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Creativity Research Journal Copyright © 2005 by

2005, Vol. 17, No. 1, 37–50 Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

Reliability, Validity, and Factor Structure of the Creative

Achievement Questionnaire
Shelley Carson
Harvard University
Jordan B. Peterson
University of Toronto
Daniel M. Higgins
Harvard University

ABSTRACT: The Creative Achievement Questionnaire composition, medical cure, or weapon of mass destruc-
(CAQ) is a new self-report measure of creative tion—is therefore both novel and useful. Barron also
achievement that assesses achievement across 10 do- suggested that creative products are generally charac-
mains of creativity. It was designed to be objective, em- terized by “elegance” or “esthetic fit” (Barron, 1969,
pirically valid, and easy to administer and score. Study p.20).
1 established test–retest reliability (r = .81, p < .0001) Creative achievement appears to be facilitated by a
and internal consistency reliability (α = .96) in a sam- confluence of varying intrapersonal and interpersonal
ple of 117 undergraduate students. Study 2 established factors (Amabile, 1996; Eysenck, 1995; Ludwig,
predictive validity of the CAQ against artist ratings of 1995; Simonton, 1994). Relevant intrapersonal factors
a creative product, a collage (r = .59, p < .0001, n = may include cognitive abilities (e.g., intelligence, ca-
39). Study 3 (n = 86) established convergent validity pacity for divergent thinking, imagination), personality
with other measures of creative potential, including di- traits (e.g., confidence, nonconformity), intrinsic moti-
vergent thinking tests (r = .47, p < .0001), the Creative vation, and talent (Amabile, 1983; Eysenck, 1995;
Personality Scale (Gough, 1979; r = .33, p = .004), In- Fink, Ward, & Smith, 1992). Relevant interpersonal
tellect (Goldberg, 1992; r = .51, p < .0001), and Open- factors may include familial resources (e.g., ability to
ness to Experience (Costa & McCrae, 1992; r = .33, p provide practical support), societal factors (e.g., oppor-
= .002). Study 4 established discriminant validity be- tunity for interaction with experts in the chosen field of
tween the CAQ and both IQ and self-serving bias. creativity), and cultural considerations, such as suffi-
Study 5 examined the factor structure of the CAQ. A cient political or economic stability (Csikszentmihalyi,
three-factor solution identified Expressive, Scientific, 1988; Ludwig, 1995; Simonton, 1975).
and Performance factors of creative achievement. A
two-factor solution identified an Arts factor and a Sci-
ence factor. The authors would like to thank Richard McNally for his thoughtful
comments on this article. Thanks also to Melanie Glickson and Ana
LaGuarda for their valuable research assistance, and to David Brega,
Creative achievement may be defined as the sum of Marj Prescott, and Page Railsback for their artistic expertise. This re-
creative products generated by an individual in the search was funded by a grant from the Harvard University Depart-
course of his or her lifetime. A creative product, ac- ment of Psychology.
Correspondence and requests for reprints should be sent to Shel-
cording to Barron’s (1955) criteria, must be both origi- ley H. Carson, Department of Psychology, Harvard University, 33
nal and functional or adapted in some pragmatic way to Kirkland Street, Cambridge, MA 02138. E-mail: carson@wjh
reality. A creative product—be it a new poem, musical

Creativity Research Journal 37

S. Carson, J. B. Peterson, and D. M. Higgins

The intrapersonal factors necessary for creative well-known inventors, and Simonton (1980) counted
achievement appear to be normally distributed in the the number of times a musical composition had been
population, when considered as single entities. How- recorded as a measure of eminence among deceased
ever, creative achievement itself appears to result from composers.
the simultaneous high-end occurrence of many indi-
vidual traits and, as such, is probably characterized by
Ratings by Experts and Nonexperts
a non-Gaussian, inverted “J” distribution. In principle,
therefore, only a minority of individuals within any Another method of measuring creative achievement
population will exhibit high levels of creative achieve- is the use of expert ratings as a criterion for eminence.
ment (Eysenck, 1995). By accurately identifying and MacKinnon (1962), for example, asked five professors
then studying these relatively rare individuals, it may of architecture to nominate the living architects who
be possible to learn more about the biological, psycho- had had the most influence on the field in his study of
logical, social, and cultural factors that underlie and in- architectural creativity.
fluence individual creative output. Such research can- Beside the ratings of experts in a domain, nonexpert
not progress without accurate measurement of creative ratings of creativity in eminent individuals have also
achievement across a variety of domains. This article been used as a criterion for achievement. For example,
presents an instrument to measure creative achieve- Ludwig (1992) developed the Creative Achievement
ment, the Creative Achievement Questionnaire (CAQ), Scale (CAS) to distinguish levels of creativity among
that is time-efficient, easy to administer and score, ob- 1,006 deceased luminaries in 19 different professions.
jective, and empirically valid. Nonexpert raters who were trained to use the CAS
judged the eminent achievers based on information
available in biographical sources.
Previously Existing Measures Rating scales have also been devised to measure ev-
of Creative Achievement eryday creativity in the general population. For exam-
ple, Richards and her colleagues (1988) composed the
Creativity researchers have measured achievement Lifetime Creativity Scales to measure creative
using a variety of methods, depending upon the pur- achievement and interest levels in unselected samples
pose of the individual investigation being conducted. of individuals. They included measurement of both
These methods, described in detail below, include us- “peak” accomplishments and overall involvement in
ing verifiable accomplishments or honors as markers and appreciation for creative endeavors in the scale.
for eminence (e.g. Colangelo, Kerr, Hallowell, Using this method, information on creativity was col-
Huesman, & Gaeth, 1992; Ellis, 1926; Simonton, lected during open-ended interviews with participants.
1980), ratings of existing creative products by experts A rater then evaluated the creativity-relevant interview
or nonexperts (e.g. Ludwig, 1992: MacKinnon, 1962; material on a 6-point scale ranging from 1 (xxx) to 6
Richards, Kinney, Benet, & Merzel, 1988), and self-re- (xxx).
port inventories of achievement (e.g. Hocevar, 1989;
Holland & Nichols, 1964; Torrance, 1972).
Self-Report Inventories
Hocevar and Bachelor (1989) have suggested that
Markers of Eminence
the self-report inventory is the most easily defended
First, achievement has been measured using a single method of assessing both creative achievement and
honor or award as an indicator of eminence. For exam- creative talent. Most such inventories are checklists
ple, Ellis (1926) used entry in the Dictionary of Na- that ask the participant to check off achievements in
tional Biography as a measure of eminence in an early various areas of creative endeavor.
study of 1,030 British luminaries. Researchers have Torrance (1972) devised a checklist intended to
also used counts of a domain-specific marker of emi- measure the quantity and quality of post-high school
nence to measure achievement. For instance, achievements in a longitudinal study of the predictive
Colangelo and colleagues (1992) used the number of ability of divergent thinking tests administered to
patents acquired as a marker for eminence among school children. Respondents listed how many times

