojura, capture of Bareilly, bombardment and rupture of f>hahjehanpore,
capture of the Fort of
Mohumdce, attack on and capture of the Fort and town of Shali:,i M . ,,f Pusgaon and Russoolpore, capture ,. ; ,,

nnU destruction of F..rt Mitowlce, actions of Mchmidee and hi- icd in despatches, Medal with Clasp).
I reftcnt in iicti.,n at shubkudder during the Umbeylah
war in h Clasp^ 1 1 :

]' ^ "''"''''' "' ,''*" ^"'°*' '^"'^ capturcof

^^i-'"';";^' '^?'!f."
]). Ih, n; .7, present at the actions of Namoul Gun- ,

jr*rce. Puuialec. an. Mynpooree also served in the Oude campaign of 1358-59 (Medal with Clasp).

s r- il
" "''-'' Walker served with the
Bhootan Expedition in 1865-66 (Medal with Clasp).
Lnekn^lw SledalVi'th Clasp^
"" ""^
campaign in 1857-58, and was present at tne siege and capture of

r .'%'°"'',' fi"'i!""" ""'f' '", ^'^'i ^?.'^'*" ilutiny campaign in 1857-58 (Medal).
'" 1857-59, and was present at the capture of Lucknow
•ndatoT^.iorM- HlXfrnv^M^ "?•'' V'"'P'- , Served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and was present in the en-
w«me. t A? »; 1^)^ .<'"^°''°"^'l
, nlonr^

"^ <\espntches, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp).
ff^t Vh m \v r nrin I 1

N'mhWe.t?nm inrnr^^^ '"^ '85758 (Medal). Served in the ca-npaiga on the

in^c n.a?ch .7 lnr,l^hnrll^,l?,'i?fV '^''^"P^- S"^ed in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and took part

« r ^i,li M ""')?'""^ " "li the nnder iV'^

force*^^^'l'" Major General Phayre (Medal)

HlMarik VulleWMed^n.'"''""*'-''
' '" ^^"^ ^^Shan war in 1879-80, and took part with the expedition into the

tlw-d^ln de n«u"hcsr-'nr*l^,,inn,l',?i;y^«""T'''"f ' ;^"9-^' '^"'^ ^™^ Pi-^^^"' i» ^'^^ engagement at Ahmed Kheyl fmen-
o( Cwidn liar
1 ,«?! m'h.1^^^. e^ t ''
RoJ^erts in the mar eh to Candahar and was present at the battle
Scr^Twi tnhc C> C^'..»^^^^^^^
°^ Lt.Colonel, Medal with two Clasps, and Bronze Decoration).
(mentioned in despatches, CB.. and Medal with Clasp'.
•^Colonc' Kord .orvod ih ^^"^ operations of the expedition of 1863 against the tribes on the North-West
Pyonllcrorin.ha (Medal „^^^^^^^
" S'Ccl I^wIh ^rvi-a mT-v"!!',.';! .I'l'i"
''""I'liK'i "» t»it. Xorlh-West Frontier of India in 1863 (Medal with Cliisp).
'^^ °P«""'ons «' cxpc.lilion of 1863 against the tribes on the .North-West
FronUcVof InZ (Mcrnl ivllh cms^ tl^o

'" suppression of the Indian mutiny in 1S58, including the taking of Simrce and

(M)vur«\1h <l„?;)""slVv;';iThroMLhom .863 against the tribes on the North-West Frontier of ludia
^ M,.jor(;.,.n.lV'm .man serve, t^^^^^ *"" ?''*'=^ Mountain campaign in 1868 (Clasp).
n«ltc^i^,f M,.untcd oXanre fn^^^^^^^
..f No.-; Ilaii.r .Ht Hr sen,
to »ri«llHr.;;.ncral mr/i'oomM^^^^^

gX Aw u'lr"""
"^9?, energetic in getting it into order prevfous to the arrival

mcnti.i.<d in dc»patche», and

NuKr C.t.end of the Ghuznee
Iil*»ctil in ti.e engiKfcnient nt
Ahmed .v...
7^0 "^f '? .'" ';»"''»•"".'«"<> wan present.
" ", "'"' "'•..nrc Decoration).
t''u, "a .'."'l',''."."''*'

win. < " "' ""'^ ^^""^^ Mountain campaign in 1868 (Medal

!.>^J^-l the enLMrffement.^''A"l,?,;nil^?"^°; /""' ^.""'^ P"'"'' '" ^ho advance to Cabul under Sir
«ol*ru .1. 11.,,, „.„,, I, I,, rnu,Ui\mT an I w ,« nro-o ... ^.,"'\' '"^Pnt'oni-'d in despatches) accomi)anied Sir Frederick ;

"'"' '"•' "f Candahar (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of

" 'uT-r,':."."'"'
•'"l' ''n'''^l'ro'/ze^^^^^^^^

"'">' ''V.^!'nm'l
M"y was n';! the Mahsood,
'^"^"''^^ Chamberlain against
(Mo.»«l with r-in,,,). niiring y>c ^^''^^^'I'T
fofcmg ofthe Burrarah Pass, and destnietion of Makeem
the Afp ,,m i,? r
" •;'"";;'•'••'• »•"•'• -tvcI o|"Plo.Vcd on Commissariat duty (Medal).
r in'V8,°n r "7«

MUon In itBi hi con.mi.n.l of
tl.o AfLd,.m
Served with the Mahsood Wuzeeree Expe- w
U.,vnl Arlillorv m„,?,i '^,
wU WM prcMK-nt *i the baiiro of
Tel-el KeWr mnn '^ °'l
"' ^osputches). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882,

""^ '" despatches. Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with

J'J^jJ" j-M^'jOyMwljldlo, nn.l Khedlvo'H s,Lr). Clasp,
'"'"' "*'"'"'' *"^ "'" Burmese Expedition in 1S85-SG in charge of the Ordnance Departmen
War Sen-ices of He Oficcis of the Eoijal {late Bengal) Artilleri/. 199
(iiri-iv<a Hit: thanks of the Government ol India, nieutioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt. Colonel, Medal with
R. W. Kayo served with, the expedition against the Jowaki Afreedeea in 1877-78 (Medal with Clasp).
•" Aliijor
.~<erviil in the Afghan war ol' 1878-80, and was present at the attack and cajiture of All Musjid and in the engage-
moiU lit Kani Dakka (Modal with Clasp).
Major R. G. S. Marshall served in the Afghan war in 1878-79, and was present in the engagement at Tukht-

i-Tul (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, and Medal).

Major H. S. Uigginson served throughout the Hazara and Black Mountain campaign in 1868 (Medal with
<'J:isp). Also served in the Afghan war in t88o (Medal).
Miijor do Lautoiu- i.crved with the e.xpedition of 1863 against the tribes on the North-West Frontier of India
(moiiiioucd in do.sp.itchcs, Medal with Clasp). Also served with the expedition against the tribes of the Black
-Moiiiiiain in the Hazara campaign of 1868 (Clasp) ; also against the Duffia tribes on the Assam l-'ronlier in 1874, and
ill the operations against the Jowaki Afreedees in
1877-78 (mentioned in despatches, Clasp), s \ r,i m the Afghan 1

war in 1878-79 with the Peshawur Valley Field Force under Lt.General Samuel Browne, w;i the attack ;

ami capture of AliMusjid and with the expedition into the Lughman Valley, and commamli . r Mountain , , 1 1

liattery at the surprise of the Fort of Shergash (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, .\h i:il I, lasp). \ 1

'' Major Anderson served in the Afghan war in 1S79-S0 as Brigade Major Royal Artillery ,virh the SouthcrH

ArVhanistan Field Forco (Medal).

/- Colonel Swinley served with the Bhootan Field Force from November 1865 to March 1S66 (Medal with
Cla.'ip). Served with the Hazara Mountain Battery in the Black Mountain expedition in 1868 (Clasp). Commanded
t wo guns of No. 2 Mountain Battery in the Jowaki Afreedee expedition of 1877-78 (mentioned in despatches. Clasp).
I 'uuuanded No. 2 Mountain Battery throughout the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was present at the affair at Mat-

1 '"111, in the engagement at Chara.siab on 6th October 1879, and inthe operations around Cabul in December 1879,
including the investment of Sherpore. Was also present' in the engagement at Charasiab on the 25th April 1880,
and accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar, and took part in the battle of Candahar (several
times mentioned in despatches, Brevets of Major and Lt.Colonel, Medal with three Clasps, and Bronze Decoration),

War Services of the Royal {late Madras') Artillery.

Sir George Balfour served with the Malacca Field Force in 1832-33. Campaign against Kurnool in 1839, in"

eluding the taking of Zorapore. Served with the expeditionary force in China throughout the war of 1840-42
(.Mcilal), including the first and second captures of Chusan, attack and capture of Chinhae, Ningpo, Tsekee,
Segoan, Chapoo, Woosung, Shanghae and Chin Kiang Foo, and investment of Nankin.
General Robert Cadell served on the Staff of the Tm-kish Army during the Rtissian war from October 1854,

iacluding the defence of Eupatoria, siege and fall of Sebastopol, and Omar Pacha'swintercampaigiiin Mingrelia
(mentioned in despatches, Crimean Medal with Clasp, Turkish Medal, 4th Class of the Medjidie, and Brevet of Major).
Served in the Indian mutiny campaign in Bengal, including the actions of Doomooreagunge, Baunriah, and Tool-
seepore (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp).
6 Licut.General Pearse served the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49 ;— was Assistant Field Engineer under General
\Vhish at the siege of Mooltan, and at the action of Soornjkoond, and subsequently commanding the Artillery of
the Nawab of Bhawulpore under Major H. B. Edwardes; present at the capture of the city of Mooltan (men-
tioned in despatches fm- conspicuous gallantry when repelling a sortie from the fortress on 30th December 1848),
Served under Major R. G. Taylor with the Force in the Derajat, which drove the Affghans from Bunnoo (Punjaub
Medal with Clasp). On the 2nd Jan. 1850, at the Goombuttee Pass, at the head of the border levies defeated the
tribe of Oomurzye Vizcerees who made a descent on Bunnoo. In November 1852 was in command of 4000 Cash-
mere Regular Troops and British Irregular Levies in the Expedition to Khagan and the Black Mountain (Medal
with Clasp). Served throughout the Indian mutiny, commanded the Cavalry of the Hurreeana Irregular Field
Force of General Van Cortlandt at the actions of Aotlah and Kheireeka. In command of 400 Rahtore Rajpoot Cavalry
of Bickaneer,— made a rorced march on the 26th June 1S57, by which Hissar was relieved. Commanded a Force
which stormed and c m.:p^ .\ th, fortified positions of Bhatoul and Mungalee in Hurreeana. Commanded the Cavalry
atJumalpoor. Scr\.,i .:il Showers' DelhiColumn, and was present at the occupation of the Forts of Dadree,

Jhujjnr, andlvaiinu! r;; ;.d a body of Cavalry in Brigadier Gerrard's Delhi Column nt the lialtle of Narnoul
severely wounded), r A ilio 3rd Sikh Cavalry at the siege and capture of Lucknow in Mai ch 1S58. Served


with the Azimghur I'm !<l I' ... iidcv Sir E. Lugard at the actions of Munnehar, Azimghur 15th Ain-il.and the
nursuitofKoer Sinu' mchidiii'.,' rhr. actions of Azmitghur 17th April 1S58, Mnniicar and Sheeapoor (iliat, and in the
expedition into the .In-.h -i' - nu-les during June and July 1858 (Medal with Clasp, and BrevetofMa .-i).
1 ,!

Lieut. General K. -M. ri:i.- fair served inthe second Burmese war in 1853 (Medal). Also served tlic Inilian m
mutiny camp.aign and was ofteri engaged with the rebels in inconsiderable actions (Medal with Clasp).
:Major General Gordon served inthe Indian mutiny campaign in 1857-58, and was present atthe reliefof Luck-

now, iiiol tiding the oiiorati. nis at the Martiniere and Diikoosha, and was also engaged in the action and defeat of the
Gwalior Contingent aM'Hw. II. -,,.,„, t'lf '.th Dec. 1857, and pursuit (Medal with Clasp). Served in theAfghanwar
ill 1S79 00, and wa^ ,.. ',. ..|._'.).^'oment at Charasiab on the 6th October 1879 (mentioned
. - 1 despatches) m
anil in the operati.i:,- .
i.i-cmber 1879 (mentioned in despatches, CS., Medal with two Clasps).
. .
-i I

1" Colonel Tayli'v ... .1 - ..,• r Field

,. Force in 1858, and was present at the affair of Kirbrai, battle of

lianda, and Iv.iuce i-NUdalj.

ocoupali.iu i,l

" Colonel W. H. M'Causland servetl in the China war in i860, and was present at the capture of the Peiho Forts
(Medal with Clasp).
'- Colonel Hadow was present in several skirmishes m
the Sambulpore country during the Indian mutiny lu
i3?7-s8 (Medal).
" Colonel Caine served in the Central India campaign from July 185710 May 1S59, and was present at the affairs
of Kattinghee, Balacote, and Nu.rsinghur (Medal with Clasp).
'* Coloi;ei S. Penny served in the Indian Mutiny campaign in
1858-59 (Medal).
Colonel A. M. Rawlins served iu the Indian Mutiny campaign in 1857-58 (Medal).
"° Colonel Hon. A. B. de Montmorency served during the suppression of the Indian mutiny with the Gor-

ruckpore Field Force and the Saugor Field Division from 1858 till the end of i?59 (Medal).
'7 Lt.Colonel G. B. Maclonell served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (mentioned despatches, Medal, 3rd Class of m
the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star).
's Lt.Colonel
0. W. Brereton served in the China war in i860 (Medal).
'" Colonel Helibort served in the Egyptian war of 1882', and was present at the battle of Tel-cl-Kebir (men-
tioned in despatches. Brevet of Lieut. Colonel, Medal with Clasp, 3rd Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star).
Served with the Egyptian Frontier Fiehl Force in 1885-86, and was present in the engagement at Giniss in com-
mand of the Royal Artillery (mentioned in despatches, promoted to Colonel).
-" Lt.Colonel Alexander served in the Zulu war of
1879, and was present in the engagement at Ulnndi (meutionea
in despatches, Medal with Clasp). Served in the Afghan war in 1880 (Medal).

300-3 ^'''"" Services of the Royal (lute Bomhoij) Artillery.

Geocral Se*ly»erve<l the campaigrn of 1838-39 in AfF^hanistan, includmg the storm aiul capture of Ghuzucc
(Medal). Served in Persia in 1S57 (Medal with Clasp). Relief of Kolapore. Attack on insurs^cnt Bheels at Diiba-
bunmand AmbapawTice on nth April 1858. Operations in the Santpore Hills in 18.58 in command of Mountain Train
%nA Left Column of attack (Medal, and Brevet of Major).
• Sir Arnold Kt-mball served the campaign of 1838-39 in Affglianistan, including the siege and capture of Ghuzneo

(Medal). Campaifpi of 1857 in Persia (Medal with Clasp, C5., and Brevet of Major). The Governor General of
India stated in his notification of the 18th June 1857 that " the valuable assistance afiforded on every occasion of
difficulty and danper, and especially in the brilliant expedition against Ahwaz, by Captain Kemball had been
bifhly coinuicnded by Sir James Outrnm and merited the unqualified approbation and the hearty thanks of the
QotemoT CJoncral in Council."
• General AitJcen sen-ed with the expedition to Persia in 1S56-57, and was present at the bombardment of
Mobumrah (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp). Served throughout the campaign in Rajpootana and
Cenirai India in 1S57- 59, including the action of Rewah, sieges of Awah (mentioned in despatches) and Kotah
(mentuiiied in despatches), and subsequent operations in Central India (Medal with Clasp, and Brevet of Major).
» Licut.Geueral Fuller served in suppression of the Indian mutiny, and was present at the action of Kotah-

keaerai and recapture of Gwalior (Medal with Clasp).

• Lieut. General Bavly served in the Punjaub campaign of 1S48-49, and was present at the siege and capture of
Moolun (Medal with'Clasp).
» Maior General Le Cocq served with the Persian expedition of 1856-57, and wa-' present at the storm and ctvptnre
of Raahire, surrender of Bushiro, battle of Kooshab, and bombardment of Mohumrah (Medal with Cl&op). Served
sUo in Buppre«8ion of the Indian mutinj-, including Kotah, Kotahkeserai, Gwalior, Koonrai, and pursuit of Tantia
Topee (mentioned in despatch. Medal with Clasp). [See also Civil Decorations for Gallantry, p. 12B.]
'• Colonel HoU>erton Rcr\-ed with the Persian
expedition of 1856-57, includi gthe storm and capture of Reshire,
•Turender of Bushire, and battle of Kooshab (Medal with Clasp). Commanded Artillery at the recapture of Kola-
pore in Dec. 1857 (Medal).
" Colonel Woodward served with the Persian Expedition of 1856-57, including the battle of Kooshab (Medal
withClaup). 8er^-ed in suppression of the Indian Mutiny ini858-59, including the action on the Taringa Hills at
Mrbeekanta and Goozernt (Medal).
'• Colonel Berthon sen-ed in the Persian
campaign of 1856-57 and was present at the bombardment p,nd capture of
the Forts at Mohumra (Medal with Clasp). Commanded a Mountain Train in action with insurgent BaeelsatShum-
•berpore (Indian Mutiny Medal).
•' Colonel Stockley served with the Persian Expedition in 1857, and was present at the boicbardment of
Mobumrah (Medal with Clasp).
'• Colonel Borradaile
commanded N Battery, A Brigade, Royal Horse Artillery, in the Egyptian war of 1S82,
•P"*.*^ P'^«n'w the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches,i' .
C.B.,. Medal with Clasp, 3rd
y ^ Class of the
Me<4)idie. and Khe<live 8 Star).
MajorGeneral Pottinger ser^-ed as D.A.Q.M. General throughout the Abyssinian campaign, having landed at
Zotillawith the Reconnoitring Party on the 2nd October 1S67 present at the action of Arogee and fall of Magda la
(menUoned in despatches. Brevet of Major, and Medal).
U.ColoncI P. H. Greig served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, took part in the defence of Candahar (mentioned
in detpalches) including the sortie of Deh Khojah
(mentioned iu despatches), and was present at the battle of
Candahar (mentiontd in despatches. Medal with Clasp)
M r> i*"'"'? bpring "• ^"'•'l""" servid in the Zulu war of 1879 (Medal).

served throughout the Abyssinian campaign from 23rd Dec. 1S67 as Commissary of Orduai.ce
.«H r°'°^*" ""•^'^ Ordnance Dep6t established at Senaf.5 (Medal)
u r,f-"} ''•'V^?
""^ ser\-ed throughout the Abyssinian
-iih .i, n campaign from Sept. 1S67, having proceeded to Zoull.-i
«!.Lr};»! ;n^°"V°r.'''°*'
^^^y ^^"^ present at the action of Arogee and capture of Magdala,

e and mentioned in dc-
''^''"•^•''"•^'*"'' ""'lineal" (Medal).
^ii .'^^
"** employed

in Western Turkey and Crete during the Russo-Turkish war of ic--;Z

^Rrovninf \T' ^}^^\^
''° ^.^""'^ ^{^i"^ °n Special Service in January iSSi. and served iu the Boer warns Assi-
U^OunrLr Xi;„r r ™ °° ^"^* °^ Communication, and afterwards as Assistant Military Sesret^iry 10
Sir E\-el.^ W'cl^
served thronphout the Abyssin inian campaign with the Transport Train from Sei)tembcr
i_36j, and commanded a
Di.-ision of the Train dunnc- t
the latter half of the campaign (mentionedin despatthesfir
H.'iTji'-?'" P°fW-. and zeal." Medal). Served in the A((ghan war in 1879-80, and was present at the defence ofCau-
and at the battle ofCandabcr (Brevet of Lt. Colonel, Medal with Cla.Mi).
{iz.'-^0000 -.-

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I 1^ ;


Corps of Eoyal Engineers. 20S
Beresford, Cbas. Fred. <.'obI
!.».<•. 2nd DiT. Tel.B. G.P.O.Teb., Loiulon Dec. 65 I Jane 7^ 22 Dec. =;

Imott, Napoleon, Exec. Eng Or., D.P.W., M. W. Branch, Simla aa Dec. 65 it .foly 78 22 Dec. 3i
iValker, George Robert, War Office, WTiitehall 22 Dec. t=, 14 July 73 22 Dec. 85
j'ampbell, Duncan llacXeil, Exec. En;?., ist Gr., D.P.W. Madras. I*eave, Eiirope'22 Dec. 65 14 Jnly tS 22 Dec. 85
Purch;i*, William Robert, iJosport .'

22 Dec. 65! 4 Sept. 78 22 Dec. 85

M.i-. Watson, Chas. Moore,''^ CMG. (Bt. Major, i3 Nov. 82), S.ILE., Chathiim 17 Apr. (56 23 Dec. 78:17 Apr 86
rekyll, Herbert,iij*^CJ!f». War Office, Whitehall ^•—•—••11 17 Apr. 66 30 Dec. 73 17 Apr! 36
airlatie, Charles Hosvard Peregrine, Exam, of Accounts, D.P.W. Madras 17 Apr. 66 31 Dec. 78 17 Apr. 35
ffoore, Edward Crozier Sibbald, Dover
, — ,

17 Apr. 66 31 Dec. 78 17 Apr. Sc

F(C Leach, Pemberton,'^" CB. i^Bt.Mujor, 22 Sot. 79 ; BiJut.Col. 2 Mar. 3i ; 1 t7 Apr. 66 3t Dec. 7S 17 Apr. 86
Colonel, 2 ilar. S5), Devonport J

Punier, Samuel Compton,'^' Exec. Eng , rst Grade, II. W.Branch. Leave, Europe ... ic7 Apr. 66 31 Dec. 78 17 Apr. 36
Pnrcell, ilatthew Henry, Western District, Exeter jr7 Apr. 66 \t Dec. 78 17 Apr. 8&
Tftr"<-"'^d, John Frederick, Executive Engineer, ist Grade, Hil. Works, Rawul Pindeei 17 Apr. 66 31 Dec. 7817 Apr. 86
3. .-!;, John Edward, Suptg.Eng.. 3rd Grade.D.P.W-.Assist. Sec.M.W.B. Simla 17 July 66 31 Dec. 78! 17 July 36
I.John House ilerrioct'-CBc.Jfu/oi-, 23 Jan. 79), Preston ..,(1:5 July 6£ 23 Jan. 79 17 July 36
nn du Terreau, Inscructor in Surveying, S.II.E. Chatham 17 July 66 24 Jan. 79 17 July 36
e, vvilliam Aldworth Home, Egypt 15 Jan. 67 13 Sept. 79 23 JTov. 36-
,.., -reen, Ar. Octavius'^ (Bt. itajar, zi ilay 84), Com. 37th (Field) Co., Aldershot 15
. ,
67 De3. 86 Jan. 13 Sept.7Q 6
Uewi-. .James Frederick, Works Branch. War Office, Whitehall .laii. 67 13 Sept. 79! ri
leWoI-ki, Felician Eola. War Office, Whitehall
Sar'^'i:-, Robert Martin,'-* Sabmarine lliuing Duty, Devonport
..jro July 67
10 July 67
— Dec. 86
Dec. 36 13 5691.79117
13 Sept. 79131
~ ; Dec. 86 !

.- in, Chas HenrvMaurice.'^H Exec. Eng., 2nd Grade,D. P. Works, Bangalore! 10 July 67 i Oct.
79 31 Dec. 36
vi.i, William George, Special duty. Cape of Good Hope jroJaly67 9 Oct. 79 31 Dec. 86
e, Henry Hamilton'-^(£*.J/(y. 15 June 3;),Surv.Gen.,EgyptianArmy,Cairo 10 July 67
: 9 Nov. 70131 Dec. 36
CIS Jeremy, Secretary R. E. Institute, Chatham _ 3 Jan. 68 13 Dec. 79I 3 Jan. 87
.- lis Faulkner'^* (Bf.Jfa/.,;2 Mar. 3i), Com. it (Field) Co., S.M.E., Chatham 3 Jan. 6£ 20 Dec. 79I g Jaa. 87
Duncan Alexander, Comdg. oth Compy., Royal Engineers, Hong Kong... 8 Jan. 68 24 Dec. 70; 18 Jan. 87

Richard, Exec. Eng., 2nd''Grade, D.P.W., Offg. Manager, Rajputana-


.^ilwav. Simla 3 Jan. 63 24 Dec. 79127 Jan- 87

:: is Franklin, Exec. Eng., ist Grade, D.P.W., M. W.Branch, Mooltan Div.... 8 Jan. 68 24 Jan. 3o( t Feb. 87
•eorge,'-'''t Deputy As.-istant Adjutant GeneraL Leave, Europe 8 Jan. 63 29 July So 12 Feb. 87
carles Hervey,'-" Halifax, Nova Scocia 8 Jan. 63 I- Aug-. 3o'27 Feb. 37
eorge Sydenham.i^ CMS., War Office, WhitehaU t5 July 68 22 Aug-. 3oi 17 ilar. 87
Geo. Aiex.'^ Comdir. 23rd Field Company Royul Engineers, Alder^hot ...
., 15 July 68 19 Sepc.3oi 16 Jane 87
L,Wm.Whiteford Bell,"" Exec.Eng., 2nd Grade,"D.P.W., Sind Pishin State 1
T5 July 68 '22 Sept. So 23 Jane 87
.-, Northern Section, Sibi /
- George Mervyn, Doing duty Officer. Sapoers and Miners, Kirkee 15 July 68 22 Sept. Sol i July 87
1 irk Henry Geo., Inst, in Army Signalling, Bom. Sappers* Miners, Kirkee; 15 J my 68 2 Oct. 3c|ii July 3?
exander William, Exec. Eng. 2nd Grade, D.P.W.,S. Arcot Div., Cuddalore 15 July 68 20
, Nov. Sci 23 July 87
'.lam. Instructor m
Fortification, Royal Military College. Sandhurst '15 July 63 25 Nov. 30I23 July S7
.ArthurThomas, Instructor in Submarine Mining, S. M. E., Chatham 15 July 68 22 Jan. St 23 July 87
L'harles Henry, Executive Engineer. 2nd Grade, Military Works Branch ... 15 July 63 22 Jan. 8131 Aug. 87
Courtney Clarke,"'^ Executive Engineer, 2nd Grade, D. P. Works lisJulyoS a Feb. 3ii i Oct. 87
.Arthur Rob. Ford, i^X)SO. (B*.jrii/or, I July 87), Exec. Eng. 2nd Grade,) t, -d ' ,r o' r^^ „
Madras, Under Madras Govt., P.W.D., Irrig. Br. Leave, Europe) ^5 JalJ °S' i

ilay 81, i Oct. 87


^.obert Maxwell,'^ Portsmouth '15 July 68 ri May Sii r Oct. 87

li iratio Arthur'^ {Bt.Major, 15 June 85), War Office, Whitehall _ ti3 Jan. 69 3 June 81! i Oct. 87
reorge'-^ (Bf.Jfo/or, i3 Nov. 82), Commanding Bridging Bate, Aldershot...ji3 Jan. 69 2r June 3i! tc Oct. 87
harles Hadfield,'^"' Souchem District, Netley 13 Jan. 6gi-c Jane 8111 Oct. 87
ratio, 1^" Eatnbur:A 13 Jan. 6g''i July SiligOct. 87
- J. nc-y^^ Bf.Jl^a/or,iS Nov. 82), Executive Engineer, 3rd Grade, DJ». Works, 7 .^ . t t o x-
i July Si 13 Nov.

Consulting Engineer, Radway Branch, Madras j|i3 Jan. tg 87

::ngton, denry. Superintending Engineer, Chatham Docfcvard 13 Jan. 69 i Julv SiUs Nov. 87
Hart, Reginald CUxre'* (Bf. if. yor, i3 Jan. 32; Bf.if.Coio««i,i3 Nov. 82;! x ,'
iSNov. 86), Garrison Instructor, Rani Khet
. 3 ,13
Jan. eg July 81I23N0V. 37
Fred. Wilmer,'-"" Com. 4th Co. Sappers ± Miners, Quetta. Ordered Home' 13 Jan. 6g( July S1I23N0T.87
.:?m7, Deputy Kxaminer, ist Gr., D. P. W.,Examiner of Accounts, Hyderabad 13 Jan. 65 July Si 5 Dec. 87
ier, James Campbell, Ordnance Survey. Reading 13 Jan. 69 July Si 17 Dec. 87
; iiry Oliphau:,"' Deputy Consulting Engineer for Bailways, Poona, Bombay 13 Jan. 6g' July 3i c7Dec. 87
.e, Montague, Executive Engineer, 2nd Grade, D. P. W.~ On Leave I.|r3 Jan. 6qI Jtily 3i! 3 Jan. 83
: J^ames.i" Sracion Staff Officer, Kirkee, Bombay
13 Jan. 6g i July 3i i Apr. 83
J.Mortimer Dorant,'** Commanding Eastern Battalion, Singapore 13 Jan. 6c iJuly Si Apr. 38
cfce.Wm.,'«C'B.tiiMfuy„i6Feb.S7),Exec.Eng.,3Gr.,DJ'.W. Leavejlurope! 7 July 69' 7 July Si I Apr. 38
chard Theodore, Commanding 6th Company Royal Engineers, Gibraltar ... 7 ' "
Jtily "
5g' 7
I Apr. 33
George Robert RoUo, Home District, London „ 7 July 6g 7 July 3i I Apr. 3S
'echeU,"« Coatham District 7 July 69^ 7 July Si I Apr. 33
i-ieorge Williiim, Portsmouth 7 July 6gi' 7 July Si I Aor. 33
Alfred Commanding E Company, School of Military Kngineeiing, Chatham 7 July 65 7 July 8: I Apr. 83
;., James White, Executive Engineer, 2ndGrade, D. P. W.,N.W., Simla 7 July 691 7 July 81 t Apr. 33
.'•i.Hleric, Adjutant 2ud Cheshire Engineer Volunteers, Crewe July 691 7 July Sii I Apr.
- Ohandos,"' Plv-mnuth
7 July 69I 7 July 8ij Apr.

Mward Robert- Commanding 25th Company, Gibraltar 7 July 69! 7 July 81I 2 May
ieorge Corbet"^ (Bt. Major. 16 1'eb. 87), Deputy Superintendent, 4th Grade, )
3 Jan. 70 8 Jan. 82I26 May £8
, rigonometrical Survev of India
ederickTaos. Nelson'*- (Bt.Majar, i July S7), Executive Eng., 2nd Gr., (
'.. M.W.B. Seaikote Division :3 Jan. 69, i July 811 i July 83
bert Haabary,'« Irrigation Department, Egypt 8 Jan. 70; 3 Jan. 821 r July 33
ort Oliver, L5'^ Executive Engineer, 2nd Grade" O. P. W. On Leave 8 Jan. 70 (
3 Jan. 82: i July 88
'.aude Reiiuier,i^i Ordnance Survey, Southampton „ 8 Jan. 70 3 Jan. 82! i July 88

iz\%s AXe:c.y'-DSO.(Bt.Maj.,iS Nov. 82; Bt.Lf. Cal., 13 jTme S3), Gravesend 8 Jan. 70 3 Jan. 82 i July 33
: '-Jiil, Richard, Jamaica 8 Jan. 70 8 Jan. SsIioJnly
. !
,:ir, Woodforde George, Cape of Good Hope 8 Jan. 70 3 Jan. 82 14 July 33
- - V'.'aiter Harry. Portsmouth 8 Jan. 70 8 Jan. S2' 18 July 83
Etlmund William, Cape of Good Hope
. 8 Jan. 70 3 Jan. i Aug. 33
1 irtin,'" Comuianding ist Company, Bermuda
11 May 82 7 July 6gi to Dec. SS
Herbert Charles,'** CMG., CB. (Bt.Major, 27 Sept. 82; BtJLt.ColQtul, ) |„ .,
J, .1,, y„. ,„' , „ ^ „
^°^^ "''^'y 7o,iS Dec. 33
Colonel, 3 Aug. 87). H.M. Cousul for K^Kjrdistan
S5 j f^
mas Ryder,!" Cj-prus „ 23 Julv 71 23 July 82't3 Dec. 33
;. Charles WilUam,'3« Malta 23 July 1
70 23 July 82' t8Dec. 33
Jyour, Henry Waugh, Gibraltar '23 July 70I23 July 82 i8 Dec. 33
nm. Executive Engmeer, 2nd Grade. D. P. Works ; Officiating Deputy > r^„ I „ i

ja'T g,
j„i„ ,a
la Dec
uec. 33
j l^j -""y
. -.tig Engineer to Government of India for Guaranteed RaUways /= 2j 02
Charles, Hong Kong
, 23 July 70 23 July 82 ;3 Dec. 33
r;aio H lit. Exec. Engineer, ;rd Gr., D. P. M'orks, M. W. Branch, Agra Div.'23 July 7023 July 82 iS Dec 38
) , 1

Coi-ps of lioyal Engineers.

Works, Salem District. On

IJoady.Ovrcn Vi.lul. Kxecntivo Enginccr^rnd'cmTe. D.P. j
23 July 70 23 July S?
23July 7023 July S2
23 July 70^23 July S2
23 July 70 23 July 82

Charks Boyd'- (HI Major, 15 June 85), Madras Sappers ami 13 July 70 23 July
\V ilWiewHi.
,•.•• 23 July 70] 25 July 82
M,V"n GoTber'i'S'ors''' Sapi^^^^^^ Engineer Militi 23 July 70 23 July 82
Joh-"ton. Jnmes T.ivlcr. Adjutant Uoyal Anglesey 23 July 7023 July 8a
Pickiiisoi'i. Edward,'"" Colchester 23 July 70 23 July 82
Chatham;23 July July 82
;^:::a)n:l;"v;.S^ AuS^!;s^"(^Xo;:V8 Nov^ 70I23

tng.,i si un
' '
D-A>r»il«r. Francis Hurton Grant. Executive Dec. 70 I Dec. 82
Brunei. .SirUiiid ami Lahore Coramanu, Lahore
C»nU« rhilip Instructor in Klcctricity, School of Mil. Engineermg, Chatham .1 4 Jan. 71 4 Jan. 83
Guards 4 Jan. 71' 4 Jan. 83
Dam-in. Lconnrd. Intelligence Branch. Horse

r"^ .1 4 Jan. 71 '

4 Jan. 83

ShiZ'wm 'tc",^ '!'- '}^^a S.^ve Kngin^ery^nd Grade; DlP-W^TeiniKDut^; War oijic^ 4 Jan.

WWtr Walter Haul.urv. Kxecutive'"Kng. 2ud Grade. D. P. Works. Bolan Temp. Duty. S. M E,
4 Jan.
Comds.'. H Company, Sappers ai
l»i"li;lcy. Jnmcs M. ntanue Taylor.'" Comdg.
and Miners, Bangalore 4 Jan. 4 Jau. 83
4 Jau. Jan. 83
Pupcriir. Henry William,'" Kxec Eng., and Gr., D.P.W., M. W.
Br.-i neb, Beloocbistau . 4
WiiUib'" (lit.iliijor, IS June t Division, Telegraph Bat., Royal 1

Jan. 83
Ik'Uiiel.lFcrdi 4 Jan. 4

Ihiit'lu'ot^.'^AlircdV Instructor VnArLii"s^ and Telegi-aph. Sappers and Miners,) ^ j.^jj .^ 4 Jan. S3
Hi"M>rkcc Onlered Home ^
Hil.loi.n.nd. Algern..ii. Executive Engineer, 2nd Grade, D. P. Woik?^, Military Works) ^ jg^ „, 4 Jau. S3
Tl....„i >..i.,
!{..>:. .'1
ChuckratM Division
Richard, Ireland, Belfast •
Hladciisburg, E.lmond Jas. Thomas. Inst, in Fortification, Royal Mil. Col., teandburst
- ; i
4 Jan. 71

71 4 .Ian. S3
4 Jan. S3
4 Jan. S^
Mil VI- "k, Stiivnrt M'Murdo, >lulifax. Nova Scotia
l)i«ii.f, Kilwinil John, Com. 29th Co. Royal Eng,, Cape of Good Hope 4
... S'j

Kiuh. li. r. lloi-HtioHcrhert.'f" CJ/G. (B^afajor.8 Oct.84; S^Z-i.CoWc/, 15 June 85 ; Colonel, \ 4 Jan. 71 4 Jan. S3
1 1 Ait. t.- ), Aide ,h Camp to the Queen ; Governor General Bed Sea Littoral, Suakiu j
Kiiiihai'lt,Hv.C.circkcn.'f^Ex Eng., 2nd Gr D.P. W. Railway Branch, Calcutta ,
2 Aug. 7-.'
Aug. Sr,

Cooklmrii, ArexandcrWilliani,'"*! Sappers and Miner.*, Madras. Leave, Europe 2 Aug. 7 Aug. S3

Ijikc, Noil Moiitiigu, Miillu

2 Aug. 71 2 Aug. S3
Well.-, Henry I.«ke."»Telegriiph Service in Persia, with local rank of Major, Teheran
2 Aug. yi 2 Aug. S3
IUiIhiii, Kdwnnl,''" Shcclmrvncss 2 Aug. 71 2 Aug. S3 1

Sc'.ti, Uiiolinniiii. CIE. Exec. Eng., 3rd Grade, D. P. Works, Hurnui Road Works, Sibi, \ 2 Aug. /r 2 Aug. 83
On I.e»ve J I

Wil.-uii,(ieMrg<- Frederick,'"'Executive Engineer, 3rd Grade, Simla 2 Aug. 71' 2 .\ug. 83

Oram. .~^,'-- Kxcc. Eng. 2nd Grade. Mil.Works Branch. Peshawur Division 2 Aug. 71: 2 Aug. 83
Unci;, Itiilrird Matthews. AssisUnt Inspector Submarine Mining Defences, with rank of! 2 Aug. 71'
Mii".i (Klicc. Whitehall

Kxhiiiii, .^imcoii Hardy,'"" War Office. Whitehall 2 Aug. 71 2 Aug. 83

Ulcniiie.Kdwiinl.'^'Kxecutive Engineer. mdGrade. D. P. AVorks, M.W. B. On Leave 2 Aug. 71: 2 Aug. S3
Muirlu'iid, Herburl Hugh, 2nd Assistant, Building Works, Ordnance Factories, Roj-al Aug. 83
2 Aug. 71 2
Arsenal, Woolwich j
I«oach,Hurold I'<-nil>orloii''^(7?Mf<(/or,i5 June85),Ben'jal Sajipers and Miners, Romkee 2 Aug. S3
('Iiiii|>in>lall, WilUnin Harnia,'"' Instructor in Fortification.s, Roval ilibtarv Acndcin v 2 Aug. S3
Uruio, Alfred Cniwford,'" Exec. Eng.. 2ud Grade. D.P.W., M.W.B., Sibi Division ..". 2 Aug. S3
(.'oiur, Kdmoiid William.'-" Madras Sapper and Mhiers, Sceunderabad 2 Aug. 71 2 .A-Ug. 83
»..r, Kilwnrd John, Northern District, York. Ordered to Halifax. Nova Scotia 2 Aug. 71 2 Aug. 83
U'Catlma, Henry iVirar./.'"' CifCr., Colonial Engineer and Surveyor General, Straits Settle- \
IS Dec. 71 IS Dec. 83
meiil.-, with lucHl rank of Major. On Temporary Reserve List J
UKrrihoii. John Henry Clienevix. Assist. Eng., ist Grade, D.P.W.; Assist. Principal of \ '

Thoiniu^on College. Uoorkee. l«ave, Europe Dec. 15 Dec. S3

3 ^
Kcllie, James, Exec. Eng.. 3rd Gr., D.P.W., Mil.Works Bi-anch. Jhansi 15
i Dec. tS Dec. S3
Ciithcr, Thomas I'lunket,""'X»SO. {Bl. Major, 1 July 87), Exec.Eng., 2nd Gr., D.P.W. With
\ IS Dec. 15 Dec. S3
lii.riiiiili ! vpfdiiionary Force
A' I' I'll. nin George.'"'
^ Ordered to India 15 Dec Dec. S3
' '
'in Lewis (;iinton. Executive Engineer. 3rd Grade, D. P. Works, Madras...

15 Dec. 71 15 Dec. 83
<' 1 Hacres, Executive Engineer, 3rd Grade, D. p. Works
15 Dec. Dec. 83
II.... I...1. .,....; .-Kpheii,"^ Burmah Company Sappers and Miners
..115 Dec. 71' j Dec. S3
Su.itl., lltmy Whi>tlcr."^'(A<.Jf«;or, 29Deo. 83), Instructor in Strategy,
&c.. School of) r.«o
Miliuiiy hiigimeniig, Chatham | '5
Dec. 71
i 5 Dec. 8j
liluckliiini,J..hii Edward,'" Commanding iSth Company RoyarEngiiieers.H^^^^^
hcoUii Ordered Homo " n».
j. 15 Dec. 71

i s Dec. S3
Breton, Hurry D'Arcli. Special duty, Inspector General of Fortificati^^^^^^^ _ -- 83
15 Dec. 7i'i.,
Ki.iKhi, llci.iy 1 aimer. Assistant Commandant, Eastern Battalion, R.
Engineers, Hong) n„«
Kong, will, rank of Major " M15 ^i
Dec. 71115 I
Coldncv, Williiii.i Henry, floiimcl !, 5 Dec. Doc. S3
71 5
Lo»lio.Fn.nciHSi-ymour. Egypt, Alexandria ',.'.;.'.'.!'.'.
Dec. 7' 5 S3
H-iwycr.Went worth (Jreiiville. Exec. Eng. 3rdGr.,Hd. Qr. Staff, inspVGVn.'.MiV.Woik.* Ki,V,i;,' 5

s Dec. 71 5 Dec. S3
Toong, f armichiiil Light, C ommanding D Company, S.M.E., Chatham
5 Dec. 71 Dec. 83
mte Uvcn.on. Julinii John '•» D.A.A. General, Intciligence Branch, HoiseGuards 6 Jau. 72. 6 Jan,
uipptKiey, Kicimrd Lionel, '« Assistant Instructor
in Electricity, School of Miltary'
Biiuuiciring, (hntha 6 Jan. 7 6 .Tan. 84
Ilcllant, lUilx-rt CharleH.'*: 6t. Lnria ..' '.".".'.".'.'.'."

6 Jan. 7: 6 .Tan. 84
<;«iupi>cll. John (lolin Livington."" Ceylon...
6 Jan. 7; 6 Jan. S4
6 Ji 6 Jan. S4
."^"K'necr, 3rd
Grade, D.P. Works
n H ^ r7 'ir^a.''^"'""
^".'':'''*-' Tclegrajih
Service, Aldershot
6 Jan. T? Jan. 84 6
u hu hvnn, (..ruld
Hope Wildig."^" DiKtriot SUC-Otlicer, Quetta. 6 Jan. 72, 6 .Tan. 84
6 Ja 6 Jan. 8^
;^'-'','.'"^'"i Priiicijial, Thomason College,
rLl'iIii \v"m
C«xl«l. Will.,.,,, Chnro.i.<-„„.,„„ndlnK
,'x Roorkee Jan. 72| 6 Jan. 84
2nd Company,
ompany, Royal Engine
Engineers, Malta 2 May 72' 2 May
p.» r. lliirn-Miinloch, John
B.lin, Cbiirlcii Co.ijti«l„„„. Exceitiv 2 May 72 1 2 May S4
Engineer, 3rd Grade," b;RwV,'''MiUtary^Vor
*' ' "'" '^^"'"" not known) 2 May 72' = ^!'.^' '•
2 May 72 2 May St
2 May 72 c May ^4
M iwoll. ItoMlU Cbarlci..'-
Commanding A Company, Rojal
May 72! 2 Ma.v 4
Mll.lnr; Ki Kincorlnif. rimlham Engineei^; School of)'!
] May 72 2 ,
Carps (if h'di/iil I'JiK/iin 2IO

I'ok-y, Aliroruon Campbell,''? Commnmlinfr 24th (.'onipaTiy, Royal Euf^ineevs, Egypt « May 72 2 May 84
Lovt', Henry Davison, P-incipal of the (Jivil En;;inceriiiL''Collejro at Madras. Leave, Kiirope [2Sept.72|i2 Sopt.S4
tSill,.loliii Warre, Uomm.iudius -^oth Company, Uoynl Kiiunncer,-, Cil.r.iUar [2Sepl.72|i2 Sept,S4
JIackcaii,Kenneth, I'J' Or(lnaiu.'e Survey, Chostrr i2Sept.72^i2 Sei.tS4
iiiisnoM, Arthur Uenry--"" (llf.U-io.;i-^.huu-S=,). ,'\yxn,,n[h .2Sept.72l.:. S.'pt.84
Willock, Harry Borlase.^"! War Oflicc, Whifr), Mil [2 Sept.72 l-^ SeiJt.84
Coustable,WilloughbyVenior,-"~ KxiT. IChl'., |i!i (ir., D.l'. \V., lU'i-n , c ju-uliiirj DuLiiiiiucr )
for Railways, Nng-pore j 12 Sept. 72^12 Sept.S4
.reimings, Robert H.,^''^ District Si 1 IT Oirircr. Mmui 12 Sept.72 12 Sept.S4
Darling, Charles Henry, '" 'Dniiii nid, 'i- I v'-'ili >
l''irltl) (•iniipy., Sch..,.! i.i:\I,|. Ku- . i IkiiIimui
Jcrvois, John, Comdi;', M Snir-iiin: In . 111;^' Co'iipany, Scii.kiI ,,I Military i :n - . rli;,i !,:ii n
Ravrson, Herbert i'Mw :i;.l. r .; (Submarine M iuin
.(oth - 1 C .'ii|i;i -n, I L, !i
1 .
, -. -.
Uhodes.Ernest rri'd. rii', - .: civice, Melbourne, Vietoi i.i ,\\ n h I. M-a'l rani, <,, Mij^r
Mackenzie, Wiliia ;

Andrews-Si" 'L I! - Own Sappers and Miik

Buston, Diilii- r :'
M a-ade, D.P.WcrUs, Sap
Tyler. John ^ h 1

Sim, George llaai Derby 1. .-i.i<L.t;4

Campbell, John Cii i-er. ;rdGraile, M.W 11 ,
!', ra/a-nnra S Jan. 85
Finnis, Henry, Kx< dr. M. W. H, liauul I'iiala, ... : ..
S Jan. 85
James Ari
i-'errier, S Jan. 85
PuUerton, John I>a Kirkee. Leave, iOiiropa
rs, ''
Jan. 85
Iloskyn, Charles I; 'allt^, East Indian Railway,

8 Jan. 85
Spilsbury, Edgar ( nan-, ;rd Grade, D.P. Works, Simla :; Jan. 85
Baldwin, Philip B. aji my, Chatham
Jones, George Tm- aa, ^ :is, Kirkee
Conner, William n iiiial.-'. Sick Leave. 8 Jan! S3 illaas,2isEx.Eng.,3rdGr., D.P.W.,' 8 Jan. 85
Iiindley, WaMcuia I)ilinar,2i'-' Ex. Engineer, 4th Grade
' 3 Jan. 85
Bethell, Edw; i-U, at Staff College
Jan. 85
Attree, Frederick \Vm. Town,--' CommandJii'.;- 1' i'-hmiiv., a Jan. 85
Sankey, Matthew Henrv Phinoas Riall, Oiilaanre Saia cn :'
Jan. 85
Talbot, Hon. Milo Ccorcc-* ^TSf.^[,lj.,r. 10 K,!,. i-;!, Can-l'. S Jan. 85
Mein, Alexander T.i a a, ,a !: aa i: ,-., ^nl lii-ada. i). !'.
, .
:; Jan. 85
Maude, Frederic N a a ;rade, D. P. W. ' '

: , 1 i '

i Jan. 85
Hickson, Samuel .\ /' 'onidua aUi (Ifai ' ' ,

8 Jan. 8s
Onslow, Gerald CI la a; a, (aiiive EnuiuLer,- l' '
.1 .:

Stafford, William 1'

a .aivah 'i .1 :,
S Jan.' 85
Waller, Edmund A a ,, : i
. \ - -aai I'la-naaa', a^ 1
,rj S Jan. 85
Kenney, Arthur 1 1 <
'i,, ..,,.., ,~ar\ ,, . 1 'liftin S Jan. S'5
Wahab, Robert Ala. a >
-,, a~i, ( li-a.Ia, s 8 Jan. 85
William A
St. Clair, '
ai 1:1 a, 1
MliKaa 8 Jan. 85
Tower, George Alii ;li ( l''a-M) Couip 'Pr- 73 8 Jan. 85
Childers, Edmund a: :. /;/, .l/a,v,,- o Jan. S =
ipr. 73I 8 Jan. 85
Wingfield-Strr.tfoi.l,( aail \ai aa, \ai a,,i,. .\ii,nn- Wmh 8 Jan. 85
lanainrn ing, Clial
Maxwell, Cedric,-'' Seh.i -1 of .\lil,i,ar\ 8 Jan. 85
Coles, Walter, 23n'nm. 3rd (S.M.MaCn., !;.i>nhay Sajipcrsa ra, KirkL 3 Jan. 85
Friend, Lovick Brausby, Secret Iv Cniinnittee, S. M. 1:.. Chalham Jan. 85
Shute, Gerald Edward, -^f Assist. tor iu Field Fortification, S. M. E., Chatham o Jan. 85
Rainsiford-Hannay, Frederick, Inspector General of Fortification's Office, Whitehall 8 Jan. 85
i>.ii.n. Haig, Herbert de Haga,^^' Adjutant Submarine Miners, Portsmouth Division 8 Jan. 85
Penrose, Cooper,-™ Submarine Mining Service, Sydney, N.S.Wales, with local rank of Ma jar S Jan. 85
Day, John Geo. ,=^8 Exec. Eng., 3rd Gr., D.P.W. Leave, Euiope 8 Jan. 85
Porter, Geoffrey Morehead, Executive Engineer, 4tb Grade, BomViav Delenac bivi.-;ion •

War Otfice ' [ Sept. 73' S Jan. 8,

Jerome, Henry Joseph Walker,-"' Commanding 30th (Railway) Company, Plvniouth [I Sept.73 8 Jan. 85
Scott-Moncrictr, George Kenneth, 2*1 Comdg. 12th (Field) Company, Koyal Entr Curra-di ti Sept.73 3 Jan. 85
Sinclair, Hnali Mantaaunerie, at Staff College Z.. 12 Feb. 2 Feb.
74 85
Kenyon, Kdwaial Kanalidi, School of Military Engineering, Chatham 12 Feb. 74 2 Feb. 85
Grant, Samuel i.'hailes Norton, Ordnance Survey, Reading '.'....!!!...!.!!!!!.!..!!! 12 Feb. 2 Feb. 85
Bate, Charles iP^-^uire,-^- Inspector General of Fortifications' Office, Whitehaii ...........".!!!!! 12 Feb. 2 Feb. 85
Elrington-Bissei, Maurice,^" Commanding 19th Company, Royal Engineers, and Acting )
Adjutant Ordnance Survey, Southampton 12 Feb. 74 2 Fob. 85
Middlemass, John Crawford, Commanding 34th Compy. Submarine Mining Service Malta 12 Feb. 74 2 Feb. 85
Peel, Frederick, Ex Eng. 4th Grade, D P. W.. Alil. Works Branch. Leave, Europe 12 Feb. 74 2 Feb. 85
Lutyens, John Gallwey, Commanding 36th Company, Royal Engineers, Cork 12 Feb. 74 2 Feb. 85
Cameron, Maurice Alexander, Deputy Surveyor General, Penang 17 Aug. 74 7 Aug. 85
Wrottesley, Alfred Edward, General Post Oilice Telegraphs, London ..".!!!"!!!!!!!!.! 17 Aug. 74 17 Aug. 85
Cleeve, Stewart Dalrj'mple,^" Instructor, Royal Military Academy, Woolwich !'.".!!.... .!!!"! 17 Aug. 74 17 Aug. 85
MacDonnell, Alfred Creagh.^'c Sappers and Miners, Bangalore '""" 17 Aug. 74 17 Aug. 85
Boyce, Ernest Joseph George, Commanding 1 6th Company, Ordnance SurveyV Bedford 17 Aug. 74 17 Aug. 85
Mason, Alex. Herbert,2-»7 Deputy A.ssistant Quarter Master General for InteUigence, Simla 17 Aug. 74 17 Aug. 85
Apploton, Henry,248 Executive Eng. 4th Grade, D. P.W. Military Works Branch Mooltan 17 Aug. 74 17 Aug. 85 ,

13ickie, John Elford,^" Executive Engineer, 4th Grade, D.P. Works, M. W. B., Umballa 17 Aug. 74 17 Aug. 85
Tyler, Henry Edward, Commanding 30th Company, Submarine Mining Service, Plymoutii 17 Aug.
74 17 Aug. 85
Abbott, Herbert Edward Stacy, Executive Engineer, 3rd Grade, D. P. Works ... 17 Aug. 74 17 Aug. 85
p.'.c. Foster, Hubert John.^^o Brigade Major, R. Engineers, Dublin ..........!!! 28 Jan. 75 28 Jan. 80
Haynes, Charles Edward,^^' Ordnance Survey, Southampton 28 Jan. 75 28 Jan. 36
Wisely, George Alexander Keith, D.A.A. General Intelligence Brancii,'HorHe''Guards 28 Jan.
75 28 Jan. 86
Barnet, Horace Hutton, Exec. Engineer, 4th Grade, DJ>.W., M.W. Branch, Sib- 28 Jan. 75 28 Jan. 86
Ruck, Oliver Ed wal,"''^ Commanding 27nd Comiiany, Submarine Mining Service, Gosport ;3 Jan 28 Jan. So
Mayne, Charles Blair, Prof. R. M. College. Kingston, Canada, with local rank of Major ..... j8 Jan. 75 28 Jan. 86
Goodwj-n, Henry E(? s'ard,^-'^ DSO. Queen's Own Sappers and Miners, Bangalore 28 Jan. 75 28 Jan. 8n ..
Gale, Walter A., Assist. Instructor iu Surveying, School of Military Engineering, 28 Jan. 75 28 Jan. 36 (
Hawkins, W. Francis,^" Submarine Mining Service, School of Mil. Engineering, Chatham ig Aug.
75 19 Aug. S6
Slater, Mortimer John, Com. 35th Company, Submarhic Mining Service, Pembroke Dock
19 Aug. 75 19 Aug. So
Randolph, Alfred H€rbert, Commanding 4th Company, Submarine Mil Service, Gosport 19 Aug. 75 19 Aug. S6
Jackson, Louis Charles, Tii^'nictnv, R^^•al Military Academy Woolwic 19 Aug. 75 19 Aug. 86
Littledale, Ralph Pudwi.v. Maar 'ia^ "
19 Aug. 75 19 Aug. 86

Commeline, Charles Ena.~i. aaa.amhaa N (liai S M.K 19 Aug. 75 19 Aug. 86

1 ,

Cowan, James Henry, War ulaa, W ulia 1

2 Feb. 76 2 Feb. 87
i, il

Lindsay, Henry Kdzell M<irgaii,-'' Adiutaut Hoyal Monmoulli.-*!i -MiJitin 2 Feb. 7£i 2 Feb. 87
Bond, Francis George.^^i Sajiiiers and Miners, Roorkce 2 P"eb. 76 2 Feb. 87
liCverson, George Fi'ancis, at Stairi'ollege 2 Feb. 2 Feb. £7 70

Corps of Royal Engineers.

T'Feb. 76 2 Feb. 87
2 Feb. ^<.
2 Feb. 87
Engmeerii^g, Chatham 14 Aug. 76,14 Aug. 87
T,Xn. Winfam H^rrv. A.^J.Unt lil.l/uctor. School of Military Aug. Aug.
14 76S14 87
Ln.on\ 0^3.0 Hunt y.«ai^-AdJ„Upt .St L^^^^^^^
-Tyne Engineer Volunteers 14 Aug. Aug. 87
Hn.lherton, Thnmn>' dc In Uiiye.-"'* Adjutant 1st Newcastle
-, . 76J14
Othce, TA hitehall 14 Aug. 7? 14 Aug. 87
r«rr Georlrc Anderson, Inspector General of Fortifications' 14 Aug.
-16 14 Aug. 8r
Kfllv Arthur Jiiuu-s, Instructor Royal Military College a;, .••.••;;:VVV;
Aug. Aug.
MnM.'.n, Edw Cha.... Ex. Eng.,4lhGr.. P.I>.W..Field
Engineer Sikkim Field Force 14 76 14 87
,...r Hcath,IKrcdcrick Croflon"^ (i;rfr«r Jfcyor, 26 Jan. 88).
On Leave 25 Jan. 77 25 Jan. 88
25 Jan. 77 25 Jan. 88
i.ltii !•, Frcoeric Maiilcy, Alhlone
Tli-"ii'on, Andrew Cimhain*«» (Brrxit Major, 26 Jan, Ordnance Survey, Edinburgh .... 25 Jan. 77 25 Jan. 88
Edinburgh 25 Jan. 77 25 Jan. 88
J- liiistoue, Henry Melvill.
25 Jan. 77 25 Jan.
IVmlK-rton, Ernest St. Cliiirr*" StairCollCKe, Sandhurst ;;•;•;.•
Hhnw Thoirns barton, Couiinnnding 14th Company, Ordnance Sui-vey, Uublm 2^ Jan. 77:2_s Jan.
,2=; Jan. 77 88
Ij.v«r<l, Arthur Austen Macgrepor,!'-'' Dublin
IjifTiin. Henrv David. OrUnancc Survey, London
-• •. •;

'9 •'"11677
.,.9 June 77
iw- v Apr. 83
H ..r. LawBon'. Heurj- Merrick.^' {Brrcl Major, 2 Apr. 88), Bridging Battalion,

V^.niur. John Arthur," VHO., Assist. Eng. 4th Grade, D.P.W., Military A\ orks Branch, 1 j^^^^ ^^ 1

I Apr. 88
('nil alia Division '
>..Mkiv, Alfred Robert Mandcvillc. Ordnance Survey, Derby J19
June 77 1 Apr. 88
IJi-vi".id». Frank Romilly, As.-iist. Inst, in Submarine Mining, S.M.B., Chatham 119 June 77 1 Apr. 88
iliir< ttrthv, Felix Denis"Fruncis,*^' Manchester
June 77 I Apr. S£
>;';i 9
l-i>iir>on,HuKhlAugubtus Lawrence, Comdg. 33rd Company, Submarine Mmmg
Scrv., Cork 19 Juue 77 Apr. 8S
In...r,J»mc8Laird,--^« Ordnance Survey, Clifton 19 June 77 i Apr.
Hii-Rcy, William Clivc,»^5 General Post Office Telegraphs, Bristol 19 June77l t Apr,
li.rW»(>u, Hu(fh Milbouruc. Assist. Sii].dt., ist Grade, Survey of India, Eangoon J19
June77| 1 Apr
!•. <: Agnr, Edward, Comnri'v!--i - - "-I '•onipany, Portsmouth 9 Oct. 77 I Apr.
Ilice. Spring Robon.Subniii M I s, rvice, Karrachi
• 9 Oct. 77 I Apr.
M.cres, Arthur D<".'las, Carlisle 9 Oct. 77, 1 Apr
D'lmlilcton, Horat. y.irri.-. A-- >i Submarine Mining, S.M.E., Chatham 9 Oct. 77 I j Ap: ci8
I'rcndergast, Thcodme Ji.lm U iiriciH r. On Leave I 9
Oct. 77 4 [
Apr. 88
Austruthor, Sir Raljih William, Hart. " Adjutant Royal Engineer Troops, Aldershot. .i 9 Oct. 77 22 May 88
Miis-y. Ham|iden Hugh. Sick Leave .1 9 Oct. 77 26 1
May 88
Ailair, llcnr'y Benjamin Navlor,»^ Onlnnnce Survey, Chester 9 Oct. 77 i July 88
.<t. John, Charles William Robert, Assistant Inttructor, School of MiUtary Eng., Chatham b Oct. 771 i July SS
Yolland, William, Onlimnce Survey, Clifton 9 Oct. 77! i I
July 88
Mnntell, Alfred Montgomery,"^' Assistant Instr., School of Military Engineering, Chatham|3i Jan. 78' i July 88
Hum-Murdoch, Commanding 28th Company, School of Military Engineering, Chatham ...I31 Jan. 78 1 July 83
illinmn.Godfi-ey,''" Executive Engineer, 4th Grade, D. P. W., Military Works Branch Jan. 78: 10 July
lluski-son, William. On Leave 31 Jan. 78 14 July 1

("rcjran. Thomas Andrew, Commanding 15th Company, Boyal Engineers, Gibraltar 31 Jan. 78 18 Julj' !

I >ruitt, Edward, Commanding 39th Company, Submarine Mining Service, Chatham 31 Jan. 78 t Aug. i

rin^ncy, Harold Frank, Ex. Engineer, 4th Grade, D.P. Works, Mil. Works Branch, Lahore 31 Jan. 78 19 Aug. i

Itrownripi.'. Henry John Watt, Sappers and Miners, Aden "

16 Dec. !

Mafforil. Hcnrv Lawrence Caulleild Howard, Commanding 31st Company, School of ^

31 Jan. 78 3 Dec. 88
Mditury Engineering, Chatham J

Andcrtion, Francis James,"' I'Ditland 31 Jan. 7S : B Dec. SS

ArkwriRht, Leonard Arthur, nth (Field) Company, School of Mil. Engineering, Chatham... 31 Jan, 78 ! 3 Deo. 88
UubbiiiH, Philip Charles. School of Military Engineering, Chatham 31 Jan. 78 : 3 Dec. 8S
J'liinits, William Alan,-" Adjutant Sappers and Miners, Roorkee 3T Jan. 78 1 3 Dec. 88
Stockdnlc, Godfrey Henry Wolley, Devonport 31 Jan. 7$,; 3 Dec. 88
Ihivid-on, Stuart, Professor R. Mil. College, Kingston, Canada, with local rank of Captain 18 Dec. 78 : 3 Dec. 88

Lii-li. Richard, Gravesend ... .. 'i« Dec 78
HoniiMow, Frank Herbert, Assist. Eng. 2nd Grade, D. P. W., Mil. Works Biai;ch, I'rts. and Oude Comd. 18 Dec. 78
Ji.ikcr, WalterWay, Assistant Engineer, ibt Grade, D.P. W., Karachi 18 Dec. 78
Riiikscll, Bruce Bromner, Inspector General of Military Works Branch,
Simla 18 Dec. 7S
Lenroyd. Charles Douglas,"'' Assist. Eng., 2nd Gr., D. P. Works, M. W. B., Meerut Command 18 Dec. 78
Norns, Stephen Leslie,*"* School of Military Engineering, Chatham 18 Dec. 78
Mulliily.Hurbert Eiocutivc Engineer, 4lh Grade, D.P.Works, Mil. Works Branch, Meerut Command 18 Dec.
Hiinlp. Wi liam Henr3-, 29C()mpauy, Royal Engineers, Cape of
Good Hope '18 Dec. 78
Mills Uudliy Ac'.amt, Newcastle on Tyne
18 Dec 78
hniinmond, Arthur George, F Company, School of Military Engineering, Chatham [18 Dec. 78
\\ itiii, JolJi),"* Assistant Instructor for Workshops, School
ofMilitary Ensin.-^iing, Chatham 6 Apr. 79
IJiirrarU. Hdney Geral.l, Deputy Superintendent,

4th Grade, Topograp. S'nrv.v of India, Mussoorie 6 Apr. 79

!'„"•.. ""^'' H""Kcrlorcl,='<. Deputy Superintendent, .itli (iiade. Survey oi Jiidia. Leave, Europe' 6 Apr. 79
Kelly, Fmiicis Henry. Assist. Eng., ist Grade, P.W.D.,
.M. W. Branch, Agra 6 Apr. 79 .1
KiiiL', Hei.ry Humersct, As St. Kng. 2iid_Grade, D.P. W., Mil.
Works Branch, Pres. and Oude Command; 6 Apr. 79
»r..» i.e, Clement Alfred Highy, Deputy Ex'amrne"r"ist
Grade, D.P.W., Simla 6 Apr. 79
""*• '8^'' <-o"'l>'iuy, Royal Engineera, Halifax, N.S 6 Apr. 79
I .'r" V,
""«'"'" 55il> Company R. Eng., Submarine Mining Service Acting Adjutant,
I ."•?.: V.?.','""'V ;
6Apr. 79
111' ,i^ iri^lli? '='">f"';^'^''" -^''I'V"' Submarine Miners, Royal Engineers, PombrokeDock
11.. ,,.,i«. iionry Bradley, hiibmarino Mining Service, School
ofMilitary Engineering, Chatham 6 Apr. 79
T.,^,.llcndErnchtA»»lstal,t Engineer,, .Military Works
Branch, Sibi. i.cave, Europe ...1 6 Apr. 79
,.'"' .•••V''o--in,|.-« .Sappers and .Miners, liomkee
1^ Fnii.kliii.
Itoborl As*ist. Eugiueor, ist Grad
miniKc-u .. .. 6 Ajjr, 79 i

.\1. W. Branch, Presidency and Oude Command 6 Apr. 79

llnU.!*, Jamcii, AiuiiMl4iul Engineer, ist
Grade ^^°'"^'' '"'™- ^'"'°' ^"'°P'
Mluar.. Andrew Milchell."v"*;.P.O. Telegraphf'ii^ew ^° '^
Cim^^ Tn ?^

IiIIIk/, Hen ry V. ;!, .Vn'.'et'.d'V,; \V!Ml"!'r;v'.'!l., i''"l^.'::.";.''.-.^^''^'''lf

^'•)^'"- Pi-'--:i;'"'C.V and Oude Comd. 30 July 79
' ' " 'J'^l""t"nM.t,
' '
' ' '

Presidency and Oude Command 30 July 79

Hurt"!!. Kdi/.uiid Mer II'i:la"\V']LV'V',w."''^'*
n.-"-' nth (Field)
' ' '

Company, Aldershot 30 July

Tukc. Monif LiUrhllclii.: 79
30 July 79
Ordered to Bermuda ^^nTnlv in
'''"'"'°y' ^ubmuriuo Mining Service, Malta
Vl^mr* iTTl'"'" ^*V.' ^o jSlv It

Hoddcr. Wlllinm Morirnn =« EaatemBatt.,

^lllmm Morgi K.ii.»«™ iioi'. a'..;";;;!;": "A""".- "• ..• :—• • • f
'•ptaiM. ttrdencl Homo

Sub. Mining Service, Mauritiusi "with Tocai i-a^^^^

18 Feb. 80
llulcmlt. Kg} phanAnnv.
HuKb."** Kgyphan Ann Cairo -"I

H'y3oJim K"bal'r;.1S Cnmn°S,: 'I' ?"^'?' P^wyDi; MiL Work8BVanch;"LucknowbiviBion Mining Service,

nilllnn"wtn"m R«Wri i?rn,itv^^^^^ Malta I,

Corps of Royal Engineers.
NatUati. Matthew, Defence Works, Rangoon •.

19 May 80
i;owie, Alexander Hugh, Bridging Battalion, Aldershot 19 May 80
Thackwell, Osbert Montague llochc, Asisislant Engineer, ist Grade, D.P.W., G Company)
S. M. E., Chatham >
19 May 80
Stewart, James, Assist. Eng. ist Gr., D. P. W., M. W. Branch ; Inst, in Surv. Cooper's Hill College tg May 80
Kincaid, William Franeis Henry Style,"" Depot R. E. Troops, Aldershot July 80
Aylmer, Fenton John, Sappers and Miners, tioorkee July 80
Capper, John Edward, Assistant Eng., ist Gr., Mil. Works Branch, Burmah 27 July 80
Haynes, Alfred Ernest, "* 7th (Field) Company, Aldershot 27 July 80
Baddeley, Charles Edward, Doing Duty Ollicer, Bombay Sappers and Miners, Kirkee 27 July 80
Dixon, Peter Eden, Assistant Engineer, ist Grade, D.P.W., Bombay 23 Feb. 81
Hill. CecU,299 Ceylon 23 Feb. 8
Meredith, Edward Spencer, St. Helena 23 Feb. 81
Petrie, Ricardo Dartnell, Sappers and Miners, Roorkee 23 Feb. 81
Cowie, Charles Henry, Assistant Ensjineer, ist Grade, D.P.W., M.W.B., Rawul Pindee Division 23 Feb. 81
Mackay, Huutly Brodie,^™ Commanding R. Eng. West Coast of Africa, with local rank of Captain 25 June 81
Edmonds, James Edward, sgth Company, Submarine Mining Service, S. M. E. Chatham 26 July 81
Morton, William Ross, Assistant Eugincer, ist Grade, DP. Works, Calcutta 5 July 81
Shelley, ArchibaldDouglasGraham, Assist. Eng., ist Gr.,D.P.W.ConsultingEng. for StatoRails., Madras 6 July 81
Paskei Gordon Henry, Ordnance Survey, Southampton 26 July 8i
Glanville, Francis,^"^ D.SO. Queen's Owii Sappers and Miners, Bangalore 26 July 81
Ellis, William Montague, Queen's Own Sappers and Miners, Rangoon 6 July 81
Van Straubenzee, Arthur Hope, inst. K. M. College, Kingston, Canada, with local rank of Capcain 30 July 81
Macdonaid, James Ronald Leslie, Assist. Eng., 2nd Grade, D.P.W., Siml-PisUiu State Railwa,;,-, ^
N. Section, Hazara Field Force Feb. 82
Walton, EUys William, Assistant Engineer 2ud (Trade, IJ.P.W.Mooltan Special Defence Division 22 Feb. 82
Duudee,Wm. John Dauiell, Assist Eng. ist Gr.,D.P.W.,M. W.ii.J'ivs. anil UudeCom.FortAVilliamDiv 2 Feb. 82
Roper, Alexander Williain,^'^^ Assistant Instructor in Field l'nriilir;itinii, S. M. E. Chatham 2 Feb. 82
Jones, Lewis, Commanding a Company of Eastern Battalnui, ilival ilngineers, Ceylon, with)
22 Feb. 82
local rank of Captain i
Hamilton, James Edwin O'Hora, 27th Company, Submarine Mining Service, Halifax Feb. 82
Craster, ShaftoLongfield, Assist. Eng. 2nd Grade D.P.W.,M.W.B. Mooltan 22 Feb. 82
Heath, Gerard Moore, ^o* Bengal Sappers and Miners, Roorkee 22 Feb. 82
Shellabear, William Girdlestone, Com. a Comp. Eastei-n Bn. R. Eng., Singapore, with rank of Capt. 2 Feb. 82
Robinson, William Henry. Sierra Leone 7 June 82
Mackenzie, Ronald Joseph Henry Louis, ^"^ Assist. Eng. 2nd Gr., D. P. W., M. W. B., Beloochistan 25 July 82
Leahy, Charles Albert,''* 6th Company, Gibraltar 25 July 82
Molony, Francis Arthur,'*"" iSth Company, Halifax 25 July 82
Luard, William Du Cane, G. P. 0. TeletjiMpbs, Aldershot .;5 July 82
Cordue, Williaai Georjie ilanger. Assistant Engineer, ist Grade, D.P.W., M.W. Braucli, Pe.sliawu 25 July 82
Wade, James Molesworth, Assist. Eng., ist Grade, D.P.W., M. W. B., Aden 25 July 82
Bythell, William John.^ua Assist. Engineer, 2nd Grade, D.P.W., Sibi 25 July 82
Ward, Bernard Rowland, D Company, S.M.E. Chatham 25 July 82
Stewart, William Robert, loth Company, Plymouth I Oct. 82
Elliot, Gilbert Sutherland McDowell, Assist. Eug., ist Grade, Sind-Pishin Railway, Kach' I Oct. 82
Salvesen, Charles Emil,^i"Cape Town I Oct. 82
Godby, Charles,3i- 24 Company R.E, 1 ':i;rci I Oct. 82
Stone. George Alexander Swi'ntou, A.-.msi. Ivi-. i-t Gr., D.P.W., M.W. Branch, Moolt.ui 14 Feb. 83
Pringie, John Wallace, Assist. Euginecr, .'iiil 'JiiKle, D.P.W., M.W.B., Rawul Pindee Command ., Feb. 83
Serjeant, James Robert Beza, Sappers and Miners, Quetto 14 Feb. 83
Kent, Herbert Vaughan, 27th Company, Submarine Mining Service, Bermuda 14 Feb. 83
Houston, Eyre, Assist.Eug. 2nd Grade, D.P.W. Gulistan 14 Feb. 83
Morony, Burdett Edward, Malta 14 Feb. 83
Brown, William Baker, Submarine Mimim S:t\ ice, Maniitiu.H 14 Feb. 8;
Mould, Charles Frederick, Eastern Li;itt;ili'iii, Siibiuavinu Mining .Service, Singapore 14 Feb. S^i
Renny-Tailyour, T. Francis Bruce, s ip;. Survey of Unlia, Rangoon 14 Feb. S3
Rose, Charles Stuart, Assist. Eng. 2nd liradc, D.l'.W., iLW.B., Xorth Western Rail. Rawul Pindee 14 Feb. 83
O'Meara, Walter Alfred John, 313 32nd Company, Royal Engineers, Portsmouth 14 Feb. a\
Uaggitt, Edward Dashwood, Assist. Eng. 2ud Grade, D.P.W., M.W.B., Beloochistan Command ... 14 Feb. 8^
Gordon, William Staveley, Egyptian Army, Suakin '5 Feb. S'^
Lang, John Irvine, Halifax, Nova Scotia 26 June 83
Lawrie, WalterGray, Submarine Mining Servi'^', .iaiuaica 28 July 83
Painter, Arnaud Clarke, Sappers and Miners, .miiay 28 July 83

Swainson, Arthur Lake, Assistant Engineer, jnd iliaiii', D.i^. Works, M.W. Jiranch, Sibi 28 July 83 ..

Broke, Harry, 31st Company, Roj-al Eugineers, School of Military Engineering, Chatham.., 28 Jufy 8?
Purvis, John" Spottiswoode, Simon's Town 28 July 83
Bonham-Carter, Herman, 'i^ Sappers and Miners, Roorkee 28 July 83
Taylor, Ernest Frederick, 15th Company, Royal Enginuers, Malta 28 ./ul.V 83
Buckland, Reginald Ulick Heniy,'^''' ||'oiii;mii, Km.i; Til: mi is, Suakin I
28 July 83
Curtis, Reginald Salmond, 25th Clin : naltar
'- i 1 , .
>8 July 83
Brott, Walter Percival, 27th Compiii; r-, Bermuda '

^8 July 83
.folinston, Bruce Camiiliell, 5tti ij nil 11 !;• .! iriitar
i. . . , !
•8 July 83
.Fohnstone, James H. nr. l.i:-i ill njn, ,v.l 'u i Feb. 84
Gibbon, James Aul.i ; , \ - l.'n-iiuAM-, .nnl 5 i.ral
84 , D.r.W., .M.W. IJi-.iiich, Sil,i Divisiu: Feb.
Ashwoi'th, Peroev.i I.
5 I'Cb. 84
Bullen, Edward D,i; 1; :
.- i:i1)l-i-s aad
, , Mihli. l;«jurkce
,, ,; 5 Feb. 84,

Harrison, Thomas, Sappers and Miners, Kirkee 5 Feb. 84

Weston, Aylmer Gould Hunter, ist Division, Telegraph Battalion, Aldershot 5 Feb. 84
Reynolds, Arthur Reynold, 1st Company, Royal Engineers. Bermuda 5 Feb. 84
<iaynor, Henry Francis, 8th (Railway) Company, School of Military Engineering, Chatham
Laurence, Richard Thomas Kaynes, Assist. Eng., 2ad Grade, M.W.B.,Sirhind and LahoreCommand 15 Feb. 84
JJirdwood, Herbert Christopher Impey, Assist. Eng. 2nd Grade, D. P. AVorks, Sind-Pishin/
15 Feb. 84
Railway, Northern Section, Sibi i
Dealy, John Anderson, Madras Sappers and Miners, Bangaliiri^ 15 Feb. 84
Pery, Cecil Charles James, 29th Company, Royal Engineti-. n. ", I'ape of Good Hope 15 Feb. 84 ' I -

Wright, Henry Brooke Hagstromer,''" Madras Sappers and ,1 r Burmah 15 Fei^. 84

FoWke, George Henry, 25th Company, Royal Engineers, Gii.i i . 1

Himington, Joseph Cameron, Assi.-t. Eng., 2nd Grade, D. P. Wui.v.,, M,l. Works Branch, Metrat !s Feb! st
Lyons, Henry George, ist Division Telegraph Battalion, Aldersbot 15 Feb. 84
Hunter, William Spiller, Assistant Engineer 2nd Grade, M.W.D. Delence Works, Rangoon 15 Feb. 84
!loe,GyrilHarcourt,32i Sappers and Miners, Bangalore 5 Feb. 84
Carey, Herbert Clement, School of Military Engineering, Chatham 5.1nne8j
Close, Charles Frederick. Ordered to India S July 84
Laffan, Joseph de Courcy, Eastern Bn. Submarine Mining Service, Ceylon 5 July 84
Uarper, George Montague, Sappers and Miners, Roorkee 5 July 84

)))) )

Li«m»Airr«. Lieutenants.
Jvni-*. Y.TUi-i Au>ru8tu» Tudor, S. M. Ser. Bipge, Thomas Ajthur Hastings, 26tli|^ 16 Sept. 85
5 July 84 (Field) Company, Chatham 1

.<• Mark Watfion, Eastern 1 Atkinson, Edward Henry de Vere, Calcutta i6 Sept. 8s
KonK.with rank of Capt. j 5 July 84 Cohmghi, Dominic Henry, 17th (Field) ) 16 Sept. 8s
rjiiiTi. On Leave 5 July 84 Company, Curragh J
'V,9th C'ompy. Hong Kong S July 84 Gubbins, Francis Joseph Beresford, 12th) 16 Sept. 85
Iward Guthrie, India (Field) Company, Curragh S
S July 84 Twiss, John Heni-y, Kirkee 16 Sept. 85
oCetil, Nat«l 5 July 84 i
Moore, Arthur Trevelyan, 12th (Field) )
16 Sept. 8s
jih. HoDK Konir 5 July 84 Company, Curragh J

Kdwnrd, E Company, Prentice, Herbert, Aden 16 Sept. 85

5 July 84 Johnson, Eliot Philips, Bangalore 16 Sept. 85
Sclater, Bertram Lutley, 37th (Field) Com-

> KraiiciB HcnryLcBreton 16 Sept. 85

S July 84 pany, Aldershot S
M W p. Vi.UM
llillK,Eilinond Hor»}crt, aolh Company James, Bertram Alfred, Bangalore 16 Sept. 85
Gibraltar S July 84 Scudamore, Walter Victor, Presidency and 16 Sept. 85
Maylnv. Kre<l. S. M. Ser. Rangoon 5 July 84 Dude Command, Lucknow j
^acAttani, Wnltor, 34th Company, S. M, Swiney, Alex. John Henry, Kawul Pindee ... 16 Sept. 8s
M'Elhinny, William John, Sappers andj 6 Jan, 86 5 July 84
Scrvirc. Mftltn )
h'pernnia,WHUcrStoplionJohnJ.La>vTence, Miners,' Kirkee i
5 July 84 Duff, George Mowat, Allahabad 6 Jan. 86
Kantcni Bn. Sutminrine Mining Service
IMjrell. Kdward Arnold, Bombay Defence) Twining, Philip Geoffrey, Assist. Eng. 2nd) 6 Jan. 86
Dec. 84 Grade, North Western Railway
Division... S 9 )
I'.iwcU. SidTiey Henry. Assist. Eng. 2nd Gr. } Joly, Alain Chartier de Lotbiniere, Kur-) 6 Jan. 86
P. I'.W., M. W. B.,tjnetta Division ) 9 Dec. 84 lachee i
9 Dec. 84 Wilson, Frederick Alfred, Kirkee
Stoehr, Oscar Henry, Rawul Pindee 6 Jan. 86
Harrison, liilbert I'lanvocd, Assistant In-) Jones, Reginald Ernest Picton, Meean Meer... 6 Jan. 86
ftpecior of Warlike Store.", Woolwich j 9 Dec. 84 Kirby, Norborne, Peshawur 6 Jan. 86
Kwbank. William, Militaiy Works Depart- Robinson, Richard Percy, Shoeburyness ... 6 Jan. 86
mcnt. Qncttu i 9
Dec. 84 Paul, Ernest Moncreiff, Barrackpore 6 Jan. §6
LiviniT'tono, Hubert Armino Anson, asrd) Fowler, John Sharman, Depot Royal Eng. 6 Jan. 86
(Kiildi Opmpnny, Chatham } 9 Dec. 84 Ti-oop, Aldershot
Sieven.->.Chnrlcs Richnrti Meerut 9 Dec. 84 Radcliffe, Philip John Joseph, 32nd Com- 3 Feb. 85
I iinpmun Leonard Piilmer, S & M. Bangalore
9 Dec. 84 pany, Royal Engineers, Portsmouth

Liddcll, William Andrew, Kirkee 9 Dec. 84 Hutton, Gilbert Montgomerie, S. M. E. 3 Feb. 86

frotireibcr, Acton Lemuel, 36th Company, Chatham ")

Cork i 9 Wade, H. Molesworth St. Aubyn,326 Har-") 17 Feb. 86
Tulloch, John Arthur Stanford,"^ Madras ) wich S
Dec. 84
Sajipcrs and Miners, Burmah ) 9 Heycock, Charles Hensman, Bangalore 17 Feb. 86
Evan*, rehcr Williamson, Madras Sappers) Seaman, Edwin Charles, S. M. E. Chatham .. 17 Feb. 86 I

Dec. 84
and Miners, Sccunderahad S 9 MuiTay, Valentine, Meerut 17 Feb. 86
B'.and, Edward Humphry, India .,. 9 Dec. 84 Babington, Stafford Charles, ist Company ) 17 Feb. 86
Uedlty, Wnltcr Coote, sSth (Field) Com-) Roj-al Engineers, Bermuda $
Dec. 84
pany. Shorncliffe J 9 Blair, Everard M'Leod.gth Company,Royal )
17 Feb. 86
Stiikcs- Roberts, Edward Rowland Engineers. Bennett, Hong Kong j
Roirkee 9 Dec. 84 Feb.
) Weedon, Franklin Francis, Bangalore 17 86
Willinmc, Hugh
Bruce, ist Div. Telegraph) Burn, James Montague, Lucknow [7 Feb. 86
liattalion, 19 Apr. 85
f Murraj-, Jas. Harry Stewart, Beloochistan ... [7 Feb. 86
Faniil.nnc, Gerard Lewis, 2i6t Company,) Blakeway, John Prestwich, Kirkee [7 Feb. 86
Sill. marine Minin;; Service, Harwich 29 Apr. 85
... ) Partridge, Henry Miles, Rawul Pindee [7 Feb. 85
E;.;h'<ven.( harles Hcnfrcy, Bridging Bat-) Molesworth, Percy Braybrooke, Cork t7 Feb. 86
Aldershot 29 Apr. 85
talii.ii, ...) Coffin, Campbell, Pembroke Docks [7 Feb. 86
Mcdlicott, Frederick Maunsel, Assist. Eng. ) Digby, WDUam
Trench, 6th Company
3nd(ir..D.I'.W.,Mil.Work8Branch,Quettaj 29 Apr. 85 [7 Feb, 86
Royal Engineers, Gibraltar S
Huleait. Alfred .lohii.S. andM.,RawulPindee 29 Apr. Bum, Ernest Melville Johnston, Kirkee Feb. 86
85 [7
Gale, Hcnrj- Richmond, 17th (Field) Com-) I
Kingscote, Randolph Albert Fitzhardiuge, )
pany, Curragh |-9 Apr. [7 Feb. 86
j Sirhind and Lahore Command, Umballa j
Clour. iieoirriyUomiuic.ACo., 8. M.E.Chatham Franklyn, Claude de Montmorency, 7th
29 Apr. 85 )
Sorfbic, Robert Ko.\. Bangalore (Field) Company, Aldershot
[7 Feb. 86
Apr. 85
Hama, Arthur Matthew Alexander, Kirkee 29 i .".

29 Apr. 85 Rouch, Arthur Bretherton, Roorkee t8 Feb. 86

Lloyd, fVedcrip Lindsay, 28th Co., S.M S ) Morice, Cuthbert Charles Duguid, S. M. E. ... 1 3 Feb. 86
S. M. E. Chatham j 29 Apr. 85
J'.ncii, Harrj- Balfour, B Co.. S.M.E. Chatham
Slaughter, Osmond Mourant [8 Feb. 86
29 Apr. 85 Stafford, Edmund Hyde Whalley Howard ... [8 Feb. 86
.1., S. andM., Roorkee
29 Apr. 85 Eraser, Theodore. Ordered lo India [8 Feb. 86
'- '- Heyuolds, 33rd Com-) Loring, Edward Martin, Gosport [8 Feb. 86
Mining Duty, Cork 29 Apr. 85
J Pilcher, Arthur John, Chatham [8 Feb. 86
I' I'nivers, 35th Company,) Brooker, Edward Part, Malta t8 Feb. 80
k' Uuty, Pembroke Dock ) 29 Apr. 85
Walpole, Alfred, Plymouth 18 Feb. 86
Ix .•, U.. l...r.l llol.pps, 20th Co.,
Gibraltar ... 29 Apr.
Ssl VniiixMien, James Ernest, 38th (Field) Com-
Pfrn-viil.i .Cecil, .xajipcrs i Miners, { Feb. 86
Roorkee 29 Apr. 85I puny, Shorncliffe :8
M'xirc. 'I homaa Brown, Assist. Eng. 2ndGr )
) Williums, Sydney Frederick. Ordered to)
1> !• WnrkH, -Mil. Works Branch, Quetta 29 Apr. 851
) Malta j
Uicharil Ficldin, a2nd Company
Bullock, Frank, S. M. E
:.<• Milling: Duty, Gosport
j 29 Apr. 85} Fair, Frederick Kendall
iiain (iniiit. On Leave June 85 Eraser, Howard Alan Denholm.
ll<rbcrt Colbonic.»=« Assist. Eng! 30 Ordered
V to India

Feb. 86
.t.l D P. Works, Mil. Works t
June 85
iKpnrtmi-iil. Allahabad 30 Collins, Charles Bury, S. M. S. Chatham Feb. 86
Cttntfnim.Philippo Hiiirl duPorron,»s4
j Acworth, George Pelham Aufrere, S. M. S. )
Meerut 30 June 85 Halifax, N. S Feb. 86
Iti.l .,. iMi.s H .vinl.WarOffice.Whitehan 30 j
' June 85 Campbell, George Polding, 37th (Field) >

30 Juno 85 Company, Aldershot j
2 May 86
'• 30th Company,
Juno Kennedy, John Nassau Chambers, Jamaica... 2 July 36
30 85
Versturme, Charles Hamilton 24 July 86
'ii-,S.M.8.,Go8port 30 '

Juno 85 Nathan, Walter Simeon, Roorkee

I .Miners,
24 July 86
Roorkee 30 Juno 85 Ainslie, Clement, Bangalore
24 July 86
30 Junc85

Ryder. Charles Henry Dudley, Kirkee 24 July 86

i-.iii, Aden 30 June Bo.v.'*, Reginald Harvey
8s Div. (
•"^'"I'ly. 23rd (Field)')' 24 July 86
'l'('i'.'iii|ih Battalion, Aldershot
iioi... 30 JlllK )
j '111 :i\ Percy John Frederick, Roorkee... 24 July 86
> ,< JcmldPonsonby.Rawiii ,

^ v.i' ', I'liarles Stuart, Malta ... 4 July 86

••t. Prc». 1" 11
!• '11, Cbai Its Lonsdale, India, Station)

not known 24 July 86
'•.Bri.lginKBn.,AlderHl, j
^ !re<l, Himln

< li.vton, Henry Edward Gilbert .".".."!'..'.!'.'..'....

24 Jnly 86
*..rd Lculie, hiirnaliy, Charles Granet, 8. M. E 24 July 86
Madras Saii^ ,
Llunt. Edwaid Leslie, Depot R. E.
<", i'angaloro '., Troops,)
Aldershot 24 July S6
Corps of Boyal Engineers. 214-17
Lieutenants. Second LiEoxENiNTS.
Kemp, Geofl'rev Chicheley, 26th (Field) > Cochrane, Thomas Henry 17 B'eb. 88
24 July 86
Compy, S. il. E i Winsloe, Alfred Raynaud 17 Feb. 88
Young, Edward Gordon 24 July 86 Watson, Thomas Colclough 17 Feb. 88
Barton, Husli John, Halifax, N.S 24 July 86 Greer, Richard Edward 17 Feb. 88
Smyth, William Carew 17 Fob. 88
Second Lieutenants. ND LIEUT, Harve.y, Robert Napier
Naish, Theodore Edward 6 Feb. 87 Hare, Humphrey Johu
Ogilvie, Edward Collingwood 16 Feb. 87 Brady, Daniel 17 Feb. 88
Elkington, Charles Jarvie 6 Feb. 87 Rees, Frederick Francis Nigel 17 Feb. 88
Mallaby, Digby Lighten 6 Feb. 87 Bowen, Charles Otway Cole 17 Feb. 88
Marshall. Hugh John Miles 16 Feb. 87 Hurae, Arthur Heniy'Bliss 17 Feb. 88
O'Shee, Richard Alfred Peer 6 Feb. 87 Gorringe, George Frederick 17 Feb. 88
Rotheram, Walter Henry 16 Feb. 87 Dick, George 17 Feb. 88
James Gordon
Fife, 16 Feb. 87 Matheson, John Colin 17 Feb. 88
Boileau, Frank Ridley Farrer 16 Feb. 87 Grant, Philip Gordon 17 Feb. 88
Waghorn, WUliam Danvers 6 Feb. 87 Swinton, Ernest Dunlop 17 Feb. 88
Mair, Robert John Byford 6 Feb. 87 Laurence, Gerald Cotton Raynes 17 Feb. 88
Watkins, Charles Mostyn Francis 6 Feb. 87 Fuller, Francis George 17 Feb. 88
Austin, Herbert Henry 16 Feb. 87 Coffin, Clifford 17 Feb. 88
Lathbury, Henry Oscar Feb. 87 Smith, George Edward 17 Feb. 88
Watherston, Alan Edward Garrard 16 Feb. 87 Shelley, Bertram Arthur Graham .... 77 Feb. S3
Dobbs, Conway Richard 16 Feb. 87 Watling, Francis Wyatt 17 Feb. 88
Haig, Ernest Herman [6 Feb. 87 Hemming, Norman Mackenzie 14 Mar. 88
Home, George Joseph Lombard t6 Mar. 87 Riaoh, Arthur Hamilton Dundas .... I Apr. 88
Leslie, George Arthur James 16 Mar. 87 Close, Lewis Henry
Harrison, William Albert [6 Mar. 87 Galloway, John Joseph iipr'88
Davis, Arthur Lowry Patrick 6 July 87 Nugent, Charles Hugh Hodges I Api-. 88
Bond, Reginald Francis George 23 July 87 Coldstream, William Menzies 27 July 83
Rivett-Carnac, Seymour Gordon 23 July 87 Friederichs, Duncan Alexander 27 July 88
Bourne, Percy Trevor 23 July 87 Barkworth, John Raymond '27 Jul>
Scholfield, George Peabody 23 July 87 Weekes, Henry Wilson k? July 88
Kincaid, Willie Alexander Scotland 33 July 87 Saunders, Frederick William I27 Jul.y 88
Liddell, John Stewart 23 July 87 Scott, George Theobalds '27 July 88
Bigge, George Orde 23 July 87 Griffith, George Herbert [27 July 83
Hingston, George Bennett 23 July 87 Wilkinson, Charles William |27 July 88
Crookshank, Chichester De Windt 25 July 87 Gubbins, Frederic William Beresford I27 July 88
Thuillicr, Henry Fleetwood 23 July 87 liabington, Walter ,27 July 88
Da\-y' t'ecil Willirtui 23 July 87 il'Cormiok, Andrew Louis Charles 127 Julv 88
Des Voeux, Henry Bertiani 23 July 87 Walker, George I27 July
Rushton, Henry William 23 July 87 Sanders, Gerard Arthur Fletcher I27 July 88
Whitlock, George Frederic Ashford 23 July 87 Kelsall, Hope Waddell '27 July 88
Vickers, Henry Mountague 23 July 87 Roberts, George Bradley 27 Jul.v 88
Pike, Cecil Francis Browne 23 July 87 de Lotbiniere, Henri Gustavo Joly '28 Juno 88
Palmer, William Legh 23 July 87 Girouard, Edouard Percy Cranwill 131 Oct. 88
Carmichael, James Forrest Halkett 23 July 87 Adams, Ale.xander '31 Oct. 83
Stockley, Hugh Roderick 23 July 87 Lesslie, William Breok IjiOct. 88
Caulfeild, St. George Robert Sanderson 23 July 87 Farwell, Charles Bowers '31 Oct. 83
Godfrey -Faussett, Edmund Godfrey 17 Feb. 88 Panet, Alphonse Eugene I31 Ocr. 83
Harvey, Edward Henry 17 Feb. 88 Bremuer, Arthur Grant J31
Oct. 83

N. B. The Officers whose names appear in Italics are holding Civil Employment.

Deputy Adjutant General— Grant, Colonel R., h.p. i July 86.

Salmond, Colonel W. i Oct. 84.
Assistant Adjutant General.

Ferrier, Captain J. A. DSO. 15 Nov. 88.
Wmgfield-Stratford, Captain C. V. 26 July 84 {for Sahmarine Mining Seroice).

Quarter Masters.
Buttle, Clement Francis, Chatham 3 Jan.
M'Culloch, Alexandejr Neilson, Chatham 30 Junes
Bull, John, Singapore 19 Oct. 8.
Goulding, William, Alderahot 13 June 83
Lewis, Arthur Thomas,32s Chatham 3 June 83
Hills, Alfred, Record Office, Chatham 3 May 84
Dadswell, William, Chatham 25 Apr. 85
Walker, Crichton, Home District 6May 85
Cox, William Henry, Malta 6May 85
Hooper, Frederick, Egyjit 6 May 85
Symons, Thomas Cornelius, Egypt. Devonjiurt 6 May 85
Andrews, Francis Wilham, York 6 May 85
Evans, James Thomas, Athlone 6 May 85
Tucker, George, Monmouth 1 Apr. 86

Morrison, George, G. P.O. Telegraphs, London 2 Anr. 87

Kenney, John Henry, Southampton 21 Sept. 87
Cromie, William Henry (Army Quarter Master, 21 Feb. 86), Intelligence Depart
:5 Jan. 88
ment. War Office
Wall, Edward James, Intelligence Department, War Office 4 Apr. 88
Hitching, George Henry, Gosport 7 July 88
Gibson, George Gisbome. Jamaica !9 Sept. 88

Royal Engineer Troops.

Adjutant.— \xi%tvu\,\ie-c. Captain Sir R. W. Bart, i Oct. 87.
Siding Mailer.— Bavid Gillon, 21 Aug. 75 ; Hon. Captain, 21 Aug. 85, Alderahot.]
S:ailQt~Facings, Blue Yelvet.— Agents, Messrs. Cox & Co.

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Pay! Pay.

AttTCooJ, Frederick, Liverpool 13 June S5 :9 Oct. S7
Kilby, James Edward, Portsmouth 13 Juno 85
Michie, Alexander, War Office, Whitehall
Pring, John {Quarter Master, 13 June 85), Newcastle-on-Tyne
Davis, Thomas, Greenock
Uoyle, William, Dundee 2 Mar. 87
London, James, Hull 2 Apr. 87
Whalley, John (Quarter Master. 2 March S7), Carditt' 1 Feb. 88
Organ, James, Leith
Roberts, Moses, Middlesborough
Montgomery, William, Falmouth ,

Brown, William George Charteris. StaliOnicov. Horse Uiinn Is. War Office

War Services of the Officers of the Boyal Engmeers.

1 The Duke of Cambridge.— For War Services, see Grenadier Guards.
Sir Frederick Edward Chapman proceeded on a special mission to Constantinople in Jan. 18^4. Was employed
surveying the positions at Bulair, Adnanople, and Buguk Tchekmadgie, previous to the arrival of the British
Forces in Turkey was attached to the ist Division, and accompanied it to Bulgaria and Bulganak, and M'Kenzie's

Farm also present at the battles of Alma and lukcrman. Served throughout the siege of bcbastopol, during the

early part of which he was Director of the Left Attack, and in the latter part he was E.x:ecuiive Engineer to the
Forces. Was several times mentioned in official despatches, and received the Brevet ranks of Major, Lt.Colonel,
and Colonel, CS. Medal with three Clasps, Officer of the Legion of Honor, Sardinian and Turkish Medals, and 3rd

Class of the Medjidie.

3 Sir Lintorn Simmons was employed for three years in the disputed territory on the N.E. frontier of the United

States in constructing works for its defence and in making military explorations. Happening to be in Turkey in
1S53 he was specially employed by Lord Stratford de Redclifife on several important services ; joined Omar Pasha in
March 1854 escorted the new Governor into Silistria after the former one had been killed, and was present during

part of the siege ot that fortress laid out and threw up the lines of Slobodzie and Georgevo on the Danube, having

entire charge of the operation with 20,000 men of all arms under his command, a Russian Army of 70,000 men being
within seven miles was present during the occupation of Wallachia and had frequent charge of reconnaissances

upon the enemy's rear. Went to the Crimea in Dec. 1854 to concert with the allied Commanders in Chief as to the
movements of the Turkish Ai-my was present at the battle of Eupatoria, laid out and threw up the entrenched

eamp round that place ; afterwards was before Sebastopol from April 1855 until after its fall, and then went to
Mingrelia and was present at the forced passage of the Ingui where he commanded the Division which crossed the

river and turned the enemy's position, capturing his works and guns Omar Pasha iu his despatch attributed the

success of the day chiefly to Lt.Colonel Simmons, He served as Her Majesty's Commissioner to the Ottoman Army
throughout the war and was employed in all the negotiations having reference to the movements of Omar Pasha's
Army. Has received the Crimean Medal with Clasp, the Turkish Gold Medal for the Danubian campaign, the Order
of Medjidie 3rd Class, and a Sword of Honor from the Turkish Government also the 4th Class of the Legion of

Honor. Was Her Majesty's Commissioner for laying out the Turco-Russian boundary in Asia, and granted the 2nd
Class of the Medjidie by the Sultan, but was refused permission to accept it.
* General Durnford served as Executive Engineer in the combined Naval and Military expedition up the

Canton river in April 1847, and was present at the capture of eight forts, viz.. North and South Wantong, at the
Bocca Tigris Pachow and Wookongtap, at the Barrier Zig-zag, Segment, Shaneen, and Dutch Folly, at Canton.
; ;

^ General Wynne served as Commanding Royal Engineer in the expedition to China in 1857-59 (Medal).

" Lieut.General Hadden was actively employed in Canada during the rebellion in 1837-39, im^^ was engaged
with the rebels at St. Eustache and St. Benoit.
General Montagu served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the battles of Alma and Inkerman ;

also at the siege of Sebastopol until 22nd March, when he was taken prisoner during a sortie, but exchanged, and
leaving Odessa on the 2nd was again in the Crimea on the 3rd August, and again present at the siege and fall of
Sebastopol (Medal with three Clasps, Brevets of Major and Lt.Colonel, Knight of the Legion of Honor, Sardinian
and Turkish Medals, and 5th Class of the Medjidie).
Sir Lothian Nicholson served at the siege and fall of Sebastopol from August 1855, commanded 4th Company
R.E. at Kinbourn, and was in immediate direction of the works for the destruction of Sebastopol Dockyard (Medal
with Clasp, Brevet of Major, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Served in the Indian campaign from
!2th Dec. 1857 to 23rd Dec. 1858, and was present at the capture of Lucknow (Brevet of Lt.Colonel, CiJ., Medal
with Clasp) has been frequently mentioned in despatches.

"> Sir Gerald Graham served throughout the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including tlio bnttlrs nf Alma and

Inkerman, and served intheTrp-nches throughout the siege of Sebastopol twice wounded lulu liulilti-party to the ;

assault of the Redan on the i8th June 1855 (Victoria Cross), and was on duty in the Trendies .mi, t.liu liiial assault of
the Sth Sept. was employed in the destruction of the Docks of Sebastopol (Medal with thrue Cl.asps, Ivnightof the

Legion of Honor, 5th Class of the Medjidie, Turkish Medal, and Brevet of Major) was awarded the I'tff for

"determinedgallantryattheheadof a ladder party, at the assault of the Redan (Sebastopol), on the i8th June
1855. Devoted heroism in sallying out of the trenches on numerous occasions, and bringing in wounded officers
and men." Sei-ved throughout the campaign of i860 in North China, including the assault of Tangku and the
laku Ports, and surrender of Pekin— wounded with jingall-ball (CJS., .Mudal with tw.i clnsps, and Brevet of
Lt.Colonel). Served thi-oughout the Egyptian war of 1882 in command of tlio -ii'l hn-.ia . :i>"i was present at the
engagements of E) Magfar and Tel-el-Mahuta, the two actions at Kassasiu, and in ilir til.- of Tel-el-Kebir (twice
1 1:1

mentioned in despatches, received the thanks of both Houses of Parliament, A'( J!., .Modal witli Clasp, 2nd Class of
the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star). Commanded the expedition to the Soudan in 18S4, and was jjreseut in the en-
gagements at El Teb and Temai (received the thanks of both Houses of Parliament, promoted Lt. General
lor distinguished service in the field, ist Class of the Medjidie, two Clasps). Again commanded an expedition
to the Soudan in 1885 (received the thanks of both Houses of Parliament, GCMO., and Clasp).
" Lieut. General Lennox landed in the Crimea on 30th Sept. 1854 and served uninteiTuptedly with the Ai-my there
iintil it re-embarked in June 1856 was present at the battle of Inkerman, attack and capture of the Ritle Pits on 20th

Nov. 1854 (Victoria Cross), siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with two Clasps, Sardinian and Turkish Medals, and
sth Class of the Medjidie): was awarded the for " cool and gallant conduct in establishing a lodgment in
Tryon's Rifle Pit (Sebastopol), and assisting to repel the assaults of the enemy. This brilliant operation drew
forth a special order from General Canrobert." Served in the Indian campaign of 1857-58 was present at the action

of Khujwa commanded the Engineer Brigade at the relief of Lucknow by Lord Clyde (mentioned in Lord Clyde s

despatch, and thanked by the Governor General in Council), and against the Gwalior Contingent ending in its defeat
at the battle of Cawnpore on 6th Dec; present at the action of Khodagunj ; served at the siege of Lucknow in March
1858 (mentioned in Chief Engineer's report and received Brevet of Major) ; commanded the Engineers at the attack
on Fort Rooya, and at the action of Alleegunj ; present at the capture of Bareilly, and at the actionof Doundeakera ;
commanded the Engineers at the attack of Fort Oomreeah present at the affair of Burgeedia, the capture of Fort
' ;

mentioned inaespatclies.Metlal 1858 (four times

>Ia*ie«li« and tho»m»iron the River Rnplce near Bankee 31st Dec. the Franco Cxerman war, and
w.!h two I'l^nV niiii lirevel of Lt Coloiie ) . Was sent German armies during
w«« iah^^m fV" n I r,4t N^ .870 till the .oth March 1S7.. Present at the siege of Paris from iith to
7*1 T^rmb™ 870° «t ho .i«»re of Meziercs from the .4th December t.U its surrender on the .nd January 1871
February and at the s.ege of Belfortfrrm. 7th Feloruary
•tThcT;,^ f rnr.; frnm the oth January till the 4th
, ,

ti'.: I'.f .' •• \

tlip Grimiui ir.>.)i.s on the iSlh February 1871.
Was Military Attache with the Turkish Troops
TiirkisU war o;' 1876-78 (Turkish War Medal). ..,.„.
il to Turkey on special service
Fwari priocedcd Jan. 1854 joined the Army the l-ast on itsm ;
. . , ,^ .
uiiinwrruptcdly un"til its returu in June 1856. including one year as Major of Brigade,
1 ,riii, it
1; ,i,„l was present in the affairs of Balganak
, and M'Kenzie's Farm, at the battles if the Alma,
H» -i) ivN ,• .1 inkermnn and nt the giego and fall of Sebastopol (mentioned in despatches, Medal with four
(•la.M.-. Urevet of Major, Knight of the Legion of Honor.
Sardinian and Tui;kish Msdals and 5th Class of the
Me.lj.dic During the Boer war of 1881 he was appointed Commanding Royal Engineer to the Natal Field Force.

8erv«l 111 the expedition to Ihe Soudan in 18S5 as Brigadier General in command of the Base and Line of Com-
mun.caiioi.g iucludiug the genenil supervision of the contemplated railroad to Berber (mentioned in despatches,
IJpdul with fliisp. »nd Khc<live's SUirV , ,. ^ , ^ „ , „ , . .

» Sir UowardKlphinstone served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol, and
WTij) woundoil during the a.«sault of the Sth Sept. 1855 (Medal with Clasp, Victoria Cross, Brevet of Major, Knight of
the Lcgiun of Honor. 5th Class of the Me<liidic. and Turkish Medal) received the under the following circum- : V&
stance* ;—" Dato of act of bravery, iSth June 1855.— For fearless conduct havmg, on the night after the un- m
•ucccwiful atuick on the Rcdiin, vofuutccreil to command a party of volunteers who proceeded to search for and
brinir back the scaling ladders left behind after the repulse and while successfully performing this task of ;

rescuing trophies from the Russians, Lieutenant Elphinstone conducted a persevering search close to the enemy
for wounded men, twenty of whom he rescued and brought back to the trenches."
" Miv'or General Stui"irt served during the operations of 1856-58 at Canton was present at the capture and ;

ilcmoliiion of French Folly Fort and at the formation of defensive position at the Factories; led the French
Storming Tarty at the assault of Canton, and was thanked by the French Naval Commander in Chief (Medal, and
Brevet of Major).
" Colonel Hawthorn served in the Roer war of 1881 as Commandant at Pietermaritzburg.
"Colonel I'bilips served in the Crimea from Septemberi854 to February 1855, including the siege of Sebastopol
attack and capture of the Russian Ritle-pits on the 20th November 1854, and battle of Inkerman. Was mentioned
in despatches with other Lieutenants of Engineers as having " particularly distinguished himself" during ths
siege (Mednl with two Clasps, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
" Major (ieneral ?Mwntds served in the Crimea from 14th Sept. 1855, and was employed in the demolition of the
Dock* of Sel)a.-t'>))oI (.Medal, and Turkish Medal). Served in India in 1857-59, ^nd commanded a Company of the
Boyal KtiLMiM-.-n. throughout the campaign in Central India under Sir Hugh Rose; present at the siege and storm.^
ini; of Chandairo (comm.uided the ladder party at the assault, mentioned in despatches), siege and storming of

Jbanti (directed the only two successful columns of assault), actions of the Betwah and Koonch tmentioned in
UeapatcUcii), actions before Calpee from the 15th to the 21st May, action of Goolowlee on 22nd May, in which he
supported with his (Company a portion ot the 25th Bombay Native Infantry which had been driven back by over-
powering numbers (specially mentioned in Sir Hugh Rose's despatch for "prompt resolution in charging most
sacccsafully the verj- superior force of the rebels, routing them with loss, and pursuing them till out of reach"),
CADture of Cal()ce, action before and capture of Gwalior. Served as Commanding Engineer vrith Colonel Liddell's
Colamn in Bundlckund in August, September and October 1S58, and also with Colonel Meade's Column in Central
India in February, March and April 1859, clearing the jungles and in the pursuit and capture of Tantia Topee
Oledal with Clasp, Brevet of Major, and CU.). Served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 as Colonel on the
Staff Commanding Royal Engineer, and was present in the engagement at Hasheen and at the destruction of
Teraai— mentioned in despatches as "having commanded the Royal Engineers in an exceptionally able
manner," and for having rendered "unfailing assistance in carrying out the many engineering operations
which had to be undertaken " (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Starl.
Colonel R. (irant soi-ved with the Nile E.xpedition iu 1884-85 as Commanding Royal Engineer (mentioned in
despatches. Medal with Cliis]., and Khedive's Star).
• Colonel E. IJ. Malcalm served with the 23rd Company
throughout the Indian mutiny, including the action of
lnitl«bporc. lelief of Lncknow, battle of Cawnpore, alTair of Seraighat, capture of Luoknow (mentioned
Oeapatches), CJipture of Rooya, Allygunge, and Barcilly (Medal with two Clasps).
Colonel J. A. l'apillon8er\-ed in China during 1858-60, accompanied the expeditions to toe North in
1858 and
i»oo; auring the campaign of the latter year commanded
as a Lieutenant the Sth Company Royal Engineers,
prMentatthe siepe and capture of the Taku Forts (Aug. 21st and 22nd) and engaged at the affairs of Sinho.
^^"K«y»wang, and PahlicLuou (Medal with two Clasps).
)'"'""'"* served in China in 1857-59, and was present during the occupation of Canton and
«. .'"^'"'^i'"
inc stunning of Chok-Uung under Sir Charles Straubenzee. Served at
attack on the Peiho Forts on the
»5W June ibsQ under llear A<lmiral Hope, when he was in command of the the Marksmen on board a division of Gun
'"',^'- 1<='"'0"' "°'l '" charge of the ladder party when the assault was made over the mud
Sm^Ti.!?.""*' . •'" K""»"try, &c.," Medal). Served in the Egyptian
niS^nt .. .7^1 ;'.'r i?,/','^'*r'I.'*-'"'\" war of 1882, and was
lel-.'l-Kcb.r (n.eiitioi.ed in despatches,Ci<., Medal with Clasp, 3rd
E^df'?l d',1^? AIs
a.neaive s htar). i'l"*^
Class of the Medjidie, and
scrvi-d with the Nile Expedition in 1S84-S5 (Clasp).

^"""' ''"^•'",''1 served during the Indian mutiny of 1857-59 with the 23rd Company Royal
FnffW°Jl »,!!f?
.1 ''"*P"'
"' •'.''o '»':l'"n of Khujwa, throughout the relief of Lucknow by Lord Clyde, battle of
C«r, iTr?', '
"^'; 'i^ST. action of Khodagunge, siege and capture of Lucknow,
. .

throughout the Rohilcund
,, '''"''."''"';'"J"''0'"''"o".va. action of Allygunge, and capture of Bareilly; throughout the Oude
i.tipiiigii, including the action of
„,. . ,
Dounderakera, attack onFort Oomreali, action of Burjeedia,
-'*'," "• "'"• ""^i'"" o>' tlio Raptce near Bankee
(1 (Medal with two Clasps). Served during the
""" ""* lucent at the actions of Sinho and Tangku, led the assnultiii- party (after Major
(;, -'necrH was wounded) at the storming of the
(n ,
North Taku Fort, b, i„- me „f the lirst to enter ,

''t"P'* for KB laiit conduct iu taking

up ladders and bridging ilie .litcli under a heavy fire),

""'^ ^^"^ surrender of Pekin (moi.t. aid iu , Medal

-„ i"^ ulV ,
ir,. .
r"V,'' H?'""
At-y.M.u.r, r ,,\,;,ii^,, „n,?.l?.
'' * "J''/'-, t^omma.i'ilcd the 10th Company Royal Engineers throughout the
woindr.nnthcriXur. a /"' "'^^l'"", °f Arogee, and storming of the Fortress of Magdala
Ki'^^.r ("'"'tioncd V'"
» Major t, era HnrriK
in despatches. Brevet of Lt.Colonel, and Medal).
U^. ''?UM '"',,;""'" "'[":: ";"'r''''\'-'''«^^^^^ In'l''^" mutiny of .857-59- and was present at attackionthe Alum
M',„„,,n.n,,. ','?."'' including affairs nU
!.,. H u '"*>-'^""''C'>l'turcolLucknow:throuL'hontf,linRr>hnoi,,ir1nor>i,>n,Vr„
°' throughoutthe Rohilcund campaign, ir,^l„rl i
lU)t „(,.
""""I"-''' Vl? ""'1« eampaignof .858-59, including the affair at Buxarghat :

K.iri •«! ," '.

l"^; ? J''''K'"ccrin India during the Trans-Gogracampaign, includinis
"""""^^'Ptedal with Clasp). Served during the China war of .860, and .
.'•".rlo'S ,>/,;.-•. ' •

Ua<t. .--ufl <iur,n,^tl,'


"". ""', ^'"'•ej:"!"- of I'ekin, and in-eseut at the affairs of Senho and
V\fm„ttu..,u il.c ,8ih a.
«n ihr Zulu w„r ..f "7!
7m ,. d/,K,^
'V''",''''«I'"'ches.Medal with two Clasps, and Brevetof Major). Served
nrtVr» l>/,//""''''-
•a. ... t,„,. ,,„. Af.'nr
er Mi.M .r !^ "\!'^"'' y'Virters, afterwards as Assistant Quarter Master General, and

'" < "''I'iT'nicnt during the second a.lvance into Zululand, and
i:i,„.,|. M.p,,,,, , I • ',
' **
of •' • esimtchoK and CIl.). Was subse(,ucntly appointed to the command
,„ O iir iKHob '•''' i,^.^^^
''f [•'"'• i;"">imn was iilaccd in command of the
,, r**;,'' Transvaal District,
1' ? ' '.°
operations against
a^'»'"8t Sekukuni, and, afterwards, maintained the
-wi1 ...^, ,^!'l^l.''.i.„ 1
'l'«l'o»'t'ion8 necessitated by the hostilejtile attitude of the
'..m' \i!'..^i"' I, ,m'"'1"'"''-^'
^'^^""^ '" ^lie Egyptian war of .882 as Assi Assistant Adjutant
mrrrn?,n. ''"',;;'' I- '

-ominunicatiou throughout the campaign ; wai
d at iho Imi. „ • was present in the
- lol-el-Kobir (mentioned iu despatches, CJUG., Medal with
• .„i,.„. ,.,,,1 Kho,livc'i
H.L Clasp,

•crMMi in the Egyptian

war of 1882 ou special service (Medal, and Khedive's Star)
War Sen-ices of the Officers of the Loyal Enrjineers. 227
Served with the Nile Expedition in 18S5 as CJhicf of the iTitollio-enco DepHrtment, and was present at the action of
Abu Klea after the engagement at El Gubat he commanded the Desert Column in its advance to the Nile and

the reconnaissance of Metammeh, and proceeded up the Nile to the vicinity of Khartoum with a small foi-ce
of the Sussex Regiment and Soudanese troops in two steamers with the object of relieving Gordon (mentioned in
despatches, XCB., two Clasps).
*^ Colonel D. C. Walker served with the Rajpootana Field Force in 1857-55, and was present at the capture of

Fort Awah and the siei?cof K()tah( Medal with Clasp).

*» Colonel Durnford served with the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 18S4-85 as Command-

ing Royal Engineer (mentioned in despatches).

"^ Colonel Sanforil served in China in
1858, during the occupation of Canton, the expedition to Peiho,
demolition of tlie forts at the mouth of the river and advance to Tientsin, Also in the campaign in the North of
China in 1S60 (Medal with Clasp). Also in the operations against theTaepingsiu i852, including the capture of the
stockades of Nanhsiang, escalade of the walled cities of Kadin, Tsinpoo,andTsolin, and the fortified town of Najow.
Served in the Jowaki Afreedee Expedition in 1878 as A.Q.M.General, Peshawar District (.Medal with Clasp). Served
in the Afghan war of 1878-79 as Assistant Quarter Master General of the ist Division in the Peshawur Valley
Field Force, and was present at the capture of Ali Musjid (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal
with Clasp). Served with the Burmese Expedition in i8S5-86in command of Royal Engineers (received the thanks
of the Government of India, mentioned in despatches, CB., and Medal with Clasp).
" Colonel Le Mesurier served in the Boer war of 1881, and took part in the defence of Pretoria (Brevet of Lt.Colonel).
Served in the Soudan campaign in 18S5 in command of the Royal Engineers on the Jjines of Communication
(mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
^^ Colonel Moysey served in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the engagement at Ulundi (mentioned
in despatches, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp).
Colonel Start served in the Abyssinian campaign and commanded No. 2 Company Bombay Sappers which
did excellent service on the Senafe Pass and the Sooro Defile, and was present at the action of Arogee and capture
of Magdala (Medal).
Colonel C. J. O'N. Ferguson served in the New Zealand war of 1861-66, including the actions of Katikarn
and Kaitahi (Medal).
Colonel W. Salmond was employed during the Egyptian war of 1882 as Commanding Royal Engineer at the Base

of Operations (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal, 4th Class of the Osmanieh, and Khedive's Star),
^* Sir Charles Warren served during the suppression of the Kafir outbreak in 1877-78, with local rank of Lieut,

command of the Diamond Fields Horse, and took part in several actions (Brevet of Lieutenant Colonel).
Colonel, in
Commanded part of the Griqualand West Field Force in the Griqua rising in 187S, including numerous engagements
and skirmishes with the natives (several times mentioned in despatches commended in the Governor's despatches

for "energy, ability, and resource displayed undermost trying circumstances," Medal with Clasp). Served in com-
mand of an expedition into Arabia Petrasa, despatched during the Egyptian war of 1882 for the purpose of bringing
to justice the murderers of Professor Palmer and his party (KCMG-., Medal, ^rd Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's
Star). Commanded the forces in the Bechuanaland Expedition in 1884-85 (GCMO.).
^' Colonel Crowdy was present in charge of a Detachment of the Royal Engineers at the Naval operations in
the Strait of Simonoseki in Japan from the 5th to 3th Sept. 1864, resulting in the capture and destruction of
the Batteries of the Prince of Negato (mentioned in despatches).
"5 Lt.Colonel H. F. Tnrner served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 as Director of Telegraphs, and was pre-
sent in the engagement attheTofrek zereba(mentionedindespatches, Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
" Colonel R. J. Bond commanded the A Troop of Royal Engineers in the Egyptian war of 18S2, and was
present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lt.Co'onel, Medal with Clasp, 3rd Class
of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star).
^ Lt.Colonel Grover served with the expedition to the Soudan in 18S5 under Si Gerald Graham as Deputy Assis-

tant Adjutant and Quarter Master General head of Intelligence Department— and was present in the Cavalry recon-
naissance at Hasheen, in the engagement at Hasheen, at the attack on the convoy on the 26th March, and at the
destruction of Temai (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
^^ Lt.Colonel W. H. Mulloy served in the New Zealand war in 1864, including the action of Kakaramea (Medal).

Served with the Nile Expedition m 1S84-85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
" Lt.Colonel Peck served in the Soudan campaign in T885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
"- Lt.Colonel
F. Bailey served with the Bhootan Expedition in 1865 as Assistant Field Engineer (Medal withClasp)>
"* Lt.Colonel A.
J. Hepper served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Medal, and Khedive's Star) also served with

the Soudan Frontier Field Force in command of Royal Engineers, and was present in the engagement at Giniss (DSO.,
and 3rd Class of the Medjidie).
'^ Lt.Colonel E. Harvey commanded the Sappers and Miners with the Left Column of the Lushai Expeditionary

Force under Brigadier General Bourchier in 1871-72, and was mentioned in despatches as having been indefatigable

in pioneering and driving roads through almost impenetrable forests and along rocky mountain sides" (Medal
with Clasp). Served in the Jowaki Afreedee Expedition in 1877-78, and was present at the captm-e of Jummoo
(mentioned in despatches, Clasp). Served in the Afghan war of 1879-80, first in charge of the road from the Indus
at Khushilghur to the British frontier at ThuU, and alterwards as Field Engineer with the Khyber Line Force under
Lieut.General Bright (Brevet of Major, Medal).
"s Lt.Colonel C. Cunningham served in the Abyssinian campaign as Acting Quarter Master on detached duty at
Antalo superintending works in that division with Madras Sappers (Medal).
'^ Lt.Colonel F.W. Nixon
served in the Kafir war in 1877-78 as Commanding Royal Engineer to the Transkei Field
Force in the operations against the Galekas, and was present in the engagement at Quintana (mentioned in
despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
78 Colonel Wallace served in the Afghan war of 1878-80 as a Field Engineer with the Koorum Column, and
superintended the movement by rail of Sir Donald Stewart's Division in November 1878 over 300 miles of the newly
opened Indus Valley railway between Mooltan and Sukkur (received the thanks of the Commander in Chief in
India, Medal). Served in the Egyptian war of 18S2 in charge of the railway operations, and was present at the
battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of the Osmanieh,
and Khedive's Star).
8° Colonel Blood served in the Jowaki Afreedee Expedition in 1S77-7S (Medal with Clasp). Served in the
Zulu war of 1879 (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp). Served in the Afghan war of 1878-80 (Medal). Served in
the Egyptian war of 1S82, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of
Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of the Osmanieh, and Khedive's Star).
82 Lt.Colonel M. T. Sale served throughout the Bhootan campaign of 1S64-65 in command of a Company of Bengal
Sappers and Miners, and as Assistant Field Engineer (Medal with Clasp)
" Sir A. W. Mackworth served in the Egyptian war of 1882 in command of the Field Telegraph Corps, and was
present at the action at Kassasin on the 9th September and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches^
Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp, 3rd Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Stai-).
* Major A. de V. Brooke served in the Soudan campaign in 18S5, and was present in the engagements at
Hasheen and the Tofrek zereba, and at the destruction of Temai (Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
*^ Lt.Colonel Rogers served in the Afghan war in
1878-79 with the force under Sir Donald Stewart (Brevet of
Major, Medal).
" Major R. A. Sargeaunt served in the Passes during the Abj-ssinian campaign in charge of Water Supply and
road repairs (mentioned in despatches. Medal).
*' Lt.Colonel W. Osborn served with No. i Company Bombay Sappers in the Abyssinian campaign and per-
formed the duties of Adjutant from Jan. to May 186S (Medal).
*' Lt.Colonel T. B. B. Savi commanded the 4th Company of the Bengal Sappers and Miners and served as
an Assistant Field Engineer with the left Column of the Bhootan Field Force in 1865-66 (Medal with Clasp).
'" Lt.Colonel A. W.Baird served in the Abyssinian campaign as Traffic Manager of the Railway, and was mentioned
in despatches for zeal and management inbringingsafely and expeditiously troops and baggageforembarkatios
" Colonel Fraser was specially employed in the Russo-Turkish war in 1877 as Military Officer to the Commancder
in Chief of the British Fleet in Besica Bay, accompanied the Turkish Commander in Chief in the campaign on the
2 28 War Services of the Officers of the Eoyal Engineers.
Um. nnd WM prMcnt and at the bombardment of Rustchuk (Brevet of Major). Served
at several engapemerits
111 tiio Deputy ABsistant Quarter Master General in the Intelligence Branch (mentioned
Boer war of i8£i as
de- m
^pn««•l^os CUO ) Was altpr^vards Assistant Quarter Master General, and finally Assistant Military Secretary to
fciir Kvi-hii Wcxxl. Served in the Egyptian war of 1882 as Brigade Major of Royal Engineers, and was present m
the cii(rir».t>'ioiita at Kl Mnpfar and Tcl-el-Miihutii, in ilic action at Kassasin (gth September), and at the battle of
Tel-rl-Ki-l.irtKcverul times menUoned in .i. m. i.. -, Hivvet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of the:

<%niiiiui'h. «nd Khedive's Star). Ser\'ecl ^ Kxpertition in 1884-85 as Assistant Adjutant General on the
\'. '

Luii* ..f Comiuunicntion(:nenUonedin(li>; .1 ,; of Colonel, 3rd Class of the Medjidie, Clasp).

" i'..;,,ncl XI. S. Bell commanded the Di la. 'n Sappers and Miners and servedas Assistant Field Engineer 1 .; -

will, li.r Kijfht Column Bhootan Field Force in ibij-to, ami was present at the seizure of the Monar Bridge (Medal
Willi i:..-]!).
I Commanded the Detachment of Sappers and Miners and served as Assistant Field Engineer throughout
the Hii.-mi campiiijni of 1S68,— the forced march of 600 miles made by the Detachment, its services, and the conduct
of ihedilicercommandinK prominently brought to notice in despatches (Medal with Clasp). Served throughout
the A.-haiiti war of 1873-74, including the battle of Amoaful, battle of Ordahsu and capture of Coomassie (men-
liciuil 111 dcjipntchcs, Victoria Cross, and Medal with Clasp) was awarded the FlC " for his distinguished bravery :

Biid rinliius, rt^solutc, and self-devoted conduct at the battle of Ordahsu, on the 4th Februarj- 1874, while serving
uudt r tlie inimc<liate iinUre of Colonel Sir John Chetham McLeod, KCB., of the 42nd Regiment, who commanded the
Advanced Guard. Sir John McLeod was an eye-witness of his gallant and distinguished conduct on the occasion,
Hud considers that this oUicer's fearless and resolute bearing, being always in the front, urging on and encouraging
an unarmed workinjr parti' of Fantce labourers, who were exposed not only to the fire of the enemy but to the wild
nnd irrogulnr fire of the native troops in the rear, contributed very materially to the success of the day. By his
examiilc ho made the.^e men do what uo European party was ever required to do in warfare, namely, to work under
Arc in the face of the enemy without a coverjng-party.'
" Major Uoughey in the Bhootan E.^cpedition in 1865-66 (Medal with Clasp).
sen-cd ii Also served in the AJghan
•rw of 187S-E0 (Medal).
Miyor AnBteyscr\edinthe Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the engagement at Ulundi (Medal with Clasp).
** Major Lurminic served iu the Afghan war in 1879-80, and was present the engagements at Ahmed Kheyl m
(mcntionc<l in dctpatchcs) and Urzoo near Ghuznee (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
*^ I.t.Coloccl T. H. HoUlich served in i865-66on special duty -Nvith a Survey Detachment in Bhootan (Medal with
Clasp). Served in the Abyssinian campaign in 1868 and was engaged in carrying on the Trigonometrical Survey
from tlio CoBM to Magdala (mentioned in despatches. Medal). Served in Southern Afghanistan in 1878-79 on
flpccial (un-c.v duty (twice mentioned in despatches) served in'JSTorthern Afghanistan in 1879-S0 in charge of ;

survey i.pfrntiong was present in the operations around Cabul in December 1879 and the investment of Sherpore

<mrQii< ncd in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp). Also served in charge of survey operations in the
Mahw,. u Wuzeerce Ksjiedition of i«8o under Brigadier General Kennedy.
" -Mi-jfir C. de B. Carey served in the Egj-ptian war of 1882, and was present in the action at Kassasin on the
jth Bipicmher (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal, and Khedive's Star).
" ij'ijor W. A. Rathborne served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp and Khedive's Star).
"" Colonel K. R. Todd served in the Soudan Expedition under Sir
Gerald Graham in 1884 as Commanding
Roya! Knjfinecr, and was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of
t,txol.,nol. Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served -v^-ith the Nile Expedition in 1884-S5 (Clasp).
Lt.Colonel W. F. Spaight served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 in charge of Transport at Dal (mentioned
in dc*.i.:itchcB, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Mechil with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
•» Sliijor Uihsct S8r\'ed in the Afghan
war in 1879-80 with the Quetta Field Force (mentioned in despatches.
Brevet of Majcr, Medal).
"> Major Coaker served as an Assistant Field
Engineer, working with the 4th Company Bombay Sappers and
Ml nerMhroughout the Abyssinian campaign (Medal).
" Colonel K. Wood 8cr\-ed in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the reconnaissance in force from
AiexniKiriB on the 5th August and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in
despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal
wilb Cluep, 4ih Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star) served
with the Soudan Expedition under Sir Gerald ;
urahuni in ,hi^ in the Intelligence Department, and was present in
the engagements at El Teb and Temai (twice
'''^'*I""c''es, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, two Clasps). Also served in the Soudan campaign in 1885, and was
prcjent .u"
in the engagements atHasheen and the Tofrok zereba (mentioned in despatches, CB., and two Clasps).
;''"'»''- served with the Bcchuanalaud Expedition under Sir
„f .1 - P?!*" Charles Warren in 1884-85 in command
01 the lialloon Detachment.
^'orth served in the Perak E.xpedition in 1875 (Medal with Clasp). Commanded the Bengal Sappers
and iliiHTs in the Afghan war of 1878-9 (Brevets of Major and Lt.Colonel, Medal), and was present at the attack
anu capture of At Musjid, and in the operations round Cabul in December
1879 (Brevets of Major and Lt.Colonel.'
Mc<Ial with two Clasps).
.Major Macpherson scr%-ed in the Afghan war in 1879-80
J* as Field Engineer (Medal).
forward served throughout the Egj-ptian war of 1882, and was present at the two actions at
K-»..;..i .'.f' I
"'"' '^'•' T'jl-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star); served with the Soudan
F^w?.M r' '"'"P."/
',^-^?' '""^ VV^&^rit in the engagements at El Teb and Temai (men-
li.X< 11 dVHn^.'nl,'^'' ,?'?
r Tcr fr m 1
McrLr Tuwirt' n "'\'
?^' t'
^ ^^?
"'"•"'" X
Medjidie two^^f
the .Nile Expedition in 1884

Clasps). Commanded the Royal Engineers who ascended the
commanded the Royal Engineers of Sir
°'?"1"' ""'^ was present in the action at Abu Klea in the engagement at Gubat, in the

ri^o nm,!luMn„ . ^?","''

,^''''^''n"»--^ (mentioned 111 despatches), and in the
at Aba Klea Wells on the i6th
«^"mry (moDtioned in despatches. Brevet of Lt.Colonel, two engagement
ami '
iu u. Clasps).
"-""'^'' '''' '°^'"'^^ ^'''''^''^ '^""^^ (Medal with Clasp). ^
'" Major Waller served in
the Egyptian war of
"^ the battle
of 'rel-el-Kcbir (mentioned in despatches, Brevel of Major,
m"",! wul TiHM;''^;h * nns'i'nfr^^^^
Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star).

111 M 1, '

-Xi.,- i";'.'Ifmld?woX^d\volVnn,f)>^^
campaign in charge of the Telegraphs between Zoulla and
E^'vptM,, «™ ofTea. (1^,, r
"•".'''•"'' '•"I"|>-tant service" (mentioned in
despatches. Medal) =^

'^S iV^cfNich
nel Nicholi ', ;; r^'™
";'.": "'Y1' °^.^" °'-' J;^«;l?U'^°d Khedive-s star).
man.lin;.' Kovul Ki,L'ii,ccr"'rhnTu'/'
ccr V ", "•""°/ '^'^:^°"^?*^''^^osmeer Candahar Field Force, and as Com-
""-' ('"''""°ned

despatches), and afterwards as Field Engineer , m

rMmlr-.,i<\;h-,ur,,, nTmrl-LPH i' escntin the engagement ardharasiab on The'eth October ., ,,,
I .

' ' ii" iiroiinil CahnI \\\ |i,i '

1R79 includirg the engagement at Lataband (mentioned
in de-
f.p«ndahar. and was present at the battle of Candahar
Breve of MniorM .'"1

i.'h i
("!u°'' •
w Hor,.!.,^ n, ? J? •.rY'-''",.' .^'.^^.'''ee Clasps.nand- Bronze Decoration). Served in the Egyp-
K .-,.,r,. .-.^"Twl ic Burmet v/ol r'"''"^
""''^ ^'^'^' ''^ ^''^«^ °*' the 08manieh,fnd

f^nr.i """='''»^7"« \" ^^^ Malay Peninsula in 1875-76 (Medal with Clasp).

... .1,/ Ai^l , n' war of^S,^''' „,wi'!i''''
Kr. .' ,1, n„rcl tJ>r'nmln .r
"' "'° ""'^^'' """^ ""'"^^'^^ °''
T"''"''"''"'",' Ah
iusjid accomjmnied Sir ;

^' - .\l inT I n^^'rnVi/


\ "'l'"
''^'^'^ '^'^"'^ of Candahar (mentioned in despatches,
served with the Marri Expedition in 1880.
; i!^;J .
wm^, M "^f"?"''"") ;

''^^'"^'"""'^ ""'"^r Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85 as Director

..pli" ( lir, vK of I'uC'ol'onei;." "'
K..,„''. ,. ;
and was present at the capture of the Peiwar ""' °'' '878-80
: ,
•';,,I^,'M;c;,n;7;Mr.uoon' 'V^iL^n!^o!ll
••I - • .
^.•..,.. December ,879 (mentioned in despatches),
,i„„i ,„ .H„ k ,1m Vment'^ino^^^ '"'i"!"'
^??'"' "' '

( l..|..) >,.v..i „„i,,h,. .\kl.. ib^m,^^^^^^^^^^ Major and Lt, Colonel, Modal with two
Ihr i,i.r„„.«. |.;xp,.,ia,on in ^\° ^''*""'^' Expedition hi .885-86. Served with
iSatsT^n 8u?vov ,l,ff^^ "''f*m
M.Jo, Hereford KryJlntVen^r,^^^n^%'''^''S^'"'''i'\ despatches, CB., and Clasp).
• n.| KhcUvf, HUD. "" °' '^^'- ^"""""^ '" '^^ Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp,
Wai- Services of the 0£icers of the Boyal Engineers. 228a
"8 Majoi- C. M. Watson seryed in the Egyptian war of 18S2 in the Intelligence Department, and was present in
the enpragement at Tel-el-Mahuta, at the action of Kassasin on the 9th September, and at the battle of Tel-el-
Kebir (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star).
"i* Major H. Jekyll served during the Ashanti war in charge of the Telegraph until invalided on the 30th January

1874 (Medal).
1™ Colonel E. P. Leach was specially employed on survey operations with the Looshai Expedition in 1871-72
(received the thanks of the Government of India and of the Secretary of State, Medal with Clasp). Served in
the Afghan war in 1879-80, and was specially employed on survey operations; took part in the expeditions into

the Bazar and Lughman Valleys severely wounded at Maidanak (several times mentioned in despatches, Brevet
of Major, and Victoria Cross) "served with the Candahar Field Force in charge of survey operations and after-

wards as Brigade Major Royal Engineers and Field Engmeer; was present in the engagements at Girishk and
Maiwand, in the defence of and sortie from Candahar, and at the battle of Candahar (received the thanks of the
Government of India and twice mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt. Colonel, and Medal with Clasp) was :

awarded the ITiiT " for having, in action with the Shinwarris, near Maidanah, Afghanistan, on the 17th March 1879,
when covering the retirement of the Survey Escort who were carrying Lieutenant Barclay, 45th Sikhs, mortally
wounded, behaved with the utmost gallantry in charging, with some men of the 45th Sikhs, a very much larger
number of the enemy. In this encounter Captain Leach killed two or three of the enemy himself, and he received
a severe wound from an Afghan knife in the left arm. Captain Leach's determination and gallantry in this affair,
in attacking and driving back the enemy from the last position, saved the whole party from annihilation." Served
in the Soudan campaign in 1885, and was present in the engagements at Hasheen and the Tofrek zereba and at
the destruction of Temai (mentioned in despatches. CB., Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
121 Major S. C. Turner served with the Mahsood Wuzeeree Expedition in 18S1 (mentioned in despatches).
122 Major Chard served throughout the Zulu war of
1879, and commanded at Rorke's Drift during the gallant
and successful defence of that post (mentioned in despatches, promoted Captain and Brevet Major, Victoria
Gross, Medal with Clasp) together with Lieut. Gonville Bromhead, 24th Foot, was awarded the
UC " for their
gallant conduct at the defence of Rorke's Drift on the occasion of the attack hy the Zulus on the 22nd and 23rd
January 1879. The Lieutenant General commanding the troops reports that, had it not been lor the fine example
and excellent behaviour of these two officers under the most trying circumstances, the defence of Rorke's Drift Post
would not have been conducted with that intelligence and tenacity which so essentially characterised it. The
Lieutenant General adds, that its success must, in a great degree, be attributaljle to the two young officers who
exercised the chief command on the occasion in question."
1" Major A. O.Green served in the Egyptian war of 18S2 on the Staff of the 2nd Division, and was present at the
battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star) served in the Soudan

Expedition in 1884 under Sir Gerald Graham as Intelligence Officer, and was present in the engagement at El
Teb— severely wounded (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, and two Clasps).
'-* Major R. M. Barkhe served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
_ _

i^^t Major C. H. M. Kensington served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 as Field Engineer with the Khyber Division
under Lieutenant General Bright, and with the Cabul Division and the 2nd Division Northern Afghanistan Field
Force under Sir Frederick Roberts (Medal).
125 Major H. H. Settle served with the Nile Expedition ui 18S4-85 as Staff Officer at Gemai^and on the Lines ot

Communication (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
i2« Major L. F.
Brown served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and was present in the engagement at Ahmed
Kheyl (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
i2«t Major G. Henry served in the Afghan war of 1878-80 (Medal). Served with the Burmese Expedition m
1885-87 as Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quarter Master General (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp).
"27 Major, C. H. Bagot served in the Afghan war of
1878-79, including the operations in the Koorum Valley
(Medal). Served with the Bechuanaland Expetlition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85.
^* Major G. S. Clarke served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Soudan
campaign in 1885 in the Intelhgence Department and as Assistant Political Officer, and was present m
the recon-
naissance to Hasheen, in the engagement at Hasheen, and at the destruction of Temai (mentioned m
'23 Major G. A. Cockburn served with the Nile lExpedition in 1S84-85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
"0 Major W. W. B. Whiteford served in the Afghan war in 1879-So, and took part in the march to Candahar
with the force under Major General Phayre (Medal). "
"1 Major Rawson served as Assistant Field Engineer and in command of a company of the " Queen s Own ^ o >

Sappers and Miners in the Afghan war in 1878-79, and was present in the engagement at Futtehabad (Medal).
"2 Major A. R. F. Dorward served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and was present in the engagement at Kam
Dakka and in the operations in the Kama district (Medal). Served with the Burmese Expedition in 1085-06111
command of the Queen's Own Sappers and Miners (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, DSO., and Medal
with Clasp).
'33 Major R. M. Hyslop served with the Right Column of the Lushai Field Force in the campaign of 1S71-72, m
command of a company of Bengal Sappers and Miners (mentioned in despatches, thanks of Indian and Horue
Governments, Medal with Clasp). Served in the Egyptian war of 1SS2, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-
Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). ^
'3* Major H. A. Yorke served in the Afghan war of 1878 -80 (Medal). Served during the Nile Expedition mi 884-
85 as Matuiger of the Assouan Railway (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp,
and Khedive 8

"5 Major G. Barker served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the engagement at Tcl-el-Mahuta, in
the action at Kassasin on the 9th September, and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of
Major, Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Bechuanaland
Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85 on special service.
"6 Major C. H. Gordon served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
'37 Major Dove served with the Bengal Sappers and Miners in the Jowaki campaign m
1877-78 (Medal with
Clasp). Served in the Afghan war of 1878-80. and was present at the capture of Ali Musjid (Medal with Clasp).
'33 Major Sidney Smith served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (men-

tioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
"3 Colonel Reginald Clare Hart served with the Khyber Column in the Afghan war from January to June 1879,
first with the 2nd Division attached as a Regimental Officer to the 24th Punjab Native Infantry dui-mg the
2nd Bazaaz
Expedition against the Zukha Khel Afreedis, and afterwards with the ist Division. Was several times employed
by the Quarter Master General's Department in making reconnaissances (mentioned in despatches, Victoria Cross,
Medal) was awarded the
: V€ " for his gallant conduct in risking his own life in endeavouring to save the lite ot a
private soldier. The Lieutenant General commanding the 2nd Division Peshawur Field Force reports that when on
convoy duty with that force on 31st January, 1879, Lieutenant Hart, of the Royal Engineers, took the initiative m
running some 1,200 yards to the rescue of a wounded Sowar of the 13th Bengal Lancers in a river bed e.xposed to
the fire of the enemy, of unknown strength, from both flanks, and also from a party in the river bed. Lieutenant
Hart reached the wounded Sowar, drove off the enemy, and brought him under cover with the aid of some soldiers,
who accompanied him on the way." Served throughout the Egyptian war of 1882 as Aide de Camp to Major
General Graham, commanding the 2nd Brigade, and was present in the reconnaissance m force from Alexandria
5th August, the engagements of El Magfar and Tel-el-Mahuta, the two actions at Kassasin (as Acting Assistant
Quarter Master General to Graham's force in the second action), and the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (twice mentioned
in despatches. Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of the Osmanieh, and Khedive s Star). [See also
Civil Decorations for Gallantry, p. 12S.]
i« Major F. W. Watkins served in the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal). Also served in the Boer war of i83i.
1" Major H. O. Selby served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and took part in the march to Candahar with tne
force under Major General Phayre (mentioned in despatches. Medal).
'" Major F. T. N. Spratt served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was present at the capture of the Peiwar
Kotal (mentioned in despatches), and in the engagements at Charasiab on the 6th October 1879 (mentioned in
despatches) and at Mattoon; accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar, and was present at

*=="^"°" '"^
Orderl. Omcer to Colonel
present as
^r;.^TM^ ZZ.r war in ,8„-;S. and .as
"» Miyor James Cameron"'"-l
served ^.^.f^^'.^^iou^S in .atches, Mediil with Clasp)
'Vh lies

'- ilajor P. H.i«loit served with the Jo^^^^. Ahmed Kheyl (mentioned in despatches; anu
in the
°/^eut3 at
Ar«hm. iS7S-So.and was present , . ,, „ a f<rhaTi war of

Khcvl (iledal with i'lasp) operations in Besud (Medal).

of ,878-80 including the ,M ,
^ . , u„« wnr
war nf ^^ was ^^^^^^^'^

'••Major R.H.Brown served in the Afghan ,=335-86 as Field Engineer

»» Major K. O. I-lwd served
Mandalay on anna yv(mentioned in de^^
the 8th JJanuary Tel-el-KeDiJ
wounded m an onK«Kcraeut near ^^^^^^^ ^^ t^^e battle of
'" M^jor C. II. Condor served m
tbo >Kyptian JT?;^ °'
and Khedive'f sbtar^
^'tj^^) Served with the
b Bechuanaland Expedition
(Medial with Clasp. <th Class of the Mecljidie ^^ j^j^^l Department.
under .sir Charles Warren in .884-S5 on ^.fC'^/^^^'S^^nV^SyS-So (Medal). Served in the
Egyptmn war of 1882
'" Lt.Colonel D. A. Scott served in ^lie Afghan war 01 1570 umcer
Expedition in 1884-85 as Railway

Also seized with t^^ Al^o '^^-i

(Brevet of Major. Modal, an-l Khedive's Star). ^^ Lt.Colonel, Clasp .

(mentioned in de^pat^
at Haifa an<l in charge of railway e.xtcnsions
m. engagement at Gmiss ifSO.).
Soudan Frontier Field Force 88, 86 inc^^ ^g ^^^^^^ .^ engagement at Ahmed
in the operations of the ^^^
Major Martin Martin served in the Afghan v^ ar 01 1070 ,
Kheyl(Mc<lal with Clasp). .
!>,,„„ Tnrki'.h accompanied the Turkish troops as
war in 1876-78

t;x|>cdition to the Soudan

Ks^'i^v-n-siv'?' is'iKrs^^^

1° '"le e i„<>>
•ervcd in the Zulu war in 1879. and was present Clasp).
at Ulundi (Medal wittt^ms^^^^
(mentioned in despatches), and in the engagement
'- Major C.W.Shcrrard served "'.^1^° ^^l^^^'^J^^^^^S^g (1^^^^^^^^ the


Adiuunt of Royal Knginecrs (mentioned m '^eBpatches Medal w^^^^^

invalided on the 20th January 1874.
Served during the operations

^i served on the Gold Coast from the x4th

December 1873 until invalided on the
CaSln'M' W.^kinner
January 1874 (Ashanti Medal). ,r , „„ „.o,r r.e ,r-,r Ro fMedall Served vrith the Mahsood Wuzeeree

"^^n^f^:ri^^S^:^i^^i^ Afghan war of 'B7S-80 (Medal. Served w^ the Burmese Expedition

in 1885-86, and an engagement on the 6th May 86 (Medal with Clasp).
was severely wounded in

Quarur Mnsiir Ikniral (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal mth Clasp, snd bias., 01

"'- Soudan campaign in ,885 (Medal with Clasp, and Kbcclive's

cipl!i?n Kunltirdt%cr"^^^^^^ in the
'»» CapUin A. W. Cockbum served with the Burmese Expedition in 1886-87 (mentioned
desi^atches, Mcaai m
Ghilzais, and with them constru^^^^^^
'".-MWWelU served in the Afghan war in .87S-80. Raised a corps of despatcheN iieaau^
roii.l ..ver iho Kl.ojnck. present in several minor engagements-wounded O^entionedm
'' Major K. RuHin sor^•ed with il..- expedition ngninsl the Naga Hill Tribes in 1879-80, and was present at tu«
Mfciiull of Konoma (mentioned ill dcsiiiilfhcs. Modal with Clasp). <. Tj„ii^„-tr -Wnrksi (men
j i
':• CapUin (i. K. Wilson servr.l uulitlio Nile Kxpodition in 1884-85 as Superintendent of Railway
Works . .^

llone<l in ilospntchoH, Modal with Cla.sp, ai!d Khedive's Star).

of the Pe war Knta
„PM,^Po;n,nr Kota
Cnplnin S. (Jrunt served in the Afghan war of .878-80, and was present at the capture in aespaiciiu.
(rooDlioi.od in ilcspatches) and in the engagement at Charasiab on the 25th April iSSo

plain hTi.' Exham 8cr^•ed in the Afghan war in 187S-79, and was present at the attack and capture o
'•• (•'a"i"',tairi iV. Ulen'ni'c scTJc.i in the Afghan war in 1879-80,and was present at the attack and caP^ure of Al
Mui.iid; arcompai.icd Sir Frederick Rolierls in the inarch to Candahar, and was present at the Dattie
CaiKlnhiir (M.<|]il with two Clasps, and Bronze Decoration). ,,, „. ,^ w„_„„ 1 ,

the Afghiin war of 1878-80, first with the 1st Division Khyber *ield
JJorco .

':» Mu)..r
H. 1'. U-ach Hcr^•ed m jiusji ah
cociinaiid <.f a c-ompany of Bengal Sappers and Miners, and was present at the attack and capture 01
despatches m
w;!», tV.- rT,„Mi,ii„„„ into the lluzarVallev. and in the engagement at Deh Sarak (mentioned

:U iho Kiiorum Valley Fiohl Force iis Assistant Field Engineer and in command ot a company

lytleis and ^y«


. an.l Miners, took "part in the Zaimusht Kxpedilion under Brigadier General
...auU of Zawa (mentioned
in (le.].„telies, Med.ilwith Clasp). Served with the Nile
loiiinnhKariaidiilv, and was preseiil in the engagements at Abu Klca and El Gubat
(Urevet <

..i:i r. .•1111 with two Clasps, niid Khedive's Star).

,, 1
W. II. « li.ppindall serve! in the Afghan war of 1879-80, and took part in the inarch to Candah!
, 1
••* Cupiain

with Ibo rorco under Milor General I'hay re (mentioned in despatches. Medal).
'" C«|italn Ilruec iicrvo<l in the Afghan war from April 1879 antil invalided on 26th 1880, as Assistant!' le May
Bntftoeor, nml with Iho and Division I'eshawur Valley Field Force, and afterwards wiiih the Khyber Line I'orc
tncludiDg the operations in the Shulimon Valley and the engagement at Kam Dakka (mentioned in despatcuc
War Services of the Officers of the lloyal Engineers. 228c
"8 Captain E. W. Cotter served in tlielAshanti war of 1873-74, and was present at the defence of the post of
Quarmau (Medal with Clasp). Commanded the 4th Company Benfral Suppers and Miners and was Field Knjrineer
in the Zhob Valley Expedition in 1884. Served with the Nile Expedition and with the Nile Frontier Field Force
in 1885 as Station Royal Engineer at Assouan.
Major H. E. M'Callum served throughout the operations in the Malay Peninsula in 1875-76 as Secretary to
Sir William Jervois (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp).
'*" Major T. P. Cather served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was present in the engagement at Charasiab

on the 6th October 1879 and in the operations round Cabul in December 1879, including the investment of
Sherpore (mentioned in despatches; accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar, and was

present at the battle of Candahar (mentioned in despatches, Medal with three Clasps, and Bronze Decoration).
Served in th> Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Burmese
Expedition in 1885-86 on Transport duty (mentioned indespatches. Brevet of Major, 2)5'0.,and Medal with Clasp).
'*' Captain P. G. Von Donop served with the Nile Expedition ini884-85 (Medal with
Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
w Captain E. S. Hill served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was present during the operations round Cabul
in December 1870 (Medal with Clasp).
183 Major H. W. Smith served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was present at the attack and capture of Ali

Mnsjid (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp). Served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 as Brigade Major of Royal
Engineers, and was present in the engagement at Hasheen (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp, and
Khedive's Star).
'" Captain J. B. Blackburn served in the Egyptian war of 18S2, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir
(Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85, and was present at the action
at Kirbekan (two Clasps) also served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86.

'** Captain Leverson served in the Egyptian war of 18S2 as Acting Deputy Assistant Commissary General, and

was present in the action at Kassasin on the gth September (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Bechu-
anatand Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85 on special service.
'8^ Captain R. L. Hippisley served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and
Khedive's Star).
•^' Captain Hellard served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the action at Kassasin on the gth

September (Medal, and Khedive's Star).

'*' Captain J. C. L. Campbell served in the Jowaki campaign in 1877-78 (Medal). Served in the Afghan war of
1878-80 as Adjutant Royal Engineers Khyber Line Force, and was present at the attack and capture of Ali Musjiil,
(Medal with Clasp). Served with the 24th Company of Royal Engineers in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was
present at the action at Kassasin (qth September) and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and
Khedive's Star). Served with the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles AVarren in 1884-85.
i89 Captain C. K. Wood served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-35 on Telegraph duty (Medal with Clasp,
Khedive's Star).
"» Captain G. H. W. O'Sullivan served in t)ie Afghan war in 1879-80, and took part in the march to Candahar
with the force under Major General Phayre (Medal).
"1 Captain E. Blunt served in the Afghan war of 1878-80 (Medal). Also served with the Mahsood Wuzeeree Expe-
dition in i88i.
'32 Captain W. C. Godsal servedin the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
1" Captain J. Burn Murdoch served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was present in the engagement at Chara-
siab on the 6th October 1879, and in the operations round Cabul in December 1879 including the storming of the

Asmai Heights wounded (mentioned in despatches. Medal with two Clasps). Served in the Egyptian war of
1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp, 5th Class of the
Medjidie, and Khedive's Star).
'3* CaptainDigbyservedinthe Afghan war in 1879-80 in command of a company of the Queen's Own Sappers
Miners and as Assistant Field Engineer, and was present in the affair at Besud (mentioned in despatches. Medal).
i'5 Captain M. C. Barton served in the Afghan war in
1878-79 (Medal). Also served with the Akha Expedition in
188:5-84. Served with the Burmese Expedition in 1885-86 (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp).
I's Captain R. C. Maxwell served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, accompanied Sir Frederick
Roberts in the march
to Candahar, and was present at the battle of Candahar (Medal with Clasp, and Bronze Decoration).
"' Captain A. C. Foley served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and took part in the advance to Khelat-i-Ghilzie
and the occupation of Candahar (Medal)
"3 Captain Mackean served in the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal with Clasp).
2"" Major A. H. Bagnold served in the Boer war of 18B1. Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 in the Tele-
graph Department (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
-"' Captain Willock served in the Zulu war of
1879 with Colonel Pearson's Column, and was present in the engage-
ment at Inyezane and during the investment of Ekowe (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp). Served in
the Egyptian war of 1882 with the Railway Staff (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
™- Captain VV. V. Constable served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (.Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
2"* Captain R H. Jennings served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, first in charge of a survey party, and afterwards
as Political Officer (mentioned in despatches. Medal).
^* Captain Darling served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 in commandof a companyof the Queen's Own Sappers and
Miners and as Assistant Field Engineer, including the operations of the Mo veableColumn under Brigadier General
Arbuthnot (Medal). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882 in command of a company of the Queen's Own Sappers
and iliners, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, '5th Class of the Medjidie, and
Khedive's Star) also served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Clasp).

2"* Captain Andrews Speed served with the Madras Sappers and Miners
and as Assistant Field Engineer in the
Egj'ptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Served in the Burmese E.xpeditiou in 1886 (Medal with Clasp).
Captain P. T. Buston served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was present in the engagement at Charasiab
on the 6th October i>i79 and in the operations round Cabul in December 1879 inoludmg the storming of the
Asmai Heights (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp).
^* Captain J. C. Tyler served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the action at Kassasin on the
gth September (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
""^ Captain G. H. Sim served in the Afghan war of 1878-80
(Medal). Served in the Soudan campaign in 1885
(Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
^"' Captain J. C. Campbell served with the
Bengal Sappers and Miners in the Jowaki Afreedee Expedition in
1877-78 (Medal with Clasp). Served throughout the Afghan war of 18/8-80 as Assistant Field Engineer, and in
command of a company of Bengal Sappers and Miners, and was present at the attack and capture of Ali Musjid
(Medal with Clasp).
21* Captain J. A. Ferrier served in the Afghan
war of 1878-80 (Medal). Served with the Nile Expedition in
1884-S5 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Also served with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force in 1885-86 in
command at Ambigole, and was present at the attack on Ambigole Wells.
"' Captain J. D. FuUerton served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 as Acting Adjutant of the Bombay Sappers
and Miners (Medal). Served with the Burmese Expedition in 1885-87 as Company Commander No. 2"Company
Bombay Sappers and Miners (three times mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp).
*'* Captain E. C. Spilsbury served in the
Afghan war in 1879-80, and took part in the march to Candahar with
the force under Major General Phayre (Medal).
'" Captain P. B. Baldwin served with the Madras Sanpers and Miners and as Assistant Field Engineer in the
Egyptian war of 1882. and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Also served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 with the 8th (Railway) Company Royal Engineers.
^'^ Captain G. T. Jones served in the
Afghan war in 1879-80, took part in the defence of Candahar including the
Bortie of Deh Khojiih (mentioned in despatches, and commended in General Orders by H.R.H. the Field Marshal
Commanding in Chief for his gallant behaviour on the 12th August 1880), and was present at the battle of Can-
dahar (Medal with Clasp).
-" Captain Conner served in the Afghan war in 1878-79 in command of a company of the Queen's Own Sappers
and Miners and as Assistant Field Engineer, and took part in the Bazar Valley Expedition (Medal).
*" Captain R. V. Puillpotts served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was present at the attack and capture of
All Musjid (Medal with Clasp). Also served with the Mahsood Wuzeeree Expedition in 1S81.
32Sd Services of the Officers of the lioyal Engineers.
«» Capu.n „„,„^
I';°'"7 *«^^^ A firhan war of 1878-80 in command of a company of the Queen's Own Sappers
:„ ,),,
'" the Bazar Valley Expedition and in the operations
«n. M» ni..l »- \^\^Ser a^ (Medal) Served with the Madras Sappers and Miners
;^,*=;f'"" J/ '^riS? General Arbu hnot

of .882; and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal

"Ld'as a!^™! FV^l KHL-ilK-cr "u^he fiS^n war
"ol capwin At.n-c sl'n^a fuThe Afghan war in .878-79 with the Queen's Own Sappers and Miners and as Assistant

Expedition in i877-78predal with Clasp) Served in the

Hon 'mG Talbot .er^•ca in the Jownki Af rcedec
»• MHjorHon.M.u^uiiKjv
^''-''iulur m .

„reaentnt the attack and capture of Ah Musjid. the engagement at Oharasiab

\'',u^tTol\o\ATnZf^^^^^^ Cabul in December .879; accompanied Sir Frederi^ck
..I. I he 6th

RolM-ru m \''^""'"-r,
the "'»'^'
°79 ""',',,' J.JI „.„8 present at the batt e of Candahar (mentioned despatches, Medal m
'°,,^X„omion) aIso served in the Mahsood Wuzeeree Expedition in 1881.
"» ?"pu rrX' K. hXo
n .e^ed in\he Souda'campaign i.. X8S5 jiledal with Clasp and KhecUve's Star).
"« CuDU? n G C P Onslow served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and was present
the engagement at Chara- m
»iHb on U?o6ih October. S70. and in the open»tions
round Cabul an December 1879 mcludmg the stormmg of the
i.n, II Hi-iL'litu uneniioned in despatches. Medal with two Clasps).
. ., , ,. . .

war and took part with the expeditions mto the

»: C«p«.n W F l^Su fford served in the Afghan in .878-79,
T «„i.m.n .ml HisRnrik Vnllcv^ (Medal) Also served with the Mahsood Vt uzeeree Expedition 1881.

^^C^SukTwM.^^^^^^ ,879-80, took part in the defence of Candahar (mentioned

the Field Marshal Commanding in Chief for his
l«7*^Xhc8 and con,meT.dean General Orders by H.R.H. Candahar (Medal with Clasp)
«&b1.m;iouro'„"C'"tl. August .38o), and was present at the battle ofpresent
» ("aiTw n A 11 Kcnney ser%-ed in the Afghan war of .878-80,
Expedition in
and was
at the capture of the Peiwar
and was present at the action of Kirbekan
KotaKMcaalwithClaiip). Served in the Nile
iMiMlnl with two Clniipsi, and Khedive's Star). ., „ ^ ^ o t.^-
u" I'uDlain Wiihab Urved in the Afghan war of .878-80 with the Queen s Own Sappers and Miners and as Assist-
j, .

(Medal). Also served with the Mahsood Wuzeeree

ant Field Fnihiiccr and took part in the Bazar Valley Expedition
BxiH«dition in .££1 as As.-ist;uit Field Engineer. Served with the Zhob Valley Expedition in 1884.
»" Captain W. A. K. St. Clair served in the Afghan war of 1S78-80 (Medal). Served the Soudan campaign m
in iS«s (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). .^^ ^, „„„„,,,
, t^, ,.
«« Captain O A. Tower sened with the Kile Expedition in 1SS4-S5 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
„, ^ ,

»» Major Childers served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was presera in the engagements at Takhc-i-Pul and
•tChamiab on the 6th October .879 and in the operations round Cabul in December 1879; accompanied Sir
Frcilerick Roberts in tbe march to Candahar, and was present at the battle of
Candahar (mentioned in despatches,
Medal with three Clasps, and Bronze Decoration). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882 as Aide de Camp to Sir
Garnet Wolselev. and was present at the engagements of El Magfar, Tel-el-Mahuta, Kassasin (gth Sept.), and in the
battle or Tel-cl-Kebir (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and
Klic<Uvc"» SUir). Se^^•ed with the Nile Expedition in .884-85 as Aide de Camp to Lord Wolseley (mentioned in
deapatchcs. Clasp).
"• Capuiin C. Maxwell sen-ed in the Afghan war of .878-80, including the operations round Cabul in December
• Sjci (Medal with Clasp) Served with the Zhob Valley Expedition in .884.
»^ Captain W. Coles served in the Afghan war of .878-80, and took part in the march to Candahar with the
force under Major General Phaj-re (Medal). Served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and
Khnlivc'B Star).
"* Captain Shutc served in the Afghan war in .879-80 with the Queen's Own Sappers and Miners and as Assistant
Fielil Kngincer, and took part in the operations in Kama (Medal).
»»J Coptnin H. dc H. Haig scri-ed during the rebellion in the North West Territories of Canada in 1885 as Assistant
Quaru-r Ma.stfr General, and was present in the engagement at Fish Creek and at the capture of Batoche (mentioned
in ilespatcbeti. Medal).
"• Major C. Penrose sers-cd in the Zulu war in 1S79 (Medal).
"• Captain J. G. Day served in the Afghan war of 1S78 80 with the Bengal Sappers and Miners (Medal).
»*• Captain H. J. w". Jerome served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was present in the engagements at
Abmed Kheyl and T:ikbt-i-Pul (Medal with Clasp).
••' CiiplJiin (}. K. Scott-Moncrieff served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was present at the attack and capture
of Ali Musjid and in the operations round Cabul in December .879 (mentioned in despatches, Medal with two Clasps).
»*» Captain C. M. Bale served in the Boer war of .88.. Served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp,

and Khedive's Star).

»*• Captain M. Klrington-Bisset served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
»» CapUiin S. D. Cleeve served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
»*• Captain MacDonuell served in the Afghan war in .878-79 with the Queen's Own Sappers and Miners and

BD ARitii'tant Field Engineer, and took part in the Bazar Valley Expedition (Medal).
»• Captain Mafon served in the Afghan war cf .878-80 (Medal). Served with the Nile Expedition in 1SS+-S5,
and in the oDenitions on the Upper Nile in .885-86 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
»*• Captain H. Appleton ser^-ed with the Mahsood Wuzeeree Expedition as Assistant Field Engineer.
«• Caiitaiu J K. Dickie served in the Afghan war in .879-80, and was present in the engagements at Ahmed Kheyl

(mentioned in despatches) and Saif-u-deen (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was pre-
•«nt at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star).
«* CiipUin H. J. FoMcr ser\-ei! in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the action at Kassasin (gth
Bci)teml)ci) uikI at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
«*' CantaiiiC. K. liny ncs served in the Zulu war
of 1879, and was present at the relief of Ekowe (mentioned in
acopaicheii. Medal with Cliihii). Served with the Bechuaualand Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-8^.
•" CaptJiiii (). K. Uuck urved in the Boer war of .88.. "^

»» CapUiiii II. K. Goodwyn served in the Afghan war of 1870-80 (Medal). Served with the Madras Sappers and
Mitieriianii iix At-Mstuiit Field Engineer in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir
(Medal with ( laiip. and Khedive's Star). Served with the Burmese ExpetUtion in 1886-87 (mentioned in de-
Urtitchcn, DSO. mid MiKliil with Clasp).
"» Captain W F Hawkins served with the Nile Expedition in .884-85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
»>• lapuin K. P. Litlledale served in the Zulu
war in .870 (Medal with Clasp). Also served in the Boer war of 1881
K«Tve<l with the Nile Kxpc<lition in 1884-85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
..,*'* *',• *' "o^'cd in tlie Zulu war of 1879, and tookpart in the defence of Pretoria (Medal with
I laap).
Ber\e(l III S'"".'""'""'
the Huer war of 1881.
•«" CaptAiii H. K. M. Miidwiy "crved in the
Boer war of .88.. Served in the Soudan campaign in .885, and was
prr«ent 1.1 U.e engiigcniei.t ut the Tofrek zereba (Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's
•»• t.pUiinh.G, HondHorvcd 111 the Zulu
war in .879 (Medal with Clasp), Served in the Egyptian war of 1882.
"'"''"" ""'"'"'" ^^th September) and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and
KhidlTe'i BUij)
^ campaign in 1883, and was present at the destruction of Temai
(SVdlii wuhrhU*^'/ Hnd'irh"d^"''s
wiir in .870-80, and was present during the operations round Cabul in
^l!^ill^i^^^i^n\ur\\X*!utZVu!'' A-'K!"'a
He.gks (n.Piitionci in despatches); accompanied Sir Frederick
'' ""
in illo marr u. (V, .r„^^

, V

n '„
IT n V
""• "'"' present at the battle of Candahar (Medal with two Clasps, and Bronze
"1" '^.""'l.'i'"*"' '" .'??5 'I' charge of the Indian survey party, and was present


"i""" Medal with (lasp, and Khedive's Star).

, •,.
I ..V't ,, <

'''"I "'"
^^^ '^'*''^"" '" '879-80 with the Bengal Sappers and Miners including
. .1 MuM^'i^hiV-'k^Mcfm^

/(.nenli'm^^^^^ Served in the
'""'' present in the engagement at El Magfar and
bcwicofioi cl Kcbir (Medal wuh
at ii-e Cln^p, und?^^l^=l5'"'?
Khedive's "^J*^
Star). Served in the Soudan campaign in 1885
War Services of the Offlcers of Hie Royal Engmeers. 2 28e
268 llajor A. G. Tliomson served in the Ep:yptian war of 1882, imd n-ns present at the battle of Tel-el-Kel)ir (Medal
with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served with the expedition to the Soudan undei- Sir Gerald Graham in 1885
(mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Clasp).
26a Captain E. St. C. Pemberton served in the Boer war in 1881. Served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was
present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
^T' Captain A. A. M. Layard served in the Soudan campaip:n in 1885, and was presenfcattheengagementatHasheen

and at the destruction of Temai (Medal with Clasp, andKhedive's Stan.

-^' Major H. M. Lawson served in the Soudan Expedition under Sir Gerald Graham in
1884, and was present in
the engagement at El Teb (Medal with Clasp, sth Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star) also served with the

Nile Expedition in 1884-85, and was present at the action of Abu Kfea, and in the engajrements at El Gubat,
Ifetammeh, and at Abu Klea Wells on the i6th and 17th February (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major,
two Clasps).
"2 Captain J. A. Tanner served in tne Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Jlasp, and Khedive s Star). Served
with the Burmese Expedition in 1S85-86 (mentioned in despatches, DSO., and' Medal with Clasp).
^"^ Captain P. D. F. MacCarthy served in the Soudan camjmign in
1885, and was present in the engagement at the
Tofrek zereba and at the destruction of Temai (Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
"* Captain J. L. Irvine served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle ot Tel-el-Kebir (Medal
with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
'^'^ Captain W.
C. Hussey served with the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85.
^'* Captain H. N. Dumbleton served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Stari
'"'' Sir
R. W. Anstruther served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir
(Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in
^* Captain H. B. N. Adair served with the Nile Expedition in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
2" Captain A.M.Mantell served in the Egyptian war of i882ij(Medal, 4thCla?s of the Osmanieh, n.nd Khedive's Star).
^° Captain Godfrey Williams served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Med^il with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
^i Captain P. J. Anderson served with the"Burmeae Expedition in 1886 (Medal with Clasp).
282 CaptainW.A. Cairnes served with the Burmese Expedition in 1885-86 (mentionedin despatches. Medal with Clasp)
2*^ Lieut. C. D. Learoyd served in the Soudan campaign in 1885, and was present In the engagement at

Hasheon (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Stijrr). Served with the Burmese Expedition in 1885-86 as an Orderly
Officer (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp).
2** Lieut. S. L. Norris served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the engagement at El Ma^-far
(Medal, and Khedive's Star).
285 Lieut. Winn served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's
286 Lieut. W. H. Pollen served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
2S8 Lieut. A. E. Sandbach served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kj'iir
(Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star) ; also served in the Soudan campaign in 1885, and was present in ihe
engagement at Thakool (Clasp).
Lieut. A. M. Stuart served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star); also
served in the operations of the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86.
2S" Lieut. W. S. Vidal served in the Egyptian war of
1882, and was nresent in the action at Kaasasin on the oth
September and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Nile
Expedition in 1884-85 (Clasp) also served with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force in 1S85-S6, including the

attack on Ambigole Wells.

232 Lieut. E. M. Burton served in the Eg.yptian war of 1882, and accompanied Sir Charles Warren in
expedition into Arabia Petroea despatched for the purpose of bringing to justice the murderers of Professor
Palmer and his party (mentioned in despatches. Medal, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star) .Served in
the expedition to the Soudan in 1884 wiih the 26th Field Company of the Royal Bnguieers, and was present in the
engagements at El Teb and Temai (two Clasps). Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the 26th Field
Company of the Royal Engineers, and afterwards with the Camel Corps, and took part in the operations of the
Desert Column including the advance to Gakdul, Gubat, and Metammeh (Clasp).
253 Lieut. M. L. Tuke served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the action at Kassasin on
the gth
September (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served in the expedition to the Soudan under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884,
and was present in the engagement at Temai (two Clasps) also served with the Nile Expedition in 18S4-85 (Clasp).

29* Lieut. Dopping-Hepenstal served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
25= Lieut. W. M. Hodder. — See Civil Decorations for Gallantry,
p. 128..
296 Lieut. Huleatt served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's
Star) also served in the Nile Expe-

dition in 1884-85 with the Egyptian Army (4th Class of the Osmanieh, Clasp).
29" Lieut.
Kinoaid served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85, and was present at the action of Kirbekan
(Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
258 Lieut. A. E. Haynes served during the Egyptian war of 1882 with the expedition into Arabia Petrsea
spatched for the purpose of bringing to justice the murderers of Professor Palmer and his party (mentioned
in despatches. Medal, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Bechuanaland Expedition
imder Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85 on special service.
Lieut. C. Hill served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).

^ Lieut. H. B. Mackay served with the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85 on special
Lieut. F. Glanville served with the Burmese Expedition in 1886-87 (mentioned in despatches, DSO., and Medal
with Clasp).
"» Lieut. A. W. Roper served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
^* Lieut. G. M. Heath served with the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 188^-85.
8°^ Lieut. R. J. H. L. Mackenzie served in the Soudan campaign in
1885, and was present in the engagement
at Hasheen (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
8»6 Lieut. C. A. Leahy served in the operations of the Soudan Frontier Field Force in
1885-S6 (Medal, and
Khedive's Star).
'"" Lieut. F. A. Molony served in the Soudan campaign in
1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
^"^ Lieut. W.
J. Bythell served with the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85 on special
3"' Lieut. 0. E. Salvesen served with the Bechuanaland E.xpedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85.
812 Lieut. C. Godby served in the Soudan campaign in 1885, and was present in the engagements at Hasheen
and the Tofrek zereba (Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
8'3 Lieut. W. A. J. O'Meara served with the Burmese Expedition ia 1885-86— severely wounded (mentioned in
despatches. Medal with Clasp).
"* Lieut. H. Bouham-Carter served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
8'6 Lieut. R. U. H. Buckland served in the Soudan campaign in
1885, and was present in the engagements
" at
Hasheen (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
820 Lieut. H. B. H. Wright served with the Burmese
Expedition in 1886-88 (Medal with Clasp).
821 Lieut. C. H. Roe served with the Burmese Expedition (Medal with
in 18S6-87 Clasp).
823 Lieut. J. A. S. Tulloch served with the Burmese Expedition in 18-37-88 (Medal with Clasp).
821 Lieut. H. C. Nanton served during the rebellion in the North West Territories of
Canada in 1885 with the-
Midland Battalion of Canadian Militia (Medal).
825 Lieut.
P. H. du P. Casgrain served during the rebellion in the North West Territories of Canada in 1885 wilh
the gth Battalion of MUitia RiHes (Medal).
826 Lieut. H. M. St. A. Wade.— See Civil Decorations
for Gallantry, p. 128.
828 Lieut. A. T. Lewis served in the Zulu war in
1879 (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Egyptian war of 18S2
and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star); also served in the Soudan
campaign in 1885 (Clasp).
228/" War Services of lioyal Engineers (late Bengal Engineers).
at Hasheen and at the destrnction
enRHgement of Temai {mentioned in despatches, Brevel
Hna «-M present in the

of ,845-46 as Chief Engineer at the battles of Moodke,

"V|'o^'"N;»i?r^Reo-cd throuirhout the Sutlej campaign
/J ^^ 11 Pi o^J^i.v«?,Mhah (severely wounded, and
horse kUled and as Brigade Major of Engineers at the battU

r,i ,u.u.M t^« ^""^g'lg Lahore (mentioned in despatches Medal and two Clasps, and Brevel
Chief Engineer to conduct the siege of the hill Fort of Kangra. and received th<
of.-- .
to that place. Served the Punjaul
c:ovcruirent for his services in the transport of the siege tram
^Q was Chief Encineer during part of the siege of
Mooltan in 1849 (severely wounded) and Com- ,

r of the RiKht Wing at the battle of

Goojerat. and in Sir Walter Gilbert's pursuit of the Sikh Armj
il with two Clasps, and Brevet of Lt.Colonel). Commanded a Column which defeated the Hus-
against the Boree Afreedees in
Black Mountain in Hazara in 1852. Present with the expedition


veil the special thanks of Government (Medal

with Clasp) Served throughout the Indian mutiny

-hief of the Staff to Outram in 1857, and present in

the several actions leading to the first relief 01

ubcr— Muuearwar, Alumbagh, and Charbagh commanded the Troops ;

the rescue of the siege
for the capture of Phillip's Garden Battery
icu surrounded and cut off in the suburbs the sortie ;

•i- operations (severely wounded). Present as Chief of the Staff m

the latter operations at the
Brigadier and Chief Engineer at the siege and capture of Lucknow
\ fie second relief of Lucknow.
;,,.,.. ., cm' Commanded a Brigade at the capture of Gwalior.
Defeated Tautia Topee at Joura-Alipore, cap
tun!.[.'3- in'uiMthank>* of Parliament, and iTCi*.).
When in command of the Gwalior Division bombarded and
roili'c.'d the Fori of I'owrio in Aug. 1858. After five days' Close pursuit surprised and defeated with a Squadron ol
Clasps, and a year's service for Lucknow). Com
the ixth'irs Ferozc Shah's Force at Ranode (Medal with three
man.le.l tho'snd' Division of the China Expeditionary Force in the
campaign of i860, including the action of Sinho
preset at Tanirku (Division in reserve); with his Division and the whole of the Artillery, m
conjunction with the
of the North Taku Fort
French Division ofGcneralCoUineau, conducted the operations ending in the storming
orosoiit at the advance upon and surrender of Pekin (thanks of
Parliament, Medal with two Clasps, promoted Majoi
iJciioni' fir di-linguished service, and appointed Military Member
of the Council of the Governor General of India)
Itiise.l t .the Poonige in 1868 for his eminent services as Commander in Chief of the Abyssinian Expeditionarj
Fon-o r'.s.) received the thanks of both Houses of Parliament, and nominated a GCS.
' Ccnorul Hutchinson served in the Sutlej campaign (Medal).
. ., , ^^i , o , „r
General Fnuser served in the Sutlej campaign of 1845-46, and was present at the battle of Sobraon (Medal
., ,

and Clasp). Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, as Adjutant of Sappers at the siege of Mooltan and battle of Goojerat
(Medal with two Clasps). Burmese war of 1852-53, and accompanied the Column under General Steel to Tonghoo
(Medal with Clasp for Pogu). ^ o o ^i, 1 . .v .- 1, r T>r ,^
» Lieut General Maunsell served the Punjaub campaign of 1S48-49, throughout the operations before Mooltan,
including the first siege, storming of the intrenched positions on 9th and 12th September, and surrender of the
rortress, also surrender of the Fort and garrison of Cheniote, and battle of Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps) In the .

