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Makes a
Before they have received even a day of training, the
best salespeople already have two seemingly incompatible
qualities in abundance: empathy with customers and a
need to overcome their hesitation to buy.

ORE THAN 35 YEARS AGO, the What is the cost of this turnover?
insurance industry embarked Nearly incalculable. Consider:
on an intensive program to • the substantial sums paid new sales-
solve the problem of costly, men as salary, draw on commission,
wasteful turnover among its agents. Es- expense accounts, and so on, which
timates at that time indicated that there are wasted when those salesmen
was a turnover of better than 50% within fail to sell;
the first year and almost 80% within the • the staggering company costs, in time,
first three years. After the expenditure money, and energy, of recruiting, se-
of millions of dollars and 35 years of re- lecting, training, and supervising men
search, the turnover in the insurance who inherently do not have the ability

industry remains approximately 50% to succeed; and

within the first year and 80% within the • the vast costs caused by lost sales, drop-
first three years. outs, reduced company reputation,

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poor morale, permanently burned other fellow feels without agreeing Because of the nature of all selling,
territory, and the like. with that feeling. But a salesman sim- the salesman will fail to sell more often
What accounts for this expensive inef- ply cannot sell well without the invalu- than he will succeed. Thus, since failure
ficiency? Basically this: Companies have able and irreplaceable ability to get a tends to diminish his self-picture, his ego
simply not known what makes one man powerful feedback from the client cannot be so weak that the poor self-
able to sell and another not. As Robert through empathy. picture continues for too long a time.
N. McMurry has observed: A parallel might be drawn in this con- Rather, the failure must act as a trig-
A very high proportion of those en- nection between the old antiaircraft ger – as a motivation toward greater ef-
gaged in selling cannot sell….If weapons and the new heat-attracted forts – that with success will bring the
American sales efficiency is to be missiles. With the old type of ballistic ego enhancement he seeks. A subtle bal-
maximized and the appalling waste weapon, the gunner would take aim at ance must be found between (a) an ego
of money and manpower which ex- an airplane, correcting as best he could partially weakened in precisely the right
ists today is to be minimized, a con- for windage and driftage, and then fire. way to need a great deal of enhance-
structive analysis must be made of If the shell missed by just a few inches ment (the sale) and (b) an ego sufficiently
what selling really is and how its ef- because of a slight error in calculation strong to be motivated by failure but
fectiveness can be enhanced….We or because the plane took evasive ac- not to be shattered by it.
must look a good deal further – into tion, the miss might just as well have The salesman’s empathy, coupled with
the mysteries of personality and psy- been by hundreds of yards for all the his intense ego drive, enables him to home
chology – if we want real answers.1 good it did. in on the target effectively and make the
It was the obvious need for a better This is the salesman with poor empa- sale. He has the drive, the need to make
method of sales selection that led us to thy. He aims at the target as best he can the sale, and his empathy gives him the
embark on seven years of field research and proceeds along his sales track; but if connecting tool with which to do it.
in this area. The article that follows is his target – the customer – fails to perform
based on the insights we gained as to as predicted, the sale is missed. Synergistic Effects
the basic characteristics necessary for a On the other hand, the new missiles, In this discussion of the relationship of
salesman to be able to sell successfully. if they are anywhere near the target, empathy and ego drive to successful sell-
Confirming the fact that we are on the become attracted to the heat of the tar- ing, we will treat these dynamic factors
right track is the predictive power of get’s engine, and regardless of its eva- as separate characteristics. Indeed, they
the selection instrument (battery of sive action, they finally home in and hit are separate in that someone can have
tests) that we developed out of the same their mark. a great deal of empathy and any level
research; see the exhibit “How Well an This is the salesman with good empa- of ego drive – extremely strong to ex-
Instrument Measuring Empathy and thy. He senses the reactions of the cus- tremely weak. Someone with poor em-
Ego Drive Predicted Sales Success.” tomer and is able to adjust to these reac- pathy can also have any level of ego
tions. He is not simply bound by a prepared drive. Yet, as determinants of sales abil-
Two Essentials sales track, but he functions in terms of the ity, empathy and ego drive act on and, in
Our basic theory is that a good sales- real interaction between himself and the fact, reinforce each other.
man must have at least two basic quali- customer. Sensing what the customer is The person with strong ego drive has
ties: empathy and ego drive. feeling, he is able to change pace, double maximum motivation to fully utilize
Ability to feel. Empathy, the impor- back on his track, and make whatever cre- whatever empathy he possesses. Need-
tant central ability to feel as the other ative modifications might be necessary to ing the sale, he is not likely to let his em-
fellow does in order to be able to sell home in on the target and close the sale. pathy spill over and become sympathy.
him a product or service, must be pos- Need to conquer. The second of the His ego need for the conquest is not
sessed in large measure. Having empa- basic qualities absolutely needed by a likely to allow him to side with the cus-
thy does not necessarily mean being good salesman is a particular kind of tomer; instead, it spurs him on to use
sympathetic. One can know what the ego drive that makes him want and need his knowledge of the customer fully to
to make the sale in a personal or ego make the sale.
David Mayer was a principal officer of way, not merely for the money to be On the other hand, the person with
Marketing Survey and Research Corpo- gained. His feeling must be that he has little or no ego drive is hardly likely to
ration of New York. Herbert M. Green- to make the sale; the customer is there use his empathy in a persuasive manner.
berg is the president and CEO of Caliper to help him fulfill his personal need. In He understands people and may know
Management, a human resources con- effect, to the top salesman, the sale–the perfectly well what things he might say
sulting firm based in Princeton, New Jer- conquest–provides a powerful means of to close the sale effectively, but his un-
sey. He is a coauthor of How to Hire enhancing his ego. His self-picture im- derstanding is apt to become sympathy.
and Develop Your Next Top Performer proves dramatically by virtue of con- If he does not need the conquest, his
(McGraw-Hill, 2000). quest and diminishes with failure. very knowledge of the real needs of the