38 Creativity Research Journal

Reliability of the CAQ

they had accomplished each of 15 activities, yielding a 1. Creative achievement is best assessed in a do-
quantitative score. They were also asked to list their main-specific manner. Achievement in one area of cre-
three most important creative achievements. These ative endeavor (painting, architecture, or scientific dis-
achievements were rated on a 10-point scale ranging covery) does not necessarily imply creative excellence
from 1 (xxx) to 10 (xxx) by trained experimenters, in all areas (Ward, Smith, & Finke, 1999). However,
yielding a qualitative score. many individuals boast accomplishments in more than
Holland and Nichols (1964) devised a checklist one domain of endeavor. The CAQ was therefore de-
based on accomplishments elicited from students in signed to identify specific domains of achievement as
their freshman year of college. The accomplishments well as to provide an indicator of total accomplishment
spanned six domains of achievement: leadership, sci- across multiple domains.
ence, dramatic arts, literature, music, and art. Each 2. Creative achievement implies exposure to, and
item on the checklist was categorized as common or acquisition of knowledge and skill in, the appropriate
rare. Two subscales were tallied from each domain. domain of endeavor (Ludwig, 1995). The CAQ was
Hocevar (1979) compiled the most extensive check- therefore designed to provide an indicator of training
list to date, the Creative Behavior Inventory, composed in domains of creative accomplishment.
of 90 items spanning the domains of literature, music, 3. Recognition by experts in the domain is the most
crafts, art, math/science, and performing arts. Partici- valid and practical criterion for judgment of accom-
pants responded to each item on a 4-point scale ranging plishment (Hennessey & Amabile, 1988; Ludwig,
from 1 (xxx) to 4 (xxx). 1995). The CAQ was therefore based upon public ac-
claim ranked by field “experts.”
4. Recognition of an achievement by a broad range
Problems With the Existing Measures
of experts rather than a narrow range implies greater
Several problems with the existing measures of cre- accomplishment. The CAQ was therefore designed to
ative achievement are apparent. First, many techniques give more weight to national than to local awards and
apply only to deceased or socially eminent creators. acclaim.
These populations may provide very valuable informa- 5. Fewer individuals attain higher levels of
tion regarding the characteristics of highly creative achievement. The CAQ was therefore designed so that
achievers; however, access to deceased luminaries is the levels of achievement acknowledged by the fewest
limited to biographical information, and access to liv- individuals received the most weight.
ing luminaries is limited by their small number. Sec-
ond, many measures rely on subjective ratings from ei- Nine separate domains of creative achievement in
ther expert or nonexpert judges. Generally, more than the arts and sciences were selected for inclusion in the
one skilled rater is required to establish validity. The CAQ, based on a review of areas of accomplishment
process of training and compensating raters may be listed in previous research (Colangelo et al., 1992;
both lengthy and costly, making measures that require Hocevar, 1979; MacKinnon, 1962; Taylor & Ellison,
subjective ratings less than ideal. 1967; Torrance, 1972). A tenth area of accomplish-
Creative achievement inventories provide an inex- ment, Culinary, was added to reflect the wide accep-
pensive and easily administered alternative. However, tance of culinary endeavors as an art form. Indicators
the inventories available to date either fail to discrimi- for achievement in each of the 10 domains were also
nate among levels of achievement or intermingle drawn from previous research. These indicators were
achievement items with items addressing attitudes and then submitted to two domain-expert professionals for
other associated constructs. This confounds the assess- rank-ordering by level of achievement, with the lowest
ment of actual achievement with cognitive ability, mo- level appearing first on the list. List contents were addi-
tivation, and personality. tionally modified on the basis of feedback from the ex-
pert raters. The surviving items on each list were
rank-ordered and assigned ascending weights from 0
Development of the CAQ to 7 points.
To ensure that items earning four points in one do-
The CAQ is based on five assumptions: main were roughly equivalent in level to items earning

