Anestesia Fetal

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Pediatric Anesthesia ISSN 1155-5645


Anesthesia for fetal surgery

Monica A. Hoagland & Debnath Chatterjee
Department of Anesthesiology, Children’s Hospital Colorado, Colorado Fetal Care Center, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora,

Keywords Summary
fetal therapy; fetal monitoring; fetal heart
rate; hydrops fetalis; ex-utero intrapartum Fetal therapy is an exciting and growing field of medicine. Advances in prena-
treatment; fetal resuscitation tal imaging and continued innovations in surgical and anesthetic techniques
have resulted in a wide range of fetal interventions including minimally inva-
Correspondence sive, open mid-gestation, and ex-utero intrapartum treatment procedures. The
Dr. Debnath Chatterjee, Associate
potential for maternal morbidity is significant and must be carefully weighed
Professor of Anesthesiology, Children’s
against claimed benefits to the fetus. Appropriate patient selection is critical,
Hospital Colorado and Director of Fetal
Anesthesia, Colorado Fetal Care Center, and a multidisciplinary team-based approach is strongly recommended. The
University of Colorado School of Medicine, anesthetic management should focus on maintaining uteroplacental circula-
13123 East 16th avenue, B 090, Aurora, CO tion, achieving profound uterine relaxation, optimizing surgical conditions,
80045, USA monitoring fetal hemodynamics, and minimizing maternal and fetal risk.

Section Editor: Mark Thomas

Accepted 26 December 2016


re-examined the basic tenets of fetal therapy, taking into

account advances in the field of fetal therapy (T. M.
Over the last three decades, much progress has been Crombleholme, Personal communication) (Table 1).
made in the field of fetal surgery. Technological Anesthetic management of these cases must provide ade-
advances, particularly in prenatal diagnostic imaging, quate operating conditions while minimizing maternal
have allowed a better understanding of the natural his- and fetal risk.
tory and pathophysiology of fetal anomalies. Experi-
mental animal models of several potentially correctable
Types of fetal interventions
lesions have been developed to demonstrate the feasibil-
ity of complex fetal surgery (1). Furthermore, continued There are three broad categories of fetal interventions:
refinements in surgical and anesthetic techniques have minimally invasive interventions, open mid-gestation
resulted in a wide range of fetal interventions being per- fetal surgeries, and ex-utero intrapartum treatment
formed at different stages of pregnancy, not only to save (EXIT) procedures. Minimally invasive interventions
the life of the fetus but also to prevent permanent organ are the most commonly performed fetal interventions
damage (1,2). However, all fetal therapies are invasive and include both needle-based ultrasound-guided proce-
and carry a substantial risk to both the mother and dures (e.g., percutaneous umbilical blood sampling,
fetus. As the mother gains no direct benefit from radiofrequency ablation, balloon valvuloplasty, shunt
surgical intervention, maternal safety is paramount and placement) and fetoscopic interventions with ultrasound
the inherent risk of maternal complications must be guidance (laser photocoagulation for twin–twin transfu-
weighed against the potential benefits to the fetus (2). A sion, umbilical cord coagulation, tracheal occlusion,
recent presentation at the International Fetal Medicine amniotic band release, ablation of posterior urethral
and Surgical Society meeting and discussions at the valves) (Table 2). Fetoscopes and endoscopes as small
North American Fetal Therapy Network (NAFTNet) as 1.0–3.8 mm in diameter are inserted percutaneously

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Pediatric Anesthesia 27 (2017) 346–357
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Table 1 Criteria for fetal therapy (T.M. Crombleholme, Personal communication)

Topic Historical viewpoint Current considerations

Fetal anomaly Significant fetal anomaly that interferes with organ Indications for fetal therapy have expanded and goals
development, whose alleviation might allow for fetal have evolved from simple survival to reducing
development to proceed normally. morbidity and improving long-term outcomes.
Patient selection Fetus should be singleton without concomitant Effective therapies for multiple gestation, with or
anomalies. without an innocent bystander cotwin, may be
considered if the fetal therapy will prolong and/or
improve outcome of the pregnancy as a whole.
Patient selection Selection for treatment must be based on careful Advances in prenatal diagnosis have allowed a better
clinical evaluation and sound knowledge of natural understanding of the natural history and
history of fetal disease. Intervention can be ethically pathophysiology of several fetal anomalies. Prognostic
justified only if there is reasonable probability of indicators are being developed to consider risk/benefit
benefit. profile to the fetus and mother.
Maternal safety Implied but not stated: Maternal risks should be minor Maternal expectations and autonomy have increased.
and acceptable to mother and family. Pregnant women are increasingly seeking fetal
therapies and some are willing to incur greater risks
upon themselves. Realistic expectations of prognosis
and postnatal course must be discussed.
Reporting requirement All case material should be reported, regardless of Despite presence of fetal therapy registries and clinical
outcome, to a fetal-treatment registry and/or medical trials, geographic and regulatory barriers exist.
literature. Mandatory reporting is not in effect.
Oversight requirement A multi-disciplinary team of specialists should concur In addition to a multi-disciplinary team-based approach,
on the plan for innovative treatment and obtain ethics oversight, transparent counseling and
approval of an institutional review board. participation in registries are strongly encouraged.
Center infrastructure There should be access to a level III high-risk-obstetric Expectations for minimum resources, expertise,
unit, and bioethical and psychological counseling. experience, credentialing and infrastructure for the
organization and medical personnel have been set.

