Clause and Sentence

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The students are able to understand about clauses and sentences. They can make

clause and sentence in writing well. They can distinguish about clause and sentence in

writing well.


In this step, there are several point that will be given by the lecturer to the students,

such as: greeting, praying together to Allah and delivering sholawat and salam to the

our prophet Muhammad Saw, checking attendance and also giving motivation to the


1. Greeting

Every meeting, greeting always occurs in all of subject. Before we begin the

class, even the lecturer or the students say “Assalamualikum warrahmatullahi

wabarakatuh” and say good morning, day, afternoon. As a Muslim, it can be

one of important aspect before beginning the class.

2. Praying to Allah and Delivering Sholawat.

After greeting, we pray together to Allah for making good situation and the

material can be easily to understood. Also, we asked them to deliver sholawat

and salam for our prophet Muhammad Saw, but it is obligation just for


3. Checking attendance

Before beginning the class, as a lecturer should check students’ attendance.

This step should do to measure the students got in the class.

4. Giving motivation
After all of the steps above, the lecturer give them motivate as a stimulus. It

can be interested for the students to allow the lesson. And also asked them

about how the important thing the lesson for their later.

A part of sentences which contains a subject and a verb. Clause divided by two, they are

main clause and sub clause. Main clause, sometime we called it by sentence and sub

clause is part of sentence which consists of a subject and verb but cannot stand alone. On

the other hand, main clause or sentence can be called independent clause and sub clause

can be called dependent clause. Main clause or independent clause or sentence contains a

subject and a verb. The subject is doing the action of the sentence and the verb is

describing what the subject doing of the sentence. Main clause or independent clause or

sentence can stand alone. Sub clause can be called dependent clause because they cannot

stand alone even though they have a subject and a verb. Also, sub clause followed by

conjunction that complete a sentence. For instance: the man who is standing beside you

is my uncle. This sentence has two clause which in the middle sentence is sub clause or

dependent clause. As Suter (2001) said that a clause is a group which consist of a subject

and a verb.

a. Dependent Clause

As mention above that dependent clause is a group which consist of a subject and a

verb, but it cannot stand alone. It needs independent clause.

For instance:

 When the students come here, …..

 If he is rich, ….

 Because many people don’t believe the brochure, …

 Although the material has been discussed, …

All of the examples above have a subject and a verb but they cannot be called sentence

because they still need independent clause to become complete sentences.

b. Independent clause

Independent clause is a group which consist of a subject and a verb and it can stand

alone. It can be called as a simple sentence. For instance:

 Jhon studies English well.

 I don’t know how to make a fried rice.

 The news program reported some disaster and earthquake news.

 My father buys a new car.

 I know you.

All of the examples above have a subject and a verb and they can be called as

independent clause or simple sentence. They can stand alone.


Sentence is a group of word or may be a group of phrase that has a subject and a verb. A

sentence must have at least a subject and a verb. Also, the sentence is ended by period or

question mark (punctuation). If the sentence, ending by period but it does not have a

subject or a verb, it cannot be called as a sentence. Academically, it sentence is incorrect

and incomplete sentence.

The sentence divided by four of sentences, they are: simple sentence, compound

sentence, complex sentence and compound-complex sentence. For a simple sentence, at

least it has a subject and a verb. The compound sentence has two sentences. It means it

has two subjects and two verbs. The sentences are connected by conjunction and, or, but

and so on. A complex sentence has at least one dependent clause and independent clause
that are connected by connectors such as when, if, because, before, although, whom,

where and so on. Then a compound – complex sentence is a joined compound and

complex sentence.

a. Simple sentence

Simple sentence is a simple form of sentence. It has a subject and a verb.

For instance:

 Syeila eats Bakso

 I know you.

 Darwin is handsome.

 The fried rice has nice taste.

 You need more study.

