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GASTROENTEROLOGY 2010;138:1091–1101

Sensory and Motor Innervation of the Crural Diaphragm by the

Vagus Nerves


*Nerve-Gut Research Laboratory, Hanson Institute, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia;

Discipline of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences and §Discipline of Physiology, School of Molecular and Biomedical Sciences, University of Adelaide, Adelaide,
South Australia, Australia

BACKGROUND & AIMS: During gastroesophageal re- healthy subjects and gastroesophageal reflux disease pa-
flux, transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxation and tients (for review, see Mittal et al6). During TLESR, there
crural diaphragm (CD) inhibition occur concomitantly. is simultaneous relaxation of the lower esophageal
Modifying vagus nerve control of transient lower esoph- sphincter (LES), profound inhibition of activity in the
ageal sphincter relaxation is a major focus of develop- CD, and esophageal shortening, permitting reflux of gas-
ment of therapeutics for gastroesophageal reflux disease, tric content into the esophagus. Reduction of TLESRs
but neural mechanisms that coordinate the CD are may consequently be an effective means to prevent reflux
poorly understood. METHODS: Nerve tracing and im- from occurring.7,8
munolabeling were used to assess innervation of the TLESR is triggered via a vagal pathway involving acti-
diaphragm and lower esophageal sphincter in ferrets. vation of gastric vagal mechanoreceptors, which provide
Mechanosensory responses of vagal afferents in the CD input to nuclei in the medulla oblongata of the central
and electromyography responses of the CD were recorded nervous system, which in turn coordinate episodic acti-
in novel in vitro preparations and in vivo. RESULTS: vation of vagal pathways to inhibitory enteric neurons

Retrograde tracing revealed a unique population of vagal supplying smooth muscle of the LES (for review, see
CD sensory neurons in nodose ganglia and CD motor Blackshaw9). Inhibition of the CD that accompanies

neurons in brainstem vagal nuclei. Anterograde tracing TLESR has been thought, like diaphragmatic motor con-
revealed specialized vagal endings in the CD and phre- trol in general, to be mediated via the phrenic nerves,
noesophageal ligament—sites of vagal afferent mechano- such that medullary nuclei provide inhibitory signals to
sensitivity recorded in vitro. Spontaneous electromyogra- the phrenic motor nucleus in the spinal cord, which shut
phy activity persisted in the CD following bilateral down rhythmic output via ␣-motor neurons to the
phrenicotomy in vivo, while vagus nerve stimulation CD—an independent descending pathway to that con-
evoked electromyography responses in the CD in vitro trolling the LES. However, a number of studies have
and in vivo. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that vagal questioned the sole involvement of the phrenic nerve in
sensory and motor neurons functionally innervate reflex control of CD inhibition.10 –12 Although gastric
the CD and phrenoesophageal ligament. CD vagal afferent fibers in the vagus nerves are important in trig-
afferents show mechanosensitivity to distortion of gering TLESR, and LES vagal efferents are important in
the gastroesophageal junction, while vagal motor smooth muscle relaxation, the role of the vagus in the
neurons innervate both CD and distal esophagus and sensory and motor innervation of the CD and adjacent
may represent a common substrate for motor control structures is unknown. We hypothesized that, in order to
of the reflux barrier. demonstrate such tight coordination with the LES, the
Keywords: Crural Diaphragm; Vagus Nerve; Retrograde CD must receive direct motor control via the vagus nerve.
Tracing; Anterograde Tracing; Electrophysiology. It was important to test this hypothesis in a species
that displays TLESR and gastroesophageal reflux, so we
chose the ferret.13,14 We took a multifaceted approach,

W ith a prevalence of 10%–20% in the adult popula-

tion and up to 50% in infants, gastroesophageal
reflux disease is one of the most common diseases of the
Abbreviations used in this paper: CD, crural diaphragm; ChAT, cho-
line acetyltransferase; CTB, cholera toxin subunit B; DMN, dorsal motor
upper gastrointestinal tract.4,5 The major barrier against nucleus; EMG, electromyography; HRP, horseradish peroxidase; LES,
reflux is formed by the lower esophageal sphincter to- lower esophageal sphincter; NG, nodose ganglia; PFA, paraformalde-
gether with the partly superimposed crural diaphragm hyde; TLESR, transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxation; VAChT,
vesicular acetylcholine transporter; WGA, wheat germ agglutinin.
(CD). Combined pH-metric and manometric studies have © 2010 by the AGA Institute
documented that transient lower esophageal sphincter 0016-5085/10/$36.00
relaxations (TLESR) account for most reflux episodes in doi:10.1053/j.gastro.2009.08.053

mapping the connections and neurochemistry of vagal C5 and C6 spinal cord (and dorsal root ganglia). Control
innervation of the reflux barrier, and investigating the experiments for tracer injection are detailed in Supple-
functional role of the vagus nerve in both sensory and mentary Material.
motor control in isolated preparations of the CD.
Anterograde Tracing
Methods Ferrets were anesthetized as noted, a midline in-
Animal Preparation cision made, and the left NG exposed by blunt dissection.
A 30-gauge needle was used to pierce the ganglion sheath
Experiments were performed on adult ferrets and a glass capillary, drawn to a 25-␮m tip, was used to
(0.6 –1.4 kg) of either sex. All studies were performed in
deliver 5 ␮L wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horse-
accordance with the Australian code of practice for the
radish peroxidase (WGA-HRP; Sigma Aldrich) via pneu-
care and use of animals for scientific purposes and with
matic injection. After injection, injection sites were dried,
the approval of the Animal Ethics Committees of the
the incision closed, and antibiotic (Terramycin, 10 mg/
Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science (Adelaide,
Australia) and the University of Adelaide. Animals had kg) and analgesic (Metacam, 2.5 mg/kg) administered
free access to water and a standard carnivore diet and subcutaneously. All ferrets recovered well from surgery
were fasted overnight prior to experimentation. and were routinely monitored. After 4 days, ferrets were
given a lethal dose of pentobarbitone and perfuse-fixed as
Restricted Volume Retrograde Tracing mentioned previously. The stomach and reflux barrier
Ferrets were anesthetized with isoflurane (2%–3% were removed, the stomach was divided into ventral and
in oxygen) and a midline laparotomy performed to access dorsal halves along the lesser and greater curvatures and
the dorsal surface of the left and right diaphragm. In 26 pinned flat. The submucosa and mucosa were removed
animals, the viscera were retracted, the diaphragm gently from the stomach, leaving the muscle layers and myen-
tensioned laterally, and 2 ␮L fluorescein isothiocyanate teric plexus intact, which were fixed in 4% PFA overnight
conjugate of cholera toxin-B subunit (CTB-fluorescein at 4°C. WGA-HRP was then subject to tyramide signal
isothiocyanate; Sigma-Aldrich, Castle Hill, Australia) or amplification with a tyramide signal amplification-Biotin

