Simple Past Monograph

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CROSS THEME: Education in and preservation of water
DAY: JANUARY 13th 2019

Flores Jimenez Ricardo 1423125299


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GRAMMATICAL THEME: ................................................................................................................ 3

SIMPLE PAST ............................................................................................................................. 3
Explanation: .................................................................................................................... 3
FORM: .................................................................................................................................. 3
PAST TENSE REGULAR .............................................................................................................. 4
NEGATIVE SENTENCES IN THE PAST TENSE. ............................................................................ 6
QUESTIONS IN THE PAST TENSE ............................................................................................... 7
IRREGULAR VERBS IN THE PAST TENSES .................................................................................. 8
ACTIVITIES ..................................................................................................................................... 9
EDUCATION IN AND PRESERVATION OF WATER ..................... Error! Bookmark not defined.0
Reading literally book.................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.1
THE HEADLESS HORSEMAN ...................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.2
Biography .............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.2
THE HEADLESS HORSEMAN SUMMARY ............................... Error! Bookmark not defined.3
THE HEADLESS HORSEMAN CHARACTER LIST ...................... Error! Bookmark not defined.4
VOCABULARY....................................................................................................................... 14
OWN COMENTARY .............................................................................................................. 15
SONG YELLOW (COLDPLAY)............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Song Activities ............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.6
BIBLIOGRAPHY............................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.6

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The Simple Past Tense, often just called the Past Tense, is easy to use in English.
If you already know how to use the Present Tense, then the Past Tense will be
In general, the Past Tense is used to talk about something that started and
finished at a definite time in the past.



The main rule is that for every verb in English, there is only one form of it
in the past tense.

(The exception is the Past tense of To Be, which has two forms: was and

This is totally different from other languages such as Spanish, French, and
Italian etc. where you change the verb ending for every subject.

 For example: The past tense of the verb talk is talked.

Talked is used as the past tense for all subjects/pronouns.

 I talked
 You talked
 He talked
 She talked
 It talked
 We talked
 They talked

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To change a regular verb into its past tense form, we normally add –ED
to the end of the verb.

 play – played
 Walk – walked
 Wait – waited

 There are some exceptions with a slight change in spelling:

The general rule when changing a word (or verb) into its -ED form is just to
add -ED to the end of it.

Infinitive ED form

To play
To wait

The following exceptions exist when spelling words ending in ED

a. If a word ends in an E we just add the D to the end.

Infinitive ED form

To live Lived

To love Loved

To smile Smiled

b. If the word ends in a Consonant + Vowel + Consonant, we double the

final consonant and add ED.
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Infinitive ED form

To stop Stopped

To admit admitted

To plan Planned

c. If a two-syllable verb ends in a Consonant + Vowel + Consonant, we DO

NOT double the final consonant when the stress is on
the FIRST syllable.

Infinitive ED Form

To happen Happened

To enter Entered

To offer Offered

d. BUT, we DO NOT double the final consonant when the word ends in W,
X or Y or when the final syllable is not stressed.

Infinitive ED form

To fix Fixed

To enjoy Enjoyed

To snow Snowed


 She kissed me on the cheek.

 It rained yesterday
 My girlfriend watched TV all night.

P á g i n a 5 | 16

We use didn't (did not) to make a negative sentence in the past tense.

This is for regular AND irregular verbs in English.

(Exception is To Be and Modal Verbs such as Can)

Present: They don’t live in Canada.

Past: The didn’t live in Canada.

(The main verb (live in the example above) is in its base form (of the
infinitive). The auxiliary DIDN'Tshows that the sentence is negative
AND in the past tense.Both don't and doesn't in the present tense
become didn't in the past tense.)

Present: You don't need a mechanic.

Past: You didn't need a mechanic.

Present: You don't walk around the park.

Past: You didn't walk around the park.

Present: He doesn't speak English.

Past: He didn't speak English.


We use did to make a question in the past tense.

This is for regular AND irregular verbs in English.

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(Exception is To Be and Modal Verbs such as Can)

Compare the following:

Present: Do they live in France?

Past: Did they live in France?

