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The importance of the Environmental Education in Colombia

The environmental education is the most important tool that the humans have to
make other people think in the environment like an important component in their life,
mainly in Colombia, it should be aplied here more than the rest countries.
The environmental education is a process that makes special emphasis on the
environmental issues and proposes strategies to make the information more easy to
understand for all the people, nevertheless this does'nt apperance until our times.
Since antiquity, the education had its focus in to make better the individual
knowledge in different areas.In the second half of the 20 century, the ecological crisis
became latent, and in consequence the way to see the environment and the
education suffered a change, in this epoch the environmental education arose, like
a need for make better our realtionship with the environment.
Colombia is the second country with more biodiversity in the world, its the Amazonic
jungle is considered the lung of the world for its endemic species of plants and
animals. Therefore the Colombians has a big responsability of take care this
extension of nature nature that is inmaterial heritage of the humanity. For this the
law 99 of 1993 that created “the Ministry of the Environment and the System National
Environmental” (el Ministerio de Ambiente y el Sistema Nacional Ambiental SINA),
make that the Colombian people have a solid and robust environmental legislation
but also it was the first step of the environmental education. However, currently it is
only ink in a paper, as a result of the violence and corruption, but the education was
making a god job for make that this horrible situation change, it is giving opportunities
to think the other way, to have hope.
In conclution, the education is in a constant change, and the most important topic in
that the humanity have to pay attention is the environment and their relationship with
it. The environment isn´t only the nature, the environment consist in all the people
and the things that make them like they are, the why they do what they do, the
political, economical and social things that modify their behavior and the way that
they learn and how their relationships and in Colombia it is really necessary, a

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