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‘TABLE 1.2. MUSCLES OF THORACIC WALL ‘Serratus posterior | Nuchaligament, | Superior borders of nto | 2nd Shinercosa | Proproception elevate ibs? ‘superior spinous processes | Athibs erwes OFC to vertebrae ‘Seratus posterior | Spincusprocesses | Inferorborders of thio | Anterior rami to T2t | Propoception (depress bs)" Inforior OFTTTtoLZvertebrse | Tatnrbs ear thor anges | T12 thoracke spinal ‘Levatorcostarum | Transverse processes | Subjacertribs between | Postaorprmary | Elevate nibs aren luberco and ange ‘am of 2-711 ‘Superior border of bs eter axa fs Inercosta nerve Tecoma sutaco or | Superior orders oF2nd or Probably actin same manner as Towerrbs nearer | Zdebs below eral eos muscles anges ‘Transwersus Posterior surface of | intemal suace of costal Weak depress rst thorecls lowe sternum catlages 2-8 Propioopton? "Aeros misles eprint paces ri ey reverting tem om ugg ou tng expaton an rm being awn nang pation The le (Miniculnetostl maces an accessory mass epeahn vig he hs de oat dese mary eatomyegape sae “fete vaoaty assed tase natant: psa oe gl prognacoptve nko ‘TABLE?.2, MUSCLES OF ANTEROLATERAL ABDOMINAL WALL ‘External obique (A) | External sacas of St | Linea alba, putic tuber | Thoraco-abcominal rams. ‘8o, and anteor nat ot | nerves (77-111 spinal Mig crest ers) and subcostal ewe compresses an ap 0 : parts abdominal viscera” ‘mterna obique (8) | Thoracoumbar fascia, | nfrr boraes of Tm ae arterortwo mitdsoftiae_ | Tams, ine aba, and {ost and conpecve ts- | pecten pubis vi conjoint Sue deeptolateral tied | tendon tingua igament “Thoraeo abdominal ares (anterior ot Te-Ti2sprat nares) | Comprosses and sup ‘Transversus abdominis | neal sraces of Th © am costal carages, and isiumbar nerves | pots abdominal viscera thoracolumbar fe lac erest and connec two tissue doep tra third ofingunaligaent ‘Rectus abdominis (0) | Puble symphysis and Theraco-abéominal | Foxes unk Qumbarver- pibie cost nares (entero rami ot | terse) and comprossos Te-T12spial nerves) | abdornnal scera® sa ‘izes and contro of als (anoedoss) “ayn ho peopl hve rare ult “ach isnctedin th recs het an oto master art ob rec {bane evra are pe cress ip bet ho ea ba, THe sal mse Ss ow es SOs Sn sodng theo muses ac as rages othe daptagm to pose expan. ‘TABLE2. [MUSCLES OF POSTERIOR ABDOMINAL WALL Psoas | Transverse processesof | Byasuongtendonto | Antroramiof wmbar | Acung infer wih lacus, taxes major | lumber vertebrae, sides | lesser vochanteroffemur | nerves 1,12, 3 | thigh: acing superior i exes ver: of bodes of 112-L5 er tral clumn tral is used to tebrae ana intervening balance the rane when sting acs Intervertebral dees Infonet wah lacus to Nex wun iacus’ | Superior wows ot | Lesser uochanterortomur | Femoral nerve (L2-La) | Foxos tigh and stabizes ip jt ioe fossa, ala of secrum, | and shat nee ‘acts wit ps098 major ‘and arr sacrostiae | wo an to psoas major ligaments tension Quacratus | Modal haf offeror | Hcumbar igament and | Antroe branches of | tends and atoraly foxos verobral fumborum | border of inns and | intemallipofiiac rest | TY2and L1-Lé nerves | column ies Ythnib dung tips of umber transverse inspraven processes “Pseas mt an acs muscles merge a colacoey om Agpsoas mck ‘TABLE 2.2. MUSCLES OF PELVIC WALLS AND FLOOR Latecalwat | obturator internus | Pelvic surfaces ot tum ana | Greater wocharter | Nerve toobuwator | Rotates th ater ‘sehum: ebtuaior mom | of fem Intormus (LS, aly assist in hl rane 31.52) ing need of amurin seated Posteo. | Piiformis Pete surface orS2-St | Greater wachanter | Artnorramiof St | Roles thigh lateral ‘superior