into the uterine cavity under ultrasound guidance to bypass prior to delivery of the newborn. The EXIT pro-
visualize and perform the planned procedures (T.M. cedure was originally developed to secure the airway for
Crombleholme, Personal communication) (Figure 1). fetuses with severe congenital diaphragmatic hernia that
Minimally invasive interventions are typically per- had previously undergone open in utero tracheal clip
formed in early or mid-gestation with local or neuraxial occlusion (4). The most common indication for an EXIT
anesthesia with or without intravenous sedation. procedure is to secure the airway for fetuses with large
Open mid-gestation fetal surgeries have evolved over oropharyngeal or neck masses, congenital high airway
the years. Currently, the most common indication is pre- obstruction syndrome, and severe micrognathia. This
natal repair of myelomeningocele (MMC) defect. Less transforms a potentially fatal neonatal airway emer-
common indications include resection of large fetal lung gency into a controlled clinical scenario, allowing suc-
masses, debulking of sacrococcygeal teratomas and vesi- cessful transition to extra-uterine life. The indications
costomy for lower urinary tract obstruction (Table 2). for EXIT procedures continue to evolve and have
Open fetal surgeries are performed under general anes- expanded to include resection of fetal lung masses com-
thesia with neuraxial anesthesia for postoperative pain pressing the intrathoracic airway and controlled extra
control. Prior to hysterotomy, profound uterine relax- corporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) cannulation
ation is achieved using high doses of volatile anesthetic (5–7) (Table 3). For EXIT procedures unrelated to the
agents with or without additional tocolytic agents. Typi- airway, the fetal airway is always secured prior to fetal
cally, the fetus is positioned within the uterus in a man- intervention, so that a patent airway is present in the
ner to allow direct access to the surgical site on the fetus. event of emergent fetal delivery prior to completing the
Upon completion of the fetal surgical procedure, the fetal intervention. Unlike a standard cesarean section,
hysterotomy is closed in multiple layers and aggressive profound uterine relaxation must be achieved before
tocolysis is maintained postoperatively to prevent hysterotomy. In addition, uteroplacental blood flow,
preterm labor. uterine volume, and maternal hemodynamics must be
Ex-utero intrapartum treatment procedures are per- maintained, while fetal cardiac dysfunction must be
formed close to term gestation. During an EXIT proce- minimized (6). Upon completion of the fetal interven-
dure, fetal interventions are performed on placental tion and before clamping of the umbilical cord, volatile

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Anesthesia for fetal surgery M.A. Hoagland and D. Chatterjee

Table 2 Fetal malformations treated with minimally invasive and open fetal surgery

Fetal malformation Pathophysiology Fetal intervention

Twin-to-twin transfusion Monochorionic twin pregnancy with abnormal blood Serial amnioreduction
syndrome (TTTS) flow between the twins. Donor twin develops Selective fetoscopic laser photocoagulation
oligohydramnios and growth restriction. Recipient (SFLP)
twin develops polyhydramnios, cardiomyopathy and Selective fetal reduction by radiofrequency
hydrops. Potential for fetal demise. ablation or fetoscopic cord coagulation
Twin reversed arterial perfusion Monochorionic twin pregnancy with one acardiac Selective fetal reduction by radiofrequency
(TRAP) sequence twin. Normal (pump) twin provides retrograde ablation or fetoscopic cord coagulation
perfusion to the acardiac twin. Pump twin develops
congestive heart failure.
Selective growth restriction in Intrauterine death of one twin leads to significant Selective fetal reduction by radiofrequency
monochorionic twins neurologic morbidity in surviving co-twin ablation
Lower urinary tract obstruction/ Renal dysplasia due to obstruction and pulmonary Vesicoamniotic shunt placement
Posterior urethral valves (PUV) hypoplasia due to oligohydramnios. Neonatal renal Fetoscopic ablation of PUV
and respiratory failure. Open fetal vesicostomy
Congenital pulmonary airway Cystic lesions or pleural effusion cause pulmonary Serial thoracocentesis
malformation hypoplasia, mediastinal shift and polyhydramnios. Fetoscopicthoracoamniotic shunt placement
Fetal hydrothorax Eventual fetal hydrops. Open fetal lobectomy
Congenital diaphragmatic Herniated abdominal viscera and lung compression Fetal endoscopic tracheal occlusion (FETO)
hernia (CDH) results in pulmonary hypoplasia and pulmonary
Amniotic band syndrome Strands of amniotic membrane entangle the fetus, Laser release of amniotic bands
leading to limb amputation, syndactyly, craniofacial
or body wall defects.
Critical aortic stenosis with Progressive left ventricular dysfunction and arrested Aortic balloon valvuloplasty
evolving hypoplastic left heart growth.
syndrome (HLHS)
HLHS with highly restrictive or Left atrial hypertension and pulmonary vein stenosis Atrial septostomy with balloon or stent
intact atrial septum
Myelomeningocele Damage to exposed spinal cord and Chiari II Open fetal repair
malformation leads to paraplegia and obstructive
Sacrococcygealteratoma Arteriovenous shunting with high-output cardiac Open tumor debulking
failure and fetal hydrops. Distorted pelvic anatomy.

anesthetic agents are discontinued to allow return of hemodynamic requirements. Important considerations
uterine tone to minimize uterine bleeding. After clamp- include relevant maternal and fetal physiology, available
ing of the umbilical cord and delivery of the newborn, methods for fetal assessment, drug delivery, and resusci-
uterotonic drugs are administered and uterine massage tation and risk to both the mother and fetus.
is initiated. The newborn is then transferred to an
adjoining operating room for further resuscitation and
Maternal–fetal physiology
stabilization. The anesthetic management for open mid-
gestation and EXIT procedures is similar, with the A complete review of the physiologic changes of preg-
exception of return of uterine tone at the end of the nancy is beyond the scope of this paper, but pertinent
EXIT procedure. changes in cardiac and pulmonary physiology will be
briefly reviewed. Heart rate, stroke volume, and cardiac
output increase in early gestation and continue to rise
Anesthetic considerations
throughout pregnancy. Cardiac output increases to 50%
The optimal anesthetic technique for fetal surgery above prepregnancy levels at term gestation and
depends on the planned surgical approach, extent of increases further in the immediate postpartum period
expected fetal surgical stimulation, maternal medical due to autotransfusion from the placental circulation.
history, and patient and surgeon preference. The anes- Systemic vascular resistance and blood pressure initially
thesiologist is responsible for providing care to two (or decrease, reaching a nadir in the second trimester. Blood
more) patients who may have conflicting anesthetic and pressure returns to prepregnancy values at term

