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Environmental audits of alternate structural systems for warehouse buildings

Environnlental Research Group, School of Architecture, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.,
Canada V6T 122
Received July 16, 1991
Revised manuscript accepted February 17, 1992

This paper presents example environmental audits for four alternate structural systems used in typical warehouse
buildings: concrete masonry, tilt-up wall, steel system, and wood. An environmental audit as defined in this work is
an evaluation of the "debit side" impacts, in terms of energy consumption and environmental emissions, incurred
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in the extraction and processing of materials for building products to the point where they are ready to install in a building.
Though comprehensive auditing methods will eventually become available, the work reported in this paper incorporates
energy and air pollution audits as the most currently accessible and quantifiable indicators based on available data.
The analysis shows that massive structural systems are inherently more energy intensive than lightweight ones by virtue
of the mass of material in the walls which dominates the relatively lightweight horizontal structures common to all.
Moreover, their CO, and other air pollution indices are also significantly higher. The long span members are the dom-
inant single energy and pollution component in the environmental audit of a structural system, accounting for between
74% and 79% of the total energy required for production of materials, and contributing from 59% to 79% of the
aggregate air pollution from manufacturing industries. Of the lightweight examples, the steel frame building was the
least energy intensive by a small margin, while the wood frame contributed least to CO, emission by a substantial
Key words: audit, energy, environment, pollution, structure, warehouse.

Cet article prisente des exemples d'analyses environnementales adaptCes a quatre types de construction d'entrep6ts :
maqonnerie, murs Criges par relevage, acier et bois. Aux fins du present travail, une analyse environnementale se dkfinit
comme une Cvaluation des impacts imputables a la consommation d'energie et aux emissions polluantes au cours de
l'extraction et du traitement des matkriaux jusqu'au moment de la construction du b%timent.
For personal use only.

Bien que des mithodes d'analyse exhaustives seront Cventuellement mises au point, celles dont il est fait mention
dans cet expose offrent les indicateurs de mesure d'knergie et de pollution de I'air les plus accessibles et quantifiables
qui soient pour le moment, compte tenu des donnees disponibles.
L'analyse montre que les structures massives sont en soi plus Cnergivores que les structures ICgkres, Ctant donne la
masse imposante des murs qui domine les structures horizontales relativement 1Cgeres communes aux quatre types CtudiCs.
De plus, l'indice de CO, et les autres indices de pollution atmospherique sont considkrablement plus Clevis. Les sections
a longue portie constituent l'element dominant de consommation d'inergie et de pollution de l'analyse environnementale
d'une structure, car elles consomment de 74% 21 79% de l'energie necessaire a la production des materiaux et contribuent
entre 59% et 79% de la pollution atmospherique totale produite par les fabricants. Parmi les structures lCgkres analysees,
la structure d'acier s'est averee la moins Cnergivore par une faible marge, tandis que la structure de bois est celle ayant
contribue la plus faible emission de CO,, et ce par une marge considerable.
Mots elks : analyse, Cnergie, environnement, pollution, structure, entrep6t.

[Traduit par la rkdaction]

Can. J. Civ. Eng. 19, 886-895 (1992)

