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In this module, a client makes use of provider’s
resources to store, retrieve and share data with multiple users. A client can be
either an individual or an enterprise. Client can check the uploaded file he can
neglate or upload the file Client can view the deduplicate file based on this client
can delete the unwanted datas.
In this module csp can view all the user details,
client uploads details, clients details And clients activities regarding the A Secure
Client Side Deduplication Scheme in Cloud Storage Environments

3. Data Upload and validation:

To efficiently upload an encrypted data with cloud. A semi-trusted proxy can transform an
encryption of a message to another encryption of the same message without knowing the
message. To user upload our files for our selected location of the database.Every user can be
upload their data are Encrypted format to store the database.Then user want to use the file
download and view our file for Decrypted format using secret keys.

The shared data are signed by a group of users. Therefore, disputes between the two parties are
unavoidable to a certain degree. So an arbitrator for dispute settlement is indispensable for a fair
auditing scheme. We extend the threat model in existing public schemes by differentiating
between the auditor (TPAU) and the arbitrator (TPAR) and putting different trust assumptions on
them. Because the TPAU is mainly a delegated party to check client’s data integrity, and the
potential dispute may occur between the TPAU and the CSP, so the arbitrator should be an
unbiased third party who is different to the TPAU.
4. Data Arbitration:

The shared data are signed by a group of users. Therefore, disputes between the two parties are
unavoidable to a certain degree. So an arbitrator for dispute settlement is indispensable for a fair auditing
scheme. We extend the threat model in existing public schemes by differentiating between the auditor
(TPAU) and the arbitrator (TPAR) and putting different trust assumptions on them. Because the TPAU is
mainly a delegated party to check client’s data integrity, and the potential dispute may occur between the
TPAU and the CSP, so the arbitrator should be an unbiased third party who is different to the TPAU.

As for the TPAR, we consider it honest-but-curious. It will behave honestly most of the time but it is also
curious about the content of the auditing data, thus the privacy protection of the auditing data should be
considered. Note that, while privacy protection is beyond the scope of this paper, our scheme can adopt
the random mask technique proposed for privacy preservation of auditing data, or the ring signatures in
to protect the identityprivacy of signers for data shared among a group of users.

4: Tag Generation :

The user’s/clients use the secret key (sk) to pre-process a file in cloud storage. It consists of a collection of n blocks,
generates a set of public verification parameters and index-hash table. User data’s are stored in TPA (Third party
auditor) and transmits the file with some verification tags to CSP (Cloud service provider).

5. Auditing Cloud server:

Public auditing schemes mainly focus on the delegation of auditing tasks to a third party auditor
(TPA) so that the overhead on clients can be offloaded as much as possible. However, such
models have not seriously considered the fairness problem as they usually assume an honest
owner against an untrusted CSP. Since the TPA acts on behalf of the owner, then to what extent
could the CSP trust the auditing result? What if the owner and TPA collude together against an
honest CSP for a financial compensation. In this sense, such models reduce the practicality and
applicability of auditing schemes
Dynamic hash table:

We implement dynamic hash table to record data properties for auditing in the TPA, and by virtue
of it, achieve rapid auditing and efficient data updating . new data structure named DHT to record
data properties for auditing in the TPA, and by virtue of it, achieve rapid auditing and efficient
data updating.


DHT‐PA migrates the authorized information from the CSP to the TPA, its

Proof verification algorithm:
Verification proof algorithm is one aspect of testing a product's fitness for purpose.
Validation is the complementary aspect. Often one refers to the overall checking process.
Proof verification algorithm for any valid input it produces the result required
by the algorithm’s specification.
Asymmetric signature algorithm:
Asymmetric algorithms use different keys for encryption and decryption, and the
decryption key cannot be derived from the encryption key. Asymmetric algorithms are
important because they can be used for transmitting encryption keys or other data securely even
when the parties have no opportunity to agree on a secret key in private.


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