The main verb (live in the example above) is in its base form (of the
infinitive). The auxiliary DID shows that the question is in the past

The only difference between a question in the present tense and a

question in the past tense is the change in the auxiliary verb.
Both Do and Does in present tense questions become Didn't in
past tense questions

 Examples :
 Did you tell her that you loved her?
 Did you ride your bike to work?

We can also use a question word (Who, What, Why etc.) before did to ask for
more information.
 When did you study?
 Where did you go?
 What did you say?


Irregular verbs are ONLY irregular in affirmative/positive sentences.

(An exception to this is with the verb TO BE in the Past Tense)

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For example: The past tense of GO is WENT

(It does not end in –ED so it is considered irregular)

I went to the beach.

He went to the park

They went to the library

(BUT, as we mentioned before, it is only in its irregular form (went) in

sentences that are affirmative/positive.)

Compare the following using GO in the past tense.

They went to the beach

They didn't go to the beach --- Didn't shows that we are talking in the
past tense.

Did they go to the beach? --- Did shows that we are talking in the past

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I. Convert sentences to simple past.

I cook chicken for lunch.

We drink milk in the morning.

The wash the disher.

I give lots of hugs to my daughter

We eat pizza for dinner.

II. Convert the sentences to Past Negative sentences.

 I ................ played tennis yesterday.

 You ............worked em Monday.

 He ..............went to the hospital.

 She .............did her homework.

Convert to question senteces in simple past

__________ he went to the hospital?

- Yes, he did.

- No, he didn’t.

____________ she did her hornework?

- yes, she did.

-no, she didn’t.

____________ your dog slept well last night?

- yes, it did.

-no, it didn’t.

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Education in and preservation of water

P á g i n a 10 | 16
Education in and preservation of wáter

The importance of saving wáter

 Water is a necessary resource for life. There are still people who think they are
inexhaustible. The truth is that water is a very limited resource and more and more
areas are suffering from shortages of this vital element.

Ways to save wáter

 Close the taps whenever you do not use them.

 Shower in a time of 5 min, save about 3500 liters per month.

 Place 2 full bottles inside the tank and you will save 2 to 4 liters each time you use it.

 Use the appliances efficiently.

 Check whenever there is no water leak.

P á g i n a 11 | 16
Reading literary book

The Headless Horseman


Washington Irving (1783-1859)

American writer He was born on April 3, 1783 in New

York. He studied law at private universities and
worked in several law firms. Between the years 1802
and 1803 he began to write some articles for the New
York newspaper: "The Letters of the Knight Jonathan
Oldstyle" gave him recognition.

He headed a group formed by his brothers, William

Irving and Peter Irving and his brother-in-law James
Kirke Paulding. They wrote "Salmagundi", poems and
satirical essays about New York society.

His next work was, "History of New York" (1809), story

of New York during the time when it was occupied by
the Dutch, a fantasy satire on pedantry. He achieved a great popular success since he appeared,
the work gave him fame and great profits. However, the recognition he was obtaining both in
the social sphere and in literary circles was clouded by the death of his young fiancee (he was
seventeen years old), Matilda Hoffmann; Irving was so affected that he never thought about
marrying again and he remained single all his life.

In England he met important men of letters, among them Thomas Campbell, Sir Walter Scott
and Thomas Moore. With the pseudonym of Geoffrey Crayon wrote the essays and stories
collected in "Book of Appointments" (1820), his most famous work. Two of his stories, "Rip Van
Winkle" and "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow", have become classics of American literature.

From 1826 to 1829 he was a member of the diplomatic corps of the United States in Madrid. He
wrote several historical works. In 1842 he was ambassador of the United States in Madrid, where
he lived until 1846 and continued writing and with his historical investigations. Fruit of his
activity as a Hispanist were "History of life and travel of Christopher Columbus" (1828),
Chronicles of the conquest of Granada (1829), and his famous and widely translated "Tales of
the Alhambra" (1832), where It recasts for the English public the best-known Spanish-Arabic

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He returned to the United States in 1846 and settled in his country house, where he died on
November 28, 1859. He is buried in the cemetery of Sleepy Hollow, the village of his best-known


The story begins with the description of the context in which the story unfolds describing its
characteristics that it was a quiet city, if licentious and cheerful; But at night it seemed that the
town was enchanted with witches, ghosts and goblins, but the strangest story was that of the
headless horseman.