1. Introduction perceives buildings. The significance for the construction

The significance and urgency attached to global environ- industry will be the expansion of environmental auditing to
mental degradation has prompted a search for environmen- include the assessment of resources and raw material con-
tal criteria to guide policy and decision-making in all sectors; sumption which form the built environment, and ensuring
the building industry is no exception. Since decisions by that these resources are used more efficiently in the future
architects and engineers can have considerable impact on (Lorch 1990).
both the local and global environment, attention will turn The work reported here forms part of a continuum in both
firmly and permanently to these professions to see how they national and international research which addresses the com-
are exercising their responsibility (Bradman 1989). Conse- plex field of establishing "environmental costs" for natural
quently, ensuring that the materials and systems used in con- resource consumption and production in the building indus-
struction minimize impact on the global and regional envi- try. The earliest efforts in this area were undertaken in the
ronment will increasingly be an emphasis in practice. U.S. in the mid 1970s by Stein et al. (1976) and by the U.S.
Changing the economic equation to include current hidden National Research Council Committee on Renewable
environmental costs and to restrain the rapid depletion of Resources in Manufacturing (CORRIM 1976) who evaluated
certain resources will also radically affect the way the public the energy cost and resource-use implications of the mate-
rials used in several alternate building constructions. More
NOTE: Written discussion of this paper is welcomed and will be recently, work in New Zealand (Baird and Chan 1983) and
received by the Editor until February 28, 1993 (address inside Finland (Salokangas et al. 1990) has led to a more detailed
front cover). understanding of the total energy costs of housing construc-
Prinlcd in Canada / Imprirnf au Canada

TABLE1. Air emission by fuel and use

co2 Particulates so2 NO, CO HC

Fuel/Use (g/MJ) (g/MJ) (g/M J) (g/MJ) (g/MJ) (g/MJ)

Distillate oil (conventional), 0.5% S 72.1 0.0065 0.23 0.2 0.015 0.0020
Natural gas 50.5 0.006 0.0002 0.09 0.007 0.0080
Coal (butiminous), 3% S 87.5 0.11 0.85 0.27 0.060 0.0030
Coal fired electricity 248.9 0.31 2.36 0.75 0.170 0.0080
Canadian electricity* 52.3 0.07 0.50 0.16 0.040 0.0017
*Electricity production: Canadian split (62% hydro, 20.1% coal, 16% thermonuclear, 0.5% gas, and 1.4% oil). Based on 35% overall efficiency
for thermal production.
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tion. For the most part, these models deal strictly with energy use, reducing them to equivalent terms and presenting them
costs which, although they are a useful indicator of envi- in meaningful categories. An environmental audit as used
ronmental impact, are not a complete accounting of envi- in this work is a "debit side" accounting limited to the
ronmental costs. extraction, transportation, and processing of materials.
In the past 5 years, however, more complete models which Clearly, there are also many other complex, non-quantifiable
account for environmental pollution in the form of gaseous factors that are significant in fully evaluating the environ-
emissions of oxides of sulfur, oxides of nitrogen, carbon mental consequences of building construction, but for which
dioxide, and several other factors incurred in the produc- there are currently no accepted evaluation standards.
tion of buildings are being developed, which offer a more An environmental audit includes both energy- and non-
comprehensive evaluation of the comparative environmen- energy-related air emissions factors. The former are typically
tal advantages of one building material or system over gaseous oxides from combusion, while the latter are more
another (Kohler 1991; Russell et al. 1990). The work pre- often particulates and gaseous hydrocarbons. Though this
sented in this paper is part of an ongoing research effort is a useful distinction for purposes of analysis, in many pro-
to evaluate the energy and environmental costs of commer- duction processes the differences between these factors are
cia1 building production in Canada. It entails the evalua- not precise.
For personal use only.

