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5.1.1 Introduction

Significant advances have been made in the process of physical conditioning for
sport over the past years. To be in optimum physical condition for competitions,
an athlete has to go through an extensive program of physical fitness training,
which consists of regimes of various exercise methods, and systems based on
the integration of various sports science sub-disciplines. A comprehensive
program, which addresses each aspect of the athlete’s physical and mental
capabilities, is imperative for total success. As such developing sports-fitness
base is important for both the performance and the health of the athlete in
attaining total conditioning. A needs analysis for any sports conditioning program
evaluates the demands of the sport. Which include the range of metabolic
requirements, the injury potential for different parts of the body, and the types of
muscle actions or biomechanical characteristics involved in sport.

5.1.2 The WHAT, WHY and HOW of physical conditioning

Physical conditioning refers to the development of physical fitness through the

adaptation of the body and its various systems to an exercise program. The
bottom line in physical conditioning and fitness training is stress, not mental
stress, but adaptive body stress. Sportsmen and women must put their bodies
under a certain amount of stress (overload) to increase physical capabilities.

One of the misconceptions in the sports world is that a sports person gets in
shape by just playing or taking part in his/her chosen sport. If a stationary level of
performance, consistent ability in executing a few limited skills is your
goal, then engaging only in your sport will keep you there. However, if you want
the utmost efficiency, consistent improvement, and balanced abilities sportsmen
and women must participate in year round physical conditioning programs.

5.1.3 Need Analysis

The coach can evaluate and understand the physiological needs of his/her sport
by the means of the Time, Motion, and Intensity Analysis (TMIA). TMIA is a
useful method to quantify the physical demands of individual athlete during
match play or competition. The main advantage of the method is the production
of data concerning durations, frequencies and percentages of various modes of
motion and distances covered by athletes or players. It also provides crude
measurements of energy expenditure through determining exercise-to-rest ratios
and intensities of play as well as direct match involvement. The analysis can also
determine different physical, physiological and bio-energetic requirements
experienced by athletes or players of different position in a sport or of different

5.2 Components of physical fitness

There are various components of physical fitness required for sporting

excellence. Understanding the specific components as related to the sport will
assist coaches to select and utilize the precise training methods and exercises to
develop these components in compliance to the principles of specificity to the
physiological needs of the sport. The components of physical fitness are:

Cardiovascular endurance (energy system interplay)

The ability of the lungs and heart to take in and transport adequate
amounts of oxygen to the working muscles, allowing activities that involve
large muscle mass.

5.2.1 Muscular strength

The common definition is "the ability to exert a force against a resistance".

Another definition of strength is “the maximal force that a muscle or
muscle group can generate at a specific velocity” (Knuttgen H. and W.
Kraemer, 1987 cited in Baechle T.R and Earle R.W., 2000).

5.2.2 Flexibility

Range of motion (ROM) available in a joint or group of joints that can be

measured either angularly or linearly.

5.2.3 Body composition (as required by the sport)

The percentage ratio of muscle versus fat as required by the sport person
specific to his/her sport requirement

5.2.4 Speed

Speed is the quickness of movement of a limb, whether this is the legs of

a runner or the arm of the shot putter. Speed is an integral part of every
sport and can be expressed as any one of, or combination of, the
• General speed – The capacity to perform any kind of movement (motor reaction) in a
rapid manner.
• Specific speed – The capacity to perform an exercise or skill at a given speed, which is
usually high.
5.2.5 Agility

Ability to change direction involving explosive breaking, changing direction

and accelerating again while maintaining good body control.

5.2.6 Reaction time – (visual, audio, touch, smell, intuition)

Represents the time between exposure to a stimulus and the first

muscular reaction, or the first movement performed.

• Simple reaction – The predetermined conscious response to a previously known signal

performed unexpectedly.
• Complex reaction – when an individual receives several stimuli and has to choose
between them.

