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14-16 Years (Key Stage 4)

Palm Oil: The Tin of Truth

Many people aren’t aware of the issues surrounding Palm oil.
There are many different stories behind the headlines and the
issues aren’t always black and white. Research the issues
surrounding palm oil - either pro, anti or neutral palm oil web sites/
organisations/ news cuttings and compare the differences in the
stories that they tell. Create the messaging for a tin of palm oil
from the different points of view.

Some palm oil facts:

 Millions of hectares of rainforest in south-east Asia are cleared to plant palm oil, destroying the
habitat of endangered species such as elephants, tigers and orangutans.

 Over 80% of the world's production of palm oil comes from Malaysia and Indonesia.

 Palm oil is one of the cheaper vegetable or cooking oils on the market.

 Palm oil is often described on food labels simply as "vegetable oil".

 Palm oil planting provides an income for millions of people in the tropics.

 A small decision you make e.g. what kind of biscuit, chocolate, or soap to buy—can have major
consequences for rainforests.

 Many of Borneo’s forests, species and indigenous people are severely threatened by palm oil
production. Borneo is one of the last great rainforests on Earth – along with the Congo and Amazon.

 The Heart of Borneo Project and its scientists are working to conserve 22m hectares of rainforest
through working with the island’s three governments. They are working to achieve a network of
protected areas and well-managed, productive forest for plantations such as palm oil. Ultimately
they are striving to ensure the survival of Borneo’s unique biodiversity.

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