Then they tell us the origin of the ghost of the headless horseman who was a soldier who lost
his head in a war and that his body is in the cemetery of the church and that on the gravestone
he said he was resting peacefully and that at night he was searching of his head.

Later we are introduced to the main character Ichabod who was the most believer in all these
stories, he was tall and thin.

ichabod was poor but he had a plan and was to marry katrina van tasset who was the daughter
of the richest man in the valley, but brom bones also wanted to marry Katrina he was a friendly
young man, he liked games of tricks, horseback riding and have fun; Most girls liked Katrina
especially, but Ichabod did not give up because he did everything to win Katrina's heart, read
her favorite books, sing her favorite songs, tell her all about it.

One afternoon ichabod received an invitation to a party of the Van Tassels, so he got ready and
went to Katrina's house. When he arrived, it illuminated him like the moon. When he arrived,
he found Brom dancing with Katrina and asked permission to dance. I accept after a while brom
wanted to go back to dancing with Katrina but Ichabod just went dancing with her on the other
hand that angered brom.

Later, Brom went out to see that there was an old man telling a story about the headless rider
and that Ihabod believed every thing he said about the story.

After the party ichabod was the last to leave on the way home he found a shadow of a horse
that when approaching saw he had no head and knew from the stories of the old man that the
only way to save was crossing the bridge and the fact to ride at full speed.

The next morning only found his hat and a pumpkin, the people of the town believed that the
headless horseman had taken it, Brom to find out about it was surprised a little as if hiding
something but never said anything.

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List of characteristics of the characters

 Ichabod Crane:
Physically speaking he was tall, very thin and flexed his feet.Even though I was a good
person, it was also agreed since I had a plan to be able to obtain money through a
marriage, which was not morally correct, I was a very good person since I believe in all
the stories that were told.

 Katrina Van Tassel:

She was one of the most beautiful girls in town and was the daughter of the richest
squire in the city.

 Brom Bones:
He is a friendly young man who likes playing tricks and riding a horse. He used to have a
lot of fun, most of the girls liked him, especially Katrina.


• DROWSY (soñoliento) dozing – I´m always drowsy in my calculation class.

• MOAN (gemido) sigh – The moan of his death was very strong.

• SWORDS (espadas) Steel – It´s a battle of shiels and swords.

• GRAVEYARD (cementerio) necrópolis - I went to visit the graveyard.

• SQUIRE (escudero) assistant – the squire saved my life.

• BORROWED (préstamo) credit – I asked a credit at the bank.

• SHINING (brillante) shimmering – I have an idea shining.

• FADED (descolorido) pale – My life is now fared.

• BRIDGE (puente) platform – The bridge collapsed quickly.

• SUDDENLY (repentinamente) suddenly – The decisión was taken suddenly.

• CANNONS (cañones) weapon – The cannons tore down the casthe.

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I liked the story a lot because it is easy to understand and it does it in a way in which the reader,
while moving on, understands the context surrounding the story, which fills it with a lot of
mystery, this reading surprised me because It has many new words that will help me expand my

Yellow (Coldplay)
Look at the stars
Look how they shine for you
And everything you do
Yeah they were all yellow

I came along
I wrote a song for you
And all the things you do
And it was called "Yellow"

So then I took my turn

Oh what a thing to have done
And it was all yellow

Your skin
Oh yeah, your skin and bones
Turn into something beautiful
You know, you know I love you so
You know I love you so

I swam across
I jumped across for you
Oh what a thing to do
'Cause you were all yellow

I drew a line
I drew a line for you
Oh what a thing to do
And it was all yellow

Your skin
Oh yeah your skin and bones
Turn into something beautiful
And you know
For you…

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1.- who is the author of this song?

2.- what is the title?

3.- Do you remember some verb in simple past?

4.- what is the message of this song?

5 – complete

I ______(come) along

I _______(write) a song for you

And all the things you do

And it was called "Yellow“


 Learning the verbs in the past is essential, since it allows us to describe past situations.

 You can learn a lot from the songs because it helps us learn English in a didactic way

 When reading a book in English, there are certain words that do not know their
meaning, but by context you can deduce the unknown word and that expands your


 IPCNA´s book.

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