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How Well an Instrument Measuring Empathy and

Ego Drive Predicted Sales Success

Actual sales performance

(number of men who reached each quarter of sales force)

Number of men Data at Top half Bottom half

predicted for each end of
group* (months) Top/quarter 2nd/quarter 3rd/quarter Bottom/quarter Quit or fired


A 34 6 mos. 17 13 1 0 3
18 19 9 0 0 6
B 49 6 9 23 8 2 7
18 10 19 8 0 12
C 60 6 0 9 20 14 17
18 0 2 21 8 29
D 52 6 0 0 10 18 24
18 0 0 9 7 36


A 22 6 mos. 13 4 1 0 4
14 13 4 0 0 5
B 55 6 7 23 11 2 12
14 11 20 7 1 16
C 56 6 1 5 19 12 19
14 1 4 11 5 35
D 48 6 0 0 4 10 34
14 0 0 3 4 41


A 11 6 mos. 5 4 1 0 1
B 20 6 4 9 3 0 4


C 49 6 0 4 15 12 18
D 34 6 0 1 7 10 16

* Predictions made on basis of test, without seeing men or any records:

A means outstanding, top potential as a salesman, almost certain to succeed with high productivity.
B means recommended, good productivity, and can sometimes be designated as developable into an A.
C means not recommended, even though a C can under the right circumstances edge into becoming a low B.
D means absolutely not recommended; the applicant concerned has virtually no possibility of success.

potential customer may tell him that tential salesmen,“This man has fine em- to reinforce the other – each enabling
the customer in fact should not buy. pathy, but he is not likely to use it per- the other to be fully utilized–to make the
Since he does not need the sale in an suasively – he will not use it to close.” successful salesman.
inner personal sense, he then may not Thus, there is a dynamic relationship Need for balance. It calls for a very
persuade the customer to buy. So we between empathy and ego drive. It takes special, balanced ego to need the sale
frequently say in our evaluations of po- a combination of the two, each working intensely and yet allow the salesman to

