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Background Information 3

Objective of the Study 5

Significance of the Study 6

Scope and Limitation of the Study 6

Time and Place of the Study 7


Collection of Materials and Prepraton of Plant Extracts 8

Preparation of Experimental Plastic Containers 9

Collection of Test Insects 9

Application of Extracts 9

Collection of Data 9

Data Gathered 10

Analysis of Data 11


Percentage Mortality 11

Behavior of Insects 14


Conclusion 15

Recommendation 15
(Premna odorata Blanco) AGAINST HOUSEFLIES

An Investigatory Project

Submitted as an entry to 2014-2015

Science Fair

Julina G. Santos and Anne Georgette B. Canlas


Orani North Elementary School-Main

Under the Guidance of
Mrs. Marietta V. Celeste


The purpose of this investigatory project is to produce a product that can be used as a

substitute and an alternative source for commercial pesticides. It aims to produce cheaper

insecticides that are similar to the features of the commercial ones.

Crude extract and different dilutions of Alagaw were prepared and tested to determine their

insecticidal effect on houseflies. The most effective concentration that could kill the houseflies

was also determined. The different levels of crude extract concentrations were: T1 (25 ml. crude

extract + 75ml. distilled water), T2 (50 ml. crude extract + 50 ml. distilled water), T3 (75 ml.

crude extract + 25 ml. distilled water) and T4 (100 ml. crude extract).

Among the four treatments prepare from crude extract method,T4 (100 ml. crude extract)was

found to be the most effective preparation against houseflies because this treatment attained 10

percent mortality at shortest period of time 10 minutes, while the other treatments gave 2.5

percent mortality of houseflies after 20 minutes for T3 and 97.5 percent mortality after 120


The LD50 of the different dilutions used showed that T4 (100 ml. crude extract) was found to

be the most effective preparation against houseflies, followed by T3 (75 ml. crude extract + 25

ml. distilled water), T2 (50 ml. crude extract + 50 ml. distilled water) and T1 (25 ml. crude extract

+ 75 ml. distilled water).

The researchers thought of the community’s needs and have observed that the use of

commercially prepared insecticides has contributed tremendously to the decrease of the insect

population. However, these chemicals are hazardous to other animals especially to man. Also

nowadays, the cost of application may become too expensive for insecticide users.

Results in the effectiveness of alagaw leaves shows it can safely kill housefly.


Background Information

The Philippines being a tropical country is blessed with rich flora which is an abundant

source of pesticidal plants. These plants contain one or more active properties capable of

preventing and curing ailments as well as controlling or killing pests and diseases. Some of these

plants contain a range of effective compounds and secondary metabolites such as alkaloids,

volatile oils and steroids. They also contain active ingredients that control insects such as

mosquitos, dog ticks, cockroaches and many others.

Organic pesticides from plant alkaloids are safer to use and easier to handle. Plant alkaloids

with insecticidal action have the following properties: (1) solubility in water at moderate

temperature, (2) rapid decomposition to non-toxic components for safer environmental

absorption and (3) residues which are not cumulative in form so that they breakdown to simple

components by natural cause (Palis, 1980). There are insecticides that have evolved from plants

toward insect control. The compounds are extracted from commercially grown plants; e. c.

nicotine from tobacco, pyrethrum from a chrysanthemum species and rotenone from derres root

(Horn, 1978). The botanical plants are being studied for their pesticidal properties that would

control the existence of pest like houseflies and cockroaches.

According to Sanchez–Arroyo et. al.. The housefly, Musca domestica Linnaeus, is a well-

known cosmopolitan pest of both farm and home. This species is always found in association

with humans or activities of humans. It is the most common species found on hog and poultry

disease–causing organisms. Excessive fly populations are not only an irritant to farm workers’

farms, horse stable and ranches. Not only houseflies a nuisance, but they can also transport but,

when there are nearby human habitations, a public health problem could occur.

In the Philippines, houseflies are considered as one of the causes of the spread of diseases

like diarrhea and shigellosis, but also are implicated in transmission of food poisoning, typhoid

fever, tuberculosis, dysentery, anthrax, opthalmia and parasitic worms in both young and adults.

(However, many of the people are not properly informed on how this pest originated and can


And so this study aimed to help eliminate houseflies by formulating a herbal insecticide if not

to promote awareness among the people affected.

Objective of Study

General Objective

The study is aimed to determine the insecticidal activity of alagaw (Premna odorata Blanco)

against houseflies.

Specific Objectives

1.) To determine which concentration of the plant extract is more effective in killing houseflies.

2.) To determine the activity of alagaw (Premna odorata Blanco) on the behavior of houseflies.

Significance of the Study

The increase in pest problems necessitates an increase in demand for pesticides which are

used to kill them. The use of commercially prepared insecticides has contributed tremendously to

the decrease of the insect population. However, these chemicals are hazardous to other animals

especially to man. Also nowadays, the cost of application may become too expensive for

insecticide users.

On the other hand, botanical extracts are readily available. Thus, this study was conceived to

test the insecticidal activity of alagaw against houseflies.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study made use of the crude extract of “alagaw”. Four levels of the extract dilutions

were tested against matured houseflies. Percentage mortality and behavior of insects were taken

to evaluate the effect of different dilutions of alagaw on houseflies.

The study did not discuss the chemical components of alagaw that enable it to serve as

medium for killing houseflies. Furthermore, the affectivity of the dilutions wil not be compared

to other formulae, whether commercially or botanically made.

Time and Place of Study

The researcher conducted the study from July 18 – September 2, 2014 at Orani North

Elementary School, Kawayan, Orani, Bataan.