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surgery. The fetal circulation is a parallel circuit with a

normal total intravascular blood volume of 100–
110 mlkg 1. The fetal myocardium has a greater pro-
portion of noncontractile elements compared to mature
myocardium and it functions close to the upper limit of
the Frank–Starling curve. Fetal heart rate (FHR) is the
most important determinant of cardiac output and fetal
bradycardia (heart rate <100 bpm) is a strong indicator
of fetal distress (9). Common physiologic stressors
include hypoxia, noxious stimuli, and hypothermia. The
umbilical vein contains the highest oxygen levels in the
fetal circulation, with a normal PO2 of 30 mmHg.
Despite low oxygen tension, adequate oxygen delivery is
maintained by an increased hemoglobin concentration
(18 gdl 1) and an increased hemoglobin oxygen affinity
compared to maternal circulation (9,10). The gestational
Figure 1 Selective fetoscopic laser photocoagulation for twin-to- age at which a fetus is aware of pain is strongly debated.
twin transfusion syndrome (Reprinted with permission from Chidsey The thalamocortical connections necessary for pain per-
Medical Media).
ception do not develop until 23–30 weeks of gestational
age. However, noxious stimuli can elicit neuroendocrine
gestation. Hypotension is exacerbated in the supine and hemodynamic responses by 18–20 weeks of gesta-
position due to aortocaval compression starting as early tional age. Elevations in catecholamine and cortisol
as the second trimester. Hemodilution causes a 15% secretion cause increased placental vascular resistance
decrease in hematocrit by the second trimester. Oxygen and decreased blood flow to the fetus. This results in
consumption increases in pregnancy and peaks at 60% fetal bradycardia and compensatory redistribution of
above prepregnancy values in the immediate postpartum blood flow from peripheral tissues to the brain, heart,
period. This is mediated by an increased minute ventila- and placenta (known as the central sparing effect) (11).
tion and tidal volume with minimal change in respira- In addition, the fetal stress response increases uterine
tory rate. The increased minute ventilation causes a irritability and the onset of premature labor (9,10).
decrease in PaCO2 to 30 mmHg and a compensatory Although a mid-gestation fetus may not perceive nox-
decrease in bicarbonate to maintain normal acid–base ious stimuli, analgesia is required to prevent these neu-
status. Functional residual capacity decreases by 20% at roendocrine and hemodynamic alterations. Procedures
term gestation, predisposing parturients to rapid hypox- on noninnervated fetal tissues, such as the placenta and
emia during periods of apnea. Rapid hypoxemia, umbilical vessels, do not require fetal analgesia.
changes in upper airway anatomy and an increased risk Maintenance of adequate uteroplacental blood flow
of gastric reflux increase the risk for aspiration and diffi- and management of uterine tone are key factors in the
cult or failed intubation in this population (8). anesthetic management of fetal interventions. Acute
Fetal hemodynamics and oxygenation are important alterations in uteroplacental blood flow can cause rapid
considerations that must be addressed during fetal fetal hypoxia and bradycardia. Common causes include

Table 3 Indications for EXIT procedures

Type Rationale Fetal malformations

EXIT-to-airway Extrinsic compression Cervical teratoma, lymphatic malformation epignathus, epulis, hemangioma
Intrinsic obstruction Congenital high airway obstruction syndrome, laryngeal atresia/stenosis,
laryngeal web/cyst
Iatrogenic Prior FETO for CDH
Miscellaneous Severe micrognathia
EXIT-to-resection Intrathoracic airway or persistent Congenital pulmonary airway malformation, bronchogenic cyst,
mediastinal compression thoracic or mediastinal tumors
EXIT-to-ECMO Severe cardiopulmonary compromise CDH with poor prognostic indicators, hypoplastic left heart syndrome with
intact/restrictive atrial septum
EXIT-to-separation Bridge to separation Conjoined twins

CDH, congenital diaphragmatic hernia; EXIT, ex-utero intrapartum treatment; FETO, fetal endoscopic tracheal occlusion.

