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Monday 1/28/19 Servings Calories Total Fat (g)

Saturated Fat
(g) Sodium
(mg) (mg)
(g) Sugar (g) Protein (g)Vit A %
honey bunches 1 130 2.5 0 0 0 65 26 2 6 2 15
2% reduced fat milk 1 122 4.83 3.067 0 0 460 11.71 0 12.346 8.05 10
dried sweetened cranberries 1 123 0.55 0.041 0 0 16 32.94 2.28 26 0.03 0
banana 1 105 0.39 0.132 0 0 422 26.95 3.068 14.431 1.29 1.5
egg omelette 1 23 1.75 0.498 0 0 236 0.1 0 0.046 1.58 18
sweet potatoe ((candied)) 1 172 3.72 2.28 0 0 0 33.73 2.205 28.613 0.93 0
quesadillas 1 250 11 4 0 0 329 31 0 1 11 9
Bowl of Bean Soup 1 114 1.63 0.42 0 0.001 618 19.04 8.398 3.063 5.98 22
Avocado 1/2 120 13 1.5 0 0 690 6 5 0.33 1.5 4

TOTAL CALORIC INTAKE 1159 39.37 11.938 0 0.001 2836 187.47 22.951 91.829 32.36 79.5
DAILY VALUE 1770 59 15.57 0.13 2.54 4500 177 7.87 65.95 133 33%

# of steps 5111 Cal from steps= 255.55

Subtract exercise

Amount of water (oz) 3

Amount of sleep (hours) 7
Vit C % Calcium % Iron % Food Groups

0 0 60 grain foods
4 35 0 dairy

0 0 1 fruit
17 0.5 1.7 fruit

0 7.3 17 meats, poultry, eggs

2 2 4 vegetables
0 48 17 grain foods
0.8 7.2 21 meats, poultry, eggs, beans
20 1.4 4.6 fruit

43.8 101.4 126.3 0

4% 4% 60% n/a

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