CentrifugalCompressor5 (1) Selection

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Best Practice Guidelines for

Selection and Optimization

of Centrifugal Compressors
Centrifugal compressors are the most widely used machines in the hydrocarbon
industry to achieve desired gas compression through volume reduction. Selection and
optimization of centrifugal compressors for hydrocarbon services have always been
a great challenge for machinery engineers. The prime objective of this paper is to aid
the prospective buyers of centrifugal compressors, particularly machinery engineers
in selection and optimization of centrifugal compressors in the context of emerging
trends and challenges.

entrifugal compressors for hydrocarbon ments and gas properties should be limited to a
applications are specified in API 617 minimum as far as possible provided real process
which covers general mechanical design, duties are fully developed. However, due consid-
rotordynamics, mechanical and general eration should be given to the margins to enable
hydraulic performances, auxiliaries, warranties, the control system to restore equilibrium condi-
etc but, unfortunately, does not deal with some tions after a disturbance has occurred.
other significant aspects of compressor selection The following guidelines can be taken into ac-
such as compressor operating envelope flexibility, count while evaluating correct margins on process
aero-mechanical considerations and gas dynam- conditions:
ics. These aspects greatly influence proper selec- • For applications where the pressure ratios can be
tion and optimization of centrifugal compressor defined fairly precisely and mass flow rates are
T and, therefore, should be addressed adequately. established accurately based on process heat-mass
balance sheets such as refrigeration compressor
E Optimizing Margins on Process Duties services, a maximum of 10 percent margin should
All process duties should be critically examined be applied to capacity.
C and assessed individually to eliminate over mar- • For applications where pressure ratio is heavily
gins on compressor duty as over margins may take dependent on flows such as recycle duties, a
H the efficiency at most prevailing operating condi- maximum of 5 percent margin should be applied
tions far away from best efficiency point increas- to both capacity and the head.
N ing operating cost as well as overall cost of the • Pass-in side stream pressures, within the compres-
machine. Therefore, all likely variations in process sor, must be estimated properly before arriving at
O conditions should be clearly identified and agreed the final figure. This pressure should be below the
between machinery engineers and end users. This amount anticipated in service to minimize the risk
L would entail proper evaluation of factual data like of the compressor generating high pressure back-
O maximum and minimum mass flows, suction pres-
sure, suction temperature, pressure ratio and the
ing out the side stream flow. At the preliminary
stage and in the absence of fairly precise data, a
G gas compositions to be compressed, thus eliminat-
ing unrealistic process duties resultant of con-
value of 95 percent of the anticipated absolute
pressure should be used. However, the compres-
Y servative margins. Margins added to the higher
duties to cover uncertainties in process require-
sor manufacturer should be given ample freedom
in setting the intermediate pressure levels to facili-