tion of statistical and engineering data on numerous indus-
tries, compilation of unit energy and emissions factors for 2.1. Energy-related factors
production of materials used in buildings, and the structur- It is possible to establish an energy figure for all respec-
I tive materials and processes involved in the creation of a
I ing of a spreadsheet tool for evaluating a component, an
I assembly, or an entire building (Cole and Rousseau 1990). building component, convert them to a common energy unit,
This paper presents the environmental audits for four and aggregate them to establish its energy intensity in mega-
alternate structural systems used in typical warehouse build- joules per unit mass, unit area, or unit volume. This is
ings. Though comprehensive auditing methods will even- usually termed "energy intensity'' and is derived both from
tually become available, which evaluate broader aspects of analyses of statistics on energy purchases and production
resource consumption, environmental pollution, habitat by industries and from engineering analyses of energy flows
loss, and other "difficult to quantify" environmental fac- in industrial processes.
tors, the work reported in this paper incorporates energy In environmental terms, energy intensity figures alone are
and air pollution emissions as the most currently accessible less significant than the fuel mix that comprises them. The
and quantifiable indicators based on available data. The energy quantity by fuel type is typically grouped into at least
evaluation method currently incorporates the energy require- five categories: refined petroleum, natural gas, coal, elec-
ments and air emissions for tricity, and other, each of which has different emission fac-
the extraction, benefication, and transportation of raw tors for C 0 2 , particulates, SO2, NO,, CO, and hydrocar-
materials; bons for a given combustion method. The proportions of
the primary processing (such as smelting, milling, drying, these vary significantly with the type of fuel and the
machining, chemical synthesis), including transportation combustion efficiency.
energy to the secondary stages; 2.2. Non-energy-related factors
the secondary fabrication, assembly, etc. of actual build- Energy-related emissions account for only a portion of
ing components where applicable. overall environmental effects from an industrial process.
It does not include transportation to the building site or con- Process emissions are the direct result of smelting, kilning,
struction energy and pollution. distilling, drying, grinding, casting, and all other industrial
The value of the example audits presented here is primarily processes exclusive of direct fuel combustion. These include
to enhance the design community's understanding of the some of the same categories of emissions associated with
environmental cost of building construction. Furthermore, fuel combustion identified above as well as a very wide range
the audits offer direction to the designers and manufacturers of other particulate and gaseous compounds. These addi-
of specific systems and components as well as policy-makers. tional compounds each have their own characteristics and
environmental consequences, ranging from relatively benign
2. Environmental audits dusts to highly toxic heavy metals and environmentally
An environmental audit for building construction is an persistent halogen compounds.
accounting of the quantifiable energy and pollution factors Non-energy-related air emissions are relatively easy to
that will be incurred in the production of a building and its characterize with some accuracy, but are difficult to quan-
888 CAN. J. CIV. ENG. VOL. 19, 1992

TABLE2. National ambient air quality objectives

Particulates so2 NO, CO

Concentration limit (g/m3) 0.00012 0.00003 0.00006 0.006

tify. For example, dusts of predictable types are inevitably sand and gravel, this is the final step, as the material is
produced by dry milling processes, but varying degrees of already a building product.
dust controls are in place and varying amounts of trapped Primary processing. Where applicable, the steps
dusts are returned to the process. Data available on required for primary processing are assessed. The structure
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estimated "fugitive emissions" from most industrial pro- of the statistical data is such that operating energy used in
cesses compiled by governmental regulatory agencies form heating and lighting buildings and fleet fuel use are included.
the basis for the evaluation in this work. The non-energy The production of machinery and buildings used for pro-
pollutants considered here are particulates, SOz, CO, and cessing is not included. In some cases, such as sawn lumber
HC. products, this is the final step.
Transportation. Where applicable, transportation from
3. Framework and boundaries of audits a primary plant to a secondary plant is assessed. The figures
are based on typical distances and transport methods in
Energy values, energy-related emissions, and non-energy- Canada.
related emissions have been calculated for major building Secondary processing. Where applicable, the steps
materials used in commercial construction. These have been required for secondary processing are assessed. Again, the
structured as a data base organized by five fuel types and production of machinery and buildings used for secondary
, six emissions categories. Table 1 shows typical emissions processing is not included. In most cases, secondary pro-
expressed as g/MJ for common stationary (non-transpor- cessing is the final step in producing materials ready for
tation) uses of conventional fuels at typical efficiencies delivery to a building.
(Environment Canada 1985; Statistics Canada 1986; U.S. Transportation of materials and components from the last
For personal use only.

