Deforestation Ing

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Deforestation can be interpreted as damaging the forest by cutting down trees which
illegally fell the tree which would result in the forest area being deforested or no trees
growing in the area.
The causes of deforestation a variety of factors for various reasons, namely: Urban
construction, of course, wood is used as building materials, furniture, and paper
products.Accommodating the expansion of urban areas. Resulting in loss of forest areas and
massive deforestation.Forests are cut down to clear land to grow crops, build agriculture, and
also farm. This will require extensive land.Forest fires, can occur naturally, or intentionally
made by humans to clear the forest
Possible solution by goverment there are: Counseling to the community so that they
understand the effects of deforestation.Counseling can be either oral or written. Can
verbally by meeting and talking directly in the community. Or in writing, you can give a
warning about the effects of deforestation.Establish the regulations of deforestation.set
rules for limiting the amount of deforestation every year, do planning before felling trees,
crackdown on illegal logging, and must do replanting or reforestation after logging.
Organizing forest supervision control and management.In order for this to proceed
fluently, of course this must be done by all parties, both the whole community and the
government itself. If only done unilaterally, the results obtained will not satisfy all
parties.Sanction anyone who against the rules of deforestation.If a law or regulation has
been made and ratified, then the entire community must obey and comply with applicable
regulations. If there is someone who against, it must be given sanctions. The sanctions can be
in the form of reprimand, threats, and prison sentences. in accordance with applicable law.
Possible solutions by individuals there is:
Reforestation:Replanting or commonly is called by reforestation needs to be done to restore
the condition of the forest environment as before. But, reforestation is not enough, we also
have to keep the forest always there and also always obey the regulation



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