Alexa Fluor 555 conjugate (CTB-AF555; Invitrogen, Glen Tyramide kit (Perkin-Elmer Life Sciences; Boston, MA)
Waverley, Australia) injected beneath the peritoneal lin- followed by detection with streptavidin Alexa Fluor 546

ing of the CD using a Hamilton microsyringe equipped conjugate (Invitrogen). Dorsal and ventral stomach spec-
with a 34-gauge needle (total volume ⫽ 4 ␮L). The imens were then whole-mounted on gelatin-coated slides,
injection sites were 5 mm bilateral and adjacent to the dried overnight, and vagal afferent endings visualized by
esophageal hiatus and parallel to the orientation of the fluorescence microscopy as positive control for antero-
left and right crus muscle fibers. In 14 of these ferrets, grade tracing. The reflux barrier was prepared for section-
dual-site tracing was performed by injecting 2 ␮L alter- ing by reducing the CD surrounding the esophageal
nate tracer into the peritoneal lining of the dorsolateral hiatus to a 2-cm square and fixing the specimen over-
costal diaphragm 10 –15 mm bilateral of midline (n ⫽ 6), night at 4°C in 4% PFA with an angled support inserted
or into the dorsal and ventral subserosa of the distal through the residual esophagus to preserve barrier anat-
esophagus (n ⫽ 8). After injection, injection sites were omy. The specimen was then cryoprotected in 30% su-
dried, the laparotomy incision closed with individual crose at 4°C for 24 to 48 hours, then cryosectioned in
sutures, and antibiotic (Terramycin, Pfizer, West Ryde, transverse (20 ␮m) through the dorsal-ventral axis. WGA-
Australia, 10 mg/kg) and analgesic (Metacam, Boehringer HRP in vagal endings was visualized by epifluorescence
Ingelheim, North Ryde, Australia, 2.5 mg/kg) adminis- and confocal microscopy in alternate serial sections of
tered subcutaneously. All ferrets recovered well from sur-
the reflux barrier— one series using the tyramide signal
gery and were routinely monitored. After 4 days, ferrets
amplification protocol described here, and the alternate
were given a lethal dose of sodium pentobarbitone (180
series following direct immunohistochemistry for WGA.
mg kg⫺1 intraperitoneally), the stomach filled with 60 mL
4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) in 0.1 M phosphate-buffered
Immunohistochemistry, Visualization, and
saline, pH 7.4 at 4°C via an oral polyethylene tube, and
the ferret perfused transcardially with 500 mL heparin-
ized saline (1000 IU/L) followed by 1000 mL 4% PFA at Immunoreactivity for choline acetyltransferase
4°C. The nodose ganglia (NG), brainstem, and cervical (ChAT) and neuronal nitric oxide synthase were detected
spinal cord with attached dorsal root ganglia were then in traced brainstem sections, while vesicular acetylcholine
removed, fixed overnight at 4°C in PFA, then cryopro- transporter (VAChT) and WGA were detected in traced
tected in 30% sucrose at 4°C for 24 – 48 hours. Frozen sections of the reflux barrier. Details of assay conditions,
transverse sections were then cut serially at 20 ␮m visualization, and quantification are detailed in Supple-
through the rostrocaudal axis of the NG, brainstem, and mentary Material.

Isolated Ferret CD Vagal Afferent trodes using a pulse generator and a constant-current
Preparation stimulus unit (JRAK, Melbourne, Australia); a 5-V elec-
This preparation was based on our isolated gas- trical stimulus of 0.5 Hz and 0.5-ms pulse width was used
troesophageal preparation, which has been described pre- to evoke electromyograms (EMG) in esophagus, CD, or
viously.15,16 Ferrets were given a lethal dose of sodium costal diaphragm. Stimulation of the phrenic nerve trunk
pentobarbitone (180 mg kg⫺1, intraperitoneally), exsan- was used, as the CD branch was difficult to distinguish in
guinated, and thoracic organs and diaphragm removed ferrets. EMG responses were recorded via fine bipolar
together and placed in a modified Krebs solution com- electrodes inserted into the CD parallel with the muscle
prising (in mM): 118.1 NaCl, 4.7 KCl, 25.1 NaHCO3, 1.3 fibers, 1–2 mm adjacent the esophageal hiatus. Bipolar
NaH2PO4, 1.2 MgSO4.7H2O, 1.5 CaCl2, 1.0 citric acid, and intramuscular electrodes were also placed in the ventral
11.1 glucose, bubbled with 95% O2⫺5% CO2, pH 7.4 at wall of the distal esophagus or in the lateral portion of
4°C. Thoracic organs were removed and the vagus nerve the costal diaphragm for validation of EMG responses. In
cleared of connective tissue. The diaphragm with residual 4 separate preparations, after EMG responses had been
esophagus was pinned out flat in one chamber of a determined, a ganglioplegic drug, hexamethonium (100
2-chamber organ bath, perfused with modified Krebs ␮M), was added to the superfusing Krebs solution and
solution at 34°C. The L-type calcium channel antagonist allowed to equilibrate for 20 minutes, after which EMG
nifedipine (1 ␮M) was then added to the superfusing responses in the CD were retested. Subsequently, a neu-
solution to suppress smooth muscle activity. The vagus romuscular junction-blocking drug, pancuronium (5
nerves were led into an adjacent chamber through a small ␮M), was added to the superfusing solution, and EMG
hole, bathed in mineral oil, and dissected into strands for responses retested after 20 minutes. This was performed
single-fiber electrophysiological recordings. The location to establish whether EMG responses in the CD were
of receptive fields of vagal afferent endings within the mediated through vagal postganglionic collateral inner-
CD, phrenoesophageal ligament, and associated connec- vation, the neuromuscular junction, or by direct muscle
tive tissue was determined by mechanical stimulation excitation. Time control experiments were also per-
with a brush, then high-threshold mechanical responses formed in which there was no change in EMG responses
were classified using a blunt glass rod.17 Accurate quan- over a comparable duration. Details of sequential dissec-

tification of mechanical responses of CD vagal afferents tion experiments are presented in Supplementary Mate-
was measured by the focal movement of calibrated von rial.