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decreased oxygen delivery to the uteroplacental circula- of the procedure. During open mid-gestation and EXIT
tion (maternal hypoxemia, hypotension, hypovolemia, procedures, fetal echocardiography is performed as fre-
or aortocaval compression), decreased umbilical cord quently as every 3–5 min from the time of hysterotomy
perfusion (uterine contractions, increased placental vas- until uterine closure to provide a continuous assessment
cular resistance, or cord compression), and decreased of FHR, ventricular function and volume, atrioventric-
oxygen delivery to fetal tissues (fetal anemia or cardiac ular valve competence, and ductal patency (14,15). The
dysfunction). In the event of fetal bradycardia, these FHR can also be assessed by palpation of the umbilical
conditions should be immediately addressed by increas- cord. Fetal pulse oximetry is used during EXIT proce-
ing maternal oxygenation, raising maternal blood pres- dures. The normal range for fetal saturation (FSpO2) is
sure, administering tocolytic agents, and repositioning 30–70%; however, the values vary significantly based
the fetus to relieve cord compression (9). on site of measurement due to mixing of well-saturated
Uterine relaxation is required for most fetal interven- and desaturated blood in the fetal circulation. Adult
tions and is continued postoperatively for open mid- pulse oximeters are not calibrated to provide accurate
gestation procedures to prevent preterm labor. Patients measurements in the normal range of FSpO2 (16). In
commonly receive perioperative indomethacin and cal- addition, normal fetal oxygenation occurs in the middle
cium channel blockers for tocolysis. For open mid- range of the oxygen–hemoglobin dissociation curve,
gestation and EXIT procedures, additional intraopera- where small changes in PO2 result in large changes in
tive uterine relaxation is achieved with high-dose volatile FSpO2. Therefore, these measurements are not always
agents with or without magnesium sulfate infusion. reliable. Accuracy is further limited by light interference
Nitroglycerin and beta-agonist agents can be used if and conditions such as vasoconstriction and strong
needed. Pertinent maternal side effects include muscle uterine contractions that decrease fetal pulse pressure
weakness and pulmonary edema from magnesium sul- (9). Fetal blood is not routinely sampled for analysis, as
fate, hypotension from calcium channel blockers, and this carries a risk for fetal vasospasm or hemorrhage.
tachycardia and electrolyte abnormalities from beta- Drugs can be administered to the fetus by transpla-
agonists (Table 4). For patients receiving magnesium cental passage of maternal medications or direct intra-
sulfate, intravenous fluid administration is restricted to venous or intramuscular injection to the fetus. The
prevent pulmonary edema and neuromuscular blocking transplacental passage of drugs requires maternal drug
agents must be used cautiously. Fetal side effects include exposure via intravenous sedation or general anesthesia,
tachycardia, constriction of the ductus arteriosus, car- often at a higher concentration than is clinically indi-
diac depression, and renal dysfunction (12,13) (Table 4). cated for her own anesthetic needs. Drug passage
Loss of uterine volume is a strong stimulus for uterine depends on lipid solubility, pH of maternal and fetal
contraction. Uterine volume is maintained intraopera- blood, drug ionization and protein binding, maternal
tively by only partial fetal delivery and continuous drug concentration, and uteroplacental perfusion. The
amnioinfusion with warmed saline. Patients undergoing majority of intravenous anesthetic agents easily cross
an EXIT procedure must have return of uterine tone the placenta, although dexmedetomidine crosses only in
immediately after delivery of the fetus to prevent exces- limited amounts and neuromuscular blocking drugs do
sive maternal hemorrhage. Volatile agents must be dis- not cross at all (17). The uptake of volatile agents in the
continued prior to fetal delivery and oxytocin is fetus is delayed compared to the mother, but a good
routinely administered after delivery. Additional utero- clinical effect is achieved due to the lower MAC require-
tonic agents may be required (Table 4). ments of the fetus compared to the mother (9).
Direct fetal drug administration allows more precise
dosing and eliminates the need for maternal drug expo-
Fetal monitoring and drug administration
sure. Common sites for intravascular access include the
Methods available for fetal monitoring, drug adminis- umbilical vein, hepatic vein, large peripheral veins, and
tration, and resuscitation are determined by the type of intracardiac drug administration. The shoulders and
fetal procedure being performed. Preoperative fetal buttocks are used as sites for intramuscular injection.
evaluation with ultrasound, echocardiography, and/or Both intravascular and intramuscular administration
MRI is used to document the baseline cardiac function carry a risk of fetal injury and the noxious stimulation
as well as physiologic and anatomic effects of the fetal can trigger a hemodynamically significant stress
anomaly. During most minimally invasive procedures, response in a nonanesthetized fetus. If the stress
fetal assessment is limited to intermittent measurement response is triggered, blood will be shunted away from
of the FHR by Doppler ultrasound. This is generally the sites of intramuscular injection resulting in delayed
performed immediately after induction and at the end and unpredictable drug absorption. The umbilical vein

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Table 4 Commonly used tocolytic and uterotonic agents (12,13)

Tocolytic agents Dose Side effects

Calcium channel Nifedipine 10–20 mg PO every 6–8 h Maternal vasodilation with flushing and hypotension.
NSAIDs Indomethacin 50–100 mg PR or PO Maternal platelet dysfunction and GI upset. Fetal premature closure of
(max daily dose 200 mg) the ductusarteriosus, renal dysfunction with oliguria, intraventricular
hemorrhage and necrotizing enterocolitis.
Volatile anesthetics 2–3 MAC Requires endotracheal intubation and hemodynamic monitoring.
Magnesium sulfate 4–6 g load over 20 min, 2 gh infusion Maternal lethargy, muscle weakness, headache, nausea/vomiting,
pulmonary edema, respiratory and cardiac arrest. Fetal lethargy and
hypotonia. Toxic serum levels: decreased reflexes at 12 mgdl 1,
respiratory depression at 14–18 mgdl 1, cardiac arrest at 18 mgdl 1.
Reverse effects with 1 g of calcium gluconate. Caution with muscle
Nitroglycerin 50–100 mcg IV; 15–20 mcgkg 1min 1
Maternal hypotension
Beta-adrenergic Terbutaline 250 mcg IM or IV; Maternal tachycardia, arrhythmias, hypotension, myocardial ischemia,
agonists 5–10 mcgmin 1 IV pulmonary edema, hyperglycemia and hypokalemia. Fetal tachycardia
and metabolic derangements.

Uterotonic agents Dose Side effects

Oxytocin 10–40 U IV infusion Hypotension, tachycardia, myocardial ischemia

Prostaglandins PGF2a- Carboprost 0.25 mg IM Bronchoconstriction (contraindicated in patients with reactive airway
PGE1-Misoprostol 600–1000 mcg PR, No contraindications
sublingual or buccal
Ergot alkaloids Methylergonovine 0.2 mg IM Vasoconstriction (contraindicated in patients with hypertension and

is not innervated and cannulation will not trigger the epinephrine, atropine, and volume administration and,
stress response, however, this comes with a significant if needed, chest compressions performed by the surgeon
risk of vasospasm and subsequent fetal hypoxia. Intrac- at 100–150 bmin 1. If hemodynamic instability persists
ardiac drug administration is usually reserved for fetal and the fetus is viable, the next step is emergent fetal
cardiac procedures due to the risk for arrhythmia and delivery with neonatal resuscitation. If the fetus has
tamponade. Drug volumes should be limited to 0.2– reached the limits of viability, this possibility should be
0.5 ml due to the potential for fetal injury during intra- discussed preoperatively and a second anesthesia team
muscular injections and the small cardiac chamber size or neonatology team must be available to care for the
for intracardiac injections (9). Intramuscular injections newborn while the primary anesthesiologist continues to
are commonly used for minimally invasive and open care for the mother.
mid-gestation procedures, while intravascular access is
reserved for EXIT procedures.
Risks of fetal intervention
Fetal resuscitation is indicated for fetal bradycardia
(FHR < 100), hypoxemia (FpSO2 less than 30–40%), Fetal surgical interventions require profound alter-
impaired ventricular function, and decreased cardiac fill- ations in normal maternal–fetal physiology and carry
ing. Initial resuscitation should focus on improving risk of significant maternal and fetal morbidity and
uteroplacental blood flow, as discussed above. The anes- mortality. These procedures do not provide any medical
thesiologist should increase maternal inspired oxygen, benefit to the mother and, therefore, maternal risk
administer intravenous fluids and vasoactive agents to should be minimized. Maternal comorbidities that
improve maternal blood pressure, administer tocolytic increase anesthetic risk are contraindications to fetal
agents or high-dose volatile agents to decrease uterine surgery. The most common problems after fetal inter-
tone, and ensure that the patient is appropriately posi- vention are preterm labor and premature rupture of
tioned to relieve aortocaval compression. The surgeons membranes (10), which may require prolonged mater-
should reposition the fetus and increase uterine volume nal hospitalization and tocolysis with significant mor-
to relieve cord compression. If the initial measures are bidity (Table 4) and which may result in the delivery of
unsuccessful, resuscitation is continued with an extremely preterm neonate. Patients undergoing

