Asking and Giving Information

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Nama Kelompok :

1. Neneng 4. Putri
2. Nila 5. Carlos
3. Selvi 6. Bilson

Asking and Giving Information

Definition ( Pengertaian ) :

Asking and Giving Information is the activity of asking or giving information to the other person
(asking and giving permission is an important expression in English. Mastering some
expressions about the conversation area is of course a must). Asking Information can be as
simple as asking for time, or complicated as asking for details about a complicated process.

(Asking and Giving Information adalah kegiatan meminta atau memberikan informasi kepada
orang lain (meminta dan memberi izin adalah ungkapan penting dalam bahasa Inggris.
Menguasai beberapa ungkapan tentang area percakapan tentu saja merupakan keharusan).
Meminta Informasi bisa sesederhana meminta waktu, atau rumit seperti meminta detail tentang
proses yang rumit. )

Asking and giving information expression ( Ekspresi )

Asking information Giving information

Excuse me. Who is she? She is my mother
Can you tell me where you live? I live at Saraswati street number 10
Can you help me to find my spectacle? I saw it in the living room an hour ago
Could anyone tell me what happen there? There is any car accident
Sorry to trouble you, but do you know where my Don’t you remember that you’ve left it in my
bag is? table
Do you happen to know where Mr. Kukuh is? He goes to the post office
Do you see my new purple diary? Here it is. I have found it in yard

Asking information Giving information

 Permisi. Siapa dia? Dia adalah ibuku

 Bisakah Anda memberi tahu saya di mana Saya tinggal di jalan Saraswati nomor 10
Anda tinggal? Saya melihatnya di ruang tamu satu jam yang lalu
 Bisakah Anda membantu saya menemukan Ada kecelakaan mobil
tontonan saya? Apakah Anda tidak ingat bahwa Anda
 Adakah yang bisa memberi tahu saya apa meninggalkannya di meja saya
yang terjadi di sana? Dia pergi ke kantor pos
 Maaf mengganggu Anda, tetapi apakah Anda
Ini dia. Saya menemukannya di halaman
tahu di mana tas saya?
 Apakah Anda tahu di mana Pak Kukuh
 Apakah Anda melihat buku harian ungu baru
Example :

Teacher and a student are in front of class.

Mr. Oyip : Do you understand this English journal?

A student : I am very sorry, Sir. I don’t understand it yet.

Mr. Oyip : You don’t have to apologize.

A student : Can you tell me where I can get all the reference related of this journal?

Mr. Oyip : Oh yeah, I have some books that may help you.

A student : Thank you very much, Sir.

Mr. Oyip : Never mind, sir.

Dialog 1

A : Excuse me. Could you tell me where the public library is, please ?

B : The public library? Let me see. Oh yes, of course i know. It is in Rajawali Road.

A : Is the near here?

B : You just go along this street until you come to the first traffic light. Then turn left.

A : Thank you

Dialog 2

A : Excuse me. Do you know where Mr. Ali's house is?

B : Oh I see. It is next to the market

Dialog 3

A : Excuse me. Can you tell me where the library is?

B : Sure. It's in front of the language laboratory

Dialog 4

A : What's the matter with you?

B : I've got stomachache

A : You should go to the sickbay

B : You are right, but where? Can you tell me where it is?

A : Sure. It's next to the principal's office

B : Thanks

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