Indian mutiny campaign commanded Sappers and Miners at the actions on the Hindun, battle of Budlekeserai, and
throughout the siege of Delhi, directed the right attack during the final operations, and was dangerously wounded
when conducting the Column of assault on the Pahareepore suburb on 14th Sept. 1857. Commanded Sappers at the
siege and capture of Lucknow, in the Rohilcund campaign at Rooyah, Alygunge, and Bareilly, and at Mitowlee in
the Oudo campaign of 1858-59 (mentioned in despatches. Medal with two Clasps, Brevet of Major, and CB.). Served
in the Afghan war iu 1878-79, and was present at the attack and capture of Ali Musjid (mentioned in despatches.
Medal with Clasp).
• Lieut. General Chesney was present at the battle of Budleeke.serai, and served as Brigade Major of Engineers

throughout the siege of Delhi and was t\vice severely wounded at the assault (mentioned in despatches. Medal with
Clasp, and Brevet of Major).
Major General Williams served as Adjutant of Engineers with the expedition to Pegu in 1S52, and was
present at the bombardment and capture of Martabau and Rangoon (slightly wounded), capture of Prome and
ocrnpation of Meaday (mentioned in despatches for " gallant conduct," Medal with Clasp).
" Major (ieneral Perkins served in the Indian mutiny campaign, including the battle of Budleekeserai and siege of
Delhi— wounded (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was present at the capture of the
Pciwur Kotal (mentioned in despatches), in the engagement at Charasiab on the 6th October 1879 (mentioned in
dOHpiitcbcs), and in the operations round Cabul in December 1879 including the investment of Sherpore (men-
tioned in despatches) accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar in command of the Royal

Bnginecrs, and was present at the battle of Candahar (mentioned in despatches, CB., Medal with four Clasps, and
Bronze Dcconilion).
'•Colonel Thomason served in the Indian mutiny'campaign.includingthebattle of Budleekeserai, and through-
out the siege and capture of Delhi (Medal with Clasp).
" Colonel George Newmarch served as Assistant Field Engineer in constructing the defences of Meerut from
May to Sept. 1857 aaerwards in command of a Detachment of Sappers and four field guns in the Seharunpore

and .Mozufrcmuggur districts under Colonel J. Brind, assisted in the operations against the Rohilcund rebels, and in
the disarming of the town of Meeranpore (Medal).
•' (;olonel Pemberton
served in the Indian mutiny campaign, including the battle of Budleekeserai, throughout
the Bioge of Delhi, and accompanied the storming party at the assault of the Water Bastion slightly wounded had — :

charge of the Engineer Park at the siege and capture of Lucknow (Medal with two Clasps).
"Colonel Forbes served in the Indian mutiny, including the action on the Hindun, battle of Budleekeserai,
throughout the niege of Delhi, actions of Bolundshuhur, Alyghur, and Agra, relief of Lucknow by LordClyde, battle
offawnpore, relief of Futtehghur, siege and capture of Lucknow (wounded), attack on Fort Rooyah, action o(
AllVk'ungc, and capture of Bareilly (Medal with three Clasps).
" Colonel U. Ci. Smyth served in the Indian mutiny campaign, and was present at tho final siege and capture
o( Lucknow in 1258 (Medal with Clasp).
^ 8ir James Browne served with the expedition against tho Mahsood Wuzeercos, on the North West Frontier
of India, in i860, mid was present at tho storming of the Burera I'ass and the capture of Kaneegurum and
Mukcem (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp). Served throughout the Umbovlah campaign in 1863—
wounde<l (three times iiientioncil in despatches. Brevet of Major, Clasp). Served iu the Afghan war in 187S-79 as
Political Officer to Sir Donald Stewart, and was present in the engagement at Takht-i-Pul and in the advance to
<';ondahar and Khclat-i-Ghilzio (several times mentioned in despatches. Medal, and CB.). Served in the Egyptian
war of 1881 coininuiid of the Koyal Kiiginccrs of tho Indian Contingent, and was present at the battle of
Trl-cl-Keblr (mentioncil In despatches, CB., Medal with Clasp, ^rd Class of the Osmanieh, and Khedive's Star).
" Hlr Oliver Uoaucliiimn St. John served in tho Abyssinian campaign as Director of Telegraphs. " The telegraph
workc<l well and rondered ininortaiit service" (mentioned in despatches. Medal). Served in the Afghan war in
"* ''"'<"'' f "nrcr, and was presentat the battle of Candahar (CSl., Brevet of Lt. Colonel, Medal with Clasp)
iV? ,
colonel B- I'ovttt served in the Afghan war iu 1878-79, and was present at tho attack
and capture of Ali Musjid
(Brevet of Ll.f oloncl. Medal with Closp).
Engineer in thoBhootan Field Force in 1875-76 (Medal witl
"'"""! **• »"vcdiii tho Abyssinian campaign in the Water Supply Department from Senaie'
»r.. T' ^^"J^" wervico (inciitioned

.. f'Tli.
'."', P'^'"/*;™'''* '"""e'i?;'t i
iu despatches. Medal).
• 1 Served with the Nile Expedition
1 ii
|B'!4 85 (Modal and Khedive's Star).
vilh tMasp,
- 1,1 C^.lon. .
Tomkins wrvcd with tho Zhob Volley Expedition in 1884.
' present during the lUi.sso-Turki.h war in 1877-78 as Additional Military Attach.5 at th
III. y.iartci
Ilc«d .. of the Army
If'i!:'^"^)!!^^ in Asia (Brevet of Major, and Turkish Medal).
War Services of Royal Engineers (late Madras Engineers). 2281?
Arthur Thomas Cotton served throughout the Burmese war of 1824-26 under Sir Archibald Campbell, and
' Sir
was present at the capture of Rangoon, reconnoitring in gxmboats and jungle fighting near Kemundine, attack of
stockades and Pagoda of Syriam, capture of Mergui and Tavoy, defence of the Lines at Rangoon and attack of the
left flank of the Burmese Entrenchments, attack of the Stockade of Kokein, siege and capture of Donabew, attack of
Shan Stockades and of stockades on the left bank of the Irrawaddy near Prome, captui-e of Melloon and jungle
fight at Paghammew which terminated the war (Medal with Clasp).
^ Sir H. 'N. D. Prendergast served with the Madras Sappers and Miners in Persia in 1857, and was present
at tho bombardment of Mohumrah (Medal with Clasp). Served as Assistant Field Engineer with the Malwa Field
Force in 1S57, and with the Central India Field Force under Sir Hugh Rose in 1858, took part in the sieges of Dhar,
Ratghur, Goratote, and Jhansi, was present at nearly all the battles and minor affairs of the above forces till the
capture of Calpee (Brevet of Major, Victoria Cross, and Medal with Clasp) received the V€ under the following

circumstances :—" For conspicuous bravery on the 21st November 1857, at Mundisore, in saving the life of Lieu-
tenant G. Dew, 14th Light Dragoons, at the risk of his own, by attempting to cut down a Velaitee, who covered him
(Lieutenant Dew) with his piece, from only a few paces to the rear. Lieutenant Prendergast was wounded in this
affair by the discharge of the piece, and would probably have been cut down had not the rebel been killed by Major
Orr. He also distinguished himself by his gallantry in the actions at Ratgurh and Betwa, when he was severely
wounded. Major General Sir Hugh Rose, in forwarding his recommendation to this Officer, states:— 'Lieutenant
Prendergast, Madras Engineers, (vas specially mentioned by Brigadier, now Sir Charles Stuart, for the gallant act
at Mundisore, when he was severel3'- wounded. Secondly, he was specially mentioned by me when acting volun-

tarily as my Aide de Camp in the action befoi-e besieging Ratgm-h, on the' Beena river, for gallant conduct. His
horse was killed on that occasion. Thirdly, at the action of The Betwa,' he again voluntarily acted as my Aide de

Camp, and distinguished himself by his bravery in the charge which I made with Captain Need's Troop, Her Majesty's
14th Light Dragoons, against the left of the so-called Peishwa's army, under Tautia Topee. He was severely wounded
on that occasion.' " Commanded the Detachment of three Companies of Madras Sappers and Miners in Abyssinia,
was Field Engineer during the advance, and was present at the action before Magdala (mentioned in despatches
as having "rendered singularly valuable and important services," Brevet of Lt. Colonel, and Medal). Commanded
the Burmese Expedition of 1885-86 (received the thanks of the Government of India, mentioned in despatches,
KCli., and Medal with Clasp).
Colonel Lindsay served in the Indian mutiny campaign in 1858, and was present at the affairs of Jheegnng

and Kubrai, battle of Banda, relief of Kirwee, and iu the lleserve during the storm of the Heights of Punwarre JJ edal

with Clasp). Served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and took part in the march to Candahar with the force under
Major General PhajTe (mentioned in despatches, Medal).
* Colonel Burton served in the Indian mutiny campaign of 1857-58, and was present at the relief of Lucknow by

Lord Clyde (horse shot), at the occupation of the Alumbagh by Outram's Force, and at ihe siege and capture of
Lucknow (Medal with two Clasps, and one year's extra service).
' Colonel Trail served throughout the Chinese campaign of i860, was present at the action of Sinlio, capture
of Tangku, and engaged with the storming party at the fall of the Taku Forts afterwards had charge o: the demoli-

tion of the forts on the south side of the Peiho (Medal with Clasp).
'" Colonel Filgate served as Assistant Field Engineer throughout the Chinese campaign of i860, and was present

at the action of Sinho, captures of Tangku and the Taku Forts, and surrender of I'ekiu (Meilal with two Clasps).
'- Colonel Pennycuick served in the Abyssinian campaign in command of H Cojn]iiiii\- Abulias Sappers (Medal).
'^ Colonel A. F. Hamilton commanded the Madras Sappers and Miners in the Kl:.\ war of j8:!2, and was

present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Brevet of Lt.Coloncl, Medal with Clasp, and KUedive'ti Star).

War Services of Boyal Engineers {late Bombay Engineers).

General Goodfellow served in the expedition against Kolapore in 1827.
- General Turner served in the expedition against Kolapore in 1827.
' Sir Michael Kennedy served in the Afghan war of 1878-80 as Controller General of Transport and Supply, and

was present in the operations round Cabul in December 1879 (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp).
5 Lieut. General W. W. Goodfellow served with the Persian Expeditionary Force in 1856-57, and was present at the

capture of Bushire, battle of Khooshab, and capture of Mohumrah (Medal with Clasp). Served as Executive En-
gineer with the Abyssinian Expeditionary Force at ZouUa from the first landing of the Reconnoitring Party till the
end of 1867, at Seanf^ during January 1868, from that time to the close of the campaign as Senior Engineer of the
Force which marched on Magdala present at the action of Arogee and storming of Magdala (mentioned in des-

patches as having " displayed great intelligence and activity in everything throughout the operations," Brevet
of Major, CB., and Medal).
w Major General Haig served with the Persian Expeditionary Force in 1857, and was present at the battle of
Khooshab and capture of Mohumra (Medal with Clasp) Served in the Indian mutiny campaign in 185S, including

the siege and assault of Kotah and Dwarka— wounded (Medal with Clasp). Was Assistant Field Engineer
with the Okamundel Field Force in 1859.
" Colonel C. A. Goodfellow served with the Central India Field Force in 1857-58, and waspresent at thesiegeand
capture of Ratghur, capture of Garrakota, siege and storm of Jhansi (Victoria Cross, and Medal with Clasp) was :

awarded the Y€ "fi)r gallant conduct at tlie attack on the Fort of Beyt, on the 6th October 1S59. On that
occasion, a soldier of the 28th Regiment was shot under the walls of the fort. Lieutenant Goodfellow rushed under
the walls, under a sharp fire of matchlocks, and bore ofl the body of the soldier, who was then dead, but whom he
at first supposed to be wounded only." Was Assistant Field Engineer with the Okamundel and Kattywar Field
Force in 1859. Served as Brigade Major of Roval Erirrineevs with ithe Abyssinian Expeditionary Force throughout
the campaign (mentioned in despatches for the " efficient maunerin which he carried on the duties of his appoint-
ment," Brevet of Major, and Medalj.
"5 Colonel Merewether ser^-ed as Assistant Field Engineer with the Okamundel Field Force in 1859. Served in
the Abyssinian campaign on detached duty at Koomeylee in surveying and constructing earthworks for the rail-
way, also as -Adjutant of Bombay Sappers and Miners (Medal)
Colonel Dowden served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and took part in the march to Candahar with the force
under Major General Phayre (mentioned in despatches. Medal).
'* Colonel A. Le Messurier served
as Assistant Field Engineer with the Okamundel Field Force in 1859. Seivcd in
the Abyssinian campaign as head of the Water Supply Departments to the Army. Organised the watering arrange-
ments at each post and accompanied the advanced force to Magdala present at the action of Arogee, and amongst

the first who entered Magdala (mentioned in despatches. Medal). Served in the Afghan war in 1S79-S0, and «as
present in the engagement at Saif-u-deen (Brevet of Lt. Colonel, and Medal).
" Lt.Colonel Merriman served in the Boer war of i83i.
'" Colonel Jopp served throughout
the Abyssinian campaign in 1867-68 landed with the first Reconnoitring

Party, served partly in surveying routes, subsequently served in tho Pioneer Force as Engineer in charge of
working parties in the march on Magdala present at the action of Arogee and capture of Magdala (mentioued in

despatches, Medali. Served in the Aftrhan war in 1878-79 (Medal).

-' Lt.Colonel E. D. Twemlow
served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and took p:ut in the march to Candahar with
the force under Major General Ph.ayre (mentioned in despatches. Medal).
" f;
Grenadier truaras. I and Bait.,
.3rd Batt., Chelsea Barracks.
Grejnde. "Bikkhiim" '
" Alma " " Inkeeman " "Sevastopol
"PBSiifSCLA" "Watebloo" -°°-
" " Suakin,
Egypt, 1882" " Tel-bl-Kbbib
, ,r- T, JTT i ...Poni-rrAW F C Z>«l-< of Cambridge,! -STff. XP. GC5. GClfff. GCSZ. GCI^.
Co/onW of the Grenadier Guards. 15 Dec. 61. -
r -«-.'., J<4^.. I CAiV/- -6N0V 87 ;

Ueuten^nt'ColoneU.-ifo«. William Sholto Douglas Zt.Cohnel, Feb. 71; afa July Si ; Colonel,
i/'s. 4- fjsJune 63; Ca;)^ 4-
Sept. 60: if. Capt.

Role mid Thomas Thynne.> CB. Commanding the BattaUon ,8 July 85 Ji«.. j- i«. "3.0 ;

" Mar. 73 iJ^V'"'' ' J>ily 8'; Colonel, 5 July 83 i<.(

o \ V 67 Cavt. 4 Lt. Colonel, 15
• ; ;

I'harlesScVmour Corkran.* Commanding the

Battalion i July 86 .E»*.<7«
^ i^ ^25
Colonel, 1 July 85
Jan. 65; Zt. 4- Cap<.
i<.<Colonel, I July 86.

i July 81
^iTjuno 68; Ciyt. Jr Ll.Colonel, ,9 Jan. 76 ifajor ;
May 67 CoiJf. ^
; ;

MakeiU-Crichton-Maitland, .E«.. "31 May 59 i'- ^6 June 61 Capt.

Ktiori navid Makgill-Crichton
Jl? David
. i,; —I ; ;

i July 81 Colonel, 14 May 1-.

Lt. Colonel, 26 Feb. 76 ;

4-Lt.f1 July 66; i<. 4" Capt. PiS Aug.69; Cap<. 4- Zt. Colonel, 27 Sept. 76 j
; Charles Birch Heynardeon.' En$.
Mxjor. 24 Oct. 82 Colonel, 8 Sept. 86. t
''29 Dec. 69 ; Cap*. 4 Zt.Colonel, 9 Dec. 76 ;
Ijuircnce JameB01iphant,'£n». 4 Lt. 7 Oct. 66 ; i<. 4- Capt.
iliijur, I Nov. 82; Colonel, i Nov X«.P6Mar. 67; Zt.4-
/i"'i/o» GcorgO Patrick Hyde Villiers,^ CMG. Military Attache at Paris; En,..
P igOct^Si Major, 14 Apr. A^ 83.
Vati '10 ¥ch. 70; Capt.4Lt.Colonel, .5 Sept. yT.ColceJ,

Algernon Charles lioraon-i^ennox,- ^u.c «<. ^u,..^. .. •;•- ;^-;-'-

y ^'"f^''"'!'*/ 9'"*- * .'^«*/''- --.— •

f2q May
J^6^E»'.4 Lt. ; Zt.4 Capt. "^3 Mar. 70 ; Capt.
67 4 Zt.Colonel,T Oct. 77 ; Maior.i^ Apr.83 ;

4-i*. "29 May 67 i<. 4" Ca^«- "9 April 70 Ca;,<. 4 Zt. Colonel. 2 Mar.
win" Herbert Francis Eaton. En.. ; ;

il;/i:;t^u;c£Irl\=WeSy^'i'rr is June 68 X^ 4- Capt.

68: Zt. Cavt.v^.Fe^.. ,.., Capt. ^ Zt.Colonel,
^15 Feb. 71 ; ;

5 ."^pr. 79 Major, 1 Aug. 83 Colonel, 1 Aug. 87.

Kdmund Antrobus,'" £n»«sn 4" i'- " "" Feb. 69'; X<. 4" Capt. ''17 May 71 Capt. 4- Zt.Colonel, 24 May 79
" ;
; j

HoTceRicar'do>=i':i"* i">'^7'^^^^^^^ 69: Lt. 4 Capt. ^17 May ,.; Capt. 4- Zt.Colonel, 24 May 79;

ChTi'rTcs'uobert^Rowleyl" £nii.*|if.'Pi9 May 69 ; Lt. 4 Capt. ^g Sept. 71 ; Cap<. 4- Zt.Colonel, 7 June 79

RLTi^'LLkc'£iiV.4-in23Mar.''7o; Zt. #• C<yj<. 17 Feb. 72; Capt. 4r Zt.Colonel, 7 Aug. So; Major, i

\Villi^ Henry Mackinnon, En$. 4 Zt. 22 June 70 ; X<. 4- Cap*. 3 Aug. 72 ; Capt. 4 Li. Colonel, i Jan. 81

i/"n?Everard Charles Digby," Ent. 4- Zt. «'24 Juneyo; Zt. 4- Capt. 19 Oct. 72 ; Capt. 4r Zt. Col. i Apr. 82 ;

Vi^fiTr's^Hatton, Eegimental Adjutant 7 May

84 ; Ensign 4- Zt. ^27 Aug. 70 ; Zt. 4- Capt. 4 Dec. 72 ; Capt,
4- Zt.Colonel, sJ\i]y&7! Major, jjU&TChSe. . , ^ , , ^t o
Henry Edward Colvile,"^ CB.,Ent.4Lt. ^i Oct. 70; Lt. 4 Capt. 15 Mar. 72; Capt.4- Lt.Colonel, 1 Nov.82j
Major, I Julv 86 ; Colonel, 2 Jan. 86.
C»pUin and Lt Colonel.—j).».c. Ivor Jolin Caradoc Herbert,i'il/'i7i7ary Attache at St.Fetersburg ; Ens. 4- Zt.
"•5 Not. 70; Lt. 4 Capt. 2$ Nov. 74 ; Bt. Major, 18 Nov. 82 ; Capt. 4 Lt.Colonel, 2 83. May

Captains. 2ND LIEUT.

Eyre Macdonnell Stewart Crabbe" (Bt. Major, 15 June 85)
p.t.c. Hon. Frederick William Stopford»H-B^J^fa>r, 15 June 85),
Brigade Major, Alderthot
Charles Robert William Colvillo,a/a8'ero/'CoZ[iti?«,2lJft/i7ary
Secretary to the Governor General of Canada
Francis Cecil Ricardo, Brigade Major, Home District
v.t.c. Harry James Craufurd"
Henrs- Paulet St. John Mildmay" (Bt.Major 15 June 85)
John Hunter 'ReyaoMs,^* Superintendent ofGymnasia,Home District
Francis Lloyd"
William Arthur Ince Anderton
Alexander Fownes Luttrell" ,

; Alexaniler Fuller Acland-Hood*' ,

t Hcury Slrcalfeild, Aide dt Camp to the Governor General of India..

I Malcolm Drummond"
Lord William Cecil'"
7 Edward Cbarles Ellice
J Arthur Henry ThisUethwayto
J Archer I'arry Crawley" 13 Oct.
Francis Charles Trollopc," Aide de Camp to Sir O. S. Willit .... 30 June
I John Warrender
Henry Goulburn, Aide de Camv to Major General P. Smith
3 Uon. Henry Frederick White," A.D.C. to Lord Lieut, of Ireland ...
Unvid Alexander Kinloch, Adjutant n Apr. 8;
i/i,n. John Townsheiid St. Aubyn'" T.
Gilbert Lcgh"
3 Hdttcrt Cionlon Wolrigo-Gordon"
Jlon. William David Murray, Adjutant •? Feb. 86
UoUrt Scoll-Korr**'
ChnMU.i.l.iT William Darby-Grifllth, Aide de Camp to Major)
a,«rrat Lyltellon-Anne,ley . . .. f
I ThoiniiH Henry llollis Unidford-Atkinson' !......!..!!.!!..
3 WiUiiiin AugUHlUH Ijine-Fox-ritt" '..!".!!!!'.".".!'."'..'.!!!!!!

> Ku'liiird Jiwhua Cooper* .'..!.!'....'.....!!!.!....!!'...!'.

a KriiiiriK Murmaduko Henry Sandforii^
. wiihiiin iiiirvcy Astcii "!.!;!;;!!!!!!;!;!!!";!!!;;!!;;!!
I (Imrlr* l.iiiliivic Lindsay**
1 Albert Kdwiird WillVcd, Count Gloichen".
I Gciirgir (icdfriy Macdonald' ]

3 Arthur William Cotton," J<//u/aji/ n i)tc. 86

Aubrey Hope M'Mahnn, .4i<](« </« Campto the O (^'.'o en
I'of Canada.
3 Kdnard Richard Taylor*'..
Grenadier Guards 230


2 Charles Henry Halford 9 Sept.

t Charles George Edmund John Manners'^ I July
3 Hercules Arthur Pakonham,''^ Aide de Camp to Goo. Gen. of India 14 Apr.
2 William Mills^o 25 Aug. 83
1 Charles Fergusson 7 Nov. 83
2 Bruce Canning Vernon-Wentworth 28 Nov. 83
I Henry Roger Crompton- Roberts 6 Feb.
1 Francis John Davies" T4 May
3 Cecil Du Pre Penton Powney'^^ 14 May
2 Son. Walter Lewis Bagot 23 Aug.
2 Wilfred George Howard Marshall 23 Aug.
3 Arthur Henry Orlando Lloyd^* 23 Aug.
2 Sir Augustus Frederick Walpole Edward Webster, U 23 Aug.
3 George Kdward Pereira 23 Aug.
1 Joseph Henry Russell Bailey 7 Feb.
2 Henry Heywood Heywood-Lonsdale 7 Feb.
2 Godfrey Dalrymple White 7 Feb.
1 George Colborne Nugent 7 Feb.
3 Herbert Edward Pretyman 12 Nov. 84
3 Edward Kenrick Bunbury Tighe 4 Oct. 84
Jlon. Edward George Villiers Stanley 6 May 85
Man. George Harry William Walsh 6 May 85
Jlon. WiUiam Edwin Cavendish 23 May 85
Hiuold Goodeve Ruggles-Brise 23 May 85
3 Edward Groville Verschoyle 23 May 85
2 Frederick Rudolph, riscoani Kilcoursie 29 Aug. 85
1 George Philip Du Plat Taylor 7 Oct. 85
Wroth Periam Christopher Lethbridge 28 Feb. 85
2 Dudley Ferrars Loftus ig May 86
2 Hon. Richard Fitzroy Somerset 18 Aug. 86
3 St. John Halford Coventry 8 Sept. 86
3 Nathaniel John Lyon 15 Dec. 86
Second Libutenants.
I Lord Edward Herbert Cecil 30 Apr.
I XortJJohn Pakenham Cecil 4 May 87
1 Laurence Rowe Fisher-Rowe 14 May 87
3 William Murray-Threipland 28 May 87
2 Noel Armar Lowry Corry 15 Feb. '

I Arthur Charles Wombw'ell 22 Aug.

PatrickJames Crichton-Stnart 12 Dec.
Godfrey Clement Walker Heneage 29 Dec. 88
Quarter Masters. —
William Leeding, 13 Nov. 75; Hon. Capfn,
i 3^ov. 85.
2 Thomas Wodows Gunton,^^
7 Jan. 8d; Hon. Lieut.
William Holmes.^s 28 July 84 Hon. Lieut.
3 ;

Surgeons Major.— 3 Chas. EdwardiHarrison," MB. 19 Aug. 85; Surgeon, 30 Sept. 74 Surg. Majo igAug.Ss. ;

2 George Ballingall Stuart, ifS. 26 Mar. 86; A.S. i April 71; Surgeon, Mar. 73 ;

Surgeon Major, 26 Mar. 86.

I William Campbell," MB. 12 Jan. 81 Surgeon, 30 Sept. 74 Surgeon Major, s Nov. 87.
; ;

Surge 2 Horatio Robert Odo Cross, 17 Dec. 84; Surgeon, 4 Aug. 78.
I Edward Nodin Sheldrake, 7 Oct. 85 Surgeon, 30 May 85.,

3 Hugh Rayner, MB., 14 April 86; Surgeon, 30 Jan. 86.

3 Henry Mitchell," 30 May 88 Surgeon, 2 Aug. 84.

Facings Bine.— Agents, Messrs. Cox and Co.

Battalion returned from Canada, Sept. 1864.
1st 2nd Battalion returned from Egypt, 18S2.
2rd Battalion returned from Egypt, 10 Sept. 1885.
» The Dukeof Cambridge commanded the ist Division of the Eastern Army throughout the campaign of 1854, in-
cluding the battles of the Alma, Balaklava, and Inkerman (horse shot), and siege of Sebastopoi (mentioned in
despatches, received the thanks of the House ot Commons, Medal with four Clasps, and Turkish Medal).
* Colonel Hon. W. S. D. Home served with the 2nd Battalion Grenadier Guards in the Egyptian war of 1882,
and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of the Osmanieh, and Khedive's Star).
Served in the Soudan c.impaign in 18S5 in command of the 3rd Battalion of the Grenadier Guards until after the
engagement at Hasheen (Clasp).
* Colonel Thynne served in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the engagement at Ulundi (Medal with
Clasp). Served with the 2nd Battalion Grenadier Guards in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, 4th Class of the
Osmanieh, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Soudan campaign in 1885, after the engagement at Hasheen in
command of the 3rd Battalion of the Grenadier Guards (mentioned in despatches, CB., and Clasp).
* Colonel Corkran served in the expedition to the Soudan in 1885 with the 3rd Battalion of the Grenadier Guards,
and was present in the engagement at Hasheen (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
* Colonel Reynardson served with the 2nd Battahon Grenadier Guards in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal,
and Khedive's Star).
' Colonel Oliphant served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
" Colonel
the Hon.G. P. H. Villiers served in the Afghan war in 1878-79 in command of outposts of the Koornra
Field Force, and was present at the capture of the Pelwar Kotal (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Cla-ii .

Served in the Zulu war in 1875. and took part in the pursuit and capture of King Cetywayo (Medal with t'l.ispi.
* Lord Algernon Gordon-Lennox, and Lieuts. Bradford-Atkinson, Cooper, and Macdonald served with the 2nd
Battalion Grenadier Guards in the Egyptian war of 1882, and were present at the battle of Tel-cl-Kebir (Medal
with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
*" Colonel Antrobus served inthe Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
12 Colonel Ricardo served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive s Siiir).
'3 Colonel Rowley served in the Nile Expedition iu 1884-85 with the Guards Camel Regimeiii, a^dwas present

at the actions at Abu Klea and El Gubat (Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
'5 Lt.Colonel Hon. E.
C. Digby served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Stiir).
"= Colonel Colvile served with
the Soudan Expedition under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884 in the Intelligeme
Department, and was present in the engagement at El Teb (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp, and
Khedive's Star). Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the Intelligence Department. and was present
at the action of Abu Klea (mentioned in despatches, CB., and two Clasps) also served with the Egyptian

Frontier Field Force in 1885-85 as Assistant Adjutant and Quarter Master Genera' Intelligence Department, i^n I
Tvas present in the engagement at Giniss (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Cojonel).
'7 Lt.Colonel Herbert served in the Egyptian war of 1882 as Brigade Major of t,he 1st Brigade, and was
present in the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches. Brevet 01 Major, Medal with Clasp. 4th ()las.s ')!'tii'
Medjidie, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Nile Kxpedition in 1885-86 with the Guards Camel Regimcni, und
was present at the actions at Abu Klea and Abu Kru (two Clasns).
1' Major Crabbe served with the Auxiliary Transport in the Egypt.inn warof 1SC2 (Medal, and K! odivp's Srnr ,

Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 asActing Quarter Master to the Guards Camel Itegiment, and was presCut
at the actious at Abu Klea and Abu Kru (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of M.ajor, two Clasps).
*> Major Hon. F. W. Stopford served in the Egyptian war of i3S2 as Aide de Camp to Sir John Adye, Chi..-t o."

L 2
2xca Grenadier Guards.
Sept.), and in the battle of
(he Suiff. at tho engaKcments of Tel-el-Mabuta. Kassasin (9th
»nd was present
Tcl^l-Ke .ir despatches. Medal with Clasp. 5th Class of the Medjid.e, and Khedive s Star). Served
(mc "oLl m

O^o Jumlaii campaipn in .884-65 as Aide de Camp to Major General
Lyon Premantle and afterwards as
engagement at Hasheen (mentioned in despatches,
ilnK«de M.jor to the Brigade of Guards, and was present in the
" (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp)
«rT,'^ Mn,'^r''of C^ui'llc served in the Zulu war of 1879
a n.H"i?^Craufurt Kt-rvtd with the Nile Expedition in 1S84-85 on special service (Medal with Clasp, and
in the Egyptian war of
^o*^M.n,*r'*fit'^ John Mildmav served with the 2nd Battalion of the Grenadier Guards
wwVrSl^ent at triatt^rof Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp,
and Khedive's Star). Served in the Soudan
.sT- a":^l

"*" Battalion of the Grenadier Guards, and

HrTn!" KoTds^'^n^d in I'^SSiuf^^rlf" :8^.\°i\li'thrlnd
wL "eC. in t^e enpap^^^^^^^^
»"J "^ the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's

inthe cnpnpemcnt at Hasheen (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's

»n.l W..H present
r: Capiain Lnttiell served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (mentioned m
despatches, Medal with Clasp, and

^"'^Cnpuiin'AclBnd Hood served as Adjutant 2nd Battalion Grenadier Guards in the Egyptian war of 1882, and
the Medjidie, and Khedive s Star).
WM present al the battle of Tel-el-Keb.r (Medal with Clasp, 5th Uuss of
» Cnpuiin Drummond served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
*> I-ortI Willinm Cecil served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
" Captain Crawlcv served with the 3rd Battalion 60th Rifles in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present at the action
of Cinpindhlovu and relief of Kkowe (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with
"*? .'loul. TroUoiH! ser\-ed in the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85 with the Balloon

" I.ient Hon. H. F. White served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
" Lieut Hon J TAubyn served in the Soudan Expedition imder Sir Gerald Gr.nham in 1884 as Aide de Camp
to Bri iKiicr General Sir Rcdvcrs Buller, Commanding ist Brigade, and was present in the engagements at El Teb
and T.mai (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served the Nile Expedition in m
isS^ , as Aide de Camp
:- to Major General Earle and after his death to Brigadier General Brackenbury, and was
pr^^c!.t at the action of Kirbekan (mentioned in despatches, two Clasps). , ^, ,. „ > ,

*^ Lu'ut Legh served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive s Star).
* Li.'ut. Wolrige Gordon served in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the engagement at Ulundi (Medal
wiih < hisp). Served in the Nile E.xpedition in 7884-85 with the Guards Camel Regiment, and was present at the
BCtiuii> i\t Abu Klea and Abu Kru (Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
•" Lieut. Scott-Kerr served in the Zulu war in 1S79, and was present in the engagement at Ulundi (Medal with

Cla.«i. Ser\-cd in the Souihm campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).

" Lieut. Lane-Fox-Pitt served with the gistHighlanders in the latter part of the Zulu war of 1879 (Medal with
Clasp). Served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
" Liiut. Sandford served in the Egyptian war of 1S82 with the 2nd Battalion of the Grenadier Guards, and
was jiUM-ntut the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with ('lasp, and Khedive's Star). Served iu the e.x:pedition to
the .S.<u(Uin in 1S35 with the 3rd Battalion of the Grenadier Guards, and was present in the engagement at
Hnshciii (Clasp).
•• Lieui. Lindsav served with the 2nd Battalion of the Grenadier Guards in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was
present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Also served in the Soudan cam-
paign in iS8t (Clasp).
*» '."ount (;ieiclien Fcrved in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the Camel Corps, and was
present in the
actions at Abu Klea and Abu Kru (Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
•* Lieut. Cotton served in the Soudan campaign iu 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
*' Lieut. Taylor iterved in the Soudan campaign in
1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
•• Lieut. Manners served with the 15th Hussars in the Boer war of i88i.
•• Lieut. i'akcDham served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's
*" Lieut. Mills served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's
" Lieut. Davics sen-ed in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
" Lieut. I'owney served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
" Ltcut. Lloyd served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
" LieoL Uunton served in the Egyptian war of 1882 with the 2nd Battalion of the Grenadier Guards, and was
prewnt In the engagement at Tel-el-Mahuta and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Lieut. W. Holmes served in the Soudan campaign in 18S5 (Medal with Clasp).

' fiurjceons Major Harrison and Campbell, and Surgeon Mitchell. For War Services, see Medical Staff.

Continuation of Notes to Coldstream Gtiards.

" I/.rd Winchester served with the expedition
to the Soudan in 1885 as Aide de Camp to Sir John M'Neill, and
». U-. engagements at Hasheen and the Tofrek zcrcba and at the destruction of Temai (Medal with
creHcnt in ilic
Iwm( Lixps, and Khedive s Star). ^

l.i.Mit*. Haraillon and ShuU) served with the 2nd Battalion

Coldstream Guards in the Etryritian war of 1882
«r,.l« present in the engagement at Tel-el-Mahuta and at the
battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Molial with Clasp, and * htiir) 8or>-od in the oxpodition to the Soudan in 1885 with the ist Battalion
of the Coldstream Guards
'" c»»fnKement at Hasheen, at that near Tofrek on the 24th March, and at the destruction
Hon. A. CharteriH served with the and Battalion Coldstream Guards in
the Egyptian war of

"«' ? 7''f»»-:^'''"'l ^^ Te -el.Malmta and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal witlTciasp, and
"'";''"'"" "! ">« ^oudau ill 1885 as Aide de Camp to Sir John MNeill and
« . rV . .,M r i,n?.nll,n ni! ;.";
nt, Hashoen and the Tofrek
' 1 i .„ t •J"»f'»Kt''n'>"\'<
Mrul. fr redcrick served
in the expedition to the Soudan in ,885 with the
wounded (two Clasps)

ist BattaUon ofThe CoWstieam Guards,
•iJ was proM'Ht
"' '1"'*.."^'''; '^°^'''^ ""^ ">'=' ^4th March, and at the destruction oiE
rmal (Medal wilh_Clru,p, kS.>1' Star).
wilh'n'^n and hhedive's
witi k^^^Z' Served with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force in 1885-86 as extra
Ids de Camp to h
• Uout. Kuliujii se cam,,.iign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's
• Harftoous m!^*' n i''"^""'^'''
wTi)!^ M«gill
alrffl^ni.. Major Star),
and Fonn. and burgeon
urgeon Alexander.—
Alexander.-For For War Services, ««« Mp,iI„
Services. see Medical Staff.
i8t Batt., Wellington Barracks. Coldstream Guards. 231
2nd Batt.. Chelsea.
Oddbnabdb" "Malplaqubt" "DKTTiNGEif " " Liif CELLES " "
EGYPT " (with the Sphinx). " Talavsba
Years' Ser.l
" Babeosa "" PENINSULA " " Watbhloo " "Alma" "Inkeeman" "Sevastopol"
-Kkbie SUAKIN, 1885."

Egypt, 'Tel-:
Colonel.— Ser Steele,' GCB. Ensign, 12 Jan. 38
Thomas Montagu Ens. 4- Li. ''20 July 38 ; Lt. 4- Capt.

''29 44; Capt. 4" Lt. Colonel, ^^i Oct. 51; Colonel, 2S Nov. 54; Major General, 17 Aug. C5
Lt. General, 7 Jan. 74 General, i Oct. 77 ; Colonel Coldstream Guards, 7 Aug. 84.

Lieutenant Colonels, Godfrey James Wigram,' CS., Commanding the Regiment, i5 Dee 85 Ens. Jr Lt. ''3 ,

Auii. 54 Lt. if Capt. ''14 Feb. 56 Capt. 4" Lt. Colonel, ^ii Deo. 66 ; Colonel, 24 May 80 ; Major, 10 Nov. 80 ;
; ;

i^Co/oHe/, iJuly 81.

2 John Barton Sterling,* Commanding the Battalion, 10 Nov. 85 ; Ens. ^s Nov. 61 ; Ens. <f- H. 'si Dec. 61 ;
Lt. 4" Capt. 1*20 July 66 ; Capt. j- Lt. Colonel, 5 July 73 ; Major, i July 81 ; Colonel, 1 July 85 ; Lt.Colonel,
10 Nov. 85.
1 Richard Spencer Hall,5 CommancJJn^tte 5a»a/ioB, 29 Sept. 86; -E;i». ^23 May
60 ; X<. P29 May 63; Lt.^-Capt.
Jan. 67; t'u/i<. 4" i<.Co/oHe/, 7 Aug. 75 ; ilf«;or, 28 Apr.82 ; Co/oHei, 28 April 86 ; i«.Coio)!(!i, 29 Sept. 80.
Majors.— 2 2fon. Edward Henry Trafalgar Digby,' Ens. 4- Lt. ''23 Mar. 66 ; Lt. 4- Capt. •'23 Mar. 68; Capt.
4- Lt.Colonel, 5 Sept. 77 ; Major, 15 Aug. S3 ; Colonel, 15 Aug. 87.
Jlon. Henry William Lowry" Corry,^ Etis. 4- Lt. ••20 July 66 ; Lt. 4- Capt. ^2 Sept. 68 ; Capt. 4- Lt. Colonel,
•2) Sept. 77 ; Major, 10 Jan. 84 ; Colonel, 29 Aug. 87.
Robert WiUiam' Webb PoUett,3£n<. & Lt. ''21 July 66 ; Lt. 4-Capt. P17 Feb. 69 ; Capt. 4- Lt.Colonel, 29 Sept.
77 ; Major, 26 March 84 ; Colonel, 26 Mar. 88.
Kon. Evelyn Edward Thomas Bosca wen,'" CB. Ens. 4- Lt. ''22 July 66 ; Lt. 4- Capt. f 5 Mar. 70 ; Capt. 4-
Lt.Colonel, 16 Feb. 78 ; Major, 8 Dec. 84; Colonel, 27 Feb. 86.
2 Francis Aylmer Graves-Sawle," Ens. ''20 June 68 ; Ens. 4- Lt. ''25 Nov. 68 ; Lt. 4- Capt. ^j Oct. 71 ; Capt. 4-
Lt.Colonel, 10 Dec. 81; Major, 18 Apr. 85.
Reginald Pole-Carew,'^ CB. Military Secretary to Sir Frederick Roberts ; Ens. 4~ Lt. i'12 Mny 6g Li. 4" Capt ;

14 Aug. 72 Capt. 4- Lt.Colonel, 4 July 83 Major, 10 Nov. 85

; ; Colonel, 25 Oct. 88. ;

James Gordon Henry Graham Montgomery, '^ Ens. 4- Lt. ''13 May 69 Li. 4- Copt. 25 June 73 Capi. 4- ; ;

Lt.Colonel, 19 Sept. 83 Major, 10 Nov. 85.


Francis Capel Manley,'*£Ms. 4- Lt. ''16 Mar. 70; Lt. 4- Capt. 19 Nov. 73; Capt. 4- Li. Colonel, 7 Nov. 83 ;
Major, 29 Sept. 86.

2ND LIEUT. LIEUT. CAPTAI N. beev. maj.

Captains. 1


2 Vesey John Dawson" 28 Oct. 71

!.c. John Foster George Ross of Bladensbui-g"* ... 15 July 68
2 p.s.c. Alfred Edward Codrington'^ I Feb. 73
Kon. Henry Charles Legge*^" 31 Aug. 73 18 Apr. 85 15 June 85
2 p.s.c. Douglas Frederick Rawdon Dawson^' 21 Jan. 74 19 Sept. 85
2 Horace Robert Stopford 13 June 74 19 Oct. 85
2 p.s.c. ifon. Arthur Henry Henniker-Major^^ 20 Nov. 75 10 Nov.
I Hon. Hugh Amherst, 26 Regimental Adjutant 16 Mar. 87 n Feb. 75 16 Mar.
1 Herbert Conyers Surteea^' II Sept. 76 7May
2 George Pleydell-Bouverie-* 19 Oct. I July 25 Apr.
I Ron. Arthur GrenviUe Fortescue" 13 Nov. I July 81 18 July

Hon. Rowland Winn's 19 Feb. I July
Peter Audley David Arthur Lovell^* 22 Feb. I July
Augustus John Hy. Beaumont, ifary.o/Winchester^^ 27 Sept. I July
Sir Charles John Hubert Miller, Bart 17 Apr. I July ai
Charles Porcher Wilson Kindersley 30 Jan. I July 81
Douglas James Hamilton^" 14 Jan. I July 81
Hon. Alan Dudley Charteris^' 29 Sept. I July 81
Henry Gwynn Deane Shuts,*' at Staff College 30 Sept. I July 81
Granville Roland Francis Smith II Aug. I July 81
Charles Arthur Andrew Frederick^^ 30 Mar. I July 81
George Dunbar Milligan'* 5 Dec. 83
Hon. Cecil Trevelyan Holland,'* Aide de Camp to Sir'i
10 Jan. 84
H. D'O. Torrens j
Hon. William Lambton, Adjutant 29 Dec. 88 6 Feb. 84
James Adam Gordon Drummond-Hay'* 6 Feb. 84
Frederick Stanley Maude, '» Adjutant 7 March 88 ... 6 Feb. 84
Riversdale Francis John Grenfell'^ 6 Feb. 84
Frederick William Ramsden 14 May 84
Cecil Stanle.y Owen Monck 23 Aug. 84
Victor Albert Francis Charles, Lord Churchill 23 Aug. 84
John Richard Hall 31 Dec. 84
John Trelawny Sterling 31 Jan. 85
Henry Blundell Hawkes 12 Nov. 84
Sydney Barle 9 May 85
John Maurice Wingfield 10 June
Hon. Edward Michael Pakenham 7 Oct. 85
Hon. Henry Robert Baillio- Hamilton 28 Oct. 85
John M'Neile 14 Nov. 85
Randal Charles Edward Sketfington-Smyth 25 Nov. 85
James Herbert Gustavus Meredyth, £or(Z Athlumney 4 Dec,

Second Lieutenants.
John Beresford Campbell 23 Mar.
Maurice Abel Fremantle {Lieut. Bedford Regiment, 21 May
Dec. 86)
Francis Archibald, Fisct. Drumlanrig 18 June
Hugh Clement Sutton 14 Sept.
Raymond John .Marker 15 Feb.
Geoffrey Percy Thynne Feilding 25 Apr.
William Henry Lambton 2 May
Hon. John Gaspard Le Marchant Romilly 5 May
John Ponsonby 16 Nov.
Charles John Brinsley, Lord Newtown-Butler 22 Aug.
, Soblin. Scots Guards.
" DBTmr&Bjr " "Lr»CBu.HS " "Estpt" (wiiJitiIie3Dhiiix). " Ttr.> '

Wiisai.oo""Aijts."-'LrcHMCAj-' "Sktastopoi;" " E&zp*. 1882"
Coiimel. 3U Eoyal Slghness Airhur W. P. A.. Vuke -^^ -ET. CB. aaca. acsi.
G-CTE. Colonel in Chief of the Mide Brigade "colo.
Lieutenant Colonels. —Henrv Hardinge Denne Strace--
"2S Xor. 56 Lt. and Capt. '15
t, I Juijr 36 ; JSnt. <{• if.
: June 60 ; Cant. 4- Zt'c July 3i ; CaioHel,
is; Lt.Coionel, I Juijis- ;
9 Aug.
1 William Jaliua Gascoigne,^ Siu. 4r Lt. ^sr iCar. 63 ; i*. 4- Copt. ''6 Feb. 66; Capt Je Lt Colonel June :

73; ^a^or, I JulySi; Colonel, r Dec. 3+; Lt.Colonel, 31 Dec. 87.

2 .ffba. Xjshua Cliarlea Tamieck,^ Eiu. Jr Lt. ?t Dec. 63 ; Lt. Jr Capt. '26 Jime
66 ; Capt. 4- Li Colonel '
10 Oct. 7J.; JCy'or, r Oct. 2i : Colonel, i Oct. 35; Lt.Colonel. 23 May 33.
Majors.— r Barriiigtoii Bulkiey Douglas Campbell, ^0 Ene. Jr Lt. ^lo May 64 ; Lt. ^ Capbiin,» Pi3 Dec. 66-

Capt. Jr Lt.Colonel, 17 ilay -tS iTaior. i Apr. 32; Colonel, r Apr. 36.
: .

r Son. Francis Charles Brid!remaii.^JCP. /or Bolton; Eiu. JrLt.^zz July 65; Lt.4- Capt.. P'o
Juneoq- '^
Capt. ^Lt.Colonel, lAug. jr; Jfa;or. 20 June 33 ; Colonel, 13 Jan. 37.
|33 2 Henry Fludver,^ .Bju. i- ii. '20 ilay 66; ii. 4- Capi. ?2i Aug. 69; Capt. ^ Lt.Colo]ul, 10 Dec tt
Jfajor, TT June 34: Colonel, zz Dec. 3-.
23 r William Edward Hontgomery/* Sn*. 4- Lt. ^27 June 66 ; ilf. ^ Capt. ?? ilar. 70 ; Capt. <*• £t Colonel "
2 Adt. 78 Colonel. 11 Mav 3+ JCyor, r July 85.
; ;

r MiLdmay WiIUonWiUson^i5CS..Bjw.i-i^?3Ajlg^. 56;Xf.i-Cap*.»3 3ept.7o; CaD*.4-£f.CoZ<>i««i i4.Dec

' * » »
78 2£ajor, i July 35
; Colonel, i June 38.

2 Ini^o aichmund Jones,'-" Em. Jr Lt. ?i3 Dec. 66; Lt.^r Ca^. ?+ Feb. 71 ; Coft. 4r Lt. Colonel, 15 Harcli
Xajor, I July 36.
2 Sir "William Gtordon Grordon-Cumming,^ Bart., Sn*. 4r Li. ^25 Dec. 67; Lt. <t Cant,
4- Lt Colonel. zB July 3o ; J€ajor. 23 May 38. ^ f~ 'it ilav / , Caut
/ j P n
2 Tiomas William, rUct. Coke,^ Sm. 4- Lt. ^xs Feb. 63; Lt. f Capt. ^30 Ang. tx; Capt. <f- Lt.Colonel
Dec. lo Jfa;or. 20 :yov. 38.
1 :

Captains and L£CoioueIa. 2 Arthur Broadwood,^ JBm. 4r Lt. ?5 May 69 ; Lt. 4r Capt. ^zi Oct. 71 : Cape
4-Lt. Colonel. 20 Mar. 3r.
Frederiak Lorn Campbell. AMUtant Adjutant General. Kome Dutrict ; Em. 4- Lt. »22 Auff. 6S: Lt. 4-
Cape. 2i April 72 ; Cavt. 4- Lt.Colonel, i Oct. 3i : Colonel, ii Sent 36.
r Arthur Henr^ Pagei,-'^ Eiu. 4- Je. 12 June 60 : Lt. Jr Capt. 20 June 72 ; Capt. 4r Lt.Colonel, r April 82.
Capiacts. I

; Son. :S'orth de Coigny Dalryniple,= at Sta_f College. 28 Oct. 71 15 Aug. 33j

; Archibald Spencer Drununond** 28 Oct. 71, I July
; p.t.a. Frederick William Somilly,^ DSO ,
30 April 73j t Apr. 371 i Jan. 33
John Bourchierataacey," AiiJe de CamptoXaj. (res. Gippt 24 July 74^ tApr. 37
; Bon. Charles Harborti, Aide de Camp to the
General of India 30 April 75; I Apr. 87
Charles Croichley,^ Staff Captain far BecniUng, iJmdoH 21 Sept. 7429 June 371 30 June ij
Robert Cutiar-Fergusson _ iS Mar. 70, 17 Aug. 37;
: Xeil James Menzies-" 29 April 76 17 1 Aug. S7;
: Claud Edward Scracey^s 29 2foT. 76; 20 Aug. 5$;
John William Ainalie Drununond,^ Seyimental Ad-\ ir Feb. 3£ay May 33
77723 38i 24
iutant 2^ Dec. 37 « J
. Luke, Lord Annaly^ « rx Sept. S Sot. 3S
; Robert Dundaa-"^ rxMay r July 3r.
Laurence George Drummond,^ .iii/aftmt 28 July 36 ... 27 Sept. I July 3i,
; Basil Henry ScoK-Murray" rjMar. ao r July ^ Lieut. Baden-Fow-
Robers Blake Finnie'^ 4. Sept. So r July l^'
?^ eU served in the >tila
: Edward MUner* — ........... —.... 2 Feb. °- r Juiv ^" Expedition iu 1884-35
; William Pulteney Pulteney*'' ....... . — 23 Apr. 1 July
X^ with the Guards Camel
: Ch:vrles Barriogton Balfour*'" ~ ..._ 22 Oct.
l^ Regiment
.Medal with
. Everard Ernest Hanburv*'' 22 Oct. f'f Clasp, and Khedive's
Heary Hampden Wigram,30 St^ CoUege. 10 May ^^Star).
Grerald James Cuthbert™ 10 May 1=' 36 Lieut:. ii'Grigor
Baden Fletcher SjaychBadeu-Poweiys „.. 20 July ^21 and Captain Butter-
James Francis Erstine,** Jlii/i»*B»t 28 J11I5-36 Q Sept ^; worth served iutheex-
Francis Savlie Barton ri Mjfiy 7S 14 Dec. ~° pedition to the Soudan
Walter Scrymsoure Fothringfaam 25 .\ug. 3? in ifSj with the 2nd
James BuUer Bradshaw 25 Aug. 3? Battalion of the Scots
WiUiam Coiqahoun Grant M'Grigor* .„... . .„ 5 Dec.
Guards, and was pre*
Frederic James Heyworth** „._.. 5 Dec.
33: sent in the engage-
Cuthbert Slade — _._ . 14 May 3+ ment ac Temai (Medal
William Arnold Webster Lawscm. ....„ „ 23 Aug. 3+ with Clasi). and Khe-
Charles Edward Malcolm ™._ —_.... 11 Apr. ^5 dive's Star).
Fitzalan i3«orge John Manners 29 Aug. 35- 3" Lieut. P. Smith
Harry Les'de Blundell M'Calmom X July -I served in the Egyptian
Berkeley John Talbot Levera 16 Dec. ;5war of i3S2 and was
Henry Edward Dering ............. 30 Jan. 36 prresenc ac the battle
Ralph Barrett Macnagtisen Blois.......„ „.....„ 28 July 36of Tei-el-Kebir (Medal
Henry Cecil Charles Beaumont 2 Oct. 86 with Clasp, and Khe-
SbCOJTD LESTTESa-AXIS. dive's Star).
Sherard HaughDon Godman gMar: " Brigade Surgeon
Edward Francis Caycon , r4May Myers and Surgeon
Son. Henrv Walter Xiei'usis (iWitt. Gordo* Mgh']
23 May M^or Robinson. —For
landers. 3 Dec. 36) 1 War Services, see Ma-
Greville John Massey Baeot-Ch«ter 23 May dical Staff.
Richard George Ireland Bolton ... 29 Jane
John Eustace Hercy 20 July
Charies Warden Sergison 1+ Sept. 37
Walter .John Francis, Barl of MJar and Sellie i3 Jan.
James WlUiam Smith-Neill 29 Feb.
Frederick Loch 4iiam _ 24 Mar. 53
Ferdinand Henry de Kiaiskowski-Steuart 9 May 38
Henry Cecil Lowther 39 Dec.
8«1 233a acoiK {.rnurus.
I^o"- Captain, 25 Mar. 83.
0«4ir<#rlf«/*r..-» Frederick Butterworth,« 25 Mar. 73 ;


9 ;
Smrgtou, —
Dec. 87.
WBltcr Calvcrlev Becvor, 28 Nov. 85 Sur/jeon, 2 AiiR. 84.
Robert Ashton Bostock, 30 Nov. 87 Surgeon, 28 July 86.
3 -,
. „

Herljcrt Murray Ramsay, 11 Apr. 88 Suryeon, 30 Jan.

86. ;

Fuci;i7» Blue.-J^««^». Messrs. Cox and Co. c- , 05

irt Battalion returned from Egypt, 1882. 2«<i Battalion returned from Egypt, 10 S-fi^^ 1S35.

» The Dake of Connaucht.-For War Services, see Rifle Brigade. fhP •^oot<! Guards
nr the^cots^uard^^
r,.,HnHnTi of
» Colonel Straccy served in the expedition to the Soudai^n 1885 with the 2nd
w«« present m
the engagements at Hasheen and Temai (mentioned in
despatches, Medal with Clasp, and
• CoIoncMJascoiimc Bcrvcd with the 1st Battalion Scots Guards in the Egyptian war of 1

»t the Imttle nf Telel-Kehir (Mcfial with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served
the expedi
1885 with the 2nd Battalion of the Scots Guards, and was present the engagements at Hasheen and Temai (Clasp).
•Colonel the Hon. J. C. Vanneck served with the ist Battalion Scots Guards the Egyptian war of 1882, a^cl m
WM prc«cnt at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served the expedition to the m
Soudan ill 1865 with the 2nd BatUilion of the Scots Guards, and was present in the engagements at Hasheen
"> cXnel Ci^pbcll served with the 1st Battalion Scots Guards in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at

the battle of Tcl-cl-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). n t, *. ,• r n

'» Colonel Hon. F. C. Bridgemaji served in the expedition to the Soudan in 1885 with the 2ncl ^attalion ot tne

ScoUi Guards, and was present in the engagements at Hasheen and Temai (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive s Star).
" Colonel Kliidver served with the 1st Battalion Scots Guards in the Egyptian war ol 18S2, and was present
at the l«ttlo of Tcl-cl-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served in the expedition to the Soudan m
1685 will, the 2ud Battalion of the Scots Guards, and was present in the engagements at Hasheen and iemai (Uasp).
•« Cilonel W. K. Montgomerv served in the Zulu war in 1879 as Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quarter Master

G«n<n) 2n.l Division from the"6th May to the 27th July, and was present in the engagement at Ulundi (mentioned
in despntchcs. Medal with Clasp). t, , .

'» Colonel M. \V. Willson served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the Guards Camel Eegiment, and was

S«Bent at the actions at Abu Klea and Abu Kru (twice mentioned in despatches, CB., Meda! with two Clasps, and
hedive'8 Star).
" Lt Colonel Jones served in the expedition to the Soudan in 1S85 with the 2nd Battalion of the Scots Guards,
•nd was present in the engagements at Hasheen and Temai (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
'» Sir WiUinm Gordon Camming served in the Zulu war of
1879, and was present in the engagement at Ultmdi
(mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp). Served with the ist Battalion Scots Guards in the Egj'ptian war ol
i88j, and wan present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Nile Ex-
pedition in 1884-85 with the Guards Camel Regiment, and was present at the actions at Abu Kiea and Abu Kra
(two Cla«p»).
'* Lord Coke served with the ist Battalion Scots Guards in the Egj^ptian war of 1882, and was present at the

tettle of Tel-el. Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served" in the expedition to the Soudan in 1885 with
the and liattnlion of the Scots Guards, and was present in the engagements at Hasheen and Temai (Clasp).
> Lt Colonel Broadwood served in the expedition to the Soudan in 1885 with the 2nd Battalion of the Scots
Goards, and was present in the engagements at Hasheen and Temai (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
" Lt. Colonel Paget served in theseeond phase of the Ashanti war from the 17th December 1873, attached to Captain
Batler's command (Medal with Clasp). Served in the expedition to the Soudan in 1S85 with the 2nd Battalion of
the Scots GuartU, and was present in the engagements at Hasheen and Temai (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's
*• Captain the Hon. North Dalrj-mple
served as Adjutant with the ist Battalion Scots Guards in the Egyptian
warnnssi. iiiid was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir— horse shot (Medal with Clasp, 5th Class of the Medjidie,
and Khedive's Star). Served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 as Brigade Major to the Brigade of Guards, and
WMprewiit in the engnpement at Hasheen and at that near Tofrek on the 24th March—severely wounded (Clasp).
• Captain A. S. Oruminond served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85, and was present at the action of Abu Klea
(Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
" llnjor Romilly served in the Egyptian war of 1882 with the ist Battalion Scots Guard.s and was present at
.ij "I"'"
"'' Tel-cl-Kcbir (Medal with Clasp,
and Khedive's Star) served in the Soudan Expedition
de Camp to Sir Gerald Graham, and was present in the engagements at El Teb and Tem'ai (mentioned in
1S84 as
; m
deapatchca, two Clasps). Ser\-ed in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the Guards Camel Regiment, and was
X)rc»ent at the netions at Abu Klea and El Gubat (two Clasps) also served with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force

III 1885-86 a.s Aide do Camp to Sir

Frederick Stephenson, and was present in the engagement at Giniss (men-
tioned in despatches, J5.S0.).

*''"""*'.^' Lord Annaly, Dundas, Pulteney, Balfour, and Hanbury served with the ist Battalion
^rt» Guards in the KgypUan war of 1882, and were present at the battle of Tel-el-Kcbir (Medal with Clasp, anS

"'"' '^o '»' Battalion Scots Guards in the Egyptian war of 1S82, and was present at
iv!* i^^i',"" ' l.'ii''I''?\?''."'"^
ineDfttile of (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp,
5th Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star).
'1".',° '884-85 as Acting Adjutant to the Guards Camel Regiment, and was present at
the actions at

Klea and Abu Kru-severely wounded
itwo Clasps).
*"'' '^'^ '^''^ Battalion Manchester Regiment throughout the Egyptian war of 1882
(McdaT andKlic?bve'H''Huir)
*'''"cr, -SVigram, Cuthbert, Erskine, and Heyworth served in the
^ T'^M ^^^ """' I'n'tnl'O" of "'c Scots Guards, and were present in the engagements

al iHl^W , i?,,,i v. r^i /If ". 1

""'1 t,'nsP. ind Khedive's Star).
•I V V u! .1 <*'•=•'"'
**'"''-"'* '" ''*"' expedition to the Soudan
Onan ^«n,i « .. irJ'?."""?.'"* in 1885 with the 2nd Battalion of the Scots
Medal w?U,(hirp!^TKhMive'rsur^^^ ""'^ '^''^''^ (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major,

'^^''^ '" '^« Bcchuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85 witb
Meihm-i!'"'i. llo'ri.'c'^'^'""'""'"*

with c[|Il!,^*an5'Sv^«'s[ar^'^*^'''°'' '*' ""^ ^°"'^*° ^ '^^^ ^'^ ^^^ ^""^ Battalion of the Scots Guards (Medal
The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment). 234
Formerhj the 1st
i'ormerhj ist {The Boyal Scots) Beguncut.
Begiment. [^Trr.-Glfn^ort!
^nVrttSeU'^!" ]
(The 3rd Battalion is tbniied of the Edinburgh Light Infantry Mihtia.)
The Royal Cvpher within the Collar of St. Andrew, and the Crown over it. In the second Colour the Thistle and
Crown. "Ble.yhbim" "Ramillies" "OoosyABDB" "MiLPLiQUET" "liOuisBDBr," "St. Lucia" " Eomont-op-
Zbe" "Egvpt" (with the Sphinx). "Corunna" "Busaco" "Salamanca" "ViTTontA" "St. Sebastian"
" NivE " "Pkninscla" "Xiagara" "Waturloo" " NA.GPOEB " "Mahkidpoob" "Ava" "Alma" "Inkbb-
MAN " "Sevastopol" "Tak0 Forts" " Pekin."
Colonel.— Henry Phipps Raymond, Ensign, g April 25; Lf. ^17 March 27 Capt. ''21 March 34 Bt.Major, : ;

9 Nov. 46; Major, ''17 Dec. 47 Lt. Colonel. P17 Jan. 51

Colonel, 28 Nov. 54; i^ajor OeKeral, 6 Feb. 65;

Lt. General, 26'May 73 General, i Oct. 77

Colonel ist Foot, 11 July 77.

Lieutenant Colonels.— I George WilUam Thompson,^ Commanding the Battalion, i July 87; Ensign, 16 Feb.
Lt. 17 June 55 Capt.
; 5 Sept. 67 Major,; 21 June 80 Lt. Colonel, 21 June 85. ;

2 Cresswell Keane Charles Rooke,* Commanding the Battalion, 14 Aug. 87 ; Ensign.^zo Mar. 57 Lt. ^2 Mar.

60 Capt. P2 Sept. 68 Major, i July 81 Lf. Cornel, 14 Aug. 85.

; ; ;

2 }i.9.e.Frederick de Lamare Morison^ 15 Jan. 61 = 8 Aug.
John de Stuteville Isaacson 24 May 6i!''i2Jan.
Frederick Coningham' 20 May 64 "13 July

Baron George Booth^ :''23Dec. 64 II May

2 George Seaforth Rodon 17 April 67 7 Dec.
Thomas French Boss, ^(Z;M<an< 7 T^o'- Mp o thItt «a
unfeer Battalion Royal Scots j ^ '"^'^ ^^
Harry Gardner"* ''13 June 68
2 William Drury Shaw 11 Dec. 66

2 Rowland Fearnlej'KjTle Money ''22 Feb.
Hen.LonsdaleHaUewell,'^4(i/'.24Mar.87 28 Oct.
1 Alan William Low Rickards
Victor Alexander Farquharson
Egerton Pavler Morgan-Payler, Ad- ',

utant 6 Volunteer Bn. Boyal Scott ... 5

George Charles Peard'^
Charles Henry Gostlingi*
Henry Robert Day, Adjutant 8 Volun- \
teer Battalion Boyal Scots >
Vernon Gartside Tippinge, Adj. 2 ^
(Berwick) Vol.Bn. K. O. Scottish Bords. }
Charles William Southcott Hallett,
Army Service Corps S
Charles Harcourt Stisted, Adjutant \
5 Volunteer Battalion Boyal Scots ... j
Edw. Altham Altham," at Staf College
Hamilton William Broadley
2 Archibald M'Lachlan
William Douglas, 1* Adj. 3 Battalion
Hamilton John Goold-Adams, i^seruin^ \
with Bechuanaland Border Police j
2 Arthur Leonard Williams,iMif/.i7Feb.86
' William Erskine Graham Logini^
David Campbell Da Costa
1 Robert Townley Knowles'^
Vincent Mackesy Birkbeck, Adjutant
Queen's Rifle Volunteer Brigade i
Percival Havelock Acheson.i^ Army')
Service Corps S
Oliver Ramsay Brush'3 1

a Arthur Vincent Dowdall FitzGerald '

2 Laurence Fleetwood Barton'^

Y««i«8«r.[ 23c The Boyal Scots (Lothian Begiment).
— _
Pafm<uUr$.—i nnmilton W. Broadley, 2 Sept. 84 ; Captain Eoyal Scots {acting).
' I George Shields. 19 June 79
; Lt. 4 Dec. 72
; Capf. 5 Feb. 79 ^o"- Major,
; 19 June 84.

.. Quarltr Ma4ler$.—2 William Colo Fuller, 21 Apr. 83 Hon. Lieid.


I Walter Frederick Horniblow," 23 June 86 ; Hon. Lteut.

Facings Blue. Aqenfs, Messrs. Cos and Co.
I*/ BalialioH embarked for Malta, 26 Jan. 1S78. 2nd Battalion returned from India, 18S0.
LLColoncI G. W. Thompson served in the Canton Police Force from 1858 to i860, and was present at the action
of .<hokii»in)' with the Kwang Tung rebels on 8th Jan. 1859. Campaiprn of i860 in North China, including the
taking of Siubo and Tangku, occupation of Tientsin, and surrender of Pekm, the latter part as Orderly Officer to
Brigadier Urquhnrt (Medal with two Clasps). , „ ^m angku, occupation
• Lt. Colonel Rooke served the campaign of 1 860 in China, including the taking of Smho and
,_ ,

of Tientsin, actions of the 18th and 21st Sept., and surrender of Pekin (Medal -svith two Clasps). Served in the
Bt-chuanalund Expedition under Sir Charles AVnrren 1011884-85 with the 1st Battalion of the Royal Scots.
• Major Morison served in the Afghan war in 1878-79 with the Koorum Valley Field Force, and was present at the
cai)«urf of the PeiwarKotal (Medal with Clnsp). „ , ^„ .„„„.„,
' .Major t'oninKliam served in the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85 with the ist

Batlahon of the Koyal Scots. „, „„.,,,,

• Major Booth served with the Bechuanaland Expedition under SirCharles Warren mi 884-85 with the istBattahon
. ,„,,,.
of the Hovid Soots.
'" ^^ajo^ Gardner
Ber\-ea in the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85 with the ist Bat-
Ulion of the Koyal Scots.
'• Captain UnlluwoU
served with the Soudan Expedition under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884, and was present in the
cngjigemtnt nt El Teb (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star); also served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85
" Captains Pcard, Gostling, Altham, Goold-Adnms, Knowles, Brush, and Barton, Lieuts. Prichard, Macgregor,
Daniel, VtTstuniu'. Stewart, Pollock-Gore, Sandilands, and Homiblow served with the Bechuanaland Expedition
under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-S5 with the ist Battalion of the Royal Scots.
'• Cai>tain Douglas served
in the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85 as Adjutant of the
iSt Battabon of the Royal Scots.
" Captain Williams served with the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884 on special service,
'« Captain Login served in the Afghan war in 1S80 (Medal). Served in the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir
Charles Warren in 1884-85 with the ist Battalion of the Royal Scots.
' Captain Achcson served with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force in 1885-86, and was present in the engagement
•t Giniss (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
'* Lieut. Baldwin
served with the Bechuanaland E.xpedition in 1884-85. Served with the Burmese Expedition
in 18S7 (Medal with Clasp).
» Lieut. Taylor served with the Nile Expedition in 1S84-85, and was present in the engagements at Abu Klea and
El Gubat and in the recoimaissance to Metamnieh (Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).

Continuation of Notes to the West Surrey liegiment.

• LtColonelW. C. Hood served in the Afghan war in 1 8 79-80 as Brigade Major to the Koorum Field Force (Medal).
« Lt.Colonel Ilderton served with the 63th Light Infantry in the New Zealand war in 1864-66, and was present at
tbe attack on the Gate Pah (Medal). Served with the Burmese Expedition in 1886-87 including the operations
under 8ir William Lockhart in the Pynmana, Yemethen and Meiktila districts (mentioned in despatches. DSO..
t- ,
and Mc<lal with Clasp). ,

• Major IJcalc served in the Burmese

Expedition in 18S5-87 with the 2nd Battalion Queen's Royal West Surrey
Hcgiment under Jlrigiidier fiencral Lockhart (Medal with Clasp).
Major CuHt served in the Burmese Expeilition in 1S85-7 with the 2nd Battalion Queen's Royal
Kcgimeijt under Brigadier General Lockhart (Medal with Clasp).
West Surrey
Major Collins f^erved in the Burmese Ex])edition in 1885-87 with the 2nd Battalion

Queen's Royal West Surrey
Kcgiracnt un<lcr Hrigadier General Lockhart (Mednl with Clasp>.
with the 17th Regt. in the Afghan war in 1878-79, ana was present at the capture of
All \iI^'*m"?x?°'.''*,'"" w^,'''^
wi.. u ^ '
'^ ° t,laep). Served in the Burmese Expedition in 1885-87 with the 2nd Battalion Queen's Royal
"''f""!;"'' """'•" "''~'"'^''^'' ^«'°''™^ ^°'='''^'^'"'' commanded the Meiktila Mounted Infantry from June
Rs to
iB«7 . Lrr-^' !
Y .•brimry 1888 (mentioned in despatches.
Medal with Clasp).
^7"'/^ \^^ Battalion Royal Irish Fusiliers in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was
preaciit at t'"' l-atllo
nr«ient''B'^'th,. of Tel-cl-Kebir '«?
';:',Vi'""^f i'^
(Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
'° ""^ AfgUan war in 1879-80, and took part in the defence of Candahar as
Aide <r« Camn 'fJ; Liout.Gcneral
i ^"..T^TJll'^'l n'''"''*
Primrose, and was present in the sortie of Deh Khojah (mentioned in despatches,

Sur^.rCiti^^.i'f uurSllle^l^en'e"^^^^^^^^ '^^ -^^ ^-talion Queen's Royal West

-?---;i«^-^:^Si¥s?^^Sfc^ inmana for four

IW,-„r,.i „,.d..r
I.r,g»diVr"G7.u.niVr;,7kh'art7Modal' ^^th Clasor""
'''" ''"' ^^attalion Queen's Royal West Surrey
'"*"" "^"7.;:"";' -
'"A!::: ":!!?^i^^ifu?^'''i-" ,-
sss-s^'^vith the 2nd Battau,
The Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regiment). 236
Satt..™"aua, Bengal. ]
Formerly the 2nd {The Queen's Boy al). L^tt-GufidS
(The 3rd Battalion is formed of the 2nd Surrey Militia.)
The Pasctial Lamb, with tho Mottoes " Pristinw virtittis memor," and " Vel exuvite triumphant." The Royal Cypher
withinthe Garter, havingthe Crown over it. " Egypt" (with the Sphinx), " Vimieha " " Cohunna " " Salamanca."
" SonrH Afbica, 1851-2-3" " Taku Fobts" " Pekin."

Colonel. Henry Smyth,' CB. Ensign, ''28 June 33 ; Lieut. '28 Oct. 36 ; Captain, ^2 Dec. 42 ; Major, 'la May
8 ; Lieut. Colonel, ''30 Dec. 53 ; Colonel, 28 Nov. 54 ; Major General, 6 March 68 ; Lieutenant General,
4 June 76 ; General, 29 Sept. 78 ; Colonelznd Foot, 25 March 77.
Lieutenant Colonels.— 2;). s.c. William Charles Hood,'' Commanding the Battalion, 29 Sept. Z6;X!ns. 4 July 60;
Lt. ''11 Sept. 63 ; Capt. ^3 Aug. 70 ; Major, 1 July 81 ; Lt.Colonel, 10 Sept. 85.
Robert Bleazby, Commandinff t!ie Battalion, 6 M&y S8; Ens. g Feb. 61; Lt. ''22 Mar. 64; Capt. '^31 Oct.
71 ; Major, i July 81 ; Lt.Colonel, 6 May 86.
I Charles Fairbanks Lawson, Ensign, ''18 Jan. 61 ; Lieut, 'i Mar. 64; Capt. 17 Feb. 72 ; Major, i July 81
Lt.Colonel, 29 Sept. 86.
)) 11
' ;

=37 The Buffs (East Kent Regiment).

[Eegimcntal DUtriet
in Batt., Ooaa Dcm, Benr&l.l Formerly the ^rd (East Kent— The Buffs). No. 3,— Canterbury.
ma BatL. Dorer. J
The 3rd Battalion is formed of the East Kent Militia.)
The DrugoD. The Rose and Crown. " Blbkheim " " Ramillibs " " Opdeitabde Malplaqitbt ' Dettinobn

"Dorse" "Talatbea" "Albuhbea" "Ptkenees" " Nivelie NiVB ' Peninsula

' '

Vw;-8«T, '

PuiiijuK 'Tcixiab" "Sevastopol" "TakuFobts" "South Afsica, 1E79.

— '-'• f
Colonel.— Julius Augustus Robert Raines,' CB. Enfign, 28 Jan. ^2; Lt. 5 Apr. 44; Capt. 13 Apr. 52; Bt.
J/d/or, 34 Apr. 55 ariycr, I Maj- 57; i^Co/on«/, 17 Nov. 57; Colonel, 20 July 58 ; Major General, 6
Colonel The Buffs, 23 Sept. 82.

>larch'6S; Lifut.Oenerul, i Oct. 77 General, i July 81 ; ;

Lieutenant Colonels.— 2 William Frederick Kerr,« Commanding the Battalion, i July 87 ; Ensign, 23 Mar.
58 Lieut, 's Feb. 62
Capt. "it May 68; Major, i July 81 ; Lt. Colonel, 10 Dec. 86.

I Henry Drinkrow Harrison,' Entign, '3 Aug. 60; Lt. '29 Mar. 64 ; Capt. •'29 June 70 ; Major, i July 81
irC'o/onW, 23May88.

Charles Edward Reeves' 1-18 Mar. 62 2 May '
2 Aug. 71 I July 81
Wnldron Edward Roper Kelly,' Attut. •16 Aug. 64 [6 Oct. I April 7s 14 Sept. 81
Militari/ Secretary, Wett Indiet
Georfje Ernest Harley, Dep. A$*Ut. Adj. Dec. May
' 4 Oct. 64 7 7 75 23 Dec. 81
GfH. for Musketry, York
Robert Albert Hickson P26 June 67 ''29 Dec. 26 Feb. 76 14 Mar. 83
Henry Wallick Maclear,'" Adjutant 3
5 July [4 Sept. 24 Nov. 77 10 May 83
I Arthur Charles Jackson" p I April ''29 June 10 Mar. 78 16 Apr. 84
Albert Edward Ommanney" 1
> 30 Oct. ''27 Oct. I Nov. 78 30 Nov. 85
Lionel Thomas Spens, Adjutant2 {The \
: Aug. 28 Oct. 30 Nov. 78 30 Nov. 85
Weald of Kent) Vol. Bn. The Buffe ... J
a Julius Batt Backhouse'* IS May IS Mar. 80 30 Nov. 85
p.t.e.Richard Stanley Hawks Moody,") Aug. 80
9 24 Oct. 14 Jan. 86
Brigade Miijor, Malta J
Nathaniel Newnham-Davis'^ 12 Nov. 9 Jan. 81 14 Jan. 86
Charles Bybie Lyster 9 Aug. 8 Mar. 82 26 Sept. 83
John WUliam Hmd« 28 Feb. 23 Dec. 81 10 Dec. 86

3 f.i.e. Cosmo Huntly Gordon'? 28 Feb. 19 Mar. 82
Francis Smith,'" Adjutant i Volunteer \
2 Dec. 29 Sept. 80
Battalion The Bufft J
Brvan Francis Holme," iJ.^.^.Generai,
13 June
r-HHp! ;
I Cicorge Herbert Chippindall'3 13 June
Robert Geo.Kekewich," Brig.Maj., Egypt 2 Dec. IS June 8s
David Francis Lewis," terving tcith \
the Egyptian Army
11 Feb. 20 Feb. 84
Percy Green, Adjutant i Lancathire En- "1

10 Sept. 16 Apr. 84
gineer Volunieert j
Honrv Raleigh Knight," Aide de Camp\
to Sir Charlet Peurton 24 Mar. 2 Aug. 84'
Alfred James Whitacre Allen"
;i.».f. 12 Feb. 8 Jan. 85.
Arthur Horsman Coles,*' letting leith )

the Eqyjitian Army 11 Sept. 18 Apr. 85

John riughes" 28 Oct. 18 Apr. 85'
I Hugh Blackburn" 28 Oct. 18 Apr. 8s
1 George Adrian Porter 30 Jan. 78 17 Dec. 24 Apr. 8s
2 Corry Laugrishe Connellan" ,
11 Nov. 30 Nov. 85I
2 Courtenay Bourchier Vyvyan's I May 6 Jan. 14 Jan. 86:
2 Alexander M'Lachlan 7 Aug. 15 Mar. 12 May 86
1 Arthur Henry Tyldcn-Pattenson'" 14 Sept. I Oct. 10 Dec. 86;
Archibald FrancisCampbell-Johnston,"'
Army Service Corpt 21 June 24 Oct. I July 87
Edgar Evelyn Ravcnhill, Adj. 20 May 85 23 July I July I July 87
Rol)crt Edward Philips 13 Aug. I July I July 87
DougUifi Abercromby Hamilton 14 Jan. I July 4 Aug. 87
Gcorgo Victor Dauglish 22 Jan. I July I Nov. 87
Waller Stewart Stewart-Savilo'' 15 Aug. IS July IS Nov. 84
Porcival Forbes Brino
9 July 79 12 Mar.
CharlcH I'atUson Lloj-d" !!.'.!." 22 Jan. 8 I July
Eilward Charles James Williams" Lt. Colonel Kerr and Major Hind
23 April 8 I July
R<>lfinald Bayard, Adjutant n Apr. 85 23 April 8 served throughout the operations in
I July
William Henry Booth 10 May the Malay Peninsula in i875-76(Medal
Alexander Rowland Eustace th Clasp).
29 July
Bertram Heveley Mitford," lening Kith '5 Lieut. Williams served with the
the E(fynlian Army j 9 Sept. Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Meda)
Mofyneux Berkeley Gage
i*;iln with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
9 Sept.
Naunton Henry Vertuo 6 Feb.
2' Lieut. Mitford served with the
CharlcR Kendal Greene ....!!!.'...!!!! Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1886-
6 Fob.
Lionel George Nuttnll Ealcs!!. !.."!! and was present in the engagement •

23 Aug.
Kdward Thornton Buttanshaw ... '";''

23 Aug. at Sarras (mentioned in despatches.

Edward Cecil Morgan Parry Medal, 4th Class of the Medjidie, and
All)«rl Vickcrman
. .
23 Aug.
12 Nov. Khedive's Star).
Alexander James Stuart " ....'. Lieut. Fairley served in the Zulu
Kmncm Denis Jack Annesley
12 Nov.
6 May war in 1879, and was present in the
George Gillett Uiinlcr, $erving wifhthe")' engagement at Inyezane and at
Eoyptian Army
j 9 May Ekowe during the investment (Medal
Arthur Lynden Bell with Clasp).
Krglnnld Huirhes D'Acth ...'."...
9 May *" Lieut. Coombes served during the
rriMlcnrk ArmilBKe 9 May
iperations in the Malay Peninsula is
Krr<I..rlrk KniKl.i .'.'."".". 24 June
25 Nov. 875-76 (Medal with Clasp).
tfrr.nrd Kirhar.l KinnoirTartc
Henry Ccril ,1,, la
10 Nov.
Montague Hill.;!'.'..;;!;;;
10 Nov.
Hiroxn LiiCTiHAVTit.
Aiiifimtnii DttvlrlUcddos
IVrcy Wilfrf.1 (;rahBm Shelley..'.';;;.".' 5 Feb. 87
12 Feb. 87
Uarry Krancla Sparrow
4 May 87
Veara' Ser.l
) }1 ;

238 The King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment).

inaBaVt.'.K^... Bombay.] ^^onnerh, the 4fh (The
King's Own B^oyal) [^^^^-ItSt!'-
(The 3rd and 4th Battalions are formed of the 1st Lancashire Militia.)
The Lion The Royal Cypher within the Garter. " Cobunna " "Badajoz" "Salamanca"
of Enplniul.
ViTTOEiA "' St. Sbbastias"" Nivb""" Pknimsvla" " Bladensbteg" " Watbeloo" "Alma" "Inkebmaw "
s,r.' "Sbtastopol" "Abyssinia" " South Africa, 1879."
il.ii Colonel.— Stiulholm John Hodgson,' Ent. 30 Dec. 19 Xf 3 Feb. 25 Capt. "^2° Dec. 26 Major, ''28 Dec. 38
; . ; ;

l'«v /,rCu/o«r/, ''8 Aug. 45; Colonel, 20 June 54

Major General, 11 April 60; Lieut. General, 29 Aug. 68;

Grnrral, 2 Feb. 76 ; Colonel a,^)! Foot, 2i Nov. 76.
Lieutenant Colonels.— 2 Richard Aunesley Knox,' CommaniUng the Battalion, i July 87 ; Ensign, 7 Dec. 58 j
l.t. ^b Miir. 63 Cayt. ''12 Nov. 70 Major, $ Dec. 80 Li. Colonel, 23 June 85.
; ; ;

Charles Greenliiw Lcggett,' Commanding the Battalion, 7 Oct. 87; Ensign, P14 Aug. 60; Lt. ''24 Nov. 63;
Capt. ''3 May 71 Major, 1 July 81 Lt. Colonel, 2<) Sept. 86.
; ;

Majobs. 2ND LIEUT.
a John Rimington Sharp' ''16Aug. 61 »1 1 July 65 3 Mar.
I Philip Charles Yorke I"
2 Dec. 6i •"15 June 66 14 June 76
I p.$.e. Edwanl John Lugard'» (Bt.Lt.
\ 16 Jan. 63 II Jan. 67 28 Oct. 76
Col. 18 Nov. 82 ; Colonel, 18 Nov. 86) )
1 Henry Moore" 15 Jan. 64 27 Mar. 1 Aug. 77
2 p.s.e.Edward Robert Prevost Wood- 7 April 65 P 7 July 2 Mar. 78
gate" /
2 Edward Herbert Fitzherbert I'll July 65 31 Aug. 78
Malby Edward Crofton' P16 June 66 •12 Nov. 70 9 July 79
I ::: 3 Richard Hawcs MacCarthy" 23 Jan. •
3 May 71 7 Jan.
I Richard Hull Green 24 Jan. "•31 May 71 6 Mar.
3 Fred. Montgomerv Gordon HutchinO
25 Jan. ''20 Sept. 71 20 Mar. 80
son" S
p.i.e. Wm. Harcourt Sawyer," Brig. )
13 Jan. "sJuiy 71 13 Mar.
Major, Aldertkot }
John Rowlandson, ".Wyu^an^ 3^4 Bns. 10 Jan. 72 22 Sept. 80
Charles Sinclair Shephard," DSO.\
11 Sept. 72 5 Dec. 80
AuUt.Mil. Sec. to Sir A. E. Uardinge 5
p.:e. Ernest WalterYeatherd, D.A.A. \
General, Hong Komi J
13 Nov 72 7 Oct.
Archibald Hunter, '81)50. serving tcith )
the Egyptian Army j
13 June 74 30 Aug.
1 John Moore Gawne," S^q/f CoW^je 13 June 75 28 May
2 Frank Broadwood Matthews' 15 July 76 18 Apr.
2 Charles Edgar Baumann 11 Feb. 76 9 Mar.
ArchibaldJohn Joseph 'Ross,Adjutant )
1Volunteer Battalion Lancaster Segt. I May Mar. 80 24 Mar.
2 Joseph Ignatius Bonomi" II May 6 Mar. 80 9 May
Ernest Augustus Frederic Carter' II May 20 Mar. 80 II Aug.
I Alfred Bayley Ridley" II May 17 Apr. 80
I Thomas Mercer Vigors II May 21 May 80
1 Thomas Edmund Biirke=" 4 Dec. 23 June 80
2 Edgar Dolphin' 4 Dec. 22 Sept. 80
William Lancelot James,' ^Id/. i Vol.!
Bn. Highland Light Infantry ) 4 Dec. 5 Dec. 80
1 Walter Henry DuUin, Adj. 13 Oct. 86 ... 22 Jan. 27 Dec. 80
Thomas Cameron Fitzgerald Somer- 1

ville, A.D.C. to Lieut. Gen. Cameron ] 22 Jan. I July 81

2 Alleyno Haynes, Adjutant 12 April 86... 13 Aug, 79 I July 81
3 GuyAudouin Carleton 14 Jan. 80 I July 81
Antoine Dominique Thome 23 Oct. 80 I July 81
3 Charles Gerard Barton 1 July 81
2 John Jarratt Somerville 10 82 May
I Thomas Charles Hunt 9 Sept. 82
I Godfrey Leicester Hibbert 6 Feb.
1 Willoughby SejTnour Burton 14 84 May
2 Alexander James King 12 Nov. 84
2 Henry Lynch Talbot 10 Mar. 83
2 Walter James Mangles 12 Nov. 84
I John Henry Arthur Boyce 6 May
1 Charles Francis Goldie-Taubman May
9 85
Lculio Kiilkiiier John de Vero Stokes ..
Howe MDiitgomory Brownlow 23 May 85
29 Aug. 85
1 John Huliburlon Laurie 2 Sept. 85
2 William Sandbach ."..
7 Feb. 85
2 Thomas Bradford Dixon 28 Apr. 86
1 Alfred Turner Rowlandson "."...
25 Aug. 86
I Jami-H Scaly Clarke ..",.'.
5 Aug. -
I Alfred Ernesi RudclifTo ....".'..
1 John Archibald Paton, Commandin'g\
Uhtsree Sanitarium j
1 Francis William Heard Feb.
5 87
Donald Maxwell M'Lachlan !!!!.!!!! May
4 87
2 Gordon Watling ]|
14 Sept. 87
William liowdon-Smith ...'"
14 Sept. 87
Mnurico Wrottosloy Kirk
".." 16 Nov, 87
John lliTbort IJickMon n Feb. 88
JJaiinfl Arthur Charles Bampfj-ldo
Kci.wiik. servingyrith Egyptian^Irnyi 16 May 83
Ocmld LwidHay I'almes 12 Sept. 88
Fre<lirick Moiitgomerio Carloto
3 Oct. 88
ThomiiB John Marker .'..'. .!.'."~r.. to Nov

Qui ritr Masltrt.


The Kivg^s Own {Royal Lancaster Begivient). 239

'" Colonel Lugard served in tbe 4th Regiment throughout the campaign of 1867-68, and was em-
ployed with the Transport Train (Medal). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882 as Deputy Assistant Adjutant and
Quarter Master General in the 2nd Division, and was present in the battle of Tel-el-Kobir— horso shot (mentioned
in despatches, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of the Osmanieh, and Khedive's Star).
'1 Major H. Moore served in the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal with Clasp).
" Major Woodgate served with the 4th Rogt. throughout the Abyssinian campaign, and was present at the action
of Arogee and capture of Magdala (Medal). Accompanied Sir Garnet Wolseley to the Gold Coast in September 1873
on special service, and served throughout the Ashanti War of 1873-74, including the action of Essaman, repulse of
the Ashanti army at Abrakrampa during the 5th and 6th November 1873 (in command of the Kossoos), reconnais-
sances in force of the 8th and 27th November, and battle of Amoaful (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp).
Served in the Zulu war in 1879, and was present in the engagements at Kambula (mentioned in despatches) and
Ulundi (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
" Major MacCarthy served in the second phase of the Ashanti war in 1874 in the Transport Service, and was
in charge of the Post at Accroful (Medal). Served in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the engagements
at Zlobane Mountain and Kambula (Medal with Clasp).
' Major Hutchinson served with the Mounted Infantry in the Zulu war in 1879, and was present in the
engagement at Ulundi and in the operations against Sekukuni including the storming of the stronghold (men-
tioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
" Captain Sawyer served in the Afghan war in 1878-79 with the Transport Department of the Southern
Afghanistan Field Force (Medal). Served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 as Deputy Assistant Adjutant and
Quarter Master General Intelligence Department (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
•* Captains Rowlandson, Bonomi, and Ridley served in the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal with Clasp).
17 Captain Shephard served in the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal). Served with the Burmese Expedition in 1886-87
StafiE Officer to Brigadier General Anderson (mentioned in despatches, DSO., and Medal with Clasp).
" Captain Gawne served in the Zulu war of 1879 (Medal with Clasp). Served with the Bechuanaland E.Kpedi-
tion under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85.
2* Captain Burke served with the ist Battalion Royal Irish Fusiliers in the Egyptian war of 1S82, and
present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
^5 Captain Utermarck.— For War Services, see Manchester Regiment.

Continuation of Notes to the Northumberland Fusiliers.

1 General Laye served with the 58th Regiment as Captain during the New Zealand war of
1845-47, and was
actively engaged in the assault and capture of Kawiti's Pah on the nth January 1846 (mentioned in orders) was ;

also engaged in several minor affairs in the Southern Province. Commanded the Troops at Wanganui, and was
instrumental in the capture of five Natives who had barbarously murdered and mutilated the family of a settler.
The Chiefs of the District, who were nearly related to the culprits, assembled a war party of 700 men for the!'*
rescue, while the British force consisted of only 170 men, notwithstanding which Captain Laye ordered a Court
Martial, composed of subalterns, for the trial of the murderers, and on their conviction had four of them hangeri
as soon as possible. The execution was followed by an attack upon the settlement by the war party, and which
was repulsed with great loss. Governor Sir George Grey, in two despatches to Earl Grey, the Secretary of State
for the Colonies, reported,—" that the firmness and decision with which Captain Laye acted had saved the country
from serious and protracted rebellion." He received the special approbation of Her Majesty through Earl Grey
in the following terms,
— " I have it especially in command to assure you of the sense which Her Majesty entertains
of the firmness with which Captain Laye acted upon the occasion of the attack of the Natives on the town of
Wanganui, and of the gallant conduct of himself and the detachment under his orders on that occasion." He
was mentioned in the Government Gazette and despatches, received the Brevet of Major, and Medal. In 1855 he
joined the Staff in Turkey, and was appointed Assistant Military Secretary to Lord William Paulet commandint^
the Troops on the Bosphorus.
5 Major Dyke served in the Afghan war of 1878-S0, took part in the two expeditions into the Bazar Valley, and
was present in the engagement at Kam Dakka (mentioned iu despatches. Medal).
7 Major Kilgour served in the Afghan war in 1878-79, and took part in the two expeditions into the Bazar
Valley as Transport Ofiicer including the engagement at Deh Sarakh, and with the Besud and Kama Expeditions
(Brevet of Major, Medal).
5 Major A. Chancellor served in the Afghan war of 1878-S0, and took part in the first expedition into the Bazar
Valley and in the engagement at Deh Sarak (mentioned in despatches, Medal).
" Captain H. E. Buchanan served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and took part in the two expeditions into the
Bazar Valley and in the engagement at Darunta Pass (Medal)
15 Captain R. L. A. Pennington served in the Afghan war in 1878-79, and was present with the expedition into
Bazar Valley and in the engagement at Kam Dakka (Medal).
15 Captain Malet served throughout the Afghan war of 1878-80 with the 5th Fusiliers, part of the time
Orderly Officer to Brigadier General Gib, and was present in the engagements at Kam Dakka and Deh Sarakh,
with the two expeditions into the Bazar Valley, and with the Kama Expedition (Medal).
18 Captain Kays served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, including the Besud and Kama
Expeditions (Medal),
19 Captain Harding served during the latter part of the Afghan war in
1880 (Medal).
"i Captain Pagan served with the 2nd Battalion Highland Light Infantry iu the Egyptian
war of 18S2, and was
present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star.)
" Captain Whitaker served in the Afghan war in 1880 including the engagement at Darunta Pass (Medal).
** Lieut. Caulfeild served with the 66th Regiment in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was present in the engage-
ment on the Helmund against the Wall's mutinous troops, in the action at Maiwand (wounded) and the subsequent
defence of Candahar (Medal, and Medal for distinguished conduct in the field). Served with the Burmese Expedi-
tion in 1886-87 as Brigade Transport Officer to Brigadier General Low (mentioned in despatches. DSO., and
Medal with Clasp).

" Captain Hajmes. For War Services, see East Lancashire Regiment, p. 274.
'* Lieut. Pepper served in the operations in the Malay Peninsula in 1875-76 (Medal with Clasp).
> ;

Regimental District
The Northumberland Fusiliers. I
t»t Pntt., Colcheiter.
lNo. s.—Newcastle.
240-1 and bait., Benjal. J , ,,t ,, 7 7 7 rr 7 • ^
Formerly the 5^/i {Northumberland Fusthers).
Battalion is formed of the Northumberland Militia.)
(The -^rd "
.,„ T- , ," Si, fiporpe and the Dragon. The Rose and Crown. The King's Crest. " -Wilheimsiahl
" Badajoz " "Salamakca" "Viitobia"
'•^""^"'"..''^f','"'- ..!V. Hp'f^X" ''Bus.Cco" "CiuDAD RoDBiGo"
Vimibba" '


"" AFGHANISTAN, 1878-80."
!,i Cli., Entign, f2yi&y 34; Lieut i Uec. 37; Capt. ^26 U&rch. 4i;pt.Major,
'—" -Joseph Henry Lay
- -v,.-.
, , co'hner -8 Nov. 54 Major, 31 Mar. 58 Colonel, 8 Mar. 60 Major General, 6 Mar
; ;
.a .Nov. 47;
^!:^/-^°'""J[[.:..,.j^^yS, -Colonel Northumberland Fusilier.s 20 Apr. 87.

Ensign, ^2 July 61 ; X^
Major, 1 Juiy X/. Co/one/, 22 Feb.' 86.
1-21 Jan. 65 Cupt. 24 June 76;
X<. J"!! Sept. 63 ; Capt. 29 April 74 ; Major, i July 81

David Gregory Beamish, Eiitign, 23 Aug. :

Battalion, 23 May 88 Ensign. Pq Aug. 64 Zt. i>i6 Oct. 67 Capt. 29 Jan

ChaTlTH^^^kia'Commandiug the °°
; ; ;

78 ; Major, 14 July 83 ; Lt. Colonel, 23 May

Majobs. |Pi8 0ct. 64'P22Aug. May 25 July
15 78 83
Wilfred FitiAllan Way 65 '"27 Feb. Jan. 80 25 July 83
25 July 7
Henry Aitken Cherry ? 7 Nov. Jan. I 16 Jan. 80 25 July 83
George Hart Dj-ke» P13 Feb. June 70 4 May 80 Dec.
Hcury Kilgour" f 8 June 57 ''24 Dec. 22 Dec. 80 Dec.
. Reginald Ueber Thurlow.. 5'i6 0ct. 28 Oct. 1 Jan. 81 14 Oct.
a Middleton Westenra Biddulph» 67I
Uicbard WiniaaxBOJi.AJjuiant^yolun- ,
68j 28 Oct. 2 Feb. 81 14 Oct.
tecr Jiuttalion Cheshire Begiment >
13 Jan. 69 28 Oct. 13 April 81 27 Jan.
l>.».c. Hol>ortAuld I July
3 Feb. 69' 28 Oct. 81 27 Jan.
2 Alexander Chancellor" ••

1 Percy Francis Lambart, Supertnten-\ 9 Feb. 70' 28 Oct. I Oct. 81 22 Feb.

dent of Gymnasia, Southern Distrtct.. )

2 Harris England Buchanan," Adju-^ ( June 70 28 Oct. 9 Mar. 82
lant 12 Feb. 86 >
Charles Gilbert Colvin Money ......
29 May I Sept. 82

Richard Lionel Arthur Penninffton'S ...

II Sept. 9 Sept. 82
John WarreMalet.'o^Wc de Camp to} I
Nov. 11 Oct. 82
Major General W. A. Gib )
George Frend," ^d/u'uii^ 2 1 olu7iteer\ 29 Nov. 14 July 83
liatlalion Northumberland Fustlters... >
I //on. Charles Lambton, Aide de Camp') 31 May 25 July 83
to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland ... J
Reginald Ker Kays" II Sept. 12 Deo. 83

I Thos. Graves Lowry Herbert-Arm- 19 Dec. 77 3 April 24 Jan. 85

strong, Adj. 3 Bn. Cheshire Begiment
William Eden Sturges, Adj. 3 Battalion 30 Jan. 78 7 Jan. 4 May 85
Gerald M on tr<5sor Hardin g, ^^Adjutan t ^
7 {Cltiekmannan and
Kinrost)Yol.Bn. > II May 78 23 June 85
Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders...)
1 Francis Charles Carter II May 78! 4 May I Aug. 85
II May I Jan. 27 Jan. 86
|2 Dudley Stratheam Stewart 78
\i Thomas David Pilcher 21 June 79' I Jan. 12 Feb. 86
22 Jan. 79' I July Nov.
1 Edmund William Dashwood 13 86
Gilbert Alexander Pagan,'''' Adj. 3I 20 Nov. 6 Oct. 86
Battalion Highland Light Infantry... )
6 Aug. 79 I July

1 Albert Edward Whitaker=" 8 July 87

'2 Aubrey George Braithwaito II Oct. 79 1 July 24 July 87
2 Francis Neville 14 Jan. 80 I July

1 William Henry SitweU,-S/qfCo»c-7e ... 14 Jan. 80; I July

I St. George Chas. Henry, Adj. 15 Sept. 86 31 Jan. 8oi I July

a J iiniCB Foster Riddell II Aug. 80: I July

I Edward Boaz Eagar i: Aug. 80' I July

1 Edward Edwii a nllenOldfield 17 Apr. I July

8 Major Biddulph served in the
1 JoBcph Henry Lachlan White 10 May
2 Cyril Henry Leigh James 9 Sept.
Afghan war in 1880 as Superintendent
Hugh George Spencer Tuite 9 Sept.
of Army Signalling to the Southern
Cecil Edward Keith-Falconer, Aide de 1
Afghanistan Field Force, and in the

27 Jan. march to Candahar with the force

C(im;) lo the Governor of Victoria J

'a EdwardOakes 10 May under Major General Phayi-e (Medal).

Soverin Heard 10 Mar.
Captain Frend served in the
2 Euwiiril
3 Algerii. Muntgomerie Caulfeild ^DSO. 17 Dec. Afghan war of 1878-80, first as Pro-
William Albert Willmott Aug. vost Marshal 2nd Brigade, 2nd Divi-
2 25
Arthur (iinild Milford Tozer May sion, Peshawur Valley Field Force,
a 14
2 Gillicri TliotiiHS Robertson 12 Nov. and afterwards as Transport Officer to
the 5th Foot (Medal). Served in the

I Mowbray LocB Sant 6 Jlay

Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and
I DougliiK Kapto 9 May Also served in the
Khedive's Star).
1 Edward WiillerFletchor 23 May
Soudan campaign

in 1885 (Clasp).
1 FcrdiiiHiidGeorge Casson 29 Aug.
. Henry Walur George Cole 29 Aug. \_For remainder of Notes, see preced-
2 Percival Spiarman Wilkinson 28 Apr. ing page.
t Gerard Frcuerick Towlcrtou Leather. 28 Apr.
a Ailhur William I'alvcrt Booth 25 Aug.
I A lUur Frtilerick Uawkins 25 Aug,
a ) dwnrd JaiiiiH Lugurd 10 Nov.
I Ailhur Edward Lovvthcr Crofton 17 Nov. 86 Facings White. Agents, Messrs.
. Hkcoiid Libutbhaiits. Cox and Co.
'» 7?oii. Murruugh O'Brien 26 Feb. 87 ist •ned from Bengal,
Battalion returned
t Comenl Vincent Molyneux Burol .... 14 Sept. 87
I i-enrge Uiko HIdncy Ray 14 Sept. 87 ind Battalion embarJced for Bengal,
't liuborl Henry Itiacko 14 Sept. 87
I fniTiriK Cliarle* Turner 14 Sept. 87
Aiciriion Edward Webb
a 16 Nov
ifoymiutiri.— i Charles O. C. Money, 19 Jan. 85; Captain Northu mbrrland lusilien.
7 Curleton Hnynes," 24 Dec. 86 Captain East Lane athirr Begiment. j

Qtiirur l/of/»r..— J Xli<hiiil Downey. 4 Oct. 73 i/oii. Captain, 4 Oct. 83. ;

I .'oiieph 1 opper,'* 7 Apr, 86 ; lion. Lieut.

! —
The Royal Warwickshire Regiment. 242
ndBatt.'.Moa Bengal.] Formerly the 6th {Boy ul I, t WarwicUure). rNrr-WaS"'
(The 3r(l and 4tli Battalions are formed of the 1st and 2nd Warwick JVfilitia respectively.)
The Antelope. The Rose and Crown. "Roleia" " Vimiera " " Corunna " " Vittoria " " Pykenees"
"Nivelle" "Orthes" "Peninsula" "Niagara" " South Africa, 1846-7" "South Africa, 1851-2-3."
Years' Ser.lColonel.— .ffo". Sir Francis Colborne,! KC£. Ensign, *i Oct. 36; Lt. 'iS Jan. 39; Capt ^21 Mav 4^
FillTH^fl -S'- '1^«/"'". 21 Oct. 53; Bt. Lt. Colonel, 12 Dec. 54 Major, 16 Oct. 55; Colonel. 2 April 58; Major GeyieVai

Pay.|Puy.'_ ^ March 63; Lt. General, i Oct. 77 General, i Apr.82; Colonel Warwickshire Retriment, 18 July 85

Lieutenant Colonels. 1 J&mes George Cockhm-n,^ Commanding the Battalion, M.aTch 86- Ensian Ptc Anril :;

56 Lt. 26 Feb. 58 Capt. "3 May 64; Bt.Major, i Oct. 77; Major, 26 Nov. 78; Lt. Colonel,
:i\^vi\ 83
Colonel, 3 Apr. 87.
2 Charles William Henry "Wilson, « CommoMiiJM^ding ^Ae Battalion, 24 Feb. 88; Ensign, inTlec. '.t Lt iq Nov en-
the ^«Y/»/ion,
Capt. ^ij Sept. 67 Bt. Major, 13 Feb^ 8n ;3ira;or,
Major, 1 July 81 Lieutenant
James FitzGerald,^ Ensign, 23 April 58 Lt. i'8 Feb. 6i ; Capt. ;
[ ; Colonel, 24 Feb. 86.

" r. 69; .Ifa^or, I July 81; Lt.Colonel,

3 March 86.

2 Henry Peaseley L'Estrange St. George")
(Bt. Lt.Colonel, 11 June 87) J
I Champion Jones
Gerald de Courcy Morton^ {Bt.Lt.Col
2 Mar. 81 Colonel, 16 Apr. 86), A. A

Geyi. Bengal
Edward Arthur Ball,!" Inst. 11. M. Colleg
2' Frank Longbourne
I Arthur MuUanitfo O'Beirno
1 Richard John Doyue
Denman Croft Murray, Adjutant s\
Volunteer Bn. Manchester Regiment .. J
2 Edward Henry Corse-Scott
Edward John Winnington-Ingram.^ii;'.
2nd Volunteer Batt. Warwickshire Regt.
2 "Willoughby Edward Gordon Forbes'*
2 Gregorj' Haines
More.v Quayle i ones, '^^ Adj. 2 Chiernsey Mil
NeviU Francis Augustus Maunsell,'^ "^
Adjutant 4 Battalion )
2 Arthur William Frank Jackson
Frederick Thomas Clayton,^' Army^
Service Corps )
Henry King, Adjutant 3 Battalion
2 Herbert Edwards Irwin
2 Henry Weston Helyar
I Alexander Charles Emanuel JI'Kinstry
1 Hugh Mansel
2 George Edward Godfrey Waller Bird
I Cecil de Courcy Etheridge""
I p.s.c Charles James Cockburn-
Herman James Shelley Landon, Super-
intendent of Gymnasia, Portsmouth ...

i Percy Rice Mockler-"

2 Osborn Augustin Chambers
1 Barklie Cairns M'Calmont..
2 Grattan George O' Neil Ray
2 Lancelot Edward Kiggell, AcLjt. i Sept. 86
Francis Colborne
2 Herbert Russell Blyth served in Canada in suppression of
Reginald Hall the rebellion in 1838-39, and was
Dennis Granville, Adjutant 18 Jan resent in the action of St. Eustache.
2 Reginald Prideaux Wyley Served throughout the Eastern cam-
2 "Wilfred Sausmarez Carey paign of 1854-55, as Assistant Quarter
1 Lewis Edward Morrice Master General to the 3rd Division,
2 "Vere Staunton Smyth including the battles of Alma,
2 Frederick George Francis Browne klava, and Inkerman, siege aiid fall
I Gerald Denne Armstrong of Sebastopol (Medal with four
1 Robert Dundas Whigham Clasps, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, CB.,
2 Herbert Radclyffe Vaughan Knight of the Legion of Honor, 5th
I Charles Conran East Class of the Medjidie, Sardinian and
James William Drever Turkish Medals). Commanded the
Guy Caldecott Pcrak Expedition in 1875-76 (Medal
I John Ford Elkington with Clasp).
CharlesCameron Leveson^ * Colonel Cockburn served as
Henry Joseph Thacker Brigade Major to the ard Brigade of
I Archibald John Stephens Maunsell the Hazara Field Force of 1S68, in-
1 Arthur Colthurst Herbert cluding the subsequent operations in
2 "William Edward Tomkins the Black Mountain (mentioned in
1 Leonard Frank Beatsou lespatches. Medal with Clasp).
2 John Frederick William Boyce Served in the Looshai campaign of
Second Lieutenants. 871-72 as Aide de Camp to Brigadier
James Masson Wikeley General Brownlow (mentioned in
William Ward Warner despatches. Clasp).
Grahamc Fraser
I Edward Lynn Allen IFor remainder of Notes, see ejid of
1 Charles Edward Menzics Pyne Royal Fusiliers, p. 243(1.
2 Arthur Berridge Lnngden
Robert Pilkington Jackson Facings Blue. Agents, Messrs. Cos
George Rainier Vaurenea and Co.
Alexander Deane 1st Battalion retumid Jrom Bengal,
Frank Barton Hill 80.
2 William Melville Lauriston Lee 2nd Battalion embarked fo
2 Norman Alexander Macdonald
2 Roderick George Macpherson

Paymasters.— 2 Henry B. Harward, 12 Nov. 83 Em. ^14 July 6g X'. 28 Oct. ; ; 71 ; Capt. 10 June 3i.
I George Duberly, 28 Nov. 85 Captain Sussex Regiment. ;

Quarter Masters.— 2 George Ranee, 20 Oct. 83 Hon. Lieut.

I James Meehau, 4 Nov. 85 Jion. Lieut.

; M
I i)

The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment).

Regimental District
lU B»tt, Poona. Bombay For))u')-hi ihc {Euijnl Fusiliers) Begiment.
-jth {_^TZ Hounslow.
and lJall.,WeUiiifton. Madrai,J
are formeil of the 3rd Middlesex, the London, and the 4th Middlesex
The^Td, 4th, and 5th Battalions

Militia respectively.)
White Horse. "
Maetiniqtjb " "Talaveea" "Albuhbba"
Vh. Whiu. Rose within tho Gartor, and the
BS " "Toulouse" "Pbninscla"
Aljia" "Ixkbumaw" "Sevastopol"
"Kaxdahas, 1S80" "Afghanistan, 1879-S0."
Xmn ^ Wilbrnham,' KCB^^nd Lt. "25 Mar. 28 Xf. 2; May 33 Ca^-^ ^.22 July 36; ^J-^mr,
uoiDuo.. Riclmrd ; ;

v„,<„. p,Q Jan. 44; Bt.Lt.Culonel, 11 Nov. 51; Colonel, 28 Nov. 54; Major General, 26 3a,ri. 66;

^iGentrJ -i Mar 74; Gr»<-r,i/, 1 Oct. 77; Co/onf/ Royal Fusiliers, 15 Sept. 81.
rimitenant Colonels.— I William Wheaton Uhard,^
Commanding the Battalion, 9 April 87; Ensign, 30 Dec. 59;
Cavt. "28 Oct. 71 J/o/or, i July 81 Lieutenant Colonel, 9 Sept. 85.
/ * "jDcc 6.,
• ; ;

the Battalion, 12 Dec. 87 Ensign, P3 June 59; I't. 17 Nov. 63 j Capt.

(iporirc Urooke Meares,' Commanding
Jir.ior. July 8i Lf. Colonel. 11 Dec. 85.
1 :

1 William Daly {Bt.U.Colonel. n June 87) 15 Oct. 61 |''i2 April 64
pf.f. Geoffry Barton' (Bt.Lt. Colonel,-! 3 Oct. 62
18 Nov. 82 ; CWoiiW, 18 Nov. 86) S
. William Edwant Roberts* u Mar. 9 July
Gardiner Frederic Guyon 31 Jan.
John Uobtrt Heckett 16 Jan.
Norman I'lichin 30 Mar.
Frederick St. Leper Tottenham '29 May

i..,.r. Charles Lysaght Mortimer,") I Sept. 69


I> A. A. Grueral, Dublin )

3 Edward Alfred MostjTi •loNov. 69
Robert Preston Birkctt Rodick,'" Adj. j P 9 Feb
I VolHntcer Battalion Koi/al Eusilieri>
Charles David Myers Gall," Districf)
Staff OSicer, Madras i

a Edward Harbord Ives'^
a Colin George Donald'*
1 Gcorpe Ewbank BripRS
a Gerald Dease
a Francis Charles Annesley
a Graham Cludde Herbert,''J<i/. 28 Feb. S5
Richard Daveis Gamons - Williams,
Adjt. 4M Battalion (London Militia) S
1 Edward Joshua Cooper
1 Francis Allix Wilkinson^' ; Aug.
2 William Ljichlan Forbes" ; May
I Arthur Nu^'snt
1 Cuthbert Henry Morrice 23 Oct.
a Francis Mary John Dominic Rhodes.. 23 Oct.
Harry Gordon Dunning,=»irerpin5i with)
the Egyptian Army j"

George Osbom H indley ChamberlenGall 22 Jan.
|i Thomas Henry Kemmis 19 Feb.
a Hon. Charles James White 19 Feb.
ja Frederick Ivor Maxse
I Cecil Fowler Burton
Henry Herbert Nicholson
a Hugh Walter George Campbell
a Stanley Bird
I Roger Hall, Adjutant a Feb. 87
a KUin Cunlilfe Foster
I Reginald John Pinney
I Charles John Stanton
a Charles Tyrell Shipley
I Edward Henry Cox
a Cecil Francis Hcyworth"
I William Bernard Hickio
I ThotnaH Porcivn'. England
I Sydney Turing Barlow Lawford .„...
a Guy Louis Huoson dn Maurier
a Walter GilTiort Barton Browne
I Fitzmaurico Thomas Favre Scoones
ii Nonnan lieginald M'Mahon
la Edmund Ranald Owen Ludlow....!'.."..!
ja George Reginald LaacoUes '..'.

|i Richard Fowler-Butler
ChnrleH Cattloy Carr
1 Ernest Henry Waller ...!!...!
2 Honry Edward Berkeley Newonham
I Char.uii FitzCloroDCO

BicoKD LiimnurTS.
I William Maurice Martcr
I William Uorington Turner
J JamcH Uouglaa Sparks
14 Sept
I Fi^dorick Froro Solly Flood..
14 Sept. 8;
Years' Ser.j
244 The King's (Liverpool Regiment).
[Regimental District
i«t Malt., Dublin. Fonucyli/ the Sih (The Kiiig'g) Eegiment.
red Bait. ,ryi»bad. Bengal.

'' —
LNo. 8. Warrington,
{The 3rd and 4th Battalions are formed of the 2nd Lancashire Militia.)
"ytc atrrra ffrrr^t " Tho Wbito" Horse within the Garter. The Royal Cypher and CroTrn. "
"RAMii-LiEii" "OrDBHiBDa" Malplaqubt" "Dbttiwgkn" "Egvpt" (with the Sphinx) Maetinicjub "
"Niacaba" "Dklhi" "Lccbkow" " Tbiwab Kotal" "Ajghanistan, 1878-80."
It^Str Colonel.— John LonKflcld," CB. F.ntian, ''=3 June 25; JLt. ^26 Sept. 26; Capt. f^o Jan. 35; Major, ^ig Nov.
roll Half, ^^, II Co/oHf ^ 3 Apr. 46; Cclonel, 20 June 54; Major General, 3 Aug. 60; Zieut. General, 5 Sept. 69 j
Pay |P»y' Uf'neral, ig Julv 76; Colonel Liverpool Repiment, 19 Dec. 81.
Lieutenant Colonela.— i Thomas Gorier. Crawley,-' Commandinq the Battalion, 7 Mar. 88 Ensign, 5 July Co ; ;

Lt.f^iaw. 63; Capt.'n Kng.tT, Bt. Major, 21 Dec. 8c; Major, i July 81; Lt. Colonel, 17 Dec. 84;

ii John Vaviaon,^Comma«diug the Battalion, 10 June 88 ; Emiffn, i'2i Sept. 60 ; Zt. '13 Feb. 63 ; Capt. ^i Aug.
Lf. Colonel, 30 Jan. 85.
66; Uiijor.j Ju!y «i ;
a William ^YillouKhby Egerton* {St.Lf.
Colonel, I July 87)
John James Hamilton
ThomHS Blake Humfrey'.


23 Sept. 71 28 Oct.
28 Feb.
3 i)ec. 62 22 Jan.

19 June

2 Dec.

15 Jan.
JO Sept.
13 June

7 July 69

The King's (Liverpool Begiment). 244a

Paymasters.—! Tbos. Rcitl Waiigh Davidson, 5 Jan. 80; Ensign, g Jan. 68; Z<. 20 Juneyo; CajjC. 17 May 70'
I O'Donnel C. Grattan.i* Captain i Battalion (acting). [Hon. Major 5 Jan. 81

Quarter Masters. 2 Thomas Vincent Jones,27 7 Jan. 82 i/oK. JyicH^

I Thomas Hol'and Pollitt, 13 May 85 ; Hon. Lieut.

Facings Blue. Agents, Messrs. Cox and Co.
isi Battalion returned from Malta, Sept. iBjq. 2nd Battalion emharl-edfor India, Sept. 1877.
* General Lonsjficld commanded the 2nd Brifjado at the sieg:e of Delhi in 1857, t'le Reserve during
" the assault '
and served in the city during the six days' fighting that ensued {CB., Medal with Clasp).
2 Colonel Crnwlcy served in the Burmese Expedition in 1885-87 with the 2nd Battalion of the Liverpool Regi-
ment (Medal with Clasp).
3 Lt.Colonel Dawson served with the 2nd Battalion 8th Foot throughout the Afghan war of
1878-80, and was pre-
sent in the action of the 28th Nov. 1878 in the Koorum Valley, and at the attack and capture of the Peiwar Kota 1
(mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp).
* Lt.Colonel Egerton served in the Burmese Expedition in 1885-87 with the 2nd Battalion of the
Liverpool Reel •
ment (twice mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp).
6 Major T. B. Humfrey served in the Afghan war in 1880 with the 2nd Battalion of the Liverpool
Regiment in
the Koorum Valley (Medal). Served in the Burmese Expedition in 1886-87 with the 2nd Battalion of the Liverpool
Regiment (Medal with Clasp).
Major Roberts served throughout the Afghan war of 1878-80 with the 2nd Battalion of the Liverpool Regi-
ment, and was present at the capture of the Peiwar Kotal (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Burmese Expedi-
tion in 1S85-87 with the 2nd Battalion of the Liverpool Regiment (Medal with Clasp).
8 Major Wade served in the Burmese Expedition in 1885-87 with the 2nd Battalion of the Liverpool
(Medal with Clasp).
1" Captain Harrison served in the Burmese Expedition In 1885-87 with the 2nd Battalion
of the Liverpool Regi-
ment (Medal with Clasp).
11 Captain Mellor served throughout the Afghan war of 1S78-80 with the 2nd
Battalion of the 8th Foot, and was
present in the operations in the Koorum Valley and at the capture of the Peiwar Kotal (Medal with Clasp).
>6 Captain Dundas served throughout the Afghan war of 1878-80 with the 2nd Battalion
of the Liverpool
Regiment, and was present during the operations in the Koorum Valley and at the capture of the Peiwar Kot.^.l
(Medal with Clasp). Served with the Burmese Expedition in 1885-86 (DSO., and Medal with Clasp).
1" Captain Fowler served with the 2nd Battalion of
the 8th Foot in the Afghan war of 1880 (Medal). Served in the
Burmese Expedition in 1886-87 with the 2nd Battalion of the Liverpool Regiment (Medal with Clasp).
IS Captain Milne served with the 72nd Highlanders throughout the Afghan
war of 1878-80 with theKoonim, Cabul,
and Cabul-Candahar Field Forces, part of the time as Acting Adjutant, and was present in the engagements at
Mattoon and Charasiab, with the rear-guard of the division at Zaidabad during the night attack of 4th October
tS79, and in the operations around Cabul in December 1879 (mentioned in despatches) ; accompanied Sir Frederick
Roberts in the march to Candahar (during the latter part of it as Regimental Transport Officer), and was present
at the battle of Candahar (mentioned in despatches. Medal with three Clasps, and Bronze Decoration). Served
with the ist Battalion Seaforth Highlanders in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-
Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Burmese Expedition in 1885-87 as Deputy
Assistant Adjutant and Quarter Master General to the 2nd Brigade (mentioned in despatches, DSO., and Medal
with Clasp).
'5 Captain Seton served in the Burmese Expedition in 1885-87 with the 2nd Battalion
of the Liverpool Regiment
(Medal with Clasp).
Captain Cotton served in the Afghan war in 1880 with the 2nd Battalion of the Liverpool Regiment (Medal).
Served in the Burmese Expedition in 1885-87 with the 2nd Battalion of the Liverpool Regiment (Medal with Clasp).
21 Lieuts. Tripp, H. Elliot, Greenway and
Ross-Johnson served in the Burmese Expedition in 1885-87 with the 2nd
Battalion of the Liverpool Regiment (Medal with Clasp).
22 Lieut. Wynyard served in the Burmese Expedition
in 1885-87 with the 2nd Battalion of the Liverpool Regiment
(twice mentioned in despatches, DSO., and Medal with Clasp).
-> Lieuts, Nicholson and Scales served in the Burmese Expedition in 1886-S7 with the 2nd
Battalion of the Liver-
pool Regiment (Medal with Clasp).
2* Lieut. Harris served in the Burmese Expedition in 1S85-S7 with the 2nd Battalion of the
Liverpool Regiment,
and was severely wounded in an attack near Myingyan in May 1886 (Medal with Clasp).
25 Lieut. Williams served with the Burmese Expedition in 1885-86, and was slightly wounded
in an engageincnt
at Napeh near Menboo on the :9th June (Medal with Clasp).
2S Lieut. Armytage served in the Nile E.xpedition in
1884-85 as Provost Sergeant to the Heavv Came 1 Reo-iment
and to the Garrison at El Gubat, and was present at the action at Abu Klea (mentioned in dospatohe-- promoted

Lieutenant, Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Burmese Expedition va 1SS6-S7 with the
2nd Battalion of the Liverpool Regiment (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp).
27 Lieut. T. V. Jones served in the Afghan war of 1878-80 with the 2nd Battalion
of tho Liverpool Regiment '
acd was present at the capture of the Peiwar Kotal (Medal with Clasp).
>i ;

«45 ;!.?a'ilt.S!:kT The Norfolk Regiment. [^tT-^^o^^^

Formerhj the gth (East Norfolk) Berjiment.
The 3nl nnJ Battalions are formed of the 1st and 2ud Norfolk Militia respectively.)
" Busaco " " Salamanca" "Vittoeia" "St.
Tha flirur« of Britannia. " Rolkia " "" Vimibba " "Cobunita"
SiBASTus" " N'lVK " " Pbsi.nsula" Cabool,i842 " " MooDKEB " " Ferozeshah " " Soseaon" "Sevastopol"
"Kabul, 1879" "Afghanistax, 1S79-80."
Colonel.— 5ir Henry Bates,' KCB. En$ign, 9 July 29; Lt. 28 Nov. 33: Capt. ^S Aug. 45; JBt.MaJor, 19
June 46: St. Lt. Colonel, 7 June 49; Major, I'll Oct. 53; Colonel, 28 Nov. 54; Zt Colonel, 18 Sept. 57;
Major General, 9 Oct. 63 Lieut. General, 8 Mar. 72 General, i Oct. 77 ; Colonel 9th Foot, 31 Dec. 71.
j ;

Lieutenant ColoneU.— 7 Charles Smith Perry, Commanding the Battalion, i Jlay 87 Ensign, ^29 May 57; ;

Lt. 2 Oct. 58; Capt. f& May 66; £t. Major, 31 Dec. 78; Major, 1 July Si; Zi. Colonel, j May S3; Colonel,
I Mav £7.
I Charles More Stockley,* Commandin(f the Battalion, 2: July 88; JE'hs/.ijh, 4 Jan. 62 ; Lt. 10 Sept. 64;
Capt. 32 July 71 ; Bl. Major, 2 Mar. Si Major, 15 Oct. Si Lt. Colonel, 20 Aug-. 84 Colonel, 20 Aug. 88.
; ; ;

2 GerarilSept imusliurtou,' Commandattt
5 Jnly IS Oct. Si
Xgnee Tal Depot
I p.f.c. Archibald Graham Wavell* , iMay 21 Mar. 82
p.:c. Kre<l. Woodhouso James, Staff 1

Capt. Intelligence Branch,War Office

8May 10 Jan. 83
2 Charles Uerltcrt Shepherd I Sept. 10 Jan. 83
Fretl. Temi)le Rowan Hamilton, Aide^
de Camp In Governor General of India i
24 Apr. 81 5 Sept. 83
2 Frederic William Brewster I July 19 Sept. 83
Kdward Uo.-villo James, ^rf/i/'an* 2 >
Volunteer Battalion Norfolk Eegt. ...S
I Apr. 81 21 May 84
Divie Knighton Robertson 23 June 8: 28 June 84
1 Frederick Alexander Currie' 28 Nov. 8: 28 June 84
I Octavius Allcard Feb. 8: 12 Dec. 85

William Gibbs Straghan," .iiijMian*
4 Battalion (2 Norfolk Militia)
21 Mar.
1 George Milward Griffin'" I June 82
1 p.t.cJohn Henry Sewell'^ I Apr.
Lewis Horace Phillips,'* -4rf/«f ant ^th'\
Volunteer Battalion Norfolk Regiment S 19 .Tuly
Ralph Henry Fenwick Lombe'- 21 July 82
2 Otwny Muyne" 30 Dec. 82
Hastings Augustus Eyre, Paymatter
I Battalion Iri»h EiJIet 10 Jan. 83
I Jam 's Lome Govan'* 26 Mar. 84
Anlrew Crncroft Bccher,^^ Adjutant)
.; B.-llalwn (1 Norfolk Militia) ^ 21 May 84
Willmm Francis Percy 28 June 84
Kdwnrd Borton,*'
Charles;. 1 3 Jan 13 Aug.
1 Bernard de Mussenden Leathes 12 Dec. 85
Siiusraarcz l)obr«5o Shortt 20 Sept. 86
Henry Richard Beadon Donne I May 87
Wiiltor Her\'ey Besant,-^ serving with )
the Eqyptuin Army 30 June
2 Herbert J.Whiteside M'Kenzie Kennedy 30 June 8^
Robert Francis Cunynghame Baker. I Oct. 87
Henri' Yelverton Beale 29 Feb. 8°
2 Godfrey Massy 21 July 8^=

' Sir Henry Bates has served three

yearsin the West Indies and twenty-
Arthur John Hamilton Luard
WiUiiim Sandars Dods one years in the East Indies. Served
\yilliam Currie Tongo, Adj. 14 Sept.
as Aide de Camp to Sir Kobert
Dick, who was killed at the battle of
Charles liurry Close
Harry Hunniim Applewhaite Sobraon (Brevet of Major, Medal)
Christian William Trevor
and was appointed after that action
John Marriott Aide de Camp to Lord Gough, the
WiHiam Raymond Inglis ..........
Commander in Chief in India, in
Kvclyn Chiappini Peebles which capacity he served in the
Duncan Kyd I'resgrave," Station Staff
Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, and
(Iffrrr, Seetapore 84 was present at the affair of Ramnug-
Charles IIosh gur and subsequent operations re-
Willoughby Jones °'*, suiting in the passage of the Chenab
°5 and thebattles of Chillionwallah and
°S Goojerat (Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal
Maclarthy Uoagh Kmmet Ray r5 with two Clasps). Commanded the
Kvflyn William Margosson South Western Division of Ireland,
Arthur I,ytt-)n lltllaniv Head Quarters Cork, during the
Arthur K<Uard I,ahcel"les Fenian Rising of 1866, and received
<harUM lloiiry Hciiwick the thanks of the Irish Government
Hrnry (;<i,rgc Levingo for his services on that occasion.
Arthur I'ain'.k UaUnian-Champain °' Captain Borton served in the
KrcowD LiKDTIIirAMIB. Afghan war in 1S79-80, and took part
uobrrl Kilwiird Vaughan in the advance to Cabul, including
K.lwanl Wiiigncl.l Vemcr the operations around JugduUuck and
Willi,,ni Kai' llrukHpcar engagement at Saidabad (Medal
\yilliam(inilmin Michel '.
with Clasp).
Krnulc "2 Captain Besant served with the
I<<'iiiiard '

• William Gnmt Richardson

Imrlcii Nile Expedition in i884-85(Medal with
n«Tl.trt William Hofrcrnan Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served
Chnrlo* r-iullpy Illackbum with the Egyptian Frontier Field
• olin IloLort Mallard Force in 1885-86, and was present in
(io-,rgo Arthur Warburton
the engagement at Giniss (4th Class
Kvann Bnico ...
(tcorgo of the Osmanieh for his services with
Hrnrv Mmwtll Peak ...'.'.'.'.'.".'"
the Egyptian Army).
Chnrlc*Watcrhomo Howard
Kdward Pclcr Strickland ...
The Norfolk llegiment. 245a

Paymasters. — i Frederick C. J. Loder, 20 July S3 ; Lt. 30 Dec. 71 ; Honorary Captain.

Quarter Masters. — 2 Francis Grehan,
i Dec. So; Hon. Lieut.

I i Apr. 86 ; Hon. Lieut.

John Connors,
Facings White.— Agetits, Messrs. Holt, liawrie and Co.
1st Batt. emharkedfor Gibraltar, 22 Dec. 1887. ^nd Batt. embarked for India, 23 Oct. 1874.
« Colonel Stockley fserved in tho Indian N.W.Frontier war of 1863, and was present at the attack on the Crag

Piquet, and severely wounded on the Umbeyla Heights on the 19th November (Medal with Clasp). Served in
the Jowaki campaign of 1877-78 as Brigade Major to the ist Brigade (Clasp). Served throughout the Afghan war
of 1878-S0, arst as Brigade Major ist Infantry Brigade ist Division Southern Afghanistan Field Force, and after-
wards with the 2nd Battalion gth Foot in Northern Afghanistan, including the afifair at Shekabad under Major
General Ross (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal).
7 Major Burton served with tho gth Foot in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and took part in the advance to Cabul
under Brigadier General Charles OdultIi ;i Brigade Major, including the engagements at JugduUuck and Saidabad,

and the relief of Sherporo (Mranl witli Mnsp). (

8 Major Wavell served in the Zulu \v;ir in 1S79 (Medal with Clasp).
9 Major Currie served in tho oxinMliiion against the Jowaki Afreedees in 1877-78 (Medal with Clasp). Served with

the gth Foot in the Afghan war in 1878-79, and was present at the attack and- capture of Ali Musjid as Superin-
tendent of Army Signalling in Sir Samuel Browne's Division (Medal with Clasp).
" Captain St'raghan served in the Jowaki campaign of 1877-78 (Medal with Clasp). Served with the gth Regi-
ment in the Afghan war of 1879-80 (part of the time as Acting Adjutant), and took part in the advance to Cabul
under Brigadier General Charles Gough, including the engagements at jugdulluck and Saidabad and the relief
of Sherpore (Medal with Clasp).
1- Captain Lombe served in the Jowaki campaign of 1877-78 (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Afghan war in
1S79-S0, took part in the advance to Cabul nnder Brigadier General Charles Gough (mentioned in despatches),
and was present in the engagement at Saidabad (Medal with Clasp).
13 Captain Sewell served with the 15th Hussars in the Candahar Column in the Afghan war of 1878-80, including

the advance to Khelat-i-Ghilzai ; also served with the Thull-Chotiali Field Force under Brigadier General Biddulph,
and in tho Column under Major General Phayre in Southern Afghanistan (Medal). Served in the Boer war in 1S81.
Served in the Nile Expedition in 18S4-S5 with the Column under Sir Herbert Stewart as Adjutant to the ist
Battalion of the Mounted Infantry, and was present at the action at Abu Klea (Medal with two Clasps, and
Khedive's Star).
1* Captain PhilHps served with the expedition against the Jowaki Afreedees in 1877-7S (Medal with Clasp).
Served with the 9th Foot in the Afghan war of 1S78-80, including the operations in the Khyber Pass (Medal).
i^ Captain Mayne
served with the expedition against the Jowaki Afreedees in 1877-78 (Medal with Clasp).
Served with the 9th Foot in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and took part in the advance to Cabul under Brigadier
General Charles Gough, including the engagements at Jugdulluck and Saidabad and the relief of Sherpore (Mec'al
with Clas))).
Captain G. M. Griffin served with the Jowaki Afreedee Expedition in 1877-78 (Medal with Clasp). Served in
the Afghan war of 1878-S0, took part in the advance to Cabul under Brigadier General Charles Gough including
the relief of Sherpore, and in the engagement at Saidabad (Medal with Clasp).
18 Captain J. L. Govan served in tho Afghan war in 1S79-80, took part in the march to Cabul in December 1879

under Brigadier General Charles Gough including the relief of Sherpore, and was present in the engagement at
Shekabad (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp).
15 Captain Becher served in the Afghan war in 1879-S0 with the 2nd Battalion of the 9th Foot, and took part in

the advance to the relief of Cabul under Brigadier General Charles Gough, including the engagements at Jug-
dulluck and Saidabad; was afterwards Orderly Officer to Brigadier General Gough (Medal with Clasp).
-* Lieut. Presgrave served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and was present in the engagement at Charasiab on

the 6th October 1879 and in the operations round Cabul in December 1879 accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts ;

in the march to Candahar, and was present at the battle of Candahar (Medal with three C-lasps, and Bronee

Continuation of Notes to. the Lincolnshire llegiment.

1 Sir Henry Longden served with the 10th Regiment in the Sutlej campaign of 1845-46, and was present at the

battle of Sobraon (Medal). He served also the Pimjaub campaign of 1S4S-49, and was present during the whole of
the siege operations before Mooltan, including the aflfair of thegthSept., stoi-ming the enemy's strongly-entrenched
position before Mooltan 12th Sept. ; action of Soorjkoond, carrying the heights on 27th Dec. in command of the
Regt., and surrender of the fortress as Field Engineer ; afterwards present at the surrender of the Fort and
garrison of Cheniote, and battle of Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps, and Brevet of Major). Served in the Indian

campaign of 1857-58 commanded a Field Force in the Azimghur and Jounpore districts in 1857, including the
capture of the Fort of Atrowleea commanded an advanced guard of picked marksmen and guns of Franks' Force

in its advance to Lucknow, including the actions of Chanda, Umeerpore, and Sultanpore, and attack on the Fort
of Douraha was attached to the Goorkha Troops at the siege and capture of Lucknow present at the storming
; ;

of the Begum's House and Serai, storming of the Emaumbara and Kaiserbagh, attack on the Moolvie in Abba-
soodowlah's KunbuUali— mentioned in despatches present with a Wing of the 13th Light Infantry at the first

relief of Azimghur appointed Chief of the Staff to Lugard's Force, and present at the passage of the Touse,

second relief of Azimghur, capture of Jugdespore, and several skirmishes in its vicinity (Medal with Clasp).
* Major Huntley commanded a detachment of the loth Regiment at the attack and capture of tho Kapayan
Stockades, Sunghie XJjong, Malay Peninsula, in 1874. Also served throughout the Perak Expedition in 1875-76
(Medal with Clasp). Proceeded to South Africa in November 1878, and served throughout the Zulu war of
1879, first as Transport Officer to the 2nd Division in its advance to Ulundi, and afterwards as Senior Transport
Officer with Baker Russell's Column (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
' Major Verner served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was present in the engagements at Ahmed Kheyl and

TJrzoo near Ghiizuee (Medal with Clasp).

1^ Major KiiioLt served with the loth Regiment in the Perak Expedition in 1S75, and was severely wounded at

the assauli. on the Malay Stockade of Passir Sala (Medal with Clasp).

Continuation of Notes to the Devonshire Regiment.

5 Lt.ColoD'-i Street served with the nth Regiment in the Afghan war in 1879-80 (Medal).
AtVhau war in 1879-So (Medal).
1 Iit.Cclou'--l Gibbons served in the
8 Vbi-ors Kinder, Yule, mi .:(i with the nth Regiment in tho Afghan war in 1879-80 (Medal).
1" Major Noon served in the AI-Ilhi \v;ii- mi 1079 with the Transport Staff, and was present at the occupation
of Candahar and in the engagemcnl ;ii Alimr.l ivheyl (Medal with Clasp).
'- Captain Harries served in the Ar-h:in win- in
1878-79 in the Transport Department with the Southern
Afghanistan Field Force (Medal).
'3 Captain Park served in the Afghan war in 1879-So as Adjutant with the 2nd Battalion nth Regiment in
Southern Afghanistan (Medal).
1* Captains Davies, Briggs, Stanley, and Ellicombe served with the nth Regiment in the Afghan war in
187Q-80 (Medal).
15 Captain Burnett.— For War Services, see South Wales Borderers.
1^ Captain Duckett. For — War Services, see Scots Fusiliers.
1'Lieut. Carr served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 with the 2nd Battalion nth Regiment in Southern Afghan-
istan (Medal).
" " }

24GS -'art;:K'^-«..Ber,a-.] The Lincolnshire Regiment. [^^-1"^^^:'

Formerly the loth (North Lincolnshire^ Segimevt.
(The -jnl and 4tli Battalions are formed of the North and South Lincoln Militia respectively.)
"Bii««Biii" "RiMiLLiBs" "Ocdkxabdb" "Malplaqcbt" "Kgvpt" (with the Sphinx). "Peninsfla"
"Sobbio!i""Pcwjicb" "Mooltan" "Goojehai" "Lucknow."
P; Aug.
TMnSw. >IoD«l— } Sir Ilenrj- Errington Longdon,' KCB. CSf. En». i6 Sept. 36; Lietii.
e. 40; Capf.
*30 March ; Bt.ilaior, 7 June 49
43 Jfa/or, 21 Folj. 50 Bt.Lf .Colonel, 8 Dec. 56 ; Lt.Colonel, 20 July 58 ;
; ;
Colonel, 26 Apr. 59; Major General, 8 March 63; Lieut. General, i Oct. 77; General, i July 81 ; Colonel
LincohiBhiro Rejfiment, 1 1 Nov. 83.
LieatcnantColoneU.— 1 Henry Guy Carleton, Commandina the Baffahon, t July 87 Ensign, 8 Feb. 61 ; Lt.
,,,„„. ;

»i Sept. 63 Cayt. ''29 May 67 Bt. Major, 5 Oct. 80 'Major, i July 81 Lieutenant Colonel, 3 May 86.
I ; ;
; ;

a v.t.c. Archibald Glen, Commanding the Battalion, 11 Mar. 88;

Ensign, 4 Feb. 62; ii. Pjg July 64; •"

Capt. 22 Mar. 76 Major, i July 8: Lieutenant Colonel, 18 June 86.

; ;

1 John Smith O'Brien Blake Pii Feb. '11 64Oct. 11 Nov. 76 I July 81
2 Uoaghani Charles Huntley* » 8 Sept. '
9 65May 31 Oct. 77 29 Nov. 79 II Mar. 82
I Thomas Edward Vemer* 25 Jan. '23 Mar. 66 21 Apr. 77 t July 81
I Joseph Hamilton Hodgson I'll Oct. '17 April 69 2 Mar. 78 7 May 84
Nirhcjla.s I'urcell O'Gorman, District) Aug.
^ 7 Mar. ^21 Aug. 21 78 10 Jan. 85
Slajr Officer, Bengal j
Armstrong William Elliott" Pi July P19 Feb. 12 Nov. 78 10 Jan.
] I 8s
Henry Robert Roberts, Adjutant i \ P19 Feb. "15 Feb. 17 May 79 25 Apr. 8s
Gloueetterihire Eifte Volunteers )
1 Frederic William Key Glass •22 69 Aug. 28 Oct. 7 Aug. 25 Apr. 85
t George Blagrove Paton"* '24 Nov. 69 28 Oct. 7 Aug. 80 3 May 86
2 Herbert MejTick" ''27 April 70 28 Oct. II Mar. 18 June 86
Frank Robert Lowxh," Adjutant 2 ^
"30 Nov. 2S Oct. II Mar.
Vol. Battalion Lincolnshire liegiment
I James de Hoghton" 23 Sept. 7 2G Oct. 2 Apr.
I Henry OomptonSewellGoIdfrap 30 April 3 May
1 Beresford Hob. Hamilton, .4ii/.2iXov. 84 -2 Nov.
Henry Wiley, .4d;u/un< 3 Battalion 28 Feb. 74 II Mar. 82
j>.».<r.0harle8 Rudyerd Simp.son.S/aJf)
Capt., Intelligence Branch, ICorOffice >
21 Sept. 74 19 July
Beamish St. John Barttr,/H»rS.J/.Co». II Sept. 76 16 Feb.
2 Thomas Hulkes Bingham Day 29 Nov. 76 7 Apr.
I Edgar Herapath II Feb. 77 I July
I Henry Bolton Mainwaring 16 Feb. 78 21 Aug. 18 Nov.
William Cecil Welsh Kawlinson, Aide\
deCamp to 'he Lt. Governor of Bengal) I May 31 Aug. 10 Jan. 85
William Sidney Carpenter, Army ')

Service Corps _J
I May 13 Nov. 13 May 85
1 George Augustus Ivatt, Adj. 14 Dec. 84 I May Feb. 1 13 May 85
Walter Latham Cox, Adj. 4M Bn IIFeb. 13 May 85
I Almeric Edmund B'rederic Rich 1 1 May 23 July 4 Nov. 85
1 William Grillith Grant II May 22 Oct. 3 May 86
I Henry Du Buisson 25 May 26 May ii; June 86
I Percy Francis Raikea Newbury 13 Aug. 11 Mai. 10 June 87
I Richard Narrien Gamble" 13 Aug. 2 April 3 Aug. 87
1 Frederic Charles Lloyd 14 Jan. I July 11 Mar. 88
2 Arthur William Dewar 23 Oct. I July 13 Aug. 88
2 John Pope Temnler 23 Oct. I July
1 Victor George Ralph Johnson 22 Jan. I July
2 John Pirn 19 Feb. July '8 Major Paton
a Frederick Gerald Griffiths Griflin
I served with the loth
22 Jan. I July Regiment throughout the Perak Ex-
1 Robert Pacy Maxwell 22 Oct. pedition against the Malays in 1875-
2 Hteuurt Menzies
1 James Forrest 10 May 76 (mentioned in despatches, Medal
9 Sept. 82 with Clasp).
2 (U'orgu Dunbury M'Andrew '^ Major
2 Arthur Zanders Vanrenen 9 Sept. 8 Meyrick and Captain
2 AlfredEdward Hubbard 12 8 May Lowth sei ved with the loth Regiment
Richard Ormsby Cumberland 25 Aug. s' n the Perak Expedition ini875, and

I Cliarles Gaitskell 14 8 May were present when a combined

I fha«. Edw. Sevmour Ball-Hugiio* 28 Feb. S_ Naval and Military force attacked
1 Ernest Bcrdoe Wilkinson 23 May 85 uid captured the Stockades and five
Herbert CharloH Vcsey 25 Nov, \ guns at Passir Sala (Medal with
Douglas Herbert 25 Nov. 85 Clasp).
Arthur Tremeanio Walling!!!.!...!!! 25 Nov. Captain de Hoghton served in
2 Graham Ernest Mylne 30 Jan. the Ashanti war from the 17th De-
Kdgar Brandrelh 25 Aug. cember 1873, including the battle
Lindeiwy Maxwell Bell 25 Aug. of Amoaful, attack and capture of
Henry John Milnes Macandrow"! 25 Aug. Becquah, and advanced guard en-
3 Francis Stewart Evelyn Boolhby 10 Nov. gagement at Jarbinbah (Medal with
Harold Ernest Walter
May 87 29 Dec. Clasp). [See also Civil Decorations

Henry Montfort (Jardner May 87 29 Dec. for Gallantry, p. 128.]

May 87 29 Dec. '^^
Captain Gamble served with the
J rancls
William Pirrio Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir
14 Sept. 87 Charles Warren in 1884-85 as Adju-
Harold Fcnlon Jacob
14 Sept. 87 tant of the 3rd Mounted Rifles.
William .Norris King Grimblo
HcrlK-rt Ueiirj-
16 Nov. 87 ^' Captain Taaffe.— For War Ser-
Harington 16 Nov. 87
Krp<lcriclc Arthur Bu»leod
. .
Army Pay Department.
vices, see
WiUmm II Feb. 88
lionnan IFor remainder of Notes, see pre-
II Feb. 88
> JiiJi|>cr JoHcph Howloy .!! ling page.
I J'.hn Hhaw Komball 1 1 Feb. 88
1 1 Feb. 83 t Battalion re turned from Singa-
^'ictiir lliighei !.
9 May 83 pore, 27 April 1877
Krtimt Dougla* Mouoy
9 May 88 ind Battalion embarked fc Malta,
Thi.maji Morris
IB July 88 1878.
> Cecil Baker
19 Sept. 88 Facings White.
Jamoii lUynolds MaxwolVMireh
Nov. 10 Agents, Messrs. Cox and Co.
Fm/ma4t^,.-, "Oram
(Jomhl V Wo losloy. 9 .miy 83 Hon. Capta
V. WoTlMoy
' '•'ristophcr R.
T« Aug. 73 Capt. 9 Jan.
\qiMrtir MaiUr. a Jaincs Tomploton, ; 80.
27 Sept. 7.^ Jlon. Capt. '«, 27 Seot. 81.
I Albert Clay,
30 Nov. 78; lion. Capt'a Nov. 88.
ist Batt., Aldershot
zad Batt., Rawul Pindee, Bengal. J The Devonshire Regiment, [Regimental District
No. II.— Exeter. 249
Formerly the nth (North Devonshire) Begiment
(The 3rd and 4th Battalions are formed of the 2nd and ist Devon Militia
The Ca stle of Exeter. " Sem^per FuleUs." "Xli.TTma'iN" "Salamanca" "Pteenees" " "
I'ears'Ser.l "Ohthes" "Toulouse" "Peninsula" "Afghanistan, 1879-80." Nivellb "N
Colonel. — Sir Fraiicis Seymour,' Burt., KCB. Ensign, Pj May 34 Li. ''16 June P4
37;Capt Sept. 40 ; Capt.
4- Lt. Colonel, '^zZ June 50; Colonel, 28 Nov. 54; Major<r General, 10
64: Lt.General,
Sept. 64; Lt.lie, 14 April 73;
General, 1 Oct. 77; Colonel nth Foot, 7 Feb. 74.
lieutenant Colonels.— 1 Edward Lee Street,^ Commanding the Battalion 1 July
87 Ensign, P21 Feb. 60; Lt.
•"S Jan. 64 ; Capt. 'i Sept. 69; Major, i July 81 Lt.Colonel, 19 May 85

2 Frederick Fitzroy Gibbons.^ Ensign, 4 July 60 ; Lt. P9 Aug. 64 Captain,• P22 July 71 • Maior
Lt.Colonel, iS Jan. 88.
j 1 ^ '-•^jor, July 81;

2 Philip Henry Smith ''i5 Jan. 63 PioJuly 66 7 Mar.
Dennett Thomas Kinder* 9 May 65 P14 Mar. 68
1 James Walker Andrews.
p.s.c. I Sept. 65 Pis July 68
2 James Herbert Yule* 1 Dec. 65 P22 Aug. 68
I Charles Edward Lang 30 Mar. 66 20 May 69
P 6
Nov. 67 P25 Sept. 69
2 p.s.c. George Dodsworth Stawell P 2 May 68 P 9 Feb. 70
2 Richard Edward Kelsall* P31 July 67 28 Oct. 71
I William PrinnNoon'" Pii Feb. 28 Oct. 71

2 James Browne 19 May 69 28 Oct. 71
2 fi.s.c. George Mackworth Bullock 24 April 72
1 James Herbert Vidal Braithwaite 31 Aug. 73
2 Samuel Keith Harries,'^ Adj. 24 Apr. 86 26 June 74
2 Cecil William Parkin 5 June 75
1 Arthur Graves Spratt 23 May 75
Herbert Batson, Adjutant ^th Battalion |
10 Sept. 75
(i Devon Militia) S
Henry Charles Carden, Adjutant 5 )
(The Hay Tor) Vol. Bn. Devon Regt. | 10 Sept. 75
George Halford D'Oyly, Aide de Camp )
to Major General K. J. Buchanan ... ) 27 June 76
2 Thomas Arthur Harkness Davies'* 11 Sept. 76
2 Frederick Clifton Briggs'* 6 Oct. 77
Edmond Talbot Stanley,'* Ordnance \
Store Department )
1 Montagu Creighton Curry, .44/. 18 July 85 13 Oct.
Hoberi Bennett, Ordnance Store Dept 13 Aug.
Henry Howard Bedingfeld,.4d/MteK< 3 '^

Volunteer Battalion Devonshire Regt. ) 13 Aug. 4 Feb. 81

2 John JIaoNeill Walter 14 Jan. 26 Nov. 80
I George John ElUcombe" II Got. I July 8:
I Mainwaring George Jacson II Aug. I July 8:
I William Boutcher Lafone II Aug. I July 8
I Kichard Hammett Kirkwood 22 Jan. 1 July 8

Vancouver Alexander Richards 22 Jan. I July
Reginald John Hall-Parlby 23 Apr. I July
Arthur John Gore 28 Jan.
PhilipUrban Walter Vigors 9 Sept.
Norton James Goodwyn 9 Sept.
Allan Laing Peebles 10 Mar.
Percival George Elgood 2? Aug.
William Theophilus Bartlett
George Joseph Fitz Maurice Soady .

Guy William George Sanders

Allen M'Conaghey
Gerald Meade Gloster
Reginald Seward Ruston
Herbert Reginald Vyvyan
Charley Blair Baldock
Edward Watkiu Wall
Joseph Gates Travers
Reynold Percy Smith
Edward George Williams
Harry Neptune Sargent
Walter Meredyth Thomas
William Bernard Lauder
Albert Andrew

Second Lieutenants.
2 Louis Jean Bols sFeb.
12 Ernest Cave Rowcroft 5 Feb.
'2 Henry Montgomery Grove 5 Feb.
2 Alfred Granville Burne Turner 5 Feb.
2 Edgar Edwin Bernard 14 Sept.
2 Harry Harvey Jones 14 Sept.
2 Charles Rattray II Feb.
2 Henry Andre tv Lash 9 May
z Percy Edward Ricketts 22 Aug.
ji Jasper Fitzgerald Radcliffe 22 Aug.
Ii Charles Spencer Warwick 31 Oct.
) '

Ben^. Suffolk Regiment.

ist nntt.,
sua Halt., Aldershot ] The [ Bury St. Edmunds.

Formerly the 12th (East Suffoil-) Eegiment.

(The 3ra ami 4th Battalions arc formed of the West Suffolk ami the Cambridge Militia respectively.)
Ke3-, nnd ilotto, Montis Insignia CaJpe. " Sbbinbapatam "
OirrtJioK" " Mi.fBKw" "Gibbaltab" the Castle,
" I.HDiA " " Socrn Afbica, 1851-2-3" " Nbw Zealand " "Afghanistan, 1878-80."
IVmt. Colonel.— John Maxwell Perceval,' Cli. Ensign, '"21 June 33; Lieut. PiS Mar. 36; Captain, ^iS May 38;
Pull Hall ''2 Apr. 30; Colonel, 2S Nov. 54; Major General, 8 Aug. 64; U.General,
P.v l'.>^ j/.i/or ""u Apr. 46; i^Cc</«Hf/,
u Kcb' -', Oenrral, 1 Oct. 77 Colonel oyth Foot, 21 Mar. 74 Colonel Suffolk Regiment. 28 Feb. 88.
; ;

Lieutenant"' Colonels.— 1 r.t.c. Richard Hebden O'Grady Haly,^ Commanding the Battalion, 7 Sept. 85;
Sntign 6 Nov. 58 X^ 11 Feb. 62 Capt. ''31 Aug. 66 Sreoet Major, 20 Nov. yg ; Major, 1 July 81 ;
; ;

Jit LI Colonel, 18 Nov. 82 Li.Colonel, 27 Aug. 84 Colonel, 18 Nov. 86.

; ;

a Jamc.« Kdward Harris, Commanding

the Battalion, 1 Aug. 88 Ensign, ^6 Jan. 60 Lt. i'3 Oct. 62 ; ; ;

Cavl ^2 Dec. 68; Major, i July 81 Lt. Colonel, 1 Apr. 86. ;

I Arthur Tower,^ Commandant Kussovlie Depot; Eniign, 10 July 66; Lt. ""s Apr. 71; Capt. 20 Apr. 78;
Major, 17 Dec. 81 Lt. Colonel, 19 May


P12 April 64 10 April 78 April 82
Thomas Baker 3
p.s.e. John Campbell Robertson Glas- ^ I May 78 7 Sept. 82
gow.» District Staff Officer, Bengal )
I Owen Williams'"' 7 Aug. 78 It Oct. 82
a John James Fox Irwin I Sept. 78 14 July 83
Arthur Staniforth Hext," Adjutant 2
| 25 June 79 14 Jul.y 83
Vol. B». Suffolk Hegiment j
a Richard Thomas Edward Dowse 11 Nov. 79 4 June 84
Charles Fairfax Hutton Riddell, ^rf/. 4")
Vol. Bn. (Cambridge University) > 2 Dec. I April 80 iSMar. 8s
Suffolk Regiment J
Charles Richard Townley,'* Adjutant > Jan. 10 April 80 April 85
Regiment [4 9
I Vol. Bn. Suffolk i
I Richard James Pike [3 Jan. 12 Oct. 8'
9 April 8s
Arthur Cotes 17 April 69 6 Nov. 8 18 June 85
p.s.c. William Randolph Routh, Dis-^
7 July 69 I Jan. 8 18 June 85
triet Staff Offeer, Bengal i
James Sidney Tillyer- Blunt, Adjtctant) Feb. Dec. 8 June 85
19 70 17 18
^Ih Battalion [Cambridge Militia) J
Charles Donovan Cave,'^ D. A. A. \ April
3 8 26 April 86
General for Musketry, Bengal J
John Logan FraseT, Adjutant i (Dun- ";

July 82
11 26 April 86
dee) Vol. lin. R. Highlanders S
1 p.s.c. Claude Kennedy 7 Sept, 26 April 86
p.s.c. Arthur John Watson'* 14 Apr. 83 21 Oct. 86
2 p.s.c. Geo. Fred. Campbell Mackenzie'^ 14 July 83
rre<ierick William Scudamoro," Adj. \
3 Battalion (.West Siffolk Militia) j
4 June 84
Charles Anthony Clare Deane 16 June
I Archibald Cyril Cubitt 1 Dec.
Alexander Maurice Leslie, "Paymo*?er
2 Feb. 85
9 Lancers J
Frank Graham" 18 Mar. 85
Arthur Faulconer Poulton,".4(//«?an<')
Volunteer Bn. Suffolk Regt.' 9 Apr. 85
3 j
Edward Arthur Kemble" 18 May 8s
Alfred Henry IMxiiop.^^ArmyPayDepart 21 Oct. 85
John Biiyly 5 Oct. 85
Henry Evelyn Tombe^ 26 Apr. 86
William Reade De-la-Pere Lloyd 15 May 86
Vivian Waldegrave Hall Graham I Sept. 86
a William Freme Coleman*' 1 Dec. 86
Julian Meade Schreiber 2 Apr. 87
a Valentine Mason Grantham, Adjufo
"'] 23 April 8 9 Jan. 88
9 Jan. 88


I Rdward Montagu ,

a Guy Edward WentworthWithington...

I Vcro Ifham
I I>eonanl Julius Shadwell.Jd/. lo Nov. 85.
a Louis Hamilton Bazalgetto
I Caitimir Henry Claude Van Straubenzee
I Cburles Frederick Lcnnock 19 Captain Lindop served with tb
a William Kuatcs '..'.'..'.'..'.....
80th Regiment in the Transvaal ii
a Bydney lloylu Stotherd November and December 1878, in the
I Uuy .Morliiiier Auduin Column under Colonel Rowlands on
... ji Cuthlierl Montague De Gruythor .!!]!!"! the Swazi border as Ordnance Ofi&cei

... I *iVilliiiiii .-M. Linvreiice Sauuders

...!.... 879, and during the invasion oi
... |i Willmni Herkuloy Wiiiliice Zululand, being present in the en-
... I Kuwiirrl l'it|iiili)u I'rust . gagement at Ulundi (Medal witll
'1 CLarlen Arthur Hugh ilriat ...........,]".]" Clasp).
I ... ja William Gordon Thumsou "!!.! 2" Captain Tombe served in
i3 Henry I'oreKriuo Leader Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, an(

... I Cecil Holierl Kryor Khedive's Star).

... I WalUT lltrberl Ncwland GIoMop !!!
" Captain Coleman served with thi
I ... I lull llii)K' Gniiit Nile Expedition in 1S84-85 attached
I ... «
GcorKc HcrbtTl Stewart Urowno' .!""!!! to the I St Battalion of the Royal
I ... '
A k'XuiulLrllniilhwiiito Morgan Sussex Regiment (Medal with Clasp,
I ... a Cliarl.-j. llfiiry Falkiiior Leslie and Khedive's Star).
J l>a«il ChiirloM lUiyuiond
... Langford

>^ alter CrtMKhlon lilair

Harry MNcalo Patterson"! 5 Feb.
S Feb.
Ilolwrt Hurroll Unwin 5 Feb.
Hamuo! Eyro Muay Lloyii 4 May

The Suffolk Begiment. 253

Second Lieutenants. ±nd^likct.

Edmund Saulez 14 Sept. 87
c Walter Andrew Fraser 16 Nov. 87
1 Frank Gadsden Davies 16 Nov. 87
2 Henry Frederick Hugh Clifford 11 Feb. 88
2 Cedric Richard Kauntze 11 Feb. 88
George Robert Douglas Stoddurt 29 Feb. 88
2 John Randolph Gorst Hopkins 10 Nov. 88
2 Frank Dalzell Finlay 28 Nov. 88

Pai/masters.—i Alex. G. H. Gardner, 6 June 85 Capfain Cheshii-e Regiment.


2 John J. F. Irwin, Major 2 Battalion (acting).

Quarter Masters.— 2 Charles Cordery, 16 Feb. 78 ; Hon. Captain, 16 Feb. S8.
I William Norris, 30 Nov. 81; Hon. Lieut.

Facings ^Yhit,e.— Agents, Messrs. Cox and Co.

ist Batt. embarked for India, 21 September 187O. 2nd Batt. returnedfrom Indit January

1 General Perceval commanded the Reserve Battalion of the 12th Regiment in the KaiBr war of 1852-53, and for
his services was nominated a CB. (Medal).
- Colonel Haly served with the 2ud Battalion York and Lancaster Regiment throughout the Egyptian war of

1882. and was present in the engagements at El Magfar and Tel-el-Mahuta, in the two actions at Kassasin, and at
the battle of Tel-el-Kcbir (Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
^ Lt.Colonel Tower served in the Egyptian war of 1882 as Brigade Major at Alexandria from the 25th August to
the lolh October (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
Major Glasgow served with the ist Battalion 12th Foot in the Afghan warin 1880 (Medal).

^" ilajor Williams served with the ist Battalion 12th Foot m
the Afghan war in 1879-S0 (Medal).
'' Major Hext served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and was present in the operations in the Lughman Valley,

with the expedition against the Khugianis, and inthe engagement at Ali Boghan (Mednl).
1- Major Townley served as Adjutant of the ist Battalion 12th Foot in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was

present in the engagement at Ali Boghan, the occupation of the Lughman Valley, and the expedition against
the Khugianis (Medal).
^^ Major Cave, Captains Mackenzie, Ponlton, Scudamore, and Graham served with the ist Battalion 12th Foot
in the Afghan war in 1879-80 (Medal).
1* Major Watson served with the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1SS4-85 as Brigade Major.
Captain Leslie served in the Egyptian war of 1882 as Acting Deputy Assistant Commissary General, Commis-
sariat and Transport StaS (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
" Captain Kemble served with the 1st BattaUon 12th Foot in the Afghan war in iSSo (Medal).

Continuation of Notes to the Prince Albert's {Somersetshire Light Infantry).

2" Lieuts. D. G. Stewart, Brocklehurst, Vallentin, Crealock, Johnstone, and Donnelly served with the Burmese
Expedition in 18S6-87 (Medal with Clasp).
Lieut. Palmer served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1887 and was present in the engagement at
'-' (mentioned in despatches. Medal, and Khedive's Star).

Lieut. Morse served in the Burmese Expedition in 1S85-87, part of the time with the Mounted Infantry
(several times mentioned in despatches, DSO., and Medal with Clasp).
25 Captain Little served in the Burmese Expedition in 1885-87 as Adjutant tD the 2nd Battalion Somer setshire

Light Infantry (Medal with Clasp).

^ Lieut. Swayne served in the Burmese Expedition in 1887 with the 2nd Battalion Somersetshire Light Infantry
(Medal with Clasp).
'* Captain Hillas served in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the engagement at Ulundi (Medal with

Continuation of Notes to the Frince of Wales' Oion {West Yorhshire Begiment).

1 General Heyland served with the 95th Regt. in the Eastern Campaign of 1854-55, including the battle of
Alma (severely wounded— arm amputated), siege and fall of Sebastopol (mentioned in despatches, Medal with
two_Clasps, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, CB., Sardinian and Turkish Medals, 4th Class of the Medjidie).
* Jjt.Colonel Harington served in the New Zealand war of 1863-65, including the actions of Kohcwa, Gate Pah
and Tauranga (Medal). Served in the Afghan war in iSSo, and was present in the affair at Mazcena and with the
Kama Expedition (Medal).
* Major Noyes served in the New Zealand war in 1864-66 (Medal). Served as Brigade Transport OflScer in the
Afghan war of 1878-80, and was present in the affair at Mazeena— wounded (mentioned in despatches. Medal).
s Major J. P.
Soote served in New Zealand during General Chute's campaign of x866 (Medal).
'1 Majors Morris and Gordon,
Captains Lester and Vialls served in the Afghan war in 1880, and were present
in the affair at Mazeena and with the Kama Expedition (Medal).
'* Captain Thruston
served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was present in the affairs at Deh Sarak (mentioned
in despatches), Banda, Kuddee, and Roghani (Medal).
" Captain Adye served in the Afghan war of 1878-80 with the 4th Goorkhas, and was present at the attack and
capture of Ali Musjid (Medal with Clasp)

Captain Schuyler served in the Afghan war of 1878-80 as Assistant Superintendent of Transport with the
Koorum Field Force (Medal).
^1 Captain MUls served with the
Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-S5 on special service
as Acting Provost Marshal.
^ Captain Wemyss served in the Afghan war in 1880 with the Khyber Field Force (Medal). Served with the
Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85 on special service in the Intelligence Department.
" Captain Walker served in the Afghan war in 18S0, and was present in the engagement at Mazeena and with
the Kama Expedition (Medal).
-* Captain Midwood.— For War Services, see Highland Light Infantry.
" Captain MacAdam served with the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85 on special
The Prince Albert's (Somersetshire Light Infantry).
.pL i.rttt., Colcbeiter. ~\
Furmerhi the ixth (ist Somersetshire) Prince [Segmental BUMct
71 V 7J T i J
Albert s Light lufantry.
LNo. 13.— Taunton.
,' •

3rJ and 4th Battalions are formed of the ist and 2ud Somerset Militia respectively.)
Dimnciw" "Egypt" (with the Sphinx). Mabtutiqub" "Ava- "Affghanistan" " Ghtjznee.' '

AMuralCro^vn, Buperscribed "Jbllalabad"

"Jb " Cabool 1842" Sbtastopol " " South Afeica,:
" '

Colonel.— ioriJ Mark Kerr,' XCJ.£njri,(7n, ''19 June 35 ii>!('. '14 Sept. 38 Ca^i/ain, ''26 June 40; Major, 2$ ; ;

July 51 LI. Colonel, ^30 Dec. 53 Colonel, 28 Nov. 54 Major General, 6 March 68; Lieutenant Goieral, 13
; ; ;

July 76- General, ii Nov. 78 Colonel 13th Light Infantry, 22 Feb. 80.

33 Lieutenant Colonelf. — « Irving Stening AlUrey,* Commanding the Jiaftalion, i 'May Sj Ensign, ^2g ^u\j s^i ;

Lt. 16 April 5S; Caft. ''21 Aug. 66; Bt. Major, 18 Sept. 79; Major, 8 May So; Lt. Colonel, i May 83;
Colonel, t May 87.
William Cox,' Cummamiing ike Battalion, i July 87 ; Ens. 2 July 55 ; Lt. 8 Jan. 58 ; Capt. p 9 Mar. 67 ;

Bt.Mnior, 59 Nov. 79 Major, 1 Dec. 80; Lt. Colonel,

; 8 May 85.


George Hibbcrt Anchite Kinloch f 8
6 Nov. 60 Oct. "18 Nov.
{Brevet Lt. Colonel, 21 June 87) j I

William Charles Frederick Madden* .... ..''28 Dec. 60 ''30 June 22 April
Robert Stuart Clarke .. 25 June 58 P
4 June ?9 Aug.
William Huntei Evans' ...1 16 Feb. 64 i'i8 April I Dec.
Hryan Bristow Twyue ...^''25 July 65 ''14 July 23 Jan.
Uugh Hovell Thurlow,* .Adjutant 3 < 4 Dec. 66 •"id Nov. Mar.
{Glamorgan) Vol lin. We'.sh Jieqt : 31
John Miller Elgee Waddy,'" Adjutant {('iiJan. ''24 Nov.
3rd Volunteer Salt.Somerset Lt.
67 10 Apr.
Arthur Close Borton, Adjutant 17
July 69 28 Oct. 9 Jan.
Middlesex Biflf Volunteers I l''24
Edward John Fownes," Adjutant 2
8 Feb. 28 Oct.
Volunteer Batt. Somerset Lt. Infantry ] 70 8 June
Battalion Somerset Militia)
{-2 j 6 IP July 70 28 Oct. 26 Feb.
Francis James Justice, '" Adj. zat Vol.
Battalion Somersetshire Light Infantry I
Pi? Aug. 70 28 Oct. 20 Mar.

a Edmund William Clark" ''27 Aug. 28 Oct. 71 20 July
Charles Herbert SmHh,Paymaster2ndBn. "lo Nov. 28 Oct. 71 18 June
I Bryan Palmes 10 Jan. 71 21 Oct.
3 Edward Morris Poynken" 12 Nov. 73 23 May
Henry Alfred Walsh," Adjutant 3 Bn. l
(I Somerset Militia) 28 Feb. 74
Anthony Lumb," Army Service Corps 12 Feb. 75
p.i.e. Raymond Burlton Williams," >
Adjutant 3 Bn. Devonshire Regiment ...j 13 June 74
Arthur Williamson Alsager Pollock"'^ 20 Nov. 75
Richard Uoyd PajTie,"_i)|SO. Adju-^
lant 3 Vol. Bn. Norfolk Begiment 5 Jan. 76
2 John Constantine Allen'* 28 April 76
1 Arthur Henry Louis Bagot 11Feb.
1 Charles Warren Napier" I May 78 26 Feb. £0
la Geo. Hen. Holbeche C3uchman,=«' X>50. II May 78 20 Mar.
.3 Courtney Heathcote Stisted I May 78 20 Nov. 80
2 Herbert Rhys Lloyd"' 7 Aug. 78 I July 81
Henry Wilson Lovett,"* D.A.A.Oeneral, )
South Australian Forces tcith local ) 21 Aug. 78 I July 81
of Major
rank- )
Robert William Goodwin Hillas," Fay\
matter i Battalion 14 Sept. 78 I July 8]

I ThomasD'Oyly Snow,*«.-ld;'«<on< 30 Dec.85 22 Jan. 79 I July 8]

I l^)bc^t Edwin Corbett 22 Jan. 79 I July 8:
1 William Charles Cox" II Aug. 80 I July 8:
2 Charles HIakoway Little" 23 Oct. 80 I July 81
Herbert Cokayno" Frith, serving with the\
Egyptian Army 28 Jan. 8;
I Monuigue Amos Foster 28 Jan. 8:

Ferdinand Mauscl Peacock'' ,
10 May
Douglas (J rant Stewart." ,.,
29 July
John Jervis Pulmor," seroing with)
Egyptian Army j 27 Jan.
George Elliott Hrisco Graham ....,
R/ibort Hn.cklchurKt,'" Adj. 16 Nov. 88... 5 Dec.
6 Feb.
Frank Alcxund.T Morse," Z)SO
4 May
Strii.lliiig LdiiiH Crealock*"" ...
10 Sept.
Arthur Barton Fox" ""' 12 Nov.
Henry Johcph Everett
Jolin Maximilian Vallcntin"" 17 Feb.
HerlHsrt Ocil JohnHtoDe">
] 1
7 Feb.
Edward Hopion Swayno" ....."!!!'..!!!!.!.
..] .
6 May
Lwinard Uoorgo Thomas Chandler...!!! 6 May
Henry .Vorriit (ilynn Hinde 6 May
Lionel WiMlfhouRo Kox» 23 Ma!y
Edward (iwyn Elger" 29 Aug.
Walter Pipon Bmithwailo*' .! 25 Nov.
Allwrt Rcgjmilcl Foord" 30 Jan.
ItolMsrt 28 Apr.
Monlrt'Hor Lfiwjg
Alure.l Fitiwilliara Johnson 25 Aug.
Charlc. Michael Richard Ryoroft ""! 25 Aug.
Thomuo Mouro Kirkwood 10 Nov.
8 Doc.

Kdward Korboii Cooke- Hurlo
5 Feb.
'^""^ "'''^\
. — ;

Years' Ser.
The Prince Albert's (SomersetsJdre Light Infantry'). 252a
Pny. Pay.
Second Lieutenants. 2s Lieut.
A. B. Fox served with the Burmese
I James Ends Ubsdell 5 Fob. 87 Expeditiuu in 1885-86, and was severely wounded
I Amherst Blunt Whatman 4 May
87 in an engagement at Hinj-owah on t,ho 2isD
1 Arthur Gerald Boyle 4 May
87 March 1886 (Medal with Clasp).
Robert William Ulairmonte Keays. 4 Sept. 87 ^" Lieuts. L. W. i'ox and Braithwaite
2 Arthur Poole Shewell 6 Nov. 87 with the Burmese Expedition in 1886-S7 with the
I William Hartley Maud 1 Feb. 88 and Battalion Somersetshire Light Infantry
I George Bell Roney-Dougal I Feb. 88 (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp).
I Adelbert Orlando Cockaj^ne Cust ,
9 May
38 ^1 Lieuts. Elger and Foord served with the
I Owen Davys Rigg 9 May
88 Burmese Expedition in 1886-87 with the and Bat-
Francis William Claude Lyon 8 Dec. 88 talion Somersetshire Light Infantry (Medal with
Paymasters.—1 Charles H. Smith, 13 Oct. ^ Captain 2 -Battalion.
1 Robert W. G. Hillas.s* 30 Ji me 86 Captain Somerset Light Infantry

Quarter Masters. i Edward George Lee, 7 Feb. 83 Hon. Lieut.

2 Lawi'cnce Donnelly ,^^ 2 June 86 ; Hon. Lieut.

Facings Blue. AgenU, Messrs. Cox and Co.

\st Battalion returned from Natal, 1879. 2nd Battalion emlarkei fcr Malt i, 27 July 1877.

1 Lord Mark Kerr commanded the 13th Light Infantry in the Crimea from the 30th June 1855, and was at the
battle of the Tchemaya, siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, Turkish Medal, and 5th Class of the Medii-
die). Commanded the istBattaUon 13th from the 3rd Oct. 1857 in suppression of the Indian mutiny. Commanded
the field force of Artillery Cavalry and Infantry at the relief of Azimghur on 6th April 1858 {CB. and thanked by
the Governor General for " the gallantry and skilful management which met and broke through a very formidable
opposition"). Commanded the Battalion in the escort of a large convoy of stores and ammunition into the garrison
of Azimghur on gth April and the subsequent pursuit of Koer Sing's army on 14th April crossed the Ganges and ;

00k c ommand of the field force in the Shahabad District. Commanded the field force of Artillery Cavalry and
Infantry in the attack on and retreat from the Fort of Jugdespore (wounded) Commanded the Battalion in the

Trans-Gogra campaign, including the action at Toolsepore and during December and in January 1859, in the pur-
suit of rebels ( Medal).
2 Colonel Allfrey served with the 6fa Regt. in the Indian campaign in 1858, including the
operations in the
Jugdespore Jungle (Medal). Served in Natal during the Zulu war of 1879 (Medal).
3 Lt.Colonel Cox served in the Indian campaign, and was present in the two actions at Amorah on 17th
25th April i858,in the firstof which he commanded the Skirmishers in a successful attack on the enemy's left(Medal).
Served in the operations against Sekukuni in 1878, and present at the storming of Tolyana's Stadt. Served with
Wood's Column in the Zulu war of 1879, and present in the engagements at Zungin Nek and Kambula— severely
wounded (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp). Served with the Burmese Expedition in 1886 with the Nyingyaii
Column in command of a wing of the 2nd Battalion Somersetshire Light Infantry detached from Head Quarters
(Medal with Clasp).
* Lt.Colonel Kinlocb and Major Thurlow served in the operations against Sekukuni in the Transvaal in
also throughout the Zulu warof 1879, and were present in the engagements at Zungin Nek, Kambula Hill, and'
Ulundi (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Burmese Expedition in 1886-87, with the 2nd Battalion Somersetshire
Light Infantry (Medal with Clasp).
5 Major Madden served with the Burmese Expedition in 1885-87 with the 2nd Battalion
Somersetshu-o Light
Infantry (Medal with Clasp)
Major Evans served in the operations against Sekukuni in the Transvaal in 1878; also throughout the Zulu
war of 1879, and was present in the engagements at Zungin Nek, Kambula Hill, and Ulundi (Medal with Clasp).
Served with the Burmese Expedition m
1885-86 with the 2nd Battalion Somersetshire Light Infantry (Medal
with Clasp).
1" Major Justice served in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in
the engagement at Ulundi (Medal with
13 Majors Waddy, Fownes, and Gallwey, Captains Clark and WiUiams served in the operations
against Sekukuni
in the Transvaal in 1S78, including the storming of Tolyana's Stadt; also throughout the Zulu war of 1879— Major
Gallwey as Adjutant of the ist Battalion— and were present in the engagements of Zungin Nek Kambula Hill,
and Ulundi (Medal with Clasp).
1* Captain Poynton served in the operations against Sekukuni in the Transvaal in
1878 including the storming
of Tolyana's Stadt; also throughout the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the engagements of Zungin Nek,
Kambula Hill, and Ulundi (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Burmese Expedition in 1885-86 with the Tonghoo °
Column (Medal with Clasp).
15 Captain Lumb served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Medal with Clasp,
and Khedive's Star); also
served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86 including the engagement at Giniss.
18 Captain Pollock served in the operations against Sekukuni in the Transvaal
in 1878; also throughout the
Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the engagements at Zungin Nek, Kambula Hill, and Ulundi (Medal with
Clasp). Served with the expedition to the Soudan in 1885 in command of the 12th company of the Commissariat
and Transport CoriJs, as Transport Officer to the 2nd Brigade, and was present in the engagements at Hasheeu
and the Tofrek zereba and at the destruction of Temai (Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
" Captain Payne served in the operations against Sekukuni in the Transvaal in 1878, including the storming of
Tolyana's Stadt ; also throughout the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the engagements of Zungin Nek,
Kambula HiU, and Ulandi (Medal with Clasp). Served with the Burmese Expedition in 1885-86 with the 2nd
Battalion Somersetshire Light Infantry (mentioned in despatches, DSO., and Medal with Clasp).
18 Captain Allen served in the operations
against Sekukuni in the Transvaal in 187S, including the .storm-
ing of Tolyana's Stadt; also throughout the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the engagement at Ulundi
(Medal with Clasp).
19 Captain Napier served in the Burmese
Expedition in 1885-87 with the 2nd Battalion Somersetshire Light
Infantry (Medal with Clasp).
20 Captain Couchman served with
the Burmese Expedition in 1885-87 with the 2nd Battalion Somersetshire
Light Infantry (twice mentioned in despatches, DSO., Medal with Clasp).
21 Captain Lloyd served in
the Burmese Expedition in 1886-87 with the 2nd Battalion Somersetshire Light
Infantry (Medal with Clasp).
22 Major Lovctt served throughout
the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the engagements at Zungin Nek
and Kambula Hill (Medal with Clasp). Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 in the Egyptian army
(mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Bur-
mese Expedition in 1886-87 with the ynd Battalion Somersetshire Light Infantry (Medal with Clasp).
-3 Captain Snow served in the Zulu war of
1879 (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Nile Expedition in 1S84-85
with the Moimted Infantry of the Camel Corps, and was present in the actions at Abu Klea and Abu Kru—
Eeverely wounded (Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
" Captain Cox served with the Burmese Expedition in 1886-87 with the 2nd Battalion Somersetshire Li"-ht
Infantry, and was slightly wounded in an engagement on the 22nd March 1S87 (Medal with Clasp).
25 Lieut. Peacock served with the Burmese Expedition in 1885-S7,
with the 2nd Batta.ion Somersetshire Li^ht
Infantry, and was slightly wounded in an engagement near Hhnedet on the 5th April (mentioned in desDatchea
Medal with Clasp). '

[_For remainder of Notes, see end of SutTolk Kegiment, p. 251.

. 1 ;

The Prince of Wales' Own (West Yorkshire Regiment).

81 Bat t Ffrmoy Foniicrh/ the 14th (BucJilngJiamshire
rHec/imental District
LNo. i4.-York.
^'/^j, J^rillCe
of Wllhs' Oivu) Eegiment.
(Tlie 3rJ ami 4th lUttalions are formed of the 2nd
and 4th West York Militia respectively.)
TktPrincto/n'alf' Flume. The White Horse. " Nee asperaterrent."-
'Touenat" "Cobunna'
.^ ^ „ ^
"'Java " " Waterloo " " Bhuetpobb " The Royal Tiger, superscribed India."
"Sbvasiopol" "New Zealand" "Afghanistan, 1879-S0."
Heyland,' rjS..i:HW^«, •'4 April 33 i^-/i8 July 36; Ca^ji. 1-13 Dec 42; St Major,
Vw»S„. ,Colonel.-Alfrc(l Thomfts
""-' ;

ju„o 54: -V-yor. ,
Dec. 54: Bt.Lt. Colonel, 12 Dec. S4 Mar.
General, 12 April 81 jCoZoneZ 14th Foot 21 Nov. So
; Lt-f^li^'^J''^' 5 3^^<^ Si', ^ 58
af..,or Mar. -63 Lt.General,
Gr,,m,/, 6 i Oct. 77;
" ;
-' ' - '
Lieutenant Colonels.— 2 Richard Seymour Lemon, Commanding
' ' '- the Bt
Battalion, 20 ilar.Sj; Ensign, ^2^ Bee.
Capt. 32 June 70 Major, i July Si Lt.Colonel, 23 Dec. 85.

57 U. '& Oct. 58 ; ;

Ensign, ^28 May 58 ; Li. ^3 Oct, 62

; ;

I Frederick William Harington,"

Commanding the Battalion, 7 Mar. 8 ; j

Capl.i May 72; Major, i July 81 Lt.Colonel, 7 March r' ;

Hajobs. 2ND LIEUT.
Robert Graham Foster Fi^ott.Adjutaiit ) f
4 Aug. 63 P29 May 67 8 Dec. 24 Jan. 82
^Battalio» (4 ^fest York Militia) S
3 Arthnr Walter Noj-es'' 9 Mar. 64 i'i4Aug. 67 16 Feb. 7 Mar. 82
I Charles Alexander Morris"
7 Aug. 67 28 Oct. 71 II May II Nov. 82
3 Charles Steward Gordon", Command- \ ''27 June 6i 28 Oct. 71 24 Jan. 20 Mar. 83
ing Standing Camp, Dalhoutie S
P 25 Apr. 6 28 Oct. 71 14 Dec. 28 Sept. 82
1 James I'owrio Sootc*
II Dec. 66 21 July 4 Mar. S Sept. 83
2 Adolphus James Price 71
P17 Oct. 67 28 Oct. 71 15 Mar. 23 Dec. 8s
1 Alfred RuttlcdKc" -
Feb. 8 June 70 I Jan. 26 July 86
3 Charles David Kerrier 5
Thomas William Lanyon I'cnno, Adj. 5 )
30 Dec. 71 13 Mar.
Volunteer Battalion Liverpool Uegt. ... j
J Gerald Grant-Dalton 8 June 72 18 May
2 John Walter Thruston," Station Staff') 10 Sept. 75 I July
Qfflier, Ifgnee J
Capel GeorRO Adye,'' Adjutant 3 Bn. ... 20 Nov. 75 6 Nov.
1 Edward Ellison Sutton Schuyler'^ 20 Nov 24 Jan.
2 p.i.e. Frederick Walter Kitchener," >
11 Sept. 76 11 Nov.
Station Staff Officer. KustovUe i
Edward Cyril Mills,-' Adj. 3 Vol. Bn.\
29 Oct. 76
We,l Yorkihire Ucgt J
Acheson Whitmoro St. George, Adj. i )
23 Jan. 78 28 June 78 28 Feb.
Vol.Bn. Witt Yorkshire liegf J
I William Robert Cornwallis Baird'* 30 Jan. 78 17 Aug.
78' 25 July
I Charles Uay Cox 30 Jan. 78 19 Sept. 2 Apr.
3 Hugh Alexander Vowell I May 78 1 Nov. 10 Sept. 84
1 Cecil Morris Lester," at Staff College ... I May 78 19 Feb. 23 Dec. 85
p.s.c. George Wemyss," Staff Captain}
Intelligence Branch, War Office
II May 78 15 Nov. 79 26 Jan.
2 William Fry,'" Adjutant 1 Jan. 85 II May 78 7 Jan. 80 26 Jan.
I Charles Percival Barchard*' II May 24 Jan. 80 I Apr.
1 Clement John Malcolm Heigham, )
I Apr.
4 Dec. 2 Oct. 80
Adjutant Dec. 84 3 S
Henry Walker," Adj. 2 Vol. Bn. Wettl 22 Jan. Jan. 26 July
I 81
Yorkshire Eegt /
2 George William Swaine 22 Jan. 18 May 81 20 Mar.
2 Ilarry George Vialls" 22 Jan. T3Mar. 81 25 Oct.
Francis Robert Preston MacAdam" 22 Jan. 18 June 81 7 Mar.
James Corbet Yale I July 8 I Sept.
Harold Ra.sil Sept. Critchley-Salmonson I July 79 iJuly 81
Herbert Edward Watts 17 April So I July Major] Rnttledge served in the
Arthur Noel R')l)crts, Army Service Corps [1 Aug. 1 July Afghan war in 187S-79 as Transport
I Thomas Rawdon liattray Ward 22 Oct. Officer with the ist Division under Sir
1 Henry O'DoniioU 10 May Samuel Browne (Medal).
2 Walter deSausmarezCayley 10 Mar. " Captain Kitchener served in the
I George Sndleir Boinford 6 Feb. Afghan war of 187S-80 as Transport
I Dudley Henry Alexander 12 Nov. Officer Cabul Field Force, and was
rx»lic Napier Younfifhuflband 7 Feb. present in the advance on Cabul under
1 George Fraaer Phillips 6 May Sir F. Roberts, in the engagement at
Hubert Uajiil Cosmo Trevor 6 May Charasiab on the 6th October 1879,
Edmund Johnston Drummond 20 Aug. in the affair at Karez Meer, in the
FrniiciH Williiim Towsey 25 Nov. operations in the Chardeh Valley, at
Arthur James Stephen 10 Mar. the defence of Sherpore, and with the
Froncin Barrow I'oarco 25 Aug. Kama Expedition (mentioned in de-
Sbcom) Libutkhants. spatches, Medal with two Clasps).
Henry Twc<ldull 5 Feb. 1* Captain Baird served in the
Aloxunrler James Badcock 5 Feb. Afghan war in 1880, and took part in
2 Thorna:i Percy Barrington 5 Feb. the Kama Expedition (Medal).
IlolHirt Free Lush Feb. '^ Captain Fry served in the Afghan
(iodfrcy (icorgo Lang sFeb. war in 1879-S0 (Medal).
Uichiir'd Hu'viird Carlisle 4 May ^^ Captain Barchard served the m
I Tboinan Hugh Borney 4 May Afghan war in 1879-80 as Brigade
a CbnrloK KruoHt Bliiis 14 Sept. Transport Officer 2nd Brigade Re-
3 Arthur Alexander Fisher 14 Sept. serve Division, and subsequently as
Horlx-rt Don Vtunx 28 Sept. Orderly Officer to Brigadier General
John B<al»on Bull n Feb. Hill, Commanding 3rd Division
HaroM Kdmuud Hitching 1 1 Fob. Khyber Line Force (Medal).
Alexander Liinond II Fob. \_For remainder of Notes, see end of
Arthur George Cuyley II Fob. iffolk Regiment, p. 251.
ChHrloA HuHketh Grant Mooro J I Fob. Facings White. —
Agents, Messrs.
ciinrloii ll<Hl<'rick HaolugunllutolxinBon Cox and Co.
(•••., rifo lliirrv Drew 2 Aug. is< Battalion returned from Malta,
I«vunnx Haldiine
CluirlcH .'...'.'...'....
o Nov. 879. 2nd Battalion embarked for
Wnrd KHiixiiiiircz •' arey 4 Nov. Bengal, 1878.
t Umrry do Burgh t'r)rlrington 8 Nov.
UcgliiuM Mcrtiiti HarfT Doc. 8
fagmttttrs Kdward
E. 8. 8chuylor,"i Captain i Battalion (aclinq).