Creativity Research Journal 39

S. Carson, J. B. Peterson, and D. M. Higgins

four points in another domain, randomly selected items participants to write in other achievements they have
from theoretically similar levels of achievement in dif- earned that were not listed in the scored portion of the
ferent domains were compared by expert raters. Raters questionnaire. Although these additional achievements
were asked questions such as, “Composing an original are not scored, they may provide useful information to
piece of music is most similar in achievement level to researchers. Part Three consists of three questions ask-
a) sketching out an invention, b) creating original com- ing the participant to indicate how others perceive him
puter software, or c) building a prototype of an inven- or her, relative to creative characteristics. Part Three al-
tion?” Items were reworded on the basis of the raters’ lows each researcher to append any additional ques-
feedback. Finally, all items were reassessed and tions regarding creativity that might be of interest to his
reweighted based on frequency counts for each item af- or her line of inquiry.
ter administration to a sample of gifted university stu-
dents (N = 120), so that the less frequently chosen
items were granted more weight. A total of 22 out of 96
Study 1:
items were reweighted by one or two points based on
Reliability and Internal Consistency
frequency counts for individual items.
of the CAQ

Description of the CAQ
Participants. Participants included 117 under-
The resulting instrument, the CAQ, is a self-report graduate students (66 male and 51 female, M age =
checklist consisting of 96 items, divided into three 20.1, SD = 1.6 years) enrolled in a Theories of Person-
parts. Appendix 1 contains the CAQ and its scoring ality psychology course at Harvard College. Students
guidelines. Part One lists 13 different areas of talent, were given course credit for participating in the study.
including the 10 domains of artistic and scientific cre-
ativity assessed later in the instrument, and three addi-
Procedure. A computerized version of the CAQ
tional domains: individual sports, team sports, and en-
was administered to students in a computer lab. Stu-
trepreneurial ventures. The research participant is
dents were allowed to take the test at their leisure,
instructed to place a checkmark next to the areas in
within the first two weeks of the semester (Time 1).
which he or she has more self-perceived talent or abil-
Later in the semester, students were again given the op-
ity than the average person. Part Two lists concrete
portunity to retake the CAQ for additional course
achievements in the 10 standard domains of artistic and
credit (Time 2). A total of 53 students (32 males and 21
scientific endeavor (visual arts, music, dance, creative
females) retook the test. The number of days between
writing, architectural design, humor, theater and film,
first and second test administration ranged from 14 to
culinary arts, inventions, and scientific inquiry). The
122 days, and the M = 51 days (SD = 13).
participant is asked to place a checkmark next to the
items describing his or her accomplishments. Each do-
main includes eight ranked questions weighted with a
score from 0 to 7. Each domain consists of a “no
achievement” item with a weight of 0 points (“I have Test–retest reliability. The mean CAQ score of
no training or recognized talent in this area”), a “train- all participants in the study was 14.4 (SD = 11.4, mini-
ing” item with a weight of one point (“I have taken les- mum score = 0, maximum score = 47). The mean CAQ
sons in this area”), and six additional items of ascend- score at Time 1 for the 53 students who participated in
ing achievement (“I have won a national prize in the both trials was 16.7 (SD = 11.6, minimum score = 1,
fields of science or medicine”). On selected items, par- maximum = 47). Mean CAQ score at Time 2 was 14.2
ticipants also indicate how many times each achieve- (SD = 10.6, minimum = 0, maximum = 54). Mean
ment has been earned. Part Two yields a separate do- number of days between test times 1 and 2 was 51.3
main score for each of the 10 domains of assessed (SD = 12.6, minimum = 14, maximum = 120). The cor-
creative achievement as well as a Total Creative relation coefficient between scores at Time 1 and Time
Achievement score. In addition, space is provided for 2 was .81 (p < .0001), consistent with standard levels of

40 Creativity Research Journal

Reliability of the CAQ

good internal consistency for the instrument as a

whole. In addition, all domain scores demonstrated in-
ternal consistency above the .70 minimum standard for
research instruments (Hocevar & Bachelor, 1989).

Study 2:
Criterion and Predictive Validity
of the CAQ

Colangelo et al. (1992, p. 158) suggested that “the

best predictor of future creative behavior may be past
creative behavior.” In consequence, we hypothesized
that past creative achievements, measured by the CAQ,
Figure 1. Distribution of Creative Achievement Questionnaire would predict the creativity of a new product, rated by
(CAQ) scores. judges familiar with the product’s domain. We tested
this expectation by asking students to complete the
acceptance for reliability (Hocevar & Bachelor, 1989; CAQ and to create a collage under controlled condi-
see Figure 1). tions. The collage allows for creative expression but
minimizes individual differences in technical ability
Internal consistency. The 96 items on the CAQ (Amabile, 1996). We employed the Consensual As-
were tested across the Time 1 scores of the 117 partici- sessment Technique (CAT), as described in Amabile
pants to examine internal consistency. The internal (1982), to evaluate the collages. Amabile (1982) also
consistency rating for the CAQ as a whole was α = .96, suggested that expert raters judge the product for aes-
indicating strong internal reliability. Split half thetic appeal, as well as for creativity. Acquisition of
reliabilities for the two halves of the CAQ were α = .92 this additional judgment allows the researcher to con-
(48 items of the first half) and α = .91 (48 items of the trol for personal preferences of the rater(s). We hypoth-
second half). Internal consistency ratings for each of esized that CAQ scores would positively predict ex-
the 10 domains are presented in Table 1. perts’ creativity ratings of the product.