5.2.7 Balance (stability, poise, control)

The ability to maintain equilibrium when stationary or moving (i.e. not to

fall over) through the coordinated actions of our sensory functions (eyes,
ears and the proprioceptive organs in our joints)

•Static Balance - ability to retain the centre of mass above the base of
support in a stationary position
• Dynamic Balance - ability to maintain balance under changing
conditions of body movement.
5.2.8 Coordination

The ability to perform movements of various degrees of difficulty very

quickly, with great precision and efficiency, and in accordance to the
specific task.

• General co-ordination – The capacity to rationally perform various motor skills

• Specific co-ordination – The ability to perform various movements in the selected sport
very quickly with ease, flawlessness and precision that closely links to the sports
specificity of motor skills.

5.2.9 Kinesthetic awareness

The spatial awareness of space, speed, distance, in relation to body

position (awareness of body position).

5.3 Principles of training

There are many principles governing physical conditioning program. Well-
constructed physical conditioning programs are based on the application of
sound training principles. Applications of these principles are vital to achieve the
desired sports performance and specific adaptations. Each of these principles is
defined within the construct of the exercise modality (e.g. strength or aerobic) or
program type (e.g. local muscular endurance weight-training program versus
strength weight training program). These specific principles reflect the
particularities of fulfilling important training goals, namely injury prevention,
increasing skill and performance level.

5.3.1 Progression
It is the act of moving forward or advancing towards a specific goal step by

5.3.2 Overload
It is the gradual degree of stress place on the body doing exercise
training. In reality the adaptive responses will only respond if continually
required to exert the greater magnitude of challenges to meet higher
physiological demands. The variables for overload are dependent upon
the type of exercise used and to meet the specific training objectives.

5.3.3 Specificity
It refers to the specific adaptation responses to the specific type of
stimulus imposed.

5.3.4 Frequency
It is the optimal number of training sessions to be performed in a week to
yield optimum physiological improvements. It is dependent upon principles
of reversibility and rest.

5.3.5 Intensity
It is the degree of stress imposed on the body system(s) to yield the
necessary acute physiological changes that would lead towards positive
chronic adaptations. The variables for intensity are dependent upon the
type of exercise used and to meet the specific training objectives.

5.3.6 Volume
The amount of work performed in a training session. It is dependent upon
the type of training.

5.3.7 Duration
The amount of time required to be spend on a specific exercise or phase
of training to yield the necessary physiological changes and adaptation.
5.3.8 Rest
The time spends to allow for the body to recuperate and regenerate. It is
dependent on the type of training, intensity, objective of training, volume,
muscle type, fitness level, energy system utilization and etc.

5.3.9 Reversibility
It is the onset of detraining effect following no training continuation after
exceeding the appropriate rest period.

5.3.10 Individualization
It is the specific training consideration and prescription to individual
differences. e.g. gender, age, fitness level, training goals, training
experience and etc.

5.3.11 Variation
Its main purposes is to prevent stagnation from happening either
physiological or psychologically due to saturation and/or boredom

5.3.12 Sequence
The sequencing of exercises/ methods of exercise/ muscles groups during
a workout will affect the acute expression of the physiological stress.

5.3.13 Timing
It is to train what and when, as to take advantage of the body’s
chronobiological changes. It can also be translated in terms of specific
training/exercise based on the different phases of training.

5.3.14 Balance
It is to attain a balanced ratio of development for all the necessary
components of physical fitness required for the sports and the human
body (the concept of multilateral development).

5.3.15 Fun
Is to make training sessions and experience more challenging, meaningful
and enjoyable through the consideration of various factors such as,
variation of training method, to suit to individual differences and needs.

5.4 Strength training

Strength is a very important component of physical fitness for high performance

sport. It exerts great influence on other physical fitness components such as;
balance, agility, power, and speed besides playing a significant role in the
prevention of injuries to a sportsman. The scope of strength training is broad
with various methods, systems and exercises to choose from. Regardless of
which method or system that a coach chooses to adopt, understanding of the
fundamentals will assure the safety and effectiveness of the strength-training

The strength needed for a sprinter to explode from the blocks is different to the
strength needed by a weight lifter to lift a 200kg barbell. This therefore implies
that there are different types of strength.

5.4.1 Objective of strength training

• Prevention of injuries particularly to soft tissues

• Optimize performance potential

What are the classifications of strength?