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tate the selection of the most economic machine. increase in head should be avoided even though
• Pass-out side streams should be specified at val- vendors exhibit experience to design the compressor
ues above that anticipated. At the preliminary with the heads in the range of 4500 to 6000 m. This
stage and in the absence of fairly precise data, a is due to the fact that impellers with considerably
value of 105 percent of the anticipated absolute high head may lead low pressure rise to surge,
pressure should be used. narrowing operating range between the design point
• The compressor vendor should be given free- and surge and reduced flow instabilities.
dom to optimize compressor selection by fixing Once the head per impeller stage has been estab-
intermediate pressures for intercoolers or lished, the number of impellers can be estimated by
multistage compressors. dividing total head generated by the compressor
• Also, requirements for pre-commissioning test by head limit per impeller stage. However, at pre-
runs on-site or off-site using a substitute gas such liminary estimation, maximum number of impeller
as air, nitrogen, CO2, CO2 / Helium mixture, fuel stages per casing should be limited to eight in case of
gas etc should be identified with regards to exces- single flow compressor, and ten in case of double
sive power or discharge temperature. An alter- flow and back-to-back compressors.
nate is to carry out pre-commissioning with the Machinery engineers are cautioned of suction
compressor under vacuum. temperatures considered for the calculation of head
Apart from the above, machinery engineers should as actual gas inlet temperature at impeller eye
also consider any possible performance deficit on would be above to that of specified. Therefore,
account of following: impeller stage head must be calculated with high-
I. Inaccuracies in performance measurement by est possible inlet temperature.
the OEM. Despite
the fact that PTC 10
permits no negative
tolerance on head
and flow, it permits
an allowance for in-
accuracies in the in-
II. Result of machine Figure 1. Maximum Number of Impellers per Casing
deterioration due to
wear of the internal leakage controls, process Allowable Mach Numbers
fouling, erosion etc. Apart from the mechanical strength, impeller tip
In case margins to the capacity and head are more speed is also governed by sonic considerations and,
than the values advised above, the extreme point therefore, Mach number inside an impeller must be
should be considered above the rated point and be restricted. Mach number is defined as ratio of tip
achieved by increasing the speed up to 105 percent of circumferential velocity or local gas velocity to the
the rated speed for variable speed drives. In this case, velocity of sound in the local gas. In centrifugal
the power capability of the driver should be checked compressors two Mach numbers, referred as circum-
so that power requirements can be met for above ferential Mach number and sometimes also called
rated speed. machine Mach number (occurs at the impeller tip)
and inlet Mach number (occurs at the eye of the
Head per Impeller Stage / Number of impeller), are considered.
Impeller Stages Inlet Mach number is complex to calculate and
For preliminary estimations, one should consider therefore circumferential Mach number is used
maximum head per impeller in the range of 3200 to which is easier to calculate. It has to be mentioned
3300m for molecular weights in the range of 28 to 30. that circumferential Mach number can be used to
However, for higher or lower molecular weight get a rough indication about the stage criticality and
gases, this value should be corrected. As a rule of provides information about impeller exit velocity to
thumb, lower the head by 35m per unit increase in the diffuser. On the other hand, inlet Mach number
molecular weight and increase the head by 65m per is quite important for gas dynamics considerations
unit decrease in molecular weight. These head limits at impeller eye and, therefore, compressor manu-
should be carefully evaluated and any significant facturers must indicate this Mach number.


Machinery engineers are cautioned about the is dictated by the width of the impeller passage
use of different reference locations for the calcu- and very low value causes excessive wall friction
lation of inlet Mach number as some compressor or leakage losses and efficiency falls rapidly,
manufacturers calculate inlet Mach number with whereas higher limit is dictated by impeller shape
reference to the tip of the impeller while others or its Mach number and at high values, due to
use the root mean square diameter of the impeller high turbulence losses in impeller flow channels
as the reference point. As the impeller eye diam- (particularly in absence of insufficient guiding
eter increases with increase in flow, the inlet such as IGVs), efficiency is deteriorated. At first
Mach number is not only influenced by the cir- estimation, flow coefficients for closed impeller
cumferential Mach number but also by the hub should be considered within the range of 0.05
ratio (ratio of hub diameter to tip diameter) and and 0.08. For open impeller assume flow coeffi-
flow coefficient. cient as 0.1.
Also, the ratio of inlet Mach number to the cir- Another aspect of impeller shape is characterized
cumferential Mach number can be used to validate by head coefficient or pressure coefficient. This coef-
stiffness of the impeller. A high ratio indicates ficient is a function of the impeller vane tip angle, the
outside diameter is close to the tip diameter result- outlet gas velocity and the stage efficiency. At pre-
ing in very limited space for the gas to develop a liminary stage of estimation the head coefficient
smooth radial flow and therefore reduces the over- should be in the range of 0.46 and 0.54.
all operating envelope.
The inlet Mach number should be limited to a Right Choice of Impellers
maximum of 0.85 [inlet Mach number up to 0.95 Selection of right impellers for each intended ap-
have been validated] as a higher inlet Mach number plication is a key factor for compressor perform-
results in a narrow operating range and reduced ance. Application of 3D impeller design has allowed
efficiency. For high flow, high molecular weight design of centrifugal compressors for high flow and
gases at low inlet temperature applications such as high inlet eye diameters with relatively higher effi-
propane refrigeration (MW = 44), a high inlet Mach ciency in comparison to that of 2D impeller design.
number is often encountered. In such cases where This is due to the capability of 3D impellers to match
high inlet Mach number is inevitable the problem large incoming flow field with optimum incidence
of narrow operating envelope can be overcome by angle. However, due care should be taken for opt-
using Inlet Guide Vanes to pre-rotate /swirl the in- ing a complete set of 3D impellers as this will
flow approaching the impeller resulting in reduced require more axial length in comparison to 2D
inlet velocity and therefore reduced inlet Mach impellers. This will lead to increased compressor
number. This will result in wider operating enve- rotor dynamics instabilities and obviously the
lope and improved efficiency. compressor cost, due to larger casing size.
As an alternate approach, a combination of 3D and
Flow Coefficients and Head Coefficients 2D impellers for multistage compressors, 3D impeller
It is always desirable to use the smallest possi- at first stage or first few stages and rest of 2D impellers,
ble machine; a higher flow coeffi-
cient means larger suction flow rate
for a given impeller diameter and
therefore the smaller the machine.
The expression for flow coefficient
represents the linear effect of tip
speed and the square of impeller
diameter for specific flow rate. This
implies that the flow coefficient is
an optimization between impeller
speed and diameter. Since the first
impeller has the largest diameter
and flow coefficient, the first
impeller dictates the compressor
speed. Lower limit of flow coeffi- Figure 2. Compressor Polytropic Efficiency vs. Flow Coefficient for 2D & 3D Impellers
cient for a particular impeller type

