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Week 2

Say whether you agree or disagree with following statements. Use a scale from 1-5, where
1=strongly disagree 2 = disagree 3 = not sure 4 = agree 5 = strongly agree

Agree Disagree
a) There is no best way of teaching / learning a language 5
b) The main goal of any language teaching course should be to 4
improve the learner’s conversational and oral proficiency.
c) It doesn’t matter how good the teaching is. If the learners 1
don’t feel affectively engaged, learning won’t take place
d) The best way of teaching grammar is to present the rules, 3
then let the learners practice.
e) The best way of teaching grammar is to be exposed to the 4
language and then work out the rules.
f) All classroom instruction should be conducted exclusively in 2
the target language.
g) We learn by understanding what is said to us. 3
h) The best way of helping learners practice new language is 3
through lots of repetition.
i) Dictation is a very useful teaching device. 4
j) All coursebooks inevitably impose a methodology on the 4
learners and on the teacher.
k) The role of the language teacher is similar to that of 4
‘conductor of orchestra’.

1. My teaching is influenced by: theories of teaching and learning, trial and error, training
course, exchange of idea, observation of other colleaugues, the way I was thought


Look at the list of methods and approaches, which are all covered in ‘Approaches and Methods in
Language Teaching’.

For each, decide whether you think it will be dealt with under a), b) or c) above.
Also, rate how familiar you already are with the approach / method:
Use the following numbers:

1 = never heard of it
2 = heard of it but don’t know much about it
3 = know a little about it
4= know quite a lot about it
5 = very familiar with it
Method / Approach A, B or C Degree of familiarity
The Natural Approach b 2
Suggestopedia b 3
The Audiolingual Method c 3
The Lexical Approach c 3
The Silent Way b 3
Communicative Language Teaching a 3
Total Physical Response c 3
The Oral Approach b 3
Task-based Language Teaching c 3
Co-operative Language Learning a 3
Content-Based Instruction c 3
The Direct Method c 3
Community Language Learning a 3
Neurolinguistic Programming a 3
Competency – Based Language Teaching a 3
Multiple Intelligences c 3


1. Approach and method and techniques

a. Anthony  techniques carry out a method which is consistent with an approach
i. Approach – describes the nature of the subject matter to be
taught.axiomatic. One approach can be many methods.
ii. Method - overall plan presentation of the material. Procedural.
iii. Technique – it is used to accomplish an immediate objective consistent
with a method.
b. Richards – method is theoretically related to an approach, is organizationally
determined by a design, and is practically realized in procedure.
i. APPROACH refers to theories about language and language learning .. it is
the philosophy
ii. Models of lanauge that have influenced language teaching methods and
2. Cognitive model Approach
i. Reflects that language reflects properties of mind.
1. 3 cores; 1. Mind as a computer. 2. Representationalism. 3 Learning
as abstract knowledge acquisition
Ex. Chomsky universal grammar, grammar translation method , cognitive
code approach,silent way
 Chomsky – learner has built in knowledge by abstracting rules through
a study of grammar and translation based activities.
 Cognitive code approach – grammar plays a role
 Silent way
3. Structural model – view that language is a system of structurally related elements for the
coding of meaning… Mastery of lements : phonological, grammatical, and lexical.
Examples: Audiolingual, situational language teaching, totalphyscial response
4. Functional model – language is a vehicle for the expression of functional meanings and
for performing real world activities.
a. Communicative competence concepts – knowing how language is used to achive
different kinds of concepts.
b. Communicative movement
c. Competency based language teaching
5. Interactional model
a. AS a vehicle for the realoization of interpersonal relations and for the
performance of social transactions between individuals. Negotiation of meaning
is the central role… Task based language and CLIL.
6. Sociocultural model = views langage as a communicative activity in which the social
context is central.
a. Task based, conten based, Cooperative learning
7. Genre model – refers toa n area of human activity where there are norms of language
usage such as in science.,. etc.. . Texts are the units of discourse that occur in different
genres such as narratives..descirprions and expkanations.
- Text based instricution, conten based, and clil, English for specific purposes and
8. Lexical – prioritizes the role of lexis in language and highlights the interrelatedness of
grammar and vocabulary.

Behaviorism, cognitive-code learning, creative-construction hypothesis, skill learning,
interactional theory, constructivism, sociocultural learning theory ( constructivisim ), individual

1. Behaviorism – learning is a process in which specific behaviors are acquired in response

to specific stimuli. Correct responses are reinforced and learned. Through repetition and
reinforcement. Basis of AUDIOLINGUAL METHOD. Through extensive drill and repetition
of exercises with almost no room for error.
2. Cognitive-code learning – an alternative to behavior rism. Students are taught
grammatical rules which they apply in practice. Learning is seen to depend on mental
effort. THE PPP APPROACH and silent way are examples.
3. Creative-construction hypothesis -> learning is not simply a question of reproducing
input but a creative process that has common features regardless of the learners
background and errors are seen as evidence of learning .
4. Skill learning – suggests that complex uses of language are made up of hierarchy of skills.
Skills that are consciously managed and directed by the learners is called controlled
processing. Over time do not require conscious attention is called automatic processing.
5. Interactional theory -learning is an interactive process and depends on learners working
together to achieve mutual understanding. Central is the negotiation of meaning.
6. Constructivism – learning is seen as something that results from the learners internal
construction of meaning.
7. Sociocultural learning theory ( social constructivism ) – diaglogue between a learner and
a more knowledgeable other person.
a. Scaffolding – process of interaction between two or more people as they carry
out a classroom activity and where on eperson has more advanced knowledge
than the other.
8. Individual factors – learning style preferences, affective factors, motivation, learning



What framework does she suggest for analysing second language teaching methods?

- LNAGUAGE TEACHERS’ decisions about teaching process should, to a large extent be

informed by the knowledge of the subject matter they are teaching that is the target
language and culture and by knowledge of the unique group of learners with whom
they are working and of the language learning process.
List the ten key questions she suggests to analyse second language teaching methods:

*In the chapter on the audiolingual method in Richards and

Rodgers, can you guess why the following are mentioned?
 Army training;
 Chomsky;
 Darwin;
 The launch of a Russian satellite;
 The entry of the USA into the Second World War;
 Growing American economic power in the 1950s

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