• Specific Strength – The strength of muscles (prime mover) that are

particular to movement involve in sport.
• Maximum Strength – The highest force the neuromuscular system
can perform during a maximum voluntary contraction.
• Muscular endurance – the muscle’s ability to sustain work for a
prolonged time.
• Power – the combination of strength and speed, and the ability to
perform maximum force in the shortest time.
• Absolute Strength (AS) – The ability of an athlete to exert maximum
force regardless of body weight involuntarily.
• Relative Strength (RS) – The ratio between an athlete’s absolute
strength and his/her body weight (RS = AS/BW)
• Reserve Strength – The difference between maximal strength and the
actual load or effort to perform a task

5.4.2 Strength training exercise classifications

• Core exercises
• Assistance exercise
• Structural
• Power

5.4.3 Biomechanical principles in strength training

• Safe / effective range of motion (ROM)

• Natural path of movement
• To lock the working joints
• To contract (tense) the target muscle(s) only
• Lumbar stability factor
• Proper body alignment (subject to, line of resistance)
• Avoid locking out the hinge joints (elbow & knee)
• Observe the line of pull of muscle(s)

5.4.3 Periodization model for strength training

• Anatomical adaptation
• Hypertrophy
• Muscular endurance / Maximal strength
• Conversion to power/ endurance/ speed

5.4.4 Basic terminologies in strength training

• Isotonic contraction – Contraction in which the muscle shortens with

varying tension while lifting a constant load.
• Concentric contraction – Tension in muscle while muscle
is shortening.
• Eccentric contraction – Tension in muscle while muscle
is lengthening.
• Isometric contraction – Tension in muscle but muscle length
remains unchanged
• Isokinetic contraction – Constant speed contraction in muscle
while shortening or lengthening.
• Delayed Onset of Muscular Soreness (DOMS) – Pain and
stiffness that occur 1 to 2 days after the performance of exercise that is of a type or
intensity uncommon to the performer.
• Momentary Muscular Failure (MMF) – is characterized by the last
repetition in a set whereby the targeted muscle fibers and motor units achieve 100%

5.5 Training the energy system (aerobic energy system)

There are three distinct yet closely integrated processes that operate together to
satisfy the energy requirement of muscles. To perform any type of physical
activity, energy must be provided to the muscles involved. The necessary energy
is provided either anaerobically or aerobically. It is of imperative importance for
any sports that requires elements of endurance to have a sound aerobic fitness
even when the predominant energy system is anaerobic.

5.5.1 Concept of energy system

• It is dependent upon intensity and duration of the physical task

being performed.
• High intensity effort performed for short period of time (below 10s)
utilizes anaerobic alactic (ATP-PC) energy system.
• High intensity effort performed over an extended time (beyond 60s)
is dependent upon both, anaerobic alactic and lactic (glycolysis) energy system.
• Low to moderate intensity of effort performed over long extended
period of time (beyond 2 min) uses aerobic energy system predominantly.

5.5.2 Training the aerobic energy system

 Definition

Progressive exercise performed at medium intensity and over

extended duration of time, involving substantial portion of
skeletal musculature utilizing the oxidative metabolism. It also
referred as the combustion of carbohydrates and fats in the
presence of oxygen.

• Causes
Adaptation in oxygen transport system and oxygen utilization
• Aerobic fitness
Aerobic capacity - ability to perform work of moderate intensity for
long period of time
Aerobic power - ability to perform work of relatively high intensity for
a moderate period of time

5.5.3 Benefits of aerobic training

• Increase capacity to work at relatively high rate for prolonged

period (over 30 min)
• Improve ability to resist fatigue
• Improved ability to work at high rates for short periods (5 to
15 min)
• Improve ability to recover quickly from high work rates
• Improve ability to expend high total amounts of energy

Training aerobic system is important for:

• Sports, events that require continuous effort at sub max

• Sports that feature intermittent exercise, e.g., sports in
which intense effort are interspersed with rest periods
• Enhances recovery and permits more high intensity work
periods. It enhances quality of training for events that are
predominantly anaerobic