The examples above are simple sentences because they have one subject and one

verb for each sentence. Each sentence expresses one complete though. If you

write a sentence, you must remember that one subject and one verb is a must in

the sentence construction. It means that if you do not put a subject or a verb in a

sentence it cannot be called a sentence or must be error.

b. Compound sentence

Compound sentence is a sentence that has at least two independent clauses joined

by a comma, semicolon or conjunction. Here, we should realize two independent

clause joined by a comma or conjunction. These conjunction can be called

coordinators, they are and, or, but, for, nor, yet and so.

Attention the table about the function of coordinators of conjunction.

Connectors Function Example

And To join two independent clauses My father goes to work and my

which may have no relation mother goes to the market.

effect to others.

Or To join two independent clauses You are going to the school or

that give choice. you are going to the mall

But To express the situation that I am interested to go to Bali but

contrast with the fact. I do not have enough money to

buy a ticket.

For To describe about effect Ryan wishes he could be

younger, for everyone else in

the program is half his age.

Nor Negative argument She nor he like you.

Yet To express the situation that I am very smart, yet I do not

contrast with the fact. enjoy school.

So To describe about effect My knee started hurting, so I

stopped running.

c. Complex sentence

Complex sentence is a sentence that combines at least one independent clause and

at least one dependent clause. Sari (2015) argued that complex sentence is a

sentence which has one independent clause and one dependent clause.

The connectors that used in complex sentence are:

 Although  Whereas

 Because  When

 Since  Which

 Unless  While
 Who  Before

 Whoever  Etc.

 Whose

 That

For example:

 This is Jhon, who I told you about.

 I left early because I want to arrive at home before my father.

 He said that he would collect it for me after work.

 Before she could reach the door, she quickly closed it.

d. Compound – complex sentence

Compound – complex sentence is a sentence that consists of at least two

independent clauses and one or two dependent clauses.

These examples below:

 Sarah cried when her pet got sick, but her pet soon got better.

 Independent clause: Sarah cried.

 Independent clause: Her pet soon got better.

 Dependent clause: When her pet got sick

 After our trip to the beach, school started back, I was excited to see my


 Independent clause: School started back.

 Independent clause: I was excited to see my friends.

 Dependent clause: After our trip to the beach

 I will get to watch television, but first, I have to clean up the dishes after

we finish eating.

 Independent clause: I will get to watch television

 Independent clause: I have to clean up the dishes

 Dependent clause: after we finish eating.

 When I grow up, I want to be a ballerina, and my mom is proud of me.

 Independent clause: I want to be a ballerina.

 Independent clause: my mom is proud of me.

 Dependent clause: When I grow up

 The sun is shining through the clouds, so I think that we can go swimming.

 Independent clause: The sun is shining through the clouds.

 Independent clause: I think.

 Dependent clause: That we can go swimming.


As we know that, clause is a group that has at least one subject and one verb. Clause

is divided by two clauses, they are sub clause and main clause or dependent clause

and independent clause. Dependent clause is a group which has at least one subject

and one verb and it needs main clause or independent clause to make the complete

sentence. It means that it cannot stand alone. Therefore, Independent clause or main

clause is a group of word which consist of one subject and one verb and it can stand

alone. Independent clause or main clause is called by simple sentence.

Sentence is a group of word that consist of at least one subject and one verb. Sentence

is divided by four, they are: simple sentence, compound sentence, complex sentence

and compound – complex sentence. Simple sentence is sentence which consists of at

least one subject and one verb. Compound sentence is sentence which consists of two

independent clause that connect by conjunction that called FANBOYS (For, And,

Nor, But, Or, Yet and So). Then, complex sentence is sentence which consists of

independent clause and dependent clause that connect by conjunction such as where,

before, if, whereas, who, whom, that and so oon. Whereas, compound – complex

sentence is a sentence which consists of at least two independent clauses and at least

one dependent clause.


1. Clause

a. Dependent Clause

Dependent clause is a group of words that has at least one subject and one

verb and it needs independent clause to be complete the sentence. It cannot

stand alone. After the explanation above, we should realize how to make a

dependent clause based on the explanation above. Therefore, in this section

we will give additional examples about dependent clause.