3 llarrmon .Midwood,"' 9 March 85 Captain Highland Light IitfMtrj, ;

Qmarlir Uiul»rs.—t Uobert Scott, 12 Fob. 81 JIon.Lieut. ;

I William Henry Lowing,

25 July 88; Son. JAeut,

2ndBlu:,lh"effiefd'"''*- 1 The East Yorkshire Regiment.

'""'''' 2^4
Formerly the 15^/i {Yorkshire East RkUng) lier/imenL'
(TLe 3rd Battalion is formed of the York ililitia the 4th Battalion is not yet ;
formed )
The Rose.
"sJUEBBC, 17^9

Colonel.— Edward George "Wyn3-ara,i ^nsi'jH, 12 May 37; £•««. 4- Lieut Pn Tnr, .0 r- * / /^ ^ .

^.S0ct.42i Capt. ^ Lt.Colonel. 20 June%4 Wo-" 4" Colonelj iL L Mai!f.'r'^"J;'^' ^'''''

LtMeneral, i Oct. 77 General, i July
Colonel East Yorkshire Re"^ment
; 81
, InU R«
° '
Lieutenant Colonels.-? Albert Edward Hamilton Smyth,-' Commandina''the
Battalion 6^'pr^f Re 7r„»,>„
'° """" ' ""'' '^ ^"^''- "^ '""'^ '' ''"'"'-' '' """'^ '^' ^'-^"'-S 30 l^T^\
'' -•


1 Henry Evan Pateshall Thomas P
9 July 62 3 Aug. 64IP27 Aug. 70
p.s.c. Coleridge Grovo.i! CB. (Bt.Lt.Col. i
I July 81
i8 Nov. 82; CoL 15 June 85), A.A. \ PiyMar. 63 5 June 66 P30 Aug. 71
General, War Office )
I July 81

Henry Bellingham Le llottiSe* P22 Jan. 64 I Jan. 67 12 Nov. 73

William Henrv Daniel I July 81
p.s.c. 28 June 64 8 Feb. 68 7 July 75
p.s.c. Ralph Edw. Allen^ {Bt.Lt. Colonel, 26 Feb. 82
\ " 7 April 65 2 June 69 21 Oct.
g 8s), D.A.A. Gen. Chatham )
Deo. 76 26 July 82
Delves Broughton, Adjutant ^rd Sat- }
23 June 65 '24 July 69 Mar.
talion (East York Militia) > 17 77 3 May 84
2 William Charles James Lacy IS Aug. 66 Dec. 69 11 July 77
Arthur Ansell Bogps," Adjutant 3 Bat- ) 30 June 84
(Cumberland Militia) ••iSJuly 62 ''30 Jan. 66 16 Apr.
talion j"
73 6 Aug. 83
FrederickSoymourAll6n,-4ci/M/on/ sBat- \
8 Nov. 68 P24 Sept. 70 Aug.
talionlrishFusiliers (Monaghan Militia) j
is 77 6 May 96
Philip Ashby Mettam Pearson, 4(i/«?a«< \
2 Volunteer Bn. East Yorkshire Ilegt. .. j
I Jan. 67 PioFeb. 69 Nov. 7S
I 6 S ;pt. 88

Geo. Hamilton Johnston,!' ^rf/. I Oct. 84 8 July 28 Oct. 71 20 Feb. 79
George Charles Kynaston Pigott
Koupell,'^ District P24 July
Staff Officer, \
28 Oct. 71 17 May 79
Thomas George Shortland," Adjutant ) ''25 Sept.
Volunteer Bn. E. Yorkshire Regt. 28 Oct. 71 27 Dec. 79
I ...j
Frederick George Pogson^ P27 Aug. 28 Oct. 71 4 Mar. 82
John Robert Young 6 Mar. 72 26 July ;82
Walter Waterfield Wardi^ 30 AprU 73 25 Jan. 84
Cecil Francis Garnett^' 2SFeb. 74 May
3 84
p.s.c. Francis Seymour Inglefield, Bri-

gade Major, Gibraltar j

13 June 74 30 June 84
Lawrence Litchfield Steele,^* District \
2 Dec. 74 Oct.
Staff Officer, Nagpore j I 84
George Hay MontgomerieConran'3 12 Feb. 76 1 Oct. 84
Edward Frankland Gosset 17 May 76 2 Mar. 85
Bruce Meade Hamilton, i^ Aide de Camp 7
to the Governor of Bombay 3 9 May 78 5 May 86
Edmund AshtonOgle, Adjutant 6 Jan. 86 15 Aug. 31 May 78 5 May 86
Thomas Nock Bagnall 13 Oct. I Aug. 78 5 May 86
Hastings St. Leger Wood,i7 DSO., on \
Special Service, Burmah )
31 Oct. 30 Nov. 78 6 May 86
Ashley Edmund Mackenzie iMay I Apr. 8: 12 May 86
Cecil Francis Harrison 7 Aug. I July 8 2 May 87
Wilbraham Thomas Davies'^ 25 May I July S 7 May 87
Herbert Joseph Guyon 21 July 26 May 81
17 Aug. 87
Charles Henry Wray Maunsell'^ 23 July I July 8 2 Sept. 87
Charles Mulcaster Harding 6 Aug. I July 81
" 6 Sept. 87
John Ramsay Fred. Sladen'^ 14 Jan. I July 6 Sept. 88
William Pery Standish 19 Feb. I July 21 Sept. 88

Arthur Johnstone Richardson Sept.
George William Priestley Sept.
Henry Dowsley Stacpole'^ Sept.
Henry Haggard Mar.
Hugh Robinson Pease May
Leonard Henry Orde Dec. '6 Captain Hamilton served with
Frederick William Hill May the 15th Regiment in the Afghan war
Richard Erie Benson May in 1880 with the force under Major
Edward Gloster May General Phayre (Medal). Served in
Thomas Gibbons Hawkesworth Smyth May the Boer war of iSSi as Aide de
James Stuart Knox May Camp to Sir George OoUey, and was
William Southall Reid May May present in the engagement at the In-
Broadley Harrison May gogoRiver(mentioned in despatches);
Charles Arthur Prioleau May afterwards served as Aide de Camp
Charles Dalton Edwards Aug. to Sir Evelyn Wood until the con-
Stanislaus Michael Tighe Aug. clusion of operations.
Edward Albert Bramhall Aug.
Arundel Sinclair Begbie Aug.
Henry Montague Cliiton Hawkes Nov.
Harry Gordon Benn Nov.
William Swinton Jacob Dec.
Edward William Anketell Jones Dec.
Alex. Percy Dunbar Carmatt Stuart .. Dec.
Charles Sumner Timius Dec.

Second Lieutenants.
George Henry Hancock sFeb.
John Gibbings Westropp 5 Feb. 87
2 John Mary Camilleri 6 July 87
2 Beauchamp St. Clair-Ford 14 Sept. 87

254* The East Yorlshire Begiment.

2NDLIBUT. 1' Captain "Wood served in the Afg-han war in
SlCOJTB LlBUTBJrAirTS, 1S79-80 as Transport Officer Candahar Field Force,
a Michael Jauies Swreetman 14 Sept.87J and was present at the defence of Candahar and
Hubert Cecil Prichani |ii Feb. 88}
acted as Orderly Officer to Brigadier General
William Herbert Armstrong 27 June 88 Brooke in the sortie of Deh Khojah— severely
Angustns John Cureton 22 Aug. 88j woundedand horse killed (Medal). Sensed with the
Hurdis SecnnrtuB Lalande Ravenshaw 8 Dec. 88, Nile Expedition in 1884-85 on special service (men-
Henrj- Robert PritUe Perry Dec. tioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp, and Khe-
Richard Anson Firth.. 8 Dec.
dive's Star). Served with the Burmese Expedition
in 1887 as Brigade Transport Officer (mentioned in
despatches, DSO., and Medal with Clasp).
'8 Lieut. Stacpole served in the Zulu war in
(Medal with Clasp).
PafuaHer:—3 James A. R. Bell, 12 Apr. 81 ; Ennq; 3. 67 ; Lt. z8 Oct. I Capt. 23 Apr. 79 ; Son.
James S. Knox, Lieutenant i Battalion {acting). -Mai
[Major, 12 Apr. 86.
Quarter i{<uitr$. —2 William Speak, 24 Sept. 84; Son. Lieut.
1 Frank Pye, Lieut.
12 Jan. 87 ; Hon.
Facingt White.— Age7>fs, Messrs. Cox and Co.
If/ Battalion rmharlcedfor Gihraitur, 17 March 18S5. 2n(f Battalion returned from Aden, 12 Dec.

General Wynyard served with the Grenadier Guards in the Crimea from April 1855, including the siege and
fall of Sebafitopol (Medal with Clasp, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
• Colonel Smyth served with the 2nd Battalion 15th Foot in the Afghan war in 1880 with the Candahar Field
Force under Major General Phayre (Medal).
• Colonel Grove served in Egyptian war of 1882 as Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quarter Master General on
the Head Quarters Staff, and was present at the engagements of Tel-el-Mahuta and Kassasin (9th Sept.), and
in the battle of Tol-cl-Kcbir (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lieut.Colonel, Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of
the Osmanich, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 and in the campaign in the
Soudan in 18S5 as Assistant Adjutant General for Boat Service; Commandant at Gemal, and Assistant Adjutant
G«ner&l and Actinp Military Secretarj- at Head Quarters (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Colonel, two Clasps).
• Miyor Le Mott«'e ser\-ed with the 2nd Battalion 15th Foot in the Afghan war in iSSo with the Candahar Field
Force under Major General Phayre (Medal).
» Lt.Colonel Allen served with the Bechaanaland Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85 as Deputy
.Kssistant Adiutani and Quarter Master General (Brevet of Lt.Colonel).
" Major BoRRs served with the 55th Regiment in the Bhootan Expedition in 1865 (Medal with Clasp).
" Captain PoRSon served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 as Transport Officer (Medal).
•> Captains Johnston, Ronpell, Shortland. Ward, Garnett, Conran, Davies, and Maunsell served with the
llattolion 15th Foot in the Afghan war in 1880 with the Candahar Field Force under Major General Phayre (Medal).
' Captain Steele served as Adjutant of the 2nd Battalion isth Foot in the Afghan war in 1880 with the
Candahar Field Fcrcc under Major General Phayre (Medal).
i» Captain Sindcn served with the 2nd Battalion
15th Foot in the Afghan war in 1880 with the Candahar Field
Force under Major General PhnjTe (Medal). Served in the Burmese Expedition in 1887 with the Mounted
Infantry (Medal with Clasp).

Continuation of Notes to the Leicestershire Begiment.

> Earl Howe served aa Aide do Camp to Sir George Cathcart in
the Kaffir war in 1852-53 (Medal), for which ser-
vice ho w,iH promoted tothe Brevet rank of Major. Served at the siege of Delhi in 1857, as •a^i-i.iiig
Acting W"a,i lci Master
Quarter ix^asier
Cioncml of ihc Qooon's Troops (Colonel, CB., Medal with Clasp).
'• Miijor Moir nerved with the 17th
Regiment in the Afghan war in 187S-79, and was present at the capture of

"ku,rr ,^ Hcrvcd '5°0'-"°; Valley in 1879-80 (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
M_«;or Vni
V,.ll>,.my J. with
. .,
the 17th RegLment in the Afghan war in 1878-79, and
of AhMuhji.l iind III the oxpcditionH into the Bazar Valley
was present at the capture
(Medal with ClasD)"
Major <le liurRh serve.l with the 17th Regiment in the Afghan

war in iSToWedal).
!>.« nl'il'L fx^x? *"/"'' .'"'''. ^'"' '^^^- '.Regiment as Adjutant in the Afghan war in 1878-79, and was present at
expeditions into the Bazar Valley (Medal with Clasp)' "' ^
.. r^"^*^ •,:l^,*'""J"','^''.l".l''"'
roed Hcrvcd with the .7th Regiment in the Afghan

All i. '^ war in 1878-79 and was nresent it the cintnre of

'?• '^^^,-^9
"''''^'•'y 0"""=" to Brigadier General Cobbe. and was
» -B.^ir, M'lf?, ^
"'^''^Kotal mentioned in desi)atches.
( .
Medal with Clasp).
^''^ ^'"'^""^'^ ^^^ '^ '878-79. and was nresent in the
cnRn«" ^, t a .1 ^r « .roiru.rcu/.t 't ^'T"'' 'I'l^'^'-^','"
»' r» U IiVh T, r ve w th^^^^^^^^
" "'. ^^' "''''.^C'luent occupation of Cabul (Medal with CUisp)

and 1:!.";.^ .v."t\?; ^m:.^!;.',:,i';r.^;i:na';;L';: vaiKTaj ^'^^ '^' ^^^^'^'"'^ ^^ ^^° ^-'^ ^«^"«-^ ^-^^ ^^--^
-- &i;7;'hr;o ClwU'Ld'^Xr'^^^^^^^ ''''• "'^'^ """' ''''''''' ^^ '^' engagement at the Tofreb

Regimental District
^nSllls^cttrtad.Maaras.] The Bedfordshire Regiment. [Z': Bedford. 255
Formerlij the iGtlt (The BcdfunUItire) lieqiinent.
The 3rd and 4th Battalions are formed of the Bedford and Hertford ^lilitia respectively.)
The Rose. " Blenheim " " Ramillibs" " Oudenakuk " " Mai.pi.aqukt."
Years' Ser. Colonel,— Edward Stopford Claremont.i CB. Ensign, Tg Feb. 38 Lieut. Capt. I'm -Nov. ;

Major, 12 Dec. 54; Lt. Colonel, 14 Sept. 55; Colonel, 14 Sept. 58; Major General, 6 March 68; Lieuf.
General, Oct. 77 General, 1 July 81 Colonel Bedfordshire Regiment, 2 March 83.
i ; ;

Lieutenant Colonels.— 2 p.s.c. Reginald Laurence Herbert Curteis, Commanding the Battalion, i July 87; En>.
5 Jan. 60; Lt. »'22 Mar. 64; Cajit.
P14 Sept. 67; Ma/ur, 10 Oct.
79; Lf.Colonei, ioOct.84; Colonel, ioOct.88.
I John liloyd Price, Ensign, ^i June 60 Lieut. P9 Aug. 64
; Cajit. Pi Oct. 70 Major, i July 81 Lt.Colonel,
; ; ;

TO Oct. 88.

2 Granville Vernon •"
9 Aug. 64' 29 Nov. 66 ''28 Oct. 7> I July
2 Hillyard Henry Angus Cameron Pi 6 Aug. 64 14 Aug. 67 19 Mar. 74 I July
2 p.s.c. Alexander Martin Paterson* 10 Oct. 65 9 Oct. 67 30 Oct. 74. I July
I Arthur Grev Duberly^ 29 Dec. 65 7 Dec. 67 28 Dec. 74' . July
Edmund Hill Wickham,^dyK<aM(! i Vol.
\ P I May 67
Bn. Bedford Begt 3 Feb. 70 S Jan. 76 t Sept.
I Frederick John Harden April 68 '23 Nov. 70 o Oct.
William Henry Young, Adjutant 3 Bn. ... P20 June 6SP30N0V. 70' 30 Dee. 76 7 Mar.
Francis Fawkes Johnstone, Adjutant
2 Sept. 68 P22 Feb. 71 10 Sept. 77 10 Oct.
Madras Haihcay Volunteers )
I George Dalrymple More Nisbett 2$ Oct. 9 Mar. 7(
Justice Chapman Tilly,.-ii'/H/an^ 3 Vol.')
Battalion Bedfordshire Kegiment j 28 Oct. 30 Apr. 71
' General Clareraont
William Henry Riddcll,2>.^.^.Ge«eran served as Assistant Com-
for Munkeiry, Madras j 30 Dec. 19 June 71
missiOLier at the Head
I Frederick Williams Becher 2T Sept. 10 Oct. 7 Quarters of the French
Robert Mercer Barry, Adjutant 4 Bn. ... 12 Nov. I Dec. 8 Army throughout the
1 William Aldworth,* jDSO 13 June 30 Mar. 8 Eastern campaign of
2 James Archibald Campbell 9 Aug. 29 June 8 1854 and up to the 6th
Clavell Freeland Filliter,' Adjutant ) August 1855, including
Ranqoon Rifle Volunteers 28 Oct. 21 Sept. 7
3 the battles of Alma, Bal-
I Alfred Robert Lloyd 2 Dec. I Sept. 83 aklava, and Inkerman,

George Herbert Tayler Swinton, Adju- ) Ant, o, and siege of Sebastopol

tant : 'ol. Bn. Bedford Regt.
2 Dec. "
'Medal with four Clasps,

p.«.c.Wentworth Odiarne Cavenagh,/«- Brevets of Major and Lt.

strucfor Royal Military College 11 Feb. 14 Jan. 85
, Colonel, CB., Officer of
Wilford Laurence Child 10 Sept. 14 Jan. 85 the Legion of Honor, and
Theodore Gordon Barclay 9 Aug. 4 Oct. 84 4th Class of the Medji-
2 Affleck Alexander Fraser 21 Sept. 10 Aug. 85 die). Was also employed
George John Ninian Logan-Home 20 Nov. 4 Oct. 85 at the Head Quarters of
Charles Du Plat Richardson-Gnffiths,^' the French Army during
Adjutant 3 Bn. S. Lancashire Regiment 20 Nov. 4 Oct. 8s
the Italian campaign in
2 Thomas Hammond I Mny 78 28 Feb. I July 87 1859, and was present at
2 Charles Moorehead Hamilton 5 Oct. 12 April 6July 87 the battles of Magenta
3 Edward Duroure Pickard-Cambridge'''. 22 Jan. 79 6 June 30 Sept. 87 and Solferino (Medal).
Launcelot Croasdaile 6 Aug. 79 20 Sept. 7 Mar. 88 Promoted to Command-
2 Henry Tufton Godden, Adj. i Jan. 88 . 13 Aug. 79 29 Apr. 7 Mar. 88 erof theLegionof Honor
2 John Stanley Lightfoot 29 Nov. 10 Oct. 88 in 1869. Was present in
LiBUTENANTS. Pans, as Military Attached, during
Rogers Lyons Cowper-Coles, Army ] the greater portion of the period of
Service Corps
13 Aug. 79 29 June
J its siege and bombardment by the
1 Theodore Longridge, Adjutant i May 8 [4 Jan. I July German Army in 1870.
2 Vernon Eliott Russell ,
22 Oct. ' MiijorPatersou served as Deputy
I Percy Thuillier Westmorland 9 Sept. Assistant Quarter Master General
Frederick Charles Boehmer,^ ^rf/;(/a«< , at Durban during the latter part of
East India Railway Volunteers 31 Oct.
J the Zulu war of 1879 (Medal),
1 Thomas Ernie Fowle 5 Dec. 3 Major Duberly.— See Civil Deco-
2 Duncan Patrick 6 Feb. rations for Gallantrj', p. 128.
William Thomas Wilson Scott 6 Feb. ' Captain Filliter served throughout
2 Arthur Frederick Pereira 12 Nov. the Ashantiwarof 1873-74. Was sent
2 Henry Wise Unert Coates 7 Feb. as Special Commissioner to King
1 Rowan Hamilton Lee Warner 7 Feb. Solomon of Domonassie and raised
2 John Edward Laurie 12 Nov. over 500 Native Levies, and com-
Benjamin John Heury Humfrey 30 Jan. manded a portion of them in the en-
Stepheu Repton Stevens 30 Jan. gagements of the 27th Oct, (slightly
I Benjamin Robert Roche 28 Apr. wounded) and 3rd November near
Cyril Edward Wood 25 Aug. Dunquah. On the arrival of the
1 John Waller Orchard 10 Nov. European Troops was appointed
2 Louis Sidney Buolt Dunbar' Feb. 87 21 Dec. Transport Officer to the Ritie Bri-
Harry Clifford Franks 21 July gade and, from arrival atFommanah

George Arthur Dale S Feb. 87 17 Oct. acted as Adjutant of the 2nd West
Edward William Anson Firth 4 May 17 Oct. India Reg:iment (Medal with Clasp).
2 Robert L^once Owens 21 May 5 Dec. ' Captain Pickard - Cambridge
Second LiEurKNANTS. served with the Burmese Expedition
George Richard Oakes 4 May
87 in 1S86-87 (mentioned in despatches,
2 Charles Richard Jebb Griffith 14 Sent. 87 Medal with Clasp).
I George William Dundas 14 Sept. 87
[For remainder of Notes, see end of
I John Murray Traill 16 Nov. 87
Frederick Hugh Hiddingh Jeffcoat 16 Nov. 87 Royal Irish Regiment, p. 258a.
1 Joseph H erbert Wansbrough 16 Nov. 87 Facings White. Agents, Messrs. —
2 Frank William Daniell II Feb. 88 Holt, Lawrieand
1 Nathaniel Melhuish Comins Stevens II Feb. 88 jsi Battalion returned from Nova
2 Edward Gyles Vaughan II Feb. 88 Scotia, 10 Feb. 1S70. 2nd Battalion
1 Robert George Mathew 14 Mar. 88 embarked for India, Feb. 1876.
2 Edwyn Anthony Sylvester Ely 9 May 88
2 Albert Mangles Doveton 22 Aug. 88
2 Edmund Ward Thompson 22 Aug. 88
I Edward George Curtis 22 Aug. 88
I Robert Percy Stares 10 Nov. 88
Ernest Fentiman Rowe 8 Dec. 881
taymattert. —
i Fred. A. M. Arnold, 2 Sep 84 ; Captain

85 ; Son. Lieut.
Jan. 88 ; Hon. Litut.
) :

Hegimental District
The Leicestershire Regiment,

|_No. 17.— Leicester.

*J ' .^aUtttl.Buxmah J
Fonnerhj fhe 17/A (Leicestershire) Begiment.
Leicestershire Militia.
(The 3rd and 4th Battalions are formed of the
"Afghanistan" "Ghuzneb' Sevas-
LoruBrio " HlXOOOST^B (with the Royal Tiger)."Affghanistan, 1S78-79."
topol" "Ali Masjid"
rail H.1I Jlajor, !8 May 5?; Capt. 4" Lt.Colonel, 20
It»i 8* Colonel -Richard Wilfiam renn, Earl Howe,>' CB. Ens/^.7_..-i <t Lt i'i4 July 38; Et f Capi. ^ 5 Apr. 44
>T„„ ... 3/(yoy General, 6 Mar.
-. Nov.
June 54; Colonel, 17 57)

P.7. i>*T. 7,i,/Gri.«Tu/ Oct 7f: GfJifra/. 16 March 80; Co/oHf? 17th Foot, 25 June 7q.

Lienttaan t Colonelt -2 Samuel Bradburne, Commanding the Battalion i July S7 Ens. 1-29 Mar 55 I't. 23 ; . ;

XUr c--- All./ itMaveT Jit.Maior, i Oct. 77; 3fomr, i July 81 X^Co^one?, 15 Nov. 84; Colonel, 15 Nov. 88. ;


bidder ro»«fl»jV../«.^ iu»a/io«. i July 87; £«.. 31 Har. 58; Xi. p6 595 Capt.
L ¥houm.;
Hajor, July 81 Lt. Colonel, 24 Dec. 84 Colonel, 24 Dec. 88.
Jan. 6.9 ; i ; ;

3 Robert Kiero Watson
1 William MoptfRolph
.'i Charlen Frederic William Moir»«
p.i.c. folwyn Williams VuUiamy,"
Inttrnetor Boyal ililitart/ College ...

Thoma« Francis Huosey de BurRh,"]

Adj. f> Vuluntrrr Bn. Licrrpool Hfgt. i
3 John Grant Anderson"
William GrepK. Jmlructor E. if. College
Walter Stnrmont Davies Liardet, }
Adj. y Battalion )
a Richard John Gordon Creed"
1 Francis William Render"
ArthiirWm.>rKinstry,»5^(f/. 2(£iirn
ofCkfter't) Vol. Bn. Cheshire Segt. (
John Stacpole." -irmy Service Corps
3 v.s.r. Georpo Dudley Carleton
2 Kdmund Richard Scott
J Maxwell Robertson Hyslop*'
a George Francis Shaw
I Kdward Hoddinp Peacock
I James Gordon Lennox Burnett, Adj.
25 Nov. 87
I i....f. Edward Huph Griffith*)
Benjamin Geale Humfrey, Adjutant ')

I Vol. Bn. Leicester Regiment >

t Georpe Henry Poyntz Bume
a John Mosse
1 CecilHenry Hunt
Geo.Golboum Tarry," jlrwy Serv. Corps
John Aupuflline Herbert Reilly.Com
miuariat and Transport Staff
I Ralph Leslie Sandwith
I Victor Semini (Lieut. Royal Malta
FencilU Art. 28 Oct. 76) Staff Coll.
a Vesey Thomas Bunbury
Richard Aupustus Vowell
I Lionel Copley Sherer
a William fen wick, Adjutant 13 May 88
a Harry Mnrriou Welstead
a Frederick Henry Thomas Alexander...
I William Locke Jones
a Gcorpe Alfred Bulkley « Captain Stacpole served in the
1 Duncan Webb Soudan campaign^ in 1885 (Medal with
I F.dward Mabbott Woodward Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
I Henry Cecil Lowry Cole 23 Lieut. Garrard served in the
1 William Stttflord Copland Afghan war in i878-79,andwas present
a .lamcR Hiluro Farquhar Balmain at the capture of Ali Musjid (Medal,
I J'lhn Ilippinlcy Heycock 83 'with Clasp).
1 Walter Sydney Melvill " Captain Garden.— For War Ser-
I Charlei* MynorxPiercy Hassall vices, see Duke of Cornwall's Light
John Tho. Carter, Adj. Oude Vol. Rifles Infantry.
I Liiciufl Aupustusde Vore Maunsell
a Kdward Lanpford Sullivan IFor remainder of Notes, see end of
a Francis Kdward Glossop
East Yorkshire Regiment, p. 2340.
J Francis Uinrj- Domenichetti

7 William Facings White.— ^^en<«,Me8Srs. Cox.

Sbcokd Limutbwantb. Co.
isi Battalion emharhed for Bermuda,
I Walter Patrick Hussey- Walsh
16 September 188S. ind Battalion em-
i Artliur Ward
J Kdward Naisniith Obbard barked for India, 5 October 1876.
Daniel Richard Adyo .1!!
I charlcH Kdward Cox '"
R"iiald KuBtacc Chaplin
I Harry ('olcpihoun
J Pnlnck (irahani Anderson..
J Lioiii-1 Arthur Watson
< hnrlo* Guinand
> «'liBrli » James Kendall
I Kn»i,k Wallace Dalycll Trotter'
I WilliHtn (icorpe Cooper
I «httrlc« Williniii Benpouph
(ivorpo Invirarity Walnh
Han. Harold Ilro<jko Uawko
Tom Maxwell Drew ...


«^r,.ira..A;^^^;^^;l-f:;^7 Nov.^,; CaptainVu^ Cornwall: L.ght Inf.ntr,.

Alfred Joseph Garrard."
.9 Nov. 81 ; Jlon. Lieut.
The Royal Irish Regiment 58
ist Batt.,levonport.n Formerly the iSth r Rei/iinental District
jndBatt., Bengal. J (The Royal Irish) Regiment. LNo. 18.— Clonmel.
(The 3rd, 4th, lid sth Battailous are formed of the Wexford, Nortli Tipperary, and Kilkenny

MUltia respectively.)
Harp and Crown. The Lion of Nassau. " Virtiitis Namurcensis Prcemium." "Blbnheim" "Ramillies"
"OUDBNAHDE "lliLPLAQUET" "Egypt " (with the Sphinx). "Ohina" (with the Dragon). " I'egu "
EGrpT, " "
Setasiopoi, " "Njj,y Zealan "
Afghanistan, iS7q-So" TEL-EL-KEniH " " Nile, i8f;4-«5. '

Colonel.— ,«)• Richard Denis Kelly,' KCB. Ens. 7 Mar. 34; Lt. ^so July 36; Capt. P24 Sopt. 41 Major ;

7 Mar. 48
Bt.Lt. Colonel, 12 Dec. 54 Lt.Culonel, g Mar. 5s
; ; Colonel, 30 Jan. 5S Major Oeneral, 6 Mar,
; ;

- Lieut. General, i Oct. 77; Oeneral, 5 Nov. So; Colonel Royal Irish Regiment, 24 Jan. 8c5.

Lieutenant Colonels.— I Albert James Alexander Jackson, Commanding the Battalion, ;i2May87; Ensir/n,

23 Oct. 60: Lieut. P20 Sept. 64; Capt. 14 Feb. 745 Major, i July 81 Lt.Colonel, 11 Nov. 86. ;

George William Nesbit Rogers,' Ensign. 1*17 Jan. 65 Lieut, ^z Feb. 68; Captain, 14 June 76 Major,
; ;

I July 81 ; Bt.Lt. Colonel, 18 Nov. 82 ; Colonel, iS Nov. 86 Lt.C'Unifl. 23 July 88. ;


Ponsonby William Watts July 62 1
19 July 68 14 Nov. 76 I July 81
2 Alexander AVard Simpson^ P 6 Mar. 67 ''27 April 70 14 Sept. 78 14 Sept. 8i
I'/i-; Robert Keaii Brcreton 7 Nov. 62 P21 Aug. 67 2 Mar. 78 10 July 81
Edward Tufnell'^ 15 May 67 5 Nov. 70 30 April 79 11 Nov. 82
William Wylly Lawrenceio 27 June 68 28 Oct. 71 18 Sept. 79 1 War. 83
Charles Esfertnn Dixon,'' Adjutant 5 ) 22 May 83
8 July 68 28 Oct. 71 1 Jan. 80
Battalion ( Kilkenny Militia) Jl

Henry Joseph Daubeny,'- Adjutant \ Pia Oct. June 2 Sept. 87

2 Tower Hamlets Ri/le Volunteers
67 '

2 Aug. 71
I John Henry Augustus Spyer'* 30 Dec. 71 Jan. 3 Oct. 88

John Burton Forstor,^ Adjutant 3 Bat- \
talion (We.rford Militia) 23 Nov. 72
Henry William Newton Guinness,'^ at )
May June
Staff College 9 Aug. 73 22 81 15 85

2 Harry Shuldham Lye" 9 Aug. 73 23 May 81

William John Fortescue Morgan^ 12 Nov. 73 18 June 81
t Henry Melville Hatchell's 28 Feb. 74 I July 81
mes Charles Oughterson, >irmy Ser-)
12 Nov. II Nov. 82
vice Corps j
2 Frederick James Gavin I May 73 9 July 79 21 May 84
2 Alan Maxwell Boisragon* II May 78 20 Aug. 79 23 July 84
Alan George Chichester,'^ Adj. 2 May 8£ 4 Dec. 78 I Jan.
Wilkes Jolli£fe,^(f/H/an< ^ Battalion .. ... 22 Jan. 79 28 April
Charles Herbert Lethbridge Basker-)
ville,-^ Adjutant 1 Durham Engineer r 13 Aug. 75 22 Dec. 16 May
Volunteers )

2 Arthur Nairn Lysaght _ 13 Aug. 79 29 Sept. 80

2 William Hampden Chawner^o 13 Aug. 79 28 June 8;
Ai'chdale Irby Wilson,-* Army Service >
22 Feb. Mar.
79 31 S: 13 April 87
Corps i
2 Guy Henry Symonds,^' Sfo^ CoHe^e 14 Jan. iS June 8: 13 April 87
Ra.ymund Crs,wford,Ordnance Store Dept. 14 Jan. 18 June 8 22 May
2 Eeauchamp John Colclough Doran^^ .., 14 Jan. So I July 8 22 May
87 23 May 87
Samuel Moore-' 7 July I July 81
22 Ma.y 87
Kendal Pretyman Apthorp^ 23 April I July 23 July 88
2 Alexander Stewart Orr^^ 22 Oct. Si 30 Oct. 88

Ernest Frere Rickman' 28 Jan.
2' Capt. Orr served in the Egyp-
WalterRobertButlerDoran,3c^(?;'.iFeb.S 10 May
Arthur Thomas Ward-" 10 May tian war of 1882, and was present
Philip de Salis Bass 29 July at the action at Kassasin on the
Henry John Downing 29 July 9th Sept. and at the battle of Tel-
Alexander Bowers King 29 July el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and
Lancelot Charles Koe* 9 Sept. Khedive's Star).
Joseph Eustace Cullinan 27 Jan. ^ Captain Robinson. —For War
Charles William Garraway 27 Jan. Services, see Army Pay Depart-
Arthur Henry Morris^ 27 Jan. ment.
Thomas Louis Segrave 10 Mar. 3' Major Hamilton served with
John St. John Knowles 10 Mar. the iSth Royallrish throughout the
Graham Owen Robert Wynne 12 Nov. New Zealand war of i S63 -66, includ-
Chamberlen William Walker^* 7 Feb. ing thee.xpeditionsto Papai-ataand
William Gloster 6 May Ketemari (Medal). Served the m
Richard Orlando Kellett 6 May Egyptian war of 1882, and was pre-
Ross Acheson Smyth 23 May sent at the action at Kassasin on
CUffe Henry Vigors 29 Aug. the 9th Sept. and at the battle of
Stannus Geoghegan 29 Aug. Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in des-
George Francis Christian 19 May patches, honorary rank of Major,
Wilfred Charlie Farquhar Rawdon; Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's
25 Aug.
Macnamara ,
James Law Sinclair '.
10 Nov. 38 Lieut. Jamieson served in the
James Donal O'Connell loNov. Afghan war in 1S79-S0 (Medal).
Norton Clowes Castle 10 Nov. Served in the Nile Expedition in
1S84-S5 with the ist Battalion of the
Second Lieutenanes. Royal Irish Regiment, and was pre-
James Fred. Joseph Corballis 4 May 87 sent in the engagemerit at Abu Klea

1 Dudley Herbert Davis 4 May 87 Wells on the i6th February —

2 James George Kinahan 14 Sept. 87 severely wounded (Medal with
I Francis Goodwin Hill Sutton 16 Nov. 87 Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
I John Stuart Mackenzie Shea II Feb. 88
I Edward Russell Poord II Feb. 88
I Waldene PitzWilliam Hutchinson
The lioyal Irinh Eegiment.

Philip A. Robinfon," i6 Aup. 81 j £nt. 17 Nov. 6j; Lf. '"le Scpt.68; Coi.t. 17 May 76.
Samuel Moore," C./;)^uui i BntiaVwn {acting).
.-a ThoniHS Hnmilton,'- 3 Feb. 69 ; lion. Captain, i July Si ; Hon. Jla/or, 18 hov. 82.

I William Jamicson,'* 12 Feb. 81 ; Hon. Lieut.

FacivQt BXne.—Jgenit, Messrs. Cox and Co.

rl Battalion returned from Egypt, 9 Sept. 1885. 2nd Battalion embarJced for Malta, 1884.

Sir Richanl Denis Kcllv served with the 34th Rcfrt. at the siege of
Sebastopol in 1855 commanded the Guards ;

in theTrcnchcB on the aaiidMnrch, when he was wounded and taken prisoner ui a sortie ol the Russians (Medal with
CU»p Brevit or LLColonel. Kninht of the Lepion of Honor, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Served
In the IndiBKCiiuipaipng of 1857-59; commanded the 34th Kept, in the actions at
Cawnpore on 26th, 27th (wounded).
•nd 38th Nov. i8';7, capture of MccanRunKe. siege and capture of Lucknow, and relief of Azimghur commandsd ;

the Azimchur Column in the oiicnitions in Oude in the winter of 1858-59 commanded a Field Force from Feb. to

May iSsg onpopcd in the operations on the Nepaul Frontier, and defeated the rebels under Bala Rao near Bootwul
(horee »hot).cnpturinpfix guns and much baggage (thanked by the Governor General and the Commander in Chief,
frequently mentioned in dehimtclies, CB., Medal with Clasp, KCB., and di.'itinguished service pension).
• Lt.Coloccl Jackoon served with the 18th Royal Irish throughout the New Zealand war of 1863-66, and was present

at the afTnir of the iMb Nov. i86^ in the Wairoa Bush, siege hnd capture of Orakau, and actions at Nukumnru on
34th and jjth Jan. 1865 (Medal). Also served with the 18th Royal Irish in the Afghan war in 18S0 with the Khyber
Field Force (Medal).

Colonel Rogers scn-cd in the EgjTitian war of 1882, and was present at the action at Kassasin on the qth
September and ai the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt. Colonel, Medal with Clasp,
4th Clawt of the Osnianieh, and Khedive's Star).
» Majors Simp.son and fufnell. Captains Forster, Morgan, Boisragon, and Apthorp, Lieuts. 'Rickman and Koe

served in the Nile E.\pcdition in 1884-85 with the 1st Battalion of the Royal Irish Regiment (Medal with Clasp,
and Khciiive's Star).
'"Major I>awrence served in the Transport Department throughout the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in
the action ofOingindhtovu (Medal with Clasp). Ser^-ed with the i8th Royal Irishinthe Afghan war in 18S0 (Medal).
" Major Dixon served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the action at Kassasin on the 9th Sep-
t«ml>cr and at the battle of Tel-el Kebir (Medal vrith Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Also served in the Nile Expedi-
tion in 1884-85 with the ist Battalion of the Royal Irish Regiment (Clasp).
" Maior Daubeny served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the action at Kassasin on the 9th
September, and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp, 4th
ClBKs of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star).
'• Major Spye'r served ia the Afghan war of 187S-80 (Medal). Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with
the ml Battalion of the Royal Irish Regiment (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
'• Major Guinness served in the Nile Expedition in 1S84-85 with the ist Battalion of
the Royal Irish Regiment
(mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
" Captain Lye served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 with the :8th Royal Irish (Medal). Served in the Egyptian
•rarof i88>, and was present at the action at Kassasin on the 9th September and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir
(Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
>• Captain HntchcU served in the Afghan war in iSSo (Medal). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present
at the battle o( Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
'» Captain Chichester served in the Eeypiian war of 1S82, and
was present at the action at Kassasin on the gth
September and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir-severely wounded (Medal with Clasp, sth Class of the Medjidie, and
Khcdivc'B Star).
» Captain Chawner served in the Egj-ptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with
ri«»p, and Khedive's Star).
" Captain Baskerville served in the Afghan war in 1S80 with the 51st Light Infantry, and took part with the
»rcond expedition into the Lughman Valley including the engagementat Nargozi (Medal). Served with the Nile
Expedition in 1685 on the Commissariat and StaB".
"Captain Wilson servejl in the Afghan war in 1880 (Medal). Sei-ved in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with th»
mt Battalion of the Royal Irish Regiment (Medal with Cla.sp, and Khedive's Star)
" Capuin Symonds served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the' action at Kassasin on the otb
bcptembcrand at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star)
»« Major b J. (;. Uoran served with the i8th Royal Irish in
the Afghan war in iSSc (Medal). Served in the Nile
Expedition in .S84-85 with the ,st Battalion of the Royal Irish Regiment
(mentioned in despatches, Brevet
of Major. Medal with Clasp, and Khedives Star). '

'" ^^1 '"^ '^^4-85 as Adjutant to the ist Battalion of the Royal Irish
nr^m"J*f (Medal
Rpiriment with Clasii, and ^T^^"^'",'^^'*'°"
;m^V'7*'T>,"p1'' Khedive s Star).
."^"'l ^^^ present at the action at Kassasin on
„^'':^h.?L^^?:.?,"rrivl''7..'^.^\i° >!i°,^Fm'"°,^:«';
^W^n»'»"'''„''<; Tcl-el-Kebir (Medal with f
and Khedive's Star) ! Served with the Nile .
J.xpcli .8«4-35 with the ist Battalion of the Royal Irish Regiment
I." n'"''^R«
ion I.

Ibr- rank of Ktair Captain (Clasp).

and afterwards with Native levies with w
'8.8j. was present at the action at Kassasin on the gth Sep-
and at the ohuIo TH^ifirV'^''m
nf Tel-cl-Kebir
of (Medal with «.V<1Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
" ^^'1'^'""°'^ in ,884-85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's
I .'Z Walter IZll^i wiM ^l^^n^n"
'^ '^^5-86 as Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quarter
Master General and w.^«Whtllwn^^^^^^^
w." CIal,° *^ ^ "'' e^^S^sement near Mandalay (mentioned in despatches; Medal

Covthntaiiou of Kofes to the Bedfordshire Regiment.

Aignan war of 1878-80, and was present

tMr.lal with ( U»|,). at the attack and capture of Ali Musjii

Jlfaml Kr,r.l." "sum

'"slTvi.d^]Jli",LTvnlj-r'' "."^u^"^ P'''^"*^"' "' t^« battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal wit
^^^ Soudan under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884, includin
ihr cnB»«rm.nt« al Kl Trband
Temai (two r •!„'«,
.rni at .he action of Klxbekanlproroled
>aT ""''' ""' """' Expedition in 1884-85, aid was pr,
2nd Lieut., twrcfaS
) 1 ;

The Princess of Wales' Own (Yorkshire Regiment). 259

tst Butt., Cyprus. 1 ,1 . 7 v7, igth
^ ^il / ^ t 7- \r [EeiiimetiUd Dhlrict No. ig.
2nd Butt., Aldershot. J< ormeHlJ ike {ist lorkslnre ;

[ ^ Kichmond. Yorkshire.
Tiidiiuj North —
Friricess of Wales' Oivn) Regiment
(Tlu! .^rd and 4th Battalions arc formiid of the 5tli West York and the North York Militia rf.spectivcdy.)
The Rose. " Malplaquet " "Alma." " IifKBRMAif "" Sevastopol."
Colonel.— St> Robert Oncsip)iorus Bright,' KCB. Ens. ?9 Juno 43; Lt. P2 Apr. 47; Capt. P23 Jan. 52;
Major, 15 Sept. 55 Jit .Lt. Colonel, 26 Uec. 56 Lt. Colonel, 28 Nov. 57 Colonel, i May O2
; ; Major General, ; ;

6 March 68 Lieut. General, 13 Apr. 80

General, i Apr. 87 Colonel Yorlcshiro Regiment, 27 Oct. 80.
; ;

Lieutenant Colonels.— I William Bennett,^ DSO., Commanding the Battalion, 29 Sept. 36; Ensign, 26 Mar.
58 Lt. i'3o Dec. 59
Capt. 25 Aug. 71 : Major, 12 Jan. 81 Lt. Colonel, 4 Mar. 85.
; ;

George Oakes, Commandinr/ the Battalion, 29 Sept. 88 Ensign, ''11 Juno 61 Lt. ''29 Dec. 65 Capt. 16 June ; ; ;

77 Major, i July 81;

Lt. Colonel, 28 July 86.

7>. s.c. Alfred James Paterson, Ensign, 17 July 63; Lt. 29 June 67: Capt. 1 Jan. 78: Ji/o/or, i July 81
Lt. Colonel, 29 Sept. 86.

William Graham Waugh M'Clintock* 4 Aug. 65 23 Jan. 69 13 Mar. ;
4 Feb. 82
Edward Archibald Bruce, djtitant 2 \
Volunteer BtitfalionYorkshire Jiegimetit 23 Jan. 69 28 Oct. 71 I Mar. 29 Sept. 83
1 John Olaus Champion Mciller^ 27 Nov. 66 I Dec. 69 13 Nov. 2 May 83
Edward Stanley Ne%vton Dickenson, '^
8 May ''13 June 70 20 Apr. II May 83
Ad}.i,thBattalion{North York Militia) > I

John Henry ^Cien,^Adjutant 3 Battalion... 3 July 72 Feb.

IT 4 Mar. 85
2 Richard Phayre' I
9 Aug. 73 20 Mar. I Apr. 85
Alfred Charles Fryer, Adjutant i Volun- '}

May 70 12 Mar. I Apr. 86

teer Battalion Yorkshire Keqiment j
;).s.c.William Edmund Prankiyn,/).^.^.')
13 June 30 Mar. 20 Apr. 86
Oen. and ditto for Instruction, Aldershot )
2 Audley Walter Washbourne Money Kyrle i'27 July 66 28 Oct. 8 June 28 July 86
I John William Robinson Parker 12 Feb. 8 June
1 Charles John Spottiswood,'" Is June 29 Sept.
2 Henry Bowles^t 26 Feb. 26 Sept. 15 June 85
Gilbert H. Fearon Machison^ 10 Mar. 14 Nov.
Edward John Bentley Buckle^ 8 Dec. Dec.8 1 Aug.
Thomas David Kirkpatrick 8 Dec. I Jan. 16 Aug.
1 James Ahmuty Fearon'^ 23 Jan. 23 Jan. 78 1 16 Aug.
Edward Wm. Mills, Army Service Corps 30 Jan. 13 July 78' I Apr.
2 Charles Tulin Hennah 2 Mar. 781 25 Sept. 78 18 Apr
Edwin Loud Herapath, Paymos<ef 2 Bn. 13 Nov. 76 24 May
I Gerald Carlile Stratford Handcock" ... 10 Apr. 78 1 Mar. 79 24 May
1 William Auschar Chauncy'* 30 Oct. 78 21 June 79 27 July
2 George O'Neil Segrave 13 Nov. 78 28 July 79 Sept.
2 Arthur de Salis Hadow** 4 Dec. 78 II Oct. 79 8 Nov.
2 Alfred Grahams Cartwright^ I Jan. 79 11 Feb. 80 1 Sept.
1 James Trevelyan Cotesworth,'* Adj. 22 Jan. 20 Mar. 80 II Jan.
March 87
20 79
2 Arthur Bayard Elton 13 Aug. 79 2 Oct. 8c 4 May
Michael Harrison Orri" 14 Jan. 80 I July 81 29 Sept.
Donald Grant, Army Service Corps 14 Jan. I July 81

Harry Otho Devereux Hickman, '^ serv-

14 Jan, I July 8 J

ing with Egyptian Army

I Michael Lloyd Fevrar^ 14 Jan, I July 81

1 George Pearson'" 30 Oct. 78 I July 81

William Lindsay Mercer^ 22 Jan. 8 I July 81

2 William Joseph Todd 23 Oct. S< I July 81

2 Percy Lees 23 April 8 I .Tuly 81

1 Edward Malcolm Esson' 10 May 82
2 Arthur Lenox Napier 9 Sept. 82
1 Charles Arthur Cecil King^ 9 Sept. 82
2 Basil Charles Hood 25 Aug. 83
1 Francis Connop"* 6 Feb. 84
2 Desmond Lambert Hartley 14 May 84
2 Edward Stanislaus Bulfln 12 Nov. 84
2 Frederick William Templetown Robinson 12 Nov. 84
t Ernest Somervell^ 28 Feb. 85
2 Hardress Gilbert Holmes 9 May 85
2 William Stafford Brooksbank 23 May 85
2 Cecil Lothian Nicholson, Adjutant. 29 Aug. 85
7 Nov. 88
|i Edward Snell Wallis 25 Nov. 85
Shelley Alexander Seale 28 Nov. 85
Henry" Rothes Stewart Maitland 30 Jan. 86
Charles William Gale 30 Jan.
Berkeley Cole Wilmot Williams 30 Jan.
Leslie Michael Farrell 12 May
1 Morton Henry Eden I Sept
Second Lieutenants.
2 Gerard Christian 5 Feb. 871
John Jocelyn Doyne Sillery 5 Feb.
Edwai-d Francis Twigg 5 Feb. 87
Ronald D'Arcy Fife 14 Sept. 3/
Edward Lovelace Vans Agnew 14 Sept. 87
Harold Futvoye Lea
Maurice Hilliard Toralia '
29 Feb.
Ferdinand Harper Hodge I
10 Oct.
Wilfrid Harry Dent ]
10 Nov

.. Paymasters.— I William Mackie," 2 May 81 Ens. i May 6 Lt.^j May 64 Capt. 8 March 72 Major
; 1 ; ; ;
i July 3i

2 Edwin L. Herapath, 24 May 84 Captain Yorkshire Regiment. ;

.. \<iuarler Ma>ters.~2 Frederick Pettitt. 17 Dec. 81 JLon. Lieut. ;

I Charles Organ,' 8 Aug. 83 Jlon Lieut. ;

Facinqn W'tixlc— Agents. Messrs. Holt, Lawrio A Co.


lit Battalion embarked/or Egypt 3 Aug. 1S34. 2ud Butt. returned Iron India, 21 Jin. 1877.
26o Tlie Princess of Wales' Own (Yorhslnre Begimeni).

Sir Robert Kastem campaign of 1854-55 ^^ith the 19th Regiment, including the battles of Alma
Bricl.t scr^•o<l the
on the iSth June and Sth September- men-
«nainkennnn.sieK> and fall of Scbnstopol, and storming of the Ecdan
rio.u>d in . ""pMclH-s iModal with three Clasps. Brevet of
Lt.Colonel Knight of the Legion of Honor^ 5th Class of the
the ist Brigade Hazara Field Force of 186S, in-
Medjidi". .nS"r..rklsl. Medal). Conmionded as Brigadier General
(mentioned in despatches, thanked by the Govern-
cludC I IP expedition against the tribes on the Black Mountaui m
war in 1879^80 command of the Khyber Line Field
inoiu of India C«.. Medal with Clasp). Served in the Afghan
agamst the ^\ uzeeree Khugianis (men-
Korce in.liidiiiK the operations in the Hissarik Valley and the c>«)edition
tioned in despau-l.cs. received the thanks of both Houses of Parlianient, KCB., and Medal).
» I,t C.j.iii.'l Ucnt.ett served in the Hiizara campaipn in 1868, including the expedition against the tribes on the
ini884-S5 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's
nincfc Mountain (Medal with Clasp). Served with the Nile Expedition
SUiri eci vcd with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86 during the
operations on the Upper Nile m com-
mnnd .if llio ift rtattalion Yorkshire Regiment, and was present the engagement at Giniss (mentioned in iles-
M'Clintoek ser\-ed in the Hazara campaign in 1868, including the expedition against the tribes on the
Black MounUiin (Medal with Clasp). Served during the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the ist Battalion York-
hire Itcjriincnt .'u the Line of Communications up the Nile. Served vrith the Soudan Frontier Field Force in
i.?5 B6 iliiriiig the opcnitioiis on the Upper Nile, and was present in the engagement at Giniss (Medal, and

•Major Moller served during the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the ist BattaHon Torkshiie Eegiment on the
LincH of Coniniiiiiication up the Nile. Ser^-ed with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86 during the opera-
tions oil the Upper Niln, and was present in the engagement at Guiiss (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
» Mnj"i- Kdeii nerved during the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the ist Battalion Yorkshire Regiment on the Lilies
of Coniiniinicniton up the Nile. Served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86 during the operations on
the I'ppfr Nile, and was present in the engagement at Giniss (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
' Mnior Uichard Pboyrc served in the Afghan war in 1880 as Aide de Camp to Major General Robert Phayre,

Commanriinp the Resen-e Brigade, and took part in the march from Quetta to the relief of Candahar (mentioned
in despatches. Minlal).
• Ciipluin.H Spiiltiawoodo and Hadow, Lieuts. Esson and Connop served during the NUc Expedition in 1884-85

Willi Uij. i,t HiiitjilMin Yorkshire Regiment on tbe Lines of Communication up the Nile.
•t Major Howies served in the Nile Expedition in 1S84-85 as Staff Officer at Assouan (mentioned in despatches,
Rrevct of Miy"r).
» CaptauiK Matliison, Chauncy, and Cartwright, Lieuts. Ferrar, Mercer, King, Somervell, and Organ served
during the Nile Kxpedition in 1884-85 w-ith the ist Battahon Yorkshire Regiment on the Lines of Communication up
the Nile. S.rved with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86 during the operations on the Upper Nile and was
present in the engagement at Giniss (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
'» Cnptnins Biicklo and Orr served during the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the ist Battalion Yorkshire
RcfTinient on the Lines of Communication up the Nile. Served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86
during the oiierntions on the Upper Nile (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
" Captain llandcock ser\-ed with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86 during the operations on the Upper
Nilp (.Medal, and Khedive's Star).
'• Captain Fearon served during the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 as Adjutant isl, Battalion
Yorkshire Regimert
on t'lO Line nf C«)Diniunications up the Nile.
" Captain Cotcsworth served in the Soudan Expedition in 1885 with the Mounted Infantry, and was present in
IhecnffaKcmeiits at Hasbeen, Temai, and Takdoul (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
" I.icui. lliekiniiii served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
'• I.icnt PcarsoMserved with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Medal with Clasp, andKhedive's Star).
" Major Mackio.— For War Services, see Army Pay Department.
11 : 1

ist Batt., Manchester. ~\ _,, _ -i- 1 •

2nd Bate, Ahmednugger, Bombay, j The Lancashire Fusihers.

i-t rHefftmenfal District
LNo. 20. —Bury.
26 1

Formerlij tJie 20th {The East Devonshire) Beghnent.

(The 3rd Battalion is formed of the 7th Lancashire Militia.)
"Dettinsbk" "Minden" "Egmoitt-op-Zee" "Egypt" (with the Sphinx). " Maida " "VruiEEA"
" Coeunna" " Vitiobia" "PrsENEEs" "Okthes" "Toulouse"
"Peninsula" "Alma" "Inkeeman"
"Sevastopol" "Lucknow."
PayJpav. Colonel.— 5t> Frederick Hom.i KCB. Ens. ^aS Jan. 26 Lt. ^ij April 28 Caj^t. ^le June 37 Major 'j Sept 41 ; ;
• •

Lt. Colonel, 14 April 46 Colo7iel, 20 June 54 Major General, 13 Oct. 60; Lt. General, 18 Jan.
; ;
70 ; General, 2
June 77; Co(o?iei 20th Foot, 17 Mar. 76.

Lieutenant Colonels. i James Stnyt}i, Commandin<j the Battalion, 11 May 87- Una. -2 July ijS lit. 'r-' Dec.

59; Caj9^. Mar. 69 Ma/or, 9 June 80 ;

; Lf.Co/oweZ, 9 June S4 ; CoZo«e/, 9' June' 88. >

2 George Duncan Wahab, Commanding the Battalion, 9 June 88 ; En«. 28 Jan. 59- H.'^^o Nov. 60- Capt.
Jan. Major, I July 81 ; Lt. Colonel, 24 Sept. 84 Colonel, 24 Sept. 88. >


1 'William Glcncross (Brevet Lf.Colonel,\
21 June 16 April 58 5 May 59
87) S
2 Charles Edward Hussey {Breoet Lt. \

Colonel,2i June S7),CommandingDeolali > P20 Mar. S9 ""io June 62 "14 Sept. 7c
Depot )
1 Edward Primrose T. Goldsmith II Feb. 62 68
II July 21 July 7;
,2 Frederick William Birch PioNov. esjPHOct. 68 10 Feb. 77
2 Cuthbert George Collingwood •h Sept. 67 P 3 Sept. 70 11 May 78
George Lycett Engledue May i'i3 June 68i''9Aug. 71
12 Robert Constable Paull Pi6Sept. fi8lPi4 Sept. 70 I Oct.
p.s.c. Lionel Marshall, D.A.A. Gen. ^
\ Pis Oct. 6s[''i5Feb. 71
ditto for Instruction, Portsmouth
Richard George Randall •" 8 June 70 28 Oct. 71

: Arthur Forde
Allen Montgomery, Adj. yrd Battalion >
(7Lancashire Militia) j
Charles James Blomfield, Adjutant 1 ^

Volunteer Battalion Lancashire Fus.... J

1 Philip Francis Tallents

2 George Edward Capel Cure
2 Thomas Edward Bland
2 Horace William Scott
I Edward Roderic Owen
1 Frederick Hammersley-
^j.s.c. ..

2 Charles DigbyWallington
2 Edward Hugh Rowley Hibbert..
1 Hamilton Alexander Kinglake ..

2 Herbert Ramsay Feilden, Paymaster 1 Bn.

1 Stephen Flockton Charles .

X Brudenell Deane-Freeman .

2 Henry TowTishend Fleminsf, Staff College
li Felton Amhev, Supf. of G'fnt'iisia, Cork..
James Osmond Nelson, ^i/afa«? 31 Jan. 85
1 Henry Selwyn Good lake .

2 Charles Fo.yle Randolph.

2 Douglas Paynter Stewart Reid j
23 Oct.
2 Richard Powis Monk I
23 Oct.
1 Richard Woodforde Deane 23 April
2 Robert Burton Page
2 James Henry Gideon, Commandant \
Poorundhur Sanitarium S
1 Henry Stannus Hamilton
2 Edward Cecil Tidswell j

2 William Frederick Walter

Frederick David Milward
2 Wilmot Foster Elmslie, J.(Z/. 15 Mar. 88...
Iz William Henry Norris
Harry Verc Benett, Aide de Camp to

Ma/or General Gillespie }
2 Owen Cadogan WoUey-Dod
ji Thomas Henry Standbridge '

23 April
I Charles Lucena Robinson j

'2 Charles Herbert Hicks 1

12 Edward Woolmer '

I Arthur James Mitchell |

1 Louis Lort Rhys Samson

2 John Nicholas Whyte
2 George Frederick Woods*
t Harold Vere Selb.y Ormond
Second Lieutenants.
Spencer Edward Orr

2 5 Feb.
2 Walter Fawcett Newnham 14 Sept.
I William Richard Stone ! 16 Nov.
I Harry Oswald Bishop , 20 June
li Hugh Kenneth Dalyell [
22 Aug.
I Herbert Stuart Shaw 1 10 Nov.

rSegimental Dittrict
i»t BaU.BiTT.
u„u..x,u^.j.B^^K^^^^ _ Royal Scots Fusiliers
The LNo. 21.— Ayr.
i'oruu;i„ w..
^^- FusiUe^^Eegim^
^oyai Scots Fusiliers)
. .St (Royal

The ThUt'o within theCiri-loor ht. Anarcw.
-"^.V"' _ ' ..,„^^.. "n„TTTnrr.Kw" " bg
BDB Malpi.aqoet" Dettingbn" Bladbnsbd
" OtD
*'Uli.<<hiiii " "Ravii-libs"
Sevastopol" "South Afbica.. 1879."
"Alma" "Ikkkbmas

Hamilton^" £CB. ^"'^'3. Zt. 12 July 31 Lf. 4- Capt. i Dec. 36 Capt. ; ;

Jmn^Bt. Colonel.— Sir Frederick William

. r^ ., ^^ Tnnn c- Muior. 7 Dec. 58:
, ,
Zt. Colonel, 19 June 60; Major
Lieutenant Colonels GeorgeTacksVn, C<>mmani;»i7 '*/ :Ba/'««^^^^^
Lt. '6 May S9 ; C^P'
V22 Sept. 65; Bt. Major, n Oct. 77; ^-^Jo^' 4 Feb. 81; Zi.Colonel, 25 Aug. 84:
Colomil, 35 Aud. 88.
June 61 Capt. P12 Feb. 67 ; Bi.Major, 21 May 80;
WUliam Albert Bridge, Entign _, June 59 Lt. "^
• ;

fel. 21 June 87 Zt. Colonel, i July 87.

Major, I July 81 Brevet L t. Colonel,

1 JamcB M'Oregor Whitton' (Bt. LI. Col.
21 v"v;"i"V
FrHDCis MacKcnzio Salmond. D.A.A.
Oen. School of ilniketry at Uythe
Edmond Charles Urowne." D.A.A.
Gen. for ilH,ketry, Burmah District...
2 Henry Roper Curzon Hewat'
Francis Winnfield Do\ig\asa,'' Adjutant)
OaHoray HiHe Volunteert )

I Robert Fred. WilIouKhl>y">

p.i.c. Jiimes Miller Gordon"
p.:c. Arthur John Osborne Pollock,"
D.A.A. Oenrrul. Belfmt
p.:c. William Andrew Yule''
I John Henry Spurgin-'
I William Arthur James Frere
1 Taylor Dalrymple Wilson
William Morton Duckett.'" Fni/manter'}
2 Battalion Devovihtre Regimeut >
Charles Heiirv VicWy AJjutant 3 Bat-\

lalion King't Own Svcttiih Uorderem i

BurrardRaw80iiCrozier,faym(i«/er zBatt
CutUbcrt George Knocker," Army I
Service Corp> I

Edward Elliott Carr, Adjutant 2 Volun-

teer Battalion Scott Fu»ilier»
Alexander Houghton Abercrombie, Ad-
jutant I Vol. Bii. Scott Funlitrt
1 Algernon William ("ollings"
Charles Tiickcy,OrdnuneeS/oreDe;)ar/nien<
I George Alfrc<l Keef*'
Bpenccr Fred. Chichester," Adj. 3 B
(Ayr and Htgtown Uililia) ...'..
Charles Frederick Lindsell," Adjuianf)
I Volunteer Bn Northumberland Fus... i
1 William Arthur i'oimg^i
p.e e. Heury Hamilton Sraythe," Adju-
lant 2q June 87
Ucnry James Lermitte" ,

Ho». Arthur Stewart Hardinge"

J Richd. Boilcau Gaisford,'" Adj. 17 May
1 Charles Hamlyn Agnew
1 Robert William Marmaduke Blake
I Hon. Geotr. Cecil Twisleton-Wykeham
Kienncs," Aide de Camp to Major (Jen
J. II. Oi/nn«
I Herbert Stewart M'Cance Stauuell,''
Station Staff Officer, Dugthai j
J Alexander Whitelaw Thorneycroft
3 Kpnnclh Edward Lean"
I Willinm Hely Jlowcs
Mortlauiit Thomas Otho Travers, Ord-
nance Store DefHirtment
I ncrberiJohn iJesnard"
I Fred. Aug. Lascelles Davidson*'
1 Arthur llciyer Hamilton Northcott
J Chnrloi" I'hilip Hcudamorc," Z)SO.
II .Mackenzie Stuart
Ii HuUTt Iwivie Uutler
\i Arthur Hugh 'riiurburn
J John KilnanlH Vaughan
Robert Rohh Ui-nton
I Hugh Arlliiir Travers ,

I HcrlKTt Schollleld Svkos

I Chnrliii Montagu GodfreyHull
> William Douglas Smith
J Arthur Go«rgo itaird Smith
I Dcuglnji Arrhil.iil.i Hoss
7 Qucniin Gniliam Kinnaird Agnow«
I Go.rgo .MncDonald Barrett
I Hugh rinydclldola Hero
7 Jbuic* HuHkiiiM Whitobod PoilBrd
, Owrge ()l.,r l{.,„«
I William l.<-illi Malcolm
t Looiianl Williami
. .

The Roijal Scots Fusiliers. 263

SECoifD Lieutenants. :nd lieut.
Reginald Eckforcl Roome 5 Feb. 87
Percy Henry Cunninffbarn 13 April 87
2Arthur Charles Herbert Macgregor... 13 April 87
2 Walter Hayes- Sadler 4 May 87
1 Francis de Sansmarez Shortt" 28 Sept. S7
2 Charles Patrick Amyatt Hull 16 Nov. 87
2 Archibald Fawcett Thomason 16 Nov. 87
1 Louis Aylmer North 14 Dec. 87
2 Aymer Acton Ainslie u Feb. 88
2 Dighton Hay Abercromby Dick 11 Apr. 88
2 Henry Edward Gogarty 22 Aug. 88
2 Alfred Ralph Nethersolo 22 Aug. 88

Pai/maKters.—2 Burrard R. Crozier, 2 March 85 Captain Scof,^ FuxiUers.


I Robert F. Willougliliy,"' Uaior 1 Battalion (acting).

Quarter Masters.— 1 John I'lislmm. -'l'\>l). 84 Hon. Lieut.

2 Robert Jam. > \\.u[:\y, i3 Oct. 84 Hon. Lieut.


I'.iriuns \\\\u-.— Agents, Messrs. Cox and Co.

isi Battalion returned from 'jii.lia, iSSi. 2)id Battalion embarked for Natal, 22 February 1879.

Sir Frederick William Hamilton served with the Grenadier Guards throughout the Eastern campaign of 1854-5S
including the battles of Alma, Balaklava, and Inkerman (slightly wounded and horse shot), sortie of 26th October,
and siege of Sebastopol, during the latter period of which he commanded Divisions of the Army in the TrencheF,
and was in temporarj' command of the Grenadier Guards after Inkerman {CB., Modal with four Clasps, Officer of
the Legion of Honor, 3rd Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
« Lt.Colonel Whitton served in the Boer war of 1881 with the Natal Field Force, and had charge of a Laager during

the engagement at Lang's Nek.

' Major Browne served with the Royal Scots Fusiliers in the Zulu war of 1879 (Medal with Clasp). Served in
the Boer war in 1881 as Assistant Dii-ector of Transport with the Natal Field Force. Served with the Burmese Ex-
pedition in 1885-86, and organised a corps of M
)unted Infantrv (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp).
* Major Hewat served as Adjutant of H.M. Hospital Ship Victor Emanuel off Capo Coast Castle, and was
also employed on the river Volta during the Ashanti war of 1874 (Medal).
' Major Douglass served in the Ashanti war from the 30th November, 1873, in command of the Bonny company

cf Wjod's Regiment, and was present at the battlesol Amoaful and Ordahsu, and the capture of Cuomassie (pro-
moted Captain, Medal with Clasp).
'" Major Willoughby served with the 21st Fusiliers in the Zulu war of 1S79, and afterwards in the operations

against Sekukuni, and was present at the storming of the stronghold (slightly wounded. Medal with Clasp).
" Major Gordon served with the 21st Fusiliers in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present at the engagement at
Ulundi. Was Orderly Officer to Colonel CoUingwood whilst in command of the 2nd Brigade 2nd Division. Served
afterwards with Russell's Column attached to the Native Cavalry, and subsequently with the 21st Fusiliers in the
operations against Sekukuni, including the storming of the stronghold (twice slightly wounded. Medal with Clasp).
'^ Major Pollock served in the Ashanti war from the 30th November 1873 (Medal with Clasp).
" Major Yule served in the Afghan war in 1S78-79, and was present at the attack and capture of Ali Musjul
(Medal with Clasp).
'" Major
Spurgin served with the 21st Fusiliers in the Zulu war of tStq (Medal with Clasp).
" Captain Duckett served with the 21st Fusiliers in the Zulu war of 1879 (Medal with Clasp).

Captain Knocker. For Wur Services, see Commissari;it and Transport Statf.
2' Captain Collings served with the 21st Fusiliers in the Zulu war of 1879 (Medal with Clasp).
'" Captain Keef served with the Mahsood Wuzeeree Expedition in 1881.
*' Captain Chichester served with the 21st Fusiliers in the Zulu war of 1S79, and as Adjutant in the operations

against Sekukuni, including the storming of the stronghold (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Boer war of 1881 as
Adjutant of the Garrison of Pretoria during its investment.
^ Captain Lindsell served with the 21st Fusiliers in the Zulu war of 1S79 (Medal with Clasp). Also served the m
Boer war of 18S1, and took part in the defence of Potchefstro jm. Served in the Burmese Expedition in 1885-86
with the Mounted Infantry (Medal with Clasp).
35 Captain Young served in the Zulu war of 1879. and was present in the engagement at Ulundi. Afterwards
served in the operations against Sekukuni (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Boer war of 18S1, and was present in
the engagements at Lang's Nek and the Ingogo River.
Captain H. H. Smythe served in the Boer war of iSSi, and was prosent in the engagement at Lang's Nek.
^^ Captain Lermitte served with the Mounted Infantry in the B»er war ot 18S1, and was present in the engagement

at Lang's Nek— horse shot (mentioned in despatches).

^" Captain the Hon. A. S. Hardinge served with the 21st Fusiliers in the Zulu war of 1879. and was present m
the engagement at Uluudi; also served in the operations ag linst Sekukuni, including the storming of the strong-
hold (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Boer war of i83i, and was present at the defence of Pretoria as Acting
Aide de Camp to the Commandant.
'7 Captain Gaisford served in the Boer war of 188 1 with the Xatal Field Force.
*" Captain Fienues served with the 21st Fusiliers in the Zulu war of 1S79, and in the operations agamst

Sekukuni, including the storming of the stronghold (Medal with Clasp)

*' Captain Stunuell served with the 21st Fusiliers in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the engagement at

tJlundi (Medal with Clasp). Served with the 21st Fusdicrs in the Boer war of 18S1, and toolc part in the defence of
Pretoria. Served in the Nile Expedition in iSS^Ss with the Mounts 1 Infantry of the Camel Corps, and was
present in the actions at Abu Klea and Abu Kru (.Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
*- Captain Thorneycroft served with the 21st Fusiliers in the Zulu war of 1870, and in the operations against Seku-
kuni, including the storming of the stronghold (Medal with Clasp). Also served in the Boer warof 1881, and took
partin the defence of Pretoria. ^
Captain Lean served with the 21st Fusiliers in the Zulu war of 1879, and in the operations against Seku-
kuni, including the storming of the stronghold (Medal with Clasp). Also served in the Boer war of 1881, and took
part in the defence of Potchefstroom. „ ^^
m ,
" Captain Despard served with the 21st Fusiliers in the Boer war of i83i, and took part the detence ot Rusten- ^

'.)urg (mentioned in despatches).

Lieut. Davidson served with the Burmese Expedition in 1885-36, and was present m
several engagements
including the taking of the Minhla Redoubt and the capture of Mandal9>- (Medal with Clasp).
« Lieut. Scudamore served with the Burmese Expedition in 1886-87 (mentioned in despatches, DSO., and Medal
with Clasp)
** Lieut. Agnew served
with the Burmese Expedition in 1885-86 as Transport Officer (mentioned in despatches.
Medal with Clasp).
" Lieut. Shortt served in the Nile Expedition in 18S4-85 with the ist Battalion Black Watch, took part the m
operations of the River Column under Major General Earle, and was present in the action of Kirbekan (Medal
with two Clasp-", and Khedive's Star).

264 The Cheshire Regiment.

Bui^oon, Bunnab,
01 liatl.,
„u U.U.. Shwob,. Bur^a..]
Fonnerly the 22nd {The GhesMre) Begt. T^^^TriS^
(riu- 3r.l aii.l 4tli Hattalious arc formed of the ist and 2nd Cheshire Militia respectively.)
Tlie Rose. "Louisbcbg" "ilEKANEK" "Hvdeeabad" "SciirrE."
»«i,(;olonel.-5ir William Monta^ru Scott il'Murdo,' XClf. Ensign, i July 37; Lieui. 5 Jan. 41 Captt ;

lUU Julv^', Ifrrrcf J/.I /or, 18 Feb. 48 Brecet Lt.Culunel, Oct. Colonel, 28 Nov. 54 Major General, 6 ;
P«T. P.J Miiroii (iS iiVii/cnunf G^Hfi-a/, 10 Feb. 76
GcHeni/, 20 May 78 Colonel Cheshire Regt. 3 June 88.
; ;

Lieutenant Colonels.— I William Brooks ^nl\'n\. Commanding the Battalion, n May 87 Ensign,
1*22 June ;

60; Litut. "y Nov. 62 Ca;.<. 'ig Feb. 70 J/ujoi-, i July 81 Lt.Colonel, 21 Apr. 86.
; ; ;

a fi.».r. William Smith Cooke, Eiuign, 3 July 60

JJ.Colontl, ai April 88. ^
Lt. ^S Jan. 64; Capt. ^s July 71 ; Major, i July 81 ; ;

John Dallas Eilgo. 'as Mar. 03 P 2 Nov. 66 10 June 74 I July 81
41 Arthur William Sheringham ''29 June 66 3 Oct. 70 19 July 77 20 Dec. 82
p.» c. Richaril Charles Hare,* Adj. 4 .Bn. ''23 June 63 P29 May 67 17 Mar. 75 13 Aug. 84
3 William Charles Daman i''2i April 67 28 Oct. 73 29 Jan. 79 19 Dec. 87
a John Frederick Wylcy 25 Sept. 67 28 Oct. 71 19 June 79 23 Mar. 88
I John Dcerint;,.<((/i(/aK<3 Volunteer Bn. )
8 July 68 28 Oct. 71 1 Jan. So 21 Apr. 88
Ckf.kirt Regt J
1 Frederick Kdward Charles Henville) 6 Mar. 72 5 July 82 I July 88
Uordou-Cumminf; i
2 William Frederick Curteis 13 4.pril 72 16 Aug. 82 16 Oct. 88

j).».c. Francis William Bromfield, In-")
May 72 22 Sept. 83
ilruclur Jiogal ililitar// College j
Owen Edward Mj-tton Davies, Station } 12 Nov. 73 22 Sept. 83
St'iff Officer, I'uzabatt j
AlexandcrGrayHamiltonGardner.Pa^- }
>6 July 76
matter i liatl'. I'orkthire Lt. Infantry..
William Keaue Kichardson [3 June 77 10 Sept. 84
a Cecil Francis de Lys Eardley-Wilmot ... 8 Dec. 2 Nov. 78 2 Sept. 85
Henry LeslieSilve8ter,.4rmy Service Corpe 16 Feb. 78 4 "^ov. 78 6 Sept. 85
1 Edward Ritchie Coryton Graham, Ad- \
I May June 6 Sept. 8s
Jutaiit 16 July 84
78 [g 79
Charles Richard Buj=;h Hardy," Armg \ II May 6 Aug. 79 6 Sept.
Sfrcice Cor/ig 8s

2 William Candler Neville, Staff Officer, \

5 Oct. 17 April 80 6 Sept. 85
Burmiik Ruby Mines )
I ReRinald Parker Grove 27 Jan. 19 Sept. 85
Arthur George Bushby Stnbbs,* Pay-
master 7 Dragoon Guards 10 Sept. I Jan. 84
Henry Stapylton Marshall, ^(iy«/u«< i> Aug.
Vohinleer JIattalion Clieskire Uegt j
13 Q Mar 21 Apr. 86
1 Edward John Lamb 14 Jan. I July 7 Feb. 87
(ieorgc James Butcher, Ordnance SloreDep. 14 Jan. I July 19 Apr. 87
2 Richard Armstrcnp II Aug. I July 19 Apr. 87
'j Rcben Joseph Cooke. Adjutant 21 Jan. 85 II Aug. I July 19 Apr. 87
1 Henry Edward Napier 10 May 23 Aug. 87
1 1 Edward Thornton Taylor 9 Aug. 82 17 Sept. 87
GrcKory .Sinclair Haines
J Dec. I July 8: 16 June 87
33 Arthur George St. George Sept. 70 28 Oct. 7: 25 Oct.
ja James Wilson Fraser 9 Sept. 82 13 June
I James Richard Kemmis birch^ 22 Oct. 8 IS Aug.
a William Frederick White 10 Mar. 8 11 Sept. 88

Henry Reginald Cholmondeley 10 Mar. S3
Kdgnr KUiott Husey 25 Aug. 83
William Hussoy. Walsh 6 Feb. 84
Henry Bertram Powell ...""!!!!"!!
23 Aug. 84
Anthony Edward Ranelagh Tucker Aug.
23 84
Alexander George William Tod ...
12 Nov. 84
Walter Rees Clittord
7 Feb. S5
llany Fnincis Kellie
7 Feb. 85
David hrodie Thomas .."
28 Feb. 85
Italiih Douglas Turton
28 Feb. 85
Dudley Coryiulon Boger
Arthur deOmrcy Scott 9 May 85
9 May 83
Hugh Davies
Arthur Ilrabazoii Stone 29 Aug. 85
Willinm IJiinel StrotUju 29 Aug. 85
Henry (^mylh. Slulion St^f Qfficer','Port] 16 Dec. 85
30 Jan. 86
John Shawe-Tayior
I'hilip Charles Palin 30 Jan. 86
Nupier KllcB Chewney 28 Apr. 86
riiomiui Owen Marden 30 Jan. 86
Willuim Vincent .Moul ... 25 Aug. 86
Arthur Huckley Bonuett 25 Aug. 86
Henry Hiirgcaunt ... 25 Aug. 86
I.pwin Harlow Walton 25 Aug. 86
Arthur Claud Adair 25 Aug. 86
1::; • -htttlcii Htnry Donald
10 Nov. 86
Lj-on-Campbeii;; 8 Dec.

Hvron Lciccmer
5 Feb. 8
•"nrleiiHonry Davies ..'.
William MarlinLcako...,. t;iir,,r,i James....'. 4 May 8
14 Sept. 8;
Vlnc<iii Riindolphe Pigoti
14 Sept. 8'
rccll Hrrbcrt Peterson 14 Sept. 8;

.. . 16 Nov. 8
I John (.|.|i|iiiN llr)ward
II Feb
I JoUii Frauciii WoUcley. ..'.'.'..'.....'.'. 9 May 881
8 Aug. 88

l: The Cheshire Regiment. 264a

\ Paymasters.— 1 Loftus O. White, i6 May 82 Ens. ^-^o Sept. 68 Lf. 8 Oct. 71 Capt. 17 April
; ; ; 80.
2 Robert F. M. F. M. Syngo,'" 9 Nov. 86 Lieut. m,,hl,nul Li</kt Infantry.

•Quarter Masters. —
2 Robert Aris, 12 Feb. 79; Hon. Lieut.


I Frederick Howard, 14 Apr. 83 Hon. Lieut.


Facings White. Agents, Messrs. Cos and Co.

1st Battalion embarked for Gibraltar, zo Feb. 1885. 2nd Battalion embarked/or India, 7 Oct. 1873.

Sir William M'Murdo served as Assistant Qunrter Master General of the Army under Sir Charles Napier during-

the campaign in Scinde in 1S43, and was present at the battle of Meeanee — in which his horse was shot under
him — affair with the enemy while conducting Major Stack's Brigade from Muttaree to form a junction with
Sir Charles Napier's force at Hydrabad and battle of Hydrabad, where he received a sabre wound in the right

breast (Medal with two Clasps). He again served as Assist. Quarter Master General to Sir Charles Napier during
the campaign against the Mountain and Desert Tribes situated on the right bank of the Indus, early in 1845"
Served as Assistant Adjutant General Queen's Troops under Sir Charles Napier in 1851-52 in the Expedition
against the Affreedics, including the forcing of the Kohat Pass (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Eastern cam-
paign as DirecDor General Land Transport Corps (Medal with Clasp for Sebasiopol, Ollicer of the Legion of Honor
4th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
2 Major Hare served in the Ashanti war of 1873-74 as Assistant Knirineer. and was present at the battle of
Amoafiil (slightly wounded), battle of Ordahsu and capture nf Conmassie (Medal with Clasp). Served in the
Egyptian war of 1882 as Brigade Major of the 2nd Brigade, and was present at the engagements of El
Ma'gfar, Tel-el-Mahuta, and Kassasin (9th Sept.) (twice mentioned iu despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal, 4tb
Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star).
7 Captain Hardy served in the Soudan campaign in 1SS5 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
* Captain Stubbs served with the 63rd Regiment in Southern Afghanistan in 1S79-S0 (Medal). Served with the
ist Battalion Manchester Regiment in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
9 Captain Birch served in the expedition to the Soudan in 1885 with the Mounted Infantry— severely woimded
(mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
10 Captain Synge. — For War Services, see Highland Light Infantry.

Continuation of Notes to the King's Oivn Scottish Borderers.

* Colonel Cai-withen and Captain Gordon served with the 25th King's Own Borderers in the Afghan war in
1878-79 veith the Peshawur Valley Field Force, including the Bazar Valley E.xpedition under Lieut. General Maude
^ Major Carleton, Captains Claughton, Mayne, Keene, and R. H. B. Taylor served with the 25th King's Own

Borderers in the Afghan war in 1879-S0 with the Khyber Line Foi-ce under Lieut.General Bright (Medal).
5 Major Ross served with the 25th King's Own Borderers in the Afghan war of 1S78-80, first with the Peshawur

Valley Field Force under Lieut.General Maude, and afterwards with the Khyber Line Force under Lieut.General
Bright, including the reconnaissance in the Shiliman Valley and the attack and destruction of the villages of Nargozi,
Arab Kheyl and Jokan (mentioned in despatches. Medal).
' Major Hogarth served with the 25th King's Own Borderers in the Afghan war in 187S-79 with the Peshawur
Valley Field Force under Lieut.General Maude (Medal).
w Major A. H. Hope, Captains Becker (as Acting Adjutant), WooUcombe and James Hope served with
the 25th King's Own Borderers in the Afghan war of 1878-80, first with the Peshawur Valley Field Force under
Lieut.General Maude, and afterwards with the Khyber Line Force under Lieut.General Bright (Medal).
'' illajor Dixon served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, first with the Peshawur Valley Eield Force as Orderly
Officer to Brigadier General Blyth, including the Bazar Valley E.'ipedition under Lieut.General Maude, and after-
wards with the Khyber Line Force under Lieut.General Bright (mentioned in despatches. Medal).
'^ Captain Haggard served with the expedition to the Soudan under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884 on Transport

duty, and was present in the engagement at Temai and the advance to Tamanieb (mentioned iu despatches. Medal
mth Clasp, and Khedive's Star) served at Suakin in command of the ist Battalion ofthe Egyptian Army during

the investment of that place by Osman Digua from May 1884 until March 1S85 (4th Class of the Osmauieh); also
served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (mentioned in despatches, Clasp). Was present in the operations in the
Eastern Soudan under Sir Frederick Stephenson in December 18S5 including the engagement at Giniss (mentioned
in despatches, DSO., and 3rd Class of the Medjidie).
^ Captain Dandridge served with the 25th King's Own Borderers in the Afghan war of 1878-80, first with the
Peshawur Valley Field Force, including the Bazar Valley Expedition under Lieut.General Maude, and afterwards
as Brigade Major and D.A.Q.M. General Cabul Field Force (Medal).
'^ Captain Beadnell served with the 25th King's Own Borderers as Adjutart in the Afghan war in 1S78-79 with

the Peshawur Valley Field Force, including the Bazar Valley Expedition under Lieut.General Maude (Medal).
'° Captain Reid served in the Afghan war of 187S-80, and took part with the Bazar Valley Expedition; was
present at the mutiny of the Wall's troops on the Helmund, and at the defence of Candahnr wounded (Medal). —
" Captain Wilkinson served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 as Transport Oiflcer (Medal with Clasp, and
Khedive's Star).
'* Captain Verner served with the 25th King's Own Borderers in the Afghan war in 1879-80 with the Khyber Line

Force under Lieut.General Bright (Medal). Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85, and was present in the en-
gagement at Abu Klea Wells on the i6th and 17th February (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
'' Lieut M'Arthur served in
the Ajghan war in 1879-80 with the 25th King's Own Borderers in the Khyber Line
Force under Lieut.General Bright (Medal). Served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 and was present in the
engagement at the Tofrek zereba (.VIedal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
=" Captain Swiney served in the
Crimea from the 22nd April 1855, including the siege and fall of Sebasto-
pol,andwasslightly wounded at the attack and captureof the Quarries (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
Served also the campaign of i860 in China, including the taking of Sinho and Tangku, and surrender of Pekin
(Medal with two Clasps). Served with the 25th K'.ing's Own Borderers in the Afghan war of 1878-80, first with the
Peshawur Vallev Field Force under Lieut. General Maude, and afterwards with the Khyber Line Force under Lieut.
General Bright (Medal).
FEegimentaJ VMrict
.»tBnu..tuekDow.Peiigai. "I
aud Ball., Oalway. J
,j,^ Royal Welsh Fusiliers.
•' LN0.23.— Wrexham.
7 \ •

Foriuerlij (he {lloijal Welsh Fusiliers) Eegiment

and AthRiitts are formed of the Denbigh and Merioneth and the Carnarvon Militia
rrii.- 'itl
Dien." The Risinp Suu. The Red Dragon
Plume. " leh Dien The Whito Horse. '' Nee aspera
Thfi White asvera '

Vho PniiCC of Wales'

Malplaqukt" "Dettin&en" "Minden" "Egypt II
U,rfi:- BLE.tBKiii- "Rauillies" " Oudenabde
(With the Sphinx) "Cobikwa" "Mahtiniqce Albuheka " "Badajoz" "Salamakca" "Vittokia'I
"1-V««SM»" "NiVKllK" "ObTHBs" " ToiLOVSB "Peninsula" "Wateeloo" "Alma" "Inkeeman"
••.•^etamopol" "Lpckkow" "Ashantee."
»rw. s«r Lt. 22 July 30; Capt. Pii Dec. 35 Major, ''22 Oct. 44
p,jj„j, _cimrles Crutchlcv, aiiJ Lt. ^Z April 26 ; ;

Kull H»U, July 49; Colonel, 28 Nov. 54; Major General, 31 Jan. 64; Lt. General, 23 April 72; General,
itxolontl, n
Oct. 77 Colonel ajnl Fusiliers, 16 Mar. 75.
r. -c ,
Colonels.— Robert Frederick Williamson,' Commanding the Battalion, 2 Aprils?; .E?^s. 8 Feb.
Lieutenant 2
Lt.* 33 Mar. 64 Capt." 3 Sept. 70; Major, 1 July 81
Lt. Colonel, 9 Dec. 85 ; Colonel, 17 May 86. ;

I u « ft kilward Stanley Creck,^

Commandinq the Battalion, i July 87 ; Ensign, 25 June 61 ; Lt. I'g Sept. 64 ;
Capt. 'j Mav It ; Major, i July 81 Lt. Colonel, 26 May 86. ;

Howe James Knox 4 Mar. 67 •*
2 June 19 Nov. 73 14 Sept. 81
I Compton Norman 2 Sept. 62 ''12 Jan. 66 1 June 74 24 Dec. 81
p.t.c.Frederick Stringer 30 June 63 \i Jan. 67 I April 75 2 July 83
Sidney Beckwith Blj-th, Adj. ^th Bat f I Dec. 65 Pso Mar. 70 4 Aug. 79
taliun {Carnarvon Militia)
Henrv Woolsar Griffith P 2Mar. 66 Pjo June 71 13 Sept. 79
Arthur Tudor Boddam-Whetham ""isMay 67 ''27 Oct. 71 28 Nov. 79
Rowland lirouf;hton Mainwaring' 30 Dec. 7: 13 June 80
I Charles Arthur B. K. Lei«hton 12 Nov. 73 Jan.
I 3i
Ernest Riddle Evau&« I

28 Feb. 74 24 Dec. 81
Henry Herbert Edwards," Adj. g Bn. > I

28 Feb. 16 Aug. 82

King's Boyal Siflei (N. Cork Militia) J

Captains. \

•5 Charles Cecil Hnyrord Thorold, AdJu-\ •

tant 3 Vol. Bn. Uehk Fusiliert

13 June 74 25 Oct.
i Henry Edward Biiker 13 June 74 4 Dec. 82
i/on. Reginald Henry Bertie, Adj. 3rd)
Battalion (Denbigh Militia) j
21 Sept. 74 10 May 83
2 Alfred Stephen Chapman 2 Dec. 74 2 July 83
George Capcl Ralph Curzou Fenwick, \
Volunteer Bn. Wehh Fu»ilier»S 2 Dec. 74 19 Sept. 83
Adj. I I

1 Frederick Morris' 2 Dec. 74 1 July

2 Henry Harvey Whiting 2 Dec. 74 26 Sept. 84
Sir Robt.AuKUstusWm. Colleton, Ba)-<., ) \

D.A.A.Gtn for Muiketry, Bengal ... S 2 Dec. 74 20 Mar. 8s


I Hugh James Archdale'" II Feb.

75 20 Mar. 85
John Harnage King Griffith

3 II Feb.
75 20 Mar. 85
I Charles Henry Milford 20 Nov. 75 10 April 85
J George Ferdinand Walker | 28 April 77 21 June 85
1 Robert Henry \VilliamDunn,'M(i/a/un< >
90ct. 85 11 Nov. 76 21 June 8s
2 Roderick Edmund Howe Gwynne" 78 I Jan. Si 21 Oct. 85
I Hugh Thomas Lyle,'*l>SO 79 13 Apr. 81 6 Dec.
I William Randal Hamilton Beresford,'*)
Station .StafOJHctr, Ranikhet 79, 1 July 81 9 Dec.
: Ilobert Bertram Firman'" 6 Aug. 79 I July 81 21 April 86
3 Burton Henryl'hilip8,wJ((/K/(iH^ 15 Sept. 87 11 Oct. 79 I July Bi 2 April 87
3 Sydney Bright Bright-Smith II Aug. I July 81 15 Sept. 87

Augustus Frederic Cooper I! Aug. I July 8i
Arthur Willoughby George Lowry ")

Co\c,^' .'>tajr College II Aug. I July Si

Augustus Carter King" 23 Oct. July Si
Sydney George Everitt 22 Jan. I July 81
James Donnilhorne Vyvyan'" 23 Apr. I July 81
Robert Wiekstcd Etlic'lston 28 Jan. 82
Uon. Robert White,*" Aide de Camp to )
Major Orneral y. Slecenion j
10 May 82
John Lock Lock 9 Sept. 82
Evciyn Linzeo Knglcheart y Sept. 82
AIhu Percy George Gough,''" Aide de}
Camp to Sir C. J. S. Gouqh ] 9 Sept. 82
John Ashuui Henshaw Walford" 9 Sept. S«
Patrick RiuiTs .Maiitell" 25 Aug. 83
Charlc" Kdward Haiicroft 25 Aug. 83
JamoM Hugh Gwynnc'' ...."!!!!!.!.!!! 12 Nov. 84
G«?<)rge Kre<Uric"Hartleiot" ........!!...!!..! 7 Feb. 85
ChnrIcK Augustus Edwards"? 6 May 85
JamcH DayrullcH Croshio 3 June 85
Haymuud Hudolcv Webber"...,.. 23 May 85
Henry I)cliiu\.Ra<lclifre'» Aug.
29 85
William Clmrlcs Hall .".'.

Nov. 85
(•oorge NicholHi.i)
25 Nov. 85
IIorHco WcHtronp M'Mahon ..'.
25 Nov. 85
Hugh Krtwiird Walker* Nov. 85
B<'mnrd Kiiigscoto Hanbury ... 26 May 86
Henry Jchn Madonks
2? Aug.

I Uonia Andrew Mslncby Daly
'.' 8 Doo. 86

nich. (o-irtcnay MrabiizonThrockmortoiJ

21 May 87
3 Aug.
24 87
I Willinm David Bowen Lloyd
"•f-rtf" ... 11 Feb.
» Richard htlrling Orant-Thnrnia '
n Feb,
14 Mar.
H»nry ()«bcrlHamunl CB<iogan'
Johu Ciruham Crosthwoito 9 May 88
as Aug. 88
)) '

rEegimenfal District
^67 t«t H.i(t..I)ublla.
jnailalt.,Rmnilihet, Bengal. J
The South Wales Borderers. . , , . •
LNo. 24.— Brecon.
x -r.

Fvrmerh/ the 24th (The 2nd Wanvtcks/ure) Eegimenf.

T.l aiul 4th Battalions arc
(Th.' •' formea of the South Wales Borderers and the Montgomery
Militia resiiectively.)
" " Oi-DKXABDB " " Malplaqcibt '' Egtpt " (^vith the Sphinx) " Caps of Good Hopb,
Ulkiiim • ••
lUif itiiES
" •' Salamanca" "'/Vitiobia" " Pteenebs " Nitelle " "Qbthes
" '

ifc^' Tai "vbVa" '• FcBKTEs d'O.vob

" " Sot7TH AfEICA, 1877-8-9."
'-'-"" Zieuf. i-is Jan. 41; Capt. P28 Apr. 46; Jfa>r.
Colonel.-E.lmund Wodchouse, En^iflo, ^24 liar 37;
»8 .\up. 5.; Bt.U. Colonel, t2 Doc. 57;
Lt.Colone, q Mar 60; CoZ««./ i June 62 Major General, ;

(jCTiera?, i July 81 Colonel, South Wales Borderers, 13 Nov. 88.

6 Mnr 68 i;>«i Grnrru/ 25 Apr. 80
• ; ;

Commandm,, the Battalion, 25 Feb. 88 Dnsign, 30 Aug. 59 ;

Ueutenuit ColoneU —2 Charles James Bromhead.i ;

Lrto Feb. 63 Capt. 19 Oct. 72 Bt. Major i Apr.

74 :„^<'i2'-. .' July. Sj
Lt.Colonel, 31 Jan. 83.
, ;.

Farquhar Glennic,'' Commanding the Battalion, 9 June

Ensign July 60 ; i<. ^26 Feb. 64 ; Cajjila
! ; ;

j6 Mnr. Uajor. 1 July 81 Lt.Colonel, 9 Jnne
73 ;

William Penn Bymons^ (Bl.Lt. Col. zj')
Mar. 63 •30 Oct. 66 July
Mav 86: Colonel, i July 87). Com->
mandinq Mounted Infantry, Burmah...)
Sir FrcilicCarrinpton,' KCMa.(Bt.Lt.-)
Colonel 29 N0V.79; Colonel. 26 Jan. 84) f
P 4 May 64 I
Feb. 67 [I Nov. 78
Com. Beckuanaland Mounted Police ...J
p.i.c. Herbert Belasyse Moffat' 6 July 64 '26Feb. 67 4 May 25 Feb. 82
Feb. 66 ''30 Oct.
I p.i.f. Archer Anderson Morshead' 13 69 23 Jan. 79 25 Feb. 82
3 John James Har\-ey'» (Bt.Ll.Colonel,\ "21 Mar. 65 ^io Sept. 68 24 July 78 9 June 82
2 .\ue.88) i
^20 Apr. 67 28 Oct. 71 23 Jan. 79 4 April 83
7 5'C Gonville Bromheail"
I Stanhope Banister'*
Gofir;;e 8 July 68 28 Oct. 71 5 Feb. 79 15 Aug. 85
>'C Kdward Stevenson Browne'* 23 Sept. 7 28 Oct. 71 19 May " 2 Nov. 85
Henry Germain Maiuwaring'* 21 Sept. 73 7 July 2 Nov. 85

1 Wilfred Heaton'-'' 28 Feb. 74 4 Sept. eS Nov. 8s

2 Ralph Arthur Penrhyn Clements'^) 2 Dec. 74 24 Feb. 86
4 Dec.
(III. Lt.Colonel, 1 July 87) i
1 O'lentin M'Kinnon Logan" 28 April 76 2 Feb. 9 June 86
2 Hon. Ulick De Rupe Burke Roche,'' 6 Sept. 76 18 June 81
Staff OJicrr, Wellington Depot )

Courtney Vor Trower,'-"^<J/. 3'''^ Batta- > 17 May 77 8 Oct. 81

lion {Brecon and Sadnor Militia) >
George Chnmpney Palmes-' 10 Sept. 77
I 9 June 82
J William Weallens" II May 23 Jan. 79 30 Sept. 82
3 Arthur Bnrn^ Phipps^' 14 Sept. 78 23 Jao. 79 20 July 83
Charles Erailius Curll.M Adj. i We>t\ 14 Sept. 78 23 Jan. 70
hiding of Yorhthire Engineer Vols. ...) 5 Jan. 84
John David Arthur Thomas Lloyd," 4 Dec. 78 23 Jan.
Adj. I Volunteer Bn. S. Wales Borderert J
79 15 Apr. 85
1 Frederic Philip Smyly=i 31 Jan. 77 12 Apr. 79 15 Aug. 85
Geo. Kenrick Moore,'.'' Army Fay Dept.... 5 Sept. 77 12 Apr. 79 IS Aug. 85
Arnold Wilson Birch," Ad/. ^ Volunteer \ 16 Feb. 17 May
Battalion South Wales Borderers J
78 79 15 Aug. 8s
Alfred Crnnworth Worlledge," Army') June June 79
29 7 Nov. 8s 2
Pity DejMirtmeut j
3 Percy Tatham Armitage".* 19 Oct. 7 July 80 28 Nov. 85
2 Roeinald Campbell," Adjutant 21 July 86 26 Mar. 7 July 80 9 June 86
I FranciB Charles King Hunter 2 July 14 Dec. 80 14 June 86
Arth. ThoR. Digby Neave, Adj. 4 Bn... 2 July 1 Jan. 81 14 June 86
JoKcph John Burnett,*' Paymaster t
July Jan. 81
9 I 20 Sept. 86
Ballalinn Deronthire liegiment
3 Arthur Maitland Sugden II Aug. II July 81 20 Sept. 86
I Henry PMmund Every 23 Oct. I July 81 28 Sept,
1 Edwurd Sylvester Gillman sOct. I Jan. 80 25 Oct.
a Jonan Hamilton du Boulay Travers .. 22 Jan. I July
1 DoukIbh John Gaisford 19 Feb. 1 July
1!? 3 Henry Macleod (Jraham" II Aug. 8 June 30 Lieut. Beresford served in th iZult
2 Jolin Peirse Do la Pocr Beresford"' .. 8 June 81 I July Si war in 1879, and was present in 1

2 Alfri-d Cotton 29 July 82 gagement at Ulundi (Medal withClasp) J^

I George Turner 10 Mar. 83 Served with the Burmese Expedition
I William Hurton Watts 83 in 18S5-88 (Medal with Clasp).
^' Lieut.
3 Tlioman Dcwhirst 23 July 83' Tompkins served in the
I B<iwcu William Sutton Van Strauben Kafir war in 1877-78 including the
ree, Adiutunt 1 Feb. 87
8 Aug. 83:,
^operations against the Galokas ; also
3 George HugliCH Grant" 7 Feb. 85 served in the Zulu war in 1879, and
I Herbert Ferdinand Woodgato 7 Feb. 85 was present in the engagement at
I Cbiirlen Archibald Ramsay Scott 28 Feb. 85 Ulundi (Medal vrith Clasp).
Herborl Achecon Mooro" 6 May 85
I Arthur Henry MorriH Hamilton Jones 29 Aug.
(.'hiirien OhhIow Reid 29 Aug,
IloliiTi CharleH Cockerill 29 Aug,
Henry King 29 Aug.
Hurry Julin Maclcod 29 Aug. 85
3 Thoiniui Fitzroy Kelly" 5 Aug. 85
lUjbirl TowiiHhcnd Paneingham" 30 Jan. 86
> Jnnii'ii I'lirker^ 30 Jan. 86
ItcDjnnuii Pnictor Simpson Rooko 28 Apr. 86
Wni. Hrnry Walter Alleyno Foster . 16 Dec. 85
I Hut.'li Gilbert CoKBon , 25 Aug. 86
Willuim Henry .Maiming 25 Aug. 86
I Krc<icnrk St. John Hughes 25 Aug. 86
» Clnjrt/in Cakcoigno Bcauchamp 25 Aug. 86
I Sydney FiUwyman Cooke , 10 Nov. 86

The South Wales Borderers. 268
^*y- P^y- Second IiIeutenants. 2ND LIKDT.
... 2 Sydney Sheridan Bradford., 5 Feb. 87 s' Liouts. Graham, antl H. A.Moore, served
I ... John Patrick Cumberlege Hennessy .
5 Feb. 87! with the Burmese K.xpecUtiou in 1885-87
2 John Goin.s? 16 Nov. 871 (Modal with Cla»p).
2 Walter Hammond Nori 16 Nov. 87 " Lieut. Way served with the Burmese Ex-
t Charles Edward PitzGeraUl Walker 16 Nov. 87 pedition in 1887-88 (Medal with Clasp).
1 Victor Ferguson 16 Nov. 87I "* Lieut. Kelly served with the lUn-mese
Thomas Stirling Marqnis I
16 Nov. 87 pedition in 1885-86 (Medal with (Hasp).
2 Ernest Frederick Hood j
21 Dec. 87! 35 Lieuts. Passinsham and Parker served
1 Henry Percy Pulleino , with the Burmese Expedition in 1886-87 (Medal
2 Albert Canning Apr. 88! with Ulasp).
1 Wilfrid Edward Bownas Smith
2 Thomas Williams Lightfoot cj Au'_r. 88|
2 William Henry Francis Basevi j2 Aiiir. 33
2 Edmund Gunning Jones 10 Nov. 88'
Pat/masters.— I Alfred C. Worlledge,-" Caplaiii iSuulh Wales Borderers.
26' ... 2 Spencer Byng Astley, 5 Apr. 84 ; Ens. i'i6 Oct. 63; Lt. 11 Nov. 66; Capf. 7 March 77.

Quarter Masters. i John James Tompkins,^' 26 Nov. 79 ; lion. Lieut.
2 William Hogan, 29 Dec. 83 Hon. Lieut. ;

Facings White. Agents, Messrs. Holt, Lawrie, and Co.

1st Battalion returned from Malta, 1879. -^nd Buttalion embarked for the Cape of Good Hope, Fehruarii 1878.^
' Lt.Colonel Charles Bromheadaccompanied Sir GarnetWolseley to the Gold Coast in Sept. 1873 on special service,

and served throughoutthe Ashantiwar of 1873-74. Was sent as Special Commissioner first to the King of Eastern
Assin and then to the King of Abra. Was Staff Officer to Colonel Festing at the action of the 27th October near
Dunquah. Commanded the Abras at the repulse of the Ashanti Army at Abrakrampa during the 5th and 6th
November 1873. Commanded the reconnaissance in force of the 8th November. Afterwards served with Russell's
Regiment at the capture and destruction of Adubiassie, battle of Amoaful, capture and destruction of Becquah,
advanced guard engagement at Jarbinbah, skirmishes and ambuscade affairs between Adwabin and the river
Ordah, battle of Ordahsu and capture of Coomassie (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
Served in the Zuln war of 1879 (Medal with Clasp'.
5 Lt.Colonel F. Glennie served m
the Kafir war in 1S77-78, and was pi-esent in the engagement at Taba ka Udoda
(dangerously wounded) also served in the Zulu war
; m
1879 (Medal with Clasp).
« Colonel Symons served in the Kafir war in 1877-78 including the operations against the Galekas also served in the ;

Zulu war in 1879 (Medal with Clasp). Served with the Burmese Expedition in 18! IS Deputy Assistant Adjutant
and Quarter Master General (mentioned in despatches. Brevets of Lt.Colonel mi Modal with Clasp).
Sir Frederick Carrington organised and commanded Mounted Inffintry in the n ti) the Diamona Fields
in 1S75, and Carrington's Horse (mounted infantry) at the annexation 'of the

111 1877. Served in the

Kafir war in the Transkei in 1877, and raised and commanded the " Frontier Li^ 11(1 was present in the

engagement at Quintana (mentioned in despatches) and subsequent operations iii.>;kei and Perie Bush.
Served in the operations against Sekukuni in 1878-79 as Commandant of the Volunteer Force, and 1

commanded the advance guard and left attack at the capture of the stronghold (mentioned in despatches.
Brevets of Major and Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp) Commanded the Cape Mounted Rifles at the siege of Mafeteng

by the Basutos, and commanded the Colonial Forces in Basutoland during the operations against the Basutos from

November 1S80 to March 1881 severely wounded (mentioned in (!olonial despatches) Served with the Bechuana- .

land Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85 in command of the 2nd Mounted Rifles (mentioned in de-
8 Major Moflfat was employed in Natal during the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal).
' Major Morshead served in the Kafir war in 1S77-78 as District Adjutant of the Transkei and Cisvaal Districts,

and was present in the operations against the Galekas and in the engagements at Newmaka and Quintana (men-
tioned in despatches) also served in the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal with Clasp).

'" Lt.Colonel J. J. Harvey served in the Kafir war in 1877-78, and was present during the operations against
Galekas and Gaikas including the engagement at the Perie Bush; also served in the Zulu war in 1S79 (Medal
with Clasp). Served with the Burmese Expedition in 1885-87, including the pursuit and capture of Boh Shway
(Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp).
•' Major Gonville Bromhead served in the Zulu war of 1S79 with the 24th Regiment, and took part
as second in
command in the gallant and successful defence of Rorke's Drift (mentioned in despatches, promoted Captain and
Brevet of Major, Victoria Cross, Medal with Clasp) together with Lieut. J. R. M. Chard, Royal Engineers, was

awarded the YC " for their gallant conduct at the defence of Rorke's Drift on the occasion of the attack by the
Zulus on the 22nd and 23rd January 1879. The Lieutenant General commanding the troops reports that, had it
not been for the fine example and excellent behaviour of these two officers under the most trying circumstances,
the defence of Rorke's Drift Post would not have been conducted with that intelligence anil tenacity which so
essentially characterised it. The Lieutenant General adds, that its success must, in a great degree, be attributable
to the two young officers who exercised the chief command on the occasion in question." Served with the Bur-
mese Expedition in 1885-88 (Medal with Clasp).
'^ Major Banister served in the Kafir war of 1S77-78, and took part in the operations against
the Galekas, and
in the Zulu war of 1879 (Medal with Clasp).
" Major E. S. Browne served in the Kafir war in 1878 including the operations against the Griquas also served ;

in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the engagements at Zlobane Mountain (Victoria Cross) and Ulundi
(mentioned in despatches), and in the operations against Sekukuni (Medal with Clasp) was awarded the Uffi " for :

his gallant conduct on the 29th March 1879, when the Mounted Infantry were being driven in by the enemy at
Inhlobana, in galloping back and twice assisting on his horse (under heavy fire and wiihin a few yards of the
enemy) one of the mounted men, who must otherwise have fallen into the enemy's hands."
'' Major Mainwaring served in the Kafir war in 1877-78 including the operations against
the Galekas; also
served in the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal with Clasp).
'5 Major Heaton served in the Kafir war in 1877-78, and in the Zulu war in
1879, ^^^ was present in the
engagement of Ulundi (Medal with Clasp). Served with the Burmese Expedition in 1885-87 (Medal with Chisp).
"^ Lt.Colonel Clements served in the Kafir war in 1877-78, and was present in the engagement at
Neumarke; also
served in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the engagement at Ulundi (Medal with Clasp). Served with the
Burmese E.xpedition in 1885-86 as Brigade Major, and was present in the engagements at Obu (severeij- wounded)
and Taindah— slightly wounded (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp).
'* Major Logan served with the 2nd Battalion 24th Foot in the Kafir war of 1877-78, and took part
in the opera-
tions against the Galekas, and in the Zulu war of 1879 (Medal with Clasp).
" Captain Hon. Ulick Roche served in the Kafir war in 1877-78 with the ist Battalion of the 24th Foot, includ-
ing the operations against the Gaikas and Galekas (Medal with Clasp). Served with the Burmese Expedition in
1886-87 (Medal with Clasp).
*" Captain Trower served in the Kafir war in 1877-78 including the operations against the Galekas
and Gaikas
also served in the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal with Clasp).
*' Captain Palmes served in the Kafir war in 1877-78, and was present during the operations against
the Galekas
and in the engagement at Quintana (Medal with Clasp).
^ Captain Weallens served in the Zulu war in 1879, and was present in the engagement at Ulundi (Medal with
" Captains Curll, Lloyd, Smyly. G. K. Moore, Birch and Armitage served in the Zulu war of 1879 (Medal with Clasp).
** Captain Phipps served in the Zulu war in 1879, and was present in the engagement at
Ulundi— severely
wounded (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp).
" Captain R. Campbell served in the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal with Clasp). Served with the Burmese Exnrdi-
tion in i836-88 (Medal with Clasp).
^ Captain Worllcdge was employeil
in Natal during the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal).
Captain Burnett served in the Zulu war of 1879 with the 99th Foot, and was i resent in the eni'apeoiB
Inyezane and Gingindhlovu and at the relief of Ekowe (Medal with Clasp). ° * "lents at
Meerut.Bengai.-jThe King's Owu Scottish Borderers. [^''^^'^^'^Vick-on-^^^^^^
''and Bull
^^^'Forwerly the 2Sth {TheKincfs Own Borderers) Begiment.
(The -,rd Battalion is formed of the Scottish Borderers ]\Iilitia the 4th Battal on is not yet formed.) ;

, w-,.-^„-. r,,>». " /» Verilate Seliqiouis confido." The Castle of Edinburgh. " iVin Domuiu, frustra."
^ - Xeca%'raterLt.'' " Mixdex " " Egmoni-op-Zeb.- " Egtpi" (with the Sphinx)
TLa UiSrse MARHNIQrE Afohanistan, It

U^Hioi Colonel.-William Craig Emilius Napier,' i:«».5», =8 Oct. js i#. ''17 Nov. 37; Ca|)/. ''29 April 42 Brevei ;

Oct. 55 Major General,

P«y. l-mT- Feb. 48 Hrecet Lt. Colonel, 30 Jliiy 51 ; Colonel, 28 Oct. 54 Major, 23
Major. 18 ;
; ;

22 Aug. 73 General, 1 Oct. 77 ;Co/o«e« King's Ovvn Borderers, 23 Sept 82.

9 March ey.LUul.General,

Coimnandtng the Battalion, 27 June 87; Ensign,

Lieutenant Colonels —1 George Terry Ludcr Carvnthen,^
'27 N^- 57; iT. 3 Jan. 60; Capt. -16 Aug. 64; Bt.ZLajor, 1 Oct. 77; Major, 21 June 80; Lt.Colonel,

27 June 81 ;'Co/onf/, 27 June 87. ., , „ ^ .

John Talbot Coke. Commandh^g the Battalion. 1

July 87 ;
.Ens^n 24 June 59! ; Capi.
p„ Aug. 66; Bt. Major. 14 Nov. 79 3^«.;<"-. 8 June 81 : ; Lt.Colonel. 21 June 85.
|t Pranci 6 Edward Carleton'' 29 Jan. 61 P I Mar. 64 P 3 Sept. 70
ta John Leith Ross' ................... ''26 July 64 !i Aug. 67 19 Mar.
I April
Geo. Onnond Stoney SS.O. Julliindur. 5 July 64 5 Oct. 67
Aug. 66 10 Mar. 70
terr Battalion Woreettet Rrgimen,
John Henry Hickmau S. D. Hogarth," > I

Mar. ''28 May 70

Adj. Queen t }i\fleVolunteer Brigade i
2 Adrian Henry liopc'" -•-• 5 Oct. 21 June 71
EdgarW.W.Uering.^d/".2ro/.Bn.B.l^K». 8 Jan, '28 June 71
7 Henry Grey Dixon" 23 Dec. '
2 Aug. 71
1 p.$.e. John William Godfray 24 Sept. 28 Oct. 71
I Charles Chester William Da ndridge" ... 25 Sept. 28 Oct. 21 Juno 80
Geo. Thos. Wm. Hewat, Adj. 3 [Dum- ] 27 Sept. 28 Oct. I Jan. 81
frier) VoI.Bh.Il.O. Scottinh Borderers
Thomas Justice Arthur Bather, Adj.

30 Dec. 26 Feb. 81
2 Vol. Bn.l'ork and Lancaster Eegt.
I Robert John Uomanes 29 May 26 April 81
Alfred George Streatfield Beadnell,'* 7 June
31 Oct. 8 81
Adj. 12 Middletex Rife Volunteers... j
Chas. Theodore Becker. i»^<J;. 3 ^^m- \ Aug.
9 73
\ Bn. N.ii^. Provinces Volunteers )
I Andrew Chas. Parker Haggard, =- DSO. 12 Nov. 73
i Fra. Arthur Cartwright Claughton," 28 Feb. 74
Adj. 2 Toirer Hamlets Eng. \ oh. ... i

'|i George NisbetMayne' 13 June

1 Juraes Henry Erskine Reid'o II Feb. 75
Leonard Gordon,' A.D.C. to Lieut. ~i
6 Sept. 76
Governor of N. W. Provinces j
'j Alexander HepbumeBarringtonCavaye 31 May 77
I Ch. Louis Woollcombe,'" Adj. 3 June 85 II Oct. 76
2 Montagu G.Wilkinson,'" .44/. 22 Feb. 86 30 Jan. 17 April 79
2 Alfred Woreley Pcnnyman 1 May 24 May
Ii James Hope'" 2 Mar. 17 May
2 Herwald H. Wigram II May 2 July
3 Duncan Ahvyn Macfarlane May
a Christopher Theodore Peacey Kccne'
22 Jan. 2 June
3 Jas. Re&.Adj. 2 Adm. Bn. N.W.P. Vols.
8 Dec. Apr.
I George de Wet Verner'8 13 Aug. 79 I Jan.
Reynell H. Bayley Taylor,' O.S.Dept... 13 Aug. 26 Feb.
7 Fitzroy Hemphill 14 Jan. I July
I Chas. Joseph Edw. Addis M' Arthur"... 14 Jan. I July
1 Hundal Fleming Johnston 13 Aug, I July
Is Percv Wildman-Lushington, u<S/a^Co», 23 Oct. I July
I Alex. Beamish Hamilton, at Stttf Collegt 22 Jan. 1 July
I Jiimcs Bonham Tod Pratt 22 Jan. I July
7 Harold James Clitford Stanton 19 Feb. I July
I Kobcrt Lynch BI088O 23 April 8 1
I July
I Francis William Marshall 10 May
3 Arthur Wentworth Wm.Aug.Thellus-')
son, with Mounted Infantry in Kggpt S 9 Sept.
7 Walter Dennistoun tsellar 9 Sept. 82
Aug. Holier Magee, Adj. Nagpore R. V. 27 Jan. 83
1 Kdgar John Dent 10 Mar. "
I Thomas George MacLaren 10 Mar.
I Rupert Maxwell RosB-Johnson 29 Aug
I Goorgo Edward Rogers 29 Aug,
I Cecil Macdonald Stephenson 25 Nov,
I Archibald Stephen Koe 30 Jan.
I Harry Torrinno Pritchard 25 Aug
,1 Lionel Chorloy Lascolles Davidson 10 Nov.
.". a Edward Kobcrt Curcton 30 Jan. 86
•/' I Horace Powyg Lane 29 Aug. 86
Hubert liionel Stanton 5 Fob. 87
Roger Lloyd Reunion s Feb. 87
I William Ucttdon 14 Sept. 87
a Alfred Edward Uaig 14 Sept
GillicrtWard Johnson 14 Sept.
a boymour Campl>cll Johnston 18 Jau.
a Alexander Charles Going 9 May
I Anguii George Kraser 9 May
a Alan IliiljihCobbold 9 May
a David Riimwiy Sladcn 13 J
a KranriH John Carrnthers 22 Aug.
a Uorbcri William Iltttligan 22 Aug.
a GcjrKO llinry Boll ."] aj Aug.
a William Greiilcy .Madan 22 Aug.
a Norman Krni'sl Pluvfair 22 Aug. 681
I Fruiicii. AUxaiiilcrkinglake Foster... 10 Nov. 88
Tbumiui Ityrno Sellar 29 Dec. 88
Pa/muttrs.-i I'crcy T Rivctt-Carnac.'jg Apr. 84 Captain West Riding Regiment.

7 K\i:X.U.\\.C\i\n.y e. Captain 7 Battalion {actinq)

Qaarttr JUa$ttr:—i John Swincy.'" 5 Oct.72; "<">. Captain, Oct 83.
7 John Connolly,
6 82; Lieut.May Hen.
.'ud^C'.LuLow, Bengal. ] The Cameroiiians (Scottish Rifles). [^TT-^^r^uZ'. 270
Formerly the 26th (The Cameronian) and the goth (^I'erthshire Volunteers —
Light Infantry) Begiraents.
(The 3rd and 4th Battalions are formed of the Royal Lanark JliliLia.)
"BtBiTHEiM" "Ramillies" "Oudhnarde" "Malplaquet" "MArfDORA" "Egypt" (with the Sphin.x).
" CoEuifTf A " "Martinique" "Guadaloupe" "China" (with the Dragon). " South
Years' Ser
• •rt»S«r.

ESt Bate, On passage Home. "I _,, _, , _ . , .„. _, th -t ri?egimeiif'il District 271
2nd Batt., On Passage to India. J The Royal IniHSklllmg FUSllierS. LNo.27.-0magh. '

Formerhj tlie 2'jth (Innisl-illim/) and the loSfh (Madras Infanti-y) Regiments.
(Tlie 3rd, 4th, ami 5t]i Battalions are formed of the Fermanagh, Tyrone, and Donegal Militia respectively.)
The Castle of Iimiskillinj?, with St. George's Colours. The White Horse. " JVec asperaterrent." " St. Lucia. "
" Egypt " (with the Sphinx). " Maida " " Babajoz " " Salamanca " " Vittoria " " Pyrenees " " Nivellb "
" Obthes " "Toulouse" " Peninsula" "Waterloo" " South Africa, 1835 " " South Africa, 1846-7"
" Central India."
Years' Ser.
Colonel.— 5jV James Talbot Aire.y,i KCB. Ensign, n Feb. 30 Lieut. ''3 May 33; Capt. ''22 July 42; Major, ;
Halt II Nov. 51 Capt. 4- Zt. Colonel, 17 July 54 'Colonel, 26 Dec. 59 Major General, 6 Mar. 68 ; Lt.Qeneral
; ;

I Oct. 77 Oeneral, i July 81

; Colonel InniskilliuK' Fusiliers, 13 Mar.' 85.

Lieutenant Colonels. 2 John Edward Wetherall,^ Commanding the Battalion, 7 May 87; Ensign, 10 Sept. 56;
Lt. II Dec. 57; Capt. 4 Sept. 67; Brevet Major, 31 Dec. 80; Major, i JtiIj Si; Zf. Colonel, 9 May 83; Colonel,
9 May 87.
I p.s.c. William Toke Dooner,' Ensign, P30 Jan. 63; Lt. 6 Feb. 66; Capt. 24 Mar. 75; Major, 1 July 81;
Li. Colonel, i Feb. 88.

Frederick East Apthorp Aug. 63 18 Jan. 67 10 Dec. 75 I July 81
p.s.c. James Wa'ton Fowell Buxton,')
•"lo July 63 P 2 Jan. 6g 10 Nov. 77 IS Oct. 81
D.A.A. Gen. Straits Settlements S
Henry Gra\ytorcL,Ad)utant 2 Volunteer \
Mar. 66 22 Oct. May
liaftaliun Gordon Kiqhlanders
30 67 14 Jan. 76 9 83
Donald Arcliibiild Campbell,.4(Z;'a<a«< 1

3 liatfalim East Lancashire Eegi- \ 9 July 68 28 Oct. 7 8 Dec. 77 10 Aug. 83

meiif (s Lancashire Militia) )

Georrfo Herbert Michaelson, Adjutant \

7 July 69 28 Oct. 7 12 Feb. 79 13 Jan. S5
3 Battalion (Fermanagh Militia) )
Charles Kdward Bovill, Adj. 5 S"i-\ '12 Sept. 63, 21 June 67 I July 76
talion [Donegal Militia) >
p.s.c. Ernest Edward Swaine,i>.A.4. > April 78
I'isJuly 681^27 Oct. 7 3
General, Cj/prus S
Albert Philip Wodehouse P 4 Aug. 6s\f s May 60 12 Fell. 75 9 Feb. 8^
2 Charles Francis Henry Spencer ''12 June 67 P2 1 Aug. 69 6 July 84

John Cave Bayly^ 30 Dec. 73 18 Oct. 79
Henry Stopford Tunnard, Paymaster \
1 Bn. y. Lancashire Eegiment S
28 Feb. 74 8 Dec. 80
Thomas Martin Gerard Thack^ay ="25 Nov. 68 27 Oct. 71 23 Mar. 81
Richard Menteith Greenfield,? S<a#)
College J
13 June 74 14 Sept. 81
Henry Cornwall Cotton Gibbings,'')
10 Aug. 83
Paymaster 2 Battalion... i
11 Feb. 75
p.s.c. Norman Alton Bray 12 Nov. 73 10 Aug. 83
William Swinnerton Byrd Levett, ^(Z-
jutant I Vol. Bn. Shropshire Lt. Inf. 6 Sept. 76 31 May 84
John James Purdon 26 July 84
Henry George Daniel ^ S Sept. 4 Oct. 84
John Francis William Charley, Adju- \
30 Jan. I Nov. 78 13 Jan. 85
tant II Middlesex Eifle Volunteers ... j
Henry M'Leod Young, Adjutant 6\ Feb.
Vol.Bn. Manchester Eegiment ) 13 Nov. 78 2 8s
Francis Alexander Sanders 16 Feb. 18 Nov. 78 2 Feb. 85
Edward Aubrey Strachan I May Feb. 79
I 2 Feb. 85
Peter Ridley Edward Thompson I May 12 Feb. 79 17 Aug. "8s
Robert Lawrence Ball Steele II May 8 Mar. 79 I Jan,
William Charles WooUett 21 June 6 Mar. -- 5 Apr. 87
Richard Charles Clement Cox 21 June 8 Dec. 80 7 May 87
Arthur Mainwaring Goodrich 21 June I July I July
Archibald James Murray, 4(J/. 12 Feb. 86 13 Aug. I July I July
Jasper Graham Mayne 13 Aug. I July 10 Sept. 87
Gerald Mackay Mackenzie, Army \ Feb.
Sercice Corps
13 Aug. I July I
Charles John Lloyd Davidson 13 Aug. I July I Feb.
John Leathley Armitage
p.s.c. II Oct. I July [7 Oct.
James William Bradford Silverthorno 19 Feb. I July ,r Oct. 88

Robert Why te Melville Jackson, Ord- \ 19 Feb. 81 I July 81
nance Store Department J
2 Arthur John St. John, Adj. i Sept. 86.. 9 Sept. 82
2 George Edward Wilkinson^ 19 Dec. 83
2 George Powell Stewart 30 Jan,
2 Thomas Godwin Campbell Reynolds^' 14 May
I Richard Mildmay Foot 7 Feb.
I Annesley John Hancocks 7 Feb.
1 Ernest Blennerhassett Blennerhassett 6 May
2 Hamilton Mathew Murray Thompson.. 23 May
I Charles Melville Kendall 29 Aug.
Trimnell Martin Ward 29 Aug.
1 Gerard Fitz William Curtis 2; Nov.
2 Francis George Jones 16 Dec.
2 Frederick William HernonSherwin . 16 Dec.
Alexander John Wogan Browne 16 Dec.
George Alexander Leslie Buchanan .... 16 Dec.
Tanfield Vachell 30 Jan.
2 Henry Percy Hancox 30 Jan.
1 Arthur Francis Hamilton Cox" 13 Feb.
2 Charles Rodney Heaste.y 10 Nov.
[i Richard William Arthur Denne 8 Dec.
I Henry Coape-Smiih S Feb. 21 Nov.
T«n-6M. 2710 The Eoijal Innishillinfj Fusiliers.

'i Claude Houston Stuart I 5 Jeb. 87
William Lionel I'erfs^ Gibton 23 Mar.
.. 1 Granvillo Eustace Malthey ... 4 May 87
.. '7 Charios .\rthiir Wildinp 14 Sept. 87
.. I WilliBtn Krtmnnd AugnstusChas. Hervey 14 Sept. 87
... Vere n'Ovlv Noble

14 Sept. 87
... Kdivani .lames Buckley
Nov. 87 ' 16
,.. I Sichanl TuUocU Triscott 11 Jan. 83
... J Bernard Scott 9 May S8 I

... I Arthur Pole Welman 22 Aug. 88

.. 3 Armine Brcretou Uew 10 Nov. 88;
.. rereiviil Scotl-Beves
10 Nov. 88| |

... I Ambrose St. Quintin Ricardo jdNov. 88

.J'ayma.Ur,.-i Gcorpo K. Moore.'» 3 Oct. 84! Capfaui South Wales Borderer,.
2 Henrv C. C. Gibbinss,' 8 Nov. 84 Cajitam Inni^kdUng Fu^ilifrs. ;

< 4 •
... Qumrler Matlen.—i .I'ohu Henrv Windrum. 11 April 85 Hon. Captain, 31 Jan. 87. ;

4 I ... , 2 Patrick Hastings, 14 Oct. 85 Hon. Lieut. ;

Facings mne.—Aqenfs, Messrs. Cox and Co.

1./ B,itt. embarked for Haifa, 17 J\or. 1876. 2nd Batt. embarked for India, t2 Dec. 1888.
in Affghanistan in 1841-42, and war

Sir James Talbot Airey served as Aide dc Camp to Major General Elphinstone
prcsentntthe stonnine ofthe Khoord Cal....,l I'ai^s on the 12th Oct. 1841 under Sir Robert Sale, and had his horse shot
under him. He sen-ed during the insurrection at Caboul from 2nd November 1841 till January 1842; was present at the
•lormintr of the Rickarb Bashec and the neighbouring forts also in the action on the heights on the 13th N ovember. ;

and the battle of Bcj-maroo on 23rd November. Delivered up as a hostage to the Affghans on the 21st Dec. 1841, and
remained a prisoner in their hands until the 17th Sept. 1842. On release joined the force proceeding to the Kohistan
as second in command of Khuzzilbash Horse, under Sir John M'Caskill, and was present at the storming and
capture of l8talifr( Medal). Was present with the Buffs in the Gwalior campaign of 1843, and in the battle of Punniai
(Bronre Star). Served throughout the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 as Assistant Quarter Master General of the
Riifht Division; on the 14th September 1854 captured and brought into camp at Old Fort 75 Russian waggons
laden with forage and tlour on their wav to Sebastopol; present at the affair of Bulganack, battles of Alma (horso
(hot through the neck), Balnklava, and Inkerman. Served as Quarter Master Genera! of the Expedition to Kertch
under Sir tJcorge Brown in May 1855, and succeeded as senior officer to the command of the English troops on the
departure of that General to Anapa returned to Sebastopol on the iSth June present the entire siege of Sebas-
; ;

topol and the attack of the Redan on the 8th September (Medal with four Clasps, CB., Knight of the Legion ci
Honor, 4th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
' Colonel Wetherall served in th-o 3rd Madras European Regiment with the Saugor Field Division in the Indian

matiny campaign in 1858-59, and was present at the battle of Banda (Medal with Clasp for Central India).
• Lt-Colonel Dooner accompanied Sir Garnet Wolseley to the Gold Coast in September 1S73 on special service;
trained the Opobo Companj- of Russell's Regiment and commanded it throughout the Ashanti war of 1873-74, in-
cluding; the capture and destruction of Adubiassie, the battle of Amoaful, capture and destruction of Becquah, the
advanced guard engagement of Jarbinbah, the skirmishes and ambuscade affairs between Adwabin and the rivei
Ordah, battle of Ordahsu and capture of Coomassie. Also surveyed for the Intelligence Department portions ol
road between Cape and the Prah (mentioned in despatches," Medal with Clasp).
' Captain Bayly served throughout the Zulu war of 1879, first in the Transport Service and afterwards in thj
Remount Kstnhlishment (Medal with Clasp).
Captain Gibbings 8erve<i in the Soudan campaign in 1885 attached to the 3rd Battalion of the Grenadier Guards;

waa Divisional Paymaster to the whole of the Force, and was present in the engagement at Hasheen, ntthe attack
iTi the Convoys on the 24th and 26th March, and at the destruction of Temai (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's
Suir). Also served with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force in 1S85-86.
« Captain Daniel served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the Transport and attached to the ist Battalion of

the Royal Irish Regiment (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
• Lieut. Wilkinson served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
'" Lieut. Reynolds served with the Burmese
Expedition in 1886-87 (Medal with Clasp).
" Lieut. A. F. H. Cox served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 with the Commissariat and Transport Staff (Medal
with C1b*p, and Khedive's Star).
'• Captain Moore.— For War Services, see South
Wales Borderers.

Continuation of Notes to the Gameronians (Scottish Bifles).

• Captain Lysons served as Aide de Camp to Brigadier General Wood during the Zulu war of 1879, and was presenJ
»n the engagements at Zungin Nek, Zlobane Mountain (mentioned in despatches, Victoria Cross), Kambula (again
mentioned), and Ulundi (Medal with Clasp): together with Private Edmond Fowler, Scottish Rifles (since dis-
charifcd), was awarded the IC under the following circumstances:—" On the 28th March 1879, during the
asMult of the Inhlobane Mountain, Sir Evelyn Wood ordered the dislodgment of certain Zulus (who were
oaumni? the troops much loss) from strong natural caves commanding the position in which some of the
wounded were ying. Some delay occurring in the execution of the orders issued. Captain the Honourable
KoualdC'impbell. (.oldstream Guards, followed by Lieutenant Lysons, Aide-de-Camp, and Private Fowler, ran
forwanl in the most determined manner, and advanceil over a mass of fallen boulders, and between walls of
rock, which led u- n cave in which the enemy lay hiiUlen. It being impossible for two men to walk abreast
the fi»i|a-lHmH were,uently obliged to keep in >ii.-lr file, iukI as Captain
Campbell was leading, he
arrived llrht at the mouth 01 the cave, from which the /uiu ^s ,;„ .,,„! there met his death; Lieutenant , , , 1

Lj »<...« and 1 mute H.wler. who were following close 1-

, dashed at the cave, from which

h^l.c-vcrHlHr.l,terruneanpaHHnge8. and firing into the, 1. !-l forcing the occumnts to forsake m
".' • V-"-" ."".r'' {'^'f"* remained at ihr .,., „.„;!, i..,- some minutes after th4 attack, during
," ''"'* earned downi tlie .sloncs."
'. Served in the Nile Expedition in ,884-85 with

u.« Kgjplmn
Iho kI, -.V,'," A 'r?, M'"!''^'"•^'";:
riii.\ (Mcdiil with Clusp, and Khedive's Star)

m Zun!;.: N^ll'K^Xf;:! ::::^Z^Si i^llr^lLS "" ^"'" "'' "' ''''• '"' "'^^ ^"''"' '" '""^ engagement,

'"^ ""^ ^"^" ^''^ °' ''"• ''''^ ^'' ^''''^' '^ "^^ engagement.
.l".ur.n .n::w ;'nd"K.:mb;.hl oi'^dul'tllh (^Vasp)''^
"'," "'"""O" "' 'I'C North West Territories of Canada in ,885 as Aide de Cam,
""' '"''""'• '" ^^° <="K''ScraentB at Fish Creek (wounded) and Batoch.
(lcilu.!.,e.l h?!ll^«|...tX^^^^
"''•'' *"' I^/aROon Guards in the Egyptian war of 1882, had comm.and of th.
Il^,m''nL''i.^.V.",>'!lI''i'!''.'*i!'.-''''''r' l'^"
'^ during September, and was present in the engagement a
Tel rl Ma'-'Ji (.M.diir uiid^KUdhV* Surf **

AUo icrvc " "«^'"""'»-' "^° operations in the Waterkloof an.l Perio Bus!
i ii 'v / r^S «^^ "'' """ present

in the engagements at Kambula and IJlundi (Medal wit


^X'u,^^y. J
The Gloucestershire Regiment. [^;^*T^!!B'rfsr<:r;'
Formcrhj the 28t/i {North Gloucestersltlre) and the Gist {South Gloucetstershire) liegimenis.
(Tlie 3rJ aud 4tli Battalions are formed of the South and North Gloucester Militia respectively.)
«' Ramilliks" "Louisbukg" "Quebkc, 1759" "Egypt" (with the Sphinx). "Maid a" "Cohunna" " Talaveha||
"Bahkosa" "Albuheka" "Salamanca" "Vittoeia" "Pykenees" "Nivkllk" "Nite" "Obthes"
"Toulouse" "Pekinsula" "Waterloo" "Punjaub" "Chillianwallah" "Goojebai" "Alma" "Inkke-
MAN " " Sevastopol " "Delhi."
Colonel.— John William Sidney Smith,' CS. Ensign, 3 Feb. 32; Lieut. 4 Aupf. 37; Capt.^j Aug. 40;
litMit/or, II Nov. 51 Mtijui; 29 Dec. 54
; Lf. Colonel, 29 July 55; Colonel, 2 Sept. 58 Maior General,
; ;

6 March 6S Lietit. General, 1 Oct. 77;

; General, i July 81; Colonel Gloucestershire Regiment.
20 Jan. 83.
Lieutenant Oolonels.— i Gordon Charles Stennett Ducat,' Commanding the Battalion, 1 July 87 ; Ensign,
24 April 55 Lt. 26 Nov. 57
; Cajit. 22 Dec. 67
; Major, i July 81 ; Lt. Colonel, 22 Sept. 85.

2 Henry Collingwood,* Commanding the Battalion, 1 July 87; Ensign, 26 July 57; Lt. t8 May 58 ; Capf.
•"le Sept. 68 Major, i July 81 Lt. Colonel, 31 May 86.
; ;


1 George Conner i"
2 Juno 65 P2sMar. 7 I July 81
2 John Lloyd Dickin "lo May 64
P 3 Aug. 70 I July 81
1 p.s.c. Charles Wyndham Murray'"^ "21 Nov. 62 31 Oct. 77 29 Nov. 79 I July 8r
(.B<.£;.Co/.i8Nov.82; CoZ.i8Nov.86) j
2 Frederic John Curtin 9 Jan. 7 19 Nov. 81
2 Edmund Percival Wilford, Com- 27 Sept. 79 19 July 82
mandant Colaba Depot )
1 John Henry Fitzherbert Jacsou 5 Oct. 22 Sept 85
2 Robert Haj'es Corbett 7 May 78 3: May 86
1 Edwin Law 29 Jan. 79 5 May 86
2 Thomas William Crawford Leathem.. '16 Oct. 66
JamesDuffCoghlan,"Pa^ma«<eri«4i?« 23 Sept. 71
Robert Sandilands Froude Walker, )
AnsistantCommissioner, Perak Police, >
with local rank of Major )
Robert William Peter Lodwick, Adj. ) 13 June 8
2 Volunteer Bn. Gloucester Regt S
William Mends Porte Trotman, Pay- \ I July 8
master 2 Batt, Gordon Highlanders J
Allan Gilmore, Adjutant Southern\ Aug. 8
Mahratta Railway Volunteer* J
Robert Fred. Lindsell, -4(i/. 4 -Bn 19 Nov. S
Mervyn Edward Archdale, Adj. 3 Bn. 10 May 83
John Edward Maxwell Pilkington, >
Sept. 76 18 Oct. 84
Paymaster 2 BattalioJi J
Reginald Jas. Beresford Parkinson, ) 18 Oct. 84
Army Pay Department S
Cuthbert Johnson Baines 18 Oct. 84
Stanlej' Humphery 17 Apr. 85
2 Charles James Vines 26 June 85
2 Herbert Capel Cure, Z)50 22 Sept. 85
I Haydon d'Aubrey Potenger Taylor, )
22 Sept. 85
Adjutant, 30 July 85 J
1 William Radclifle Peel Wallace ... 17 Apr. 5 May 86
2 Clement Frederick Baxter 7 Aug. 5 May 86
2 Hugh Richard Tufnell, Station Staff) 21 June 79 31 May 86
Officer, Deesa 3
I Jffou. Robert French 13 Aug. 79 I Deo. 8. I Nov. 86
I Samuel Alexander James 23 Oct. 1 Jan. 8 I July 87
1 Maurice Den Keatinge 23 Oct. 2 Feb. 8 I July 87
2 John David Jones Bishop 14 Jan. I July 8 5 Aug. 88
2 .ffoH. Herbert Hiley Stafford Addington 14 Jan. I July 8
2 George William Hume II Aug. 80 I July 8:
1 Charles Francis Beville II Aug. 80 I July 8:
2 Claude Moss, Adjutant 13 May 8;; 24 Aug.
PhilipClaytonAlcock, Adj. 2 W.Eiding \
1 July ' Lt. Colonel Ducat served in the
York Eng. Vols., with rank of Capt )
I Joseph Scovell Hobbs 22 Oct.
Crimea in 1856 previous to the con-
Gerard Robert Clark Paul clusion of the armistice and until the
1 22 Oct.
2 Cutts Humphry Hill 10 May
evacuation of the Crimea by the
Frederick Uorniblow,^n)!^>Ser«iceCo»7>i 12 May Allies. Served as .Adjutant to the
2 Alfred Crowdy Lovett Aug. Detachment 28th Regiment with the
1 Hill Godfrey Morgan Dec.
Okamundel Field Force of 1859; com-
2 Stuart Duncan 6 Feb.
manded the Sharpshooters at the as-
Stephen Willcock'2 sault of the fort of Beyt (mentioned
2 2 July
2 Bertram Oliphani Fyffe 12 Nov. n despatches), and was present at
1 Herbert Cyril Orde Murray Feb. the reconnaissance before, siege, and
Herbert Flamstead Walters 6 May occupation of Dwarka.
Charles John Venables
8 Lt.Colonel Collingwood served
2 29 Aug.
Henry Charles George Potts with the 97th Regiment in Bengal in
1 29 Aug.
James Greetham Howard Whylock suppressing the mutiny in 1857-58,
2 25 Nov.
John Reed 25 Nov.
and ^-as present in the actions of
Henry George Walker Nusrutpore, Chanda, Ummeerpore,
25 Aug.
Edmund Robert St. George Holbrook land Sultanpore.also at the siege and
2 25 Aug.
Denis George Peart [capture of Lucknow (Medal with
25 Aug.
Frederick Robert Edward Lock Clasp).

2 25 Aug.
1 Edward Armstrong O'Neill 25 Aug.
Second Lieutenants.
1 George Swinton TiiUoh
2 Keith Maitland Davie
Thomas Xavier Britten
2 William Alexander Macdonald Bruce.
2 Simpson Hackett Westropp
elyn Wintour
2 William Augustus Bailey
Richard Conner
I Eustace Arden Griffith Clark
Harold Maude Alfred Lucas
Frederick Sutheiland Stayner
James Scott Grove
Tear.- 8er.|
272a TJie Gloucestershire Regiment.
FWl Half '

Pttfwuulfrt.—i Jnmcs D. Cophlan, 26 March 8s Captain Gloticestershire Megiment.

a John E. M. Pilkinpton, ^3 May 84 Captain Gloucestershire Hegimcnt.


\o%art*r Maftert.—3 Benjamin Ncal Sprapeett, 29 Oct. 81 Bon. Lieut.



, ... 1 Harry Rowland," 13 July 7S; Son. Captain, 13

July 88.

Facings \fh\tc.— Agents, Messrs. Cox and Co.
' '
lit Saflalion returned from Gibraltar, i>ijg. 2nd Battalion embarked for Malta, February l%^Z.
' GcncralJ. \V. Smith commanded a Detachment of the 38th Regt. in co-operation -svith a Naval expedition
nndcr Captain Loch in the ascent, in boats, of the river St. Juan de Nicaragua, Central America, in 1848, including
the HRgault and capture of the port of Serapiqui, and suiTender of the Forts of Castello Viejo and St. Carlos. He
also accompanie<l Captain Loch to the town of Grenada, and was present at the deliberations and conclusions of a
trcatv with the Nicaraeuan Commissioners. Served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the battles of
Almii and Inkemian, biegeof Sebastopol, capture and occupation of the Cemetery and suburbs on the iSth June,
and wa* senior Olliccr of the 38th at the close of the war (Medal with three Clasps, Knight of the Legion of
Honor, 4th Class of the Medjidie, Turkish Medal, and CB.).
'» Colonel Murray served in the Zuluwar of 1879, first as Aide de Camp to Major General Crealock, com-

inandinR the it^t Division, and afterwards as Deputy Assistant Quarter Master General in the Intelligence Branch
of the Division was finally attached in this capacity to Clarke's Column, reconnoitred the country beyond

Ulundi as far as the Npomeregion, and made a reconnaissance of the route to be traversed by the column from
Tllundi to the Middle Drift of the Tugela River (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
Served in the Afghan war in iSSotvith the 72nd Highlanders, and was Orderly Officer to Brigadier General Baker
in the expedition to the Lopar Valley (Medal). Served in the Marri Expedition in 1S81 under Brigadier
General Tiinncr. Served in the Egyptian war of 1882 as Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quarter Master General
on iho Base and Lines of Communication, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kcbir (mentioned in despatches,
BrcvetofLt.Coloncl, Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of the Osmanieh, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Bechuana-
land Expedition nnder .Sir Charles Warren in 1885 as Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quarter Master General.
" Captain Cogiilan served in the Egyptian war of 1882 in command of the 4tb Company of Auxiliary Transport
(Medal, and Khedive's Star).
" Liciit. Willcock served with the Burmese Expedition in 1886-87, and was slightly -wounded in an engagement
a". Temalino on the 9th Djcember (Medal with Clasp).
" Captain Rowland served in the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal with Clasp),
) 1

ist Bntt., Quetta, Bengal.

2ml Batt., Pembroke Dock. J
The Worcestershire Regiment. [Jleyiment d District
No. 29.— Worcester. 273
Formerly the {Worcestershire) and the ^6th (Herefordshire) Begiments.
(The 3rd aiul 4th Battalions arc formed of the and 2iicl liattalioiis AVorcestershire Militia respectively.)
The Rose. "Firm." "Ramillibs" "Hindoostan" "Roleia" "Vimieha" "Cobbnna" "Talavera*"
Albuhera" "Salamanca" "Pthenees" "Nivelik" "Nive" "Orthes" "Toulous:|" "Peninsbla"
I'erozeshak" "Sobraon" "Puitjaub" " Chillianwallah" "Goojebat."

Colonels.— I Robert William Disney Leitli.i CS. JEiisign, 4 Sept. 37; Lt. 10 Jan.
39; Capi. 19 June 46 ;
Bt..Major,y June 49; Bt.Lt. Colonel, 28 Nov. 54; Jl/a/oc, 3 Nov. 59 ; Colonel, 26 June 60 ; Lt.Colonel,
I Jan. 62; Ifajor Geyieral, 6 'March 68; Lieut.Geueral, 1 Oct.
77; Oeneral, i July 81 Colonel ist Bat- •

talion Worcestershire Regiment, 14 Sept. 84.

2 *> William Parke,^ KCS., Mnngn, ^1$ Dec. 40 Lt. ^27 Sept. 42 ; Capt. 9 -Jan.
49 ; llajor, ^z Deo. 54;
Lt. Colonel,P23 Nov. 55 ; Colonel, 26 Apr.
59 ; 3Ia/or General, 6 March 68 ; Lieut. General, 6ct.77 ; General,
I Apr. 82 Colonel 2nd Battalion Worcestershire Regiment, 25 July 83.

Lieutenant Colonels. i Edmund Carrington," Co)nmrtn(?j»y <Ac iJo</a/to«, 2 March 87 JEiisinn p? Nov &>•

Lt. 4 Nov. 64 Capi. P9 Oct. 69 Major, i July 81 Lt.Colonel, 11 Aug. 86.
; ; ;
' " . .

2 Richard "Pavaona,'^ :Eimgn, ^g May 56; Lt. ^is May 57; Capt. ''le Mar. 70; Major, 1 July Si ; Lt.Colonel,
19 Dec. 86.

r Henry John de Berniere de Berniere .. 24 Nov. 6^
P 2 Nov. 68 I April 75_ 1 July 81
: Frederic Lloyd Harford P
9 Dec. 64 ''21 Miir. 68 19 Dec. •77 17 Dec. 81
; John Lewis Rose June 65 p 2 •"12 June 69 3 Apr. 78 19 Dec. 82
George William Frederick Claremont, )
Ailj.^Bn. ScottishRi/les (uLanarkMil.))
P24Mar. 63 •"22 Aug. 6^ '31 Oct. 71 2 Mar. 84
: John Francis Egerton P2iAug. 66 ^ 9 Feb. 7c 26 Nov. 79 27 Aug. 84
Edward James Henry Spratt^ 3 Mar. 65 •" P12 Dec. 68 Aug. 78 May
31 24 July 80 19 8G
William Senhouse Clarke.^' Adjutant ')
P27 Oct.
8 Jan. 71 I Feb. 79 II Aug. 86
3 Battalion ( Worcester Militia) j
Franci.i Seymour Allen, Adjutant 2
Middlesex Uifle Volvinteers 9 Mar. 72 29 June 8 3 Oct. 88

Orbell Henry Oakes, Adjutant 3) 10 Jan.
Lanark Rijle Volunteers 72 17 Dec.
Martin Doherty Holwell, Adjutant 21 ")

Middlesex Itijle Volunteers

10 June 74
Joseph Ryland Rainsford 10 Sept. 75 29 May 83
TheophilusBoltonFrench,Oni.S<oreiie/). 20 Nov. 73 10 July 83
Edward Henry St. Lawrence Clarke, >
Ordnance Store Department
12 Feb. 76 6 Aug. 83
Charles Edward Drummond Telfer,
Adj. I Cheshire Engineer Volunteers...
^ 13 June 75 I Jan. 84
Allan Moss ig April 76 I Jan. 84
Archibald James Erskine, Army Ser- }
11 Sept. 77 I Jan. 84
vice Corps ji

Edward Alfred Innes Pym 15 Aug. 25 June 78 27 Aug. 84

Murray Venables Hilton'^ 30 Jan. 31 Aug. 78 20 Nov. 85
William Arbuthnot Lenox Conyngham 1 May I Feb. 79 20 Jan. 86
Joseph Chichester u May 26 Nov. 70 19 May 86
William Frederick James Hardisty II May 27 Nov. 79 7 June 86
John Hassard Stewart Gibb,'* Adju-I Aug. Mar. 80
13 I
tant 4th Battalion j
Edward Algernon D'Arcy Thomas, II May 8 Sept. 80 Sept. 86
j I
Adjutant 14 Apr. 86 )
Hamilton Luard Begbie 2 July 29 June 8 8 Nov. 86
Clement Maitland Edwards^^ II May I July 8. 15 Nov. 86
Alexander Coote Newton-King 30 Jan. 23 July 79 14 Apr. 86
Annesley George Smith 23 Oct. I July 8 8 May 88
Thomas Edgecomb Hickman.'^serui;;^ )
Feb. July 8 25 July 88
19 I
wifh the Egyptian Army ^
Cecil Ridley Mallaby,'? Adjutant B.B. \ 22 Jan. I July 25 .July 88
and C.I. Railway Volunteers 3
Francis William Northey, Adj. 6 Mar. 87 10 May 25 July 88
George Nowlan Monro 16 Feb. 78 26 Feb. 17 Oct. 88
Cecil Richard Robyns Malone 9 Sept. 21 Nov. 88

Bernard Hervey Randolphi' .... 10 Mar.
« Lt.Colonel Parsons was present
Edward Ormerod Hales Wilkie . 25 Aug.
Thomas Henry Hardy 25 Aug.
with two companies of the 35th Regi-
Hughde Berdt-Hovell 6 Feb. ment at the attai;k on Jugdespore and
Walter Harold Lord 14 May
retreat into Arrahou 23rd April 1858,
Goodricke Thomas Peacocke .... 23 Aug.
also at various atlairs in the Shaha-
Charles Christian How 12 Nov. bad district, inc ludiugtho di.spersion
Thomas Young Seddon 9 May ofthe rebels from Jugdespore on iSth
George White Lewis Oct., their pursuit into the Kj-moor
Walter Dermott Holland Hills and night attack at Sulya Dehar
Edward Bell 28 Apr. (Medal) . [See also Civil Decorations
Mcrvyn Henry Nuun 28 Apr. for Gallantry, j 128.] .

3 Major Spratt served as Sub-Di-

John George Ralph Swanson .... 25 Aug.
Walter George Hodgson rector of Transport throughout the
25 Aug.
James Saurin Richards 25 Aug.
Zulu war of 1879, and was present
Robert Muriel Sanders 25 Aug.
with the 2nd Division in the engage-
Coningsby Norbury 10 Nov. ment at Ulundi. Served in tte opera-
Charles Wallis King tions against Sekukuni in 1879, and
29 Dec.
Richard Randal Vaughan 5 Feb. 87 17 Oct.
was present as Orderly Officer to
Colonel Russell, commanding the
Second Lieutenants. troops, at the storming of the strong-
Ernest Richard Inglis Chitty 5 Feb. 87; hold (mentioned in despatches, Bre-
Arthur Henry Dopping Creagh.. vet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
5 Feb. 87
de Vic Carey 5 Feb. 87 Served in the Boer war of 18S1 as a
Claude Tulloch Ducat....!! !..!! 10 Mar. 87 Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quar-
Lionel Nicholson Beaity May 87 ter Master General.
273a The Worcestershire Begiment.
J Henry Phillipps Bell 4 May S7I
2 Michael James Joseph Sweetman 14 Sept. 87
J Kalbe
C^hristian <le 14 Sept. 87
', Uerkelcy Hanlinpe Thomas 16 Nov. 87
I William John Windsor II Feb. 88'

I Claude Berners Westmacott 5 May 88,

'i Horace Walter Cobham 9 May 88
I Charles Hugh Bennett 9 May 88!
!• John Lewis Randolph Gordon 22 Aug. 88
Ernest Fitzwilliam Taylor 22 Aug. 88
John Paterson Strong Maitland I 8 Dec.

Pawmatter,.—. John D. Maunsell, 28 Sept. 85 Cap<ain Durham LigM Infanfry.


2 Charles L. Dale, 28 Apr. 85 Major 2 Went India Regiment.


Quarter Matter:— i James Brogden,-'" 18 Oct. 73; Son. Captain, 18 Oct. 83.
I Isaac YoungS' (Lieut. Liverpool Hegt., 19
Sept. 85), 25 Jan. 88.

Facings White— Jgentf, Messrs. Cox and Co.

lit Battalion embarked for Bonibay, 1879.
2nd Battalion returned from India. 16 December 1875.

General Lcith served in the ist Bombay Fusiliers in Karack, iu the Persian Gulf, from 1S3S to 1S41. Punjaub
campaign of 1848-49, present at the siege and capture of Mooltan, led the storming party at the capture of the
city (Brevet of Major), and was dangerously wounded, losing his left arm, which was twice severed by sabre
cuw from two of the enemy, both of whom he cut down; ball in right shoulder (still unextracted), besides other
eabro cut« on right arm, &c. (Medal with Clasp); highly complimented for his distinguished gallantry, and ap-
iH>inted to the Staff of the Army in the Adjutant General's Department. Reappointed Adjutant General of
Division from 1854 to i860, during the mutinies, under General Sir Henry Roberts.
» Sir William Purke served in the Crimean campaign from 13th June 1855 (in command of the 72nd Highlanders

from July), including 'he expedition to Kertch, siege and fall of Sebastopol, and assaults of 18th June and 8th
Sept. (Medal with Clasp, Knight of the Legion of Honor, Sardinian and Turkish Medals, and 5th Class of the
Mcdjidie). Served in India in 1857-59. """s appointed ist Class Brigadier, and commanded and Brigade of the
Rnjpootana Field Force from March 1858 to July 1859, including the siege and fall of Kotah, on which occasion he
commanded the leading Column 01 assault; subsequently throughout the leading operations in Central India in
1858-59, and pursuit of the rebel force.s under Tantia Topee and Rao Sahib, who were attacked and defeated at
Oodeypore in Dec. 1858 by the 2nd Brigade R.F. Force (received the thanks of the Governor General of India
and of the Governor in Council of Bombay Aide de Camp to the Queen and Colonel, CB., Medal with Clasp).

' Lt. Colonel Carrington served with the Zhob Valley Expedition in 1S84.

" Major Clarke served in the Ashanti war in 1874" in the Transport Service, and was in charge of the Post
nt Sutnh (Me<li\l).
" Captain Hilton served with the Zhob Valley Expedition in 1884.
'« Captain Gibb served in the Nile Expethtion in 1884-85 with the Esryptian Army (Medal with Clasp, and
Khedive's Star); also served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force iu 1885-86, and was present at the investment
of Kosheh and in the engagement at Giniss (4th Class of the Osmanieh). [See also Civil Decorations for Gallantry,
p. w8]
Captain F.dwards was employed with the Bikanir Field Force in 1S84-85.

Captain Hickman served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).

Cnjitttin Mallaby served with the Zhob Valley Expedition in 18S4.


Lieut. Kjmdolph served with the Zhob Valley Expedition in 18S4.


» Captain Brogden served on the North West Frontier during ihe Indian mutiny in 1857-58 (Medal).
" Lieut. Young served in the Ashanti war in 1873-74 with the 42nd Royal Highlanders, and was present in
tlio action at Amoaful (slightly wounded), the capture and destruction of Becquah, the battle of Ordahsu, and at
the capture of Coomassie (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Egyptian war of 1S82 with the ist Battalion of the
Black Watch, and was present at the battle of Tel-el- Kebir (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp, and
Khedive's SUr). Served with the expedition to the Soudan under Sir Gerald Graham in 1S84 with the ist
Battalion of the Black Watch, and was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai (two Clasps). Served
with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the ist Battalion of the Black Watch, and took part in the operations of
the River Column under Major General Earle, including the action of Kirbekan (mentioned in despatches pro-
moted Lieutenant, two Clasps). '

)} '

r Urgimental District
zndBait.', New^y' '
° ] The East Lancashire Regiment. 2 74
LNiJ. 30.— Burnley. '

Formerly the ^oth {The Gamhridgeshire) and the c^gth {2iul Nolti.iii/hamshire) Regiments.
(The 3rd Battalion is formed of the 5th Lancashire Militia.)
"EorpT"' (with the Sphinx). " Uapk ok Good Hope, 1806" "Corunna" "Java" " Badajoz" " SALAHAifCA"
"Vittoria" "St. Sebastian" "Nive" "Peninsula" "Waterloo" "Bhurtpore" "Alma"
"Inkbrman" "Sevastopol" " Canton " "Ahmad Khel" "Afghanistan, 1878-80."
Years' Ser. Colonels.— i Sir George Yaughan Maxwell,' KCS. Ensign, P2 Feb. 38 Lt. ^26 April 39 Capt. ^e Dec. 44 ; ; ;

Major, ''28 July 54 St. Li. Colonel, 12 Dec. 54; Lt. Colonel, 23 March 55; Colonel, 23 March 58 Major
; ;

General, 6 March 68 Lt. General, i Oct. 77 General, 18 June 81 Colonel 30th Foot, 3 March 81.
; ; ;

2 Henry Eyre, Ensign, P28 Aug. 17 Lt. ''20 April 26 Capt. P3 April 28 Major, P17 Feb. 37 Lt.Colonel,
; ; ; ;

17 March 43 ; Colonel, 20 June 54; Major General, 16 Nov. 58; Lieut. General, 3 Sept. 67; General,
23 Sept. 74 Colonel 59th Foot, 23 Mar. 65.

lieutenant Colonels.— 2 p.g.c. Henry Harcourt Griffiths, ^ Commanding the Battalion, i July 87 En/iqn, ;

"6 Jan. 60 Lt. 1-18 Sept. 63 ; Capt. ''21 Aug.

; 67 ; Bt.Major, 26 Dec. 80 ; Major, 12 March 81 ; Lt.Colonel.
18 March 85.
I Frederick Harcourt Williamson, Commanding the Battalion, i July 87 Ensign, ^ ; Mar. 58 j ; Lt.^ s Aug.
59 Capt. •'21 Nov. 65
; Bt.Major, i July 78 Major, 10 Nov. 80; Lt.ColoTiel, lo'^ov. 85.
; ;

James Cooke
James Edward Goodwyu'?
Frederic Clowes^
Neil Bannatyne
William Patrick Lawlor"
p.s.c. Francis John Tidy, D.A.A.^
General for Instruction, Colchester... )
John Stoyte,'^ Paymaster i Battalion
Middlesex Regiment J
William Hunter BuUer Little
Chas. Villiers Summerville Downes,'^
Adj.-z VolunteerBn.S. JFalesBorderers)
Alexander JohnGoldie
Henry Theodore Penrhys Evans
Alfred George Watsou"^

Archibald JohnArnottWright.Depeffy |^
Assist. Adj. Gen. for Musketri/, Bengal )

James Estcourt Robinson

John Fred. Irwin,'" Paymaster 2 Batt..
Montagu William Battye.^" Adjutant l
3 Volunteer Bn. Lancashire Fusiliers.
p.s.c. Percy Henry NoelLake.^' B.A.
A. Gen. Intell. Branch,War Office ... j
John George Selby Morrice
Arthur Glyn Leonard-'^
Walter Henry Scott
Chas. Frederick Hastings Medhurst-
Bridges George Lewis, Adj. i Apr. 88...
Deuis Carey .'

p.s.c. William George Hamilton,

Station Staff Offioer, Allahabad
1 Frank Se.ymour Derham
Claude Arthur Bra.y-'
Charles Richard Mackey U'Bneu, )

Adjutant Moulmein Uijle Volunteers S

Carletou Haynes,-= Paymaster 2 Bn.
Northumberland Fusiliers
2 William Michael Collins White" .'.

I Henry Montague Browne

Henry Lionel Gallwe.y, Aide de Camp >
tuLt.Gen. E. N. Newdegate Jf

H umphrey Martin T wynam-^

; Philip Bower MacAdam^? 23 Major Leonard served with the
Cecil Willie Trevor Thomas Gotf 59th Regiment in the Afghan war of
: Edward Hugh Franklyu Finch, ^Ic^y';;- ) vcscut iu the en-
tant ID Nov. 85 :.} gagements at .'Vlmied Kheyl and Ur-
; Charles James Morse zoo near Ghuziiee (Medal with Clasp).
Lionel Lewis Pile Served in the Egyptian war of 1882
! John Alexander Roland Thompson in the Department (Medal,
I Henry Elliot Voyle S2 nnu iCheuive'o Star) also served

Albert Gordon l-ag\\s,Army Service Corps ith the Soudan Expedition under
Thompson Capper Sir Gerald Graham in 18S4 on Trans-
Edward Revell Reade port duty, and was present in the en-
John Henry Hale gagements at El Teh and Temai (two
Henry Quinten Pinhom Clasps). Served with the Nile Ex-
Edward Alfred Daubeny pedition in 1884-85 on Transport duty,
Henry John Martin and was present in the engagement at
Francis Harrison Trent I Abu Kru— severely wounded (r
Harry Harris Were j
in despatches,Brevet of Major,
Alan James Campbell Clnsp).
John Hamilton Anderson (japtainTwynam served with the
Tom Harrj' Finch Pearse 59th Regiment iu the Afghan war of
Harold Stephen Fox-Strangways 1878-80,and took part in the advance
John Carruthers on Shahjui under Lt. General Hughes '

Robert Thomas Morland Lethbridge ... ind in the engagement at

Frederic George Lucas Kheyl (mentioned in despatches.
Fenwick Williams Jones Medal with Clasp).
Louis St. Gratien Le Marchant ""
Lieut. Guost served in the Af-
Godfrey Richard Conj-ngham Stuart... ghan war of 1878-S0 (Medal).
imn'Bm. 274a The Eost Lancashire Beqiment.
I Lancelot Cecil Bray Hamber. May 87
Altre<l Joseph Caruana 6 July 87
I Hcury Uttuiillon Fyers Turner 14 Sept. 87
1 I'crcy Smyth Shirres 16 Nov. 87
I I/Coiianl Head II Feb. 88
J Arthur Ccorjje M'Lean J I Feb. 88
I Whcatcn Lijjyeatt Raleigh Amesbnry 10 Nov. 88
Albert Kdmund Clerk 8 Dec. 88
Paymattfrt. —
John P. Irwin, •' i May 84 ; Captain East Lancashire Hegiment.
Quarter itattfrt.— 2 Frank Cbnrles Guest, ^"-Tg Nov. 81 ; Hon. Lieut.
15 ... 1 Henry Hill Bray, 13 ilay 74; Ron. Captain, 13 May 84.
Facings yfhite.—Aqents, Messrs. Cos and Co.
itt Battalion embarked for Bengal, 1880. 2nd Battalion returned from Ceylon, 1880.
' Sir George Maxwell served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 with the 88th Regiment, including the
batlloM of Alma and Inkennan, siepo and fall of Sebastopol, attack of the Quarries on the 7th June (mentioned in
dc8riatchc.<<l coniniamlcd the 88th nt the attacks of the Redan on the i8th June and 8th September— severely

wounded (Medal with three Clasps, CB., Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Knight of the Legion of Honor, Sardinian and Turkish
Medals, and 4th Class of the Meiljidie). Served also in suppression of the Indian mutiny in 1857-58, including
operations at Cawnpore on 3rd 5th and 6th December 1857, atfair at Bhognapore, siege of Lucknow in March 1858,
and sieK'o of Calpce (Medal with Clasp for Central India).
* Lt.l'oloncl Writliths served with the 59th Regiment in the Afghan war of 1878-80 with the Candahar Column'
under Sir Donald Stewart, including the advance on and occupation of Khelat-i-Ghilzie; was present in the
enKagementg at Ahmed Kheyl and Urzoo near Ghuznee, and in the subsequent operations in the Logar Valley
(Medal with Clasp).
Major Gooilwyn.— Sec Civil Decorations for Gallantry, p. 128.
» Major Clowes served in the Ashanti war from the 30th November 1873, and commanded the Kossoo company
of Wootl's Regiment at the battle ofAmoaful (Medal with Clasp).
" Mi\jor Lawlor and Cr.ptjiin White served with the sgth Regiment in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and were
present in the engagements at Ahmed Kheyl and Urzoo near Ghuznee (Medal with Clasp).
" .Miijiir Sioyte served with the 59th Regiment in the Afghan war in 1880, and was present in the engagements
at Ahiiitd Kheyl and Urzoo near Ghuznee (Medal with Clasp).
' Major Downes served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 on the Transport Staff with the Koorum and Cabul
Field Forces, and was present at the night attack at Zaidabad, in the engagement at Charasiab on 6th Octobei
1870 (mentioned in despatches), and in the operations around Cabul in December 1879 (Medal with two Clasps).
'» Major Watson
served in the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Afghan war in 1880 (Medal).
Captain Irwin served with the 59th Regiment in the Afghan war of 1S78-80 with the Candahar Column under Sir

.^?", '''^"^'^•''"'ing 1878 as OrdcrlyOtlicer to Brigadier General Hughes; took part in the advance on Khelat-

"""^ Ghuznee and in the subsequent operations in the Logar Valley was present in the engagements at
c^ 1 " Ahmed
faliahjui, Kheyl, and Urzoo near Ghuznee (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp).

Captjiiu Batiye served with the 59th Regiment in the Afghan war of 1878-80 with the Candahar Column under
bir Uoimld Stewart, including the advance on and occupation of Khelat-i-Ghilzie, and also the second
advance on
Uint place under Lt.ticneral Hughes was present in the engagements at Ahmed Kheyl and
; at Urzoo near
Uhuznce, and lu the subsequent operations in the Logar Valley, when he oificiated as Deputy Assistant Commissary
General to the and Brigade (Medal with Clasp).
.," ,'"K'""' ''-''ved in the Afghan war in 1878-79 as Assistant Field Engineer with the Soiithern Afghanistan
t icKl l-orce "i','"l
(Medal). Served m
the Soudan campaign in 1885 attached to the latelligence Department, and was
present m
the engagements at Hasheen and the Tofrek zereba and the advance to Temai (Medal with two m
Clasps, and Khedive K Star).
" Capuiin Medhurst served with the 59th Regiment in the Afghan war in 1878-79 (Medal).
" CapUiin Bray served in the Afghan war in 1S80 (Medal).
''>« Zulu war in 1879 (Medal with Clasp). During the Boer war of jSSo he was
cmplo.ved at v^i^'xT*
oTn^V^".''"!"", Fort ^^^"f^ '"
Newcastle. Served in the Afghan war in 1880 (Medal).
'^'^'^ '"^ 59th Regiment in the Afghan war from 23rd January 1S80 with the force
„n,'lnr Sir n^„^1"2I ''^'"'f'^
,n il?„
^'<'"y'' *"'^
.nh r, .?„ . operations in the
the Bubsequent u""r*
present in the engagements at Ahmed Kheyl and Urzoo near Ghuznee, and
Logar Valley (Medal with Clasn)

Continuation of Notes to the East Surrey Regiment.

o"^^2^^m>^y'Tx?Zu^^^^ '^^5 with the Mounted nfantry, and was present in

"'^ ":S"-J"^"ea of Temai (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
n ".u K,. .nrtl. M V V '',7''«' .
'"the expedition to the Soudan in 1885 with the 2nd Battalion of the East
Borrov U.-i/uIi !t ,!«•;, i',.'^.
'"" '"'''°^' advance
on T.?„„i rClHl with Clasp! and
Khodil'c'sstt)"" "" "'^ '"'"^ '''''''' ^""^ '" "^'^ ^^l^sequont .

Becord <//*. Sercicc. of i.l Battalion the

East Surrey Regiment (formerly the s^st Uuntingdonshire Hegiment).

i^^ri>TiUh^Vrillrc^^^^^^ '« England, 1702 : to the Mediterranean, 1704

!?''. V'*^°-
Mrrca. Marin." ^? ' J" ."uan^/^^^^^^^ Minorca); to England, 171 1 ; ceased to
t74$. loMmor-o .7.0^ ufiwin, ^ ^'' '? 'o K"l?land, ,739; to Flanders, 1742; to England,
,i 'i:'^''*""''
^ii^^l. .77"; l'K;/;i?^d'".';?.''l!r!'-..'.?.?,1i '.°.^/".^l"^-'."-,-^55; to England, .762; to West Flor'itia, 1765; to St'.
k Companies to Barba-
te England, 1797; to
to England, 1802;
; to Ireland, 1807 ;

Hlrily. 18-.7J "'^''n'lOed, 1814;) to Sicily, 1806; to Egypt, 1807;

t/. Mi»ltiu','8o'8''tci'sirriv '.(T ''I"''xl"w ""o
Blolly. .i.4 I to NupVh ,H,c =0"' '^'<=*'-^' "8" ; to Genoa, 18,4; to Corlica. 1814 ; -^
To onnn 'r
'Y'"m' ;^"
.8,4r'to India. .8^ E^6 \J^V^L?I KnLUd 1^'?' ^° England, 18,8; to Ireland, 1821; to England,
• 8561 loMnlln. ,8„ u>
Ireland. .866 ; u. .Malta. B67r^'
fs^^ V« ,hl ,
to Ionian Islands, 1853; to the Crimea, 1855; to Gozo,
to India. 1859

to China, i860; to England. 1863; to

G.'i ral^.r .R^'^V'^l?' ;
England, .876; to Ireland. 1880; to Gibraltar. 1882; to
KDKland. ,eft,, to Gibraltar,
884 to indiiiY^^^

rRrgi mental District.

^"'''] The East Surrey Regiment. LN0.31.-I
LN'^^'^.-Kin^ston:- "75
Formerly the 3isi (The Hunting clonshlre) and the yoth (Sitrrey) lieglments.
(The 3rd and 4th Battalions are formed of the ist and 3rd Surrey Militia respectively.)
The Rose. " Dettingen " " GnADAtouPE " "'Talaveba" "Albuhera" "Vittoeia" " Ptbenees " " Nivei.le
"Nive" "Okthes" "Peninsula" " Cabool 1842 " " Moodkee " " Ferozeshah " "Ahwal"' " Sobraon
"Sevastopol" " Taku Fobts" "New Zealand " " ArGnANisiAN, 1878-79" "Suakin, 18S5."
Colonel.— I liiffht Hon. Sir Edward Lugard,! GCB. Emiyn, 31 July Lt. '31 Oct. 31; Cajif.
30 Dec. 43; Bt.Alojor, 3 April 46 Bt. Lt. Colonel, j June ^g Colonel, 20 S4 i Ma/or, i-j June 55 ;
; ;

Major General, 20 July 58 Lieut. General, 12 Jan. 65 ; General, 24 Oct. 72 Colonel -^ist Foot, i Juno 62.
; ;

Lieutenant Colonels. 2 Leyland Hornby, ^ Commanding the Battalion, 1 July 87 ; Ensign, 22 Sept. 63; Lt.
''16 Jan. 66 Capt. fi4 Oct. 71 ; Major, i July 81 ; Bt.Lt. Colonel, 15 June 85 ; Lt. Colonel, 21 Juno 85.

David Dempster Chadwick. Commanding tht Battalion, i4Dec. 87 ; Ensign, ''14 Jan. 62 ; Lieut. 15 Sept. 64 ;
Capt. 17 Aug. 73; Major, i July 81 Lt. Colonel, it Nov. 86. ;


John James Cahill Miller' (_Bt.Lt.
July June 63 July 81
Colonel, 21 June 87) 7 Ssl'isMay 13 I
p.x.c. Arthur FitzRoy Hart» (Bt.Lt.)
Colonel, iS Xov. Sj Col. 18 NOV.86) j
23 Dec. 64 ''29 May 13 June 74 I July 81

Robert William Fltl^ussuu Phillips .., P18 Dec. 66 Pas Dec. 23 Jan. 78 19 Nov. 8t
Frederick Harvev .Maturiu'- (-B^-i*- P22 Sept. P27 Feb. g Mar. 78 20 May 82
Colonel, 15 June Ss), Adj. 4th Bn....) 6s
Francis Fred. Fylei Rouijell.i^ Adju- P Aug. Aug. 82
j 5 Oct. 67 4 Sept. 7 78 I
tant 3 Vol. Bn. East Surrey Regt. ... j
Thomas Arthur Freeman,'* Adjutant \ I"
4 Sept. 56 ''22 Juno 17 Oct. 78 I Aug. 82
jrd Battalion (r Siirrei/ Militia.) J
George Humphrys Leathern |''23Mar. 67 II April 2 Mar. 78 28 Nov. 83
Richard Brioues Buruabyi^ i''25 Sept. 67 31 May I Jan. 80 4 Oct. 84
Richard H. William Heiiry Harris, '^ 28 Oct. 21 June 80 17 Feb. 86
10 Afiril 70
Adjutant 2V0I. Bn. East Surreyltegt.
Cyril Taylor Mar. P27 Feb. 15 Mar. 79 II Nov. 86
[''as 67
William Homan Turpin [''14 July 8 Oct. 28 Feb. 8
Francis Richard Pennefathcr Kane, ] ;
2 Nov. 28 Feb. 8
at Staff College i
Peregrine Henry Thomas
Fellowes, \

serving with the Colonial Forces in I I Aug. 8

Victoria, with local rank of Major ... )
William James Holmes Frodsham.i^ 28 Feb. 30 Sept. 8
Adjutant i Surrey Rifle Volunteers ... j
Hugh Wodehouse Pearse-" II Feb. 30 June 8^
Arthur Edward Couper-' 26 July 30 June 83
Herbert Ringwood" 11 Sept. 28 Nor. 83
Robert Ludlow Coote Birch-^ 12 Feb. I Mar. 84
Henry Wightman Benson IS Jiiiy 10 Aug. 84
Henry Lockhart Smith^* 15 Mar. 25 Oct. 84
Henry Paul Treeby, Aide de Camp to
\ 28 May 5 Aug. 85
Major General T. L. Bell j
George Silver,^^ Adj. Bengal-Nagpore ) 3 Oct. 4 June 85
Railway Rijle Volunteers J ,

Frederick Louis Charles Thomas, Adj. \ 2 Dec. 27 June 85

4 Volunteer Bn. E. Surrey Regt J
Colin Duncan Johnstone ....* 21 June 31 Aug.
Richard Darner VVyu.yard-' 20 Oct. 19 Oct.
Arthur Bruce Dunsterville.^^^djw^arai 28 Feb. 19 Oct. 87
2 Dec. 86 j
Arthur Havilland Thomas, Army Ser- \ 28 Feb. 14 Dec. 87
vice Corps )
Ludlow Tonson Bowles, Adj. 30 Sept. 85 9 Apr. 14 Dec. 87
Patrick Henry Augustus 0'Hara,^d/'. \ I July 14 Dec. 87
6 Bn. Rifle Brigade j
Finch White-'* I July I Apr. 88
18 June 4 Apr. 88
Francis Laidley Swan ...

Eu.stace Grenville Bayliss™ 22 Oct. 29 Aug. 88

Henry Stanhope Sloman^^ 10 May 20 Nov. 88
Hugh Duncan Lawrence, Staff College 10 May 36 Captain Chapman.— For War Ser-
Bernard Kamsden James 9 Sept. vices, see Cameron Highlanders.
: William Hastings EUis28 Jan. 27 37 Lieut. Keeble served with the
William Henry Gorman ... Jan. 27 31stRegiment throughout the cam-
: Charles Perce v al Ly nden Bellas Mar. 10 paign in the north of China in
: Orchart Beeton Feb. 6 i860, including the action of Sinho
Arthur Joseph Hill May 14 and storming of Tangku (Medal
: Kenneth Malcolm Patrick Grant^* 14 May with Clasp for the Taku Forts).
Edward Barkly Farquharson, Aide de \ Present at the occupation of Tien
7 Feb.
Camp to Lt. Governor of Bengal J Tsin 1860-62. Served during the
; Henry Augustus Anley 7 Feb. operations against the Taepings in
: Richard Norman Pocliin 7 Feb. the vicinity of Shanghai in 1S62, re-
Vincent Alexander Ormsby 7 Feb. sulting in the taking of the stockade
Alexander Henry Eustace 6 May of Nauhsiang, capture by escalade
: Lionel Charles Gostling Tufnell 28 Apr. of the walled cities of Kadin, Tsin-
Ernest Joseph Macfarlane Wood 25 Aug. 1 poo, and Tsolin, the fortified town
Lionel Wilhelm Brackenbury 25 Aug. ! of Najow, the affair at Nanhsiang,
Second Lieutenants. and relief of Kadin and Tsinpoo.
Harry Arthur Hale Thompson

5 Feb. 87 '

NathanielJohnstoneHutchinsonPowell 30 Mar
John Raynsford Longley 4 May 87 !

Percy Walton Galloway May

Ion Grove White 28 Sept. 87
Harington Owen Parr 16 Nov. 87
Harry Victor L' Estrange 16 Nov. 87
Colquhoun Scott Dodgson n Feb.
Frederick Lord Aldersey Packman .. 9 May
Prank Hermann Molina 22 Aug
Henry Montague Rose 22 Aug,
2 75" The East Surrey Begimenf.

I Fnmcis John Deloroine Henslowe 22 Aup^.
3 William Niiunton RojcerGilbert-'Jooper 22 Aug.
I Murray Trent Elderton lo Nov.
» Luke George lonides TO Nov.
a Kdwiird Liutrell Mansel lo Nov.
AupusltiR HoilRon-Cooke 5 Dec.
Guy do Herriez Smith 8 Dec.

\Pufma,lfr:—2 Henry J. Thwaites, 6 Sept. 84; Captain i Weft India Regiment.
?7 IVijj I JohnCookc, i4Apr. 81; JSii». ''22 0ct.6I;£^''2oNov.67; CtfJ;^ t-'Feb. 73;-3f"J<"-. I JulySi.
7 ... iQMiirler Matter:— I Alfred Keeble,'^ 10 June 82 Mon. Lieut. ;

a ... I
1 2 Joseph Welfare, 31 Aug. 87 ; Hon. Lieut.
Messrs. Cox and Co. F.icingt While— A gent >,
\>l Battalion emharked for India, 22 Dee. 1S84. 2nd Battalion returned from Egypt, 6 Sept. 1885.
'S.r Edward Lujrard served as a Major of Brigade throughout the campaign of 1842 in Affghanistan under
Goii.'rnl rollock.aud was present in the actions of Mazeena, Tezeon, and JugduUuok, the occupation of Cabool,
and ilie diUVrcnl engagements leading to it (Medal). He served throughout the campaign on the Sutle.i ;—
as Deputy Assistant Adjutant General to Sir Harrv Smith at the battles of Moodkee (wounded), Ferozeshah
(woiiiiilca), and Sobraon ;— as Adjutjint General of the whole Force commanded by Sir Harry at the affair of
Huildiwal, and the battle of Aliwal and he officiated as Adjutant General of Her Majesty's Forces in India, from

tite battle 01" Sobraon to the end of the campaign, when he was appointed Assistant Adjutant General to Her
Majesty's Forces in India (Medal and three Wai-ps). He again officiated as Adjutant General throughout the
Punjnub campaign in 1848-49 and was present at the passage of the Chenab, and battles of Chillianwallah and

Goojerat (.Medal with two Clasps). Served as Chief of the Statf on the Persian expedition in 1857 (Medal with Clasp,
i»nd nominated a KCB.). Was promoted to ther.ank of Major General "for his services in the command of a
Division attho capture ofLucknow, and subsequently- in the command of the Azimghur Field Force" (Medal with
• Lt.Coloucl Hornby served with the 70th Regiment the New Zealand war of 1864-65 (Medal). Served with m
Uie 70th Re^rimcntin the Afghan war in 1878-79 (Medal). Served in the expedition to the Soudan in 1BS5 with the
and Uatuilion ot the Surrey Regiment, and was present at the engagemejit at Hasheen, at the attack on the
convoy on the 26ih March, and in the subsequent advance to Temai (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt. Colonel,
Medal wiih Cla.-p. and Khedive's Star).
' Major
Miller served in the Afghan war in 1879 with the 70th Regiment (Medal).
' Colonel Hart accompanied Sir Garnet Wolseley to the Gold Coast in September 1873 on special service.
Trained the Sierra Leone Company of Russell's Regiment and commanded it throughout the Ashanti war of
'873-7'4. taking part in the repulse of the Ashanti army at Abrakrampa during the sth and 6th November
187;, the attack anil capture of Adubiassie, battle of Araoaful, attack and capture of Becquah, advanced guard
cngugemci.t of Jarbinbah (slightly v/ounded), battle of Ordahsu and capture of Coomassie. Attached to the
Quarter Ma-rivr General's Dep.irtment, surveyed Cape Coast, accompanied the scouting party north of the
I'nih and made the surveys of the road and scenes of action from the Prah to Coomassie (twice mentioned
in Medal with Clasp). Went on special service to South Africa in November 1878, and served
throughout the Zulu war of 1879; first, as Staff Officer of the 2nd Regiment of Natal Native Contingent (two
battalions), taking part with Pearson's Column in the engagement of Inyezane; then, as Staff Officer on
Ihe Ltcoivo relieving column, being present at the action nf Gingindhlovu ; afterwards as Brigade Major of the
and Hrigade ist Division; and, finally, as Principal Staff Officer of Clarke's Column (several times mentioned in
ileHpntchos. IJicvct of Major, Medal with Clasp). Went to South Africa on special service in January 188 1, and
Bcrved under Sir Evelyn Wood in the Boer war as Deputy Assi.stanl Adjutant and Quarter Master General. Went
to KgVDt on special service in July 18S2 and served
throughout the Egyptian war as Deputy Assistant Adjutant
and giiarter .Master General in the Intelligence Department, being present at the reconnaissance in force from
Alexniidria 5th August, the engagements of El Magfar, Tel-cl-Mahuta, and Kassasin gth Sept. (slightly wounded),
"'"' '" "'<-' b.itile of Tel-el-Kebir imentioned in despatches.
Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of the
Osmaiiiolj. and Khedive's Star).
" I'tt'o'onelMuturIn served with the 70th Regiment in the Afghan war in 1878-79 (Medal). Served in the expedi-
iioti ui tlie fcoudau in 1885 with the
2nd Battalion of the East Surrey Regiment, and was present in the engagement
at itasliicn, at the attack on the convoy on the 26th
March, and in the subsequent advance to Temai (mentioned in
w^mcheK Brevet of Lt.Colonel, and Medal with Clasp).
Major R(.u|)i-ll served in ihc Afghan war in 1879 (Medal).
Served in the Mahsood Wuzeeree Expedition in
A"*"-"""' Adjut!int General (mentioned in despatches).
u u* '"'^'^""*" f>er\e<i in the expedition to the Soudan in
m,.„. u^'T 1885 with the 2nd Battalion of the East Surrey Regi-
'"•^*<='"' '" the engagement at Hasheen,
on i." ! ."'"r at the attack on the convoy on the 26th March, and in the
iiuh«<..,ueiit ,
advance to Tcmai (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
'?;"*" ''».«,7°tb Regiment in the Afghan war in 187S-79 (Medal). Served in the expedition
.,. .lio"i?!'„i,I'.'''!I'''»r"'*!'i
Battalion of the Fast Surrey Hecimeut, and was present in the engagement at
llii» iP,'.„ .,1 V, .1,1 I"' .1
'^°'""'^ "" ''^^'^ ^^"''^' ^^"^
'^ "'^ subsequent advance to Temai (Medal with Clasp,
and KlRMl! v.I's su.r) "" "^

F,!rrn',,'^"r ^^P'}* ^'"^«'' in the Afghan war in 1878-79 with the Thull Chotiali Field
Also served in ilie Muhsood Wuzee?ee Expedition in 1881 as Super-
«*-''"•"??' »'\'^'} I'.'' (•y.'^'l'^')-
u t^nd t^? Arii!;'
^'^'""""'K,'o Brigadier General
i.n - ,:,.„,., n„ ntioned in despatches).
^T' mu ,, Kr,

-Acting Adjutant to the 2nd Battalion of

, 1

lX,tYnTsXl!^y T'^'K"'^^^^
.M»rch, and 7.
in M,
i! -M. at the attack onthe convoy onthe 26th

iluisulmcqucnt advance to Temai (\I. .

r ,.,, ,,,,| Kliodive's Star) I 1
,^ 1 ,

"" -^'^''^'^"^"''^ -S^S 79 under Bngadier General Biddulpb,

ti.O.r ''•l^Vi'.'l'.'.M >'.','VpS "^.'m '*,

'''"' " '" i" ^'i'" with the 70th Regiment (Medal)
,' Served in the expedition .