Discussion Method
The test–retest results indicated good reliability Participants. Participants included 39 under-
over time. The internal consistency analyses indicated graduate students (23 males and 16 females, M age =
20.1, SD = 1.5 years), solicited through posters on
Table 1. Internal Consistency Reliability for the 10 campus and paid for participation. The sample in-
Domains of the Creative Achievement Questionnaire (CAQ) cluded students majoring in 19 different subjects.
None were art majors.
Domain α

Visual arts .77 Procedure. Participants were tested in small

Music .82 groups in a room with a large flat working surface.
Creative writing .77 Each participant was given a large manila envelope
Dance .86
containing a white poster board (14 in. × 11 in.), a bag
Drama .70
Architecture .82 containing over 200 pieces of paper in a variety of
Humor .85 sizes, shapes, and colors; a glue stick; and a question-
Scientific discovery .80 naire containing the CAQ. The pieces of paper were
Invention .87 identical for each participant. Participants were in-
Culinary .80
structed to remove the poster, the bag of colored paper,
Total CAQ .96
and the glue stick from the envelope, and to “make a

Creativity Research Journal 41

S. Carson, J. B. Peterson, and D. M. Higgins

collage.” No other instructions or rules were presented. reliability of the artists’ ratings was adequate. Other
Participants had 18 min to complete the project. When studies using the CAT procedure, reviewed by Amabile
time was up, the experimenter collected the posters and (1996), reveal similar low to moderate mean correla-
the unused paper. Participants then removed the ques- tions between individual judges. The correlation be-
tionnaire from the envelope and filled it out at their lei- tween the Creative Evaluation score (sum of artists’
sure. The experimenter collected the questionnaires ratings) and the CAQ was strong and positive, exceed-
and answered any questions. ing that reported in 95% of social science research re-
ports (Hemphill, 2003). This result suggests that, as
Scoring. Five local artists, blind to CAQ scores, Colangelo and colleagues (1992) stated, past creative
were selected to evaluate the collages. All artists had behavior is a good indicator of future creative behavior.
taken art courses, shown their work publicly, and sold The results also support the CAQ’s validity as a predic-
at least one piece of work. They were requested to eval- tor of creative production ability.
uate the collages for creativity on a 5-point scale rang-
ing from 1 (least creative) to 5 (most creative). The art-
ists were also asked to evaluate the collages for Study 3:
aesthetic appeal on a separate score sheet. This second Convergent Validity of the CAQ
evaluation allowed the artists to separate personal pref-
erence from objective creativity scores. The scores of The measurement of creativity can be divided into
all five artists were then summed to provide a Creative three main categories: achievement inventories and
Evaluation score. creative product evaluations (discussed previously),
personality tests, and cognitive tests (Amabile, 1996).
Results Among these categories, we would expect—and,
indeed, researchers have found—significant correla-
The zero-order correlation between CAQ scores tions, despite their different approaches to the topic of
and the Creative Evaluation score was .59 (p < .0001; creativity (e.g.,Gough, 1979; McCrae, 1987; Torrance,
Spearman’s ρ = .57, p = .0005; see Table 2). When aes- 1974).
thetic appeal was controlled, the correlation between Several personality tests have been associated with
CAQ scores and Creative Evaluation scores rose to .65 creativity measurement. Gough (1979) developed the
(p < .0001). Interrater reliability (Spearman-Brown Creative Personality Scale (CPS) from items on the
formula; Rosenthal & Rosnow, 1991) among the 5 art- Adjective Check List (Gough & Heilbrun, 1965) that
ists was R = .71. The mean correlation among the art- predicted high levels of creativity across multiple stud-
ists was .32. ies in diverse domains of creativity. Respondents to the
CPS describe themselves by checking off 18 positively
scored and 12 negatively scored items. Goldberg’s
(1992) adjective markers for the Big Five trait factor
Despite the relatively low mean correlation between structure assess the dimension of Intellect and include
individual artists’ ratings for the collages, the effective such descriptors as creative, complex, and imaginative.

Table 2. Correlation of Artists’ Ratings of Collages With the Creative Achievement Questionnaire (CAQ)
Artist 1 Artist 2 Artist 3 Artist 4 Artist 5 All Artists

Artist 2 .34*
Artist 3 .23 .37*
Artist 4 .51** .36* .23
Artist 5 .50** .06 .20 .45**
All artists .76*** .64*** .49** .80*** .67***
CAQ .32* .47** .32* .39* .48** .59***

Note. All Artists = Creative Evaluation Score.

* p < .05. ** p < .01. *** p < .001.