 If I were rich ,…

 When you are talking with your sister ,…

 Before you finished your homework,…

 If you want to pass,…

 Who is standing beside you, …

As the examples above, you should make dependent clause at least five

dependent clauses in the space following below:

 ………………………………………….

 ………………………………………….
 ………………………………………….

 ………………………………………….

 ………………………………………….

b. Independent Clause

Dependent clause is a group of words that has at least one subject and one

verb and also can stand alone. It does not need other clause to make complete

sentence. For examples:

 You should believe me.

 My father likes Banana.

 My sister is making fried rice.

 The students are in the class.

 Andy gives me something.

As the examples above, now is your task to make independent clause at least

five independent clauses. You may write in the gab below.

 …………………………………………………………

 …………………………………………………………

 …………………………………………………………

 …………………………………………………………

 …………………………………………………………

2. Sentence

a. Simple Sentence

Simple sentence is a simple form of sentence. It has a subject and a verb.

For examples:
 Jack and Shafeer play badminton every morning.

 This pen is mightier than sword.

 Fetrica makes fried rice every morning.

 My brother likes Banana.

 Jonathan everyday goes to library to study.

As the examples above, now is your task to make simple sentence at least five

simple sentences. You may write in the gab below.

 …………………………………………………………..

 …………………………………………………………..

 …………………………………………………………..

 …………………………………………………………..

 …………………………………………………………..

b. Compound Sentence

Compound sentence is a sentence that has at least two independent clauses

joined by a comma, semicolon or conjunction. Here, we should realize two

independent clause joined by a comma or conjunction. These conjunction can

be called coordinators, they are and, or, but, for, nor, yet and so.

For examples:

 I need to go to work, but I am too sick to drive.

 My mother want to eat fried rice, so I went to buy fried rice.

 My students got the class early and I am very happy.

 I am counting my calories, yet I really want dessert.

 The students did not cheat on the test, for it was wrong thing to do.
 They had no ice cream left at home, nor did they have money to go to

the store.

 I thought the promotion was mine, but my attendance was not good


As the examples above, now is your task to make a compound sentence

at least one for each connectors. You may write the grab below.

 …………………………………………………………………

 …………………………………………………………………

 …………………………………………………………………

 …………………………………………………………………

 …………………………………………………………………

 …………………………………………………………………

 …………………………………………………………………

c. Complex Sentence

Complex sentence is a sentence that combines at least one independent clause

and at least one dependent clause. Sari (2015) argued that complex sentence is

a sentence which has one independent clause and one dependent clause.

For examples:

 Wherever you go, you can always find beauty.

 After the tornado hit, there was very little left standing.

 I want to blow some money, but not mine.

 If you want to speak to me, then learn English.

 After I got home, I cooked and cleaned the house.

As the examples above, now is your task to make complex sentence at least

five complex sentences. You may write in the gab below.

 ……………………………………………………………

 ……………………………………………………………

 ……………………………………………………………

 ……………………………………………………………

 ……………………………………………………………

d. Compound – Complex Sentence

Compound – complex sentence is a sentence that consists of at least two

independent clauses and one or two dependent clauses.

For examples:

 My brother does not like cartoons because they are loud, so he does

not watch them.

 The dog started barking so the cat ran away and I could not keep up,

so I stopped.

 I will go to the market, but first, I have to clean up the dishes after I

finish eating.

 Sarah cried when her cat got sick, but he soon got better.

 After our trip to the beach, school started back and I was excited to

see my friends.

As the examples above, now is your task to make compound - complex

sentence at least five compound - complex sentences. You may write in the

gab below.

 ……………………………………………………………

 ……………………………………………………………

 ……………………………………………………………
 ……………………………………………………………

 ……………………………………………………………


Sari. Rima. Andriani. 2015. Start Writing: form Sentence to Paragraph. Graha Ilmu

and Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Press.

Suter. Joane. 2001. Beginning Writing 1. Published by Saddleback Publishing, Inc.

Warsidi. 2017. Basic Academic Writing. Published by Deepublish.

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