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open procedures are at risk for hemorrhage due to the

Minimally invasive procedures
profound uterine relaxation that is required intraopera-
tively. They must also have cesarean sections for all Minimally invasive procedures are commonly per-
future deliveries, as the hysterotomy increases risk for formed under maternal local or neuraxial anesthesia,
uterine rupture in labor. The fetus is exposed to painful with or without intravenous sedation (Table 5). Impor-
stimuli and anesthetic medications, both of which may tant factors to consider when choosing the anesthetic
have long-term effects on the developing nervous sys- technique include the number, position, and size of port
tem or cause perioperative cardiac dysfunction. sites, anticipated patient position, and surgeon and
patient preference. These techniques will not provide
uterine relaxation and intravenous sedation will provide
Anesthetic management
only limited fetal analgesia via transplacental transfer.
For fetal surgery on noninnervated tissues (the placenta
Preoperative evaluation
and umbilical cord) (9), no additional analgesia is
A multidisciplinary team of specialists including fetal required. For other interventions, fetal analgesia is pro-
surgeons, maternal–fetal medicine specialists, anesthesi- vided by intramuscular injection of a fetal cocktail,
ologists, neonatologists, radiologists, nurses, and social commonly comprised of fentanyl (10–20 lgkg 1),
workers must be actively involved in the counseling, vecuronium (0.2 mgkg 1) or rocuronium (2 mgkg 1),
planning, and preparation for fetal interventions (18). A and atropine (20 lgkg 1). The mother is monitored
multidisciplinary team meeting with the mother and her with standard ASA monitors and the FHR will be
family is held a few days before surgery to explain the assessed after induction and at the end of the procedure.
planned fetal intervention, discuss surgical and anes- During percutaneous fetal cardiac interventions, contin-
thetic risks, address any concerns, and obtain informed uous fetal echocardiography is also performed to moni-
consent. If the fetus is viable (>24 weeks gestational tor the fetus. Intravenous fluids should be restricted to
age), a preoperative discussion regarding code status for <750 ml to prevent postoperative pulmonary edema
the fetus must occur. If the mother desires full resuscita- that is associated with perioperative tocolysis and intra-
tion, then plans must be in place for emergent delivery operative amnioinfusion. Vasopressors will likely be
and neonatal resuscitation in the event of fetal distress required to maintain normal hemodynamics.
not responsive to intrauterine resuscitation.
The preoperative anesthetic evaluation should include
Open mid-gestation procedures
a detailed history of maternal comorbidities, previous
anesthetics, and obstetric complications. Any significant Open procedures are typically performed under general
cardiopulmonary disease or increased anesthetic risk is a endotracheal anesthesia (Table 5). Preoperatively, a
contraindication to fetal intervention. A focused physi- high lumbar epidural catheter is inserted for postopera-
cal examination of the airway, heart, lungs, and spine tive pain control. However, due to anticipated intraop-
must be performed. Preoperative laboratory testing erative hemodynamic instability, the epidural catheter is
should include a complete blood cell count and may not bolused until the end of the surgery. While position-
include other tests as dictated by the history and physi- ing the patient supine on the operating table, a wedge is
cal examination. While a type and screen will suffice for used to maintain at least 15 degrees of uterine displace-
minimally invasive procedures, a type and cross-match ment. After adequate preoxygenation, a rapid sequence
should be ordered for open mid-gestation fetal surgeries induction is performed to facilitate endotracheal intuba-
and EXIT procedures. For the fetus, leukocyte reduced, tion. During controlled mechanical ventilation, care
irradiated, O-negative blood, cross-matched to mother must be taken to maintain normocarbia (PETCO2 30–
should be readily available. 35 mmHg), as hypocarbia causes uterine vasoconstric-
Fetal evaluation should include assessments of anat- tion with decreased fetal perfusion (10). In addition to
omy and physiology, as well as discussions of planned standard ASA monitors, a second large bore intra-
surgical intervention and anticipated postnatal course. venous access is obtained and an arterial line is placed
Fetal imaging studies including ultrasonography, fetal for close hemodynamic monitoring.
MRI, and fetal echocardiography must be reviewed. During the maintenance of general anesthesia, care
Pertinent information for the anesthesiologist includes must be taken to maintain normal maternal hemody-
baseline FHR and cardiac function, estimated fetal namics and uterine perfusion, while also providing pro-
weight for drug dosing, and location of the placenta and found uterine relaxation during the hysterotomy. This
fetus, which determines patient positioning and the has typically been accomplished with volatile anesthetic
potential need to exteriorize the uterus. agents, particularly desflurane, which can be titrated