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should be considered (in the case of side stream However, following additional requirements can
applications, 3D impeller at incoming stream should be added on top of the requirements of API 617 to
also be considered, if flow coefficients at incoming enhance to reliability of the compressor:
streams are high). This would lead to better overall • The unfiltered vibrations measured during me-
efficiency, reduced rotor dynamic instability and chanical run tests should be limited to a maxi-
optimized compressor cost as compared to that pro- mum of 20µm peak-to-peak [ API 617 requires
vided with complete set impellers of 3D design. “peak-to-peak amplitude of unfiltered vibration
The following guidelines can be taken into account of the machine, assembled with the balanced
for preliminary flow coefficients versus impeller type: rotor, operating at its maximum continuous
• For 2D impellers flow coefficient should not speed or at other speed within the specified
exceed 0.10 for first stage. operating speed range, measured on the shaft
• For 3D impellers flow coefficient should not adjacent and relative to each radial bearing,
exceed 0.15 for first stage. shall not exceed the following value or 25µm (I
• Last stage flow coefficient should not be less mil), whichever is less] :
than 0.01 for both the impellers.
If calculations show evidence that flow coeffi- A = 25.4√ (1200/N)
cients fall outside of the above range, speed of rota-
tion and / or impeller diameter should be adjusted. It is to be noted that most of the mechanical run-
However, any limitation on allowable circumfer- ning tests are carried out in a vacuum and therefore
ential velocities and Mach numbers must be evalu- this vibration limit should be lowered at this test
ated before making any decision. state. This will require tight manufacturing toler-
ances and sound balancing of individual rotor com-
Rotordynamic Considerations and ponents and rotor assembly during fabrication to
Reliability ensure improved reliability of the machine in field.
One of the most important factors influencing • For drive through compressors or compressors
overall compressor reliability is the rotordynamic with long strings, train torsional analysis as per
stability and its response to the unbalance forces. API 617 should always be specified.
API 617 covers requirements of rotordynamic sta- • In the case of synchronous motors or when in-
bility and response and compressor manufactur- duction / synchronous motors with variable
ers should be regulated to satisfy all the speed drive are required, a steady – state tran-
requirements of this standard without exception sient analysis should be specified.
as a minimum. • Reference and compressor manufacturer’s past

Figure 3. Flow coefficients & Impeller Shapes Vs Efficiency (Courtesy Rolls – Royce Energy Systems, Inc.)