Frey hairs across the receptive field without applying
stretch; stretch was applied across receptive fields by the In Vivo Ferret CD Experiments
use of calibrated weights and a pulley-cantilever system.17 The function of vagal innervation of the CD was
Single neurons were discriminated offline using Spike2 also assessed in anesthetized ferrets subject to bilateral
(Cambridge Electronic Design, Cambridge, UK) based on thoracic phrenicotomy and vagus nerve stimulation. Full
action potential shape, duration, and amplitude. Peri- details of these experiments are presented in Supplemen-
stimulus time histograms and instantaneous frequency tary Material.
plots were generated from these neurons using Spike2
analysis. In some experiments, receptive fields were
marked with carbon particles and the surrounding tissue
removed, fixed overnight at 4°C in PFA, then immuno- Vagal Innervation of the CD
histochemistry performed by incubating with rabbit To investigate the possibility of a vagal innerva-
antiserum against the general neural marker protein gene tion of the CD, we observed labeling in vagal neurons
product (PGP9.5), followed by detection with streptavi- after tracer injections into the CD (Figure 1A). We found
din Alexa Fluor 546 conjugate (Invitrogen). The specimen unique labeling of 45 ⫾ 13 vagal afferent neurons per
was then whole-mounted on gelatin-coated slides, dried NG that were distributed throughout the ganglion (Fig-
overnight, and individual vagal afferent endings visual- ure 1B). This contrasted with earlier studies tracing from
ized by fluorescence microscopy. gastric muscle with larger volumes, in which 11.2%
(⬃2600) of vagal afferents were labeled per NG.18,19 In
Isolated Ferret CD Vagal Efferent brainstem, a total of 133 ⫾ 14 vagal motor neurons were
Preparation labeled bilaterally from the CD in each animal; these were
Tissue collection and preparation was identical predominantly located rostral from the level of the obex
to that for vagal afferent preparation, except that the within lateral regions of the dorsal motor nucleus (DMN;
phrenic nerves were preserved and also cleared of connec- Figure 1E–1F). In contrast, tracer injected bilaterally into
tive tissue. The diaphragm with residual esophagus was the dorsolateral costal diaphragm did not label any vagal
pinned out in a single-chamber organ bath and perfused neurons. As expected, tracer injection in the distal esoph-
with modified Krebs solution at 34°C. Vagus or phrenic agus labeled a population of 123 ⫾ 9 vagal afferent
nerve trunks were stimulated individually via hook elec- neurons per NG with a general distribution, and 69 ⫾ 11

Figure 1. Retrograde tracing of vagal nerve pathways from the crural diaphragm (CD) and distal esophagus in ferrets. (A) Abdominal surface view
of the diaphragm showing injection sites of retrograde tracers cholera toxin subunit B (CTB)-AF555 (CD, red) and CTB-fluorescein isothiocyanate
(distal esophagus, green). (B) Transverse view of left nodose ganglia (NG) showing a vagal afferent traced from the CD with CTB-AF555 (white). (C)
Low magnification view of left NG showing afferents traced from the CD (CTB-AF555, red) and distal esophagus (CTB-fluorescein isothiocyanate,
green). (D) High-magnification view of left NG showing vagal afferents traced separately, and a rare afferent dual-traced from the CD (CTB-AF555,
red) and distal esophagus (CTB-fluorescein isothiocyanate, green). (E) Diagram of the ferret rostral brainstem adapted from Boissonade et al.20 (F)
Transverse view of the rostral brainstem depicted in (E, boxed) showing a vagal motor neuron in the dorsal motor nucleus (DMN) traced from the CD
by CTB-AF555 (white). (G) High-magnification view of the DMN showing vagal motor neurons traced separately and dual traced (yellow) from the CD
(CTB-AF555, red) and distal esophagus (CTB-fluorescein isothiocyanate, green); weakly filled dendrites are evident within the nucleus centralis
following distal esophagus tracing. Note: (B–D, and G) are intentionally imaged at lower contrast to identify nontraced neuron populations. Key for
image (I): sg, subnucleus gelatinosus; mn, medial subnucleus of the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS); ncom, commissural subnucleus of NTS; DMN,
dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus; XII, hypoglossal nucleus; IC, nucleus intercalatus; cc, central canal; TS, solitary tract; d/dln, dorsal/dorsolateral
subnucleus; v/vln, ventral/ventrolateral subnucleus; nI, intermediate subnucleus; ni, interstitial subnucleus. Scale bar (B, D, G) ⫽ 50 ␮m, (C) ⫽ 500
␮m, (E, F) ⫽ 200 ␮m.

motor neurons in the DMN, predominantly rostral from for tracer injection are presented in Supplementary Figure 1
the level of the obex. Esophageal motor neurons in the and in Supplementary Material.
nucleus ambiguus were occasionally traced, as expected. Because there was strong evidence for a vagal sensory
Vagal motor neurons traced from the distal esophagus innervation of the CD, we sought to visualize the struc-
also showed weakly filled dendrites concentrated within ture of their peripheral endings. This was achieved by
the nucleus centralis of the nucleus tractus solitarius, the anterograde tracing from the left NG with WGA-HRP.
presumed terminal area of esophageal vagal afferents Strikingly, vagal fibers and endings were labeled within
(Figure 1G).20,21 This was not apparent in vagal motor the CD and phrenoesophageal ligament. In contrast, no
neurons traced from the CD. Vagal afferents were gener- endings were labeled within the costal diaphragm. Vagal
ally traced separately from CD or distal esophagus, al- endings within the CD were evident as discrete regions of
though 8 ⫾ 6 double-labeled neurons were identified per fine punctate labeling at high-power magnification, often
NG (Figure 1C and 1D). In contrast, a large population of with clear evidence of the entry of a single parent axon
vagal motor neurons were double-labeled from the distal (Figure 2A). Vagal punctate endings were identified pre-
esophagus and CD (46 ⫾ 9 neurons, Figure 1G). Data on dominantly within connective tissue at the abdominal
spinal innervation of the CD and on control experiments surface of the CD, ipsilateral to the injected ganglion.

