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History of Architecture May 17, 2006

1. It is one of the rock- hewn temples at this place commanded by the

indefatigable Rameses II. An entrance forecourt leads to the imposing façade, 36 m
(119 ft. ) wide and 32 m ( 105 ft. ) high formed as pylon, immediately in front of
which are four rock-cut seated colossal statues of Rameses, over 20 m ( 65 ft. )
high. (Egyptian Architecture p.10)

a. Great Temple of Ammon, Khanak

b. The Great Temple of Abu- Simbel
c. Temple of Queen HATSHEPSUT
d. Temple of Ramesseum, Thebes

2. In the illustration HOA, identify figure f. (Egyptian Architecture p.5)

a. mutules c. dentils
b. triglyphs d. guttae

3. The grandest of all Egyptian temples, was not built upon one complete plan
but owes its size, disposition and magnificence to the work of many
Kings. Built from the XIIth Dynasty to the Ptolemaic period. (Egyptian
Architecture p.10)

a. Great Temple of Ammon, Khanak

b. The Great Temple of Abu- Simbel
c. Temple of Queen HATSHEPSUT
d. Temple of Ramesseum, Thebes

4. In the illustration HOA, which among the figures is the geison? (Egyptian
Architecture p.5)

a. fig. a c. fig f
b. fig g d. fig d

5. Consisted of bands of “tufa” introduced at intervals in the ordinary brick

facing or alteration of rectangular blocks with small squared stone blocks.
(Roman Architecture p.32)

a. Opus Mixtum c. Opus Recticulatum

b. Opus Incertum d. Opus Testaceum

6. How many post should be used to support a binayon house?

a. 10 c.12

Prepared by: Geefy P. Evangelista 1

b. 11 d. 13

7. It is a traditional house that was called binangiyan. It was a single room dwelling
elevated at 1.50 m. from the ground; the floors were made of hard wood like narra
which rested on 3 floor joist which in turn were supported by transverse girders.

a. Kankanay c. Bontoc
b. Badjao d. Kalinga

8. An ethnic house that has a flooring made of bamboo; the main room of the house
was a combination of a sala and sleeping area while adjacent area was used as a

a. Kankanay c. Bontoc
b. Badjao d. Kalinga

9. A house called fayu was square in plan and was designed to facilitate various
activities. The granary (falig), with an area of 2.00 square meters was elevated on four
posts about 1.50 m. high.

a. Kankanay c. Bontoc
b. Badjao d. Kalinga

10. Who is the architect of Milan Cathedral?

a. Master Gerhard c. P.V. Gensen-Klint

b. Arch. Rudolfo Fioravanti d. Arch. Antonio di Vicenzo

11. Who is the architect of the Second house for Herbert Jacobs in Middle town,

a. Frank Lloyd Wright c. Arch. William Thornron

b. Alvar Aalto d. Le Corbusier

12. Based to the Illustrations HOA, identify Pseudo-Peripteral.

a. Figure d c. Figure f
b. Figure e d. Figure g

13. Based to the Illustrations HOA, identify Amphi-Antis.

a. Figure d c. Figure f
b. Figure e d. Figure g

14. The upright stone slab containing the name of the dead found in the mastaba is called:

Prepared by: Geefy P. Evangelista 2

a. Pilaster c. band
d. Scuncheon d. Stele

15. The Great Sphinx at Gizeh which is in the form of recumbent lion with the head of a
man is said to probably represent the god,

a. Amon c. Horus
b. Isis d. Serapis

16. The small Egyptian shrine dedicated to the rites of the goddess Isis is called:

a. Mammist temples c. Tempietto

b. Yatzia d. Templet

17. The sacred enclosure found in the highest part of a Greek city is called:

a. Peribolus c. Temenos
b. Pteroma d. Corps de Logis

18. The building that serve as a senate house for the chief dignitaries of the city and as a
palace where distinguished visitors and citizens might be entertained.

a. Bouleuterion c. Prytaneion
b. Thersihon d. Diathyros

19. The Greek council house which is a covered meeting place for the democratically-
elected councils is called:

a. Bouleuterion c. Prytaneion
b. Thersihon d. Diathyros

20. The Tomb of Atreus, a noted example of the tholos type of tomb is also known as:

a. Mausoleum, Helicarnassos c. Tomb of Agamemnon

b. Tomb of Clytemnestra d. Thersilion, Megapolis

21. The memorial column built in the form of tall Doric order and made entirely of
marble is:

a. Column of Antoninus Pius c. Column of Marcus Aurelius

b. Trajan’s Column d. Column of Diocletian

22. In the center of the Early Christian church’s atrium is a fountain of water for ablutions
– a custom which is still adopted by Roman Catholics by the use of:

a. Stoup c. cistern

Prepared by: Geefy P. Evangelista 3

b. water basin d. moat

23. The space for clergy and choir is separated by a low screen wall from the body of the
church called:

a. Iconostas c. Reredo
b. Pendentive d. cancelli

24. The Church with a remarkable narthex believed to have the earliest pointed cross
vault in France built during the Romanesque period.