U. m',.^, 1 , ,n.U ' ,

" ^»""'""' "f "'c East Surrey Regiment, and was present in the engagement at
"'./.. ''''"''">'"' '•'"' ^"^'^ March, and in the subsequent advance to Temai (Medal with

nViiAl' r^Mni'' «*!,'i!''Ar?Ti°.''i7,'M ' V'",^".'-' |Vf.'"«°' '".'1"= Afghan war in 1878-79, firstwith the Candahar Column
' < l"',^' ','""•'« "!'der Major General Biddulph (Medal).
a .1 >V,
Hir > L 1" '
,"- ^'t^'""' W'r in 1878-79 with the 70th Regiment (Medal).
'• u '.','
« L !
i l"
1.. I,. ,,. J
until ,
»cr^.•a with the 7.,t!i Hrgimeiit in the Afghan
war in 1878-79 (Medal). Served in the ex-
in 1885 will, il,,; .lid llattal of the East Surrey m Regiment, and was present in the en-
Expedition in .884-85 with the ist Battalion of the Black Watch, took
l»n (Mr.i,.l Iv.ii, i«"r('iLp„ «n,i Khcdivo's S^^^^^ *^°'' *^''°'-"''''' ^'^^^''' ^^"^ ""^s present in the action of Kirbe-

- ^Sp:u':.'n'.:'Zl:ll^ai"wVut^^^ ^'«^'^" -«'• >" '878-79 (McdaD.

«n.l llntulion of th.. Ki.« 8 rr^- IWi^^ '""' """ "'''"'^'^ "' ^^"^ expedition to the Soudan in 1885 with the
coMvnv • '"''""'"' '" ^^<^ engagement at Hasheen. at the attack on the
..I. 11... .^ \| rch ml i" .^- < "i"
*' I i.i.uiii. ''"•'" "''^""'=0 to 'I'eniai (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
I!,,uim; m rvod >,.
V 1".
'"'"'^""''""•o H'C
Saudau in 1885 as Signalling Oflicerto tie 2nd Battalion of the

Ruit .s„rr. v I!. -wiHi.t i,i„l «,.. ,

Murrli. "'•'.eiitfiigement at Hasheen, at the attack on the convoy on the 26th
„i ,r M, iiM. .iihM.,,, ,,,,1 nrll'lMn^', a-
a.Ml Ilri^-,..!,. .M...lal w-lh Cla.p. '^' ""^"'' '° ^"'o"*^! R-'l'^to" "-I'e" in command of the
^For remainde- of Aote$ tee end of Ea,t Lancathire Ilegiment, v. 274a.
1 ;

"nd^'Zt.^p&ftf "-J The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. [^fst-Bof^I^?^' 276

Formerly the 2,2nd {Gormvall — LigJdInf.) and the 46th (South Devonshire) Ecgimenis.
(The 3rd Battalion is formed of the Cornwall liau<:;ers Militia.)
The Rose. "DBiiiifGEN" "Dominica" "Rolkia" "Viuikra" "Corunna" "SALAiiiNCA" "Pyrenees"
'Nivellb" "Nivb" " Obthes" "Penine la" "Waterloo" "Punjaub" "Mooltan" "Goojbbat"
"Sevastopol" "Lucknow" Egypt, 1882" "Tel-el-Kkbik" "Nile, 1S84-85." '

"v-T^rr!; Colonels
Full Half

Sir William .Tones,' GCB. JEnsign, 10 April 25 Li. P12 Dec. 26; Capt. 1^24 Nov. -5
Lt. Colonel, P29 Dec. 48; Colonel, 28 Nov. 54; Major General, 1 April 6%-'
Major ; •

26 July 44

Pay ;
Lt'Qeneral '
31 Dec. 71 General, i Oct. 77; Colonel 32nd Foot, 2 Jan. 71.
' '

2 Charles Stuart, Ens. ''30 Dec. 26 ; Li. ''31 Dec. 28 Li. Jf Capt. P26 July 32 Capi. Lt. Colonel, 15 April
; ;
45; Colonel, 20 J\ine 5^ Major General, 28 Jun. 60 ; Lieut. General, i May 68; GenecaZ, 20 Mav 7^
Colonel •

46th Foot, 20 June 70. ''


Lieutenant Colonels. 2 Frank Grieve,* Commaiicfin^ the Battalion, 26 July 85 Bmiqn, 2oV(i\-> ^^-
Lt 6 ;

July:55 Capt. 19 Oct. 68 ; Major, i July 81 ; Bt.Lt.Colonel, 18 Nov. 82 ; Lt.Coloncl, 26 July s'q Colonel
; •
J j>
18 Nov. 86. .

John George Beresford Stopford, Commanding the Battalion, i July 87 Entiqn, 23 Aug. 59 Lieut 30 ; •

July 60; Capt. ^2 Oct. 66 Bi. Major, i Jan. 80 Major, 29 June 8j Lt. Colonel, 5 Apr. 86*
; ; ;

David Bond, -BHsii^M, ''7 Sept. 58 Lt. ^22 Jan. 64; Capt. ^le ,Sept. 68; J/iyor, i July 81 ; Lt. Colonel '

29 June 86.

2 Francis Henry A. Disney-Roebuck^.. P26Peb. 64 •17 Apr. 67 9 Apr. 70 I July 81
2 p.s.c. Henry Elliott Chevallier KitO PioJuly 66 fio Feb. Nov.
69 13 75 26 July 85
chener J
WilliamBarrington Browne, i" Adj. 2 8 Jan. 68 leMar. July 76
70 I
26 July
Vol. Bn. Duke of Cornwall's Lt. Inf. J 85
2 p.«.c. Henry Thomas Ward Allatt 30 Oct. 66 ••22 Oct. 70 26 July 76 I Jan. 86
Charles p'red. Alex. TurnbuU P
9 Mar. 66 I July 68 26 May 80 5 Apr. 86
William Francis Dundonald Goch- Aug. 66 Dec. 68 June
31 I
14 8 79 June 86
Charles Fred. Nicholas Le Quesne r:6 Oct. 66 12 June 69 14 June 8 29 June E6
I Arthur William Hammans ''18 Dec. 66 P25 Sept. 69 29 June 8 Dec. f7

2 Frederick George Vigor'^ 11 Sept. 73 I Sept. 81
Thomas Henry Burton Forster,
p.s.c. )
Nov. 80
Dep. Assist. Adj. Gen. Natal 23 Mar. 72 10
Henry Parry Carden'^ 13 June 74 8 May 83 1 5 June 851
2 Arthur Hemery Dumaresq" 19 Juno 74 I Oct. 83
Chas. Ernest Heath, Army Service Corps 9 Aug. 74 I Oct. 83
John Hamilton Verschoylei^ 13 June 75 29 Dec. 83
2 John Montagu Rodney Eden" 27 June 75 26 Jan. 84
Henry Westenra Carden,"+ Pay- )
21 Sept. 74 13 84
muster 2 Bn. Leicester Regt )
I George Ashby Ashby'^ 20 Nov. 75 I Jan. &t
Wolstan Francis,'^ Adj.yrd Battalion \
(Cornwall Rangers Militia) 3
20 Nov. 75
Edmund John Ko\\w&y,'^°Adj. i rol.\
2 May 86
Bn. Duke of Cornwall's Lt. Inf. j
II Sept. 76
Frederick William Steele.^i Army\
Seroice Corps i
11 Nov. 76 29 June 86
I Hewlett Charles Perkins" 29 Nov. 76 29 June S6
John Alexander Wright Falls,^^ Army ')

Service Corps 29 Nov. 76 12 Feb. 87 13 Feb. 87

1 Honry Percy Garnett 20 Nov. 75 12 Feb. 87
2 Richard Samuel Ireland 15 bept. 77 2 Feb. 81 9 Mar. 87
William Lueg Harvey''* 18 June Si I July 87
2 30 Jan. 78
I Henry Gage Morris" 30 Jan. 78 I July 81 14 Nov. 87
1 Ralph James Wilbraham^^ ,
21 Aug. 78 1 July 81 14 Dec. 87
2 Edward John Jenkins Teale-'' 2 July 79 I July 81 II Apr. 88

Cyril Godfrey Martyr.^s serving with \ 3^ Lieut. Lewin served in the Nile
the Egyptian Army 23 Oct. I July
) Expedition in 1884-85 with the 2nd
Charles Newman Evelegh 19 Feb. I July Battalion of the Duke of Cornwall's
Sydney Custance, Adjutant 15 Sept. 83 22 Oct. Light Infantry (Medal with Clasp,
George Glencairn Cunningham,*' ) and Khedive's Star).
22 Oct.
serving with the Egyptian Army ) 37 Lieut. Newbury served in the
Henry Marlow Sidney ,33 Adjutant, ) Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the
March 25 Aug.
21 86 S 2nd Battalion of the Duke of Corn-
Rupert Stewart33 25 Aug. wall's Light Infantry (Medal with
Frederic Hamilton Chapman 6 Feb. Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
William James Smyth Pergusson^* 6 Feb. 84 39 Lieut. Williams served with
Harold Bridgwood Walke?* 14 May 84 the Bechuanaland Expedition under
Samuel Nicholson 14 May 84 Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85 with
Robert Nicholas Spencer Lewin*' 23 Aug. the Mounted Rifles.
Bertram Archdall Newbury" 23 Aug. »" Lieut. Hart served in the Egypt-
Ernest Sumner Burder 7 Feb. n war of 1882, and was present at
George William Thursby Prowse 7 Feb. the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal
Richard Charles Edward Marriott 28 Feb. with Clasp, and Khedive's Star)
Hugh John Giddy Lambe 6 May served with the Nile Expedi-
James Montagu Bowie Kennedy 9 May tion in 1884-85 (Clasp).
Cecil Bradney Jervis-Edwards
George Brooke Millers Rawlinson
29 Aug. *2 Major Bayly. — For War Ser-
25 Nov. vices, see Army Pay Department.
Eustace Scott Williams^'-' 27 Jan.
Percy Taylor Bell 30 Jan.
WUliam Melvill Southey 30 Jan.
Percy Edmund Vyvyan 3C Jan.

Second Lieutenants.
I John Jeffreys Bulkeley Jones-Parry
Walter Simon Fraser 23 Mar.
I Sutherland Henry Bradford 4 May
YiSTi^i 276a The Duke of CormualVs Light Infaniri/.

I^omml I'liilip Henry Bliss | 4 May 87,
. Kdpir Penrose Mark 16 Isov. 87|
Har\ey Brownripg Jay 16 Nov. 87

(5 Curcw Burnett Facings V/hite.—Agents, UessTS. Cox arid. Co.
1^ Kniiik Cooke Webb Ware ^dNo'^* 8 1

30 Nov*. 87I zst Sdftalion emharked for Malta, iSSs-

ij Knicst Alfred Shakerley
Henry Arthur Tremayne 16 Nov. 87 2nd Battalion returned from Egypt, June 1886.

J Kre<ierick Edward (irey Ponsonby. II Feb.

.- Willoughby John Uorace de Mont,- > ,

^^ j^^g
I morency 3,
i/a«.George Bagot Molesworth 8 Dec.

Pa<ima$ttr:-i George C. Bayly « 13 Sept. 82; Lt. i March 63

Capt. 8 Dec. 75; Bt.Major, i March 83. ;

s William L. Harvey," Captain 1 Battalion

Quarter ifatier:— I John Conway, 30 Nov. 81 Hon. Lieut ;

2 Henrj' C. Hart,*" 10 June 82 Hon. Lieut. ;

. Sir William Jones served with the 6istRegt. in

the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, was present at the passage of
thfi rhenab and in the battles of Sadoolapore and
ChiUianwallah after which he commanded the Eegt. at the ;

battle of G(K>ierat- and he commanded a portion of Sir

Walter Gilbert's field force, consisting of a troop of Bengal
Horse Artillcrv and the 6i8t Regiment in pursuit of the enemy to the
Khyber Pass March 1849 (Medal with two m
Clasps, and CB ). Commanded as Brigadier the 3rd Infantry
Brigade at the siege of Delhi in 1857 and repulse of
assault on the 14th Sept. during which the com-
the BOTtie of the oth July; commanded the 2nd Column at the
mand of the 1st Column devolved on him on the fall of General Nicholson and he continued command of both , m
columns during the six days' fighting within the city until its final capture on the 20th Sept. (mentioned in
despatches Medal with Clasp, Reward for Distinguished Services, 1858, and KCB.).
• Colonel Grieve ser\-ed with the 46th Regiment in the Crimea from the 3rd September 1855 to the 20th May

i8s6 incUidingthe siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp,

and Turkish Medal). Served with the 2nd
Battalion Uuke of Cornwall's Light Infantry in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the reconnaissance in
force from Alexan.lrin on the 5th August in command of the Half Battalion, the engagements at El Magfar and m
Tcl-cl-MahuUi, at the action atKassasin on the 28th August (mentioned in despatches), and at the battle of Tel-el-
Kebir (Brevet of U.Colonel, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star) also served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 ;

with the Hivc-r Column under Major General Earlc (Clasp) ; in 1885 he was employed on the Staff of the Line of
I'ommunications as Commandant at Kaboddie.
• Major Disney Roebuck served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the 2nd Battalion of the Duke of
Comwairs Light Infantry, and took part in the operations of the Advance Column under Major General Earle
(Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Stor).
'o Major Browne served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the eugagements at El Magfar and

Tel-el-Mah\ita, at the two actions at Kassasin, and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches.
Brevet tf Major, Medal with Clasp, andKhedive's Star).
" Major Cochrane served in the Zulu war of 1S79, and was present in the engagement at Isanhlwana on 22nd
January a.-* Orderly Officer to Colonel Dumford served afterwards with Wood's Column in command of the Natal

Native Horse, taking part in the engagements at Zoblane Mountain, Kambula, and Ulundi (Brevet of Major,
Medal with Clius])). Served as Assistant Adjutant General (Principal Staff Officer) to the Cape Colonial Forces
during the BasuUj war in i83o -81, and was present at the capture of Lerothodi's stronghold and several minor
engBgements. Served in the Egyptian war of 1882 with the Commissariat and Transport Corps (Medal, and
Khedive's .Star).
" Cuptnin Vigor served in the Egj-ptian war of 1SS2 (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Nile Expedi-
tion in 1864-85 with the and Battalion of the Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, and took part in the operations
ofihn Advance Column under Major General Earle (Clasp).
•> Major H. P. Carden served with the and Battalion Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantrythroughout the Egyptian

war of J882, and was present in the engagements at El Magfar and Tel-el-Mahuta, in the actions at Kassasin on
the 2Sth August (wounded) iwid 9th September, and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's
Star). Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the 2nd Battalion of the Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry,
and took jjart in the operations of the Advance Column under Major General Earle (mentioned in despatches,
Urevft of Major, 3rd Class of the Medjidie, Clasp).
'• Captniu Dumaresq served in the Nile Expedition in 18S4-85 with the
2nd Battalion of the Duke of Cornwall's
Liclii Infantry (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
'- CiipUiiu Verschoyle served with the and Battalion Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry throughout the

Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the engagements at El Magfar and Tel-el-Mahuta, in the two actions
at Kaswutin, and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
'" Capuiin Eden served in the Egyptian
war of 1882, and was present in the engagements at El Magfar and
Tel-cl-Mahula. in the two actions at Kassasin, and at the battle of Tel-el Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's
Star). Sor\-e<l in the Nile ExpeiUtion in 1884-85, and was present with the River Column under Major General
Karlo and Brigadier (Jeneral Brackonbury (Clasp). Also served in the operations in 1SS5-86 under Sir Frederick
Klophfii-iDn iiB special serv-ico officer on the Stjiff.
'• I'nptain H. W. Carden served with the 2nd Battalion of the Duke of Comwall's Light Infantry throughout the
K|o-ptlan war of 1882, and w-as present in the engagements at El Magfar and Tel-el-Mahuta, in the two actions at
KaKsoHin, iind at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Nile Expedition
in i??4-S5(Cla«p).
'• Major AithbyRerredM Adjutant with the
and Battalion Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry throughout the
Knyplinn war of 1682, and wa« present in the engagements at El Magfar and Tel-el-Mahuta, in the two actions at
Knuwinin, an<l at the battle of Tel-cl-Kebir (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp, 5th Class of the Medjidie,
an.l Khedive's Star). Reri-cd with the Nile Expedition in 1SS4-8S with the 2nd Battalion of the Duke of Corn-
wall Light inrantry, ana took part in the operations of the Advance Column under Major General Earle

imfiilioni'd Ml desjiatchcK, Brevet of Major, Clasp).

'» 'npuitti KninciB servc<l with the and Battalion Duke of Cornwall's
Light Infantry throughout the Egyptian war
of .88j. Hurt waj. present at the reconnaissance in force from Alexandria on the
5th August, in the engagements at
actions at Kassasin, and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp,

^ild KhJiriv"s StoO

« Cnpinii, Hollwuy sorvod with the and Battalion Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry throughout the Egyptian
wur of i8Ha and wan present at the reconnaissance m
force from Alexandria on the 5th August, in the engage-
jncnt at Tel pl-Mnhuta. in the two octiouB at Kassasin, and at
the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with ClaspT and
*'"' "'" '?'', "t'^^'io" "• "10 Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry throughout the
reconnaissance in force from Alexandria on the 5th August, in
.i.^i,V^,r.nL,.. ..^ V M. V '
the two actions at Kassasin, and at the battle of Tel-el-
K^l.^r'f^ir/irr^r.l lin? k-T''V^^^^^^
^"^'^" "' ^'^^ ^'"' ^-V^^^^on m
1884-85 with the 2nd Battalion
.•"bc I,Vkc onl;:wVn':t;;b';'h^f!^^^
"'" ""' """""°" ^uke of Cornwall's Lightlnfantry throughout the Egyptian war
ni rf
il«^r„r «n T^^^^^
'" Alexandria on the 5th August, in the engagements
^"'''"' f""""'
Kassasin, and at the battle of Tel-el Kebir°(Medal
wUhrta^Tif "mrKUTlvr-i'stlr si" "'," '^r "^.^i"",^ "'
'" ':''«^''o Kxpodition in .884-85 with the 2nd Battalion of the Duko
Tf ,™wriVVl luhM

?«,,.,^. «^^
.J"'' '"
K«rloTrn"p) ^ "P""-""""" of the Advance Column under Major Genera
[For rfiMainderor Note; in, Duie of WtHingtou'i We,t Sidiny Segimenl, p.
) 1

The Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment.) 277

licgimental District
No. 33.— Halifax.
the ^Gtli Eegivwjd of Foot.
(The 3rd anil 4th Battalions are formed of the 1st and 2nd Battalions 6tli West York Militia respectively
Tho Crostand Motto of the Duke of Wellington. " DEiiiNOKif " "Hindoostan" (with the Elephant)
"Sebingapatam" "AllyGhur" "Delhi 1S03 " "Leswaehee" "Drig" " Nive " "Peninsula" "Waiebloo"
"Alma" " Inkeeman " "Sevastopol" "Abyssinia."
lonel.—c. "William Nelson Hutchinson, E)isign, 24 Feb. 20; i<. 25 Oct. 23 Capf ^17 Tunc 26 Major •

P4 Dec. 32 Lt.Colo>iel,^7 Sept. 41

Colonel, 11 Nov. 51 Major General, 26 Oct. 58; Lieut General 17
; ;

Aug. 65 General, 29 May 73 Colonel 33rd. Foot, i April 63.

; ;
' '

Lieutenant Colonels.— 2 Edwin Glass Yenn, Commanding the Battalion, 6 Oct 86 Ensign tfl .q^nt ^^ Tt .

Pii Feb. 62; Capt. P17 Mar. 69; Major, i July 81 Lt.Colonel, i, March 84;" Colonel 15'March

I Ferdinand James Tidmarsh,' Commanding the Battalion, 29 Oct. 87 Ensinn. Vi. o

4 June Lt pin Tnnn
61 .t.r.
uiib 04
29 june

66 Capt. 24 Sept. 73 Major, 1 July 81 Lt.Colonel, 25 Feb. 85.

; ; ; ,

t Douglas Campbell De Wend, Ensign, 4 July 60; Lieut. ^12 July 64; Capt. 13 April 74; Major i July 81 •
Lt. Colonel, 6 Oct. 86. J > j 1

2 Edward Nesbitt^ I Sept. 65 67
1 3 July 9 Sept. 74 I July 8r
2 Cecil Conors P Mar. 67
9 70 '^K) Jan. 7 Jan. 79 6 Sept. 82
2 John Maxwell Low P19 Dec. 62 •29 Sept.
65 28 Mar. 74 10 Jan. S3
2 Cleveland Augustus Brett 10 July 68 28 Oct. 71 I Nov. 79 26 Sept. 83
I Charles William Gore ''24 April 69 28 Oct. 71 15 Dec. 79 28 June 84
.Vrthur John Preston, ^rf/.2 Volunteer \
•31 Oct. 66 28 Oct. July
Battalion West Biding Regiment ... )
71 I 28 June 84
1 })..«.e. John Charles Duke" 23 Sept. 7 28 Oct. 71 24 Aug. 25 Feb. 85
V'auKbau Jenkins, District Staff")
Officer, Bengal 30 Dec. 71 I Oct. 7 May 86
Arthur Edward Richards Curran,
Adj. yd Vol.Batt. West Biding Megt. Sept. 74 I Oct. 6 Oct. 86
2 Alfred John Chamberlin Wrench June 75 29 Oct. 6 Oct. 8S

J.,ionel Edward Blakeney Booth,'' I
Uawul Pindee j
Station Staff Officer, 10 Jan. 72 6 Sept. 82
Stewart John Trench, Paym. 2 Bn 6 Oct. 75 24 Jan. 83
Percy Temple Rivett-Carnac,'^ Pag- '\

master i Bn. Swing's Own Scottish [

3 July 73 19 Dec. 83
Borderers J

James Alexander Skene Thomson,^ ).

Adjutant London Rifle Volunteers

i )
24 Mar. 77 24 Jan. S3
Arthur Robert Hume, Adjutant 1 Pun- \
jab Bifle Volunteers S 31 May 78 II June 84
2 Edwin Charles Horatio Price'^ I Nov. 79 29 July 84
George Philip Berkeley Molyneux 8 Dec. 15 Dec. 79 1 Nov. 84
Frederick WilliamBainiiridgeLandon,
Army Service Corps
13 Aug. 19 May 80 19 Sept. 85
2 David Baird'* 29 Sept. 14 Dec. 7S 21 Oct. 85
2 Hayford Douglas Thorold, Adjutant^
1 Volunteer Battalion West Riding > 14 Jan. I Jan. 81 28 Oct. 851
Regiment )
Francis Macleod Hastings Marshall'^... II May 12 Jan. 8 6 Oct. 86l
William Joseph Goold 17 Apr. 18 May 8 II Apr. 87!
George Edward Gore 24 May I July 8 2 Jan. 88
Frederick Braid Buist Sparks, Armg )

Service Corps
II Aug. I July 8 5 Jan. 88
7 Percy Bourdillon Smithe II Aug. I July 8 5 Jan. 88
Frederick Arthur Hayden, Adjutant \
2 Punjab Rifle Volunteers
22 Jan. I July 8 I Aug. 88
1 BasilSt.JohnLeMarchant,^((/.7May8e 19 Fob. I July 8 I Aug. Ssl
2 Arthur William Bentley Buckle, Ad- \
19 Feb. I July 8 I Aug.
jutant 19 Aug. 85 > Ss'i

2 Herbert Charles Suft 9 Sept. 82 19 Sept. 88!

I Charles Vesey Humphrys 9 Sept. 8: 19 Sept. 881
I Francis John De Gex 9 Sept. 8: 17 Oct. BSJ
Clarence Dalrymple Bruce 9 Sept. 8 30 Nov. 8S1

Lieutenants. •- Captain Rivott-Carnac served

William James Anderson 10 May with the expedition ti the'Snudaa
John Boulger 10 Mar. under Sir Gerald Graham in 1834
Owen Harris (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
Arthur Ingi-am Stewart Godfrey. 6 Feb. '^ Captain Price served in the
Oswald Albon Aldersey Taylor 12 Nov. Afghan warin 1S80 with the Khyber
Frederick William Proctor 12 Nov. Line Force (mentioned in despatches
: Frank Harrison Ainsworth Swanson. 7 Feb. l)y Briffadier General Doran), and
William Milward Watson 7 Feb. thanked in Khyber Line Force
Samuel Charles Umfrevi He 6 May Orders by Lieut. General Brighv, for
: Herbert WilUam Wainman Wood .... 6 May " extremely gallant conduct " in
Edgar Garston Harrison 23 May rescuing rafts proceeding to Dakka
Edward Raymond Houghton 23 May (Medal).
Francis David Behrend 29 Aug. '* Captain Baird served with the
Reginald Somerset 30 Jan. 2nd Battalion York and Lnncaster
Bertram Strachey ;o .Tan. Regiment throughout the Egyptian
Henry Wyndham Arthur Marson 30 Jan. war of 1882, and was present'in the
Robert Marshall 25 Sept. engagements at El Jlagfar and Tel-
William Exshaw 24 Nov. el-Mahuta, in the two actions at Kas-
Henry Wrixon Becher 8 Dec. sasin, and at the battle of Tel-E!-
Alfred Charles Hickley 8 Dec. Kebir (Medial with Clasp, and Khe-
Edward Moutray Kinnaird Parsons . 8 Dec. dive's Stnr).
Neville George Harry Turner 8 Dec. 15 Captain F.M. H.Marshall served

in tho Katir war in 1878, including

the operations against Sokukoni
Second Lieutenants. (Medal with Clasp).
I John Ewan Tod 5 Feb. 87
3 Alexander Frederic Wallis ..'
5 Feb. 87
Tn: 277rt The Duke of Wellington's (West Biding Begiment).
iRy.'pilSfli bTcosd Lieuibitakts. ,
ay p lieui.
a ...'; James Alec Charles Gibbs 4 May 87

I Charles Krrest Wynell Mayow 7 May 87

Henry Erasmus Norman 16 Nov. 87
William Edward White 16 Nov. 87

1 Robert Henry Money Unrrie II Feb.

a Willy Benle 20 Feb.
Richard Georpe Bagley 9 May 88
2 Thomas Sharpe Smith 10 Nov. 88
John Orr 8 Dec.
Clement Agnew Fedden 8 Dec.
William Edward Gordon Lillingston... 8 Dec.
, I
^j, .„.,.„ j,.„^„,
\Favfna,lfr,.-2 Stewart J. Trench, 26 Jan. 85 Captain
Weti Siding Segtment.

I I Charles Ward,'" i Feb. 79; Staff Paymaster, 12 Nov. 88.

[Ouarttr Ma»ter$.—2 William FilzPatrick, 11 Feb. 85 Son. Lieut. ;

I 1 James Thomas Seaman, 5 Sept. 88; Hon. Lieut.

F.i«n7»White.-^^e«<s, Messrs. Cox and Co. ^ ^ o . oq«
7.nd Batfahnn embarked for Sermuda, 6 Oct. 1886.
ut Battalion embarked for India, 18 October 1875.
the Abyssinian campaign of 1867-68, and
I.t.Colonel Tidmarsh served wilh the 33rd Regiment throughont

was present at the storminp and capture of Magdala (Medal). „„o^^^t „.

Major Duke served in the Zulu war in 1870, and was present the engagement m
at rn,,^^,- (Medal with
Ulundi fivro^ni
,:rifh Clasp)

• Majors Nesbitt and Conor served with the 33rd Regiment throughout the Abyssinian campaign
of 1867-68,
and were present at the storming and capture of Magdala (Medal). ^ „„„ „_„„„„n„ the m
» Captain Thomson served with the ^rd Goorkhas in the Afghan war 1880, and was present m o„rro,TO
tv,o engage-

ments at Ahmed Kl-.evl and Urzoo near Ghuznee. and in the subsequent operations m
the Logar Valley (Medal
with Clasp). Served in the Bechuanaland Expedition in 1884-85 under Sir Charles
Warren with the Corps of Guides.
" Major Booth served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 with the force under Major General Robeits thsKoorum m
Vallov. superintended the Transport during the advance on Cabul, and was present m
the engagement at
Chanisiab on the 6th October 1879 (mentioned in despatches) and the operations aroui^ Cabul m December m
Staff Transport Officer, and was present
1879; accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candaharas
(mentioned Medal with three Clasps, and Bronze Decoration), i^eryed
at the battle of Candahar in despatches.
with the Indian Contingent m
the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with
Cbifi). and Khedive's St«r).
Major Ward.— For War Services, see Army Pay Department.

Continuation of Notes of the Buhe of Cornwall's Light Infantry.

^ Major Falls served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the action at Kassasin on the 28th
August (mentioned in despatches) and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp,
and Khedive's Star).
'* Captain Harvey served with the 2nd Battalion Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry in the Egyptian war of 1882

and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Nile Expe-
dition in 1884-85 with the 2nd Battalion of the Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, and took part in the operations
of the Advance Column under Major General Earle (Clasp).
" Captain H. G. Morris served throughout the Egyptian war of 1882 with the 2nd Battalion of the Duke of
Comwall'B Liitht Infantry, and was present at the reconnaissance in force from Alexandria on the 5th August,
in the engagements at El Magfar and Tel-el-Mahuta, in the two actions at Kassasin, and at the battle of Tel-el-
Kcbir (Modal with Clas)), and Khedive's Star). Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the River Column
aa a SUff (•ai)tain under Major General Earle and Brigadier General Brackenbury (mentioned in despatches.
Clasp) al») served with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force under Major General Grenfell in 1886 as Senior

Water TrnnKport Ofllcer.

" Capuiin Wilbraham served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-8.; (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
" Capuin Teale served in the Nile Expedition in 1885 with the Commissariat and Transport Staff.
» Lieut. .Martyr served with the 2nd Battalion of the Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry throughout the
Egyptian war of i88j. and was present at the reconnaissance in force from Alexandria on the 5th August, in the
cngaiforaonu at Kl Magfar and Tel-el-Mahuta, in the two actions at Kassasin, and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir
(Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's SUin. Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the Mounted Infantry,
and wan present in the aclionsof Abu Kleaand El Gubat, in the reconnaissance to Metammeh, and in the engage-
ment at Abu hlca Wells on the i6thand 17th February (two Clasps).
'" ^^° J'tf.vptian war of 1882, and was present in the engagements at El Magfar
anil "Tcl-cl-Mahuta. and in the action at Ka-ssasin on the 28th August— twice wounded (mentioned in despatches,
Mc-da 5th Class of the Medjidio, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the 2nd

BalUibfm of the Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, and took part in the operations of the Advance Column
under Major (loncral Earle (Clasp).
« Lieut. Sidney Kcrvcd in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the 2nd Battalion of the Duke of Cornwall's
I. Kht Infantry, and took part in the operatious
of the Advance Column under Major General Earle (Medal with
Claan, and Khedive's Htar).
" Wut. Stflwarl served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the and Battalion of the Duke of Cornwall's
Llifhl Infantry (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Stnr).
•'"•"''""'";" served wilh the Nile Expedition in
t i"«.'''r"f'
ir84-85 with the 2nd Battalion of the Duke of Cornwall's
I- tfhl Iiifanirj anil 'muV part in the operations of the
. Advance Column under Major General Earle (Medal with
Clasp, and KhiMlivr'H Mar).
«» Lieut. H.ll. WalltorM-rved in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 wilh the 2nd Battalion of the Duke of
Light Infantry, ni.d look part in the operalioiis of the Advance Column iindjr Major General Earle (Medal with
Clasp, and Khedive's Star); also served with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force under Brigadier General Butler
in 1885-86, and was present in the engagement at Umiss.
1 ;

ist Batt., Sealkote, Bengal."] 278

2nd Batt., Malta. |
The Border Regiment. [Nj^^r-cafh'si:'
Formerhj the T,^th (The Gumherland) and ^^ih (Westmorela7id) Regiments.
(Tlie 31-d and 4tli Hattalions are formed of the Cumberland and AVestmoreland Militia respectively.)
A Laurel Wreath. "Albuheka." " Arhoto dosMolinos" "Vittoria" "Pxkenees" "Nivelle" " Nivk "
"Obthes" "Peninsula" "China" (witli the Dragon). "Alma" "Inkerman" "Sevastopol" " Lucknow."
Colonels.— I Alexander Maxwell,' CB. Ens. ^ig June \\s; Lt. ''28 Dec. 3S Capt. 1*27 Sept. 42; Mtijor, ^ig ;

Years' Ser, Sept. 48; Lt. Colonel, 12 Dec. 54; Colonel, 12 Dec. 57 Major General, 6 March 68; Lieut. General, i Oct. 77;

Geneiiul, ig April £0 Colonel 34th Foot, 9 April 79.


2 Sir Henry Charles Barnston Daubeney,^ GCB. Ensign, 12 March 29 Lt. 9 Aup. 31 Capt. ''28 Oct. 36
; ;

Bf. Major, 23 Dec. 42; Major, ^25 Nov. 45 Bt.Lt. Colonel, 20 June 54
; Lt. Colonel, 9 March 55 Colonel,
; ;

30 Sept. 57 Major General, 6 Mar. 68 ; Lieut. General, i Oct. 77 ; General, 4 March 80 ; Colonel 55th Foot,

3 Feb. 79.
Lieutenant Colonels.— 2 James Francis Morton,^ Commanding the Battalion, i July 87; Ensign, ''26 Oct. 53 ;
Lt. •'5 Mar. 58; Capt. ^ly Nov. 63 ; Bt. Major, 1 Oct. 77; Major, 18 June 81 Lt. Colonel, 20 Oct. 83; ;

Colonel, 20 Oct. 87.

1 Mark M. Gillies,^ Commanding the Battalion, 1 July 87 Ensign, 15 June 55
; ; Lieut. 20 April 58 ; Captain,
20 F eb. 64; Bt. Major, i Oct. 77; Major i July 81
, ; Lt. Colonel, 28 Miirch 1

2 Henry Whewell Daniel Riley^ [Brevet ')

Lt.'Colonel, 21 June 87) )

1 John Olphert Gage, Commandant
Murree Depot
Sidney Cargill 4 July 60
1 Henry Richard Treeve'^ 27 Aug. 57
2 Charles George Brind 12 Jan. 66
2 Philip Ej-ton May 66
2 Thurlow Laing Weir Dowling ''i7 Mar. 69
John Henry Ed-ward Hinde j"" 4 April 67

1 Jefferson Serrell Wood
2 Robert Williams Andrews
Pierce Edward Hughes,.'l(Z/. 2 ( (Vest-
moreland) Vol. Bn. Border Megt. ...j
1 Arthur Dillon Denis Kelly
2 Gerald Hedley Ovens
1 Shirley Apthorps
George Henry Anthony Arnot, Army
Service Corps j
2 Charles George Donaldson, Adju-^
tant 2 Gloucester Eng. Volunteers ... j
I John Rossi"
Joseph Langton, Adjutant i Volunteer
Battalion Border Uegiment
1 Hamilton Macdonald Richards
2 John Stannus Pelly, Adjutant 4
I John Colin Wardlaw
1 Robert Henry Gage Heygate
2 William Greer"
2 Lindsay Henryson Caird, AdjiUanf}
30 Apr. 87 S
I Noble Fleming Jenkins

[ John Page Wood
i William Hampden Evans Lawless
[ Hervey Sandby Ma.^-hew
[ William Fleetwood Nash
1 Charles Edward Hyacinth Cooch
2 Julian Edmund Spicer Probyn
[ David James Welsh, Adj. 5 Apr
[ William John Ferguson-Dav'
[ Philip Orde Sandilands
I Percy John Bellamy ..
1 George Browne
2 Edward Martin Dunne
2 Reginald de Blaquiere Chichester
2 Robert Arthur Browne
Edmund Waller
I Frederic William Rea
1 FitzHardinge Wintle
Lionel Nelson Leeds
2 Oswald Henry Pedley, Staff College ...

2 George Herbert Ledward

2 Robert Ouseley Cuthbert Hume
I Walter Weir Leishman
I Harry Denison Tuson
Harry Alexander Moore
1 Francis William Hallowes
Frederick Charles Lain
Lion. Arthur FuUarton Napier

Second Lieuieh-ants.
2 Lewis Ironside Wood 5 Feb "
Arthur Charles Stanley Clarke "
I Andrew Hamilton
Arthur Watson Pennington
1 Skipton Hill Climo
2 Lee Oliver FitzMaurice Stack
1 Charles Lionel Hervey
2 Alexander Harry Garden
2 Arthur Lyon ..',
1 ;

I St Batt., Preston."]

.na Batt.. Ben,ai.j

The Royal Sussex Regiment.
\^:'^^:!!^^:ti,_ 2 ^ 9
Formerlij the 35^/i {Royal Sussex) mid the lojih {Bengal Infantry) Hegiments.
(Tho 3vil and 4th IJattalions are formed of the 1st and 2nd Battalions Sussex ]\Iilitia resiiectively.)

The Rose. "Lodisbubg" "QuEBBC, i759""Maida" "Egypt, 18S2" "Nile, 1884-85" "Abu Klea."
Colonel. —
Robert Julian Baumgartner,' CB.,Ens. ^27 Soiit. 33; Lieui. ''30 June 37; Capt. ''23 Ajjril 41
Major, z-^ Sept. 51 ; Lt. Colonel, 12 Dec. 54; Colonel, 6 April 60; Major General, 6 March 68; Lieut.
General, i Oct. 77; General, i July 81 Colonel Royal Sussex Regiment, 12 Jan. 88.

Lieutenant Colonels. i Wilfred Tolson,^ Comiiiiin.liii,/ flir H.dfulion, 14 Dec. 86 Ensign, ^6 Jan. 60 ; Lieut. ;

''20 Feb. 63 Captain, 25 Oct. 75 ; Major, i July Si

; Ll.Cnlonel, 6 Aug. 84 Colonel, h Aug. 88.
; ;

3 Marsden Samuel James Sunderland,^ Comma n.'l in,/ tlir llnftalion, 2 Feb. 87 Ensiqn, ^zi. May 61 Lieut. ; ;

•'17 Jan. 65 Captain, 19 Jan. 76; Major, 5 Dec. 81

; St. Lt. Colonel, 15 June 85; Lt. Colonel, 26 May 86. ;

2 ^i.s.c. Edwin Wardroper, Ensign, 9 Mar. 66 ; Lieut. 29 July 67; Capt. 17 Feb. 76; Major, i July 81;
Lt. Colonel, 14 Dec. 86.


Francis Dorling P 2 Jan. 69 •"is Feb. 71 13 Mar. 79 I July 8^
Alfred George Impey
jt.s.c. 10 Jan. 68 6 Sept. 69 26 April 79 I July 83
Edward James Courtenay June 1 6 Mar. 2 Feb. 78
;)..'.<!. •"30 65 70 24 Oct. 83
Henry Charles Grove' Pio Nov. 6g ''27 Sept. 71 I April 79 7 Nov. 83
Arthur Sampson Hector Gem,'" Adju- >
28 Oct. ic Feb. 10 Nov. 83
28 Oct. 71 71
tant 2 Volunteer Bn. Sussex Regiment}
Charles Haydon Wilkinson Cafe,'') 23 Oct. 12 June Mar.
28 Oct. 71 71 5 84.
Adjutant i Cinque Forts Rifle Vols, j
AVilliam Freeman Kelly'^ (Bt. Lt. .

Colonel, 21 May 84 ; Colonel, 21 May ••

7 Mar. 67 28 Oct. 71 Mar. 84
Assistant Adjutant General, 5
88), j

Cape of Good Hope )

Francis Selwyn Campbell's • 6 July 28 Oct. IS Nov. 79 July

70 71 7 84
George Harden'^ 30 Dec. 71 Feb. 81
19 6 Aug. 84
Walter Illingwoith Haynes 6 July 70 23 July 79 26 May 84,

Herbert Langtou Sapte,'^ Adjutant ')
6 Aug. 81
I Jan.
10 MiJJ/ese.v Rijle Volunteers 3
2 George Leonard Thomson 28 May 26 July 82
BeujamiuDonisthorpeAlsop Donne,'" l^ 20 Oct.
10 Sept. 83
serving with the Egyptian Army J
1 Lionel James Trafford'^ 20 Nov. 7 Nov. S3
Geo. Chas. Peere Williams-Freeman^ 9 Nov. 83
2 John Chai'les Farrell 6 Sept. 10 Nov. 83
I Robert Edward Powell^" 10 Sept. 24 Nov. 83
George Y)\\\tQr\y, PajjmasteriBattalion I
28 Nov. 83
10 Sept.
Warwickshire Regiment )

I James Charles Young,^' Sta^ College ... 11 Nov. 5 Mar. 84

1 Ribton Gore^" 28 Feb. S Mar. S4
2 George Arthur Trevor-^ 11 Nov. 7 July 84
Edward Wheler, Adjutant 2 Volunteer \ 29 July 84
Battalion Manchester Regiment 23 July
Charles Russell, Adjutant 3 and 4 Bns. I 29 July 84
10 Sept.
Sussex Regt. (Sussex Militia) J
William Hotham I May 26 Apr. 18 Apr. 8s
2 Louis Eugene du Moulin 14 Jan. 12 June 18 Apr. 85
John Ernest Pierson-^ 13 Aug. 2 Oct. 18 Apr. 85
Frederick Geale Todd-Thornton^* 13 Aug. I July 1 Oct. 86
Charles Henry Ashhurst^o 18 Oct. I July 2 Feb. 87

Henry Browse Scaife" 23 Oct. I Julv 81
Reginald PepysWhately,2U(Z/.2S Feb.SS 23 Oct. I July 8
Richard Grainger Atkinson Sharps* ... !9 Feb. I July 8
Osmond Cecil Le Marchant-^ 19 Feb. I July 8
Joseph Smythe Egginton 19 Feb. I July 8
Hugh Hammond Massy O'Grady-" 19 Feb. I July 8:
John Gerald Panton 22 Oct. 81
Duncan Dunbar Brogden 29 Jul.^
Charles Theobald Church .
29 July 82
Frederick St. Duthus Skinner, Adj
tanti Sept. 87 .".. 9 Aug
Proby Edward Payne Crawfurd^" .
9 Sept. 82
Arthur Robert Gilbert 9 Sept. 82
Rhys William Wykeham Jones-*.... 10 Mar. 85
Edinund BulteelHawker 30 Jan. 84
Colin Finch 30 Jan. 84
Malcolm Hiley Burne 30 Jan. 84
Ernest Henry Montr^sor^' 6 Feb. 84
Richard Alexander Kane^* 14 May 84
George Samuel Frederick Napier . 12 Nov. 84
Norman M'Farlane 7 Feb. 8s
Richard Eyles Galindo*) 19 Sept. 85
Francis Peirson Webber 6 May 85
Edward Francis John Blakeney . 29 Aug. 8s
Henry Lawrence Fleming lo Nov. 86
Harold Jellicorse JO Nov,

Second Lieutenants.
2 William George Lawrence Beynon. 5 Feb.
1 James Harold Uurbury 5 Feb.
\i Mostyn Eden Cookson 5 Feb.
2 Henry Scott 4 May
2 Arthur Brander Baker 14 Sept.
2 Theobald Edmund Butler Green II Feb.
2 John Frederick Paltock Langdon.. 9 May
I Charles M'Mullin Davis 10 Nov.
1 Norman Atkinson ±ju,y
x^uiiiiau a.ijD.LLi.aKJLx Layton..
ijuiL 10 Nov.
(0 harles Powlett Aldridge 19 Dec

280 The Boyal Sussex Begiment.
lU Hall'
^^1^^ P .nMt,r. -2 James
P<.,-aW.r,.-. Roy Dick.» 6 Apr. 82 Br... 23 Jan- ^9 i'-
; ;
=8 Oct. 71 :
Capf. 12 Jun. Sr
r^l ...
j^^^Vpierson; Ca;.<a^» . Battalion [acting).
Quarter Ma$ier
.quarter ita$ter..-i. Henry M-Kiernan.s" 6 May 82 Hon. Lieut. ;

q^^^^^ Hedingham. 19 Apr. 82 ; Mon. Lieut.

Faeinfj' B\vie.—Jgenis, Messrs. Cox and Co.

from Egypt, .. Sept. 85. 2nd Battalion embarked for Malta, -.

r,t Battalion returned

BaumRnrtner SCI vt . the

Bcrvcd ,uu Eastern
i.u^ campaign of 1S54-55 with the 2Sth Eegt., including the battle-
al Bautngartner
General .^^^^^ 'and atTair on the 18th June in the Cemetery (succeeded to thi
or Alma "-1 I?'f
commttiul of the Ke),i. ™r wL
rL wound^^^^^ '7thAug. ,8.s5 (mentioned in despatches. MedaUvith thre
^ jiedals and 4th Class of the Med.udie
. : .

Clasrs. <^'B/i,^"!l"''""
cd in Ihe Eg^^^^^^^ war of ,882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Nile Expj
took part in the operations of th
dition m
1.S84-85 «;tQ t the.4 BattahonoftheRoyal Sussex Regiment, and
_ Hei Stewart (Cla^p).
Insert Column on eS'r
be t^^^^^^^^
_^ ,884-85 with the ist Battalion of the Royal Susst
the Nile Expedition
served in i^^^ :

: Lt.ColonelSun.ltrlandser\ea 1^^ g.^ Herbert Stewart, including the actio

and took jiart m the operations of
the Desert Col
^^ commanded a half-battaUon (twice mentioned d m
atAbuKleannai"« »- <•
two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).

-^^e Medal with ,.
Bimt^hes Brevet g^^^^,;^^ r^^^I Sussex Regiment in the Egyptian war of 1882. and wi:
'sir^Herhe.t Stewart including the action at
part m
"f^PX, 'p Id uost at that station (Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star). ,,..,, ai
1882. ana was present at the surrender of Kafr Dowar (Medal,

served irtheEgy^ war of

'TTl'Sr Cafe
Egj-ptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Soudan Espec
K-Pl'lv served in the
u ^•olonclKeL^^r\eu
jif ^884 as Brigade Maior ist Brigade, and was present
the engagements at I m
C dedUnd
rounded) i'emai (mentioned in desp^atches.
Soiulan campaign in 1885 as Brigade Major, and was
ie^-cd "n the Soudan
present the engagement at the
despatches. Brevet of Lt.Colonel, 4th Class of the Medjidie, two Clasps
Tolr m 1

war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star) Served in the X

''it'^^Bftw^'^^e^^^^^ Vn°the''4lTtianRoyal Sussex Regiment, and took part m the operations of I
of the
Expedkion in 1884-85 with the 1st Battalion

"tr^aiotH^aXt^rvl^Un thrE?fp^rn'4ar ^ (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Nile Expe.
tion m 88l-8^ vrith the isl Battalion of
the Royal Sussex Regiment, and took part the operations ot the Des. m
Vvvlnmn under Sir Herbert Stewart, including the action at Abu
Klea (two Clasps).
>' C^»t^"n Sapte ferved in the Egyptian war of 1882
(.Medal, and Khedive's Star).
^ , ^ ^ Regime
Atcdal ai'd Khedive's Star) also served throughout
the Nile Expedition

1884-85 with ihe

Donne served in the Egyptian war of 1882 with the ist Battalion of the Royal Egyptian Army m
of the Medjidie).
Vprond'in command of a battalion (Clasp, 4th Class ^ .„
•Mftior Afford served with the ist Battalion Royal Sussex Regiment
, 00 /T>r 1
the Egyptian war of 1S82 (Medal, am
. .

v-»,o.iivn"R Star) Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the 1st Battalion of the Royal Sussex Regime
the action at Abu K
«mi t..ok nart in the operations of the Desert Column under Sir Herbert Stewart, including
the escort to Sir Charles Wilson in Major General Gordo:
Aiul the ciiL'aKement at Metammeh; commanded
Major, two Clasps).
steamers to Khartoum and back (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of
of the left half-battalion ist Ro
Cantain Williams-Freeman served as Acting Adjutant and Quarter Master
Kafr-el-Dowar and Damie
Snsscx Beciment throughout the Egyptian war of 1882, including the surrender of m
<Medftl and Khedive's Star) served in the expedition to the Soudan under Sir Gerald Graham
1884 as Aseisl
at El Teb (mentioned in despatches, 4th Class ot the Medjii
I'rovost Marshal, and was present in the engagement
two Clasps). Served in the expedition to the Soudan m
1885 in command of a company of Mounted Infanti.y, !

WHS nreseut in the engagement at Hasheen and the reconnaissance to Temai (Clasp).
" Captains Powell, Gore, and Ashhurst, Lieuts. O'Grady, Crawfurd, and M'Kiernan served the 1 m

the opeiati
Expedition in 1884-85 with the ist Battalion of the Royal Sussex Regiment, and took part in ,1

of the Desert Column under Sir Herbert Stewart (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
" Captain Young and Lieut. Whately served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Ser
in the Nile Expedition in 1S84-85 with the ist Battalion of the Roj'al Sussex Regiment, and
took part in the op( •

tions of the Desert Column under Sir Herbert Stewart (Clasp).

» Captain Trevor and Lieut. Sharp 8er\-ed in the Egyptian war of 1S82 (Medal, and Khedive s Star). ScrvCi i

the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the ist Battalion of the Royal Sussex Regiment (Clasp).
» Captain I'icrson served throughout the Egyptian war of 1882 as Regimental Transport Officer of the left ha) I

the i»t Battalion Royal Sussex Regiment, and was present at the surrender of Kafr Dowar and Damietta
(Mi 1

and Khedive's Star). Served m

the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 as Adjutant to the ist Battalion of the Royal Sus t

Ucgimcnt, and took part in the operations of the Desert Column under Sir Herbert Stewart (Clasp).
• Captain Todd-Thornton served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served in the exp i;

tion to the Soudan in 1884 with the Mounted Infantry in the Cavalry Brigade under Sir Herbert Stewart,

was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai (two Clasps). Served in the Nile Expn.lition in 1884-85 l

the Muuiiled Infantry Uegiment of the Camel Corps, and took part in the operations of the Desert Column u: :

Bir Herbert Stewart, including the action at Abu Klea and the engagements at Metammeh aid Abu Klea A

two Clasps).
" Hcaifo served in the Egyptian war of 1882 with the ist Battalion of the Royal Sussex Regiment,

was prtBont at the defence of Alexandria, the surrender of Kafr Dowar, and the occupation of Dimianhuur (Mi 1

and Klii-dive's Suir). Served in the Nile Expedition in 18S4-85 as Regimental Transport Officer of the ist B a

lion of the Koval Sussex Uegiment (Clasp).

•• Lieut. Le .Marcbnnt served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Nile l

pcditiun in 1884-85 with the 1st Battalion of the Royal Sussex Regiment, and took part in the operations of i(

u'cKcrt Column under Sir Herbert Stewart including the action at Abu Klea (two Clasps). [See also Civil I 3

rationH for GiillnnUy, p. 128.]

•» Licuu. Jones and Kane served in the Nile E.xpcdition in 1884-85 with the ist Battalion of the Royal Su 1:

IlcKin^-'^ti "'"' ^""^ !""''• '^- '•'"' operations ofllie Dcsirt Coluinn under Sir Herbert Stewart, including the ai >J

at Abu Klea and th eugngcinent iit Metammeh (Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).

» I.icul. Monlr<5H;r hcrvcd with the Nile Ex])C(lilion in 1ES4-S5 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
»" Lieut Galiiido icrvcd in the Egyjjtiun war of lES; with tUo Indian Contingent (Medal, and Khedive's St
»» Captain Dick.- For War Sci vices, sco Army Pay Department.
. 1

ist Batt., Burraah. 1 —,, ^t -u- ^- rReqimentalDhtrict o

cn.lBatt., Chatham. J The Hampshire Regiment. t-. i.

Lno. 37.-Winohester. 28
Formeiiij the ^jth (North llainjjshire) and the Gyth (Sototh Hampshire) Eegiments.
(The 3rd Battalion is formed of the Hampshire Militia.)

" PBifiNSULA "" India " (with the Royal Tiger). "Taku Forts" "Pekin" "CnAKAsiAH"
" Kabul, 1879" " Afghanistan, 1878-80."

Colonel.— Thomas Edmond Kno.x,^ CB. Ens. 2C Jan. 38; Lt. 24 Juno 42 Capt. 31 July 46; Major, P17 ;

Aug-. 52;LI. Colonel, 17 Sept. 58; Colonel, 24 Jan. 63; Major General, 28 Oct. 68 ; LietU. General,
S May General, 1 July St
Si ; Colonel Hampshire Regiment, 'i i Nov. 88.

Lieutenant Colonels.— 1 p.s.c. Francis Cochran, Commanding the Battalion, 21 Apr. 88; Ensign, 8 July 62;
Lieut. ''31 May 64 Capt. ^2-3, Mar. 66 Bt. Major, 31 Dec. 78
; Major, i July 81 Lt. Colonel, 21 Apr. 86.
; ; ;

2 Miles Charles Seton,^ Commanding the Battalion, 29 Aug. 88 ; Ensign, 30 Mar. 58 Lieut. " 8 Nov. 61 : ;

Capt. P 8 July 68 ; Ma/or, 1 July 81 ; Lt. Colonel, 29 Aug. 86.


2 Arthur JamcsPoole'(B^iif.Co;.i July 87) 10 Nov. 62 2 Jan. i"

69 I July 8
: John Eyles Blundell "* •20 April 67 ^12 Nov. 70 I July 8
I Henry Edward (Jaulter, Commandant ) May July
Poonamallee Depot
''14 June 64 28 73 I 8
1 Thomas Duncan William Dunn •15 Feb. 68 S Jan. 76 21 Apr. 8;

2 Josiah Erskine Collins'* (Bt.Lt.Cvlo-^ July

nel, 17 May
8 June 67 '27 Apr. 70 I 8
86) i
p.s.c. Alexander Henry Eraser," Ad- >
Pis Sept 69 31 Jan. 78 29 Oct. 8
jiitant I Bu. ILnnpshire Regt. .. i
Geiirt^L'AtlurlevW'iUium Forrest P I Sept. 69 17 Apr. 80 15 Apr. 8,

WiUiaiii \\:\^Mm-^{.Ailj,it,int 2 Volan-i Apr.

leer Ball.ilinn Jlampskire Regiment )
"30 Oct. 69 7 Aug. 80 IS 8

Wm. Parry Monckton, Adj. 5 {Prin- \ P 10 Feb. 81 19 May 8;

Bn. Rants Regt.
cess Beatrice's) Vol. 9 Sept. 71
2 Edward Henry Clode Braddon'- "•
8 May 66 20 Nov. 78 3 May 8
1 Francis Boyd Garfit»'» ''14 Jan. 2 Mar. 78 21 Apr. 8c
2 H.ammond Astley Tapp'7 28 Oct. 9 Apr. 81 I Aug. 81

2 William Eggiutoa Briggs" 27 Mar. 72 8 June 81 29 Aug. 8(

Arthur Reginald Hennell, Adjutant ) July 8
28 Oct. 71 I
4 Vol. Bn. Hampshire Regiment )
2 Archibald MacBean 28 Oct. 71 15 Nov 8.
2 Edward Henry Le Marchant'* 28 Feb. 74 9 Sept. S3
George Penaam Bourcicault,!^ Army ")
10 Sept. 76 IS 84
Service Corps j
I Reginald Percy Macdonald'^ 30 Jan. 78 28 Mar. 78 IS Apr. 84
Alfred demons Maxwell Gompertz,i^ \ 22 Sept. 84
Paymaster 1 Battalion 30 Jan. 78 6 Sept. 70
I Charles Francis Cromie ,
30 Jan. 78 30 Nov. i& 30 Oct. 84
1 Charles William Knox II May 78 15 June 79 14 Feb. 8s
James Robert Parkinson, Adjutanf} 26 Aug.
2 July 79 11 Oct. 79 85
3 '
2 William Henry Thackwell 13 Aug. 79 17 Dec. 79 19 Sept. 85
I Arthur Dnsliwnod Bulkeley Buckley ... 27 Aug. 79 17 Apr. 80 15 Sept. 85
1 Howard William Smithi^ 21 June 79 10 Feb. 8i 26 July 86
2 p.s.c.L.nvis Jluiiro 14 Jan. 9 Apr. 81 26 July 86
13 Aug. 79 24 June 81 I Aug. 86
of Bristol) Vol. Bn. Gloucester Regi. S
?. Edmund Sclater Crofts Ti Aug. I July 29 Aug,

Charles de Winton ^^ Lieut, de Montmorency servoci
II Aug. I July
William Geo. Wyld, Adjutant 20 Oct. 86 23 Oct. I July with the Burmese E.xpedition in
Richard Cyril Byrne Haking,"' Adju- 1S86-87 (Medal with Clasp).
\ 22 Jan. I July 2° Lieut. Lye served with the Bur-
June 86
tant 12 j
James Ridgeway Dyas^^ 22 Jan. I July mese Expedition in 18S6-87, and was
Robert Inglis Forbes^^ 22 Jan. I July slightly wounded in an engagement
William Carmichael Hawker 19 Feb. I July at Oungdaw (mentioned in des-
George Harvey Nicholson 10 May patches. Medal with Clasp)
Sydney Charles Fiahburn Jackson,') "' Lieut. Playfair served with the
Aide de Camp to Sir G. S. White {
9 Sept. Burmese Expedition in 1885-87 on
Robert Hinds Gill 10 Mar. Transport duty (Medal with Clasp).
Herbert Graham Westmorland 5 Dec. ^'^ Lieut.
Trethewy served with the
Mervyn de Montmorency" 14 May Burmese Expedition in 1886-S7 (men-
Ramsay Frederick Clayton Gordon ... 23 Aug. tioned in despatches. Medal with
Joseph Patrick Goldie 7 Feb. Clasp).
Robert Cobb Lye^e 7 Feb. ^^ Lieut. Hampton served in the
Hugh Cochrane MacTier 7 Feb. Afghan war in 1879-80, and was pie-
Frederick Hope Grant Playfair^' 20 May sent in the engagement at Charasiab
Rjchard Mordaunt Barrington 29 Aug. on the 6th October 1879, and in the
Walter Hugh Trethewy^s 29 Aug. operations round Cabul in December
Henry diStellaBurfordBurford-Hancock 25 Nov. 1879 (Medal with two Clasps).
David Simson Buist 25 Nov.
Denis Mahoney Bower 25 Nov.
Benjamin Hamilton Boucher 25 Nov.
Percy Garrait Shewell 25 Nov.
William Prowting Roberts 28 Apr.
Walter Thomas Henry Nugent 25 Aug.
Robert Clarence Hilliard Chalmers 25 Aug.
Norman Charles Welch 10 Nov.
Arthur Carew Richards 3 Dec.
[Rei/imenUil District 282
'SfeDlv'o^port. 1 The South Staflfordshire Regiment. No. 38.— Lichfield.
Formerhj the ^Stlb {ist Staffordshire) and the Soth (Staffordshire Volunteers) Regiments,
(The 3rd aud 4tli Battalions are formed of the 1st Staflbrd Militia.)
" Egypt" (with the Spliius). "Montevideo" "Roleia" "Vimiera" " Cokunna" "Busaco" "Badajoz"
"Salamanca" " Viitohia " " St. Sebastian" "Nive" "Teninsula" " Ava" "Moodkee" " Fekozeshak"
' Sobkaon" " Pego" " Alsia" "Inkehman" " Sevastopol" "Lucknow" "Central India"
Years^serT "South Africa, 1S78-9 " "Egypt, 1882" "Nile, 1S84-S5" " Kirbekan."
irrr:' Colonels.— i Charles Ebnhirst,' CB. Ensigu,^ 14 Aug. 35 Lt.v 17 Oct. 37 Capt. 22 Dec. 45; ILi/'oi; ''8 June
; ;

; Lf. Colonel, 9 March 55

52 Colonel, 20 May 58
; 3IaJoi- General, 6 March 68 ; Lieut. General, i Oct. 77;

General, 25 Oct. 82 Colonel ist Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment, 8 Sept. Si.

2 Son. Sir St. George Gerald Poley,^ XCB. Ensign, ''29 June 32 Lt. '"27 May 36; Capt. P3 Aug. 41 ; Bt.

Major, 19 Oct. 49; Bt.Lt. Colonel, 12 Dec. 54; ilfa/or, 22 Aug. 56; Colonel, 13 Apr. 58; Lt. Colonel,
4 Jan. 61 ; Major General, 6 Mar. 68 Lieut. General, i Oct. 77 ; General, 10 July Si ; Colonel 2iid Bat-

talion South Staffordshire Regiment, 15 Sept. 81.

Lieutenant Colonels.— James Webber Smith,^ Commanding the Battalion, 23 April 87; Eiuif/n, 9 Oct. 63;
Lt. 13 Nov. 66 ; Capt. P27 Apr. 70 Major, i July 81 ; Lt. Colonel, ii Feb. 85.

2 Allan Saunders,^ Ensign, i'23 Aug. 61 Lt. •'g Mar. 67 ; Capt. 5 May 77 ; Major, i July 81 ; Lt. Colonel,

18 Nov. 88.

2 John Edward Hale Prior'
I William Sanders Darley
1 MorganSamuelCrofton>«X)SO.(iJ<.i<,
Colonel, 15 June 85)
2 Tankerville James Chamberlain'- ...
2 Arthur Wellesley Hast'-
: Ai-chibakl Eorthwick Horsbrugh'^...
I Robert Whalley'*
I William Moore"=

Henry Charles Savage"
Martin Thackeray
William Henry Mon-is BeufJ
John Stewart Macartney Hume,-"
Adjutant 2 I'oluntcer Batt. S. Staf-
fordshire Eegt
George Backhouse Saudham, Adj. \
jrd Battalion Stafford Militia) ..J
Xu«-ton Seymour Allen,-' Adjutant )
1 I'o/. Bn. S. Stafford Megt....'. i
I Charles Herbert Wylly"
1 Alexander George Chesney^-'
Frederick William Lyons,^* Adjutant 1
2 (Augu.i) Vol. Bn. It. Highlanders... S
2 Herbert Aveling Raitt^^
2 Charles Owen Hore^s
Claude Gi-eville Way, Adjutant 4 >
Battalion (Staford Militia) J
2 Edward Kaye Daubeney,-" BSO
2 George Albanus WilUams,^* Adjutant \
24 Aug. 87 J
2 Harry Beauchamp Lassetter,2"J g„,- \

ployed in Kew South Wales with j-

local rank of Major )

Harry Cortland Freer,^" serving with )

the Militia of Canada (

2 Harry Warry Steward^i'
: John Charles Ker Fox^'
1 Ivone Kirkpatrick^*

2 Reginald Hope Parkinson
I Harry Campbell Chads^*
I Egerton Stanley Pipe-WolferstanS;-
James Walker Sears,^'^ serving with
the Militia oj' Canada
I Henry Newport Charles Heath,")
Adjutant 4 Sept. 85 J
X William Cyprian Bridgets
\2 Charles Walter Young
I Frederick Alexander Hedley^'
1 Robert Frederick Broughton Glover *"
I Claude Brittain FitzHem-y "
Ii Herbert Rowett Henry Jack-*^
Edward Bury Grogan
I Cecil Poulett Mouiitjoy Weatherley"..,
George Hearn, Ordnance Store Dept
,r Harry Barlow"
1 Mon. James Graham Raymond
Ulysses Colborne'^
[2 Walter Frank CoTbett,Superintendent
I of Gymnasia, JIalta
2 Alfred Boswell Sabine Brooke
1 Hume Greenfield
2 Digby Hildyard Barker
1 Robert Cosens
Walter Henry Errington
2 Edward Daubeny Griffith Richards ..

Charles Alexander Granville Close...

Second Lieutenants.
John Robert Blackall Graham Carter
George Martin MacHutchin
2 William Irvine Stewart M'Cormick .

2 Reginald Bethune Lindesay

1 Theodore Fitzalan Stewart
^j^. 282a TJie South Staffordshire Begiment.
J James Sweet HocUUng II Feb. 83
Miiy 83
s Hewctt Siilney Carey 9
3 Charles Steer Davidson leilay 83
I Kobcrt Turner 22 Aug. 88
I Frederick Charles Rampini .. 22 Aug. 83
J Williaui Keiidall-KeiidaU 21 Nov. 88

,pjy^X!::-2^"f P^'mmas: 2." Aug' ^^TcaX.r, Torlc an.Zanca.Ur Be,.ment.

Morjraii S. CroftOD,'" Bt.Lt. Colonel i Battalion

. \QuiirlerMiuler$.--3 John Davis, 21 May 84 ICon. Lieut. ;

I Mathevr Binines,'»«27 Aug. 84;

Facings Whxta.— Agents, Messrs. Cox and Co.
Battalion embarked Jar Malta. 1880. 2nd Battalion returned from
Singapore, 1880.
iii Afghanistan including the forcin?:
> General Elmhirst sen-ed with the 9th Reprt. the campaign of 1842

ofthe Khvber Pass, capture of Mamokail.afiTair of Piquets in the Tezeen

Valley (mentioned despatches as having m
distiDKuibhed himself in a charge on the enemy) ; forcing the Tezeen
and Hoitkuttul Passes, and capture of l.ta iff
the enemy (Medal)
-menlioncd in despatches as having captured a gun, and turned it with effect agamst
•crvcd in the Crimea from 8th June .855, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol and assault of the Cemetery on
18th June (Medal with Clasp, Knight 01 the Legion of Honor, Turkish Medal,
and 5th Class ofthe Med.iidie).
General the Hon. Sir St. George Foley served in the Eastern campaign 1854-56, as Assistant m
at the Head Quarters of the French Army, and was present at the battles of
Alma, Balaklava, Inkerman, and
Tchemaya the siege and full of Sebastopol (Medal with four Clasps, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, CB., Officer ofthe
LoKion of Honor, 4th Class of the Mcdjidie, and Turkish Medal). Served as Military Secretary to the expe-
ditionarj- force in China from March 1S57 to Feb. i860 was present at the capture of Canton in Dec. 1857
of Colonel) and other affairs in the neighbourhood. Served throughout the campaign as Bntish Commissioner
at the Head Quarters ofthe French Army in China from Feb. i860 to March 1861, and was present at
the storming
and capture of the Taku Forts, the actions of the iSth and 2ist September- in the latter commanded 200 French
Mounted Artillerymen, 50 Chasseurs d'Afritjue, and a squadron of Fane's Hors-e— horse shot (mentioned m
French despatches, and made Commander of the Legion of Honor), and subsequent advance on Pekm (good
•en-ice pension. Medal with three Clasps). „, „ ,„.«.,,
» Lt.Colonel J. W. Smith served in the Nile Expetlition in 18S4-S5 with the ist Battalion ofthe South Staffordshire

Reifiment, and wiis present in the action at Kirbekau, where be commanded the storming party after the death of
Colonel Kyre— horse shot— (Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star). [See also Civil Decorations for Gallan-
trj-, p. 128.]
' Lt.Colonel Saunders served with the 80th Regiment with the left attack during the Bhootan Expedition of 1865
(Medal with Clasp). Served as Superintendent ofthe Transvaal Volunteer Force during the operations against
Sekukuni in 1878-80 (Medal with Clasp).
» M^or Prior ser^-ed with a detachment of the 80th Regiment in the Perak Expedition in 1875-76 (Medal with
ClaBp). Proceeded on special service to South Africa at the commencement of the Zulu war in 1879; and was present
with the Frontier Light Horse in the engagement at Zlobane Mountain ; was Orderly Officer to Colonel Buller at
the affair at Upoko River, and was present at the engagement at Ulundi and in the reconnaissance on the previous
day (twice mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major) ; served in the subsequent operations against Sekukuni as
Staff and Orderly Officer to Colonel Harrison (Medal with Clasp).
'" Lt.Colonel Croflon proceeded on special service to South Africa in June 1S79, ^nd was employed as Staff Officer

and Deputy Assistant Quarter Master General at Durban from October 1S79 till April 1880 (Medal). Served with the
Nde K.\|>C4liti<)n in 1884-85 (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Also served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1S85-86 as Brigade Major on IntelUgence Duty, and was
present in the engagement at Giniss (mentioned in despatches, DSO.).
" Major Chamberlain served in the Transvaal in charge of two6-pounder guns in November and December 1S78;
was with the Sotli Regiment in the Columnunder Colonel Rowlands on the Swazi border in 1879, and during the in-
vanion of Zululand and the engagement at Ulundi (Medal with Clasp).
" -Major Ha«t served with a detachment of the 80th Regiment in the Perak expedition in 1S76 (Medal with Clasp).
Trained, equipped and commanded a mule battery of 7-pounders on the Zulu border in 1878, for which he received
the thanks of his Excellency Lieut.General Lord Chelmsford. Served throughout the left attack against Sekukuni,
and Imd charge of two 0-pouiider guns in the Colimm under Colonel Rowlands on the Swazi border in 1S79, and
during the invasion of Zululand arid the engagement at ITlundi (Medal with Clasp).
" Major Horabrugh served in the operations against Sekukuni in 1878 and also in 1879, and was present at the
Btorming ofthe stronghold (Medal with Clasp). Served with the ist Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment in
the Kgyptian war of 18B2, and was present in the reconnaissance in force from Alexandria on the 5th August
(Medal, and Khedive's Suir). Served in the Nile Expedition in 1S84-S5, and was present at the action of Kirbekan
— crvcrely wounded (two Clasps).
'• Major Whallcy served in the Afghan
war in 1870-8088 Transport Officer with the ist Division Khyber Column
ondaltcrwards with the ist Division Afghanistan Force under Sir Frederick Roberts, and was present at the
ntTiiir nl Knm Dakka against the Mohinunds as Orderly
Officer to Bricadier General Doran (mentioned in
dcoiiiitchcH Medal).
'•Major Moore served with the Both Regiment in the operations against Sekukuni in 1878 and throughout
,"'"'0 '""^ "'' ""^ '•™*^ "-^ District Adjutant of the Transvaal (Medal with Clasp). Served with the
lit. Hnttalioii P-SuiBordshire Regiment in
South the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the reconnaissance in
f.,rce l^rom A exandria on the 5lh August (Medal,
and Khedive's Star). Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85
wiui inc ist iiBitalion ofthe South SUiffordshire Regiment, and
took part in the operations of the River Column
under Major (.cneral Earle. including the action of Kirbekan (two
''*'"'^''' '",''"* ^",^'" "'*' ''^
>• i-'.'l'!"'i" S'r'"r
'^'^ including the operations against Sekukuni (Medal with Clasp).
"' '*' Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment in the Egyptian war of 1882
(MwlVl i?"l'Kh^Wc>*SUirr
'» Cnpinin Uei.l served with the
ist Battalion of the South Staffordshire Regiment in the Eg>-ptian war of 1S82,
iLTir,'.''!.'.'.?''.? v',C-
''''^7''''' '•'"'''•' '"''°'"<"'' '™™ Alexandria on the 5th August (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
'", and was present at the action of Kirbekan (two Clasps). Served with
,'.'' ^V "T,''
ihr/ K, „?!„, I- , 1.V""
^ '''"',"*^ operations on the Upper Nile in 1885-86.
•• fv ?/, II I""';*-' '•H'^
"'^''^ ""' ^°""' Staffordshire Regiment in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was
nrc^m n 0,0 r,.r!-T?"'' ?"'"'' ^iL'^^K^!"
KIvo'sHtar) "^ "'''''^"*°'' '^^ Sth August (mentioned in despatches. Medal, and
^^^ '*' »""""" °f'''« Soutli Staffordshire Regiment in the Egyptian war of .882,
an" w«'J!n*'^nt°r„T."'^A''''''
Alexandria on the 5th August (Medal, and Khedive'a Star).
B^rvrKj'ffiho N K^n^^^^^^^^ 1 f'"°°'
" (^i a" Wvllv
• Eg,
Jl'/i^l and RliXo'K «!,,'"
""'1 '^"^ I"-e«cnt at the action of Kirbekan (two Clasp.O.
'fmottalion of the South Staffordshire Regiment in the Egyptian war of
"'''° '"'"'"' "''"' '^^ ^ilo Expedition in 1884-85, and was present at the
icl'onor K;r^k,,na«^^^'"K''
"''^ *'"' '*' ^<^^^^'0^^ south Staffordshire Regiment in the Egyptian war
«f".Vr,'''^nV w",''nrc«r,yr'r
reconnaiHsanco in force from Alexandria on the 5th August (mentioned in
d«.patcl.c" M^^
IV^ ' ^ ''"" "^ '•^° Mudjidio, and Khedive's Star).

Served with the Nile E.xpodition in 1884-85
The Soidh Stafordshire Regiment. 282&
'5 Captain Raitt served in tlie Kafir war iii 1878 including the operations nijiiinst Sokakuni served in the Zulu

war in 1S79 ai:d in the subsequent operations against Sekukuni including the capture of the stronghold
(Medal with Clasp). Served in the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in :S35 in command
of a troop of the 3rd Mounted Rifles (Diamond Fields Horsel.
25 Captain Hore served in the Egyptian war of 1882, first with the ist Battalion South StaCfordshire Regiment

and afterwards with the Mounted Infantry, and was present in the reconnaissance in force from Alexandria on
the 5th August, in the engagements at El Magfar, Tel-el-Mahuta. and Kassasin (gth September), and at the battle
of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Nile Expedition
in 1884-85 with the Mounted Infantry, and was present at the action of Abu Klea (two Clasps).
" Captain Daubeney served with the Soth Regimentin the left attack against Sekukuni in 187S, in the Column
under Colonel Rowlands on the Swazi border in 1879, and during the invasion of Zululand and the engagement
at Ulundi (Medal with Clasp). Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star);
also served with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force in 1885-86 as Aide de Camp to Brigadier General Butler,
Commanding 1st Brigade, and was present at the engagement at Ciniss (DSO.).
Captain Williams served in the Zulu war in 1879, and in the subsequent operations against Sekukuni (Medal
with Clasp). Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-S5, and was present at the action of Kirbekan (Medal
with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
29 Major Lassetter served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
3" Captain Freer served with the ist Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment in ihe Egyptian war of 1S82 (Medal,

and Khedive's Star). Served during the rebellion in the Nortti-West Territories of Canada as Aide de Camp to
Sir Frederick Middleton (mentioned in despatches, Medal).
3' Major Fox served as Adjutant with the 19th Hussars in the Egyptian war of 1B82, and was present in tho

action at Kassasin (gth September), and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clas]), and Khedive's Star).
Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the igth Hussars (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Clasp).
32 Captain Steward served in the operations of tho Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86 (Medal, and
Khedive's Star).
33 Captain Kirkpatrick served in the Nile Expedition in 1SS4-85, and was present at the action of Kirbekan (Meda

with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).

3* Lieut. Chads served with the 1st Battalion of the South Staffordshire Regiment in the Egyptian war of 1882
(Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85, and was present at the action at Kirbe-
kan (two Clasps). Served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force during the opei'ations on the Upper Nile in
35 Lieut. Pipe-Wolferstan served with the 1st Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment in the Egyptian war of
1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force during the operations on the
TJpner Nile in 18S5-86.
3« Lieut. Sears served with the ist Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment in the Egyptian war of 18S2, and was

present in the reconnaissance in force from Alexandria on the 5th August (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served
on the Staff of the Battleford Column throughout the campaign in the North West of Canada in 1885, and was
present in the engagement at Cut Knife Hill ; commanded a scout corps in the pursuit of Big Bear (three times
mentioned in despatches. Medal).
37 Lieut. Heath served as Transport Officer with the ist Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment in the Egyptian

war of 1882, and was present in the reconnaissance in force from Alexandria on the 5th August (Medal, and
Khedive's Star). Served with the Nile E.xpedition in 1884-85, and was present at the action of Kirbekan (men-
tioned in despatches, two Clasps). Served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force during the operations on the
Upper Nile in 1885-86 as Adjutant of the ist Battalion of the South Staffordshire Regiment.
3« Lieut. Bridge served with the 1st Battalion of the South Staffordshire Regiment in the Egyptian war of 1882

(Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85, and was present at the action of Kir-
bekan (two Clasps).
33 Lieut. Hedley served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force n 1885-86 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
^0 Lieut. Glover served in the Nile Expedition in 18S4-S5, and was present at the action of Kirbe'iian (Medal with
two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
*i Lieut. FitzHenry served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85, and was present at the action of Kirbekan

Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force during the opera-
tions on the Upper Nile in 1S85-86.
*- Lieut. Jack served with the Nile Expedition in 18S4-85, and was present at the action of Kirbekan (Medal

with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force during the operations on.
the Upper Nile in 1885-86.
" Lieut. AVeatherley served in the Zulu war in 1879, ani was present in the engagements at Zlobane Mountain
and Kambula and in the subsequent operations against Sekukuni including the storming of the stronghold
(Medal with Clasp). Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the Mounted Infantry, and was present at
the action of Kirbekan (Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Soudan Frontier Field
Force during the operations on the Upper Nile in 1885-86.
" Lieut. Barlow served with the NileE.^pedition in 1884-85 (Madal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served
with the Soudan Frontier Field Force during the operations on the Upper Nile in 1885-86.
*' Lieut. Hon. J. G. R. U. Colborne served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85, and was present at the action of
Kirbekan— severely wounded (Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Soudan Frontier
Field Force during the operations on the Upper Nile in 1885-86.
*° Lieut. Billings served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star) also served with tho Nile

Expedition in 1884-85, and was present at the action of Kirbekan (two Clasps). Served with the Soudan Frontier
Field Force during the operations on the Upper Nile in 1S85-86.
Major Drury.— For War Services, see Army Pay Department.
} ;
uegtmenrai. jjtsirici
R:at.,>l»lu. "I
liutt.. Porttmouth.J
The Dorsetshire Regiment.
Fu7mcr[rtrJlT)th (The Dorsetshire) and the 54//* {West Norfolk) Eegiments.
(Tlio 3ril Battalion is Ibnned of the Dorset
- Gibkaltab" with the Castle, Key^ and " Montis Insisnia Calpe
Tndu." "Pussy"
" " Aluvukba " " Vittobia " "PXKENEES"

the Sphinx). " Mababoit

"I'eiiisscla" "Ata" "Maharajpobk" "Skvastopoi..
GCB. £»s^?», Aug. 28 ; Zt. P22 Feb. 33; Capt. ^lo
»l0Bel«.-i 5ir Charles Thomas Van Straubenzee,'
m-^t. Colonels.
Mnr. 57 Major, 27 Aug. 43 :
BI.Lt. Colonel, 30 April 44 Li.tollonel, II Nov. 51 ; Colonel, 20 June 54;
; ;

=7 Mar. 00
i/.GcHera/. 27 68 -genera,, ^c Apnl 75; Colonel sgth Foot, 8 Dec. 67
General, 29
Major UcHfrat. mAur.
Grneral. .4 AuR. 50; Lt.tfeneral,
Capt I'lo Jan 40 ; Major Vg Feb. 49 Lt

John Ramsay Stm.rt,^ CB. -.nd IJ. "20 Jan. 32 Lt. 9 Ang. 35 ; ; ;

Nov. Colonel. 15 Feb. 58 Major General, 6 Warch 68 Lieut. General, i Oct. 77 ; General,
Colonel. 15 54 ; ; ;

Lieu?e'naat'ioUneU.-f ;^..c°MlUthe^v CB- Commanding the Battalion, 1 July 87 ;

EHnan 8 July 56 i,^ ''31 Aug. 5S C«;</. "17 April 67; Bt.Major, 11 ^ov.
; ;
78; Brevet Lt.Colonel, 29 Nov.
Co/o«</, 18 March Ss^
79; j/.;;»r. I Julv 81; irCo/oHe/, 3t Dec. 84;
1 William I'litrickHoilnctt, Commanding the Battalion, 19
Nov. 87 ; M.,mffn, 26^ o .
Oct. o
58 ;
r- . t.
Lieut. Dec. ^61
P13 t^
Cavt '•-(o Se))t.. 63 ,W'i/or. 1 Jiilv 81
Lt.Colonel, 14 April 86. :

2 Henry Roberta Young* {Brevet Lt. -,

Jan. 591 4 June 60 '12 June 69 I July Si

Colonel, 21 June 87) i
p.».c.Rowlaml UilI(l>/.i^Co/.2iJuiie 87) .5 Feb. :5 Mar. 64 7 Aug. 75 1 July 81
SvilliamPhibl.s" ''22 Mar. 2 Aug. 68 6 Jan. 75 i 19 Nov. 81
^ Jan. Nov. 82
1 Calcdon Philip Egerton 3 Mar. !2july 68 18 79 j
Albert MaunscU LeMarchaut Thomas \ 18 April 65 P2S Nov. 68 18 Jan. 79 2 July 84
Le Miirchaut J
66 P 9 April 2 Nov. 79 2 July 84
I Richard Carden Allen Beatty 70
7 Charles George Lewis Wingfield
''12 Dec. 68 P2S June 71 30 Oct. 78 27 July 85
7 Williiim Henry Ridge Gunner '23 Nov. 69 28 Oct. 71 18 Sept. 78 10 Sept. 84
a Henrj- Kemble 3 Mar. 65 P14 Oct. 68 29 Mar. 78 5 May 85

Edw. Watson Conrau, Army Pai/ Dept. >
Aug. 23 Oct. 71I I Jan. 81
John William Merton Macartney ,^i(/. P 6 Mar. 28 Oct. 71 I July 81
I Vol. Bn. York Light Infantry 3
John Morpott Vicrcy, Adjutant 3 Bn. ... 24 Dec. 28 Oct. 71 6 April 81
Cecil Henry hav!,^'^ Adj. 1 Volunteer)
7 July 69 28 Oct. 71 24 Jan. S3
Battalion Dortet Regiment )

Martyn John Edward Fenwick,»frfi«^ ^

3 Aug. 72 12 Sejit. 83
ill civil capacity under SgyptianGoct.
I Horace John James Kentish 10 Sept. 75 19 Mar. 84
Philip Farrer, Aide de Camp to Major l 20 Nov. 18 July 84
General C.F. T.Daniell j
1 Josejih Howard Poett,'^ S^'jf Co^eye.., 11 Sept. 76 18 July 84
.\ithur James Lushington 28 Feb. 74 30 July 84
William Alexander Campbell 9 Aug. 73 30 July 84
Elliott Frederick Healy ; Jan. 79 19 Sept. 84
2 Henry Blosse Lynch II Feb. 22 Nov. 84
Gerard Gordon Elriugton, Ordnance )
27 July
29 Jan.
Store Dejiartuient i
John Comptou Pyne,'* Staff College .. 30 Jan. 78 2 Feb. 27 July
I Charles iJreenway, Adjutant 3 Dec. 84 14 Jan. I Jan. Oct. 85
1 Stephen Katon Lamb 14 Jan. I Jan. 14 Apr. 36
7 Gilbert Winter Zwilchenbart Moss'' .. 21 Aug, I Nov. 22 Feb. 86
He.sketh Goddard 31 Jan. I Apr. 17 Aug. 87
William IJutton John Pollard 13 Aug. 79 I July 19 Nov. 87
2 Lionel Edmund Lushington,.4d/«^l«^
13 Aug. 79 I July 21 Nov. S7I
12 Dec. 88 j
2 7/on. William Morton Kden I July Major Phibbs embarked for the
I Knox Edward Harris II Aug. 8< I July Gold Coast as Adjutant of the 2nd
1 Henry Leoline Jenkins 23 Apr. 8: I July Battalion 23rd Fusiliers, and served
1 Charles Robert Sillery Sainsbury 23 April 8 I July throughout the second phase of the
2 William John Bonus 9 Sept, 1874, including the
Ashantiwar in
2 Robert Arthur Godwin-Austen 10 Mar. capture of Borborassie (slightly
1 Edward Keane Ridley 19 Dec. wounded), battle of Amoaful, capture
I Po»vni)ll Ramsay Phipps 6 Feb. and destruction of Becquah (Medal
a Arlington Augustus Chichester 23 Aug. 84 with Clasp, and promoted Cantain).
a Denzil Hughes-Onslow 23 Aug. 84 1- Captain Law served in the
Henry Louis Kosher 7 Feb. Afghan war in 1878-79 with the Khy-
Thomas Aylett Harrison 7 Feb. ber Division (Medal).
I Arthur Herbert Piatt 28 Feb. 13 Captain Poett served in the
1 Claude Huchanan Tugwell 6 May Afghan war in 1880 (Medal). Served
Frederick Hildebrand Awdry 6 Jlay with the Bechuanaland Expedition
Henry Hryckwood Tomkin 9 May under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85.
Frederick Law Williams 23 May 85 !•* Captain Pyne served in the
2 Harrington Fred. Powys I'ralt-Barlow 23 May SslAfghan war in 1879 as Transport
5 Nov. SsjOfficer on the Khyber Line of Com-
lUilph Maitland Bell
2 William SykfH Banks 9 ilay 85 munications (Medal).
SiCOHO LiKUTENAHTB. 1" Captain Moss served in the
I JoKcph John AsBor 14 Sept. 87 Afghan war of 1879-80, took part in
Robert James Taylor Savi 14 Sept. 87 the defence of Candahar including
I Henry Beptiinus Hammncd 14 Sept. "
the sortie of Deh Khojah, and was
Guy ileury GoHtoii Mockler 14 Sept. present at the battle of Candahar
I J<;hn (N)rrio Sherer M Feb. (Medal with Clasp).
J Archiliiilcl RoHH Hervoy Garden ... II Feb. \^For remainder of Notes, see end of
I FniuciH Korbos Major II Feb. South Lancashire Megiment, p. 284a.
Cambridge Feniie Feb.
I)..mild Robert Lvtton Riekclls 16 May
Arthur llellaiiio Knnis. 6 June
I Eilwurd Hood Shnipnul Boxer 22 Aug.
Arthur Edward Ross MangliB.
J 10 Nov.
C.rd Alured Rowley
10 Nov.
William RcgiiLuld Arnold 8 Doc.
Paymuul,r$.—i I'liilip Montagu, II Juno 84 ; Captain
__ „ a Wm.
A. Camiiboll, Captain 2 Battalion (acting).
fiuarltr M<ul*ri.—7 Thomas Henry
Barratt, 14 Apr. 86; Jlon. Lieut.
I WilUani Kerr, 28 Aug. 84; Jlon. Lieut.
Faring, \\\nic.— Agents, Messrs. Cox and Co,
Battalion tmbarkrd for Malta, 8 Feb. '" eturned from Aden, 24 Dee. 86.
1 j )

Tlie Prince of Wailes' Voltmteers (South. LancaaMre Regimiait). 284.

^^,^^SS:^«aent.. ] Formerbj the ^oth {z-,ui SomersetshLre 1^.*:^-%^^:^

iiid the 5z7id (Frince of Wiles' VAunteers) Eegiments.
Tlie ^rcl Batraiion i^ formeti of rke 4rh. Lincasiiire ArUmn.

Plume. " LouiSBtiaft" "E>iTPi" with. clie Sphinx:. "iloircB TrDKo'"*RotBii""TrsnEKA."

Tlie Prince ofWalea" i

"TiixrsBx" •'Badajoz" • ixuviifcs." •'Yuxoaxx" P-EaE^rsES " '^irrEiia" 'Osxkes" "Tottlousx" •

' liarZSKK
and. C^-annr. r.^.^ " '* HiHiBAjIPORK '

;r Dec. 39; C<:9W. 4"

Ziuign, ig X'
. r7 Jan. S7.
.. -72fov. =9; Ca£
ici, 27 Afar. 37.
r James Brown il'Dougai, Sia. Aug. do ; £i. 29 Jan. 70 ; Capt. ^13 Feb. Hajoe, r Jaij- 3;
Lt.Colauel, tr Dec. 16.'

z />.».c Arthur WlUsinson. 9 iCay 6;^ 3 Oct. Apni r July 3c
Wniiam Henry ilobeiiy 7 Ang. 66 ''30 Mar. 7^. ISfipE. 3x:
Georffe Sydney Carr .'iJoiy 6:^24. ilar. to rr Oce, tApr. 82
... r CharifisLmKin. .^-i >f<nr. a=.='2J-3epi. 70 r May 78 zsXoiy 83
... E William it' CarttyO'Leary .PT7Aijril oq.^tj Feb. 71 zo ilar. 78 rjAng: 3^
... 2 William Capel t'22..ran.oSi ^Ang. rr 5 Sepi. 78 o Anz. 34.
,2! r James aitchies ? xMar. aai'i+Jiiy 69 27 Mar. 78 13 May 3s
Waittr_LanTellManael,>y«fti»t 2i
an. iCidlesex Regt.
K-j/. j
p^y^ a,, ^aOct. 71 a>Jnne7o rxDec. 35
r 4rT.hTiT Francia GeorgB Bichardaan . .. '
5 Oct rsMar. : . .luly 3r

Charles Adolphns de Peyron. Bar-

ronaiLS, i). J,J. ffen. ^j- ^fuaketry, 28 Oct. Tx- aSepc. Sx
Bomixu/ J I

- aobert Hbwdea KeQie 7C 29 Oct. St

J Keginaid Havs'ians Hall Tz.'Sar.
isJoly 331
z Francis Hoberc Miilin^on Synge 23Sbrr. 73! 15 July ;3'
.; Joiiniiobert Philip Parc;ia.s 26 ir«r. 74i zsJTnlj- ?3i
David Pheiips Chapman, •" nermag'i
cith the K^iptian Jj-mg J
1 Sdward Hay'Mackenzie Elliot I zOec. 74, Jnne
4. 3jj
2 H-osii Sd-svatrd G-rrmRs rxFeb. 75i SAng. li,
John Edmund Fisiiboume Jacob, >
Adj. 2 Vjl.Bn. SoitthLtinetulureBegt.j jApraTSI
z Charles ArATiTi ni-r Sumner, Ajijutanfl
3 Seps. 33 i
t Thomas Lamb ..«.-.l
2 .In hn \irin \fnirg-riri.crp I

2 Eric Edmund .UoiSii; Davison Manson \

Frederick Arahibald Aiiam, idju.tant )


r Vjiunteer Bn. S. LuncwtiUre Meat. S 1

- 3.T.rii ?9ii:laiid Shekleton

; ?..!—:i:ni ^L^iirvaaymondSmythiea, "/.

>j^ r. r Wjolmea i
- reac-c -juries ^imon iJiipin^Jmqr I

:iermce Corpt J
t Kttipict: 4rrhiiT SnOW ....

Lenox Conynaham Arbnr.hnnt, Jrmg i

Sermce Corpt )
r Frederick; M'lver Eoome
a — 2 Tfn p^ Lousada Barro'w -. ,

a ... r Donald Guy Prendergast

._ 1. FTamin Croker Springail Thompson ...
6 ... 2 Arthur iGeorgQ Walker Skirrow, AJj. \
ro Jan. 33 i
6 ... 2 Cecil Stewart Filmer Ferrers
6 r George Feilden Menzifis
2 Charles Gage Stewarc
2 Francis Fredk. Lewis Schaw
z William Lather Watson
2 Frederick Aanesiey Dudgeon.
r Hoah Aiexander Hornby
Arthur Sjioi Armstrang. -.
2 aobers Keylock Owen'*
2 Cecil WaniifiB
2 William George Grey
2 William. Edward Saumarez-T^ier
2 James Thomas Hoiloway
I Henry Davies
Joiin Wi'.liam Bosb

2 Jiichoias Marcus Lynch

2 Godliey Maiweil Morris
1 Stoarc Cpperton ,

2 Bdwari Herbert Boome „ -

1 Eiciiard. Carmiciiaet Bell

2 Alick Francis Bondoek
t Horace WUliam Flews Waceis.....
r Harry Heraert Trr-aeil
2 Edmund Carieion L Estrange
1 Hugh Base Troup
2 Alired Bichard Lane Hayward
1 Edward Tite James
Chas. Gram Fianas Grey Birch..
Lancasliire Eeijiment).
284a Tlie Pnnce of Wales' Volunteers {South

Jan. ^o- En>. Jan Zt. 17 April 69 Capi. .9 Sept. p^Hon

iTT Fasma.ter..-. GeorKe H. Ferricr x y 67 ; ;

Jlon. Lieut.
... Q«ar.Vr 3Iasler$.—i Joshua Henry Burne, 30 March 8i ;
I ... I
2 Arthur Cunsdale, j8 Aug. 86; Jlon. Lieut.

Facing$ White.— Agejiti, Messrs. Cox and Co.

Baltalion returned from Aden, 3 Feb. 1886. 2nd Battalion
embarked for Natal, 1882.
Oct. 1854 to 8th AprH
I General Newton 6er%-c<l with the Coldstream Guards in the Crimean campaign from i8th
,Ss5 including the battles of Balaklava and Inkcrman. andsicRC of Sebastopol (Medal with three Clasps, 5th Class

°^'tKltdew^Brrved^vi'th''lhe 3rd Punjaub Infantry in the Indian K^.

Frontier war of -863 and was
prcwfut at the atuick an.l capture of the Conical Hill and Umbeyla (mentioned
despatches. Medal vvith Clasp),
^^cd in the Zulu war .,f .S79 as Deputy Assisfint Quarter Master General ist Division (mentioned despatches m
Hrcvet of Major. Medal with Clasp). Went to South Africa on special service
January m
18S1, and served under
Sir Kvelyii Wood in the Boei war as Assistant Quarter Master General. ,„.„e„„t ti.» i^ntHo «f
» Major Ritchie served in the Egyptian war of 1882 with the Corps of Signallers, and was present at the battle of

TcI-cl-Kebir(Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star).
'0 Major Chapman served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 as Staff Officer on the Lines of Communicatioa

(mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of the Medjicbe, and Khedive's btar). Also
6er\-ed with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force in 1885-86, and was present in the engagement at
'» I. ieut. Owen served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 with the New South Wales Contmgent (Medal with Clasp,
and Khedive's Star).

Continuation of Notes to the Dorsetshire Begiment.

Sir Charles Van Straulienzee served throughout the campaign against the Rajah of Coorg in 1834, resulting in
tlio annexation of that territory. As Major he succeeded to the command of the 39th Regiment during the action of
JIaljiimjpore,GwaIior( Bronze Star, and Brevet of Lt. Colonel) on 29th Dec. 1843. Commanded the British Contingent
in Greece from November 1854 to April 1855, when he proceeded in command of the Buffs to the Crimea, and con-
tinued there in command of a Brigade until July 1856 was present at the two assaults of the Redan in June and

September, at the former he commanded a separate Brigade, and at the latter the ist BrigadeLight Division, when
he was slightly wounded (Medal with Clasp, CB., Officer of the Legion of Honor, SartUnian and Turkish Medals,
and 3rd Class of the Medjidie). Proceeded to China in command of a Brigade in 1857 and succeeded to the command
of the Forces there in November commanded the Land Forces at the capture by assault and occupation of the city

of Canton on 29th Dec. 1857 and in all subsequent minor operations, and continued in command of the British Forces
in China until March 1S60 [KCB., Medal with Clasp).
' General Stuart ser%'ed with the Royal Scots Fusiliers in the Eastern campaign in 1854-55, including the battles
of Alma, Balaklava, and Inkerman, siege and fall of Sebastopol— succeeded to the command of the Regiment at
the Ijattle of Inkerman, and commanded it throughout the day (twice mentioned in despatches. Brevet of
Lt.Colonel for Inkerman in Gazette of 12th December 1854, CB., Medal with four Clasps, 5th Class of the Medjidie,
and Turkish Medal). Received the Reward for Distinguished Services in 1B61.
' Colonel Gosset served with the 54th Regiment during the Indian mutiny, —
in Eastern Bengal in 1857 against
the Chittagong mutineers, and in Lord Clyde's campaign in Oude in 1858-59 (Medal) Served as Aide Ue Camp to .

Lord Chelmsford in the Kafir war of 1878, and was present in all the actions with the Gaikas in the Buffalo Moun-
tainH and I'erie Bush (mentioned in despatches, and Brevet of Major). Served in the Zulu war of 1879 as Aide da
Canij) to Lord Chelmsford in the first advance into Zululand in January, and was present in the actions fought by
the Centre Column up to the 22nd Januarj-. Was afterwards Assistant Quarter Master General to the 2nd Division
in the second advance into Zululand, and was present in the engagement at Ulundi (mentioned in despatches.
Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp). AVent to South Africa on special service in January iBSi, and served
under Sir Evelyn Wood in the Boer war as Assistant Adjutant and Quarter Master General.
• Lt.Colonel H. R. Young served on the N.W.Frontier of the I'unjauh
from June i860 to February 1865, with the ist
Punjaub Infantry, and was present during the blockade of Hindostanee fanatics and Trans-Indus tribes, and cover-
ing of Cmb in August and September 1863, and throughout the operations in the Umbeyla Pass, latterly as Adjutant
of the Uegiment (specially mentioned in despatches and in the Punjaub Government report, Medal with Clasp).
'• Cui)Uin Montagu.—
For War Scn-iccs, see 12 Lancers.
) )

rnaTu.Sa. ] The Welsh Kegiment. [t'T-Lms':' 285

Formerly the 41st (the Welsh) and the 6gfh (South Lincolmhire) Regiments.
(The 3rd Battalion is formed of the Glamorrau Militia.)
The Rose and Thistle, on the stalk, vpithin the Garter. 'J-'ho Prince of Wales' Plume. " Gwell Anneu
Chywilydd." "UoOKBOlf" ^
Java ,, ,. Dktkoit „ .,
" Qubenstown " "Miami" "Niagara"
"Iu pia" "Ava" 'Candahab, Ghuznkb, andCABooL, 1842" "Alma" "Inkeejiait "" Sevastopol "Watkiiloo"
Years' Ser. Colonels.-i Julius Edmund Good^vyn,i Ci?. Enngn, ^5 Jan. Lf. ^6 June 45 Capt. V3 May 50 ; M.,!or
44 ; ;

"15 Sept. 54^; Lt.Cohnel, 12 Dec 54 ; Colonel, 19 March 58 Major General, 6 March 68 ; Lieut.General ;

I Oct. 77 General, 10 Jan. 81 ; Colonel ist Battalion Welsh Regiment, 20 Jan. S3


2 David Elliot Mackirdy, Eniign, ^s April. 33 Lie.d. P30 Dec. 36 Captain, Pze June 41 Major, P22 Feb

50 Lt. Colonel. 25 Aug. 53 ; Colonel, 28 Nov. 54 Major General, 21 Feb. 68; Lieutenant General. 2

Goierai, 18 March 78; C'o/oHeZegth Foot, 23 Aug. 77.

Nov 7S-
Lieutenant Colonels.— 2 Barnett Nethorcote Auley, Commanding the Battalion, 5 Nov. 88 Ensiqn Pia
Fel). 65 Capt. - ""- 77 Major, i July 81 Lt. Colonel, 14 Apr. 86.
Jan 62 • •

; ;
* • ' •

Arthur Kennedy McCansland ^25 Dec. 67 '12 Nov. 701 8 May 78 Julj'
I 81
WilliamRonaldDonaldScottGlendou- ) 1„ ^
wyn,2/«s<. School of Mtink., ILythe ]
pi July,
67 '31 July Nov. 75
69 13 25 Jan. 82
2 Henry Stanhope Holmes" |p i Aug. 68 '
8 June 70 24 Nov. 77 25 Jan. 82
2 ji.s.e. Edward Vyvyan Huyshe* 8 July 69 28 Oct. 71 21 July 80
18 Feb. 84
John Owen Quirk, ^i)5'0.,«ec«in^ wt/A > I

theEgyptian Army j i
' Dec. 69 28 Oct. 7: I Dec. So iS Feb. 84
I Charles Coghlan Smyth' (lit. Lt. )' „
Nov. Dec.
June 85)
Co/onei, 15 > ! 5 61 14 S Dec. 82
Dudley Gordon Alan Duckworth- \

King," Adjutant i Volunteer Bn. /

Lincoln Regf j
p.s.c. Reea John Francis Hanfield, \
D.A.A.G.fur Instruction, Deoonport)

2 Edward Richard Berkeley Ingram
I Hugh Bertram Nathaniel Bewicke .,

1 FitzRoy Somerset Lauyon Penno, ,

Adjutant 4 Aug. 87 J

Oswald James Henry Ball, Instructor)

lioyal Military College j
3 Aubrey Francis White
William Vieris Dickinson, Adjutant 3 )
Glamorgan Eijle Volunteers )
r James Christopher Reynolds
2 Robert Alexander Threshie
1 Francis Russell Parkinson
Phiueas William Hunt, Army Service I

Corps )"

James Sillem,^ serving with the Egypt- 1

ian Army )
2 Frederic George Mawer
Arthur Revell Reade, Adj. ^rd Bat-
talion (Glamorgan Militia) ji

I Henry D'Alton Harkness

1 William Carter Giffard
James Richard Plomer Clarke, Adj.\
I [Pembroke) Vol. Bn. Welsh Eegt... )
Thomas Lucas Woodwright Lucas, ^
Adjutant I Jersey Militia J
2 Julius Henry Goodwyu
2 p.s.c. James Eales Caunter
2 Arthur Henry Uhthofl' Tindal, Adj. \
26 Feb. 88 S
2 Charles Herbert Davis Cass
I Lancelot Shute Barrington Tristram...
Ronald Bruce Coke, Army Service Corps
I Richard Walter Comyn Vyvyan
I Ernest Sven David, at >
Staff College Jf

I William Spottiswoode Sparkes, Army )

Service Corps )
I Edward John Pryse, serving with }

Mounted Infantry in Egypt j

1 Arthur Porter Newnham-Davis
2 John Henry de Albini de Moutalt >
Farmcot Stratford'" j
2 Robert William Perss6 White
I Walter George Baker, Assistant Pro- )
I vast Marshal, Egypt j
I Lawrence Harry Hawkes ,

Charles Edward Hendley's ,

ii Reginald Percy Thomas ,

'2 Henry George Coates Phillips

I WiUiam Vaughton Pennefather
'2 Cameron Deane Shute
I Alexander Henry Leith
I Herbert Schoflefd '..'

I Arthur Henry Hadow Jenkins

I Charles Henry Young

Secowd Lieutenants.
Charles Eccles Ni.xon Priestley ....
2 Ernest Edward Janvrin Charleton.
I Charles Bernard Morland
Frederick Bruce '.
28sn The Welsh Begiment.

Secosd Liectbwakts.
PiinlXavicr de Morton deLaChapelle
William James Jones 4 May
HuRh Morris Allen 14 Sept. 87
Arthur Gcorjrc FitzRoy Day 9 Nov.
:6 Nov.
William Robert Jervis
J I Feb.
Richmond Shakespear Crawford ...
Richard Westmacott II Feb.
Rossiier Lines*' II Apr.
Charles Vauehan Hale 9 May
Osborn Uraco Pritchard 22 Aug.
Francis Kdward Denman Woodroffe 22 Aug.
Rhys Price 8 Dec.
Lancelot Hamilton Ricketts 8 Dec.
Herbert HastiuRS Harington 8 Dec.
Arthur Phelps 8 Dec.
Charles Kdward Hamilton Poolo ... 8 Doc.
David Alexander Napier Lomax 8 Deo.

F,,.. -7 AP''- 65; rt. ^1 Sept. 6g Capt ^z Aug. yS; iron.

Pagmatte I George H. Singev.i',-, Nov. So; ;

B.,tuaion (active). IMajor, 13 Nct. 85.

2 Kdward R. B. Ingram. Carhm, 1

lQ«f'r^<T il«tfer>.—i John Keeshan, 13 Sept. 70 -"«"• i"«'-


I William Tittery Fenn, 23 June S6 Hon. Lieuf.

Fachigi "White. Agents, Messrs. Cos and Co.

lit Butt, embarked for Oibraltar, 1880. 2»<? Batt. returned from Canada, 1879,

' Oencral Good\vj-n served the Eastern campaign of 1S54-55 with the 41st Regiment, including the l3attle&
of Alma and Inkerman, siege and fall of Sebastopol, repulse of the sortie on z6th October, affair on the iSth June
(wounded), and assault of the Redan on 8th September (Medal with three Clasps, Knight of the Legion of Honor,
5th Cla-ss of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). , , , . .

» Majors Glendonwyn and Holmes were present with the 69th Regiment during the repulse of an mcuirsion

of Fenians into Canada in May 1870.

• Major Huvshc served
in the Egyptian war of 1882 and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with
Clasp, and Khedive's Star); also served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 with the Commissariat and Transport
tJUitr (Clasp).
« iUjor Quirk ser%-ed in the Boer war of 18S1 with the Natal Field Force. Served with the expedition to the
Soudan under Sir tJerald Graham in 1884 on Transport duty, and was present in the engagements at El Teb and
Temiii (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-S5 on the Lines of Com-
munication as Assistant Adjutant General to the Egyptian Army (Clasp) also served in the operations of the

Egyptian h'rontier Field Force in 1885-86 as Assistant Adjutant General to the Egyptian Army, and was present in
the engagement atGiniss (DSO.).
Lt. Colonel Smyth served in the Transport Department on the Bed River Expedition from Canada of 1S70. Served
with the 51st Light Infantry in the Jowaki campaign in 1S77 (Medal with Clasp). Served with the sist Light
Infantrj- in the Afghan war of 1S78-80, and was present at the attack and capture of Ali Musjid, in the first
expedition to the Bazar Valley (mentioned in despatches), and in the advance to the relief of Cabul including the
nfl'air at Jugdulluck (Medal with Clasp). Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-S5 in command of Kroomeu
(mentioned in (le.spntchcs. Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
• Major Duckworth-King
served with the expedition to the Soudan in 1S85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's StnT).
' Captain Sillem served in the operations of the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1S87 including the engngs-
mcnt at Sarras (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
'" Lieut. Stratford served
in the Zulu war in 1879, and was present in the engagement at Ulundi ; also served in
the suliseciucnt operations against Sekukuni including the storming of the stronghold (Medal with Clasp). Served
in the Boer war of i33i, and took part in the defence of Standerton.
" Lieut. C. E. Hendloy served with the Burmese Expedition in iS (Medal with Clasp).
* Major Singer.— For War Services,
see Army Pa^? Department.
'* .Second Liiut.
Lines served with the Burmah Expedition in i8i -86 under Sir Harry Prendergast, including
the nurrender of Mandalay (Medal with Clasp).

Seeord of the Servieei of the 2nd Battalion of the Wehh jRegimcf (formerJt/ the 6gth Segment).
Onginnlly 2nd Battalion 24th Regiment, and raised in 1756. Proceeded to Gibraltar, 1770. Home, 1775. To tho
WeMln<lics,i778. Home, 1785. To Mediterranean, 1793. To West Indies, 1796. To Holland, 1709. Home, 1799.
To Jamnicn. 1800. Home, 1802. To East Indies, 1805. Home, 1826. (2nd Battalion to Holland and Belgium
1813101815). To West Indies, 1831. To New Brunswick, 1839. Home, 1S42. To Malta, 1S47. To West Indies,
»B5». Home. 1S57. To East Indies. 7857. Home, 1S64.
To Canada, 1867. To Bermuda, 1870. To Gibraltar, 1873.

The Black Watch (Royal Highlanders). 2S6

istBatt., Malta.
2nd Biitt., Belfast. Fonncdij the 42nd {Itoyal Ilir/Jdand — i'li'^ffinientai Dish-ict

Th Blach Watch) and the 737-^ (Perfhs/un^) Regiment.^

(The 3rd J5:ittalion is formed of the Pertli Militia.)
The Royal Cypher vritliin ttie Garter. St. Andrew. " Nemo me imnune lueessit " " Miwrair^or. " << c„
"BayPT" (with Uie Sphinx) ''Oorunxa" " Fuentes d'Oko./" " Pvrknbes- ''nTve^^e"
"TOCLOUSE" "PliNINSULi" " WaTEKLOO " " SoCTH AFRICA, 1846-7" " SoUTH "Nite '•"" oi^^^"
Afric* 18 = ,- T " <. 4 '*,'',^

"Sevastopol" "Lwcknow" "Ashanteb " "Egypt, 1882, 1884" " '^'^l-el-Kebib" "Nile, 1884-85'*^" Kimk^^av '
Years^er. Colonel. -!/•»». Robert Rollo.i CB. Em. i-io Aug
32; Lt. ^25 Sept. 35; Cupf p= Nov .r mVr
June 54 Bf.Lf. Colonel. ,2 Dec. 54 Ma/or. 1-5 Jan. 55
; ; Lf. Colonel, ;o AuL'" =c ^^^^^''"' ^°
M„ior General, 6 March 63; Lieut. General, 1 Oct 77; Generol' 19 iJec. "'^ '

19 Dec So,
80 CoZJl'
Co^«e/, y^rd High- J^Ji'- ^^
landers, 5 Apr. 80; CoZo«ei Black \Vatcli,Q June 88. .

Lieutenant Colonels.— 2 Alexander Ferrier Kidston.s Command!,,^ fhe Battalion

20 Ton s v ..

William Gordon, Commanding the Battalion, 29 Sept. 88 Ens ; IS Oct. 61

"22 Jan. 67 Bt. Major, i Ma.-y 80 Major, i July 81 Lt.Goloiic Oct. 62 ; Capt.
; ; ;
July 86.



2 HowelGuntor 8 July 62 '23 June 65 7 July 74 :o July

Charles F-dward Stanley Parker, Adj.
3rd Ba/lalioii {Perth Militia) 6 July 62 '
4 Aug. 65 1 April 75 10 July
James Boanlur l)>l^<c^xtn•, Staff Capt.
for Jiccnnlin.i, Gl.ix,]ow 4 Aug. 65 9 Nov. 2 Nov. 75
I j).s.c.Richil.Ilu,i,'lil.:iiiiljartBrickenden iS July 65 II Jan. 29 Sept. 77
I Andrew Gilbert 'Wauchope,'* CMG.
[Bt.Lt. Colonel, 21 May 84 ; Colonel, 21 Nov. 65 23 June C7 14 Sept. 78
21 M!iy88) 14 Mar. 84
AndrowScottStevenson!8 (Bt.Lt.Col.
2 July 85), Adj. Q Lanark Eijle Vols.
''17 Mar. 69 28 Oct. 10 June 79 I July 85
1 Edward George Grogan'^ ''24 July 69 28 Oct. 19 June
79 4 Dec.
2 George Francis DeBude Davidson.... ' 2 Mar. 66 9 Feb. ir Nov, 76 85
2 Richard llostron Young P16 Nov. 66 P II July s-'6'
24 Sept. 77
21 Nov. 88
2 William Molyneux Shapland Swiny 28 Oct. 5 Dec. 78
Chas. Albert Bushman, ^1';. ?(/>((«</-,
m<jh land) Vol. Bn.E. Hinhl.indr,-. .
14 Aug. 72 11 Dec. 78
1 William Henry H. Carew .\biuiii-:i\ '22 Oct. 70 28 Oct. 7: 21 Juno 79
John H.C.Coode,^(f/.2 Lan.-.l' „.,.]'. ,
10 Sept. 7. 17 Apr. 82
2 Archibald Morden Cartliew- Yor.stoi 20 Nov. 75 25 Oct.

1 Herman Frederick Elliot-- 9 Aug. 73 25 July 83

Albert Wiley, Adj. 6 (Fife^hire) Vol.
Bn.Roi/al Hi,qhl,n,der.'< 28 Oct. 76 28 Nov. 83
Lord Alexander Kennedy-^, Adj. 5
(Perthshire Riqliland) Volunteer 12 Nov. 73 29 Doc. 84
Battalion Roijal l[i(jhlar,der= )
Ernest Maxwell Wiilshire, Adjutant (
3 Battalion Shropshire Light Infantrii i 77, 25 May 78 15 May
Henry Edward Maxwell, Adjutant S ,1

Bn. King's Itoyal Rifles ,V I

II Sept. 78 15 May
Douglas Campbell Mercer, Army j
22 Jan. 79, 29 Sept. So 20 Oct. 3' Lieut.D.A.
Service Corps )' 8s M'Leod)
2 Charles Graham Moulton-Barrett 13 Aug. 79 26 Feb. Si 20 Oct. 85
served in the Son. Inn
Edward Parker Campbell,2*J(i/.sro?.^ Expedition in 1884 with
Bn. Argyll 4' Sutherland Uighldrs. ) I 17 Jan. 72 4 Dec.' 85 the I St Battalion Black

Alexander Gordon Duff-5 28 April 75 Watch, and was present

I ;

4 Dec. 8s
Charles Grant, Adj. 5 (Glasgow IIigh-\ in the engagements at
land) Vol. Bn. Highland Lt. Inf. ... j 9 Aug. 73 14 Jan. 84 El Teb and Temai—
Norman MacLeod.^T Adj. 4 {Perth) ) slightly wounded (Medal
Bn. Royal Highlanders 28 April 75 20 Sept. 86 with Clasp,
Vol. J and Khe-
1 Thomas Francis Archibald Kennedy^'' 27 Jan. 75 20 Jan. 86,
dive's Star). Served m
2 St. George Edward William Burton^o.. 13 Aug. 79 I July -
15 Nov. 86
the Nile Expedition in
2 Thomas Mowbray Martin Berkeley^^ .. 13 Aug. 79. I July 29 Jan. 87
1884-85 with the ist
I Percy John Catoii Livingston^o 22 Jan. 79 I July 21 Apr. 87
Battalion of the Black
John Grenfell Maxwell,^' J>-SO. serving \ Watch, took part with
22 Mar. 79 I July Nov.
with the Egyptian Army J
28 87 the River Column under
1 Charles Patrick Livingstone^^ 10 May 82 II Jan. 88 Major General Earle,
2 Kenneth Murchison Massie Cox Mur- > and was present in the
10 May 14 Mar. 88 engagement at Kirbe-
chison^* S
I Alfred Campbell Bald^s lo May 21 Nov. 88J
kan (two Clasps).
I Norman William Cuthbertson'^ 9 Sept. 7 Dec. 38
3' Lieut. Rose
in the Nile E.'cpedition.
Lieutenants. in 1884-8S with the ist
Battalion of the B.ack
2 Henry Clare Filmore 9 Sept. Watch, and took part
I Duncan Alexander M'Leod" 9 Sept. with the River Colaiua
1 Thomas Souter** 24 Jan. under Major General
2 James Deane 10 Mar. \ Earle, and was present at the action
I Walter Gordon Wolrige-Gordon,*" of Kirbekan(Medal with two Clasps
Adjutant 14 July 88 J
12 May and Khedive's Star). '

I John Macrae*' 5 Dec. *» Lieut. Wolrige Gordon

I George Herbert Lyle Galbraith^u 6 Feb. in the Soudan Expedition in 18S4.
I HughRose^' 6 Feb. with the ist Battalion Black Watch,
1 David Lorraine Wilson^" 6 Feb. and was present in the engage -nent
2 John Stuart 14 May at El Teb— wounded (Medal with
I Harrie Jennings-Bramly 23 Aug. Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served
I William MacLaren Campbell I Fph
in the Nile Expedition in 1884-S5
I i/oii.JamesF.ThurlowCumming- Bruce 29 Aug. 8, with the ist Battalion of the Black
I Alexander Campbell 25 Nov. 85 Watch, took part with the River
1 Evelyn Fowler 9 May 85 Column under Major General Earle,
2 John George Rennie 30 86 and was present in the engagement
1 Alexander Kenneth Gillespie 30 Jan. 86 at Kirbekan (two Clasps).
2 ifo». Alan David Murray 30 Jan. 86 Captain Wynne.- For
War Ser-
I David Baird 8 Dec. 86 vicsa, see Army Pay Department.
. . .

7'2S6a The Black Watch {Boyal Eighlanders).

— '

Andrew MunroRoss ^^^^^.^ ,
26 Feb.
Francis Andrews KcrKUson-Davie 87
Kdwftrd Sidney Herbert... 4 May87
Colin M'Lean 4 May87
Doufflfts William Graham 21 May87
Henrv- Scott Turner 31 Dec. 87
II Feb. 88
William MacFarlon
Thomas Owen Lloyd 9 May 88'

?;rlo Godfrey Elton

22 Aug. 88
Charles Herbert Philip Carter Z^ .a Oct. 7. CpU June
P^r;;;%"-rSk^ffl:^n"^^^^^^^ -.'i-. 4 jeb. 69 ..
; 8 8r.

2 Richard R. Vounp, Capiain 2 Battalion {acting).

Ouarter Matfert.— i Charles Sinclair," 28 Nov. 83 :
Hon. Lieut.

' 1 William Webb, 14 May 87 ; Hon. Lieut.
Facingt hhic.—Agtntg, Messrs. Cox and Co.
haltolion emlarkfit for Egi/ft, 1882. 2nd Battalion returned from Song Kong, iSSi.

1 General the Hon Robert Rollo was one of twoofficers sentfrom Maltaonaspecialmission to Trii.oli in 1846,
Colonies, conveyed through the Commander
«ndrccc^?ed' the thanks of the Secretaries for Foreign Affairs and 42nd Highlanders for the East, and served with
Chief^or h scrWccs upon that occasion. He embarked with the battle of Balaklava and throughout the winter
Major from

the Rert n the campaign of 1854-55 was Brigade
mail hrtook command of his Regt. including
to Kench and surrender of Yenikali,

the battles of Alma and Balaklava commanded it upon the expe-


and afterwards at the siege of Sebastopol and assault on the out-

works on the .8th June (Medal with three Clasps. Brevet of Lt.Co
CU«8 of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal) Served as Assistant .
onel, Knigbt of the Legion of Honour, 5th
Adjutant General m
Canada at the head of that
Secretary to Lieut.General Sir
nlm«rtmert from Nov 1^53 to Jan. i860, and from the latter date as Military
that officer's retirement from the command in British North America in June 1865.
Fenwick Williams till
• Colonel Kidston served with the 42nd Highlanders throughout the second phase of the Ashanti war 1874, m
of Bacquah, battle of Ordahsu and
and was nreseut at the battleof Amoaful, capture and destruction of the town
^ptu.!l of Coomas.«ie (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp).
Served with the ist Battalion Black Watch
Tel-el -Kebir (Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of the
in the En-vntian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of
Osmanieh and Khedive's Star). Scrv-ed in the Soudan Expedition in 1884 with the ist Bnttalion Black Watch,
»nd was present in the engagement at El Teb (Brevet of Lt.Colonel, two Clasps). Served in the Nile Expedition
in i8e4-f 5 with the ist Battalion of the Black Watch, and took part with the River Column under Major General
Earle. and was present is the engagement at Kirbekan (two Clasps). ,. ^ ,^ „
" Major Brickenden accompanied the 42nd Highlanders to the Gold Coast (Ashanti Medal).
'• Colonel Wauchopo served in the Ashanti war from the 30th Nov. 1873. Commanded the Wmnebah company
of Ru-ssell's Regiment from the Prah to the Adansi Hills then served as Staff Officer to Colonel M'Leod commanding

the Advanced Guard, and was present at the capture and destruction of Adubiassi, capture of Borborassie, battle
o( Amoaful, cai>ture and destruction of Becquah. Advanced Guard engagement of
Jarbinbah (wounded slightly),
ekirmii-hes and ambuscade affairs between Adwabin and the river Ordah, and battle of Ordahsu— severely wounded
(mcntione<l in despatches, Medal with Clasp). Served with the ist Battalion Black Watch in the Egyptian war of
1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's
Star). Served in the Soudan
Expedition under Sir Gerald Graham in 18S4 as Deputy Assistant Adjutantand Quarter Master General, and was
present in the engagement at El Teb— severely wounded (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lt.Colonel, two
ciasDs). Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the 1st Battalion of the Black Watch, took part with the
River Column under Major General Earle, and was present in the engagement at Kirbekan— very severely
woundetl (two Clasps).
" Lt.Colonel Stevenson served as Adjutantof the 42nd Highlanders throughout the second phase of the Ashanti
war in 1874, and was present at the battle of Amoaful (wounded slightly), capture and destructionof Becquah, battle
of OnlahhU and capture of Cooinassie (twice mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp). Served in the Soudan
Expedition in 1884 with the ist Battalion Black Watch, and was present in the engagement at Temai (Medal with
Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Nile Expedition in 1S84-85 with the ist Battalion of the Black
Watch, took part with the River Column under Major General Earle, and was present in the engagement at
Kirbekan (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lt.Colonel, two Clasps).
'» Major Grogan sen-ed throughout the second phase of the Ashanti war m
1S74, and was present at the battle
of Amoaful, capture and destruction of Becquah, battle of Ordahsu (slightly wounded) and capture of Coomassie
(Medal with Clasp).
*" Captain Moubray served throughout the secor.d phase of the Ashanti war in 1874, and was present at the
battle of Amoaful (slightly wounded), at the capture and destruction of Becquah, and at the battle of Ordahsu
andcaplureof Coomassie (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the ist Battalion
of the Block Watch, took part with the River Column under Major General Earle, and was present in the en-
gaRcmcnl at Kirbekan (Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
" Captain Elliot served with the ist Battalion Black Watch in the Egyptian w.or of 1SS2, and was present at the
battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Soudan Expedition with the ict
Battalion Black Wat«h, and was present in the engagement at El Teb (two Clasps). Served in the Nile Expedi-
tion in 1684-S5 with the ist Battalion of the Black Watch, and took part with the River Column under Major
General Earle, and was present at the action of Kirbekan (two Clasps).
" Lonl A. Kennedy served with the 1st Battalion lllack Watch in the EgjTitian war of 1S82, and was present at
the battle ot Tel-cl-Kcbir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served 'in the Soudan Expedition in 1S84 with
the isl Battalion Hlack Watch, and was pre.-^cnt in the engagements at El Teb and Temai (two Clasps). Served in
the Nile Expedition in 1584-85 with the ist Battalion of the Black Watch, took part with the River Column under
Major General Kurle, and was present in the engagement at Kirbekan (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of
Mi«or, two Clasps).
»» Captain E. V. Campbell served with the ist Battalion Black Watch in the Egyptian war of
1882, and was present
at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
» (•ttpUiiM Diiir sorve<l in the Egyptinn war of 1882 with the 1st Battalion Black Watch, and -was present at the
batUo of Tcl-elKebir lMc«lal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Soudan Expedition in 1S84 as
Adjutant mt BnlUlion Black >Volch, and was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai (two Clasps). Served
in till' Nile Expe.lition in 1884 85 as AdjuUinl to the ist }iattalion of the Black Watch, took part with the River
Columu uiicUr Major General Enrle, and was present in the engagement at Kirbekan (two Clasps)
** Cnptaiii T. K. A. Kennedy served with the ist Battalion Black
Watch in the Egyptian war of 1882 as Regimen-
Ul Trauiip<irl oniccr, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star),
Sen-od in the Boudan Exncdition in 1884 us Transport Officer isn Battalion Black Watch, and was present in the
•nuaKcnicnu. nt Klleb and Icmui (twoClahps). Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the ist Battalion
of the Hlnrk WHich, UK,k pait with the Hivir Column under Major General Earle, and was present in the eugage-
n-ci)t III Kirbckiin—ncvcrely wounded (two Clasps).
»! Cnpiiiiii Norman MacLeod herved 111 the Kg.vptinn war

of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served in the !

BotxUii Kx|«<litioii in 16B4 with the isl Butuilion Jilack Watch, and was present iu the engagements at El Teb
(allirhUy woundc<l) and Temai (mentioned in (k'siiiitclics, two Clasps).
«" CiipUiini. Uiirtoii and P. J C. Livingston, I.ieuts.
(lalbraith and Wilson scribed in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85
wllhtlir mt IJalUilionoflho lllack Watch, took part with ibe River Column under Major
General Earle, and were
prcactil til the fi.KUKcmcnt at Kirbekan (.Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star)
[for remainder of Notet, tee end of Oxford Light Infantry, p. 2S70.
} 3 j

fal^kXSre, Madras. ] The Oxfordshire Light Infantry. [^::^:%^it' '^^

Formcrhj the 43''t^ (MoiiDioutJiahtre Liijld Infantry) and the ^2)ul (Oxfordshire LigJit —
Infantrij) Regiments.
(Tlio3nl and 4th Battalions are formed of the Bucks and the Oxford Militia respectively.)
riie Ilosp."Quebec, 1759 "" Hindoostan" " ViMiEEA." "Corunna." " Busaco" " Fuentes d'Onob" "Ciudad
"Peninsula" "Wateeloo" "South Afbica, 1851-2-3 " "Delhi" "New Zealand."
Colonels.— I Son. Sir Augustus Almeric Spencer,' QCB.Ensign, 8 April 25 ; Lt.^s July 27; Capf. ^6 April 31;
Major, ^21 July 43 ; Lt. Colonel, 17 May 45 ; Colonel, 20 June 54; Major General, 13 Feb. 60; Lieut. General,
9 May 68 General, 14 Sept. 75
; Colonel 43rd Foot, 14 June 69.

2 John Leslie Dennis,- CB. Ensign, 25 April 28 Lt. 22 Sept. 30 ; Capt. 17 May 41 Major, 'Qg Nov. 44;
; ;

Bt.Lt. Colonel, 2 Au":. 50; Colonel, 28 Nov. 54; Lt.Colonel, 29 Dec. 54; Major General, 28 Oct. 64;
Lieut. General, 15 May 73; General, i Oct. 77; Colonel 52nd Foot, 27 Sept. 79.

Lieutenant Colonels. 2 Howard Kingscote,^ Commanding the Battalion, 8 July 85 ; Ensign, 4 Mar. 62 ; Lt,
6 April 63 Capt. ^2 Sept. 68 Major, 1 July 81 Lt.Colonel, 20 May 85.
; ; ;

! Georffe Francis Vesey,^ Commanding the Battalion, i. July 87 Ensign, 14 April 58 ; Lt. P24 Dec. 58; Capt.

•S May 66 Bt. Major, 31 Dec. 78 ; Major, i July Si

; Lt.Colonel, 8 July 85. ;

2 Henry Coker Adams, Ensign, P12 June 63; Lt. •'26 Jan. 66 Capt. ''30 Sept. 68; Major, i July 81;

Lt.Colonel, 27 July 85.

I Arthur Canapbell Moneyi' Pi? May 61 P17NOV. 63 Oct. 70 1 July 81
1 -William Clark" (Bt.Lt.Col. i July 87) Pn Feb. 62 30 April 64 2( Sept. 711 1 30 Nov. 81
2 Henry Mitchell Sholto Douglas •"22 Aug. 65 2 Sept. 86|P3 Oct. 71, II Mar. 83
^.s.c. Jas. Johnstone, D.A.A. General)
">2oFcb. 66 "so Sept. 68 14 Feb. IS Aug. 83
for Instruction, Egypt j 74
2 Evelyn Broomfiekl Pocklington ••
I May 67 P
3 Feb. 69 is Jan. 78 20 May 85
Lord Charles Robert Vratt, Adjutant July 85
Lancashire Rifle Volunteers j
''21 Aug. 67 ''24 April 69 10 Jan. 79
I Ralph Basnett Rastell Williamson'- ... ''13 Oct. 67 ^12 Nov. 70 19 June 76 2 Jan. 86
1 Francis William Seafield Grant'* " 4 July 65 > 9 Nov. 66 26 Mar. 73 13 Dec. 84
WalterHowcU Cuiilitlo.^rf/. i Buclat A'. I'. 7 Mar. 69 ''27 Oct. 71 10 Aug. 80 15 Jan
James Arthur Strachan,4irfe de Camp \ Jan. 86
Feb. 71 28 Oct. 71 19 Sept. 79
to Major General H. Bowland
.•; ;

2 John George Cockburn Curtis 30 Dec. 71 12 Mar. 81 ) May 85
2 Francis Hugh Plowden 5 Oct. 72 19 Aug. 81 ; Sept. 86

2 Arthur Edward Dal z ell "20 Feb. 70 28 Oct. 71 11 Mar. 82
2 William Henry Odell'» 30 Dec. 71 II Mar. 82
2 Algernon Garrett Scriven 26 June 73 9 May 83
p.s.c. Charles Molyneux Hutton,
D.A.A. General, Jamoicn

9 Aug. 73 15 Nov. 83
Fra. Arth. Bouverie Talbot, Adjutant ;

2 Vol. Bn. Oxfordshire Lt. Infantry J

12 Nov. 73 IS Nov. 83
1 Robert Eccles'^ 28 Feb. 74 26 Mar. 84
2 Frederick John Evelegh 13 Nov. 74 23 May 85
Eustace Gambler Manse),-'.-lrf;«^«ii< 1

Bucks Rifle Volunteers 4 Oct. 75 8 July 85


I Reginald Whitworth Porter 6 Sept. 76 II Jan. 86

I Horace Augustus Terry 29 Nov. 76 19 May 86
I Augustus Ferryman Mockler-Ferryma; 3 May 78 28 July 36
I Paul Treby Clark, Adjutant 1 Jan. 86.. 20 Mar. 23 July 79 28 July 86
I Edmund Thomas Chivers Bower 13 July I July 81 Aug. 86
I John Hanbury-Williams-- 25 May 3 Apr. 80 i Sept. 86
I Gerald Francis Mockler 14 Sept. 8 Apr. Si 6 June 88

Henry Robert Stapleton Cotton 4 Dec. July

Charles Russell Day 28 Jan.

Denis James Barton 22 Jan. I July
15 Captain Eccles.— See Civil Deco-
Reginald George Hutton Hughe.-, 3 Sept. rations for Gallantry, p. 128.
Cha. Edw. Gerald Marshall Fairtlough 10 Mar. I
Captain Odell was employed wi( h

Robert Fanshawe, Adjutant i July 87. ..1 25 Aug. the Commissariat Departmentduring
Frank Grimshaw Lagier Lamotte 25 Aug. the Zulu war of 1 8 79 Was Transport

Arthur Blyford Thurston 6 Feb. Officer to the Head Quarters Staff

Henry Rodolph Davies 23 Aug. under Sir Garnet Wolseley during the
Bryan Upperton ! 12 Nov. operations against Sekukuni, and was
Francis John Newton-King I
12 Nov. present at the capture of the strong-
Edward Dalrymple White | 7 Feb. hold (Medal with Clasp).
Richard Ghamberlin Luard !
1 Mar. 21 Captain Mansel served in the
Charlie Henry Berkeley Molyneux 6 May Soudan Expedition in 1884 under Sir
John Davy Wriyht Davy Gerald Graham, and was present in

29 Aug.
Clements Parr 29 Aug. the engagements at El TebandTemai
Ernest Astley Edmund Lethbridge |
10 Oct. (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's
Herbert William Johnston 30 Jan. Star).
William Owen 28 Apr. 22CaptainHanbury -Williams served
Richard Harman 25 Aug. in theEgyptian war of 1S82 as Aide
Eardley Mostyn Childers ! 25 .-Vug. de Camp to Sir E. Hamley, Com-
manding the 2nd Division, and was
present at the baitle of Tel-el-Kebir

Second Lieutenants.
Edward Alexiiuder Stanton 5 Feb. —horse shot (mentioned in de-
Francis Heale Taylor 5 Feb. spatches. Medal with Clasp, sth Class
John Hill 5 Feb. of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star).
26 Ma.ior O'Brien —For War Ser-
George Northcote Colvile 5 Feb.
i/o«. Charles Granville Bruce 4 May vices, see Army Pay Department,
Percy Seymour Stanhope 4 Ma.y
iSi> Charles Cuyler, Bart 14 Sept.
Charles Coffin Pearson 14 Sept.
Alexander Stewart Crum 14 Sept.
Robert de Lauue Faunce 17 Sept.
Roger Carmichael Robert Owen... 30 May
Frederick Wdliam Bagshawe 22 Aug.
Frederick James Moberly 22 Aug.
Berkeley Rumbold Goreu 10 Nov.
— . '

rou H«ii| —
~^ *r.\pavmatferi — i James T. O'Brien" 21 Dec. 81 ; Es. Pio July 63 : Lt. 29 July 65 ;
Capt. i8 Oct. 73 ;
'"1 ' 3 WilliamC. Minchin, 2o0ct. 84: C.i//uin 2 ^^<'s</H(^i«iec^(•/„<=«^ [19 Aug. 81.

\QHarttr ^attert.—i lieorpo Williams, 19 Nov. Si lion. Lieut. ;

- George Allen Hirst, 27 June 83 Uoii. Lieut.;

Fafingi White. Agentf, Messrs. Cox and Co.

ut Bait, rtturned from India, 1887. 2nd Butt, emburkedfor Egypt, 17 .Ifurci 1885.

The Hon
' Sir Auffnstns Almeric Spencer served tlirougliout the Eastern campaifju of 1854-55, ami com-
manded ilio 44th Regiment at the battles of Alma and lukerman, siege of Sebastopol, and attack and ocou-
nalion of the Cemetery and suburbs on the i8th June— wounded. Served as
Brigadier General, and commanded
the 1st Uricadc 4th Division in support in the right attack in the assault of the Redan and fall of Sebastopol on
8th Sept nnd subsequently commanded the British Land Forces in the expedition to KinboniTi, resulting in the
capture of those forts and "the garrison of 1,400 men (Medal with three Clasps, CB., Officer of the Legion of
Honor, Sardinian nnd Turkish Medals, and 3rd Class of the Medjidie). ^, , ,
' General Dennis served with the 49th Regt. in China (Medal), and was present at Chusan (both operations).

Canton and Amoy after which he was employed as a mUitary magistrate at Chusan. In August 1849 a determined

and desperate band of insurgent fanatics having defeated a native force which had been marched against them,
killing a Kuropcan officer and several Sepoys, Major Dennis, with a force consisting of a Grenadier Company of the
94th and 100 Sepoys of the Madras Native Infantry, encountered them at a Pagoda near Teermanam Coonettos, in
Malabar. On the approach of our troops these madmen, armed with matchlocks, spears, and war knives, rushed
out upon the detachment, and a sanguinary conflict ensued, terminating in the destruction of the entire Mopla band,
64 in number, three of whom were killed by Major Dennis, who received a contusion on the chest and a few slight
wounds. Served with the s^nd Light Infantry in the Indian campaign of 1857, including the defeat of the Sealkote
mutineers on the banks of the Ravcc on the 12th and i6th .July, the siege and capture of Delhi from 14th August,
protected the camp ihiring the assault on the 14th and 15th Sept., joined the Regt. in the city on i6th Sept. and
commanded it until the final capture— mentioned in despatches, and thanked by the Governor General (Medal with
• Lt.Colonel Kingscote served in the Bhootan campaign nf 1864-6S— wounded (Medal with Clnsp).
* LcColonelVcsey served as a Midshipman in the Baltic Fleet in 1854 (Medal). Attacked and destroj-eda party of
Mopla fanatics with a detachment 43r.l Light Infantrj' at Colatorc, Malabar, on the Sth September 1873, and was
thanked by the Madras Government.
'« Major" Money served in the New Zealand war in 1S64-66, and was present at the actions of Makctu and

Te Uangn (Medal).
" Major Williamson was present with a detachment of the 43rd Light Infantry at the attnck on and destruc-
tion of a party of Mopla fanatics at Colatore, Malabar, on the Sth September 1873, and was thanked by the
Madras Government.
" Lt.Colonel Ciark sen-ed in the New Zealand war in 1864-65, and was thanked by H.E.H. the Commander in
Chief on account of good service at the action of the Gate Pah— severely wounded (mentioned in despatches).
Served also with expeditions in the province of Taranaki, destroying many Pahs and fortiiied villages (Medal).
Served in the Burmese Kxpedition in 1886-87 as Staff OtHcer to the Shan Column, and with the Mounted Infantry
3rd Brigade (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp).
' Major F. W. S. Grant served throughout the Ashanti war of 1873-74, a^f^ commanded the detachment 2nd West
India Regiment at the repulse of the Ashanti Ai-my at Abrakrampa during the 5th and 6th November 1873, nnd led
it in two charges against an advanced party of the enemy— wounded ; conduct of the detachment mentioned in
dcsimtchcs (Medal with Clasp).

Continual ion of Notes to the Black Watch {Boyal Eighlanders)

1st Battalion of the Black Watch, and was
n.^s^ia'^^a he batV^of To lel J^htT^K'^^r^^
°^'^4l^i ^ ^^^
'^^ Re /K,,.?r ri,,?,.i, Z,^ ^^? i °'^?^''^'^''^*^''*^''' ""^ Khedive's Star). Served m the Nile Expedition in
,684-8,118 SUiirtaptawi mentioned m despatches. Clasp). Served with the E-yptian Frontier Field Force in
,ES5-&o u^ Aide de Camp to Major General Grenfell, and was present in the enga-emii't at Gin^l Td SO )
» Captam Berkeley served with the Nile Expedition in ,884-85
(Medal with Clasp?and KheXe's sfar)

"^^^^^^^Jr^rT^^ ,?
H^H^rlstl^wart'^nd ^.t
P-t -t^^ the Desert
ColU .


'""'' "' ''" ^°"'^"" ^-Voi-'^ion in 1884 with the

„ "l fflivl'suh"''" 1st Battalion Black Watch (Medal.
Lieut. Miicrno served in the Soudan Expedition in
1884 with tho xst T?<.ffni;^r,
Battolion Black
r,^ ^ -^ > -u ^
il.o engagement
at Temai (Modal with Clasp, and Khedivn-s «^
Watch, and was present in
Expedition in .884-85 with
th- ..I B«ll..Uon of the Black Watch, a. d t^ok part with thn nf'" nT'"' '" ""^ ^'^^ M,yor General Earle, an.l was
prewnt ... the tM.gaKeme..tatK.rbek^^vBHB^tOllccr
under Briga-lier General Urackonbury (two Clasps) wi^h rLv^n^^^^
°^ ^'"^ ^
Captam with the River Column

,::,tnZ\ ^^^T.:Z'o't.'^.^^,T\^^^^^^ the Cameron Highlanders, and was

dl.Ung..."h.-.| Medal with Clasp an
1 Klc.l vcTs.nrf'
^1°°^°'°'? Lieutenant into the Black Watch for
U.0 .»l »«iuli..n .,f iho Ulurk Watch, and took p.. rt w '" '^° Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with
h the R^^^ Pnbf
vrr Column
under Major General Earle, including
lh« eni{T.aem.-iii ,,i Kirl>okan (two Clasps).
• Uinit. Kiiirlair Rorvo<l in the Eu-vntian wnr nP ,opo „.!ii, .1, ^ t,
•ioWtk.orTc|...l.Kcblr(Me.lal with tn^p and ','' Battalion Bliick Watch, and was present at
,.l ltaU«l,on HInck Watch, an.l was '^^" ^""''•'"^ Expedition in .884 with
OT?sent i, he 6"^.^™^*'"?'^^^^^ Tel. and Temai (two Clas],.s). Served in
Nllo Ki,H-.l.l,on .n ,884-85 with the .st B.
on of U p ^n^^^ .**

ttl i

.rM^orG.n.n>'cludinKthoengaS"uatK^^^^^^^^ ""^t -'th the River Column

ist JJatt., Bradford.
2ud Batt., Malta.
mu^ "Cr-^^-^
The D«rf,-vv,<,v,4-
ESSGX Regiment.
fEegimcnlal District
Lno. 44.-Warley.
Formcrh/ the 44th {East Essex) and the ^6th (West Essex) JRegiments.
(Tlie 3rd and 4th Battcalions are formed of the Essex Eifles and tlie West Essex Militia respectively.
"Moiio" "Gibraltar," with tho Castle, Key, unci " Montis Insignia Calpe." "Egtpt" (with the Sphiux).
"Badajoz" "Salamanca" "Peninsula" "Bladensbubo" "Waterloo" "Ava"
"Alma" "Inkebman" "Sevastopol" "Taku Forts "" Nilk, 18S4-85."
Colonels.— I S/c Charles William Dunbar Staveley,' GC.B. Ensign, i-e Mar. 35; Lf. 4001.39; Cupt.
^6 Sept. 44; Major, 7 Dec. 50; Lt .Colonel , 11 Dec. 54; Colonel, g Mar. 58; Major General, 25 Sept. 67;
Zieut. General, 29 April 75 General, i Oct. 77 ; Colonel ist Battalion Essex Regiment, 25 July 83.

2 Henry William Breton, Ensign, 16 Mar. 15; Lf. ''27 July 20; Capt. ''21 July 25; Major, •'31 Dec. 28 ;
Lt. Colonel, *ii July 34; Colonel, g Nov. 46; Major General, 20 June 54; Lieut. General, 15 Dec. 61;
General, 18 Dec. 69 Colonel 56th Foot, 23 April 60.

Lieutenant Colonels.— I Reinhold Baker Bald, Commanding the Battalion, 6 July 87 ; Unsign, ^zi Sept. 60 ;
Lt. '•23 Dec. 64 ; Capt. P3 Sept. 70 Major, i July Si ; Lt.Colonel, 16 Sept. 85.

Almeric George Spencer,^ Commanding the Battalion, 16 Sept. 87; Ensign, ^sg J&n. bz ; Lieut. ^25 3a\y
63; Capt. ''12 Nov. 70; Major, i July 81 ; Lieutenant Colonel. 21 Apr. 86.

Majors. 2ND LIEUT.

p.s.c. Thomas Prickett 2 June 65''
William Wood 31 Mar. 63
Herbert Francis Hill, Adjt. 2 Volun- 7
teer Battalion Essex Regiment "27 Feb. 69]"
Daniel Alexander Blest 7 July 69
Edward Morrell •17 Nov. 69
p.s.c. Edward Nash 23 Sept. 71
p.s.c. Theodore Edward Stephenson, '^

D.A.A. Gen. for Instruction, York )

Thomas James Pearce Kelly
Francis Ventris'" (Bt.Lt. Colonel)
15 JuneSs), Staff College )
Thomas Stock, Adjutant i Volunteer^
Battalion Essex Hegiment j
Cyril Wood, Adjutant 4 Batfalion\
(n^est Essex Militia) 17 July 72
James Witten Thompsonii
Frederick John Brown'-
Hugh Ingoldsby Massy
William Graydon Carter," Adjutant)
3 Battalion (Essex Eijies Militia) ...)
George Richard Ellis, Paj/jnas^er 2 5n. 1
Middlesex Regiment )
Duncan Thomas Cruickshank'*
Chas. Edward Orman,i» Adjutant 4/A j
Volunteer Battalion Essex Regiment) 30 Jan. 78
Thomas Davison,'^ Adjutant 3i"(i) P27
Volunteer Battalion Essex Regiment ) Apr. 70
William Scott Watson May 78
John Edward Acland-Troyte, Staff)
Captain far Recruiting, Dublin J
Henry Slane Flemingi? 25 Sept
Henry Hyde Williamson Nason 4 Dec.
John Trevor Spencer 22 Jan.
p.s.c. Edward Lainson Guilding^s 13 Aug.
Robert John Tudway,^' serving witli 1

Mounted Infantry in Egypt )

Claude Hervey-Bathurst
William Beaufort Brabazon, Ordnance )
Store Department 5
Hy. Thos. Diedrich Wilkinson, 13 i) SO.
Henry Broadmead
Charles Home Stirling Hockin, Army )
Service Corps J
Thomas George Hopkins
Hugh Charles Copeman, Adjutant >
2 June 86 J
Launcelot Richard Carleton, Adjutant \
15 Sept. 86 i
Percy Wilfrid Machell.^s serving with I
the Egyptian Army J
John Cunningham"
James Frederick Macleod Prinsep," )
serving with Egyptian Army J
William George SackviUe Benson-^
Robert Cole Bowen-^
John Percy Bagwell-^
Henry Cowell Crawford
Frederick Gore Anley'''^
Edmund Murray Robertson
NevUl Arthur Charles de H. Tufnell
Robert Francis Walters
George Bright Wallace
Bertram Arthur Warry
Arthur Ernest Buckle
Joseph Scott Moore
Henry Harris Hewitt Dowding
RochfortCade Lestock Battley
Owen Godfrey Godfrey-Faussett
Wiltrid Arthur Hebden
Arthur Wallace-Dunlop
William Henry Wreford-Brown
Geo. Archibald Ponsonby Hume Warden
Wilham Jestyn Llewelyn Jefl'rey
Thomas Harris Manners Howe..
Kenneth James Giant Dunolly ..
The Essex Eegimeni.
rnUlUaU 2inJ LIBUT.
P»T.P«T Sbcoitd Libctekakts.

Gilbert Vallentin Holmes

I Victor Raymond
Murphy ^...

Bt. John William

Topp Parker
, CSocrpc- Murray Tufnell
Tuomiis Walter Milward

}Iarry Morris Mitchclson

Krcderick Fisher
Bdward Dalton Fawkes
Hugh Roscetcr Rice

The Sherwood. Foresters (Derbyshire Regiment). 289
^^^^^iela Force.] Formevhj /A- 45^/^ (NottlnghamsJdre- g^r-Defbf
Shenvood Foresters) and the ()ifth {Berhyshire) licglnieiUs.
(The jrd, 4th, and sth Battalions are formed of the 2nd Derby, the Nottingham, and ist Derby Militia respectively.)
The Hose. "Louisbukg" " Rolei.i" "Vimieea" "Talaveha" "Busaco" " Fuentes d'Onoe" "Ciudad Rodbigo"
"Badajoz" " Salamanca" " Vittoeia" "Pvuenees" "Nivelle" " Orthes " " Toulouse " "Peninsula" " Ava"
"South Africa, 1S46-7" "Alma" "Inkeeman" " Sevastopol" " Central India " "Abtssinia " " Egypt, 1882."
Colonels. — Sir Daniel Lysons,- 6CB. Ensign, •'26 Dec. 34; Li. 23 Aug. 37; Captain, ^29 Deo. 43; Major,

''3 Aug.
49; Lf. Colonel, 21 Sept. 54; Colonel, 17 July 55; Major General, 6 March 68; Lieut. General,
2 June
77 General, 14 July 79 Colonel 45th Foot, 25 Aug. 78.
; ;

2 John Studholme Brownrigg,' CB. Ensign, ^20 July 32; Zieuf. 9 May 35; Capt. P29 Dec. 40; Bt. Major,
II Nov. 51 Capt. df Lient.volonel, Pis Sept. 53; Colonel, 28 Nov. 54; Major General, 6 Mar. 68;

Lieutenant General, 2 Feb. 76 General, 20 March 78 Colonel 95th Foot, 24 June 76.
; ;

Lieutenant Colonels.— i Henry Hodson Hooke,' Commanding the Battalion, 4 Aug. 85; Ensign, 13 Aug. 58;
Lieut. Pi 7 Sept. 6i ; Capt. ''23Oct. 67 ; Major, i July 81 ; Lt. Colonel, 21 July 85.
2 James M'Cleverty, Commanding the Battalion, i Apr. 88 ; Ena. ^lo July 68 ; Lt. P27 July 70 ; Capt. 4 Aug.
75 ; Major, i July 81 ; Lt.Colonel, 4 Aug. 85.

John George Sparkes^* •26 Feb. ,
2 Thomas Mercer Maxwell, CoMWiunifa)!* ) '18 Dec. 60
Darjeeling Depot J
2 Arthur CUfford Lloyd 24 Mar. 69
2 John William Thring Hume 8 July 69
Edward Augustus Carter 9 Feb. '

Francis Edward Trower
Edward Dowse
Herbert Edward Hudson, Adjutant )
I Vol. Bn. Derbyshire Regiment J
Henry Hall, Instructor, School of\ •seApr.
Musketry, Hythe 3
Claude Edward Thompson,^* Adju- )

tant 2 Nottingham Rifle Volunteers f

William Bicknell Coney,'* Adj. ^rd Bn.
ju.s.c. Horace Lockwood Smith-Dor- ">

rien,:5 2)SO 3
PhiUp Hugh Dalbiac, Adj. i Notts\
{Robin Hood) Rifle Volunteers S
Arthur Dolben Bulpett, Adjutant znd^
Derby Rifle Volunteers i
Henry Arthur Littledale,'^ Army Ser- ')

vice Corps 3
James Henry B. Todd-Thornton
Fred. Edw.Vemey Taylor, 'MrfJ. Bn. 5
Napier Langford Pearse,''' Adj. 4k Bn.
Harold Carmichael Wylly'*
Francis Clements Godley
Ernest AUardice Gardiner Gosset'* I May
Francis Studdert Evans'* I May
George Seymour Charles Jenkinson ... I May
/>.«.«. Charles Newcomen Watts 13 Aug.
William Washington Hancock'* 21 Aug.
John Tyrwhitt- Walker"
James Albert Reeks ,

Alfred Ashurst Etheridge

Ronald Rogers Kilbee-Stuart, Adju- )
tant 25 Jan. 88 j
Robert Giflford'*
Ludovic SeymourGordon-Cumming, )
Station Staff Officer, Fuchmaree 3
Frederic Charles Shaw'*
Henry James Bowman'*
Lionel Arthur Montagu Stopford,'* )
Adjutant 25 Feb. 87 3
Grenville Edwyn Temple'*
Herbert Augustus Iggulden'*
Edwin Heautonville Richardson
Clifford Cuilen
Lionel Arthur Bosanquet
Chambers Didham
John M' Donald Baird
John Ravenhill Prescott
Arthur Augustus Inglis Heyman
Robert Granville
: John William Gascoigne Roy
: Philip Carteret Fall Atherley
: Philip Sykes Murphv Burlton
Arthur Whyte-MelvUle Wilson
Philip Trevor Augustine Spence
: Basil WooddBeU
Reginald Brittan
! Frederick Porter
WilUam Bernard James
William Raine Marshall
Leslie Warner Yule Campbell
: Nicholas Albert Lewarne
; Wm. Arthur Blennerhassett Russwurm
Second Lieutenants.
Cyril Randell Crofton-Atkins
2 Andrew Edward Barnard
2 Walter Clarence Black
I Archibald Samuel Hamilton
I WiUiam Robert Walker
. ;

290 The Sherwood Foresters (Derhyshire Regiment).

a T'fttrick William Anderson ! 9 May
I Thomas Green ]
i6 May
I Alick Thombcr Knglnnd '
22 Aug.

fasm(uten.—2 Thomas C. Hood," 8 June 81; Ens. ^ij Nov. 63; Lf. ^22 June 67; Capf. 6 Mar. 80; Hoii.
Major, 8 June 86.
I Edwani C. Dowse, Major 1 Battalion (actiiui).

Quarter Matter:— i Robert York, 2 Sept. 85 Hon. Lieut. ;

2 William Fox, 6 July 87 Hon. Zieict. ;

Facing/ White— .4<7en<», Messrs. Cox and Co.

i$t Battalion returned from India, March 1878. 2nd Battalion embarked for Gibraltar, 1881.
Gencrnl Brownripp served the Eastern campaign of 1854-53 as Assistant Adjutant General, iucluaing the
battlcsorAlmaandlnkermanandBieKeof Sebastopol, and was Chief of the Staff to Sir George Brown in the expe-
dition to Kcrtth (Medal with three Clasps, CB., Officer of the Legion of Honor, 4th Class of the Medjidio, and
Turkish Medal).
' Sir Daniel Lysons served in Canada during the rebellion
, ..
1S38-39, including the actions of St. Deni.s

(mentioned in despatches; and St. Eu.«tache. Was mentioned in despatches and general orders on the occasion
of the wreck of the transport Premier on 4th Xovember 1843 promoted in consequence. Served the Eastern cani-

paiirn of 1^54-55 ; was present at the battles of Alma (mentioned in despatches) and Inkerman, the minor affairs
ofBulganac, M'Kenzie's Farm, capture of Balaklava, and throughout the whole siege of Sebastopol led the ;

main Column cf attack on the Redan by the Light Division on the i8th June, and commanded a Brigade in the
latter part of the action (slightly wounded, mentioned in despatches) was engaged in the final assault of the ;

Rc<lau on the Sih September (severely wounded, mentioned in despatches) ; commanded the 2nd Brigade Light
Division from October i8',5 to the end of the war (Medal with three Clasps, Brevet of Colonel, CB., Officer of the
Legion of Honour, SanUnian and Turkish Med.als,and 3rd Class of the Medjidie).
* Lt. Colonel Hookc served in the Abyssinian campaign in 1868 (Medal).
• Majors Sparkcs and Thompson, Captams Coney, Taylor, Wylly, Evans, Hancock and Gifford, Lieuts. Shaw,
Bowman, Stopford, Temple, and Iggulden served with the 2nd Battalion Derbyshire Regiment in the Egyptian
war of 1SS2 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
•' Captain Smilh-Dorrien served in the Zulu war in 1879, and was present in the engagement iit luyezane (Medal
with Clasp). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882 in command of the Mounted Infantry with Sir Evelyn Wood's
Brigade (Medal, and Khedive's Star) Served in the Soudan campaign in 1SS5 with the Mounted Infantry (Clasp)

also 8er%-ed with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force in 1SS5-86 (4th Class of the Medjidie, and 4th Glass of the
" Captain Liitledale.— For War Sei-vices, see Commissariat and Transport Staff.
•' Captain N. L. Pearsc served in the Egj-ptian war of 1882 with the 2nd Battalion of the Irish Regiment,
was present at the action at Kassasin on the gth September and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp,
and Khedive's Star).
'• Captain Gosset served with Barrow's Mounted Infantry in the Boer warof 1881. Served as Adjutant 2nd
Battalion Derbyshire Regiment in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served with the
Sikkim Field Force in 1888
" Captain T\-r^vhitt Walker 8er%-cd in the Egyjitian warof 1S82 with the ist Battalion Royal Irish Fusiliers, and
was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
" Miyor Hood.— For War Services, see .Vrmy Pay Department.

Continuation of Notes to the Loyal North Lancashire Begimenf.

^^7*^*^ '?" ^f^tern campaign of 1S54-55 with the 47th Regiment- present uninterruptedly
wlr^fhf^iJ'rT*"' '^''"° the commencement of the war with
rrimn« ,.^X '!'"^'^"''f
Russia to the breaking up of the Armyinthe
'."^^''^I'^g the battles of Alma and Inkerman, capture of Balaklava, sortie on 26th
0^l?nr „ ''"°,'^!"f,'°?="^ ^"'i'"''
of 8«'"*'*|"P0'- Commanded the 47th Regiment at the battle of Inkerman, and uninterruptedly
d^ii^ t'ho K?r."I! nf% Trenches) from 5th Nov. 1854 to Sth Nov. 1855, including the attacks of the i8th
jSno K,„l«,)^, ,,?,?''"? t' l**""
°®'^"' of" t^° =n^l Brigade 2nd Division coming out of
a^^on mf^i^nS. T""' "^ V'^"xT","r-''V\"'°^'='''°'
Medal with three Clasps, Brevetof Lt.Colonel, CB., Officer of the Legion of Honor,
8^n^P,I/J^ andiT
Ba^nlinian it
•'\«P",'S'"'' f
.Medals, ana 4th Class of the Medjidie). '
«„«,. commanded
• Genornl Flcnny «.,™ ...,i»,i .1.. 0-... T,-^. , .
the 8ist Regt. throughout
the mutiny in India in 1S57-58, a Regiment which
*l the commoneement of the mutiny disarmed one
Regiment of Native i^avain
Cavalry and three Regiments of Native
?5lw^ ^"''"' ^T' ?"'" ^"'^o'''': "egiuaents well known to bo cUsaffected and ripe for mutiny. For this
^^""" the mutiny, he has received the order of CSI.
a°ri^'l' Ku'mVTilunvCfaTTo",;;"""'^/^^ 'l?'«««^-
-^-^^ ^^"---^ -^P-^"- of May .858 under sir
'° ^^^ Transport Service, and was dangerously wounded
10 u;,^".-

oU^ri:'^.::r"ZlTo^.L'^ l'7„^rr^""
*?'''"''°°^'''°''esP'it'"l>. Brevet of Maior Medal wth Clasn)
""-•' '" '«^^' " ^^^
Trans^i^ortle^^^iLrSedS^Served in the Boer war
"'^'^ ^^''"es served with the 8ist Regiment in the
''^^^''' ^^^^^'^^ "'^^^ Clasp).
^fM^or^U ey ^a^.;''cd7n^h^'^^C wa^.^"n'^

Bcc.JrrnXt':]luo"n';;;tr^^';^tr^efw^^ ^^^'^^-" --• '- •S78-7.(Meda,). served with the

AH M^utuicMrwUh the Afghan war in 1878-79, and was present at the capture of

:Z:=::;SeU ^:d;S°'Z!ai;^''''=.^>'T^?°^ oFi^eioud^n V^^n^^er Fld^iC^t^"^ X'^S^^'IS^

D.O., and 4th cLss of the Os-

rapturo ^n 18^-9, and. was present at the
Oct/iticr igjT t/i 3ith Mnv tittC. ..n^«.;Vr ^v^^w-C'T""'",';" ^'""-'' ""-" i-ne jvoonim vauey Dieiu norce irom 24in

(McdalH "^ '" '^^ ^'^«''"" """ "^ '878-79, and took part in the operations in the Khybcr Pass
" "- ^° '^^5-79 (MedaD.
Berrcl .n ihr mS
"iu'or^o'r^odt'h't'i.e' e^.J^Tti'^r
,8 ,%8
dl««rmo<l«l Moan Moor o'^tcKmcn^l-'Civ'T^L'^r^^^^
m^*;^- 1'" ^^ ""^of'-'o expedition in 1858 (Medal with Clasp).
'' Regiment, tinder Colonel Renny.

and ripof.,r mntlrir (Modal) Scrvr?i w 11. .1,^ » '"A^'^'l-V "'"1 t^ree Regiments of Native Infantry, all disaffected
U. cpiur. of All Uuiyid (Medal "1 h^ ""K'-^nt "^ the Afghan war in 1&78-79, and was prssent at
•• Captain Handc-For
War Sorvlcce. e'eo Army Pay Department.

^'a'l^au:,^;.^''"''''] l-l^e Loyal North Lancashire Regt. g^^T/^l'p'.i^tt';' 291

l''on,u'rh/th<'.4-jtk (LaucusJiire) and
Sr^f {LtHjal Lincoln Volunteers) Ecjlmeuts.
(Thu 3nl ami 4tli Uattiilioii.s are fonucd of the 3rd Lancashire Militia.)
lio Rose. "Louihia'Ko" -Qukbec, 1759" "Maida" " Corunna " " Takifa. " "Vittoria" " St. Sebastiak"
" " "Ava" " Alma" "Inkeuman" " Sevastopol " "AliMasjid" "Apghani.stan, 1878-79."

_ I Ricbard Thomas Farren,' CJS. -B«». 30 May 34

Colonels.- Lieut. 31 Jan. 40; Cajif.^ Jan. 45; Major, ;

tsars' Sei. ''271)00.50; lit. Lt. Colonel, 12 Dec. 54; Lt.Coloiiel, 9 March 55; Colonel, 12 Doc. 57 ; Mnjor General,
IkiiU Half
March 68 ; LieM. General, i Oct. 77 ; General, 29 Apr. 80; Colonel North Lancashire Rest. 14 Sept. 85

2 Henry Renny,- CSI. I^nslgn, P27 Dec. 33; Lieitt.Pj Aug. 35 ; Capi. 29 May
44 ; Ma/or, I'l? is'ov. 48 ; Lieut.
Colonel, 27 May 53; Colonel, 28 Nov. 54; Mujor General, 2 Feb. 67; Lieutenant Geiieml,
5 Deo. 74:
General, 1 Oct. 77; Co/one? 8ist Foot, 9 June 79.
Lieutenant Colonels.— 2 Dudley North/ Commanding the Battalion, 12 Feb. 87 Ens. ^lo Sept. 58 ; T.t. Pis Oct. ;

6; Capt. ^s Jane 66 J3t. Major, i Apr. 74: Major, i Sept. 80 ; Lt.Col. 10 Sept. 84 Colonel, lo'sep't. 88.
; ; ;

Alfred Campbell Blair Hall, Ensign, fzi Sept. 60 ; Lieut. ''21 June 64 ; Capt. ^17 May 71 ; Major i July
'" '
81 J Lt.Colonel,
' July 87. "
2 Vincent Robert Biscoe June 64 P 9 Nov.
1 William Langore Wroford
ing Rrnt Camp, Ehundwa
•:':} i'i4 Mar. 6s 6 Dec.
p. .i.e. Hiirrv Cooper'" 10 Nov. 6S
2 Frank RyUy'- ''12 June 67
p.n.c. Henry Cecil Binsteed Farrant, ">

J).A.A.Geii.forlnsfruction,Alder$hot) 67 25 Mar. 71
1 /i.s.c. Artbur'Cu-ey Tidy 8 Jan. '24 Apr. 69
2 Benjamin Arthur Satterthwaite" 16 Oct. 28 Oct. 7!
I Charles Edward Sawyer's 23 Jan. 28 Oct. 71
1 Spenser Jackson'^ 15 Mar. 73
2 Edward Coxwell Morris^ 9 Aug. 73
Harry Stewart Bruce Hodgkinson, >
12 Nov. 73
Adjutant Bomhay Jilfle Volunteers... }
1 Daniel de Hoghto'u 28 Feb. 74
John Davidson,'- Ad/. 3 and 4 Bns 28 Feb. 74
Henry Crosbie," Adj. 1 {EenJrew)Vol .
\ June

26 74
Bn. Argyll and Sutherland Highldrs. j
2 Philip Palmes' I 21 Kept. 75
1 Edward Lindesay.S/aftou Staff Officer, ] 12 Nov.
MItow 73
'i Hugh Ga.'-trell Leonard 10 Sept. 76
JohnRandiil l-'riisei ,.l^//>. i 'ulunfeer
May 7 Jan. 80
Bn. ^\ l.,i,„„s:nr. A'c./f.
I Orestes .lolm Ueiiv.v Brook 11 Feb.
Frederick Ronald Borrow,' DSO. 8 Dec. 6 Mar.
1 Paul Rycaut StanburyChurchward,'^ ) 26 May
Adjutant Deolali Depot 30 Jan.
2 Arthur Charles Henry Thomas'^ I May 29 Sept.
2 William Hugh Eric Murray 22 Jan. 2 Oct.
1 Hugh Fortescue Coleridge 22 Jan. I July
2 Gerald Alfred Norcott 13 Aug. I July
2 George William Henry Le Feuvre 13 Aug. I July
2 R.SandilandsLawrenceWynell-Mayow II Aug. I July
1 George William Dowell, Adj. 3 Feb. 86 23 Oct. I July
2 CapelMolyneuxBrunker,^'(?y.6Aug. i
23 Oct. I July
2 Gerard Augustus Faulder 5 Jan.
Melville Raymond Portal, Aide de
12 Jan. July
Camp to Sir G. H. S. Willis i


,2 Gerald Francis Ellison, at Staff CoUrge^^ 10

2 Charles James Daniel 10 May
1 Henry Montague Shallctt U'lir 10 May
|2 John Henry Ansley 9 Sept. 82
2 Edward Gerald Costobudie .... 27 Jan. 83
I James Normand Newall 12 May
Mcrvvn Archdall Humphrys . 14 May
12 Roland Wyclitfe Thompson .... 7 Feb.
Frank Rennick 29 Aug.
Francis Carletou Logan Logan

I 25 Nov.
Arthur Le Grand Jacob 30 Jan. IFo remainder of Notes, see preceding

William Seton Browne 30 Jan. page.
Guy Melfort Baldwin 30 Jan.
Harry George Caruegj' 30 Jan.
Tom Fergusson Graham 21 Oct.
|2 Walter Were 14 June 82
I Russell Loscombe Stable 28 Apr. 36
I William ffyfe EUetsou 28 Apr.
1 1 Aubrey James Jamieson 10 Nov.
I Guy Cunninghame Knight .... 5 Feb. 8 Sept. 88
|i Henry Geoi-ge Powell 5 Feb. 8 Sept, "'
Second Lieutenants.
William Houi-y Prendergast 4 May
I Charlton Macleod Cockcraft 14 Sept. 87
Claude Dallas Lester '
14 Sept. 87
I Charles Edward Thornton Sept. 87
1 Francis Augustus Jacques 16 Nov. 87
George Rainier de Herriez Smith 16 Nov. 87
2 Gilbert Lewes Parker 88 II Feb.
I i
... 11 Wilham Arthur M'Culloch Waller 88 |
11 Feb.
I ... I2 Ramsav Robert Feilden 88 9 May
I ;
... |i Arthur Hay 88 9 May
I ... '2 Leslie Hawthorne Marriott 88 I
9 May
I ... |i Charles Edward Arthur Jourda in Aug. 88 ! 22
I ... i2 Walter Reginald Lloyd Aug. 88 22
I ... I2 Gerald Hopton Wylde-Browno Aug. 88 22
I . ... I Thomas Henry O'Brien 5 Sept. 88
I ... I2 John Edward Pine-Coffin 10 Nov. 88

16 I
li'aymMters.— z HcmxS. Tannard, 26 Apr. Si; Captain Liniskilling Fusihert.
I Charles Sandes.'s 26 Fob. S3 Riding Master 6 Sept. 73 ; Lt. 24 ;
Nov. 77 ;
Cap .
24 Jan. »j
17 ... Quarter Masters.— 2 Michael Hanlou,'* 14 Aug. 72 Hon. Captain, 14 Aug. 82. ;

4 I
... . I \Villi:im Stuudriug, 7 Oct. 85 Hon. Lieut. ;
292 iualTuui.l'onriorg. ] The Northamptonshire Regiment. [No^'X-NonL'^tpton.
Fonuerhj the 4Sth (^Xorllcdtqihni.iliire) ami tlie ^Uh (Butlauihhire) liegiments.

The xiA aiul 4tli Huttalious an- foniiud of tlio Xoitliamptou and lUitlaiul Jlilitia.)
( "
Loutsirac c.
" "guKBEC, 1759" " Gibhaltab" with the Castle, Key and " Montis Insignia Calpe." " Bgyi'T
(with the Sphinx)' " Maida " "Docbo" " Talavera " " Albbheba " " Badajoz " "Salamanca"
ho S]
,bia" "I'vbbwbes" "Nitellb" "Obihes" " Toulopse " "Peninsula" "Sevastopol" "New
"I'lBEWBEs" "Nitellb
Zialakd" " Sovth Afbica, 1879."
r««r»'8«r. Colonel.— r. William Anson M'Clevcrty,' Ensign, .-6 March 24; Li. 26 Aug. 25; Capf. "21 May 29
luit Major. ''23 April 41 Bt.Lt. Colonel, 19 Dec. 45; Colonel, 20 June 54; Lt. Colonel, 2 Oct. 57; Majv

•"•y-i Oeuerat, 4 May 60; Lieut. General, 22 Nov. 68 ; General, 17 March 76 ; Colonel 40th Foot, 29 A)>ril 75-
lieutenant Colonels.—2 Donald George Anderson,^ Commanding the Battalion, 1 July 87; Ensign, ''19 Bci-
60; L*. 24 July 63; Capt. "16 Oct. 66; Bt. Major, 4 Mar. So; J/a/or, 30 Jan. 81; Lf. Colonel, i Apr. £4
Colonel, 1 Aiir. 88. ^
I Henry Brooke Wilson,' Commanding the Battalion, 31 Aug. 87 ; Mnsign, ''24 Aug. 58; Lieut. Pio June fj

Capt. »'i6 Sept. 68 ; Major, i July 81 ; Lt. Colonel, 7 April 86.

LIEUT. CAPTAIN. bbev.maj.

'21 Nov. 62 P 6 Mar. Dec. July
Walter Treslove Ellis ^ T I Si
;>.».r. Augustus Williams Morris*.. 5 July 64 2 Dec. 24 July 78 I July Si

,1 Thomas Charles Orde Pcwlett .. '16 Oct. 66 "14 Mar. '28 Oct. 10 June 82
p.i.c. Mackenzie Churchill' I Feb. '
68 r 6 July 25 Sept. 78 16 Dec. 82
Georgo Alban Lewes, Inst. E.M. College 23 Dec. 64 P14 Mar. 2 Feb. 80 16 Dec. 82
2 Robert James Chaytor 6 Mar. 67 P14 Oct. 21 Jan. 81 6 Aug.
Frederick Edward Power, Adjutant 3 \ '25 20 Apr.
April 68 ••27 Oct. Si 20 Aug. S3 '

MiJJhiex mjle Volunteert J

1 Fred. Cooper Turner* Aug ••26 Feb. 30 Nov. 78 21 June S3
Edwin Del Sandys,^' Adjutant 1 Vol. > 12 Feb. 30 Jan. 81 22 Nov. S4
Bn. Northampton ICegt }
2 Stephen James Melville Jopp,^ In-'i
ttructor R. M. College S 17 May 12 Mar. Si 22 Apr. 36

\i Edward Gully Bennet P14 Oct. 28 Oct.

1 Robert Hugh Fraser 21 Aug. 69 28 Oct.
Alexander Bell, -4rf/u<an/ i Volunteer'^
Battalion Manchester Regiment 8 Feb. 70 10 June 82
Geo. Fitzherbert Browne, DSO. \
6 Ju^y 70 28 Oct. 16 Dee. 82
D. A. A. General, Ireland J
1 George Harry M. O. Whieldon 14 June 6 May 83
2 CharlesGustavusWliittaker Edwardes )
Edwardes'o 17 July IS Aug. 83
I Henry Cuthbert Denny 31 Oct. 29 Oct. 20 Oct. 83
a Thomas Edw.Compton," atStaff College 30 Jan. 15 Nov. 14 Nov. S3
1 George Mowbray Dalrymple Lys 30 Jan. 26 Nov. 19 Mar. 84
2 WilliamFrancisFawcett,'^ 4d;'.2oMay85 12 June 78 14 April 25 Mar. 84
2 John Colliusou'^ 22 Jan. 79 8 May 20 Aug. 84
1 Henry Morgan 22 Jan. 31 May 25 Oct. 84
2 Archer Clive Bolton'* 22 Feb. 25 Aug. 22 Nov. 84
rCAlan Richard m\\,^^ Adj. 3 and\
Sept. 86
Bait. {Northampton Militia)
4 ]
22 Feb. 29 Jan. I

t Edw. Fitzgerald Brereton.^rf/'. sAug.85 II Aug. 80 12 Mar. I Sept. 86

2 Frederick Henry Lucy'^ 14 Jan. I July I Oct. 86
1 Arth.Sandbach Barkworth
ji.t.e.Harold 30 Nov. 15 Dec. 86
2 Charles Sturrock Copland 22 Jan. I July I July 87
1 Herbert Christie Prichard" 13 Aug. 79 I July 6 Oct. 87
Francis Bernard Lawson, Ordnance\
14 Jan. I July 22 Oct.
Store Department )
2 Andrew William Gamble 8 Feb. 22 Oct.
2 Charles Stewart Prichard 10 May
I Frederick James Parker „ ID Hay
I Arthur Howcl Wilfrid Norgate 1
10 May
I Arthur Herbert Barthorp ["[[[ 27 Jan.
1 Artliur Herbert Cleveland Kenney-") I
1* Captain Bolton served in the Z;;lu
Herbert ..J
10 Mar. war of 1879, and was present in ti e
2 Arlliur Parkin
19 Dec.
engagement at Ulundi (Medal with
I Harry Crewe Godley Cbisp). Served in the Boer war of

'"'" 30 Jan.
(icorjfo Eustucf Ripley 1S81, and was present in the eugiigc-

Geo. Harrison Cliaiiipii. II lie Crcspigny

14 May ment at Lang's Nek.
14 May '5 Captain Lucy served in the Boer
1 John Andrew Chilton WtiUerall 14 May
2 John Mttlc, F(,rf Adjiihitif, Hong Konq May war of i83i, and was present in the
engagement at Lang's Nek — wounded
1 Arthur Fnmcis liiic'on ;. 23 Aug.
2 Edwiird OHburne Smith 10 Sept.
(mentioned in despatches).
1 William Burnett Woodham '^ Captain H.O.Prichard served in
12 Nov.
2 Malcolm David Graham Feb.
the Soudan campaign in 18S5 .nttached
3 Arlliur Athelwold Lloyd
7 Feb.
to theNew South Wales Contingent,
2 Herbert Charles Metcalfe ind was present at the destruction of
7 Feb.
7 George Addison BramwoU '.

28 Feb.
Temai (Jleda! with Clasp, and Khe-
Henry Lowlher dive's Star).
23 May
a CharleH Philip Pedlcr
23 May

Hllt^mVickers ;.;..'.'."
25 Nov.

Hi-nry Arthur Limrd .".!!!."!..."*

30 Jan.
1 Edward AiigUHtino Earle Bulwer !!!...! 28 July
Kkcoku Libutbnantb.
2 f.hnrles EnicHt Higginbolham 5 Fob
Facings Wliile.

> Hugh do Crespigny HuDtsinan 4 May Agents, Messrs. Cox and Co.
2 JriinciH Herbert Johnstone 14 Seift 87
. HaroMJlenry Norman tst Battalion returiieJ from India,
J sont ' 8?
Edward K^colt Beddok .'
W, Ilium Bowen I'owell 87
2 | \\ Sept Vi
nd Baltnlion embarked for Natal,
24 February 1879.
3 William John Lceto 16 Mnv rr
'Imrle. Herbert Sillifant:::
lUiymoMd Krodcrio Boiloau
LcwiH Gray Krceland
rayma.t,r,.-x^ Henry C. Denny.
6 May 88
8 Dec



Captain , Battalion {acting).
quarltr2Ia,t,r,.-i Anthony Crawley.
3 Apr. 78 ; 2nd LI. ,0 K, V. 77; Son. ''aptain, 10 yo.-. S7.
1 Joseph Pcrrin, 24 Oct. 88; Son. Lieut.
The.Norlhamptonshire Berjlment. 292a
' General Jl'Oloverty served Ihc campaign against the Rajah of Coorg, in Ajiril 1834, with the 48th Regiment.
Commanded the Troops in New Zeahmd during the Native disturbances in 1847, and repulsed 400 Natives in
their attack at Wanganui on the 19th July, which resulted in a peace undisturbed till 1S60 (Medal).
- Colonel Anderson served in tlie Zulu vpar of 1879, and was jn-esent in the engagement at Ulundi (Medal
with Clas|)). Served in the Boer war of 1881.
^ Lt. Colonel Wilson served with the 71st HighlandLight Infantry throughout the campaign of 1863 against the
Uoneyrs -and other hill tribes on the N.W. Frontier of India. Commanded the Sharpshooter!; from the nth Novem-
ber to the ist December, from which latter date till the end of the campaign ho acted as Adjutant of the Regiment
(Medal with Clasp).
* Major MoiTis served in the Zulu war of 1S79, and was present in the engagement at Ulundi (Medal with Clasp).