Figure 2. Anterograde tracing of vagal nerve pathways to the crural diaphragm (CD) and phrenoesophageal ligament in ferrets. (A) High magnifi-
cation extended focal image (EFI) of a vagal punctate ending filled by wheat germ agglutinin– horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) (with parent axon)
located within connective tissue of the abdominal CD surface. (B) EFI image of vagal punctate endings in connective tissue of the abdominal CD
surface, close to muscle fascia. (C) High magnification view of a punctate ending associated with CD muscle [M]. (D) Vagal fibers immunopositive for
WGA in connective tissue of the abdominal CD surface. (E) Vagal laminar endings labeled by WGA-HRP in the phrenoesophageal ligament; these
were located adjacent the anchor point with the thoracic distal esophagus and bilateral to the esophageal hiatus. ESO, esophagus; PEL, phreno-
esophageal ligament (inset box depicts vagal ending shown in F). (F) 3-dimensional confocal projection view (Z ⫽ 40 ␮m, 1 ␮m slice) of a labeled vagal
laminar ending showing detailed tertiary structure and a parent axon entering at the apex. Scale bar (A, B, D) ⫽ 10 ␮m, (C) ⫽ 50 ␮m, (E) ⫽ 100 ␮m,
(F) ⫽ 25 ␮m.

They were also found in lower numbers within the phre- (Figure 2D) and punctate endings in the CD; these data

noesophageal ligament at the esophageal hiatus and in confirm the specificity of the tracing method.
connective tissue at the thoracic surface of the CD. These Following anterograde tracing, a second type of vagal
endings were also found clustered in fascia of the CD ending was identified only within the phrenoesophageal
muscle (Figure 2B), occasionally in direct contact with ligament. Vagal laminar endings were labeled within the
individual muscle fibers (Figure 2C). Vagal punctate end- phrenoesophageal ligament, oriented in the oral-aboral
ings showed a limited distribution in the CD, restricted axis adjacent to the tether point of the ligament with the
laterally to within 400 ␮m of the esophageal hiatus and esophageal serosa (Figure 2E). These laminar endings
within the 5 mm dorsoventral span of the esophagus. were frequently located in-series with each other and
Labeling by WGA-HRP tracer was subsequently con- bilateral to the esophageal hiatus and were absent from
firmed by the WGA antiserum, which labeled vagal fibers lateral regions of the ligament near the insertion with CD

Figure 3. Vagal motor neurons that innervate the crural diaphragm (CD) express markers of excitatory neurotransmission. (A) High magnification
view of the dorsal motor nucleus showing vagal motor neurons traced from the CD (cholera toxin subunit B [CTB]-AF555, red) immunopositive for
choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) (green). (B) A CD vagal motor neuron (CTB-AF555, red) immunonegative for neuronal nitric oxide synthase (green).
Scale bar (A, B) ⫽ 50 ␮m.

Figure 4. Functional innervation of the crural diaphragm (CD) by vagal afferents. (A) Thoracic surface view of the diaphragm showing major
structures and mechanosensory sites recorded within the CD in the single vagal fibers. Individual vagal afferent fiber responses recorded to
high-threshold mechanical stimuli (blunt probing with rod, B) and low-threshold stimuli (10 mg von Frey hair, C) in the right crus muscle of the CD.
(D) A “multimodal” vagal afferent fiber located in the left crus-phrenoesophageal ligament that responded to von Frey hair stimuli (70 –1000 mg, D)
and to stretch applied across the receptive field. (E) High-magnification view of PGP9.5 immunoreactive tissue whole-mount corresponding to the
marked receptive field recorded in (D); a putative vagal laminar ending in connective tissue possessing distinct arborizing laminar structures and a
clear parent axon is evident. Scale bar (E) ⫽ 25 ␮m.

muscle. Confocal imaging of these endings revealed a served that vagal motor neurons in the DMN were fre-
distinct tertiary structure, comprised of profusely ar- quently immunopositive for ChAT as expected, with the
borizing laminar structures similar to that described for majority showing heavy immunolabeling for ChAT in
intraganglionic laminar endings;22 a distinct entry point cytoplasm and processes. In contrast, immunolabeling for
of a parent axon was visible at the apex of a number of neuronal nitric oxide synthase was sparse in the DMN, with
these endings (Figure 2F). Additional images of vagal only a few motor neurons labeled in rostrolateral regions.
fibers and endings labeled within the CD and phrenoe- Vagal motor neurons retrogradely traced from the CD
sophageal ligament are provided in Supplementary Fig- were exclusively ChAT immunopositive (Figure 3A) and
ure 2. neuronal nitric oxide synthase immunonegative (Figure
3B). Immunoreactivity for VAChT was detected at CD
Neurochemistry of Vagal Innervation of motor end-plates in anterograde-labeled sections of the
the CD reflux barrier, as expected (Supplementary Figure 2E);
To identify the neurochemical phenotype of vagal however, none of the identified vagal structures were
motor neurons that innervate the CD, we performed immunopositive for VAChT. These findings indicate
immunolabeling in retrograde-labeled brainstem. We ob- that vagal punctate endings in the CD and laminar

vious in vitro recordings of gastroesophageal mech-

anoreceptors in ferrets, vagal afferents with receptive
fields in the CD or phrenoesophageal ligament were
rare and represented ⬍5% of all vagal afferents encoun-
tered in this preparation. To determine if mechanore-
ceptive sites in the phrenoesophageal ligament con-
tained anatomically distinct endings, we performed
immunolabeling for PGP9.5 in tissue specimens fol-
lowing electrophysiology. At marked mechanorecep-
tive sites in the phrenoesophageal ligament we ob-
served endings in connective tissue that possessed
distinct tertiary and arborizing laminar structures
(Figure 4E) that were identical to anterograde-identi-
fied vagal laminar endings.
Functional Innervation of the CD by Vagal
Motor Neurons
To determine the function of vagal motor inner-
Figure 5. Functional innervation of the crural diaphragm (CD) by vagal vation of the CD, we tested the responses of CD muscle
motor neurons. (A) Electromyography (EMG) responses recorded in the to vagal stimulation in an in vitro diaphragm preparation
right crus muscle of the CD in response to stimulation of individual and in vivo. Electrical stimulation of either phrenic nerve
phrenic and vagus nerve trunks. (B) Single EMG waveform correspond-
in vitro produced EMG responses within the dorsolateral
ing to responses in (A). (C) Frequency-dependent fatigue of EMG re-
sponses of right crus muscle to right vagus nerve trunk stimulation at costal diaphragm and in crus muscles of the CD, as
frequencies of 2.5–50 Hz. expected (Figure 5A and 5B). EMG responses evoked by
phrenic nerve stimulation comprised compound action
potentials of amplitude in direct proportion to that of
endings in the phrenoesophageal ligament were of