42 Creativity Research Journal

Reliability of the CAQ

Respondents rate how well each of 100 adjectives de- ported measures of creativity, we presumed they would
scribes themselves on a 9-point scale ranging from be significantly correlated. Because creative achieve-
1(xxx) to 9 (xxx). The dimension of Openness to Expe- ment is a confluence of many individual factors, how-
rience (Costa & McCrae, 1992), part of the Five-Factor ever—including personality traits and divergent think-
questionnaire-based model of personality, is similar to ing styles—we presumed that these correlations would
Goldberg’s intellect. It contains 40 items (“I am in- be moderate.
trigued by the patterns I find in art and nature”) mea-
sured on a 5-point scale ranging from 1 (xxx) to 5
(xxx). Openness to experience has been associated
with a variety of other creativity measures (McCrae, Participants. Participants included 86 graduate
1987). and undergraduate students (33 males and 53 females)
Divergent thinking tests have also been used as a from Harvard University, with a mean age of 20.68
measure of the potential for creative ideation (Runco, years (SD 3.29, minimum = 16, maximum = 35). Par-
1991). Divergent thinking refers to the cognitive ability ticipants were recruited from sign-up sheets posted on
associated with activation of associational networks. campus advertising a study on creativity and personal-
Divergent thinking tests assess the ability to generate ity. All were paid to participate.
many possible answers to a problem, rather than a sin-
gle “correct” answer (an ability represented by conver- Procedure. Participants were given a question-
gent thinking, Guilford, 1967). Divergent thinking naire booklet containing the CAQ, the NEO-FFI Open-
tests include tasks such as listing items that conform to ness to Experience Scale (Costa & McCrae, 1992), the
a stated set of criteria, listing similarities between two 30-item CPS (Gough, 1979), and the Big Five Intellect
disparate items, listing alternate uses for a common ob- Adjectives (Goldberg, 1992). After completing the
ject, and listing the consequences of a hypothetical sit- booklet, participants were administered a set of four di-
uation. Three aspects of divergent thinking are gener- vergent thinking tests, each timed for 3 min (Torrance,
ally assessed: fluency (number of responses 1968), including an Alternate Uses and a Conse-
generated), originality (unusualness of responses, quences task. Divergent thinking tests were scored for
based on the statistical infrequency within the sample fluency, originality, and flexibility. Fluency, original-
of each response), and flexibility (the number of differ- ity, and flexibility scales were also z-scored and
ent categories of response and number of category summed to produce a total Divergent Thinking score.
changes). Although divergent thinking tasks have re-
cently been criticized as measures of general creative
Results and Discussion
ability (see Baer, 1993), there is a substantial literature
demonstrating the tests’ positive correlation with other Correlations between the CAQ, personality mea-
measures of creativity (Barron & Harrington, 1981). sures, and the divergent thinking tests are presented
Because measures of divergent thinking, creative in Table 3. Results indicate that the CAQ is substan-
personality traits, and creative achievement are all pur- tially and significantly correlated with other measures

Table 3. Correlations of the CAQ With Other Creativity Measures

CPS Openness Intellect Diverg Fluency Orig Flexibility

Openness .42***
Intellect .51*** .37**
Diverg .29* .34* .39***
Fluency .10 .20 .31** .86***
Orig .32** .30** .36** .86*** .59***
Flexibility .34** .37** .35** .87*** .62*** .63***
CAQ .33** .33** .51*** .47*** .38*** .46*** .37***

Note. CPS = Creative Personality Scale, Diverg = Total Divergent Thinking Score, Orig = Originality.
*p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.

Creativity Research Journal 43

S. Carson, J. B. Peterson, and D. M. Higgins

of creativity, including three measures of creative per- Method

sonality and all facets of divergent thinking. Correla-
Participants. The 117 students from Study 1
tions between the CAQ and the related variables were
were offered additional course credit to complete the
within the accepted limits for convergent validity.
MCSD and the Vocabulary and Block Design subtests
of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Test–Revised
(WAIS–R; Wechsler, 1981). Previous research has
shown that a composite score derived from these two
Study 4:
subtests correlates .91 with the full-scale WAIS–R
Discriminant Validity
(Brooker & Cyr, 1986). In addition, the 86 students
of the CAQ
from Study 3 were given the WAIS–R subtests as part
of another unrelated study (Peterson & Carson, 2000).
Two major variables threaten to confound mea-
A total of 115 students (63 male and 52 female, M age
sures such as the CAQ: IQ and self-enhancing bias.
= 20.1 years) completed the MCSD, while a total of
Creativity is theoretically related to IQ below the
184 students (94 males and 90 females, M age = 20.3)
level of IQ 120; however, some researchers believe
completed the WAIS–R tests. All students had previ-
that above IQ 120 the correlation between IQ and cre-
ously completed the CAQ.
ativity appears diminished or absent (Guilford, 1967),
although this attenuation of relationship was not evi-
Procedure. Students completed a computerized
dent in our recent study of creative achievement at
version of the MCSD at their leisure in a computer lab.
Harvard (Carson, Peterson, & Higgins, 2003). This
The WAIS–R subtests were administered by appoint-
threshold theory suggests that a certain level of IQ is
ment by one of four experimenters trained in WAIS–R
necessary but not sufficient for high creative func-
tioning. Sternberg and O’Hara (1999) have pointed
out that individuals with low or even average intelli-
gence are not well-represented among lists of creative Results
achievers. Some researchers, such as Weisberg
(1993), have argued that creative thinking is no dif- Self-enhancing bias. The mean MCSD score for
ferent than ordinary problem solving, and as such is a the sample was 12.0 (SD = 5.9, minimum = 1, maxi-
matter of intelligence rather than a special thought mum = 30). The correlation between the CAQ and the
process. To determine that the CAQ was not merely a Marlowe Crowne was r =–.05 (p = .58; Spearman’s ρ =
measure of IQ or intelligence, we tested it against IQ .10, p = .28), indicating that the students in this sample
scores in two samples of students with mean IQ lev- were not particularly interested in self-enhancement in
els above the purported threshold. the testing procedure.
A second potential confounding variable is
self-enhancing bias. Whenever a self-report measure IQ. The mean IQ score for the total sample was
is administered, there is a chance that responders will 129.40 (SD = 10.93), well above the suggested thresh-
answer the questions in such a way as to enhance old for correlation with creativity. The zero-order cor-
their own image on the test. To determine the extent relation between the CAQ and the IQ score was .14 (p
to which participants were likely to self-enhance in = .06).
this way, we administered the Marlowe-Crowne So-
cial Desirability Scale (MCSD; Crowne & Marlowe,
1960), a measure of the tendency of responders to tai-
lor their responses to appear socially acceptable. The The correlation between MCSD scores and CAQ
MCSD is a 33-item self-report measure that assesses scores did not approach significance in this study, de-
the tendency to ascribe to oneself positive character- spite several extremely high individual scores on the
istics considered rare in the general population, as MCSD. This result suggests that the CAQ is resistant
well as the tendency to deny possessing negative to self-enhancing bias. The correlation between IQ
characteristics. scores and CAQ scores did approach significance,

