Balu Yot

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Baluyot, Yuri Stanley M.

January 23, 2019


Laboratory Activities
After completing all the laboratory activities on chemistry. I learned some new things about it. Of course,
first we did some drawings and we identified the laboratory instruments so we could get familiarize of the
use/s of it. I really enjoyed doing it for the reason I am new to these kinds of things. After the equipment,
the next activity was the properties, phases and classification of matter. We of course, identified the
properties of matter; we classified the physical properties whether it is intrinsic or extrinsic and many more.
The other laboratory activity was the Law of Conservation of Mass. We proved that for any system closed
to all transfers of natter and energy, the mass of the system must remain constant over time, as system’s
mass cannot be added nor removed. Hence, the quantity of mass is conserved overtime. Despite the
difficulty of the activities, the lack of instruments and sometimes the times is not cooperating also, we did
finished it, but the most important part were we learned and proved many things about chemistry. Also,
we enjoyed or should I say I enjoyed the experiments because when I was a little boy or younger, I always
watched science experiments on television and today I am the one whose doing it.

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