the stimulus, with ipsilateral predominance. Electrical
vagal afferent origin, and that vagal motor endplates stimulation of either vagus nerve produced EMG re-
were not filled from efferent fibers of passage during

sponses within the distal esophageal striated muscle, as
NG injections. expected, but also evoked EMG responses within crus
Functional Innervation of the CD by Vagal muscles of the CD (Figure 5A and 5B). EMG responses
Afferent Neurons evoked in the CD by stimulation of the dedicated phrenic
nerve input were 2.9-fold larger than following vagal
To determine the function of vagal sensory inner-
stimulation, as would be expected from the increased
vation of the CD, we tested the mechanosensitivity of
density of motor neurons traced from the CD in the
vagal afferent fibers in an in vitro diaphragm preparation.
phrenic motor nucleus than in the DMN (see Figure 1,
We observed receptive fields of vagal mechanoreceptors
Supplementary Figure 1). Vagal evoked EMG in the CD
within the CD muscle (in association with muscle bun-
was free of artefact, showed frequency-dependent fatigue
dles of the right crus), within the phrenoesophageal lig-
(⬎10 Hz) and was therefore characteristic of a muscle
ament, and in connective tissue adjacent to the distal
esophagus and CD (Figure 4A). Receptive fields were
small (1–3 mm2) and distinct. Two types of vagal mech-
anoreceptor were identified in the CD; those that re-
sponded only to high-intensity blunt probing with a glass
rod (Figure 4B), corresponding to high-threshold mech-
anoreceptors, and those that responded to focal compres-
sion with von Frey hairs with forces as low as 10 mg,
corresponding to low-threshold mechanoreceptors (Fig-
ure 4C). These receptors did not respond to stretch up to
10 g, and were generally silent at rest.
Two types of vagal mechanoreceptors were identified Figure 6. Direct innervation of crural diaphragm (CD) neuromuscular
within the phrenoesophageal ligaments that were dis- junctions by vagal motor neurons. Electromyography (EMG) responses
tinct from types in the CD. These responded either to recorded in right crus muscle in response to stimulation of the right
phrenic and vagus nerve trunks in the absence (left), or presence of the
calibrated von Frey hairs, as “dynamic mechanorecep-
autonomic ganglion blocker, hexamethonium (100 ␮M, middle) or neu-
tors,” or responded both to calibrated von Frey hairs and romuscular junction blocker, pancuronium (5 ␮M, right). Drugs were
to stretch applied across the receptive field, as “multimo- administered to superfusing Krebs; responses recorded were after a
dal afferents” (Figure 4D). In comparison with our pre- 30-minute equilibration period.

Figure 7. Effects of bilateral phrenicotomy on electromyography (EMG) responses of the of crural diaphragm (CD) in vivo. (A) EMG responses
recorded in left crus muscle in anesthetized, ventilated ferrets prior to (left), and following bilateral phrenicotomy (middle, right). (A, right) Expanded
view of tonic EMG spikes present in CD (arrows) but absent from costal diaphragm (COSD) following phrenicotomy. Note: Cardiac electric
interference is evident in both COSD and CD recordings. (B) EMG responses of COSD and CD following bilateral phrenicotomy and 20-V 0.5-ms
pulse width vagal stimulation, showing short latency evoked EMG responses in the CD (filled arrowhead) and longer variable latency reflex EMG
responses in CD (open arrowhead).

response (Figure 5C). These responses were not due to of the CD that is excitatory and tonically active in vivo.
current spread from the esophagus, as phrenic stimula- Our data suggest that vagal afferents may sense stimuli

tion did not produce EMG responses in the distal esoph- specific to the phrenoesophageal ligament and CD. We
agus, nor did vagus stimulation produce EMG responses have also established that vagal motor neurons provide
in dorsolateral costal diaphragm. Blockade of ganglionic innervation of the LES and CD, and may represent
transmission with hexamethonium (100 ␮M) failed to common targets of a central pattern generator for
significantly alter vagal evoked EMG responses in the CD TLESR and gastroesophageal reflux. A summary dia-
in this preparation, whereas pancuronium (5 ␮M) inhib- gram depicting this functional neurocircuitry associ-
ited all evoked EMG responses in the CD by blockade at ated with motor control of the LES and CD is shown
phrenic and vagal motor endplates (Figure 6). In in vivo in Figure 8.
experiments, bilateral phrenicotomy in anesthetized and
ventilated ferrets led to a complete loss of EMG activity Vagal Afferent Innervation of the CD
in the costal diaphragm, while spontaneous EMG activity Results of this study provide the first direct ana-
continued in the CD (Figure 7A). Subsequent electrical tomical and functional evidence that a small population
stimulation of the intact vagus trunks evoked short-latency of vagal afferents directly and uniquely innervates the CD
EMG spikes in the CD, and increased EMG frequency after in ferrets. Vagal afferent cell bodies were not labeled after
a longer and more variable latency (Figure 7B). Full details retrograde tracing from the costal diaphragm, nor were
of these experiments are provided in Supplementary Mate- vagal endings anterogradely traced from the NG to the
rial. costal diaphragm, indicating that the CD is unique in
receiving a dual sensory innervation from the phrenic
Discussion and vagus nerves. Vagal afferents in the NG were occa-
Our major findings of this study are that the sionally double-labeled following tracing from the LES
vagus nerve provides a functional sensory and motor and CD, raising the intriguing possibility that single
innervation of the CD. We have characterized high- and vagal afferents may receive convergent sensory input
low-threshold vagal mechanoreceptors in CD muscle and from the LES and CD, as is the case with those innervat-
dynamic and multimodal mechanoreceptors within the ing other regions of the stomach.23
phrenoesophageal ligament. Our anatomical studies con- Vagal afferent laminar endings identified within the
firm that specialized vagal afferent endings exist in these phrenoesophageal ligament in this study possessed a
locations. Furthermore, we have characterized the anat- tertiary structure comparable with gastroesophageal mech-
omy and function of a direct vagal motor innervation anoreceptive intraganglionic laminar endings. Afferents