5.5.4 Types of aerobic training

a. Continuous method

 At intensity that stresses O2 transport & utilization system

 Improve central transport system by stimulating adaptive changes
in CV system
 SV increases 10% - 15% in 2-3 months, up to 40% in 2-3 yrs at
50% - 70% of VO2max¨Increases ability to work at higher % of VO2max
 Reduces Lactic acid level & HR at sub max workloads
 Mode is not critical – large muscle involvement & variety
 Appropriate during off season & pre season

b. Interval method

It is the series of repeated bouts of high intensity work interrupted by pause periods.
Improve ability of muscle to extract & use O2 made available by CV system
 Increase in myoglobin – greater storage of O2
 Increase in number, size & activity of mitochondria (aerobic energy
producing structures)
 Increases capillarization
 Increases enzymes activities
 Mode – sport specific
 Requires longer time

c. Continuous versus interval

• Similar gains in VO2max

• Types of adaptations are different

5.5.5 Aerobic training program design variables

• Intensity ( 75%– 95% HRR)

• Duration (20-45 min)
• Frequency (3 to 5 days/week)
• Total volume (intensity, duration, frequency)
• Length – linear improvement for 10-11 weeks
• Mode of training
• Type of training
5.6 Practical session

5.6.1 Resistance training


• Apply the biomechanical principles of resistance training during the

demonstration and practices of resistance exercises.
• Able to perform with proper technique the exercises introduced to
• Able to identify and name the muscle(s) involved in the exercises.


• Squat / back squat

• Walking lunges / leg curl
• Standing calf raise
• Over head press
• Chest press
• Lat pull down
• Biceps curl
• Triceps extension
• Abdominal curls
• 4 point bridge
• Sensory motor control exercise
 Medicine ball push-up
 Squat on exercise mat/ wobble board/ soft unstable surface


• Exercise mat
• Barbells
• Weight plates
• Lat pull down machine
• Dumbbells
• Curl bars
• leg curl machine
• bench press station / standard flat bench with independent
Exercise Procedures: Refer Table 1


Activity Mode Time Remarks

1. Introduction to strength training T&P 15 min Based on

equipments equipment
 Advantages/disadvantages FW vs availability

2. Exercise techniques T&P 20 min

 Hand grip
o Pronated
o Supinated
o Alternated
 Stable body and limb positioning
o Athletic body positioning
o Seated/supine position
 Movement ROM and speed
o Full/partial ROM
o Tempo 3:1:3
 Proper breathing technique
o Sticking point – breath out

3. Proper warm up and stretch technique T&P 15 min

 Whole body static stretching

4. Demonstration and practice T&P 1 hr 40min Based on

 Machines equipment
o Leg press/ext availability
o Chest press
o Leg curl
o Lat pull down
o Overhead press
 Free weights
o BB/DB Squats
o Bench press
o Lunges
o Biceps curl
o Triceps extension
 Core (abs and back)
o Crunches
o Plank/bridging
 Sensory motor control exercise
o Medicine ball push-up
o Squat on exercise mat/ wobble
board/ soft unstable surface

T & P – theory and practice

B) Aerobic training - (30 min)

At the end of the session the participants will understand and able to apply the
two aerobic training methods which are aerobic continuous method and aerobic
interval method in the training for aerobic fitness development.

Demonstration and practice

• Aerobic continuous method
• Aerobic interval method

Advocating the different modes of aerobic training such as skipping, running,

cycling, dance, etc.

Equipments required:
• Stop watch
• Skipping rope
• Stationary bikes (optional)

Exercise procedures – refer Table 2


Activity Mode Time Remarks


1. Introduction to aerobic training T&P 5 min


2.. Demonstration and practice Ensure

 Continuous method participants
o LSD 5 min monitor THR
 Interval regularly
o W:R 1:3 (15s:45s/2/1) 5 min
o W:R 1:5 (10s:50s/2/1) 5 min

3. Proper cool down and stretching

 Whole body basic passive stretching 10 min

T & P – theory and practice; W:R – work:rest; W:R/reps/sets; THR – training heart rate

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