july–august 2006 167


look closely at the customer and fully little success to date in developing meth- course does not in any way indicate the
benefit from an empathic perception of ods to preselect effectively? possession of a similar baseball skill.
the customer’s reactions and needs. For at least 50 years, psychologists Equally, the fact that an individual might
Thus, there are a number of possible have been working very hard in the have the same interest pattern as a suc-
permutations of empathy and drive. area of testing. Almost every aspect of cessful salesman does not mean that he
A man may have a high degree of both human personality, behavior, attitude, can sell. Even if he wants to sell, it does
empathy and drive (ED), or little of ei- and ability has at one time or another not mean that he can sell.
ther (ed), or two kinds of combinations come under the scrutiny of the tester. 2. Tests have been eminently “fakable.”
in between (Ed and eD). For example: There have been some notable suc- When an individual is applying for a
ED – A salesman who has a great deal cesses in testing, most especially per- job, he obviously will attempt to tell
of both empathy and strong inner sales haps in the IQ and mechanical-ability the potential employer whatever he
drive will be at or near the top of the areas. Of late, personality testing, espe- thinks the employer wants to hear.
sales force. cially with the increasing use of projec- Given a certain amount of intelligence,
Ed – A salesman with fine empathy tive techniques, has gained a certain the applicant will know that he should
but too little drive may be a splendid
person but will be unable to close his
deals effectively. This is the “nice guy.” Many psychological tests screen out the
Everyone likes him, and from all appear-
ances he should turn out to be one of really top producers because of their creativity,
the best men on the force. He some- impulsiveness, or originality – characteristics
how “doesn’t make it.” People end up
liking him but buying from the com- that most tests downgrade as strangeness
pany down the street. He is often hired or weakness.
because he does have such fine personal
qualities. Yet his closing ability is weak.
He will get along with the customer, un- level of sophistication. The area which say he would “rather be a salesman
derstand him, and bring him near the has been to date most barren of real sci- than a librarian,” regardless of his real
close; but he does not have that inner entific success has been aptitude test- preference. He knows that he should say
hunger to move the customer that final ing, where the aptitude consists of per- he would “rather be with people than at
one foot to the actual sale. It is this last sonality dynamics rather than simple home reading a good book,” that he
element of the sale–the close–that em- mechanical abilities. “prefers talking to a PTA group to listen-
pathy alone cannot achieve and where Four reasons. The ability to sell, an ing to good music,” or that he would
the assertive quality of ego drive be- exceedingly human and totally nonme- “rather lead a group discussion than be
comes the all-important essential. chanical aptitude, has resisted attempts a forest ranger.”
eD – A salesman with much drive but to measure it effectively. The reasons for There are manuals on the market on
too little empathy will bulldoze his way this failure up until now are many, but how to beat sales aptitude tests, but,
through to some sales, but he will miss there appear to be four basic causes for even without such a manual, the average
a great many and will hurt his employer sales aptitude test failure. intelligent person can quickly see what
through his lack of understanding of 1. Tests have been looking for interest, is sought and then give the tester what
people. not ability. The concept that a man’s in- the tester wants. Thus, the tests may
ed – A salesman without much empa- terest is equatable to his ability is per- simply succeed in negatively screening
thy or drive should not actually be a haps the single largest cause of test those who are so unintelligent that
salesman, although a great many present failure. Thus, tests have been devel- they are unable to see the particular re-
salesmen fall into this group. An em- oped through asking questions of suc- sponse pattern sought. In other words,
ployer would avoid much grief by find- cessful salesmen or successful people since they are too dull to fake, they may
ing this out in advance, before so much in other fields, with the assumption that be screened out. The perceptive inter-
effort is spent in trying to hire, train, if an applicant expresses the same kind viewer, however, is likely to notice this
and spoon-feed a man who does not of interest pattern as an established kind of stupidity even more quickly
have within him the basic dynamics to salesman, he too will be a successful than the tests do, and he can probably
be successful. salesman. do a better job of this negative screening
This assumption is wrong on its face. than the average fakable test.
Failure of Tests Psychologically, interest does not equal 3. Tests have favored group conformity,
Since the selection of top salesmen is aptitude. Even if someone is interested not individual creativity. Recent critics of
potentially of such enormous value, in exactly the same specific things as psychological testing decry the testers
why, it might be asked, has there been so Mickey Mantle or Willie Mays, this of who are seeking conformity and the