costal diaphragm in ferrets, a finding recently corrobo-

rated by another group.28 Therefore, the CD is equipped
with innervation for both respiratory and anti-reflux bar-
rier control, consistent with evidence of a dual functional
role.29 –31 A population of nitrergic vagal motor neurons
that directly innervate the LES in ferrets has been de-
scribed previously within the rostrocaudal DMN.21 We
confirmed this population of nitrergic motor neurons,
but showed that CD vagal motor neurons were exclu-
sively cholinergic and therefore excitatory, expressing
ChAT centrally and VAChT at peripheral endings. Stud-
ies in the isolated diaphragm preparation confirmed that
vagal motor innervation to the CD was functionally ex-
citatory, and that EMG responses in crus muscles oc-
curred, as expected, at a classical neuromuscular junction
because responses to vagal stimulation were abolished by
pancuronium. A similar innervation of striated muscle by
vagal parasympathetic nerves has been described previ-
ously, in esophageal striated muscle of cats32 and pigs.33
Our finding that vagal motor innervation of the CD was
tonically active and independent of cardiac or respiratory
modulation in vivo indicates separate pathways of central
Figure 8. Neurocircuitry of motor control of the lower esophageal control of the CD, as proposed by earlier work.10 In
sphincter (LES) and crural diaphragm (CD). A central pattern generator
addition, vagal reflex activation of EMG responses in the
for transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxation (TLESR) coordinates
premotor input to LES- and CD-projecting vagal motor neurons in dor- CD in vivo provides strong evidence of a bilateral and
sal motor nucleus (DMN), and to CD-projecting phrenic motor neurons multisynaptic central pathway that converges on DMN

in spinal cord. During a TLESR, this pattern generator provides premo- neurons that innervate the CD.
tor excitation to vagal motor neurons that excite postganglionic nonad- Because of the significant contribution of cholinergic

renergic, noncholinergic enteric neurons within the LES. Simultaneously,
tone to basal LES pressure34 and tonic activity of CD
premotor inhibition is provided to three tonically active circuits: (i) to vagal
motor neurons that excite postganglionic cholinergic enteric neurons vagal motor neurons revealed in the current study, a
within the LES, (ii) to vagal motor neurons that directly excite motor TLESR event is likely to involve dual central inhibition of
endplates within the CD, and (iii) to phrenic motor neurons via a yet to be excitatory vagal inputs to the LES and CD. This inhibi-
defined pathway, possibly involving the DMN.37 In this manner, dual and tion must occur simultaneously with inhibition of
synchronous output from this central pattern generator will relax the
LES and inhibit the CD, creating a common cavity that favors reflux.
phrenic motor drive to the CD and with activation of
Note: this simplified diagram does not show bilateral innervation of the inhibitory vagal inputs to the LES. Indeed, LES and CD
LES or CD, or innervation of the costal diaphragm. projecting vagal motor neurons may represent an impor-
tant point of convergence of a central pattern generator
for gastroesophageal reflux. Although our data clearly
recorded from this location in vitro also responded to show different mechanisms of excitatory input to the
calibrated von Frey hairs and to stretch, similar to esoph- CD, it is important to note that our experiments do not
ageal tension-mucosal receptors reported in this spe- address the central mechanism resulting in inhibition of
cies.15 These laminar endings may therefore sense axial this input during TLESR. This is an important subject
distension of the LES or stretch in the phrenoesophageal for further study, which must now include both central
ligament. In addition, the extraluminal location of vagal vagal and phrenic pathways as candidates.
laminar and punctate endings within the reflux barrier In addition to the pathways we have described in this
and their relevant mechanical sensitivity suggest they study, there is evidence for a peripheral mechanism
respond to perturbed barrier anatomy or to changing of reflex inhibition of the CD. Liu and colleagues12,35
posture— conditions known to strongly influence the fre- showed that distension of the distal esophagus in cats
quency of TLESR.24 –26 Future experiments involving se- triggered relaxation of the esophagogastric junction via a
lective dennervation of these CD vagal afferents will re- pathway that was unaffected by bilateral phrenicotomy
veal whether they serve as additional triggers proposed or vagotomy. It is important to note, however, that pat-
for TLESR.27 terns of CD inhibition differ in duration and degree of
inhibition during TLESR compared to those following
Vagal Motor Innervation of the CD esophageal distension.36 Our evidence of a functional
Results of this study show that vagal motor neu- sensory and motor vagal innervation of the CD provides
rons provide a direct innervation to the CD, but not the strong support for a central vagal pathway that may exert

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30:199 –204.
32. Collman PI, Tremblay L, Diamant NE. The central vagal efferent Reprint requests
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Am J Physiol 2000;278:G281–G288. Conflicts of interest
36. Pandolfino JE, Zhang QG, Ghosh SK, et al. Transient lower esoph- The authors disclose no conflicts.
ageal sphincter relaxations and reflux: mechanistic analysis us-
ing concurrent fluoroscopy and high-resolution manometry. Gas- Funding
troenterology 2006;131:1725–1733. This work was supported by a grant from AstraZeneca. L. Ashley
37. Niedringhaus M, Jackson PG, Evans SR, et al. Dorsal motor Blackshaw was supported by a National Health and Medical
nucleus of the vagus: a site for evoking simultaneous changes in Research Council (Australia) Senior Research Fellowship.
crural diaphragm activity, lower esophageal sphincter pressure, AstraZeneca was not involved in the study design or collection,
and fundus tone. Am J Physiol 2008;294:R121–R131. analysis, or interpretation of data.