Served in the Boer war of 1881 severely wounded (mentioned in despatches).
5 Major Churchill served in the Zulu war of 1879 (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Boer war of iSSi as Deputr
Assistant Adjutant General at the defence of Preioria (mentioned in despatches).
^ Major P. C. Turaer served as a Midshipman in the Indian Navy from 185S to 1863, and was present at the

assault on the Island of Beyt in October 1859, ^lod served with a Naval Brigade in the Okamundel Field Force iu
the operations before Dwarka, and at its capture in Nov. 1859. Served also in the China campaign of i860, and
was present at the capture of the Taku Forts (Medal with Clasp). Served with the 4th King's Own thronirhoiit
the Abyssinian campaign of 1867-6S, and was present at the action of Arrogee and capture of Magdala (Medal).
7 Major Del Sandys served in the Zulu war in 1879, and ^vas present in the engagement at Ulundi (Meda with
Major Jopp was employed in Natal during the Zulu war in 1S79 (Medal). Served in the Boer war of
and was present in the engagements at Lang's Nek (mentioned in despatches) and the Ingogo River.
'" Captain Edwardes served in the Ashanti war in 1873-74 (Medal).

" Captain Compton served with the 58th Regiment in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the engagement
at Ulundi (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Boer war of 18S0-S1, and commanded a detachment of a compHuy
of the sSth Regiment in the defence of Standerton.
'- Captain Fawcett served in the Zulu war in 1879, and was present in the engagement at Ulundi (Medal with

Clasp). Served in the Boer war of 1881. and was present in the engagement at Lang's Nek.
" Captain CoUinson served in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the engagement at Ulundi (Medal wilh
Clasp). Served in the Boer war of 1881 in the Mounted Infantry.
'^ Captain Hill was employe din Natal during the Zulu war of 1879 (Medal). Served in the Boer war of 18S1, and
was present in the engagement at Lang's Nek (mentioned in despatches, and Victoria Cross) was awarded the :

3J(I "for gallant conduct at the action of Lang's Nek on the 28th January 1881, in having, after the retreat was
ordered, remained behind and endeavoured to carry out of action Lieutenant Baillie, of the same Corps, who was
lying on the ground severely wounded. Being unable to lift that officer into the saddle, he carried him iu his
arms until Lieutenant Baillie was shot dead. Lieutenant Hill then brought a wounded man out of action on
his horse, after which he returned and rescued another. All these acts being performed under a heavy lire."

Continuation of Notes to the Princess Charlotte of Wales' {Eoyal Berlshire Begiment).

Captain Bray served with the 66[,h Regiment in the Afghan war of i83o, and was present in the affair with the
Wall's mutinous troops on i6th July, in the engagement at Maiwand and the subsequent defence of Candahar, and
at the battle of Candahar (Medal with Clasp).' Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Medal with Clasp, and
Khedive's Star).
-s Captain
Bunny served with the 66tli Regiment in the Aftrhnii « nr in 1879-80 in Southern Afghaiiistnn (Medan
3" Captain Lee served with the ist Battalion of the Ki'vksliirc l.'-iiiient tliiouKliout the Egyptian war of 1SS2. sind

was present at the surrender of Kafr Dowar (Medal, ami Kli.Vli\ ,•> star). Served with the Egyptian Frontier Field
Force in 1883-86, and was present in the engagement iit lim^,.

^' Lieut.
C'hase served throughout the Egyptian w;ir ^i , vv itli the ist Battalion of the Berkshire RegiiiKiit,
.and was present at the surrender of Kafr Dowar (McdMl. :mh[ Mndive's Star). Served in the campaign in tie
Eastern Soudan in 1885 with the ist Battalion of the Ikik-lmv 1;, vntieut, and was present in the recoini;iis>-a.i.ce to
Hasheen on the ist February, and with the Mounted inljiniy lu the engiigements at Hasheen and the adviince to
and burning of Temai (Clasp). Also .served with the Efiypl^iau I'rontier b'ield Force in 1885-86, and was present
in the engagement at Giniss.
^^ Lieut. Dowell served with the ist Battalion of the Berkshire Regiment throughnut the Egyptian war of 1802.
and was present at the surrender of Kafr Dowar (Medal, and VCliodivc's Star). Soivpd with the Nile Expedition
in 1SS4-85 on Transport duty (Clasp). Also served with the K-ypi laii Fnnitier FirM Kdrie 111 •-,>, aud was 1

present in the engagement at Giniss as Aide deCamp to the lii uadar Ci'iieral 'oiniiiaiMlinLr -11^1

" Lieut. PitzHerbert served tlu-ouKliout the campaign in till- lantern Son. Ian in i :;j- witli ihr i,-,i liaUaliou of the

Berkshire Regiment, and was picscnt in the ivcdiinaissanrc to 1 la-licm mi tlie 1st Feliruar.v. ui tlie LUHugfiiients at
Hasheen and the Tofrekzerelia, an. tlir Mili-i. [11, lit advan.-.- t.i an.l l.urning of Temai (Medal with two Clasps, and

Khedive's Star) also served with the i:-vl't!an l'r,,iilii.i- l-'icld l\'rr,- in 1SS5-S6.

^» Lieut.
Kaye served throUL'liout, ih.- cainiiui-n m tlie Ivislcni S.mdan in 18S3 with the ist Battalion of|,he Herk-
shire Regiment, and was present in the reconnaissance to Hasheen on the ist February (Medal with Cla^p, aiid
Khedive's Star).
'^ Lieut. Inglis
served throughout the campaign in the Eastern Soudan in 1S85 with the ist Battalion of the
Berkshire Regiment, and was present at the reconnaissance to Hasheen on the ist February, and the engage- m
ments at Hasheen and the Tofrek zereba(Medal with two Clasps, and 1\ >:( lis - Sttir). .

, u t, 1
3' Lieut. Southey served throughout the campaign in the Eastern s, ; ^^ ith the ist Battalion of the Ecil:-

shireRegiment.and was present in the reconnaissance to Hasheen on tl y, the engagements

at Hashetn
1 m
I '

and the Tofrek zereba, and the subsequent advance to and burning oi M. dal with two Clasps, and Khedives

Star). Served with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force in 1S85-86 as Adjutant of the ist Battalion of the Berkshire
Regiment, including the engagement at Giniss.
38 Lieut. Feetham served throughout the campaign in the Eastern Soudan in 1885 with the 1st Battalion of the
Berkshire Regiment, and was present in the reconnaissance to Hasheen on the ist February, in the engageme"s
at Hasheen and the Tolrek zereba and the subsequent advance to and burning of Temai afterwards served v e 1. ;

the Camel Corps, and was present in the engagement at Takdul (Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Stjir'.
Also served with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force in 1883-86, including the engagement at Giniss.
" Lieut. Fitton served in the camnaign in the Eastern Soudan in 1S85 with the ist Battalion of the Berksh'r'i
Regiment (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force 1885-80, m
andwaspresent in the engagement at Giniss and at the attack on Ambigole Wells. „ , ,
«' Lieut. Taylor
served throughout the campaign in the Eastern Soudan in 1S85 with the ist Battalion of the Berk-
shire Regiment, and was present in the reconnaissance to Hasheen on the ist February, in the engagements at
Hasheen and the Tofrek zereba, and the subsequent advance to and burning of Temai (Jledal with two Clasps,
and Khedive's Star). Served with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force in 1883-86.1
) u

2«o Princess Charlotte of Wales' (Royal Berkshire Regiment).

1 l'o,-wrrJ,i the 49//' {i'riuc,:,,^ Ckarlr.tte of Wah^) [^^^-'^-^^C-
311(1 Uuu., T«ijiplemoi

(^llcii^) and the 66th {JJe,-lcshire) liojiments.

(The 3rd Battalion is formed of the Berks Militia.)
••N'lvBiLK" ••Nitb" "Obtkks" "Pbxi.vsula"
"Queexstown" the Dragon). '• Alma"
"SBVASTorOL" "Kandahab, 1880" "Afghanistan, 1S79-S0" "Egypt, 1SS2 "
le.r. ^
S.r. •IxKKBMAv"
• .
" " " SUAKIN. 1885 TOFEEK."
P24 Oct. 2G
iJ.'v' Co'.onel.-r. Tbomiis Henry JoUuston,' Dnsinn, "21 Feb. 22 i<. "i Oct. 25; Capt. J/,,/.
; ;

Colonel, ''28 Dec. ^8 Colonel, 11 Nov. 51; Major General, ^ Junes?; Lieut. Geuen
I '•oXIavO- LI ;

M General, 5 Dec. 71 ; Colonel 66th Foot, 10 Oct. 70.

Ian" 64

»7 Lieutenant Colonel..— I Charles Pilchcr Temple,' DSO.,

Commanding the Battalion, 30 April 87 ; £</"'//
i-iQ Auk. 62 ;
Lieut. I'm Mar. 65 ; Captain, 23 May 74 Major,!
July 81 ; X<. C«?o»e/, 14 July hi.
27 ... 2 p.»rc. Thomas
Sidney St. Clair,' £u>ign, i-ig Dec. 62 ; LieuL^^ July 65 ; Captain, 7 April 75 ; Major, 1 j
81 ; Lt. Colonel, 7 Dec. 87. ,

j'WiUiam AuRustus Daniel Mnckinnon' Psg May '29 May 69 13 April 79 14 Apr.
i'».».r. John Charles Mathew Pigott 13 Jan. '21 Aug. 69 9 July 79 5 Seiil.
1 Edwanl Thompson Dickson' 23 Jan. 14 April 71 30 Oct. 78 2 Feb.
u.d.r. Justinian Gordon 28 Oct. April 80
23 Sept. 7, 71 8
D.A.A. Gen. for Inglruction, Malta i
1 ;).».c. William Augustus Collings'*
16 Mar. 73 4 Oct. 80 28 June
2 \Vm. John de la Poer Beresford-Peirse'' 14 Aug. 73 31 May 80 16 Oct.
3 Somerset James Butler'* Sept. 67 28 Oct. 71 10 Feb. 79 2 Apr.
I Henrv Somerset Uassard 23 Nov. 7; 28 July 80 27 Mar.

2 Farquhar M'Crac Bruce"! 28 Oct. 7: 28 July 80
St. Ueorjre John Rathborce.'^ Adjii- > 28 Oct. 7]
taut I Volunteer Bn. Berlt»hire Regt. )
Charles Evans-Gordon,'* Paymaster } 13 June i6 Apr. 81
I Bn. IVeltk Fu.iliert i
Harry Winton Holden,"^<y. 3rd Bat- > 2 Dec. 74 14 Apr. 82
ialion (Berkt Militia) S
I Francis Bacon Russell Hemphill'' 28 April 76 5 Dec. 82
Granville De laMotie Faunce^" 29 Nov. 76 30 Oct. 83
1 Charles Mackenzie Kdwards-^ 22 Jan. 14 Nov. 79 28 June 84
1 Elmhirst Rhodes," DSO 25 May 4 Mar. 80 16 Oct. 84
2 Ernest Heni-j-Burney" 22 Jan. 8 Apr. 80 10 Dec. 84
2 Hyacinth Lynch** 9 July 10 Apr. 80 15 Dec. 84
' FrederickWm.Nicholas M'CrackeK,-^ 13 Aug. 28 July 80
at Stuff- College
15 Bee. 84
1 William Kerr M*Clintock=6 13 Aug. 28 July 80 6 Jan. 86
2 Reginald Edward Traheme Bray,"') 14 Jan. 28 July 8< 13 Feb. 86
Adjutant 17 Aug. 87 J
Frank William McTicr Bunny ,28 7 14 Jan. 29 Sept.
Ordnance Store Department
8c 16 Nov. 86
2 George Dering Remington Williams ... II Aug. 30 Mar. Sj I Apr. 87
2 Sudlow Harrison 19 Feb. I July 81 30 Apr. 87
1 Hcnrj' Louis Lce^ 19 Feb. I July 81 8 Oct. 87
2 Frederick Arthur Deare 23 April I July 8] 11 Nov. 87
2 Ashton Lovett Tennyson-d'Eyncourt-^ 22 Oct. 8]
7 Dec. 87

Charles Turner" 22 Oct.
Knmsay Gordon Chase^' 22 Oct.
Arthur John William Dowell^s 10 May Lieut. Wigan served throughout
Henry FitzHerbert" 10 May the campaign in the Eastern Soudan,
George Westley Richards 29 July in 1885 with the ist Battalion of the
William Mason Inglis^c 9 Sept. Berkshire Regiment, and was present
John Henry Willes Southey,='' Ad-\ 12 May in the reconnaissance to Hasheen on
jutunt, 10 Oct. 8s ) the ist February, in the engagements-
Edward Feetliam^ " 12 May at Hasheen and the Tofrek zereba,
Hugh Gregory Fitton" 6 Feb. and the subsequent advance to and
Harcourt Ernest Taylor" 14 May burning of Temai (Medal with two
James Ramsay Wigan" 12 Nov. Clasps, and Khedive's Star). Served
I Frederic Cambridge Theobald. ...!!!!!!! 12 Nov. with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force
: ErncHt I'hiliji Mauger 28 Feb. in 1885-86, including the engagement at
I Ivon Trevor Owen !..!..."!!!!!! 28 Fob. Giniss (wounded).
Richard Graves MacDonnell.!..... ..!!!!! 9 May Lieuts. Cave, Moore, and .\rliuth-
Arthur Stephen Cuve" 29 Aug. not served with the Egyptian Fiontiti
Charles Moore" .!.!!.!!..!!!!" 29 Aug. Field Force in 1885-86, and were preM'iit
(ieorgo Ilolmo Arbuthnot" 29 Aug. in the engagement at Giniss (Medal
I William Clogg [']"
29 Aug. and Khedive's Star).
RolH.Tt Bruce Swinton ........'. 30 Jan. Capiain Ford served throuirhout
25 Aug. the Egyptian war of 1882 with li.e i.«t
rarnint Swan 25 Aug. battalion of the Berkshire Rcsmiei.t,
Lionel Francis Abbot Barlov 25 Aug. and was present at the surrcud r of
llerlxTt MMrshall Finch 10 Nov. Kafr Dowar (Medal, and Kbclive'-s
Frank WIgratn Foley 8 Dec. Star). Served throughout tho c;
paigu in the Eastern Soudan in 10^5,
SiCOWD LiBDTKKAWTS. with Battalion of the Berk-. hire-
John GuHtavuH RusHell Walsh Regimen^, and was prescuc in the
William George Bertram Boyco '.' 5 Feb.
14 Sept.
engagemeots at Hasheen and t[;e
a William Hugh Wooldridgo Tofrek zereba and the sub.-^eiiuoiiL
WilUnm Redmond Prondergastkoin- 16 Nov.
> advance to and burning of Teinui ;,

mill Betty II Feb. afterwards served as Transport Oi;ii-' r.

w?H" •'"">« I'ntriok Quin'n '..'.....'.'.." to the Battalion (mentioneil iu des-
Walter Young Jnrdine II Feb.
2 .
II Feb. patches, honorary rank of Ciinlain,
> Kdwnni Henry Blunt two Clasps also served witli lUe
I Krodcnck William Barton Gray tiFeb. ) ;

22 Aug. Egyptian Frontier Field Force iia

1885-86, including the engagement tu.

Princess ClMiinllc of Wales (]lo)j'.d Berhsliire Eeytiitaiit). 293a-


Pu^ musters. —1 Arthur J. W. Vow eW,^' Zieiii.
Baitallon (acting).
2 Granville de la M. Fauiice,^" Captain Serkshire liegimeut {acting).

Quarter masters. i Thomas Pord,*7 ^7 Dec. 81 Hon. Captain, 15 June 85.

2 Charles Joseph Smith, 23 Aug. 82; Hon. Lieut.

Faci>ig.')B\\ie.— Agents, Messrs. Cox and Co.

1st Battiilion embarl-edfor (Hbraliar, 18S1. 2nd Battalion returned from Bengal, 18S1.

General Johnston served in the 66th Regiment in Canada during the rebellion of 1837-33, and afterwards-

commanded the Regiment for many years on foreign service.

Tjt.Colonel Temple served with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force in 1885-86, and was present in the engagement

at Giiiiss in command of the ist Battalion Berkshire Regiment (mentioned in despatches, DSO., Medal, and
Khedive's Star).
Lt.Colouel St. Clair served as Brigade Major under Major General Colbome in the Perak Expedition in 1876
(Medal with Clasp). Served with the 1st BattaUou Berkshire Regiment throughout the Egyptian war of 1882
anil ivas present at the surrender of Kafr Dowar (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
Major JIackinnon served with the 66th Regiment in the Afghan war in 1879-80, accompanied Sir Frederick

Roberts in the march to Candahar, and was present at the battle of Candahar (Medal with Clasp, and Bronze
joi- Dickson served throughout the campaign in the Eastern Soudan in 1SS5 with the 1st Battalion of the

-'lire Regiment, and was present in the reconnaissance to Hasheen on the ist February, in the eusagcments
-licen and the Tofrek zerebaand the subsequent advance to and burning of Temai (Medal wich two Clasps,

Khedive's Star); also served with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force in 1SS5-S6 as Brigade Miijor, and was

pi-c.-eut in the engagement at Giniss.

"> Major Ponsonby served in the Duffla Expedition in 1874-75 with the 42nd Bengal Native Infantry.

'- Major Collings served mth the Nile Expedition in 1884 as Deputy Assistant Commissary General for Trans-
port, and throughout the campaign in the Eastern Soudan in 18S5 with the ist Battalion of the Berkshire Regi-
ment, and was present in the reconnaissance to Kasheen on the 1 st February, in the engagements at Hasheen and
the Tofrek zoreba and the subsequent advance to and burning of Temai (mentioned in despatches, iledal with
three Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
Major Bcresford-Peirse, served with the 66th Regiment in the Afghan war in 1S79-S0, and was present in the-
engagements on the Helmund against the Wall's mutinous troops, in the action at Maiwand, in the defence of
Uandahai-, and at the battle of Candahar (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp).
1* Major Butler served in the Afghan war in 1880 with the 14th Foot (Medal).
'^ Captain Hemphill served as Adjutant with the ist Battalion Berkshire Regiment throughout the Egyptian

war of 1882, and was present at the surrender of Kafr Dowar (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Nile
Expedition in 1884-85 as Deputy Assistant Commissaiy General for Transport, and in the campaign in the Eastern
Soudan in 1885 -with the ist Battalion of the Berkshire Regiment including the operations in the Buyuda Desert
(two Clasps).
Captain Bruce served in the Afghan war in 1S79-S0 as Assistant Instructor of Army Signalling to the Candahar
Field Force in Southern Afghanistan accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar, and was

present at the battle of Candahar (Medal with Clasp, and Bronze Decoration)
Captain Rathborne, when a Lieutenant in the 6th Foot, served in the Afghan war in iS-u-?:' n=; Trniisport
Officer with the Koorum Valley Field Force (Medal). Served with the 1st Battalion Berkshire Reunm nt, tlnough-
out the Egyptian war of 1SS2, and was present at the surrender of Kafr Dowar (Medal, and Star).
Served throughout the campaign in the Eastern Soudan in 1885 with the ist Battalion of the Iterk^lnr.- Ke^:iiiicnt,
-. ;is
present in the engagements at Hasheen and the Tofrek zereba (mentioned in despatches) and the subsequent

n- to and burning of Temai (two Clasps). Served with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force in 1885-86, and
. '

i---ent with the Mounted Infantry in the engagement at Giniss.

';il>t;iin Evans Gordon served with the 1st Battalion Berkshire Regiment throughout the Egyptian war of
:St J, and was present at the surrender of Kafr Dowar (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Nile Ex-
pedition in 1884-85 as Deput,y Assistant Commissary General for Transport, and in the campaign in the Eastern
Soudan in 1885 with the tst Battalion of the Berkshire Regiment, and wns present in the advance to and burning
of Temai (two Clasps); also served with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force in 1 805-86, and was present in the
engagement at Giniss.
Captain Holden served with the ist Battalion Berkshire Regiment as Transport Officer throughout the Egyptian

war of 1882, and was present at the surrender of Kafr Dowar (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
'" Captain Faunce served with the 66th Regiment in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and was present in the engage-

ments at Girishk and Maiwand (mentioned in despatches), in the defence of Candahar, and at the battle of Can-
dahar (Medal with Clasp).
" Captain Edwards served with the 66th Regiment in the Afghan war in 1S79-S0, and took part in the defence
of Candahar, and was present at the battle of Candahar (Medal with Clasp) Served throughout the campaign in .

the Eastern Soudan in 1SS5 with the ist Battalion of the Berkshire RoLrimcut, and was present in the reconnaissance
to Hasheen on the ist February, and in the engagements at Hasheen avid the Tofrek zereba and the subsequent
advance to and burning of Temai (Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star); also served with the Egyptian
Frontier Field Force in'1885-86, and was present in the engagement at Giniss.
•- Captain
Rhodes served throughout the Egyptian war of 1S82 with the ist Battalion of the Berkshire Regi-
ment, and was present at the sun-ender of Kafr Dowar (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served throughout the
campaign in the Eastern Soudan in 1885 with the ist Battalion of the Berkshire Regiment, and was present at the
reconnaissance to Hasheen on the ist Febi-uary as Signalling Officer to the Second Brigade, and in the engage-
ments at Hasheen and the Tofrek zereba, and the subsequent advance to and burning of Tomai (mentioned in
despatches, two Clasps) ; also served with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force in 1885-86 as Chief of the Signalling
iOepartmeut at Kosheb, and was present in the engagement at Giniss— horse wounded (mentioned in despatches,
" Captains Burney and d'Eyncourt and Lieut. Turner served with the ist Battalion Berkshire Regiment through-
lout the Egyptian war of 1S82, and were present at the surrender of Kafr Dowar(Medal, and Khedive's Star).
-* Captain L.\-nch
served with the 66th Regiment in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and was present in the envage-
~ :tt Girishk and
Maiwand— dangerously wounded (Medal). Served throughout the campaign in the Eas-teri.

ni 1S85 with the ist Battalion of the Berkshire Regiment, and was present at the reconnaissance to Hasheeu

:.-t February, and in the engagements at Hasheen and the Tofrek zereba (Medal with two Clasps,
0 '-i: ,e's Star).
served throughout the Egyi)tian war of 1SS2 with the iRt Battalion of the Berkshire Regi-
.M:ijor M'Cracken
nent, ;iud was present at the surrender of Kafr Dowar (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served throughout the cam-
iiiaign in the Eastern Soudan in 1885 as Adjutant of the ist Battalion of the Berkshire Regiment, and was present
u thi- )-i'connaissance to Hasheen on the ist February, in the engagements at Hasheen and the Tofrek zereba, and
-ulisequent advance to and burning of Temai (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, two Clasps) ; also

with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force in 1885-86, including the engagement at Giniss.

iiain M'Clintock served with the ist Battalion Berkshire Regiment in the Egyptian war of 1882, during the
i !

tiLi put of the time as Transport Officer, and was present at the surrender of Kafr Dowar (Medal, and Khedive b-
itur). Served throughout the campaign in the Eastern Soudan in 1885 with the ist Battahon of the Berkshire
iegiinent, and was present in the engagements at Hasheen and the Tofrek zoreba and the subsequent advance to
nd burning of Temai (two Clasps); was Assistant Provost Marshal during the remainder of the campaign.
Use served in the operations in the Upper Nile in 1885-86 with the ist Battalion of the Royal Berkshire Regiment,
nd was present in the engagement at Giniss.
, [_For remainder of Kates, see end of the Northamptonshire Regiment, p. 192a.

294 The Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regiment)

\-Eeyi ett/al Dixtnct
ml UiiU.,OibnilL BaU., Portland Fonntrli/ the soth (The Queeus Own) \_No. 50. — Maidstone.

ami the 97^/4 {The Earl of Ulster's) Begivients

(Till- 3ra 41 li I5att;ilious are I'onued of the ist au*d 2iul
aii.l Battalious West Kent Militia respectively.)
" q^b fa$ *t gloria ducuHl." " Kgyft" (with the Sphinx) Vimieea" "Coeunna" "Almabaz" "Vittohia'
Ttiswuks" "Nite" Pbnijjsula" "Punniab" "Moodkee" "Feeozeshah" "Amwal"
" SoBBAOIf " Iniieeman" "Sevastopol" "Lucknow" "New Zealand"
"Egypt, 1882" "Nile, 1S84-85."
Colonel.— William Richiin! Preston, Enxign,^^^ Sept. 29; Xieat ''22 Feb. 33; Ca^. ^18 Oct. 39; Major, 19
l.v jS Bl II Colonel, 20 Feb. 55 Colonel, 6 July 60 Lt. Colonel, i May 61 ; Major Genenil, 6 iXaich

; ;

Luul.GcHfrat, 1 Oct. 77 General, 1 July 81 Colonel West Kent Regiment, 28 Feb. 88.
; ;

Lieutenant Colonels.— i John Lannoy Tweedie,' DSO., Commanding the Baltalwn, 23 Dec. 85; jEnsign, ^^
Julyfoj Lieut. f^ Nov. 64 Capt/'z Jan. 69; Major, g Sept. 79; Zt. Colonel, 11 June 84; Colonel, 11

June 88.
John Archibald Murray, Commanding the Battalion, 1 July 87 Ensign, I'll Feb. 62 ; Lf. "'5
; June 66 ;
••j Sept. 70; Major, i July 81 ; Li.Colonel, 9 Sept. 84 ; Colonel, 9 Sept. 88.
willinm Head Bayly,^ i"H»i/7», Feb. 67 ; Lt.f 22 Jixnejo; Co^i. 8 Dec. 77 ; J/oyoj-,
''2'5 i July 81 ; It.
Colonel. 33 Dec. 85."

2 Charles Edward Partridge'''
: Joseph Graham Smith"
Thomas Herbert Brock
Montagu Wvnvard," Adjutant Royal")
Military College i
John Cumberlege Caiitlcy,' Adjutant \
Qud Volunteer Butt. Wert Kent Begt. )
Charles Robert Crosse,'- Adj. 3rd
Volunteer Batt. We,t Kent Segt j
I Harold Cummingsi^
Edward Aickin
p.t.e. Wm. Stewart I
GroveB'* )
1 Norman Houstoun Leckie"
2 Herbert Duncombe Armstrong-"
1 Alexander William Dury'*
Frederick Francis Johnson, 22 Army )
Service Corpt )
Charles Wm. Henry
Evans,^t Adj. \
t Vol. Bn. IVett Kent Regiment )
Frederick Albert Jlontagii Arnold," )
Paym.i,lrr i Bn. Bedford Regiment >
J Abriil.:.ii, I'l^iii ( r..i,vn'»
2 Chdlii. •
li Uranfill Harri-
:.' • • l':i' .<•:!, -I Ai;i(lant-:ird)
i n :...' 1; ,1
. I. , :
,: \\, -!< 1 I
. si„frCollege
.:•' '.',
,!!i:,,,, .\l;im,-cll-'
College J
2 Edward Leonard Aspinall Heygate'^..
2 Eilwin Alfred Hervey Alderson^*'
I Wdfred Edward Rowe^i

Fitzgerald \Vintour,**^(f>/aH/ 28 May S4

Archibald Montgomery-Campbell, 1
terving trllH Egyptian Army j
I Edward Devon Caird
t Frederick Bradford Fanshawe
I Thomas Alexander Gardner Sangster*^
I William Rcilly Minchin"
I lloniee -Mann'*"
I John Pelbam Dalison"
I Wm. Richard Norton Annesley,"
DSO. lervitig with Egyptian Army...
I John Maudslay Maxwell^
I Arthur Grant Eckford^
1 Frank Hndgos*
2 Henry LittlehaloB Barker
I Anthony Wood Martyn^
I Hixlnev Charles Style" ,

1 Noel lierbert Strode Lowe

a William Sherwood Doyle
J Hiimpdcn Lewis Clement Moody
Herbert Kviin Charles Bayley Nepean'«
I Edward Vincent Osborne Hewett»»
a Frederic Street
ii Mugli Cecil Wcslall Becching
3 FraiiciH Herlicrt Holham
3 Stanhopo Humi)hrey Pedlcy
2 ThomiiH Taylor Burt ...!
» Walter John Need
3 FnmoiH William Iturbury
I Wnltor llniry Urown .'.'.'"'

I KraiiciM ClmrlfH Marsh

I Doveroux I'lnlip Walker ...
I Edward Frederick VeuablcB
J Percy Umfrovillo
I Arthur Ptmborton How...
3 Arundel Martyn
I Juliiin Stuart "Dallas
TIte Queens Oion {Royal West Kent Tlegiment). 294a

raymasters.—i Robert E. Owen, 9 Nov. Zo;Enis. ''4 Mar. 68 Lt. I'ay Oct. 71 dipt. 23 July 7c Hon. ULiiui
; ;
. J! ;

9 Nov. 8;. .1

2 Btcwiirt H. Rusbriclffer, 22 May 85

; Captain West Surrri/ Reqlment.
6| Quarter Masters.—2 Edward Wallace Brown, 22 Aug. 83 Hon. Lieut.

I Alfred Edward Mansfield, 9 Dec. 85 ;Hon. Lieut.

Facings Bine.— Agents, Messrs. Cox and Co.
isf Battalion embarkedfor Egypt, 1882. 2ml Battalion returned from Jamaica, 1882,
Lt. Colonel Tweedie served in the Boer war of 1881 with the Natal Field Force.
Served in the Nile Expedition
in 1884-85 with the ist Battalion of the West Kent Regiment (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star); also served
with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in i88s-S6, and was present in the engagement at Giniss iu coramand of the
Battalion (DSO.).
^ Lt.Colonel Bayly served with the ist Battalion West Kent Regiment throughout the Egyptian,
war of 1882
(Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served iu the Nile E.xpedition in 1884-85 with the ist Battalion of the West Kent
Regiment (Clasp).
" Major Partridge served in the Boer war of iSSi with the Natal Field Force.
" Major Smith was promoted Captain iu the 97th Regiment " in recognition
of his gallant services when en-
gaged against the Indians at Orange Walk, British Honduras" on the ist September 1872, ou which occasion he
commanded a detachment of the ist West India Regiment and was dangerously wounded by a musket-ball in the
inr Wynyard served with the 50th Regiment in New Zealand during General Chute's campaign of 1866

Served as Adjutant ist Battalion West Kent Regiment in the Egyptian war of 1882 till invalided from
1 1 1

ki- :rMU (Medal, and Khedive's Star).

^ .\liiior Cautley served in the Boer war in 1S81 with the Natal Field Force. Served with the ist Battalion West
Kent Regiment throughout the Egyptian war of 18S2, and was present at the action at Kassasin on the ^oth Sentember
(Medal, audKhedivL'-s Star).
" Captain Arnold served with the ist Battalion West Kent Regiment throughout the Egyptian war of 18S2 ami
was present at the action at Kassasin on the 9th September (Medal, and Khedive's Star)."
'- Major Crosse served in the Boer war of 1881 with the Natal Field Force.

'' Major Cummings served in the Boer war of i88i with the Natal Field Force.
Served with the ist Bat-
talion West Kent Regiment throughout the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the action at Kassasin on
the 9th September (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
'* Major Dury served with the 4th Regiment in the Abyssinian campaign in 1868
JIajor Groves served iu the Boer war of 1881 with the Natal Field Force.
' Served with the ist Battalion West
Kmt Regiment throughout the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the action of Kassasin (9th September)
and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star) also served with the ;

Nile Expedition in 1S84-85 (Chv3p).

XI ijor Lackie, Captains Cronyn and Heygate served in the Boer war of i38i with the Natal Field Force.

2" M.ijor Armstrong served in the Boer war of 1881. Served with the isfc B tttalion of the West Kent Regiment
throughout the Egyptian war of 1SS2 (Medal, and Khedive's Star). .Serve iu the Nile Expedition in 1884-S5 with

the ist Bittalion of the West Kent Regiment (mentioned iu despatches, ilrcri't of Major, Clasp).
^t C-iptain Harrison served in the Boer war of 18S1 with the Natal Field Firce. Served throughout the Eo-yp-
tiau war of 1882 with the ist Battalion We.^.t Kent Regiment (.Medal, and Iviia dive's Star).
^' Captain Daniell served with the ist Battalion West Kent Regiment tliroughout
the Egyptian war of 1882
(Medal, and Khedive's Star).
s^ Captain F. F. Johnson.— For War Services, see Commissariat and
Transport Staff.
^•'t Captain Evans served with t'nc ist Battalion of the West Kent Ragimeut throughout the Eg7ptiau war of
1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the ist Battalion of the West
Kent Regiment (Clasp) also served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86, and was present in the

engagement at Giniss.
"Captain Western, Lieuts. Mann, Dalison, and Maxwell served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with
the Battalion of the West Kent Regiment (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
2' Captain Morse served with the ist Battalion of the West Kent Regimout throughout
the Egyptian war of
1882, and was present at the action at Kassasin on the 9th September (Medal, and Khedive's Star)7 Served in the
Nile Expedition in 1884-S5 with the Mounted Infantry, and was present at the action of Abu Klea and in the ro-
coanaissance to Metammeh wounded (two Clasps). —
-^ Captain Maunsell served with the ist Battalion West Kent Regiment throughout
the Egyptian war of 1S82, and
was present at the action at Kassasin (9th September) and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir in command of the escort
to the ammunition column (Medal with Clasp, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Boer
war of iSSi with the Natal Field Force. Served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in command of the Ea"-lish
C.imel C )rps, and was present iu the engagement at Giniss.
^^ Captain Brock-Hollinshead and Lieut. Rowe served with the ist Battalion of
the West Kent Regiment in the
Eg.nitian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-S5 with the ist Battalion
of the West Kent Regiment (Clasp).
Captain Alderson served under Sir Evelyn Wood in the Boer war of 1S81 in the Mounted Infantry. Served with

theMounted Infantry in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the engagements at 'Tel-el-Mahata and
-Mahsama, in the two actions at Kassasin, and at the battle of Tel-el- Keliir and the capture of Cairo (Medal with
Clasp, and Kdedive's Star). Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the Mounted Infantry, and was pre-
sent at the action at Abu Klea and at the reconnaissance to Metammeh (two Clasps). [See also Civil Decorations
for Gallantry, p. 128.]
^ Captain Rowe served in the Egyptian war of 18S2 with the ist Battalion of the West Kent Regiment (Medal,
and Khedive's Star). Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Clasp) also served with the Soudan Frontier

Field Force in 1885-86, and was present in the eng.agement at Giniss.

"' Captain Kennedy served in the Boer war of 188 with the Natal Field Force. Served in the Nile Expedition in

1S34-85 with the ist Battalion of the West Kent Regiment (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Major Wintour served with the ist Battalion of the West Kent Regiment in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal,

and Khedive's Star). Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 as Adjutant to the ist Battalion of the West Kent
Kegiment (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Clasp) also served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force

in 18S5-86, and was present in the engagement at Giniss.

*^ Captain Sangster served with the ist Battalion of the West Kent Regiment throughout the Egyptian war of
i332 (Midal, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Nile Expeilitiou in 1884-S5 with the ist Battalion of the West
Kent Regiment .Clasp).
" Lieut. Minchin served with the ist Battalion of the West Kent Regiment throughout the Egyptian war of
1882, and was present at the action at Kassasin on the 9th September (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served in the
Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the ist Battalion of the West Kent Regiment (Clasp); also served with the Soudan
Fr.jntier Field Force in 1885-86, and was present in the engagement at Giniss.
^* Lieut. Annesley served in the Nile Expedition in
1884-85 with the ist Battalion of the West Kent Regiment (Medal
with Clasp, and Khedive's Star) also served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86, including the attack

0.1 Ambigole Wells and the engagement at Giniss (D'iO.).

^'' Lieut. Martyn served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in
1S85-86, and was present in the engagement at
Giniss (mentioned in despatches. Medal, and Khedive's Star).
'^ Lieuts. Eckford, Hodges, Nepean, and Hewett served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force
in x83s-86, and
were present in the engagement at Giniss (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
*• Lieut. Style served with the Soudan Frontier
Field B'orce in 1885-86 (Medal, and Khedive's Star) ]
. 1) ;

295 The King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry.

:r.7rt:.te,a; Bengal. 1 Formcrhj the S^st (2nd YorJ^^hns West Biding [f.^^l^lSaft"
TheKimfs Own Li<iU Infantry) and the 105//^ (Madras Light Infantry) heghncnts.
(The 3rd Hattalioii is fonueil of the 1st West York IMilitia tlie 4th Battalion is not yet formed.) ;

Tho R080. " Ctde AhIHh." "Mindbn" "" " Fuektes d'Onor " "Salamanca" "Vitioria" "Ptrk-
Y»«r»-s<r. doneU.— I Arnold Charles Errinsrton,' i:H»i>», ''4 Feb. 26; Lieut. 13 Sept. 31; Captain, ''14 July 37:
KuU Hull Major, ''25.luly45; H revet Lieut. Colonel, g Dec. S3; Colonel, iSNov.54; Lf. Colonel, ''; Major,
Oenrral, 6 March 68; Lieutenant General, 10 Fcl). 76 ; General, 10 Auff, 78 ; Colonel 51st Foot, 27 Sept. 79.
' - -
Lieutenant Colonele.— i Charles Kyrle Chatfield^, Commandint/ the Battalion, i July 87 ; Ensign, 2 Nov. 55 j

Lt. 15 June 58; Co;)/. 13 Oct. 64; Bt. Major, i Oct. 77 J/c./o)-, 20 March 80 ; Lt. Colonel, 26 March 84;

Colonel, 26 March 8S.

2 Robert Charles Griemo,' Emign, ^i April 62; Lf.fis May 67; Cajtt. ^22 Mar. 71 ; Major, i July Si
Lieutenant Colonel, 4 July 87.
1 George Frederick White' 30 June 65 '29 May 69 I July 7: I July 81
3 Herbert Charles Symons 3 June 64 15 July 68 7 July 75 I July Si
Gcorce I'hilip Francis Bynjr, /Iti/. 3ni Jan. May Juno
battalion (i TVett York Militia) J
II 67 18 6y 14 76 20 May 82
'22 68 '10 June 71
July II Aug. 78 13 June 83
2 (rixnrlesStafford Stephen Whitehill.. I Aug.
68 6 Nov. 70 21 April 77 21 June Sj
1 William Kdward Hilliard' 4 Feb.
69 28 Oct. 71 29 Jan. 79 4 July 83
1 John Guyse Sparke'" 3 Sept. 70- 28 Oct. 71 4 Feb. 81 10 Jan. 83
2 George Villicrs Turner'- '17 Oct. 2--, Mar. 71 24 Jan. So I July 88

Radclyffc Haldane Stokes, Armn Ser- \ 22 Dee. So
vice'Corpt J
ji.f.e. Charles St. Leger Barter, In- \ ) Sept. 15 Mar. Si
ttruetor Poual Military College )
Basil Kdward Spragffc," I)SO.\ )Oct. I July 81
Diitrict Staff Officer, Bengal )

Sir Henry Allen Wm.Johnson,2°5a;•^ ) ! Feb. 6 Feb. 82

Adjutant, 24 Oct. 85 i
John George Adarason ; Sept. 3 Dec. 82
Henry Earle,»< DSO : Sept. 14 Feb. 83
George Evan Lloyd," X>SO., $erBing-> iNov. 20 June 83 June 85
with the Egyptian Army >
Lou i8Edmun<3.\medroz,P«ym(7«<er 25/1. I Aug. 77 i Sept. 21 June 83
Reginald Duncomhe Pyrke I May 78 I Jan. 31 Oct. 83
Percy William Albert Alfred Milton".., II May Dec. I Jan. 84
Walter Blake Butler^s 7 Aug. 78 1 Aug. 26 Mar. 84
Charles HildyardThomtonWhitaker, > 22 Jan. > Apr. 28 Apr. 84
Army Sercice Corps j
Lionel Dorling 13 Aug. 79 ;Nov. 28 May 84
James Saurin Oave-Bro\viie-Cave2' 13 Nov. 78 1 Sept. 28 May 84
Bertrnm Witherby 13 Aug. 79 1 Jan. 18 Nov. 84
Villiers Edward Hunt, Paymaiter^ >Nov, 10 Jan. 85
I Battalion Leinstcr Regiment j
George Frederick Ottley, Adjutant 2
17 Apr. 80 ) Nov. 24 Oct. 85
March 88 J
Alfred Richard Power ^^ 9 July 79 ; July 20 Jan. 86
Charles Mordaunt Stevens^' II Sept. 78 I
Oct. 29 July 85
Charles Uigford Chapman^J ,
31 Jan. So July 18 Feb. 87
Robert Cotton Money 23 April 81 July 1 July 87
William Henry Marsh Burke" 23 April 8 July 2 Mar. 88

1 John Hugh Sandham Griffith^^ 9 Sept,
2 Beaumont Charles Holt 9 Sept. 82
1 Arthur Warre Elles" 10 Mar. 83
I Leonard Alison Hall Hamilton'' 10 Mar. 83
John James Haldane Black Eckford., 25 Aug. 83
I Thomas Godfrey Whistler 25 Aug. 83
1 Lawrence Willoughby Peaae 19 Dec. 83
2 AlbertWm. Crawford M'Fall 19 Dec. 83
Percy Herbert Rogers, 30 Jan. 84
a Peter Frederic Fleming Leicester ... S Dec. 83
2 Henry Wei Is- Cole 23 Aug. 84
Frederic Alexander Smith 7 Feb. 85
Herbert Lance Richardson 7 Feb. 85
2 Philin Donald Dorin do Wilton 28 Feb. 85
Cliiirles Francis Hobbie 28 Feb. 85
I Arthur George .Marrablo^ 9 May 85
I Alexander William Abercrombio" ... 9 May 85
Charles Kdwnrd de Manloy Norie . 9 May 85
1 Gordon Diivis^ 20 May 85
Henry Naiiier Roomo 23 May 85
Arthur Kllioll Burton" 29 Aug. 85
Goorgo Kdward Douglas Elsmie 29 Aug. 85
FriduHck Hopewell Peterson 25 Nov. 8s
a Hugh Maclean Halliday 30 Jan. 86
Krank Lh.yd Vincent 25 Aug. 86
2 HoKtingH Curtis Folliott Scott.. 25 Aug, 86
Krwlcrick t'barles Livin 25 Aug. 86
Cecil Howard Willinms'' 10 Nov. 86
Alfred Bruco Hangslcr™ 10 Nov.

» Colin Canii.bcll Kenton™ Feb.
5 87
a Kobert Arthur Kdward Benn"
5 Feb. 87
2 William Robert Jason Ellis 16 Nov. 87
— .

Vears'Ser. The King's Own YorlsJdre Light Infantry. 296

Pay. Pay.
Second Libutknants. 2Nn likut. i

1 Kobert Henry Williaiii Tulloh i8 Jan. 88

2 Frederic Llewellyn Lloyil- Jones ii Feb. 88
1 William Thomas'Potts I
ii Feb. 88
2 Rowan Cashcl [ is Aug. 88
2 Henry Lawrence Anderson '
22 Auff. 83
2 Stanley Clay 1 22 Aug. 88
2 Reginald Coplestono Bond '
10 Nov. E8
: William Maunder Withycombe I 10 Nov. 88
Charles Ernest Oarr zi Nov. 88
Malcolm Reginald Walker 8 t)ee. 88


Pcit/masfers. 2 Louis E. Amedroz, t8 Aug. 84; Captain YorlcnTiire hhiht iDfinifry,

1 George C. Fuller, 19 May 82 Lieut. 2 Nov. 73 Capt. jo Nov. Si.
; ;

Quarter Jfasters.— i Thomas Michael Murray,'"' 3 Nov. 8x Uon. Lieut. ;

2 William Graham Jiidge, 28 Aug. 86 Hon. Lieut. ;

Facings Blue. Aflenfs, Messrs. Cox and Co.

i.if Batliilion returned from Burmah, 20 Dec. 1887. 2nd Battalion embarked for Malta, 28 Dec. 1884.
' General Errington served with the 51st Light Infantry during the war in BuniKih from
April to Dec. 1852;
was on board the E.I. C. steam-sloop Sesos/n's during the naval action and destruction of the enemy's stockade.?
on the Rangoon River served during the succeeding three days' operations in the vicinity, and commanded the

Regiment at the storm and capture of Rangoon healso commanded the troops engaged at t!ie assault and capture

of Bassein, 19th May (wounded), and received the especial approbation of the Governor General in Council for his
services upon this occasion (Medal with Clasp for Pegu, and Brevet of Lt. Colonel).
2 Colonel Chntfiold served with the 51st Light Infantry in the Afghan war in 1879-30 (Medal). Served with the
Burmese Expedition in 1887 in command of the ist Battalion of the York.shire Light Infantry. [See also Civil
Decorations for (lalliintry, p. 128.]
*Lt.Colouel Gra-nie served with the 51st Light Infantry in the Umbeyla Expedition in 1863. Also .served in the
Jowaki campaign in 1S77 (Medal with ;Clasp). Served with the 51st Light Infantry in the Afghan war in 187S-C,
and was present at the attack and capture of Ali Musjid (Medal with Clasp)
* Major White served with the 51st Light Infantry in the .Jowaki campaign in 1877 (il'edal with Clasp).
with the 51st Light Infantry in the Afghan war in 1S79-S0 (Medal). Served in the Burmese Expedition in 1SS6-S7,
-with the ist Battalion of the Yorkshire Light Infantry (Clasp).
' Major Seppings served with the 51st Light Infantry in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was present
at the
attack and capture of Ali Musjid (Medal with Clasp).
» Major Hilliard served with the Expeditionary Field Force imder Colonel J. R. Mackenzie in Arabia from the
27th October to the 20th December 1873, including the investment, surrender, occupation, and destruction of the
Fort at Al-Sota, and subsequent march to Zaida in pursuit of Ally Bin Mana, the chief of Houshabi. Served in
the Burmese Expedition in 1886-87 with the ist Battalion of 'the Yorkshire Light Infantry (mentioned in
despatches, Medal with Clasp).
0 Major Sparke served with the Light Infantry in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was present at the
attack and capture of Ali Musjid (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Burmese Expedition in 1886-87 with the ist
Battalion of the Yorkshire Light Infantry (Medal with Clasp).
'- Major Turner served in the Afghan war in 1878-79 as Orderly Officer to Brigndier
General Thelwall and
Brigadier General Forbes, and was present in the operations in the Kooruin Valley, and at the capture of the
Peiwar Kotal (mentioned in despatches) ; took part in the Zaimnsht E-cpcdition in command of a company of the
2nd Battalion of the 8th Foot, and was present at the assault of Zawa (ileilal with Clasp).
2° Sir Henry Johnson served with the 51st Light Infantry in the Jownki caiiiii.-:un in 1S77 (Medal
with Clasp).
Served with the 51st Light Infantry in the Afghan war of 1S7S-S0, and w ;i> ]]ri.-('it, at the attackand capture of
Ali Musjid and in the operations in the Bazar, Lughman, and Hissarik Val'cys (Mr.l il with Clasp). Served in the
Burmese Expedition in 1S86-87 as Adjutant of the 1st Battalion of the Yoiksliirc l,;.jlit. Infantry (Clasp).
''- Captain Spragge served as Orderly Officer to Brigadier General J. Doran in the Jowaki campaign in 1877
(Medal with Clasp). Served with the 51st Light Infantry and as Superintendent of Army Signalling in the Afghan
war of 1S78-80, and was present at the attack and capture of Ali Musjid (twice mentioned in despatches, Medal with
Clasp). Served with the Burmese Expedition in 18S6-S7 as Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quarter Master
General (mentioned in despatches, DSO., and Clasp).
^* Captain Earle served with the 51st Light Infantry in the Jowaki campaign in i S77 (Medal with
Clasp). Served
with the 51st Light Infantrj- in the Afghan war of 1878-80, during the latter part of the time as Orderly Officer to
Maior General Bright, and was present in the operations in the Lughman and Hissarik Valleys (Medal). Served
in the Egyptian war of 1882 as Aide de Camp to Major General Earle, Commanding Base and Lines of Commu-
nication, and was present in the engagements at El Magfar and Tel-el-Mahuta, in the action at Kassasin (gth
September), and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star).
Served in the Burmese Expedition in 1836-S7 with the ist Battalion of the Yorkshire Light Infantry and accom-
panied the Ruby Mine Column in December 1S86 and the expedition to Mainloung (mentioned in despatches
X»SO., and Clasp).
" Major Lloyd served with the 51st Light Infantry in the Jowaki campaign'in 1877 (Medal withClasp) Served
with the Light Infantry in the Afghan war in 1878-9, and was present at the attack and capture of Ali Musjid
(Medal with Clasp). Served during the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 as Commandant at Tangur (mentioned in
despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star) also served with

the Egyptian Frontier Field Force in 1 885-S7, including the engagements at Giniss (mentioned in despatches
"' DSO ''^
and Sarras (3rd Class of the Medjidie).
" Captain Power served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 with the 51st Light Infantry (Medal). Served in the
Burmese Expedition in 1886-87 with the ist Battalion of the Yorkshire Light Infantry (Medal with Clasp)
*' Captain Milton served with the 51st Lightlnfantry in the Afghan war in 1879-80 (mentioned
in despatches Medal 1
Served in the Burmese Expedition in 1886-87 with the ist Battalion of the Yorkshire Light Infantry dur'ino- t'h "
latter part of the time in command of the Mounted Infantry (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp) °
'^ Captain Butler served with the 51st Light Infantry in the Afghan war in 1879-80
" Captain Cave served with the 51st Light Infantry and as Brigade Transport Officer in the Afghan war
m 1879-80 (Medal).
3' Captain Stevens served in the Nile Expedition in 1S84-85 with the ist Battalion of
the Royal Irish Resimpnt
and took part in the operations of the Desert Column including the engagement at Abu Klea Wells on the ,,^m'
^^^ ^^^^
and 17th February (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
* Captain Chapman served in the Afghan war in 1S79-80 with the 51st Lightlnfantry (Medal). Served in
i Burmese Expedition during the latter part of 1887 with the ist Battalion of the Yorkshire Light Infantry
" Captain Burke served in the Burmese Expedition in 1S86-87 with the ist Battalion of the Yorkshire Lio-i
Infantry, part of the time in command of Mounted Infantry (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp) "
3^ Lieuts. Griffith, Elles, and Marrable served in the Euimese Expedition in 1886-87 with the
ist Battalion oi"
the Yorkshire Light Infantry (Medal with Clasp).
*= Lieut. Hamilton served in the Burmese Expedition in 1886-87 with the ist Battalion of the
Yorkshire LiViif
Infantry, and for six months as Staff Officer to the Officer Commanding at Bhamo (Medal with Clasp) "
^' Lieut. Abercrombie served in the Bnimes-e Expedition in 1886-87 with the ist Battalion
of the Yorkshiio
Light Infantry, including the expedition to the Ruby Mines (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasn)
^ Lieut. Davis terved in the Burmese Expedition in 1886-87 with the ist Battalion of the Yorkshire Li.t! f
Infantry as Transport Officer (nuntiored in despatches. Medal with (Uasp). " "•
^' Lieuts. Barton,Willi8m8, and Sangster, Second Lieuts. Eenton and Benn served in the Burmese

Esnedi '

in 1ES7 with the 1st Battalion of the Yorkshire Lightlnfantry (Medal withClasp). ^

*" Lieut. Murray served with the 51st Light iDTantry in the Jowaki campaign in
1877 (Medal with Clasp) Rer p ?
a the Aftrhan war in 1878-7Q. and was pre.sent at the attack and capture o lAli Musjid (Medal with Clasp) ^'^^^'1

' Major BromP-eld. For War Services, see Army Pay Dopi,rtnient.

The Kings (Shropshire Light Infantry) Segimenlal District

iKt Uiitt..
Uutt., KUkenny

LNo. 53. —
Light Infantry) Regiments.
'"^inTtli; 8^th (Buch-s Volunteers) {King's
Atli Bat alious an- ionaed of the
Shropshire and Hereford Militia respectively
mu- ^r.1 and )

The Ro«.. ''<-''o./l''-'>'''>'''..Z'^'^Sor^^^^^^^

"Toulouse" "Peniksula" "BLADEi^SBrKa


'Po-jaub" "Goojkrat" "Luckkow" " ArGHANisiAN, 1S79-80"


"Egypt, 1882" "Si'akin, 1S35."
|T««i» >«•'
Colonel. llcnrv Pcrcival dcBalhe, lit.'Enx. 4- if.". Nov. 39 ;/'• f
C";''- Feb. 45 Capt ^-Lt.Cohou-l M ;

1*011 lUH Cofouel, 28 Nov. 54 Miijor General,

•,7Fc1 .
Mar. 68 ; Lieutenant General, 8 Oct. 76 ; General,

85th Light lnlantr3', 25 April!

.Ian. 70: Co/one/ -„ ,, ,.
Battalion, Bmign, 31 Dec. 50
Lieutenant Colonels.— i HeurN' DouRlas Rooke,* Commanding
the ; :

Nov. 79; Major, Lieidenant Culunel,

Lient •'30JUIID63; Capt.Vn^e\^i.t6, Bt.Major, 30

William KoKCrson.i £n*. '24 Juuc 62 ; Zr. P7 April 65; Capt. ^25 Mar. 7'; ^foyo,-. i July !i ; Lient,

S7 -E«s. "21 Feb. 65; Lieut, "i June 67

f;urNcwcom"en Atkinson, Commanding the Battalion, , Jul.y ;

Lt. Colonel, 27 Oct. 86.

( -.ipt. loMnr.
75 3f<i.;o»-, 3° Sept. 82
; ;

7/o». Charles Duttou," Dep. .Utiet.l Mar. 61 P26 July 64 J"
7 Oct. 7^
Adjutant General, Guernrry J
Kawartl Harry Goring Raveuliiil'- •"25 April es'Pao July 67, 19 Jan. 76
-• (.'Imrli-s K.lmond Knox'* (Bt.Lt.Col.\ ''30 June 65 p 7 Aug. II June 76
9 Dec. 85) :-i :

p.:e. Kniiicis Wingfield Robnisou,"^ (.

10 Oct. 65'P 7 Aug. 22 June 76
D. A. A. General, Bermuda )

1 Richanl Godman Temple Cotton'" 30 Aug. 64:Pi4 Sept. 66 2 Mar. 78,

I'ultencv Henry Murray, "Ji'/"'"''' 2) 27 Feb. 69I :-8 Oct. 7 3 Apr. 80
Voluiiifer Jtii Skropfhire Lt.JnJinitri/ j
Lionel Alfjen. White,^' Adjutant ^'i
.;i 6yl
'•30 Oct. 28 Oct. 7 23 Sept. 80,
Vol. Bn. M'unchenler Regiment >
:r Cecil Henr>- Coll£tte' 28 Oct. 71 30 Sept. 82;
James S]ii:ns.,^^ Imtrucfor S. M. Coll. 29 May 72 I July 83
John Hope Wynne Eyton^o I Feb. 74 I July 81
James Ramsay Campbell 12 Nov. 73 21 Feb. 84I

1 William MacLaughlin=« 23 April 75
2 Achesou Francis Acheson Lyle 11 Feb. 75
2 William Baume Capper^ July 86 12 Feb. 76
Johnston Stoney Talbot.^s £nttructor'i 6 Oct. 75
Royal ililitarg College )
2 Philip Bulman'* II Sept. 76
-• Arthur Havelock James Doyle, 'MWe )

de Camp to S.SM. Prince Edtcard of r 19 July

Hiij-e H cimar '

1 William Robert Boileau Peyton^^ II Sept. 77

2 Robert Henry Fowler," ^irfe de Campl lo Aug. 80
to the Lord Lieutenant vf Ireland ... i
I Spencer Frederick George Cavendish"
I Herliert Vere Wilbraham^'
Charles TyrwhittDawkins,'^ Military \
I July
Secretary to Sir MercuUi Sobinson... )

J Claude George Henry Sitwell'- I Jul.v

1 WilliamFrancisAnuesley Wallace^" ... 23 Sept.
2 p.t.c. Raymond Northland Revell ^ I July
Reade^' j
I James Laugford Pearse^' I July
1 George Colihurst Vesey^' I Jul'y

.\rlhur Robert Austen" 22 Jan. 81] I July 8
Hobtrt Jenkins," Adjutant 28 Feb. SB... 23 Apr. 81 I July 8
KrtilLrick Lionel Banon**t 9 Sept. 8:
Cluude WiUiam UuUey Cass^* 29 July 82
Kellermann Eyre M'Mahou 27 Jan.
Henry de Teissier** ID Mar. 83
Benjamin Cotton,'* teroing toith the )
£yypli<i,i Army 10 Mar.
Spencer Francis Judge,'* terving toilh t

theEquptian Army J
12 May 83
Knilo William Kyrlo Money'* 25 Aug. 83
Stephen George Moore..

14 May 84
Kdward Arthur Haggard^ ,
23 Aug. 84
Arthur Hemming Robeson (
23 Aug. 84
Jainus Itucs O'CunncU 22 Nov. 84
KobcTl Astley Smith 6 May 85
Uoliort Cecil MounHcy-Ueysham 29 Aug. 8s
Oi-car Hvili! Ka«<t Marescaux 29 Aug. 85'» 25 Nov. 85
Jim.' s Hmi iiiK.
John George Forbes , 30, Ian. 80
William Scoit Wurley Radcliffo 25 Aug. 86
Cecil Picklord Higginson 10 Nov. 86
Richard Aviiry Arthur Young Jordan ID Nov. 86
Kuptrt llohun Blmit Howe 8 Dec. 86
Henry biuiirt Campbell FraBor 8 Dec. 86

Sicoud Liedtehaxts.
1 ChnrlcK Kiliuuiid Uuck-Keone. 5 Feb. 87
1 John Joseph While 5 Feb. 87
I George Conolly Benson 5 Feb. 87
I Fr»nci« Alugcr Burnett 14 Sept. 87
t ThomiM Henry Philip Uelpa 16 Nov. 87
J Frederic llugii Miickeii/.ic 16 Nov. S7
2 )

The King's (Shropshire Light Infantry). 298-300

Second Lieutenants. 2ND LIEUT.
1 Guy Burnett Arbouin ,
II Feb.
2 Percy Cormack Searle II Feb.
2 Charles Orby Shipley II Feb.
2 George Robert Boyd Moody 22 Aug.
George Davenport Latham Chatter.
ton 8 Dec.
Favmasters. —
irter Masters.— 2 Arthur Willmott, 14 Sept. 81 Hon. Lieut.j

I George Roe.'s 14 Nov. 85; Hon. Lieut.

Facings BXuQ.— Agents, Messrs. Co.x and Co.
1st Battalion embarked for Egyyt, ^j Feb. 1885. ^nd Battalion returned from India and Natal, i88i.

Sir Henry Pcrcival de Bathe served with the Scots Fusilier Guards in the Crimean campaign from 17th Nov.
!54,and vras present at the siege and fall of Sebastopol (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp, 5th Class,
'the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
' Lt.Colonel Rooke served with the ist Battalion Shropshire Light Infantry in the Egyptian warof
1882, and was
esont at the surrender of Kafr Dowar and Damietta (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served iu the expedition to
Soudan with the ist Battalion Shropshire Light Infantry (mentioned in despatches, Clasp), and in the subso-
lent occupation of Suakin by British troops iu 1885-86.
5 Lt.Oolonel Rogerson served with the ist Battalion Shropshire Light Infantry in the Egyptian war of 1SS2,
id was present at the surrender of Kafr Dowar and Damietta (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served in the expe-
bion to the Soudan in 1885 with the ist BattaUou Shropshire Light Infantry (Clasp), and in tho subsequent oocu-
ition of Suakin bj' British troops in 1885-86.
' Major the Hon. 0. Duttou served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 as Assistant Quarter Master General 2nd
.vision Cabul Field Force, and was present in the affair at Shekabad (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major
•> Major Ravenhill and Captain Bulman servedinthe Afghan war in 1879-80 with the Koorum Division, including
e Zainiusht Expedition (Medal).
i> Majors Robinson and Spens, Captains Doyle, Fowler, and Dawkius served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 with
e Division, including the Zaimusht Expedition and the assault of Zawa (Medal).
"Lt.Colonel Knox served with the Bechuanaland Expedition in 1884-85 under Sir Charles Warren, when he
lised and commanded the 4th Pioneer Regiment (Brevet of Lt.Colonel).
18 Major Cotton, Lieuts. Judge, Money,HoweIl, and Roe served in the occupation ot Suakin by British
troops in
w Major Murray served as Adjutant with tho 1st Battalion Shropshire Light Infantry in the Egyptian war of
;S2, and was present at the surrenderof Kafr Dowar and Damietta (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
«> Major Eyton served with the ist Battalion Shropshire Light Infantry in the Egyptian war of 1882, and
9,8 present at the surrender of Kafr Dowar and Damietta (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served in the expedition
the Soudan in 1885 with the Camel Corps, and was present in tho engagement at Takdoul (mentioned in des-
itches. Brevet of Major, Clasp).
»' Major White served in the latter part of the Zulu war of 1879 in the Commissariat and Transport service
ledal with Clasp) Served iu the expedition to the Soudan in 1885 with the ist BattaHon Shropshire Light

ifantry (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).

" Major GoUette served with the 85th Regiment as Adjutant in the Afghan war in 1879-80, including the
aimusht Expedition and the assault of Zawa (mentioned in despatches, Medal). Served in the occupation of
lakin by British troops in 1885-86.
» Lieut. Hicka served throughout the Zulu war in 1879 with the 2nd Battalion 24th Foot (Medal with Clasp),
irved in the occupation of Suakin by British troops in 1886 with the ist Battalion Shropshire Light Infantry.
^ Captain MacLaughlin served with the 1st Battalion Shropshire Light Infantry in the Egyptian war of 1882,
id was present at the surrenderof Kafr Dowr and Damietta (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served in the expe-
tionto the Soudan in 18S5 with the ist Battalion Shropshire Light Infantry (Clasp), and in the subsequent occu-
ition of Suakin by British troops in 1885-86.
27 Major Capper served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 with the 85th Light Infantry in the
Koorum Division in-
iding the Zaimusht Expedition and the assault of Zawa was Aide de Camp to Major General Watson (Medal),

rvedinthe Egyptian war of 1882 in the Transport Service (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Servedinthe Nile
cpeditiou in 1S84-85 with the Transport, and was present at the seizure of the Gakdul Wells, in the actions at Abu
lea and Abu Kru, and in the reconnaissance to Metammeh (Brevet of Major, two Clasps).
^ Captain Talbot, Lieuts. Cass, de Teissier, Cotton, and Haggard served in the expedition to the Soudan in
85 with the ist Battalion Shropshire Light Infantry (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star), and in the sub-
qucnt occupation of Suakin by British troops in 1885-86.
^t Lieut. Banon served in the expedition tothe Soudan in 1885 with the ist Battalion Shropshire Light Infantry
ledal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
' Captains Peyton and Pearse and Lieut. Jenkins served with the ist Battalion Shropshire Light Infantry in the

;yptian war of 1882, and were present at the surrender of Kafr Dowar and Damietta (Medal, and Khedive's Star),
rved in the expedition to the Soudan in 1885 with the ist Battalion Shropshire Light Infantry (Clasp), and iri the
bsequent occupation of Suakin by British troops in 1885-86.
Captain Wallace served with the ist Battalion Shropshire Light Infantry in the Egyptian war of i832, and
,s present at the surrender of Kafr Dowar and Damietta (Medal, and Khedive's Star).

Captains Wilbrahamand Reade .-served iu the Afghan war in 1879-80 with the Koorum Division (Medal).

^ Captain Sitwellserved in the Afghan war in 1879-80 with the Koorum Division, including the Zaimusht Expedi-
n (Medal). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882 with the ist Battalion of the Shropshire Light Inlautry, and
s present at the occupation of Kafr Dowar and the surrender of Damietta (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
^ Captain Vesey served with the 1st Battalion Shropshire Light Infantry in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was

3sent at the surrender of Kafr Dowar and Damietta (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served in the expedition to
.: Soudan in 1885 as Adjutant ist Battahon Shropshire Light Infantry (mentioned in despatches, Clas])), and
the subsequent occupation of Suakin by British troops in 1885-86.
i* Captain Cavendish served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 attached to the ist Battalion of the Royal Sussex

t^iment (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).

" Lieut. Austen served with the ist Battalion Shropshire Light Infantry in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was
;:sent at the surrender of Kafr Dowar and Damietta (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served in the expedition to
; Soudan m
1885 with the ist Battalion Shropshire Light Infantry, and was present in the engagement at Tak-
ill— wounded (Clasp).
301 The Duke
•*••" of Cambridge's uwn ^iviiauic&cis. x^x:e,^^^±j.uj.

^ ., ,-rT^ ir-7 77 \ -., ,7 YJtegimental District

{West Middlesex) and LNo. 57. — HouBslow.

Batt., ButUv»nt.
] Formcrhj the Slth
.ndBau.. ^'"P"'^
'/'];,^j^,,%jj,ese.r-I'«/.-e of Gamhridge's Oivn) Begiments.
are formed of the Elthorne and
East Middlesex Militia respectively
me ,rd anu
line 3ra 4111 Battalions
and 4 i 1
Cambridge's Coronet and Cypher " Seeingap^tam


V.^.'^^r.l^TA'^BMAN— BEVASIOrO^^^^^^

Holdich.= XCS. i:«*'-^«, 2 July 41; i<- ^Vl^xf*'

Capt^22 Feb.
L^' Colonel* S.r Fdward Alan CpZo«eZ. 28 Nov. 54; Major, 26 May
f'. I A,,<r
Aug. Brevet
.0: Lt. Co?oHe^ 28 May 53;
iirfTc/ .Vu;or, 2 5°,;
-^i""!,' ,
QeneVal, i Oct. 77 Colonel 57th Foot, 11 Bee. 75.
07; Lt. General S Anr 7^ ; ;

iliiior General, 3 Sept.

Co,n«u,n,ant WeUinjtonBepot ; En.ign, ,

^ih^ur L^anrTictf^Lt^^^^^^^^ Major, July 81 Lt. Colonel, 17 Dec. 85.
''27 Sept. I ;

AUR. 64 X>>.v Jnl.v67; Ca;»^



66 15 Dec. 69 24 Sept. 73 I July 87
Hamlet Dalton Wade-Dalton.....,.........|''i4 Sept. 27 Oct. 70 28 April 75 4 Jan. 82
...c. Henry Thomas
Hughes UaUett'... 13 Jan. 69
zg Apr.
'II Mar. 62 30 Dec. 64 12 Feb. 75 82
2 "Cockburu Forte 28 Oct. 71 12 Aug. 80 14 April 83
?3 Sept. 71
rh^MmL^i^y^^i^ricntc^oei'c^'.'ii 18 Dec. 63 7 Jan. 68 loOct. 74 8 Jan. 83
Stcunderabad -• i
July 64 28 Oct. 68 23 Jan. 79 30 Sept. 82
Herbert Michael Williams'" S
22 Mar. 71 1 Feb.79 28 June 84
KichardChicheley Thornton ''23 Oct. 67
I Jan. 73 27 Sept. 80 8 May 85
Augustus WestHill'^
George Fenton, V.A.A. General for ^ 2 Sept. 14 Oct. 71 6 Aug. 21 Dec. 8s
Musketry, Ireland i
Nov. 79 21 Dec. 85
Jan. 28 Oct. 71 15
Frederick Graham 8
at St ajr College... 12 Nov. 73 2 Jan. 8
James Grove White," 12 Nov. 73 14 Mar. 8
Napoleon Joseph Rodolph Blake" ......
Ruscombo Field Westmacott," Adj.'t f 9 Oct. 69 28 Oct. 71 23 Mar. 8
2 rd.Bn. Argyll 4- Sutherld.Uighldrs. )
12 Nov. 73 I April 8
Cecil Bowcher DuffMichel'«
Adoninh Graham Schuyler, Adjutant^ 12 Nov. 73 I June 81
Bumah State Bailtcai/ Volunteers ... j
21 Jan. I July 8
! Richard Woodroofe Graham'^ 74
Sydney Edwin Bellingham," Adju-') 24 Jan. 74 I Oct. 82
tant Hyderabad Rijle Volunteers i
Erne8tKdwardFoley,/lrf/.2(G/a?Mor-] 28 Feb. 74 23 Nov.
gan) Volunteer Bn. TVeUh jRegt J
13 June 74 29 Dec.
Charles Wallace Warden'^
21 Sept. 74 23 May
Ernest Venion Sellers,'^ Adj. i July 86
Francis Douglas Lnmley, Adiutant~) 10 Mar. 28 June
^ Battalion (6 Middletex Militia) J
22 May I Jan.
I Alexander Tower8-Clark»5 75
Robert Theophilous Hewitt Law,^") 24 Mar. 76 8 May
Ordnance Store Department j
1 Bobert Douglas Longe " • II Sept. 76 8 May 85
l>.s.e. Edward John Sharpe,^'
District 23 Sept. 85
\ 31 May 76
Staff Officer, Madras
Godlrey Charles George Norton, Ad- 19 Aug. 76 17 Dec. 8s
jutant 3 Bn. Middlesex Seat
1 William Scott - MoncrieH,'' Station ] May 10 Mar. 80 21 Dec. 85
I 78
Staff Officer,Kamptee >
Mar. 21 Dec. 8s
2 p.s.c. Nathaniel Walter Bamardiston.. 14 Sept. 78 11
George Beresfoid Lempriere 21 June 13 Mar. 14 June 87
2 George Walter Wrey SavUe,.;lcJ;u<a7in Mar. 14 June 87
7 Oct. 86 i
Lionel Grant Oliver, Adjutant Coorg > Aug. 21 July 80 18 Sept. 87
13 79
and Mysore Volunteers S
2 p.s.c. Louis William Bod6". IT May 12 Aug. 80
3 Charles Robert Dyer II Aug. I July 81

3 Reginald dc Hardewicko Burton II Aug. I July 13 Captain Towers-Clark served
I Eriicht Albert Bennett" 23 Oct. I July with the 57th Regiment in the Zulr
3 Hfnry Herriott WooUright 22 Oct. campaign of 1879, including th(
3 Fniiicis Siipic 10 May action of Gingindhlovu and relief
Bcitriini Edmund Ward, Supt. of) Ekowe. Served afterwards to th(

Gymnasia, If. British District 10 May

j end of the war as Orderly Officer t(
3 Edmund Douglass Harvest^* 10 May commandinj
Lt. Colonel Clarke while
J Kvelj'n William Medows Norie, on') successively the 2nd Brigade isi
s] trial service, Burmah
25 Aug.
j Division and "Clarke's Column.
I JamoK Kvro DrummondWard 30 Jan. Made .'several road surveys, including
EniCHt William Uokeby Stephenson 23 Aug. the road in Zululand from St. Paul'i
I ..

1 Algonitiu Korbec Rnudolph 23 Aug. Middle Drift of the Tugell

to the
3 WBllnco NcIk..i.»» 23 Aug. River (Medal with Clasp).
2 Roljcrl Maiidy Osborne Glynn 6 May 2" Captain Law served in the Zult
Kro^lerick (Jriiomo Batten 6 May war in 1879 (Medal with Clasp).
t Henry .Miintnguc Eustace 29 Aug. 21 Captain E. J. Sharpe served wit!
3 Robert llnll Hayes 29 Aug. the 57th Regiment in the Zulu war 0:
I Jenkiii Ktoplien Jones Nov. action 0:
1879, and was present at the
Fniiik Gforgo MatUias Rowley 30 Jan. Gingindhlovu and relief of Ekow(

Ali-xan.lci .Mull.ilv "30 Jan.

3 Willmiii Kdwnrd Hearth Bnrch and throughout the operations
7 July "Clarke's Column" (Modal witli
FredcTick William Charles Tumor Aug.
3 RoImti JamvH Kohh
25 Clasp) Served in the Egyptian wni

25 Aug. of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).

Reginald Percy Congrovo Schneider .. 25 Aug. 23 Lieut. Bennett served with the
Philip Byron Bohnn Porster 10 Nov.
Andrew Ducr6t Zhob Valley Expedition in 1884.
10 Nov.
. — .

Tlie Buke of Gamhridge's Own (Middlesex Begiment).

Second Lieutenants. ,
znd libut.
Charles Leslie Muriel 5 Feb. 87
William Charles Stuart Prince 16 '

Nov, "

Charles Hallyburton Campbell Grace...' 16 Nov,

William Francis Leader 19 Nov. 87
Frank Woolsey May "~
John Lane Harrinpjton 6 June
Edmund Ironside Ward 22 Aug
Charles Edward Pemberton 22 Aug
Archibald Roberts 3 Oct
George Gordon Grover 10 Nov,
George Aubrey Strahan 8 Dec,

Paymasters. George R. Ellis, 12 Aug. 84 Captain Essex Segment.

John Stoyte, 5 May 85 ; Major East Lancash, Ttegiment.
Quarter Masters Thomas Woodi^i^ 23 April 73 Hon. Captain, 23 Apr.
; 83.
2 Albert Edward Riddell, 8 Feb. 88 Son. Lieut. ;

Facings White. Agents, Messrs. Cox and Co.

lit Battalion returned from Zululand, October 1879. 2nd Battalion embarked for Bengal,

Sir Edward Holdich served Camp to Sir Harry Smith throughout the campaign on the Sutlej in
as Aide de
5-46, including the battles of Moodkee, Ferozeshah (wounded) Buddiwal, AUwal, and Sobraon severely wounded
, —
jdal and three Clasps). As Aide de Camp
to Sir Harry Smith in the action with and defeat of the rebel Boers at
mx Plaats (South Africa) on the 29th August 1848, and in the Kaffir campaign of 1850-51 (Medal, and Brevet of
Colonel). Served with the 80th Regt. in the Burmese war in 1853, with the expedition under Sir John Cheape
linst the robber chief Myattoon in the Donal^ew district, and at the assault and capture of his stronghold on the
\x March— succeeded to the command of a Wing of Infantry (Medal for Pegu, and CB.) Accompanied the 80th
Tt. to India in 1857, and served in the Sepoy rebellion. At the close of the operations in 1859 he succeeded Sir
red Horsford as Brigadier in command of the forces on the Nepaul frontier, when, in co-operation with the
paul troops, most of the rebel leaders and a large body of Sepoys who had taken refuge in the Nepaul Terai were
itured, for which services he received the thanks of Government, and on the breaking up of the Brigade was
Jointed, by Lord Clyde, Deputy Adjutant General of Her Majesty's Forces in India.
Lt. Colonel Matthews served with the 57th Regiment in New Zealand in 1865-67, and was present at the affair of
tomari (Medal). Serred as Acting Major of the 57th Regiment in the Zulu campaign of 1879, ^-^d wns present
.he action of Gingindhlovu and relief of Ekowe, and throughout the operations of "Clarke's Column" (Medal
,h Clasp).
Major Hallett served with the 57th Regiment in the latter part of the Zulu war of 1879, and throughout the
iratious of " Clarke's Column" (Medal with Clasp).
Major Garstin served as Adjutant of the 57th Regiment in the Zulu war of 1S79, including the action of
igindhlovu and relief of Ekowe, and the operations of " Clarke's Column" (Medal with Clasp). Served in the
idan campaign in 1885 as Deputy Assistant Adjutant General on the Lines of Communication and Base (Medal
-h Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Major Harris served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 as Deputy Assistant Quarter Master General Candabar
Id Force, and was present in the engagements at Girishk (wounded) and on the Helmund (mentioned in
patches), in the action at Maiwand (wounded), and in the defence of Candahar (Medal).
' Major Williams served in the Kafir war in 1877-78, and took part in the operations against the Galekas and
ikas mcluding the engagement at the Perie Bush; also served in the Zulu war in 1S79 (Medal with Clasp).
Major Hill, Captains White, Graham, Bellers, Longe, Scott-MoncriefF, and Bod^ served with the 57th Regiment
he Zulu war of 1879, and were present at the action of Gingindhlovu and relief of Ekowe, and throughout the
rations of " Clarke's Column " (Medal with Clasp)
Captain Blake served in the latter part of the Zulu war of 1879, first with the 57th Regiment and afterwards
Jarrison Adjutant at Fort Pearson (Medal with Clasp).
Captain Westmacott served in the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal with Clasp).
Captain Michel served throughout the Zulu war of 1879, first in the Transport Service and afterwards in the
nount Establishment (Medal with Clasp)
Captain Bellingham served with the 57th Regiment in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present at the action of
gindhlovu and relief of Ekowe, and throughout the operations of " Clarke's Column" (Medal with Clasp).
ved with the M ahsood Wuzeeree Expedition in
Captain Warden served with the 57th Regiment the Zulu war of 1879, and was present at the action of
gindhlovu and relief of Ekowe (Medal with Clasp).
Lieut. Harvest served in the Burmese Expedition in 1886 with the 23rd Madras Native Infantry (Medal
h Clasp).
with the Burmese Expedition in 1886-87 (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp).
Lieut. Nelson served
Wood served with the 57th Regiment in the Crimea from the 23rd September 1854, including
Balaklava and Inkerman, siege and fall of Sebastopol, attack of the Redan on the iSth Jixne, bom-
battles of
Iment and surrender of Kinboum (Medal with three Clasps, and Turkish Medal) Served also in the New .

land war from 1S61 to 1866 in the provinces of Taranaki and Wauganui (Medal). Served with the 57th Regi-
it in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present at the action of Gingindhlovu and relief of Ekowe, and throughout
operations of "Clarke's Column " (Medal with Clasp).
Eecord of the Services of ike 1st Battalion of the Middlesex Regiment (formerly the 57<A Megiment).
iised in 1755, and proceeded to the Mediterranean (as Marines), to 1757. Gibraltar, to 1763. Minorca, to 1767.
and, 101775. America, to 1783. Nova Scotia, to 1790. England and Scotland, to 1793. Low Countries, to 1793
•land, to June 1794. Low Countries, to 1795. England, to October 1795. West Indies, to 1S03. (2nd Battalion
edin:8o3.) England, to April 1804. Channel Islands, to October 1804. Gibraltar, to July 1809. Peninsula,
une 1814. Canada, to July 1815. (2nd Battalion reduced, Dec. 1815.) France, to November 1S17. Ireland, to
0.1824. England, to 1825. New South Wales (embarked in 16 convict ships), to March 1831. India, to Ajiril
England, to March 1848. Ireland, to Feb. 1853. Corfu, to Sept. 1854. Crimea, to May 1856. Malta, to Jlay

(A detachment at Aden from Sept. 1857 to March i860.) India, to Nov. i860. New Zealand, to April 1867.

land, to Sept. 1871. Ireland to Dec. 1873. Ceylon, to Feb. 1S79. South Africa, to Oct. 1870. Home, O^t. 1^79.
Jtecordof the Services of the 2nd Battalion of the Middlesex Begiment (formerly the y-jth Begiment).
used in 1787, and proceeded to India, March 1788. To England, 1807. Embarked for the Peninsula, 1811. To
vnd, 1S14. To Jamaica, 1824. To Ireland, 1834. To Malta, 1834. To Ceylon, 1842. To Jamaica, 1843. 'I'c
a Scotia, 1S46. To England, 1848. To Malta, 1854. To the Crimea, 1854. To England, 1856. To New South
05,1857. To India, 1858. To England, 1870 (being the first Regiment through the Suez Canal. Entitled J-he
e of Cambridge's Own Regiment of Foot," June 1S76, To India, iSSo.

The King's Royal Rifle Corps.

3°4 Wincheiter.J
Formerly the 6oth {The Kings Botjal Bifle Corps).
-r, »^ M. Sth ,
,th oi
Otn, lia, and gth Battalions are fomed of the Huntingdon, Flint, 2nd Middlese
The 5tli, ^j',.,^^^. ^,^j ^^^^.^1^ poj.^ Militia respectively.)
"Locibbubg" "Quebec, 1759" "Rolbia"
ij. i^," "Badajoz" "Salamanca" "Viitoeu
Peninsula" "Pfnjaub " " Mooltak
••PVBB»1B8 " " TaKU FOETS " J^' PekIN _' /J^ SoTJTH_ ApEICA, iS?!
|J^^"afBICA, 1S5.-2-3 " " DELHI
Egypt, 1882, 1884 " " Tel-bl-Kebib."
Kandahab. 18S0" "Afghanistan,

0/ Cambridge." KG. KT. KF. GCB. GCl

-<• if.". Sir Arthur Edwanl U^vAmB^^KCB CIE.,Bxtra Equerry io the Queer,
Commanaant ,
Qibraltar ; F.n,. "7 June 44 i'- ; "
Dec. 45 Cap*, ^i June 49 ; -B^.afa;

fw and Lt.Colonel, 20 Feb. 55; Colonel, 25 May 58; Major General, 6 Mar. 68 j
.r Cai.t
Co»,™a»<?aK< King's Royal Rifles, 13 March 86.
nJtrai .Oct 77; General. 1 Apr. 83; CoZoHeZ the Battal'on P21 May
Arthur Morris." Co«ma«d,-.^ 7 Jan. 86; £««>y», 58;
LieuUn^V Colonels" 4
Anril 60 Major, Oct. 80: Lt.Colonel, g Oct. 85.

^S/pieS^nCr*a4^r"*%mr»aW«^A.i?a?/a^ion, i July 87 ; Enngn, '24 Aug. 58; Li. P21 April,

' J^^y sf; Bt.Lt.Colonel, 18 Nov. 82; 4 Nov. 85; CoZonei,
cS^^S May Tors'-.
Nov.-- Commanding the battalion July 87 Ensign, 22 Nov. 55; LU
Alexander Anpus Airlie Kinloch,"
a Colonel, 2 Mar. 81 Major, i July 81 Colo
Pa4 Sept 58; Capt. 8 May 70 Bt. Major, 22
Nov. jg; Bt.Lt.Col, ; ;

the Battalion^ July 87 Dec. 60; Lieut. P24 Jan.

, }^le^¥homaB Vf'hii&kCT%mmanding
Cop?. 26Feb. ^"./''^ ' J^^y g' £^.Co?o>r e?,2iAp
73; '
Apr. 86.

3 George Lancelot McLean Farmer"
I Henry DonnldBrowne'? ... ..............
3 Edmund^ Lomax ^Fr«.er'B_ (s^^i*.
May! J

The Kliu/s Royal Rifle Corps. 305

Captains. aND 1 LIBUT.
Archibald Townshend Boultbee 21 July77 7 April 80
Dudley Granville Richard Ryder^' I May 78 28 April 80
George Conyers Baker Baker^* 14 Sept. 78 2 May
William Joseph Myers^^ 1 May 78 10 Nov. 80
Geoffrey George Gordon, ioni Tewkesbury" 21 June 79 10 Feb. 8
Francis Alexander Fortescue^^ 2 July 79 10 Feb. 8
Hon. Edward Stuart St. Aubyn" 2 July 79 26 Feb. 8
Henry Edward Buchanan-Riddell^' 13 Aug. 79 I July 8
Thomas Edward Milborue - Swinnerton-Pilkington,^' Aide de 1
Aug. July 8
13 79 I
Camp to Major General T. C. Lyons )

4 Walpole Swinton Kays 6 Aug. I July
Charles Roderick Robert M'Grigor"
p.s.c. 13 Aug I July
George Guy Hunter Allgood, .4(iJ«<ani I Nov. 87 11 Feb, I July
2 Arthur Dunbar Pixley" 25 Feb. I July
2 Henry Anstruther KiulocU, Adjutant 14 Nov. 8s . 8 May I July
4 William Dugald Stuart 23 June 80 I July
William Archibald Hicks Beach, A.D.C. to LordLieut. of Ireland... 23 June 80 I July
Francis Montagu Beaumont,^* Aide de Camp to General the\ ,, »„„ July
Hoii.Sir A.E. llardinge )
" ^^^' I

Evelyn William Thistlethwayte"^ 11 Aug. I July

I Robert Scarlett Bowen n Aug. I Jul>
1 Hiley Reginald Addington u Aug. I July
4 Arthur John Bonfoy St. Leger 23 Oct. I July
Theodore Scudamore-Stanhope," Army Service Corps
2Ion. Evelj'n 22 Jan. I July
3 William Horace Kennedy,'* Adjutant 17 June 85 19 Feb. I July
George Lionel Braikenridge KiViicik,'''' Army Service Corps 19 Feb. I July
2 Robert Lister Bower^ iq Feb. I July
Horace Newton 22 Oct.
2 Jame;^ Evan Saillie Martin 23 April 8: 1 July
4 Charles John Markham 27 Sept. 82
Gerald Neill Prendergast,8^ Army Seroice Corps 10 May 82
4 Oliver Stewart Wood Nugent, Station Staff Officer, Chuckrata 29 July 82
3 William Henry Salmon'*^ 9 Sept. 82
Frederick Brydges Major Henniker 27 Jan. 83
4 Arthur Blewitt 27 Jan. 83
4 Edward John Dewar 5 Dec. 83
3 Charles Francis Sewell^^ 19 Dec. 83
4 Henry Seymour Rawlinson 6 Feb. 84
1 Harry Francis Pakenham 6 Feb. 84
4 George Coryton Lister 6 Feb. 84
3 Cyril John Ryder 6 Feb. 84
2 George Herbert Shakerley 14 May 84
4 Charles Harry Fenwick 14 May 84
3 Charles Edward Henry Hobhouse 23 Aug.84
4 Craufurd Alexander Gordon Clark 23 Aug.84
4 Hunt Henry Allen Walsh 23 Aug.84
3 Thomas Lethbridge Napier Morland 23 Aug.84
2 Francis Arthur Browning 23 Aug.84
4 Reginald Stewart Oxley 23 Aug.84
3 Henry Charles Howard
12 Nov. 84
4 James Kiero Watson 25 April 85
3 Hon. St. Leger Henry Jervis 6 May 85
2 James Patrick Eden Gilmour 7 Feb. 85
2 Charles SlingsbyChapUn 6 May 85
I Norman Nevill Bedingfeld 9 May 85
3 Frank Douglas-Pennant 24 June 8s
Harry Prevost England Parker 29 Aug. 85
3 Cromer Ashburnham 30 Jan. 86
1 Steuart Welwood Hare sMay 86
John Curteis 12 May 86
2 St. John Douglas Townshend Loftus 25 Aug. 86
c>5 Aug. 86
4 George Wombwell
4 Hon. Stratford Haliday Robert Louis ToUemache 13 Nov. 86
4 Hon. John Roderick Brownlow 4 Dec. 86
Sbcond Libcienants. I

2 Herbert William Christian 30 July 87

3 Astley Herbert Terry 10 Sept
I Henry Charles Warre 5 Oct. 87
3 Alan Richard Montagu Stuart- Wortley 5 Nov
3 George Algernon James Soltau-Symons 19 Nov
3 tienry Tracy Peel 4 May
I Edward Xorthey
3 Hugh Blomfield Nicholson 11 Feb.
1 Mark Horace Kerr Pechell 11 Feb.
2 James Ha wley Gilbert Feilden i Aug. 88
1 H.U. Prince Christian Victor Albert Lud wig Ernst Anton o/) »,,_
Schleswig-Holstein ^^ -^"^
2 Ralph Patteson Cobbold 17 Oct
I Lachlan Campbell-Maclachlan 24 Oct.
3 Leopold Christian Duncan Jenner 21 Nov
3 Charles Gosling 22 Aug
Faymastera. — [11 June 84.
lion. Major
Alfred Stokes, 11 June 79 Ens. 22 July 5Sj^X/^i2 Nov. 58;_Cap^ 30 Aug.
; ,

4 Ingoldsby W. T. S. Smythe,^^ 11 Feb. 84 Ens. ^2 May 67] Lt. Oct. 71; Capt. 5.Sept. 82

Major, 21 Mar. 86.

2 John W. A. Marshall, 5 June 85 Capta Bn. West India Eegi

tarter Masters. —
4 Evi John Crane, 15 March 79; Hon. Li,
3 Edward Fenwick Overton,'*'* 3 May 84 ; Hon. Lieut.
2 Alfred Wynn,89 19 Sept. 85 ; Uon. Lieut.
John William Dwane, 15 Feb. 88 Hon. Lieut,
I ;

ist Battalion returned from Halifax, Nova Scotia, 2 Jan. 77. Aldershot.
2nd Battalion returned f-om Bengal, 1882. Enniskillen. Green-Facings Scarlet.
3r(i Battalion embarked for Natal, 19 February 1879. Gibraltar. Agents, Messr::. Cox and Co.
4<A Battalion embarked for India, 2 November 1876. Chuckrata, ISenqa '.
. . 1

3o6 The King's Royal Bifle Corps.

The Duke of Cambridge.— For War Services, see Grenadier Guards. ^. ,^ , . .^
» General Hon. Sir A. E HardinRe served as Aide de Camp to Lord Hardinge througliout the campaign on t
(horse shot) and Sobraon (Medal and t
SaUei in 1845-46. and was present in the battles of Moodkee, Ferozeshah
General to the 1st Division, and at He
ClMP6». Sorvod the Eastim campaign of 1854-55. first as D.A.Q.M.
at Head Quarters, including the battles
Qu»rt«'r8, ond from the spring of 1855 as Assist. Qr. Master General
Alma Balaklava and Xnkerman, and siege of Sebastopol (Brevet of Major, Medal with four Clasps, CB., Kmght
tlie Lemon of Honor. Turkish Medal, and 5th Class of the
Medjidie promoted to 2nd Class of the Medjidie in 187

" Lt Colonel Morris served with the 60th Rifles throughout the campaign of i86oin China (Medal with t-
CIA8D8) Served with the 3rd Battalion 60th Rifles in the latter part of the Zulu war of 1879 (Medal with Clasp).
'• Colonel Cramer served with the 3rd Battalion 60th Rifles in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present at t

action of Gingindhlovu and relief of Ekowe (Medal with Clasp). Served with the 3rd BattaUon King's Ro;
BUfle Corps in the Egvptian war of 1882, and was present in the engagement at Tel-el-Mahuta, the action m
Kassasic (9th Scptem"ber), and as Brigade Maior of Ashbumham's Brigade at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir— horse s)
(mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of the Osmanieh, and Khedive's Sta
•« Colonel Kinloch served in the Afghan war of 1S78-80 as Deputy Assistant Quarter Master General, and v

present at the attack and capture of Ali Musuid. with the expeditions into the Bazar Valley under Lieut. Gene
Maude (mentioned in despatches), and in the advance to Cabul under Brigadier General Charles Gough (m
tioned in despatches. Brevets of Major and Lt.Colonel, Medal with two Clasps).
' Major Donald Browne served in the Boer war in 1S81 as Aide de Camp to Major General Buller, Chief of '

" Colonel Frascr served on the Red River Expedition of 1870. Served in South Africa in 1879 as Orde
Officer to Colonel Baker Russell, commanding the forces in the operations against Sekukuni, and took part in
•tonning of the stronehold and capture of the chief (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with Clas
Served with the 3rd BattaUon King's Royal Rifle Corps in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in 1

reconnaissance in force from Alexandria on 5th August, in the engagement at Tel-el-Mahuta, in the action
Kassasin (qth September), and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of the Osmanieh, s'
Khedive's Suir) also served in the Soudan Expedition in 1884 with the 3rd BattaUon King's Royal Rifle Coi;,

and was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, ti
"Major Farmer served with the 2nd Battalion 60th Rifles in the Afghan war from Octoberi878 to Octo :

1880 and took part in the advance on and occupation of Candahar and Khelat-i-Ghilzie (Medal). Served in ,i

Uarri Expedition under Brigadier General MacGregor (mentioned in despatches). Served in the Boer war in 1
with the Natal Field Force.
" Major Chalmer served with the 2nd Battalion 60th Rifles in the Afghan war from February 1879 to Novem :

1880 during the occupation of Candahar, and as Brigade Major to Brigadier General Barter's Brigade, and '

preecnt in the engagements at Ahmed Kheyl and Urzoo near Ghuznee (mentioned in despatches), and in 'l

Bubsequcnt operations in the Logar VaUcyj accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Canda 1

a« Brigade Major to Brigadier General MacGregor's Brigade, and was present at the battle of Candahar (ir •

tioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal with two Clasps, and Bronze Decoration). Also served as Brig ,1

Major to Brigadier General MacGregor in the Marri Expedition (mentioned in despatches) Served in the 1 . :

war of i88i with the 2nd Battalion King's Royal Rifles in the Natal Field Force.
" Major AsteU served with the 3rd BattaUon of the 60th Rifles in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present at •

action of Gingindlilovu and relief of Ekowe (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Boer war of 1881 with the 1

Battalion King's Royal Rifles in the Natal Field Force.

" Lt.Colonel C. H. Smith served with the 3rd Battalion 60th Rifles in the Zulu war from April to September :
(Medal with Clasp). Also served in the Boer war of iSSi, and was present in the engagements at Lang's Nek i
thelngogo River. Served with the 3rd Battalion King's Royal Rifle Corps in the Egyptian war of 18S2, and 3
present in the reconnaissance in force from Alexandria on 5th August, in the engagement at Tel-el-Mahuta, 3
action at Kassaain (9th September), and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned iu despatches. Brevet of Ma
Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Nile Expedition in 18S4-85 with the Egyptian Army, : 1
was employed on the Lines of Communication was afterwards Commandant at Semneh (mentioned 1

^''®^'^' °^ ^'•^°'°'^'^'' Clasp); also served iu the operations

??P*„'f''®®' of the Soadau Frontier Field Force
" Major Mends served in the Boer war of 18S1. 1

" Major the Hon. Keith Turncur served in the Red River Expedition of 1870. Also with the 3rd Battalion lii
Hides in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present at the action of Gingindhlovu andreUef of Ekowe (Medal with Cla .).

"" „""'*o" Adjutant at Pietermaritzburg during the Boer war in 1S81.

n\f Huttori served with the 3rd Battalion 60th Rifles iu the Zulu war of
-i^f 1879 ; ^^as present at the actic !)1

uiuginaijiovu and relief of Ekowe; and afterwards served as Aide de Camp to Maior General Crealock, commi !
ing the niv.sion (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Boer
war in 1881 with Barrow's Mounted Infan>,
Bcrvea Ihrough.nit the Egyptian war of 1882 as Aide de Camp to Major General Sir Archibald AUson, ra a
^PiU'ted Infantry Corps, and was present at the reconnaissance in force from Alexandria h
of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned iu despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp, 4th C 6
«f i^^U" ^" 1" ,?f''''°

Tnf-,f. „
'^' 1°'?" ^'"^'?'^^'^^''»'')- Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 as Commandant of Mom id
*^''""' '*'
''^ ^""^'^ ^^^^'''""' ^'^•'"'^''^'^ General; raised the ist and 2nd Battalions of Moui d
Infkntry^cTus )
" Major Archer served on the Red River expedition of 1870. Served in the Afghan war in iSSo (Mec I.
8crve.l with the 3rd Battalion 60th Rifles in the Boer
war in 18S1. Served with the 3rd Battalion King's RmI
Kiiie Lon)» in the Egj-ptian war of 1882, and
was present in the reconnaissance in force from Alexandria on k
'/if ? P"K"Kement at Tel-Ql-Mahutn, in the action at Kassasin (9th September), and at the battle of ',•
(Me<lal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star.)
U.t;olonel Fetherstonhaugh served with the 3rd Battalion
60th Rifles in the Zulu war from April to Senten ,r
."'' * '""I"'- '''crvcd with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the Mounted In far try ol the De t
7'" r''"''«<^"'' JJt "10 actions at AbuKlea and El Gubat, and in the reconnaissance to iletnm h
•^M "in, ,"i'i *''^" '""^®'' ^'''r' "^ I'tL'oinnel, Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star)
.„»J^^ .. °" "'" ^^ ^'vei' Expedition of 1870. Served in the Egyptian war of 1SS2, and Is
'" *^° "f^''"" ''t Kassasin (9th September), and at the battle of ••
«I.KSr«p'I!i. l'fr°,"»''l'*'M"°"\'''.7°'"'''".\'"'-'"^"'
<,l«uin.4ih l^'n i?^v'r'°"'Vj^^^^^^^ (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal it
CliiBB of the Medjidie. and Khecbve's Star).
"^ '"''•""'" ""^'^C'l with the
2nd Battalion 60th Rifles in the Afghan war from December 1870 to Novet'f
-v, .n.V'^.'
'°,^?*'''''^°"'?''''''' "tAlimed Kheyl and Urzoo near Ghuznee; accompanied Sir Frede k
l^lirt^ n ir,.';i!?.?'i ."V.
n^^^, m H r^ ^,!"'i','""'.'"'
"'"> 7"." P^'^sent at the battle of Candahar (Medal with two Clasps, and Br< e
Expedition under Brigadier General MacGregor. Served with the 3rd Battr n
Kmi^^ ovul uZlr ^^".^^"JJ' '•'"•I't''"' "•"'• "f -SS-. and was present in the reconnaissance in force n
KndHun, A^"^*; '".V""
'"?'5"»;";,""="^ »• ?"'' cl-Mahuta, in the action at Kassasin (9th September), ar.t

ihcT."uo r Tol K„1"r }w" V'?

'""' Kl't-'livo's Star); also served in the Soudan Expedition in I4
wilhUio ,rd nattoi.n^^
" Canu in AnrJSvZr^. i'^»i ,"Vi' "" "'"^ ""'" '^'"'=«°'" '" ^^'^ engagement at Temai (two Clasps).

l.on kIVikV UovnTuTtL'' rU'^i'l'n'.'iV';'' ""l^'^'ion

6oth Rifles
^ ^,S in'
^- *^« ^^-'-

the Boer war

--of 1879, and was present at.e

in ,881. Served with the 3rd B> i-

''-"^ " "'"' '° '""' and Acting Assist

BorvM ,n ih"
'"'' "oth Rifles in the Afghan warfrom March toOctoberiSyg (Me ).
l2!^.r w^r^ofTsfi.

.gt^^'nd'wJ^lljXiaTrf'thJ'^M i''*
'"'^ I'attalion 60th Rifles in the Afghan war from January 1879 to Oct «
K'>°y> '""I Urzoo near Ghuznee, and in the subseq 1
opcratl.,,, irCLoL"v'?"v "T"'*"'''' '\^A'""<"'
M the reconiLiWncTof
reconnoiMancc of jiet
^,"' ''r'"'o"ck Roberts in the march to Caidahar. and was pre
Anguat and in the battle of Candahar (Medal

with two Clasps, and Bronze Dec i-

. .

Tlic K'niifs Boj/al Uijle Corps. 307

tions). Served in the Marri Expodition under Brigadier General MacGresjor in iSSo. Served as Deputy Assistant
Adjutant and Quarter Master General at Durban during the Boer war in 1881.
*^ Captain Lovett served with the 2nd Battalion 60th Rifles in the Afghan war from February 1879 to November
1880, and was present in the engagements at Ahmed Kheyl and Urzoo near Ghuznee; accompanied Sir Frederick
Roberts in the march to Gandahar, and was present at the battle of Caudahar (Medal with two Clasps, and
Bronze Decoration). Served in the Marri Expedition under Brigadier General MacGregor. Served in the Boer
war in i88r with the Natal Field Force. Served with the 3rd Battalion King's Royal Rifle Corps in the Egyptian
war of 1882, and was present in the action at Kassasia (9th September), and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir
(Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
6 Captain Gunning served with the 3rd Battalion 60th Rifles in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present at the action
of Gingindhlovu and relief of Ekowe afterwards served as Adjutant of the Battalion throughout the operations

of " Clarke's Column" (Medal with Clasp)

^ Major Herbert served in the latter part of the Zulu war of 1879 with the 3rd Battalion 60th Rifles (Medal with
Clasp). Served in the Soudan Expedition in 1884 with the 3rd Battalion King's Royal Rifle Corps, and was
present in the engagements at El Teb and Tomai (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
« Captain Baynes served with the 2nd Battalion 60th Rifles in the Afghan war from October 1878 to November
1879, and took part in the advance on and occupation of Candahar and Khelat-i-Ghilzie ; was Assistant Field
Engineer in the Candahar Field Force from February to August 1879 (Medal). Served in the Boer war of 18S1
with the 2nd Battalion 60th Rifles. Served in the Soudan Expedition in 1S84 wifh the 3rd Battalion King's Royal
Rifle Corps, and was present in the engagement at Temai (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served during
the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 as Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quarter Master General at Alexandria.
3 Captain R. G. Buchanan Riddell served in the Boer war of 1881.
50 Captain C. S. G. Canning served in the Soudan Exoedilion in 1884 with the 3rd Battalion King's Royal
Rifle Corps, and was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
51 Lord Frederick FitzGerald served as Adjutant with the 2nd Battalion 60th Rifles in the Afghan war from

October 187S to November 1880, took part in the advance on and occupation of Candahar and Khelat-i-Ghilzie, and
was present in the engagements at Ahmed Kheyl and Urzoo near Ghuznee accompanied Sir Frederick Roberta

in the march to Candahar, and was present at the battle of Candahar (Medal with two Clasps, and Bronze Decora-
tion). Served in the Marri Expedition under Brigadier General MacGregor. Served in the Boer war of 1881.
Served with the 3rd Battalion King's Royal Rifle Corps in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the action
at Kassasin (gth September), and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Also
served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 as Aide de Camp to Sir Redvers BuUor, Chief of the Staff (mentioned
in despatches. Brevet of Major, Clasp).
52 Captain W. P. Campbell served in the Nile Expedition in
1S84-85 with the Mounted Infantry, and was present
in the engagements at Abu Idea and El Gubat (Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
53 Major Davidson served with the 2nd Battalion 60th Rifles in the Afghan war from October 1878 to November

2SS0, took part in the advance on and occupation of Candahar and Khelat-i-Ghilzie, and was present m the engage-
ments at Ahmed Kheyl and Urzoo near Ghuznee (mentioned in despatches) ; served as Aide de Camp to Sir
Donald Stewart at Cabul, and accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Ca.ndahar as Aide de Camp to
Major General Ross, and was present at the battle of Candahar (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal
with two Clasps, and Bronze Decoration). Served in the Marri Expedition under Brigadier General MacGregor.
Served in the Boer war of 1881 with the Natal Field Force on signalling duty. Served in the Egyptian war of
1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's
Star). Served with the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85 on special service and as
Acting Inspector of Army Signalling (mentioned in despatches).
5* Captain Butler served in the Boer war in i88i attached to the 3rd Battalion 60th Rifles.
55 Captain Banks served with the 2nd Battalion 60th Rifles in the Afghan war from October 1878 to August 1880,

took part in the advance on and occupation of Candahar and Khelat-i-Ghilzie, and was present in the engagements
at Ahmed Kheyl and Urzoo near Ghuznee (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Marri expedition under Brigadier
General MacGregor. Served in the Boer war of i83i with the Natal Field Force
55f Captain Bewicke served in the Nile Expedition in 1S84-85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
56 Captain Golightly served with the 2nd Battalion 60th Rifles in the Afghan war from October 1878 to November

1880, part of the time as Orderly Officer to Brigadier General Fane took part in the advance on and occupation of

Candahar and Khelnt-i-Ghilzie, and was present in the engagements at Ahmed Kheyl and Urzoo near Ghuznee
(mentioned in despatches) accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar, and was present at

the battle of Caudahar (Medal with two Clasps, and Bronze Decoration) . Served as Superintoudent of Field Tele-
graphs in the Marri expedition under Brigadier General MacGregor. Served in the Boer war of t88i with the
Natal Field Force.
Captain Legh served with the 2nd Battalion 60th Rifles in the Afghan war from October 1878 to November 1880,
took part in the advance on and occupation of Candahar and Khelat-i-Ghilzie, and was present in the engagements
at Ahmed Kheyl and Urzoo near Ghuznee accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar, and

was present at the battle of Candahar (Medal with two Clasps, and Bronze Decoration). Served iu the Marri
Expodition under Brigadier General MacGregor. Also served in the Boer war of i88i with the Natal Field Force.
58 Major Montagu Stuart Wortley served in Afghanistan from October
1879 to August 1880 with the Kooruni
Force as Transport Officer and Assistant Superintendent of Army Signalling (Medal). Served in the Brer war of
1881 with the Natal Field Force. Served in the Egyptian war of 1882 as Orderly Officer to Sir VV. O. Lanyon and
to Sir Baker Russell, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85, and was present at the action of Abu Klea and in the reconnaissance
to Metammeh (mentioned in despatches, two Clasps, 4th Class of the Medjidie, and CMG. in recognition of his
services in Egypt) also served in the operations of the Egyptian Frontier Field Force in 1885-86 as Deputy

Assistant Adjutant and Quarter Master General (Brevet of Major).

5' Captain Lysons served with the 2nd Battalion 60th Rifles in
the Afghan war from October 1S78 to October :879,
and took part in the advance on and occupation of Candahar and Khelat-i-Ghilzie (Medal). Served in the Boer
war of 1881 with the Natal Field Force.
'" Captain Brodie served in the Afghan war
as Assistant Superintendent of Army Signalling with the Khyber
Line Force under Major General Bright (Medal). [See also Civil Decorations for Gallantry, p. 128.]
" Captain Ryder served with the 3rd Battalion 60th Rifles in the latter part of the Zulu war of 1879 (Medal)
Also .served with the 3rd Battalion in the Boer war in 1881, and was present in the engagements at. Lang's Nek
and the Ingogo River. Served with the 3rd Battalion King's Royal Rifle Corps in the Egyptian war of 1882,
and was present in the engagement at Tel-el-Mahuta, in the action at Kassasin (gth September), and at the battle
of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star); also served in the Soudan Bspedition in 1884 with the
3rd Battalion King's Royal Rifle Corps, and was present in the engagement at Temai (two Clasps).
5' Captain Baker served with the 3rd
Battalion 60th Rifles in theZulu war of 1879, and was present at the action
Of Gingindhlovu and relief of Ekowe (Medal with Clasp) Also served with the 3rd Battalion in the Iioer war in 1881,

and was present at the engagements at Lang's Nek and the Ingogo River. Served with the 3i'd Battalion King s
Royal Rifle Corps in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the action at Kassasin (9th September) and
at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star); also served in the Soudan Expedition in
1884 with the 3rd Battalion King's Royal Rifle Corps, and was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai
(two Clasps).
" Captain Myers served with the 3rd Battalion 60th Rifles in the Zulawar from April to September 1879 (Medal
with Clasp). Served in the operations of the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86 as Aide de Camp to Sir
Frederick Stephenson, and was present in the ouffagement at Giniss (Medal, 4th Class of the Medjidie, and
Khedive's Srar).
" Lord Tewkesbury served with the 2nd Battalion 60th Rifles in the Afghan war from December 1879 to October
1880, and was present in the engagements at Ahmed Kheyl and Urzoo near Ghuznee accompanied Sir Frederick

Roberts in the march to Candahar, and was present at the battle of Candahar (Medal with two Clasps, and Bronze
Decoration). Served with the 3rd Battalion in the Boer war in iSSi.
^oy„ The King's Eoyal liifle Corps.
r«t>ij«in Fnri^scue seived with the ind Datt m 6cth Rifles in the Afghan war from April to„October iSSo, and
. ,

pi^nt in the cuKapcn.cnU

ivas pre»ent _ Khc^ and Urzoo near Ghuznee accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts
_ at Ahmed 1 ; Roberta
thejjattle^of Candahar (Medal with two Clasps, and Bronze Decoration).

in the mnn-U toCuirdabarrand\va.«l:n«eiitat

n.rvwJir the Uocr war in 1881 with the Natal Field Force. „.„ „ , . ,

•Ti^antain Hon K S St. Aubvn served with the 3rd Battalion

King's Royal RiUe Corps in the Egyptian war of :

.Ffii Riul wB» uresent in the reconnaiesance in force from

Alexandria on 5th August, m the engagement at Tel-
the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and
el-Mnhuui. in the action at Kaseasin (9th September), and at
60th Rifles in the Boer war in 1S81. Served
'^•"cHutaiu H^ K Huchanan-Riddell served with the 3rd Battalion
with the ird Hattttlion King's Royal Rifle Corps in the
Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the reconnais-
Rinco in force from Alexandria on 5th August, in the engagement at
Tel-el-Mahuta, m
the action at Kaseasin
(oth ScDtember) and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal
with Clasp, and Khedive s Star) also served in the ;

Rifle Corps, and was present in the engagements

Sou.lan Expedition in 1884 with the 3rd Battalion King's Royal
lit El Teb and Temai (two Clasps). (Served in the Soudan campaign 1885 m
" Captain I'ilkington served in the Boer war in lESi as Transport Officer. Served in the Egyjitian war of 3882 as
.\ctinir Aide de Camp to Sir Archibald Alison, and was
present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp,

Lieut M'tJrieor served in the Boer war -j. /881 as Adjutant of the 3rd Battalion 60th Rifles, and was present
in the Egyptian war of 1882 as Adjutant 3rd
in the enRaeemenUs at Lang's Nek and the Ingogo River. Served
liattnlion King's Kcval Rifle Corps, and was pres.nt in the
reconnaissance m
force from Alexandria on 5th August,
(gth September), and as Orderly Officer to Brigadier
in the engagement at Tel-el-Mahute, the action at Kassasin
A»hbumhain nt the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star) also served throughout the

Soudan Expedition in 1884 as Adjutant to the 3rd Battalion King's Royal Rifle Corps, and was present in the
encagcraents at El Teb and Temai (5th Class of the Medjidie, two Clasps). Served with the expedition to the
Soudan in 1885 as Aide de Camp to Major General Ewart, Commanding Lines of Communication (Clasp).
^ Lieut. Pixlcy 8er\'ed as Column Transport Officer in the Boer war of iSSi, and was present in the engage-
menu at Lang's'Nek and the Ingogo River— severely wounded.
Captain Beaumont served with the 3rd Battalion 60th Rifles in the Boer war in 1881, and was present in the
emgagemcnts at Lang's Nek and the Ingogo River. Served with the 3rd Battalion King's Royal Rifle Corps in .

the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the reconnaissance in force from Alexandria on 5th August, in the
i-niragemciit at Tel-el-Mahuta, in the action at Kassasin (9th September), and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal

with Cla.Kp, and Khedive's Star) also served in the Soudan Expedition in 1884 in charge of Signallers, and was

present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai (mentioned in despatches, two Clasps). Served with the Nile
Expe<iition in 1884-85 on f i'.-niillin:.' (iutio^, and was present at the action of Kirbekan (two Clasps).
"» Lieut. Thistlethwayto >i i\ id in tin- Boer war of 1881 (wounded).
~ Lieut. Uon. E.S. Scudainurc-^ served with the 3rd Battalion King's Royal Rifle Corps in the Egyptian
ward 1S83, and was present m the reconnaissance in force Irom Alexandria on 5th August, in the engagement at

"Tel-el Mahutn, in the action at Kassasin (9th September), and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and '

Khedive's Star) also served in the Soudan Expedition in 1S84 with the 3rd Battalion King's Royal Rifle Corps,

and was pres^cnt in the engagement at El Teb (two Clasps).

^ Lieut. Kennedy served in the Egyptian war of 1882 as Transport Officer to the 3rd Battalion King's Royal
Rifle Corps, and was present in the engagement at Tel-el-Mahuta, in the action at Kassasin (jth September),
and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
7> Lieut. Killick ser\-ed with the 3rd Battalion King's Royal Rifles in the Egyptian war of 18S2, and was present
in the reconnaissance in force from Alexandria on the 5th August, and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with
Clasp, and Khedive's Star) also served in the Soudan Expedition in 1884 with the 3rd Battalion King's Royal

Bifle Corps, and was present in the engagement at El Teb (two Clasps).
"> Lieut. Bower served with the 3rd Battalion King's Royal Rifle Corps in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was
present in the reconnaissance in force from Alexandria on 5th Augtist, in the engagement at Tel-el-Mahuta, in the
action at Kassasin (9th September), and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star) also ;

served in the Soudan Expedition under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884 with the 3rd Battalion King's Royal Eifle
Corps in charge of the Regimental Transport, and was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai (men-
tioned in despatches, two Clasps). Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the Mounted Infantrv, and com-
raanded the picked shots who accompanied Lord Charles Beresford up the Nile to the relief of Sir Charles Wilson
when wrecked near Khartoum (mentioned in despatches, Clasp).
" LieuW. Prendergast and Sewell served in the Soudan Expedition in 1884 with the 3rd Battalion King's Royal-
Rifle Corps, and was present m the engagement at Temai (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
» Lieut. Salmon served in the Soudan Expedition in 1884 with the 3rd Battalion King's Royal Rifle Corps, aii4
was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
»* Major Smythe.— For War Services, see Army Pay Department.

** Lieut. Overton served with the 3id Battalion of the

60th Rifles in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present
in the engagement at Gingindhlovu and nt the relief of Ekowe (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Boer war of
1881 with the 60th Rifles. Served throughout the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the reconnaissance '

in force from Alexandnn on the 5th August, in the engagement at Tel-el-Mahuta, at the action at Kassasin (gth
heptcmbcr), and at tbo battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star) also seried in the Soudan

Exi>e<lition in 1834 with the 3rd Battalion King's Royal Rifle Corps, and was
present in the engagements
^ at El Teb
and Tcmai (two Clasps).
^""^ Afghan war of .878-80 with the 2nd Battalion of the 60th Kifles, and was present
.V," !^'^'?^.)y^i?'!J/''^r^'""} 'I? at
""^ '" engagements at Ahmed Kheyl and Urzoo near Ghuznee accompanied
i!". ^^^Lil^RK^
."•".[' J¥
"^^^"^ to Candahar, and was present at the battle of Candahar (Medal wtb

Tin ru«n« nn? i^ n 'V«°''''"°"'-,


«"ved With the Marri Expedition in 1881 under Brigadier General

Mi^)«^nr' ^fr.i^i
MacOroKor. Serrcd m the
.h Boer war ^o''°
of i38i with the Natal Field Force.
1 1

The Duke of Edinburgh's (Wiltshire Regiment). 3o8

Regimental District
and^Bku.', Bubathoo, Bengal. ] For merit/ the 62 tul {Wiltshire) and the \nT.62 Devizes.
ggth Duke of Edinhiirgh's (LanarJcshire) Begiments.
(The 3rd Battalion is fonued of the Wiltshire Militia the 4th Battalion is not yet formed.) ;

Duke of Edinburgh's Coronet and Cypher. "Nivb" "Pektinsula" "FEBozEsnAH" "Sobbaon"

"Sevastopol" " Pekin " "New Zealand" "South Afhica, 1879."
.—I Charles Lennox Brownlow Maitland,' CB. JEnn.
Colonels.- Lt. 'q Apr. 41 Lt <f Cntf p^t vrnrr-h ^fi-
<f- •

Mvor, 15 aept.
Brevet Major, 6 "
Sept. 4»
48 Capt. or
uapr. Lt.Colonel, 2a
if J^c.uoionei., 28 sept.
Sept. 54 Uoloiiel,
Colonel, 15 MLjorQe
Jan. 60; Major
^^3a.n. ^ "' "
; General
68; Lieut. General, i Oct. 77; General, i Dec. 84; Colonel ist Battalion Wiltshire Ro"iaicnt 12 March 84
2 Sir Henry James Warre,^ .fiTCjB. Ensign, 3 Feb. 37; Lt. 1 June 41 Capt. P8 Jan. 47 Major j'Nov '54 ;
Lt ;

Colonel, 9 March 55; Colonel, 9 March 58; Major General, 6 March 68; Lieut General i Oct' 77 •

General, 26 Dec. 80; Colonel 99th Foot, 8 Oct. 80. // . . •

Lieutenant Colonels.— 2 p.s.c. ChAvloahaconKArvey ,* Commanding the Battalion, 7 Jan. 86; Ensign
5 Mar
sS;i^. July 60 Capt. ''23 Oct. 67 ; Bt. Major, 29 Nov. 79 Major, i July 8: ; Lt. Colonel, 24 Dec.
; ;
Colonel, 24 Dec.
Thomas Fentham Todd, Commanding the Battalion, 31 Dec. 87 -B«S(7«, P20 Mav J-
6d Lt P7 ^"0-07.
Ano- fi,
; .

Capt. 28 April 75 Major, i July 8i ; Lt.Colonel, 22 Feb. 86.

4 7 ,


Majors. I

Charles Heni'y Scott KeunedyO II Sept. 63 27 June 74 25 Oct. 81

Robert Benjamin Cotton? P18 Oct. 64 31 Oct. 77 7 Jan. 82
Robert Hayne '.

''25 Sept. 67 II May 78 10 June 82

William Bowlas Williams, Adjutant 1 '•30 Oct.
Battalion (Wiltshire Militia)
67 13 July 78 28 Oct. 8s
3 Ji
P Nov.
Henry Charles Harford* 5 30 Mar. 8 7 Jan. 86
Harry Molyneux Carter 8 Jan. 7 Aug. 78 17 Jan. 86
George Lake Talbot Denniss' ''27 April 70 7 Jan. 80 22 Feb. 86
James Moore Hanson'" ' 3 April 66 6 Dec. 77 1 July 8S

I James Henry Bowhill" 13 Mar. 80
I John Frederic Inglis, Adj. 22 Feb. 88. 19 May 80
1 p.s.c. Finlay Cochrane Beatson II Mar. 81
2 Claud Henry Alexander-^ I .luly 81
2 Edward Cleary Hill" I July 81
2 Hari-y Wetherell Rowden'^ 25 Oct. 81
Herbert Thomas De Cartaret Hobbs,
17 Jan. 82
Army Fay Department
Charles Edward Lane Clarke 10 June 82
11 Feb. 85
26 April 85
1 Walter Dally Jones.'s at. Staff College... 26 April 85
2 Ale.xander Vaughan Payne^" 7 Jan. 86
Bertram Everard Winter 17 Jan. 86
Francis Pitcairn Cockburn^^ 19 May 80 22 Feb. 86
Herbert Alfred Stock, Instructor ) June 80
24 22 Feb. 83
Royal Military College )
2 Godfrey Owen George Massy II Nov. 80 22 Feb. 88
Charles James Randolph 18 Dec. 80 I July 88
Francis Slater Picot, Adjutant 2 )
30 Mar. 8 I July 88
Volunteer Battalion Wiltshire Regt. S
Carleton Hooper Morrison KLrkwood... 14 June 82 18 Jan. S3

Henry MacDougall Robertson Menzies I July 81
2 Richard William Crundell Brook I July 81
2 Ernest Campbell Eicke I July 8:
2 Ernest Herbert John Reay 22 Oct. 81
Neville Douglas Macdonald, Staffs 22 Oct. 81
College 3
Louis Herbert Warden 22 Oct. 81
2 Robert Hastings Price Snow 22 Oct. 81
2 Harvey Beauchamp Welman 9 Sept. 82
2 Walter Leslie Rocke 10 May 82
1 WUfred Nash Bolton 10 Mar. 83
2 Graham Joseph Dickson. 6 Feb. 84
1 Robert William Trim 14 May 84

Captain Cockburn served witb

2 Arthur Gordon Jetfreys 23 Aug. 84 99th Regiment throughout the
I Thomas Wyatt Hale 7 Feb. 85 Zulu w,i,r of 1879, and was presenti
I Leonard Holmes-a'Court 28 Feb. 85 in the engagement at Gingindhlovu
1 William Eyre Matcham 6 May 85 (Medal with Clasp).
24 June 85 23 Lieut. Dill served throughout the
George Harrington Bush
2 Arthur Walter Hasted 9 May 85 Egyptian war of 1882, and was pre-
Cyril Powney Thompson 29 Aug. 85 sent at the action at Kassasin on the
1 James bVederick Forbes 30 Jan. 86 gth September and at the battle of
2 Richard Dill23 28 July 86 Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and
Francis Frederick B idcock 25 Aug. 86 'Khedive's Star).
2 Arthur Alison Stuart Barnes 25 Aug. 86 21 Lieut. Strachan served in the
Ernest Stanley Hall 25 Aug. 86 Zulu -war in 1879, and was present in
Charle.s William Herbert Symonds 25 Aug. 86 the engagement at Inyezane and at
Alfred Carnac Watson 25 Aug. 86 the investment of Ekowe (Medal with
Second Lieutenants.
I Ernest C/odrington 14 Sept. 87
I Reginald Holdeu Steward 16 Nov
I WiUiam Lambert Fair 11 Feb,
1 Edward Vincent 9 May
2 Cecil Patton Down 22 Au
'2 Gerard Christopher Rigby 22 Aug
I2 Stephen Hungerford Pollen 22 A
I John Holberton Whitehead
I2 Smart George Kmx I 19 Sept,
11 Arthur Edward Harington Raikes 10 Nov.
. ;

rew> Scr. 3o8<t 7'Ae DuAre 0/ Edinhurglis (Wilisliire Eeglment).

roll H>U
Wm. J. D. Russell, 27 Dec. 79 -E"'- ''^g 3^ay 69 Lt. ^28 June 71 Capt. i March 79 Son.
fa,ma.ler:-a : ; ; ;

ifajor, 27 Dec. 84. _ , , .. x

Bertram E. Winter, Captain i Battalion {acting),
Quarttr ifatlert—i David Strachan," 7 Jan. 82 Son.
Lieut. ;

1 Samuel White, i July 83

Son. Lieut. ;

2='ucijio» White.— .Jf/fw'K, Messrs. Cox and Co.

iBt Battalion returned from Bengal. 1S82.

2„d Battalion embarked for the Cape of Good Sope, 1878.
Secretary to Sir Peregrine
Ucncml Mnitland served in the campaign of ,846-47 against the Kaffirsofas Military

.Maitliuid (Hrevet of Major and Medal). Served the Eastern campaign 1854 as Deputy Assistant Adjutant
General t.. the 4lh DiWsion. including the battles of Alma Balaklava, and
Inkerman (dangerously wounded), and
BJeffe of (Meda\ with four Clasps, Knight of the Legion of Honor. 5th Class of the Medjidie, and

•'slrilenrr Warre while employed on the Staff in Canada in 1845-46,

examined and reported upon the river
commuuicati-.ns (2.?^ miles) between Montreal and Red River Settlement, with a view to the transport of troops
Territory and on various Islands on the
alBO iu »ur>-evin(r and reporting upon the various settlements in the Oregon
coast of the i'acific. Served in the Crimean campaign from March 1855,
including the siege and fall of Sehasto-
pol after Colonel Shadforth was killed he commanded the 57th Regt., and was
present at the assaults of the Redan
on Uie 18th June and 8th Sept. also at the bombardment and surrender of Kinbourn (Medal with Clasp, CB., 5th

Class of the Medjidie. and Turkish Medal). Commanded the S7tli on the line of posts on the Taptee River co- m
operation with the Central India Field Force in 1858. Also in the war of 1861 in New Zealand, and at the assault on
the rebel Maori positions on the Kaitikara River on the 4th June 1S63. Afterwards, as Colonel on the Staff, com-
manded the Troops in the province of Taranaki—under martial law— during the whole of the operations on the \\^est
Coast in 1863-66 was present and in command of the Troops the action at Poutoko 2nd Oct. 1863, at the m
assaults and capture of the rebel Maori strongholds at Ahuahu and Kaitak^ in March 1864, and Mataitawa and To
An>i in Oct 1864 also the occupation of Opunaki and subsequent operations at Warea and Te Puru, and in com-
mand of the Field Force which was ordered to meet the troops from the South, opened the coast line of 150 miles
from Taranaki to Wanganui. Was specially mentioned in Sir Duncan Cameron's despatches for his conductduring
the war. and received the pension for distinguished conduct for his services in New Zealand (Medal)
* Colonel Harvey was attached by the Government to the service of the British National Society for Aid to the
Sick and Wounded in the Franco-German war of 1870-71, and was awarded the Bavarian Order of Merit. Served
in tbc operations against Sekukuni in 1878 as Staff Otficer for the Transvaal. Served in the Zulu war of 1879 as
Staff Officer of No. 5 Column, and afterwards as BrigadeMajor ist Brigade, and Deputy Assistant Quarter Master
General in the ist Division (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp). [See also Civil Decorations for Gallantry,
p. 138.]
« Major Kennedy 8cr\'ed with the 99th Regiment in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the action of
Inycrano niid in the engagement at Gingindhlovu (Medal with Clasp).
Major Cotton served with the 99th Regiment throughout the Zulu war of 1879 (Medal with Clasp).
- Major Harford served throughout the Zulu war of 1879, first as Staff OfHcer of the 3rd Regiment of Natal
Native Contingent (two battalions), and subsequently as Second Staff Officer of " Clarke's Column " (Medal with
• Major Dcnniss served in the Afghan war of 1879, first in the 2nd, and afterwards in the ist Division of the
Poshnwur Valley Field Force (Medal).
" Major Ilurson served with the 99th Regiment throughout the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the en-
ftnircmcnt at Gicgiudhlovu (Medal with Clasp).
'i CapUiin
Bowhill served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85, and was present in the engagement at Kirbekan.
(Medal with two Cla.<-i)8, and Khedive's Star).
'• Captain Hill served in the Afghan war in 1879-So, first with the 2nd Division Peshawur Valley Field Force,

and nfterwarils with the 2nd Division Cabul Field Force (Medal).
'* Captain Alexander sen-ed with the 99th Regiment throughout the Zulu war of
1879, and was present in the t

enKagomeuiHof Inyezane and Gingindhlovu (Medal with Clasp).

•• Captain Rowden served with the Mounted Infantry in the Zulu war of
1879, and was present in the engage-
ment of Inyezane and during the investment of Ekowe (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp).
" Captain Macmullen served in the Egyptian war in 1S82, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal F
with Climp, and Khedive's Star).
" Captain Jones served with the 99th Regiment throughout the Zulu war of 1870, including the investment of
Ekowe Medal with Clasp).
*> Captain Payne served with the 99th Regiment in the Zulu war
of 1879, and was present during the investment
of Ekowe (Medal with Clasp).

Contimiatum nf Notes to the MancJiester Regiment.

''''''* ""^ '""^ Uattalion Manchester Regiment throughout the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal,
"""^•^'' Simpson. Nash. Utermarck. Maxwell, Watson, Pearce, Henderson, and Melvill,
Um?/-'^" V V'*'''*!"*
,"„ >'.'" ^"'='"' served with the 2nd BattaHon Manchester Regiment through-
oni it'„
out I.-, V .T
the hgyplmii war "roL'"/ y^^H"^}
of 1882 (Mcilal, and Khedive's Star)
'"'"?'* '''" ^f^f'"^" "a/ "f '878-79 with the Transport Train in the advance on Candahar under
Bir lvm.!hi's.7!^.'^w
"'"' ''^° i-xpedition into the Argaud Valley under Major General Biddulph

MX.r\'Tk''^r?.?^f ''r
'',"'•' ^^''^.
^P.'-''™'^"^ '"
Southern Afghanistan in ,879-80 (Medal).
Afulm, «i^., n ,fil '.^/T in ''"J?"
'"" ^''""M, and Lieut. Whyte served with the 63rd Regiment in Southern
>aXl "*' "'^"'^"oii Manchester Regiment in the Egyptian war of 1882
( HiMl Khrd.Nvi slar)
Regiment as Adjutant in Southern Afghanistan in i879-8o(Medai). Served
lui'Adl^fuu.t wI['l>''l'ir,f';!rJ.";'.'''V""°»3rd
^ Regiment iu the Egyptian war of .882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
cCli ,* r rt iV V
Kj^y.;ui.;w;.;^f ;B»r(M:'la,:.Sh"edit''»'sC).'''''' ''° """ ''"""''"" Manchester Regiment throughout the
'•''° '" '882 with the Mounted Infantry with Sir Evelyn Wood's
IlriijL7i''1i",V«wi",VrMon^^^^^ '^*^P''''i."J'"'"
°^ -^'^^^ ^°''"''' t^^'^'"' •*'"! Khedive's Star).
"T.l.Ui ^K ?J!'''>"""'i;
TcrnaV, «nrvn ?
.M B.Kn »° '^^"^ Regiment in Southern Afghanistan in 1879-89 (Medal). Served with the
ofTho M*no .r.',''' "eg'tncn
wllhihVN^U. Kx,»dlUon W «^
m the Egyptian war of ,882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star) also served ;

rorco in
»«rco ea^M ";;"' "'° ""'^y"''"" ^^™y It^li'sp) also served with the Soudan Frontier Field
In 1605 w, 'i^d w.^ n™J^t.".^^
and waa present in the ongagumcnt at Giniss. i

I St Batt., Tipperary.
zndBatt., Agra, Bengal. The Manchester Regiment. [No^t'-Asht^n?'
Formerly the GT^rd {West Suffolk) and the gSth liegimentt
(The 3rd and 4th Battalions are formed of tlio 6th Lancashire Militia.)
Egmokt-op-Zeb" " Egypt " (with the Sphinx). "Martinique IQUB "" Guadaloupb" " PENiifsi
Peninsula' 'Alma'
'Inkebman" "Sevastopol" "New Zealand " "APGnANisiAir, Egypt, 18S :

Years' Ser. Colonels, —

i Edmund Richard Jeffreys,_
Ci?. Ensign,
„ 16 June 25;
^ Zieut. Oct. 27 Cdpf. 38. Jilajor^ , - - , ;
, ^- . ;

12 May 43 Bt.Lt. Colonel, 20 June 54; Lt. Colonel, 16 Mar. 55

; Colonel, i Apr. 58 Major General, 6 Mar. ; ;

68 Lieut. General, i Oct. 77

General, i July 81
; Colonel ist Battalion Manchester Regt. 10 July 81.

2 C.Thomas Maitland Wilson, Ensign, ^ic, Apr. 24; Lt. ^i^ May 26; Capt. '^23 Dec. 31; St. Major,
9 Nov. 46; Major, 18 Aug. 48; Zf. Colonel, ^15 June 49 Colonel, 28 Nov. 54; Major General, 7 Jan. 64; ;

Lieut. General, 23 Apr. 7?; General, i Oct. 77; Colotiel g6th. Foot, 15 Oct. 77.

Lieutenant ColoneU. 2 Arnold David Saportas,* Commanding the Battalion, 18 March 86; Ensign,
''27 May 62 Lt. ^lo Nov. 65
Capt. P5 Apr. 71 ; Major, 4 Feb. 8i ; Lieutenant Colonel, 18 March 85.

1 C'oiistantine Joseph Ryaa,* Commanding the Battalion, t3 Mar. 88; Ensign, P28 Oct.
64; Lt. 28 July 67;
Capt. 6 Dec. 73 Major, 1 July 81
Lf. Colonel, 28 Auff. 85.
; [Lt. Colonel, 18 March 86.
2 Robert Wright Studdy.^ Ensign, 13 July 67 Lieut. P;2 June 69 Capt. 13 Mar. 78 Major, 1 July 81
; ; ; ;

Majoes. 8NS.0R2DLT MA.TOR.

1 Herbert Charles Marryat' ''29 May 6- I April 6S 31 Jan. 77
2 William Godfrey Thomasio F26June 6J [4 Sept. 64 14 June 73 I July 8i
John Arthur Barlow, L>ep. Assist. AdJ
General for MusTcetry, Bengal Jan. 18 Aug. 69 15 Jan. 79 14 Feb. 83
2 Basil Lloyd Anstruther 17 July 73 13 June 79 I Aug. 83
William Lettsom Gronow,»M. F. Dept. Pi4Aug. 67 9 Feb. 70 '
19 April 79 I Jan. 84
1 William Frederick Nuthall 6 July 67 26 Mar. 71 6 Aug. 79 30 Sept. 84
2 Charles Parker Ridley' 9 Aug. 73 13 Sept. 79 30 Sept. 84
2 Herbert Rowley Cook'' P
g April 70 '27 Oct. 71 4 Dec. 79
2 Arthur Edmund Simpson' 21 Sept. 74 18 June 81
2 Geo. Warren Woods Rochfort-Boyd'" ... 2 Dec. 74 I July 81
I William Peel Nash" II Feb. 75 IS Sept. 81
Charles Tom Reay, ^AdJ. 4 J'o/. Bn. )
Manchester Regiment II Feb. 75 18 Mar. 82
1 p.s.c. William Tenison* 10 Sept. 75 1 Aug. 83
Reginald John Guthrie Utormarck,' )
Pat/master Baitn. Lcuicaster Megt. 24 June 76 2 June 84
i )
2 William Bannatyne Graham'- 11 Sept. 76 9 July 84
Henry Sherwood Smith.i^ Adjutant\
29 Nov. 76 9 July 84
2 Bn. B. B. 4- C. I. Ry. Bife Voh... i
2 Frederick William Thomas'- 20 Nov. 76' 1 July 8s
I Charles Robert Brown li Oct. 28 Aug. 85
I John Percy Gethin II Sept. 76 13 Aug. 84
Arch.Bo,ydMaxweU,'.44;'.lf«ssoorieif.F. 19 Apr. 20 Nov. 86
1 John Edward Watson' 13 June 79 10 Aug. 87
2 .lohn Henry Abbot Anderson 21 June 79 12 Oct. 87
I Anthony Thomas Philip Hudson 23 June 79 12 Oct. 87
AVm. liQnram^^TAdJ.sVol.Bn.Scot. Rifles 3 Sept. 79 11 Feb. 88
1 Graham Ravenhill Pearce' 6 Dec. 27 June 88
t Ralph Anstruther Henderson.' Adju-\
tant 4 Battalion '. 18 June 2 July 33
2 Charles Curling Melvill,' JtJ/.sJuly 86 I July 12 Nov. 83
Trevor Patrick Breffney Ternan,'*)
serving with the Egyptian Army I July 12 Nov. 88
2 Edwin Arthur Ward.S.S.O. Futtehghur I July
2 Robert Davenport Vizard' I July
2 Lynch llauiiltuu Prioleau' 22 Oct.
2 Cyril Henry Moore 10 May 82
1 Willoughby G. Gwatkin, Adj.ii Apr.38 10 May 8:
2 Guy William Fitton 9 Sept. 8' 1 General Jeffreys served with the

I Richard Ernest Hill 2 May S8th Regt. the Eastern campaign of

1 Henry Charles Edward Westropp 12 May 1854, and was present at the battles
2 Charles Lcstock Boileau 14 May of Alma and Inkerman (wounded— at
2 Anthony Hugh Baldwin 14 May the latter he commanded the Regt.)
Vere Bonamy Fane 12 Nov. and the siege of Sebastopol (Medal
2 John Noble Jephson 7 Feb. with three Clasps, 5th Class of the
2 Herbert Lionel James 6 May Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
Harry Christopher Tj-tler * Lt. Colonels Saportas and Ryan,
30 Jan.
Arthur Ross Barwell 25 Aug. Captains Reay and Tenison served
I Henry William Ernest Hitchius 25 Aug. with the I St Battalion Manchester
Bertrand Evelyn Mellish Gurdon 25 Aug. Regiment in the Eg.yptian war of
I William Herbert Williamson 10 Nov. 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
Second Lieutenants. 7 Lt.Colonel Studdy was employed

Henry Herbert Southey in the Transport Department with the

1 Charles LouisRowe Pelrie 0. 87 Northern Afghanistan Field Force in
Henry George Brown 1878-79 (Medal). Served with the ist
2 Edmund Howard Gorges \
14 Sept. 87 Battalion Manchester Regiment in
Frank Shakespear 1
9 Nov. 87 the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and
AlfredGodfrey do Vaud Chichester ... 16 Nov. 87 Khedive's Star).
2 Charles Sidney Eastmead [
n Feb. 88
I Arthur William Harden '

11 Feb. 88 [For remainder of Notes, see pre-

1 Guy Fremantle ir Feb. 88 ceding page.
2 Arthur William Valentine Plunkett ... 14 Mar. 38
1 John Cane Crawford 9 May 88
2 Clement Stanley Duncan Leslie 25 July 88 Facings White.
2 Victor Nicholas FitzGibbon 11 Feb. 38 Agents, Messrs. Cox and Co.
2 William Edward Denis-deVitre Aug. '

22 88 isf Battalion returned from Bengal,

2 Hugh Frederic Archie Pearson Aug, 22 88 82.
2 Reginald Salter Weston Aug. ; 22 88 2nd Battalion embarked for Malta,
I Orlando George Gunning Aug. '

22 88
I James Gaisford 22 Aug. 8S
I John Alexander Stewart 22 Aug. 88
I James Knighton Condon 22 Aug. 88:
I PMward Vaughan 10 Nov. 88i


Paymasters. i William Jj. Gronow," 29 July 85 Major ; i Battalion.

2 Hastings A. Eyre, 13 May 85 Captain Norfolk Regiment. ;

Quarter 3Litiers.—2 Walter Facer,' 13 Jiily 78 Hon. Captain, 13 July 83 ;

I Daniel Whyto,'- 32 March 79 Son. Lieut. ;


3IO The Prince of Wales' (North Staffordshire Regiment).

Batt, South Africa/] riiet/imeiifal Vittrict
I St
Furmerlij the 64th (2nd Staffurdshire) L No. 64.— Lichfield.
3Dd Uatt.,I>eTOnport. J
the gSth (Friiice uf Wales) Regiments.
(The jnl and 4th Rattalious are formed of the 2ud and 3rd Stafford Militia respectively.)
The Prince of Wales' riume. "St. I<ucia" "Scbinam" "China" (with the Dragon). " Punjaub " "Pbbsia"
"Rbshibb " " Bushieb" "Kooshab" " Ldcknow."
S«,]Coloneli.— I Chnrlcs Algernon Lewis,' Cornet, ^'13 Oct. 25; Lt. ^15 Aug. 26; Capf. ^12 April 33;
Cafl. 4- Lt. Colonel, ''30 Dec. 45; Colonel, 20 June 54; Minor, 11 Jan. 58; Lt. Colonel, 13 Feb. 59 Major ;

General, 19 June 60; Litut. General, 8 March 69; General, 5 April 76 Colonel 64th Foot, 12 Feb. 70. ;

J c. Sir Kobert Percy Douglas, .Bur/. £n»i^n, 16 March 20; X/. ''19 Feb. 24; Cupt. I'll June 28; Major,
26 Oct. 41 ; Li. Colonel,^ IS Apr.42 Colonel, 2c June 54 ; Major General, 26 Oct. 58 ; Lt. General, 6 Jan. 67 ;

General, 14 April 74; Co/one/ 98th Foot, 7 Jan. 64.

Luntenant Colonels. 2 Allan Grwme Raper,^ Commanding the Battalion, i July 87; Sns{gn,^i8 Feb. 62;
Li. '21 Mar. 65 Capt. •'23 Nov. 70 Major, 6 Mar. £0 Lt.Culonel, 6 March 85.
; ; ;

I E.hvard Tickell Bayley Sparks, inW^n, 1-22 Mar. 65 Lt. ^g Oct. 69 ; Capt. 14 Sej
Sept. 78 ; Major, i July 81

Lt Colonel, 18 Jan. 88.

2 Arthur Montagu Bowleii* P28 Oct. 63, '27 Oct. 71 29 June 78 22 July 83
I Henry Horatio Newman 23 Aug. 64 ''16 Oct. 67 5 June 75 11 Dec. 82
I Thomas Alfred Beale I
14 Aug. 73 25 Aug. 80 22 Jan. 85
a Henry David Williams' 9 Aug. 73 6 Mar. 80 17 June 85
George Alexander Chapman, .4 rf/. 3 Sn, 21 Aug. 73 28 Apr. 80 2 Jan. 86
3 ThomasCurrie 28 Feb. 74 12 Mar. 81 I July 88
I Charles Edw. Bradlej', Adj.n Jan. 84... 28 Feb. 74 I July 81 10 Oct. 88

p.i. Hcnrj- Beaufo3; Mortimer, In-
ttructor Koyat Military College
1 28 Feb. 74 19 Nov. 81
Louis Robert Meredith Maxwell II Sept. 76 II Apr. 81
Arthur John St. George French 28 Feb. 74 17 June 83
Henr}- George Purdon 11 Sept. 74 5 Jan. 84
Charles Arthur Hadfield,.4rmy Service \ 2 Dec. 74 14 Jan. 84
Corps i
Arthur Wildman Prior,^ Adj. 4 Jin 13 June 75 14 Jan. 84
2 Charles Edmund Wedgwood Wood« ... 20 Nov. 75 14 Jan. 84
Henrj- Hartland Higginson,' Armt/'i
Sercice Corpt 29 Jan. 76 I July 84
John Watkins 27 June 76 1 July 84
John Turner Brinklev, Adj. 2 f'ol. )
fill, yorlh Staffordshire Eegiment 29 Nov. 76 3 Nov. 84
... >

Edmund Walcott Newland 30 Jan. 17 May 79 22 Jan. 85

Charles Herbert deKutzlebenWalhouse 14 Sept, 24 May 79 17 June 8s
Thomas Montgomery Hawtayne Jan. 2 Jan. =«
1 22 13 Sept. 79
2 Gerard Chichester.^ Adjutant 6 Mar. 85 22 Jan. 7 Jan. 80 2 Jan.
2 Willoughby Fenwick Trevelyan 22 Jan. 6 Mar. 80 2 Jan. oD
a Ernest Heun' Randolph 22 Jan. 10 Mar. 80 17 June 87
2 Waiter Grenville Ley<^ ,
II Aug. 12 Mar. 81 I July 87
1 Alan Mackenziu-Peudrill 6 Aug. 28 Apr. 80 23 Apr.
2 Albert John Lindner 22 Jan. 25 June 81 6 May
2 Francis Geldard' 13 Aug. 79 I July
Percy Shakespeare Dyson, Adjutan
Sind liijle Volunteer* 13 Aug. 79 I July
2 Kenneth Bruce Mackenzie* II Aug. 80 I July
1 Edward James Collins* II Aug. £0 I July
Edward Silver Strickland 19 Feb. 8 I July
2 Edmund Graham Snow 10 May
I William Tilston Holland 9 Sept. 82
I Arthur Lewis Caldwell 10 Mar.
I Henry Marwood 6 Feb.
1 George Barton Smith 6 Feb.
2 Lionel Thomas Campbell Twyford., 23 Aug. 84
2 Charles Grove Amphlett 12 Nov. 84
I William Alexander Bamett 7 Feb.
I Reginald Pole Stuart 6 Feb.
I Jkrlert Chidgey Brine Payne 23 May » Lt. Colonel Raper served with.the
I Robert Ilarcourt Ord Capper 23 May 85 Zhob Valley Expedition in 1884.
I Lindtay Buchanan Scott 23 May 85 ^ Major Williams served with the
I Edmund Sylvester Jackson 29 Aug. 85 Zhob Valley Expedition in 1S84.
1 Edward William Harris 29 Aug. 85 c Captains Prior, Wood, Chiches-
2 Charles Woodward Croflon .....!...! 25 Nov. ter, and Ley, Lieuts. Geldard, Mac-
2 John Rose .".."!!!!!
30 Jan. kenzie and Collins served with the
KninciM Granville Beville Zhob Valley Expedition in 1884.
30 Jan.
George Charles Kniucis Sartoriiis Jan.
2 Miitthew Uenjamin lJii)nall Kflnch
30 Jan.
2 ChurlcH William Kortright Apr.
CUarlca Oriel Oliphant Tanner !." [For continuation ofNotei, tee end of
10 Nov.
I Arthur Edmund Longden Feb. the York and Lancatter Regiment,
SicoKD Lieutbnants.
1 SomcrHit Chaf Godfrey Farfax Astell
4 May
t Harry .^cdilim I'rickard :i Feb. Facing$ White.
J<,hn William Saunders
13 June 88 Agenfi, Messrs. Cox and Co.
Vignnt Willmm de Falbe
Batt. embarked for the Wett
22 Aug. 88 ik/
a Henry Perceval Ainslio 22 Aug. 88 Indien, 1884.
I Thoma« Montgomorio Webb ."..'."."." 31 Oct. 88 2nd Batt. returned from Aden, 30
JUjt«rl SchlciDgcr Hutchison
8 Dec. 88 Mar. :888.
[Major, 3 Jan. 86.
JnmcB O'B. Drury,"" 3 Jan. Bi ; En. 27 May 62 Lt. I

; 1 Apr. 70; Capt. 24 Jan. 80 j

H- Mackenzie, Litui. a Battalion (, cting).


Uu«,t. u , ' '^'=°"?'''^

Quarter Ua.ler,.-2 James Couch, 27JUIV81 Hon. Lieut. ;

i I Henry Francis Healy, 18 June 87 ; Uon. Lituf,

ntal District.
^nd^Batt..^w?st Indies. ] The York and Lancaster Regiment. [^ZTl -Pontefract. 3^1
Formerly the 6stli {2nd TorJc N. Biding) and the 84th {York and Lancaster) Berjiments.
(The 3rd Battalion is formed of the 3rd West York Militia.)
"India." (with the Roj^al Ti^er). The Union Rose.
" Arabia " "Nivb" "PEifiNSULA" "Luckitow" "New Zealand "" Egypt, i8 1884" " Tel-el-Kebib."
I Years'Ser lColonel.—

The JJurhavi Lngtit injantry.


'» Francis Peftrson Shnw Dunsford I

i6 Nov. 87
l» Kdfrar Afsheton Iremonger ^' S^P' 00
J Ernest Eardlej-Wilmot " S^c"' II
1 Willinm Edmund Kyre Lloyd [
"Feb. 88
Frederick William Birch 11 leb. 88
Aup. 88

1 Clarence Edward Lees 22

I Robert Purdon Roljertson-Glasgow ... 22 Aug. 88
I Robert Francis Bell i 22 Aug. 88
I Walter Charles Lascelles |
28 Nov. 88
i Charles William Grey 29 Dec. 88

Paym(ulfrt.—2 Lawrence R. Dowdall, i Oct. 79; E"»- ""^i Nov. 65; Lt. r^o Sept. 71 ;
Coff. i Sept. 77 ;

Hon. Major, i Oct. 84.

1 Frank R. C. Carleton. Captain i Batlalion {acting).

Quarter Ma$ttr$.—i Joseph Magee Byrne, 24 June 85 Son. Lieut.

I 2 William John Qualtrough,i" 1 Sept. 86 Son. Lieut.


Facingf Wbitc— -i?f "/», Mesere. Holt, Lawrie and Co.

iff Butt, returned from India, 13 Apr. 1887.
2)i(? Battalion embarked for Egypt, 14 Feb. 1885.

« Lord William Paulet served the Easterncampaignof 1854 as Assistant Adjutant Generalto the Cavahy Division

including the battles of Alma, Balnklava, and Inkerman, and siege of Sebastopol (Medal with four Cla.sps, CB.,
Officer of the Legion of Honor, Commander 1st Class St. Maurice and St. Lazarus, 3rd Class of the Medjidie,
and Turkish Medal).
» Colonel Lee served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-S6 in command of a Reserve Battalion,
and wos present in the engagement at Giniss (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
Colonel Upcher served in the Kafir war in 1877-78 in command of the Left Column, and was present in the
engagements at Quintana in command of the troops (mentioned in despatches), and at Kei River also served in ;

the Znlu war in 1879, and commanded the ist Battalion of the 24th Foot after the engagement at.Isanhlwana
(Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
" Major Peyton served with the loth Regiment in the ExpeditioB into the Native State of Sv.nghie Ujong,
Malay Peninsula, in 1874, and was present at the attack and capture of the Kapayan Stockades. Also served
daring the Perak Expedition of 1875-76 during the operations in the Native States of Sunghie Ujong, Sri Mananti,
and Terrachee, and was present at the action of Paroa (mentioned in despatchesfor gallant conduct, and promoted
in recognition of his services from Lieutenant loth Regt. to Captain ic6thRegt., Medal with Clasp). Served with
the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86, and was present in the engagement at Giniss (Medal, and Khedive's
" Major James served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1S85-86, and was present in the engagement at
Giniss (Mcdnl, and Khedive's Star).
" Captain FitzGerald served as Adjutant with the 15th Sikhs in the A-fghan war in 1880; accompanied Sir
Frederick Roberta in the march to Candahar, and was present at the reconnaissance of the 31st August and at
the battle of Candahar (Medal with Clasp, and Bronze Decoration). Served with the Soudan Frontier Field
Force in lEEs-Ef, and was present in the engagement at Giniss (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
' Captain Jobnson-Sm>-th served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86, and was present in the engage-
ment at Giniss (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
'» Coptain Murphy and Lieut. Biddulph served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86 (Medal, and

Khedive's Star).
'" Lieuts.
Bush, Buck, Cooper, Wilson, Baker, Mathew, Lookhart-Mure, and Qualtrough served with the
Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86, and were present in the engagement at Giniss (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
" Lieut, de Lisle served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86 with the Mounted Infantry, including the
attack on the Ambigole Wells and the engagement at Giniss (mentioned in despatches, DSO., Medal, and Khedive'i
" Captain Ross served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 on Transport duty with the Koorum Field Force (Medal).

St Batt., Curragh. "1

iicl Biitt., Peshawur, Bengal, j The Highland Light Infantry. KVT-HamS 317
Formerli/ the "jist {Ili/jJihiitd
— Liijht. liifantrij) and the "j^th {Iliijhlcmidevs) Uerjimcnts.
(The 3rd and formed of the ist Lanark Militia.)
4tli Battalions are
'Hindoostan" "Assatb" (with the Elephant). " Sebingapatam" "Cape of Good Hope, 1806 "" Roleia "
'Salamanca" " Vittoria" "Pi-renees" "Nivelle" "Nivb" "Orthes" "Toulouse" " Pen iitsula "
Watisrloo" " Souiu Africa, 1851-2-3" "Sevastopol" "Central India" "Egypt, 1882" " Tbl-el-Kebih."
Colonel, — Walter Douglas Phillipps Patton-Bethune,' Ensign, ''28 Sept. 38; Lf. P3 Nov. 40; Capt. ''i?
Years'Ser. May 46; 3/iyoj-, 27 Fob. 52; Brevet. Lienf. Colonel, 28 May 53; Colonel, 28 Nov. 54; Lieut. Colonel, 11
Full Half May 62; Major General, i Jan. 68 ; Lieutenant General, 14 8ept. 75 ; General, i Oct. 77; Colonel 74tli
Foot, 8 Oct.' 76.
Lieutenant Colonels. —
i Charles Tennant Wallace," Commawdjni? the Battalion, j Apr. &6 Ensign, 13 Aug. ;

58 Lt. I'lg Aug. 62

; Capt. ''27 Nov. 67 Major, 1 Jul.y 81
; Lt. Colonel, 3 Apr. 83 Colonel, 3 Apr. 87.
; ; ;

1 Killegi'ew Reginald Berkeley Wodehouse, Ensign, ''7 Nov. 62; X<. fi2 Dec. 65; Capt. ''14 July 6g ;

Major, I July Si Lt. Colonel, 18 Feb. 85.


2 Alfred Henry Cormick Lynch, Commanding the Battalion, 3 Apr. S7 Ensign, •'28 May 62 Lieut. ^4 Dee.
; ;

66; Capt. ''21 Aug. 69 Major, 1 July 81; Lt.Colonel, 22 Nov. 84; Colone l, 22 Nov. 84.

2 Richd. Leigh" ',iV.Xf.Co/.i8Nov. 82 ;\
Colonel, iS Nov. 86) )
I Reginald Corbott Singleton
p..i.c.Hen. John Thoruton Hildyard'^ 1

(Bt.Lt.Cnt. 18 Nov. 82; Colonel,}

iS Nov. S61, D.A.A.General j

1 p.s.c. John Harry Smith Craigie

2 Charles Hamilton Simpson
1 Charles William Selby Lowndes
2 Frederic Whitworth Ru.ssell Jones'3 ...
Francis Maude Reid, Adjutant i
Sutherland Rijle Volunteers j
2 Richard Duffin Buckley Rutherford'^...
Edmund Spencer, Adjutant 4 Battalion
2 Claude Maxwell MacDonaldio
2 Henry Robert Kelham"
Carteret Walter Carey,'' Adjutant')
I Lanark Bijle Volunteers Ji

Richard Eyre Goold-Adams," /»-)

structor Royal Militari/ College )
2 Frank Maxwell'*
I Joseph Henry Greer
I William Frederick Anstey
I James Mitchell-Inues
Ernest Ditibv Mansel, Adjutant i
Wiltshii-e'Rill,' Volunteers..'. j
1 .Tohn Ariliiir Alilne Gardiner
2 lJeVVilli;nii.\lnr(l;iuiit Marsh Edwards'^
1 Erno.'^tAirivai'i-owdcrGarlaud'*
2 Cecil Charles Cavendish
I Bertram Lyulph Joseph Goif, Adju-}
tant 14 Jan. 85 .'....;
1 John George Edmund Templer'*
Harrison Midwood,^^ Paymaster 2 1

Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment j

2 George Sitwell Campbell Swinton
Robert Follett M. P. M. Synge,^'!^
Paymaster 2 Bn. Cheshire Regiment )
2 William Henry Stevenson'*
I Hon. Henry James Anson
I Ingram Cosmo Conway-Gordon
I Alfred Granville Balfour
John Dutton Hunt, Lieut. Lnstrucior')
School of Musketry j
1 John Richardson
2 Gordon Thomas James Care.y2"
2 Spencer William Scrase-Dickins'*
Howard John RIphinstnne
Artliur;iL'u M'Munlo.^i ,„',,•/,/</>
,nthll,.En,,.fi., An.,:i !, J

Fuller Whi.-tlLr
Goo. Cliltou i. StockwcU, Adj. 10 Feb. S5
2 Horace Francis Kays
Richmond Trevor Crichton
2 Tyrell Carter Ross
Alexander Francis Evans-Lombe
2 Charles Francis Martin
2 Arthur D'Arcy Gordon Bannerman ...
2 Francis Myles Saudvs-Lumsdaine
1 Archibald Henry Mitford
Robert William Hawthorn Ronaldson
Arthur Alexander Wolfe-Murray
Lindsa.y Anstruther Forbes
2 Francis Thornton Stewart
I Herbert Chaworth Fergusson
Second Lieutenants.
Hugh Ry ves Wallis
Conrad Ernest Noyes
John Latham Rose
.lohn Henry Purvis
Laurence Evan Maberly
Alexander Frederick Lambton
Henry Buchanan Kirk
Allan Ashton Eliott-Lockhart
William Christian Anderson
Walter Neilson
. ;

^ija Tlie Highland Light Lifavd

P.imi<M/«T».— 2 Robert Johnston, lo Aup.s 83

Qr. Mr. 6 Dec. 73
Lt, 12 May 75 ; Hon. Capt. 10 Aug.
1 John Richardson, iifu/. i
Battalion (actiag).
Ouarter Matter!.— I William Bissett, i Apr. 82; Jlon.
I Thomas Litster,'* 7 Feb. 83 Hon. Lieut.

FacingfYcWow.—Apentf, SirCR. M'Griffor, Bt. and Co.

Ill Battalion returned from Gibraltar, 1S80. ztid Battalion embarl-ed fo India,
,• i Oct. 1SS4.

the Kfiffirwar of 1S51-53 (iledal) and was present in

ncucral Pntton-Retlnine served with the 74th throughout ,

nil the oncmtions ;commanded the Rcfrimcnt in the Field from November 1851 until October 1852 (mentioned in
•leBpau-hes Hrevctof Lt.Colonel). Served in the Eastern campaign of 1854, and was present (attached to the
Staff) at the buttle of Balaklava and Inkerman, and
was also present with the Head Quarter Staff as an amateur
M'Kenzie's Farm, and capture of Balaklava (Medal with four
mt the battle <if the Alma, the affairs of Buljranac and
Clasps, sUi Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal) He was on Field Service with a Madras Column during the

1 Colon^nVa'llace Ber\-cd with the 2nd Battalion Highland Light Infantry in the Egyptian war of 1S82, and
THIS present at the battle of Tel-el-Kcbir (Medal ^vith Clasp,
4th Class of the Osmanieh, and Khedive's Star).
" Colonel Leigh served with the 2nd Battalion Highland Light Infantry m
the Egyptian war of 1S82, and was
present at the battle ofTel-cl-Kebir (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp, 4th Class
oftheOsmanieh, and Khedive's Star).
" Colonel Hiklyard served in the Egj-ptian war of 1882 as Deputy ,...,.,•,,
Assistant ^
Adjutant and, Quarter Master
General ist Division, and was present m
the engagements at El Magfar and Tel-el-Mahuta, at the action at
Kassasin on the 9th September, and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt.Colonel,
M«dnl with Clasp, 4th Class of the Osmanieh, and Khedive's Star).
" Major Jones se^^•ed with the ist Battalion Manchester Regiment mthe Egj-ptian war of 1882 (Medal, and

'• Captains Kelham, Goold-Adams, Maxwell, Garland, and Templer, Lieuts. Stevenson, Scrase-Dickins, and
Litetcr served with the 2nd Battalion Highland Light Infantry in the Egyptian war of 1882, and were present
at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star)
'» Miijor Rutherford ser^-ed in the Afghan war in 1S78-79 in the Transport Department (Medal). Served in
the c.xi)cdition to the Soudan in 1884 with the 1st Battalion York and Lancaster Regiment, and was present in the

cnjjngcment at Temai (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).

" Major MacDonald served with the 2nd Battahon Highland Light Infantry in the Eg.^'ptian war of 1SS2, and '

was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp, and
Khcilive'B Star) also serv-ed in the Soudan Expedition in 1884 with the ist Battalion of the Black Watch, and

was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai— slightly wounded (4th Class of the Osmanieh, two Clasps), i

' CaptaiuC. W.Carey served as Adjutant with the 2nd Battalion Highland Light Infantry in the Egyptian war of
1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star).
'» Captain Edwards served with the 2nd Battalion Highland Light Infantry in the Egyptian war of 1882, and

was preseiil nt the battle of Tel-el-Kebir— wounded (Victoria Cross, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star) was :

awarded tlio YC "forthe conspicuous bravery displayed by him during the battle of Tel-el-Kebir, on the 13th '

September 1S82, in leading a party of the Highland Light Infantry to storm a redoubt. Lieutenant Edwards (who
was in ad\-snce of his partj-) with great gallantry rushed alone into the battery, killed the Artillery Officer in
charge, an 1 was himself knocked down by a gunner with a rammer, and only rescued by the timely arrival ot
three men nf his regiment."
" Lieut. Syngc served with the 2nd Battalion Highland Light Infantry in the Egyptian war of 18S2, and was
lircMUitat he battle of Tel-el-Kebir— wounded (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).

" CapUin Midwood and Lieut. G. T. J. Carey served with the 2nd Battalion Highland Light Infantry in the
Egyptian war il 1882, and were present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir- severely wounded (Medal with Cliisp, and '

Khwlive's Star).
° Lieut. M'Murdo, when attached to the Egyptian Army at Suakm, commanded a detachment of Camel
Corps in the attack on Osroan Digna's camp at Handoub on the 17th January 18S8 (wounded).
) ) ;

Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-shire Buflfs, The Duke of Albany's). 3

St JJatt., Glasgow. 771 7LSegimenfiil District
j7 ^
ml Batt., Bareilly, Bengal. Ormerly the J 2nd -t'
No. 72.— Fort George.


Didceof Albaiiifs Own Higldanders) and the ySth (Highland Boss-shire Buffs) Begts,
(The 3rd Battalion is formed of the Highhind Rifle Militia.
Cuidich'nShi." The Duke's Cypher and Coronet. " Hindoostan" "Assate" (with the Elephant). " Cape of
Good Hope, 1806" "Maida" "Java" " South Africa, 1835" "Sevastopol" "Peksia" "Kooshab"
"Lucknow "Centbal India" "Peiwar Kotai," "Chaeasiah" "Kabul, 1S79 " " Kandahae, i83o"
Egypt, '
Colonel.— Sir Edward Selby Smyth.i KCMG. Ensign, P26 Jan. 41 ; Lieut. 29 May 43 ; Capi. P4 Au". 48
Bt.Major, cS May 53 Bf.Lt. Colonel, 23 Mar. 55 Colonel, 23 Ma,r. 58 ; Major, i April 60 Major Qeneral,
; ;

6 Mar. 68; Zieut. General, 1 Oct. 77; General, 9 Mar. 82 Colonel 72nd Highlanders, 11 Mar. 8t.

Lieutenant Colonels. 2 Andi-ew Murriiy,^ Commanding the Battalmi, 2 Sept. 85 ; Emicpi P7 Feb -8 Lt
V16 Aug. bi ; dipt. 2 Oct. 66; Bt.Major, 16 Jan. 80; Major, 1 July 81; Lt.Colonel,
27 Mar. Z^i Colonel,
27 Mar. S7.
I Walter Frederick Kelsey," Commanding the Battalion, i July 87 Ensign, 8 Feb. 6r ; Lt. P12 Apr. 64

Capt. '•20 July 70; Major, 2 Sept. So; Bt.Lt.Colonel,

Bt. Lt.Colonel, 18 Nov. 82; Lt.Colonel, 27 Dec. 84; Colonel, 18
Nov. 86.
2 James Foord Hilton, Ensign, fii Feb. 62; Lt. P3 June 64; Capt. 14 June 72; Jlfojor, i July
Lt.Colonel, 2 Sept. 85.

2 Reginald Gamett^
I Thomas Stanhope Gildea''
1 HughGough Grant"
2 Charles John Butler Stewart.
Edward Mayne Alexander, /, '3
of Gymnasia in India
1 Henry John Knight, Garrison Adju- \
tan't, Edinburgh J
2 AlanWilliam Cameron
I Kobert Henry Brooke-Huuti-
I p.s.e. Matthew Nisbett Gordon Kane'^...
I Robert Hunter Murray'" (Bt. Lt. )
Colonel, 18 Nov. 82) i
1 Charles Hamilton Fergusson'^
2 James Wyndham Hughes-Hallett2» ...

2 William BrewsterMacDougall''
2 Kenneth Ross MacKenzie*^
2 WilUam de Bathe Hatton26
1 James Alastair Campbell-^
2 Duncan Craigie-Halkett^
Sydney Bellingham Jameson, Adju- >
fant 3 Battalion S
I Herbert Sturges Barlow^
1 Seymour Charles Hale Monro,-' at 7
Staff College
2 Hugh Davidson-''
I Harry Colquhoun Farquharson Mac-
donakPs 3
I George Robert Vernon Hume'"
1 Hugh Graham Lang^^
2 George Mackintosh^
Granville George Algernon Bgerton,^-* >
Instructor, School of Musketri/ , Hythe j
I William Hugh Hunter'7
I Alexander Redmond Bewley Warrand^^
Alfred Charles Christopher,^^ Aide de )
Camp to Sir A. II Gordon . )
1 George Russell 'SoA^t Adjtitant 19 Oct.S?
2 George Ramsay Elliot'7
2 Colin John Mackenzie, ^^ Adjutant
17 Oct. 87
1 Arthur Andrew Spottiswoode'*
2 Charles Frederick Salisbury Ewart^'*
2 James Rutherford Clark
2 Herbert Frederick Northey Hopkins
1 Randal Frederick Alison
2 Granville Cholmondeley Feilden
2 Wilfred Graham Moon
2 Douglas Campbell
2 Son. Douglas Forbes-Sempill
2 Aleck Stirling
1 Algernon Richard Gaisford
2 Ernest Arnold Cowans
Second Lieutkkants.
1 John Guille Millais
2 George Machen Lumsden
2 Alan Charles Duncan Baillie
2 James Alban Wilson
I Malcolm Donald Murray
I Neil Campbell-Maclachlan
I James William Hamilton Alston
1 Evelyn Ridley Bradford
2 Walter Theodore Bell
Harold Bessemer Galloway

Paymasters.—^ William H. A. Denys, 30 Nov. 82 Ens. ''2b Apr. 64 Lt. P12 Oct. 67
; ; ; Vapf. March 78.
I Thomas S. Gilder Major, 1 Battalion [acting).
Quarter Masters.— z Parr Campbell,=8 29 June 78; Hon. Captain, 29 June £S.
I Robert Renwick Lauder," 6 Oct. 86 Hon. Lieut. ;

Facings Yellow.— J^en^s, Messrs. Cox and Co.

1st Battalion returned from Bengal, 1ZS2. 2nd Battalion embarked for Bombai/ iS 9.
. . '

Seaforih Eigldandei-s (Eoss-sMre Bvffs, The

Buhe of Alham/s).
Forces in the Southern Concan ancl Saivant Varree
1 mr F<lw»-tl Selby SmvtU scitc.I as Brigade Major to the
..o^^iL HnHna^ihPcamt)a)c-no|- 1S44 and 45, and was present at the attack and capture of several strong stockades as
forts of Monohur, and at their final assault; also at the forcing of the
wc^r^in u" S^S^?^ S^f"'^ the^ country below the Ghats Served alsom the Kaffir war of 1851-52
K!rv^t«-4S!tml subsequent occupation of the m m
in command of a Column action the Fish River Bush
(Mc'ui) and mentioned in General orders for conduct m
1S52-53, afterwards as Deputy Assistant
Orange Kiver
(B^ve 'of Major); with the expe.Ution north of the
oW^cr Master General of the intl Division and subsequent y as D Adj. General and D Q. M. General to the forces
iTsoutirAftica from January ,854 to July .S60. Received

the thanks of the Irish Government 1867 for his m

suppression of the Fenian outbreak. -V\ hile commanding the
8cr^ ccV bC Deputy Adjutant General during the
troons in Mnur tins, he was twice swora in and acted as
Govemorm 1870 and 1S71. ,,^ ^ „
^aMone Murray served with the 78th Highlanders in the Afghan war 1S80 (Medal)
Served with the
detachment of the =nd BatU.lion Seaforth Highlanders attached to the
ist Battalion Seaforth Highlanders the m
Kgyrtian war of 18S2, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of the Osmanieh,
*°'*CnpuUn.« Macdoiifjnll, Halkett and Barlow, and Lieut. Mackintosh served with the 78th Highlanders in the

served with the 72nd Highlanders from the commencement of the Afghan war in 1878 till
"'"'colonci'^ icel'sey
June Koorum Field Force, including the Khost Expedition, and was present in the engagement
1870 with the
at Ser\-ed with the ist Battalion Seaforth Highlanders
Mattoon (Medal). m
the Egyptian war of 1882, and was
present in the engagement at Clialouf on the 20th August in command of four
companies of his Battalion, and at
the battle of Tel-cl-Kebir (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lt. Colonel, Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of the

» Mnio- Gamett served with the 72nd Highlanders throughout the Afghan war of 1S78-80 with the Koorum,

Cabul aiid Cabul-Candahar Field Forces was present at the attack and capture of the Peiwar Kotal and in the

eniTBgement at Charasiab and the operations around Cabul in December 1879; accompanied Sir Frederick
Rol>erta in the march to Candahar, and was present at the battle of Candahar
(mentioned despatches. Brevet of m
Major Medal with four Clasps, and Bronze Decoration). Served with the ist Battalion Seaforth Highlanders in
the Egyptian war of i8l>2, and was present in the engagement at Chalouf (mentioned in despatches) and at the
battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
» .Major Gildea served with the 72nd Highlanders from the commencementcf the Afghan warm 1878 till August

1879 with the Koorum Field Force, and was present at the attack and capture of
the Peiwar Kotal (mentioned in ,

Uespntches. Medal with Clasp). .,. ^,

" Major Grant served in the Afghan war m
1879, and was present m

the engagement at All Kheyl, and at the


assault and capture of Zawa (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, and Medal). Served as Brigade Major in
the Mahsood Wuzeeree Expedition in 1 88 1
" Major Brooke-Hunt served with the 72nd Highlanders in the Afghan war from March 1879 till January
lEoo with the Koorum and Cabul Field Forces, and was present in the engagement at Charasiab (mentioned in

despatches), and in the operations around Cabul in December 1879 (Medal with two Clasps). Served with the
ist Battalion Seaforth Highlanders in the Egj-ptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir
(Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
" Major Kane sen-ed with the 72nd Highlanders in the Afghan war from March 1879 with the Koorum, Cabul,
and Cabul-Candahar Field Forces, part of the time as Orderly Officer and also as Brigade Major and D. A. Q.M. ,

General to Brigadier General Baker; was present in the engagement at Charasiab and in the operations around
Cabul in December 1S79; accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar, and was present at the
battle of Candahar (several times mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with three Clasps, and lironze

" Lt.Colonel Murray served with the 72nd Highlanders throughout the Afghan war of 187S-S0 with the Koornmj'
Cabul, and Cabul-Candahar Field Forces (till April 1880 as Adjutant) was present at the attack and capture of the'

Peiwar Kotal and in the engagement at Charasiab (mentioned in despatches), and in the operations around Cabui
in December 1879 ; accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar, and waspresent at the battleo)
Candahar— severely wounded (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major,Medal with four Clasps, and Bronze Decora
tion). Served in the Egyptian war of 188288 Brigade Major Infantry Brigade Indian Contingent, and was present al
the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of the Osmanieh, and Khedive's Star)
Ser\-e*l throughout the Soudan campaign in 1S85 on special service as Assistant to the Chief of the Staff, and was
preeeiit iu the engagement at Hasheen and at the destruction of Temai (mentioned in despatches, Clasp).
" Licuts. W. H. Hunter and Elliot served with the ist Battalion Seaforth Highlanders iu the Egyptian war
1882, and were present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal vrith Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
" .Major Fergusson served with the 72nd Highlanders in the Afghan war from March 187S till January iSSo witt
the Koorum and Cabul Field Forces, and was present in the engagement at Charasiab (wounded) and in the opera-
tiouB around Cabul in December 1879— dangerously wounded (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal witl
twoCla.sps). Served with the ist Battalion Seaforth Highlanders in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was presem
in the engagement at Chalouf (mentioned in despatches. Medal, and Khedive's Star)
*" Captain Hughcs-Hallett served with the 72nd Highlanders from the commencement of the
Afghan war in 187S
till July 1S79 with the Koorum Field Force, and was present at the attack and capture of the Peiwar Kota
(mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp). Served with the ist Battalion Seaforth Highlanders in the Egyptiai
war of 1S82, and was present in the engagement at Chalouf (mentioned in despatches), and at the battle
TcI-cl-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
» Captain Mackenzie serv-ed with the 78th Highlanders in the Afghan war in i85o (Medal). Served with th.
TrnnBiK,rl Department iu Southern Afghanistan from 15th November 1879 to 14th February 1881
« Captain J. A. Campbell served with the 72nd Highlanders in the Afghan war from February till December 187.
with the Koorum and Labul Field Forces, and was present in the engagement at Charasiab (Medal with Clasp)
hervcil with the ist Uattalion Seaforth Highlanders in the Egj-ptian war of
1882,> and was present
^ at the battle
Tcl-cl-Kcbir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
« Captain Hatton Bervc<l with the 7Sth Highlanders in the Afghan war in 18S0 (Medal) Was Orderly Officer t .

the Brigadier General Commanding the 2nd Brigade Candahar Field Force from
19th December iSSo to the 216
Major Monro served with the 72nd Highlanders throughout the Afghan war of 187S-80 with
«^ the Koormr
( abul, and Cubul-Candahnr h leld b orce.«. part of the time as
Regimental Transport Officer, from April
julnnt was i.rcscnt at the i.ttack and capture of the Peiwar Kotal (wounded), and in the engagement iSSo as Ad
at Charasia
^^ccember 1870 accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candaha'
lin! ir'l'Tir, l","f ."y?"'! .? ofr '-" ;
C.mdahar-seyorely wounded (mentioned in despatches, Medal with four Clasp.'
u ur.,irr.-'.I ™h ^ t
' "^ Hfttalion Scaforth Highlanders in the Egyptian war of 1SS2, an
« u^ n.nm in V?, n .
7'\ In"", "V°
"^ ,<^"'"''""f »"'' "t the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star
Ir^. mnnm.r .^'i^'".^.*'"^
ser^-ed ^^-ith the BechuanalaAd Expedition in con
mnn.lTf V-oh.,,w'or^
» rnptuli,|i DavidHon and Parr Campbell served with the 78th Highlanders in the Afghan
I.u.ut. Mucdonald h.tvc.I with the 72nd
war in 1880 (Medal)
Highlanders in the Afghan war from January 1879 with the
mcluding the Khost Expedition, the engagement at Charasiab, and tl
wu« i.r.«.nt..tihot,.afl....r.-,.n,ifI?]'/'\'"r
Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar, an
.^^' •?w??™P*.'?.''^*^ S'""
with three Clasps, and Bronze Decoration). Served ^viththe
He"ll J 11, n.krs^ n ist Battalc
'-^'M't""' war of .S82.and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clas-
i!i7.1 Kl.c<l've'H suir)

iiZorZ'JrTi-.'^Z,^^^^^ » "^° Afghan war in 1880 (Medal). Was Orderly Officer totl
» Lir'a I^ .« Hcr^c.Tw it^^ ^''"•«>'? Afghanistan from 17th December 1880 to 15th November 188
^I^^Hi"', Afghan war from March 18S0 with the Cabul and Cabu
Candahar ^cld Korccl cVo.lrnin,^^^^^^^ ?i,^^
"^'^ ™-'^'-^l^ to Candahar, and was present at tl
UltWCa,?Uhnr[M^i;, vriu" 'li^n^^^^^ Decoration).
Under. in lhoE«VtJanwaror. Served with the ist Battalion Seaforth Hig
lanuert In itio fijo plian war of 1882, r^ was presen in the enp
882 and
j<ement at Chalouf (mentioned in despatches) ai
Seaforth Highlanders {Ross-shire Baf^s, The D nice nf Albany's). 320
at tUo battle of Tel-ol-Kebir (mentioned in de^p.-ifflicv!, ai,-1;i1 wirJi cin^in, :in.l Khedive's Star). Served with the
Nile Expedition in [8S+-85, and afterwards in ih li 11 '.'•
- m :
Clasps). -
<',, Mounted Infantry (two
3* Lieut. Egerton served with the 72nd II '
\var from November 1879 with tho
.1 '

Calml and Cabul-Oandahar Field Forces, ;u:>! ..1 ;. .ii ni ,> .;;::oiis around Cabul in December 1879
(dauLferously wounded) accompanied Sir FruiK ink U^jolils lu t,liu iii,u\ U I.) Caudahar, and was present at the

battle of Candahar (Medal with two Clasps, aiul I3rouze Decoration). Served as Adjutant ist Battalion Seaforth
Highlanders throughout the Egyptian war of 1S82, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with
Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
" Lieuts. Warrand and Spottiswoode served with the 1st Battalion Seaforth Highlanders in tho Egyptian
war of 1882, and were present at the engagement at Chalouf and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp,
and Khedive's Star).
Lieut. Christopher served with the jSth Highlanders in the Afghan war in 1S80 (Medal)
'^ was Orderly Officer ;

to Brigadier General Walker, Comaiauding 3rd Brigade Southern Afghanistan Field Force, from the zpth
November 1880 till the nth May iSSi.
S" Lieut. Tod served with the ist Battalion Se.->,forth Highlanders as Regimental Transport Officer throughout the

Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the bai^tle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Gla*p, and Khedive's Star).
"s Lieuts. Mackenzie and Ewart served with the detachment of the 2nd Battalion Seaforch Highlanders attached

to the Tst Battalion Seaforth Highlanders in the Egyptian war of 18S2, and were preseat at tho battle of Tel-el-
Kebir (.Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
" Lieut. Lauder served throughout the Afghan war of 1S78-80 with the 72nd Highlandeis, and wa;^ )n-oscnt in the
engagement at Charasiab on the 6th October 1879 and in the operations round Cabul in Dcmuli, r ; :!. .miiianied 1 , ;

Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar and was present at the battle of ';iiiil:i li* n m des- 1 i

patches. Medal with three Clasps, Bronze Decoration, and additional Medal with Clasp fin- di- m ..hluctin i: '

the field). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tol-el-Kel>ir Al^ lil wnh l:isp, and 1

Khedive's Star).

Xecord of the Sei-okes of the ist Battalion of the SeafoHh Sighlandeys (fonnerli/ the 72ml UigUanders).
Raised by letter of service dated Sth January 1778 inspected and passed istK nlay 1778 ; received title of 78th

iSth July 1778 proceeded to Guernsey and Jersey 12th September 1778 proceeded to the Bast Indies ist June
; ;

1781 n\imber changed to 72nd in 1786 took part in the capture of Ceylon 1795 ; returned to England 2nd February
; ;

1798 embarked for the Cape of Good Hope 31st July 1805 ; to Mauritius 1810; to the Cape of Good Hope 1814 ; to

India and back 1815 returned to England 22nd December 1821 ; embarked for the Cape of Good Hope ist July

1828; returned to England nth April 1840; embarked for Gibraltar 27th November 1S44; to Bai-badoes 1848; to
Halifax, N.S., 1851; returned to England 12th October 1854; embarked for Malta 14th December 1854; to the
Crimea 22nd May 1855 returned to England 6th July 1856 embarked for Bombay 4th September 1857 returned
; ; ;

to England i6th November 1865; embarked for Bombay 21st February 1871 to Aden 25th February 1882; to ;

Bfrypt 2ml August 1882; returned to England 15th October 1882.

Record of the Services oj the znd Battalion of the Seaforth Highlanders (formerly the j5th Highlanders).
Raised by letter of service dated 7th March 1 793 inspected and passed July 1 793 proceeded to Holland September
; ;

1794; returned to England May 1795; proceeded to Quiberon August 1795 returned January 1796 proceeded to the ; ;

Gape of Good Hope 1797 to Calcutta February 1797 to Bombay February 1803 to Goa February 1807 ; to Java
; ; ;

August i8u; returned to England July 1S17; proceeded to Ireland November 1S17 embarked for Ceylon April ;

1826 returned to England February 1838 embarked for India April 1842. Proceeded on active service to Persia
; ;

in January 1857, returned to Bombay m

May 1857, thence immediately to Bengal. Returned to England Septem-
ber 1S5Q. Emijarked for Gibraltar 3 August /S65. Returned to England from Nova Scotia, 21 December 1871.

Embarked for India, t6 Feb. 79. .._^

Continuation of Notes to the Gordon Highlanders.