EPA 1989; Marland and Rotty 1983). Electricity is appor- production phase to the building site have not been included
tioned using the Canadian national mix of thermal and at this time because they are not attributes of the material
hydro electricity production (Cole and Rousseau 1991). itself. Transportation costs are widely variable between spe-
The environmental audit begins by disaggregating the cific building sites, material sources, and transportation
building system or component into its individual materials methods. A transportation module capable of accepting
according to mass. The mass of the individual material is input variables is planned for the future.
I then multiplied by the unit factors in the data base. The first On-site construction energy inputs were not included in
step in the process produces energy figures by material and,
through multipliers derived from Table 1, the associated air
the analysis of these examples. Though on-site construction
energy has been found to typically represent 7%-10% of
emissions from energy use. The second step produces non- the total energy use in building production for simple build-
energy-related pollution figures through multipliers derived ing types (Baird and Chan 1983; Salokangas et al. 1990),
from industry emissions compiled by Environment Canada the differences between construction energy in the four
and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Environ- examples considered in this paper are likely to be a relatively
ment Canada 1990; U.S. EPA 1989). The resulting values insignificant variable in the total analysis.
from both steps are then compiled into an output spread-
sheet which aggregates the figures into indices described in 4. Audit categories
Sect. 4. The complexity of design often precludes a thorough and
The energy and pollution values of a material are complete understanding of technical detail. Designers have
influenced by what is included in and what is excluded from historically preferred information that reduces the complex-
their derivation. It can therefore be said that there is no abso- ity of technical phenomena to relatively simplified indicators
lute or correct energy intensity or pollution cost of a mate- of performance. As such, an underlying premise of the work
rial (Kohler 1987). Assessment of energy and pollution presented in this paper is that the large body of complex
figures must, therefore, be undertaken using careful defini- data on the energy and environmental implications of pro-
tions and clear boundaries. The limits used in the data anal- ducing building materials must be reduced to manageable
ysis in the work presented here are consistent with the level I1 terms in order to be useful in an environmental evaluation
standard set by the International Federation of Institutes of buildings. Some data can be readily reduced to a com-
for Advanced Studies (IFIAS) and commonly capture about mon unit while others cannot, and are more appropriately
90% of the gross energy requirements of a manufactured left discrete. Given the commonalities and the differences
item (Baird and Chan 1983). These are of energy-related and non-energy-related air emissions, the
Extraction. The steps required for the extraction of raw following approach has been adopted for summarizing them
materials used as feedstock for a primary industry are on a common basis.
assessed. The production of extraction machinery, road and
plant construction, and other extraction-related inputs are 4.1. Energy and fuels
not included. The total energy is the amount of energy used to produce
Transportation. Shipment of materials from the mine the structural components, expressed in per square metre
or forest is included in the analysis. In some cases, such as of floor area, including feedstock energies, i.e., the gross
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FIG. 1. Plan of warehouse used in analysis. Note: Bay size is 6 m for steel system building.
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thermal content of petroleum feedstocks for synthetic resins. SO2 from both energy- and non-energy-related processes;
These are summed to give a total embodied energy per NO, from energy-related processes; and
square metre of floor area for the building structure. This CO from both energy- and non-energy-related processes.
energy total, which was grouped according to five fuel types The air emissions index is the aggregate of the volume
for analysis, has been aggregated into fossil and other fuels equivalents generated from these four emission categories.
and electricity for the output tables. The fossil fuels include In the work reported in this paper, the ambient air qual-
coal, natural gas, and refined petroleum consumed in the ity objectives set by the Canadian Environmental Protec-
production of the component materials. Other fuels repre- tion Act (see Table 2 ) have been chosen provisionally until
sent mainly the wood waste burned in producing manufac- international criteria for environmental auditing have been
tured wood products, waste materials burned in cement agreed upon. Although the concentrations specified in the
kilns, etc. National Ambient Air Standards are very low, and thus yield
very high volumes of contaminated air, they do provide a
4.2. Air emission index useful relative basis for weighting the importance of different
To overcome the difficulty of compiling the effects of dif- air pollutants. The important criterion is clearly the relative
ferent air pollutants, several European researchers employ acceptable concentrations of the various contaminants.
an accounting system based on volume equivalents, in which Given that the significance of an air pollution index is not
accepted limiting values are used to determine the volume in the actual units (m3, for example) used, but in com-
of air that is polluted with a certain contaminant up to a
parisons between the magnitudes of the index derived for
limiting value (Kohler 1991). The resulting polluted or con- various materials or assemblies, they have been reduced by
sumed volumes of air are therefore equivalent units and can an arbitrary factor of lo5. This gives the air emissions
then be combined and used as simple indices to evaluate the index a more manageable scale.
degree of environmental air pollution associated with the
material or component. For example, where the output of 4.3. Carbon dioxide
SO2 is y mg, and the permissible level of SO2 is x mg/m3 COz release from fuel combustion can be simply
of air, it can be transformed into cubic metres (m3) of air summarized as the mass of C 0 2 created by the production
contaminated to the allowable limit by y / x (m3). of a unit of building material. Concentration limits are not
A critical decision within this approach to aggregating air applicable in the case of C 0 2 , so it is simply presented as
contaminants is the choice of permissible concentrations the "major greenhouse gas contribution" of the material
(Kohler and Liitzkendorf 1990). Legislated concentration or assembly. Although it is not a complete model for
limits, which are inevitably derived through compromise greenhouse gases (which should rightly include methane,
rather than direct health criteria, can relate either to emis- NO,, etc.), C 0 2 is the dominant component.
sion rates from the plant or, more stringently, to ambient
air quality. The volume equivalents approach is suitable for 4.4. Other air pollution indices
four of the major air contaminants that are usually regulated Other air pollutant quantities are more difficult to con-
in national ambient air quality programs: vert into a common factor because they comprise a collec-
particulates from fuel combustion; tion of a number of different chemical compounds with
CAN. J. CIV. ENG. VOL. 19, 1992