Collection of Materials

Fresh matured leaves of alagaw were collected from Orani North Elementary School (Main).

Seven hundred fifty grams of leaves were chopped and mixed with 250 ml. of distilled water.

Then, the mixtures were squeezed to get the extract needed in the treatment. The following were

the treatments which were replicated thrice.

Different Concentrations applied

T1 = 25 % crude extract + 75 % distilled water

T2 = 50 % crude extract + 50 % distilled water

T3 = 75 % crude extract + 25 % distilled water

T4 = 100 % crude extract

Preparation of Experimental Plastic Container

The plastic container used with the above part covered with mosquito net to prevent escape

of animals.

Collection of Test Insects

One hundred sixty matured flies were collected by setting up traps in the kitchen and in

possible places where they could be hiding. Once houseflies were trapped the container was

covered with mosquito net to prevent their escape.

Application of Extracts

A set of 4 plastic container containing 40 matured houseflies were arranged 1 inch part.

20 ml. of dif. concentrations of prepared extract were sprayed once in each container of insects.

Collection of Data

The insecticidal activity was assessed every 10 minutes for 2 hours. The effectiveness of the

applied treatment was determined by counting the number of killed houseflies in each treatment

container. Observation was recorded every 10 mins. for 2 hrs. after spraying. Dead houseflies

were counted and recorded.

The insect were not touched and opened during the experiment to avoid escape of the insects.

Insects that did not move when touched is dead. Other movements that were observed in the

test animals were noted down and recorded.

Data Gathered

The following data were gathered:

1.) Percentage mortality of houseflies at 10 mins. interval after spraying.

No. of dead houseflies

% Mortality = -------------------------------- x 100

Total no. of houseflies

2.) Behavior of insects after spraying.

3.) Median Lethal dose of the different treatments.

Analysis of Data

Gathered data were analyzed using split plot analysis of variance.


Percentage Mortality

Table 1 Percentage Mortality of houseflies in varying concentrations of alagaw crude extract

at 10 minutes interval.

TIME T1 T2 T3 T4

10 | 0 0 0 2.5

20 | 0 0 2.5 7.5

30 | 0 2.5 7.5 12.5

40 | 2.5 5 12.5 20

50 | 5 12.5 20 45

60 | 12.5 37.5 45 50

70 | 35 42.5 50 55

80 | 40 47.5 55 75

90 | 50 67.5 75 80

100 | 72.5 75 80 85

110 | 80 82.5 85 90

120 | 92.5 95 97.5 100

TOTAL | 92.5 95 97.5 100.00

Table 1 shows that as the length of time increased, the percentage mortality also increased.

Analysis of Variance (Appendix B) indicated highly significant differences among the dif.

treatments used and among the dif. time intervals. For 10 mins. , T4 effected mortality of flies

already other preparation revealed no death of flies. For 20 mins. , T2 test was used T4 significant

over T3. For 30 and 40 minutes, highly significant differences between T4, T3, and T2. For 50

mins., highly significant differences between T4, T3, T2, and T1. For 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110,

and 120 minutes highly significant differences between T3, T2, and T1.

The percentage mortality of houseflies at every 10-minute interval is shown in table 1. On

the first 10 minutes of application with the 4 different levels of concentration of crude extract. T4

which has 100 ml. crude extract showed a mortality rate of 10 percent. No mortality was

observed in other dilution. It was clearly shown that crude extract (T4) was the most effective

among the dilutions of crude extract. After 2 hours of application all the test insects for T4 were

all dead, giving 100 percent mortality.

The pesticidal effect of T3 (75 ml. crude extract + 25 ml. distilled water) was reconciled one

hour after application. After 80 minutes of application 58 percent mortality was recorded.

Meanwhile, the effect of T2 (50 ml. crude extract + 50 ml. distilled water) + - Percentage

mortality starting from the period up to 80 minutes is the same was realized 10 minutes after

application and only 47.5 percent mortality was recorded after 120 minutes.

As regards the effect of T1 (25 ml. crude extract + 75 ml. distilled water), mortality started

after 80 minutes of application.

Behavior of Insects

The insects were placed in their respective containers. When the different concentration of

alagaw crude extract were sprayed on the container that has the houseflies, the test insects

become mobile and seemed looking for places where they could hide. However some of them

just fly as if they were not aware of the spraying. After 10 mins. , death of some houseflies

started. The insect trembled and after several minutes they eventually died. All the insects flew

so fast and after application all of them were dead.


The researchers conclude that, among the 4 different treatments evaluated, crude extract was

found to be the most effective preparation against houseflies.

LD50 of the different concentrations used showed that T4 was the most effective preparation

against houseflies with an LD50 at 60 minutes, followed by T3 at 70 mminutes; T2 at 80

minutes; and T1 at 90 minutes.


The study showed that the effectivity of dilutions were not compared to other formulae,

whether commercially or botanically made.

With the increasing incidence of insecticide resistant housefly populations, rising costs of

insecticides and a growing public concern about actual or potential problems associated with

insecticides, interest in alternative housefly control strategies has increased.

It is in this premise that pure extract of alagaw leaves is recommended for application

against houseflies. It is further recommended that a study be done on the effect alagaw extracts

when sprayed in a natural settings at home, building entrances, in alleyways, beneath trees, and

around animal sleeping areas and manure piles.

Based on the observation and results of this simple experiment we can safely say that crude

extract from alagaw leaves can kill housefly.

In this connection, we strongly recommend further studies about the insecticidal and

property of alagaw leave extract. Intensive research through laboratory experiments and

processes should under taken.


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