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rapidly. Desflurane is administered at normal anesthetic prior to hysterotomy with either high-dose volatile agent
concentrations before and after hysterotomy, but is or SIVA technique, magnesium sulfate infusion and pos-
increased to 2–3 MAC during uterine manipulation to sibly additional tocolytics. These interventions are likely
achieve relaxation. However, this technique is associated to result in significant hypotension. Vasopressors will be
with significant fetal cardiac dysfunction, including a required, as intravenous fluids are restricted to prevent
60% rate of ventricular dysfunction, 11% rate of brady- pulmonary edema. Subsequently, a hemostatic hystero-
cardia, and 19–35% rate of atrioventricular valve regur- tomy is performed using a specialized absorbable uterine
gitation. Seven percent of patients had severe stapler (Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN, USA). Uterine
cardiovascular events and 4% required intraoperative volume is maintained by a continuous infusion of
fetal resuscitation with chest compressions (14). These warmed saline through a silicone catheter inserted into
effects can be attributed to maternal hypotension with the uterine cavity. The fetus is either partially delivered
placental hypoperfusion as well as direct fetal myocar- or positioned within the uterus in a manner to allow
dial depression. direct access to the surgical site. Fetal exposure is mini-
An alternative technique relies on intravenous anes- mized to prevent hypothermia and maintain intrauterine
thesia (commonly propofol and remifentanil infusions) volume. Transplacental passage of maternally adminis-
prior to and after uterine manipulation with the addi- tered anesthetic agents will provide some fetal analgesia.
tion of desflurane (1–1.5 MAC) during hysterotomy to However, an intramuscular fetal cocktail of fentanyl,
achieve uterine relaxation. This supplemental intra- vecuronium or rocuronium, and atropine is also admin-
venous anesthesia (or ‘SIVA’) technique results in a istered to ensure complete blockade of the fetal stress
shorter duration and peak concentration of volatile response as well as to immobilize the fetus. Fetal heart
exposure to the fetus. In an animal model, the SIVA rate, cardiac function, and ventricular filling are contin-
technique is associated with more stable maternal hemo- uously monitored by echocardiography during the time
dynamics, improved uterine blood flow, and better fetal of uterine manipulation and fetal intervention. Esti-
acid–base status than exposure to high-dose desflurane mated fetal weight-based resuscitation doses of epi-
(19). In a nonrandomized review of human subjects, nephrine and atropine must be prepared in a sterile
patients maintained with the SIVA technique had a fashion and be immediately available on the surgical
decreased incidence of fetal ventricular dysfunction and field for intramuscular delivery. If the fetus has reached
fetal resuscitative interventions (26% for SIVA vs 61% the limits of viability, personnel should be available for
for high-dose desflurane) than those maintained with emergent delivery and neonatal resuscitation.
desflurane alone (20). Upon completion of the fetal surgical procedure, the
After maternal laparotomy, the uterus is exposed and hysterotomy is closed in multiple layers. Subsequently,
the placental edges are mapped using a sterile ultra- the volatile agent is discontinued and intravenous anes-
sound probe. Profound uterine relaxation is achieved thetic agents are used for the remainder of the case.

Table 5 Anesthetic management for fetal interventions

Mid-gestation open
Minimally invasive procedures procedures EXIT procedures

Maternal anesthesia Local or neuraxial anesthesia General anesthesia with General anesthesia with
+/ intravenous sedation postoperative epidural postoperative epidural analgesia
Fetal anesthesia +/ IM medications Transplacental and IM Transplacental and IM/IV
Maternal hemodynamics Vasopressors Vasopressors Vasopressors
Fluid restriction Fluid restriction Fluid administration
Arterial Line Arterial Line
Fetal hemodynamics and resuscitation Pre/postoperative echo Intraoperative echo Intraoperative echo, pulse ox
IM resuscitation meds IM/IV resuscitation meds
Emergent fetal delivery Cardiac compressions
Emergent fetal delivery
Uterine tone Pre/postoperative tocolytics Pre/postoperative tocolytics Preoperative tocolytics
High-dose volatile agent High-dose volatile agent
Magnesium infusion Postdelivery uterotonics

EXIT, ex-utero intrapartum treatment.

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Pediatric Anesthesia 27 (2017) 346–357
Anesthesia for fetal surgery M.A. Hoagland and D. Chatterjee

Neuromuscular blocking drugs should be used cau- securing the fetal airway should be the first step, in case
tiously and fully reversed due to the significant muscle the surgery is abandoned early secondary to placental
weakness caused by magnesium sulfate. The mother is abruption or prolonged fetal distress. Direct laryn-
extubated when fully awake and following commands. goscopy and endotracheal intubation of the fetus are
Postoperative analgesia is achieved using a continuous performed using sterile equipment on the surgical field.
epidural infusion with patient controlled rescue doses, In fetuses with distorted airway anatomy, additional
epidural morphine, and additional intravenous anal- maneuvers including rigid bronchoscopy, release of neck
gesics (acetaminophen and ketorolac) as needed. Ade- strap muscles, partial mass resection, retrograde wire
quate analgesia is essential to attenuate the maternal intubation, or tracheostomy may be necessary for secur-
stress response, which can trigger preterm labor (9,10). ing the airway (6). After securing the fetal airway, the
Due to the extensive uterine manipulation required position of the endotracheal tube must be confirmed
for these procedures, perioperative tocolysis to prevent with a flexible bronchoscope. If clinically indicated, sur-
preterm labor is critical. Patients will likely be main- factant may be administered through the endotracheal
tained perioperatively with indomethacin and magne- or tracheostomy tube. However, the lungs are not venti-
sium sulfate for 48 h (21). Indomethacin may be held lated until just prior to delivery, as that would begin the
if there is evidence of constriction of the ductus process of transitional circulation and placental separa-
arteriosus on fetal echocardiography (15). Calcium tion (17). Monitoring is achieved with continuous fetal
channel blockers are often continued for the duration pulse oximetry and frequent echocardiography while the
of pregnancy (21). surgical intervention is performed. A fetal peripheral
intravenous line is placed for drug and volume adminis-
tration. Further fetal interventions, such as resection of
EXIT procedures
thoracic masses or placement of ECMO cannulas, are
The initial management of patients undergoing EXIT performed while still on placental support.
procedures is similar to that of open mid-gestation pro- Upon conclusion of the fetal procedure, the volatile
cedures (Table 5). Patients undergo general endotracheal agent is discontinued to allow return of uterine tone.
anesthesia with rapid sequence induction and neuraxial The fetus is then delivered and neonatal resuscitation is
blockade for postoperative pain control. Due to the continued by the neonatology or second anesthesia
potential for excessive maternal hemorrhage and hemo- team. Immediately after delivery of the newborn, utero-
dynamic instability, two peripheral IVs and an arterial tonic drugs are administered and uterine massage is ini-
line should be placed. Patients will not be started on a tiated to prevent excessive maternal hemorrhage. A
magnesium sulfate infusion or maintained on postopera- separate team of surgeons, anesthesiologists, and nurses
tive tocolytics. Due to the decreased risk of pulmonary must be available for completion of surgery on the new-
edema, intravenous fluids can be administered for born, should the EXIT procedure be terminated earlier
hypotension. However, patients are still likely to require than planned. After bolusing the epidural catheter and
vasopressors due to the high doses of volatile agents used reversing muscle paralysis, the mother is extubated when
during the procedure. During the preparation of the sur- fully awake and following commands. Similar to an
gical field, the surgical team will pass sterile oxygen tub- open mid-gestation procedure, postoperative analgesia
ing, a pulse oximeter cable, and intravenous tubing from is achieved using an epidural infusion of local anesthetic
the surgical field to the anesthesiologist which will be and narcotic.
used for fetal ventilation, monitoring, and drug adminis-
tration during the EXIT procedure.
Randomized trials
Prior to hysterotomy, the uterus is relaxed with high-
dose volatile agent. If additional relaxation is required, Due to the relatively rare occurrence of congenital
nitroglycerin boluses can be given. However, longer act- anomalies that are amenable to fetal intervention and
ing agents, such as magnesium sulfate, are avoided as the ethical considerations of conducting medical trials in
return of uterine tone will be required after fetal deliv- this patient population, randomized controlled trials for
ery. After hysterotomy, the fetal head, arms, and upper fetal interventions are difficult to perform. However,
torso are partially delivered to access the fetal airway. multicenter, randomized trials have been performed for
Minimizing fetal exposure is essential to maintain uter- the treatment of two common anomalies—twin-to-twin
ine volume and prevent fetal hypothermia. An intramus- transfusion syndrome (TTTS) and MMC.
cular fetal cocktail is administered into the fetal Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome is a serious com-
shoulder to ensure fetal analgesia and immobilization. plication of monochorionic twin pregnancies in which
Regardless of the indication for the EXIT procedure, the maternal blood supply is not shared equally between

