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Exercise Was or Were? Complete the sentences with was or were.

1. I ________happy.
2. You ________angry.
3. She__________in London last week.
4. He _________ on holiday.
5. It ________ cold.
6. We_________ at school.
7. You __________ at the cinema.
8. They _________ at home.
9. The cat ________ on the roof.
10. The children _________ in the garden.

Put the verbs into the correct form (simple past).

Last year I (spend) ____________my holiday in Ireland.

It (be) ____________great.
I (travel) ______________around by car with two friends and we (visit) ___________lots of
interesting places.
In the evenings we usually (go) _________to a pub.
One night we even (learn) _____________some Irish dances.
We (be) _________very lucky with the weather.
It (not / rain) ___________a lot.
But we (see) _____________some beautiful rainbows.
Where (spend / you) _________your last holiday?

Exercise “Goldilocks and the three bears”

Part 1- Write the verbs in simple past.

Once upon a time there (be) ____________three bears: huge Papa Bear, ordinary Mama Bear
and tiny little Baby Bear. They (live) ____________in a great big wood.
One day, ordinary Mama Bear (cook) ______________a delicious porridge for her family and
(put) ____________it into bowls: a huge bowl for huge Papa Bear, an ordinary bowl for ordinary
Mama Bear and a tiny little bowl for tiny little Baby Bear.
To give the porridge some time to cool down, the three bears (go) ____________for a walk.
Near the great big wood, there (live) _____________a little girl called Goldilocks.

She (be) _______________not allowed to go into the wood. But one day, she (sneak)
____________out of the house and (run) _____________into the great big wood.
After a while, she (come) _____________to the house of the three bears.
She (knock) ____________at the door. She (look) _____________through the windows. But
nobody (seem) ____________to be there.
So, little Goldilocks (step) ______________inside.

Part 2 - Write the verbs in simple past.

In the kitchen Goldilocks (smell) _______________ the porridge.
She (get) ____________very hungry and (try) ____________the porridge in the huge bowl - too
hot. Then she (taste) ____________some of the porridge from the ordinary bowl - too cold.
But the porridge in the little bowl (be) ___________ just right and Goldilocks (eat)____________
it all up.
In the sitting-room, there (be) ____________ three chairs.
Goldilocks (sit) ___________ down in the huge chair - too hard.
She (not / like) ___________the ordinary chair either - too soft.
She (love) ___________ the little chair, however. But she (not / sit) ___________ on that one
very long, as soon it (break) ___________ into pieces.
So, Goldilocks (go) ___________ on exploring.
In the bedroom, there (stand) ___________the three bears' beds.
Goldilocks suddenly (feel) very tired.
She (climb) ___________onto the huge bed - too hard.
Then she (crawl) ___________into the ordinary bed - too soft.
The little bed, however, (be) ___________ just right.
So, Goldilocks (lie) ___________down.
And in next to no time, she (fall) ___________asleep.

Part 3 - Write the verbs in simple past.

After a while, the three bears (return) ___________ home.

One look at their bowls and chairs and they (start) ___________wondering. Something (not / be)
They (come) _______________into the bedroom. And there they (see) ____________little
Goldilocks in Baby Bear's bed.
The three bears (watch) ______________her for a while and then they (wake) ___________her
Goldilocks (open) _____________her eyes.

She (see) ______________the bears, (begin) ________________to scream and as fast as she
(can)______________, Goldilocks (run) _____________out of the bears' house.
The three bears (follow) __________________her.
But at the edge of the wood, the bears suddenly (stop)_________________.
Frightened little Goldilocks, however, (not / stop)_________________.
She (hurry) _____________home to her parents.
And she never (visit) _________________the bears' house again.

Tests on Past Continuous

Write the -ing form of the verbs.

live → _______________
stay → _______________
run → _________________
win → _________________
cycle → _________________

Complete the table in past continuous.

positive negative question

It was raining.

They were not playing.

Was I listening?

Caron was not eating.

You were singing.

Was or Were?
We ___________dancing.
The dog___________ barking.
The printer ___________printing out a photograph.
The pupils___________ writing a test.
Sue and Gareth ___________walking up the hill.

Write sentences in past continuous.

he / the car / wash → ___________________________________________________________
she / home / go → ________________________________________________________
they / not / the match / watch → ___________________________________________________
you / in the shop / work → ________________________________________________________
I / not / a magazine / read → ______________________________________________________

Write questions in past continuous.

she / on a chair / sit → ___________________________________________________________

you / your bag / pack → __________________________________________________________
his head / ache → ___________________________________________________________
we / tea / drink → __________________________________________________________
you / the bike / repair → _____________________________________________________

Form a question from each of the following statement..

1. Jamie was doing a language course in London. →


2. Andrew was carrying a heavy box. →


3. The teacher was testing our English. →


4. At six o'clock, we were having dinner. →


5. Sally was hurrying to school because she was late. →


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