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Domestic violence (also named domestic abuse or family violence) is violence or other abuse by
one person against another in a domestic setting, such as in marriage or cohabitation. Domestic
violence can also involve violence against children, parents, or the elderly.
It takes a number forms,including physical, verbal, emotional, economic, religious, reproductive,
and sexual abuse, which can range from subtle, coercive forms to marital rape and to violent
physical abuse such as choking, beating and acid throwing that results in death. Domestic
murders include stoning, bride burning, honor killings, and dowry deaths.
Globally, the victims of domestic violence are overwhelmingly women, and women tend to
experience more severe forms of violence. In some countries, domestic violence is often seen as
justified, particularly in cases of actual or suspected infidelity on the part of the woman, and is
legally permitted. Research has established that there exists a direct and
significant correlation between a country's level of gender equality and rates of domestic
violence, where countries with less gender equality experience higher rates of domestic violence
.Various Types of Domestic Violence
Physical abuse: If someone is hurting you physically, or is threatening to hurt you, a loved one
or a pet, then you will need to take action.
Emotional abuse: Emotional abuse often goes unrecognised and can be very hurtful. Someone
who is emotionally abusive towards you wants to chip away at your feelings of self-worth and
Economic abuse: If someone close to you controls your finances, and keeps you financially
dependent on them so that you always have to ask them for money, this is a form of domestic
Social abuse: Social domestic violence occurs when someone insults or humiliates you in front
of other people, keeps you isolated from family and friends, or controls what you do and where
you go.

Spiritual abuse: Spiritual domestic violence involves preventing you from having your own
opinions about religion, cultural beliefs and values. It may also involve manipulating your
thoughts on spirituality in order to make you feel powerless.

Causesof Domestic Violence

 Gender norms
 Accepting and sometimes approving of men’s violence against wome
 Men controlling decision-making
 Limits to women’s independence in public and private life.
 Interactions between men that are aggressive and disrespectful towards women.
 Alcohol and substance use
Arguments against Domestic Violence

 Violence against women is everywhere Violence is one expression of women’s unequal

status. It varies in form and degree across cultures and countries, but persists worldwide
 Violence against women is expensive. It includes both medical costs and lost
productivity. Violence against women has been shown to reduce countries gross national
 Violence against women hurts men and children Witnessing violence in one’s home is
the strongest predictor of violence in one’s adult and intimate relationships
 When women are unequal and unsafe, they cannot fully participate in society. Only when
everyone is safe in public and private, can women, men, children, families, homes,
neighborhoods, workplaces, communities, institutions, economies, ecosystems, and
nations truly thrive


 Education of the girl child is the first step towards a better society with fewer incidents of
 The mother-in-law should consider her daughter-in-law as her daughter and daughter-in-
law should also consider her mother-in-law as her mother. So that the incidence of
violence should be eradicated or reduced in the family.
 The parents of both families should have harmonious relationship. If anything is going
wrong, they can sit and resolve the matter.
 The husband should think about her wife that no body should harass his wife without any
reason in the family. He should think that her wife left her home for him and it is his duty
to look after her. If her wife is harassed or violated without any reason, he should resolve
the matter in the family.
 The use of alcohol and late arrival at home by husbands are another reasons for domestic
violence. The husbands should leave the use of alcohol and try to reach at home in time.
This may help in eradicating the domestic violence a lot.
 The interference of other relatives or neighbourers should be minimized in the family
 Decide if you are in a immediate danger or if you’re unsure about your safety, it’s
important to talk to someone .If you feel uncomfortable, you may have to move to
somewhere safe.
 If someone is hurting, you should know your legal rights. Every state has laws designed
to protect against all forms of domestic violence.
 You should Know the number to a nearby shelter who might need refuge in a hurry.
Keep numbers to shelters the National Domestic Violence Hotline in your phone

 If you’ve been injured or sexually assaulted, contact emergency services or visit your
nearest hospital emergency department.
 If you witness or hear a violent episode, DO NOT try to intervene physically as this may
result in injuries to you or others. Call 911 immediately. When the police arrive,
cooperate, ask to fill out a statement, and prepare yourself to testify in court. Often the
victim/survivor cannot cooperate with the police or follow through to take necessary legal
steps due to her fear of the abuser
 You may want to help yourself by contacting a local shelter or domestic violence
program to educate yourself about domestic violence and learn more about community
resources. Expand your own support system so that you can share your feelings and
frustrations with others.
 Campaigns aimed at men and women to increase awareness and change attitudes about
gender inequality are also effective tools


Domestic violence represents a serious abuse of power within family, trust or dependency
relationships. It undermines the basic rights of people who because of the gender, age, disability
or dependence, are most vulnerable to abuse. It is further defined as a serious social and criminal
problem that can result in the death or disablement of victims. It can involves killing or physical
and sexual assault. Domestic violence is a problem that affects the lives of many women both in
the urban and the rural areas. Women who experience violence suffer a range of health problems
and their ability to participate in public life is diminished. Violence against women harms
families and communities across generations and reinforces other violence prevalent in society.
Violence against women also impoverishes women, their families, communities and nations.
Violence against women is not confined to a specific culture, region or country, or to a particular
group of women within a society. Significant numbers of children experience domestic and
family violence, and while outcomes vary for different populations of children, there are several
potential negative outcomes for children exposed. These include poor social, behavioral and
academic outcomes and homelessness. Serious negative psychosocial developmental outcomes
associated with trauma, including poor attachment to caregivers in infancy, are also thought to be
prevalent in children exposed to domestic and family violence. Children exposed to domestic and
family violence are also at an increased risk of experiencing abuse, including sexual abuse in
their home. Collaboration and effective integration of these sectors are crucial to providing
timely and adequate support to children, as is ensuring that service responses to domestic and
family violence are child-inclusive and trauma-informed.

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