" H. H. Gordon and Neish served in the expedition to the Soudan in 1884 with the ist Battalion of
Lieuts. E.
the Gordon Highlanders, and were present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai (Medal with Clasp, and
Khedive's Star)^ Served In the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the ist Battalion of the Gordon Highlanders and
with the River Column under Major General Earle (Clasp). ^ ^ „• , , .
"> Lieut. Thomson served in the expedition to the Soudan in 1384 with the 1st Battalion of the Gordon High-

landers, and was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Serve •.

in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the ist Battalion of the Gor.lon Highlanders (Clasp).
" Lieut. Murray served in the Soudan Expedition in 1884 with the ist Battalion Gordon Highlanders, and wa3
present in the engagement at El Teb (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
' Lieut. Gallic served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the ist Battalion of the Gordon Highlanders (Medal
with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
^^e uoraon

3" iiignianaers. Lia .^.-AberdVen:

r„aBatt..Biu..t. J
Formerly the 75</' {SiirliiK/ahire) the g2ncl (Gordon Highlanders) Begiments.
(I'lic 3rJ 15;ittalioii is formed of the Aberdeenshire Militia.)
" SaiiVGArATiM " "Ixdia" (with the Royal Tiger). " Egmont-op-Zee" "Mandora" "Kgtpt" (with tha ,

Sphinx). "Cobcxna" "Fukxtks d'O.yoe" "Almabaz" "Vittohia" "Pxrenees" "Nive" "Obthks"

"P«SI.^sl•LA" " Waterloo
"" South Afeica, 1S35" " DEtHi" "Lucknow " " Chakasiah " "Kabul, 1879"
"KaVdahah, 1S80" "Afghanistan, 1S7S-80" "Egypt, 1S82, 1884" " Tel-el-Kebie " " Nile, 1884-85."
YSS.- S«r. Colonels.— I John Thomas Hill, Ensign, ^is March 27 Lieut. Pi6 Apr. 29 Capi. ^la Feb. 35 Major, ^ic ; ; ;

FnU H«ul March 41; Lt.Culonel, 3 Apr. 46; Colonel, 20 Jane 54; Major General, ^o July 60; Lieut. General,
14 June 69 General, 24 June 76 Colonel 75th Foot, 24 Oct. 72.
; ;

Sir John Alexander Ewart,' KCB. Ensign, 27 July 38 Lt. 15 April 42 Capf. P12 May 48 Bf. Major, ; ; ;

\2 Dec. 54 ; Major, 29 Dec. 54 Bf.Lt. Colonel, 2 Nov. 55 ; Lf. Colonel, 16 Apr. 58 Colonel, 26 Apr. 59 ;
; ;

Jifu;'or Genera/, 6 March 68; iieu^ General, 1 Oct. 77; General, 13 Jan. 84; Colonel 2nd Battalion
Gordon HiRhlnnders, 12March 84.
Lieutenant Colonels. i — John Edward Boyos,^ Commanding the Battalion, 1 July 87 ; Ensign, ''29 Oct. 61 ;
Xr^iS Jan. 67; Capt. ''14 Oct. 68; Mijir, 18 Dec. 80; Bt.Lt. Colonel, 18 Nov. 82; Lt.Colonel, 13 Feb. 85;.
Colonel. :S Nov. 86.
p.t.c. Edward Essex,^ Commanding the Battalion, i July 87: Ensign, I9 Feb. 67 ; Lt. P27N0V. 67; Capt,
•'31 May 71 ; Bt. Major, 29 Nov. 79 ; Major, 24 Aujj. 81 ; Lt.Colonel, 19 May 86.


Patrick Francis Robertson" "14 Mar. 65 P29 May 29 Jan. 75 29 Oct. 8>
Orfeur James Ca\enagh,^o Paymaster
Nov. 67 P24 April Nov.
''27 14 Dec. 78 28 83;

Henry Harding ''17 April 69 P31 May 8 Mar. 79 28 Nov. 831

Roljert Henry Oxley'^ P Mar.
2 9 67 Pis Dec. 28 Oct. 76 13 Feb. 8s.
2 Duncan Forbes Gordon'^ S May 67 P15 Dec. 22 Feb. 79 13 May 85
2 if OH. John Scott Napieri* ''14 Aug. 67 P17 May 17 April 80 13 May 85.
Cha.Whittingham HorsleyDouglas.i* \
Adj. 7 Middletex Bijle Volunteert
"•le Dec. 69
P27 Oct.
29 July 80 13 May 85
... )
j2 Henry Baylysi 30 Dec. 9 Sept. 80 19 Sept. 85 i

.. I Basil Hall Woodward" 1*20 Oct. 69 P31 May 21 July 80 10 Oct. 85 -

I Ai-thur Henry Pain^ 3 Sept. 70 28 Oct. 9 Mar. 81 I Sept. Sf

I James John Burke Menzies^' Pi 7 April 69 I
21 May 84
1 Somerset E. O'Brien Kevill-Davies" ..
Y€ William Hy.Dick Cunyngham,") I

17 Feb. 10 Oct. Si
Adj.nVol.Batt. Gordon Highlanders y\
Ian Staudish Monteith Hamilton -<> ) '

(Bt. LI. Colon el, I July 87), Aide de\\ 24 April 25 Feb. 82 7 Nov. S.'i

to Sir Frederick Roberts


I 'iihtp )
Charles William ('arirae, .lid/. 6 Foi. ) '
23 Dec. 6S z8 Oct. 16 Jan. 81
Baft. Gordon Highlanders ^
George Thomas FrederickDownman** 1 |

Adjutant s(Deeside Jliqhland)Volun- V :

29 Nov. 7^, 28 Nov. 83

feer Battalion Gordon Highlandei-s )
2 William Augustus Scott 1 21 Sept. 74! 1 Dec.
Walter Colquhoun Boyd,^" Adjutant )
20 Nov. 75' 12 Mar.
3 Battalion Boyal Fusiliers )
Forbes Macbean,^^ Instructor Royal \
Militani College II Nov. 76; 2 July 84]
Francis Farquharson Ramsay,^' Adj. )
iBn. (Aberdeen Highlanders Militia) ) 29 Jan. 76| 13 Feb. 85
1 Charles Herbert Payne 35 11 Nov. 78' 10 Oct. 35
2 Harry Wright^* 29 Nov. 76, 9 Mar. 86
I Herbert Henry Bumey^
30 Jan. 78 21 July 24 July 86
I Richard Dyneley Jenuings-Bramly .. 22 Jan. 79 I Dec. I Sept. 86
Alexander David Fraser^" 26 Aug. 8 Dec. 86
Charles Reginald Sydney Douglas-
Hamilton-'^ ( 5 Sepii 5 Oct. 4 Dec. 86
Henry William Donne Denne,^* Aide\
de Camp to Major General H.Wilkie) .31 Jan. 80' 30 Mar. I July 87
Harry King Stewart" 23 Apr. I July
81 18 Dec. 87
1 Claude Charles Miller- Wallnutt" July
23 Apr. 81 I
14 Jan. 88
Hector Archibald MacDonald,^' ,^5. j
ing Kith the Egyptian Army 7 Jan. 80 I July 18 Jan. 88
2 George Staunton*" 14 Jan. 80 I July 18 Jan. 88
2 Robert Dunbar Sinclair- Wemyss" 17 April 80 I July
: John Scion Henderson" 23 Apr. 8 I July
2 Kredorick Gordon" 22 Jan. 8 I July
Cecil Frederick Nevil Macready,«S
Slaf Captain in Egypt |
22 Oct.
Herbert William Jackson,*' terving\ =5 Captain Burnett.— For War Scr
utththt Egyptian Gendarmerie 22 Oct. vices, see Arm.v Pay Deimrtment.
j 56 Lieut. Carlaw served in the Egyp-
I Reginald Suinley Hunter-Blair«» 22 Oct.
1 Edward Hyde Hamilton Gordon" tian war of 1882 with the ist Battalion
10 Ma.y ,

Slado Thomson,'" Army Serviet Corps Gordon Highlanders, and was present
9 Sept.
2 James A. L. Hnldaue, Adj. 1 Sept. 88 at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal
9 Sept. j

2 Tyrell Gordon Pino with Clasp, and Khedive's Star) also ; 1

27 Jan.
Fninci8lluKhNci8h,«Md/ii^on<3iJan.88 served in the Soudan Expedition in
10 Mar.
1 Alexander I'onroBO Murrav". 1884 with the ist Battalion Gordon;
19 Sept.
2 Honry Percy Uni»cke ....'. '..'.'.'.'.'..'. Highlanders, and was present in the 1

Hector Mncneal 14 May engagements at El Teb and Temai'


2 John Christio Aitken ......!..!.!."!!." 14 May (two Clasps). Served in the Nile Bx-
Arthur Ivockhart Gallic" 14 May peditioniu 18S4-85 with the ist Batta-
1 Kt«wart Lygon Murray
14 May lion Gordon Highlanders and with the

12 Nov.
2 //on. Wnlu,T Robert Urummond
Forbes River Column under Major Genera'
-nmeii Uoiigli.H Korofrville Lockhart... 7 Feb.
12 Earle (Clasp).
29 Aug.
2 Hnibazon Urniston....
25 Nov.
a ArtlinrOrmoiid Norman
Kniom 25 Nov.
I IJrckwith Towso
I JloH. (foorgo 16 Dec.
Koppcl ..
Kvcl.%n. Cliiy 30 Jan.
1 K.r Hp.ymcr..!;:""
14 Apr.
» Kric Htrcnireild 28 Apr.
Frcdoric Walter 28 Apr.
Korr 25 Aug.
. ';

324 The Gordon 11 igh landers.

I December 1870 nt the attack on the Shcrpur Pass, in Afghanistan, in bavins: exposed himself to the full fire
of the enemy and by his example and encouragement rallied the men, who, having been beaten back, were, at the
moment. waVcrinp lit the top of the hill." Served in the Boer war of iS8i. , ^o„
»• Lt Colonel Hamilton served with the 92nd Highlanders m the Afghan war of 1S78-80, and was present m the
, ^ ^u

onKajroment at Charasiab on 6th October 1879 including the subsequent pursuit of the Afghans (mentioned m
despatches) and in the operations around Cabul in December 1S79 (mentioned despatches, Medal with two m
nntips) Served in the Boer war of 1881— severely wounded (mentioned in despatches). Served with the Nile
Kxpe»lition in i8?4-85 with the 1st Battalion Gordon Highlanders; was Captain of the Guard to Major General
Karlc, I'omnianding the River Column, and was present at the action of Kirbekan (mentioned in despatches.
Brevet of Major, Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
" Captain Dowmnan served in the expedition to the Soudan in 1S84 with the ist Battahon of the Gordon High-
landers, and was present in the engagements at El Teb and Teniai (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Hcr\-cd in the Nile Expedition in 1884-S5 with the ist Battalion of the Gordon Highlanders and with the River
Column under Major General Earle (Clasp).
»" Captain Boyd served with the 92nd Highlanders in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and was present in the opei-a-
tions around Cabul in December 1879 (Medal with Clasp) Served with the 92nd Highlanders in the Boer war of 1881 .

" Captain Ramsay served with the 92nd Highlanders in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and was present in the
engagement at Charasiab on 6th October 1879, with the Maidan Expedition, in the operations around Cabul in
December 107^), and in the engagement at Charasiab on 25th April 1880 (mentioned in despatches); accompanied
Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar, and was present at the reconnaissance of 31st August and at
the battle of Candahar (Medal with three Clasps, and Bronze Decoration). Served with the expedition to the '.

Soudan under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884, and was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai (Medal with
Clasp, and Khedive's Star).

" Captain Douglas-Hamiltcn served with the Carabiniers in the Afghan war in 1879-80, including the affair at |

Ali Boghan under Lt. Colonel Fryer, and the expeditions into the Lughnian Valley and against the Wuzeeree '

Khugianis (Medal).
"Captain Macbean served with the 92nd Highlanders in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and was present in the
engagement at Charasiab on 6th October 1879, with the Maidan Expedition, in the operations around Cabul in
December 1S79, and in the engagement at Charasiab on 25th April 1880; accompanied Sir Frederick
Roberts in the march to Candahar, and was present at the reconnaissance of 31st August and at the battle of
Candahar (Medal with three Clasps, and Bronze Decoration). Served in the Boer war of 18S1.
'• Captain Wright served with the 92nd Highlanders in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and was present in the

engagement at Charasiab on 6th October 1879, with the Maidan Expedition, in the operations around Cabul in
December 1S79, and in the engagement at Charasiab on 25th April 1880; accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in '

tlie march to Candahar, and was present at the reconnaissance of 31st August and at the battle of Candahar

(Medal with three Clasps, and Bronze Decoration). Served in the Boer war of 1881 (mentioned in despatches). i

^ Major C. U. PajTie served in the Egyptian war of 1882 with the ist Battalion Gordon Highlanders, and was j

present at the battle of Tel-clKiliir l.Akiial with Clasp, and Khedive's Star) also served in the Soudan Bxpedi- ; ,

lion in 18S4 under Sir Gerul^l hnlnim \vith the Mounted Infantry, and was present in the engagements at El Teb

and Temai (mentioned in dt.-luteins, sih Class of the Medjidae, two Clasps). Served in the Nile Expedition in
1S34-S5 in command of a company uf Mounted infantry, took part in the operations of the Desert Column under !

Sir Herbert Stewart, and was present in the actions at Abu Klea and Abu Kru, the reconnaissance of Metammeh, •

and the engagement at Abu Klea Wells on the 17th February (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, two Clasps). '

"* Captain Bumey served in

the; Egyptian war of 1882 as Adjutant of the ist Battalion of the Gordon High- »

anders,_and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and
Khedive's Star). Served in the Soudan Expedition under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884, and was present in the
engagements at El Teb and Temai (t^vo Clasps). Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the ist Battalion
of the Gordon Highlanders and with the River Column under Major General Earle (Clasp).
" Captain Fraser ser\-ed with the 92nd Highlanders in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and was present in the engage-
ment at Charasiab on the 6th October 1879, with the Maidan Expedition, in the operations around Cabul in
December 1879, and in the engagement at Charasiab on the 25th April 1880 accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in ;

J''e march to Candahar, and was present at the reconnaissance of 31st August and at the battle of Candahar
(Medal with three Clasps, and Bronze Decoration). Served in the Boer war of 18S1. Served with the Nile Expedi-
tion in 1884-85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). 1

"Captain Denne served in the Egyptian war of 1S82 with the ist Battalion Gordon Highlanders, and was present 1

at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star)

also served in the Soudan Expedition in 1884 ;
as Transport OUlcer with the ist Battalion Gordon Highlanders, and was present in the engagements at El Teb 1

atia lemm (two Clasps). Served in the Nile Expedition in 18S4-85 with the ist Battalion Gordon Highlanders and ;

"'„ River Column under Major General Earle (Clasp).


" "aptain MacDonald served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and was present at the affair at Karatiga (mentioned

in acspatches), in the engagement at Charasiab on

6th October 1B79 (mentioned in despatches), with the Maidan
r.xpeuition, in the operations around Cabul in December
1879, and in the engagement at Charasiab on 25th April
K.UO accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the
; march to Cabul, and was present at the reconnaissance of 31st
Augiin ana at the battle of Candahar (promoted Second
Lieutenant, Medal with three Clasps, and Bronze 1

Decoration). Ser\'ed in the Boer war of 1881. i

"' Captain Staunton

served in the Afghan war in 1880, and accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to
"'as present at the reconnaissance of 31st August and
and nV! J:„"n
M Bronze at the battle of Candahar (Medal with Clasp,
Decoration). Served in the Boer war of 1881.

«n,l «!1!1''«',"
.'^.^.'.®"',"''*1^"'.'"il i"
^'"^ Egyptian war of ,882 with the ist Battalion of the Gordon Highlanders,'
the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's

V^l^r.P^T tJ"^ Star) also served in the Soudan ;

"'^'•^''•s Buller, and was present in the engagements at El Teb and

Tcinai fiwn rti.!* r
^^ ''''•T ^"'^''\
''.'•'7?'l "-'^^^ ^'>o Nile Expedition in
1884-85 with the Mounted Infantry, took partinthei
nnira io,?Hnf r'^n'-
^..IJmX», ..„. .1 ^"'"''•''P''^*''"^
• Klea and Abu Kru, in the recomiaissance ot
engagement at Abu Klea Wells on the 19th February (two Clasps, and 4th Class of the j


(Medal'with errand k'Vuw^

°*' and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebii
an.TwaH nroHc t n T. ^ ^'
« '^'•""^ =
,", f"
*"^/'^ '" ^^^ Soudan Expedition under Sir Gerald Graha^i in 1884.
'""^ ^'="''" <t^o f^l'^^PS)- Served in the Nile Expedition in
w^ h the It 1^ L n, , •
M *'7r\'V "\ ^ •''' 1884-8;
" jJlTnl s!ISxv\ ;;;y '';;,en^^^^^^^^
^^ """'^^^ ^"^'''' ^"^^^^ ^"^''' '^'"'p^-

il.?n in .si "vu

(two Cl,u.,m). Served ill the N
t Hnll^l'ion V7'h "','?' ^ ^*P' ""/
Kv ell f, M /' "".uT!"
Gordon Highlanders, and was
Khedive's Star) also served in the Soudan Expedi
1""^"^' '" ^^^ engagements at El Teb and Teina-
^^^ '"' Battalion Gordon Highlanders and with th(
i ,
18S2 with the ist Battalion

^^^'•"f 'S82, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal witl
ami KbcdWo'H Su^h" 'sorvna?;^'';,''" «
Soudan Expedition under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884 as Adjutant of th.
on or ho (;ordoMin^.hiy.n^^
..t l{«tul
« Cnwain Mucrendv
Kor ved
v-llhcLp. nndXhedivc'HSUir"
"' "^^
'^'^"^•^'^*'^^^ i Z
'" "j'" cnsagements at El Teb and Temai (two Clasps)
present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Meda

"^ '882 with the 1st Battalion Gordon Hirtlanders (Medal, an.
Khc.nvo'lst^r''r;;i»r;cnUVinn,o''c-?f?v^'*'" in IhoVngCm, , ,« '^^^ "'^'^ ^^"^ '^' Battalion Gordon Highlanders, and wa!
i»t nnttiillon Corrion llitrhliii
,7" u"'"",,' "'*'"*> Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with th.
.1. rs . ,

- Mcut. Hunu.r.Hl«ir .crvcd in Flv,', ,'m vlir^r'

«'?'" ""'!" Major General Earle (Clasp).
,','' ir M. 1- ,", '882 "'th the ist Battalion Gordon Highlanders, and wa:
tK.n In 1884 with the i^t llattnli.,
c ,r nn n?;
''^''"dive's Star) also served in the Soudan Expcdi ;

(two riajip»). Scrvc'l in llicN ' "•"« present in the engagements at El Teb and Tcma

F, n, M?i '"^'''"Ji''''™' ^^"".";'

ItlTcT Column under Major ^ '*' ^'^"''''°'^ Gordon Highlanders and with th
ticnerarKuiii' (''i'iik'))'^
[For remainder of Notea, tee end of Seaforth nightamUrf, p. 32c

Edinburgh.] The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders. LEegimentid Dintrict

No. jg.-invemesi
Formerly the ygth (Queen's Oion Cameron Highlanders) Regiment.
(The 2nd Battalion is formed of the Highland Light Infantry Militia.)
Tlie Thistle ensigned with the Imperial Crown. "Eojiont-op-Zee " "Egypt" (with the Sphinx). " Fuextes
d'Onob" "Salamanca" "PrKEifEEs" " Nivelle " "Nivb" "Toulouse" "Peninsula" "Waterloo"
"Alma" " Sevastopol" "LuCKNOw " "Egypt, 1882" " Tel-el-Kebir " "Nile, 1S84-85."
Years' Ser. Colonel.— Sir Richard Chambre Hayes Taylor,' XOi?., .BKsi^n, 11 Dec. 35; Lt..>f2g Mar. 39; Capt.v^j, Aug.44
Major, 8 Aug. 54; Lt. Colonel, 12 Dec. 54 Colonel, 21 May 58; Major General, 6 Mar. 68 Lieut. G-eneral,
; ;

I Oct. 77 General,
; Apr. 83 Colonel Cameron Highlanders, 9 Sept. 87.
i ;

Lieutenant Colonel. Edward Everett,^ 2>S0. Commanding the Regiment, i July 87; Ensign, 1 Mar. 55; Lt.
^n Sept. 55 Capt. ^2 May 65 ; Bt. Major, i Oct. 77 Major, 1 July 81 Jit. Lt. Colonel, 15 June' 85;
; ; ;

Lieutenant Colonel, i July 85.

Majors. LIEUT,
'Archibald Young Leslie 4 Mar. 60
.. Orr BOswellGordon,M(J/«'«n< i(Inverness ^
Highland) Volunteer Jin. Cameron High- > 4 July 65
landers )
.. jNorman Guthrie Chalmersi" II Dec. 66
.. I
Gordon Lorn Camjibell Money, " DSO. |
(Brevet Lt. Colonel, Jan.
8 Feb.
i 88) 3
.. William Haskett Smith, =a Adjutant 3 I
Volunteer Bn. Seaforth Highlanders ...
9 Feb.

... James Maitland Hunt"

Kenneth Schalch Baynes,'^ Adjutant 2 1

Battalion (Inverness Milifhi) J

Robort Francis Ladeveze Napier"'

Frederick Hacket-Thompson'" 6 Aug.
Thomas Arthur Mackenzie'-^
Henry Huntly Leith MalcolmrJ
Beauchamp Colclough Urquhart-"
Duncan Francis Davidson^^
Roderick Willoughby Macl eod-'

Charles Frederick Herbert Davidson^' ..

Granville Eardley Forbes"

Adam Scott-Elliot^s
George Ross Cavaye''^
{John Spencer Ewart,^^ Adit. 13 May 85 ..

Malcolm Stewart Riach^a

Charles Findlay29t
Augustus de Segur M'KerrelP"
Angus Falconer Douglas-Hamilton^i
lion. Andrew David Murray^^
Walter Douglas Ewart ^s
Henry Gordon Wolrige-Gordon^*
Frederic Alexander MacFarlan^=
Hugh Robert Lumsden^s
Hon. John Forbes Sempill, Master of'i
SempilP' j
Arthur Frederick Egerton

226-8 -LliC queens Uivii j-LLijiuunut^ie,.

1SS3-86 with the Cameron Highlanders, and

Scr%od ihrouKhout the operations of the Sotidnn Frontier Field Force in
WHS iirfccnt at Koshchdurinif its investment and in the eiigafjement iit Giniss. „ ^. oc
war of» 1882, j
and ,
>» Mnior UavnesBen-ed as Adjutant of the Cameron Highlanders throughout the Egyptian

wa-; present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and

Khedive's Star). Served with the expedition to-
Ihf' Poudan in iSSj as Assistant Military Secretary to Sir Gerald
Graham, and was present the engagements at m ,

despatches. Brevet ot Major, two Clasps) berved

Kl Teh and Toinai ())rouKht home the despatches, mentioned in :;

at Korosko
with the Nile K\i>cdiUon in 1884-85 as Adjutant of the Cameron Highlanders and Station Staff Officer
Adjutant and Quarter

(ClHMi) also served in the campaign in the Kastern Soudan in 1885 as Deputy Assistant
• |

MaMor Gcncnil. and was present in the engagement at Hasheen and at the destruction of Temai (mentioned in

*n/"''Jpta*in xlfpic'r scr»-ed throughout the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the Cameron Highlanders
' (Medal with
Clasp and Khedive's Star). Seri'ed throughout the operations of the Soudan Frontier Field Force 1885-86 with m
the Cameron Hitrhlnndcrs, and was present at Kosrheh during its investment and the engagemeiitat Giniss (4th m
'""captainHacket Thompson served as Transport Oflficer with the Cameron Highlanders throughout the Egyp-
tian war of iSSz, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served
throiik'hout the operations of the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86 with the Cameron Highlanders, and was
prt'siiit at Kosheh during its investment (wounded) and in the engagement at Giniss.

Cnpt«in Mackenzie served with the Cameron Highlanders throughout the Egyptian war of 1882, and was
present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Soudan Frontier
Field Force in iS36.
'» Captnm Malcolm served with the Cameron Highlanders throughout the Egyptian -war of 1882, and was present

St the battle of Tel-el-Kebir— twice wounded (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served throughout the Nile
Kxpoilition in 1884-85 on special service as Staff Captain with the whaler boats (Clasp).
»' Ciiptjiin Urqnhan served with the Cameron Highlanders in the Egyptian war of 1882 from the landing at
Ismailia.and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star); also served through-
out tlic Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the Cameron Highlanders (Clasp). Served in the operations of the Soudan
Frontier Field Force in 1885-86 with the Cameron Highlanders, and was present at Kosheh during its investment
and in the engagement at Giniss.
^ Captain D. F. Davidson served with the Cameron Highlanders throughout the Egj-jitian war of 1S82, and was
present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal -n-ith Clasp, and Khetlive's Star); also served throughout the Nile Ex-
l)c<lition in1884-S5 with the Cameron Highlanders (Clasp). Sei-ved throughout the operations of the Soudan Frontier
Field Force in iS85-86with the Cameron Highlanders, and was present at Kosheh during its investment at the
i-croiinaiBsance on the i6th December, and in the engagement at Giniss.
•^ Captain Macleod served with the Cameron Highlanders throughout the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present
at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served in the operations of the Soudan •

Fn->iitier Field Force in 1885-86 with the Cameron Highlanders, and was present at Kosheh during its investment ;

and in the engagement at Giniss.

Lieut. C. F. H. Davidson served with the Cameron Highlanders throughout the Egy)itian war of i88z, and was
-* '

present nl the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served in the expedition to the *

Soudan in 1884 with the Gordon Hisrhlanders, and was present in the engagements at El Teb and Teicai (two-
Clasps); also sen-cd throaghout the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 on special service as Transport Oificer, and took
part in the operations of the Desert Column (Clasp). Served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1SS6 with
the Cameron Highlandei-s.
^ Lieut. Forbes served tlirn\i;.'hout tlio Nile Exnedition in 1884-85 with the Cameron Highlanders (Medal with
t'lasj), and Khedive's Stin>. S. v .1 u iil, tin' >. iir,;,,, I'l untier Field Force in :S86.


" Lieut. Scott-KlUot si'v. I

i! aurs throughout the Egvptian war of 18S2, and was present

at the battle of Tel-el-Kfl.: ni .

,, ilive's Star); also served' throughout the Nile Expedition in

1884-85 with the Cameron II lIi :;iVi. r~ lii-in. >. ,\r,| throughout the operations of the Soudan Frontier Field

Force in 1S85-86 in conimaml of the Cnniuron Division of the British Camel Corps, and was present in the engage-
ment at Giniss.
^- Lieut. Cavaye served with the Cameron Highlanders
throughout the Egyiitian war of 1882, and was present at
tlie battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star) served throughout the Nile Expedition in
; also
1884-85 with the Cameron Highlanders (Clasp). Sei-ved in the operations of the Soudan Frontier Field Force in ,

1885-86 with the Cameron Highlanders, and was present at Kosheh during its investment and in the engagement
at Giniss.
^ Lieut. J. S. Ewart served with the Cameron Highlanders throughout the Egvptian war of 18S2, and was
prcfcnt at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star); also served throughout the Nile
Kxix-dition in 1S84-85 with the Cameron Highlanders (Clasp). Served throughout the operations of the Soudan
Frontier Field Force in 1885-86 as Adjutant of the Cameron Highlanders, was Staff Officer at Kosheh during its
invfitment, and was present in the engagement at Giniss (4th Class of the Medjidie).
«• Licnt Riach served throughout the Nile
Expedition in 1S84-85 -nnth the Cameron Highlanders (Medal with
I lasp, and Khedive's Star). Served throughout the operations of the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 18S5-S6 with
the < nmeron Highlanders, and was present at Kosheh during its investment,
at the reconnaissance on the i6th
December, anil was Staff Officer at Kf during the engagement at Gi
Ifjcut- I-'injllny ser\'ed througli-nt tlio Nile Expedition in 1884-S5 with the Cameron Highlanders (Medal
Willi Clasp and Khedive's Star) nl-n s, rvc d with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1886.

Lieut XI Ken-ell scn-ed throu-h-.m thi' Nile Kxpedition in '

1884-85 with the Cameron Highlanders (Medal with

""'.'• *"" Sc^''-''' thr.nighout the operations of the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86 with
.^° ^ ,•""'•
"^u '
"'Kf",""'c"».nnd was present at Kosheh during its investment, at the reconnaissance on the i6th
Uecember, anrl m
the engagement at Giniss.
'!'"'«'"'? """I'lton served during the latter part of the Nile Expedition in 18S5 with the Cameron High-
Khedive s Star). Served throughout the operations of the Soudan Frontier Field
i.w„^,,' Vo 0^' -.u i'}''!';.""'!
''°"^^'" '^^^ "'"* present at Kosheh during its investment and in the
oirJnKcm<^itVt Giniss |

^P"'f d"""f? the latter part of the Nile Expedition in 1885 with the Cameron
lli^l,'i»^'.','iL",M':l^; '^••.u'i'ir™^'
• ''•,""'* Khedive's
M Star). Served throughout the operations of the Soudan Frontier]
KiH h-nro Bs «*'"'.?'
"' *-'«ncron Highlanders, and was present at Kosheh during its investment and in the
MKiiifemenl at'(iiii"i88
^orycA throughout the operations of the Soudan
(•iim,Vii^n"iny;i P'^'';"''"^ Frontier Field Force in 1885-86 with the
"" "'"^ Present at Kosheh during its investment and in the engagement
at Giniss (Medal.l
and Khcdivo'i Star)"'
throughout the operations of the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86 with!
thM-',;'r.',;.!)'Mr,ii''h;','7'i?" ^"T""^
"" "'**" ''""*'''" "' ^°*'"''' ''"""'"^ ""^ investment and in the engagement at Giniss (Medal, K^wb vo" stir) 1

throughout the operations of the Soudan Frontier Field Forcein 1885-86 with the
D.rrmlHT ,,^ ",\>?»l'c»i 'luring its investment, at the reconnaissance on the i6th
en^cagcmcnt at 'w-""'
Giniss (Medal, and Khedive's Star).

Inndem (M..l"|. anil Khedive's StarT™''""^ **'""'*' ^°"'''^" Frontier Field Force in 1886 with the Cameron High-
'^'''""^ '« "^^o operations of the Soudan
(•»m.'.mIl^l!l^'l',lM,Ti^g.'''"'^°™'"'' Frontier Field Force in 1886 with the

|."Jn7i?\';,o Uu7oo?ToI'!olt'il^^^^^T™^^ throughout the Egn^ian war of 1882, and waaj

(^Ic''"' "'"''' '""' X'^^'live's Star) ; also served throughout the Nile
kx,«l,tlon in ,r" 8c with l,"^' r '^'; Y'"', '''"
I-r.'i.l.rr Ki.dd Korre ,8Sc hVw n
. "f"'*''''""' (""^I')- ^^ved throughout the operations of the Soudan

'-'"°''''"" "'Klilaudeis, and was "

»."l .n Iho cnKBffrmenl at (-i^nig" present at Kosheh dtuing its investment

*• M»lor Ly«aght.-For War sirvicos,
see Army Pay Department.
:^^dBl;Sp"r'"] The Royal Irish Rifles. Lno'.'sI-^L?/::;:^"
Formcrhj the S^n? {County Dublin) and the 86th {Royal Cotonty Doivn) Begiments.
(The 3nl, 4th, 5tli, and 6tli Battalions are formed of tlie North Down, the Antrim, the South Down,
and the Louth Militia respectively.)
TheHarpand Crovm. " Qiilsseparabit?" "India" "Egypt" (with the Sphinx). "Cape of Good Hope, 1806 "
"BouKBoif " "Talaveba" "Bcsaco" " PnENTES d'Onob" "Ciubad Rodhigo " " Bada.ioz " " Salamanca"
"Vittoiua" "Nivelle" "Orthes" "Toulouse" "Peninsula" " Central India."
Years' Ser. Colonel.— Wilmot Henry Bradford," JBhs/^ji, •'24 May 33; Lf. ''26 Aug-.
36; Capt. ^27 Au? 41- Ufaio}- '
''S Auir. 51 Lf. Colonel, 29 Dec. 54 Colonel, 29 Dec. 59 Jlujor General, 6 Mar. 68 Lt.Gen^al
; ; ; ; I'Oct 77
Colonel Irish Ritles, 24 May 86.

General, i July Si;

Lieutenant Colonels.— 2 p.s.c. Raymond O. De Montmorency, Commanding the BaffaUon 26 Apr 86- Ensign
17 July 63 Zf. Pio Nov. 65 Cavt. Pi6 Sept. 68 Maior, 1 July 81
; ; ; Lt. Colonel, 10 Jan.' 83 Col. 10 Jan S7'
; ;

p.s.c. Charles John Burnett," Commanding the Baftalion, 7 May 87; Ensign, 2 July 61 •
Lieut P8 Jan 64
Capt. Pi Dec. 69; Bt.MaJor, 1 Apr. 74; Colonel, 2 Mar. 81 Major, i July 81'; Colonel 2 March
85 i^Co/oHe/, 6 Sept. 85.
. . i
1 ; ''

330-2 Tlt^e Boijal Irish Eifle

p»y p»r
Second LiBuxBifANis.
a Alftn riiiviiiir 22 Auff. S3
Hnrcl.t Mavroinichali Biddulph 10 Nov. 88
ttoorpc Stanley Cnry 8 Dec. 88
Dnibuzon Hubert Maine Fox 8Dec. 88 j

VVillinin Jameson 8 Dec. 88 i

Vincent Joseph Kelly 8 Dec. 881

Michael Seymour Dudley Westropp 8 Dec. 881
^ Lambert Carter. 8 Dec. 88
Fxy matter,.— 2 Arthur T. Swuine, Captain 2 Battalion {acting).
I Lionel T. V. Wilkinson, Captain i Battalion
QHurler JIa»ter$.—i Patrick Joseph Thorpe, 5 Nov. 84 Hon. Lieut. ;

2 Samuel M'Clenahan, 7 April 86; Son. Lieut.

Facings Dark Green.— Agents, Messrs. Cox and Co.

1st Battalion rsturnedfr'om Gibraltar, 1SS2. 2ncl Battalion embarKcd for Bermuda, 1880.

General Bradford served in the Eastern campaign of 1854, and up to gth Feb. 1S55 vrith the 2na Battitliou Riflt
BriKaUe, iucludiuR the battle of Alma and siege of Sebastopol (Medal with two Chisps, Turkish Medil, and stl
Clas.s of the Medjidie).
m , .
' Colonel Burnett served the Ashnnti war from the 30th November 1873. Did the duties of Adjutant
Russell's Regiment from the Prah till invalided at Quarman, including; the attack and capture of Adubiassie
commanded the post of Quarman at the commencement of the enemy's attack upon it on the srstJanuan
(Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp). Served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 as Assistant Adjutant General is
Division Cnndahnr Field Force, and was present at the defence of Candahar (mentioned in despatches) includinjj
the sortie of Deh Khojah (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lt. Colonel, Medal). '

« Major Wj-ndham served in the Boer war of 1881 with the Natal Field Force.
' Major Cutbill served throufrhout the New Zealand war of 1S63-66, and was present with the Thamefj
E.^po<lilion and with that of the Waikato (Medal)
"> M.ajor Stokes served in the Boer war of 1S81 with the Natal Field Force. Served in the Soudan campaigr
in 1885 (.Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). (

" Major Tumbull served in the Hazara campaign in 1S68 with the 24th Punjab Infantry.
" Captain Tobin served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 with the 23rd Bombay Native Infantry, and was present ii
a skirmish at Siuari, near Spitungi, South Afghanistan (severely wounded), and in an affair with the Man-is in tb •

Koochiili Pass (mentioned in despatches, and received the commendations of the Government and the Commanded
in Chief in Tnflia, Medal).
» Captain Adye served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, took part in the defence of Candahar, and was present ii
the sortie of Deh Khojah and at the battle of Candahar (Medal witti Clasp). Served in the Boer war in 1881. '

" Captains J. S. Brown and Monteith served in the Boer war of 18S1 with the Natal Field Force. (

" Captain Welman served in the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal with Clasp). (

Continuation of Notes to the Princess Victorias (Boyal Irish Fusiliers').

' General A. H.FerrjTnan commanded the 89th Regiment in the Crimean campaign from 15th Dec. 1S54, inclndiu

the siege and fall of Sebastopol and attacks on the iSth June and 8th Sept. (Medal with Clasp, CB., Knight c
the Legion of Honour, 4th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
» Colonel Cox served in the Egyptian war of 18S2 as Deputy Assistant Adjutant General at the Base, Ismaili\

(Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal, and Khedive's Star). I

* Colonel K. D. Murray served in the Egyptian war of 1882 as Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quarter Maste.

General 2nd Divi^ion, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches. Brevet C
Lt. Colonel, Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of the Osmanieh, and Khedive's Star). Served with the EgyptiiiiiFrontie;
Fielil Force in i885-ii6 as Assistant Adjutant and Quarter Master General, and was present in the engagement a;
Giniss (mentioned in despatches, LSO).
Major Smith served in the Soudan Expedition in 1S84 with the 2nd Battalion Royal Irish Fusiliers, andwai
present in the engagements at El Teb ana Temai (Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Stari
'" Captains Wilbniham, Kincaid, Hon. E.
B. L. H. Stopford, Henry, and Blood, Lieuts. Barnard and Co
served with the ist Battalion Royal Irish Fusiliers in the Egyptian war of 1882, and were present at the battle (
Tcl-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
" .Major O'Connor served the Bechuaualand Expedition under Sir Charles "Warren in 18S4-85 with the ist Battf j

hon of the Royal Scots.

' Majors Reeves iindMnnn, Captains Moore, Hill, Davison, Hext, Brinckman, and Plomer served with the 21 j
BntUiUou Royal Irish Fusiliers in the Soudan Expedition in 1884, and were present in the engagements at El Te
und lemiii (.Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). 1

' .Major Rogers served as Adjutant with the 2nd Battalion Royal Irish Fusiliers in the Soudan Expedition i
1884, and was present in the engagements at Teb El and Temai (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp, 4tl
CUuMt of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star).
Keeord of the Services of the iil Battalion of the Princess Victoria's Rorjal Irish Fusiliers (formerly the Sjth Regiment)
Raised in 1793. Proceeded to Flanders, 1794. To Bergen-op-Zoom, 1795. Home, 1796. To West Indies, 179
Home, 1804. (2nd Battalion raised in 1804. Proceeded to Guernsey, 1807. Home, 1808. To Peninsula, 1809. Hom.J

|,"''"""«ey.i8'4. IJomo, 1816. Disbanded, 1817.) To Guernsey, 1804. Home, 1805. To South Americi
18.*. lo thoCapo of Cxood Hops, 1807. To Mauritius, 1810. To India,
Homo 1827 To Manmius 1831. Home, 1843. To India, 1849. To China, 1815. To Burmah, 1825. To India, 1821
1S60. Home, 1861. To Gibraltar, 18&1
B^. ii ^-TT
^° ^°™ '"• '^7^- 'I'o iisrm'ida, 1876. Homo, 1877. To Guernsey, i88o. Home, 1881, 1
«KT>t, 1882. Home,"^"o'^"
i88i. To India, 1883.

Princess Victoria's (Royal Irish Fusiliers) 333

St Batt., Cherat, Bengal Hcyimen/al District
nd Hatt., Dover.
Formerhj the SjtJi, {lioyal Irish Fusiliers)
] No. 87. — Armagh.
the Sgth (Princess Victoria's} Begiments.
The 3rd, 4tli, aoil 5tli Battalions are formed of the Armagh, Cavan, and Monaghau Militia respectively.
'rincoss Victoria's Coronet. "Egypt" (with the Sphinx). "Monte Video" " Tai,avera."—An Eagle, with a
Wreath of Laurel above the Harp in addition to the Plume of the Prince of Wales, in commemoration of their
distinguished services on various occasions, and particularly at the battles of " Barrosa " " Tarifa " "Java"
"Vittohia" "Nivellb" "Orthes" "Toulouse" "Peninsula" "Niagara" "Ava" "Sevastopol"
"Egypt, 1882,1884" " Tel-el-Kebih."
Years' sor Colonel.— Augustus Halifax Ferryman,' CB. .'Ensign, P27 June 34; Lt. 30 June 37
. dipt. Pio April 41 ;

Full Half! Major, ''22 Dec. 43; Lt. Colonel, ^24 Nov. 48; Colonel, 28 Nov. 54; Major General, 12 F(;b. 63; Lieut.
Poy^iPay. I
General, ig Nov. 71 General, 1 Oct. 77 ; Colonel 40th Foot, 23 May 72 ; Col. Irish Fusiliers, 18 Sept. 87.

Lieutenant Colonels.— 2 George Cox.^ Commanding the Battalion, 12 Aug. 87; Ensign, P4 Jan. 61;
Lieut. 12 July 64 Capt. •'22 June 67 Bf. Major, 8 Nov. So ; Major, i July 81 ; Bt.Lt. Colonel, iS Nov. 82 ;
; ;

Lt. Colonel, 12 Aug. 85 ; Colonel, 18 Nov. 36.

I p.s.c. Kenelm Digby Murray,^ DSO., Commanding the Battalion, 78 Apr. 83; Emign, P4 Sept. 60; Lieut.
^26 Feb. 64 Captain,
''30 June 65 ; Major, i July 81 ; Bt.Lt. Colonel, 18 Nov. 82 ; Lt.Colonel, 30 June
86 ; Colonel, 18 Nov. 86.

Montagu Fawkes ^ Sept. P22 Sept.
2 I
S 62I
1 p.s.c. Evelyn Campbell Money 3 Jan. 65 ''27 July
2 Charles Arundel Barker 1'
6 Nov. 67,
P?3 June
George Osborne Smith,^ Adjutant 4 >
13 July 67
Battalion {Cavan Militia) S
1 Maurice Nugent O'Connor" ''iS Nov. 68
2 p.s.c. John "Reeves'*
1 Frederick Henry Munn''
Claude Rainier Rogers,i» Adjutant 3 Bn.
2 James Douglas Standen
2 Alexander M'Donnell Moore'*
I Lionel Bootle Wilbraham>°
JamesWilliam Henry Claud Cusack,'^ 7
Adj. 3 Bat al ion Co7inaught Eangers )

I Arthur Banbury
I ('harles Style Kincaidi"
1 William Stafford J. Barry,'* Station-)
Staff OJJiar, Cherat i
Ron. Edw. Barrington Lowis Henry )

S,to\~>Xovd.,^'>Adj.^MiddlesexmjleVols. j
2 Reginald Eric Duncan Campbell
1 Felix Frederic HiU'*
2 William Pearson Davison'*
1 William Perssd Blood'"
2 FrancisMarwood Hext'*
2 Rowland Brinckman,'* Adjutant 27 \
May 86 S
Frederick John Angell,''-' Ordnance')
Store Department

2 William Ferdin.snd Ratcliffe Heury'o...
'2 AVilliam Harry Percival Plomer"

Henry Craufurd Barnard'"
Charles Ulric Sandys
Richard Meredith de Berry
Herbert Adolphe Coddington
William Elliot Caimes
Tom Evelyn O'Leary, Adj. i6 Sept. 87
Frederick Henry Bourne Connor
Gerard Beechey Howard Rice
Robert Waugh Leeper
Charles Oliver Swanston
Alexander Prest Housden
Wogan Richard Festing
John George Parker
Richard Tucker Gray ,

Walter Barrington Silver

Markham John Willoughby Pike
Douglas Wilfred Churcher
Montagu Edward Higginson
Henry Carew Ricketts
George Kilner Swettenham
)) ; ,

357 Princess Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders).

Fwmcrhi the 91st (Princess Louise's Argyllshire [N^'eT-StoS:'
Highlanders) anil the 93/£Z (Sutherland Eighlanders) Begiments.
Borderers and the Renfrew Militia respectively.)
(The srJ and 4th Battalions are formed of the Highland
ITincess Louige's Cvphor and Coronet. The Boar's Head (The Campbell Crest) ObliviscarU" A Cat "m
••^^« P«r"' "Capb op Good Hope. 1806" "Roleia" "Vimieba" "Coeunna" "Pyeeb-ees" "Nivellb"
"Nivi!""6bth«s" "Toulopsb" "Peninsula" " South Afeica, 1S46-7 "South Afeica, 1851-2-3"" Alma"
.•UjiLiKLAVA" "Sevastopol" "Lucknow" "South Afeica, :S79."
P3 July 36 Captain, Pi May 40 Bt.Majar, 20 June54;
Y«T. s^ Colonel— GeorRC Erskine,' Ennign, 17 Aug. 32 Lieut ; ; ;

Full H»H Bt Lt Colonel 12 Dec. 54; Maior, 24 Aug. 55; Lt.Colonei;,26 Oct. 55 Colonel, 12 Aug. 60; Major General, ;

Colonel Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders,

£^ ?^ 6 Mar. 68; Lieut. General, 1 Oct. 77; General, i July 8i ;

the Battalion, 27 June 87; Engign,

lieutenant 'colonels.— 1 George Forbcs-Robertson.s Commanding
19 July 55; Lt. 13 Dec. 57 Capt. ^5 Oct. 67 ; Bt. Major, iS May 81 ; Major, 1 July 81 ; Lieutenant Colonel,

27 June 83Colonel, 27 June 87.


26 ... 2 William Salmon ilill8,«£nji(/n, Jan. 63; X<. Pio April 66; Captain, 24 Sept. 73 ; l/o/or, i July 81
Liivt. Colonel, II 88.
2 July 64 •"29 Jan. 70 12 Feb. I July 81
1 Vemor Chater'" V.VVJ-;
Durham Trotter" {Bi.Lt.
2 Philip | ''18 Oct. 64 16 Feb. 21 Oct. 82
Colonel, 15 June 85) i
1 William Prevost" ••• 9 Mar. 67 18 May
70 2 Mar. 15 Dec. 82
William Reginald Houison Craufiird^ 6 Mar. 69 14 Sept. 70 23 Mar. 15 Dec. 82
p.$.e. James Latimer Crawshay St. 3 Sept. 71 28 Oct. 71 I Oct. 31 Jan. 83
Clair,'* D.A.A. General, Bevonport j
2 Ormelie Campbell Hannay'^ S Oct. 67 28 Oct. 17 Nov. I Jan. 84
2 John David Fetherstonhaugh I Sept. 69 28 Oct. 17 May 28 May 84
Doupan Jas. MacGregor MacDonala,' T
Adj. 4 (Stirlifigthire) Vol. Bn. Argyll > 9 Oct. 69 28 Oct. 71 I July 84 .

and Suthrrland Highlanders )

1 Arthur Ely Heathcote Tottenham^ I Feb. I July 81 II July 84!

2 Charles Roberts'3
''21 Aug. 18 Jan. So 29 July 84
2 William Bruce Mitchell Brand 28 Oct. 24 May 79 27 Sept. 86

2 John Stirling Napier 21 Sept. 74
2 Herbert Spencer Compton Gordon ...... 29 Mar. 75
George Blakemore Robbins,'" Adj. ) 3 Feb. 72 15 Dec. 82
I Lanarkshire Engineer Volunteers... }
Donald George MackayFowler.s Adj. \ 13 June 74 June 84
7 Dumbartonshire Eifle Volunteers. ..

Stewart MacDongall,'^4<?/«'a7!/ 4 Bn.... 29 Nov. 76 28 June 84


Gerald Lionel Joseph Go£f,« Adjutant ) 10 Mar. 75 I July 84

jVolunteerBn.N. Staffordshire Regt.i
2 John Uasluck Campbell 10 Sept. 77 8 Oct. 84
Alexander Wilson," Adjutant 3 Bn.... 22 Feb. 79 I July 81 13 Nov. 84
Alexander Duncan Sim. Adj. {Exeter ) -.

30 Jan. 78 29 July 80 I Dec. 84

4- S. Devon) Vol.Bn. Devon Jtegf i
I Stanley Patcrson 9 July 79 I July 81 I Feb.
1 Alf.Edw.John Cavendish.a/ Staff College 14 Jan. iJuly 81 12 June
t Andrew Buchanan Blackburn II May 78 9 Sept. 80 12 June
2 ;i.«.f. Edward Brabazon Urmston II May 78 10 Nov. 80 27 Sept. 86
"/i»'i William Stewart 10 Nov 21 July 86
I William Aubrey Alfred Macbean May 78 16 Aug. So 1 July 87
Godfrey Disney Collings,^ Faym. i Bn. 28 Feb. 21 Feb.
1 George Laurie Walker 25 May I July 21 Feb.
JohnG. Wolrige-Gordon,.i(?;.i2 Jan. 86 22 Jan. 79 1 July 21 Feb.
2 Francis Macnamara Aitken" 9 July 79 I July 21 Nov.
1 Sydney Loftus Robinson, Ji^J. 22 Nov. 87 23 July I July 21 Nov. SS
2 Edward Alston I'ierrepont Brooke .... 23 July I July
2 Reginald L'Estrangc M'Kerrell 6 Aug. I July
2 Thomas Irvine 2; Jan. I July
1 Thomas Archibald Scott 22 Jan.
2 Alexander Francis Mackenzie 22 Jan. I July 8t 6Lt.ColonelMills,MajorsCraufurd,
I Andrew Aytoun 19 Feb. 1 July Si MacDonald, and Tottenham, Cap-
Uoiiry d'EsUimpes Vallancey, Army T / „ 1
tains Fowler, Goff, and Collings,
22 Jan. JuJy Lieut. Denholm served with the
I oii^j^^j
Sercief Curpt
I David Henderson 25 Aug. Ss'gist Highlanders in the Zulu war of
I CliarloH Edward Richardson 14 May 84 1879, and were present in the action
I Alrin Foster 23 Aug. 84 of Gingindhlovu and relief of Ekowe
1 Robert de Crespigny Boyd 23 Aug. 84! (Medal with Clasp).
William Thorbum 23 Aug. * Colonel Forbes-Robertson serv-
84 1

3 Kenneth Uoswcll Cameron 22 Nov. 84 ed with the 93rd Highlanders in

1 Slnflord Kdmund Douglas 12 Nov, 84 the Indian campaign of 1857-58, m-
a Malcolm M'Neill 7 Feb. Ss'cludingtheactionofKudjwa.rehof oJ
2 Harry Peyton Moulton-Barrett 23 M.ay 85! Lucknow by Lord Clj'de, defeatofthe
I Frederick Lincrott La Caze .Inckson 9 Mfiy 85|Gwalior Contingent at Cawnporo
I Herbert AugUFtus M'Dougal Williams 14 Oct. 85'and pursuit to Seraighat, siege and
affair of Alle-
I Alic Sutlierhind 25 Nov. 85 capture of Lucknow,

I Hugh LcHlio Henderson 30 Jan. 86 gunge, battle of Bareilly, actions ol

I Robert Clements Gore Jan. 86 Pusgaon and Russulpore, and evacu-
. ArchitjaldPatten 28 86 ation of the FortofMithowlie (Medal
1 Hugh I'eniiycuick Gordon 5 Aug. 86 with two Clasps). Served in the
1 Seymour Spencer Somerset Clarke 5 Aug. 86 Eusofzai campaign of 1863-64. and
SlroHD LlKUTXHAHTB. at the Umbeyla Pass under Sir John
3 Allan Mcyrick Anderson 4 May 87 Garvock (Medal with Clasp).
I Henry Thonias Renny 17 Sept. 87
I Ktlward Chctwood Hamilton Grant 25 Jan.
J Fmncin James Richardson 9 May
3 Duncan Durroch 22 Aug.
I Archibnld John Campbell 13 Sept.
Claude William Hcdley Hell 5 Dec.
. — .

Ycurs ser.
PriHcess Louise s (Argyll
and SufJierland Hiiihlanders).
J 338-45
«jj -rj
Full Half
I'ny. Pay.
— '

P,njmMteri.—i Godfrey D. CoUings.^ 13 Aug. 84 Caplain Argyll ami SiMcrhind jrighlamlei-s.

2 John S. Napier, Captain 2 Battalion {acting).




Quarter Masters. 2 Sinclair Forbes, 27 Aug. 84 ifo». iicH^.;

o I William Scott, 6 July 87 Jion. Lieut.


Facings Yellow. Agents, Messrs. Cox and Co.

ist Batlalioii cmhirlcedfor Natal, 19 February 1879. 2nd Battalion returned from Gihrallur, iSSi.

General Erskine served with the 33rd Regiment in the Eastern campaign of 1S54-55, including the battle of

tnkerman and siege of Sebastopol; he commanded the piquets of the Light Division on the 14th' October 1854,
,vheu they repulsed the attack made on them by the enemy (Medal with two Clasps, Brevet of Lt Colonel, sth
Cla.'is of tiie Mcdjidie, and Turkish Medal).
'" Mnjor Chater served in the latter part of the Zulu war of 1879, part of the time a8 Provost Marshal and

Deputy Assistant Adjutant General to the ist Division (Medal with Clasp).
" Ciijitain Prevost served with the yist Highlanders in the Zulu war of 1S79, and was present at the action of
, M ;
M IIjIovu and relief of Ekowe (Medal with Clasp)
I :_ 1 I

iitain MacDougall served with the Cameron Highlanders in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at

ii[]e of Tel-el-Kebir— severely wounded (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).

Majiu- Roberts served as Superintendent of Elephant Transport with the Duffla Expedition of 1874.
with the 7=nd Highlander.-; in the AlVjlian war from ist May 1880 with the Cabul and Cabul-Candahar Field
Forces aecnmpa:iied Sir Frederic k llolni i> in the march to Candahar, and was present at the liattle of Candahar

(Medal with Ola^p, and Bronze Derdratiom.

> Major St. Clair served with the ijist Highlanders as Adjutant in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present at the
fiction of Gingindhlovu and relief of Kkowe (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Egyptian war of 18S2 as Aide de
Camp to Major General Harman (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
'5 Lt. Colonel Trotter served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-S5 was commandant of Dal and of Kaibarand ;

was employed on the Lines of Communication (Brevet of Lt. Colonel, Medal with Clasp, Khedive's Star, 3rd Class
of the Medjidie "in recognition of his services with the Egyptian Army").
IS Major Hannay was employed on special service in South Africa during
the latter part of the Zulu war in
1879 (Medal).
" Captain Robbins served with the 9istHighlanders in the Zulu war of 1879, during the latter i^ortiou of the cam-
paign as Acting Adjutant, and was present in the action of Gingindhlovu and relief of Ekowe ^Medal with Clasp).
'8 Captain Wilson served with the 91st Highlanders in the latter part of the Zulu war of 1879 [Medal with

" Captain Aitken.- See Civil Decorations for Gallantry, p. 128.

Continuation of Notes to the Prince of Wales Leinstcr Bcgiment (Royal Canadians).

Hon. Sir Alexander Hamilton- Gordon served on the Quarter Master General's Staff throughout the Eastern

campaign 1854-55, including the battles of Alma, Balaklava, and Inkerman (horse killed), and siege of Sebastopol
(Medal with four Clasps, CB., Officerof the Legion of Honor, 3rd Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
« Lt. Colonel Mackinnon
served in the Abyssinian campaign in 1868 as a Sub Assistant C!ommissary General
'» Lt.Colonel
Campbell served in Arabia in 1865-66, and was present at the action of Bir Said a.nd subsequent
operations in the interior.
'* Captain
. ,

F. J. Kempster served in the Afghan war in 1880 with the Khyber Line Force, auu tciok part
^ ^.
the m

expedition into the Hissarik Valley (Medal). Served with the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles
Wan-en in 18S4-S5 in command of the Corps of Guides. Served in the operations of the So laan Frontier Field
Force in 1887 including the engagement at Sarras was Senior Staff Officer to the Column
(mentioned des- m
patches, D&'O., Medal, 3rd Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star).
'^ Captain
Vance served in the Egyptian war of 18S2 (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Also scrvea
, .u
the boudan

campaign in 1885 (Clasp).

" Lieut. Browne served in the Egjiitian war of 18S-, and was present at the battle of Tel-sUKebii' (Medal wita
Clasp, and Khedive's Star).

346 The Prince of Wales' Leinster Regiment (Royal Canadians).

•'',"«".; Fonncrhj the lootlt {Pr luce of Wales'
and Batt.,^rI^'^^C'^"^''"
Bhorncliffe. -
,7 / ti 7
t 1 \ t) j jr •

Boyal Canadian) and the logth (Bombay Infantry) Legnneuts.

(The -^rtl Battalions are formed of tlie King's Conuty, Queen's County, and Mcath
4th aiul i;tli
Militia respectively.)
" " Centbal India."
The Prince of Wales' Plume. A Maple Leaf. " Niigaka
<-:.^s<t. Colonel.— J7on. Sir Alexander Hamilton-Gordon,' KCS., Honorary Equerty fo the Queen Ensign 4- Lie,,, ;

Half f- May 34; Lt. <(• Ca]>t. ^i^ May 40; C«/>f. ^ Zt. Colonel. ''lo April 49; Colonel, 28 Nov. 54; Mojo,
p«y. General S June 6i; Lieut. General, z Jan. j2 General, i Oct. 77 Co/cHe/ 100th Foot. 5 July 72. ; ; 1

Lieutenant Colonels.— 1 Donald William Mackinnon,'-' Comma.nlini/ the Batlalion, 29 Sept. Sc Ensign] ;

-7 July 61
Lieut. 22 Mar. 64 Captain, 6 Dec. 73 -I/"./"'-. 1 -Ti^i.v Si
Lf.Colonel, i Dec. 85. ; ;

2 Lucius Joscim Collum, Commanding

the JJaftalwn, 14 Aup. 87 Ensign, I'g Feb. 64; Lt. ''2 Oct. 66 ;

ICapf Pia Oc^ 70; Major, i July 81 Lf.Colonel, 3 March So. ; [^Lt. Colonel, 79 .Sept. SC
'2 .Tofin Henrv Cau-pl)ell.'" i?»«. 11 Juii'' so: Lieut. 26 Oct. 60; Capf. 16 Feb. 78; Major, 1 July 81

p.t.'!. Gccrffcroijrnand, Ga In-
, 18 Sept. 63 I Feb. 1 Apr. 75 IS Oct. E
rtriiclor, Poonii i t, en

2 Feb.

' 2 Dec. 68 28 Oct. 81 18 Nov.

'2 Adricn Samuel Woods 8
9 June


11 Sept. 7 = 24 Jan.
I John Hart I
}l^^- I
8 ,

1 Henry Hartley Prior p i Mar. 64 '20 Jul V 24 Nov. 77 I Sept. 8

2 Edward French Owens 6 July 70 28 Oct. 12 Feb. 8] 4 June 8
2 Albert Charles Denison p 9 May 70 28 Oct. 1 81 21 Aug.
Edmond William Murphy, A(ljulani\ 2 Dec. 74 May I Dec.

1 Volunteer Jin. Durham Lt.InfuHtri/) \
''" 4 8j

2 Thcmas Geor>,'c Clery ^15 June 66 ''29 Jan. 70 I July I Dec. 8

II Feb. 7 Jan. Mar.
I John Grogaii Glancy 75, 3 8
1 Arthur Edward Cecil Kaye II Feb. 75 r8 Nov. 29 Sept. 8
Francis .Tames Kempster,'- 1)50. sccO TO Mar. 76; 18 Nov. 82
ving irith the Egyptian Armi/ i,
2 Walter Henry Cole II Sept. 76 14 Jan. 83
2 Arnold Hyde NoelTJrqnhart Champion 30 Dec. 71 23 May S3
Herbert Martin, Adjutant 5 Volunieer\ I

j^^ I Oct. 78 6 S3
Durham Lt. Infantry ...^ lu.. I

St. John J. St. Leger,.4(f/. 2 Jereeu Mil.' 20 Mar. 30 Nov. 78 6 June S3

Eustace John Vance," ^rm^ Service Corps' 23 Apr. 73 31 Oct. 83
II Feb. Jan "_
1 Winton Seton 75: I

I James Willcocks," DSO. Adj. 27 Dec. 87 30 Jan. 20 Oct. 79 21 Aug. 84

1 Arthur Kerl Huddart 14 Sept. 20 Mar. 80' 24 Nov. 84
2 Thomas Hope Stavert I
14 Jan. Aug. 80: 28 June 85
Joseph CunUffe Fenton, Adjutant 5 Bn. 20 Nov. 75: 16 Apr.
Cecil Walford Tribe, Ord. Store Dept.... 14 Jan. 80 12 Jan. 81 3 Mar. 86
I Vincent John Garland 30 Nov. 76 7 Aug,
AVm.Hcnry Greenwood, Ord. 5^orfZ)fp^. 23 Oct. 80 I July Aug.
p.s.e Henry Ponting Northcott,'^)

D.A.d.Oen. for Instruction, Cape > 12 Feb. Feb. 86

of Good Jl ope )
1 Alexander Francis Grant Foulerton, ) July
23 Oct. I Si 29 Sept. 86
oil Field Screice, Silckim )
I John Shakespear 22 Jan. I July Si 29 Sept. 86
1 George Lamb 22 Jan. I July Si 14 Aug. 87
2 Frederick Charles Bruce Lane 23 Apr. I July 81 7 Apr. SS
Kenneth Mackenzie Drummond 22 Oct. 81^ 10 Oct. 88
Edward Owen Wathen 10 May 82'
2 Walter Shercr Riach, Adj. 28 July 87... 5 Dec. '^ Captain Willcocks served in th
I Thomas St. Clair Davidson 19 Dec.
Charles Si)CTicer Browne Evans-Lombe Afghan war in 1S79-S0 with the Khj
1 19 Dec.
Ernest do Vaynes Wintle 6 Feb. „•*
ber and Cabul Field Forces in th]
Bean Moir Transport Train (Medal). Served a
2 Vi'iilinm 5 Dec.
o^ Transport Officer in the Wuzeeree Ej

Charles FitzGerald Thomas Cochrane 6 May

f " jj"' peditionof looi under ijijs»un--i uum
uxiuci Brigadier Gem
2 Samuel Robert Llewellyn White f. TV

(mentioned ^in des

1 No\ille Hope Campbell" Dickinson ->°May 8^1'"^^ Kennedy
PaRCt Edward Stuart Reeves patches) Served in the Soudan cam
23 May S5
1 Geom-cy John Denis Browne'" 22 July -
paign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, an'
2 Charles Lo^'nn Crutchley q^ Khedive's Stir). Served with th
27 Jan.
Richard Trench Kirkputrick p3 Burmese Expedition in 1886-S7 a
I 29 Av.ii'.
Transport Officer and in charge C
I Cecil MitchcU-Innes 29 Aun'. o^
Georifc Tcmpler Widdicombe c"- Field Commissariat
and also as Ac
Frc<leriek .\ndergon Kingston 0? iu"- Road Commandant (mentionc
Ernest Addison Stevenson in despatches, DSO., and wit
30 Jan. c5
I Henry William Richard Senior 25 Aug. ?°;Clasn).
'" Captain Northcott served in tl
7 Tbeophilus Frederick Walter Ricketts 25 Aug. ^?| Expedition in 1883 with tl
I John Walter Beresford Mercwtther ... 25 Aug. ofiiSherbro
1 Kdwnrd Kniuk Griffln Aug. p?'2nd
West India Regiment (mentionc
;.... 23
Arthur Frederick Magee S? in despatches).

8 Dec.
2 Wra. Tankerville Monypenny Reeve 5 Feb. 87 10 Oct.
[For remainder of Note?, seejincet
Henry Innes L'Estrango \page.
4 May
3 Alox. Wilson Elkington Twist 4 Mav Facings Blue.
I John Herbert Vanderzeo 14 Srpt. 87

Agents, Messrs. Cox and Co. ^

a Ror.nid Ooro Campbell 14 Sept. . let Battalion embarked for Indh
I ArlliurLong 16 Nov. 87 lOciober 1S77.
I John ciinrloK Cnuipbcll Perkins 16 Nov. 87 '
2nd Saitalioi rnedfn Indh
3 f;hnr!i ••• Ijislnrc liowen 16 Nov. 87 \December 1S77.
... '3 Frf.Uiiik (-..liii Cuiiiplicll lileckley ... II Feb. 88
... il Cliarl.K Willmiii Ilutlon Pollard 22 Aug.
... '1 Hcrtor I)(,iu;liiHH lliirvest u Feb
... I ('hri»U)i.lier Wm.Willonghby Gabb... 10 Nov.
... I HiTl..rtJ.,).nC<.ni.,Kham 10 Nov.
... fSomld Clement Dnvinon
3 10 Nov.
... Rcginnid John Ingles
3 10 Nov. 83
il'atmatltr:—i VillierH E. Hunt, 24 Fob. 85 Yorlthirc Light Infantry.
,, jAnioldH.N. U ChampUm, Captains liuttalion (acting)
... IQnartrr iTailnt.—i Angnslus JuRt. 30 Nov. 78 Jlon. Captain
30 Nov! 8 ;

••• '
» Alexander Wilkin, 10 June 82 ; Son. Lieut.


^ua^iiau-.^Kuiikhet. Bengal. ] The Koyal Munster Fusiliers. LNu. loi.-Tialee. >J^/

Forinerlii the loist (Royal Bengal Fi(>iiUcn) mul the 104/A (Bcihjnl Ftu-ilicru) Reijivicnt.';
(The 3rd, 4tli, and stli IJiittalion.s arc I'orined of tlie South Cork, tlie K''ri-\- '
and tlio Linu'rick County Alilitia rc',s])uc'tiycly.)

Tlio noyalTiuev. The Shamrock. " Pi-ASSEy " ' Bux.iij " " Guzerat' Deig" " BlU'KTI'Onii" "AlTCnANISTAN"
"Giilznkk" " FEROzEsncncB " " Sobkaon " " Punjaub " " Cuillianwall. GoO.IIiliAT" " PjiGC


YearsSer. Colonel.-2 Sir Frederick Paul Hamos,' GCli. CIE. OCST. 2ml IJ. P21 Jiir.c -jq 1 hvl ''i, Eoc .lo- Cmii •

.0 May 46; BtMajor, 7 June 49; Bt.Lt.VoloneJ, 2 Auff. 50; Major, 15 Nof =4
fW,, '/ ^s' Nov /f-'
Lf.Colo„el, .4 April 55; Majc- General, 25 Nov. 64; Zt.Geleral, 23 May
73; G^«eVc,/ Oct '''
71 ColouJ ' 1
104th Tlcy:imcnt, lO JMuy 74. '

Lieutenant Colonels.— 2 Maurice Fitzmanricc Stokes,^ Cj)n)»«nrf(Hcr «e Bd/AfZ/uj; ^nAr^ivS-. T-,,^;,,,, s t,,,,..

61 JJ. 30 Juue 63
C„pt. 3 Sept. 70; Major, 21 Dec. So; Lt.Colonel, 26 Sent.'83
Colou I
linu-y Joriatha.n\Vooa\\-in-d,^ Commandiiig the Bai/aUoii,.!Utii: S7; Uneian 20 Got fi,
/V t, NTni-' «,
C„;j/. 6 Mar. 72 JUT-yor. i July 81 ; Lt.Colonel, 25 Feb. 85.
^ '
^° ^"- ^' •
^'- '7 '^"^•63 .

I Francis Moore. Mmi'g n. '29 May 63 ; Lt. P27 Nov. 6 6 Ca pt. 12 May Major, July 81;
75 ; i 7°/.CW'ow//,"

Majors. CAPIAIir. MAJOH.

JolmHeury Barnard,'' CMG S May 66 28 July 69 1
7 Mm' I July
David George Johnston 9 Feb. 70 23 Oct. 71 i
31 Oct. I July
Hciu-y ITnrr.i' lr,n-rhiiit Ailjutaiit, Doeer 30 Dec. 22 Oct. 5 Oct.
Fv }\\Yies,Aiaisfa»t \
<'. .i: 1(1.'

'\.;!: Ill 111

iui and Rang Kong 13 Feb. 66 7 May

8 June 70 28 Oct.
8 Feb. 70' 28 Oct. I: 5 Auu.
9 Feb. 70 23 Oct. I; 31 Oct.
Butlt-r-iCearncy'-' 6 Mar. 72 7 July
umdt. ir,/liiigfoH Depot

2 Oct. 63' 22 June 67

5 Jan.
;n Lloyc Breietuu'" Sept. 2 Juno
2 Arthur ilunro Mauusell
FrancisHerbert England, Adj. uBii. ..

Robert FitzGerald Creighton,-IiO'.3 Bit.

I Gcorjj-e Hale Lane
I Edward Stokes Evans
Perry mley Druitt, Adj. Ball. 1

/ . (
Lancashi Mil.) )
I Wii: 1 stou Kirkpciirick.,
,1/ N( rrii-p Corps
Benjamin Id
Herbert Eve
Alfred Heri-i
faiif 2 Fo/ii
1 )

348 ::;,, The Koyal Dublin J {huynl Lomhay

Formerly the 102ml {lio>/al Madras Fusiliers) and the lo^rd

aud Dublin County
(Thf 3r.l, 4tl., and 5th Battalions are formed of the Kikliuv, DuWiii City,
Slilitia respectively.
''Wr.vDEWASH" "Buxab;-' Sno. in^^^^
TUe Royal Tiger. " f yectamur agemU." "Arcot" "Plasset" "Condobe"
"MvsoEK" (with the EWphant) "Guzehat" " Seringapatam " KniKti Beni Boo Ali Al.^^
"I'i-njapb" ••StooLTAs" "Goojkbat" "Ava" "Pegu" " Lucknow.
i^. i M:iy '9 p'^''- =4 Dec 33 -B^..^"./"'-. >3 Nov....,;
vSr.>i7., Colonel.-6i--Willinin W.vllie,' GCB. Emign, soApr. 19
; ;

m.LI.Colonel. 4 J"ly 43! Lt.Colonel 10 iXay 47; /^"'""f ^^e


F^ »m\ Major. =3 Nov. 4.; 7.,V«^(?fH<>ro/,
1^>' "!y. Ge«,-r<./ Js Nov. 54 24 Oct. 62; Gf«fn,i, 24 Feb. 71 103rd Foot, 14 Feb 73;
CoW >
Vt '

-^ B„ttuho„, g Nov. 87; .Ez/si^n « Mar.M"- f 4

Lieutenant Colonels.- 1 William Francis Vetcli, Com,«««rfiH^ ihe ;

Z*. Julv 69 C.,)<t. 11 Mav 75 Jl/a/or, 18 Juue 81 lA.Colonel, l3^^<i,

1 ; ;
S4 Colonel,
; 7 Juue S8 ;

WiUiam Prcscod Holmes, Enaign, Pi Mar. 64 Lt. i-iS Dec. 67; C«^;a!,^ 18 Dec. 75; J/tyor, July 81
; ;

Lt.Colonel, 21 May 88^

I Charles Koliert Kerr
1 Frederick Frnncis Wilder Taylor
2 William Carre Riddell
2 Mnrtiu John Hickley
2 John Richard Povah^
Charles Duncan Cooper, Adjutant 4 ,

VitilalioH (Dublin Ctfg Militia) J

1 George Arthur Mills

2 Maurice Charles O'Conuell
Henry Tempest Hicks,.4cy.3 Jerseg Mil,
Spencer Godfrey Bird, Adjutant 5
Saltation (Dublin County Militia) ... i
Heury Chas. Barton Gray, Adj. 3 ( TAe j
liiichan) Vol. Bn. Gordon Highldrs. )
2 Charles Coninghams
2 Robert Charles Pentland
I Frank Hughes, Superintendent of\
Oymnofia. Gibraltar
William Henry Slingsby O'Neil!,
Adjutant 3 Bn. (Kildare Militia) ...
1 Arthur George
2 George Arthur Shadforth
2 Richard Dacre Vincent
I James Thomas Scott
Alexander Macintosh Horrocks, Adj.
Poona Voluntecrg
Percival George Parkinson, Ordnance\
Store Department
1 Frederick Paul Enprlish
Alexander Weston Gordon'
2 Elford Pearse, Adjutant 15 Nov. 86
r Frank Stuart Hamilton Rickards'^ ...
Guy Hard win Gallenga, Armg Service^
Corpt j
Henry Swire, Paywiarfer 2 Battalion ...

Edward Hamilton Seymour, Orifnaiice )

Store Department i
Mark Ralph Payne Audain, Ordnance\
Store Department )
1 Heremon Fitzjames O'Neill
2 John Nugent Murray MacGregor
I John Francis Sheppard
Tlti' lioijal Dublin Fusiliers. 34Sa-355

Secon-d L[KL-nixi'A.\r3.
CjTil Uvei'uile Price ( ii Feb.
It Arthur Foiile Pilsou 9 May i

2 Richard Meade Pratt Swift 22 Aug. I

Ii James William Royce Tomkia 22 Aug. I

I Edwyn Fetherstonhaugh 22 Aug. I

I WilUam Beauchamp Staunton 22 Aug. i

I Cliarles Montgomerie Ryan 22 Aug. '

I Swing Wrigley Grimshaw 10 Nov. '

Henry Barkly Higgiuson 19 Dec. '

Piiymaaters. —
2 Henry Swire, 4 July 85 C'ij'tain 2 Battalion. ;

I William Sugden,i*s Apr. 82 Ens. ""ly Nov. 66 Lt. ^i Oct. 70 Caj<t. 23 Tan. 79.
— ; ; ;

Quarter blasters. 2 Charles Hills, 29 Oct. 81 Hon. Lieut. ;

1 Robert Baker, 5 May 86 ; Hon. Lieut.

Facingx Bine.— Aijenfs, Sir 0. R.M'Grigor, St. and Co.

is^ Battalion returned from lig'/pt, Marcti 1886. 2nd Battalion embarked for Gibraltar, q Jan. 18S4.

Sir William Wyllic commanded a Field Detachment in the Deckan and Conkan in 1822, and in Guzerat in 1823.

Present at the action on the Hoiglits of Jeruu in Cutch under Colonel D. Campbell in 1S25, and thanked in general
order.'i. Served with the Field b'orcc in Cutch under Colonel Mark Napier in 1825-26. Was Brigade Major with tho
Bombay Column ot'tlie .\niiy oftln- Indus under Lord Keane in 1838-39, and present at the storm and capture of
Ghnznee (Medal) and .''i;';i';M ..r iiiii. :iMd was Assistant Adjutant General to the Force under Sir

Willshirc, and aecomp:r 11 ilumn at the storm and capture of Khelat (Brevet of Major). Served
_ >

ns .A s<iistaut Adjutant ~
1 ;
IJeloochistan under Sir Richard England in 1841-42, and was present i

at lioth attacks on the II. i-iii - .1 :i.' forcing of the Kojuck Pass to and from Candahar, and other opera- ;

lions. Served as Assistant Ad;: ,1, i!m^ Force in Scinde and Beloochistan under Sir C)harles Napier,
: : 1 . 1 1

and was severely apd danger, in n imttle of Meeanee (Medal, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, and CS). Com-

mauiled the Troops on the sea-n ,111 Conkan, co-operating with the Field Force,- General
, ,

Dclaniotts, during the rebellinn m !> s .liin in Mahratta Country in 1844-45.

1 Has been repeatedly th mked in
It cord of the Services of the 2nd Battalion of the Boyal Dublin Fusiliers {formerly the 10yd Bombay Funiliers,
and 2)reviousl,i/ the 1st Bombay European Infantry).
Raised in 1661. To India, 1662. To Persia, 1767. To Aden, 1839. To India, 1841. Styled " Fusiliers," 1843. Entitled
"iD3rd Regiment Uoyal Bombay Fusiliers," i3d2. To England, 1871. To Ireland, 1S76. ToBaglaud, 1881. Entitled
"aad Uattiliou Royal Dublin Faiilie-,s" i33i. To Gibraltar, 18S4. To Egypt, 1885. To India', 1886.

Contltmatlon of Notes to the Boijal Munster Fusiliers.

' Sir Frederick —
Paul Haines' services: On the formation of the Army of the Sutlej in 1S45 he was appointed to
olflciato as MUitary Secretary to the llomm^inder in Chief in India, Sir Hugh Gough, and in that capacity he was
present at the battles ot Mj.jil'kee :iii.', Kncizc-lmh (Medal and one Clasp) in the latter engngement he" was severely ;

wounded by grape-.shot at the iii 1; m li neniy's wurks, his lirjrse being killed under him at tho same moment.
1 -

At the recommendation of Lord nijh In. w.i, prouKAed to a Company in the loth Foot, without purchase. As
( I

Military Secretary to his Lordship hn .mivcI the Piinjaub campaign of 1848-49, and was present at the affair of out-
posts at Ramnuggur, 22 Nov. I3^^,aud snlpsequunt operations resulting in the passage of the Chenab, and tho
battles of Chillianwallah and Ginjernt ( lirovet of Major, Medal with two Clasps). Served with the 21st Fusiliers
the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the Ijattles of Alma, Balaclava, and Inkorman, and siege of Sebaatopol
(Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with four Clasps, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). During the Afg:han
war he directed the military operations as Com-nander in Chief from September 1879 to September 1880 (received
the thanks of both Houses of Parliament).
Colonel Stokes served with the Burmese Expedition in 1886-8S in command of the 2nd Battalion Royal Munster
Fusiliers (Brevet of Colonel, Medal with Clasp).
^ Lt.Colonel Woodward served with the Burmese Expedition in 1886-87 with the 2nd Battalion Royal Munster
Fusiliers (Medal with Clasp).
» Major Barnard served in the loth Regiment in the Hazara campaign of 1868, including the expedition against

the tribes on the Black Mountain (Medal with Clasp). Served as a volunteer under Captain Glover, R.N., in the
Ashanti war of 1873-74. Led the Advanced Guard at the capture of Abogoo. Commanded for five days a detached
force of 650 men -which captured Jaashi and Adoomassie. Commanded a detachment or 150 men which drove the
enemy out of their camps in the North bank of the Anoom (mentioned in despatches for " great discretion and
judgment," and on two occasions for "gallant conduct;" VM9., Medal with Clasp. Promoted Captain "in
recognition of his services in the Ashanti Expedition of 1874"). Served in the Afghan war in 1879 80 as Aide de
Camp to Lieut. General Bright, first with the Peshawar Valley Field Force, and afterwards with the Khyber
Line Force (Brevet of Mujor, Medal). Served in the Soudan Expeditionin 1885 under Sir Gerald Graham as Deputy
Assistant Adjutant General Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
' Major Hare
served at Suakininc .mmmd ot a B.ittalion of the Egyptian Army from March to September
1884, and afterwarils as Stall Officer to th':; Officer Commanding the Egyptian Troops (4th Class of the Medjidie).
Served in the Soudan campaign in 18S5 as Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quarter Master General on the Linea
of Communication (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
' Major Holbeche served with the
Burmese Expedition in 1886-8S with the 2nd Battalion Royal Munster Fusi-
liers (Medal with Clasp).
Major Butler-Kearney served with the Burmese Expedition in 18S6-88 with the 2nd Battalion Royal Munster
Fii.-'itiers (Medal with Clasp).
'^ Captains
Hawes and Stewart served with the Burmese Expedition in i885-S8 with tho 2nd Battalion Royal
Minister Fusiliers (Medal with Clasp).
'" Captains
Chute and Williams served with the Burmese Expedition in 1886 87 with the 2nd Battalion Royal
Miiu-tei- Fusiliers (Medal with Clasp).
'" Captain
Ormerod served with the Burmese Expedition in 1886-88 as Adjutant to the 2nd Battalion Royal
Munster Fusiliers (Medal with Clasp).
'» Lieuts. Mann,
Farrant, Congdon, Blackden, Benson, Spearman, Boyle, Mellows, and .Minogue served with
the Burmese Expedition in 18S6-88 with the 2nd Battalion Royal Munster Fusiliers (Medal with Clasp).
-" Lieut. Gates
served with the Burmese Expedition in 1886-87 with the 2nd Battalion Munster Fusiliers
{Moilal with Clasp).
-' C;iv)ti'.in
Liptrott.— For War Services, see Army Pay Department.
' )

:iS^ The Kine Brigade (The Prince Consort's Uwn} Lw'inchester.

(The 5l!i, Ci] Ill, Stli. :i:i.l 9;Ii 15:itt:ilioii.s are foviiicil of tlie 2iul Tower Hamlets, the Longford, the
Tower Jlaiiilets, the Leilriiu, and the \Vestiiieath :\[ilitk respectively.
CorKNiiAOKK" "MoNTB ViDKo" "Roleia" "Vis£ieba" " Oorunka " "BusACo" "Bahrosa"
"Ki-kstkpd'Okob" "Cii'dad Roorigo" "Badajo?" "Salamanca" "Vitioria" "Nivelle" "Nive"
"0»rB£8" "Toi'LorsB" " Pbninsi'la" "Waterloo" "Socth Africa, 1S46-7" " Sorin Africa, 1851-2-3"
"Alma" "I.nkkbuan" "Sevastopol" "LucKNOw" "Ashanieb" "Ali Masjid " "Afghanistan, 1S7S-7Q."
V«w-s« 'colonel in Chief.-//!* ifoj/a/if.y/HPM Arthur W.r.A.,D«i«o/Connaught,iXff. jr. A-P.CB.GC.1XG.GCS/^
JjU "^ GCIE. Pemoiial Aide Je Camp to the Queen, and Commandcr-iH- Chief, Bombay; Lf. 19 Juno 68; C'aj./. r May
???: iSil' 71 Miliar. 7 AuR. 75; Lieutenant Colonel, 27 Sept. 76; Colonel, 29
; 80; Major General, 29 May 80; May
Colonel Uille Uri^raile, 29 May 80.
Colonels Commandant. —Sir Arthur Johnstone Lawrence, ^ KCH. 2nd Lt.^4 April 27; Zt. ^12 Feb. 30;
Ca/'t. ''24
Kel). 37 ; ; Major, ''11 Sept. 46; Lt. Colonel, i Aug. 47 Colonel, 28 Nov. 54 Major General, ;


! Juiie62; ii^K^GeHrl•uV. 25 Oct. 71

T Gc'iero/, i Oct. 77 ; Co/o«e< CommandaHr! Rille Brigade, A]nil 84. ;

Sir Ale.xauder Macdouell,^ KCB. and Lt. ''23 June 37 ; Lt. Pj i

c. 41 ; Capt. ^24 Oct. 45 ; Bt. Major, May
12 Dec. 54; J/<//ur, 22 Dec. 54; ii^X^ Co/owe/, 17 July 55; Lt. Colonel, x June 57; Colonel, 2c July 58;
Jlajor Oenttal,t March 68 ; Lieutenant General, i Oct. 77; General, i April 82; Colonel Coihmoiulant

Rille Brigade, 24 Jan. 86.


34 — Lieutenant Colonels.— 3 Henry Charles Geast Dugdalc,* Commanding the Battalion, 12 Feb. £7; Ensinti,
5 June 55; Lt. *i Sept. 57; Capt. 'lo Nov. 65; Bt.Major, i May 78; Major, 7 Aus,'. 80; LI. Colonel,
12 April 84; Colonel. 12 Apr. 88.

IVii 2 p.'.c. Lucius F. B. Cary,'" Commanding the Battalion, 7 Dec. 87; Ensign, 22 Feb. 5S i^ "13 Nov. 60; ;

Capt. 3 Feb. 72 ; Major, i July 81 ; LI. Colonel, 7 Aug. £5.


«/.. 4 p.t.c. (ierald KdUiUnc' Hoylc, Commanding the Battalion, 19 Apr. 88; Ensign, 2 June 58; Lieut EOct. Oi;
Capt. 8 June 72; Mujor, i July 81; Lt. Colonel, i Dec. 85.
I George Anson Hillyanl,!- Ensign, 16 June
Lt.Cotonel, 9 Nov. 88.
55 ; Xieui. •'26 Apr. 64 ; Caji/. 11 Sept. 72 ; Jfw/t,
I July Si ;

Leopold Victor Swaino," CB. CMG.
Jit. Lt. Colonel, 18N0V.82
\ Co/o«ei,is ;

June 851, Military Attache at Berlin

3 Anthony Cope'*
2 Arthur Hill Sandys Montgomery'^ ....
p.t.e. Henry Studholme Browui-igg.'o
Attitt. Adj. General, Victorian Mili-
tary Forces, teith local rank of Col....
I Charles Vernon Eccles
Lionel Richard Stopford Sackville'*
Cecil Harley Sf. Paul*' ipjg Au
lion. Neville Gerald Lvttelton=' kBI.
Lt.Col. 18 Nov. 82; Col. 18 Nov. 86), ,

Mil. Sec. to the Governor of Bomliay )

Uon. MontJigu Curzon
John Adam Fergusson, D.A.A.
7 , „ ^^
General, Ceylon ,' S Dec.
Francis ir.» aid-'' '

waitci !,
.(,;, ;,/,;;.;:.;
Ronalu '

I 18 N-., ,
. , ,
A,,v. ;6) ..:

Charles IIlImiI I'ndeaiix-Unme,'^
Adj. 14 Middletex liijle Volunteers...
Charles Hawtrey Bruce Norcott
I William Whitmore Hammond^;
3 Lionel llervey Bathurst
I4 Reginald Josceline Heber-Percy^s ...
John Delalynde Assistant
i I
Military Secretary, Canada
Henry Francis Gordon Forbes^i
I »8 j
... 3 Henry Cater Bowles
17 I ... I
Owrles Davis Sherston,^!' Adj. 7 Bn
' "> I
... 3 Walter Huport Kenyon-Slaney

17 ... I i/oii. Edward NoePs
I'j ... 3 JETon, Philip Sidnev ....!.!.!!!.
1-, ... a Harry James Fergusson'7
i-i ... V.:c. Wni. Willoughby Colo Verueria»T

i^ ... > Henry Pelhnm Ilurti'J
IS ... I Ariliur Henry Wiiothcsley Herv'ey
Adj. 24 Middletex Rille Volunteers '
13 ... "
P"iukKK--wun AhittiiigtonRaikes"...
3 John i rnncis Wegg-Piosscr
Robert .lohn Maude, .tdinlaui'i nwer't
JIamlet. Jil/I„ VuUnilcer, (
Kdwiiril HurriiigUtn Crake, Adj.i
I (Jeiirral, Mauritius
I //oh. IJcniR Lawless
3 CioollVcy sumlcy I'hibbs Uornby,<o
SlaJ College
Arthur liulidi Pcn.bcrVon>''Lkrfj"."siH.'.
. lar <•« l-heophilus Kvclyu Metcallc
*^ liarltM Anthony Lamb
Aiih.irKawnrdWilliamColviiiis" j
l>..i.A. (Irnrral, Jcrrei/ t
//.'rr ^Vr'°'"'''""
1 licdruv.
Adjutant I Apr. 84
I'- II." DSO. District
staff IU«g
4 fli'irloH UcKnmiii Ordc" ,

4 //<"!. lUiirv'li; Hurdingc*'

;1 1

Tlie Bijie Brl<jaJo (The Prince Coiisod's Own). 357

George Francis Leslie,'*' Adjutant 19 ) 12 April 79
Middlesex BiJIe Vohoiteeis 24 Nov. 77 3 Dec. 84
Arthur George Nixon 19 Dec. 77 2 May 79 5 Dec. 84
Charles a Court"'
)).s.c. 30 Jan. 78 17 May 79 5 Dec. 84
Hcnrj- Fuller- Maitland Wilson,*'')
Aide de Camp to Sir U. II. Gough ...S 30 Jan. 78 30 June 79 5 Dec. 84
Hon. Wenman Coke^" 3c Jan. 7S 9 July 70 18 Apr.85
James Roderick Duff M'Grigor 5 Sept. 77 15 July 80 7 Aug.85
Charles Roderick Hunter 30 Jan. 78 28 July 80 i

21 Sept. 85
Leonard George Russell I May 78 x8 Aug. 80 21 Sept. 85
Patrick Alexander Vans Agnew II May 78 25 Sept. So 21 Sept. 85
Arthur Charles Campbell' 30 Jan. 78 29 Sept. 80 7 May 87
Christopher Montagu-Blackett 4 Dec. 78 I Dec. 80 6 July 87
Hon. Arthur Charles Edward Somerset 22 Feb. 79 12 Jan. Si 30 Oct. 87
Hon. Chas. Cavendish Winn, A.D.C) 81'
to Major Gen. H. li. L. Newdigafe ... }
1 Mar. 79 20 Jan. 21 Feb. SS
Atherton Edward Jenkins, Aide de\ 12 Mar.
Cam}} to Sir John lioss 15 Jan. 79 Sii
Hon. Francis Michael St. Aubyn 2 July 79 13 Apr. 81
Colquhoun Grant Morrison
p.s.c. 22 Jan. 79 18 June Si
Lewis Loyd NicoP- 22 Feb. 79 29 June 81

Richard Ford 6 Aug. 79 29 June 81

ThomasHcnry Des Yu u \ W
n i 1. 1 1
- 1 ,

' 1

DSO. AJJHtant FrL.

1 ')

13 Aug. 79 I 81
3 :r
S'ictor Arthur Couper 13 Aug. I July Si
Husli Henry John Williams Drummond 15 Nov. I July Si
Arthur Fuller-Aclnnd-Hood 23 Oct. I July 81
i/o».Edwd.RcginaiaB.atema-u-Hanbury 23 Oct. I July 81
John Steven Cowans 22 J;iU. I July 81
Henry Peter King-Salter.^i?/. 26 Oct.S? 22 Jan. I July 81
Hon. Charles Granville Fort'escue 22 Jan. I July Si
Edward Francis Hodge : 22 Jan. I July 81
Itichard Nelson Rycroft 22 Jan.
William Frederic Parker 22 Jan. 1 July Si
Hon. George Charles Binghanr' 22 Jan. I July Si
Richard J(')hn Strachev 22 Jan. I July 81
Walter Kdwai-i L:isreii,s, St., if Collrge 22 Oct. Si
Edwar.i StuLiMi-a Xix-i. 22 Oct. 81
Frederick Kvre Lau reuer 22 Oct. 3i
Henry Laugham Rukel.y " 22 Oct. 81
CharlesEdward Wegn-l'i u,~-er 31 Jan. Go I July 3
Edward ilostyn Woodhousc' 22 Oct. Si
Wellesley George Pigott, .1.''/'. i X-v. 84 25 Feb. 82
RichardArnold Fauc JIarter " 9 Sept. 82
Henry Cecil Petre 9 Sept. 82
Albert Victor Jeu'ier,''-' D.SO 9 Sept. 82
William Vernon Eocles 27 Jan. 83
Arthur George Ferguson, Aide de 1

Camp to U.Ji.H. the Duke of Con- i 27 Jan. 83

naught 1

Kenneth John Mackenzie 10 Mar. S3

Alan Herbert Watlington Lowndes'"'"... 9 Sept. 82,
Hubert Alcock NepeanFyer.s 6 Feb. S4I
Frederick Bdward Shat'to Adair 10 May 82
Marcus WOliam De la Poer Beresford 30 Jan. 84
Archibald Dundonald Stewarf^i 23 Aug. 84
Thomas Burnett Ramsay''^ 23 Aug. 84
Charles Frederick Pinue.y 12 Nov. 84
Hon. Henry Yarde-Buller 12 Nov. 84'
Boyd William John Alexander 12 Nov. 84.
W.'H. E. cleV.Sheafie, Fisoif.Glentworth 12 Nov. 84
Henry Hughes Wilson'"'-' 12 Nov. 84
Walter Norris Concrrevo 7 Feb. 85
Edward William John M uniers 7 Feb. 85
Edvvard..Ufred Finch Da wsMii,.ve,---;,y >

7 Feb. 85
will, Mo„nted Infanl.-n Eanpt ,n f
Charles Philip Overend Wood 11 Mar. S5;
Hon. Charles Edward Walsh II Mar. 85'
Henry Grylls Majendie 9 May 85
Jlon. Wilfred Dallas Cairns 13 M,ay 85
Johu Malcolm Steuart Steuart 6May 85
Walter Guy lientinck oMay 85!
Frederick Arthur Irby '^''
29 Aug. 8s
Sydney George Coventry Co.->by 20 Aug. 85
Charles Edward Radclytfc''" 25 Nov. 85
Hon. Lucius William O'Brien 16 Dec. 8s
Lewis Frederic Green-Wilkinson''-' ...

Second Libuieitants.
Edward William Heni'y Somerset 2 Mar.
Leonard Robert Siiukersett Arthur )
(Lieut. Bedford Regt. zS Apr. 86)... j 24 Aug. 87
. Claud EdmestonGreen( Lieut. Middle- ")

tex Regiment, 10 Nov. 86) 5 Oct.

DouglasElphinatoneBethunePatton- ")

4 May 87
3 Charles Russell Stavelej"- 26 Oct.
2 Arthur Sydney Evelyn Annesley 16 Nov. 87
I ifoij.ViUiers Richd. Bootle-Wilbraham 18 Jan. 88
1 Philip Laurence Kington Blair Oli-')
21 Mar.
phant i
3 Robert George Teesdale Baker-Carr.., 18 Apr.
2 Somerset Francis Saunderson 2 May
I Hubert Edward Vernon 20 June
Frederick Gilbert Talbot 20 Dec. 8?
. . '

358 The Rifle Brijade {The Frliice Consort's Own).
FUU Half'

— —
T'Pawmattn-i.-A Johu Angus/-> 29 Apr. 81 ; Evs. ^1 Mar. 64 ;
Zt. P8 Feb. 68; Caj^i. 6 Aug 79 ;
I/o^i. Majo,
20 Apr. 86.
Oct. 84 Captain i TT'est India Regiment.
J William A. J. MuiTay, 16 ;

Qnarfer Matlert.—2 Ricbiinl Fmlerick RaukiB,'" 15 Oct. Si; JIoii. Lieut.


4 Harry Houe," 30 Aug. 82 Bon. Lieut.


I William Dixou,'^ 19 Jan. 76 Hon. Captain, 19 Jan

. 3 William Wadliam, 19 Feb. 87 Bon. Lieut. ;

Segimenfah Grccu.— Facings Black.— Ageyiis, Messrs. Cox and Co.

i»; Battalion embarked for Sombug, iSSo.—Bareillg.
snd Battalion returned from Gibraltar, 1880.— Tf oo?wtcA.
3rd Battalion embarked for India, 19 Oct. iSS-j.— South Africa,
^th Battalion embarked for India, 20 Oct. iSj^.—Burmah.

The Duke of t'ouuaught served in the Egyptian war of 1882 in command of the ist Brigade (the Guards), and j

was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches, received the thanks of both Houses '

i'arliauieut, CB.,Medal with Clasp, 2nd Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star). ;

» Sir Arthur Lawrence commanded the 2nd Batt. Rifle Brigade throughout the Eastern campaign of 1854 u] '

to 5th November; the First Brigade Light Division from 5th Nov. 1854 to 5th Feb. 1855 and the 2nd Brigade ;

anil Division from 25th Dec. 1855 till the end of the Crimean war, and was present at the battles of Alma (horsi.
killed) and Inkcrmnn, and siege of Seliastopol (Medal with three Clasps, CB., Officer of the Legion of Honor '.

3rd Class ofthe Medjidie, and Turkish Medal)

' Sir Ale.xauder Macdonell served with the Rifle Brigade in the KafiBr war of 1S46-47 (Medal). Also throughon-
the Eastern camjjaign of 1854 as Aide dc Camp to Sir George Brown, and present at the aflfair of Bulganac, cajpturc
of Balaklava, and battles of Alma and lukerman commanded the 2nd Battalion from May 1855 to the fall of Sebas

topol, including the defence of the Quarries on 7th June, and assaults of the Redan on the i8th June and Sth Sept
(Medal with three Clasps, Brevets of Major and Lt Colonel, CB., Knight of the Legion of Honor, Sardinian ant
Turkish Medals, and 5th Class of the Medjidie). Ccmmanded the 3rd Battalion during the Indian mutiny, includ
ing the skirmish at Secundra, siege and capture of Lucknow, and subsequent operations (Brevet of Colonel, Meda
v,-iih Chis])). Also served in the campaign ou the ^ orth West Frontier of India in 1864 (Medal). Commanded the
e.xpcdition against the Mohmund Tribes in 1863-64 (Medal with Clasp).
» Colonel Dugdale served with the 2nd Battalicm Rifle Brigade during the whole of its service in suppressioi

of the luilian mutiny, including the actions at Cawnpore, capture of Lucknow, and numerous affairs during thi
Oudc campaign (Medal with Clasp). Embarked for the Gold Coast with the 2nd Battalion Rifle Brigade, an(
served throughout the second phase of the Ashnnti war in 1S74, including the battle of Anioaful, conimandet
detachment at defence of Quarman, battle of Ordahsu and rapture of Coomassie (Mednl with Clasp).
'" Lt.Colonel Cary served five years in the Royal Navy, anil was onboard H.M.S, A/Lion with the Black Scf
Fleet in 1834-55, including the bombardment of Seliastnpul on 17th Oct, 1854 (Medal with Clasp, and TurkisL
Medal). Embavked for the Gold Coast with the 2nd Battalion Rifle Brigade, and served throughout the seconc
phase of the Ashanli war in 1874, including the battle of Amoaful, advanced guard skirmishes and ambuscad(
affairs lictween Adivabin and the river Ordah, battle of Ordahsu and capture of Coomas»ie (mentioned in de-
epHtchcs, Medal with Clasp). Served with the Burmese E,xpedition inii886-88 (Medal with Clasp).
" Lt, Colonel Hillj-ard served with the Rifle Brigade in the campaign on the North West Frontier of India in i86_
(Medal with Clasp). Commanded a detachment of the 4th Battalion Rifle Brigade during part of the Jowaki
campaign of 1877-78, including the advance to Pushtownee (Clasp).
'> Colonel Swaino served in the Egyptian war of
18S2 as Military Secretary to Sir Garnet Wolselev, and was
present at the engagements of El Magfar, Tel-el-Mahuta, and Kassasin (gth Sept,), and in the battle of Tel-el-Kebii
(mentioned m
despatches, Brevetof Lt.Colonel, CJ5,, Medal with Clasp, 3rd Class ofthe Medjidie, and Khedive's Star),
Served with the Nile E.xpedition in 1SS4-85 as Military Secretary to Lord Wolselev (inentioned in despatches,,
Brevet of Colonel, Clasp).
», Major Cope embarked for the Gold Coast with
the 2nd Battalion Rifle Brigade, and served throughout tht
second pha«eof the Ashanti war in 1874, including the battle of Amoaful (Medal with Clasp).
' Major Montgomery served with the Mahsood Wuzeeree Expedition in 1881.
'" Colonel Urownrigg served
as Deputy Assistant Quarter Master General to Brigadier General Ross's Column
in the Jcwaki Expedition in 1S77-78 '.mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp). Served
in the Afghan war in
1878-79 as Deputy Assir,tant Quarter Master General to the 2nd Division Peshawur Valley Field Force, and was
proBcut in the expeditions into the Bazar Valley and in the operations in the Shuliman Valley imentioned in des-
piitcbuB, Brevet of Major, Medall.
"Major Sa.-kyille embarked for the Gold Coast with the 2nd Battalion Rifle Brigade, and served through-
out iiicHec<)nd phase of the Ashanti war in
1874, including the battle of Amoaful, battle of Ordahsuand captureol
Coomnttsie Medal with Clasp)

P"''eaux-Brune embarked for the Gold Coast with the 2nd Battalion Rifle Brigade, and ser^-ed
tJl ^^u^"\ ?' ^^'^ Ashanti war in 1874, including the battle of Amoaful, advanced guard
." ^'"\°"'^
.v^il. J! '!'""'!l.
?^,^. ? /"? 1*1"'"?^"^'' ^°^*"^ between Adwabin and the river Ordah, battle of Ordahsu and capture of,
Looinu.ssif! (.ilcdal with Ciasj)),

'•''*; •^'"''''*"""'"'' '" 1878-79 with the Peshawur Valley Field Force, and was present
nll^c attack and capture of Ab Musjid, and in the expeditions
into the Kunar and Lughman Valleys (Medal with

^'>'"''"»,n served with the 4th Battalion Rifle

Brigade iu the Jowaki campaign in
lAVM','!!!!'! ?J!i?i,r-r"" f" 2'
»nd wan ,:'!?''' ^""'"'''^ "* ^'^'^ Egyptian war of 1882 as Aide de
rLn Camp to Sir John Adye, Chief of the Staff,
C",f"«^'nenl8 of Tcl-cl-M-huta, Kas,«asin (9th Sept,), and in the battle of Tel-el-Kebir
?ino, I on .,n,f L^ ^ X

"•Mr Mr Kra^.nf h"'"' "," '''^ °{ Lt.Colonel. Medal with Clasp, ath Class of the Osmanieh, and Khedive's Star).
with the Jowaki Alreedee Expedition in 1877-78 (Medal with Clasn). Served
with the llh rC.^ HonTn i^-^'h'^
'^'t^^'^^'^r in 1878-79, and was present at the attack and capture of
» Mir! r K oxpcbtions into"rtl„. ii„zar and Lughman Valleys (Medal
with Clasp).
*'° Peshawur Valley Field Force and was
"'"'•'"•'O" Rile Brigade in the Jowaki campaign in
Cla«iM n"'.'' v"" *V'
'Hcrv«'r«'i.'l.'',"v.''''''';'.' 1877 (Medal with
"^*= ^''s'^'^" '^''^ ^^ 1878-79. and wa. present at the
" «n"S„;V m''^ "'I " "^'J'^^ J°
r Al^V//s.
,'' '

I01..11CI La"7 <.;'i;'' '' ^-'tb Clasj)) Served with the Burmese Expedition in 1886-88 (Clasp).
.. - .Vv;

•llhBongaKomoiito.iTliiM.,1! ('"cntioned.' V"'\''
Aide de Camp to
' General Newdigate, and was present
11. despatches, », evet of Major,
wur of .88? u.Hlcr S?r kI Medal with Clasp)? Served in the Boer
38, IU, do Cumi, •"" Quarter Master General. Served in the Kgyptian war of

II 11 m '^J"'" V°''"^^',^'i*'*'i'"'
t . i'/

^''.e Duke of Uonnaught, Commanding the ist Brigade, and was

VTcmeul in u." b tl r VvV Lv
^ ,

CUu«or ;ho()NmiiiVitiViiiicl Kho(livo'8'"st^^^^^^ '° despatches. Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp, 4tb

8cr»o.nri""I.'i»T,c!ht!;y,,"",!?,''i'^*i'M''?''"'*;^^^^^^^^ Jowaki against the Afroedees in 1877-78 (Medal with Clasp).

* M.i.,V. » .V^
'"*' -\^'''''*°'''l ^"zcerees in 1881.

with the 4th l^at«lio,7RiVe''l

0^*^'',"""' ^^° ^°''"i^^ Afroodees in ,877-78 (Medal with Clasp). Served
All M.M„.|. in tl.o Kumir Afghan war lu .878-79. and was present at tlie attack and capture of
v.. u^v- k'v-1,1 .^
Mir Ki..|.Tick Kob«ri« in '" '''^^ '."^° expeditions into the Lughniau Valley accompanied
tlio mnrM, .„'*f''' "V
. ;
r'""- ""'[^"^ present at the battle of Candahar (mentioned in
««ctp»lcho«, Urovot VI
of -aiyor,
Major «c>(iai wit)?.. mXi
with two Clasps, and Bronze Decoration)

Tie Bijlc Br'ujade {The I'rince Consort's On-n). 359,
" Major Forbes served with the Burmes 1 '.xi.'aii i(.u in i8S6~8S (Medal with Clasp).
s^Mnjor 0. D. Sherstun embiirlced IVn- ili>' t-^M I'oast with the 2iLd BattaHon Rifle Brifjade, and was vcrj-
severely wounded at the battleof Amoalul (.Mr^lil w iili Clasp).
3* Cii'utain the Hon. E. Noel embarked I'jr the Uokl Coast with the 2nd Battalion Riflo Brigade, and served

throughout the second phase of the Ashauti w;u' in 1874, including the battle of Amoaful, advanced guard skir-
mishes and ambuscade affairs bet wee i Advvabin and the river Ordah, battle of Ordahsu and capture of Coomassie-
(Medal with Clasp). Served with a detachment of the Rifle Brigade in the expedition airainst the Jowaki
rVfreedees in 1877-78 (Medal with Clasp). Served with the Burmese E.Kpeditiou in i8S6-83 (Modal with Clasp).
" Captain H. J. Fergusson served during the operations in the Malay Peninsula in 1875-76 (Medal with Clasp).
'* Captain Verncr served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 as Deputy Assistant Adjutant General Intelligence

Deportment to the Desert Column under Sir Herbert Stewart, and was present at the action at Abu Klea, in the
>'i]eut at Abu Ivru (where he acted as guide to the square on its march to the river),
: I
the engagement at m
inch on the 21st Januarj' in command of Gordon's troops (mentioned in despatches), and i7i the action at

\ :. <'u Wells on the i6th February (Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star). [See also Civil Decorations
I i;;i:i;intry,p.i28.]
captain'Burn served with the Burmesi' Kxiicdition in 1SS6-87 (Medal with Clasp).

Captain Hornby served with the 4t.h l:,ii! ili m IJitlc Brigade in the Afghan war in 1S7S-79, and was present

It aud capture of All Mus.jid an m i- .\ieditious into the Kunar and Lughman Valleys (Medal with
the attack 1 1

31a3p). Served in the expedition against the .M:ilis .od Wuzeerees in 1881 as Orderly Olficer to Brigadier General-
*' Captain Pemberton served with the 4th Battalion Rifle Brigade in the Afghan war in 1S7S-70, and was

[iresent at the attack aud capture of Ali Musjid and in the expeditions into the Bazar aud Lughman Valleys.
Medal with Clasp).
" Captain A. E. W. Colville served in the Afghan war in 1S78-79 with the Peshiiv. m- V:/; - M or,e (Medal). \ 1 1

" Sir Bartle Frere served in the Zulu w:ir in 1879 as Aide de Camp to Lord ('h<i r' •- p.c-cut at tlic i: i. :

lattto of Uiundi (Medal with Clasp). Sci-ved withthe Beohuanaland Expedition i'l • '.uu)i to Sir \

;harles Warren (Brevet' of Majorj. Serv-ed with the Burmese Expedition in M< n !m -|0. 1 ^
\-, 1

'Captain John Sherston served in the Afghan war of 1878-80 as Aide dc Cim;. ,1 iM-edonck Ui.buvts, and was.
oroseut in the engag-ement at Charasiab on i.he 6tli Octiber 1879 and suii of the enemy (mentioned i
in despatches), and in the operations around Cabul in December 1879 U'.r' i\estraentof Sherpore (men- : ;:

;ioned in despatches) accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the mnici

; i;'ju-. and was present at the i > ' .1 1

aattle of Cand ihar (mentioned in despatches, Medal with three Clasps, and Bi .m'.e Dot-oration). Served with tha
Uurmese Expedition in 13S6-87 as Brigade Major (mentioned in despatches, DS')., ami Medal with Clasp),
*' Major Urde served with the Nite Expedition in 1884-85 (mention-^ 1 in di'-patnhes. Brevet of Mstjor, Medal

ivith Clasp, aud Khedive's Star). [See also Civil Deeorati'ms f.n- 'J ill-i-.t'-y. 11. i^:
« Captain Hon. H C. Hardmge served wiih the Nile I-:.- '' v - !>'. is present at tho aetinns at i

A.buKleaand Abu Kru and in the reconnaissance t)ilL-i;,i: 1.;, anil Khedive';^ Star). 1 1 i

Captain Leslie served in the Afghan warm 1878-79 uu, li,,- I',-,,; in >.i. leid Force, and \,-as present
I , , 1

It the attack and capture of Ali Musjid, and with the exuL-iitnnis uil iUl- Kuiua and Lughman Valloys iMednl .

ivith Clasp). ^ ^
8 Captain a Court served in the Afghan war in 1S78 with the Pcshawiir Valley Field Force, and was present at
the attack and caiitme of Ali Musjid (Medal with Clasp).
. " Captain the 4ih Battalion Rifle Brig.ado in the Afghan war in 1S78-79, and was present at
Wil,-<i:i -
-rv. I -viih
ihcattiekand e;i; Musjid and in the expedition into the Kunar Valley (Medal with Clasp). Served in

ii -nod Wuzeerees in 1881.

lie expedition au i 1

5" Captain the 11 11. \\ :; served with the 4th Battalion Riflo Brigj,de in the Afghan war in 1S7S-79 (Medal),
. 1

ind in the expedition against the Mahsood Wuzeerees in 1881.

Lieut. Nicol served in the Zulu war of 1S79 ^.ud was present in the engagement at Ulundi (Medal with
Jlasp). Also served in the expedition against the Mahsooi Wuzeerees in 1881.
" Lieut. Wilkinson served with the Mahsood Wuzeeree Expedition in 1881. Served with the Burmese Expedi-
tion in 1886-87 as Snpeiintcndent of Army Signalling 6th Brigade Upper Burmah Field Force (mentioned in,
despatches, DSO., and .Medal with Clasp).'
•*' the Hun. U. ('. ningham served with the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in
1834-85 with the Irregular Mounted Troops.
5i Lieut. Lawrence served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 with the Mounted Infantry (Medal with Clasp, and Khe-

live's Star).
55 Rokeby served with the Burmese Expedition in 1S86-88 (Medal with Clasp).
Woodhouse served with the Burmese Expedition in [835-83 (Medal with Clasp).
Marter served with the Burmese Expedition in i836-88 (Medal with Clasp).
Jenner served with the Burmsss Expedition in 18S5-S7 {DSO., and Madal with Cia.sp).
«" Lowndes served with the Burmese Expedition in 18S6-88 (Medal with Clasp).
A. D. Stewart served with the Burmese Expedition in 1886-88 (Medal with Clasp).
'^ Ramsay served with the Burin .>sj Expedition in i886-83 (Medal with Clasp).
H. H. sVilson served with the Bannjse Expedition in 1886-87 (Medal with Clasp).
' Irby served with the Burmese K vpodiuon ia 1886 -87 (Medal with Clasp).
^ Lieut. Radclyffe served with the Burmese Kxpedition in 1885-86 and was severely wounded in an eng.igcment
Lin the i8th December (Medal with Clasp).
"> Lieut. Green Wilkinson served with the Burmese Expedition in 1885-87 (Medal with Clasp).
Lieut. Rankin served in the Ashauti war in 1873-74, and was present at the battle of Amoaful, the defence ol"
^iiarman, au-t the capture ofCoomnssie ( with ClasD).
•' Lieut. Hone served in the Afghan \\ai-iii iu;3-7y, and was present at the attack and capture of Ali Musjid

iml with the expedition into the Bazar \al'i .Medal with Clasp). , i

"• Captain Dixon

served in the Inili 111 .Manny campaign in 1857-59, and was present at the siege assault ami
.'iipture of Delhi (womided), at iheacti'ins o. B.igowalla and Nugeena, the relief of .VIoradabad, the cugagement
m ihe Dojura, the capture of Bareilly, the ass-iult of Shahjehanpore, the capture of Bunuai, the pursuit of the
ebels to the Goomtee, and the actions at Fort Uohumdee, Shahabad, and Bunkagong; was also iiresenn in the
iperations in Dude in 1858 -io, including the engagements at Pusgaon, Rissoolpore, Fort Mithowleo. and Biswak
Medal with Clasp). Served with the Red River Expedition in 1870. Served with the Burm-ese Expedition in
387-88 (Medal with Clasp).
"' Major

Angus. b'or War Services, see Army Pay Department.
West India Regiment. Tist Bill-., Wejt Indies.
360 L2nd Butt., W est Coast of Africa.
"Domixica" "Maktisiqce" "Gc.vd.1 ASHASTKE. '

^^elonel.— : e. Si,- July 32; Lt. P3 April 35; Caj-f. ^o July-

Arthur Borton,' GCB. GCZId. Fusigii
; m.M'ijor, 3 Apnl 46; J/.y'oc, ''19 Sept. 48; Lf.Culoiicl, 'ioJuue5j; Colonel, 28 Nov. 54; J/iy'o/- Ge
;i .l;iu. (1 l.ienf.Geiicntl, 19 Oct. 75
; Gciierul, 4 ])ec. 77 Colonel ist West ludia Regiment, 22 May 76.
; ;

. .s'.r
.-. Piitrick Leonard MacDoagall,=' KCMG. 2nd Li. 13 Feb. 36; Lt. fii May 39 Capt. ^'-j .71111344; ;

iLijar, ""g Fob. 49 lit. Lf. Colonel, 17 July 55; Colonel, ly July 58
; Major General, 6 Mar. 68 Lieut. ; ;

(i.nenrl. Oot. 77; General, 1 Oct. 83; Colonel 21KI West India 'Regiment, 21 Dec. 81.:

Lieutenant Colonels. i —
Charles Jones Lucius Hill,^ Com.HCHifJH.? the Saffalion, 2() Jan. S$; Ennign, 16 "Hay
6:; Lt. 13 Cap(. 8 April 74 Major, i Jul.v 81 ; Lieutenant Colonel, 29 Jan. 84; Colonel, 20 Jan. 88.
.\^Uff. 64 ; ;

2 Willinm (ionlou Patchett,* Commanding' the Bait itUon, 2() Snn^ Zy; Enxign, 28 Oct. 71; Lt. 2S Oct. 71;
1 Ca)>l. 3 Oct. 77 Major, 6 May 82 ; Lt. Colonel, 2 Feb. S7.

2 CUai-lcs llooilen Lo^-eridgo, Emign. ''14 Aug. 57 ; Lieut. '"^^ May 60 ; Cajdai/i, Ii April 70 Major, 1 July
Jiajo ;

8c; i^CVoH<.i, 3 Au;;. 87.
I John .Mere.lith Maltby,^ Em. ''20 Oct. 69; i/. 2S Oct. 71 ; Ca;^^ 24 >:ov. Major, 24 Mar. Z?. ; Z;< ;

trnaiif Colonel, 29 Jan. 88.



ji James Edward Wilniot Smyth Caulfeild"
s Si'dney Francis Foster
!2 Ricliard John Bingham ""so Oct.
1 John Robert Hall Wilton '

li Alfred Burdon Ellis'

'3 William Conquest Uowarth'"
2 Charles Lawlord Dale, Pagmatier 2 Bn. ")

i It'or.-fMirr liejiment _J
'1 Arthur Bosworth
1 ticorjj'c Colquhouu Madden

2 Charles Alfred Howard M'Pherson
William Arthur Joyce Murray, Fag- ')

) matter 3 Battalion Si/le Brigade S

'2 Frank Ernest Shelley Claridge'2
llcnrj' James Thwaites, Pagmatter 2
Bh. E. Surreg Segiment
Wdliam Cj-ril Minchin, Pagmaster 2
Battalion Oxford Light Infantri/
Douglas Minto Allen, Inspector of Police
Bri'uih Uondurat J
I Arthur Bor
-> Arthur Stephen Brunskill !!!!!!!"!.
'V. I Edmond I'alej- Apthorp
>3 I I Thomas Pepper Ernest Lonry
'3 I
' Percy O'Brieu, .li-mj^ Pag Department
1 Alexander Sankey Roberts
,2 Arthur Lowndes Bayley
2 John Campbell Barton !].!!!!!.
John Willoughby Astle.y" Marshaiii')'
Pagmatter 2 Bn. King's Botial Billet .. J
Henry Borcsford Bonrke ..
2 (.'uthbcrt Dunn
Ralph Efrenon"
Cavendish Walter Gartsi'de Ti'pDing'V
ComminKoriat and Transport StaJF ...)
I O.swald FordhauiTatham
'i Ricliard Joseph Norris
I Arthur Russell Loscombe, ddj. i Mar.'s?
a Frank .\Iackinnon Turner'^
I George Pelhara Hatch'6 '^.ZZ'."'"
Edward Alfred Moulton-Barrctt, Ord-
I nance Store Dtpartment
1 Heury Phillips
1 Frederick Richard Alick Whiteside"!!!""
2 I'onsonby John Loftus Tottenham
1 Marsliall R>binson
2 nuuh Charles Buck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 William Lewis Jackson .!!..!
2 Stephen Walter, Garriton Adj.'Jamaica
* ;''"!; "<-''""''' Maitlaiid Dalrymple-Hay''
2 « illiaiu Ueaucliump Stansfeld ..
2 Francis Edward Ryde
;2 Arnold William Moon '

Alfred Maitland Addison; ' Garruiin\

Adjutant, Gold Coatt
Oliver Caton Sherwood !

iioor:.c O.itos
Henry Dewiug"".. ....".'
Ij »bi.-rt

Friinciii Rivers Drake" . .

C <il Huckloy Morgan...!!!

Arihtir .N'oIriii
L<- >iianl dhadwell
• liiii.ii Vincent Reynolds Wright .
••'•'irgc Heaumont
•I iiry K,li„t Lowis !!!! !!
\\diiam L'lncelot Tredgold
• lianlierM HaMano Cooke M-Faii"!!!!!!'"
I.ou-t IVydcll
K'l«ard <Jcorgo decerjat!!!!!!!!!
\ 7ri"?
I Willliini llavden .

"I'lK^r Kdwin Vcn'our
K. ward Si.nloy Curwo'n

|j I«^wli« A nadoiiM Urookg
'» Jiihn Liiirilo Hrinlow
1 Krncrt Frederick L^ko"
I 11

366 AriTiy Service Corps.

(Late iJic C(iii>,insi,-i(r!(il '.' I'l Tr.i ly, Sf If.)
roLOKEl4,ra«A-iw.9 atiliijor Geiirrul. MISSIOK- I
TO C. & T.
Former ComminioHtd Smile. {Late Commhiury Ooicral.) EP HANK. STAFF.
Apr. 55 II Dec. 88 31 Jan. So
Pep. Assist. Commissary G en RobicEon.WelleslcyGordon'W.'
C'2J 1

liLatcTieptiii/ Coinmi^-y'iries General.) I

lop..\.>-^i^l. Commissary Gen- Saunder, Eilwnvd CharUs" 27 Nov. 54 II Dec. 88;3i Jan. 80 Natal.

Drp.As-sift.l'ommissaryGen IHughes. Eniilius," CMG. CB I Oct. 62 II Dec. 88131 Jan. 80 Dublin District.
I Dec. 5:- II Dec. 88 31 Jan. 8oUibraltar.
IVi>..\^.-i>t. Commissary GcD. Draper, Jobi.'"
Jonatban Williiun" 16 Aug. 61 II Dec. 88131 Jan. 80 Cork District.
I >cp..\.<~i.-l. Commissary Gen. Elmcs,

I >i'p..\s.sist. Commissary Gen. Reeves, Henry

Si)encerK(l\v. '2 CB. 9 Jan. 61 II Dec. S8;3i Jan. 8olHead Quarters.
I •ip..;\ ssist.i "onimissary Gen. iWalton,
Clifford Elliot, '» CB I Oct. 62 Dec. 88 31 Jan . Southern District.
I >i-|i. Assist. Commissary Gen Anderson, Alexander Williams" 9 Jan. 61 II Dec. £8 31 Jan. Woolwich.
Pfii.Assist. Commissary Gen. JLeach, Cecil Francis 15 Feb. 61 II Dec. 88.31 Jan. Malta.
Pep. A.s.Mst. Commissary Gen Mej-er, Albert'-' I Dec. 62 II Dec. S3 31 Jan. Western District.
llarrack ilastcr Goddard, Fredk. FitzClarence^" '.g Mar. 67 11 Dec. SS31 Jan. Bermuda.
LiEUTEXAKT Colonels. I

\(Late AssUt. Ccnimisgariet General.)

i.'p. As.-ist.Commis!iaryGen. Matthews, Robert Lee" 2 Jan. 56'] ; Dec. 58 3< Jan. Chester.
Pcp.Assist.ComniissaiyGen Le Mesuriei. Thoni.-is Anjrustus'" 2 Jan. 56:: : Dec. 88 31 Jan. York.
Ui'p. Assist. CommissaryGen Taylor, Natl.:i'.i,'. \u.'.r.,Ui''' I Kov. 59 ; ; Dec. 8831 Jan. ISetley.
lii'ii..\->ist.CouimissnryGen lArmstrong, I
i' :5 Feb. 6. : : Dec. 88|ji Jan. Gosport.
I)cp.A>si.-i.CommissiiryGen iParkyn, Gei I Dec. 62 : : Dec. 88 31 Jan. Cbatliam.
Dip.As-i.-t.C'ommissaryGeu. lUniacke. Cr^ I Mar. 6- : Dec. 88J31
Jan. Pre.ston.
|icp.A~>i.-t.ConjmissaryGen. JMorlc^-. '"f" : Dec. 88131 Jan Jtrtej'.
IVp..\.>.-ist.ConiiijissaryGen. JGattty.i :•• V. ,,• |.:;,:h^^: i; [ Dec. 88I31 Jan N. British Distric!
I>i p. Assist. CiiiinnissuryUcn. .Cook, ;..-.•
I i
. .

[ Dec 131 Jan. China.
li--p..\ssist.C(,niuiissarytien. 'Brid-iiv:' , I
11. .::.- [ Dec. •31 .'an. Ceylon.
Ili'p.Assisl.CimiuissaryGen. 'Skii.i,. ,.!.' T ,iir>, - i^oo.... [ Dec. 31 Jan. Egypt-
Ucp.Assist.Ci.uimissaryCieu. CbriM .
\.; . :
li. ,,ry 5 J"ly '54 I [ Dec. .31 Jan. Ferinoy.
l>ep.A^si^t.C<mmIssaryc;cn 23 July 67 1 [ Dec. I31 Jan. South Eastern Di.-
I >up. Assist. Commissary GenClark. 10 Aug-. 67 1 [ Dec. '31 Jan. ..Home District.
D-'P. Assist. Commissary Gen Coal. 4 Aug. 65 ] Dec. SSji Jan. 80 Chester.;
itep.Assisl.CoramistaryGen. Cbri-. 23 Oct. 66 1 Dec. 88131 Jan. 80 Cape of Good Hoi
lupuiy I'urvcyor Scott. I Apr. 56 1 [ Dec. S8J31 80'Devonport.
l.u'ut.lute Military Train ... Xoakt ,-hi 13 May 63] I Dec. S8'3i 8o|Limerick.
A«.-istant I'urvc^'or Robei 24 Dec. 60 ] [ Dec. S8131 sJMalta.
Ricba ,'. .
Irhouse Dillou32 13 June 72,. [ Dec. 88,31 8oAldeishot.
Duiim r Ah lidusus^ 9 Apr. 73 J [ Dec. 88 31 8c Mauritius.
Kr.sigu 88 Fcot Chern bfi't Alexander^* .. 8 July 68 1 t Dec. 83J3I 80 Harbadoes.
M'Leod, Walter Tbompson^s : Dec. 88,31 8o'Manchester.
Fitz-Stubbs, Edwin^' Dec. 88 31 J So'Eastern District,
Grattan, Ernest^* : Dec. 331 Jan. bo Aldershot.
l-ieutcnaut 20 Foot Shannon, Thomas Patrick 4 Dec. 66 : : Dec. 3131 Jan. boGibrallur.
Lieutenant 103 Foot Macdonald, T. CampbellHeiliger^f' 5 Mar. 67'; : Dec. 331 Jan. SoU'ortsmouth.
bannister, Charles John : Dec. 3i3i Jan Jo Curragh.
Nugent. Robert Arthur," CB 13 June 72 : : Dec. 3131 Jan. 80 Woolwich.
Kly, Alfred 13 June 72 : : Dec. 3 31 Jan. 80 Bermuda.
Beni.i ..-1 ton*- (Com-}

i:, li ii.r, I-

lil^Ug. 7o|: I Aug. 70 Ne-(vca»tlc-on-Tyru

»«;•.-.. -.' /.. .
;i.i7M!ir.S2jj 3j

Bouiii. ,
; .
. :iLur 13 June 72!: 3 31 Jan. So'Nev. castle-on-Tyni
(LafeAsfisl. Commisnaries Geneial.)
Kn-ign 61 Foot Santi, Charles Henry-'^ Dec. 8 31 Jan. 80 Cork.
Clutttrbuck, Lewis Augustus" ... -3 June 72' Dec. 1 8 31 Jan. 80 Ireland.
Baker, .\lli. .1 A.|Uil;i't 13 June 72^1 Dec. 8 31 Jan. 80 Curragh.
Hainsi.-:u,.\l:,i, :i. i:a\vardRead« 13 June 72 II Dec. 8131 Jan. Si., Aldtrshot.
Han.iU. I iM Dec. .]L \au<:hau<6 9 Apr. 73', 8131 Jan. 8olWar Office.
StOVtl-. :: l,L i:!:i.-Uls I
13 June 72,11 Dec. 8 31 Jan. SoUldcrsbot.
Lanmii ;.,. l-irri.^*",

!3 June 72|ii Dec.

. . I

8131 Jan. 8o'Kg3]it.

Bridl:. . ;, •
1;. ,,1V<8 :

13 June 7211 Dec. .

831 Jan. 8olWur Office. I

Wils... . i_,. YuleS"


13 June 72|ii Dec. 3 31 Jan. Sborncliile. |

Skirvii. , .:i\ i.i'i

13 June 72 II Dec.
3 31 Jan. 80 Egypt.
(.Irabiiui, Malcolm-' 13 June 72*11 Dec. s!3i Jan. Aiders-hot. '

CoUard, Arthur William-'S 13 Juue 72JII Dec. Jan. Aldershot. •

Hcygalc, Bernard'^ 9 Apr. 73',! Dec. sbi Jan. Striuts Settler.:ent8'
tdwards, James Roch" 9 Apr. 73 , Dec. ,1,1 Jan. Glasgow.
Whitley, Joseph" I Apr. 74 II Dec. 3. Jan. Dul,,lin.
VVaru, Edward Willis Duncan^o .. 1 Apr. 74 II Dec. 31 Jau. Dublin. ;

iJoyd, John Alexander" I Apr. 75 II Dec. 23 Feb. Chelsea.

tain 3 Hueeare Lea, Samuel Job^* 6 Mar. 72:11 Dec.

18 Mar. .Nova Scotia.

Smith, Edmund PhilipBowden .. 13 June 7?jii Dec. 31 Jan. -Ualia.
.Moore, Wdlium Francis 9 Apr. 73 II Dec. ji Jan. .-„ Dover.
I'arkin, John William Brooke 80 Hounslow.
9 Apr. 73I11 Dec. 31 Jan.
Tracey, Leigh ]||.'.
9 Apr. 73 II Dec. 31 Jan. 80 Devonnort.
Winter, Samuel Ilcnry " 9 Apr. 73 II Dec. 31 Jan. 80'York.
Hipweli, Allied George 9 Ain-. 73 II Dec 31 Jan. 8..,!Gibraltar.
Chullice, Gerald George"'
9 Apr. 73 I, Dec. 31 Jan.
Winter, William Robert !..!.!! 9 Apr. 73:11 Dec. 31 Jan.
Stanley. GeotTrey"* I Apr. 74' 1
Jan. BolAthloue.
Dec. 31
il'Coml), Robert Hrophy^ I Apr. 74',
Jan. Natal.
Dec. 3 1 iio'
Hope, Lewis Anstruthei-** I Apr. 74.. Dec. Jan. 80' loumcl.
] 31 I
Ashley, Arthur I Apr. 74111 Dec. 8u Cork.
"' 31 Jan.
Dunne, William*' I Apr. 74! II Dec.

Jan. 80 Aliiershot.
Arnold, Knighton .!!..!.. I Apr. 7411 Doc. Jan 80 N'.aal.
Godlery, Masters John"* ...!!!!!]". 1 Apr.
75]!, Dec. 31 Jan. 80 Canterbury.
Captains. '

(LateDep.Attui. Commiitariei Oen.)

GauBsen, Edgar
Dec. 6 Mar. 80 DuVilin.
Hiirvest, Henry Ambrose Lane!!!!! J
75 Dec. : 1 Apr. 80 York,
Hare. Fred. Stephen Ubrisiian'". I Apr. 75
Hico, Henry Garde''
Dec. . ; I Apr. i,al.
I Apr. 75 Dec. 1 I Aiir. 8oj Adjutant, AldersbC
I'ocock, Edward Innc8...."!!!!!".!!!!l
Stonoman, James''
1 Apr. 75 Dec. i I Apr. 80 Cape of Good Hop*'
1 Apr. 75 D.c. )
Aiir Rr,l Kirniino-h;l.m.
, 1 1

Army Service Corps. 367

(Late Deputy Asshtaiit Commii j
TO C. & I. STiiioir.
Comminsioneil Rank. saries General.)
Jessop, Gutlivic Hylton'^ Apr. 75:1 Dec. 8S Apr. 80 Dublin.
Rogers, John"^ Dec. 83 Apr. So, Egyptian Army,
Lynn, Sydney Uume I Apr. 75 Dec. 8Si So May Aliiershot.
Treucli.Frecl.Amelius Le Poer.. I Jan. 76 Dec. 8S: "
80 I May Dublin.
[Day, Robert Vau^-haiv' I Jan. 76 II Dec. 88 80 I May Aldorshot.
[Edes, Charles All icrt 1 Jan. 76 II Dec. 8S| I So May Natal.
jov Royal Artillery ,Bunburj, Uerbc-rt Xn.|)ier IS Dec. 71 II Dec. SB [iDec. So Head Quarlcrs.
,f,nin York Lt. Infantry .Stokes, Radclyll'e llaldanc''^ .. 26 Mar. 74 II Dec. 88 i
Mar. Si York.
:i I
Minister Fusiliers iCoulton, James 12 Feb. 73 II Dec. SS'iSM N^ewport.
hrbyshire Regt ..iLittledale, Henry ArtburS" 12 Nov. 73 II Deo. SSiSMar. S Parkhurst.
: :: A'ost Kent Regt... J Johnson, Frederick Frauois^i .. 28 Feb. 74 II Dec. SS 18 Mar. S J.amaica.
ptuiu Scots Fusiliers
itain Leinster Regt
\ 1 ,
d.^.-'^s Ernest

"ibcrt George'*^
-.^ .lohn 1
23 Apr.
74 II
75 II
731 II
88 iS Mar.
S3 22
Junes Trinidad.

St. N. Staffordshire Regt. ii;pi/:, ;>i, (

..:iiios Arthur 2 Dec. 88 13 Aug. S
74, II Dec. Portsmouth,
'>t. T.firostershire R3gt...^S(,ai-piilc, ,hjli!i'7 21 Jan. 74 II 38; 10 .Tan. 8 Dec. Ceylon.
: lri-~h Regt jOu^litorsoii, James Charles . 12 Nov. 73 II 88| 7 July 82 Dec. Cork.
;lyal Scots Hallctt, Char:es \Vm. Southcott..
20 Nov. 75 II Nov Dec, Woolwich.
; 1 ! .-^.iiaorset fjt. Inf, Lamb, Antli.iuy''* 12 Feb. 75; II Dec 3 J 3
1 Glasgow.
|)uun Warwick Regt... Clayton, Frederick Thomas™ 29 Nov. II Dec, 9 June S3 }
otain Hampsh Bourcicault, Ujorgu I'eusam™ .. 10 Sept. 76. Dec. I July 83 1 Portsmouth,
,ior Duke of Cornwall's) _ ,, t 1 n rn--- 1,1.
Dec Aug.
j ^a"^, John Alexander Wright....
29 Nov. 76 II 5 83 Dover.

iight Infantry
plain CUesh i6Feb. 78 II Dec
ptain N. Stafford. Regt. i-tland'«... 39 Jan. 76 II Dec
ptaiu Border Regt Anthony It Sept. 76] 1 1 Dec
ptain Worcester Regt. ,
ptain Lincolnshire Regt, uariieiii ,
, ,

ptain Cheshire Regt Hardy, : 1

' .
' 84) Bermuda.
ptain Scottish Rifles Grant, > >
'1' . ,1 Mar. 84lShornclitt'e.
ptain Dublin Fusiliers ., Galleng.l, 1;;. l!:il^l^ i> '. -4 -Inly 84|Alder»hot.
ptain Royal Scots Acheson, Puvoival II 2lock'' 4 Dec. Dec.
j^i'i S8|i2 Sept.S4 purragh.
ptain Leicester Regt. .. Tarry, George Golbourn" 3 Aug. 79Dec. I 88'i2 Sept.84 Adjutant, Aldersho',
ptain W. Riding Regt... Landon, Fred.Wm. Bainbridge ... 3 Aug. 79Dec. 1 8S] I Oct. 84|Oyprus.
ptain The Buffs Campbell-Johnston, Arch. Fras.'-'* I June 79Deo. I SS! 25 Nov. 841 Dublin.
ptai n Irish Rifles ilonteith, Robt. Freebairn... 6 Wm. Avig. 79 Doc- 1 88; II Dec. S4 Dublin.
ptain Yorkshire I-t. Inf. Whitakcr, Chas. llildyard T 22 Jan. 79 Dec. 1 88' i6 Feb. 85, Jamaica.
,ptain Irish Rifles Dunlop, William Hugh 9 Feb. 79] I Dec. S8I19 Feb. 05 Jamaica.
ptain Yorkshire Regt. ...ilills, Edward William JO Jan. 7S11 Doc. 88 24 1
Feb. 85 Exeter.
iptainBlack Watch Mercer, Douglas Campbell 22 .Tan. 79 II Dec. 88 27 Mar. 85 Sheerness.
ptainConnaughtRangers WyncoU, Charlc* l-^dward rs Aug. 77,11 Dec. 88I30 Apr. 85 Colchester.
ptain I West India Regt. Tipping, Cavendish W. Gartside >9 Nov. 76 II Dec. 881 s Hay 85 Shorncliffe.
pt. Dake of Cornwall's

Light Infantry }
Steele, Frederick William" n Nov. 76 II Dee. 88 16 May S5I Straits Settlements.
ptain Leicester Regt. .. Reilly, John Augustine Herbert 13 79 11 Dec. 88
,ptain Royal Marines Tate, Hcury Pennell I II Dec. 83
Feb. 79 6 85 Adjutant,
Nov. Woolwich.
eut. Roj-al Marines Bernard, Jolm'™ .... I Sept. 79 II Dec. 88 9 85 Chatham.
3ut. Roj-alMarines Harvest, Wm. Sidney Smith'"" I Sept. 79 II Dec. 88 2 Dec. 85 Egypt.
eut. Royal Artillery Lewis, Percy John Tonson 23 Feb. 81I1T Doc. 88 7 Jan. 86 Egypt.

tlhl°-'—~—] r^^^^' ^''°'^''' "^"^'''"^ '

II May 7S111 Dec. 88 I Feb. 86 Sierra Leone.
eut. Royal Marines ! Prendergast, Frederick Lenox I Sept. So II Dec. 88 21 Apr. 86 Dublin.
iptaiu Irish Regiment ...iWilson, Archdale Irby^"^ 22 Feb. 79 II Dec. 88 1 5 May 86 Chelsea.
iptain Welsh Regt Hunt, Phineas AVilliam 30 Jan. 78 II Dec. 88 19 June 86 Aldershot.

ffightSs'":'!!!'.''!!'} I^all-o^^-. Henry d'Estampes 22 Jan. Si'ii Dec. 88 12 July 86 Natal.

iptain Inuiskilling Fus... 'Mackenzie, Gerald Mackay.... 13 Aug. 79 [I Deo 23 Oct. 86 Woolwich.
iptain E. Surrey Regt iThomas, Arthur Havilland .... II Aug. 80 [I Dec, 19 Nov. 36 Woolwich.
iptain W. Riding Regt. ...'Buist-Sparks, Fred. Braid .... II Aug. Sol [I Doc. 88 I Jan. 87 Dublin.
leut. Yorkshire Regiment Grant, Donald 14 Jan. 80| [I Dec. S3 20 Jan. 37 Bristol.
ieut.WestYorkshireRogt. Roberts, Arthur Noel II Aug. 80; II Dec. 88 I Feb. 87 Inverness.
ieut. Royal Artillery JRawnsley, Claude 22 Feb. S2J ti Dec. 88 I Feb. 87 Aldershot.
ieut. E. Lancashire Regt. 'inglis, Albert Gordon 10 May 82 [I Dec. 88 I Feb Belfast.
ieut. 4 Dragoon Guards ... lDonovan,Charles Henry Wynne '"^ 2 Aug. 82 [I Dec. 88 I Feb. 87 Devonport.
aptain Welsh Regiment... Coke, Ronald Bruce 23 Oct. 80' [I Doc. 88 14 Feb. 87 Edinburgh.
ieut. King's Royal Rifles Killick, George Lionel Braiken- \
19 Feb. S-Jii Doc. 23 Mar. 87 Cork.
ridge"" \
ieut. Royal Marines Koe, Fred. Wm. Brooke ... 1 Feb. 81 II Dec. I Apr. 87 Dundalk.
ieut. 19 Hussars iWelch, George Osbaldeston'"^ ... 2 Aug. 82 II Dec. iS Apr. S7 Aldershot.
ieut. Gloucester Regt Horniblow, Frederick 2 May Dec. I July 87 Aldershot.
apt. S. Lancashire Regt iGilpiu, Frodeiic Charles Almon
. 2 Jan. Sijii Dec. 20 July 87 Aldershot.
aptain Irish Rifles lAHen, Edward 13 Aug. 79, II Dec. 25 July 87 Woolwich.
ieut. King's R. Rifles ;Prendergast, Gerald NeilP"5 10 Maj' 82 II Dec. 27 July 87 Woolwich.
ieut. Durham Lt. Infantry iKeane, George Wdfred 9 Feb. 81 II Doc. 24 Aug. 87 Woolwich.
aptain Welsh Regiment... Sparkes, WUliam Spottiswoode... 2 Oct. Si II Dec. 27 Aug. 87 Curragh.
ieut. S. Lancashire Regt... Arbuthnot. Leno.x Conyngham... I

7 Jan. S3 II Dec. 120 Sept. 87 Portsmouth.

ieut. Bedford Regiment Cowper-Coles, Rogers Lyons 13 Aug. 79' II Dec. '21 Sept. 87 Enniskillcn.
aptain 20 Hussars Hunt, Godfrey Massy Vere 7 June 79' II Dec. 38 '23 Sept. 87 .\ldershot.
aptam Ksse.^ Regiment ... Hockin, Charles H. Stirlinj 23 Apr. 81' 1 1 Dec. 88 4 0ot. 87 Curragh.

ieut. King's Royal Rifles Scudamore-Stanhope.ffojj.E.T.'"* an. 81! II Dec. 88 7 Oct. - Shorncliffe,
aptain 18 Hussars Cardew, George Hereward 9 Aug. Dec. 88 21 Oct. Woolvfich.
ieut. Gordon Highlanders Thomson, Sladei"" I-
9 Sept. Dec. 83 24 Nov. 87 Curragh,
arrack Clerk 0'Leary,Pak.,'ii81foH.Cu^<.iJuly Dec. 88 3 Jan. Kilkenny.
Croisdale,Rd. i<=9^ora. Cap*, i July Dec. 88 3 Jan. 80 Warley.
Wood, Joseph, 7/oH. Capt. i JulySi Dec. 88 3 Jan. So DabUn.
Dolton, E.J.ii'J i/oH. Capf. 1 July 81 Dec. 88 3 Jan. Jamaica.
Hayles, Her.ry Thomas. m Jlon. 1
Dec. S3 31 Jan. LiedB.
Capt. 30 Oct. 85 i
Hopkins, VfiWiaui^^-^ Ho Lieut. 'i.
\ Dec. 88
,7 Mar. 7- . 31 Jan. Natal.
27 Mar. 78; Hon. Capf. 27 Mar 83 5
Wasp, Matthew Vrn-i n-,'^'-^Hjn. )

Capt. 15 June'"; ,7 Mir. 7S, I Dl'c. 88 31 Jan. So London.

? I

Phillips, Ed-.v.u-d,i" ll.,n.C,,,f. > I


Dec. 8831 Jan. 80' eadQuarte--.

13 Oct. 86 ..i ,
Aiviy Sercire Corjjs.

Qri.iT£B Mastbhs. I

! 31 Jan. SoJGibr.iltMr.
!i3i Jan. So WoolwieU.
!|3i Jan. SolAthlone.
31 Jan. 80'Aldershot.
aE^S=;^si;a;::;:;:::::;::;i:;SS:;l';SS;p;|;: :;

lui Jan. SolC'olchester.

SoiXova Scotia.
Do LUlc, Frederick'*' ,27 Mar. 78 ^7 Mar. 78 27 Mar. 88 Dec. !31 Jan.
^S,^? ^^'"•- ^^i^? >Iar 8s r. Dec. Jan. So! Belfast.
Rcj„oUi8. Thomas'"
k JH1.C78'
I iJane78 i June 88 1 1 Dec.
Iki Jan. Sc|Barbadoes.
?og*cv. John Francisi^' ';
t Jm>c 78 i June 78 i June 88 :i Dec. I
31 Jan. So.Woolmcli.
Phillips. John Dec.
II 78 " Dec. 88
Dec. 78 " n Dec. I
31 Jan. 8o|Egypt.
cn.mplin. Williani'^' m Dec. 78 ..
J'5i![,u^e85 it Dec. lUi Jan. SojCurragh.
M'i.'aflcry. J«n»es'» 11 Dec. 78 ' Dec. 78," Dec. 88 i. Dec. I
31 Jan. 80 Straits Settlements
I,til.-hani,William"" 11 Dec. 78 n
Dec. 78!" Dec. 88 n Dec. i|3i Jan. 8o|Fermoy.
Crier, George Richard'^' In Dee. 78," Dec. 78," Dec. 88 n Dec. Jan. 80 Pembroke Dock.
M-Uu.jihlin.John'M ,, Dec. 78!
SsUt Jan. 8o E?ypt.
n Dec. o'5?,™^o^l"S
78 11 Dec. 78,11 Dec. 88 11 Dec. 88J3I Jan.
8oj Alders:hot.
Robingon. Richard Hcnryi^'
3nmll, William John'" <i Dec. 78' 7 Mar. 83
Dec. n 8S'3i Jan. Woolwich.
Nicl.ols, Richard'M ii Dec. 78 '5 J^ne 85 Dec. n 88131 .Jan. 8o| Woolwich.
M-Veiph, William Edward'^ 11 Dec. 78 "
Dec. 781" Dec. 88 11 Dec. 38I31 Jan. SoiShornclifie.
Mu-f,nm-e, WilUam'M 11 Dec. 78 " Dec. 78" Dec. 83 n
Dec. S8i3i Jan. 8o,Aldershot.
Main, James 11 Dec. 78 " Dec. 78 n Dec. SSin Dec. 2S',i Jan. 8cXVTlon.
Jovce. Henr.v'>3 12 Feb. 15 June T:in. Sc-JMuUi'jgar.
Tvlcr, Harry William 12 Feb. 79 12 Feb. 79
Deau, John>*» 12 Feb. 79 12 Fel So AlUrshot.
WitUart, William"- 29 Xov. 70 29 Nov. 79 SoSUoincliUo.

tl'ilh (he Son. rank of Lieutenant. 1

Cn.ssell, Frank Lumsd!M3'" ^n Mar. Mar. G 2 Mauritius.

Pursous, William'** 11 Mar. Mar. 82|China.
Brooks, Alfred'" lo Jan. o Jan. SijGravesencl.
Gardiner, Frederick'** 16 Jan. vtalta.
Johnson, William'*' 17 May Ps-ypt.
Murdoch, Charles H.'*' 21 May liiiblin.
Forde, George 28 June ^aershot.
I-oader, Alfred Edgar'" 25 Apr. ;uypt.
Johnston, Alexander Apr.
'25 ii.(linburgl!.
Rcilly, John I2S Apr. 5 1 Weymouth.
Latten, Leonard'^ '25 Apr. jLAJflfirshot.
Daly, Maurice'^' )25 Apr. 5 Apr. S5 Portsmouth. 1

Edmoudson, James Heslam'^ |is June OneenstowB.

Champion, Horace Edgar''^^ 15 June Woolwich.
Dragc, William Henry'^j ,j jtmo ^L'yiJtian Army
Haycock, William'*' 1
15 June
O'Malley, Patrick'^« 15 June
Lemon, George., 3 Oct.
Reiil, Samuel 3 Oct.
Richardson, Richard ... 10 Oct.
Miithell, John Wilson 10 Oct.


lt<Ung Matter$ < Alfred Charles Cooper,'=8 ,9 Nov. 81 JL„n. Lieut. Aldershot. ;

I James WilUs Browne,"'^ n Feb. 82 Hon. ZUtii. Woolwich. ;

AgenU, Sir C. R. M'Grigor, Bart, and Co.

African Branch.
Commiitiontd San\. ED RANK.
(Lafe Commifuny.)
Wawn, George Twizell ...' I Feb. 73
^Lnir Deputy Commirmiriex.)
Gore, James Casmaijor,"^ Auditor >
Qni. of the W. African Settlements i I Sept. 73! I Apr. 8:

|Gal)beit, Rdbcrt Poole'"^ 3 Sept. 73 17 Mar. 8:

(/.«/(• .Ifittani Vnmmifsar<j.\
JohiihlKu, Wallace Guy Dunljar 9 June 87 29 June 87
Anuij Service Corps. — War Services. ;^G8ii

rmu^u.n-l r]v.:

08/' Aninj Scrrlcr Corps.— War Servient.
Mui.ii- il K U lliiiimn.iil Horvcd 111 tlio AhIiiiiiU wnr miilrr
•» Sir (liiniot. Wolsoloy Midiil). S. ivi il in Uic Ilrnr (

wur oMW. «ili. tl.' N..t4.l Ki,.|.l Koroo. Prrvcl in ll». KkJTII"" nv"'' "I' '>»''^ (.M<mI..I. ,m.„I Mu.,liv,.'H Sin,).
(!n.linin in ifiU^. imd wiih pr.'Honl. mi \Ur .'Mkmki'im.hI, iil. I'.I 'I rli
ultli Uu- .•xi«aili-M l" tiK- Scn.lrin imkUt Sir Oi'mlil
Uneuli ,1 niclr-piililuH, iiniUM.Cf.l
AHhihlnnt.("i.i.iii.iHHiirv 'liMU'iiil Uy« ( lnf-|iH). willillir Nile lv\. Mho
IHolilK.ii II. iir4 lis. iii.<l \MiK|)ri'»cnliil tliu uclioii ol'Alm
Klfii in ({(•Miinlclir.', ).;inn(i(l Uic IhkIki iiili

" W.)lKoloy,n.nil wiih proHoi.l at Uu- il(.ri'nc,o nl

^''Miii.rr'Ii. v!'luinllt..ii Horvotl In Uio AKlmiili wiir nnilor SirCnrnc-t
Konimnimli (M.mIhI wllli Cliici.). Served in llio Doer war ol' i8H., Sorveil in l.lii; Ktr.vpUnii wnr ol' iSOa (M.Mhl, ,Ui
I'.xpdlil.ion under Sir (ieriiiiK.niliiiin in
fliiiw (.rtlie Medji.lie. iii.-l Klu'diven Slur); iilm) Herved in Uu. Soiiilan
18B4 (nioiiliui.eil in 1I.-.PMI. li. . .,,, ,i,il AnKiHlant (!<)iiiniiHHiirv Cei.enil, «,;iiin|.).

.M11J..1 A. II. l.i.nK.l.iM |^. uiil, II..' Hoiulau Frontier Kield l^'iiree In iDKs BC, imil wns pr.-i nl 111 llie cmkiirp-


•• Miui.rf. II. llri.lKi'h.'iv.d in l,l.o KKVl'lian war of 1883 (Medal, iind Klieclivo'H Slur).
»» MiOnr J. (i. Y. WilHon nurvod in tlni Znlu war in 1879 iMedal wi(.li Oliiup). .Served u illi llie expciiaimi to tl.e
Houdan under Sir (JeraldCmhiini in 1884 (Medal, and Khodlve'H Slur). „ .

KK.vptian wiir of 1883 (Mediil. mid Miedive KSlur) alno served in tlio Souiloii

•> Major I). S. HklrviiiK norvod in llio ;

*^'"'"i"aj'or 'illiU-'olni '("r'aiiain Korvod In tlio Kjryptian war of i8B-.-,

and wiih proKent nl, Hio linltio of TeJ.eJ.IColili
(Me.lal Willi CliiHp, and Khodivo's Star). Served willi Uio Nile K.xi.edition In 1B3.1-R5 (mentioned m dei-pHtc'luw,
'»"Miii..r llevKMle -. rvi.l in Uio /ulu war in 1879, inoludinn Mio investment of Kkovvo (inentioni d in den-
iMiU'lii'M .Mi'iliil Hill. ( liinp). Served III tin- Iloer war ol 1881, and took part in tliii doConeo of rretoriii. Survci!
Ill tl.e s'..ii.liiii eiiii.piiit'i. 11. .•;', (pi-onioled AMMJKliiiit (JoninilHBary (lenenil, Meiliil willi ('Iiimj), and Kliedlvi'V Slur),
" Major. I.U. iJiwiii.lM M iv.d willi the Nile Kxpedition in 1884-85 (promoted AN^.i^tllIlt ('iiinmiHKary (ienonili
MimIiiI \Mtli (':ii.-i.. Mild kl.eilive'i. Star). ,

" Miij'.r Wl.iil. V nv\vi\ III llie Zulu war of 1871) (Medal with OIiikii). AIpo Herved in llir llo.i- win- of illlh, nu(
look part in II..' il. of I'letorla. .Served with the Nile Kxpedition in 1884 85 (nieiiliom. (l,!-|,:ililieH, pro I m ,

n.oleil AhhibUimI 1 i.iiinii.-i-iii \ Ceiienil, liil wiih ClaHji. Me

and KlieiiiviV Stiir). I

'* Major K. \V. D. Ward nerved In the Soudan oiimpaiKti in 1885, and wan prCHClit in llie inKiiKeiniMit at tlirj

T'lfrrk r.preha (nicniioned In de»piileheH, promoted AHNiHtaiit CommiHuiry (ieneinl, Jlediil with two (JIiihpm, niii'K Slai). i

Miiior.1. A. Itovd M'lVed in he /.iilii wiir in 1H7.; (Medal with Cliii^p).
AIko served In he Iloer wnr ol' iTRi will I

ihr NewenMie Kielll i"orce. Serve.l with llie Nile Kxpedition in iilH.| H.s nH Senior CommiHMnriiit Ollle.r with tli.!
Uiver ('ohunn.iiiid \mih proHeiil nt tlu' iielion nl Kirbiliiiii (inentioneil in de.'«piitcheH, promoted A^4HiMtllnt ('oiiimiH t

Marv Oon.'inl, M.'dnl with Iwo I'lnsps. mid Mie.liveV Star). t

•^ Major l,eM h. rvrd in the

Kkm nvMi-' "I' >, imil wii« p.v.sent nt the hnttle of T. Irl- ( will,
Clnnp, 4Ui('lnFH of the M.'dii.lie. 1111,1 I, h, .i,m ;Imi Vi^ v. iI h In Nile KNpe.lition 111 .. ihhI ^^n• I'l.'^,
: , -
1 I ,
:: ,, .

allheaeliiMM.t K.rl..-I.iiii (pr.ini.ii, 1 \ '

:ii i
' 1! >> mIi rniili ol' Mii,j..r in ili^ \ 1
nn , 1
,• ., r!.-i ,.

n ollln .1.1 ,:, I I

n M I ,-i. . iM , , :;„ nielii.lin!;l,l.<' 1 n 1 nl ,1 Liin
'• Miijoi rv.MJ iiMli, .: nil ,niii|i:ii:ni 11, n : 1 Mr, In I u ith ClnHp, niul Kl i.lnrV .Si;,,).
I'Insp, mill Kli,iliM''M Slav). Ai,
1' enK'iiKeni.Mit at (liiii.^,'*.

A nil J Service Corps. — War Services. 368c

1" t!ii|)liuu RiUii liriKiiclo in llio Indian Mutiny in 1857-58, and wan proHfiit at the
11. '1'. Ila,\l(:( smvcil mill lliD
BioK'oaii'l 1-11 1 iHid HiOK'ODl' Jturwah (Modal with aiaHp).
'I II in ..I l.m l,ini\\ .
li!HiN->ii ^J:n\:il.r.iiiii',".
iiH!m|iI:iiii \V. Il..|.kiii i.^l Ml ihr liniii vx:m -1 I'l'i.. (11, iiud wiiM pruMOiit at tlic oaptlU'O of tlio Tuku I'ortH and , I

at tlio iK'ciiiMh I'. III \L J ii v> nil u\o 1,1 Mnrvod in tlio lOKyiitiau war of :882, and wan prosont at tUo
I 1 I

battlonC Trl rl Kilill- (MriLlI v,llll I'l:,:.]., nn.l Klir.liV(/H HUir).

"» ('ii|ii,iiii w |i I'lM'il Willi l\w Nild lOxpoilltiim in 188.1-85 (moiitimitHl in duHpati^lK^H, (n'antod honorary rank

ofCapl;iiii. Ml. Ill vMili Climp, and Kliodivo'B Htav).

"* I'lipi iiniiil'-i Hoivoil in tho Zuhi war in 1879 (Modal with CliiHp). Wtuvfd in tlm K^yptian war of 1882
(Modal, mill I-.IiiiIim'm Slar).
"» tlaiidiiii llnvsliitiil Hi^i-vi'il ill tliti /nlu war in iS/c), and Mm milmLMpicnt operations at,'aiiiMt Hoknkmd (honor-
ary rank ol CniitMiii, Mndul witli CluHp). AlHoHnrvcMl in liiinr war of 1881.
(,lui Horvod in tlio Houdan oanipaigu
In i88,s (iiiKiiliniicd ill il.!h|,Mlcli(>H. ^niiiU.d th.i IiikIicv ndii pay, Modal with Ulasp, and Khodivo'M Htar).
117 ('Mplinn li,nlllo^,.|v..l n, llio Nrw '/, n.l WMrin , iU, ,,<i (Modal). j

"" I'ai'l i.iiliiuii :,n,ii ,11 ihi. \ liiniii ^^,li ,.l , ,

M.Mliil with ClaMp). Mrrvdd in tho Itoor war of 1881.

""fiipi '1 I I
1. I
I M il II. Mm- •i.h, uni III I, ,. ii'inilnraildlMi'liiiHiiitiirtho p-dOonipanyAnny Hor-
Vloo('oi|i ,
,iM«l AHil ,
vMili 1 , Ml, II, I I ;,,!.,, U„,,„ 11,, r,,lin,,ii on tho Wlutu 11 nival. loHillivoi' (Modal with (jlasp).
'"* 1'm|> r, 1;, 1
11, 1, 1 . I
I ,1 Hi iJio 1,;;^^ |j|,iaii wiw
, ..I 1,^,;.; (.\hi.lal, anil Khodivo'H iStiir).

l»M'ii|,i,iiii : ii ,1.1 , , I, ,1 .1, il.,i Zulu war in 187.; (Modal with UlaBp).
"" t!a|,.,. II. r,, .1 I , \ , . Mul in tho lljb'yptian war of 1882, and was present at tho liattloof TololKnliir (Modal
with Chi: |,, :.ii,l Kli.iiiM ,,:!, ir).
i"» t^Miiiiiii. 1 I iiiii|.iiii ,11 III Ml tho V HK.VI'Han war of 1882 (Modal, and Khodivo'a Htar) alwo sorvod in tho Nile ;

Bxpodil.i.Hi III I ,

(ii,,n,,i:.i ^ rank of (iaptain, Modal with (!lanp).
n," Ciipi:.... ,M-r.,ii,ii ,,n,„| the Zulu war in 1879 (Modal). Served in tho Soudan oainpaii'n in 1885 (Modal

WithCluhp, .....1 l.l.,,l.v, ',. i.hir).

W" (lapiani l.r.l.Hliaiii h.tvimI 111 tho AHhanti war in ." (Modal). Served in tho Zulu war in 1879 (Modal).
w (laptaiiUi. It. IJrior Horyod in tho Zulu Will ,'l .(M,,
; , 1

IM CiiptiiiiiArLouKhliii Horvoil in llio Zulu u:..' ... M, , Served in the EKyptian war of 1882 (Modal, and .
, i

KhodivoV Sim). Alio Horvod with tho Nilo l';.\|iiihi 1,,.. 11. i;;y.(-8s (mentioned in dOHpatohoM, Ki'antod honorary
rank of '..(.i,...!, 'I'll |i).
( (

I, iiiHon served in tho Ktcyptiau war of 1882 (Modal, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Soudan
li" ('ii|ii 1; II 1; , II .

Bxjioiliii nil, I .11 .niald (irahani in 1884 roiasi))

II also survoil with tho Nilo Ifixpedition in 1884-85 (Clasp).
I ;

i-i» ('ii|ii ..II Kill I, ...i vod in tho Kallr war in 1877-78 iiichidint,' the operations against tho (Jaikas and (lulokas,

and in ho '/.ulu war 111 1879 (Medal with Ulas))). Served in tho Eg.yptiaii war of 1882 (honorary rank of (Japtain,

Modal, and Khodivo's Star). Sorvod with the NilolS-xpodition in 1884-85 (montionod in dospatohos, granted tho higher
rate of pay, lUasp).
'*' I'lipliiiii l{. Niohiils served in the Zuhi war in 1879 in command of No. 5 Company Army Service Corps
(\li„l;.l \\,il. I'lii.sp). Sorvod in tho lOgyptian war of 1882 (Modal, and Khodivo's Star) a,lso soi'vod in tho Souduu j

i'n..i|,., III i;:!l5,and was i)rosent at tho destrnction of Teinai (mentioned in dosiiatohos, honorary rank of

('"I'l'iLiii'i .Nr'voiKh sorvod in thoZulu war in 187.J (Modal with Clasp). Also sorvod in tlio li.ior war of 1881.
li" l',.|i|iMi, W. 'Ill ,
,,i,v,' ,„nA,,,l u.lh 1,1... lio,-l..i,M.,al.i...l l',x|,.'.l.l,i,,i. un,l,'T Si r ri,„ ,1,,;, W n, u, ,;;:i,| 85.
»» Ciipl.iiiii II. . I,
,v,, ,,. M ,l ... III., /..ilu war n. .::;,,( \l.,l,il \Mil. I'll.;. |.l. '.,nA,, imi I, 1., : I 1 ,
.1, I, pi.lition in 1885
(monli.iuoll 111 cl,' |,,'.l, Im ,.,,.., I,, I li,,...,.':ir\ iill.l. Ill l':.|,l;.lli. Mi.llll will. I'hl |., :iii.l, ,1,1 ,

, l,ii I.

hioui. laiiii ,n 1 ,-,l III [ In- l;,„n- w :.! ,,r ii: :. . lu'rv . il i\ ii I. 1,1,0 ;\;.l., I'lxiioilii,..,!. m .. ;
,; ,, uml was pi'osont

i«- 1,1, 111 w I li II I : ,

I 1 , ,1 ,,, III, 1.1 III ,. ,11 III I
operations against thoOalokas inoluding
,111,1 I , ,1 |,:,i I ... l.lio

tho oii^.i,.,,- 1, :.i 1

1,,- w .1, I I, i,,,,i, I ii, I'. I in I ',11 li. Mini 111 r,.i, lliloda; also served in the Zulu war in 1879,
I . 1 II

and uii < |i. ,': , ..I .11 III, , II ,1 ,111, III ;i I in,, III, I .1 ili.iiw iiiiiui^ tho invostinent (mentioned in despatches, >;

proinnl,i,,l ;
..], ,\ .

,, ,
\i, ,1,. 1 ,, ,iii 1 'i 1
iij 1,11,1,1 r I, r,. ,11 1,1 ,, ..ill.,, :/,, (Medal). Sorvod in tlio Itoer war of 188 1, and took part
In tho 11,1.11. ,
1,111,1, ii ,, iiii,,n,,i III ,l' |,. Ill III,,, and jn-omotod Quarter Master), Served in tho Soudan
panipiiinii 111 I ,. .111,1 u .1 p. , ,,, III, 111 i.ho oii^;a,^;oiiio.iit at the TolVok zereha (mentioned in despatohes, Modal with
twoChi ,p,-,, .111,1 Ki.,-,liM ',. : i;ir).
ii» I,, I III. P:,i ,,,i,:,M,,i in Mill Zulu war in 1879 (Modal with Clasp). Sorvod in tho Uoor war in 1881, and took
part in 111., , III. I,,,,, ,,i I, \,iniii,,ii-g (promoted Quarter Miintor). Sorvod in the Kgyptiiin war fif 1882 (Medal, and
Khodivo's ^Lar). p.-.lil i.n. ii.i.lm- ,Sir ClinrloM Wiiitimi in ,;'>!, ;•;.
.Soivoil with tho Itoohuanalaml K-.
i" l.iout. ; vx pm ni, m ilm ,,in,,i,,niiii i,i;i :,i
Ilroi.ks sorvod iiv tlio Zulu war 111 ,, inluila (slightly I-. ;,

: 1 1

WOUiiiloil) and
Uluuili (.Modal with Cla,.^p). Sor\.,l i: ,pii,iii u;.. ,,l ,,..,, iv:.i nll.lio battle of . I 1

Tel-oMvol)ir (proini)tiid to tiuartor Ma«tor in ilm imn ...L ;....l 'li n ii;,p,,i li.nll, .\l,,liil CJIasp, and 1

Khiiilivo's Star) also served with tho Nile liLtpoilitum in iotJ4-B5, and was prosunt 111 tlio ouKaguinuu', at Kirbekan

i»« l.ioiit. 1'". Gardiner served in tho New Zealand war in 1863-66, inoluding tho engagements at Nukumaru and

Kakanuuoa ami tho Waiigauui fitiupaiKU (M. ilnl).

*' I. mill,, w .l,,l..i ,,.. ,,..\,,| ... Ill,, I:-, |. In. \Mii III' n.:., (Medal, and Khodivo's Star). Also served in tho II

Bondllll ,•;,... II. in' .

(iiinn "I in ,|, ,, ,1, I
M i pi
n» 1,1,,,, I. I II \l ,,, ,1,,, h , I V , ,| III II, I Mn.liil with Clasp). Sorvod with tho lOxpodition to tho
Soudan 111 i: ,:.| ( pi iiiiinin.l i,)ui,i I, I M,, p,, :\i,.i,il I K l,i,li\ 'h Htar); also served in tho Soudan oampaign in 1885
>" hiout. Loader served with tho Nilo Expedition in 1884-85 (Modal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
IS" Lieut. L. Latten sorvod in tho Zulu
war in 1879 (Modal).
'" Liout. M. Hilly sorvod in the Egyptian war of 1882 and was present at tho two actions at Kassasin ami at tho
battle of 'rol-olKoliir (Modal with Clasp, and Khodivo's Star). Served with tho Bochuanaland Expedition under
SirChaiios Warroii in 1884-85.
'-- I, lout. lOdiiiiinil.'din served with
tho Nilo Expedition in 1884-85 (promoted Quarter Master, Modal with Clasp,
and Khodivo's Still).
1" l.iout. 11. 10. Chaiiipinn sorvod in tlm '/.nln w.u- in .
, 1 M, ,1 .1 ^^ .11. 1 'l. p) ,", .
-, ml i.i il.o Soudan campaign
in 1885 (montionod in do.,i|ial,olii'S, iiniMin|,,| III. 'I, 1,,, I, ,l . I \, 1 1 1, 1 I .
p ii.l I In ih -, 1
1" hiont. Drago sorvoil with Mm Nilo i: pi 1
,'|n n,.i I p. mi, >,i ,
1,1, M, ,lal wiMi (,lasp, and
Khedive's Star) also served with tho Su.oUui I'l J
' nln r lull I'mv. ... .:, :, :
,,, I i\ n ,
p. 1 . nt in Mm engagement
nt GinisB. ^ ,
"' Liout. W. Haycock served with the Nilo Expedition in 1884-85 (mentioned in dospatohos, promoted Quarter
Master, Modal with Olasi), and Khodivo's Htnr).
i»« Liiuit. O'Malloy sorvod with tho Ndo |.',v|i..,liii,,ii in p;:, y,.; (montionod ni dospatchoB, proiuoted Quarter
Master, Modal with CliiMp, Modal for disl... ,i, l,,,l, In 1
m ih n, and Khedive's Htar).
I, I,

I" Liout. CiMJpoi-Hoi-vod in tho Zulu will •: ,( , I

1,1 iK'li |,p
"' Captain.4 J. C. (oiroaiid II. I'. Gahl" 11 . 1 I , , 1
in \ P mi . ,. .1under Sir Garnet Wolsoley (Modal).
i«> Lieut. J. \V. Browne served in the Kkj I'l'an iwu .,1 i.„ .; (.M., and Khedive's Htar).
Ordnance Store Department.
Major Generals ED BANK
CommU$ioned SanJc. Woolwich Arsenal.
Sept. 54 23 Dec. 87
Aiiiat. Supdt. of Stores .
Ingram, Matthew JolinTiernay »..
Dbpuiy Commissaeibs Gehebal
OF Obdnakcb,
with Honorary rank of Colonel.
Angell, John Charles* IS Jan. 54 24 Aug. 83 31 Jan. 80 Malta.
Aasist. Snpdt. of Stores _ „,
21 July 55 15 June 85 31 Jan. Southern District.
, .

Dep.Assist. Supdt. of Stores Pease, Tbales-- Aldershot.

Jan. 50 6 Jan. 86 31 Jan.

A«siBt. Supdt. of Stores ...| Ralph, Charles

Dep.Ass-st. Supdt. of Stores Sparkes, Thomas ...
I Feb, I May
87 31 Jan. 80 Northern District.
21 Dec. 5S I Oct. 87 31 Jan W^oolwich Arsenal.
Dep.Asaist. Supdt. of StoreS|ilorgan, Henry* ... Western District.
Dep.Assist. Supdt. of StoreslMoors, Henry Payn 25 Jan. 56 23 Nov. 87 31 Jan
21 Dec. 58 30 Nov. 88 31 Jan War Office.
Dep.Assist. Supdt. of Stores lliUs, Herbert James,' CH

Assistant Commissabibs Gknkbal

OF Okdnancb,
with Hon. rank of Lieut. Colonel.
of Stores Taylor, Henry" 9 Apr. 55 31 Jan. 80 31 Jan. So Purfleet.
Dep.Assist. Snpdt. „ . .

Dep.Assist. Supdt. of Stores Pearson, Joseph Henry 28 Dec. 55 31 Jan. 80 Jan. Priddy's Hard.
Dep.Assist. Snpdt. of Stores Haldane, WilUam Sidney 10 Jan. 56 31 Jan. 80 Jan. Weedon.
Dep.Assist. Supdt. of Stores Pett, George Thornton .. 23 Mar. 29 Aug. 80 31 Jan, BullPoint,Devonpo
Dep.Assist. Supdt. of Stores Majo, William Robert 29 Apr. 59 11 Sept. 80 31 Jan. Woolwich Arsenal.
Dep.Assist. Supdt. of Stores XichoUs, Robert 9 Apr. 59 25 Sept.8o 31 Jan. Chatham District.
Dep.Assist. Supdt. of Stores Pridham, Frederick June 6, [6 Oct. 80 31 Jan. Gibraltar.
Dep.Assist. Supdt. of Stores Jolly, George Alfred" Aug. 61 !2 Nov. 80 31 Jan. Halifax, N.S.
Dep.Assist. Supdt. of Stores Taylor, John Edmund'e,
7 Kov. 60 16 Dec. 80 31 Jan. Portsm. Gun What
Dep.Assist. Sui)dt. of Stores Charles Edward
Vaiisittart, 3 Apr. 67 30 Nov. 81 31 Jan. Woolwich.
Dep.Assist. Campbell, Colin G. L."
Supdt. of Stores ! 8 June 67 23 Nov. 82 31 Jan. North British Dist.
Steevens, John'' 1 Apr. 74
Nov. 82 31 Jan. China.

Dep.Assist. Supdt. of Stores Skinner, Edmund Grey" ... 31 July 67 Nov. 82 _. _ 31 Jan. Eastern District.

Dep.Assist. Supdt. of Stores Graham, Lionel Frederick... 3 Apr. 67 24 Aug. 83 Jan. Bermuda.

Dep.Assist. Supdt. of Stores Durnford, Charles Day 11 Dec. 66 23 Sept.83 Jan. Natal.

Dep.Assist. Supdt. of Stores St. George, Harry Hammersley^o 31 July 67 2 Dec. 83 31 Jan. Ceylon.

IVith Man. rank of Major.

Dep.Assist. Supdt. of Stores Buchanan, Charles Sibbald 3 Apr. 67 -6 Jan. 82 Jan. ! Woolwich Arsenal.
'Houghton, Ernest^' 13 June 72 21 Maj- 84 Jan. i Woolwich Arsenal.
Dep.Assist. Supdt. of Stores Bridgman, Arthur Walter July 67 30 Dec. 84 ji Jan. i Pembroke. ,

Wintle, Frank Graham^ June 72 15 June 35 31 Jan. i Egypt.

Mulcahy, Francis Edward^^ Jan. 76 15 June 85 Dec. I Ireland.
Dep.Assist. Supdt. of Stores Rang, Robert Finlay^a 31 July 67 y July 85 Jan. i Malta.
Triscott, John Henry Rolt 3 Aug. 85 Jan. ! Marchwood.
Markwick, Ernest Elliott^' 3 June 72 9 Dec. 85 Jan. S Haulbowline.
Stainforth Richard Terrick , 6 Jan. 86 Jan. i Woolwich Arsenal.
Lieutenant Hoyal Artillery Cooke, William Butterworth^* 5 Jan. 67 12 Mar. 86 Jan. i South Eastern Dist
SutlefTe, Henry Charles 1 May 87 31 Jan. Woolwich Arsenal.
Lieutenant 64 Foot Baker, Robert Barrington"* 8 Jan. 68 4 July 87 31 Jan. Devonport Gun Wh
Leggett, Frederick Octavius 30 Sept, 87 ,. Jan. Upnor, Chatham.
de Sails, Edward John I Oct. 87 ;i Jan. EgjTJt.
St. Quintin, Arthur Newton
3 June 72 23 Dec. 87 1 Jan. 1
Woolwich Arsenal.
Richards, Fowell C. Buxton " Jan. 88
31 Jan. Natal.
Wheeler, John Langford 3 June 72 .- Oct. 88 31 Jan.
Hain, Herbert Andrew David** ... 3 June 72 30 Nov. 31 Jan. Portsmouth.

Deputy Assistant Commissabibs

Genebal of Oednance,
Kith Hon. rank of Ca2?tain.
Clarke, Robert Fulke Noel-^ June 72 Jan. 80 37 Jan. 80 Cyprus.
Jones, Josiah June 72 80 Mar. 24 Mar. 80 Bermuda.
Wyon, Herbert Thornton'^ 13 June 72 31 80 Mar. 31 Mar. 80 Gibraltar.
Arnold, Francis Havard 80 Apr. Apr.
80 Kg.Tpt.
13 June 72 I I
Fincham, Herbert George Apr. 73 I 80 Apr. I Apr.
80 Guernsey.
Kernaghan, Thomas James^" Apr. 73 1 80 Apr. I Apr.
80 Jersey.
Warren, Godfrey Octavius Apr. 73 5 80 Apr. 15 Apr.
80 Halifax, N.S.
Wright, William Frederick^o Apr. 73 I May 80 I May 80 Portsmouth.
Tate, Charles William Henry'* I May 80 Woolwich Arsenal.
9 Apr. 73 I May 80
Heath, Edward „....'."
9 Apr. 73 I June 80 I June 80 Cape Town.
Jeans, Charles Gilchrist ..]." Woolwich Arsenal.
9 Apr. 73 7 June 80 17 June 80
Bruno, Hugh Watson Bruno' '.'.'."
9 Apr. 73 7 June 80 17 June 80 St.
Hobbs, George Radley^* Apr. 73 7 June 80 17 June 80 Pigeon House Fort
Purchas, Charles Chester.
.!.!.!. 1 Apr. 74 5 July 80 15 July 80
Atkinson, George Robert .!!.!. Weedon.
Apr ;9 Aug. 80 29 Aug. 80
Ozanne, Charles Hoinekin Sept.8o II Sept,8o Alderney.
I Apr. 74 :i
Sadler, Alfrel'7
I Jan. 76 [6 Oct. 80 16 Oct. 80 Barbadoes.
Heron, Thon as^s .......".. Nov. 80 I Nov. 80' Straits Settlements
I Jan. 76 1
Barrett, Hen y Walter"!!!!ii""ii" " I Jan. 76 !2 Nov. 80 22 Nov. 8o'Ceylon.
Collingwood, William George".'
I Jan. 76 [6 Dec. So 16 Dec. 80'Tynemouth.
.\l)pelbe, Edward Benjamin^ I Jan. 76 5 May 81 I Dec. 80! Egyptian Army.
Edyvean, Frederick George
Cnptaln Itoyol Artillery Aplin, Hugh Morgan ...
1 Jan. 76 30 Nov. 81 I Dec. 80 Woolwich Arsenal

CapUiin Royal Artillery j8 Jan. 75 !o Apr. 82 20 Apr. 82 Chatham.

Battersby, Thomas Preston".!!
Captain lloyul Artillery 2 Feb. 76 6 Jan. 83 i6 Jan. 83'Enniskillen.
Archdule, James Blackwood
Captain Dcvonnhire Rcgt.... Sept. 73 . (I .8 Jan. 83 18 Jan. SsUamaica.
Stanley, Edmond Talbot*"
Captain Dorsotnliirc Rcgt.... 6 Oct. 77 29 Dec. 83 29 Dec. 83'China.
Elrington, Gerard Gordon
2 Jan. 84 2 Jan. 84 Dover.
Coptnin Hoyiil Artillery ...Culdir, Edmond H. Somerville" 29 Jan. 76

Captain iJubliii KuHiliers... 9 Oct. 77 16 June84 16 June84|China. .

Parkinson, Pcrcivul George
16 June 84 16 June 84 Adjutant, Woolwic
Captain MkIiUphcx Utk't. Law, H(jbert Theophilus Hewitt*' 5 Sept.77
111. Muj. Yurie ALnnc.RoKt
llendtrBon, Geo. Fraa. Robert** 24 Mar. 76 18 Aug. 84 18 Aug. 84|Mauritius.
O^pu.n n,cHhin, Uc.glmc?nt|BuTcIer7Geo7g"e I May 78 . 24 Jan. 8s 24 Jan. 85 Cibraltar.
apla.n I>fv<-nUegimcnt... Bennett jVmes''
" 14 Jan. 80 27 Feb. 8= 27 Feb. 85 Chatham.
Robert 13 Aug. 79 22 Apr. 85 22 Apr. 8 ; Egypt. 11

13 Aug. 79 27 Apr. 85 27 Apr. 85 Ceylon.

19 May 80 2 June 8s 2 June 8s Devonpt.GunWhai
I Sept. 80 5 June 85 5 June 85 'Malta.
(apt Y..rk and I.anc Rcg..;SmythVl Oct. 8s Bermuda.
u'^o W. N "s «
II Sept. 76 3 Oct. 85 3 I

Lltui. I Wc.t India Rcgt....'Barreli. 21 June 79 sOct. 8s 5 Oct. 8s ahorncUffe.

Edw. a! Morton
11 Aug. 10 Oct. 85 10 Oct. 8slHaulbowline.
Ordnance Store Department. 370
Deputy Assistant Uommissabies PIKSICOM'
General of Obdnance, [ISSION-
KANE. obqaniz'd STATION.
Commissioned Bank. with Hon. rank of Captain. O.S.DKfT.
!aptaiii Worcester Regt. .. French, Theophilus B 20 Nov. 75 20 Oct. 85 IQ Oct. Aldershot.
laptnin 2 Dragoon Guards Dawson, Cuthbert Pilkington lo Apr. 78120 Oct. 85 20 Oct. PortsmouthGunWhf.
!aptaiu Irish Regiment Crawford, Raymund [4 Jan. 80 21 Oct. 85 21 Oct. Stirling.
3apt. Northampton Regt.. Lawson, Francis Bernard [4 Jan. 80 15 Mar Mar.
15 Harwich.
iieut. InniskilUng Fusiliers Jackson, Robert Whyte Melville.. [9 Feb. 81 [20 Mar, 20 Mar. Woolwich.
laptain Dublin Fusiliers .. Seymour, Edward Hamilton 14 Jt 24 Mar. 86 24 Mar. Fort George, N.B.
!apt. Leinster Regiment .. Greenwood, William Henry !3 Oct, 31 Mar <"=
31 Mar. Woolwich.
!aptain Irish Fusiliers Angell, Frederick John'* ^2 Jan 5 Apr, 5 Apr. Aldershot.
iieut. S. Stafford Regt Hearu, George !2 Jan
22 Jan. 79 15 Feb. 87 rs Feb. China.
Japtain Scots Fusiliers Travers, Mordamit T. Otho !2 Feb. 79 I May 87 1 May 87 Woolwich,
aptain King's Own Scot-')
tish Borderers
Taylor, Reynell H. Bayley« 13 Aug. 79 May 2 May Devonpt.Gun Wharf.
Japtain Berkshire Regt. .. Bunny, Frank William M'T.^" ... [4 Jan. 80 II Aug. 87 ti Aug. Dublin.
Japtain Leinster Regiment Tribe, Cecil Walford 14 Jan. 80 19 Aug. 87 [9 Aug. Woolwich.
On Protiation.
laptain Irish Rifles Buckle, Robert Alleyne Stewart 3 Aug. 79 4 Dec. 87 4 Dec. 87 Woolwich.
Japtain Dublin Fusiliers Audain, Mark Ralph Payno
... 23 Oct. 80 1 Feb. 88 1 Fob. 88 Chester.

Japtain Worcester Regt. ... Clarke, Edward H. St. Lawrence 12 Fob. 76 8 Feb. 88 8 Feb. 88 Colchester.
iieut. Durham Light Inf... Gardiner, Richard John 9 Feb. 81 2 Mar 88 2 Mar. 88 Chatham.
iieut. 2 Dragoons Simpson, Francis Blake 3 Aug. 79 5 Mar. 88 5 Mar. 38 Edinburgh.
iieiat. Connaught Rangers Hall. Charles" 3 Aug. 79 16 Apr. 88 I Dec. 87 Portsmouth.
Japt. Northampton Regt... Lys, George Mowbray D 30 Jan. 78 21 Nov. 88 21 Nov. 88 Chester.
iieut. Royal Artillery Taylor, Mowbray 5 July 82 27 Nov. 88 27 Nov. 88 Dovonport.

