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Conjugarea verbului a face la toate timpurile

Verb Conjugation to do in all Tenses

Conjugarea verbului a face la prezent simplu

Verb conjugation to do in Present Simple
I do. eu fac.
you do. tu faci.
he/she/it does. el/ea face.
we do. noi facem.
you do. voi faceţi.
they do. ei/ele fac.
Conjugare a face la prezent simplu
Conjugarea verbului a face la trecut simplu
Verb conjugation to do in Simple Past
(a 2 a forma a verbelor neregulate din table
do did done [du/did/dăn] a face

I did. eu făceam.
you did. tu făceai.
he/she/it did. el/ea făcea.
we did. noi făceam.
you did. voi făceaţi.
they did. ei/ele făceau.
Conjugare a face la trecut simplu
Conjugarea verbului a face la viitor simplu
Verb conjugation to do in Future Simple
1,4- (I,we) shall do;
2,3,5,6,- will do
I shall do. eu voi face.
you will do. tu vei face.
he/she/it will do. el/ea va face.
we shall do. noi vom face.
you will do. voi veţi face.
they will do. ei/ele vor face.
Conjugare a face la viitor simplu

Conjugarea verbului a face la prezent continuu

Verb conjugation to do in Present Continous
Verbul auxiliar to be la prezent + verb la forma continuă
I am doing. eu fac.
you are doing. tu faci.
he/she/it is doing. el/ea face.
we are doing. noi facem.
you are doing. voi faceţi.
they are doing. ei/ele fac.
Conjugare a face la prezent continuu
Conjugarea verbului a face la trecut continuu
Verb conjugation to do in Past Continous


I was doing. eu făceam.

you were doing. tu făceai.
he/she/it was doing. el/ea făcea.
we were doing. noi făceam.
you were doing. voi făceaţi.
they were doing. ei/ele făceau.
Conjugare a face la trecut continuu
Conjugarea verbului a face la viitor continuu
Verb conjugation to do in Future Continous
Shall/will be+ verb+ing

I shall be doing. eu voi face.

you will be doing. tu vei face.
he/she/it will be doing. el/ea va face.
we shall be doing. noi vom face.
you will be doing. voi veţi face.
they will be doing. ei/ele vor face.
Conjugarea verbului a face la perfect simplu
Verb conjugation to do in Present Perfect
to have( have, has ) + participiul trecut al verbului de conjugat
1,3/2.45,6 regulat+ed.
neregulat a 3 forma
do did done [du/did/dăn] a face

I have done. eu am făcut.

you have done. tu ai făcut.
he/she/it has done. el/ea a făcut.
we have done. noi am făcut.
you have done. voi aţi făcut.
they have done. ei/ele au făcut.
Conjugare a face la perfect simplu
Conjugarea verbului a face la mai mult ca perfect
Verb conjugation to do in Past Perfect
I had done. eu făcusem.
you had done. tu făcusei.
he/she/it had done. el/ea făcuse.
we had done. noi făcusem.
you had done. voi făcuserăţi.
they had done. ei/ele făcuseră.
Conjugare a face la mai mult ca perfect
Conjugarea verbului a face la viitor anterior
Verb conjugation to do in Future Perfect
I will have done. eu voi fi făcut.
you will have done. tu vei fi făcut.
he/she/it will has done. el/ea va fi făcut.
we will have done. noi vom fi făcut.
you will have done. voi veţi fi făcut.
they will have done. ei/ele vor fi făcut.

Conjugarea verbului a face la prezent perfect continuuVerb

conjugation to do in Present Perfect Continous
I have been doing. eu (îmi) fac.
you have been doing. tu (îţi) faci.
he/she/it has been doing. el/ea (îşi) face.
we have been doing. noi (ne) facem.
you have been doing. voi (vă) faceţi.
they have been doing. ei/ele (îşi) fac.
Conjugare a face la prezent perfect continuu
Conjugarea verbului a face la trecut perfect continuuVerb
conjugation to do in Past Perfect Continous
I had been doing. eu făcusem.
you had been doing. tu făcusei.
he/she/it had been doing. el/ea făcuse.
we had been doing. noi făcusem.
you had been doing. voi făcuserăţi.
they had been doing. ei/ele făcuseră.
Conjugare a face la trecut perfect continuu
Conjugarea verbului a face la viitor perfect continuuVerb
conjugation to do in Future Perfect Continous
I will have been doing. eu voi fi făcut.
you will have been doing. tu vei fi făcut.
he/she/it will have been doing. el/ea va fi făcut.
we will have been doing. noi vom fi făcut.
you will have been doing. voi veţi fi făcut.
they will have been doing. ei/ele vor fi făcut.

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