FIG. 2. Section of concrete block o r tilt-up wall warehouse.

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FIG. 3. Section of steel system warehouse.

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FIG. 4. Section of timber frame warehouse.

widely varying environmental risks, each of which has to ing system". The most useful comparisons using
be evaluated separately. At this stage in the development environmental auditing are those that compare major
of the air pollution indices, these are grouped together in assemblies or systems offering comparable performance.
two categories and presented in association with the final Cole and Rousseau, for example, have made a comparative
air emissions factor. The categories are the following: evaluation of four nonstructural wall systems commonly
Particulates from non-energy-related processes; found in Canadian commercial buildings, all with similar
combined particulates from processes based on the emission thermal performance (Cole and Rousseau 1992).
factors and typical control-efficiencies from the data.
Fugitive hydrocarbons from both energy- and non- 5.1. Choice of comparable structural systems
energy-related processes, also incorporating typical control The current example of environmental auditing presented
efficiencies. These reflect emissions from boilers, coal here is an evaluation of four alternate structural systems
coking, polymer production, degreasing, etc. commonly used in warehouse construction in Canada.
Both particulates and hydrocarbons represent far too wide Industrial and commercial construction comprised 27% of
a range of chemical compounds to convert readily to air the value of construction in Canada in 1990 (Statistics
emissions factors at this time, and are therefore presented Canada 1991).
separately. Further development of the air pollution indices The specific building type is a single-storey industrial style
will lead to a more detailed evaluation of the environmen- building, typical of one that might be used for warehous-
tal impact of the various particulate emissions and fugitive ing or light industry, or in a more finished form as a retail
hydrocarbons through assessing their various chemical cat- mall or warehouse style grocery or merchandise outlet.
egories and utilizing applicable concentrations for each. Though for these various applications the interiors would,
Once this is accomplished, they will be in comparable terms of course, be quite different, the general structure and
and can be added to the air emissions factor. enclosure could be quite similar.
The building type lends itself to comparisons of alternate
structural systems because many different systems are
5. Application of environmental audits applicable to it:
The most basic use of data on the environmental cost of reinforced unit masonry walls, tilt-up concrete panels, or
materials is the comparison of single material options for wood frame walls;
a particular application. However, with the possible excep- wood flange with steel web joists or all-steel bar joists;
tion of interior finishes, materials used in building are gen- laminated wood beams or steel "I" beam;
erally associated with several other materials as a "build- pre-engineered all-steel frame and cladding systems.