Drake, Robert" 30 Oct. 75 30 Oct. 85 30 Oct. 77 31 Jan. 80 Tipnor.
Cennedy-Edwards, James^^... 30 Oct. 75 30 Oct. 8s 30 Oct. 77 31 Jan. 80 Chattenden.
)eevcs, Daniel 30 Oct. 75 30 Oct. 85 30 Oct. 77 31 Jan. So Woolwich Arsenal.
rraham, William 30 Oct. 75 30 Oct. 85 30 Oct. 77 31 Jan. 80 Woolwich Arsenal.
VArcy, Edward Blake22 27 Mar. 78 27 Mar. 78 27 Mar. 88 31 Jan 31 Jan. 80 Curragh.
Jox, William Smith 27 Mar. 78 July
18 83 31 Jan 31 Jan. 80 Aldershot.
Ipinks, George^-* 27 Mar. 78 7 Mar, Mar.
27 88 31 Jan. 80 31 Jan. 80 Woolwich Arsenal.
lorton, James 27 Mar, 27 Mar. 78 27 Mar. 88 31 Jan, 31 Jan. 80 Natal.
lOnghurst, Bruce ^7 Mar. 78 27 Mar. 78 27 Mar. 88 31 Jan. 31 Jan. 80 Devonport.
terry, John^? 31 July 78 31 July 78 31 July 88 31 Jan. 80 31 Jan. 80 Malta.
rCanhs, William 7 Aug. 78 I Apr. 86 31 Jan, 80 31 Jan. 80 Woolwich Dockyard.
looro, Robert 23 Oct, 23 Oct. 88 31 Jan 31 Jan. 80 Tower.
I'Farlane, Andrew 14 Dec. 78 14 Dec. 78 [4 Dec. 88 31 Jan, 80 31 Jan. 80 Devonport Gun Wharf.
'itt, John I Jan. 79 I Jan. 79 I Jan. 89 31 Jan. 80 31 Jan. 80 Woolwich Arsenal.
larris, George'''' 30 Sept. 8 10 Jan, 83' 30 Sept. 81 30 Sept. 8i Portsmouth Gun Wharf
With rank of Lieutenant.
'ims,Fredericks 30 Nov. 30 Nov, 30 Woolwich Arsenal.
Nov. 81
Ferguson, Alexander 7 Mar. S2 7 Mar. 7 Mar. 82
fard, William Homan 7 Dec. 82 17 Dec. -.. 17 Dec. Woolwich Arsenal,
'oord, William Levison Tom . 4 Dec. 83 4 Dec. 83 4 Dec. 83 Athlone.
[unter, Charles Finch^^ I May 84 21 May 84 21 May 84 Woolwich Arsenal.
•heppard, Charles Lee'^^ 30 Mar. 85 5 June 85 30 Mar. S5 30 Mar. 8s
ledsham, James 30 Mar. 85 30 Mar. 8s 30 Mar. 8s Priddy's Hard.
lodgson, James ... 30 Mar. 85 30 Mar. 8s 30 Mar. 85 War Office.
ovill, Thomas 30 Apr. 85 30 Apr. 85 30 Apr. 8s Leith Fort.
Loacho, Joseph Matthew 30 Apr. 85 30 Apr. 85 30 Apr. 8s Bermuda.
lullen, Patrick'" 15 June 85 "5 June°- :S June 85 Egypt.

Adjutant Captain P. G. Parkinson, Dublin Fusiliers, Woolwich.

War Services.
1 Major General Ingram served in the New Zealand war in 1861-65 (Medal).
* Colonel Angell.' and Captain Law served in the Zulu war of 1879 (Medal).
5 Colonel T. Pease served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 as Senior Ordnance Store Officer (mentioned in
3spatches, promoted Deputy Commissaiy General, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Colonel H. Morgan served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (mentioned in despatches, promoted Assistant Com-
ussary General of Ordnance with relative rank of Lt. Colonel, Medal, and Khedive's Star).
'Colonel H. P. Moors served with the North China Expedition of i860 (Medal). Also during the operations
'^i^st, the Taepings in the vicinity of Shanghai in 1862. Was employed at Newcastle during the Boer war of 1881.
Colonel H. J. Mills served in the Egyptian war of 18S2 (Medal, 3rd Class of theMedjidie, and Khedive's Star);
Tved with the Soudan Expe iition under Sir Gerald Graham in 18S4 as Senior Ordnance Store Officer, and was
resent in the engagement at El Teb (twice mentioned in despatches, promoted Assistant Commissary General of
rtoance with relative rank ol Lt.Colonel, two Clasps).
I'J-Colonel H. Taylor served in the Kafir war in 1851-53 with the 2nd Division (Medal.
^t-Colonel Haldane served during the late war in New Zealand (Medal).
I'tColonel G. A. Jolly served on the Red River Expedition of 1870 from Cana da under Sir Garnet Wolseley.
Lt-Colonel J. E. Taylor served with the Head Quarters in Canada during the Feniau raid of 1870, and Red
ver Expedition of 1870.
" Lt.Colonel Campbell served in the Perak Expedition of 1875-79 m
charge of the Control Department (Medal with
asp). Served in the Zulu war in 1879, and was present in the engagement at Ulundi (mentioned ia despatches,
'Of^'™ ^^Pit.y t^'ommissary, Medal with Clasp). Served in the Egyptian war of 1S82, and was prssent at the
Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches, promoted Assistant Commissary General of Ordnance, Medal
.V. >>?
'''^ "-''"^^ °^ *^^ Medjidie, and Khedive's Star).
18 T??"'
^'•Colonel J. Steevens served in the Zulu war in 1879 (promoted Deputy Commissary, Medal with Clasp). Served
tne ^gyptian war of 1882 as Senior Ordnance Store Officer with the 2nd Division, and was present at the battle of
l-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches, promoted Assistant Commissary General of Ordnance, Medal with Clasp,
i Class of the Medjidie,
and Khedive's Star),
2^0,1 Ordnance Store Department.— War Services.
i» T t rolonol in the Malay Peninsula in 1875-76, and served in charg(
E G Skinner accompanied the expedition(Medal with Clasp). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882
™i CommisS in Larut and Sunghil Ujong
cf the bci
9th September, and at the battle of Tel-el- Kebir (mentioned n
and WBSP^senrn^he action of Kassasin on the
dMTOtchc^ P^^moVcd Assistant Commu-saiyGenoml of Ordnance Medal, 4th Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive'i
^^ tl'r^^inxhc Soudan campaign m 1885 as Senior Ordnance Store Officer (mentioned m despatches

^ the Soudan campaign in 1885 in charge of the Ordnance Depot (mentioned ii

dpsTvitchcs Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). „ .„^ ,~.r j t^^ j.
.-, .

Served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive',


.''\la or K Houehton served in the Boer war of ,881.

SUr)- »N'> -served in the Soudan Expedition under Sir Gerald Graham
in 1884 (mentioned m
despatches, promctec
Assi.'t'niitCommissjiryGeneralof Ordnance, 4th Class of the Medjidie, Clasp).
„ 00 „ ^ ttt, v
=» .M»j(ir F. King, Captain D'Arcy and Lieut. Tims served
R. m ,^f ^ 1 and
the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, Khedive';.

F. E. Mulcahy was emploved in Natal during the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal). Also served
in the Boei
war of iSSi at Pretoria. Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (mentioned m
despatches, promoted AssistanI
Commis-nrvGeneralof Ordnance, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
» Major \V. B. Cooke, Captains Hobbs and Barrett served in the Zulu war of 1879 (Medal)
" M.ijor F. G. Wintle served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (mentioned despatches, promoted AssistanI
Co.i)iiiisi;ni-j- General of Ordnance, Mediil with Clasp, and Khedive's Star) also served with the Egyptiai

Frontier Field Force in 1885-86, incladingtho engagement at Giniss (mentioned in despatches).

« Major R. B. Baker served in the Ashanti war under Sir Garnet Wolseley (Medal).
s: Mai -r K. E. Markwick served in the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal). Served in the Boer war of 1881, and tool
part in the defence of Pretoria. Served with the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-8.
as Senior Ordnance Store Officer (promoted Assistant Commissary General of Ordnance)
=« Major Hain 8er\-cd in the Soudan campaign in 1SS5 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
"> Cajuains Clarke and Kernaghan served with the Nile 18S4-85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive'i

JO Captain W. F. Wright sen-ed with the Nile Expedition in 1S84-85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
»i CaiUaiu Wyon served in the Kafir war in 1878 including the operations against Sekuknni also served ii ;

the Zulu war in 1879, and in the subsequent operations against Sekukuni (Medal). Served at Pretoria during th(
Boer warof 1881.
»• Captain H. Tate served in the Boer war of 1881.
C. \V.
»7 Captain Sadler scr.-cd in the Zulu war in 1S79 and in the subsequent operations against Sekukuni (Medal will
Captain Heron served in the Zulu war in 1S79, and in the subsequent operations against Sekukuni including
the capture of the stronghold (Medal with Clasp).
» Captain Appelbe served in the Zulu war of 1879 (Medal with Clasp). Served with the Nile Expedition ii
1885, and in the subsequent operations in the Eastern Soudan (Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
« Captain Stanlej-.— For War Services, see Devonshire Regiment.
*' Captain Caldcr.— For Services, see Royal Artillery.

Major Henderson and Captain Hugo Smyth.— For War Services, see York and Lancaster Regiment.
<8 Captain Angell.— For War Services, see Irish Fusiliers.
<' Captain Taylor.— For War Services, see King's Own Scottish Borderers.
'0 Captain Bunny— For War Services, see Berkshire Regiment.
51 Captain Hall. — For War Services, see Connaught Rangers.
" CaptJiin Drake served in the China war in i860 (Medal). Also served in the operations against the Taepinj
rebels in iBC?.
" Captiiin Kennedy-Edwards served in Nafal during the Boer war of 188 1.
" Capta'n Spinks served in the Eastern campaign in 1854-56, and was present at the battles of the Alma, Balak
lava, and Inkerman, and at the siege of Seb.astopol (Medal with four Clasps, and Turkish Medal).
' Captain Berrj- served in the Eastern campaign in 1854-55, and was present at the battles of Alma, Balaklava
anrt Inkerman, and nt the siege and fall of Sebasto])ol (Medal with four Clasps, and Turkish Medal).
<" Captain G. Harris served in the Zulu war in 1879, and in the subsequent operations against Sekukuni (Medal)
Sen-ed in the Boer warof 1S81. Served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (mentioned in despatches, honorary rank !

CaptJiin, Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Chas. Warren in 1884-85'
" Lieut. C. F. Hunter served in the expedition to the Soudan in 1884 under Sir Gerald Grjjham in the Ordnana,
Store Department (promoted Quarter Master, Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Soudan campaiglj
in 1S85 (mentioned in despatches. Clasp). ;
<a Captain C. h. Sheppard served in the Egyptian war in 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served with tb.
Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (mentioned in despatches, granted honorary rank of Captain, Clasp). ;

" Lieut. Mullen served with the Nile Expedition in 18S4-85 (mentioned in despatches, promoted Quartwl
Master, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).

Continuation of Notes to the Army Fay Department.

"» Major Clement Smith served with the 19th Hussars in the Egyptian
warof 1882, and was present in the actioi
at Knunajtm (9th September) and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
X" Captain
Evans Gordon.— For War Services, see Berkshire Regiment.
^" ^- ^'"'^''' served in the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal with Clasp).
Ill r^"''^""
" Captain Gibbingn.— For War Services, see Inniskiiling Fusiliers.
'** Captain
Duckctt.— For War Services, see Scots Fusiliers.
' • CnpUiiiiH LcBlie and Lindop.— For War Services, see Suffolk Regiment.
" tnpUiin Shcehaii.— For War Services, see Scottish Rifles.
'/."'"'''•'" Mi'lwood ami Syngc.— For War Services, see Highland Light
K. I nptnin Infantry.
CKhlnn.— For War Services, see Gloucester Regiment.
" npWin I>owry.— For War Services, see York and Lancaster Regiment.
iipuir. UUTmnrck nnd Major Gronow.-For
War Services, see Manchester Regiment.
J;»pw«iii (.ompcrt?..— For War Services, see Hampshire Regiment.

i„ 1IS79 VvV"? ''P^V'" «orved in the Ashanti war in 1874 in the Transport Service Medal). Served in the Zulu wa
in (Mp'lal Willi Cln«p).
^-'^rdon -K.r War Services, see Duke
I-i V,"'''"?. of Cornwall's Light Infantry.
• -^.'"J;"- < «^.^"n<f''•-^"r War Services, see Gordon Highlanders.
" ""'•"'•"-t^o'- War Services, see South Wales Borderers
'« c'iC n"innT,.
•-• r!I » .^ B.ii ,
w i'"
S^'-v'ces. see Somerset Light Infantry.
• • C»pioin SinbbB.- i. For T^""
War Sorviccs, sec Cheshire Regiment.

wS O j3 ^ 'S

^ H ^ ti tn 1fl -^ CL.£^ C^^ -9 -^ 7^ '-' (^ oZ." £?a


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Army Fay Dejjartment.

Staff 1'aymastbrs, continued FIRST COM HON. STAFFPAT-

comiissiox. I {tcilh the Hon. rank of Major). MI SSOK. MAJOR. I

Captain 93 Foot

Hay nes, Edward Court«i 25 May 55 I Apr. 78 I June 82: I June 100 Regimental D
Sutherland, Wm. J. E. Graham II Mar 1 Apr. 78 5 June 82 5 June 20 Regimental Di;
Captain 44 Foot
Spiller,DuncanChisholm01iver*= 14 Aug. .. 1 Apr. 78 •6 July 82,26 July 8 28 Regimental Dii
Captain 2= Foot
Barr, William Lamb" 17 Nov.
57 I Apr. 78 1 Aug. 82 I Aug. 8 R. Art., Dublin.
I'aptain 15 Foot
Captain 19 Foot Pync, John" 5 July 55 I Apr. 78 !3 Aug. 82123 Aug R. Eng., Chathan
Captain 73 Foot Howson, John Lysaght** 6 June 56 I Apr. 7S Sept.82 Sept.82 loi Regtl. Dist.
Bell, William*' 31 Aug. 55 I Apr. 78 4 Oct. 82 14 Oct.82 31 Regimental Dii
Captain 56 Foot "
Captain 23 Foot Whittington, Geo. John Chas." 14 July 57 I Apr. 78 I Nov, Nov. 82 Aldershot.
CaptJiin '.07 Foot .. Play fair, Wm. Morgan 9 Dec. 60 I Apr. 78 Nov. 82 20 Nov. 82 Cav.Dep.Canterb'
Captain 10 Foot Robertson, Frederick 8 Oct. 58 1 Apr. 78 1 Jan. 83 Jan. 83 R. Art., Dover.
Captain 31 Foot Batoman, Henry William'* 5 Feb. 61 1 Apr. 7S I Apr. S3 I Apr. 83! 16 Regimental Dii
Captain 89 Foot Richmond, Richard Oliffe" 2 July 58 I Apr. 78 I Apr. 83 I Apr. 83 6 Regimental Dist
Captain 21 Foot Rose, Thomas Capel I July 63 I Apr. 78 I Apr. 83
" 4 Aug. 83 30 Regimental Dis
Captain 26 Foot IWado, William Barton" II Mar.
sg I Apr. 78 I Apr. 17 Sept. 83 ii. Art., Aldershot
Captain i Foot i
Kennedy, Walter Craufurd 22 Aug.
65 I Apr. 78 I Apr. I Oct. 83 Woolwich.
Captain 19 Foot IThomhill. William Roberts^ 25 Sept. 6c I Apr. 78 I Apr. 83 16 Jan. 84 R. Art. Portsmoutl
Captain 106 Foot .. >Compign^, Henry Mapleton 8 July 68 1 Apr. 78 I Apr. 83 21 Jan. 84 I Regimental Dist
Captain 86 Foot Brockman, William Law^*... 24 Nov. 63 I Apr. 78 I Apr. 83 27 Feb. 84 Ceylon.
Captain 58 Foot Coote, Edmund Eyre" 4 June 61 I Apr. 78 I Apr. 83 16 Mar. 84 27 Regimental Dis
Captain 41 Foot Mortimer, William Hugli=^^ ,
21 Feb. 6j I Apr. 78 I Apr. 83 22 Mar. 84 72 & 79 Regtl. Dist;
CapUiin 103 Foot .. Nott, Robert M'Intosh 13 Jan. 67 I Apr I Apr. 83 16 Apr. 84 Gibraltar.
Captain 10 Foot |Taylor,Frederic Norman Innes" 19 July 64 I Apr. I Apr. 83 9 May
84 21 Regimental Dis
Captain 63 Foot iJackson, James Henry 8 Jan. 64 6 Apr. 78 6 Apr. 83 24 May 84 43 Regimental Disi
Captain i Foot Ireland, Robert Megaw 21 Mar. 68 8 Ajir. 78 8 Apr. 83 21 June 84 10 Regimental Dis
Captain 3 Foot 'Gelston, Arthur William Hiips 4 Sept. 60 14 Apr. 14 Apr. 83 25 June 84J12
Regimental Dis-
Captain 20 Foot iGahan, Melmoth Caulfield .... 7 Apr. 63 ioSept.84;5i & 65 Regtl. Distt
i6 Apr. 16 Apr. 83
Captain 54 Foot I
Carey, Charles Frederick 13 Dec. 61 3 June 78 3 June ~
10 Sept 84'Cbatham District.
Captain 20 Foot Whiteford, Baldwin Kevaerts. 24 June
59 II June 78 June
23 Sept. 84 R. Art., Devonporl'
Captain i W.I.Re^ Bell, Thomas'^ 8 May
67 22 June 78 22 June
83 11 Nov. 84IR. Artillery, Cork.j
Captain 67 Foot Brereton, John Sadlier 9 Apr. 61
1 July 78 1 July 83 24 Dec. 84 S3 Regimental Dial

Captain 43 Foot Loiigley, Arthur^" g Aug. 78 9 Aug.

9 Dec. 62 24 Dec. 84 17 Regimental Disi J
Captain 72 Foot Urquhart, Thomas Bedford .... [4 Aug. 60 10 Au 10 Aug. 83 24 Mar. 85J29 Regimental Dist'
Captain 18 Foot Stockley, John Cator" 4 Apr. 66 15 Aug. 78 15 Aug. 83 I Apr. Regimental Dislj
Captain 93 Foot Haldane, Alexander Henry'^ 20 July 55 30 Aug. 78 30 Aug. I Apr. 85141 Regimental Disi
Captain 49 Foot Fox, Thomas Chas. Armstfong'^3 24 Jan. 65 2 Sept.78 2 Sept. 83 Apr. 85 49 Regimental Disi
Captain 50 Foot Phillips, Henry Walter'^- ., 7 Apr. 63 2 Sept.78 2 Sept. 83 I Apr. 85 24 Regimental Disi!
Captain 94 Foot Budd, Claud Currie 24 Jan. 65 2 Sept.78 2 Sept, I Apr. 85 39 Regimental Dist!
Captain 47 Foot Buri?e, Benjamin Henry'^.. :8 Aug. 54 6 Sept.78 6 Sept. 83 I Apr. 85 5 &68 Regtl. Distfij
Captain 105 Foot .. Graham, WiJliam Douglas 2 Aug. 68 16 Sept.78 6 Sept. 83 5 Apr. 85 8 & 40 Regtl. Diste
Captain 65 Foot Crookenden, Salusbury Di 12 Jan. 66 18 Sept.78 8 Sept. 83 3 June 85 LondonRoc. Depot >
Captain 17 Foot Turner, George Henry ^ .. 8 Feb. 56 20 Sept.78 20 Sept. 83 10 June 85 23 Regimental Dist',
Captain 74 Foot Woodall, Frederick Nind" 24 Mar. 54 24 Dec. 78 Dec. 83 15 June 85 ;

War OtEce Clerk .. Kneller, Godfrey T.C. St. John« I Feb. 79 Feb. 84 5 June 85 33 Regimental Dist
Captain 35 Foot Dowdall.Aylmer Peter Gerald"" 9 July 62 24 June 79 24 June 84 5 June 85 II Regimental Diet I

Captain 97 Foot Healy, Michnel Ryan<^8 5 Oct. 61 28 Sept. 78 8 Sept. 83 30 July 85 35 Regimental Dist
Captain 11 Foot Coppinger, Thomas Stephen".. o Apr. 66 1 Oct. 78 I Oct. 83 2 Sept. 85 50 Regimental Dist
Captain 19 Foot Laugford, George Edward" 10 Nov. 65 4 Oct. 78 4 Oct. 83 6 Dec. 85 91 Regimental Dist
Captain 41 Foot Barnes, George West"^ Apr.
9 59 26 Oct. 78 6 Oct. 83 6 Jan. 86 87 Regimental Dist
Captain 26 Foot Dougherty, Edward Mackion"' 2 June 65 26 Oct. 78 26 Oct. 83 8 May 86 37 Regimental Dist
Captain 35 Foot Vander-Meulen, JohnHarrison" 8 Mar. 59 28 Oct. 78 ' Oct. 83 2 June 86:47 Regimental Dist

Captain 10 K'oot Booth, Thomas George'5 6 May 65 30 Oct. 78 30 Oct. 83 7 June 86 48 Regimental Dist
Captain 2 W.I.Regt, Stoker, Wni. B. Caulfeild'e 8 May 67 6 Nov. 78 6 Nov. 83 o Sept. 86! T5 Regimental Dist,
Captain 98 Foot Johnson, Osmond Moncrieff 10 Feb. 69 8 Nov. 78 o Nov. 83! 16 Sept. 86 Portsmouth. 1

Bt. Major 21 Foot ... Fnrlong, George William" ...... 5 Apr.

55 9 Nov. 78 9 Nov. 83 20 Sept. 86 Cork District.
Captain 20 Foot Dening, Alfred 22 Sept. 63 27 Nov. 78 7 Nov. 83 20 Oct. 86 38 & 64 Regtl. Dists.-

Captain 22 Foot Brett, Arthur" '..;.;'

6 Aug. 59 Dec. 83 18 Nov
2 Dec. 78 5 Regimental Dist,|
Bt.Major93Fooi Wood, Samuel Edward*" 6 Feb. 55 28 Dec. 78 8 Dec. 83 20 Mar. 87 34 Regimental Dist,
Ca)>taiu 27 Foot

Caine, Heury Monteath8>

"' "
9 Dec. 56 5 Jan 5 Jan. 84 16 July 87 4 Regimental Dist.
Captain 55 Foot '.

Taylor, Charles Wm.Josephs' 18 Jan. 79 iS Jan. 84 31 Aug. 87 u Regimental Dist.

5 Feb. 61
Captain 2 Foot Lawrie, John Paton'3 22 Mar. 64 27 Jan. 79 27 Jan. 84 21 Dec. 87 Liverpool.
Captain 2 1 Hussars Kitson, James Edward 26 June 66 28 Jan. 28 Jan. 84I21 Dec. 87 Dover.
Dawson, Henry Coleridge** 8 Mar, 28 Jan. 79 28 Jan. 84 4 Ma,y 88 Egyptian Army.
Captain 96 Foot Aked, Thomas ... j

5 Apr. 61 30 Jan. 79 30 Jan. 84 28 88 DubUn. May

Ward, Charles".....'.".'.'.'.".'.'."!]!!] I Feb. 79 I Feb. 84 12 Nov. 88 W. Riding Regt.
Captain 96 Foot., D'Aguilar, Jolm Swainson*''
9 Feb. 70 3 Feb. 79 3 Feb. 84 19 Dec. 88 Natal District.

[Kith the hon. rankof Major)
CB[)tain 22 Foot Fenton, Michael
Uoptaiii 17 Lancers Brown, John*' 30 Apr. 58 17 Feb. 79 17 Feb. 84 32 Regimental District.
Commt. Clerk 23 Mar. 67 18 Feb. 79 18 Feb. 84 iielfast District.
Ballard, James Ritchie
Captain 18 Foot...!! !!!!!!!!!! 22 Feb. 22 Feb. 84 88 Regimental District.
MoNse, John Forbes** May
Captain i Foot 21 58 15 Mar. 79 15 Mar. 84 York.
Sanford, Charles Henry
CapUiin 28 Foot...!! Moore-Lane, George Howard'!
II Feb. 62 19 May79 19 May
84 5 Dragoon Guards.
Captain 38 Foot IStokes, Alfred
10 Mar. 64 26 May79 26 May 84 Colchester.
Captain 12 Foot 27 July 55 1 1 Juno 79 I June 84 King's Royal Rifles (60 F.).
Shields, George
Captain 50 Foot 4 Dec. 72 19 June 79 -9 June 84 Royal Scots.
Bromneld, James*'' Nov. 64
Captain 105 Foot ... 5 23 June 79 23 June 84 Portsmouth.
Orange, Jolm Edward'"
4 Feb. 62 24 June 79 >4 June 84 York.
^npuiin ^
CnC'n i8 Foot
IT, a"!'?°^K•^•
Webb. Francis Edward^
'^Vilmsdorf Ge'orge" 8 Fob. 56
28 June 79 jS June 84 53 Regimental District.
5 55 15 July 79 i5 July 84 Cork.
KZ""" ''V''"^
..Uy>>.u,r, Henry Francis Geo. Aug. 55 21 July 79 21 July 84 21 Hussars.
CW n u"^
r«n.^./'v """'"'"
Edward Henry
J. Farre
:'arrer'* 6 May 65
30 Nov. 60
28 July 79 28 July 84 Devonport.
26 Aug. 79 26 Aug. 84 Woolwich.
'i'honins Prince'":
Coplnin t*2.°\
rlTJ::. loa Foot k'°>''.
3 July 61 5 Sept. 79 5 Sept. 84 Dover.
Caplniii 44 Foot...
Laurence Richard 1 Nov. 65 I Oct. 79 1 Oct. 84 Durham Lt. Inf. (106 Foot).
Churchill, Soton"
CapuUn 15 Foot... 3 Feb. 69 31 Oct. 79 31 Oct. 84 Essex Regiment (44 Foot).
Wi'l'ttm Jamca'b'acre's 29 May
Captain C^ Foot •

w^l^"- 69 27 Dec. 79 27 Dec. 84 Wiltshire Regt. (99 Fool).

» ulkcr, John Bymoon 30 Dec. 59
CapUin 47 Fo(jt... Stuart, Jamos
30 Dec. 79 30 Dec. 84 Belfast.
26 Apr. 64 31 Dec. 79 31 Dec. 84 3 Dragoon Guards.
Floury, Willlom L.»»
I Jan. 80 Jan. 85 Regtl. Dist. StaflT, R. Art.
.05 Foot ...JForrior. GcorKO I Jan. 80 Jan. 85 Dublin.
Hoiir; ..!!!!!!!!! Ji yan. 6^ I Jan. 80 Jan. 85 S. Lancashire Regt. (82 F.)
• Onto of CommlMlon as
Deputy Paymaster late Pay Sub Department. Control Department.
). . 1 ..

Army Pay Department. 373

Patsiastebs continued EBGIMBNT OB STATIOIT.

(with the Hon. rank 0/ Major).

Foot ... Davidson, Thomas ReidWaugh 9 Jan. 68 5 Jan. 80 5 Jan. Liverpool Regt. (8 Foot).
Japtain 107
Daptoin 18 Foot fson, John 20 Sept.64 8 Jan. 80 London.
8 Jan.
Daptaiu 3 Foot lan, R. Richards Breffney'^ 28 Oct. 71 3 Mar. 80 Mar. 5 Lancers.
3aptain 20 Foot Robinson, De la Pere" 24 June 62 29 Mar. 80 Mar. Lancashire Fusiliers.
Captain 63 Foot Palmer, William™ 18 Jan. 67 6 July So July London,
Daptaiu 60 Foot Oroft, 12 Nov. 58
James Henry Herberti"* 7 July 80 7 July
Bt. Major 80 Foot ... Howard, Walter^s j6 Mar. 58 13 July 80 13 July 85 Aldershot.
Captain 28 Foot Dempster, Thomas Carroll"*" ... 29 Mar. 61 13 July 80 3 July 85 [Hong Kong.
Captain 12 Foot Brooke, RichardO' Shaughnessy 17 Mar. 63 19 July 80 9 July 85|Glasgow.
Captain 9 Foot Humfrey, J. Campbell Taylor'"' 27 Mar. 58 8 Aug. 80 8 Aug. 85 6 Dragoons.
Captain 69 Foot Owen, Robert Ed ward W6 4 Mar. 68 9 Nov. 80 9 Nov. 85! West Kent Regiment (50 F.).
Captain 21 Hussars Haynes, Frederick Hutchinson 3 Feb. 69 12 Nov. 80 12 Nov. 85 Cork.
Captain 10 Foot Smger, George Hamilton"^
7 Apr. 65 13 Nov. 80 3 Nov. Welsh Regiment (41 Foot).
Captain 57 Foot Devvar, Gordon"** 7 July 69 13 Nov. 80 3 Nov. Edinburgh.
Captain Irish Regt, Gilbert, Herbert Henry 18 Apr. 65 27 Dec. 80 7 Dec.
Capt. W.York.Regt Reid, James 20 June 68 1 Jan. 81 I Jan. Portsmouth.
Capt. York & Lan- \
Drury, James O'Brien 1°^ 27 May 62 3 Jan. 81 3 Jan. N. Staff. Regt. (64 Foot).
caster Regt. ...J
Capt. Essex Regt... Reid, Ellis Ramsay"" 3 Feb. 69 11 Mar. 81 I Mar. 86 Portsmouth.
Capt.LeicesterRegt Parkinson, Frederick Fenton .., 23 Jan. 63 16 Mar. 81 6 Ma The Buffs (3 Foot).
Capt. Scots Fus. .. lleares, Henry John 1 Feb. 68 iS Mar. 81 8 Mar. 86 London.
Capt.K. O. Borderers Rathborne, Hans Robert 28 July 63 31 Mar. 81 1 Mar. Barbadoes.
Major Black Watch Turner, James Trench 13 Apr. 58 10 Apr. 81 o Apr. 86 Colchester.
Capt. Irish Rifles ... Archibald Robert.. I Feb. 67 12 Apr. 81 2 Apr. 86 East Yorkshire Regt. (15 F.)
Capt. York & Lan- ^ Mar. Apr.
Angus, John"2 I 64 29 81 29 Apr. 86 Rifle Brigade.
caster Regt I

Capt.W.SurreyReg. Montgomery, William 14 Mar. 65 29 Apr. 81 29 Apr. 86 Irish Fusiliers (87 F.).
Major 2 Foot Mackie, William'ia I May 61 2 May 81 2 May 86 Yorkshire Regiment (19 F.).
Capt. Sussex Regt.. Creighton, William Maurice'^'' 26 Feb. 76 6 May 81 6 May 86 7 Hussars.
Capt. WorcesterRegt CoweU, Henry Clayton 22 Sept. 65 7 May 81 7 May 86 Dub'in.
Capt. Gloucester- May
shire Regiment
Sherrard, John 14 Sept. 67 7 8i 7 May 86 Cavalry Depot, Canterbury.
Bt.Maj.MunsterFus Small, William Georgei'^ 18 Dec. 67 12 May 81 2 May Egypt.
Capt. Dublin Fus.... Lysaght, James Douglas'* .. 20 June
68 27 May 81 17 May CameronHighlanders (79F.),
Capt. Dublin Fus.... Irving, John Charles Sarle .. 7 Apr. 63 30 May 81 30 May 6 Dragoon Guards.
Capt. Border Regt.. Newbury, John Benet Thornton 20 Feb. 63 6 June 81 6 June 15 Hussars.
Dapt. Border Regt.. Chisholm-Batton, Jan 24 Nov. 69 6 June 81 6 June 4 Dragoon Guards.
Capt. S. Lane. Regt. Hood, Thomas Cockburni 17 Nov. 63 8 June 81 8 June 86 Derbyshire Regiinent(95 F.)
Capt.W.RidiugRegt King, John Rooper 21 Aug. 72 9 June 8 9 June 86 Scottish Rifles (26 Foot).
Capt.LeicesterRegt, Webb, Edward A. H.117... 13 Feb. 66 10 June 8x o Jime Woolwich.

(With the Son. rank of Captain^).

Dapt.W.York. Regt. Robinson, Thomas Middleton.. 8 Feb. 68 II Aug. 81 Devonport.
Capt. N. Stafford- Aug.
j Robinson, Philip Albert^s 17 Nov. 63 i5 81 Irish Regiment (18 Foot).
shire Regiment }
Capt. W. Kent B.egt. Yaldwjm, Percy J. Montgomerie 11 Dec. 72 23 Aug. 81 Malta.
Capt.Scottish Rifles Bennett, Levett Holt"9 12 Jan. 66 15 Sept. 8
Major The Buffs ... Alexander, George Agar 120 4 Feb. ,
62 22 Sept.81 Essex Regiment (56 Foot).
Hamley, Francis Gilbert ... 22 Sept. 73 22 Sept.81 The Buffs (3 Foot).
Capt.R. Fusiliers... Thunder, George Francis i^i 18 Nov. 68 28 Oct. 81 Royal Fusiliers (7 Foot).
Capt. Munster Fus. Maycock, Francis Mellowes, 22 July 68 4 Nov. 81 Hampshire Regiment (67 Foot).
Capt. S. York. Regt. Cubitt, Charles Percy 20 May 68 6 Nov. 81 Colchester.
Captain 13 Hussars Lane, Henry Frederick'-- . . 3 Sept.70 9 Nov.
Si Egypt.
Dapt. Argyll High.. Dolby.Seym. SackviUc Carew'^s 24 July 73 14 Nov.
81 Dublin.
Capt. Dublin Fus.... Wynne, SkefEngton John'--'.. 4 Feb. 69 20 Dec. 81 Black Watch (42 Foot).
MajorOxfordL.Inf. O'Brien, James Thomas '^^ .. 10 July 63 21 Dec. 81 Oxford Light Infantry (43 Foot).
Captain 17 Lancers Russell, John Montague '-'^ .. 24 Apr. 72 16 Jan. 82 17 Lancers.
Capt. S.W. Borders. Sugden, AVilliami27 17 Nov. 66 5 Apr. 82 Dublin Fusiliers (102 Foot).
Capt. Dublin Fus... Dick, James Roy'^^ 25 Jan. 69 6 Apr. 82 Sussex Regiment (107 Foot).
Capt. Suffolk Regt. Sawyer, Manfred John'^g 9 Sept.64 :i Apr. 82 12 Lancers.
Capt. Dublin Fus... Burnett, William Augustus"' 5 June 66 11 Apr. 82 Gordon Highlanders (75 Foot).
Major Worcester >
Cooke, John 22 Oct. 6 14 Apr. 82 East Surrey Regiment (31 F.).
Regiment )
Dapt.CheshireRegt. White, Loftus Otway 30 Sept. 68 16 May 82 Cheshire Regiment (22 Foot).
Capt. 3 Hussars ... Fuller, George Charles 2 Nov. 73 19 May 82 Yorkshire Light Infantry (51 F.).
Capt. Connaught)
Burk e , William Henry 8 July 68 1 June 82 Royal Engineers, Chatham.
Rangers ji

Capt.WarwickRegt. Lumsden, Thomas George .. 15 Jan. 73 7 Sept.

Capt. King's Own )
M'Causland, John Kennedy' 28 Dec. 66 II Sept. 82 II Hussars,
Borderers )
Bt.Major Royal Art. Bayly, George Cecil'^a I Mar. 63 13 Sept. 82 Duke of Cornwall's Light Inf. (32 Foot).
Captain Rifle Brig. . Mitchell, Hugh Henry 4 Aug. 6. 30 Sept. 82 Deolali Depot.
Gleig, Arthur'33.. 21 Nov. 74 21 Nov. 82 Border Regiment (34 Foot).
Capt. Leinster Regt. Deuys, William Henry Adolphi 26 Apr. 64 30 Nov. 82 Seaforth Highlanders (78 Foot).
Capt. Derby Regt. St. John,OUver H.Beauchamp 8 Sept. 65 2 Jan. 83 Portsmouth
!!apt. 6 Dragoons 24 Nov. 77 26 Feb. 83 N. Lancashire Regiment (47 Foot).
| 6 Sept. 73)
Burgess, Henry William Kaye I Apr. 75 I Apr. 83 Bermuda.
Japtain The Christopher Richard'^
Buffs... Taaffe, 3 Aug. 73 27 June 83 Lincolnshire Regiment.
Wellesley, Gerald Valerian 9 July 75 9 July 83 Lincolnshire Regiment.
Gaussen, John Samuel 1 Feb. 75 10 July 83 Halifax, N. S.
Liieut. S.Lanc. Regt. Loder, Frederick Charles John... 30 Dec. 71 20 July 83 Norfolk Regiment.
Capt.LiverpoolRegt. Johnston, Robert 6 Dec. 73 10 Aug. 83 Highland Light Inf. (74 Foot).
Capt. Warwick Regt. Harward, Henry Blake 14 July 69 12 Nov. 83 Warwickshire Regt. (6 Foot).
Captain Royal Fus. Thackwell, Edw. Loftus Roche 9 Aug. 73 16 Nov. 83 Dover.
Capt.Warwick Regt, Meredith, Richard'*^ 9 May 63 28 Nov. 83 Royal Fusiliers (7 Foot).
Major h.p. Shrop- \ Sinythe, Ingoldsby Wm.Thos 1
2 May 67 11 Feb. 84 King's Royal Rifles (60 FoGt).
shire Lt. Inf. ... j Somerset'*- )
Beardmore, Charles F. H.'*" 28 Sept. 77 I Apr. 84 West Surrey Regiment (2 Foot).
Capt. Devonshire ")

Regiment Astley, Spencer Byng 16 Oct. 63 5 Apr. 84 South Wales Borderers.

Capt. Inniskilling
Tunnard, Henry Stopford 28 Feb. 74 26 Apr. 84 N. Lancashire Regt. (81 Fo ot).
Fusiliers )
Capt. W. Riding')
Regiment Rivett-Carnac, Percy T. 3 July 73 29 Apr. 84 King's Own Scottish Borderers.
374 Army Pay Department.


(vith theUon. rank of Captain).
Conran. Edward Watson 21 Aug. 69 30 Apr. 84 Connaught Rangers (88 F.).
Captain Dorsetshire Rcpiment
Captain E. Lnncnshire Kegt... Irwin, John Frederick^" 8 Jau. 68: I May East Lancashire Regt. {59F.)
Captaifl York RcRiinent Simonet, John Francis 21 Feb. 70 16 May 84 Gibraltar.
Captain i W. I. Regiment O'Brien, Percy 29 July 76 20 May I

84 Jamaica.
Captain Gloucestershire Rcgt. Pilkiugton, John Edward M. ... 11 Sept.76 23 May 84 Gloucestershire Regt.

Captain Yorkshire Regiment Herapath, Edwin Loud 13 Nov. 76 24 May [Yorkshire Regiment.
Captain Gloucester Regiment Parkinson, Reginald J. B 29 Nov. 76 30 May 84 London.

Captain 12 Lancers Montagu, Philip''^ 12 Nov. 73 II June 84 Dorsetshire Regt. (39 Foot).

17 Sept. 66 '= July 84 Dublin.

Mi^or h.p. 7 Dragoon Guards Becher, Cecil Leycester'"
Major h. p. Leicester Regiment Brock, Matthew William 21 July 64 9 Aug. 84 Ceylon.
Mayor 19 Hussars Smith, Clementiw 25 Apr. 68 11 Aug. 84 13 Hussars.
Captain Essex Regiment Ellis, GeorgP Richard 28 Oct. 76 12 Aug. 84 Middlesex Regiment (77 F.).
Capt Argyll i S. Highlanders CoUings, Godlrey Disney"^ 28 Feb. 76 13 Aug. 84 Argyll Highlanders (91 Foot)
Captain South Yorkshire Regt, Amedroz, Louis Edmund I Aug. 77 18 Aug. 84 Yorkshire Lt. Inf. (105 P.).
Captain W. Kent Regiment... Arnold, Fred. A. Moiitagui^ ... 21 Sept.75 2 Sept. 84 Bedfordshire Regt. (16 Foot)
Captain i West India Regt.... Thwaitcs, Heiny James 12 Aug. 6 Sept. 84 East Surrey Regt. (70 Foot).

Capt. South Wales Borderers Moore, George Kenrick'^i 5 Sept.77 3 Oct. 84JInniskilling Fusiliers (27 P.).
Capt. Somor.sct Lt. Infantry. Smith, Chaiies Herbert 10 Nov. 69 3 Oct. 84 Somerset Lt. Infantry (13 F.)
Capt. I West India Regiment Murray, Wm. Arthur Joyce 28 Oct. 7: 16 Oct. 84 Rifle Brigade.
Captain Scottish Rifles Low, Ptter 27 Mar. 7; 20 Oct. 84 Lancaster Regiment (4 Foot)
Capt. 2 West India Regiment Minchin. William Cyril 12 May 71 20 Oct. 84 Oxford Light Infantry (52 F.)
Captain Inniskilling Fusilier; Gibbiugs, Henry Cornwall 0.'^= 21 Feb. 75 8 Nov. 84 Inniskilling Fusiliers (108 F.)
Captain Scots Fusiliers Duckett, William Murton^s 24 Sept. 18 Nov. 84 Devonshire Regiment.
Captain Gloucestershire Regt. Trotman, William Mends Forte 13 June 68 17 Jan. 85 Gordon Highlanders (92 F.).
Captain West Riding Regt... Trench, Stewart John 8 Dec. 75 26 Jan. W. Riding Regt. (76 Foot).
Captain Wiltshire Regiment Hobbs, Herbert Thos. de C 11 Feb. 75 26 Jan. Aldershot.
Captain Suflblk Regiment .. Leslie, Alex. Maurice'^s 30 Nov. 76 20 Feb- 9 Lancers.
Captain Scottish Rifles Sheehan, Patrick E. CampbelP^^ S June 76 23 Feb. 85 Scottish Rifles (90 Foot).
Captain Yorkshire Lt. Inf.... Hunt, Villiers Edward 30 Nov. 76 24 Feb. 85 Leinster Regiment (too Foot).
Captain Scots Fusiliers Crozier, Burrard Rawson 12 Dec. 68 2 Mar, Scots Fusiliers.
Captain Highland Lt. Inf. .., Midwood, Harrison'™ II Sept.76 9 Mar, 85 W. Yorkshire Regt. (14 f.).
Capt. Gloucestershire Regt... Coghlan, James Duffi^^ 23 Sept. 71 26 Mar, Gloucester Regiment (28 P.).
Capt. York &. Lancaster Regt. Lowry, James'^^ 8 Dec. 77 26 Mar. 85 York & Lane. Regt. (84 Foot).
Captain Manchester Regiment Utermarck, Reginald John Q.'«* 24 June 76 I Apr. 8s Lancaster Regiment (4 Foot).

Major 3 Hussars Peckham, Thos. Hopwood 17 Nov. 6q 18 Apr. 85 3 Hussars. I

Major 2 West India Regt Dale, Charles Lawford II Feb. 76 28 Apr. 85 Worcester Regiment (36 Foot).
Capt. York &. Lancaster Regt. Nug^e, Andrew Richards.. 28 Oct. 77 I Ma.y 85 York & Lane. Regt. (64 Foot).

Major East Lancashire Regt... Stoyte, John'" 29 Sept.65 5 May 85 -Middlesex Regiment (57 F.).
Captain Norfolk Regiment ... Eyre, Hastings Augustus 29 Sept.77 13 May 85 Manchester Regt. (06 Foot).
Capt. West Surrey Regiment Rusbridger, Stewart Holcombe 20 Nov. 75 22 May 85 West Kent Regiment (97 F.).
Captain Hampshire Regt Gompertz, Alfred C. Maxwell'f's 30 Jan. 78 I June 85 Hampshire Regiment (37 P.).
Captain i West India Regt.... Marshall, J. Willoughby Astley 30 Nov. 77 5 June 85 King^s Royal Rifles (60 F.).
Captain Cheshire Regiment. Gardner, Alex. G. Hamilton ... 26 July 76 6 June 85 SuOolk Regiment (12 Foot).
Capt. Dublin Fusiliers Swire, Henry 1 May 78 4 July 85 Dublin Fusiliers (103 F.).
Captain Munster Fusiliers ... Bryan, George Chas. Newton ... 29 Nov. 76 13 July 8s Munster Fusiliers (loi Foot).
Captain 3 Hussars Smith, A. A. W. B. Bright 30 Nov. 78 17 July 85 o Hussars.
Capt. York & Lancaster Regt. Ditmas, Leonard Philip 28 Oct. 77 29 Aug. 8s South Stafl'ord Regt. (80 F.).
Captain Munster Fusiliers ... Lipfrott, Johni«s Dec. 66 7 Sept. 85 Munster Fusiliers (104 Foot).
Captain Durham Lt. Infantry Maunsell, John Drought May 78 23 Sept.8s Worcester Regt. (29 Foot).
Capt.DukoofCornwall'sLt.In. Garden, Henry Westenra'"" Sept.74 17 Nov. 85 Leicester Regt. (17 Foot).
Captain Susse.x Regiment ... Duberly, George 10 Sept.76 28 Nov. 85 Warwick Regiment (6 Foot).
iljyorGonlon Highlanders... Cavenagh,
.,„,^^.., Orfeur James'"' ,.. 27N0V.67 I June 86 I Dragoons.
Captain S. Wales Borderers Worlled Alfred Cranworth
, 9 June 78 28 June 86 South Wales Borderers (24 F.)
Captain Somerset Lt. Inf. Has, Robert Wm. Goodwin''^ 4 Sept. 78 June Somerset Light Infantry.
Captain Lancashire Fusiliers Feilden, Herbert Ramsay
5 Sept. 78 5 July Lancashire FusiUers (20 Foot)
Lieut. 8. Wales Borderers ... Burnett, Joseph Johni'^
Major Manchester Regiment Gronow, William Lettsom'" 9 July 79 9 July 86 Devon Regiment (n Foot).
... 4 Aug. 67 29 July Manchester Regt. (63 Foot).
Captain Berk.shire Regiment Evans-Gordon, Charlesi^o.. June
3 75 16 Aug. Welsh Fusiliers (23 Foot).
Captain Suffolk Regiment Lindop, Alfred Henryi58 2 Feb. 78 I Sept. 86 Natal.
Captain Cheshire Regiment... Stubbs, Arthur Geo. Bushby''^ o Sept.75

12 Oct. 86 7 Dragoon Guards. ,

Lieut. Highland Lt. Infantry Synge, Robt. Follett M. F. M.Je" 5 Aug. 77 9 Nov. Cheshire Regiment (22 F.). i
Captain E. Lancashire Regt Haynes, Carleton'" II May 78 24 Dec. Northumberland Fusiliers.

Uniform, Blue. Facing», Yellow Velvet.

Afffnii for Fayment of t
of Army Pay Department at Some Slati,
-Messrs. Cox & Co.


serving under former RoyaliFiBSTCoM

f-./»#l I "'*",^., MISSION.
{w,tk rank of Major).
the hon. I

I.icul. Roynl Art

William Henry V,
19 Dec. 48 26
Apr. 60 26 Apr.
June 63 23 June
75 R. Artillery,
78:16 Lancers.
Anni/ Pan Dqxirtiiicvt. — War Services. 375
• Sir W. R. Olivey served in the New Zealand war in 1863-65 (Medal). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882 as
hief Paymaster {CB., Medal, 3rd Class of the Osmauieh, and Khedive's Star).Served with the Kile Expedition in
I84-85(mentioned in despatches, Clasp).
3 Colonel Streatfeild served with a Detachment of the 24th Regiment at the defeat of the Jholum mutmeers on
le7th July 1S57, and was severely wounded in both legs, right leg amputated (Medal).
« Colonel Farwell served in the Soudan Expedition under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884 in charge of the Army
%j Department (mentioned in despatches, promoted Chief Paymaster with relative rank of Lt.Colonel, Medal,
id Khedive's Star).
' Colonel Huddlestone served throughout the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the battles of Alma and
ilaklava, siege and fall of Sebastopol (Modal with three Clasps, and Turkish Medal).
8 Colonel Rippon served in the Eastern campaign from February 1855 (Crimean and Turkish Medals).
' Colonel Craig served in the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the battles of Alma and Inkerman, siege

id fall of Sebastopol, sortie of 26th Oct., and as a volunteer with the spiking party on the 8th September (Medal
ith three Clasps, and Turkish Medal). Served with the expedition to the Soudan under Sir Gerald Graham in
184 (Medal, and IQiedive's Star) also served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (mentioned in despatches, promoted

lief Paj-master, Clasp).

"> Colonel Drage served in the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal with Clasp). Served with the Nile Expedition in
384-85 (mentioned in despatches, promoted Chief Paymaster, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
11 Colonel Chauncey, Majors Pyne, Whittington, Ternan, and Hood served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal,

id Khedive's Star).
'» Lt.Colonel Samwell served as Brigade Major of the Hyderabad Contingent Field Force in the suppression of the

utiny in Mahva and Centra! India in 1857-58, and received a dangerous gunshot wound in the abdomen whilst
larging the rebels' guns at Rawal— the ball and part of his watch-chain have not been extracted (mentioned in
ispatches, Medal with Clasp) Acrmniianied the 42nd Highlanders to the Gold Coast in 1873 (Ashanti Medal).

1* Lt.Colonel Potter servos in tlir N^w Zealand war in 1863-66 (Medal). Servedin the Ashanti war under Sir Garnet

"olseley (promoted Pavmasiir. ,\ii^l:ii).

'^ Lt.Colonel Ewing seivcl ihrniiuinmt the campaign of i860 in the north of China (Medal). Also during the
)erations against the Taepings m
thu vicinity of Shanghai iu 1862, resulting in the taking of the stockade of Nah-
an, capture by escalade oftlie walled cities of Kahding, Tsingpoo, and Tsolin, and the fortified town of Nahjow.
17 Lt.Colonel F. O. SargeanL-Oponshaw served iu the Hazara campaign in 1868 including the operations against the

ibes on the Black Mountain (Medal with Clasp).

'" Lt.Colonel Lennox served in the Burmese war in 1852-53 (Medal).
"1 Lt.Colonel E. H. O'Dowd and Maior C. \T. J. Taylor served in the Boer war in 1881.
^ Lt.Colonel H. 0. Ryder served in Natal durmg the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal).
2« Colonel Garden served with the 77th Regiment in the Crimean campaign from December 1854 to 26th March

iS5, including the siege of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
38 Colonel Feilden served in the Indian Mutiny campaign of 1857-58 with the 42ud Highlanders, including the

;tions at Cawnpore (6th Dec. iS57),Seraiu'hat, Kudyguuge, and Shumsabad, siege and fall of Lucknow, and assault
'theMartiniere and Banks' Bungalow (Medal with Clasp). Served with the 8th Punjaub Regiment the campaign
i860 in China, including the action of Sinho, taking of Tangku, and capture of the Taku Ports (Medal with Clasp).
eived with the Natal Field Force in the Boer war of 1881.
"Lt.Colonel Thomson served during the Indian mutiny of 1S57-58, and was present at the disarming of four
jmpauics of the 27th Bombay Native Infantry at Rutnagherry on the nth August 1857. Served with the Central
idia Field Force under Sir Hugh Rose, and was present at the storm and capture of the Hill Fort of Chandeiree,
Bge, storm and capture of the town and fortress of Jhansi, action of Koonch, various actions before Calpee from
,th to 2ist May 1858, battle of Gowlowlee, capture of the city and Fort of Calpee, battle of Morar, and recapture
'the town and fortress of Gwalior (Medal with Clasp).
'" Colonel Roberts served as a Captain in the 4th Regiment throughout the Abyssinian campaign, and was dan-

srously wounded— gun-shot wound of left elbow-joint at Arogee, in which action he commanded two Companies of
le 4th' King's Own, being the Baggage Guard (mentioned in despatches. Medal). Served in the Afghan war of
J78-80, and was present at the attack and capture of Ali Musjid (Medal with Clasp).
" Lt.Colonel Hignett served with the 8ist Regiment in the Afghan war in 1878-79, and was present at the
apture of Ali Musjid (Medal with Clasp).
^Lt.Colonel E. H. Gorges served in the Kafir war m
1877-78, including the operations against the Galekaa
Qd Gaikas ; also served in the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal with Clasp).
3" Major Morris served at the
Head Quarters Camp before Sebastonol from April 1855 to July 1856, and has
be Crimean and Turkish Medals.
3' Major W.
R. Kaye served in the Kafir in 1877-78 (Medal).
^ Major Elliott Raymond served iu the Crimea with the 44th Foot subsequent to the fall of Sebastopol from
he 9th September 1855 to the end of June 1856. Served in the Boer war of 1881 with the Natal Field Force as a
3' Major Franklin served with the 14th Regiment in the Afghan war in 1880 (Medal).

"Major Boyle served in the Abyssinian campaign in 1868 in command of a Division of the Transport Train
nentioned in despatches for the " e.xtent and value of his assistance," Medal).
*i Major Haynes served with the 93rd Highlanders in the Indian campaign of 1857-59, including the
elief of Lucknow by Lord Clyde, battle of Cawnpore on 6th Dec. 1857, pursuit to Seraighat, action of Khalee
'uddee, occupation of Futteh'ghur, siege and capture of Lucknow, including the storming of the Begum Kotee ;
lohilcund campaign and attack on the Fort of Rooyeah, action of AUygunge, and battle of Bareilly Oude cam- ;

aign and actions of Pusgawn, Russulpore, and capture of the Fort of Mithowlie (Medal with two Clasps). Also
1 the Eusofzai campaign of 1863-64 and at the Umbeyla Pass under Sir John Garvock (Medal with Clasp). Served
Q the Zulu war in 1S79 (.Medal with Clasp). During the Boer war in 1881 he was employed with the field force at
" Major Spiller commanded a Company of the 65th Regiment during the war of 1863-65 in Nev? Zealand, and
aspresentat the aattck on the working party at Williamson's Clearing, relief of Pokeno Piquet (mentioned in
espatches), storming and capture of Pah at Rangianhia, actions at Rangiani and Huirini, and attack and capture
f Pah at Orakau (Medal). Served with the iqth Hussars in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's
" Major Barr serv(^d with the 53rd Regiment in the Indian campaign of 1858-59, including the passage of
le Goomtee and occupation of Sultanjiore, passage of the Gogra at Fyzabad on 25th November, action of
'oolsepore, and minor attaiis (Medal). Served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and took part in the march to
landahar with the force under Major General Phayre (Medal).
* Major J. L. Hewson served in the Afghan war of .878-80 (Medal).
« Major Bell served with the Bombay Column of the Goa Field Force against the Dessai rebels from Feb. to
one 1858, including several skirmishes (Medal). Served with the ist Battalion Scots Guards lu the Egyptian
rar of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
« Major Batemanwas attached to the Roval Artillery during the operations aL':iiiistUir T;io]iings the vicmity
. . .

f Shanghai from April to Oct. 1S62, resulting in the taking of the stockade at N,ih1im:iii-, .Mpture by escalade of
le walled cities of Khadin,Tsinpoo, and Tsolin, the fortified town of Najow, affiiiini; secondcapture
f Khadin. Also served as Assistant Engineer on the survey of the 30 mile circuit r(,uii(l Sli;iii-liai, under Lt.Colonel
G. Gordon, from 27th Dec. 1S62 to 2nd Feb. 1S63. Served throughout the Egyptian war of 1S82 in the Treasury
;he8t Office (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
"Major Richmond accompanied Sir Garnet Wolseley to the Gold Coast in September 1873 on special service,
nd servedthroughoutthe Ashanti war of 1873-74. Commanded the advanced guard of Houssas at the action of
;ssaman, and a company of Vv'ood's Regiment at the reconnaissance in force of the 27th November (twice men-
ioned in despatches, promoted to an Unattached Comnany, Medal with Clasp).
5^ Major Wade served with the 26th Cameronians in the Abyssinian campaign in 1868 (Medal).
53 Major W. R. Thornhill served
with the ist Battalion Black Watch in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and
:hedive's Star). Also served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the Black Watch (Clasp).
376 Army Pay Department. — War Services.
" Captain Broekman served in the Royal Russian war in 1854-55 (Medal
Navy in the Baltic during the
Son-ed in the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal).
'' Major Coot« served with the Sth Hussars in the Afghan war of 1879-80 (Medal).
" Major W. H. Mortimer served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Keb
(Modal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Major Taylor served with the 90th Light Infantry in Wood's Column throughout the Zulu war of 1879, an
was present in the engagements at Zungin Neck, Kanibula, and Ulundi (Medal with Clasp).
" Major Gelston served in the Zulu war in 1879, and was present in the engagement at Inyezane and in Eko-n
during the investment (Medal with Clasp). Served with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force in 1885-86 (Medal, an
Khedive's Star). '

" ilnjor Bell served with the 14th Regiment in the Crimea subsequent to the fall of Sebastopol, from th|
12th September 1855 to the 30th May 1856 Served in the ist West India Regiment in the Ashanti war in 1873-jj

(Medal with Clasp).

" Major Longley served with the 43rd Light Infantry in the New Zealand war of 1864-66, was present at tt';
actions of Maketu and Te Ranga, and served with the expeditions in the province of Taranaki (mentioned ij
desi)atches, Medal). Seized with the 85th Light Infantry in the Afghan war in 1879-80 with the Koorum Divisioii
including the Zaimusht Expedition (Medal).
" Majors Stockley, PhiUips, and Coppinger served in the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal).
•" Major Haldane served with the
Queen's Royals throughout the campaign of 1S60 in North China, includin
the taking of Tangku, actions of the 18th and 21st September, and surrender of Pekin (Medal with two Clasps).
" Major Fo.\ served with the ist Battalion Berkshire Regiment throughout the Egyptian war of 1882, an
was present at the surrender of Kafr Dowar (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served throughout the campaign i
the Eastern Soudan in 1885 as Paymaster to the ist Battalion of the Berkshire Regiment (Clasp).
" Major Burge serv-ed as Aide de Camp to Colonel Graham at the assault and capture of Canton on the 291
Dec. 1S57 accompanied the Force to the Peiho in June was also present at the assault and capture of Namtow c
; ;

nth Aug. 1858 (Medal with Clasp).

" Major Turner served with the 50th Regiment in New Zealand from the 15th Nov. 1863 to 1866, and was pr
Bent at the assault and capture of Rangiawhia, repulse of the enemy's attack on the camp at Nukumaru, and tl
affair of Kakamarea (Medal). Served with the 17th Regiment in the Afghan war in 1878-79, and was present at tl
capture of Ali Musjid (Medal with Clasp).
^ Majors Healy and Churchill served in the Boer war of 1881 with the Natal Field Force.
'' Major F. N. Woodall served with
the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 attached to the ist Battalion of the Sout
Staffordslure Regmiert (mentioned in despatches, promoted Stafe Paymaster, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive
S^r) also took pax-t m
the operations of the Egyptian Frontier Field Force in 1885-86.
^ ;

Major Kneller served with the 2nd Battalion Derbyshire Regiment in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, an
Khedive's Star) also served in the Soudan Expedition under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884 (Clasp). Served wit

the ^IIe Expedition in 1884-85 (mentioned in despatches, promoted Staff Paymaster, Clasp).

'°'^j .Dowdall served with the ist Battalion Royal Sussex Regiment in the Egyptian war of i8f
i\r 1
1 t\
and Khedive s Star). Served throughout the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 attached to the istBattaUon cl
-1 y?^-
?"^*^^ Regiment (mentioned in despatches, promoted Staff Paymaster, Clasp)
' Major Langford ser\-ed m
the Hazara campaigni- o in 1868, including b the expedition
f against
the tribes of tti

Black Mountam (Medal with Clasp). 1

^^"-'''"^ Barnes served with the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 18S4-85. 1
lJo,ug'ierty served with the 26th Cameronians in the Abyssinian war (Medal). Served witf
4/ 2nd_Battahon
J-'?,'" in 186S
the iork and Lancaster Regiment in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star). '

r>r'.i TO "^^ Meulen served in the New Zealand war in 1863 (Medal). Served throughout the second phas'
aL„ f 1*, ?,V '^?^ ?^ ''"'''^'^'^ ^7th December 1873, employed in the Transport Service, "including the battle

<"*Pt>ire of Coomassie (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Egyptian war of i88[
OJeXl and Khedive^s "st*'^)
M J=nnff''i'^^i^"°i?
T'"? *'^! '°'^ Regiment in the Perak Expedition in 1875. Commanded the force in thj
Stockade of Passir Sala, and was severely wounded (Medal with Clasp). Served in thi
F.^^^ i,.,^ war off^c"/
i!.gyi)tian ,
SS2 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
j \ r/

^fJl'^J" ^'^^ Ashanti war in

1873-74, including
« the repulse of the Ashanti army a:'
during the''"'it'"
5th and 6th November 1873 (Medal). " 'f i

appointed to the Purveyor's Department of the Expedition which proceeded to the Easi
ir^\f«Trh\« «r^?^I'^^
J^ulg«"a, and the Crimea until April 1855, when he was Gazetted to the 2IE
FusiH^« nn^H «^r »T '^m'^ !? ^?'"''?-^' ^''°'"' Sebastopol until ordered to thi'bepot on the 31st May 1855 (Med8|

wkh Cl?sp,°andXkiIh^^^^^^
^^^ Soudan Expedition under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884 with the loth Hussar'
(M^d^^ an^^h'e^dive'rifart
93rd Highlanders in the Indian campaign of 1857-58, including th
relL^oi°L^ckZw h;Ynr??.fT'^,'^''^''',°
of Lucknow ' XVk^n^ H "J'^t of Rewah,wounded),
battle of Cawnpore on 6th Dec. 1857 siege and captur
action of AUigunge. and capture of Bareilly (Medal with twi

^ ^''"^"^'^ ^""^^^^ t^^ Indian mutiny in 1857-59 (Medal).

Majors Lkwrirw'i,°fov^^„^„^'°,J''?--^^'''*
^^^^^"'^ °'"'' Robinson served with the Nile j

Khcdivc°s Star^ Expedition in 1884-85 (Medal with Clasp, anij

Maior WaV,i ^nrllTi fth? A 'f *^P- """"^
^"'"^ ^ar of 1
879 (promoted
Paymaster, Medal with Clasp)
« Maior °^ '^""4, including the defence of Fommanah (Medal .vith Clasp),
D'Almflnr^prv^n,^ i^tf
- f^^--^er with the Advanced Force. Also served with th,

^-irxcers throughout the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including th.,

Bffulr«Tf'"Bul^°aI^I M'k-onX'^V''' '^^^
'?''^''^'=* of Alma, Balaklava (severely wounded and horse killed), ami
TchtrnavB BieitTand r l^fV^^^^^^ fA",'
in Centml iniifir.Lf nn! I f
''''' ^*^'-''''^' ''''^^ ^^'"'^
Clasps, and Turkish Medal). Served in the campaigll
l°.jZ8™'Ll,?ti?\^ "^^'''''''^-
t.''^'^",?'''^^^^ r sArode (Medal). Sei-ved with the 17th Lancers ai'
Served with the NUe Expedition in 1884-85 (Medal with Clasp, am

in"nMTcdalTvahT^^^^ '"^ ^^^*-^sa^ Paymaster to the 1st Battalion of the Royal Irish Regi

Maior OrrL?o'''Kor3j,rwin m''"'^fV!'""^ l'"""'^
^"""^^^^ Chute's campaign of 1S66 (Medal).
" ^"^ Battalion King's Royal Ride Corps iS the Egyptian war of 18S2 (Medal
an.l Khedive's Sla?)
" Sr^F ^Tte ci^mml^ndr.' H ^''1"^ Kxpedition in 1884-85 as District Paymaster at Assouan.

- M^rLS Trv^rw
lL''tho'twi''}f ?^1^"" f ".^P-iP '"^ '^'^ '^'^'"^' ''^'^ Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
^^'^^^ '"^ ^^^ ^^ti^^^ war of 1878-80, and took par
1 i"*"*''"?^^^^^^
inarch to c3,Xir,iudvJ^i^n?^^^^^^^ accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in th,
In the llo, r war , r les uTth^.Cv^ \f, ?'? ,\",''"<' "^ Candahar (Medal with Clasp, and Bronze Decoration). Servcc
II..IUI..,,, Served during the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the isi
Y.,rkKhirru.Kimcnt on tl . Vf '^"/?P-
*'--^^-,^;'il;'Korcci„'';e"5.86 medal a^K^^^^ "'' '''" """' ^''° '''''" ""^ '''' ''''''"'"''
Served X, i>rrhc'lY"n['rExT.edlt\\>n^V,?' ^^lasp). l?^
Served J^'"^"?f,",'
'" ^^^ ''^^"^ '^"''^K the Bhootan E.Kpedition of 1865 (Medal)
throughout the operations against Sekukuni ii
• 878. il.t Zulu war of .870 ,iZ .1 ,' » r"'^ "'^

•tr..,.^'h.,l<l lir.v.t „f M;";r" \Iedul

Sekukuni in 1879, and was present at the storming of th.
with (lasp)
''iif^ckoM th.. Camp n't
"'" °'"
'^^3-65, and was present at the repulse of the enemy'
Major Uc,np.,cT.-8ce Ci;il D.corulionH for Gallantry, p. 12^

Army Pay Department. — War Services. 376^

'"3 Major Palmer served in India during the mutiny of 1857-58 (Medal).
'"* Major Croft served in the Baltic as a midshipman during the Russian vs'ar of 1S54-55 (Medal).
'"5 Major Humfrey served with the 19th Regiment in the Hazara campaign in r868, including the expedition

against the tribes in the Black Mountain (Medal with UUisp). Served in the Jowaki campaign of 1877-78 (Medal
with Clasp). Served in the Afghan war of 1878-80 in charge of the Field Treasure Cbest and as Provost Marshal
i<» Major
R. E. Owen served in the Nile E.xpedition in 18S4-85 with the ist Battalion of the "West Kent Regiment
(Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
107 Major Singer served with the 2nd BattaliOQ Manchester Regiment throughout the Egyjjtian war of 1882

(Medal, and Khedive's Star).

'"* Major Dewar served in the Zulu war of 1879, first with the 57th Regiment, being present at the action of

Gingindhlovu and relief of Ekowe, afterwards as Commandant of Fort Tenedos, and finally as Stall:' Officer at
Fort Pearson (Medal with Clasp). Served with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force in 1885-86 (Medal, and
Khedive's Star).
""• Major J. O'B. Drury served with the Jowaki Afreedee Expedition in 1877 (Medal with Clasp). Served in
the Afghan war in 1878-79, and was present at the attack and capture of All Musjid (Medal with Clasp). Served
with the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85.
"0 Major E. R. Reid served with the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1S84-85 as District
Paymaster of the force.
"2 Major Angus, while a Lieutenant in the 7th Royal Fusiliers, served in the Afghan war in 1878-79 as StaB
Officer of Transport (Medal).
'13 Major Mackie served in the Abyssinian campaign with the Transport Corps (Medal). Served in the Afghan
(var of 1878-79 in the Ca.ndahar Column as Staff Officer of Transport at Sukkur (Medal). Served in the Nile
Expedition in 1884-85 throughout the ojierations of the River Column under Major General Earle and was
present at the action of Kirbekan (meutioned in despatches, Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
11* Major Creighton served with the ist Battalion Royal Irish Fusiliers in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal,

ind Khedive's Star).

i'5 Major Small served with the 20th Regiment in the Indian campaign in 1857-58, including the actions at

!!/handa, Umeerpore Sultanpore, siege and capture of Lucknow, and affairs of Churda and Fort of Musjeedia
[Medal with Clasp). Served with the 59th Regiment throughout the Afghan war of 1878-80, and took part in the-
idvance on and occupation of Candahar and Khelat-i-Ghilzie imder Sir Donald Stewart, and in the operations in
;he Logar Valley ; was present in the engagements at Ahmed Kheyl and Urzoo near Ghuznee ; accompanied Sir
Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar, and was present at the battle of Candahar in charge of the field
ireasure chest (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with two Clasps, and Bronze Decoration).
'" Major E. A. H. Webb served with the ist Battalion 17th Regiment in the Afghan war in 1878-79 with
;he Peshawur Valley Field Force, and was present at the attack and capture of All Musjid and with the second
ixpedition into the Bazar Valley (Medal with Clasp).
"* Captain P. A. Robinson served in the EgyiJtiau war of 1882 with the 2nd Battalion of the Royal Irish Regiment
Medal, and Khedive's Star).
"' Captain Bennett served with the 24th Regiment throughout the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the
mgagement at Ulundi (Medal with Clasp).
^^ Major Alexander served in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the engagement at Inyezane and during
he investment of Ekowe (Medal with Clasp). Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Medal with Clasp,
md Khedive's Star) also served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86.

^' Captain Thunder served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, took part in the defence of Candahar, and was present
it the battle of Candahar (Medal with Clasp).
^^ Captain Lane served with the 4th Dragoon Guards in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the
ingagement at Kassasin on the 9th September (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Soudan campaign in
885 (Clasp), and in the operations of the Egyptian Frontier Field Force in 1S85-86.
]^ Captain Dolby served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star) ; also served
vith the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 18S5-S6.
^* Captain S. J. Wynne served in the expedition to the Soudan in 1885 with the 2nd Battalion of the Scot&
lUards (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
1*5 Major J. T. O'Brien served in the
New Zealand war in 1864-65, including expeditions in the province of
'aranaki, destroying many Pahs and fortified villages (Medal).
^ Captain Russell served with the 17th Lancers in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the engagement at
iUinguin Momitain (Medal with Clasp).
"7 Captain W. Sugden served in the Kafir war of 1S77-78 including the operations against the Galekas ; also
erved in the Zulu war in 1879, and was present in the engagement at Gingindhlovu (Medal with Clasp). Served
a the Soudan campaign in 18S5 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star); also served in the operations of the
ioudan Frontier Field Force in 1085-86.
1** Captain Dick
served in the Zulu war and in the operations against Sekukuni in 1879 (Medal with Clasp).
'" Captain Sawyer served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-S5 with the 2nd Battalion of the Duke of Cornwall's
iight Infantry (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star)
'*' Captain Burnett
served in the Hazara campaign in 1868, including the expedition against the tribes on the-
tlack Mountain (Medal with Clasp).
"1 Captain M'Causland served with the 25th King's Own Borderers in the Afghan war of 1878-80, first with the
'eshawur Valley Field Force under Lieut.General Maude, and afterwards with the Khyber Line Force under
iieut. General Bright (Medal).
1^ Major G. C. Bayly served in the Afghan war of 1878-80 (Medal). Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85
Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Captain Gleig served throughout the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the engagements at Zungin
«ek, Kambula Hill, and Ulundi (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the
urrender of Kafr Dowar and Damietta (Medal and Khedive's Star). Served in the expedition to the Soudan in
885 with the ist Battalion Shropshire Light Infantry (Clasp).
"* Captain St. John served in the expedition to the Soudan in 1885 with the 2nd Battalion of the East Surrey
legiment (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
1878-79, and was present at the attack and capture of AH Musjid
^^ Captain Sandes served in the Afghan war in
nd in the engagement at Futtelmbad (Medal with Clasp).
"* Captain Burgess served in the latter part of the Kafir war of 1878. Served also in the operations against
lektikuni in 1878 and in 1879, in the latter case as Chief Paymaster of the forces employed (Medal with Clasp),
lerved in the Boer war in 1881.
"^ Captain Taatt'e served with the King's Dragoon
Guards in the Zulu war of 1879, and subsequently in Baker
'i^eU's Flying Column (Medal with Clasp).
'*" Captain
C. F. H. Beardmore served in the Ashanti war of 1873-4, including the action of Bssaman and battle
'' ^^oaful (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp). [See also Civil Decorations for Gallantry, p. 128.]
Major Smythe served in the Afghan war in 1870-80 with the Koorum Division, including the Zaimusht
expedition (Medal).
^'^'"^'^'''^ served in the Hazara campaign in 1868 with the 6th Foot (Medal with Clasp).
Captain Irwin, Major Stoyte, and Cajitain Haynes.— For War Services, see East Lancashire Regiment.
k^P''*^ii Montagu.-For War Services, see 12 Lancers.
i« Major
Becher served in the Egyptian war of 1882 as Captain with the 7th Dragoon Guards, and was present
° ''|i6 engagements at El Magfar and Mahsama,
at the action at Kassasin on the 9th September, and at the
lattle of Tel-el-Kebir and the capture
of Cairo (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
captain Ceilings.— For War Services, see Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders.
""J Captain Arnold.— For War Services, see West Kent Regiment.

[For remainder of Notes, tee end of Ordnance Store Department, p. 370a.

Medical Staff.

(OfEce, No. 2, Victoria Street, Westminster.)

DiBBCTOB Gewkbal, ranking at Major General.

Crawfonl, Sir Thomas,' MD. S.CB. Director Genera!, 7 May 82 ; ITon. Surgeon tojhe Queen A.8. t8 Feb. 48
Surg. 9 Feb. 55; Surg. Major, iS Feb D.S.Qen. i Feb. 70; Surgeon General, 5 Dec. 76. Head Quarters.

SuBGBONS Gbnbbai, ranking ag Major Generals.

Mnckinnon, William Alexander,' CB. A.S. 18 Feb. 53; Surg. 28 Jan. 62 ; Surg. Major, 14 Sept. 66; D.S.Gen. 1 Apr.
74 ; Surgeon General, 26 May 80. Gibraltar
Sinclair, James,* A.S. 5 Aug. 53; Surg. 29 July 62; Surg. Major
MD. Au^ ; D.S.Gen. 9 76; Surgeon May
General, 27 March 82. Dublin.
>[addcii, Charles Dod^son,' A.S. 14 Deo. 54 ; Surg. 5 Oct. 67 ; Surg. Major, 15 Aug D.S.Gen. 28 June 76;
Surgeon General, 7 May 82. India.
Murray, William Sim, MB. A.S. 10 Jan. 51 ; Surgeon, 26 Jan. 58; Surg. Major, 10 Jan. 71 ;
D.S.Gen. 26 June 77;
Surgeon General, 8 Sept. 83. Portsmouth.
Thomson, William Arthur, MB. A.S. 14 Oct. 51 Surgeon, 31 Dec. 5S Surg. Major, 4 Sept. 71 D.S.Gen. 2 Nov. 79;
; ; ;

Surgeon General. 3 Mar. 86. Bombay.

Haubury,Sir James Arthur,'' JTiJ. KCB. A.S. 30 Sept. 53 Surgeon, 20 Feb. 63 Surgeon Major, 1 Mar. 73 Brigade ; ; ;

Surgeon, -ij Nov. 79; D.S.Gen. 5 May 81 Surgeon General, 14 June 87. Madras.

Frascr, Duncan Alexander Campbell, '* MD. A.S. 28 Oct. 53 Surgeon, 5 May 63 Surgeon Major, i Mar. 73 Brigade ; ; ;

Surgeon, 27 Nov. 79 D.S.Gen. 21 May 81 Surgeon General, 21 June 87. Malta.

; ;

Webb, William Marshall, A.S. 24 Mar. 54; Surgeon, 15 Jan. 64; Surgeon Major, i Mar. 73; Brigade Surgeon,

27 Nov. 79; Deputy Surgeon General, 5 .Tuly 81; Surgeon General, 31 Deo. 87. Aldershot.
Rcade, JolmByCole,'" CB. Jlon. Surgeon fa Governor General of India ; AS. 24 Mar. 54 Surgeon, ig Apr. 64; Surgeon ;

Major, I Mar. 73 Brigade Surgeon, 27 Nov. 79 D.S. Gen. 23 Oct. 81 Surgeon General, ts Feb. 88. Head Quarters.
; ; ;

Ferguson, Johnston, Ataittant Surgeon, 22 Apr. 53 Surgeon, 14 Jan. 62 Surgeon Major, i Mar. 73 Brigade Surgeon,
; ; ;

27 Nov. 79 D. S. Gen. 27 Sept. 82

; Surgeon General. 29 Nov. 88. York.

Dbpcti SuBGEOifS GEyESi.1,, ranking 1

<;attell,William'» 128 Mar. 54 12 July 64 I Mar. 73 27 Nov. 79 Cork.
Marston, Jeffery Allen,"CB. MD. 10 Nov. 54' 8 June 67 I Mar. 73 '27 Nov. 79 Egypt.
Meadows, Robert Wvatt,^' MD 26 May 54 22 Aug. 65 I Mar. 73 '27 Nov. 79 Devonport.
Tarrant, Thomas,^^ MD 16 June 54 to July 66j I :Mar. 73 27 Nov. 79
Slaughter, George Monlas^ 13 Dec. 54; 7 Aug. 67( I Mar. 73 27 Nov. 79 London.
Fau^'ht, John George^ 5 Jan. 55, 9 Nov. 67, I Mar. 73 17 Apr. 80 Cape of Good Hope_
Liithgow, Stewart Aaron.'s MD. CB.
Feb. 55I Dec. Mar. June 80 Dover.
DSO 3 7 67! I 73 13
Tippetts, Alfred Malpas" 7 Apr. Mar.
54 18 Oct. 64! I 73 25 Aug. 80 Barbadoes.
Irwin, Chamney Graves,5s MB 24 Feb. 541 Dec. 65! Mar. I I 73 II Nov. 80 Edinburgh.
Hinde, George Langford," CB 15 May ssjigSept. 68 I Mar. 73 '25 Apr. 81 Bombay (Poona).
Roe, Samuel Black,^^ 3/5. cB 4 Aug. 55 22 Dec. 69 I Mar. 73! I July Si Madras.
M'Dowell, Edmund Greswold," CB.... 6 Nov. 55 3 Sept. 70 I Mar. 73! 4 81 Aug. Nova Scotia.
Hoysted, Thomas Norton" 28 Sept. 55 4 Feb. 71 I Mar.
73 '23 Oct. 81 Bengal (Peshawar).
CoUis, William*' i4Sept.55| 5 Apr. 71 I Mar. 73' 21 Feb. 82 Bengal (Meerut).
Bradshaw, Alexander Fred.".... 27 May 57 17 May 71 I Mar. 1
73'i2Mar. 82 Bengal(Rawul Pindi)
TjCwct, Robert,'" 3rz> I Aug. 571 9 Sept. 71 I Mar. 73! 1 Apr. 82 Hong Kong.
Smith, Philip Broke, MD 15 Sept. 57 2 Dec. 71 I Mar.j

73 7 M.ay S2 Bengal (Lucknow).

Landale, James,*' MD 15 Sept. 57 ,10 Jan. 72 I Mar. 73 15 June 82 Bengal (Umballa).
Wade. Frederick 28 Sept.57| 5 Oct. 72 I Mar. 73I I Feb. 83 Bermuda.
Rndd, Thomas," ifZ> Aug. 57 '18 Nov. 7 I Mar. 73 13 Mar. 83 Bengal (Allahabad).
Paterson, Harry Foljambe.JfZ).. 19 Oct. 57 :$ Jan. 73 I Mar. 73 '23 Apr. 83 Colchester.
[nkson, James," MD 19 Oct. 57, Mar. 73 1 Apr. 73! 1 May 83 Madras (Bangalore).
Jameson, James," JfZ) 9 Nov. 57 Mar. 73 I Apr. 73 2 May 83 Chatham.
Warren, John" 9 Nov. 57 Mar. I Apr. 73 I June 83 Woolwich.
Diivis, James" 10 Mar. 58 Mar. I Apr. 73 29 Oct. 83 Bombay.

Ubigadb Scrgeons, ranking as

Kerr, Benjamin Cowan,« MD 17 Nov. 55 w:2 Apr. I Mar. _ 10 Mar. 82 Fermoy.
Giraud, Charles Hervc" 10 Mar. 58 1 Mar. 73 I Apr. 2 Apr. 84 Bombay.
Colahan, John, MD 25 May 58 i Mar. 73 I Apr.
it> July 84 Dublin.
Walsh, Thomas'O ,5 May
58 i Mar. 73' I Apr.
73 16 July 84
Macbeth. Hugh Mackay 22 June 58 i Mar
Dover. I Apr.
73 6 Aug.
Archer, Samuel'' 5 Aug. 58 i Mar
Ceylon. Apr. 16 Oct. 84
I 73
Robinson, John'* 22 Sept. 58 i Mar
[Cape of Good Hope.I Apr.
73 20 Nov. 84
ITC Temple, William,- iU-.B i Nov. 581 iM Bengal. 18 Oct. 73 10 Apr.
Alhin, Alexander,"" JfZ) I12 Jan. 59! i Mar. 73I I Apr. 85 Bombaj', 74' 18 Apr.
.Murkcy, Kdward Corrigan" 1 i Mar. 59; i Mar. 73 I Apr. 7418 Apr. 85 Egypt.
(iribbon, George Carsou," MB ^20 Anr. 59 i Mar. 73' 19 Apr. 74^25 May 85 London.
""''"''' '"^^ '9 Jan- 6c!24Nov. 69 I Mar. 73 15 June 85 Bengal.
Will, George KIm8ly'"> 19 Jan. 60! I Mar. 73] I Apr. 75 15 June 85 Cyprus.

Ferguson. Frederick »' ,4 Apr. 63 I Mnr. 73' 28 Apr. 76 15 June 85 Madras.

Donalilson, James Young, J/Z) 13 June 59 I Mar. 73 6 Jan. 75 24 June 85 Madras. 1

William 22 Sept. 58 I Mar. 73! I Apr. 73 =5 July 85 Bombay.

Uerkclcy, Richard William 22 Apr. 58 I Mar. 73 I Apr. 73' 9 Sept. 85 Jersey.
Gaye, Arthur Charles"' 11 Oct. 59 I Mar. 73' 12 Feb.
Scott, John Alexani'icr 75 14 Nov. 85I Bombaj'.
n Oct. s9 I Mar. 73 n Mar. 75 16 Dec. 85[Aldershot.
llttmilton,.Iohn Hutler," MD 19 Jan. 60 I Mar. 73 I Apr. 75 27 Mar. 86 Bengal.

(•happen, John
Muuni.ell, Kamuel Kdward
Jai,i..s, MD ,9 Jan. 60 Mar. 73 I Apr. 7S I Apr. 86lCurragh.
ligJan. 60 Mar. 73 I Apr. 75 4 May 861 Jamaica.
Kobln«oti, William Clir
9 Jan. 6oj 1 Mar. 73! ! Apr. 75 12 May 86 Portsmouth.
While, Ihomas Honry,
r.ore.AllxTi AuguHtuH.m
MD IjgJau. 60 1 Mar. 73I I Apr.
75 26 May 861 Winchester.

3ID J Oct. 60 2 Scpt.68| I Mar. 73'i3 Aug. 861 Egypt.

r.odwinClmrlcK Henry Young
M ,,
, Oct. 60 I Mar. 73 14 May 75! 4 0C1,. 86 Nctley.
.. Oct. 60 I Mar. 73 17 June175 i6 Oct. 86 Bengal.
Alexandor Francis!' '»"ijr'i>" 30 Sept. 63 I Mar. 73 28 Apr. 76 30 Nov. 86 Bombay.
Welch, KrnnciM Heiirv
WIIU, Cnlcl, Hhomr,'* ci I Apr. 61. I Mar. 73 10 Mar. 7624 Feb. 87 Bengal.
Kor^uH/).,, Rjchii ..,,., 7 Aug. 66i I aiar. 73 'o Dec.
75] 2 Apr. 87 Canterbury.
28 A\)T. 76 13 Apr. 87 Shorncliffe.
28 Apr. 7621 June 87 Bengal.
M«cAUam.JohuStann»rd ZZZ ]] Mar". 6a! ' Mar 73 23 Ajir. 76 26 July 87 Portsmouth.
' 8

Medical Staff. 378

ise, Charles Stratherne
i Oct/. 62 I Mar. 73 8 Apr. 75 271Jec. 87 Preston.
lunsell, Charles Albert.i" JliX* | i Oct. 62 I ilar. 73 8 Apr. 761 31 Dec. S7 AUlcrshot.
„„, Frederick Beaiifort.i" MD., CMG. Oct. 6 I Mar. 7^ 8 Apr. 76 23 Jan. 88 Aldershot.
Owrer, Thomas Francis,
'29 MD 30 Sept. 64 I Mar. 73 Sept. 76 I Feb. 88 Malta.
Naity, George William,»32 JlfD 4 Apr. 6^ I Mai'. 73 1 Apr. 74 1 Apr. 88 Bengal.
sh, William, 1" MD 4 Apr. 63 I Mar. 73 8 Apr. 76 2 May 88 Head Quarters.
,rtin, William Thomas, 136 Jlfi) 4 Apr. 63 I Mar. 73 8 Apr. 76 5 May 88 Netley.
era, Arthur Bowen Richards''*! 26 Sept. 59 I Mar. 73 14 Mar. 83 :3 May 88 Brigade of Foot^Guards.
attie, James Forbes,
'^^ UD 30 Sept. 63 I Mar. 73 28 Apr. 76 27 June 88 Netley.
ffe, Charles MacDono^h,'-" CB 30 Sept. 63 I Mar. 73 8 Apr. 76 I Sept. 8 Bengal,
eenhill, Joseph Ridge'" 30 Sept. 63 I Mar. 73 8 Apr. 76 4 Sept.88 Bengal.
kins, Charles Alfred'*^ 30 Sept. 63 I Mar. 73 8 Apr. 76 12 Sept. 88 Bengal.
iward, Francis,'*" MB 30 Sept. 63 I Mar. 73 8 Apr. 76 H Sept.88 Madras.
sminfc, Joseph,'*^ MD Mar. 64 I Mar. 73 28 Apr. 76 24 Oct. 88 Mauritius.
lir, Hemy Skey,'^' MD Mar. 64 I Mar. 73 ' Apr. 76 I Nov. 88 Bengal.

Surgeons Ma.tor,
Hanking as Lt.Coloiieln
James*" ,Oct. 57 2 Nov. I Mar. 73 Bengal.
Brieu, Thomas Michael 22 June 58 I Mar. I Apr. 73 Exeter.
llson, James,8'» UB 5 Aug. s8 I Mar. I Apr. 73 Aldershot.
nour, William'" " ' Sept.58
'.2 I Mar. Jan. 75 Bengal.
V '^VV,'
rton, Francis Alfred,^' MD. .
3 Oct. 58 I Mar. 4 June 73 Birmingham.
wer, Alfred I Dec. 58 I Mar. 1 Jan. 74 Madras.
nderson, Arthur 12 Jan. 59 I Mar. 1 Apr. 74 Bengal.
ly,Sidney Keyworth™ • Apr. 59 I Mar. oJuly 74 Malta.
ry, George Frederick Hume-,'
'MD. ...
3 June 55 I Mar. 5 May 76 2 Life Guards.
linness, Henry Cramer 1 Oct. 59 I Mar. 2 Mar. 75 Bombay.
ordau, Robert De Burgh"* I Oct. 60 I Mar. ;o Sept. 7 5 Cork.
irrav, MD
John Ross,"^ 5 June 6 I Mar. 9 Nov. 75
imo.'William Hill, MD I Apr. 6 I Mar. 1 Apr. 76 Colchester.
June 80 I Life Guards.
jnsman, Henry Frank"' 31 Mar. 6 I Mar. 9
app, William Henry Bant,'-* MD. I Oct. 6 I Mar. 8 Apr. 76 Bengal.
innin, John Edward I Oct. 62 I Mar. :8 Apr. 76 Bengal.
'oUiott, William I Oct. 62 I Mar. 8 Apr. 76 Dover.
Farrell Ignatius
M'Donogh I Oct. 62 I Mar. ;8 Apr. 76
lister, Thomas Gardiner,'"" MD. 31 Mar. 64 I Mar. :S Apr. 76 Colchester.
ixham, John William, MD 31 Mar. 64 I Mar. :8 Apr. 76 R. M. Acad., Woolwich.
,gan, Michael'"^ 31 Mar. 64 I Mar. ;8 Apr. 76 Gibraltar.
lurchill, Charles Fleetwood, MB... 31 Mar. 64 I Mar. :8 Apr. 76 Bengal.
ibingtoa, Thomas'" 31 Mar. 64 I Mar. :8 Apr. 76 Netley.
hnson, Francis, MB 31 Mar. 64 I Mar. :8 Apr. 76
into, .\lexander,'^* il/B 31 ilar. 64 I Mar. :8 Apr. 76 Madras.
ivies, Richard William'^5 ilar. 64 I Mar. !8 Apr. 76 Bengal.
,ock, John Nugent'5" Mar. 64 I Mar. :8 Apr Gosport.
elladew, Heinrich Friedrich LaO Mar. 64 Mar. 73 Royal Horse Guards.
31 4 Sept. 80
waetz,'^' Jli"X> S
itherwood, William Alister.'^s MD. 1 Netley.
2 Oct. 6 Mar. 2 Oct.
{relative rank of Lt. Colonel, 21 May 84) i 73 77
ilson, William Deano,'-'' MB. {relaiive)
Woolwich Arsenal.
May 84) I Oct. 67 Mar. 73 1 Oct.
rank of Li. Colonel, 21 3
Icock, Nathaniel"^" 1 Oct. 60 Mar. 73 2 Sept. Dublin.
jmliuson, William Winslow'^' 30 Sept. 64 Mar. 73 30 Sept. Malta.
•ice, Wilham Sparks Martin'^^ 10 Sept. 64 Mar. 73 30 Sept. Egypt.
jileau, John Peter HaniUton, MB 30 Sept. 64 Mar. 73 30 Sept. Woolwich.
eir, William,'" IflJ 30 Sept. 64 Mar. 73 30 Sept. Madras.
aylor, William, MD "o Sept. 64 Mar. 73 30 Sept. Com. in Chief, B. Indies.
daw, Charles Edward Martin'" 30 Sept. 64 Mar. 73 30 Sept.
iordan, William Edward'^ 30 Sept. 64 Mar. 73 30 Sept.
elly, James Bennett 30 Sept. 64 Mar. 73 30 Sept.
ourns, Daniel Charles Grose'^' 30 Sept. 64 Mar. 73 30 Sept. Bengal.

:ughes, John Henry,'"" 30 Sept. 64 Mar. 73 30 Sept. Bengal.

rose, Daniel Charles''^ 30 Sept. 64 I Mar. 73 30 Sept Bengal.
:aturin, John'"' 30 Sept. 64 I Mar. 73 30 Sept. Woolwich.
;ealy, Charles 30 Sept. 64 I Mar. 73 30 Sept Leeds.
olUns, Robert, MB 31 Mar. 65 I Mar. 73 31 Mar. Gibraltar.
'Farrell, Thomas, MB 31 Mar. 65 I Mar. 73 31 Mar. Dublin,
ndrew, George,'"^ JlfiJ 31 Mar. 65 I Mar. 73 31 Mar. 1
arew, Richard Hugh'*" 31 Mar. 65 Mar. 73 Mar Bengal.
rhite, Charles 31 Mar. 65 I Mar. 73 .Mar. Bengal.
vatt, George Joseph Hamilton.'sa MD... 31 Mar. 65 I Mar. 73 Mar.
;elth, Robert, MD 31 Mar. 65 I Mar. 73 31 Mar. Bombay.
/aghorn, Henry'** 31 Mar. 65 I Mar. 73 31 Mar.
t'Wattors, William 2 Oct. 65 I Mar. 73 2 Oct. Bengal.
[ally, Robert Nelson's^ 2 Oct. 65 I Mar. 73 2 Oct. Bengal.
ohnston, William, '86 JifD 2 Oct. 65 I Mar. 73 2 Oct. Training School, Aldershot.
[ouat, George Bridges, MD 2 Oct. 65 I Mar. 73 2 Oct. Madras.
'Brien, Henry Joseph, ilf.B 2 Oct. 6 s I Mar. 73 2 Oct.
Philip Lefeuvre
'.ilroy, 2 Oct. I Mar. 73 2 Oct. Hulme.
Cackinnon, Henry William Alex.'89 DSO. 2 Oct. 65 I Mar. 73 2 Oct. Madras.
otter, James Lane, MD. Professor of)
31 Mar. 66 I Mar. 73 31 Mar. Netley.
Military Hygiene, Netley )
omerford, Henry, ''" MD 31 Mar. 66 I Mar. 73 31 Mar. 78 Bengal.
rown, Henry Thomas, '91 JlfD 31 Mar. 66 [ Mar. 73 31 Mar. Limerick.
['Cutchan, James Shaw, MB 31 Mar. 66 [ Mar. 73 31 Mar. 1
looney, James Patrick 31 Mar. 66 [ Mar. 73J31 Mar.
atterson, Thomas William,"* DSO 31 Mar. 66 [ Mar. 73 31 Mar. Bengal.
tevenson, WilUam Flack,^JS 31 Mar. 66 [ Mar. 73 31 Mar, Bengal.
['Pherson, Robert Nasmyth " 31 Mar. 66 I Mar. 73 31 Mar,
arnett, William Francis'^* 31 Mar. 66 I Mar. 73 31 Mar.
ibson, George John,'"' MD 2 Oct. 66 I Mar. 73 2 Oct.
/^Uliamson, James, '99 MB 2 Oct. 66 I Mar. 73 2 Oct.
teele, William Henry.s"" MD 2 Oct. 66 I Mar. 73 2 Oct.
[ajor. Napoleon 2 Oct. 66 I Mar 2 Oct.
Medical Staff.
2 Oct. 66 Mar. 73 2 Oct. 78 Newcastle-on-'
UaUjnin. Alfred Hsury^' 2 Oct. 66 I Mar. 73 2 Oct. 78 Newbridge.
Macartney. Jaines,--«'+ 3fD. •••"••"•••
yc Reynolds. James Henry,*^ MB 31 Mar. 68 I Mar. 73 23 Jan. 79 Cyprus.
I Apr. 79 Bengal,
I Apr. 67 I Mar. 73
O'Roillv, Thomas ^.
I Apr. 67 I Mar. 73 I Apr. 79 Bengal.
Fairland. Edwin James«»»

Townscnd, Kdmond,"* MD I Mar.

I Apr. 67 I Apr. 7Q Ballincollig.
Apr. 67 I Mar. I Apr. 79 Bengal.
Cogan, Thomas Sillery^o^ I
I Apr. 79 Bengal.
I Apr. 67 I Mar.
Supple, James Francis*"*
Apr. 67 I Mar. I Apr. 79: Bengal.
Moore, Joseph Henry«" I

Holmes, Thomas James Paul , MS I Apr. 67 I Mar. I Apr. 79! Bengal.

I Mar.
Corbett, Robert do la Cour, 3[D., DSO.
I Oct. 67 I Oct. 79JWarIey.
I Mar. 73 I Oct. 79lBengal.
Pollock, Charles Frederick,*" 3rS I Oct. 67
M'Namara. William Henry,^"' MD I Oct. 67 I Mar. 73 I Oct. 79I Dublin.

Gallwey, Mathew Moriarty, MD 1 Oct. 67 I Mar. 73 I Oct. 79! Bengal.

Lyons, Frederick, MD I Mar. 73 79 Bombay.

I Oct. 67 I Oct.

Oct. 67 I Mar. 73 I Oct. 79 Shoeburyness.

Gunning, James Davis I

Oct. 67 I Mar. 73 I Oct. 79I Aldershot.

Rae, Gustavus Rochfort*" I

Cotter, Samuel Kyle,"* MD I Oct. 67 I Mar. 73 I Oct. 79I Dorchester.

Barry, John, MD I Oct. 67 I Mar. 73
I Mar. 73
I Oct. 79, Bengal.

Riddick, John I Oct. 67 I Oct. 79 Portsinoutli.

I Oct. 67 I Mar. 73 I Oct. 79 Bengal.
Anderson, Alexander^'^
I Oct. 67 I Mar. 73 I Oct. 79 Bengal.
Hare, George
Fraser, Jamcs,»'» MD 31 Mar. 68 I Mar. 73 I Mar. 80 Madras,

Walker, John,*«> MB 31 Mar. 68 I Mar. 73 31 Mar. 80

I Mar. 73 Mar. 80
Leader, John Mar. 68
Gasteen, William Charles,^"* MB 31 Mar. 68 1 Mar. 73 Mar.
Anderson, Robert=^ 31 Mar. 68 I Mar. 73 31 Mar. 80

Kno.x, Maurice 31 Mar. 68 I Mar. 73 Mar.

Craig, Richard Manifold 31 Mar. 63 I Mar. 73 Mar.
Brown, Anthony Lennon"* 31 Mar. 68 I Mar.
73 Mar. Portsmouth.
Macrobin, Andrew Artliur,^" MD 31 Mar. 68 I Mar. 73 31 Mar. Curragh.
Jennings, Charles Barromeo Mar. 68 I Mar. 73 Mar. Bengal.
Jackson, Thomas Wilson,=i-^ MB Mar. 68 I Mar. 73 31 Mar. 80 Bombay.

Latchford, John, MB Mar. 68 I Mar. 73 '31 Mar. 80 Nova Scotia.

Campbell, William John«« Mar. 68 I Mar. 73 '31 Mar. 80 Madras.

Samuels, William Frederick^^s 31 Mar. 68 I Mar. 73 '3 1 Mar. Birr.
&rwan, Albert II Mar. 68 I Mar. 73I31 Mar. Aldershot.
Stokes, Alexander Haldane,"i 3f.B I Oct. 68 Mar. 73 1 Oct. 80 Devonport.
Corry, George^** I Oct. 68 I Mar. I Oct. Bengal.
Duke, Alexander William, 3fD I Oct. 68 I Mar. 73 I Oct. Gibraltar.
Bradford, Robert Markka* I Oct I Mar. 73 J Oct. 80 St. Helena.
Stannard, Henry I Oct. 68 I Mar.
73 I Oct. 80 Kilkenny. .

Bennett, Richard Dawson*^ I Oct 1 Mar. 73 I Oct. 80 Madras. [Head Quarters 1

Faris, Thomas,"« MB I Oct. 68 I Mar. 73 I Oct. 80 Staff Officer, Med. Staff Corps;
Banking at Majors.
Edge. John Dallas,"* .Ml) Sept. 7 Mar. 73 !o Aug. 73 Bengal.
Ryan, George 31 Mar. 6! Mar. 73 1 Jan. 81 Guernsey.
Curran, Francis George Adye, MB Oct. 68 Mar. 73 6 Apr. 81 Dublin.

Crean, John Joseph^^ Oct, Mar. 73 I May 81 Dublin.

Roe, Edward Alexander Henry 24 May 6q I Mar. 73 :4 May 81 Head Quarters.
Bor/er$, John Oodfrey,-^'' MB. DSO 30 Sept. 7 1 Mar. 73 8 Nov. 82 Egyptian Army.
Connolly, Benjamin Bloomfield^*" ;oSept.7 I Mar. 73 8 Nov. 82 DubUn.
Irving, Leicii Allen 1 Apr. 7 1 Mar. 73 I Apr. 83 Surgeon toGovemor of Bombay.
M'Cracken, John Alexander, MD I Apr. 7 1 Mar. 73 1 Apr. 83
Beamish, James Majbnry,^" JlfD I Apr. 7 I Mar. 73 I Apr. 83
Clery, James Albcrt.^^MB I Apr. 7 I Mar. 73 I Apr. 83
Coats, James,"' MB I Apr. 7 I Mar. 73 1 Apr. 83 Cape of Good Hope.
Williamson, John Gover I Apr. 71 I Mar. 73 I Apr. Singapore.
Fawcett, William James.^** MB I Apr. 7] I Mar. 73 I Apr. 83 Bengal.
Joynt, Henry William I Apr. 7] I Mar. 73 I Apr. 83 Shorncliffe.
Saunders, William Egerton^" I Apr. 71 1 Mar.
73 I Apr. 83 Bombay.
Lcckie, David, MB I Apr. 71 I Mar.
73 I Apr. 83 Glasgow.
Charlton, William .Tohuston 1 Apr. 71 I Mar. 73 I Apr. 83 Athlone.
Anthonisz, Alfred Henry .si^JlfB I Apr. 71 I Mar. 73 I Apr. 83 Barbadoes.
Molloy, Oscar Frederick**' I Apr. 71 I Mar. 73 I Apr. 83 Belfast.
Exham, Richard I Apr. 71 I Mar.
73 I Apr. 83 Templemore.
M'Namara, James,*^ JirZ) I Apr. 7 I Mar. 73
J I Apr. S3 Aldershot.
Harman, Kodolph, MB I Apr. 71 I Mar. 73 I Apr. 83 Cape of Good Hope.
Leake, George Dalton Nugent^*'t I Apr. 7] I Mar. 73 Apr. 83 Bengal.
I Apr. 7] I Mar. 73 I Apr. 83 Dublin.
I Apr. 71 I Mar. 73 I Apr. 83 Devonport.
O'Connell, Mathew Daniel,- MD.. I Apr. 71 I Mar. 73 I Apr. 83 Bengal.

Kindlay, William I Apr. ^l I Mar. 73 I Apr. 83 Aldershot.

Joj-nt, Edward Heame,"<'ifX)

........"..". I Apr. 71 I Mar. 73) I Apr. 83 Ceylon.

Robinson, Robert Henrj' I Apr. 71 I Mar. 2 July 83 Madras.
A»h, Robert Vacy,"> MB !!!!!!.'.'.".'.'.".','.".'."
_o Sept. 7 I Mar.
73 30 Sept. 83 ighton.

Dwycr, Charles Edward ..!!!!!!!!!!! 30 Sept. 7 I Mar. 73 30 Sept. 83 Hong Kong.

Burrow, Frank Edward"' 30 Sept. 7 I Mar. 73 30 Sept. 83 Chatham.

Blood, Robert,
30 Sept. 71 1 Mar. 73 30 Sept. 83 Bengal.
Barrow, Henry John Waller"*..'.'!."!!."."."."," 1 Mar. 73 30 Sept. 83 Bombay.
30 Sept. 7 .

UridjfCH, Williiim Percy

Drury, Robert,'" iTD
30 Sept. 7 I Mar.
73 30 Sept. 83 Bombay.:


30 Sept. 7 I Mar. 73 30 Sept. 83 Bengal.

Grant, William Cameron, JfB. .."!!!
30 Sept. 71 I Mar. 73 30 Sept. 83 Bengal.
Donovan, William*'*
Brown. DiufnUl Hlair'"!!. ...!!!'" 30 Mar. 7: I Mar. 73 30 Mar. r Woolwich.
Quill, Richard Henrj-,"* MB..
30 Mar. 72 I Mar. 73 30 Mar. i Bombay.
30 Mar. 7 I Mar. 73 30 Mar. 84 Woolwich.
UlcnnfirbnHijctl IJlcnncrhassot'rMontgomerie!
•* 30 Mar. 7 I Mar.
73 30 Mar. Bengal.
BlBiiifhlcT, William Uudd
Browne. Andrew Lang, IfD 30 Mar. 72 I Mar. 73 30 Mar. Madras.
Kcyii, CjiriHl/.phcr William 30 Mar. 72 I Mar. 73 30 Mar. 84|Chcster.
M'ooro!'ifX)'." Mar. 1 Mar. 73 30 Mar. 84lWoolwich.
UuBhc, (ceil JoHiah Lnmbton,«»>Jtf-B
BU)koii, Henry Haldanc,»«> 1/J8 Mar. Mar. 73J30 Mar. 84 Hounslow.
(Jallwcv, Tlionirm JoHcph,»*< ilD Mar. I Mar. 73130 Mar. 84|Bengal.

I'mlt, William Sim8on,»"Af.B 31 Mar. 74 : 5 June 85 Jamaica.


Ungg,, »f iZ/uim i/anii«oii«M 31 Mar. 74 15 Juno85|R. M. Asylum, Chelsea.

30 Sept. 75! IS Juno SsSurgeon to Governor of Madras
Medical Staff. 380
SunGEONS Majob.
n, William BrigRS.^o* MS
Tison, Charles E(lward265
George Thomas^^s
?lor,Broame Weston
bb, William Eclward.^s' MB.

Dleton. Reginald WiUiam.^M 313

)bins, William Launcelotte.^^s MB.
imsett, Richard Gillham^?"
)uaid, Peter John,2"i afl>
g, Jamcs,2" 3fD
|ill, James,2'3 MD
art, George Ballingall, MB
od, Oswald GUlespie,27* 3fD
rd, Lloyd Brereton"5
ler, William Birkmyre.^^s ifD
ikson, George Blake=77
ith, James Adolphus"^
rtin, John^so
lene, John Joseph,»8i MB
>eery, NathanieP^^
rmley, Joseph Andrew,283 3/1)
IS, John Edward
Vaughan.^s* MD.
Uings, Barnard WiHiam^s^
ith, Robert,286 MB
)vor, Francis Wollaston,=«' MB. ...

jarty, Henry Archibald, M£>

)tt, Harvie,-^* MB
Sann, James^^*
well, James295
rter, Sidney Herbert,=3« MB
,y, William Allan
urke, George Deane^"
rdner, Hamilton George, MB
ysted, John253
ayne, Charles Henry'^sg
arlesworth, Henry
rman, John Cotter,3<'o MB
Mottee, George Herbert
ester, William Litchaeld,30i MB
,pleton, Edward Arthur, MD
adlay, John, MB
lyes, Patrick Aloysius™*
mes, William ilawer
mpbell, William, =52 MB
binson, George Somerville^**
nn, Ernest Harrolcl^"^

SuBGBONS, ranking as Captains.

rrestcr, James Stevenson^o^
ran, Michael Ricliard.^os MD
lynolds, Edward Osmund^M
ibbins, Henry John,w JtfD
jrris, John James,^"'* ITD
lyes, Aylmer Ellis
ilUamson, John Prancis.^i" MB
.rey, John Thomas.^u MB
linsford, William John Read^i^
)ulger, Isaac
ithill, Phineas Barrett, 3Xi>
)yd, Thomas''^
hnston, Percy Herbert,^'* MD
nerson, Isaac Bomford^'^
)che, Eugenius Alfred
iflfan, George,3i« MD
)urke, Ulick Joseph^"
len, William Henry-"^
mning, Robert Cardwell
ant, John Percival,^''^ MB
:yton, Jones Lloyd, ^-^i/i?
rleton, Arthur \VeUesley,32» MB
ighes, George Arthur ,329 MB
merville-Large, Brisbane Warren ...
irphy, Francis Henry Swinton, MD.
hnston, William Thomas,323 MD
owne, Abraham Walker^^-*
jdson, Robert Doveton
well, Caleb K. MD
rkpatrick, Hugh Cunningham, MD.
mstroug, John
mny. William Wallace.^^s MB '.'.'.'.,'.".'"
Us, Philip JIackay
•Sullivan, Patrick Joseph, MD
odie, James FitzGerald, MD
-^ays, William326
•ung, Percy Gordon Radstock..."
amish, Robert Talbot,
rker, Walter Augustus
• iderson, James, IfS .!!..".!!!
uth, Jules laham
lier,Henry323 .................
Laughlin, Henry James,™ MB.
•wer, Edward Richard,33i JIfB.
novan, Hugh Latimer,332
hder, Nicholas333
'Ibury, Jam68,33*lfD
3Si Medical Staff.


3 Feb. 78 York.
Lylc, Allan Andrew .....^..........
3 Feb. 78
Charlton, Henry Arthur Herbert
3fB 3 Feb. 78 Aldershot.
Barrinjftnn, Henry Ernest Walter,
3 Feb. 7S Madras.
Quarry, Cluirles»«
Stevenson, John, JIB. 4 Aug. 78 Bengal.
Lar.c, Wiiram Lomon, MB 4 Aug. 78 Madras.
Fclthnni, William Parsons 4 Aug. 78
Denipsev, Patrick Joseph. MD 4 Aug. 78 Bengal.
Wallis, Kenneth Serjeants^s 4 Aug. 78
Flanauan, John William Henry"^ 4 Aug. 78
MncNeece, James Gaussen^s' 4 Aug. 78
O'Cotineii, Morgan David 4 Aug. 78 Curragh.
Ycuni:. Alexander Stewart Ward 4Aug. 7S Cape of Good Hope.

HardiiiR, AithurS*" 4 Aug. 78

Fahcv. John Joseph"'

4 Aug. 78 Training School, Aldershot.

Cross," Honitio Robert Ode"*

4 Aug. 78 Grenadier Guards.

Sevmour. Charles,'" JTJB 4 Aug. 78 Aldershot.
Barker, Frederick Rowland, J/^S 6 Mar. 80 Hilsea.
Ko..-'ii, Alfred. MD 6 Mar. 80
Hill, (.'liarles Birnio 6 Mar. 8 Portsmouth.
Chirk, .lames Richardson Andrew 6 Mar. 8 Aldershot.
Flaniipm, Harold Edward Bickerson 6 Mar. 8 Madras.
Michael, Henry James 6 Mar. 80 Aldershot.
Dorman, Thomas, 3ID 6 Mar Dublin.
Inman, Arthur Walter Patrick, MB 6 Mar. 80 Castlebar.
Corker, Thomas Martin, MD 6 Mar. 80 Killarney.
Mvles, Edmond Henry, J/^5
Moffitt, Thomas Beattie Mar. 80 Devonport.
AVebb, Charles Alfred Mar. 80 Devonport.
Lewis, .fohn George Stephen Mar. 80 Cork.
Martin, Henry,^" Jf.B Mar. 80 Shorncliffe.
Crolv, Arthur England Johnson Mar. 80 Curragh.

Cusa'ck, Robert Oriel 6 Mar. 80 York.

Smith, Ernest Frederic 6 Mar. So Fermoy.
Cowen, William Daniel Amherst 6 Mar. 80 Belturbet.
Forman, Robert Hall, 3fJS 6 Mar. 80 Piersbill.
Flood, Samuel James^^ 6 Mar. 80 Belfast.
Robinson, George Winsor 6 Mar. 80 Dublin.
Watson, John, MD 6 Mar. 80 Londonderry.
Todd, Ocia.yiu9.. MB 6 Mar. 80 Harwich.
Geoghcgan, Alfred Osmond, MD 6 Mar. 80 Woolwich.
Egan, Constantine Richard, ITS 6 Mar. 80 Dublin.
Day, James Dunne, 3f5 6 Mar. 80 Naas.
KiiVanagh, Arthur Maher 6 Mar. 80 Woolwich.
Haru-ood, John Gas.son 6 Mar. 80 Aldershot.
Df.iialdson, Robert Dickie, IfD 6 Mar. 80 Dublin.
White, Henry Lawrence Esmonde 6 Mar. 80 Hounslow.
Hall, John Lees !.]...!!!!!!. 6 Mar. 80 Ceylon.

Bvirlton, Arthur Hyde 6 Mar. 80 Canterbury.

North, Edward ].,. 6 Mar. 80 Woolwich.
Poj-ndcr, George Frederick 6 Mar. 8o'Gravesend.
Bigg, George Kilworth Shermansw 6 Mar. 8o| Dover.
Smythe, George Frederick Alexander ...].....!!!!!..! 6 Mar. 80! Dover.
Battersbj-, Henry Lewis 6 Mar. SojChristchurch.
Hewclt, Augustus 6 Mar. 8o[ Sunderland.
Landon, Edward ..........'.'...... 6 Mar. 80! Colchester.
Mulvany, Peter 6 Mar. 80
Nicholson, James Edward 6 Mar. 80
Wolseloy, William Owen !;;"!!'.".!'.!!'.'.'.!
6 Mar. 80' Bombay.
MacNcece, Thomas Frederick 6 Mar. Soj Aldershot.
M'Crciry, Benjamin Thomas, MB '.'.'...'.'..........
6 Mar. 80 Oughterards.
O'Connor, Arthur Patrick .'.'.......'.'.'.'.'.'...
6 Mar. 80 Curragh.
Bolster, James M'MuUen 6 Mar. SolButtevant.
Wardrop, Douglas, MB !!!!!!!!."!!!."!."! 6 Mar. 80 Portsmouth.
Goggin, George Taylor 6 Mar. 80; Norwich.
Jones, John MatthewMS '.'.'.'.'.'.".'.".".

6 Mar. 80 Shoeburyuess.
Baker, Fausset Maher, IfS 6 Mar. SoLoaghrea.
Asbury, Alfred !!!!!!!!!!!! 6 Mar. 80 Madras.
Carlcton, Patrick Maurice, MD. ...'...........,'..'.
6 Mar. So Netley.
Maclean, Fitzroy Boresford
6 Mar. 80 Madras.
lii.r.u s, Raglan Wykeham ...".;..
6 Mar. 80 Bombay.
O'Callaghan, George Henry Kennethli'Donaidsia"'
6 Mar. 80 Netley.
Fox, Patrick H
6 Mar. 80 Navan.
George Holden
31 July 80 Devonport.
>ia(-namara, William John, MD. '*
31 July 80 Woolwich.
O'.Sullivaii, Daniel
Milwurd, Edwin Oswald 31 July 80 York.
WoodB. Charles RoUeston, MD." .'..'.
31 July 80 Gosport.
31 July 80 Bradford.
Babiiigton, Howard Fleetwood,"" ifs]
MaciiiiMiara, Michael F 31 July 80 Cape of Good Hope.
Sandiford, John Oldfield Greatro'x.'ifij 31 July 80 Dublin.
I^no. K.,l,crl Lindsay, JlfD. 31 July 80 Mitchelstown
31 July 80 Netley.
-Murriiv, Henry Walker, 2/P.
K. ri!., Muhuol William
31 July 80 Woolwich.
P'tcrkm, Airrcd,"'ifiJ .'.'.' 51 July 80 Tipperary.
Harran, James 31 July So Bombay.
cWy, Wm. 31 July 80 AVoolwich.
I.i Stewart, IfB »si
Cape of Good Hope.
.MiiuuKell, Kd\vard Lewis 31 July 80
II.H.rnar., Willinm 31 July So Sandhurst.
N.<l.,lnon, Ha.mldWillior^i'Edw^^dHun^^^^^^^ 31 July 80 Bengal.
< r.It>. JiiniiH Urovo White "uiiuy 31 July 80 Netley.
D.iK'i^i'.o, William"" 31 July 80 Netley.
KtlBwaroLowia"* 31
Newcastle. S

Medical Staff. 382-3

abbnrn, Claua Herbt. 31 July 8j' Piershill. MB. Peard, Henry James 30 July St Netley.
ree, Kdiviird Russell'^' I31 July 80 Beugal. Renuie, Samuel James '30 July 81
>raiy. Maurice O'Connor'^* J31 July 80 Bombay. Carmicliatl, Jolin 30 July 81 Curragh.
lichulas James Hamilton ...31 July 80 Dublin. Farmar-Biinghurst, Jid- \\ x , „
'raiiklin, Denham
July So^Dover. 13: ward Uorset'«3 j 3o July 81
aunlers, Herbert 31 July 8o|Net'ey. Creagh, George Wash- (I t , .,

loilii, John Richard, MB. ...| 5 Feb 8i|Canterbury. iugton Brazier j 30 July 81 Dublin.
i.rutlierB, Alex. James, 5 Feb. 81'Aldershot. MB Wilkinson, Fras. Tichborne..'3o July 81 Woolwich.
'wi-^R, George Edward^" 5 Feb. Si'Aldershot. . Semple, John 30 July 81 Noiley.
Irn-^, Robert Fred. MB.... 5 Feb. 81 Reid, Norman Macbeth Feb, | Tinuda.
! ha-s.Geo.Drummond S Feb. 81 Canterbury.
' ' Lewis, fVm. Uenru Phillipa'"^ 4 Feb. S EgiiMiauAimy.
Arthur Bowdich
!. 5 Feb. 81 Chatham. Dick, William,''"'; MB '

4 Feb. 8 .Sal ford.

r l'homas,3/Z)
,. , 5 Feb. 81 Dover. Jencken, Fras. Jnim,*"^ MB. 4 Feb. 8 Bengal.
lacw.lioii, Setou Guthrie^" 5 Feb. 81 I Life Guards. Stuart, Henry Ogilvy*"'* '

4 Feb. 8 Woolwich.
iuburly, Herbert John Robt. 5 Feb. 81 Portsmouth. Treherne, Francis Harper'*" 4 Feb. S .Vldershot.
[art, Alfred Paul, MB
5 Feb. 81 Pembroke Dock Lougheed, Sam. Foster, D. 4 M 8 Aldershot. Feb.
[arnen, Henry John 5 Feb. Haslett,JohnCourtenay,iri>. 4 8 Devonport. Feb.
lawyer. Rich. Henry Stewart sFeb. 81 Dublin. Barratt, Herbert James 4 8 Colche.rtcr. Feb.
iodfovd, Walter George t James, Herb. Ellison Rhodes 4 8: Dublin. Feb.
5 Feb. SiJGibraltar.
Augustus, 5 MB Trevor, Henry Octavius*'"... 4 8 Feb.
eunings, Richard, MD
sFeb. 8 1, Portsmouth. Russell, Alex. Frasor, MB.... 4 8 Bombay. Feb.
Idb^nson, Stapylton Chap- Fayle, Robert James 4 Feb. 8 Madras.
sFeb. Netley.
man Bates ) ;
Jerome, John William 4 Feb. 8, Beugal.
'ogarty, Thomas Frederic')
Feb. BiiDevonport.
Pike, Will--i.m Watson 4 Feb. 8 iJurragu.
Willoe, MB S

Truetitt,LewisHaywood,3/Zi 4 Feb. 8 liaugal.

'ord, Richard William'^' 81 Bombay. Irwin, J.ames Murray, MB. 4 Feb. 82 Beugal.
loutts, George, MB 5 Feb. 8iJBurnley. i
Nealon, Patrick Joseph, J/X). 4 Feb. 8 Madra-i.
iaker, William James 5 Feb. 8iiPembroke Dock I
Wight, Ernest Octavius 4 Feb. 8 Colchester.
(loggett, Arthur Thomas ... Feb. Devonport.
illport, Hen. Kingston, MD.
5 Feb.
M ;rri8, William Albert 4 Feb. 8
I StatrCorp.s.
iutt, Edward .s Feb. 8i[Dundalk. Burton, Francis Henry 1
.'ownsend, Samuel, MD 5 Feb. 81 Klasale. Merceron,*'! MB Feb. Madras.
Voodhouse, Tom Percy 5 Feb. 81 Bengal. !
Nichol, Chas. Edw.*" MB. Feb. Bombay.
iibsou, Joseph, jlf.B 5 Feb. Aldershot. '
Westcott, Sinclair 29 July £
Ihodes, .las. Havelock Alex, 5 Feb. Penan g. Whitehead, Hayward Reader'29 July 8 Bengal.
iwabey, Louis Wilham^ss ... 5 Feb. Netley. Skinner, Bruce Morland '29 July Beugal.
laseldcn, Robertas' 5 Feb. Netley. Bartlett, Charles Richard ... 29 July
\forse, Rich. Edw. Rickette^" 5 Fob. EgyptianArmy Reckitt, John Db-nnis Thorpe 29 S2
lowney, William.^" MD. ... 5 Feb. Kgypt. Marsh, Thos.Alfred Perry*'-'! 29July 8 Madras.
/Ucas,Tlio. Rashleigh,362,i/_B. 5 Feb. Netley. ;
Kirkpatrick, Roger, MB. ...'29 July 8 Madras.
Lddison, Charles James'"^... 5 Feb. Bengal. Alexander, Alex.Ch. Arch.*'^ 29 July 8 ColdstreamGds.
Cay, Alf Goodwyn,*'' MB. S Feb. Bengal. M'Gill, Harry Strickland ...'29 July 8: Netley.
'ope, William WippelP^^ ... 5 feb. C.of Good Hope. Pechell, Augustus Alex. MB. ^g July Madras.
'orter, Robert, ... MB. 5 Feb. Bengal. Tyrrell, Charles Robert 29July Bengal.
'-MfuH, liic-k. Cha. Kirhy^>^ ... 5 Feb. Egypt. Hickman, 29 July .:haihain.
ilitchell, Charles Andrew ) Thomson, Wilfred Burrell... 29 July Tork.
Pearson,3«^ MD j
5 Feb. Leith Fort. Deane, Herbert Edward 29 July iomba.y.
!oates, George John, MD.... S Feb. Malta. Stuart, Sidney Ollbrd 29 July 'Jomliay. :

'ackey, Thomas Broderick >

5 Feb. Madras.
Macpherson, Wm. Grant, KB
3 Feb. iengal'. I

Alberts<^9 i SimpsOQ, Rbt. Jn.Shaw,.1/i;. 3 Feb. i

[arris, Kreclerick AKred^'"... SFeb. Netley. d, Frorlenc William, MB

3 Feb. :iengal. i

'arke, Thomas Heazle^"^ 5 Feb. Fgypt. Phipps, Edgar Vivian Ayre 3 Feb I.ofGo'jdHupe.
)aly,Fra Aug.B >Qner,3"<'J!/'B

5 Feb. Belfast. Hunter, Verc Edward 3Fel 3ombay.

lose, Alex. Simpson,^'* MB. 5 Feb. Netlev. Baird, Andrew, MB 3 Feb. .I.ol'Good Hope,
latteriby, Johu,»-5 .VB 5 Feb. Dublin. Hamilton, Thomai Win,
laconachie, James^"*^ Feb. GoldenHillFort. O'Hora, J/S vlauritius.
loynihan, Thomas-'-^ 5 Feb. Dunfanaghy. Semple, David, MD 3 Feb. 8 Bengal.
I'Keeffe, Menus Wm.^TSAfZ). 5 Feb. Gibraltar. Stuart, John Robert, MB3 Feb. 8
•'Domiell, Thomas Joseph*-" 5 Feb. C.of Good Hope. Morse, Thomas Ricketts.. 3 Feb. 83 Madras.
isbnrue, John^*' 5 Feb. Madras. Deeble, Ben. Wm.Chatterton 3 Feb. 83 Nova Scotia.
[etheringt m, Reynolds > Bond, Richard Pratt*'* 3 Feb. 83 Egypt.
Peyton,3»2 MB J
S Feb. Netley. j

Stewart, John M'Dougall*'*.. 3 pgb. 83 Bombay.

ohnston, Robert Colqu-') Thomas, Geo. Trevor Harley 3 Feb. 83 Wmchester.
houn.^ssifiJ 5 Feb. Devonport.
J Colman, George Maurice ) -ci „
lixon, Thomns Arthur Netley. K.Myn,MB. 3 Feb.,
83 Bengal.
5 1" eb. j
'Dole,Walter Croker T. MB 5Fe;.. Netltty. Bruce. David, if jB Aug. 83 .Malta.
)avies, Atthur Mercer^^^ JO July Netley. Bell, Ed. Horace Lyden, MB. 4 Aug. 83 Bengal.
[ubbard, Henry William' 30 July Malta. Riordau, John, MB 4 Aug. 83 Madras.
lOding, Thomas Edurard^* I30 July Jertey. de Lom, Henry Anthony*'"... 4 Aug. 8j Barbailoes.
ourdi, John Robert.^sT j/_B ^,Ju Netley. Pirth, Robert HammiU 4 Aug. 83 Bengal.
ulling, John Chi-lett jo July SilNetley. Nelis, George Aug. 83
4 Bengal.
lackett, R.l. Dalby,*^8 j/£» juj- 81 Ic. of Good Hope. -Moore, Robt. Reginald Heber Aug. 83
4 Bombay.
L'Geagh,RobertThos.38«J/7) 30 July 'Exeter, O'Shaughnessy, Patrick ll.
rewman,Geo.Turner,^^''j/^ ^^ ji^ly '.of Good Hope. James Barry ): 4 Aug. 83 Bengal.
ohnston.Hen.Halcro,^" JYi/. ,0 Julv .Mauritius. Robertson, John Robert > . „ I

f'ilson, Edm. Munkhouse^'-'^ 30 July

Chatham. Stevouson,*" MB j *
^^S-Sj Egypt.

isk, John Krskine^'^ j^^j^ Sandown. Tate, Alan Edmondson*''! ...! 4 Aug. 83 Madras.
lirrell, WilUara Geo. as* UB. 30 July Bombay. Faunce, Cnarles Edmiind"8.j 4 Aug 83 Beugal.
)undon, Michael, MD 30 juiy Malta. Leudrum, Wm. Henry, MD. 4 Aug. 83 Bengal.
lagrath, Chailes William ) , , Wyatt, Henry James urragh.
jo July Bengal.
Stanford,'"'; j MB Kelly, Michael, 3ID L'tnd-uardPort
.ane, Alfred Vavasour"J2 ... ^o Julv Bahamas. Biiu-iiintj, Horace Jlenie
:eatty, J )nnWiiliam,«^Jf/). 30 July iundei-liind. SgyptiauArm/.
/eston, George Edward''"*... 35 Ju'.v N'ova Scjlia. Geddes, Robert James, MB. 2 Feb. Jadra.s.
'ounge, George Harrison... it July Vetley. Kelly, William, iUD 2 Feb. Sh
'lements. William George... jo .^Sy Chatham. OC ninell, D.Valentine, JTZ) i'eb. 8,
;abtie, William, jo July MB Portsmouth. Oodd, Anthony 2 Feb. 84
'Brien, Richd. Fras. MB.... 50 July
hiele, Chas. Richard, MB.
Oover. WiUon, George, MB 2 Fub. 8^
50 July Jamaica. Reid, James More 2 Feb. 84
Fredk. Peter, MB. ;o
ichols, ! July Vlderuey. Wiuier, Thomas B-.issell 2 Feb. 84
C'Laughlin, John, j^o MD .lu'y Netley. Heuston, Frederick S imuel 2 Feb. 84 Bjii-al.
owler, Richard ;o 1 July Ne ,ley. Duraiit, Robert J. And'irson Feb. 84 ! imb.iy.
reagh, Stephen Henry jo July ['loel'vyool. ijiibbin, George Frederick Feb. S., 5,gypt.
ambkin, Francis Joseph ... jo July Netl 'y. Myles, Jam ;s Perceval**" ...j 2 Pe^t. 3
eade, WUliam Lloyd |jo July t'eually. Birch, Heary I r sstley*^' ... 2 Feb. 8 Jjylou.
Medical Staff.
Brndaoll, Monckton 0'D.«- ) 84 Bengal.
Green, James Sullivan, MB I Aug Fermoy.
^ j-gij
Lane, Cecil Alexander, MB. I Aug Bengal. ;'
Domiet.Jas. JobnConway*=", 2 Feb. 8^ Egypt- Gordon, Philip C. Harcoiirt*« I Aug Madras.
SlopKcU. Henn- Maxwell ...| 2 Feb. 84 Bengal. ;Nafb, Llewellyn Thos. Manlj I Aug Bengal.
Robinson, (loiiifntSumner*^* 2 Feb. 84 Shoniclifle. Brannigan, John Henderson I Aug. Bengal. •

Bnreioot, John Richard *-H 2 Aug. 84 Altcar Camp. O'Halloran, Michael, MD.... I Aug Bengal.

Clement. Robert Huinpden*" 2 Aug. 84 Liverpool. Sparkts, Claude Stephen..., I Bengal.

2 Aug. 84 EgyptianAnny. Pinches. William Hooper.... I An Bengal.
Hunter, George Doiifflat*-^ ...I
Home, Henry Frederick 1 Aug Bengal.
Bccvor. Walter Calverley*^.| 2 Aug. 84 Scots Guards.
Anderson, Louis Kdwnrd***.! 2 Aug. 84 Jamaica. Daly, ,'iiimcs Henry 1 Aug. _ Bengal.
" Aug. 85 Bengal.
Rus.scll,GcoBIiikelev,*-9JI/2J.: 2 Aug- Limerick. Tuke, George Jerry Arthur, I

Spence, Arthur E.C.,'^ MB.

2 Aug. 84 Egypt. Skerrett, Patrick B I Aug. 85 Bengal.
Mallins, John Robertas' 2 Aug. 84 Bengal. ,
Dent, Herbert Crowley I Aug. 85 Bengal.
Greig, Frederick James I Aug. 85 Bengal.
M'Cormack. Robi. Jns.,.SAZ>.' 2 Aug. 84 Malta.
Rowan, Henry Davis, Af-B. I Aug. 85 Bengal.
Thompson, Hen. Neville,3f.B.| 2 Aug. 8 Limerick. .

Doyle, .Joseph I. Purcell 2 Aug. 8 Curragh. Carr, Howard, MD I Aug. 85 Bengal.

Hatbawa.y, Harold George**^ I Aug. 85 Madras.
Jlanders, Neville*-' 2 Aug. 84 Bengal.
'Dixon, Arthur Lewis Hoper 1 Aug. 85 Madras.
CoUedge, Lesley Hobert,<29...l 2 Aug. 84 Dover. .

Frcyer, Saml.Fostcr,«-'9 MD. 2 Aug. 84 Bengal. Woods, Charles Greaves, MB I Aug. 85 Bengal.
Nunnerly,PhilIipJ. Rencontre I Aug. 85 -Madras.
Birt, CeciM=» 2 Aug. 84 York. '

Maturin, Benjamin Allen.. I Aug. 85 Madras.

Henderson. Robt. S. F.*^itB. 2 Aug. 8. BengaL
Mitchell, Henry*" 2 Aug. 84 Gren. Guards.
Dillon, Henry Vincent 1 Aug. 85 Madras.
llullerworth, Samuel*^ 2 Aug. 84 Bengal. Daly, Thomas I Aug. 85 Bengal.
Holmes, Charles Jas.,*-''Ji/'i3. 2 Aug. 84 Sexton, Michael John, MD I Aug. 85 Madras.
Forrest, Jwmes Rocheid*29.. 31 .Tan. Gt. Yarmouth. Baylor, Henry Talbot I Aug. £5 -Malta.
Russell, Michael William*'' 31 Jan. Bengal. Cree, Herbert Eustace 1 Aug. 85 Sheffield.
Subles, Alexander.*^ MB... 31 Jan. Egypt. Carte, Francis Lindesay .., I Aug. 85 Dublin.
MoEfet.Grenville Edwin, Jl/iJ. 31 Jan. 85 Gibraltar. Starr, William Henderson I Aug. 85 Woolwich^
Haines, Henry Aylinor, J/ZJ. 31 Jan. Sutton, Alexander Arthur 1 Aug. 85 Jersey.
Moir, John Drew,*» J/2?. ... 31 Jan. Devonport. AUred Philip Henry
iGriffitbs, I Aug. 85 Netley.
Dobson,GeorgeMagill,-'^''lfi?[3i Jan. 85 Dublin. Boles, William Samuel, 3/-B I Aug. 85 Woolwich.

Hale, George Krnest^s Jan. 85 Madras. Chevers, Herbert L. Grant 1 Aug. 85 Aldershot.
Johnson, Cecil W.,*3!> IfiJ. ...\^x Jan. 8 Preston. (Stoney, Frederick J. Wetherall I Aug. 85 Dublin.
Berryman, William Ebenczer 31 Jan. 85 Lichfield. Burke, John Fitz Gerald I Aug. 85 ladras.
Hugh Nugent, Aug. 85 -N'etley.

Lilly, All'red Thomas Irvine 1

31 Jan. 85 Gosport. iKenny, MB... I

Caldwell, Robert*** 31 Jan. 8 Colchester. Thomas

Yarr, 'Michael 30 Jan. 86 Hong Kong.
Reilly, Charles Cooper*'' '31 Jan. 8 Bengal. Mumhj, Langton PhUip, MB.
30 Jan. 86 Barbadoes.
Duncan, Sidney Edward 131 Jan. 8^ Malta. iMelvilie, Ch. Henderson, 30 MB. Jan. 86 Bengal.
Maher, jamcs**> 31 Jan. 85 Bengal. Mills, Bernard Langley, 30 .21f.B. Jan. 86 Bengal.
Per.-y, AUau I31 Jan " Gibraltar. iRaj-ner, Hugh, .3/.B 30 Jan. 86 Grenadier Gds.
Cardozo, Samuel N.*** 31 Jan. Aldershot. jCardew, Geo. Schuyler, MB. 30 Jan. 86 Bengal.
Scanlan, Arthur De Courcy... 31 Jan. 85 Hong Kong. iRenny, Charles Alan, MB
30 Jan. 86 Bengal.
James, Hartwell Woodhouse 31 Jan. Bengal. Cocks, Horace, MB 30 Jan. 86 Bermuda.
James, Henry Daniel 31 Jan. -Malta. Wilson, James Barnett, MD. 30 Jan. 86 Bengal.
Turner, WilliHrn*" 31 Jan. York. Black, John Greer, MD 30 Jan. 86 Bengal.
Norlor, Brouke Owen Wil- )
Kearney, John, MD 30 Jan. 86 Bengal.
ham, "^ MB j
31 Jan. Dover.
Henuessy, Frank Wm., MB. 30 Jan. 86 Bengal.
Hickson, Samuel, MB. , 30 May 85 Bengal. Saw, Francis Albert, MB. ... 30 Jan. 86 Bengal.
Fletcher, HcLry James, MB. 30 May Bengal. Stokes, Whitley Bland, .. 30MB Jan. 86 Bengal.
Davis, Edward 30 May 85 Bengal. Hall, Fred. Wm. Geo., MB. 30 Jan. 85 Bengal,
Powell, Simpson, MB iioMay 85 Bengal. Kennedy, Arthur 30 Jan. 86 Bengal.
Jones, Frederick William) ,,
May „
85 Bombay.
I Tate. George Scott, MD30 Jan. 86 Bengal.
Caton, MB ) 30 Kendall, Hy. Wm.Martindale 30 Jan. 86 Bengal.
Meik, James, MD '30 May 85 Bengal. Elkington, Hy. Percival Geo. 30 Jan. 86 Bengal.
Morris, Arthur Edward, JlfD. 30 May 85 Bengal. Dill, Robert Charles Gordon... 30 Jan. 86 Bengal.
Cormack, Eugene, MB 130 May 85 Bengal. Buchanan, John Blacker
30 Jan. 86 Bombay.
O'Doiicl, Claudius, Ail) l3oMay 85 Bengal. Whitla, MB j
Carte, William Alex., MB. ... 30 May 85 Coldst. Gds. Skerrett, Frederick Thomas J- Jan. 86 ladras.
Fitzgerald, Arthur Oirasby... 30 May 85 Bengal. Adamson,Hy.Mackenzie,.21/.B. 30 Jan. 86 -Madras.
Eldcrton, Frederick Dundas 30 May 85 Bengal. Ramsay. Herbert Murray 30 Jan. 86 Scots Guards.
Sheldrake, Edward Nodin ... 30 May 85 Gren. Guards. jLavie, Tudor Germain 30 Jan. 86 Bengal.
Molosworth, Robert Everard 30 May 85 Bengal. Rose, James 30 Jan. 86 Longford.
Long, John William Francis 30 May 85 Bengal. Cox, Robert Hippislev 30 Jan. 86 ColdstreamGds.
Jobling, Charles Langford ... 30 May 85 Bengal. Brown, Harry Herbert, MB. JO Jan. 86 Madras.
Batcson. John Francis, MB. 30 May 85 Bengal. Cor kery, Thomas Herbert 10 Jan. 86 Madras.
Swan, William Travers, MB. 30 May 8s Bengal. Crookc, Warren Roland')
30 Jan. 86 Bengal.
Bulf.n, Jo^ei>h, 3/.B 30 May 85 Bengal. Davies, -3/J) j
Macleod Robert Lockhart> Squire, Walter Perfect 30 Jan. 86 Bengal.
Ross, MB May Bengal.
j Walsh, Charles Lawrence 30 Jan. 86 Bengal.
Curtis, James Henry
Adiims, Gufton Geo
30 May 85 Bengal. O'Donnell, James J., MB
30 Jan. 86 Trinidad.
30 May 85 Bengal. Hayman, Stanle.y Jn. Wallace 30 Jan. 86 Bombay.
Shine. James M. F., MD 30 May 85 Bengal. Hayes, JulianPhilip Swindell oJan. 86 Bcmbaj'.
Day, William Bullcn, MB. 30 May ... 85 Madras. Davidson, JohnStewart,il/.B. IZ July 86 Gibraltar.
Hamilton, Duv. Rogcrson, 3fB 30 May 85 Madras. jWill, James, -3/-Z? "
July 86 .^.Idorshot.
Thomppon, Robert Geo., 3/2) 30 May 85 Bombay. Moir, James, MB 28 July Ceylon.
Blackwil Charles T
I, 30 May 85 Bombay. Fallon, James 8 July 86 Demerara.
Power, Robert Ignatius 30 May 85 Bengal. Salvage, John Valentine,)
Kilkelly ha. Randolph, MB. 30 May Bombay. 8 July 86 Ceylon.
, (

Bean, William Henry

85 3^^ .\
30 May 85 Madras. Fowler, John Francis ) 28
Ferguson, Nichol»8(;ha8.3/i. 30 May July 86
WillH. H.imuel Richard
85 Bengal. \ Scott, MB j
30 May
.... 85 Bengal. Aldridge, Arth. Russell, Jl/B. 28 July 86
Hearn, Mirhn< Leo 30 May .Madras.
85 IBostock, Robert Ashton 8 July 86
Httll, llieliurd Harris, MD. -'
30 May 8^; Bombay. 'Fayrer, Joseph 8 July Bengal.
Bennett, Wm. Iiallnrun.i/J?. 30 May
Onenwuy Jolin Henry 85 -Madras. |Walker, Charles Pope, MB. 8 July 86 Bengal.
30 May 85 Bengal. iMacDonald, Chas. Joseph,
Hunlcy, Kichurd George
Bell, William Howard ....
MB 30 Jklay 85 Bengal. MD

8 July Bengal.
30 May 85 Bengal.

Crce, Gerald jTatham, Charles John ) July Jamaica.

30 May 85 Bengal. Willmer j
Phlliiiin, Bamuol Coweli ".;!.'
30 May 85 Madras. jClarkson, Thos. Harry Fred 28 July 86 Bermuda
Nicolln, John MirhacI,
UiirriH. Kridtrick WilliamT
KB 30 May bengal. Austin, Herbert Ward -
July 86 Devonport.'
H. iMvic 30 May 85 -Madras,
Garner, Cathcart, J1/-B July 86 Bermuda.
j iWright, Robert Wallace 28 July 86 Bengal.
M'Millaii, John Kurso Aug. 85 Bengal.
Al'tii, Hydnoy Gloun
......... 1
iBailey, Wm. Frederick,3f.D. 28 July 86 C.of Good Hope.
1 Aug. 85 llEckereley, Edwin, MB
28 July 86 Bengal.

Medical Staff. 385


Dttell, Resin.iUl Jas. Cope July Gibraltar. Hore,HarrySl.Geo. Standish Aldershot.

reig.David Middleton,iI/i?. July Bengal. Macdonald, Stuart, MB 5 Feb. Edinburgh.
arrows, JamesRogers.iU'i). July S6 Hong Kong. Corcoran, Edward 5 Feb. Chatham.
eatly, John ^... 28 July 86 Bengal. Watson, AlexanderOawald )
ennessy, Daniel, 28 MD July 86 C.ofGoodHope, Cowan, ilf.S J
5 Ff^b. igo.

aunders,Dav. Michael, Ifl). 23 July 86 Bengal. Gray, Edw. Wolfenden, MB. 5 Feb. Dublin.

addle, Walter, MB July 86 Cyprus. Stiell, David, 5 Feb. I

I'CallagUan, DenisMorlartv July 86 Cyprus. Salmon, Lawrence Ernest '.

Albert 5 Feb. i
mitty, Michael Joseph, MZ). 28 July 86 C.ofGoodHope. j
lummins, Hy. Alfred, MD. " July 86 Bengal. Wade, Geo. Augustus, MB. 5 Feb. maica.

:elly. Rich. Kdmund, MD. July 86 .Vladras. Minniece, James, 5 Feb. I

)oiiepan,James Francis ... 28 July 86 .Madras. Penton, Richard Hugh 5 Feb. I
)onaUlsou, John S July 86 Madras. Holt, Maurice Percy Cue ... 5 Feb. I
lathias, Hugh Broderick ... 8 July 86 Bermuda. Gray, William Lewis, MB . 5 Feb. !
lent, George 28 July 86 Bengal. Browne, Edward George . . 5 Feb. I
larefoot, George Henry 28 July 86 Bengal. Morgan, James Campbell... 5 Feb. I
fewlaud, Foster Reuss, MB. 8 Juiy 86 Bengal. Pocock, Herbert Innes 5 Feb. i
/indie, Reg. Joscelyn, MB. 8 July 86 Bermuda. Hilliard, George, MB 5 Feb. ;
[all, Robert John Draper ... 28 July 86 Bombay. Elliott, Chas. Houlston, MB. 5 Fel). :
larder, Edward Swan 8 July 86 Bengal. Young, Charles Augustus 5 Feb. i
alport, Cha-^. WiUiaai, MD. SJuly 8- Bentral. BuUen, John Welply, MD 5 Feb. ;
lusscU, J'vhn Joshua, JI/.B... Weir, Jas. Christopher, MB. 5 Fab. Duliliu.
Wye, John Simpson Inniss, Benjamin James 5 Pol,. ladras.
Scott. George, MB 28 Jill;, Thacker, Robert Christy Feb... 5 Curragh.
iiviwuintr, Thomas :8 July Murphy, Wm. Norman, MD Feb. 5 Bengal.-.
' 28 July : Clark, Stephen Frazer, .afjB Feb. 5 Dover.
Williiiiu .l.ilni" 28 July ; Hassard, Edward Moresby 5 Feb. Bengal.
\;,lyc\\. -UIJ 28 July Bombay. Smith, Henry Ernest Hill.. 27 July ngapore.
uoor-c Frudorick) Graham, William Perceval ^
July Bombay. !7 July
, ,

l,MV 28
Gore, JX.B Winchester.
M ,
j \
; , Ralph 28 July Bombay. Alexander,GeorgeForbes, \
27 July 87

. ;,- ,
; .bort Napier,
July MB.. !8 " pt. MB i
i'ort George.
\ia,.rA. .hio. Jas. Carl.ilfD,July .8 Singapore. Spong, Charles Stuart 27 July Chatham,
Vhiiite, July Thomas, MB 28 Bengal. jLeishman, Wm. Boog, JtfB 7 J"iy asgow.
Cnagiis, Henry Thomas 28 Jul> .Malta. Woods, Edmd.McNeill,
27 JulyMB .Marchwood.
jeQuesue, FerdinandSimeon 28 July .Madras. Thomson, James, Ifi? 7 July .\ldershot.
iRawnsley, Gerald Thomas 7 July

Smith, Victor Sdwin') horncliffe.

!8 July
Travers, MD S
Reilly, Charles William.. 27 July Sal ford.
^Jronin, Cecil July Spencer .8 Bengal. Freeman, Ernest CaiTick 7 July tVoolwich.
Jowman, Willingtou 28 July Beogal. Trask, John Ernest 27 July Vldershot.
j'oott, Richard Ernest, MD. 28 July Bombay. Crofton, WiUiam SonQS,MB. 27 July Woolwich.
kJorgaa, Frederick James., 5 Feb. I
Devonport. Forbes, Norman Hay 27 July ShornclifTe.
riorrocks, \Vm. Heaton,M.B. 5 Feb. .ildershot. Blenkinsop, Alfied Percy 7 July Woolwich.
laic, Charles Henry 5 Feb. \yr. Paterson, John, Jl/S 27 July Hilsoa.
1-I 111, HughChampneys
;: 5 Feb. Devonport. Davoren, Vesey Henry Wm. 7 July !ork.

1; tlopton
rtal 5 Feb. DevoniJort. Wright, Alfred 7 July !.of Good Hope.
; '
liiverRichardArchc 5 Feb. Aldershot. Copeland, Robert James, iijB 7 -Tuiy Juernsey.
;iy.i. lid. George, MB 5 Feb. Queenstown. Girvin, John 7 July Jolchester.
^uiT.siilo, Eustace Aagustus S Feb. Ceylon. Luther, Anthony John 7 July losport.
kl'CuUoch, Thomas, MB. .. 5 Feb. Woolwich. Peeke, Harold Samuel 7 July York.
linde, Alfred Buckley 5 Feb. Portsmouth. Borradaile, Alfd.Latour, If£ 27 July \ldershot.
Jeily, Ale-'iauderYates, MB 5 Feb. Aldershot. myth, Richard Henry,il/.B 27 July Jhatham.
^ookerill, John "William 5 Feb. Madras. Birt, Thomas 7 July Cork.
Jitchie, John, 3fi? 5 Feb. StrensallCamp HaUaran, WUliam, MB
7 July Madras.
3S6 Medical Staff.



June Aug. 7 Aug. 75 I July 81 J^Jgypt.

Ostwrne. Robtrt Toler^ 25 73 7
25 June 73 1 7 Jan. 17 Jan. 77 I July 81 Chatham Dist.
PUtt. Alfrcl...
13 June 16 Feb. 16 Feb. 78 I July 81 Gospoit.
Joseph, William"' 74
Aug. 7 I July 81 Portsmouth.
O'Connor. Unnicl"* 7 75
6 Oct. 6 Oct. I July 81 China.
Johncon, Charles*" 75
Apr. I Apr. July 81 Currath Dist.
MKny, Williani«« I 76
Tighe, Fmncib*" I Apr. 76 I I 8 Southern Dist.
Crnhara, Harry I Apr. 76 I Apr. 56
_, I July 81 S. E. District,.
KnriKht, Kdward*-* 7 Mar. 77 21 May 84 I July 81 Dublin.
Gorman, Lawrenco*'* 9June 77 29 Nov. 79 I July 81 Dublin District.
Thomson, Jamc^ 9June 77 9 June 87 I July 81 York.
Johnson, Henr\'«*' 9June 77 9 June 87 I July 81 Aldershot.
Howell, Ueuben*" 9June 77 9 .lune 87 I July 8t Cork District.
Gordon, Robert 9 June 77 9 June 87 I July 81 Aldershot.
Mclntyi-e, David*** 9 June 77 9 June S7 I July 8t Notley.
Kvans, Samuel*** 9 June 77 9 June 87 1 July 81 Kasteru District.
Lackey, Daniel*** 9 June 77 9 June 87 T July 81 Netley.
Kennedy, Thoniaa Francis 9 June 77 9 June 87 I July 81 Chatham.
Howson, Francis 9 June 77 9 June 87 1 Jul> 81 Northern Dist.
Marshall, James Douglas**' 9 June 77 9 June 87 I July 81 Belfast District.

Coppinif, Henry*'" 15 Mar. 79 15 Mar. 79 I July Shomcliffe.

Horn, John*" 22 Mar. 79 22 Mar, I July Bermuda.
M'Swinoy, John 21 June 79 21 June 79 I July Egypt.
Murraj', William 21 June 79 21 Jure 79 I July Aldershot.
Webb, Henry Smith*» 2 July 79 2 July 79 1 July Home District.
Towers, George 2 July 79 2 July 75 1 July N. B. District.
Connor, Timothy*"' 2 July 79 2 July 79 I July Egypt.
Hunt, Joseph 2 July 79 2 July 79 1 July Woolwich Dist.
Warren, Samuel 17 Dec. 79 17 Dec. 79 I July Western Dist.
Morrison, William 17 Dec. 79 17 Deo. I Julv Devonport.
I'hillips. Thomas*'^ .. 4 Sept. 80 4 Sept., I July Aldershot.
M'Callum, William .., 18 Dec. 18 Dec. I July C. of Good Hope.
Buckley, John 23 May 87 23 May Malta.
WarrinRton, Thomas 23 Mar. 23 Mar. Gibraltar.
Fowler, George 21 May 87 21 May Netley.

Depot and Training ScJiool, Aldershot.

Officer Commanding— Surgeon Major W. Johnston, MD. 4 Apr. 88.
in»^rKc/or.— Surgeon Major W. B. Allin, MB. 2 July 87.
Auristavt Instructor.- Surgeon J. J. Falvey, 11 May 86.
Adjutant. —
qiiarter Uaeter.—T. Phillips, 2 Oct. 83.

Medical Officers serving on the West Coast of Africa.

Sl'KOEOn MijOB, ranking SUKQEON.

Enton, Robert Coleman
31 Mar. 6i\ Mar. 73 31 Mar. 78 Sierra Leone.
StJkGBOK Majob, rank I
Connolly, Paul
Mar. 73 30 Sept. 83;
ScBGEO.NS, ranking as Capta
Lamprcv, Joseph John
J.loy.l, Owen Edward Pcnnffather^ 4 Feb. 77I
HcncliTKon, William Robert, MIJ ^,"*~'- F"Pe Coast Castle.
i ^^i
Alexander, ilD
Khiiip.-, ..;.'" 6 Mil Sierra Leone.
MorK'iin,Anthony Hickmnr.'^ 5 Feb. 8tj I

Gordon, Henry Charles, MB ..'.'.'.'.'

5 Feb. 81 :
Sierra Leone.
/imnicrniann, Benjamin Fruzier 4 Aug. 83!
Cnjan, Richard _i Jan. 851
Hymen, (ilancott Hardy, MB 31 Jan. 8;' Sierra Leone.
Ifiiydcn. CliarliB, MD ..... 1Aug. 85
Diiiron. Jolin Gillespie. If 2). . iAug.851
I'oolo, Waller Crokcr, MB 28 .July 86, Cape Coast Castle.
Blue Uniform with Sierra Leone.

ApoinKCABV, ranking u,ilh Captains.

Davios, John
M Apr. , ,„

Scarlet Uniform with
Grey Facing,.
. .

Medical Staff'.
— War Services. 387
'Sir Thomas Crawford served with the sist Light Infantry throughout the Burmese war of 1852-53 was on board

the E.I.C. stoam-frigate Ferooz during the naval action and destruction of the enemy's stockades in the Rangoon
river served during the succeeding throe days' operations in the vicinity, and at the storm and capture of Rangoon

(including the storming of the White House Redoubt) also at the storm and capture of Bassein, loth May, various

skirmishes at Prome, and during the advance on Meaday (Medal with Clasp for Pegu). Served with the 18th
Roj-al Irish in the Crimea from 9th Feb. 1855 (Medal with Clasp for Sebastopol, and Turkish Modal).
' Surgeon General W. A. Mackinnon served throughout the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 with the 42nd Iligh-
landers, including the battles of Alma and Balaklava (in medical charge of the Regiment), expedition to Kertch
and Yenikale, siege and fall of Sebastopol, and assault of the outwoi-ks on the 18th June and 8th September
(Medal with three Clasps, Knight of the Legion of Honor, and Turkish Medal). Served as Surgeon on the
personal Staff of Lord Clyde during the Indian mutiny from April 1858 to the end of the war, and was present in
the campaigns in Rohilcund, Byswarrah, and Traus-Gogra, including the actions of Bareilly, Shahjohanpore,
Doondiakeira, Bergudia, Musjedia, and the Raptee (Medal) .Served in the New Zealand war of 1863-66, including
the capture of the rebel position at Katikara and repulse of the attack at Gilbert's Clearing (mentioned in des-
patches). Appointed Sanitary Offlcer to the New Zealand Force in Nov. 1863, and held the appointment till April
1866, when field operations ceased. In that capacity he served the campaigns in the Waikato, Tauranga, and
Wangauui districts, on the headquarters Staff of Sir D. Cameron, and attached to the Quarter Master General's
Department; was present in the action at Rangiawhia, assault of the Gate Pah, Tauranga (mentioned in despatches,
and Ci?.), repulse of the enemy's attack on the Camp at Nukumaru, and affair at Kakaramea (Medal). Served as
Principal Medical Officer in the second phase of the Ashanti war of 1873-74, including the battle of Amoaful,
battle of Ordahsu and capture oi Coomassie (several times mentioned in despatches, promoted Deputy Surgeon
General, Medal with Clasp).
* Surgeon General James Sinclair served the Abyssinian campaign of 1867-68 as Surgeon of the 33rd Regiment,

and was present at the storming and capture of Magdala. Acted as Principal Medical Officer of a Division of
British Troops in Abyssinia from 15th January to 9th March 1868 (mentioned in despatches, and promoted Surgeon
Major "for valuable services rendered dur'ngthe campaign," Medal). Served in the Boer war of i83i as Principal
Medical Officer.
* Surgeon General C. D. Madden served from 18th Jan. to 20th May 1855 in the Crimea and before Seba.9topol
(Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served with the 43rd Light Infantry in the Saugor Field Division from
i4th Dec. 1857, and in the Field Division under Colonel Primrose in the latter part of 1859 (Medal). Served as
Surgeon of the 4Ch King's Own throughout the Abyssinian campaign, and was present as Field Surgeon of the
ist Brigade at the action of Arogee and capture of Magdala (mentioned in despatches, and promoted Surgeon
Major " for valuable services rendered during the campaign," Medal).
I* Sir James Hanbury served in
the Afghan war of 1878-80, and took part with the ospedition into the Bazar
Valley (mentioned in despatches); accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar, and was present
at the battle of Candahar (mentioned in dosnutches, CB., Medal with Clasp, and Bronze Decoration). Served in
the Egyptian warof 1882 as Priiu-iiKil Me lufil Officer, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (twice men-
tioned in despatches, KCli., Medal with ':;is]i, 2nd Clafs of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star).

" Surgeon General D. A. C. Frasur sui\ eil in the Ashanti war in 1873-74 (Medal)
'5 Surgeon General W. M. Webb served with the loth Regiment throughout the Crimean campaign of 1854-55,

including the battles of Alma and Inkerman, siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with three Clasps, and Turkish
Surgeon General J. B. C. Rcade served with the 2nd Battalion Rifle Brigade throughout the Eastern

campaign of 1854-55, including the battles of Alma and Inkerman, and siege of Sebastopol was wounded on the
14th Nov. 1S55 at the explosion of the French siege train (Medal with three Clasps, and Turkish Medal). Served
with the B;ittaIion during the whole of its sei'vice in suppression of the Indian mutiny, including the actions at
Cawnpore, capture of Lucknow, and numerous affiiirs during the Oude campaign (Medal with Clasp).
" Deputy Surgeon General W. Cattell served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 with the 5th Dragoon Guards,
including the battles of Balaklava, Inkerman, au<l Tcheruaya. and siege of Sebastopol (Medal with three Clasps,
Sardinian and Turkish Medals). Served in the Afghan war in 1878-79, and was present at the attack and capture
of Ali Musjid and in the engagement at Futtehabad (Medal with Clasp).
*2 Deputy Surgeon General J. A. Marston served in the Egyptian war of 1882 as Sanitary Officer, and was present
at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned m despatche.5, promoted Deputy Surgeon General, Medal with Clasp,
3rd Class of the Osmanieh, and Khedive's Star).
*3 Deputy Surgeon General R. W. Meadows served with the gth Regiment in the Crimea from Oct. 1854, in-
cluding the siege and fall of Sebastopol, and assault of the batteries on the 18th June (Medal with Clasp, and
Turkish Medal). Served in ihe Afjihan war in 1879-80, and was present in the eaga^'ements at Ahmed Kheyl
and Urzoo near Ghuzuee (Medal with Clasp).
** Deputy Surgeon General T. Tarrant served in the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 (Modal witl: Clasp for
Sebastopol, and 'Turkish Medal). Served in the Indian campaign of 1S57-5S, including the battle of Cawnpore,
action of Kalee Nuddee, and affair of ICunkur (Medal). Served in South Africa as Senior Medical Officer in
Wood's Force from June to September 1873 afterwards in the Zulu war of 1879, in Pearson's Column till March

1879 and then with the Ekowe relieving force, being present at the engagemput at Gingindhlovu (mentioned

in despatches). Was afterwards Principal Medical Officer of the ist Division from its formation until its disso-
lution (Medal with Clasp).
'" Deputj- Surgeon General G. M. Slaughter served with the 7th Hussars in the Indian campaign from Feb.

1858 to March 1850 and was present at the affair of Moengunge, siege and capture of Lucknow, affairs of Barree
and Siree, action of Nawabgunge, occupation of Fyzabad, passage of the Gnomtee at Sultanpore, throughout
the Byswarra campaign, includmg the affairs of Kandoo Nuddee, Paleeghat, and Ilydcrghur, pursuit of Benhi
Madho's Force to the Goomtee also the Trans-Gogra campaign, including the all'air near Churda and pursuit,

taking the Fort of Meejeedia, attack on Bankee with pursuit to the Raptee, advance into Nepaul, and affair at
Sakaghat (Medal with Clasp)
'3 Deputy Surgeon General Faught was employed as Sanitary Officer at Cape Coast Castle during the Ashanti
war in 1874 (Medal). Served in the Afghan war of 1878-80 (Medal). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal,
and Khedive's Star). Served with the Bechuanaland E.\pedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85 as Principal
Medical Officer.
Deputy Surgeon General S. A. Lithgow served with the 75th Regiment during the Indiai campaign of-
^857-59 (in medical charge from the commencement of the operations against Delhi until the relief of Lucknow),
and was present at the action of Budleekeserai, siege of Delhi and capture of the city, pursuit of the enemy and
actions of Bolundshuhur, Agra, Allyghnr, Akrabad, and Kanoj, advance into Oude, and atfairs of Jlaragunge,
Alumbagh, and Dilkoosha, and relief of Lucknow by Lord Clyde, thereafter remained with Outrf.ra's Division at
the Alumbagh and was present at the repulse of the several attacks and at the affair of Guilee (Medal with two
Clasps). Sei-red with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 as Principal Medical Officer on the Lines of Communication
(mentioned in despatches, CB., Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star) also served with the Egyptian Frontier

Field Force in 1885-S6, including the engagement at Giniss (mentioned in despatches, BSO.).
" Deputy Surgeon General A. M. Tippetts served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 with the 7th Fusiliers,
ncluding the affair of Bulganac, battles of Alma and Inkerman, and siege of Sebastopol (Medal with three
Clasps, and Turkish Medal). Served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and took part with the exjjediiions into the
Bazar and Hissarik Valleys (Medal).
•* Doputy Surgeon
General C. G. Irwin served the Eastern campaign of 1854 up to the 22nd September, and
again from ijih Jul v 1855. including the battle of Alma, siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with two Clasps, and
Turkish Medal).
lJei)nty Surgeon General S. B. Roe served in the Afghan war in 1879-So, and was present in the engagement
at Ali Kheyl and in the operations around Cabul in December 1879 including the investment of Sher}):;re (men-
tioned in despatches); accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in tl.o march to Candahar, and was jire^ent at the
battle of Candahar (mentioned in despatches, Medal with two Clasps, and Bronze Decoration). Also served in
the Boer war of iSSi.
^S3 Medical Staff.
— War Services.
" DoDutv Surireon General G. L. Hinde served in the Crimea from the 30th July 1855, inchiding the sieg
and fall of Sel.a-«l>pol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish lledal). Served in the Boer -narof 1S81. Served iath
Soudan caiiinaiin» i" 1S84-85 (mentioned in despatches, CB., Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
» Dcputv Surireon General E.G. M'Dowell served with the 44th Regiment the campaign of 1S60 in Nor
China including the action of tJinho, storm and capture of the Taku Forts (Medal with Clasp). Served in
Ejrvptian war of 18^2 ( Medal, 3rd Class of the Mediidie, and Khedive's Star; ; also served in the Soudan Expeditio
under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884 as Principal Medical Officer, and was present in the engagements at El
and Temai (twice meutioned in despatches, CB , and two Clasps).
" Deputy Surgeon General T. N. Hoysted served with the soth Regiment at the operations before and captn
of Canton on aSih and 29th Dec. 1857 (Medal with Clasp). Served with the 54th Regiment in the Indian mutiny
campaign at the last advance into Oude under Lord Clyde in 1858, including the capture of Fort Ameetie (Medal).
Served in the Afghan war in 1878-79, and was present at the capture of the Peiwar Kotal (Medal with Clasp).
« Deputy Surgeon General W. CoUis served with the 98th Regiment in the Peshawur Expeditionary Force on
the Euzofzic Frontier under Sir Sydney Cotton in April and May 1858, and at the affair with the HLndostanee
fanatics on the Heights of Sittana on the 4th May (Medal with Clasp). Served during the operations in the
Malay States under Brigadier General Ross, as Principal Medical Officer from 24 Nov. 1875 to 31 January 1876
** Brigade Surjjeon B. C. Kerr served in the Kafir war in 1879-80, and was present during the operations against
Seknkuni including ihe storming of the stronghold (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp).
» Deputv Surgeon General A. F. Bradshaw served with the 2nd Battalion Rifle Brigade through the whole
of its service in the sunpression of the Indian mutiny, inclutUng the capture of Lucknow and numerous affair.s
during the Oude campaign (Medal with Clasp). Served with the Zhob Valley Expedition in 1884 as Principal
Medical Officer (mentioned in despatches).
'" Deputy Surgeon General R. Lewer served in the Royal Navy during the operations in the Baltic and was pre-
sent at the bomlmrdment of Sweaborg (Medal). Served in the Afghan war of 1878-80 in medical charge of the
9th Lancers and as Sanitary Officer to the Caljul Field Force, and was present in the operations around Cabul
in December iS79includmg the inve.=tment of Sherpore accompanied Sir P'rederick Roberts in the march to

Caudahar, and was present at the battle of Candahar (mentioned in despatches. Medal with two Clasps, and
Bronze Decoration).
" Deputy Surgeon General J.-imes Landale served in the Indian Mutiny campaig in 1858-59 in medical charge
of the head quarters of the 92nd Foot, including the actions at Rahutghur, Mongrowlee, Sindwaho, Kurai, and
Baroda (Medal).
" Deputy Surgeon General T. Rudd sers-ed with the 8th Hussars during thelndian mutiny in 1857-58, and was
present at the captui-e of Kotah, battle of Kotaria and Kooshana (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp).
Served in the Afghan war of 1878-80 (Medal).
" Deputy Surgeon General J. Inkson served with the Baltic Expedition of 1855, including the bombardment of
Sweaborg (Medal). Served in the Indian mutiny campaign in 1858, including the capture of Jugdespore and
actions of the 17th 18th and 20th October(Medal). Served also with the Bhootan Expedition of 1S65 (Medal with
" Deputy Surgeon General J. Jameson was promoted Surgeon "in consideration of his highly meritorious
services during an epidemic of yellow fever in Trinidad." Had charge of the Ddivisionof the English ambulance
in the Franco-Gcrinan war from October 1870 till March 1871, and was employed at the siege of Paris and iu the
campaign on the Loire.
" Deputy Surgeon General J. Warren served in medical charge of the 15th Hussars in the Afghan war of
1878-80, including the advance to Khelat-i-Ghilzie and with the ThuU Chotiali Field Force under Major General
Biditulph (Medal). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882 in charge of No. 5 Moveable Field Hospital (Medal, and
Khedive's Star) ; also served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (mentioned in despatches. Clasp).
" Deputy Surgeon General Davis served with the 57th Regiment in the New Zealand war in 1861 (Medal).
" Brigade Surgeon C. H. Giraud served with a flying column in the North West Provinces of India in 1S58-59,
includmg the action at Sissaghat (Medal). Also with the 31st Regiment during the campaign in North China in
i86o, mcluding the action of Sinho and storming of Tangku (Medal with Clasp for the Taku Forts). Served with
the 31st Regiment in the operations against the Taepings in the vicinity of Shanghae, including service with the
Btorming parties at the capture of the walled towns of Kahding, Najow, Cholin, and Tsinpoo, taking of the Stock-
aded fort at Nansiatig, relief and recapture of Kahding. Served with the 2nd Brigade ist Division in the Zulu war of
?,?'» °
afterwards as Senior Medical Officer throughout the operations of Clarke's Column (Medal with Clasp )

Surgeon T. Walsh terved in the Jowaki Afreedee Expedition in 1877-78 (Medal with Clasp). Served
in 'fl A^"!?*^ war
the Alghan in 1879-80, and was senior medical officer to the force under Brigadier General Charles Gough
auring the advance on Cabul in December 1879 (mentioned iu despatches, Medal with Clasp). Served in the
Egyptian war 01 1S82 as Sanitary Officer ist Division, and was present in the engagement at Tel-el-Mahuta, at the
action at Kassasin (jth Sentember), and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
' Brigade Surgeon S. Archer was attached to the loist Fusiliers with the Eusofzai Field Force on the N.W.
* rontier of India in Nov. and Dec. 1863, and was nresent at the storming of the Conical Hill and the destruction of
umbeylah (Medal with Clasp). Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 in charge of the Field Hospital at Korti
(Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star. -t
„/* Surgeon John Rubinson served in the Afghan war of 1878-80 (Medal). Served in the Egyptian war
P'"<=sent at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
« '""B""" o"*
ii .
Surgeon W. Temple serve<l in Taranaki in the latter end of the New Zealand war of i86o-6i, and
present in the skirmish of the i8th March. Served also in the Waikato campaign in the war of 1863-65, and
"^ actions of Rangiriri and Rangiawhia (mentioned iu despatches, Victoria Cross, Medal):
wgeiner with Lieut. A. }• Pickard (since deceased), he was awarded the
Hffi "for gallant conduct during the
aanttuu on tuo enemy s position at Rangiriri in
New Zealand, on the 20th November 1863, in exposing their lives
''is Maori keep, at a point upon which the enemy liad concen-
Jrall^'",h"'^"n '*''''"'"u'°*^''"''*'°^''^®''"''''"'°^''''
nfihn n^?,'v i^'.-n'^''^'' * I^'ei'oaant
render assistance to the wounded, and more especially to the late Captain Mercer,
Pickard, it is stated, crossed and recrossed the parapet, to procure water for
•hn w,.,i^^i I I
none of the men could be induced to perform this service, the space over which he traversed
h«ir,Tr nJJ!; "iV
'^."^sflro; and testimony is borne to the calmness displayed
Tnm7,i« under
Temple M ? .1 ^ by him and Assistant Surgeon
the trying circumstances iu which they were placed." •>'
"riKaue .Surgeon A. Allan served in the Soudan campaign in
;, 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
1!'''''^"!* '^•^•Markey served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and was present in the engagement at
Bnif., ,„n^ i
""^'"'vi''ce to Khelat i-Ghilzio. an.l in the engagement at Ahmed Kheyl accompanied Sir Frederick
^Lrf^^^nL' """'="'" t^andahnr. ;

and was present at the battle of Candahar (mentioned in despatches, Medal

^il, t^tn f- n "'•onzo Decoration).
Eir»..l.Ti;.n 1,1
?i "o'
Also served with the Marri Expedition. Served with the Nile
"''"'^ Moveable Field Hospital with the Desert Column, and was for some
tirXl'rimi,.?! M,,V 'i 'A1«
pal Medical '.°«,'*r.*''°
,'",., Officer at Ml Gubat
^''^^"^ (mentioned iu despatches. Medal with Clasp, and Khed Khedive's Star),
1 ri^mo^nr
lingiKle Hiirgeoii G. (;.''i?'"?^^'
•' 9"
•' )On «nrvp,il
*''''^'"' '" in tl,«
'"i "'o Ar,.l,„„
Afghan war
""" .fiisu't" .,...-
"ur lu ;„ .0.0 ..
in 1070-79 ,>T„,]„n m
Served ;„
(Medal). oervuu
1878-79 tJieuai;. 1
in *i.„ C!„„,].,„ cam-
th Soudan
nniirn in i8Hc Pc7m,'iV"'
Bs (mr.,.t„
imcntio.iod in "T
, . 1 •
despatches. Medal will'
with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
'»Hr m do Si^r^ n r ""'«"* w
'/«''P»'«^1'0'*' »I«'l'iI
^'I'-vod in the Gambia during the outbreak of cholera in 1S69. Was mentioned in
deiinnichcl \?vnZrl
?^.'' ^"''^"^ services during the epidemic received the thanks of the Colonial Govem-
mcnt uml or .),n « „ .
hitthlv mcritcr ,„?.•''''.? o"^''"
'^°'' '''° Colonies,
and was promoted Staff Surgeon " in consideration of hia
capliiro iind .TeKin.,!, V'^^r 1. ^""I'* I" "'" Ashanti war of .873-4. and was present at the battle of Amoaful,
Mwliil will. ('liiMi.V s,'.r,,„i ,'\'''I, •mJ"'*'
ofOrdahsu and capture of Coomassio (mentioned in despatches,
clmrifc or Field II h,„'i,.u ... .'
^ . ,
•'"'^Pe'l'tion in 1884-85 as Sanitary Officer, and was for some time in
l''atmeh (mentioned in despatches, promoted Brigade Surgeon, Medal
with (•|„^p. nn.l Kh.''liv".'i
c*Iilpa"Kni,'VModal 1'"
^^° ^^'^ Zealand war of .863-66 including the W^aikato and Taranaki
wa»prc«;nt »c uBi
at luo
the battle TMm\''?-''^'»°
oaitlo of Tel-cl-Kebir .^" °'" '^^' "''"^ "'" "^^ Battalion of the Cameron HighUmders, and
(Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Nile Expedi.

Medical Staff.
— War Services. 389
'inn in 18S4-85 as Field Medical Inspector on tlie Lines of Communication (mentioned in despatches, promoted
iL: '.' Surgeon, Ulaop).
!:iLC,ide Surgeon F. Ferguson served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-S5, and took part with mounted troops
11nperations of the Desert Column, including the actions at Abu Klea and the reconnaissance to Metammeh

;uK!iiiiimed in despatches, promoted Brigade Surgeon, Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
«•! Ijrigade Surgeon A. C. Gaye served with the force under Major General Colborne against the Malays in Perak

jin 1875-76, and was present at the capture of Kinta (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp). Served with
;he Southern Afghanistan Field Force under Major General Phayre in 1S80 (Medal).
M Brigade Surgeon J. B. Hamilton served in the Soudan campaign as Field Director of the Lines of Communica-
tion under Brigadier General Ewart, and was present at the destruction of Temai (Medal with Clasp, and
Khedive's Star). Served during the expedition to Burmah in 18S6 in medical charge of the hospital ship Teitasaerim.
* .Surgeon Major James Good served with the 43rd Light Infantry in the Indian Mutiny campaign and was
>r.-r lit, the surrender ofKirwee.
; Towards the end of 1859 he had medical charge of No. 4 Column, Saugor Field

11 and was present at the affair at llaichore (Medal) Served in the field during the New Zealand war of 186+

Major James Wilson served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and took part with the expedition into tha
s nx'eon
llissiiarik Served m tho Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
Valley (Medal).
^ Surgeon Major W. Veaour ticvved tliniuuhout the second phase of the Ashanli campaign from the 13th
December 1S73 (Medal). Served with the lith Uussars in the Afghan war of 1878-80 with the Candahar Column,
including the advance to Khelat-i-Ghilzie, and was present at the affair at Takht-i-Pul in medical charge of a
squadron of the 15th Hussars and a half b ittery of Royal Horse Artillery (Medal). Served in the Soudan
Expedition under Sir Gerald Graham in 18S4 in charge of a hospital ship at the base (mentioned in despatches.
Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Burmese Expedition in 1886-87 in medical charge ofNo. i6 British
Field Hospital and as Principal Medical Officer 5 Brigade, Shwebo, under Brigadier General Stewart (mentioned
in despatches, Medal with Clasp).
" Surgeon Major F. A. Turton served in the Ashanti war of 1873-74. Was Sanitary Officer from the 17th December
1873. Volunteered and was present at the capture and destruction of Adubiassie, capture of Borborassie, battle of
Amoaful, advanced guard engagements of the 2nd and 3rd February, battle of Ordahsu, and capture of Coomassie
(several times mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp).
'2 Surgeon Major S. K. Ray served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir
(Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
i"" Surgeon Major Hume Spry served with tho 2nd Life Guards in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present

in the engagements at El Magfar and Mahsama, m

the two actions at Kassasin, and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir
<Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
'" Brigade Surgeon A. A. Gore served at tho bombardment and destruction of the Timmancetown of Massougha
on tho Sierra Leone river on loth December, attack on Madoukia 27th December, storm and capture of the stockaded

Fetish town of Rohea on 28th Dec. 1S61 mentioned in general orders for services and conspicuous bravery, and
specially recommended for promotion in 1868. Served in the Ashanti war in 1873 as Sanitary Officer, and was
severely wounded in the action of tho 3rd November near Dunquah, and was also wounded at Quarman on the
117th November (Medal).
"* Surgeon Major R. De B. Riordan served in the Egyptian war of 1S82 as Senior Medical Officer with tha
advanced force which landed at Alexandria in July (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
'" Surgeon Major J. R. Murray served in the New Zealand war of 1860-61, including the actions of Pataelakaurie
Mahoeten, and Matarikoriko (Medal)
''- Surgeon Major H.
F. Hensman served in tha TJmbeyla campaign on the North West Frontier of India in
1:863 "'ith the Derbund Field Force.
us Brigade Surgeon Preston served in medical charge of the 66th Regiment in the Afghan war in 1880, and was
present at the affair at Girishk, in the engagement at Maiwand (dangerously wounded), and throughout the defence
of Candahar (mentioned in despatches, uromoted Surgeon Major with relative rank of Lt. Colonel, and Medal).
120 Brigade
Surgeon Wills served in the Zulu war of 1879 as Senior Medical Officer at the Base of Operations and
of the Lines of Communication between Durban and the Lower Tugela ; also as Sanitary Embarking and
Disembarking Medical Officer (Medal, and CB.).
"^1 Brigade
Surgeon R. P. Ferguson served in Bhootan in medical charge of the Royal Artillery duringthe cam-
paign of 1S64-65, and was present atthe attack and capture of Bala and Buxa Dooars (Medal with Clasp). Served
in the Afghan war in 1878-79 with the 2nd Division Peshawur Valley Field Force (Medal). Served in the Egyptian
war of 1S82 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
123 Brigade
Surgeon A. F. Churchill served during the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 in charge of the hospital at
Wady Haifa (Medal with Cla-p, and Khedive's Star).
'^' Surgeon Major
W. H. B. Clapp served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
'25 Brigade Surgeon
C. A. Maunsell served with tho Royal Artillery during the Bhootan campaign of 1864-65,
*nd was present at the capture of Fort Buxa, also at the taking of the Bala Pass, Tuzagon Stockade, and Fort
Chamoorchee (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
Brigade Surgeon P. B. Scott received the special approbation of the Madras Government, followed by that
of His Royal Highness the Commander in Chief, for his services rendered while in medical charge of the 18th
Hussars dui-ing a most virulent outbreak of cholera in the regiment, at Secunderabad in May 1871. Served in tha
Zulu war of 1879. Organised the Bearer Company made the hospital arrangements at the Fort Pearson base for

the Ekowe ReUeving Column; served afterwards with the 2nd Division on the personal staff of Lord Chelmsford
and in medical charge of the Head Quarters Staff; was present in the engagement at Ulundi, where his services
were described by Lord Chelmsford as having been " of the greatest value " he accompauied the 17th Lancers

in their charge and pursuit of the enemy, and by rendering timely aid to a Lancer who was dangerously wounded
prevented his falling into the enemy's hands, and served subsequently to the end of the war as Seuior Medical
Officer of Port Durnfordand that line of communication between LTlundiand the Tugela (mentiooed in despatches.
Medal with Clasp). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882 on the personiil staff of Major General the Duke of Con-
aaught, Commanding the ist Brigade, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (CJf (?., Medal with Clasp, and
Khedive's Stai-).
129 Brigade
Surgeon O'Dwyer served in the Egyptian war of 1882 in command of No. 2 Bearer Company, and was
present at ttie action at Kassasin on the 9th September and at, the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches,
promoted Surgeon Major with relative rank of Lt.Colonel, .Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Start. Served with
the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 as Secretary to the Principal Medical Officer mentioned in despatches, Clasp).

'^1 Brigade
Surgeon A. B. R. Myersserved in theexpeilition to the Soudan in 1885 with the2nd Battalion of the
Scots Guards (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
"' Brigade Surgeon G. W. M'Nalty served with tho British Ambulance, B Division, during the Franco-German
war from October 1S70 to March 1871, and was present at tho siege of Paris; accompanied the 22nd Prussian
Division in the operations before Chartres and Orleans, and was present at several engagements (received the
thanks of General von Wittisch, Commanding the Division, for attending wounded on the field, German Steel
War Medal). Subsequently proceeded to Le Mans and Connerro (French Bronze Cross for succouring wounded
French). Served in the Ashanti war in 1873-74. Was in Medical Charge of the Head Quarter Staff, and present
at the battle of Amoaful, battle of Ordahsu, and capture of Coomassie (mentioned in despatches, promoted
Surgeon Major, Medal with Clasp). Was Chief Surgeon and Commissioner of the National Aid S .cieiy in tha
Russo-Turkish war in 1876-77, and was present at the siege of Plevna. Served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and
was present with the expedition into the Lughman Valley and in the engagement at Saldabad ; accompanied
Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar, and was present at the battle of Candahar (mentioned in
despatcheiyiedal with Clasp, and Bronze Decoration). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882 as personal assistant
to the Priii^al Medical Officer with tho Indian Contingent, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kobir (Medal
with Clasp, 4th Class of the Osmanieh, and Khedive's Star).
'^ Brigade Surgeon W.
Nash served in the Afghan war of 187S-80 (Medal). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882
( Medal, and Khedive's Star).
390 Medical Staf. — War Services.
•" BrigaUe Surgeon W. T. Mnrtin sen-ed throughout the Abs'ssinian campaign, having been appointed to the e;
plorinir part} sent to Abyssinia in Sept. 1867, and which he ac-compamed
through various expeditions for discovei
iaic a pruciicnble route for troops from the sea to the highlands was
afterwards secretary to the Principal Medica

Officer of the Korceand present with the Head Quarters Staff at the capture of Magdala (mentioned despatches m
and Mediil). Served with the burmese Expedition in 1887 on the personal Staff ot Sir Caailes Arbaihnot (Meda
Brignde Surgeon J. F. Benttie served in the Ashanti warof 1873-74 (Medal). Served in the Afghan war of i878-8ci J
and took part in the defence of Candahar (Medal). Served in the Egj-p'ian warof 1882, and was present at the batm I
of Tcl-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). 1

"1 Brigado Surgeon CutTe served in the Kafir war of 1878 as Principal Medical Officer of the Transkei Columi
throughout the operations against the Galekas. Served throughout the Zulu campaign as Principal lledica
Officer ol the Northern and 6ubse(iuently of Wood's Flying Column from the commencement of operations til
the notion of Ulundi and conclusion of the war (mentioned in despatches, CB., and Medal wit.h Clasp).
'•• Brigade Surgeon J. R. Greenhill served throughout the Abyssinian campaign with the Royal Artillery-, ant

was present at the capture of Magdala (Medall.

