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PH3103 Tutorial 1

Q 1)Show that for a one-dimensional system with Hamiltonian H = 2m
V (x), the commutator

[xp, H] = i~ −x
m dx

and hence prove that for an energy eigenstate

2 = x .
2m dx

This is called the (quantum) virial theorem.

What does this say about the simple harmonic oscillator?
Q 2) Prove the corresponding result for a 3-D system and apply it to the
hydrogen atom.
Q 3) Prove the Feynman-Hellman theorem

∂En ∂H
= hψn | |ψn i
∂λ ∂λ

where λ is any parameter that occurs in the Hamiltonian H and |ψn i is the
normalized eigenket of H corresponding to the eigenvalue En .
Use this for the “radial Hamiltonian” for the hydrogen atom

~2 d2 Ze2 l (l + 1) ~2
H=− − +
2m dr2 4π0 r 2mr2

to determine the expectation values hr−1 i and hr−2 i. Hint : for the current
purpose you can treat l as a continuous parameter!

Q 4) Show that
1 ~
L = m~v 2 − qφ + q~v · A
leads to the Lorentz force law!
Q 5) Derive the Hamiltonian corresponding to this Lagrangian.
Q 6) Show that the Schrodinger equation for the electron in a hydrogen-like
~ can be written as
atom subjected to a constant magnetic field B

~2 2 Ze2 e2 ~ 2
i~e ~
− ∇ − − A·∇+ A ψ (~r) = Eψ (~r)
2m 4π0 r m 2m

~ = 1B
where A ~ × ~r.

Show that the term linear in A~ can be rewritten as e ~

B ~ . Also rewrite
the quadratic term in terms of B.
Estimate the ratio of the two terms for an atomic system and hence explain
why the quadratic term can usually be neglected.

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