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W h a t M a ke s a G o o d S a l e s m a n >> B E S T OF HBR

standardized ways in which they judge gence and insight. Men with strong ego Somehow, the whole (or the gestalt) gets
applicants for sales and other occupa- drive could not as a rule score near the lost. The dynamic interaction that is per-
tions. This criticism is all too valid. The top of that test. And so the very men sonality, as viewed by most modern-day
creative thinker, the impulsive free spirit, with the quality we were seeking–strong psychologists, is buried in a series of
the original, imaginative, hard-driving ego drive – were actually screened out. fractionalized, mathematically separa-
individual is often screened out by tests We then asked the sales manager not to ble traits.
that demand rigid adherence to conven- use that test but to screen only for credit Thus, it is said that the salesman,
tion–an adherence, in fact, that borders reference and general appearance, and somewhat like the Boy Scout, should be
on a passive acceptance of authority, very “sociable,”“dominant,”“friendly,”
a fear of anything that might in any “responsible,” “honest,” and “loyal.”
way upset the applecart of bureau- The totality – the dynamics within
cratic order. Paradoxically, this fear- the person that will permit him to
ful, cautious, authoritarian conform- sell successfully – is really lost sight
ist, although he might make a good of. Clearly, someone may be “socia-
civil servant, or even a fair controller ble,”“responsible,”and so on, but still
or paperwork administrative execu- be a very poor salesman.
tive, would never make a successful In our research we attempted to
salesman. bypass traits and to go directly to
Many of these tests not only fail to the central dynamisms that we be-
select good salesmen, but they may lieved were basic to sales ability:
actually screen out the really top empathy and ego drive. By seeking
producers because of their creativ- these deeper, more central, charac-
ity, impulsiveness, or originality – teristics, we immediately reduced
characteristics that most tests down- the possibility of faking, since the
grade as strangeness or weakness. respondent would find it extremely
We discovered a situation of this difficult to determine what in fact
type recently in working with a cli- was being sought. Needless to say,
ent: A company in the Southwest the importance of interest as a vari-
embarked on an intensive recruit- able has been reduced sharply, and
ing effort for salesmen. We began the conformity factor has been com-
receiving the tests of a number of pletely subordinated to the basic
applicants. These tests all appeared central characteristics being mea-
to follow a certain pattern. The men sured. Thus, rather than starting with
were not quite recommendable, and the question, “How do salesmen
all for about the same reason–a def- collectively answer certain items?”
inite lack of ego drive. For the most we began with the question, “What
part, they had some empathy, and makes a really fine salesman?” and
without exception they had good then, “How do you discover these


verbal ability, but none had the in- human characteristics?”
tense inner need for the sale that we to give our test to those who passed this This use of central dynamics rather
look for in a productive salesman. simple screening. After that we began than traits, with its corollary implica-
After about 20 such tests came seeing the expected number of “A” and tions, has produced what we believe to
through our office, we questioned the “B” recommendable applicants – about be a positive method of predicting sales
sales manager as to what criteria he was one man in every five. success that is advanced beyond what
using for screening the men who took 4. Tests have tried to isolate fractional has been done to date.
the test. We found that before he gave traits rather than to reveal the whole dy-
the applicants our test, he had them namics of the man. Most personality and Fallacy of Experience
take the sales aptitude test that had aptitude tests are totally traitological in Many sales executives feel that the type
been developed by his company some their construction and approach. They of selling in their industry (and even in
years before. Those men who scored see personality as a series or “bundle”of their particular company) is somehow
high on that test were given our test. piecemeal traits. Thus, someone may completely special and unique. This
We had previously analyzed that be high in “sociability” while being low is true to an extent. There is no ques-
company’s test and found it to be a in “self-sufficiency” and “dominance.” tion that a data-processing equipment
fairly good verbal abilities measure, and Someone else may be high in “personal salesman needs somewhat different
to some extent a measure of intelli- relations” but low in “cooperativeness.” training and background than does an

