Tema4-Caiet Exercitii.

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Cap.4- Caietul de exercitii.

1.Are the following statements True or False?

1. Most ads are using abbreviations for terms of employment.

2. It is recommended to send a photo with your resume.
3.You should be the first to name a salary during an interview.
4. Business letters should be simple and easy to read.
5.The date on a business letter should appear after the salutation.
6. An "Enclosure" note should appear below the typed name of the sender at
the end of the letter.
7. The first paragraph of a business letter should present the reason you are
writing that letter.
8. When the signatory of a business letter/e-mail is a woman, she is
obligated to indicate her marital status.
9.Generally, the terms “vacancy”, “post”, “position” or “opening” are used
instead of the word job in applications.
10. The covering letter should be writen in a formal style and kept brief and
at the point.

2. Completati frazele:

a) Good morning, this ….. Bob Smith.

b) I ... ….. Sales representative for 123 GO!
c) I`m ……… on ………. of Peter Jones who is away on business.
d) Could I ……… to Mary Mash, please?
e) I`d like to ………to………..in the maintenance department, please.
f) I ………. a message from Sarah South.
g) She ……. me ….. call her ……
h) He ……me…….call when I ……..in London.
i) Could I …….. him what it is ………?
j) I`ll just …….. her for you.
k) Henry, ……for …. !

3. Uniti numerele de telefon scris cu litere cu echivalentele lor din partea


1) eight-nine- nine- one- five-six a) 827 150

2) eight- two- seven- one-five-oh b) 800 123

3) double six-one-six-one-oh c) 836 151

4)two-five-two-five-four-one d) 400 402

5)seven-doble seven-six-double-six e) 810 151

6) double-one-five-five-double-one f) 899 156

7) four-oh-oh-four-oh-two g) 777 666

8)eight-one-oh-one- five-one h) 115 511

9)eight-three-six-one-five-one i) 661 610

10) eight-oh-oh-one-two-three j) 252 541

4. Uniti expresia din limba engleza cu traducerea sa:

1.He`s dialling a number. a)Suna telefonul

2.He`s answering the telephone. b)Vorbeste la telefon.

3.He`s calling the operator. c) Asteapta.

4.He`s sending a fax. d) Ridica receptorul.

5.He`s holding on. e) Formeaza numarul.

6.He`s on another line. f)Ii face legatura cu

7.He`s picking up the receiver. g)Luminita clipeste.

8.He`s putting her trough. h) Raspunde la telefon.

9.He`s calling back. i) Trimite un fax.

10.The telepfone is ringing. j) Cheama centralista.

11.The light is flashing. k) Revine.

5. Completati frazele de mai jos cu cuvintele care lipsesc:

a) -……. morning, Happy Holidays Ltd. …. I ……. you?

-I`d …....to…..….to Mrs Worley, please.
- …… the line, please, I`ll …… you trough.
-……..you !

b)- ……. Afternoon, Highway Hotel. ….. can I ……. you?

-Im ………. about room prices.
-I`ll ……. you……… to reception.
- Thank you!
c) -Weatherproof windows, good morning.
- …….. morning. …….. ………. Sarah Bernard.
Could I……… to someone who ……….. ……………… glazing?
- You`ll ………… the sales department.

d) –Coluld I …………. to William Pitt , please?

- Yes, ………...
-…… morning, Mr Pitt. I`m ……… about…

e) -……. Afternoon. I`m calling on………. Of Sam Joynson. I`dd like to

……… to Mrs Kant.
- I`m ………. she`s on another line. Would you like to …….., or would you
like to call ……… ?
- I`ll hold, please.
-The line`s still ……. I`m sorry to …….. you waiting………you hold?
-Yes, I will.
-The line`s ……….. for you now.
-Thank you!

6. Traduceti in limba romana urmatoarele expresii:

-That`s the lot, then.= ………………………………………

-I`ll make sure she gets the message.=………………………

- Thank you for your call.= …………………………………

-I`ll speak to you again at the end of the week, then.=………

-I look forward to seeing you next week, bye.=……………..

-Thank you for your help. = …………………………………

-I`ll send it to you by e-mail/fax. = …………………………..

-I look forward to hearing from you, then. =…………………

-I think that`s everything, then.= ……………………………..

-It was nice talking to you.Goodbye.= ……………………….

-Thank you for calling.= ………………………………………

-So, you`ll tell her to call me back as soon as possible, will you?=………

-Anything else? = …………………

-Anyway…= ………………………

7. Alegeti raspunsul corect:

1. If someone says” I was cut off”, they mean:

a)the line was disconnected. b)I discontinued the call.

2. If someone says “I`ll look it up” , they mean:

a)they`re looking towards the sky.
b)they will look in a reference(telepfone in this case) book.

3. If someone says “go on” , they mean:

a)you`re joking. b) continue

4. If someone says “hang on”, they mean:

a)wait b) they are suspended.

5. If someone says “I`ll give you a buzz” , they mean:

a)I`ll call you. b) I`m busy.

6. If someone says: “I`ll put you trough”, they mean:

a)I`ll connect you b) I will have finished.
7. If someone says “Anyway…”, they mean”
a)In any case…
b)Is time this conversation came to an end.

8. If someone says “give me a ring”, they mean:

a)telepfone me b) I need a new piece of jewellery.

9. If someone says”It`s for you”, they mean:

a)the call is for you, not me.
b)here is a present for you.

*Atentie, aceste expresii au alte semnificatii in contextul unei convorbiri care nu se

desfasoara prin telefon.

8. Puneti in ordinea corecta fragmentele de mai jos, astfel incat sa reiasa o


a)Good morning, Smith&Smythe Bros.

b)Thank you for your calling.Goodbye
c)I`ll leave a message, then.
d) … be back?
e) or can I take a message?
f)Hello, I`d like to ….
g)…he`s not in the office at the moment.
h)I`m sorry
i)I`ll make sure…
j) Would you like to call back…
k)Thank you, good bye.
l)Could you tell him that…
m)…Mr Jones will arrive at half past three, and not a quarter past three?
n)How can I help you?
o)…he gets the message.
p)Not until lunchtine, I`m afraid.
q) When will he…
r)…speak to Bill Smith, please.
9. Match the Romanian expressions (1-11) to their corresponding English
terms (a-k).

1. va rugam sa confirmati in scris a)I look forward to hering from you.

2.daca nu ne veti informa contrariul b) within a fortnight

3.astept cu nerabdare raspunsul dvs c)under separate cover

4.confirmam primirea d)unless we hear from you the contrary

5.am luat nota de e)we are holding the matter pending

6.v-as ramane recunoscator daca f)in the near future

ati binevoi

7.in termen de 14 zile g) I have duly noted

8. in viitorul apropiat h)we shall take the necessary action

9.in plic separat i) I/We acknowledge receipt of

10.problema ramane in atentia j) please confirm in writing


11. vom lua masurile necesare k)I would be grateful if you would

10. * Write a cover letter in reply to the advertisement you have read in the
“Independent” on May 3rd about a free position for a call-center agent.

* optional

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