44 Creativity Research Journal

Reliability of the CAQ

however, indicating a weak but positive relationship. The CAQ scores for the Harvard and University of To-
This weak correlation between IQ and the CAQ sug- ronto students and the Toronto community sample
gests that the CAQ is not measuring, and is easily dis- participants were combined.
criminated from, IQ. The discriminant validity of the
CAQ relative to IQ and self-enhancing bias is sup-
ported by the results of this study.
The 10 CAQ domain scores of the 847 participants
were subjected to a principal components analysis,
Study 5: with varimax rotation. The initial principal compo-
Factor Structure of the CAQ nents analysis of the 10 CAQ domains yielded a
four-factor solution as the best fit for the data, account-
Although highly creative individuals in the arts and ing for 54.3% of the variance. However, a three-factor
highly creative individuals in the sciences may share solution, accounting for 43.8% of the variance, was in-
more distinctive qualities with one another than they dicated by the scree plot, and appeared more easily in-
share with less creative individuals in their own field terpretable after varimax rotation. The initial
(Vernon, 1989), there is evidence that artists display eigenvalue for the first factor of the three-factor solu-
different personality traits (Feist, 1999) and even dif- tion, which accounted for 15% of the variance after ro-
ferent types of psychopathology (Ludwig, 1995) than tation, was 1.94. The eigenvalue for the second factor
creative scientists. In addition, it has been suggested (14.7% of the variance after rotation) was 1.33, and the
that achievement in the various domains of art, as op- eigenvalue of the third factor (14.1% of the variance af-
posed to science, may be related to different types of ter rotation) was 1.11. Table 4 presents the CAQ do-
intelligence (Gardner, 1983, 1993). Given these poten- mains and their loadings on the three derived factors.
tial differences among domains of creativity, we Loadings with an absolute value of .40 or above were
wished to determine if art domains and science do- considered significant to the factor.
mains might compose separate factors of creativity if In the three-factor solution, Factor 1 included visual
we subjected the 10 domains of the CAQ to explor- arts, writing, and humor and was interpreted as “ex-
atory factor analysis. We also wished to examine the pressive” achievement. Factor 2 included dance,
distribution of CAQ scores in a large sample. drama, and music and was interpreted as “perfor-
mance” achievement. Factor 3 included invention, sci-
entific discovery, and culinary arts and was interpreted
as “scientific” achievement. Architecture did not
Participants. Participants included 249 students
(mean CAQ score = 15.1, SD = 12.2) from Harvard
University, 287 members of a community sample Table 4. Creative Achievement Questionnaire (CAQ)
(mean CAQ score = 13.5, SD = 14.7) in Toronto, Can- Domain Loadings Onto Three Factors Derived From
ada, and 311 students (mean CAQ score = 13.1, SD = Principal Components Analysis
13.0) from the University of Toronto (N = 847). This
Domain Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Dimension
total includes participants from Studies 1 through 4.
Harvard students and University of Toronto students Visual arts –.71 .15 .03 Expressive
either received course credit or were paid for participa- Writing .66 .28 .08 Expressive
tion. The Toronto community sample participants were Humor .63 .20 .11 Expressive
Dance –.12 .79 –.05 Performance
recruited through posters and advertisements and were Drama .31 .65 –.09 Performance
paid for participation. Music .14 .48 .18 Performance
Invention .13 .04 .80 Scientific
Procedure. All participants took either the com- Science –.11 .12 .72 Scientific
puterized version (n = 707) or filled out a pa- Culinary .06 –.01 .41 Scientific
Architecture .03 .21 .03 (no loading)
per-and-pencil version of the CAQ in a university lab
(n = 140). Both versions were identical in wording. Note. Boldface indicates XXXXX XXXXX.