Compressors 58 HYDROCARBON ASIA, JULY-SEPT 2009 Visit our website at: http://www.safan.com
experience of similar applications should be be as close as possible to that of the specified gas
evaluated for aero-dynamics induced “cross – in order to achieve comparable volume reduc-
coupling forces” encountered causing exces- tion and inlet Mach number during the test.
sive vibrations and instabilities in the shop and • If at preliminary stage of estimation and in ab-
field, if any. sence of any firm data, the test gas should be
considered such that test speed would be a mini-
Shop Performance Testing mum 80% of the rated speed. However, in some
Performance test methods, acceptance criterion of the cases, this condition may not be practical
and allowable test deviations for centrifugal com- especially with test gas R-134a when used for
pressors are specified in ASME PTC 10. This test refrigeration gases like ethylene. However 100 %
code defines two test types called Type – 1 and Type CO2 or a mixture of 50% CO2 and R-134a can
– 2. Type – 1 test is conducted on specified or very meet this condition but the test discharge tem-
close to the specified gas with a limited deviation perature can be high and / or test speed may be
between test and specified operating conditions. above maximum continuous speed.
This test is rarely done because of complexities Before finalizing the Type – 1 or Type – 2 tests,
associated with testing with a specified gas. Also, extensive discussions should be done with the
most of the compressor manufacturers do not have compressor manufacturer as early in the project as
the capability to conduct this test or they are in possible to ensure that the objectives of the tests
locations where flammable and/or toxic gases can- can be met without any hassle.
not be used. This test must meet the requirements
of Table 3.1 and Table 3.2 of ASME PTC – 10 for Conclusion
permissible deviations from specified operating Selection and optimization of centrifugal com-
conditions and test observations. pressors in critical hydrocarbon services requires
Type – 2 test permits the use of a substitute gas, proper consideration of all possible aspects of de-
usually inert or non – flammable, and extends the sign and hydraulic performances apart from those
permissible deviations between test and specified specified in API 617 and, therefore, should not be left
operating conditions. This test must meet the re- as the compressor manufacturer’s responsibility
quirements of Table 3.2 of ASME PTC – 10 with alone. This is due to the fact that compressor selec-
respect to volume reduction, flow coefficient, ma- tion and optimization is based on extensive assess-
chine Mach number and Reynolds number, as com- ment of complex aero – mechanical design and design
pared to the specified gas conditions. compromises occur quite often.
Selecting test gas for Type – 2 test is a long-standing
bone of contention between end user and compres- This publication thanks Mr. Ajay
sor manufacturer as this test is based on similarity Giri for providing this article. Mr.
between test condition volume reduction and Giri graduated from the Institute
specified condition volume condition. Selection of of Engineering & Technology,
appropriate test gas is the key factor for this test
Rohilkhand University Bareilly, In-
because test gas properties directly affect test vol-
dia [B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)] and has
ume reduction. Also, test gas selected must not
nine years of experience on selection, specifica-
cause any operating condition exceeded such as
discharge temperature and maximum continuous tions and detailed engineering of turbo-
operating speed. The following guidelines can be machineries. Currently he is working with Jacobs
considered while selecting test gas for Type – 2 test: Engineering Singapore as a Rotating Equipment
• The molecular weight is the determining factor Engineer where he has recently executed engi-
for test gas selection as any significant difference neering and procurement of refrigeration cen-
in molecular weights of specified gas and test gas trifugal compressors of drive power of 9 MW.
would result in objectionable test speed. If test Prior to his current appointment he worked
gas molecular weight is too low as compared to with Bechtel Corporation Inc. as a Mechanical
that of specified gas, the test speed may exceed Engineer where he had been responsible
the maximum continuous speed of the compres- for selection, specification and detailed engi-
sor. Therefore, test gas molecular weight should neering of various turbo-machineries.
be very close to or higher than that specified gas.
• Value of isentropic index “k” of test gas should HA Enquiry Number 07/09-03


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