Supplementary Materials and Methods features of nucleus tractus solitarius subnuclei described
in ferret with target immunoreactivity and retrograde
Control Experiments for Tracer Injection
tracer. All fluorescence images were imported unmodified
Control experiments were also performed to test into V⫹⫹ imaging software v 4.0 (Digital Optics, Auck-
for tracer spread in dual-injected animals and to assess land, New Zealand), pseudocolored, and merged for com-
tracer uptake within the intraperitoneal space. Two sep- posite images; luminance intensity was not adjusted. An-
arate ferrets were injected with CTB-AF555 (CD) and terogradely traced vagal endings in the reflux barrier were
CTB-fluorescein isothiocyanate (distal esophagus) and further imaged by confocal microscopy (Leica SP5) and
perfused at 2 hours following tracing. Transverse sections 3-dimensional projection images generated using Leica
of the reflux barrier were then prepared to directly assess Confocal Software (Leica Microsystems, Australia).
tracer distribution. In an additional 2 ferrets, 4 ␮L CTB-
AF555 was injected into the intraperitoneal space adja- Sequential Dissection Experiments in the
cent to the diaphragm to test for tracer leakage. Survival Isolated Ferret CD Vagal Efferent
times and tissue processing were the same as those fol-
lowing diaphragm tracing. In 2 preparations, a sequential dissection was per-
formed on vagal nerve trunks to determine the route of
Immunohistochemistry innervation of the CD. In this experiment, a cut was
Immunoreactivity for ChAT and neuronal nitric made 1 cm above the gastroesophageal junction in the
oxide synthase (nNOS) were detected in traced brainstem left vagus trunk and the caudal trunk dissected free of
sections, while VAChT and WGA were detected in traced preparation. Vagal stimulation was performed as detailed
sections of the reflux barrier. ChAT, nNOS, and VAChT above, and EMG responses were recorded in the left CD
were detected using rabbit antisera from a number of muscle. The vagal trunk was then cut sequentially at 1.5,
suppliers; WGA was detected using a goat antiserum 2, 2.5, and 3 cm above the gastroesophageal junction and
from Vector Laboratories (Burlingame, CA) (Supplemen- EMG responses recorded at each intervention; the same
tary Table 1). ChAT, nNOS, and VAChT primary anti- protocol was performed on the right vagus nerve trunk
bodies were visualized using a goat secondary antibody with EMG responses recorded in the right CD muscle.
conjugated to Alexa Fluor 488 (AF488 green; Invitrogen),
In Vivo EMG Experiments
while WGA was visualized using Alexa Fluor 546 (AF546
red; Invitrogen). Sections were air dried at room temper- Vagal innervation of the CD was also assessed in a
ature for 10 minutes and rinsed twice in phosphate- whole-animal preparation. Ferrets were anesthetized with
buffered saline ⫹ 0.2% Triton X-100 (PBS-T, pH 7.4; pentobarbitone sodium (50 mg/kg intraperitoneally),
Sigma-Aldrich) to facilitate antibody penetration. Fol- and the right carotid artery and jugular vein were cannu-
lowing 2-hour incubation at 37°C with primary antisera lated for blood pressure recordings and administration of
(1:200 in 10% PBS-T) unbound antibody was removed intravenous anesthetic, respectively. Supplemental doses
with PBS-T washes and slides incubated for 1 hour at of pentobarbitone were administered as required to abol-
room temperature with secondary antisera (1:200 in PBS- ish the hindlimb pinch-withdrawal reflex. The right and
T). Slides were given final PBS-T washes, drained, and left vagus nerves were isolated and a tracheotomy per-
mounted with ProLong Antifade (Invitrogen). The spec- formed; body temperature was maintained at 37–39°C
ificities of these primary antisera for ChAT,1 nNOS,2 and via a heating pad. A midline laparotomy was performed
VAChT3 have been well-characterized in previous studies, to access the abdominal surface of the left diaphragm. In
including homologous and heterologous preabsorption. 6 animals, the viscera were retracted, the diaphragm
In addition, we confirmed positive control labeling in gently tensioned laterally, and fine bipolar electrodes
target tissues for ChAT, VAChT (rat cerebellum), and secured in the left CD 1–2 mm adjacent the esophageal
nNOS (mouse intestinal myenteric neurons) prior to use hiatus; these were isolated using Parafilm (Pechiney Plas-
in ferret tissues. Slides in which the primary antiserum tic Packaging, Chicago, IL). The viscera were then re-
was omitted showed no labeling and served as negative leased and the laparotomy closed. A thoracotomy and
controls. median sternotomy were then performed in the 7– 8 rib
space and ventilation commenced (15 mL, 30 breaths per
Visualization and Quantification minute). The left and right phrenic nerves were isolated
High-magnification epifluorescent images were and a snare attached for quick access. Fine bipolar elec-
obtained on a conventional epifluorescence microscope trodes were then placed in the thoracic surface of the left
(BX-51; Olympus, Australia) equipped with specific exci- ventrolateral costal diaphragm. Blood pressure and EMG
tation filters and images acquired on a Photometrics activity in the left CD and costal diaphragm were re-
CoolSnapfx monochrome digital camera (Roper Scien- corded simultaneously and analysed offline using Spike2
tific, Tucson, AZ). A differential interference contrast (Cambridge Electronic Design).
(Nomarski) stage was also used for imaging brainstem After 10 minutes of stable baseline recording from CD,
sections which were overlaid to align cytoarchitectural costal diaphragm, and blood pressure the thoracic phrenic

