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We are a Paulinian. St. Paul lives in us. To stand for Christ. To witness for Christ.

preach like Christ. To feel like Christ. To see like Christ.To love like Christ. To live like
Christ.We are a Paulinian. We are formed as Christ-centered, integrated, environment-caring, and
community-oriented person. We are a Paulinian who is academically equipped and morally
sensitive in the service of my family, the Church,and my country. We are formed to value the
finer and nobler things in life, always conscious of the Gospelof Christ. We are formed to respect
myself and to recognize the dignity of others. We are taught to makeresponsible decisions and to
use my knowledge and responsibilities to help others. We are a Paulinian molded to integrate my
spiritual and moral values, academic, cultural, vocational, and technological knowledge in my
life particularly in fulfilling my various responsibilities in my home and in thecommunity where
I belong.

We are a Paulinian who upholds our identity, appreciates our cultural heritage, and
involves ourselves in issues geared towards community and nation-building. This makes us
different from all the rest. We stand tall and firm in a sea of people who care less because we
care more. We are a Paulinian. We stand for Christ. We witness for Christ. We preach like Christ.
We feel like Christ. We see like Christ. We love like Christ. We live like Christ. St. Paul taught
me so. He made me so. And We are thankful because we are a Paulinian. College is a roller
coaster ride because it has a lot of turns. It can give you a feeling of happiness, sadness at the
same time, the intense cramming due to work overload and a lot more. But how’s college life as
a Paulinian? Others may say Paulinians are stubborn, picky and not that active unlike those
students from known universities seen on t.v. But what’s the truth? The answer is easy.
Paulinians are different and unique. When you enter the university, you’ll be intimidated at first.
Inside the university you’ll meet different types of people from different departments and
faculties. But all of them have 5 common values.

Paulinians are Jesus’ disciples. They set and show people what is good and they follow
Christ’s steps. They have a purpose to spread the good news and to do what is in favor of Christ.
Above all, they set God as their guidance all throughout. Paulinians yearly extends hands to
those who are in need and underprivileged. Every Paulinian is well harnessed to excel in
academics and performing arts but before those, 5 important values must be instilled and
developed. St. Paul University Manila is truly your second home and will help you reach your
goals in life.

Grade 12, ABM2-Jordan

Mamanteo, Yukarhee B.

Quizzagan, Shiela Mae

Coballes, Reychelle

Fernandez, Heloise Ann

Soriano, Rachelle

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