Powering Farm Business FINAL

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Powering Farm

Affordable energy is key
to regional prosperity

Australia’s farm sector is a significant contributor to Australia’s

economic strength, producing $60 billion worth of food and
fibre. For agriculture to continue on its trajectory of growth, the
sector needs affordable, reliable and lower emission energy.
To achieve this, the National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) is
calling on Government to provide energy policy certainty.

At a glance The Powering Farm Business document

brings together the NFF’s positions on climate
change, electricity and mining and onshore
• The world’s population is forecast to
gas development. The overarching policy
exceed 9 billion by 2050. Meeting this
seeks solutions that deliver for farmers and the
increased demand for food and fibre
environment through the provision of affordable,
while reducing global emissions will
be a challenge. reliable and increasingly lower emission energy
• Access to affordable and reliable
electricity is paramount to maintaining The nexus between climate
the international competitiveness of
Australian agriculture.
and energy policy
• Wholesale price hikes and outages Australia requires a national energy plan that
can destroy annual returns for some reflects all opportunities for energy generation
farmers in the space of a few hours. and is realistic about the manner in which energy
is supplied. There is significant potential for rural
• There is great opportunity for
and regional areas to take part in the future of
Australian agriculture to contribute to
Australia’s energy generation mix, building more
national emissions reduction goals.
resilient communities in the process.
• Proposals for mineral and petroleum
Those who continue to contribute to Australia’s
mining ventures on farmland must be
emissions reduction goals must be recognised
backed by robust science.
and rewarded for their actions.


Powering Farm Business 2018

Agriculture’s role in emission

The NFF recognises that climate change poses
a significant challenge for Australian farmers. As
a nation, we must act to ensure our economy
is well placed to cost efficiently reduce our
emissions profile.
There is great opportunity for agriculture to
contribute to national emissions reduction goals.
Agriculture contributes to the national emissions
profile by both sequestering carbon in soils and
vegetation and by emitting greenhouse gases
through, for example, livestock production and
cropping practices. Innovation is needed to
reduce agriculture’s emissions intensity and to
enable farmers to efficiently participate in carbon

The current electricity market Government policy must not favour specific
technologies, but rather enable the technologies
fails farmers to compete on their merits. The NFF recognises
The National Electricity Market (NEM) is not the need for a smooth transition to a market
working for Australian farmers and needs based system.
serious reform. Australia’s electricity sector is Australia must move from a policy environment
undergoing transformational change as older that is layered in policy distortions and subsidies
electricity generators reach the end of their to one that is market-based.
useful lives. A different generation is required
to achieve internationally-agreed emissions Farmers need access to
reduction goals. Innovation will continue to drive
change in the way that electricity is generated affordable electricity
" and managed to meet consumer requirements. Reliability and affordability are key for farmers –
wholesale price spikes and outages can destroy
annual returns, in some cases, in the space of a
Government policy must not few hours.
favour specific technologies, but Electricity use is variable across agriculture
depending on the intensification of operations,
rather enable the technologies to location and business structure.

For some farmers demand is flexible while for
compete on their merits. others demand is driven by factors such as
weather and access to water.


Powering Farm Business 2018

Efficient investment
in, combined with efficient
Mining and onshore gas
operation and use of, electricity
Agriculture and the mineral and petroleum
services is crucial for farmers, industries underpin the social and economic
fabric of rural and regional communities.
other consumers and the wider Australian agriculture plays a crucial role in

supplying fresh quality food to Australia and the
economy. world.
The safety of Australia’s food must not be
jeopardised by the mineral and petroleum
industries. The NFF is concerned about long-
term environmental, economic and social
sustainability of farmers.

The replacement of ageing electricity The nature of the mining and petroleum
generators will require a substantial industries means that they may have both
transformation. Inefficient network investment, positive and negative economic, environment
ineffective regulation and a lack of policy and social effects.
consistency is driving up electricity prices for The mineral and petroleum industries must take
end users. all reasonable steps to avoid adverse effects on
The owners of electricity networks must communities, landholders and the environment.
bear the cost of their past inefficient network Investment in robust scientific information is
investment decisions. critical to the protection of the natural resources.
Governments need to invest in information,
monitoring and compliance to inform the
regulation of the mining and petroleum sector.


Powering Farm Business 2018

What we need from Government

Government must deliver a national energy plan that:

1. Is technology-neutral, market-based and 5. Empowers and builds capacity in
economy-wide, delivering affordable, regional, rural and remote communities to
reliable and secure energy; contribute to secure and reliable energy
supply and storage;
2. Supports increased competition across all
aspects of the electricity and gas markets; 6. Ensures that rural, regional and remote
Australia is not disadvantaged or left
3. Ensures sound economic regulation
behind by the disruption, and that the
of networks through the Australian
policy solutions are designed for all
Competition and Consumer Commission
Australians, not just those in metropolitan
where competition is low, especially in
areas; and
regional and rural Australia;
7. Recognises and rewards landholders,
4. Supports innovation to capture the full
communities and industries that contribute
range of opportunities to improve energy
to Australia’s emissions reductions goals.
productivity, energy efficiency and low
emissions energy generation, including
renewable, thermal and kinetic energy;

This policy document has been developed by the NFF's Climate and
Energy Taskforce is based on four key NFF policy positions: 1) Climate Policy
2) Electricity Policy 3) Mining and Onshore Gas Policy and 4) Energy Policy.

, These documents can be found online at www.nff.org.au

National Farmers Federation

Scott Kompo-Harms % 02 6269 5666
% 02 6269 5666 m skompoharms@nff.org.au @nationalfarmers

Material in this document is protected under the Commonwealth Copyright Act 1968. No Material may be reproduced in part or in whole, without the written consent from the copyright
holders. The National Farmers’ Federation, nor its servants or agents, does not accept liability, including liability for negligence arising from information contained in this document.

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