354 © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Pediatric Anesthesia 27 (2017) 346–357
M.A. Hoagland and D. Chatterjee Anesthesia for fetal surgery

twins. Blood is shunted between twins through intertwin at three centers in the United States over a period of
placental vascular anastomoses, resulting in a donor 7 years in which patients were randomized to prenatal
twin that develops hypovolemia, oliguria, growth repair before 26 weeks GA or standard postnatal repair.
restriction, and oligohydramnios, while the recipient The study was stopped early for efficacy of prenatal
twin develops hypervolemia, polyhydramnios, hyperten- repair and showed that prenatal repair was associated
sive cardiomyopathy, and hydrops. Left untreated, the with a 50% reduction in the need for VP shunt place-
mortality of this condition is over 80% and approxi- ment at 12 months (82% in the postnatal repair group
mately 30% of survivors have neurodevelopmental vs 40% in the prenatal repair group), an improvement
abnormalities (22). Fetal interventions for the manage- in a composite score for mental development and motor
ment of TTTS include serial amnioreduction, selective function at 30 months, and an increased rate of unas-
fetoscopic laser photocoagulation (SFLP), and selective sisted ambulation at 30 months. However, these benefits
fetal reduction via radiofrequency ablation or fetoscopic were achieved at the expense of higher rates of preterm
cord coagulation. Serial amnioreduction of the polyhy- birth (average gestational age at delivery was 34 weeks
dramniotic fluid sac is performed for maternal comfort for prenatal repair vs 37 weeks for postnatal repair) and
and potentially improves uteroplacental blood flow by an increase in maternal complications, such as pul-
reducing intra-amniotic and placental intravascular monary edema (6%), oligohydramnios (21%),
pressures. SLFP involves selective coagulation of inter- chorioamniotic separation (26%), placental abruption
twin placental vessels that are thought to be contribut- (6%), spontaneous labor (38%), partial or complete
ing to abnormal intertwin blood flow. The Eurofoetus uterine scar dehiscence noted at the time of delivery
trial and NIH-sponsored TTTS trial are the two largest (35%), and maternal transfusion requirement at delivery
prospective, randomized controlled trials comparing (9%) (26). Subsequent analysis of this cohort demon-
amnioreduction and laser photocoagulation. The Euro- strated that surgery at an earlier gestational age and
foetus trial demonstrated that SFLP was superior to chorioamniotic membrane separation were risk factors
serial amnioreduction with improved perinatal survival for spontaneous rupture of membranes; oligohydram-
and fewer short-term neurologic abnormalities (23). An nios was associated with an increased risk for preterm
NIH-sponsored TTTS trial in highly selected cases of delivery; and nulliparity was a risk factor for nonintact
severe TTTS showed no statistical significance in the 30- hysterotomy site at the time of delivery (27). These fac-
day postnatal survival between serial amnioreduction tors should all be taken into account when counseling
and SFLP and concluded that advanced cases of TTTS mothers regarding the risks and benefits of fetal surgery.
were associated with significant mortality with recipient A subsequent analysis of 100 prenatal MMC repairs
twin fetal losses occurring at different times depending enrolled after the MOMS trial documented a similar
on the treatment. The recipient twin fetal losses in the rate of obstetric complications and fetal outcomes, with
SFLP group usually occurred within 24 h of the proce- slight improvements in premature rupture of mem-
dure and losses in the amnioreduction group occurred branes, maternal pulmonary edema, and transfusion
later from progressive cardiomyopathy (24). requirements at delivery (28). Forty percent of fetuses
Myelomeningocele, the most severe form of spina in that cohort had evidence of moderate to severe ven-
bifida, results in several lifelong disabilities, including tricular dysfunction on fetal echocardiography and
paraplegia, hydrocephalus, neurogenic bowel and blad- seven fetuses experienced serious cardiovascular events
der, cognitive impairment, and sexual dysfunction. that affected the conduct of surgery and/or outcome.
Almost all patients with MMC have Chiari II malforma- Of these, four patients required chest compressions, one
tion and most develop obstructive hydrocephalus, which fetus had an intrauterine demise, and one delivered
requires ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt placement. 9 days postoperatively and died due to complications
There is substantial evidence, both experimental and of prematurity (14). As previously discussed, these
clinical, to support a two-hit hypothesis to explain the events may be decreased when a SIVA technique is used
spinal cord injury. The first hit is the failure of the neural (20). Evaluations of the long-term neurologic effects of
tube to close by the fourth week of embryonic life and prenatal MMC repair that were performed prior to the
the second hit is the chemical damage and trauma to the MOMS trial also show promising results. At a median
exposed spinal cord (25). Prenatal MMC repair at mid- follow-up of 10 years, 79% of patients who underwent
gestation offers the possibility of limiting the damage fetal repair were community ambulators and 26% had
caused by prolonged exposure of the spinal cord as well normal bladder function, which represent improve-
as improving hindbrain herniation prior to delivery. ments over historic controls. Predictive factors for poor
The Management of Myelomeningocele Study neurologic outcome include poor function at 5 years of
(MOMS) was a prospective, randomized trial conducted age, spinal cord tethering, and the need for a VP shunt.