'•« Brigade Surgeon
C. A. Atkins accompanied Sir Garnet Wolseley to the Gold Coast in September 1873 8erve( ;

at the attack and destruction of Essaman and Ampinee, and in Medical Charge of Russell's Regiment through-
out the Ashanti war of 1873-74, including the repulse of the Ashanti army at Abrakrarapa during the 5th and 6tt
November, capture and destruct on of Adubiassie, battle of Amoaful, capture and destruction of Becquab
advanced guard engagement o ;Jarbinbah, skirmishes and ambuscade affairs between Adwabin and the rivei
Ordah, battle of Ordahsu and capture of Coomassie (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp). Served in
the Afghan war in 1879-80, and was present at the night attack at Zaidabad, in the engagement at Charasiab on
6th October 187^, and mthe operations around Cabul in December 1S79, including the defence of Sherpore (men-
tioned in despatches) ; accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar, and was present at tht
battle of C-indahar (mentioned in despatches, Medal with three Clasps, and Bronze Decoration).
'" Brigade Surgeon Francis Howard served in medical charge of the 25th King's Own Borderers in the Afghan
war in 1879-80 (Medal). Served in medical charge of the iSth Company Royal Engineers in the Egyptian war
of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
'** Brigade Surgeon J. Fleming served on board the Hospital Ship Victor Emanuel and on shore at Cape Coast Castle

daring the Ashanti war of 187^-74, and was appointed Pathologist to the expedition (Medal). Served in the Afghan
war of 1878-80, first with the Koorum Field Force, and afterwards with the Northern Afghanistan Field Force
(Medal). Served in the Soudan campaign in 1885, and was present in the engagement at the Tofrek zereba (men-
tioned in despatches, Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
'" Surgeon Major T. G. Bolster served with the 80th Regt. during the Bhootan Expedition ot 1865-66 (Medal witi
"' Brigade Surgeon H. S. Muir served in tha Afghan war of 1878-80, including the engagement at Shahjui
1" Surgeon Major M. Cogan served in medical charge of a detachment of the 77th Regiment in the Hazara cam-
paign of 1868. Served in the Afghan war of 18S0. Organized the Principal Base European Hospital at Candahar
under the command of Major General Phayre ^mentioned in despatches, and thanked by the Governor General in
Council, Medal).
'" Surgeon Major T. Babington served in the Boer war of 1881 as Senior Medical Officer with the Nata Field
Force, and was present in the engagement at Lang's Nek (mentioned in despatches).
'- Surgeon Major A. Miuto served in the Ashanti war of 1873-74 (Medal). Served in the Afghan war of 1878-80,

and took part in the march to Candahar with the force under Major General Phayre (Medal).
'" Surgeon Major R. W. Davies served in the Afghan war of 1878-80 on the Khyber Line of Communications
'" Surgeon Major J. N. Stock served in the Zulu war iu 1870, and was present in the engagement at Ulundi
(Medal with Clasp).
i" Surgeon Major H. F. L. Melladew served with the Left Division of the Dooar Field Force m
Bhootan in 1865
(Medal with Clasp). Served with the British Ambulance in France during the Franco-German war from Octo-
ber 1870 until the declaration of the Armistice in February 1871. Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with
the Desert Column including the operations during its return to Korti (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
"8 Surgeon Major W. A. Catherwood served in the Ashanti war of
1873-74 (Medal with Clasp). Served iu the
Boudan Expedition under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884 as Principal Medical Officer at the base (mentioned in
PJ'o^oted Surgeon Major with relative rank of Lt.Colonel, Medal, and Khedive's Star).
"» Surgeon Major W. D. Wilson served in the Afghan war of 1878-80 (Medal). Servedm the Soudan Expedition
nnder Sir Geralu Graham in 1884 as Principal Medical Officer of the Infantry Brigade, and was prt-sent in the en-
Ragements at El Teb and Temai (mentioned in despatches, promoted Surgeon Major with relative rank of Lt.
Colonel, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
^"'^^°'^ Major N. Alcock served in the Kafir war in 1878 (Medal).
„ , °"''*f':°°,^'VT ^y- ^^'- 'J'^mlinson served in the Egyptian war of iSS.-, and was present at the battle of
Tel-el-Kebir (M. dal with Clas]), and Khedive's Star).
M Surgeon Major W. S. M. Price served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and took part in the operations in tho 1

IJazar Valley, iiu-luding the engagement at Deh Sarakh (Medal).

Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with '

the Korli ticUl Hospital (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
""'Keon Major Kcir served in the Boer war of 1881.
^"'gcon Major C. E. M. Shaw 8erve<l on the Red River Expedition of 1870 under Sir Garnet Wolseley.
^"J""" ".• ^- ^"'''l"" served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star) also served in
the B°"r«'^"''
f),„ Soudan campaign in 1885 CClasp).
^' ^- ^' bourns served in the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Egyptian *
war of 1882. ond ^l"^"""
»as present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
''*^''"" Hughes served with the 2Ud Field Hospital during the Ashauti war in 1873-74 (Medal with H
Major p. C. Grose served with the expedition from Aden into the interior of Arabia in 1S65-66, vraa ;

in meaical charge ol the !• orce at the action of Bir Said, and
nresent at the subsequent operations.
Surgeon Major John Maturm served in the Ashanti war in
,.- 1873-74 (Medal)
•'°'' ''
«„i Lt?''^?" ^'?''T.*'^"''^'l "'''^ tho 6th Regiment in the Hazara campaign of 1868, including the
, ..M .i .i .i"'""'
;""* '" '"^
Mountain (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Afghan war of i878-So,aud tosk
mX,r •'"'>7P'=''',i'"','/ V"° '''^ Lughman Valley and against the Khugianis (Medal).
^"^''^^i"''^'^ campaign in 1868 with tho 45th Regiment, and was
proKc.^a, ;t i'ljauie^f ASria'^M^^^^^^ ""'
^'V"''' ."'-''ved in the Perak expedition in
(,r",l-!i"-*^'"..",' r'^1^'-''""
1876 (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Afghan war
•"'-'*?,"','"' caiituro of Ali Musjid ; was Senior Medical Officer with Tytlor's Column in the
o.m..liL,rM u o^u V'°
in Lieut.Gcneral Maude's despatch) ; was in charge of a Section Field
Ihi^^.itii .^1, r.^I^'l^''^ f^. ('V'2';^'"?ie'i
"hft-f u n ,1m hf
Tr^ ,
'." ^'1''"','° •^"''° '^" (thanked by tho Governor General and by tho Commander in

^'"}F^\i afterwards served in charge of a Field Hospital with Sir Charles Cough's
,i ouAv^^^
sS. in 88.^n r
at Uai.h.,cu and at. •i"'^
Oundumuck and Cabul (Medal withtwo Clasps). Served with the expedition to the
^^° 2ud Bearer Company of the Medical Staff Corps, and was present 111 the en-
tho destruction of Temai (mentioned in despatches,
Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's
^"""""^ '" '''*' '^'"«^'"° ^^'^••'° '^80, took part in the defence of Candahar including
tl.r»,fruc*'rf Deh Kh-.juh,
and wa» present at tho buttle of Candahar (Medal
o" ,8b" with Clasp). Served in the Boer war

Buff.*!im? tho Jnl^liyulL^XoZr'MSn'^" 2"'» "'^'- '" ^879 in medical charge of the 2nd Battalion of the 3rd
»* ourtftou
Surireou Major Johnaton .1?^
JohnHtnn eeryed "f"' ^''°°V& "' '^^ Black Uinvolosi River (Medal with Clasp .

as Senior "l"'^
Medical Officer during tho operations a-aiust Sckukuui in the
. . .

Medical Staff. — War Services. 391

•ansvaul in 1878, and was present at the storminj,' of Tolvaua's Staclt. Served in the Zulu war of 1879 as Senior
edical Ollicer of the Column under Colonel Rowlands on the S vvazie border was in charge of the Field Hospital ;

ith Colonel Uaker Russell's Force in the operations ajjainst Sekukuni in 1879, and was present at the stormiuf^ of
,e 8tronf,'hold (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp). Served in the Boer war of 18S1 in command ot a
sarer Company of the Army Hospital Corjis.
18" Surgeon Major H. VV. A. Mackinnon berved in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-

Kebir—slightly wounded (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Burmese E.xpedition in
85-86 with the U[Ji)er Burmah Field Force under Sir George White, part of the time as I'rincipal Medical
licer (mentioned in despatches, DSO., and Medal with Clasp).
™ Surgeon Major H. Comerford served in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present at the battle of Ulundi (Medal
th Clasp). Served in the Boer war of 1S81, and took part in the defence of Pretoria.
'" Surgeon Ma^or H. T. Brown served throughout the Ashanti war of 1873-74 (Medal).
"* Surgeon Major T. W. Patterson served in the Afghan war of 1878-80 with the Koorum Valley Field Force
^edal). Also served with the expedition against the Mahsood Wuzeerees. Served in the Soudan campaign in
i5 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Burmese Expedition in 1886 87 as Senior Medical
licer 4th Brigade (mentioned in despatches, DSO., and Medal with Clasp).
Surgeon Major \V. F. Burnett served iu the Zulu war of 1879 (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Afghan war
im and January to 2Sth August t88o, the greater part of the time in medical charge of the ist Battalion 25th
iRiment (.Medal). Serve 1 with the Me
Expedition in 1SS4-85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
^ Surgeon Major J. D. Edge was noted on the 3rd December 1872, " to be promoted Statf Surgeon, as soon
he has qualified for the superior grade, in recognition of his gallant services when engaged against the
dians at Orange Walk, British Honduras," on the ist September 1872. Served in the Zulu war of 1879, '""^ ^^as
esent in the engagement at Gingiudhlovu and at the relief of Ekowe (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Afghan
ir in 1879-S0 and was pn.-> iii 1:1 ',, ':i-;i'iiieiit at .Muiwand in char^^e of a Field Hospital, and took part in the
i ;,

fence of Candaliar (recciv i ., <>( \\\-

:'. •

;,jvi'niiiiniit nf India, Medal).

1 Served iu the Egyptian war of
. i

82 with the Indian Cuiil:ii.- 1, pit^int ut ilic lialt.f (.1 'I'd cl-Kebir in charge of a Field Hospital
: .

ledal with Clasp, 4th I'la.- i^ ,:;i;, aii^ K hrdive's iStarJ

"* Sur^'Con Major G. J, 1 ,

war of 1878-80, and was present at the capture of the
. . ; , ; l> .'. :

liwar Kotal (mentioned 111 1-;'). >

. . :
\ . 1

'" Surgeon Major .lame- \'

:, \ lianti war in 1073-74 (MedaP.

Surgeon Major W. 11. >'-.,( -> ,. ,,,1,1 •:.. :>i Hugimeut the Abyssinian Expedition of 1867-68 (Medal),
rved ou board H.M. Hospital ^Xv.,, irh.i- Jimanurl diuiug the Ashanti war in 1873-74 (Medal).

"» Surgeon Maj.jr A. H. Ratigan served iu the Afghan war of 1882 (Medal). Served iu the Egyptian war of 1S82
edal. and Khedive's Star).
"H Surgeon Major Macartney served in the Kalir war in 1877-78, and was present in the engagement at Draai-
scb on the 30th December 1S77 (mentioned in despatches as having " zealously' jierformed his duties with the
)uiidcd under a heavy fire," Medal with Clasp).
Surgeon Major Reynolds received the special approbation of the Commander in Chief in India followed by
it of the Director General of the Army Medical Department for his services while Medical t)tticer of the 36th
isiment during a most virulent outbreak ot cholera at Peshawur in 1869. Served in the Kafir war of 1S77-78
the Ciskei, and was present at the engagement with the Galekas at Impetu served throughout the Zulu wax- ;

1879, tjok part in the gallant and successful defence of Rorke's Drift, and was with the troops iu the Laager
ring the engagement at Ulundi (mentioned in despatches, promoted Surgeon Major, Victoria Cross, Medai
thClasT), and Gold Medal of the British Medical Association): was awarded the YC "for the conspicuous
ivery, during the attack at Rorke's Drift on the 22nd and 23rd January, 1879, which he exhibited in his con-
mt attention to the wounded under fire, and in his voluntarily conveying ammunition from the store to
3 defenders of the hospital whereby he exposed himself tj a cross fire from the enemy both in going and

*" Surgeon Major E. J. Fairland servea in the Abyssinian campaign from November 1867 to July 186S (Medal).
"• Surgeon Major E. Townsend served iu the Abyssinian campaign from December 1067 to June i863, and w'as
ssent at. the action of Arogee (Medal). Served throughout In' -1 al iis i:i ihr Ma'ay IN iii-n-ula iu iS75-76,in- : .


iding the actions ot the 4th, i4lh, and 20th January, ami 11 mi ^^. v 1. !al with Clasp) !

rved in the Zalu war of 1879, and present in the (-""'-' v . ,1; li.-i. Served 1 , ; .

the oiiprations against Sekukuni in 1879, and was pir m i- :: :i,.'i_' ..; m li.-iiI (Medal witU . ; 1

ksp). Served in the Egyptian war of i332, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Keljir (.Medal with Clasp, and
ledive's ttar).
"^ Surgeon
Major T. S. Cogan served throughout the Abyssinian campaign of 1S67-68 (Medal).
°« Surgejn
Major J. F. Supple serve t in the Afghan war of 1878-So (Medal). Served with the Burmese Expe-
ioniu 18J6-87 as Senior Medical Olficer 6th Biag ule mentioned iu despatches, Medal with Clasp).
<" Surgeon Major
J. H. Moore served in the Asuauti war of 1S73-74 from the loth October 1873, including the
'ence ut the Hospital at Fommanah (.\Ie<lal with I'lasp) Served in the Afghan war in 1878-79, and took part in .

I occupation of Candahar and Khelat i Guilzie and iu the engagements at Ahmed Kheyl and Urzoo near Ghuz-
J (Medal with Clasp).
<» Surgeon Major
C. F. Pollock served in the Egyptian war of 1882 with the 42nd Highlanders (the Black:
itch), and was prebcnt at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
"• Surgeon
Major W. H. M'Namara served in the Egyptian war of 1882 attached to the ist Battalion Koyal Irish
siliers, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
" Surgeon Major G. il. Rae served in the Boer war of 1881.
" Surgeon Major S. K. Cotter served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
'' Surgeon
Major A. Anderson served with an Expeditionary Field Force under Colonel J. R. Mackenzie in
ibia lioiu the 27th October to the 20th December 1873, including the investment, surrender, occupation, and
itruction of the Fort at Al-Hota, and subsequent march to Zaida in pursuit of Ally Bin Maua, the chief of Hous-
bi. Served in the Afghan war in 1878-79 (.Medal).
" Surgeon Major James Eraser served in the Zulu war in 1879, and in the subsequent operations against,
kukuni, including the capture of the stronghold (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Boer war of 18S0-81, and
1 medical charge of the i'ort at Standerton during its investment.
"• Surgeon
Major John Walker served with the 2nd Bearer Company of the Army Hospital Corps in the Egyp-
1 war of 1082 Medal, and Khedive's Star).
" Surgeon Major Gasteen served in South Africa during the Zulu war and the operations against Sekukuni in
9 (.Medal).
Surgeon Major R. Anderson served in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the engagement at Ulundi
entioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp). Served the tgyptian war of i33-, iiart of the time iu medical m
ir^e of the Right Wing of the Ismailia Palace Hospital (.Medal, and Khedive's .Star)
'* Surgeon
Major A. L. Brown served in the Ashauti war in 1S73-74, and ^vas ].reseiit at the battle of Amoaful
1 advance on Coomassie (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp). Served 111 the Kafir warm i87Siiicludmg-
operations against the Gaikas, and in the Zulu war of 1879 including the engagements at Kambula and Ulundi
Jntioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp). Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Modal with Clasp, and
edive's Stan.
Surgeon Major A. A. Macrobin served with the British Ambulance in the Franco-German war from the time
its arrival in France in October 1870 until its return to England in March 1871 alter the conclusion of peace,
1 has received the German War Steel Medal. Served with the 2nd Battahon Ride Brigade the second m
ise o! the Ashanti war, in 1874, and was present at the oattle of Amoaful, battle of Ordahsu and capture of Coo-
ssie (Medal withClaspj.
Surgtoii Major T. W. Jackson served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in
inarch to Candahar, and was present at the battle of Candahar (Medal with Clasp, and liruti/.a Decoration).
;* Surgeon Major W. J. Campbell served with the Perak Kxpedition 1S75-76 (Medal with Clasp). m
Surgeon Major W. F. Samuels served in t'ne Ashauti war in 1S73-74 (Medal).
392 Medical Staff.
— War Services.
"' Surgeon Major A. U. Stokes served in the Boer war of 1881 in charge of the Base Hospital. Served i;

the Soudan campniprn in 1SS5 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
»> Surgeons Major George Corry and J. J. Crean served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, am

" Surgeon ."Major R. M. Bradford served in the Afghan war in 1880 in Southern Afghanistan, and took part in th
march to Caudahnr with the force under Major General Phaj-re (Medal).
»" Surgeon Mjyor R. D. Bennett served in the Ashauti war of 1873-74 (Medal).
sM Surgeon Major T. Faris served in the Ashanti war in 1873-74 (Medal). Served in the Boer war of 18S1.
=" Surgeon Mnjor .James M'Namara was in medical charge of the troops (detachments of Royal Artillery and lot. r

Foot) sent, iuto the Kative State of Sunghie Ujong, Malay Peninsula, in 1874 and was presentat theatlack an. ;

capture of the Kapayan stockades (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Afghan war in 1880, and in medicB
charge of Brigadier' General Brooke's Brigade covering the retreat from Maiw.and (mentioned in despatches)'
took part in the defence of Candahar, and was present at the battle of Candahar (Medal with Clasp). Served ii
the Soudan E.^pedition in 1884 under Sir Gerald Graham, and was present in the engagements at El Teh an(
Temai (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Surgeon Major J. G.Rogers served in the Afghan war of 1878-80 with the Candahar Column and the Ghuzne
Field Force, and afterwards with the force under Major General Phayre (Medal). Served with the 19th Hussars i;
the Egyptian war of 18S2, and was present in the action at Kassasin (9th September) and at the battle of Tel-c
Kebir (promoted Surgeon Major, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-8 I

as Principal Medical Officer with the Egyptian Army (Clasp); also served in the operations of the Egyptiai
Frontier P\eld Force in 1885-Se as Principal Medical Oihcer of tlie Egyptian Ai'my, and was present in the eagago
ment at Giniss {DSO.).
**" Surgeon Major B. B. Connolly served during the Franco-German war of 1S70-71, and was present at the battl

of Beaumont, battle of and capitulation of Sedan (German Steel War Medal). Served throughout the campaig
ngainst the Jowaki Afreedees in 1877-78 Medal with Clasp). Served as Secretary and Statistical Officer t

the Principal Medical Officer, Lines of Communication and Base, in the Zulu war of 1S79 and in the subsequci
operations against Sekukuni (Medal). Served in the Egyptian war of 1S82, and was present at the battle 1

Tel-el-Kebir (promoted Surgeon Major, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Soudan Expeditio
under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884 as Principal Medical Officer of the Cavalry Brigade, and was present in th
engagements at El Teb and Temai (mentioned in despatches, 4th Class of the Osmanieh, and two Clasps). Serve'
with the Nile Expedition in 1884-S5 in command of a Camel Bearer Company, and was present at the attack 0:
the wounded convoy on the 13th February (mentioned in despatches, granted higher rate of pay. Clasp). j
*" Surgeon Major beamish served in the Afghan war in 1878-79 with the siege train of the ist Division of th
Cabul Expeditionary Force in Dadur and the Bolan Pass (Medal).
-« Surgeon Major J. A. Clery served during ihe Nile Expedition in 1884-85 in charge of the Abu Dom Piel
Hospital (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
»" Surgeon Major ,1. Coats served in the Boer war in 1S81. '

=« Surgeon Major W. J. Fawcott served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star), i

'« Surgeon Major W. E. Saunders served in the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal). Also served in the Boer war in i88r.i
*« Surgeon Major A. H. Anthonisz served in the Egyptian war of 18S2 (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served i\
the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Clasp). !

Surgeon Major F. O. Molloy served in the Afghan war of 1874-80 (Medal). Served in the Egyptian war (I
1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-et-Kcbir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). I

'*'i Surgeon Major G. D. N. Leake served in the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal).
=** Surgeon Major J. W. O'M. Martin served in the Zulu
war of 1879 (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Boer waj
of 1880-81, and was in medical charge of the garrison of Wakkerstroom during the defence of that town. Serve'
in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
-" Surgeon Major M. D. O'Connell served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star ]
"0 Surgeon Major E. H. Joynt served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86 (Medal, and Khedive's Star j

J^i Surgeon Major R. V. Ash served in the Zulu war of 1879 and in the operations against Sekukuni (Medal
Served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasu, and Kh«
dive s Star). Served with the Burmese Expedition in ri?86-87 (uieutioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp).
="•" Surgeon Major
P. E. Barrow served in the Egyptian war of 1S82 (Medal, and Khedive's Star Also served . i

the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Clasp).

»i3 Surgeon Major
H. J. W. Barrow served in the Soudan campaign in 1S85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star
„/,^,"'^-'e''n Major Drury served in the Zulu war of 1879 and in the subsequent operations against Sekukm
(Medal with Clasp). Also served in the Boer war of 1 88 1.
"« Surgeon Major W. Donovan served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 with the Cabul Field
Force, and afterward
«-ith tUeKoorum Force, and took part with the Zaimusht Expechtion under
Brigadier General Tytler in medici
charge of the 85th King's Light Infantry including the assault of Zawa (Medal). Served in the Boer war of 1S8
with the Natal Field Force as a volunteer.
''' Surgeon Major
D B. Brown served in the Zulu war of 1S79, and was present in the engagement at Ulunc
(raentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp). Also served in the Boer war
of 18S1 with the Natal Field Fore
berved with the Burmese Expedition in 18S5-86 under Sir Harry Prendergast in charge of the General Hospiti
ol European Ti oops (Medal with Clasp).
> n
»•-» Surgeon
Major R. H. Quill served with the Royal Artillery in the Koornm Valley in the Afghan war c
*^ of the Depot Field Hospital during the Zaimusht Expedition und?r Brigadii
IvncraiV tleMMedaU
served with Colonel Baker Ruaaell's Column during the latter part of the Zulu war (

t879 (Mwhirwi^h^CH.^T'^°

Suwon Major H. H. Stokes served in the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal with Clasp).
served in the Afghan war in 1879,
and was present at the attack and capture
Al; Mm i,'"'r(Ti I'T^-.V o, '^'*V"3'-V
A \,' .M ] ^u*''','-
m S.'^rvcd the Egyptian war of 18S2,
and was presentat the battle of Tel-el-Keii
"^I'-"'7 Khedives Star). Served with the Nile E.xpedition in 1884-85, had charge of the Deblx
1 1

|.-,V.ii 11 ,

.1 ^H. mtVi ,w I.
in the operations of the Desert Column on its return to Korti (mentioned j

l"""V'''''l Surgeon Major, Clasp),

.v.,?,'". 1

jJl o '

^^' S-Bratt served as Assistant

Surgeon with the Armee du Rhin under Marshal Bazaino i
tl.n l.v.l',yn'''?'Vy"""'
and was present at the actions of Gravelotto and St. Priv&t. Was driven iul
hi""" V'^^ '870-71,
Mf.t/ « ), .1 i
remained during the siege and until the surrender of the fortress from starv:
t MM V', .'. ^ -x7V-'*''J"''^ '".''I" .
fxpedit.on in 1884-85 on tho StaU' of Lord Wolseley (mentioned in despatches, pr^
''^*' °"".''Jor, M
in 1^.1 Sun^nn''\VMi?r° ?
Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
'" "'? "'"' "'' '^^S-^o (Medal). Served with the Nile Expcditif
in\884'-'-''«n.l V,'!?i!' n!r,"' h"*^'"*°'«;™i"?"» «' "'o^i-'^'^"
Desert Column including the action at Abu Klea and the rcc.
Ml-L m J
minZnceio ii'-'t^'wmeh ^ r
(mentioned in despatches, promoted Surgeon
Hu.r Mafor, Medal with two Clasps, and Kbcdivc

.884 8^''37,,ul''Ji"';3; b
m'"S *?';\?'^ '".''i° ^'«'?'»" ^'^'- of '878-80 (Medal). Served with the Nile Expedition
^^''''^' (mentioned in despatches, promoted Surgeon Majc

m'.V.1 ;![l. (^Hp. ai^Jl KL,hve''^^

.^t Mn,7i",',l' ,""J;:f;.^"-, }hn'h'!.';M*°'V^n 7";'

,"'*,''' "'^ ^""^ Battalion Grenadier Guards in the Egyptian war
"' S rg?.on
xiai, r uL'li?.,^
° "^ "^el-i^l-Kcb.r (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
'^'*^'''"" "'" °'' '878-80 with the aiid Cabul Field Force Koorum,,;^tl^. r tKur^^^^
"," ^^° <="'!p"i^'^'"icnt at Charasiab on 6th
October 1879. the capturelof Cabul a-
H .i,^r,,,,. ni cav . rv H mr^nf
expcd.foMS to Mnidan, the engagement at Tukht i-Sbah. and the defei.
olHlu'rporoOlVdn . 'u;^^^^^^
S.irgcoM Major W F Wo ,h Lnii.^ 'iJ
° •'*"'^'' "'''' °'' '88i in medical charge of the 92nd Highlander;

(M.-.lnl with CliH '"/'"^ Kgypti..,,. war of ,882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kcl
and KhclwHS^I
Manln.nn " "'? "?';'"'? W
'"«fon m" j ,r K "'"'' "^° ^'"0 J^-^Peditioii in ,88.1.85 (Clasp).
Houdu,. c!!.„pa'i;:i In ''°"^ '"^ ^'° "°" ^'"^^ °' '''" '"^'=' "

Medical Staff. — War Services. 393

3 Surgeon Major L. Gubbins served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and took part with the Bazar Valley Ed-
ition under Lieut.General Maude in medical charge of the 5th Fusihers, and subsequently of the Head Quarters
11; in 1S79-80 he served with the Khyber Line Force under Lieut.General Bright in medical charge
of the Head
.rters Staff ; was also Divisional Sanitary Officer and Secretary to the Principal Medical Officer, and was
1 the expeditions against the Mohmunds and into the Hissarilc Valley (Medal). Served with the expedition to
mah in 1886 (Medal with Clasp).
Surgeon Major Thomsett served in the Afshan war in 1S78-79, and had medical charge of the Divisional Field
pital atThuU accomvianied the expedition into the Khost country and was present in the enKagemetiC at

toon (Medal). Served in the Egyptian vrur of 1S82 v?ith No. 4 Field Hospital (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
Surgeon Major P. J. M'Quaid served in the Afghan war in 1878-79, and was present in the ciiguscnieuc at
rasiab on the 6th October 1879 and in the operat:oDS round Cabul in December 1879 including the investment
herpore (Medal with two Clasps). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the action at
sasin on the 9th September and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Surgeon Major James Ring served in the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal). Served in the Boer war of 1881, and was
lent in the engagements at Lang's Nek and the Ingogo River (mentioned in despatches).
Surgeon Major Magill served in the Nile Expedition in 1 884-5 with the Guards Camel Regiment, and was present
le action at Abu Klea— severely wtjunded (mentioned in despatches, Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
Surgeon Major O. G. Wood served in the Egyptian war of 1S82, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir
ial with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Surgeon Major L. B. Ward served in the Afghan war in 1878-79, and was present at the attack and capture
li Mu^id (Meilal vrith Clasp).
Surgeon Major W. B. Miller served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the action at Kassasm on
28th August (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
Surgeon Major G. B. Hickson served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 incbiding the operations of the
jrt Column on its return to Korti (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Surgeon Major J. A. Smith served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star); also served
I the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Clasp).
Surgeon Major John Martin served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
Surgeon Major J. J. Greene served in the Afghan war of 187S-80 (Medal). Served with the Nile Expeaition
!84-85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Surgeon Major N. M'Creery served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's
) also served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86.

Surgeon Major J. A. Gormley served during the operations in the Malay Peninsula in 1875-76 (Medal with
p). Served in the Afghan war of 1878-80 in medical charge of the 51st Light Infantry, and took part with the
iditions against Che Mohmunds and into the Hissarik Valley (Medal). Served in the Boer war of i38i. Served
the Nile Expedition in 1S84-85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Surgeon Major J. E. V. Foss served in the Egyptian war of 18S2 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
Surgeon Major B. W. Wellmgs served in the Afghan war in 1880 with the Southern Afghanistan Column
lal). Served in the Egyptian war of 18S2, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and
ilve'sStar). Served m
the Soudan campLiign in 1885 (Clasp). ,, , , .,
Surgeon Major R. Smith served in the Boer war of 1881. Served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with
p, and Khedive's Star).
Surgeon Major F. W. Trevor served in the Afghan war of 1878-80 with the Candahar Field Force, and was
Bnt mthe engagement at Ahmed Kheyl; accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts m the march to Candahar,
was present at the battle of Candahar (Medal vnth two Clasps, and Bronze Decoration). Served with the Nile
jdition in 18S4-85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Sargeon Major H. Scott served in the Boer war of 1881. „ „ ,
Surgeon Major W. Campbell served with the ist Battalion Scots Guards in the Egyptian war of 1882, and

present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Surgeon Major J. M'Gann served in the Boer war of 1881, and was present in the engagements at Lang sNek

itioned in despatches) and the Ingogo River (mentioned in despatches).

Surgeon Major James Powell served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 in charge of Kaibur Field Hospital
al with Clasp, and Khedive's Star); also served in the operations of the Egyptian Field Force in 1885-86,
iding the engagement at Kosheh.
Surgeon Major S. H. Carter served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was present in the engagement
uned Klievl (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle ot Tel-el-
r(Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). , ,.
Surgeon Major G. D. Bourke served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's
I; also served with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force in 1885-86, including the engagement at Giuiss.

Surgeon Major J. Hoysted served in the operations in the Malay Peninsula in 1875-76 (Medal with Clasp).
BdiniheAfghan war of 1878-80 (Medal). Served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and
iive's Star).
Surgeon Major C. H. Swayne served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 in charge of a Field Hospital at
;ola (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Surgeon Major J. C. Dorman served in the Afghan war in 1878-9, and was present in the engagement
i Khcvl and at the forcing of the Shutargardan (Medal). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and
Iive's Star).
Surgeon Major W. L. Chester served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Sturgeon J. S. Forrester served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the two actions at Kassasin
al, and Khedive's Star).
Surgeon Major Fenn served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 in medical charge of a battery of Royal Artillery,
vaa present at the affair at Zaidabad; accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar, and was
!nt at the battle of Candahar (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp, and Bronze Decoration). Served
e Soudan campaign in 1S85 with the 3rd Battalion of the Grenadier Guards, and was present in the engage-
;8t Haisheen and at the destruction of Temai (Medal with Clai-p, and Khedive's Star).
Surgeon Major P. A. Hayes served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). _

Surgton M. R. Ryan served in the Afghan war of 1878-79, and was present at the attack and capture of Ah
id(Medal with Clasp). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir
il with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Surgeon E. O. Reynolds served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tol-cl-Kebir
al with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). ^,.
Surgeon H. J. Robbins served in the Afghan war in 1878-79 with the Koorum Valley Column, took part in the
usht Expedition under Brigadier General Tytler, and was present with the 85th Regiment in the assault on
sights of Zawa (Medal). .

Surgeon Morris served in the Afghan war in 1878-79 with the Koorum Field Force, and in 1S79-80 with the
1 Field Force was present in the engagement at Charasiab and in the actions around Cabul in December

including the defence of Sherpore was in medical charge of the 92nd Highlanders in the engagement at

isiab in April 1880 (mentioned in despatches, Medal with two Clasps).

Surgeon J. F.Williamson served in the Afghan war in 1878-79, and was present in the engagement at
ftsiab on the (th October 1879, and in the operations round Cabul in December 1879 including the in-
lent of Sherpore accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar, and was present at

xttle of Candahar (mentioned in despatches. Medal with three Clasps, and Bronze Decoration). Served in
^yptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's
Surgeon J. T. Carey served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was present at the storming of the Pciwar
(mentioned in despatches. Medal with CUii-p). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Kiitdive's Star)
Surgeon W. J. R. Ramsfurd sei-ved in the Afghan war in 1879-80 with the Khyber Field Force (Mediil).
:d in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star); also served in the operations of the Soudan
iier Field Force in i88i-86.
394 Medical Staff. — War Services.
'" SurRCon T Boyd eerved in the Egyptian wnr of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal v .

Clasp, and Khedive's Stor). Served with ilic Nile Kxpedition in 1884-85, and had charge of the Field Hospita '.

"* SurKCon I'. H. Johnston served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and took part with the Zaimusht Expedil^
includinR the assault of Zawa (Medal).
'" burgeon I. li. Emerson served with the Sard Foot in the Afghan warm 1878-79 (Medal).

"• Surijeon G. Lnlfan served with the Nile Kxpedition in 1884-85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). I

>" Surgeon U. J. Bourke served in the Soudan campaign in 1S85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). 1

»'» Surgeon W. U. Allen served throughout the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the surrender of E'

Dowarand Damietta (Medal, and Khedive's Star).

"» Surgeon J. P. Hunt served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
"" Surgeon J. L. Peyton served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
"' Surgeon A. W. Carleton served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was present in the engagement at Ahii
Kheyl (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star); also served with 1

Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Clasp). i

*" Surgeon G. A. Hughes served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and took part in the march to Candahar with \
force under Major General Phayre (Medal). Served with the Bechuanaland Expedition in i8a4-85 under f
Charles Warren.
^^ Surgeon W. T. Johnston served in the Egyptian war of 1882 in medical charge of the ist Battalion So- ,

Staflbrdsliire Regiment, and was present in the reconnaissance in force from Alexandria on the 5th Aug
(Medal, and Khedive's Star).
" Surgeon A. W. Browne served in the Afghan war of iS;8-8o, and was present in the engagements at Ahr
Kheyl and Urzoo near Uhuznee (Medal with Clasp). i

"» Surgeon W. \V. Kenny served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 with the Khyber Line Force (Medal). Servec
the Soudan campaign in 1885, and was present in the engagement at the Tofrek zereba (Medal with two Clas
and Khedive's Star).
'-* Surgeon W. Keays served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star); also served in ,

Soudan campaign in 1885 (Clasp).

^' Surgeon U. Grier.— See Civil Decorations for Gallantry, p. 128.
'^ Surgeon H. J. M'Laughlin served in the Boer war of 1881 and took part in the defence of Standerton. Ser
wi'h the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
^' Surgeon E. R. Power served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star) ; also served in
Soudan campaign in 1885 (Oasn).
^ Surgeon H. L. Donovan served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served in •

Soudan campaign in 1885, and was preseat in t'ne engagement at the Tofrek zereba (mentioned in despatcl,
granted the higher rate of pay, two Clasps).
"^ Surgeon N. Leader served in the Egyptian war of 18S2 (Medal, and Khedive's Star) also served in ;

Soudan campaign in 18S5, and was present m the engagement at the Tofrek zereba (two Clasps).
" Surgeon J. Tidbuiy served throughout the Egyptian war of 1882 in medical charge of the ist Battalion
the Gordon Highlanders, and was preseiit at the reconnaissance m force from Alexandria on the 5th August, i

at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).

^ Surgeon C. Quarry served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star); !

served in the operations of the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86.

"* Surgeon WalUs served in the Zulu war of 1879, and in the subsequent operations against Sekukuni includ
the stormmg of the stronghold— slightly wounded (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Boer war in 1880-S1
medical charge of the garrison at l-'otchefstroom during its investment (slightly wounded). Served with the .''

Expeditiou in 1884-85 in charge of moveable Field Hospital and was present in the reconnaisauce to Metami
(Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
^' Surgeon J. W. H. Flanagan served with the Southern Afghanistan Field Force in the Afghan war in 1879
(Medal). Served with the Zhob Valley Expeditiou in 1884.
"** Surgeon O. E. P. Lloyd served in
the Zulu war in 1879, and in the subsequent operations against Sekuk
including the storming of the stronghold (Medal with Clasp). Also served in the Boer war of 1881, and took j
in the defence of Standerton.
"'' Surgeon
J. G. MacNeece served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, took part in the defence of Candahar, 1

was present at the battle of Candahar (Medal with Clasp).

"» Surgeon Harding served in the Zulu war in 1879 in medical charge of the 57th Foot, and was present in
engagement at Giiigiudhlovu and at the relief of Ekowe (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Boev war of 18S1
medical ch;irge of Fort Marabastadt from December 1880 till March 1881 (mentioned iu despatches); sul
"lucnlly at Pretoria and Standerton until the withdrawal of the British troops. Served in the Egyptian wai
1882 with No. 2 Bearer Company, and ^\ as pi-esent at the action at Kassasin on the gth Septeinb'ur and at
battle ol Tel-el-Kebir (Mt-dal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served m
the NUe Expedition in 1SS4-85, took ]
with the Desert Column under S.r Herbert Stewart, and was present at the actions at Abu Klea and Abu Kru,
'<^connaissuncc before Metammeh (mentioned in despatches, two Clasps).
'Surgeon J. J. Falvey served in the Zulu war iu 1879, and in the subsequent operations against Sekukuni
medical charge ofas-ection of Moveable Field Hospital (Medal with Clasp). Served iu the Boer war of 1881
medical charge of the garrison at Lydenburg during the investment of that place (mentioned in despatch^
bcn-ea in the Egyptian war of 1882 as Assistant Medical Officer Base and Lines of Communication and Med-
Bupenntendent ot the transport of the sick and wounded (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Nile Ex
•lition lu 1884-85 as Surgeon to the
Heavy Camel Regiment, and was present at the action at Abu Klea; est
"''""P','^' '" ^^"- Klea Wells, where he acted as Senior Medical Officer (two Cla>ps).
sii" u
,'?"''K^'"" ,'!• R- O- Cross served in the Zulu war in 1879 with the Mounted Infantry of the Flying Column 1
' Patrol until the capture of King Cety wayo (Medal and Clasp). Also served in the Boer war of
'li .1
the V,''^"'''^
-Mounted Infantry of the Natal Field Force. •' ^
'' ''

^"'geon C. Seymour served in the Soudan campaign in

3M Hurgc m Major G. S. 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Robinson served in the expedition to the Soudan in 1885 with the 2nd Battalion of
r^.'i^i 1"
uml Kliedivu'd Star). t
. '
"'"^ present m
the engagement at Hasheen and at the destruction of Temai (Modal with Cli:

Surgeon H. Martin served with the Zhob Valley Expedition in

^ 1884.
thoBikancer Field Force in 1883-84 in medical charge of British tro'
Spr.-<>7i'''i'.M'".K vV7'*,,*'^M^'^'^J'"''*
."'.'"^ Expedition under Sir O. V. Tanner in 1884 in medical charge of the J
laT.n of^l n Vr r?i btalf
<, ,r Ji-dshire
Kegiment, which on its return suffered from a severe outbrci.k of cholera in
u,!u,l 1. r .^
he received the thanks of his Commanding Oitiuer and of the Dun
O. ;!l. i'17'.i "a w v'''}"/'"'^^^'^''^'^

^^^'^''"'^ ^^^^- '*'="<='l '" ^^^ «"^"la" Expedition under Sir Gerald Grahaui iu 1884 (Mc"
a-irKicdivc'8 47r7
"« '^^ in the Egyptian war of .882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
Hur^oon V' m" t n ^^'"f
»" Sur Jl m ()v; t T "''"^'^ "h during the Zulu
during the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal with Clasp),
'?*"'' ^"••t''-'on
war of 1879, first with Major General Newdigate's Divis:
and H'tMw.ri. .^iM I*' ^".W^
"? ,»riga<lier General Wood's Force (Medal with Clasp).
Uurm.-. \'<u,..n,
j!oK,,r,-' I
, 1 iJ'' 1 w'*'"''l'
.'.'*'*5-86(.\Io.ial with Clasp).
Served wilh i

>-' H
irrc-uuH 1' i-"
'i"'^ ^^; l^^Bdale served in the Boor war of 1881.
'""' \^- ^'"'^y ^'•'^e'l in the Boer war iu 1S81.
K rtlw if I V^'*""
[yMu\ ^^^luVvun^^^^^^^
Expedition in 1884-85. and was present at the action of KiAel

Torrekio''rc'lm(.M,'.ViiVwl'ih^ ^'^ '^^5 and was present in the engagement at

»•> k" r«'con*'*'l\i',K^' ii^'i^^i'T'V''* 'V^'"-"
'^'"I'l'i" campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). >

Etrvca»utLcEuvi,tiau«nro, ^"'" "^'' "'' '879. mid has received the Modal with Oh
uiLt,i;,gjplmuwurot .Rfi^ in
1882 i ''''^'i"'',"\''''"
medical charge of the ist Battalion Berkshire Regiment, and was prei

Medical Staf. — War Services. 394*

le surrender of Kafr Dowar (Medal, and Khedive's Star); also served wiLh the Nile Expedition iu 1S84-85

Surgeon Hamilton served with the ist Life Guards in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in tha
S. fi.

igemeuts at Kl Magf'ar and Mahsama, in the two actions at Kassasin, at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir, and ut
lapturo of Cairo (Modal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
'surgeons R. \V. Ford and R. E. R. Morse served in the Efjyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
Surgeon Swabey served in the Egyptian war of 1882 with the ist Field Hospital (Medal, and Khedive's Star),
cd with the Soudan Expedition under S.r Gerald Graham in 1885 in medical chargo of the lotU (Railway)
;viMv 'if Royal Engineers (Clasp).
s 1: Haselden served in the Egyptian war
"L li. of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star) ; also served with the
i.min 1884-85 (Clasp).
> 1: Rowucy served in the Egyptian war'of
.:i 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Soudan
Mi-ii i333 (Clisp); also served in the operations of the Soudan Frontier Field b'orco in 1835-86.

SuigLou T. R. Lucas served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the action at Kassasin on the
Auiru.-t aid at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star)
served in the Soudan Expedition under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884 (mentioned in despatches), and was
mt in the ongagements at El Teh and Temai (mentioned in despatches, two Clasps). Served in the Nile
iditiou In 1SS4-85 with the Camel Bearer Company, and was present in the action at Abu Klea and iu the recor.-
lance to Metatnmeh (two Clasps) ; also served in the operations of the Soudan Frontier Field l<"orce in 1885-80.
Surgeon C. J. Addison served with the ist Bearer Company of the Army
Hospital Corps in the E"vntian
Df 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
Surgeon A. G. Kay sei ved in ihe Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
Surgeon W. AV. Pope served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el Kebir (Medal
Clasp, and Kluvlive's Star).
Sur.:coM li. ('. K. Latfan served in the Egyptian war of 1S82 a,nd was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir
al with ':;is|>, and Khedive's Star)
also served with the Nile Expedition in 18S4-85 (Clasp).

SurgiMin C. A. 1'. Mitchell served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-cl-Kebir
al w ith isp. and Khedive's Star).
'1 Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85, and was present at the action
rbekau (t-.vo I'lasp-:) also served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86.

Surgeon T. li. A. Tuckey served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star) also served with ;

lileExpedition in iSSt-Ss (Clasp).

Surgeons F. A. Harris and F. A. B. Daly served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
Surgeon T. H. Parke served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Nile
idition in 1S84-85, and was present in the action at Abu Klea and in the reconnaissance to Metammeh (two

Surgeon A. S. Rose served in the Egyptian- war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served wth the
an Expedition under Sir Gerald Graham iu 1884 (Clasp). Served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Clasp).
Surgeon J. Battershy served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir
al with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Surgeon J. Maconachie served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served with t'la
Expedition in 18S4-85, and was present in the action at Abu Klea (two Clasps).
Surgeon A. H. Mirgan served in the Egyptian vrar of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
Surgeon T. ilnynihan served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
Surgeon W. M' O'Koeffe served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-cl-Kebir
al with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Surgeon T. J. O'Donnell served in the Egj'ptian war of 1S82 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
Surgeon John Osburne served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir
al with Clasp, and Khedive's Star) also served in the Soudan campaign in 1885, and was present in tha

gement at the Tofrek zereba (two Clasps).

Surgeon R. P. Hetherington served in the Egyptian war cf 18S2 (Medal, and Khedive's Star) also served with ;

lile Expedition in 18S4-85 (Clasp).

Surgeon R. C. Johnston served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star) ; also served with
file Expedition in 1884-85, and had charge of the Debbeh Field Hospital (Clasp).
Surgeon A. M. Davies served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served in the expedi-
te the Soudan under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884, and was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai
Clasps) al.'-o served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Clasp).

Surgeon H. W. Hubbard served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir
al with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Surgeon T. E. Nuding served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
Surgeon Yourdi served in the Egyptian war of 1882, first with the Army Hospital Corps at Alexandria,
subsequeatly in medical charge of a battery of Royal Artillery at Ramleh (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
Surgeon R. I. T). Hackett served m
the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Surgeon R. T. M'Geagh served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Surgeon G. T. Trewman served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Surgeon H. H. Johnston served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Surgfon K. M. Wilson served during the Zulu war of 1879 as Civil Surgeon (Medal with Clasp). Served with
Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Medal with Clasp, i.nd Khedive's Star); also served with the Egyptian Frontier
: Force in 1885-86, including the engagement at Giniss.
Surgeons E. J. E. Risk and E. D. Farmar-Bringhurst served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's

Surgeon \V. G. Birrell served in the Soudan campaign in 1S85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Surgeon C. W. S. Magrath served in the Eg.-s ptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir
al with Clasj), and Khedive's Star) ; also served with the Nile Expedition 1884-85 (Clasp). m
Surgeon A. V^. Lane served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star); also served with the
an Expedition in 1884 under Sir Gerald Graham, and was present in the engagements at El Teb and '3'emai
Surgeon J. W. Beatty served in the Egj'ptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir ^Medal
Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Surgeon G. E. Weston served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served with the
uanaland Exi>cdition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85.
Surgeon W. H P. Lewis served with the expedition to the Soudan under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884 in medical

?e of the 1st Battalion of the Gordon Highlanders, and was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai
il with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Nile Expedition in 18S4-85 on the Lines of Communication

p) also served in the operations of the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 18S7, including the engagement at

IS (mentione 1 in despatches, 4th Class of the Osmanieh).

Surgeon W. Dick served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85, and was present in the action at Abu Klea (Mediil
two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
Surgeon F. J. Jencken served in the expedition to the Soudan under Sir Gerald Graham in 1S84, and was
int in the engagements at El Teb and 'Temai (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star) also served with ;

ale Expedition in 1884-85 (Clasp).

Surgeon H. 0. Stuart served m
the Afghan war in 1880 in Southern Afghanistan (Medal). Served in the
lition to the Soudan under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884 in command of detachments of the Army Hosp;tal
8. and was iircsent m
the engagements at El Teb and Temai (Medal with Cla.'-p, and Khedive's Star). Served
the Nile Expedition in 1884-S5, and was present at the action of Kirbekan itwo Clasps).
Surgeon F. H. Treheme sen'ed in the Soudan Expedition under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884 in medical
ge ot the ist Battalion Black Watch, and was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai (mentioned in
auhes. Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85, and was iir^seut
e action of Kirbekan (two Clasps).
Medical Staff.— War Services.
Eurmr.h Exi edition in i885-£6 in meaicdl cliarge of a Battery of Eo,
Surgeon 11. 0. Trevor fcrvcd with tlie

'*'iVi"RnUrnn''r h' M Button served with (ho Burmah Expedition in 1885-S7 in charge of a section of a Fi
including the expeditions to Bhamo, Mogaung, and agai
nofpitul nt Bhnnio from January 1886 to March 1887,
• hpKr.chins on the frontier
of China (Medal with Clasp). „ „, „^ , .,,. ^, ,
1885-E6 {Medal with Clasp).
«.. Surceon C. E. Nichol served with the Buimah Expedition in
«i«f Surpeon T A Terry Marsh ferved in the Burmese Expedition in 1885-S7 in medical charge of a Batterv
Mountain Artilleo-, 'and was present in several engagements near
Ningyan and Jemethcn, and in the latter pi:
durnp its investment in February and March 1886 {Medal with Clasp). ^ .,,
«" furccon Alexander sen,-ed in the expedition to the Soudsin m ^ t, ^, ,. r, ,.,
1SS5 with the ist Battalion of the Coldstre '

Tofrek on the s4th March, and at the

Guards, and was present in the engagement at Hashcen, at that near j

Etrucf ion of Tt mai {Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star)- 1

<'« Surgeon R P. Bond seived with the Nile Expedition in 1884-S5 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). \

"li Surgeon J. M'D. Stewart served with tl;c Kile E.Kpedition in 1884-8^ (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's St;
«>« Surgeon H A. de Lom served with the Xilo Expedition in 1SS4-S5 C^ledol with Clafp, and Khedive's Star).
1" Surgeon J. B. S. Koliertson served uitli the Nile Expedition in 1ES4-S5 with the Mounted Infantry Camel Kc
mcnt and was present in the action at Abu Klca and in the reconnaissance to Metammeh (Medal with two Clas
in medical charge of the 1st Battalion K
"'t Surgeon A. E.Tate served in the Burmese Expedition in 1886-S7
Brigade, and with No. 17 British Field Hospital (Medal with Clasp). „,.,,.,„, , .^ ,.
418 Surgeon C. E. Faunce served with the Nile Expedition m
i884-8i; (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
<" Surgeon H. H. Pinching served with the Kile Expedition in 1:84-85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Sta
nlso served in tlie operations of the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1SS5-E6.
Surgeon J. P. Myles served with the Nile Expcditii n iu i£S4-g5 (Med:il with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
"1 Surgeon H. P. Birch served with the Nile Expedition in i£S4-£5 (Medal with C'.asp, and Khedive's Star).
*^ Surgeon M. O. Braddell served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Strr
*" Surgeon J. J. C. Donpet served with the Nile Expedition in 1S84-S5 (Mednl w-ith Clasp, and Khedive's Stu
<" Surgeon C. S. Robinson served in the Soudan campaign in 18S5 in medical charge of the 1st Batta,
Berkshire Regiment, and was present in the reconnaissance to Hasheen on the ist February, in the engageme
at Hashcen and the Totrek zereba, and in the subsequent advance to and b'arning of Temai (Medal with t|

Clasps, and Khedive's Star). Served in the operations of the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1S85-86.
««t Surgeon J. R. Barefoot served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86 including the engagement
Giniss (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
«" Surgeon R. H. Clement served with the Nile Expedition in 1S84-85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star;
«6 Surgeon G. D. Hunter served with the Nile Expedition in 18S4-85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
2' Surgeon W. C. Beevor served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 'Med-ril with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
428 Surgeon L. E. Anderson served with the Nile Expedition in 18S4-S5, and in the subsequent operations in

Ea«tem Srudan in 1885 (Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
«9 Surgeons G. B. Russell, N. Manders, L. R. Colledge, S. F. Freyer, C. Birt, R. S. F. Henderson, H. Mitch
S. Butterworth, C. J. Holmes, and J. R. Forrest served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, t
Khedive's Star).
«^» Surgeon A. E. C. Spence served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
438 Surgeon A. Stables served in the operations of the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1S85-86 (Medal, i

Khedive's Star).
•59 Surgeons J. R Mallins, M. "W. Russell, J. D. Moir, G. M. Dobson, G. E. Hale, C. W. Johnson, C. C. Eei
and B. O. W. Norfor served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1S85-86 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
"0 Surgeon R. Caldwell.— See Civil Decorations for Gallanry, p. 128.
«• Surgeon J. Maher served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
**- Surgeon S. N. Cardozo served with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force in 1885-86, including the engagemen j!

Koshch (mentioned in despatches. Medal, and Khedive's Star)

" Surgeon W. Turner served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
•' Surgeon P. C. H. Gordon served with the Burmese Expedition in 1886-87 (mentioned in despatches, Me
with Clasp).
'5 Surgeon H. G. Hathaway served with the Burmese Expedition in 1885-87, and accompanied the Ruby M
Column to Moyoh (Medal with Clasp).
***• Captain R. T. Osl orne served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Ke
(Konorary rank of Captain, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star) ; also served with the Nile Expedition in 18
85 (Clasp). f
« Cajitain .Joseph served in the Abyssinian campaign of 1867-68 (Medal). Served in the Egyptian war of i|
(Medal, and Khedive's Star).
45* Captain D. O'Connor served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star) ; also served with

Kile Expedition in 7884-85 (granted the higlier rate of pay, Clasp).

4*1 Captain Charles Johnson served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (mentioned in despatches, Medal with CI;

and Khedive's Star).

4»< Captain M'Kay served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star) ; also served in the Sou(,
campaign in 1885 (Clasp). •'

4i' Captain Tighe served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal w
Clasp, and Khedive's Star) also served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Clasp).

4" Captain Enright served in the Ashanti war in 1874 (Medal). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Mc
and Khedive's Star) also served with the Soudan Expedition in 1884 and was present in the eugagemc

at El Teb and Temai (mentioned in despatches, promoted Honorary Captain, and two Clasps).
» Captain Gorman served in the 17th Regt. in the Crimean campaign from 30th Jan. iS-Js to the end of '

Russian war, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol, and assaults of the Redan on the 18th June and
Reptembcr; was also at the bombardment and surrender of Kinbourn iMedal with Clasp, and Turkish Med
Served in the Zulu war in i879on the Line of Communications, and took part in the operations against; Sekiik
(Honorary rank of Captain, and Medal). Served in the Boer war of 1881. Served in the Egyptian war of 1;
and was present at the action of Kas.sasin (gth September) and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal With Cl;i
and Bronze Decoration). Has also the Medal for Long and Meritorious Service.
4«' Captain Henry Johnson served in the Zulu
war in 1879 (Medal).
4" Captain R. Howell served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
«" Cupluin M'Inlyrc served in the Abyssinian campaign of 1867-68 (Medal).
«» Ciii.taiii Evans served with the Royal Artillery in the Chiini war of i860 (Medal with Clasps for the T;
Forts and Pckin).
4«« Captain Lackey served with the ist Bombay
European Fusiliers at Mooltan during the Indian JIutiny in i

(Mcdnl). Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). He has also
IdcHlnl for Long and Meritorious Service.
« Cupluin J. D. Marshall served in the Zulu war in 1875 (Medal). Served in the Egyptian war of 18S2, and \

prcBoi.t Hi the buttle of Tel-clKebir (Mednl with Clasp, and Khedive's St;ir)
^ Liout. Copping served with the Nile Expedition iu 1884-85 (Medal with Clasp,
and Khedive's Star).
', jf'C"';, J'^''" "orn served in the Zulu war in 1879, and in the subsequent operations against Sekuk
ncluaii.K the »torming of the stronghold (Medal with Clasp). Also served in the
Boer war of 1881, and took 1
''•''^"'"•. Served iu the Soudan campaign
4^ Webb
!.""w .
, f.
^ v h. and Khedive's Star).
in 1S85 (Medal with Clasp,
nerved in the Boer wnr of 1881.
w^L.V.h!'!: ?^ ^BB""n'^"fM""'^, '° ^''" ^'^ '^Kyi'V''" "''' "•" '^^^ (Wedal, and Khedive's Star) also served with the :

'° ^^° Soudan campaign in 1885, and was present in the engagem
it l^»' rXck rcreV.a (tw^^l'w 8)"°
""""'^ '" '^"' Ashanti war in 1S73-74 (Medal). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (U(
Md Khcd^vl's BuS'

Veterinary Department. 395

Principal Vetekinart Suegeo

TuinUng as Colon-l.

?e Flcmiiifr,' CD. Vet. Sid-ij.qS Dec. 5=; ; 1st Class, 21 Aug. 67 ; Insp. V. i 21 \n^. 79 ; Priiidpal V. S., 28 June 83.

IrrsrECTiNO Veteriitart Surgeons.

JRanking as Lieutenant Colonels.
;h Rvnni 3/X)., Vet. Sura. 31 Jan. 60; isf Class, 6 July 70; Insp. V. S. 5 Feb. 79,
, Woolwich.
~ "
sDrnmr ond Lambert,"^ Fe^. Oct. 57; Tsi Class, 2 Sept. 68; Insp. y is'. 2 Mar. 8r. London.

3 Joseph Meyrick,^ CB. Vet. Surg. 31 .Ian. 60: ist Class, 19 Sept. 70; Tnsp. V. S. 29 June Si.
fe Albcr t Oliphant,* F^'^ Surg. 22 June 60; i»^ CTass, 2 Aucr. 71 ; 7n.>ip. F. S. 28 June S3. Beng-al.
im Bark or Walters' {local rank of Principal Veterinary Surgeon), Vet. Surg. 26 Aug. 6i : ist Class, 2 Au"-. 71
S. 29 An cr. R:i. AUlershot.
Andcrst in.s I'e/. Surg. 31 Jan. 60 ; i«< Class, 2% .Tune 73 /m,'}). F. 5. i .Tune 85. Bombay. ;

im Albci •t Russell, Vet. Surg. 24 Juno 62 ; ist Class, 4 Oct. 73 ; Insp. Vet. Surgeon, 6 Apr! S7. Bengal.

Veteeinart SrRGEONS, 1ST Class.

iking as Majors
irBurt' 1 Sept. 60 4 Oct. 73' Bengal.
,es Clayton'" .. 2 Aug. 7121 May 84!Bengal.
7 Thomson'i .. 1 Nov. 71,21 May 84 Canterbury.
;isWalkeri2 . 3 Oct. 62
1 K. Qneripelis 7 Aug. 70
Phil lips, i*Sfn
7 Aug. 70 27 Aug. 82
3isDucki' I Aug. 77
natius A. Oliver'^ 5 Jan. 76
ird Ewiug . 8 Sept.65 7 Mar. 76
irdPoyser ^^ 2 Sept.65 S Mar. 76
irSevmonr Adams I Jan. 67 I Apr. 77
8 Kettle's.. I Jan. 67 I Aug. 77
s Coleman Berne-" 7
, Aug.
„. 67
. 2 Feb. 78
sReillySi 7 Aug. 67I 2 Feb. 78
Hng as Captains.
lelFrancisHealy^ 30 June 63! I Nov. 79
Hammond 3 June 68
Lucas Glover-' ..

re Durrant^s
Cornelius Dwyer
A.usustus Woods'^''
vm Walker^'
leion F. M. Case.
i,rd Rowe
;r Henry Kemp ..
t MuiTay Wilson
pt Francis Frost...
William Evans^"
I. Robt. Rayment'*
las Jonathan Sy-
Qdss* )
d Adrian Jones^'
Digby Whitfield^
395a Veterinary Department. — War Services.
Principal Veterinary Surgeon Flcmiiifr served in the Eastern oampaipn m 1855-56 after the fall of Sebastor
Served in the Militnry Train with the expedition to North China in 1S60, and was present at Sinho, Tangl
capture of the fiiku Forts, actions ne:ir Tanprchow, and surrender of Pekin (Jledwl with two Clasps).
* In^pectini; Vctcrinarj- Surfreon Lambert served with the 17th Lancers in the Zulu war of 1879, and w

present in ihe enfragement at Ulundi (Medal with Ulasp). Also served in the Boer war of iSSi as Princi]
Veterinary Sur;;con.
» Inspoctini; Veterinary Surgeon Merriek served in the Egyptian war of 1882 as Principal Veteritary Surge
(mentio'.cd in despatches, CB.. Medal,' 3rd Class of the Osmanieh, and Khedive's Star).
* Inspecting Veterinary Suri^poTi G. A. Oliphant served in tho Afghan war in 1879-80 as Principal Vtterina
Sartreon with the Koorum Field Force (Medal).
» Inspecting Veterinary Surgeon \V. B. Walters served in the Zulu war in 1879 (mentioned in desr'atch(
Medal). Served in the"Soudaii campaiirn in 1885 as Principal Veterinary Surgeon in E^ypt (mei tioncd
despatches, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
* In -iiecting Veterinary Surjfcon Anderson served in the Xow Zealand war in 1S60-66. including the Ta.ran^

and WaikaK campaigns, and was present at the affairs of Kerri Kerri and Pukikohe, and actions of Rangiawh
Uirini, and the Gate Pah (mentioned in despatches. Medal). Served with the Aby.ssinian Kxpeditionaiy For
in 1867 -63, and formed and had charge of the Sick Depots at Koomayloo and Pioneer's "Wells, and was tin
times employed on Special Service (mentioned in despatches, Medal). Served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 wi
the Koorum Field Force and afterwards with the Khyber Line Furoe as Tnspectin;,' Veterinary Surijeon (tneTition
in despatches, Medal). Served in the Eifyptian war of 1SS2 and as Principal Vt ttrinary Surg'eon with the Indi:
I'ontingent, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir and at. the capture of Cairo (Medal with Clasp, ai
Khedive's Star).
» Veterinary Surgeon W. Burt served in the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Egypfnn w
of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star) also served with the Nile E-vpadition in 1884-85 (mentioued in iiesiJutLh.

'" Veterinary Surgeon C. Clayton served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 (promoted Veteiinarv Sutgron i

Class, and Medal). Served in the Soudan Expedition under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884 as Aci'ng Pnncij'
Veterinary Surgeon (mentioned in despatches, promoted Veterinary Surgeon ist Class with relative lank of Maji 1

Medal, and Khedive's: Star). |

" Veterinarj- Surgeon Thomson served with the 19th Hussars in the Egyptian war of 1SS2, mid wrr prese'
in the action at Kassasin (9th September) and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (promoted ist Class I'fterind 1

Surgeon, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Soudan Expsdition in 1884 with the loth Qussai
Bn<l was j>resent in the engagements at El Teb and Temai (promoted ist Class Veterinary Surgeon with relatil
rank of Major, two Clasps). 1

>* Veterinary Surgeon V. Walker served with the ist Life Guards in the Egyptian war of 1882, and wno presej

in the engagements at El ilagfar and Mahsama. in the two actions at Kassasin, at the battle of Tel el-Kjbir, aif
at the capture of Cairo (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
" Veterinary Surgeon A. E. Queripel served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 (promoted Veterinary Surges j

ist Class, Medal). Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85, and wa» present at the action of Kirbckan (me!
tioned in despatches, promoted Veterinary Surgeon ist Class ranking with Majors, Medal with two Clasps, ai!
Khedive's Star). j

' Veterinary Surgeon CLar:es Phillips served in the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal with Clasp\ Served with fli
Nile Expedition in 1881-85 (mentioned in despatches, promoted Veterinary Surgeon ist Class ranking with Majoi;
Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). 1

" Veterinary Surgeon F. Duck served in the Kafir war in 1877-78 including the op.»rations against Sekukan*
also served in the Zulu war in 1879, and was present in the engagements at Zlobane, Kamhula, and Uluni
(mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp). Served in the Boer war in 1881. Served with the Bechuanalai;
K^pedition undei Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85 as Senior Veterinary Surgeon with the force (promoted Veterina ,

Surgeon ist Class ranking with Majors).

" Veterinaiy Sirgoon G. A. A. Oliver served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and was oresent in tho engagome
at Girishk and at the battle of Candahar (Medal with Claspi.
' Veterinary Surgeon Poyser served with the Carabiniers in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and took part in tl
e.Tpeditions into the Luahman Valley and against the Wuzeeree Khugianis (Medal).
" Veterinary Surgeon J. Kettle served in the Abyssinian war in 1867-68 (Medal).
»" Veterinary Sur-ieon Berne served throughout the Abvssinian
campaign of 1S68 (Medal). Served wifh t
Cechnanaland E.'cpedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85.
" y*-terinary Surgeon James Reilly served in the Abytsinian war in 1867-68 (Medal). Served in the Boer w
" Veterinary Surgeon M. F. Healy served in the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal with ClaspV
* Veterinary Surgeon Glover served in the Kafir war in 1878 including the opeiations acainst Seknkuni (pi
moted 1st Class Veterinary Surgeon) al..f0 served in the Zulu war in 1879 (Meual with Clasp).

" Veterinary Surgeon G. Durrant served in the Boer war of 1881.

" Veterinary Surgeon Woods served with the 9th Lancer..^ in the Afghan war of 1S78-S0. and was present
the operations rouiid (.'ahul in December 1S79 accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar, a.

was present at tho battle of Car.d;ihar (pr.. moted ist Class Veterinary Surgeon, Medal with two Clasps, and Bron.
decoration). Served in the Uechuanaland Expedition und<^r Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85.
^'"'*'''^°" '^^'' ^^'^^'^'-'^ served in the Afghan wariu
1878-79 with the force under Sir Donald StewB'j
«> Veterinary Surgeon J. W
Evans served in the Egyptian war of ,882 with the Indian Contingent, and wi
present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
veterinary Surgeon Gillard served in the Afghan war in i88o, and took part in the advance to Candnh
(Medal), bervcd in tlie Boer war of 1881 (promoted 1st Class Veterinary
Surgeon for services in Afghuuisti
and Nmth Arica). Scrve.l in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Stai ).
Veterinary Surgeon .Matthen-s served throughout the Egyptian
nna was present in tho engagement at Tcl-el-Mahuta, in the two war of 1882 with the 4th Dragoon Guard
actions at Kassasin, and at the battle
'"' "' ciPHi'-e of Cairo (promoted Veterinary Surgeon ist Class, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive

"• J- R. Rayment served in the Afghan war in 1880, including the expedition again
(Medal) Served in the Eg^-ptian war of i832, and was present in the engagement at Mahsai.
J;^,!, r,I I i!-"J
ctennary Surgeon ist Class, Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Soudan campaign in iS
" *" '^^ ^'^'^'^'i ^''^^ i-^ 'S3o, and took part in the inarch to Candab
w.'th^ilTro?.''n''L^rn'"fM "^-o-
""'.'"'^ Major
^•'^"tTu'^* ^'^'T?'^
General Phayro
» V • (Modal).
Jones gorvcd throughout tho Abyssinian campaign of 1867-68. including t
„'^"'"'''''.°" ^- A..
»rtinn .T a"/^ "f MiP'l'il^(Medali. Served in the Boer war 01 i£8i. Served wIlIi the Ni
ExwiJi ion infRP 'fl'^xn
5n? " '884 8.; (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star)
" Vot^rinarv K.I'r'cr'^^.n"iVV^'^"'"*''1 ^''•T'l *" ^^"^ war of .882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
'>''"' ""= Bcchuaualand Expedition under Sir Charles Vi^arren in 18S4-85.
- VDl!.r Inarv K?'^? / u'
» Vo-^r imrv h.iigcou ^""""^ "? ""^ ^'K'"^" '"''' '" '879 80 (Medal).
S .v*"? r ''k'""
Loughurst served with the King's Dragoon Guards in the Zulu war of
Claup) 1879 (Medal wi

im ^'
anT« "L'^rt'frH^- '^"*''"*''°'"''"'"'
'" ^'"^ ^'«'^ •" ^^ i" 'f 80 (Med U). Served in the Egyptian war

thebattle of Tel el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp. ai|l


*' Votcriaary Surgeon W.
Gladstone acrvcd in the Soudan vmpaign in
1885 (Medal with Clasp, nd edive's Sb
Thii Vclerinanj Bepartmcn!. — War Services. 395^
« Vetofiiiary Siu-o'OoaF. F. Cra-.Tford served with tlie Expedilion under Sir Charles Warrcii
n 1884-S;.
*3 Veterinary SurfrconW. B. Spooner served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and took part in the
defence of
;:andahar (mentioned in despatches, Medal I. Served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star)
vlso served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Clasp).
«t Veterinary Surgeon Gilltspie served in the Afghan war in 1878-79, took part in the operations in the Khyhcr
••ass including the capture of the Peiwar Kotal, and was present in the engagoment at Cliiirasinh on the 6th
October 1879 and in the subsequent operations around Cabul until invalided to England in November 1879 (Medal
Hth Clasp for Charasiah).
* Veterinary Surgeon Murray Anderson served in the Egyptian war of 1S82, and was present at the action at
vassasin on the gth September and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
« Veterinary Surgeon W. A. Crow served with the Royal Horse Artillery in the E^^-]1tian war of 1882, an(i
ras present at the action at Kassasin (gth September) and at the battle of Tel-el-lvebir (Medal n-ith Clasp'' and
Chedive's Star).
Veterinary Surgeon D. C. Pallin served in the Boer war of 18S1.
Veterinary Surgeon Morgan served in the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Afghan war
n 1879-80 with theKhyber Line Force (Medal).
Veterinary Surgeon W. R. Hagger serv. d in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the engagement at

Jlnndi (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and was present in the engagement at Kam
Dakka (Medal). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Also served in the Soudan
ampaign in iSSs (Clasp).
5" Veterinary Surgeon Pringle served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 with the Koorum Valley Field
Force under
lajor General J. Watson (Medal). Served in the Wuzeeree Expedition of 1881 under Brigadier General Kennedy.
Served with the Zhob Valley Expedition in 1884.
'3 Veterinary Surgeon Kiilick served in the Zulu war in 1E79 (Medal with Clasp).
" A'eterinary Surgeon J. B. Savage served in the Egyptim war of 1SS2 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
'5 Veterinary Surgeon Moore served with the King's Dragoon Guards in the Zulu war of
1879. Also served
Qthe operations against Sekukuni, and was present at, the storming of the stronghold (mentioned in despatches,
ledal with Clasp).
5* Veterinary Surgeon Raymond served with the 17th Lancers in the Zulu war of
1879, and was present in tho
ngagement at Ulundi (Medal with Clasp).
" Veterinary Surtreon Rutherford served in the Boer war of 18S1. Served with the Bechuanaland Expedition
nder Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85.
^^ Veterinary Surgeon Kay Lees served with the Royal Artillery in the Afghan war in 1880-81
*" Veterinary Surgeon Forsdyke served in the Afghan war in 1880 with the Khyber Lino Field Force under
ieneral Bright (Medal). Served in the Bozdar Expedition in 1881 under Brigadier General Wilkinson.
«^ Veterinary Surgeon Mann served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle
of Tel-el-Kebir
Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
^ Veterinary Surgeon G. R. Griffith served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the engagements
TEl Magfar and Mahsama, at the action at Kassasin (28th August), and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir and the cap-
ureof Cairo (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Also served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Clasp).
«* Veterinary Surgeon T. Caldecott served in the Boer war in 1881.
w Veterinary Surgeon Bennett served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the engagement at Tel-el-
lahuta and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served with the NUe Expedition
Q 1884-85, and was present at the action of Abu Klea (two Clasps).
«8 Veterinary Surgeon R. W. Burke served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
8' Veterinary Surgeon S. M. Smith served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present In the
t Tel-el-Mahuta and Mahsama (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Also served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85
'1 Veterinary Surgeon T. A. Mitchell served in the Soudan campaign in 1885, and was present in the engagement
,t the Tofrek zereba (Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
"^ Veterinary Surgeon Betser served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
'•* Veterinary
Surgeon F. \V. Sharp served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star),
" Veterinary Surgeon Lawson served with the Bvirmese Expedition in 1887-88 (Medal with Clasp).
Chaplains' Department.
{ra,iki>i<?vith Ma joy General) Jtev. John Cox Edgliill, IIA., I)D., Chaplain Toxc,
ChavlaiH General to the Foref,
London, and Uon. Chaplain to the Queen, 8 Fob. 85, Wur Office.

Chaplains to the Forces op the First Class, ranking as Colonels.

Winchester Hev. John Milne, MA. (Fresh.) i J.<in. 84 Egypt
Ttr. Thonins Molesvvorth, ilA. 19 Nov. 76 |

Gibraltar Hetj. Fred.L. Gascoigne (R.C.) ir Aug. 84 Malta

J??r. Tho8.CarterSliiiiley.Zii)., 5 Dec. 79
-Rev. W. H. Bullock^ 15 June 85 Chatham
Itev Charles J. Conr.i a/ J 3 Mar. 8o,Colchestor
i May 80 Malta Eev. Robert Brindle' (R.C.) lis June 85 Aldershol
Jter. William Ponsford
Rev. George Mead, MA '-.o Feb. 87 Dover

Welsh Collins,' BA. 16 Mar. Ei Plymouth

Rev. Franc Sadleir, MA
Tl(f J. A.
i Mar. 82 Portsmouth 14 Mar. 87Plymouti;
Jiev. John Yarker Barton, MA.

if<T. Ralph C. HrowneM 9 Aug. 82|Pembroke Dk Reo. Edward B. B. Kicson, MA. 22 June 88 Aldersho'
Sev. II. Tudor Craig, BA i June 83 Gosport

Chaplains to the Forces (2ND Class), ranking as Lt. Colonels.

Rev. Joseph H. Sutton Moxly ... [I Mar. 87 Woolwic
Bev. E. A. Aldorson. BA 3 June 84 Dover I

Rev. C. A. Sollw'.!' BA Dec. 85 R. M. Asylum Rev. Robert StewnrtPattersoni^ [4 Apr. 87 Cork


Rev. James Bellord'^ {R.C.) [8 Nov. 87 Bermuda

Sev. Alfred J. Townend, BA. ...\ i Deo. 85 Dublin
Rev. Chas. Adeane Rosser, MA. 12 Apr. 86 London Eev. Geo. Kirkwood' (Presb)
Bev. R. Alfred Corbett,»» BA. ...' 6 July 86 ^DecJ^JEI-^^* [

Chaplains to the Forces (3RD Class), ranking as Majors.

Sev. Thomas Foran'^ (R.C.) ...|;4 Oct. 84 Colchester Rev. Riddall Morrison June S6 Natal !

if«p. Alfred Malim. J/.! i Dec. 84;Shoeburynesf Rev. George Nelson Godwin Jan. 87 Bgypt
Bep.Eras.HarpurGood\vin,B/(. 15 May SsBcrmuda Rev. Charles Gregson, M^ Jan. 87 Warley

BCT.UeginaldF.Collius""' (iJ.C.) 15 June 85, Portsmouth Rev. David Nickerson, MA Jan. 87

Sev. John Mactagpart'' I15 June 85 Aldert^hot Rev. EdwMTd John Hai'dy, BA.. Sept.87 Malta
ii60ct. Barbadoes Jfew. Tho. PaltersonMullius,-B4. Jan. 88 Woolwict
Sev.FTea.3- Bateman 85
S«v. Walter Hebden Milner ... 27 Nov. 85 Cyprus Rev. William Le Grave (li.C.)... Jan. 88 Chatham
2i«p.JohnKingLethbridgc,3/.4. 3 Dec. SsiEgypt iZeo. John Hackett, 20^4 Mar. 88 Shornclifl
Joseph Corbett's (/i.e.) ...\ i
J8«i». Apr. 86 Egypt Rev. H. H. Beattie Mar. 88 Dublin
Sev. James Milno Millar"! 23 Sept. 64! > t„jjq„jj Rev. Henry Arthur Darnell ,
July 88 Manchest
(Pr«6.) no May 86! (.
i Rev. Timothy Twomey (R.C.)... July 88 Woolwich I

Chaplains to the Forces (4TH Class), ranking as Captains.

Sev. Henry Kelly (R.C.) I Jan. 79' Gibraltar Rev. J. Scandreth Edwardes ...1 4 Aug. 84 Halifax, \ ! '

Sev. Albert Springett Norfolk 8 Feb. 79|york Rev. Fred. George Wright 7 Apr. 85'Devonpo!J
Sfr.FraP. Aubrey DameU,3f.<l. 9 Aug. 79' Preston iiei,-.CharlesHenryMurphy,3/.£l.' 8 Apr. 85 Sandhurs |

Sev. George Smith^i I Jan. So'Shornclifife Rev. Wilham Berkeley Dowding ,8 Oct. 83 Woolwic)

Sev. D. D. Bennett, July 3o Aldershot iee».Wm.FosterRayBuckle,B4. 6 Apr. 85 London ;

Sev. O. A. W. 0'Neill,22 BA. Anor. Rr.

Aug. SojColchester
(inlchfiSt.fil Eev. Edward Ryan I May S3 Aldersho
Sev. Douglas Soames !8 Nov. 80 Dublin Sev. Frederic Bethune Nor-
Jan. 84 Curragh
Bep.Rob.Kdmund Kavanaugh 22 Out. 80 Netley man Norman Lee, MA )

Sev. Emman. Maria Morgan^^ 1 July 8ipevonport Rev. James Gould Finder, MA. 4 Nov. 851 Woolwic'
Sev. Charles Josiah Hort, I Sept. 81 Dublin Rev. Arthur Augustus Lynn')
Gedge,^^ I May 85 Aldershc
J2«o.Thos.Felton Falkner,lf.i. 5 Sept.81 Caterham j
Sev. P. F. Raymond, MA
4 Jan. 82 Gibraltar Rev. James Robercson 8 Apr. 84'London
Sev. Edward H. F. Jenuer, BJ. 25 Mar. 82 Malta Rev. John Morrow Simms 29 Mar. 87 Curragh
JZep. Charles Freeman Reilly Us June S a Malta Rev. Robert Armitage, BA Oct. 86 Aldersh(
Sev. Ronald Fisher M'Leod ... 29 July 81 Dublin Rev. Joseph Barnaby Charles')
22 Feb. 87 Alder8h(
Sev. John Graham Keenan ... 21 June 82 Aldershot Murphy, Jiif^ )
Beo.Charles Walter Keatinge^* 27 Jan. 82 Egypt Edm. C Avlwin Foster.lf^.
JSeo. . I Apr. 87 London
Sev.yVm. Sidney Randall', J?4. 26 Aug. 82 Malta Rev. Sydney WilUam Went- ')
I Oct, 87 Portsmo
Rev. S. P. H. Stathnm,25>Ba... 25 Aug. 82 Gibraltar worth Wilkin J
B«o.W.BemardL}-onAlexander i Sept. 82 Dover Rev. Willoughby Chas. Haines 3 Nov. 87 Aldershi
Bev. Frank J. do*V. Beamish ''"lig May 84'NetIey Rev. Lewis Joseph Matthews 16 Oct. 84 Gosport

War Services.

Mr. Coar served in the Zulu war of 1879, ^iid was present in the engagement at TTlundi (mention'

despatches, promoted Chaplain ist Class, and Medal with Clasp).

» Mr. J. A. W. Collins served with the field force in the Waikato during the New Zealand war in 1864-65, ai

present at the investment and capture of Orakau (thanked in brigade orders). Also served with the fiel ^1
under Major General Chute in the Wanganui-Taranaki campaign in 1866, including the Bush march to Tarana: fl

was present at the assault and capture of Otapawa and Waikowkou Pahs, and the destruction of Kelemar a
other places imontioned in despatches, and Medal).
'° ^^° Ashanti campaign under Sir Garnet Wolseley (Medal).
» Mr. W. H. Bullock served in the Soudan campaign in
1885 as Senior Chaplain to the force (mentio)
dcspatclics, promoted Chaplain tst Class, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's
7 Mr. R. Bnndle served in the Egyptian war of 1882
(Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served with the f 4
Kxncditioii under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884, and was present in the engagements
at El Teb and Temai M
tioned in despiitcheH, promoted Chaplain ol the 2nd Class, two Clas-ps,
and 4th Class of the Osmanieh) U
Bcrved in the Nile Expedition m 1884-85 ns Senior Chaplain with the force (mentioned in despatches, prot
Chapluin of tlie iht Class, Clasp) Was present in the engagement at Giniss, on the Upper
1 Nile, on the 30th J » . ->
Dor, 1885 (mentioned in despatches).
'^'.'"'.'^ served in the Kgyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's
to^r Star).
^"'''''1' Ashanti war of .873-4 (Medal). Served in the Zulu war of and was pr.
!>,« „l„' ""^V,"' ".'•'^'', 1879,
of Tc0^.1*KonI-'^?
or^lel-cl-Kcbir V'f""''/^^?'^'''
""'^ 'Served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at tb^
(Medal with Clasp, Hnd J;''"^'''-
Khedive's Star).
'^"'''^y '.'J.'^e Imperial Ottoman service during the
Served as war in the East.
toniint in I'tJiS^ri!"." T*"* '^T
'^'"^'^ "^^ "'« '""<= of tl'e 'i'r"it affair, aSd also in the first Fenian raid.
Daniod n« hn ".V ^'n"?^^'!''
R'ver expeditionary force of 1870 under Sir Garnet Wolseley to Port Garry

000.10a u 111, •"Id Cast?'^''o

in September 1873, and served there until the

capture of Coomassie (Medal).
^^''r ,"' ^''^' '"""^ prosontiu the engagement at Ulundi (Medal with 4
Served^ I e „or^,;l'" '^°o'^"'b' i'"'^

,^<''"v«'i iroufliout the Egyptian war of
".Uv":.!,':,'?.!'; ,£.^.':!!:1'.1";;;".^:^!"1'.' "^^ ^y^^^?
'SS., and was
<?'. 1882, --
vyas. present at the ha

» Mr
-Kohir Nli,,i,.r„
Ir K rkwm J J,L „°I''' P,''
mr. K.rai, "''ve''
and Khedive's
,n tho
'n .'k
/,.,,. „.... .„
. ;

(P""'."""'?'' Cibaplain ^rd Class, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Ashanti war in 1873 (Modal). Sorvedin the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal with k]
.g,^ (Medal). Served in the Soudan campaign in 18B5 (Med Vi

Clutplalns' Deparlnieid. — War Services. 396a
Mr. R. F. Collins served in the Esyptian war of 1S82 witli the ist B«tt(ilion of the Roj'al Irish Fusiliers, and was

:)reseutatthobattleofTel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served ixi the Soudan campaign ia
884-85, took part in the defence of Suakin, and was present in the engagements at Hasheen and the Tofrek
i;ereha and at the destruction of Temai (mentioned In despatches, promoted Chaplain of the 3rd Class, two Clasps).
Mr. Mactaggart served in the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and vrnn pre-
sent at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star) ; also served with the Soudan Expedi-
tion under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884, and was present in the engagements at El Tcb and Temai (two Clasps).
Served wiih the Nile Expedition in 1884-85. and was present at the action of Kirbekan (mentioned in despatchoa,
,oromoted Chaplain of the 3rd Class, two Clasps).
18 Mr. J. Corbett served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
15 Mr. J. M. Millar served in the expedition to the Soudan m 1885 with the 2nd Battalion of the Scots Guards,
and was present in the engagement at Temai (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
"> Mr. Hackett served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
21 Mr. George Smith served in the Zulu war of 1879 as Acting Chaplain to the Forces, and was present at
lofence of Roike's Drift and in the engagement at Ulundi (Msdal with Clasp). Served throughout the Egyptian
war of 18S2 (Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Soudan Expedition under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884,
and was present in the engagement at El Teb (mentioned in dospatiihes, two Clasps). Served with the Nile Ex-
pedition in 18S4-85 (Clasp) ; also served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86, and was present in the
iangagement at Giniss.
" Mr. O'Neill served in the Egyptian war of 1SS2 (Meial, and Khedive's Star). Also served with the Nile
Expedition in 1884-85 (Clasp).
2a Mr. M. E. M. Morgan served with the Nile Expedition in 1S84-85 (Medal with Clasp,
and Khedive's Star); also
served with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force in 1885-86, including the engagement at Giniss.
2* Mr. Keatinge served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
" Mr. S. P. H. Statham served in the Soudan campaign in 1885, and was present in the engagement at the Tofrek
zereba (Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
'. " Mr. Beamish served with the Nile Expedition in 1S84-85 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).

Iio)/'.il Marine Artillerij.
Sloore, Tliomas*' 5 Nov. £9 3 July
Coilljnl! .L:ia ),:,,,' 1,-^ Musket ly Znstructof, 21 May 88 . [8 Feb. ;i 25 Sept.
LeQi! .
. .
18 Feb. 71 27 Sept. 80
ts July 7: 26 Jan. 84
!i May 84
iraut, James Walter-'t 15 July 72 [5 July 84
Oown, Augusuis Thornton 15 July 72I [5 July 84
Raitt, George Dalhousie Churchill-* [5 July 72^ 15 July 84
! Kicholls, fVUliam C/iarles, Adjutant 7 Lancashire AriiUery Volunteers ... [5 July 72 15 July 84
1 p.s.c.Eastman, Williau: Ingiefleld 1 Oct. 73i 8 Jan. 85
Bor, James Henry, Cyprus I Oct. 74^ I Oct. 85
: Tatham, Arthur Graaville^^ I Oct. 74, I Oct. 85
Pease, Loonartl Thales I Oct. 75 4 Feb. 86
Marricitt, Reginald Adams.^o DSO. (Bt.Uajor, 24 March 86), Member}! I Oct. 75 23 Mar. 86
of Admiruliy Intelligence Committee S

IGa'itskell, Walter James^i I Sept. 76' 23 Mar. 86

i Oriord, Alfreds^ I Sept. 76 25 Mar.
;Trotter, Warren Francis^^ *
I Sept. 76 5 Apr.
Talbot, Harri' Lynch ,3*^<?_y"K/aH< 20 Dec. 8+ '
I Sept. 76 15 June
!Bishop, Charles Louis Nepean^^ !
I Sept. 76 I Aug.
Drake, Henry Howrlsh, at Staff Collene 1
9 Sept.77 I Deo. 86
Kappcy, Frederick George^^ I
I Sept. 78 31 Dec
;Pym, Harry Reginald Leckyer'' I Sept. 78 12 Sept. 87
Aston, George Grey,'' Member of Admiralty liitelliiience Committee I Sept. 79 25 Jan

Brittan, Edward Vola,''''^ Assistant Instructor of Gunnery, 10 Apr. 86 .. I Sept. 79
p.s.c.Paris, Archibald I Sept. 79'
Campbell, Gunning Morehead* Sept. 80
tor, Herbert" Sept. 80'
ICox, Aubrey Hamilton I Sept. 80
. Con\v.ay-Gordon, Lewis, Assistant to Professor of Forti/icatiun, li. N. I iScpt.8i|
College, i Jan. 87 i

Barton, Alured Yarker !
1; IHire, Ashton Hope I Sept. 81,
. iMaokay, Henry Forbes

I Sept. 82
Rose, John Markham |
I Sept. 82
'. Harkness, William Bathurst I Sept.82
n ii.ive, De Saumarez I Sept.831
^v .
! in, Walter John I Sept. 83
.pier, Frederick Napier I Sept. 8 3
i. George Edward
L lio.s ,..
I Sept. 83!
) John Leonard
li.jiuer, I Sept.831
iFrancis, Charles Arthur Williaru I Sept. 83
O.-'maston, Cecil Alvend FitzHerbert I Sept. 84:
- lOlddeld, Humphrey I Sept. 8.(
\- JGaitskell, Sydney I Sept. 84
Cottingham, Edward Roden I Sept. 84
Harris, Gerald Noel Anstice I Sept. 84
|Poole, Gerald Robert I Sept. 85
Brooke, Charles Louis I Sept. 85
^ Brown, Richard Cradook I Sept. 85!
Usshor, Percy John I Sept. 85,

O/i Probation.
Peacock. Pryce .... I Sept. 86
Dixon, William 1 I Sept. 80;
Phillipps, Pictou 1

I Sept.86
HomtVay, John Robert Henry j
I Sept.86
Pym. Frederick Harry Norris I
I Sept.86
Worthingcon, Hugo I Sept,

SEC3ND LlBUTENANTs. On Probation.
.Henderson, Edgar Sept. 87
.French, Pitzstephen JoHn t'etherston " .87
'Geddes, Ernest David Eckford Sept.
iBinney, Arthur Frederick Sept.
Dyer, Thjmas Woodford Peachy Sept.
Reid, Cbarles Henry D'Oyley... Sept.
;Lee, E Iward Chirles Sept.
IDibblee, Frederick Lewis Sept.
'Boyle, Francis Riyner Sept

arter Masters.— Enrton, Samuel,*^ 13 Oct. 76; Hon. Captain, 13 Oct. 86,
Muir, John, 3 Dec. Si.
Aitkeu, Walter, n July 83.
IInspector of 5c/ioo/».— Smith, Thomas (Hon. Captain, i July 81), 19 May 72.
;^ma»/fr.— Kelly, Henry Holdsworth, 15 Feb. S3; 2nd Lt. 3 May 59; Lt. 26 Apr. 61; Capt. 23 Feb. 721 Majo
T July 81.

^ Oj?iMr. —Bere.sford, Major H. de la P.

rrack Master.—p.s.c. Bickford, Wm. Geo. Tomlin,*^ 23 Jan. 88 znd Lt. 18 June 59 ; i»t Li. 25 Oct. 64 ; Capt. ;

March 74 Bt. Major, i July Br ; Major, 3 Sept 82; Bt.Lt.Colonel, iS Juno 87.

et Surgeon.— Trimble, James, 29 Feb. 88.

•yeons.— Bray, Erne.-;t E., 3 Aug. 83.
Jeans, Francis A., 20 Aug. 83.
t;)Z«ii.— Morton, Thomas F., MA. 20 Apr. 85.

Blue— FiictHsf Scxibt. Head Quarteri—SatineglBjrrac^*, netLVVorttmonth,|

<i4A O ^53

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b 5S 2c >o >o £s ^a «3 fe

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o5« Ih ^.*i-2|§ ^
•co .<§

c-=5H-£a - is
r.S?ifc c « « -s ^
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£J3 a l|?|iSI55s!
&£'s'|o2s-s ill's 5M«
Is .Ht^c^OJ <; a; >,, j3 ^ £'3
o j3 Jja i'a o o o ;::> S ja
lioijal Marine Light Tii/anfnj, 400

) 1

Eoijal Marine LigJd Infant ri/.

IJlT. LtKDTElfAKTS. Lieutenants.
Beith, Robert Douglas
Ply. Baitt.PmncisJoUiffe, J.»"<a»< Iiutruclor
f Mu'ketru, ii Feb. 86
ojl ;. >
SmiM," Commil-

Mile.'<,Fhilip John
Poultcr, Creigbton M'Crea ..
arrett, »'i//iu.» Sidni-t,
Dcnnys, Alexandtr Harry
tatiat a:td Transport Staff )
lifrnard, JohH.o^ C. <}• T. Staff
I Sept. 79 Cha. Prank

Tor. Cliirkc, Charles*"

I Se;jt.7y Lywood, Edwin Gilford
Ply. L'onaid, Horace Alfrcfl I Sept. 79 Pym, John Beville
Cbs. Harry Gordons*
Cotterill, ••• I Feb. 80 Basevi, William Henry
Ply. Kenneilv, Cluulcs Henry, Inttructor of
Bendytbe, Richard Nelson ..
1 Feb Bo
Palmer, Harry Douglas
iliuh'trg. Malta S
Luko. Kilward Vyvynn," Adj. 26 Mar.8£ I Feb. 80 Thomas, Cecil Str.angward ..
Peters, Leonard Christopher, Agiistanf) Locke, Churchill ArtMir
1 Feb. 80
Initructor of Musketry, .-g Aug. 38 ...) Brabazon, Anthony Heyland
Montgomery, Kichnvd Hugh, Asiisiant ^ Ward, John Harry
I Sept. 80
Instructor of Musketrii, 12 Aup. 87 ... j Le Mesuriei; Eugene
Anderson, Graham D'Arcy, Assistant'^
I Sept. 80
Evelegh, Edmund George
Instrvctor of Musketry, 18 April 88 j Graham, Hamilton Masi-)
Ply. Urraston, Archibald George Brabazon .. I Sept. 80 millian Chris-tian William )
Ply. UuRpins.Micl-iael Alfred Colin, Superm-
Ply. Kappcy, Max AHicrt Burns ..
I Sept. 80
teiident of Oymnasia,Western District ) Hervev, Fran. Wni. Archibald
Cha. Scott, Fitzroy Tufton Holt Sept iJCha. Freani William Pec-k
CI Grant, William Arthur Churchill Sept. 80' Cha. De Chair, Richard Blackett
Cha. Byrne, Gervis Tiiylor I Sept. 80' Ply. Pariser, James Henry
Ply Drury, William Price I Sept.s-! Mar/rath, Hen. AugustusFred
Prenderqast, Frederick Lenox,^<^ Com-~) Godfrey.FrederickRowlandson
Sept. 80
mifsariat and Transport Staff J Keyes.'Charles William Patton
Crowther, Edward Samuel Dashwood, ] Berger, Ernest Leicis Corbett ..
Assift. Inst, of Gunnery, 14 Oct. 86 ...) Johnston-Stewart, WmMaxwell
Koe, Frcdi-rick William Brooke, Commis- ) Eagle, Francis Elwyn Bunbury
I Feb. 81
sariat and Transport Stuff. j Burly, Maurice Handall
Deal Holraan, Herbert WUliam Liddell I Feb. 81 Stroud, Edward James
Ply Robertson, Francis Andrew, Assistanf) Thring, Edward Clavell
I Feb. 81
Instructor of Gunnery, 27 Jan. 88 j Gordon, George Maclear
David, Ernest Frederic,^' serving with ) Evans, Horace Carlyon
I Sept. 8.
the Eijyplian Army j Wylde, Arthur William
Por. Byne, Roland Martin I Sept. 81 Hobbs, Fred. Manoli B.altazzi
Cha Vincent, Arthur GuRtave I Sept. Sj Prankis, Walter William
Por. Marchant, Alfred Edmund^* I Sept. 8] Fuller, Harnett John
Por. Gordon, Cbarles Louis I Sept. 81 Puckle, Geoi'ge
Por. Roe, Edward Charles Bartletts" I Sept. 8], Charles Joseph
Ply. (Jouchman, Bertram Cornifih I Sept. 81 Smith, Wilfred Noel Edmund
Cha. Wolfe, George Cecil Burleigh I Sept. 81 Connolly, Wm. Edward Gunnell
Cha. White, Herbert Soulhoy Neville °" Sept. 82 Por. Lambert, John Hamilton

Por. Nelson, Thomas Morice Sept. 82 Ply Drake-Brockman, David Hen.

Por. Curtoys. Charles Ernest Edward^' Sept. 82 Por. Harris, WilUam Albert
Por. LoRanHomo, Uenry Waldeve^^ Sept. 82 Por. Marchant, John

Por. Uailes, David Au{,nistus, Assistant In-\ Ply. Bu xton Harold Arthur , I Feb. 87 24 Mar. 88
Sept. 82
stnictor of Gunner;/, 4 April 88 ) iPor. Watson. Charles Stanbrough... 1 Sept.S7 28 Sept.88
Ply. Trotman, i'lKirka, Sewsbam'^ Sept. 82 Por. Smith. Wilfred Hugh Moore...
1 Sept.87 28 Sept.88
Cha. lers, Charles Walpolc Howard Sept. 82S, Ply. Garrett, John Raymond 1 Sept.87 28 Sept.88
Cha. French, George Arthur Sept. 82 Por. t Tribe, Charles Walter I Sept.87'2S Sept.88
Ply. Cox, Gerald Aylmer I Sept. 82 Collard, Charles Edwin I Sept.87'28 Sept.88
Deal Lalor, James Nicholas** I Sept. 82' Sorsbie, Edward Frederick)
brahall, John Hoskyns
hown, Ernest Edward

Feb. U
Feb. 83I
Kempson j
I Sept.87'28 Sept.88

Deal Walter Erskine

Binnej', I Feb. 831 Second Lieutenants (on
Cha. Goddurd, James Rainey" I Feb. 83' probation).
Por. Parsons, CunlifVe Jl'Neile I Feb. 83! Blumberg, Herbert Edward ...
Cha. Curteis, Herbert St. Leger I Feb. 83 Murray, Edward Rushworthl
Cha. Warrand, William Hugh Munro 1 Feb. 83' Blakiston j
Shubrick, Charles Louis I Feb. 83 Crowther, John Ernest
Baker, Donald I Feb. 83 Russell, Henry de Wmton
Por. Saumarez, Richard James I Feb. 83' Phillips, Frank Trusco't
Ply. Mercer, David I Feb. B3I Harding, Maynard PfoUiott ...
Deal Henderson, Cecil I Feb. 83I Noble, John Brecknock
Deal Hobbi, I'ercy Eyre Francis I Sept. 83 Brockman, Charles Edward)
Ply. Orlebar, Evelyn Henry I Sept.831 Fitzroy J
Creagh. Ralph Chart es'Oshorne I Sept. 83 Prynae, Reginald Parkins
Por. Kady.Krederiek Wm. Edward I Sept. 83 Tupman, John Arthur
AVoir... Jnhn Vharrier I Feb. 84I Foster, William Herbert ...
(.'avendish. L.mmh Fra. John Cha. Raphael I Feb. 84 Rombulow-Pearse, Arthur >
Daniel, Edward Yoike I Feb. 84' Egmont j
I'onriolly. Arthur Matthew ]!!!........ I Feb. 84 '

Coke, Ernest Sacheverell

Linird, Frank William I Sept. 84 Strouts, Bernard Murton
Matthews, Godfrey Estcourt I Sept.841 Gill, William Wallace
Wkyle. John Frederick I Sept. 84 Ommanney, Edmund Mana- >
GibHone, Hugh John Craig .".. I Sept. 84} ton Carpenter 3
Hnyliff, Hiohard Lane ..",
I Sept. 84 Farquharson, Harry Douglas
illoaumont, Godfrey Lancaster I Sci>t.84 Colwell, George John

Gknkbal Staff.
Deputy Adjutant Gfxerar— Jones, Major Ge^cral H. S. CB. 20 Aug.

•/',"/""' General. -p.,. e. Suthcr, C donel C. C, 22 Juno 87.

M,hl.,ry In.tructor.—p.s.c. Noble, Major E.J. W., 28
Sept. 87.
««<jr/rr Jfu«/<T#.— Davios, Thomas William.
5 June 84.
White, Alexander, 4 Oct. 87.

Ply. Kulor("'Jrncn"rSirv'yH'"- ^Vr:^ H-. '^ ^"'^•-f'' "* ^*- "> ^'^'^^ S* ^•^rt. .5 Jan. 62 Bon. Colonel, i July 86.
< ;

D^i .sirwi .\ eor«oMa.;. He I'V. Mnv ,0 '''• '^ ''

'^\''"'"- ''^ ^""^ LtColonel, 26 May 88.
"rf'V^^ a' "^rP} ^Z"*''- May 79. '

Por. iMIIlor, WilhamVay ori7 May "= "/ '^^P*"' ^^' 3 ^"S- ^r. Uon.Major, 31
^"J"°^ '7 Mav 85;
8\";„rf r/ 28
7nd Lt. «'^t^"^'- rl' ai
July 59 ; ist Lt. Aug. 62 ;^"M*'
Captain, 8 Feb. Brevet Major,
I I July 81. ; 77

lioijal Marine L'ujht Iiifantr'j. 401a

BA.11RACK Masters.
iNorcock, Henry John Lawrence,'^' 6 Oct S5; 2nd Lt. 12 Oct. 6o; ist Lt. 7 July 64 ; Captain, i Oot. 77 ; Brevet
Maior, 12 Oct. Si Major, ii Sept. 82. ;

or St. John, St. Andrew, 29 Sept. 86; 2nd Lt. 12 May 59 1st Lt. 20 Dec. 6. Captain, i Oct. 75 Major, j July 81. ; ; ;

>oal'Huiiserford, Thomas Kverard,"* 21 Jan. 87 ; 2K(i-i^ 26 June 60; i<. 5 Feb. 64; Caiit. 1 Ool. 77; Bt.
I July 8i ; Major, 5 Aug. 82.
1 .

Holt, Robert William Francis, 8 Dec. S7 ; 2Jid Lt. 12 May 59 ; 1st Lt. 28 Mar. 62 Captain, 2 June 76 ;
Cha. ;

I July 81 ; Bf.Lt. Colonel, 12 May 87.

QoAnTKB Masikes.
ly. I Page, Nathaniel,!"' 8 Aug. 79. ]Por. Burtenshaw, John,"'s 4 July 83.
ha. Brown, Valentine, i''^ i Sept. 79. ;Cha. Powell, Francis, 18 July 88.
leal Ruwe, William Arthur SaTnuelj^"' 27 Apr. 82. Daries, Thomas William, 5 June 84 ; General Staf.
or. Murphy, James, i Julv 82. White, Alexander, 4 Oct. 87 ; General Staf.
y. !
Syms, Edwiu Albert,"" 31 Mar. S3.
Sub Inspector op ScnooLS.
Smith, Thomas (Hon. Captain, 1 July SO, 19 May 72.

Flbet Surqeons.
pal jMacilonnell, Henry, 6 April 86. I Ply. IStrickland, Charles, 31 Dec.
5.11Burnett, Thomas S., 2 June 86. ||

y "
Xicholson, ~ "
Robert "
H., 6 Feb. 83. ------ iiPor. jBarrington, John L. 24 Key. 88.
French, Alexander W., 20 Aug. 83. jPor. Hoskyn, Donald T.. MB., 24 May £S.
Ahcruc, John L., 20 Aug. 83. LDeal Jenkin?, Jno. 29 Noy. 83.

)r. Ruthorforrl, Heo. ^V. A., 28 Oct. 80. Deal Ward, Heo. .rohn McG., M.l. 4 Apr. 85.

;y. Hitchings, lice. Edmund J., 16 Oct. S3. Cha. O'Callaghan, liec. U., BA., 12 Aug. 83.

Scarlet— Puci'h^'s Blue. Ac/enf,

OJice, 21, Korihumherland Avenue, W.C.

War Services of General Ojjicers of Itoyal Marine Forces.

' Sencral M'Arthur seryed with the expedition to the Baltic in 1853 (Medal).
' General Pym served in the China Exjiedition of 1858-60, including the blockade of the Canton river, the
adiiig before, storm aud capture of the city. In 1S58 he served ou the Stalfof the Army as Capt.ain Superintendent
the Canton Police Force (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
^ General Cox was at the action with the batteries, and expulsion of the Russian garrison from Redoubt Kaleh,
,th May 1S54, and vavicasly employed on that coast was the Senior Officer of R.M. Artillery at the attack by the ;

rabiiiL'd if'leets on the outer forts and works of Sevastopol on the 17th October, and employii(5. in the blockading
! r: rir.g Lu J siege, until March 1855 (Medal with Clasp, 5th Glass of the Medjidie, and Turkish Mednl).

i.iJeneral G-.vya served with the R.M. Brigade in the Crimea in 1855, and was also at ttie surrender of
I :

(Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).


1,: ii.deneral Meade served the Eastern campaign of 1854-35 with the R.M. Brigade, including thebattle of
d!ikl;iv;i:ind siege of Sebastopol (Medal with two Clasps. 5th Class of tlie itodji. I. r, n ;:,; i',:!, -S \lr,lal). Served
. the China Expedition of
1857-59, including the blockade of tlu- 'aiit,)u nvir, n i.l capture of
e cit\ afterwards as Quarter Master of the and Battalion. ^^civlmI \vith tin.
r.h of China ,> :

1860! iiicludingthe action of Siuho, tikiug of Tangku, storm and capture of the S-mli L j; i,;, and subsequent
jierations (Jledal witli tliree Clasps).
6 Lieut. General F. K. Halliday served with the Baltic Expedition in 1853, and in the flotilla of mortar boats diiring
iie bombardment of Swealiorg "(Medal).

;' Major General Thomas served with the R.M. BattaUon atEupatoria in 1S54, and with the Brigade in the Crimea
iring the sieue aud fall of Sebastopol, and was also at the surrender of Kinbouru (Medal with Clasp, 5th Class
the -Medjidie, Mfdall.
« Major General Mairis served the Eastern campaign of 1S34-55 with the R.M. Brigade, including the battle of
liaklava and siege of Sebastopol (Medal with two Clasps, 3th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medall. Served
ith the expedition to the Baltic vmtil the declaration of peace in 1856. Served in China with the expeditionary
ree in 1S58-59 also the campaign of i860, including the action of Sinho, the taking of TongUoo, storm and cap-

re of the North Takoo Fort (severely wounded m

the left shoulder, and mentioned in despatches), aud subsequent
)eratiou» as Acting QuaUcr Master (Medal with two Clasps).
1^ Major General 11. ^^. Jones served with the Baltic Expedition in 1S54 (Medal). Commanded the Brigade of Royal
ftrines in tlie Kg\i)ti:in v,-ar of 1882, and was present ia the engagement at Tel-el -.Mahuta, in the two actions at
it.ssasin. and at ihe att e of Tel-el-Kebir (twu^e nuiitioned in despatches, CB., Medal with Clasp, Kncdive's Star,

'I I";. - ..: Ii,.' M- IM,^'. :i:,.l .\,.\.- !, .ilnli In l':i' (,l.|re,l1.

I .1 .]>.: '
,..;:; ,-e jastopol from 1854 uutil its fall
; was also at thc capturc of
I ;

iider of ICinbourn (Medal with Clasp, aud Turkish Medal).

: : , I
,: . I

'\-'' II' :_. hi a,; w :;:..;'

I 'I 1 \l; Ha!,
I ,i-il ';a-~ III' the Mcdjidie, and Khedive's Star).
I -

" Maj(,r Geneiarcraham served witii the Baltic lOx [.editions in 1854 and 1S5S, including the dastruction of tele-
•aph stations on 2qth June, and the shelling a large body of troop.s on i~t .Inly M il). Sjrve 1 in the Egyptian ( I

ir of 1882 (mentioned in de-pitches, CB., Medal, 4' h Class of the Osniauieh, an K a; 'dive's Star). I

'' Major General Tuson served

in China in 1838-611. and oonimanled a Het lehniunt (Uian expedition against pirates
3m 26th Aug. to 5th Sept. 185S (mentioned in despateliesi, aa.l ;- i, :i; ih- .MptuL-eand destruction of 100 junks \', ; t

id 236 guns. Wasalsopresent at the attack on thr' I'cili a ,, the capture of the Peiho Forts in I ;

60, and subsequent operations (Medal with Clasp). SiaM- n a of 18-2, and commanded the Royal ' 1 :

arine Artillery in the reconnaissance in force from Al. r a a .\ugust, and was present in the engage- 1 .

ents at El Magfar and Tel-el-Mahuta, in the two action- a ;, .-. and at the battle of Tel-el Kebir (twice men- 1 .

med in despatches. Aide de Camp to the Queen, Cli., :\l. a ;i. 3rd Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's i 1

ar.) Served with the Soudan Expedition under Sir Gei. VI a 1534 in command of the Royal Marines, and 1 i

as present in the engagement at El Teb (twice mentioned in au .,j.aclics, 3rd Class of the Osmanieh, two Clasps).
" Major General Barnes served in the operations in the Canton river in 1856-58 was in Macao Fort when attacked ;

junks on 4th .lainiary, at the destruction of war junks in Patsham Creek, landed to destroy a village, storm
id capture of Canton (mentioned in despatches. Medal with two Clasps).

War Services. — Royal Marine Artillery.
Colonel Crease served with the China Expedition of 1S57-59, including the blocicade of the Canton river,
mbardment and storming of the city (Medal with Clasp). Served with the expedition to the North in i860, and
Assistant Engineer at Shaugh li. Served in the Asliauti war in 1873, and was present at the action of Essamau
lentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, and Medal;.
' Colonel Welch was landed at Panama to assist in suppressing the rebellion on 27th Sept. iSoo.
' Colonel A. French
seryed in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal, aud Khedive's Star).
401 & War Services.— Euyal Marine Artillery.
detachment of Koyal Marines for the protection
•Colonel Ople was landed from H.M.S. JJmt in commnna of a
of Cape Coast Cattle during the mutiny of the Gold Coast
Artillery m
October 1862, and received a vote ot thanka
Rodney trova September 1867 to September 1S69;
from the Colonial Government. Served in China in H.M.S. from the Squadron at the occupation of
STmanded be Royal Marine Artillery of the Battalion of Royal Marines
of three walled villages
Yanffchow inKov. 1S68; served with the Battalion at the attack and capture Artillery throughout the Egyptian
January m
1860 (mentioned in despatches). Seivcd with the Battalion of
Royal Marine
(sightly wounded)
war of .ssrand was present in the engagements at El Magfar and Tel-el-Mahutaand at the battle ot lel-el- the m
August (mentioned in despatches) and glh. September,
actions at Kassasin on the 28th
Kebir (Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp, ^th Class of the Osmanieh, ana Khedive s
>" Major W G Tucker terved in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the reconnaissance force fromm
Alexandria on the jth August, in the engagements at El Magfar and Tel el-Mahuta, in the two actions at Ivassasin,
and at the battle ot Tel-el Kebir (twice mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Ma]0i% Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of
the Mciljidic, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Soudan Expedition under Sir Gerald
Graham m
1884, and was
present in the encapement at El Teb (three times mentioned in despatches, promoted Major, two Clasps).
" Colonel V. D. Mathun served in the Egyptian war of 1S82, and was present at the bombardment of Alex-
andria (Brtvct of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
" Major W. Campbell served in the Ashanti war of 1873-74 (Medal). Served
, ,,. T.
m.,. , „o
the Egyptian war of 1882, and was
present at the bombardment of the Alexandria Forts (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
»» Major A. Allen served in the Ashanti war in 1873, including the engagements at Elmma, and action at

Essamaa (mentioned in despatches, Medal). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present atthe bom-
bardment of Alexandria 'Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Serveu with the Suudan Expe-
dition under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884, and was present in the engagements at El Teb (slightly wounded) and
Temai (4th Class of the Osmanieh, two Clasp.'-)- ,
'« Major Noble served throughout the Egyptian war of 18S2 as Adjutant to the Royal Marino Artillery, and

was present at the reconnaissance in force from Alexandria (5th August), in the engagements at El Magfar and
Tel-cl-Mahuta, in the actions at Kassasin on 28th August (mentioned in despatches) and 9th September, and at
the battle ol'Tcl-el-Kehir (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star).
17 Miijor K. H. M. Crooke served in the Soudan campaign in 1884-85, took part in the defence of Suakm, and was i(

present at the destruction of Temai(mentionedin despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star), j

" Major H. Dc- la P. Beresford served in the Egyptian war of 18S2 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
" Major A. L. S. Bm-rowes served in the Zulu war in 1879, and was present in the engagement at Gingindhlovu
and at the reUef of Ekowe (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the re-
connaissance in force from Alexandria on the 5th August, in the two actions at Kassasin, and at the battle of
Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
»» Major E. Wheeler served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the engagements at El Magfar and
Tel-el-Mahuta, in the two actions at Kassasin. and at the battle of Telel-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star),
»' Major G. A. L. Rawstonie served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the engagements at El

Magfar and Tel-el-Mahut:i. at the two actions at Kassasin (mentioned in despatches), and at the battle of Tel-el-
Kebir (Medal with CUis^p, and Khedive's Star).
" Major A. B. Shuke.-pear served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the Egyptian Army (Medal with
Clasn, and Khedive's St;irj.
" Captain Cheetham proceeded to the Gold Coast with Colonel Festing's detachment of Marines in May 1873, and
served in the Ashanti war till invalided in September (Medal). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, 4th
Class of the Medjidle, and Khedive's Star).
" Captain T. Moore served in the Ashanti war in 1873, and was present in the engagements at Essaman and
Abrakrampa (Medal).
»» Captain L. R. Connolly served with the expedition to the Soudan under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884 (Medal, and
Khedive's Star).
*« Captain T. R. Swinburne served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the engagement at Nofiche
(mentioned in despatches. Medal, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Soudan campaign in 1884-85, and was
present in the engagement at Hashecn and at the destruction of Temai ^Medal with Clasp).
»7 Captain R. H. Alexander served in the Egyptian war of 1882 with the Royal Mai-ine Artillery, and was present
in the reconnaissance in force from Ale.xandria on the sth August (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
*'t Captain J. \V. Graut served in the Egyptian war of 18S2, and was present in the engagement at El Magfar,
atthe tw actions at Kassasin, and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (.Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
** Captain G. D. C. Raitt served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the bombardment of Alexandria
(Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
*» Captain Tathain served iu the Eg.y()tian war of 1882, and was present at the bombardment of Alexandria (Medal
with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
"Major Marriott seived in the Egyptian war of 1SS2, and was present at the bombardment of Alexandria, in the
engugunients at El Magfar and Mahsauia, m
the two actions at Kassasin, and atthe battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal
with two Clasps, sth Class of the Me ijidie, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 in
command of the Egj-ptian Camel Corps, and was present at the action of Kirbekan (mentioned in despatches.
Brevet ol Major, 4th Class of tho Osinauieh, two Clasps). Also served with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force iu
1885-86, and pre.-eut at the attack on Ainbigole Wells and in the engagement at Giniss {DSO.)
»' Captain 'W. J. Gaitskell served in the Egyptian war of
1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
" Captain Orford serveit ia the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the eugagemeut at El Magfar and at the
battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Soudan camjiaign in 1884-85, and
was present in the engagement at Hasheon au'l at the destruction of Temai (Clasp).
" Captain W. F. TiotiiT scrvL-il in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the bombardment of Alexandria
(Medal with Clasp, ami KhudivL'p Star).
** CaptJiin II. h. Tali.i't mi-voiI in the Egyptian
war of 1882, and was present atthe bombardment of Alexandria, in
the reconnais.-anco in force of the 5th August, in the engagements at El Magfar and Tel-el-Mahuta, at the two actions
at Kasnasin (mentioned iu dc.-patches), and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with two Clasjis, 5th Class of the
Medjidic, and Kheriive's rfiar).
» Captain C. L. N. Bishop served in the EgjiHian war of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
»• Capuiin Kappcy served in K-yiitiiiM «:ir of :882
(Medal, ana Khedive's Star).
'' Captain H. R. L. I'ym s. r\..l n tin- i:.j y|,i inn war of iBS.-, and was present at the two actions at Kassasin
(mcnli.Miedindespatehei-j.aiM :-i ih. lutir ,ii IM ei-Kebir (.Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star.)
« Captain G.G. Aston scr\ .1 v, iii, tl,,- >,|„ ,liii,,ji to the Soudan under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884, and was present

inthe i-UKaKcment iit Temai i.M. .Uil uith t la^i>, and Khedives Star).
' I-ieut. K. 1*. Briltaii servid with tin-
expeiliiioii to the Soudan under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884, and was present
in thf ciiKUKenient at l-.l TelM Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's
-'•"*-''' '" ''"^ Soudan campaign in
Z i'"'"!' m" ^}- *-''""l''"'' 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Slar).
»i^^'" '<-'<'
"1 ll'O Soudan campaign in 1584-65, and was present in the engagements at Hashecn,
. , ,1 ,'\'x- f f "^"""r
'" "'"' "''''^'' drstruction of Temai (.Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
« i,iipl.iin
.-. . , u
Hiirton lias received the New Zealan<l Medal, and that for
Long Service and Good Conduct.
Mi^ior UicklorU served in the Abhauti war of
1873-74 (.Medal).

War Scrvic.ex.—rwyal Marine Lijht Infantry.

"'''"*' ^"P^'^^'o'i of '^SS (Medal); and also with the Baltic Expedition
Colonel Cairucross served with the Baltic
Expedition in .855 (Medal)

War Services. —Eoijal Marine Linlit Iiifaidri/. 401c

5 Holmes served with the Baltic Expedition in 1855, including the destruction of a fort and shelling an
ucMiuiiment on 23rd June, blowinpc up of Fnrt Svavtholm and barracks on 4th July, destruction of the barracks at
. nil sth July, shelling a C'i'^:!''!: .ii.-M'niunc:!* nnd landincr at Kounda Bay on the nth July, (Instruction of a

ik barracks, <S:c., on 12th :r .1 ~>iiin steamer, gunboats, and a but ny in'iir \Vi))org on 13th .1 , :; '1 1
: 1 1

. :
1 1^0 with the batteries oil 1 - 1
i i July, capture of the Island of Kull.i. 'mil instruction of mili- ,

;i. ir,s on 26th .Tilly, and boiiiiiii'iMM 1:1 .. ^ .\ i

l,' (ilodal). Served also with the oxih'iIuhiu to the Balticuntil

,: .:,i iMi 1..11 .A' ]'' :irr in 1856.

1 id on the China Kxpedition of 1S57-58, including the blockade of the Canton river, the
/ .
: (i :
1 \

III lud capture of the city accompanied the expedition to the North and was wounded at the ;

;:[i, he Peiho on 25th June 1859. Served in the campaign of i860 with the Chinese Coolie Oorp><,
, ,, ill .: li I

luid ti")k pal 111 t;hc expedition to the North and the operations there, including the action of Sinho and tbe storm-

ing of Tiui-ki, iiiid of the North Taku Forts (Medal with three Clasps).
» Colonel Scott served on the China expedition of 1S57-59, including the blockade of the Canton river, the
hui'lu!^' liriDif and capture of the city, also at the attack and capture of the bridge and village of Shetksing
, \i, \\ 111. 'lusp). Served with the Battalion of Royal Marines in the Egyptian wa,r of 1882, and was present at

;iih"i of Porfj Said on the 21st August in command of the detachment of Royal Murines, also in the en-

j 1 :,i 'i',.| el-Mahuta, the two actions at Kassasin, and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches,

!... 1.1 nil. ml. Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of the Osmanieh, and Khedive's Star).

.'. '
,\ I
w.iv served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 in command of ^[uiIlea, and waa
>: . I

]ii, I Mients at Hasheen and the Tofrek zereba, at that near Tofrek nn ihr ..,11, >hirch, and at
I ; .1

a- I, -I ;;ai (mentioned in despatches, Ci?., Medal with two Clasps, and Kliniin(i',~ St:!!-).
.1 I
I, I

'• Li,.L' a iin .u. li. l-'arquharson served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, 4lh CUi.s.s of the Osmanleb

uuU KhcdiveV Stiir).

"^ Col.iijcl Joseph Pnilips served in the Zulu war in command of the Royal Marines in 1879, ^''^^ ^^^ presenti

in the ciiLageiueut at Gni.iiindhlovu (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Modal). Served in the Egyptian
wa-r nf iSS.-, and was present at the bombardment of the Alexandria Forts (Brevet of Lt. Colonel, Medal with Clasp,
4th Class of the Osmanieh, and Khedive's Star),
" Colonel Colwell s3rved in the Soudan Expedition under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884, and was present in the
en^agemeuts nt El Teh imd Temai (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt. Colonel, Medal with Clasp, and Khedive'i*

Lt,. Colonel Alston r--erved in the Soudan campaign m 1884-85, took part in the defence of Suakin, and was pre-
heat in the engagements at Hasheen and the Tofrek zereba, at that near Tofi-ek on the 24th March, and at the
de-ti-uotiun of eiuai (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt. Colonel, Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star). 1

'0 Lt.i'olonel Ro,-e served with the exiKMlitiou t'> tin- Ponl.pi niMlrr Sir Gerald Graham in 1884 in command of
Royal .Marines in Fm-is Carysfort and Kiii\ iilii.s nt Sual.-i ;,i 1, a ml Khedive's Star). ' 1

' Lt.Co onel G. S. Nash sened in the Smidan cam] ai.-ii la ,, t lak jiart in the defence of Suakin, and waa 1

presi'nt at the capture ot Temai and

in the 1 1
1 1 al ili iiedal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).

19 ut.C ,1
' V^- I- -i/..— See Civil Decorations r li I

a .a;' .11.128.
-aivial ill the Ashanti war of 1S7 ;
1 .ant to the Roj-al Marine Battalion (Medal).
I a lis served in the Soudan caaiii. a 1 1 1 ;, in command of the Sandbag Camp; was-
iiii at, .Suakin, and was present la I'l- la- amaissance to Hashceu and Haudonb (.Medal

served with the Battalion of Royal Marines in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, , a r
al Khedive's Star).
111 the Soudan campaign in 1884-85 as Paymaster with the Royal Marines, and took I

-a il. iiieludina the nperations round that place (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). 11

Mil 111 he Irnx |ii lull war of 1882. and was present at the bombardment of the Alexandria .-I 1 I

.\Uil,l with Chi.s|., and Khedive's Star). .

ved China in 11. M.S. Rodney from September 1S67 to September iStlo was landed from m ;

occupation of Yangchow in November 186S also served in a IJaiialaai at the attack and ;

cd villages in January 1869 (mentioned in despatches). Washani ir .u II. M.S. Active on. .1

73, and served throughout the second phase of the Ashnnti war 11 aaai uaiid of the Royal
Marines, incluiling the battle of Amoaful, battle of Ordalisii (sli-htly w.ani.led) and eaptuie ..T e:ooniassie (men-
tioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp). Commanded tin- Mara a M <. ,l,-l,i u the expeditiun up the river i

Congo in August and Sejjtember 1875, and was mentujiieil ill '1 n i' at nf .Major). I
: ,

'" Muior S'chomberg served in the Egyptian war of .a ail ,..m la - ai ai ;ha boiuljardment of Alexandria 1 :

(Bievet ot Major, Medal with Cla^p, and Khedive's Star;. Sened in ihe expedition to the Soudan under Sir
Ger.iU Graham in 1884, and was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai (4th Class of the Osmanieh, two
^ Major F. Baldwin served in China in H. M.S. ifoi?»cj from September 1S67 to September 1SP9 landed from ;

the Squadron at the occupation of Yangchow in November 1S68; also served in a Battalion at, ilie attack and capture
01 three walled villages in January 1869 (mentioned in despatches). Served in the I':^ ;it an \\ ir of 1SS2, and
cuniiniuided the Royal Marines o: the East India Squadron at the occupation of Sue/. .\l la 1, ^tli Class of the 1

ileujidic, and Khtd'ive's Siari; also served with the exijedition to the Soudan under Sn- ; lald liraliam in 1884, (

and was present in the engagement at Temai as of the Royal Marine Battaliou(meiitioned in despatones,
two Clasps).
*» -Major J. A. R. M'Kechnie served in the Soudan campaign in 1884-85. took part in the defence of Suakin,
and was present in the engagements at Hishecn ami tie f ifrek zereba. at that near Totrok on the 24th March,
and at the destruction of Temai (.Medal \\.i\, ,m ji-. ami Khedive's Star). 1 > 1 I ,

^^ ilajor F. M. Eden seivcd 111 the i.. an., .and was present at the occupation of Port Said, waa ;

Aide de Camp to Colonel llnv.aiid Join ,-, a .Marines, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir I 1

(mentioned in despatches, Medal with Lla .11, a a Kin/ la, ,' Star). 1

^' Lr,.
Colonel Sandwith served throughout the Egyptian war of 18S2 as Deputy Assistant .idjutant and Quarter
Master General, tirst at Alexandria, and afterwards on the Base and Lines of Communic ition (mentioned in
despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal, 4th Class of the Medjidie, and Ktiedive's Star). Served with the Nile Expe-
dition in 1884-85 as Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quarter Master General, Provost Marshal, and Commandant,
and was present at the action of Kirbekan (mentioned in despatches. Brevet ofLt.Colonel, two tUasps).
** Maior
KirchhoHer served in the Egvptian war of 1882, and was present in the engagement at Nefiche and
with ihe Naval brigaue in the action at Tel-el-Mahuta (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
Major E. B. Byrch served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the reconnaissance in force from
Alexandria on the 5th August (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
*" iiajor Dow .ing served in the Kafir war in 1877-78 in command of the Royal Marines of the Naval Brigade,
and A as present the Trauskei operations and in the engagements at Neumarke, Quintana, and the Kerie Bush j m
also served in the Zulu war of 1879 in command of the Royal Marines of H.M.S. Actioe, and was present in the
engagement at Inyezane and in EKowe during the investment (mentioned in despatches, ijromoted Captain and
Breve Major, Meilal with Clasp).
' Major A. H. Blaxland served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present the reconnaissance in force from m
Alexandria on the 5th August and at the battle of Telel-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Maior A. H. Des Barres served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (Medal, 4th Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's
St ir)
** .\I. or CiV;n served in the Egyptian war of 1882 (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal, and
Khedive's Sti '.
*^ Major M'CUeane
served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the engagements at El Magfar and
Tel-ei-.uahuta (Medal, and Ktiedive's Star).
« Maior G. A. E. Gore served in the Eijyptian war of i88z (Medal, 4th Class of the .Medjidie, and Khedive's Star).
«' Major G. Hobart
served in the Ashanti war in 1873-74 (Medal). Served at Suakin during the expedition to the
Soudan under Sir Gerald Graham in 1884 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
1 " Major Bridge served in the Soudan campaign in 1885, and was present the engragements at Hasheen and the m
401C? War Services. — Fiuijal Marine LijJd Infaniry.
TolH-k zcrc'jn, Bt the 24th Marcb, and at the destruction of Temai (mentioned in despatclacs,
Umt near Tofrck en
Urcvctoriliijor.Meilul with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star). ,^ ^ ,r , v .
« Miijor L Edyc served in the Egj-ptian war of 1882, and was present
the engagements. t
at Malaha Junction, m

El M'n-inr Trl-el-.Mnliuta, and Mahsama, at the two actions at Kassasin, and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal
«-ith (.hisii. and Khedive's Star). Served with the Royal Marino Battalion in the Soudan campaign in 1884-S5, and
w»s prost'Ut in the engagements at Hasheen and the Tofrek zereba and at the destruction of Temai (two Clasps).
»" Major Bnrrowcs served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the engagement at Tel-el-Mahuta,
and nx Adjutant of the Battalion, in the action at Kassasin (9th Sept.), and the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal m
with Clasp and Khedive's Star). Served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 in command of the Mounted Infantry
of the Royal Marines, and was present in the engagement at Hasheen and at the destruction of Temai (mentioned
in despatches, Brevet of Major, Clasp). „ . ,. , ^ . . ,

Hobbins served in the Soudan campaign in 1S83 as Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quarter

»' Major H. E.

Master General at the base of operations at Suez (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
" Major H B. Woods scn,'ed in the Soudan campaign in 1885, and was present in the engagements at
Hnshren and the Tolrck zereba, at that near Tofrek on the 24th March, and at the destruction of Temai (Medal
with two Clasps, Brevet of Major, and Khedive's Star). [See also Civil Decorations for Gallantry, p. 12S.]
" ilajor Pvi.c served in the Ashanti war of 1873-74 (Medal). Served in the Soudan campaign in 1885, and was
present in the eigagemonts at Il.ifheen and the Tofrek zereba, at that near Tofrek on the 24th March, and at
the destruction of Ten^ai'.Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
" -Major Ilo.\t served in the Ashanti war of 1873-74 (iledal).
i).t:un F. A. Newington.— See Civil Decorations for Gallantry, p.
'« Jbijor A. C. Pearson serve he Nile Expedition in 18S4-85 with the Royal Marines attached to the Guards
Camel Regiment, and wns jr tbi^ nctions at Abu Klea and Abu Kru (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of

Majnr, Medal with two Clas] -. )- .i:\T'sStar).

*" Captain Quill was prcsini under Colonel Festing at the defeat of the Ashantis in the two engage-

ments at Klmina on the 131)1 :.;i was mentioned in despatches as having "skirmished his men with
.1 . , 1

great alacrity, and merited nuu , ...-.i;- (Medal). li

" Captain's. B. Stephens served in the first phase of the Ashanti war, and was command of the outpost camps m
of Abbavc and Napoleon (Medal).
'» Caiitain Ilcarlc prrvcd in the Ashanti war of 1873-74. Was sent in October as Special Commissioner to the
King olDcnkcra, aii'l ~ \i---tant Engineer from the middle of November to the end of the war, and was

present at the battli' !;il with Clasp).

*» Captain C. W. K in the Soudan campaign in 1885, and was present in the engagements at
: !

Hasheen and the 'i' iluU near Tofrek on the 24th March, and at the destruction of Temai (Medal
with two Clasps, aiMi
,1^ A>hanti war of
«' Captain C. D. F. 1873-74 (Medal).
« Cajitain T. H. \ ill the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the engagement at Tel-el-

Mahuta, at the two 1, ;iid at the Ijattle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).

" Capiam J. W. l; :;. /.ulu wiir in 1879, and was present in the engagement at Gingindhlovu
nnd at the relief of i: '1m>ii>. : ill i£So he was present at the bombardment of Batonga, on the

Uest Coast of Afric 1 t!i' 1; ii-i Marines at the destruction of those villages (mentioned ia

despatches). Also^^
" Captain G. T. (' - udan campaign in 1S84-S5, took part in the defence of Sr.akin, and
was present in the .
'u and the Tofrek zereba, at; that near Tofrek on the 24th March, and

at the destruction (jI Clasps, and Khedive's Star). 1

** Ca])tain J. 11. F ,
litian war of 18S2, and was present in the reconnaissance in force from .

Alexandria >; -'iiient at Tel-el-Mahuta, and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with
Clasp, and K Soudan campaign in 1885, and was present in the ciigiigcments at • :•(•-

Eashecn ani ;
Tolrek on the 24tli March, and at the destruction of (two Clasps). 1

«> Captai!. I.. :

:ir of i832, and was present in the engagement at Tel-el-Mahuta, in the
i : I
, :
: .1 \'

two actions at Kii>':ii-iii, and at t u Viiutlc of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served in the
cijjedition to the Soudan under ir Gerald Graham in 1E84, and was present in the engagementE at El Teb and
Temai (two Clasp.») also served the Soudan campaign in 1884-85 on Signalling duties (mentioned in despatches.
; .

promoted Cajtam, Clasp).

*' Captain E. L. M'Causland served in the Egyptian
war of 1S82, and was present in the engagement at Tel-el-
Mahuta, in the two actionsat Kassasin, and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir— severely wounded (Uedal with Clasp, and
Khedive's Star).
"Captain Money srrvrd v r- Royal Marines in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the action at
Kassasin on the y •! Mil the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Ivhedive's Star;. Also
served at Suakindui un to the Soudan in 1884.
*» Captain P. G. I ' Snuilan caropaign in 1885, took part in the defence of Sualrin, and was present
in the engagement ~ :' !''!' 'rt^!: zcrcha, at that near Tofrek on the 24th March, and at the destruction
of Temai (Medal win
w Captain J. R. .1.. irof 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
71 Captain A. G. (
of 1382 as Transport Officer at Ramleh while the Battalion
was at Alexandria, ni: ;t mMalaha Junction, at the action at Kassasin on the 9th
8ei)temt)er, and at tin '1 I
-p, and Khedive's Star).
1 I
'' Captain Madura :i ij34-85,took part in the defence of Suakin, and was
present in the cngtiu' .: /.L-reba, and at that near Tofrek on the 24th March—
wounded (.Medal wiili i,sv 1

"' Cnptiiin S. P.
Feile 6er\ of 1882, and was present in the engagements at El Magfar
and Tel-el-Mahuta (Modal,
'• Cajilain J. K.H. Oldllc
war of 18S2 (Medal, and Khedive's Star). [See also Civil
Decorations lor fialhiutry, \
Ciipiain c. II. Willis served in the Egyptian war of 1882, including the'occupation of Alexandria and the defen CO

of Fort Mex (.\Ir,l,,l, ,ii„l Kliedivo's Star).
^^'''I'.'ain J. II. Swanton served in the Egyptian war of
, 1882, and was present at the bombardment of the Alex
andriii h.jrt« (.Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
fnptiiin Frederick White served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the bombaidmentof the Alex -

l-orls (Medal with Clasp, nnd Khedive's Star). Also served the expedition to the Soudiui under Sir Gerald
in 1884 ami was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai
m 1,

(5th Claso ol the Mcdjidio, two Clasps). (

I uplain W. b.
Palmer served in the Ej;yptian war of i£82, and was present in the engiigeinents at Tei-el- •
Mnho nnd Muhgamii, m
the two actions at Kassasin, and at the battle of Tel-el Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and
Khfdivi'K Star).
rp^ ^' ''".'^ served in the Egyptian war of i88i, and was present in the engagements at Malaha Junction a nd
ici-ci-.Mftiuita,iit the two actions at Kassasin, and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star) .
i-uiit. Iliirvesircrved with the Royal Marines
in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was preseno lu the recon-
iramiiuiH-c "1 l"rce from Alexandria
on slh August, in the engagements at El Magfar and Tel-el-Mahuta, the action
'^*'I''«'"''«"-l..'""l It the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
uri!'.',',';"i 1.
',';";•'•'*'''"'*''' ""ved in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was
Tol present in the engagements at Malaha Junction,
''™''' "' "^^ '^*'° '^'^'''""* '^^ Kassasin, and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, <
and KVir-dil'I-'sKUr)
M '" ^^'^ KKyptian war of i£82 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
'I'l''!'!' Vi'

n. ... V .
'""1 at

f :"'? '" i''e ligyptian war of 1882, and was present at the
occupation of Port Said, in the
the two actions at Kassasin (Medal, and Khedive's Star).

''"' J^^^yP'^a" war in i83j, and was present in the engigaments at Tel-ol-Mahuta -

fl M«h.»,„.' *;, "''^'-''V"

* " ^'"*'"'° "° ^^^ 5th September, and at the battle of Tel-e!- Kebir (Medal with Clasp, i
d Khedtvo'i BlarT

War Services. — Eoyal Marine LiyJd Infantry. 4oi«

f« Lieut. F. L. Prentlergast servcfl in the expedition to the Soudan under Sir Gerald
Graham in 1884 and waa
present in the eneraffements at El Teb and Temai (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).

87 LieuD. E. F. David served in the Soudan campaign in 1SS4-85, took part in the defence of Sualcin,
and wa« pre-
sent in the engagements at Hashecu and the Tofrek zereba, at that near Tofrek on the 24th March, and at the
destruction of Temai (Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
«8 Lieut. A. E. Marchant served in the Soudan campaign in 1884-83, took part in the defence
of Suakin, and was.
present in the engagements at Hasheen and the Tofrek zereba, and at that near Tofrek ou thi 21th' March
wounded (Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
89 Lieut. E. C. B. Roe served in the Soudan campaign in 1884-85, and took part in the defence
of Suakin (Meda.
with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
»» Lieut. H. S. N.White served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the Royal Marines attached
to the Guards Camel
Regiment, and was present at the actions at Abu Klea and Abu Kru (Medal with two Clasps, and Kliedive's Star).
91 Lieut. Curtoys served in the Soudan cam]jaign in 1SS4-85, took part in the defence of Suakin,
and was Tjresent
in the engagements at Hasheen and the Tofrek zereba, at that near Tofrek on the 24th March, and at the dostructioa
of Temiii (Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
'- Lieut. Logan-Home served with the expelition to the Soudan under Sir Gerald Graham in
13S4 with the-
R:)yal Marines at Port Said and Suakin, and took part in the defence of Forts C.irysfort and E.iryalus (Medal "
and Khedive's Star).
93 Lieut. C. N. Trotman served in the Soudan campaign in 1884-85, took part in the defence of
Suakin, and was
resent in the engagements at Hasheen and the Tofrek zereba, at that near Tofrek on the 24th March, and at
be destruction of Temai (Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
'* Lieut. J. N. Lalor served in the Soudan campaign in 1885, and was present at the destruction
of Temai—
severely wounded (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
9^ Lieut. J. R. Goddard served in the Soudan campaign in 1S84-85, and took part in the defence of
Suakin and the-
d estructiou of Temai (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
9* ColonelJ. C.Travers served with the Baltic E.xpeditions in iS54and 1855, including the action with
a battery
a t the mouth of the Narva on iSth June, and at the bombardment of Sweaborg (Medal) . Served as Adjutant of
t he ist Battalion on the China expedition of 1857-58, including the blockade of the Canton river, the landiiig beforet
s tormand capture of the city ; was appointed Aide do Camp to Colonel HoUoway in Aug. 1858 (Medal witiroiasp)
93 Major Norcock served with the Battalion sent out for service in Japan in 1864-66, and was
present at thee
b ombardment of the batteries at the Straits of Simonosaki, the entrance of the inland sea of Japan, the assault
c apture and destruction of the five batteries, stockade, magazines, and barracks, and during the shore operations,
from the 5th to the 8th Sept. 1S64.
'"' Quarter Master Page served in the
Crimean war of 1854-5 (Medal with two Clasps), and throughout the-
China war of 1857-61 (Medal with Clasp) . Has received the Medal for Long Service and Good Conduct.
Quarter Master Brown served throughout the campaign in China in 1857-61, and was present at the-
capture of Canton in 1857 and at the taking of the Taku Forts in 1S60 (Medal with two Clasps). Has received the-
Medal for Long Service and Good Conduct.
'°3 Quarter Master Rowe served in the China war in
1857-60, and was present at the blockade of the Canton River,
t the action of Fatshan, and at the capture of the Taku Forts (Medal with three Clasps).
w* Quarter Master Syms served in the Soudan campaign in 1884-85, and took part in the defence of Suakia
Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
'"^ Quarter Master Burtenshaw served in the Egy|)tian war of 1882, and was present in the engagement at
Tel-el-Mahuta, at the two actions at Kassasin, and at the battle of Tel-el -Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's
Star). Also served in the Soudan campaign in 1885, took part in the defence of Suakin, and was present in the
engagements at Hasheen and the Tofrek zereba (horse shot), and at the destruction of Temai (two Clasps).

Continuation, of Notes to Her Majesiifs Local Indian Farces.

''*Colonel G. C. Jackson served with the Eusufzai Field Force in 1863, and was present at the reconnaissance
and aflfair in the Chumla Valley, at the storming of the Conical Hill, destruction of Lalloo and burning of tTm-
beyla (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp). Served with the Abyssinian Expedition in 1S68, and was-
present at the action of Arogee and capture of Magdala (mentioned in despatches, and received the approba-
tion of Government, Medal).
i"7 Colonel G. E. Erskine served with the Rajpootana Field Force under Brigadier M. W. Smith in 1858-59.
•"' Colonel W. H. J. Stopford served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and took part in the march to Candahar
with the force under Major General Phaj're (Medal).
180 Colonel W. W. Hooper served with a squadron of his regiment on field service in the Deccan from th»

16th November 1858 to the 5th April 1859, including the march of fifty miles without a halt on the 28th February in
pursuit of and defeat of the enemy and taking several prisoners (Medal).
"' Colonel J. G. D. Walker served with hia regiment in the campaign in Bundlecund under Brigadier Wheler
in 1859.
'" Lt. Colonel G. C.Hogg served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and was present in the engagement at Girishk, and
ia the defence of Candahar inc'uiing the sortie of Dch Khojab (several times mentioned in despatches. Medal).
. r- t^ r~M c- O 'f^^C

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4o6 Ber Majesty's Local Indian Forces. —War Services.
Genci-al T. L. Green was employed against the insurgent Royanah in the Kittoor district in 1830, and in the Go .

w'^Cavaf4^fn-ed wUh ^ forcein Kutch in 1825-26 ; also withthePar

Bombay N.I. in the field r
Field force Ln'iS32-33 ; was present at the taking of Balmeer; served in Upper Sind, and above the Bolan Pasi i

j'ceneml C Hamilton served the Gwalior campaign of 1843-44 and was present at the battle of ilaharaji )

(Bi-onze Star and CS ). Served throughout the Sutlej campaign of 1845-46, andwas present at the battles of ilc .

to Kote Kangra.
kce and Ferozesbah (iledal and Clasp) also with the expedition

Sir John Fowler Bradford served the campaign of 1842 in
Affghanistan and was present m
the several engi
mcnts leading to the reoccupation of Cabul (Medal). Served in the Gwalior campaign of 1843-44 and was pres •;

at the battle of Maharajpore (Bronze Star, and Brevet of

Major). Served in the Sutlej campaign in 1S46, incluc j

the action of Aliwal (Medal, and Brevet of Lt.Colonel). Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the passage of j

Clienab, and actions of Chillianwallah and Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps, and C£.).
8 General J. C. C. Gray served during the Nepaul war. Also at the siege and capture of Bhurtpore in 182. ;

(Medal with Clasp). . .

I- General John Macdonald served in the Punjaub campaign in 1S48-49 (Medal).

„„,,„., .,
AJso served with the Loos

Exi'Cdition in 1872 (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp).

!3 Sir Neville Chamberlain served throughout the Affghan campaigns of 1839-42, during which he was attac 1

to Christie's Corps of Irregular Cavalry, and was wounded on sis different occasions and has received the Mi 1

" Candahar, Ghuznee, and Cabul 1842." Was present with the Govei
fbr Ghuznoe, and also the Medal inscribed 1

General's Body Guard at the battle of Maharajpore 29th Dec. 1843 (Bronze Star). Served in the Punjaub campt ]

of 1848-49, including the actions of Chillianwallah and Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps). Commanded theForo ]

the N. W. Frontier of India in various expeditions against the hostile Hill Tribes, and with signal success (Mi ,1

with Clasp, KC£. and KCSI.)

i« General W. B. Wemyss served throughout the campaign of 1843 m
Smd and was present at the bal

of Meeanee and Hyderabad (Medal).

" Sir Edward Lechmero Russell served with the field force m
Smd and AJfghanistan m
1842-43 and was pre: (

in all the operations including the expedition to and destruction of Imaumghur, and as Adjutant of the i i

Irregular Horse in the battles of Meeanee and Hj'derabad, and surrender of Omerkote (Medal).
'9 General H. W. Blake served during the insurrection in Canara in 1837. Also the rebellion in the Gol(
dah Zcmindarv in 1848.
20 General W. F. Nnthall served in 1852-53; drew together three outposts of the Arracan Battalion in 3

Aeng Pass with wh'ch he surprised and captured the Norigan stockade at the summit of the Pass. Has recei .i

the thanks of the Governor General on several following occasions — for services with the Pegu Light Infantry-

expelling Marauding Bands in the Rangoon district in 1853, in Pegu district in 1853-54, and in Tharawaddy disi (

in 1854 (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp for Pegu).

2' General A. R. Manson served in the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, and was present at the siege and ,

render of Mooltan, and storm and capture of the town (Medal with Clasp). Persian campaign of 1856-57, inclui ,;

the storm and capture of Reshire, surrender of Bushire, and battle of Kooshab (Medal with Clasp) Commai . |l

his Regiment at the action with the rebels under Tantia Topee, near Rajghur (Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal). \

~ Sir John Forbes served with the field force in Sind and Affghanistan in 1841-42, including the advanc(;i
Candahar, and the several operations of the army under General Nott leading to the reoccupation of Ghuij
and Cabul (Medal). Served with the force under Sir Charles Napier in Sind in 1843, and was present at ^
battle of Hj-derabad (Medal). Persian campaign of 1856-57, including the assault and capture of Reshire, surrei !

of Bushire, at Borazjoon, and battle of Kooshab severely wounded (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp, I
CB.). Served with the Central India Field Force from the siege of Ratghur to the tall of Calpee (Brevt i

Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp). Commanded the rear guard from Etora to Deopoora when attacked by ther 1

array and which he held in check until the baggage was safely escorted into camp.
" General G. S. Montgomery commanded a field detachment in the Ahmednuggur Zilla in the suppres 1

ofBheels in 1857-58, and was present in two engagements— severely wounded, and horse shot. Served in )

Indian mutiny campaign (Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal).

-* Sir D. M. Probyn served on the Trans-Indus Frontier from 1852 to 1857, and was present at the op
tions in the Bozdar Hills in March 1857 (Medal with Clasp). Served during the Indian mutiny campaig i
'857-58, andwas present throughout the siege of Delhi, including the action of Nujjufghur and o'ther minoi ,•

gigements, and commanded the 2nd Punjab Cavalry at the assault and capture of Delhi (mentioned (i

despatches) served in the same command with the Flying Column under Colonel Greathed, and wag pre:,;

at the actions of Bolundshur, Allyghur, and Agra (four times mentioned in despatches, and Victoria Cro
received the V<!t under the following circumstances —
" Has been distinguished for gallantry and daring throi

out this campaign. At the battle of Agra, when his squadron (of the and Punjab Cavalry) charged the r 1

infantry, he was some time separated from his men and surrounded by five or six sepoys. He defended himself I i

the various cuts made at him, and before his own men had joined him had cut down two of his assailants.
another time, in single combat with a sepoy, he was wounded in the wrist by the bayonet, and his horse also
slightly wounded; but, though the sepoy fought desperately, he cut him down. The same day he singled 01 1

standard-bearer, and, in presence of a number of the enemy, killed him and captured the standard. These ;

only a few of the gallant deeds of this brave young Officer.— Despa^cA froin Major General James Mope Grant, K .

dated 10th January 1858." He was also present at the action of Kanouje, the relief of Lucknow by Lord C '

(twice mentioned in despatches, and thanked by the Governor General), battle of Cawnpore and defeat ol i

Gwalior Contingent, action of Kale Nuddee, storm and capture of Lucknow (Brevet of Major, Medal with t :
Clasps, CB., and a year's service). Was permitted to retain the command of the ist Sikh Irregular Cavt ,

while on furlough, as a special reward for his services. Commanded the Regiment throughout the campaig 1

j86o in China (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with two Clasps).
" General B. Boyd served against the Bheels in Malwa in 1836. Sutlej campaign in 1846, including f
battle uf Sobraon iMcdal). Burmese war in 1852-53 (Medal with Clasp for Pegu). Served in Bundlecund in 1
" General J. Liptrott served throughout the campaign of 1842 in AflTghanistan under General Pollock (Mec 1

Served also in the Sutlej campaign in 1846, and was present in the action of Aliwal— horse shot (Medal). 1.
*7 General R. J. Hawthorne served in Sind in
1845-46. Also with the Division under General Wheeleji
the Punjaub campaign in 1848-49 (Medal).
»* General S. F. Macmullen served during the
Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, and was present at the ba H
of Chillianwallah and Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps). l.
" Gr'iicnil \V. Vine served with a squadron of his Regiment in May and June 1842, with Lt.Coionel Wats fl
Field Detachment in the Sangor district, and in the campaign in the Nerbudda Territories till 26th January »
was present at the affair at Simeeriah in Bundlecund served also in the Saugor and Nerbudda Territories dii
; '(
the matiny in bengal from November 1857 to February 1858 and was present at the affair at Kooahgaum si ;

with UngadicrRowcroft's Field Force in Gonickpore and Oude districts from May to December 1858 and pi
Bt tho "Ction at Amora on the 9th Juno commanded the Outpost at HuiTiah,
; and repulsed a very large nunii
rebels 29th August 1858; present at the action at Debeeriah,
and thanked on three occasions by Brigadier 1

' '^\^}*° ,''"^'w ofToolsepore 23rd December 1858, was also present at the reduction of Bundle
under C™"^".-
"J^i Hngiulier Wheeler (Medal).
^^' ^' ^^"''" "'"*" °"'f"''^°'l in quelling disturbances in the Hill tracts of the Golcondah Zci
s/JL??""!"'' M
' "
f^'l'ly served in tho Sutlej campaign in 1846 and was presentatthe action of Aliwal (Mc 1
throuKhout tho Punjaub campaign of 1848-49. including the
s^7^i„ ll'^ ',"""";""!'»'' antl Goojerat affair at Ramnuggur, and actioi i
(mentioned in despatches. Medal with two Clasps).
«7.„, ll' ""' '""^*^'' V^^ ^^° expedition to China in 1842-43 (Medal). Served on several cxpedii 1^
.Mj bad Khan in the rnn?rr"'r''l^ Commanded the Uingolee Field Force in the expedition ap
Oodghcor district. Commanded a detachment of the 28th Madras Native Infantry and P ^^

Her Majesty's Local hidian Forces. — War Services. 407

fee at Hosliungabad against Bybocl Singh and the rebels on the llahadeo Hills, and the capture and burning of
town of Rykerra in the Saugor and Nerbudda Ten-itories (Medal)
GoneraUi. Oaulfeild served in the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the actions of ChilUanwallah and
ojerat (Medal with two Clasps).
» General D. S. Dodgson served throughout the Jhoudpore Campaign of 1839. Throughout the campaign of
2 in Affghanistan under General Pollock, and was engaged in the actions of the 19th 23rcl and 24th January at
mouth of the Khyber Pass, forcing the Khyber Pass on the 5th April, relief of Jellalabad, and subsequent
iratious in Affghanistan (Medal). Sutlej campaign in 1846, including the affair of Buddiwal and action of Aliwal
jdal). Was Brigade Major at Benares when the Native Troops there mutinied on the 4th June 1857, and was
unded by one of the mutineers on parade. Afterwards served as Assistant Adjutant General with Havelock's
ce and was present at the actions of Mungarwar and Alumbagh, and relief of Lucknow— wounded (Brevet of
jor) throughout subsequent defence of the Bailie Guard, Residency of Lucknow, until relieved by Lord

(le's Force, and engaged in repelling of all attacks, and in sorties, including the bringing in of the rear guard
1 heavy guns, attack on and capture of the
Hirn Khana and King's Stables (Brevet of Lt.Colonel) subsequent

upatio'n of the Alumbagh from November 1857 to March 1S58, and engaged in repelUng eight attacks thereon,
I capture of the enemy's guns and camp at Ghylee.
Served at the final capture of Lucknow (frequently men-
led in despatches, thanked by the Governor General, the Commander in Chief, by Sir James Outram, and
onel B. Napier for his services during the several operations at Lucknow, Medal with two Clasps, a year's
vice, CB. and his
name recorded as deserving of honourable mention).
' General J. P. Coode served in the Burmese war in 1852-53, and was present at the capture of the Pegu Forts
' General E. D. Watson served in the Indian Mutiny campaign in 1857 (Medal). Served with the Bhootan
pedition in 1864-65, and was present at the capture of Bu.xar and Tazagaon (Medal).
* General J. W. Schneider commanded the Contingent, Infantry and Irregular Cavalry, of the Rajah of
,tara in the campaign in the Southern Maratha Country in 1844-45, including the storm and capture of the forts of
aaUaandPownghur. Commanded the Kolapore Infantry atthesuppression of the mutiny in the late 27tb Bombay
tive Infantry in July and August 1857 also at the recapture of Kolapore in December 1857 (Medal).
; Served
h the Abyssinian Expeditionary Force in 1S68 with the rank of Brigadier General commanded the ist Brigade

the ist Division which led during the advance on Magdala, and was engaged at the battle of Arogee, and in the
ault on Magdala {CS., and Medal).
1 General 6. Brown served in the Burmese war in 1852-53, and was present at the relief of Pegu and during
subsequent investment (Medal with Clasp for Pegu).
2 General A. N. Kich was employed on field service with the Kamptee Movable Column in the Jubbulpore
i Raepore districts from 19th November 1857 to 30th April 1S58 and commanded a mixed detachment of Cavalry
1 Infantry against the rebels at Gootea and Ruagaum (Medal).
^ General H. A. Adams commanded his Regiment at the assault and capture of Kotah ; present with the

Inmn in pursuit of the Gwalior rebels under Tantia Topee, the Rao Saheb, and the Nawab of Banda, June to
gust 185S action of Sanganeeronthe 8th and the battle of Bunass on the 14th August 1858; action of Pm'tabghur

2jth December 1858 (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).

» 'General W. W. Anderson served in the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, present at the siege assault and cap-
eofMooltan (Medal with Clasp). Also in the Indian campaign and was presentat the siege and captm-eof Arrah
I Kotah, and subsequent pursuit of the rebels into Gwalior territory served with Smith's Brigade in Central

lia, and present at the action of Kotah-ke-Serai (wounded), and capture of Gwalior; served with the Malwa
'Id Force under General Michel in the pursuit of the rebels under Tantia Topee, and present at the actions of
i.dwaho and Kurai attached to the Cavalry Brigade under Brigadier Somerset, and was detached with a force

ler Major W. Grant to assist in guarding the passes when the rebels were attempting to force their way through
Banswara Jungles (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
General J. Field served with the field force in Sind and Affghanistan from 1841 to 1844 present at the en-

jement at Hykulzj-e and the defeat and capture of Meer Shah Mahomed at Peer AiTee. Commanded his Regi-
ut at the attack on the town and fort of Beyt in October, and at the siege and capture of Dwarka in November
•9. Commanded the Advance Brigade of the expeditionary force to Abyssinia from the 7th October 1867 to 12th
luary 1S6S, and was at the same time in command of the 10th Bombay N.I. (received the approbation of Govern-
:it). Was appointed Brigadier General and commanded the Pioneer Force from Antalo, and on its being amal-
nated with other Brigades commanded the 3rd Brigade ist Division Abyssinian Field Force for a short time.
lis present at the capture of Magdala in command of the loth Native Infantry (mentioned in the despatches, CJB.,

le de Camp to the Queen, and Medal).

General J. Gordon served in the campaign of 1842 in Affghanistan under General Pollock. Also in the

lej campaign, and subsequent occupation of Lahore in 1846. Indian mutiny campaign in 1857-58 was Aide de

i-up to General Neill from the 16th July to the 25th September iS57theday he was killed on entry totherelief of the
;'!know Residency, including the operations at Allahabad and Cawnpore, engagement with rebels on three occa-
I'lS when sent in command of detachments in the steamer Berhampooter up and down the Ganges from Cawnpore,

I ons of Mungarwar andAlumbagh, and relief of Lucknow (horse shot); served throughout the subsequent detenoe
he Residency and occupation of the Alumbagh with repulse of the various attacks, also at the final capture
) Jucknow (frequently mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal with two Clasps, and a year's service).
General F. W. Drummond served in the campaign in Bundlecund in 1842. Present at the battle of
rmiar 20th December 1843 (Bronze Star). Sutlej campaign of 1845-46, including the battle of Ferozeshah (Medal),
b throughout the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the affair at Ramnuggur, and actions nf SHdoola-
)-3, ChilUanwallah, and Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps). Served in the Indian Mutiny campaign in 1857-58
General W. W. Taylor served in Upper Sind during 1839-40 with detachment of the 5th Bombay Native

i.ntry under Captain Smee, at the capture of the fort of Kanghur. Served in the Land Transport Corps with
I'Persian Expeditionary Force in 1857 (Medal with Clasp). Served with the 5th Regiment against the Taepings
IT Shanghai, and was present at the attack and capture of the entrenched camp at Wang-Kaza 4th April

:( manded the Garrison which defended Kahding when invested by the rebels in May; present at the storming
k- recapture of Kahding 24th October 1862 (Medal).
General G. Strangways served with the 71st Bengal Native Infantry at the defeat and dispersion of a
) y of Dacoits who entered the Shahjehanpore district in May and June 1841. Commanded the Regiment and
•iiptured the Bareilly Jail from the prisoners who had overpowered the guard in July 1842. Led the advance
) detachment of the 71st Native Infantry at the attack and defeat of insurgents under Kam Sing who occupied
1! Heights in front of Noorpore in September 1848. Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, and present at the capture of
i fort of Rungu! Nuggur, and in pursuit of bodies of insurgents (Medal). Commanded the 71st Native Infantry
)) he outbreak of the mutiny at Lucknow on the night of the 30th May
1857, and commanded detachments of the
^iment that remained faithful and formed part of the heroic garrison throughout the defence of the Residency

ri the 31st June to the 17th November 1857 wounded on the 4th July ; afterwards present at the battle of Cawn-
K) and defeat of the Gwalior Contingent (received the thanks of Government, Medal with Clasp, and a year's
General F. C. Maisey served throughout the Burmese war of 1852-53. and was present at the attack and
!t.ure of Rangoon, operations near Donabew, and against the robber chief Mya Toon, and several skirmishes
"was wounded in the repulse of a night attack on the 19th August 1853 (Medal with Clasp for Pegu). Served
liughout the siege of Delhi, including the battle of Budleekeserai (charger killed), assault and capture of the
A and Palace (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
General H.B. Stevens served through the Sutlej campaign of 1845-46, including the battles of Ferozeshah
itSobraou (Medal and Clasp). Commanded the Sylhet Light Infantry Battalion in several skirmishes with
n neers of the 34th Bengal Native Infantry, on the eastern frontier, and succeeded in destroying the entire body
ri lived the thauk.s of
Government and of the Commander in Chief, Brevet of Major, and Indian Mutiny Medal).
H ed during the Bhootan campaign of 1864-66, including the recapture of Dewangiri (Medal with Clasp).
General J. Buchanan served in the suppression of the Indian mutiny in 1857-59, in the Shahahad dis-
and m
Bundlecund under General Whitlock (Medal with Clasp).
Z 2
4o8 Her Mujcsti/'ti Local Indian Forces. — War Servicfis.

with the fieUl force under Major Reid. Also during the Burmese -war
Genera' W. H. Walls served
,Rr., c, and wnswrcsentat the attack iind
capture of Pegu, and constantly engaged with the enemy during
William Sentinck. Commanded the Piquet which repuli
MPfint of the Pegu river in the leading steamer Lord
a niffht attack on the steamer on the igth November 1852 accompanied the Marlaban Column to Showuy Ght

force, and was present at the attack on Gongah, and other minor affa
as Staff Officer of the expeditionary
wiih the eueinv (Medal with Clasp for Pegu).
•>» General G T Radcliffe commanded a Squadron of his Regiment on field service in the Deccan fr
the i6th November 185S to the 5th October 1859.
On the 29th February he marched with a Squadron fifty mi
without a halt in pursuit of the enemy, brought them to action
and defeated them the same day taking save
Lieut' General W. Q. Pogson served in Spain in 1S37 *s a
Cornet in the Anglo-Spanish Legion. Served
AffKhanistan in 1S40; in the Sutlej campaign in 1846; and the Bhootan campaign (Medal with Clasp).
"Lieut General F. W. Baugli served the campaign of 1842 in Afl"ghanistan under General Pollock, including
actions at the forcing of the Khyber Pass, at Mamoo Khail,
Jugdulluck, Tezeen, and Istalifi' (Medal). Through
the Sntloj campaign, including the battles of Moodkee, Ferozeshah, and
Sobraon (Medal and two Clasps). Burm
war in 1853 against the enemy near Prome (Medal -with Clasp for Pegu) Indian mutiny campaigns in 1857-58, s

action of Chinpoorah (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, and Medal).

»» Lieut General T. R. Snow served throughout the campaign of 1843 in Sind under Sir Charles Napier, and i

present at the battles of Meeaneo and Hyderabad— horse shot (Medal). Served under Sir J. Lawrence agai
the tribes in the Googaria district in 1857, and on the 30th September he was wounded and his horse receive!
sabre-cut, and on the 16th October he was severely wounded (Brevet of Major, and Medal).
"> Lieut.General C. Dumbleton was present at the battle of Maharajpore 19th December 1S43 (Bronze Stf

Served in'the Indian Mutiny campaign in 1857 (Medal).

" Lt.Gencral G. G. Anderson served in the Punjaub campaign in 1848-40, and was present at the battles of Chilli
wallah and Goojerat— wounded, and horse shot (Medal with two Clasps).
«» Lieut.General G. R. S. Burrows served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and commanded the forces in theenga

ments on the Helmund and at Maiwand (two horses killed) ; took part in the defence of/ Candahar (mentioned
despatches), including the sortie of Deh Khojah (mentioned in despatches), and commanded a Brigade at
battle of Candahar (Medal with Clasp).
" Lieut.General W. C. Gott served the Gwalior campaign of 1843-44, and was present at the battle of Maharajr
(Bronze Star) . Served throughout the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, and was present at the passage of the Cher
and actions of Sadoolapore and Chillianwallah— twice wounded (Medal with two Clasps). Served in the Sent!
campaign of 1855-56. '

'* Lieut.General J. A. S. Faulknor served with the Field Force in Sind and Affghanistan from 1841 to 1844, i

was present at the defeat and capture of Meer Shah Mahomed at Peer Arree. He was also present at the si i

and capture of Dwarka in November 1859. 1

" Lieut.General J. G. Cookson served as Deputy Assistant Quarter Master General of the BeUary Field Fcl
under Brigadier Spottiswoode from the 8th November 1858 to the 21st January 1859.
^ Lieut.General P. G. Scot served in the Sutlei campaign of 1845-46 and was present at the battle of Ferozes '1

(Medal). Was present when the Wing of the i-.;th Bengal Native Infantry mutinied at Nowgong in June i ',

Served afterwards in the suppression of the Indian mutiny and was present with Havelock's Force at the action :

Mungarwar and Alumbagh, and entry into Lucknow defence of the Residency from 25th September to 2

November 1857 intil relieved by Lord Clyde; occupation of the Alumbagh and repulse of all the attacks f)'.
NovemberiB57 to the 28th February 1858; siege of Lucknow from ist to i6th March, action at Koorsee, attj
on Rooya, actions of Allygungeand Bareilly (mentioned in despatches, Medal with two Clasps, and a j'ear's servi '.

'7 Lieut.General H. A. Cockburn marched from Gwalior on the 13th May 1857 towards Allyghur in command '1

Squadron of the ist Cavalry of the Gwahor Contingent, of which Regiment he was Adjutant, and served in the A ,

Hattras, and Allyghur districts of the Doab, under the Orders of the Lt.Governor of 'the N. W. Provinces, until 1
and July following. On the 22nd May near Hattras with only about fifty men he defeated and disjiersed a bod; 'i

nearly 500 rebels, on which occasion his charger was slightly wounded. On the following day he rescued tw( r
persons from the town of Sasnee. On the 31st May he defeated a body of rebels near Hattras, on which occs i
the othcial report from Captain Alexander to the Lt.Governor of the N. W. Provinces stated :— "Lieutenant Ci -
bum dismounted about twenty men and stormed the village. Every praise is due to Lieut. Cockburn, a most gal J
soldier, who had some narrow escapes " (his helmet and sword were struck by bullets). " He killed four men ' 'l

his own hand." On the 5th June he defeated a large body of rebels and saved the town of Lakhnooa, his cha Ir
being twice wounded. On the 5th July 1857 at the battle of Agra he was very severely wounded by a cannon-shot i
his charger was killed under him. He was thanked on four occasions by the Lieut. Governor of the N. W. Provi '«
and mentioned in his despatches as being "marked by his forward activity and courage " and *' as a (insl {
energetic Cavalry Officer" (Medal).
«* Lieut.General W. M. Cafe was present at the battle of Maharajpore 29th December
1843 (Bronze Star). .D
throughout the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including tne actions of Sadoolapore, Chillianwallah, and Goojr>,
and pursuit of the Sikhs and AiTghans (Medal with two Clasps). Served during the Indian Mutiny campaip:»
'857-58, and was present In the engagement at Meangunge, the siege and capture of Lucknow, and the actio |f
Rooyah— severely wounded (Medal with Clasp, and Victoria Cross) received the
: Y€ "for bearing away, u:7
a heavy fire, with the assistance of Privates Thompson, Crowie, Spence, and Cook, the body of Lieute:!*
Willoughby, lying near the ditch of the Fort of Ruhya, and for running to the rescue of Private Spence, who a
been severely wounded in the attempt. Date of act of bravery, 15th April 1858." '

"Lieut.General S. Chalmers served in the Sonthal campaign in 1855. Also in the Indian Mutiny campij"
including the siege and capture of Lucknow— severely wounded (Medal with Clasp)

" Licut.(3eneral J. M. Earle served throughout the Sutlej campaign of 1845-46, and was present at the actioi !)f
Moodkee, tcrozcshah, Buddiwal, and Aliwal (Medal and two Clasps).
•> Liout.Gcnonil E. S. Jackson was
Adjutant of the 12th Bengal Native Infantry when the Wing at Nowf g
mutinied in June 1857, and was instrumental in saving the life of iVIrs. Kerchoff, the wife of the Sergeant Major, w '«
he rescued from danger by cuiTying her behind him on horseback (Medal). Was engaged in an afifair wi'»
party of Uur.dcelns. ^ ' ^
' Lieut.Ger.eral G. Smart served with the expedition to China in iS6oand was present at the capture of*
Tnku Forts (Medal with Clasp).
' Lieut.General J. C. P. Baillio served throughout the Indianmutiny campaigns of 1857-59; wasOrderlyO '

to General Nichol.son ni the engagement with the Sealkote mutineers near Goordaspore on the 12th
1857 (gevcrely wounded) served with Brigadier Seaton's Column at the actions of Gungeree and Puttinllee.

TO-occupationofMynpone. AtKankur, Rohilcund border, in April 1858 served with the Soraon Field Force:.
taking of Vorts Dehain and Tiroul. Served with Brigadier Kellv's Force during the operations in the Tenii
prosont at the actions ol Ruttoupore, and attack made on the rebels' i)ositiou in lower Nepaul range
(moiilioncil 111 duspntches. Medal).
— wou
" Lieat.Genenil II. Ulair served in the Sonthal campaign in 1856. Also during the Indian mutiny of 185
nciucimg the Bundlecuiid campaign in 1859 under Brigadier
Wheeler (Medal). Served in the Afghan war in •

ncomiimnd of the 3rd liciigal Native lulantry (Medal).

".-A- Browne served throughout the Burmese war of i8s2-S3, and was present at va: 1'
klrmiHheH (Medal with ClnKp for Pegu).
®'""'"' ^'"^'"^ '" ^'"^ ^"'^''^" Mutiny campaign in 1858 (Medal). Served in the Af
^';"'n'"'"1 served in the Sutlej campaign of 1845-46 and was present at the bait
llooIlWno'(.OMl'.-T.r-i^ '.i^''

*" '"'!;"«'' throughout the Indian mutiny campaign of ;e

or ...1! »u7,„ „, "i 1857-59, and was present at the
'"" "' ^<ol«l' and pursuit of Tautia TopeetMedal with Clasp, and VictoriaCr .•

?occived lo'vr ••ni

".",y'"« ""•"" occasions distinguished himself by his gallant and daring conduct. »
Lc iiigi.t
UL niu^l . Of
r iho ,u August
11,^ i2ih
1857, at Ncemuch, in volunteering to apprehend seven or eight armed muti
. . . .

Her Majesty's Local Indian Forces. — War Services. 409

po had shut themselves up for defence in a house, the door of which he burst open. He then rushed in among
tm, anl forced them to escape through the roof; in this encounter he was severely wounded. In spite of his
mods he pursued the fugitives, but was unable to come up with them in consequence of the darkness of the
iht. 2. On the 23rd October 1857, at Jeerum, in Sghtinsr his way most gallantly through a body of rebels
jl literally surrounded him. After breaking the end of his sword on one of their heads, and receiving a severe
Kjrd-cut on his right arm, he rejoined his troop. In this wounded condition, and with no other weapon than the
li of his broken
sword, he put himself at the head of his men, charged the rebels most effectually, and dispersed

Major General M. Thomson served throughout the mutiny of 1S57-5S, was engaged in the trenches at Cawnporo
I'ing the massacre, was one of the only four survivors, and was five times wounded and had a horse shot under
til (lledal with Clasp, Brevet of Major, and a year's service^
Sir Charles Gongh served throughout the Punjaab campaign of 184S-49, including tae action of Ram-

Kgur, passage of the Chenab, and battles of Sadoolapore, Chillianwalla, and Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps),
fved in the Indian mutiny campaign of 1357-5S with the Guide Corps at siege and capture of Delhi ci:)mmander
; ;

Side Cavalrj- in affairs at Khurkonda on 15th, and Rhotnck on 17th and i3th August ;engaged in the cavalry affair
;;-ear of the Camp on nth September. Served with Brigadier Showers' Column in the Delhi and Jhujjur districts.
^3 engaged in the action of Xarnoleon the i6th Xovernber. Served with Hodson's Horse at the actions of Gun-
free, Putteallee, Mynpoorie, and Shumshabad (wounded). Commanded a Squadron of Hodson's Horse at the
»ion of Meangunge present throughout the siege and capture of Lucknow (Medal with two Clasps, Victoria

()ss, and Brevet of Major) :

was awarded the YC " i.For gallantry in an affair at Khurkowdah, near
|otuck, on the 15th August 1S57, in which he saved his brother, who was wounded, and killel two of the
E)my. 2. For gallantry on the iSth August when he led a Troop of the Guide Cavalry in a charge, and cut
Bva two of the enemy's sowars, with one of whom he had a desperate hand-to-hand combat. 3. For gallantry
[ the 27th January 185S, at Shumshabad, where, in a charge, he attacked one of the enemy's leaders, and
^rced him with his sword, which was carried out of his hand in the melee. He defended himself with his
folver, and shot two of the enemy. 4. For gallantry on the 23rd February 1S53, at Meangunge, where he
pie to the assistance of Brevet Major O. H. St. George Anson, and killed his opponent, immediately afterwards
i;ting down another of the enemy in the same gallant manner." Served with the Bhootan Expedition in iS64;^5
jedai with Clasp). Served in the Afghan war of iSjS-So, and was present at the attack and capture of Ali Musjid,
td in the engagement at Futtehabad (mentioned in despatches); commanded a force of all arms which
^m Gundamuck to the relief of Cabul in December 1079 (mentioned in despatches), and commanded a brigade in
B engagement at Saidabad (mentioned in despatches, KCB., Medal with two Clasps).
p Major General S.DeB.Edwardes served Ln the MaheeKanta Field Force in 1858, in pursuit of TantiaTopee,present
Ithe action of Anoria. Served as Deputy Assistant Quarter Master General in the Abyssinian Expedition in 1S68,
esent at the action of Arogee and at the assault and capture of Magdala (Medal) . Served in the Afghan war m
79-So as Chief Director of Transport on the line between Sukkur and CJuetta, took part in the defence of Candahar,
'd was present at the battle of Candahar (mentioned in despatches, CB., Medal with Clasp).
Mr r General R. S. Hill served in defence of Kumaon Hills and Rohilcund against the rebels in 1S57-5S pi esent

rah with Brigadier Troup's Colnmn during the campaign in Oude and present at the actions of Pnsgaon

jlpore, attack and capture of Fort Mittowlee, and action of Biswah (Medal). Served in the Bhootan
_ >( 1865-66 (Medal with Clasp) ; in the Huzara campaign of 1S68 including the operations on the "Black
/' (Clasp); and in the operauons in the Malay Peninsula in 1S75-76 (mentioned in despatches. Clasp).
rved in the Afghan war of 1878-33 on the Khvber hue of communications (mentioned in despatches, CB., and
fcdal). Commanded the expedition sent against the Akhas in 1SS3-34 (received the thanks of tne Commander in
Uef and of Government).
P Major General H. Melvill served in the Kumaon Militia during i857and commanded Cavalry in an attack made
om Nvnee Tal upon a portion of the Rohilcund rebels. Served with the Oude Police Cavalry from May till
^ptember 1358 was in command of a Police Force (Cavalry and Infantry) at Mahon near Lucknow when an

tAck was made on that post by the enemy on the evening of the jih August 1858. Commanded the Cavalry in
,1 attack made by a Police Force upon the fort and position of Birwa on 26th August 1S58 (Medal).
f M^or General E. M. Lawford was employed in Baigal and Bundlecund from February to December 1859
ledal with Clasp). ^ assault
w Msior General E. J. M'Nair served in the Indian mutiny campaignsof 1837-30, and was present at the ,

" - ire of Delhi as well as at the battle of Budlee-ke- Serai and all the operations throughout the siege served ;

- in the Delhi district with the column under Brigadier Showers; also in the Bekaneer district in 1859

:h Clasp). Served in the Hazara campaign in iS63, and was present in the operations on the Black
I Medal with Clasp). Served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 (mentioned in despatches. Medal).
31.1. :r General P. Story served in Brigadier Trouo's tiolnmnduiingthe campaign in Oude in
- i85S-59,andwaspre-
at at the actions of Pusgaon and Russoolpore, atta'ck and capture of Fort Mittowlee, and action of Biswah (Medal)
(rvedwith the Bhootan Expedition in 1865-66 (Medal with Clasp), and during the ooerations in the Malay
^ninsula in 1875-76 (Clasp). Served in the Afghan war of 1878-80 with the ThuU ChotiaU Field Force, and after-
•ards in Xorthem Afshanistan (Medal).
*• Major General G. T. Jones served in the Egyptian war of 1S82 as Commandant of the Line of Commumcations

r the Indian Contingent (Medal, and Khedive's Star).

^ Major General G. A. Arbuthnot served with the Saugor Field Force during the suppression of the Indian
utinv in the Shahabad district and in Central India Medal with Clasp) .
•«* Major General
G. B. Fisher was present with the 32nd Bengal Native Infantry in the Sonthal district during
le mutinies of 1857, and marched with the Head Quarters from Bowsee to Raneegunge when the four compames
a command mutinied. Took a detachment of volunteers from his regiment to China, and served with the ejtb
I. during the occupation of Canton in iS5S->g (Medal).

** Colonef F. S. Iredell served in the Afghan war in 1879-So, and took part in the march to Candahar with the

wee under Major General Phavre (Medal).

^ Colonel E. Venour served as a volunteer with the loth Foot against the Dinapore mutineers at Arrah m

57 and was severely wounded (Medal). Served with the right column Doar Field Force in 1865-66, and was pre-
jut at the capture o"f Buxar and the Bala Pass and Tazagaon Stockaaes (received the thanks of the Commander
1 Chief, Medal with Clasp). Served in the Afghan war iniS79-So (Medal). ^^ ,
.>* Colonel J. I. Robinson served with the 2nd Punjaub Cavalry at the final siege and capture rif Lucknow
id at the affair of Koorsee; and with the oth Lancers in the Rohilcund campaign, including tha act^ions of
jooya and AUvgange capture of Bareillv, and affairs of Shahjehanpore and Mohumdee (Medal with Clasp)

'"^ Colonel
W. Rowlandson served in the Indian mutinv campaign in 1857-58. and was present at the actions
f Seerowlie and Ghurra, and reoccupation of Humeerpore (Medal with Clasp). Served with the Burmese^ Expe-
ition in 1335-S6, and was present in the attack on the batteries on the i6th November in command of a (^olumn
Medal with Clasp).
'"" ColonelW.R.
Martin served in the Indian mutinv campaign of 1857-58; was presentwith the sSth Foot at the
Jsault and capture of Meeangunge, siege and capture of Lucknow, and affairs of Barree and Nnggur (Medal with
lasp). Served with the 19th Punjaub Infantrv in China the campaign of 1S60 (Medal). Served with the 3rd
unjaub Infantry throughout the Sittana Expedition in 1863 (Medal with Clasp); and afterwards with General
^ilde's Column against'the Judon Tribes.
'" Colonel J. M. Stewart served in the Jyi^teah Hills during the rebellion of 1862-63, and was present at the
ssault and canture of the stockades of Ookis, Mugbarai, and Oomkrong. Served in the Abyssiman war in 1S67-68
'*• Colonel
P. WTieeler served in the Indian Mutiny campaign in 1857-59, and was present at the capture of
3areilly (Medal).
'"' Colonel
H. H. Stansfeld served with the loth Foot throughout the Indian mutiny, and was present at the
ieee of Lucknow and several skirmishes in Oude, Azimghur, and the Jngdespore Jungles ^Medal with Clasp).
"^ Colonel T. M. Shelley was present at the outbreak of the mutiny at Meerut on the loth May 1S57. He
erved aaerwards in several actions from the nth August to the 29th September before Delhi, and at the assault
•nd capture of the city— wounded (Medal with Clasp).
^Qoa Ser Majesti/'s Local Indian Forces. — War Services.

>w Colonel M C. Clerk served in the Indian mutiny 'campaigns in 1857-59, and was present with Havelo< -,

Force at the actions of Munjrarwar and Alumbagh, remaining intheAlumbagh

with the force under Lt.Col( 1

present at the capture of Lucknow (Medal v

M'Intyro, and acted as Assistant Field Engineer; afterwards ,

""*'co'lone"p*^c'^ Dalraahoy served in the Indian mutiny

campaigns of 1857-59, and wnspresent at the siege !

previous to the capture. Served with Bnga

oaDtnre of Dollii including most of the engagements before its walls
Showers' Force in the Delhi district. Present with the Humeerpore Police Battalion m
several encounters v
the rebels in Bundlecund in 1859-60, and on manv occasions during the
campaign commanded an mdepeni
Column of Military Police (received the thanks of Government for services in Delhi and Bundlecund, Medal \ ,

"''colonel H. H. C. G. Warrington was employed on field service in the Saugor and Nerbudda Territories in
suppression of the Indian mutiny from the 6th February 1858.
"» Colonel F. G. Hideout was employed in suppressing the Khcnd outbreak Boad m m
May and June 1!
Served with the Bui mese Expedition in 1885 (Medal with Clasp).
•'5 Colonel R. A. C. Hunt served with his regiment against the Taepings near Shanghai, and was present at

storming andcapture of the entrenched camp at Wang-kaza 4th April 1862, of the town ot Tseerpoo 17th Ap
at Nazean 27th and 29th April, at the storming of Kahding ist May, of T?ing-poo 12th May, and at the storm
and recapture of Kahding on the 4th October 1S62. Served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and commanded the
Bombay Native Infantry in the march to Candahar with the force under Major General Phayre (Medal).
>'« Colonel C. S. Sturt'served in the Abyssinian war in 1867-6S (mentioned in despatches. Medal).
Colonel H. R. Elliot was employed on field service in the Raichore Doab from 4th June to 5th August 18
Served in the Ayssinian war of 1867-68, and was present at the capture of Magdala (Medal).
>" Colonel R.M.Chambers served with his regiment against the Taepings near Shanghai, and was present
the storming and capture of the entrenched camp at Wang-kaza 4th April 1862, and of the town of Tseerpoo i
April, at Nazean 27th and 29th April 1862, at the storming of the town of Tsingpoo 12th May, and with the garri;
defending Kab'ling in May 1862 (Medal). Served in the Afghan war in 1880 (Medal).
'"' Colonel I.. E. Evans served throughout the Indian mutinj' campaign in 1858-59 with the 3rd BengalEuropi

Regiment, and was present with the Mynpooree Movable Column in the operations at Sheraghur Ghat, andw
the Agra Column towards Gwalior. Served also with the Column under Brigadier Showers in the action of De^
against Tantia Topee (Medal). ,
1" Colonel H. R. Wmtle served in the Indian Mutiny campaign (Medal). '

1" Colonel A. J. Howes served with the Kurnool Movable Column and Saugor Field Division, and was presi'
at the storming of the fort of Ruteea 13th November 1858 (Medal),
'" Colonel F! D. Piowden served during the Indian mutiny campaign of 1858-59, and accompanied Gene
Frank's Column on the Oude frontier, and 'was engaged at the capture of Attrowlee (Medal).
"7 Colonel W. C. Chowne served with the 19th Punjaub Infantry in the campaign of i860 in China (Med£
Served in the Mahsood Wuzeeree Expedition in 1881.
•™ Colonel M. Millett served in the Indian Mutiny campaign in 1857-58, and was present in several engagemer
including the siesc and capture of Lucknow (Medal with Clasp).
'" Colonel F. H. TyiTell served in the Abyssinian war in 1S67-68 (Medal).
"3 Colonel H.

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