july–august 2006 169


automobile salesman. Differences in Jim,” as we shall call him, is a good exam- rience in no way reduces the possibility
requirements are obvious, and whether ple: All we knew about Jim at first was that they have the inner dynamics of
or not the applicant meets the special that he had walked into the showroom which fine top producers are made. It
qualifications for a particular job can of one of our automobile clients in re- is equally obvious that a great many
easily be seen in the applicant’s biogra- sponse to its ad and had taken our test. men who present a fine appearance, a
phy or readily measured. What is not so We reported that he was the only A in “good front,” do not turn out to be top
easily seen, however, are the basic sales the group, and strongly recommended salesmen. The real question–and always
dynamics we have been discussing, that he be hired. There was shocked si- the first question – is, “Does this man
which permit an individual to sell suc- lence at the other end of the telephone. have the basic inner dynamics to sell
cessfully, almost regardless of what he We were then told that his test had successfully?”
is selling. been included as a joke. Background blindness. Putting em-
To date, we have gained experience As it was described to us, he had am- phasis on experience often works in an-
with more than 7,000 salesmen of tan- bled into the showroom one morning other way to reduce sales effectiveness.
gibles as well as intangibles, in whole- wearing dungarees, an old polo shirt, A company grows used to seeing its
sale as well as retail selling, big-ticket and sneakers. He had then gone on to men in various job “slots,” in certain de-
and little-ticket items. And the dynamics partments, limited to special kinds of
of success remain approximately the experience. Such men may be doing a
same in all cases. Sales ability is funda- Long before he satisfactory job where they are. But it
mental, more so than the product frequently happens that the blind habit
comes to know the
being sold. Long before he comes to of “special experience” has kept the
know the product, mostly during his product, mostly company from using the man in a more
childhood and growing-up experience, effective and appropriate way. For in-
during his childhood
the future successful salesman is de- stance: A western company in the leas-
veloping the human qualities essential and growing-up ing business wanted us to evaluate a
for selling. Thus, when emphasis is branch employing 42 men to deter-
experience, the future
placed on experience, and experience mine why there had been a mediocre
counts more than such essentials as successful salesman level of sales activity, why there had
empathy and drive, what is accom- been some difficulties among the men,
is developing the
plished can only be called the inbreeding and whether some of the 42 should
of mediocrity. human qualities possibly be let go. After looking at the
We have found that the experienced test of each person, we did an “X-ray” of
essential for selling.
person who is pirated from a competitor the branch; that is, following the table
is most often piratable simply because of organization, we evaluated the staff,
he is not succeeding well with that proclaim,“I sure do hanker to sell them department by department, especially
competitor. He feels that somehow he there cars.” The dealer had included his in terms of who was working with,
can magically do better with the new test just to get a laugh, or perhaps to see over, and under whom, pointing out
company. This is rarely true. He re- if we were sufficiently alert to weed him the strengths and weaknesses of each
mains what he is, mediocre, or worse. out. The man had never sold a car or department.
What companies need is a greater will- anything else in his life and had neither Virtually all the men on the staff were
ingness to seek individuals with basic the appearance nor the background that found to be worth keeping on, but a
sales potential in the general market- would indicate that he ever could sell good third were suggested for job shifts
place. Experience is more or less easily anything. to other departments. Thus, the person
gained, but real sales ability is not at all Today he is one of the dealer’s best with greatest sales ability, together with
so easily gained. salesmen. Soon after he started work- a great deal of managerial ability (by no
Among butchers, coal miners, steel- ing, he “hankered to see that there Seat- means the same thing), was found in
workers, and even the unemployed tle World’s Fair”and sold enough cars in the accounting department. But that job
there are many – perhaps one in ten – the first week of the month to give him did not completely satisfy him. He has
who, whether they themselves know it money to get there and spend two since become the new branch sales man-
or not, possess the ability to be an A, weeks. On his return he made enough ager, a more appropriate use of his con-
top-producing salesman; and at least money in the last week of the month to siderable abilities.
one in five would be on a B or better equal the staff’s monthly average. One of the older men, though rated
level for most types of selling. Many of Obviously, most men down from the an adequate B salesman, was evaluated
these are potentially far better salesmen hills wearing dungarees and sneakers as an A office manager. He had good
than some who have accumulated many are not going to be top salesmen. Some, empathy, but not the strongest ego
years of experience. The case of “Big however, may be, and their lack of expe- drive, which was why he was a B rather