Two general categories embracing this range of structural pollution indices between the cast concrete and unit masonry
systems are massive and lightweight wall constructions. The examples. By contrast, the lightweight buildings are gener-
alternatives for the horizontal members in these examples ally 30qo-50% lower in energy and air pollution indices than
are primarily steel or wood. the massive buildings, and there is far more variability
The building plan (Fig. 1) shows a simple slab on grade between examples. This variation is due to the wider range
floor of 3240 m2 with a 15 x 9 m or 15 x 6 m bay size. of materials represented in lightweight buildings and their
The largest span is 15 m, which is appropriate for all steel attendant differences in energy and air pollution emissions.
or composite members. The four systems chosen for this For example, the energy of a laminated wood beam system
analysis are the following: is less than one quarter of the energy of an equivalent steel
1. 200 mm concrete block perimeter walls on a con- system, though the hydrocarbon emissions from the
tinuous strip footing, grouted and reinforced at 1.2 m inter- laminated wood assembly are eight times greater.
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vals; 175 X 175 mm HSS columns at 9 m on-centre (O.C.)

6.2. Vertical versus horizontal structural elements
supporting I section steel beams; steel bar joists at 1.9 m
In terms of total energy, the vertical structural in all four
O.C.; 22 gauge steel roof deck: rigid glass-fiber roof deck
examples is a relatively small proportion of the total, varying
insulation and a built-up tar and gravel roofing membrane
between 14% and 26%. Consequently, the C 0 2 emissions
(Fig. 2).
follow a similar pattern due to fossil fuel use in production,
2. 150 mm concrete tilt-up perimeter walls with roof sys-
including that used in electrical generation. However, con-
tem as above. siderable variations occur in the relationship between the
3. A pre-engineered steel system building comprised of
vertical and horizontal structures in terms of other air pollu-
pre-manufactured steel rigid frames at 6 m O.C.; steel wall tion indices:
girths at 1.5 m O.C. with 0.47 mm steel cladding; steel roof The air emission index for the massive examples is more
purlins at 1.2 m O.C. and 0.76 mm steel roofing with evenly split between the vertical and horizontal structures
sprayed cellulose insulation inside (Fig. 3). than is the energy proportions, with the vertical elements
4. 38 x 240 mm wood stud infill walls on a continuous contributing approximately 40%. In the lightweight
strip footing with plywood sheathing and metal cladding; examples, however, in the absence of massive load-bearing
275 x 275 mm glued laminated columns at 9 m O.C. sup- walls, the major air emissions emphasis is on the horizon-
porting glue laminated beams; wood flange and steel tube
For personal use only.