Creativity Research Journal 45

S. Carson, J. B. Peterson, and D. M. Higgins

achieve an adequate loading on any factor to be in- The three-factor solution, interpreted as expressive,
cluded in the three-factor solution. performance, and scientific dimensions of creative
In addition to the three-factor solution, which pro- achievement, provides the best fit for the data from the
vided the better fit for the data in terms of explained CAQ. However, some researchers may find it useful to
variance, we decided to force a two-factor solution to employ the arts versus science dichotomy of the
see if it would yield the standard arts/science dichot- two-factor solution. Individual factor scores can be cal-
omy. The two-factor solution accounted for only culated by summing the scores of the domains in-
33.5% of the variance. However, the varimax rotation cluded on each factor. Factor scores may prove valu-
of the principle components analysis did yield an inter- able to researchers interested in individual differences
pretable solution (see Table 5). Factor 1 included between artists and scientists or between performers
drama, humor, music, visual arts, and creative writing and artists/writers in the arts.
and was interpreted as “Arts.” Factor 2 included inven-
tion, scientific discovery, and culinary arts and was in-
terpreted as “Science.” Neither architecture nor dance
achieved an adequate loading on either factor to be in- Discussion and Conclusion
cluded in the two-factor solution.
Achievements in the arts and sciences provide in-
spiration, give comfort, decrease suffering, and im-
prove the quality of human life. They are well worth as-
In the two-factor solution, architecture and dance sessing accurately and investigating in detail. The
were excluded due to failure to achieve a .40 loading on CAQ is reliable and valid and can provide a criterion by
either factor. Architecture may have been under-en- which to efficiently measure and study the varied com-
dorsed in this sample, contributing to this failure (only ponents of creativity. The CAQ achieved good test–re-
42 of the 538 participants endorsed any of the items in test reliability when administered to participants on
the architecture domain). It may well be that the cur- two different occasions. It had high overall internal and
rent sample was too young to measure achievement in domain-specific consistency. It served as a surprisingly
the architectural domain. Although dance technically accurate predictor of actual laboratory creative perfor-
failed to meet the .40 cutoff, a good case could be made mance and was characterized by solid convergent va-
to include it in the Arts factor (Factor 1). Dance ap- lidity, when compared to other standard measures of
proaches the target cutoff and is universally considered creativity, including divergent thinking tests and per-
an art form. sonality scales. Finally, the CAQ demonstrated good
discriminant validity when tested against IQ, indicat-
ing its separability from intelligence (above the hy-
Table 5. Creative Achievement Questionnaire (CAQ)
pothesized IQ threshold for genuine creativity) and
Domain Loadings Onto Two Factors Derived From proved unrelated to a measure of self-enhancement, in-
Principal Components Analysis dicating that self-report scores on the CAQ were not in-
flated due to a desire to enhance personal image.
Domain Factor 1 Factor 2 Dimension The framework of the CAQ allows researchers to
Drama .68 –.10 Arts examine the creative achievement of individuals within
Writing .67 .09 Arts a specific domain of endeavor. It facilitates the com-
Humor .58 .13 Arts parison of individuals who achieve in different do-
Music .49 .01 Arts
mains or in different dimensions of achievement (arts
Visual arts .43 .13 Arts
Dance .38 .04 Arts vs. science). Finally, the CAQ allows researchers to ex-
Invention .02 .82 Science amine individuals who display versatility across sev-
Science –.07 .74 Science eral domains to those who excel in only one creative
Culinary .07 .41 Science field. It can be used to test both individual differences
Architecture .17 .23 (not included)
and group differences in creative achievement (see
Note. Boldface indicates XXXXX XXXXX. Carson, Peterson, & Higgins, 1993). The CAQ is also

46 Creativity Research Journal

Reliability of the CAQ

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Creativity Research Journal 47