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than an A salesman. But on the mana- gram that is at fault; rather, it is the fact pected to produce the silk purses. Just as
gerial side, he had the ability to handle that they were given the impossible task few manufacturers would allow their
details, relatively rare for a salesper- of turning a sow’s ear into a silk purse. products to be produced on the basis
son; he was able to delegate authority The most skilled diamond polisher, of rough estimates of size and weight,
and make decisions fairly rapidly and given a piece of coal, can only succeed in but would demand scientific control of
well. These qualities, plus his good em- creating a highly polished piece of coal; these basic characteristics, so too must
pathy, gave him excellent potential as a but given the roughest type of uncut di- the process of selection be made more
manager, but not as sales manager, for amond, he can indeed turn it into the scientific and accurate.
his only moderate drive would have most precious stone. Here is a case in The role of the salesman is so vital to
hurt him in the latter position. As office point: About three years ago, a com- the success of a company that it is amaz-
administrative manager, the position he pany in the Northeast installed an espe- ing to these writers how little stress in-
was moved up into, he has performed cially fine training program, in which a dustry has placed on selecting the best
solidly. great deal of money was invested. At the raw material. To sell effectively in the
The former office administrative man- end of two years, the results of this pro- U.S. market of today, a salesman needs
ager, a man well able to handle details gram were appraised. It was found that to have empathy. To sell effectively in
reliably and responsibly, but with little sales had not increased beyond what the foreign market, crossing cultural
empathy (and thus unable to deal un- might normally be expected in that in- lines, requires even more empathy. And
derstandingly with his office staff), was dustry during that period of time. The marketing goods and services anywhere
moved laterally into the accounting de- investment in the training program calls for a great deal of ego drive. The
partment, an area in which he had had seemed to have been a total waste. The U.S. Department of Commerce recently
some previous experience, and where entire training program was therefore stated that American industry has no
he could carefully deal with and man- dropped. Six months later, we were problem with its production. Its main
age details rather than people. asked by management to test and eval- problem is distribution. Effective sales-
Thus, what counts more than experi- uate the present sales force and to try men are the key to distribution, and
ence is the man’s basic inner abilities. to determine why the training pro- proper selection is the key to finding,
Each present employee, as well as each gram, so highly recommended, had failed using, and profiting from salesmen of
new applicant, should be placed in the so badly. good quality.
area where he can be most creative and The reason was immediately appar- •••
productive. ent. Out of a sales force of 18 men, there Industry must improve its ability to se-
was only one rating A, and his sales ac- lect top salesmen. Failure to date has
Role of Training tually had improved after the training stemmed from such errors as the belief
The steelworker, the coal miner, the program. Two others were B-level sales- that interest equals aptitude; the faka-
displaced textile worker, or for that mat- men, and they too had improved to bility of aptitude tests; the crippling
ter even “Big Jim,” regardless of how some extent with training. The remain- emphasis on conformity rather than
much real sales ability each possesses, ing 15 men were “C” and “D” salesmen creativity; and the subdivision of a man
cannot suddenly start selling insurance, who should not have been selling in into piecemeal traits, rather than un-
mutual funds, electronics equipment, the first place. They simply did not have derstanding him as a whole person. Ex-
or automobiles. Each one will need the potential of good salespeople. They perience appears to be less important


training. Companies have spent very were rigid, opinionated, and for the than a man’s possession of the two cen-
large sums of money in developing ef- most part seriously lacking in empathy. tral characteristics of empathy and ego
fective training programs. When they This type of man rarely responds to drive, which he must have to permit
are working with a man with potential, training, no matter how thoroughgoing him to sell successfully. Training can
these training programs can and do the program. This was an obvious case only succeed when the raw material is
bring out this potential and develop an of trying to make silk purses out of 15 present.
excellent salesman. Without sound assorted sow’s ears. Selecting men with empathy and ego
training, even A-level salesmen are se- The role of training is clear. It is vital. drive should contribute in some degree
riously limited. In today’s highly competitive market it to helping industry meet one of its most
Yet how often have men gone is most important to bring every em- pressing problems: reducing the high
through long and expensive training ployee up to his maximum potential cost of turnover and selecting genuinely
programs only to fail totally when put of productivity. Efficiency in training, better salesmen.
out into the field? When this happens, using the best of modern methods, is
1. Robert N. McMurry,“The Mystique of Super-
the trainer, and perhaps the training necessary to do this. But training can Salesmanship,” HBR March–April 1961.
program itself, is blamed and sometimes succeed only if selection succeeds. Good
even discarded. But most often it is nei- raw silk must be provided first, before Reprint R0607N
ther the trainer nor the training pro- the training department can be ex- To order, see page 191.

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