nerves were sectioned and the ensuing EMG activity re- that used to define positive tracing in other experiments.
corded. Intact vagus nerve trunks were then individually Thus, we were confident that the labeling we observed in
stimulated via hook electrodes, using a pulse generator tracing experiment, from specific targets could not have
and a constant-current stimulus unit delivering a single arisen from nonselective uptake.
20-V electrical stimulus of 0.5-ms pulse width.
Anterograde Tracing Positive Control
Drugs and Solutions Anterograde tracing labeled specialized vagal af-
Hexamethonium bromide was obtained from Sig- ferent endings within the myenteric plexus and muscular
ma-Aldrich. Pancuronium bromide was obtained from layers of the ferret stomach, corresponding to intragan-
AstraZeneca (North Ryde, Australia). All drug dilutions glionic laminar endings (Supplementary Figure 2A) and
were prepared and diluted in isotonic saline on the day of intramuscular arrays, as observed in many species. Intra-
experimentation. ganglionic laminar endings were concentrated within the
gastric fundus and body, with fewer labeled toward the
Supplementary Results greater curvature and were more abundant in the ventral
specimen of the stomach. Tracing of gastric intragangli-
Spinal Innervation of the CD onic laminar endings thus provided a confirmation of
To determine the location of afferent and efferent effective anterograde tracing of afferent endings in indi-
cell bodies innervating the diaphragm we performed ret- vidual animals.
rograde tracing by bilateral injection of CTB-fluorescein
isothiocyanate or CTB-AF555 into the CD. As expected, Sequential Dissection Experiments
this resulted in retrograde labeling of a small population Sequential dissection experiments revealed that
of spinal afferent neurons in cervical dorsal root ganglion motor innervation of the CD by the vagus arose bilater-
(DRG) and motor neurons in the ventromedial C5 and ally via nerve branches that diverged from each trunk of
C6 ventral horn of the spinal cord (Supplementary Figure the thoracic vagus 1–2 cm above the gastroesophageal
1). Similar findings were made when tracer was injected junction and ran within muscle layers of the distal esoph-
into the costal diaphragm, but not when injected into the agus prior to innervating the CD (data not illustrated).
distal esophagus, as expected. When different tracers
were injected in the CD and costal diaphragm in the In Vivo EMG Experiments
same experiments, separate afferent neurons were labeled Spontaneous EMG activity in the left CD and ven-
in DRG (Supplementary Figure 1A), and separate motor trolateral costal diaphragm were reliably recorded in these
neurons were labeled in the ventral horn (Supplementary in vivo experiments (Figure 7A). Bilateral phrenicotomy led
Figure 1B). Labeled motor neurons were intermingled to a complete loss of EMG activity in the costal diaphragm,
within a compact cell group representing the phrenic after which animals were artificially ventilated. Spontaneous
motor nucleus. All of these exhibited large multipolar EMG activity continued in the CD at a rate of 0.3 ⫾ 0.1 per
perikarya that gave rise to several dendrites that extended second. This nonphrenic EMG activity was not phase-
radially from the cell body. Double-labeled motorneu- locked to cardiac electrical activity or ventilation, suggesting
rons were occasionally identified in these animals (Sup- a separate central coordination.
plementary Figure 1C). Stimulation of intact vagus nerve trunks in ventilated
and phrenicotomized ferrets evoked short-latency EMG
Control Experiments for Tracer Injection spikes in the left CD (but not costal diaphragm) with a
In order to determine if tracer spread into adja- latency consistent with input from motorneurons with
cent regions could explain our findings, we observed conduction velocities of A␦ fiber (8.3 ⫾ 0.3 m/s). This
peripheral tracer spread 2 hours after injection into re- stimulus also produced reflex increase in EMG activity
spective target tissues. This showed CTB-AF555 injected after a longer and more variable latency. Stimulation of
into the CD was restricted to skeletal muscle of the CD, the right vagus increased the EMG frequency in the left
while CTB-fluorescein isothiocyanate injected into the CD immediately following the stimulus by 14-fold (0.3 ⫾
esophagus was evident only in the serosa of the distal 0.1 vs 3.8 ⫾ 0.7 per second in 1-second poststimulation;
esophagus and in the inner portion of the phrenoesopha- Figure 7B), while stimulation of the left vagus increased
geal ligament (data not illustrated). Control intraperito- EMG frequency in the left CD by 4-fold (0.3 ⫾ 0.1 vs
neal injection of the same volume of either tracer weakly 1.1 ⫾ 0.5 per second). These data provide strong evidence
labeled a small number of NG neurons (⬍1%) and DMN of a bilateral, multisynaptic central pathway converging
neurons, presumably due to uptake by vagal motorneu- on DMN neurons that innervate the CD.
rons and afferents innervating abdominal viscera (data We also performed additional experiments to assess ef-
not illustrated). This weak tracing contrasted with the fects of ipsilateral and bilateral vagotomy on diaphragm
bright labeling seen with tracing from CD, costal dia- EMG in phrenic-intact, spontaneous breathing ferrets.
phragm, or distal esophagus, and was at a level below These data were inconclusive as the loss of the Hering-

Breuer reflex upon vagotomy led to increased EMG activity 2. Christie AE, Edwards JM, Cherny E, et al. Immunocytochemical
evidence for nitric oxide- and carbon monoxide-producing
(amplitude) in both compartments of the diaphragm.
neurons in the stomatogastric nervous system of the crayfish
Cherax quadricarinatus. J Comp Neurol 2003;467:293–306.
Supplementary References
3. Weihe E, Schutz B, Hartschuh W, et al. Coexpression of cholin-
1. Consonni S, Leone S, Becchetti A, et al. Developmental and ergic and noradrenergic phenotypes in human and nonhuman
neurochemical features of cholinergic neurons in the murine cere- autonomic nervous system. J Comp Neurol 2005;492:370 –
bral cortex. BMC Neurosci 2009;10:18. 379.

Supplementary Figure 1. Retrograde tracing of spinal nerve pathways from the crural diaphragm (CD) in ferrets. (A) Transverse view of dorsal root
ganglion (DRG) at C6 level showing spinal afferent neurons traced separately from CD (cholera toxin subunit B [CTB]-AF555, red) and costal
diaphragm (CTB-fluorescein isothiocyanate, green). (B) Transverse high-magnification view of C6 spinal cord showing CD motorneurons and
processes in the ventral horn traced with CTB-AF555 (white). (C) High-magnification view of C6 ventral horn showing motor neurons traced
separately, and jointly from the CD (CTB-AF555, red) and costal diaphragm (CTB-fluorescein isothiocyanate, green). Scale bar (A, C) ⫽ 100 ␮m, (B) ⫽
200 ␮m.

Supplementary Figure 2. Anterograde tracing of vagal nerve pathways to the crural diaphragm (CD) and phrenoesophageal ligament in ferrets.
(A) Vagal intraganglionic laminar ending;(IGLE) in whole mount of stomach filled by anterograde tracing from the left nodose ganglia (NG) with wheat
germ agglutinin– horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) (white). (B) High-magnification extended focal image (EFI) of vagal punctate endings filled by
WGA-HRP within connective tissue of the abdominal CD surface. (C) Low-magnification view of a vagal punctate ending at the base of a CD muscle
fascia near the esophageal hiatus. AB CT, connective tissue of the abdominal CD surface. (D) Vagal punctate endings immunopositive for WGA in
the abdominal CD surface. (E) High-magnification view of a motor endplate in the CD immunopositive for vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT);
none of the identified vagal structures were immunopositive for VAChT. (F) EFI view of a vagal laminar ending in the phrenoesophageal ligament. Scale
bar (A) ⫽ 500 ␮m, (B, D, E) ⫽ 10 ␮m, (C) ⫽ 100 ␮m, (F) ⫽ 25 ␮m.

Supplementary Table 1. Antisera Used for Localization and

Classification of Vagal Innervation
of the Crural Diaphragm
Target Dilution Supplier Category no.
ChAT 1:100 Millipore AB144P
VAChT 1:500 Phoenix Biotech H-V007
nNOS 1:200 Zymed Laboratories 61-7000
WGA 1:1000, goat Vector Laboratories AS-2024
PGP 1:500, anti-human Ultraclone RA95101

NOTE. All primary antibodies were directed to C-termini and were

rabbit anti-rat antibodies unless indicated.
ChAT, choline acetyltransferase; nNOS, neuronal nitric oxide syn-
thase; PGP, protein gene product 9.5; VAChT, vesicular acetylcholine
transporter; WGA, wheat germ agglutinin.

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