Sports Q&a

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1. What is the essence of Intramurals?

The essence of Intramurals is to promote sportsmanship, build camaraderie and

develop the talents of our student-athletes. With intrams being practice in schools, it is one
way to hone the abilities and skills of the students that will later help them become globally
competitive individuals in the future.

2. What is your idea about skill and ability?

If we look at it closely, it seems that both a “skill” and an “ability” have similar
definition; but, they have their difference. A “skill” is something that is learned and
developed; while an “ability” is something innate or inbuilt. Either way, both a “skill” and
an “ability” is necessary for one to become successful in their chosen field.

3. As a student, what do you think is the best way to handle the issue on drugs?

The best way to handle the issue on drugs is to become knowledgeable with its
consequences and effects. As a student, I would encourage my classmates and schoolmates
to become well-informed with its disadvantages. Moreover, to divert their curiosity, I
would highly encourage them to engage in sports activities. That way, they would not only
be safe, but healthy and active as well.

4. What are the traits should one possess in order to win as Mr./Ms. Intramurals?

A Miss Intramurals should have self-confidence, self-awareness and the right

attitude to become an influencer not just in promoting sports, but becoming an effective
individual in the society. Above all else, one must also possess faith that does justice,
because I believe we are encouraged to seek justice for all God's creatures, especially the
poor and marginalized--- and a Miss Intramurals should have the ability to do that. That
would be all, thank you.

5. What do you think is the best trait you can develop in practicing sports? Why?

The best trait you can develop in it is sportsmanship. The ability to gain the respect
of everybody, to win the hearts and accolades and be able to become a friend to everyone
as you engage yourself in that particular sport, regardless of winning or losing the game.

6. If you will be given a chance to talk to human race, what would you say about

I will definitely promote the essence of sports in our lives, and its advantages for
people who will and are engaging in sports.
7. How would you be of help if you will be a sports ambassadress?

If I will be a sports ambassadress, I will use this as a platform to promote and create
an awareness campaign on the benefits and importance of sports in one’s life, family,
society, nation and world.

8. How can sports improve our living?

Sports can improve our living through teaching us different values such as being
competitive and being resilient that are essential for our survival. One concrete example is
Manny Pacquiao, who build his empire with its grassroots on boxing. With the right amount
of attitude, passion and commitment, sports would definitely help us in achieving our

9. How can sports strengthen you as a student?

Sports will not only make me physically strong and healthy; but will also help me
develop the values of respect, camaraderie and sportsmanship. Plus, it will help me
improve my way of living and make me become a better individual.

10. How can sports protect us in sickness?

11. How can sports make you a better person?

12. If you will be crowned Miss Intrams, how will you promote the school’s vision, mission
and core values?

13. What do you think is the best trait you can develop in participating sports? Why?

14. What is your definition of success?

15. How do social media affect students nowadays?

16. What can you say about the youth today?

17. How will you describe a responsible student?

18. Would you like to be famous? Why or why not?

19. How does involvement in sports affect a student’s life or well being?
20. Do you consider yourself a giver or a taker? why?

By nature I am a taker; anyone who is primarily interested in success and the

acquisition of the level quality of life that can accompany it has to be so.

21. As a student, how will you promote peace in the school?

22. How will you promote anti-bullying?

23. As a millennial, how will you encourage students to join sports activities?

24. What is the essence of participating sport activities?

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