© 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 355

Pediatric Anesthesia 27 (2017) 346–357
Anesthesia for fetal surgery M.A. Hoagland and D. Chatterjee

The shunt rate remained stable at 43%, similar to the EXIT procedures are typically performed under gen-
MOMS trial results, and all of those shunts were placed eral anesthesia with an epidural infusion for postopera-
prior to 12 months of age. Patients in this study were tive analgesia. Key anesthetic considerations include:
more likely to show borderline or clinically significant • Maintaining adequate uteroplacental blood flow and
impairment in executive functioning and behavioral stable maternal hemodynamics
adaptive skills compared to population norms. How- • Minimizing fetal cardiac dysfunction
ever, this study is limited by lack of a contemporary • Preserving uterine volume by partially delivering fetus
control group of children who underwent postnatal and continuous amnioinfusion of warmed fluids
MMC repair (29). Further analysis of the MOMS • Providing complete uterine relaxation prior to
cohort may provide better evidence for long-term bene- hysterotomy and during fetal intervention
fit after prenatal MMC repair. • Ensuring return of uterine tone immediately before
A recent survey of principal investigators from the clamping of the umbilical cord and delivery of the
Fetal Myelomeningocele Consortium has shown that as newborn
the number of centers offering fetal MMC repair has
2 What interventions should be performed in the event
grown, the strict inclusion and exclusion criteria used
of fetal bradycardia during an open fetal MMC
for the MOMS study are being expanded. There is sig-
nificant variation between centers in terms of fetal diag-
nostic protocols, indications for fetal repair, and Fetal bradycardia is a reliable indicator of fetal dis-
acceptable maternal comorbidities (21). It remains to tress that warrants prompt attention. Umbilical cord
be seen how these changes will affect both the maternal compression must be ruled out by repositioning the fetus
and fetal outcomes following repair. More recently, a and increasing uterine volume via amnioinfusion.
fetoscopic approach to MMC repair is being devel- Maternal inspired oxygen and hemodynamics should be
oped, with the most experience reported from centers optimized to maintain adequate uteroplacental blood
in Germany and Brazil (30,31). Compared to open fetal flow. In the presence of uterine contractions, the concen-
surgery, fetoscopic MMC repair has been associated tration of the volatile agent must be increased and addi-
with longer operative times, increased risk of mem- tional boluses of nitroglycerin must be administered. If
brane rupture, and earlier GA at birth. The inability to the fetal bradycardia does not improve with these mea-
obtain a ‘water-tight’ seal during closure of the defect sures, resuscitation doses of epinephrine and atropine
is another significant challenge with the fetoscopic must be administered via intramuscular route. Initiating
approach (32). chest compressions and delivering the fetus are usually
reserved for severe fetal bradycardia that does not
improve with the aforementioned measures.
Fetal therapy is an exciting field of medicine. Advances 3 What are the options for monitoring the fetus during
in prenatal imaging and continued innovations in surgi- fetal interventions?
cal and anesthetic techniques have resulted in a wide Fetal monitoring during most minimally invasive fetal
range of fetal interventions including minimally inva- interventions usually consists of intermittent measure-
sive, open mid-gestation, and EXIT procedures. The ment of FHR using Doppler ultrasound. During open
potential for maternal morbidity is significant and must mid-gestation and EXIT procedures, continuous fetal
be carefully weighed against claimed benefits to the echocardiography is used to monitor FHR, ventricular
fetus. Appropriate patient selection is critical and a mul- function, atrioventricular valve competence, and ductal
tidisciplinary team-based approach is strongly recom- patency. In addition, during EXIT procedures, fetal
mended. The anesthetic management should focus on pulse oximetry can be used to measure oxygen satura-
maintaining uteroplacental circulation, achieving pro- tion and heart rate after partial delivery of the fetus.
found uterine relaxation, optimizing surgical conditions,
monitoring fetal hemodynamics, and minimizing mater-
nal and fetal risk. Ethics approval
Not applicable for educational reviews.
Reflective questions (Supplementary Audio S1)
1 What are the key anesthetic considerations during an
EXIT procedure? The study received no external funding.

356 © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Pediatric Anesthesia 27 (2017) 346–357
M.A. Hoagland and D. Chatterjee Anesthesia for fetal surgery

Key learning points • Fetal bradycardia is a reliable indicator of fetal dis-

tress and must be immediately addressed.
• The three broad categories of fetal interventions are
minimally invasive, open mid-gestation and EXIT
procedures. Conflicts of interest
• Maternal safety is paramount and the risk of maternal
complications must be weighed against potential ben- The authors report no conflict of interest.
efits to the fetus.
• Patient selection and a multi-disciplinary team based Supporting information
approach is critical.
• Key anesthetic considerations include maintaining Additional Supporting Information may be found in the
adequate uteroplacental blood flow, minimizing fetal online version of this article:
cardiac dysfunction and providing complete uterine Audio S1. Audio podcast on ‘Anesthesia for fetal
relaxation prior to hysterotomy. surgery’.

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