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Job Protocol:

Reliability Analysis by COMREL-TI

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02. December 2018


COMREL 9.50 DEMO Time: 20:58:47

ERACONS & RCP Consult Software No comment Date: 02.12.2018
Copyright © 1987-2017. All rights reserved Page: 1 / 13
by ERACONS & RCP Consult Software

Copyright © 1987-2017

Table of Contents

Symbolic Expressions ............................................................................................. 3

Original Form ................................................................................................ 3

Parsed Form ................................................................................................. 4

Stochastic Model ................................................................................................ 5

Tabular Form ................................................................................................ 5

Graphical Form ............................................................................................... 5

Characteristic Values .............................................................................................. 6

Starting Solution ................................................................................................ 6

Computation Options ............................................................................................. 6

Numerical Results ................................................................................................ 8

Plots ......................................................................................................... 9

Representative Alphas of Variables FLIM(1), DEMO.pti ................................................................... 9

U_* of Variables FLIM(1), DEMO.pti ................................................................................ 10

Elasticities of Mean Values FLIM(1), DEMO.pti ......................................................................... 11

Elasticities of Standard Deviations FLIM(1), DEMO.pti

Partial Safety Factors FLIM(1), DEMO.pti




COMREL 9.50 DEMO Time: 20:58:47

ERACONS & RCP Consult Software No comment Date: 02.12.2018
Copyright © 1987-2017. All rights reserved Page: 2 / 13
Reliability Symbolic Expressions


FLIM(k) fixed Limit State Function. k is user defined reference number.

RFnm(k) fixed Reference Function. nm is a type - 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12. k is user defined reference number.
DEFFUNC(k)([n1,...,nN]) fixed User Defined Function. k is user defined reference number. n1 - nN are function argument names.
DEFFUNC(k,T,D)([n1,...,nN])=F fixed Function from an Add-on. k, n1 - nN as above. T - Type, D - Add-on name, F - Function name in Add-on.
FUNC(k)([n1,...,nN]) fixed Call of User Defined Function. k is required reference number. n1 - nN are required states of arguments.
n1,...,nN user Argument Names in definition of User Defined Function.
StrureltoMatlab user Filename of Add-on without extension with User Defined Function.
Matlab user User Defined Function as export Name in Add-on above.
{ Function Comment } user Comment used in Limit State, Reference and User Defined Functions. Can be omitted.
sin(x), sqrt(x), ln(x) fixed Predefined Functions. See manual for a reference.
PI, EULER fixed Predefined Constants. See manual for a reference.
Alpha, Length, Up user Parsed Symbolic Variables. Automatically inserted in Stochastic Model.
~x, ~t1 user Internal Local Variables. Used internally for temporary calculations.
123, 4.567, 1.33e-5 user Numerical Values. Only full range of decimal integer and real values can be used.
"Hallo World" user Literal Values. Any kind of text strings can be used.
+, -, /, *, ^ fixed Binary operators: Addition, Subtraction, Division, Multiplication and Power.
// Arbitrary comment user Single Line Comment. Can be used for additional comments inside of Symbolic Expressions.
! Other kind of comment user Single Line Comment. Can be used for additional comments inside of Symbolic Expressions.


COMREL 9.50 DEMO Time: 20:58:47

ERACONS & RCP Consult Software No comment Date: 02.12.2018
Copyright © 1987-2017. All rights reserved Page: 3 / 13
Parsed Symbolic Expressions

Limit State Functions


Variables in FLIM(1)

Fy R No comment
M R No comment
Zd R No comment

Summary Symbolic Variables

Fy R No comment
M R No comment
Zd R No comment

Summary Numerical Constants

user -1


COMREL 9.50 DEMO Time: 20:58:47

ERACONS & RCP Consult Software No comment Date: 02.12.2018
Copyright © 1987-2017. All rights reserved Page: 4 / 13

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