tal structure. In the case of the timber building, the hori-

web roof joists with plywood decking, rigid glass-fiber roof zontal structure accounts for approximately 80% of the air
deck insulation, and a built-up tar and gravel roofing mem- pollution index due primarily to the use of laminated wood.
brane (Fig. 4). Current production techniques for these components are
The building elements were proportioned to meet design reliant on the burning of wood waste, which generates
and climatic criteria applicable to Vancouver (Taylor 1981). relatively large amounts of air pollutants.
The snow loads of 1.6 kN/m2 and the bearing capacity of The non-energy particulate emissions for the vertical
the soil of 200 kN/m2 are assumed to be the same in all and horizontal structures of the massive buildings are in
cases. The components selected for the audit of the struc- reverse proportion to the energy and C 0 2 values. In the
ture were those that are unique and essential to each com- low-mass examples, however, the proportions are similar.
plete structural system. For example, the roof insulation was The reason for this reversal is the high particulate emissions
included, since it is an integral part of a flat membrane roof, of the concrete industries.
whereas the wall insulation was excluded because it does not In terms of hydrocarbon emissions, the emphasis clearly
fulfill a similar function. It should be noted that in the shifts from proportions that reasonably reflect the vertical
Vancouver climate, which is the location of the example, and horizontal energy breakdown for massive buildings to
the simplest buildings of this type are used for warehouse
dominance of the horizontal structure in the lightweight
or industrial purposes and generally only contain insulation buildings. Once again, this is due to the current production
in the roof where it prevents overheating in summer and techniques for painted steel and laminated wood products,
helps to reduce the thermal extremes that the membrane is which emit hydrocarbons from paints and adhesives.
subiected to. The more comvlex uses of this building type
are>etail or other uses where far more finishing, thermal 6.3. Dominant components
insulation, and servicing is required. Since all are assumed Within the overall structure, the roof joists clearly
to have an identical concrete slab floor, it is not included dominate all the examples, accounting for 26%-31% of
in the comparative analysis, thereby placing more emphasis energy, 28%-57% of C 0 2 , and between 20% and 56% of
on the alternate structural components. Future extensions the air emissions index. The second most significant com-
of the auditing work will incorporate interior finishing, ther- ponent is the roof deck, which contributes between 12% and
mal insulation, servicing, mechanical and electrical systems, 30% of the energy and C 0 2 , and from 12% to 32% of the
etc. air emission index. The roofing membrane and insulation
follow as the next most significant components.
6. Observations
Figures 5-7 and Table 3 present the summary and detailed
energy and air pollution values of each structural system. 7. Conclusions
The following observations can be made: This paper has presented a detailed analysis of the energy
and air pollution associated with the production of four
6.1. Massive versus lightweight structural elements alternate structural systems for a typical warehouse build-
Due to the dominance of concrete in the massive build- ing. For warehouse buildings, massive structural systems are
ings, there are small distinctions in the total energy and air inherently more energy intensive than the lightweight ones
CAN. J. CIV. ENG. VOL. 19, 1992
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3 t - m m t - m ~ m \ o o o t - ~ w t - m ~ t - 0 0 o \~ot - m m o m o - m \ o v t - m m t - m c l t - o w r - 4
y ~ ~ m m \ o t - ~ w ~ - t - w ~ m m d c l wc l\ mo m c l t - t - m o m m - t - m m m m r t c l o ~ v
m\ot-dmr-4 t-clmm m - mc lv\ o m z z m m\omr-amor-clmm
z m - m a m
-sg m
cl I-
03 r-4\o\omm cl c l \ o O o
-clt- m cl 'O= 8 v cl-
For personal use only.
TABLE3. Environmental audits of four alternative structural systems
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Mass Total energy Fossil fuels Electricity co2 Air emission index Non-energy particulate HC

Component kg/m2 M J / ~ ' vo MJ/~' vo M J / ~ ~vo g Vo vo vo g vo

(c) Steel system warehouse/m2 floor area
Concrete footings 3.0 1.1 3985 6.0 192 7.3
Steel footing reinforcement 3.1 1.2 994 1.5 36 1.4
Steel column anchors 0.7 0.3 147 0.2 7 0.2
Steel wall frame 11.2 4.2 3607 5.4 131 4.9
Steel panel wall cladding, 26 gauge 34.9 13.2 7191 10.8 318 12.0
Steel panel connectors 0.3 0.1 92 0.1 3 0.1
Steel columns, exterior 6.3 2.4 2024 3.0 74 2.8
Steel columns, interior, 177 x 177 mm 1.7 0.6 552 0.8 20 0.8
Vertical structure subtotal 61 23 18592 28 782 29
Roof frame, steel "I" 38.0 14.4 12274 18.4 446 16.8
Roof purlin, steel 28.3 10.7 9127 13.7 332 12.5
Roofing, galvanized enamelled steel 92.8 35.2 19143 28.8 848 32.0
Roofing fasteners 1.0 0.4 206 0.3 9 0.3
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Insulation, sprayed cellulose fibre 11.0 4.2 1638 2.5 58 2.2