S. Carson, J. B. Peterson, and D. M. Higgins

Simonton, D. K. (1980). Thematic fame, melodic originality, and II. Place a check mark beside sentences that apply to
musical zeitgeist: A biographical and transhistorical content
you. Next to sentences with an asterisk (*), write the
analysis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 38,
972–983. number of times this sentence applies to you.
Simonton, D. K. (1994). Greatness: Who makes history and why. A. Visual Arts (painting, sculpture)
New York: Guilford. __ 0. I have no training or recognized talent in this
Sternberg, R. J., & O’Hara, L. A. (1999). Creativity and intelligence. area. (Skip to Music).
In R. J. Sternberg (Ed.) Handbook of creativity. Cambridge,
__1. I have taken lessons in this area.
UK: Cambridge University Press.
Taylor, C. W., & Ellison, R. L. (1967). Predictors of scientific perfor- __2. People have commented on my talent in this
mance. Science, 155, 1075–1079. area.
Torrance, E. P. (1968). Examples and rationales of test tasks for as- __3. I have won a prize or prizes at a juried art show.
sessing creative abilities. Journal of Creative Behavior, 2(3), __4. I have had a showing of my work in a gallery.
__5. I have sold a piece of my work.
Torrance, E. P. (1972). Career patterns and peak creative achieve-
ments of creative high school students twelve years later. Gifted __6. My work has been critiqued in local publica-
Child Quarterly, 16, 75–88. tions.
Torrance, E. P. (1974). Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking: *__7. My work has been critiqued in national publi-
Norms-technical manual. Lexington, MA: Ginn. cations.
Vernon, P. E. The nature-nurture problem in creativity. In J. A.
Glover, R. R. Ronning, & C. R. Reynolds (Eds.), Handbook of
creativity. New York: Plenum. B. Music
Ward, T. B., Smith, S. M., & Finke, R. A. (1999). Creative cognition. __0. I have no training or recognized talent in this
In R. J. Sternberg (Ed.), Handbook of creativity. Cambridge, area (Skip to Dance).
UK: Cambridge University Press. __1. I play one or more musical instruments profi-
Wechsler, D. (1981). WAIS–R Manual: Wechsler Adult Intelligence
Scale–Revised. San Antonio, TX: Psychological Corporation.
Weisberg, R. (1993). Creativity: Beyond the myth of genius. New __2. I have played with a recognized orchestra or
York: Freeman. band.
__3. I have composed an original piece of music.
__4. My musical talent has been critiqued in a local
Appendix __5. My composition has been recorded.
Creative Achievement Questionnaire __6. Recordings of my composition have been sold
Shelley Carson publicly.
Harvard University *__7. My compositions have been critiqued in a na-
tional publication.
I. Place a check mark beside the areas in which you feel
you have more talent, ability, or training than the aver- C. Dance
age person. __0. I have no training or recognized talent in this
__ visual arts (painting, sculpture) area (Skip to Architecture)
__ music __1. I have danced with a recognized dance com-
__ dance pany.
__ individual sports (tennis, golf) __2. I have choreographed an original dance num-
__ team sports ber.
__ architectural design __3. My choreography has been performed pub-
__ entrepreneurial ventures licly.
__ creative writing __4. My dance abilities have been critiqued in a lo-
__ humor cal publication.
__ inventions __5. I have choreographed dance professionally.
__ scientific inquiry __6. My choreography has been recognized by a lo-
__ theater and film cal publication.
__ culinary arts

48 Creativity Research Journal

Reliability of the CAQ

*__7. My choreography has been recognized by a na- G. Inventions

tional publication. __0. I do not have recognized talent in this area.
__1. I regularly find novel uses for household ob-
D. Architectural Design jects.
__0. I do not have training or recognized talent in __2. I have sketched out an invention and worked on
this area (Skip to Writing). its design flaws.
__1. I have designed an original structure. __3. I have created original software for a computer.
__2. A structure designed by me has been con- __4. I have built a prototype of one of my designed
structed. inventions.
__3. I have sold an original architectural design. __5. I have sold one of my inventions to people I
__4. A structure that I have designed and sold has know.
been built professionally. *__6. I have received a patent for one of my inventions.
__5. My architectural design has won an award or *__7. I have sold one of my inventions to a manufac-
awards. turing firm.
__ 6. My architectural design has been recognized in
a local publication. H. Scientific Discovery
*__7. My architectural design has been recognized in __0. I do not have training or recognized ability in
a national publication. this field (Skip to Theater
__1. I often think about ways that scientific prob-
E. Creative Writing lems could be solved.
__0. I do not have training or recognized talent in __2. I have won a prize at a science fair or other local
this area (Skip to Humor). competition.
__1. I have written an original short work (poem or __3. I have received a scholarship based on my work
short story). in science or medicine.
__2. My work has won an award or prize. __4. I have been author or coauthor of a study pub-
__3. I have written an original long work (epic, lished in a scientific journal.
novel, or play). *__5. I have won a national prize in the field of sci-
__4. I have sold my work to a publisher. ence or medicine.
__5. My work has been printed and sold publicly. *__6. I have received a grant to pursue my work in
__6. My work has been reviewed in local publica- science or medicine.
tions. __7. My work has been cited by other scientists in
*__7. My work has been reviewed in national publi- national publications.
I. Theater and Film
F. Humor __0. I do not have training or recognized ability in
__0. I do not have recognized talent in this area this field.
(Skip to Inventions). __1. I have performed in theater or film.
__1. People have often commented on my original __2. My acting abilities have been recognized in a
sense of humor. local publication.
__2. I have created jokes that are now regularly re- __3. I have directed or produced a theater or film
peated by others. production.
__3. I have written jokes for other people. __4. I have won an award or prize for acting in the-
__ 4. I have written a joke or cartoon that has been ater or film.
publihed. __5. I have been paid to act in theater or film.
__5. I have worked as a professional comedian. __6. I have been paid to direct a theater or film pro-
__6. I have worked as a professional comedy writer. duction.
__7. My humor has been recognized in a national *__7. My theatrical work has been recognized in a
publication. national publication.

Creativity Research Journal 49

S. Carson, J. B. Peterson, and D. M. Higgins

J. Culinary Arts Scoring of the Creative Achievement

__0. I do not have training or experience in this field. Questionnaire
__1. I often experiment with recipes.
__2. My recipes have been published in a local 1 Each checkmarked item receives the number of
cookook. points represented by the question number ad-
__3. My recipes have been used in restaurants or jacent to the checkmark.
other public venues. 2 If an item is marked by an asterisk, multiply the
__4. I have been asked to prepare food for celebri- number of times the item has been achieved by
ties or dignitaries. the number of the question to determine points
__5. My recipes have won a prize or award. for that item.
__6. I have received a degree in culinary arts. 3 Sum the total number of points within each do-
*__7. My recipes have been published nationally. main to determine the domain score.
4 Sum all ten domain scores to determine the to-
K. Please list other creative achievements not men- tal CAQ score.
tioned above.

50 Creativity Research Journal

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