Recipe For Pineapple Rasam: Ingredients

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Recipe for Pineapple Rasam

You can either prepare it with

rasam powder and tamarind, or
else you can make it with lemon,
green chili and ginger alone which
is tastier.

Pineapple 4-5 rounds
Cooked Tur dhal water (1 cup)
One tomato
One lemon
Green chili 3 (slit)
Grated ginger 1-2 tsp
Curry leaves few
Coriander leaves for garnishing

To temper
Ghee 1 tsp
Jeera / cumin seeds 1 tsp
Red chili 1
Curry leaves few
Hing powder ¼ tsp
Salt to taste

Cook the tur dhal and keep 1 cup of its water (if you prefer the rasam to be watery – or else you can add
the cooked dhal 2 tbsp). Take the tomato (leave a small wedge for garnishing), deskin and make puree
with 4 pineapple rounds. In a pan, temper as given, add the slitted green chili and grated ginger. Then
add the pureed tomato and pineapple first and then the salt. Let it boil for few minutes. Then add the dhal
water. Garnish with coriander, and chopped tomato and pineapple wedges. Let it cool for some time, and
then add the lemon juice just before serving. So easy to make and delicious.

A different version,

You can add tamarind paste instead of lemon and add 1 -2 tbsp rasam powder instead of green chili and
ginger. It’s your choice. I prefer to use the fresh ones as it gives a nice aroma and taste. The fruit itself
contains sugar, so no need to add the syrup.

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