a. Abbey-aux-Hommes, Caen c. Worms Cathedral

b. S. Madeleine Vezelay d. York Cathedral

25. Brunelleschi, one of the most famous sons of Florence was defeated in the
competition for the bronze doors of the Baptistery, Florence by:

a. Michelozzo Michelozzi c. Bernardo Rossellino

b. Carlo Maderna d. Lorenzo Ghiberti

26. It is the eclectic style of domestic architecture of the 1870’s and 1880’s in England
and the USA and actually based on country house and cottage Elizabeth architecture
which was characterized by a blending of Tudor Gothic, English Renaissance and
Colonial elements in the USA:

a. Mannerist Phase c. Jacobean Architecture

b. Queen Anne style d. Stuart Architecture

27. The water- leaf & tongue is the usual ornament found in the:

a. Cyma reversa c. Cyma recta

b. Fillet d. Cavetto

28. The anthemion or honey suckle is the usual ornament found in the:

a. Cyma reversa c. Cyma recta

b. Fillet d. Cavetto

29. The proportions of the Greek Doric column is

a. 9D c. 4-6.5D
b. 10D d. 5-7D

30. The proportions of the Greek Ionic column is:

a. 7D c. 9D

Prepared by: Geefy P. Evangelista 4

b. 6D d. 10D

31. The proportions of the Greek Corinthian column is:

a. 10D c. 8D
b. 7D d. 9D

32. The shaft of the Grek Doric order terminates in the:

a. Trachelion c. Abacus
b. Hypotrachelion d. Echinus

33. The seats that rose on tiers and founded on natural rocks in a Greek theater is called:

a. Cavea c. Logeion
b. Exedrae d. skene

34.The granary of the traditional Bontoc House is known as:

a. ang-an c. gililan
b. falig d. volada

35. In the kitchen of the Bahay Kubo, the table on top which is the river stone, shoe shape
stove or kalan is known as the

a. lowa c. dapogan
b. blaba d. fayu

36. Based to the Illustrations HOA, identify Peripteral.

a. Figure a c. Figure c
b. Figure b d. Figure d

37. Which of the following structures is NOT a design of Juan Nakpil?

a. Philippine Trust Co. c. Capitol Building & Theater

b. National Press Club d. Boy Scout of the Philippines, Manila

38. Who is the architect of Development Academy of the Philippines, Tagaytay?

a. Leandro Locsin c. Gabriel Formoso

b. Felipe Mendoza d. Cesar Concio

39. Who is the architect of NIA Administration Building?

a. Leandro Locsin c. Gabriel Formoso

Prepared by: Geefy P. Evangelista 5

b. Felipe Mendoza d. Cesar Concio

40. Who is the Architect of Century Park Sheraton?

a. Antonio Fernando c. Jose Maria Zaragoza

b. Pablo Antonio d. Ruperto Gaite

41. The following structure was designed by Arch. Antonio Toledo except:

a. Department of Agriculture Building (Now DOT)

b. Leyte Provincial Capitol
c. Manila City Hall
d. Capiz Provincial Capitol Building
e. None of the above

42. Identify the structure in HOA that was designed Antonio Gaudi.

a. Palau Guell c. Colonia Guell

b. Park Guell d. Pavellons Guell

43. Identify the style of Architecture based on HOA that was used in this

a. Mayan style c. Post modern

b. Mudejar architecture d. Prairie style

44. Identify the name of the structure that was mention in the previous question that was
designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.

a. Arthur Heurtley House c. Barnsdall house

b. Ennis House d. Nathan Moor House

45. Identify the structure in HOA that was located in Southeast Asia.

a. World Finance Center

b. International Finance Center
c. Fairwell International Center
d. Shun – Hing Square

46. Identify the religious structure in HOA that was designed by Arch. P.V.
Jensen- Klint

a. Trinity Cathedral
b. Grundtvig Church
c. St. Patrick Cathedral

Prepared by: Geefy P. Evangelista 6

d. None of the above

47. It is the third phase of English –Gothic Architecture where elaborated ornamental
vaulting, and refinement of stonecutting techniques.

a. perpendicular style c. decorated style

b. Rayonnant style d. None of these

48. A style of decorative arts developed originally in the 1920’s with a revival in the
1960’s marked chiefly by geometric motifs, streamlined and curvilinear forms, sharply
defined outlines, bold colors, and use of synthetic materials.

a. Art Deco c. Art Nouveau

b. International Style d. Post Modern

49. In Islamic Architecture, it a term for a women’s private chamber of a house or palace.

a. sahn c. selamlik
b. bab d. harem

50. Enclosure formed by huge stones planted on the ground in circular form. (CDEP III-

a. menhir c. dolmen
b. cromlech d. tumulus

Prepared by: Geefy P. Evangelista 7

Prepared by: Geefy P. Evangelista 8

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