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What is Spagyric Alchemy?

David Winston
“In addition, we
learned about “Alchemical
have done
Alchemical or processing scientific research
gave me a to develop the
processing many
best and most
years ago from a way to effective methods
Dutch naturopath
who explained include these for extracting the
the whole essential constituents of
process. “When I
started making nutrients into each specific
herb; this
tinctures myself, my tinctures, includes
what he said
made a lot of
taking full determining the
sense. I had heard advantage of percentages of
a lot of people
talk about ‘full
the plant’s organic alcohol,
distilled water,
spectrum’ activity. and if needed,
extracts, but
After the glycerin or
vinegar for each
whether their herb is menstruum. We
products really
macerated in also use
matched that
description. Many the
processes such as
herbs contain extracting water decoction,
minerals that are
liquid (the hydrolization,
a very important
wilting or
part of their menstuum), acidification for
the used herb certain herbs to
“For example enhance their
with nettles, or marc is extraction. This
alfalfa, raspberry removed and knowledge of and
leaf, dandelion attention to using
leaf, oat straw or then burned whichever
fresh oat, method yields the
and reduced
minerals play a best activity from
very significant to white ash. each individual
role in their This white plant is not
activity. I knew common practice,
for a fact that ash is pure but I could not do
water and minerals and it any other
especially hydro- way.”
alcoholic almost all of
solutions are very it is soluble
poor methods for The whole
extracting when it is
plant is
minerals. I felt added back
something was always
into the
missing from the greater than
“full spectrum” tincture. To
concept and that the sum of
me that
it was the it’s parts.
minerals.” produces the
finest, full-

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