Segments; supatior margin | of femur nd S2 abducts tit assists wat of greater sciatic noch nd innolang head ot Secrouberous hgament {emai in acetabulum Foor Coceygeus Ischia spine Tefen end of| Branches of S4 and | Forms smal part of (sctococeygeus) Seem andenecyx | S8-spinalnerves | pede dapnragm {hat supports pvc iscera exes coceys LLevator ani (pubo- | Body of pubs:tendinous | Perineal body Nerve to ovateran_| Forms mast of pele recta, pubo- ‘atch of obturtorfascia, | coocyx anocos- | oranches ofS), | aptragm that helps foceygeus, and | chal spe ygeat gamers, | ifener anal ect) | suppor pete wscera Hecceeygexs). wats of prostate or | nerve, and ana esis increases vagina rectum, ant | coceygea! plows | in ina. abdomnat ‘nal canal pressure ‘TABLE 3.9, MUSCLES OF PERINEUM Extmal anal—_| Skin and fascia Passos around|atoral aspects | Infrr anal (recta) | Constets anal cana during sphincter ssurouncing anus; | ofanalcanal,nsetion ito | nerve, a branch of persia, resisting defeca cocoyr via anococcy- | pexnoa body padendal nerve (S2-s4)_| tor: supports and aes pr ‘eal Boament ‘eal Boy ana pode for ‘Mule-medan raphe | Male surrounds lateral ‘Mate supports and fixes par- ‘onveriva surface of | aspects of bul of penis an. ‘eal body or: com bulb of pnts; porineal| most proximal pat of body of ‘rosses bulb of pons to oxpol body pens, serung nto perncal [astarops of uasemen, Imembane, dorsal aspect of assists rection by compress: {pus spongiosum and cor Ing outlow via deep patinea pots cavernosa, and fascia ot | Muscular (deep branch | yen and ty pushing blood bub opens ‘tperinea nee, a. | rom bul ita body of penis ‘Bubospongiosus branch of pudendal nerve Female: perioal | Fomale-passos on each sda | (S2-St) body offower vagina, encosing bub land greater vestbular gland, Inserts ino pub aren ana fascia of eofpoa cavernosa of tors ‘TABLE 2.9, MUSCLES OF PERINEUM (Continued) (uettrovaginal sphincter) ‘schiocavernosus Embraces crus of pens or Mairainserecton ef penis ‘ton nsering oi nei ston by compressing cttw ‘andmedia specs of us ‘ais and pushing ood tom fd perineal membrane ‘he oot of pens or mesa crus ‘terse body of pers internal sutece of ‘Museu (oop) ranch | St tois Superficial | Ischopubie ramus and | Passes slonginferr aspect | CfPennealnene.2 Sunsets and es perineal transverse | ischial tiborosty | ofpostenor bras of perineal | NaN 0 bospetre foe to suppor perineal muscle membrane to perineal body sbdominopetvievizere an fesistincoasod ina Doop tansverse Pests aor superior aspect ‘seminal pressure porinet muscte ‘Of poster bord of praal rnembrano to perineal body and extomal anal spnincer Extrnat retral | (Compressor uratva_ | Surrounds uta sparor'o | Onsale of pens | Compress uta to sphincter Porton ony Dorin memtxane:inmaes, | oct, tho tminat | maikain unary continence: Mats ascends ants aspect | branch ofthe putendal | infemaes, uetwovagial ‘Ofpresao;infomaies, some | nore (52-54) Sphincter orton ao cam- fers aso enclose vagna posses vagina ‘isesby a bead tendon from poster parte ae crest poste suaca fot sactum, sacrotac ligaments, sacral and Infrior bar spinous processes, and Supasp ous bgament| Ilocos: bora, ‘moras, eerie bers run super to angles of ower fi and cee wonsvese Suporety ts between ‘peels and anges to ‘wansverse processes Inthorace and cervical regions ad to mastoid process of temporal bone To spinous processes nthe Upper trate ragon and toeraniin Poster rami of spinal “Acting teal extend ‘ete column and head asback sexed, contro ‘movement via ecco comracton ‘Acting unary ex vertebral clue

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