Flashings, galvanized 0.1 0.0 25 0.0 1 0.0
Misc. bolts, braces, welds, etc. 31.5 12.0 5548 8.3 176 66
Horizontal structure subtotal 203 77 47960 72 1871 71
Assembly totals 264 100 66552 100 2653 100
(d) Timber frame warehouse/m2 floor area
Concrete footings 24 2.6 0.9 3527 6.9 170 4.7
Steel footing reinforcement 0.48 2.7 0.9 883 1.7 32 0.9
Steel column anchors 0.04 0.5 0.2 98 0.2 4 0.1
38 x 241 mm wood studs 400 mm O.C. 7.22 4.5 1.5 727 1.4 86 2.4
Wall sheathing, 12.5 mm plywood 3.38 6.5 2.2 1055 2.1 125 3.5
Steel panel wall cladding, 26 gauge 2.93 34.9 11.9 7191 14.1 318 8.8
Fasteners 0.05 0.3 0.1 92 0.2 3 0.1
Glulam columns, interior 1.11 1.5 0.5 235 0.5 28 0.8
Column plates, steel 0.09 0.5 0.2 166 0.3 6 0.2
Vertical structure subtotal 39 54 18 13974 27 773 21
Glulam beams 4.77 6.3 2.1 1009 2.0 119 3.3
Open web tube joists I (TJ 60-36) 14.75 119.4 40.8 20760 40.6 2037 56.5
Roof deck, 19 mm plywood 11.4 22.1 7.5 3559 7.0 212 5.9
Roof insulation, rigid fibreglass 6.8 69.4 23.7 8597 16.8 293 8.1
Roof insulation fasteners, galvanized 0.03 0.4 0.1 88 0.2 4 0.1
AsphalUgravel roofing 10.3 17.4 6.0 2352 4.6 137 3.8
Flashings, galvanized 0.06 0.7 0.2 147 0.3 7 0.2
Misc. bolts, nails, anchors, etc. 0.2 2.9 1.0 589 1.2 26 0.7
Horizontal structure subtotal 48 238 82 37101 73 2835 79
Assembly totals 88 292 100 51074 100 3608 100
894 CAN. J. CIV. ENG. VOL. 19, 1992

Vertical structure Horizontal structure

I800 T
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Concrete block Tilt-up wall Prefabricated steel Timber frame

FIG. 5. Comparison of embodied energy of four alternative structural systems.

120.0T vertical structure Horizontal structure

For personal use only.

Concrete block Tilt-up wall Prefabricated steel Timber frame

FIG. 6. Comparison of CO, release of four alternative structural systems.

Vertical structure Horizontal structure

Concrete block Tilt-up wall Prefabricated steel Timber frame
FIG. 7. Comparison of air emission index of four alternative structural systems.

by virtue of the mass of the material in the walls which more massive examples incorporating concrete or concrete
dominates the relatively lightweight horizontal structures masonry walls entailed 34%-49% more total energy con-
common to all. Moreover, their C 0 2 and other air pollu- sumption in their production than the wood frame or steel
tion indices are also significantly higher. However, in the frame examples. The steel frame had the lowest embodied
total audit of the building, the long span members are the energy by a small margin.
dominant single component, accounting for between 74% The corresponding differences in C 0 2 released were even
and 79% of the total energy required for the production of more significant, where the massive examples exceeded the
materials, and contributing from 59% to 79% of the lightweight by 56% to 113070, with the wood frame being
aggregate air pollution from manufacturing industries. The the lowest by a substantial margin. Surprisingly, the

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Acknowledgements innehallet I husbyggande (Energy contents of house building -
Funding for ongoing research is provided by an operat- Finland). Nordic Conference on Total Energy in Buildings and
For personal use only.

ing grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Energy Related Environmental Effects, Copenhagen, Denmark.
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